These are the Guestbook Entries from 2002. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from the first part of 2002. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2002.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Sep 2002
That is the word that keeps banging up against my skull.....WHEN!?
An occasional visit to the Bickerson's stimulates the reticent but etiquette and tolerance could be more evident here. I can't believe that the war junkies are using the "Jane Fonda" epithet regarding the congressman in Iraq last week.

Name: flirts with earth
E-mail Address: dances in water
Date: 30 Sep 2002
Comments the ad did run in the NY Times. I just wanted it back on the page so you can see this excellent political ad. Uncle oSAMa Wants YOU!!!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Sep 2002
Ah...once again; the voice of reason...thanks Nicole. We needed that. You and your Digger Diplomacy: you could tell a man to go to hell in such a way, that he would look forward to the trip. Again, thanks.. Nik, Its just so frustrating watching it come down with our hands tied. Oh, speaking of tied, ( as in fit to be...) I heard from some Red Necked Alaskans and War Chanting Hawians. (My audience is broadening) Lets just say that They wont vote for me anytime soon, and leave it at that. No word yet from the Mexicans. (Probably woundering how much the deal would bring down.) Anyway...What I want to know is: what did US atomic intelligence, and McCarthyism, have to do with China's 1950 invasion of Tibet?...and why has the CIA hidden this chapter of American history for fifty years? Christ, Woodward and Bernstien had it knocked. Wheres a "Deep Throat" Connection when ya' need one? This site could use a decent (if one exists) Ex-CIA Atomic Spy. Hey, as far as me puttin' my tail between my legs and splittin' to the High Desert... I was wired on Caffine. (My only stimulant)..I lost my Gun Powder black Pearl Tea connection, and wont go back to the green Tea anytime soon. Anyway, Ive' outlined my game plan and this is where my heart is. Theres alot to be said for the Madding Crowd. Its sink or swim in this sea of humanity. I will forge (plod) ahead here, taking some solas (is that spelled right?).. some solas in the spirit of Britts of the Blitz, the Stalingraders, and the Belfasters as well. Our finest hours lay ahead, and who knows, Nicole and I may someday soon be reporting the real story from the front line. Speaking of reporting; I cant tell you all how rewarding it is to spill my guts (talk it out) with you all like this. Please, if I make any comments that seem contradictory, or if my terminology seems odd (oh ya)..please speek up and I will clarify any issues at hand. Hey, whens the "Muzak Industry Bad Boyz gonna flip their hats around and stop singin' about killin' cops and start slammin' the War?? mean Feud...I mean retalitory action...I mean defensive measure...I mean vendeta...I mean chrusade...I mean justifiable responce...I mean...well; you know what I mean. WHEN???

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Sep 2002
oh, it's actually

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics
Date: 30 Sep 2002
Boy oh boy, I guess I missed spending the week-end with the "Bickersons" Personally I think anything anyone has to say or get out of their head or off their chest, whatever, is relevant...period...sometimes I will repeat something someone else said or that I read, just as a review to help me get a better understanding or just because I can't fucking believe it! Plus, look at it this way...that was pretty interesting dialogue betwixt and between everyone..made me chuckle, and someone elses relevance...can help me clarify my own beliefs...especially if I passionately disagree...but all that's just my two the way, for a little lightness check out and click on the abc's a fun exercise...Nicole

Name: mugu
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Sep 2002

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
PS - I have been invited to help structure a neo-western poetry reading in Havana. Anyone interested in this?

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
Mark - Now there are some words worth reading - thanks for the coherent and astute reply. I was being over the edge a bit regarding "the revolution" being over - nonetheless - look who is running things - another good old boy. I make my little statements such as pouring water into the gutter for the Summit out of frustration and artististic isolation. I plant trees whenever I can and recycle everything worth recycling - the Eco-revolution has continued and bless those who are on the front line at Planet Drum and so many other venues - nonetheless - the planet continues to deteriorate faster than the ice caps can melt - the homeless population grows by the second - education is going down the drain and we are closer to 1984 than ever before - a new "illegal war" looms over our heads. I may well have left the "system" behind on a personal level - but I do join in when and where I can trying to make a difference. Taking to the streets is one thing but if 350,000 Americans were marching in London it might make quite an impression. Media or no media......Long live the dream....

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
Okay, I found the old posts. IMAM, regarding your 27 Sept. post, I get your stance but to me avoidance conjures failure and a return to the static position. Stepping out of the system can be seen as an agressive tactic and I like to think that I don't want to join "them" and would be better entertained making them crazy. Television news has for a long time nothing to offer but something to fall asleep to but that could and may change given the state of things. Media can go both ways, it has an mercurial backfire component, but I agree that the news media is at it's very lowest credibility since I can remember. As far as revolution, the change as we know it began at the end WWII with Keroauc, Hells Angels, Civil Rights, etc. The revolution didn't end, fail, or disappear. It has been a process that has included times of sharp polarization, revenge and deceit, assimilation, frustration, shrill mutations, muted by depression and alienation, and relative dormant periods. But it is and has been fully incorporated into our culture like it or hate it since its begining. The Diggers were major facilitators that helped manifest and embed this stuff in our culture. That is why the old fools are still fighting to overcome it and it doesn't take much surface scratching to find the warriors of the right who still plot to take the culture back. Dormancy has been on deck for awhile but Bush and his jerks have set out to fight for it again. All we need to do is turn up the heat. Globalization and anti-war protests will attract the media, the media gives voice even when they try not to. My kids (grown) and parents (80's) are aware of the importance of this effort and we get out to these events when possible. Respectfully, they also agree that tossing three coins in the air ain't gonna get it.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Sep 2002
Make that "RED THREAT" not red treat. OK?

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
nah-nah-na-nan-ah - von Sprog - Why don't you just answer my question and be done with it (and me). The weather has me cranky.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Sep 2002
Sprog, you Ol' Sod. In reviewing the Curious Vs. Boyd files, it seems to me that if you crammed the Sprog-Imam feud up a knats ass; it would look like a B-B in a box car. You a both head-butting a moot point. It's so damn frustrating, we know this. Our Government has been grasping at straws ever since the "Red Treat" dissapeared. (there never was one). The "Build up was only reactionary; on their part.) It's a two way street; statistics dont often lie: but liers often use statistics. You Britts are jumping right on the band wagon in an effort to eventually declare all out war on the Irish. And will no doubt "Liberate" them from themselves. We (the common folk), inherantly view things by the decade: "fabulous fifties", "Swingin' Sixties" Etc. The Govt. (Machine) has a much broader out look. Case in point: The Japs..(oops, sorry friend) said that WWII was just a battle in a 100 year war. And if you do the arithmatic; England was THE super power as late as 1860's. 150 years later ..well, you know the rest. But, hey, Go with yer' gut feelings and dont confuse yer'self with facts. That being said, Im' promoting you to the rank of "American". Your Mum will be proud. God I miss the weird hours of the pubs. And the silver-sides and chips. Its a damn shame that public drunkeness isnt frowned upon on this side of the lake. Man, Ive' got a real bad feeling about sitting it out here on the Island...Moss and such...Ive' got to roll again. You know...take my own advice. I may pool funds and purchase a two-wheeler outright by next spring. As far as building; time is my enemy. I may head for the high desert. A man can breath in the foot hills. I miss the siesta life style. Golden Margueritas....coin silver hammered earings. follow me? Bad feeling about the boys in D.C. I always thrived near the edge..(Ocean)..but it would give me something to shoot for. Blow over to Dago periodically. Scarf an extra motor to tweek and swap to cut down time.(the old trick was to have Identical tattooed numbers on each set of cases) A builder's title was the ticket. Maybe find a full figured gal in a trailor of the beaten path. Rice & beans, corn bread and greens. Im' rambling again. Any New Yorkers out there gettin' a bad feeling? Remember... "If only" are the saddest words in existance.

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
Steve - "he started it first" Adolph Hitler

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
"Time flys when you don't know what you're doing." M. Hebard
"The only way to do it is to do it." Mendoza brothers, Tank 2, Santa Cruz County Jail, 1970. Hey, are we missing a page or so of posts from last week?

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Sep 2002
Now Boys...Boys....."Intolerance of difference goes to the heart of conflict everywhere in the world" John Hume, Nobel Laureate for Peace. / "In our struggle for freedom, truth is the only weapon we possess." and "Change only takes place through action." His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. / "The function of freedom is to free somebody else." Toni Morrison, Nobel Laureate for Literature. / "Politics is like trying to fuck a cat in the ass." Charles Bukowski. / "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master". Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President. / "I wonder what It would be like to live the life I REALLY want?" Mr. Jones.

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
OOOH get her, Mrs touchy

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
Sprog - do you have words of your own to post - or are you simply another Washington Post?
Having Opened the Gates of Hell -
In a time when only the homeless have a
place to reside, and the leaders of today
realize that they can no longer communicate -
perhaps just before the world is lost to ignorance
and error - it will be left to the deaf, the mute,
and the blind to lead us back to our gardens of Eden.
For when wisdom's words, along with the sky, the
sea, and the sands of time have been turned to
toxic waste, only the deaf, the mute and the blind
will have been left (relatively) uncontaminated by
mankind’s disability.
Free Copy 2002 IMAM -

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
PS Sprog - you want some relevance - fine here's something to chew on from my pen to your brain.
WakeN & WarN
1.25 billion dreaming nightmares
reaching for reality’s tinder box
eight minutes into the aftermath
12 million fireballs suffering
uninhabitable times add
7 million red-tagged bodies
The last ground zero (re) calling
an endangered species running
the planet on diplomatic sand
1.25 billion roused and more
to waken and warn the world
to act before the mourn
Unable to comprehend the horrific
Black Rain skin melting now
the hibakusha can never forget
(free copy - 2002 IMAM

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
Sprog - I can reprint the daily news just as easily as the next person and relevance is in the eye of the receiver. I was questioning your relevance in restating the obvious, but instead of answering my question - you attack my articulation and insinuate that I don't know the meaning of the word "patronize." When you come on like a xerox machine I find that patronizing in itself. At least I quoted my source when I reiterated that bullets were the problem - not guns - what's your source - - or the NYTimes? I could go back through the guestbook and pull out the silly links that you have inserted for the benifit of no one but what's the point? Who forgets the past is doomed to reinsert it anyway. Where was I when Kennedy got shot? I was in hospital recuperating from a bar fight where my kidney was knocked away from the wall of self about and inch and half. I was sucker punched from behind by a club fist - and yes my kidney was saved. But who cares were anyone was when he got shot - what is the relevance here Sprog? Time waits for no one least of all you and your nonsense blather. If you want to say that the US is going to Iraq because of the oil fields then say so - If you are saying that the real terrorist is living in the White House fine - say it - but if all you can do is restate the obvious why bother? Go talk to a Republican.

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Sep 2002
IMAM—My colonial friend. I have just looked through the guest book to find a piece ,by yourself, with any relevance what so ever and guess what? Nothing. Nothing at all stood out . Still never mind. However a thought struck me. I shall keep this simple because I don’t wish to patronise you (that’s when you talk down to some one) There is a question that has entered into American culture—one that I am sure you are aware of and it is “where was you when Kennedy was shot” now that will soon be replaced by “where was you when IMAM actually said something articulate or relevant” You are a living testament to the inadequacies of state education. Go visit the local library-its free

Name: Dance More
E-mail Address: Shake that thing
Date: 29 Sep 2002
the censored anti war ad with Uncle oSAMa did run in the NY Times on Sept. 25. Cool.

Name: Gabriel Garcia Ma'rquez
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Sep 2002
One of these days Im going to arm my boys so we can get rid of these shitty gringos.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Sep 2002
Ok Sprog - fine - thanks - good-bye. These are all relevant items you have listed - but so what? This guestbook is a forum for discussion - insight - rememberance - hope - intuitive action - and peace - not the Pentagon, White House, UN, Congress or any other body of unilateral - bipartisan business. What possible good does it do for you or anyone here to reprint these factoids about Iraq? Do you really think we need convincing that the administration has their heads up the ass? What are you trying to say here? Put up or shut up! IMAM

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Sep 2002
LIE 1: Saddam Hussein has "weapons of mass destruction"
FACTS: Even Blair is forced to admit that in fact Iraq does not have nuclear weapons. The International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) has inspected Iraq. It has looked for the enriched uranium needed to produce nuclear weapons. On 28 June this year the IAEA insisted that Iraq did not have the capacity to produce enriched uranium.
Iraq does have some useless low-grade uranium. This cannot be used for nuclear weapons without specialised, expensive and very obvious industrial-scale facilities.
Britain and the US have produced no evidence that such facilities exist in Iraq. Blair claims that Iraq "could" produce or obtain this material with outside help. So could any other state in the world.
Blair says Iraq has imported steel and aluminium tubes that could be used in centrifuges to produce enriched uranium. The Washington Post noted on 10 September this year that the tubes are in fact used in making conventional artillery, which Iraq is not prohibited from doing even under the sanctions regime.
LIE 2: Iraq has large stocks of chemical and biological weapons
FACTS: Iraq did have some such material in the 1980s-mainly the biological weapon anthrax, and the nerve agents sarin and VX, as well as mustard gas. United Nations inspectors destroyed most of these in the 1990s. Blair says some stocks were "unaccounted" for.
Most chemical and biological agents have a limited shelf life and become useless after a few years. Anthrax, for example, becomes useless even under ideal storage conditions after three years at most.
Iraq has never had the highly advanced technology needed to produce more than laboratory quantities of VX.
LIE 3: Iraq has rebuilt facilities to produce nuclear or biological weapons
FACTS: The "evidence" for this comes mainly from Iraqi scientists who have defected to Europe or the US, and have been offered financial rewards by the US as well as guarantees of asylum. Even the US State Department has in the past warned that such sources should not be taken seriously.
Among the British and US allegations are that a site at Taji in Iraq has been rebuilt to produce chemical and biological weapons. Journalists from the respected Reuters news agency visited the site in mid-August this year. They found nothing resembling the advanced industrial and scientific facilities needed to produce weapons.
Instead they discovered only "boxes of powdered milk from Yemen, Vietnam, Tunisia and Indonesia, and sacks of sugar from Egypt and India".
LIE 4: Iraq has missiles that could hit its neighbours and British forces
FACTS: By 1997 817 of Iraq's 819 ballistic missiles had been destroyed, according to the UN weapons inspectors. Charles Duelfer is the former US deputy assistant secretary of state and deputy head of the Unscom weapons inspectorate, and a leading advocate of war against Iraq.
Even he says Iraq could have at most 12 to 14 missiles today if it has salvaged parts to rebuild some. These have a range of a few hundred miles at most. They were ineffective in the 1991 Gulf War when Iraq had far more missiles. They can not be used for biological weapons like anthrax, which are destroyed by the missile's impact.
Blair claims that Iraqi missiles could threaten British troops in Cyprus. Britain has no business being in Cyprus. It only has bases there to help protect the multinationals' oil profits. Blair says Iraq threatens British fighter jets. But that is only because they are flying over Iraq.
LIE 5: Iraq would use weapons of mass destruction if it had them
FACTS: Iraq did have some chemical and biological weapons at the time of the 1991 Gulf War. Even facing defeat, Saddam Hussein did not use them. The reason is simple. Iraq faces the US, Britain and Israel, which have overwhelming military power and definitely have real weapons of mass destuction.
For Iraq to even threaten to use any such weapons if it had them would bring a devastating response. George Bush's national security adviser Condoleezza Rice has admitted, "If they do acquire weapons of mass destruction, their weapons will be unusable because any attempt to use them will bring national obliteration."
LIE 6: Iraq will use chemical weapons again because it used them before
FACTS: Iraq did use mustard gas and sarin in its war with Iran from 1981 to 1988. It did this with the compliance of the US. The US gave Saddam Hussein intelligence information and "crop spraying" helicopters which helped in such attacks.
In 1986 a United Nations Security Council statement recognised that "chemical weapons on many occasions have been used by Iraqi forces against Iranian forces". The US voted against this in the UN Security Council. This was because Iraq was a US ally at the time.
Saddam Hussein went on to use chemical weapons against Kurdish people at Halabja and other places in Iraq in 1988. The US did not condemn Iraq, and stepped up its support for Saddam Hussein's regime.
Blair also claims that "Saddam practices torture, execution and other forces of coercion against his enemies". This is equally true of a host of other regimes across the world which are US and British allies-Saudi Arabia for one.
LIE 7: Saddam Hussein is linked to Al Qaida and the 11 September attacks
FACTS: There is not a shred of evidence for this. An earlier claim by some US papers that an Iraqi agent met with one of the 11 September attackers in Prague has been rubbished. Blair points to a group in Iraq called Ansar al Islam, which allegedly has had tenous links with Al Qaida.
He forgets to mention that this group operates in eastern Iraqi Kurdistan, which since 1991 has been controlled by the US-backed Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and not the Iraqi government.

E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Sep 2002

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
Afternote: - As Ken Kesey's grandchild once noted - "guns are not the problem - bullets are the problem."

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
Ok - Hi, I was Anonymouse - and now via Steve I am IMAM, but song remains the same whatever the name. One of my mentors once advised me - "If you can't join them - avoid them" and this is what I have endeavored to do regarding politicians, governments, police, con men/women, buskers and butt-holes. I keep my social security number out of the big picture as much as possible and stopped paying the government my hard earned wages for nothing a long time ago. In the 60s we tried our best to change the "system" - but end the end most of us had to leave the system behind because it wasn't and isn't going to change. Power hungry oil barons and cheap thrill artists will run this place into the ionosphere for another eternity and there is very little anyone can do about it. "We" the people are not represented by anyone in Congress or the House unless "we" have deep $$$ pockets and relatively toxic self-industrial interests to protect. "Peace demands War" or didn't you know. I have no solutions for the future - only directions top follow from my inner soul guide and the I Ching when necessary. Turn off the television news folks - the revolution is over. What comes next is anybody's guess.

Name: Steve Oswald
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
Open Letter to Beetle Skin Bailey; In the end, we were labled as Hippies with guns. (for good reason?). Heres two that you can stake yer' life on. Springfield (Remington) M1903A4 Cal. .30-06 Sniper Rifle with M84 Telescope and the Mosin-Nagant, Russian M91/30 Cal. 7.62X54R Sniper Rifle with PE Scope. Nuff said???

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
Whoe!!!! Back to 4.43 ....that a relief.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
Hey Eric...I just went from being 4.43 to 4.33. What gives? Also, If the Coding is to find out who is fuckin' with ya, by sending shit in by utilizing more than one identity, (couldnt they just send from different computer sites to get around that?) Anyway, I figure that Juice, Lemon and maybe Sara Jane were all one in the same. I personally know of one "Duel Personality", but Im' sworn to secrecy. (I dig the Ol' Alter-Ego thing myself, as long as it doesnt harm the player, or players. It can me a Demi-Urge outlet of sorts. The Doctor Jeckle in question hasnt E-Mailed me lately and I miss his dry wit. Wink, nudge...But seriously, a user ID may be your man hear. Even a "Annonamous" code would be cool for those who for one reason or another want to stay low profile. I personaly met more than a few writers in my Hollywood daze, who lived through the dark days of the Black List era. Vile shit man, vile shit. I have a dear freind who is an old Heavy Out Cat Jazz Aligator. He holds "Socialist Humanists" meetings out of his apartment. Hey, to each his own. I remember the old Flint boys telling about the days when you could not even talk to the man next to you in the factory. I say UNITE. (But, then again, what do I know?). Later, Steve.

Name: Steve Meryweather Lewis
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
Heres the skinny: The machine is geared to keep yer' asses so far in hock that ya' cant see daylight. Its geared to pushin' ya' into the bathroom with the towel jammed under the door indulging in the latest designer drug, just to grab a few minutes of false freedom. I cant really blame anyone for not revieling their name to a world of faceless shadows. Being a wage slave is no sin either. (It feeds yer' people). I was balls deep in the gut-wringer and was fighting office weasles who were burying me alive in an effort to starve me and mine. Its that basic, ...that sick...that twisted. The most inhuman environment is the factory. Its a micro-cosm of our society. "Stay on top by standing on some poor bastard's head. "trade in your hours for a hand full of dimes" J.D.M. What's the answer? It's personal. Show me a million people, and I will show you a million answers. But what is the question? I say ONE STATE. Fuck the borders. If the U.S.A. was truly UNITED, it would be one state wouldnt it? Think about it. GET BACK TO A POPULAR VOTE. ONE STATE, ONE HEART, ONE MIND. While im' on a roll; what the fuck is up with Alaska? I say either cut a swath; oh say 50 miles wide straight up the north west sea board that would connect it to "The Mainland; or sell it to the Canooks. Fuck, trade Hawaii for a corridor to Alaska. Cutting thru another country to get to a "State" really smells. Lets offer Mexico State Hood. (Those fuckers would sell out in a minute). As far a President...go with the Scottish Clan system. Vote in the Wisest. That is the one who wont get our asses killed. Whether it be an aged negro or a nineteen year old Woman. The "Wisest" dig? Make it work here. Foriegn polocy? Sounds greek to me. Myself, Im' not beyond tellin' young folks to join up and come out of it with the GI Bill and a chunk o' change. Hey, there must be an out let for our young Warrior Sub-Culture. As is they seem to be cutting each other to peices in the alley. (What a waste). In case you havent noticed, the "Americans" comprise the most well fed Hybrid specimens on the globe, and as such should be feared as a potential fighting fource. (Not because they are inherantly "Braver", but more lustfull, sportive, and bobust. I felt the vibe (long before the Euro-Dollar) while traveling thru the various Countries over seas. I thought, why dont these fuckers unite? Well, thats how I see America. We are not United. Its all hype. You folks who live on the state lines can hear me cant ya? Think about it.

E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
'Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world. The US wants to restore this enormous prize to its control'
[... Note: this long article has been moved to the Free
City News section, a more appropriate location in the opinion of the editor
than this page.]
This is an edited version of an interview with the anti-capitalist magazine Zmag. The full interview will appear in the near future on

Name: Beetle Bailey
E-mail Address: US of A
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
Mark , what is the left, which is the right. Can you spell agent provocateur. Just what the fuck is the Digger Movement. If you wish to meet with a representative of the Committee for Lone Justice, look deeply into the mirror. If the young men and women of this country, bereft of any serious political analysis, seek to join the military in order to become instruments of national policy (even a policy that defies anyone's understanding) then advise them and organize more militant forms of dissent/rebellion. Teach while you fight. If you are a family man, organize by opening a dialog with your sons and daughters. It will be good practice upon which to base your outreach efforts to the sons and daughters of other families. Get set for a long haul. Use some discretion and some caution. You don't seem to recognize that you are already operating in enemy territory. If that does not change, I certainly wouldn't be willing to go on patrol with you--would you, in those circumstances, go on patrol with you?

Name: mother nature
E-mail Address: ocean delights
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Sep 2002
anti-war advertisement that the New York Times refused

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 26 Sep 2002
The media pukes out the government line that the majority of the American people support the violence. In the Bay Area that isn't true but in large parts of the country it is and as always "our" spineless "politicians" suck the leaders ass. The point is what the fuck are we doing about it. The left has been working to change the culture in order to change the politics and I agree with the method for the long run but now, and I mean right now, we are being discarded. We have no say, our demonstrations are orderly and without any credible high-profile citizens raising the alarm, the media does not cover them. There are no enraged politicians, no hot shit musicians to bring people out, no guerilla theater, no icons to wave their arms. We have been written off as old and foolish burn outs from the 60's by the media and therefore by the majority. Here on this list many people won't use their real names. Why? Is this indicative of our paranoia or do we have too much to lose? How far does the does this have to go before some of us raise some hell? I love coming here to remember and discover the history of the Digger movement and the seeds that were sown but it isn't the past anymore. We are right back where we fucking started and it is getting ugly. I can't believe the lack of fire in the gut of the left. To all that lurk here, come out into the light and fight this. Where is the art of the Digger? Check the hit counter on this website, there is an audience. Silent Steve sure as hell isn't holding back, is he the only one with an unbridled voice?

Name: Silent Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 26 Sep 2002
Open Letter to Homeless Hank: Heres my "NYC Street Sheet" on where to find shelter, food and clothing without any horse shit hassles. Im' not including churches. They offer all kinds of good stuff. (nice folks too) One Star* =food, Two Stars** =clothing, Three Stars*** =food and clothing. /***NYC Rescue Mission, 90 Lafayette St./ *** Bowery Mission, 227 Bowery, Mon. thru Sun. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, Clothes on Wed./ *** American Indian Community House, 404 Lafayette, 8th fl. M-F 10-4pm American Indians only...ah, fuck em', just threaten to scalp their asses.(I did))./ ** Joseph House, 36 E.1st St. M-F, 2-4pm/ Hare Kreshna Food Relief, 48 Ave. B, 12-6pm/ ** Hudson Guild Project Connect, 441 W. 26th St. Mon. 1-3pm, Thur. 11am-2pm / ***Grand Central Neighborhood, 146 E. 43rd St. Breakfast, Lunch & Supper, 7 Days, (housing, employment placement & counciling)/ * Yorkville Soup Kitchen, 91st. & 1st Ave. in PS 151, supper M, W & F 4:30-5:30 pm/ * Yorkville Common Pantry, 8 E. 109th St. breakfast, Mon.-Fri. 8:15-9:30am, 120 tickets are given out. /* Community Kitchen of West Harlem, 222 W. 116th St. Supper Mon. thru Fri. 4-6pm, tickets at 2:30pm /*** Emmaus House, 124th St. & Lex. Ave. Mon-Fri, 12-2pm. Housing & Problems, 9am-3pm./ *** Billy Roberts House of Hope, 302 W. 124th St. Lunch 11am M,T, Thur. & Fri., doors close at 12:30pm Clothes given out when avail./ ***Harlem Welcome Table, 45E 126th St. Noon-2pm, tickets at 11am, Clothes when avail. Reserection Family Services, 65E 129th St., Lunch Tue. & Fri. at 12:30 M,W, & Thur. Food: 12:30, 110 tickets given out at 9:30am/ * Coalition for the Homeless, 137th St. & Lex. Ave. (outside Hosp.) Van gives out food every night at 9:30pm/ Good Luck Hank; Happy Hunting. Steve

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 26 Sep 2002
A "rogue state" is threatening the world. It possesses weapons of mass destruction, and has used them. It has attacked, bombed and invaded more countries than any other state.
The regime is run by a gang of ruthless killers. They are bent on world domination, and prepared to commit mass murder to achieve it. The state is the US. Its leader is George W Bush.

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
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Date: 26 Sep 2002
THE US is the world's biggest haven for war criminals, and harbours terrorists. They include:
HECTOR GRAMAJO MORALES, a former defence minister in Guatemala, was allowed to live for years in the US in the 1990s. He got a study scholarship from the US government. A US court had ruled, "The evidence suggests that Gramajo devised and directed the implementation of an indiscriminate campaign of terror against civilians."
JOSE GUILLERMO GARCIA has lived in Florida since the early 1990s. He headed El Salvador's military when its death squads killed thousands of civilians 20 years ago.
EMMANUEL CONSTANT was head of the infamous FRAPH death squads, which launched a wave of terror in Haiti in the early 1990s. He was on the CIA payroll.
SINTANG PANJAITAN was an Indonesian general who was responsible for a massacre at Santa Cruz in Indonesian-occupied East Timor which killed hundreds of people.

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 26 Sep 2002
THE US is a proven threat to its neighbours and beyond.
PHILIPPINES, 1898-1910: seizes from Spain, 600,000 Filipinos killed.
PUERTO RICO, 1898: seizes from Spain. PANAMA, 1901-14: separates country from Colombia and annexes canal zone.
HONDURAS, 1903: US marines intervene against revolution.
NICARAGUA, 1912-33: 20-year occupation and war against guerrillas.
HAITI, 1914-34: occupation.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 1916-24: occupation.
CUBA, 1917-33: military occupation, made into economic protectorate.
RUSSIA, 1917-22: five landings of troops to try to overthrow revolution.
YUGOSLAVIA, 1919: marines intervene against Serbs.
PANAMA, 1925: marines suppress general strike.
CHINA, 1927-34: marines stationed throughout the country.
EL SALVADOR, 1932: warships sent during revolt.
JAPAN, 1945: firebombs Tokyo and other cities, drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
PUERTO RICO, 1950: independence rebellion crushed.
KOREA, 1950-3: US and South Korea fight China and North Korea to stalemate. US threatens to use nuclear bombs. At least two million Korean civilians killed or wounded. IRAN, 1953: CIA overthrows democracy.
GUATEMALA, 1954: CIA directs invasion after government nationalises land belonging to US United Fruit company.
LEBANON, 1956: US troops land.
VIETNAM, 1960-75: Two million Vietnamese killed in longest US war.
INDONESIA, 1965: One million killed in CIA-assisted coup.
CAMBODIA, 1969-75: US carpet bombs. Two million killed by years of bombing and starvation.
CHILE, 1973: CIA-backed coup overthrows democratically elected government.
ANGOLA, 1976-92: CIA assists South African backed rebels.
LIBYA, 1981: two Libyan jets shot down.
EL SALVADOR, 1981-92: troops and air power assist death squads, 75,000 people killed.
NICARAGUA, 1981-90: CIA directs Contra invasions.
LEBANON, 1982-4: US forces intervene, navy shells Beirut.
HONDURAS, 1983-9: US troops build bases for death squads.
GRENADA, 1983: US invasion.
LIBYA, 1986: capital Tripoli bombed in effort to kill President Gadaffi.
IRAN, 1987: Iranian passenger jet shot down over Persian Gulf.
PANAMA, 1989-90: invasion, thousands of civilians killed.
GULF WAR, 1990-1: US-led coalition kills 100,000 Iraqis. SOMALIA, 1992-4: US-led United Nations occupation.
EX-YUGOSLAVIA, 1995: bombs Serbs and assists ethnic cleansing.
SUDAN, 1998: bombs pharmaceutical factory.
IRAQ, 1998: four days of air strikes, raids continue until present day.
SERBIA, 1989: 78 days of NATO air strikes.
AFGHANISTAN, 2001: US-led war kills thousands.
IRAQ, 2002...

Name: agboga
E-mail Address:
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Date: 25 Sep 2002
nice stie keep tit up

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 25 Sep 2002
OPPS!...I mean Hank..not Frank. Hey man; If you had the "Homeskin" concept down, You would never again refer to yourself as "Homeless". Hey Hank, you may want to attend "Picture The Homeless" ("Homeless People are Organizing for Respect and Justice") If yal' would just hook up and form a wedge (By Voting) you may get a chance to pick who fucks ya' over. (We all like options, right?) Im' tellin' ya, that Boo-Coo Quid is being dumped into NYC to "help" people who are "homeless" and to develop poor neighborhoods. Hank, where's the Fuckin' Money goin'??? Anyway, Meetings are held at Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South: (enter at the corner of W.S. South and Thompson St.) Refreshments are served and tokens are available. (212) 982-5947 Check it out.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 25 Sep 2002
Residence Challenged Franklin; drag yer' dead-beat ass down to the Peace Church this Sunday by high noon. No captive audiences here; You dont have to listen to the fire and brimstone prior to chowing down. Skip it and just fall in line. No hard sell. Just comfort food, and plenty of it: Straight goods on the barrel top. Nothin' behind the door. Hey Frank, Weve' been signing up stray cats to register to vote where by they can use our address. It seems that the Polititians prefer to ignore the very existance of thousands of citizens who have been living on the streets of this city for decades yet are denied the vote: as they have no "Perminent Addresses" and as such "Arent Residents???" Go figure. WELCOME. P.S. BREAK THE LAWS!!! VOTE!!!

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
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Date: 25 Sep 2002
Rebirthing is over rated.

Name: HomelessHank
E-mail Address:
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Date: 25 Sep 2002
hi folks!
I haven't posted since August 27 2001 when I was in the maui airport en route to NYC after an unfortunate experience on the island. As you know, some bizarre stuff went down in NYC about 2 weeks later. I was arrested and detained for telling a newsperson that I saw a guy who looked like Lee Harvey Oswald run from the building right before the first plane hit (I DID,I DID!). Just was released from custody after photos from a recently recovered camera in a nearby ATM corroborated my story.
Yow, am I famous yet?
Homeless hank

E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 25 Sep 2002
Increase the Peace ~ Begin Within

Name: 3d Ralph
E-mail Address:
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Date: 25 Sep 2002
Very nice Site...WOW!!!
I really enjoyed it.
c ya 3d Ralph

Name: Becky
E-mail Address:
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Date: 24 Sep 2002
We can still feel the digger influence of the 60's. Thank God! I would love to see a rebirth of the movement.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
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Date: 24 Sep 2002
Indeed - Freedom can be disorienting - for a split second - then it just like riding a bike.

Name: SueTurner
E-mail Address:
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Date: 24 Sep 2002
It's good to see the Diggers. I remember how totally disorient-
ing it was to be in the Free Store. All the stuff was mine t
hang. rearrange, show to somebody else, but nowhere was there
a human being that tells you what to do...nobody gets to think
the concept of "steal" in that stre. Pretty neat for this old

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 24 Sep 2002
Nicole; Im' proud to know ya'....Mighty Damn Proud! P.S. The West Free Street Budget went wild...your home computer is still on the list though. Patients please. Should you choose to accept the offer, there is only one "string"...and that is to delete "Obligation" from your vocabulary. (free stuff scares the hell out of most folks) Dont question a gift. Your time has come. You are so deserving. Endure...and Enjoy. P.S. Nichole, fifty years from now it wont matter what clothes you wore or what you rode around on, (or what you indulged in)..but what will matter is that you were so important to so many. I really mean that. Bless you. Steve

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
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Date: 24 Sep 2002
Nicole - Great anecdote! and, I would love to hear those tribute tapes. Stew and I get together as often was we can for coffee and clatch about things then and now - indeed a great way to spend an afternoon. Stew as you know was real close to Phil - and in The 3rd Page you can read Stew's poem "Next To Nothing" - I think Phil was along on this same trip to South America. Good news that you have reconnected with S & J - they are such good folks. Hammond

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Remote Name:
Date: 24 Sep 2002
Hammond...such a small world...after you posted the article yesterday by Stew Albert I went to his site to see if it was the same one I knew from forever ago and sure enough he e-mailed me this morning. Thank you for reconnecting me to both he and Judy...I met them through one of my dearest friends who had grown up with Abbey Hoffman in Wooster, Mass. When Phil Ochs died Abbey wanted to attend the Madison Square Garden memorial but of course under the Rockefeller laws he daren't come into the country straight out, so we devised a way to get there...he and I disquised ourselves as radio personell from somewhere complete with press credentials and ID enableing us to gain total access...earlier in the week Eric Anderson, Ed Sanders, Abbey and myself(and another woman who's name I can't recall) recorded a couple of Abbey's songs that were played to Phil over the sound system..."light up an angel" about cuban cigars and one called "Brother Phil" a tribute ...I have a tape somewhere...and he had also written a synopsis of the whole couple of weeks, then poked his finger and signed it with his thumbprint in blood so that if I wanted to sell a story to playboy or whatever, I could corraborate it...of course I never did being from the digger end of's still tucked away with the tapes in some box somewhere...probably the most interesting thing I have from that particular adventure is a couple of hours of taped conversations he and I had while in the hotel and in the cab on the way to the memorial, most of it was discussing the differences between diggers and yippies...and his personal feeling about Peter and Emmet, some rare stuff there...maybe I could give it to his children...anyway Hammond if I get out to Portland I'll see you there...until then of course I'll see you right here...thanks again, Nicole

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
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Date: 24 Sep 2002
Indeed, the galant and artistic precedents are many - the abstract expressionist Group Cobra in Holland comes to mind. The challenge of the day is clear - but the audience is difficult to define. In the main I fear that currently we "artists" are only speaking to our 'selves' and kindred souls. One problem here is that the set changes before the paint is dry. I am presently consulting the medium of Preemptive Art and will get back to you once the oracle has spoken.
In the mean time, all one can do is "Keep on Brush'in"
AsEver - Hammond

Name: williams
E-mail Address:
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Date: 24 Sep 2002
This is a great sit keep it up and God bless you.
make una note say I done reach here ooo

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 23 Sep 2002
Mark; shades of Pollock!!! Man, he was involved!!! He packed alot in, in 44 years. (he was formaly why not me?). Its not about control or power, its about gravity, nature, and compulsion; (spell that "Free-form Freedom"). Hammond; My favorite artists fought back by painting through the Great...(Great?) Wars of the past 200 years. Are we up to the fight partner? There are two fronts, (physical and mental) break out the Chocolate and nylons, ah,..the smell of romance in the morning..smells like Victory! Oh, our Nicole...Autumnal Equinox, 1970 (Year One). Wearin' my hero's hat, Mellow Yellow melting dawn, campfire smoke, leaves,, black and blue w/ knots on my head just landing from my first solo flight...I cut a hole in a Mexican Tourist blanket; (A real Poncho...not a Sears Poncho!). Winter socks?... One pair (Stars and bars)... 32 years later; one pair of Zen socks...Aint' it the way? Heat cranked up..I hear ya!. Try McCanes Irish steel cut Oat meal (with buttermilk over it). Soup? Im' slowin' down these days...ANTI-micro-wave. Only gas flame on the ol' Vulcan for this boy. Apples? The ferminting rotted ones on the ground, fresh sliced by the mower blade. (If they could bottle that fragrance... call it Saytre??? Take it from Nicole folks...Dont fiddle around... Keep stashing those acorns....winters commin' on. Life is Good.(but you knew that) Steve

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 23 Sep 2002
I like to lay out the canvas already stretched on bars, BIG is better, on the floor with a cat walk out of 2x6's to walk and stalk the canvas. Pour, tilt and flood, let the color bleed and mingle, settle and change. Let the color and the gesture come on its own. What do I like to do on a good day? Watch the paint dry on a sunny afternoon.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 23 Sep 2002
Hello All - Here is a piece I received today from Stew Albert (Yippie!) and thought you might agree with the wording - H.
Bush to rule world?
by Stew Albert
When George Bush was running for President he promised the American
people a more "humble" foreign policy if he won the election. Now as maximum
leader Bush has declared "today Lubbock, tomorrow the world." I suppose
because Bush didn't really win the election he feels under no obligation to
keep his promises.
The scope of Bush's ambition makes Augustus Caesar look modest. The Roman
Legion's just wanted to rule the known world. These days a lot more world is
known. Our president is casting his greedy eyes even on China.
The current target for destruction and domination is Iraq. At first the
Bushies tried to play the game with a nod to international law and
traditional doctrines of "just war." They sought to tie Saddam Hussein to
September 11 and the Al Queda. But extensive investigation proved just the
opposite. The secularist Iraqi government and the religious fascists of
Islamic fundamentalism actually hate each other. And the universal finding on
Iraq was "not guilty" of the Twin Towers massacre.
So the Bush gang came up with a rather novel concept. Since Iraq might
someday do something bad to the United States, the US has the right to
militarily assault that nation and change its government. It resembles
Hitler's excuse for attacking Russia at a time when his country had signed a
nonaggression pact promising never to do that terrible thing. Hitler claimed
that since the Russians were Communists they would probably attack Germany
someday soon. After the war was over, an international tribunal did not buy
this excuse for aggression. In fact the court was so miffed that it sent
quite a few Nazi leaders to the gallows and the Russian invasion was one of
the reasons.
Perhaps it is to avoid these very same gallows that the Bush Doctrine
arrogantly declares that no American will ever be tried in an international
court. After all, Americans are the good guys.
For a while it looked like Congress might put up some road blocks on
Bush's superhighway to war. Some peace minded and libertarian Republicans
criticized Bushist militarism. But the Democrats, chickenhearted after all
these years, collapsed, figuring, I guess that if they let Bush steal the
election they might as well give him the whole Constitution. Congress has
become such a sham, we can expect a new Caligula to nominate his horse for
the Senate.
The Bush doctine of anticipating bad behavior and punishing it before it
occurs has invaded the legal system. Recently in Oregon a judge disappointed
the prosecutor, the Portland Police Chief and the anti-terrorist commission
because she refused to tack on lots of years to an Arab's prison sentence
just because the guy was sympathetic to a Palestinian Islamic group. The
Police Chief stated that the fellow might become a terrorist someday.
And the FBI and its allies are starting to talk of banning protest
demonstrations, even peaceful ones because "they might be a diversion for
terrorist acts." It's getting like the sci-fi film "Minority Report," where
consumerist America has become a nation that arrests and punishes individual
for crimes they have not yet committed.
Will Junior Bush actually get to rule the world? I was raised to believe
that anyone who tried that move was a dangerous psycho who would fall flat on
their hubris. (My people call it chutzpah.) And economists point out that the
US is becoming such a deep-in-the-hole debtor nation to foreigners, that
ultimately it will be them and not the American president who dictates
policy. And then again there are the terrible terrorists (remember them) who
have no nation to destroy and who can turn commercial airplanes into weapons
of mass destruction. It would seem that the Bush Doctrine will only create a
million more of these suicidal killers.
Even if Bush does get to rule the world, he wont have much fun doing it.
And visit Stew's Yippie Reading Room!

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Remote Name:
Date: 23 Sep 2002
today is the autumn eqinox. Happy Birthday Sam Eileen David Jane and all of you 23rd ers...I couldn't help but think about Turkey Ridge this morning as I walked to the train on my way to the office...finishing up the hay season and gleaning the corn fields for ears the machinery forgot...and end of summer smells are hanging in the air even here in NYC...I'm sure it's memorex and not actual...I feel like a squirel storing up nuts for the in all this concrete it's good to have an acorn of memory to crack open every now and again...soon enough it'll be dark at 5:30 with steamed up windows and a rich soup on the stove, leaves falling passed the windows and the smell of apples on the ground and upcoming sales on winter socks...harvests and firewood...of course here in the city it's such that you practically have to keep your windows open throughout fall and winter because the supers crank the heat so high you can barely breathe...still the sky will begin to look like opals...and the mornings crisp and the hearts warm...anybody want a bowl of oatmeal? Warm regards to all, Nicole

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 23 Sep 2002
Ya, that full moon is/was somthin'. Oh, the Kinks...counter-parts of the Beach Boys on this side of the pond. Original w/ a capital "O". Hey, I just got inspired last night, and plan to approach the 2003 series of paintings in a different manner: First; I will not "Borrow" anything from anyone. (let them borrow from me), I forgot..."Im' Steve Boyd"..remember!. Secondly; I will paint on rolls of canvas layed out on floor of the balcony. (two levels approx. 10'-0" deep) Real nice space. This will enable me to really fuck with the sailcloth as opposed to just tickling it upon it's trampoline type frame work, dig?. It will also alow me to the freedom of plotting the composition and cut, stretch and mount to varying size, as the forms dictate, etc. I may only get a 25% of usable surface; who knows? I also plan to go from dark to light, using three sizes of brush (one set of three for each color; going from thick to thin.) I will start out w/a black underlayer, as oppossed to white gesso.) Creators add light; destroyers diminish it.(you can quote me.) I will use an alternate canvas as a paint pallet, because experience has taught me that the pallet often turns out more intruiging that the painting. Dig? I will only stock three primary colors, red, blue, and yellow; and mix everything in between; plus black and white of course. I may take Wayne's original advise, and say fuck school. (what Im' seeking, they cant teach.) I truly feel that Ive' finaly emerged as the man I was always meant to be. Im' not scared any more. Screw the LP records, Im' going to off the hand full that I have left. From here on out, I will subject myself to nothing short of the "Real" thing; an' Im' not talkin' bout' Coka-Cola, baby. Fuck the speakers and the screens. Live music, live theatre, live plants, live cats, (Ive' narrowed it down to an Egyptian Mau and an Abyssinian),and live people. As far as Low creative marks...hell, low marks beat no marks. (take it from Stevie) Hey, Im' beguinning to see the light....Scary aint it. Hey number twelve...uh..I mean Curious, I refered half of the people to the other half of the people, and in cutting the correspondance in half, it was managable. Id'e say 80% thought that I was a "Project", and not an actual person. While the remaining 20%,...I thought were projects. I noticed alot of locals poking around, but keeping their distance. Man, it feels so good to walk around unarmed. (I was a blade freak from the get go) I had a Rob Roy attitude about being defensively prepared. I only got to this stage once before. It was at Black Bear Ranch, when I was down to just a loin cloth. I had a Black Handled Italian Stilleto that I used to stick in the wall at night while crashing at Olema Ranch; right above my head while I slept. (I alone, knew where it was in the dark). Anyway, at B.B.R. I smashed it up with a rock and layed the pieces out in a shallow part of the stream. Funny how the little rituals seem to flow unabated at certain points in a man-childs life. Carrying a blade (or two in my case) had a responsibility with it. That was the weight of knowing that even a minor dispute could lead to lethal force. (A heavy weight to bear). I was always the type who carried no keys, no I.D., and no money. But always a "Tooth" as the Boy from Jungle Book would say. Well, its my day off. Like the Buddists say: When there is nothing to do; Do nothing. (I hear that). Later T.,... Thanks fer' droppin' by. your Campus cut-up. S.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: la luna spectacular
Remote Name:
Date: 23 Sep 2002
Steve: I won't get high creative marks for this, and I also know that you really are not just screwing around with your other duties in life, but; when you dig yourself out of your correspondence, and quit lazing on this sunny afternoon, come back. You do useful work here as well. And if the current N.Y. anarchists can't dig it--fuck-em....see ya 'round campus....T.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 22 Sep 2002
Eric; heres the scoop. Just got word that the "Pot" was an offering of sorts, and not a set up. Im' directing anyone who will listen to stop contacting me and touch base with your web site instead; as I have lovingly donated mine to a worthy Homeless outfit who are in an uphill battle for Housing/Jobs-Not-WEP/ anti-Police harassement/ Etc. Im' getting buried in correspondance, and cant dig myself out. Im' consentrating my energies on the Tibetan Issue, upcomming NYU painting classes. (no art theory etc. Just basic fundamental ground work.), the Planet Drum projects, Peace Bell Gardens Etc. It seems I was a bit to heavy for the NY Anarchists. (they talk the talk, but....) As far as getting my tales of drunkeness and cruelty in print: I will leave the writting to Erma Brombeck's ghost. My folks will arrive at the end of this month, so the D.C. Trip is out; (just as well; as NYC is enough to tackle). I cut a deal yesterday to paint scenery for a production group.(The money aint so great, but the experience may prove to be priceless; as it could lead to abstract set design). After I dump a wad on the folks..(who I have forgiven for the their many injustices..(both real and percieved) I plan on completing my Isabey Brush collection, as well as a full line of Sennelier pastels; (for preliminary color layouts of my upcomming 2003 oil paintings.) Im' a man of substance; but "Color" was never my Long, or strong suit. (thats why I was a Chiariscuru Cat who favored Ink, as well as conte' crayon) I love sepia tone as well. Anyway; The style will be pure "Boydism", but I plan on "Borrowing" the color combinations of the likes of Tan'g Yin, P.Uccello, K.Hokusai, G.Caillebotte, A.P.Ryder, G.Seurat, T.Eakins, W.Homer, M.Hartley, W.Kandinsky, M.Weber, J.Pollock(of course), P.Guston, F.Lobdell, R.Motherwell, F.Kline, J.Miro', A.Gottlieb, H.Hofmann, and H.Frankenthaler. By 2004, I should be off and running, and have no reservations what-so-ever as to the "Color Thing"..Dig? The church balcony area is shaping up nicely as a Bohemian loft space. Its so trippy. Im' trying hard not to be extreme and as such I held back a hand full of Record albums from WFMU. Will close for now, Hey man, I appologise for refering to this site as a painted ship on a painted sea. I was feeling like a forgotten son. I found it, and others will follow. You are so lucky to have an Historian Like Nicole in your Corner. (She's the the one who should write a Book.) She blows my mind. Hey, Clay Freeman; being "Unremembered" is a real bitch, aint it? Hope you ring a bell. Speaking of remembering: I remember meeting an earthling at Olema who wheeled a Cherry 36 or 39 Black Chevy sedan. He had scored it from the father of a kid who never made it back from Vietnam. The old man was under the impression that the block was cracked. But, no dice. You still around? Hey, I MAD IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL!!! (Thanks to all of you who pulled me kicking and screaming into it.) I was misguided into thinking that leaping across the earth in lucky boots was what it took to fulfil my every wish. Ther is no magic self-serving table cloth folks. Looking back on my entries since June, I cant help but conger up the image of a weary old Lost Generation / New Beat; who; back in 1970 was pissing, Moaning, and groaning about what-the-fuck happened back in 1940. Kinda sad aint it? Hey, like Ginsburg told me: Man, thats all's gone. (but did I Listen?) In closing; let your heart never cool, your dream never fade away. Let your whole life be an endless road to the unknown. Then you will understand that true happiness can be found only on the road. Open your eyes and LOOK!. Happy voyage to you all! Focus on Peace. Thanks again yall' Steve. P.S. I will leave the light on for ya'.

Name: Clay Freeman
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 20 Sep 2002
Hi. This is "Zachariah". You may have known me from the Oak Street House of the Good Earth commune, Hole-in-the-Wall Garage on Haight Street, Morning Star Ranch, or Wheeler's Ranch.
If you remember me and wanna get in touch, drop me a "cybernote"

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 19 Sep 2002
Ah...Shuuucks..Hey, after readin' the feed-back, I was prompted to climb to the top of the arch in Washington Square Park and proclaim it the Independant Republic of Greenwich Village...(But Marcel Duchamp and his drunken friends beat me to it by 86 years)..Aint it the way? Well, I caught up on some much needed sleep; but am seriously considering the advice that I recieved from the Mighty Bald Ones; It seems that I have abused sleep my entire life. It was my mini vacation. Sure, my un-schooled spiritual inclings told me that I die nightly and am reborn every dawn,..thats cool, but the know, the gravy was real overkill. I justified it as re-charging and delighted in the fact that im the type of dreamer that can remember the dreams for a short while before the memory fades, (as it is abstract thought, Etc.) Ive' had dreams inwhich, I awoke from dreams. These Munch and Miro escapades, although entertaining somewhat distract me from the work at hand, and as such, I plan on re-juicing in a more Quality Vs. Quantity vein. Oh-Oh..there O go, acting 50 again. Scary, aint it? Will close for now. Thanks so much Nik. Im' smilin' (a real loud smile!) Heres' two slogans to ponder. (Paris Street Posters, May, 1968) "I Participate, You Participate...They Profit". "We Are All Undesirables". P.S. Dont look now folks, but our not-so Secret Agent Man is goin' for the ol' Double Zero designation; (spell that: "License to Kill"). The name is Bush,..George Bush.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 19 Sep 2002
You're freakin' roller coaster keyboard Tsunami. You don't have any Cassady in you, do you? You built a fire here that will spin the website hit counter for some time.
I still can't answer your question about what music to take to that desert island. I don't know, John Coltrane, Van Morrison's Astral Weeks, Exile on Main Street, Etta James, Cecil Taylor, Brother Ray, the Wolf, Emmy Lou Harris, McCoy Tyner, Monk, Blonde on Blonde, Highway 61, John Wesley Harding, Mongo Santamaria, Boz Skaggs, John Lee Hooker/Bonnie Raitt "I'm in the Mood", Frank Zappa "Freak Out", Get Your Ya Ya's Out, Dr. John the Night Tripper "Walk on Golden Splinters", Richie Haven's "Run Shaker Life",.......Help me, I can't stop!
Maybe nothing, listening to the music in the moment inside and out. How about a sensory deprivation tank so when you come out after a day and can suddenly hear all that quiet coming roaring at you.
Okay, this has to stop. Damn, I need to find something to do. I can't stop!

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Remote Name:
Date: 19 Sep 2002
Blue 52 and anyone who hasn't actually met or hasn't seen the incredibly wonderful SilentSteveBoyd...Let me testify. My favorite word is Magnanomous...websters encyclopedic dictionary defines it as: Great of mind; elevated in soul or in sentiment; raised above what is low, mean or ungenerous; exhibiting nobel quality of mind; high souled...etc, etc, etc and as 'they' say it sould have a photo of our own silentsteveboyd right there....he actually radiates vocabulary...I can't explain it, even though no actual words come out of his mouth(yeah, I'm talking about you steve) you can sort of hear him...In the movie "the Pawn Broker" there's a scene in which Rod Stiegers character finds his young daughter murdered on the sidewalk and he opens his mouth to scream out in his pain...but there is no music track, no nothing, just his agony...and you can take bets from anyone who will say he is screaming...he is not...Silent steve is almost a misnomer...because as I've said before...he speaks volumes...and radiates charm and warmth inspite of his obvious physical trials...those monks are blessed to have you amoung them...and we certainly all know he can type!!! later, Nicole

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Remote Name:
Date: 19 Sep 2002
Blue 52 and anyone who hasn't actually met or hasn't seen the incredibly wonderful SilentSteveBoyd...Let me testify. My favorite word is Magnanomous...websters encyclopedic dictionary defines it as: Great of mind; elevated in soul or in sentiment; raised above what is low, mean or ungenerous; exhibiting nobel quality of mind; high souled...etc, etc, etc and as 'they' say it sould have a photo of our own silentsteveboyd right there....he actually radiates vocabulary...I can't explain it, even though no actual words come out of his mouth(yeah, I'm talking about you steve) you can sort of hear him...In the movie "the Pawn Broker" there's a scene in which Rod Stiegers character finds his young daughter murdered on the sidewalk and he opens his mouth to scream out in his pain...but there is no music track, no nothing, just his agony...and you can take bets from anyone who will say he is screaming...he is not...Silent steve is almost a misnomer...because as I've said before...he speaks volumes...and radiates charm and warmth inspite of his obvious physical trials...those monks are blessed to have you amoung them...and we certainly all know he can type!!! later, Nicole

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 19 Sep 2002
Tibetan saying for Steve's new identity - "If there is veneration - even a dog's tooth emits light."

Name: Steve the enlightened One
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 18 Sep 2002
Hey, Its official. Im' in bed with the Tibetans. The general consensus is that I have a bad attitude, (but a bad attitude beats the hell out of no attitude at all) My maternal instint to protect and keep the pease kicked in tonight, "New Approach". (The Monk played to a straw house tonight. Every Pew, padded chair, and folding chair was taken. There were three hundred strong and still standing room. The sanctuary was shoulder to shoulder. Im talkin' hundreds. The main man of the event fingered a heat merchant who upsets all of the local Peace Ralleys. He had just started to stalk when I zoned in on him. It was like that crowd scene in the film "Taxi Driver". This cat hit the pavement running like a cartoon cat. I never even touched him. It was as if I had a ten foot diamiter force field. There was a wake of people flowing around me. They parted like the red sea. It was like this dude was escaping the rolling boulder from the Lost Temple of Doom. Hell, I felt so charged up that I scaled the rear alter wall like Quasimoto, and ripped off my "Students for a Free Tibet" tee shirt and switched it with my "Diggers North. Calif." one that I had retired to the rafters. Its a sign, I tell ya. (There may be hope for a mildly retarded branch of Diggers after all. By the way, that crew was super at the free lunch today. An, God, I got to walk little Darla this afternoon. She's 4-1/2 Months old. I thought that she was 6. Anyway, Im' now an honorary Student. (I sure the fuck wont let my "Skoolin' interfear with my "Edjucashion". Dig? Well, I will close for now Kids. Thanks for listening. To show you that my heart is in the right place, I will leave you all with one by my Ol' Uncle George Orwell: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act". P.S. Fuck Brittish Petroleum, (BP), Fuck Amoco and Fuck Exon-Mobile twice. Those stagnant pools of piss give financial support for China's continued exploitation and occupation of Tibetan lands and resources. Hey, Pump a full tank at the self serve; leave a note that says "Put it on Silent Steve's tab", and split. (It's on me...honnest).

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 18 Sep 2002
Blue; An ace team of Nazis (actually Jews) prerformed some grownd-breaking radical surgery on me..After I gave em' some prompting. It took some doing, (but they are like Physical lawyers who smell "New Law". The route that they took could never have been suggested on their part because ...Hell, look what happenend to Dr. Frankenstien. They stressed that they could in now way remotly suggest that I go under the knike cold with no prior Neuclear medicine, radiation or Keemo. That came a while after. They standard proceedure is to fry yer' ass down to a crisp piece of bacon and then pick around at the scabs. I told those mother fuckers to cut it out, or I would. They shook my hand after gettin' their rocks off and had me sign a volume of disclaimers. Any way, It was 16 to 18 Hours worth on the table. That was of course after exploritory work while under. I was sleepin' in a card board condo down on Bowery and I went into the Mission out of the rain. I told them that I was going under in the A/M for Cancer and couldnt bear the thought of stayin' out in the rain all night. I had a bible that their side walk reverend had given to me, which he signed " May this book keep you from sin, and sin not keep you from this book. I actually started crying (the second time was on the phone telling Sweet Lorraine) I asked the dude if I could just sleep on a pew.."No Way" I walked out into the rain; threw the bible in the gutter and walked into the night; thourally cleansed. To make a long story even longer; They pulled ten teeth, saw cut my jaw, totally removed my tounge as well as my entire voice box and replaced a ton of shit-canned mass with muscle and tendons from the left side of my chest. (they rebuilt my neck) What ive' got left for a gullet is about the size of a nickle, and its real high in the rear of the disaster area that I call a mouth. My left nipple is alot higher than the right one. Im gaining every day though, as my left shoulder is all but unfrozen. Im' lucky to be alive. The head of the team was Dr. Jordan Stern, the Chief Surgon at St. Vincent's. He was ready to take up practice in France until he found out that I was game. He held off splitting untill I was out of the woods. I bite the bullet, and refused any pain management which was good, as a different nurse would try to jamb a fuckin' thermometer in my mouth every night of the week. (I know what yer' thinkin'..but it was under the arm) I had to fight one off like a tiger; jesus that woman was tough. The cat who was in the next bed didnt go through half the hell that I did, and was doped out forever, He was on the same status that I was; which was pain management on request...Well that prick spoke right up. They couldnt get him to get out of bed. I was doin' jumping jacks while he was pushin' the ol' thrill button. To tell the truth, I was looking forward to the dope, but for some reason I just kicked into survivor mode. I still cant figure it out. I was constantly being interviewed by suits and shrinks, they wanted to know if I was some sort of Zealot, ya know? They thought that I was standing my ground on religiouse principles. Hell, I felt some discomfort, but havent had so much as a headache..which is more than that doped up room mate of mine can proboble say. He hadnt gotten out of bed on the day that I checked out. Theres no hope for dope. Dig it?

Name: blue 52
E-mail Address: not here yet@space
Remote Name:
Date: 18 Sep 2002
th' old neurons offer up one query: Steve how did you acquire the moniker of 'Silent Steve' ?
if I may inquire

Name: The switcheroo can be applied to you!!!
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 18 Sep 2002
Gnaa..Gnaa...Ngyet, Ngyet, Ngyet...why soitenley!!! Why??? Because we like you! And it tolls for thee. Now its time to say goodbye to all our little friends...195. see ya real soom....933...why, because we like you!...3211 Gee!!!

E-mail Address: anag
Remote Name:
Date: 18 Sep 2002

Name: Mikal
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 18 Sep 2002
Thanks for the tape, Eric. Great to watch it with a South Dakota perspective.

E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 18 Sep 2002

Name: huck
E-mail Address:
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Date: 18 Sep 2002
to mark in santa cruz
remember those daze well?lived in ben lomand just before town and country lodge right on hwy 9 and bear creek road
photographed catalyst shows, leon at the coconut grove on the boardwalk
was a chef at hillaries
photos from those days at
living in the virgin islands now
lots of dead pics on my site too
drop me a note

Name: Tops of the Pops
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 18 Sep 2002
Mark, now were gettin' somewhere. (you speak the lingo!) London sessions, sure..Pin-stripes & Violin cases?? But those Limey gangsters were to busy droolin' on him to croud him in the least. You know what Im' sayin'..the way Count Bassie's boys spanked Frank Sinatras ass! Hey, Check out Sinatra's Great Songs from Great Britton; It wasnt released over here for years. London Sessions? am I wrong, or did Jerry Lee and his boy show em' how? Or maybe that was on this side of the pond...Anyway... Charley watts SWINGS. But, no shit; Id' trade the Original Carter Family for the whole crew. Hey, check out Jimmie Driftwood's wilderness trail Folk Ballads. I cut my teeth on it. Give me one album for the Desert Island and it would be Chuck Willis / The King of the Stroll. Whats your pick?

Name: mark hebard
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 17 Sep 2002
Oh yes, from blind faith to the vanishing point in the desert behind a beat-to-death hemi-cuda and rattlesnakes. Bullit on meth. On to Derek and his Dominos to 461 Ocean Boulevard. SMACK. Put my vote down for Shaman of the millenium for Howlin Wolf, try the london sessions, as the acidic perpetrator of the sound of holy. Put Jimmy Reed and Little Walter in there too. British, give me Charlie Watts anytime. I hit new bardos at John Lee Hooker's 60th Birthday Party at Club Zayante, now that was a party. Tell me there isn't a digger who didn't find some music at Club Z. Today it is a wicked grin offered up by Tom Waits given oxygen by John Hammond. In defense of Leon, he had a bad weekend, his slick bus got stuck in a ditch on Highway 9 causing a morning mountain commuter back-up while trying to sleep at a severe list in the midst of it. But still, he played an hour of stock tunes one after another and got up and walked out. Gone, no thank you, no fuck you, just bailed. Later for Leon.

Name: Smilin' Steve Hinton
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 17 Sep 2002
Any Bull Fiddle Jazzy Cats or Kittens out there? How about more feed-back from the Beat Poets and Aligators. OK.. lets not forget those Kooky Zeldas. Come on,..(any left still Breathin'? Simon says; Unplug, Dump yer amp and file down and epoxy over the frets. Free yourself...cut loose an' run. Hey..lets here it for the Trombone.

Name: Smilin' Steve Hinton
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 17 Sep 2002
Mark, I passed on Leon's show here in NYC at the Bottom Line awhile back. Just dont seem right!!??. The last time I saw him was in S.F. (Early 71 I think); he was suckin' on a beer and huffin' a Jay; an did his piano thing with no back-up, (none needed). The Filmore kids all loved him. (that was the era of no clapping; just blank-melting-stares; remember???) thats what some straighter acts just didnt get. They thought that they had bombed; but had really made points. Ive' got you vibed as a Delanny and Bonnie Man. (Am I Close?) Can you spell Long John Baldrey? Anyway, by then, Leon had gotten through his Cat-In-The-Hat phaze as well as the Holy Redeemer and Mad Dog thing. Tired; you say??? Maybe...but never tiring. Sha-Na-Na used to storm the conssesion counter between shows and pour free soft drinks and throw free candy bars to the freaks. We used to make the mistake of getting into a temporary thing while sitting cross-legged during all of the shows, and when it was time to split, we werent aware that our legs had fallen asleep (all thogh, it happened every time!) and would stand up and crazy walk and fall all over each other. We would all hold on to one another like a freaked out catapillar and often resort to scooting down the carpeted stair case on our asses. Im' rambling again (who me?). Speaking of the Bottom Line, I just an older couple down there. They had strayed from 4th onto West 4th. I didnt look to see who was playing. They offered me money but I couldnt take it. Oh, the NYU orchestra practices here in the sanctuary two nights a week, and last night a cat let me work it out on his double bass. Man I gotta score one SOON. Dum, Dum, Dum,...Thump. Take care. Frets are like lines in a coloring book, there is a whole world out side of em'. Cave men didnt take lessons; think about it. Yours in Music. Steve

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 17 Sep 2002
The Tubes including Fee Waybill recently surfaced at Brookdale Lodge in the San Lorenzo Valley near Boulder Creek. I missed the show. The first Tubes gig I saw was in Ben Lomond, California at place called Town and Country Lodge in the early 70's. The were a last minute deal because Lynrd Skynrd or another southern rock band backed out of the show. Needless to say the crowd that gathered for some down home Alabama stuff was not ready for the Tubes. One of the guys we went with got the shit thoroughly kicked out of him by two girls who were with the band. I mean big black eyes, stole his shoes, it was bad.
I did go see Leon Russell at the Brookdale Lodge two weeks ago. He can still sing but I think he has punched that 60's ticket too many times, he is tired.
Anybody remember the Santa Cruz Mountains "back in the day", China Grade, Holiday or in Santa Cruz at the old Catalyst or the White Buffalo? The Hip Pocket bookstore? Pleasure Point Night Fighters?
I lived at Hidden Island across the river from the Castle.

Name: Skeeter
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 17 Sep 2002
Come visit us! If you like to chat and have a cam.
Cybertowneast is also looking for a few video chat hostess.
If it sounds like fun to you visit our page to check us out
or message me for more info.. :)
The Best Video conferencing Reflector on the net

E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 17 Sep 2002
Me too, Eric! Watched the tape over the weekend. Is Leonore Kandel contributing to the women page? Any page would do, really, as she has so much wisdom, so much people can learn from. Thanks, L.

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 17 Sep 2002
Eric thank you so much for Les Diggers tape. I've been swirling fondly in memories of the Haight,
street theatre, colorful happenings, and rememberences of yummy stews and life filling breads. I will pass it on. Onward the Diggers. Love. Free from the heart.
Char ~*

E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 17 Sep 2002
Eric - Thanks very much mate! The video arrived yesterday - and the cover work is terrific - Full viewing is tonight among friends. Cheers to all - H.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 16 Sep 2002
Eric, I dont know how to break this to you...but did any one ever tell you that you are the spittin' Image of The Mayor of Polk Gulch?? Say it aint so. (and here I had ya on a pedestal). My world just rocked.

Name: Bell-Bottom Blues
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 16 Sep 2002
Hey Nicole, I passed on seeing the Tubes; as I had never heard of them at that point. Heres another one that I passed on; (the insiders didnt' clue me In, but rather urged me to "Check em' out" I said Naaaa. (Derrik and the Dominoes at the Carosel Ballroom; New Filmore West). I also passed on Sister Aretha, (The night that they cut the album w/ Ray Charels.) I did however have the sence to catch B.B.King the night that Elvin and Al joined in after the Union Boys split. A kid from the audiance actually was invited up to lay Elvin's steel in his lap. Joe Winters; The Documentary Film Maker, turned me on to sylysiben and a free Who ticket at the S.F. Civic Center. I was tight with the Cherakee Lead Guitarest for Stone Ground. Too much to list here. Im shoping for a Bull Fiddle and a rightiouse wooden Drum kit.; but thats another story. Hope to see ya Wed. Night. Steve

Name: Steve the Hun
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 16 Sep 2002
Nicole, You brought me out of the wood-work. The Tibetans have swayed me to their camp. Im drawing the line at doing the road trip w/them..(as Im needed here) A heavy Monk is dumping a shit-load of truth in my back yard on Wednesday Night at 8:00 PM. The Ven. Palden Gyatso (Monk and Political Prisoner of 33 Years) SPEAKS OUT at the Washington Square Free Church. Im here ta' tell ya' that the Chinks fucked him over big time. From here on out, Im' havin' my laundry done by the Italians. Palden was among the few lucky ones who survived and managed to escape to the outside world. Heres a quote from an E-Mail buddy of mine; "Palden Gyatso's testimony is one of the most extraordinary stories of suffering and endurance...His story is an inspiration to us all" THE DALAI LAMA. Welcome Nicole; Nuff said?

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 16 Sep 2002
some how I deleted the word RAINING out of the last post, I was trying to say Raining Hard...I also deleted Steve from in front of ,"you were asking about the TUBES" it may make more sense now... and it has not been hard for me lately as a matter of fact...things are good right now...nik

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Remote Name:
Date: 16 Sep 2002
Eric, thank you so much...the video arrived today and I watched it with my co-workers in the conference room here at the office. They were filled with questions, and wanted to know everything...,you asked something about the TUBES. My first memory of Hibiscus was from little Paula's but again later through Rhea Styles who shared a house with me in Mill Valley. there was a guy named Patrick there too who had tatooed the words HARLEY DAVIDSON across his toes, but it was spelled was a huge house and alot of people passed through, that was when I met some of that crew again...(hibiscus et al)Rhea later joined the band the tubes and married Prairie Prince...It's been hard here in NYC off and on today and yesterday and feels very clean to me...although a bit humid...warm regards to all...

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 16 Sep 2002
Hey, Steve, that's Irving in the photo you found ("Rasputin type on the left in the white
shirt"). The photo is actually on the digger web here -- Miriam has a link
from her web page, although she was the photographer. She also has lots of
same-era photos of everyday types of activities, but those are hidden on her web
someplace. The only official photo of the commune is the one you found. By the way, I'm in that photo too -- the only person looking toward the heavens, as if for redemption.

Name: Shit and Gone.
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 16 Sep 2002
Hey Eric, as far as my latest influx of E-Mails goes..It seems to be unanamous, Im' not exactly the leaper with the most fingers in certain underground circles. "Friends" of "Friends" tell me which Players passed the "Code of silence Ruling",... it seems that their editors and publishers had been under the mis-guided impression that we were all dead or worse. They were mislead into buying into the notion that no "credible" living source would repute any of their horse-shit fairy-tale sub-culture high-hated home-grown yuppy-scum propaganda. Well, its nice to be acknowledged as "credible" and "Living" for that matter. I ate, drank, bathed, fucked and renamed half of the funky free family freaks who wont acknowledge my E-Mail or answer even the most basic question. Talk about toeing the line. How could that many "Individualists" be so roped in" What is this short leash shit? Im' disgusted and am going to protest (who me?). The soul survivors of my Olema clan aint talkin' so could you perhaps dig up a copy of "HOMESKIN" for me to review in my old dog phase???" Did your crew print it??? It got me on the right path. Maybe others could benefit. Is it the best kept secret of that era; or am I??? Any clue? and P.S. What scared everyone??? Its gettin' to the point that I wish I had never heard the word "DIGGER" (aint it the way?). comes the sun. I will take a peek once in awhile, but as far as contributing, Fuck; they name streets after web sites like this one...ONE WAY!

Name: Steve LaTrek
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 16 Sep 2002
Hey Eric; I just skimmed Miriam's site. Cool. I remember that Rasputin type on the left in the white shirt. (intense) And I know that I tripped out nude at Lands End on a foggy afternoon with the Heavy Cat and his Pal. I drew their Psycho-Portrait (Titled "Love-Bush: By the Ocean). Also, does anyone remember that oil painting in the main house at Black Bear Ranch? It was a melting Female Figure doing a Dance of Life in swamp-like surroundings. Its 4:00 AM EST. I didnt make it to Wed. (or bed) And am having second thoughts about the Novella. Too coventional, (and commercial). Hey Miriam; you ever run into Ralph Levy (I LOVE LUCY) and wife in Sante Fe? We we real tight in LA LA Land. Ricky Richardi (who kept Judy Garland's face on) taught me his version of the 5 to 1 Martini. The Bridge club consisted of Dick Fisher, Ricky, Dr. Chas. Lesley Lucas and Myself. Ralph was a regular at the Doheney and Fountain Ave. House. I was living in Beverley Hills with Flo Handman, (Miss Floretta)...God the Laura Desmond types turn me on. I was Sammy from Alabamy's barber. I use to shave his face as he listened to his soap opera's and weep. He was big in the Juke Box Racket and got slammed in the crash of 68. Will Rogers Jr. ( Relax; he's straight folks) was in and out. I was doing film work for Double Image Studios in Sherman Oaks. Robert Mitchum's son was a regular. I inherited Don Perry's (famouse stunt Man's Grandson) Girl friend Robyn ( from Burbank) and came real close to scoring the Gun Stock N.H. house w/ acerage on a second mortgage. ( would have married Robyn, but I already was...I hate when that happens) She was in the proceess of having her nose bobbed and getting a much needed Breast reduction. She threatened Suicide, until I fishtailed the 67 Vette into the path of an oncomming diesel to make her rethink her position. (what I go through for love) In a heart-stopping second, Robyn realized that she had alot to live for. Man, it was the first year for disc breaks and functional side vents. There were something like 22000 produced in 67. (this bute carried the last serial number to roll off the line, I shit you not.) I got pissed at her death threats and tromped it so hard that the exelorator linkage hung up on the underside of the rubber air cleaner trim and we missed the on-comming diesel and the main flow of traffic by centimeters at top end right down Melrose Drive. They were famouse for light-end ass-hoppin' and fish-tailing, and this babe had original sport style narrow gold stripe tires but she leaped right off the fuckin black top like a panther. I was astounded myself. IT really pushed Robyn's tits outa' shape. She always wore nylons and garters after that, and was very attentive..Go Figure! Anyway, Moose: "Roger" (who got shot in the hand by the Sal Minio murder suspect) hid out at the Gunstock House all winter after inadvertantly (Opps) making it on the Ten Most Wanted List. (How did it get that crazy) I offered to donate and move the Historic School House to the town in order to keep the tourists off the property. It had been relocated at the turn of the century; so it was only fitting to move it back to town. (They wanted an envelope) Barber Shop Yankee Polotics! Glad I bowed out. The highway that they had blasted through the mountain pass at the rear of the property had caved in the attached barn. I had cut a deal to sell the dry timbers for a small fortune. Sweet Lorraine's love strings were gently tugging at my heart, and I ambeled down to the gulf coast. did I jump from Nor.Cal. to So.Cal. to Sante Fe to N.H. to Robyn to Lorrie??? (in the same paragraph)..was it that frenzied???...(I think that I just answered my own question) Jumping back to Miriams lovely site now. SRB

Name: Silenced Steve???
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
Hey Eric,..another epic just bit the dust. Where do my words go when they get eaten like this??? Between this computer and your web site,...Are we talkin' EarthLink Pergatory???...Internet Hell???..I mean are the culture vultures banking on "The Lost Submittals Of The Late S.R. Boyd?? (It's always about ME; aint it?)...(I ..ahh...more than Like Myself.).. Its..well..Admiration..Ya...Speaking of me.. I will lay low while the Sun is at odds with Uranus. Im' writting a three day Novella; Titled: "How I Killed Myself" (fully Illustrated..of course). Talk at ya Wed. Night. SRB If this dont get though, wont matter...not to you anyway...

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
Hammond, your comment in question was Sept.9,2002. Sorry; My fuck up. Hey, great day..we must of fed every illagitamate man in town today. I think that there was a live birth in line; anyway..Im' bein' silly. Wow..Im' really pushin' these stingy Christian Women to pile it on. Ive' even started a to-go program. I just cant figure's free food..why not give out seconds at the same time that you give out firsts??? It saves all of that back-tracking. These fuckers would eat a skunks ass. Follow me? I got the gals to triple stack both ovens. Move over McDonalds; speaking of which, back in 80, I hit (not that way) a McD's in El Paso that cranked out more burgers per hour than any in the world. OLE"!!! I gave Buckley a clean shirt. My activity pal Nancy is really spinnin', (she may have some real activity on her mind) Go figure? I missed the baby today. The gal downstairs lets me kid-nap her daily. We hang out on the sidewalk. What a wonderful thing.

Name: Silent Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
Wow!!!!And the Beat goes on. Christ, I wish that I had some of my stuff. I write w/no drafts and the originals fly..really fly. Hey, they say we turn old the day that our dreams turn to regrets. GET A PENCIL (remember what they looked like?) FIRST THOUGHT/BEST THOUGHT. DO NOT EDIT. Thats what Editors are for. Do not re-write. At one point it will lead to "Change". But, hay..what do I know? Hey, any Instant Coffee Drinkin', Mentholated Cigarette Smokin', Catholic gals out there? Im' in need of about five years of Inspiration and at least ten years of perspiration. Come on. Give it up. P.S. "SKIP" (the New Hampshire Poet) GET IN TOUCH. (my writer's cramp is ironed out.)

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address: By
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
"And The Beast Goes On" -

Name: The Original Drunken Poet
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
Come on...Ive' met more than a few Poets who werent' drunks...But Ive' never met any drunks who werent Poets. Lets get some creativity goin' here. Pour a glass o' wine...I never got a poem out of a glass of water myself...Think about it.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
Hey, Eric, are you talkin' about Hawian Stevie? (Kenny Bunting's Stevie?) We were tight. P.S. Did you know Holly (who preformed at Phinochio's?? God...Build me a Woman. Holly was what it was all about. God Damn...what happened? Did the world..(as we knew it) end; were we that GONE?

Name: The Original Drunken Poet
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
Taler-File Stiner /// Diger Yin-Yang Take -Off ////Brautigan's Machine Gun, Alter-sonic Ego-cosmic sun, Trinitron eyes, florescent tube lite skies, Start/gues... Dell? what the hell...Intel inside? Channel guide..Internet Explorer News / The Tin Man has no heart. Quick dry-white out Print/Edit spirit, Anon Double moon, Alkaline Sunday feast...FOCUS just on PEACE. Focus on Peace...Focus on Peac...Focu...O...ah...OMMMM Ya' Call That Eden?

Name: Alter-Life Insert
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
All Watched over by
Machines of Loving Grace
I like to think (and
the sooner the better!)
of a cybernetic meadow
where mammals and computers
live together in mutually
programming harmony
like pure water
touching clear sky.
I like to think
(right now, please!)
of a cybernetic forest
filled with pines and electronics
where deer stroll peacefully
past computers
as it they were flowers
with spinning blossoms.
I like to think
(It has to be!)
of a cybernetic ecology
where we are free of our labors
and joined back to nature,
returned to our mammal
brothers and sisters,
and all watched over
by machines of loving grace.
All Digger Rights without Copy - Richard Brautigan

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
John Iverson -- do you remember the house where you and I lived with Rebecca (was that her name?) at Wheeler's Ranch? Then you showed up one day to help string Kaliflower on Scott Street and we got reacquainted. I just asked Joe if he remembers you from Kaliflower. He does, he has stories he can tell about you working in the commune. So. Let's see, who's around -- mostly everyone still. We have only lost a couple members to the perils -- Jacko and Jerry both to AIDS. We've lost contact with Winston. But everyone else is pretty much in contact. Irving and Sam and Dennis (now called Tree) still keep the warehouse going on Shotwell Street. Paula is living in Santa Rosa. Art too, though they're not together. Vicki lives up in the Sierra. Miriam is a Zen priest (priestess?) living in Santa Fe. Michael and Matt and Lynn and David and Mary all are living in SF all on various life-paths. Toufik is in LA with wife and kids. Alex the same, but living in Mendocino. Stevie was back in New York the last we heard, but we've lost contact pretty much with him. Gary (Shiva) and his wife and kids are in Seattle running an art school.
So -- write back (private email: or leave messages here. It's really good to hear from you after all these years.

Name: The Original Drunken Poet
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
EXPECTING: BUT STILL LEGGY (or) PASS THE NAVAL JELLY MIRIAM. A Typical Digger Yin/Yang Take-off. /////High-Bisquits sadled up stool by stool with the Purple Boy, Ol' butterfly riders of the red lipstick Phaze, Mom's Apple Grave, The Haven, Lucky Pithon Boots, Skin tight pants, raves an' rants, patch ripped off. I wasnt wearin' when the shit came down. Lyle was weirded out / returned it wingless, threw his shoes through a Church stained glass window in melting dawn rage/remorse; acid? fuck! of course!. Back at the Grub Steak; vortex/Dusted Larry stare, Patchuli Glittered hair; craipe paper flair; pipe-cleaner frail fingers of hands. Wanton, pixie stare. Earth Angel on the box. God you smell loveley..Hey! Is this a Diner or what? How about some service here?. What????? t..h..e...f..u...c..k...

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
Just wrapped up the first shipment of books for Da-Veed. It takes me forever to get things going. The first package includes PLATO: the last days of Socrates, AQUINAS: by F.C. Copleston, DANTE: The Divine Comedy, (I:HELL & II: PURGATORY, NIETZSCHE: The Birth of Tragedy and The Genealogy Of Morals, and HUME'S, Moral and Political Philosophy. The next load will be somewhat, lighter; Vonagut and Lord Dunsany type stuff. Dig? I hope that others here the call, and kite him some goodies, espesially around the Holidays. Hey, Iverson; come on give us some real dirt. Get it off yer chest. Take it from me, Ya' can get crushed tryin' ta' carry that weight. It's not too much...It WAS too much!!! We all gotta shake It off and get back on the path. Theres a whole generation who could maybe learn from our fuck-ups, we played with fire and singed the hoop; but it is far from being broken. WELCOME. SRB

E-mail Address: SIVERSON @SNET.NET
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002

Name: 2002 mugu
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
no go area

Name: 2002 mugu
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002
no go area

Name: 2002 mugu
E-mail Address: 2002mugu@yahoo
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Sep 2002

Name: Prof. Homeskin VonDigger
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
Class...Class...The task of processing the raw material of experience is reserved to the highest functions of the mind. It is the task of finding order in the disorder, of sifting the essential from the accidental, the significant from the private. To renounce this duty is to mistake the obscure for the deep, or, if one wishes to use traditional language, to confuse oracle with prophecy. Both oracle and prophecy can tell truth. But the oracle, uttered in a state of possession, speaks with inarticulate tongues that need interpretation. The prophet, on the other hand, does not befog his mind with delphic fumes, the jungle drugs of savages, or strong drink. His method of getting away from "himself" is not of distraction but profound concentration, which requires severe discipline of all mental powers and gives shape and depth to his pronouncements. (can you spell Steve Boyd???) Class dismissed!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
Hammond, Is I explained in my E-Mail, Wrong Dude? / Wrong Date?...Accident is a shrewd helper, and the unconscious is a powerful one. I always profited by both. In any event, the web site in question is: www.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
Hummm..... still don't see a 9-2-02 note - but this link is the stingingly satiric Endangered Specied Cafe Menu - is this the link you meant?
Saddam apparently likes hand-picked gazell steaks for dinner.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
Hammond -- on the question you sent, your posting that Steve mentioned is dated 9/9/02 (just scroll down the page). I periodically move all the entries in this page to the 2002 guestbook, so nothing in this file is (currently) older than sept 4. go to the 2002 guestbook for anything older than 9/4/02.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
Steve - I tried to find the entry to refresh my brain but my entry is seemingly AWOL from the guestbook archive. What web site suggestion? H.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
Steve - I tried to find the entry to refresh my brain but my entrys are seemingly AWOL from the guestbook archive. What web site suggestion are you referring to?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
Eric; you Bear, you gentle giant...To this day, I cant smell Patchouli without thinking of Hibiscus. He was definately a singalo. We would spend hours not talking. Just drink coffee as mess around with creape paper/paste-on glitter and pipe cleaners while larry would watch me draw on napkins. Those fuckin' things started to sell, It was like..(whisper;whisper..who are these people??..whats he drawing?? Why wont they take our order??..what kind of dinner is this???...Walter, take me home..their on drugs. At that time the scary straight word was enfringing on our private grubsteak and I fought more than a few cowboys myself. Hibiscus was a walking bulls eye, as well as the thin Cockette "Jocky". I remember saying to him once (as he leaned "French Whore" style on a Polk Street light pole); "Hey man, im' short a quarter"; he looked me slowly up and down from head to foot and said.."IIII...Dunnnnoooo....whata' ya' do for it???" Speaking of Bulls Eyes. Remember The Mayor of the Polkstrassa. "Jesus Christ Satan? On top of it all, he wore a United Nations Flag as a cape. He would follow Me and Peter Berlin (Armand Burien) from bar to bar, and get down and lick Peter's trooper boots. (What a slob). I really hit it off with Frayed Ray; (Pristene Condition). God, what charm. I was also running around doing "Silly" things with "Ginger" from Idaho. She/He was such a fish-net slut. God bless it. Ive' gotten word that so many of those sweet cats have made it. The girls didnt fare any better, hell, I just got word that the GTO's are down to one. And I seem to be the last of my kind; as The Olema people appear to be merely tales to be told. I know first hand that Heroin wiped out about everyone that I loved by the time I entered the FACTORY and straped on the HEART-ATTACK MACHINE. The ticker fine but their pure strain of industrial cancer in a drum damn near decapitated me. I got fired once for requesting a higher quality respirator. I even volunteered to pay for it myself. Its a shame that when dealing with carsonagenics that their is an "Invisable Line" drawn. One man wears protective gear, while another man (standing next to him; but involved in a different task; with a differen code and job description) breathes freely. Speeking of free. I wish to thank those who are jambing the wsumc free clothes bin, these past few days. The stuff flys out faster than it comes in, but; hey, although the DIGGER BANNER has be retired forever, we both know that If we were giving away Free Dog Shit, most folks would want two hand fulls. Gotta Go. Have a G.D. Bro.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
Steve, here is a poem about Hibiscus by Miriam Bobkoff. It's one of the most poignant evocations of that period (in addition to your intimate portrayals of past adventures).
Unexpected Elegy
When I wrote him off he was famous
in his fashion,
a caricature of all the people who had imitated him,
whole audiences of them,
the screwy drugged-out Angel of Light making only the
occasional flight
in the theater he created.
Afterwards he died of 'gay pneumonia'
before so to speak there was such a thing as AIDS,
as if he had invented his death, too, and all the others have
imitated him.
"I heard that Hibiscus was dragged screaming in chains
down the middle of Polk Street,"
said Jilala or Ralif or someone else who would have heard it
at the baths,
and we all disapproved.
I could see it plainly, the nineteen flowing layers of garments,
the wreath of real flowers in waist-long hair and the
glitter in his beard, writhing in oil and broken glass
under the feet of buses and cars and the aunties of Polk Street--
right then I forgot him for ten years,
whom only now I remember:
he showered us with rose petals, my first lover and I,
coming through the velvet curtain between his room
and mine, scattering handsful over our bodies
as we lay there making love
he called me Garance sometimes, and once when the commune was
in a crisis too ordinaire for his delicate self
he handed me a note and fled the house,
I have the paper still:
'Garance -- Never mind. The moment is past.' Baptiste
he came from New York longer ago than that
(I was a model, he said, my specialty was looking sullen)
the beautiful boy who wanted to sleep with me
when I was still
living alone in a carriage house and had never slept with anyone,
and he was still George Harris the Third.
(By Miriam Bobkoff,
originally published in Santa Fe
Poetry Broadside, Issue #8, April,

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
WHAT WILL THE GIRLS IN THE BACK ROOM HAVE??? SABLE STARR....I had no Idea that that was you...anymore than you knew it was me..I guess. Damn, missed a good shot at it, but hey, it was a pink day. CYNTHIA ALBRITTON: "I caint' hep' about da' shape im' in; caint' sing, ah aint' purdy, an ma' leg's is thin; now listen babe, heres what I wants ya ta' do: mix up a batch o' plaster like ya' used ta' do." Ya' missed me the first time around...Want another shot at "IT"??? Christine Boris: I was through Cleveland twice last June. (I could make it three and a half by November. Darling; YOU ARE the "Hall of Fame". Hope to hear from you all soon.

Name: Fran
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 14 Sep 2002
To Gail, I lived in the Haight around the same years you did and wonder if we ever met? Clayton St. house with bikers upstairs sure sounds familiar. I used to sit around on Haight St. holding a small dog with large stand-up ears, I always think someone might remember the dog although I myself looked pretty much like all the other girls. Send an e-mail if you want (mine to you didn't go through). Well maybe we'll remember some of the same things! Peace, Fran

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 13 Sep 2002
Hey Eric, I just skimmed the official Cockette web site and it brought back some memories. I introduced my first teenaged straight wife to Sylvester at the Apartment that I shared with Whip Woman on Pine Street. He wasnt with Two Tons of Fun yet and was trying to get together his Hot Band at that time. He was playing free (aint it the way?) at a local bar. (The same dive that an up and comming band was playing free at a while later, (Do the "TUBES" ring a bell?) Anyway, my child bride was none-to-Impressed with his mile high silver glitter platform boots, but dug his afro. Anyway, from the photo's I gather that my old bunk mate was a real girl (Harlow). Oh, by the way, that long haired bushy eye-browed Cockette who used to rudely stare me down, is pictured in the Bush Street Photo eating pizza. And Hibiscus. That tired soul. I was his Coffee connection. I used to draw pictures on napkins with a flair pen in exchange for cup upon cup of black-mud at the Grub-Steak dinning Car on Pine and Polk. (they refused to take my money, and preferd original art work (signed of course). I would play Earth Angel on the Juke Box and it would really send Hi. Larry Layton was behind the counter at that point and would often smoke Angel dust and just hang on to the counter for the ride, his thing was to stare down prospective (hungry) patrons, (and not take a single order for hours). It was real theatre. Which brings me back full circle to my Olema bretheren, Hell, I knew that they were Actors going into it, so naturally, I would get really fuckin loaded with em' all, and I thought that their antics were some kind of Impromptu free form rehearsals. Thats where I got in the habit of kissing men hello and good bye, I thought that all actors did that, You know..A Dustin Hoffman thing. Looking back on it now...those fuckers werent acting. WOW; talk about FUCKED UP. Its just now dawning on me what I was involved in. I never re-avaluated my early years untill the last few months...Maybe we should look back. Hey BOB DYLAN; E-MAIL ME. WE GOTTA TALK.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 13 Sep 2002
Gail with no "E", I think that those were actually "Hill-Billies" upstairs. Im' sketchy as to street numbers ..but after about the 2nd week of those fuckers damn near comming through the fuckin' ceiling, I was elected to "Reason" with them. It turned out that those "Good Ol' Boys" was gist' wrestlin'. (Bare-footed, and wif' ther' shoes on.) They didnt' mean no harm, and showed me that their hearts were in the right place by laying 50 hits of acid on me. (Important numbers I do remember). Sound like the same clan? P.S. At that time even phone booths were considered communes at a certain time of the night. Its a very abused term; and, ya; that was so long ago.

Name: Gail
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 13 Sep 2002
I lived in Haight Ashbury in 1969-71 in a commune on Clayton Street. I remember hearing about the Diggers. Did anyone ever here of Clayton House? I'll read more about this history, so fascinating. I must be getting old. At one tmie I live in this commune with over 30 people, at 797 Clayton. Above us lived a group of Hell's Angels I think. That was so long ago.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 13 Sep 2002
Hammond, come on; dont hold back; cut to the chase...Your entry dated 9-9-02 should/could have read: Hey boys and girls, check out the DISINFORMATION WEB SITE. (some... (many) out their just cant read between the lines, Dig?. Are you cool with that? Steve

Name: Nature Boy (d)
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 12 Sep 2002
Dear Mother; Its not nice to fool you is it? Here's one thats far from original. It's from Rod Brezney. Im' altering it to fit your input/feed back: Here goes...the art of listening gets no respect and has few masters. Who has the time and energy, let alone the humility and sensitivity, to be fully receptive to someone else's narratives? Most folks prefer to express their own amazing ideas and tell the stories of their own fascinating lives. (sound like someone we know?) Some folks regularly pay an expert $85 an hour to listen to them. The bang from their buck gets them undivided attention and leads to great questions in reference to their rambling. A record is kept of their ongoing plotlines as they unfold over a series of months, and even gives thought-provoking feedback." Personaly, Rod feels that everyone deserves an ally like that all of the time. As for myself; at this juncture in my life, I need and long for the healing inspiration that only an intelligent listener can provide. In turn I will return the favor ten fold. I have been urged by some of the heaviest coulter-culture cats and kitties (both above and below ground), to dump the Digger, Happy Hippy, smokey Dopey, dumb ass, adolescent fantasy that haunts me to this very day and mold my/our/the "websight" as a collective underground forum; where the Lenny Bruces and Bill Maars of this world will not be suppressed, nor censored. In taking that lead, I have documented dozens of REAL Activists, and Positivists, who wont snipe and cut each other new ass holes, but will brain storm to the riddicules and will make the hey day of the Algonquin, Chealsea and Beat Hotel sessions look like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. (Can You Spell NO BLOOD FOR OIL?), In closing, I extend my warmest reguards to you. Please send me an E-Mail (annonamous if desired, and you will be given the Web address and date of "OnLine". Thanks for listening, thanks for speaking your truth, and above all; thanks for not excluding yourself. P.S. We dont expect a Neilson rating, but do expect an FBI shake down. After all; we are conserned AMERICANS; thats spells TROUBLE for the feds. Should you climb on board, please check your garden regularly for "Transplants"; but on that note; (they only "plant" the best).. (sometimes life gets interesting). Your loving Son, Steve

Name: Nature Boy (d)
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 12 Sep 2002
Dear Mother; Its not nice to fool you is it? Here's one thats far from original. It's from Rod Brezney. Im' altering it to fit your input/feed back: Here goes...the art of listening gets no respect and has few masters. Who has the time and energy, let alone the humility and sensitivity, to be fully receptive to someone else's narratives? Most folks prefer to express their own amazing ideas and tell the stories of their own fascinating lives. (sound like someone we know?) Some folks regularly pay an expert $85 an hour to listen to them. The bang from their buck gets them undivided attention and leads to great questions in reference to their rambling. A record is kept of their ongoing plotlines as they unfold over a series of months, and even gives thought-provoking feedback." Personaly, Rod feels that everyone deserves an ally like that all of the time. As for myself; at this juncture in my life, I need and long for the healing inspiration that only an intelligent listener can provide. In turn I will return the favor ten fold. I have been urged by some of the heaviest coulter-culture cats and kitties (both above and below ground), to dump the Digger, Happy Hippy, smokey Dopey, dumb ass, adolescent fantasy that haunts me to this very day and mold my/our/the "websight" as a collective underground forum; where the Lenny Bruces and Bill Maars of this world will not be suppressed, nor censored. In taking that lead, I have documented dozens of REAL Activists, and Positivists, who wont snipe and cut each other new ass holes, but will brain storm to the riddicules and will make the hey day of the Algonquin, Chealsea and Beat Hotel sessions look like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. (Can You Spell NO BLOOD FOR OIL?), In closing, I extend my warmest reguards to you. Please send me an E-Mail (annonamous if desired, and you will be given the Web address and date of "OnLine". Thanks for listening, thanks for speaking your truth, and above all; thanks for not excluding yourself. P.S. We dont expect a Neilson rating, but do expect an FBI shake down. After all; we are conserned AMERICANS; thats spells TROUBLE for the feds. Should you climb on board, please check your garden regularly for "Transplants"; but not that they only "plant" the best.. (sometimes life gets interesting). Your loving Son, Steve

Name: Mother Nurture
E-mail Address: seawater
Remote Name:
Date: 12 Sep 2002
An Apt Quotation about the uncle of a coke adddict and a major war monger
From William Shakespeare:
"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war
in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor,
for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword.
It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind...
And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood
boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no
need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry,
infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of
their rights unto the leader, and gladly so.
How do I know?
For this is what I have done.

Name: Steve-A-GO-GO
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Hey Friend, Ive' dumped my boot knives and vow not to chase anymore perpetrators down the street. Heres my drift; The folks on west 4th. saw me bounce so many turds down the marble steps that they thought this was a tough-love half-way-house. (real tough). A budist monk gave me a pair of socks (not knowing that I was sockless???) anyway, they dont match, but hey, I look at them as runnaways that eloped, (Im' a hopeless romantic) and taking it from the source; I cant let them share room with loaded boots, so I dis-armed myself and in doing so, feel that im not hidding behind nothin' now. Im' right out front. ie: "Fear This". Lucky Boots, Lucky Socks. Hey, I dont expect Lucky Underwear to drop out of the sky anytime soon, but If they do, Im' wishing for Boxers..and on that note; Watch what ya' wish for... Im' afraid some big girl might catch the vibe. Ive' started a male mini-skirt craze here in the Village; (but will draw the line at "Lucky Panties")...Later Friend.

Name: Steve Andretti
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Mark, as a kid in Flint Michigan: (Birth place of the Corvette), I pumped gas at the ripe old age of 14.(didnt every kid?) At that time Flint had more Churches and Bar Rooms Per Capita than any US City. The streets were crawlin' with Shelby Cobras, T's and even a few Hodge's Dodges, I once hooked a ride in a Ford (thunder Bolt, or Lightning Bolt..cant remember). It was factory Drag based on a 64 Galaxy. It was refridgerator white., had plexoglass rear and side windows, fiberglass front end. Two of the dual head lights were knock-outs hooked to induction tubes that the beast breathed through. I sat in the back on top of a full case of beer; (as it had no back seat). Every kid in Flint dropped out of school and was making as much as their fathers were in the shop, (GMC). Even the fuckin' VW's and Hillman's had dropped V-8's. As far as two wheelers; Bart Markel, (Bad Bart; Black Bart) was a Flint legend. He was the HD racing team's top man. He dumped 6 times in the final two miles of a race and still came in 3rd. Dad used to take me and Stan to Ice races. They would drill machine screws into their knobbies and bolt on side hacks and carry a side kick to balance the out-rigger. They would spread sand in a large oval on a frozen lake and really cut lose. The local Outlaw clubs would bolt on highway bars (original "sissy-bars") and then weld ice scate blades to them at a right angle, chug black-berry brandy and barrel-ass down the hill and lay em' down on the ice two by two. The dude that could slide the farthest out onto the ice without lettin' it get away from em'was the winner. (the loser had to muscle both bikes , one at a time back up the hill.) And the stock car races in Flint made the Roman chariot races look like a cake walk. Hay, any Flintoid's out there. Get in touch.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Sorry, I can't help it. Go to These wackos are from Santa Cruz and the cars(?) are works of art as they refer to themselves as artists, not your ordinary body and fender slammers. You have to hear these things run to get the full effect. The reaction of thousands of "street rodders" at the Pleasanton Nationals to these to beasts parked dead in the center of this "pretigious" exercise in precious circle jerking was nothing short of an atomic event. Some form of social acid was at work.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Hey, all. I finally have gotten the videotape copies of the new version of Les Diggers ready to send via US Mail to everyone who requested a copy and sent me an address. However, it turns out I only have three people who sent an address: Hammond, Leota, Nicole. (Or at least those are all I could find in my voluminous email).
If anyone else would like a copy, please let me know asap and you'll get in the first batch of USPS mailings. Send your mailing address to Even if you have seen the film, the copies I'm sending have cases and covers/labels with original designs. So you may want "the collector's edition". Just holler if so.
And, oh yeah, "It's free because it's yours."

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Ah..that laugh...I didnt know what it was until I lost my ability to generate oral sound. Silent laughter can be the loudest of all...much like the scream of the butterfly, I Imagine. I smiled so much the last two days that my face is sore. Thats a good hurt.

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
What a wonderful idea! -- the Thursday night supper!
Vaya con Dios, Steve!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Hey Teacher..OUCH!!...I mean, Miss Pritchard. Theres somethin' that I was meaning to ask you way back there in first grade..(the first time around)..Uh..whats the correlation between the Quasi-Newton-Kantovich Methods for the Multiple Solutions of the Nonlinear Operator Equations and the Quadratic Convergance of Primal-Dual Interior Point Degenerate Linear Programming Algorithms???

Name: Prof. Homeskin VonDigger
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Class..Class!!!...CLASS!!! You havent' been paying attention!!! ...Now, Write one hundred times on the black board: " I AM IN FULL POSSESSION OF ALL MY NATURAL AND SUPERNATURAL RIGHTS; MY DESTINY IS COMPLETELY IN MY HANDS; I OWN MY OWN LIFE". (please FEEL FREE to create more clauses to add to this pledge.) Now Sing Along!!...Schools out; Schools out; Coyote let the Fools out.

Name: H - add
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Duh typist! = you would think I could at least spell Tibetan!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
A funny memory triggered by your use of the term "side-kick". Happened in the long ago as I was being introduce to Tarthang Tulku in Berkeley by a Tibetatn buddy of mine who said I was his "side-kick" - Tulku says " "He is psychic? Oh very good!" My buddy explained the mis-que but the Tulku kept calling me "psychic" anyway and belly laughed Tibetn style everytime he looked at me.

Name: O.M.M.C. / NOMAD
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Mark Hebard; Hey man, Im' in love. Its hard to imagine that the beast weighs less than 800 lbs. I could strip off at least 75lbs. blind-folded. Hey man, after seein' that Ride I may not build. I can see out-fitting it with some Offenhouser goodies. Wow, What next; a Nail-Head Buick??. Well, I hope yer happy! Ive' got a bad case of "Flat-Head Fever". What with bein' water cooled, its no Ideler. Its a shit an git for sure. Crank up and fly. Hey I hear that they are making up-dated seals now. No more oakum wrapping, etc. Lets hear it for the "KUSTOM KULTURE". Wake up little Suzie! Thanks for the lead. P.S. Im' hooked up with the foundation and will start kiting bread pronto. Keep up the fight Mark.

Name: Swami Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Up all night with monks and bald women. Fed the whole crew along with the usual street folk this afternoon. Every time the Monks return to my digs, they all line up out front and do the wild thing on their drums gongs and what-nots. Its adding alot of class and credibility to my standing here on West 4th. Hey, the chief Honcho and his side-kick just came in and thanked me for my Digger Hospitality. After They blessed me and did a chant thing, I gave the Big Kahoona my Peace Bell necklace. Its two small bells that were hammered out of brass bullet shell casings. Wow, things wont be the same around here for a while. Big communal dinner tonight with Visiting United Methodists. Speaking of communal; Im' trying like hell (who me?) to pull these Christians together. They pay their dues on Sunday and run. Im' starting out slow by throwing a Thurs. Night Supper in the kitchen. Thats Choir practice night and I know that between work and practice, they eat on the run. If it gels, I will extend it to several nights per week. Later.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 11 Sep 2002
Steve - your great hospitality is astounding and well spent mate. Bole Nath Ki Jai (In Honor of the Deity) - your guests will appreciate the words as the medicine Buddha smiles down on your crown chakra with paper cranes flying in the lantern light on 9-11 Thanks for keeping the flame alive and well. And better days to come for all - we can only hope.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Sep 2002
Steve and any other lurking gearheads,
Check out this ride. Go to then click on "What's New" and then click on "Flathead Motorcyle." This should get some rocks off. By the way, how much is the sticker on a new HD anyway.
PS Is this really Digger content?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Sep 2002
What a Zenfull day. As you know, my voice had been taken away from me..(god, I hate when that happens). Anyway; I gained it back, then today, I gave it away of my own free will. Ya, I layed my singing bowl onto a monk-type who really made it yelp. That fucker had it goin' like Dwayne Eddie's Gretch in a culvert pipe. They were OM'in like hell. I also gave away my remaining Dragon Carpet remnant. Also a Tibetan Pillow cover. It marks another "Stream Line" on my part. I was never materialistic, but would often "Collect" at pit stops for a sense of security I guess. Anyway, more than 40 Japanese volunteers knocked out the remainder of approx. 300 lanterns plus a ton of oragami cranes that were given away tonight. A whole gang of Buddists who walked all the way from the Pentagon got here this A/M beating on drums and chanting, etc. Nothing freaks the neighbors out at this point. Half are crashing at my place in the back parlor; the rest are curled up in the Sanctuary for the night. Some are sitting the 9-11 vigil out, but they are relly beat. I just got in from the big rally myself. I was ring-side with the press and was very moved by the empassioned speaches of everyone. It was well rounded and very moving, not so much radical; as empassioned. Hey, theres some roving robed monks in the hall as I speak...It's like a scene from a Bruce Lee film. Good vibes all the way around. There's two types of people in this world. The one's you'd trust to baby-sit the kids..and the other types. My money is on the Budbists. PEACE.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Sep 2002
Nicole - Wish that I was, I would get together with you and Steve - but Chicago is the stop and swtich on my Minor Reunion Tour . H.

Name: t. hodgin
E-mail Address: none
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Sep 2002
where'd we all go? I'm still here but I'm lost in the funky
shit goin down. no stach, on good tunes just strached lp's and fading memories.... Is there anyboby out there.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willincs@yahoo
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Sep 2002
Hammond...going by way of New York? Nik

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Sep 2002
Not to worry mate - all is clear and present without the danger on Boydist to another - OmHariTatSat - and no uninivited strangers will appear at your doorstep. S and F are across the great water at the moment doing their do re: book tour etc. I leave for London on the 16th of next month for my "Minor Reunion Tour" and much of the same. Appears I will have the junkyard guard dogs at hand if I need them - and hope I won't other than to share a good lark and a few drafts of beer. Last time I was there the boys of London wore what looked to be vegetable collanders on their heads riding scooters vs. machines but times change - don't they? Hummmm...... all remains to be seen - but at least I have my 'ticket to ride.'

Name: Silent Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Sep 2002
Hey Krall; Mind & Mouth; my ass. Open yer' Eyes! It's Alive and Kickin'. FREE TIBET NOW!!!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Sep 2002
Well, I had a damn good night. A Dragon flew home. The whole crew split about 10PM. The "Leader" thanked me for hanging in for two extra hours while they Pow Wowed. She was very interested in my slant on Tibet. I could only make out about every other word, She was very appreciative that The Peace Church donated Free Space for her people to manufacture the lanterns. It looked like a Fortune Cookie Factory around here..(They crawl around like ants). (My mind drifted back to Tennessee Jim, who had an odd habit of screaming "GODZILLA!!!".."just to see if they' Riot"). But, anyway, she said that she had arrived in Tibet with little more than a rice bowl, pencil, and note book. She ventured to several orphanages and reported on conditions Etc. When asked what faith I was; I wrote on the Magna-Doodle: BLIND. Then, I wrote down that I honestly didnt have a label. Maybe Im' a "Boydist??"...I went on to add, that my older Brother is Buddist. She kept needeling me about my thoughts on the Tibetan situation, and I told her that I wished that the Dali Lahma would finally wise up and beat it to the States. She said; "what about the people?". I said; if we could get America to open it's doors, hearts, and minds: then the whole shootin' match could catch the next thing smokin' (she was thrilled; and started interpreting it to the masses.) I went on to say that they should, walk, drive, crawl, fly, cut and run. She said, "what about Tibet?" (hey Im' gettin' beter with my punctuation...notice?) I said: It aint goin' no where. Its only earth. Theres plenty of that over here. Screw it. Leave it to the party hacks. Walk away from it. Dig? She started laughing and shaking her head YES! and repeated my words; "It's only Earth!" At that point the whole crew lit up. I was feelin' like the Khan, and I flew on up to my place and took the largest Dragon remnant off of the wall, rolled it up and presented it to her in front of the whole horde. She was honored and they really got off on it. By the way; they left the place cleaner than they found it. (very un-American). Anyway, Im invited to do my thing with them on the 11th. What fine people. SRB

Name: michael krall
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Sep 2002
May the spirit of the baby Jesus open your mind and shut your mouth........May the spirit of Emmet live.

Name: guyman
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002

E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
Hey Hammond, I was thinking,..and maybe I was a little to Judgemental (and fool-hardy) in reference to the smart-assed crack that I made about a certain someone honning his marksmanship skills on a snoozer. Dont believe what you read. Truth is, if he shows up at my place; I would prefer that it be by invitation only dig? You can call this an appology. (A BIG ONE!) On the flip side, I knew a frail dude who was his cell mate and I can tell you an enduring story as to his noble character. He was a protector and a provider; and that counts. Are we Cool with that?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
IMAM!!!! WAWI IMAM; GOD DOG; WOW MOM;..It's good to see yer' voice. At this point Im' Positive about everything and not so sure about anything. I attribute that to an inactive planetary rotation in respect to the water aspects; if you read me...Or thats what Im' told. Until then, Be what you are.

Name: Steve the circle jerk
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
Hey Mr. X, I heard from yer' skruncker, or splunker buddy. I said; Circles My Ass! let's spread a wave of UFO terror through-out the entire Ohio Valley propper! Let's drug the hicks and subject the local farmers to a series of deep anal probes. Whats yer take on that? Has he got the right stuff? He's dealin' with the Big (AS IN BIGGER) leauge now. Got that. Im' not headin' that far west to just stomp some corn.

Name: Slant Eyed Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
Hey, get this, I wake up and come downstairs and find myself in a sea of (mostly) Japaneese Buddists. There is and army of em' here making paper lanterns for the big howl on the 11th. I drew a picyure of the Tibetan Flag and wrote: FREE TIBET NOW! and they really got their rocks off. Most of them are the real macCoy; as they speak broken English; if at all. The lanterns are neat; They are about 8"x4"x4". Make of stiff paper w/ rectangular cut-outs that are covered by frosted film. The bottoms a lined w/ aluminum foil. I plan on scoring on for my room, (no..a lantern you fool!). Hey Nicole; the play was tops. The only thing that could possibley have screwed it up was the lake of volume...An man; THEY DELIVERED! I was still very bound up by the scare tissue and could hardly turn my head, and the Rev. had to help me get my coat of. But I Ironed right out as the air turned into cottage creese. (as in Blue Cheer)...No! the Band, you fools. Wow, I feel so good among this Buddist Vibe. Talk about worker bees. Im' gonna hold down the office so that they can stay till 10 PM. Hey, I knew a Gypsy named Taras. Poor bastard had a retarded wife and two slow kids. It was a real life social services conspiracy. (We called him Taras Gump). Getting some very odd E-Mails these days...makes this site seem rather conservative. P.S. Het Friend; Im' year of the Dragon, Month and Hour of the Cat, and Minute of the Rooster. (maybe that explains why Im' alone....Or is it my breath? SRB

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
Yes - may Steve's Romance be "BIGGERED" - May all of you work for unity and peaceful ways and means as best you can where ever you are. Doing is the best - may all of our doings be BIGGARD! No real news or great stories to share - I just like touching base. Does tie still go with the runner? IMIMAM

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
There aint no family tree in my back yard but i do grow mushrooms that are magic- will have a new harvest in october

E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
Na zaver, nez skoncime, jeste jeden vyprask rakoskami (na Lencino prani vyslovene vecer pred scenkou). K tomu je potreba ji spoutat ruce a nohy a retezy pripnout k oku ve stene mucirny. Pri foceni se mi jednou odpalil blesk, kdyz jsem ale fotky upravoval na PC, vsiml jsem si, kolik koure ze svicek a louce v mucirne bylo - prislo mi docela zajimave nabidnout vam moznost porovnat, jak vypada fotka s bleskem a tmava, atmosfericka fotka porizena pri svetle svicek.
L:Byla jsem potesena. Vyprask nikdy neodmitnu. Hreje zvlaste ten za odmenu. A tenhle byl za odmenu. Skoda jen, ze se vyprasky spatne foti. Radi fotime a pak si spolu prohlizime porizene obrazky. Vidim tak spoustu situaci, ktere si jinak neprohlednu. A taky se nam libi si scenky jeste nekolikrat prozivat: poprve pri prohlizeni na displeji, potom pri stahovani do PC, pri vyberu prirustku do fotogalerie a jeste jednou, nikoliv vsak naposledy pri psani tehdle kratkych povidani.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
Just a quickie passing through - take it from me folks - Steve is not Bernardo - though he might be an agent of secrets and tricks of the trade and the like. But hey all - he wants to deal them out like hands of cards and I for one do not think he is dealing from the bottom of the deck - so for you doubters and ranters - up the stakes or fold your hand. The dialogue here is priceless - even precious at times. It warms my heart on a daily basis that Steve and others here are still on the front line.
Disinformation is the way of politicians and door to door salesmen - hardly a Diggers way.
Enough said. - Hammond

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willincs@yahoo
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
Good morning all, I don't always have access to a computer on the week-ends so my monday morning read here on the site is always interesting, usually thought provoking, sometimes disturbing, but this morning was exceptionally enjoyably, all of the above...thank you all...forgive me for being so late on the response to various subjects, but I was in the ocean this almost end of summer week-end so... last spring Sam Andrew got in touch and told me about the Janis show. He had been here in NYC for the winter rehearsing the band. He layed some tickets on me and I went to see the show with some friends who had also been there "back in the day" and we all were had some exceedingly painful moments and some uplifting ones and definately stired up some old memories...the music was raw and authentic BBHC! ...and the dialoge was her own letters to her family...can't get too much more real than that...She died on my birthday in October all those many years ago...I'll never forget going to the Filmore that night and the sense of loss that prevailed...nicole

Name: Steven Khan
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
Here's one more E-Mail that I just recieved; (then I will drop the subject) A source tells me that per to "As many of you may already know, one of the early anscestors of those having Scottish / Brittish descent were Sythians / Sarmatians. (NUFF SAID?)

Name: Steve the Barbarian
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Sep 2002
BINGO!!! Many Thanks go out to Mongo who just turned me on to the RUSSIAN-SCOTLAND connection. He says that Sarmation nomadic tribesmen from the Russian Steppes were transported to Brittain by the Romans. 5,500 of these warriors patroled Hadrian's wall. THE BLOOD IS STRONG! Thanks again Mongo.

Name: Steve Dior
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
Class! Can you spell SELF-BETRAYAL. It's OK. (I forgive myself)...But if yer' fishin' for a Jack Nicholson story...Au...I know better. Hey, you should read my E-Mails..Ive' been accused of being a Fed who stumbled across a dead Freak's Secret Diary. Someone said I was Bernardo. Ive' been choosen to participate in an "Empty Chair Project" involving "Imaginative Experiments" in which different internalized voices "Introjects" are brought into contact with each other toward greater awareness, integration and a sence of "multi-dimensional wholeness"??? I DONT THINK SO!!! Man...Most of today's feed back has been from mental health and human services professionals. (what??)... have I got a magnet on my ass? Oh ya, in reference to "Psychodynamic theory"...If I dont know what it is...Au..I will pass..and in reference to my "behavioral disorder"...NO COMMENT. Hey, Friend, It's my fault for dragging my family into this. My father told me that he was questioned by a doctor who was curious as to his family tree. The MD went on to add that Dad had a rare blood type that was traced to the Russian Steppes. Why would the MD lie? Why would Dad lie? why would I lie? Maybe I naturally assumed that it is Mongol blood, hell..who else inhabitted that area??/ I will reserch it later. One of my natural sisters has also got a weirdo blood type...What can I say. But hey, not to cloud the picture; I will keep it "ME" orientated from now on, and keep them out of it... That way, nothing can be lost in the translation. Myself, Im a throw back. I either have an extra rib, or am short by one back vertabre. When I rock from side to side, my rib cage actually tucks under my hip bone. There is no gap or space whatsoever. Its not just a case ove being "High-Waisted. I also never had: or never will have third Mollars, (wisdom teeth) a dentist said that it may be a Nordic trait. (???) On this side of the pond I have Kirkland, VanGelder, Foster, Franks, Johnstone, McLeasky, Erwin, Emmerson, Boules, Whitesides, and Huckabee blood. My branch of Clan Boyd fled Scotland after their defeat at Culloden. They arrived near the modern day Cape Fear area from Ayershire Scotland and set up camp around what is now Moore Co. N.C. and then ventured with a few other families into the region that became Crockett Co. Tenn. They finally settled in what is now Dyer Co. Tenn. and married females from several branches of some earlier Kentucky pioneer families. (as the Boyd's were mostly male; and didnt pack any women into the interior with them. Thats what many people dont understand about why so many Southern Scots were Tory sypathisers during the revolution. First off; They had gotten their asses whipped but good by the English in the 1740's and again in the 1770's. The captured clansmen were either put to death or sold into slavery on the Jamaican plantations. They dont tell ya' about "White Slavery" in school. Aint it the way? Hey, Im rambling. We fed almost 80 people this afternoon. Three types of chicken, BB-Q, Fried and boiled...and LOTS OF IT! Im' tring to get respectable and am in the prosses of changing my image. I wore clean clothes to church service today, and was a real hit with the Christian Ladies. I wore my black Baske Berret and chose a pair of designer jeans, a black Tee Shirt and a black Mini skirt. Its official; (Black is back). SRB

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
my last remote name adds up to 7 . Eric are you trying to kill me man

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
what the fuck is a remote name (is big bro watching)

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
And Steve,
Back to 1% free (or getting on to the other 99%)... Now would be a great time, the perfect week, for reconciliation -- 'tis the season!
It begins with at-one-ment, asking and giving forgiveness, purification of the levels of self, realigning, then with purity proceeds with setting intentions, purpose, for the coming year. Then, Blow that shofar, and off ya go!
With Light, love, and power,
A Friend

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
Clan Guthrie with a Northern Highland with tartan in hand - so what's the ado about? oh - Agent 00 Soul you sound a poor imitatation of Jack NIcholson in "A Few Good Men" - Suggest you do some soul searching and get back to us in the after-life.

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
You are right! My bad. I had no idea about your father. Thought you said you were going to visit the town in Scotland where your clan was from.
My apologies,

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
Hmmm... let's see...
Clan Boyd from Scotland...
Oh! I've got it!!!
................................................The Lochness Monster!!!!!

Name: Agent "00" Soul
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
Tell me what my Father was, or wasn't!! outa' yer' Chineese Mind? And Cheater! Hell, I havent been tellin' the whole truth!! ...Ive' been tellin' half the truth. You mortals cant handle TRUTH. Truth is..Im' outa' here. I will be good!. I will be gone!. Withfriends like you...who needs enemies. Good Hearted??? are too kind.

Name: Tibetan Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
Somethin' tells me that you are no friend!

Name: No. 0 minus 0
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 08 Sep 2002
Damn. Did it again, another long one got eaten up. Heres a short one. The only thing that I lifted from my so called Friend was his hat. My father has in fact got a Rare blood type that is traced to the Mongol race of the Russian Steppes PERIOD!. He has/had raven black hair and hairless legs. I inherited his Mongolian fold eyelids. I owned a Clowsminski??? Mongol Pony at the age of 13. It was as if I was born on him. We were one. Now, is it 38 going on 39, or 49 going on 50?

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
You can’t be No. 2! That's reserved for the anti-George2, aka Dubya; his father is #1. Speaking of fathers, yours wasn’t a Mongol, you lifted that from your friend! – cheater!
Nice dream, your singing bowl. Is it Tibetan? The bowl, I mean. And no, I don’t know any Japanese mythology. But I thought the emperor was considered to be son of the sun. Interesting, how in that way, Japanese, eastern legend parallels western from the Egyptians. The moon, emotions, water, earth, Quan-Yin. I forget her Japanese name. Anyhow, sounds like you do have a strong inner feminine. The phoenix rising from the ashes… redemption of the dragon? Maybe you could try reconciliation with Sweet Lorraine. Can’t expect the outcome to be how you want it to be, but you can sincerely, honestly, make your amends, and leave it at that. Think she’ll know your intent when she reads your note. In ACIM they say, “in my defenselessness my safety lies.” It’s a place of complete surrender, of humility. Speaking from that place, defenseless, vulnerable, open-hearted, the words, the tone, comes out differently. Try it out, experiment, and see if you can notice a difference, when you're in that place and when not. And another thing, a mantram of sorts that I learned from a spiritual elder, but you don’t need to repeat it endlessly, say it just once, or a few times, to set the intention, then let it go. You can say for another, “know that you are loved,” or to yourself, “know that I am loved.” And so it is.
Know that you are loved, Steve. You are a good-hearted person,
Your Friend

Name: No. 2
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Or 49, goin' on 50???

Name: No. 2
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Hey Dragon Lady...that would make you 38, goin' on 39, right?

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Well, so much for the 6:00 PM Monday dead line; its 10:40 PM. Saturday night. I just woke up, (Strange sleeping hours these days)...but not as much as I drink when thirsty, eat when hungry, etc. Last night/day I had a dream inwhich I couldnt talk, but could sing. My singing bowl must have planted the seed. It was wonderful. I wont say what the song was, it's rather silly. I dont own an alarm clock...I guess it goes with the program. My Dear Dragon Lady; I dont know how "Into" Japanese Folk Lore you may have explored; but it was said that he Emperors of Japan traced their lineage back to a Dragon...the Princess Fruitful Jewel, daughter of the Dragon King of the Eastern Ocean. Hey, dig this; on top of the Dragon thing; Im YIN:ie. (Earth,Matter,Dark,Female,Passive,Receptive,North,Down,Water,Winter,Shade,Phoenix. COOL? As far as "Rewritting my speels; you cant rebake a soufle'. Hell, there could be a higher source at work here, and for whatever reason; the "word" was not to come out at this time. It was very radical. (and Im' being kind) I dont mean to get "Mystical" here, but if we ever needed Magic, its NOW. Talk about magic, the last week has been so soothing. Aside from finding my "Outside" voice and the "Planted" dope; a large group of Special needs folks sang (on the three count) "WE LOVE YOU STEVE"; I scoped in on several ladies left lungs (after a two year dry spell)...lets hear it for skirts!..Several folks photographed me out front wearing my Baske Berret and holding a six mounth old girl child, I happened upon a pair of lucky dice; (about 2 minutes prior to spotting the weed that was "Set Up" in my garden.) I cited a Graceful Cat for lying to me twice in a row and austrosized him from this realm,..lets see..what else... I got a fresh load of FREE clothes in, and picked out two outfits which will cancel out the September wash, (Which I might add is done at a Chineese Laundry) Hey, how many of you out there have a $6.00 a month laundry bill? Eat yer' heart out Thorroue. Well, no letter from Sweet Lorraine. Pity..My original Sweet Lorraine Tattoo was covered up years ago by two sets of inverted wings...I wanted to work the Ol' Charm again, and had the name Sweet Lorraine duplicated on my other arm after I cheated Mr.D. last year....well, dont look now, but, I feel another set of wings commin' on. Christ! What I go through for that Wonman. (at least I will be somewhat balanced out. I plan on getting the Lamb of God tattooed resting upon my winged Death's head. It will form the trinity; Eye-"Father", Lamb-"Son", and Winged Skull-"Holy Spirit". Its odd the way things come together in time. Will close for now. Love, Long de Chuanren.

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Eric, If you need help with the labels, drop me a line. I'd be glad to help. Friend

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Hey Six,
I think NUMBER TWO is more suitable to the anti-George, 2. Wish your original post made it through; I like to read your truth, and the pearls that you generously offer, like the post below to “free city”. Ho. Sometimes, if it’s a long one you’re posting you have to wait for it to process. Try again, if you feel up to it. And, no apology necessary! Heck!, I ain’t apologizing for what I am. Although every Korean store owner I meet would like me to do so. I stand through their telling of Japanese occupation, and do apologize for what happened to them, but don’t feel compelled to apologize for my being Japanese. That would be kinda silly… It would be interesting if we started an apology that would circle the globe, each apologizing to their neighbor then they in turn… The ACIMer are into that, reconciliation. And when done with sincerity and openness, it has a profound healing effect. We’re all guilty of land-stealing and power-tripping, the point I was trying to make with the other post. The whole lot of us! We’ve all taken our turn at hatred. And it will continue on by those so inclined. But you already talked about that, right here on these pages! On cussing, I’m on an opposite journey, used to cuss like a football coach (my instructor), but am trying now to refrain. Think it helps that I’m not angry anymore, so it must be one of the pluses of the inner healing journey, tho I still get into it while driving. Why do people sin? Because it’s fun!
Have a nice rest.
See ya later, dragon lady

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Eric, Im' gonna' lay off for a while. My stuff either gets blown away; or listed more than once. Will try Monday @ 6:00 P.M.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Started Early?? No my daughter of the Dragon...I started out very late. The trick is in order to beat time; you must live your life backwards. I suggest that any one wishing to do so, should first drive their automobile to work while in reverse. If you can pull it off for one full week,; then you may be a good prospect. Otherwise, know...Hey, my little Phoenix,This afternoon, after I posted the article about the Oriental Comedian, I was out shopping for the Sunday Free Meal with Cindy Lou Who, when I glanced up and noticed an M. Cho poster. She was staring me right in the face. The poster said the most wonderful things. Im going to try to liberate it. It rates wall space in my digs. Nuff Said? WOW; If my input on this web site has done one thing...It has pulled those pearls of wisdom (your last entry) into the spotlight. Maybe thats what this was all about; for "The pearl that Dragons long for most of all is the moon itself. Many have been known to go mad with infatuation and try to steal it from the sky. Some Dragons are even said to have tried to swallow the sun". By the way; Rod Stewart sang of a "Slant Eyed Lady" in very positive and enduring terms. I used to chew BaBa with the Hindi. It was Beatle Nut mixed with a form of powdered Tobaco snuff. I dont know what the fuck that has to do with anything...Hey friend; would you believe that when I had my voice, I refrained from cussing and using foul language??? (thats saying something for a factory worker)..It shows no fuckin' class. I think that becoming mute in a matter of hours may have effected me in ways that I havent become fully aware of yet. Can some of you shrinks give me some input? I understand that I went through Male Menapause of sorts, and came out of it But Im just now awaire of the bitterness that I seem to project these days. Maybe its the fuckin' war. The younger generation never listened to the nightly body wonder the whole fuckin' nation was numbing out on smack. I can see that commin' around the bend. Hell, Im' going to rethink this whole thing. Talking to you like this is Big Medicine. Thanks for listening. Will close for now. P.S. "The Phoenix is often seen as the female counterpart of the essentially Male Dragon." Love, #6

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Started Early?? No my daughter of the Dragon...I started out very late. The trick is in order to beat time; you must live your life backwards. I suggest that any one wishing to do so, should first drive their automobile to work while in reverse. If you can pull it off for one full week,; then you may be a good prospect. Otherwise, know...Hey, my little Phoenix,This afternoon, after I posted the article about the Oriental Comedian, I was out shopping for the Sunday Free Meal with Cindy Lou Who, when I glanced up and noticed an M. Cho poster. She was staring me right in the face. The poster said the most wonderful things. Im going to try to liberate it. It rates wall space in my digs. Nuff Said? WOW; If my input on this web site has done one thing...It has pulled those pearls of wisdom (your last entry) into the spotlight. Maybe thats what this was all about; for "The pearl that Dragons long for most of all is the moon itself. Many have been known to go mad with infatuation and try to steal it from the sky. Some Dragons are even said to have tried to swallow the sun". By the way; Rod Stewart sang of a "Slant Eyed Lady" in very positive and enduring terms. I used to chew BaBa with the Hindi. It was Beatle Nut mixed with a form of powdered Tobaco snuff. I dont know what the fuck that has to do with anything...Hey friend; would you believe that when I had my voice, I refrained from cussing and using foul language??? (thats saying something for a factory worker)..It shows no fuckin' class. I think that becoming mute in a matter of hours may have effected me in ways that I havent become fully aware of yet. Can some of you shrinks give me some input? I understand that I went through Male Menapause of sorts, and came out of it But Im just now awaire of the bitterness that I seem to project these days. Maybe its the fuckin' war. The younger generation never listened to the nightly body wonder the whole fuckin' nation was numbing out on smack. I can see that commin' around the bend. Hell, Im' going to rethink this whole thing. Talking to you like this is Big Medicine. Thanks for listening. Will close for now. P.S. "The Phoenix is often seen as the female counterpart of the essentially Male Dragon." Love, #6

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Dear Friend; I just typed out a long speel about the whole mess, (I even ran for President) but it didnt get though. Im' having trouble with this magic box. Heres the high lights. I hung with a holy man of the Mons People. We didnt speak the same lingo. From what I was told they stemmed from the oldest recorded tribe on the Indo China pennensula. Yep, Im a water Dragon. I draw the line for apologizing that im white, but will say that If Bush thinks that pulling the masses out of the playing field in order to create a gap to be filled by the displaced/down sizes worker bees: he's got it all wrong. Here some news for ya' "The most dangerous animal on earth is an unemployed white man." Frind, Im a counter-culture cat, I toss the three coins and refer to the Old Farmer's Almanac. I rely on Chineese Wisdom and Phylosophy, (the best form of flattery?) As to Blood Feuds. I studied them. No room here to get into it. In closing, #6 was an Individualist who fought to hold up a way of life. Upon questioning the ways and means of those who directed him, he wanted out; and as such, found himself held prisoner in a bizzare village society, by an annonomous enemy. He did not know whose side they represented, nor whom he could trust. (Can you spell United States Armed Forces?)(Can you spell Army Base?) Makes yer blood run cold dont it? Love you can call George Bush NUMBER ONE.

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Dear Steve,
What’s in a name?
Oh, and I did forget “little yellow devils”! Thanks for the remind. I’m not familiar with the Rod Stewart song but I think the comedian would be Margaret Cho. Ring a bell? (She’s KA.)
And, yeah, the clarification is necessary. My people don’t take kindly to those old frames. It’s sort of a joint mission to remove them from the language, therefore the thinking of our Fellow Americans. (Of course, we still fondly refer to each “other” in those terms, but that old country club, tribal thinking needs to be eradicated from the spheres as well.)
Just think of the wars going on in the world, Kosovo, Indonesia, Rwanda, even Jerusalem. Tribal in nature. Family feuds like the McCoys and Hatfields. Folks using LABELS in their fight for power, control over the other. Ownership of LAND – remember that one? Selfish, selfish children. Tch, tch, tch, I’m shakin’ my head. If DNA tests were done, people in these areas would all, most likely, be related by blood, tho not in NAME.
Then there’s the “issues” of superiority of “great nations” like China and Japan. Take boat-people for example: loyal SVA nationalists supporting US intervention? Or Chinese immigrants aligning with the rich 1% trying to defend their good living--and powerhold--in Vietnam? That old US upholding dictators, thing. Why is it that all the Asian countries bordering southern China became satellites of Mother Russia? Because they preferred the Russian form of communism? LOL! Think about it. And we all know what the Japanese Chose to do with their newly found “freedom” from the “blue-eyed devil” instead of helping their old friends ‘n neighbors win independence from the very same European colonial powers. Big mistake, when we let the ego rule. We become like the enemy, for the enemy is within us. Ahhh, the RACE for power over others. Pun intended! Birth is painful. Even for the spiritually-evolved, such as the Tibetans. But change is necessary. Democracy -- equanimity -- is the ultimate, the future.
In the 70s, the fashion designer Kenzo came up with a line of casual clothes he thought he hiply labeled “Jungle Jap.” Well, the name didn’t go over well and the line was promptly removed from the racks. He didn’t understand. Some of his defenders thought it would overcome and diminish the stigma attached to the old, standard usage of “Jap.” (see old dictionaries, reference texts, even some current ones, where Jap. is the common abbr. for Japanese). From his view from Paris (and Japan) he had no idea of the daily reality of Asians in Amerika. Bottom line is that chink, slant-eye, bla bla blah, are still fightin’ words on school yards across the LAND -- we don’t consider them a badge of honor -- especially here in my home town, where there is a large population of Asians, enough to have a voice. In mainstream politics, the NAMES aren’t used, but the power-struggles are alive and well, as in the insinuation that Clinton was selling-out sleepovers in the Lincoln bedroom to Chinese interests. Clinton was doing a lot to counter-balance racism against Asian Americans, and traditional powers fought it without calling us chinks! Then there’s the technology wars, like Wen Ho Lee vs. our national security. You are right, Steve, you don’t need words. It’s the thought and action that count. I know you can appreciate where I’m coming from. And so it goes…
You must be a “water” Dragon, as am I. Didn’t realize we were so close in age, tho I haven’t hit the big 5-0, yet. Gee, you must’ve started out early…
P.S. What's "NUMBER SIX!"?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
open letter to "free city" in REFERENCE TO YOUR "theory" / Dated 20 Sept. 2001 You like FICTION??? Try this O.D. bed time story on for size you stupid. Coyote spoke cryptically: His slant was: "Live by the sword; Die by the sword. Are you nestled snuggly in your bed? Ok. Once upon a time a Cartoon Cat dropped in and then dropped out. Call it Sleep dep., Exhastion, seassure, episode, alurgic reaction; mild heart attack..whatever...In any event he falls face first in his cream of wheat..get it? Nowing this scamp's track record, The Beagle Boys; who happen to be on a Temporary Thing themselves; read the beads wrong; and as such, they pull the Ol' Frisco on him. They dump his skinny white ass in the tub and crank on the cold shower; they rub ice cubes on his nuts and under his arms..Follow me??? In the frenzy, his last gasps are H20 and plenty of it. Dig? Pardon me Sir, theres a drowned gentleman in my lady's bath...WHAT TO DO! He's one of yours, and as such, nobody's dumpin nothin' for the rats to chew on. Read Me. No balls, no jeeps, no babys. It never happened. Drunk walk him to the sub way. Two big dudes sholder to sholder with a drenched lush hangin between em' aint no tourist attraction in that neighborhood. Through the stiles, and into the coach. What the fuck are you lookin' at? Want real balls? Go the extra mile and switch lines with him. Give the last rites and send him off in climate controled comfort to the fun house, where he will be in professional hands by dawn. Not exactly "Mugger Style" but, a hell-bound funneral train fit for a dead presiden. Ride on Brother; for the dead travel fast. As far as the Feds Vs. The Mob; Theyr' just different initials for the same beast (but you knew that). Give me organized crime and organized law enforcement any day, dont look now, but weve' got a prick in the white house who's unorganizing both of them. When that happens, watch out. Emmett WAS heavy. Both sides dug him. He was worth more alive. Talented writer, talented actor??? Soul??? Sure. Whether Coyote beats him out on one or all counts is pure speculation....which is what your FBI and MOB fairy tale is. WISHFUL SINFULL. E-Mail Me. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
Hey Eric; In reference to your 01/02/97 comment about the H.A. One Persenter patch. If you can dig up an original paper back copy of H.S.Thompson's Book: Hells Angels / A strange and terrible saga, The cover depicts a photo of a club member named North Cal Larry. Above the top rocker of his Oakland Style Colors you will see a (Red on White) kite shaped 1%ers patch. It's my understanding that it signified a tight (at the time) group of outlaw clubs; Mo Fo's, Gypsy Jokers, Etc. who's Presidents pow wowed from time to time in order to exchange tactics in out smarting and fucking with the heat. (Which was ON at the time). They were getting their rights tromped on and faced crimminal court judges who took personal pride in putting them UNDER the jail, Dig? "America where are you now?" The "confederation" broke up after the Angels became overnight sensations and hooked up with strong legal council (spell that M.O.N.E.Y.) Many other "Outlaw" (as in not sanctioned by the AMA) clubs picked it up to denote that they were the 1% of Motercycle "Enthusiests" who were cited as "The percentage labeled ; "the Bad Element"...(And Proud of it) Etc. Most of these clubs were never in the loop. SRB

E-mail Address: prisoner@thevillage
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 07 Sep 2002
CHINK / Any upstanding, honorable, noble-hearted Oriental who rents out a hotel room by the hour. SLANT EYED LADY / Refer to Rod Stewart's "Every picture tells a story dont it. Friend the "labels" that I tag people with are only one aspect of my habitual pattern of suffering that seems to continue after my many experiences of realization. In that sense, Im' not a true biggot. The true biggots are the ones who think it; but dont say it. To put it in a nut-shell: If you tell the truth; (your' truth) then; you will see that the answer is alive in you. Lenny Bruce, knew that. (Im' surprised that I have to explain this...But I feel that you may be prompting me, for an explanation that may serve hear goes: Friend(s); there is a fathomless truth of "Who we are". Keep searching!. By the failed to mention "Little yellow Devils". Hey, there's one cool girl in this word. I cant place her name at the moment. She's a pudgy Oriental commedian. Something like Chan, or Chin..anyway.. My money is on her to drag us out of some of this Us/Them shit. If you get a chance, Check her out. Hey, Im sure that she could tell you "Whats up with it", though, I could be wrong. If it helps, I have a touch of Mongol on my Dad's side. (you can trace a name, but you cant trace blood is an out-dated expression). Through a Clan Boyd project, I am in the process of having my DNA matched with those of my Ilk. Hey, to get off the subject of Racism, and biggotry for a minute; (lets call it what it is) A young lady picked up on my name at this site and E-Mailed me with a rough outline of her Tennesse Kin and as it turns out; It looks as if we share the same Great, Great Grand Father. Her computer crashed and she lost alot of her research material, but plans on following through in time. As far a counter-culture goes; Tenneesse Jim and I used to drop acid and plan pin-ball with an Oriental Gang in Frisco, they had Racked Super Sports that you needed a step ladder to climb into. They decked themselves out in shinny soul brother suits with Elvis DA's at that time. Me, Jim, and LSD influenced them to ungrease their hair and wear levis, so hey, I feel that I made a social change, and change is where its at. I embrace change. Thats why I must live in a four seasons climate. Its all about the cycles, dig? Go with it. Later friend. P.S. A Tibetan woman turned me on to the fact that my voice is not gone; but still lingers on the "Out side" She layed a weird bronze bowl on me, much like the musical ones used by the Mysterious Tremindom. Any way, she taught me how to slowly drag the wooden stick around the outside rim until it sings to heaven...I simply prompt the bowl to sing and I form words with my mout at the rim and the reverberating echos simmulate "Vocal chords" as it were. The first word that I said was "NICOLE" (spell that: Queen Goddess of New York City, for all of you uninitiated) Its odd, we find the most unlikely teachers in the most unlikely spots. Anyway, I almost shit myself because the lady was using two small remnants of an ancient Dragon carpet to WALK ON! I told he via body language that Nobody walks on Dragons unscathed. They must be placed high above all other objects. (maybe she's from Hoboken Tibet) anyway, For more than a few buck, I freed the Dragons. (that little yellow devil) The one that is romping with a Pheonix flys high on my wall above my voice bowl which rests on a deer pelt covered table in the North West corner of my space. The odd thing about getting my "Voice Bowl", and freeing the Dragons is that It landed on the very same rainy day that I donated my "Servox" hand-held "Electro-Layrnix" to the Lead Singer of "Necro-Fecal-Consumption" (The house Band at CBGB's). And Dragons brings the rain; remember? That kind of shit happens to me on a daily basis. I was born in the year of the Dragon, but my power Animal is the Cat. Ive' always attracted strays, and never claimed "Ownership" over those mysterious little souls, but now that my wandering phase has ended and I have finally found my earthly home and a steady income, I plan on becoming the Steward of a Chineese Mau, an Abisinian, a Bengal and an Oscicat. (After Clawdia, the church cat uses up her ninth life naturally) I wouldnt want to rock her world. They will be the only four "Nameless" cats in America. Whats the point?, Dig? I plan to perchase these pure-breeds as kittens of course and hook them up with a vet friend a few blocks from here. We helped her disoriented (no pun intended) brother find his way to her practice on the morning of 9-11, and she repaid our kindness by removing a tumor from Clawdia's throat. It was odd, Me and Clawdia were healing at the same time and soothed one another in so many ways on so many levels. Show me a man who loves cats and I will show you a man who loves women. SRB

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Hey Steve,
"chink?" "slant-eye?" What's up with that?
A Friend

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Hey Eric, Sorry about that! What went wrong?...Was that a sign??? Im' wondering!!!!!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
IMAM, word on the street says that our leader??? is coriographing a two act play (As in TWO TERMS) to secure his possition as stage manager. It's that simple. That basic. ..remember that his Big Daddy would have nailed the second slot, had his timing been right. Its all in the timming. Thousands of innocent lives are worth bagging a re-election...Right Georgie Boy? Right George?...Auuu...George...George??? I know that yer back from Vacation, and I heard about that soldier who was investigated for two weeks for writting a buddy a letter inwhich he said that he thought that you were a joke. Jokes are funny. YOU ARE NOT. How about Aides. How about Freeing my Tibetan Brothers and Sisters. How much of that fuckin' "Investigation" Tax Money could you have kicked down to feed the street kids in Washington Square Park?..our the Bowery Boys down on the street of lost men? Juice; Lemon;..listen up! Im' among hundreds of thousands of Boomers who are turning 50 on a daily basis. Boys; I dont know yer ages, but you may both be on the very same edge that I was on. Theres some shit commin' down thats gonna fuck with your RIGHTS and how. I got enough mileage to piss in their boots and dump it on em' ...but you fellas may freeze when it comes down to the wire.Im' not faulting your generation, or your Inexperience..BUT..There is no exception for EXPERIENCE. Watch yer asses kids. The choice may be to eat sand and bullets or stare at four grey walls while smellin' somones farts. What you kids dont know, is that the fuck ups of my generation were given two choices, Jail or War. Let me explain. A kid screws up. The "Judge" says to his folks and the public pretender; Look, get him to sign up. The offence will be purged from the record. It will make a man of him, and he can start out clean after his hitch. Boys; thousands upon thousands of those "Men" never got a chance to "Grow Up" and never made it back to start "Clean". They dont tell ya' about that kind of BLIND justic in that little red scool house of yours do they. Im tellin' ya' that there is a ruthless party hack at the helm who will walk over your dead bodies after using you for cannon fodder in order to reach another term in office. I know the Arab Mind. Our great, Great, Great Grand Children will suffer todays concequences. NO BLOOD FOR OIL! NO BLOOD FOR OIL! NO BLOOD FOR OIL! Kids, If you aint scared; then you aint payin' attention. Class Dismissed. Good luck boys. I mean that. P.S. For all of you membership men, Im' not sayin' that a "Popular" voted-in candidate, would, or could do otherwise. (If they dont go with the program, they get iced..Remember???) Im closing...Break the Laws!!!!...VOTE!!!!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
IMAM, word on the street says that our leader??? is coriographing a two act play (As in TWO TERMS) to secure his possition as stage manager. It's that simple. That basic. ..remember that his Big Daddy would have nailed the second slot, had his timing been right. Its all in the timming. Thousands of innocent lives are worth bagging a re-election...Right Georgie Boy? Right George?...Auuu...George...George??? I know that yer back from Vacation, and I heard about that soldier who was investigated for two weeks for writting a buddy a letter inwhich he said that he thought that you were a joke. Jokes are funny. YOU ARE NOT. How about Aides. How about Freeing my Tibetan Brothers and Sisters. How much of that fuckin' "Investigation" Tax Money could you have kicked down to feed the street kids in Washington Square Park?..our the Bowery Boys down on the street of lost men? Juice; Lemon;..listen up! Im' among hundreds of thousands of Boomers who are turning 50 on a daily basis. Boys; I dont know yer ages, but you may both be on the very same edge that I was on. Theres some shit commin' down thats gonna fuck with your RIGHTS and how. I got enough mileage to piss in their boots and dump it on em' ...but you fellas may freeze when it comes down to the wire.Im' not faulting your generation, or your Inexperience..BUT..There is no exception for EXPERIENCE. Watch yer asses kids. The choice may be to eat sand and bullets or stare at four grey walls while smellin' somones farts. What you kids dont know, is that the fuck ups of my generation were given two choices, Jail or War. Let me explain. A kid screws up. The "Judge" says to his folks and the public pretender; Look, get him to sign up. The offence will be purged from the record. It will make a man of him, and he can start out clean after his hitch. Boys; thousands upon thousands of those "Men" never got a chance to "Grow Up" and never made it back to start "Clean". They dont tell ya' about that kind of BLIND justic in that little red scool house of yours do they. Im tellin' ya' that there is a ruthless party hack at the helm who will walk over your dead bodies after using you for cannon fodder in order to reach another term in office. I know the Arab Mind. Our great, Great, Great Grand Children will suffer todays concequences. NO BLOOD FOR OIL! NO BLOOD FOR OIL! NO BLOOD FOR OIL! Kids, If you aint scared; then you aint payin' attention. Class Dismissed. Good luck boys. I mean that. P.S. For all of you membership men, Im' not sayin' that a "Popular" voted-in candidate, would, or could do otherwise. (If they dont go with the program, they get iced..Remember???) Im closing...Break the Laws!!!!...VOTE!!!!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
IMAM, word on the street says that our leader??? is coriographing a two act play (As in TWO TERMS) to secure his possition as stage manager. It's that simple. That basic. ..remember that his Big Daddy would have nailed the second slot, had his timing been right. Its all in the timming. Thousands of innocent lives are worth bagging a re-election...Right Georgie Boy? Right George?...Auuu...George...George??? I know that yer back from Vacation, and I heard about that soldier who was investigated for two weeks for writting a buddy a letter inwhich he said that he thought that you were a joke. Jokes are funny. YOU ARE NOT. How about Aides. How about Freeing my Tibetan Brothers and Sisters. How much of that fuckin' "Investigation" Tax Money could you have kicked down to feed the street kids in Washington Square Park?..our the Bowery Boys down on the street of lost men? Juice; Lemon;..listen up! Im' among hundreds of thousands of Boomers who are turning 50 on a daily basis. Boys; I dont know yer ages, but you may both be on the very same edge that I was on. Theres some shit commin' down thats gonna fuck with your RIGHTS and how. I got enough mileage to piss in their boots and dump it on em' ...but you fellas may freeze when it comes down to the wire.Im' not faulting your generation, or your Inexperience..BUT..There is no exception for EXPERIENCE. Watch yer asses kids. The choice may be to eat sand and bullets or stare at four grey walls while smellin' somones farts. What you kids dont know, is that the fuck ups of my generation were given two choices, Jail or War. Let me explain. A kid screws up. The "Judge" says to his folks and the public pretender; Look, get him to sign up. The offence will be purged from the record. It will make a man of him, and he can start out clean after his hitch. Boys; thousands upon thousands of those "Men" never got a chance to "Grow Up" and never made it back to start "Clean". They dont tell ya' about that kind of BLIND justic in that little red scool house of yours do they. Im tellin' ya' that there is a ruthless party hack at the helm who will walk over your dead bodies after using you for cannon fodder in order to reach another term in office. I know the Arab Mind. Our great, Great, Great Grand Children will suffer todays concequences. NO BLOOD FOR OIL! NO BLOOD FOR OIL! NO BLOOD FOR OIL! Kids, If you aint scared; then you aint payin' attention. Class Dismissed. Good luck boys. I mean that. P.S. For all of you membership men, Im' not sayin' that a "Popular" voted-in candidate, would, or could do otherwise. (If they dont go with the program, they get iced..Remember???) Im closing...Break the Laws!!!!...VOTE!!!!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
IMAM, word on the street says that our leader??? is coriographing a two act play (As in TWO TERMS) to secure his possition as stage manager. It's that simple. That basic. ..remember that his Big Daddy would have nailed the second slot, had his timing been right. Its all in the timming. Thousands of innocent lives are worth bagging a re-election...Right Georgie Boy? Right George?...Auuu...George...George??? I know that yer back from Vacation, and I heard about that soldier who was investigated for two weeks for writting a buddy a letter inwhich he said that he thought that you were a joke. Jokes are funny. YOU ARE NOT. How about Aides. How about Freeing my Tibetan Brothers and Sisters. How much of that fuckin' "Investigation" Tax Money could you have kicked down to feed the street kids in Washington Square Park?..our the Bowery Boys down on the street of lost men? Juice; Lemon;..listen up! Im' among hundreds of thousands of Boomers who are turning 50 on a daily basis. Boys; I dont know yer ages, but you may both be on the very same edge that I was on. Theres some shit commin' down thats gonna fuck with your RIGHTS and how. I got enough mileage to piss in their boots and dump it on em' ...but you fellas may freeze when it comes down to the wire.Im' not faulting your generation, or your Inexperience..BUT..There is no exception for EXPERIENCE. Watch yer asses kids. The choice may be to eat sand and bullets or stare at four grey walls while smellin' somones farts. What you kids dont know, is that the fuck ups of my generation were given two choices, Jail or War. Let me explain. A kid screws up. The "Judge" says to his folks and the public pretender; Look, get him to sign up. The offence will be purged from the record. It will make a man of him, and he can start out clean after his hitch. Boys; thousands upon thousands of those "Men" never got a chance to "Grow Up" and never made it back to start "Clean". They dont tell ya' about that kind of BLIND justic in that little red scool house of yours do they. Im tellin' ya' that there is a ruthless party hack at the helm who will walk over your dead bodies after using you for cannon fodder in order to reach another term in office. I know the Arab Mind. Our great, Great, Great Grand Children will suffer todays concequences. NO BLOOD FOR OIL! NO BLOOD FOR OIL! NO BLOOD FOR OIL! Kids, If you aint scared; then you aint payin' attention. Class Dismissed. Good luck boys. I mean that. P.S. For all of you membership men, Im' not sayin' that a "Popular" voted-in candidate, would, or could do otherwise. (If they dont go with the program, they get iced..Remember???) Im closing...Break the Laws!!!!...VOTE!!!!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Remote Name:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
IMAM, word on the street says that our leader??? is coriographing a two act play (As in TWO TERMS) to secure his possition as stage manager. It's that simple. That basic. ..remember that his Big Daddy would have nailed the second slot, had his timing been right. Its all in the timming. Thousands of innocent lives are worth bagging a re-election...Right Georgie Boy? Right George?...Auuu...George...George??? I know that yer back from Vacation, and I heard about that soldier who was investigated for two weeks for writting a buddy a letter inwhich he said that he thought that you were a joke. Jokes are funny. YOU ARE NOT. How about Aides. How about Freeing my Tibetan Brothers and Sisters. How much of that fuckin' "Investigation" Tax Money could you have kicked down to feed the street kids in Washington Square Park?..our the Bowery Boys down on the street of lost men? Juice; Lemon;..listen up! Im' among hundreds of thousands of Boomers who are turning 50 on a daily basis. Boys; I dont know yer ages, but you may both be on the very same edge that I was on. Theres some shit commin' down thats gonna fuck with your RIGHTS and how. I got enough mileage to piss in their boots and dump it on em' ...but you fellas may freeze when it comes down to the wire.Im' not faulting your generation, or your Inexperience..BUT..There is no exception for EXPERIENCE. Watch yer asses kids. The choice may be to eat sand and bullets or stare at four grey walls while smellin' somones farts. What you kids dont know, is that the fuck ups of my generation were given two choices, Jail or War. Let me explain. A kid screws up. The "Judge" says to his folks and the public pretender; Look, get him to sign up. The offence will be purged from the record. It will make a man of him, and he can start out clean after his hitch. Boys; thousands upon thousands of those "Men" never got a chance to "Grow Up" and never made it back to start "Clean". They dont tell ya' about that kind of BLIND justic in that little red scool house of yours do they. Kids, If you aint scared; then you aint payin' attention. Class Dismissed. Good luck boys. I mean that.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Juice; by using my E-Mail address, you paid me the highest form of flattery: IMITATION.... What next? Ya' gonna' wear my Hat? Come on kid..whats up yer ass. Maybe I can help. No shit. It's about compassion son. You bummin'or what? God; what have they done to you?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Juice; is that anyway to behave on a Digger web site? Hey Hammond, I was an Alta Cieniga Man myself. By 79' the chink was rentin' the place out by the hour...which, worked out very well, I might add. I saw the rock-play here in the Village with a Methodist Minister. She was in Frisco during the era that I was; and turned to me and said; " you think that maybe we....ah, nevermind. The show was kick ass. The horn section really cooked, The only thing that wasn't authentic was the Gibson "Thunder Bird" bass. I dont think that they made that model at that point. Man, the Bass man was walkin' all over it. And the Guit-fiddle player worked his neck with his beer bottle as an audience member strummed. Great natured cats, Im' tellin ya. This was right after 9-11 and the Rev. and I had to unwind. It was seven kinds of hell down here. Everyone would weep at different times uncontrolably. We felt the loss, and it smelled like a crematorium for months. I plan on checking out the muse where the cover photos of the Doors Strange Days album was shot, this weekend w/ my activity pal Nancy. She's a heavy duty Polish gal, and a real good sport. She can pose as the strong man while I dance like the Dwarf...Or Not. (She has no Idea who she's hangin' out with never really gets at what im' goofin' on.). Thats what I love about N.Y.C. "Annonamous People on annonamous Streets. Im rambling. Rock On.

Name: PS - Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Steve (and all who might be interested) - for more on "Love Janis" written by Sam Andrew - see this link from The 3rd Page:

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Nice link Sponge - that's gentle on my mind vs the havoc of other links - thanks.
Now back to the attack.
Just who the fuck does Bush think he is Prometheus? Today marks the first strike against Iraq with 200 planes (Brit and US) slamming iron from the sky and home to roast. I don't like Saddam anymore that the rest of the world - but hey now - do we really want to turn the entire Middle (Earth) East into a chaotic frenzy of crazed Arabs with guns pointing at the so-called infidels? I for one renounce "infidelism" once and for all so I am safe for the moment - what about you?

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Steve - Here's a flash. I tuned into Howard Stern's E-channel blather last night - and his guest was one of the rotating singers (a long haired blonde) who is performing in "Love Janis" in NY. Nonetheless pixilated - she began flashing her pink twosomes at Stern - and sang one of the songs from the show - (bleeped out ! - due to copy agreements). Sam is the musical director for all the various perfomances - LA was the last one to open I think. I haven't seen the show - but the reviews are quite good. Indeed - the world at large missed something special if they only tuned into BB after Janis arrived. The original ensemble blew the roof off all by themselves folks - with stuff like their incredible variation-cover of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" - and Sam's intrumental gem - "Give Her Apeggio."
On a Spirit note - If you look at the cover of their first album you will see them coming down the stairway of the $6 a night motel I used to stay in while in Hollywood - A six star rating on the bohemian scale!
PS - (opening chord) "Hey Juice - don't be afraid...take your sad song and just FUCK OFF!"

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Sep 2002
PERSPECTIVE???...what a concept! Hey, apeaking of Big Bro.; there is a band in the Village who backs up two rotating singers who do Janis in a Play. They are one million, one and a half times as pollished as The Holding Co. But, now that I think about it; It wasnt about pollish was it. Strip away all of that phoney Funk and you will see the true funk. And mister BB & Co. had raw edged Electric funk. ( OK, I hear all of you Blue Cheer fans...Come on hold it down!) Big Bro. were a pure bread hard edged speed metal band who had to cool it down for J.J. (in my opinion) I wish that they had blended more Link Wray & the Ray men style "Switchblade Music" into the mix. I only saw them W/ Cathy MacDonald and Big Considine (I think thats what they called him.) Anyway, no offence to Sam. OK? My favorite Live group of that Era was SPIRIT. Of course Miles Davis freaked everybody out and the Ike & Tina Show blew the roof off. I once saw Taj Mahhal on stage w/ 4 (yes four) TUBA players. Umpa-Pa!! Weird? SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Steve - what better way to enjoy the day! Sent a reply regarding the last via hotmail - too hot to handle? Not at all mate - just keeping it in perspective. H.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Sep 2002
No sweat Hammond. Hey, I was thinkin' maybe you could swing it by the Terrible trio. Juice, Lemon, and Sara Jane might be able to add some heavy insights in reference to the personal lives of the heaviest fuckers in modern American sub-culture...Im sure that they could tell ya that it was no big deal. Whadda ya think?...I just cant leave it alone can I? Hey Hammond, yesterday I was laying down on my back on the side walk down on Bowery in the shade of an awning; taking in the breeze, while gazing up women's skirts as they shimmied by while Bukely was reading the NY Times out loud; when something dawned on me...but I forgot what it was...Aint It the way?..I think it was along the lines of Taking the time to smell the roses dig? P.S. Im' no Perv, I was laying prior to their' sure.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Steve - I got your message - thanks!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Waiting in the wings for the tape with baited breath - and Steve did you get my referral link to the bit about Sweet William?

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Well, I'm finally printing up the videotape case covers for the new version of Les Diggers film. Now, the only step left is to find Avery laser-printer labels to print the title on the cassette spine. Anyone have any suggestions? A friend gave me a bunch for the first version of the film I sent out 3 years ago. But I've run out. I'll do a web search if no one has a source for me.
Thanks for everyone's patience waiting for me to get this sent out. I'm a perfectionist and didn't want to just mail the film without a specially designed case and cover.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Hey Jennifer, I was living in a tent near a lake in Wild Wood Michigan during the summer of 68??? When I had an encounter with Diggers of the third Kind...but they rode in painted school buses and not mobile drilling rigs...come on are you serious???

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Sep 2002
Jerry, Will answer you here rather than write...too backed up in corespondance as is...Yes he not only went by Little Boy Blue, Rice Miller, and The Goat; but "Foots", as well. It was said that his real name was Ellis Miller..(???). Now as to the other Cat..he needs no introduction. He played Blue Notes and not chords; Dig?. OK, the black cat bone and the mojo tooth are very straight forward charms..but the "John the Conqueroo" stemmed out of Chicago ("John The Conqueror") and may have been altered just to rhyme with "Gonna mess wit' you" It was thought to sway Ol' Lady Luck when rollin' bones, and was also said to prolong your "Stayin' Power" with the ladies. Now the Bass player "Milton" that you are refering to.. is no doubt the one and only "Smilin' Milt Hinton". Now, in my oppinion; your'"grove" is unique; as "Groove" is like "Soul";..In as much, as it is different things to different people, ie: "Personal", and its like Gold..(Where you find it). Myself; I found it while painting a large apartment. I was workin' it out like a one armed paper-hanger while replaying a recording non stop for two solid days. Got me? Im' talkin' a session with Johnson, Winding, Yardbird, Dizzy, Mingus, and Roach. Now get this..On the third day there was light! I was amazed to find that someone had put on a different recording..(Amazed because I was alone at the time). I actually RAN into the other room and pulled the record off of the turntable and was shocked to find that It was the record that I "Knew by Heart" ie: "The Same Record"; I then realized that I was in the "Groove" and was hearing it with new ears at a different "Level". I cant say that it was like hearing it for the first it was not the same...(from that day on). I was actually hearing new under currents..I was groovin' on it. It all came together..real solid. In any event; It's hard to put into words. Now, on that note (no pun intended) my version of "Grove" is an awakening of sorts; or rather "breaking through", or rather..Gettin' into it. (No; I was straight, and it wasnt' the paint fumes). Hey, dig this, Hearing live Sacred Jazz every Sunday and Wed. has lead me to draw the conclusion that recorded music is ..well; I wont pass judgement. Im weening myself from radio and television. Ive'taked the first step by donating my entire record collection to WFMU, and have donated my Television to the WSUMC day room. I also gave my hospital bed to them. The "Sick room" atmousphere has now lifted. (Environment is every thing) As far as tunes; Im' picking up a Double bass, and a kit w/ brushes to compliment my upright piano. I plan on sponsoring loose jams on short notice. Free Wine cold cuts, ciggaretts and a bare light bulb, awta' bring Mohamed to the mountain. (shades are optional) Man, The Village is crawlin' with seasoned out-cats itchin to blow. HORNS! ya' fool! HORNS! Jerry, The things in my life are going to be genuine from here on out. What about the Web Site; you may ask? Thats just an electronic Government Mule to this Ol' Boy. A nessicary evil. Even my posters and flyers will be generated with Ink and home made feather quill pens. (Im drawing the line at candel light and will opt for traditional sun light. Speaking of sunlight..I plan on taping guage marks on the floor of the balcony and stationing my canvases flat and matching the colored patterns of difused colored light that falls on them thrrough the 30 foot stained glass windows. I will revert to my original first grade "Outside the Lines" technique (Fuck you Miss Pritchard) and in doing so will creat a myriad of paintings which will evolve as the sun ranges through it's course in the changing of the seasons. Troughout the 2003 season, I will document the year in colors and will title the series "Four Seasons" or something commercially stupid like that. I have a lead on a groundbreaking gallery, but must build a complete body of work. I know that I am straying from the original topic that you inquired about, but the words are bottled up and this is my only release. Well, I hope that I was some help. P.S. Please E-Mail me if possible. OK? SRB

Name: jennifer crowder
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Sep 2002
i am searching for a listing of names for well diggers in 1972.
they would have lived in hart mi, and possibly had family or themselves that worked for chase foods. if any of you would have been a well digger in the years 1940 to present and might be able to help me find my grandfather please e mail me at above address. your help would be greatly appreciated.

Name: Silent Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Sep 2002
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules---and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Sep 2002
DEATH OF DIGGER / BIRTH OF NOTHING (is nothing sacred?) 5:09 EST...THE DIGGER BANNER HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN TAKEN DOWN, and all outstanding Tee Shirts will be burned. THIS IS THE LAST STATMENT TO BE MADE UNDER THE TITLE "DIGGERS"! I told you fuckers that we were not selling out. WE DO NOT WANT YOUR MONEY. "WE WANT NOTHING; AND WE WANT IT NOW! "FURTHER"more STEVE BOYD'S NAME WILL ONLY BE USED IN REFERENCE AS AN E-MAIL CONNECTION. AFTER FINDING THE POT PLANT THAT WAS "PLANTED" OUT FRONT IN THE WSUMC FLOWER GARDEN that Steve tends daily, HE SAYS: NICE TRY!. (and P.S. NICE WEED!) We further disclaim any connection with the Washington Square Peace Church. WE can take the heat / THEY cant. Will keep all who are worthy posted as to name of Underground web site in mid OCT. Until then...WHAT WE TRULY WANT IS WHAT WE TRULY HAVE...NOTHING! WE ARE NOBODY'S, DOING NOTHING, NO WHERE, NO HOW, NO WAY. LIVE FREE? (tell it to the landlord).

Name: 21st Century DIGGERS / NYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Sep 2002
Hats off to a Manhattan home boy, Darryl Cherney. We send our best to you and yours' in Humboldt County. Keep yer' sleeves rolled up...theres still work to be done. Contact us in reference to Free Flyers and wallpaper. To live on in the hearts of those you left behind; is to never have died. Judi Bari, we dearly miss you. DNYC

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Sep 2002
I am still on dial up. I have time to run to restroom and wash my hands before reading these pixels on white.

Name: Sexy Gypsy Stevo
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Sara Jane,' prettier than a speckled heffa'..Give yo' big daddy some suga' ol' thang' you! Hey Buffy. Listen up! You may be pleased to know that the Last Digger In Amerika will have his own site as of the first week in Oct. I regret to inform you though; that it will be Lemon, Juice and Sara Free. (spell that: NO ARTIFICIAL ADDITIVES) 100% Knuckle Enema Free. Girly person; you make me want to turn Catholic. Until then, take yer best shot while I still have my mouse ears on...or better yet; tune in; in about 5 weeks when you regain control of your set. Im sure you will be comfortably numb once this site reverts back to a painted ship on a painted sea. No brag...just fact. Until then..."KNEW JORK SITY..HERE THERE BE DIGGERS!" (and Ive' got 25 retarded people to prove it!)SRB/DWFS/NYC Sara; Be Good!:Be Gone!

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Hey Mark, the fire pit that you are refering to may have been the one on the knowl south east as the sun rises below the main house. I remember as if it were now; I was covered withwelts and bruises from a wild ride, I can still see my dawn lite Checkered Demon boots. A sleep deprived latino Angel called Julio (pronounced with a "J")and Owl were on either side of me. The Earth lady was at our feet,(she had dried leaves in her hair and perpetual un-washed hands and dirty elbows). She had more hair under her arms than I had on my entire body. She had a fine Gypsy Deer-footed camp knife. She was one season away from giving me seven kinds of hell in Oakland for asking Elvin Bishop if I could use his bathroom..."DONT ASK!..JUST PISS! (Sorry Miss Earth; I wasnt' raised that way..(thanks Mom; Im' a better man for it). A few hours later, after a basket Ball shoolin' tequilla session, she saw a lonely kid (about 10 years old) on a balcony and tried to talk him into climbing down and running away with us. He got scared an ran inside. Oppertunities like that rarely happen once. I had a heart felt feeling for the old gal after that. She was humane and proved it by offering that little convict a huge double slice of freedom. Latter that afternoon in Frisco I stole a shit load of cheese from the local safe way and fed the troops, which I was told by them marked my emergance as a provider. Feeling complete, I told the Buck-skinner to drop me off at the Hand Makers on Knob Hill; (never to return to my adoptive branch of Free People). I had fulfilled an eclipes that marked my arrival as an earthling. I never looked back. The earth lady was not my kind, as she hailed from the same ranch as Onanda and the Tangeers (north Africa) heavy weight smack head lady who got tattooed when the "Cookie Monster" did. During that earlier visit to Black Bear I had totally morphed into a primitive state (except for my good manners) and had stripped down to nothing but a loin cloth fashioned from a sweade biker cut-off that an Angel had layed on me. (guess, I showed em' where I was at) At that time the Olema People were still considered Good Prospects, and I truely feel had Coyote flown the colors, under his direction (example) his people could, and would have carried on the Ol' Frisco form of class and honor: "Right beats Might" (which became extinct) shortly afterwards. Evolution? (you tell me). Speaking of Angels, It seems to me that they have been all but written out of so much of the Digger history. They were where it was at, and were in fact taking notes from Coyote's life style (which would have killed an elephant). Speaking of which; here's some Coyote trivia; If you research the Spalding and Roger's Tattoo cataloge (Circa 1974) of "Flash" (designs).. you will be surprised to find Coyote's Star-eyed Image staring out at you. (complete with the 1% FREE slogan). Man, that beats havin' yer' name on a cross-word puzzle..Take it from this ol' boy. Anyway... I attempted to trade my sole possession; a home-made (by me) turkey bone pipe and an Angel memento (Tacoma Police Badge) for a spirit guide tatto of a man that I connected to in my vision quest. It was no two ships passing in the night ill' tell ya. It was esp with a capital E.S.P. This only happened twice; the second time was with a Hopi? Shamman who was drawn to Olema Ranch while on a mission to collect sacred shells from the Pacific Ocean; but thats another story. This was a soul who's tattooed Image smiles upon me to this very day. I recently realized that his true Identity may be lost in the past, as the man who I had apparently mistook for that ol' soul has denied and shunned me. (Ill' live). Anyway, The Tattooist was using a draftsman's "Clutch" pencil, thats known in the trade as a "lead holder". It held a few needles that were bound in thread to sponge the ink. That morning at the fire pit, the Earth lady was laying there blending into the ground as if she were part of it. The ashen smoke hung in the air reluctant to part. Julio was telling me that he had totaled three bikes in 69'. A photo of Bob Dylan in an alley with some school lads stared up at us. Owl said that he had tripped when he was 10. He showed us a photo of himself in Oakland on his chopped bicycle. He wanted to build a chopper where he came of age. We wanted to be Hell's Angels, (didnt every kid? Owl once found an old bottle that was imbedded in an old over-grown tree trunk while tripping, but could not find it when straight. (aint it the way). we all drifted and tucked into the leaves. Same fire pit? Same Ranch? Same universe? I cant place the Tee Pee. Ever hear of alzheimers? well...ive' got short-timers. See ya. SRB

Name: Sloshed Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Well, no food prossesor yet, and I jumped back on the wagon. Buckley dragged me to a first rate Irish dive where we embibbed on a series of "Beer-and-a-ball" (Midleton and Black and Tan),..we chased them with Lagavulin...(you figure it out). Buckley is a bit of a spaz and rates a Free Digger Tee Shirt. He was a boy-wonder that took a head full of frozen water defending the goal. As gravitie's witness, he got epilepsie out of the deal. His folks have both made it, and he is a man at 40. I kept flashing on the mis-quoted froidian slips that he kept spewing out after about the 4th "We dont start learning until after we die". OK...we drift west and Im' feeling buildings as if they were trees, explaining that no matter how static the structure its all organic. (Thats why there is no poor architecture...(only poorly built structures)..(are you kids taking notes?) So I hear a slant-eyed lady raving about book prices in stores...(She's standing at a street vendor's book table thats got down town books at uptown prices) She asks the freak, "Know any GOOD books?" well, I whip out the ol' paper & pen, and start to jot down; "Sleeping where I fall, by Peter Coyote"..well, the freak SCREAMS.."NOT ON THE BOOKS" (I had attempted to use a Comercial scam Rolling Stone volume of muzak propaganda as a make-shift desk..So, hey; I walked over and wrote against the building that I had just been fondeling. Follow me so far?, any way, I hand it to the lady, and she freezes, like im' poison..right?. She goes as far as pretending to read it through skwinty eyes that turn into two horrizontal lines. She says, sure...sure...and slowly backs off. Well, Buckley and I hit the Peace Church and take the Coffee and cookie route. I dont remember the point that I was trying to make..but will end with this.."You can lead a horse to water; but you cant make him think...You can lead a human to sub-culture; but you cant make him think. the fuckin' book..PLEASE.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Kindly step over to the discussion page and you'll find several voices or since I believe you might be fairly new to the site...go back and read the past postings...they're full of amazing stories and info and plain ol' the time you finish with all of those, these will seem like new names again, With warm regard, Nicole

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address: lookin@cha
Date: 04 Sep 2002
"DEMOCRACIES, RATHER than dictatorships, are taking the lead in curbing civil liberties." That is the conclusion of a human rights report recently published by Amnesty International. It highlights the US and Britain's attacks on civil rights in the wake of 11 September.
Bush and Blair's new laws have meant thousands of innocent people have been arrested or locked up. Most people were shocked by the images earlier this year of the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. About 600 people are currently imprisoned at the base only on suspicion of having a connection to Al Qaida or the Taliban. Doctors admit at least 30 of the Guantanamo Bay prisoners have attempted suicide.
They have no right to a jury trial. They will be tried by five military officers, who can authorise the death sentence. Inside the US the Patriot Act, rammed through in October, allows indefinite detention of people who are not US citizens if Bush's attorney general John Ashcroft says they are terrorists.
The US government can also indefinitely hold any US citizens it regards as "enemy combatants". More than 1,200 people, mostly from Middle Eastern and Muslim countries, have been arrested since 11 September. Not one has been convicted of any terrorist offences.
Amnesty International reports that many of these people have suffered physical and verbal abuse and that they were held in prolonged solitary confinement. The majority of these people have since been deported from the US after secret hearings.
Some in the US establishment have condemned Bush's attacks on civil rights. A federal appeal court in Cincinnati ruled last week that the secret deportation hearings were "profoundly undemocratic" and unlawful. The American Bar Association, which represents over half the judges and lawyers in the US, has denounced the secret detention of people.
Arab-American groups denounced Bush for violating their civil rights since 11 September at a public meeting in Detroit in July. Witnesses referred to behind closed doors immigration hearings, secret detentions, racial profiling and coerced interviews with tens of thousands of Arab men.
But the man Bush appointed to the US civil rights commission said they should stop complaining as another attack linked to Arabs or Muslims would result in far harsher measures, adding, "You can forget about civil rights." US immigration officials and the FBI conducted sweeps in July in shopping centres throughout the country targeting Pakistanis working in jewellery kiosks. They claimed they wanted to find people who were sending money to Pakistan "to fund terror operations".
One of the victims of the sweep was Tariq Hussain. He said the officials searched his apartment and found his tourist photos of Times Square. "Are you planning to attack there or something," he was asked. Tony Blair has copied many of Bush's attacks on civil liberties. The Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act came into force in February this year.
It allows for even more harsh measures than New Labour's Terrorism Act 2000. It can detain foreign nationals indefinitely without charge or trial. Up to May this year 155 people had been arrested, and some were detained, according to the latest figures available from the civil rights group Statewatch.
Some 98 people were released without any charge against them. Nine are still being held in indefinite detention despite a ruling in July that the government had acted unlawfully.
The first person to go on trial was acquitted last month at the High Court. Suleyman Zainulabdin, a London chef, was arrested in October. He was accused of "inviting another to receive instruction or training in making or using firearms or explosives". The jury agreed Zainulabdin's website offered nothing more than a martial arts course for which "sometimes no one would turn up at all".
Amnesty International concludes the US and British attacks on civil rights have wider implications. "The fires of racism were refuelled as governments restricted the rights of foreigners, particularly asylum seekers, who have been increasingly portrayed as terrorists. People were attacked not for what they did but who they were."

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Sep 2002
I stayed in a Teepee at Black Bear that was above the road coming in before the main house and remember a fire pit that people gathered at. Who put up that teepee? It had a small wood stove in it that I tried to use one very cold night and damn near croaked of smoke inhalation. I didn't get an operators manual for venting the top.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Sara with no H. (We could fix that) Listen up! Until you come up with your own original, Frisco, Black Bear, Olema, and points further in memories...We strongly urge that you bend over and let Steve drive. P.S. "All who wander are not Lost". (Think about it). DWFSNYC

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Hey, great site! I find it rather interesting.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Sara - jump into the water or keep your suit dry girl - the daily Steve is far more interesting than - "Hey great site!" - but if you have a notion to say something - say it outloud and Steve will get back to you asap! IMAM

Name: sara jane
E-mail Address: willow@boneyard
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Can we have a steve page so those of us who like to read entries by others may? I like reading Steve too, just not at the exclusion of others and I think it keeps other people from sharing their thoughts.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Hey Curious, welcome Home. I remember Owl's little scooter at B.B. Ranch back in 1970. After little mike had Failed to get it started, I volunteered to play jocky in an aborted attempt to tow-dump-the-clutch-start-it. One end of a long rope was tied to an ancient 4-wheel drive vehicle, and the other end was looped once around the neck of the bike and held down tightly with my right hand..(which has seen it all brother). Several Hells Angels (of all shapes and sizes) crammed into the 4-W-D to snag a ride to the Main House, while a very jittery Olema cat cranked it up. There was some whoppin' and holerin' because things were about to liven up. Ya see, the Olema/Angel digs were off the beaten path at the bottom of a clearing just south west (as the sun rises) from the crook in the path where the Black Bear Girl broke her leg. Anyway, Mike made an odd remark;..something to the effect: "In mid flight, you may just wanna let go of that rope". Well, as im' pondering, (and I mean that in the strictes sence of the word...having slept in from a Mellow Yellow journey the night before) Mike wedges himself into the f-w-d. And they blast off. Now the grade to get to what they called a road was at one hell of an angle, and resembled a waterfall of crushed stone, not unlike the ballast used between rail road ties. Looking back on it now; I would have done one of two things: One: either suggest that we start the run up on level ground,..or, two: dont do it. OK. picture this. I was squared off like cross between Evil Knevel and Arnald Palmer, behind a slack loop about a mile long. My guess is that a very good hummored Hells Angel (werent they all?) stomped on the Olema Man's excelorator foot. I had recently entered my "Dont wear nothin' that dont show phase) and had on a pair of hand stitched Italian Checkered Demon Chelsea Boots (pre Lucky) and a very loose fitting pair of baggy white painter overalls that I had scooped from Owl's Dad at Olema. I had given my American flag sock and Coyote's Outlaw hat to a sacred talking rock the day before. (You woulda' had to have been there). They punch it in the ass and start fish-tailing which showers me with a blinding torrent of 1-1/2" pieces of crushed granite. Its so intense that the stones start to fill my overalls. The lumps are startin' to pop up and in my mind Im lookin' like a killer bee sting victom. My head is down in order not to get blinded (I know, I know, could put someones eye out with a 4-wheeler) and am mezmerized by the gravel thats pouring out my pant legs. ...slack loop? did I say slack?...Quicker than I can type it in I found my chest where my ass auta' be. I was an instant bag of guts. Luckely the bike had an English style park bench seat. (which I was now streatched out on.) Well, things got hairier from there. It may have been the Hells Angels version of crack the whip, but they hadnt' counted on me being in it for the long hall. The ride ended when I damn near rear ended em' at 50 miles per hour pluss, after they stopped short. Im' not sayin' that I had balls, Im' sayin' that I had a death grip. I naturally never did dump the clutch or let go of the rope: as I was like an adrenalilized Water Buffalo. Well, the Angels all spilled out and were rolling on the ground. I was congratulated on sucessfully completing my first solo flight, (yes I was Air Bourne). Owl came running up the road a while later, all out of breath. He commented on my black and blues. I was 17 going on 18 at that time. As to your sign, My best freind/side kike/partner, Ol' Del' aka Delphin, aka Sonny, aka Chuck, aka "Duckworth" was born under your sign. He was one tough sufferin' bastard. They dont make em' like that no more.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: the red house
Date: 04 Sep 2002
Steve, were you around when Owl got the Bultaco; and if so, how old were you then? Another question, did my sign correspond to what you thought it might be?

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 03 Sep 2002

E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Sep 2002
It's just over three decades since I first met Steve, the author of some of these entries. In reality it seems much much longer ago than that. More like the year 1492 B.C. ---the Minoan Age and not the atomic age. Naturally we were much younger then than people of the same age are today. The world has grown monstrously old in the course of the last few decades. It may, and probably will, grow young again, though hardly in our time. If we meet again, as we probably will, it will doubtless be in a period homologous, as Spengler would say, to the first Egyptian dynasty. And if it is not on Route sixty-six that we bump into one another, it will be the same road under a different name, probably the name of the as yet unknown "Emperor of Peace" who is to come out of France and give us at least a thousand years of peace and goodwill. Reading the entries of his work as it progresses, reading them fresh from the mint, I am naturally re-living every precious unwritten moment over again. Now every trace of bitterness connected with the past is eliminated. Only the joy and excitement remain. Thus it must be after death, I imagine, in that Devachan we so often touched upon in profound or hilarious moments of our life together. Whenever we hit upon the mysterious subject of memory we found ourselves in Devachan, I remember. What is it that remembers? Remember to remember! Remembrance: it occurs again and again in our talks, our writtings, our dreams, our gropings. But there was (for me, at least) an even more mysterious, more golden, thread woven into this skein of speculation which we so frequently indulge in. For want of a better word, I must use the term "absolution." Steve had a way even then, vile sinner that he was, of dispensing this most precious of all gifts--absolution. He had an uncanny way of flying ahead--into the hereafter--and bringing back good reports. It was as if he had discovered the way to connect with the secret processes of memory, make himself one with his "Id," and offer one the ever needed solace. He would come back in a flash, like the Comforter himself. I make this slight digression in order to point out that there are two memories (if not more) which can be tapped and which, if at times they appear conflicting, are meant to yield different results. The one which Steve has relied on in this Guestbook is the soul's memory. It may often be at variance with facts, dates, events. But it is the authentic record, the one we take with us to Devachan, where, God willing, we shall chew the cud in bliss until it is time to return for further instruction. To the critical minded, who are color blind and tone deaf, the froth and suds which cling to the personality--even of celebrated figures--may be anathema. We can only pity them. Nothing like a biography, it must be said, has been attempted in his entries. Nor even a critical evaluation of the subject's work. All that he has endeavored to do, my good friend Steve, is to recount the happy life of shame we all long to lead, if only in dream and reverie. It is our story, dear reader as much as mine or his, and if you lack the sense to perceive it, so much the worse for you. For we were born of the same mother, drank of the same bitter milk, and will return to the same heavenly bosom, wiser perhaps but not sadder, and certainly none the worse for wear. Any passports we may have used here below will unquestionably be marked "Invalid." If we so successfully disguiised ourselves. It is all one life, one judgment, one dispensation. The soul goes marching on. It is not we who return again and again, but It. And "It" knows where it is going despite all evidence to the contrary.

Name: Uncle Wendell
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Sep 2002
Hey kids, its me again...I just got out the Webster's New World Dictionary and nailed Ol' Gypsy Stevo right on the head...Figuratively speaking that is...Ive' just pigion-holed the Ol' will find our man between ANAPURNA (mountain mass of the Himalayas in C Napal...and ANARTHRIA (complete inability to produce articulate speech. Thats Ol' Stevo; over, under, sideways, down. Think about it!

Name: Uncle Wendell
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Sep 2002
Kids, this is Wendell, (Yer Uncle Steve's Siameez twin...only im' not a fuckin' Siameez..hell I cant even spell it...and if I was a Chink;.. ya know damn well that I could...those little yellow devils may be out of their Chineese minds...but damn theyre' sharp. looks as if yer Ol' Uncle Steve stept on his dick again...(Wrong Fuckin' House)...Aint it the way? See kids, youre' dealing (no pun intended) with a cat who has at least 19 stories based on every word in the fuckin' dictionary...dig? So, too Silent Steve's credit; I guess that that goes with the territory. Nuff Said? Im mean; this dude has tales from AArdvarks to Zingaros, and dont look before he leaps..(I call him Blind Lemon Boyd).. comprenday?...with his unique brand of "Fore-sight" somethin's bound to get lost in the mix,and more than a few wires are sure to get crossed. Are we cool with that? Christ, Im' tryin' to get him to visit Black Poole just so I can drive for a change. Bye kids. P.S. I know what yer thinking...Ya; we are joined at the lips.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Sep 2002
Hey James, I take back that "Queer Fly-Boy" comment. You, my friend, are a credit to both the United States Army and Veterans everywhere. I strongly urge Everyone to check out Jim's web site and to throw your whole-hearted support into the on-going projects that these good folks are pulling off. Nuff Said? Come on yall' SHARE THE WEALTH!

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Sep 2002
Hey Jim...The Chineese House in Laganetus?? (pardon spelling) If so Contact me. (I dont make house calls). SSDWFSNYC

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Sep 2002
Hey, Eric..Im' finding my way around the site, and have tapped into the photo gallery and have put several names & faces together. (I wont mention some..Per Special Request) Im' sure that you understand the "Mind-Set" that Im' refering to. Anyway, Im' sure that Judy was the nice lady who ran with the Quick Silver Girl. My name for Judy "The Tie-Die Girl". And that Fuckin' Greg Corso; Jesus Fuck...He used to costantly stare me down. (God I hate that) Its cause for dog-fighting in the animal world,..what the fuck is his problem??? ( He was even worse than that bushy eye-browed long haired freaky Cockette..And thats saying something! The last time that I crossed Corso's path was in the early 70's at Wakefield Pooles' shop on Market Street; ("Hot Flash"). I was attending a retrospective one man showing of Wayne Douglas Quinne's oils. Well, I made the scene; blasting and drinking port; when ol' "light-in-the-Loafers" glides in with a lisp and helps himself to my wine, then he flutters the fans and says: "Hey sailor, wanna fuck a movie star?" Well, after I let Ol'"Velvet Voice" down easy, he turns up his "Mezmerizing-Svengolly-Blue-Lightning Bolt-Soul Peepers" up to frenzy. Well, out of respect for Wayne, I bowed out gracefully. Dont get me wrong, I got alone with almost all of the Beats; and the Hippies as well..(not the cheap Immitations; Im talking about the 1939 Hippies with the MASSES stuffed into their pockets. (are you taking notes Kids?..You may get an education here. Now, Little mike was back to denim when we started goofing off. He was a serious dude. His tatoo read "HAMC 66" He sported the Black Truck patch w/ "Our Lovely Larry" stitched in yellow. He wore a wide black leather wrist band during that era..It held two silver winged death heads that were inverted in a 69 position. Mike was the only Angel that I can remember who flew the HD ruffled wing patch. Its my understanding that this patch designated that the wearer had gone down real hard. (which may be so); as he was in the weird habit of kick starting his chopper with his left leg; and not his right. Man that bike was crusified. It was three shades of grey which seemed to give it a natural sun-bleached look. He packed his two man tent on a sky high packer bar and his ape hangers were way up there man. He had 54 fat bobs for long hauls and twisted out more than a "Mellow Tone" with his cocktail shakers upswept pipes. Mike rode low in the saddle due too the three rigged up p-pads that he called a seat. The entire pack would cut their engines and wait for Mike's to turn over before they would all blast off. (thats respect)..hey Im' drifting..Back to the Pics. Isnt Ariel loveley? The last time that I saw that naked little cherub; she was standing up in the bath tub yelling her head off. I told Coyote that she wanted out and he bitched "Hell..Take her Out!" (rough night)... actually Coyote was pouting about a gun shot hole in the ceiling. (from the same coach gun that he had wounded the door with) Double edged Digger Justic their Pete? Anyway, I was new to the scene and as such; I wasnt In the habit of handeling other peoples kids..(naked or otherwise), and took Coyotes' back-lash rather personal..(and maybe took it out on his hat later...???...A mind is a terrible thing. Anyway, I remember Angel Pete, he had a very lovely rightious girlfriend, who was driving him around at that time. I once retrieved a red that he had dropped (no pun intended) beside the campfire. Pete eyeballed it; poped it into his mouth and said "Thanks". I walked into the night with the whole crew and we all stopped and took in the scene, Black Bear at night was different than anywhere else at night. (some of you may understand) Well, Pete turnes to me, looks down, and says.."Well,..whataya wanna do???..Rape?...Plunder?...Pillage???" (I was stuck for an answer)..The seconds rolled by like hours... we all slowly ambled our own seperate ways into the darkness. I dont know about those souls..but Im still ambling..and to answer your question Pete..."Naaa; Ill' pass.. thanks anyway". (I cant pay the toll). SRB

Name: Jim Brewster
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Sep 2002
Looking for anybody that may have visited the Chinese House in Marin County between 69-71. Contact me at E-mail address. Visit website at

Name: The Mute Bute
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Sep 2002
Ssshhhhhhh...(let's keep our voices down)

Name: guys
E-mail Address: loadsd@kepp .com
Date: 01 Sep 2002
keep off from the site ok

Name: Dr. Steve the Neck Breather
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
I Just Got The Good Word: (and it aint' Thunder Bird) THE SITE IS RIGHT. Will chit-chat W/You ALL? on the OTHER SIDE. Will forward site name by E-Mail. Until then: Become what you are. In closing; Hey Peter; I took no answer, as THE answer. You are excluded because you excluded yourself. (but you knew that before I did) It's A sign.
"So still und so sinnig! Es fehlt dir was, gesteh es fri." Zufrieden bin ich, Aber mir ist nicht wohl dabei."

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Hey gang, check out Radio Statio WFMU in NYC. It's 91.1 FM on the dial. All of you thrill jockeys can hook up to their on-line broadcast at Hey Paulie, ahh..never mind. Hey Hank, Im' glad to see that someone around here is finally gettin' it. I work hand in hand twice a week with the mildly (and wildly) retarted. They help feed the "Normal" people. Ive' always fallen in with that crowd. I plan on supplying them all with Digger Tee shirts. (that auta' make a fuckin' statement) Anyway, This outfit is on a type of trip that supposedly helps them cope with getting an actual real-life job. These men and women are so fuckin soulful that it makes me want to sacrifice a dwarf. Fuck, if the "challenged" folk were spear-heading things, this would be heaven on earth...back to Eden, dig? Ive' got a shit load of "Special" stories, but space wont allow. Speaking of stories; A publisher's rep. wants to get in bed w/me in reference to a "FREE" book of my stories, but I told her that unless their was a kick back for the Planet Drum foundation that she could take a flyin' fuck at a flyin' duck. She said to "hold the phone"; whatever that means. Well, Untill we "talk" again..."RUN HANK....RUN!!!

Name: Hank
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Isn't "Forrest Gump" a conservative "Ringalivio"??

Name: Paulie
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Do you know who would make a great soul mate for Emmett? None other than John Milius !!!! Two great Zen Anarchists !!!

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Hey Joe..I was just thinking...if Peter Mass was just an Author, then I owe him an appology...but if Peter Mass IS/WAS "Serpico"; then he can kiss my ass twice.

Name: Steve, ya, just plain Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Hey Joe...Ah...what's yer point? I mean...Hell, I once saw Truman Capote on with Ex-Gov. George Mattox. (Boy, those were the days). Some folks, ya just dont' set down next to one another at the dinner table. I can picture a Yin-Yang take off in reference to the program that you saw. As: Peter Mass can kiss my ass, (Im a poet, and didnt' know it). He was really into shaking down the local working girls. That greasy little bastard loved the "No Threat" end of it. It wasnt' so much a control issue, as it was a power issue. Its pricks like him that make me wanna write a book. Now, as far as Emmett goes; I notice a lot of speculation on the F.F.O.R. page, as to the origin of the name "EMMETT". I was under the distinct impression that it was tagged to honor an Irish Patriot who was exicuted for what he believed in. (But on all counts...What do I know?) Thanks for the Input. Maybe someone will dig up a transcript of the show for Eric's Archives. Thanks again for the input. . Steve

Name: "Studid" Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Auuu...make that "stupid"...not "Studid"...Duuuuhhh.

Name: Steve (straight citizen) Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Hey Folks, Get this! I just dipped into the mail bag and opened some fan mail from the Supreme Court Bld. down on Centre St. It starts out like this: Your name has been selected at random..(ya tell me another one) ..from voter, driver, tax, social services (well maybe) and unemployment (BINGO!) lists for future services as a juror. (need I go on?) Lets put it to the vote, gang...should I write down that I would make a perfect juror? (In as much as I can tell just by lookin' at someone if they are guilty or not?)...(should I tell them that I consider myself "Peerless")..what do ya' say folks..(should I show em' my 13-1/2 Tattoo?)..(that's 12 jurors, one judge, and half a fuckin' chance in hell)..Come on what do you say? Aint it scary to think that our freedom hinges upon twelve people who are to studid to get out of jury duty??? Let me know yer' thoughts on this. OK? Thanks. P.S. Hey, that reminds me of a story..(didnt think youd' get off that light did ya?) any way, this con is bitchen' to his cell mate: he says..."Hell No!..If I had known what Suspended Sentence meant, I sure as hell wouldnt' have sreamed: Il' get you for this ya Mother Fucker!!!"

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Hey Hammond, PURPLE RIDES AGAIN! years ago my dear friend Waynne Douglas Quinne said something to the effect of: "Steve..Im' not so sure that Art School would suit you. You may find that it could tend to fence a kid like you In". ( J.Brian had pulled some strings to get me through the back door of an Art Collage on Chestnut Street in S.F.) and an Oakland Artist named Ray, (who drew the famous "FACE" on the wall at the Fella Hotel) vouched for me, and gave me the keys to UC Berkeley.. Ray was getting grants for his research in the vidio field; his concept..(from what I gathered).. involved his theory that "If a performer is surrounded by loving throngs of supporters: he or she cant bomb." (Shades of Judy Garland!!) know me... or, rather,; you know the times,.with that "Temporary Thing, and all.. Well, I fucked up both chances. BUT... Im' gad to report that it was only a "Temporary Thing". Anyway, what Im' getting at is that in the last month or so, Ive' been prompted by some counter-culture heavy-wieghts not to go the starving artist in the Balcony route; (which is selfish, I must admit)..but rather utilize and share the wealth of my talent..(NO GIFT: JUST TALENT) with the masses, VIA Political cartoons, Protest Posters, and "Propaganda Flyers". In as much as I deeply revere and respect these Individuals, I am steering this phase of my journey from the Digger break down lane; directly into the Activist fast lane. I plan to crank up a Guerilla Art Studio..(First Though, Best Thought). I will keep you posted from the front line. All my best. PURPLE.

Name: Swami Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Do ya' feel it?..Do ya' feel it?...Somethin' real good is commin' down. TODAY. Keep yer' eyes, ears, hearts, and hands open. Its' pure joy. And a truck load of it. It's gonna' bath us all in clear light. The vail is lifting, I tell ya'. Spread the word, spread the joy...(or dont.) It' your choice...your' life. It's the SHADOW FESTIVAL. And you thought that you were dancin' with yer' self? Just take a look at Ol' Tag-Along! Whether yer' In a Prison Cell or out in the Sod Field, Dance, Shadow Box, lay on yer Shadow, Hide it from this cruel world...Here ive' been calling it YOUR' shaddow...Did you ever once stop and think that maybe you belong to it? Come on yall' climb out of the envelope. It's DIGGER SHADDOW DAY, mark it on yer Calanders, (and dont leave out "Eric Day". Hey, Whats the difference between Diggers and Yogert? (yogert has an active culture). Come on folks...we can change that! Maybe it's the Name..Maybe it should be buried with the peace pipe..It' not for me to say. In closing, We..(me and my shadow) wish you and your's (shadow) a wonderful shadow day. Tonight try makin' a few shadow animals on the wall at bed time. Teach the kids that they will never be "Toyless". Have a G.D. brothers and sisters. Steve & Co.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
Hey Colin, Read it? ...Hell, they lived it. P.S. Would somebody please direct me to the Diggers? I cant find any...Maybe they should start a Digger Web site...Whadda' ya' think folks???

Name: Dr. Steve Casey MD.
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Aug 2002
My good Dr. Sponge, after viewing the patient's rear profile, I would strongly recommened the CANCER DIET. (Never thought Id' say that. Please take my suggestion under advisement. S.C.MD.

Name: colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Thought I'd share:
Reading "Free Land: Free Love: Tales Of A Wilderness Commune."
Just started it- loving all the great stories of Black Bear.
Anybody read this?

Name: joe
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Aug 2002
I once saw Emmett on a local talk show in Chicago called "The Cromie Circle" he was on with Peter Mass, author of "Serpico".

Name: Purple Boy
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Hey Eric; here's whats prompting me to crank up a web site. Ive' been buried in E-Mails, post Cards and Letters from every corner of the earth. In as much as these folks seem to shy away from the Official site, (for what-ever reason) Alot of Snail Mail. Ive' logged all of those who have not excluded themselves, and of course will rebound the New Web Site Name to them (as I am keeping an archieve of sorts) and will of course lay the "location" on you and the Favored Few. As I dont want any Lemon Juice squeezings gunking up the works. I really am sorry that I evoked so much RAGE on your site,,,(as well as doled it out) I feel that Im' wearing out my welcome, and In as much as I plan on pulling out all of the stops, I dont want to smear the Good Digger Name..and am considering dropping it altogether. Dragging it into this century is like a group of Edwardians crashing a 20's Speak-easy. Sure, ever generation thinks that they invented Fucking...Remember??? Hell, My site will be geared for the hear and now, as the past seems to have opened up so many deep wells of resentment. Anyway, Heres a short list of the "Types" that have shown a genuine interest: (boy the Village Voice dont know what they missed). OK, I call this my "Curious Hall of Famers and Flamers" who have had the good sence to ask for Ol'Uncle Steve's advice; (no names please). Ive' heard from, Irrate Mothers, Buddist Monks, Authors, Psychotherapists, A National Public Radio Commentator, MD's, Writters, Cartoonists, Poets, Herbalists, Proffesors, Lecturers, Program Directors, News Paper Editors, Diggers,Reporters, Gypsies, Witches, Warlocks, Vibrational Healers, A Gong Master, (who didnt know that he knew me), A Yoga Teacher, A Grammy Nominee, Hippies, A Wandering Jaine Monk, A Peruvian Musician, a "Former" Journalist (wink, nudge), an Acupuncturist, Psych. Rangers, a Sicunda Lakota Sioux (born on the Rosebud Reservation), A Cuban Art Historian, A Pregnant Teen, A Native American Creek-Metis Special Education Teacher, an Animal Behaviorist, A Registered Native Taino Spiritualist, An Internationally recognized Seminar Leader (no not Tuperware), A Garbage Man, A Composer/Producer/Choir Director, Hog Farmers, A Detective, A Japanese Archer, A Tibetan Buddist Nun, A Photographer, an Accupuncturist, several Massage Therapists (what is it with them anyway?), An African American Enterpreneur, a Dance Teacher,, A rather Ardent New York Historian (are there any other kind?), A Transcendentalist, A Catholic Priest, A Blue-Eyed Soul Man, A Mexican Researcher, An Aroma Therapist, (yes the letter was rather fragrent), An RCA Recording Artist, A Feng Shui Consultant, A Spiritual Teacher and Ritual Keeper from the Dagara Culture of West Africa, A Chinese Philosopher, And a Young Lady who Teaches Tantra...but get this! Not one Fencing Instructor,,Aint it the way? Oh.. Let me catch my breath. Well Eric, All In all, most of the vibes were good, (except from the Mothers) and I gave advice as well as took it. Im waiting for some replies via U.S.Post. In closing I will E-Mail you as to the "When-Where-and-how" of the "UNDERGROUND SITE"..Maybe you could think of a low profile name for it that wouldnt send up red flags. Think about it, later. Steve

Name: Dr. Steve Casey MD.
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Hey Nurse Juice; here's the thing. They pulled out ten of my teeth, upper and lower rear (Thank Christ) then they saw-cut my jaw bone clean through from the center of my lower front teeth on down. They cut me from my lower lip all the way down to the top of my rib cage, then cut me ear-to-ear down both sides of my neck. they must have fuzed a small plate and pinned at the base of my chin; as when I was released, there was a wide gap between my two lower center teeth. After healing up though (Im' still in the process) my jaw has slowly shifted making my lower teeth cross to the extent that one is now directly in front of the other. My tounge is like "not there any more", and the hole to my gullet is only about the size of a nicke, and is located rather high at the back of my mouth. Better men than you told me that I would be tube fed for the rest of my life. Juice, you can spot a Digger a block away, as a class, they have smiles that would shame Cool Hand Luke; I was no acception. I had no over bite, nor any underbite. They hit dead-nuts; which Im told is an American Native trait. Now my over bite completely covers my bottom teeth. Aint it the way? And now for your come-up-ance. Im not going to duke it out for your friendship. Travis was worthy, you are not. You have exluded yourself. In closing; Ive' made my diagnosis; You are a sick puppy. There are SEVEN STAGES OF ILLNESS. you are a victim of stage seven. You have a SPIRITUAL DISEASE. Although you appear to be in good health, your condition passes the first six stages. You suffer unconsciously from arrogance and intolerance. Oh, you may be successful, sure, but you lack faith, hope, joy and love. Sadly, your kind allways meets a tragic end. You have tarnished the name of Juice forever. I dare say that this will be the last reply that you recieve from me, or any of my brethern. It's exile on Main Street for you. Hey, It's right up yer' alley. You can tease plenty of cripples down on desalation row.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address: young@heart
Date: 30 Aug 2002
hey JUICE man what a dickhead you are - "nuff said"

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Hey Hammond, Taos, HELL NO,..Im' even pulling out of the Canadian trip. Ive' got more important things to do than reopening the hole in my ear lobe and whittlin' on roast goat with my "eatin' Irons". (I will miss the music though). The signs arent right and Sweet Lorraine refuses to answer any of my letters. Ive' promised her the moon,(and believe's mine to give). Ive' come to realize that no answer IS an answer, Dig? know..Snap, Snap, Snap, "Talk to the Hand". I realize now that for all of these years Ive' mis-read what I thought was a viciouse cycle of rejection, anger and detachement...And that is MY fault. I can see clearly now that Lorraine's "Emotional Issolation" was in no way, shape or form "Rejection". Hell, she was married to Steve Boyd! Think about it! WOW! I sure the fuck wouldnt want to be married to me!...And Im' Me! (Think about it). Anyway, Im' gonna, Take it slow and build a web-site (Will explain later) Its out of utility and not Futility. Wrench together a sculpture that goes real fast..and meld into my Herve' Southsern DeRodencourt alter-ego. (Check out London Bridge, by the author CELINE'). I will close for now. At this point I cant see leaving the Island anytime soon. The D.C. thing is different...a couple of days tops..not counting jail time of course. (Im' way past due). Later Ham. Steve

E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Aug 2002

E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Aug 2002

E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Aug 2002

Name: Calidga Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002

Name: Spiritual Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Dear R.J.; Dark side..Who Me? Hell, I just took a walk, and bought some magic beans. No shit; I picked up 3 vintage volumes of Georges Ohsawa's "The philosophy of Oriental Medicine" (Vol.1,2,&3) 1965,66,&67. ZEN MACRO BIOTICS, THE BOOK OF JUDGMENT, and the GUIDEBOOK FOR LIVING. The poor street vendor wated 7 bucks and I gave him 10. (His seven; and a dollar for each book). I walked away cleansed. Well,..Im' here to tell ya, after skimming just a few chapters, Im giving up Alcohol, and plan to pick up a food processor. Im gonna take note of the diet that this cat lays down and hit China Town on a regular basis. Im' gonna grind up all of that shit into swill and gulp it down between fasts. Im' gonna grow a long "Dr. Foo Manchu" and fly right. Hay Hammond, mabey Juice should try walking in the city instead...(These kind of books dont grow on trees ya know.) Hey for anyone that hasnt' read any of Ohsawa's stuff, I "HIGHLY" recommend it. SRB

E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Aug 2002

Name: restless joe
E-mail Address: the usual
Date: 30 Aug 2002
suppose I've offered a few negative comments here in order to suggest that we get back to the business
at hand. But this is our livingroom, & no place for hostility nor hysteria. Finally got Steve's vibe, it's
about spontaneity and truthfulness. Where else is there to go? I'd like it if we could show a little courtesy
& respect for the other guy. Or do you work for the dark side, which is everywhere today??

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Steve - "Before Stars" has a reall nice neo-Rothko feel and style to it. Wish there was more to see in this mode vs. the stick houses though. Very pretty lady - so I suppose you will be heading for the Taos area soon? -
Juice - whats a matta - you get bloggered to death somewhere? Suggest you take a long hike in the woods to remember which planet you are on.

Name: Sherlock Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Mr. Juice...I cant help gettin' the vibe that you may be a disgruntled Govt. Employee, or a demented retiree who just wants to may teenagers look bad. (because no body thats old enough to reach the key board is that fucked up. In the over 50 bracket the tyoical reaction the the Digger mind-set is usually symptoms that include flashbacks, nightmares, emotional numbing, depression, and antisocial behavior..(sound like anyone we know???)..You may also be experiencing extreme guilt because of your failure to make it in the Hippy/Digger counter-culture theatre of operations; ie; THE UNDERGROUND. The BADNYC will take time to listen and not pass judgement. I want you to know that no matter what your age; your anti-Digger feelings are normal and it is OK to express them. Its OK to to cry and feel sad. dont' have to play "TOUGH" to use..(As we invented the term). Cut and dried it's a typical case of DIGGER TRAUMA. SRB

Name: Steve Frued
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Juise, Emotional and physical reactions to the Diggers are normal. For many people, these reactions are shortlived. For others, they go on. It is a good idea to seek professional help if you feel that reactions to the Diggers are lasting too long or getting worse instead of better. If you are unable to manage day-to-day activities such as eating and bathing; Hell, dont worry about; I dont do much of that myself...And Im not bummed out about the Diggers,,,Hell..(I are one). Now, Juice..If you feel like hurting yourself or others; if you are relying on drugs or alcohol to cope; or if you also fear Hippies, please get help immediately! Talk to someone you trust or contact me at OK? Now judging from your last three entries, my proffessional opinion is that you are suffering from fear of the dark, increased crying, clinging to a parent, and a return to younger behavior, such as thumb sucking and bed wetting. Your withdrawn, disruptive behavior, trouble paying attention, irrability, and outbursts of anger indicate to me that you may be Digger Material. Juice, many on this site may think that you are a vapid, shallow, plastic, transtarent, diamond on the rough...But partner Ive' got you pegged as a multi-facetted-gem-of-a-guy. Hey, no charge for the therapy. Its' on me. I hereby dub thee..."JUICE ON THE LOOSE" run with it kid. SRB

Name: Minute Maid
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Hey Juice, Yer' makin' yer generation look bad...and that aint good. Here' some "Prompted advice"...."FEEL FREE TO FEEL BETTER.

E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Aug 2002

E-mail Address: GERRI@RICSITE
Date: 30 Aug 2002

E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Aug 2002

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002
All together now! "Oh...when it's Apple Pickin' time in Orange New Jersey, We will make a Peach of a Pear...go to the round-house MOTHER...they' cant corner you there! D.A.M. DIGGERS AGAINST MOTHERS ( do you like it?) (Tormenting an old should be ashamed of yourself...And you call yourself a mother!). My theory is that you bit those critters hard enough to draw blood. I hereby dub thee "OLD YELLER"

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Dear Good...Thanks alot, and here I thought that I had enough to worry about. ( worry?) Seriously..Ive' got a whole bunch of Squirrel stories, but I wont get into it now. plague yarns though..(that was a little before my time) Wow, Im' storyless!!! Hey,..thats a first. You take the prize Miss Mother. me on the plague angle...Good stories?,..yep (plenty of em')...Mother stories? a whole mess O' them!...tall squirrel tales?..Ditto. Hmmm....plague...plague..nope. Fuck, I cant help myself...After getting nothing but evassive answers from Mr. squirrel..(you see where im' goin' with this..right?) Mrs. cat concluded that Mr. Squirrel was acting rather Plague. Good; Please. What next? weasel bio-terrorists! Is this shit for real? Are you fuckin' with my head? Whow! Hold yer' horses! Good MOTHER!! Oh, I get it now!! Youre' all in this together aint' ya'? Ya' thats it! It's M.A.D.!!! MOTHERS AGAINST DIGGERS!!! Damn it! I was warned...but did I listen??? NNNNOOOOOO!!!!! (Hey Rocky, watch me pull some plague outa' my hat! Mother..Ill' get you for this!

Name: Good Mother
E-mail Address: Earth Dirt
Date: 30 Aug 2002
Bubonic plague outbreak closes Sierra park Donner campsites off-limits after cat, squirrel test positive

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Hey Ham...did you pick up on "Before Stars"??? Man, I gotta meet this lady. Maybe she can unlock the writer in me. Is it my imagination, or does she look farmilieure? Say..about 30 years older, but well, you know... arent we all? I mean time dont race for some and stand still for others. (Or..Does it?)

Name: Editorial Staff / BADNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
EDITORIAL COMMENT. Subject: E-Mail, Mothers, Dope and Tampons. In as much as I have recieved an alarming rate of E-Mails sent in by Irrate Mothers( as well as those of the other variety), I would like to take this time to clear the air in reference to my drug related adventures that I have related to the world at large in the stictest confidenciallity. As far as setting a bad (sell that Big Apple Digger) influence on Junior and Juniorette, I can assure you; for the record; that: I do not, nor ever have, advocated the use of drugs; either prescribed or boot-legged. Speaking only for myself, I can honestly say that I have never concieously (or knowingly...wink,wink,nudge,nudge..)administered any illegal substance for the sole purpose of recreation. I must admit however that I was (and am, wink,nudge) continually amazed at the how recreationally charged the atmosphere becomes shortly after ingesting dope for spiritual purposes only..(wink).. It was/is,... like..WOW! One more point, I would like to verify for all of you Mothers out there...Maybe I gave the wrong impression when I confided to a Digger Brother that I had only skin-popped and never main-lined. Read my "HIPS". I was talking about the miricle drug: HEROIN. I never feared Junk, but rather; repected it...and as such, I gave it a wide birth. As to anything short of it,..Hell,..I ran anything that would cook down and most that wouldnt. Straining through cotton balls is kids stuff. I strained though the skull caps of Fruit of the loom jocky shorts. (Someone elses; as I didnt wear any!) Now that in itself is sayin' somethin'!. My prime smoke was Burmeeze Fingers and Blond Hash. I only smoked Elephant weed with my Gypsy Bretheren while star gazing at the night sky. (Whens the last time you looked up? I could never seem to find that little sign that said; YOU ARE HERE,..but will post it on this web sit when I do. Now THAT'S a frame of reference!!!. Dig this Mom..For social occassions I would take the scissors to a Tampon wrappers and snipe them to size. I would then roll fatties; making sure that the blue TAMPAX logo was showing (part of my "Advertizements against yer' will" program.) I wanted to go as far as hanging a short piece of dental floss out one end; (for effect), but my kind didnt stock the stuff, and the airplane landing lights were so blinding at the local SafeWay that about the only items I could safely make out through my helicopter pilot goggles were Screaming Yellow Zonkers. (Read Me?). Speaking of grass, DahVeed taught me how to roll Digger Traveling "Road Joints" (I thank ya "D".) In closing,; Kids...this is yer Ol' Uncle Steve tellin' ya;...If ya havent started shooting up Smack by the fifth grade...DONT START!!! (nuff said?) SRB/BADNYC

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Hey Friend, I borrowed the "Live free or Die" slogan from a founding Father. It's the state slogan of the State of New Hampshire. Im' here to tell ya that N.H. is a lady. Some years back, a group of anal-retentives attempted to have the slogan deleted from the licence plates. The last I saw, it was still flying free. Thats what some of use forget. This Distracted Republic was founded by "militants?" "Radicals?" "Terrorists?", "Rebels?" "Outlaws?" "Evil Ones?" (you see where Im' going with this? Hell, its a little know fact that the Revolution damn near started in N.H., ya see the local patriots couldnt make gun powder fast enough, and the word on the street was that it was gettin' close to the wire. So after rumming it up a bit, the local Digger types riped off several barrels of gun powder from a brittish strong hold. The grenadiers were out patroling and harassing the locals and had left a malitia of colonist's whose noses were brown due to Torrys stopping short. Well, the militia was ordered to fire upon the "Raiders" (fellow colinists) at point blank range. Well, facing disciplinary actions the brown-nosers fired...BUT..conveniently over the heads of "Our Gang". Well shortly there-after a dis-placed pissed off Concord Scotsman fired off a shot that was "heard round the world" and the rest is history. Every ounce of that powder was used to pepper alot of Red Coat Ass and Elbows. Friend, It was a wise man that once said: "God Makes Mountains...New Hampshire Makes Men"...and on that Note; Fuck the Isle of Bute, "Its a sign" I will spend my old dog phase in the N.H. Lakes region. I had cranked up a one man Digger Chapter in Farmington, some years ago. I went as far as handing out electric flyers, but when my health failed, the "Art Project" went Snap-Crackle-Flubba'Dap! Like I said N.H. is my kind of Lady; She dished out her best, and I stood up to her; while slowly dying. Hell!..Now that Im' alive and living fast......wait till she gets a load of me! And Friend; get this! theres no fuckin' helmet laws up there! Until our next rap.. L.F.O.D. Your Friend in Freedom. S.

Name: The empty Handed Painter
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Hey Hammond, check out www.nataliegoldberg. She's OK. SRB

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Aug 2002
LOL! (that's laughing out loud in netspeak)... I'm so laughing! Hiya, Steve! Nice to see you just being you. And Juice just being... well, ahhh, letting his "thousand points of light" shine. He almost bored me to death, but thank god, the shamelessly middle aged were here to perk things up! Oh yeah, blase, boring, banal, above-it-all, most of all fearful -- hey Juice!, extend your hand, dare to be touched, open your heart, to receive generousity from another, it's okay to care, and to take part in life, really it is. Live free or die!
Love, a friend

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
THE WRITTING IS ON THE WALL! (auuu..make that side walk..OK?)COMMING SOON TO A COMPUTER NEAR YOU...(drum roll, please...) BIG APPLE DIGGER NEW YORK CITY WEB SITE. Pages will include but not be limited to "DIGGER SPIRIT", "DIGGER PSYCHE", "DIGGER BODY", "DIGGER SOCIETY", "DIGGER ECOLOGY& CULTURE", and "DIGGER ARTS"...Finally "DIGGER WORLD CULTURE" (is not a section but a continuous presence) Folks, this aint gonna be a rehash of ancient fish stories, (Shrimp; or otherwise). BIG APPLE DIGGERS aint no fuckin' "Art Project geared at oppening anyone's eyes to anything" B.A.D.N.Y.C. Promises to bring together resources from every continent, as well as three or four millennia. Modernity, to it's great credit, has enabled Diggers everywhere to cross pathes again and to reunite at all social levels. It is hoped that The B.A.D.N.Y.C. WORLD CULTURE concept will enrich this new global situation and empower like-minded individualists to understand each other and to see the ways in which we can enrich and support each other's development. To do each other Justic, and to change and grow ourselves, we need open minds and hearts and hands. And so, with your welcome participation....(screw the generous support...we dont want yer' fuckin' money) here is the B.A.D.N.Y.C. Credo; "Naught to annoy; much to enjoy; A Digger welcome to thee". All are welcome; those who are excluded, exclude themselves. Stay tuned for "FURTHER" developements. Silent Steve. BADNYC.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Hey Juice; Can you spell Drain Bamage???

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Hey Word Monger; I hear ya' While blowing through 10 countries back in 80, and then backtracking my steps again in 81..I caught some hell by the locals who were shaking in their boots in reference to The U S of A and the "RED THREAT". I told em' that "The Nuke Threat" didnt phase me a bit; as word on the street said that it would be a conventional tank war staged in Europe. Well, they took it kinda hard, ya know? And in reference to your suggestion, Ide'have to say that most countries will use the US "OPEN WARRENT" policy to set a presidence to lagitamize their own "PRIVATE" war which is waged on a daily basis against their own citizens; who are in fear of getting labeled as "Terrorists". But hey, what do I know?. In closing: I leave you with an Ol' Poet's phrase, "Generosity of Spirit does not fail". Thanks so much for your generous thoughts and words. SRB

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Easy IMAM; I resemble that remark! Just ask Curious!

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Hey Chewy; it looks as if you just opened a package of the newest flavor in edible panties; ( dont look now, but its Trail Mix). When you can quote yer' self. "WE" may listen. It's a double edged sword. Ive' seen as many sharlatans (if not more) dressed in patch pants, as tux&Tailed Fat Cats. "A truth thats said with bad intent; beats all the lies one can invent." BLAKE. Chewy; If you can pull yer' head out of Emerson's, Threau's and Whitman's asses long enough,.. Check out the philosopies of Iggy Pop, Bob Dylan, and Neal Young. Speaking of phylosopy. Yesterday, a nice lady walked in, and said to the evening host, "I could use some..." To which I jumped in and told her (via puppet-like mannerizms) that I could tote any thing. She was amazed, and continued to say that she needed a large chest of drawers carried up 5 flights of stairs. Bingo Ive' got the fucker on my back and up the first flight, while she's on the side walk bravely fending off approximatelly 2.5 million "Knew Jorker's" who want desperatly to take the drawers and run. Case closed. The thing is set up in her pantry (Drawers and all). She hands me 24 unsolicited dollars, to which I give her 20 dollars back in change, and walked out cleansed. A free Digger work out and enough bread to make a bean sandwich. OK, lap disolve, fade in..This mourning after all of the excitement (I may get to that later; if prompted), I spot a black cat who looks ragged but right. I whip the 4 bucks out and try to give him the ol' Miami Hand Shake. He says: "No thank you, Ive' already made my fortune...I have my PHD in Philosophy...Im' on a three week sabatical,.. but thanks so much for the offer...You are a good man, and take It from me; That Counts." Hear that folks? "That Counts" Now before ya' accuse me of self agrandisment; I was wearing the Ol' DIGGERS NORTH. CALIF. tee shirt.(for both the move, and the groove) Well, In closing, Hey Chunky; get in touch after ya' complete yer' home-work assignment. You will be tested later. I know unpolished talent when I see it. You my friend are a good man. (and that counts) SRB

Name: Words and more words???
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Dear Diggers and friends in the US - It might be better to address letters of protest to foreign nations and their representatives vs. your own because the rest of the world is paying a lot more attention to the possible outcome of the US attacking Iraq. Our European and other world governments will continue to put pressure on your president but will this be enough to stop his maddness?

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Ah - the idiotic remarks of another illiterate - and that's all they are - idiotic remarks.

E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Wilhelm Reich wrote in "the mass psychology of fascism"?
that the fascists were not given props till they got into their tuxedos,? are we still giving it all up for something less than love?legit/=respect,hovering on the border and all, debunked as he was, it still seems true, undress the masters of war, tell them our children are not for sale or rent, no matter how wonderful, you dress; the bird is still a turkey,sharp dressed white men and women, and all etal...

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
And another thing...In losing my voice but not my "language"... Im' here to "Tell" ya' that my newly aquired "Digger Dharma" transcends nationalizm, politics....(well I wont go that far)...and tribalizm...OK, OK,..(I wont go that far either)...Hell, one out of three aint bad. Remember folks; you cant have an inward journey without an "OUTWARD" as a frame of reference. (Free or otherwise). The key is "Heart", "Purpose", and "Passion".. come on yall' SERVE, TOUCH and BE TOUCHED. Spontaneousely yours, STEVE. P.S. By honoring the earth, we honor ourselves. Lets Keep it green. SRB

E-mail Address: NONE@ALL
Date: 29 Aug 2002

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Dear Friend, Heres what Colleen Kelly has to say about it: "September 11th must not continue to be used to promote more war and violence. This first anniversary let us initiate an exploration of what it will take to bring healing and wholeness to our world. It is in remembering the universality of our grief that we shape our hope for a peaceful tomorrow" Hey Friend, Colleen says it with conviction. (she lost her Brother in the WTC Towers on 9/11/01. Hey, while im' on a "Quote Trip", heres one from a Preacher who took a bullet for trying to spread free truth to free people in a free world...."WARS ARE POOR CHISELS FOR CARVING OUT PEACEFUL TOMORROWS" Dr. Martin Luther King. Im' here to tell ya Friend, That Ive' personally met more than a few family members of those killed in the present cycle of violence. Whats my personal agenda, you ask? Well, between, you, me, and the Free Nation...I dont want my children or their children for that matter, to be able to say the same. On that note, I just wanna tell all the good folks that It dont take a whole mob to create a public vigil. All ya gotta do is close yer' eyes and pray. You remember how to do that dont ya'. If you may have left that ol' bed time costom far behind...You wont have to look far. (your shadow has been keeping all of that good stuff that you so abscent-mindedly discarded on your greedy, self-serving climb to adulthood. Ya gotta get up for school. I think I hear the bell. In closing; Its good to have a friend to "talk" to. Peace Baby. SRB

Name: A friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Yep... Berlin in the 30’s...
Growing up in the sixties, I used to wonder how could people have allowed the Holocaust happen?! I just couldn’t imagine it. Well, the past 20 years have taught me the “how” of it. What synchronicity; the subject must be in the air. While web-surfing tonight I was listening to a PBS show, “A Simple Matter of God and Country,” about a woman’s escape with her family from Nazi-Germany. She commented about how Germany was a great culture and civilization yet could create such a horror as the Holocaust,
“Evil dictated from above, and the people followed.”
Eric Kandel, who won a Nobel Prize for genetics, studied the rise of fascism in Germany as an undergraduate. He said intellectuals could not stop it. Why is it, that we have learned nothing in 50 years?
No blood for oil,
another friend for peace

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Hey friend, the Peace Church has given free space for more than a few Press Conferences which include women of both sides begging for the maddness to stop. (the main stream news overlooks it as "Small Potatoes" I might add. They chase after the really Important things; like Liza's wedding. (Get me?) As far as America's flag-waving my mind it evokes dark Images of Berlin in the late 30's. This "Nationalizm" trip scares the fuck out of me. The Bushites have successfully created the Ol' "COMMON ENEMY" which serves the HAWKS and WAR MONGERS well; time and time again... same as it ever was. Friend, we both know that its gonna get wild in the streets and soon. Lets tell it like it is while we can. As for myself, I for one will stand proud the day that this Distracted Republic uses my own words against me in an "AMERIKAN PEOPLES COURT". To THAT I SAY: FUCK THE PEOPLE. THEY SAID IT COULDNT HAPPEN HERE. Thanks fer' the lead friend. Now repeat after me children...NO BLOOD FOR OIL. P.S. Can you spell FUCK YOU GEORGE?

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Hey Eric, I just E-Mailed a lady named Olema. I ran across her entry in the Gypsy Joker MC guest book. As the un-official good-will ambasador; I will hook her up, if she turns out to have any Free Family connections... Cool?

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Hey Steve,
Let your voice be heard round the world... I'm emailing the Peaceful Tomorrows page to all on my list. I'll cc you a copy. Know that it's me, your Digger "Friend".
I'll be attending the meeting in my area. It's on the same day, September 10, and starts the hour when yours in NYC ends. Keep the energy for peace circling the globe.
Btw, heard on NPRadio driving home today, that the German Chancellor(?) is leaning toward not supporting the war in Iraq as 75% of the German people are against it. Ahhh, what irony. The Germans for peace. Americans, the neo-fascists. What can we do to cycle those ideas out of human being and thinking? Help people to return to openness, generosity and freedom?
While we're on the subject of peace, I leave you with, which I learned about last year. There was a campaign supporting the Israeli soldiers who refused to serve in the occupied territories. Retired soldiers--even officers--also signed petitions against military action in the territories. Women in black and men in uniform, cooperating for peace.
WIB began in Israel and now works for peace around the world. I read that you're a bit provincial, but if you feel up to it, they have a peace vigil in NYC every Wednesday: "We stand in silent vigil in front of the New York Public Library at 5th Avenue and 41st Street the last Wednesday of every month from 5:30-6:30. Come join us."
God bless, Steve. And keep those Boyd fires burning!
Yours, a friend

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Hey Nicole; I just realized that although I didnt have my Magna-Doodle, or a pen and paper; for that matter; we had one hell of a conversation in the sanctuary. That blows my mind! (ya, thats' possible folks). What a comforting feeling. Without getting into detail..(In reference to our conversation)...I must say, that you sure dont lead a boring life. Hay, look at it this way...If life begins at 40...Hell, Im' only 10 years old ,and your'only...well, you see where Im' goin' with this..."Mrs. Wills; can Nicole come out and play? Hey,... where did this summer go? Whoa; I gotta run; I think that I here the recess bell. P.S. Clean bill of health from the Doc today. I was sweatin' Im still 45 pounds lighter and holding. (wouldnt recommend the Cancer Diet to anyone). See ya on the rebound. Happy Trails. SRB

Name: Sexy Gypsy Stevo
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Aug 2002
One for the

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Aug 2002
SEPTEMBER 10th WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK 7:00pm-10:00pm WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE HOSTS AN EVENING WITH SPEAKERS, MUSIC, POETRY and SILENCE. 10:00pm-7:00am Candlelight Vigil. "FREE" DIGGERS FOR PEACE tee shirts handed out by request only. (The pass word is "Silent Steve sent me").

Name: Another Mother For Peace
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Calling all Prospective NYC Diggers: HELP BUILD A PEACE MOVEMENT!!! Show yer' PRIDE! Print up Digger Tee Shirts, put em' on yer' backs, and meet me on down at the Music for Peace Party "NOT IN OUR NAME" at Revolution Books 9 West 19th Street Manhattan (between 6th and 7th Ave) Sunday, September 1st, 2002 6-9pm, I will cover the Donation entry price for anyone wearing a Digger Shirt. The proceeds kick-back to to benefit NOT IN OUR NAME. I just met those gals, and they are a bit of alright. (Take it from me.) The Vibes will be provided by the Russel Branca Jazz Quartet with Vocalist, Rita DiCarlo. NOT IN OUR NAME: an organization of PEOPLE of conscience who cannot stand silent (no pun intended) as our GOVERNMENT wages WAR without limits of time or space. Info: 212-989-3123, 212-227-8545 or 212-787-1100X2205 NO BLOOD FOR OIL If you dont have the bread to print yer' own Shirt, I will provide one. No sweat. Come on "LETS" make a showing. Peace Baby.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Bless your spirit Nicole! - I hope the UN is listening - as the White Hosed Pentagoon is most certainly not doing. Even Saddam is making more sense in the news than mouthpuppet Cheney - and Rumpsterfeld's blind ambitions. OIL is just a three letter word whereas Preemptive WAR is actually a very long and deplorable acronym that I don't need to recite for anyone with heart.
Lets all Save the World while we still can.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Aug 2002
I just left my office in mid-town Manhattan to go and grab something to eat and both sidewalks on either side of the street(3rd ave) were filled with protesters and their signs and many tv cameras....their signs said NO WAR IN IRAQ !!!!! STOP BEFORE IT STARTS...RAISE YOUR VOICES...NO WAR. Very interesting and hopeful if you ask office is near the UN so they were possibly heading over there...I will join them. Nicole

Name: PS - IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Oh yeah - I had a sign on my back that read:
"Honoring the Summit" - only two passers asked what I meant by this and I just offered them a drink from the bottle I was pouring into the gutter. They refused my invitation and quickly crossed the street fearing terrorism in their midst. One man concensus is that the general public (here in anonymous land) has lost its thirsty curiosity of old.

E-mail Address: LAGOS@MUGU.GUY
Date: 28 Aug 2002

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Post Water Pouring News:
So there I am pouring good water into the gutter - first guy to pass asks what happened to the water: "Is it bad?" - I say: "No - I only pour pure water." Most people didn't ask anything and barely noticed - typical. 27 bottles later and a trip to the super market to recycle the bottles my little event was over. The world can go back to being itself now.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Lynnie; In your F.F.O.R. comments dated 3/29/2002... when you say Fall Equinox Celebration; are you refering to the Autumnal Equinox Celebration of 1970? and if so did you ride up on the Oakland school Bus that departed from Olema Ranch? Hu?, Hu?, ...Did ya?, Did ya?, Did ya??? Was your' "Soul" wardrobe levis and Denim jacket? Hu?,Hu?, was it?, Was it? If so, I never did nick-name you. (That could be a good sign!). Let me know one way or the other OK? P.S. Im getting all of my shit together in one sneaker down here on West 4th. (solid foot-hold) So, If I can be of any service to you and yours; here in the city, just let me know. (Ever been to Scotland?) Later. Steve

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
RE: Curious Comment; Aug. 25th.....Pow Wow in Oklahoma! (one word is all it takes) NOT THIS BOY! I met a waitress In Oklahoma once. She did my laundry. I dined at a posh Hotel-Dinner Club and at that time you couldnt get set-ups but had to tote yer own bottle. I has with a Show biz. Type (who was wearing his "Evening Make-up" to prove it. We were brown-bagging it with Gentleman J.D. and were about to introduce him to Miss Coca Cola; when a lethal waitress slammed my brain with a full tray of shrimp cocktails. After I calmed her down; she ran for the kitchen. A group who resembled Oswald's Dallas body guards entered with reservations. (no pun intended) I noticed that the ratio of their party was 2 to 1; and as such, I sermised that their women were in the habit of dating two men; In case one gets arrested. (You know the type). well, by then (you know me) I was siting there shirtless, with what appeared to be blood (cocktail sauce) all over me. I had taken off one Lucky boot and was inconspicuously (I thought) utilizing my big toe and first piggy digit to pick boiled jumbo shrimp up off the floor. As the (apparent) leader of the "group" headed my way, I was in the process of casually popping the fresh catch of the day into my mouth. As the tallest hombre squared off like Matt Dillon, (apparently geared toward upholding the "Ladie's" honor; the waitress flew back out and rubbed (and I mean rubbed) me down; then flew back towards the kitchen with my sauce stained shirt in tow. Mean while; the long shaddow of the law slowly creeps across our table. Curtain call! Mr. Show Biz. was "ON"...he scooped up two coffee cup saucers, clinched them like a clam..then flipped open the top one and held it in place; like it was a powder-puff-mirrored compact. Meanwhile, Doc Holiday; who's standing behind him froze and stopped breathing. Mr. Show biz. picked up the vibe which instinctively prompted him to go for an Oscar. He licked one pinky and daitily wiped down both eyebrows. Then: (heres where the Acadamy award comes in) He screams, as if he can actually see the dudes reflection. WELLLLLL. The Giant looks at me as If im' the "Husband", Get the picture?. Well..I figured diplomacy was my man here; so I bravely picked a couple of hairs off of the half-eated Toe Food (tofu?) shrimp that I held in my hand; held it out, and said... "Wanna try one?. Welllll, He doesnt say No, Nope, I will pass, Nada, nix, negatory...He says in a super-slo-mo Drawllll "Nooo...Thankkk...Yaaa...Ahhh...Dontttt...believeeeee..ahhh...willlll". Turns and does his best John Wayne (Ching, Ching, Ching,) Back to his table. WOW!! the waitress reapears with a white double breasted chef' smock and dresses me like a kid, while a bus boy starts scooping up the shrimp that are all out of foots reach. well..after desert, Im attempting to entertain the cow pokes by giving my best fog horn impression with the empty J.D. bottle when the waitress hands me my folded, washed and dried shirt back. Fresh from the hotel facilities...fabric softener and everything, (I could tell). Hey, Speaking of waitresses, thats another thing my wives had in commond; that and of course me. But thats another story. SRB

Name: Steve Cameron Swazey
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Hey Eric, Steve Boyd; Cub Reporter here. In as mush as im a wee tad too liberal for the most liberal news paper in Amerika...Bearing in mind that a conservative is a liberal whose' just been mugged; would you consider makin some room here on the site for an Uncle Anne Slanders Column? (or has that already happened) OPPS! too late. Hey I can see that the 00's are going to make the 60's look like Little House on the Prarie. How about it? Could your (our) site use a little National exposure? You could be the next Bill Marr. Think about it. (drum roll please)...uuuaaa...Hey Eric; who do we have on the show tonight? DaDaDaDaDa...DaDaDaDa. Heeeeeres Eric!

Name: Steve (straight citizen) Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Hey Easy; (you cant get off that "EASY" Hey, If I thought for one New York second that any one who has any pull (this side of the rest room ) would take note; I would send a dried salt-cured parchment off the skin of my nuts which would start out: (tattooed in caligraphy); DEAR GEORGE. But those fuckers are too busy swappin' inside information with Martha to pay any attention to the mail boy. (thats why they keep those boys in the Mail Rooms, get it?) As far as voting, Im proudly-ashamed to admit that ive' only voted twice in my life; Once in Berkeley for the Marijuana Initiative; (agents of the police would sell you grass, right in your own living room, and then bust ya': (breaking the law to get you to break the law), get it? OK. The second time was to vote for the Mayor of New York, After my back yard got leveled. Pissed off, you say? sure..But not at who did it...AT WHO LET IT HAPPEN. Your heart is in the right place, and dont get me wrong, feel free to spend yer' 35 cents. My self, I plan on petitioning those within my sphere of influence via the FREE NATION HERALD. ie: ERIC's INCREDIBLE SOAP BOx. Take it "EASY". SRB

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Hey IMAM, I once told a check-out girl that I prefered plastic bags over paper ones because I use them for Gill Nets. Also, when asked if I love animals, I usually say, (or used to say...I keep forgetin') Sure!..they are delicious!! Hey, try some of that new powdered water some time. (just add H2O) SRB. P.S. Not much in the ol' mail bag tonight...think I will close fer' now. Hey that Village Voice thing may fall through..they have the balls to suggest that I entertain the Idea of "Being edited for Content" AND Revised for spelling and grammatical punctuation. And they said it could'nt happen here!. P.S.S. Hey, seeing folks dumpin' water here in the Village would be refreshing, as they dump piss off the curb, for the most part.

Name: Steve Capone
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
The great thing about being under survaillence is that their waiting for the big ya got a good 2 or 3 years to get away with all kinds of "silly" stuff. Hey Nik, the pleasure was all mine. Next time you may get to see the other half of my wardrobe...September is laundry month. Hey, speaking of "silly" This web site really gets around. A wild-assed bunch of kilt-wearin' Scotsmen who ride around with their dicks in the wind; E-Mailed me and invited me to a bash next Aug. They hail from Rothesay, on the Isle of Bute. (Where my sir name originated) and they call their club The Bute Islanders MC. I usually dont plan that far ahead, but would dig swinging by Kilmarnock.(the original Clan Boyd stronghold). This site is really opening up things for me. Any bets on how fast I can fuck it up. But hay, it was great seeing you again. (For you folks who may have gotten her photo over the just dont do her justis.) EMM,EMM, Have a safe journey Nik. Steve

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Hey foggy, I hear ya. How about a few baby powder or baking soda laced letters to their honeymoon get-a-ways? That might wake their asses up. Or better yet "BREAK THE LAWS...VOTE!!!Hey, just sayin' that is enough to get my ass thrown in jail..but word on the street says that it may be a safe bet. Hold on to yer' jock-straps yall'...Piscies is just around the courner and if im' readin' the music of the spheres correctly; Ghandi's ghost will lead us. (The line forms on the right.) Oh ya...hay G-Men..that's BOYD. B..O..Y..D.. 135 West 4th St. NY, NY. 10012 got that? Come on up an' get me copper...LOOK MA...IM' ON TOP O' THE WORLD!!!

Name: Steve DaVinci
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Ham, like I said, stand their in the shadow of that great lady to paint..Or even at Goverors Island, and ya got somethin', (Dont get me wrong)...that's still copying...but to eyeball some gloss that was freeze-framed by a "Cyclops Box" ..wheres the light?, the air? and the vibe??? They say that Jock's get in the "ZONE" where-as they are "IN-THE-MOMENT" whithin their sport (their "THING")...we both can relate to that without buttin' heads with a bunch of ol' boys out in a field. But to each his own.(Zone; that is.) Hell, Painting is like anything else..there is someone or some thing (EVOLUTION???) that is attempting to De-Humanize it. (Campbells Soup Cans didnt' help). Yak, yak, yak, blab, blab, blab, ART...DONT TALK IT; DO IT! Happy Painting. Steve

Name: Out of the Fog
E-mail Address: Into the Mire
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Take Easy Action's advice = going straight to the Home Land Security Log In Page to cast another fart in the wind if you ask me - but then nobody asked. Nonetheless - representation in America is a lost cause without a rebel of effect.
Wake Up Diggers! -
The Revolution is About to Be Trivialized.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Steve, It was great to walk into the chapel yesterday and see your digger t-shirt...and you of course...thanks for the brownie and as always the amazing feeling of humanity that you exude...and no appologies necessary for anything you have said to me...ever!!!!!I'm feeling much better and each time I go around the mulberry bush...I get closer to the I have no regrets...the picture gets clearer and the sound cleaner...the light a bit brighter and it becomes easier to "read" the instructions, so all in all good has come of my dilema...I'm going upstate to woodstock for the labor day week-end...I'll look for you when I get back...warm regards, Nicole

Name: Easy Action
E-mail Address: get with it
Date: 27 Aug 2002
This is so easy. just click on the issue you are interested in supporting and send faxes to your senators and congressmen. if you click "remember me" while sending one of the faxes, the site will fill in your personal info required for each fax. (name, address, e mail)

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Aug 2002
I wanted to be an artist but I popped out instead.
Never mind the tarter sauced Art - dig what's on the menu at the Gorge the Earth Summit in S. Africa -,,2002391624,00.html
If these fat cat characters had any bones at all they would take their plates into the street - but unfortunately these world reps don't seem to know that the street is there much less the hoards folks outside standing in line to get a contaminated drink of water.
In wasteful protest - Today I am going to buy and tote as much bottled water as I can carry on my back - stand on a busy street corner in town and lovingly pour each sanitized bottle into the gutter.
Don't worry folks I'll recycle the bottles.

Name: Hammond's Scrambled Eggs
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Steve - Max had 'something' (maybe a pinker shade of pink or a paler shade of white?) when London was "swinging" - yet Pop Art overall instigated the demise of (what I consider to be) "real painting" and turned it into "Advertising" in general and "Self-Advertising" in specific. Even though graphic designers like Max keep on truck'in - and so they should - but why not try out the source for a change - as do the children and other artist's worth their tempra or turpentine - instead of attempting to remake the original from a reproduction? Not to mention jumping on the post 9-11 patriot wagon buy selling America back to itself for mega-bucks. Oh well - enough Max bashing and art blathering. What about the Swami? - Well - indeed, endeavoring to dispense enlightenment can be a questionable trade, but at least he wasn't a Pop Artist.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Rena, I will see that the flock here at the Peace Church raise him in prayer this Sunday. Nuff said? The Gong Master tried to contact me today; he isnt aware of my E-Male status. I was told that he had a question about the Diggers. (He's entertained an Angel unawares.) I will clue him in about the Swami's curtain call. (if he's not way ahead of me) and request an honorable mention at his next performence. I can almost see the Swami's cartoon voise...and hear his original face. (READ ME?) (Sigh) Well.. See Ya. P.S. NO, life is not one big joke.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Rena, sorry about the smart-assed comment that I made about the Swami. I mouthed off prior to visiting the site..but with 20/20 hind sight; the "WAS" tight with Peter Max part...was right on target. See where thoughtlessness will get ya? Hell, I though that you meant that he pulled up stakes and changed camp sites. I hope that you kiddies are all takin' notes. YEP!..Yer Ol' Uncle Steve just stepped on his dick again. But Rena, seriously, anyone who ever walked a mile in his Lucky Scandels will tell ya "He Was A Funny little Bastard" (and Im' being kind). In closing, I will look before I leap...ok..ok...look as I leap next time. (YOU KNOW ME!) Thanks for the word. Rena..Rena..such a pretty name.

Name: Station WFSD
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002

Name: Station WFSD
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Hey Eric, after giving it some thought...why the fuck would Big Brother and the Agency vaporize this web site? hell, that would really put em' in the dark! (Think about it!) Christ, their' laughin' all the way to the lie detector. You folks care for a cocktail?...Sodium Pentathal anyone? SRB

Name: Steve Cameron Swazey
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Hey Arturo...Last July I couldnt spell "Journalist" I are one. So tell me, How did ya' get into it..did ya' read the back of a match book cover or what? On that note..One can only prey that the God-fearin' descision makers tune into the Digger web site..cause I think were' on to somethin' here Mister! And what? (you may ask?) Auuu...Same as it ever was???? Cheers! SRB (Digger's Take a Lickin' and keep on Tickin')

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 27 Aug 2002
Hey Dr. Who; "It is a wise man, who knows the value of a small coin". "Things change". Being a self-made-man; I am the first to admit that Im' not made very well. And on that note...Im not here to bury Travis; Im' here to praise him. As I will never disclose the "Meat" of his E-Mail to me... I will go as far as to say; that when I said that he may be older than I am; but Im' older than he is. (I was wrong) It's: "Im' younger than he is; but he's younger than I am". Ya See, bein' a primative type,Ive' always been into self medication, so to speak.. (that is healing myself); both physically and mentally. (how am I doin'?) Anyway..I underwent a massive regeim of L.S.D. therapy; (No thanks to Dr. Leary) and I just realized that Im in the prossess of self anallysis. You know, spilling yer' guts ..(Minus the shrink with the note-pad)..well, heres what just dawned on me...A whole generation, (Including yours sucked into a votex inwhich some let and in doing so; turned it into a free fall, while others turned it into a night-mare-ish spark-show by grasping at razor blades like drowning rats. Those who lived to tell about it...dont really know what to "tell"...It was THAT heavy. But from what I gleaned from my bumpy descent, (a descent where I skinned everthing but my eye-balls) was that..Yes; there was a Camalot. One shinning hour. where Right beat Might. It took Travis's E-Mail to put that into focus. And on that note; He aint the Yellow Rose of Texas Folks, He's the Lone Star. Being both black sheep's of our dis-functional families... Ya see, I liberated Coyote's brown felt hat with the woven lacing around the brim and offered it up to a talking boulder; I had grabbed it out of the Red Haired dude's Volvo. Anyway, after tripping with it on my head, I took off my American flag socks and placed both Items at the foot of a sacred piece of granite on the North west slope, just South of the Black Bear Olema encampment. (You woulda' had to have been there)...Anyway..while Travis's deed was maybe sybolically not so different..(depending on yer' frame of reference) we are both standing at the frosted glass looking inside at the family eating Hot Tuna by the warm glow of the hearth. (SIGH)... But far as his Mother goes; I got to say that she raised him right. (relative humidity aside). In closing, I will worship at his church anyday. 20 days, hell, Ive' have waiting 20 years for that realization. Well, Dr.Who..Keep yer' Eyes open and yer' mouse ears on, because Signs are like Gold; Its not where ya' look for em': its where ya' find em'. SRBDWFSNYC

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Hey Hammond, The Statue of Liberty print was on the cover of the NYC phone book. Here's my advice to Mr. Max. Hey Peter; we both know that "Copying" aint where it's at. By scaning a 2-D picture with our beady little 3-D peepers; we inadvertantly develope a "Flat" picture. And try as we might to add mass and depth with all of those "TRICKS" of the trade, we cant put it passed the "Third Eye". Painting parallels music; in as much as the "Classics" are mearly the exacution of great difficulties; where as "Jazz" is abstraction...(Meaning loosely: "Dirived From") And Ham an Eggs (I mean Ham and I) both know that in order to "CREATE" a pure abstraction, you must draw from a "PURE" source. If the sourse is impure...well you get the meassage. On that note; I can walk into the daycare center in the next room and pull hand drawn pictures off the wall that beat anything that Peter, Hammand and myself could ever crank out. Those youngen's are pure and havent had the sweetness squeezed out of em' by the Amerikan Gut-wringer yet. See where im' goin' with this??? Class dismissed. SRB P.S. Ah...Max ol' budy...ah..could you spare a couple o' Million? In closing; I Dub thee "Peter Minimum."

Name: Steve LaTrek
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Hay Ham, It doesnt surprize me. Way back when: Bob Anthony (Dubrowski)(NYC) wanted to hook me up in L.A. with the "Studio" to lay down some lines for the man. A "Contract" was dangled in lue of an "Apple" (much like the Dave Mann/Big Daddy Roth deal) I'm not saying that he would have put his name on on my stuff...all I'm sayin' is that you wouldnt' have seen mine anywhere. (for all of you out there who dont know what im' gettin' at: Go as Picaso..BUT...Anyway; A One-Off poster that I had done depicting your's truely falling backwards to earth (due to a shiny pair of "Heavy Chrome Wings") opened the door for a personal interview. I was into a "Temporary Thing" (aint it the way) and therefore: "A NO SHOW." I fucked up more chances in five years than ten men get offered in a life time. Remember my comment about "Learning by Not Learning?" ..Well, I take that back...It's like "Life after Death"...hell I believe in "Death after Life" (It just makes more sense that way". )Speeking of sense..Am I making any?) Hey,Keep in touch will ya? SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Steve - I visited briefly with Peter Max last year at his show in Portland as we share a few friends in London. He looked like hell - acted like a stock-broker with a cell phone glued to his ear and sold out his show of hideous candy-colored arylics slathered all over big photo-blow-ups of Jagger, Hendrix and the Statue of Liberty.
Very dissappointing all the way around.

E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Aug 2002
am a man of many words coz am a professional journalist. ah also cover a lot of grounds: agriculture & environment, science & technology, energy (with particular reference to regenerative sources of power) and health, medicine & nutrition.
in these parts, crossover is the best; unparallelled; it always makes my days and nights. its music, news, info, and other 'infotainment' contents are to me -- simply "tops" and deserve to be appreciated by people who make decisions and humans who fear God and want to share their knowledge and wealth with all others interested to serve God, country and people.
one last comment, though: oh, if i had three wishes, my first would be for crossover people to breed more of their kind and class; my second would be for us listeners to multiply exponentially so crossover could wipe out stations that aren't worth the ears of discriminating yet humane souls; and my last wish: for musical icons like fs, vd, & jj to be heard over the crossover airlanes (even only during the wee hours of the a-m).
cheers to all ears!!!

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Restless Rodeo,...TRUE; but a Lady would! Hey, as far as your rap goes..Im' glad to see that someone around here has a lick o' sence. WELCOME. As far as the DIGGERS VS. MOTHER FUCKERS, in my book it's a draw. It's a little boy thing; (hint,hint,nudge,nudge.) You know; two boys MUST beat the shit out of one another to prove...well..ah..(ya' got me there). But I been doin' it all my life; and it works. I have a new friend. Now, But, Hell..lets all turn our energy to the task of making this big chunk of dirt a better place. Lets put our shoulders to the wheel. Dont know where to start? (try yer' own back yard). Good to hear from you. Dont be a stranger. WELCOME. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Rena, The Ol' Swami (Mr. Natural) was real tight with Peter Max at that time. P.S. Give him my best. ENJOY!

Name: lucky o
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Aug 2002
lovely site to search

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Travis, A.K.A. Curious, A.K.A. Gary...All I forgiven. I appologize. The War and the Game is over. P.S. Hey Rena, I walked with Swami Satchadananda outside of Boulder after the first Earth Day festival way back when, in Colorado. What a funny little bastard. SRB

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: The Little Bighorn
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Steve, if it registers the email I just sent as Gary Owen, don't worry about it. That just happens, as you will remember, to be the regimental song of the Seventh Cavalry. It has another significance as well but that mystery remains for a while longer.

Name: Rena
E-mail Address: Morningstar
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Satchitananda has moved on.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Chinese Fire Drill City
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Being around the net doesn't always provide much help either--DSL trouble this region last night--wiped out the whole email reply--gofigure. Am trying again.

Name: Who Am I?
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Like the Magic Christian we must apparently wade through crap to get to the gold if there is gold to be found - Where there is exchange information can be gleaned - yet in the mean time WAR MONGERING is afoot - so what can a old Digger do except look back - around back and out for the best he can when words have little effect on the world at large? Actions are the meat of the day - and Steve is stirring the pot in the real world -even though he still wonders what's in the stew with the rest of us. My two cents are worth two cents an little more.

Name: restless rodeo
E-mail Address: can't believe my eyes@really
Date: 26 Aug 2002
I like fireworks and big explosions as much as the next person; however it looks like we are really
truly in the actual fatal world in a whole lot of trouble. (I mean every living soul of humanity.)
And would therefore like to humbly suggest that this forum deserves to be used for something
besides the balderdash I find here lately. It's gonna take an uprising of spirit & solidarity
& brilliant engineering & a whole lot of backbreaking work & maybe [thanks Ferlinghetti]
a new rebirth of wonder to float our boat of this gigantic mess. Who's got the time to make
like Nero on his fiddle as the city burns? No woman would waste her time on this crap.

Name: Sherlock Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Aug 2002
The "Game is afoot" my ass!

Name: Bully Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Twenty days and no E-Mail. This startin' ta' sound like a Humble Pie Song. And see whats happining Curious? we are bringing out the worst in people. Some brave Annonimite has just flirted with danger..ah, you get what I mean. Look "Travis of the no-names" We must stop washing our Dirty Laundry in Public. I E-Mail you and Bingo. No answer. You have time to read your E-mail but no time to send E-Mail...see where Im going with this? Lets not turn this web site into Deliverence. You know...A UC Berkeley Grad. VS. a retarded mountain boy. "Dueling E-Mail". (Someone could wind up gettin' fucked up the ass). If your tired of the game just say so. Call it a draw. I warned ya' that Ive' been subverting the agenda's of small minded manipulators and authoritarian types your years...(And youve' proven yourself to be both). I dont get your Stone-walling tactics. I mean,...dont ya' want me off yer' ass? Christ this is gettin' embarassing. Im playin' the bully..(Make that the Bully's Bully... and your the poor picked-on kid. Come on STAND UP FOR THE MOTHER FUCKERS OF THIS WORLD; if nothin' else. Shit or get off the pot. Tell ya what. E-Mail me, and you have my promise that I wont breath a word (publicly, or privatly oabout your miss-guided fears and concernes. I wont publicly riddacule you view point or disect and anylize it. It will be closed door stuff. Now thats a first!. In reference to Humble Pie, you dont have to eat ya' played a tough game and lost..So what? It was dealer's choice remember? Travis, show me a good loser,; and I will show you a loser. Come on. follow through, ya sad teaser. In reference to the draw that I mentioned... we all know that it's LOST BOYS "ONE"--Texas M&F "ZIP". (and Im being kind) You can tie the game by E-Mailing me TODAY. Have a G.D. Bro. SRB

Name: Saint Steven
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 26 Aug 2002
Hey Folks...Grow yer' own dope!...(plant Henchman.)

Name: Henchman
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Aug 2002
You wanna make god laugh? Tell him about your plans.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Aug 2002
Heeeeees baaaaaack....Hey Tex, I tried leaving with my ball, but I just remembered that its still in your court. As far as your "Curious" little "Travis in Wonderland" Game goes; I got tired of chasing white rabbits, so I asked the Caterpillar for some solid advice; and HE said: "Mexican poker is not your game my little silent miss-deal and up the anti. Play Hard Ball." Looks like its time to lay yer' cards on the table ya' red neck Texas Turkey. Take two fuckin' minutes out of your schedule and tell me E-Mail me exactly what it is that I dont understand. Come on Mr. Asshole...Whats that, you say?.. you havent thought it up yet?...but youll' let me know as soon as you think up a good one. Ah..Come on... You call yerself a writter?...Fuck.. If ya' cant get the facts straight; STICK TO FICTION. Come on "Curious"..the nieborhood kids are watchin'..this is getting embarasing. Who...I think I hear yer' MOTHER callin' ya. Hey..Mrs. Fucker...can Travis stay out untill the street lights come on. PLEAAAASSSSEEE.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Aug 2002

Name: Steve Rides Again
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Aug 2002
Hey, at the cost of sounding easily influenced. Ive' been swayed not to hang my DIGGERS NOTH. CALIF. tee shirt in the rafters after all. (not a sign; just good solid advice) Its' rather dirty; (the shirt, that is).. but my hands are clean. Lets see..Uh..where were we..Oh ya, our story ended when I hot-headedly E-Mailed the "Out-of-towner" and acussed him of being a Bandito; which he never denied,(typical) Oh ya, our hero was to "busy" punchin' cattle to send a two minute message. (which is understandable, seein' how it takes him twenty days to "Compose" a two minute message from his two tons of reference material. Hell, I should have been patient for at least 20 more days. I know that you all would. (stop smiling). I mean REEEEAAAALLLLYYYY Dahling. As far as these "OTHERS" that I may expose or put in harms way....hey..ya rolls da' dice...ya' takes ya' chances. Dis' is Ol' Stink Fancky.. Doll..When Im' around..nobody gets nicked...see??? Hey Eric, Copy Right this web site got the makin's of a best seller here. Move over Harold Robins. You want Drugs..You want Sex?..You want Suspence?..Christ!..You can sell this recipie to Hellman's. WERE' GONNA BE RICH. (to be continued) P.S. I know that its' a long way from my side of the world to yours...AM I YELLING LOUD ENOUGH??? In as much as I dont understand what I should understand....I have but one statement..a statement that boils it all down to the frozen truth..and that is;... (drum roll please)... I dont understand!

Name: Straight from Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Aug 2002
Casanova is just being punished; for going to Desalation Row.

Name: Steve, just plain Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Aug 2002
Fleet Street? That brought back memories of the Drury Lane Theatre. I saw Sweeny Todd there. Shit, right when I was bowing out gracefully....see how you are curious!!??

Name: Straight From the Hip?
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Aug 2002
".....and there are no trials inside the gates of Eden."

Name: Steve, just plain Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Aug 2002
Having (temporarily) gotten your head out of your poetry and philosophy books (ie ASS) this is the first REAL paragraph that youve' written. You sound like a sensitive cat..I can relate to that. As far as scars go...God does not look for degrees, citations or medals..God looks for scars. Travis, we both know that the deepest scars are the ones that dont show..thin skin..sure, a soft under-belly which I more than often hide beneath my hard shell. You sir, are an inelectual snob. Figuratively speeking, I exposed my vulnerability, and you sir, stuck in the knife and twisted the blade. Here's what you were dealing with Jr.,I once publicly challenged a state representitive to a duel in order to settle a child support issue. I had the great missfortune to be born two hundred years to late, that was his good fortune. But, hay, I didnt sign on just now to contine our dance; as the music is fading and the lights are getting brighter. I just recieved a sign (speaking of old irons in the fire) that I have been waiting for for 32 years. I have been pointed in the true direction, and im not talking about the cardinal points on the compass.(or any points between). Im on the verge of entering the biggest adventure of my "Purpousfull" life. Pal, Im' dropping the the childish fantasy trips. What with a chopped stroker and a pair of lethal lucky boots, this old "Boy" came damn close to turning into a grotesque self parody of his former youth. To put it in a nut shell...It took stitches, staples and enough radiation to wipe out Tokyo to open my eyes to the fact that Im not the man I was. Im leaving you to entertain the troops Curious. As far as our little game goes...Im' taking my ball and going home. Im taking down the Digger Banner and heading further. (Further in). In closing, I just gotta ask...Whats yer' sign baby...come owe me that much.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Fleet Street
Date: 25 Aug 2002
When I say I'm busy, I mean it. Your tirades are inconsistent with purpose. I'm sorry, though, for not letting you know sooner that I have no tatoos of any kind, just a few scars. I have never before encountered someone with such promise; but, who rather than think about what has been said, stands angrily upon his corner of the world and shouts to all, effectively, that he got it wrong and missed the point. Further, my time scale is not yours. When I say irons in the fire, I mean(as is commonly understood) to be too busy to do justice to all of the projects at hand. That and nothing more. If you wish you can vent your feelings in the direction of Poe, " A thousand and one misfortunes had I borne of Fortunato." You are awfully thinskinned, but perhaps no more so than any of us. We all want to be answered right away, it's just that everyone wants an immediate answer as well. Steve, there are still dimensions of this conversation that directly affect others; you are a great channel, but one that involves an unfortunately high level of static. You, Nicole, and Lennie all asked questions, and the responses were timely. I thought you would have the patience to wait for a more fully developed reply, because I saw those qualities in you. Please try to find even more patience, it would help a lot. "Bye for now, we one day pow wow in Oklahoma. If it helps I was out of town and away from any cnnection to the net.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Aug 2002
After 20 days of waiting for your "fashinably late" E-MAIL. I lost my "patience" and kited one to the rock that you live under. Your "Emperor with no clothes on" comment was a dead (did I say DEAD?) give away. You do know me ya Mother Fucker. That's why yer' quakin' in yer' big-girl panties. In reviewing this sorry-ass travel log that ive' been drooling out, I cant count the number of lagit questions that Ive' asked you; which you have flattly refused to answer. Hey, it's a FREE world. (And this one sided conversation proves it!). In closing, I thought that there was only one asshole in Texas..(Move over Dubbya)...I hope yer happy; now when God gives America the BIG ENEMA, he wont know where to put the hose!. OMF FOM

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Aug 2002
Miss Birth; ya, I was gonna say that I got threw on that first address or whatever they call em' just fine...but will print the extra one on the second revision. (We fed a record number of home-town-bums today and I will hook a few of the slightly sane ones to pass out (no pun intended) the revised copies. Hell, I witnessed the live (TRAUMATIC) hospital birth of my youngest daughter (against my will I might add). I blew in drunk and loaded (celebrating naturally) and a nurse who was cooling herself in the hall, grabbed me and said "PUT THESE ON" (Face mask, head cap and botties) well, I flashed back to my "Sleezy Time Gal" days and laughed and slured that:..I'..Didnt...(Hick)..Take...LaMass..(Hick)..Classes. She slapped that gear on me Pronto and half-ass dragged me in. At the table, Sweet (make that "SWEAT") Lorraine got me by the hand and damn near broke it, howling STEVEN!!! THIS ISN'T LIKE THE OTHERS!!! You guessed it. The blood drained out of my face as my mind drifted back to 77, I stood there wild-eyed and whispered... "Curse of the Baby Buggy". Well, she did'nt see the hummor in it; and to this very day, I swear that S.L. Is on a vengefull campain; where as she will not rest easy ontill I shit a water mellon. But, Hay, I could be wrong.(there were a "Few" more episodes.) SRB

Name: homebirth
E-mail Address: glorious birth
Date: 25 Aug 2002
Dear Friends,
actually, both urls's work. will bring you to Nan's defense fund as will
Home birth Glorious Birth. giving birth at home was a delight. It was a sensual experience instead of a medical proceedure. What a blessing to birth in the glow of family and friends in a natural setting. Welcome little one. Welcome to the divine. Nan has helped her sisters navigate homebirthing. Now Nan needs our help to stay out of prison. Thanks thanks thanks!!!

Name: homebirth
E-mail Address: witchhunt
Date: 25 Aug 2002
I can't believe I put the wrong url in the post about Nan Koehler the woman who is being prosecuted for allegedly practicing midwifery without a license. Nan is facing 9 years of hard time.
Steve, sorry if the plastering was with the wrong adddres. I'm from the 60's...
I did homebirth my son Vishnu in 1970 on the land in a Califorina commune. Please help Nan!!

Name: homebirth
E-mail Address: witchhunt
Date: 25 Aug 2002
I can't believe I put the wrong url in the post about Nan Koehler the woman who is being prosecuted for allegedly practicing midwifery without a license. Nan is facing 9 years of hard time.
Steve, sorry if the plastering was with the wrong adddres. I'm from the 60's...
I did homebirth my son Vishnu in 1970 on the land in a Califorina commune. Please help Nan!!

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Aug 2002
Seth, (Para-Phrase) "We will reunite with our Red Brothers in the West, after they have laid in the sand for one hundred years" (Tibetan Prophicy) (the ball, has been, and, IS rolling.) Its good to hear a fresh voice breathing fresh air. P.S. Hey Eric; I was just dubbed "Stevo" by some Canadian Gypsies..(Is there such an animal) And am going up to Pow-Wow on blind faith alone. Will bus as usual, as there is a strict "No Kives" policy in the air lanes. (Fuck, if folks flew armed; you wouldnt see half the shit comming down that you do. Hey, I dont know my folk's schedule yet, and pray that it doesnt' screw up my Oct.1st D.C. trip. Will swing by Sweet Lorraine's on the rebound and pick up the goods. It will be wonderful to see the "Chill-blanes" again. "Stretch Armstrong" is 25 now. SRB

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Aug 2002
Dear Seth, NOW were' gettin' somewhere. You just started the ball rollin'. Many thanks. (From all of us). SRB

Name: seth leonard
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Aug 2002
please see my website at It is intended for developing world poverty (and in some ways is not that radical) but is also useful for native American reservations.
please read Hotevilla by Thomas Mails and Hopi Dan Evehema. The Hopi have basically said that U.S. oppression (as felt by the Hopi and people worldwide) will lead to 'purification day', an attack by Russia and China in self defense (and WWIII). The Hopi also prophesy 1000 years of peace beginning in 2012 which may be a reference to Revelation to John chapter 20, 1000 years of peace and the return of Jesus Christ.
Hotevilla needs to be reviewed and applied to common (leftist) political analysis. We seem to be on the brink of WWIII. At the same time, the Earth is getting increasingly smaller and world peace is a requirement to AVOID WWIII. We are at a crossroads, and the American public needs to know about it.
Please keep me on your email list. Seth Leonard

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Aug 2002
And still no E-Mail. OK. In reference to everything you ever wanted to know about Steve; but were afraid to ask. The answer is NO. Im' not heading for Texas...and NO. Im' not going to stop your heart. (or even try) Rather..Im' going to a Gypsy gathering in Canada, and Im' cutting you out of the will. You will never know what you could have inherited. In as much as you have slowly strangled the life out of any friendship or commeradery that we may have shared, (or ever could have shared), my "Threat" was to give it a head shot; ( the "friendship" that is. Your life (or lack of it, is no longer my concern). In giving it the Ol' Golden B-B, Im' merly putting "IT" out of "IT's" misery. Im' humane at ALL levers. In closing, your "Problem" is not with the Bat People, the Diggers or, for that matter, with me. Your "Problem" is with the man in the mirror. Did I say Man? I meant adult. You grew up kid. You should have grown down. As to your Truck-Driving/Pipe-laying track record. It dont take much talent to wheel a big rig, fuck anything that moves or do any thing that hasnt been done. I auta know, as I did it while unlicenced, underaged and underappreciated. See ya In the FunnyPapers Tex. Bye, Bye, Baby, Bye Bye.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Aug 2002
If yer' reffering to the "Iron's" that I think you are, there aint no Mother Fuckin' Black Smith big enough. P.S. Give Yer' Mother My Love (two or three times) I asked you man to man if you from the Spider Cult and you Ignore my very fuckin' existance... as far as the E-Mail goes: save yer ink for your last will and testament. Why? You ask?..."For the Bells Toll Fast". TIMES UP.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: full moon
Date: 23 Aug 2002
At present I am having to split attention at a level that does not allow me to lend my best effort to handling each of the many irons in the fire. Some of them have been white hot for over thirty years. Patience, the email will come.....ah, the full moon...

Name: dio
E-mail Address: formerly a lost soul
Date: 23 Aug 2002
Right on Steve !! finally caught the vibe here. one day I got a story or two for you.
Don't give up the ship.
Yr cynical neighbor -- d.

Name: Psst Serial RedMonkeys
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Aug 2002
Serial Images leading to The White House -
Ta! The Serial RedMonkeys

Name: The Serial RedMonkeys
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Aug 2002
The Bottom Line_____INVASIVE ACTION_____The Cold War doctrine (deterrence and containment) VS. The Hot War doctrine (preemptive deconstruction)_____The bottom line seems to be that only freedom loving countries will hold the weapons of mass-destruction in order to theoretically stop the horizontal proliferation of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons first developed by the United States, the Soviet Union, Germany, the United Kingdom and a few other freedom loving countries.______
The President Speaks From The White House: -
Our security will require all Americans to be ready for
PREEMPTIVE ACTION when necessary to defend our liberty and to defend our lives.- 2002 - GWB______
This would seem to indicate a complete ignorance of the
1648 Treaty of Westphalia, which laid down the principal
of nonintervention in the domestic affairs of other states.
This sort of invasive action is also against international law, which sanctions the use of force in self-defense only against REAL and not IMAGINARY threats._______
The Real Bottom Line:_______Aside from being really stupid, a preemptive strike completly ignores the fact that Iraq has not threatened the US._______Asked about this, the president said: "We don't recognize treaties that were written over ten minutes ago and I've never heard of Westphalia. And most especially treaties that don't mention crude oil."_____SRMNews August 23 - 2002

Name: S.S. of the BABAs'
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Aug 2002
Travis; it's all comming back in bits and pieces, (know the feeling?) At the Fool's School, Did you, (or, rather; DO YOU) have a SPIDER TATTOOED on the web of your hand? (no pun intended) You; (or maybe you) told me that it denoted your connection with a Mexican Spider Cult? If so, we got along just dandy. (or maybe not; as I never re-named you). If you are him; Or if he is you; I helped him/you dig the pit at the sheep roast at Black Bear. After it was slaughtered and dressed out. we wrapped it in burlap and soaked it down with H2O. after burying it we piled stream rocks on top and burned a camp fire over it. The stuff melted in our mouths. I also helped pick the wild (Possum Berries?) for the Beggars Banquet. That was the night that Red gave me the red "Wallet Acid", and yes that would have put you right there in the mix. Hey Tex, maybe I should use my criticism more constructively, Think so? Strange fuckin' world, aint it? (or rather; wasn't it?) Come on, Im doin' a Maytag Repairman number here; E-Mail me fer' Christ's sake.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Aug 2002
Hey IMAM; thats MacInzee, or, somthin' like that. And, by the way, Eric Burdon grabbed ahold of the "Hippie Banner" also. I missed his War Show, (which I heard later included burners that toasted a kilo of an unknown substance which was and vented by blowers out into the crowd, but I cant verify that because I got on a bummer after someone spilled a Coca Cola on me and the shit started crawling all over my body (dont cha hate when that happens?) I think that that was the night that I met "Miss Clap" and turned Quani (of the Quanditos) on to a hit of White Lightning. (their second set evolved from latino brass into sweet soul. Dig? (And who said "Things go better with Coke"??? SRB

Name: steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Aug 2002
Hay DIO; SEE WHAT I MEAN! I meant to say: Make that "COCKTAIL ONION" in a Gibson. Duoooooo!!!!

Name: steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Aug 2002
Hey, DIO, make that "Cocktail Olive" in a Gibson. (I dont do drafts or Edits, and as such screw up alot. SRB

Name: steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Aug 2002
Homebirth. I will post the low-down on the Peace Church bullitin board and run it by the Gals at Pax Christy, I will then personally ink up some flyers to be passed out in the Village, copys will also be posted at High Profile sites where tourist from around the word can read the word. I will also pipe-line it to the United Methodists nation wide. You have my word that I will personally wall paper this fuckin' city. This shit must stop. Now Im pissed. It's passed 2AM. Im going to retire as; Clawdia with a "W" is getting antsy. (Shes the Church Cat who crashes with me upstairs. She's so loving. She follows all of my hand signals. I never knew what I was missing when I was Voicefull. I think that mankind truely lost a certain edge with the advent of verbal language. (when I said that I was In good company, I was refering to Clawdia...But im rambling again. Please keep us posted as to the struggle, (fight). Untill we talk again, please continue to network. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I will have the flock raise her in prayer this Sunday. SRB

Name: steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Aug 2002
Dear Home Birth; No good deed ever went unpunnished. The BABA's will pass the hat. (And spread the word) Man, ya get a medal by killing ten men, and a court martial for loving one. You build a practice by taking ten unborn lives, but lose a practice for saving one. Its shit like this that makes me wanna burn a flag and piss it out. We will do what we can at this end. (That my friend is what this site is REALLY all about.) START THE REVOLUTION! SRB

Name: Steve Boyd of Clan Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Aug 2002
17th Century Mike; As a member of Clan Boyd, my Chief Of Chiefs is, and always will be the Riegning Soverine of Brittan. In fact my race was connected by blood to the Stewart Dynasty; which jumped the fence, I might add. That being said: The chiefly House of Boyd, as well as the variouse Ayrshire Cadet Branches of the Family, were/and are; (ask the CID) the bain of the English since the 13th century. The Boyds fought for freedom side by side with William Wallace and later with The Bruce as well. Haven gotten pissed off the Boyds went so far as to raise men against a Scottish King, but realized that they would not be fighting a Clan, but rather a Country.(as Scottland had no standing army as such, but relied on a national call to arms from the Clans. The Boyds were in the middle of the longest and bloodiest feuds in Scottish History. Hamilton VS. Cunningham. The Boyd's fought as well as harbored both families. They ended it by inter-marriage. Here's an excerpt of an account which was layed down by the famouse Bard; Blind Harry. When he talks of Edward, he is refering to Robert the Bruce's Brother, (the Boyd's were entrusted as the personal body guards of the future King's immediate family during the fight for freedom.) When Blind Harry refers to the "Right" he's talking of the "Right Wing"; Bruce's Calvelry unit that was commanded by the Boyds; (who were still septs of the Stewart branch of the FitzAllans of Norfolk at that time.) When he refers to the Southern Legions, he's talking about the lowland and Border Clans, which included Stewart, Boyd, Douglas, Linsay, and Randolph, to name a few. "Ranged on the right, the Southern Legions stood. And on their front the fiery Edward rode, with him, experienced Boyd led the sway, sent by the King, to guide him though the day." I will check out your site, but comming from a tribe that fought the supressive English on two Contenents (Im' not counting Ireland), you wont see me saluting the Union Jack any time soon. The main hastle with the Englis locals was due in no small part to the fact the they styled themselves "Gentlemen" and seemed to draw the line at their feed. Hell, I saw some of the coolest Champagne Variety Shows while in London, and those stiffs would sit on their hands and go, heh-heh, while we hooted, clapped, whistled, and shit our selves. English comedy is the best. Even their clowns farted face powder; but the fundamental difference is that the continental have a "Sence of Humor" while we on this side of the pond have an "Appreciation of Humor" In Closing; The Blood is Strong. SCOTLAND FOREVER. SRB

Name: Home Birth
E-mail Address: midwife on trial
Date: 22 Aug 2002
A dear friend is on trial for practicing midwifery without a license. She is facing 9 years of hard time.
please go to
and, please make a contribution to her legal defense fund.

Name: BABA Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 22 Aug 2002
Travis, you called me an IDIOT; and Im' not. I called you a MOTHER FUCKER; and you are. CHECK MATE. DAMN IM" GOOD! Hey pal, this E.S.P. shit is wearing thin. We gotta find a new game. Come on, E-Mail Me. Hell, with you in my courner we could kick start THE MOTHER DIGGERS; or better yet; THE DIGGER FUCKERS...come on; the skys the limmit. Time's a' wastin'...(They've all been fooled again.) We could make a difference. Think about it, The King of the Gypsies, the Queen Goddess of N.Y.C. The Original Sunday Trucker/Christian Mother Fucker and the Three Eyed Boy all addressing the United Nations World Peace Federation Conference. Whats that you say??..."Dream Faster?" I will..I will... "For the Dream Travels Fast". Get In Touch Mister. SRB

Name: Saint Steven
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 22 Aug 2002
IMAM, I skimmed the article enough to get the drift. In as much as it's the same as it ever was; here's my input that many of you in ninth grade may remember. It seems that everyone is so fuckin' alarmed by the burglary and theft rate. "People stealing from People" (Thats illegal) I say...WAKE UP! the Capitalists steal Park Lands, States, countries, even fuckin' continents from the people. (But then, that's not illegal, is it?) MEDIATE! MEDIATE! MEDIATE! "Where the choice is set between cowardice and violence I would advise violence. I praise and extol the serene courage of dying without killing, Yet I desire that those who have not this courage should rather cultivate the art of killing and being killed, than basely to avoid the danger. This is because he who runs away commits mental violence; he has not the courage of facing death by killing. I would a thousand times prefer violence than the emasculation of a whole race. I prefer to use arms in the defence of honour rather than remain the vile witness of dishonour." MAHATMA GANDI: Declaration on question of the use of violence in defence of rights, 1938 Dig It? Now heres one from the 60's Chuckles Dept. (This shit is true) The Defence Dept. ordered all top military officials to stop classifying published articles as secret. "Articles appearing in magazines etc. in the public domain will not be classified", following disclosure that the Navy marked "SECRET" a Milwaukee Journal article. This must be a widespread military practice, to require a directive from the Defence Dept. itself. Therefore: (1) Military classifiers are stupid, or, (2) they are really keeping files on dangerous authors and newspapers, or, (3) magazine articles about military matters excite the Officers, and, like nude pictures, they can't keep them in open files out of fear of corrupting other people, BUT they can't throw them away because the articles are exciting to look at in the crapper. Hey, IMAM, after skimming the article, I got off of my soap box long enough to do some home work. Heres some leads for all of you Peaceniks who feel that peacemaking is not an optional commitment; but a requirement of your faith: Contact the good gals at Pax Christi Metro New York E-Mail: (Tell em that Silent Steve sent ya.) These Brave Souls are spear-heading one hell of a crusade for: disarmament, demilitarization and reconcilliation with justic, economic and interracial justic in the U.S.A., human rights and global restoration...(let me catch my breath)...You might also take a peek-a-boo at Veterans For Peace (VFP) They have an Iraq Water Project in the works. At first glance, they appear to be Ex-Big Time Operators in the European and Pacific Theatre of Operations. (Retired Army, Navy, and United Nations Reps) As always, watch out for scams, as I wouldn't put anything passed some of those queer fly boys. VFP National Office also Now, theres also a Life For Relief And Development outfit floating around. National Office And last but not least; WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE, (they got the best name, dont they?) Hey, while im on the Peace and Justic Bandwagon, some of you folks may be wondering, (but afraid to ask) why it is that I can dole a facefull of side walk to my fellow man one minute and limp-wristedly conduct the soft parade the next. Heres the real deal. Im a Celtic Peace keeper; it's in my blood. Hell, im' capable of cutting yer head off and throwing it at yer dyin' ass in order to keep the peace...But I can honestly say that every time I knocked the Chicklets out of someone's mouth, it was out of utility, and not futility. Im' a straight citizen, in as much as I use Legal action. But if that fails me, lever action gets em ta pay restitution every time. Its no secret that the local Christion Community continues to harbour and comfort me. Its a mutual undersatanding. They respect the fact that I hold an appreciation for all things spiritual and mystic. They know full well that my profound "Superstitions" run far deeper than Orthodox Religious Beliefs. As to Jesus' "Turning the other cheek" measage. Hell, my Christ would tap his other cheek with his finger and say; "Let's see ya try that again Mother Fucher". Opps, Im' back on top of that soap box! PAX BABY. SRB

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 22 Aug 2002
Hey Sprog. 20 months ago I thumbed south out of N.H. directly into the path of a north bound snow storm wearing nothin' but street clothes. I couldnt swallow, and wasnt set fer spit, so I pulled out my entire accumulation of weath, (a hand full of pocket change) and pitched it over the center line as an offering to Mother-Road. She smiled. Some kids who were Fla. bound picked me up and were over-joyed that I was in for the long haul; that is untill they found out that I had no gas money. Well, kids being kids; After returning from piss call; BINGO; no kids. I was standin' there smilin' doing a peeping tom number with the moon as I took in the falling snow of the night sky, (You know, the old "First day of the rest of my life" thing; when A New York Bus pulls up and empties its guts for a short layover. The old black driver climbs down and adjusts himself, and I say, Goin' into the city? Yep, Port of Athority! Why, You wanna follow me in? He looks around and goes on to say, What are Ya Drivin'? To which, I just held up my thumb. He suspitiously looks up, thinking that im' pointing with my thumb. (Then he looks at me sideways, thinkin im from Mars or somethin. So I, "Hitch" my thumb a few times in the air, and say, This is all I got man. Well, he sizes me up, and walks around me in a circle and says,...You look alright. (I was wearing me Eighth pair of Lucky Boots, that Sweet Lorraine had given me when I hooked up with a rolling mill, (Lumber Saw Mill) in Rye N.H. that winter) He then says, Look, get on the fuckin' bus, but dont give me or the passengers any shit, got it? Whell, I start to beam, and offer my hand. He says, I dont shake. It's a germ thing with me, man. So, I hit the city like a Cartoon Cat, and crash at the Bowery Mission for a while, (I hailed New Years stairing at the chapel ceiling while sleeping on a pew. I then find my way over to the Old MacAulies (N.Y. Men's Shelter) and eventually up to the old Psych Ward at Belleview Hospital. (Mens Shelter) Im all set up to enter a Harlem Working Mans Lodge with a Job lined up and everything, when slame! the city enitiates a purge and carts the masses out like jews in cattle cars. They "tell" me Im headed for upstate, (Camp Laguardia) I "tell" them that Im' headed for a card board condo, They "tell" me that theres A Blizzard thats going to hit by midnight; I "tell" them to Smile when they say that. I walked out into the snow totally cleansed. By and by, A holy woman and fellow Moon Child, bought me some poster paper and some felt tip pens and gave me a warm space to draw. I started cranking out CBGB posters for local up-and-comming bands. They were naturally FREE. But the folks demanded that I take some bucks. It turned very lucritive and I was about to do a cd cover for an in-house band called Necro-Fecal-Consumpion when I stated strangling on my own blood. After the my number was up, My Holy woman walked me over to St.V's for surgery and we were suprised to find Sweet Lorraine and my oldest Daughter Erin in the lobby. All three women formed a circle and we joined hands and they preyed as I tuned out. When I woke up in intensive care I wrote "What am I on, Morphine?" and the nurse said; you are on "Nothing", then she went on to add, we have you down as, Pain management upon request. I wrote, you mean that the Doctor must request it? She said, No, if YOU request it, we will give you medication, based on a pain scale chart we have. Well, From that moment on, I didnt request so much as an aspirin. It was one for the books. I even accussed them at one point of slipping me dope, but they flattly denied it. The shinks and the suits kept quizing me, (They thought that I was one of those weird zealots or something. Anyway, Heres what Im getting at; the kid who bailed out of this fucked up system may have merely beat them to the punch. Had I let the system ship my ass out, I would have most likely died at a New York State Run Animal Hospital. Their cure would have been wourse than the disease. tell ya what, I will have the flock here at the Peace Church pray for that kid and his family this sunday. I hope you all do the same. Hey, Im not sayin' that I pulled it off by the power of possitive thinking, or by the power of prayer, or by the power of love. No, Im saying that I pulled it off by all three. Its the triad, dig? the trinity. Im a believer. SRB

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 22 Aug 2002
Hey, DIO, I rambeled on so, that I didnt' give you my findings on the subject. Martini's? OK. First off, no matter what the mix; always trist a lemon zest over your drink. Second, traditionally, an olive is used in a "Dry", a maraschino cherry in a "Sweet", a lemon twist in a "Perfect", and a cocktail olive in a "Gibbson", (Shaken, not stirred). Heres my angle on the subject. First; use organic lemmons. KNOW YOUR SOURCE. The run of the mill lemon skin is loaded with pesticide. Two; THE GARNISHES: Think about it. If a waitress serves a Dry, a Sweet, a perfect, and a gibbson. Bingo! the garnish is the key; get it. the garbage that they put in your drink (Olive Etc.) is only a visual reference and in no true sence of the word was ever meant as part of the "Recipe" Get it? OK, I will explain further; lets say ya pull an olive out of the jar and spash. Who in their right mind would ever consider even adding one drop of "Pickle Juice" to their drink? Not this conisuir! Now, Im not saying dont munch that shit on the side, hay, have at it. What Im saying is dont pollute yer Aqua Vita with it. In me mind, the only thing that adds to a Martini is a twist of lemmon. Now, Gin and Tonic; a Lime wedge is your man here. Oh, Roast beef, Gin and Modern Jazz...I feel a painting comming on. CHEERS.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 22 Aug 2002
Hey Diogenes, good to hear your voice. "He only comes out when I drink my Gin" Pete Townsend. Hey, Im' cutting out the Rum. That shit is nothin' but distilled Sugar. I may opt for Jameson "Hilman" private stock and cream for night caps. It will be a take-off on "Bailey's". Im going to call it "Boydsey's". Hey, DIO; My memory is rather foggy, and I dont relly get what the apology is all about, but in any event, I highly recomend Gin. (Taken in the conventional manner, that is; which leads me to the following story; Years ago I was dating Denise DeLaquala, her fiance at the time was Tony Kay, a former keyboard man for the group YES. (pre Rick Wakeman). Tony had just toured with David Bowie's group. (I got a siamees twin story, that I wont get into here. Anyway, me and the gang hit a local Roller Rink (of all places) To catch my ol' partner-in-crime; Pearl Heart; in concert. Ya see, Pearly May had just returned from at tour of Australia a little down hearted. P.H. had been in tow with the Scat Brothers. They totaled so many cars that they flew home broke. (and almost not at all) I gave Pearl, David Geffen's private number, and there-in lies a tale. The night of the show, one of my Holly Wood girl friends, Ol' Dagmar" dressed me up in a cream colored velvet suit that was fresh off of Barbara Stiesand's husband's back. (Jon Peter's. Any way, My ears were still ringing from an Iron Butterly reunion show that I had attended with "Marko" (The Star Wood Slasher). Well, we no sooner get there when Tony & Co. shows up with the Ex Bass player of Bad Finger. This mad dog falls for Dagmar, and keeps quizing her about her adventures with James Dean and Mila Nermy. (Vamperella, or some shit), anyway, between sets during a photo op. Dagmar and Pearly May both hug me while holding hands; and from the camera angle, youd' swear that they were gropping my dick, but im rambling now.. Back to the gin. After having some nose problems I grabbed a double shot of straight gin and snorted a head full. WOW. DONT TRY IT! At dinner after the show allan Karr and my dear friend Barry Crost (Cat Steven's Main Man) crashed our table and a good time was had by all. Denise married Tony and moved to London. Dagmar subtely mentioned (in casual conversation) that she was considering having her tubes untied, and I heard the highway calling. A third party said that a snoot full of gin could kill a man; I havent gotten back to them yet. Hey, on the good side, Gin has no tanans or poisons; as it doesnt get any shit that leeches from "Aging Wooden Kegs"" (which gives whiskey most of its mellow color, and Gin was the prime Doctor recomended alcohol prior to the DRUG CRAZE. Now as to the "OTHER" co-respondents that you mentionned; having successfully pulled our little hot house flower off the wall, lets see if I can spur Travis to take up his ol' Tumble weed ways. The Big Apple Bad Asses could use ten of him...and on that note.. I say, well; "Thats One In A Row". P.S. Hey Crissy Twelve-Toes, You still got that belt? Later DIO. S.S.

Name: diogenes
E-mail Address: old dog@the usual
Date: 22 Aug 2002
a short apology : Steve your comments on the various effects of gin are certainly on the money
judging from the experiments I've been able to conduct. In ginibus veritas ? Thanx and a tip of
the hat to all the recent co-respondents

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 22 Aug 2002
Travis: I manifest for thee those hundred hundred thousand shapes that clothe my mystery: I show thee all my semblances, infinate, rich, divine, my changeful hues, my countless forms, and E-Mail from you. Whats up Secret Squirrel? Afraid of the Golden B-B? Hell, if so, send it from the Scool Library, or better yet, have Nicole pass me a note in class..otherwise, I may be seeing you at recess. P.S. You mentioned surfing; Will someone please tell Caroline Henry, that she's chasing a Media Hype, (as in rainbow) and that she should research the SURFERS. They were/are the COOLIST on this planet. They followed the wave, and in doing so; followed their own secret hearts. Courage? Ya, With a capital "C". In Hawaii, They gave this kid some blotter acid from Denmark that took me out with the tide and lovingly drifted me back. Heres to an Endless Summer. Aurevoir, adios, sayonara, auf wiedersehen.

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address: wakeup@dawnamerica
Date: 22 Aug 2002
ONE DEATH will be forgotten in the commemorations by the New York authorities of the events of 11 September. Jason-Eric Wilson was 16 years old when he killed himself in a homeless shelter in New York two weeks ago. He died tragically after swallowing every pill he could find in his family's room.
Jason and his ten year old sister were being raised by their father, who had been diagnosed with leukemia. His father's illness became acute in the last year after the family were evicted from their home.
Last month they ended up in New York's appallingly overcrowded shelter system. The family, like hundreds of others, had to spend two days and a night sleeping on the floor of the Emergency Assistance Unit. Jason-Eric's father applied for food stamps on 30 July. He has been unable to work since a bone marrow transplant. The request was refused.
The authorities demanded that he produced legal documents including birth certificates. All had been lost when the family were evicted. They were in a shelter, but on 4 August they were given a deadline of 5.30pm to produce the documents the following day or be kicked out. They spent 5 August going from one office to another trying to get duplicate documents.
They could not find them. Jason-Eric's father says, "Jason panicked. He said, 'Dad, what we going to do?'" He found his son surrounded by empty medicine bottles at 4pm.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Behind the Waterfall
Date: 22 Aug 2002
Of course, Lynne. Buzzie bought the "hippie truck" in Austin and Jimmie Lee and I did most of the driving. Remember that Dick and I were also from the Werewolf house in San Antone. I started living there just after the SDSNational Conference in Austin. A couple of us did in fact help, albeit slightly, with the Hog Farm Free Kitchen just up the slope from the Free Stage. And Motherfucker camp was across the way, again just upslope from the kitchen. Besides we had a pretty large contingent to cook for on our own. It was one of our people who bought the six pair of wire cutters in hopes of taking down some fenceline allowing people into the festival. I first met Jenny in Houston when John Taylor and I went there to liberate Jon's ole Lady from the clutches of her dissapproving parents. Bill and Allen, Seatle werewolves, were in San antone for a littlewhile, as was I, during the time Buzz was making an overland trip to the coast--so I didn't meet him until his return. Bill we first met at the Family Gathering in Aspen meadows, NewMexico, along with the full contingent of N.Y. Motherfuckers and Hog Farmers, including Hugh Romney (Wavy Gravy), if memory serves. Most of this was before anyone had yet met you, except to say that buzz and his travels and you in yours managed to meet at the werewolf house in Newport, which I believe was established with the funds that Dick and Jenny made by working on (painting) the long connecting bridge. That house is the one that the cops crashed through the American Flag in order to capture the place. I was out surfing. We Get everybody out of jail and hook over to lawyer Milton Stansler's office in Providence who wanted us to stay and fight the law against vagrancy to the Rhode Island State supremeCourt, and then, to pursue the case further to the U.S. Supreme Court, which he a lifetime of credentials suitable to that purpose. That was a day of extreme mixed emotions because as much as we thought that ought be done, we felt our presence, in both an historical and immediate sense, was required at Woodstock-so that's what we did. First back to the city(N.Y.)to pick up any stragglers and , in then to Woodstock. I'll get to the part about how you met Karen and hitched across Canada, then finding us at Sky River II-Lighter Than Air Fair, in Washougal, Washington, and the only night you and I ever spent intimate on the grass,,,,yes, that's me. Good to hear from you, bye for now.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Aug 2002
Ah yes - another someone's episode of the "never come down" party (version what and wherever) - tripping the light fanzingo for daze on end in the desert with an Multi-fused DMT/STP deserted oasis topping. But in the end (was there actually an end?) - I/you/we all came down - so I guess reality is a indeed trip afterall. Ram Das said much the same after locking himself with friends into a motel room for a week of hourly on the hour dose-up. The effects of these good-ole partys seems to last between 36 hours and a life time - forget the Thorazine and pass the Acid OK? Bye for now - IAM IMAM (a fully fledged Drogstore Cafe Alumnoid)

Name: Lynnie
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Aug 2002
So, Travis, you don't remember me? Why is it I think I remember you? Does the name 'Lynne' ring more bells than 'Lynnie'? How about the names 'Dick' and 'Jennie'? We went to Austin, you know, that year -- after Woodstock. I got busted for my mother's milltowns; they read my mail, learned I had the clap (gotten that in Newport from a Texas MF -- remember 'Buzz', does 'Buzz' ring any bells? This coincided with the loss of my virginity...) Put me in Junior Solitary so I wouldn't infect the other underage inmates. After three days put me on nembutals, a lot stronger than the milltowns they'd busted me with. After 4 days called my parents (laws? 1 phone call?). And I was officially 86'd from the state of Texas. And you don't remember me?
We were there for all of Woodstock, you know. They let us in early as we were supposed to help the Hog Farm with the food. One thing I can say in honor of the Motherfuckers. Not one of us did. Not one of us helped with that food. Do you remember the 'living experiment to determine how much acid a human being can possibly consume,' which was conducted by myself and another one your Texas brethren? No? It seems we lived.
Are you really Travis or just a clever impostor?

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: ami@animalwrites.orgon
Date: 22 Aug 2002
Hey Carolina Henryetta - How many hippies can you fit into a light bulb? I mean night club - well there were only a few dozen or so until Scott Mac and John Philips got hold of the idea - then there were thousands and thousands running in and out of Huckleberry House like crabs and scabies run amok. Who exactly? Well there was that guy and then there was that girl - the two of them begat the rest of the population in our little West Coast experimental Eden - all named Adam and Eve - or some other nom du plume. Other features include everything else I can't recall because I was there. Good lunch with your thesis. Next?

Name: caroline henry
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Aug 2002
Hi Guys
I'm a French student writing a memoire to get my master in American civilization. I would need information on the hippies such as: how many were they, who exactly and other features.
Thanks for your help. BYE

Name: head ninja
E-mail Address: scrofulous@off-the-wall-com
Date: 22 Aug 2002
When you think about it, sterno robitussin & a whole lot of reeall strong coffee can work wonders
for a feeble brain

Name: Steve (straight citizen) Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Hey, folks, while were' on the War/Pease trip. I was invited to a premier showing of a Documentary about the Cosavo/ Seriabo horse-shit deal a few mothes ago by my pal Rod. The producer was there and fimed us in the audiance question and answer session. Any way we all pow-wowed after the fact and in-as-much as his film nailed the Uncle Sam's Hand-In-Hand affair with the Taliban (strange bed-fellows) Big Bother vaporized his Web-Site. No Shit. This poor bastard is now lookin' over his shoulder for black Mercedes, Dig? Whats next, his Pass Port? (I wonder when they'll ZAP us?) PEACE YA'LL

Name: Anne Slanders
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Hey Yal' I could really use some practice for my next gig. Any Questions? Come on, tell yer Ol' Uncle Anne all about it.

Name: Steve (straight citizen) Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
God, this is embarrasing, I forgot to mention that you can wet yer whistle with daily world updates by typin' in

Name: Steve (straight citizen) Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
I forgot to add

Name: Steve (straight citizen) Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Hey, IMAM, while im' on the horn, in reference to the PEACE trip, ol'Wendel says to tell ya to check out: he goes on to add, that, "The Hindi, are no fools, man!". You can take the back door by typin' in:

Name: Steve, ya, just plain Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Hey IMAM. Its good to hear another friendly voice. If it werent for you and the fortunat few, I would probobly turn my teeth around an chew my tonsils off. Hey, I just flashed on chewin' my lip as if it were a ham sandwich, watching that mourning show(it was Night for me) called "Dig It With Albert" all thows years ago. He was an old gardening Expert. And how about the "Old Prospectors", who ran the non-stop Cal Wourthington commercials? I wonder if that ol' Price Slasher is still a' Hackin' and a' Hewin'? well, in closing, Dont be strange...ah..I mean dont be a stranger. Steve

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Travis, Now yer tuned in. Seriously. Im a student of Heraldry, and Ive' long had the desire to take fencing lessons. No shit. I may follow threw with it. Anyway, when I was life-acting on the back of a Forida Garbage truck, I got my hands on some discarded foils. You know, the real McCoy. Anyway, I exersized my ussual "Good Judgement" and gave em to the nieghbor kids. Those little marauders put the community at large in an uproar, promto. Speaking of rosa's Cantina; (Your' realy on target tonight). My uncle by marriage, wrote the original (In Poem form) while in the Navy. He was overjoyed when a publishing company bought it for about $200.00. They of course passed it around and it was eventually re-structured, but, aint it the way? I happen to have Mart'ys Gun Fighter Ballads in my collection. (Im a Vinal Freak) I also have the Coasters original "MEXICO" around here somewhere. Hey back to the DUEL...youre the one that who slapped me with the Gauntlet, remember. I must level with you in all fairness; untill you got civil again, I was real close to consulty Yiddle. I have a Natural Sister in Texas, she's on the Burell spread. Maybe I could swing down your way and we could both Fuel Up at the State Line (as thy tax ya fer crossin' on empty, remember?...I think you do know me. (or OF me, at any rate. Later. Steve

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Rosa's Cantina
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Little training is required to recognize that "the Emperor has no clothes." You continue to wield a Claymore when a foil would serve you better.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Hey, NIK, during my brief tenure at the Fool's Paradice, I renamed everyone based opon their mental affliction or physical miss-representation. I ah, dont remember any Lynnie. (anymore than she would remember me, I imagine. Christ, my mind just wandered to little Anne Root. Well, she's forever young, in that respect. Oh, her original face. Oh, by the way. Sorry that you had to wittness that little talking to that I had with JR. but He pushed me to it. Ya see; Ol' Matt Dillon never did E-Mail me back, so a show-down was inevitable. I hope that you all on the side walks didnt get any on ya. Now, as far as my face leavin' town at noon Miss Nicole, Be.... ah...never mind. See whats happening, Curious has exassperated me again. If I cant cry to you who can I cry to. You picked up that duty as Queen Goddess Of New York City. (Aint it a bitch?) Tell me this Nik, does Travis repressent the M.F's as a whole? I mean is it gonna come to the point of "My Dad beatin'up His Dad" (after that necropheliac crack maybe so, hu kid? Hey, on that note, What's a MOTHER to do? As far as that old shit about: "any friend of yours is a friend of mine"; You can run with who-ever you want too. Just please tell that man behind the curtain, that he might do well to stay put. (for the dead travel fast) THE GREAT AND NOBLE OZ HAS SPOKEN. Wow, back to was One hell of a day today. We had a fish fry for the down-and-outers. Fed at least 60. Will close for now Nik ...whats that you say?...Have a nice day?..Oh..Uh..I have other plans. Take Care Woman-Child. Steve

Name: Mr.Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Pulitzer, schmulitzor, Nobel; (what the hell... And Thats Mr. Idiot; SHOW SOME RESPECT. As an old Texas BOY, here's an old FAMILY story that you may be able to relate to... You like stories dont cha Mr. "T"? Ok, Here goes, It seems that a large force of Aliens landed down south with the sole purpose of destroying Earth. The leader of the invassion aproached a farm hand who was leaning on a fence. The old hand looked up and casually said; Boy,.. you in a heap O' trouble now! done landed on Mista' Boyd's property. Sure, Travis, I was wrong/Right to call you a Mother Fucker..but yer far from the Devine Breed. Let me re-state my position. Go fuck yer Mother. Whats that ya say?..Shes dead...oh, sorry, let me re-phrase that;..Go fuck yer Mother's dead corps. Well, now that weve cleared the air, and gotten to know each other a little bit better, you dont have to call me Steve, you can call me "Mr. Boyd". OK, story time is over. Look Dunce..Curious, serious, furious, delirious, or Travious..The ball is in Coyote's court, if he wants to swap pleasentries with your's truly, he's got my number in more ways than one. Curious, you been tellin' tales out of school again. Bush Country, you say?, I been up and down the Border from Crispy Corpusle to Smell Gasso. (ask the Banditos) I still got sand in my teeth. In as much as the Children are listening, I will stop short of saying anything that YOU may regret later. Put yer Mouse-Ears on Tex. Write your disinherited mind back into the Will, just long enough to comprehend this Amego. (Good-Humored patience is your man here) Look Cowboy, your vain attempts at trying to critique the here and now of my broad casts, have failed miserably. Your Rex Reed Style Cunty critiques have all fallen short. To begin with, you must master the form PRIOR to critiquing it. Dig? THEN,AND ONLY THEN can you give the "Thumbs Down" Bearing in mind that your predjadisis dont cloud yer' judgement. Remember a critic's fundemental duty is to recognize a "Classic" when one bites him on the ass. Feelin' Double-Tough? come on M.F. Swing by West 4th. But I gotta warn ya, you may have to stand in line with two Presidents, a G-Man and the directior of the local P.T.A. (did I leave anyone out?) Their out their right now in a Mexican-stand-off arguing about just who gets to kick down the fuckin' door. Now, as far as Talkin'The Truth. You said that you never implied that I should watch what I say. My Mother's Big Meat-Ass! You just stopped short of warning me that I could put someones eye out with this fuckin' computer! And as far as your Father to Son comment about me eatin' at your nigger-rigged "Children's Table" Listen up Grand Pa, You May Be Older than me; But Im Older than you. (Think about it) Now heres somethin' straight from the book: " There is a dimension of experience where, on the other side of tricky philosophical speculation and rational argumentation, it becomes self-evident that what is not right cannot be true. It is the moment of comprehending what the indefinable good life is. Then there is no doubt that a man, given up to fascinations which have the least bearing on what he is as a person, namely on his affections, his passions, his beliefs, his imagination---the least bearing, in fact, on the truth in which and by which he is a person---is merely digging away in the gulf between him and the good life." And on that note, Tex, Ive' lived the life of three men, so If I should die tonight, the world wont owe me a fuckin' thing. To put it into focus, and to take it to the lowest common denominator; You came to this site for all of the wrong reasons, while I made (Ya, "Made") the scene, for all of the right ones. HOOT!, ..HELP MA BOAB!..."Get out of this site if ya cant lend a hand, for the times they are a-changin'". And another thing, You dare to mention DIGGER POLOTICS? At that little "Sing-Song" rally, My kind were stark-ass naked with tiny Amerikan Flags tied to our Dicks, handing out free Peace Tabs, (S&M Carl can back me up on that one) In clossing, If Billy The Kid ever wants to touch base, you can bet yer Lucky Spurs that he wont hide behind some phony Handle. He' a REAL MAN... And as far as me shittin' in the same lattren next to his skinny white ass, I failed to mention that I dug the fuckin hole, just prior to that Psychadelic Shit Session. Well, I Gotta run, or, rather; Walk Tall. See ya at High Noon Mother Fucker. SS/BABAMC/NYC

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Steve - You have the full right away with the OMMC - and great gallap'in gooses! - just what the world needs is more T-Shirts and patches from in and outta The Machine's Neo-BFDMC - etc. Off of this crew for a blink - did you dig the bike and trike HAMC ala Sonny beer ads floating to the surface at Sturgis and other rip reving festivals of look back jack? Oh well - commercial though it may be - it is a shade or two better than other Meth(od) Operandus of the skizo-frenic past. Though a Mongol would tend to disagree. - and oh yeah: - PS - "Semper Templar" my friend and keep your head about your shoulders. H.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Midland, Austin, San Antone
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Steve: In the words of Voltaire "I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Nicole--I arrived rather late to Newport. A group of us from Austin left home to travel to the Atlantic City Festival, where we heard about upcoming Woodstock. We arrived there on the last day just in time, after crashing the gate enmasse, to hear , if memory serves, Canned Heat, Frank Zappa and the Mothers, our home girl Janis, and finally Little Richard, who ( in particular) was in rare form. I thought those East Coast Brothers and Sisters were gonna bring the fcking mezzanine down, jumping(full vigor) up and down in unison--that concrete pulsed and threatened to break.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Aug 2002
IMAM...thanks for posting that article...though there are pockets of it sprouting and growing...and that whisper is becoming a murmur and the fidgeting becomes actual movement...many of us disemenating info...and not just to eachother...the awesome copy machine here in my office has printed many, many, many fliers after hours...and keeping eachother sparked by talking on this site...and knowing how many people come here insidentally and leave it seeing more clearly...either way...sometimes my belief system gets clarified simply by disagreeing with someone else...I get closer to the bone so to just keep it up...and keep informed

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Bandera Pass
Date: 21 Aug 2002

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Aug 2002
...sorry, I left that sort of incomplete...I called Lynnie after I read the "travis" posting and asked her if there was a travis in the motherfuckers she traveled with she said yes, from Texas and she had hooked up with them in Newport at the folk festival where they wreaked havoc...then traveled to the way steve do you remember Lynnie...she was from Pennsylvania and at Olema found out she had grown up a few miles from Turkey Ridge Farm (Peters family farm)..any way she's here in the city...

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Aug 2002
There is no Pulitzer prize for peace, idiot.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 21 Aug 2002
...Travis would you be the same Travis from the Texas branch of the mother fuckers??? and did you spend the summer of '69 in Rhode Island??? I just called Lynnie who ran with them for a bit and found her way to Olema through them and the oakland bakery...Nicole

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Not to change the intrigue too far afield but did any of you read this in today's Miami Hearld? I think the author is speaking to us - whoeverweare and is worth the read.
Uncle Wendell might be saying the same in his own alias way . Those who are listening don't need to be told - while most everyone else is playing deaf and dumb to the call because under the present regime dissidence seems to imply treason rather than reason. IAIMAM

Name: S.S. of the BABAs'
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Comments hit me!!! And he's makin' fart sounds again!!! Waaaaahhhhh!!!!

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: uaw/mf -- regional traveler for the IWWC ( International
WereWolf Conspiracy)
Date: 21 Aug 2002
motherfucker is correct. That's why our politics are different from yours (The Diggers.) Travis is the name. Contact Coyote and find out what he's thinking about my reappearance--my case will be heard. I will have my say.

Name: S.S. of the BABAs'
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Curious?..Curious? Come on,.. Curtain Call!. "ITs SHOW-TIME"! Hey Premadona, I didnt re-read it, but I stayed up all night Re-thinking it: I KNOW WHO YOU ARE...but Im' getting way ahead of myself. (It doesnt take much to read your beads). OK, first; You refuse to reveal your name. (because yer a "Regular" here on the site, and you dread the thought of your cuppachino-sipping record company producer, big-time-operator "Freinds" catching on to the fact that you suffer from a terminal case of Assholism. Ya, you are deffinatly a Closet Assaholic. (hey, everyone has the right to be an asshole once in a while but you have abused the privaledge). I must hand it to you though; by not giving me a any old Tom, Dick, or Harry name, you showed that you are no liar. (of the petty variety, at any rate.) Now, in reference to your original,"Poke-em-in-the-eye-with-a-sharpe-stick comment about the Scatalogical humor of the Bat-kids....Fuck, every Olema Lost Boy (and girl for that matter) knew why a turd tapers off at the end! (Its so that your asshole wouldnt slame shut!.) And as far as setting parental figures goes...Hell, I didnt raise my own kids, why the fuck should I try to second-guess anyone elses methods?? Truth is, I never met Billy Bat-Man. I do however remember his wonderful Digger Smile. (The photo of him that hung on the Olema bullitn board wall, behind the couch. He was staring through the open side window of a truck.) It was thumb-tacked next to the Hells Angels Calling Card that Moose had red penciled the name Coyote onto. Now as to your TOP SECRET astrological sign; thats easy. You hold it close to the vest in order to conseal any indication of the hand that you were delt comming into this poker game called LIFE. Im in for KEEPS Curious, were goin' fer Pink Slips here, and your "Dealer's Choice" double solitair has just played out. My head just swelled; actually, I only gamble with love...sure Ive' always lost at Love..(but I was up against High Odds and Low Women). Now, as to your last entry; where you puckered up like a butter-cup, pretending to be like-minded with me; "Questioning" what this site was all about anyway...Man, the question is: what the fuck are you all about? I serve you up a whole loaf and you return the favor with crumbs. When you lay on your over-friendly act, the red flags start to go up. Now, as to your TRUE IDENTITY, fuck, we all know who you are, YOU ARE THAT SELFISH KID ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE WHO IS ALWAYS THROWING STONES. You may be Acadamy Award Material, but Im' a Pulitzer Peace Prize candidate, got that? ya Mother-Fucker. As far as an under-study goes, Dont call us; we will call you. I suggest that you sit this one out in the wings, because the open audition that I just laid down at the fuckin' try-out is just previews of comming attractions. (And its gonna' be a Double-Feature, Junior. So run a long and pop plenty of corn, Dig?.... Man, I just gotta say it...GO AWAY KID, YA BOTHER ME! Hey,..Gotta go..the curtain is slowly rising for this old Trooper. (as far as you and me crossing paths...ahhh...(Let's not, and say we did). "Break a Leg!" In closing; I leave you with the BABA Credo: "Cock-suckers, Mother-fuckers, Pussy-lickers too; Im a Big-Apple Bad-Ass, What the Fuck are You?"

E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Aug 2002

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Aug 2002
Jesus Christ Hammond, I just followed a lead to the Booze Fighters Mountain Chapter web site. I checked it out. What a fuckin' dissapointment. Theyve' gone the Angel-route; you know, pushing support gear, selling tee-shirts, etc. What next? Ballons for the kiddies and BFMC Action figures? And that flag-waving shit???...dont they know that Uncle Sam would march there asses into the showers in a heart-beat after melting their Harley to cast bombs? Wake up Yankee Doodle! Fuck; Its ironic, I remember the radio announcement a few years back, announcing that Wino Willy had died. I had no knowledge that the club was even still in existance, I had never met the man, but had marveled at his exploits, which were told to me by some eye-wittnesses down at Dudley Perkin's shop, years earlier. so, with that in mind, I ran out and bought two bottles of wine, which I promptly drank. (One for me, and one for dear old Willy). I then drew a memorial poster for W.W. and hung it on the wall. The young lady who was rooming with me at that time passed on the vino, as she was upset with me for continual wrong-doing (I suspect). See, I had just finnished wrenching together a slick BSA basket-case in our living room/kitchen/bed room. (ie. One room boarding house.) I also had 25 sportster tanks piled up collecting dust. The real kicker was that we lived on the second floor with no elivator. Her name was Gaile-with-an-"E". Her red hair said STOP, her green eyes said GO, and her body said YIELD. (I would have married her, but she already was). Anyway, looking back on it, most of our domestic problems centered around the fact that I insisted that she trust my "good-judgement", ahhh...well, you get the picture. Anyway; upon checking out their site, Its obvious that the Booze Fighters seem to have evolved into your typical leather/Harley Cult. I mean come on, these week-end warriors look like trick-or-treaters. That Stereo-typical "Biker-Image" is embarassing. In as much as bad-news (like the dead) travels fast, I will know doubt be hearing from them soon and Maybe they can change my view-point) Think so? In any event, I hit the old drafting board again and plan on painting the Beast Templar Knight Colors, (two-tone Black and white) and mounting a spring-loaded buddy seat on to her. (as the motto of my new club will be "Double Up", which will exemplify the poverty-stricken life-style of its prospective members.) But, Im getting ahead of myself. I plan on changing my Bike's name from Holy Roller, to Holy Ghost, and plan to have it blessed here at the Peace Church. God only knows where it will get Christened. Now, back to the club scene; Playing the Old "One Man Motorcycle Club" card again, you might ask? Naaaa, It's been done. That "Knight without Armor in a Savage Land, went out with Alchoholics Unananimouse and the Starvation Army, back in 66. I was rattled when I heard that there is going to be a Big Political Push to implement a ban on Motorcyles here in Greenwich Village. BINGO! the Die was cast! Im' kick-starting the B.A.B.A. Hey Mayor, A Ban on Motorcycles you say? Well wait till the boy's down at city hall get a load of the "Ban The Ban" rally that the BIG APPLE BAD-ASSES are going to pull off. The club colors will consist of King Kong and Mighty Joe Young jumping the Empire State Building on a tandem style Guilligan's Island Bamboo Motorcycle. The mission statement will be geared to attract a roving mob of two-wheeled multi-cultural ladies and gentlemen, who follow a different drummer. It will be peerless. (no pressure) It will be based on the "Horde" concept; (who after an emissary of the Pope rode out and tried to pay them off to ride "around" the city, and not through it, said: "I wish to speak to your Leader"...well, they all gave each other a puzzled look and said; "We have no leader".) DIG? Sure It may end up looking like a cross between the "Cycle Sluts" and the Little Rascals, but if so, I should fit in just fine. (OH-TAY BANKY) Hopefully we can snag a couple of hot-shot motor men; (I can handle the paint and Tattoo dept. single handedly). The probationary period will merely consist of packing on the back of a members bike and protecting it while the patch-holder is involved in some serious bar-hopping. No stupid-ass tricks or demeaning servitude. Just long enough to mesh and get rolling on yer own. As to the Iron, hell, thats your trip, the make and style of your choice, naturally. The enfissise will be on the PERSON and NOT THE MACHINE. Dig? The two wheeled American Icon has gotten way out of proportion. So the drift is; lets say 25 members, packing 25 prospects; thats called "Good Odds" in any neighborhood. Hey, like I said: sometimes life gets interesting. Later Hammond. (I feel another original Idea comming on...or is that just gas?) SRB

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Aug 2002
Hammond; (sometimes life gets interesting). Well Ive' been a Citezen now for almost a full day. I dont feel any different. Hey, Ive' gone back to the old drafting board and plan to re-designing the bike a tad. See, the only reason that I was going to alter some drag bars is that I had originally planned on putting the bike to bed at night between both buildings; which meant that it would have to squeeze and wheel it through a very narrow (But Tall) Iron gate. Thats why I opted for folding pegs as apposed to narrow rectangle foot boards (witch for me, are the berrys). Ive' always hade a soft-spot for 40's style Bobbers. Anyway, I got a solid lead on some garage space, so I plan on grabbing a set of old style Flanders bars. Ive' 86ed the paint-job from hell motif and will paint the beast two-tone green and white. (Hint, hint, nudge, nudge) Hay, I was just clued in about a Swedish Outfit that manufactures up-dated versions of Knuckle Head engines. They are brand-spankin' new units, and probobly cost a mint, but I have a while to cross that bridge, as the "heart of the Beast" is last on my list. Hey, be good! SRB

Name: Uncle Wendell
E-mail Address: Telegraph Hill@Triplink
Date: 20 Aug 2002
The Digger web site is like a beleaguered city that lives within high walls through which there passes only an occasional courier to tell us what is happening outside. (Many thanks Steve)

Name: Little Edgar
E-mail Address: Aciddroping@Bedtime
Date: 20 Aug 2002
Through the red-litten windows see vast forms that move fantastically to a discordant melody; while, like a ghastly rapid river, through the pale door a hideous throng rush out forever and laugh---but smile no more.

Name: Wallace Stevens
E-mail Address: Green&Grant @ Frisco
Date: 20 Aug 2002
I was the world in which I walked, and what I saw or heard or felt came not but from myself: and where I found myself more truly and more strange.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address: Steve charactered by pirandello
Date: 20 Aug 2002
"A man will die, a writer, the instrument of creation: but what he has created will never die! And to be able to to live for ever you don't need to have extraordinary gifts or be able to do miracles. Who was Sancho Panza? Who was Prospero? But they will live for ever because - living seeds - they had the luck to find a fruitful soil, an imagination which knew how to grow them and feed them, so that they will live for ever."

Name: Ernest Dowson
E-mail Address: Vortex III @ Kinesis
Date: 20 Aug 2002
They are not long, the days of wine and roses: Out of a misty dream our path emerges for a while, then closes within a dream.

Name: Any-One's-Guess
E-mail Address: Off the wall @The Tin Angel
Date: 20 Aug 2002
O western wind, when wilt thou blow that the small rain down can rain? Christ, that my love were in my arms and in my bed again!

Name: Masefield
E-mail Address: Jazz @ Caruso Cafe
Date: 20 Aug 2002
Theirs be the music, the color, the glory, the gold; Mine be a handful of ashes, a mouthful of mould.

Name: Laurence Sterne
E-mail Address: Coffee Gallery 1961
Date: 20 Aug 2002
So long as a man rides his hobbyhorse peaceably and quietly along the King's highway, and neither compels you or me to get up behind him, ---pray, Sir, what have either you or I to do with it?

Name: Steve (straight citizen) Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Aug 2002
Dear Curious; How shall I learn, Supremest Mystery! To know Thee, thou I muse continually? Under what form of Thine unnumbered forms mayst Thou be grasped?

Name: Steve (straight citizen) Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Aug 2002
Dear Curious; How shall I learn, Supremest Mystery! To know Thee, thou I muse continually? Under what form of Thine unnumbered forms mayst Thou be grasped? (there,... I asked nicely)

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Sleepy Hollow
Date: 20 Aug 2002
Steve: I literally don't know how to scroll or I wouldn't have had to fit (say rather attempt to fit) my responses[ were they responses--Oh, I suppose so] to this small frame. Teach me this art. Listen, man; I do not have anything whatever to do with any effort to change or otherwise restrict your voice. I would necessarily, therefore, join you in asking just what the hell this site is for if not that which has been occurring. I wholeheartedly agree that liberty prompts individual expression. Some, if not many, public expressions flower in individual conversations. So there is still a world of both public and private. The Press by any other name....#30

Name: Steve Boyd : Ex-Digger
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Aug 2002
Heres my parting shot: Yall' check out my F.F.O.R. Entry, titled "DIGGER WEB SITE UNEARTHED / YEAR 3002" dated 09 July 2002. Ya hear? Think about it. (Nuff-Said?). SRB.... Hello, Good-bye, Hello, Good-bye, Etc. Etc. Etc.

Name: Steve Boyd : Ex-Digger
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Aug 2002
OK...On that note... And to think, I said "Former" (never ex). Ive' just been cleansed. It was tough breaking through. Contrary to popular belief, the gate is not deep and the road is not wide. But hey, the only Eric that I can remember from that era was a William Bendix type who was in the rather odd habit of getting high with his mother. Eric was like a phone booth with a head. He turned me and Steve Googy ( From Berkeley) onto a plastic film holder full of pink powdered Mescalin (they were calling EVERYTHING Mesc in those days, remember?) anyway,we had thumbed over the bridge to Sausolito, where I gave the last of my grass to a "Plinker" (spare-change artist) you know, a "Pan-handler". Anyway, We had both snorted a whole mess of the pink and had burned the shit out-of-our'-noses. So here we go, tripping through town trying to put out the fire with anything that looked wet. We kept thumbin' just to keep movin' because the world had stopped turning at that point. (remember that feeling?) OK, So some freaks picked us up and a tiny straw-berry blond named "Star" took a shinning to me. She yelled "Let us off here", and at that point, I realized that she was a hitcher also. Well the freaks looked at me in a menacing manner and reluctantly let their prize off the hook. Anyway, She leads me and Steve to an old abandond cabin crewser that was half buried at the waters edge. She says that it's her "Home away from Home" Being the gentelman I am, I ofer her a few shakes of pink and warn her not to snort it, as me and steve still have psychadelic snot running down our faces and it feels like our eye-balls are bleeding. So she laps up a palm full and pulls down her pants and shows me her Star Tattoo (Just above the snapper; (The cuffs matched the collar, by the way) Then she pulled her top up around her neck and asked me my honest opinion. (Mean-while, Steve is smiling through his tears). Well; under the circumstances, I naturally applied the usual Boyd logic and rationel and informed her (politely) that they were evenly spaced, pert, and preportionate to her hieght and wieght. (ie. "SMALL") well she was beside her self and we parted trails. Steve and I hung out for a while, (taking mental notes; as to the decore..the place had a certain ambiance). Anyway, A few hours passed, and in that span of time, Steve and I thumbed back to the city, and after spiting over the center-line we headed back north by hooking a ride with a wild-ass Chicano who could hardly see over the wheel. I mean, hey, put him next to a child's spinet piano and he would look like one of those cataloge kids from a swing-set advertizement. Dig? Picture it: he's wheeling a mint two tone metal flake gold and white pearl laquered 58 "Allah-Impalla". Well, we jump in as this Day-glow-Dago floors it and veers wide around the Palace of Fine Arts, crosses the line and side-swipes a custom painted van which was heading south-bound. He imediatly turns on the water-works and starts screaming that his Brother is going to kill him. Then he starts preying to the Virin of Guadelupi. (Those Fuckin' Catholics) So, mean-while a fuckin' lynch-mob swarmes out of the van. Steve and I both make a judgement call, and agreed that this was our stop. We no sooner hit the side walk when, Who comes bouncing out of the back of the van? You guessed it. STAR! Well, its like old home week, and the freaks who owned the van were Really pissed (they got totaled by an unlicenced teen and lost what was sure to be one hell of an audition. (Aint it the way?. We lapped up some more pink like it was Pixi-Staws and I dont remember much after that. Anyway; an Owl Feather you say??? NEVER! (Death Bird of the Gypsies). I only save Pidgion and Sparrow feathers; and only when I find them on my threash-hold. #1 Years, you say? Wow what a fitting way to end this tale... Sweet Lorraine and I will mark our 31st this year. Although Im walking through life hand-in-hand with myself these days (In good company, I might add) There are three golden theads that will forever connect us. "John Wesley, Erin Rose, and Devon Claire". Hey, I cant leave out my Grand Son, young "John Thomas" out, so make that four. In closing, although my "Digger Art Project Bombed after two months, I will take my "Digger Life Style" to my grave. (Which may be sooner than I think.. And why? you ask..."For the Dead Travel Fast". Eric, Old Friends are the Best Friends. All my love to you and yours. SRB

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Aug 2002
Steve, I say "blaze on". Your missives are part of some gigantic libretto over time. Your tales of derring-do will live on in some acid-drenched Akashic Records. I'm not sure we ever met but I think of you as that spirit who bestowed on me a yarn-woven owl feather to wear in my hair that day I was hitchhiking from Wheelers Ranch to the City. Was that you? Simon and Garfunkel's El Condor Pasa was playing on the car radio. I wore that feather every day for the next two years until I got hitched in the Kaliflower commune to my lover, now of 31 years. Your reality is a few degrees tangential to the everyday quicksand that entraps most of our lives. Your voice is enough to keep my head above the enveloping darkness. Sing on, master librettist.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Eric, my bright little star..News From The Front. Ive' got a solid lead for a Magna-Doodle-Pow-Wow with a Village Voice staffer. So I may be on to bigger (but maybe not better) things. The hook is to pull off the old "Huffing PAM through a cotton-stuffed toilet paper tube" version of Anne Landers. The Idea is for me to advise the throngs of pierced cheese-eating trailor park teens and their nympho-maniac house-wife mothers the A-B-C's of proper anti-social etiquet. (you know, like Miss Manners on ludes. My Interpreture told him that I was up to it, but added that my only draw back is the dead-line Issue. (I procrastinate to such a degree that I didnt get a birth mark until I was two years old.) Any way, Wish me luck. Hey, by the way, I cant help buy admmiring your humility; as you have skirted some very "Delicate" issues without pegging-out the needle on the old kink-o-meter. You and I both know that the scenes at the annual Frisco CMC Carnivals and the super-solic acid-drenched slam-o-rammas at the Rich Street Baths beat the hell out of any Digger Parties in recorded History. (sure their was the Family Dog Birthday Bash, but hey my Idea of fun isnt watching Dogs fight, (or Hells Angels stomping Dogs,) for that matter; read me?) My point is this; I think that I may be on the wrong station. (no offence to your talk show) But its like trying to hear the sound of one hand clapping, dig? With 20/20 hind-sight my life was been a cross between Little Big Man and Death On The Installment Plan, (no brag, just fact) And these squares dont dig me. Hell, the truth is, I often amaze (amuse?, abuse?) myself. Tell me this sailor: Is there an "underground" site that I could tap into in order to spin yarns and tell the tale of the adventures of Joe Kid? (If so E-Mail Me on the side, as the thought of Miss Curious tagging along doing the Thorazine shuffle would really Dog my Cats, He/She/Them/or it, really drags me.) Hey, We both know that Ive' rattled more than a few cages. Am I the only one who realizes that our nostalgically romantic Digger Elders (who seem to be on very short chains these days), are getting their panties in a bind due too the fact that when Sir John (Lennon) heralded 1970 as "Year One" they just couldnt let go. As far as me dragging any bagage: Fuck, Im just exersizing a few Demons prior to attaining the next level. (Better View Higher Up). Eric, you tiny dancer, dont they know that I can only tell each story once. (Is that once too much?) Prey thee Eric, be contented; The guilty parties know who they are. Ya, Im talkin to you Allan Ginsburg types who were so innosently snapping your Brownies many moons ago. Your private agenda? PHOTOS FOR THE "BOOKS". We knew it and stood well out of frame. And to think that it was said that "THE DIGGERS" riled about everybody", YA! Wait till they get a load of me. Fuck, that outfit was a Cadilac with no wheels. The women were the craddle of that civilization. Rightious you say? Talk the truth you say? I was told (from the Horse's mouth that "The Diggers" were an art project that was intended to shock people into realizing what was possible. To which I have to say: Fuck it Love-nuts; I wish you had told me that 32 fuckin' years ago! Talk about performance art! Fuck, Ive' been a walking "Art Project" who's been defending you and your Ilk's actions for my entire adult life! The fuckin' jokes on me! Im the only one who "Personified the fuckin' life-style that I you-all asked others to accept" DIGGERS-MY-ASS. And the wind whispered: Mary". In closing; for all of you Monday mourning quarter-backs who never lost a Sunday game; "Every one Dies...but Few actually Live".'ll say that I will never learned..but I got news for ya, Here's a NOWS FLASH: You could all learn alot by not learning. I auta' know! Thats original; you can quote me. Hope to hear from you soon Brave Heart. Untill then, Snake-Rattle-N-Roll, Farm-out, Out-a-State, Two Mutch, Love Steve.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Aug 2002
You mean Sulpher, Fire and Brimstone dont cha? (I cant help it My people were Methodist Ministers.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Easy on the sulphate mate!

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Ah Shuuuucks...On that note; JD's of America Unite" (thats Jr. Diggers, not Jr. Delinquints) Hey kiddies, this is yer Ol' Uncle Steve again. Heres a leg-wettin' Poem that I want you all to print out and tonight while you deliver your Girl Scout Cookies, I want you to ask Mom to swing you by the local Church, Dog Pound and Petting Zoo. Post a copy at each local. OK?....First off, when Rosser refers to "The probing Eye Of Palomar", he's talking about the huge telescope at the Palomar Astrological Observitory down by San Diago, OK? Secondly, Rosser is a big Time Industrialist, but that dont make him a bad guy, (take it from me) OK? Now here goes.... ETERNITY (By Rosser Reeves) "The probing eye of Palomar peers skyward to revel a billion molton, fiery stars in our galactic wheel, and shows that even this great disc is but a firefly burning within a much more monsterous wheel, slowly, slowly turning. May not this next celestial wheel be but an atom's glow in some big molecule of stars in some big flake of snow? For may not space flow on and on from door to opening door, like seas that open into seas and never reach a shore? If in our atom's tiny flame a billion stars are whirled, and millions of these lonely suns has each a captive world, just follow to the trillionth power and on beyond to see what must be true when ciphers link down to infinity. Somewhere red planets swing around a triple silver sun and pale, pale rainbows interlock thier arches one by one. Somewhere dark girls upon their brows, grow curving scarlet horns and ride through tinkling gardens on great golden unicorns. And somewhere rains of diamonds fall on foaming, milk white seas, where rockets follow streaming light from star to star with ease, and soft-eyed girls with honied lips swim up to sing and free their water weighed lashes from their native, shining sea. Great blue-white giant blazzing suns control a thousand spheres where reptiles march in glittering ranks and fight with jeweled spears. Where lizards lounge on ivory thrones and keep to weave and spin, to clean their over lapping scales, a smooth skinned race of men. Somewhere crustaceans think like Gods, and muse eternal laws and write the music of the spheres with clicking bony claws, or beetles, fish, and furry things emerge as sentient breeds, or working with atomic fires are thinking centipedes....Or, coal black spiders sway in webs beneath chill alien moons and finger gem-like instruments and strum immortal tunes, or serpent men on serpent worlds evolve to racial prime and glide in fourth dimensions where the riddle solved is time. For if there is no end of worlds, and, nature keeps her laws, who knows which life will win-which-world-the hands...the coils...the claws? So feathered things and crawling things and creeping things all go their separate ways on separate worlds, around, above, below. If God employs infinity his wonders to perform and theres no end of endlessness, can there be a norm? Would God give souls to sentient beasts, or would they still be clods? If evolution is Gods way whose image, then, is Gods? An endlessness of worlds implies a world of every kind--worlds where our past repeats itself untill the end of time, world's where our future's far events enact themselves before, where every closing portal means another opening door. So if there is infinity, if endlessness is true, somewhere Napoleon walks again the fields of Waterloo: and somewhere in the depths of time's vast shoreless sea upon the ghastly hill of skulls Christ hangs upon the tree. PS.(and to think that Curious blew a chance at gettin' an original hand-written draft) Man Oh Man! SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Aug 2002
You have jump-(re)started the guestbook and Eric has never been the same - nor will any of us anyway - nonetheless your daily flash activates the virual setting and keeps the pilot light lit. Most importantly it helps to give you your voice back. Another vote for Steve!
- AsEver - H.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Sprog; (heres some prompted advice) Leave Spain to the Bandits. Start yer own commune, or beter yet, come crash with me. You might live longer that way, trust me. SRB

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Does any one have any info about the Hippy commune in San Miguell, Ibiza, Spain - is it still there etc ????? I am thinking of paying the place a visit

Name: Stevie no-mark of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Hey Hammond, I should make my words short-and-sweet; in case I have to eat them later. (I said a while back, that I wasnt into Chat-Rooms; but It looks as though I may have started one). SRB In the Imortal words of Sir Alec Guinness (Bride over the River Qui) "My God...What have I done?" SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Hammond, I wheeled a Valiant through the back roads of Punta Gorda Fla. It had a make-shift wooden body and was called the Purple People Eater. That thing just kept going. During the heavy humidity, If it failed to start I would have another party turn it over while I smotherered the carb with both hands. I would starve it for air and then pull my hands off fast(Shotgunning it) and Vrooooom!. When it came to machines, I always flew by the seat of my pants. The first advice I recieved on Motorcycle mechanichs was: Hey...Take it apart..and put it back together! By the way, I neglected to tell rikki that I have Peter Burgs Image tattooed on my left inside for-arm. (Kind of a Genie Trip) An old Roman Custom. over his right shoulder is a tiny version of the Cresent moon and the Big Dipper that I have inked on my left knee-cap. Speaking of knee-caps;where is Curious? SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Steve - What is it about "push-button" drives in Russian River Land? Last time I lived there - above Cazadero on Bluebird Mountain - I had a button out white fadded tan Valiant! - Where have all the buttons gone?

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Hey rikki, I knew ten Bad-ass people in my life; and they all gave Peter Burg a Birthday present. Think About It. By the way, you showed good judgement. A free ride changed my life also. Take care rikki.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Hey Eric, Judge Homeskin VonDigger (of the Olema Diggers that is) Layed down a decree which indicated that my plotless unstructured naratives may not be well suited to the format of the "DIGGER" web site. He strongly suggested that I fly my drift passed the Village Voice People. The Right Hon. Judge seems to think that Im blowing wind up the skirts of the "TEACHERS" and "HALL MONITORS". In closing, keep an eye out for the mailman, as I just dug what may not be a "Goldie"; but surely an "Oldy" from the piano bench. (It's a poster folks)..I will also send Stan The Mans acid letter. Later. SRB P.S. Hey Curious, I shot the Sheriff, but I didnt shoot the Deputy! My face leaves town at noon Miss Curious; BE ON IT!!! SRB

Name: rikki stein
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Aug 2002
In the dim and distant past, while running Earth People's Park I was approached by a fierce looking shaven headed Peter Berg inviting me to participate in an "important event". I was so impressed with his ferocious allure that, even though I didn't know what that "event" was I immediately agreed.
Next thing I found myself on a bus full of Indians barrelling out in the dead of night to what finally turned out to be the Mount Shasta Pacific Gas and Electric Holiday Camp which we reclaimed in the name of the Pit River Indians!
A whole adventure then ensued in which I came as close as I've ever got to losing my life (staring down the wrong end of a double barrelled shotgun) running through forests, sawing down trees to block oncoming police vehicles, bailing out stacks of arrested Indians, going back to the PG&E camp and starting over!
Some of it is a bit misty now and I'd love to talk to anyone else who might have been there. There was also a French film crew I remember. Anyone know who they were? Or did I dream all this? Maybe.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 19 Aug 2002
Hey Lemonhead; (obscure reference): A shadow touched a shadow's hand. Lighten up kid, dont get hung up on it; hows this; I will take a break, and you can give us all a healthy dose of your miss-spent youth. (If you had one that is. I get the vibe from your short but sour entry, that you were among the throngs who let this fucked-up society robe you of it). Heres some sage advise; (that you prompted, by the way). Lemon, dont be bitter, (no pun intended); dont mourn or greive for the youth that the Amerikan Gut-wringer may have squeezed out of you. (Thats weakling sorrow). And dont be jeoulos of those who pulled out all of the stops; as it wasn't on big Fuck-off session; it was pure unadulterated courage. This country should hand out medals to Coyote and his people for going up against unbeatable odds in the neon jungles which sprawled in the shadow of the concrete mountains. (It was class war fare kid; they wont tell ya that in school) Hey, Speaking of shadows; Take a minute too Look at your shadow kid. Im serious, whens the last time that you were even the slightest bit aware of your shaddow? Remember how it fascinated you as a child. Team up again! Its waiting. Be that child! Fuck!..You stopped believing kid. Come on it's never too late. Now, As for me I never lost my shadow. Dont let yer light go out kid. (I didnt).. (It's the adults like Curious who are scared shittless). The Merlin Trip is your man here, kid. Now Im gonna hafta look up "Banality" but...If it means "Boring", Im' afraid that youve been conditioned. As far as your handle goes, it suits you, ya little gum-drop. Anyway, thanks for the input JR. its good to hear a new voise. Im starved for conversation. Thats what you dont get; I long to whistle, hum, sing and talk. Hey, Ive' got to wipe my eyes and get to work. In closing; you must be "30 something kid"; in as much as you were named after the old 60's "Lemon Test" (Sqeeze a lemon on her pussy, and if she yelps, DONT FUCK HER!) In closing, Give my best to your Mother. P.S. I dub thee "LEMON FRESH JOY". Later.. SRB

Name: Lemonhead
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Aug 2002
(obscure reference): Constant Banality Gives Birth to Evil

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 18 Aug 2002
Hey Robert. Sorry, that was Bob Horn, not Bob Hart. And looking back on my last entry; I hope that I didnt give anyone the impression that Im' some kind of low-life. Bob was not a B&E artist, second story man, or cat burgler. He only hit the large Department stores. I remember returning from a pick-nic at the Russian River when Ed Sherman stopped at a light (remember all of those Ex-Govt. push-button Plymouths that were around in those days? They were light tan) well anyway, He pulles the old Plymouth up to the light and gets all emotional, because he sees a large bed-spead on a bedroom display in the window of a very exclusive Department store that reminded him of the one that he had inherited from his Mother. (It had gotten ripped off). So Bob says something like "Your mother was a saint, God rest her soul"..."Circle the block!" (and he jumps out). Ed says; "Oh Fuck". We zip around the block, Bob jumps in with an identical spread folded neatly under his arm and we cut out only to catch the same light again. (You guessed it!, Ed and I seemed to glance over at the same time; The fucking bed in the window had been striped clean! I shit you not! Later. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 18 Aug 2002
Robert, I got yer E-Mail. To answer your question; the Heavy-Duty Cat on the left looks like the Slum-Alley Saint who kept me and Eddie Dutcher alive on Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches in the Pan-Handle. We had bussed from N.Y.C. to Georgia and were "Pearl-Divers" (dish-washers) at a truck-stop that I had worked at the summer before. We collected some pay and out to the coast. We were living large at St. Vincent DePauls and were crashing at the Mars Hotel on free Vouchers. I would retire to my gloomy green room w/ a loaf of white powdery sour dough bread, (which Miles the Windex Man swore was Arsynic). He warned me that the Bakers sprinkled Arsynic on the floor to control the rat problem, and that all of the loaves that were dropped on the floor were donated to St.V's. (It was always fresh, which made me wonder) I ate the shit anyway. Eddie and I were getting Acid from the greasy toothless Vampire who wore the cape (all Summer Long) on the Haight that summer. I was being coached as look-out by a professional thief named Bob Hart. He had a room down on 6th St. He was my Christmas Tree Connection. I was mopping floors at Play Land on Market St. (the Back room Peek Show floor was real sticky, if ya know what I mean) An old stick-up man named Ed Sherman got me the job and I often crashed at his place Between Eddie St. and Willow. Ed had been an S.Q. graduate and had taken 4 rounds in the back of the legs. He showed me the scars. He said that they started low and by the time the 4th shot was about ass-high he decided to stop running. He introduced me to his pal Moose (S.A.A./H.A.M.C./S.F.) who I would often run into at Bob's on Levenworth st. The working girls used to really baby me in the Tenderloin District. I made the Filmore scene with Mighty Mouse (From Oklahoma) and would often crash at Black Larry's Apt. on Haight. He had been awarded a Hero Citation from the City by saving a bunch of white folks. The red-skins took over Acatraz, The Mooks blew away a Marin Co. Judge and the War Raged On, but fuck it; I was goin' ta Carolina in my mind! Im rambling again...OK, The next cat to the left looks like Ronnie on a bad day. The rest, I couldnt quit say... The photo is small on the screen and I cant get it to enlarge, but In any event, I dont remember those folks. Was that any help? (Hope So) P.S. Thats some foot mister!. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 18 Aug 2002
Superstitious?, You want Superstitious? (ya, its me again, being mute, I have to vent it some how, ya know?). Man, after hanging with Ed The Head's adoptive family (I taught them American Slang) I wouldnt eat off of white plates and the very thought of anybody naming their child "Owl" gave me the "CREEPS" (death-bird of the Gypsies) I would only smoke at night while star-gazing. I used to spit across the center line and cross the road alternating from east-bound to west-bound and which ever direction I hooked a ride; SO BE IT! I saw "Signs" in every aspect of daily life. My ear ring held a rabbit bone that looked like Ivory. My first wife wore it as a wedding token. She lost it in a bitch-fight with a Storm Trooper's lady in West Palm Beach. Bad sign. (that soured a deal that I was about to cut for a Storm Trooper Triumph, (a real "Show and Go"). (I dig Triumphs) Hey, heres one that damn near made me shit myself; Get This; Sweet Lorraine was pregnant and we werent married because I already was. (It was a miracle Child) Hatched three weeks after we got some paper between us; No bastards in my outfit; I have values!), anyway, S.L. comes home delighted, she worked a deal with a lady at a nearly-new shop to buy an old fashioned English Baby Carriage. She had me swing by the shop and check it out. It was tops, had all the bells & whistles, chrome trim etc. I was a life actor on the back of a garbage truck at the time and so I says..ah..How Much?? She says, "it's going to pay for its self"; I says, "Im' listening"..She says; "I leased it to the locale movie theatre for a promotional display". I says, "Whats showing?".. She says, "Its a surprise, Ive' got two free passes". O.K. Saturday night rolls around. I look at the marque and it reads "IT'S ALIVE". So..Im' thinking..It's alive?..what's alive? and cant help but notice that S.L. is getting really exited (hadnt seen her that charged up since the LA priemer of PINK FLAMINGOS, We had the movie poster in our bathroom...very fitting) Anyway, The first thing I see in the lobbie is "OUR" baby carriage with a hidiouse bloody thing hanging out of it that looks like the clawed hand of Calibus. Well, you get the picture. Bad Omen? Hell, that boy was/is half horse and half alligator. walked before he could crawl. I worked a demolishion job with him when they closed down Pease Airforce Base some years ago. He's a one-man-wrecking-crew. Alive?, ya, It's alive! (and so am I) SRB

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Aug 2002
Sponge - Here is a quote to ponder in the mean time:
"It's bad luck to be superstitious!"
- 2002 Bill Love

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 18 Aug 2002
My good Doctor, trace your tootsies on paper and mail it to me. There is a place in the East Village that makes Leather Roman Sandels to order. (also trace the highth of your arch so that the straps arent too tight). Think nothing of it. It's on me. (Hey, three weeks can seem like a life-time.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Aug 2002
No Steve I am too upset at the thought of never seeing them again - we were together for 3 whole weeks

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Aug 2002
Dr. Sponge, Are you prompting me for advice?

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address: lookin@booty
Date: 17 Aug 2002
Just got back fom Spain - lost my lucky sandals

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Aug 2002
Thanks Hammond, Im' an old Story-Board man from way back. Remember "God is in the Details". Thanks again pal.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Aug 2002
AND ANOTHER THING!!! ..Curiuos, far as ADVISING anyone, the only advice that Iv'e given to the best of my recollection was prompted, or asked for. But I could be wrong. As far as re-reading any of this shit, hell, I will re-think it at best. Remember; I lived it! I cant help but susspect that you have the entire scene (From your frame of Reference) all splayed out and stick-pinned like a Butterfly Collection. As far as your paranoia goes, just because you may have gone the Safe House route, Hell, that dont make ya a bad person. Remember this argument about being Radical? I get the feeling that you may have been there. Lets go to the Way-Back Machine: The Red Haired Cat who had ripped off the Purple Gallopin' Goose Chopper had just turned me on to a hit of Red Tab Acid that he realized had been in his sweaty wallet for God only knows how long. He said that it may have lost its potency and that the wallet may have absorbed some of the kick. I had already dropped and was discussing the possibility of perhaps eating the wallet as well, (Which got us side-lined into reminissing about an old Charley Chaplin Film) Anyway, he was up to the Idea of cutting out a small leather square with a single edged razor blade when we were rudely interupted by one of the sniveling Berkeley People who said; Whats the get-up all about? (Red was wearing a crazy paizly shirt tucked into a red pair of bekini panties "No Pants" and Cow Boy Boots). Red says: Im in Mourning! (An Indian Radical friend had just been murdered), so the subject turns to "RADICALISM" and we of course acted like we didnt know what beer was and blew him off by muttering that we were not "Radicals". So the Berkely Collage Boy gets aggitated because he cant provoke "Stimulating Conversation" and turns to one of my colleages and says: "Hey "X", you blew up the "X" of "X's" fucking house and you dont consider your self to be a fucking Radical??? "How is that, Man???...How the fuck can you pull that kind of shit and not consider yourself a fucking Radical???" (OK Curious, heres the pay-off); "Mr "X", smiles and says, "No one was home at the time". Curious, I didnt get this far by spilling any beans, or blowing anything up, for that matter. (Can you say the same?) Come on, out with it, your a fucking Berkeley Person arent you! Thats whats up yer ass aint it? SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Aug 2002
Steve - I passed your opening words along to my 'rare beast' connection who will contact you directly. Not to worry about any under or over the cuff "club business'" - I rather think you will be approached as a "film consultant" with high-levels of descretion in place regarding any "stories" in general or specific. - H.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Aug 2002
Hey Curious...Ground??..Oh, you mean that flat thing thats about three feet below where Im' floating. Fuck, I remember lying on a hard wood floor that was waving like a water bed. I think youve been watching to many GET SMART re-runs. But, hey thanks for the warning. Believe me; If I couldnt fly, I wouldnt even think about Fucking with the Eagles. As far as Stilling my Mind; "Id rather have a Free Bottle in front of me, than a Pre-Frontal Labotomy" (S.Clay Wilson). P.S. The I-Ching said to give my secrets away, but to keep the secrets of my secrets to myself. "Will Do". RIGHT CHIEF! SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Aug 2002
Hammond, got yer E-Mail, Hey, Feel Free. Have At It. I dont know about lives; but im on my ninth pair of Lucky Boots. As far as your friends involvement in the Bike Scene goes; he's in good ; or rather "Bad Company". The next time he touches bases w/ the 3rd. Street Crew, tell him to hop one block over an walk west. I would dig breaking bread w/Him. As to my slant on the bike scene, I hope that the Old Timers can kike in a re-birth of the 50's "FUN" vibe. Viet Nam fucked it all up. (Mix trained killers, Hopped up motorcycles and gut-wrenching Hyper-Dope and youve got WAR. My self, I never got past the rank of Probate due to sexual indescretion. "DONT DIP YER DINK IN THE COMPANY INK. The first rule was never fuck over a brother, (that covers tapping an officer's gal too!) OUCH! My first wife walked, my club bike was pulled, but I came out on top in the ass-kickin' end of it, as there was no Third man On. (thats called respect) And there-in lies a tale. The birth of the O.M.M.C. Now As to any future involvement; Im' thinking seriously about spending my "Old Dog" phase riding with the Booze Fighters Motorcycle Club. They are an Original Good Time California Club that still thrives on racing and competition. Their Mountain Chapter is only 100 miles north of my digs, and what with my 15 Hr. work week, I could spend quality time prostecting up-country (in ridding weather) and Hybernate and paint all winter in the Big Apple. The BFMC are still into bikes, chicks and booze. They were always known as a very open minded club and may still have a female branch called the Boozettes, but Im not sure about that. They are Gung-Ho Patriots from what I hear, but that shouldnt drag me; as I dont aurgue (VERBALLY) these days. As far as your friends interest in my slant off the club scene, I Did all kinds of "Silly" things w/the likes of the Hells Angels, (NoCa, Mass, and England), Quaff, Monks, Journey Men, Road Agents, Zingaros, Devine Mother Fuckers, Road Rats, Road Slaves, Fly-In'-Wheels, Miss Fits, Storm Troopers, Gallopin' Gooses, Rebels, Vagabonds (Canada) Etc. Etc. but could never relay any stories that would even remotely involve CLUB BUISENESS. Im sure your friend will understand. SRB

Name: mike
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Aug 2002
Great site! You may be interested in the following...
I have recently started a discussion board based around the 17th century which is irregardless of the society you belong to.
I would like to know if you wish to join and pass on your expertise about the period?
The site can be found at:
I look forward to hopefully seeing you there and please feel free to forward this message on to others.
Very best regards
Mike Harrison
Sir John Owens Companye of Foote

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Aug 2002
Steve - Sent you a couple of missives via your hotmail account - let me know what's what when you get the mail. The outsider contingent wants to contact you about stories and related iron horse mattters - maybe even forthcoming film matters - one never knows.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: afoot by any other name
Date: 17 Aug 2002
Steve: Who you thought to be Cassandra may very well be curious does cautiously. Reread all of the entries of our initial contact. Try to still your mind and perceive that which is not apparent. Do not seek to advise until you are on familiar ground. Make damn sure the ground you then use for foundation is not the quicksand usual to your previous life. When possible, I will email you directly. Throw an I Ching, let me know what it suggests.

Name: old & in the way
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Aug 2002
thot I knew what methedrine was for

Name: Debra
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Aug 2002
next up in the news: Bush happy with the war on terror. and says: kill kill kill kill,
[Not for the faint of stomach these photos of dead and mutilated babies and
children, but unlike some of the posts I've deleted from Sponge, this site has a
point of view, a voice against Heil Bush And Company's War on Terrorism.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Aug 2002
Eric comments 29-12-01. Hey eric, I will E-Mail you with some hitch-hiker tales. I was a "Rubber-Bum" and got my kicks on route-sixty-six. I must have logged about 25-30 thousand miles in the span of three summers. I was into an Amirican version of the Austrailian "Walk-A-Bout". It really played hell with my personal relationships. Heres one off the top of my head. Sweet Lorraine and I were on route from LA to the Gulf Coast of FLA. Two Hells Angels and a Nice Lady picked us up in a pick up truck heading East through the Texas Pan Handle. They were from a Mass. Chapter and had partied w/ Bros. in So.Cal. The bed of the Pick up was crammed with Chopper parts (even a fiber-glass trike body. Anyway, night fell and S.L. & I were like peas and carrots in our sleeping bag, when the truck stopped and we were rudly awakened by someone beating the shit out of our legs. I ripped out of the bag (being the hero that I am) and instictly started to defend Sweet Lorraine. The Angel that loomed over me grabbed both my wrists and smiled in the moonlight and said "Easy Tiger, we ditched a butt and it caught your sleeping bag on fire". (Aint it the way). SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Aug 2002
Peter Coyote entry dated 11-16-99. Fuck, if thats the Da-Veed that I knew, (Even if it's not) He's gonna get "Books for Life". I often haunt the Strand Book Store on Broadway and will do the right thing. To bad he didnt land in the Utah Pen. My brother Stan gives it a high rating. Personally, I was never impressed by jail-birds, but who the fuck am I to judge? I was locked down in Orlando Fla. back in 69 and again in Polaski Tenn. (home of the original KKK) in 70. Never booked or finger printed though. I was even locked up over night in a stair well once. (Is that legal?) I will write to Davi-David-Da-Veed and spread some sunshine. There may be a silver lining. My Brother Stan found Buddism in the Joint. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Aug 2002
Curiose, I passed Coyote tools by karoseen lamp-light as he did a brake job on the Studebaker. (They called it the 6X6???) I made the Oakland run to pick up J.P.'s "House-hold belongings" that he had stashed in a garage attic. We rode back in the Oakland School Bus with the tall wild eyed Hippie who drove the Women folk and youngens (Me included) up to the Black Bear "Get yer shit together for the Winter" program. I was J.P.'s left-hand man in setting up his "Increadible Olema Ranch Flee Market" that season. Although we lacked electricity, J.P. gave the event some real Digger Flair by stringing up Christmas Tree Lights around the coral. (Very effective on one particular night). Years later in N.H., I lived with an old "Champion Pack Rat" who used to party with the So.Cal. Commoncharos and the Diablos M.C. He reminded me so much of J.P. I dubbed the spread "OLEMA II". we harbored 22 stray? cats. The old man finnally lost a drawn-out court battle w/ the TOWN and the Amerikan fire Dept. LEGALLY burnt the fuckin' house down to the ground. I naturally headed for the nearest wood shed w/ a stray under my arm...but im' rambling. I gave my hash pipe and what spare change I had to "The world's youngest Hippie" at Olema. I drew a picture of him standing on a pick-up-truck on the wall at Black Bear. He had long hair w/ a head band and feather. There were also some twin cross-eyed Cockette Kids, who were suspected of ignighting one of my drawings in the loft. It floated across the room in ashes dropping spark tracers (Know what I mean?). A dude that was into the "Spontanious Combustion theory", said "Man That Must Have Been A Heavy Picture". (there were theorys on EVERYTHING during that era). You may remember me at the nightly dinners. (WE all carried our own coffee mugs, as there was Hep at the ranch at that time. J.P.'s wife was still under the weather, and Coyote couldnt have punched his way through a wet beer wrapper. I think thats why passed on the Hell's Angel run and opted to ride up w/ the red haired freak. (Lost a few more points). Anyway he was like death-eating-a-cracker and had one foot in the grave and the other on a bannanna peel. Its hard to believe that he's still kicking;(that fucker is a miracle of modern science. Stash, myself and her daughter had gotten a hep vaccine. Thats the only time I ever saw her ass. (Mr."C" Screwed her once on the floor, but that was in the dark. But for the most part, She wasnt as casual as most of the girls. Anyway, after dinner, I had the honnor of rolling the family weed, (As I "HELD" it.) There were no free rides due to the seriouse Clean-up program and I urned my keep as a worker bee. At the first sign of heat, I was to take the shit and Walk (not run) over the nearest hill. I was the Unofficial Dope-Master, but was not so nieve as to know that EVERYONE was holding. It was as if Coyote held Court and the subjects would Offer Up their FINEST. I will never forget the day when this straight Cat and his wife and two kids inspected the place. (Land Lord?? Prospective Buyers?? What-Ever) Well Coyote a.k.a. William Bonney gave em' the Cook's Tour. He was hawking like a Carnival pitch-man. All he lacked was a straw hat and bamboo cane. Our man was wearin his Sunday Finest; Patch Pants, green vest, and bibbed-at-the-sleeves collorless dealer's shirt. He had tripped the day before and Ilean had braided his freshly washed hair while he peaked when all of a sudden one of my pictures popped off the wall and floated to the floor. Coyote looked at it, then looked at (through?) me. Any one who thinks that his voice is distinctive, has yet to meet his gaze. Anyway, picture it..The straight Dude's face is beet red, the wife is horrified and the cross-eyed-twins keep saying "Wanna Play?..Wanna Play?". The wife has a strangel hold on her kid's saying..."Dont touch anything...Dont touch anything". On the way in, I suspect that the whole fuckin' crew had scarfed an eye-load of some Olema titties. (which were always tanned by the way). will close for now. Hey Curious,.. ah forget it. SRB

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Aug 2002
Ah - Back to reality - thanks to Eric.
Steve - great little moment from your today in New York file. Safety first mate!

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: not in kansas, anymore
Date: 15 Aug 2002
Jeff was still alive, married to Carla, and Malcom was an infant--they then moved into the city and were living with Paula. David (DaVeed) was more or less still with Phyllis. Freeman was still a regular, although infrequent visitor--he was the only fiddler I ever met at Olema. Peter made a crescent moon with a star for suspension in an old red Bluebird undergoing restoration. Becky dumped Kevin ; she kept her dog, Bear,and bought a motorcycle for Dick. Kathleen, Ron Thelin, Marsha and Vinnie were still at the Red House. J.P. also was at the ranch but his wife moved freely between the ranch and the Red House. Lenny Nakamura and Jeffrey along with Tom and Oakland Debbie were ranging between 54th and the Bakery, along with Diamond and Crazy Bernadette with their newborn Ahloka.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Aug 2002
For all you folks who cant picture the environment here in the Village; Its a cross between Mad Max and F-Troop. Get this I "escorted" a phsycho out of here this afternoon, (he was trying to force his way into the daycare center that we lease space to, Screaming that he was "Here on Buiseness"). Anyway, he just now returned and demanded a "Pair of socks". I indicated that I had none, and pointed to the empty WSUMC West 4th Street Digger 100% SALE rack, (which gets stripped clean daily), and the fucker got aggitated and pointed to my Lucky Boots and layed down the guilt-trip; "YOU GOT SOCKS"; the prick then pulled off one laceless tennis shoe and showed me his bare foot. (Boo-Hoo). That weakling sorrow act really pisses me off, so I untied one boot like an animal and pulled out my bare foot! (after he closely inspected the inside of my boot; and finding no sock, he handed it back and said, "Thank you sir", turned and left quietly. I turned him into a true believer. (or was it the boot-knife?) Now before you say Im sappy for handing a space-shot a loaded boot, (trust me),I have a blade in both the right and the left. (beats a pair of dice) SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Aug 2002
"Art " is something created from nothing which can not be simply defined by the word "furniture."

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Aug 2002
Hammond, thanks anyway. I may just opt for a mouse-trap eliminator and a foot-shift. (that would alow me to run a five speed tranny anyway), and after all, this is the city. Hey Im into the 1996 comments, and working my way up. Heres soom input/feed-back for S.Keese; (by the way Diogenes, you may want to sit this on out, I hate the thought of boring and/or tormenting you. You could maybe catch up on some Sci-Fi or some Oprha re-runs. OK, Hey S.Keese, (comments 09/17/96) Dear S., Im glad to see that someone around here has a lick o' sense. Work?, hell an American Red-Skin put it all into perspective; He said that the white man calls him lazy. Then added: Hell, you ever try to skin a Buffalo? Hey, as far as art at B.B.Ranch. I was involved in alot of primitive art, such as pottery clay and spent 357 magnum shell-cases. I also gave "FREE" art lessons to the most wonderfull gang of square pegs in the universe. As a kid in 1st. grade (the first time) I went twice.. (they said that I was "Emotionally Immature") E.I. Hell! I was the only boy in class who had a girlfriend! Her name was Anne Root, she had a perpetual Karmic Smile and runny nose. The system seperated us (The placed her in Special Ed (The Goofy Room). I was main-streamed but my pencils were confiscated. (I woud draw cartoons on the metal edge of my desk top, then spit on my finger and wipe it off and repeat the procces. My crayons were also taken away because I would hold them w/ my clenched fist and make circular motions; both inside and outside the lines. I didnt look at the lines as fences to contain color, but rather "theme maps" to run variations on, (both sides of the line, being fair game) DIG? Anyway..I was often punnished for refering to "Miss Prichard" as: "TEACHER" and NOT "Miss Prichard". During a third grade art lesson, "Miss Weekly" Humilliated a girl for drawing "Lolly-Pop Trees" She was in tears, and I wanted to kick a lung out of that old bitch, but Weekly was a spinster who had been raised with seven brothers and was a real ass-beater. OK, follow me so far? Heres the pay-off. I got my revenge (Poetic Justice) years later in the small front room that was set up for the kids at the main house. Now get this; The first Art Lesson I gave to the Black Bear Kids was how to make "Lolly-Pop Trees" (But Ill' be God-Damned If they didnt already know how! They were way ahead of me, and were tickeled to death that they had it down pat. (As a group, they rallied and enthusiastically encouraged me to draw on the wall). Now as far as your slant on Work and Art; Here it is in a nut-shell; LIFE WITHOUT INDUSTRY IS GUILT, life without art is brutality. Think about it. Respectfully, SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Aug 2002
Steve - Just got the final word from my 'rare beast' specialist and the search far and wide failed to come up with your 'stomper' - It was worth a try though... And curious is as courious does - explore the archives - spread the jam and dig the Steve report like you would a live action camera scene. Dig the wealth while it happens - however tenaciously anecdotal - the replay might just set him/you/me/them FREE.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Aug 2002
dear diogenes - no there isn't

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Aug 2002
Hey Diogenes, I took that as a SIGN. Later,...much later.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Aug 2002
Hey Curious, You inquired as to the "End of the World Mob" line up a while back. Here goes, When I made the scene, The full-timers were J.P.& Co. Coyote & Co. The Quick Silver Girl, The Tie-Dye Girl, Pregnant Sarah, the garage watch-dog ( girl who slept out where Coyote stashed his Bike), The Blond Stud, The Crocked Man;(Irish walking cap, Snake Skin Cane, Drafting Compass Roach Clip). Shannon's Sister,The Mule-Skinner, (wild Bastard w/ Buck-skin Shirt), The Peace Frog, (Freak that drove Onanda's Panel Truck off the cliff), The Cookie Monster, Freak who got a Tarus sign Tattooed on his cheeck bone. Da-Veed, The Samari, (balding long-hair who wore Chineese Robe), and Marshal the Fiddle Player. It was very hard to figure out who actually Lived there, as folks seemed to disapear and reapear like magic. J.P. would head for the hills at the first sign of dust on the horrizon; Parole Violation?. During that era, My involvement at the Ranch retarded my signing up for the Draft by one full Year. (Boy, that pissed em off!) After doing a bit of checking up, they dubbed me "Elligable" BUT "Not currently subject to the Draft". It was the highth of the WAR, I was in perfect condition and had no crimminal record, but what with my brother's involvement w/ the National Deserters Committee and the staight "A's" and local recognition that I had recieved for my High Profile anti-war disertations in my ninth grade Speech and Drama class; (Oral not Written, thank Crist), ya see, Stan was kiting me the real "TRUTH" from Stockholm. Although I had been an undetected/mainstreamed Learning-Disabled Kid; (LD) I was given praise and encouragement for "Collage Level" achievement in public speeking. And recieved the third Highest grade level in some weirdo test that they gave me. I dropped out for being prohibited from growing my hair and leaving my shirt-tail out. (Aint-It-The-Way?) I.Q. aside, the Draft Board assertained that I would not be part of the sollution. Anyway, I went from LD to LSD and entered The Fool's School. My class mates included; Moose; (white Patrol Bike w/ Greek Red Cross on Fat-Bobs. Prospect; Silver chopper, Double-bladed tourtise handeled switch-blade, (his grand father's). Billy Tee, Mike Bloomfield, Gary Snyder, Ronnie Thelin, Chet Helms, Shannon; (wise-ass greasy long-hair w/ black & Purple varsity jacket w/ Lrg. Green Pot Plant embroidered on back). Stash & Daughter, Harlow, The Thin Man: wirey Cookette;(often dressed as a Jocky; english riding boots, red and white silks/w No.) A cat named Miles, who was known for mixing 25 w/ water and blue food coloring. The tourists would flip as he sprayed the tounges of freaks who would line up. (Windex Bottle), too much! I didnt mention your not-so-average run-of-the-mill Pushers, Hoofers, Hop-Heads, Ball-Freaks and American Indian Shammans. Hey, Did I leave any one out...YOU for instance????

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Aug 2002
Hey Curious, You inquired as to the "End of the World Mob" line up a while back. Here goes, When I made the scene, The full-timers were J.P.& Co. Coyote & Co. The Quick Silver Girl, The Tie-Dye Girl, Pregnant Sarah, the garage watch-dog ( girl who slept out where Coyote stashed his Bike), The Blond Stud, The Crocked Man;(Irish walking cap, Snake Skin Cane, Drafting Compass Roach Clip). Shannon's Sister,The Mule-Skinner, (wild Bastard w/ Buck-skin Shirt), The Peace Frog, (Freak that drove Onanda's Panel Truck off the cliff), The Cookie Monster, Freak who got a Tarus sign Tattooed on his cheeck bone. Da-Veed, The Samari, (balding long-hair who wore Chineese Robe), and Marshal the Fiddle Player. It was very hard to figure out who actually Lived there, as folks seemed to disapear and reapear like magic. J.P. would head for the hills at the first sign of dust on the horrizon; Parole Violation?. During that era, My involvement at the Ranch retarded my signing up for the Draft by one full Year. (Boy, that pissed em off!) After doing a bit of checking up, they dubbed me "Elligable" BUT "Not currently subject to the Draft". It was the highth of the WAR, I was in perfect condition and had no crimminal record, but what with my brother's involvement w/ the National Deserters Committee and the staight "A's" and local recognition that I had recieved for my High Profile anti-war disertations in my ninth grade Speech and Drama class; (Oral not Written, thank Crist), ya see, Stan was kiting me the real "TRUTH" from Stockholm. Although I had been an undetected/mainstreamed Learning-Disabled Kid; (LD) I was given praise and encouragement for "Collage Level" achievement in public speeking. And recieved the third Highest grade level in some weirdo test that they gave me. I dropped out for being prohibited from growing my hair and leaving my shirt-tail out. (Aint-It-The-Way?) I.Q. aside, the Draft Board assertained that I would not be part of the sollution. Anyway, I went from LD to LSD and entered The Fool's School. My class mates included; Moose; (white Patrol Bike w/ Greek Red Cross on Fat-Bobs. Prospect; Silver chopper, Double-bladed tourtise handeled switch-blade, (his grand father's). Billy Tee, Mike Bloomfield, Gary Snyder, Ronnie Thelin, Chet Helms, Shannon; (wise-ass greasy long-hair w/ black & Purple varsity jacket w/ Lrg. Green Pot Plant embroidered on back). Stash & Daughter, Harlow, The Thin Man: wirey Cookette;(often dressed as a Jocky; english riding boots, red and white silks/w No.) A cat named Miles, who was known for mixing 25 w/ water and blue food coloring. The tourists would flip as he sprayed the tounges of freaks who would line up. (Windex Bottle), too much! I didnt mention your not-so-average run-of-the-mill Pushers, Hoofers, Hop-Heads, Ball-Freaks and American Indian Shammans. Hey, Did I leave any one out...YOU for instance????

Name: diogenes
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Aug 2002
is there another section of this website that does not consist of the adventures of "Steve" ?

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Aug 2002
Steve - right you are about the Netherlands and the absence of overall stress and the abundance of humanitarian presence smiling in society at large. I stopped by Appledorn and so many other smart hops from Amsterdam also living in Medemblijk (the first city in Holland) for 6 months worth of woodshedding at the easel.
VanGelder is a fine Dutch name mate! - H.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 13 Aug 2002
Hammond, I got tanked up on that "Oily Kid's Stuff" w/ Cathy Holland. I excused myself, walked out and puked. Then Returned, and kept drinking. (I felt that I was representing my Country, In a twisted sort of way). My Mother's Mother is a VanGilder; (maybe It's In my Blood). In Amsterdam I got pulled over on a rainy night for following a bus into a "Bus Lane"?? Any way the Lady Patrol Person was very understanding. The locals in both Appledorn and Deventure took a real shine to me. I found the Dutch country-folk to be the most kindly and tollerant people on earth. the subject...Hey Dr. Sponge,, No More Leg-Shots please! Im' trying to live a Christian Life these days.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Aug 2002
Steve - the Dutch gin is called 'jenever' = rocket fuel. The clear stuff is call "jonge klar" = the young stuff, and the dark brown with herbs is calle "oude klar" = the old stuff and oddly not as potent. When I first moved to Amsterdam in the early 70s my Dutch jazz mates turned me on to it - "slam it back" they said - again and again. Four hours later I woke up flat on my back in a park staring at the night sky wondering who or what I was. It really is best and smoothest when you try to freeze the stuff before comsumption lift-off.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Aug 2002
OK,OK, Dr.Sponge E-Mailed me a photo that would drive your average run-of-the-mill Toe Suckin' Stilletto Worshiper to write home to Mom about. The good Dr. pointed out that Sprog is a "CHICK", man, a "CHICK". Then on the F.F.O.R. Sprog indicated a connection which some how leads back to England. I was there in 80 and again in 81. Spogs cryptogram mentions my brush w/ the CID. Now that was during a scouting tour inwhich Mr. "V" was picking up European Talent for the 82 season. It was very low profile and the only females who I may have made any lasting impression on (other than chamber maids), would have been either Diane Benewiese, or Emmitt Kelly's grand daughter, Kitty. So, Sprog, unless you were a Pub Owner, or one of that CID "Huddle", I think that you have the wrong Boy...or Boyd, rather. (Maybe we should call it a day..I need a score card to keep up with the players at this point). SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Aug 2002
Hammond, "AQUA VITA" !!! Hey,I started out on Gin. At an impressionable age, I got involved in marathon bouts w/ Jackie and her Knob Hill Gang: She was a very sought-after seamstress who re-tailored my clothing. (Corner of Pine and Mason, across from Dale's Barber Shop). She was into Scotch, in a big way, and would drink till she'd piss herself. By dawn I would usually end up either crying or laughing in my Gin. (Sometimes both). Its such an emotional drink. Hell, At one point in my life, I gave up promising carrer in search of the perfect Martini. Myself, I opt for "Old Recipie Indian Gin" w/ Tonic, as a cooler. Beef Eater for "Dry". Gordons for "Sweet". And Bombay for a "Dogs Nose" (mixed w/ Ale) "A Beer and a Ball". The Dutch Commedian/Actor Albert Moll introduced me to a type of Holland Gin that you drink straight, but it seemed to "Oily" for my tastes. I suggest that you drink plenty of Kelso Water the day after. Once, while on the road, some ruddy friends of mine gave me a GIANT MARTINI GLASS for my birthday. (I found out latter, that it was a gag). They were horrified when I mixed up what had to be the worlds largest Martini. (I retired it shortly there after). By the way, If you ever get stuck out in the wilderness with no possible chance of ever reaching civilization, Gin can save the day...Just mix up what you consider to be the "Perfect" Martini, and some son-of-a-bitch is sure to come along and tell you how to improve on it! Now, as far as Kimmy's comment...YOU WANT INTERESTING???....(just kidding). Hammond/Margaret, take care. SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Aug 2002
Steve - Thanks for the note and good wishes. We had a fantastic meal - much, much richer in both flavor and pocket book than our usual fare - and well spent following strong Bombay martinis with two olives. Living in the constant moment keeps us safe, sane and sincere. H.

Name: Kimmy
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Aug 2002
Interesting site.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Aug 2002
Ziggity-Hot-Damn!!! SPROG...Are You CURIOUS!!! Dog My Cats!Hell, where are ya? I will fly you out, and put you up at the Washington Square Hotel. Im four-walling a room there for my Folks in Oct. (They want to do the tourist trip). I could walk the walk and you could talk the talk. They are trippy people. On my home comming, Mom gave me the Navaho blancket that she picked up in the south West back in 69. I was with her and remember the woman at the loom, the granny, and the naked baby on the dirt floor. She alo layed an antique set of silver "Eatin' Irons" on me. They are vintage folding fork, spoon and knife w/ cork screw. Dad gave me his father's shaving mug (as I use a straight razor to edge whats left of my face hair. He also gave me a dried Racoon Peter. I had planned to string it around my neck (works better than Cod Liver Oil), but forgot to pack it. My Ilk is an odd mix. Dad had jet black hair and a rare blood type thats traced to the Russian Steps. He has no hair on his legs at all. Im a throw-back myself, I dont have 3rd mollars; never had wisdom teeth, never will, X-rays cofirmed it. I was once told that it my be a Nordic trait. (???) One sister has also got a rare blood type. Im rambling again. Any way, E-Mail me Mister. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Aug 2002
Congrads. Hammond. Take my advise: tell Ms. Margret that; the first time she turns the channel: "Its All Over". Just kidding. Hay Margaret; All my best, to you and your's. You are a both lucky. I always longed for a tranquile home life myself,and envied those who could couple well. My problem was never infedelity, (as such), but more-over a "too many cooks in the Kitchen deal". As an artistic soul, I naturally dig creating in the kitchen, and have worked both non-union and closed-shop kitchens, the last, being Service America Corp. My seemingly effortless gourmet touch eventually rubbed my "Traditional" salt and pepper wives the wrong way. Looking back on it now, I realize that They all had three things in common. They were Catholic, they smoked Mentholated Cigaretts, and they all drank instant Coffee. (Scary, aint it?) Hell, maybe I should have hooked up with a Big Black Sweaty New Orlean's Voo-Doo Queen. (ya, know any?) Hay, speaking of food, Its amazing how my sence of taste has returned. (cant taste chocolate or white sugar) which is good as I now no longer crave it, and only use honey. These days, Im only into rice, cornbread, beans & greens, Irish Oatmeal, Soy milk, Salmon, olive oil, and fresh mellon. I also supplement with liquid "Ensure". I drink a traditional Brittish ale mixture for good digestion ("Black and Tan") and night-cap with Indian Rum and Cream, (I call it a "Nuru-Guru") Any suggestions on how to round out my diet? Take Care. And Hang on to her. SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Aug 2002
Steve - No word(s) as yet re: your rare beast query - but the word has gone out far and wide in search of. I will let you know if anything pops up for you to stomp on. - Celebrating seven years in the blissful moment with my partner Margaret today. - Cheers to all - H.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 10 Aug 2002
Hey, Sprog just told me that this set up is a "Rolling Screen" system; so I dont have to edit my stuff to fit the window. COOL. So Im going to test it out and see if I get cut off, or not. Here goes: Hey, It looks like I may have scared Peggy DuVall off. If yer out there Peggy, It may have been my room-mate Steve (Sonny) James that you were refering to. He had sandy blond hair which he cut short about the time that we hit the Fella. He was a handsom silver-tounged devil. The bastard had fucked his leg up when he went over the high side on his Triumph, and had a rod in his leg. Sonny was "THE" Ladies man. A real Dude. (unborn calf-skin pants, etc.) He came out with the Salt Lake Boys. We were both engaged to marry girls named Cathy (both out of state) at that time. Hey, this window wont let , oh, I get it, the screen rises if you keep typing. Whoe! OK, where was I, Oh ya, Anyway, The rear of our fella Apt. looked out onto a type of garden or something..there was a wooden pourch that I would often take a breather and count my lucky stars. Anyway, one mourning, I went out there, and was drawing designs in the dew that had gathered on a wooden milk crate, when I noticed an antique leather pouch, with a circular hinged brass cover. On the cover was an image of an American Beauty Rose (just like the one one the Dead album) It had a brass loop over the latch. I strung a lenghth of raw hide through it and wore it tight on my neck, so that it covered my adams apple, much like the Chiefs wore their Govt. Medals. (where-by conceling about 50 hits of acid in the flat pouch hidden behind). Hell, I was searched twice and they never asked about my neck-piece. Hey, Some where out there, some one is sayin' My Pouch!!! well, lets see if this gets cut off OK? SRB

Name: Debra
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Aug 2002
<img src="" width="468" height="60" border="5" align="bottom"> <font color=#bd0333>next up in the news:Bush happy with the war on terror. and says: kill kill kill kill

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Around dinner time, Ed The Head and myself would often crash a Gypsy Hotel on the edge of North Beach. Although It was strictly for family and borders; They had adopted Ed, and as such, I got to sit at the Head Table with him (no pun intended). I think they hailed from the Bask region of France. (they spoke only broken English) They would serve Ox-Tail Stew, fresh baked bread, and pitchers full of red wine. (The kid's wine was always cut w/H2O). The basement dinning hall held rows of long tables like a Bavarian Beer Garden. After things got into full swing, we would all sing and yell Toasts, like; "Rommany Rue" and "Tacko Rat". Anybody Ever eat there???

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Hey Curious, you mentioned building a table with David. Do you mean Da-Veed? He had a bushy mustash, Digger smile and custom Hiking-tread Cowboy Boots? He called Coyote "Pete", and was "Always Prepared"; (had a gross of rolling papers in his Aluminum Step Van). I was at Black Bear the night that he "Married the Olema Tee-Pee Girl. I saw a clip of him on some sixties TV special some years ago.(His eyebrows had gotten real unruly). My wife switched the channel real fast. It was a thing with her. From my dealings in LA LA Land, I naturally new alot of the Show Biz Crowd. She even turned off Jake and the Fat Man after I told her about a Joe Penny escapade, I mean come on!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Steve - thanks for the details - I'll let you know what my "rare beast advisor" has to say....

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Hammond, its a rare beast. Im hoping that someone has worked a deal for the patent rights and has reproduced them. The only one that I ever saw was mounted to the scooter of the Easy Riders Magazine Abitrator's motorcycle. His name was Arnold, or Armand, I think. Anyway, The way to get the rig to shift down instead of up is to use the handle bar mounted finger lever. The thing is..If the bike stalls, or if you have to use the kill switch, its a bitch because if the motor dies in high gear, you cant kick start (because you are stuck in gear) Dig? I would entertain the Idea of altering it with a hand grenade style release pin where the rig connects w/ the clutch arm. Dig?

Name: PS - Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Aug 2002
PS - Ooops - I read your message incorrectly Steve - you want the 'foot stomper' not the 'suicide' - I will ask anyway....

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Aug 2002
A "Speedy Shifter" as in aka: a 'Suicide Shifter' off an old Hog? If so - I can inquire.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Speaking of "CHOPPERS", Ive got a connection for my drive train, frame, and 2" over stock front end. BUT; I am stumped as to where I can get an original (or retro) "Speedy-Shifter". It was a slick 1950's manual foot operated toggle-slide type set up for drag bikes. The bad guys called them "Stompers" You can throw in the clutch and automatically shift gears in one operation. The only drawback is that you cant skip gears when downshifting, and have no "False Nuetral" option. (cant free-wheel "Between" the gears). If anyone sees such an animal in their travels; "I will gladly pay you thursday for a hamburger today". The project will begin in Jan. 2003. Thanks alot. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Hammond, I picked the brain of every scooter tramp that passed through the Dudly Perkins dealership. The key to stripping and rebuilding Hot-Shoe-Machines is that your heart and soul must be in the mix. My real "connection" with "Choppers" began one night after attending an Oakland Led Zeplin Concert. ("25 on a large gel slide") not that light-weight "Window Pane" shit. Anyway, A long line of Angel sleds that leaned outside the coloseum came to life. Their jugs were breathing, their Cyclopes head lamps winked at me, the horned skulls whispered from within their flaming dare-devil helmets, and their painted wings fanned out and flapped rythmically. "I WAS HOOKED" SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Nicole - Your "old friend Al" sure can be a cranky old character with seeming bi-polar tendencies. One minute he's all informative and cuddly and the next he (expletives removed) sputters like a old rusty faucet . To be honest I don't think he and I would get on well at the dinner table. - H.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Only two brushes w/SFPD; I absent-mindedly (who me?) passed a lit joint to a cat standing next to me at a cross walk; who turned out to be a fully uniformed police man. He smiled and whispered; "put it out kid". It may have been my smile, but the fact that he had stripes on his shoulders may have played a part. (he had class). They mostly got their jollys from clubbing hippie girls on the head with riot clubs while perched atop their horses. (Kind of a "Pumpkin-Head Polo"). One night we left the car doors open, motor running and lights on. (Tripping on Army property). We all got ticketed for swimming nude in a public drinking water resivour. Down the hatch! SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Off the beaten Pssst Steve - Did you also know "Reverned Luke" from the same iron clad motor-psychic crowd? Lost touch here around the time SFPD formed a flying wedge down Haight St. to clear the air..... Back to business.... and g'day to all - H.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Hey Eric; How about a BERNARDO WEB SITE? or better yet, a KISS AND TELL WEB SITE? Hey, sorry about getting off the beaten DIGGER PATH.; but the trip was in effect an evolution of sorts; where spirits seemed to roll down-hill like snowballs, collecting wisdom and ??? along the way. "KEEP ROLLIN'(if ya stop, you may melt like "Frosty The Snowman"). "There must have been some Magic in his Yellow Tweety boots; for he found, that, when he placed them on his feet, he began to dance around!" Hey man, you wont find any Moss on Bernardo. As far as wardrobe goes, I may expand mine beyond two pairs of pants and two tee shirts. I will start with socks and underwear. Hats off to Eric.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Hammond,I think that Bernardo's Lady designed his "Tweety" boots. She was very creative and showed alot of interest in my wardrobe at that time. I had become a real clothes horse during that phase. She showed me some belts that she had designed in NYC, and liked my antique Marrocan Camel Driver's belt. Her collection of Parrish prints were very soothing. She was vibrant, pregnant, and happy, yet somehow starved for company. She turned me on to a one of a kind "Star" shirt". It was two tones of linnen wheat fabric, with a large hand sewn lighter-tone Star on the front. I remember seeing a photo of a Rocker wearing it, but cant remember which Band. (The STONES ???) SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Hammond, Al turned me on to some Mescaline then rode me through S.F. on his Motorcycle. (Oh those trolly tracks!) He was no "Happy Hippie"; He once squared-off with a killer Mau Mau who had just punched a white girl's face in. Al put him at the buiseness end of a shot gun right in the middle of Haight St. The first night I spent on Clemintina,(he had purchased the entire Building) some one fire-bombed Angelo Maggio's Super Bee, which was parked out front. I helped celebrated Al's 28th birthday w/him. Wayne Quinn painted an exccelent oil of Al in the back courtyard, Titled; "His twenty-Eighth Birthday" Al's friendships were all stormy, but, You know Al! He was cool. SRB

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Steve - Bernardo's boots were a sight to behold! I think he must have designed them himself all "Hell Bent for Colored Leather." Last time I saw him he was trudging up Sunset all hung-over from an 24hr.orgy at the Marmont. I gave him a ride to Santa Monica as I remember. Man did he have connections! Never a dry moment when Bernardo was around to say the least. When I first met him at Mike's he was running with a sweet junkie named 'Eddie' (as I remember) who insisted that jamming Codine was the best deal in town - horrid sores on his arms from missing the point notwithstanding -but a real sweet guy nonetheless. They took me up to the Coffee and Confusion for the first time to listen to this great black hope folk singer who sang just like Bukka White - can't remember his name but it seems to me he was a regular there at the time. You can dontate the stick you saved to me!!!! I will take care of if for you........HaHa......and - What's happened to Al Alvarez? There is another of those names...... Lord a Muggins - the colorful trails we have all traveled seem so distant in today's age of black heavy metal cotton. Thanks for the memories........

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Hey Hammond, Bernardo spent Thanksgiving with me back in 70. I had rented a "California Closet" at the agency on 815 Mason St. (Across from the Mark Hopkins). Bernardo was still on Pine St. Any way, one of the Salt Lake Boys donated an ounce of Black Vietnamees Weed to be baked w/ the turkey stuffing. A good time was had by all, and after drinks and dinner we all threaded some sewing needles and strung cranberrys and popcorn for the Christmas Tree. I remember being the first one to realize that we were on the wrong Holiday. (I was really on my toes back then). Anyway, Bernardo gave me a small wooden laquered Xmass decoration with a famous Chief etched on it. HO HO HO. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Hey Hammond, I just re-skimmed your thing, and you mention Grass and Brian Jones in the same sentance. During that era I got my Grass from the Oceanside Police Dept. (very trustwourthy, Just Plain White Folks, you know?), Anyway Sid and Marty Croft got their hot little hands onto some Rolling Stone Tour Weed, you guessed it! some ended up in my lap. Anyway, I should have saved a stick; I could have donated it to Ted William's son. The shit would freeze that Mother Fucker for future generations! Man, I had cob-webs comming out of my nose; there was skin over my teeth; clear window glass blocked my view, "I know; It's only Rock'n'Roll; BUT I LIKE IT! SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Hey Nicole, A while back, my buddy Alan Baxter introduced me to a for-real guy named Jonathan Fluck, (ya FLUCK) no shit. Anyway, Jonathan is the Interborough Repetory Theatre executive director. The folks at IRT are currently working on a full-scale production of Hibakusha Outcry. Anyway, the KAIROS Theatre Group (our in-house Peace Church repitory company) seems to have fallen dormant, so to speak. Anyway, the point is this. The Peace Church is getting in bed w/ the IRT touring company with a May, 2003 production of TRIPTYCH, here in the Sanctuary. You can check them out at (maybe you could work some magic?) SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Nicole, I can explain! I had attended a "Theme Party" with Micheal Taylor, Val Arnold, Don Ross, Walt Dackstiener and Bella. We were the "Sleezy Time Gals" (A take off on Sleepy Time Gals). There was a scissors freak who took advantage of our "Condition" and snipped off our see through negliges and Big Girl Panties. The entire gang hit the streets Howling, wearing nothing but fuzzy slippers and Chiffon Hair nets and Carrol Channing Eye Lashes; and, Thats All. We couldnt find the car and ended up cooling off in the water fountain atop Knob Hill. That was the type of shit that put Frisco on top as THE TOURIST CAPITAL OF THE WORLD. Man, they got an eye full! SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Hammond, I also lived on Castro St. above Maurice's House of Fashion. (across from the pharmacy that was later turned into the Elephant Walk. I helped Al Alvarez install locks at a bath house above where they later set up the Obilisk. Man, I saw that neighborhood turn into Carnival In Reo in one summer. We had all fled the Haight, due to: busted glass, Jive Ass, roving bands of 8 year old bandits and dog shit. I then moved to a flat on Cumberland off Deloris Park, but got aggitated when dudes and ladies in rain coats would ring at all hours. I found out later that those digs were originally a Sexual Freedom Leauge play ground. Where have all the good times gone? SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Hammond, Ya, that red was "rusty" and it smelled like Malibar Pepper. Now Dig this; I layed my Birth Certificate on Bernardo when he got Into a Jam in Pheonix (Weed was only 50 dollars a brick) The result was a whole wave of Steve Boyds. I didnt give a shit, 70 was my biggest year and I didnt work or pay taxes anyway. You may remember Bernardo's trade mark Yellow Tweety Bird shoes and massive Siver Indian Crusafix. His lady was so Super. And little Tristen was a blessing. Our trails divided in Holly Wood back in 75. He told me that the Feds were bugging him, so I kept my distanced. Besides, I had my hands full with Bruce Villanch, Ed Nash, Criss Cox, and Liberace. Too Much!!!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Thanks for the note IMAM and nicole - no problemo with Al - though I have not met the Blacklisted one in person he seems a 'curmudgeon' of sorts. Onwards into the moment at hand - and best to all. - > H.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: NoFliesOnAl
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Thanks Nicole - I visited - I read and I return. Hey Hammond - I enjoyed the book review (I think I will read the book!) and your poem. Don't bother with the intro - only you know who YOU are anyway? Be at peace man - and keep up the work you do. Virtual IMAM

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
...sorry for my lapse in thought was Albert Grossman who found him down in the dc subway and took him up to woodstock, took care of him, got him back on his feet...he's been black listed for a pot bust in earlier less tolerant times...nik

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
...sorry for my lapse in thought was Albert Grossman who found him down in the dc subway and took him up to woodstock, took care of him, got him back on his feet...he's been black listed for a pot bust in earlier less tolerant times...nik

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
IMAM, if you go to and type in Al'll find the link...tha'ts the easiest way to get there quick...he was black listed for years after having one of the first and most successful columns on the "pop music scene and the beat scene etc...for the NY post and the Washington post...Saturday evening post etc...After being that sucessful he ended up broke and in the subway of D.C. so he brought him to woodstock gave him a house to live in and a job as publicist at Bearsville Records...and the rest as they say...well, you know...Nicole

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: Al@BlackWhat?.com
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Where is this Blacklisted stuff your talkin about?
Curious - IMAM

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Nicole - Yeah, I just visited Al's site and sure enough there I am "well underground" - Good Ole Al eh? I love the way he covered his 'bona fide butt" by adding (whenever possible!) "Hammond says blah..blah...blah - he says: " Nonetheless - I am flattered to have some of my work there among such honored company. Thanks for letting me know it was up and running.
All comments thumbs up or down will be greatly appreciated. - H.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
we've been friends for about 30 years I first met him when Peter and I passed through woodstock for the first time @ 1971 or 2 and years later when I moved there...when I was in the music biz he did my liner notes and press releases...I was signed with Albert Grossman and Al did alot of Bearsville press stuff...I saw him last year when he came to see a show at theater for the new city I was working on...he's doing alright...I'm going to read your article now, ciao

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Nicole - I didn't know that this was posted as yet (it is either a review of "Beat Hotel" and/or some poems) - but yes, I believe that I am that Hammond - Aseverwas - and thanks for asking. I will visit the Blacklisted Al today and check it out. If it is mine there should be a picture of me sitting on a block of concrete some 280 ft. underground - somewhere on the site, as this is Al's modus operandi with added writers.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Hammond, are you the same Hammond that has an article in the current edition of Al Aronowitz Black Listed Master Pieces column? Nicole

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Steve - In 1999 (on gallery business) I returned to the City after a lull of 19 years and frankly it was a nightmare. The business went well - but for the rest - nothing much is left of the place. Lap top obsessives and Tin Can beggars with little in between - like a surreal Calcutta. So expensive I had to eat at McDonald's just to meet my non-existant travel budget - No Little Joes - no US Cafe - no Vanessi's - No Cafe Roma - on and on and on...... NO! The Trieste is about all that remains in North Beach - Coffee Gallery is way gone to the dogs of alcohol and renamed something stupid - and Leo now runs Vesuvio's post Henrí Lenoir. Hardly a hispanic to be seen in the Mission District - and the Fillmore is Yupland. Even Hunter's Point is invaded by newbies who can't afford the $$$$$ rent for a studio - anywhere. Market street is like Death Valley after dark. You can never go home again!!!!!!! I don't know how Chet and others have stuck it out........The City of Over and Done In by silocon wafer illusion and designer toilets - A real sad situation all around...................................No plans to return until the place is fumigated!!!!!!!!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Aug 2002
Steve - You have inadvertanly touched upon another of our possible meeting grounds by mentioning "Bernardo!" In my forthcoming book "AsEverWas" I recount one of the adventures he and had with his buddy "Moses-Two" - begining at The 5th Estate in Hollywood and winding up at a tenement party in Watts hosed by Moses-Two's friend "Mom" - first time I smoked Panama Red - and true to reputation it took the top off my skillet. First met Bernardo in SF at Mike's Pool Hall a few years before the Hollywood "set" became a "scene." In my book I mention his having had a week-long three-way with Miss Mercy and Brian Jones of the Stones - an decathasexathon that Bernardo always semi-denied as being "Lovely Rumors." - Nonetheless - it is perhaps via this circle of folk that we crossed paths - if not others mate! I loved Bernardo - and wonder where he as gone on to........ Do you have any idea? Bernardo - a true original.........

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 08 Aug 2002
...ah Steve once I am sitting at my desk in my office and I was feeling alright, not exuberant or anything, just sort of so so...untill...I came here to the site for my morning constitutional and you have me laughing out loud so that my co-workers once again think I've gone over...honest? just red toenail polish?!?!?!? I really need to come by and see you the way this coming Saturday, Theater For the New City is performing their summer street theater show at St Marks Church on 2nd ave and 10th street The show this year is great..."ACCESS UPHEAVAL" it totally nails the current climate in this country today...Maybe if I come by you'd go with me? starts at 2..let me know but I'll come by anyway...gorgeous weather isn't it! I look forward...Nicole

Name: Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Aug 2002
Wow!, the Digger free free free version of Invisible Circus is so friggin cool! The up close details were an unexpected surprise, making the other archive's offers seem stingy in comparison. Having fun with the new additions, and looking forward to Brautigan and the Digger Women clips -- FREE THE DIGGER WOMEN!
Livin' large at!
Free -- with generous portions -- is better!
Love ya, ed.,
Regards, a friend

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 07 Aug 2002
SAY IT AINT SO!! While in Michigan, I "talked" to my long lost Brother, "Stan The Man". The one click for yes and two for no telephone conversation broke his heart and he just couldnt go on...but he had my mom tell me that San Francisco had turned into a shit-fest of upscale Euro-Trash and dead-beat Amerikans. He said; "If You Plan On Visiting, Bring Your Own Shopping Cart" Well, I do consider the source folks, but before you say "Love It Or Leave It" (Stan is heading for Alaska). I would really like to know the score: Any Friscoites out there care to comment? Jesus Crist, that was my town. I remember walking down the street wearing nothing but red toe nail polish. No Shit.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 07 Aug 2002
Peggy DuVall, No I was not a blond. I cropped my Drk.Brn.-Black hair (Jay Silverheels style) for film work. You may remember my "skin" though; My original patch-pants had an enbroidered Vulture atop an Eight Ball w/ a shovel and a Hangman's noose, w/ the initials U.S.M.C. switched to read S.C.U.M. I had my second pair of lucky boots (London Style Python Skin) I did the town with Bernardo; of the male branch of the Laurel Canyon GTO's (the BTO's) you can hear his fashion rap on Columbia Records "Big Ball". A groupie girl called Brown Sugar was also in tow. My drinking buddys were Peter Berlin and Zan Barker. If theres ever a Fella Hotel Reunion, count me in, in a BIG WAY.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 07 Aug 2002
Hammond, Today while in the church balcony listening to Paul Knop's weekly Live Jazz Meditation Concert, I 86'D my plans to convert my living space into a studio; (not because it has no north light), but it dawned on me while the sunlight flooded through the 30 foot stained glass windows, that the balcony; (which is closed to the public) would make an excellent loft for painting and has ample space to store and cure large works. The cathedral ceilings are heaven, and putting my work space outside of the sanctity of my lair would enable me to "Turn It Off", (as I usually get into marathon caffine sessions), I could just walk away from it.(with the aid of an alarm clock).

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Aug 2002
Steve, Yes I know the woodshed well having spent a good deal of my life whittling away at the dross of my former life work and getting back to the moment (vague) - to be continued (in depth) in my second book "Biopathic Tendencies" = in progress.
Brother you have had your share of body hurt and more. I again must praise your current spirit - heart and mind set and VOICE! It is a pleasure to know you - virtuallly!
Another painting (page one) = "Tenements" 1969
AsEverWas - Hammond

E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Aug 2002
There is an IC poster here:
[We also have a copy in the Archive here:
You'll see that it's a large scan of the Invisible Circus poster. I think web
archives should let their readers have the option of getting a high-resolution
version of the images, instead of limiting the size to something that in most
cases is barely readable. The image on the Digger Archive is part of the article
on the Artists Liberation Front.

Name: colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Aug 2002
Thank you Eric for the clips.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Aug 2002
WARNING-WARNING / I just got word that FEMA only pays for replacement and/or repairs of Air Conditioning units that were ruined or damaged by the effects of 9-11. You must show proof that the unit was purchased prior to the event. That AIR STORE scam is a Horse-Shit Deal. I plan on totally cutting off contact with MIKE, but will hash it out with ED, as I feel that we both may have swallowed the same line. Boy, just when you think that youv'e been pitched by the best! (That New York for ya) If I was only half the man I was, Id'e slit his sack and slip his leg through it. "If it sounds to good to be true...It usually is". Sorry for leading you down a blind alley. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Aug 2002
Peggy DuVall. Hey, I dont have your E-Mail address; as Church Staff transfered your inquiry to mine, minus your address. As you well know, Fella Hotel was at the dead end of Fella St. and twice a year the heat would block off the ally and empty the entire place out. Our pad was originally a Beat Generation Artist pad; (tons of large abandond paintings which Sonny lined up end to end in his space). We had a trap door in the kitchen floor which gave access to a 10x10 dirt floor room, (I think thats what the Hermit minning engineer was tunneling towards), anyway, as far as hanging out w/ you and your girl friend; I kind of doubt it. Sonny and I only dated Working Girls. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Aug 2002
Peggy DuVall. I rented the downstairs apt. w/ Steve (Sonny) James in 70. Just down the hall from the Fella Hermit who had excavated a cave beyond the cinder block wall. We draped the place w/ exotic tapestries, transforming it into an Arabian Nights trip. I outfitted my room with an entire set of miniture furniture which created a Land of the Giants effect. We were rolling in doe, and hired a hippy girl from upstaires as our maid. Jimmie; who had survived a death leap from the Bay Bridge lived in a crawl space above a hall closet upstaires. My brother Stan became good friends w/ Gary? (the manager who was terminal and constantly Dusted. Boy, he had LOUD SPEAKERS!!!

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Aug 2002
Hey Hammond, I checked out your work. I did something similar. Black, White, w/ a touch of yellow hue. It wasnt as dry as yours, as it had a deep sheen about it. It was titled "Three Nuns". Its in my third Wife's collection. All of my wives were good house keepers; (they kept the houses). The paintings that I ditched in N.H. were; "The Devil's Bridge"; (an actual bridge in Spain), "Young Pablo"; (English school lad), "Portrait of Sylvia"; (Sylvia Plath), "Town House"; (Plath's London Town House Apartment) and one called "Green Busk Festival"; (painting of a painting). In closing, remember that Struggle Builds Character. I hope to die with paint on my hands. SRB

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Aug 2002
Hammond, my last Oil Paintings were done in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire; where I put a new meaning to the phrase "Wood-Shedding" (an old blues term, for practicing in seclusion); as I was actually living in an old shed. After toughing it out for two punishing winters with no heat, water, or electricity; I became Ill from drinking rain water; (or so I thought). I lost the hearing in my left ear, I would fall over alot, (equeliverium) I would gag on food and water. I would awaken at night gasping for air and almost pass out. Anyway. I abandond my frozen paintings and stuck my thumb out. It turned out to be a series of tummors that looked like the spider from Hell.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Aug 2002
Steve, I didn't know you were a painter of canvas'. Are any of your past efforts (images) online?
Here is one of mine from 2001
AsEver, Hammond

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Aug 2002
I put up two clips from Nowsreal. Unfortunately, even at a low resolution (56k modem speed) the clips have a lot of rebuffering which makes watching them on the page frustrating unless you catch the page at a very quiet period on the network. So, the best option is to download the high-resolution versions of the two clips. They came out looking good.
These are the opening scenes in Nowsreal. They show the Free City Collective (name for the Diggers after July 1967) holding a Free Poetry Forever event on the steps of San Francisco City Hall in the spring of 1968. Lots of familiar faces (Judy Goldhaft and Ama and Ron Thelin and Sweet William reading poetry, Berg interacting with Holy Hubert the street preacher who always showed up at street events to harangue the hippies, Coyote and Kent standing by, Ron Thelin getting his hair washed in the reflecting pool across the street, Freeman reading a Proclamation demanding the redistribution of surplus goods, and finally the arrest of Ama for wearing a flag shirt, taken away in a Black
Maria paddy wagon, with a feisty young lawyer by the name of Terence Hallinan jumping onto
the running board to try and communicate with the arrested men.)
Here is the Free Poetry Forever page:
Here are the links to the high resolution clips (right-click on these links and choose save to disk):

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Aug 2002
Nicole, My day bed for the studio will be here Wed. Im drawing up plans to demo the existing storage system on the east wall, then run two large cat walk eisels directly across from each other, onlong the east and west wall. The stair treads will face south. The high ceilings, walls and doors, will enable me to work on two giant canvases at the same time. This system should tie in well with my spartan furnishings and could prove popular with my future art school class mates. Getting the Formal Education that I traded for Life Experince all these years is a dream come true. Hey, as far as your healing goes, try candle light, red wine and warm baths. (alone). see ya soon.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Aug 2002
Hey Curious, I was 86'd from a Nuclear facility for refussing to be searched for drugs. I had a zone three clearance which gave me access to the control room as well as the reactor pit. I remember putting my hand on the Vessel. Weird vibe. I also got the chance to go 258 feet below grade to check out the feed tunnels for the cooling tower; so ya, Ive' been there. You wanna hear the clencher? I wasnt holding any shit. I stood my grownd on principle alone, and took my case before an Amerikan Gestopo Judge. It cost me a marriage and the straight family life that I was so pathetically trying to nurture. I will E-mail you on my slant of America, Freedom and Ambition. Dig?

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 05 Aug 2002
Rena, thanks so much for your time and good advice...I do know of arnica and it is an amazing medicine...also I spent all day yesterday, Sunday in the Atlantic...o o o o ocean! yeah! it is not the same as Maui, but invigorating just the same...I was creating my own Brighton Beach Memoirs...I lived in Lahaina and Napili in 68 and 69 when my son Jeramiah was 15 mos. old (he's 34 years old!) and my memories of it are still so clear it's like yesterday...Rena, how lucky you are to be there...I've been meaning to take a yoga class...they are offering a free class to NYC residents because of the stress of 9-11 so perhaps this is the best time to begin...thanks again Rena, Mahalo, Nicole

Name: Rena
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Aug 2002
glad you are healing from your accident. have you tuned to alternative resources to promote healing? i was recently in a car accident. a speeding SUV slammed into the Subaru Forester I was a passenger in and both vehicles were totaled. i was able to walk away with some fractured ribs and bruises. 6 mweeks later i am feeling quite good. here's some suggestions:
Rescue Remedy. a drop under the tongue. great for any kind of trauma: phsical, emotional, etc. about $10. at most health food stores.
Arnica 30 C or 200C: a wonderful homeopathic remedy that really does help with pain and also promotes healing. Great for bruises. Arnica Montana (a mountain daisy) is available at most health food stores for $5 or $6. You can also put a few of the sugar balls of Arnica in a bottle of water. Shake, and you can sip Arnica all day.
Comfrey Gel. Really promotes healing when you have tissue damage like sprains and strains. Also promotes healing of broken bones. I also find it is beneficial for pain relief.
Other homeopathic remedies have also been a goddessend. " Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines: Safe and Effective Remedies for You and Your Family," by Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman is an excellent introduction and guide to homeopathic use. I recently gave this book to my sister along with a homeopathic medicinal travel kit to my sister for her b'day.
I am fortunate that i have an additional pain reliever here on Maui: the warm healing ocean.
You have the prayers and good wishes of so many friends. I know this helps.
one last suggestion: gentle yoga. Yoga is good medicine.
with Aloha, Rena

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: on the beach
Date: 05 Aug 2002
Steve: I think that we can successfully irradiate the zone known as Afghanistan and its middle eastern environs for somewhere in the vicinity of the practicably forseeable future. Without trivializing this matter much further let me suggest that what concerns me, Dr. Strangelove and General Buck Turgidson even more is the distinct probability of a mine-shaft gap...all the more discomforting to those of us already off the list of governmentally approved keepers of the flame. Adieu!

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Aug 2002
Curious, We have lingered in the sea, by seagirls, wreathed in sea weed, red and brown, till human voices wake us and we drown. (Now yer gettin it). P.S. Sorry I misstook you for a girl. Hey, Whats your insight on Uncle George's "Fetch the hammer; theres a fly on the baby's head" approuch the camel jockys? Do you think that pouring an industrial size can of "Texas Whoop-Ass" on em is really going to work? (and if so, for how long?) Im just bidding my time, and have a cozy dog-trot house set up at Rothesay, on the Isle of Bute. Ya, the pipes are calling. I will sure miss you all. But, hey, I could get hooked up over there, Right? Will E-Mail ya, my man.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: the fourth estate, awaiting Steve Antony; there were an
Antony would ruffle up your spirits...
Date: 05 Aug 2002
"Should I, after tea and cakes and ices, have the strength to force the moment to its crisis? But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed, though I have seen my head [grown slightly bald] brought in upon a platter, I am no prophet--and here's no great matter; and I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, and in short I was afraid. Sir, I repeat myself, I am curious is as curious does--there is no substitute--no Other! I received your email, Steve; an answer follows, but may be( as such things are sometimes tolerated) fashionably late. The great sidereal movement and I are in inaccord, the game afoot!

Name: Travis Brian Dennison
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Aug 2002
I hope all is well..In washington we are in terms of an tabacco embargo...comming closer to self reliance...and the ability to produce our own Frankenscense and currently attempting to aquire at long last my second figure income... have been discreetly funding Spokane in largely toward Restoration to its and beyond the glory held during Expo 74..The once five star hotel Davenport is now open...It is a 250,000 person nine level two plus o system which does in primarily the best it can do...attempting torelieve the current stress on the city council to loosen things up...I the 28 year old Free Us analyst care and feel free to e-mail me at theabove web address.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Aug 2002
Curious; you mentioned Bobby London, the only London that I recall was Steve London in NYC back in '69', the reason I bring this up is that the insiders called him "Bobby". He botched a Maceys, or Sachs 5th Ave. caper. (one of the biggies; cant remember which) He flashed a real NYPD Detective Badge, but in a panic, got a few bones broken in a slammed security door. He was running with Big Ralph the Sicliano, a local safe mover, (of all things). Rummor had it that Ralph droped a safe on his boss just to get the summer off. They were there the night that Ace got stabbed in the back in Times Square. (No connection)..just bad timing. Steve/Bobby was into everything!

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Aug 2002
50 Y/O Male. Stately, Bald, Bearded, Mute Satyr. Fierce contenance and savage disposition, seeks two adult females who's maternal instincts lead them to prefer a half share in a first rate man, as to the total possesion of a second rate one. My hobbies include building modified motorcycles, writting bawdy folk songs and rough wooing. All applicants must be prepared to leave your modesty at the door. Scots-Irish temperment a plus. Twin sisters get priority consideration. Requirements: must be able to dance on right leg and dance on left leg; (and make one hell of an income between the two). I await with baited breath.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Aug 2002
SWM - 50s - NeoDigger seeks Peace and Harmony for mankind. All usual nons apply - love to dance!

Name: keith
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Aug 2002
I am an english male from London- composer and poet and intereste-d in all aspects of the wicca and atlantis - 2012- 11;11- healing and dimensions- etc- i am looking to write to all females of independent means who are interesting- sincere- warm- -creative- educated and intelligent- keith.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Aug 2002
Hey there everyone - I hope you are all well and I am glad to see the dialogue continuing on numerous fronts. Life in Portland is nice this time of year but the fires in our forests are raging with unabated fervor in many areas of the state.
On the home front (via my site counter) I see quite a few visits from you all to the Lew Welch piece - and thanks very much for your interest . I have just completed the full update to the journal so please give it a surf for the new material when you have the time - Many Thanks for your supportive reading! - AsEver - Hammond
The 3rd Page Vol. 1.2

E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Aug 2002

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 01 Aug 2002
Hey Robert, I read you loud and clear. Its good to here from you. Weird graphics;(now thats what I call a sand trap). Hey, are you a New Yorker? If so, heres some inside info: If you hurry, you may get in under the wire. If you have concerns about air quality, FEMA will lay a FREE HEPA air purifier, HEPA vacuum cleaner and plasma cluster air conditioner on ya. The AIR STORE will send you the best air purifier on the market, a new air conditioner, a ten year supply of filters and a new HEPA vacuum. Call 212-260-8383 Ask for Mike Bennett. Tell him that you know Steve Boyd and/or Ed Frey. Again, thanks for communicating. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care. Steve

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Aug 2002
Sponge - pee and poo jokes are just not my style. If you want to visit a worthwhile site try this one: and put the other link in the toilet where it belongs.....
IMAM (out)

Name: magi discoe
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Aug 2002
Hey, this is a hellofa thing for a bunch of luddites. It's like finding a family again, except no one was ever called by the names we use now. John, John, Farmer Grey, etc. So what are we doing now? It's time for another social revolution. "I have met the enemy and he is us" Pogo
Contact me if you are interested in this or if your knew me as Meg. I was in the Haight from 66-67.

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.