These are the Guestbook Entries from 2001. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: see Guestbook entry dated August 12, 2001 for explanation of the
encoding of email addresses.

Name: Ingrid Landis
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Dec 2001
If anyone lives in western Trinity County, CA let me know.

Name: Linda
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Dec 2001
Peace, love and happiness to all!!

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Dec 2001
Life is indeed far out and nice in this new century.
Ya'all have a good day and peace forever shine in your eyes. badaba, Tomas

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Dec 2001
Chalk this one up to the persistence of the counterculture. I was driving back from the Shields Library at UC Davis after having spent three days researching the SF Mime Troupe Archive collection (more on that later). Lo, there were two young hitchhikers waiting by the freeway onramp with a sign "Pick Us Up, San Francisco". So of course I picked them up. We exchanged stories about hitchhiking, with their tales several months old, and mine from decades past.
These two, perhaps at most twenty-years old, referred to themselves as Rainbow kids, although the woman had not been to a Gathering. The boy apparently had been to one. Nevertheless, they obviously were part of a subculture that has indentifiable Digger elements. The girl at one point suggested that the boy could look for a surfer's wetsuit in the Free Box when they get to the nearest University town. They talked about Rainbow Gatherings as places where money is forbidden -- and their love of barter blankets. The boy also referred several times to the Elders of the Rainbow Family.
It was definitely one of those karmic experiences, especially after spending time reading the Mime Troupe archives researching the evolution of Free.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Dec 2001
Hello everyone, wishing all an insightful, peaceful and enlightened new year! Nicole

Name: Robert Pike
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Dec 2001
I ived at the Sutter Street Commune for a while it the early seventies. I would like to get in touch with Dennis Rubenstein and/or Irving Rosenthal. I knew Irving at the commune and Dennis both at the commune and previously in the Draft Resistance. Peace and Love ~ Bob Pike
[Bob: I let Dennis know you're looking for him. He should be contacting you
soon. Let me know if there's anything else I can do. If you have any
remembrances of the Sutter Street Commune that you'd like to share, I would love
to post them here. --Eric]

Name: Robert Pike
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Dec 2001

Name: Peter Coyote
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Dec 2001
Happy Mid-winter Solstice Eric. Thanks for keeping the site in good working order and so thorough.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Dec 2001
Peace and energy to all past, hidden, present and future Diggers in the new year.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Dec 2001
Best of the season to you Eric - and a great new year for Digger families.

E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Dec 2001
"ask and you shall receive" well ive been asking for years now, waiting, checking, waiting.still nothing. No supplies, no extras, no building materials,no fire extra 4x4s. plenty of Love and tons and tons of advice
sooooo.....Kick DOWN! 1% free thats Not too much or is it? are you an old digger? or know someone who is?? do you live in C A or south O R?? or all of the above? Black Bear Ranch is looking for you extra's. tools,building supplies,money,trucks,fire tools, 1st born. well maybe not 1st born but you get the big
pic. So E-mail me. ill even arange pick ups. or po box 3 forks of Salmon CA 96031 talk to ya soon. Dont forget the magic..

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Dec 2001
I accidentally deleted a message from someone who wrote about the 60s in Indiana and the influence even there of the Diggers via returnees from the Haight who brought the idea of Free back to the budding counterculture in the form of free food and free boxes, etc.
Please write me again. I hope you can fill in the details. I would love to add your comments here.

E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Dec 2001

Name: Pat Mckinnon
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Dec 2001
It was in 1967 that A carload of us left NYC to get to Morningstar Ranch. I came down from there to SF and hung out at the free store where I was so surprised that people were actually altruistic and giving.
thanks. Anyway, I am now 63 years old and Lou is gone as are most of the others that lived there. Ramon and I still E-mail ocassionally and I think Coyote is around there somewhere. Love and thanks Pat

Name: Karen
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Dec 2001
ahh brraahh kosko we-onnatta' ameeato howinay-yoo. Kohway-see pa, vro ma neesh dta from a rock in the wander---may LOVE be in you

Name: Arthur
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Dec 2001
Yes, Richard Mann!!!! Contact me. Arthur

Name: Hammond Guthrie
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Dec 2001
Hi all - Does anyone have a photo of either : The 5th Estate Coffeehouse once in Hollywood - or - The (original) Golden Bear in Huntington Beach? If you do please contact me by e-mail - Thanks very much. Hammond

Name: Michael Brown
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Dec 2001
Also would anyone have knowledge of Aborigines involved in the Black Panthers? Any stories, pictures or names would be appreciated. Mahalo

Name: Richard Mann
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Dec 2001
Isn't it about time for the Diggers to shake off their sleep, rise from their laurels, and get back to business of launching a revolution?
The US Constitution is under attack, and we are being led incrementally toward a totalitarian government.
The Diggers are needed again to serve as a lightening rod for social action.

Name: Michael Brown
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Dec 2001
Anyone have stories to share about Aborigines you knew or heard about in the San Francisco area during the 60/70's? Photo's would be nice too!

Name: delightful birth
E-mail Address: anywhere
Date: 06 Dec 2001
A great service profession to look into is a birth assistant. Learning techniques for easing labor for birthing women is seriosuly needed. Hospitals are understaffed and many nurses only offer the mothers painkillers instead of helping her through naturally. Learning to be a birth assistant can bring the joy back to childbirth. There are natural easy ways to deal with pain and surgical or vacuum on the head interventions can be avoided. Often mom is left alone in the labor room with nothing but a video display of her fetal monitor. Touch, movement, chanting... changing position and breathing deeply are some proven techniques. Helping the mother to feel safe and Relaxed; keeping her partner and other observers (children, relatives, friends) calm...
Honor your mother. Honor the mother of your children. Honor your daughters giving birth.
Check out your local doula school. Labor Assistants and Childbirth Educators are Needed Now.
With Aloha, from delightful birth

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Dec 2001
Happy Birthday Stew Alpert!!! Hello to Judy

Name: Jinpa
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Dec 2001
For George Harrison - "Passion mourns the quiet heart of sunshine" - Another passing in the night [r.i.p.]

Name: purpleodogstarnumber9b6
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Nov 2001
walkin down haight past the drifters, grifters, runaways,
hodads,road agents ,boohoos,suburbanites, it looked to my uneducated eyes like
india, george the beatle had walked amongst us,and we followed to the park , and it was a good day sunshine good day sunshine,

Name: barbie
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Nov 2001

Name: barbie
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Nov 2001
I think this web is psychedelic. i am a pagan hippy who is into celtic wicca . i think the music is
groovey. e_mail me. as the druid moon has past a black cat upoun you lap will bring good luck upon your travels as a hippyprinses who's love for you unravels

E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Nov 2001

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: no thank you
Date: 29 Nov 2001
An opium pipe for Achilles Snipes--his slippers not withstanding,
were breakfast and brunch, siesta and lunch,
and tea in the afternoons;
but not tea on the landing, in fashion upstanding,
not liquid, but vaporous blue;
that stank of reposes, sweeter than roses,
and raptures of marvelous hues;
which soon gave way, to dinner they say;
and anticipations to sup,
followed there soon, by the rising moon,
and libations in need of no cups.
For a midnight snack, 'twas pulled from the rack,
with needs and motives enduring;
as the dawn greets the sky, laid it down for awhile;
as abstinence catnapped resounding.
Written by my hand and as a gift for the greater community.....R.B.

E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Nov 2001

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: no thank you
Date: 29 Nov 2001

Name: CathodeMan
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Nov 2001
Hey Now Imagination - It sounds like you have a TV in your mind. Suggest you unplug it - or at least change the channel for your own sakes and get a family sized isolation tank to float around in.

Name: imagination
E-mail Address: smell sweetly
Date: 27 Nov 2001
Read in Utne Reader that the average American spends 3 hours and 46 minutes a day watching
tv. That adds up to 52 days a year (24 hour days); and a total of 9 solid years by the time one is 65 years old.
That's 9 years of 24 hour days. Quite a statistic, provided by the Neilson Ratings. Are you wondering where your life has gone?
T.V. also dulls the imagination. As Timothy Leary said, "You have to imagine it in order to create it."
and, as Elaine Brown of the Black Panthers said in the late 60's or early 70's, "We lost the Revolution to the
tv." Instead of folks going to the streets with demands for equal rights and opportunities, they were stuck in front of the tube watching Cosby and The
We have no t.v. in our home. I have homeschooled both my children. Whenever a friend approaches me with a child who cannot read I suggest they get rid of the
t.v. The parents are always incredulous. You would think I suggested they get rid of the toilet.
If you have kids, get them a costume box. Experience taught me that the best costumes are colored yard square pieces of cloth. These can become capes, veils, skirts, turbans, so many costumes. Instead of tv our family has been treated to countless shows created by our children and their friends. Plays, ballets, fashion shows, news broadcasts, all provided by grinning children.
I'm not an ostrich. I get my news from NPR, Mother Jones, Utne Reader, Village Voice,,, and Ms. magazine.
Happy holidays. Hope you enjoy inspired visions. With Aloha.

E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Nov 2001

E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Nov 2001

Name: gladiola
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Nov 2001
Thanks to the original diggers who served up those yummmy soups and stews in the panhandle and at the Free Frame of Reference. Not only was the hot food lovingly prepared and served and appreciated, but you met really great folks there.
Thanks for opening up my mind to how things outta be. With great appreciation, flower child

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Nov 2001
Mark, and Hammond: Thank you for the appreciative notes, but the real thanks goes to all the people who have donated materials to the Digger Archives over the years. Starting with Michael Horowitz, Chester Anderson, Ron
Thelin, Phyllis Willner, Sam,
Natural Suzanne, Freeman House, Peter Berg and Judy Goldhaft, Ramon Sender
Barayon, Peter Coyote, Michael Rossman, Chuck Gould, Michael Doyle, Celine
Deransart, Alice Gaillard, and many, many others. The archives represents a collective desire to preserve our history from oblivion or
worse, some sort of revisionist distortion. But, your kind notes are much appreciated. Gracias.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Nov 2001
Holiday thoughts to Diggers then and Diggers now - to the known and the ever to be unknown: - Heartfelt thanks for filling the belly of the once upon a time - and the same for now - as the way and path continue to fill our minds - as this Diggers Day is never done. - and - Eric, your service here is well appreciated but my thanks again nonetheless - Happy Thanksgiving to all at hand and to honor those no longer here to taste the succulent fare.

Name: Keltic Rasta
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Nov 2001
Thanks be for all the good that still remains; for family, in whatever form it manifests;
for all our strengths, the kindness competence & everyday wit and sinew that turn the wheels
of the world; for the poets and musicians that illuminate brighter alternate spaces; for the
inquiring minds that still would like to know; for the few you maybe don't like so much but by
opposition show you how to be more truly yourself...for the great gift from who knows what
formative Intelligence, LIFE itself. Praises to JAH, Allah, Buddha, Christ, Meher Baba,
Danu, Lugh, & whoever you revere. Praise & thanks.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2001
Thanksgiving. I don't know about the PC implications of the holiday or care much, but I would like to give some thanks to Eric Noble for the work he does here and elsewhere to keep the wheel turning. This site and the links he has provided have pointed me in new directions and helped make connections that I had thought were gone. Thanks Eric.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2001
Dear All - in case any of you wondered what it was like - please visit - The Acid Test" - and have a nice trip! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Name: old~skoolerin 64
E-mail Address: nine
Date: 19 Nov 2001
it was 64 or 65 an the heat was after this alleged intrepid traveller, as he bombed into the campus of cal western university now a christian skool,they looked every where an this buncha merry pranksters kept prankin showin footage ? whatever but the thing is nobody got busted..
did they leave in a puff, a cloud ,or a fog , or with brass cojones inbroad daylight, i was a mere frosh prints
an the grapevine delighted da night, da lights ?... dig da lights... cause the dark gets soo very deep, so they said.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2001
I was just walking down Spring street in Soho this afternoon and it's a beautiful 70 degree day...I suddenly had the strangest sensation that Emmett was walking with me...So I walked a little taller and felt a little safer and had a stronger stride in my walk...thanks Emmett, Nicole

Name: Anonymous
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2001
Hey Kim - Perhaps you are having a post-pre-natal flashback! Take the free trip and ride with it.

Name: kim kozuch
E-mail Address: ?/
Date: 15 Nov 2001
i have a strange feeling that runs through my body as i type my comment im scared to open this can of reminds me of a past that is hauntingly familiar and peculiar because somehow i am connected. iwas born in the summer of 67 and this story takes me back to the sixties and makes me realize the danger and turbelence during this time i feel a strange feeling thru my body and i do not know why? it is almost like something wants to silence me like i cant tell what i really feel but i do know i am very grateful to the people of your generation who changed my generation thankyou and i really like the diggers song it reminds me of my grandfather who was a coalminer and he kinda sings like that too

Name: Anonymous for now
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2001
At Kesey's memorial in Eugene Ken's brother Chuck noted that when he told the youngest of the clan that Ken was gone - the youngster replied: "So now whose gonna teach us to hypnotize the chickens?"
Ken in his psychedelic coffin was transported to his farm in Pleasant Hill from the service strapped to the back of the new Further Bus. Onward and Upward to trade 8's and magic tricks with those in attendance above the beyond.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2001
Just updated the "Links to this Web" page to include 100s of web sites that have links to the Digger Archives, and from which visitors came to this web during September and October of this year. Here's the page where this compilation of links is located:
It's a great way to find co-pacetic sites, and also to see how the Digger Archives are viewed by others.
Which brings me to the last point -- I'm always open to hearing suggestions on improving the content, format, structure or design of this web. Please feel free to send email or use the Feedback Form:

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2001
Another passing in the night - r.i.p
"Hail To The Chief" -
AsEver to all, Hammond

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2001
check out the Who if you don't know who I am.
so many have passed lately it's hard to know where to stop grieving and start just remembering but
who can doubt Ken Kesey was on of the giants of our time? He showed us the way when there was
no way; he touched our life; he sued the giants of Hollywood (brass balls for sure); he was
enchanted with literachure , saying ' what a disappointment the author's first work is almost always
his best.' RIP no greater man of our era.
PS: I am 49 and not a grandfather yet (as far as I know)
"Don't give up the Fight!" -- Peter Tosh

Name: Maxine Mitchell
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2001
I lived in Toronto. I hung around Yorkville before it was the community of hippies, I suppose I fell in between beat and Hippies. But I know people that went back and forth.
I helped here with the folks avoiding the draft, their families, getting them over the border and the like.
I have been involed with grassroots politics for a long time.
i also used to guard the entrance to the Northern Black Panthers, i.e., guys who were escaping the draft and were here, and part of the Black Panthers.
I know this fellow here, who said he was part of the Diggers inSan Fransico in the late 60's, he is a musican and I really do not believe him. I've looked at the available
pics, and don't see him at all. He tells a good taqle, but then we all cou;ld I guess. His name is James Hartley and he plays Bass Guitar, he told me he helped ditribute food to the needy. I don't know it is so unlike this guy to be generious at all.
he had waste long very curly hair and looked ever so cuddly, then. Blue eyes.
James Victor Hartley, if anyone remembers let me know.
He works for the taxation people here now.
I am very skeptical.
Anyway I hope you continue to do good stuff, and know that there are others trying, elsewhere.

Name: Morningstar
E-mail Address: dolphinia
Date: 10 Nov 2001
Aloha Ken. Gone to join Tim, Lou, Jerry and Aldous on the next assignment. Thank you for your laughter. Thank you for your light.

Ken Kesey (17 Sept 1935 - 10 Nov 2001)

Name: Nathan
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2001
A wonderful site!! Very Informative. Thank you for taking the time to put it on the web!!
From: “”

Name: FrankieZ
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2001
Now that is the crust on the biscuit.

Name: Justin
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2001
PS to Herbert - Why go away mad? Words are for the masses to ponder. You don't have to agree with anyone to see the tunnel or the light.

Name: Justin Case
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2001
Dear Herbert - you missed my point. The "nonexistant" reference was to the "Trip Without A Ticket" - a part of Digger history ala Peter Berg that is perhaps too illusive for you to have picked up on. My suggestions were also Digger oriented and in response to your asking for things Digger to apper on the guestbook vs. random chat. Read your history Herbert - open your head to see more than negativity in certain responses and become a neo-Digger in your actions was the advise intended - not a put down - just a freely framed reference to push you Onward!

Name: Herbert Herbert
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2001
I lied. You will hear more from me. I just reread all my postings and I feel bad that I instigated such a negative vibe. Seriously. I don't know what "maroon" means, but I feel responsible for provoking such negativity. I want to cut it off, in the name of unity for Diggers and those just plain into the Diggers whether from the 1640s or the 1960s or 2300s.

E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2001
I clicked on the link for the North Beach Beat poetry renaissance on your history page and was sent to the following:
It appears to be an advertisment.
And...I like your site, having just been reminded of the Diggers when I was told of a connection to Michael McClure. Thank you.
[Levi Asher must have got his own domain. He's now located at
His site has really grown nicely. I just don't know why his link to the Diggers
has disappeared. If anyone sees Levi, tell him the Digger web is still going
strong! Thanks for the alert! --en]

Name: Bugs
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2001
What a maroon!

Name: Herbert Herbert
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2001
I don't need moralistic lectures from a stranger about all the humanitarian actions I should be doing. You assume, Justin Case, that because I'm critical of this website that I'm an "impure" Digger who doesn't do anything worthwhile ("non-existant ticket" you called it). I guess you'll have to purge me from the Digger Party. So be it. I'll be doing all those things that you assume I DON'T do without your official approval. Thank you.
You won't hear any more from me.

Name: Justin Case
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2001
Ok Herbert: Here's a quick list of 4 things Digger for you to do instead of punching your
non-existant ticket one to many times:
1. Find a hungry person and feed that person from your own refrigerator (or someone else's if yours is empty).
2. Find a homeless person and if you can't offer a shelter - give him/her the clothes off your back and all the money in your pockets.
3. Find an illiterate person and teach him/her something useful.
4.Remember that you can't beat what you don't understand - so read the words of Hitler, Saddam, and Ghengis Khan before you forget the past.

Name: Humbert Hobart Humbug!
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2001
Dear Herbert - If you can't feed the stomachs of the people then feed their minds. If nostalgia is your end desire then perhaps you should visit! Diggers here and there can not nourish you by remembering the past unless it applies to the present. Better to ask where your freely framed reference has gone. You and I and all the world are still "Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace" whether you like it or not - so find your program and run with it . Complaining about what was more thant 30 years ago yesterday will only dig you deeper into the mire vs. digging you out .

Name: Herbert Herbert
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2001
I guess this is the amnesia site. Doesn't anyone post anything related to the actual Diggers? I've found crumbs of good information wedged into the bountiful
anarcho-solipsist blather, but can't we all get to the point?!? This is a Diggers website, not a
chatroom, for chrissakes! And who's this fascist posting about "USrael" and "ZOG"? That's white supremacist drivel, even if it comes from the mind of a
pseudo-anarcho-Muslim lunatic. Of course, it also has nothing to do with the Diggers.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2001
"4 Haikus From Hell"

Name: cheweycenterspunkineaters
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2001
streets belong to the people?....began home from those same ...
holy streets...homeless laundromat
invited to take a spin...
smile, can't they? fit in ; feed the world.

Name: Anonymous For The Moment
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2001
And here is another view of the 60's worth checking:

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Nov 2001
Ther are a lot of different viewpoints of the sixties.
This is my view.

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Nov 2001
Ther are a lot of different viewpoints of the sixties.
This is my view.

Name: Cheryl Lynne
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2001
Try the email again, it should go through ( Thank you for writing, I remember you, Kay Anne and I would love to have the sayings of our father that you remember.
Cheryl Lynne

Name: Bruce Martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2001
Cheryl Lynne
It was Kaye Ann that was Jed's girlfriend at Lost River Ranch with Cloe in what's now known as Whale Gulch, west of Garberville. She was sixteen. Your e-mail boomerranged so I can't talk to you directly. I collected quotes of your fathers, such as "what lies would you have my truth defend?" Over the years I've realized that it's all geographical. We want our own space, and that's extremely difficult, given the development we must sustain.

Name: farhan
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2001
hi i am male 29 years, wanna friendship with girls

Name: Bruce Martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Oct 2001
Cheryl Lynne, remember the railroad house when we moved from Owl Street in the mission. You were maybe thirteen.
Your dad and I would truck down to see Tom Brame. I had a 47 chevy panel truck, lived in the back room and helped pay the rent. I was what you would describe as creepy. Kaye Ann would show up and so did Owl who was becoming an adept at (I can't remember it's name) a martial art. He was good. I recall the diggers meeting one night at some warehouse where owl performed, and he made a movement that wasn't so much blurred as you couldn't see it. I'll get in touch with you through your e-mail. How's mom? When I came west to see Jed, Mary Anne's old boy-friend, I got such a cold wind from Eileen that I didn't pursue Mary Ann. I figure she probably hates me for enabling JP. I don't blame her. We could talk, Mary Ann and I, into the night. Her Polish affection is what probably sent Richard
Marley to Prague.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Oct 2001
Dear S - Glad that you find the site helpful, and perhaps it will add a bit of entertainment as well. - H.
Dear Diggers All and Everyone of you - Dialogue is one of our most important products these days so I encourage you all to Speak! - Write! and Think! your minds here, there and everywhere. I come to this site more these days because post-Digger philosophy and action is needed now more that ever before. As the Defense Department has called for suggestions from the general public on how best to eliminate the terrorist phantom - I call upon Diggers old and new - Digger friends then and now - to fill the virtual air with suggested actions on how best to dissolve the fear - and feed the mind for Freedom's sake! Stay in touch - Cheers to all at hand, Hammond (a traveler and friend of Diggers then and now)
And if you want yet another example of my recent thought - please visit "More Than Twice Upon A Time" with my appreciation at:

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2001
Hey, Hammond --
Thanks & a tip of the hat. Your website is great...Peace and Power...over and out -- S~

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2001
Good Morning Seeker - Anxiety angst and unknown disorientation can be overwhelming to be sure. To counter it I suggest internal meditations (I for one follow the inspirational guidance of Tibetan thought and spiritual exploration - but choose your own medicine. Writing and knowledge of the day as best as I can find it are my other avenues of balance. I tend to stay away from the stateside press - and view the headlines and Op-Ed articles from a diverse array of
news-sourse from around the world by using a site I have created to assist myself - and others in understanding and comprehending the Bush/Islamic jihad and the struggles the lay ahead. You can visit my Serial Red Monkey at:
Or you might take some solace in the words of my wife Margaret , who said to me just the other day: "Yes my dearest one I know it's the end of the world - now if you will excuse me I have some laundry to do."
Namaste - Hammond -

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Oct 2001
Listen to The Doors' "The End" if you care for a poetic version of the soundtrack to the movie
that's most in focus around here right now. If any of you deep thinkers has some pragmatic
advice how to cope with the current apocalyptic scene, please leave a clue here.
I don't believe ANYTHING mainstream, just tryin like hell to keep well and sane.
Seriously could use a little wisdom or even good advice.
still in sorrow -- yr faithful correspondent

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Oct 2001
Hey there anonymous (revisited) - Again from Bill B's collective: "Words falling - photos falling - breakthough in gray room - Towers Open Fire!" - (The Naked Lunch) - And here is another gray day effort :
Keeping the faith based lamps trimmed and burning - Cheers, Hammond

Name: anonymous again
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Oct 2001
hey hammond. remember burroughsian image? middle eastern head of state, talking head, on tv stating "if i go, the whole shithouse goes." welcome to the 21st century! "A" type personalities losing control -- where is the
prosac? chinese curse "may you live in interesting times."

Name: Irwin and Patricia Levy
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2001
We were among the fortunate guests to attend your lecture at Santa Rosa Junior College on Oct 22, 2001. Please advise when you are going to put on your web site the article you read by Lt Col Dave Bowman. That was a beautiful letter. Thank you Mr Coyote for bringing a clearer insight to our government.

E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Oct 2001

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2001
Comments me when you get in to NYC if you have a minute...I live in the west village and well...I think we saw eachother at Bergs 60th b-day...already 4/5 yrs ago. I'll e my phone number to you.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2001
Well now that didn't work well - sorry. Here is a link to a correctly formatted version of "Powdered Triplets." - Hammond -

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2001
To AnAnonymous Digger - Ask and ye shall receive - and with my thanks for your appreciation. - - Cheers to all - Hammond
- - - -
"Powdered Triplets"
As dried rhizomes of hellebore
tainted the water of Kirrhan’s pastense
so does this noxiouos anthrax bloom.
Talcum powders and pudding mix
white powdered airplane coffe cups
stray styrofoam flotsam doom.
Cornstarch and powdered doorknobs
precede sticky letters foreboding fear
amid the transparent scent of toxicity.
The highly unusual suspect themselves
huddling in gas mask basements
cracking in the post-genomic now.
Shouting complex slogans
storm the sanctum sanctorum’s
weapons-grade directive update blather.
Oh Life! - Dear - Dear Life!
Where has that light -
with its tunnel and end
through which it sheds now gone?
(C) 2001 - Hammond Guthrie
An Archival Link :

E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Oct 2001
swami g said if a mans' house is on fire he should not play cards, should he be engaged in commerce?..should he be demanding top dollar for his medicine..?i mean if his house is already ablaze...?

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2001
Will be trekking to New York City in the coming days, so will be out of touch with the 'Net for awhile. Hold down the fort, keep those spirits high.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2001
Susan, try this e-mail e-dress. Did I tell you I met your daughter at Bergs? She told me about the retracing of the southwest trip the two of you took...It seems sometimes like only yesterday we were in Farasita or up above Boulder there in Gold Hill and Ward...The other day I was thinking about Coso Street, that was a million years ago! I'd love to hear from you, warm regards, Nicole

Name: susan k
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Oct 2001
Hey Marcelo, there is also a novel by a woman named Starhawk, called 'The Fifth Sacred Thing' i believe, that fits that description.
Nicole, I have emailed you several times and keep getting it sent back....
Lets remember to celebrate this beautiful world every possible minute... we need to figure out a way to make it good for everyone, not just us. Don't give up. Every cataclysm or disaster opens up opportunities for transformation. LIsten for instructions...

Name: whatelseisnew
E-mail Address: watchful eye
Date: 23 Oct 2001
In an article titled, "Bush Sr. Could Profit From War," by Geoffrey Gray, Gray states, "President Bush has a post as a paid senior adviser to the Carlyle Group, a private Washington equity firm that according to The
New York Times has essentially become the nation's 11th largest defense contractor."
"Carlyle's investors include the Bin Laden family, which has disowned its terrorist son
Osama; Bush Sr.; and former Bush inner guard members Nick Carlucci and James Baker. Judicial Watch says all involved stand to
benefit from any increase in U.S. defense spending. "
check it out at

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Oct 2001
Two for One
You sit beside the branches stretched shadow
Touching the streams cool clear flow,
I lean at the clock listening for the last tenth
Remembering Monday Night Football might help me sleep.

Name: anonymous
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Oct 2001
hey hammond, thanks. got any more of that stuff?

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Oct 2001
Gah Day Diggers: They say a poem a day keeps the anthrax away - so here it is; - cheers, Hammond
"Strands of Red Hair"
Oh I have lived within a red hair of terrorist death -
The day before Carlos the Jackal
threw his hand grenade into Le Drugstore in Paris
I was standing in the doorway
Three hours before an IRA bomb
destroyed a London tube station
I was standing six feet from ground zero
One hour before a San Francisco manic
killed a corner grocery patron with a rusty hacksaw blade
I had purchased an orange at the store
Red hairs come in the most natural and un-natural flavors
While crossing the Atlantic on a prop-jet in late 1950's air
I encountered Hurricane Donna's turbulent rage,
and outside my window seat an engine caught flame
Or at the age of 5 while observing the silver threads
of Nevada’s atomic atmosphere -
from my front porch in California
Red hairs at hand sleeping in the body of mankind
undetected virus' as simple as pneumonia
awaiting a temperate clime
Antiquitous anthrax
fifth and sixth plagues of Exodus
"Black Bane" chthonian-spore
Koch’s postulate
the first bacterial sleaze
to be immunized against
Yet within this melting democratic pot
there roils a chimeric melange
awaiting the vengeant tide of mankind’s folly
A fossil’s creed
the black diaspora’s post cellular migration
to a homeland where essentially nothing thrives
"Ring around the rosies
a pocket full of posies
a tishoo, a tishoo
we all fall down"
Infectious buboes disfiguration horror
hacking, bloodstained coughs
and charnel pits quickened with lime
house a dismissed plague’s delusion past
Alone together along the horizon waits
a momentense down beat from time’s
unfathomable reverberating now -
alone together along this horizon awaits
Those who remain standing
here and everywhere
longing for the smell of London’s Tube
the Metro’s electric tang,
or the stank of an Amsterdam canal
Standing here in America
come out come out wherever you are
oh where is the common woman-man
longing - oh dearly longing
for a day of infinite charm
“Alone alost along the riverrun” of
or “over the hills and through the dales" of
as does this momentense in time
so sorely upon my shore
(C) 2001 - Hammond Guthrie

Name: marcelo
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Oct 2001
Hey, That's the book. Thank you really, very much. Now I will have to find it. It was never published down here, so I'll have to buy from Amazon and wait 1 or 2 months. But that's OK. Thank you anyway Michael.

Name: marcelo
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2001
Hi Michael
I really don´t know if that´s the book I am searching. I was really looking for a hint. Now I will try to find it and see if that´s what I am looking for.
Thanks a lot

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2001
Your spirit is a bit of fresh air. Out here on the West Coast, far from
ManhattAn, the tragedy is distant and still dream-like. I have been going to San Francisco a day or two each week since the event and the weather has been warm and beautiful, the city has a relaxed feeling and it seems if you don't make an effort to think of the conflict it's easy to let it go. I sat on Church St. at a grocery drinking a cold ice tea last Friday and it was hard to sit there so angry trying to define what has and is going on. Your comment on staying in Manhattan bringing you definition hit home. I was struck today by Yoko Ono's comments in Rolling Stone Mag particularly the part about the polls showing support of the war machine winding up to speed. Nobody asked me either. Peace.

Name: Michael Black
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2001
It's a shame that discussion ends up in the guestbook.
Are you thinking of "Ecotopia" by Ernest Callenbach?
It came out in 1975, and while it is labelled a "novel"
it could very easily fit into the science fiction section.
He came out with a sequel some years later, though I
can't remember the title. He had already written a book
"Living Poor with Style", which was a practical book;
I remember Ecotopia seemed to be an extension of it.
Eventually, he came out with a new edition of "Living Poor"
and title it the "Ecotopian Encyclopedia".
I don't know how much of it set the bioregional movement
and how much it reflected it. In the early eighties,
there was a non-fiction book, "The Nine Nations of
North America", about how the continent could easily
split into natural segments based on region, and the
Pacific Northwest was titled "Ecotopia", I always
assumed from the book. And in the late seventies, there
was a magazine, titled something like "Seratum", with
the Ecotopia in the subtitle.
It's been years since I read the book. I don't remember
much about it, and I think while one could say it
was based on "hippie values", it could just as easily
be based on values of ecology, etc. I've seen the same
concept in other books, that were written later, so
perhaps you are thinking of something else.

Name: marcelo
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2001
Hi, I´ve been studying everything about the 60´s and the hippies. Sometime ago I heard about a book that is like a sci-fi that told the story of Northern California that split from USA and created a country based on the hippies philosophy. I don´t know nothing else. Does anybody know the name and/or the author of this book?

Name: David Savage
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Oct 2001
My new CD "Songs of War" at <a href=""></a>

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Oct 2001
Hi Mark, Well it's seems to me there's a clear distiction between those who simply are not afraid even though...and those that are petrified. There is definately a commaradere in the air that wasn't here before. People concerned about the man or woman you happen to pass in the street...people I passed every day on the way to my subway stop each morning, ask "by the way, what's your name, I mean we pass eachother every day?''that sort of thing. The air still smells really bad in my neighborhood...our dog sleeps in the bathroom, in the bath tub...the only room in the apartment w/o a window...the only time in 13 years he's ever done that before is severe thunder storms...I think he smells death...and twisted metal...burning electrical wires...bad stuff. But even with the anthrax scare, the subway is it's usual can of sardines at rush hour...although there's national guard and police highly visable at most stations. I am glad to be here at this point for some reason...I don't know, it gives me some definition I think...I can't quite explain it. and now autumn is here and as I walk down Hudson Street towards home I can smell woodsmoke from those lucky enough to have working fire places in their
apts...leaves beginning to turn...that slight chill from the northeast in the air. And a very clear Blue sky. regards, Nicole

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Oct 2001
Hey Nicole, how do things seem in Manhatten now?

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2001
whodunnit...I was in Maui when they filmed that...we were all at Bruce
Baxters...loose bruce for those of you who remember him...I had a close encounter of the third kind during the filming of that...myself and everyone there. Quicksilver Messenger Service were there at that time too on Oahu and they saw it also. I've never seen the movie and always wanted to. Thanks for the info...Nicole

Name: Victor Onyeaka Achukka
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2001
I am a christian .Because of difficulties I left my country (Nigeria) now staying Ivory coast in search of job but yet have no job as even the Ivorians are even searching for job .Please Ineed help as I am finding life a hell here , even to eat for day is my greatest problem.I you can help me to your country and help me to obtain a kind of job so that I can be able to help myself to God shall be the glory . I am even promising to pay back any money spend for the help as soon as I start working.
Please,dear do not forsake me, I am pleading you for Gods sake through Jesus christ who died for our sins
May God bless you.

Name: Victor Onyeaka Achukka
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Oct 2001
I am a christian .Because of difficulties I left my country (Nigeria) now staying Ivory coast in search of job but yet have no job as even the Ivorians are even searching for job .Please Ineed help as I am finding life a hell here , even to eat for day is my greatest problem.I you can help me to your country and help me to obtain a kind of job so that I can be able to help myself to God shall be the glory . I am even promising to pay back any money spend for the help as soon as I start working.
Please,dear do not forsake me, I am pleading you for Gods sake through Jesus christ who died for our sins
May God bless you.

Name: Whodunnit
E-mail Address: euphoria
Date: 15 Oct 2001
Rainbow Bridge with Jimi Hendrix is available in VHS from Filmed in July, 1970 on Maui, it has some pearls as well as some grand music. A flash to the past.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: HEYJ0E222
Date: 14 Oct 2001
We stay in New York because that is our home...if you havent lived it you may never understand...We are much closer to each other than before..... New Yorkers are a resilient, determined bunch

Name: Hammond Guthrie
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Oct 2001
Dear Diggers - On 2nd Note:
My co-editor and I have prepared the following pages to assist othersin understanding and comprehending the Bush/Islamic jihad.
We would appreciate dissemination of the URL to the
widest possible audience.
Hammond Guthrie - Portland, Oregon
Gavin Keeney - NYC, NY
The Red Monkey Serial Editors

Name: Hammond Guthrie
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Oct 2001
Dear Digger - and friends of Diggers, Another day passes and so does an old friend of some - to those of you who don't already know - Milan passed away in Mexico - and I send this memoric to those who cared - to those lucky one's who shared the moment with this epic man - namaste - Hammond : ------
"Memo To Milan" -
For Goodness Sake's Old Man -
You've Gone and Done It Now -
Or Its Been Done To You -
Gone Down To Mexico - and -
For Goodness Sake’s Say Hello -
Hello To God and Janis, Mimi, Del, and John -
Say Hello To Everyone Who's Gone On Done -
This Memory's Then and Now -
So Long Old Boy - So Long Old Friend -
and So This Last Shall Go -

Name: north coast specials
E-mail Address: bignugsforyou@patch
Date: 12 Oct 2001

Name: incredulous
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Oct 2001
Why do they stay in NY? I have family in NYC and they are lock solid determined to stay in NYC. My daughter in law works 5 blocks from gound zero, a niece attends colllege near ground zero. They insist the air is fine but i read reports of how toxic it is and smells.
My brother treats me like chicken little. of course, i've always been outside the ranks since i moved to some of those hippie communes in the 60's. Glad i did!

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Oct 2001
That would GBush doing the shooting and the Afghans with whoever is next being the turkeys. Just wanted to make that clear. For all that didn't know Bush announced we have air superiority of the sorry-ass Afhani defenses. Remember the American triumph at Grenada! Where the hell did I put my flag?

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Oct 2001
Lie in wait for what? This is a fucking turkey shoot.

Name: usman
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Oct 2001

E-mail Address: bonedigger9 @yahoo
Date: 10 Oct 2001
"FROM EACH ACCORDING TO HIS POWER TO EACH ACCORDING TO HIS NEEDS":ending exploitation and greed, corporate style
greed a daunting task to be sure , an actor out on loan a dog without a bone,i had to work for fascists , corporatists and assorted halfassed halfbaked geeks most of my life iam illin to be sure,iam presently lookin for work,
a pair of dice eyes ,tossin an tumblin freeform.whole cloth
amorphous and vague intentionally dont wanna sell cars mama i dont wanna die i dont wanna be a lawyer mama i dont wanna lie: to be free is to be free to penetrate,infiltrate
and lie in wait, lets try a little cunning the bombast...streets belong to the people...on gdubs watch whattya
spect ...

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Oct 2001
To think that killing, shedding blood and violence
could ever end killing, shedding blood and violence
is the craziest thinking in the world
And in our hearts we KNOW THAT.
And it doesn't matter who did what to who
when where how why
killing, shedding blood and violence
will only get killing, shedding blood and violence
revenge is no more noble than attack
It's time to STOP the MADDNESS!!!
Its time to Stand Up for Peace. Talk it. Spread it.
Spread the idea of Peace
with Heart and Soul
'til it engulfs the Earth
And Heals our Planet.
If we Dream it
It will Be
We need to quit listening to the Media
and Listen to Our Hearts
Stop the War
Seek Justice instead of Revenge
and Pray for Peace on Earth.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Oct 2001
I don't get it either. I swear I sensed him choking on his words the first time I saw it. Coyote obviously has his own reasons and we are not privy to them but for me the door is opened to a larger question. What are the limits or definitions of the left now? It is certainly time to redefine ourselves and focus on the world in the now. Questions like where do we want the American society to go after September 11th? Do we accept that violence is the payback in order to remain a governed culture so the work of the left to influence the morality of it can continue? Are we standing in the shadow of a new militarist paranoid regime? Nixon/Reagan/Bush Jr., the lineage isn't good. Is killing back the only real way to deal with the attacks? Will Bill Maher be the first before the new House of Un-American Activities? Are we as a country to decide whether the violence cycle is wrong for other peoples? Is the current version of democracy dying in the White House tonight and the 1950's version back on the charts with a bullet? The pendulum is swinging wide and heavy. Coyote's effort may seem misguided and it probably is but it sure stirs the shit. Speak up!

Name: outraged
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Oct 2001
the ultimate insult to the memory of emmet grogan and the digger free ideal is the television ad that peter coyote made for general motors in the week after september 11:
this from the same actor who so righteoiusly denounces the US for bombing iraq. for shame for shame, coyote!

Name: H
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Oct 2001
I am trying to teach kids about Protest Art, as a way for them to address social and political issues and to contemplate notions of identity, and also make great Art, of course.
Have been having trouble finding good examples of work to show them and would like to get my hands on old Digger Art work, such as the Free City poster etc.
I would greatly appreciate your help.
Take care, H.

Name: H
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Oct 2001
It's been great to find you down in there amoungst the garbage. It gives me peace of mind to know that there are Diggers still out there
The oldest Anachist publishers in London 'Freedom Press' is just down the road
Am interested in Protest Art, would like examples of Digger Art work for school Art project, can anyone help.
Keep in touch

Name: huck jordan
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Oct 2001
hello from the virgin islands
went looking for the oracle site
i think you had links
i been building a photo history of sf and big sur during the sixties
went many digger shows
see some picks at
or main page
i have documented almost every thing along
some i cant publish yet
keep me posted
a old hippie

Name: old curmudgeon
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Oct 2001
just what we need -- another ad.
UGLY people in Ohio

Name: Cheryl Lynne Pickens Rubbo
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Oct 2001
Please join in a prayer for President Bush
Imagine what the effect would be if every single American held President George Bush in their hearts and minds for a few moments, praying or visualizing (knowing beyond certainty) that he is making decisions that benefit positively all the citizens of America and all the citizens of the world.
If we as Americans could set aside whatever political ideologies we may have, whatever differences of opinion we may have with President Bush, and whatever differences of opinion we may have with each other, uniting completely as a country for just a few minutes, we can be a part of making the world a better place for all of us.
We would like to ask all Americans to join in on Thursday, October 11, 3:00 pm EST, 12:00 pm PST, to say a five minute prayer for President George Bush. Thank you.
Please pass this along.
Donald & Cheryl Lynne Rubbo

Name: Big C Lawn & Landscape Co.
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Oct 2001
[ ] ... (513) 232-3989 ... BiG C Lawn & Landscape ... Cincinnati LANDSCAPING!!! ... Dedicated professionals providing lawn care, landscaping and hardscaping services all through Greater Cincinnati ... cincinnati mulch, Cincinnati mulch, mulching, plants, plant, flowers, beds, bed installation, maintenance, shrubs, shrub, tree service, trees, landscapes, lawns, landscape installation, landscaping service, lawn, mulch ...

E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Oct 2001
hey old diggers...i finally visited this site. hey billy merdock.. email me! where's your brother.never saw so much chit chat as these
webbies. too now... p.coyote and chuck said there was this site. still took me three years to visit.
well hello to any that remember me from back then.... here in seattle..getting ready to do the peace arch border thing for native sovereignty 10/07/ as usaual in america stopped 9/11/01.
i actually got to hear the earth for a change.. without traffic and planes..sad for the lost ones..especially the america feels what others feel!

E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Oct 2001
i finally visited this site. hey billy merdock.. email me! where's your brother.never saw so much chit chat as these
webbies. too now... p.coyote and chuck said there was this site. still took me three years to visit.
well hello to any that remember me from back then.... here in seattle..getting ready to do the peace arch border thing for native sovereignty 10/07/ as usaual in america stopped 9/11/01.
i actually got to hear the earth for a change.. without traffic and planes..sad for the lost ones..especially the america feels what others have feel!

Name: Cheryl Lynne Pickens Rubbo
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Oct 2001
My sister, KayAnne, and I recently completed a tribute book to our father, J.P. Pickens, that includes photos and remembrances of the whole man from his friends. He was an incredibly gifted musician/artist, and we are interested in collecting more stories about him, if anyone out there would like to contact me. From his early days playing music at the Coffee Gallery in North Beach up to his tragic death at 36. PLEASE, we know the horror stories, we are looking for who he was as a loving friend and creative soul. Thank you very much.
Cheryl Lynne Pickens Rubbo
My husband Donald and I founded a nonprofit healing arts organization, named in honor of my brother, Paul D. Pickens II Research Foundation (Owl passed away in 1995). You can visit our website at (the website is in Flash, to view it you can download Flash at

Name: aamir
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Oct 2001
i love friendship with my age boys and girls.i want to love with everyone.i love nature and

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Sep 2001
The Guestbook entries for 2001 (up to the last day of September) have been moved to the new "Guestbook 2001" page due to the huge number of entries which made loading the page extremely slow. After we finish the next three months, I will move any new entries to this page into this new GB 2001 page.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2001
I agree. Get to the friggin' point, Bud. I can take a class somewhere
if needed but then again I can just go on to the next post. Too many words
and too many egos. I went to the anti-war rally in SF today, anyone else
there? Any observations?

Name: dirtydirtyfilthyfilthyhipsterflipst
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2001
sorry to be a nay sayer but is this place the appropriate forum for
quasi historic "war an peace" type posts sic. see
below."cut to the chase"...learn "netiquette?"

Name: Celik S.
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Sep 2001
Today's Horrible TERRORIST is U.S.&Zion Imperialism...This
Modernized Mafia coalition systematical violate Geneva Conventions: A
statement of Prof. Francis Anthony BOYLE on Palestinian Revolt and
International Law -Perspectives and analysis by the Independent Jurists of
"...I am not here this evening to go through the entire history of
the USraeli-Palestinian conflict. That would require an entire course. But
I do want to talk about the current situation with hundreds of
Palestinians shot down dead like dogs in the street by the USraeli army
with weapons provided by the U. S. gov. and the U. S. taxpayers -- that
means you and me. It appeared this summer that, if you listened to the
news media, we were on the verge of peace; and now, there is a horrible
war. What happened? And why? We have to go back to the peace negotiations
that were initiated by President Bush in 1991 starting in Madrid and then
continuing in Washington, D.C. It was my great honor to have served as the
Legal Adviser to the Palestinian Delegation to the Mideast Peace
Negotiations. ...and in the Fall of 1992, they asked me to analyze the
occupational power's Peace Proposal that was given to them in the
negotiations. When negotiations started in the Fall of 1991, nothing
happened. They were under fanatic-liar Shamir of the Likhud party, then
Prime Minister of USrael. There were no reasonable good-faith negotiations
at all. Indeed, he admitted that his whole objective was to stall for the
next ten years. But Likhud lost the election in the Spring of 1992, Labor
came to power under Prime Minister Rabin and they finally tendered a
proposal in the Fall of 1992. I was asked to analyze it. And the precise
question given to me by the Palestinian Peace Team was: "Tell us what
is the closest historical analogue to what they are offering us
here!" And I went back to my hotel room and spent an entire day
reading through the document, came back and reported:" A bantustan,
they are offering you a bantustan." Akin to the banstustans that the
apartheid Afrikaaner regime had established for the Black People in the
Republic of South Africa. And I proceeded to go through the entire
document pointing out that basically this Peace Proposal carried out
Begin's disinterpretation of the Camp David Accords, which was rejected by
U.S. President Jimmy Carter, that all they called for was autonomy for the
people and not for the land as well. After consultations among themselves,
and under the Chairmanship of His Excellency Dr. Haidar Abdul Shaffi, the
Palestinian Delegation rejected this Bantustan Proposal. What happened
next is that the USraeli government took the Bantustan Proposal and opened
up a secret channel of negotiations in Norway and presented the Bantustan
Proposal in secret unknown to the Peace Delegation, unknown to almost all
of the leadership of the Palestinian People, let alone the Palestinian
People themselves. And this Bantustan Proposal became the Oslo Agreement
that was signed on the White House steps on September 13, 1993. It was for
that reason that His Excellency Dr. Haidar Abdul Shaffi refused as a
matter of principle to attend the signing ceremony. And what happened then
starting in 1993 was that the U.S. working with USrael attempted to impose
a Bantustan model on the Palestinian People. Now, you might ask yourself:
Why would President Yassir Arafat accept and sign a Bantustan Proposal for
his People? I really don't know. He did not discuss this matter with me.
He did discuss it with Dr. Abdul Shaffi. I was not privy to that
conversation. But in fairness to President Arafat, I believe he felt that
he would take what was offered to the Palestinian People by Jews community
and the U.S. even if he knew it was a Bantustan and try to prove his good
faith and the good faith of the Palestinian People, that they were willing
to live in peace with USrael and the immigrated Jews -- that they would go
through a trial test period of five years of this Bantustan model and at
the end of the five years there would then be a legitimate Palestinian
State. Unfortunately this is not what happened. The U.S. and USrael
continued to impose their Bantustan Model on the Palestinian People
throughout the course of the Oslo process and indeed even after the
expiration of Oslo. That then brings us to this Summer -- the so-called
Camp David Negotiations. This was not the idea of the Palestinian
leadership; rather it was the idea of liar Barak with the support of
President Clinton. Basically, Clinton pressured the leadership of the
Palestinian People into accepting a permanent Bantustan arrangement for
the West Bank and Gaza Strip and of course, for that reason, it failed.
The negotiations at Camp David failed. Now, at that point, President
Clinton proceeded to blame the leadership of the Palestinian People for
rejecting a Bantustan and then proceeded to illegally threaten the
movement of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Qudüs if President Arafat
did not accept the Bantustan Proposal permanently, which he refused to do
and to his credit. That being said, on September 28, former General Ariel
Sharon, the Butcher of Sabra and Shatilla, the man responsible for the
massacre of 2 000 innocent Palestinians at the refugee camps of Sabra and
Shatilla, the architect of the USraeli invasion of Lebanon, that killed 20
000 people in Lebanon, a man cashiered by his own government, at that time
appeared at Haram al Sharif in Qudüs -- the big plateau -- the third
holiest site in Middle East -- where it's the Al Aqsa Mosque on the one
hand and the Dome of the Rock on the other, where Mohammed ascended to
Heaven -- surrounded by about 1 000 troops undoubtedly with the approval
of Fascist liar Barak. They knew exactly what they were doing. They knew
exactly what the reaction of the Palestinian People would be to this
provocation and desecration. And if there was any doubt about it, the
USraeli Army returned the next day and shot dead several Palestinians on
Haram al Sharif, thus setting off what has come to be known as the Al Aqsa
Infada, in support of the Al Aqsa Mosque. ... on 7 October 2000, the
United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution that is extremely
important. The vote was fourteen to zero -- the U.S. gov. abstained. It
did not go for; it did not go against; it abstained. The U.S. gov. could
have vetoed this resolution, but it did not. And so it is a matter of
binding international law. I won't go through the entire resolution, but I
do want to spend a few moments commenting on its most important
provisions. Paragraph 1: The Security Council "deplores the
provocation carried out at Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Qudüs on 28 September
2000 and the subsequent violence there...." Notice, the Security
Council by a vote of 14 to 0 made it very clear that it was Human Butcher
Sharon's desecration of the Haram al-Sharif with the support of bsatard
Barak that is responsible for the start of the current round of bloodshed
and warfare in occupied Palestinian Lands today. Nothing could be further
from dispute than this point adopted 14 to 0 by the Security Council. Even
the U. S. did not go against that determination. Notice in paragraph 3,
again the Security Council 14 to 0, "Calls upon USrael, the occupying
Power...." Occupying power has a definite meaning in international
law. USrael occupies the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the entire City of
Qudüs. USrael is what we lawyers call a belligerent occupant. USrael has
no sovereignty over the West Bank and Gaza Strip, or the entire City of
Qudüs. USrael is not the sovereign. It occupies these Palestinian Lands.
And so what we see here is a struggle between the belligerent occupant
USrael (Z.O.G.-i.n.) against the Palestinian People living on their own
lands. Belligerent occupation is governed by The Hague Regulations of
1907, as well as the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. So USrael has no
sovereignty over the West Bank and Gaza Strip and Qudüs. This is not
their land as far as the Security Council is concerned, as far as
international law is concerned, as far as the entire international
community is concerned, even as far as the U.S.A. is concerned. This is
not USraeli land. The West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the entire City of
Jerusalem -- this is occupied Land. And all of these areas are subject to
The Hague Regulations of 1907, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, and
the Customary Laws of Belligerent Occupation. USrael is not the sovereign.
And when you read in the Jews' newspapers saying, well this is our land,
it isn't. Again, the Security Council determined 14 to 0, it is not their
land. And that has been the case for the West Bank and Gaza Strip since
the war of 1967. That has been the case for East Qudüs since the war of
1967. As for West Qudüs, the world has never recognized USrael's
annexation of West Qudüs either. That is why the U.S. Embassy and the
Embassies of almost every country in the world that has diplomatic
relations with USrael, except for a few banana republics that have been
bought and paid for, have their embassies in Tel Aviv and not Qudüs.
Second, paragraph 3 "Calls upon USrael, the occupying Power, to abide
scrupulously by its legal obligations and its responsibilities under the
Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in
a Time of War of 12 August 1949...." Again, the vote 14 to 0. The
Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the
entire City of Qudüs, in order to protect Palestinians. The Palestinian
People living in these Lands are "protected persons" within the
meaning of the Fourth Geneva Convention. All of their rights are sacred
under international law. Under international law the Palestinian People
have more rights than you or I or anyone else sitting in this hall today.
There are over 147 articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention that protect
the rights of every one of these Palestinians. And as we are seeing today,
the USraeli power is violating and has in the past been violating, the
rights of the Palestinian People under the Fourth Genève Convention.
Indeed, violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention are war crimes. So this
is not a symmetrical situation. The USraeli army, occupying army here;
Palestinian civilians over there -- and their rights are protected by
those over 147 articles. That is very clear -- nothing could be clearer.
And as a matter of fact, the gross violation of Palestinian rights by the
USraeli army in occupied Palestinian Lands constitutes war crimes. Indeed,
it's far more serious than that. The United Nations Human Rights
Commission sent a Special Rapporteur to occupied Palestinian Lands to
investigate the situation that has occurred as a result of the Al Aqsa
Intifada. And the U.N. Human Rights Commission then adopted a resolution
condemning USrael for violating the Fourth Geneva Convention, its rights
as a belligerent occupant, and stating that USraeli policies constitutes
"a war crime and a crime against humanity." Let me repeat that:
"a war crime and a crime against humanity." I think we all have
a general idea of what a war crime is and I'm not going to lecture on that
here. There are different varieties of war crimes. There are the more
serious "grave breaches" of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and we
see that every day -- willful killing of Palestinian civilians by the
Israeli army is a grave breach mandating universal prosecution for these
war crimes. But I want to focus for a moment on "a crime against
humanity" -- as determined by the U.N. Human Rights Commission set up
pursuant to the United Nations Charter. What is a crime against
humanity?... ... This is where the concept of crime against humanity was
formulated and came from. And this is what the U.N. Human Rights
Commission is now saying that Israel is doing to the Palestinian People. A
crime against humanity.... ... codify the concept of a crime against
humanity. And that treaty ultimately became the 1948 Genocide Convention.
You will note the U.N. Human Rights Commission does not go so far as to
condemn Zionst Occupational Gang for committing genocide against the
Palestinian People. But it has condemned them for committing a crime
against humanity, which is the precursor to genocide. And I submit that if
something is not done quite soon by the American People and the U.S. gov.
to stop USraeli war crimes and crimes against humanity against the
Palestinian People, it could very well degenerate into genocide, if it is
not there already. Now, that is, I think, a fair and accurate legal
characterization of the situation and you will note even the United States
Government did not veto the Security Council Resolution although it did
oppose the U.N. Human Rights Commission Resolution which is not
unexpected. Now today we've heard a proposal from the traditionally
fanatical liars of Z.O.G. to accelerate negotiations with the Palestinian
People. All I've read are the press accounts and his descriptions of it.
It does appear to me that he continues to intend to impose his Bantustan
model upon the Palestinian People. Personally I have always been of the
opinion along with my client and my friend Dr. Haidar Abdul Shaffi that
the Bantustan model will never work. That if the U.S. and USrael attempt
to continue imposing the Bantustan model, or even somehow bully, threaten,
intimidate and coerce President Arafat into signing a Bantustan agreement,
it will never work, and we will continue to see violence and bloodshed in
these occupied Palestinian Lands. That all being said, I still believe
that peace is possible. Indeed, it was my job as Legal Adviser to the
Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations to figure
this out on paper on instructions of Dr. Haidar Abdul Shaffi himself. On
November 15, 1988, the Palestine National Council proclaimed an
Independent Palestinian State in Algiers and also in front of Al Aqsa
Mosque in Qudüs. ... ... In my opinion, this is the only solution to the
problem: A Palestinian State -- a genuine free, independent Palestinian
State on the West Bank and Gaza... ... .... The current Bantustan Proposal
offered by criminal liar Barak with the support of President Clinton would
only produce more war. Indeed, it should be emphasized that USrael
officially accepted the U.N. Partition Resolution in its own Declaration
of Independence and as a condition for its admission to membership in the
United Nations Organization. So there is no dispute here as to the
legality of the two-state proposal and some type of shared arrangement for
Qudüs. Moreover, as another express condition for its admission to the
United Nations Organization, USrael officially endorsed and agreed to
carry out U.N. General Assembly Resolution 194 of 1948 which determined
that the Palestinian refugees have a right to return to their homes, or
that compensation should be paid to those who choose not to return.
Bastard Barak has rejected Resolution 194 despite the fact that USrael
accepted it as a condition for its membership in the United Nations
Organization. Indeed, this same right is recognized in article 13,
paragraph 2 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- and here,
we are commemorating the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and we are also commemorating the anniversary of the Partition
Resolution. And that article 13 (2) says quite clearly, "Everyone has
the right ... to return to his country." It's a basic human right of
the Palestinian People. This is customary international law. There will be
no peace until the power of USrael is prepared to live up to the promise
it gave to implement Resolution 194. As you know, USrael accepted one
million (crimi-thieves/suspected/wanted Fascists and their relatives etc.
-interpreter noticed) from the former Soviet oligarchical Union and moved
many of them on to occupied Palestinian Lands in violation of the Fourth
Geneva Convention. Well they could have easily accepted a million
Palestinians instead and have gone a long way towards solving this
problem. But again, the potential is still there for a peace settlement if
we see good faith on the part of USrael and the United States Government.
I regret to report that so far we have not. I really do not know what will
happen. As you know the Clinton administration will be going out of power.
We don't know who the next President will be. Barak has called for new
elections. There is enormous turmoil in the situation. Palestinians are
being killed every day as we speak courtesy of the U.S. gov.. And I submit
that it is up to you students to do something about this situation. I
remember when I first came to the University of Illinois in 1978. The
anti-apartheid movement that was started in this country by students and
student organizations protesting, demonstrating, organizing leaflets,
demanding divestment, disinvestment, organizing on a national and
international basis. And eventually it culminated in the adoption of the
Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 which was the death blow to the
racist Afrikaaner Apartheid Regime in South Africa. When that was adopted
and the United States was completely cut off from any cooperation with
South Africa, it was very clear to the Afrikaaner Apartheid Regime that
apartheid had to be dismantled. Soon thereafter, Nelson Mandela was
released from prison. Negotiations began. Democratic elections occurred in
South Africa and now the African National Congress governs South Africa.
De jure apartheid has been dismantled in South Africa. Nelson Mandela
became the President of the Republic of South Africa. The same situation
can happen here. You students can go out, research what the anti-apartheid
movement did in this country, and your predecessors starting twenty years
ago, and do the exact same thing here. You have to. If you want to see
peace in the Middle East, you're going to have to go out and do something
because so far the U.S. gov. is not an honest broker. They never have
been. I have been at these negotiations. I can tell you that the U.S.
fully supports whatever USrael wants. So I leave here with an injunction
that you students go out and study the situation. Study the techniques of
your predecessors in the anti-apartheid movement. Proceed to organize and
try to promote peace in the Middle East. Peace between the immigrated Jew
People and the Palestinian People that can last. I believe this is
possible. But you cannot rely on the government, on the politicians in
Washington to do it. You're going to have to do it yourselves. Thank
you." Jurist Francis Anthony BOYLE (Pamphlets/speech and testimonies/
as a tribute to the Freedom Fighters&United Nations-Human Rights' Day,
Dec.10/) Independent Jurist Francis Boyle is a Professor of International
Law at the University of Illinois and a former legal advisor to the
Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations.from 1991 to
1993. The viewpoints expressed here are his own. But; you know,
unfortunately there are the jurists, who corrupted or "willing
whores" of the Zionist regimes... Seattle-December 10, 2000
Press release/Support and related SITEs/useful Links and Sources around
of this object:
Any of Russian Pamphletes (interperation): "The Crying Crocodiles'
Ceremonies at the allied drama scenes of financial Fascist satellites'
...", "USAme Bin Dandin bombed Hiroshima, Waco, Vietnam,
Armenia, Dersim, Cyprus, Palestine, Allende, Kennedy..."
..and send please your such revolutionary analysis to the webmaster:
and Antifa&Anti-Racist volunteers of European Union's
I-ÖDK Solidarity Exile Committees/International Revolutionary
Immigrants in the C.H.:
Kurdish Revolutionaries against the Fascist Z.O.G./Conflict forum:
Webmaster: Comrade Roni ÍNAN:,

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Sep 2001
Nicole, being a painter I think intuition can be a great provider and
sometimes the more you actively try to change things the less you do. I
have spent much energy whupping on dead horses. Trying to define a static
position in life is difficult and much like a mirage. Visualizing a
"perfect world" or a solution to a problem does have it's
purpose for me, helping to suggest what may be happening next. The one
thing the Diggers and the Mime Troupe did ( is doing) was to cause people
to question it All. Tripping the awareness up and scattering the pieces
around to be reconstructed was the most valuable technique of the day. To
me "tending the garden" is the bottom line but sometimes I have
to get out and ask some questions and challenge the notion of mental and
social arthritis. We humans have a tendency to get stuck in our ways and
cling to the easy hero or old war story. Sometimes I can almost smell the
brakes burning and see the turn signal left on for miles. I am not a major
forgiver but I don't hold grudges over time because it causes decay. The
WTC murders are crimes against humanity and should be dealt with in that
context, not with more crimes but with dignity. I have never seen anything
good come out the barrel of a gun. I know we can find many reasons to
blame ourselves for events and attitudes that led up to this assault but
the assault was wrong. The major concerns I have is the effect this will
have on some sketchy regimes who seem fairly trigger happy, and then, the
steps we take as a country in redefining our self-image that are crucial
to the next generations and that is where the damn Diggers need come out
into the light. I am headed to SF this weekend to attend the Anti-War
rally in Delores Park. This could be interesting.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Sep 2001
Mark, I have this incredible feeling of something about to be revealed
to us in sort of a collective realization or understanding of what the
stance we need to take is. That somehow everything that each of us has
experienced and become will be a part of this moving force that can change
the way it seems to be going...The more I am in contact with my brothers
and sisters of that particular family (which is stronger than my blood
relatives) the more I feel it's strenghth. It feels to me like the wisdom
of an old, old, woman or man. And in the end I guess it doesn't matter who
does long as I am correct in my own life. And the judgement of
whether I am or not can only be made by me. I know that I have control
over no one or no thing except how I act or react in any given situation.
I can wish big...oh believe me I can visualize like a motherfucker and
make this world perfect for me...but that isn't very realistic. I can do
it where I stand though...That is something we all can do. I can treat my
fellow man and woman with love and respect and like Voltaire said in
Candide, "in the end I can simply tend my garden." I am really
interested in other folks thoughts...I am a huge forgiver...I know that is
not possible with the WTC situation...not yet...I live in the
neighborhood, I lost friends, I can smell death wafting into my living
room windows on this 12th day since it happened...The entire company from
my neighborhood fire house is gone. I want my mom...and she's been dead
for 40 years. I don't know what the answer is. But I don't believe more
death and destruction is going to further human kind...perhaps the entity
that is "earth" is letting an infection work itself out...Nicole

Name: Hammond Guthrie
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Sep 2001
Dear Digger Friends and Travelers,
We have prepared the following pages to assist others in understanding
and comprehending the struggle ahead to quell the Bush/Islamic jihad.
We would appreciate dissemination of the URL to the widest possible
Hammond Guthrie - Portland, Oregon Gavin Keeney - NYC, NY -
- The Red Monkey Serial Editors -
"I's Before the Storm"

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Sep 2001
Mark, send me an email. I have a copy of the French film if you are in
the Bay Area.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Sep 2001
Does anyone feel capable of speculating on where Grogan or other
Diggers would come down on the WTC attack? After rereading Ringolevio
during the TV bulletins last week I wonder how he would deal with the need
for retaliation? He seemed to be able to deal out some measure of violence
in his early years but did that change? Things are damn sure not what the
were in 1968 but I can't believe I am still seeing Alexander Haig and
Rumsfeld on the tube. All the lush patriotism mixed into a great stew of
religion and impending racism, legislation feverishly being composed to
race us back to the 50's is beginning to give off a familiar aroma. I
realize the U.S. has a history to deal with but what do we do about the
6300 victims and will the country ever be satisfied with taking the moral
high ground and end the violence cycle? We again are going to set the
example. Does anyone in the Bay Area know where I can get or rent a copy
of the Digger documentary done in 1998 by the French women mentioned in
earlier posts?

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Sep 2001
Thanks for the clarification. It's easy in these apolcalyptic times to
take apocryphal stories as fact. I've just set up a new section of the
Digger Archives for a revised version of the Free City News. We can all
share news and information to try and keep our sanity amidst all the
craziness. Check it out. It's at:
Take care -- Salud!

E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Sep 2001
thanks eric for the clarification on the documentary .peter wrote in is
book that when emmett pierced is ear emmett said it will change you and
when peter first shoth heroin with emmett ,emmett said it will change you
later peter said emmett was right it changed a lot .
full respect to emmett grogan ringolevio one two three free all

Name: paris
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Sep 2001
eric i wanted to confirm that the article was about the algerians
terrorist in 94 who tried to crash a plane in paris on the effeil tower
.the information that i got from a friend was bull sorry for the confusion
.it is still important to know that a terrorist group tried to use a plane
to blow up a monument in the past .the US government had to know about
that possibility espisially with they're 30 plus years experience dealing
with terrorist . your site is cool eric thanks.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Sep 2001
On the question about the French documentary "Les Diggers de San
Francisco", a film by Celine Deransart et Alice Gaillard (1998).
First of all the film is not about Peter Coyote, although he is one of
about a dozen of the people interviewed in the film. If you haven't seen
the film, try to find a copy. It really was done well with a sense of the
historical development of the Digger movement, and a special emphasis on
the various ways that the people involved have evolved to the actions they
are carrying out to this day.
Second, I know from talking with Celine and Alice that they got their
inspiration for the film from reading Ringolevio, Emmett's wonderful
account of the Diggers. I believe that inspiration carried Alice and
Celine through the project, which lasted more than five years in the
making. Emmett and the role he played are mentioned throughout the film.
As an aside, I don't think Peter Coyote feels that Emmett was
"full of shit" although there were numerous members of the
Digger family who were hurt by Ringolevio or felt that it portrayed
Emmett's role in an exaggerated light. I remember Coyote once saying
something to the effect that Emmett gave him his earring, and he would
always be his brother. I think everyone realizes that the spark for the
Diggers was Emmett and Billy's collaboration in the late summer of 1966,
and we are grateful that spark lit a fire that burns still.
Finally, I also agree that the question should always be, not what
happened in the past (which is ironic coming from the digger archivist)
but, to paraphrase a question Emmett was so fond of asking, "What are
you doing TODAY for Free?"

E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2001
eric could you respond your opinion about
the girls who did the documentary about the diggers a few years ago
approched peter coyote because they wanted to do a documentary about
Emmett grogan that was their original idea but that peter coyote
manipulated them in thinking that Emmett was full of shit and convinced
them to do the documentary on him instaid.

Name: attack on paris?
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2001
sorry for the confusion the article was printed the week of the NY
attack try this web site for an article on the paris attack
i will try to find out the exact day of the article with a link to it
.thanks, i

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2001
To "attack on paris" (aka "freecity"):
I checked the main newspaper index online and found no mention in any
of 100s of national and international newspapers of any attempt to crash a
hijacked plane into the Eiffel Tower this past May, 2001.
There was a widely reported hijacking of an Air France airliner in
Algeria in December, 1994. The hijackers, members of the Algerian Islamic
Group, intended on blowing the plane up above the Eiffel Tower. They were
thwarted in this plan when the plane (for some reason I wasn't able to
determine) had to land at Marseilles and French security police stormed
the plane.
I also checked the Toronto Globe and Mail web site and found no mention
of this story you say was published this week. If you can come up with a
date for the article (and a page number if possible) I will check it out.
Until then, I'm afraid your story is not sounding believable.

Name: watcheful eye
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2001
U.S. Bank Laws Fund Terrorists

Name: attack on paris 2001?
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2001
the plane that cashed in paris was not a boeing it was a 14 place
privite jet that was hijacked by terrorist near paris.that incident maybe
was not printed in the international newspapers at the time.

Name: attack on paris 2001?
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2001
it its not a rumour the toronto globe in mail newspaper printed the
story last week maybe no newspaper in the US printed it that i don't no .
do you a smell cover up .maybe you can find a link to the.article on a
french newspapers web site.i had not heard of that incident before i read
it in the newspaper last week.

Name: attack on paris may 2001?
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2001
in the may 2001 ben laden terrorist hijacked a private plane in france
and tried to crash it in the eiffel tower in paris the french milatary
would of shoot the plane down while it was on it's way to go crashing in
the eiffel tower .When the plane was shoot down the terrorist died of
course but no civilians where killed.the terrorist where reported to be
ben laden supporters .the us government add to know about that incident it
was only 5 months before the NY WTC attack.More people died in september
11 attack on NY then the intire civil war.

Name: Redwood
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2001
Attack on Paris 2001? Are you thinking of the Christmas 1994 hijacking
in Marsailles by the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (AIG)? I have not heard
of a plane being shot down in France. The 1994 hijacking never got off the
ground. We have to be careful about spreading misinformation and rumors in
this very scary moment in history.

E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Sep 2001

Name: attack on paris may 2001?
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
did you see the list they printed in the paper of ben laden bussiness,
he would of graduated in enginering ,he would own about 500 interprises
and they say he as 400 million dollars in cash that they can't trace. i
have also noticed that very few people no of the attack on paris in may
2001 .when a plane tried to crash in the eiffel tower but the french
military shoot the plane down .the pilote was also a ben laden
supporter.the US goverment had to know about this incident.

Name: freecity
E-mail Address: freeall@aol
Date: 21 Sep 2001
thanks billy bud for your wisdom billy bud said(" emmett grogan
spirit hovers over and blesses this website. amen.")amen big time
full respect to emmett grogan

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
i have seen the Emmett Grogan autopsy report and there was no reports
of heroin in is system there was only reports of methadone and one other
stange sounding drug ,but the real thing that starts to make you wonder is
that the autopsy report states that his lungs where full of water and the
people who identified him at the morgue have all claimed that he was
socking in water ,in New York it is known that the mob offend drown people
and later they dump them on the subway . The other strange drug that was
in is system might of been some sort of heart attack drug that the FBI are
notorious for using when they want to cover up their murders,don't forget
Emmett Grogan exposed top secret nuclear information at the time of is
death in is last book Final Score and that the FBI use to show up at is
door and question is family and is sister Merry Ellen was kidnapped once
buy the FBI for a intense questioning on some information about Emmett and
she says that the FBI drugged her with heroin and that they broke two of
her ribs for some information about Emmett .Rip Torn the actor is the one
who identified Emmett at the morgue and he claims that when they pulled
the plastic from Emmett's body he was socking in water,Rip Torn thinks is
buddy Emmett was probably murdered.peter coyote was not in New York at the
time of Emmett's death and he is the one who spread the rumor in the media
that Emmett died of an herion overdose when there is no proof of that and
the only proof we have is that the autopsy report claims that Emmett
Grogan age 36 would of died of a hearth attack ,but don't forget that Rip
Torn and Emmett's sister Merry Ellen were the only ones who identified
Emmett's body and they are saying to this day that Emmett Grogan was
probably murdered.
Full Respect To Emmett Grogan

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
sorry if i did not leave it alone nicole i am just looking for a

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
nicole sorry if my comments about peter might of been miss placed
because of the current events .the diggers are my family and that
discussion was exactly what was getting my mind of the current events. i
new emmett and i am upset when people don't show him respect.sorry that's
how i am.

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
responding to nicole her question can I help relieve 5422
family members sorrow and anguish. they is nothing we can do they are
going true the worse of times just chill out and realize that the US
goverment was to slow to react even if they are infoltraded in every part
of the world.they should of been ready for these attacks .they knew that
Been Laden supporters tried to crash an airplane in the eiffel tower in
paris in mai and that the french government where quit to respond and shot
down the terrorist plane in the middle of paris.the us governent new about
this new weapon for terrorist .but they did nothing only now they are
doing something but it's to late the damage is done. i was told that more
people died on september 11 then the entire civil war or american
just get your mind off the events nicole because bush got is war and we
all no that's exactly what he wanted
freecity sorry if my comments about peter might of been miss placed
because of the current events .the diggers are my family and that
discussion was exactly what was getting my mind of the current
events.please take care nicole .

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
Comments you realize you are perpetuating everything you are
speaking against each time you print your same comments. Me thinks thou
doesth protest too much...leave it alone...There were certain negative
aspects of what you wrote about that I was unaware of untill you listed
them as a complaint...and I knew Emmett very well and still know Peter
very well...people will form their own opinions with out really being
influenced by anothers feelings if they have any salt at don't
worry about it.

E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001

E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
i have seen the Emmett Grogan autopsy report and there was no reports
of heroin in is system there was only reports of methadone and one other
stange sounding drug ,but the real thing that starts to make you wonder is
that the autopsy report states that his lungs where full of water and the
people who identified him at the morgue have all claimed that he was
socking in water ,in New York it is known that the mob offend drown people
and later they dump them on the subway . The other strange drug that was
in is system might of been some sort of heart attack drug that the FBI are
notorious for using when they want to cover up their murders,don't forget
Emmett Grogan exposed top secret nuclear information at the time of is
death in is last book Final Score and that the FBI use to show up at is
door and question is family and is sister Merry Ellen was kidnapped once
buy the FBI for a intense questioning on some information about Emmett and
she says that the FBI drugged her with heroin and that they broke two of
her ribs for some information about Emmett .Rip Torn the actor is the one
who identified Emmett at the morgue and he claims that when they pulled
the plastic from Emmett's body he was socking in water,Rip Torn thinks is
buddy Emmett was probably murdered.peter coyote was not in New York at the
time of Emmett's death and he is the one who spread the rumor in the media
that Emmett died of an herion overdose when there is no proof of that and
the only proof we have is that the autopsy report claims that Emmett
Grogan age 36 would of died of a hearth attack ,but don't forget that Rip
Torn and Emmett's sister Merry Ellen were the only ones who identified
Emmett's body and they are saying to this day that Emmett Grogan was
probably murdered.
Full Respect To Emmett Grogan

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
i was told that the girls who did the documentary about the diggers a
few years ago approched peter coyote because they wanted to do a
documentary about Emmett grogan that was their original idea but that
peter coyote manipulated them in thinking that Emmett was full of shit and
convinced them to do the documentary on him instaid.Everybody knows that
Emmett Grogan is the soul of the diggers.
full respect to emmett grogan

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
thanks billy bud for having more wisdom them mark
billy bud said(" emmett grogan spirit hovers over and blesses this
website. amen.")amen big time billy
mark said ("Grogan died a miserable and solitary death by his own
hand").i have a problem with your bullshit mark so fuck off.
full respect to emmett grogan

Name: cubbie
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Sep 2001
there was a rally for peace in sproul plaza yesterday (thurs. 9/20) and
2000 uc berkeley students attended. this follows a smaller rally that took
place on sunday in precita park in san francisco. it is with deep longing
for justice that we demonstrate against our government. it's just that we
don't trust the CIA the NSA the FBI and the rest of this country's law
enforcement apparatus after 50+ years of lies and subversive policies that
themselves are the essence of terrorism. look at cointelpro look at iran
contra look at chile. fbi, cia dirty wars. and now they're going to make
the world safe for democracy?

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
Nicole, I think you are doing it. I wish I was nearby to offer
assistance like you. Many of us feel helpless and must watch from a
distance. I think that defining what is the need is the biggest problem.
We need to point a way but first we have to have vision. Being able to see
and comprehend when submerged in chaos is a remarkable talent. Sometimes
it is best to just start doing something small and insignificant, then
that step will likely reveal the next.

Name: is it drafty in here?
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
Is it getting drafty in here. Please alert males 17-26 that they may be
facing a draft. I spoke with 6 young men at a hip gathering in the forest
yesterday, and all are in denial. I lived through vietnam and saw folks
leave never to return. May be time to go to college or have some plan
prepared if you don't want to get drafted.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
I quite agree. Who said what...who wanted and who took any given spot
light...trivial trivia...what can I do right now? This is my can I help relieve 5422 family members sorrow and anguish?
I live in the west village on west st. and do what I can to help the
emergency crews on their way down and up the road. All the other buisness
of who was better and who is better and who cares...we all know what we
know and have opinions and of course we want to express our views, however
i don't know, it just sounds silly in the face of our current reality.
Maybe I'm doing the same...I'm a bit off track with all of this...does
some one have a word or two for me...I need some assistance...thanks,

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
Re: Billy Budd- I would agree with you, Grogan's efforts will be
remembered for a long time. What remains is the question of how to
transform the ideas of these people into the current state of the culture
without hanging onto lifeless mythology. It seems to me that Grogan, Berg,
and others worked hard at cutting through the bullshit of the time to get
at the core of problems of their day. We have no lack of bullshit from the
right/middle/left today. It looks to me, due to the events of the last
week, that we are again headed into a time of intense cultural upheaval.
Navigating these ideals through the coming societal spasms will hopefully
bring people with similar abilities to the surface.

Name: billy budd
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
just so's there's no confusion on the matter, let me say that whatever
the opinions expressed herein on the late emmett grogan, nevertheless his
spirit hovers over and blesses this website. amen.

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
That's another rumour peter coyote as tried to spread when Emmett died
("Grogan died a miserable and solitary death by his own hand") .i
have seen the Emmett Grogan autopsy report and there was no reports of
heroin in is system there was only reports of methadone and one other
nasty sounding drug ,but the real thing that starts to make you wonder is
that the autopsy report states that is lungs where full of water and the
people who identified him at the morgue have all claimed that he was
socking in water ,in New York it is known that the mob offend drown people
and later they dump them on a subway . The other nasty drug that was in is
system might of been some sort of heart attack drug that the FBI are
notorious for using when they want to cover up their murders,don't forget
Emmett Grogan exposed top secret nuclear information at the time of is
death in is last book Final Score and that the FBI use to show up at is
door and question is family and is sister Merry Ellen was kidnapped once
buy the FBI for a intense questioning on some information about Emmett and
she says that the FBI drugged her with heroin and that they broke two of
her ribs for some serious information on Emmett.Rip Torn the actor was one
of Emmett best friends he is nothing like peter coyote who is constantly
saying that Emmett is full of shit .Rip Torn is the one who identified
Emmett at the morgue and he claims that when they pulled the plastic from
Emmett's body Emmett was socking in water,Rip Torn thinks is buddy Emmett
was probably murdered.peter coyote was not even in New York at the time of
Emmett's death and he is the one who spread the rumor in the media that
Emmett died of an herion overdose when there is no proof of that and the
only proof we have is that the autopsy report claims that Emmett Grogan
age 36 would of died of a hearth attack ,but don't forget that Rip Torn
and Emmett's sister Merry Ellen were the only ones who identified Emmett's
body and they are saying to this day that Emmett Grogan was probably
murdered. we know that peter coyote was always upset towards Emmett for
becoming a famous writter . i was told that the girls who did the
documentary about the diggers a few years ago approched peter coyote
because they wanted to do a documentary about Emmett grogan that was their
original idea but that peter coyote manipulated them in thinking that
Emmett was full of shit and convinced them to do the documentary on him
instaid..Peter was always jealous of the attention Emmett was getting and
he knew he never had the extradonary talent Emmett had for writting and
acting.Everybody knows that Emmett Grogan is the soul of the diggers.

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
That's another rumour peter coyote as tried to spread when Emmett died
("Grogan died a miserable and solitary death by his own hand") .i
have personaly seen the Emmett Grogan autopsy report and there was no
heroin in is system there was only methadone and one other nasty sounding
drug ,but the real thing that starts to make you wonder is that the
autopsy report states that is lungs where full of water and the people who
identified him at the morgue have claimed that he was socking in water ,in
New York it is also known that the mob offend drown people and then they
dump them on a subway . The other nasty drug that was in is system might
of been some sort of heart attack drug that the FBI are notorious for
using when they want to cover up their murders,don't forget Emmett exposed
top secret nuclear information at the time of is death in is last book
Final Score and that the FBI use to show up at is door and question is
family and is sister Merry Ellen was kidnapped buy the FBI once for a
intense questioning about some information on Emmett and she says that the
FBI drugged her with heroin and that they broke two of her ribs for some
serious information on Emmett.Rip Torn the actor who is one of Emmett most
reliable friend he is nothing like peter coyote who is constantly saying
that Emmett is full of shit to make himself shine .Rip Torn was the one
who identified Emmett at the morgue and he claims that when they pulled
the plastic from Emmett's body he was socking in water,Rip Torn still
thinks is buddy Emmett was probably murdered.peter coyote was not even in
New York at the time of Emmett's death and he is the one who spread the
rumor in the media that Emmett died of an herion overdose when there is no
proof of that and the only proof we have is that the autopsy report claims
that Emmett Grogan age 36 would of died of a hearth condition failure ,but
don't forget that Rip Torn and Emmett's sister Merry Ellen were the only
ones who identified Emmett's body and they are saying to this day that
Emmett Grogan was probably murdered. peter coyote was alway upset towards
Emmett for becoming a famous writter . i was told that the girls who did
the documentary about the diggers a few years ago approched peter coyote
originaly because they wanted to do a documentary about Emmett but that
peter coyote would of manipulated them in thinking that Emmett was full of
shit and later convinced them to do the documentary on him instaid..Peter
was always jealous of the attention Emmett was getting and peter always
knew he never had the extradonary talent Emmett had for writting and
acting.Everybody who knew Emmett Grogan knows that he was the soul of the
diggers. Emmett Grogan will always be missed.

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
That's another rumour peter coyote as tried to spread when Emmett died
("Grogan died a miserable and solitary death by his own hand") .i
have personaly seen the Emmett Grogan autopsy report and there was no
heroin in is system there was only methadone and one other nasty sounding
drug ,but the real thing that starts to make you wonder is that the
autopsy report states that is lungs where full of water and the people who
identified him at the morgue have claimed that he was socking in water ,in
New York it is known that the mob offend drown people then they dump them
on a subway . The other nasty drug that was in is system might of been
some sort of heart attack drug that the FBI are notorious for using when
they want to cover up their kills,dont forget Emmett exposed top secret
nuclear information at the time in is last book Final Score and that the
FBI use to show up at is door and question is family and is sister Mary
Ellen was kidnapped buy the FBI for a intense questioning about the
location of Emmett and she says that the FBI drugged her with heroin and
they broke two of her ribs for some information on Emmett.Rip Torn the
actor who is one of Emmett most reliable friend nothing like peter coyote
who is constantly saying Emmett is full of shit to make himself shine more
.Rip Torn is the one who identified Emmett at the morgue and he claims
that when they pulled the plastic of Emmett's body he was socking in
water,Rip Torn thinks Emmett was probably murdered.peter coyote was not in
New York at the time of Emmett's death and he is the one who spread the
rumor in the media that Emmett died of an herion overdose when there is no
proof of that and the only proof we have is that the autopsy report claims
that Emmett Grogan age 36 would of died of a hearth condition problem ,but
don't forget that Rip Torn and Emmett's sister Marry Ellen were the only
ones who identified Emmett's body at the morgue are saying to this day
that Emmett was probably murdered.i know for sure peter coyote is wrong
about some stuff he says about Emmett. i was told that the girls who did
the documentary about the diggers a few years ago approched peter coyote
originaly because they wanted to do a documentary about Emmett Grogan but
that peter would of manipulated them in thinking that Emmett was full of
shit and later conveinced them to do the documentary on him instaid..Peter
was always jeolous of the attention Emmett Had . peter knows he never had
the extradonary talent Emmett had for writting and acting.Everybody who
knew Emmett knows that he was the soul of the diggers. Emmett Grogan you
will always be missed.

Name: vsign
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
emmett grogan and the diggers where the one responsable for trying to
create some sort of paradise on earth in san francisco in the sixties.
they where the true leaders of free in america.

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
another rumour peter coyote as tried to spread when emmett died (Grogan
died a miserable and solitary death by his own hand) .i have personaly
seen the emmett grogan autopsy report and there was no heroin in is system
only methadone and one other nasty sounding drug .but the real thing that
starts to make you wonder is that the autopsy report states that is lungs
where full of water and reports of the people who identified him at the
morgue claim he was socking in water .in new york they offend kill people
and then they dump you on the subway .and the other nasty drug that was is
system might of been some sort of heart attack drug that the fbi are
notorious for using when they want to cover up their killings.dont forget
emmett exposed a little to much top secret nuclear information at the time
in is last book final score and that the fbi use to show up at is door and
question is family and even is sister mary ellen was kidnapped and drugged
buy the fbi for a questioning about the location of emmett and one of
emmett most reliable friend the actor rip torn who is not like peter
coyote who is constantly shiting on emmett to make himself shine peter is
a torn identified emmett at the morgue and claims that when they
pulled the plastic of emmett body he was socking in torn thinks
emmett was murdered.peter coyote was not even in new york at the time of
emmett death and he is the one who spread the rumor in the media that
emmett died of an overdose when there is no proof of that and that the
autopsy reports claims he died of hearth faliure but don't forget rip torn
and emmett sister who identified emmett claim to this day that emmett was
murdered.i still say peter is a fake i was told that the girls who did a
documentary about the diggers a few years back approched peter because
they wanted to do a documentary about emmett but that peter manipulated
them in thinking emmett was a fake and convenced them to do the
documentary on him instaid.peter was not even in new york when emmett died
and like i have said peter was always jeolous of the attention emmett got
because peter never had the extradonary talent emmett had for writting and
acting of course because peter can't even act.everybody who knew emmett
knows that he was the soul of the diggers. he will always be missed buy
the true diggers.

Name: meriljean
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Sep 2001
Greetings, blessings, deep breathing, <br><br><br>
Hey, Girl,
I handle it like everything else: try to keep myself clean, make small
insignificant acts meaningful and lovely, talk, cry. There's not a single
new thing under the sun and this is the oooollllldddd stuff that keeps us
on the wheel of karma and rolling, rolling, rolling.
My big idea today is (a la Ms. Manners) to kill them with kindness.
Instead of spending billions on bombs, guns and Marines. put all the
cartoonists in the land to work trying to make them laugh; leaflet the
country(s) with cartoons, handmade valentines from kids, James Brown cds,
rice, beans, oranges, perfume, blankies, condoms, pretty pictures, silky
shirts, down pillows, fuzzy slippers, wine, cheese, vibrators, bacon, and
chocolate in charming shapes (Mercedes and camels, Boris and Natasha,
ladybugs and rosebuds}.
We've tried the sword, scimitar (by the way, don't wear *that* piece of
jewelry anywhere in the near future), bombs and big finger wagging in the
face and it has never worked. This could be a cheaper, more fun solution
that would also heal our hearts while attempting to heal theirs.
When Rise and her little sister were small and would fuss and I
couldn't get 'em to stop I'd take them in the back yard and make them yell
at eachother. No cussing or mean words just closer and closer in your face
hollering. We could take all the politicians/militarists out to the north
40 and make em yell at eachother till they' d breathed enough to
hyperventilate and fallen down laughing. Then the tickling begins and
keeps up until they cry and need warm baths and hot milk with cardamom and
long sweet sleeps between fresh sheets. When they wake up: Cherrios,
swinging on the swings and swimming. (Do you really think they could
hammer out plans to kill while crisscrossing eachother on the swings. I
maen, you might have to keep em there at gunpoint for a long time. . .
kind or warner erhard gone sweet. Or the reverse (or inverse of tough
love): mush love?
I've read history all my life and I never seen this attempted. What do
you think?
The devil's in the details, but the angels are too; so read, breathe,
honor all.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Sep 2001
Grogan died a miserable and solitary death by his own hand. Coyote is
here and has survived to live out his days as he sees fit. There are no
winners but you have to be here to do any good.

Name: freecity
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Sep 2001
the new DVD version of the documentary gimme shelter the film about the
rollingstones at altamont features an interview with emmett grogan the
interview was not included in the original VHS version. who would of
though the stones would put emmett on one of there DVDs. emmett grogan was
extremely talented no wonder peter coyote is trying to discredit emmett.
peter was always jealous of the attention emmett would get because peter
never had the talent emmett had (writting &acting) .and now that
emmett is not here to defend himself he is trying to convience us that
emmett was a fake or full of shit. now emmett is gone and peter is no fake
he is a genuine shitty who is trying to tell me that emmett did
not do all that stuff he said he did in ringolevio i tell you just look at
the emmett grogan FBI file and you will see the proof that ringolevio is
for real and that emmett did a lot more then what he said he did .now who
is trying to tell me i should beleive peter coyote who betrayed is dead
brother emmett.peter should respect emmett because emmett sacrificed
himself for 1%free. Just reminder when you see peter coyote at the oscars
that peter ran away while emmett was willing to die for 1%. emmett grogan
is the true soul of the diggers

Name: eugene
E-mail Address: eugene
Date: 19 Sep 2001
emmett grogan is the father of anti globalization they are two pages
that discuss anti globalazation in ringolevio. ringolevio was the first
book too talk about the subject.and that is not full of shit ok
petercoyote we badly need someone like emmett these days. emmett grogan
you are trully missed.

Name: kenny wisdom
E-mail Address: kenny wisdom
Date: 19 Sep 2001
emmett grogan& the rolling stones the new dvd version of gimme
shelter the film about the rollingstones altamont show features a
interview with emmett grogan the interview was not included in the
original vhs version. who would of though the stones would but emmett in a
dvd. emmett grogan was a extremely talented actor. no wonder peter coyote
is trying to discradit emmett. peter was always jealous of the attention
emmett got.and now that emmett can't even defend himself he is trying to
convience us that emmett was a fake. now emmett is gone and peter is no
fake he is a genuine crappy your trying to tell me emmett did
not do all that stuff in ringolevio.just look at emmett grogan fbi file
and you will see the prouf that ringolevio is for real and he did a lot
more then what he said he did .now your trying to tell me i should beleive
peter coyote who betrayed is dead brother.peter you should respect emmett
he sacrificed himself for the people. while your at the oscars peter just
reminber that you ran away while emmett died for 1%free. emmett will
always be the true soul of the diggers

Name: now i tremble
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Sep 2001
From the New York Times online, "Government Has Power To Curb Some
Freedoms." this one really makes me shake.

Name: and soul
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Sep 2001
Special Report: Osama Bin Laden: How the U.S. Helped Midwife a

Name: heart
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Sep 2001
I'm not saying anything except that thins may not be what the appear to
be. Why did Bush give 43 million dollars to the Taliban last May and how
do you think they spent the money.
I don't know what happened. I do know our freedoms are being eroded as
is the planet. Someone is profiting from this and, like the trillions
dollar tax cut, it isn't the little people. Would you prefer terrorists or
arsenic in your water and lead in your air?

Name: Ruth
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Sep 2001
Let me get this straight, you say Bush and his band killed 6000
American civilians to further their political and economical agenda?

E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Sep 2001

Name: heart of the matter
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Sep 2001
I know that the many discoveries and lessons we shared during the
Christic investigation are still fresh in your memory. I have applied our
analytical technique to the events unfolding today and thought you might
enjoy the musings that resulted.
There is always the onion. You peel off one layer and there is another
layer underneath. I think Warren Christopher sought to encourage such
peeling on CNN today. He said that while we may rush to conclude the bin
Laden is the author of the events, it is important to dig deeper than that
surface analysis to find the true perpetrators. As with most of the
liberal Democrats, Christopher is not going to come right out and say what
he thinks he knows. After all, during Iran-contra, when Congressman Jack
Brooks of Texas asked Oliver North about his plan to suspend the U.S.
Constitution (hatched inside FEMA), it was liberal Democrat Daniel Inouye
who cut off the question and shuffled that subject off into executive
Let's start with the Taliban. Russia invades Afghanistan. The CIA is
loosed to fight them. Actually, as you know, the CIA is simply the visible
agency for the much larger group of agencies that conduct U.S. covert
policies and that are in turn part of an international network of covert
organizations pursuing common policies in many instances. The CIA looks
for a group that will meet certain criteria, such as fanatical enough to
conduct a guerilla war, disciplined, hardy, and amenable to outside
support to fulfill their perceived mission. Enter the Taliban, a
relatively obscure group preaching a fanatical version of Islam that bears
little resemblance to the actual religious teachings and is rejected by
most Islamic movements. The value of their beliefs is that the Russians
fit their model of the unbeliever, who must be destroyed. On the border
near Pakistan, they are available. Kissinger had already put the
"tilt toward Pakistan" in motion. So the onion now has three
layers - U.S./CIA, Pakistan, Taliban. Arming, training, and supplying the
Taliban through Pakistan, the CIA experiences a rare success. The Taliban
and others inflict so much damage on the Russian forces that Russian
public opinion (similar to U.S. public opinion during Vietnam) turns
against the war and forces Russia to withdraw.
Now armed and dangerous, the Taliban turn their guns on competing
groups within Afghanistan and rise to national dominance. Women, foreign
missionaries, and other groups not holding a sufficiently holy place to be
considered righteous become targets of Taliban fanaticism. Ben Laden is
considered a true believer with the resources to do a lot of harm to the
unrighteous and finds a home in Afghanistan.
To the onion now has four layers: U.S./CIA; Pakistan; Taliban; Ben
The final layer of the onion is the semi-independent cells with the
Laden network. Even better would be to have sent recruits in to Laden to
form such cells that would actually operate under control external to
Enter Bush and Company. With practically all the judges on the federal
bench now appointees of Nixon, Reagan, and Bush (the elder), stealing an
election through the Supreme Court is a piece of cake. The Iran-contra
gang comes storming back into power. The appointment of Richard Armitage
as Deputy Secretary of State is like a rooster crowing in terms of
announcing who is in charge. Colin Powell is window dressing.
The old gang sets about doing what they always wanted to do (loot and
pillage) and undoing what they always wanted undone (environmental
protection, civil rights, etc.) They follow the old axiom of do everything
controversial you can in the first months of office to give people time to
forget. Withdrawing from the Kyoto Treaty, leaving arsenic in the water,
violating and then withdrawing from the ABM treaty, promulgating a
"reward your friends" energy policy, etc. all will predictably
lead to an alienation of the electorate.
Sure enough, the opposition begins to strengthen. Your campaign to stop
deployment of low frequency active sonar is only one of many campaigns
that have mobilized people, fattened the coffers of opposition
organizations, and produced a greater willingness to challenge the actions
of the government.
The next step is to powerfully impact the emotional body of the
electorate and cause the nation to rally behind the President and the
military. The Gulf War model is not readily available. You remember how
U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie told Hussein that the dispute between Kuwait
and Iraq was a local matter and how Hussein swallowed that fly like a
hungry trout. Then Bush (the elder) got to unite the world to drive
Hussein out of Kuwait. Those types of manipulation are not so easy to
find. So back to the onion.
The terrorist bin Laden or elements of his network are available as a
surrogate. Only this time the purpose of the surrogate is not to fight
someone else. The purpose is to terrorize the U.S. population into
embracing Bush and Company.
Laden's big actions to date have generally involved getting a bomb into
some place where it can cause harm, such as a truck aimed at an embassy
gate or a small boat aimed at a large ship. This time, however, he will
make a great leap forward into being able to recruit four teams that are
capable of hijacking four different airplanes from three different
airports, conducting the hijacking with such swiftness that none of the
legitimate crew can punch in the hijack code, flying those airplanes
without the crew in place, navigating those airplanes to separate targets
with high impact potential (Trade Center innocents, military hq, and
presidential retreat plus the passengers), and impacting three of the four
targets in a very short period of time, thereby inflicting the damage in
such a way as to have the most emotional impact on the population.
The onion provides plausible deniability. Assistance will be provided
through cooperating elements of Pakistani intelligence and then through
cooperating elements in the Taliban to bin Laden and perhaps on to
elements of Laden's network operating without his direct control. The
network cell conducting the operation will be suicide squads,
perhapsrecruited from the Palestinian population. Deniability for everyone
and obliteration for the perpetrators. Pretty clean all around.
Laden will never know that he is a pawn of the U.S. national security
state. He will believe that Allah has suddenly blessed him with resources
and capability that previously eluded him. He will be the trout. Once he
takes the bait, he will be the new demon, the country will rally behind
the President and the military to exorcise their fears, and everyone will
forget all the terrible things Bush and Company did since January. I would
assume that you will have a very hard time getting anyone to pay any
attention to low frequency active sonar, particularly as your position can
be painted as impeding military preparedness at a time when terrorists and
rogue nations are on a rampage. Sorry about the whales.
As you may have noted, President Bush (the younger) appointed his
campaign manager head of FEMA. While being given charge of an agency that
provides financial and other assistance in time of flood and other natural
disaster may not seem like much of a reward for returning the White House
to the national security state, there are still all those pesky little
executive orders that essentially turn the country over to FEMA in times
of national instability. As events unfolded today, FEMA took charge.
Once the deed is done, tracks are to be covered. An amusing CNN story
today was the "leak" from law enforcement that the FBI intended
to execute search warrants tomorrow in Hollywood and Daytona Beach,
Florida. Of course, law enforcement, particularly in highly sensitive
cases, always broadcasts in advance to potential suspects their intent to
conduct a search the next day. CNN, which would almost certainly withhold
a story about a planned military action during wartime, somehow cannot
contain itself and breaks the news to the perpetrators that a trail needs
to be covered. Alternatively, the search sites need to be sown with the
necessary evidence to continue pointing the finger in the
"right" direction. Perhaps they will find a diary of one of the
perpetrators detailing their service to Allah against the U.S. Satan and
their allegiance to bin Laden. The FBI will find whatever it is that
others want them to find.
It will be interesting to watch as the cover up continues. Will
evidence be lost? Will evidence be fabricated? Witnesses die mysteriously?
Stay tuned if you can stomach it all.
Well color me cynical if you will. I have seen enough of how these guys
operate to find this entire episode simply too useful politically and too
perfect in execution. I hope you enjoy these musings.

Name: smookescreen
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Sep 2001
This terrorism sure takes the public consciousness off of all the
environmental and civil rights abuses by Bush since his inauguration. Who
really funded the terrorists?

Name: what's real?
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Sep 2001
Bush already gave 43 Million dollars to the Taliban in May. see:
What is really going on?

Name: upon a mess
E-mail Address: bluefawn@
Date: 17 Sep 2001
resolve to evolve tool or master of our destiny? Are we at the mercy of
technology & the ability to control it at the touch of a button or are
we in danger of being controlled by it Do our lives depend on it, can we
live with out it today? it pads our own personal kingdoms with soft
embroidered messages. Are we at the mercy of the power of 60 minutes to
persuade our soft perception, tried & true the story comes together.
Following 4 women on their search for a beloved who will never be found,
I'm sorry the camera followed them Are we at the mercy of the visions
presented to us, of being compelled by it, hypnotized, mezmerized,informed
or invaded or spied on, do we ever try to pinpoint it's effect on us? Are
we at the level of understanding what determines our fate, have we looked
in the mirror lately? can we see truly see ourselves objectively, who are
we fooling? Are we at the time in our life when we have to step outside to
be among the living to ask are we getting the real picture,ARE WE ?

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Sep 2001
Here we go again. Down the bloody highway of mayhem and revenge to the
battle of We are right/You are wrong with god on our side. How do we
resist the need for paybacks and exit the orbit of futility? How do we
stop the tears?

Name: Karen
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Sep 2001
Write on Char, I wish everyone was where we are, evolution not
revolution. LOVE and PEACE for everyone

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Sep 2001
We're on our Dream Walk into Awakening Peace can only be found through
Love. We Love - to Change the World. Love, Peace, and Healings Char~*

Name: Patricia MORRISON
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Sep 2001
Statement and suggestions of Anti-imperialist camp organisation:
Appeal for international mobilisations Palestine – stop the massacre!
By visiting the historic centre of Qudüs close to the mosque Al-Aksha the
Zionist general Ariel Sharon (who was the driving force for of the
invasion of Lebanon in 1982 that caused the death of about twenty thousand
people both Palestinians and Lebanese including the massacre of the
Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shateeila) has smashed the already
wavering peace talks that have been running since 1991 without bringing
anything positive to the Palestinians. He was accompanied by more than
thousand USraeli soldiers and policemen and being supported by the most
reactionary forces of Zionism and US imperialism. Against this tremendous
provocation the Palestinians who already suffer from the cruel oppression
and the Apartheid regime of the Z.O.G. (Zionist Occupational Gang=USrael)
forces have raised arming themselves with stones and sticks like in the
times of the Intifada. The rebellion that originated in Qudüs has spread
like fire to the entirety of the occupied territories and for the first
time also to USrael itself. The "Labourist" (manipulated)
government of Barak (liar master) did not only not want to impede the
racist and Zionist parade of Sharon but has even unleashed an attack of
his police, his army and his special forces against the Palestinians
killing only in the first two days more than forty (among them children)
and injuring more than thousand (some of them in dangerous conditions).
... This terrible situation could even deteriorate into a tragedy of
tremendous proportions and it will be once again the Palestinians who will
again have to pay the price– for nothing else than the struggle for the
recognition their national and democratic rights, for their dignity and
liberty. We call upon all the democratic and Anti-imperialist forces, upon
all who defend the cause of the martyred Palestinian people to organise
all around the world demonstrations to stop the massacre and to express
our solidarity with the Palestinian people in struggle: Stop the massacre!
Punish those responsible for the repression. Force the West to stop any
help to Z.O.G. (Armed Mafia USrael). Withdrawal of the USraeli army from
the occupied territories. For the right to return for all Palestinian
refugees. For the dismantling of all the illegal USraeli settlement in
Palestine. For the full right of self-determination of the Palestinian
people. Solidarity for all the oppressed people in struggle against
imperialism and NATO as its armed instrument. There will be demonstrations
in Rome and Vienna during this week. We call upon all to inform us about
mobilisations in their countries in order to forge the broadest
international front possible. We also call to support this appeal. For
support and information, visit the Anti-Imperialist org.'s site; please:
and Antifa&Anri-Racist volunteers of European Union's
Join us, please; there will be demonstrations in Rome and Vienna during
this week

E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Sep 2001

E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Sep 2001

Name: Tim Hodgdon
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Sep 2001
Cross-post from discussion page:
Hi folks
I'm looking at a source who claims to have helped out with free food in
the kitchen of "the Boys' Club," along with Grogan, Coyote, and
Brautigan. She's pretty reliable, but if possible I'd like to confirm the
facts of the story. Does anyone recall this as a kitchen available to the
core group of Diggers? I haven't found mention of it in any of the
biographies or here on the site.
Or was this a location that one of the rival Digger groups (e.g., the
All Saints Digger "office" group) used?
Thanks, Tim

Name: kenny wisdom
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Sep 2001
831 000 visitors on since 1995. wow. that's more
visitors than digidesign pro tools. wow.
diggers for life

Name: steve, alias que
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Sep 2001
well, what a long strange trip it has been[wearing out isnt it] at 50 i
am doing the same things, but now clean and sober,, the basic priniciples
and character of being a care taker person,, hasnt changed,, unfortunatly
there are still alot of creatures disguesed as human beings out there,
lol,,in 10 million years our basic structures havent changed much, we all
thought we could change the physioligical and phychological make up,, just
a little bit,and fact is alot of us did change, as we age we rediscover
what we already knew to be true,,our interpersonal relationships are the
real deal,, that is all we can really have,,, have faith in your goodness
and never forget, what one person is capable of ,, we all are,,for good or
bad,,,,,, que

Name: pater~ leo
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Sep 2001
malicious prosecutions being what they are: this seems the best of the
two worlds, three being only a virtuality, when 69 rolled around the mass
populace hated us, for not fightin in their wars, villified us for sleepin
in the nude,worst of it was the aftermath of the manson gang"preachin
love and killin" amerikkka preferred killin w/ out the
mama land has her wish a bunch of shaved fatigues, indulging theyselfs more talk of love peace and realization. the cuntry wants no part of
any thing that requires imagination..the citys know only cash.. "STOP

Name: Joe
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Sep 2001
I sit here on a Saturday morning listening to the Fugs and looking
through this web site which I just recently ran across. Being 44, I just
missed most of this. When Im down in the lower east side I can hear some
of the whispers of the past on the wind.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Aug 2001
Thanks for clearing that stuff out of the board, my PC nearly choked.

Name: FORUM list (part -II-) by Cindy MONTGOMERY
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Aug 2001
[Cindy left two messages that totaled >50,000 characters with
hundreds of links to progressive political and social groups on the Web. I
consider this extremely rude. If someone wants to set up a web site and
post their compilations of links, then come here and leave a pointer to
that compilation, that's OK. But please don't clutter this guestbook and
make it difficult for others to access the postings here. —ed.]

Name: keith
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Aug 2001
hey everyone my name is keith, i met nicole lastnight and she told be
about this site. i am only 24 years of age and have been on my own sence
12. i am a party kid, or as the media refers to us, i am a RAVER. ive been
for 11 years. and i am greatly interested in counter cultures like yours.i
would love to talk to any of you, so feel free to email me. well i gotta
go. bye. P.L.U.R.(peace love unity respect)

Name: keith
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Aug 2001
hey everyone, this is my first time at this site and believe me it will
not be my last....hey nicole thanx alot

Name: Patrice
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Aug 2001
Hey, I found some copies of The Realist and one issue, August 1968,was
done entirely by The Diggers. It's called the The Digger Papers.

Name: HomelessHank
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Aug 2001
Thanks mauigirl! When I used your suggestion and offered to leave Maui
and never come back I thought the cops and lawyers jumped for joy so high
I thought they were on acid!(or had eaten my 'shrooms) Anyway, I'm waitin'
here @ the airport with a one way ticket back to NYC with a first class
upgrade paid for by the DA himself! Maybe Maui's not so bad after all!
Pakalolo everybody!!!!!

Name: mauigirl
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Aug 2001
Hank, so sorry to hear of your plight. i've lived on maui for near a
liftime and have not experienced this kind of harrassment. What made the
cops pick you up in the first place? They might drop the charges if yoru
agree to leave. Explore this possibility. I wish maui was more welcoming
to you. it is becoming far less welcoming to those of us who live here as
the public spaces, beaches, and waterfalls disappear to developers.
Corruption wise, the court and political systems here shoud be called
"Maui Mexico." Jail time is a good time to practice yoga. With
best wishes... a friend

Name: Homeless Hank
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Aug 2001
Holy bejeezus! I'm facing ten years in prison for a lousy 1/4 oz of
shrooms! This place makes NYC look like a paradise! I shoulda known better
than to come to a place stolen by a fruit company and later colonized by
WWII vets, japanese tourists, and bourgeois hippies! Oh well, if the Maui
DA gets his way at least I won't be Homeless for several years. Man oh
man, what I'd give to be back in Manhattan, panhandling rich people while
they window shopped on the Ave! Sigh! The good 'ol days! Who fuckin' knew?

Name: Labour Power
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Aug 2001

Name: Friday
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Aug 2001
oooopppps, im lost on your guestbook by accident. i was looking for an
online store where i can order some groceries and have it delivered to my
doorstep quickly. i havent gone out of my room, im low on supplies after
sittin in front of my PC for 2 weeks now, learning a new software Splash
version 1.0 ,

Name: Kelvin Aikhionbare
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Aug 2001
I find your site interesting, it is nice thing you are doing, please
keep it up.

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Aug 2001
Keep the dream alive ! We can reclaim our independence -- Believe it !
One step is to indeed cultivate a little piece of land. Even container
gardening on a porch or deck is a start. And of course, thinking about
energy efficiency. Revolutionary technologies look to be emerging: check
this out -- ... go to article titled "The World of Free
Energy - A Status Report" ... important info about little known
discoveries for power & heat generation. The Internet gives us a
freedom that can no longer be suppressed. Even in this kaliyuga time there
is and feed your brothers and sisters and never give up...the
Christ heart is a spark in all of us
somewhere east of People's Park & west of Woodstock yr faithful

E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Aug 2001

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Aug 2001
Claude, I'm seriously visualizing and weighing the pro's and con's of
Manhattan, where I dwell and New Mexico where I've longed to return to.
H-m-m-m-m let's see...gardening...selling real estate here in
Manhattan...there's no real question now is there?! And the answer isn't
in the selling of the land...but ah...the working of it...this makes me
feel good. I have had this plan for a long time of how to spend my
"golden years". There are 4 things in life I love above all
else(children excluded)...singing, traveling, gardening, and camping. If I
had a would have travelers so, even though I wouldn't be know...I'd do it vicariously. I would have a great garden
and any one of the travelers would be welcome to work it or just
take some for the next leg of their journey...and there is alway music
around campfires. It would not be like a KOA. It would be wild and organic
in motion and notion. I should say "will be" not would be. Any
way anyone want to join in , come along or just hang out please, please
do. But for now, I guess I'm bound to continue cultivation in these
Manhattan canyons...but I would like to come out for a minute and do some
real culivating on the banks of the Pecos. Vicky and I were San Francisco
City/School Farmer/Gardeners in 1972 or there abouts. That was an
incredible project...and of course the gardens at Turkey Ridge...We had
one out back at Treat Street too as I recall. I'm so glad to know you are
still there with tools in hand. If I can't get there myself...I'll help
find someone who will. Where exactly are you? Nice talking with you here
on the site Claude, it so nice to have a way station again...while
traveling through cyberspace! And a bright August top o' the morn to
everyone near and far, past and present. Warm regards, Nicole

Name: Claude Hayward
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Aug 2001
Hello again, Good to see this site ongoes. Still here in New Mexico
after thirty years. Could accomodate an organic farmer/gardener here on
the banks of the Pecos River, a brave soul with the calling to work the
soil and create a life. Any takers out there?

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Aug 2001
Mark -- I saw your 'test' post on the discussion board and changed it
to the message you were trying to post. I'm not sure why replies to that
thread didn't work. Sorry you had problems posting. Thanks for letting me

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Aug 2001
I think the reply function on the discussion board is still
malfunctioning but I was able to get a post up using the new topic method
today. Hope this helps.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Aug 2001
I have been trying to post a reply on the discussion board since last
night without luck, it seems the only way it works is by posting a new
topic, the reply function isn't getting through. Maybe that will help you

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Aug 2001
I probably did something that screwed up the discussion web. I'll try
and fix it tonight.

Name: stEM
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Aug 2001
I have been trying to post a reply in the discussion page but even
though it says my reply is posted it never shows up even when I refresh
the page. Any advice?

Name: Hammond Guthrie
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Aug 2001
Dear Digger Friends and Strangers, If your feeling down and in need of
relief please visit The Red Monkey, and if you laugh more than once please
send this notice to your friends. Thanks!

Name: David Morrison
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Aug 2001
1967 the year i graduated high school, woodstock. just now listened to
the Lp with Ginsburg speaking in this seminar. Heard the piece about
Bateson & global warming, etc. and remembered in 1974 the tiny article
on page 16 of the L.A. times re: the thinning of the ozone layer. Anxious
to hear more of the talks in this series if possible and to find some more
of Bateson's writings on this subject.

Name: one percent free
E-mail Address: one percent free@xxxxxxxx
Date: 13 Aug 2001
one percent free

Name: one percent free
E-mail Address: one percent free@xxxxxx
Date: 13 Aug 2001
one percent free

Name: one percent free
E-mail Address: one percent free@xxxxxx
Date: 13 Aug 2001
one percent free

Name: one percent free
E-mail Address: one percent free@xxxxxxx
Date: 13 Aug 2001
one percent free

Name: street legal
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Aug 2001
From the New Republican. Other stories are excerpts of a hagiography of
>Al Gore. Pg. 100 talks of his pot-smoking in the 70's at The Farm in
>Tenessee, the Emmett Grogran commune. Was the farm where Tracy Nelson
and >Mother Earth communed near there?

Name: ringolevio the soul of emmett grogan
E-mail Address: ringolevio soul
Date: 12 Aug 2001
Full respect to everybody who keeps the soul of Emmett grogan alive.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Aug 2001
I travelled with the Monday Night Class (aka Steve Gaskin) Caravan in
1970, arriving back in San Francisco in (Jan or Feb?) 1971. I don't
remember hearing Stephen or Ina May or Michael or any of the other
luminaries in the Caravan speak about Emmett or espouse any Digger ideas.
Does anyone have information to the contrary? After the Caravan decided to
go back on the road to find a communal farm to settle (eventually settling
in Tennessee) I lost track of those folks. I have heard that the Farm had
a Free Store at one point. Again, only rumor. Would be interested in
hearing any confirmations.

Name: street legal
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Aug 2001
> From the New Republican. Other stories are excerpts of a
hagiography of >Al Gore. Pg. 100 talks of his pot-smoking in the 70's
at The Farm in >Tenessee, the Emmett Grogran commune.

Name: road of excess
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Aug 2001
Comments is
the ideal tool for removing junk mail.Just but your e mail and the spam

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Aug 2001
Seeker brings up a good point. These days it's probably not a good idea
to leave "clear text" email addresses on guestbook pages or
other public spaces. This is because there are robot programs that search
for web pages and harvest any email addresses in order to create mass
lists for sending spam email. The solution is to leave your email address
but include an error that you alert people to. So I have changed all email
addresses on this guestbook to be "real name"_yada@realdomain.
Hope this is clear to everyone. If not, write me at my email address (just
remove the _yada first.)

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Aug 2001
a word to the wise -- I posted a brief note to this website a little
while back. & intentionally left out my e-mail address (too much junk
mail already.) Within a few days I received a very strange message via
e-mail, some kind of bizarre Nigerian too can share in $$$
millions if you'll just forward your account numbers, credit card info,
DOB, mother's maiden name, etc. Well , it was good for a chuckle or two.
But I ask you, how did Mr. Con Artist get my correct address ? -- A
precautionary message for those with ears to hear. -- keeping hope alive
in NC
[Seeker: I sincerely doubt they got your email here — especially
since you didn't leave it!!! — and I know many friends who have gotten
the same Nigerian spam message (in some cases dozens of times.) Here's a
trick to use when leaving your email address anywhere. Put some junk
character in the middle of the address, then tell people in the body of
the message to remove that character when sending you mail. For example,,
remove the underscore yada. The reason this trick works is that most
spamming is caused by automatic spiders that harvest emails by looking for
the @ symbol in text pages. HTH —ed.]

Name: elliott lefko
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Aug 2001
where can i buy a photo of emmet grogan

Name: Paul Moews
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2001
Please consider adding my web radio station to your links page. It has
over 93 hours of no-repeat 60s psych from the obvious classics to the
incredibly obscure, including authentic 60s radio commercials, promos and
DJ talk!
The website is at:
P.S. - A good majority from the San Fran Scene!

Name: shane stringer
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2001
"Digger" is the nick name for all Aussie soldiers. This dates
back to ww1 as far as I can dertermine.
[Indeed, mate! There's a web
that I accidentally stumbled across one day. Any idea the derivation of
their use of the word digger? Our "Diggers" dates back to Old
England in 1649, the group by that name enlivened by a vision of a world
pure from private property, free from Buying & Selling.—ed.]

Name: Michael Black
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Aug 2001
Speaking of Max, if you do a search on "Emmett Grogan" most
of the hits will be references to Bob Dylan bootlegs, I think commonly
called the "Grogan Acetates". A few years back, actually it must
have been about 1994, a regular guest on one of the talk shows here in
Montreal talked about rock memorabilia. One time, the guy starts the show
saying "Remember the last time I was here..." and goes on about
Max Grogan and how he had these Bob Dylan recordings. I honestly can't
remember if I heard the show when Max called in. Since there was such a
surprise that something really big had turned up this way, somehow I think
I did hear the original call, though he wouldn't have given his last name.
That must have been the first time I heard of Max, other than in
connection with his father. Oddly, I haven't crossed paths with him. I
suspect if I asked people I know, someone would know him.

Name: Mario
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Aug 2001
"3 days of peace and music"!!! peace for everybody

Name: 1%free
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Aug 2001
Max grogan is the proud son of emmett grogan for more info

Name: monkey
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Aug 2001
ah Mark ? one of my personal favorite topics the BLACK BEAR RANCH.up
date, status anytime! the Sawyers bar road is a walk in the park compared
to ye ole days and only 10 miles now(modified in 80's ,resource
extraction)Having lived there 95-98? is a far cry from the experimental
60's,though we as bears were/are faced with the same social,political
aspects as those who lived at the remote commune in the 60's or any
communities for that matter.A community where there is no
guru,owner,hoss, one may ever know if concenceus truly works
were EVERYONE is happy.I LOVE the Bear.Currently the population is low and
the people would not see you as barging in. There was a lull for some time
were no one was really there 88-94? BOOM rebirth of the bear! yes. I go up
just about every month. One of the plus points of the melting pot is that
theres is lots of old/late model bears live on the river or 100mile radius
of the bear. Feel free to go on up with donations or just say hello.I
could ramble on and fill up a page or 20 sooo.. e-mail me if ya like.
disclaimer ****the words and opinions are strictly of the author and do
not reflect the opinions of the Bear family**** woo woo

Name: Paul Mc
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Aug 2001
Hello all. I recently came across an old photograph that my late step
father took on or around 1968-9. His name was Dex and he was a radical
(Oxford educated) and a socialite hippy. Apparently he was well known in
the London scene around that time. The photo contains some pretty
interesting characters, there is George Harrison ,Rodger Moore (yes James
Bond), Peter Coyote and my mother says that the other person is Emmet
Grogan althoe i dont know who he is or what he looks like. The picture was
probably taken in Millford Christians pad in Chelsea at one of his
frequent parties. Iwould be grateful for any information about these
parties or if any one knew my stepfather. Should you want a copy of this
picture for your web site please e.mail me and state either bitmap or jpeg
and I shall send it off. thank you all. Paul Mc.

Name: Frank Johnson
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Aug 2001
I want any girl from any where to have friendship with, So girls write

Name: Lisa Davis
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Aug 2001
Great Site. Thankz!

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jul 2001
Can anyone update the Black Bear ranch status these days? How bad is
the road in from Sawyer's Bar? I have thought of revisiting and bringing
up something that might be a usable donation but don't want to barge in.
Haven't been to the place since 1969 and don't have real contacts with any
of the late-model folks and lost track of the people I was with decades
ago. Any guidance would be great.

Name: Nigel
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jul 2001
Homeless Hank you are free of the *Homeless* tag, for a citiZEN of the
planet is never homeless {you told me that in a dream}. Good things are
happening for you NOW! I think maybe keep travelling 'cross the
"Specific Ocean" Fiji,maybe Samoa awaits with her delights. Just
watch for a certain frog mentioned earlier in the guestbook- he'll tell
you what you need to know. Salu sweetheart!

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jul 2001
I was checking out William Gale Gedney's photography from the 50's
until the 80's and saw this shot:
I thought "diggers" was some reference to someone in the
know, "hep" or whatever. I was interested to find your site, the
meaning behind the term and thought you might be interested in this
photograph. The sign the guy is holding is a little faded out, but read it
closely. The rest of Gedney's photography gives a remarkable glimpse into
that time and place. As does your site.

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jul 2001
The "Security Photos" From Wheeler's Open Land Ranch of the
late 60's early 70's are photos that were taken by an armed security
person who was hired by the unfriendly front neighbors to patrol the gate
at the county road where one had to enter and then cross to get into
Wheeler's Ranch. The guard requested ID and a photo from anyone he
encountered. After he was laid off, he gave the collection to the folks on
the Ridge as a peace offering. Those photos are being posted here:
Love, Peace, Brown Rice and Veggies .....
Char ~*

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jul 2001
To everyone who has tried to post a Guestbook entry over the past
The page is working again. Please repost any missing entries. I
apologize for the inconvenience. There have been several problems with the
new web provider but hopefully things are working OK now. Thanks for your

Name: Patzi
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Jul 2001
It's so good to see this happening!
I got involved in all this stuff in 1956... The SF Chronicle published
my picture on the cover of This World Magazine during June of that year
when they first coined the word Beatnik. We got bad press, but great
When I first got to North Beach, it was the most exciting thing I'd
ever experienced. I'd always been a little wierd, but I found there were a
lot of other wierd people.. and that we were actually pretty neat!
During the Digger days, I was living in a share the kitchen place on
Filmore and Steiner where Emmit Grogan also lived. I was the only person
there with a phone, and Emmit used it a lot during the digger project
planning days. I worked on weekends with the free food project.
I moved to Los Angeles for a couple of years after that, and did some
stuff there that was kind of interesting. It was during the Viet Nam war
protests.. and Eddie was in the cancer ward at Long Beach Vet's Hosptial.
I was going over there every day, bringing him good food. There was a very
large spinal injury ward there, over 2,000 beds. I got to know a lot of
the guys. and they were not happy campers. Eddie was a big bear of a man,
who could say the most outragous things to people and not be offensive.
He'd just been converted to pacifism, and would ask the parapalegic vets
if they were pacifists yet??? He started a pretty nice little group of
anti-war vets there.
I was concerned about how the school system had military assemblies
every year in high school, and our little group of anti-war demonstators
decided to do something about it. We thought that kids should understand
that there were alternatives to the draft.. and who better to present the
alternative, than one of my parapalegic vet friends??
It never got off the ground, in real life. The school board wouldn't
allow us to speak even. We packed the schoolboard meeting, and everybody
left when we couldn't speak, but it wasn't mentioned in the local press,
that covered the school board meetings. Also, the vets were dependent on
the VA for survival, and didn't really want to risk being tossed out. So
the project was abandoned.
10 years later, somebody made a movie about that... Jane Fonda played
me, and Jon Voight played the parapalegic vet, with a few changes from
real life...
After two years in Los Angeles, we moved to Morro Bay.
If anybody remembers the chick who could beat everybody in chess, I'd
love to hear from you.

Name: HomelessHank
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Jul 2001
I made it to Maui! I'm typing this from the public comp at Wailuku
library! My $100 is about gone, though. Any suggestions on how to make
some dough on the island? Free meals?

E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jul 2001
Hi ya all that remember the old COFFEE GALLERY in North Beach [1361
Grant st.,at Green] San Francisco.Yeah the bar that Janice Joplin played
when she first came to town.also the stage that the Beat poets & Jazz
musicians performed on in the 50s. Its the place I [Girl George] first
played at in 1966,I ended up running the open mics & booking the wk.
ends for a yr. in 1975,after I came back from Nashville & touring With
Dr.Hook, [Act called: "George & the Arizona Star"]About 1975
the club changed hands & was renamed "the Lost & Found"
a Blues club,that wanted nothing to do with the clubs arty past.[it was
trying to pretend to be the saloon,Yeah, after 25 yrs.50,000
different owners.The new owners [2nd.generation North Beach people]are
renaming the club "the Coffee Gallery" as of 7-11-01..Girl
George [yours truly] is back running the folk music open mic.Every Wed.
8pm.[performance art,poets,& comics are also welcome..]YOU CAN GO HOME
AGIN. [yes they still have BEER & HARD STUFF,not just coffee]..They
want to start a poet open mic, & comic open mic,& maybe a blues
jam on sundays...No Door Charge..also they welcome artist displaying their
art on the walls.The COFFEE GALLERY has went back to being a frendly
garden that allows art to grow,at its own pace.a place to meet &
mingel with kindred souls.I'll be there every wed.Come by & say
Hi...LOVE GIRL GEORGE PS I will be running the open the Starry
Plough this Tue.7:30pm.Berk.& of course the Stork Club in
Oakland,every Sunday 9pm. come show us what you can do..nuf said..

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jul 2001
awaiting a new rebirth of wonder
reading DiPrima, Gregory Corso, Peter McWilliams " Aint Nobody's
Business if I Do" [ a tremendous history of the insane war against
victimless crimes, including hemp] :: waiting for the rest of you guys to
come out of your personal coma{s} & fix this mess so we can all be
happy...... retake the airwaves from ClearCom and clean up the retro-Nazi
Police State...( FZ: WHO are the Brain Police ?) anybody else sympathize
with my dystopic state ??? I remember truly free FM radio in Wash. DC
circa l969, Spiritous Cheese et al. ... I saw the best minds of my
generation destroyed by madness... does anyone at all read/hear me ?

Name: paul garcia
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Jul 2001
this . >>
document: Done

Name: Steve Speir
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jul 2001
I lived in the Haight at 610 Cole between 1971-74. What an experience.
The right wing that has captured the national media - particularly FOX and
Brit Hume and Limbaugh - seem dead set on rewriting this part of American
history. More significant change came out of the sixties and early
seventies than can ever be calculated. People like Joe McDonald and Emmitt
Grogan and San Francisco Phoenix editor John Bryan represent the best of
the American spirit. Glad to hear from anyone on this topic. Does anyone
remember Louise Zito who worked at the Hibernia State Bank in the Castro?
A raving beauty from New Jersey who loved the Russian River.

Name: Michael Black
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jul 2001
--I was a few years too young for Rochdale, but Ron Mann did a film
about it some years back. I saw it on the CBC; I don't know if it had
theatrical release. It was titled "Dream Tower". His website is
--Maybe ten years ago, I bought a book about Rochdale, Either I bought
it used or it was being cleared out at a bookstore. I can't easily find it
for details, but at least there is one book about the place. A websearch
turned up a book, but I don't know if it's the one I have or something

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jul 2001
Hey, everyone... I switched web providers for the digger web, so there
will be a few days that the domain name is cached. If you
think you saw something but now it's missing, let me know. I'll have to
try and make sure to copy over to the new web (the one you're reading)
anything that inadvertently gets left at the old site.
Salud, --en

Name: Greg
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jul 2001
I'm an actor/writer in Toronto developing a play about ROCHDALE
COLLEGE. I'd love to talk to anyone with any connection. I want to hear as
many accounts, tall-tales, myths, lessons, trips, tragedies as I can.

Name: Hammond Guthrie
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jul 2001
Hello Everyone: - For a bit of Digger related history, and for a
clarification as to why Altamont happened, please visit:
where, if you type "writenow" in the composer search my titles
will appear. My vignette "The Wild West Festival" will explain
the rest. Cheers to all who enter! AsEver - Hammond Guthrie

E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jul 2001
Mauritius Island. Far away on the Indian Ocean. How amazing to meet the
local people. The less they have, the warmest they are. No stress, no
critics, no competition, just riding my bike through the sugar's fields
with the fresh breath of the ocean, saying "qui position" to
everyone. Free birds, free dogs along the streets. Poverty. Misery. Big
hearts and big smiles from the local, always. How simple, humble and kind.
Remind me that the Northern's mind is not only the answer, the truth.
Diggers's Heart. Ecology. Respect. Traveling is helping oneself out to
become a better individual. Hope to meet you someday in California. Keep
your faith alive. Peace. CLARA

Name: Jackie Turner
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jul 2001
Very interesting site. Just read about the Diggers for the first time
in "Scars of Sweet Paradise" a bio of Janis Joplin and I had to
research it. I had never heard of the Diggers and I find the history of
the Diggers/Levellers very intriguing.

Name: Michael McCracken
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jul 2001
Been a while since I've posted. Lots of new links on my search site.
I'm still going strong, however.
Anyone from the San Fran scene remember Dr. Reidar Wennesland and his art

Name: HomelessHank
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2001
Hey Now! I just won the lottery! Well, almost. Anyway, I got a free bus
ticket back to CA from this really nice rich dude here in NY! He even gave
me a whole hundred dollars to "get my act together" with! Is
there a "ride board in BBS format on the web? When I get back to SF
I'd like to get a ride on to Maui. Sounds like a real cool place! My best
bro didn't get ten steps off the airplane on Maui before being yanked up,
searched, and locked up for six months just for having a few shrooms. Told
him he shoulda hitched! People like us look weird on planes!

Name: Dan Rohde
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2001
Dear Digger Archives,
I was surprised to finally see the Invisible Circus poster with the red
and blue tiger on your site. I still have an original poster like this
I've kept from the Sixties. I don't want to sell it, but can you tell me
what it might be worth? The only other one I've ever seen was at - get
this - on the wall of the corridor leading into the Rock and Roll Roller
Coaster ride in Disneyworld.
Cool site!
Dan Rohde
[Dan — Sorry you didn't find the Invisible Circus poster earlier. I
probably should have a separate gallery of Digger posters that would
present the images in one place instead of scattered all over the Archive
in their appropriate context pages. As to your question, I have no idea
about the poster's monetary worth. (I assume that's what you meant — for
me the worth of these items is the opposite of $). All I know is someone
keeps offering facsimile copies of the original Invisible Circus poster on
Ebay for around $20. That's a gas about Disneyworld. Where did you get
your copy of Invisible Circus? Salud — editor.]

E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2001

Name: paul garcia
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2001
smoke black smoke turning into river. river, river. we cultivate it
along the breeze. and talk math.
killing calculus with physics. dried. heavy and light. mixing up with
chemistry. i need a dose of psychiatry. gimme, gimme some more.
eat machines. crunch like tomatoes. bleeding. flowing with semen.

Name: Dave Walker
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2001
I would be honored if you would link my website to yours. My website is
Best Regards,
Dave Walker, co-author, "Hello My Big Big Honey!"

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2001
My trip to Hawaii started out as a trip to Oregon to stay in a
wilderness cabin for a summer. Met a friend at the bus station in San Jose
who provided us with some mind alterers and took a bus to SFO. Somewhere
during this deal we bought tickets to Honolulu instead and found ourselves
in the Honolulu Aiport at 3am. I don't remember the flight much and it was
a shock to realize where we were. We spent a bizarre day or two on Oahu
including trying to camp on Waikiki which led to the cops sending us back
to the airport. We had just enough money to buy tickets to Maui and spent
the next several months penniless on Makena. Lived on coconut,Campbell's
cream of mushroom soup,discarded canned pineapple from the Kihei dump,
rice, etc. My only possesions by the end of summer were a pair of cutoffs
and a tshirt. It was great.

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2001
What was the mode of transportation to the Island? Did most of you work
your way over on Steamers or Cargo Vessels? Or did you save money to buy a
ticket? I know at that time I did not have a pot to piss in or any
traveling clothes other than the discarded rags/gifts that were sent our
way. I remember my net worth was a wooden bowl.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jul 2001
I was at Makena a few years back. That resort and golf course make me
ill. Went to big beach and immediatly got hassled in the parking area by
locals then went over to little beach and to skinnydip with some others
and my female friend was surrounded in the surf by heavy breathing locals
that came out from the trees within minutes. Does anyone remember the
Haiku School of Nirvana Yoga in Haiku? I spent a month there lured by the
mention of free food. It was a life changing experience for me. I went by
the area of the old house on the same trip but didn't see any signs of it.

E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jul 2001

Name: Euphoria
E-mail Address: still dancing
Date: 06 Jul 2001
the dirt road to Makena which used to take about an hour to naivgate
due to pot holes and other nasties in the road is now paved. you could
skateboard to Makena now. Used to take an hour to drive the last 7 miles.
Now it takes 10 minutes.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jul 2001
I took my family to spend 2 weeks in Hana and also spent a day at
Little Beach and Makena to relive some memories. It is a different place
now. I remember walking 7 miles down the dirt road from the Kihei store to
get to Makena. Does anyone remember a fellow named St. George who lived in
a cabin near the water just on the other side of Makena? He had the only
source of fresh drinking water then and I made daily trips to fill wine
jugs at his garden tap.

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jul 2001
I missed the Makena Beach scene in '69 and '70; got to Maui in Nov. of
'72 after all the homemade houses had been torn down and most of the
Makena Beach hippies had moved to the jungle. However, every Sunday there
is a gathering with drums and lots more at Little Beach. I'll be going
with my sister in law on Sunday.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jul 2001
Sentences like the one you describe are just plain evil and the first
thing that came to mind was Eldrige Cleaver's book "Soul On
Ice". I too gave up the altered states long ago but cannot understand
why we still deal with these offenses in such a primative way. I would
wonder how many native born citizens of the islands are actually getting
these punishments as opposed to "outsiders" given the racial
climate. Anybody here spend time on Makena Beach in 1969/1970?

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jul 2001
Let Freedom Ring!

Name: Fran
E-mail Address: Ohio
Date: 04 Jul 2001
Its extremely difficult to have family or a friend in prison. It's
terrible if the prison is some distance away and you want to maintain
phone calls or visits, this causes overwhelming difficulties. Sending
people from Hawaii to Texas, Oklahoma or Montana for a prison sentence is
so crummy. It's inconceivable that should happen, let alone for a drug
offense. No longer a drug user since the 60s, but still disturbed by how
the govt. views drugs.

Name: Sean Robbins
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jul 2001
An amazing compilation of an era/experience. Having only been a wee
baby during the time, it's great to get a sense of how it was. Thanks!

Name: Euphoria
E-mail Address: from Maui
Date: 03 Jul 2001
A friend just got sent to jail for possession and cultivation pf
maryjane. He got 6 months with 10 years probabtion. Though he can be out
in 4 months for good behavior, I hear that most prisioners get a short
sentence at first but long probation, and then screw up on the probation
and get sent up the river for a long time. Here in Hawaii prisioners with
sentences of more than a year get sent to factory prisons in Oklahoma,
Texas and Montana.
[One of the biggest failures of the 60s was not legalizing marijuana.
The "drug war" is in fact a thinly disguised war of the Right
against the Counterculture that came to maturity in that era and
fundamentally changed the values of millions of Americans. Even though the
"drug war" doesn't appear to be winning, nevertheless the Right
has succeeded in reversing many of our gains. This society is becoming the
1984 we all once feared and then laughed about after that milestone year
passed. The prison industry has become a lobbying force with which
politicians have to reckon. Where do we hear the voice of Reason? Where
are the underground voices upwelling with alternative visions? Even in San
Francisco, possession of pot is still an arrestable offense. It is one of
the weapons in the attacks on homeless people in this city of Saint
Francis. Again, I say, we stopped the genocidal war in Vietnam. We ended
legal segregation in this country. We created movements for justice for
women, minorities, gay people, disabled people, for the Planet!. We (of
the Counterculture) challenged the fundamental notion of an American Life
and created lifestyle alternatives that spread like a fungus throughout
society. And YET, we forgot about legalizing marijuana. When will this
oversight be corrected? --editor]

Name: C-Rem
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jul 2001
all is well all is free we'll be once again I swear
ps love to Homeless Hank

Name: paul garcia
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Jul 2001
i eat allen ginsbergs hallucinogenic words. dream of making sex with
him along the corners of his three dimensional euphoric HOWL. my stomach
is aching. intestines been dried and turn it into a barbecue.
lacking vitamines. overdosing sedatives. dream, dream, dream while
poisoning livers with alcohols.
from blue im turning yellow. die.
if i die i wanna hear my lover crying like frank sinatras song "MY
WAY". or have a dose with "INTERNATIONALE".
arise. arise. ARISE!
another impromptu poem by paul garcia. a lepper patient in MANILA,

Name: VegasRiv
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Jun 2001
Nice to see that the Diggers are alive and well working toward a common
goal somewhere still! Keep the dreams alive

Name: Homeless Hank
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Jun 2001
Wow, is that Signature Coffee Mattole? Or the river? I'm just a poor
bum in NYC these days, but I use to roam the old King's Range myself!
Before that nasty FBI provocateur lady whose name I won't mention got on
KMUD accusing me of shit that just ain't true! Now I'm a poor bum. Too
poor to even be a wino! Man, I wish I was back in Humboldt RIGHT NOW!Send
me some of that killer Black Thunder blend coffee, man!

Name: Donovan Mattole
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Jun 2001
I was just re-typing a brief bio I wrote of my dad who was a part of
the Diggers in 1967 and again in 1969-70. He has a lot of memories from
this time period which I have on tape. Anyway, I thought I'd do a quick
search on the web to see if there was anything about this group on online
(I was guessing that it was just him and some friends and I seriously
doubted I'd come across anything). Anyway, I find it very interesting. If
fills in some of the gaps in things he said and his stories ad a lot more
to it. My dad's name was Walter Charles Sharp III, but in 1967 & 1969
he would have been known as just Walt (I didn't ask him if he had any
nicknames). In 1972 he moved from San Francisco to Humbolt County and
legally changed his name to "Mattole".

Name: Shack
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jun 2001
Good Site. whoeeaaaaaaa

Name: Tina
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jun 2001
Great site. Thankz! <a href=""><font
color="white" size="1">Great
Site</font></a><a href=""><font
size="1" color="white">Great
Site</font></a> <a href=""
target="_top"><font size="1"
color="white">Great Site</font></a><a href=""><font
size="1" color="white">Great
Site</font></a> <a href=""><font
size="1" color="white">Great
Site</font></a><a href=""><font
size="1" color="white">Great
Site</font></a> <a href=""
target="_top"><font size="1"
color="white">Great Site</font></a><a href=""><font
size="1" color="white">Great
Site</font></a> <a href=""><font
size="1" color="white">Great

Name: Homeless Hank
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jun 2001
Man, I sure wish it was still the '60's! I just woke up slumped over
this computer at New York's public library at 42nd & 5th after having
a mean old NYC cop give me a "wood shampoo" for taking a free
crap in the public library. Guess I missed the pot. Man, somebody get me
outta here! Fast!

Name: allen
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jun 2001
ediggers, alive & well - how wonderful. Plus the free estore, love
to everyone, god knows we need a sane alternative lifestyle.
My thoughts are with those of you trying to walk the walk.

Name: Golden Troll Videos
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jun 2001
Check out our [deleted URL]
hemp videos and hemp cloths hippie culture.
[There's no advertising for money-making
ventures on the digger website. Sorry, mate. --editor]

Name: Monica Davis
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jun 2001
This is so cool! I love the history of 60's counterculture as well as
the music and great personalities that went with it.

Name: Seaswept
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jun 2001
On behalf of Earth Sisters Committee I would like to invite you to
visit our pages! We have information about Organic Gardening,
environmentally safe cleaning tips, green consuming, endangered animal
species, and many more environmentally related topics. Please come visit

Name: Gus
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jun 2001
In this bliss of mornings slumber
We roll the covers tight
Now every thing is right
But now in distant hearing the crow has come in flight
His focus is our sleepiness
His practice so intense
We think he'll try to wake our silly sleeping heads
And yet the feeling grows that this is not his bent
Maybe it's a gull he sees
Maybe it's that finch
So whatever's got him going
No matter the intent
This bird is reaking havock in our sleepy silent tent.

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jun 2001
This world of words does convey messages. Messages that are seen and
spoken out loud. Repeated and spoken out loud. Some small parts of this
world see and listen. There is a reason for stopping by here. We have been
around a long time and we see and listen. Perhaps...Whatever?

Name: paul garcia
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Jun 2001
today, i dreamt of lotuses on my mind. they're like clouds, they're
like candies. overpasses networked with teo radio. coming like angels,
driving like hispanic look-jeepnies. i telephoned and a portal magnetized
me down just like the washing machine.
i make sex with tv sets. fetish on money bills. karl marx wrote that
down. he said, "a specter is haunting europe, the specter of
communism". IMF-WB is eating us down. today as i stand infront of
this radiated monitor i am thinking of CHINA with multi-nationals. a
fiesta of cheap labor. a flourishing smell of povery.
third world is the end. they end third world. living in a third world.
now dieing in the third world.
i day dreamt of MAO lately and i find it sexually provocative to have
anal sex with the fuckin chairman who killed the reputation of COMMUNISM
and scared away the TIBETAN PEOPLE because of his insane cultural
im asian, im asian and im descrimanated. lotuses add comments note:
click the "add commnents" button only once. there may be a delay
before the button appears like buddha.
buddha drinking pepsi. fucking indian prostitutes using the KAMA SUTRA.
an impromptu poetry by PAUL GARCIA a filipino living in a leprosarium
dying with leprosy. I DONT NEED YOUR HELP!

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Jun 2001
Brad Martian, Look here to find some females that speak their minds,
which they have no trouble doing.

Name: Usman Ibrahim
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jun 2001
Please contact me if you want 30% of $20,000,000.00 USD. I am king of
Nigeria and president of the World Bank and wish to live in Maui so I may
become a self-realized man. Salaam Aleikum
[Inflation at work, obviously. From 1% Free to 30% Free. Where is
Sweet William, aka the Free City Banker, now that we need him? —en]

Name: Brad Martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jun 2001
Hi, I tried to leave this message a couple days ago, but apparently
unsuccessfully. In a chapter on the Diggers in a forthcoming book on
public performance in the 1960s, I have a section on Digger women that I
would like to augment with more material from any women who had
experiences with the Diggers that they would like to share. In examining
the material on the Diggers which I've been doing for 4-5 years now, it's
difficult not to notice that most it is male-authored. I'd like to hear
some women's primary voices to create a fuller perspective.

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jun 2001
Long before the hippies I was aware of the beach bums roaming the
beaches in California. As a child our family camped out at Tin Can Beach
for the Weekends. I was aware of the beat generation that wore black and a
beret in those coffee houses along the coast. I was aware of Gandhi from
the newsreels at the movie theater. I was aware of Little Richard and his
plight. I was aware of Rock & Roll music. I was aware of the folk
music being played in 62. I was aware of the Beatles when they decided to
wear long hair. I became aware of the Hippies in 67. To say that these
ideas all started on a day the Diggers decided to hand out free food,
clothing and leaflets does not make sense. I think that the feelings of
the young were coming to a head with or without the Diggers. The Diggers
only complimented my feeling about sixties. The Diggers are only part of
this continuing revolution for Peace and Good Will. We try to keep the
Peace on Holidays. Everyday should be a Holiday.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Jun 2001
Thanks, Char, for the positive feedback. I really appreciate your
words. And I agree, I think Cavallo overplays the distinction between
diggers and hippies. The whole tribal thing implied a continuum of ideas
from the Hip Merchants to the Diggers and everything in between. To say
the Diggers weren't hippies is drawing too fine a distinction between
different groupings in what was essentially the same overall movement. At
least that's my feeling about it.

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Jun 2001
Eric thank you so much for your work and efforts to put Dominick
Cavallo's article online. What a great read! It does feel strange
sometimes, to be here in the New Millenium reading on a computer, the
"history" of those daze, and to look around and see the changes
that where brought about from a few short years of the "incredible
high" of the 60's. As for Hippies and Diggers(who where also Hippies)
"their truth goes marching on!".Thanks for bringing some of
those truths to these cyber screens. Peace and fresh baked bread,........
: ) ..... Char ~*

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jun 2001
I finished transcribing and formatting Dominick Cavallo's article on
the Diggers: "It's Free because It's Yours" which he published
as part of his history of the Sixties (A Fiction of the Past, St. Martin's
Press, 1999.)
The article can be found here:
This is the first published academic history of the Diggers, as far as
I know. (Michael Doyle's history is due out this Fall.) Prof. Cavallo had
suggested in a Guestbook message here the idea of posting his Digger
history online, for which I'm grateful. I'd appreciate feedback from
Digger web visitors on putting articles like this onto the web. Also let
me know of any typos or corrections. Salud. --en

E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jun 2001

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jun 2001
an add on to my lasat e message... some of us also testify before the
county council and participate in town meetings. There are lots of very
aware, conscious souls here on Maui, but the rich developers pull the
puppets' strings.

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jun 2001
Yes, there is an environmental group on Maui with some very aware
We also have the Sierra Club. i am a member of both. Friends also publish
the Haleakela Times, a Free Press that exposes lots of the slime and
corruption going on regarding developement and loss of public beaches,
corruption in the selling of water rights, etc. There are a lot of filthy
rich powerful developers that are used to getting or buying their own way.
Yes, we write letters and occasionally stage demonstrations and
occasionally win some crumbs. It is discouraging but there is no choice
but to continue working to actualize change.

Name: paula
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jun 2001
thanks to this page, i found a long=lost friend who saw my post asking
him if he read it, to contact me. how very cool. thanks so much for being
here. old friends are good to find, it's not always easy...thank you for
making it so.

Name: ciccio
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jun 2001
se passate da verona scrivetemi ciao girls !!

Name: joe
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2001

Name: monkey
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2001
R N A yes to hear the destruction of Hawaii is truly sad when i first
visited i was stricken with depression from all the pollution and
destruction of indigenous people and nature, and yes PESTICIDES!ughhh
officals i talked too kept bragging about the TRADE WINDS "carry it
all out" carry it all out !!!!!! what out to where our air our
atmosphere! now every year when i go i am more acustomed to it,very sad.We
as humans become acustomed to a lot of B.S .Snap the chain. Diesel
generators with no emission standards got to go as well! Bio diesel is the
way. My good buddy (old school Andy) in SF informed me last night they
just opened a public bio diesel filling station in S.F. Way cool! soon
Maui..maybe next Yreka?? to B.B.R solstice gathering 01 ever thought
of starting a enviromental group in maui? is there one ? MAUI CONCERNED
CITIZENS anythings possible

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2001
Mark, That definitely sounds like Nevada. Personally, alcohol is not my
medicine and I don't enjoy being around drunks. However, open land was
just that: OPEN. I've seen him on LSD. Not a pretty sight. As Tim Leary
said, LSD is not for everyone. For some it is like giving rocket fuel to a
volkswagon. Giving a drunk LSD will not enlighten him.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2001
The story told about the guy named Nevada brought back a memory that
has been with me since 1969. A guy named Bob Whiteman, a couple named
Dennis and Terry, myself and a dog named Boogie left Santa Cruz in a 59 VW
bus to "relocate" to Morningstar. When we got there it was
nearly abandoned except for Lou and his wife, his cabin and piano, and a
phone booth. He advised us to go to Raspberry near Forestville off the
Russian River. We got to Forestville, asked for directions at a local bar
and found the road to Raspberry and made our way there. What we found was
a few people in an old mobile home, some motorcycles, and a campfire. We
were told we could stay the night but we would have to go to the store in
Forestville for wine. Back down the road past a booby trapped cabin with
perimeter barbed wire fencing to get the gallons of Red Mountain vino. We
had a stash of psychedelics and when we got back to the camp, the wine and
head elevators were shared. The place had an edgy vibe but we were willing
to go along. This guys wife appeared and asked if we had given him wine or
anything else and was distressed to say the least after finding out what
was happening. The guy basically went apeshit and scared the hell out of
everyone throughout the night. We had no idea that we were triggering the
dementia of this tormented soul. He chased everyone around with an old BMW
motorcyle cut down like a dirt bike, fell into the campfire requiring us
to drag him out before he set himself ablaze. He had a black African Pigmy
goat that smelled terrible and constantly butted at everybody all night.
He tried to seduce the women and when turned away started on the men. He
said he had firearms and we were sincerely freaked, but too stoned to
leave. Needless to say, we hooked it out of there at dawn. Is this the
same guy? We eventually found ourselves in Arcata and then up to Hoopa,
Forks of Salmon, Sawyer's Bar and then over the mountain to Black Bear. My
time at Black Bear wasn't very long but in the weeks I was there, I was
able to experience the spirit and reality of the Digger way. Those
experiences helped shape my view of life and are still with me today 30
years later. Just thought I would post this for curiosity sake. I was a
strange night.

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jun 2001
Gus: yup, that sounds like Nevada. He was pretty frightening to behold.
He did die from liver damage caused by his red wine habit. I was at the
home birth of his first child by his wife Jean. She was a radient yogi who
didn't drink. She loved him. Anyway, the birth was at Raspberry, a 40 acre
parcel deeded to God by Lou Gottlieb. It was a beautiful and isolated
piece. The price of the land was cheap because it is on a steep slope and
it had no direct acess; one had to go through Gallo Wineries vineyards to
get to Raspberry the land. Anyway, as Jean was breathing deeply as her
labor progressed Nevada heard a car. "Get the guns!" he screamed
(of course he had been drinking) and went into a panic as if the Vietcong
were about to attack. Although he was somewhat distracting, some of the
menfolk kind of held Nevada down and tried to soothe him as Jean managed a
perfect birth. I believe Nevada was another Vietnam War casuality; he lost
his mind in Vietnam. I have no idea where Jean and the kids (now in their
late 20's and thirties) are.

Name: Just a Guy
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jun 2001
Good to see you after all these years! I hope this isn't an I.B.F
setup, but who cares.
I have long hidden my past life (as much as one can) and have unhappily
lived "in the shade of the freeway". But once a
"hippie", always a "hippie" and you know who you are!
Emmett's *Ringelivo* had a profound effect on me--a guard snuck it in
to me around '72 and that book, and act of kindness, saved my sanity in
the darkest years this long life has known.
It would be cool to restart the Digger movement with a more '01 style.
I have met many who would embrace it. Lately, bmbngs and major mayhem is
the only way anyone can figure out to get the gvrnmnt's attention and that
is just wrong.
We, as a generation, did more with peace and dmstratons than a hundred
bmbngs ever could.
I got to get back to the Now and get to Church to fortify my soul for
the upcoming workweek. Peace to all.

Name: gus
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jun 2001
Does anyone there remember a time long ago 'bout fall '67. I was very
high, up the rise from the well, lotus'd there on that slope, chanting ...hari
or something and wearing somekind of golden shower curtain/buddists robe.
I was still high from some sperimental S.T.P.that I'd taken two or three
days past.I thought the tuffstuf was over and the high seemed to have
mellowed and matured, wasn't bothering nooo buddy, nice night just being a
fool on the hill. Down below was where everybuddy coming new up to the
ranch would first find themselves, by the well. Anyway that night Nevada
was fucking with anything that moved. Beating up and terrorising anyone
that was first timers. I hollar down to stop him, he turns eyes up the
hill with looks to kill. Now he's screaming he's gunna get me. I believe
him. He is kicking up dust and rocks coming up the hill. The hills angle
is slowing him a little but I do believe he really is coming up the hill.
His slowing close give him time to scream I'm a fucking dead man. I could
of got away,but I thought this would be a good time to test my ability to
simply vanish into thin air. I thought I should see if it could be done.
Why not give it a try, rigth? Last thing I remember he's there breathing
red wine fire, spitt'n triple scorpio wack vibes and his cowboy boot,
about a size 8 if I recall, is sailing in a diminishing radius flightplan
ending just past my brain pan. Next thing I know Nevada's stumbbling fast
down the hill to the well looking puzzeled for shure. My memory is the
boot went right through my head. A couple days later word sent that I was
invited to a thank you dinner at his tepi. He told me I'd dissapeard as he
tried to kick me an he'd got religion an quit drinking. A good time as had
by all. If any buddy can add to or verify this recollection I'd appreciate
it. badaba morningstar

Name: Arthur
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2001
To R.N.A. from Hawaii: The technology is available to turn cellulose
waste, such as sugar cane, into ethanol fuel. This is now about to be done
in California with rice stalks and hulls which have been being burned. I
could get you the name of the company that is building the plant in the
Central Valley (California)if you'd be interested.

Name: shapeshifter
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2001
Yo Raincrow Tennessee moonshine, bootleg whiskey, shaw makes a warrior
fine 'n frisky!

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2001
... a voice from Hawaii. Come see it fast before it disappears. One of
the largest archeological sites in the state is about to become a gated
community. More and more beaches disappear as developers build
aristocratic homes and cut out access. Maui should be a land of thousands
(yes thousands) of waterfall pools but East Maui Irrigation has gone high
into the hills and diverted all the water from most streams. Now instead
of waterfall pools for all, we have dry stream beds and dry gulches. Tho
the streams run during heavy rains, there is no life in them because they
are dry the rest of the time. One friend who has land by a flowing
waterfall pool may lose it all soon due to a cannibus bust. His family has
water in the pools because a taro farmer lived downstream before EMI (east
maui irrigation) cut off the water and so was grandfathered in. These
sacred pools get 3 inces of flow off the bottom before the gates divert
the rest. However, a huge percentage of the pools have been destroyed due
the complete diversion of heavenly water in most rainforest streams. I
regret to mention the thick clouds of smoke released daily from sugar cane
burns. Cane burning is illegal in Australia because it is a health hazard
but cane continues to be burned here (along with PVC irrigation pipes)
because it maximizes the profit. Of course the hospital is besieged by
folks with respiratory distress when the sugarcane is burned in the fields
and the wind shifts. There is even a name for the falling black cane ash:
"Maui Snow." Sending Aloha to All.

Name: WildBill (Opa-Locka)
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jun 2001
It's rumored that Chester V. and WildBill did plant several
cannabis-type seeds and one tune entitled "Love Sold In Dodes,"
behind one fence in sunny downtown Austin in 1965, in an feeble effort to
save the world from giant lobsters; only rumored, of course.

Name: Wimbledon
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jun 2001
Hey, people! A good film called "Winstanley", very
sympathetic to the original Diggers' movement, came out in 1975. Peace be
with you.

Name: Shyman
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Jun 2001
This site is such a respite from the economics of blood sucking
capitalism, witness the energy scam that Dubya Bush's buddies are trying
to pull off. Ever consider how much of the world's ills would be solved if
the vision of Free as espoused by Winstanley and the SF Diggers would come

Name: paul garcia
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 May 2001
i know iknow know dont know heap heamp hemp die eat art marcel duchap
said that when i was i was alone near the window and saw salvador dali and
marx doing anal sex.
i want to email janis, the one i read in the guestbook 22 may 2001
email add: but im here in the third world chaos
fighting for liberation along with the communist manifesto with CIA agents
drinking some beer with me
im asian and im alien im alienated because the west eat all the grace
im in the east, we are domisticated. my brothers go to the west bus still
domisticated and racially descrimanated.
we're having a FANZINE and we are campaigning for the billboard
liberation. try visit our site
im a socialist and im using the comp right now inside the mental
they dump me here for spreading radical words like god is a dog and i
made a great sexuall adventure with him/her. dogstyle.
IN THE THIRD WORLD CHAOS (peom) by: paul garcia (a Filipino, an
internationalist, a communist)

Name: Walt
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 May 2001

Name: Stan the Punk (rocker)
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 May 2001
Re: " Free Food in the Panhandle 1983". Thank you
"Anonymous" for chronicling a barely noticed act of unselfish
love and brotherhood that might otherwise have gone unnoticed and
umremembered. I first visited the Haight in 1970 when I was only 7 years
old. We were on vacation from my native Atlanta and Dad wanted to see what
all the fuss was about in the Haight. That day impressed me more than any
in my life I guess, for as soon as I could afford a bus ticket and leave
home w/o breaking Mamas heart, I bought a 1-way tix to SF and got on the
#7 bus on arrival. Shortly thereafter, I boarded another, very different
bus! Two years into the RayGun devolution was sure a challenging time to
be a street person. Some of my current friends are mildly shocked at my
sense of honesty about choosing this Dao, if they only knew the true
cameraderie and love we experienced during that time, they'd probably be
jealous. I'm proud to say I'm still in touch with a few folks I met at
that meal. Still struggling, still smiling, still dreaming, still happy to
be ;), even in the worst of times! Thanks again "Anonymous", RIP
Alabama Bob (1959-1988). Peace, Love and most of all, "memory,
Doctor, memory!!!!!"

Name: Janis
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 May 2001
I'm interested in learning more about what went on. I love history, the
earth, and i love people. :] If anyone knows of anything beautiful
happening... please email me!! thankyou

Name: greg konash
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 May 2001
know who killed ann lynden?FREE CITY PUPPETS

Name: greg konash
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 May 2001
know who killed ann lynden?FREE CITY PUPPETS

Name: HALI s.r.o.
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 May 2001
Do You want to see the magic of Prague, feel the air of freedom in
new-born democracy state, taste world-known Czech beer and get a videotape
of Prague as a gift? Visit [web site address deleted]
[Sorry, Hali -- the Digger Archive is a Free site. Advertisements for
commercial operations are not copasetic with the digger tradition. If you
want to start a Czech Free Tour Agency, please write back. --en]
HALI s.r.o. <>

Name: John McCormick
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 May 2001
I grew up in Oakland during the Digger heyday. I've always been curious
about what they were up to. I saw Diane Di Prima, the poet, read at the
Los Angeles Public Library today and she mentioned them, which caused me
try to find out more about them. What should I be reading to learn more
about them?

Name: Richard Kelly
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 May 2001
We need to be inspired by people like the diggers more than ever in
this homogenous consumerist society.The free party, squat, traveller,
rave, dance scene tried in Britain in the early 90s and for a change we
had to deal with alot of angry fuzz!

Name: Rena
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 May 2001
Thanks Char for your efforts. The photos you posted at
bring on a flood of wonderful memories.

Name: Marlowe
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 May 2001
Char- thanks for the great website- the photos are marvelous!

Name: David
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 May 2001
This is a beautiful, beautiful site! It makes me sit back and remember.
I remember how we were free! We lived the way human-beings are intended
to. I did it all and I have no regrets. I slept in the park, lived in a
school bus on a commune, hitched up and down the west coast and saw God on
Acid. It's all God! It's all beautiful!
I've long held a theory about that magical time on the Earth. I believe
that something wonderful and mysterious happened in the Haight that has
forever left its mark. For the first time in history we learned how to
love. I've written a book, 'Messenger from the Summer of Love": where
I tell my theory and many of the lessons that I've learned along the way.
I hope you will check it out. - Peace -

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 May 2001
Thank you, Char, for the link to such a beautiful web site. I spent a
long time in the photo gallery, going screen by screen and the memories
flooding back. Whoever designed the site deserves a hearty thanks! I
especially liked the gallery of buildings, and also the communal
gatherings. I kept looking for the steaming whole wheat bread hot out of
the oven. Salud, --en

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 May 2001
The Wheeler's Ranch Photo Album is up and running!!! Check it out here
Enjoy! ...... Char ~*

Name: David Savage
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 May 2001
Happy Beltane, happy Spring! Thank you for keeping the guestbook going.
I lived at Strawberry Fields Commune in Decker Canyon near Malibu for
about a month and a half in April 1967 and at Free City Commune and
Happening House in San Francisco in 1968. I played trumpet and harmonicas
in the bands Indian Puddin' and Pipe and Faun. I'm still trying to find
people from Strawberry Fields: I recently bought a copy of the LA Oracle
that has an interview with Gridley Wright who started the Fields, but I
read a message that said he died in '78 in Goa and the article didn't have
anyone else's name. <a href=""></a>

Name: paula
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 May 2001
happy mother's day to all us morningstar moms. though our lives have
taken turns of gladness and sadness, loss and joy, we are still strong for
ourselves and for each other. keep the lessons of morningstar and pass
them on to your children and grandchildren. the importance of peace , love
and understanding of others is of the utmost importance in these days of
violence and misuderstanding. with peace, joy and love paula..morningtar
67=68 ps larry lohcamp, if you're out there, let me hear from you.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 May 2001
Happy Mothers Day to all of the women from Treat Street...The Red House
and Olema...and Happy Mothers Day to the children of yours who are now
mothers themselves...isn't it amazing!?!? Life is good.

Name: Jude
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 May 2001
Thank you. You fed me and clothed me the summer of '66. I was the Asian
American girl who finally felt welcomed somewhere. Lived in that dreamy
time for awhile. Then had to go. Took some time, but I finally found my
voice and followed my own dream. Thank you for yours.
I'm looking for 2 people I knew in SF Mar-Aug 66. A guy named Winston,
and Jerry Miller. (JM would come over from Berkeley)

Name: Jude
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 May 2001
Thank you. You fed me and clothed me the summer of '66. I was the Asian
American girl who finally felt welcomed somewhere. Lived in that dreamy
time for a while. Then had to leave. Took some time, but I finally found
my voice and followed my own dream. thank you for yours.
I'm looking for 2 people I knew in SF Mar-Aug 66. Winston and Jerry
Miller.(JM would come over from Berkeley).

Name: Janelle R. Hill
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 May 2001
this is a pretty good website. thanx for having it here on the internet
for people to learn about.

Name: yo yo
E-mail Address: sunshine_yada@park_yada@sea
Date: 07 May 2001
WARNING:six spaces down the piglet site(www.ethick)once your in you
cant get out!! worse than spamming or spammers its incredible how many
people put there web sites on here now..some good some well we'll leave it
at that. oh what a beautiful day today today today today. anyone whant to
go out and play? meet ya in the deep forest or a park of your choice ..12
oclock siren, palm trees in the square,(whose the statue in the middle
does anyone care) just about see the ocean i can hear it I swear. The big
trees are right over there be kind to your neighbor and WASH YOUR
hair.remember.....if the lice don't get ya than the scabbies
will.............can you guess the place?

Name: Tom Diaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 May 2001
I stop by here daily to see who has checked in. Sometimes circles are
completed and sometimes I wish they would be completed.

Name: Fran
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 May 2001
Yeah I understand about gravitating back to this site. Hello from Fran
from the old Haight Street, where I walked all around with my little dog
Maverick. Funny world, one of my kids and his wife live in Berkeley now
and took pictures of Haight Street for me . . .

Name: Bob Fink
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 May 2001
I find myself gravitating back to this site on a regular basis. It's a
little spooky ... so much written here was fundamentally important to my
daily life once upon a time and now reads like the content of a
half-remembered dream. Thanks ever so much for making it all real again.

Name: Bradley Williams
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 May 2001
Hi, I am an old friend of Tommy Tillers', only I suppose by now he
doesn't go by Tommy anymore. I used to own the health foodstore in Stinson
Beach, and I started the Bolinas co-op with others, of course, and the
last time I saw Tom, he was the building inspector in Stinson Beach. I
sure would like to get in touch with Tom, does anyone there know where he
is? If so, would you please put us in touch with each other?
Enjoying your website, thanks.
Bradley Williams (207) 338-2590, collect OK

Name: Richard Baxter
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 May 2001
This is a very interesting site, keep up the good work <me>

Name: Richard Baxter
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 May 2001
This is a very interesting site, keep up the good work <me></me!>

Name: Piglet
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 May 2001
Cool site!

Name: Albert Smoke
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Apr 2001
<center> <a href="">
<img src=""
width="468" height="60"
border="0"></a> <p></p>
<a href="">
<img src=""
width="468" height="60"
<a href="">
<img src=""
width="468" height="60"
border="0"></a> </center>

Name: Albert Smoke
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Apr 2001
************************************ <HTML> <HEAD>
High to all peaple of this smoking earth!! :-) Albert_____--

Name: Karen
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Apr 2001
21 years ago today my beautiful son was born on a boat, free
to be so fortunate! Love to all of you

Name: Raincrow
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Apr 2001
Well, I guess I was too drunk on first reading, and feeling sorry for
myself. Much more joy than I perceived (in my joyless state at the time),
and more quiet than passivity. Hope I didn't bum you out. Marvelous
spirit, but I still think I (we?) somehow need to raise it up, notch up
the volume, push again to try to bring it to the forefront of the public
cortex. Oy I am just digging myself in deeper. Wonderful people keep it

Name: Raincrow
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Apr 2001
God damn, I am glad to see all you folks who preceded me by just a
handful of years and many metric tons of dope. Aren't we an odd lot on a
long strange trip? I sense great sadness and disconnection in so many of
these communications. 1/3 of a billion people, so many consumed by money
and modern-day practicality, so many of us consumed by the same beast. I
feel something like passive, don't-tread-on-me hope (thank god for the
Dead), which I hope means pure stubbornness in the long run. That we will
re-emerge. That the johnsonnixonfordcarterreaganbushclintonbush death
canal will turn into a new birth canal. Except I'm saying that passively
instead of saying that somehow I and perhaps others will step actively
into the breach and make something ELSE happen.
I have no fucking idea what a "Digger" is, but I know you'uns
(as we say here in the wilds of East Tennessee) are a social quantum older
than I. And still there is more digging to be done.
We have been too still for my tastes, too quiet. I long for loud, free
company, major rising spirit, no self-righteousness, no agenda, only
caring for others. I am tired of dysfunction (including my own),
media-styled "healing," and Alan Greenspan. I am tired of
National Public Radio and Pacifica. Tired of Doctors Without Borders and
Comedy Central. Tired of Budweiser, Cool Whip, Great Northern toilet
tissue, Archer Daniels Midland, Garrison Keillor, Buttfuck O'Reilly, and
our current Prez and Vice Prez.
I keep telling myself there must be something real out there that
doesn't have some judgement of "value" as its basis. I am not
sure I have seen, felt, or heard of it yet.
You'uns take care, old Diggers. I'm one stratum away from you, digging,

Name: Manfred
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Apr 2001
Great I feel I'm home and this is good.

Name: Heather B.
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Apr 2001
I am using your website for a short research paper on the diggers
invlvement in the sixties. (For a history class). I would like to credit
you in my works cited page, but I can't find your name anywhere.
[Hi, Heather. Thanks for the inquiry. In line with the original digger
ideal of anonymity, why not just say "The Digger Archives online at"?
—a digger archivist]

Name: Eva Raquel Shelar(little feather)
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Apr 2001
just wanted to holler at you..and say Hi and pe_yada@ce bro.....loven
ya in Texas

Name: paula
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Apr 2001
to any of you who were at the calif. morningstar and who remember don
and sandra king...they have suffered a terrible tragedy. a house fire took
the lives of 2 of their grandchildren. please keep them in your prayers.
they need our thoughts, prayers and strength. love and peace...paula

Name: poetree1968
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Apr 2001
Our email list combines tree activism & poetry. Come join us. Our
address is

Name: aron pieman kay
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Apr 2001
happy easter!! happy passover!!!my its been a long strange trip along a
long and winding road!!!i can still recall the days of the easter sunday
love-ins back in la during the days of the griffith park love-ins....well
they still live on in my heart......

Name: Carol Ann
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Apr 2001
what a nice surprise to find this site. we have an organic vegetarian
restaurant and hippie store here in tucson. we also take the teahouse and
a big hemp bedouin style tent on the road on the summer festival circuit
in california and oregon where music and bellydance and magic happen.
check out our website for our
schedule. we still carry the torch! ya'll are welcome to stop by for
multi-level nourishment anytime.
peace and love
carol ann

Name: rynno
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Apr 2001
Thanks for the Brautigan`s book that you have recently put here, that
means for me that your site stays among my favourites and it makes sense
to check it once in a while. It is getting warmer (even here in Estonia)
and the seeds and the books that were planted are OK in this 21th century.
Thank you and best wishes

Name: karleigh rose kelly-DEWDROP
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Apr 2001
my first gathering was in wy 1994. i missed penn. in 99',but have been
to every nat'l since 1994. i live in denver, co and wish i had more people
to hang with that go to gatherings. my number is 303-866-1074 my cell is
720-971-9961. i want to get a caravan together for this years gathering
(2001). feel free to call anytime or write me or come by my pad at:
karleigh kelly 1136 pearl st. apt. 8 denver co 80203. i'm so excited i can
barely hang on until this summer. so call or write. or stop by if you need
a shower or something. alright then, take care brothers and sisters!!!
i'll see you in july!!!

Name: 1%free
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Apr 2001
1%Free "slow sun fast nomads"

Name: 1%free
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Apr 2001
1%Free "slow sun fast nomads"

Name: max grogan
E-mail Address: 514.361.1329
Date: 05 Apr 2001
Emmett grogan will never be forgotten.

Name: steve flick
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Apr 2001
I've got a copy of BE NOT CONTENT

Name: Jose
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Apr 2001
I'm doing reseach on the identity of Cosmic Charley Bosch whom the Dead
song is named after. So far I've only found a short footnote describing
him as one of the characters on the Haight-Ashburry scene who was "so
cosmic." Can you tell me anything about him ? Did he live past the
year 1968 ? Did he ride the Charley Harley ? Was he one of the Merry
Pranksers ? Did he surf his sinesus with Dean MoriaTy ?

Name: Serge et Josephine Vottero
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Mar 2001
We would like to get in touch with Hugo Fortini and Cristina Berio. the
last we knew about them they were in Brazil. please contact us at (correct e-mail address) Thank you

Name: stephan
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Mar 2001
i live in berlin germany i m glad that i ve found this site .i search
people to communicate i m 47 years old .4 years ago i had a life with
"my" wife 3 little children 2 of them are my sons i live with 4
younger men ,we all had troubles with a lot . i have nothing ,i need not
much a bed food tv .computers and a good word now and then for my soul.i
learn to use the net life is very intesting good and cruel at the same
time.i give you my adress as an old anarchist i
would feel fine if someone of you makes contact i sent the best wishes to
you. stephan

Name: Steven Meilleur
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Mar 2001
Ringolivio 1,2,3, Ringolivio 1,2,3 Thank you, Emmett. Long may you run

Name: peterleo
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Mar 2001
summer of love s.o.l. ol sol lookin for fun an feelin
groovey,adult-hood,leo ,meo ,by the sea ,oh,oracle, straight,and neo-
superspade,the gangat tracys, blu unicorn rosegarden tea garden,eye yi
yi,freestore ,whats store for ya ...

Name: Redwood
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Mar 2001
Meril, I knew the pressure cooker victim as Dick. He was Philipino/American
as I recall. A grand sweet soul of a man and a hell of a cook. Was he
reborn as Victor? I don't know.

Name: Dale A. Kern.
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Mar 2001
I need information or how to obtain information concerning court
abstracts or transcripts from Lincoln Nebraska from 1968 concerning the
divorce of Leon Beryl Kern from (maiden) Joy Ann Palmer . Leon Beryl Kern
proved that I was not his son , but somewhere in those transcripts is the
name of my father . I was told that I was 6 months old when the divorce
took place , so the court date was sometime in December or January . If
you have any suggestions , please feel free to e-mail me . Thank you .

Name: meril jean
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Mar 2001
Bless your collective hearts for opening up this rabbit hole for me/us
to fall into. Warms my cockles to be here and there now.
Here's a q&a for "redwood" (email not doing it) who had a
question in the 2000 guest book: Yo, Somebody named Dick, too? or Victor?
Around the same time we (Meril, Steve, Baby and Flower Keller) had lived
in the rectory of a church on Valencia with Victor Grant. There was a real
young runaway named Chelsey who he (V) ended up marrying, having a passle
of kids with ( and I mean passle) and then moving to Texas. But before
that he blew up the pressure cooker in his face and spent months w/ his
jaw wired, drinking spaghetti thru a straw.
Then we flowed off to Olampali; but that's another story all together.
Are there other fond memories of Olampali, or did it's ending shade
perceptions? My life there was a marvel --cooking outdoors (tricks learned
from diggers in town), living on a flatbed wagon in a field, hearing this
allergic or asthmatic deer coughing and sneezing at night. Yoga by the
pool, the kids playing in the slatted light of the barn, well, you know.
A thousand thanks for the site.
Where are Mystery, Vivian, Laird. . . I remember Rena, too, hi!

Name: Ricky
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Mar 2001
Happy Springtime Equinox (to ye northern hemispherites, Fall for the
southerners). Make some music from shoreline curves to mountain ridges.

Name: Bill
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Mar 2001
I crashed in Digger pad on Frederick Street, next door was the first
Hare Krishna temple in S.F.. Hung out later at Mill Creek in the Big Sur
area. Visited Black Bear Ranch but I wasn't accepted so I went to Takilma,
Oregon and then finally to Alaska where I am today at 54 years of age.Any
old Diggers wanting info., help, pointers on living in rainy southern
Alaska. Just say so.

Name: Tim Hodgdon
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Mar 2001
Cross-post from the discussion page:
Hello all. I'm in the midst of writing a dissertation chapter on Black
Bear Ranch as part of a study of hippie masculinity. In _January Thaw,_ on
p. 18, Martin Linhart wrote that "Although the previous summer [1970]
had seen the male work ethic busted, and by fall, women had started doing
work that was formerly done only by men. . . ." Tantalizing! Can any
former Black Bears expand on this--what was the nature of the conflict
("busted") and what did women start doing? It was a long time
until 1974, when a group of women took the power wagon out for a wood run
without any men along.
Another question: During the "Red Guard" winter, 1970-71,
women started holding women's meetings. Morning Star described the
meetings briefly in _Free Land, Free Love,_ and Harriet Beinfield relates
that she had come to the Ranch wanting to continue the women's meetings
she'd been familiar with in the city. I'm not assuming that the conception
of a women-only meeting at that time would necessarily have been inspired
by the feminist movement--there had been women's meetings in SNCC in 1965,
and SDS/Weather Underground women continued to meet even after feminists
broke away from the New Left in 1967. I'm wondering, again, if Black Bears
would care to speak to the nature of the conception of such meetings at
that time: more along the New Left pattern, or more strongly inspired by
women's liberation?
If you'd like to contact me directly: Thanks
very much.

Name: Obbop
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Mar 2001
Still can not find the statistics of the number of Americans murdered
when lackey law enforcement thugs entered the wrong home with guns ablaze
while fighting the so-called "drug war." Politicians have not
returned my queries. Federal bureaucracies ignore me.... except for
placing me on their suspicious people lists. The threat is real. America's
law enforcement can committ murder without the media or public demanding
an accounting. The complacency of the masses will allow the Feds to become
ever stronger and ready to control you. Your freedom is in danger. Prepare
to become slaves of the wealthy ruling elite, their scum politician
buddies and the police powers that view any other than their superiors and
their fellow police as the enemy. You have been warned. The Student
Revolutionary Strike Force IS fighting for you. However, we need the
support of millions!!!!!! Also, consider that 4% of America's population
owns 95% of the wealth. Your political AND economic freedom is in danger.
The New York Times using federal data recently reported that 1 in 10
Americans has trouble coming up with the money to ensure a steady supply
of food. This 10% of Americans are almost entirely working folk.... not
lazy bums. Whaddya' expect when 96% of Americans are struggling to grab
the 5% of the nation's wealth allotted to them!!!! Power to the
people!!!!!! Before it is too late.

E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Mar 2001
I don't think there is a justice system in America. I hope you are
doing OK.

Name: joe dupont
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Mar 2001
Ventura County, california Justice System killed my son. He was arrested
at Point Mugu and released 24 miles from his camping gear and died from
hypothermia. His body was found on Jan. 18, 2001. His public defender
Liana Johnsson did not help me find him or even if he had his camping

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Mar 2001
Answer to George Overton about the background sound clip on the Digger
Archives home page:
George, the tune is called "The World Turned Upside Down"
performed by Billy Bragg, lyrics by Leon Rosselson. You can find the
lyrics here:

Name: George Overton
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Mar 2001
for a school course im doing what is the name of that diggers song
"dispossed" (on your home page) and who is it by?
George Overton

Name: Jeff
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Mar 2001
This is a good thing, a good place and a wonderful limb to land on
while flying around the ether.
Diggers! Diggers! Yay Diggers!!

Name: Michael
E-mail Address: onfireforgod
Date: 01 Mar 2001

Name: Robbie - G
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Feb 2001
Hi all-great site. I look back fondly to my time during the 60's but
the one moment that stnds out above all others is the scene from the movie
Spartacus where Tony Curtis shouts "I'm Spartacus" Through the
aid of modern technology we can now help him protect Kirk Douglas and
possibly change the outcome of his demise.E.Mail Tony Curtis saying I'M

Name: StonyJ
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Feb 2001
Looking for those with fond memories of North Beach San Fran Late 50's
early 60's. Mikes Pool Hall, The Coffee Gallery, Vesuvios, Cafe Trieste,
Commercial Street. I have a lot to share.

Name: Corri Raub
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Feb 2001
I was wondering if you have any recommendations on books or cites that
may assist in researching the Diggers. I am currently writing a paper on
their movement and any assistance would be greatly appreciated. By, the
way, your sight has been very helpful.
Thank you,

Name: Stuart Barthropp
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Feb 2001
Hi. I like the site.
I have a question: I have a book by John S Simon called "The Sign
of the Fool - memoirs from the Haight Ashbury 1965-1968" which was
published by Ace paperbacks in 1971.
This guy was known as Spyder and was closely involved with the Diggers.
It's a good read. Have you ever heard of him?
One part of the story is how he got busted for cooking a deer which
someone had accidentally knocked down and donated to the diggers.

Name: Richard Balison
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Feb 2001
anyone remember these crash pads; Greta Garbo's at Setter and Laguna or
the British Embassy which might have been on Belvedere , 256 Central
Street, 1090 Page st which was the birthplace of Big Brother and the
Holding Company ? I also have a web site if you think you remember me I
have my now and then pictures there, email me and I will send you a link.

Name: Claire Allen
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Feb 2001
I'm studying Drama at Manchester University, and we are currently
producing a performance based around guerilla theatres and ideas. I would
be very interested to hear what the diggers are doing at the moment and
where they are taking their movement.
If you have any help or advice to give me and my drama group, please
contact me.
Thanx again

Name: tara
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Feb 2001
I was there, in the Haight, at Wheelers, and at Morningstar. In the
end, we would go over and pick apples at Morningstar in the fall.
Wonderful memories. I was in the middle of looking at another forum when
the thought crossed my mind to do a search for Wheelers Ranch. What a
surprise to find all this history written down, still alive, still
inspiring a new generation. It does still live in my heart, the concept of
free land.

Name: dominick cavallo
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Feb 2001
Chapter 5 of my book, A Fiction of the Past: The Sixties in American
History, is titled "'It's Free Because It's Yours': The Diggers and
the San Francisco Scene, 1964-1968." The chapter explores the history
of the Diggers and their place in the sweep of American history. I would
be pleased to have excerpts from the chapter posted in The Digger
Archives." I think it would be of interest to past and current

Name: Scott
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Feb 2001
I enjoyed your web site. My wife and I were in Nepal last year, and
visited Freak street and other areas of Nepal and also Thailand. The times
have sure changed. For myself, I was really into finding myself and tryed
many different things but always came up empty. So in 1981 I had a friend
who went to jail because of drugs. He had a long haired guy visit his
cell. He just shared on love and the one that really loves him. That
person is Jesus Christ. When my friend told me this, I thought he went to
far, but as time went on I saw a big change in his life. I wanted that
relationship also. I did not want anymore religion. I had had enough of
that in the past. So I found the love that I was searching so long and so
hard after. Jesus has given me the peace and Love I was searching for and
most of all the forgivness of all the stuff I was into. Well forgive me if
I sound like I am preaching. If you would like you could check out our web
page at Would love to hear from you. Scott

Name: care/bluefawn
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Feb 2001
Hey, I'm so new to this electronic medium; it seems an awkward but
miraculeuos method of communication! I've lived for a long time with no
electricity -- chopping wood and hauling water. Of course i may be telling
a story.... it would have gone that way, had i not raised such a curious
boy, but he demanded a challenge, so I gave him one. Now I'm preparing a
sort of scrapbook for him because he is coming of age. He will be 21 in
April, I love him dearly, he has been a miraculuos being! If there is
anyone out there who can give some advice or a story so that I can submit
it into his book, I would be greatly appreciative. I did write a message
onto your bulletin some two years ago, from K. Pehoushek via web/tv. Now I
have advanced my personal technolgy to include the diggers on my home web
page. I love your website and believe that I can become a more integral
part of the happenings. I do have some experience with anarchists as in
MORNINGTOWN restaurant an anarchist collective in seattle from 1969 to the
present (I was involved from 78 to 82) and I have been an activist in the
movement to legalize marijuana for medicine.

Name: care
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Feb 2001
Is there anyone out there who would be willing to disscuss the current
state of affairs regaring the loss of birdlife along the western
migeratory pathway, please contribute if you have any thoughts/info on
such subect

Name: Roy Montgomery
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Feb 2001
Hi there,
I'm coming to the end of the road (I hope) with a PhD on radical
theatre of the 60s (Living Theatre, Performance Group, and the San
Francisco Mime Troupe). Does anyone conveniently have a comprehensive list
of Mime Troupers who became Diggers (or vice-versa)? I haven't been able
to sight Micael Doyle's Digger epic as yet and I'm at 8,000 miles remove.
What particularly interests me are environmentalist
"after-lives" of Mime Troupe/Diggers, similar to those shown in
the recent French TV documentary. In other words I'd like to see how many
others have followed paths similar to those made by Peter Berg, Judith
Goldhaft, Jane Lapiner and others. I'm not seeking biographical detail of
the depth provided by Peter Coyote, but merely an indication of any
environmentalist/communalist trajectories that people might have pursued.
Such information would be used mainly by way of coda to my analysis of the
three groups. As a parallel example, I note in relation to the Living
Theatre, that Judith Malina and Julian Beck are indirect antecedents of
the Rainbow Family of Light through Garrick Beck, their son, and his
dedication to the annual forest gatherings. I'd be especially interested
to hear if there are any crossovers between Mime Troupe-linked Diggers and
Rainbow people.
Great website. Nice to see such a friendly atmosphere.
Roy Montgomery

Name: care
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Feb 2001

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Feb 2001
Time magazine did quite a story on the hippies in the July 7, 1967
issue. Free love, hippie communes, LSD, nudity, jobless euphorists.... It
certainly changed vibes at Morning Star. Overnight our commune went from
about 30 to over 300! That's when the neighbors started complaining aout
all night drumming, nudity in view of the fence, and more. ... Aloha

Name: transmothra
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Feb 2001
lovely. absolutely lovely. the website, the ideals, all of it
wonderful. thanks!

Name: PSnyder
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Feb 2001
Many, many thanks for the history of what happened in the mid sixties.
The ideals of this movement have informed my life for 35 years. These
tenets are still carried on in the Rainbow Family.

Name: Al
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Feb 2001
Mpls---coffeehouse extemp the break the 10 o'clock scholar thesometimes
new improved jook savages the new riverside café red nelson the
mudpuppies my brain kalidescope times peoples farm the all electrc cow
farm pig dania hall tony glover's radio show little sandy revue mpls folk
festival old weird harold the west bank in general the battle of the jug
bands maury bernstein KDWB KQRS KFAI still goin' scene what scene? never
believed there were any hippies hog farm bill + judy there are no outakes
if you are alive time magazine ruined the hippies why did it end drugs,
religion and ither hang-up are silly I like the fact that we aren't fsmous
go away love you see you on the other sidee thank you eric von schmidt you
got it together the coldwater café god, i'm tired but still entusiastic
and i wish i still had a place in this mad world i bet i left a lot out

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Feb 2001
The background sound clip on the home page ( is the
first few bars of the Billy Bragg version of the Leon Rosselson song.
Thanks for the lyrics.

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Feb 2001
lyrics by Leon Rosselson

Name: seeker
E-mail Address: [classified]
Date: 07 Feb 2001
Doubt this will come out in verse form, but here are the lyrics to a
song you all should know : WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN, as sung by Dick
Gaughan on "Handful of Earth" (Green Linnet CD 3062) : In 1649/
To St.George's Hill/ A ragged band they called the Diggers/ Came to show
the people's will/ They defied the landlords/ They defied the laws/ They
were the disposessed/ Reclaiming what was theirs// 'We come in peace' they
said/ 'To dig and sow/ We come to work the land in common/ And to make the
waste land grow/ This earth divided/ We will make whole/ So it can be a
common treasury for all// 'The sin of property/ We do disdain/ No one has
any right to buy and sell/ The earth for private gain/ By theft and
murder/ They took the land/ Now everywhere the walls/ Rise up at their
command// 'They make the laws/ To chain us well/ The clergy dazzle us with
Heaven/ Or they damn us into Hell/ We will not worship/ The God they
serve/ The God of greed who feeds the rich/ While poor men starve// 'We
work, we eat together/ We need no swords/ We will not bow to masters/ Nor
pay rent to the lords/ We are free men/ Though we are poor'/ You Diggers
all stand up for glory/ Stand up now// From the men of property/ The
orders came/ they sent the hired men and troopers to wipe out the Diggers'
claim/ Tear down their cottages/ Destroy their corn/ They were dispersed/
Only the vision lingers on// 'You poor take courage/ You rich take care/
The earth was made a common treasury/ For everyone to share/ All things in
common/ All people one/ We come in peace' --/ The order came to cut them
{of corso, it's nothing without the music, but it would well repay your
seeking out the recording}
awaiting a new rebirth of wonder -- yr correspondent

Name: technotaz
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Feb 2001
Hey I just found this site. Haven't the time now to read it all but it
sounds interesting. I think I'm gonna see if I can learn to ride a horse
later this week if I can find the place and if I am still sober enough.
Any cute gals in or around the Central part of Arkansas are welcome to
come, even you. I know what your thinking. Either "He's a drunk. or
Sounds Like fun." Not an Alcoholic because I never could stand those
meetings, and besides the women you pick up there never last. And yes I am
fun. So there nyaaa!!!

Name: Marc Fiquet
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Feb 2001
Wandering through....happy to find out I am not alone....felt totaly
isolated,trying to break free again....this time hope is alive...found
some friends.Merci pour vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit....mon
adresse est plus haut.Soyons realistes.....exigeons l'impossible.......
Marc F. Montreal.......Canada

Name: Matthew J
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Feb 2001
I am a Marxist if you want to link up for the benifit of the Left-Wing
maybe we can help each other
Comrade Matt

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Feb 2001
Peter Berg is definitely alive and well. If you haven't been up on his
peregrinations lately check out the dispatches he sends from his constant
journeys on which he spreads the Bioregional word. (Reminds me of stories
I've read about Michael Bakunin, the 19th c. Russian anarchist, on his
constant visits to revolutionary cells all over Europe).
Peter is currently working in Ecuador on a project he helped inspire to
develop an Eco City in Bahia de Caraquez. His dispatches are part status
report, part philosophical treatise, part natural history discourse. You
can find these at:
The other project Peter's involved with is what I call "Eco-Eye on
the Olympics". With some of the people that collaborated on the
Nagano Olympics' Guard Fox Watch, Peter is pressing the IOC to develop
sustainable policies toward the environmental affects of next year's
Winter Olympics in Utah. The background materials on this project are
located at:
Definitely check out the Ecuador Dispatches. They are quintessential
Salud --en

Name: Michael Black
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Feb 2001
Clara, below, might like to know that Emmett lived here in Montreal at
point. I was never certain of the exact details, but Coyote makes mention
of it, and in Larry Sloman's book about the Rolling Thunder Review,
"On the Road with Bob Dylan", Emmett gets mentioned when the
tour is in Montreal.
More significantly, a few years ago there was a talk show about rock
memorabilia, and the guest got a call from someone with some Dylan stuff.
It was later mentioned that the caller was Max Grogan, though the guest
didn't mention who Max was. Last year or the year before, the Mirror ran a
piece about Max, I don't have it handy but it had "1%" in the
title, and he's doing some sort of music, and the article did mention his
father Emmett.

Name: lightning dull mind
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Feb 2001
What wearies my mind when I think back more than the characters and
events and more than the fact that I was in the back row listening are
nights like this when I realize Peter Berg's alive. He's older than I am
with an IQ off the richter scale. Should I be happy now or must I wait?
It's snowing and I expect the indians will attack again.

E-mail Address: DAFFAAUK_yada@YAHOO:COM.UK
Date: 02 Feb 2001

Name: Mud
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Feb 2001
It is good to be home, thank you all for being here!

Name: Billy Murcott
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Feb 2001
An example of Corso's presense. Go to the main page of this site. On
the main menu, clique on Free Store. On the left is the 1% free card - two
people standing on the corner doing nothing - a curiously understated
symbol of "all possibilties."

Name: Lenore Kandel
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jan 2001
He put his rumpled body
between me and the police
when the DA swore he'd arrest
me for reading my poetry
Here, when I was motorcycle smashed
he cooked dinners for me
that I couldn't eat
His heart was as tender as
a cactus without any spines
a rose with soft horns

Name: Peter Berg
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jan 2001
[Peter sent this In Memoriam for Gregory Corso who died January 17, two
weeks ago today, of prostate cancer.]
by Peter Berg
Gregory Corso authored a prodigious legend of personal liberty. This is
a small handful of remembrances sprinkled onto what will surely become a
towering death mound.
His ultimate departure could have happened anytime after I met him,
which was when he lived with Belle Carpenter at Lenore Kandel and Bill
Fritsch's former flat in North Beach. Gregory was part of an influx of New
Yorkers including Diana DiPrima who had joined our late '60s cultural
rebellion in San Francisco. He was living what he believed as though he
was prepared to be killed for it.
It was easy to feel brotherly toward Gregory. I knew his GASOLINE poems
and some others, and was especially impressed by a one-act play titled
"Standing on a Street Corner." It exuded the spirit of a wise
clown epitomized in the line, "Standing on a street corner doing
nothing is power." I used the script in a weekly play study class in
my Haight-Ashbury apartment for fellow San Francisco Mime Troupers. It
helped inspire the concept of guerrilla theater that was incubating then
for future pieces performed in Sproul Plaza during teach-ins, at a bus
station, and on actual street corners.
If I ever told Gregory about this after I met him, he never
acknowledged it in any way that I remember. He didn't usually relish any
of the recognition he received from the Sixties generation he helped to
inspire. But he mourned relentlessly over his own heroes. Once he
described to me how he had climbed into Kerouac's grave at the funeral,
and he cried at the dedication of an alley beside City Lights Bookstore
named for him. He raved furiously about the unfairness of Giordano Bruno's
execution at the stake, as though it had just happened.
Gregory's most typical reaction to praise was to ignore the specifics
and quickly ask for something. A ride somewhere, a place to stay, a bag of
dope. It's neither an exaggeration nor disrespectful to state what anyone
who knew him saw. It wasn't as mundane as a broken-down boxer cadging
drinks from admirers at a bar. Gregory might launch a verbal flight that
the boxer could no longer match physically. He was a remorseless junky,
his clothes were crumpled and soiled, his teeth were disappearing, a
reporter called him "an uninstitutionalized man." Still, his
spirit would shine and soar. Gregory might invoke tombs in Egypt,
black-dressed old women in Greece, mathematical models for proving
divinity or love, talents of imbeciles, weaknesses of warriors. He wasn't
small in descriptions or shallow in comparisons. He didn't feel bad, he
was mired in corporeal mud. He didn't feel good, he was a cloud piling up
on a mountain top. I saw people leave a conversation with him truly
humbled by the quantity and uniqueness of his mind.
One of those impressed was Frank Oppenheimer during the time he was
conceiving what would become the Exploratorium science museum in San
Francisco. I turned Frank onto spontaneous audience participation at a
Digger event titled "The End of the War" where audience members
waved tree limbs or climbed cargo nets while Steve Miller's band played
for a group of nude dancers and continuous film loops showed seeds
sprouting, volcanoes exploding, and soldiers being shot. Frank was put off
at first by the seeming lack of direction but later incorporated this kind
of participative play in the museum, along with the suggestion to make it
"an exploration." He asked to meet a philosophical literary
person, so I brought Gregory to a small party at his apartment. The
brother of the atomic bomb's creator and the most street-wise poet of the
Beat Generation were an immediate conversational match, shifting mental
gears at the same double-clutching speed and pushing each other to be
clearer or more imaginative. I know that Gregory was an individualistic
hedonist but stayed somehow innocent to the degree that anything he did
could draw the attention of art. He was simultaneously wooed by cherubs
and flayed by devils, while an opera of libraries streamed from his mouth.
Self-righteous judges, rich fatheads, power maddened politicians,
pitiless critics, unimaginative academicians, sadistic policemen, ruinous
generals: be careful not to celebrate too long. Gregory Corso showed us
real power.

Name: Maryn Sousa-Wynn
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Jan 2001

Name: cindy
E-mail Address: cynthiamarie80
Date: 30 Jan 2001
you rock.ill visit again soon! i had a ball.

Name: Bruce Martin
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jan 2001
Wow! Gregory Corso died. Wow! Is it true?

Name: francis mckee
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jan 2001
I am a writer/curator based in Glasgow. I grew up in N. Ireland during
the 60s and 70s with the troubles/civil rights movement happening around
me. Even at that point in Ireland, through my interest in music I became
aware of the Diggers and they have remained an important influence in my
life (difficult to pin down concrete examples of how but the spirit of
what you did, are doing, has been inspiring). Now I work with contemporary
art and live art and I have started my own small website where I post
articles I have written, articles I'd recommend by others and an
experimental online project -- 'an atlas of the moon' (
The website is self-funded and although titled dot com is intended to make
no money whatsoever (and succeeds brilliantly in this respect). I would
like to include maybe two photos from your gallery on the site and
eventually write an essay around the Diggers. At first thougth the photos
would exist simply as images and later become links to the essay. Would
you agree to this? Whatever, thanks for your great website and for all
that inspiration over the years.
yours sincerely
francis mckee

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jan 2001
Don't know how many poetry heads this reaches, but word is Gregory
Corso died a few days ago. A great writer who made the world larger by his
presence in it. Along with Kerouac & Ginsburg heralded a new vision of
human possibility. Let Freedom Ring! even in this paltry time we try to
endure --G.

Name: aron kay
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jan 2001
here we are in the year of the space odyssey-2001-30+plus years after
the days of the griffith park love-ins....i was doing the green power trip
feeding the freex prior to pieing the fascist nixonoids......anyone still

Name: Em
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jan 2001
There are alot of Fillmore Diggers leaflets up for auction right now on
Ebay- I just came across them by chance.

Name: Jim Vaughn
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Jan 2001
Hey Now! My family is looking for a long lost family mamber. He hung in
the Haight in the end of the sixties. His street name was "Johnny
Dakota". He hung with my Mother In-Law Karin off and on. They had
three children. We want to talk and catch up. If you have any information,
please contact me: Jim Vaughn...

Name: Clara Cirba
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Jan 2001
Dear "Diggers",
I am a french-sociology-student studying in Montreal and I have grown
up with my parents who showed me the Way. My dad gave me Ringolevio 2
years ago, that's when I started to hear about the Diggers. My life is a
passionate experience and I have always been working to bring PEACE on
this Earth, "War is not the answer, only Love can conquer Hate",
here is my purpose, my Faith, my reason to breathe! I know it works, even
if it is only a drop of tenderness and light in a tainted ocean, it's
still something, better than to give up and be just like they want me to
be! Never ever, I AM and that's it. I send you all my positive vibrations,
my love, my support and be sure that someday, somehow, I know our paths
will cross. Studying sociology is the only way for me to be FREE, that's
all I need. I learn every single day, what a deep and intense experience
to be ALIVE and I want to share my energy with all human beings, just like
a radiation, a shooting star. Thank you for being who you are.

Name: Marvin
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jan 2001
I remember maybe it was 1967 and we had had the bus pointed to New York
when we stopped somewhere and this guy us filty hippie types. It bummed me

Name: Conrad
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jan 2001

Name: Jaz
E-mail Address: jazman_yada@dixie - net . com
Date: 14 Jan 2001
100 miles south of Gaskins' Farm. Goin' up country soon for Spring
plowin'. Best groceries on Earth.

Name: Michelle
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jan 2001
Hi, Im 16, and live in Alberta, and have becomes so intrested in the
60's, it does sound like it was such a trip. It would have been awsome to
experiance SF, the music, EVERYTHING...I wish it would happen again, but
where to start???? I'll be there when it happens again. Since I wasn't
there (as far as I know.....reincarnation can be a possibility, lol) I
would love it if anyone emails me ANYTHING!!!! just to talk or whatever,
that time has caught my interest and I will not let go, I love it, the
ideas, to much. Please send me an email!!!! Luv me

Name: Jeff
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jan 2001
I'd be interested in getting in touch with any extant digger-type
communities in Toronto, Ontario...or even just Ontario (it's a pleasure to
travel if I can meet interesting folks!) Do you know of any contacts up

Name: H. Grogan
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jan 2001
The spirit of Emmett lives on the prairies of the Dakotas. Cuz Grogan
and the Dakota Clan

Name: <a href="">Vincent</a>
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jan 2001

Name: Gary
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jan 2001

Name: Jeferson Applegate
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jan 2001
Man! What a time!67-69...Felt at home at the Filmore Watched the
nightly parade on the Haigth. Joplin and I laughing hysterical in
Sacramento before Big Brother performed in a thousand colors of
sound,people sharing was great! Spring is just around corner,
beautiful people, and has the scent of 68. Get ready for the renaissance
and as JIMI says"Don't you be late".

Name: Leesza Anderson
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jan 2001
I began reading the Free Fall Chronicles out of a subconscious desire.
As I read I was reminded of hearing about Peter Coyote's writings. I must
preface that I find Peter, and most projects involving Peter most
seductive. I found his pen to paper to be captivating and drew me into a
true time and space. His descriptions are exact enough to envision people
and situations without being heavy handed. I truly enjoyed having the
photos with which to relate either humanistic or environmental looks. I
lived in the Haight on Ashbury in the late 70's early 80's. I loved it, a
great place to live!
Your wwweb site is very cool!! Thanx for sharing.

Name: girl
E-mail Address: doesn't matter
Date: 09 Jan 2001
Just want to thank everyone that worked on this site, and for those who
shared comments or memories......thank you for letting me and others learn
more about Diggers, and reminding us of the beautiful souls out there.

Name: Rena
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jan 2001
Lou deeded Morningstar to God in an effort to hold the land in trust
for the great spirit as our Native American brothers and sisters had.
Before deeding the 32 acre Morningstar to God, Lou effered the land to the
county with the condition that the land would be forever Open Land. The
country refused. Although I was opposed to Lou's continuing to pay taxes
on the land, he did so to prevent it from being permanently stolen. (If
God doesn't pay his taxes, should you pay yours?) Later Lou purchased an
additonal piece of land in Sonoma County and deeded it to God and Heaven
knows I can't remember the name of the piece of land. Oh, I think I'm
having a flashback. It was named Raspberry after Bill Wheeler's daughter
Raspberry Hummingbird Sundown Wheeler. Also, an old school chum of mine
deeded 600 acres to GOD in Kentucky following the deeding of M* to God.
This land is called Gate of Heaven. It is in Kettle Kentucky (try to find
Kettle on a map!). Kettle is not far from Burkesville in Cumberland Cuonty,
just over the Tennessee border. In late 1971, Lou and I traveled to India
with the intention of purchasing land to deed to God in India. We wanted
to see if you needed a passport to travel between God's land India and
God's land in America. Joining us on this journey were Ann and Noel
Singer, the folks who deeded Gate of Heaven to God. Our very young
children Ping, 2 year old daughter of Ann and Noel, and Vishnu, 1 and a
half year old son of Lou and me, were our travel directors. India has a
policy which prohibits the sale of land to non Indians, so our purpose was
not fufilled. Isn't this a great forum!

Name: gary glauberman
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jan 2001
rena: at the time, that the land was deeded to god, one of the rumors
was that lou was deeding the land to God to avoid paying taxes. i was able
to spend a few hours with lou, one sunny day in the spring of 1972. he
remembered me, mostly i would guess because of my relationship with john
butler. i visted the land on and off in the 70's and 80's. On one visit a
guy named Tobacco ( a street name from the 60's) was living there with his
wife, and a few other squatters. I saw a gal from 1967 who went by Kali.
There was a pretyty wild guy named Mano living up there in the early 70's
as well. By the early 80's I just would go up there to pick some apples,
maybe 50 pounds for my family- a day in the country. Some of the best
golden delicious applers I have ever eaten came from Morning Star. I have
to go now- going to see Hidden Tiger, Crouching Dragon. Until later-- Lou
was a visionary and a great man- living life large.

Name: Rena
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jan 2001
Joyous new year all. This note is in response to Gary's queries from
his Dec. 30 guestbook entry. Lou Gottlieb deeded Morningstar to God in
1969. At first the Sonoma County court recorder refused to record the
deed. Lou had the deed notarized by lawyer and friend Rex Sater and
returned with the deed. The deed was recorded. Years later Rex Sater
became a judge in Sonoma County! Back to the topic. 5 days after Lou
deeded Morningstar to God, God was sued by a women in Arizona whose house
had been destroyed by lightening. The suit against God was for $100,000,
quite a sum in 1969. This was for damages of $25,000 and PUNITIVE fees of
$75,000. This case actually went to court! The judge (not Rex)
uncomfortably asked, "Who's God?!" (In God we trust; So help me
God!). A prisoner from San Quenten declared that he was god and the
rightful owner of Morningstar. Not so said a man from Australia who
declared that he was god and therefore owned Morningstar. I think we have
a comedy brewing here.
The court finally decided that "God is incapable of owning land
because he is niether a person real nor artifical." (an artificial
person is a corporation.) I only learned of this ruling when Lou died in
1996 and Morningstar was left to his 3 children, Judith Gottlieb, Tony
Gottlieb, and Vishnu Bill Gottlieb, my son, who was born at Morningstar in
Currently a happening caretaker named Paul resides at Morningstar.
Goddess bless Paul. He has restored Morningstar through a lot of hard
work. Poison oak had grown over a lot of the meadows and apple orchard.
Paul has restored these areas, making them safe and welcoming. As far as I
know no one else is living at Morningstar though kindred spirits pass
through to brighten their memories and visions.
Incidently, if anyone ever gets a chance to see "The Hippy
Revolution," a movie possibly available on video, check it out. It
has real footage from Morningstar, the haight, golden gate park, diggers,
telegraph ave, Black Panthers, etc. It's a very cool and funny true look
at the 60's. Lou's monologues in this are not to be missed. I also enjoyed
Cecil Williams then and now, and a myriad of other psychedelic
dignitaries. and indignitaries.
Gary, for more on Morningstar, check out "Home Free Home"
right here on the diggers home page. Aloha oi, Rena

Name: care
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Jan 2001
early in the morning, sky is purple gray, so in love with another day/
came upon a hard rock looming bove the water just in time to see the otter
pair go gliding past love to see thier way some day so we could give our
helloes/ for give our foes a chance to slow the time down/ come around and
sea me

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.