These are the Guestbook Entries from 2002. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from December, 2002. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2002.

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Dec 2002
It is amazing how small I feel in the face of storms blasting away in
the dark. The ominous crack and thump of falling trees, startled by white
lightning flashes through the windows then trying to count the seconds to
see how close the thunder rocks, and our houses seem so weak. I feel
measured up by nature fairly quickly rushing to find comfort in the most
basic things. I would just get small and let it blow right on over me.
That hot coffee in shivering hands is gonna taste good in the morning.
Dogs know what to do.

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Dec 2002
Sky clear tonight..means nothing, could change in a moment. Stood at
the ocean clifts watching the waves crash into the rocks wildly throwing
itself backwards into spray and rushing again and again leaving the air
wild with energy and salt air and recharged ions, I drank in like soul
food. Fed me and cleared my mind of it's turmoil for awhile. My mind that
has been like the mud I churn in my rubber boots walking over and over the
same path. The drip of everything I brush against, soaking my jeans at the
edge of my raincoat, making me anxious to stand by the wood fire.
Hovering in night rooms, the storms slash the bamboo, bowing and
flipping with winds that tear at their hair, throwing rain that batters
againt my windows. Lightening screaming in the dark, too close! Thunder
moving from the earth, not sky, in deep log rumbling..deeper than sky
explosions that come with the, two, three. There is not an in
breath, no hesitation to this storm. I feel like a child in my bed. Hoping
the covers I move deeper into will keep me safe.

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 31 Dec 2002
Well, here I am beginning to rise out of the confusion of the Amerikan
holiday experience. It wasn't so bad most of it. It was a mellow almost
superficial deal without the hard edge of the past but I am ready to get
on though.
Sitting here, trying focus my thoughts about the year that has past, it
seems to early, with all that has come down. My family is well, my
youngest is making her way through adolescence to adulthood. I wish I was
more hopeful of the future. I know that the next years are going to be
turmoil and possibly dangerous leaving me with a sense of quiet anger. The
country again has become the enemy of justice and humanity, while our
"leaders" drag out the dead horse they explain is our great
nation. In the name of greed and capitalism the United States has become a
threat to the world and it's cultures. Exploitation, profit, control and
war are the tools our government uses that take away any remnant of
dignity this country had. We are the terrorists in the end.
With all this comes the other side though, forced out of the audience,
to perform miracles. The war and it's mongers bring out the best as well
as the worst. The ones who cannot stay still watching this shitstorm swirl
will start yelling and pushing. One more time we will go out into the
street, tear gas will probably come, families will divide, hard words will
wound us and again our middle finger will rise in defiance. We know how to
do this. I just hope the music will be as good as it was.
Hammond, I got your book today so I will start your journey soon.
Steve, it warms my heart to see you write about how well you are
Eileen, the damn rain finally stopped here but I can see by the weather
service you're still catching hell. Hey, a little mud and wind can't hurt
that much.
Nicole, for me it is the sea air rushing in and filling the canyons on
the coast with that wonderful rich clean odor of life.
Eric, Travis, IMAM, Ohio girl, Rena, Joe and everyone I wish the best
for the new year and if anything it is going to be damn interesting. I
don't think boredom is in the picture this go round.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Sub Tropics
Date: 31 Dec 2002
Im at another Spanish Language computer. Hey, I plan on smear painting
with a soulfull old silk screen squeegie that I found at the Peace Church.
Its about a foot long. I cant get the patterns out of my head that kept
reacurring in my dreams after I came out of the anistetic last year. I was
out for over 18 hrs. The patterns were square, divided into four quadrents
like evenly divided window panes, and kept flip-flopping clock-wise (with
sound effects). The color of each quadrent was muted and would change as
each in turn would make one full revolution, (four "clicks"). It
was as if they were superimposed on the ceiling, but my eyes were closed.
Any way, I also plan on doing the reflected stained glass thing, but with
gloves on and no brushes. (The ol´Cave man hand thing). I dont want the
paint to fuck me up by penitrating my pores. Maybe try different textured
gloves. Hey Nik, wanna finger paint? Christ I feel good. I´ve planned out
a daily menu to stick my. I miss the Church cat "Clawdia" (with
a "W"). I may start to write a large volume which will have
continuous revisions, titled "Things I dont know". (Its a
suggestion that Mom made to Dad, and I stole the Idea. It can tye in with
my Dictionary of stories titled "My life in alphebetical
sequence" I´m real excited (Imagine that?) about my future with the
Reverend. It should add a spiritual dimention to the wild thang´that Ivé
been striving at for years. Hallaluya. Hey Eileen, how yert doin´? Hey
Eric: HOWDEY MISTER. See ya´ll next year. God bless Pagans, Outlaws and
Hells Angels.

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Dec 2002
Yes yes Rena, that's it! Al Lagunero. I have been trying to remember
his name forever!
The storms here are getting more fierce! Thought the wind and rain
might blow my windows out last night!
Beautiful note Nicole. You do have such a wonderful way of expressing
yourself. Wil catch up later if the power holds. Quiet at the moment.

Name: Nicole
Date: 31 Dec 2002
...I'm thinking and feeling so much as this year comes to a
close...I've always liked winter for the fact that you can see much
further into the woods because the leaves are gone...and the snow lights
up the underneath somewhat, allowing for clearer perception of the
circumstances at hand. In spite of the rather scarey things taking place
in our world, this has been an exceptional year for me...actually the past
3 years. At 54 I am finally at home with myself...I like my life, my job,
my home, I love my family, my self, my friends...especially my friends.
I'm playing music again and that has always been my spiritual
connection...I can't help but think that certain of my past actions, as
awful as they might have been, were meant to give me this clearer
consciousness that I feel today. One thing I would like to get involved
with this coming new year is some sort of counseling of teen agers...because
my mother died when I was 10...I didn't have that sort of maternal
nurturing and there are so many motherless girls out there...I would like
to try and help them so that it doesn't take them till 54 to be introduced
to themselves. I just opened the window and some apartment around here
must have a fireplace...I can smell that distinct smell of birch smoke...I
love it...well, my dear friends, have a safe and happy joyous evening and
I will see you all next year...with very warm regards, Nicole

Date: 31 Dec 2002
Being head-injured, coma almost three weeks, find out what I found out
when I went to Heaven. You'll be very surprised and enlightened by the
Trinity's magnificent, mellifluous knowledge: With such a price-tag on our
souls, human beings are clearly precious beyond diamonds; Declarations can
never describe how effusively colorful and illuminating Upstairs was...
and is forever. Sign the GB, too. God Bless You with discernment. Tell
others about my killer URL -b9, the Catalyst4Christ

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: kahuna
Date: 31 Dec 2002
Aloha Eileen, I believe the Kahuna you are speaking of is Al Lagunero.
great watercolor artist, healer, chanter and "kahuna pule" which
is a teacher of prayers. Haven't seen him in years. There are several
kahuna about. He was very very hip and cool. A friend used to put together
"ohana luncheons" where the hip and new agers would gather to
enjoy wise men annd women. I remember his appearance, music, talk, art,
consciousness awesome.
Don't know where he is now.
Maybe get a baby sitter for the animals and check out our world.
e komo mai means welcome to my humble abode.

Name: T.Peter Clarke
EmailAddress: Peter
Date: 31 Dec 2002
Sorry Guys I was trying to find The Digger guys in Belgium, They do the
ww1 stuff. I just cant find thier web site. Oh well Lifes a bitch. take
care, nice site, T.Peter Clarke...

Name: T.Peter Clarke
EmailAddress: Peter
Date: 31 Dec 2002
Sorry Guys I was trying to find The Digger guys in Belgium, They do the
ww1 stuff. I just cant find thier web site. Oh well Lifes a bitch. take
care, nice site, T.Peter Clarke...

Name: Tina Shigley
Date: 30 Dec 2002
Hi There to Dan shortridge in Portland Oregon.he an Hells Angel.and Hi
to Jack shortridge<Dan son.I think you`r cool...Hope the Both of you
have nice year all around.My Phone number is 360/696-1639...Plesae call me
sometime...To the reast of you Hels Angel stay cool and hope you also have
a nice year all around..PEASE Satay cooll.all you groovey People. The
Shortridges Miss ya.... My nickname is

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Dec 2002
Rena~Yeah, having had one chip put in, I know about expense. Not to
mention the flight! That experience for the dogs really bends my mind. And
my cat I know for sure (having traveled across country in a truck with
her.) will yowl nonstop. Then there's double rabies shots etc. To have to
board my animals for a month or more, adds insult to injury. Perhaps by
the time we are really ready, this will be down to 5 days. Thanks so much
for all this info gathering. While we're at it, did you see my question
about the Kahuna/artist?
Great blowing storm here today. Winter has set in.

Name: RNA
EmailAddress: pet prison
Date: 30 Dec 2002
Eileen: it sounds like the smaller time frame for quarantine goes hand
in hand with having a micro chip embedded in your pet along with proof of
immunizations and blood work. I just got the web site:
There is a kennel on the big island that is private but boards the
quarantined pets per govt regulations. However, you would have to bring
the pets to Honolulu first to get checked out. You gotta have some bucks
for all this. wish I had better news.
In a few months the time may be reduced to 5 days. still has to undergo
public comment and review.
Aloha, Rena

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Dec 2002
One more request. Could you see if there is any idea when this
quarantine time is going to change? I wonder if I could find a site for
this? A plan is taking shape.

Name: Donella
Date: 30 Dec 2002

Name: Michael
Date: 30 Dec 2002
I heard a short interview Saturday morning on NPR with Matthew Scully,
author of "Dominion", a recent book about animal welfare. He
described the absolute horror of modern hog farms - sows kept immovable
for most of their lives in a small stall where they are inseminated, give
birth to larger than natural litters, rarely move, never go outside, and
appear to go insane until they are hauled off to slaughter themselves.
Scully is not a PETA member to be ignored by most of America, he was a
speech writer until last June for Bush and also wrote speeches for Dan
Quayle and Cheney. He is writing for conservative Christians as an appeal
to ethical values. I don't eat mammals, but can't claim I'm not part of
it, eating my share of chickens and turkeys. They aren't treated any
better. In any case, the chickens you killed (or didn't) lived better than
anything you can imagine happening in these huge meat factories.
You can listen to it here:

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Dec 2002
Thanks for getting the info. When it gets down to the 5 days we'll be
in business! In the mean time I can visit and ses things out once I get
things nailed down here again. Now will be looking around Southern Oregon/Calif
border area. I'm starting to get into this and am just waiting for my car
to get out of the shop. It will still be a few more months before I have
the money to do anything more than explore. But I am getting boxes and can
begin packing. I love this part of going through stuff and clearing the
field. Gypsy definitely kicking in.
I hear you Steve. This helps my head more than you know. Also keep us
posted on The Great Romance. At least your cycles have some meat to them
and certainly more time than mine. Glad to know you are still gaining
weight and I bet it's helping you feel more grounded. And are you going to
paint with no brushes?

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: ha ha
Date: 30 Dec 2002
Aloha. i just received a wonderful transcript of an interview with Lou
Gottlieb, done a few months before he died. Ramon Sender sent me the
transcript. Lou's brilliance shines through, and it sparked multiple
memories and laughter bursts.
I'm concerned it is too long to post here, plus a copy/ paste would
probably result in sloppy copy.
i did send a copy to Eric. perhaps he can post it somewhere.
Love to all, Rena

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: gulf coast
Date: 30 Dec 2002
Hey Eileen, my Natural Brother was a very popular pawn shop manager on
the Big Island. Maybe he has some connections that would be helpful. Stick
to your Gypsy Roots. A Yert sounds trippy. As far as the Olema Thang'
goes... It's a green light all the way through 2003. Hey, I saw the film
"POLLACK" and am inspired to struggle in NYC. I gave all of my
brushes away to a street painter but there must have been a reason. Ha,
Ha,...Shit I miss the village. Theres alot to be said for craziness. Its a
crazy world and I'm a happy guy. Hey Coyote, thanks for the honnest
effort. She's the best aint she?. I'm still gaining weight and am
definately going to schedule my eating sessions back in NYC. I feel
complete now that I have a mate again. I didnt realize the void which had
formed. Hey, I plotted out my "Relationships" on paper and it
seems that every seven years (from the age of 21) I have had a truckload
of women piled on me. That is, I go 5 or 6 years with one or two (which
always seem to overlap) and then WHAM, I'm screwin' 5 or 6...which in
small towns got real squinky. Anyway, I fear 2006. (1999 was a peak year,
maybe it was the wood shed that attracted them). Theres alot to be said
about starving, half frozen artists. Later all.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: from the vet
Date: 30 Dec 2002
Hi Eileen, Here's the info from my vet friend, Dr. Diane Shepard:
"Quarantime is 4 months without any preparation, one month if you
start several months in advance getting vaccines, microchips, serum
counts, and it is about to go to 5 days with adequate preparation. no way
around it. nor would I, as a veterinarian that gets bitten every so often,
want to have no quarantine."
Clearly it is very costly to bring pets to Hawaii. Darn! I would love
to see you.
Hope you're feeling good. Best wishes to all, Rena

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: reluctant Gypsy Queen
Date: 30 Dec 2002
Have you ever heard of a cave of Pele's that was discovered hmmm maybe
20 yrs ago? Also do you know of the Kahuna that is an incrediable artist
and painter? Last I saw him was in a open gallery in the middle of Lahina,
18 yrs ago.

Name: Looking for Hoffman
Date: 30 Dec 2002
Dear Abbie: What a to-do xmas was. Firstly i was caught shoplifting
from Fortnums, I realy like their jelly, and then to make matters worse my
fiance had an uncofortably long kiss with her ex room mate under the
mistletoe. I could realy do with some good advice here - do I finish with
julia or should I get her to pay my fine and the finish - or should i run
away with her room mate HELP

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: swim
Date: 30 Dec 2002
As far as i know the pets are are quarantined on Oahu. It costs. some
people hire people to visit their animals and pet them. I realize that you
don't have a budget for this. there may also be a quarantine kennel on the
big island at Waimea. I should know in a day what the scoop is.
Sending you aloha and visualizing you and enourage here.

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Dec 2002
Thanks. I had heard there is this change wanted. Do let me know what
you learn. As it is, I am wondering where animals stay during quarantine
and what it costs and all that's involved.....?

Name: r n a
Date: 29 Dec 2002
The quarantime is a nightmare. It keeps a lot of folks from moving
here. It used to be 3 months! I just e mailed a very political vet friend
to see if ther's any way around it.There's been lots of talk about doing
away with quarantine for properly documented pets. I'll let you know if i
hear any hopeful news. with aloha, r n a

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Dec 2002
Just a quick Steve says, it's all about ME. Hawaii has a 30 day
quarantine for the animals (I have 4!) plus other requirements that are
definitely putting a wet blanket on my plans. My airplane circling over
Calif. once again. Things at my house no fun at all currently, and I am
much to focused on myself to play here for awhile. So have a good New Year
my friends. I will come back when I am feeling less like the Creature From
the Black Lagoon.

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Dec 2002
PS - The ensemble is hooked up by phone lines because most of us in the
voice ensemble live in various parts of the country while the studio is in
Nevada City, Ca. - Hammond

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Dec 2002
Hi all - If your electricity is working and your don't have anything
doing from 10pm-Midnight tonight - tune in on
for the latest episode "The End of the Trail." This is a wacky
music and improv show that Dan O'Neill (creator of Odd Bodkins) and a few
of us began two years ago - on the air and on the web. We (the voice
ensemble) are all hooked up by phone lines to the studio where the wacky
musicians and the singing Pointless Sisters act-out with us. I come on
about 10:30 as myself with a tale or two with the band backing my work -
and then again around 11pm I appear as my alter-radio persona "Mort
Subiet" = instant death in French. Mort is a failed inventor -
entreprenure who comes up with odd products like the all weather bi-sexual
lapel thermometer and where you can rent a Guide Human for
your sightless pet. - Even if you don't tune in tonight - mark your
calenders with a big X marks the time zone - and we are on every other
Sunday - same time - same wacky bunch. I think you will all get a kick out
of the show - and remember - we have absolutely no idea what we are doing.
Happy New Year! Hammond

Name: IMAM
Date: 29 Dec 2002
Tales of Hoffman - ? - Dear Abby - ? - Is this Kansas? - Anyway, I hope
the rain stops for you Eileen - and Mark and ? - IMAM (dry as a bone)

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: none at present
Date: 29 Dec 2002
To you folks out on the Pacific coast -- my heart goes out to you. With
big storms, shaky electricity, and the rest. It's no walk in the park. We
went thru it here in NC about 3 weeks ago. Just hope you're OK &
keepin warm in the meanwhile. Mother Nature -- the worst terrorist of all
time. Wishing you well from back East. -- G.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 29 Dec 2002
Only one more week of hepatitis C treatment to go. I hope I'm leaving
the land of 1,000 side effects for good and returning to the land of the
living. I hope and pray that stuff really worked........ I hope 2003 is a
completely different kind of a year for me. For all of you too, whether
2002 has been a good year or a bad year for you, I hope 2003 is much
better! Might as well mention some good static. Once when we got a washer
and dryer for the first time, in winter, I had washed and dried some
blankets and put them on the kids' beds. The blankets sparkled and
crackled with blue static, like beautiful starry fields. We kept looking
at them and admiring them in the dark, and moving them so they'd ripple
and cause more blue sparks, and laughing, and we couldn't get enough of
it. It never happened like that again. You never know what marvels Life
has in store.

Name: r n a
Date: 29 Dec 2002
the sulfer fumes are dangerous at the actual flows. Signs are posted
and people told not to venture too close, but they do. asmathatics and
other frail people are at risk. There are other parts of Hawaii, the big
island, that hardly get vogged. it all depends on which way the wind
blows. ususally it is NE or E. when it blows SE then we're in for the vog
on Maui.
There are also lave heated waterfall pools on the big island. i like
the cool freshwater pools. Maui should have thousands of waterfall pools.
Instead we have few because EMi which is East Maui Irrigation went up
stream and took 100% of the water from almost all of the streams and
rivers. on maui A & B Alexander and Baldwin burn sugar cane to
maximize the profits. I believe Maui is the only island where cane is
burned. Cane burning was illegalized in Australia cause it's toxic stuff.
Here big business rules.
The big island has many beautiful places and beartiful people. and, the
cost of living is very inexpensive compared to the rest of the state.

Date: 29 Dec 2002
drinking lots of water seems to help

Name: Rena
Date: 29 Dec 2002
Eileen, glad to hear you're headed to the Paradise of the Pacific. The
weather is perfect here on Maui and I'm glad you're coming to share the
glowing warmth and the fruits of the land.
Be aware that there is a real problem with VOG on the big island, the
island of Hawaii. I have a really hard time on the big island due to the
vog. Vog is volcanic smog. The volcano on the big island has been erupting
since 1983. Tonight at sunset here on Maui I noticed how the view to our
neighbor islands was hazed out from the vog. Some days the nearby islands
are completely obliterated by this noxious haze. Lead, mercury, sulfuric
acid. some people can tolerate it, some cannot.
Last august I went to the big island to take a class in neonatal
resuscitation. Hilo hospital was happy to offer this training to labor
assistants and midwives. Not so on Maui. My 16 year old daughter
accompanied me. On our last night we went with some friends to the active
volcanic flow and walked on hot lava. no kidding. as we walked closer to
the river of molten lava, the ground became hotter and we could see
glowing lava through the cracks. so, we were walking on the cooled crust
of the hot lava. Pretty fucking crazy in retrospect... there were hundreds
of people from all over the globe doing the same thing. Occasionally
people get hurt and even die while hiking over the lava to the flow. They
die from the fumes. Anyway, the Kona side is usually drenched in vog. Blue
sky in Kona is a novelty. I hear it's so much better on Puna side.
Xmas Eve 11 years ago i swam with dolphins on the Puna side at Kihena
beach. pronounced Key-henna. It was so incredible. This is a clothing
optional beach. I swam out and soon was surrounded by dolphins. I had
waited all my life for this moment. I was naked except for my snorkel,
mask, and fins. I swam with the pod. Truly, if the dolphins didn't want to
swim with me they could have sped off. There were spinner dolphins in
front of me, on either side, and beneath me. they would shoot out of the
water and spin many many times in front of me. i love to attempt to spin
like my dolphin friends. Anyway, I stayed with the dolphins because it was
so much fun. When I finally looked up I was close to a mile offshore!!! At
that point i realized i had better head for shore. My adrenalin carried me
to safety. I have since had numerous dolphin encounters including one with
12 foot bottlenose dolphins. This encounter involved a dolphin rescue and
made it into the Maui News. can read the story at
I have no idea who Shawn Alladio is but he sure has the story from the
Maui News on the dolphin encounter on his website.
There are lots of wise women, herbalists, healers on the big island.
Maui, too. Lots of beautiful people on the big island who appreciate the
easier pace of life and the lower costs. Welcome Welcome Welcome!!! Aloha
Oi. E komo mai!

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Dec 2002
The interview with Nicholson is in a magazine named Entertainment
Weekly. This issue is #689 January 3, 2003. This shows up in my mailbox
due to a magazine sale thing my kids were involved in and has very little
redeeming value. The interview is about his role in the movie "About
Schmidt". The interviewer was Benjamin Svetkey. The reference to
Brautigan and Harry Dean Stanton is on page 25. If you can't find it I
will make some copies for you.
Well don't haul it to the Islands before this weather clears and we get
a chance to eyeball eachother.

Name: Looking for Hoffman
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Dear Abbie.
I recently left my wallet on the Greyhound somewhere outside of
Dellaware and althoe it contained $10 and 45c what concerns me most is
what the hell I was doing in Dellaware. Can you shed some light on this
?.Ps Julia has left me again and taken the Bonsai's with her, if she gets
in touch remind her not to over feed the Japonicus.
Here's too ya big cheese.(Robert I)

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Woodstock Lady~
Always a nice surprise to hear from someone who watched us go by. Yes I
remember being there. But it goes by in my memory like a blur. Yes, Emmett
left everyone he touched it seems with the taste of junk. You and Nicole
are likely to have crossed paths out that way as well. You have a great
deal to add if you're into it. There's no limits here. Just common
interests. Thank you for your lovely words to me. Today is a specially
good day to hear nice things. ............. Road out of here flooded and
cresting. Ha ha, took my school bus out..I'm above it all. Got my rum and
coke. Talked to my dad today after he received The Letter. Coyote did a
good job but in the end lost my nerve. Can't handle my business looped in
with my dad. My finances are too unpredictable. In fact realize when push
comes to shove the gypsy bends under the weight of the idea of 30 yrs of
big payments. Nope just can't do it..but I tried the life of the landed. I
really did. I cried for a few minutes cause someday I would like my life
to get easier AND be fun. Still working that combo out.
In the final analysis of astro maps I do get a surprise as I looked
deeper. Will be going to Hawaii ASAP to house hunt. Land's still cheap
there and if I'm going to hang my hat to a star, I want it paid for and
done..none of this 30 yr nightmare! May just get my yurt yet. Shawn (of X
Jed and Shawn) and her man Redheart are living there and waiting for me/us
with open arms. So will rent until the next until my ship comes. Will make
fragrant oils and salves from the plants and flowers there, paint and
print clothing and wing simply and get out from under all this
home owner pressure.

Name: Looking for Hoffman
Date: 28 Dec 2002
I went to the store the other day, and I was in there for only about 5
minutes. When I came out there was a damn motorcycle cop writing a parking
ticket. So I went up to him and said, "Come on, buddy, how about
giving a guy a break?" He ignored me and continued writing the
ticket. So I called him a pencil-necked Nazi. He glared at me and started
writing another ticket for having worn tires! So I called him a piece of
horse shit. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield
with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket! This went on for
about 20 minutes. The more I abused him, the more tickets he wrote. I
didn't care. My car was parked around the corner. I try to have a little
fun each day. It's important.

Name: Looking for Hoffman
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Dear Abby:
I have been engaged for almost a year. I am to be married next month.
My fiancee's mother is not only very attractive but really great and
understanding. She is putting the entire wedding together and invited me
to her place to go over the invitation list because it had grown a bit
beyond what we had expected it to be.
When I got to her place we reviewed the list and trimmed it down to
just under a hundred ... then she floored me. She said that in a month I
would be a married man and that before that happened, she wanted to have
sex with me. Then she just stood up and walked to her bedroom and on her
way said that I knew where the front door was if I wanted to leave.
I stood there for about five minutes and finally decided that I knew
exactly how to deal with this situation. I headed straight out the front
door . . .
There, leaning against my car was her husband, my father-in-law to be.
He was smiling. He explained that they just wanted to be sure I was a good
kid and would be true to their little girl. I shook his hand and he
congratulated me on passing their little test.
Abby, should I tell my fiancee' what her parents did, and that I
thought their "little test" was asinine and insulting to my
Or should I keep the whole thing to myself including the fact that the
I was walking out to my car was to get a condom?

Name: Eric
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Do you have a reference to that article? I'd be interested in reading
it. tia.

Name: Woodstock lady
EmailAddress: prefer no emails to my office
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Dear Sam/Eileen, I have this wonderful memory of meeting you and Peter
and Emmett one amazingly beautiful spring (or was it summer) day, in 1969.
It was on a huge piece of property - literally hundreds, if not thousands,
of acres of fields and hills and valleys with long grass and wild flowers,
somewhere near Woodstock, upstate New York. There was either one or two
other women with you. All of the ladies (not the men) were naked, dancing
with flowers in your hair. I was young, shy - rather intimidated by your
remarkable beauty. My "old man" and I had been introduced to
your group by Rick Danko. We lived in Woodstock. We became quite friendly
with Emmett who later introduced us to Howard and Jones Alk, Mason
Hoffenberg, & Albert Grossman. Later, I had a fling with Emmett in NYC
when he was staying at The Chelsea Hotel and later at Leonard Cohen's loft
in Chinatown. Emmett also introduced me to both Pearl & junk. In any
event, I really haven't much to offer here, I just thought you'd like to
know that my memories of meeting you, Peter and Emmett have stayed with me
all these years. Do you remember that trip to New York? I enjoy reading
your entries and learning about the woman you've become. You are ever
delightful, insightful and warm.

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Dec 2002
I read an article yesterday (interview) about Jack Nicholson. Nicholson
talked about Richard Brautigan and the infamous jar of torn up currency he
keeps in his living room to this day. Apparently this was started when
Brautigan tore up two 50 dollar bills and tossed them into the jar in
1970? Nicholson regards it as an artwork has done since then.

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Eileen and all,
Just checking in to say the weather here is getting out of hand again.
Very windy and heavy rain squalls coming in of the bay. The power is
flickering on and off. My wetsuit is nearby. Time to throw another log on
the fire and hope the power stays on for the Raider game.

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Dec 2002
yeah Eileen I saw the weather report this morning...wanna borrow my wet
I recieved a gift certificate from Bloomiongdales for Christmas...I
have never been there...I shall never go was insane...not just
the amount of people due to after Christmas sales...but the prices...I
mean PALEESE...a tiny fru-fru tank top of some chintzy (and I don't mean
Chintz)material for $68.00...I am a modern hard working woman, but I don't
understand that roomate works for a designer, Betsy Johnson
and HER tank tops go for $'s criminal to me...Eileen
there was a Marc Jacobs dress that you would have make so much
better...for $480.00. My favorite dress I have ever owned was made by you
Eileen...if I remember correctly you took apart an extra large dress from
the thrift store (because the material was beautiful) and reworked
it...and my all time favorite blouse you also made...a green long sleeved
scoop neck with was gorgeous...can I send you my current
stats and some material and some money...the only thing I could afford to
buy at Bloomys with the 50 dollars was a bra! Alright that's it...I'm
headed home...besides this office is weird when there's no one here...WWR,
ps Eric...I was there with the caravan...also I can't remember if asked
you if you had been at Bergs 60th birthday? Maybe we met there?

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Just a quick one. If it is possible this storm is more intense than the
last. So if you don't hear from me for awhile it's because I'm paddling
around in my boat! I hope that's a joke.

Name: IMAM
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Whew! "real deal" indeed - the stuff of novels mate. Keep

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Sounds like the Real Deal, Steve.

Name: Static Steve
EmailAddress: Down Yonder
Date: 28 Dec 2002
Ya, I am a runt... a Monkey Runt. I'm up to 154 Lbs now. I found that
the The trick is to TAKE the time to eat. I'm always on the go in NYC and
realize that I go lean for a day and a half at a time without thinking
twice. Here it's Eat Sleep and drink, which is the game plan. I play
cribbage with the folks alot. Oh, Yes, the Cancer can cook, we have some
milage; she baptized me, prayed for me, housed me, nursed me, boot-legged
liquid codine into Africa on my behalf, covered me at night, dried my
tears at the heigth of the radiation treatments, fed me, changed my
bandages, hell, once I woke up in the parlor soaked in blood; they had
removed drain tubes from each sholder and the right one had opened up.
Nothing would stop the bleeding so they took me to St.V's. They gave me a
tetnus shot and a few stitches, but my skin was so fried from the
radiation that even the needle hole kept bleeding. I was a hand full. I
had to wrap my right leg under the bed rail while holding my head in one
hand and throw myself out of bed just to get up. Being drug free the whole
time, I was naturally hostile a bit and would continually challange the
dealers who sold from my front porch in the wee hours. I'd bust threw em'
stripped to the waste (for full effect) sewn and stappled up from chin to
gut, with a tube hanging out of my stomach and they would scatter. (the
Island folk are very superstitious) The women would scream and say: "Dont
touch him!!..He's sick!!" It was the night of the living dead for
most of those doped up fucks. I was the West 4th Zombie. I wasnt lookin'
fer trouble: I was trouble. Anyway, She put up with all of that shit and
begged me not to mix it up with the natives. Shit, one night, I even
fought off a wild red-headed woman inside my hall way. Another gal had set
her pit bull onto the girl for revenge for a drug burn, and I went to the
door to fight off the dog, she jumped me to save her own ass and we ended
up between both doors, All I knew was that it was a dog attack and didnt
realize that there were women involved..well, It happened so fast that I
instictively started punching with my good arm. Well, she had two good
arms and what seemed like three good feet. Anyway, Rev. Jackie comes down
to find me and this banshee goin' ten rounds. She had seen it all come
down from the upstairs window, and just smiled as I pantomimed what had
happened. After that, Oh, once I was going to give a big dude a free
flying lesson from the pourch, that mourning he and Buckeley had an ethnic
dispute and Buckley had stomped the spokes out of the dudes bycicle and
bent the rims. Anyway, the cat thought that Buckley was a Methodists on
the payroll and came back that night high enough to threaten Jackie. I was
set to plant both heels about chest high, but she got in his face and
turned it into "bad boy in the principle's office". She's very
convincing. Then, BOOM. (make that two booms). She opened the church doors
(and her heart ) to hundreds of terror stricken City Folk who fled north
from south of Cannal Street on the mourning of 9-11. I saw truck load of
faith that day. Later.

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Dec 2002
Eric~ I lived at the Red Rockers before the caravan took place..just
before Olema shut down in April. I think that was mid '71 when Ariel was 2
1/2 yrs. I also had my black Great Dane, Crow and we lived in a sheep
herders lean-to, a good walk away from the dome. There's QUITE a story
there. Then came back to CA just in time for the caravan. I don't know
what became of the scene there, and would like to know as well. Ben and
Chipita are the only folks I have had any contact with since then.

Name: Eric
Date: 27 Dec 2002
When were you in the Huerfano valley? Was that when the Caravan came to
Ortiviz Ranch? I was there part of the group that bought the Ortiviz Ranch
that had come out from Cambridge in the summer of 1970. I remember the
Triple A band (Anonymous Artists of America), the big dome that the Red
Rockers built, and the Libre Commune. I'm sure I've told the story how I
became a vegetarian when we threw a Thanksgiving dinner for the other
communes in the valley and I was put in charge of killing the chickens.
How long were you there? Do you know what ever became of Triple A?

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Dec 2002
Steve~ Glad you found a computer..he's still there til the 4th folks.
I'm missing you here a bunch. Two Cancers? Well, you won't be short on
FEELINGS! Get the Kleenex got that right. Pretty exciting news,
that. Hope it's a grand affair! From the sounds of weather reports NY will
be a shock after Florida. I can't believe you are with your family with no
way to make calls OUT..that is the only way I can keep my equaliberium sp?
when I'm back home. Glad to hear you're eating the good stuff..a whole
150#s huh? You must be a scrawney runt! Just need to get enough good ole
Southern food to pack it on, to get you thru the rest of the winter! PS
Can this saintly woman cook? I do hope someone is going to feed you when
you get home.

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Dec 2002
Aye St. Steven...CEAD MILE FAILTE (Irish for 100,000 welcomes)
...and in the words of Donald Fagen...NO STATIC AT ALL

Name: IMAM
Date: 27 Dec 2002
and so the truck load of Diggers came to a sparking halt at the very
voice of Steve back from Fla. Welcome back mate - As you can see we are
all getting giddy from entertaining ourselves. Whew! - No static on the
line............IMAM-Suspect (end act one)

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: FLA
Date: 27 Dec 2002
Sponge, our entries seem to hit at the same time OFTEN. Are you tuned
in?..or what?...I cant wait for an answer now. Will check in tommarow. Hi
Nik...I'm up to 150 lbs!!,..been gorging fried chicken livers, grits,
sausage, eggs, beer, cat fish, salmon, rice etc. etc.

Name: Saint Steven
EmailAddress: Gulf of Mexico (sea of love)
Date: 27 Dec 2002
Wow, the site is really buzzing. Well, I'm familied up for the next 25
years. This auta' hold me. Dig, I just tapped into my Hotmail. I didnt
know that you could do that. I thought that you had to use the same
computer that you set up the address from. Anyway, I recieved a nasty note
from the Lady Reverend who saved my spiritual and physical ass two years
ago. When she visited NYC at the first of this Dec. she was showing enough
leg for me to get a hard on during service. Being somewhat spiritualy
chalanged, I didnt exactly take it as a sign from I
hid out for fear of an uncontrollable urge to defrock that little nun
prior to communion. Its a wild ass form of taboo love in more ways than
one, See, When we met she was not only my Reverend, she was also engaged
to be wed. Well, now that she's a widow, I leveled with her via E-Mail and
told her that I always loved her ass...(ah...Her, and her ass that is.)
...and that ducking out was my way of parting as friends and not going
down in infamy for swinging on a preacher's tits. (Its usually the other
way around, aint it? Well, Anyway, she leveled with me and informed me
that I could push the swing. Sweet Jesus! There is a God! I told ya my
money's on the Methodists. Anyway, in as much as NYC is to small for two
ground zeros, we plan on making a big boom in the midwest. She's only 54
and her sign is Cancer. So, I figure on getting a box of cleanex and
putting on a vidio of the Posidon Adventure for starters. Be back on the
3rd. I miss New York. It dont just blows.

Name: Dr Sponge
EmailAddress: confused
Date: 27 Dec 2002
Humidifiers, antistatic suits, and truck loads of 700 lb digger poetry?
? ? time for Dr's revenge A duel was fought between Alexander Shott and
John Nott. Nott was shot and Shott was not. In this case it is better to
be Shott than Nott. Some said that Nott was not shot. But Shott says that
he shot Nott. It may be that the shot Shott shot, shot Nott, or it may be
possible that the shot Shott shot, shot Shott himself. We think, however,
that the shot Shott shot, shot not Shott, but Nott. Anyway, it is hard to
tell which was shot and which was not

Name: Nik
Date: 27 Dec 2002
excuse me...that's Farasita, Colorado...the Huerfano Valley

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Dec 2002
I am laughing so hard right now my co workers think i've gone over the
edge...and they thought I only they've yet to see me walk
in with my "outfit" on...especially now that I'm sporting a
spray bottle in the kitchen gloved hand and scissors in the one with red
rubber on the tips...YIKES ...perhaps I can attach roller wheels to the
humidifier and use it rather like a scooter or skateboard...meanwhile
looking also like Rena from Green Mansions...and still I wear white cotton
underthings...or maybe they should be made out of hemp...possibly this all
stems from the time riding with Mary Ann and JP Pickens in Farasita, New
Mexico a bolt of lightening about 2 feet thick struck right in front of
the truck and even seemed to knock asphalt around...and well, it could
have been that time I...oh never mind...but back to the truck stop...part
of the story is that even though they have the truck up on blocks for 3
months at the cousins house in the 'burbs (obviously he doesn't keep
working on it because he loves having his hands in grease...he just
doesn't KNOW what he's doing!!!and he doesn't even have a Chiltons manual)
and so that's why cousin Bart grimaces when dude says ,"let me have a
look at that broken snow blower of yours...yeah right
Seriously everyone thanks for your help...if I can't stop the sparking
I can keep laughing with all of you...yr pal, Nik

Name: IMAM
Date: 27 Dec 2002
And everyone everywhere is to receive a free copy of Brautigan's 700
pound poem "All Watched Over By Loving Grace."

Name: IMAM
Date: 27 Dec 2002
That's it! The truck load of Diggers will deliver the spark that shocks
the world directly into the moment - the "real" moment. Michael
is driving the truck over the carpets of America - dragging his feet again
while the Diggers (wearing cotton underlayers) run around inside the
truck. Everyone loads up on the electricity for temporary storage inside
Nicole's anti-static suit. This same mysterious life affirming energy will
also run the humidifiers to keep the flowers fresh - Rara come into focus
inside the truck handing everyone protective garlands. Now were actually
getting somewhere! - But Where? IMAM-Suspect

Name: Michael
Date: 27 Dec 2002
One more thing to add to Sparking Nicole Episode I. Run with scissors
or some other metal extension to your hand. In my tiny little office, if I
touch the faucet or doorknob with a spoon I have nearby, I still see the
spark, but don't get the jolt. If I want a big blue spark, I drag my shoes
and roll along on my chair - I can only roll about four feet - and gather
up a big charge. I'm guessing it's plenty wet enough in Eileen's house
that she can't have this kind of fun.

Name: IMAM
Date: 27 Dec 2002
The plot thickens for "A Truckload of Diggers!" with
humidifiers at the ready and lots of fresh flowers surrounding Nicole in
her fashionable anti-static outfit. Who is driving the truck? Will it ever
arrive? Will the Diggers get out of the kitchen? These any many other
questions are being answered as we type! Now I am being silly - but hey -
better this than worrying about the impending wars..........IMAM-Suspect
(all in fun)

Name: Rara
Date: 27 Dec 2002
Nicole, A humidifier may help. try also putting fresh flowers in water.
anything to hydrate the air. also, avoid synthetic clothes or at least
wear cotton underlayers. drink LOTS of water. get a mister spray bottle,
about $2 at a hardware store or beauty supply. I use a spray bottle with
pure water when i fly. pretty soon other passengers are asking me to spray
some real plants in real dirt will help enliven the place and hydrate
the air. ask each co worker to bring a live plant and let your garden
grow. bring ornamentals, nurtritionals, munchables. parsley is very nice
and grows with ease. will a basil plant make it? Basil is a mild euphoric
and an immune enhancer. I like to wear basil springs in my hair.
the vegan pesto recipe basil leaves no buds garlic water little olive
oil braggs, soy sauce or salt tofu to make creamy or nuts or seeds eg:
sunflower seeds, tofu, almonds, etc.

Name: IMAM
EmailAddress: Archival Curiosity?
Date: 27 Dec 2002
Found this by accident and thought you would get a kick out of how Free
Lit. gets turned into an expensive collector's item. IMAM-Suspect
BRAUTIGAN, Richard. All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace. (San
Francisco); Communications Company, 1967. First edition. Pamphlet.
Published in a limited edition of 1500 copies that were originally given
away free. This copy inscribed by the author "To ……. ok? ok.
Yes." Inscription signed and dated by the author, July 28th 1967,
together with a small drawing of a fish. Stapled wrappers. Some small
handling marks otherwise at least very good. £700

Name: Nana
Date: 27 Dec 2002
To any brothers or sisters who can help. I have lost contact with a
brother and am in search for him.3/99 I was badly beaten by a local and
DHR took my son because of it. To get him home I had to move into a safe
house. I have him and have moved to Mississippi. I left behide my family
and I am looking to find a brother and the path home. The brother I speak
of was and still is my only love. I did not want to leave him but had to
in order to get my son home.His nick is Spanky and has traveled with
Reneagde. I just want to know he is alright and to let him know I am
searching for him.I have very little but will give it all to find him.
Please if any one can help me I would greatly appreciate it. LOVIN ALL,

Name: Eric
Date: 27 Dec 2002
Sign of old age? This morning, I opened email before having morning
coffee and started deleting all the spam messages, commercial or
otherwise. Suddenly one message grabbed my attention. I thought it might
be someone sending some leads on my research into the development of the
60s avant garde. It looked like the subject line read: "Revolutionary
Agit Prop" but alas it was only "Revolutionary Anti Aging
Product". If not sign of old age, it's at least a sign of the times.
BTW, speaking of research, has anyone read Daniel Ellsberg's
long-awaited memoir, Secrets?

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Dec 2002
Back off the roof for 2 min. Nicole! Jerimah is a HUNK! I don't even
recognize him except for the way he holds his jaw. From an acorn to and
oak. I'm in shock..there's so much MORE of him. Ha oh my gosh!

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Dec 2002
Well Nicole seems you have a movie in the making..with your outfit
already worked out. It sounds like the makings of an adult cartoon..have
you ever seen Tank Girl? Here's the best site I could find for it.
Kay-anne loved it and has created her own cartoon, I think this being
the inspiration. It's popular at this house as well..although it gets a
bit long for me. It's a mix of real people and cartoons. If you guys
haven't seen it you must. Now I could definitely see this worked up.
And for my update..I'm taking a coffee and baklava break. I'm hanging
off the roof of the cabin again..remember the last time I was up there
having to jump from the roof? Shi-ut. It's been just drizzeling all day
and I thought I was cool but now the rain's moving in and I'm not done.

Name: PS - IMAM
Date: 26 Dec 2002
Somebody cue the prop department about Nicole's "non-static"
body electric outfit for the BBC production of "A Truck Load of
Diggers!" okay? IMAM-Suspect (with covert designs)

Name: IMAM
Date: 26 Dec 2002
Nicole - That's it! The BBC is waiting........IMAM-Suspect

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: fresh air
Date: 26 Dec 2002
my cousin sent me this. best to all.

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Dec 2002
IMAM, One night in Woodstock NY, Peter, myself and a couple of friends
Martin and Susan Carey sat around a table and came up with a TV pilot
about a truck full of digger folk who pull into a relatives driveway to
fix a problem they were having with the truck ...of course when they open
the truck door about 14 people pour out along with kids and dogs and who
knows what and the tag line was," How long can it take to fix a
truck?!!??" It was very funny...

Name: RaRa
Date: 26 Dec 2002
Roughing it at LIttle Beach on Xmas. Warm and toastie with my hippy
friends. Bhagwan Das was there. He is on island doing the guru tour.
Bhagwan Das is the "enlightened one" who Baba Ram Das discovered
in India in the 60's and wrote about in his wonderful collection of books,
"Be Here Now." Baba Ram Das was just on Island where he had a
weekend workshop (days only at a fancy resort) but I didn't go because of
the $200 plus price tag. I heard Baba Ram Das 20 something years ago here
on Maui for $10 and enjoyed his talk but $10 was about what it was worth
to me.
Anyway, Bhagwan Das is now on Maui making about a dozen appearences in
the theaters and yoga studios for a heft $25 price tag. He's traveling
with Howard Willis and one other "guru." BTW, Bhagwan Das is a
white guy with the mandatory sanyasan dreads. Unlike the malnournished
Indians, he has one very big Buddha belly.
At little beach he came over while some of us were burning something.
Someone asked him where he lived. I knew that one: sanyasans have no
address. His answer was that he lived from microphone to microphone (his
appearances) and not anywhere in particular.
Here's what i found of interest. Later someone mentioned to me a
conversation she had had with Bhagwan Das. The bottom line was that the
guru enlightened one was complaining that his 3 children were all yuppies,
and where did he go wrong? !!

Name: IMAM
Date: 26 Dec 2002
Duh - "It might be you!" - Surely there is a Digger play!

Name: IMAM
Date: 26 Dec 2002
Wonderful to almost feel the snow! - thanks for the picture Nicole - I
envy your morning wake up in wonderland....... Say - if any of you are -
were - or will be writing a short (TV) play in the near future here is a
link to the BBC's new competition - open only to those out of the UK -
check it out if this is your ballywick - It might you!- IMAM-Suspect

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Dec 2002
Good morning what a great snow storm...veritable winter
wonderland...I had such a great time yesterday...good food, good
friends...we ate and played music and all the while the snow kept coming
and coming and coming...this morning walking to the train was really
something...thank god for good snow boots...
Thanks to everyone for your static feedback...wait, let me on my static problem...all the shocks were worth the
laughter you all brought me with your comments...and Joe I think you're
right about a short in the building...because it's just a bit over the

Name: Mark
Date: 25 Dec 2002
I had the same trouble with Coyote's stuff. I emailed him last week and
he said he had been without power for 5 days. I would email him and ask
him to check to see if he still has your address on his list. May have
lost it in the power fiascos we are having in NorCal.

Name: Eileen
Date: 25 Dec 2002
Drop Coyote a note here saying you would like to be on his mailing
list. If you ever send him an email at that address, just know he normally
checks it once a wk.

Name: the Naz
Date: 25 Dec 2002
How do i get on Coyote's email list? I was on it.. got a few e mails,
and then, poof, no more. now i can't find the connect.

Name: IMAM
Date: 25 Dec 2002
Kisses and Hugs to the ladies - a Bow and Toast to the men - and where
is Coyote's blog - is it for the general blogist reader or a private
blogation? -IMAM-Suspect - Nearly alone but quite content on Christmas

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Nicole....the indoor air is dry in the winter as opposed to the summer.
The moisture in the air helps the electrons that are built up by friction
to disperse more readily. Maybe you are shuffling your feet more when you
walk than the other people in the office? You build up an electrical
charge that way and then when you touch something metal it acts as a
conductor and the charge goes from you to the metal causing a spark. If
everyone is getting a shock it may be that there is a faulty ground in the
building. So maybe you need to do some high stepping at the water cooler.
I've been working in an office building for the last 7 months on light
duty. I always have worked outside other wise. I dont know how anyone can
work in an office for years. I am climbing the walls. I like to joke
around so I havelightened the place a bit. Today was a day tinged with
sadness as I walked down the Fulton Street Mall and thought of all those I
knew who are no longer here. Happy Holidays to you all.

Name: Mark
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Hey, great news about some financial manipulations on your behalf. It
sounds like all will be well. Just about to head out for Christmas Eve
family gathering so I will be back tomorrow. Take care all.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Mark~I can't keep up with Coyote's mailings. I save then for late night
But guess what?! I told him what I was going through here..about to
loose my home and all. And he emailed me a business proposal for my dad,
to help me keep this house..for me to send like it's from me. He's the
master fignagler (is there a correct spelling for that?) and I really
can't see my dad turning me down. Ariel sat with me this afternoon to fine
tune it and it's now in the mail. We wait with baited breath. (is that
worm breath or what?) To be continued......
Got a gift from a friend that works at the local sauna for Ariel,
Miranda and me to come for free tonight. It just gets better and better.

Name: Mark
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Okay.....I knew that. Damn, it is sunny and clear here. I was ready for
more hoopla from the skies. Did you read the last emission from Coyote's
Travis, are you hooked to Coyote's list? Interesting articles are
spewing forth.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Hhahah ha HA're easy Mark! You knew all along we weren't your
run of the mill women, now didn't cha?!

Name: Mark
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Eileen, Nicole and Ohio Girl,
I am trying to do my best at cleaning up this shack for tomorrow's
hoedown. This conversation seems a bit on the extreme side. Nicole in a
wetsuit and heels. Eileen with a bald head and a gallon jug of coffee then
Ohio Girl locking up computers with magnetized waste baskets . You
motherfuckers are scaring me. I don't think I have ever called a woman a
motherfucker before. Holy shit.

Name: IMAM
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Digger - the cling free way! NO static from us folks - just laughter
and joy.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Dec 2002
hahahaa that would be SHAVED my head at 40. I need to get off the
computer til this coffee wears down a tad.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Yeah DO IT Nicole! NO silk though..sorry. Maybe your underwear. Silk
will immediately stick to you like your skin..a great deal like Ohio Girls
candy wrapper. We're talking cotton, even wool can be a problem. And yes
USE hair conditioner. Just not the nice light kind..or keep your hair tied
to see if that makes a difference. Our hair alone is like an antena for
energy..having saved my head at 40, I can tell you this to be true.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 24 Dec 2002
I had that static thing happen when I used to be a typesetter. No one
else was having any problems in an office of about 60 people. One day I
stood up from my computer and the entire company went dark, including the
entire computer system. Raw power!!!!! Extreme embarrassment!!!!! The
systems guy spend a few hours sitting in my chair and throwing a candy
wrapper repeatedly into my trash can and watching as it stuck to the
sides. They decided my end of the room was too damp due to some new
construction, or something, no one ever solved it for sure but what a
topic of jokes. I think I remember that they put a plastic mat under my
chair eventually? Maybe we're just so unusual!

Date: 24 Dec 2002

Date: 24 Dec 2002

Name: nicole
Date: 24 Dec 2002
...I can hear the office gossip after I walk in wearing...a black
rubber bustier (sp?) a cling free silk rubber tips on the
fingers of one hand and a Michael Jackson kitchen glove on the
hair a fright for no maybe some fiber optic
film lines across my shoulders...they could light up!!!! I'll make sure
the batteries for the digital camera are charged, hell I could probably
charge them myself!
the sick part is ...I'd love to walk in here like that what a hoot!

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Dec 2002
that would be...synthetics are the WORST for stirring up static.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Ha ha ha Nicole! you could wear a wet suit or rubber kitchen gloves!
You could go into the rubber erotica number and see who you draw out of
the closet! Ok, seriously (hey I was serious) these things might help..use
a different hair conditioner..your hair catches A LOT of static and use
fabric softner if you're wearing synthetics..synthetics are the for
creating static. Also check out the souls of your shoes. Leather stirs it
up like crazy.

Name: IMAM
Date: 24 Dec 2002
Nicole - How about wearing red rubber finger tips like the ones used
for dealing with postage stamps? Or wearing an anti-static line over your
shoulder? What's an anti-static line? - I have no idea..... Sorry - but I
think this is due to your electric personality! I just had to say that....

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Dec 2002
I have a question perhaps someone can answer for me...our office has
static electricity during the winter...but where as everyone else in here
gets a small little sumpin' sumpin' when they touch metal or shake hands,
I get a spark and noise you can see and hear across the room not to
mention a jolt that shakes my whole body...this week has been ridiculous I
ever tried putting rubber bands around my feet to try for a better
ground...the framing is metal instead of wood so anything I touch is doing
it...even the plants on the file cabinets...what the hell's up with that?
any ideas, Nik

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Dec 2002
The link was lovely Tomas, thanks

Name: Tomas
Date: 24 Dec 2002
I am always wanting something that I already have. I want to rake in my
family and settle them at my feet. I want the sugar and spice to perfume
my life. I keep forgetting to open my eyes and view what I see. I wish you
the warmest feelings. Love is a nice word to say in times like these. Take
Care Love Tomas
I say hello.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 24 Dec 2002
"Nineteen things that took me 50 years to learn," point
#8--there he is, the weeble/donut...... A giant revelantion about kids and
parents came to me in the down-to-earth situation of the first time one of
my boys was able to reach something on a shelf that was too high for me to
reach. (I love you with all my heart, and you are useful too, wow, too
much!!). No really, it's something to do with the progression of life.
Have made and continue to make, tons of mistakes as a child and as a
parent, I don't know any other way to do it, and yet there is still that
graceful progression of life.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Dec 2002
Steve~We miss you. Hope you're having a good one!

Name: caviar lover
Date: 23 Dec 2002
You built your site very well.Thank you!

Name: Blue & getting bluer
Date: 23 Dec 2002
Eileen -- a masterpiece. Live in fact in NC & in dreams on the
bayou. But'chou nailed it & cannot thank you enuf. frum an ole coonass
in de mountains

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Dec 2002
Eileen.....That is damn funny.
Hey Nicole, we may get a little snow out here also, weather has turned
cold and more rain on the way. Thanks for telling about you Mom and how
you handled it, like it or not we all get tougher behind all this stuff. I
don't know which is harder, being the parent or being the child. I gave up
on thinking about it all. At 56 years I have spent 40 years on my own
which kinda dwarfs my time under the parental influence. They are old now
and will soon need me to help them, wonder how that will turn out?

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 Dec 2002

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 Dec 2002
Eileen...I'm rolling !!!!!!!thank you...nik

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Dec 2002
Nicole, I often have gotten myself through when I felt like a complete
loser as a mom, with the thought.."you have no idea how bad I COULD
be". We have to get points for hanging in there, at the very
least..whether we got it all perfect are not. Anybody get it perfect?
I totally understand about wiping things out and starting from scratch.
For many yrs I was looking with great expectation for Scallion's and
Cayce's earth changes predictions. Then it dawned on me one day we were
not going to get it that easy. Life just doesn't work that way. We're
going to have to clean up and correct this mess or live with it.(die with
it, is more like it). I still do not entirely understand about the
Medicine People that have said to just step back and let it go down. There
are still prayers out there as far as I can tell, for the enlightment of
mankind. I would not be able to stand what I know if I didn't have strong
ways to pray. I don't think what we really want to see is going to happen
with just logistics. In the end I have to not keep too tight a hold on the
"news" and remember to do as you are doing and breathe in the
morning and take it one day at a time.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Well while we're at it......
Date: 23 Dec 2002
This is my kind of Christmas:
De Twelve days of Crissmus on de bayou...
Day 1: Dear Boudreaux, tank you fo de bird in de pear tree. I fix las'
night wif dirty rice. I doan tink de pear tree will grow in de swamp so I
swap it fo a satsuma.
Day 2: Dear Boudreaux, you letter say you sen two turtledove, but all I
get was two scrawny pigeon. Anyway, I mix dem wif some andouille an made
som gumbo outta dem.
Day 3: Dear Boudreaux, Why don you sen some crawfish? I'm tired of
eatin dem darn birds. I gave two of dose prissy french chickens to Marie
Trahan over at Grans Bayou an fed the third to my dog Phideaux. Marie
needed some sparrin partners for her fightin' rooster.
Day 4: Dear Boudreaux, Mon Dieux! I tol you no mo friggin birds! Deez
four, what you call dem, "calling birds", were so noisy you
could hear dem all de way to Napoleonville. I use dere necks fo my crab
trap, an fed de rest to de gators.
Day 5: Dear Boudreaux, You finally sen somethin useful. I like dem gold
rings, me. I hock dem at de pawn shop in Thibodeaux an get enuf money fo
to fix de shaft on my shrimp boat an buy a round fo de boys down at de
Raisin Cain Lounge. Merci Beaucoup!
Day 6: Dear Boudreaux, Couchon! Back to de birds, you coonass turkey!
Po ol egg suckin Phideaux is scared to death at dem six gaesses. He try to
eat dems aigs an dey peck de heck outta his snout. Dey good at eatin
cockroaches though. I may stuff one of dem wit eryster dressin on Crissmus
Day 7: Dear Boudreaux, I gonna wring you fool neck de nex time I sees
you. Thibeau, de mailman, is ready to kill you. De merde from all dem
birds is stinkin up his mailboat somethin awful, yeah. He afraid somebody
gonna slip on dat stuff an sue him good. I let dem seven swans aloose to
swim on de bayou an some duck hunters from Mississippi blasted dem outta
de water. Talk to you tomorrow.
Day 8: Dear Boudreaux, Po ol Thibeau, he has to make tree trip on his
mailboat to deliver dem 8 maids a milkin and dere 8 cows. One of dem cows
got spooked by a gator and almost tip over de boat.. I don like dem
shiftless maids, me no. I tolt dem to get to work guttin fish and sweepin
de shack an dey say it was not in dey contract. Dey probably tink deys too
good to skin nutrias dat I caught las night, too.
Day 9: Dear Boudreaux, Wat you tryin to do, huh? Thibeau had to borry
de Lutcher ferry to carry dem jumpin twits you calls "lords a leapin"
across de bayou. As soon as dey gets here dey wanted a tea break wit
crumpets. I don know wat dat mean, but I says, " Well, la di da, you
get chicory coffee or nuttin." Mon Dieu, Emile, Watta I gon feed all
dese bozos? Dey too snooty for nutria an de cows have done gone an eat up
all my turnip greens.
Day 10: Dear Boudreaux, You gots to be outta you mind! If de mailman
don kill you, I will fo sho. Today he deliver 10 half nekkid floozies from
Bourbon Street. Dey say dey be "Ladies Dancin", but dey don act
like no ladies in front of dem limey twits. Dey almos left after one of
dem got bit by a water moccasin over by de outhouse. I had to butcher two
cows to feed toute le monde an had to get toilet paper. De Sears Catalog
wasn't good enuf fer dem hoity toity lords royal behins.
Day Eleven: Dear Boudreaux, where you be? Cheerio and pip pip. You
eleven pipers piping arrives today from de House O Blues, secon linin as
dey gets off de boat. We fix snuffed gaeeses and beef jambalaya, finish da
whiskey an we havin a fais-do-do. Da new mailman, he drink a bottle of
Jack Daniel an he havin a good time dancin wit dem floozies. Thibeau, he
jump offa da Sunshine Bridge yesterday, screamin you name. If you get a
package in de mail an it be tickin--Don open it!
Day 12: Dear Boudreaux, I sorry to tell you, but I not you truelove
nomore, no. After de fais-do-do, I spen de night wif Jaque, de head piper.
We decide to open a gentleman's club on de bayou. De floozies, excuse me,
Ladies Dancing can make $20 fo a table dance an de lords can valet park de
boats. Since de maids don have no mo cows to milk, I train dem to set my
crab trap, watch my trotline an run my shrimpin bizness. We probably gross
two mebbe one million clam nex year.
c'est la vie.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 23 Dec 2002
I got this from someone that just turned 50: Subject: Nineteen Things
That Took Me Fifty Years to Learn 1. Never under any circumstances take a
sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. 2. If you had to identify,
in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never
will achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings."
3. There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental
illness." 4. People who want to share their religious views with you
almost never want you to share yours with them. 5. And when God, who
created the entire universe with all of its glories, decides to deliver a
message to humanity, He WILL NOT use, as His messenger, a person on cable
TV with a bad hairstyle... 6. You should not confuse your career with your
life. 7. No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too
seriously. 8. When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one
individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command...Very
often, that individual is crazy. 9. Nobody cares if you can't dance well.
Just get up and dance. 10. Never lick a steak knife. 11. Take out the
fortune before you eat the cookie. 12. The most powerful force in the
universe is gossip. 13. You will never find anybody giving a clear and
compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time. 14. You should
never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think
she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that
moment. 15. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people
to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven. 16.
"The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age,
gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down
inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers. 17. The main
accomplishment of almost all organized protests is to annoy people who are
not in them. 18. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is
not a nice person. 19. Your friends love you anyway.

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 Dec 2002
Nicole - Incredibly well said. Thank you - personally I am honored to
"virtually" know all of you here - and to have shared these many
current thoughts, fond rememberances, well wishes to each other and yes,
even our fears. I believe we have all been touched - if not indeed healed
at times - by some of these heartfelt contributions to this ongrowing
dialogue. - So for this alone I raise my glass and toast you all. You are
all so very brave - generous and sentient .

Name: :Nicole
Date: 23 Dec 2002
Hi all...there's just something wonderful about New York City at
holiday time...the sunrise this morning was spectacular...according to the
weather we will have snow for Chrismas...very low key for me this
year...dinner with some friends...I look forward to that...I wiah all of
us from this site could sit together at a long ass table and toast to a
better world.
Unfortunately the world is still building to this crescendo of chaos
with GW and his posse...and other than speak up...I am at a loss...a part
of me wishes it would blow all to hell then the earth can start over or we
can just move on...I don't mean this to sound weird but I would be happy
to go if it worked like an anti biotic to the planet and the flora and
fauna...I swear...
the other subject broached over the past week was mothers...My mother
died at her own hand when I was 10...but it is still like yesterday in my
heart, as a result I get along with everyones mother not having had
one...and it was very hard for me to hear what my son, Jeramiah's
complaints were & are about my mistakes in raising him...I was
surprised by some of the things he told me...I had been blind
the same time he has written me the most incredible letters telling me
that he wouldn't change anything because he has come to understand the sum
of his experience makes him the man he is today...and that I gave him
basics that helped him through his own personel garbage...I always said he
turned out such a caring, nice man inspite of having me for a mother...and
we are both still clearing our paths...funny, I used to call him my path
finder when he was very small, because if I started to get too out there i
would picture him standing at a fork in the road in the dark holding a
kerosine lamp and saying,"pst, ma, this way" I'm sure he saved
my life more than a few times...
okay, enough, enjoy and lift a glass of whatever to us all...with warm
regard, Nik

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 23 Dec 2002
Happy and safe holiday wishes to all from sunny (for now) Monterey Bay.
Steve, you must be diggin' the FLA weather. RNA, a little sun time at
Little Beach sounds good to me.

Name: Teri Marshal
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Wonderful site. Thanks

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Dec 2002
You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Fort Sill
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Mark, thanks for letting me know you had chance to read the post-I look
forward to where this is going to take us--and the more the merrier--Merry
Christmas to everybody, y un prospero ano nuevo--hasta la vista--felicidades...............T

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Hey there Travis,
I new your post would be coming and thanks for taking the time to put
it together. Given that I am about to be swept out to the emotional sea of
the Holiday Season I will need some time to work through your words so as
to make a stab at intelligent response. It takes me a while but I get
there. My formal education relevant to the discussion is limited but I
will put it up anyway. I earned a BFA-Painting with honors from California
College of Arts and Crafts 77 or 78 (I forget which year) and I have a
couple of AS Degrees that have allowed me to feed and clothe myself and
family. Four years in the USAF 64 to 67 as a Technical Training
Instructor, Amarillo AFB, Texas.
I hope you don't mind me encouraging others to take a shot at some of
this as I think it would help in understanding the issues you put up here.
Your thoughts on the generational divide intrigues me right off.

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Speaking of Gregrory - here are two poems I wrote following his bardic
transformation published in Jack Magazine -

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Mark - Thanks very much for ordering my book! I will look forward to
hearing your take on it - and per Gregory's line = "Power is standing
on a street corner waiting for no one."

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Holy Cow T! You got some stuff on your mind! Will have to get to this
later tonight.
Hope you all are geared up for this coming whatever this week. I'm not
at all ready but Ariel will be here tomorrow and I will be quite busy
pulling loose ends together to be the good mom..if at all possible. Just
got to focus just focus. I can do this.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: West Point of the West
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Hey Mark--Regarding your question 0n 27/Nov/o2--(and damn the spelling
errors and proper names) Upon reflection, the use of the term "Imperialsim"
in relation to US foreign policy strategy and military objectives, seems a
little glib. The propaganda efforts thus far have been fairly tightly
woven into a classic case of mis-direction, similar to any close-up magic,
in the the hands of a good practitioner...what disturbs me most is whether
or not W had foreknowledge of Bin Laden's plans, and allowed it to happen
anyway. That W is capable of that kind of duplicity goes with the
territory. Still, even though that effort is tantamount to David slaying
Goliath ( the Towers, you know they tried it once before in the basement),
Bin Laden and S Hussein are but small fry in relation to former KGB head
Vladimir Putin's power and reach. The question of Iraqi oil is spoken,
adroitley, but somewhat unconvincingly by Michael Elliot, Time Magazine,
Nov/18/02 in an article entitled "The Selling of the President's
War"(sub-head: Bush Should Take Israel and Oil Out of the Iraqi
Question), and I quote," The issue is not price but which companies
will reap the rewards by developing Iraq's reserves. Bagdad has signed
several contracts with non-American firms--including those from France,
China and Russia--to develop the oil industry once U.N. sanctions are
removed. But outsidethe US it is widely suspected that a post Saddam
regime would rip up those contracts and favor American firms in the
reconstruction effort. There is a remedy at hand. The US could jam the
guns of its critics by SUGGESTING( my emphasis) that after any change of
regime, the Iraqi oil industry woud operate under international
supervision. My proposal (Elliot's) : create a petroleum exploration and
construction enterprise (PEACE) reporting to the UN Security Council,
which would ENSURE (again, my emphasis) that any new contracts for
developing Iraqi oil are awarded transparently, on terms dictated by
commercial norms, not political preference ( I mean, where did this guy
study economics and management practicum)[Aside: Probably the same place I
studied punctuation.] ..(continuing) existing contracts should be honored
or compensation paid for their breach. Whatever its evils, Saddam's regime
is the legallly recognized government of Iraq; companies that have entered
into contracts [with it] should not be sacrificed to politics. (Man, if
that's not Freshman thinking, I don't know what is--and what's all this
SHOULD shit--my comments) Mark, this kind of conversation sharply reveals
the kinds of problems we're having with the written word as opposed to
just sitting down [together] and talking through it. I find it very
difficult to manage, I just hope that you appreciate it. I mentioned Putin
in relationto the KGB for a reason (and I'm just not going to get into the
Israeli-Palestinian question, or China, in this piece) and for
juxtaposition, I'd like like you to consider Bush's tutoring, by his
father (himself a former director of the CIA before his presidency). And
that doesn't take into consideration what he has learned from his
briefings as President, himself (George W.). Make no mistake, he is an
advanced Fool! I want to hark back to something I think you said about
patriotic fervor increasing as the count of our dead mounts. Wherever you
were on November 11th--Veteran's Day ( Armistice Day, actually)( I really
don't mean to sound "high toney" it just comes out that way,
sometimes) you will have seen the face of patriotic America--not hungry
for body bags, just willing to do their duty. And let's get to some hard
questions. Did you support the Mujahadeen in their fight against the
Soviets? If you did, why don't you support them now?If you didn't, why
not? I imagine, of course, that there may be distinct fifferences among
the Afghani forces, which would lead one to believe that Bin Laden isn't
the whole picture, but how much of this is warlords, and dope-lords, and a
militarized eqivalent of the teamsters? What's your position on Chechnya?
on Bosnia? on Libya?.... I have far more questions than answers. We make
the assumption, here, that we are a community-- the truth is that we
aren't, at least not yet ; but, we could be. It might be that we don't
have to organize the American Legion and the VFW, per se; however, they
represent but a very small expression of the overall support that is
behind them--not forgetting the respective auxiliaries behind THEM
complete the picture--we're talking about Grandad and Gramma, and their
sons and daughters, I mean, US! The generational conflict that started
with LSD-25, is finally going to have to be addressed. There are real and
deep roots here. Please, Mark, I believe that you already understand much
of this thought, as do others, these words are written toward
understanding--they are largely aimed at a wider and possibly younger (and
searching) audience. As I have alluded before, if we cannot expose and
explore the contradictions (boy, does that sound dated) of war, and
protracted war--to include armies of occupation--we (as fringe elements)
will have been rendered both obsolete in our rhetoric and irrelevant to
the greater rhythms of our nation. US global intentions, at his point
ominous in character, will roll right over us. The seniors of our society
are a formidable voting bloc. We need them. We need them whether we go to
war or not. We are Family and need to build bridges to them that don't
require anyone to either dig a foxhole or to evacuate one in the face of
enemy fire--in short, let's meet in the when I talk in terms
of being on "patrol" in "enemy territory " it is
mostly an expression of anger, frustration and bewiderment in the face of
thirty-odd years over governmental power gone mad. What really unsettles
me is that the current administration is cultivating an attitude that will
express itself in the use of "limited tactical nuclear
weapons";and though as yet unstated [remember, I tried to post this
on Dec/04/02--before the administration said outright that the use of such
weapons could be justified in certain situations], the justification will
be similar to that used by Harry S. Truman ( to save the lives of our boys
from banzai attacks or the savage losses trying to pry out an entrenched
opposing force). It is even conceiveable that nukes could be used to
remove the whole prospect of developement of those oil fields mentioned in
Elliot's article-- a "Goldfinger" strategy, increasing the value
of our as yet undrilled reserves ( in Alaska and offshore), finally paving
the way for an overall shift in the balance of power, favorable to US
interests--or in terms of enemy planning, increasing the value of Opec's
holdings. What do you think?......................T........ P.S.
..........I graduated from New Mexico Military Institute, in Roswell (
1968) -- , later, dropped out at U.T. , Austin, (then becoming political)
in '69......where did you go?........T

Name: Tomas
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Celebrate whatever suite your fancy. Garnish your abode with the
fragrance of coal. Watch it light up as you burn it your fireplace. Laurel
did give me a lump of coal in a tin one Christmas. I felt lost and hurt. I
feel the same on occasions when she says "DUH" when I say
something stupid, which I am prone to do. Speaking without thought is a
personal freedom that I enjoy. I hang the tinsel under and over the Star
of David that sits high atop our garnished green tree. I celebrate the
existence of man and all his foolishness. I smile with glee when a child
takes the first step. I cry when some weeble/donut wants war. Peace on
Earth Tomas

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Just a little New Years cheer for you, as 2003 approaches. I'm sending
along a picture of my little New Years baby (I think it will be attached
to this message), my granddaughter Chloe. Life is always a circle, and now
a new year is begining its circle. Chloe's (biological) grandfather and I
got together on Haight St. because the police had busted the flat where I
was staying and thrown us all out and so I stayed at his place. He passed
away in 1982 but look, he's still in the circle, looking wide-eyed at the
present millenium and trying not to drool too much! And Chloe has a
grandpa I met later in life when I thought I'd given up on that sort of
thing. Life is an amazing mystery. What a trip it all is. I hope 2003 is
good to you, and that it's a happy and renewing year. And a funny year,
we've just got to laugh at this long, strange trip sometimes. Peace, and
lots of Love to you all.

Name: Blue
Date: 22 Dec 2002
Mark -- my books are packed up or I could tell you for sure, but I
think the line of Corso's you quoted is in the little paperback called
"Gasoline." Here's a website you might like to know about, a
tribute to Gregory Corso:
; a multi-linked discussion site. Peace & Power ! g : out

Name: like Chaplan
EmailAddress: whole lotta racism
Date: 22 Dec 2002
consciousness raising with humor
saw Bowling for Columbine tonight on the big screen at the Castle
Theater at the Cultural Center.I saw it once before at a tiny screening
room at the megaplex. I'm glad i went again. there is so much information
in this movie. with all due respect, PLEASE GO SEE BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE.
r n a

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: In Defence of Virgo's
Date: 21 Dec 2002
MMMark~ I said they know what should/could be perfection..and tend to
drive themselves crazy, while driving everyone else so with their own
frustration. It's the quest for perfection like Libra's quest for balance.
Virgo has really gotten the bum rap and many Virgos go for it. You
know..the list maker, nurse, care taker, basically boring obsessive busy
body, bitch. How did they become this on the astro lists? Well, this is
how I see it.
Virgo originally spoke for the Goddess. She was the Pristess and did in
fact know what was what, being the messenger of the Goddess. A baby in one
arm and a sheath of ripe wheat in the other. So it only takes one more
step to see what happened to that Truth Speaker, when the Goddess/women
were removed from power..their truth became complaint, bitching and their
sense of order and care was shunted to menial unpopular jobs, that were
once considered the True Care Givers.
As a man you do not face this as much as a woman with Virgo
sensibilities and can slip under the bitch finder radar and are left more
to your own devices..and as a man this beomes the making of a good and
focused mind..which you obviously have.
SO. When I got myself a Virgo, I try to address the Priestess and you
can often see their defences relax big time without them even knowing I'm
looking for the doorway back.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Dec 2002
I ordered your book today. Looking forward to reading it through the
New Years weekend.
Can you or anyone help me nail down the Gregory Corso quote sonmething
like "Power is standing on the street corner with nothing to
Eileen,.... I am a completely unorganized, imperfect Virgo. Must of
been the acid.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Dec 2002
It has cleared up here a little and the sun is out now. I was headed up
to SF for a solstice gathering at Ocean Beach, ( at the end of Lincoln
Street if anyone is interested) but decided to stay here and do some
painting now that I have light.
Your descriptions of hauling the water, etc., sure bring back the
memories of how tough it can be. It is really a pain in the ass but it
also reaffirms the ability to take care of yourself. Being the gearhead I
am, getting into some sort of mechanical alternative fuel vehicle has some
attraction to me. I worked on diesel trucks (light duty) as Ford tech for
years and I have a hatred of the old smoking, oil leaking, rattleboxes
they are. Kinda like Harleys and old VW's, wretched vehicles. But....the
new models (Powerstrokes, for those who know what I am talking about) are
awesome in the power department, really awesome. They are relatively clean
burning engines but heavy bulky power plants made for work. The new small
diesels for cars are on the horizon as a transitional technology while
hydrogen fuel cell vehicles phase in eliminating for fossil fuels.
Biodeisel fuel looked good but at 4 bucks a gallon with only a handful of
dealers in the whole state of California, I crossed that off the list. I
figure 20 years from now the end of fossil fueled cars and power in
general will be long gone. In some ways, I think the issue of fossil
fueled personal vehicles has become a straw man obscuring more relevant
concerns. A very compelling article was written by Jerry Mander about the
real problems of global transport; ocean shipping, air shipping, all
relying on fossil fuels without any air quality regulation. "By local
products" is the direct action you can take now. No hothouse tomato
from Japan or Holland, no Chilean grapes or Mexican produce, etc.
I had solar water heat for a while in another house but solar systems
have serious inherent problems. The are complicated, fragile, high
maintenance, costly to repair and suffer disintegration from the very
source of the energy they draw from. My solar system was done for in 5
years from radiation (sunlight) which destroyed the components (plastic)
in short order. Not a good investment and I couldn't afford to replace it
sending the whole thing to the recycle center.
Damn, I have to paint. I gotta stop. Later.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Dear Eileen and Mark - Thanks so much for your words of wisdom which
uplift my day - week - an season. Friends taking care of friends.and yes -
your astro-projection is right on the money!

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Hammond~ Just to wrap this package up with the bow on does not
correct or ever imply anything less than perfection of a Virgo. Virgo's
know what perfection should/could be..Libras ARE perfection. heheh* Let's
hear it for the Libra's! Aries are Quick Draw McGraw of the mouth. Saying
(and doing) what needs to be said and then left to go..What? What's the
problem? A very dangerous creature to those trying to keep all the pieces
in place. I happen to be rather fond of Aries..keeps my lights burning. In
the end Mark (as always) said it perfectly.." Let the words you
crafted do their work." It does take strength sometimes to not go
running after our words, even when we know they needed to be said.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Greyhound Bus Info
Date: 21 Dec 2002
To Ingrid Santistevan:
This is the bus line that is used most in this country. You will be
able to find all you need to know from this site. Hope this helps.

Name: IMAM
Date: 21 Dec 2002
????????All Aboard

Name: Ingrid Santistevan
Date: 21 Dec 2002
I would like information on traveling to Boston Mass either by bus or
train The schedules and cost for such a trip

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Dec 2002
The marks parents make are indelible and being a parent I often wonder
which mistakes I perpetrated have fallen into the permanent archives of my
children. Parental rejection whether conscious or emotionally implied is
one the toughest. Put 30 or 40 years on it and mythology inevitably
becomes hard and static fact. Ridigity and narrow definition of what
"was" gets to be a kind of mantra recycled on holidays like
Christmas. For me these preciously held myths, burnished to a fine luster,
are for use by certain family members on holiday gatherings. I cannot for
the life of me get out from under these weights they saddle me with and I
have given up trying to explain it all away. It's their loss and the
scripts they have written for themselves will go with them to the grave. I
am powerless in changing that. Christmas holidays bring out the worst of
family traditions, a lovely dinner accented with the "dry-toothed
smile" (my favorite), the veiled underhanded compliment, and the
supremely animated conversation. My mother is in her 80's and its her
world, the time has passed for me to alter it.
In writing about your experience, the reluctance shown by your mother
may weaken over time caused by the fact your thoughts are there in print,
no longer in a quiet corner and indelibly available for pondering. Let the
words you crafted do their work.

Name: Blue
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Eileen : here ya go. -- for Real
Goods renewable energy products in California. On the philosophy side, my
guru is Wendell Berry. Writes fiction & essays; look for title I think I remember correctly is "The
Unsettling of America." Besides Thoreau, one of the soundest thinkers
about ecology & politics in America. Not to slight Gary Snyder also.
See if any of this is helpful to you.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Dec 2002
I am a crazy-headed aries and she is a self-contained virgo. Actually I
do not seek to be "right" about anything excepting in this case
about how I felt at the time (age 15) - brooding away in a military school
learning how to march around, say: "Yes Sir!" and how to clean
my M1-rifle. Being "right" is a very big deal to her though -
wrong or not - right or not. You are correct in your assessment of her
level of having "worked this out" - and it is among other things
- my having not abandonded her that confounds her most. After all she
couldn't stand her mother for many of the very same reasons that she feels
I should hate her for. What goes around comes around I guess. End
Story-line - someone else care to take the call? -
Oh - and regarding Peter - When we were last together (here in
Portland) he gave me hope, encouragement and a very generous helping hand
when I was still in the final draft of my book. So just in case you're
reading this Coyoteman - and again, my heartfelt thanks mate - you (along
with the kind words of others) kept me truck'in through the many
rejections I received before getting it in o print. I look forward to
returning the favor by helping someone else along the way.
"Each One Teach One"

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Dr Coyote's mom
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Hammond~Humor me please. What sign is she..and you? Yes, things in
print and for the public can take on a different life, that's for sure.
All I'm saying is if you don't want ashes you might try crow. Who cares
who's right? Between you and me, I think your mom should count herself
lucky you haven't abandoned her! That's such a big one, Abandonment. Sure
your mom would love for you to have this "dealt with"..takes the
weight off her. But that is your foundation and it's not just going to go
away. It's like your can put on nicer shoes and make them look
good and feel better..but there still your feet, if you know what I mean.
It actually sounds like it is your MOM that hasn't come to terms with this
and would have prefered you not mention it. Parents can be such torture
when they want to be.
Here, try Ariel. This is her job. She might just surprise you.
BTW Hammond here's one for you *(((((HUG)))))*

Name: PS - Hammond
Date: 21 Dec 2002
To one and all - I don't mean to belabor this (unless to create a
general discussion) or to recap my book here - but here is a small part of
the scenario. Once my mother was gone - the rest of my family hated her so
much that they burned (nearly) all photos containing her image. The one I
have in my book is the only existing phono with me actually touching both
parents - taken shortly before their divorce. As I turned five - and with
certain family members tired of my asking about her - I was told that she
was dead. I began what might have been a life long stutter of speech and
was taken to the doctor. Miraculously - and at the suggestion of the
family doc - they contacted her and she came back (from Mexico) for a
weekend to prove that she was in fact alive - but told me point blank that
she was going away and would not be coming back - as if 5 year olds can
understand stuff like this..... Oh well - as Camus said: "We all take
our troubles as being the worst" or something to that effect. I am
sure many of you have had (ahem) difficulties with your parents - but at
least they were around for you to have these difficulties in the moment
vs. dealing with them some 20 or 30 years later. Here I go rambling
on............ Enough about this -er... until you all read my book that
is! Merry Holidaze!

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Eileen, Yes - I read Coyote's book - and enjoyed it. Re: my book there
is nothing in it that she and I have not discussed in depth over the years
- and what I have written is not sudden or shocking news of any sort.
There really is nothing to appologise for except for reminding her via my
book (and in brief) of this complete lack of maternal presence. I don't
say anything she didn't already know - I guess seeing it in print is what
bowled her over. Even then she can't read my words without inserting her
own and thus changing the meaning of what is printed on the page. Whatever
- I have been a parent-less child most of my 55 years and it appears that
is the way it will remain. I don't hate her or anything like this and
never have, even during her 15 year silence and absence from my life
beginning at age 4 - though she insists that since I don't hate her I
haven't fully dealt with the situation - hows that for weird logic.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Holy shit.....the dam of prolifics burst while I wasn't looking. Lots
of interesting angles. Hammond, I have many of the same frustrations. Be
back after some chores.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Oh Steve~You snuck up on me while I was writing Hammond. See what you
don't get is, I have become rather High Toned in my old age..and high
stress to go with it. Also the bus is not much as I would
love it to be a complete project (how about even started?). We (Miranda
and I) are looking at a place today that is another arm and leg as living
here has been. What I am struggling with, is do I have to keep living like
this? How much can I cut back and gain some slack? This is the question
for today and there are so far no easy answers..but I'm thinking it over.
No, I actually am not afraid to ask for what I need and or want. I just
haven't quite figured out what that is yet.
Blue~Give me ONE site to look at and let's start there.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: No point kicking the sleeping dog unless you want to
loose your foot.
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Ahh yes, our mothers. I've been processing with mine since I left home.
Hammond~If your mom had to get this wake up call from you, this late in
the game somebody's not been talking to somebody about more than the
weather. A book about one's life should always start with the disclaimer:
Opinions Are Like Ass Holes Everyone Has One And This Is Mine If You
Don't Like It Write Your Own Damn Book
Did you read Coyote's book? That pissed off more than his mother (how
about almost everyone he mentioned!)..and if his dad had been alive, I
doubt he could have even written it. His dad would have seriously slapped
him up side the head. As it is, his mom cheered him for his book cause
she's a good Jewish mom (and it WAS well written)..but she was BEYOND
angry at the memories that he stirred up and I doubt she ever told him
before she died, somewhere around a yr later,(ferocious and brilliant
woman). The rest of the Digger family for the most part fortunately? had
become too civilized for a lynching party (so mostly took it out on
Hammond, I suggest you bite the bullet and not stand your ground with
your mom. Send major flowers and huge appology and kisses. I don't know
you at all. But I know if my shit was drug out by my kids without a
terrific superior and altogether unforgetable follow up in the book, it
would crush me. Mom's are just folks, and learning as we grow up
too..trying not to wipe our kids out in the process. There's nothing
harder to do as a human being that I know of or requires more sacrifice or
personal growth. We know when we fail and spend our lives doing ketchup
with our kids. To have those failings laid out naked for all to see has
got to be harsh. It's not an's just the truth. If I could write
a book.......

Name: See-Nile Steve
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Ohio Girl: Hey, you are tuned in!. I´m acting like the
"Oldest". It's catching!!! I´m into retirement mode. I dont
even feel like talking. (even if I could). Hey I saw a pristine 65 ford 2
PARKED BY COUNTING THE DINGS. i think that the tires were original. THE
OLDSTERS ARE HELL ON WHEELS DOWN HERE. its like a carnival bumper car
thing. Eileen, glad you didnt blow away. Been thinking of you and the
angle of the dangle and think that you should look into upgrading your bus
bigtime. Lift the radiator cap and replace the bus. REALLY, MOBILE MAY BE
THE TICKET...UNTIL you find a friendly landing strip. OK, come on..., who´s
got an empty driveway and an extension cord??? Eileen is shy, but I aint.
She can teach you and yer´kids to sew in exchange for toilet &
kitchen priviliges and an "In Care Of" status on yer mail box.
(For her "Olema People" fan mail).. no shit folks, shé's Mother
Witch of the Gypsies and Big Medicine. Contact her via E-Mail and give her
the Welcome and green light. She´s got a solid jump on a bright future,
help make it brighter. Fuck the trees, this is a human issue. She´s got
true grit, but in some respects she would not say shit if she had a mouth
full. Get out a road atlas and a high-lighter marker, trace a contact
route that can lead her through out the south west, Or??? She can take it
from there and stay one step ahead of her change of address requests.
After swinging full circle, she can set up house keeping. Fuck, let her
homestead some ground where ya dont have to set on a bag of fertilizer to
raise an umbrella, and I will personally kiss yer´ass. This is my Big
(OK, OK,)..Little Mamma we are talkin´about. Answer the call. Stand up.
She´s shy when it comes to herself. Folks, No one put me up to this, and
I know that Eileen dont poor mouth,.. and may very well burn my playpen
down fer´tryin´to sell this, but I´m a promoter at heart. Speaking of
heart... heres the word: Share the wealth. hey, I´m typing at a Spanish
Language computer and Its a little squinky. WHATS with the capital lock on
this thing''' (that was supposed to be three question marks) shit. Later
all. Eileen, in order to make up for any hard feelings or embarrasment
that this post may have caused you, that 6 month thing has just streatched
into a year. (It´s an Olema Thang´)...Fuck Chineese Astrology. I declare
2003 "Year of Eileen" Shit..."UP THERE?"...hell,
"Someone down here likes you". Will E-Mail you on the 3rd with
conformation. Steve P.S. The folks have a spare room and driveway space on
Lake Huron if your 2003 route extents that for Nor. East. It would be a
summer thing, or year round if I plan on squatting. Think about it.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Eileen - Thanks for the note of solidarity! This is an especially hard
core holiday season in that my mother has simply freaked after reading
(just the first 16 pages of my book). Our history is a long, relatively
sad, and broken tale of early abandonment - and she completely fails to
see the then vs. now of my feelings. I don't really even bad rap her in
the book - just being truthful to how I felt as a 15 year old who had just
been rejected and sent away by his family for the second time. Whatever -
that was then and this is now - but this doesn't seem to matter to her as
all she can apparently think about is her own misconstruded version of
what I had to say. Great stocking stuffer eh? Someone once said that the
truth will set us free - what were they thinking? The truth (at times)
only gets us disowned (*again) - If I am lucky I will receive a truck load
of tainted coal from the Anti-Santa.

Name: Blue
Date: 21 Dec 2002
Eileen -- no I'm not presently using solar power. Yes, it's a bit
complicated. But not impossible. There's a tour from time to time here in
western NC of solar homes, I've seen 'em. Most of the folks doing this are
back-to-the-landers & anything but rich. The places I've seen showed
an integrated approach. Such as heating with wood. Emphasis on
economy/efficiency of appliances etc. Greatly scaled-down use of all forms
of energy. When you see how it's possible to do more with less, it becomes
clearer the incredible cheap-fuel jones the USA economy hobbles along
with, to the detriment of the entire planet. To me the true activism lies
in working toward a more sustainable mode of living. At whatever pace one
can manage. I've got a lot of information resources but don't want to clog
up this website. Hope you are well in the wake of the storm.

Name: Sing A Song
Date: 21 Dec 2002
There is an art to Doing Nothing. TV is still Doing Something..although
mindless. I think what we are talking about here is the ability to sit
Within One's Own Presence.
I think for a good while Welfare was that annual income and we got to
see how beautifully that worked for many of us. I think we used our time
well and creatively. It also allowed us to focus and be with our children.
Lou BTW was right. Robotics etc are taking over jobs..and there are a lot
of hungry people out there because of them. The transition, IE the ground
was not laid (or even considered) for the next step of those put out of
work. As usual we made good visionaries..up to a point.

Name: hipster
EmailAddress: pollster
Date: 21 Dec 2002
How many black bearians spent time at Morningstar?
I visited Black Bear for a few days around '71 or '72 in the summer. I
loved it. had my toddler with me, a red headed cherub...

Name: dance a lot
Date: 20 Dec 2002
"Inaction in action..."
Lou Gottlieb describing how we spent time at M*.
He considered us researchers of lifestyles filled with leisure. Lou expected cypernetics, robots and computers do be doing much of the menial labor, thus freeing us up for highter pursuits. He realized that so many people don't know what to do with free time.
Bucky Fuller talked about the abundance that is ours and said we all should have a guaranteed annuual income. Enough to provide the basics: shoelter, food, clothes. If you want a fancy car or designer clothes, then get a job.
the biggest do nothing i see is people hypnotized around a tv.
funny, i was never bored at morningstar. there was always that dance of life... and, there was never a tv.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 20 Dec 2002
Hello Eileen! Hello YOUNGEST man in Florida (some kind of dyslexia I wrote that wrong last time)! Peace

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Dec 2002
Oh and one more~Karen
I was really pulled in by the way you describe what it looks and feels like where you are. Yes we have a worry with sonar here too. It seems they don't really care how it effects marine life, for whatever purpose. Your post also made me think about an astrological prediction of possibly war at sea, May 17-27 (us or them?). There's more on this if anyone is interested. Can you give me some directions to your part of the world?

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: ketchep and pickles
Date: 20 Dec 2002
OK let me see if I can make this quick..still doing catch up catch/Ketchup. Yep.
Hammond..your not alone on that one. I have taken the hard stance on X-Mas. Everyone now thinks I'm doing them a favor if I make a wreath or give a present. I really just grit my teeth, try to act like I'm ok with it all and get it over as quickly as possible. Christmas should be renamed EXPECTATIONS UNANSWERED ONCE A YEAR TORTURE DEPT. See we can save Dec 25 for the one time a yr when nothing and no one we really want, happens (since it tends that way anyway)..and that will be IT for the rest of the yr. Just put all our bummers right there into that one day. It's right up there with visiting the dentist for me most usually. The eletricity going off really put a gimp into my last minute flurry of..ooh I know what I can make for all those folks waiting and those that still have not given up their torture expectations. Dang, I was just about on a roll too and now it's too late. I thought I'd impress everyone this yr and actually play. Well, it will be another dribbling the presents out from Christmas until uuh Spring or mid summer again.
Steve~I'm SO GLAD you found a computer. I really was hoping you would. Now you're eating REAL food. The kind that will either kill you or make you whole. I don't recall hearing collard greens on that list though.
Nic~~No, it was nothing you said. You have a life and a history as well and let it blow girl! I just get to process and it's sort of like throwing up and being done with it. I'm not wanting to hem your story into what makes me comfortable. This is now and that was then. I just have to do some ketchup now and then. Please bare with me cause this is way cheaper than a therapist. HA!
Quickmorph~Did you get all you need from Ohio Girl?
And Blue>>Yes, ofcourse you are right and onto a subject I think about often. I have looked into solar and it is damn complicated and expensive. I don't want to hear about how it's getting cheaper..cause it's not. You've got to be a freekin genius to figure it out or have the bucks to have someone else do it. Next question you have solar? I am totally willing to delve into this. But this is as I said, a quickie tonight.
Mark! I was putting up a fence last night with a flashlight in my mouth, no doubt, when you called. Sorry to have missed you. I sure was hating those candles and flashlight between the teeth. Yeah candles are great for atmosphere for ONE night! After that you're breathing shitty fumes, and as you pointed out you can't do much of anything. My MOST favorite thing about eletricity is I can stay up as long want.
Eric~And as long as we're on Sweet William (he's still with us right?)..he talked about the challenge of Doing Nothing. I have to laugh. But when it comes right down to it, how many of us can be at peace doing nothing? This wk of no eletricity made it clear, I do not take Doing Nothing very nicely. I think it's perhaps a sign of internal..what? Calm, peace, self satisfaction? That thought has always stuck with me..and has often made me look at how much we all do just to stay busy and not have to sit with OURSELVES..Yikes!

Name: cobalt blue
EmailAddress: [mumbles]
Date: 20 Dec 2002
check out my comments on Dec. 11th. Energy crisis is a serious & ongoing problem. Time to think of how to get off the grid, folks. & no Mad Max fantasies, please, but we need to get to practical anarchy. & QUICK !!
I'll post more later. Finance always a big hangup. But solar power keeps getting cheaper. We need to think for ourselves, cause no-one else is doin it.
And don't give up the ship -- it takes courage, comrades. Yr brother-in arms --

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: storm refugee encampment
Date: 20 Dec 2002
Hi All~
Wow, I was missed. That's nice. (Thought about you as well.) Just read the last few posts, but don't have time for more right now. Yes eletricity has been out since Sat night. Maybe I'm going to rethink, that going back to the land nonsense HA! Will get back here later tonight. Have to start with the dishes. No water..had to haul it from the water tank outside for drinking, and heat it on the wood stove for washing. (I was less than inspired). Catching rain water for toilets. Trees down in the road and generally pretty exciting storms. Hope the lines stay up now. I've had more than enough.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 20 Dec 2002
Hello everyone! Hello oldest man in Florida! Yesterday I was with family and was under the weather from the hepatitis treatment (and I've only got 2 weeks to go). My Mom got all sad and said, "I can't wait for you to be normal." Well I thought about that. I answered her, "Mom, you've waited 53 years, you must know by now that's never going to happen." Well everyone sure got a laugh over that one. My parents had three teenagers during the sixties, kinda boggles the mind, doesn't it?

Name: Eric
Date: 20 Dec 2002
Thank you for that story about Bill Fritsch. It reminded me of some Zen stories, and also of that poem by Lew Welch:
Step out onto the Planet.
Draw a circle 100 feet round.
Inside the circle are 300 things
nobody understands and,
maybe, nobody's ever seen.
How many can you find?

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 Dec 2002
I got in touch with Ariel and let her know we were worried about Eileen...she said she's okay...electric is out and her phone does work...but not the answering machine so keep trying...I watched the news of the storm this morning and it showed some amazing things there on the monterey peninsula and the napa valley had snow and more on the way...yikes !!! Makes me think the mother is exacting some revenge !...or at least trying to level the field. oh and here it is the 20th of December and it's 62 here in NYC...go figure. My thoughts are with you all this wet and windy day. WWR, NIk
Hi Steve...enjoy that sunshine.

Name: Eghue
Date: 20 Dec 2002

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Dec 2002
Tried to raise Eileen again this evening. No luck. I think she may have the typical phone that needs an electrical plug to operate. The weather looks like it will clear out this weekend.....but if PGE is still working without paying overtime the wait for power repairs could be extended.

Name: Karen
Date: 19 Dec 2002
I must be on the very northern edge of that big black storm here on the Straits of Juan de Fuca. The clouds are inlaid onto the sky, like a fierce stretch mark of high winds! I'm just sittin' here at ground zero, hoping and praying for PEACE so that the navy platform ship does'nt show up under the threat of high alert to begin emmitting a series of sonar pings, @ 250 decibals that will kill anything living underwater like marine mammals, for miles around. Let's hope profoundly for PEACE- altogether now!

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 Dec 2002
Eric...once I said to Sweet William..."My life is so boring..." not that I was bored, but I felt boring...He gave me an exercise...he told me to take a single sheet of paper and pick an arbitrary date and write all of the high points for one year of that date...But I could only use one sheet, front and back...and he said bring it back to me when you are finished...well, let me tell you...I was so hard to do much had actually happened in one year that some don't experience in a life time...but what stumped me was trying to put what I deemed important enough to go on the single sheet...because the things that loomed large in my mind were incidents like stopping to speak to an old man about 95 on the way to the corner store by Peter and Judys on Harper street...I had been in a hurry and he asked me to stop, and asked" why was I in a hurry and asked had I looked at everything as I walked along and did I see the sky and how beautiful it was and could I smell the ocean even up there on the hill and was I listening to the birds...and life is good and I should not be in such a hurry...and look how interesting that ice plant is...that it grows triangular and and and...well he changed my life then and there...that was major and then I thought of alot of reasons why I was not boring...that things didn't have to be major...some times the smallest of incidents are awesome...Sweet WIlliam is brilliant that way...

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Dec 2002
I called Eileen a few minutes ago and no answer. She probably lost the phone lines or hightailed it to dryer ground. I will try later tonight. The whole mess is winding up again, major black clouds moving in over Monterey Bay and the wind is kicking up. My neighbor and his family are still living off the extension cord I sent over the fence, no sign of PGE. I am headed into the choas in search of one last gift.
I never get bored, especially by myself. Too many years living in the mountains makes you accustomed to life without questionable entertainments. Trouble is that I can't paint by candle light or flashlight. Maybe I could do something with the headlights on my car. Back later, with the power still on I hope.

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Dec 2002
Hi all - Sorry to be so silent though I do check in on the running topics and intriguing words to the wise. My silence just ties in with the season - which typically "gets me blues" due to cyclical family baggage nonsense from the pit of the past. I am used to it after all these years and just as typically I fully recover around New Years Eve. I sincerely hope that most if not all of you have far better history and seasonal expreiences (actual joy and togetherness) with your immediate families. I'll be back - ideally with something much more interesting to report. - AsEverBest to one all of you. Hammond

Name: Eric
Date: 19 Dec 2002
Hiya Steve, good to hear you've landed feet first. The wind is howling here in San Francisco. I expect that Eileen has already felt the front of this next storm. The one that hit last Friday/Saturday was a doozy. People all over Northern California are still crying out "I want my MTV". Or "AOL" as the case may be. It's always a wonder what no electricity does. Kind of a magical moment if you're prepared -- kerosene lamps, a steady roof overhead, enough imagination to keep from getting bored -- the latter a problem that so many people seem to have. Why is that? That people get bored. I don't think I've ever been bored on my own. Yes, church sermons (mostly), yes -- lectures in hardbacked school chairs (sometimes), yes -- having to endure certain self-centered people who love the sound of their own voice (always). But left to my own, there's always something interesting to get into. I just can't understand people who always are complaining that they are bored.
Geez, what triggered that spleen?

Name: Adventures in Pair-O'-Dice
EmailAddress: Sun Coast Steve
Date: 19 Dec 2002
Hey, I'm posting from a library in FLA. At fifty, I'm the youngest man in the state. Hey, did Eileen weather the storm??? Hi Nik! & all. Will report in soon. Trip uneventfull... no bagage or carry on did un-nerve them though, plus, I covered up my neck and didnt answer questions...only nodded..(god, that scares em'.) Looks like I will return before the war. Boy, those researvists are shittin'. It was easy money untill the once a month warriors got a one year hitch. I sure dont sleep any better at night,..hell, half of them are dentists. As I told Mr. Brown on the FFOR page, I'm eatin' fried cat fish, beans, corn bread & onions, chicken & dumplins, beer, and peanut butter pie. Hell, my folks have seen me more this year than for the last thirty. My spelling seems to straighten out as my head clears up. New York seems like a bad dream now. It's a fuckin' (there I swore, so ya know its me)..Jungle. Kodiak Island Alaska in 2005. Save yer bucks folks. Check it out. Over and out.

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Dec 2002
Many on the north coast have been without power for 5 days. I emailed Eileen yesterday but no answer. The weather is forecast to settle down next week but PGE is in difficult times and has been less responsive to power outages this year. Thanks to Enron and the others.

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Dec 2002
Today the subject of private property and accumulating wealth came up. My local municipal stalwarts are lamenting spending over $100,000 to clean up graffiti this year in the face of a slashed budget. In interviews with local citizens, most of whom were small business owners, the costs of insurance and repairs were of main concern. One interview though was with an obvious alternate soul who railed against the concept of private ownership of property and suggested if someone wanted to paint a message or image they should be allowed to do this whenever and wherever they want.
Of course this caught my attention and the Digger frame of reference pulled into view. I guess this means that if someone wanted to cover or remove an image that would be fine as well but what about damage? After reading about the capitalist/imperialist method in Zinn's book, which by the way mentions the early Diggers and True Levellers, illustrating the fundamental cultural flaw perpetuated upon cultures that once didn't recognize property or money, I realize that today's conflicts are the culmination of this tension. An example is Bechtel Corp. strong-arming "underdeveloped" governments to relinquish water rights to them and taking control of a resource that was once free for the taking then charging "customers" for water, exploiting the resource to all ends and gaining control over regions that no private entitiy should have.
How can the global capitalist ravaging that has monstrous reach and power, which enforces it's will ultimately by war, ever be reversed without utter social collapse and violence? Does the concept of stepping out of that frame of reference and taking a different course as an individual make any headway in dismantling the powers that these agents of greed accumulate?

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 Dec 2002
...I hope it's the electricity and nothing I said...

Name: Uncle Mike
EmailAddress: the
Date: 19 Dec 2002
C'mon you guyz ... no silent Steve, no chat? I'm still tryin to cope with onslaught of Christmas festivities here. No way that big Elf is gonna beat me this year, I've been in training for months. What are you up to ?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 19 Dec 2002
No matter how technologically advanced we get we are still very much subject to the elements. I hope everyone in California is safe and warm....... Quickmorph I'm sending an e-mail, anyone is welcome to any information I have about the hepatitis C treatment that might be helpful. Peace.

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Dec 2002

Date: 18 Dec 2002

Name: quickmorph
Date: 18 Dec 2002
Looking for someone who's tried the pegalated interferon/ribavarion Hep C cure. Seems to me that Ohio Girl was in the middle of it. My doc has suddenly decided that I should do it and I'm looking for info on the side effects, etc. If anyone can tell me about personal experience with it, I'd certainly appreciate it. Please email me if you don't want to clutter up the guestbook with a lot of boring medical crapola.

Name: Quark Soup
Date: 17 Dec 2002
Global warming ? what global warming ??
-- Bushites & Co.

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Dec 2002
Hey Nicole,
The power is back on at least for the moment. Had another blast through here last night. Another huge Monterey Pine crashed on a house down the street. I don't think anyone was injured but the house took it hard. The surf is really steaming. Big rollers coming in from far out and up on to the street, seaweed and driftwood in as far as two blocks in Rio Del Mar. My next door neighbor had a tree fall through his power lines to the house. Gonna try and hook him up to my house with an extension power cord later. Eileen must be without power up the coast, I think they got just as bad if not worse than here. Mudslides are next on the menu when the next storm arrives on Thursday. Ah...I love California.

Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Dec 2002
Friends, I am sure that the weather has at least Eileen and Mark too busy to even check in on the site...even if they have electricity...which according to the news, they may not...9 people have been killed by falling trees or cars swept away into flood waters...I saw some dreadful photos of the Napa valley and that's further inland...I know Eileen you talked about patching her roof the last storm...let us hear from you...

Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Dec 2002
Mark, glad you're okay...I thought about all y'all watching the's cold here today...but the strikes off and that's a good thing.

Name: Des Prong
Date: 16 Dec 2002
hi all just dropped by to say a big hello and a very merry xmas to all

Date: 16 Dec 2002
Being head-injured, coma almost three weeks, find out what I found out when I went to Heaven. You'll be very surprised and enlightened by the Trinity's magnificent, mellifluous knowledge: With such a price-tag on our souls, human beings are clearly precious beyond diamonds; Declarations can never describe how effusively colorful and illuminating Upstairs was... and is forever. Sign the GB, too. God Bless You with discernment. Please, don't be a wuss. Write something intelligent. -b9, the Catalyst4Christ

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Dec 2002
How did you make out over night? We got hit pretty hard here, winds were upwards of 60mph. I counted at least 6 100+ foot fallen Monterey Pines on the Golf Course down the street. I heard them hitting the ground early this morning. Power is back on and the rain has stopped for now. The surf is churning and it came on shore rolling into the parking lots and residences along the beach. I had one 25 footer fall in the yard but didn't hit anything. Time to get out the chainsaw. This storm is going to kick ass as it goes east.

Name: Sprog
Date: 16 Dec 2002
Happy trails Cowboy Boyd

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 Dec 2002
The nigerian scam is so disgraceful because hundreds of old people fall for it and they wipe out their little savings...and they never quit sending them...I get 3 or 4 a don't even open them just forward them to

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 Dec 2002
Each monday morning I have so much catching up to let's see, first of all must be in FLA by now...bring us back some sun shine and the over all feeling of the floridians feelings about what's going on...
Eileen...I know. I almost edited myself and I struggled over even posting anything about those times...but it was a reality in our lives and I decided to go was not with out feelings for you...believe me Eileen, since you and I have been having a dialog on this site I have been able to unravel some knots and I'm grateful for that and would not want to jepordize the communication in any way...but to skirt around events that did occur would be more harmful to us both I of the most difficult things for me was losing you...and finding you again is wonderful...I've always thought we were connected on a very deep level...for over 30 years now...and for me there are plenty of people I have known and loved for years but there are a few that cause an actual sensation in my heart when I think of them...and you are one of them...I pray we keep our hearts and minds open and our conversation going...with deep apreciation, Nicole
Ps I remember coombs farm very well...also years later on in my musician life I was working with a songwriter Ran Van Warmer "just when I needed you most" and his girl friend was Jeannies sister and what a small world it is indeed...

Name: Quark Soup
EmailAddress: The Gluon Factory@Wary Ned's Cafe
Date: 16 Dec 2002
don't it all come round again ... the crazy stories are like a big way-back machine for me ... & it's still time to stand up, not to fold with the bleakness of what often seems like end-times. We just can't lose cause " they've got the guns but we've got the numbers". So shine on like a big rainbow, ya'll -- I love you, you give me the strength to keep on keepin' on.

Date: 15 Dec 2002
Hey Joe...In less than ten minutes I will know wheather or not I have to cab-pool with 18 wild Somoans at fifteen times the rate in the A.M. It may take longer to get from the village to the airport, than from the air port to Florida. Hmmmm...Let us now rise and offer up our traveling prayers and mercies to the Metro Strike Gods..(like my style folks?)...Hey, pass that plate!!! I'm on a roll.

Name: Brother Boyd
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Jesus Christ, I got Ministers falling in line. I'm feelin' Charizmatic as hell. I just broke all existing Church Protocal. A mute, would-be grave digging chuch janitor parlaying with a Rev.? Sure, I'm on the Board of Trustees, but they very well may have voted me on thinking that I was a yes man...or, rather a "Nod Yes" man. Boy were they wrong. Ya know, my Great-Great Grand Father was an Arkansas Methodist Preacher. A "Traveler" His Name was John Wesley Boyd. I named my son in his honor. Hell, I've got a GED. How tough could seminary school be. Are you all reading my mind??? Hell, stranger things have happened....(To me anyway)...Man, them divorced Episcapaliens can keep their booze and short skirts. I'm a fuckin' Methodist. Ya hear that God???

Name: Saint Steven WSUMC
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Reverend Jeff..FUMC, Queen City, Texas. Thanks for the offer of support partner. You got balls as big as Church Bells. Lets here it for those Texas Methodists ya'll. Like I said: Buzz me after the 3rd. Adios M.F.(Were' goin' Nation Wide Folks)

Name: The Original Three Eyed Boy
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Thanks Sam, I will no-doubtedly fly thru the air with the greatest of ease. Hey...OPEN LETTER TO SUSAN BROWNMILLER. REFERENCE: Your article. New York Magazine December 18-25, 2000. "In a radical time, the staid old CHURCH was anything but traditional"..."Washington Square Methodist - now Washington Square United Methodist - is tucked into the seedier block between Sixth Avenue and the park and is a modest Romanesque Revival with four spires and a red door. A faint stenciled RESIST is still visible in the stonework. The few protest banners one sees today read NYU."......."-took me to Washington Square Methodist, where Reverend Finley Schaef presided. There, on a historic evening in 1969, I witnessed the Redstockings abortion speakout, the first time that women anywhere in the world actually stood up and "testified" about their unwanted pregnancies. (New york's State Legislature legalized abortion in 1970; Roe v. Wade came in 1973.) Washington Square Methodist was a hotbed of antiwar activism in the Vietnam era, open to draft councelors, draft resisters, and supporters whose T-shirts proclaimed WE HARBOR FUGITIVES. When antiwar bomber Sam Melville was killed in the Attica uprising, his coffin was shipped to Washington Square Methodist for the funeral."...."I mourn for that wonderous time when the city pulsed with new ideas for social justice and people gathered to work for a better life beyond the walls of their co-ops and condos." Hey Susan!! Get yer' ass back on down here to my front parlor, bring a steno pad, tape recorder and lap top,....I gotta' few Ideas. Steve Boyd

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: to my Flying Freek brother
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Steve~Safe travels. Come back with some good stories!

Name: Steve again
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Hey Nik, have a grand Holiday. Watch the road sister Woman. ..... see ya upon my triumphant return. As usual, I will fly with no luggage or carry on which will get you the hot interagation lamp and six man line up these days. I have half a mind (no shit? take at least one can of liquid Ensure, and if quized about it, pull the pop top like a fuckin' hand grenade pin. Hey, no such a thing as bad advertising, hell, had I thought of it sooner, maybe Ensure would have sponsored my flight?...Marketing,...ya, maybe I can break into retail promotions...Hm...Ah, hell, No one ever got the skinny on what brand of exploding tennis shoes that that cat was wearing...Nah...Hmmm...Terrorist endosed products,..thats an angle...Hows this?.."Ever have a jamb get you in a jamb??? Switch to Glock Fire arms" P.S. Hold the E-Mail folks. This rig kicks em' all out if not answered in seven days, or something like that...Miss me already?...hell, everytime that I go to sleep I miss myself... Did that come out right???

Name: Steve
Date: 15 Dec 2002
The soda jerks had frost bitten noses and scooping arms like galley slaves. They were continually repeating the flavors even though they were posted. Vegetables???...from what I remember the clientel were the Vegetables... I stuck to the large Chocolate Shakes but had to keep repeting it to myself in order to remember...and there were more than a few black limos that ordered curbside. Sex, Drugs, Rock-n'-Roll, and Ice Cream. Bingo!...Deliveries? Hell,...Up at Val Arnold's place, I remember a bakery truck delivering a cake box that I know weighed 2.2 pounds. Now thats service!!! Aloha. Hey, 6 hrs. and 15 Min. until the Metro Strike deadline. I remember the first time that I ever hit this town,..there was a garbage strike back to back with a grave digger strike. Me, being an ex-trash man, and a Church Sexton, (grave digger by definition),..can relate to that. Hey, I wonder if they would give me a cut rate if I dig my own grave at the plot that I have staked out?...Hmmm...self serve...ya,..thats the ticket. But would I be liable if someone fell in it? (hell, sue my estate)....

Name: PS - IMAM
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Harvey's Montana Banana - right that's the one - and Otto's Onus = some werid curry meat dish I never reordered. They delivery guy was such a treat - always smoking a fat one before leaving. No wonder it took so long for the order to get delivered. He did this where ever he went I'll bet - Yummy Brownies too as I remember.....Have a great season in the sun - rain or snow all.......IMAM - Suspect

Name: IMAM
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Ditto-Ditto - and Steve - Was that the ice cream joint that had all the vegetable flavors? Ah Rhubarb Ice Cream

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Stay loose, see ya when you get back.

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 15 Dec 2002
So long Steve....enjoy the warm isnt Christmas without the cold is it?.....though it would be nice to be in shorts again...

Name: Saint Dickless.
Date: 15 Dec 2002
IMAM, I remember that Little? delight as : "Harvey's Montana Bannana", but I could be wrong. When I lived up on 24th, or Diamond, or near there, hell, I dont know...there was a hole in the wall home make ice cream joint called Bob's or Ben's??? I think. Anyway, the freaks would line up for a block. If you werent fucked up when you got in line, you were fucked up by the time that you ordered. Hey Eric, Hammond, Nicole, IMAM, Ohio Girl, Joe, Chrissy Twelve Toes, Juice, Mark, Travis, Sponge, Srog, Curious, Friend, George W. Bush, George's poor wife, Sandardas, Micheal, Sandardas, Peety the Owl, Sweet Lorraine, Simon, Eileen, Coyote, Sherry, Berg, National Rifle Association Rena,Yiddle: (fiddle with Yiddle and he will riddle yer' middle), Stan the Man Boyd, Mad Dan, Sugar Man, Henrietta Hollocost, Susan: natural,: Un-natural or other wise, and OK, OK, the Cop too...and those who could not be here; (and the dead know who they are)......etc, etc, have a venerial Christmas and a clappy New Year. Talk to ya' all next queer...ah..year. Did I leave any one out??...Oh ya! "ME!!" After all, Its all about ME aint it? (I wouldnt have it any other way). Steve. wink, wink, nudge, nudge,...

Name: No Names
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Hi there - here is an anonymously penned piece of memory I found surfing the 60s and thought you all might enjoy it as well. - NO Names
And the dancing, it was ecstatic, beyond --- with color lights moving and pictures merging/changing/undulating on the walls. Some of those images looked like inside the womb or amoebas or something. Kinda like re-birthing or going way back to the beginning of life forms. We were in a dome that could have been a cave. Combined with that new freeform rock music the San Francisco bands were playing, it sure got under your skin. Talk about multi-media: that was the beginning, the signal event for mind-blowing entertainment for the rest of the century. There wasn't a dull minute to be had. There was no quick escape, either. Don't anybody hit the fire alarm -- pullleeeeeeeezzzz!
Now the idea was to make the whole thing seem like an LSD trip without the LSD. That appealed to me because I couldn't imagine wanting to be in a place with 1500 people all tripping on LSD. But still there was a rumor that the punch might be laced with the stuff, just like at Kesey's Acid Test parties and events. I never found out. I suspect a few people partook before they arrived. Garcia said everybody was zonked, but I don't think so. You didn't need to be, just like they said - promise kept.
This was one of the most anticipated events I can remember in the Haight-Ashbury the 5 years I was there between 1965 and 70. The Human Be-In would be right up there with it, but the Be-In was kind of a bust according to some; lousy sound. Too spread out. Too much daylight, maybe. Some of the Love-Ins and spontaneous things that congealed in Golden Gate Park (mostly the Panhandle) were more engaging as happenings. But the Trips Festival (I can't really speak for the other 2 nights) was one of those events where time seems to meet destiny. There was magic in the air and you didn't have to be chemically altered to feel it. But the chemistry could have had something to do with it.

Name: IMAM
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Ah thanks - The Switchboard. - Was that the phone number you could call to get an answer to just about any question in the universe? Magnolia Thunderpussy days it seems.................Yummy Montana Bananas and Fudge Cake Phoebes at 2am on a stoned and story night!

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Dec 2002
No, he's talking about the Switchboard. Was that at the Oracle office? I didn't hang out there Tom, but I do know what you're talking about. You might try a search using "The Oracle" or "Height Ashbury Switchboard". That might be at least a fun search down memory lane.
Yes Ohio and the old ladies helping each other along. Kind of depressing if not ironically funny. At this point I need to keep a good varity of ages around me. Interesting how much I can be effected by folks..but that's my Cancer moon and fishy rising. Swimming in the sea of mass consciousness, blub blub moving in and out of folks eyes and gestures..where do they end and I begin? Got to keep an eye on who the old lady is any more as the lines become somewhat less defined. Pass the asprin.
Joe, Dr Clark seems to think you can cure emphysema. I know my zapper is clearing the pain in my chest. I can't find the info on her site, but it's in her book Cure For All Diseases.

Name: IMAM
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Hi Thomas - thanks for dropping back in - so to speak. Most of us here well remember the Communications Co. - but I will venture to guess that most of us were gone from the Haight by 70-73 - except those of us who liked the paranoid speed scene - Dates aside - Welcome back to the fold if only in nostalgic people search. "Bear" - who knows - there were lots of bears - but only one "The Bear" - if he was the one you seek your "cross over" would have taken hold I assure you. Blast off!
IMAM - Suspect

Name: susan miracle
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire
West Africa
[message deleted]
[...This is the first time I have seen a Guestbook entry (which has to be
entered manually) with one of the "Nigeria email scam" type messages.
This must mean that a "live" person is trawling for interactive pages
to post this shit. Scary that people have so little purpose in their lives.

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Eileen....I worked with a few people who suffer from emphysema and know a little about it. Basically your lungs lose their elasticity. You cant get rid of all of your carbon dioxide like you did before. There is no cure but you can live with it for more than 30 years. To keep it from progressing you have to get rid of what is irritating your lungs. Things like wood stoves and indoor dogs and cats gotta go. I went to an indoor horse show last night and they had a wood stove burning and I thought I was going to wind up in the hospital. This is all new to me too. I could always take a lot of smoke. Anyway I guess what Im trying to tell you is dont be devastated by it just keep putting one foot in front of another.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 15 Dec 2002
That's the idea, last night I went to work smiling, for a change. Gee, imagine me being an anti-drug poster child! Eileen, about the irony of working in a nursing home, yes there's plenty of irony involved as you take ibuprofen for those achey joints so you can get limber enough to go care for old people with stiff and achey joints. I have a friend and co-worker who is like me in her fifties. One of the elderly ladies in the nursing home where we work said to her, "You know, you're not exactly a spring chicken anymore!" Tom Keating, I've never been too successful finding old friends from the sixties but it sure is fun to look!!!

Name: Tom "Doc" Keating
Date: 15 Dec 2002
Hi all! Stumbled onto this site after seeking sites regarding the 1960's/70's and thought i'd ask around if anyone was in Haight/Ashbury from
1970-73? Does anyone recall the height-ashbury switchboard? a place to crash
get some chow and locate friends?? I'd helped out there several times as I had some medical training but at that time they nicknamed me "Doc" I carried
a badge back then but only wanted to help. I guess I envied the hippie lifestyle and wanted to cross over, so to speak, but I had a very material wife that wanted everything material and 2 children who deserved everything!
Years of illness have fried my braincells, and memory fades with each passing year. I do remember 1 friend inparticular called "Bear". And several young women mow about my age, which is 56 although they would probably be younger than I. I have a website with a photo of me from 1972 that someone may recognize, at Would be nice to get in touch with old friends, but will understand if they are no longer reachable! Thank you for your time in reading through my request.
May God Bless All Of You. Yours, Tommy Keating

Name: Steve Boy'Ar'Dee
Date: 14 Dec 2002
Hey, I played with little Darla for a good Hour. Thats my kinda' high. Ohio Girl, lets get together for an anti-drug photo poster! , you could shot-gun hash oil down my blow hole via a vacume cleaner hose. The title could be: "GROW YER" OWN DOPE, PLANT US". Hey Joe, Enjoy! Next time throw Irish confetti. (Bricks).

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 14 Dec 2002
Steve ....Hey I tried....well it was a church at least....I had pizza at Ben's on W. 3St. yesterday..where were you? I threw a few pebbles at your window, no one threw anything back...... I was a transit worker about 17 years ago...they are the marines of the public employees as a far as contracts and strikes go...since they are dying in their jobs as the transit authority speeds up work and ignores safety and disciplines them all the time anyway, they are pissed and feel like they have nothing to lose....sound like a win-win situation to you?....

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 14 Dec 2002
Yeah, maybe that's the ticket, feeling good. Getting over the culture shock of being "a little older" and having "health problems" and just trying to feel good. We've always known how to feel good under bizarre circumstances.

Name: The Fourth Stooge
Date: 14 Dec 2002
Me-Oh-My-Oh,..from the influx of far-eastern hate mail, I think that the Red Chineese are fuckin' with me now. (is that possible?)...I mean, why bother?...I'm harmless...right???...I think I can handle it.Hows this folks:... Hey Chairman "MOE"!!, SPREAD OUT!!!...kne,kne,kne,....

Name: Star Lite Steven
Date: 14 Dec 2002
My E-Mail address is the worst kept secret in the Free World. I'm stricktly "High" profile. Hey, theres a crazy-assed play going on upstairs thats just about to come through the cieling and the Gong Master is in the Day Care center blowing a conk shell so loud that its waving the freak's hair. There is a whole unit of 60's throw-backs that are in the process of recieving "Gong Baths" as I speak. Its a "Holistic Resonance" gig. I would be doing some heavy breathing in there with them on Saturdays but I work the door. Its all I can do to keep roving street people from stealing the yoga folks blind. These fuckers cut through backpacks with straight razors to get yer' goodies, (while you are wearin' them.) When I see that come down, I refer to Eileen's "Take No Shit" advice. I know razors, (I trim with one). These Mooks are all show. I could bring down more hell with a 16 penny nail. I thumped a strange white cat a few weeks ago, he didnt thump back, but publicly threated to kill me. He was brain dead and actually followed me out side when I motioned him too. (He should have phoned for a police escort)..Now get this, I only used my "Fuck You" finger on him. I twanged his ear so hard that it drowned out Don's Gong. It was like a cartoon where the guy's lower lip flaps onto the side walk. You wanna send a big dude into orbit? Slap his face like Moe and then position both finger to jab his eyes. Its pure Three Stooge Horror. That brings out the rage. Thats when ya' cant turn back. Anyway, after Dr. Strangelove was done howling, he swore he'd get me. (but not at that moment)..I detected a note of sarcasm in his voice.

Name: FYI
Date: 14 Dec 2002
And if you really want to go virtually anonymous - this is an option:
Down with Surveillance

Name: Steve
Date: 14 Dec 2002
Hey Eileen, I just ran across your P.O.Box No. in an E-Mail that I had saved. Will forward Diggermony,..or Witch Support,..or Get Well fare,...or, insecurity out your way. A gift is something that should not be questioned. I know that this type of thing should be annonomous..the good book speaks of that,..but I'm making a statement here. I love you. That are loved. Lets call it, Ah...for services rendered. You are one hell of a therapist / councilor / spirit guide. hell, I tattooed the wrong person on my arm. But hey, you are tattoed into my soul. Remember..."Ready Cash In Hand"...words to live by. Hope your spirit(s) brighten soon. Keep on truckin'. Hey, they can set you up a rockin' chair on top and you could ride with a shotgun across yer lap. Sing-a-long Folks!!! "Now listen to my story bout a gal named Sam, loaded up her bus and took it on the lamb,..Coyote said 'Sam; where ya' gonna' be??" And ol' Sam just glared said "Nineteen Seventy Three!!!." (Ouch!!..thats gotta' hurt)...

Date: 14 Dec 2002
They must have their ears on. I just got one that was up close and personal, but it had been swept clean by an anti-something or other. From here on out I will deal with the Students one on one.

Date: 14 Dec 2002
They must have their ears on. I just got one that was up close and personal, but it had been swept clean by an anti-something or other. From here on out I will deal with the Students one on one.

Name: SRB
EmailAddress: mission Improbable
Date: 14 Dec 2002
Agent FYI, I read you. Should you or any of your FYI force be killed or captured, the SRB will disavow any and all information as to your Identity and mission. This Digger entry will self destruct in five minutes. P.S. They swear that the Dhali Lhama E-Mail that I recieved was the real McCoy. Hey, stranger things have happened...(too me anyway)...Peace and Dharma FYI. Keep in touch.

Name: FYI
Date: 14 Dec 2002
A great spam devirus-izer can be had at - which lets you read your possible virus enhanced mail without getting the infection.

Name: Shear-Luck Boyd
Date: 14 Dec 2002
Just got some verification from an NYU sweety; someone is sending phony "Students for a Free Tibet" E-Mails. I'm on their loop-list so Iv'e been taking some hits. (and here I thought it was personal)...sorry Sponge. Hey, fuck the Death Of Hippy...Heres to the Death Of Sponge!!! Let the carnival bells ring, let the surpent sing, let everything......

Name: Sherlock Boyd
Date: 14 Dec 2002
WARNING: TIBETAN FREAKS. I Just got word from the NYU Students For A Free Tibet that someone is lacing their out going E-Mails and such with Virus'. They warn about recieving. Etc. and have a soft ware connection to help cure the Ills. Seems like quit a conspiracy. Either an inside job, or the big boys are attempting to silence them. Touch base w/ them for more info. It was all a bit over my head to re-translate. The latest ones that Iv'e avoided are from strangers with the heading.."Dont open any strange Xmass ...." Get the picture? I curious person would naturally open it to find out more, and ZAP!! Watch out folks.

Name: Steve
Date: 14 Dec 2002
Gottcha Mark,..I hear that alot of LA Show Biz types are grouping together to form a voice. I'm all ears. Hey Ohio Girl...Better is Good; but good is better. ...???!!! Hey, I met a shit load of Menonites (from Ohio I think) at the Bowery Mission two years ago. They sing in mono-tone and sound like angels. Fine group (who all suspisiously look alike) I dare say that the family tree makes a few loops in the branches. They all appeared to be as slow-eyed as I am,..(there were more than a few kissin'-cousins in BoydsVille Arkansas and Boyd Texas) that may be half of my problem...anyway,.......its a little early for me, I'm up to host a play thats happening in the Sanctuary. Its $15.oo per Hr. under the table. Opps!...Ah,..Uncle Sam, I ah...meant to say that its Volunteer work,...a christian thang'. Buckley didnt show up last night , I worry about him, as when he has his seizures, he never has the sense enough to sit down first, and every time that Iv'e wittnessed them, he falls down a few times first and staggeres about. I feel like such a shit-heel, last season I was still healing up and Buckley rang, I was having a bad day, and could only handle him in small doses,..I didnt answer the door, then a few minutes later he seized up and took a header right down the stone steps. It was like a kid trying to get back home. Iv'e been motivated by guilt to be there for him every since then. he's taken so many falls that he looks like a punch drunk fighter. His knots have knots. The NYC Street Vultures have often picked his pockets while he's seized up. He's a wonderfull writer who keeps losing track of his manuscript in the shelter system, yet rewrites it word for word. (he must have lived it)...we of course lead a mutt and Jeff / Lenny and George type existance ..(Too often switching roles)...I have it in my heart to making room up in Calais for him. (Wait till they get a load of us!)..."Ah..yer' not from around here, are ya'???)...He's actually genious calebre but suffered blunt head trauma while playing goalie on a hocky team. Hes forgotten more than I will ever know. He was forced to hold a straight job as an Insurance Underwritter and got fucked by the IRS. They stole his entire record collection; thousands of 50's vinal discs. Rock-a-billy, R&R, etc. They broke me too. Internal Revenue Service,..dont get me started. Where was I, Oh ya...Buckley pulls down SSI also. He's alot like me, but his scars dont show. His kin are all dead and well,...He's an Official Lost Boy. That ranks second only to the Super Human Crew. They are never lost, in as much as you must understand and fear the concept of being lost; they dont. Animals are never lost. Well, only the domesticated variety,(that tells ya somethin')..Read me?... Miz Nancy just got her keyboard delivered here to my place. She's not into data entry at the Metropolitan Opera anymore, but has a real shot in a local Govt.(branch of the Sanitation Dept)job where she's now temping. She rates high with local Politicos and is such a wide-eyed doll. Those Aquarians might get the wrong church in the wrong block, but christ can they mingle. Its odd how "Friends" happen. The first encounter we had was when I layed some free cloths on her for a job enterview. See had had the balls to leave Seattle and do the shelter system here until she made it. She's now got her own place in Queens and a zillion friends. Will close for now. Steve

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Dec 2002
I read three or four versions of the Associated Press article, it is Sean Penn in Baghdad. I am very interested to see how the press deals with this.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 14 Dec 2002
This website makes me feel better !

Name: S.R.B. / U.A.W.
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Mark, I wouldnt count on it. remember, these union folks are New Yorkers. (spell that F-U-C-K Y-O-U J-U-D-G-E)

Name: Steve
Date: 13 Dec 2002
At this point, Im' just taking up space. Good night folks. Dream.

Name: Frankenboyd
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Where I go wrong is my finger and brains....It's Alive!!!...It's Alive!!!....

Name: Steve
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Secret Bombings in Cambodia and Laos. Kissinger is a war criminal. (but you knew that)...

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Dec 2002
OFF....dammitt... I meant OFF, Fucking keyboard. My fingers and brain are just fine....Okay?

Name: Saint Steven
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Mark, are you sure that that wasnt BONO?..and hey, who am I to be teasing anyone about their spelling. Am I fucked or what?. Eileen,..take care.

Name: Stainless Steve
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Hey Nik, when you mentioned a cross country route, it stirred an Olema memory of the third kind. That crazy Red Haired Bastard who owned the Volvo showed me (in 1970) his suit case drugstore and a whole series of elaborate hand drawn layouts; he was and excellent draftsman) of a long range express tour bus of his design which would allow a grease monkey to change tires (wheels) while the rig was in motion. Now here me out on this, (as I heard him out, dig?) the double axels were set on a very simple "Toggle" system, which when engaged would lift one of the double sets up or down depending on milage, contition etc. He had a military background I think and had encorporated a refueling "In Flight" set up in the front end; whereby "honey-dipping" fuel from drum mounted open bed pick ups that would pace ahead a few yards while rolling at a reduced speed. Now the Idea was to alternate drivers and go coast to coast in record time without stopping once. It goes without saying that this totally predated "Mad Max", but thats where this cat was comming from. Oh, by the way, I refused the uppers and downers, but took him up on some acid later that season up at Black Bear,...and I came damn close to eating his wallet. (But thats another story). Hey....not to worry,..they called "OF" the strike. Cool.

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Dec 2002
A Glimmer of Defiance..... I just read that Sean Penn is in Baghdad today on a 3 day visit to see for himself and raising some hell with the Bush motherfuckers. Is this finally the beginning of some concrete resistance? Hmmm.....does Baghdad have any large concert venues? The story was on CNN's website for about 30 minutes but they pulled it. AP has it though.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Loaded and Dangerous
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Sorry about that bit of history flip out. 3rd day with no tobacco and I'm a emotional nut case. Best I back out till I level off. Appologies yet again.

Name: Clutch Cargo
Date: 13 Dec 2002
He called it "OF" ..or "OFF??"...if he called it "OF"..I'm in for the flight of my life. P.S. I dont "ish"...I "WISH" that someone's wife was here..anyone's! On that note, "The sweetest woman that I ever kissed was another man's wife...My Mother!" Hey Travis.."SHUT UP!"

Name: Captain Crunch
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Watch out folks, I just got a truckload of virus riddled Christmas E-Mails. Was it something I said?...Hey IMAM, aka "i'm a mouse"...In as much as you have risen above reproach, pulled a few thorns out, and actually roared in my defence a couple of times, I hearby re-dub thee "I'M A MAN"...aka IMAM. A handle upgrade is a rare thing. Wallow in it....bragg, (Iwould)... Hey, dont the gods work in strange ways. I just checked my card and Im getting $130.00 per month food alotment again. They cut me off when SSI kicked in. That means that I can still give the store away. I flew down and scored 5 kinds of organic cereal, some no fat organic milk and some egg nog..(which I refuse to spike)...Hey Eileen, I'm the softy on this site, dont loose it on us,...reflect and come back real soon. I have drained you without reguarding your condition. I'm up now on all fronts. Hold on. Got me? You snapped at me once in the kitchen at Olema and I almost physically folded, but it was was a left-handed reality check. A Queen for a day was being critical of me and you glared at me and said something to the effect "Dont let her or anyone else around here give you ANY shit". There was blue lightnig bolts in your eyes.(it was an Olema thang').. The gal was speechless and also shrunk,..It was the greatest balling out of my life. It was a hurt pride, but Pride just the same. Those gals would walk in like it was open range. Man you rounded up a stray calf from the back forty that afternoon. what I'm sayin' is "You Hold What You Held" ...its not for me to say, but we gauge the good against the bad (times that is) thoughts on little Ariel?...Hell,..)...loving her is enough. Read me? The fact that our hearts often get stomped on is actually verification that we have hearts. My tender feelings get mashed daily and I wouldnt have it any other way. Hell, I cried when Shelly Winters drowned on the set of the Posidon Adventure,..and I know it wasnt real. I watched it with another man's wife, and she cried also, one thing led to another and...well, she ended as upside down as the ship. An talk about a tidel wave!..,Man overboard!! I went down three times and came up face looked like a glazed donut. I was half blinded by my own gizm,...thar she blows!!..VICTORY AT SEA!!!God I feel ten foot tall!!!...Ah...Shit, ...I lost my train of thought,..Ah, I better leave it alone. Time can be the best medicine. Hey, The Tibetans got an appeal. Apparently, the Red Chinees have their asses hanging out. Fuck em'. There I go swearing again, Is that nessessary??? Get off it Steve. What is it? Aggression?,...Frustration??..Total Helplessness???...I ish someone's wife was here...I'd have a GOOD cry. Women on the Port Bow...get out yer' Harpoons men!!!

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Dec 2002
I just read that a judge has called of the transit strike in NYC. Looks like you'll catch the plane after all.

Name: No Name
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Funny Stuff from the ether :
I especially like the dancing Blair

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Dec 2002
I have debated the mention of it. But here, on that trip you and Coyote took with Ariel in tow, is where my life reached it's peak of agony and came down around me. Not knowing where Ariel was for Christmas..where she was at all with no way to find her. No word, nothing. Lost lost my girl, and me, alone, can hardly discribe. Somewhere in Mexico with Rose Lee, going through my own hell. The pictures of those days, everyone smiling, is burned into my memory. Here is where I must have a bridge, a boat to cross over into this time. It is a bitter story for me. Half a history, half a tale being told. Things were not entirely what they appeared to be.

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Looks like old H. Kissinger is taking a powder this time. See ya Henry, you asshole!

Name: Michael
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Nicole - Another farm you stopped at on that trip was in Troy, Maine. We called it Coombs Farm after Eugene Coombs, who owned the place. Very creative. An ever changing bunch of city deserter no nothings, of which I was one, lived there and tried in our own usually not too successful ways to make it in the New England organic farming world of the early seventies. It was a cultural collision of its own within itself complete with a built in always complaining Granny who, in her own youth, milked twenty cows a day by hand, by herself, in dustbowl Texas. That's how she told it and she was tough enough to have pulled it off. I was on a big city trip when you passed through, but Kent came and stayed for several months in '73. It's where he met Genie and from where they took off for San Francisco in early 1974. I was not far behind.
Gene Coombs still lives there with a new improved family, but the place has crumbled around him.

Name: quickmorph
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Thanks Nicole! One 30 year old mystery cleared up...I really should be concentrating on the daily barrage of new ones, but the ones from back then seem so much more magical. Lost youth and all, I guess, but wasn't there really something magical then? I prefer to think so.

Name: Steve
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Nik, the last time that I was in Maine, I hit a resuraunt in Portland called the "SHIP". I attended a wedding. Well, a few hours rolled by and I was feeling a little wobbly anyway,..I couldnt help but notice that the Bldgs on either side of us kept swaying a bit. I leaned over the rail of the veranda and was surprised to see that the resturaunt was actually a real ship docked at harbor side. I announced to my wife that I was totally amazed and she questioned why she ever married me in the first place. I pretty much kept my amazing discoveries to myself after that. Hey, I just single-handedly (literelly favoring my good arm)... loaded over 600 lbs. of free food from City Harvest into the kitchen. (Im' the food coordinator). Hey, as we get fired up here at WSUMC to get back into the swing of things, we may startup a shelter system in the back parlor. This church was famous for that in bygone days. As an active member who spear-headed the Homeless Task Force last year, I would prefer to stack to deck with ageing hippie burn-outs and free spirits. The lazy ass hometown bums piss me off. Hell, a W.S.U.M.C. hipster retirment home??? Pass that joint!

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 Dec 2002
that was Nicole to Quickmorph

Name: quickmorph
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Yes you are right...I have an amazing and phenomenal memory much to my own regret at times...and how embarressing that is to me ...that we were on such a noble mission and tried to take it to that base level...jaysus, nik...but I remember Franconia really of the things we did was meet with a woman who was a potter and spent days scraping moss and lichen off buildings to create colors for her glaze...and the truck was the "big fucker" Kent and Ninas and had a big plexy bubble in the son and Eileens daughter were on that trip too, they were about 4 & 5...and I'm glad to say we never connected with the punk boys...The homestead place as I recall had a beautiful house made of river stone...they seemed really of the things that trip was for was to establish a kind of route where it could be possible to get place to place (communes and collectives) with out the use of fossil fuels and trade each other and barter for the stuff we needed or had extra of...we put together a hand bound book and sent one back to each place we visited sort of a cross reference document...wonder if anyone out there has one of cover with some autumn leaves I think...called THE NOW EVER POTLATCH RUCKUS

Name: quickmorph
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Nicole -
On that trade route trip do you happen to remember visiting a tiny experimental college in Franconia NH? I was there in '72 and a couple stopped by with truck that was love at first sight for this boy. Anyway, they were strictly into bartering and appeared to be hoping for some trade with the local White Punks on Dope. Could that have been you & Coyote? There was a commune up the street called the Homestead that they may have visited also.
Not very likely that you'd remember, but 30 years later I still wonder who were those guys? The truck was just dynamite...

Name: nicole_wills
Date: 13 Dec 2002
IMAM, Thank you.
Steve, Baleen at one time was living on land in Maine that her family had...or maybe it was her was a collective that Peter and I visited on the trade route trip...the town was Lubec,it's the eastern most point of the continental United States as Petrolia is the western most point which by the way is where Baleens sister lived...or was that Baleen...I can't remember...jump in anyone who does...that would be a great place for you to visit if it is still I dillusional? Still there? jeez nik that was 1972...ah right...but it was a hauntingly beautiful coastal place...New England style...walking at low tide with fog on the sea and mist rising from the rocky crags along the pines and the the many shades of gray on the hardwoods was winter when I was there...the colors like an Owl...remember your crochetted skirt Eileen,those colors...the gray of granite, the brown of earth, the white of snow and the dark almost steel color of fridgid water...and the moss and sand...God I can even smell the salt and hear the sea birds...if it is still there...I wanna go...

Name: Steve
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Acid?..Hell, Its the gift that keeps giving...on a clear day I can see worms in the sky. I often stare at the back of my eyelids. I have no trouble in the dark, as the light still stays in the bulb a good two minutes after someone turns it off. I still see the animal in people; Nicole is a love puppy, smells like a freshly powdered baby. All shits and giggles. Ah...need I say more???....

Name: IMAM
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Steve - "Light Weight?" - most of the real "heavy-weights" are dead - from booze and one too many heroin coke-tale speed-balls. The rest are made of complete steel or somehow remain alive - but nearly all of the acid heads who stuck with acid are still with us - I mean even the elephant didn't die. Is there a point to what I am saying? See why I have been silent these days. That dialogue the other day about tripping and horking still has me reeling........IMAM - Suspect

Name: Steve
Date: 13 Dec 2002
IMAM, ya came through again. You are off the list of usual suspects. Hey Eileen, I checked, double checked, and triple checked,...Calais calls. It beckons. Its just a matter of reenventing myself and sliding in sideways. Its a place where the daily tide is both the highest and the lowest in Nothe U.S. At one point, you can actually walk on the Ocean floor. I dressed up like the Ghost from Mrs. Muir today. Day trips to the Bay of Fundy would be the berries for me. To damn bad that the bottom dropped out of all of the dock work up there. I could pull my weight some how. The Episcapalian angle fits in here somewhere, I just have to put the right pieces together. Hey, Eileen, (OK, OK, "SAM")...and Nicole, as your histories slowly unfold, Im' amazed at how nuttso you girls were, Im' more than impressed. What a life! I dont nessessarily want to crank up (no pun intended), the dope aspects of it all, (but that was a big part of it),..but, I feel like a light-wieght in as much as I seem to be the only cast member who didnt get "Strung Out". I sure dont atribute that to intelegence, or caution, for that matter. ( I once found an orange and yellow cap by the road side, un capped it and snorted the white powder. Hell, it could have been cyanide. It burnt the hell out of me, and it turned out to be an antibiotic, (I found out later)...Is that fucked or what?...Havent had a head cold in years)...I cant put my finger on it. But as I said, the booze scares the hell out of me. Fuck, Ive' got a liver that most of you would kill for, and here I am attempting to pickle it. Im' gonna fly right. What the hell is wrong with me? Thats a question that I must answer before I can "Right" myself. I hid behind a skirt for years. I was hand fed like a birdie. Its only me now. I overlapped women to the extent that I never had a dry spell in 30 years. Make that 28 yrs. 2000-2002 is the record. Anyway, I have to change it. Big Mammas gonzo. Its just me now. "Church and the death of Ego, can wait. I gotta get strong again. Heres to good health. It's everything. The next celery, carrot and ginger that I suck down will be scotch free. You betcha'

Name: PSS - IMAM
Date: 13 Dec 2002
And Ladies - thanks again for preparing the soup stew and spirit that filled my belly in the Panhandle on many an afternoon. IMAM - Suspect

Name: PS - IMAM
Date: 13 Dec 2002
PS - I guess what I am saying beyond the thank you is that as I check in periodically throughout the day - so much has been said since the last time I was here that I don't know where to begin!!!!!

Name: IMAM
Date: 13 Dec 2002
OKay Steve - but the only thougts that come to immediate mind are:
Dearest Digger Ladies, - My silence is golden - because I so appreciate and respect your recent stories - your immaculate joys and memories past - those of us here and those of us gone. Your more immediate heart pains and health matters are so bravely shared. Powerful expressions of "Each One Teach One" - and so deserving of our attention - then as now. And - You (that's right "all of you") are in my daily rounds of beads and prayer mantra. -
PS - Thanks Steve
IAMIMAM - Suspect

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Good Morning Steve~
No, I think you're the only one that has as much free time as I do. And maybe they don't want to play "do you know". And speaking of which, Nicole is correct with the ID of Mary G. But you have looped too many incidences together I think. Yes, Mary Gannon fits all the discriptions..but I don't think I put a whole wardrobe together for her until I was back living in the city (SF) and she was pregnant with her first baby. But I could be confused with my timing (naw!). Nicole? You remember what yr she was preg?
I am happy my man, you are figuring out you got to take better care of yourself. If we can't get our shit together at this point..well you know. It's one of those things that kind of goes in circles for me..I keep thinking I can get away with doing things. But between my kids and my body, I don't get a whole lot of slack any more..and feeling crumby becomes FEELING CRUMBY!
Nicole~OH MY, Joe? Boy he just entirely went off the screen. Now there's a yummy sweetie that loved his drugs more than me. He just became part of the list of heart breaks. Wow, now if he didn't OD and has lived to be old/er THAT would almost seem weird. Joe old???

Date: 13 Dec 2002
Hey, I the only EGO MANIAC on this site?...come on speak up.

Name: Steve
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Sister Woman, I split on Monday the 16th. Ya, I wanna' say that her name was Mary. She was a Quick Silver girl for sure. Hey, I got my hands on a can of top quality Italian tomato and garlic soup, I blended in fresh sliced Tomatos and some boiled pasta shells. I nuked (cheated) the whole mess and drank it with grated cheese on top. Very satisfying. Its all in my head, I just have to make time to throw this stuff together. I'm an Omolet Guru from way back, but got spooked about these George Orwell chemical eggs. Its not like I can get farm fresh around here. On an omolet, I would go 3 whites to 1 yoke. Once I get back in Jan. I MUST schedule my meals. The wild man "Eat when I'm hungry, Drink when I'm dry" is for the young. Thats what I aint. Hey, If you do drop in, dont forget to grab yer' Tape and yer' Dragon lamp. Its rather heavy for its size, but manageble. You can also size up the chair. Its a solid very dense yet light, beefy cane affair from a prominent San Fran. outfit. It just needs cross hatched webbing, (which inserts, can pick them up anywhere). Its a good vibe chair for sure. Hey Nik, the latest is that the Union Cat pulled a Little Richard on the Mayor..."SHUT UP!!!". (and I voted for Bloomberg!), I guess that that gives me a say in the matter. "Hey Mr. "B"...(ya..what he said")...SHUT UP!! Hell, I may walk to the airport if this keeps up. STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE. Hey, I guess that this speaks for itself, but have you noticed that the more females that get involved with this site; the neater and more humane it gets??? Aint it the way??? Its like the guys are sitting back and saying WOW!!! Hey, Joe, let me straighten this out. The word on the steet was from several different people who walked through the door and muttered the exact same line. It was as if it was staged. They went on to mumble that their attitudes were motivated by the dead end job market. "Masters degree and no job" Dig? Hell, if thats any indicator then America sucks. Gone are the days when Dishonnest John and I would land five jobs in one day and then chose which one that best suited our discriminating casual labor specifications. Hey, I dug out my original 1967 Episcopal Birth Certificate. I plan to have an Epic. Bishop confirm me (or whatever its called) and join the club. Man, that Park Ave. House of God gave me Disco Fever. Full Bar, roving bands of ex-wives,....even the Female Rev. was a divorcee, shit. I plan on doing a shit load of vollunteer work for that outfit. GIVE, GIVE, GIVE. Hey, good luck with the job searches folks. I mean that. If you are over-qualified, hone down your experience and skills to match the position. (and DO NOT put me down as a reference...what-a-ya'-crazy???)...

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Kay, thanks so much...I was on your site yesterday and so appreciated all your photos and memories...I last saw Dino at The Great American Music Hall in SF at a show the new Big Brother was doing...he looked great and seemed very happy...thank you for clarifying for us...and come again please.
There was also a site about Shelly (Gary Duncans first wife) and there's a picture with the caption "the guys at Olema Ranch"
Steve or Eileen...could he be thinking of Mary Gannon? She is a singer too... and Sam...sorry it slips out in my head then I have to translate it back to you know what ever happened to Joe Alegro ?
Steve I'm going to try and come by today after work...I want to see you before you go to FLA...when are you going?

Name: Princess
EmailAddress: Seaweed
Date: 13 Dec 2002
dulse wakame hijaki arame kelp
i wear them in my hair
i toss them in the air
slather them on my skin
and offer them to my kin
seaweed is kind to your gut

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Dec 2002
Ohio Girl~
WE ARE rewriting the book on old age. That was a funny post. I don't think many of us are going down gracefully. I took care of old folks for a long time, until I realized I was getting too close to being one of them! I do not want to go down the path of old sick people that consider their condition "just getting old". And I do not want that to be the older people I'm around. Some inspiration please! Thanks for the good word and useful info. BTW, the Hep C site you offered for Ariel has been useful to both of us.
Zapping continues to amaze me with this. When my chest starts feeling like it's weighing me down and starting to hurt, I zap and it all goes away! Anyone interested what zapping is, here's the link....EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 12 Dec 2002
To Eileen, You can do alot about emphysema, I know because my better half has COPD (not to mention the hepatitis). Like hepatitis and just about anything, of course you can affect emphysema by how you eat etc. My husband and I both quit smoking (ouch, aaarrgggh) and learned that vitamins C and E are great antioxidants for the lungs (and everything else), we both take alot of these and vitamins are considered OK on the medicine I'm on. He exercises alot too. I used to hear his lungs, now I just hear his heartbeat (sigh!). Well as my mother-in-law says we aren't pushing 50 now, we're dragging it. Hence these problems I guess but you can always do something about it. Just imagine what the nursing homes will have to be like one day. They can't get the old folks to keep their slippers on or stay in their own beds. They have to pipe in the Doors and Stones because Muzak causes us to riot. They shake their heads and say, these people are really screwy and it isn't alzheimers. They'll have to rewrite the book on old age I bet.

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Dec 2002
This is such a gift you offer with your response here. Thank you so much, as I know it would have been just as easy to go on by. I will contact you.

Name: Steve
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Hey Kay, thanks for changing the subject. My tales of woe were bumming the whole crowd out. I think that I may have misstaken your late brother for a Portugeez cat, who was straight but very flamboyant. I did however have the first two Q.S. albums. and the Hawian one that Nicole was involved with. The happy trails song from the Messenger Service written by Dale Evans really took everyone back. I got off on Cobra also. Hey, dont be a stranger. Is this site whacked out er' what?. I had no Idea that these good folks were all so heavy. (but then again,..everybody is a star.)...I feel like a kid again. (And thats saying something)...In any event, WELCOME!.

Name: Kay Powers
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Hello good people, (Smile)
My name is Kay, and I'm Dino Valenti's sister. I happened across your site while doing a basic Dino search. I have enjoyed the banter and also a lot of the memories evoked from some of the posts.
I noticed that a few of the posts erroneously suggest that Dino died from his brain surgery and I would just like to clarify how Dino passed for those of you who might be interested.
Dino had his brain surgery in the late eighties and he survived the brain surgery and went on to live another 6 years or so. It was a very hard time for him but he beat it, lost a lot of weight and was on the comeback trail, i.e., getting his full faculties back, putting a band together, and in his never ending search for the "perfect rhythm section" LOL, however on Nov.16th, very unexpectedly, he suffered a major heart attack sometime during the night and was found the next morning. I was at his house earlier in the day, and we were singing and dancing in the street and not a hint of anything wrong, so it wasn't a long drawn out illness. (Smile)
Anyway, for those of you not at all interested, I apologize for the intrusion, and I don't normally post to the erroneous info that I find on the web about Dino, but I did notice that some of you seem to have know him quite well and would perhaps be interested in knowing what happened.
Anyone interested in more info, please feel free to e-mail me.

Name: Steve again
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Hell, Id' just as soon wear my teeth strung with pearls around my neck. Its not like Im' gonna have to chew my way out of a bad situation. I dont care about my looks. I had my day. The bottom tooth that has riden totally behind the other ones will most likely fall out anyway. Ive' got a spegattii strainer story, but I wont get into that now. There is no real point in me chewing anything, as I have no tongue or real abuility to nogotiate what a normal human being would consider swallowing. I got some balls even eating in public. Like I said, theres Buckley reading the New York Times out loud while I peck around and throw my head back like a chicken. Only in New York!...Im' just realising that I never realy went threw an adjustment period, and just accepted it from the get go. Maybe,..well, its not like I could talk to anyone about it. They had me going to a support group, but all of those fuckers had vocal cords and "Shunts" they could press on their throats and start squawkin'. I have no voice box at all and was the odd man out. Man, they'd all gulp down donuts and blab their asses off. I got pissed and swore that if I could talk that I wouldnt. Shit. Maybe I am bitter. Im the one to blame, for waiting till I was half dead in the first place, but there were no outward signs. The series of tummors were all internal and not bulging at the surface. I did have one discolored spot on one side of my neck. The fucker ran from side to side and up into the base of my tounge, and down to the top of my rib cage. No bone involved thank the Gods. Hey, Im' rambling. Cabin?...I am a cabin!...HOMESKIN!!!!

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Dec 2002
China town always inspires me. It's when you get home and actually have to take the time do the cooking that we seperate the men from the boys, girls from the wemins. Personallyt I hate to cook and a lot ends up lost in my frig. If it takes more than 2 steps, forget it. So what does that make me?But like you, I have to stay on top of it or float off (or sink). Eating is such a hassle. I think once a wk should be plenty, but my body doesn't think so. So i've got all these supplements and things I can throw together that probably amount to your Ensure (gag) until I can get around to eating. My latest is roasting all my vegi's (always some garlic) and then mashing them up and adding tamari, flaked seaweed and olive oil..I do love it. Then adding something like tahini to get some protein..that's protein, right? And I definitely get the sense you need acidophilus and friendly bacteria, badly. I think Fran or Rena may have mentioned that. And quit giving your food and stuff away damn it. Miranda has a friend that does that'd think he thinks he's supposed to run out of food since other people are hungry..I mean good grief..what's the point of joining them??? Ya, I hope this trip home does something good for you. The one question that I have to ask, is why are you keeping your teeth? Will your face fall in or something? I'm having visions of finding a place with room for you. It will take finding a bunch of cabins. But who knows what's possible until I start beating the bushes.

Name: Steve
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Thats a sign. Fish-weed-a-go-go. I can scoop plenty of both in China Town. Shopping daily should ensure freshness, get me out of the Village and I can ying up with the worlds tiniest cowboy while Im down there. Its a good life.

Name: Steve again
Date: 12 Dec 2002
From what I remember,..I was under the impression that you all were cranking out some Wardrobe for some show-biz folks. I think that the one lady had done some Janis Joplin tie dyes, but I could be wrong. ..(who me, Wrong???)..Im' so wrong that Im right. I remember the distinctive cherry red plum colors the most. It was electrifing. (just like us!)...the joint was loaded with talent. There was a black cat in the city who was torch burning old aniconda wire and cable spool reels and converting them into tables. Myself, I never dug the burt "Old Look" and prefered the ones that Iv'e had through the years "As-Is". "Making" something look old goes against my grain.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: yin/yang Food
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Good work Steve. Now I can take a breath. Fish and seaweed..learn to love it. It's great for you.

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Phyllis had to be tie dye girl. Your discription of the willowy one has to be Senna..Natural Suzanne. I was working on a dress for her from the marble print valour cloth, Carl Rosenberg was developing in the city. The whole thing was pieced together to make the design of the swirls fit exactly to Senna's body. A memorable dress for me. I loved it. And Senna is the only one I can think of that would have had expensive cowboy boots on.
All the gypsy trucker women fit your description, so that doesn't help. Although I was facinated by Susan Logan's work, and she and I did some stuff together. I was mainly learning how to do her fancy embroadery sp? stitches on the hems and all. Julie Boone was in and out, she was doing some killers knited to the floor gypsy skirts. I can't knit, but I still have the directions for that pattern if anyone wants it. It was too special to loose that one. Remember those skirts, Nicole?

Name: Steve
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Well, after giving it some thought..(who me?)..I refered back to Ohsawa's books, and came up with the following Yang shopping list. With any combination of this stuff whipped up into a frothing frenzie,..(if it looks like soup, smells like soup, and tastes like soup, me...its soup.).. I should have it knocked. CEREALS: whole brown rice, buckwheat. FISH: salmon, shrimp, herring, sardine. VEGGIES: lettuce, kale, garlic, onion, carrot. ANIMAL PRODUCTS: eggs, duck, turkey. DAIRY PRODUCTS: roquefort cheese, edam cheese. FRUIT: strawberrys, apples. DRINKS: mu tea, dragon tea, haru tea, yang yang tea, jinseng root. The only drawbacks I have are with the eggs, duck and turkey. Those fish also, hell, they never did anything to me. Hey, thats it!..only eat man-eating animals. Ya, EAT BACK!. Shark, lion, stuff like that. Turkeys and ducks,..hey, no body likes a bully.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: silent steve
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Nicole, I thought that you may have been the "Denim Girl".

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: silent steve
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Nicole, I thought that you may have been the "Denim Girl".

Name: Steve Reeves
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Hey, sorry to turn this site into a wrinkle room. But hey, ha Nicole, I feel 1000 lbs. and drag my dead ass around. Im' not mal-nurished by any means, Im' just flat out HUNGRY! See, the thing is, the vitamins and nutrients contained in a can of Ensure are by volume based on a 2000 calory diet (per day),..well, Ensure is 250 cals. per can. Maxing out at 2000 cals is easy...BUT not filling. I most likely am healthier than anyone in town as far as being loaded with Vitamins and nutrients,...but I could eat a cadavar's big toe. I have an unbearable appitite that I naturally cant quell with liquid. I ate FOOD for half a century and then WHAM. Its like one vulture said to the other vulture,.."If somethin' dont die soon, Im' gonna' kill the next thing that comes along". I do have a stainless steel industrial bar blender, I just need to buckle down and get an eating schedule down pat. Living by the moment dont make for good habits folks. Oh, Nicole, the Quicksilver Girl that I refered to was chestnut haired tall and willowy, she seemed to dance as she walked, like Diana Shore twirling through the door, wore very colorful hand stitched cowgirl boots, long gypsy skirts and was always with the Tie-Dye lady at Olema Ranch. Her name may have been Mary. She sang back ups with Quick Silver as late as 69. She always seemed to brighten Eileens day. They used to do their girl stuff with fabrics in the front room. Eileen would rummage through their latest creations with Ariel on her hip. Mostly tie dye on velvet..... "Brothers of the Forest, born on Saturday, was dark, one was fair,..fathered by the hawk,...mothered by the bear....."Stranger children you have never seen"...Hey there Little Red Ridin' Hood, I will pass on the soup. Im' gonna do more yang food to counteract all of the yin liquid. Im' yinned out and ferosious.

Name: IMAM
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Mmmmmm.. Yummy Rice Cream.
Steve - whatever all this is about - body mind spirit health = paramount that you get attention asap. You need mending - and TLC mate. Wish I was in NY to drop on by with a cup a noodle soup and a hot water bottle. - IMAM - Suspect

Name: Brown Rice
EmailAddress: sunflower sprout
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Rice cream. We used to grind the grains in a hand grain grinder the toast the dry ground grain. then add water, stirring constantly so it would stay sorta smooth, and cook to a watery gruel. Good stuff.
Here in Hawaii we poi si thefood of babies and sick people. It is made from pounded, mashed, and fermented taro root. Poi is very high in acidophilus. be sure to water it down. oh year... where are you going to get poi in NYC???
seaweed: raging in protein and minerals like iron and calcium. it even tastes good. you could also blend up watery oatmeal. It's really worth it to get organic oat flakes. the other stuff tastes like cardboard. How about blending some alfalfa sprouts with water anddrinking the juice. works well with other kinds of sprouts. i love sunflower sprouts. I had a health crisis once and a friend gave me lots of (ugh tasting) wheat grass juice. Very powerful stuff.
Steve, you could also have a candida gut. not fun. put some garlic in that miso soup. And, Eileen is right about not cooking the miso. MIso also has acidopholus and enzymes that get destroyed with cooking. hat or boil your water or water plus veggies and sea weeds, and the add the miso after you turn off the stove. i just add the miso to my soup bowl to taste.
Great idea about the old folks crazy radical rest and recreation home at BBR. My friend owned 1000 acres in Bodega and deeded it to her friends, about 14 families. She went to live at Star Mountain with her man, Moses Moon. Moses came down with Guilan Barre Syndrome where one gets totally paralyzed in a mater of hours. Moses needed a respirator and 24 hour care. Gotta be RIGHT THERE in case he needed suctioning. Delia approached the 14 families and asked if she could have 5 acres on which to build an old folks home for aging hippies, starting with Moses. The 14 families had a meeting and told Delia to FIND SOMEPLACE ELSE!!! to have her aging hippies' home.
Well, it turned out that her lawyer forgot to file a paper and the land actually still belonged to her!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe this!!! Delia, generous soul that she is, allowed the14 families to stay but she took 16 acres to build that caring home. Only now it's a love nest. Moses died many years ago and Delia is in love and grooving. the 14 families now have the 984 acres. I was there for a wedding last July. Moses and Delia's daughte Amandar got married to Byron.

Name: Nicole
Date: 12 Dec 2002
You know one of my visualizations was to have a camp grounds for city was a doable fantasy...a way to spend my golden years...I incorporated it into my Silva cottage and garden...the whole fantasy was like this...(why wish for a loaf of bread when everyone is hungry and you can wish for the grocery store) goes like this...I have just come back from town about 10 miles away...I stop by the mailbox and there is a royalty check in the box (i gotta pay for this somehow) it's hot and I go over to the out door shower on the side of the house...I change into my khaki shorts and work boots and t-shirt and go work in the garden a bit...I planted beats for Ron Thelin years ago..he is the only other person ever in there besides the Viking...and he's only there while I'm asleep or unconscious of the place...he tends the garden for me then...any way I weed the beets to give energy to the Thelin family and after that I go for a's still morning so now I have to swing over to the camp grounds and create it...the rest of it is not in the alpha state because it entales real real estate and financing...but my thought is to have a decent place where city people with a desire to interact with the outdoors can would have a garden so anyone who wants to get involved can...a lodge for music at night (there's always campfire singing too)and a good play ground for kids...It would serve me well for I love gardening, music and traveling and although I'm not traveling...I am with travelers and can vicariously experience their journeys...maybe Eileen you have the right idea...could we all have our retirement village?...we could call it Olema: Easy acres...I'm kidding, but kind of not...ideas???
forgive my verbosity today...

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: PPS
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Oh yeah, Nicole do you remember how to make rice cream? You can run it dry thru the blender till it's like face powder. And Steve can you digest tofu? That's your protein and blends up easily. Fish is even better. Just hink pates..people make food like this on purpose to serve at fancy parties.
Ok I'll get off this. I'm out of here.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: PS
Date: 12 Dec 2002
That would be food grade, peroxide, I left out of my won list for anyone that might have been paying attention.
Micheal is right about the blender. Between that and my little quizanart sp? ANYTHING can be blended and turned to mush. When you eat as cleanly as that quickly demands (cheese and meat fats really are nasty floating in ones mouth) all starts tasting really good. JUst think of it as pate. Nicole, you getting this? Then I use miso broth (don't boil it), green tea (organic, loose leaf is a zillon times better than that tea bagged stuff) or make ginger tea or add more herbs to make chai. Don't be shy, any of these things, in fact any teas to suit, can be added to those pates to get them down and add flavor. Flour probably should be off the list entirely. And since he can't really chew, is not getting saliva and all to help with digestion..something needs to be added. You got a good Chinese herbalist there? I know they have good tasting teas for that that could be used to liquify the food.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Peaceful Farms/ not
Date: 12 Dec 2002
OOops chia will have to find a way to get down psyllium seeds they turn into a gell and for sure will stick inside your mouth. I'm of the miso and seaweed mind myself. Nicole, I do so hope you will be the resident saint and get over there and help Steve put his pieces together. This is really stressing me out not to be able to do anything by wave my hands.
Folks this is day 2 of not smoking. Turns out I hve emphasema and the Dr says it can't be cured. OH I AM SO SURE! My zapper is already lifting some of the weight from my chest and collidal silver clearing some of the pain. Guess I got to move my dogs out of the house. I'm already having to use an inhaler, but think I can stop that in a few days. Today will start adding food grade drops to my water. How can Dr's even let those words out of their mouths? Incrureable just means THEY don't know how to cure it. What arrogance! Any healer knows if they don't know what to do they are another or pass you on to someone who's better.
Hey, this is starting to sound like the old folks home. Glad we got such technicolor memories to entertain each other with. Not that I'm saying I'm through creating more! The great thing here is we can run those memories by without the here and now intruding too much. HA! Maybe we can give it up gracefully..BBR can be the Digger rest home. If that be the case we better kick that place into gear before there's no more kicking. Hey, I'm moving. I can think up anything I want!

Name: Hammond
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Wow - catching up on the words to and from the wise brings so many images of instance to mind - the Trident, Dino, John, and more Flashback and forth - but to the moment. Steve - another thing = protien. The easiest way to get back to basics here is to eat Chia seeds (three or four good mouthfulls well chewed up each day) - instead of putting them on your Chia pets. The seeds are 99% protien.

Name: Peace Via Non Violence
Date: 12 Dec 2002
A little more about Phillip Berrigan -

Name: Michael
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Ok, let me clear, for a minute anyway, the image I have of naked Eileen leaning over the sewing machine making clothes for the day...
Steve -
A friend had his jaw wired shut for 6 weeks. He blended everything from cornbread and beans to cake and ice cream. His swallowing muscles were all intact, just couldn't open his mouth and chew. Whatever you get down, it should be nutrient packed, just not all at one time.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 12 Dec 2002
How about babying yourself with baby food, seriously, whatever works. A childhood friend's father (I can't remember why) couldn't eat anything else. They always had shelves and shelves full of baby food and I was always so tempted to steal the apricot. Well sometimes I did. I'm very serious, because I work in a nursing home and because of how hard it is to eat on this hepatitis medicine, I know how important it is to keep good nutrition and hydration. However you have to do it, whatever you find that works. I eat some kinds of wierd stuff these days, regular food doesn't get it. If you're not into using a blender etc. baby food is already blended, you could combine some into soups that even have a chicken base etc. and most brands aren't salty, and would cost less than "specialty" health foods. Maybe someone who cooks alot better than me has some ideas about this. Then when you go out to eat a pancake maybe you'll enjoy it more knowing it's to enjoy, not your only source of nutrition. And just think, no one will make you eat those peas!!!!

Name: Nicole
Date: 12 Dec 2002
...just one more quick note...if you are undernourished it can really mess with your brain chemistry too...therefore making you even more depressed than plain ol' holidays can do...can be a really dangerous combo...
eye to eye...yeah, Frank W... a peice of work he in Sante Fe...trident south west...I sort of played on both sides of the world, in that I hung out with the rock and rollers and dope dealers who tried to out tip each other which was great for the know the bare foot and bare brested beauties in diaphanous see through hippie dresses...but I also lived on the waterfront at Gate 5 and hung with the water rats and artist there...there was a band called the RED LEGS called so because they carried a can of red paint and if you got too close you got a red stripe...they were led by "captain dredge" and at times included such great musicians as the late Joe Tate from the salvation army band...and others...we would all board a steam operated tug boat owned by dredge and pull up along side the deck at the trident in the summer and cause holy was great fun...I know I said just a quick note ...but my memory banks are flowing...and you know the last line on my resume says phenomenal memory...

Name: those
EmailAddress: crabs
Date: 12 Dec 2002
oh..i also remember having crabs -yes CRABS, those lice like creatures that torment a natty dread. How to go to a fancy restaurant (Trident) and not scratch. Oops, i felt one crawl on my hairline above my forehead. Do i discreetly try to scratch or do i pick it off and keep on with the dinner conversation. no one probably noticed, anyway, cause everyone was looking for someone more famous.
Well, those are the memories spurred by "Trident" and Frank W.

Name: eyeball
EmailAddress: to eyeball
Date: 12 Dec 2002
I remember Frank Werber and the Trident. The place was buzzing. I remember when people talked to each other they were always looking over the other person's shoulder to see if someone more famous was pesent. Frank had the first waterbed back 32 years ago. It cost a small fortune but oh were we envious. His (former) lady, Diane, is far out. He had some kids with her.
Thanks Nicole for being the angel on the scene. The community lives on.
Maybe put some seaweed in the soup. Lots of minerals. How about a miso broth?
Nicole is right about the i.v. Starvation can really kick butt so to speak. a good test for dehydration is to pinch (gently) the skin on the back of your hand. If it stays in the pinch position or is very slow to return the the back of your hand, you are probably seriously dehydrated.
Sending love to all

Name: Nicole
Date: 12 Dec 2002
first off...Steve forgive me for having my head up my ass...I'm right here for goodness sake...I'll help out with whatever!!!!!! and yes sometimes mega vitamins can cause an adverse reaction...with me they made me feel as though I weighed about 1000 lbs. and totally lethargic...had to giv'em up. I could cook you great/healthy soups put through a seive to make it easy for you to get it down...jar 'em up and and have a weeks worth at a time...might be a bit boring to eat the same soup everyday tho...we'll figure something out... seriously though if you're that run down maybe you should go in for a little r&r and a drip of some kind...get some immediate nutrients into's alot easier to nip it in the bud...once you get too malnourished it takes more time to build back didn't anyone ever tell you that if you don't take care of yourself you won't be able to help anybody else...we want you here...cluck, cluck, cluck...that's right !! I can turn into a mother hen real fast here Steve and kick yr ass if you don't start taking better care of YOU...
and yes Dino had a store bought Harley... know dino sold that song "...come on people now smile on yr brother every body get together and love one another right now" to Frank Werber who owned the Trident for $200 outright and though it made millions he never did...maybe years down the pike they worked something out...
Steve, you asked me once if I was the one you called Quicksilver...I don't know but I was on the Fresh air album they did in Hawaii and my son was listed as "the page of revelee" in the credits so it could have been...

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 12 Dec 2002
Hey Steve....there is another nutritional drink called Resource Plus. I get it for my grandmother, who is 97 by the way. It has all of the vitamins and calories of Ensure but costs $27 for a case of 27. She says it evens tastes better. Go to a bigger drug store like Duane Reade they have it. Buy it by the case. That will leave you with more money to give away. Christmas is a very depressing holiday for many. It can never live up to its expectations. Hey you people have each other now....dont undervalue that

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 12 Dec 2002
No my name is Fran but it's a nice thought! Sometimes I was Leslie Salt. (And now I get really bugged because they put so much salt into cans of soup, go figure.)

Date: 12 Dec 2002
I hear ya' on the wife deal..a man who cant talk: maybe. A man who cant eat: NEVER! Ah nuts!!!

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I have a close friend that did the night shift at SF General in the stabbing and gunshot end of things, as a nurse. Plus has done all kinds of intense homecare and has a pretty good nutrition background. I have some thoughts as to what might work for you, but want to run past her first. I'm sorry to keep asking you to repeat yourself, but would you mind emailing me your details again about what's up with your head? Do you have a stove..a way to cook there? You're right about almost all soups..salty and MSG..hardly any are without it..but that's part of what I want to talk to her about. I'm still dealing with no chewing teeth, so I may be close to what your dealing with. Yes, you need a good care taker, at least to see you eat..forget the wife unless the Goddess favors you, cause she's in the mood. You know how ones expectation and reality don't always see eye to eye.
Get that info to me PDQ.

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Is it possible to OD on vitamins to the point that they get ya' down? Its as if I go into mild shock or something. But then again, all I have to do is turn my head just right, and I get this mild electrical buzz type of thing going and I start to pass out. I think that its the Vegas or Vargas nerve that almost got Ol' George the pretzel man. Anyway, Its a weird feeling. Not like passing out from lack of oxygen, but passing out as if they pulled the plug. Very nunmbing type of deal. Go figure?

Name: The Draftsman
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Hey Travis,...are you done mulling over the floor plan yet?

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Eileen, unless the NYC transit strike (dont know yet)..screws me up, I leave here on the 16th. of Dec and return on the 3rd of Jan. 2003. Why did I say I would go???...oh well. Shit, my hand still hurts from that spiked heeled nun. What a night. Hey, Iv'e been blending and drinking soup lately, but that shit seems to be pure sodium. Why dont they just call it what it is???..Salt Soup!!!

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Mark, I get alloted $120.00 wourth of Ensure per month via Medicaid or Medicare or somthing like that. At the corner I pick it up for $10.00 a six pack. The Pharmacy gouges the system at $13.00 per six pack. You guessed it, The Govt. takes the hit and I get shorted on the dose. Heres my jamb. I suck that stuff down pronto, because Im' half starved... then I have no bread to get stock up, as I give my money away to every clown who has shit in their pants. I even give some of these lard assed beggars my Ensure. Anyway, by chugging it the first week or so, I over amp on vitamins, the water solualbes I piss away..(very expensive urine)...but the heavier vitamins punch me out of shape to where I have no stamina at all. Then I starve the last few weeks of the month, as it takes two fuckin hours to wash down a fuckin' pancake. I got Buckley reading the fuckin' New York Times and I have to Tip the waitress triple because she gets no turn over on the table. Dig? Plus, it takes so much liquid to wash food down, I Ying out and slosh around. Sometimes I get so hungry that I just chew food for the flavor and spit it out because I cant chew it or swallow it. Its maddening. They said that I would never eat again and whould have to keep the stomach tube in for life. I played the tough guy a little to far on that one and regret it now. Im' ready to give up the hamster food, (buckwheat and goats milk)...Im' lost with out a wife. Im' an Idiot. My fuckin' teeth are so ...ah, fuck it. I got no one to blame but myself. I hate the thought of them punching that tube back through my stomach. Thanks for listening.

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Mark~That was a real treat. Thanks for finding that. You can sure see my taste in men in the 60's pictures. He was definitely yummy, but moving way to fast for me. He used to catch me on the go around. But kept a good eye on me till I couldn't handle all the changes, left and went back to Boulder to catch my breath and figure out what the f**k I had walked into and what I'd walked out of and how soon could I get back!
I don't know if he did the Harley thing and he did have an odd way of dressing (uniquely his own) sometimes..think it was his carney background. Nicole would know. Sounds possible.
Steve~You're worrying me not seeing a doctor about your "blow hole". Have you tried the vacuum cleaner? I'm I? Actually sounds like something collodial silver would help for you to take. That's long enough not to be dealing with that. Hey somebody over there, go get Steve please, and drag his ass to the doctor!
Really sorry about you feeling so alone. If I was there we'd at least be hanging out. I think Christmas is about the most miserable ass "celebration" we it's meant to make you feel bad. It has always been mildly to extremely unpleasant. About the best feeling I ever had was covetness and the gimmies. Let's see, I like the food IF THERE IS ANY. Really screwed up a perfectly good pagan holiday.
PUleese Steve give me your travel dates again. I can't find them we've been blabbing so much today. I want to put you on my calendar.

Name: Silent Steve Boyd
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Sponge, are officially off of my short list. Your stupid assed E-Mails will not be opened. ZAP!!!

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I don't know if this will work for you but here goes. I used to
recommend a nutritional drink, brand name is Ensure, for folks who had a
hard time getting food down. Easy to drink, and the 8 oz can has the basic
daily nutrional needs to get you by. Ensure Plus is for folks who need to
gain some weight. This goes back a few years when it was used in ICU's for
patients who were comatose. I am sure it's still around in some form in
Drug Stores. Longs out here on the West Coast carried it.

Name: Sexy Gypsy Stevo
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Hey Mark, I just checked out that site, Na,..the one I remember was a cheep Imitation. Christ Eileen,..Nicole...I had no Idea that you all were that heavy. Shit,..Im' outa my league. Speaking of leagues...I got so lonely last week that I checked out a dating web site, and after I entered my 4th or 5th profile, I realized what a split-personality I am. It must be that 12th House. Anyway, I get all of these E-Mails from local ladies who want to hook up, but I dont answer them because I dont know which "Mr. Right" they are wanting to meet. What the fuck was I thinking???And dating? Jesus Christ! I was married before I went out on a date. What is a Date anyway? I wanna know. Sponge, keep outa' this!

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Eric, thanks for that. Hey, did you inadvertently delete my last post to Steve a few minutes ago about nutritional supplements?

Name: Eric
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Expunged the sponge, again.

Date: 11 Dec 2002
IMAM, Sponge sent me a stupid Idiot ass and elbow test. Sponge said that you had flunked it. Is Sponge a liar or are you Sponge, just trying to distance yourself from yourself.??? I mean whats the point of Sponge telling a fib about you? Its to Juvinile to contemplate right now. I just returned from a Christmas Dinner (as Buckley's guest). It was uptown at Saint Barts on Park Ave and 51st. Its like the third time that Iv'e taken the subway in two years. I dont dig it. The first was with Buckely, Mr. Jimmy, a film crew and a drunken cheering section. The second time was with Miz Nancy. She insisted that we walk between cars while in motion. It was like a spy thriller. Man, those "Whiskie-Palians" know how to put that Ol' Time religion down. They had a full bar. Im' going to jump the fence. The Episcaple gals are two types: Svelt War Brides and Tutonic 6'-4" wedged heeled square hipped TV dinner tray balancing assed babes. The men are fair, soft skinned and angular. I couldnt eat as I just havent been the same since that lady poked her finger down my blow hole on Haloween. I think that her hand was covered with glitter, I dont know....I blew off my last rescheduled Dr.s Appointment on the 10th. Im wasting away. Shit, I never felt so alone as when they all sang Silent Night. Fuck it. Hey, this cat Dino,..was he like, stretch ski pants with silver concho belt and elaborate hand stitched cowboy boots which he wore on the OUTSIDE of his pants? And was he into Off-The-Showroom-Floor Harley Davidsons?. And did he HAVE-TO-HAVE the pretty girl to go with the bike? Real slick Link Wray type leather greaser? Wrong dude most likely. He was a straight cat. Hey folks,..check out those Episcapols.

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I wasn't a fan of Valenti but here is a site with some personal pictures you might enjoy if you haven't already.
Also here are some pics of a reunion of sorts this year at Sweetwater in Mill Valley.

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Charles? You want to make this easy? Got any more details besides you're here?

Name: charles
Date: 11 Dec 2002
nice but iam here

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: thinking of Dino
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I met Dino (Let's Get Together and Love One Another, was the only thing that actually got out there) on my first foray to Ca in uuhmm maybe '62. By that time the Van Damm sp? houseboat scene was over. Buddha was working at a sandle making hole in the wall in Sausalito. And Dino was jumping around from jail time. He was trying to teach Quicksilver how to freekin' sing and going to the LA clubs and motels to sell pot. 'Bout blew this Louisiana innocent,(spell daring but clueless) out of the water. Learned how to clean pot in a drawer..remember the seeds folks? You have no idea how fast that LA scene was and I was still adjusting to Boulder! Total culture shock, and then some!
He's the one that named me Sam. You remember all this I bet. I remember about Cat and you and the guys..curse their eyes. Eh hem. Some folks said Dino couldn't sing. Maybe his Roosterhood was as big as his rooster and he couldn't keep his feathers down and get along with many guys..but the man could SING! I do believe I got some of the best of him. He opened the door to all that would follow. I always held an especially warm place in my heart for him.
Saw him at the Rennisance Faire in Marin yrs down the line..oh my gosh in, you know, costume and tights and the man was..oh it was awful..fat and scarey and still so full of himself..he had NO business in those tights! I'm telling you he was NOT CUTE and someone went Oh MY God (probably me) and then I remembered (you know Steve like I told you how it goes with the past) he had pulled me in the door and taken care of me when I had lost my voice and only trusted friendly dogs (that's for real) and put me back together and then shown me what would be the flickerings of the beginnings of all that the 60's became. Had given me my it goes you know, nothing could deminish that time and who he was then.
I started looking for him on the internet last year, when thinking of him wondering where he was. I was sad to see he had died but there were no details. Brain cancer huh? Well, I'm sure glad I knew him.

Name: IMAM
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Steve - I have not taken or received any tests recently. No one has contacted me - will I be abducted? IMAM - Suspect

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Thats the spirit Mourningstar!...accessorize!..accessorize!!!

Name: morningstar
Date: 11 Dec 2002
i remember the day. i was wearing nothing. nothing at all except a baby at my breast.

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I said "ARE".. not "WERE"...but you knew that.

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Yeah I'm here...was that at his houseboat? You know the day I met Bob Shoop and Peter it was there at Gate 5 and at that time Cat was spending her days with Dino...she was 13 at the time...She's now grown up living in Santa Cruz with 2 beautiful daughters...her parents were the first houseboat anchored out in the bay Sausalito...Bob and Laurabell Hawbecker...anyway Dino has left us too. Brain tumor couple years ago...he had some great lyrics as I song in particular...."ALL AROUND THE CABIN, THERE'S A COLD WIND WINDIN, ALL AROUND THE BACK DOOR LEAVES ARE FALLIN AND EVERY OTHER NOW AND THEN I CAN HEAR SOMEBODY CALLIN...YES IT'S TIME" It doesn't read as well as it sings...very haunting melody. I have to say...I'm so glad to be back in touch with you...I truely am.

Name: still wonderin'
EmailAddress: really you can't be serious
Date: 11 Dec 2002
some of the players: Alligator Sam, the Heavy Metal Kids, Tweedlydum & Tweedlydee, th' Fat Lady of the Black Beauties, Byron & Shelley was there
along with Hoffman, Owsley & Bear. Rincon O'B & Junkathon. The Mysterious outerspace Twirler from Sproul Plaza. Oh, and Ronni the Roto-rooter Man.
But you knew that didn't you ? also Dusty & a sad little dog named Wobbly

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Nice talkin' with ya Eileen. Hmmmm....Final Score. At this point, I need a score card. Who are these players anyway?

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: and then and then
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Mmm, not sure about that time. I was pregnant with Ariel in June of '68, I think. That was a pretty nuts time for me. But I made all my clothes, remember? I would wake, stand there and go, what do I feel wearing like today, and then sit naked at my machine and make my clothes for the day.
BTW, I originally came to Ca with a dime in my pocket (in my jeans that were so tight I couldn't get to that dime) and brand new cowboy boots that about killed my feet.HEY, I was just coming in from Boulder too..but that was '64
They wore such a bloody mess on the top of my foot that didn't want to heal.. and I healed it on my first acid trip with Dino Valenti (Nicole you here on this trip?) in Sausalito, by pointing at it and directing the blood to it just by watching it. Then..opps I really HAVE to get away from this computer today. Later

Date: 11 Dec 2002
Nows Flash: fat Jake and Sundardas are stroaking each other on the FFOR discusion page. Last tally had F.J. down on that killin' floor.

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I won by not taking it. Naturally.

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I won by not taking it. Naturally.

Date: 11 Dec 2002

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Sponge, why do you torment me? What are you afraid of?

Name: Sherlock Boyd
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Sponge you fool. None of them are Ass or elbow. They are all the back of the leg at the knee joint. I know my ass' from my elbows. I just wanna know "Why" you chose to fuck with IMAM?...Is he you? Is you He?..why not tell me?..whats the point? Hey IMAM...did he/she/them or It really E-Mail you with the test? I wanna' know.

Name: Star Lite Steven
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Suppose to fly out on Dec. 16th and return on the 3rd of Jan. 2003. Security is tight so I must leave my blades and exploding tennis shoes at home. Actually, my boots are light these days and I only use a knife to cut the roll out plastic table cloths for the free food suppers. I only carry a vintage A.B.L 1952 Libert service knife with a marlon spike for utility puposes. Sweet Lorraine and I both nearly shipped out back in 73. We both tested in Miami. She dropped out at the last minute, so I didnt sign up. I didnt have the schooling for Silent Service (Submarines) but scored exceptionally high in other areas, but wasnt hep to being called a Bowson's mate. Ya think that that Canoe Club would have straightened me out?. I came that close to signing up. Scary aint it? Anyway, Im' catching up on the Nauticle tattoos now. Submarines...Ya! "Steel Boats and Iron Men"..."Bottom Gun". Ahoy!!! P.S. No computer down there. Its my folks winter home. Hope I get back before the war. You all better get a full dose of me while you can. Any Questions?? Oh,.."Why" dont count.

Date: 11 Dec 2002
Hey Eileen, on the mourning of the original Earth Day Celebration I was at the Boulder Universtity of Colorado festival. There was free food served by chubby girls who wore short skirts and no drawers. We eat with our eyes and the presentation was mouth watering. I listened to Satchadananda's rap and walked with the clan in the foothills. I was headed to Nor. Cal. via route 80 as opposed to my own beaten path. (Sixty-Six). I had what I wore, which was a cheap pair of pennys brown denims, a pair of sandels and a tee shirt. Were you in S.F. for the pow wow on the same day?. That was over 32 years ago. Think now......what were you wearing?

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Hey Sweetie feeling funny. When are you leaving and when are you coming back and will you have access to a computer or will we have to go cold turkey? The last time you left for a few days this board about dried up and blew away!

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I was five years old. My mom was crying and my dad was smiling. They waved through an oval window in a shinging door as I was wheeled down a waxed corridor on a gerney. I smiled and waved. I was free. On my own. I layed down on the table in the darkened room and the wonderful lady explained who I was going to wear a pilots face mask. The Idea was for me to exhale and then inhale real deep. After practicing, I blew out all of the air and breathed deep, started to gag, but exhaled again as instructed. Inhailed and was asked to count to ten. One.........I must have fell eight or nine stories straight into the purple velvet underground. The lights were soothing on the descent. I woke up in a nother room with blood on the pillow, no tonsils, and a head ache. I didnt want anyone seeing my ass. Hey Louie Anderson,...I hear ya.

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Hey Eileen, I am kinda "Special" aint I? Such a nice girl. I feel funny now. Hey Sponge, cover the babies eyes. P.S. lets get off of the dope talk. Those were terrible times with terrible people doing terribble things. See, it was so terribble that it even had two "B's". (Now thats Terrible!.) Wasnt it a horror?I took an odd shinny Easter Egg type pill in FLA that was speckled with multi colors. It was said to be Beledona. The shit dialated my eyes to the extent that I had one hell of a time stealing 300 lbs. of frozen Red Snapper and Shrimp. I carted it out of a restauraunt utilizing the same pillow case time and time again. On the last three passes the owners had arrived and I had to work around them. It was touch and go as I was half blinded. The following weekend, the Fly-In Wheels M.C. had their first annual fish fry. I was Mr. Popular. Ever hear of that speckled shit?...keep away from it. It drives a sane man to crime. (I also grabbed two oval mirrors and matching side tables). I was as strong as a horse.

EmailAddress: Ether Or.....
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Liquid Ether is essentially like ether gas except that you can control the deluge of unconsciouness to a finer degree and hang there for a while - much like huffing on a kleenex laced with liquid amyl - until you pass out that is........

Name: Steve UAW
Date: 11 Dec 2002
That proposed NYC metro strike will most likely fuck up my plans to use the system (first time since Ive' been here) to get to the Air Port. That coupled with the fact that I most likely wont get back from FLA. until after the war starts,...ah fuck it. STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE!

Name: Steve Brautigan
Date: 11 Dec 2002
My case in point. P.S. Are you Super Human?? I ah...feel kinda bad now....

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
City???...I Am A City. Try a Volvo. Diesel hand pumped from 50 gallon drums is no big shakes. Loose yer can opener?...slaughter a hog. Hey, I just got a wonderful feeling of calm and peace sitting in the sanctuary listening to Paul Knopfs Jazz take offs on some traditional Christmas Carols. He's the original 50's "Out Cat". I flipped him out not long ago by pulling two of his record albums out of whats left of my jazz collection. I layed em' on him. He told me that a DJ was hot for them. Cool. I plan on spending more time in solitude in the sanctuary now that the new boiler is up. Shit, Im' the only one in the bldg. that the lack on no heat didnt pussify. Pull the plug and you find out whos who. Hey, our Rev. made the local TV news. Its a wonder. Eileen, as you looked at the wall, the stove was ...ya, you are right about the sink. Hey, on a party night, it wasnt hard to get up close and personal in that kitchen. Hey Travis, where did you bunk?...or were you a day tripper?

Name: cobalt blue
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Yeah, hmmnh hmmnh hmmnh, back again today, le's see -- oh yeah, drogs.
Mebbe old Huxley was on the right track with "The Doors of Perception." What I seem to recollect is our voyages were not strictly about kicks (tho that happened too, anyone familiar with ether in the liquid form ?) But the real shit could crack the mold of indoctrinated consciousness, show the world from a whole new angle. A test drive of the nervous system with th' cruise control OFF. Check out Wm. Burroughs, "words are a virus." It was truly a Brave New World. Almost invisible at present. But could be like the compost in the soil
from which strange new growth may sprout. And I am waiting for a new rebirth of Wonder // --Ferlinghetti

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: PS
Date: 11 Dec 2002
For those of you not on Coyote's mailing list, thought this is worth (and is short enough) passing along. For anyone not on his mailing list for his gathered politial info, I will give his address again.
This was just sent to me by my daughter. It's an interesting test and
should absolutely terminate self-righteousness..
I've just calculated my Ecological Footprint on Earth Day's website
( I thought you might be interested.
The Ecological Footprint estimates how much land and water people need
to support what they use and absorb what they discard. The Footprint
Quiz figures out your footprint, and then lets you compare it to what
other people use and to what is available on this planet.
Check it out!

Name: Out of Names
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I agree that the experience changed over repeated use - and I too believe that during the daze we did have a co-emergent wisdom thing happening - and all retro-blasted by the near daily usage/abusage of psychedelics (and then came the dark times) on a global scale. But I think at some point the acid changed as well. Don't get me wrong I know perfectly well (as do many of us) where to get some honestly measured clear liquid if I wanted it bad enough - but that is hardly off the street 2002 product. Acid isn't really a 'bathtub project' done in a motel room unlike the cranksters who regularly blow themselves up driving around in U-Haul vans. Now - I must begin the rest of my day - Nice to chat with you all - Am I getting a contact high here????

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Jeeze, a bunch of early birds here. What a treat to start my morning with you all gabbing it up! Let me catch up here. Steve, the sink was to the left and you are right about the stove placement,I had forgotten..guess you can see where I spent most of my time. I also had forgotten about how the kitchen ceiling slanted. All in all, you get an "A". Travis? And oh Travis, don't take Steve's little pokes so seriously. If he wants to compare his piece to your verbosity, I would consider it a back handed compliment (he can't help it he's a little "special" Ha). I was missing your posts and if that what it takes to draw you out, I'll take it. Come on my man come play with us some more. And while you're at it, I'm still trying to figure out who YOU are.
As far as acid goes, I would like to add my 2 cents here, (agreeing with everyone). Did anyone notice ,even though the quality of acid didn't change, the high least for me. I have this theory we were plugged into the mass (consciousness) high. As more people got side tracked with other less enlightening drugs we lost the connect that brought it to such a hugely spiritual experience, and there was more of a flatening experience. Well, maybe that's just me. But I think there was a period there where we were all tripping together. In that same manner I think Nicole is right about effecting the change (in our gov't's awarenss) we want, not only on an action level, but at the level of mass consciousness. A shift of awareness at a deeper level. Heck who knows maybe they make wake up one morning and go, WHAT AM I DOING! One can wish.
Steve living in the boonies where rain storms regularly knock out our power..try pumping gas when the eletricity is down. Or when the roads wash out and the food trucks can't get through for several days and the shelves start running out of stock. It must be the same in snow counrtry. It all depends on where you live. You've been in the city too long.
Hammond, I look forward to reading you piece later. I'm not even supposed to be sitting here right now. Got to chant and then write my current landlords about the (huge amount of) money I have put into this place. Augh, the thoughts in the night!

Name: and then.....
Date: 11 Dec 2002
LSD is DSL spelled backwards - order your software today!

Date: 11 Dec 2002
LSD is a tasteless, odorless other-worldly experience last somewhere between eight hours and a lifetime.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Mark - Working from the ground up - Heroin to LSD eh? Guess the original studies done in prisons on junkies and alcoholics should not have been stopped afterall. - Speaking of acid - when I read about the rave goers intake - acid is (of course) included. I may have been off of this set for some time now - having taken many of my trips when it was still legal to have Sandoz - but is it really acid they are taking? Some more indepth reports I have read indicate (after testing the stuff) that what is being called "LSD" is in fact a random mix of things - Ketamine with Extasy - or mushroom extracts or whatever but very little LSD. I don't know about the rest of you 'seasoned hands' - but if I was tripping on say 500mics of the real deal - having already smoked a joint or three - I don't think I would be able to hang out in a rave wondering if I should try the Ketamine and E as well - DMT blasts aside. I don't read any reports about ravers "jumping out of windows" or "staring at the sun for 8 hours" - do you? - Just rambling along - but nonetheless (and bless everyone last one of us here and no longer here) Those were the daze my friends - were they not? - H.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Low turn out for free food today. The icey rain has seperated the losers from the lost. The home town bums are all laid up. The true men of the street are here with me. WSUMC did a demographic study based on our 10012 zip code. Its VERY middle american. 70% white 20% Oriental and 10% black and hispanic. Of cource its a resident thing which doesnt take into account the thousands of NYU kids and a whole army of homeless, a full squad of crack dealers and a roving tribe of addicts who hang sit and lay on anything that is horizontal. Like I said; Statistics dont often lie; but Liars often use statistics. Shit we couldnt get the homeless to register to vote due to their fear of the Government. They chose to be untraceble, unacountable, uncontrollable, and irrisponsible in there own city. Hip-Hip-Hoorhay.

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
I hear ya Mark, the Feds bust there competition. The motto of every dead junkie that I ever knew was "I can handle it" Well folks, on that note; "I Cant!". The booze still scares the hell out of me. I only score top shelf and kid myself about "Quality not Quantity",...but I kill a bottle in no time at all...its a real time warp. Go figure? And by the way, advertizing doesnt prompt me to buy the stuff. There is a definate connection that I try to recapture while putting my frontal lobes to sleep. Death? The hangover Re-Birth? To each his own. Im' so disgusted with myself that Im' going back to Gin. Cheers. P.S. Booze??? What am I thinking???

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: some where in the deep pine wood
Date: 11 Dec 2002
excerpt on words/talk THE CROCK OF GOLD
If you are in any trouble tell it to me, and perhaps you will talk the heaviest part away."
"I will sit beside you willingly," said the girl, and she did so.
"It is good to talk trouble over," he continued. "Do you know that talk is a real thing? There is more power in speech than many people conceive. Thoughts come from God, they are born through the marriage of the head and the lungs. The head moulds the thought into the form of words, then it is borne and sounded on the air which has been already in the secret kingdoms of the body, which goes in bearing life and come out freighted with wisdom. For this reason a lie is very terrible, because it is turning mighty and incomprehensible things to base uses, and is burdening the life-giving element with a foul return for its goodness; but those who speak the truth and whose words are the symbols of wisdom and beauty, these purify the whole world and daunt contagion. The only trouble the body can know is disease. All other miseries come from the brain, and, as these belong to thought, they can be driven out by their master as unruly and unpleasant vagabonds; for a mental trouble should be spoken to, confronted, reprimanded and so dismissed. The brain cannot afford to harbour any but pleasant and eager citizens who will do their part in making laughter and holiness for the world, for that is the duty of thought."
I love this peice...and the link below is the chapter the excerpt is's worth a read

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Your remarks on drug abuse and use are thoughtful. When I came to drugs it was not in the psychedelic frame but to heroin in the more seedy area of San Jose. Soon after though a junkie truck driver came into possession of a large amount of very "legitimate" LSD and became the dispenser/leader of many consciousness expansion ceremonies. We who were given the priviledge of participation in this treated it very seriously. I am grateful to him for the opportunity he provided for me and the experience changed my life forever. He continued to dispense the drug judiciously under clearly defined circumstances for decades. It was never for sale.
The governments lawmakers making LSD against the law only spurred on an already suspicious youth looking for and finding clues for other "legal" sacraments in other cultures. This also meant to many that if the government made LSD illegal then all the other drugs on that list must have some potentials for the human experience as well. The door was flung open and the search was on. This was of course part and parcel to kicking out the doors of the post-WWII repressive culture. This was done with vengance. I think many of us forget how fucking pissed we were then.
Looking back, I can't remember losing a friend or an aquaintance to LSD or any of the psychedelics. Most of the stranger experiments with things like bella donna were by their effects and side effects one night stands. When the harder drugs like crink and smack flooded the culture the lifestyle came with it, violence and deceit of the drug dealer role, addictions that drove out the innocence of the search and replaced it with despair. Even in that change the friends I lost, primarily to heroin, I must admit were victims of their own fates. Destiny seemed to be part of their equation many times.
In the end, alcohol and cultural drinking ritualism claimed far more of my ex-junkie, speed freak, pot-smoking friends. This to me is the most tragic testament to the destructive parts of our culture. To go through all that we did and fall in the end to the legal drug of established dealers of the culture we tried so hard to change fills me with sadness. I still can't believe that the loved ones that tripped through the most open and exciting times with me were ground down to this humiliating end. Government sponsored drug addiction through huge corporate dealers remains a corrosive threat to our society. I invite anyone to spend 24 hours at a hospital emergency room and tally the tragedies that appear carrying the baggage of alcohol abuse. It is shameful.
Okay, the soapbox is put away. Maybe I should have done my morning workout before taking off on this. I must really begin the day.

Name: Stainless Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
You tell em' Nik. "Death is the best part of the trip..thats why the Gods save it for last". Hey, these super humans are such a gas. being mildly retarded myself seems to put me at a particular advantage to the man on the street. These souls feel the connection. They tease and ride my ass alot. Hell, Ive been often mistaken as super human by the free gimmy-gimmy handout croud. What with my odd shaped head and no ability to speak,...Im' a shoe in. I might check into working more closely and more often with the Super humans. There is a S.H. care facility right next door. Often the guests will stand on the porch and scream for hours. Its a therapy thing I guess. Ive seen their care givers hanging out and smoking. I dont think that their zoo keeper mentality is where its at. I may check into coordinating their crew into the WSUMC charity bag. Hey, the New York Times gave a very muddy "Nation Wide " report on the Anti-War Peace arrests that came down yesterday. If they refuse to accuratly report on whats comming down in NYC, why call it the NY Times? How about the Ohio Times? Think about it.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Spelling errors and all - CounterPunch picked up my poem for Philip which can be read (again) here - = nice of them to reprint it.
Ohio Girl - Hey now - I used to have a girlfriend who picked out the little black belladona beads from Contact - your name isn't Vickie is it? We would have tried to squeeze psychedelics out of a turnip it seems as our legacy in this regard isn't one to shout about in this day and age of instant addictions and purely escapist highs. Yet as Mark - IMAM and others here can testify (yes me too) - we were brave - we were stupid - we were curious and intrepid in our search for the next dimension within this dimension. Yet in the end - it all spells trouble for the youth of today largely because the drugs of today are so instantly destructive - and few users are taking responsibility for their habits. The difference is use vs. abuse = the thin red line between expansion and exasperation. Now look whos going on a ramble........... As Leary once said to Nancy Regan - "The 60s generation is too polite to Just Say No!
we just say - "No Thank You" - Does this mean anything? Bye - H.

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Dec 2002
WOW that was fun...and more on words...In THE CROCK OF GOLD, the book by James Stephens, my favorite passage speaks about the fact that words are formed when you breathe in and cause oxygen(life force) to circulate around your heart and give that stuff of life to your blood which in turn circulates it throughout your body and brain so that you can articulate your thoughts and feelings by breating out and forming words...and because you are able to do this with that very oxygen, one should never desicrate that holy air by uttering a mean word or a lie. Paraphrased of course...I'll see if I can find it and post the actual really reminded me of that higher way of thinking and conducting myself...I get so routine in my day that I allow myself to forget about the magic and I believe that we can change things with that same magic...we can create as powerful a jaugernaut as GW and his gang the opposite direction...
as to the question about acid opening did...and I have no regrets about experience with the other darker side of drugs...well again here I am...but so many people left us early...but who's to say that's bad? it's just different...unknown...ying and yang...I have come to understand that time is a serious component of "enlightenment" and a quick flash acid trip ain'a gonna do it. not to say that spectacular realizations can't happen that help one get to a point of clearer understanding of your world...
epiphanies etc...many parts to make the who on a spiritual level as well as physical...another story I like is THE BRAHMIN by Voltaire where the main Brahmin and is conflicted because he knows everyone looks to him for guidance and he really knows that he actually knows nothing...and when he confides in a friend about his dilema he(the friend) presents him with a choice to consider...would he prefer to be a happy simpleton like the old woman down the lane...(who by the way, he asked the same question which she couldn't even comprehend) so that he was no longer conflicted...or retain his knowledge...he chose the latter...I think I like being the simpleton...WWR, Nik

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Whooohh..the Super Human Crew has arrived. See ya later.

Name: Steve Boyd
Date: 11 Dec 2002
You stand in the kitchen door, full wall to the left. the ceiling cuts 3/4 the width of the room then pitches at an angle to rest on the two foot short wall to the right. This is where the doors to the larder are. Grains and communal food stuffs. The sink cupboard and stove are to the right. It hels d the first wok that I had ever seen. Coyote & Co.'s bed room door was a straight shot from the kitchen door. The table was to the right of their door, and a short run of bead board wall ran from the left which is where Moose and the gange would hang their colors, I wrote a poem about those cut-offs hanging there). That wall ended at the main room door, yet kicked back on the other side enough to fit my matteress which was keyed up against it and Coyote's wall. There was foot space at the end of my bed along the wall which held two windows, the one nearest my island was broken and had a rag stuffed in it. Between the two windows ran a low home made table which ended even with the edge of the kitchen door. This gave a clear run way to the square cubby which held an open air closet nook which was directly across from the bathroom door. The wall to the left as you entered from the kitchen held the old upright parlor piano between two high set small windows. The sawed off stage coach scatter gun was always leaning in the left hand courner. The short couch ran along the wall that divided the kitchen and the front room. The bulitins, hand bills and flyers were posted there. The loft bed was cantelevered off of Coyote's wall above my matress and several feet beyond the edge of the inset wall. The room was lite during the evening supper with a lone oil lamp. There was two half cut lengthwise timber logs as low seating at the table. The front door was in the courner to the right of the piano. The screen door was still "wounded" from where Coyote had shot-gunned it. All in all, it was one happy home mister. Bring back memories?

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: path rove
Date: 11 Dec 2002
.......OOps, I forgot something--where is the floor plan of the house at Olema?.....T

Name: Steve
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Again with the "WHY"????? Please refer to my Steve Brautigan entry of Dec.10th. "WHY"?????....

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: home plate
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Steve, why are you so antagonistic?..............T

Name: The Clothes Horse
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Getting busted washing my nuts in the bathroom sink during the daily McDonalds napkin, salt and suger run was the only counter-culture glitch that I ran up against,....but then again,.."Earl" or someone got the bad rep.

Name: Electric Larry
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Hows this? Why refridgerat food? By it daily. Why stuff yer cupboards and 'Store" food. (thats what a store is for,..get it?) The shit-hoarder mentality has gotten folks out on a limb. They buy 4oo lbs of chicken to freeze at a savings of 22cents per pound and then eat up three times that cost in electricity to "Keep" it. The consept of daily shopping would expedit the lines and make the 10 items or less line a thing of the past. Cars? Hell, I used to run on empty all the time, sure, ya have to fuck with fuel filters due to the sludge but hey, my milage was improved by having no payload. Fuel is heavy and it evaporates,..why store it? The Gas Stations do. Clothing? consider the price of yer duds and go figure how much you stend in their lifetime "Cleaning" them. I must admit that me and Ol' Dell used to hit the sally and by 45 cent shirts on special, and one dollar pants. His budget of course was some what crouded by the fact that he wore socks and underwear. But anyway, heres the thing, we were working temp jobs, and when we got funky we would buy a clean set, change on premises, and drop our crusty get ups in the donation box. Every few months it was, wow, "I remember that shirt". We were forever wearing old uniform shirts with someone elses nametag sewn on. I remember being Earl once. Anyway, we got along so-so for two years without any modern conveniences,..of course the life style repelled women,..which at the time was a pluss. Think about it.

Name: Michigan Man
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Hey Ohio Girl, we used to do that with Darvon. hey Sean,...N.C? Hell, thems mostly eighth generation Scotch-Irish and had their grills inside already. Must a' been new commers that got exfixiated. Sweet Lorraine was forever trying to get me to relocate to N.C. (she was born down there) I think that she figured that living in the hurrican capital of the world would maybe distract from our turbulent domestic life,..You know,...take the edge off. Well, I never did set up camp down there. I made the descission not to after hearing a radio report where an N.C. fella (who was naturally "Gonna Re-Build"), said: "ya can read about somethin' like kiss' ina' newspaper,..awr' watch it ona' lectric' television, but till ya been thew it, ya' jes' caint Imagine It"....OK, that was enough for me. (they say everyone has a twin, I figure two Steve Boyds in one state is two-to-many). "Lectric television",..I hear that. Anyway, No juice?...Try pullin' the plug through at least two winters and then call me. (I been "Thew" it.)

Name: Sean
Date: 11 Dec 2002
i must say this is the most comprehensive digging site ive seen in a while. ive been in those mines back in my day and let me tell you it aint no walk in the park.

Name: cobalt blue
EmailAddress: {deleted}
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Devastating ice storm here in NC last week. Hundreds of thousands of households
without electric power, some still not back online yesterday. (Too big a job
to get done quickly.) Some sickened or killed by makeshift heating efforts ...
not a good idea to bring the ol' charcoal grill INSIDE the house. So what's the
point? Just that the 'thin veneer of civilization' can peel back pretty quick.
It's still about survival. Whether you live in city or countryside you can still make decisions tending toward greater self-sufficiency. Wish I'd see
a tremendous boom in solar electric and hot water, in the rebirth of the Victory
Garden, in knowing & cooperating with neighboring folk. The Man is not going to be there to do it for you. Refer to Emerson's "Self-Reliance" for a more eloquent exposition. Any thoughts on this subject, Gentle Reader?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 11 Dec 2002
Truly there's not many in daily life to "reminisce" with. Remember taking the "tiny time pills" out of Contac cold capsules and crushing them up to get stoned because Contac contained Belladona? Having said that I hope you all STILL keep good thoughts for Ohio, I appreciated reading those & the humor. As a Mom of teenagers, I had been clean & sober many years and I was quite intolerant of my kids' drug and alcohol experimentations, not that pot or good acid would particularly hurt them, but the awful dangers of getting into the custody of the Law, the awful dangers of homemade highs and cheap drugs adulterated with poisons, car wrecks etc. Once I slipped up (or not??) and took one of my kids and 2 of his friends to a Grateful Dead show. My kid didn't especially like their music but liked the idea of the show. Evidently I didn't impress them with my idea that you can enjoy the show EVEN MORE if you are straight and really taking it in, because when I asked my kid how he liked the music, they all 3 looked at me with these huge eyes and he said "It's so great, I love it, it's so amazing............." Oops! We do the best we can as kids turned out better than me in any case. Once back in the day I shot up 2 hits of STP which was supposed to cure me from hard drugs, what a bad karma idea to shoot something up to cure shooting up, it took years and years to shake off the lingering influence and warped worldview from that experience, you might well ask why I'm still around. But eventually I learned from that experience. And here I am. With a good thought for you all, and that your journeys through daily workaday life are going OK, and that Eileen finds a really good place to call home. Peace

Name: Silent Steve Boyd
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Goin to bed..(well,..floor)...must coordinate with the Super Human crew in the AM in order to pull off the Beggar's Banquet. I wont take no for an answer. Speeking of answers...hows my E.S.P. ??? right on? Talk to you all tommarow.

Name: just a kid ya used to know
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Hey, fuck the Jungle, we got a people problem here. Hey Eileen, I could swing that crazy tree money your way. Its not like someones gonna chop you down with a saw, but it may feel that way to you.... hear what Im' sayin'?. Hell if I can move a bed, I can move a person. Nicole, we can get that thing to your place the best way we can. Planet Dumb, save a tree?...hell, pull Yul Gibbon's teeth. As far as that Theatre Group, fuck, this is theatre! Hey Eileen, E-Mail me that PO Box Number again. This is a red alert. I give; you get. Simple aint it? No questions no answers. Dont complain and dont explain. Show these youngens where its at. Grandmas in a jamb, ya got that kids? Times a wastin!. Heres a mantra: O-L-E-M-A.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: silent steve
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Hey Eileen, I was gonna say that for me its Kodiak Island, Calais or Hollyweird. But LA is out as I dont want the old gang seeing me like this. I want them to remember me as I was. So its between two. Shit, we could blend in working in a cannery. You like fish right? Hell, Im an ol' shop rat from way back. I miss 3rd shift. (check this out folks, Ive got Eileen wearin a peasant scrf, slaving in a cannery)...Some where my love....(Think Dr. Zhivago!!)...Eileen's theme, ya, Eileen's theme...

Name: Steve
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Ol' Curious sent me his regards and is this the way that I repay him??? You bet yer ass it is!

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Eileen, the first part of the last post by me is for you about our scheduled meet up.

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Hey, the weather, Holiday business and Planet Drum affairs are working against my trip to Mendo this weekend. I need to plan to do it when life isn't so busy.
A finer mixing of Travis and M.C. Escher has never been kaleidoscoped.

Name: The Word Thief
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Hey, we keep getting criss-crossed. Here, I will answer the question before you ask it. ...Ah,....come on!, its got to be a yes or no question. Wow!, you are way ahead of me! (she's that good folks!)

Name: Steve
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Hey Eileen, I delved into the Astrology thing a little deeper. It seems that there are many "Empty" houses on my chart and the Twelfth house is packed. So far, all I can seem to accumulate is an old military tote bag big enough to hold my shaving kit. I have 2 pairs of over sized cotton painters pants and 1 pair of wool trousers. I picked up an extra pair of socks somewhere and with the Buddist Monk socks, that makes 2 pair. The Idea of 2 sets of clothes makes sense as I can wear 1 while laundering the other. I dont know where Im going with this...but..Ah...Hey, what is this shit? Im' discussing wardrobe while Priests are getting busted and Tibetans are getting executed,...New York doesnt suck!...I Do!...that is Joe and I do. (he more or less agrred, right?)...Hey, I got a traditional Pirate Girl Tattoo on the inside of my forarm last week. Shes wreathed in flowers and rope. I plan on getting a matching Sailor Girl on the other. (that one will cover up the bald Ul Brenner type thats been starring at me all these years)...he's faded out with time, and thats a sign in itself. OK, we got Zodiacs, tote bags, duds, social injustice,...the State of NY affairs,...body art...did I miss anything? Oh ya,, I wasnt there, and I dont think that I met either one of them,..or they didnt meet me rather. (what was I thinking)..."Its all about me, aint it!. Later Sweety.

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Ha! No, not the question. The shit you laid down. If anyone should understand about words it is you! I love your words and the way when you're on a roll you make them work for you. I struggle for words most of the time and you create a dance of who you are with them..a jig, a cha cha, slam dancing ha!..I ain't seen a tango yet, but I know it's in there. A word dancer. You what you described, is truly the heart of words at it's best.

Name: Ste.......
EmailAddress: silentste.........
Date: 10 Dec 2002
read what again?...the shit that I laid down? Or his question?...

Name: Ste.......
EmailAddress: silentste.........
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Hey...what do I know?.....

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: got it
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Read it again. Really, that was beautiful.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: huh?
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Wow Steve that was great! I didn't understand a thing you said, but it sounded pretty damn impressive. How about this? Have you ever tried looking at someone or something you thought was really special or even kind of magical. That by somehow trying to see deeper, all you ended up with were pieces? Sort of like taking a butterfly apart to see it.
I think that was actually an interesting question about Emmett and Richard. But you had to be there. As it is, Richard was one that could not be picked apart..I guess not even by Richard.

Name: Steve Hemmingway
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Hey, that was my best "Travis Type" answer to date. But really Sponge, the stupid fuckin' E-Mail where you tried to come off like two different people. Real Cute. But hey, finaly asked "Why". Thats an improvement. New Years resolution? about forget it.

Name: S.B.
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Ah...make that "Your 'WHY' equals What do you mean by that".....

Name: Steve Brautigan
Date: 10 Dec 2002
I will handle this one folks....Sponge?..oh Sponge??...Why??? Look,... drop some acid,... wait a good hour and then read the following: Are ya pukish yet?...OK, here goes: Words are living organisms, not labels stuck to objects. Got that? Ya fuck head? They are at home in the cosmos of the spirit, not in a chance assembly of 'atoms of perception'. Each of them has a range of its own, and once struck, opens up numberless trains of thought. The greater the number of associations into which the word enters, the greater its value in a piece of writting. This must come to you as a big fucking surprise, as the sharpest weapon that you have is the question: "WHY?" Look Sponge, I dont know who the fuck dedicated What to Who, but hear me out on this. Your "WHO" equals "What Do You Mean By That?" in my book. It is a double-edged weapon: useful in combating vagueness, it yet may defeat language itself if it will not rest until the fucking linguistic emptiness of mathematical precision is reached. Applied exclussively it destroys all the indefinable and imponderable agreements upon which any cultured community is based; and, indeed, much of modern philosophizing is merely the intellectual symptom of the loss of spiritual community. (Hows that acid?)...I cant put words into that cat's mouth, but I feel that his stock answer to "Why", would be...I mean what I say; yet what I say means the opposite of what you understand it to mean. Therefore I mean what I say and its opposite. Nevertheless, I mean something more exact than your sence of exactitude is likely to grasp. (ya dumb fuck)..For the world of the word is round, and language is Delphi. ....But you knew that.

Date: 10 Dec 2002

Name: Saint Steven
Date: 10 Dec 2002
hey, things are starting to tighten up. The Reverend of Washington Square Peace Church got busted, cuffed and locked down today. I fuckin' slept in all day and missed it. I just found out at the Trustees Meeting. Hey, Joe. Sorry to dis yer' town, but I wasnt creating the word, I was just passing it along. As far as Im' concerned we are all flies on the same turd here in Manhattan. Speaking of which...Manhattan IS NYC. The other Bouroughs are just Latin America. Anyway, the Rev. was scooped up with about 60 other Pasters and Religious Leaders in what had to be the most orderly appeal for Peace in history. The Pigs (havent heard that on in ages have ya?) couldnt get em' fer trespassing, so they booked em' fer "Disorderly Conduct". Shit. And NYC dont suck????

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 10 Dec 2002
But you knew that

Name: Steve
Date: 10 Dec 2002
OK folks...I take it back. New York City does not suck.....Joe Sucks.

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Steve: to the New York City sucks comment....Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Some of those stories of the effects of all those drugs taken were kind of scary. I found the what were we thinking comments thought provoking. Wha were you thinking? Do you now feel that taking drugs, such as LSD, does not lead to any form of enlightenment? That was the belief back then anyway. It was a little before my time. By the time I grew up cocaine was the big thing. Then crack. The sound of gunfire was very common in parts of the city back in those days...along with broken glass in the street from cars being broken into for radios.

Name: RaRa
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Dear Doc,
Each year my new year's resolution is to watch more sunsets. course, i live on an island. I try to make resolutions that are a joy to keep. I'm not into guilt or remorse.
One year it was to teach my kid yoga and it never happened that year, so now i resolve to experience divine art. amazing how infrequently i really watch the sunset from start to finish. oh, and the teen did learn yoga and loves it.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 10 Dec 2002
hi all - i need a new years resoloution any suggestions anyone

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: the Dreamers
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Yes Nicole, I still have my workshop as well. A yurt with an open hole in the center to the sky. A low fire in the center of the dirt floor, with rocks around it. One side has an extension of a green house with healing herbs. A massage table is in there too..for me. My guide, an old Indian woman with Red Tailed hawk feathers hanging from her white hide dress. She takes care of me, smudges me before and after a reading. She let's me know what I am up for and let's me know if the work has been good and clears me. Like you, I think my yurt will come. Who knows, maybe with this move I will need one. I miss living in the woods and am tired of the comlications of town living. But I am not making this move light weight and we need much more than roughing it these days.
I all but lost my dreaming when I was taking care of Bob. After he died I entirely lost them. I have some idea why that happened. I am just beginning to remember my dreams again, after too many yrs. I miss them very much. It is such a help when one receives such clear messages, such as yours. I am hoping a dream will come that will direct me as well, on this quest for a new home. Much can happen with just a shift in awareness. But I have a sense we are on an adventure, that will open up our lives and freshen us.
Thank you for shining on me here.

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Very nice images to ponder. While reading your description I can't help thinking of the main house at Black Bear when I visited last. Minus the Viking guy though. Plenty of junk cars and trash. I purposely wander into that reality when stressed to get some peace and don't return to the same place each time but often let the trip reveal itself. Kind of like exploring a quiet terrain. Mine has been influenced by growing up in the Santa Cruz mountains on an old family homestead that dated back to the 1850's. We were quite a distance from other families so I spent most of the first 8 years worth of play time wandering in the Redwoods, Oaks and Madrones alone entertaining fantasies and creating adventures. Thanks for reminding me to remember.

Name: No Name
EmailAddress: No Email
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Nicole - that was lovely prose - thanks for sharing your heart. We have all traveled such paths of light and dark and then light again - holding fast to the center as best we can.

Date: 10 Dec 2002
Eileen, I don't know if you remember my speaking about my healing garden I created during our Jose Silva era, but over the years I have built a house is perfect and I know one day I will find it and live in it...small, comfortable, simple...on a body of water...there is always a fog on the far side so I don't know if it's a river or a helper was and still is an 11th century viking who always has his back to me as he stands just in the water working on his long boat with a wood thirty years he has never spoken...when I ask him a question he simple turns his head and gives me a look that says,"You already know the answer" seems that's his sole purpose...except for popping up in a fantasy now and again...I can't help it...he's a Viking...6'4' with long blond hair...opps I digress...I meant to speak on the visualization of the home...when I was trying to kick my final dope habit i had an epiphany about a house...It went like this...I'm walking down a road and I see a's totally trashed...junked cars in the yard, broken windows, trash everywhere... and I think wow what a cute place but way too fucked up and I continue on my way... this happens a number of times...I keep thinking it's just too much work for me...then I'm walking with a friend who suggests I get help and just start cleaning it up as best I could...first get rid of the cars, clear out the basement......if a job is too big for me, a leak in the roof for instance, I get professional help...and it doesn't mean in 6 months from now it will be ready and I can move, it's the work itself that is actually's the "doing" and then preventitive maintinance from then on...that will keep my "house" together...and my cottage is definately in my heart with my healing garden...when I can't sleep or I'm on the train going to work, I go there and plant and prune and rearrange and do fact the other day I added an out door shower and an old fashioned wringer washing machine with a cupboard that opens both inside the house and to the outside as well for towels...alright...I'm rambling...things do absolutely happen for a reason and I trust you will find your home...wwr, Nicole

Name: outrageous
EmailAddress: freedom from terror
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Friends, the following is a letter to the editor i wrote following an outrageous ruling by a judge here.
Dec. 5, 2002
I was shocked to learn that Joseph Daniel Perreira received Probation from Judge Joseph Cordoza for threatening his wife with a semi-automatic pistol. Perreira had REPEATEDLY violated an Order of Protection from Family Court and had violated bail conditions.
An Order of Protection is issued when there is evidence of repeated abuse to a family member.
Judge Cordoza said he took into account that Perriera was stressed out because his wife told him she was getting a divorce. Reminds me of the old days when Italian courts let murderers off because it was a "Crime of Passion."
As a former victim of domestic abuse, I know the terror of being threatened and battered. I assure you that domestic abuse is extremely stressful, and the terror you feel stays embedded within you forever. Women in abusive relationships are constantly threatened with death by abusive partners if they consider a divorce. Judge Cordoza has demonstrated that it is clearly "ok" to threaten a woman with death because the poor guy was stressed at learning his wife wanted out of an abusive marriage
I am distraught and STRESSED that threatening a woman's life is not deemed a cause for jail time, especially considering Perreira had abused his wife repeatedly.
We need ZERO tolerance for domestic abuse and terroristic threatening.

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Nicole~Can't see myself taking that big a leap. It's got to be so beautiful there! No, I'm inclined to stay out this way and look between the coast and 101. But Miranda and I both have been wanting to get a little further from the coast than a 3 min drive away. We've about had it with the 12 months of damp (OK wet) and foggy chill of summer. We're both gardners and a place that can't grow tomatoes, we've found less than satisfying. But you never know where we'll end up once we get in gear. We visioned this place when we were living in Albq, so we will put our heads together again and see what we can stir up. It's the way I used to let the cloth tell me what to do when I was designing. We will start looking and let the land tell us where home is. But I have not been feeling well this wk and right now none of this sounds like fun..I'll get there.

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Hi Everyone - Just stopped in for my dose of Digger - Welcome Back Steve! - and to wish you all well and warm for the season ahead. So glad to see the dialogue active and varied. Portland is finally getting some rain - post-global weirdness. A little snow and ice would be wonderful - but unlikely. Hard winters in Oregon are really a thing of the past it seems. - Merry Merry - and Happiest of Happys to one and all and asever Eric, thank you for your hard work and devotion.

Name: IMAM
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Mark - "strychnine shivering" is the worst - even Angel Dust was kinder on the body-spirit-mind.

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Eileen, ever consider coming east again? Upstate is gorgeous...Bobby (my brother) has a beautiful fly fishing camp on the Delaware River on the PA/NY border further up than Turkey could come for a visit anyway in the spring...crocus'll be poking through the snow about April...
Mark I agree with you about Steve...he had me laughing out loud to myself this morning with the "name police"

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: time for the banana boxes
Date: 10 Dec 2002
Huum~Looks like I will have to move from my house by this April. This is no longer a choice. Good thing I've got my bus. It seems it has become a moving van. Oddly from out of left field got a random email tonight right after this was made clear, with no message but the subject..Everything Happens For a Reason. Made me feel better. The timing was enough for me to take it personally. Things definitely happen..the reason will have to reveal itself. Basically it reminded me to just go with the flow with trust. Hold a good thought for me my friends, for what is ahead. Because I have no clue what or where is next. Know any place with lots of room and would be happy to have 3 big dogs on the property? No no, don't all raise your hands at once. To be continued...

Name: Word on the street
Date: 09 Dec 2002
It just came in folks..."New York City Sucks"...(you heard it here first.) I havent heard a damn thing about Ohio. Oh,..and another thing!..If George Bush knows all about these Weapons of Mass Destruction,...Ah...would'nt he know right where to look?...Hmmm....

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Shit, I'm so into gearing up the Resistance "Head"quarters here in the front parlor. At this point I will be real let down if there is no war!...aint it the way? Hey, is'nt it odd that Bush's boys are so clued into those hidden weapons of mass destruction; but his entire force to uncover and disclose them dont know a fuckin' thing about it? O'l George is playin' hid the weenie. I mean whats he got? 8X5 color glossies?...And if he has got proof...why keep looking???...Ahuu...catch my drift?

Name: Ste.......
EmailAddress: silentste.........
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Shit...put a Buddist to death on International Human Rights Day...(12-10-02)...those Mother Fuckers. Hey Bush! Wake Up!!!

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Dec 2002
I am glad your back fuckin' crack me up. I have learned not to drink liquids when reading your posts for the first time. "Name Police"...ha!

Name: Boyd's Temp Agency
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Shit, can you Imagine the application form for a temporary job as Dhaly Llama??? sure,...Ua...Hobbies and Interests?...

Name: Flintoid
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Ah....I think that I mighta' said "Keep Michigan clean...dump yer' trash in Ohio"...but I could be wrong...Hey, I take back what I said about those gay monks. (but it still aint right to groom a kid as front man..."reencarnated" or not)...hell, thats what temp agencies are for,...anyway, I was drunk. Fuck, get this! The fuckin' Red Chineese Goverment is fuckin' with Tenzin Delek Rinpoche in a big way. They busted T.D.R. and his side kick Lobsang Dhondup (maybe the "Name Police" got em'??)..any way,...T.D.R. is a highly respected Buddist Teacher. Both were/are sentenced to DEATH last week. Ol' Dhondup was sentenced to immediate execution and his appeal runs out Thurs. Dec. 10th. To find out info on the UN Demonstration here in NYC contact

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Dec 2002
No, not like 1000 mics of Sandoz in the hills above Los Gatos, Aldercroft Heights, with speakers hung in the trees blasting out Cream, Ten Years After, Jimmy Reed and Bo Diddley. Like you, I am done with that life being one of the few of my circle that survived. I remember geezing THC and Acid, strychnine shivering, syringes of mystery hits, ether crink ( we called it chicken crink), cartons of Pall Malls and Juicy Fruit gum. Reds, yellows and Tuinals to come down on, plus quarts of Spur Malt Liquor. My dentist still can't understand why my teeth are ground flat. All that is gone now along with some of the friends I grew up with and I don't want to go back. It is good to have a laugh and remember the fun with some who are still around though. I don't get to do that in the world around me now.

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame......Cleveland

Name: PS - IMAM
Date: 09 Dec 2002
PS - Just for the record folks - and though I am lucky enough to look back in wonderment and for the most part with good experience - I too am very glad to be removed from the "life style" - Oh yes I still have my "little smoke" - but for the rest I am well done thank you very much. For all of my own intake and use - I cringe when I read about the Rave Set and their mixing cocktails out of Ketamine - X-tasy - and Viagra = what they call "Trail Mix." Up all night out of your body with hardon listening to the reverb-echo of the techno track....... Not exactly the Avalon on 500 mics of initial Owsley but probably the only equivalent then can find.....
Here I go again - rambling on........... So glad we made it -
IAMIMAM - Suspect

Name: IMAM
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Getting Drafty? - Let us hope not - Conscription will only create more terrorists - Nonetheless - let us not forget that our 18 year olds must by law register for the stupid lottery - they don't have to carry a card or have an auto-matic physical but they are all essentially One-A ready to serve if the Minister of War decides to "DRAFT" them - The Selective Service System has never shut down - only changed its colors to avoid detection. The reasons for deferral are also quite different in this day and age - so look out teenage America - Your numbers might just be coming up! - IMAM - Suspect

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Dec 2002
...also Jorma Kaukonen has his "Fur Peace Ranch" guitar and music camp in Ohio

Name: IMAM
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Eileen, - the Berrigan's (along with other such as David Harris) helped to save me and so many others (firmly against conscription) from 'rice paddy fever' and probable demise - Berrigan came to mind as I sat in a draft physical latrine in mid-60s wondering what to do next. When he ran out of options he tore his record into little bits - flushed them down the toilet and then shinnied down a drain pipe to avoid immediate induction. I made it otherwise - The brothers Berrigan burned the first draft cards and records with home made nalpalm. They also spent a fair amount of time in jail for civil-disobedience - such as blocking the gates of the Pentagon with their bodies. Anyway - indeed another great voice of our times stopped nearly in mid-sentance. Here is a link to text which includes his last words regarding the planet -
"I see no point in working within an evil system. Christ was never a reformer. He didn't advocate voting for one corrupt politician over another." -Philip Berrigan
He also preached that we should dismantle, not attempt to patch, the state."
And Mark - Yes, we seem to have come from the same school of altered-experience/adventure with our sticky little raps of aluminium foil pulled from the central core of Wiaymine and Benzedrex inhalers and then dropped into a cup of coffee = "A Walk on the Wired Side of Weird" - You seem to remember well the "Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My!" of Asthmador as do all of us who went along for the ride. My Blue Bells were quite nice being of the the old school seeds without toxic coating - though the after-high headache was not worth the price of addmission. Since we are here for the moment - what about Hawaiian Woodrose? Yahoo! Ride'um Cowboys! The sort of trip where you wake up 6 hours later - naked and hanging from a tree limb. IMAM - Suspect

Name: Eric
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Ohio?? Who said anything bad about Ohio? I'm an original Buck Eye. Born in Columbus, grew up in Athens went to school in Yellow Springs. Some of my best .... (fill in the blank) were/are/ in Ohio.

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: willinics
Date: 09 Dec 2002
...oh God Eileen...morning glory seeds, I woke up naked in a tree house on Mt St. Helena after having spent the day eating those things at Harbinger Hot Springs with David (one of the pranksters)I spent the greater part of the night having amazing experiences such as the four horseman of the apocolypse with holves pounding ride through the tree tops...their thundering noise had me absolutely cowering...then I experienced my birth from being in a warm dark space content as ever to being sucked violently down the passage to first a spot where I saw everything in all of the universe superimposed upon itself in a kind of fiber optic tube and everything was so fantastically serene...then the pull came again and I ended up out and born and thought oh, this isn't so bad...but then I woke up or came to and I was overlooking Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino Valleys...thought I was on the lable of a wine bottle and I was thoroughly involved in a technicolor yawn...puking in other words...oh was I sick...I'm certain I was actually poisened by the seeds and near did give mesome interesting things to think about...but let me say...I am so glad I no long am involved in that lifestyle...that I am alive is really the end I think I missed alot because of it...although I like who I am standing here today and I am the sum of all my again...what I do know is that I don't know...oh man, just now I can think of any given night when I was so toasted I would have rather died than continue feeling the way I allowed my self to get...the cycle of shooting heroin and then doing some coke to wake up a bit then drinking enough alcohol to bring you back down then smoking about 600 cigarettes and finally you almost feel normal as before you did are so right...WHAT WERE WE THINKING !!!!!
with warm regards, I'm still standing, Nicole

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: thinking of Philip Berrigan
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Sorry to vear from this missed the inhalers. But I just heard a wonderful interview on Demoracy Now, Amy Goodman did with Philip Berrigan's close friends and activists..The Plow Shears. I had no idea who he was and only knew the Plow Shears name..nothing more. I am deeply moved and inspired by all they had to say. I think it is approiate to take a moment knowing this mans body is being buried today and acknowledge him here once more. I intend to learn more about this group and I hope somehow others that knew nothing about him will also be inspired by hearing about him now. I assume the media will not ignore this mans life or passing and it will be a news flash for many like myself.
Thanks for the mention earlier, so I had my ears open when I heard his name today.

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Uh....Wyamine nasal inhalers?

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: don't ya just hate that
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Ahh Asthmador..tremors??.......took me two weeks to stop hearing voices and seeing things..after I regained consciousness. What a horror! How about Heavenly Blue morning glory seeds..laced with strictnine sp?. Seed high, while my lungs only worked if I made them. Sandwiched between two friends (John and Sara Glazer)who lay tight next to me keeping me in rythumn with their breath. And I had almost walked home cause nothing was happening! About killed me. Didn't know in those days they put rat poison on seeds to keep off the bugs. And I about niacine..heard it would get you high..ended up at the school clinic on fire hardly able to breathe! Oh the good old days! hahahaha ha How much cough syrup did I drink? God I was so desperate to change my state of reality. Well we certainly got that with acid. Hello, is there someway out of here, said the joker to the thief, I can't get no relief. Freekin' Eddie..just throw me over the bridge and get it over with!

Name: IMAM
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Mark - well history being what it is - I didn't barf on the cough medicine - but don't need any more now, ahem, my cough is gone - but the Toluene mention is enough to fry my gills again. Testors in yellow tubes of zero gravity brain cell death - what a weird high.... brings back memories I should have forgotten................IMAM - Suspect

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Asthmador tremors.....God, I didn't need to remember that. How about a half pint of Robitussin codiene cough syrup downed all at once....Don't barf!
Or worse a half gallon can of Toluene witn an oxygen mask from the cockpit of a B52 duct taped to the opening. Things were tough in Amarillo in 1965.

Name: Congress of Wonders
EmailAddress: The Straight Theater
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Hey Ohio Girl - We love Ohio! and so does "the Stoned Ranger"
Don't worry girl - be Ohioan to the max! and "OH-HiYo River" to the rest of you.
Inabsentia -
Congress of Wonders
(in lieu of any other!)

Name: PS - IMAM
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Steve - You are a peach - mate, and thanks again for the moniker....
IAMIMAM - Suspect

Name: IMAM
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Where did the funny drugs come from? From Operation Artichoke and Operation Naomi for starters. This of course was the brainchild of CIA Director Helms and a Dr. Gottlieb in their search for the Manchurian Hippie Cantidate and truth serum. Agent BZ was the final product - which is a total destabilizer to the psyche by all vaguely published reports. Anyway - back to ICE - though the term ICE for the smoke style crank was around before this batu monster hit the set. - Batu sounds like the Agent BZ of speed - Yuck, just what the world needs - an ultra cheap super-crack that turns people into homicical zombies. Remember "Adam " and "The Peace Pill?" Remember the "synthetic THC" that was cut with striccnine? Rember the "Asthmador" tremors?
My guess is that batu is worse than these idiot substances - but then I am just rambling on here with no direction in mind except to say (again and again) as a bumper sticker reminder -> Speed Kills!!!!!!!!
IMAM - Suspect

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: from Ohio
Date: 09 Dec 2002
It was a little unsettling to see one of these messages, about a week ago, knocking Ohio. What's up with that? Didn't seem very cool to me, but then again, maybe it's just because geography is so confusing to people. Just to give you an example, I always thought of Canada as a place where you could call a moron a moron.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: onward through the fog
Date: 09 Dec 2002
Tried to reply to Mark's question about the future of the U.S. in post-imperialistic collapse due to overwhelming prosecution of war but it didn't make it through the zone during the archival shift. It's somewhat lengthy. I transcribed it by hand and will try to resubmit sometime soon. Hang in there Steve--remember your humanity is your most valued state of being and there's more than one way to skin a cat............Regards................T

Name: David R Velàsquez
Date: 09 Dec 2002
I'm sooooooo jazzed to find this site. When I was a kid and one of my first heroes was Abbie Hoffman. Later after having read 'Ringolevio' by Emmet Grogan...I found there were the vast unsung that were my real heroes, ...and always will be.
I grew up around San Francisco and Berkeley during the 60's and 70's, glad I did, although whatever sensibilities I've picked up there has branded me,...set me apart from other people. Now I live in Belgium and there's still no way that I could explain myself, nothing they could compare it to...unless they fucked off to live in Berlin or Amsterdam during the same period.
Thanks for setting up the site

Name: Ste.......
EmailAddress: silentste.........
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Its 11:00...Do you know where your' Diggers are???...see ya all in the A.M. P.S. Hey Eric. Thanks Again,...for me; this is the berries. You cant begin to know what it means to me. Nuff Said???

Name: Steve
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Hey Rena, talk to me. I'm gettin' a complex. Cool?.... Hell, what is it with you Wheeler's People???

Name: Sleepy Steve
Date: 08 Dec 2002
In Nor. Cal. the Bar Hoppers M.C. were pushin that shit tryin' to make points along with bread. It worked on both fronts, and they were absorbed. Yer right about the booze. It's legal. That makes it "Respectable". And history tells us that respectability is deadly. Hey, I let Buckley sneak in a few minutes ago. I gave him the last of the Planters Rum over "Ice" tea. He's a real Yin cat anyway. I remember all of the hot house wives in my neighborhood as a kid..(They didnt have to work then)...a man's job alone could support a wife and 2.2 kids...remember?? anyway,...they were all wired on "Diet Pills"...most got scripts from 4 or 5 doctors. The smoothest I ever had were the T-20's...They were red and black...."Up and Down"...Wired and smooth...banned in 74 and turned into "Give-A-Ways" by most pill Docs. Hey, I saw the ass end of "Holiday Inn" with Buckley....Fuck, give me Technicolor and Alchohol any day. Keep yer' Dope...give me Mr. "D". Iv'e danced with him. (next time, I will lead). Cheers. Steve

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Thanks for the heads up on "Ice". I heard about this stuff supposedly moving into the Bay Area a few years ago. Poor mans crack, hopelessly addictive, etc. It hasn't made the top list here in Santa Cruz, we are currently suffering a heroin epidemic, but crack really didn't hit the big time here either. Alcohol is still the number one killer; young, middle aged, or old, as always and government sponsered. BTW, I worked the Santa Clara Valley (Silcon Valley now) County Hospital Emergency Room as an Xray Tech during the late 70's PCP wars inflicted on the Hispanic community then. The phenomenon of drugs ravaging communities on a regional basis has always made me curious. The Haight/Ashbury being blasted with heroin suddenly in 1968 always had the scent of Cointelpro or the like. I remember Allen Ginsberg mentioning this in an interview sometime near his death.

Name: Sexy Gypsy Stevo
Date: 08 Dec 2002
hey, I just got an E-Mail from the Tibetan faction. They actually want me to dig into some sushi with them. Is that strange??? I dont have the heart to tell them that I would sooner eat a fried Red Cineese officer with the Diggers. (go figure).... Am I the last man on Earth?...come on ...I wanna know. (Wheres Jack Nicolson when ya need him?)......"God Damn!".....

Name: Sloshed Steve
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Seein' double?...hell, I'm printin' double.

Name: Steve
Date: 08 Dec 2002
OK, more,, make that two more.... and I'm goin' to bed..(Tough Titties..Rum..'Yin'..and Goats milk..'Yang') No.1. On behalf of the Super Human Crew: Support Mental Health, Or I will kill you. No.2. On behalf of Planet Drum: Support Trees, or...or...well,...wait a minute,..dont the roots support those fuckers???..... Good night....

Name: Steve
Date: 08 Dec 2002
OK, more,, make that two more.... and I'm goin' to bed..(Tough Titties..Rum..'Yin'..and Goats milk..'Yang') No.1. On behalf of the Super Human Crew: Support Mental Health, Or I will kill you. No.2. On behalf of Planet Drum: Support Trees, or...or...well,...wait a minute,..dont the roots support those fuckers???..... Good night....

Name: Slant Eyed Steve
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Hey, I know some Italians that may be up to it. (They sure the fuck cant wash clothes). I'm putting polotics aside and taking my dirty laundry to the ...the...(lets see, I dont wanna offend my "Friend")...Ah...Orientals. Ya, ...the chineese laundry! Fuck it, if the Tibetans eat Chinees shit...have seconds!!! Any gang of gay monks who put it in a little kids head that he's re-encarnated and then takes him to a monistary to "Teach and train him" to be their front man, aint' the class of people that I want to be associated with. Fight off yer' oppressors ya' stupid fucks! Die Fighting! Its your call. Count me out until you Fight mother fuckers! Fight!

Name: Slant Eyed Steve
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Hey, I know some Italians that may be up to it. (They sure the fuck cant wash clothes). I'm putting polotics aside and taking my dirty laundry to the ...the...(lets see, I dont wanna offend my "Friend")...Ah...Orientals. Ya, ...the chineese laundry! Fuck it, if the Tibetans eat Chinees shit...have seconds!!! Any gang of gay monks who put it in a little kids head that he's re-encarnated and then takes him to a monistary to "Teach and train him" to be their front man, aint' the class of people that I want to be associated with. Fight off yer' oppressors ya' stupid fucks! Die Fighting! Its your call. Count me out until you Fight mother fuckers! Fight!

Name: O.M.M.C. / NOMAD
Date: 08 Dec 2002
I used to snort some wild ass shit with one of Seka's Ol' men. He was the greatest cat in the world. His film name was R.J. Rynolds. But, back to the point....I was tight with a perverted surgeon (S.F.) who gave me bootlegged penacilin shots at a whore house that I was living at. After hearing some of his errie tales, I replaced my gargoil (Oakland style) foot pegs with old style rectangular foot boards. (I still got my feet). But thats another story. Everytime that I smell rubbing alchohole, I get a rush remembering the cross-roads "Thrill of it all". Shit, I'm glad that I'm 50 and not 15. I remember waking up while someone was spiking me. That was the DMT, STP, You & Me, Wait & See, One Two Three, era. Its all in the company that you keep. Where did we get that shit anyway???? What were we thinkin'????

Name: RNA
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Hawaii has the worst ice rate (smokable meth amphetamine) of any state. My friend who runs an alternative paper here believes it is becasue of the ever present Operation Green Harvest. Raids on the pot patches are ongoing. since growers risk jail time and getting their land confiscated, the price of pot has soared. So, the kids can't afford it. But they can afford batu. My daughter went to Lahaina on Halloween, the Mardi Gras of the Pacific. she said so many people offered her batu (strangers: her friends are far too hip for that crap) and that they make it sound like a soft sneeze "tutu" so if you don't know what they are saying/selling, you would just think it was a weird sneeze. It's also called "tutu" as in, "he's a tutu head." I believe batu is the Filapino word for ice. tha'ts what the locals call it.
I've had several friends killed by random people on batu. One friend, a father of 9 (!!!!!!!!!) was riding his bike and run over by a maniac on batu. He was riding on the Hana road. the reason the police found the blizted out driver was becasue he left his front bumper AND license plate embedded in my friend. another friend was killed as he was taking a sunset walk in a residental area. A batu man was speeding up hill going 50 in a 20 mph zone at dusk when he ran a stop sign, hit another car which then careened into my friend. People drive like maniacs over here and i'm sure it's becasue of the tremendous booze consumption and high use of ice.
At school, if kids get caught with pot they have to get pee tested every week. So, these kids then turn to booze which doesn't show up in the pee tests. It's very sad. Pot heads may drive slowly and perhaps forget where they're going, but they're not maniacs on the road. The tourists, too go crazy with the mai tais and pina coladas and somehow forget that Hawaii is part of "the states." I trained as an Emergency medical technician in the 80's and learned that at least half of the people on the road to/ from Lahaina on any given night are legally drunk.

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 08 Dec 2002
I hear that, trees and bullets. Resources and who get's 'em and who don't is what this is about.
At the risk of seeming opportunist, Planet Drum is in need of a volunteer fluent in Italian. We have been invited to Turin, Italy to discuss the environmental impacts of the 2006 Winter Games with the International Olympic Committee and the Turin Olympic Committee in the first week of February. We have been contacting Bioregional groups and other agencies in Italy so someone who could help with translation of our communications has become very important. You know, one of those thankless, tedious jobs that actually changes the world. We are in San Francisco, so a Bay Area contact may be best but it might work by email from anywhere.
Contact: Planet Drum Foundation

Name: "The Action Man"
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Mark, for my money, you are the PD front it or not. Hey, I think that you should push PD more on this site. As for polotics,..I retired. I cant see arguing about it with any of the resident book-worms. I CAN see DOING it. Thats my plan. DO IT!! Keep up the good work Mark. Hell, we may need those trees to hide behind!

Name: Saint Steven
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Full page ad, (about $60,000.00 worth) New York Times, Wednesday, December 4, 2002. Religious leaders from every faith urge President Bush to stop the rush to war on Iraq. JESUS CHANGED YOUR HEART. NOW LET HIM CHANGE YOUR MIND. President Bush, We beseech you to turn back from the brink of war on Iraq. Your war would violate the teachings of Jesus Christ. It would violate tenets, prayers and entreaties of your own United Methodist Church bishops. It would ignore the pleas of hundreds of Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders. You've proclaimed the crucial role of your faith in your life, and you've said that people of faith are often "our nation's voice of conscience." Listen to our voices now. THIS IS NOT A JUST WAR. We acknowledge that Saddam Hussein is a cruel tyrant, but a war on the country he rules is not a just war. It will be an unprovoked, preemptive attack on a nation which is not threatening the United States. It will violate the United Nations Charter and set a dangerous precedent for other nations. It will bring death and destruction to Baghdad, a city filled with innocent civilians. It will take the lives of too many of our own sons and daughters. And its huge cost will be gouged out of the already unmet needs of the poor, the underfed and the under-educated in our own country. "IT IS INCONCEIVABLE THAT JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR AND THE PRINCE OF PEACE, WOULD SUPPORT THIS PROPOSED ATTACK." Those are the words of the General Secretary of the United Methodist Church's General Board of Church and Society. Your church leaders have sought private hearings with you to express their passionate objections; they've been denied. All of us who signed this statement share their convictions. A strong faith-based revolt against war on Iraq is comming together in the first weeks of December. If Jesus Christ "changed your heart" as you have said, let Him change your mind. //// Dig it?...Washington Square Church is among the many who signed. Paid for by Religious Leaders for Sensible Priorities.

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Your pledge was to PDF not me, so don't let it get in our way. It will be interesting to say the least how the Bush dickheads "arrange" for a draft. Good weekend out here, if you are a 49er or Raider fan that is.

Name: Steven Robert Boyd (real shit)
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Hey Hammond, by the time you get here, there may be enough strange material in the front parlor to report on. Do you do articles? You could hang in for a few months and follow the resistance thing. Same as it ever was??? Mark, dont sweat my scattered focus. The pledge that I offered stands firm, you can bank on it. I do as I say & say as I do. (It's an Olema thang'). They useta' call it "Rightious"..(who me?)... IMAM, speak right up. Hey, IMAM, we all got our are mine. You are the Eric's Eric in my book. I have a feeling about these things. Hi Rena. Shit, Ice???, they got a teeny Tiny pill here in NYC that drives the locals out of their fuckin' skulls. No thanks. I'm still tryin' to get back into mine. Read me? Now where was I...Oh Ya...NO BLOOD FOR OIL...FUCK THE DRAFT.

Date: 08 Dec 2002
Now thats BALLS!!!

Name: Stainless Steve
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Mark,..Hammond...I plan on puttin' Calais Maine on the map, but all in good time. News papers?...I heard that a dude got busted in Calais for smuggling in newspapers, but he got aquited. It seems that the the prosecuting attorny couldnt proove that they were newspapers. As I said 2004 at the earliest. But if we hit a protracted war, can wait. Big doins' here tonight. Meeting about where this fuckin' church is headed. We plan on gearing back up to allow the Peace Activists full access to the joint. W.S.U.M.C. is going to front the Draft Resistance in a big fuckin' way. This outfit is gonna get back on track with the help of yours fuckin' truelly. I'm takin' the fuckin' gloves off. I dont plan on missing this for the world. My front Parlor will be the cross-roads of the whole fuckin' trip. (I'm still safe in my person, place and papers aint I George?)... We plan on makin' the 60's look like a snivelin' session. Resistance? Resist this mother fucker. As a member of the Board of Trustees of the Washington Square Fuckin' Peace Church, I hearby declare George Fuckin' Bush an enemy of the True Fuckin' American Patriots. And I aint talkin' about no football team. Sing along folks:.."George baby, If you dont like it, you can bark my hole and us my dick for a walkin' pole, and if that dont suit ya', I will rock yer' Texas boat and stick a big red turd right down yer throat". Got that straight ya' little Prick?. Come and get me. We could use the press. S.R.Boyd

Name: IMAM
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Yikes Rena - I am sorry to hear that the batu (ice) scene is on your set and setting. For those of you who don't know what this is = very bad medicine - very addictive - very ugly super speed stuff. Stay Away from it at all cost.............IMAM - Suspect

Name: Rena
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Spent the last evening and this morning with my 16 year old daughter Osheana watching Roger and Me, another documentary by Michael Moore. Also saw "The Awful Truth," a video compilation of 4 episodes of Moore's once upon a time tv show. My daughter said that Michael Moore is Brilliant. I'm so glad she's seeing his light. got both videos from the Hawaii state public library. we used a friend's tv as i still don't have nor want one.
Now she's off for the afternoon with my car. She just got her license last week and this is only the 3rd time i've given her the keys and said have a good time. Her first journey was to a yoga class. Today it's to the beach...
After we watched the digger movie this morning Oshy accused me of not being hip enough any more and how did i lose it. She is referring to the fact that i don't give her carte blanche to attend any party regardless of who is or isn't there. My daughter isn't a drinker but I know some of the parties here get way rowdy by the guys who drink and the batu (ice) boys who crash the parties. She told me the pressure at her school is driving a lot of people to drink. I know the pressure and the homework load is obscene. However, she is learning environmental chemistry and history per Howard Zinn so she is getting some worthwhile info.
Best wishes to all.

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Mark - and all who like to read newpapers online here is another good site with a global index -

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Dec 2002
Something I do often when I go somewhere or think about it is read the local newspaper. I use this website for the purpose:
It amazing what how you can get a feel for a place by reading the local dirt. I checked the Bangor Daily News online.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: silent steve
Date: 08 Dec 2002
I plan to fly up to Bangor (Bangor????,..hell I hardly know her)...and grab one of the two daily bus' that run up there. Do the bed & breakfast routine and check out the pubs. (they have three of them). Will also check out the cruise gig. Trust me, at this point any big move will be fully baked. What with my judgement so damn clouded, I will most likely bank all year and make the descission in Jan. 2004. If 2003 blows by as fast as 2002,...shit, I'm already there. Later. Steve

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: in memory of the wrong giant step/s
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Have not been feeling well today, so am not so playful. You seem to be in good form. Even made me laugh with the eye balling. So in contiuum of my no fun-ness space tonight, I would like to make a no fun suggestion. If you can afford to go look at your new dream town first, do it.
Being one that has not usually had the money to take such precautions, it has not been once I have gone somewhere, after giving up my home and most of my possessions, to find it was a mistake and did not have the money nor place to go back to. It can take a lot out of you and can be hard to get back up to speed. I know when I get ants in my pants to move. I don't think things through very well. I reason ANY change looks good and will shake me loose from whatever needs shaking. But making decisions from the cozyness (if not over familarity) of what you already have, can give a confidence one may not have finding ones self in the wrong place. This is your mom of many roads, talking.

Name: Steve
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Back woods?...ya, behind the 7-11 maybe. Hell, I'm a modern guy. Iv'e had it in the ear. Hey, i got a whole package from the sea port town in question. There is actually a United Methodist Housing unit that charges 30% of yer take-home and kisses the asses of the elderly, handy capped and disabled. They also have a UMC church in town where I could maybe transfer and mop a few floors for a bean sandwich and some raison pie. But all in all, the prices for run down homes is dirt cheap and Apts. go for next to nothin'. In years gone by, the Moutain Men MC up that way was always tryin' to get me involved with "Mens night out" with them, but I dont dig stripers. (they intimidate the hell out of me)...once a gal stripped in a tiny bed room for Bernardo and I, while her ol' man watched. I looked at the cieling for the most part. Bernardo was entranced. Hell, I thought that he got that at home. Now, as far as trees go, I know how you feel about it, but we cant even be responsible for ourselves...we chose the "Stewardship of the Earth" title. As I said, what if its all in the grand sceme of things, and the do-gooder Tree Huggers are holding up "Progress???". Shit,..I lost my train of thought...(thinkin' about the stripper..)...Hell, they say that "Environmentalists will all die hungry, cold, and in the dark"...but hey, that buckwheat is yummy. Im good with the Goats milk. I tried mixing Planters sweet Rum in with it, but its not like cream, the Milk curdels...I was gonna call the drink a "Tough Titty". Hey, Iv'e treated Buckley to breakfast for the last week...OK, OK, I eat pancakes with plenty of butter and syrup,...anyway, I think that he's going mad. Pity. He eyeballed all of the brochures and pamphlets involving the New Brunswick area and seems to think that hes going Bye-Bye also...what a dreamer. (I should talk?)...speaking of which..I will talk to ya later. Good luck with the shrubbery. Steve

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Damn Steve~I thought you were a back woods boy.
Actually we are commited to non violence. They are not, and we would not win. They have the saws. The cops are on their side as an added backup, and they are seriously dangerous. So we are in no position to do more than slow things down. Sometimes we find a fiendly judge and can stop them for awhile. Now groups are getting together and buying portions of what they can. Earth First was, in the beginning the most agressive and were tree spiking to screw up their saws and putting tire tacks down. That did not go over very well. You do not want to piss off a guy with a chin saw! But EF! had a lot to do with creative tactics many use now. We have to keep the courts on our side and have been somewhat successful. There ARE laws that are being broken and we have to be on site and do our own footwork to stay on top of the situation.
But this is not the only place in the world that is trying to stop the cutting. Ever heard of the Tree Huggers? I don't want to get into the whole thing here. But I'll tell you this. When I want to move somewhere, I don't do it if there isn't an enviornmental group actively around. I have seen too many places that weren't paying attention and fighting for their trees, water, fish, plants and animals or the physical intregrity of their area..and guess what it looks like?
Steve, miso broth is easy to make.

Name: Steve
Date: 07 Dec 2002
I'm feeling rather Royal tonight...lets make that Lord Dummy shall we. Ya,...thats it...Lord Dummy, of the DummyVilles. Hey, 2003 dont look any to fuckin' promising for me. Want my advice folks?..Dont take my advice. Boy am I fucked up. Now the loggers are after my ass. I'm glad that I dont live next door to myself. Hell, I'm gonna hide the mirror. Can ya picture havin' me as a son in law? Wow. Me...its all about me, aint it?...shit. I wish I could talk...or whisper for that matter. Ah...for those of you who are just tunning in,..ah..forget it. Its ancient history. Man this site was cookin out of its Yin Mind a couple of months ago. Shit.

Name: Steve
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Me and my bright Ideas.

Name: Steve
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Hey, dont get me wrong, I'm the first to say that I'm ashamed to be human. Christ, look what our kind have done. First off, lets get real. We have no natural coats; that means that the creator did not intend us to seek out the Northern Climes. We should all be runnin' around stark ass naked in the tropics. Secondly; language is our invention and not the creator's; otherwise, we would all know a universal tounge without being taught. Our phychic abilities all but faded with the advent of oral language. Our cave people only used dead wood. Shit, our teeth tell us that we were ment to eat grain and veggies. These days, even a fool like me wont eat anything that can run. If ya gotta catch it first, yer eatin' the wrong thing. I say, Oats (cereals) Sheelfish (they dont run), and goats milk (if any) and Mu Tea. Roachfort and Duch cheese in a pinch. See, the reason that I was a threat to myself and others, (up until last week),..was that I was Yingin' myself to death. I had litterally been on a liquid diet due to my condition, that I was not Yanged at all. Now Im on straight Buck wheat cut with Goats milk and I'm rollin' like a hunch-back doin' sommer-saults. Its a new way of walkin'. I ballance the Yin with some Yang Mystery Soup from a Tong Hang-out in China Town that I had the courage ti infiltrate. Its the kind of hang out where the locals get up out of there seat and walk over, look me in the eye, and then walk back and sit down. I aint been eye-balled like that since the acid pin ball marathons with Tennessee Jim and the Frisco China-Boy Gangs on Van Ness. Anyway, back to the forest. ....Why dont you all shot a few of the offending loggers? Or better yet,..cut their legs off with their own saws. Think about it. S.R.B.

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Dec 2002
I don't think I would try to improve on your fine lesson.

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Where ever you go, there you are.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Ma, fetch Lil' Tatter an Head fer tha hills!...Times a wastin!!!. Snuffy Smith

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Dear Mr Dummy~~
Mark could probably give a better answer than I. But without further research, this is what little I have learned by listening and observing. I will have to leave the science part for someone else. With this little info, is when I had the big AH HA about how everything is inter-connected..(yep including us humans that think we are so special). Here in N Ca, we have (or rather don't have) what used to be a rain forest, until we brillianly cut down all the old growth..but I still can see how it works from what little is left.
So here you go: The leaves take the bad air and gives us good air for starters. Rain forests gather moisture from the air in their leaves. They hold clouds..I think they make them. It is very magical to watch the clouds of moisture captured and rise. Or maybe they call them and catch them..I know they catch fog. The moisture drips from the leaves and gently falls. This is so even when it rains, because the canopy is so thick. This gentleness is important, because it doesn't just pound the ground (more on that in a minute), so it has time amongst the light speckled forest to become moist inside the interior..the space where there are just trunks, as well as keeping the trunks moist. Many birds and critters and plants we are rarely aware of, live in the canopy and in the outside of the bark. But where it gets even more interesting (to me) is on the ground. The water drops (this is the gentle part) on the duff and many plants and keeps everything moist.
So many things live here. Mushrooms and various fungi, newts and salamanders, bugs and animals. These things actively nourish the trees..not with just dieing and decaying, but with their life..their living. Each needs the other to live, for food and for shelter. Also they move things around and bring things to other places with their little shovels and back packs. OK not like that. With that living, the ground stays alive. The earth the roots are in must breathe, and have food..all these things make that possible in their movement within and on the soil. And with that breathing it takes nourishment. The fugi spread far throughout the soil and feed the trees and add incrediable nuitrients. It is a perfect balance. If say, the newts ALL die, something that depends on them dies. You can pick just one. If any one of ALL or a lot of anything die, it goes like that. It doesn't matter which one. It may mean they have nothing left to eat or have no home.
Since there is so much moisture easily avaiable close to the surface of the soil, these trees (I know this is so in the Amazon too) do not have deep root systems. Also these trees are connected by their roots. Not just intertwined, but new trees grow from the roots more often than from seed that's fallen. You could say each tree has come from only one. (Aspen also grow this way).
So, if an area is cleared with tree cuts, a good storm will blow over the closest standing trees. Also the soil the next layer down is not very rich and is hard pan..not breathing soil, becuase the moisure was so close to the surface. So there is little it can sustain and will likely never again hold much life. So when they cut and burn they have distroyed all hope..all life. When it rains it mostly runs off the top of the soil, which leaches it worse. And soon there is nothing but dust. These trees take hundreds of yrs to grow to the height that is needed to catch the make the clouds away from the heat of the earth. There is a whole life that must be there to make it possible.
Then the weather begins to change. There is less and less rain. Nothing calls it. Weather patterns change globally and locally and rivers begin to dry up. Other places get rain they never got before as it wanders to find a home. Because these rainforests are the lungs of the earth, the ozone changes and leaves holes in the layer that protects us from the rays of the sun.
All because we killed the salamanders. We are all inter related. As each tree dies, and each creature and bug dies, we become sicker. There are doughts and storms. Our air becomes poisoned, the sun burns the plants and us. We have cut off the branch, standing on the wrong side. All because we think we are seperate from all living things. This is why we fight for what is left. This is why people are now willing to put their lives on the line to save what is left. Our lives ARE on the line.

Name: IMAM
Date: 07 Dec 2002
"I see no point in working within an evil system. Christ was never a reformer. He didn't advocate voting for one corrupt politician over another. He preached that we should dismantle, not attempt to patch, the state." -Philip Berrigan
IMAM - Suspect

Date: 07 Dec 2002
Hey, I heard that!!!

Date: 07 Dec 2002
Oh shit!,...he's back.

Name: Steve
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Mark, thanks for the lead, but I am in constant fear of turning into a grotesque parady of my former youth. I relived it all in my head and just last week got it out of my system (with the help of the two on-site healers)...thanks ladies. As far as puttin' the timber boots (lucky, or otherwise), back on, my sights are set for the Great North East. Its in the cards that I face the coast where the sun rises; not sets. That being said, I am looking forward to putting the 20 Century behind me where it belongs, and will not attempt in any way, shape or form to physically re-capture any of it. (To much like puttin' on a Reb Uniform and re-staging Bull Run.) I have to go this one alone. I'm re-enventing myself and plan on walking into a Yankee Harbor Village like somethin' out of an Old Spice Commercial.(same as it ever was)...but dont get me wrong, I strongly urge every 17 year old fool in Amerika to head on out. Just pick up and go. This nation could get kick-started yet. 2003 is ripe for revolving. The youth culture stopped their mobile involvement and curled up to a screen for 30 fuckin' years. Wheather its Olema, BBR, Calais, or the Main Island. We gotta find it on our own. Its just land, its just names. Its what we make of it. Its not what we could be, thats an apple on a string,..Its what we are. Dig. Hey, Thanks again. Good luck Pilgrims. Tell em' yer Uncle Steve sent ya. Go it alone. Couples dont make it. Wagons Ho!!!!

Name: Steve
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Mark, thanks for the lead, but I am in constant fear of turning into a grotesque parady of my former youth. I relived it all in my head and just last week got it out of my system (with the help of the two on-site healers)...thanks ladies. As far as puttin' the timber boots (lucky, or otherwise), back on, my sights are set for the Great North East. Its in the cards that I face the coast where the sun rises; not sets. That being said, I am looking forward to putting the 20 Century behind me where it belongs, and will not attempt in any way, shape or form to physically re-capture any of it. (To much like puttin' on a Reb Uniform and re-staging Bull Run.) I have to go this one alone. I'm re-enventing myself and plan on walking into a Yankee Harbor Village like somethin' out of an Old Spice Commercial.(same as it ever was)...but dont get me wrong, I strongly urge every 17 year old fool in Amerika to head on out. Just pick up and go. This nation could get kick-started yet. 2003 is ripe for revolving. The youth culture stopped their mobile involvement and curled up to a screen for 30 fuckin' years. Wheather its Olema, BBR, Calais, or the Main Island. We gotta find it on our own. Its just land, its just names. Its what we make of it. Its not what we could be, thats an apple on a string,..Its what we are. Dig. Hey, Thanks again. Good luck Pilgrims. Tell em' yer Uncle Steve sent ya. Go it alone. Couples dont make it. Wagons Ho!!!!

Name: Mister Dee
Date: 07 Dec 2002
I'm a big dummy...but that dont make me a bad guy, does it? Big Dummy...I like that,...(beats the hell out of a little dummy)...Hm...Mr. Dummy,...ya!...Respect...Mr. Dummy. Hey, they documented me doing a dummy routine while sitting on Mr. Jimmies lap, but that crew made off with that solid gold footage. Hey, speaking of coverage... Iv'e been hiding Buckley out like a Jew in the attic for some time now...and I may segway him into mopping the floors while I'm on Va-Ca...(ya, a Va-Ca from this?)...It's McCale's Navy!...anyway, a mop has no moving parts...It's the bucket wringer lever that may throw Ol' Buckley though. I dont know....

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Dec 2002
I posted this website here when the list went down and haven't seen it come back. It might be of interest to you or some others who haven't been there. The site is in a dormant stage but if you click "docs" the Black Bear Land Trust Agreement comes up. Worth reading to understand the future.
The Berrigan Brothers set a very high standard for committment to the movement. Their examples provided inspiration and illumination to droves of folks looking for direction of protest. A very fine life and a legacy for all to remember.
The sun came out this morning and so did my head. Ahhh...back in the light.

Name: Steve
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Why dont they grow back?...what was God thinking?....

Name: Smokey the Boyd
Date: 07 Dec 2002
They dont????...well hell, get the Diggers to steal another one from the Red Chineese, tree by tree. The obviouse; get it? I knew a cat who stole several houses from an Army Base. He had contracted to move them on base. At night, he would return and drive em' right off again. Obviouse, get it? But the vanishing rain forest,..hmmm...maybe it's disapearing because its all part of the Grand Sceme of things...or, ah,...Hell, we could always use another desert..right? Shit, the weather has been to damn hot since the beguining of time anyway. Oh, I just got the unemployment stats. from the Chamber of Commerce up North. It's over 11%. Highest in the Fuckin' State. I should be a High Roller in that nieghborhood. The crime rate is the lowest on the planet. They shoot thieves. Its my kind of town. Hey,...If we could talk Bush into overthrowing South America, we could outlaw chain saws down there. Thats doable. Ya know, I just cant figure out why Ol' Georgie Boy doesnt consult in me. I've got some real good Ideas....real good; like getting fucked,..remember George?. S.R.B.

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Dec 2002
In a Moment's Time
(for Phillip Berrigan)
The presses might have stopped in their tracks -
Television might have shut down in mid-commercial -
The Internet might have gone off line - and
The War might never have begun -
If only for one moment of praise.
But none of this happened -
While those of us who know -
and those you who knew
Silently morn the passing
of an impecable hero.

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Steve you big dummy! A rain forest does not grow back.

Date: 07 Dec 2002
HOT OFF THE PRESSES: WE AIN'T GOING NOWHERE!! Uptown Youth for Peace and Justice ANTI-WAR MARCH AND RALLY Protest the "Poverty Draft" - targeting black and latino youth for military service is a crime. Protest the looting of our schools, hospitals, housing and social programs to fund this unjust war. Protest the continued murder of innocent people around the world. NO TO BUSH'S WAR IN IRAQ YES TO SCHOOLS AND JOBS. WE AINT GOING NOWHERE!! SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 2002, assemble at 12 noon @ 157th St. and Broadway. March at 1 PM to 125th St. and Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. for a Rally @ 2:30 at Harlem State Office Bldg. Contact Karim at 347-203-6157 or

Name: Bwana Boyd; Great White Hunter
Date: 07 Dec 2002
Fuck the rain forest; save yer' ass. (A forest grows back...yer' ass dont.)

Name: Capt. Steve
Date: 07 Dec 2002
It's Ironic that I'm writting this on Pearl Harbor Day...screw that; "Remember Culloden!" Hey,it's in the air. When Ol' Stevo is gearing up to actually handling enough gear to stow in a sea bag its time to wake up and smell the anthrax. The begining is near. My original Holy Woman, ( sorry Eileen; sorry Nik.) just hit town. Upon consulting the coin oracle, Ive' chosen not to follow her to the mid-west or Mozambique, Im headed solo to where the beavers paddle with walkin' canes to set up a safe house, (and I aint talkin' "Radical", got that). I wont hit town like the Rain Maker, but slowly meld. Play Bingo, eat at the Legion Bean Suppers etc. (I do small towns)...anyway, the Idea is to have a "Home" where no harm shall come. And just across the river..a hopefully "Neutral" country. Hey Nik, please dont sweat the bed. I will get the same crew that towed it into my place to move it and set it up at your place. I will pay and tip them at this end. Its on me kid. Merry Christmas. The bed move will be in the first week of Jan. if that suits your dance card. E-Mail me if another week would be better and we can fine tune it to fit yer' schedule. As far as swapping gifts; forget it, I dont want anything that I cant swim with. I'm getting mobile again and will be able to walk at a moments notice. Once I get back from Fla. I will clue you into the location of my proposed secret hide-out and also my evacuation plan. I could leave the bed but not you. (your press photographer is also welcome). Just pray that it dont come to that. S.R.B.

Name: Eileen
Date: 06 Dec 2002
You want to be more specific? I must have missed something. What set you off?
Will wait until you're ready. Once again I look at the only note I keep to myself, tacked on the wall where I sit here. "Almost anything you do will be insignificant but it is very important that you do it." Mohandas Gandhi

Name: Mark
Date: 06 Dec 2002
Just checking in.....Haven't managed to gather some words together about stuff banging around in my skull. Feeling overwhelmed by the current torrent of retrograde social/blood thirsty change. The tendency to say "Fuck this!" and bail out of this ridiculous situation is strong. We have been through all this capitalist/imperialist/racist bullshit so many times. The feeling that if I make a change that there will be ten more people who will gladly fill that slot and wipe out any miniscule effort on my part weighs heavy. Sorry, I get this way sometimes. Maybe I just need a good nights sleep or peyote or a lobotomy or something. I will get back to y'all, I think my head slipped up my ass again.

Name: Eileen
Date: 06 Dec 2002
Well, should I do it to him, Steve?
Michael, Here is a site I about burned my eyeballs (I have a little lap top)and brain out on last wk.
Go over to the right and hit AstroClickTravel and put in your info. When you get a choice, go to North America, or the World or whatever suits you. REMEMBER to mark the drop down for "all aspects". When the info shows, look at the upper right hand and click "Show Details". If you point and click anywhere on the map you will get enough info to have your head spinning after awhile. So if seriously get into it, get back to me quick and I'll give you some pointers that'll help.
I can't talk Wheelers etc, but I can talk New Mex. Ah Yes! Northern New Mexico. You got there just in time for the big snow, right? Where exactly are you? I've moved and traveled a lot, and there's no place that holds me and feeds my soul as it does there. I have lived all over there, off and on since my 20's, trying to set roots. But I couldn't do it. In the end Calif called me home. There is no place in the world that I yearn for like I do New Mex. Did you miss the chili harvest in Oct? That is the absolute best time to be there. The smells of roasting chilies and the sunsets making the adobe houses glow with it's colors, the SKY! Nowhere else can compare, nor continues to feed my inspiration as that place does.
You are wrong about the people being OK with being rich or poor. They have learned how to live poor with grace and dignity. Don't mistake it for liking it. But they will not judge YOU for being poor. The only rich people are generally from out of state and are buying up the land and changing the culture there rapidly, using up what precious water there is. And the families are not Mexican, they are Spanish. Their families have been there since they took the land. They still haven't even worked out the old land grants. They are chopping up their family lands to sell, because they need the money. It is changing their lives forever.
I hope you find what you are looking for there and it will let you stay. There are many places you can live simply and have your fire. But there's no place like New Mexico.

Name: Steve
Date: 06 Dec 2002
Sister Woman; I picked up a fine old pot bellied brass dragon side table lamp for your bed. It gives off a soft harvest gold light. If this keeps up, you will have the complete room by March. I'm going to try to build up enough for myself to fill a sea bag. After consulting the coin oracle, I am having a "Sailor Girl" Tattooed over my spirit guide. AHOY!!! Best of the Holidays to you. See you in 2003. Nicole, your happy words never seem to match far-away eyes. Come on, em' yer' smile. And that winter coat sure the hell aint covering up a multitude of sins...I'm tellin' ya Folks; "She's got it!" Smile Nik,..(I am.) Steve

Name: Michael Coombs
Date: 05 Dec 2002
thank you for your beautiful online efforts. I've been yearning for stories and pictures of the early years of Morning Star, Wheelers, etc. I moved from college in Utah to the North San Juan Ridge in Nevada County California, to the Ananda community. Lived there 24 years. 70 beautiful young people on nearly 1000 acres when I arrive. As part of that, went and lived at Ocean Song, when Ananda was trying to do their thing there, on Peter Meyer's land next door to Wheelers. Met Bill just once while there. Funny thing, after all that, I've just moved to northern New Mexico. Tired of the hyper organized new age religious thing, no matter how enlightened. It's still religion. Met crazy, beautiful "neo-hippies" artists, musicians, "land-of-manyana (sp?) people who don't really care whether they are rich or poor here. I'd like to go back, to the simple life, no electricity, sunsets and rain, evenings by the wood stove reading, simple home made housing, home made bread, good friends with clear, quiet minds, in nature. Looking for the right place. michael

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Dec 2002
Thanks Nicole, and Seasons Greeting to you. Who is taking these great pictures of you? You're getting more striking with age. What's your secret miss songbird? As far as work goes, we all do what we can. I don't know about NYC, but a good part of this counrty has fewer and fewer jobs that fit one's skills or interest. You can count yourself lucky. It sure doesn't look like it's hurting you!

Name: Nicole
Date: 05 Dec 2002
With warm regards, Nicole

Name: Stanton
Date: 05 Dec 2002
Eric: "Eerily prescient," indeed. Seems COINTELPRO has made a nostalgic recurrence, complete with pardoned criminals at the helm. Culture really does recycle itself.
Eileen: If flattery it be, I hope you and everyone else who posts here will allow me a little of it. You have a beautiful dialogue going on, and it does flow to my ears.
Incidentally, I feel I owe you a "Yowsa!" Numerous years ago, I pulled a violet-covered book edited by Leonard Wolf and titled "Voices from the Love Generation" from the stacks at The Ohio State University, and was treated to a particularly attractive photograph...
But I'll cut myself short there.

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Dec 2002
You flatter us suggesting there is a flow to get in the way of. Ha! Must have been before I got here. Glad you surfaced. That's a well written article..easy to get into info, we are all chewing on.
No great thoughts from my end of the world today. Just glad to see the board up and running Eric. You must have thought we'd all abandoned your "living room."

Name: Eric
Date: 05 Dec 2002
Funny that the author of that article harkened back to Nixon in comparing the super secret spy apparatus that the Bush administration has created. I was just re-reading some of the Communication Company broadsides and here's one that is eerily reminiscent of the present-day situation:

Name: Stanton
Date: 05 Dec 2002
Hello all,
I've been an intermittent visitor to the site (you're doing brilliant and valuable work, Eric) and Guestbook over the past couple years, but this is the first message I've actually left here, mostly because I didn't want to get in the way or interrupt the flow of lovely memories and wisdom. For some reason or other, it seemed time to drop a note and send out good wishes, especially in the wake of an illuminating article like this:
which jibes with some of the previous discussions on this board. Scary times, these. Hope it doesn't put a crimp in anyone's day. Be well...

Name: Eric
Date: 05 Dec 2002
Dear ******
Please post titles (at the least) for references to news stories. Page numbers can vary from edition to edition. There are no stories listed in the Lexis database for the NY Times for 12/4/02 on page A25.

Name: yesterday
EmailAddress: tomorrow
Date: 05 Dec 2002
what's the article in the NY Times referenced below? Many of us only have interenet access to the NY Times

Name: Eric
Date: 05 Dec 2002
Thanks, Nicole. It was a strange interruption for those two days. I found myself clicking on the "My Favorites" link to this page, and then being slightly surprised each time to find no entries then remembering that the guestbook was broken.
Ahh, first snow in the canyons of tall buildings on the isle of Manahattan! In the really big storms (which it looks you might be getting today), traffic will come to a halt. You can walk through silence down East 8th Street and everyone you see walking by has a glint of that childhood joy that came with playing in the snow.

Name: Nicole
Date: 05 Dec 2002
You are an awesome dude Eric...thanks for all you do for us...even though I haven't contributed much myself the past few weeks I do check in daily to get a helps me reprogram on an ongoing basis with input from everyone...a bit from those of you I have a shared history with and the new voices i'm getting to know as's much more real conversation than what I hear at the ol' water cooler at the office...there's more conversation there about what Whitney Houston looked like on TV to who's going to win on Survivor or what J'lo's wore on the last award's difficult to engage people here in conversation about the steady errosion of our's no wonder the corporate world has gone so far off track...I am off slightly about this though because here I sit at this desk, a part of it...I have to sort that out somehow.
Aside from that frustration...the city is so beautiful right now with snow swerling outside and the tree branches just beginning to catch the small drifts and the sky three or four shades of grey...and it's ever so cold...but somehow I think cold weather makes people warmer...have the day you want, with warm regard, Nik

Name: **** ****
EmailAddress: ***************@*******.***
Date: 05 Dec 2002
Check out the New York Times, WED. DEC. 4th. PAGE A25. I couldnt have said it better myself.

Name: Eric
Date: 04 Dec 2002
Well it's suddenly working again. I can edit the entries. I've added the entries from Dec. 1 to Dec. 2. Now I have to compile all the messages that came in yesterday and today.

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Dec 2002
I am sure you can figure it out in time, main thing is we can keep venting here. BTW, I have VHS copies of LesDiggers2 made and will be in SF in the morning. If the timing is right I will drop them off at your place or if not I will leave them with P and J.

Name: Eric
Date: 04 Dec 2002
It looks like it's working but something very strange is happening. I still can't edit the guestbook entries. I need to incorporate all the messages from December and all the messages that were entered but didn't show up over the past two days.

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Dec 2002
Well it is working now. Us "prolifics" were getting a little edgy. Thanks for getting after it.

Name: Eric
Date: 04 Dec 2002
Hi, Mark. Yeah. The whole guestbook crashed after I archived the November messages. I've been so busy at work that I haven't had a chance to fix it. Still trying to figure it out.

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Dec 2002
Eric......Is that you tweaking this thing? Hooray, there is sign of life.

Name: abc
EmailAddress: def

Name: Eric

Name: RaRa
E-mail Address: oceansong
Date: 02 Dec 2002
I also took my high schooler to Bowling for Columbine. She was distraught
over some of the images and the widespread psychotis and power of the fear
mongers. Kudos to Michael Moore for helping us to understand the roots of
violence in America. Moore has bone fide suggestions on his homepage of things
we can to to help. the most important thing is that we stay informed.
I'd also suggest people learn how to garden. Even city dwellers can have
balcony plants and indoor medicinal herbs.
I really like Mountain Rose Herbs for their organic echinicea. I like their
glycerine based organic Echinacea tincture: really keeps away the blues and
ills. I buy a pint each year and share it with family and friends. I get smaller
brown bottles with droppers from the pharmacy. I have studyied herbology for
years. We can learn how to keep ourselves healthy a lot more than we do. And,
herbs are a plesaure to get and grow. Did you know that BASIL is a mood elevator
and an immune enhancer?!!
Yes, it is. So eat your pesto and enjoy your nutritional, mdicinal cuisine.
Here's a pesto recipe since it's vegan.
fresh garlic. lots dab of olive oil pure water enough to make the basil
garlic water oil blend like a soup. braggs or pure shoyu basil leaves. fat juicy
leaves. throw away the basil buds as they no taste good. Plenty plenty of basil.
Blend. Add tofu or your favorite nuts: pine, mac nut, cashew, sunflower seed,
etc. Blend some more. Enjoy.
Everything above is "to taste." use lots of basil. it really does
elevate the mood, gently.

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: cosmic communique
Date: 02 Dec 2002
The following is a few paragraphs of the above article in the NY Observer.
"In a larger sense, the Times columnist is right. T.I.A. seeks to breach
all boundaries between commercial and governmental information systems, wiping
out the distinction between public and private to an extent that is difficult to
imagine. It carries the imperative to uncover terrorist plotting much too far.
"What is innovative about this plan is Dr. Poindexter’s technological
ambition. But there is nothing new about his blithe evisceration of the First
and Fourth Amendments. The urge to snoop and intimidate seems to be an inherited
trait of Republican administrations.
"This unwholesome impulse can be traced back to the Huston Plan
uncovered in the Watergate investigation, a massive domestic-espionage program
justified by antiwar and racial unrest, which was named after Tom Charles
Huston, a White House bureaucrat whose pedigree included activism in the Young
Americans for Freedom. An enlarged version emerged again, ironically, during the
Iran-contra investigation, when the Miami Herald exposed a Reagan administration
plan to "suspend the Constitution in the event of a national crisis, such
as nuclear war, violent and widespread internal dissent or national opposition
to a U.S. military invasion abroad." The most recent incarnation was
Attorney General John Ashcroft’s ridiculous but threatening TIPS

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Dec 2002
I took my high schooler to see "Bowling for Columbine" yesterday
after she tried to go with a friend the day before. The film has an
"R" rating and under 17 has restrictions. The mother of the friend she
was going with decided she shouldn't see it. Anyway, it was quite a dramatic and
emotion packed presentation. Charlton Heston is a freakin' idiot. I don't like
the way Moore handled the Dick Clark deal though. I thought it was a little
unfair but the rest was fantastic. Most of my daughter's friends are beginning
to see it and discussions are taking place on their computers. I watched
"Apocalypse Now" again over the weekend and I am reading Howard Zinn's
"People's History of the United States" and will probably start Jerry
Mander's "Alternatives to Globalism" soon. I think my head is gonna
pop. I read a Freewheelin' Frank letter where he said that he reads like an ant
climbing a mountain. I know what that means now.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Add anti-sodomy and affirmative action laws to that list as well. Test case
for the sexual freedom issue is from Texas. Our kids will be praying and
saluting the flag in every school in the land soon.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Dec 2002
...miranda law...rights...whatever the proper name...are in they
are going before the supreme court in an appeal case...oh my...oh my...oh my

Name: call me Grannie
E-mail Address: love it
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Ah, the Vishnu is going to have a baby! another buddha on the way. How happy
we all are. His wife, Emily, is awesome. Send them your love and prayers. Best,

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: Hear & Know
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Just for the record there is only one IMAM - just ask Steve who gave me my
altered pen-name. I was Anonymouse - but no longer. All comments from me are
only from me IMAM so cut the crap whom ever you might be - I take it personally
and don't want anyone misrepresenting me on the page however good your
intentions or words might be -
And PS - Eileen - you don't have to wait for the whole page to download -
just wait until is is half way and then click stop = the new material vs. all
Thanks - IAMIMAM - Suspect

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Dec 2002
I have a suggestion. How about cut the page in half from the bottom up
periodically so we don't loose our train of thought?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Hey Eric~
I take it back. Archive this sucker. I could make breakfast by the time this
page has downloaded!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Road Warrior! Yes! Have you checked out the Earth Ships on the mesa outside
of Taos? The minute I saw them I was in a Road Warrior movie. They're more
complex and beautiful (and expensive) than general staw bale building..but with
similar techniques. Had a friend working on them. Totally solar from the
underfloor, up, with own water catchment systems..completely off the grid.
Renegade building all. Check this site out. I've seen better pictures, but can't
find them now.
Hey Char~Thanks for the link. Will check it out when I get back in town
tonight. On my own Road Warrior mission today.

Name: tree dweller
E-mail Address: RNA
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Hi Eileen,
the houses at Morningstar were fun. I remember one couple who lived in the
hollowed out stump of a huge redwood tree. At Moringstar the county sent
bulldozers so often that we built houses that we could take apart and hide.
""Hey the bulldozers are coming; Hide your houses!!!" was a
familiar call to the wild. In the Morningstar scrapebook there is a photo of a
woman who was 9 months pregnant watching her home being bulldozed. She had
planned to give birth in that home. That is a very sad photo.
When the (dare I say redneck) bulldozer operators came to Morningstar the
first time we all gathered around them: naked, dancing, and singing, "It's
all part of a Master Plan," and "All you need is love." the
bulldozer operators were so terrified that they called for police back up.
By the time I gave birth to Vishnu at Morningstar, all the houses were
bulldozed som many times that ther was a small skeleton crew of openlanders.
Lou's dwelling, a 12 by 20 egg shed, was spared by the bulldozer, so our nest
was safe. yes, 12 feet by 20 feet. We lived in there with a Buesondorfer grand
piano, a desk, a hot plate, and some mattresses on the floor. Vishnu used to
sleep under the piano which Lou played for several hours a day.
It became to hard to maintain a lifestyle with the bulldozers constantly
coming unannounced. After 9 bulldozings; 9 separate dates where the bulldozers
came and bulldozed every house they could find, most Morningstar folks moved
elsewhere. Wheeler's began to swell.
I love living in tree houses.

Name: tree dweller
E-mail Address: RNA
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Hi Eileen,
the houses at Morningstar were fun. I remember one couple who lived in the
hollowed out stump of a huge redwood tree. At Moringstar the county sent
bulldozers so often that we built houses that we could take apart and hide.
""Hey the bulldozers are coming; Hide your houses!!!" was a
familiar call to the wild. In the Morningstar scrapebook there is a photo of a
woman who was 9 months pregnant watching her home being bulldozed. She had
planned to give birth in that home. That is a very sad photo.
When the (dare I say redneck) bulldozer operators came to Morningstar the
first time we all gathered around them: naked, dancing, and singing, "It's
all part of a Master Plan," and "All you need is love." the
bulldozer operators were so terrified that they called for police back up.
By the time I gave birth to Vishnu at Morningstar, all the houses were
bulldozed som many times that ther was a small skeleton crew of openlanders.
Lou's dwelling, a 12 by 20 egg shed, was spared by the bulldozer, so our nest
was safe. yes, 12 feet by 20 feet. We lived in there with a Buesondorfer grand
piano, a hot plate, and some

Name: michael wick
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Dig it!
You can't escape the blue. briny

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address: The beat goes on .............
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Eileen, ya wanna see the houses at Wheeler's? Well, here ya go....
Forever Onward and Upward, Char~*

Name: Mighty Joe Young
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Dec 2002
having reviewed the Guestbook from Nov. 17th. on up, I've come to the
conclusion that this is one sad cafe. It turned into Ohio. A painted ship on a
painted sea. I thought that I had taught ya' all better'n that. Do I gotta do
everything myself? Hey Mother Witch, thanks for the spiritual direction. Its
nice to have options.

Name: Thelonious
E-mail Address: The Ape House
Date: 02 Dec 2002
To whom it may disconcern,...AHhh...I'm Back! And ah...convinced or not..It
was just a grown child at play. No harm done. Yet. ....just give it a minute.

Name: IMAM II aka Monkey Monk B.O.E.M.
E-mail Address: Yurtville USA
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Will check out the star map. The thing to do would be to buy a small home in
an out lying area and truck in periodically as "fair Weather
Homesteaders" untill a year round habitat is doable. The biggy is the
medical angle. When I was at BBR there was a bonified Berkeley Horse Doctor and
several mid wives. Get yer dick in the wringer on yer own and yer screwed.

Name: IMAM the Second ...(I Am A Monkey)
E-mail Address: I'm a cold Italian Pizza, your a Lemon Sqeezer...
Date: 02 Dec 2002
I'm still tryin' ta' work up to the Seaman in Port level, but a sea bag seems
like excess bagage. Its the Mad Max route fer' me. ....(Who run Barter

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: X Gypsy Travel
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Hey Mr Monkey Man!
I know! I was thinking that very same thing. But what I find so amazing is we
did it in mass. Not one person or their family moving somewhere. We moved in
groups, or into groups..and to the most random places. Beautiful but random. And
do you remember the "houses" at Blackbear? Wasn't Kenoli in a tree,
and who lived in a plasic covered dome and had a baby in it (and we all ate the
required placenta stew?! Rose Lee had peacocks walking feely outside her house.
Wonder how long it took the critters to find those! I bet they were astonished.
BOY, talk about living on faith. It was like the joyful homeless. We just
figured together we would figure it out. For yrs I moved with next to
nothing..things were cheap then and easy to come by, or steal, or pick out of a
dump. I never went to Wheelers. I wonder what their houses were like? Rena?
My last move I made was with a packed to the roof, U Haul. I fet like I had
sold out. HA!

Name: BrotherHood of the Ejaculating Monkey
E-mail Address: E-Z Livin'
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Better back that Yurt up with a Jeep Wrangler, a Bambi Airstream trailor and
a 500cc Royal Enfield Trail bike strapped to the back. How the hell did we ever
pull it off in the first place...Man, talk about balls!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: All enLightened up
Date: 02 Dec 2002
There is something I would like to share here just for the heck of it. (Sorry
Eric. This should about finish off this page load..give me Mon would you, before
It's part of an email to Ariel tonight. We've been talking about coming to
terms with the upheavals in our live's and what is faith about. In case we don't
have astrologers out there amoung us..Pluto and Saturn have been kicking butt
for everyone for a good part of this year, world over. Mars gets in there too,
to keep things heated up. Are we having fun yet? Then Tues, we have a solar
eclipse. Those eclipses can really kick stuff up. So I thought I would just
offer this up: ............. There's this thing I have caught myself doing in
tepee meetings you might find useful to consider, I just thought of. In the
night I sometimes catch myself pulled away from the prayer and into some
thought..some concern of my own, that I think if I just think hard enough I will
figure out. What quickly happens is a feeling of grinding my brain. The harder I
think, it's like an engine that won't turn over but makes a lot of noise.
Visually things change drastically..which is my clue I better quit before I get
lost inside my brain, on a needle in the haystack hunt. (This past wk, the
perfect example). There's this feeling I'm looking for something the wrong
way..with my brain and not my heart. So what I do, is let my twist on my mind
go, and give the question to the fire and go back to the prayer. I think this is
what faith is. To be able to let go of the need of immediate answers. To say, I
have a problem, or a question, I can find no answer to, and then let it go.
I think when we do that..cause I see it over and over again in there, the
answer comes of itself, and all you have to do is be paying attention. It's like
there is this big flow we are part of, worrying separates us from, and this flow
swirls around us like a rock in a stream, unaware of what's around us. Shut off
from all but our mind, that only perceives itself. I believe that would be
called, Not Present. Faith is allowing one's self to be present and paying
attention, looking for a good feeling and catching it when it comes..and that
good feeling IS the prayer and opens everything up.
And have you ever noticed being part of a good feeling doesn't necessarily
mean yucking it up? The I Ching talks about this too..good ole I Ching. Does it
miss ANYTHING? Balance. Not taking things to extremes..because then we loose our
attention to the present and our monkey mind can too easily slip in there. I
don't really understand why, but I know it is so.
This has been heck of a wk, but I've put down my whip. My poor brain!

Name: Brtoherhood of the Ejaculating Monkey
E-mail Address: Right Palm Abby
Date: 02 Dec 2002
Brother Boyd here,..B.O.E.M. Hey, just got word about the Tibetan Sand
Mandala Photos. 63 Digital Pictures zipped into a 24 hb file..(whatever that
is.)...Contact Warren ( Black Bear??...Heavy!...Indians?...we
were the fuckin' Indians. The last time that I was there, I heard talk of an
area "Further" north which was charted as an "Island" after
the Edgar Casey "Flood"...It was in Nor. Cal. but had to be entererd
through Oregon; which put the heat at a real disadvantage. But you know the
feds. All they have to do now is chalk up the word "Terrorist" and its
helocopters from hell. Anyway...shit, I could stock survivalist supplies at this
end as easily as bonds. It would take two good summers just to set up base and
winmill generator..etc. HMmmmm...(dont you kids try this at home...) Is the
cinder block motor poole still standing? That had second story possibilities.
Hows this. Incorporate into a township. Get state funding. You know...follow
Monkey Monk Lane to Yurtville...Dig. we could do the Post Office/ Trading Goods
Store thing. Free?...Free My Ass. This is America.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Dec 2002
Oh that sounds like a place waiting to happen again! I have heard from
friends there have periodically been gatherings of the "originals" out
there. That must be how the rebuild of the covered porch happened. I heard they
had done some repairs. I am hoping to catch the next sounded like fun! I
can just see it and my yurt. Isn't it amazing when you think about what
actually was going on there at one time?! Yep that road was a real car eater!
Here's a site I dream over that RNA gave me.
WHAT Indians! And spraying defoliants? OH GOD! I thought that was illegal!

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Dec 2002
I was up there summer before last for a look around. There were some young
folks staying there. I didn't stay long enough to get a feeling of how organized
they were. One couple from Oregon, was working on a house, and the main house
shows signs of recent maintenance. Someone rebuilt the covered porch that is on
the front and one side. The workmanship was very good but the kitchen area is in
rough shape, the old iron stove is sunken nearly into the ground. The place has
a junkyard of about 15 old cars and trucks some dating back to the 60's, the
fruit trees and gardens are mostly overgrown, no livestock or active
sustainability around, the pond is still there and people were swimming in it.
The place is pretty fallen down but someone is keeping the thing going. The
people I met said it wasn't uncommon for some "oldtimers" to show up
bringing supplies of some sort. That is what I did. The living room is in good
shape with all the books, musical instruments (grand piano), and artifacts in
place. The road is a hell of a lot better than I remembered it. Pretty easy
drive once you find it. Sawyer's Bar is in fairly desperate shape as well as
Forks of Salmon. I met Petey Brucker in Forks of Salmon and talked with him
awhile, I met some folks from Cecilville at a solstice gathering in SF.
Cecilville has expanded a little but the rest of the area is in hard times. The
ranch still has it's potential though and given a few committed souls it could
be happening. Many who stayed on have spread out into the community around the
Forks of Salmon generally finding their on property, or some seasonal residence
of one form or another. The forestry people play big role there in both good and
bad ways. Lots of controversy over the years about fire prevention methods
(defoliants), Native American rights and watershed management.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Dec 2002
Mark~I actually gave that area half a thought. But I am still trying to kick
start (or is that drop kick) my 23 yr old, into being able to function
competently in the world. But it is good to be reminded if all else fails we
might very well go up there and see what is going on. I hope it doesn't come to
that. I'd rather go up there because I'm visiting. What IS the situation at BBR
these you know? Anyone left from the original clan up there? Whose
holding down the fort?
Hey Monkey Monk, you following this? CA SSI ain't half bad. What do the stars

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Dec 2002
I figure that if my particular world deconstructed for whatever reasons and a
place was needed to relocate my priorities and economics Black Bear could play a
role for survival if it came to that.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: WHAT?
Date: 01 Dec 2002

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Dec 2002
I look at it this way....There is always BBR.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: from Gypsy Camp
Date: 01 Dec 2002
Monkey Monk! Excellent handle, if you ask me.
Among other things, got a reality check when I started really looking into
the economy of this country via classifides and local newspapers of areas of
interest. This is not a good time to be moving if you got your shit together
already. I fact you are LUCKY if you have a home and money to sustain you. Cause
the bottom is falling out, out there!! You could easily put your pack on your
back and find yourself living under a bridge..with everyone else. No, I'll deal
with things here thank you very much!

Name: Concerned
E-mail Address: spinnin' my wheels
Date: 01 Dec 2002
Will follow your lead and dig in at this end for the long haul. Calais has
managed since the 17th century without me. Theres a reason Im' here. Operation
"Numbro Ono". Will save my ass and the world is sure to follow.
Investing in savings bonds for the long haul. Will roll over upon maturity: 25's
into 50's, 50's into 100's, 100's into 500's & 500's into 1,000's. Its
simple math. Will live like a monk and jack off like a monkey untill blast off.
Smile...(I am). War is hell.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: changing direction
Date: 01 Dec 2002
To Whom It May Concern~
Have decided to do's more with myself than anyone..and dig my
heels in to stay at my home. I think this is yet negotiable and am going to take
this to the next level. I just don't want to put those wheels back on the

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Dec 2002
OH Girl!
I would really like to know more about these treatments and effects, as Ariel
may be using them soon. The Inerfuron sp? made her terribly sick and didn't
help. (Again, feel free to email me.) I am glad you are open to the info I gave.
These treatments will not CLEAN OUT your liver nor the rest of the
critters..although it might make them wonder what they got into! LOL!
I really hope your treatment works!

Name: Ohio girl
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Dec 2002
Thanks for the information Eileen, I've got 5 weeks of treatment to go which
will end up being a very long year. Supposedly it's working so I wouldn't make
any changes right now. But after that it will be important to learn to take care
of my health, so the disease doesn't recur which does happen, and just to get
out from under the toxic effects of treatment. Well it's extremely cold in Ohio
this morning but the sun is shining!

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.