The Digger Archives Guestbook 2000

These are the Guestbook Entries from 2000. Please visit the current Guestbook if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.

NOTE: see Guestbook entry dated August 12, 2001 for explanation of the encoding of email addresses.

Name: Susan Keese
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Dec 2000


Hi all you old friends -- especially Carol (formerly of Carol and Griz), whose name I've seen here in recent months. I mean to e-mail you sometime... This is a request regarding a couple I've wondered about often over the years. Is anyone in touch with either Jason or Tracy who used to live in Chacon, just outside Mora, New Mexico, in the early '70s? They had a daughter named Phoebe (things being what they are, who knows whether they'd still be a couple and of course back then you had to know somebody REALLY well to know their last name) Jason used to make juaraches out of old recycled tire treads. Tracy had a beautiful singing voice.... I would love to hear news of these old friends. Happy 2001....

Name: Gary Glauberman
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Dec 2000


In June of 1967 I drove up to Morningstar with John Butler, and 3 other people -- their names were Rick, Pete and Doc. My name is Gary -- I was 19 years old back then. We had been released from jail in SF where we had been given 30 day suspended sentences on a trespassing charge -- with the proviso from the judge that if we were arrested again, that we would have to serve the 30 day sentence.

The rest is history -- for me, for Morningstar and for John. John stopped drinking, became Spade John, and then just either John or John Butler. He was a great man -- in a place where there were many great men and women.

John was a dear friend. When I returned to the land in the early Fall of 1969 and was told that he had been murdered, I cried like a lost child. I was hoping to find out where he was living, and see him. I no longer had his telephone number. I'd spoken to him only once or twice on the phone after I left Morningstar.

I just visited the land -- on 12-28-00 with my 3 college age children and my wife, Jan. We had not been there since 1982 when we had visited to pick apples. The kids were toddlers then. I've been up there maybe 10 or 12 times since I first left, but not since 1982. And I'd had some interesting experiences on some of those visits.

The land is as beautiful as ever. Who is living there now? Who owns the land now? There is a house, a few cars. I've lived in the Kansas City area since 1988, when I left the Bay Area. I have such strong and positive memories of my brief time at Morningstar -- just 6 weeks -- and such strong and positive memories of the people. I was changed forever by my experiences while living there.

I would love to get in touch with some of the folks who were there back then. I remember a lot of them. We are all a lot older now.

I am glad I thought to search for information on the WWW regarding Morningstar. Thank you.

Name: william j. craddock
E-mail Address: N/A
Date: 30 Dec 2000


do you have any copies of the book twilight candelabra or be not content

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Dec 2000


2001. My life has been such an incredible adventure thus far. I have been blessed with the continuing friendships of so many people connected with this site, some of whom I reconnected with precisely because of this site. I will be eternaly grateful to you, Eric for that. I watched a PBS special on the San Francisco music scene and as the camera panned down haight street it was amazing to recognized faces from so long ago. It was a pleasant memory. It also had an interview wiith Thelin. I hope that everyone has a phenominal year 2001. The best of the best to you all, Nicole

Name: Angela
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Dec 2000


Knew Billy Murcott (and Emmett Grogan) in New York & S.F. in the early sixties. Does anyone know how to contact Billy?

Name: Rich Balison
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Dec 2000


Come to think of it anyone remember these crash pads; Greta Garbo's at Setter and Laguna or the British Embassy which might have been on Belvedere , 256 Central Street?

Name: Richard Balison
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Dec 2000


We went there on Thanksgiving 1966 at the Diggers on Page St. I think I got a new used shirt. I have a web site It is mostly for my 13 or so years on the street.

Name: Christian GIRARD
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Dec 2000


Nice to feel that here in France, we have a famous survivor of that glorious digger period : Jose BOVE !! I red a paper this morning in Liberation (an ex-underground paper which is kissing now the stock-options faith), about diggers and it appears urgent that most of their ideas should see the light... even if Bush-the-bloody is driving the world...

Name: paula thomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Dec 2000


just a small note to wish us all a merry Christmas,happy hannukah, happy holidays, happy whatever you celebrate. larry, spike, lohkamp, if you are out there, let me hear from you. remember the love, fellowship and lessons of morningstar, wheeler's, whatever special place you had the good fortune to inhabi. we are all the better for having been there. don't let the lessons pass with us, pass them on. peace, love and joy, paula

Name: peterleo etal
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Dec 2000


born once more as the sun anoints us all w/ life giving rays,listening to characters of the street , from the streets , and by those same holy streets,listening to the sounds of the blood that pulses under same streets , that pounds in the musik,that is the blood shed by the indians, living in spirit; living under the ground,we who once hailed the return of the real amerikkkan,indian we of the way, those who trod a path of heart , we are still shakin,dancin in the streets,sheets, ravin w/ flav casting about w/out doubt, for truth,for a bite ,for clothes for kids,answers dont come easy , fame is inconsequential as well as transitory, help is needed, born again, the man said.. freddy,from the lower east side he spoke truth.blind bob he spoke truth, he was famous to me he sold brown rice.psyche the gypsy prince, from the blu unicorn,said its not reading minds its telling truth, being born daily with the new day,millions of us defacto indians,fighting indigence,indignities,and other forms of organized religions,find the dialogue distressing,fame is fleeting, fortunes are made and lost in the wink of an eye, the earth endures,and mans time is short, he knows not when the ending time cometh,and still we eat our seed corn and still we scorn,the old ways with their old "funny gods" in the new age,coming we must plan to share the planet, we must make new marks on the walls in the cave of the ancients, "americans think they killed all the indians,but theres many more of them in south america"apologies to john lennon...

Name: peterleo etal
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Dec 2000


born once more as the sun anoints us all w/ life giving rays,listening to characters of the street , from the streets , and by those same holy streets,listening to the sounds of the blood that pulses under same streets , that pounds in the musik,that is the blood shed by the indians, living in spirit; living under the ground,we who once hailed the return of the real amerikkkan,indian we of the way, those who trod a path of heart , we are still shakin,dancin in the streets,sheets, ravin w/ flav casting about w/out doubt, for truth,for a bite ,for clothes for kids,answers dont come easy , fame is inconsequential as well as transitory, help is needed, born again, the man said.. freddy,from the lower east side he spoke truth.blind bob he spoke truth, he was famous to me he sold brown rice.psyche the gypsy prince, from the blu unicorn,said its not reading minds its telling truth, being born daily with the new day,millions of us defacto indians,fighting indigence,indignities,and other forms of organized religions,find the dialogue distressing,fame is fleeting, fortunes are made and lost in the wink of an eye, the earth endures,and mans time is short, he knows not when the ending time cometh,and still we eat our seed corn and still we scorn,the old ways with their old "funny gods" in the new age,coming we must plan to share the planet, we must make new marks on the walls in the cave of the ancients, "americans think they killed all the indians,but theres many more of them in south america"apologies to john lennon...

Name: bradley
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Dec 2000


people can fly through the air like birds. they can swim through the seas like fish. When will they walk the earth as brothers and sisters??

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Dec 2000


People are human, they work and steam comes off their bodies. Where they work is immaterial. Peter Coyote does well and that is good. We work to keep the violence in our minds. That keeps the damage away from our friends. badaba Peace

Name: Lightning Dull Mind
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Dec 2000


It's interesting that Peter Coyote's last note was on November 11, 1999, over a year ago. I propose the philosophy that love's intericacies defy the famous, leaving us nobodies to keep pace with freedom which is all our delight. What makes "Ringolevio" by Grogin required reading is that it establishes the warrior in such a way as that the development of botti-chitta is inevitable in his own mind. High art comes to me through my senses so I can believe it's really real. That's why "Ringolevio" is high art. Merry Christmas.

Name: Lightning Dull Mind
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Dec 2000



Name: Bruce Martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Dec 2000


Kat, Kerouac is cool, listen to the recording that he made with Steve Allen of his poetry from Mexico. Other than Peter Coyote, we'll all die unknown. My favorite was Bud Hassink who nobody knows. In the mid sixties, in Cleveland, Ohio, we worked on reel to reel recordings and he took our discoveries to the Greatful Dead in the late sixties, establishing how to make live sound sound live on tape. They gave him a red thunderbird and all their drugs as he traveled with them. Well, one night as he pulled up in front of their place on Ashbury, extremely tired, a voice said, "Bud! Get out of the car!" So he wakes up, gets out of the car and suddenly and car comes over the hill and slams into his red thunderbird, and he keeps walking to my house where he was staying at the time. When we left, we left him on the street, which, somehow he connected with Ron Thelin and moved into the Red House in Forest Knolls so when I returned to California to do a commune thing it was Ron's house that I was to meet at, and low and behold, there was Bud. Also, there was Tom Sawyer whose twin sister I had rejected for Morningstar, who anyone from Blackbear should know. This page gives me a chance to tell the world about people better than Peter Coyote who no one would know otherwise. I love the justice that usually won't come until death. Bud is in his late 70's and can be found tending a Metaphysical Bookstore on Ashley below College, called Levins Metaphysical Bookstore. He's the man who looks like god. Tell him, Bruce sent ya'.

Name: ely white buffalo
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Dec 2000


I'm recently on the net, although Iv'e been trying to get on for years, but since I'm an old beatnik, hobo, hippie. government, and corperate hating (power to cottage indust-ries, and employee owned and operated businesses!), alternative culturist, and have spent most of my life as a houseless migrant, it's been hard to do so. But, howdy folks, here I am, not only am I on the net but I'm working on a very alternative web site with some very alternative ideas. but that's not what I wish to make my comments about. This Is. I went through many apertments in the Haight, during the sixties and early seventies, and we had so many folk crashing in them that often thre were people sleeping not only on the liveng room and bedroom floors, but also in the hallways, bathroom floor, tub, kitchen. under the kithen table, etc. and it was great. and you know what? They were fed with a lot of kind vegetables and fruit, from the diggers flatbed. Thanks very, very much for having helped keep us fed and happy, sorry I didn"t know any of you on a personal basis. or did I? One heart!

Name: jonathan hunt
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Dec 2000


i was listening to a billy bragg song and wanted to find out more about the diggers and while i was searching i found your site

Name: Michael Pagan
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Dec 2000



Name: Kat
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Dec 2000


wow, these storys are incredable! I have a question i was hoping someone could answer.. what are some of the titles of Jack Karowaks (sp?) poetry.. I've read most of his prose, but none of his poetry, except what's included in Desolation Angels. Thanx! Kat

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Dec 2000


Thinking of John Lennon today...a working-class hero is something to be...peace and love to all

Name: Solitude ...
E-mail Address: ...
Date: 07 Dec 2000


What a joy to connect with these great stories! I send my love out to this whole greater community, and 'specially to the black bear family (the more recent incarnation) although those of you there are probably still having trouble getting the DSL mobile uplink ISP wired in to the shitter so you probably arent too likely to read this, but I'm just gonna hope your feeling my love. A brief autobiography finds me living in W.Massachusetts with my love and playing with elementary school kids for a living, still loving life and gardening and singing and playing flute.. thinking of moving to mebbe the Santa Cruz area in the next year or so, maybe will be a little more in that neck o' th' forest. Ennny-ways iffin you know who I am, well, I'm missing you. Find me here for the time being:

love, Solitude

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Dec 2000


More about the Violin Player I don't know how I met Doris. I guess I was around and so was she. Maybe it had something to do with the poison oak all over my body. She was truthful and told me from the start that she was a wench in training. To say the least it was difficult with that woman, but it was sometimes very good. She was always going to the edge. We palled around together something like yin and yang. She had friends in Berkeley we would go see and get turned on with. I saw a Purple Haze looking out of a Berkeley apartment building with her. It was awesome. Four of us decided to go to a national park -- Doris and I, and Kyle and I think Kathy. (Someone tell me if I am wrong). We had to watch out for the ranger as this park was not for tourists. Anyway, when we got there, we liked it so much that we decided to stay. It turned out that food was going to be a problem. So Kyle and I decided to go to the city to score some food. The night before we left the girls picked some mushrooms and other wild herbs. They cooked some brown rice, and I think we had a little miso. We had a fine dinner at dusk, cleaned up, and climbed into our sleeping bags. Some time during the night Doris woke me and said that something was wrong. "Feel my pulse," she said. I felt her pulse. It was beating maybe 30 beats per minute. It was very spookie. I knew then that she had poisoned herself with the mushrooms, and she agreed. I said, "Let your pulse be normal." We both knew that she was going to be alright. In a few minutes her pulse had returned to normal. At dawn Kyle and I left the girls in the mountains, saying that we would be back with some commodities. To this day I do not know why we did it, but we did. Just to go to town and bring back some food. Town was San Francisco, not many miles away. But, it was down the mountain and through the woods. We got to the city at about noon. We went to the blood bank. Kyle gave blood, but they refused me because I had had scarlet fever when I was a young boy. I did not know what to do. I needed money quickly. I decided to call my dad. Maybe he could wire me some money. I did, and he sent $20.00, which is what I had asked for. It was getting dark, so we decided to wait until morning to pick up our groceries. Kyle met some friends of his and they turned us onto some fine acid. This guy said, "Let's go up to my pad. You can crash there for the night." His place was an apartment overlooking the Haight. The Haight was what you think it would look like, Heads and more Heads, colors and a maze of friendliness and activity. In the apartment they told me to sit down, and that they would be right back. It was dark out, the city was aglow, I sat on a cushion with my back to the windows overlooking the Haight. I was starting to get high, when Kyle came back, he was with a street musician. This young man opened his case and pulled out his violin. I was still sitting on the cushion. He started playing classical music of the sixties, his own. Kyle had left again. Well, it was beautiful. He played for about 10 or 15 minutes. I had gone to Heaven. The air was filled with the freedom of the wild beautiful violin music. His hair and body were moving with beautiful exaggerations, flowing and moving with the music. When he was done, he put his violin away and opened the door and left. He never said a thing to me, his music had spoken to me. I sat there amazed for about five minutes. We could imagine and just pause and think how beautiful it really was. We could listen in our minds, we can hear our music of choice, images in our minds of beautiful sounds. I could imagine a siren, like an alarm clock ringing in the background, waking us up, bringing us back to reality, bringing us back to reality. Suddenly I heard the police siren. I got up and went to the window and looked out. I saw a city police cruiser, with lights flashing, and it was parked outside the window. (I forgot to say that this was an upstairs apartment). Trouble, I thought to myself, this is not your place. I got up, went to the door, and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I opened the door for the police, politely and with good manners. The policemen rushed in past me and up the stairs they went. I never looked back. I did not know where Kyle was, but I thought maybe he would be in the park. I walked around the block wondering what to do, dazed. I noticed the police cruiser behind me. I panicked internally, but externally I was calm. They drove by, giving me a glance. I never wavered as I headed for the park. Paranoia Strikes Deep. I found Kyle in the park and we headed back to the girls. Almost back to the national park, near its' edge, we met the girls leaving the area. We headed back to Morningstar.

E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Dec 2000


Hey Anonymous those were the days! Do you remember the kid who played the violin in Golden Gate Park, a beautiful song, the violin case on the ground for spare change; more creative than me I just asked people for spare change. Peace to you.

E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Dec 2000


i'm not a paranoid scizaphrenic,but we are,so i'm giving no name at this time. 'pieman' i.ll get in touch with you sometime. i was a runaway teenybopper when we were called beatniks. and when old enough, spent three years earning the right to become one of the veterans against the war (no, as with most of us, i did not kill babies), and am not proud of having served, but i did do what i thought was right, until 66, when i picked up the peace pipe, determined to do what was really right. so then went back to the beat-niks, remember we used to say 'are you hip? 'OR, IN OTHER WORDS ARE YOU COOL?--OR DO YOU SMOKE IT MAN? I think this is where the term hippie really comes from. 'US' not a singular entity that happened to be in the limelight, as some chose to do, and in so doing made history as "Leaders" "Founders" or some other Position of egotistical more than you-ism. There were many who spurned the spotlight(although I don't remember any of the diggers names, probabably because they were humble and lovingly real, and hopefully still are, i do remember them feeding me, and the people that crashed with me starting with my room on fell below stiener (THE BROTHER HOOD OF LIGHT LIVED IN THE SAME BUILDING) then to a bigger room on stiener, then to oak when i took over cris and jamies old apartment, any one remember chris and jamie, to me they were the 'switchboard' and like the original S.F.diggers were also among the real "hero's" of our evolution. and then there were just plain ole real people like the 'frisco kid' who turned me on to unloading produce trucks by the wharf and who, (after telling me he was writing a book about us, and i expressed my doughts as to it getting published) said "ok i'm leaving you out of it. Well. i found a book in an east coast thrift store a few years back, Its' title was 'Fisco Kid'and low and behold i owe him an apology. Anyone remember the blue unicorn? pete the pipemaker? how about the brother that sat on the pillar as you went in the park, with the can dangling down from the string on his pole, fishing for donation? how about john the 'straight' you know, the fanatic that would say "you know what we ought to do, then go on and talk about getting together in the woods, etc, etc, Thinking back i guess he deserves an apology also, for what he was talking about was much like the rainbow gatherings that came about later, only better, making me think we should have then, and should now listen more to the people that aren't in the limelite. for that's where the true heros and leaders are, down here with us, because they are us, they aren't the I,me,my folk. nor are they the you, he or she folk, they are the we folk, They are the real folk,not the plastic folk, or the weekender folk, or give me credit folk or the be in charge folk, or the make profit off of us folk, or the gain a following folk, They"re the work for all, even if they have to do it by themselves folk! If any try to build themselves and take credit for being the predecessor to any movement like food not bombs, as a runaway in the late 50's i saw unorganized. groups feeding people and promoting peace and brotherhood, and probably as long as man has hadwqrwe have had people feeding people and promoting peace, so don't be so quick to take credit, sorry pieslinger(s) But hey, i love you or i wouldn"t try to correct you just me(us)




Name: Emily Dawson
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Dec 2000


Jsu finished Sleeping Where I Fall which very vividly portrayed the Digger philosophy which whirled around me during the 60's.

Name: Bruce Martin
E-mail Address: bjmartin_yada@zoomnet.nt
Date: 01 Dec 2000


Tony is right. A chat room would be awesome. Carol, hello. When I last saw Grisle, he was called Randy for Random Factor. We got stoned at a party with Lash and his wife Susan when we came through Colorado in the early '90's, my second wife and I. My first wife, Morningstar from Blackbear, I'll be seeing this Christmas because Erika who lives in Amsterdam is flying in and her mother is visiting her sister in Ohio at the same time so connections have to be made, don't they? Grisle is what I call a complex person like me so we get along. Actually, I thought he was a little far out at Olema and especially at Briceland. But then I agreed with Gerald Heard who turned Huxley on to LSD that psychodelics should be kept secret, having at that time achieved the secret society. However, Grisle believed along with Ginsberg and Leary that we should dump it into the water supply at twice the recommended dosage. That freaked me out and when the Merry Pranksters showed up, I was convinced I was right! But, you know, we survived, and even I took as much as my karma could handle, until I was dropped on the floor playing with the children while the cops decided whether they should come in and bust us or not when I ran with JP. At that point, I figured my childhood's protective karma had been spent and I returned to Ohio to ground the energy and spawn. Before that, it was fun sending the energy back through the current from which it came without a ground, creating a magic that only fear could destroy. What love! "But love grows old and waxes cold and fades away like morning dew." And where have all the people gone, my darling. Sarah has some excellent pictures of you and your kids. Write her at Sarah Mills, 12756 Dutch Creek Rd., Athens, Ohio 45701. She was Jed Sherman's wife with son Jesse, before Jed took off with JP's daughter Kay Ann to live with Chloe at Lost Ranch in White Thorn. Does that bring back memories?

E-mail Address: COOKIEMOUTH740_yada@AOL.COM
Date: 01 Dec 2000



Name: Tony
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Nov 2000


Have you ever thought of having a chat room on this site? It would be really interesting for people to swap their reminiscences, experiences and opininons. Best wishes to all you freewheelers out there. Tony

Name: Brooklyn
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Nov 2000


haight street, dounut shop, waller st, morningstar Great Memories, Great People, Good Times Peace my Brothers and Sisters brooklyn

Name: Dorothy Lyra Joyce
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Nov 2000


I have for SO long been STARVING for the Companions along the Way!!! Too many Hells, the so-called "authorities" STILL riding roughshod over all our dreams that they can manage to crush, or con others into crushing FOR them...SO glad I've FOUND you!!!

Name: Carol Seran
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Nov 2000


Aloha !!!

Tis Carol ... long history with the Diggers, Caravan et all. Would love to connect with Jane Lapiner, would love update on all of JP's kids & Mary Ann ... I have long been out of touch with "us" ... keep in contact with Coyote, off & on over the years. Live in Hawaii now, Fosmo just up the hill. I was the one from the caravan that stayed in Colorado (30 years). Grisle was my partner back then. ..... Time for an update !!!

Mahalo !


Name: Phil Morningstar
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2000


Been a long time since I've seen any one from Morningstar or Wheelers. If anyone remembers me feel free to write. Ilived there from 67 to about 74. With a few side trips here & there. I lived out on the knoll at Wheelers.

Name: Skizz
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2000


Oh dear-"bob"(23Nov)has decided to share.Y'know we got the guestbook '95,'96,'97,etc etc-all these beautiful heavy people,thousands touching base with the good Eric and we got"bob".La bob,a true one percenter.

Name: M Brian Gross
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2000


I have recently acquired a poster from the 1967 "UCLA Experimental Arts Festival" This poster measures 18" X 24" and is one color (light blue) on a dark tan watercolor or similiar paper. The style is in keeping with the poster style of the time with several figures intertwined with an abstrract floral motif. The lettering is also incorporated into the florals. Some of the artists named in the poster include: Big Daddy Roth; Robert Zimmerman; Emmet Williams; Edie Danelli and others. Other events mentioned are the avante garde new music work shop and audio visual sensorium and bubble show.

Festival sponsorship is credited to the graduate student association, but there is no artist credit that I have found on the piece.

The only other reference I can find on the internet is is the history of the "Fireside Theater" group who performed on April 29th, the day after the dates give for the festival.

I was wondering if you have any information as to the creator of this poster and the possible number of copies that were produced.

Thanks in advance,

M. Brian Gross El Paso, Texas

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Nov 2000


The ideas and enlightenment brought about during the 60's, including the idea of giving and helping put forth by the Diggers, were not left in the past, but instead have grown and multiplied ~ with Understanding, and thoughts of Love and Peace echoing around and through us in written words, music, the media, and our children. Look ~ Listen ~ and smile. The beat goes on. : ) ~*

Name: chuck key
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Nov 2000


just when I started to get bored.....

Name: bob
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Nov 2000


All you drugged up fucked up losers living in the past. All you ever did was fail.Diggers are wankers who achieved nothing other than putting people onto drugs.Stay in the past cunts cause no one in the real world wants you.

Name: Barbara
E-mail Address: nrthrnlight33
Date: 20 Nov 2000


Reading this has given me hope that people still dream of a living that I have always wanted.

Name: patodeperrorbedroll
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2000


or bedroll the times are a still a changin; feeding the world , its children,ours,and what are we leaving ?its so complex, this new world odor,and its revellers,dare we speak of revolution ? or must all change come from new emerging economic realitys, time to put some shoulders to the wheel ,we of the postal as in gone/ persuasion still seek justice..we never snoozed at the wheel we are still able ,freedom now free food, free clothes , free shelter, this is not a proposal it is a plea we can succeed in these so called culture wars, and we owe it to those who cant see the sky let alone kiss it...

Name: monkey
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2000


hey hey hey here iam doing work on the east coast "THE PROFESSIONAL WORLD" ya right...very far from the black bear world any way i caught rumor of a black bear history movie or something true?? somebody pocketed my anthology book! bummer! anyway also looking for a place to caretake down in soooo if anyone is looking look no more.don m any more books left? chow to all

Name: calif lonesome
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2000


hey sonny,just thinking of you and family.wish we could talk agian.if you want to talk e-mail me at my add. will check every other day. will talk to you soon.good luck on your new book.lonesome.





Name: JJ
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2000


1968 - LIMEKILN CREEK - BIG SUR Are you the same MARK HEALY? or does anyone know him? - I am a 50ish Canadian hippie, Rick James, trying to locate a Mark Healy who was a Limekiln Creek, BIG SUR, CALIFORNIA in summer of 1968. Saw a posting from 1999 from a Mark Healy. Email no longer is current.

Name: Emily Dawson
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Nov 2000



Name: Karyn Mullin
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2000


Hello there! I remember seeing you on TV and then I wanted to ham it up down at the Bethesda Fountain a few times myself. It was truly a fun time 1968-1974 or so. I look back constantly and insatiably. I hope everyone is doing "well" and my only wish is that I had some talent to share (I do not) and that David Peel is doing well. I recently worked at the Mitsubichi Bank and the Ono's are still there.

Name: Rick James
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2000


I spent the spring/summer of 1968 living on the beach at Limekiln Creek and after that hippy campsite was closed down moved up on to the mountain up and behind where a kitchen was set up under a lemon tree and a bunch of us set up camp. (Eventually we were all busted...A gentleman named Hal Tracy had the lease on Limekiln from Wells Fargo Bank and after it expired - the Be-in probably brought it all down - he suggested someo of us move up on mountain which happened to be Forest Service? land.) I'm looking to hear from anyone who camped at Limekiln that year and also from those who attended Neal Cassidy Memorial Be-in there that summer. I may have the name wrong, so please feel free to correct me, Cheers, Rick James

Name: Barney
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2000


Am enchanted by this site. Have just spent several hours reading the material here. My main question is about Simon from Black Bear. Did his skin heal? Do you know if he is ok now? I ask because I feel called to pray for people with skin diseases. I never tell somebody I have prayed for him/her, but often after I have prayed for somebody with a bad skin condition, the next time I see them it has cleared. Strange as that may sound! But I'm kind of curious about Simon. For various reasons I have deep feelings for people who suffer from skin disease. Also, kind of curious about if there are any Digger communities today. Well, I guess there are, although maybe not calling themselves Diggers. Maybe it might be an idea to have some information about present-day groups on your site?

Well, keep up the good work! I shall certainly be returning to your site!

Name: Ibonked
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2000


WOW!cool site!!You are welome to view the homepage of chess GrandeMaster Annokov at for free lectures,sample lessons,exciting puzzles and books.if you would like to exchange links please message me at! Hope to see you there :)

Name: Jessie Feather Reckart
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2000


Hi, I'm a student at Kenyon College and I'm writing a paper on the Diggers and civil disobedience. Is there anyway I could get an email address for a former Digger? Could I interview anyone affiliated with the site? I just have some questions on the goals of the Diggers. Also, I'm not clear on the relation between the Diggers and the New Left.

Name: JP Pickens
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2000


Hello there. We're other than who we think we are, other are we. You's me, me's you. I did, but in an unusable way.

Name: JP Pickens
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2000



Name: Bruce
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2000



Name: Tom Gentry
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2000


PEACE,LOVE,AND BEATLES POWER. I was part of LA DIGGERS,I would like to hear from any & all Flower people of the 60s.Looking for Paul Johnson, and Mike Reed of LA Diggers,Research for Book,"WHER HAVE ALL THE FLOWER CHILDREN GONE"

Name: que
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Oct 2000


thank god i found this web, i can not tell you what a releif it is to know that there are still alot of us left,,

Name: Fran
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2000


Wow! One of the first things that happened to me in the Haight was free Diggers bread, which when you think about it symbolized what was going on then. Some time later I was at Morningstar Ranch for a week or two and I have always wondered about the place and wished for some news of it. I was never an activist or anything, just extremely wasted and never did at the time see the wider picture of what was happening. Morningstar is a pure and beautiful memory. One sunny afternoon on a big sunny hill, someone was playing "Fool on the Hill" loud enough so it became part of the landscape, the whole album being played on a record player. If anyone from the Haight would remember me, it might be as the girl who sat on cars holding a little dog named Maverick. Well time flies when you are having a long strange trip..........I'm 51, kids grown. I figured out years ago that "natural high" REALLY DOES mean just that, but I don't think me or my husband will every really be your average citizens! Peace to you.

E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2000



Name: pOoTer
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2000



We have recently launched a large website dedicated to the psychedelic scene and we are now focusing on swapping some likewise links. We would like to swap links with you as your site is in many ways related. Would you be consider linking to our site? Obviously we will put your link on our page in return. We have room for a short description of your site and a small logo.

To link to our site please mail us your URL, logo and short description of your site.

To review our site, follow this link:

The site is called pOoTers pSycheDelic shAcK and is dedicated to:

Late 60s Psychedelia Early Progressive Rock 60s Punk/Garage/Freakbeat/Pop Art Space Rock Stoner Rock Retro psych/garage etc. and other similar bands...

On our site you will also find: Album/Book/Gig/Event reviews Psychedelic Posters/art Personal Top Tens Wants/For Sale items Chronology's Discographies Band Interviews (coming soon) And other interesting stuff...

Regards, pOoTer ::::Visit pOoTers pSycheDelic shAcK:::: aka tHe hEaVen aCCiDent at

Name: Fred Langlois
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Oct 2000



Name: Lisa Heusser
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Oct 2000


I need to find a nice commune that will exchange work for lodging for my sister and two of her friends who are stranded in San Jose with no money. Thank you for any help.

Peace Love Happiness,


Name: Quentin Daudelin
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Oct 2000



I'm 34 now, and for the past seven or eight years I've been caught up in a perpetual tailspin of forgetting who I am, what I’m about, and what I believe in. I’m now working in an industry (computers/new media/'net) that I was initially attracted to because of its latent potential (alas, never to be realized, I'm afraid...) to revolutionize the human social milieu. I’ve become a thought marketer, which is what happens. One either becomes a consumer or a marketer or a little of both, but rarely ever does one PRODUCE.

I digress. I picked up Dick Brautigan’s "The Abortion…" last week at a used bookstand on Sixth Ave. here in New York. I hadn’t read Brautigan since college (over 12 years!). After putting it down, wheels started to turn; lights started to go on. A few short days later I find your place on the WorldWideWasteOfTime. It's good that you’re here. I’ve always known about the original Diggers, but was unaware of their late twentieth century S.F. incarnation.

Er…whatever you’re up to, keep it up.


Name: dan grabowski
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Oct 2000


Wanta take the opportunity to give my deepest love and regards to Bob, Dianne, Ruth Fraley ( sigh), David and Catherine D., Punky, David Allen, Biggy, Skip, Jay, Judy, Don, Peter Coyote, Marty, Arayah (?sp), and post mortem to Skip Spence, we'll meet again. Only sober this time. But still crazy....

Name: Kell
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Oct 2000


In 1967 there was a photo spread and story in Look Magazine on the Hippies. I haven't been able to find the pictures or story anywhere on the Web but I know they must exist somewhere.

Any advice on where to find this?

Name: Melody
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Oct 2000


Hi! I'm looking for hippies, old and new. I am also in search of a commune to join. Please feel free to e-mail me!!!!!Peace....

Name: Cindy Prince
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Oct 2000



Thank you for this cool website, and your dedication to your dreams!

Is there a way to get a transcript of the 'Home Free Home' article? It is very long, and I have to pay for my time online (live in a remote area of Australia). Which is my next Q: Can I get it as an attachment or a book I can buy in Australia?

Love & Light


[Cindy, I'm sending you via email a ZIP file of the 25 chapters of HFH, with Ramon Sender Barayon's compliments. —en]

Name: rikki schafer
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Sep 2000


Hey now, this is a great site. i was wondering if any of you could help me out? i am a sociologymajor at drake university in des moines iowa and for my senior project i decided to do a study on the deadhead subculture. i have been a dead fan for about 12 years but i was never lucky enough to see them play, i had tickets to the concert in indiana, you know the one that was cancelled because of such un deadhead like behavior, jerry then died on my birthday eliminating any chance i had to see a show. could any one share their stories from dead shows with me i would love to hear from you. thank you, take care

Name: philippe Timothee
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Sep 2000


hey guys, what's up with the spirit here ? nice new website and everything but ... where is EMMETT GROGAN ? simple revealing test -> use Search and ... you'll find his name only in ... questions, answers, notes from the guestbook. I like Peter C, the Hun, and many other, but why do you want to kill the father ? (tuer le pere, en francais ;-)

Ringolevio, forever. PhT, Palo Alto,ca

[PT: Take a look at the top of this page — you'll see that, like most of the Digger Archive pages, Emmett's visage gazes down upon what he hath wrought. --en]

Name: Vincent
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Sep 2000


Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Sep 2000


Does anyone know where Wilem is? We sang alot at the red house and I was just curious if he's still writing songs and singing?

It was so amazing to see photos of joanie and bryden and everyone.

Thanks Chuck. Thanks everyone. Love, Nicole

Name: Ray
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Sep 2000


Just a note to applaud Chuck Gould's wonderful photo gallery. These shots brought much joy!

Name: Russ Hunt
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2000


Just finished reading Emmett's "Ringolevio"

This is a valuable site. Fantastic to find it and see some of what I've been reading about.

Thanx Russ

Name: Ronne Marino
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2000


I jUST love this site, sure brings back so many wonderful memories from S.F.-Olema-It was a really treat to be in the height during the Sixtys. I met so many wonderful people, coming from my birth place of N.Y.C. in 1968 I thought I had died and went to Heaven. There are so many people I'd love to be in touch with. I am still in California living in Santa Cruz. Each Day I am still grateful for being here. anyone know the wereabouts of Patty Davis, Madeline London from Laguanites,Moonlady from Marin who made wonderful jewelry and sold with me in Union Square. Me the Featherlady then and now. Love to keep in touch with all my brothers and sisters, Hippies Forever. Peace & Love is real. Ronne

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Sep 2000


Hi - I slept at least one night at your "Free Frame of Reference" in SF (or Berkeley?) in 1965. As Wavy said "If you remember the '60's you weren't there." Some one liberated my guitar that night - didn't phase me. I've been living in Tobago, West Indies for the past ten years, so it was nice to find your site. Also ate a lot of your food in the Pan Handle. Thanks - Steve, the guy, who with about a 1,000 other guys invented patch pants.

Name: Stephanie
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Sep 2000


I think this page is awesome and I have to keep checking in. Everyone that comes to this site has some incredible story to lay down. I'll be back when I can write something of more substance. Peace. ~Stephanie

Name: Ken Herold
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Sep 2000


Samurai Bob

Visit to the Monastery of Good Omen

I take horse before cockcrow 
And arrive at the monastery 
As the evening bell is ringing. 
The smell of incense 
Permeates the quiet air. 
The new moon sets over the edge of the forest. 
The home of the men of peace and order 
Has been loaned to me 
As refuge until day dawns. 
No one will follow me tonight 
Along the road through the deep fir forest. 
Only the chanting of the monks 
Echoes between the darkening trees.

LU CHI (261-303) Author of a famous Ars Poetica, one of the first and best of the Orient. Lu Chi was a military adventurer and courtier who was executed in the Six Dynasty struggles for the throne of Chin. [Kenneth Rexroth, One Hundred More Poems From the Chinese: Love and the Turning Year, 1970.]


I was about twenty when I first met Bob, he had phoned me to tell me I should come to a meeting of People Against Nuclear Power in San Francisco. I had put my name down at a rally and he insisted I show up, it was in the Inner Sunset a few blocks from the flat I shared, he was in the office calling people and I needed to come. Big grin, mischief, mis-chief, red star cap. No samurai costume then, it was all INTERNAL and then expressed with that challenge. He and Jane, Eric and Joe, street theater, living politics, President Truman and the Bombs, us against the mystic criminals in government, the real Plutonium Players. Radioactive waste at the Farralones, leaking drums dumped by Lawrence Labs, mutant sponges, OK just ACT IT OUT. We performed down the peninsula and the Russians said we reminded them of the Czech resistance, Kush there from Cloud House, I must have been crazy those days seemed like centuries with all there was to learn.

Bob read the custom Tarot and the Yi Jing or I Ching. He knew the Aquarian Age was upon us because he embodied the rough changes the way Kenneth Patchen describes it in “They Keep Riding Down All the Time.” Did Bob teach English literature? He raved about it to Jane when he saw me reading Patchen’s anti-novel The Journal of Albion Moonlight, like it really meant something to him, like everything did and I was a kid and every time I met them it was NEW and so DEAL WITH IT.

The Strand Theatre on Market Street was showing a movie, a foreign film, it was going to be long so we brought cookies and food. SEVEN HOURS. The Samurai Trilogy (1955-56) by Hiroshi Inagaki, the full and original Japanese edition with subtitles (not the abridged VHS or DVD collections now vended on the Internet) and it was stunningly beautiful and an experience directly Bob’s vision of the world as it should be. Be patient with the alternately-clued, be disappointed when they don’t get it, relate to everyone regardless. Bob didn’t pretend to be Toshiro Mifune or Japanese or a Samurai. He was Musashi Miyamoto, perfecting the Art of the Sword without Sword, impatient, de-militarized, Sunshine Bob on Cuban coffee. PAY ATTENTION and read the signs!

I pretend it was Bob’s drumming that I heard growing up in Los Angeles. He was my prophet, my contact in Atlantis, the man with the information, Jimi singing “Red House” in the background. I see Bob sitting there with Ji Chang in prison for seven years, figuring out the real significance of the hexagrams, breaking it down line by line so that Confucius could dig it some six centuries later, then being released by the Emperor to be honored as Field Marshall of the West. A new meaning to Martial arts. Bob of the Fire Star, Huo Xing, controlling the Heart and the virtue of Propriety. Bob connected me with Bing and the Panhandle Tai-Chi Chuan class. Tai-Chi philosophy linking Taoism with Shao-Lin with I Ching with Five Elements with Hsu-Jing with Nagarjuna with Lama Govinda with Zen with Jean Gebser with Dalai Lama. I met my wife on the way to class one day and we were together the day Bob passed on through the perfect light.

Best Samurai book: Eiji Yoshikawa, Musashi, translated by Charles S. Terry. Harper & Row/Kodansha International, 1981.

Ken Herold 
Summer 2000

Name: Stephanie
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Sep 2000


Peter Coyote, I don't know if you still check this message board but I will continue writing for a bit.(What the hell, right?) Barnes and Noble finally put your book on order for me. I look forward to reading it in its entirety.Speaking of writing , do you still do free-lance work for motherjones? I know it is a long stretch since the Democratic Convention you covered but I thought I'd ask anyway. From my perspective you have been a part of and witness to many fantastic and provoking people and events. It is intriguing for in that many stirrings are brought to the forefront of my daily life.Why? Who cares I suppose. The excerpts I've read(Free-Fall Chronicles) remind me of things long since gone (and people too). None of them, I believe, directly related to you but in a similar vein.It's a part of me that I'll always have that seems to need my attention as of late.It's a part of me that some would not believe me capable of possessing but I have it as sure as I'm typing here.Nostalgia, healthy or no, can do that for a person. As I start Art school this fall (ten years LATE!)I still find myself holding my breath. So much has transpired in the last two years(at the very least) that I could write a devastatingly , unsettling book.That's not bad nor is it good. It just is but that's not what's rocking my boat. What has this to do with you? Nothing.Until now. In a cosmically funny way, you get to be my "ear" (should you so choose)and in some respects I may share what I can only imagine to be your attitude. Well of course, I have no idea. I have opened another'book' and it contains so much. I don't know if it's just the age or if it's just a state of being. I am gaining a new career, my health is coming back, my credit slate is being wiped clean... my job has changed, my friends have changed,my pasttimes have changed and I've got to marvel at the whole cycle. I wonder if that's how life makes itself-cyclical. It sure seems like it. Is that how Buddhists see it? Sameness can be inspiring. It prompts one to do things one normally wouldn't do in efforts to branch out(or break out).Although circumstances being anything but the same, the same situations present themselves over and over until one can reconcile with them in efforts to move on. For the betterment of my psyche and intellect, I find I am moving on.How about you? Thanks for 'listening'. Peace, ~Stephanie

Name: rabbitrunindaditch
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Sep 2000


anyone remember Tom Van Allen ? nord bitch digger the faith is the way digger truck green intl. harvester,/? last time i saw him wuz the simmer of love and puertorican jose an a buncha diggers in the bed of same green pick-up he wanted to sell it to me my mistake not to buy,it mine was the panel later known as electric poobah,later church bus later on

Name: Stephanie
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Sep 2000


Dear Peter, This is a test letter to see if I have the correct address. (Forgive the impersonality) as I don't mean to hassle you. I've been doing alot of reading lately.Much of it's old hat to you I'm sure but things I have read have spoken to me. I don't mean that in a creepy foreboding way. More like in a "Gary Snyder" sort of way.I just felt like I had to connect with the authentic. In some ways I am still figuring out what that means. ~Stephanie

Name: Redwood
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Sep 2000


Dick who got blown up by the pressure cooker?

Name: Bruce Martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Sep 2000


Bob-O, I'm sorry, it was Free-city Dick, who was the cook. Sarah who lived with Morningstar in the old miner's cabin at Blackbear reminded me this weekend when she brought over some pictures of my '47 plymouth and me broke down in front of the mainhouse back in '71. Essentially, it's chaos from which we recognize each other.

Name: rebecca ora
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Sep 2000


i am currently a sophomore majoring in theater at brandeis university, which is now a far cry from when abbie hoffman was around. in order to pull the stick out of this school's ass, i am interested in forming a guerilla theater group on campus. i am not yet certain as to how extreme, political, naked, sexual, bloody the group will be--what the students will join and what the school can handle at this point. do you have any suggestions for me--i would really appreciate the help, if anyone would please contact me. thank you so much. keep it up.

Name: Matthew
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Sep 2000


An excellent reference. I appreciate the work that went into this archive.

Name: Sue Fletcher
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Sep 2000


This was the only site listed when I searched "American artists registry"! Am bookmarking to further explore. Art That Celebrates Life,

Name: yustas kotz-gottleib
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Aug 2000


Drunken Santa painting by Jaisini

Drunken Santa is a work that creates a miracle of equilibrium. What seemed like a clash of an opposite spectrum's colors became the unlikely harmony in this painting. Jaisini's artistic vision here is formed from two components of physical and emotional states of being.

Freezing and heating serve as a symbol to a human need for warming up from the chill of solitude by means known to people at all times. The artist pursues his art philosophical quest for worldly knowledge that had left its traces in many of his works. A line of composition literally ignites the painting's surface with the movement. The color of this work is "phosphorescent," and it create the different planes of the subtle color nature. The warm color of purple supports the hot color of Santa's figure and an exotic fish above Santa. This hot color may represent the so-called material universe, the world of the gross senses that can be observed in a sober state. The cold, arctic blue color represents the unknown, the world of a deep state of drunkenness where real is unreal and otherwise. The only hard reality is the self, which never changes in any state. And maybe that is why Jaisini favors the painting's main hero, Santa, to possess the vivacious color of fire. Jaisini chooses this color of fire to manifest the self and the cold cerulean, cobalt and ultramarine to renounce self as a mortal entity surrounded by the eternal unknown.

While Santa drinks his feelings of frigid loneliness vanish. And so, he gets a company of some almost hallucinatory nature. A shark, a ghostly image, a profile of another prototypical drunk who is not accidentally situated in a horizontal position. An amalgam of the several female figures that consists of a woman in stockings, a nun, a big-breasted silhouette that creates a shadow between.

A heat can be sensed around the hot colored Santa who has lost his beard and is holding a glass of red wine. He shows his thumb that may be just a polite substitution for the middle finger sign.

The colors of the work are balanced by a virtuoso composition of a cubist character. The picture's space is divided endlessly. More images start to appear. The world of "Drunken Santa" vitalizes to almost chaotic state. The work is a treasure. It depicts and witnesses the intangible mechanism of reality transformation. In the state of intoxication, what happens to the solid world of sober state? Everything disappears. It is just like the dream-world, that we call unreal, because when we are awaken it is not there. Just so the solid world must be unreal because it also vanishes in the drunk or deep-sleep states. Then what is reality? In "Drunken Santa," this problem is elaborated to the triumphant conclusion. The simplicity of symbolism of the warm and cold colors. The dazzling composition of figuration superimposed to abstraction. And besides the beauty of artistic logic, Jaisini's works are marked with the rich, magnetic colors, as in "Drunken Santa" and others, strikingly attractive pictures in their intricate game of light and shadow, in their absolute congruence of visual and conceptual.

Review of oil painting "Drunken Santa" by Paul Jaisini Text copyrights by Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb All rights reserved New York, 2000 send private comments to author



Name: Pamela Rose
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Aug 2000


Flowers, Freedon, peace, Free Love, Lotsa Dope!!!!!!!Oh those where the days My Friends!!!! many miles have I traveled since then, but still my heart longs for such days once again.

Name: Hannelore
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Aug 2000


Hello everybody!!!!

I hope next January I can walk over/on the Golden Gate bridge.............hug, Hannelore.... Today:August,23rd 2000.

Name: Hannelore
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Aug 2000


Hello everybody!!!!

I hope next January I can walk over/on the Golden Gate bridge.............hug, Hannelore....

Name: Ronald McDonald
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Aug 2000


There is a web site with ideas similar to those of the Diggers at:

Name: Bruce Martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Aug 2000


Paranoia at one point at Black Bear was thick and heavy and I hate paranoia! So I wander into the kitchen to meet Bob-O. No paranoia! Just that old fashioned love. [Dogen bowed to his cook.] So, do you want to do it in ten minutes. Do you want to do it in five minutes. Do you want to do it now? He cooked a dinner that night. I watched.

Name: Bob-O
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Aug 2000


It's Bob-O from Black Bear Ranch. Still here in Siskiyou county what, 30 years later! Yikes. Took me awhile to find the site again after you left Enoble. Happy Days.

Name: martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Aug 2000


brothers and sisters all over the world, some lines written during my crazy trips to british columbia and san fran.: before i thoght i had to do sth./ now i do not/ all is arranged somehow, by an innerlight inspired

pretty, beauty, flower, lying by te sand/ on the water´s edge

looking for a jazzjoint to blow our mind/ staring at the darkness and the late city lights

peace and love

Name: jef
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Aug 2000


greetings from sebastopol and the rapidly vanishing apple orchards of our past visions....replaced now by grapes for gallo and francis ford coppola....somewhere to put all that "extra" money floating around in this generous (to a few) ralph and winona....gush and bore make me want to ralph....pax and paz and the third power

Name: Mack
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Aug 2000


I spent time travelling in Australia landed on a resort Island and worked for more money to travel.. someone handed me a copy of Ringolevio and I suddenly didn't feel so alone. I'm second generation stock Emmet lives even tho I've never set foot in the USA .. mail me cos I want to know you all. Mack

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2000


Something new is just now happening, it is called the "So what's the big deal about?" To give you an example of this new phenomenon, this is how it goes. Back in the fifties I listened to music on a scratchy little radio or a small steel needle phonograph player. The quality was never close to what a live performance was? Who went to a live performance? Nobody that I knew. It was not until the 1990's that they started re-recording all the old songs. It was truly amazing to hear these old songs being played without static or scratchy sounds. If you have not lived in the fifties it is difficult to understand this. "So what's the big deal about?" During the sixties Morningstar Ranch was torn apart by the authorities. A lot of folks were run off with the police in chase. Thirty years have past, the paranoia has subsided. I did not realize that some of the folks were still alive and in contact with each other. It was not until I got online that I realized that some folks were communicating with each other. It is truly amazing to hear some of the folks still talking about world peace. Peaceful communes had sprung up all over the planet, I was not aware of these things. I had just tried to maintain peace in my mind and to stay away from violence from any source. So that is the big deal.



Name: C Tackett
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Aug 2000


Please don't spam me. But what the heck are you people about? The description on the web site sounded like a counter counter culture movement started in the sixties. True?


Name: bob andrysiak
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Jul 2000


Great site way ta preserve our history and to carry on our future PEACE

Name: Tom Gentry
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jul 2000


Looking for anyone from LA Diggers; need background info for proposed book. Please contact me at the e-mail address listed if you can point me in the right direction.

Name: Sailhorse Sailing Club
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2000


prima site.... bezoek ook eens

Name: Jay Kennedy
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jul 2000


What a great site! And what a huge task chronicling all the Communication Company Sheets. I look forward to seeing updates to your site.

I came upon your website by looking up the "underground newspaers" on Yahoo.

For years now I have been collecting issues of THE EAST VILLAGE OTHER. My set is 4/5ths complete. My hope is that you might have some issus to trade. I have over 100 extra issues available for trade, or I'll buy issues I don't have outright. I haven't really found other people who collect sixties underground newspapers except for individual issues that have an article or ad of interest to them.

I'd like to collect complete runs of all six founding papers of the Underground Press Syndicate (THE LA FREE PRESS, THE BERKELEY BARB, THE EAST VILLAGE OTHER, THE SAN FRANCISCO ORACLE, THE FIFTH ESTATE and THE PAPER). I have a full set of THE BERKELEY BARB, all but the first issue of THE ORACLE, all but about ten issues of THE FIFTH ESTATE, about three quarters of the LA FREE PRESS issues, and virtually none of THE PAPER. It was until recently that I started looking for issues of that paper.

I am also looking for issues of THE RAT, THE BERKELEY TRIBE, THE LA STAFF, THE CHICAGO SEED, THE AUSTIN RAG, and a few others.

Write back if you are interested in trading or selling papers.


Name: peter
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jul 2000


this is the only page ,if you want to be real about what it is to be free.. the diggers and their work , something that the mainstream, and the revisionists chose to write off the page...pow!blam! wow..."and the struggle continues"right ?and free is a hit x you can guess the rest ,from the embargozone

Name: Becky
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jul 2000


This site is so beautiful. I wish there could be a reunion in the Haight and everyone could be together again just one more time.

Name: aron pieman kay
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jul 2000


high...due to my health problems i couldnt make it to montana 2000....however i would LOVE to hear from some of you age 50, it can get lonesome in babylon

Name: Paul
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jul 2000


Greetings from Asia. Been here for 28 years now. This site is very good. Makes me homesick. Maybe time to take another look at the country of my youth. Judging from the guestbook entries, there's still lots of folks worth getting to know. Peace

Name: Don Monkerud
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jul 2000


Pacific Sun in Marin just ran a piece on the Black Bear Anthology: Free Land, Free Love. Decent but damned we've aged. Time to set the record straight, maybe we didn't change the direction of the country but we warped it some. Still much to do.

If you'd like a copy of the book, it's a collection from some 50 people, many mentioned in this guestbook. You can order it direct, send me an email, $15 and cheaper than on Amazon! Some great stories that all of you will remember.

Name: Linwood Greer
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jul 2000


Thanks for keeping the spirit alive and free.

E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jul 2000


Steve Boyd, of the Olema People says "Naught to annoy.. much to Enjoy!!!! Will contact you all soon. Buzz Words??? Safe House in Nogales...Chineese House in Lagunitas... As always please pardon spelling. I was there 1970. Now I'm here. Will write soon.

Name: paula thomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jul 2000


on this july 4th, let us all remember the spirit of the 60s. remember our ideals and hopes for our future. so many people kid me about me always telling them to keep their sense of awe and keep to the ideals we had then. this world has become cold and the kids coming up don't seem to have a sense of themselves in a positive vein. this is so sad to me. the kids i see , many of them, that dress like we did, smoke some pot like we did, want to call themselves hippies, but they don;t possess the idealism...this present world is so cynical. teach your children and grandchildren has been said. listen to that and impart your idealism to them..this is so important. the lessons of morningstar, wheelers, and many of the other communes we lived/live in should not be forgotten. live your lives with purpose..bringing a positive bent to all you come in contact with. well, enough of me...have a safe and happy fourth...peace and love to all of you. ps..larry lohkamp, still looking for you.... paula

Name: Reliable Source
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Jun 2000


"Ringolevio" has been reprinted by Rebel, Inc. in England: ISBN-O-86241-893-3. "Whatever Happened to the Hippies" by Mary Silver Anderson documents the Truckers at Briceland, and I just spent 80 bucks for Kirby Doyle's Collected Poems. I love Kirby. Of all the people, he gave me his time.

Name: Char~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jun 2000


Hiya fellow travelers ~ I've launched a tribute to open land (and Mother Earth) ~ stop on by and check it out. enjoy............ Char ~*



Name: John "Spyder" Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jun 2000


I penned "THE SIGN OF THE FOOL - Memoirs from the Haight -Ashbury" Ace Books 1971. I was an early Digger, ran the 848 Clayton St. crash pad, and was the president of "The Gladiators", (a motorcycle club at Broderick and Page Streets). Motorcycle Richie was my street brother and vice president of the club. I hung the phony city limits sign at Divisidaro and Haight, which read HAIGHT-ASHBURY CITY LIMITS Pop. Subject to change Elev. Out of Sight

I am looking for "Stream". Sandy, if you're out there, send me an E-Mail. It would be fun. Also Peter Coyote: You changed your E-Mail. Please send me your new one.

Name: Lion Kuntz
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jun 2000


Helped operate "The Armed Love Free Store" at 1711 Haight Street in 1968-69. Started the first ever Haight-Ashbury neighborhood recycling in a garage on Clayton St about Earth Day 1970. Morningstar Ranch 1968-1996. Marblemont 1970. Lake Granby 1972. Edited "Tribal Messenger" newspaper 1972-1974. Looking for old friends and new ones.

Check out my websites: email:,,


Name: John
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Jun 2000


For a time when I was a little child, my parents & I lived very near the morning star ranch. We actually lived on an unnamed dirt road off of Gravenstein highway in Sebastopol. Any of you older digger folk remember Sequoia farmers market? My mother worked there from 73-74. Fond memories of buying crackerjacks & those idiotic bubblegum cards (which I stuck all over my parents car.) Sebastopol was a wonderful place at that time & still pretty much is, although it has certainly grown & kind of lost it's earthiness. My aunt lives in a trolley & still makes jewelry after all these years.

Name: j grant
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Jun 2000


It's been many years since a group of us lived at 505 South Lucas in Iowa City, IA and published the Prisoners Digest International (PDI). Warren and Cathy Dearden lived with us. Cathy managed the kitchen and gave birth to their baby girl Nimbelwill there. Warern now gone. Cathy in Hawaii. One of the group was Brother Richard (Richard Allen Tanner) who I have not seen for many years. A very spiritual man he is a tall rangy intense fellow who may be wandering the West. Brother Joseph hopes he will contact contact him. Peace, love and justice to all. --j grant

Name: another unreliable source
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jun 2000


Does anyone remember "Sweet baby Jesus, open my mind and shut my mouth " ? Why all the personal B.S., we all remember what we remember. & here the survivors are in the humano-vauric 21st. C. Blows Against the Empire Starship phantasy ?!? Who's left now ? Open to all genuine communications...wide eyed in wonder

-- G

Name: Lightning Dull Mind
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jun 2000


When I was living on 24 hours sleep every two weeks with J.P.Pickens, I hitch hiked out of the city and walked up the mile road to the Olema Ranch out of nostalgia. It had been a few years since all of us had left and yet everything was exactly as we left it; even as we dropped it on the ground, nothing had moved. Suddenly this guy who looked like he could have been some famous poet or something came bounding out of the house, yelling at me to get the fuck off the place! I thought I had a right to explain how I just wanted to walk around cause I'd lived here for years and I wanted to make a pilgramage back to heal something inside me, and be on my way, but the guy was violent as if he was Jack Kerouac and I wasn't Allen Ginsburg. So I turned around and left everything just as we had left it years ago, thinking, 'at least, we were alive.' And who was that guy?

Name: Lightning Dull Mind
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jun 2000


When I was living on 24 hours sleep every two weeks with J.P.Pickens, I hitch hiked out of the city and walked up the mile road to the Olema Ranch out of nostalgia. It had been a few years since all of us had left and yet everything was exactly as we left it; even as we dropped it on the ground, nothing had moved. Suddenly this guy who looked like he could have been some famous poet or something came bounding out of the house, yelling at me to get the fuck off the place! I thought I had a right to explain how I just wanted to walk around cause I'd lived here for years and I wanted to make a pilgramage back to heal something inside me, and be on my way, but the guy was violent as if he was Jack Kerouac and I wasn't Allen Ginsburg. So I turned around and left everything just as we had left it years ago, thinking, 'at least, we were alive.' And who was that guy?

Name: Rena
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Jun 2000


I just got a copy of "The 60s Communes; Hippies and Beyond," by Tim Miller. I'm really enjoying it. So many books about the 60's that missed the mark. This one captures the heart of our alternate lifestyle attempts. Time is also doing a revised, second edition, so if you see anything that needs updating or correction, contact him. The book is $25 at book stores but you can get one directly from the author for $15, including postage. Tim Miller Department of Religious Studies University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66045 785/864-7263 fax 864-5205

Also, has anyone seen the movie, "Hippie Revolution?" It's pretty cool with real footage of the Haight, Berkeley, Golden Gate Park happenings, and Morning Star Ranch. Lou Gottlieb's and my son, Bill Gottlieb, randomly chose this movie the day after Bill buried his father, who had unexpectedly died 5 days earlier. Joined by Lou's granddaughter, Rachel, they went to a multiplex on College Ave. in Berkeley to take a break from their grief. In the middle of the movie, there was actual footage of Lou, explaining his philosophy. Flash to the garden at Morning Star, and there I was in the garden, at the tender age of 18. Bill was born in 1970. The footage was taken in 1968. Neither Lou nor I had any idea this movie existed. So, imagine Bill's surprise, a day after burying his father, to see Lou, larger than life, looking better than he ever had in my son's memory, proclaiming his very radical philosophy.

This movie also made the rounds in '97 as part of the Summer of Love 30th Reunion celebrations.

Remeber what Tim Leary said: "You must first imagine the future in order to create it."

Love to all.



Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jun 2000


I'd like to make a graphic for a project I'm working on ~ anyone know the year and make of the Wheeler's bus, so I can surf one up to copy from? Didn't it have rack's on top? Or might anyone have a picture? The memory part of my brain has fuzz on it. Char ~*

Name: Allyson Bedene (Dilts)
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2000



Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2000


Try these web sites, maybe Bishop can help you learn about O.B.Ray.

Name: sage one
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2000


I am a student of o.b. ray...I love you and thank you for your love...can anyone tell me how he died? thank you...

sage One

Name: Bruce Martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jun 2000


If you're Susan, I remember you, too. You were a writer and being a lady, that intrigued me because it wasn't as common then as it is now. For the record, Tom Sawyer and his twin sister, Susan, were born in Venezuela on Sept. 13, 1942 (maybe '41). Their father was American and rich in the oil industry. They grew up in a mansion with maids and servants. Susan attended Oberlin College where I met her in 1960 and by 1963, we agreed to get married. But before that could happen, I went to Ohio State and met Morningstar who left me at Olema to live at Blackbear where she raised Erika and another daughter, Kishwuf. Actually, Elsa Marley raised Erika as much if not more than Star during those years. Susan got really pissed and after graduating in '64, disappeared from my life. In late August of '69, Star, Erika and I arrived at the Red House to join the gypsies. Tom was on the couch and maybe because I was stoned, I knew the guy sitting there was Susan's twin brother. I said, "You're Tom Sawyer!" The last time I saw Tom he brought me a bag of peyote, and we rode back to the Red House together in the bed of a pickup. He was clutching the Mormon Bible with tears runny down his cheeks, caught up in a catharsis I took to be deeply spiritual. Thanks.

Name: black bear
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jun 2000


solstice celebration is now june 16 32nd anual yee haw get down and boogieee send donations or your self po box 3 forks of salmon ca 96031. hey ive heard of ol tom sawyer!see ya at ye ol ranch

E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2000



Name: SKeese
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2000


I remember you Bruce. I was at Olema when you were. You had a great old car and you took really good care of it. I remember being impressed because nobody else I knew really had anything. Didn't you play the mandolin?I wonder too about Tom Sawyer. I remember when he first turned up at Willard St in SF, he used to take out a basin of water after dinner and wash people's feet. A humbling ritual but there was something very grand and self-possessed about the way he approached it. He said very little. I think he had a job in Saudia Arabia before coming to Willard St. He told me once about driving way out into the desert in the evenings.. I also wonder what happened to Freeman, the free fiddler. I can picture him standing on a rock above the chicken coop, with his perfect fiddler's posture, fiddling to the Olema chickens. I used to run sometimes with JP. I think you should invoke the frog if at all possible. You had big eyes. I remember you watching everything. Just be careful hopping across the road on rainy nights.

Name: Bruce Martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jun 2000


I lived at Olema from the fall of '69 'till closing time. Then I lived with JP Pickens for more than a year, leaving only weeks before his death. Come to think of it, I was with the gypsies when they finally broke up in the mountains above Boulder, Colorado and went their different ways. I never put this together before. I was at Briceland the day it caught fire and we all had to leave in a hurry. And I was at Blackbear when the tiff between the monogamists and the single folk came to a crisis and the monogamists left. JP thought the owl was my power animal. Now, I'm thinking, maybe, he was right. I would prefer the frog. Does anyone know what happened to my old dear friend, Tom Sawyer?

Name: billy the kid
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jun 2000


I,m new to all this info. and know very little about the diggers.I hear that Emmit Grogan(sp).was supposed to have been quite some man.The very little I do know about you comes from a mention in a Richard Neville book,"Play Power" and from an article in a magazine,,soo any info from anyone from anywhere that could lead to enlightenment on this fascinating side road of the sixties counter culture movement...would be greatly apreciated down here in Wellington New Zealand.I'm an Irish man, if that helps!

Name: billy the kid
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jun 2000



Name: Shapeshifter
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 May 2000


I first bought Ringolevio way back here in England,the cover design was similar to Papillon and looked just fine-never read it though!-until about 2 years ago.I found it whilst sorting a closet out(no wall safe!).Like everyone it blew me away, but I was really sad for days afterwards.Yes it "all came down to money"-I hope you got your suntan Kenny,I bet it's golden,buttery and GLORIOUS!

Name: Lady Smiles-a-lot
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 May 2000


we need to see more free stores everywhere. when we learn to get along without money, we will learn not to depend on it. Question: is it better to be self-sufficient or to integrate into the community? Is it better to depend on your neighborhood network ? Read about the Luddites.

Name: monkey
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 May 2000


Black Bear Ranch solstice celebration june 2000 Ranch rocks on

Name: Liana
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 May 2000


Your website is pretty amazing - thank you for shedding so much light so well on an era that's often been dismissed as a floozy explosion of otherwise incosequential hippie-dom.

I'm a student in the UK researching a thesis (for my history degree) on drug culture in the mid-late 60s and its relationship with the printed media - how publications (under and above ground) portrayed LSD and other substances, the impact of drugs on the media and vice-versa. I wonder if you or anyone you know have any thoughts on this topic, or any online resources to recommend. Being across the pond means that access to original documents (case in point: the SF Oracle) is ridiculously limited, so any shreds of information I can obtain electronically would be terrific.

Thanks a lot, and keep up the great work. That's an important job you've got there.

[Liana, Thanks for stopping by The Digger Archives. Sounds like you have an interesting research topic. Have you heard of the University Microfilms International (UMI) microfilm collection of underground newspapers? This is a mammoth project that was begun in conjunction with the Alternative Press Syndicate back in the early 70s, I believe. It covers most of the major underground papers of the 60s/70s/80s, and many obscure titles as well. That would be my first suggestion for your research. (Many libraries have the full collection, and I think it's even available through interlibrary loan if your library doesn't have it.)
My second suggestion might sound a bit odd, but I would recommend using current media coverage of the drug culture as a "parallel" construct to test theories about relative affect. I'm always amazed about how the major media news stories TODAY sound exactly like I remember the same stories 35 years ago. Specifically, you could make a study of the news coverage of Raves and the drug Ecstasy which is a BIG news story right now here in the States.
If you haven't heard about the Underground Press Collections microfilm project, check out this link:
Hope this helps, —en]

Name: James W Bailey
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 May 2000


Wondering if Tall Tom is Tom Hughes, who came out to Wheeler in 1969/70 with me and Lynn from Norfolk? If so, is he reachable? I owe him 26 bucks plus . . . oh, a couple of mil, I guess, in interest. I'd heard he was the equipment manager for the band across the canyon and was living in a tree.

Oh, yes, and much praise of the most warm-hearted kind . . . and so many thanks.

Name: JAvaughn
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 May 2000


I didn't see a connection (historical) between the English Diggers and the SF Diggers. Had Diggers come to the US at one time? Or did San Fransisco citizens adopt Digger philosophies in the late 60's?

Im a quaker and was doing some history stuff (I had heard there was some relation back in England). Your site (whoever you are) is AWESOME!

Thanks for stopping by the SF Digger Archives web. The San Francisco group in the 1960s took their name (and inspiration) from the English Diggers of the late 1640s. Emmett Grogan and Billy Murcott were talking up their new-found activism in the summer of 1966 when one of their cohorts mentioned a book he'd been reading about Gerrard Winstanley and suggested that their ideas sounded like the Diggers. When Emmett and Billy published their first manifestos, they signed them "Diggers". I have a page devoted to the English Diggers on the web site:

I have a link to a web site that has a lot of Quaker historical materials. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend this site:

Good luck —en

Name: paula
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 May 2000


hi..still looking for larry lohkamp "spike", morningstar 67, and david "daphne" morningstar 67. there was a message in the 95 or 96 guestbook on this sight from larry. if anyone knows him..let me know. the e-mail he gave is no longer valid. thanks, have a peaceful life.

Name: Erin
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 May 2000


Hi! I was just reading about the Diggers. They are such a kind organization! :) I never knew the fed people in the park every day. I knew about the Free Store, though. They must be the kindest people on the face of this planet!

Name: Jackie
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 May 2000


I'm not and never was a Digger. I'm 14 years old, and far more obsessed with Hendrix and The Doors than any of that awful new crap. All Diggers always have and always will rock. Peace,love, and vegitarianism to you all!!!

Name: peterleoakamirchuckwagon
E-mail Address: peterblion
Date: 26 May 2000


pulled into the city bout halfpast;65' me an suzanne sweetfish ridinrails an thumin,she barefoot,scarred and 3/4 crazed,bumped into bob kauffmann he said hi.we ended up on nordbitch an the t v. kept sayin sumpin bout hate ashberry,an the new freeway, i assed abuncha people whose dis ashberry guy they looked kinda funny at me .then we met J.C. BURRIS, the harmonica man; another historic person; an he said unto me "peter Iam J.C. and I leave the scene to you"just like in the bible wine bibblers an all we ate mostly free in the panhandle and at sister josephines rescue mission,and starvation army and all we panhandled dranktoo much ate too little "lived and loved with all our might"

Name: Aron Pieman Kay
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 May 2000


high i just made a whistle stop to this page at 4 am nyc time to relate to the good times in sf.... anyway i hope to see some of you at montana 2000....i do feel rather lonesome for the good a refugee from babylon,i miss many of you i touched base with in the days of the age 50, i am undergoing some diabetic health problems which fuck up my mobility!!! Therefore i am asking all of you to send some positive enrgy towards my healing so i can still be a thorn in the side of the power structure to fight the good fight for peace and justice.... please write back.... LET 2,000 PIES FLY!!!!

Name: clane hayward
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 May 2000


Seeking Peter Coyote's email address; want to send him my novel and namedrop to his agent.

Name: Liana
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 May 2000


What an amazing site. I'm doing a thesis on drug culture in America in the 1960s and found everything in the archives very useful. Part of my research involves tracking down copies of newspapers/magazines/broadsheets etc (on both the conventional and Underground circuits) to see how drugs were portrayed in contemporary media. They're ridiculously difficult to find, though, cuz I'm in the UK, so if anyone knows of good sources of information or would just like to chat, please give me a shout!

Name: Harvey Kornspan
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 May 2000


This site is a touchstone for wonderful memories. Every visit is a good trip. Thanks for making the connection available.

Name: Don Donovan
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 May 2000


I am seeking background info on SuperJoel/Hibiscus. Believe he may have had connection to Kaliflower.

He was an old friend and I am do a small tribute on my web site:


Name: Aron Pieman Kay
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 May 2000


high i feel rather lonesome for the days of the summer of love....i was 17 at the time...i still dub myself a jewish unrepentant flower child..i was inmvolved with the griffith park love-ins in la...i and a black brother named cleo knight were the focalizers of green power....we gave out free food at the love-ins and at protests...we were the forerunners of food-not-bombs..i grew up in la's fairfax fact it would hearten me to hear from you troopers who frequented the fact i carried the torch which led me to becoming the yippie pie thrower ( love u all

Name: Michael Zungolo
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 May 2000


Hi. I'm writing a spec screenplay about the early days of the Haight-Ashbury. The story will center upon two young runaways who meet there and fall in love. What I'm looking for is REALISM. If you're like me you're sick and tired of Hollywood's depiction of the Sixties in general, and the hippie movement in particular. They never get it right--the hair, the costumes, the dialogue always look and sound FAKE. Case in point was last year's NBC miniseries THE SIXTIES, the pure BADNESS of which inspired me to embark on this project. So what am I looking for? I'm looking for people who actually lived in the Haight from approximately fall 1965 to summer 1967. I'd like physical descriptions of the neighborhood, of the people, of the language, of the events. I want to know EXACTLY what it was like to go to the Trips Festival, the Human Be-In, the Fillmore and Avalon. I want to know everything about the Psychedelic Shop, Trip Without a Ticket, Drog Store, Magic Theatre for Madmen Only, Martix, Straight Theatre, etc.--what they looked like, sounded like, smelled like. I'm asking for recollections. Unfortunately this is a spec project and I can't pay anyone. But if you want to see your experience portrayed ACCURATELY for a change, I hope you'll drop me a line with an anecdote or two. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Michael


Name: monkey bill
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 May 2000


hey i was at the oz commune at harmonsburg penna in 1969 when the pa police busted us all. is there anyone in cyber land that was there? danny close from frisco owned the land. he was in the mercant marine. i am now in southeastern ohio and rebuilding a homestead and starting the center for the furtherment of traditional crafts. drop me a line if you are into this shit. monkey bill aka bill reynolds

Name: Eric Dejaeger
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 May 2000


Hi! I've got a chronicle in an underground French review in which I publish and translate short American dream-breaking poetry and prose. I'm looking for stuff. Could you help me? Éric

Name: paula thomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 May 2000


it would be nice to have a "finder board" where we could put in the names of old friends from haight. morningstar, wheelers, etc. have space for email addresses, phone numbers. i know there is the guestbook, but you have to scroll all the letters. this could be like a bulletin board of lost souls, so to speak. could be cool,thanks for the very groovy site. it's so nice to see that so many of us are still alive and vital. hey peter...i always knew you would be successful. just read your new book..too cool.

Name: pete b
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 May 2000


anybody got an e mail address for bill wheeler of free wheelers, wheelers ranch ? etal?

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 May 2000


I just picked up the Black Bear Ranch book at Bookshop Santa Cruz and it has stirred me to take another shot at locating a lost friend. I made it to Black Bear in the spring of 1969 or 1970 by way of the Holiday commune in Ben Lomond, then a brief stay at deserted Morning star finding the owner and his wife living in a one room cabin with a grand piano, former famous folksinger, who were observing a few days of silence, wouldn't say much. He did send us to Russian river in search of Rasberry? commune which turned out to be a campsite of some seriously deranged and violent Hell's Angels. From there we found our way to Hoopa then Sawyer's Bar and up the hill and down a God-awful road to Black Bear in a 61 VW bus. There were 4 of us and a dog named Boogie. Bob Whiteman and I had hooked up with a couple from the east bay to make the trip. Dennis and his female companion Terry. We had been through a lot and when we arrived at the entrance to Black Bear we were met by a fair amount of paranioa due apparently to a bust at the ranch. To be short I stayed a couple of weeks and left as I had some unfinished business with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff. I didn't feel comfortable jeopardizing the ranch with my problem so I went back to Santa Cruz to deal with it. Never made it back. All is well now, have grown kids, a mortgage,etc. but I lost track of Terry. She was a very good friend to me then. I heard that she stayed on at Black Bear with Malcom but never was able to find out more. I don't remember her last name but if Malcom Terence or any one feels comfortable enough to fill me in I would appreciate it. I ran into Dennis in San Francisco in 1974 on the street, he was doing freelance photography as I remember. I live in Aptos now and have lost contact with all of the folks from that time to the cycles of life and would like to reconnect. Email me at will.

Name: Christine Hall
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 May 2000


Hi all. While the diggers were happening in SF, I was hanging in Toronto at Rochdale College, which was sort of what you would have if you put the Haight into one eighteen story building. I did live in SF and Bezerkely in the mid 70s, but by then the diggers were the stuff of counter culture mythology. I can't tell you how glad I am to see this and some other sites on the web, reviving that old spirit.

E-mail Address:
Date: 05 May 2000



E-mail Address: PURPLPAULA_yada@WEBTV.NET
Date: 04 May 2000


hi..i came across this wonderful page in tomas/laurel's page. there was a message from larry lohkamp"spike", morningstar 67, a very good friend of mine. larry, if you're out there, write me. do we know where david"daphne" is? i was in the haight in 67 staying at bob and mona's apt..they got busted, i happened to have hitched up to morningstar with george..loved it. came back to the city, cops all over, got my stuff and hauled ass to m*. cooked for hungry omnivores, while cindy, her, pam etc cooked for the macrobiotic folks. ohmed up oranged in the upperhouse one afternoon with other folks. does anyone know where barbara is.."brown eyed girl"? ] kathy sweeney was living with me and my family until she moved to nyc a few months ago. i moved back to sebastopol in 97. my daughter and my grandson live with me now. my son, jess, lives here in sebastopol, oo. we are so glad to be back. have been up to m* several times. paul, the caretaker is such a nice guy. i was thrilled to know that it was still owned by lous family. anyone of you who remember me, please write. larry...if you're out there...i want to hear from you!!!!!!!

Name: lonad deas
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 May 2000


i remember nelson going up,and emmets part in job.all good fun.happy trails 2u all.

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 May 2000


whew ~cool. Memories from the old home on the Ridge. Open land at Wheeler's ~ Me (Char~*) 'n Funny Dog 'n little son Owl , ~living, building,sharing, dreaming, learning ~staying oh so HIGH. So good to trip through these pages and remember names and times almost forgotten in words, but living always in my heart. It's still open land around here ~ only now there are no fenced bounderies, just the open spaces in our awakening cyber land. But still same ole same ole. What goes 'round, comes 'round. PEACE> Shanti ~ Char ~*

Name: Gerard Jones
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Apr 2000


I have linked my website:

Dead Ginny: A Novel Biography of the First Hippie

to your totally slick site. The link is in Chapter Twelve of the Annotated Version. I hope and trust that's cool with you. We talk about much of the same stuff from different points of view. Check it out. Thanks.

Gerard Jones


Name: Kathy (McMahon) LaPier
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Apr 2000


Hi.. I was just surfing around a bit. Actually I was wondering if I could find a copy of the San Francisco papers that headlined our Inverness bust in 1967. Anyway.. in my search I happened across : where I saw: From: Devora (, 10/18/99. Amazing! so sweet to find this here... I was given my name in the storefront on Haight in the Autumn after the Summer of Love.I had moved from the Haight to a commune in Inverness and had come in to the City and crashed at the Diggers for the night. There was a very young kid on his first acid trip there, having a rather bumpy time of it, so I took his head on my lap and talked to him for a long time. When I looked up, everybody was listening, and I ended up talking all night. In the morning a guy came up along with the oatmeal, stood on his head for a while, and then asked me my name. People had been calling me Trip for several years, and when I told him that he said it was the wrong name for me, thought a while and then said I should take the name Devora. It changed my life in many ways, and I still wonder who he was. If this story sounds familiar-would you email me? All Love and Joy!!

Well the Inverness Cabin sure sounds familiar..and I remember you too. We called you Trip there, though I also remember your being called Devora. I was called "Little Kathy" ..mostly to differentiate me from the other larger Kathy who was already there when I arrived. She may have been Easy's old lady.. or maybe Lonnie's. Memories vague but I also remember Paul Cavenaugh, Nancy, Yo and Becky. I can still 'see' the faces of many more but can't recall names. I remember lots of brown rice always being cooked up in that little kitchen..the attic loft that was wall to wall mattresses where we all slept a la pig pile, the stuffed up toilet that everyone kept shitting in anyway..the nice quiet guy who lived in the cabin next door who wrote paper back porn novels for a living.. I remember the Red-haired, red-mustached Hells Angel, Tom Carp, who came to visit. I left with him for a trip thru the Haight but came back to the cabin. Mostly I remember the bust in March and the headlines the next day "Nuce Hippie Raid" and the collection can they put on the counter at Print Mint for our defense fund. I remember that Chet Helm's bailed us all out. Nice guy, huh? Lost touch with all those are some questions you might be able to answer for me Devora.. (my consumptuon was a minimum of 6 tabs a day then..have lots of holes in my memory).. Do I remember the Grateful Dead visiting there before they'd made a name for themselves? Also..was it a real Kerista House or was that something I dreamed of? Strange and wonderful days those were. :) Now I'm 53 , married for the last 18 years to a guy who also 'did the 60s', live in Boston, have a 30 year old married daughter who's about to make me a Grandmother. <G> Well,it was a trip to see your name here Trip! <G> Kathy (McMahon) LaPier

Name: Aurora Jade
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Apr 2000


Hello again to everyone-and yet another thanks to all those who have been kind enough to send me emails saying that they are willing to help me on my paper. An update on that for those who are interested: the due date for my paper has been pushed back to this Tuesday, or May 2nd. I've finally constructed my thesis, so the information that I am mostly interested in is a general view of The Diggers of the 60's/70's (same goes for Diggers of today); their beliefs, morals, everyday lives, ect ect. Looking at what I just wrote, I'm beginning to realize exactly how broad that actually is (in other words, any information about that time, the people involved, and any activities/protests/ect would be GREATLY appreciated!) If it helps at all, my thesis is something along the lines of "how the diggers effected america, that generation, and how(if) it effects the people of today".

Also-if anyone has any personal information/experiences of the Haight-Ashbury, that would also be just wonderful!!

"All we need is love!" (da-da-dadada) Love, hope and prosperity :0) Jade

E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Apr 2000



Name: dudley
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Apr 2000


thank you for the warm thoughts, i was unaware that emmett grogan was dead.

Name: Jennie
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Apr 2000


Travelled the streets of L.A. in 66, 67, 68. Many a day found me at the soup kitchen or the free store. Also visited a digger "crash site" in S.F. the weekend of the Monterey Pop Festival. Was at a lot of the Griffith Park activities. A young friend of mine asked me the other day, out of the blue, what I knew about the diggers. It shocked me, because that was the first time in over 30 years that I had heard the term. He told me about this site. It's marvelous! I'm interested in contacting any folks who used to hang around Canter's, Blue Grotto, etc. on Fairfax in 67. Peace Jennie

Name: tom
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Apr 2000


Happy Birthday Friar Tuck, where ever you may be celebrating it this year. What an auspicious day to have been born, the normal tax day of atonement to Amerika!! I can almost see that Cheshire grin as you thumb your nose at the norm. Happy Trails, and Badaba

Name: Aurora Jade
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Apr 2000


sorry diogenes (neat name, by the way), my bad. I seemed to of mixed up my two email addresses. I would be ecstatic if you still want to try again and reply to this one. Thanks yet again for all those who are willing.

Peace, love, and blessed be

Name: Diogenes
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Apr 2000


To: Aurora Jade Could not transmit to the e-mail address you listed in your April 7th entry in this guestbook. I'd gladly speak further if you want to reply.

thanks -- geo.

Name: Susan Westmoreland
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Apr 2000


Eddie Hatcher

Name: Susan Westmoreland
E-mail Address: rsgeller_yada@
Date: 09 Apr 2000


Eddie Hatcher, the Native American who spoke up against the system has been re-arrested. He Will Not recieve Justice in Robeson County, N.C. The charges against him are questionable to say the least. Please Help. He is not only standing up for his rights but those of the Indian people in N.C. See

Name: Aurora Jade
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Apr 2000

Comments I'm browsing the web, and I some how ended up on this fabulous page. Imagine, crazy me actually being surprised for once when I realized exactly how many of my own thoughts and beliefs were mirrored in one beautiful site. So what do I do? I decide to turn my history project into a paper on the haight-ashbury and it's excentrisities, with a main emphasis on The Digger's. The only problem is, being a child of the new generation, I'm at a bit of a loss on certain things, and I'm even more in need of concrete detail/fact/info/interesting-little-trinkets. I have many questions, and I'm not quite sure who I need to talk to (which reminds me-is there anyone who can give me some great info that would be willing to be interviewed? If so, please contact me). My address is open to anyone who is willing to spend a moment or two helping a lost soul struggle about on a concept that is fabulously intriguing, but a bit confusing (to her/me).

Name: tara
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Apr 2000



Name: russ friedrikis
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Apr 2000


thank you for the info on the haight-ashbury switchboard...i worked there in the 70's and have been trying to find info about it...any other info would be appreciated!

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Mar 2000


Katherine, At home we have a kitchen table and chairs that are more productive than a computer. We have had this kitchen set for thirty years, the computer for just six years now. The kitchen set ifs functional and OK, not to pretty but working. The computer is on it’s last legs. How do I make this computer last as long as this kitchen set? Where are the values to create useful and long lasting art? Why is technology leaping forwards and backwards at the same pace? Maybe you could help solve this dilemma. Peace and understanding. badaba, Tomas

Name: Sylas Kick
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Mar 2000


I have begun updating the starlight freedomlink page ( ) and have started a sister site dedicated to Abbie Hoffman and the Yippie!s

come check them out....


Name: bonedigger in the moonlight
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Mar 2000


once and for all free means free not 5% above blue book not 95% discount,will the children know us by our madness? by our names fames ,kind and gentle people , exist, truth never died , some weak men lied, but truth never died after being in the crass hairs I WILL TESTIFY, to be free is to be free to tell the truth,and so we wrangle about rights to words like summer of love more weak mens lies

Name: Katherine
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Mar 2000


I just want to live and technology gets in the way every day. I hate the fact that i even own a computer! What can you do?!?

Name: Rachel Cooper
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Mar 2000



Name: Éric Dejaeger
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Mar 2000


I'm looking for information about Emmett Grogan. A friend told me about a book called "Diggers". Does is exist ? Did it exist ? Éric

Name: SyKick
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Mar 2000


There's only way to appreciate a man like Abbie Hoffman and that is to laugh at him 'till you believe him...

Name: Sylas Kick
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Mar 2000



check out


Name: brady clark
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Mar 2000


a very big thankyou for all of your hardwork and determination in collecting and displaying all of this great material. this history gives my role in society a profound depth and relevance!! until recently the diggers were only a myth to me. i told my friends about this group in the late 60's in san francisco that did stuff like we do, but until now- i had no more information. i ask--are there any books that have been printed about the SF diggers? i would love to learn more.

to see what we're up to (it's a little disorganized)

thankyou very much!!


Name: Eastwind Community (Loki)
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Mar 2000


check out for a commune that is still working at the dream....Loki

Name: Arthur Lisch
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Mar 2000



I have long pictured establishing a Peace Site at the U.S. original symbolic center at the Jefferson Stone on the Mall in Washington (near the monument to George Washington). The action would open the next step in the development of the site which would involve raising up the Earth at that place. This would be a social and spiritual witness to the sacredness of all of God's Creation. I plan to be there on April 22 (2000) and am hoping to meet with others who will support this initiative. R.S.V.P. Arthur Lisch


Name: Heather
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Mar 2000


Hi!! How are you? I am a student who wants to take a trip up to Oregon and stay in a commune (non-religious). Do you know of any way I can find out about one to stay in? Any info is appreciated! Thank you, heather

[Heather, here's a list of communes at the Intentional Communities' web site, sorted by location. Scroll down the list to find Oregon communes. --en]

Name: John Diamante
E-mail Address: pntk (per need to know)
Date: 13 Mar 2000


Thank you for establishing this site.

Name: Mickeylious
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Mar 2000


Hi I'm lookink for Ringolevio in french since many years, I did'nt find it. Somebody can help me ? ThankX

Name: Robwwert La Vigne
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Mar 2000



Name: aron kay
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Mar 2000


its groovy signing this guestbook once again...i was a focalizer w/the griffith park love-ins in la and was the mad yippie pieman...the haight circa 1967 still lives on in my heart.....visit

Name: monkey
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Mar 2000


all is swell at ye ol ranch!!!still waiting for fire equiptment,any 40s power wagon parts,send all donations(fire equ,cars,trucks,food,money,bank account numbers,credit cards,tools shovels,soup,bread,buttlers,love,free love???whatever it may be no problem) to :black bear po box 3,Forks of Salmon,ca 96031,AmeriKa.The Ranch Rocks on!!!!! tallent show last nightof march the forks.Rain,snow sleet n hail B.B.R will get the mail "the dam axle snapped"

Name: Patrick Power
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Mar 2000


Name: David Savage
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Mar 2000


I wonder whether this guestbook will accept html tags and images. Well, there's one way to find out: [click for David's clown photo]

Name: David Savage
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Mar 2000


My previous post was in the 1996 guestbook. My email address and website have changed. The previous address was and the previous website was I finally got my own domain. My current email address is, and the new website is at

Digger webmaster: the spiral binding image at the left side of the page makes it hard to read the text. Please move the text to the right of the image.

Name: Michael McCracken
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Mar 2000


"The Frisco Kid" is the story of real people, the bohemians who became to be called Beats, of a real place, North Beach San Francisco, and a real time, the late 1950's and early 1960's.

"When I arrived in San Francisco in 1957", writes Jerry Kamstra, "I discovered a community existing on the edge of the city unlike any other in America. Reckless, creative, frenetic, insane, it was too insane for a lot of people, for not many survived. I did, however, and in surviving came of age in the cheap pads and artists' lofts in North Beach. In the process I lost my innocence and my youth, but gained an indelible memory of a bunch of crazy people who lived, fought, struggled, loved, and even died together with a sense of elan and community that I had never experienced before nor have found since.

"Writers often dream of being able to record what their friends say and do as they are saying and doing them. Some writers are able to do that, but for me time has to crystallize events, compress them like the elluvia of roots and flowers into hard bright diamonds before the light can be seen."

"Real people cannot be pinned up on a wall and examined at leisure, however, especially people who were moving at the frenetic pace of my friends. I had to let them stop, and go crazy, and die before I could properly see them."

So out of the time and memories of more than a decade and a half ago comes "The Frisco Kid"

Name: Jerry Kamstra
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Mar 2000



Name: Doug
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Mar 2000


The years weigh heavy here, hopes dashed, dreams all but forgotten. I haven't preformed outside of a shower stall since '85. Is the revolution over, did I miss it? Can you still get kick-ass fish n chips at the end of the street by the park? So many questions, so little time. What the hell, wake me up when the hemp begins to bud.

Now less than 1% free and getting smaller, Doug

ps, thanks for the site, and hey, don't call 911...I'm not suicidal. ;-)

Name: head ninja
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Mar 2000


Baffled as I am by the current day culture, a great gift to me was to stumble across the book "Invisible Republic" by Greil Marcus (Henry Holt, NY 1997) about Bob Dylan's basement tapes. Far away & long ago, when it seemed like we were teetering on the brink of a whole new world. This work tells some of the story of the creation of this music by Dylan and the proto-Band in and around Big Pink in upstate NY in an impressionist but grounded style that defies description. Makes sense of why that time mattered so much, when the crucible of creation was fiery hot, before most music became nothing but "product", the evanescent greasy soapbubbles of commerce. A lot of detail also about the folk roots behind Dylan's songs, out of early and little-known blues, Appalachian, gospel tunes of the '20s and '30s. And the connection between the Basement Tapes and "World Done Wrong", lyrics about love, death and madness. If the world makes little sense today, maybe here are some clues. Best regards and wishes to all my fellow wayfarers from Geo at the Fortress of Solitude in the Mountain Kingdom

Name: Ann a.k.a. MoonBeam
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Mar 2000


Keep rocking, keep smokin'! Peace!

Name: jund yco
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Feb 2000


i'm a fan..pls send me a copy of ur album!

Name: Robert La Vigne
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Feb 2000


Eric, you've made a superb site. I must tell you it was like coming home, to encounter some friends from long ago and even more, to feel once again the wonderful mind of that time.

Name: Karen
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Feb 2000


Am I just too old? I seem to remember the free store as a place where you could pass on love, understanding, a desire for information or hard goods. But what is this biz about seeds, homework, etc, etc???????? An old hippie momma here.

Name: Dennis Newhall
E-mail Address:
Date:  19 Feb 2000


Dear Mr. Emmett Grogin,

Please forgive me if I've misspelled your name. This is how it was given to me.

We've started the Sacramento Rock and Radio Museum in the Capital City. It was mentioned that the Diggers Archive might have some memorabilia, printed material, or information about activities in the Sacramento/Davis area that pertains to the "Rock Scene." Have you run across anything?

Actually, one of my favorite posters among the hundreds we have displayed is for a Diggers benefit at the Orangevale Grange Hall. Tiny concert, terrific art!

Thanks for your time.

Sincerely, Dennis Newhall

Name: Dawna Bell Kniseley
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Feb 2000


In loving memory of Jacob Jesse Carr. 9/10/78 - 9/15/99. Rest In Peace. We would like to say hi to all the family that spent time with Jake, "Spike" at the 1999 Rainbow Gathering that took place in Ridgeway, PA. Love and Peace-Dawna, Steiner, Kristy and Misty.

Name: Paul Dresman
E-mail Address: PDresman _yada@
Date: 07 Feb 2000


Thank you so much for this site. Arrived in l966 & witnessed various poetry readings, the Be-in, etc. Am writing a critical memoir of 1966-1969 and find much here that reminds & edifies. Do you maintain a formal physical archive?

Name: Michael McCracken Jr.
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Feb 2000


Thanks to all that have responded to my search in the past year. I just returned to Chicago after a week of exploring the streets of North Beach (San Fran), using Jerry Kamstra's "The Frisco Kid" as my guidebook, tracing my parents (Carole Joseph and Mike McCracken) footsteps from 35 years ago. I was able to hook up with seven friends of theirs and heard many stories of "the days when the Beats ruled North Beach". Vesuvios (Thanks, Leo!), Trieste, Coitte Tower, Mikes Pool Hall, the Coffee Gallery...they were all there in one form or another, proud reminders of a time that will never be again. My profound thanks to those that took the time to point me in the right direction from these Archives. You truly are the blessed ones.

Name: meri perkins
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Feb 2000


Addendum: Joni Gates was at Black Bear once upon a time ('75-76) as she sent me a letter from Forks of Salmon at the time. Hope this might fire-up an old synapse or two. Thanks again, mlp.

Name: Meri Perkins
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Feb 2000


Have completed another fruitless computer search for Joni Gates, missing since 1977 (digger note 12/17/99). This is a fresh posting for any new eyes. Let me know if you have a clue to her whereabouts. Thank you, mlp.

Name: zechä
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Feb 2000


hey to all people out there that visit such a site, i love you all. i never really believed that there are sites like this one, with the name hippie. i`m having the time of my life and smoke the whole time. here in austria life isn´t fascinating but you always can "see it with a bud", motto of dazed and confused. peace to you and stay groovin`

Name: Emma
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Feb 2000


Just wanted to thank's so great to know there are people out there who are really open minded

Name: Joanne Leary
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Feb 2000


Does my heart good... Blessed be. love, j

Name: Karen Pehoushek
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jan 2000


I,m just finishing Peter Coyotes", "Sleeping where I fall"; and I've got to tell you people that I'm sooo glad your still around! I'm 40 years old and thought i'd missed the ship, I had my son on a boat 20 years ago, helped to write the marijuana initiative up in washington state, and was a worker at Morningtown anarchist's collective in 78' & 79', now the (Black Cat Cafe) in Seattle. Lived up North in the san juan Islands till my son was grown, now he's a sophmore _yada@ at an Ivy League school....wants to be in the space program.....must be the Rebel Factor! Any how, pleased to share a bit of my life with you, maybe I'll get to see Black Bear some day...Right now I'm tied taking care of 97yearold Gma on a promise...going crazy down here in the desert, thank you for you're beautiful presence, you're all helping me keep my spirit alive. Love K

Name: Nicole Wills
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jan 2000


Susan Keyes I'm in New York...I've lost yr number...Hello to Julie Boone and Arthur Lisch...and everyone.

Name: The Ancient One
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Jan 2000



Name: Terry Sun
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jan 2000


Argonautical Encounters is a voyage in progress of seaman and seawomen , supplicants of the dawn, the sun, the stars, the wind, the rain, wanderers of the world, who are ever in search of simple truth and beauty, in the untravelled, in the here and now, and the forgotten worlds and fading boundaries of the deep blue. "I am part of all that I have met; Yet all experience is an arch wherethro' Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades For ever and for ever when I move." Ulysses, Tennyson

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jan 2000


I've got a picture on line too, at ......... , and another picture on the Morningstar CD with circles and arrows on the back to be used as evidence against us. Ya'll have a good'en. badaba Tomas

Name: Marie-Anne
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jan 2000


hey, enoble, who is this guy on the picture? why post this picture on the web? personally, I could not stand knowing that my face can be looked at by strangers, without me knowing and being able to control the usage that they make of it. Ain't that a tad dangerous? i mean, you are not a model posing in a catalog, do you just want people to know what you look like to relate to you better on this site? I feel curious toward that image now even though I know that it is just a guy at the other end of the world, with his own universe and mind full of neuronal connections having nothing to do with mine. I don't know, I find this a bit like exhibitionism. if it was not for the fact that his features have something familiar, i would not even have stopped at it. c'est pas le tout mais faut que j'y aille, j'ai pas que ca a faire non plus, if you feel like discussing the matter, in a french perspective anyway. joli le bandana, c'est utile, hein.

Name: Dorothée
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jan 2000


HELLO! I would like to get information about "Panhandle Free Food" and about the "Free Land Movement". I give you my E-Mail: 

Thank you very much, Dorothée.

Name: kristin
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jan 2000


I DIG IT!!! this site is an in-site is an insight and i need to learn everything more about dear emmit grogan for reasons more cosmic than the moon. can any beautiful person direct me, contact me, PLEASE on where it's at in terms of the info i desire. i love you.

Name: David Gardiner
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jan 2000


Hello, I enjoyed your site a great deal, especially the section on Gerard Winstanley and the English Diggers. I wonder if you know about the film made by Kevin Brownlow in 1975 about the life of Gerard Winstanley, entitled simply "Winstanley"? It's a first-rate piece of work and would be of great interest to anybody who finds these kinds of ideas attractive. If you don't know about the film you can find a review and some information on my home page at

I appreciate all the work you have put into this web site and wish you all the very best. David Gardiner.

[David, thanks for the link to the film review. I didn't realize Winstanley was still available. I'll have to look into finding a copy for the Archives. --en]

Name: pato de perro
E-mail Address: petbro
Date: 15 Jan 2000


coming upon a site ,sight; in my memories eye,in space and time,going back ;christ you know it aint easy,but every little bit heps,it is hopefully w/ out revision.&w/ compassion,we of the living ,kicking dangling, sprawling sometimes wretched world , must continue.. for the struggle continues.. and all we need is love and love is an art and all art must be experimental blah blah blah. an impossible optimism,must continue to enshroud our work so that those truly left off the spoon,can know hope ,freedom now.burn the money .ban the bomb,stop the killing "by inhibition and exhibition we show each other where its at" .paradise now

Name: Arthur Lisch
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jan 2000


I'm planning to be on the Mall in Washington, D.C. on April 22 (2000) to further develop the Earth/Peace Site around the Jefferson Stone, which marks the original, symbolic center of the Capital. If you're interested appear on April 22nd., with shovel.

Name: Julie Boone
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jan 2000



Name: Marcus Colasurdo
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jan 2000


Lively talk in diggerland as always...Anyone interested in checking out my new book "RED GIANT" (or any of my other six) get in touch..I am writing with "eternity in view" and the earth singing harmony amidst postmodern madness as the millenium begins...Dare Alla Dulce Marcuc Colasurdo

Name: 1 % FREE
E-mail Address: Slow sun
Date: 06 Jan 2000


You Diggers should show some respect everytime EMMETT GROGAN is brought up.

E-mail Address: Fast nomads
Date: 06 Jan 2000


Don't forget EMMETT GROGAN started this motherfucking DIGGERS shit.

E-mail Address: Fast nomads
Date: 06 Jan 2000


Don't forget EMMETT GROGAN started this motherfucking DIGGERS shit.

Name: max grogan
E-mail Address: voodoo crossroads
Date: 06 Jan 2000


26 year old son of emmett grogan . max grogan is alive & well living the beat diggers syndrome in montreal.

Name: Don Vermeulen
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jan 2000


I have a very good copy of Emmet Grogan's "Ringolivio (spelling) "A Life Played for Keeps" including the dust jacket.

Name: jade
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jan 2000


well, i´m doing a report on this and I read a book were ritchie and suzy ane mentioned ALOT but I can´t seem to find anything here on them, come? thanks jade

Name: Jennifer Hay
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jan 2000


I am a Masters student in Art History at the University of Canterbury. I am writing my thesis on performance and conceptual art in NZ during the 1960s, 70s and 80s. There will also be a Symposium at the Robert McDougall Art Gallery in collaboration with the University and other institutions in NZ and Australia. If any one is interested in finding out more about the events and what was happening down under during the cultural revolution please contact me via the email address below. Comments and discussion would be greatly appreciated.

Name: Robert La Vigne
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jan 2000



Name: Don Monkerud
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Jan 2000


Free Land Free Love: Tales of a Wilderness Commune (aka the Black Bear Anthology), a collection of stories from Black Bear is out and the first edition is almost sold out. Going back for a second printing. The book is getting rave reviews from everyone who has read it. There is a story up on this site by Malcolm Terence from the book. Over 57 authors tells our story from many, and always varied, points of view. Stories by Mary Mackey, Michael Tierra, Mahaj, Alan Steinbach and many of the now-grown children....

Name: Arthur Lisch
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Dec 1999


Anita, I would like to discuss your comments with you. Please contact me.

Name: Anita Byrd
E-mail Address:;
Date: 30 Dec 1999


I'm pleased to have a source of information that documents a fascinating group in our history. I would like more information on the evolution of people's lives who were part of the movement. What became of them? How have they integrated, or not, into the mainstream? I crave stories of individuals who sculpted their lives into works of art. That is why Peter Coyote's book was so compelling to me, but I would like to know about more "casestudies." Any recommendations?

Name: freedom is not free,freedom is a figth.
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Dec 1999


Fuck peter coyotes new introduction to Ringolevio peter's a fake and a sale out EMMETT GROGAN IS THE REAL MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!!! EMMETT GROGAN did everything he wrote about and a hole lot more!!!

Name: more than 1%
E-mail Address: !nowhere else!
Date: 30 Dec 1999


i miss you,i'm alone = i'm fine

Name: Amy
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Dec 1999


Hello, I've visited your site several times and I am waiting so impatiently for it to be complete. Finally I decided to write to you and ask you to do me this one great favour: in fact I'm really interested in The Diggers' song and I saw that you had a RealAudio recording of it. You can't imagine how excited I was thinking that I could listen to it and record it and then so disappointed not to be able to. So please, could you send me the recording? I would be very thankful for your help, please, it's rather urgent. Thank you very much, Amy.

[Amy, thanks for writing to let me know of your request! I have put the Digger Song back online for everyone. --en]

Name: Dan Garvey
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Dec 1999


I was there in '66 and '67. Lived for a while with Yuri Toropov in his 3rd-floor flat on Fell St. As I recall, the Diggers stored food (I remember piles of zuchini) in Yuri's garage. Yuri was one of the organizers of the KFRC Magic Mountain Music Festival in '67. He also managed the old 'Sopwith Camel' for a time ... Bill Sievers was the lead guitarist in the band, and I remember borrowing his Fender Esquire several times. Jack Hatfield, who did several posters for Bill Graham and Chet Helms, also stayed there from time to time. Any bells go off ?

Name: Ryan Wiegel Bear
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Dec 1999


Could not find anythying about Double Digging or any information about how to get any free stuff. Please send cash or Power Wagon tires to bx # 3 Forks of Salmon,Ca. 96031. Smiles and creating the vision as we describe it at the Ranch. Visit if you Know How. 22 people for the winter of Y2K. Would like to write more but I need to Milk the goats and do some road work.

Name: Susan Keese
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Dec 1999


Happy Solstice to everyone from icy Vermont! Love, Susan Keese

Name: Eliot Sekuler
E-mail Address: ejsekuler_yada@mciworld,com
Date: 22 Dec 1999


Stayed in Diggers houses off and on during the first six months of 1967. I didn't realize then just how extraordinary the experience was.

Name: Pat
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Dec 1999


My cousin and I ran away from home the summer of 1967; we were 14. This site reminds me of being hungry in the Haight-Ashbury (I gave out white-bread-and-bologna sandwiches with the Diggers for a day or two and never took one for myself), trying unsuccessfully to sell 25-cent Oracles, attempting to sleep in crash pads on Cole Street, and dodging old guys who wanted to fuck me even when I insisted I was only 14 and a virgin. Before I saw the repeat of another weekend, I was raped by 2 guys in some grassy desolate place under low slung branches a little beyond hippie hill late one foggy, cold August night; I've NEVER returned to that part of the park. Jerome, who I thought was a friend, asked 2 guys to join us in our little walk into the woods. I never imagined he would do this to me and ask others to partake of me; I was so young and unsuspecting. A couple of hours earlier, on Haight Street, a guy who I had a secret crush on, Mike, a Mick-Jagger look-alike I thought, placed something infintestimal between my lips. It was a tab of purple Owsley, the first I'd ever had. I thought I was receiving Communion, but it was passage to hell. The next day, in my groggy, disoriented state, my family "caught" me walking up Haight Street. My aunt clamped her arms around me as did my mother, and they hauled me to Park Police station where I was photographed, fingerprinted, and insulted. They then put me in a paddy wagon, where alone, I took a long and circuitous trip to juvie, a place where I would meet truly hard core girls. To some, I suppose this was the era of love. To me, an intelligent but withdrawn and artistically and musically talented product of a strict home and Catholic girls' school environment, it was the turning point of my life. Very few know about this part of my life, but, thanks to you, I have found the appropriate place to park this.

Name: Leo Lunser
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Dec 1999


To all my brothers and sisters,

Peace and love to everyone and live in harmony with mother earth. The Diggers are righteous freaks who helped me out in 1968 by giving me free food and free love. The 60s will always live in my heart. Just keep on keeping on.


Name: Fred Stocking
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Dec 1999


Claude & Chester where are you

[Fred, see the FFR discussion forum for my reply to your message. --en]

Name: Meri Perkins
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Dec 1999


If any Digger, old or new has ANY info. on an old member from the early and mid '70's, JONI GATES, please contact me. She is my sister, and has been missing since 1977. All investigative attempts for 22 yrs. have been fruitless. Any clue would be apprecieated. I have letters indicating a return address with K.Minault about 1975. Thank you, MLP.

[Merl, let me know what Joni's middle name is. I found one listing with a mid initial, but probably not the person you're looking for. --en]

Name: dan oconnell
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Dec 1999


like cool man!!!

Name: Peter Coyote
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Dec 1999


Looking for Eleyth and Davina's address to forward mail from Davi in Prison in Atlanta. Kathy Nolan sent them once, but I lost them. I've volunteered to be the go-between and will not send them on.

[Peter, their email addresses are listed in the 1999 Guestbook, just pull up the page and do Edit/Find, search for Davina. --en]

Name: one percent free
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Dec 1999


one percent free slow sun fast nomads 

Name: bickel
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Dec 1999


nacho mamas coffee house loves you all and hopes to see you in montana 2000

Name: Eric Jack Graves
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Dec 1999


Looking for my dad Jack Michael Graves. You'd know him by his light blue eyes, mountain man ways, permanent peace signing crooked finger and missing leg. A search turned up a possible hit living on 140 Haight. Anyone knowing him is encouraged to tell him his son loves him and is looking for him. Tell him I found something here:

Name: Jami (Bill Jamison) aka Doormouse
E-mail Address: or
Date: 09 Dec 1999


Morningstar - Arroyo Hondo, NM - '69 - '72 Hi Penny, David, Michael, Rollo, Reggie, Barbara, Pam, Larry, Michael Pot, Finley, Joe, Cowboy Bob, Rose, Siddhartha, Psyche, Ernest, Charlie, Byron, Bobpook, Gail, Beatrice, Andre, ...

Name: Gloria
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Dec 1999


This site is great. I love it! There isn't enough time in the day for me to see everything here that I want to see. Come visit my site at

Name: V.V. Lester
E-mail Address: -
Date: 06 Dec 1999


Great fucking site. Loving it.

Name: Big Cheese
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Dec 1999


The Student Revolutionary Strike Force hereby bestows upon the Diggers groovy site the honorable, lusted-after Right On award for general niftiness and Far Outness.

Live long and perspire

Peas on Earth

Name: John Curl
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Dec 1999


Digger Archives editors:

Please consider linking to this new Sixties-related and Diggers-related site.

MEMORIES OF DROP CITY: Adventures in the Counterculture of the 1960s, a new novel by John Curl at

In the summer of 1967, the Summer of Love, the mass media descended on Drop City in remote southern Colorado, and turned the first “hippie” commune into a legendary prototype of a budding social movement. Drop City was a crucible of the time, a hotspot of creative ferment and radical ideas, a countercultural crossroads stop for numerous seekers traversing America on their way to some better future. Drop City gave form and image to some of the ideas bubbling out of the ferment of related movements for social change of the Sixties.

I visited Drop City for two weeks in the spring of 1966, when it was still just forming and only a few people were living there. They asked me to stay, but I was on my way to San Francisco. This was a year before the Summer of Love. I said I would be back, hopefully with money to build a dome. That fall I did return to Drop City. I lived there for three years, participating in its rise and ultimate crash. My new novel is the story of Drop City, and of the Counterculture of the Sixties.

Interlaced with the novel at the website are never-before published photos and excerpts from the now-classic Drop City Newsletters of 1966-'67.

Thank you for your interest.

John Curl

Name: david lowing
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Nov 1999


i dig your page!

Name: eric from vermont
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Nov 1999


so you still have reprints of 'trip without a ticket'? im a college student in vermont. (i got the idea from your post that these prints were on the web somewhere, but didnt see an address.) thanks

[Eric, I've just finished putting the Digger Papers 68 back into the new Archives section. Go to the Entry Page, choose Archives, then Digger Papers, then Trip/Ticket. Let me know if you have any problems. --en]

Name: tom
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/25/99


Being alive, warm, well fed on this 'American' holiday may seem a blessing. Look around and see who shares in it. We have dis-enfranchised many, and are still playing the 'Great White Father' role. Its time to plant our feet on the ground with all our brothers. The bounty Mother Earth has given was not meant for just a few. This is a good day to open our hearts, minds, and souls to all. And remember, "no matter where you go, there you are."

Name: Fries
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/23/99


Can you Digger it? next year ie 2000 is the 33 year wave return of the impulse that went out in 1967. the next impulse is the Devanthropos Be there

Name: michael lasnover
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/22/99


Far Out This blows my mind, The first Experience? I was 11 years old and my dad took me to the Avalon,1966 New Years The Greatful Dead/Big Brother and the Holding Company. I remember little Sam Andrew standing at the door saying " there with me" . Then I was standing under the strobe lights,everyone was dancing and twrilling beeds,then this girl leaned toward me and said "do you want to fuck" nothing more SHE was beautiful .It wasn't sexual really SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL AND FREE...GOD...VERY COSMIC...hundreds of people in one room all "TRIPPING". I'm on page 147 of the summer of love in front of ther diggers forever.....PEACE<<<<<<LOVE>>>>>>FREEDOM

Name: paul mclaughlin
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/22/99



Name: Garth Mobey
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/19/99


Hi! I was idly browsing the Lycos search engine and put my family name in then hit "go" I found your site, so how come there is a "Mobey" in here? Looks to me like most of you are into some esoteric stuff. I would love to hear from you.

I am a South African working as a technical specialist In the ostrich industry in Malaysia, also play a bit of rock, folk and ballads, I own a classical guitar, and when I play with the rock band everyone wants to know where the piano is !!

Keep up what looks like good work



Name: Carlos Ferreira
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/16/99


Hi, everyone ,wish you all a nice trip. Peace and love must start within each of us, then spread it all around..

Name: Black  Bear Monkey
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/16/99


Hello friends neighbors,diggers,and Trustees to ye ol ranch..If anyone wants to donate Any fire tools to Black Bear Ranch (shelters,shovels,madax,high pressure pump or pumps,nomex,Fire hoses!,helmets,mcclouds!! ect on and on) please E-mail me. No immediate danger this year but preperation and build up for next years "fire season" the fire shed hasnt had any worthy or usable supplies since the 1987 fires. Free land for free people Rings ON!! Great page.Keep on keeping on thanx for everything.Monkey

Name: jeremiah
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/16/99


A world without the controlling tool of money would be a gloriouse place to be! It is beutifull to me that there are others out there that are willing to work to form that world. anyone contact me, lets figure it out.

Name: Peter Coyote
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/16/99


Friends, I've been in correspondence with Davi (from Olema) who is doing extremely hard time in the Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta and will probably never be a free man in this lifetime. Any of you who remember him are urged to write to him. He loves books and magazines. He can receive 3 books or 3 magazines (books must be soft-cover) in plainly marked packages "BOOKS" etc. I'm sure he'd appreciate hearing from old friends.

Davi (David) Harpine 06676-008 Box PMB, Atlanta, Georgia,30315

Name: AllWEYES
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/15/99


Huge spiritual Gathering called (IT) is planned or Aug.19th 2001. At Woodstock Ontario ,Canada Be Theair for (IT).Plan(IT) Un(IT) Sum(IT) and finalWE Ex(IT) (IT) is all based on Einstein's TheorWE of WEalltiv(IT)y WE are allWElated to (IT)

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/14/99


Evolution, revolution, changes faces, it is nice to see the changes in this web site. Our minds are constantly changing, moving forward. I like what is happening. We see on the streets, the colors of the earth, subtle straw tones, buckskin and lace. Flower petals and comfortable sandals. Reassuring the vibrancy of mother earth, echoing peace. Each morning I awake and love the earth. We only wish for Peace and Goodwill. Your web site is reassuring, helpful and informative. badaba

Name: Brian Estey
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/14/99


Hallelujah Sweet Savior You Are All Jesus Incarnate My Friends, My Friends.

Two years back, a friend lent me Ringolevio, and my life has never been the same. Humbly, I felt that I shared alot of the traits that Emmett talked about through Kenny Wisdom--the innate desire to lead toward a common, loving, socialist good.

As I just found a copy of Ringolevio myself, I was acting on a tinge of instinct and researching cooperatives in order that I may start a co-op gathering place here in my needing but beautiful hometown of Bozeman, Montana. I wished to name the place Diggers to pay tribute to the truth of the Free movement upon which this sumnofabitchin lovely website is based. Thank you for all the information (I took the time to print/download the entire existing sight into my computer for temporally feasible study.)

Despite its relative proximity to the kind town of Missoula, Bozeman is somewhat of an island, very unaware in general because of a simple lack of information. That is my calling. I wish to do everything I can to teach our young people and our Republican friends all there is to know about loving, sustainable living in our northern bioregion. Perhaps soon I can make another trip to Cisco and meet you for some lively conversation on the most relevant and elusive matters.

Your page is truly a bastion of hope in my evermore buzzing cranium. Eternal thanks for all of the hard work. Let us expand together as spiral galaxies holding hands, and we will win back the lives of our grandchildren.

Digging, Brian Estey

Name: Jim Harlin
E-mail Address:
Date: 11/14/99


Lived in Tempe and Jerome in 67,68, love remembering the days of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. Great site.

Name: dreier patrick
E-mail Address: patrick.
Date: 11 Nov 1999


hello, I want to known what's happen to E.Grogan after the writing of "Ringolevio" I know he left us, but how?? kisses

Name: Seth Abramson
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 1999


Hey guys, I'm a student, studying out here for the rest of the fall semester. I really dig what you guys have done, and I'm even more interested in what you're currently doing. I'm doing a reasearch project on the evolution of the Haight over the past thirty years or so and would be very apriciative of any first hand comments anyone from your organization may be willing to share with me. Thanks a lot, Seth PS I'm all for the revolution (smile).

Name: Nuin
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 1999



Name: Robert L. Hengel
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 1999



Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.

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