These are the Guestbook Entries from 2002. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from the first part of 2002. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2002.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Jul 2002
Hey Mark, as you may have noticed, I dropped the "No Mark Of The Longhairs" title, as I took the "Banned Dr. Sponge" E-Mail as a "Sign". Hey, I will touch bace w/you soon. I plan on kiting the check to the original P.O.Box given on the "Ask and Receive" inquirery, along with a stamped post card addressed to me, which will indicate that they got the bread. Once I get word, I will kite them the other 500. I remember fondly of helping those folks store their dried apples, and helping cut shake shingles for a small geodisic dome that was built on the Olema People's camp site. I cant eat smoked salmon without thinking of those folks. They were good to this kid. Later.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jul 2002
Robert, I got a message that read; "BANNED DR. SPONGE" and thats all it said. OK, Ill' bite...Are You Curious? (now im' Curious! If you are, E-Mail me again from the Underground and let me know what you apparently dont want the Real World to find out. If you give me a "Sign" I may throw another piece of the "Emmitt Puzzle" at ya. But then again... your mind-set has rubbed off on me somewhat, as I just realized that there is no way in Hell that you could prove that you are the REAL Curious. Oh, fuck it, that was just a thought. No one could fake your Rap. I plan on trying to reach my old show-biz gang in L.A. If you are in So.Ca. I could hook ya up. E-Mail me again Buster.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jul 2002
I am in Northern California and visited Black Bear last year to drop off some supplies. It is kind of hit or miss finding someone there and with the extreme fire danger in the area now maybe things are in a lull. Generally they need gasoline to run a small generator which operates a 12volt lighting system and a CB radio which is the only contact with the Foresty Fire watch people. There maybe someone lurking here that is better informed or connected than I but if I can help let me know. I can be reached at Planet Drum Foundation in SF:, (home) or reply to this and I will see if I can help.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jul 2002
Eric - Thanks for removing Sproge's idiot link - and saviang most the trouble off feeling like an idiot for even bothering. Now if we can just get someone to take his computer away from him the world will be a saner spot.....

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jul 2002
Hi all - It occured to me today that the Time-Orienting question: "Where were you when Kennedy was shot?" is in dire need of an update. Two of my suggestions are listed here as examples - but if you have any other suggestions (and I am rather hoping you might) please send them along to me at and I will add them to the ongrowing list of possibilities - Thanks!
1/ Where were you when George W. Bush wasn't elected?
2/ Where were you when Dylan went electric?

Name: Stevie no-mark of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 31 Jul 2002
Hey Curious; "Many a Great Teacher has learned from the Youngest Student". I will try to get an E-Mail through. By the way, none of the Black Bear People got In touch. The first of two Money Orders for 500 Dollars is slated to be mailed Tommarow. Things went well today, Fed 45 to 50 people. Only one fight, (involving theft). I stayed out of it. No letter from Sweet Lorraine to date. I have a warm welcome of sorts, but no written communication, and she doesnt do computers. Oh well. I just want to get a clear view before I head on up there. Im going to visit the Statue of Liberty for the first time next Saturday w/ my pal Nancy. Will try to contact you Curious.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: surfing the standing wave
Date: 31 Jul 2002
Steve: Not a lost student, and not of mine, per se; no good student is really ever lost, only (paraphrasing Daniel Boone) a mite bewildered for a few daze. Try emailing me again at . I will try to respond in a timely manner.

Name: Stevie no-mark of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Jul 2002
Nicole, I wrote letters to my natural children and am trying like Hell to get their Mom to write. She still holds a grudge and only calls when I dance with Mr."D". Hell, the last time was the old "one tap for yes and two taps for no". Ya see, Iv'e got American blood on both sides, so, I opted to entrust the upbring of my "Bairnes" to my Wife's Clan, (the O'Briens). Its an old Creek/Muskogee method that enables you to look on the youngens as "People" whereby one "Meets" them as equals, (after they get eye to eye with ya.) Well, you know me; I neglected to inform my Ex-Wife, or her folks of this tradition, and as such,It took quit a few years before they all caught on.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jul 2002
ps Steve...I have an open house at 6 tonight up on 90th st and 3rd ave...we are doing a building conversion to I won't get down to the village untill later, if it's still light, I'll pop round...other wise I'll definately come round tomorrow...anything you need?? want??...I can pick something up for you on the way over...a particular magazine? newspaper? book? food? cd? cassette?? my treat...let me know...I get off work at 5pm. yr pal, nik

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jul 2002
Hello All, feeling better in some ways, still very stiff and achy but hey, I wasn't trapped underground for 3 days, I didn't step on a land mine, I wasn't trapped underwater, under a canoe for 45 minutes, I'm not hungry or homeless, I have a job I love and I can read,sing and dance... and I have an incredible extended family that has stayed in contact with one another for 30 some odd years, I have this web site...I have insurance...I have access daily to a computer, I have a great apartment in the west village in Manhattan, I have a vcr,(old but it works) I am one fortunate human being and life is good for me...I also had witnesses to the hit and run who got the license plate I believe I can live with a few aches and pains for a minute...character building...and Steve B. you went through major recontruction...and are still gracious, graceful, generous and upbeat...a real magnanomous soul...thanks to all of you for your thoughts and energies...your grateful sister and friend, nicole

Name: Josje Kroon
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jul 2002
iCblind melon pusher ilse de lange ill be yours janis joplin me and bobby mcgee skik op fietse acda en de munnik kapitein deel 2 eric clapton layla oasis dont look back in

Name: diogenes
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jul 2002
sorry, false info prior, actually : 'Get Up, Stand Up' best to put brain online before engaging mouth
(or fingers)

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jul 2002
Everyone, thanks for the positive feedback on the new page with the video clip. And thanks for letting me know that the page wasn't working too well. The first attempt was rough. I was trying to use an Active X control but after hours of reading realized it should be an embedded control. In any case I've edited the page and hopefully await further feedback to see if it works better. I want to get this right because there is a total backlog of video that we can start to put on this archive. I'm thinking of having a "Women's Voices" page
(a suggestion that Nicole and Judy have both made) devoted to clips from the women interviewed in the Les Diggers film. So let me know any suggestions. I'll be getting the digitized version of Nowsreal next week so that will provide a source of clips from 1968. (Can't wait to make the clip of Brautigan planting his book of poems in the back yard of Willard Street.)
Here's the link to see the edited version of Peter Berg's video clip page (with transcription thanks to the Digger Angel who sent it to me yesterday):

Name: diogenes
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jul 2002
And as if anything else needed to be said -- try listening to Peter Tosh and/or the Wailers:
"Don't Give Up the Fight"

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jul 2002
Eric - I meant to say : "Great Job!"

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: Upload@Download.Digger
Date: 27 Jul 2002
Thanks "friend" - I followed your lead with success.
Hammond, - great story Lew Welch by Upton on your 3rd Page mystery site. I surfed around some and got lost in the facinating truth of it all!
Great links man..........Keep me/us posted!
Eric - Geat job!

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 27 Jul 2002
Having grown up in Long Island City and having ridden my bike many times over the 59 St. Bridge and through Manhattan, I can attest to the fact that Nicole must be doing OK if she can ply toro toro with the taxis. I used to picture it as one big game of dodgeball.

Name: friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2002
Oh, and thanks, diogenes, poclad is a great site!

Name: a friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2002
About the video, I too, had to wait as it rebuffered a few times while playing. But it was visible/audible. Could be caused by a few things, such as more than one person accessing the webpage at the same time, or your personal isp lines have a lot of traffic, or, like me, I have a slow modem connection at 32k. A suggestion: download it and watch offline. It runs perfectly that way. (Keep in mind tho, that on a slow connection, it takes a long time to download.)
And Nicole, sorry to hear about your accident. Glad that you're still in good spirits, and able to bicycle around. Btw, you have a beautiful voice! Wish the song was the full version and not just a clip.
Thanks, Eric, for the new offering. Ya did good!
Warm regards to all, on this overly globally warm evening!

Name: PS - Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2002
Charles' other contribution "The Riddle From Wobbly Rock" is also about Lew - tata - H. :-)

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2002
Attn: Lew Welch friends and fans - The 3rd Page continues to be a journal of ongrowing natures - Please go to: and click on Charles Upton's piece "What I Remember About Lew Welch" = Part 1 of 3 (to be continued very soon)
I think you will all enjoy this very much and thanks for visiting The 3rd Page -
Best to you all - Hammond

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2002
Hey there Eric,
The link to the audio (56K) loads, buffers, plays for a few seconds and the endlessly rebuffers for me at least. Otherwise it sounds great! - IMAM (I will keep trying)
PS - Happy you are riding the bike Nicole!

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2002
Glad to hear you're up and about and not too much worse for the wear. I fixed the link to your online music clip (below). Speaking of media clips, I just got the digitized copy of Les Diggers back (the video transfer company is still working on the VHS copies). I snagged a clip of Peter reading from Trip Without A Ticket. I'd appreciate hearing feedback from people on this new page:

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2002
it's crossover gold (one word)

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 26 Jul 2002
Sorry I just clicked on that and got some game site...not what I meant to do ...I guess it's more trouble than it's worth...but if you go to google and put Nicole Wills cross over gold... it will give you the site to click on...oh...i'm getting to full of myself now i best just hush...ignore me

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 26 Jul 2002
Thanks everyone, I'm doing just fine and even rode my bike to work today...that doesn't of course, say much for my mental capabilities (riding a bike in mid town manhattan) but I'm fit as a proverbial the by if you have speakers on your computer you can go to
and click on my name you'll hear some of my album...I just found this googling around

Name: diogenes who lives in a tub
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2002
Perplexed in this twilight of democracy, still searching for a better means of being -- looking for sanity
amid the burning trashfires & comic cosmic swill of illusionment -- here's a connection ya'll might want
to check out [a genuinely excellent website]: ...Program on corporations, law, &
democracy. peace & prosperity in all your divers journeys. over and out -- d.

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jul 2002
Nicole, Be well and take care. Find a comfortable place to heal. Let all the flowers sent with words heal your wounds. So sorry about the mishap with a machine. The folks at Morningstar and Wheelers send their good vibes from all over the nation. badaba, Tomas and Family

Name: Stevie no-mark of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 25 Jul 2002
Nicole, "Dont get in front of anything that goes faster than you do" (but you knew that.) Im glad ya rolled with it. Back in 1980, I took awhile to recover in Venice Italy from a virus and an Ill-fated honey moon audition, Having regained my stamina, I reluctently tangoed out of Venice, and was really freaked out by the "Beast Cars", (As I had really gotten into the "flow" of things in Venice.) Then it dawned on me, how comfortable (conditioned) we get weaving in an out on foot, through the herd. It can be a tough game. ie. "VIROS ET MORTUOS" (the quick and the dead) Hey, drop in around the second week in Aug. (It will take me that long to clean the place up. Oh the clutter!

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jul 2002
I am glad you escaped without serious injury. It seems that some folks have gotten more aggressive in the last few months. Tolerance and patience are asleep in the backseat. I had a like experience last month getting hammered by an out-of-control speeder who demolished my pickup. Thankfully I wasn't hurt and the other driver was only bruised. Makes you wonder about things though. Get healed soon.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jul 2002
Dear Nicole - I am so sorry to hear of this (thankfully only a) brush with an iron monster (fiberglass bodies no longer by Fisher!) driven by a wanna-be-Zionist roadrager no less!!!! May she wake up from her panic life-style and do some community service work for the rest of her life!
Back to you - Are you you just bruised and battered or are you more seriously injured? I hope (make that pray!) that loving friends and family are tending to your full recovery. If not I will get brother Steve (aka: The Silent Tornado!) on the (their) case! I will make 200 turns of the prayer wheel counting 100 prayers to the Medicine Buddha for your perfect health - not to mention beauty. (Yes folks, I have seen a photo of the lovely Nicole so I know from whence I speak!) - Namasté - Hammond

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jul 2002
Nicole -- so sorry to hear about your brush with the Real World. There's so much craziness out there right now, I'm constantly reminded of Lew Welch's line in one of his Digger/ComCo broadsides:
"Sometimes you only have to step 3 feet to the left and the whole insane machine goes roaring by."
I hope your recovery is as swift as the flow of a Type 5 rapids.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 25 Jul 2002
Eric...I would so love to have a tape...sorry I din't mention it earlier...Hope I can still the way, I was hit and run by a car in the parking lot of my office so I've been a bit out of commission for a few was a pretty scarey situation...the driver was experiencing road rage is my guess...I didn't know her...she seemed in a hurry and after yelling, "get out of the way stupid fucking arabs" to a young family putting their children into the car seats...I was her next nearest available she just "moved" me and went on her her shiny new jaguar...Lizzie Grubman...was that you? I'm not physically as resilient as I was a few years I've got some healing to do...heart and brain in tact though...Steve I'll try and get round to 4th street soon...warm regards to all, Nicole

Name: Stevie no-mark of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 24 Jul 2002
Hey Quinton, aint ya fergitten "The Little Miss Majorette Baton Achademy?". Oh, and Hay Curious, I take that back (and then some). Im gettin the vibe that I may be one of yer long-lost students. (am I warm?). Hey Eric, things are falling into place, Sweet Lorraine has invited me up to the New Hampshire Coast to Pow-Wow with her, our children, and grand son. While up there, I will swing by the Lakes Region and unseal the millenium vault, and perhaps mail you your goodies from their, as oppossed to carting the stuff back down here. I had a super day, we fed about 40 in the Sanctuary. I played some lost Richie Valens tapes for them, and also some obscure Sinatra.

Name: the ruse
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jul 2002
blessings on all you kings in the sky -- anybody remember Rincon O'B the anarchist mail clerk & his buddy
'Junkathon' the fifth eye photographer from Noe valley in SF ~'71-??74 ?

E-mail Address: Quinton "Doc" Kruse
Date: 24 Jul 2002
From the Greta Garbo Hotel for Wayward Girls and Boys to the free frame of referrence. "What a long strange trip it has been." I am still alive at 64 and and carrying my part of the load. I am glad to find this. Helps to put some continuity into my life. Emmett Groggin Lives!

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: going over the falls
Date: 24 Jul 2002
busy right now for a few days--be back then, possibly sooner. By the way Steve, my first on stage role, of note, was as Howard Blair, who is onstage as the curtain rises for Inherit the Wind, more or less loosely based on the Scopes Monkey Trial. Curiously enough, the scene opens with Howard pulling nightcrawlers (worms) from the ground and inspecting them for suitability by stretching them out to insure quality. So, take that comment back.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jul 2002
Speaking of televised/digitized, the videos should be ready to pick up today or tomorrow. For everyone who asked for a copy, please send me (via email: an address where you'd like me to send one.
Next question: should I do the full thing and print up cassette case covers like I did for the version of Les Diggers two years ago? Or should I just slap the tapes in their cases and mail them off?

E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jul 2002
Or is that "Digitized?"

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jul 2002
Part of the difficulty in today's day is a relative lack of curiosity as compared to 30 years ago today when the 'kounter-kulture' was kickin the gong around. Granted we had our quirks and dead-ended journies into the mystery we call Life Acting - but our sense of curiosity was paramount. What happened along the way to discourage the following generations of travelers? CAPUTALISM AND FEAR for two - and a lack of community for three. Steve and friends bless your pointly heads for continuing under pressure in NY. I Am Curious IMAM - but curiosity is just a small part of what is needed to kick the day in the ass again. Wake Up Niggers! The Revolution is trying to become televised after all ------------------

Name: Stevie no-mark of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Jul 2002
Look boys, I sence an uncertainty, which seems to be steadily creeping into this site, which may hinge upon the mundane and transcendetal reality; (the meaning between life and death, the destiny of the soul, the nature and sanction of moral laws, the relative domains of knowledge and faith). But, hay, I could be wrong... but yall' just gotta keep the faith. DONT GET ME WRONG..This intellectual tension in its self could to be transformed into a strange messenger from a higher unreality that could very well edify and entertain songsters at the positivists banquet. So, putting it into focus, I say "Have at it". What we need is more "CURIOSITY" (never thought Id say it).

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Jul 2002
idiot? Nothing? What? I think not dio-dog....The worst of memory goes in with the best like unavoidable fly-paper however correct to print. The fires raged at times - and the bulk of the Haight got high before going down on the street to dig the flames. An attitude long gone in this far more dangerous age of disinformative politics and social ennui. What's a poor boy to do but chatter at times...... IMAM

Name: diogenes the dog
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Jul 2002
more and more: ...a tale full of sound and fury, told by an idiot, signifying nothing.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Jul 2002
Flashed back to a rough moment in the Fillmore - Haight the day SuperSpade flew to oblivion. A kind corner grocery store owner stuck me in the saftey of his back room for a couple of hours while the heat on the street died down. The LSD cafe was never the same - maybe nothing was ever the same. Crystal Meth took care of everything that seemed to be the same. RIP (revisited) - IMAM

Name: Stevie no-mark of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 22 Jul 2002
To DOC RAY. 24 May 2002. Hey Doc, If the "SPADE" you are refering to, is/was "SUPER SPADE"; he hit the ground like a turd from a tall cow's ass. (free flying lesson, right off the edge of a cliff) I really Hope that he is/was not one-in-the-same. As to the others, Good luck with your search. "An instant in the wind (I know not whither hurled) But not for long to hold each desperate choice." HART CRANE "I saw eternity the other night, like a great Ring of pure and endless light, all calm, as it was bright; and round beneath it, Time in hours, days, years, Driven by the spheres like a vast shadow moved; in which the world and all her train were hurled." HENRY VAUGHAN

Name: Stevie no-marks of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Jul 2002
Hay ya'll. I romped on down (up) to the Vidio Festival today. Mr. Jimmy entertained a stunned subway car full. I played straight-man with my Magna-Doodle while Leon Grodski filmed our antics. At one point I stuck a pocket watch onto my sweaty for-head which projected a Dali like surrealism to the moment. Anyway Leon seated me and two Bowery Bums which I had In tow, (an impromptue rooting section) in the very last row. (smart move, the man is a genious, I tell ya.) The films in THE GONE BUILDINGS: NYC & 9/11 numbered five in all. Mr.Jimmy's GREAT BALLS OF FIRE really brought down the house (no pun intended) Everyone laughed through a 9/11 film. Now thats cinimatography!

Name: Stevie no-marks of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Jul 2002
The intellectual functions, by which relations are percieved, are the common endowments we all share. The differences are apparent, not real. The eye in one person may be dulled by "Saran Wrap", while in another quick, in one distorted, and in another tranquil and clear; yet the eye to light is in all of us the same. Just so judgment may be liable in individual minds to the bias of passion, and yet its relation to truth is immutable, and is, in fact, universal. Hey, lets petition Gary Snyder to put his (it's) two cents worth in. How about it Gary? This site needs a boost from someone who is wise, established, and credible. Come on, How a bout it? Just fer old times! OK?

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: HeyJoe
Date: 21 Jul 2002
How sweetly I roamed from field to field!

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jul 2002
Please save the "Saran Wrap" for my next "Wet Dream" okay? - IMAM

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 21 Jul 2002
Shes pulling your pigtails Steve. By the time I got to Loisaida the Belle of Ave. A and the Slumgoddess were grandmothers. Speaking of Ave. A, the candy store on the westside of Ave.A between E. 7 and St.Marks has the best eggcreams. Old friends get welcomes Steve, you remind them of what they once were. Watch out or you will be considered venerable.

Name: Stevie no-marks of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Jul 2002
Hey Joe, Alphabet City, as In "The Belle of Avenue "A", I lived in a card-board condo out that'a way once. Hey Joe, I was wondering If everyone gets as warm a welcoming as I did when I logged onto this site? Do ya think that thier tongues will soon run down? The "MASKED ONES" seem to only spread a strange confusion over this site, and seem to despise the true excellence and glory of it's nature. Will it take an Olema Man to tear asunder the MASKS, and expose the dreadful features concealed beneath? I find that Curious is as ruthless as a baby with a worm; and as cruel as a schoolboy. I will keep the faith as I walk through Shadow Land. Take care Joe. SNMOTLHDWFS

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 20 Jul 2002
Steve I dont think you are too hard on us though I dont know what you are talking about all the time. It struck me once and a while before you came that some of the contributors were more than a slight bit judgemental of those who were on the point back in the day. By the time I was roaming the streets of alphabet city the only diggers I heard of were in books. Isnt it also the way that those that vex us intrigue us most.

Name: Stevie no-marks of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Jul 2002
Gather round children, Let's all sing: Winter is icummen in, Lhude sing Goddamn, Raineth drop and staineth slop, and how the wind doth ramm! Oh, Winter is icummen in, Lhude sing Goddamn, Raineth drop and staineth slop, and how the wind doth ramm! Come on! Raineth drop and staineth slop, and how the wind doth ramm! Every-Body! Oh, Winter is icummen in, Lhude sing Goddamn!! EZRA POUND. OK, now remember kiddies; There is a Spirit in Man. It is in Mankind. The spirit is your guide to truth. This is a gracious gift to humankind. So dont fuck it up. Untill next time this yer ol' Uncle Steve, tellin' ya to say yer prayers before you drop. Good night John Boy. SNMOTLH

Name: Stevie no-marks of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Jul 2002
Curious, we live in the same world, but not in the same neiborhood. I threw two big dudes out of Church on their asses last week. This week started out just dandy, a psycho pulled a blade on me. (Im Scottish) So I followed suit. As I approached him, he must have remembered a very important engagement. (He had to run). As for the news paper. Its for the Pastor. I walk it up to his door on the second floor, like a good boy. So wheres my raison pie? P.S. No, this Church does not have a bouncer, just an Olema Man. Got It? Hey, until we can get into something wourth while, I will send a little sing-song to cheer you all up. Its from a true Poet. (Im glad yer back Curious).

Name: Stevie no-marks of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Jul 2002
Curious, I must give you the whole Mob line-up, via several entries, as I have a very limited window to type in. I dont know how you guys get to enter such long messages. My original input from Michigan was cut short (cut-off). Thats why I cant match you word for word, as it were. My stuff has to be fine tuned, and lots of juicy stuff drips though the cracks. Speaking of which: You know the definition of relative humidity dont you? (Its when the sweat from your nuts drips down into your sister-in-law's crack.) Speaking of close relations; were you by any chance married to me at any time? Im gettin' these weird Ex-Wife Vibes. Aint ya' through with me yet? SNMOTLHDWFS

Name: Stevie no-marks of the long hairs
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Jul 2002
Hey Joe, Their not, but I am. Hey, come on down. My Road-Block is to liberate the rest room. There is a sign: NO PUBLIC REST ROOM. (and they wonder why folks piss on the church wall.) Aint it the way Joe? Wow the power grid was off most of the day. (big fire on 14th St. they say.) The Gong Concert was a hugh success dispite the heavy down pour of rain. Ol' Don whipped em' up into a frothing frenzie. I havent heard that kind of "whail of the Banshee" vibe since my last marriage. Oh, as you can see: "what goes around-Comes around". Ya, I got dubbed. Well, maybe I have been alittle hard on ya'll. (Or maybe not hard enough) What do ya think Joe? S.N-M.O.T.L.H. / N.Y.C.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: HeyJoe222
Date: 20 Jul 2002
Steve are those huge waterbugs still crawling around that fountain on the corner of the church all night?

E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jul 2002

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: post dead ahead, captain
Date: 20 Jul 2002
Steve: Were you at Olema the day David and I made the special table for the children so that they could eat in their own space--were you one of them that day?

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: waltzing across Texas
Date: 20 Jul 2002
Just what's in your newspaper that's worth stealing, anyway? Isn't all that defensive energy an exercise in futility. What's your attraction for the strait press#30.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jul 2002
Sponge - I am so ashamed that my 'clausrophobia' got in the way. Next time I will wear a set of paper 3D glasses and I will get to the actual message.......IMAM

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address: lookin@lifethroughshittaintedglasses
Date: 20 Jul 2002
dear IMAM in the great circus you cannot afford to feel clausrophobic. but to scream without curio is a feat indeed. Messages are never hidden just misunderstood and seldom shared wisely.

Name: Geo-Desperado
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Jul 2002
Steve - Thanks mate - I take your suggestions to heart - most are to some degree in place - and your affirmations are well-received. In the end it is the moment at hand that matters most, and I wish you and your Digger friends the best of it. -Geo-D

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 18 Jul 2002
Geo/Despo, I suggest that you declaire yourself to be of the faith; claim self creative rule in your life above governments and social categories. You are life. Embace yourself as holy and sacred. Reject weapons as murderous protection which takes food from children's mouths. Renounce violence, both personal and institutional. Lift up your vision as your own true security. Stand in solidarity with the poor, the oppressed, the Olema Lost Boys and the forgotten children of creation. Link arms in love and confess your faith in yourself and declare that your spirit is the shaddow which you will cast to release the captives and set at liberty those who are oppressed. SBDWFS

Name: Geo-Desperado
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Jul 2002
In my travels I see that the US will soon be at WAR in Iraq. Is there anything anyone can do to stop this from happening? - Sorry all - I don't mean to put any sense of "burden" specifically on Diggers - it is just that for the most part you are one of the very few 'groups' to have managed a lasting legacy of progressive thought and action with radically humane intent vs. Yippies - Hippies - Trippies - and other well-meaning clans for progress who have seeming vanished prior to the 21st century. I for one am very interested to know your feeings on this soon to be crisis confronting the planet. Are there Diggers with a voice for the present state of world mess with suggestions at to what we (dissidents) might do to better help on another?
Thanks - from a friend - with an open hearted mind.
(in search of ....possibilites for positive change.)

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Jul 2002
Hey Curios, get in touch, or I will dub thee; "DELIRIOUS". Come on, lets excercise some POSITIVISM. Hell, with my good looks and your brains, we could make it. Just give me one hand loose, and ill' be satisfied. Come on, grab a trench coat and some shades, slip-slide into NYC, and catch Great Balls Of Fire. The film maker was actually filming on 9-11 when all Hell broke loose. Speaking of the City, Are you in America? If not, ya better catch the next Bannana Boat; Word on the street says: Our fourign policy is about to jump off the Tiger. Anyway, I have some questions for ya, like; Was yer daddy a publishing mogel? Is your first name Patti? Come on, get in touch. SBDWFS

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Jul 2002
My good Doctor Sponge; Dont let your Chief Proctolagist of Diggology handle go to your head. Coyote's People and the Diggers were viewed (in their time) as benevolent beings. True, the Olema People were widley feared for their wild and unpredictable ways; but take it from me; we were perversely honest and loyal champions to the cause,(cause we were broke). As a whole, we clung to the true path. It is my hope and prayer that our actions be recognized and rewarded by the multitude. Moreover, those brave souls who endured should be revered by the entire Free Nation as a whole. The "End Of The World Mob" are but few, yet ubiquitous. Voices, sure..."from other rooms".

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jul 2002
PS Sponge - I can get screamed at outside my house any ole time I want by acting silly or obnoxious - why should i want my computer to scream at me? Why did you bother to send me there - is there a hidden truth here beyond "FLASH!" and cut back to Formica World?
Never mind..........................IMAM with better things to do.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jul 2002
Well I visited the Formica House image that Sponge suggests - but were are the voices? - and what on earth would Emmett's voice be doing in this very un-Digger like environment -> selling braille encyclopedias no doubt. Maybe this is a lead-in to more online trading? The odd just got a little weirder or is it just me? IMAM

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address: not@home
Date: 17 Jul 2002
go to the site below and turn your volume up high and listen to the voice i cant make it out fully but it says something about coyote and the diggers. the voice starts after about 30 seconds but listen carefully

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jul 2002
Online Digger traders? Forget visiting the site below - last time I looked the market was a bad investment all around - Chris is probably in favor of using the Social Secuity fund for a back to back Endron/ end-run. More invisibible money for the Shadow Government to toss around the invisible empire.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 17 Jul 2002

Name: chris
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jul 2002
Hi, I found your site and spent a while here. It's quite interesting and informative...I'll probably visit again soon. take care, chris<br><a href="">
day trading</a><br>

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Jul 2002
Hey Curious, I was damn close to dubbing you FURIOUS. Im not much for back-talk, so, ya, I told Nik that you level the scales. If not for your gravitational pull, the Digger juggernaught effect would whip-lash my alter-ego to the dark side of the moon. In fact my series of entries on this site may very well document my descent into maddness. Is this how Sylvia Plath felt? I may rue the day that I buried the hatchet with you; but today is not that day. Untill we define who's the Yin and Who's the Yang, lets just stay toe-to-toe in this dime-a-dance romance, shall we? So, untill we find a new game; "Waltz Me Around Again Willy" P.S. Next time, you lead. SBDWFSNYC

Name: Steve Boyd DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Jul 2002
News from the front: I Saw Mr. Jimmy ( a kindred soul who renamed me "Bobby") this A/M. I Gave him the Ol' Miami Hand-shake and he dragged a film crew over here. They Filmed James & I hamming it up. They are hot to return next week to document the West 4th St. Revolt for prosperity. Mr. Jimmy is billed as follows: "Shirtless Toothless in Song & Spit a man who Speaks Out about the W.T.C. like a Barometer of the Times." Im to be their guest at GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, starring Mr. Jimmy at the New York Vidio Festival, Walter Reade Theatre, Lincoln Center, Jul 21st 2PM and Jul 24th 4PM. The film is produced by Leon Grodski and Pearl Gluck. Hope to see some JR. Diggers there.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jul 2002
Steve - Once a Nomad always a Nomad - keep the faith burnin bright in the mean times......IMAM

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jul 2002
The Opera continues.........And what else should it do! Hey Curious - if you want to contact O'Neill just write to him at:
<> He and I (and a loose ensemble of other survivors) do a bi-weekly radio show called The End Of The Trail. The show is broadcast from Nevada City, Ca. ever other Sunday night 10pm - Midnight on KVMR (live radio) and on on the web. Since I am in Oregon they hook me up via telephone to the studio. Anyway - check us out sometime - like two Sundays from now as our last show was last Sunday. - Also on O'Neill you can see his work in The 3rd Page - at: - Dan is the journal's chief Skizologist.
Our trails crossed again - as I moved back to Amsterdam in 81. - Chet is still a smilin and a doin - all white haired and fuzzy with great photographs hangin on the walls. Heard from him a week or two ago. - Yes - parties at Artie's were hedonistic to the maximum degree - and all for the wrong reasons - in the end a bad scene for a bunch of decent hearted folks. Money, SEX and Cocaine excess is not the best conglomerate for spiritual success and I can hear Steve laughing now.....".Keep you motor running...head out on the highway.....Lookin for adventure.........." Thanks for being in touch.........B3

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Jul 2002
Melissah, My guess is that Emmit is still here in the Middle Kingdom in more ways than we will ever know. As for me I am the Former President of the One Man Motorcycle Club. (Talk about exclussive!) Hey, I never had to worry about any-one Turning Over. O.M.M.C. "I Am But One Man; But I Am My Own Man." I plan on building a fresh sled in the Parsonage (thats a first) Heres the specs. A 58 Pan Head side-jammer craddled in a 57 straight-leg rigid frame. An XA springer, A 56 Royal Enfield fuel pod, California Growlers, dog-bone risers w/drag bars complete w/ dentist's mirror. Clean, Shaved and with a paint job straight from Hell. PS.Ya, Im' OK. Good to hear a new voice. SBDWFS

Name: melissah catton
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jul 2002
who is Steve Boyd?I figure anyone who frequents this site has to be me and chat.melissah.Pronounced Melissa not Messiah....Melissah Catton.Australia 8pm

Name: melissah catton
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jul 2002
in the book emmett gives us the chemical formula to make methadone tablets(physeptone)it is a shame that he does not let us know the quantities of each for all,eh..i would really love to know where he is now and what he is doing.If anyone can help I,m at would also like to thank Grogan for coining the term"they're not freckles,they're angel kisses.It has made my life alot easier to have that one in my pocket...Ringolevio is an awesome read and although I believe that half the shit he pulled off back then he'd never get away with now,it's still amusing.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Jul 2002
Hey.Hammond, Helms layed a whole mess of colored flair pens on me at Olema. J.P. almost tripped (no pun intended) over me one night in the barn yard as he was headin fer the hills. He said; what the fuck are you doin'? (I was layin' on my belly, drawing in the moon-light). He said, Fuck; you are an Artist! (Many thanks Chet.) He was always so inwardly focused. I think the first time we met was at the Psych-Shop house on Page. Ron Warren was around, also a cat who's trade-mark was, loosening the tobaco in his cigarette by feeding it through the hole of a gold far-Eastern coin medalion.(We all had our things, didnt we?) That guy Ring a bell? His name excapes me. 3:45 AM SBDWFS

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Jul 2002
Hey Nicole, I got your E-Mail. In reference to your description of me goes...I Feel A Hell-Of-Alot better than I Look. Its a slow curve to get back the muscle tone. Thats why I had the feeding tube in for so long. I just couldnt put the weight back on. Im really limbering up though. what with the scar tissue and missing meat; my left shoulder was frozen and I couldnt lift my head off the pillow without using my hand. Ive come a long way and plan on going FURTHER. I was a blocked writter for years, Fuck,,now im a blocked talker. Aint it the way? I miss my laugh, thats all I miss. (It was contagious). Well, its 11:30 Good night kids, bed-time; dont forget to drop. SBDWFS

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Jul 2002
Eric, I never met Janis, only two "reflections?" one was a little fire-ball who named Cathy MacDonald, and the other was Pearl Heart, who coached Bette Middler, and performed in The Rose. Ol' Pearly Ma had the balls to call my home-base in New Hampshire and when Sweet Lorraine got curiuos, Pearl said to her; "So how do you like Squatin' on that Big Dick? See what I mean about certain aspects playin' Hell? Anyway, the house in S.F. was constantly being photograghed. We were sweatin' it out ontil a neighbor said: Big Brother and the Holding Company used to lift the roof of this place. I paid 1/4 of the rent there for months and cant even remember the St. You know how it goes.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jul 2002
Hey Hammond, I cant describe Nik without being both charitable and patronizing. She's a Pheonix. She won my attention and favor Immediately. She floored me. (I rolled on the floor) I showed her some scars not unlike a NYC street map. (She didnt flinch) She shined-on my stoma as if it were a pearl beneath a Dragon's chin. She's a ground rod. We did the Ol' Fourth St. "Frame of Address". )We both jumped the tresh-hold of the down stairs kitchen door; where-by changing our addresses immediatly.) You got it folks. From 133 to 135; presto. We skipped hand in hand to the door. I confided In her that I need Curiuos. Its a balance thing. Im in fear of eclipsing myself.

Name: Steve Boyd DWFS
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jul 2002
Hammond, my buddy Roger Trudoue of Warhol Factory fame also worked at Mitchele Bros. Theatre. He told me the wildest shit. H.S.T. picked me up thumbing in S.F. in the wee Hrs. I was holding a large trophy (loving cup) which was chocked with pot seeds. He ran the red light and screamed GET IN! Then he screamed I HATE HITCH-HICKERS! Ill be fucked If we didnt hit every red light from the Avenues to Knob Hill; and he ran em all. Just speed though honking! I was laughing uncontrolably, and when he called me on it, I said, well, things could be alot worse, you could be stoppin at the green ones. He smiled, dropped me of at my place, then blew through the light. SBDWFS

Name: Steve Boyd DWFS
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jul 2002
Eric, dope tails are unsetteling, our dream tripping proves that great minds think alike though. I hit Amsterdam in 80 & 81. The guest of the famous Ex-Patriot black Othello Charles Holland. His wife Cathy and I did the town in a big way. I steared clear of the Angels of Light at the (Last?) free Dead/Starship show in G.G.Park in the early 70's. Got cheap imitation vibes. The old B.B. House I was at was a cracker-box perched on a hill. I use to have a clear vinal type promo of a Cockette thing, (something-or-other on a hot coma.) Left it at Wierd Harrys on Channing Way in Berserkely. I pushed for the Grass enitiative there in 73 then hitched to FLA. SBDWFS

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Oat Willie's
Date: 15 Jul 2002
Steve: If you can find Dan O'neil, get him to tell you about the ride I gave him on his Norton. Does anybody know how to reach Bobby London?

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jul 2002
PSS - STEVE - hummmmm, now your other note mentions the "seamy side of SF".... interview. ? - My buddy Dan O'Neil used to sleep in the projection booth at the Mitchell Bros. joint when Hunter Thompson was working the ticket booth. Hows that for a Odd Bodkin bi-line...... and one of my oldest friends married/and then divorced the hair-dresser (which included trimming pubic hair in to heart shapes) for "Behind the Green Door." Perhaps you went to Artie's Parties///////////?//////////////The City was such a place//////// And then again what about the "famous poet's daughter" who became the first XXXXX performer - or the TopLess ShoeShine Parlor next to City Lights! STOP!!!!!!! I wil not make this the sex club of the month club........!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jul 2002
Image Flashes -> I haven't seen this recent "Cockettes" film release but the publicity of course brought back all sorts of bawdy and hilarious memories from being in that funny Chinese theater after-hours at "Tricia's Wedding" and one other show. Then I moved away into the unknown everywere and was living in Amsterdam when The Angels of Light arrived in Europe. Although they were "Cockettes" - The Angels of Light were not into the bawdier side of things. They were however, very very very tripped out on glitter. I mean more glitter than you would think could be humanly possible. The sets - the stage - the costumes - the props -the posters- your ticket stub - and their half-naked bodies were literally coverd in Rainbow Glitter - and this was just for starters. Ten minutes into the show pounds of glitter began to blow -fall and spew into the audience - and I mean pounds and pounds of it... Industrial sized electric fans from above and below would periodically blow the stuff in blinding clouds of glitter - and bear in mind the show lasted a couple of hours. Needless to say - the glitter never stopped and everyone in attendance had glitter in their teeth and ears and hair for weeks after.
PS - Steve, Remember when you asked if maybe we ever met back in the daze before Olema? Well - maybe one of those avenues of possiblity just came up with your mentioning the BB house. I first met Sam and crew circa J.B.J. (Just Before Janice) via The Golden Bear in Huntington Beach - so whenever I came up to the City in this is one of the places I would crash - Chet was in the basement I think. Any way the other point of potential contact here is that I used to do the same drop and go back to sleep thing! I used liquid eye-drops - when I woke up coming on strong I would then up the anti-with a little...... STOP! STOP!...... I will not make this a drug story of the month club!!!!!!!!!
Anyway buddy-brother, maybe we met on the way up or on the way down - whoknows- but now that we are here - it is great to meet you again and to hear about the good work you are doing in NY. - And tell us what Nicole is like in person! The Neo-Digger Opera 2002 wants to KNOW!

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 15 Jul 2002
Good morning great to meet you!!!what an inspiration you are...Eric, IMAM, Hammond, Tomas et al...if you've never met Steve, or haven't seen him in years it is a must do...his words and works on this site are something, but his spirit, standing face to face is awe inspiring...I'm so serious. He reminded me of a passage from Louis and Clark Journals (my favorite book)...suffering an intense infection, after having been shot in the ass by accident, Meriwether Lewis volunteered to go up river alone for what ended up taking 5 scope out which fork in the river was the correct way to go...there are no diners, motel 6 or even Digger Olema or red house road house at that he was truly on his own, while on that excursion, his 30th birthday came and his journal entry read like this, "here I sit on my 30th bd and I don't feel as though I'm doing anything with my life" oh no...just forging the Northwest passage!!!Made me feel like a piker...anyway it seems to me Steve is really an explorer and adventurer and what he doing on west 4th st is such a good thing...thank you Steve and let me also say...You speak volumes! Nicole

Name: Steve Boyd / DWFSNYC
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jul 2002
Hey Eric, Still no luck with this E-Mail thing. I will keep hammering at it. Oh...every chance I get, Im gonna skim the guestbook, (from 1995 on up). Maybe some names and/or entries will ring a bell, and I can open up a new can of Ovaries.. Oh ya, by the way, my dear friend Alan Baxter (film maker) just set up a written question and answer Interview between myself and a local Author who is writting a book about the underground film movement. Its my hope that he may have the pull to make a few calls or pull a few strings and perhaps unearth my long buried Rolling Stone interview about the seedy side of San Francisco's adult entertainment Industry. Will keep you posted.

Name: Steve Boyd / DWFSNYC
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jul 2002
SMACK? My chums at the old Big Brother House were turning people on to ballons, like they were breath mints. I only went as far as skin-popping myself. I always fed the Demi-Urge ( But never gourged it).Those fiends would have killed for my viens. Tennesse Jim ran wine and water, just to stay "In Practice". Whip Woman said that he could have hit me in the dark, from across the room. During that period, I had a nasty habit of dropping acid at bed time. Dreams would disolved as the body rushes would naturally awaken me. The deep purple would be punctuated by smokey liquid hall light from under the door. Funny how ya remember the little things, aint it? SBDWFS

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jul 2002
Steve, I knew I must've left out something or another. Free Clinic, Glide Church, the Free Fairs, tye-dyes, Free Bank, 1% Free Poster, all the various communal households up and down the coast, the Yippie/Digger schism, Jane Lapiner's Dance Group, Free Food Delivery service (precursor to the Food Conspiracies), the Beat Poets connection, the Hells Angels connection, the Free City Puppets, Libre & AAA & Red Rockers & Ortiviz Farm, Lovable 'Ol Doc Stanley, the Cockettes and Angels of Light, and (rarely talked about) the scourge of smack. There's probably another several lists -- ah here's one. Happening House.

Name: Steve Boyd / DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Jul 2002
Hey Eric, Heres a lead. Ernie from the Psych-Shop bought a Pre-Quake House in South Frisco. When I dropped in for a pit stop Joe Crise was crashing in the attic crawl space. (Clemintina Alley had busted up.) I could have sworn that Ernie said that he had saved one of each poster that went through both Psych-Shops (Haight and Maket St. Stores). Christ, today those would pay off the Mortgage! We printed a limited run Steve Boyd psychodelic Flyer for The Home Art Show on Clemintina. It depicted Lyle Guyer (S.F. Artist) wearing my Nazi officers jacket. During Lyle's Chrishna Kick I painted Morrison's face on his shaved head. Watch for that one. Its a rare beast.

Name: Steve Boyd / DWFSNYC
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jul 2002
Hey Eric, you forgot the Free Clinic. They shot me up with so much Penisyllin (both Buns) that I was trippin over match-sticks like they were logs! I used to waltz in, and they'd say Hi Steve! What kept ya? Anyway, I remember years later meeting the chick who won the title of "Miss Clap" at a fillmore fund raising concert. Uncle Vinty was there if I recall. I pulled out an once of liquid Amyl-Nitrate which I kept pouring on some artificial flowers while giving the "Peakers" all a whiff, when Tennessee Jim spilled the works on my (now famouse) Tee Shirt. Fuck it I took it off and the mob started huffing it!! What a Gas! That beats the secretion from yak testicals anyday. SBDWFS

Name: Steve Boyd / DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silent
Date: 14 Jul 2002
Hey Hammond, The road is long, that doesnt turn. I just dug up a letter that I sent to my Natural Brother in Salt Lake City during the Eat-The-Stamp Era. The outside of the Envelope is so psychadelic that even the post mark is almost illedgible. About the only thing you can make out is the Address. Its amazing that the Postman didnt get a Contact-High. Well, needless to say, Ol' Stan The Man, didnt catch the drift, as the stamp is fully Intact. I will kite it to Eric, with the provising that he (1) not eat the stamp, and (2) that he have it proffesionaly duplicated and then returned. I also passed out some Palm-Reading Flyers in N.H. that said "EAT THE THUMB" (nobody got it)

Name: Steve Boyd / DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Jul 2002
Eric, Ive actually read very little about the Diggers, (for fear of "Buying Our Own Press"; Maybe thats why some think Im really way out there. (heres a news flash folks, Im actually WAY IN HERE.) As to the "One-Fifty", I will tag it onto the Blackbear slush fund. Hey Eric, were you the heavy weight, greasy-haired funky cat who fattened me up on Free Peanut Butter Sandwiches in the Pan-Handle way back when? If so, Thanx. It gave me enough energy to whack-off while perched in a tree-top, far from the madding crowd. Ahhh...FUEL! Free stail bread is the tastiest bread. (but you knew that) While Im on a confessional trip, I must addmit that I miss CURIOUS. SBDWFS

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jul 2002
An interesting side-trip?: ->In the late 60s a guy named Robin ran a bus tour in London called "The Trip Without a Ticket." I got to know te guy a bit and when I mentioned the source of the name he respectfully admitted the Digger origin (he had in fact read the Digger Papers via the Realist and International Times, IT) but his was an extension of the phrase in that when you purchased your ticket for the tour you ate it before he would allow you to get on the bus. One quick guess as to what the tickets were soaked in..... Thus taking your trip without a ticket. - If you wouldn't eat your ticket he would simply refund your price of addmission...and say: "Better luck next time!"
Steve - You honor us all with your generosity du Digger and your voice is stronger than ever mate. Thanks.....
Eric - Great list of suggested archive directory links. You should do this once a month as a regular virtual suggestion box of internal links.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jul 2002
Steve, if you haven't checked out the Digger Archive, here's a whirlwind tour for you:
The original (English) Digger manifesto (1649). This is what inspired Emmett and Bill Murcott to sign the name Diggers to their early leaflets in the late summer 1966:
The early (Fall 1966) Digger Papers. These are the leaflets that Emmett and Bill wrote and distributed in response to the growing conditions in the Haight and in San Francisco's underground scene:
"Delving the Diggers", "In Search of a Frame", and "The Ideology of Failure" (1966), three seminal articles from the Berkeley Barb written anonymously by the Diggers. These lay out the philosophy, amazingly articulated at this early stage:
The Communication Company broadsides (Jan-Aug, 1967). We owe Chester, Helene, Claude and the rest of the Com/Co gang a big debt of gratitude for their free Gestetner service:
One typical Digger leaflet, "Money Is An Unnecessary Evil" (1967):
The Invisible Circus poster (1967). The Diggers and the Artists
Liberation Front planned the Invisible Circus (Feb. 24, 1967) as a counterpoint to the
Human Be-In (which itself had been modeled in part on the ALF Free Fairs the previous fall):
Free City News sheets (1967-68). When the Diggers appropriated the Gestetners from Chester, the result was a polychromatic shift in the output:
Nowsreal (1968), the Digger film. Here is a clip showing the Free City Collective "Free Noon Forever" free poetry reading on the steps of City Hall:
The joint Free/Realist edition "The Digger Papers" (1968). The final Digger gift to the underground, this was the anthology of Digger broadsides, manifestos, free news sheets, and free poetry that Emmett published with Paul Krassner's assistance:
"Trip Without A Ticket" (1966, 1967, 1968). Here is one of the defining documents of Digger praxis. Published in late 1966, then republished by Com/Co, and finally included in "The Digger Papers":
"Post-Competitive, Comparative Game of a Free City" (1968) was the blueprint that the Diggers left behind as they jumped off the stage ("the street") where they had been acting out Free for the past two years:
"Ringolevio", an online version of the portion of Emmett's story dealing with the Haight:
"Home Free Home", the brilliant (and hilarious) history of Morningstar and Wheeler's Ranch, by Ramon Sender Barayon:
"Free Fall Chronicles", several chapters from Peter Coyote's
Photo Gallery. Here are some photos that Chuck Gould took in 1967 and 1968. (The photograph collection is one area where the Archive is lacking -- if anyone has any, please contact the Archivist):
Letter from Kent to Emmett (1972). This is a great stream of
consciousness reminiscense of Digger history triggered by the
publication of Ringolevio:
"Deep Tried Frees" (1978). Written for, and distributed at, the memorial party for Emmett Grogan. This is a history of the Free Print Shop which was inspired by the Diggers in the spring of 1968:
Kaliflower, the major publication of the Free Print Shop, an intercommunal Free newspaper. For three-plus years, Kaliflower
promulgated the vision in part laid out in the Digger manifesto "Post-Competitive, Comparative Game of
a Free City". Here are the covers and some selected articles from Volume Three:
This is just a smattering of the Archive. I should have mentioned: The Digger Song, SF Mime Troupe, Artists Liberation Front, Black Bear Ranch, Hearthshire, Olympali, Free Bakery, Digger Caravan, PlanetEdge, Planet Drum, Mussel Group, Free Breakfast Program of Black Panther Party, Digger Events (Free Food, Free Store, Intersection Game, Death of Money/Birth of Haight, New Year's Wail, Digger Free Benefit, Invisible
Circus, Summer Solstice, Death of Hippie/Birth of Free, Free City Convention, Equinox/Solstice 1968). What else have I forgotten?

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jul 2002
Steve, that's a very touching thought. But please hold back on the $$$ -- just like at the Digger Benefit that the Beats held at Gino and Carlos -- the diggers returned all the money donated. I shouldn't have mentioned the cost of the leaflet. The point that I was trying (not very clearly) to make was -- I don't understand who's selling these Digger leaflets and posters to these dealers. I wish they'd contact me first (as you did in your previous message). So, please keep the $$$. I can afford the leaflet (that's why I have an 8 to 5 gig) -- it just galls me no end that I have to buy this stuff back from these dealers. Again, I'm touched -- it's the thought that counts.

Name: Steve Boyd / DWFSNYC
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 14 Jul 2002
Eric, I havent skimmed the site passed 2001 yet, Maybe I will hit paydirt soon. I will enclose $150.00 with the whole mess of posters that I kite to you. If you have Doubles, hell hang em on the wall in your Mad Scientist's Lab. Again, thanks for pullin off this "INVISIBLE VARIRTY SHOW", Im proud to be a guest. I was a public School drop-out myself, but I went to the "HEAD" of my "CLASS" at the OLEMA RANCH "FOOL"S SCHOOL". (In fact, you could say that, "I PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS".) Until then, count the days untill this leg-wettin stuff reaches yer sweaty little paws. All my best to you and yours Eric. Come on folks, Give the Host some. (SHARE THE WEALTH) SBDWFSNYC

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jul 2002
Peter Berg dubbed me the Digger Archivist in 1972 and the moniker stuck. I started collecting in 1968 for this archive. Have you looked around this web site much? I'm continually scanning documents from the archive. If you have anything you'd like to put into the archive, it will be cared for and preserved and presented to future visitors. I'm always on the lookout for new gems. For example, a dealer out here in the SF Bay Area has a poster advertising the Beat Poets Benefit for the Diggers in January 1967 at Gino and Carlos. But this dealer wants $150 for this leaflet. That's what I'm up against in this archival work. You asked for a post office box: P.O. Box 40391, San Francisco, CA 94140.
Salud -- eric

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jul 2002
Eric, I was justs skimming the F.F.O.R. and ran across the rap about Digger hand-bills and flyers on the market, Etc. You make mention of a Digger Archive; If youve got one, or plan on setting one up,I can dig through my Millinium vault and lay alot of First Issue S.F. Happening Posters on ya (In stead of the envelope that I previouslly mentioned). Its a damn shame that all of my original Olema art work was one-of-a-kind. Probably used to Ignight kindling, or maybe wipe an ass or two.(Hey, what better way to follow a Psychadelic shit, than with some Steve Boyd Bun-Wad.) Ive got a Gathering of the Tribes poster, among others. Let me know your feelings on this.

Name: Judge Homeskin VonDigger
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jul 2002
In reference to ASK AND RECIEVE dated 16 Dec 2001 in Free Frame off Reference and Silent Steve's most generous offer; Hey Howdy Black Bear Kin, this is Ol' Judge Homeskin VonDigger, (of the Olema Diggers that is) Ive made a judgement to kick back some Hush-Money. You can expect a Cashiers Check by the end of next week. I will kindly ask that aside from a 1% kick-back to the kiddies, that you acknowledge that you recieved it. In an effort that it doesnt get sent via a three-legged Government mule, we will Red Ball it. In closing, should you and your Ilk ever decide to visit our fair city, please FEEL FREE to contact us, as we are starting a travel fund. Hon. H.V.D. / DWFSNYC

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Cheryl ("SHERRY") Lynne Pickens Rubbo. I just caught yer full name from the Prayer, dated 04-Oct. 2001. I E-Mailed you from Michigan, but dont know if I did it right. I got through to Coyote just fine. Back in 70, I heard that a match-maker paired you up with that slippery looking Nor. Cal. long hair who dressed in black w/ silver concho belt and outlaw hat. I must admit that he did it up in a big way, as he actually rode a fuckin horse. If you detect a note of sarcasm in my voice (oops), its because I had a crush on you as big as the Milky Way, and as such; loathed Prince Charming. Didnt they tell ya that the good guys wear white hats? Don, hang on ta her.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silent
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Eric, Station DWFS here in New York is going to lay a Computer Station on me. It should prove invaluable, as I plan to not only use the traditional patterns laid down by my Digger elders,(flyers,hand-bills,posters,graffiti,word-on-the-street,Etc) but will take it one step FURTHER in an effort to depart radically from the suggested forms, all the while steering clear of other mediums such as the established motorcycle brotherhood utillizes, as I do not wish (In anyway, shape, or form) to perpetuate a "PACK" mentality. P.S. Send me your P.O.Box # (the Station Manager has an envelope with your name on it.) Youve done well Eric, this site is finnaly paying off.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Please include me on the list for the new French Digger video. I can help defray some of the cost of copying.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Eric - Great - VHS is the best I can do format wise. Along with others - the Freeman Nina ventriloquist act will be a classic I am sure. --- Steve ---> The mystery is the source and the source remains a mystery - and in this - NOTHING makes a lot of sense.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Hey Eric, If starting a Revolution is what it takes to meet a woman like Nicole, then brother, take up arms! She's vital, potent, and had me rolling on the floor In (silent) laughter shortly after her arrival. She has more soul than a James Brown concert. She's no Granny Lady. She's an Original, Genuine, Bonified, Antique Little Girl. As siblings of the same disfunctional family, (Diggers, Free Tribe, Olema People; call it what you will) we are cut from the same fabric, and have the Tattoos to prove it. Its like Ive known her forever, I couldnt scrawl out two words on the Magna-Doodle without her finnishing the entire sentance. Now thats what I call Digger Radar!

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
P.S. Hammond. There's a possibility of getting the film transferred to CD format, which would certainly make the distribution easier. Would you be able to view a CD version?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
You tell em Hammond. The trick is to spur folks who were conditioned strictly within the bounds of severe conventions; Its not a "Us and Them" Trip, as we were all influenced by the American Dream underwhich we were raised. To make the Digger thing happen, We (uh-oh) must meet certain requirements and satisfy certain human needs. As we "Tell-The-Tale", we must enter sympathetically into details of lives (here and gone)while recognizing thier obvious "Habits" and in doing so produce other and different conditions; (for sure) which will seldom if ever present more than a BASIS for new expressions. ie. WE AINT PUSHIN NO PARTY LINE. In one word: NOTHING

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
No cost, Hammond. (Diggerly Do). VHS format. (I forgot to mention that this version is excellent quality NTSC video. The colors are not washed out like the version we distributed in 1999. The only slight problem is the voice track gets out of sync at one point in the film -- with Freeman speaking but Nina's lips moving. Quite hilarious for an instant. I imagine the reason is that the French narration is so slow because the speaker is e-n-u-n-c-i-a-t-i-n-g so carefully that it added extra time to the voiceover.)

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Hey Eric - I would love to see the film so please put me on the list - but how will I see it? Will you have copies available (VHS) and what is the cost - or will it be virtually seen online in micro-space? I have seen snippets from the all French version - but hey - I don't speak French except when I was into being a nacient mime. Then I even spoke Tongalese - but that was then. - Thanks for all of your ongoing efforts with this "Neo-Digger Opera" we are in-acting. Perhaps a grain or two of sense can be found here that is not being advertised to death in the daily mess. - OnWords! UpWords! - Cheers to one and all -

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 12 Jul 2002

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 12 Jul 2002

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
A package from France (sent via Santa Barbara) recently arrived containing a new version of the French film Les Diggers de San Francisco. We are trying to get copies made like the last time three years ago. Depending on how many requests I get. All hands, who'd LOVE to get a copy? (This is a 54 minute version, possibly the same that was broadcast on French cable -- except the narration on this version is in English, or rather a heavy French accented English. However, Peter and Judy and I think it's a new cut of the original footage. The interviews are not so linear, but interspersed and more thematic. Still trying to figure out who sent it. It was either Alice, Celine or Jean-Pierre. IAC, thanks to whoever did send it, and to the relay person in Santa Barbara.)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Hey Eric, Ill' take a rain-check on your offer. I would prefer to just orbit for now. Besides, Nic is dropping in/out and may every well agree to walk me through this E-Mail mess. Things are finally starting to gel. I was afraid that the viewers were content on just watching the soap opera "DIGGERS OF OUR LIVES" but am overjoyed that some are taking center stage (Its hot under these lights) Again, thanks for being such a grand host. This could turn out to make "Politically Incorrect" look like the Art Linkletter Show. Will let you know how the meeting of the minds goes. I will dig out my MAGNA-DOODLE to write on, but we both know that my eyes will tell her all she wants to know.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Hey Loosegiver, You wearin a paper hat er what? I wore every pair of "Lucky Boots/Shoes" untill they fell off my feet. THEY WORE OUT! Yet to date my feet are tops! My point is this; Your feet wont wear out, or (hopefully) fall off. And If you really think about it...They were FREE. Yer folks laid em on ya. So come on, whens the last time ya called em? As for free diggs, I labor 15 hrs. per week for my space. "EVERY MAN NEEDS FOUR WALLS" (Charles Bukowski) And another thing, Its not about gettin in, Its about gettin out. The Free Street Digger thing is not a Sole Proprietorship but a SOUL PROPRIETORSHIP. That makes it 101% (do the math) Thanks for your input. SRBWDFS

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
To General Disorder: The store minds itself unless of course you want the job. If so, we will all disorder things through you from now on. And - per the election I vote for Steve to keep the dialogue flowing with fresh mystery - quotidian qurikism - and both feet planted on terra firma East. Dig it?

Name: loosegiver pate
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
lemme see its about shoes? huh? shoes, yeah thats it free shoes for life,and our lady of the lakes'.. peace plan,
eye got it,its about free clothes, an free diggs?
how does one go about gettin? it?... mean how close to 100%
free can we get...?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Hell Nic, you want hurt? I was crushed to think that it may have been you, but If thats what it takes to get you to write and drop by, I would have acussed you last week. Screw Curious, He/She Excluded Him/Her self anyway, and having made Station DWFS' "HEAD LINES", He/She is getting real close to making the DWFS' "FUNNY PAPERS". Once the West Free Street Guerilla Art Studio gets funded He/She may go Nation Wide. Ive got eight grand earmarked for Studio by the first of August. As for keeping an eye out; the "All Seeing Eye Of Providence" is Tattooed on my left hand (may it look favorably on all my ventures) I told ya that Im just a Three-Eyed-Boy! WELCOME

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Beg Pardon General Sir, The store was over-stocked with a surplus of large economy sized cans of Hard Knocks. Most of which have been collecting dust for over three decades. Having read the warning labels carefully, Ive come to the conclusion that contained therein lies conclusions drawn from nearly 35 years of existintial roaming. There are no expiration dates listed, and as such these provissions may very well serve the Free Nation At Large, I wholeheartedly pray that the contense contains character, dignity, truth and beauty...In short IM GIVING THE STORE AWAY. (the line forms on the right. Thanks for showing some interest. AT EASE. Private Boyd (no class)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Mr. Wolf Larsen. Hey Lobo Baby, Was that a question or a statement? I said that I was just fishing. I will repeat mysef; "CURIOS IS EVERYONE; AS EVERYONE IS AS EVERYONE DOES" DIGGER WEB SITE CONTROL BOOTH TO STAGE; LIGHTS, SOUND, SPEED, ACTION! ZOOM IN; CLOSE UP; TALKING HEAD; EXIT STAGE RIGHT; "SILENT STEVE (White-Fang) BOYD HAS LEFT THE BUILDING" LAP_DISOLVE; FADE OUT. Credits / Director: Sweet Lorraine. Key Grip: Dishonnest John. Best Boy: Herman the German. Goffer: Petie the Owl. Fire arms consultant: Yiddle (dont fiddle with Yipple; he'll riddle yer middle) Stunt Coordinator: Fluba-Dap. Our Special thanks go out to The Super Human Crew.

Name: General Disorder
E-mail Address: thanx but no
Date: 12 Jul 2002
All highly entertaining but who's minding the store?

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Steve...oh, heaven thought I was "curious" ??? not just no...but hell no...not that I'm not curious as to who curious is ...not that I haven't been curious at times...just not that curious...actually I don't care who it doesn't really matter...although I wondered why you made that statement about my being obnoxious...that sort of hurt...I'm not ashamed to any rate I leave my office on east 46th at 5 and I am headed straight to west 4th to look for you today...I'll be wearing white pants a tourquoise t-shirt and a big warm smile. keep an eye out for me...Nik

Name: Wolf Larsen
E-mail Address: the schooner Ghost
Date: 12 Jul 2002
steve boyd: whodo ya think curious is

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Steve -- I'll set you up with an email account "" or whatever you want if that'd help. As for introductions, what's to say? Have you seen the French film Les Diggers? I was the fat guy in the Huipol. (Hard to imagine). Up early this AM, a mosquito gave me fits all night. Gotta drag my ass to work. Will check back later. I'll try and archive this Guestbook this weekend so the file loads faster for everyone.
P.S. for a pic from my past life, just type in a non-existant page in the URL, for example

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Curious, you came in listed under JUNK MAIL. Is that a sign? Hey, D-Web Site is Greek to me, and I get a wierd message every time I try to send. How about you laying your paranoid (yet Poetic) slant on the situation to me via E-Mail and I could answer you on this site...thus forcing the OTHERS (ok..ok..they count) to revert to a fresh frame of reference in order to follow the drift? Think about it. We could creat a Psychadelic version of JEPARDY... you know.. the freaks could guess the question based upon my answer...Dig? Come on, lay something substantial on far youve only thrown me crumbs. Aint I worthy? Before you black ball it..Lets put it to the vote.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jul 2002
An Eye For An Eye And A Tooth For A Tooth Will Only Create A Land Of Toothless Blind People. ...Look, I could go on all day, but Ive' got a revolution to tend to. ERIC....Help me out here....How about it? Folks, Contrary to popular belief, Im not into CHAT ROOMS. Its damned good to a hear a fresh voice though. Welcome Amontillado...Hey how about you locking asses with curios while I spread the real word?? As Director of the Ways and Means Committy of the WEST FREE STREET DIGGERS, I could make it wourth your while. As to your ditty; "I got my Eyes wide open, oh ya, I got my calamine lotion, come on, I got the fuckin notion...ta do it again!" Best Reguards S.R.B.

Name: Amontillado
E-mail Address: south of the border
Date: 12 Jul 2002
Let us tear our eyelids off, together, where the crossroads meet the sky; and walk into the best of lands, our minds can yet devise.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: regarding the children
Date: 11 Jul 2002
Attempting to reach you at your e mail--respond at

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jul 2002
Hey ERIC, Im gettin the vib that I should maybe lay off forever. Am I hearing the music of the spheres clearly? Whats yer input? Should I give these folks a few life-times to digest this stuff? Hell, I could always resume my trade as a Slinky Repair Man. Oh, By the way, You never did entroduce yourself. In any event, You know who you are, and thats enough for me. I may have been way off the mark on curious' true identity. It was a shot in the dark, having never heard back from Nicole. Actually I think Curious is Everyone; (as Everyone Is As Everyone Does.) I now officially dub him/her "NOLUS NEWMAN", (No Name) If I ever get my E-Mail up, we have to talk.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jul 2002
IMAM, I was quoting William Blake off the top of my pointed little head.As far as the Journal standing alone, Its now got company; Read any of my shit lately? Ill be fucked If can get this magic bow to perk. I cant send or recieve any E-Mails. Until I can I will continue to utilize this site as a forum for my outlines with the hope that they will, In no small way add to the existing patch-work of facts that should be read in connection with each other and not independantly (hint,hint,wink,wink,nudge,nudge.) as the evolution of many frames of reference are dependant upon that of others.(I Think). Am I making any sense? Later IMAM

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jul 2002
Steve -
(Cover Image)
Or am I way off the mark? - IMAM
"The Journal of Albion Moonlight is a work of unmistakable genius. Nothing like it has been all English literature it stands alone. - - Henry Miller

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jul 2002
Hey IMAM, "Build we a bower for heaven's darling the grizzly deep; Build we a mundain shell aroind the Rock of Albion" (sic) I never did the graveyard scene out of morbid couriosity, but more of a quest for solitude and peace. A trial run, so to speak. Hey, I just heard the "Pick of the WeeK" on Station DWFS. Its Van Morrison's "Till we get the healing done" Its track #11 on his CD "TO LONG IN EXILE" Polydor 314 519 219-2 CHECK IT OUT. Tell me something; do you think that the deep and bitter feud between me and my Sister/Mother Person is alienating the younger crowd from the Digger web-site? If so...PLEASE CURIOUS, NOT IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN!!!!

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: Findagrave@Steve's
Date: 11 Jul 2002
Well Steve - you got me curious now vs. yellow so here is the link to Edith's lovely grave.
PS - while you are here check out Nicholi Tesla's site.
In time - IMAM

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jul 2002
Hey Curious, let yer alter-ego take the back seat long enough to get this through yer pretty little head; your constant Rhyme games are really fuckin with my Bio-Rythem and Blues. Hell, I could have whipped up a howling mob by now. But your CIA style blind-sides are blurring the provocative issues that should pose more questions than answers. And a fly on the wall told me that "Reevaluating what was possible" is the ticket. hell, I have more Digger trivia than Winos at a George Jones Concert. My Mini-Revolution may not be of unprecedented scope and ambition, But I can say that Ive been Incomparably alive since its conception. P.S. Whats yer sign baby?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 10 Jul 2002
In Reference to the Herbert Herbert/Comments dated 05 Nov 2001. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE DIGGERS! I dub thee "Superb Herb." Hell between Aids and Alzhiemers I thought we were finnished. As chief-cook-and bottle washer of the W.F.S.D.'s my roots were molded into a sub-culture that I consider sacred. I must admit that, Being a child of the 60's and not a man of that era, my pathetic "2002 Revolt" is in a sense a "Childrens Crusade" which I might add has been getting the Kabosh from a mind-fucker that I have to shake off on a daily basis. In the true Bohemian Spirit, My studio is open to friend and stranger alike. TUNE OUT, TURN OFF, and DROP IN. WELCOME. DIGGERS Greenwich Village.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jul 2002
Hammond. I look forward to the book. While skimming this site I cant help but notice that despite the Extrordinary amount of ink spilled about Diggers, I can find remarkably little about the Olema People. Conjecture aside, I will be the first to abmit that the Olema scene could be roughly defined as Eating, Drinking, Smoking and Breeding,But the under current had a Camalot Aura whereas even mediocer day-to-day routines took on Biblical proportions. There was true magic (as opposed to slight of hand) Giants, (as oppossed to Big Dudes) Heros,(as opposed to 21st Century Schitziod Men).Drizzle Drazzle Druzzel Drone, time fer dis vun to go home. Catch ya on the rebound.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jul 2002
As far as shaving Vrs. An Italian Bow-Tie, thats right up there with Not knowing whether to Shit or wind your watch. Hey that kind of indicission is a Libra Gig. Myself My sun is Cancer, my moon is Sag.... Im getting the drift that you may be a Leo with Aquarian aspirations. Am I close? Or would you admit to it? Before all of you Lions start to roar out there...Im Leo Rising. Curious, you pegged me for a Heat Murchant from the get-go. I Resemble that remark. To take it one step further,The morning news paper on my front step is the only one on the block that doesnt get swipped. Think about it. "There will never be another one like you." Oh my aykin head!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 10 Jul 2002
Dear Curious, Serious, Freindly; Or Whatever Name your using at the moment. This is getting delightfully complicated by the fact that you, (however, unconvincingly) disquised as you are, can be goaded into such fury. Your best deffence is offence. Look, forget the E-Mail, I E-Mailed Coyote from Michigan and got a response Pronto, But I just cant figure this magic box out. As far as the poster with the poem on back goes; the offer still stands. Why dont ya just take me up on my original invitation? Pick it up at the Gong Concert. P.S. Nicole, your more obnoxious than a red headed step-daughter. (I like that In a Woman) To bad the age of Sport Fucking is over.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd@hotmail,com
Date: 10 Jul 2002
Miz "C",Humility dosnt suit you, keep sharpening your claws. Im busy trying to figure out how to E-mail, but my thoughts on J.D.M. are as follows. I couldnt find his grave at Perlashay, but was amazed at Edith Piaf's. there were flowers and photos in solid silver frames. I painted J.D.M.'s face on a Hari Chrishnas bald head once. No shit. We were in the bathtub. His Orange "Toga" was marked "Property of the Cecil Hotel LA CA" thats as close as I ever got to the Zen Crowd. Not counting Gary Snyder.I Gyrated towards the Jean Genis, Diamond Dogs, Rebel Rebels, High Heeled Boys, and White Punks on Dope. Im into mellow people. P.S. We could be so good together.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: reconciliation row
Date: 10 Jul 2002
Steve: Many years ago Peter told me a story about the days when for two years or so, as he looked into the mirror, he didn't rightly know whether to shave or cut his throat. What he gave me for advice was that at those times some comfort can be found in simply following a daily routine, no matter how humble or seemingly insignificant. I will contact you, but the next step requires great thought. Friendly is as friendly does, curiously enough.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: congratulations for breaking on through to the other side
Date: 10 Jul 2002
Steve: I was composing the answer to your previous comments and therefore had not seen your most recent (post park) communique. Your day seems to have given much happiness all around--truly splendid work ( just one humble opinion.)

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: we're gonna speak in secret alphabet, light another
cigarette, learn to forget
Date: 10 Jul 2002
Steve: I really don't understand your anger. You a flailing wildly, hurt and stumbling into neon light--I'm just not part of that reality. One always surrenders the high ground when deamonizing an opponent. Perhaps it would behoove you to first make certain that I am an opponent. I do you credit in this sense, I don't consider you handicapped --I take you at full value and full measure--honestly speaking, do you think to persuade anyone with vitriol... I think that you are probably
bohdhisattva, I think that we are probably all bodhisattva (at least, representatives of our individual consciousness which is by some mystery connected to some larger consciousness.) Quoting now from The Bureau of Public Secrets," A bodhisattva, in case you don’t know, is one who, at the brink of absorption into Nirvana, turns away with the vow that he shall not enter final peace until he can bring all other beings with him. He does this, says the most advanced Buddhist thought, “indifferently” because he knows that there is neither being nor not-being, neither peace nor illusion, neither saved nor saviors, neither truth nor consequence. This is the reason for that benign, world-weary expression on the faces in Far Eastern religious art.54"
I have not said that you need to be careful of what you say, you will say what you will.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jul 2002
CURIOUS IS AS STEVE DOES: You just hit the jack pot! Give me a P.O. Box No. and I will send you an original Robert H. Ballard Psych-Shop Flyer, complete with a hand printed copy of Rosser Reeve's Poem ETERNITY. It dont get much better-n-at. It will make ya wanna grab yer ankle socks and doggy-dance. By the way, the mellow Church Folk here layed my own E-Mail site on me. (out of fear of religious percacution? you tell me.) Anyway, drop me a line, we can get into the real dirt, you know; stir the honey. If a P.O. Box is out of the question, you could have an Army swing by and pick it up Hey, I Had a great day, thanks. They really sucked it up.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jul 2002
Hey there Steve (and all who might be interested) - Please look for the latest issue of NIGHT magazine at your local news stand (published in NY) - there is an excerpt from the Moroccan section of my forthcoming book inside the latest issue (out now) which I think you will enjoy - along with a recent picture of a smiling B3. Hope your park activities went beyond expectations and that life is being good to you. - H.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: bon chance
Date: 10 Jul 2002
Steve; Good morrow--I too have daily plans to be of service. I wish you well with yours.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jul 2002
While you busy yourself In your fox-hole projecting poetic images in the hope of poignantly touching on the Human Condition (which I respect) I am on the front lines entering No-Mans-Land. My purpose is clear; Awaken the sleep-walking masses who are brain-washed into pretending to be bored with everything. At the cost of stripping every shread of decency from the conversation; While you are feeding your face this noon, I will be feeding dozens of street folks. Am I making myself clear enough, or do you want it in POETIC PERSONIFICATION?... syrupy and pretentious, or straight goods on the barrel top? Its your choice...and your move. CHECK!

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: I Ching
Date: 10 Jul 2002
Steve: you mistake the thesis, the elegance of riposte and repartee is unmistakeable--they are not issues of class but ready tools, if bright from use, with which to separate a society from its errors--ask yorrick. Further, which Muse should you choose: Erato please the fire rekindle, Calliope guide the way, Euterpe sing to both our ears, Thalia make it funny. Melpomene, break my heart. Clio, make it known, Urania rope the stars tonight, Polyhymnia keep the temple strong. To Terpsichore, the dance belongs, she shelters there, you see; the footprints of the fool called man, as he dances then toward harmony. @ one time use granted RTC

Name: DIGGERS / W.4th St. N.Y.C.
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2002
We have ARRIVED. This result has been secured through the earnest co-operation of various ARTISTS and after long experiment and vast expenditures of time and money. This extra-ordinary HAPPENING realizes what has heretofore been a dream to alternative life-style enthusiasts. Untill our next bulletin; Hand Paint Your Motorcycles with every craven Image that the Savage Mind can Invent. "Denn die Todten reiten shnell" ("FOR THE DEAD TRAVEL FAST") D.W.F.S.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2002
Boy! You did a slow burn right down to your Goutee! The smoke must be still cummin out a yer ass! True not every Skeleton wears a Grin, but the Winged Death's Head Tattooed on my wrist does. An Im not talkin about no "Acherontia Airetroops of the Sphinges" baby! As to your In-Between-The-Lines "Class Distinction" posturing, your gonna have to do better than that. Heres some advice that I know you wont take: Study me (and yourself through me). Follow the road which is far from being the easiest one. Feed the Demi-Urge. You been Rode Hard & Put Away Wet Honey, I know that Meeting your match was like sand in the Vasaline. But If you have something to say; SAY IT!

Name: I repeat curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: fastracking
Date: 09 Jul 2002
Steve: loaf of digger bread still good after thirty years as reported in modern arcaeology--wine found in association with same slightly sour(possibly too acidic.) I said acidic not ascerbic. Get this on your spinal telephone-not every skeleton wears a grin. Spy vs Spy is not germain and my spurs were won in Texas many years ago--my thanks but I cannot accept. Everyone counts! As to one other issue, for the moment, I quote a piece of traditional wisdom: Way HIGH UP THE MOGOLLONS, AMID THE MOUNTAIN TOPS, A LION CLEANED A YEARLIN'S BONES AND LICKED HIS THANKFUL CHOPS, WHEN ON THE PICTURE WHO SHOULD RIDE, A-TRIPPIN DOWN THE SLOPE, BUT HIGH-CHIN BOB, WITH SINFUL PRIDE, AND MAV'RICK HUNGRY ROPE. OH, GLORY BE TO ME SAYS HE AND FAME'S UNFADIN FLOWERS. ALL MEDDLIN HANDS ARE FAR AWAY, I RIDE MY GOOD TOP HAWSE TODAY, AND I'M TOP ROPE OF THE LAZY J, HI. KITTY CAT, YOU'RE OURS.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2002
To Cheryl Lynne, I called you "Sherry". You wrote the word "Psychadelic" on the fence with chalk. That was intimidating because I couldnt spell. Your sister lived in the shack with the blond-haired stud who wore a fine Hunting Knife. Your dad told me with pride that you and sis were Flower-Girls at Death of Hippie Parade. I traded my black German helmet to the Angel prospect w/ the Silver Chopper for a Tocoma Police Badge. Your dad put up two great "junk" sculptures for sale at Olema Ranch Fea Market. The one I dug was called "Superman's Hard-On" Your Mom use to stare at me while writting in her journal. She was so lovely. I chummed w/ Owl at Black Bear.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2002
In reference to Richard Mann's Comments, dated 10 DEC. 2001; Dear Dick. A lightning rod is the path of least resistance. WE ARE THE LIGHTNING. I hereby declare the soft parade null and void. As a holder of the highest unofficial office in America (PRIVATE CITIZEN) I hereby declare Radical Reform from within the sanctuary of the very Church that the FBI raided in the 60's It's called HISTORY folks. YOU ARE THERE. DIGGERS / West 4th

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2002
In reference to "ASK and Recieve" Comment, dated 16 Dec. 2001. Thats 28 years to the day that Bob Angel was murdered by the Devil's Deciples. The mortition had written the date in ink, inside both boots. I inherited them and dubbed them my "Lucky Boots" (3rd pair in a row.) Now THATS a SIGN! and as such, You can expect a money order for a grand by the end of August. I only ask that you spend 1% of it on art supplies for the kids. Dont question it. And dont let Uncle Sam get his dead hand in your pocket. If he shakes you down, tell em it was all a sick joke. Or better yet, fill out your tax return form in roman numerals. Be good / Be gone. DIGGERS West 4th Street.

E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2002
Curious, you will find that in this arena (like so many others) the ones who put up the most resistance in the beguinning, are the ones that you must deal with in the end. (all the others dont count). I deplore societey's foibles as much as you do, and can be ferocious in my criticisms, but the undercurrents run deep with my tender feelings for Man - Mankind - Humankind. That makes it damn near impossible to perceive a true enemy, (of the human variety, that is.) You have done well my Curious Grass-Hopper, I now dub thee "SERIOUS" but remember: Serious is as Serious does. No for some real fun. Steve Boyd A.K.A. Sweet Virginnia. P.S. Dont you know any other games?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2002
In reference to Danger, Secret Agent E-Mails and Conspiracy Plots; Any one with fast hands can grab a Tiger by the Balls...It takes a Fuckin Hero to Keep Squeezing. I have a Yin-Yang Symbol encompassed by Twin Tigers Tattooed in my chest, so keep yer fuckin medal. My Verbal Irony should be seen as an instrument of provocation. I dont mean to Shock, but rather use Poetic Vulgarity as Beadelaire did. Though I sway more to Veraine. Dig? I make no apology for dropping all forms of prefix.I criticize and ridicule, yet in doing so,open myself up to a world of faceless shadows. Take your best shot, no jest, I fear not.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2002
Miz Curious, I get the vibe that I evoke certain primal emotions from deep within you and Im sure that they most likely border on disgust and contempt...but come on...I think we can build on that. From where I sit in my EGOCENTRIC self-tailored realm, Im awe-struck by the self-love that drips off of your words like neon paint. Not to worry, It can be washed off with the truth....You remember what truth is dont ya? "Careless, Mocking, Forceful-- so does Wisdom wish us: She is a Woman, and never Loves anyone but a Warrior." THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA P.S. Hey Stash, remember the Hep Vacination? Talk about a square needle. Hey Curious...TAG! Your It!

Name: headsup
E-mail Address: Sugarhouse Prison
Date: 09 Jul 2002
I don't seem to be following the converstion too well. Perhaps this will help: I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
alive as you or me. But Joe your ten years dead says I. I never died said he, I never died said he.

Name: curious at play/curious at work
E-mail Address: greetings to Josephine
Date: 09 Jul 2002
Steve: Ich spreche keine Deutsch--so how about providing a communique facilitating translation. You are quite right. None of the previous elemets of my conversation have anything to do with the death of E. Grogan. Will you continue to (paraphrasing here) "with bright morning face creep like snail, unwillingly, to school." The play is the thing and no Virginnia, the game is not over--has barely begun. Mind you, one reality is that there are episodes reaching well beyond the statutes of limitation. Is your world so egocentric that you do not recognize the potential for danger to others? Another format for this conversation must be found if it is to prosper, perhaps an endrun doubleblind e mail track. Bye the way, the last time I saw Stash was at 53rd and she was starting to keep time with Marty.

Name: diogenes & other cretins
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jul 2002
well as long as you know you're living yours...i'm back to the ambrosia and frolicking maidens

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: InvisibleCircus@MindOverMedia
Date: 09 Jul 2002
Hallie - For deep seed information on The Invisible Circus take two tabs and call me in the morning - or read a bunch of books that try to describe this evening into the next day with Gestetner Inkings and LSDing all over everyone in attendance. I am still high so don't ask me what happened. Good luck with your writing - and check the archives.
And hey there Diogenes - What Oracle brought you back to life? Just you remember that "One man's crap is another man's fertilizer."

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
Hey Eric, J.D. rings a bell; The Diggers are listed in the Index of THE SIXTIES PAPERS between Die Nigger Die and John Dillinger. Aint it the way? On a more personal note, thanks fer not censoring/editing my input. And please let Hallie know that my answer was in Chineese (It Began with a matrix...The way eternal...Like the Gods.) Now As for me, hell I was in S.F. the summer of 67, but I was in short pants wearing a robin's egg blue Swiss alpine Disney Land hat with a long white feather and the name STEVE stitched across the front,( gawkin at the Hippies like everyone else.) Sorry, cant help ya. Welcome to the site Hallie. Happy Hunting.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
I have a file of printouts from the John Dillinger Computer Company but haven't gotten around to scanning anything yet. A short page on IC is located on the web here. One book you should look up is I'm Alive by Cecil Williams. Read the section on the Invisible Circus and you'll discover how that event was the turning point in Williams' (and Glide's) career. Who did you interview? What have you read on the Diggers that was junk? Oh -- and another lead is the French film Les Diggers de San Francisco. There's a couple interviews in there about the IC. Also, did you look at my Digger Chronology? I have a bunch of newspaper references to articles that reported on the IC. Finally, please consider posting anything you end up writing to add to the archive.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
Hey...uh..where is every body? Im still out here on the play ground...I didnt hear the bell. Its like Im lookin down at the confetti and cigarette butts...Did the parade pass me by? Oh, I get it. You all have to work in the mourning. OK. Good night John-Boy. Will check my hate-mail tomarrow at 6:30 PM.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
Hallie, T'ien hsia yu shih...Tao ch'ang wu ming...Tao che wan wu... Im serious.

Name: Hallie
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
Hello! I'm writing my senior thesis on the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1950s and 1960s. I want to include a chapter on the Invisible Circus event hosted by the Diggers on February 24, 1967. Does anyone have any information that would be helpful to my research? I would love to find some of the fliers that were printed up during the happening, but I have been unsuccessful in turning them up. If anyone sees this posting and was at the event or knows much about it, I would really love to talk to you. Please email me if you think you might be able to help me. I interviewed a Digger just last month while I was out in San Francisco doing research, and am still in dire need of information - sadly, much of the writing out there on the Diggers is just plain junk. I want to write something of substance.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
Hey, whats with the double-talk. Are you conspiracy freaks on to the fact that I may be more than one person? Heres what widens the crediblity gap; all you chickens shits who hide your identities and genders behind Greek Names just come off like so many words on the screen. What are you afraid of??? Oh..let me guess...You dont want the FBI paying more on your phone bill than you do, Right? Or is it Me??? Hell, fear not. Im not half the man I was a year ago. (which just about puts me even with three men and a small boy. RELAX. The day they build a better mouse trap is the day a Digger will build a better mouse. Keep those cards & letters rollin in folks.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
Hey Diogenes, whens the last time you checked yer panties? Hey we all make mistakes. Its like taking a shit...I mean a really BIG know..the kind you should maybe cut up with a wire or something? A voice in yer head says "DONT FLUSH"...but you do anyway. BIG MISTAKE!!! Can we talk?

Name: diogenes
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
I've never seen lower crap on this site before the latest from s. boyd et al.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
BOZO, I offer you Peace, Friendship and Love. Your observation leads me to believe that your wisdom flows from the highest source. I honor that source in you. We both have work to do. "When the going gets tough, the weird turn pro." H.S.Thompson

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
You tell em Hammond! Coyote was right. Those fuckers would rather see him sleeping in his truck. As for me, when those snivelers can say to the Bourgeois Enemy: Hey, Count me out, keep your $250,000.00 If I sold consumer products for ya, I just couldnt live with myself. (Then and ONLY then will I worship in their church.)

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
Nice to see the forum is in progress again - but to where? Again someone unknown attacks olde Coyote for his voice-over subjects. Well just so everyone knows - I live in Oregon, and yes we get the ocassional Bank or Car advert with his voice - but let it be known *(as if this wasn't obvious) that his voice can also be heard over subjects such as old growth trees, saving the planet, understanding other cultures and any number of subjects that no one is complaining about. Coyote is visibly audible as an artist so just because he does these adds for things you don't want to buy into - trust your own voice and forget about what Coyotes do or don't do. What YOU do is what is relevant here and there and everywhere. i..e. Get with the present.

E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jul 2002
i think we're all Bozos on this bus

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2002
Curious, I read your 29/Nov/01 ditty. Weres one from a West 4th Street Digger; Carnation Milk, the best in the land. It comes to you in a little red can. No tit to pull, no hay to pitch...just punch a hole in the Son-of-a-Bitch. S.B. Heres my Clue Overt. S.B. Does not stand for Steve Boyd. P.S. I misstook you for some one who was speculating on the true story of Emmits' death. My mistake,Sorry, Game Over. You win, (or loose; depending on your frame of reference). Congratulations. (I think)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2002
Hey curious, a fly on the wall told me that the last rites on the subway went something like this; "Denn die Todten reiten schnell"----(think about it)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2002
IMAM, again thanx, but lets not turn this into a mutual admiration society. Theres enough of them around already.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2002
Steve - Of course you make sense and your lamp is well trimmed and burning bright - so again mate - Never Mind The Bollocks! - Rating scales are for TV products - what you are offering is free for the reading - free for the thinking regardless of speltcheckers and their need to be perfect rather than simply meaningful at heart. - though is a good site - I use it for my homepage in fact and I give this site a 7 on the autodidactic scale.
Hey - Headsup (I am no longer Anonymouse now that good man Steve has monikered me as IMAM -
Sorry but I can't verify the name - but the photo description sounds accurate.
Hey Loser Seven - What frame of reference where you using when you failed to cross the threshold? Perhaps you took "the brown acid" at Woodstock - or smoked too much Asthmdor out side the Drogstore Cafe. Live a little and then get back to basics........
The work is never done - no matter how hard you try.

Name: A Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2002
Need help with your spelling? While typing your posts, open another window in your browser and go to You can look up words in the online dictionary.
Have fun!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2002
Comments I making any sense?? I mean how many really get it? I feel like the last of the Mohegans. Before I unwittingly become the Host of this Talk Show. How about a Nielson Rating. Come on...How am I doin' folks? Will I get canceled after the pilot? Tune in next week for the answer to these and other questions as we follow the riotous antics and mad-cap missadventures of The World according To Boyd as he hangs you suspended in giddy terror over an abyss of flash-backs while he takes no quarter and gives none in his Kamakazi type onslaught of said prey i.e. REALITY. to be continued

Name: A Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2002
Dear Louie 7,
Your post speaks volumes about yourself -- your bitterness, your "failure", your broken heart. I'm sorry that you were hurt by the experience. Our hearts are tender when we are young. And things impact us very deeply during that time. I found, the only way to remove the pain is to face our very own, very personal, "900 lb. gorilla", and to heal the wound/s (and broaden our perspective). A word of caution: it takes a lot of courage in order to do so, to be able to face the pain, and go through it, work it out. Sometimes we find our projection is only a Vader-mind-trick to keep us from "knowing thyself". The dark force holding us back from wholeness, joy, love, living fully and freely. Forgiveness, understanding, generousity of spirit, propelled by the force of courage... that'll take you where you want to be. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Be free, man, be free.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2002
Hey Curious, no time to play now. I will check out your "CLUES" later today.. but be forwarned that Ive' been subverting the agendas of small minded manipulators and authoritarian types most of my adult life. As for you Louie, Its OUTSIDE the BOWL Einstien. You were there, but not here. You saw, but do not see. You contributed, but do not contribute. You strike me as one who couldnt do anything totally; so lets just say YOU FAILED. P.S. Dont use the letters H.A. H.A. lightly. Fuck with Coyote and you Fuck with Me. Dr. Boyd says: Take two suck pills and call me in the mourning.

Name: Louie Seven
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jul 2002
hi~ OK, what Jedi-mind-trick are you going to try and use to convince us that your 'Digger' philosophy was NOT a total failure?
Let's put it this way; in what fish-bowl does the legend appear gigantic? Not in mine.
I was there, I saw, I observed, I contributed. Only difference is.......I'll admit it was a failure.
Check out Peter Coyote selling credit-cards and drugstore drygoods on TV!
IT IS TO LAUGH. *haha*

Name: headsup
E-mail Address: nine
Date: 06 Jul 2002
Anonymouse: I think I've found the answer to my query, but would like confirmation if you can provide it. The monk in question I believe to have been named Quang Duc--who immolated himself in Saigon Square in 1968. A modern musical group(whose name I unfortunately did not catch) has used his picture, while ablaze, as their album cover--perhaps you will be able to cinfirm that as well. Many thanks to everyone who tried to be of help. #30

Name: headsup
E-mail Address: nine
Date: 06 Jul 2002
Anonymouse: I think I've found the answer to my query, but would like confirmation if you can provide it. The monk in question I believe to have been named Quang Duc--who immolated himself in Saigon Square in 1968. A modern musical group(whose name I unfortunately did not catch) has used his picture, while ablaze, as their album cover--perhaps you will be able to cinfirm that as well. Many thanks to everyone who tried to be of help. #30

Name: curiouser and curiouser
E-mail Address: a Paladin of Charlemagne
Date: 06 Jul 2002
Steve: the sting of any gauntlet (in classic terms of esotericism) is meant to awaken. It is, in that sense, meant as a loving reminder that creative communication requires full presence. Remember, too, that this conversation began, in very real terms under a Shakespearian Mantle. I suggest that you read the entry of 29/Nov/'01from curious entitled An Opium Pipe For Achillies Snipes( the text found in the earlier Guestbook as indicated.) The quality of your respnses thus far suggests that you will...but what you actually will do is your own affair and not subject to my speculation--the game, however, is afoot--and I have already left sufficient clues for the preliminaries. Also know that there is no big me little you;and, for every channel that sems to close another begins to open within the maze. And on a friendly note that's maze goddamit, no Muse--we'll get to the Muses in good time. First the Clue Overt: R.B. does not stand for Richard Brautigan.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jul 2002
Hey IMAM, no big shakes. Curious was just rattled because she quoted T.S.Eliot and a High School Drop-Out quoted right back. I dont give her high marks for originallity, but she probably has forgotten more than I know. Who the hell do I think I am anyway. Well the deCycles rode out crew this A/M. There turned out to be 75 in all. The run was from Indiana not Ohio. And to Maine not Canada. I could screw anything up. A good time was had by all, they tipped me well and even threw a birthday party for me. It was in the Sanctuary and very surreal. P.S. Hey curious, how do ya like me now? Keep in touch IMAM.

Name: Geo-desperado
E-mail Address: Spaceship Earth
Date: 06 Jul 2002
Just stopped in to remind everyone what condition our condition could be in if we all worked just a little harder to clear the brushlines before the fires.
Tune Back in to Bucky's Way -
Peaceful Moments to all Diggers and their friends. If only the world at large had your ears to hear and your eyes to see the wonder of Life's mystery we would all sleep easier at night. Thanks for your commitments.
I will stop in again......

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: Transparent@Windowof the world.
Date: 06 Jul 2002
Who forgets the future is doomed to the present.
Keep on Keepin' on Steve - never mind the Bollocks.
The inference here is obvious - Stay away from the wet dead subways of the past.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jul 2002
I think that It goes without saying that It never got printed, so skimming old issues would be in vain.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jul 2002
Me and Tennesse Jim were interviewed by Rolling Stone Magazine in late 70-early 71. All I remember is that the gal who recorded us and took photos could really shift her cargo. The session was held at the J.Brian Agency, 815 Mason St. on Knob Hill. Jim and I had unwisely dropped some Orange Barrels (very electric), prodominant purple ozone, flamming dew-drops, spherical globes ETC. so naturally It didnt go well. The lady kept bending over in front of us while messing with her gear; breaking our concentration. Anyway, My youngest daughter would like the photos for her scrap book. Im sure I signed a release. Any Help Out there???

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jul 2002
Whimper...Oh I thought you said Whisper. Oh that hurts. Hey I got my hands on a copy of Webster's New World Dictionary. Its a damn shame in a way..The time it takes to correct my spelling distracts from the spontaneity (ten dollar word) of it all. But your "BIG ME:LITTLE YOU" attitude merits it, and may level the playing-field. Im in no way implying that you are a run-of-the-mill edjucated idiot.. I can tell that you are no Stamped-Cookie. Now..back to your Sleuth wise-crack. I have a perfectly logical explanation why a wet dead man could be found in a sub-way car with no foul-play involved. Keep it civil and I may clue you in. Later. Sherlock Boyd

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jul 2002
Curious, the only way that I can whisper Is to write tiny. I plan on singing my ultimate prayers, intoning my wildest praises, roaring my deepest longings, whisper my most serpentine secrets and yodeling my goofiest love cries at the cost of sidling up to a taboo, slinking into a forbidden zone or getting you all to cook up a benevolent conspiracy. (notice how my spelling has improved?) Anyway, sorry if I came off like a manipulative jerk. But do you really take me for the type that takes being scrutinized by perpetrators of ass-backwards justice laying down. Come on, you can take the boy out of Olema; but you cant take Olema out of the boy.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: no thanks
Date: 05 Jul 2002
Steve:Your response sets up the cheap shot--this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jul 2002
I stand corrected, and as such will strive to use inclusive language which honors all people and demeans none. I had thought that using a rich diversity of images and metaphors from my experience would not be a turd in the punch-bowl. How wrong can one man be? As for my many titles; I think that Explorer of the Occult Regions covers Sleuth. If not, I will Earn while you yurn. P.S. Stay curious, It suits you. Later. Very Truly Yours, Sherlock Boyd

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: no thanks
Date: 05 Jul 2002
Steve: One finds it easy to advise the prince--correcting an injustice is significantly more difficult. Those who are aware of the issues involved have,as yet, been either unable or unwilling to come forward. If obtuse is what strikes you, only regard that necessity may yet require a more perfect veil. Not all communication is open. Perhaps one would be better served by not drawing an inference where no implication was laid. Add sleuth to your title and earn it.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jul 2002
Hey now Steve, Thanks for the information on the CD and the bullet caster gong folks. I will add a link to their site in the (late) Summer/Fall issue of The 3rd Page - my journal of ongrowing natures. Here is the link & pay us a visit from time to time -
MoreAgain to you - Hammond
PS - Chuckwagon - if you visit Empty Mirror Books web site (the host of The 3rd Page) in the Pro Bono Locos section of my journal you can easily connect with Michael McClure's home page. David Gittens? (spelling unknown for sure) is indeed a name from the daze gone by. along with Hillel Ressner (sp?) and etalia - Contact Reggie at the Straight Theater web page to get everything Straight. Good luck mate. H.

E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jul 2002
lookin for an email address for David Gittens sp.?
old Straight theatre crew and director seek his help on new project re; "MAGICK PAPERS" anybody know how to get in touch with Michael McClure? also needed for earth shaking work

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jul 2002
To Charles Mueller; I crashed Free at the Mars Hotel with vouchers from St. V's. then at the Psych Shop victorian on Page Street. Al Alvarez and Ernie were at the helm of both shops (on Haight and Market St.) Ronnie Theylin was in and out. From Olema I moved on over to Al's Clemantina Street Commune. (Very tight group of S.F. Artists which included Wayne Douglas Quinn and Joe Crise among others). I also did time on Clayton St. with the author Malcolm Warren. Thats where I met Ferringetty. At that point I hung with Crazy Harry who owned Sidhartha (next to Mom's Apple Grave on Polk St. Then I got my own place at the infamouse Fella St. Hotel on Nob Hill. what was your question?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jul 2002
Hey Hammond, The Mysterious Tremendum cut a CD here at the Church called AN EVENING OF HEALING. A tribute to the survivors of 9/11. I gave all of mine away, but you might want to contact or call 212 715 6852. In my opinion, its like a Zepplin Concert, It just dont gel recorded. Its deffinatly a LIVE THING. Those folks are also connected to the PEACE BELL PROJECT which melts down weapons and casts them into Bells for peace gardens. Damn its good to be back in the Village. Hey, I plan to outfit my studio soon and start cranking out some serious art. I may attend Parsons School of Design or NYU. Its about time I got back into it. LATER MAN.

Name: peterleoetal.akaakamircrown
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jul 2002
remember this stuff if you can
its about the dream of a free
new world, even old ones who have long past;
wanted it for generations yet unnamed
13 stars an bars ....evil they called
us ,lost tribe ,fifth amendment,lost faith
free to be free speak act paint sing fuck whatever we want
only cold fear clutched at some weak hearts..
and that path untrod
that path with heart beckons if you listen real good
and your kind and ears fine, well if your heart is still not hardened, and you dont haveta splain yerself no more

Name: Charles Mueller
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jul 2002
I lived at the Third Eye Commune behind the original Third Eye bookstore at Haight & Cole, which later moved to the corner of Clayton. I managed the Tobaccanist tobacco store at the SW corner of Haight & Masonic for most of 1969. In the early part of Jan., 1970, we packed up and moved to Lake Tahoe. I attended the March on the Presidio, the concert at Altamont Speedway, and numerous other events which I've probably forgoteen. I need to know if anyone remembers the two stores I've mentioned, or the street people "Mystery", "Sunflower", "Lawrence"(the drunk). Or if anyones remembers the Third Eye commune.

Name: Charles
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jul 2002

Name: Harry
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Jul 2002
I always wondered what happened to a student from Berkeley who I met in the Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona and then on Formenterra in July 1968. She would have been about 20 then. I remember talking in the poark with her and then sitting outside a bar in one of the squares. I say that in this context because when I discovered more about the Diggers and what was really happening in the US at the time I thought of her.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Jul 2002
Hi Steve - I hope you will be recording a boot of the Tone Gong Gang - sounds like a great time to be had by all. Nice to read your 'voice' again - so to speak. Cheers, Hammond

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Jul 2002
Hey Nicole, The Sacred Tone Gong Concert is called: The Winds Of Change, Its on Friday Night July 19th from 8:00 - 10:00 PM in the Washington Square United Methodist Church Sanctuary 135 West 4th. Street. Ive been in and out since I dropped back in Town. I will have my hands full over the 4th of July. Im hosting 70 members of deCYCLES. They are going to crash in the Sanctuary on a pit-stop on their Ohio to Canada Run. Hope to see you on the 19th.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Jul 2002
Hey Nicole, theres this Gong (no not Bong) Master who stashes his yoga mats at my place, anyway, he's practiced Kriya Kundalini since 1952. He sure throws one hell of a wierd show. He fronts some vibe freaks known as Mysterious Tremendum,(which is everything that the name implyes). Anyway, I work the door foer em everytime they gig here at the Peace Church, and will gladdly front the cover charge for you and your Ilk if you want to check it out. You cant miss me, I will were my gold "turned up at the toes" Lucky Gennie Shoes. You will love Don and Randee. Hopr to see you and yours. Later.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Jun 2002
Alice and Celine:
Thank you for the new version of le film. Please write me at the email address above. I lost your last email, Alice, when my hard drive crashed last year. Has this version of Les Diggers with the English language narration been broadcast anywhere yet?

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: (C).com
Date: 28 Jun 2002
Here is the (C) AOK

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jun 2002
Here is the @ - Each One Teach One
Good Luck with everything

Name: Bill Samaras
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jun 2002
Do you have contact information via fax or e-mail to send in copyright requests for use of your material for educational use only?

Name: bob
E-mail Address: bob'
Date: 28 Jun 2002

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jun 2002
Bassist John Entwhistle has just passed as well -
Grief Be Far - RIP

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jun 2002
Philip Whalen passed away June 26 around 5:30 AM. He'd passed into a coma the morning of the 25th. Quite a few of his friends were able to see him during the evening and night of the 25th. His body will be 'resting in state' at the Zen Hospice, 273 Page Street, for three days.
RIP Phil -

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jun 2002
Phil Whalen passed on yesterday. In recent days, he reportedly consoled friends about his impending death with the comment "I'd like to be laid on a bed of frozen raspberries."

Name: AxL Omega
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jun 2002
If anyone who knew Terence McKenna of the Haight Ashbury Police and legendary Digger. Please respond to this. Especially if you knew Terry personally between '63 and '67.

Name: Colin
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jun 2002
I haven't given up hope.

Name: Michael McCracken Jr
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Jun 2002
We lived in a one room cabin in Half Moon Bay 1963-1965. My mother was Caryl Joseph McCracken, jazz singer at the Coffee Gallery in North Beach. Father was Michael McCracken, artist/abelone fisherman, friend of Jerry Kamstra, Michael Bowen and Arthur Monroe, creators of "Mothers" in San fran. Looking for anyone with memories of their generosities on their way to Big Sur during "the days"........

Name: jobman
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jun 2002
pls,i don thro this placeoooooooooooooooooooooooh.

Name: jobman
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jun 2002
pls,i don thro this placeoooooooooooooooooooooooh.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jun 2002
Hey Nicole, Its 133 West 4th Street (Between Washington Square Park and 6th Ave. Im in the first floor walk-up above the FRESH ART GALLERY. You cant miss it. Bring a note from yer Mother.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jun 2002

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jun 2002
Steve, give me the address again...and I'll come today after work...that'd be about 5 ish I have to go by Theater for the New City so I'll be in the neighborhood too...looking forward...Nik

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jun 2002
HEY,,Sorry about that. I just realized that Im a Month off. Oh Shit. I missed it. Drop in anyway. Who wants to listen to a bunch of music, poetry, and stories of repression and resistance anyway. Will keep the light on.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jun 2002
Hey Howdie! NOT IN OUR NAME is puttin on one hell of a gathering at Washington Square Park on June 6th, Thurs. 5:30 PM. Forget about my view of havin a bunch of fuckers in my living room, DROP IN after the PLEDGE OF RESISTANCE!!! I had planned on turning the Village onto Tribal Intimacy, Companionality, Isolated Diversity and Autonomy, Local Enmeshment and Boundary Maintenance: but found that Im about 100 years to late. Oh Well. Hope to see you all on the 6th. In the mean time, PROTEST,DEMONSTRATE,EDUCATE,CONSTRUCT,BUILD,RESTORE,ETC. ETC. Nuf Said?

Name: Edward Przydzial
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jun 2002
[Unless you're offering your photographs for FREE, your message ad doesn't
belong on this page. There's no commercial advertising on the Digger Web. --ed.]

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Jun 2002
Christine - I suggest you try to locate some folks from The Bread & Puppet Theater as well. - Good luck with your search. IMAM

Name: Christine
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Jun 2002
My name is Christine, and I'm in search of my husband's father (born) Scott McKay Van Duzer. I'm posting today because you were part of The Diggers who worked closely with the SF Mime Troupe. I have already emailed some of you.
Scott worked with the SF Mime Troupe c. 1966-67 as a puppeteer. I have a photograph of him with his puppet cart on He and his partner Frances Johnson - met at the San Jose Peace Center. They had their first son, Rowan, while living in Berkeley 1966. I was curious if they were also a part of The Digger's.
Does anyone have the names of the five men released from charges pictured on the digger's website?
One looks like he could be Scott.
Scott lived on a commune near The Dalles with is wife Frances Johnson (aka Rebecca Potimkin, Rebecca Rose) and his three children: Rowan, Ethan and Eileen in the late 60s/early 70s. There were there at least between 1967 and 1973 with some people named the Abtheckers. Scott probably was going by the name Scott MaCuiogae at the time.
Rebecca kicked Scott out and changed all the children's names (she was schitzophrenic) - so he wouldn't know how to find his children. I know he loved kids and was a gentle spirit. Two of the children ended up become wards of the court, so they don't know where their brother, Rowan, is or their mother.
We have no record of him since 1975 - on a death certificate for an infant in Reno, NV. We have found his brother, mother and half-brothers; but they haven't heard from him in over 25yrs. I haven't had much chance to talk with them yet. The story about the 60yr old man who went to Reno to get married piqued my interest. If you know him or have seen him either before or after 1975, please PLEASE let us know.
We do not intend to intrude upon his life. When we find him, we will respect his wishes if he doesn't desire a reunion with his children... without judgment or hurt feelings. We would like to know when we find him, however, as these searches can be time consuming and expensive.
Please visit for all we know about Scott as well as photographs of him and his children (Rowan, Ethan and Eileen) Feel free to forward this information to anyone who might have memories of such a commune, worked with the SF Mime Troupe or The Diggers in the mid/late sixties, or who might recognize any of these names... no matter how insignificant the memory might seem - it will be another piece of the puzzle.
Perhaps you could answer a few questions.
Did The Digger's form a commune? Did some of them move up into Oregon? How closely did they work with the Mime Troupe.
Please, if any of you have more photographs from that time, especially of the Mime Troupe, I would be forever indebted to you for scanning them and emailing them to me.
Christine & Ethan

E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Jun 2002

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jun 2002
Timmy was a somewhat duplicitous agent of decentralized intelligence - a counter-cult anti-hipster to the core. An overly educated stand-out song and dance man - a composer of popular slogans and psyched out living lore. Bla-Bla-Bla.......HIs final test results are still pending....

Name: space debris
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jun 2002
<a href="">
Russians Balk at Space Funeral Proposal
[Remaining portion of this very long article was moved to the FFR
Discussion Forum. --ed.]

Name: space cadet
E-mail Address: 2sumup
Date: 21 Jun 2002
SF Diggers on old Tim Leary:
He's a fraud.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jun 2002
Well Done Morningstar!
Your name has been honorably added to the Hear & Know listing in The 3rd Page - (at the end of John Thomas' contribution "Beat Portraits - Tim Leary"
Smiles to Everyone! - Hammond
PS - Sorry Nichol - close is only good in horseshoes - but you so get three stars for racking your brain!

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jun 2002
Hammond, could it be the future...outer or inner space...I remember something about "1st the earth, then the moon and on to Mars! am I at least warm??? regards, Nik

Name: Morningstar
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jun 2002
Tim turned us on to a Great book by Gerard O'Neil called The High Frontier we read so many years ago. O'Neil, then a professor at a major unifersity, wrote 20 + years ago how the technology was already available to create space habitats that maintain proximity to earth (L5) and are divine... habitats could have mountains, beaches, orchards, forests... also agriculture habitats could be regulated to provide optimal sunlight, gravity, etc. building habitats in space is easy in zero gravity as a single person could lift huge beams etc. Astroids would provide resources. in fact, mining astroids coud pull the bottom our of mineral prices. there was even a chapter on the delights of sex in zero gravity. gravity can be regulated by the spin of the habitat.
these space habitats are the solution to over population. racist red necks could have their own habitats ..habitats could home thousands of people... motorcycle maniacs another, jerry's kids another. etc. etc. of course those of us who like could enjoy diverse populations without sorting, though i sure would like to pass on the racist red necks. just came across a web site:
love to all. tim wanted us to get the info. I have the SMI2LE acronym inscribed in the cement outside the door of my island home.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jun 2002
I mean Ponder! No one "poders" any longer....

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jun 2002
Ah Nicole how good of you to poner the Quiz. last hint = the formula (composed by Tim prior to his death) concerns his present whereabouts.
:-) and a Happy Solstice to all!

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jun 2002
Hammond, Re: the quiz
Perhaps tomorrow with a fresh start!!! I've been dealing with this office too long the way, still haven't managed to see Steve, but I'll keep trying...
Han awsome evening of the solstice everyone...I'm so glad your are all here, Nicole
Here, there and everywhere...

Name: PS - Quiz
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Jun 2002
Here's a hint - Read this "Beat Portrait" of Tim Leary by the late poet John Thomas in The 3rd Page - the list of those already in the Here and Know are listed at the end.
Smiles! Hammond

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address: See Comments
Date: 20 Jun 2002
Hummmm? Steve and his new amigo IMAM go away to points afar and the site is still. Just for fun here is a Quiz from The 3rd Page = Are you in the Hear & Know? Surely one of you can translate this formula! The Quiz is @
Please e-mail your answers to:
Have a great day - Hammond

Name: Gooziec
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Jun 2002
my name is wojtek.I'm from poland and I love peace please send me information of diggers

Name: Cliff Gingell
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Jun 2002
Still waiting for our English UHURU....It seems that if we have no property then we still have no real say. If we can find an area and set up to digging useing the Law of Freedom as our guide and, if reason (god)prevails and greed (satan) is driven from us then we have a moral right and a duty to show the world that thease ideas are valid...We can have the perversion of those ideas (USA) or we can set ourselves apart (Amish)
I like the Amish!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Jun 2002
Nicole -- check out the letter from Kent to Emmett in 1972 that I just transcribed. It should cause a few neurons to fire off:

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jun 2002
The Serial RedMonkeys Updated - ACHTUNG! (Indeed)

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jun 2002
Not yet...I was out of town over the week-end...when I finish with work today I'll head over there and let everyone know...Nicole

E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jun 2002
hey nicole, did you find steve? just curious, hope alls well. let us know whats up!

Name: a friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jun 2002
Oh Steve,
You're leaving us? Hope you find 'puter access when back home in NYC, or connect up with Nicole's generous offer! It's been great meeting you and having your presence here -- open heart, open mind. Glad you were able to reconnect and make a-mends with the Boyd family. Must feel good. Have a safe trip, and
Keep on truckin'!,
God Bless, a friend

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jun 2002
That's the spirit! Hope you get a new computer Steve, and have a great weekend in the Park . I would say - "Happy Flag" day to everyone, but our flag is not what one would call "Happily Flapping" with so much dangerously uninformed language bouncing around the world stage.
So - Heartfelt - and in the moment I wish everyone 'Happier Flag' days to come.
AsEver - Hammond

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address: Intransition@earth.orb
Date: 14 Jun 2002
Steve brings us to the then - now and the again of it all by - "ACHTUNG: LIFE ACTORS" - Yes thats us then (but perhaps a bit naive) and now - Intransition. Okay - tendencies are to rembember the past so we don't forget it - and yes to tweak our funny bone self-thing. "Wallow?" - whatever..... Caveman has his/our hearts in the right place right here in the Hear and Know and I pray that our 'life act-ions ' and more will encourage and cajol the world smile at the end of each day - if not infact nourish the mother's belly back to equilibrium. How to do it? "EACH ONE TEACH ONE" is a good place to start - And for this alone I thank us all for breaching this recent dialogue - with special thanks to BlueBoy/Man and CMan for refreshing our browsers! - Good Bless Us All - so, pass it on - and "it" will return all by itself - IMAM

Name: caveman
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jun 2002
Alright, perhaps the case is less bad than I thought. However, to try to reply succinctly : I did my time
at the March on the Pentagon, People's Park, & some lesser-known events. And those memories linger on,
like it or no. Idealism still leads us toward better days. But what's the use to wallow in the past when
we're living it right down here? I'd like to see more attention to practical action & less reminiscence when
these times seem so dire. Old times are gone ... take it from a homesteader trying to live frugal in the

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 14 Jun 2002
Comments's June 14th, flag day, but that's not why I'm excited...the real reason is that tomorrow is the 15th and you said you'd be back in Washington Square Park on or around that I'm heading up that way...see you soon...I hope you have a computer at hand there at the church...if not you can use this one here in my office or maybe we can find one for you...looking forward...Nicole

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jun 2002
ACHTUNG: LIFE ACTORS; Type Cast? Hung Up On Yer Lines? In The Wrong Show? Changing Mates, Jobs, and Locals wont work. The CHANGE MUST BE FUNDAMENTAL. You are NOT the role that you play. You ARE an evolving spirit. Dont chase the bus; dont ride the bus; DRIVE THE BUS. Dont panic; NO DECISSION MAY BE A GOOD DECISSION. Upon leaving the land where the beavers paddle with walkin' canes, I welcome you all to swing by the Peace Church to feed your souls and bellys. In closing; Its not what we did; but rather what we do, and on that note: Forgive Them Coyote, They Know Not What They Do. Drop me some post cards Ya'll. OVER AND OUT.(far out)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Dear Mr.I.A.Mouse, Well, thats one in a row. Hell,I coulnta said it better.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
PS - CMan
"The complexity of philosophy is not a complexity of its subject matter, but of our knotted understanding."
Ludwig van W.
PSS - Asking questions like that rather exposes who you really are CMan old boy!
love to you,

E-mail Address: IMAM@suvivor.organ
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Dear Caveman - and the Free Family Virtual World - I can clearly say that creative dialogue written in virtual time is rather different than hard copy face to faces. Virtual time encourages virtual creativity and virtual mystery . In my opinion most guest book / message exchange boards are filled with superfluous one liners or pathways to fantasy. The free thinking - frequent fliers on this guest book continue to explore the history and memory - the present and the future of Digger concepts - ideals - goals - and missteps along the way. We all loved our moments in the orange sunshine filled daze gone-by and our associations however brief or long with pre-pro-and post Digger sprits. I - you - we each learned something privately essential from these moments that have lasted like your first acid trip - somewhere between 8 hours and a lifetime. The caveman commeth and the caveman goeth - but the essential purpose and spirit of our virtual dialogue (here and now) remains the same - regardless of how we attempt to say it.
Thanks for your comments - IMAMOUSE
PS - Steve - Have we met? Hummmmm.....You never know. Have we travel in and among the same and similar circles of Family ? In the beginning - Yes and at the middle point of now - Yes - so you never know until you face to face or happen upon one of those moments in reverse that crop up in a place like this. Good Bless the Child - and Good Bless You All - IMAM

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Cave Man, If not THIS site, then WHICH site? Come on Ally OOP, were' waitin.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Steve, makes sense. In The Cockettes film, someone remembered that eating lunch at our commune always seemed to be brown rice, sitting on the floor.

Name: caveman
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
This site hardly seems the place for bombast, posturing & flatulous effrontery. What can be said, can be
said clearly. What cannot be said, of that one must remain silent. How many of you know your Wittgenstein?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Hey Imamouse, to take it one step further; Reactions speak louder than actions. (have we met?)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
OK Eric. Sit down fer this on. You are now...."Eric-A-Rony" (the San Fransisco Treat.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Hey Hammond, B-3 or not B-3, that is the question. During a group photo at Blackbear ranch, I stood out of frame. (in good company); or rather, with BAD COMPANY. hint hint, nudge nudge.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Krissy "T-T", as far as the leaking necklace goes; (Keep The Beads Baby"). Im on to somethin here. On top of attempting to "alter" the Peace Church Into a Free Church, I plan on building a bike from the ground up. To commemorate its birth site, Ill name it "HOLY ROLLER". So hang onto that belt, OK?

Name: PS - B-3
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Ooops! Apparently you have to go here to start with the photos - @

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Hey now here is a great photo archive - includes Emmett and Coyote + lots more - Enjoy them @
PS - Steve, Now you've gone and done it mate with the 'Name Game' - Don't bother with me as I am well set in this department. Here's one of my tags du pastense given me by my mate "Cliffhanger" in the ArtsLab group in late 60s London (the UK kin of Diggers) = "Hammer" which is short for "hammering it out." Then again my music friends just call me "B-3" - Cheers to all at hand - Hammond

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Where's the line start for getting a nom de lumen??? Please show me the way Oh Boyd!

E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Just a note to thank Steve for my "official" nom du Digger. I am incredibly honored by the gesture and will walk the Walk as I do the Do - and never mind the "Talk.." WE ALL KNOW that actions speak louder than words anyway.
My thanks forever -
Your brother at large

Name: krissy
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
stevie baby im so glad you heard me! I didnt think anyone could. just sitting here in the early hours of the wee dawn thinking about so much stuff....
but i dont usually let myself dwell in the past, i get too caught up and find myself longing for that time and place and those people who are gone. lately i have been very lonesome for that time, i've even been buying old clothes(got this AWESOME 60's biker belt, you know the kind) just so i can try and recapture some of that feeling and love. miss my kindreds.......maybe the world needs us now more than ever.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
Krissy, AAAUUUHHHH SHUCKS!!!! After checking my short list of "DONTS", I hereby dub they "Krissy Twelve Toes". In the the mean time; "HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAY!!!" (thats the spirit)

E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002

Name: krissy
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jun 2002
i just am glad that some of you all are still alive, from the shape of things i was beginning to wonder.... anyway, coyotes just a guy, though maybe a very cool one, who cares. he wasnt any more there, or isnt any more there than any of the rest of us. i hope you realize that steve . because youre my hero.(even if you did shit your awesome purple pants heh heh)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Hey Hammond, Ive' got em right where they want me. "Theyll' kill you with self-confidence; after poisoning you with words" (B. Dylan). I was half-hoping that Coyote would break it up. (Sometimes life gets interesting.) I was wrong to attack from within; there, I said it. Hell, Imamouse came out ahead of the game;(he got an "official" Digger handle out of it.) Anyway, hey, welcome back.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Whooah! - I go out of town for a few days and the Free Family (Friendly) Feud is high on the guestbook charts!

Name: Friend
E-mail Address: to Web guy
Date: 12 Jun 2002
sorry about taking up so much space with the several posts. Was having trouble posting, didn't see it, so didn't think it went through. Feel free to delete the annoying repeats, and this too.
Regards, a friend

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Hey Sprog, the only time I ever got in bed with Organized Crime was during my gig as a United Auto Worker. Man, what a strangle-hold. Im here to tell ya, there is a difference between work and labor. We had a saying: "If it jambs,force it and If it brakes, it needed replacing anyway." Heres another one: Dont shit in yer own back yard. I was raised In the city which held the FIRST sit-down strike in history. (Its in my blood) UNITE!!!

Name: oops!, didn't finish my post to Steve...
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Hey Steve,
When I was young, my father used to tell me stories about growing up on the sugar cane plantation in Hawai'i. He said the plantation owners and managers, from New England, controlled the thousands of people--all immigrants from Japan, China, Okinawa, the Phillipines, Puerto Rico, Portugal--that worked and lived there by DIVIDE AND CONQUER.
(He didn't say, but I don't think the Hawaiians lived in camps like the immigrants. But that's another story, how the Hawaiians were controlled.) He said that people lived in camps and worked in groups arranged according to nationality.
Living and working in such close proximity, they were trained to keep to themselves and not associate with other groups -- the good ole American way for non-white people. SEPARATE THEREFORE ISOLATE.
It was a form of indentured servitude. Another All-American issue, SLAVERY, in a modernized, early 20th century version.
The working people weren't even allowed to enter a plantation owner's or manager's home, unless they were a maid. KNOW YOUR PLACE.
It's amazes me how well they work, the simple the forms created to control people. Take the basic structure and apply it to contemporary life: DIVIDE AND CONQUER, SEPARATE AND ISOLATE, TEACH THEM TO KNOW THEIR PLACE.
Humbled and frustrated and instigated to fight amongst themselves, the owners are left free to rule. The children bicker, the parents referee.
Saw Marianne Williamson speak at the Imagine L.A. (that’s Los Angeles) community building conference 3 years ago. She said that an entire generation, ours, was silenced by the warning that if you don’t go along with us, you will be killed. She’s throwing fate to the wind, and deciding to keep up the good fight, working to inspire people to bring alive the beliefs they’ve buried during the past 20+ years. A hard thing to do, after the tremendous crises L.A. had just gone through in the 90s.
Being killed for your beliefs IS a pretty scary thing. But I hate being manipulated into living life according to someone else’s terms.
I hope you decide to stay and contribute here. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts, been laughing and learning a lot from you. It gets harder and harder to find community in these United States. BUILDING COMMUNITY IS HARD. We don’t have the resources of the HOMELAND SECURITY crowd.
We can determine our convictions, beliefs, and act on them. We do have the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE, and to STAY STRONG. That, they can’t take away from us. We can choose again, in every moment, to begin again… and again, and again, if that’s what it takes. Let’s not fall into the many traps that are set for us. COMMUNICATING AND FORGING RELATIONSHIPS WITH EACH OTHER, AND PEOPLE IN GENERAL, IS ESSENTIAL.
God Bless,
A friend

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Friend. Maybe I gave the Impression that I was a Digger. I am first and formost a Lost Boy. Peter was Peter, Ilene was Wendy and Eriel was Tink. Get It? With Peter was air-bourn we feared nothing but the sky falling, and in the end it fell on all of us.(yep,we grew up.) Yet, I for one will never stop believing, and in doing so will keep my rough,haughty,tenatiuos dignity intact. Hell, Its all I got. As a true prodical son of the OLEMA PEOPLE (who In the end were labeled "Hippies with Guns") I will respect your wishes and hang in here. Thanks fer pullin the thorn outa my paw. Whats mine is Yours. Friend,I wish you well.

Date: 12 Jun 2002
FOR MOST people the idea of revolution is closely associated with violence. This message is hammered home in school textbooks, and historical novels and documentaries. There you will find gruesome descriptions of the "reign of terror" of 1793 during the French Revolution.
But you will find hardly a word about the suppression of the Paris Commune of 1871. More than three times as many people were killed in a much shorter period of time by the forces of "law and order". Those who spout most vociferously about the bloodshed of revolution are not pacifists. They are politically committed to society as it is today-the most violent in human history.
It has brought us two world wars in which tens of millions of people have died. There has not been a single year since in which there has not been war somewhere in the world. US president George W Bush announced last week that he is extending his "war on terror" to include "pre-emptive strikes" against any country he chooses.
The minority who own the wealth in Britain and other states may preach about the dangers of violence. But they resort to it when their own wealth and power are threatened. Police in supposedly liberal Sweden opened fire on anti-capitalist protesters in Gothenburg last year.
Governments of every stripe in Britain have used violence against strikers. That was true of the 1984-5 miners' strike, where the millionaire-owned press cheered on the police assault. Revolutionary socialists do not create violence. We merely insist that, if workers are not to be blackmailed by the massive organised violence of the ruling class and its state, they have to be prepared to fight back. This is true in any strike. The employers always use forms of violence in an effort to get their way.
They threaten to violently disrupt the lives of workers who strike, or of those who respect picket lines, by sacking them and depriving them of a living. There is only one way for the strikers to protect themselves against such threats-through counter-threats of their own.
But to say force has to be used is not the same as saying bloodshed is inevitable. That depends on the balance of power between the two sides. If there are a couple of workers but ten police at a picket line, there will be bloodshed if the police decide to beat the pickets up.
But if, as at the miners' picket at Saltley Gate 30 years ago, there are 10,000 pickets and only a few hundred police, then little violence is likely. The police will back down-provided the pickets make it clear that they will reply to state violence with force. The history of revolutions bears this out. In the October 1917 revolution in Russia there was very little violence in Petrograd-the centre of the uprising. Only 11 people died. The workers were united and well armed, while their opponents were demoralised and divided, and had few forces at their disposal.
The worst bloodshed occurs not when the workers' movement uses force, but when it sets aside the use of force, leaving its opponents a free hand to assert their power.
In Paris in 1871 the main leaders of the Commune argued it would be wrong to start a civil war by marching against the counter-revolutionary army based just outside the city, even though it was weak. The initiative was left with the defenders of the old order, who waited, built up their strength and then entered Paris, murdering tens of thousands.
China's rulers copied the example of repression in 1989. The student-led democracy movement occupied Tiananmen Square in the capital, Beijing, and was able to win support from workers and some soldiers. But the movement handed the soldiers' rifles back and turned away from forcibly challenging the regime.
The result was that China's rulers were able to re-establish discipline in the army. They sent in marshalled troops from outside the capital and used them to massacre the protesters. The capitalist system is capable of extreme violence even when the workers' movement is not challenging it.
Moderate leaders of the working class in Germany after the First World War argued that it would be wrong for workers to overthrow big business. But big business found it could not be profitable unless it destroyed the working class movement. In 1933 it turned to Hitler, and millions of people died as a result. Workers' leaders did not resist.
There is only one way to minimise bloodshed at decisive moments in history. It is for the workers' movement to ensure it has more force at its disposal than the capitalist class, and to be prepared to use it.

Name: oops!, didn't get to finish my post...
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Hey Steve,
When I was young, my father used to tell me stories about growing up on the sugar cane plantation in Hawai'i. He said the plantation owners and managers, from New England, controlled the thousands of people--all immigrants from Japan, China, Okinawa, the Phillipines, Puerto Rico, Portugal--that worked and lived there by DIVIDE AND CONQUER.
(He didn't say, but I don't think the Hawaiians lived in camps like the immigrants. But that's another story, how the Hawaiians were controlled.) He said that people lived in camps and worked in groups arranged according to nationality.
Living and working in such close proximity, they were trained to keep to themselves and not associate with other groups -- the good ole American way for non-white people. SEPARATE THEREFORE ISOLATE.
It was a form of indentured servitude. Another All-American issue, SLAVERY, in a modernized, early 20th century version.
The working people weren't even allowed to enter a plantation owner's or manager's home, unless they were a maid. KNOW YOUR PLACE.
It's amazes me how well they work, the simple the forms created to control people. Take the basic structure and apply it to contemporary life: DIVIDE AND CONQUER, SEPARATE AND ISOLATE, TEACH THEM TO KNOW THEIR PLACE.
It's easy then to keep them humble, frustrated, and to insinuate them to FIGHT AMONGST THEMSELVES. Keeps the owners out of the frey, and free to rule. When the children bicker amongst themselves, the father can safely step in to referee.
I hope you stay and continue to participate in this community here. It's more and more difficult every year to find community in these United States. COMMUNITY BUILIDING IS HARD. We don't have the resources of the HOMELAND SECURITY crowd.
I've enjoyed reading your messages, laughing and learning from you.
We can always decided to choose again. In each moment we have THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. That, they can't take away from us. WE CAN CHOOSE TO BE TOGETHER, and STAY STRONG in our convictions and behavior.
Oh, and, does a mouse really scare a lion? Or just create an annoying distraction?
God bless,
A friend

E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Hey Steve,
When I was young, my father used to tell me stories about growing up on the sugar cane plantation in Hawai'i. He said the plantation owners and managers, from New England, controlled the thousands of people--all immigrants from Japan, China, Okinawa, the Phillipines, Puerto Rico, Portugal--that worked and lived there by DIVIDE AND CONQUER.
(He didn't say, but I don't think the Hawaiians lived in camps like the immigrants. But that's another story, how the Hawaiians were controlled.) He said that people lived in camps and worked in groups arranged according to nationality.
Living and working in such close proximity, they were trained to keep to themselves and not associate with other groups -- the good ole American way for non-white people. SEPARATE THEREFORE ISOLATE.
It was a form of indentured servitude. Another All-American issue, SLAVERY, in a modernized, early 20th century version.
The working people weren't even allowed to enter a plantation owner's or manager's home, unless they were a maid. KNOW YOUR PLACE.
It's amazes me how well they work, the simple the forms created to control people. Take the basic structure and apply it to contemporary life:

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Imamouse, I admit that I should have "responded" and not "reacted" But please bear in MIND that this site is a reflection, or rather, repercution of a spark that was ignited some four decades ago. That in itself amazes me. Having rubbed elbows (among other things) with over 250 FREE FAMILY men, women and children all those years ago makes me sensitive to the fact that although some were there for a long time and others were there for a good time, It was kinship. Speaking of Kinship, you lost points for choosing Coyote & Me over your own blood. DONT GO AGIN YER KIN.(law of the hills) Sorry about yer left nut. Lets both take a Green Tea break. Nuf Said?

E-mail Address: ANONY@MOUSE.COM
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Ok fine - I accept the demotion in name-scale but let's not throw idle incorrectitude after bad blather. For your blathering information I don't have siblings of any gender - and my BALLS are fragil but not absent = one of them was undecended at birth - yet saved with pre-modern medicine. Guilt is a far cry from simply trying to be polite. Selling Out is a phrase I don't use - this nom du reverse is now "Celling Out" and reserved for all the fine folk out there burning their grey matter with low-frequency radiation.
FYI - on this - A recent study in London indicates that using these 'Cell Out' contraptions on the underground rail or any transpo going through a tunnel prevents the normally innocent wavelenths from exiting the chamber - causing them to bounce all around the car multplying rapidly as they do = seconds later all the peple in the transpo are being invisibly attacked at non-human friendly levels.
Freedom of Blather to all and to all a good day -
PS - I didn't say how high the cliff was.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
You pony-tailed lawyers and sensitive new-age guys make me wanna vomit and scream at the same time (and believe me, Ive' done it). A cliff you say? hell, Youd' hafta muster up some BALLS from yer little sister to even jump off a curb. Guilt Is A Wound Thats Hard To Heal.I worked at a Nuke Plant to feed my people; Sellin out? (tell it to them.) Here Mr.X, Ill' say it for ya; "Caint we all jus get along?" Its hard to drain the swamp when yer up to yer ass in alligaters. (But You Knew That). P.S. I officially dub thee; "IMAMOUSE" Live with it.

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Steve - and Coyote for that matter - Good God Grief! When was questioning + discussion outlawed? No one - least of all from me - mean't any harm in questing the frame of reference that fits mass media pollution machines and pharmaceutical pills of questionable origin. But then I guess political correctitude is everywhere these days. Judging? - Not at all - I was "questioning" the situation but then my defenses are up now that you and ( via you?) Pete's retort or sorts. Turning your back on reality will only get your feet stuck in the muddy waters of discontent - but if you have to go in protest of free blathering so be it - Bye - Anonymouse -
PS - Ok - I fully admit that I startted the stupid question about the stupid TV ads - more as a disgrumable lark - one that now haunts me every waking moment and I will go jump off a cliff somewhere okay?

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Jun 2002
Open Letter to all Jelous, discontent and annonymous FREE FAMILY "FRIENDS".You are hereby Excluded because you have Excluded yourselves. Well, so much fer not Complaining and not Explaining; here it comes, Both Barrels. You Super Heros of The FREE Fuckin World; Listen Up! Take off your Captain Negative Capes!! Coyote contacted me, and for your edification; He still has affections,character and dreams,(but you knew that) He stands by,yet you judge him, and on that note; I refuse to participate. I to, shall rewrite the plot. In turning my back to this web site, I say; Good luck with your pissin contest. "Peace On You"

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2002
To all plural and singular; From where the sun now stands in the sky: I delcare this Officially "ERIC DAY" (hey, this like the good ol days) So as it is spoken,so as it is written, so it shall it be.

Name: AnonymouseEric
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2002
Everyone can be Eric today.....
Hi everybody - have a great day.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2002
Hey Eric, I accidentaly signed that last one "Eric". The Froidian implacations are rather troubling. In any event; Here goes. Ill' start ya out. Please allow me ta introduce my self...........

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2002
Hey Eric, I accidentaly signed that last one "Eric". The Froidian implacations are rather troubling. In any event; Here goes. Ill' start ya out. Please allow me ta introduce my self...........

Name: ERIC
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2002
Hey Eric, French Hell, I dont speak "NOTHIN". I was in Paris in 80 and again in 81. Those French would make a valium nervous.I got kicked off a city bus (no small feat). I crashed at Dick (CBS Studio City) Fisher's wife's place in PreSaintjerVey and also at Edward (Art Critic) Roditti's place up on the Normandy Coast. Mary Guggenhiem (yes, those Guggenhiems) gave me a personal tour of her Paris basement (DUNGION?) art gallery. Mary Vincent (Widdow of a famous dealer; no not art.) Offered to finance the honeymoon if I would mary her. I opend my eyes once in the Italian frontier and woke up in Venice. While Im on the subject of Name-Dropping; Tell me/Us who you are. OK???

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2002
Merci de votre message. Il y a beaucoup d'années j'ai étudié le français à l'école, mais j'ai oublié la plupart de mes leçons. Avez-vous vu le film "Les Diggers de San Francisco" sur la TV française? Il a été produit par Celine Deransart et Alice Gaillard. Bonne chance et bonne santé! --eric
Here's what Anne said (below):
"I have the book, 'Oh Hippie Days!' written by Alain Dister.
It is excellent, even though he criticizes his mother. The book is based in hallucinogenic reality. Although I know that no one on this site speaks French -- Bon, it is not important. OK, bye."

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2002
anne "with a small a", Wavoes rancheros, los vious riata, Montana bandana, senioritta, wee wee??; see see?? Ki Yi Yippie, Yippie Yi Yippie Yoh; sing It!!! Ki Yi Yippie Yippie Yoh. P.S. Possum et a gump-stump, dirty rice-a-pickin cotton,black coffee,soda poppy,Joley Blond. GREETINGS AND EXELTATIONS. We sould talk more often.

Name: anne charlotte lecam (abi)
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Jun 2002
j ai le bouquin <oh hippies days > ecrit par Alain Dister exellent meme qu il pete sa mere chapeau il base sur realite hallucinante mais je que personne ne parle francais sur ce site bon c pas grave ok salut

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jun 2002
Yes Indeed - Don't Forget The Future!
The Fountain of Youth Springs Eternally You -
Who-so-ever-U-are -
Peace & Freedom to All

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jun 2002
Hey Nicole, I connected; and thats a damn good sign! Do ya feel it??? No reply nesessary. (just smile).

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 10 Jun 2002
...basically I mean in terms of searching for something real...not a media blitz/glitz and I think they'll find the path...Nik

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jun 2002
Good afternoon everyone...I came across this article in the NY Times this morning...and it brought to mind the various postings we have recieved from the younger generation that had stumbled upon our site here and knew they'd found a home so to speak...that there is in fact a place like this and people who are trying to be relevant...the article is called "Tribes" and is about the teenagers who gather in places on a routine basis. It has such a familiar ring to it that it makes me think the pendulum is on a definate return swing...what do you think...just click on this line (or type it in if you can't click it...think it's worth reading) Nicole

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jun 2002
Hammond, I hold the possition of Sexton at the Washington Square "PEACE" Church in NYC. Their Crazy Wisdom led them to vote me onto the Board Of Trustees and I also spear-head our Homeless Task Force. Before Rev.Parker split, He and Martha My Dear oppointed me as co-ordinator of the FREE FOOD PANTRY,Im also the Artist In Residence. By all means write, and drop in anytime. My digs are in the old Front Parlor of the ground floor walk-up at the parsonage next door. Steve Boyd (or A.I.R.) 133 (or 135) West 4th Street,NY,NY.10012.(Positively 4th Street) I return on the 15th of this Month.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jun 2002
Steve - Though your voice and more has been removed your spirit sounds perfectly intact . Great to hear from you while you are on the set (net) - but if you won't be back - and if you like - send me an e-mail with a land address and we can stay in touch in the now and then. Best to you and your family. - Hammond

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jun 2002
ELSA MARLEY; are you the mother witch that I called L.Z.? (El-ZE) and/or Mary-Zee?) "I had to rearange their faces, and give them all another name" ( B.DYLAN.) If you are the lady who hustled me into giving free art lessons to those elves & pixies, while you & the (GIRLS?)held yer (Coffee?) clutches???? then I say thanx!!!. Your cabin would have been on the high Nor.East judging by the sun. You gave me cookies & milk, talked of Jonnie Mitchel and invited me back. You admired the clay skull I molded using spent 357 casings from that Exiled Angel's "Birthday Present". Is you is??????

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jun 2002
Hammond. I underwent 18 Hrs. of radical surgery. They cut out my entire voice box, Tongue, and then some. They chopped out muscle and tendons from my chest to re-build my neck.A hand held Electro-Larynx is a No-Go as I sound like a Led Zepplin record played backwards. My lovely speech therapist was very sympathetic (among other things). My Liquid Diet feeding tube was removed a few months back. All of the radiation fried my beard off leaving me with a natural goetee. As for you, Ralphy Boy; I refused ALL pain management. Can you say the same? Hammond, mucho thanx. As in a week I will again be cut off from computer access, I will run my mouth NOW. Later partner.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jun 2002
Sorry mate - I gave you the wrong directions - Here is the poem I was talking about - but thanks anyway if you went to the Chronicle!
Catabatic Wind Chimes
In a time when only the homeless have a
place to reside, and the leaders of today
realize that they can no longer communicate -
perhaps just before the world is lost to ignorance
and error - it will be left to the deaf, the mute,
and the blind to lead us back to our gardens of Eden.
For when wisdom's words, along with the sky, the
sea, and the sand of time have been turned to
toxic waste, only the deaf, the mute and the blind
will have been left (relatively) uncontaminated by
mankind's disability.
(c) 2002

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jun 2002
Steve - Sorry to hear about the reason behind the new moniker. Sonny Barger had a similar operation leaving him with a whisperish voice from the opening in his throat. Do you have a similar 'air-voice' or are you actually mute now?
Here is a poem of mine published recently by the Pal. Chronicle that speaks of the mute as possibly being the one's who will lead us back to our Gardens of Eden.
cut/paste the urls if necessary - and thanks for taking the time. AsEver - Hammond
PS - And while I am pitching my stuff - here is another
you might enjoy that they published just yesterday.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jun 2002
Whooohh, Hold yer horses!! I was just skimming some old entries and ran across a character (privilaged; no doubt) called SILENT STEVE. Lets get this straight; I am NOT him, or rather he is not ME. Ive' only had that handle since I became mute from radical cancer surgery last year. I has formerly "STEVE","PURPLE" (aka; "That Purple Boy","That Purple Kid", Ect.) Now, let's proceed.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Jun 2002
Thanx Hammond, I just skimmed it. As far as "being accepted or rejected according to consensus" (MYSTERIOUS or other wise.) THOSE WHO WERE EXCLUDED,EXCLUDED THEMSELVES. MONEY?? No such animal.The only fiddler I remember was an Errol Flynn type called Marshal.Gary Snyder was the resident Cheshire Cat. (he left "smile" tracers.) I saw the back of my head once, without the aid of a mirror. Garry turned us on to a pipe-load of White Gum. Looked like glazzing compound (window putty). Coyote & Co. were in the bed room off the kitchen during this period. The mattress under the loft bed was my ISLAND in the main room. Stash,Harlow, and a procession of "OTHERS" snoozed above. Close yer eyes;It's over-cast I turn off the red transistor, walk in and tell ya all that Jimi Hendrix just died. Remember me now? Thanx Hammond, I need all the help I can get.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2002
ya, its me again. Thought Id give ya the shit, the real shit, before word-gamers start layin it on thick and taggin my name to it. Heres a Sing-Song. Ive hunted fer peace & contintment like DeLeon a huntin fer youth. I rambled to the safe house in Nogales lucky Boots in tow; like a sleuth. Yet, the longer I kept on a seekin my own private Olema I couldnt find. Ill' be damned If I didnt leave it, on route 66, far behind. P.S. Aint it the way?

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2002
Dear Friends - Speaking fondly in rememberance of Olema here is an excerpt from Pete's book "Sleeping Where I Fall" printed in Jack Magazine.
Best of the moment to everyone - Hammond

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 07 Jun 2002
Hi Susan...Lynnie told me she had seen you at the Hall of Arts and Letters where Freeman was honored for his work "Totem Salmon" (what an incredible book indeed!!) I so wish I'd have would be wonderful to see you...and both you and Steve invoked Olema memories for me too...I suppose because it was raining here in NYC last night the memory that flooded my heart was of huge cracking Thunder and lightening flashing shadows around the parlor and I was suddenly like 5 years old again and was there except me and emmett(rare occurrance when the house was empty) so he lit a lamp and sat with me untill the storm quieted and I fell off to sleep again...I can smell the air there right now...and of course climbing up the hill in back and looking out over the valley and seeing the sliver of Tomalas Bay...oh boy it's hard to get back to work here now...Nicole

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2002
Dear All - Sorry to stir the pot of 'Coyote Howl' - just something to yak about with neo-Digger relevance in the age of television and designer drugs for asthma. As I said before - "shoulder to shoulder" - Brothers at Yarns and more that will always be fondly rememered (cherished) - so never mind the subliminals. The work and world at large needs more Coyotes! As D. Ike Eisenhower said upon entering office: "Things are more like they are now than they ever were."
Peace and Freedom to All -
Anonymouse (at large)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2002
Hey Susan, Why's every body down on Coyote??? (Heres some Digger Trivia) A True "William Bonney" quote; "I AM THE TRUTH" (Think about it) Anyway, I sure wish some one could have organized a road company Fellini film crew at Olema, It would have made the Osbourns look like Father knows best. As far as lamp light goes my fondest memories are of rolling after dinner and passin it. Oh those brave souls. what spirit, what hope. Well, on that note; remain hopefull Susan. Hay I wonder I ever Re-named YOU??? Later.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2002
Susan, the mattress under the loft bed was the Island that I called HOME. I was also a listener. Prior to my "not wearin nothin that dont show" phase, I wore a pair of "Stars & Stripes" stockings which I tucked my pants into. I wore all PURPLE untill I traded my tank-top for Stash's blouse. I left my purple velveteen flairs under a scrub bush on the deer run after I shit em. (stop laughin) After which I liberated a pair of over-size white painters overalls from J.P. I wore "Sherry's" (J.P.'s daughter) house slippers. In my mind I "re-named" folks. Example: J.P.'s side-kick, Wirey, goateed,cat w/ Irish driving cap, was the "Crooked Man" to me. (He's the one who entrusted me to hold the family "goods"

Name: susan
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jun 2002
Just dropped by & lit up at your mention of Coso Street, Nicole. Glad you are doing well.. Steve, you were obviously a great watcher... Listening to you reminisce left me with kerosene-lit memories of my own, that stayed with me all day... I recall some of the Olema scenes you describe, tho I can't quite visualize you... I was a watcher too... I Picture myself peering down from the loft in the Pickens' room into the parlor (where Sweet William argued with Bryden & Gregory then later shot the gun thru the ceiling) Played Neil Young's "Freedom" last night while cooking dinner -- rice and veggies, even now, after all these years -- in honor of that time. Fond thoughts to all.

Name: Anonymous
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jun 2002
Hi there, Web Ed., just a thought: Folks come to the guestbook cause it's a click above each page, whereas the discussion page has to be found from the Entrance page only. Is it easier to manage lots of entries on a discussion page? Btw, thanks for your efforts on the new Free City Set pages -- it's great to be able to read the text and see the artwork details, they're beautiful.

Name: the web person
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jun 2002
Guestbook was divided to make it easier to load the page (we've had 230,000 characters added in the first 5+ months of 2002.) All entries from Jan. 1, to June 5, 2002 are in the Guestbook 2002 file now. (Was hoping to wait until the Summer Solstice to make this split, but the last few days have seen a lot of additions to the guestbook. I wanted to make it easier to load the page.)
After we finish the year, I will recombine both parts of 2002 for the archive.

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address: IronedOut.comik
Date: 06 Jun 2002
Well mate - as you astutely point out there is 'iron' - and there is
"Iron" = blessed Knuckleheads roar run and more. And - I have to agree
with you that if anyone can sell the Pope on condoms it would be Coyote. But let
me and perhaps us - say that regardless of the pitch I would stand shoulder to
shoulder with him as one - and most likely with you to my brother/cousin at
large. Keep your lamps trimmed and burning - Anonymouse

Name: Karen
E-mail Address: Bluefawn@Rockisland
Date: 06 Jun 2002
hail to crossing bears! Inspected deer and fox poop this morning to see what
they were eating; looks like seeds and flowers, no fur! my young cat likes to
hang with deer, she misses them when they're not around. let's bring it back to
the garden, no motor spules!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jun 2002
My cages were: 65 LaSabre W/a 66 Wild Cat front end. 70 Ford LTD. 60
something Pontiac Tempest Conv. 64 Ford Galaxy Conv.49 Chevy Stove-Bolt-Six pick
up. 76 Jeep 4wd Pick up.My scooters wer Tattooed Triumphs (Ex Storm Trooper MC
bike)and(Ex Fly-In Wheel MC bike) A strong Tattooed Knuckle Head (Ex Iron
Horsemen MC bike) a legal Triumph and a legal BSA; So I stand guilty-as
accused.(The Imperial was a fib).My point is this: No Voice on the TV prompted
me to trade up fer all that Iron. Its the same old story: When the peasants
revolt; Hang the governors. Hell Coyote could sell the Pope Birth Control (He's
THAT good) Step RRRRRRight Up Folks! Walk sober partner.

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address: HereForNow.organs
Date: 06 Jun 2002
Dear Steve - Straight jackets are dull deals that never really work out
unless you become the administrator - no real news in that comment - but had to
begin somewhere. As much as I respect ole Pete - I take particular umbrage with
his Coyote blather about how nice it would be to own an anti-environmental fume
spewer - whatever the brand. One of my contributions to myself and the planet
wast to quit driving (cold-turkey) over twenty years ago. I don't even like to
ride in the putid things and avoid doing so at least 85% of the time. Granted I
live in the city - and use the toxic spewers of inner-city transpo-bus and rail
a good deal but walk whenever possible. So when I watch my evening TV all these
years later - and 3or 4 nights a week I hear Pete selling these "Machines
of Death to the Planet" - I can't help but feel that he has toppled off his
frame. Then again, this is perhaps a bit harsh of me = I get it - I just don't
understand it. I wonder if Coyote (in disguise as Peter) is just on blind
assignment for the agents of mass advertising - or - is there some secret coded
message imprinted subliminally in images. Who owns Death TV anyway - I guess we
all do. Now I will cease my own blathering and wish you and yours a great day
(and you too Coyote) - we all have our bears to cross. - Anonymouse

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jun 2002
Tom, Im visiting my ol grey haired daddy & saintly mother in Nor.Mich.
after seventeen years. I cant turn the nations freaks onto their E-Mail ETC.
They'd shit a purple jesus. Anyway, thanks for the Praise & Incouragement.
P.S. Im back In the will!!! hey Tom, I will try to blow smoke up someones ass in
NYC and get my sticky fingers on a key board. Again, thanks partner.

Name: Tom
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jun 2002
Steve are singing at the public library or are you at some friends computer?
Stay with us if you can. Your words sooth the savage beast in us all. I saw that
you dropped by to say hello. Hello Be careful and Take Care, Tomas

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jun 2002
Open Letter to all FREE PEOPLE. Hey I just infiltrated the Free Frame Of Reference Page. Do I dare show my ass in NYC again?? FresH from the chilly wilds of Black Bear, the eager exile basked in the aura of so much proximate fame....until..of course..he got to close. Was that over the top??? (I can never tell) TUNE IN NEXT WEEK FOR THESE AND OTHER ANSWERS. OVER AND OUT. (FAR OUT)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jun 2002
Hey Nicole, were you "The Quick Silver Girl?" Not from the song, I mean the Olema Girl who say back-up for em??? Everything just kinda melted together. Ever get that feeling? I was The Purple Boy.(Proudly dubbed the Dope Master) Being under age I held the family weed that had been buried underground after a spotter buzzed low. (It smelled like horse shit) I also held the green tab acid. (WE were the people our parents warned us about! Wake me Im dreamin. Life! Live It! Dont you kids try this at home, Im a proffesional! What did you do during the war poppa? Too Much. Later.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: none
Date: 05 Jun 2002
Coyote, as far as advice goes, the wise dont need it and the fools wont heed it, but I just gotta tell ya, Edjucation? is our man here. Is there a spell check on this fucker??? Could you produce a copy of the original HOMESKIN manifest for their Edification? Or would it take an Eye-to-Eye? Come on! Tell em its hard to be great. Each day of your life back then could have been a book. Or rather a cross between ZAP COMIX and GREY'S ANATOMY. I remember Moose sayin that he wanted his ashes mixed with coke and be snorted by his brothers. THATS THE SPIRIT. And as far a "STICK MEN", hell you got more butt than my toilet seat. Get em TIGER.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: None
Date: 05 Jun 2002
Hey Anonymouse, show yer self varlet. The first staight job I got after droppin back in was as a United Auto Worker GMC Chevrolet Motor Div. Flint Michigan. In 71. How could one person be that wrong??? Fly-In Wheels M.C. FOREVER. And you thought FORD had a better IDEA!!!

Name: grassyknollproject2
E-mail Address: gkp2
Date: 05 Jun 2002
looking for former cast members of The Grassy Knoll Project KHSU Arcata webpage @
praise the Diggers.....

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jun 2002
Dear Coyote - So "don't complain - don't explain" as below - and I won't ether - but I still don't get the "General Motors" voiceover thing. Where does the frame of reference lie in this constant TV message that can't be helped but be associated with you old boy. What are you driving these days? Does it really matter? I guess not in the end - but I have always believed that you had more salt and style - needing the $ or not...... Love U Always nonetheless -

E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jun 2002
Hey Coyote, Steve Boyd here; (the kid dressed in purple) I traded my german helmet to the Angel Prospect who blew a hole in the cieling with the scatter gun from the corner by the piano. He had a fine silver chopper. You were so pissed off you threatened to draft a letter of grievence to Flash. Hey, sorry about your hat. Remember that imitation leatherett wallet w/ the zip-lock stash compartment inside? I laid it on ya. you said you could use it for your ID when you road in the rain. Many thanx fer teachin me the "HOMESKIN" concept. You were big daddy to so many. Dont complain & Dont explain.

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jun 2002
Steve, Sorry to hear of your troubles. I'm pretty fluent in ASL (american sign language)perhaps we can do a little of that and if you don't know it I'd be glad to share it with you. No I was never at Black Bear as a matter of fact...I was a Treat Street and Coso Street in the city and Olema, Red House, Turkey Ridge Farm, and sort of the rock and roll scene traveler in those on a house boat in Sausalito and visiting all points in between...I live on Bank and West St in the Village & I'll definately look for you when you return...I'm not looking for anything...or anyone, I'm pretty solid in my life and world these days, but any time there has been shared history...that is precious to me and worthy of investigation...So I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for you...Nicole

Name: Steve boyd
E-mail Address: none
Date: 04 Jun 2002
Nicole, I am in Nor.Michigan for two more weeks. I will return to NYC soon. I live in the parsonage of the Washington Square "PEACE" Church at 133 West 4th in the Village. My Tongue and voice box were removed at St.Vincents last year, so phones are out, and Im not that computer literate and cant spell fer shit. Drop In!!! (or rather out). I was an Olema Kid, were you a Black Bear girl? In 50 now, but still a three eyed boy a-lookin fer a twelve toed girl. "TOO MUCH" Steve Boyd

Name: steve boyd
E-mail Address: none
Date: 04 Jun 2002
Ileans witch shoes were my Original "Lucky Boots" We roasted a sheep underground. A black bear girl broke her leg. Julio (pronounced w/ a "J" (Angel w/ the green cut-off) had a brand new superglide. I drank goats milk and ate home made yogurt. The Olema girl who slept in w/ Coyote's bike got a kinked intestine and had to go. I rode back on the studebaker flat bed, drank tequila and played shot baskets with Elvin Bishop. The pygmy chant had a male and female part "Oragon..egonay..Oragon..egonay. ETC. Boy, talk about trivia!!!

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 04 Jun 2002
I remember the pygmy chants... I wouldn't count on this particular spelling, it's a meager phonetic try, but that was great to do with 20 people singing in a sort of round...thanks for reminding me about that...I'd forgotten...BORA GON GIGA NE, BORA GIM GA NE, BORA GON GIGA NEE BELA NO CHAMB BULUM, BORA GON GIGA NE, BORA GIM GA NE, BORA GON NIGA MULA BULA NO YA NO...that was one of about 17 different parts if I recall correctly. Nicole

Name: old dodger
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Jun 2002
Pray for peace -- in Asia & throughout the world.

Name: tiffany scanlan
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jun 2002
i was born at the wrong time (14 yrs late)-and have been told so many times by people! a lot of what i was taught growing up goes along with the free ideals and i try to pass them on whenever i can :)

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jun 2002
Little Mike side kicked his bike with his good leg. Moose's stash was in his head lamp. A freak drove Onanda's panel truck off the utility road, mashing it against a tree. The peyote cerimony was canceled (the road man was a no show). Moose, (Sargent At Arms) couldnt make the run. (court date) Threw his land lord down a flight of stairs? Coyote road up with the red haired dude in an old Volvo. Little "Froggy" (red haired boy) had runny eyes and nose. Stash, (actress) "Metalic Girl" from Lost In Space Cried when her folks came up to fetch her. An Indian radical was killed in the bay area. We sang African Pygmy chants with the Angels, Cockette People, and hangers on. The Berkeley People were at odds with Coyote, (William Bonney) because of the Hells Angels at the Olema People's encampment. I left my American Flag socks and Coyote's hat near a large talking rock. David' "married the Olema Girl who had the TeePee. The angels passed around Mellow Yellow. Coyote gave
Ilean some "Witch

Name: sandoz purple
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 May 2002
Visit the newly updated - reflecting on newly developing events in amerika

Name: The 3rd Page
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 May 2002
Are you in The Hear and Know? -> ? and see.
Enter Quiz area here ->
If you can translate the formula into English your name will be added to those in The Hear and Know listing in The 3rd Page.
Best to one and all - The 3rd Page

Name: daniel from deby, uk.
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 May 2002
i was born in the wrong place at the wrong time. india isn't the same, people are now all shit and i can't get off smack. fuck the 90's & 2000. give my my sixtys back!!!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 May 2002
PS - Mark
Try contacting David Osmund with The Firesign Theater. He and Edward (+ others) seem to stay in touch.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 May 2002
Dear Mark - Regarding KSAN family members of old = they are far and few between to find. Here's what I can add off the top of my bean. Howard Hessmann is living in France and can be reached by e-mail if you try hard enough - and Edward Bear was living in Santa Barbara until he landed some cash somewhere and perhaps moved to Costa Rica but may still have connection in SB. I will see what I can find out on Edward's presentense for you - but don't hold your breath. Tom Donahue - bless his heart and soul - continues to entertain the populace in Heaven.
Cheers to all,

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 28 May 2002
James...Joannie and the kids moved to New Mexico with Bryden sometime ago...they had a son, Joseph, as well...I'm don't have the address with me, but when I find it I'll e-mail you, Nicole

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 May 2002
Maybe we could find a way to get the KSAN reel to reel tapes onto CD. I have a burner but haven't tried doing that yet but I will look into it. Are there any former KSAN people around that could fill in the any missing stuff or add to it?

Name: Tim
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 May 2002
I saw a documentary on the diggers on a french documentary channel, Planete. At one point the featured diggers were asked why didn't you lead these people who followed you. The response was we were there to show them the open road and show them that it was them who would make the change. I feel that we have a similar situation today. Many people want change, but they are waiting for it to happen so that they can join in. Just wanted to let you know that this situation is a familiar sight in modern society...

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 May 2002
I was searching on Google for photographer on Tom Wait's new CD' "Alice" and "Blood Money" and found out that it is a son of Bob Dylan, Jesse Dylan. On the site where I found the information I also found Emmett Grogan's name with some info and a photo. The site is :
On the opening page is a list of contents on the left side.
At the bottom of the list, last selection, is "Whos who". Click on that and an alphabetical list of names appear to select from.
[Mark, thanks for passing along that page reference. Did you notice the
photo they posted of Emmett? That's one my friend Richard Gaikowski scanned from
my copy of the Nowsreal video. If you want to see it here (and in a larger
format) and hear a clip of Emmett from the film, click here.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 May 2002
When you say you're looking for a "copy" of the KSAN-FM "What Was That" documentary, do you mean the poster, or do you mean a copy of the radio broadcast? The show spanned 36 hours over two days. I have a copy of the poster, but coincidentally, I also have tapes of the show that I recorded in 1976. I'm not sure I tape recorded everything, but there are 7 reel-to-reel tapes that have never been copied to a cassette format. That must be possible, but I don't have the equipment. I think I recorded at the slowest speed which would mean 3 hours per tape.

Name: Bob
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 May 2002
I'm looking for a copy of the KSAN-FM radio documentary broadcast in 1976 called "WHAT WAS THAT?" that is mentioned on this website. I've been looking for a copy of this KSAN-FM special about the summer of love for a long time. If someone out there has a copy of it, please email me. Thanks!!

Name: Dorota
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 May 2002
Ok so I littel spike Englisch ;)Mayby I can do mistake Please -sorry.
I watched program in TV about Your program. I am 14 years old and I from Poland .If you want writing -write you to me

Name: James Cubby
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 May 2002
I stumbled on your site by accident after giving up my search for the Billy Batman family. I lived down the street from them in San Francisco in 1971 and spent a lot of time with the kids Jade, Hassan, Caladonia, and Digger Batman as I taught in a free school. I was with them on the day they left for Afghanistan. I always wondered what happened to them or how the kids were. The Batman family was a very magical family and I've never met a set of kids so special. I'd sit with Billy Batman and he'd tell me stories but we'd end up talking about the kids. If you have email addresses of Joan or any of the kids I'd love to contact them. Thanks. James Cubby

Name: Dan Grabowski
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 May 2002
Just earthshattering memories when things made more sense to me and poverty was a grace. Yeah, I'll do it again if I'm me next time.
You all did a marvelous thing here....

Name: Doc Ray
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 May 2002
I am a Morningstar alumni 67-69 off and on. In 68 I had a white 65 Chevy Nova at Morningstar. I was last there in the spring of 69. My memoriy is not what it should be. I don't recall all the names of folks but do remember Wild Bill, Superman.Spade Mama,Don and Sandy, Ed and his monkeys. I remember the grass fire of 68. I ran into Lou at Disneyland in the mid seventies. Peace Doc

Name: Cid Summers
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 May 2002
Hi! I remember the Diggers from back in the spring of 1967. I was filmed ( WITHOUT my permission, I might add ) on April 14, 1967 at the Panhandle by some nefarious camera man and it is MY face that is the first one seen in "THe Hippie Temptation" a tirade against acid that was aired August 22, 1967 on CBS. I WOULD like to know who was the camera crew and who was in charge of that so-called
documentry. For more on me check out one of my websites:
Although you can't see it on the clip, the dress I wore that day I found at The Free Store. :-)
Any replies: Remove NOSPAM to reply. Thanks!

Name: aron pieman kay
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 May 2002
check this out Hippie Culture Just Keeps Truckin' On
click at

Name: Mathieu Marcillat
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 May 2002
I'm french student & I've just heard the way of your righteous mouvment, and I join my voice to yours. these ideas are more and more on today's great subjects of minding, I hope more of persons will understand this only real way of life.
à tous, bonne continuation et que vive la liberté!!!!

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 May 2002
For the person who requested a link to the photo which appeared in the SF Chronicle of the five Diggers upon their release from charges stemming from the 1966 Halloween night Intersection Game, I've scanned the (less than ideal) printed version in Ringolevio and posted it (temporarily) on the Discussion Forum:

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 May 2002
PS - I have linked to the site archive in my new web journal
The 3rd Page - You can find the link in the Pro Bono Locos
section in the main listing at:
Also of note here is All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace - Richard Brautigan in the Ne Permiso section as well - Cartoonist Dan O'Neill (Odd Bodkins) in the Skizo Freneza section + lots more.....
Please visit The 3rd Page - It won't cost you a penny more!
cheers to all at hand,

Name: Ragnar
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 May 2002
hello my name is Raggi and im Hippy

Name: jafaru osumah
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 May 2002
i dont know what you maen

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 May 2002
Hey, everyone, one of the peculiar (to some) traditions which I follow here
is no advertising on the Digger web. The Free Print Shop, Kaliflower, and Free City News never accepted commercial advertising.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 May 2002
Dear Diggers and Friends of Diggers -
I am so pleased to announce the forthcoming arrival
of my book: "AsEverWas" - which fondly remembers Emmett, Richard Brautigan and many others -
[listed] at SAF: = right under Gentle
Giant's bit.
Cheers to all - Hammond

Name: COS
E-mail Address: TRIBE7AND7IS@MSN.COM
Date: 13 May 2002

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 May 2002
Dear All -
Please take a moment to read the latest effort in my compilation: Another Difficult Season
"Shieded By Humanity"
And with my thanks if you do - cheers, Hammond

Name: Dave Sandilands
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 May 2002
I just want to thank the Diggers for keeping the heart of Man alive. I bet you guys didn't know what an important little bit of history you've become. It was in these Archives I've learned of Emmett Grogan's death way back in '78. 'Ringolevio' was a fine book; I found it inspiring, even though I don't know just how much of it was real. I've got to admit from reading that book that I'm not surprised at his passing. I am surprised that there's still some left! I never thought I'd still be around - we all got badly burned in the '70's. I'm really sad for Richard Brautigan - a great poet, a tragic end. It shouldn't have turned out like that for him.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 13 May 2002
Does any one remember Doc and Margaret who lived up the street from the red house? and if so, where they might be reached...they suddenly came into my head this morning...
a belated HMD to all the moms...Nik

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 May 2002
Dear Mike,
In reply:
What's up is down and then up again.
Yes - there are Diggers left (right, center, over and under)
Yes - there are new Diggers digging now and then.
What to do? - That's Up To You - but - Each of Teach One
No Keys Up - No Sheet Down!
Take your moment and move along.
Good Luck.
PS - Stay the fuck away from heroin.

Name: mike diiorio
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 May 2002
What's up today? Are there any diggers left? Are there new diggers? We're doing a phunky little show this summer and wanted to know what we can do to get some diggin goin on?
Mike DiIorio
exec. producer, conscious party (

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 May 2002
The new documentary, The Cockettes, opened last night at The Castro theater in San Francisco. Not sure if it's showing in other cities. But for anyone interested in Digger history, this film should have an important place in the pantheon of reference works. It clearly delineates the path from Kaliflower commune to Cockettes to Angels of Light. It mentions Irving's and Hibiscus' journey to San Francisco from New York in 1967. What it doesn't mention directly is anything about the Diggers but their name is written so large on the film that it's impossible to notice for anyone who knows the history of the Haight. Hibiscus' notebooks that his Mom is shown leafing through have "Free" and "Free Food"
drawn on the pages with each letter sprinkled in glitter. The dispute between those in the Cockettes who wanted to start doing paid shows and the Kaliflower commune is detailed in the film through several interviews. The final rejection of paid shows by Hibiscus represents the turning point in the film. From there on, he devoted his energies to the Angels of Light and Free Theater until he left San Fran to go back to New York for good.
Even more than the specific history of the Cockettes and Angels, the film also clearly shows how the Digger vision had so completely permeated the counterculture. Larry from Hunga Dunga commune was interviewed and talked about the hundreds of communes that were all providing free services to other communes at the time. This should finally put to rest the myth that Free was
only some kind of Theatrical Device. Scenes of the Free City free food delivery program are interspersed with other footage from the Digger film Nowsreal from 1968, courtesy of Kelly Hart.
If you get a chance to see this film, do not hesitate. It may not be in distribution long. The scenes of the Cockettes film Tricia's Wedding are way more subversive than anything the Bush Regime can tolerate.

E-mail Address:
Date: 10 May 2002
Maatje Piket

Name: Maatje Piket
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 May 2002
I have just finished reading The Free-Fall Chronicles: Ron Thelin and the Red House. I lived in the Red House from April 69 to October 69 having been brought into the household by Casey Sonnabend, a poet who lived in San Geronimo. I then looked after Ambrose Hollingsworth in Southern California for another 6 months before visiting the Red House one last time before my return to Vancouver, British Columbia. Although Jay Thelin and Peter Berg visited me in 1971 and I had lunch with Peter Coyote in 95 or 96 (before Ron Thelin died) I have lost touch with all the people I was close to in that time. Having just discovered a ream of poetry I wrote during my Red House period, I would love to "re-connect the dots". I don't have an email address for Peter Coyote anymore but I have a poem that I wrote specifically for him that I would like to send. I also want to know how certain people are: like Chuck and Destiny, Mary Gannon and others. Can you help?
Maatje Piket

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 May 2002
Dear Diggers and Friends,
My new web journal - The 3rd Page - a journal of ongrowing
natures is now online. Please honor me with a visit!
Cheers to all who enter!

E-mail Address: noidea@allthefuss
Date: 08 May 2002
In my view
Potter's no magic cure
FOR THE last few years I've kept my mouth shut when I've heard people saying that the sales of Harry Potter books were doing wonders for children's reading. On some occasions I defended the books, particularly if they were under attack from snobs. These are the kind of people who only want kids to read the books they read as a child, like Alice in Wonderland and the Just William books.
The times I kept quiet were when experts said things like, "Well, they may not be great literature but they're certainly getting the kids reading." "Look at the sales," they would say, "trillions and trillions-isn't it wonderful?" Why did I keep shtum? Firstly, because I thought they might be right. Secondly, I had a hunch that contradicted what they were saying, but I couldn't prove it.
I reckoned that a combination of the literacy hour and the testing was actually putting kids off reading. Now after the Potter euphoria comes a bit of sober thought. In last weekend's Observer a report showed that the spending on children's books (for 5 to 14 year olds) has stayed steady, but the total number of children's books sold has dropped.
At the same time only 36 percent of the Harry Potter books sold are bought by or for children under 14. So what's going on is that the children's book market has been taking the same amount of money.
But the hidden trend is that fewer and fewer books for five to 14 year olds are being bought, while the range of books being read is narrowing year on year. The report didn't suggest any reasons why this should be so, but to my mind it isn't difficult to come up with some ideas.
The retail market in children's books is dominated by the big high street players-W H Smith and the like. All over the country these are the only bookshops that parents and children can get to. Mostly these stores stock a narrow range of top ten bestsellers, with no specialist staff on hand to help children or parents find a book that might suit their situation in particular.
It's a perfect example of the way the massing of the capitalist market runs directly against individual human needs. Meanwhile in schools, teachers are under instruction to turn anything to do with the reading of books into a dull, mechanical chore.
Nearly every bit of reading has to be interrupted with questions. The correct answers are supposed facts about what's just been read. In the talks I do to teachers and in schools, I've discovered that in the upper years of primary schools there isn't time now to read whole books. The demands from the syllabus, backed up by panicky headteachers, bullied by inspectors and school league tables, are forcing teachers to limit the teaching of reading to worksheets and extracts of books.
This means that many children, with no access to books at home, will go through a crucial period in their lives without reading a whole book and without talking about what that book means to them personally. They will go without thinking about what the author might have intended to say in the book, and without hearing what other kids from different backgrounds might think of it.
In other words, New Labour's schooling delivers the kids up to the marketplace with no sense of themselves as discriminating, knowledgeable readers. Instead it shoves them into the arms of the high street big boys who simply say, "Read this-we've got nothing else for you."

Name: Franklin Dotoli
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 May 2002
Long live the Diggers!!!

Name: Lore'
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 May 2002
Hi, I enjoyed reading your archives. I was reading a book called "An Underground Education" by Richard Zacks. In it he mentions "The Oneida Commune." I found this fascinating to have occurred during the 1800's. A search engine linked me to your site for more info on the subject. Reading the information you provided about your commune, brought a smile to my heart as I can clearly recall the time frame and happenings, of the 60's and 70's. We were all really something and no violence.

Name: nigel
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 May 2002
hello,hello-greetings from the UK.Whenever I read all those tales of the road and free etc,cornbread, fry,navaho is often mentioned! I could eat some right now. With summer on the way could any of ya post a kickass recipe for cornbread, cooked by the road or on a nice fire under the stars? I thank yew!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 May 2002
And while I am at it and hear - One of my poems regarding Jenin (from by book: "An Unfortunate Season") was recently published by the Palestinian Chronicle.
Cheers to all who enter! - H.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 May 2002
This is so very sad for all concerned. My prayers and thoughts go out to those closest to this inner malestrom of soul and self.
"The Hide Behind the Collar"
Namasté - Namasté

Name: Curious
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 May 2002
Say, Andy datsun-guy,
If you decide to take a trip out to the farm, would you mind reporting back here about it?

Name: Flashback
E-mail Address: Open Land Ranch
Date: 02 May 2002
For more info. on Morningstar Ranch, Check out:
The Morningstar Ranch Scrapbook
The Hippie Museum, "the Land"
For info. on Wheeler's Ranch
(a 60's Neighboring Ranch to Morningstar ,
also in Sonoma County)
The Sonoma County Museum presents Utopia Now! (and Then)
(exhibit at the Museum through May 13)

Name: Euphoria
E-mail Address: Morning Star Ranch
Date: 02 May 2002
M* Morning Star Ramch was deeded to God by Lou Gottlieb in 1969. Five days after his generous return of the land to its proper owner, God was sued by a lady whose house was destroyed by lightening. She wanted $25,000 damages, and $75,000 punative, so God wouldn't do it again .........!
The case went to court. The judge was perplexed and asked, "Who's God?"
"I am," said an inmate at San Quenton.
"I am," said a man from Australia.
When Lou tried to deed the land to God (before God Got sued) the county deed recorder guy asked, "Who's God?"
"In God We Trust!" proclaimed Lou Gottlieb. "So help me God!" he added.
The country deed recorder guy refused to record the deed. So, Lou Gottlieb went to a friendly laywer. He notorized the deed for God. With the notery seal attached the country deed recorder guy did record the deed of 32 acre Morning Star Ranch to God. Streams, meadow, and orchard.
At Lou's death some court decided that God is incapable of owning land
"Since God is neither a person real nor artificial."
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Oh, the lawyer who notorized the deed went on to become a judge in Sonoma County.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Apr 2002

Name: Andy
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Apr 2002
I have recently moved to occidental / sebastopol, near the morning star ranch. I do not know much about it - people have just mentioned it in passing, and I have been trying to do some research on the web to know more. Can you tell me what the status is of the land currently? I know that Mr. Gottlieb willed it to God, but apparently that did not work. Do people still congregate there? I'm just a curious neighbor - but not curious enough to go poking around and find out on my own... I do enjoy reading the archived newsletters very much.
Thanks in advance for your time and any info you can provide!!

Name: Jon Brooker
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Apr 2002
It's sometimes good to remember how the Struggle finally came out - it was game, set, and match to the counterculture. Think about it... We changed everything (not always for the good). But I grok that we mostly tried to do the right thing - and the world is a better place for the triumph of the liberal ideal! We should all be trying to recapture some of the activism, generosity, and humane spirit of the Sixties in these cynical days decades later. Just because we've morphed into Baby Boomers and fat old people is no reason to forget our dreams. Peace.

E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Apr 2002
Following with baited breath the postings on this page;
suppose these worlds will not be changed with these same words;
so the struggle continues,
the water we conserve, or not,
the air we poison so what?..
the nest fouled w/ rot
franken foods abound
of care and compassion nary a sound..
you may say Iam a dreamer
but Im not the only one
saint john and john saint
saith the indians you put down
gonna rise again,my friend
there are many more of them
than you can imagine.. imagine that

Name: Bernadette Wilson
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Apr 2002
Hey Diggers:
This is great webpage. It is helping me with research for my screenplay about the haight during the summer of love 1967.
Than you.
B. WIlson

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Apr 2002
A poem a day keeps the heart and mind active -
This Is Not a Test - it is a Catabatic Wind Chime -
Cheers to all - Hammond

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Apr 2002
Hey Nicole,
I read the same article in The New Yorker magazine, April 8, 2002 issue, titled "Letter From Bolivia, Leasing the Rain" by William Finnegan. I also hiked the same weekend about 3 or 4 miles up the San Lorenzo River that dumps into Monterey Bay in California. Being a native to this area I can say it was a sorry site. Water conservation is one thing an individual can do, but mismangement of septic tanks and leach fields, tearing up natural water courses, overpopulation of watershed areas, pet waste finding its way into the streams are other issues that can be addressed locally.
When it comes to the likes of Bechtel Corp. and its gang of world resource pirates, which included Enron, I just don't know how to deal with it. How do you stop this shit, how do you fight a world plutocracy? I mentioned the article to Peter Berg relaying the information regarding the 30 year take-over of the water rights in Guayaquil, Ecuador. What can anyone say? The reality is that the majority of heavy-weight issues are being lost in undeveloped countries who are at the mercy of corrupt leaders and the lure of big money. The battles we fight in the USA are cartoonish by comparison. That is my ranting and I will keep up the struggle, a little here and a little there.
Mark Hebard
Planet Drum

Name: uaw/mf
E-mail Address: none
Date: 23 Apr 2002
annierat--greetings contact his board for family updatesoonest--Travis uaw/mf.

Name: Kenny G.
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Apr 2002
My names Ken. Im a 23 yearold from Dublin, Ireland. I've been reading up on the Beat generation lately, the likes of Kerouc (spelt wrong), Kesey, Borroughs, Wolfe and Guievara's Motorcycle diaries. But more recently I stumbled upon Ringolevio by chance and Im nearing the end of the book now. Im enjoying it for its criticism of the hippie guru's such as Leary and Abbot and the fact that everything wasnt as rosey as the media presents it to my generation, i.e. Paranoia, Greed and selfishness which are all part and parcel of Human nature. However, did the mythical Grogan exist or was the name chossen as a pen name. In asking this question I am breaking the code of the diggers ambiguity <Grin> and I dont expect a straight answer but a hint would be nice.
Fair play

Name: philippe
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Apr 2002
I fell in Ringolevio when I was 16, now Im 38 and the world still look like a big mess. I don't get why or how people do not understand that earth has a bigger plan than any of the politic crap that either here or beyond we have to go thru.
Why is it that we cannot do anything about it ?
where is the spirit of SOL ?
why is it that still 10% of the world's population owns 90% of the resources ?
why is it that this country finds out about terrorism and integrism only AFTER 9/11 ?
what is this s$#@$t we are in ?
can they only be a website on the diggers ?
what about some action ?
Peter I saw you and Roman once au cafe de flore, I waved, you smiled. thx. that a great memory.
btw, I posted a msg in 2000 and EN answered, who's EN ? (out of curiosity ;-)
this world MUST change

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 23 Apr 2002
Just to let you know, the Ashokan Res is the major feed for New York City, that one couple with two in New Jersey that look just as bad...and NJ has had much more rain and snow than upstate...they've even had major flooding, but not where it counts in terms of water holdings...nik

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Apr 2002
Hi all, I was just upstate in Woodstock NY, near where the Ashokan Resevoir is located...I need to tell you, it was a scarey sight!!! All of the years I lived up there the water level was ALWAYS up to the tree line even in the dryest of August...well here it is Spring and there is about 20 to 30 yards of beach front around the intire perimeter with small islands showing in the center...the beachfront edges are as cracked and dry any photo ever shown about a ravaged area... My first thought when I saw this...was..."oh, we'll have no need to worry about terrorists...that will be the least of our problems...we'll be out of viable drinking water...Peter Berg had sent me a dispatch last year some time about the seriousness of our planets water least ours here in wasteful old US of A...and I am guilty too...for sure, although I am putting a total effort now into changing my water use habits...did you know for instance, that a toilet left "running" will use 6,000 gallons of water in a day if you don't giggle that handle. And even sadder than that, is I recently read an article that claims the Bechtel Corporation has been busy buying water rights where possible in South America and funneling money into buisnesses that produce equipment that would carry water great distances...the article was called something like "Corporate Greed Gets a Foothold"...anyway...seeing the Ashokan was really a wake-up call...and it's only one of many...we truly need to pay attention...and I intend to kick my own butt when and if I find myself being wasteful...Nicole
PS. we had two great thundering storms this week with a bit of rain...hooray for spring!

Name: Grey Hipster
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Apr 2002
Make Love Not War ...when we fight each other the police state wins....Hey, it just occured to me it's 4/20! Gotta split!

Name: Fran
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Apr 2002
Just a happy note here! On April 14th I became a grandma with a little baby granddaughter named Chloe. She has a groovy step-grandpa. Her biological grandpa, known as Eric Steed back on Haight St. in the late 60s and early 70s, passed away in 1982. We got married in the Haight in 1969. I hope he somehow knows about Chloe. Live always does go on.........she is a darling baby. Hello to you all, the world is full of good and bad but there is so much joy to be found!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Apr 2002
To the many lives lost in Jenin -
"Memory's Awake"

Name: Nico
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Apr 2002
Well what can I said... I've see on telly a special on the Diggers and I just realise that you have done what I try to do now and I wonna do for the future, so I've ralize that I'm just one of you guys... Good Luck an thanks for what have you done sofar... Love you all...

Name: RedMonkey2U
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Apr 2002
Find out what the Leaders of the World are really thinking! To learn more please visit The Unknown Location at:
Just tell them The Serial RedMonkeys sent you.

Name: Emil Stockton
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Apr 2002

Name: dale
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Apr 2002
this is pure

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Apr 2002
For all you Bay Area folks. The SoundWood Music Series hosts Peter Berg, Executive Director of Planet Drum Foundation, with field stories and images of building an ecological city in Ecuador. SoundWood is an organization dedicated to conserving trees used to make musical instruments. This will be an evening of music and Planet news at Sweetwater in Mill Valley, Ca. April 30, 2002 at 8 p.m. Admission is $8. Sweetwater is at 153 Throckmorton Ave. Mill Valley, CA 94941, 415 388 2820. If you need more info contact Planet Drum Foundation at Hope I can meet some you there.

Name: AnonymousePS
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Apr 2002
Southern? You are way off the mark mate!

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Apr 2002
Dear SPROG - Thanks very much for your well expressed reply to a series of jib and jab over what I feel was a inconsiderate and ill-timed comment in this or any other peace and freedom oriented (non-UK ) guestbook. My retort was equally inane overall - but more to the main of your reply. Sad that you had to have such a different childhood experience with the initial Mum or others - on the surface these are both memorable moments, but I, and obviously you, see quite a bit more to the royal family than their snobish social class minded bigotry. Being an American, however well traveled, it is difficult to appreciate or dislike the royal family on an emotional level. Unlike our feelings when it comes to people like Richard Nixon and George W. Bush Jr. and his faith-based nuclear protective family vision for the rest of the world. But in short mate your apology is well received by this friend of the Diggers and I offer much the same in return. I was last in the UK in the early 70s - and I have been told that the class structure and way of things has changed a great deal over time. It will be not only pleasant but educational when I visit in the Fall. Perhaps we can continue this intriguing converstation at that time - Anon -

E-mail Address: noidea@allthefuss
Date: 11 Apr 2002
Anonymous your not the only one whose opinion was founded ,or reinforced, after meeting a Royal. However my experience was not so pleasant. my Mother is a devout supporter of our monarchy who waited 5 hrs in the cold and wet to see the Queen whilst she was on walkabout. Being her only son and at that time certainly not anti royal I waited with her . You could imagine her delight when QE2 walked over to where we stood and started talking to people around her. My mother smiled and passed a compliment to the Queen about how well she looked, QE2 turned -frowned and said 'you will speak when your spoken too' the walked off. I was not flattered by her attention- and when immediately questioned by the press with a royal minder present we -and others where told not to mention the incident.
Of course you are right to point out that royal racism didn't start with the queen mum that she was influenced by Victorian attitudes. I couldn’t agree more, However we Brits are a people still suffering from the attitudes left over from that age, whether it concerns racism, workers rights or sex. Their attitudes still strongly shape our culture today insomuch as we (my self included) are conditioned to be racist. Just look at how the Victorians interpreted history to suit their own sense of grandeur and left out the parts that didn’t suit them. Of which even today our society has not corrected—I.e. look in any school history book and you will find plenty of info on Roman Britain but not one mention that the legions sent to guard Hadrian's wall where Ethiopian (yes even then the blacks got all the crappy jobs) However most civilised people in our country recognise the potential harm of institutionalised racism and deliberately try not to pass it on or encourage its spread. The Monarchy ignore this rule and it has very little to do with generation culture but more to do with the fact that they are a leftover from the recent colonial time. This is unforgivable from people in such an influential position . Finally it is not my intention to ‘infest ‘ Digger minds with my unpatriotic and provincial ranting but just to demonstrate that we are not the cap dothing plebeians the press portray us as .So I shall apologise to the Diggers for expressing a very old and none radical alternative opinion and hope that free thought and expression is not contagious. Mr A why are you so interested in my parachute ? Looking forward to your response and would I be right in assuming you are a sissy southerner?

Name: sattvanandabrown
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Apr 2002
Did eye ask for a royal apologist? I think not,class warfare,
or the struggle continues..the royals like our own king george
have been scamming the masses ,since the beginning,"the poor you always have with you"J.C. said; that he meant since the beginning there have always been "the poor"they occur at the most inopportune times,and have to be kept hungry ,cold tired,
unwashed etal,reagans buddy paul volker said americans need to
get used to a lower standard of living,when the shit which is in the fan; really really hits home ..the kings and queens,and c.e.o.s' will not feed us,thirteen stars thirteen bars,when you
are relieved of your family jewels like some of us and the trail leads to the throne,and they are a protected species,ronnie raygun said "redwood trees seen one seen em all" thirteen bars and thirteen stars in a circle think about it
anarchosyndicalists,should know better than to submit to revisionism,

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address: Thehearand know@life,com
Date: 10 Apr 2002
Well SPROG - my aim is not to change your opinion - that is for you to work on if necessary. My statement comes from the fact that I once met the Queen Mum at a private reception - and though this meeting was in 1957 I was quite flattered to be in attendance and to have chatted her up so to speak. The Royal racism you speak of is a fact but do you really believe that this attitude originated with the Queen Mother? Look back in time SPROG - the Victorian era is what it was - and the newly foundering Royals have a mind set that is not quite the same thing as it was in the Mum's day...............My retort was out of heartfelt respect for the Queen Mum's passing - and not for anything more. You can have your feelings but why bother to infest Digger minds with your own internal blathering (however true in UK locales) about racism being directly connected to the Queen Mum vs. the much broader and much more relevant reasons behind racism in the UK - and by the way I have lived - worked and played heartily in the UK in numerous eras of time and space - so when you ask me to put my money where my mouth is you can rest assured that my mouth and money are in perspective. What is your persspective on racism beyond blaming a 101 year old woman for the current situation in the scrubs and beyond? And what color is your parachute? Quite White I imagine.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Apr 2002
Anybody here have some comments regarding the Shelter Cove area of the Humboldt/Lost Coast,Ca region? Any Digger experience to relate?

Name: paul mccarthy
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Apr 2002
to all please be advised a recently left email on the comments page was left by a prankster who resides at the following person should be banned from the site and I am sorry if he misled you.Iam not rich didnt live in london and have never met moore or ringo starr nor do i know of emmet grogan ,however i suggest you contact this dispicable person and let him know your true feelings.

E-mail Address: noidea@allthefuss
Date: 09 Apr 2002
Thank you for your feedback Mr Anonymouse. I believe that i have clearly expressed what Iknow about the Queen Mum and you may not share my opinion. However what is 'royaly stupid' is the fact that in the UK we have enough social injustices and disinformation to hide the truth from the people so that people like you are totaly taken in by the spin on the royals that you take offence to any genuine facts that dont lie compfortably with your media enhanced opinions. Come on this site advocates, by its culture, freedom of expression. The mere fact that you visit here tells me that you support that culture but your reaction suggests you only romance about any form of rebelion. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND CHALLENGE MY STATEMENT - PLEASE I MAY EVEN CHANGE MY OPINION

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Apr 2002
Okay SPROG - Just what do you know about the Queen Mum that makes you say something so abusive and in my humble opinion - royaly stupid? As Eric points out you are in the wrong arena to make this impolite remark - Suggest you try Scotland Yard or Downing Street. And by the way - how is your mother doing these days? Is she dead yet?

Name: Piscataway New Jersey Dance
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Apr 2002
certainly seems like a very opinionated messageboard!
Piscataway New Jersey Dance

E-mail Address: noidea@allthefuss
Date: 08 Apr 2002
THE QUEEN Mother was a racist snob [...]
[SPROG: Since you left the same
exact (long) message in the Discussion Board, I've deleted
it here. As it is, the Guestbook is getting unwieldy already this year, probably
soon need to start a new one and archive the first few months of 2002. This is
more a place for personal communication. The Free City
News or Discussion Board is more a place for political flames, rants or other
social commentary — imho. No offense, mate. --ed.]

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address: hear&
Date: 05 Apr 2002
Notes for Peter Coyote: - > Peter, I rather like hearing your voice on television - I find it soothing when I learn about pandas and insects around the world - and even the occasional straight world product pitch - but - really Coyote - what is with this new turn? Now when I listen to the sooth of voice-over du you - I am being told about the glories of owning a monster machine from anit-human corp. productions that bores holes in the sky - and am sweetly if not subliminally encouraged to try some new asthma-pollen medication - not that I need this or a GM automobile in the first place because I gave up driving the horrid things years ago. I could go on and on here but my ranting about the demise and over drugged perscription of the planet - but hey, this note is about voice-overs so I won't. But if you would Peter old man - what the fuck are you up to? Is the earthlink.coyote getting the best of you for the sake of needing the bucks or what? - Not that you owe me a response here old boy - but it does make one wonder where you freely framed sense of reference has wandered.
Nonetheless - best of the moment to you - Anonymouse

Name: Stephan
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Apr 2002
Hi i live in Berlin Germany and i wish to give my best wishes to all you brothers and sisters on the other side of that big ocean water and you are welcome to get in contact with me .Love Stephan

Name: Pual McCarthy
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Apr 2002
Hello all . After a recent clear out of my parents loft I came across an old photograph of my mother holding me as a baby at our old house in knightsbridge London. With us in the picture are Rodger More Ringo Star and a strangely dressed hippy that my father says is Emmett Grogan.I tapped his name into the search engine and found this site ,by all accounts he seems quite a character. If anyone would like a copy of this pic please e.mail me and i shall gladly send it on.The pic was taken around 1967-8 and is in colour.
hope to here from you soon

Name: The Serial RedMonkeys
E-mail Address: EndangeredPlanet@hereandnowcom
Date: 03 Apr 2002
Important Information! -> -> Please forward to everyone! ->
Ex·ig·u·ous 1635 Latin exiguus, from exigere<>excessively inadequate <wrest an exiguous existence from> Cir·cum·stance from Latin
circumstantia, present participle
of circumstare to stand around, from circum- + stare to stand around and do nothing> 13th century condition + concomitant <WAR! is a circumstance to be taken seriously> a piece of evidence that indicates the
probability of an event <the circumstances surrounding WAR! stacked up against him> the sum of essential + environmental factors + other
state(s) of <open objection to WAR! is a rare circumstance in the 21st Century> --
often used in conjunction everywhere as a reason to avoid sticking one’s neck out! -> ->
Israel's aggressive practices pose a threat to international peace and security, dragging the region (and the rest of us!) towards an all-out war, and necessitate immediate action by the UN Security Council to apply Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Under a clause in that chapter, the UN Security Council can order the use of force to maintain
international peace and security if all other means are deemed to have failed (and they have!). -> ->
The world must deal with misguided people not just by hunting them down but also by removing the causes of their anger and frustration. - Mort Subiet
Other Exiguous Circumstance(s)

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinic@yahoo
Date: 01 Apr 2002
To the kid doing school project on the diggers, For one,it hasn't ended and you could post the web site as a parting shot...and as a matter of fact you could pose a question to your readers..."How do you think these folks (diggers)may have integrated their past experince of that time (the 60's) into the everyday activities of today...what essence held up...?" Get your readers to become curious...when they go to the site to check it out may plant some new seeds...each one teach one. regards, Nicole

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Apr 2002
Dear HeadsUp - Here is the latest self-immolating protest - Yesterday in Tokyo.
DNA DIVIDED LOYALTIES become unstable if heated -
Autonomous Modus potentially self-replicating atrocities
wrapped inside the everyday life of suicide backpack

Name: M
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Mar 2002
I have just finished reading John Simon (Spyder)'s Sign of the Fool and wonder if you can tell me what has happened to him since that time?

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Mar 2002
Smart Wars: anRManalisys ->
Smart Wars are NOT about defending the nation.
The truth, rarely discussed by everyone, is that
the administration’s missile-defense program is
but stage one in a neo-program to establish US
military superiority in Space - a realm of the near
imagination historically reserved for peaceful DNA.
[Discovery-Notation-Analysis] Smart Wars are the Trojan
horses for ill-defined objectives. Without a condom
this is most certainly NOT safe Smarting. -> It's NOT about Defense - it’s about Space!
An unidentified air enforcer was quoted as saying:
It is NOT the U.S. mission to dominate Space but to
basically annex it into a realm of military neo-Space.
-Mort Subiet
The documents revealing the military's secret plans
aren't dificult to annex as they are available in the
USCMNSpaceship Archive at
Border(s) Dissolve Here

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Mar 2002
Land of the Free - Where is this new "Shelter" material available? Only in the dvd or on the web as well? Please advise with url if possible. - Anonyme here and thankx !

Name: free at last
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Mar 2002
on the new rolling stones dvd helter shelter the film is excatly the same but if you go in the preferences they added interviews of people who called the local san fran radio statio the day after the show in the movie you can here a bit of sonny barger but in the added features found in the preferences you can here the complete sonny barger interview plus they added an interview of emmett grogan calling the radio station .this interview is not in the full length movie but could only be found in the bonus part of the dvd wich is accessable true the preferences there is about a dozen interviews of people calling the radio station including emmett grogan.

Name: PSAnyontoU
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Mar 2002
Digger Flash Source Codex

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Mar 2002
Digger Flash:
March 27, 2002
LOS ANGELES – The co-founder of EarthLink, one of the nation's largest Internet providers, agreed yesterday to plead guilty to operating a Ponzi scheme that involved $593 million and 800 investors, including celebrities.
Some of those investors have been asked to pay back the money they received or face a possible lawsuit. Among those who profited included Fox News talk show host Greta Van Susteren, [and] actor Peter Coyote.
Stay tuned........

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Mar 2002
BLOTTO Xs (In) Credibility - The Pentagon says tests may restore credibility to the BLOTTO Xs program.
A pre-BLOTTO Xs missile carrying a (nerf-cone)
nuclear decoy soared across ozone depleted sky
to its detonation somewhere over the Pacific Ocean,
part of a high-stakes hand of DOOM from the
ongrowing ballistic missile defense plan building
itself from scratch in the U.S.
The nerf-ball nuclear decoy was disintegrated in
KILL VEHICLE, described as the most ill-defined
weapon ever developed. The kill vehicles (XKVs)
were developed (and are assembled) by Raytheon
in their D&A plant somewhere in Arizona. Each XKV unit costs (taxpayers?) about $25 million to formulate, and Raytheon has a contract to build 26 of the BLOTTO Xs devices (sans nerf-cones). Under current agreement, the Pentagon wants to buy up to 250 XKV units--a potential production program of $6.25 billion. - If you want other rumors surrounding this topic, please search The Serial RedMonkeys Archive:
(C) The Serial RedMonkeys

Name: Gloria Thunder
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Mar 2002
I have a gold heart, that emits silver sparks,I consulted the monkey of brass, who told me to kiss his big,hairy ass, go figure & c plato

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Mar 2002
Nicole -- I didn't decide until the last moment to go into NYC, but then I regretted not having your phone number. I wanted to call at least. One of these days...
I changed the coding on the front page, but it still doesn't work consistently to play the Billy Bragg song. I'm going to have to do some more research. Try it again. If it still doesn't play for you, try the link below:

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 26 Mar 2002
I wish I had known You were in time call me or e-mail me...I know you had called my old apt. the last time...but I had next time. Listen I can't hear the Billy Bragg bit when I log it still functioning? I see that people comment on it so I don't know why I've not heard it and yes my speakers are on. Thanks for the NYPL info. regards, Nicole

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Mar 2002
For the latest RedMonkey file "HERETHERE&EVERYWHERE" please visit the Sacred Earth front page at:
Thanks! - RM2U

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Mar 2002
Speaking of New York, I was on the isle of Manahattan last week while visiting parents. So many of my visits to New York have had a pre-ordained feeling to them. This day, it was clear and cold, windy. I started off going down to the World Trade Center site, as part homage and part act of closure. The Twin Towers had been a magnet on many visits, the highest point of observation being a first stop on journeys to gain the all important overview of the land. (From the open observation deck of 2 WTC, the curvature of the Earth was clearly visible.) This time the view was into the earth, the hole that remains of these structures, a reversal of the outward looking views of past visits.
After making as close to the circumambulation that always seems to be required in these pre-ordained walks, I headed up to NOHO to visit the War Resisters League, to get another view of the global political situation. WRL was an early haunt from high-school days back in 1965/66. They're at Bleecker and Lafayette now, not 5 Beekman Street anymore. I still have strong memories of our fleet of yellow submarines in those early Fifth Avenue Peace Parades, as part of the Workshop in Nonviolence contingent, another tenant at Beekman Street in those days. Anyway, WRL is still going strong by the looks of the hyper activity in their offices on a Friday morning. They have a web site now, to help offset the Bush/Cheney war machine:
After leaving Lafayette street, I was thinking about getting my yearly dose of Kandinsky at the Guggenheim. But something stronger drew me to the NY Public Library on Fifth Avenue. I had brought my Digger Chronology to work on, and the Rose Reading Room is an ideal place to trigger the mental neurons. All that brain power in one room creates a thinking force field. By chance, I stopped first at the Catalog Room before going into the Reading Room. This is a room that in many libraries would be THE reading room itself. But here, it has dozens of computers that use a web browser to search for books by title, author, etc. I typed in "winstanley" and was surprised that so few books about the English Diggers were found. Then I remembered that the computer online catalog only contains materials acquired since 1972. The old card catalog was photographed and now exists in 800 volumes that take up one wall of the Catalog Room. So I looked up "winstanley". And found the following:
A declaration to the powers of England ... shewing the cause why the common people ... have begun, and gives consent to dig up, manure, and sow corn upon George-hill in Surrey; by those that have subscribed ... / Gerrard Winstanley / 1649 / English Book 14 p. 19 cm. / London, Calvert,
I couldn't believe what my eyes were telling me. Here was a catalog entry for an original copy of the first Digger manifesto, the announcement to the world of the Digger movement's intentions and underlying reasoning. For example, one of the most oft-quoted Digger phrases comes from this pamphlet:
"Fourthly, this work to make the earth a Common Treasury, was shewed us by Voice in Trance, and out of Trance, which words were these,
Work together, Eat Bread together, Declare this all abroad."
After finding that the Library's Special Collections Rare Book Room kept anything this old, I applied for access and requested that it be called up. After a short wait, the librarian produced this small pamphlet. It has been given a hard board binding with cloth cover. Considering it is more than 350 years old, it is in surprisingly good condition. The word that came to mind to describe it was "adorable." It reminded me of some of the tracts that we distributed with Kaliflower, for example the Anti-Mass pamphlet. The OCLC catalog listing says it measures 19 cm. which is 7.6" -- this seems a little longer than I estimated.
However, the most interesting thing I noticed is that the text of this pamphlet differs in numerous instances from the Sabine version (published in The Works of Gerrard Winstanley, by George Sabine, ed.). For example, here is a quote from Sabine:
"And hereupon, The Earth (which was made to be a Common Treasury of relief for all, both Beasts and Men) was hedged in to In-closures by the teachers and rulers, and the others were made Servants and Slaves: ..."
And here is the same quote from the NYPL pamphlet:
"And hereupon, the Earth which was made to be a common Treasury of relief for all, both Beasts and Man, was hedged into In-closures by the Teachers and Rulers, and the others were made servants and slaves: ..."
Aside from the differences in punctuation and spelling, notice that the NYPL version has "Beasts and Man" as opposed to "Beasts and Men". This may seem like a very small difference, but I think that the use of "Men" is, in some ways, exclusive of women. Whereas, "Man" can be interpreted more generally, and inclusive of women rather than exclusive.
More later...

E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Mar 2002
emmett grogan lookin down on this web site

Name: freedom now
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Mar 2002
They're is one account about emmett death in the oliver stone autobiography where oliver stone talks about is heavy drug use in the seventies he says that he tried every drug you could think of and that the only drug that terrified him was this black pill that he says his writting buddy emmett grogan would of overdosed on .oliver stone was a writter in the seventies he was not yet a big time director he got some fame back then for written the script to the film scarface and he would of been a friend of emmett grogan.louise latraverse the french canadian actrice who was emmett wife tells the tale that the day before emmett disapeared emmett went nuts looking for this black pill in their brooklyn appartment .louise said it was the only time she got scared of emmett because he turned the appartment upside down looking for this pill and she said that the last time she saw emmett he looked excactly like jesus because emmett's hair was very long.i also wanted to point out that the last place emmett would of been seen alive was at the methodone clinic in brooklyn then later he was found dead at the last subway stop of the brooklyn line in coney island.The account on emmett's identification was that he was wearing a hells angels belt buckle and the cops figured he was not a bum and he had to be somebody important so they called the hells angels chapter to tell them that they found one of they're angels .The story is that the hells angels new york leader called emmett's sister merry ellen crying like a bady saying that he thinks they just found emmett and that she should go check out the morgue because the cops can't identify him.Merry Ellen called emmett's buddy rip torn to go check it out .Emmett had been missing for 3 days .Merry Ellen said that she new something was really wrong because a limo had came to pick emmett up 2 days ago to go up to bearsville where he was supposed to go see his friends albert grossman and bod dylan and that usually when it came to albert or bob emmett was always on time so she was already having a bad feeling .when merry ellen and rip torn got to the morgue they found emmett dead and socking in water he had been dead for at least 72 hours yet he was still shocked in water.Emmett had nothing to identify him the only clue the cops had was that he was wearing a hells angels belt buckle. in the Emmett Grogan autopsy report there was no reports of heroin in is system at the time of is death there was only reports of methadone and one other stange sounding drug in his system,but the real thing that starts to make you wonder is that the autopsy report states that his lungs where full of water and the people who identified him at the morgue have all claimed that he was socked in water ,in New York it is known that the mob often drown people and later they dump them on the subway . The other strange drug that was in is system might of been some sort of heart attack drug that the FBI are notorious for using when they want to cover up their murders,don't forget Emmett Grogan exposed top secret nuclear information at the time of is death in is last book Final Score and that the FBI often showed up at is door to question is family and is sister Merry Ellen was kidnapped once buy the FBI for a intense questioning on some information about Emmett and she says that the FBI drugged her with heroin and that they broke some of her ribs for some information about Emmett .Rip Torn the actor is the one who identified Emmett at the morgue and he claims that when they pulled the plastic from Emmett's body he was socking in water,Rip Torn thinks is buddy Emmett was probably murdered.peter coyote was not in New York at the time of Emmett's death and he is the one who spread the rumor in the media that Emmett died of an herion overdose when there is no proof of that and the only proof we have is that the autopsy report claims that Emmett Grogan age 36 would of died of a hearth condition probably due to toomuch doping ,but don't forget that Rip Torn and Emmett's sister Merry Ellen were the only ones who identified Emmett's body and they are saying to this day that Emmett Grogan was probably murdered.
Full Respect To The Soul Of Emmett Grogan

Name: freedom now
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Mar 2002
this is my final report eric could you please not erase this message.thanks
eric you have my blessing for keeping the diggers fire burning in 2002.
i wish you the very best eric.thanks

Name: Mentifex
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Mar 2002
Before I entered graduate school at Berkeley in 1968, my buddy Dmitri von Hagen and I hitchhiked from Seattle to The Haight in March of 1967 -- when concidentally Time Magazine ran a cover story on the hippies of Haight-Ashbury. Flower power was in full bloom in that springtime just before "The Summer of Love."
Across from the Drogue Store one night we encountered a store front of The Diggers with a placard in the window, warning everybody to beware of "the April Fool's Bust" that was supposed to happen on 1 April 1967. It was the first time that I had ever heard the term "narcs," which was apparently back then a noun that stood for "members of the narcotics squad." In later years it became a verb: "To narc on someone." That same night, Dmitri was aiming his fancy but filmless camera at various street scenes, and we got chased away by a Hell's Angel. In the daytime, flower children in long flowing robes were everywhere. Just a year and a half later, when I entered Berkeley grad school on my way to creating Robot AI Minds, Haight-Ashbury was already in a decline and almost burnt out. Ah, well, burn, baby, burn. Sixties forever!

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: deep waters
Date: 23 Mar 2002
Aloha. Check out Michael Moore's new book, "Stupid White Men." One of us has finaly made it to #1 on the NY Times Bestseller List. More important, Moore exposes a lot of scandal and he does it so well.
It's a great read.
Love to all in you that love, Rena

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address: Not yet @
Date: 23 Mar 2002
Every sixty seconds the United States spends another $589,802
on the military, 51.3% of the discretionary federal budget.
[Center for Defense Information]
A country that continues year after year
to spend more money on military defense
than on programs of social uplift is
approaching spiritual death.
- Martin Luther King, April 4, 1967 - NYC

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Mar 2002
Hello All - Say, if anyone needs (any form of) excellent web design or consulting please consider my friend Denise Enck at Quicksilver Design -
Among other sites of note she has recently designed poet Michael McClure's home page. Denise and family are very good and excellent people - offering Digger-friendly design rates - so please consider them and spread the word if you can. Thanks ever so much - Cheers to all - Hammond

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinic@yahoo
Date: 21 Mar 2002
Hi everyone, I came up out of the subway this morning at 53 and Lex and to my surprise a beautifully blossoming tree...small white fragrant flowers...silloetted against steel and concrete...with hundreds of people walking by...I stood for a time just watching people come up out of the E train and not even look up and see the sad optimistic side told myself...they'll see it on the way home. It is the first day of spring after beginnings...I am hopeful...I wish you all...a fine spring. with warm regard, Nicole

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Mar 2002
BLOTTO Xs Delux!
WASHINGTON -- Energy Department scientists
will begin work next month on a new and improved
bunker-busting (nuclear) weapon that could mark
the most significant advance in the U.S. nuclear
arsenal in a decade.
The Pentagon has engaged seasoned operatives
in leading Military (Post) Industrial (MPI) Cells
to assist with standing orders for newer
and bigger bunker-busting bombs for use against
hardened terrorist low budget bunkers.
First up? The underground hide-o-bunks used by
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in his now famous
game of musical bunko-bunkers.
Unconfirmed sources tell us the new bombs are
being developed by Northrop Grumman Corporation
in California. They are called BLOTTO Xs' (a.k.a.
Bombé Life Xtraction Units).
The new bombs will be longer, fatter, funkier,
and far more destructive than the BLU-118
thermobarbaric warheads recently dropped on
uninhabited caves and mud huts in Afghanistan.
BLOTTO Xs', we are told, will be many times better
and bigger than the F-15E-carried thermobarbaric bombs
and will be packed with untold pounds of really nasty -
perhaps "dirty" explosives. They will be guided to their
diverse targets by shadow satellites and will sport a
cobalt-alloy penetrating warheads that burrow deep
below the surface (of the desert) before exploding.
This special effect is said to create far less havoc and
fallout misery on the surface.
These newer and supposedly much better bombs are
so BIG that it will take a B-52 Xs Nitro-Bomber to
deliver just one of them to their undisclosed
detonations (see photo)
Three BLOTTO Xs bombs have been (re) pre-ordered
by the US Air Force on an "urgent to go" basis.
As the U.S. War on Terrorism hurtles into uncharted waters,
challenging accepted norms of international law and setting a
pattern for peremptory state behavior, could a nuclear strike
against a non-nuclear rogue state become an American option?
For updates on all Color-Coded Weapons
of Mass Destruction stay tuned to this frequency
(C) 2002 The Serial RedMonkeys

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Mar 2002
HeadsUp - Who knows maybe I will come across the event you describe - but here is another marytr du flames you might like to know about -

Name: headsup
E-mail Address: no thanks
Date: 19 Mar 2002
Greetings anonymouse: thanks for the lady's name from'67;however, the name I seek was (at least in that incarnation) that of a man. I believe he was the Buddhist monk whose image was preserved on film and broadcast in the states. He was the man that simply fell over in his lotus as his body was burned away. Joeseph Campbell refers to this incident by recognizing that it would have been an act of (my words here for lack of a better memory) "sheer effrontery" for a person of lesser spiritual attainment to have attempted such a protest and failed in the face of a being prepared to flow through the entire experience in undisturbed contemplation. If anybody else knows please advise this format--thanks

Name: sid luyckx
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Mar 2002
check this site:

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Mar 2002
Speaking of "The Summer of......" - this summer in Oregon (date as yet to be determined) there will be a major festival - benifit for the Tommy Foundation - "The Summer of....." (revisited) - Many of note both musically and past-socially will be in attendance playing and speaking. I or someone - e.g. the pieman who knows the same family of friends I am speaking of who will be sponsoring this event, will post the details as soon as they become available. This will be a wonderous affair sponsored and designed by firmly rooted founders of coffeehouse and eventful Love-In situations in LA 60s (such as the Griffith Park events). This is not another cheap attempt to make a dime on the nostalgia or from the post-hippy/Digger or any other community of freedom thinkers. Their board of advisors come from your trusted community past and present. The family I mention - the Tommy Foundation and Oregon's Tommy Law all concern the unfortunate loss of child life due to kidnap toddler mayhem - and is in itself a very worthy cause/issue that is being dealt with both locally here in Oregon and on the national level. MoreAgain - and Happy St. Pat's to all - Anonymouse

Name: aron pieman kay
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Mar 2002
its so ironic that this is the 35th anniversary of the summer of love! its ironic that despite i have reached the age of 52, i still dub myself as an unrepentant flower child....i don't regret the fact i was involved with the focalizing of la's griffith park love-ins (sponsored by green power feeds millions)plus the fact i was the mad yippie pie thrower along with all the weed i smoked along with the fact i shared myself with many a sister....
we are dealing with a demogogue like george shrub....therefore we should not purge the summer of love from our hearts at all!!!
that vibe is what keeps us from falling into "becoming a good amerikkkan via the great amerikkkan lobotomy machine"....
so my friends keep the faith

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Mar 2002
PS - Land of the free - thanks very much for the full Emmett here - rather intriguing all the way around.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Mar 2002
Please land of the free - this was not "my account" just the New York Times as quoted to me by another......Sorry for any confusion.......H

Name: land of the free
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Mar 2002
[To Land: please limit your postings to one copy of a message. I've deleted
multiple copies of the same message on several occasions. The message you left
here which I've just deleted is exactly the same as one you left multiple copies
of on Feb. 1, 2002. You can refer people back to that message if you want to.

Name: land of the free
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Mar 2002
Mister hammond re-report (via the iniitial NYT's report ) - that when he was found dead on the subway his only identification was the empty methadone bottle marked; - "E. Grogan' found in his jacket. Cheers to all, Hammond
This is land of the free and the hammond account on the methodone identification is not how it happened.
The real account on emmett's identification was that he was wearing a hells angels belt buckle and the cops figured he was not a bum and he had to be somedy important so they called the hells angels chapter to tell them that they found one of they're angels .The real story is that the hells angels new york leader called emmett's sister merry ellen crying like a bady saying that he thinks they just found emmett and that she should go check out the morgue because the cops can't identify him.merry ellen called rip torn to go check it out .Emmett had been missing for 3 days .merry ellen said that she new something was really wrong because a limo had came to pick emmett up 2 days ago to go up to bearsville where he was supposed to go see his friends albert grossman and bod dylan and that usually when it came to albert or bob emmett was always on time so she was already having a bad feeling .when merry ellen and rip torn got to the morgue they found emmett dead and socking in water he had been died for at least 72 hours yet he was still shocked in water.Emmett had nothing to identify him the only clue the cops had was that he was wearing a hells angels belt buckle.sorry your methadone bottle story was probably rumors that peter coyote spread in the media.
full respect to the soul of emmett grogan

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Mar 2002
Quotidian Moments -><- - "In the future everyone will be visited by the US Government on at least one occasion."
-Mort Subiet - - >"This is serious business, and we take it seriously."- - Agnew Warholic -->"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - - Benjamin Franklin - ->"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself." -- H. L. Mencken -

Name: Erin
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Mar 2002
I am doing research on free food groups and I was wondering if anyone could pint me to some information on the free food projects of the Diggers,

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Mar 2002
Hey Heads Up! - In May 1967, a young South Vietnamese Buddhist woman named Nhat Chi Mai penned a series of letters to the combatants in her homeland and the president of the United States and then immolated herself in an attempt to stop the conflict in her nation.

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Mar 2002
Dear Larissa - and all - Please take a moment to read/enjoy The Serial RedMonkeys Samizdat #4
Israeli Gears is now available!

Name: headsup
E-mail Address: no thanks
Date: 15 Mar 2002
does anybody remember the name of the monk who immolated himself in saigon as a protest against the war?

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Mar 2002
CHIMERICAN TIDES ---- US advisers who argue (and seem to agree) that by leaking the toxic notion of a possible pre-emptive use of tactical nuclear weapons, and thus blatantly abandoning the concept of MAD (mutually assured destruction) want to replace this supposedly nuclear stable acronym with UAD - acronymic for unilateral assured destruction.
Both US governments (In Your Face and Shadow versions) are desperately worried about the use of weapons of mass destruction, says Just About Everybody.
If that ultimately means pre-emptive nuclear strikes,
then they just might do it, said a Minority of Interpreters
Nonetheless - if the armed and dangerous minds behind the Bush Jihad uses even just one itty-bitty - low-yield tactical nuclear weapon - the chimeric genie will be well out of the bottle.
Essential parts of (you)2
will be retained
within The Chimera--
an unformigated - lethal clone
Oh mind of presentense mine -
Chance not to discern this hybrid plague,
else you unleash The Chimera--
a demonic breath throughout
time's skull-bone human ash
For once unleashed,
The Chimera will cast
a mongrel seed invisible to the eye
Awake! - Awake The Mind All!
For without proscription,
and without great care--
this outlaw DNA
will wash mankind (away)
within its forensic tide
(C) 2002 The Serial RedMonkeys

Name: Anna
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Mar 2002
also ich mach in der schule grad ein research paper ueber "walden"von thoreau und ich hab ueberlegt ob ihr net ne idee haettet wo ich nen gutes buch finden kann ueber den einfluss von walden auf die hippiekultur
waer echt super wenn ihr mir helfen koenntet

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Mar 2002
Thanks for the link to the petition, Hammond. I remember well the ethereal experience the Musee Mecanique conjured on my first visit there in 1971 when the Monday Night Class Caravan returned to San Francisco and parked in the upper parking lot behind Sutro baths, and we hippie horde descended on Cliff House. Tripping through the museum of mechanical contrivances from yesteryear was a kind of homecoming awakening, since the Gaskin group was in some ways a harkening back to a simpler age as well.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Mar 2002
FYI -- cheers to all! - From: hammond guthrie <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 08:35:41 +0000
To: <>
Subject: Viva la Mecanique!
Dear Ryan,
Though I now live in Portland, Oregon I am a San Franciscan - a 6th generation Californian who well remembers sunny days swimming in the Fleishacker Pool (then the world's largest salt water facility) - playing for hours in the original Funhouse at Playland - viewing the world through The Camera Obscura and touching Tiny Tim’s wicker carriage at the Cliff House when it was easily available to San Franciscans and visitors and when it was a rather lovely and relaxed place to go. And while sitting at a window table you could still appreciate the former grandeur of spa amid the algae pool remains of the Sutro Baths. And of course I remember gazing intently with awe at Alcatraz from Fisherman's Wharf when it was a still a wharf! I so vividly and gratefully remember this and so much more in the way of our unique City heritage now sadly gone to memories wake. I have sent your petition with my full endorsement to my many friends former City dwellers here and abroad. Thank you so very much for your efforts and may you find even greater support elsewhere.
Viva la Mecanique!
Very best to you and yours -
Hammond Guthrie

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Mar 2002
Dear Friends,
I have just read and signed the online petition:
"Save San Francisco's Musee Mecanique"
hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:
I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.
Best wishes,
Hammond Guthrie

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Mar 2002
The fog was lifting over the park and mid-morning sun began to sparkle in the Panhandle as few and more gathered with bowl and spoon for Digger stew. A truck and bed bunch arrived and the generator's extension cord ran over the street to plug in. No one knew - no one budged! Bang!!!! Viola Lee Blues segued in on The Other Ones Plus One - and the rest of us lucky enough to be alive. The stew was nourishing and free and the music was in me - and in you if "you" were there. Such good old daze in the Hear and Know. - Love to all - Anonymouse

Name: holyholywhatsisname
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Mar 2002
woke up one morning,had given up on politricks,living for love;
walking the holy streets,saw your sign,and got some bread,
while hardly a miracle my wine was affected, and truckin has never been the same...
dreamer awakes in yet another familiar dreamscape,relax,remember
countour count our culture,descend another assembly
there is still time ,starfish on toast is ticking..
woke one morning,in the frontseat...

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Mar 2002
Woke from another Hopi Dream. The People were telling me to finish this Web
site, to complete the Communication Company/Free City Catalog of Broadsides and
the Digger Chronology.
Bless the Hopi Way!

Name: Shawn Sosnowski
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Mar 2002
Hello Diggers,
I am presently working on a theater history paper to investigate guerilla theater. This web site is truly a wonderful research resource. The information I discovered and the actual digitized documents will be very valuable to my project. Anyone who can offer me further information aboutut Canadian Guerilla Theater I would love to hear from you. Keep the revolution alive.

Name: Rena Morningstar
E-mail Address: breathe deep
Date: 08 Mar 2002
from the MORML newsletter:
"Felony drug offenders, including most anyone convicted of growing or selling even small amounts of marijuana, are ineligible to receive cash assistance and food stamps for life under Section 115 of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX), who sponsored the lifetime ban provision, defends his measure, arguing "If we are serious about our drug laws, we ought not to give people welfare benefits who are violating [them.]" No other criminal offenses, including murder or rape, preclude individuals from receiving financial assistance."
check out the NORML site at
and archived stories at

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Mar 2002
Hello All - In April I will be launching a new web journal called The 3rd Page - more on that when the time comes - but for now, here are the other 2 sites created and maintained by The 3rd Page hostess/godess Denise Eck.
I know you will all enjoy both and thanks for taking the time!
- - Empty Mirror Books at:
and Michael McClure's new home page at:

Name: Anonymous
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Mar 2002
please include Tom Drury in this website.

Name: padrebruin
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Mar 2002
bang the drum shake the rattle,when the heat had to grow their hair , learn to talk, we saw their shoes..such psych;bang the gavel shake the rump for the bananas;at city hall no less,
mostly fascisistic timelines,developing an underclass that acquiestic,unsaid..bang the donkey shake the paddles.body politic gone flatline..allright now.

Name: mamawanda
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Mar 2002
it's so great to see this site up and running. i come here to remember, and for inspiration. there's still alot of us, all over, still givin it away!!
Lovin ya then, lovin ya now,

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Feb 2002
Here's another dose of truth - with a bit of serious-real satire. Cheers to all who enter the RedMonkeys Samizat #2 -

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 27 Feb 2002
Brad, would it be possible to read your thesis? Andrew Hannon mentioned it as though he thought I had read it...but alas I have it posted on the site anywhere?

Name: the original seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Feb 2002
YEAH! My 2 cents worth -- glad the Digger Archives back -- I come here often -- no place like this
anywhere -- in a world of distortion & hype we need the truth -- my theme song for today :
John Lennon , "Just Give Me Some Truth" -- keep on diggin'

Name: the original seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Feb 2002
YEAH! My 2 cents worth -- glad the Digger Archives back -- I come here often -- no place like this
anywhere -- in a world of distortion & hype we need the truth -- my theme song for today :
John Lennon , "Just Give Me Some Truth" -- keep on diggin'

Name: Partygoers
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Feb 2002
We're glad the site is back up. Looks good. I'm part of a group of San Franciscians who are "Dedicated to spreading goodwill through the spontaneous visitation of social gatherings and celebrations". We call ourselves the Partygoers and while we do not claim to be as socially important as the Diggers, we hope one day to be remembered just as fondly as the group your site so rightfully honors. We have just put up our own website,, and have put your site on our 'We Recommend' page. If, after looking around, you feel we are worthy--we'd love a link from you. If not--keep up the good work.
The Partygoers
(Steve, John, Will)
[PartyGoers: there's yr link. Ever hear of a group in San Fran back in the
late 70s that called themselves The Suicide Club? They would meet at various
locales and carryout stunts both thrilling and dangerous. One of these involved
climbing down onto the girders _under_ the Golden Gate Bridge. Of course, these
days, anyone doing that would be called the T word most likely. Remember the
digger event strategy: Create The Condition You Describe. —ed.]

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Feb 2002
Mark - thanks for the planet drum directions mate!

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 26 Feb 2002
Yeah team!!! Glad to see you here. Nicole

Name: (Sam) Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Feb 2002
Hi Folks~
Just here to add my name to the list.

Name: gloria
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Feb 2002
first found your site, then went back and it was gone, tried again today, its here. i'm more of an introvert than not. lived at stephens farm as a teenager in the late 70's,moved to new orleans at 16, been on my own
since. work in a cemetery, 20 of my 36 years, i not only dig it literally, but figuritively also. something made me wake up last year, hell of a year to do it, but now its done. all that time wasted, wasn't. now i frolick amongst the live ones, givin what i got and then some more, i feel like its time for us to heal,glad to know
i'm not alone

Name: Vikki Riggle
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Feb 2002
how glad i am to find this site
i have been homesick for so long
a person without a county
without even a culture
thinking everybody else
was dead or gone
so far i'd never find them
and here
they are! still alive
thank the gods

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Feb 2002
We posted several new dispatches from Peter Berg in Bahia, Ecuador on the Planet Drum website in the last week for anyone who wants to partake. We also have been working on pressuring the Olympics to practice what they preach
environmentally getting a great boost from Marty Lee who was able to get an article about the effort published in the LA Times. The site went down with this one the Saturday, Feb 2, before his article hit the Sunday paper. Thanks to an enormous effort by Eric both of these sites are up again.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 23 Feb 2002
Rose Ann, I'm in touch with Carol Seran. She living in Hawaii and working on a big boat...maybe a cruise line (inter-island) I think...she e-mails a nice news letter every now and again...I will forward her yr e-dress. She also reads this sight so you may just hear from her your self...Sam (Eileen) probably is in touch with Joquin and Gypsy...and if the Susan is Keese...You'll probably hear from her too...Hi Susan!
...Michael, I spent some time at a Black Panther house on 5 mile road in Detroit around 1969 and I remember experiencing a real feeling of caring and commaraderie and sharing of ideas...but before I actually had gone there I had been afraid...because of the way the BP "thug" rep had started to spread...There was none of that present at that time in my opinion.
...Mark, I really do not think we are going to get a winter jhere in NYC the ground hasn't even frozen once! although I remember a snow storm in May that broke the branches of my lilac who knows...
I'm so pleased the site is back...thanks again Eric and all...Nicole

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Feb 2002
Hello All - Here's my 2 cents - "Storming Heaven" is a fine and well written book - well researched, and most certainly worth the read - "Acid Dreams" less so in my humble opinion. To get at the grit of the CIA's involvement read "In Search of the Manchurian Candidate" which gives the most detailed account of our government's MK-Ultra - Operation Naomi and Artichoke programs that developed many of the base substances that...ahem...many of us unwittingly and/or otherwise blindly consumed such as JB-39 and other such quasi-psychotropic drugs - all forerunners to the incapacitant Agent BZ . Per the Huey PBS I really couldn't watch it. Though he aided and abetted much good for the black community he was certainly no Stokley Charmichael. - Rexroth pretty much summed up things by saying: “Against the ruin of the world, there is only one defense: the creative act.” - Don't know where the workable lie originates - but suggest someone ask Peter Coyote. And Mark - please give my best of the day to Peter Berg upon return to base. Cheers to Eric and all - Hammond

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Feb 2002
Here's a link to Ken Knabb's copy of an interview with Kenneth Rexroth that originally appeared in
Lawrence Lipton's The Holy Barbarians (1959). This article is titled
"The Social Lie". Rexroth describes the fundamental fraud that society
perpetrates to mask the exploitation at the root of our civilization. I believe
that Emmett Grogan must have picked up this idea from Rexroth for what Grogan later called
the "Workable Lie." (See for example, Ringolevio, p.
395.) Anyone have
any other clues to the origin of Grogan's term?

Name: Rose Ann Malliet-Sullivan
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Feb 2002
Seeking any and all diggers or others that came through our house in Toulmne County. Old man ERV's OR BigHill apple ranch people that new Sun Mountain or Rainbow ranch in Calaveras county. Would like to share memories of my childhood? Carol Seran, Griz, Lash, Susan, Gypsy, Joquine, The gypsy truckers
doc BOB, Sally, Thomas, Kelly, Big John, Carolann,or any of the many childern born along the way. MUCH LOVE & CARE ROSE ANN

Name: Michael Black
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Feb 2002
--I was going to post something about Huey Newton. I saw that
PBS show, though because I don't have cable it was kind of
grainy, and I was a bit disappointed by it. I knew about it
ahead of time, but didn't realize it was going to be a one-man
play rather than a documentary. I would have liked to see
the latter.
--I read his "Revolutionary Suicide" about twenty years ago,
and from what I remember it is worth reading. I bought it
used for under a dollar back then. There's been so much
said about the Panthers over the years, I just felt the book
conveyed well the real basis of the group. They get conveyed
as armed thugs (and sadly, I think there are people who called
themselves Black Panthers who were), when they weren't planning
shootouts but standing up for their rights. They'd walk around
with copies of the criminal code and much of the force just came
from not being pushed around anymore. It is the book I'd suggest
people read if they want to read about the Panthers. Though,
not at 90 bucks.
--So many of books like that were once mass-publication (I notice
that hardly any non-fiction seems to be published now in pocket book
format) were once fairly available as used books. I have such an
extensive library because I spent a lot of time in used book stores
and at used booksales starting from when such books were relatively
recent. And with time, they've faded out of sight. More recent books,
from a historical advantage point are important; I picked up a lot
from Coyote's book, a quarter century after reading the same period
in Ringolevio. But one really ought to read the originals, as historical
--"Storming Heaven" is worth reading. There was another book that came
out about the same time, "Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD, and the Sixties
Rebellion" (by Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain), that was along similar
lines. From memory, it seemed to deal more with how the CIA launched
acid onto the world. But it was informative, not some paranoid
conspiracy book.(And like any good book, it sent me off into other
directions, spending time reading about the OSS and the CIA, and
intelligence gathering in general).

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Feb 2002
Hey Nicole,
Spring is trying to get off in the Bay Area here but it has been cold for some time. You can feel the pent up energy around everywhere. Looking forward to a hot summer in SF and Monterey Bay. I just finished reading Imagine Nation which is a compilation of essays on the sixties. One by Michael Doyle about the Diggers/SF Mime troupe is in these archives. The Diggers influence throughout this time is nothing but amazing. I was also struck by the essay on Jimi Hendrix and his difficulties with the black movement. I saw the presentation on Huey Newton done by PBS last week although it was a dramatic effort it was exhausting to experience. Huey Newton taught some classes here in Santa Cruz at UCSC in the early seventies and was notorious around the club scene. I searched for his book "Revolutionary Suicide" and found it out of print, with collectors getting 90 bucks for a hardcover edition. I just started "Mutual Aid" by Petr Krotpotkin which Peter Berg mentions. Sure would like to read your or others thoughts about some of these. Next up is "Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream" by Jay Stevens. All is well at Planet Drum, Peter gets back from Ecuador next week with lots of tales.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Feb 2002
Nicole, someone called it a cosmic palindrome since the numbers can be read backwards and forwards the same 20 02 20 02 20 02. The next time it'll happen, I figure, is 21 12 21 12 21 12 (Dec. 21, 2112,
9:12pm) which will be very close to the actual time of the Winter Solstice in
the Middle East.

Name: graham
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Feb 2002
SWEAT! i founded a small diggers concern on livejournal. it doesn't do much, but it sure looks pretty.

Name: Red Mother
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Feb 2002
My name is Ennett Grugan,,I usta drop fresh veggies off @ the "shop" lived @ Scott & Mc alister. later went to Marin JC. and lived on a houseboat[ark] in Kentfield.I was real fond of cabbage and horsemeat..remember me?

Name: nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 20 Feb 2002
Hello feels like spring here in New York...hope everyone is where they want to be...or close to it. An interesting fact...tonight at 8:02 for one minute, 60 seconds,it will be,in military time,
20:02 20,02 2002 it won't happen again for the longest time and on those occassions I like to do something meaningful...or at least unusual...hmmmm I'll have to come up with something...maybe howl at the moon at 8:02pm. Any suggestions?
regards to all, Nicole

Name: The RedMonkeys
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Feb 2002
As of 02/15/02 The RedMonkeys Serial News was frozen in time to serve as a record of the abysmal and pathetic, wretched and wicked State of Things in George 'Dubya' Bush's America. -
The RedMonkeys Serial Editors -

Name: RedMonkey2
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Feb 2002
The State of the Present State - Update:
The rather catabatic political wind is beginning to blow and spew in (re) re-charted sand and the Wolfman commeth - Viceman Cheney will most likely have a coronary on his up coming 'Land of Jihad Tour' - Ashcroft will arrest himself - Bush will continue to say idiotic things to idiotic people for idiotic and Texano-imaginary gains - Illiteracy is game and 'Geronimo George' is his name - Enron is a ghost ship turned to saltstone as a public example of modern day witch-hunting among the junior management cadre of a much larger and far sinister army of greed hungry right wing re-creationists - The Social Security Fund is dead - Omar is dead - and a hairless Osama bin Laden is living under an unidentified Pakistan alias in Yemen. Saddam will always be Saddam just like Amin was always Amin and Bokasa was always Bokasa and the Shaw was always the Shaw and Mao was always Mao and as Omar the K will continue to be Omar the K until payola gets the better of them in the post demagogic reality. Very much like Milo the Monster will soon discover. The United States of the American World will continue to fight for Peace and Democracy by declaring war on all countries and societies deemed to be terror related - This apparently does not include threatening quasi-identified leaders and their immediate families with the option mandate: WAR for Peace or Else.
2002 - The Serial RedMonkey News

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Feb 2002
Bien' mon ami' - !

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Feb 2002
I meant "Damn straight!" The lack of spell-check has left me vulnerable.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Feb 2002
Eric brings the Diggers list roaring out of the cosmic badlands into the clear light declaring victory over the mindless tamperings of myopic goons! It is an honor to have Eric at the helm of this mighty craft. Damn staight.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 12 Feb 2002
Oh Eric, I'm so glad we're up and running...if we truely are...I didn't realize how much of a staple in my life this site had become...thank you so much for all you effort for all of us...Nicole

Name: alain dister
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Feb 2002
please keep me posetd on what's going on with you, today...
thanks for providing any info
I am a french writer in search of such infos for a book on life after the Haight Ash days
many thanks

Name: alain dister
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Feb 2002
please keep me posetd on what's going on with you, today...
thanks for providing any info
I am a french writer in search of such infos for a book on life after the Haight Ash days
many thanks

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Feb 2002
It is time for you to visit Pam Hanna.
Pam Hanna : link to "The Last Time I Saw Ginsberg"
or look up THE JACK MORMON by Pam Hanna

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Feb 2002
Welcome back Eric. We did miss you and the Digger site.
You offer a ray of sunshine to us all.
Welcome Back.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Feb 2002
Just finished restoring the Digger web after the server was attacked on Feb. 2. All the static content is back online. And fortunately, I had copied this Guestbook to disk the day before the server crashed.
What's missing still: the most recent Discussion Forum topics, the most recent Free Store items. I'm still checking to see if the web provider has any recent tape backups.
Thanks to all who sent notes of encouragement over the past week, especially Judy, Mark, Nicole,
LK Knapp, Michael Black, Hammond, Erwin Stefan, Dan Hack, Michael Sloan, and Dr. Parallax.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Feb 2002
Dear Land of the Free - I can't and won't speak for Emmett or any rumors
regarding his untimely demise - but, I can re-report (via the iniitial NYT's
report ) - that when he was found dead on the subway his only identification was
the empty methadone bottle marked; - "E. Grogan' found in his jacket. God
bless to Rip Torn (and Peter) just because. Cheers to all, Hammond

Name: land of the free
E-mail Address: born free
Date: 01 Feb 2002
I saw the Emmett Grogan autopsy report and there was no reports of heroin in
is system at the time of is death there was only reports of methadone and one
other stange sounding drug ,but the real thing that starts to make you wonder is
that the autopsy report states that his lungs where full of water and the people
who identified him at the morgue have all claimed that he was socked in water
,in New York it is a known fact that the mob offend drown people and later they
dump them on the subway . The other strange drug that was in is system might of
been some sort of heart attack drug that the FBI are notorious for using when
they want to cover up their murders,don't forget Emmett Grogan exposed top
secret nuclear information at the time of is death in is last book Final Score
and that the FBI use to show up at is door and question is family and is sister
Merry Ellen was kidnapped once buy the FBI for a intense questioning on some
information about Emmett and she says that the FBI drugged her with heroin and
that they broke two of her ribs for some information about Emmett .Rip Torn the
actor is the one who identified Emmett at the morgue and he claims that when
they pulled the plastic from Emmett's body he was socking in water,Rip Torn
thinks is buddy Emmett was probably murdered.peter coyote was not in New York at
the time of Emmett's death and he is the one who spread the rumor in the media
that Emmett died of an herion overdose when there is no proof of that and the
only proof we have is that the autopsy report claims that Emmett Grogan age 36
would of died of a hearth attack ,but don't forget that Rip Torn and Emmett's
sister Merry Ellen were the only ones who identified Emmett's body and they are
saying to this day that Emmett Grogan was probably murdered.
Full Respect To Emmett Grogan & the Diggers

Name: Jennifer
E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jan 2002
What a wonderful thing you do! I wish to open a free store very soon. I wish
money didn't even exist, it really just causes problems. Smile...Smile...Smile
and be FREE...FREE...FREE.

E-mail Address:
Date: 31 Jan 2002
We need to be like the bamboo... bend and grow, adjusting to the winds of
change. Be Free!

Name: Juliana Hatfield
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Jan 2002
Juliana Hatfield 227 Washington St. 02332 Duxbury,MASS. U.S.A.

Name: Anonymous
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Jan 2002
http://www.amen/ Brother.comment

Name: nonleontacephalic kronos
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jan 2002
aww.shucks the digger truck said it best "faith is the way baby"

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Jan 2002
Willie - Thanks for the open invitation but I am already a practitioner of
Buddhist mantras, mudras medications and other Bardic practice rituals that I
rather think you would find heathen and alter-christian in nature. Namaste
PS - My feathers are just fine thank you very much - but consider your guest
book words regarding Diggers = "Now like all radical elements they live on
memories and web sites with no content or reality themselves." If your
intent here was to provide some form of understanding or "truth" then
you have come to the wrong forum. Dig?

Name: billie
E-mail Address: berkeley,calif.
Date: 27 Jan 2002
dear anonymouse,I am sorry if I ruffled anyones feathers if they are so prone
to wear them.I feel that a true revolution of mankind starts within and not thru
patched up methods that are temporary.A true revolutionary take an existing
system that is outdated,unworkable and replace it with a system that is current
and workable.Jesus Christ was a true revolutionry because He changed peoples
lives from within that had an impact without.Religion tried to kill Him as it
does today but His life still can change those who genuinely seek Him outside
the systems established by man.He takes the blame for all the misdeeds of man
but all He really wanted is that we would give His peace a chance.If you really
want to dig deeper into the true meaning of human life then call on Him and let
Jesus Christ come inside of you and transform you from center to outside by His
life.If what I am talking about is not real then you have nothing to loose but
if what I am saying is true you have all to gain.Can you dig it?I knew that you
would-Peace to all who really dig!

Name: willie
E-mail Address: berkeley,california
Date: 27 Jan 2002
Dear anonymouse,I didn't mean to ruffle anyones feathers if one was wearing
them but awahe your realization that there is a deeper world than this.A true
revolution is to take an existing system that is outdated and unworkable and
replace it with a system that is workable and current.The radicals of the 60's
could only tear things down but had nothing to replace it with-that's why they
all became yuppies.Jesus Christ was a true revolutionary,He came with no tanks
,no weapons,yet He turned the world upside down-how?He not only nullified the
old system but became a life giving Spirit to dwell in all His enemies and cause
them to be His lovers.You can institute laws that force people to live together
but only Jesus Christ can chane peoples heart.Religion sucks and He saw thru
their hypocracies and vain traditions.I am not talking about religion but a real
and living person who changes lives.Will you drop your own hangups and lay aside
everything you think you know about Him that has been polluted and defiled and
ask Him to reveal Himself to you and come and live inside of you.Can you dig
it?I knew that you would.

Name: Anonymouse
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jan 2002
Dear Willie, What you say has been dug before and will be dug again by the
many who dig deeply or even superficially into the concepts of human kind.
Diggers are still doing what they have always done - dig? Reality and content
are what you dig into them and nothing more. As for the truth - What was the
question? The focal point of the 60s was breaking out of molds formulated by the
past - and moving mind and body into qualities/quantities of more interesting -
nourishing, non-greedy, non-military, non-governmental, non-idiotic concepts
that were needed to feed the minds of seekers, potential diggers and runaway
children. As far as "The Lord " is concerned - will he/her protect us
from the hipocracy of religion? Will he/her protect our children from religious
pedophiles who use the good teachings of God the Father, Son and Hoy Ghost to
molest young alter boys? and - what about this "reality" thing you
speak so knowing of ? When will it return to earth to finally prove our
ignorance? I suggest you move away from Berkeley as soon as possible - there are
many heathens there who will not understand your position. Try Salt Lake City or
Barstow - these people need your guidance now! Dig?

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Jan 2002

Name: willie
E-mail Address: berkeley,ca.
Date: 26 Jan 2002
I lived in berkeley,california in 1971 on grove and ashby ave.The diggers
were at that time exposing all the injustices and falsehoods of society in order
to create a society free of lies.Now like all radical elements they live on
memories and web sites with no content or reality themselves.It seems like
someone forgot to dig deeper for the truth.I found that the focal point of the
1960's era or was to find the meaning of human life.Jesus Christ is the meaning
of human life if you receive Him into your life then you no longer have to grope
for reality from the past but have reality today.Won't you stop digging and
receive Him today.If you call on the LOrd you shall be saved from all the lies
and hypocracies of society and be filled with reality.

Name: Ohana
E-mail Address: Hana Maui
Date: 26 Jan 2002
Charlie Butterfly's Memorial/ Celebration of Life will be at Camp Keanae on
Sunday Feb. 10 at 1:00. Pot luck. It will be quite a gathering. If you know
Charlie Butterfly, join us there, astrally or physically.
With Aloha, RNA

Name: cheweychuckwagonchowder
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Jan 2002
its about being young and inlove and walking these city streets and eating
with the poor, and sleeping in these holy streets and the true measure of our
so-called democracy,and how we treat the most helpless,weather you have
organization skills or just hunger,can you cook ?, can you drive ?can you handle
a dish out? It's about feeding the world, the shirt off your
back.mudra mantra, to be free is to be free to doit .. now .. whats the

Name: m. charles
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jan 2002
I'm a very intelligent person, but what the heck is this site all about?? Can
anyone help me?

Name: Marius Magfhogartai
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Jan 2002

Name: Rena
E-mail Address: Maui Family
Date: 23 Jan 2002
Aloha Friends. Charlie Butterfly died yesterday. Our loving brother from Hana
Maui. Lung Cancer. He didn't know until 2 weeks ago. He thought he injured a rib
in a fall. X-rays showed inoperable lung cancer that had spread. What a shock.
He got pneumonia last week and spent his last week in Maui Memorial Hospital
with his closest friends and relatives. He is at peace.
He had smoked ciggies for 25 years though he quit the tobacco about 25 years
ago. I wonder if some of the frequently sprayed herbicides sprayed in Hana
played a role. Will never know. Jus know that it is a joy to have known him.
Charlie Butterfly: Aloha Oi Nui Nui!
The community on his land lives on.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jan 2002
Thanks for the information about the Gedney photos of Tom Wolfe at one of the
Free Food gatherings. I had noticed in 4537-20 that Tom Wolfe appeared to be
writing something (and immediately wondered if he was signing autographs) -- but
when I brought the contact sheet image into Photoshop and blew it up, it appears
that he's holding a bowl of food. I'm not completely sure because of the loss of
detail in the small image. It would be natural for him to be eating at the Free
Food gathering -- but because the head of the man he's talking with is lowered
and seems to be looking at whatever Wolfe has in his hand -- I'm just not sure.
I'd love to see the original contact sheet under a jeweler's loupe.

Name: Margaret Sartor
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jan 2002
Eric, RE: Bill Gedney's photographs of the diggers. If you look at the Duke
Library website, choose image with Data Base #SF0110 or Negative #4537-18 (and
4537-19, 4537-20), you will find a short series of images Bill made of a yound
dapper Tom Wolfe interviewing people at the free food park gathering. I assume
that Bill did not know who Wolfe was at the time but was interested in the
dynamic. Wolfe may have been doing research for __Electric Koolaid Acid Test__?

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Jan 2002
These are links to Morningstar Ranch and Wheeler Ranch Folk that have web
sites online or sites about them.

Name: Anonymous
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Jan 2002
This site offers a refresher on choking Presidents:

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Jan 2002
David Weissman and Bill Weber showed their opus magnus documenting "The
Cockettes" at the Sundance Film Festival this past week to rave reviews, I
hear. Scheduled to open publicly this coming May. From
'"The Cockettes were founded by "Hibiscus", a member of a
commune called KaliFlower that was dedicated to distributing free food and to
creating free art and theater. They first performed as an informal group of
friends in wild costumes doing a chorus line dance to "Honky Tonk
Woman" at The Nocturnal Dream Shows, a weekly midnight eclectic film series
at The Palace.'
Hope Hibiscus is kicking up his heels wherever he may be in the Great Beyond.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jan 2002
Hey Eric, Can you email me off the list. I have been sending some messages to
you but I don't think you are getting them. I must not be sending to the correct
address. The Gedney photos are magnetic but they exhibit a sense of boredom or
even exasperation in some of the scenes. I also picked up the new DVD of "Gimme
Shelter" with all the extra footage and commentary. I am stepping and
pausing through the scenes looking for something with Emmett Grogan and also my
group of burnouts at Altamont. So far I have found our cars parked in the crowd
up the hill from the stage but no faces or anything with Grogan in it yet. Still
working on it though. I am also about start reading through "Imagine
Nation" with a little apprehension about clarity. Mark Hebard PDF

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jan 2002
As synchronicity would have it - I got an e-mail from Hoppy ! He has a
website of his own now - so for those of you whose interest is piqued - please
visit him and his photos at:

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jan 2002
Hey, Mark. I followed up on something Nicole wrote a few days ago. She
thought someone else had already mentioned the Gedney photo of the guy with the
sign advertising Free Films.
Guess what? It was you! (Unless it was another Mark, in which case this
message is for him too). I must have seen that photo at the time you left the
message and then re-discovered it on my hard drive months later. So anyway,
thanks (to whichever Mark it was) for finding that photo archive.
It turns out, I'm not sure how much you delved into the Gedney Scriptorium,
that he was a very interesting artist. He basically went on these journeys with
his camera and eyes open and brought back rolls and rolls of film. In 1964 he
went to Kentucky and lived with a coalminer family for several weeks. The result
of that journey is one of the more famous of his sets of photographs. There have
been shows in New York and San Francisco. Then, in 1966, he received a grant
that allowed him to travel cross-country, and he ended up in California in
October. He stayed on the West Coast, primarily in San Francisco, until
February, 1967.
One of the most interesting things about Gedney, aside from the stark reality
of his photographs, is that he kept meticulously detailed notebooks. He
cataloged day-by-day the roll of film he was shooting, the shutter speed and
aperture settings, and generally the content of the photographs. The Duke
Special Collections Library has, with a certain parallel meticulousness, scanned
all his working and final prints, his contact sheets, and -- trumpets blare! --
selected pages of his notebooks.
Well, guess what? (Sounds like I'm playing a guessing game -- just my
overextended excitement on finding new riches through total serendipity.)
You probably guessed it. William Gedney spent much of his time hanging out
with the Diggers during that Oct. 1966-Feb. 1967 sojourn. There are dozens of
photos (all except the "Free Films sign holding man" not printed but
still in contact sheet) that depict the very early Free Food gatherings in the
Panhandle, that show Diggers on the street, at the Frederick Street Free Store,
and that show the insides of Digger-like crash pads on Cole street and
elsewhere. This is a treasure trove.
So I wanted to thank you for finding that site originally, and letting us
know about it -- even though it took a few months for it to register in this old
Here's an excerpt from one of Gedney's notebooks:
"In a drifting life, a life without the
conventional props, illusion takes
on reality - you must have illusions
to sustain, must nurture them with
more care.
the Diggers perhaps represent the true
meaning of the movement --
a sense of fun
the rejection of organization, of responsibility
you do it if you like it."

Name: Hammond (again!)
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jan 2002
If anyone is interested in Hoppy's photography beyond the link below - Please
go to:
First click on Portfolio - and then click on John 'Hoppy' Hopkins - this
takes you to one of his better shots of John Lennon. All of Hop's negatives were
thought to have been lost in the mid-70s - but as fate would have it they were
located in 2000 by a friend of his. Hoppy recently had a very successfull show
in London with these. For even more information on how these photos can be
purchased in a limited editon collection - go to BeatBooks at:
The owners name is Andrew Sclanders and please note that his website is a
little difficult to peruse at first so you might want to send him an e-mail
requesting directions to Hoppy's book. - You will enjoy them! ----As a last
minute pitch for myself - along with all sorts of fun things, my association
with Hoppy (and same with Emmett while in SF) is remembered at length in my soon
to be released book (Fall 2002 - no title as yet) of memoirs from SAF
Publications, also in London:
- Please e-mail my publisher and demand that they notify you when it is
available! (thanks) - Hammond

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jan 2002
Oppps! I forgot to add the London link!
Here it is -
cheers to all!

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Jan 2002
Eric - I love the first link = ’¸zfifl˜‹¿ôÍèKHfi— and more on
my screen - but the enlargement is great! Such wonderful Sundays in the Park
with Pirandello. Thanks for the link.
Here is a non-digger area you might find interesting:
and - here is one from London - 60s of my pal Hoppy and his wife Suzy
Creamcheese - Hoppy was the Emmett of London in many ways - a Digger at heart.
AsEver - Hammond

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jan 2002
Hmmm, some interesting postings today. Not sure that the Fritz message has
anything to do with the digger archives ...
Thanks to Larry for posting the pointer to the Wm. Gedney photos. That looks
like a real find. It turns out I was wrong, Nicole. The "Free Films"
sign photo was not from SFPL after all. There's all sorts of interesting photos
from late 1966, early 1967 in the Gedney galleries.
Here's one:
Now look at the enlargement. Just as plain as day you can see the Mime Troupe
performing one of their Commedias in some park (the Panhandle??):

Name: Lynne Loewenthal
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jan 2002
I am the Students Working Against Big Tobacco Coordinator for Alachua county
in Florida. We want to do some guerilla theater and we are searching the web for
technique. This organization is for teens age 11-17 and they have some pretty
radical things to say. We are looking for some historical prestentations. Can
you send us any info. I never did see the photos you posted. perhaps I didn't
access it correctly. Thanx Lynne

Name: E H Fritz
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Jan 2002
Maybe this is outa place but I wrote a book that was reviewed by an
incompetent woman who claimed all knowledge to all things literary. I know her
ex and wanna say, you full of shit, lady! All that stuff happened and I was
there. You were not.Also, I read the book you raved about by Goldberry Long. I
know her family WELL and it was the most self serving whiney piece of flotsam to
come down the pike in a long time. Othert than that, I enjoy the site very much.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jan 2002
Larry, Thanks for the link to the Duke University William Gedney archives, I
spent at least an hour an a half peering at those images. Not much detailed
information but some provocative images.
Mark Hebard

Name: Larry
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jan 2002
Mark: Here's the website address for the Digger picture you referenced. I
don't know if it will provide you with any additional information, buth there
are a lot of pictures from 1966 and 1967.

Name: Anonymous
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Jan 2002
You gotta love the Beatle boots the guy in the photo is wearing - styling!

Name: Rick Seely
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jan 2002
Great purple martin birds site!

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jan 2002
Eric, I have seen that photo on the web in the last few months. I also don't
remember where but is was on some link regarding the diggers. I will look around
for it this week. I remember it because it resembles an old friend of mine named
Keith Kaldenbach but I can't be sure because the face is turned down. There was
no info on the site identifying the person pictured. Mark

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jan 2002

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jan 2002
Nicole, thanks. I'm pretty sure I found that photo on a web site. The date of
the file is the same as a bunch of other photos I found at the SF Public Library
collection in late December. I even made a mental note to go back and request a
reprint at the History Room on the 6th floor. It bugs the heck out of me that I
cannot find the original again. You don't recognize the person sitting on the
car bumper, by any chance?

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Jan 2002
Eric, someone sent that photo to this site a few months ago and asked if
anyone knew where it came from...sorry I can't remember the circumstance of his
having sent it ...but it was definately on this site.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Jan 2002
Here's a mystery. I found the photograph (below) on some web page in the last
couple months. I thought it was the San Fran library online photo collection:
However, when I went back to find the full record (in order to request a copy
to scan) I couldn't find it anymore. The photo librarian in the SF History Room
says she's never seen this. So, perhaps I found it somewhere else. Anyone seen
this before? Anyone know who's holding the sign?
As for the photo itself, if you'd like to find out more, check out my Digger
Chronology under Jan. 8, 1967:
Here's the photo (click on the thumbnail for a larger version):

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jan 2002
Hammond...m-m-m-m-m-m-m Brilliant...and I would not be amazed to see a
franchise open in Soho or Tribeca!!!Nicole

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Jan 2002
Rena - Thanks for visiting the restaurant and pleased that you enjoyed the
trip. Perhaps this update regarding the upcoming Olympics in Beijing will also
give you chuckle -
Cheers to all who enter!

Name: the nowhere man
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Jan 2002
i'm happy to find a new web site from sixties stories ... i'm from geneva and
here and switzerland nobody understand the sixties fashion (mode) , if you're
not in the standard form of a young people ,they let you swimming at your side,
here if you're different you're dead... and I'm different of all this zombie
people who like all the same music
je demande le droit à la difference !(that's french)
that's the reason why i'm goin next autumn to live in London , that's not
richer than switzerland but the people there understand the differents fashion!
damn right!
goodbye sixties lovers
to all byrds, buffalo springfield, p floyd, the hollies(here he comes Nash),
the R. stone , Jefferson Airplane, The Pretty things...etc... (sixties good
tunes) to all the fans of this rock music i wish you a happy new year!
nb: sorry for my approximative english

Name: Rena
E-mail Address: Morningstar
Date: 09 Jan 2002
I really like your web site at the Endangered Species Restaurant, the A la
Carte Multinationalism Menu
and Special Events,
Thanks you for a consciousness raising smile.
Just saw the Jaws surf contest here on Maui. Towed in by jet skis, these guys
surfed waves with 60 foot faces. Even with binocualars these guys looked like
ants against these humongous waves. One jet ski bit the dust as it was hit by a
30 foot wall of white water (after the wave crashes) and got smashed on the
rocks. The rider was rescued.
Great book: Birthing from Within. This is for parturition and a favorite
among doulas, midwives, labor assitants, and childbirth educatiors.
Happy New Years Everyone. Enjoy your yoga.

Name: Nancy Feraldi
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jan 2002
Becoming old and in the way in Fort Myers, FL . . . stumbling on Peter
Coyote's book while researching Ringelevio. . . thrilling to tales of the
Huerfano Valley visit where I was a resident for three glorious years. My oldest
daughter (now 30) learned to walk independently so as not to touch the wood
cookstove. Peter's description of the Walsenburg Starlite tavern fills me with
I'm a h.s. teacher at a "second-chance" school here, and constantly
research new ways to reach my students. Any suggestions on how to get a deal on
multiple copies of Ringelevio?

Name: Michael Brown
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Jan 2002
Aloha! I'm looking for information about someone of Aborigine descent
(possibly from England) who may have been involved in the Communications
Company, the Black Panthers or the Diggers. (or all three) Have you come across
anything of this nature in your research? His name may have been Michael D.
Brown. If this does not sound familiar, please remember my request in case you
do come across something which fits this information.
Your reply would be appreciated.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jan 2002
Thanks Seeker - and cheers to you as well. Perhaps you will enjoy visiting my
Endangered Species Restaurant at:
And tell a friend! - cheers, Hammond

Name: PO box frisco
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Jan 2002
happy dos mil dos eric, concerning the origin of digger free philosophy, the
mime troup was small part. remember, the diggers basically started when a curfew
was put into effect in the haight ashbury because of race riots there and in the
fillmore district. the original diggers ignored the curfew and took down curfew
signs. so you could say they were following woody guthrie's "this land is
your land" social philosophy. In the following months they became
pamphleteers and distributed single page handouts that made them recognized in
the community. Then came the free food and free space. Thorsten Veblen, an
economist in early 1900's was into the potential liberating capacity of
technology to end poverty and the maldistribution of resources. Like not giving
life saving medications to people who can't afford them. the extremist
capitalists are quite successful suppressing ideas of equalizing distribution of
resources. the negative beat goes on.

Name: seeker
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jan 2002
write on Hammond! " the present day composer refuses to die" -Edgar
Varese (thanks FZ)

Name: The Red Monkey
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Jan 2002
RedMonkey Samizat #1:

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jan 2002
Happy 2K2 to All! - and in the words of Kenneth Rexroth: "Against the
ruin of the world, there is only one defense: the creative act.”

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jan 2002
Nicole go here for another way or view to see what we have here.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Jan 2002
Mark, them's some beautiful thoughts, man. You've got the ring of truth in
your words.
In case anyone's interested, here's some of what I've been working on over
the year-end break from workaday world. Went to the Shields Library several
times over the past two weeks to do research in the S.F. Mime Troupe Archive
collection which consists of 90 boxes of materials, well organized and
preserved. I've been reading through scripts, correspondence, programs, notes,
clippings. Here is some of what I've found. The concept of free was something
that may not have meant what the Diggers eventually applied to it --
nevertheless R.G. Davis definitely believed in doing what he called free shows.
I had somewhat thought otherwise, since he denigrates the Digger Free ideal in
many later interviews. Here's a quote from one of the early Mime Troupe
programs: "Unlike other theatrical groups, the Mime Troupe performs the
play and then requests donations. This is dangerously non-commercial, but for a
self-supporting little theatre that pays its staff, is committed to fresh air,
and is not a community theatre - why not?! This is the United States and money
inhibits joy everytime." And this from a fund-raising letter: "Our
shows are free so that we attract the greatest number of people and we exist on
donations collected after the shows; a gamble, but one we have chosen to make as
a way of advancing our goals." Here then, I believe, are the roots of
Digger Free, and even though Davis might renounce the ultimate creation, it
seems clear that his free shows are the progenitor of the form we came to
practice. (Of course, there are various interpretations and not all Digger
historians see Free as it is laid out, for example, in Deep
Tried Frees.)
One of the sets of boxes contains all the financial records of the Troupe,
including pay records for all the performances of all shows in the period 1965
to 1967. (The period I'm researching on these trips.) Here then seems to be the
chronology of Emmett Grogan's acting work with the Troupe (at least those
performances for which he got paid):
June 19, July 5-10, 1966 (Search and Seizure)
August 26-28, September 3-6, 10-11, 17-18, 24-25, November 12, 1966 (The Miser)
September 29-October 2, 22-23, 1966 (Output You)
October 1, 15-16, 20, 23, 28, 1966 (Olive Pits)
What an incredible experience it must have been working in the Troupe at this
time. Look at the variety of the material that Grogan was performing. Three of
those plays were written by Peter Berg. I also found scrap sheets of paper that
Grogan used for planning notes. The scrap paper was printed on one side with
weekly schedules of Mime Troupe workshops and rehearsals and meetings. These
folks really jammed their time with work. Davis was offering political
discussions, Berg and Cohon were conducting improvisation sessions, Troupe
members were studying various writers, performing (for example) Gregory Corso's
"Standing On A Streetcorner".
For Grogan this must have been an especially exciting time, surrounded by
committed artists and actors, with original material that was challenging
established reality. Creating alternatives was what the Mime Troupe stood for.
So what changed things for Grogan? -- why didn't he end up directing and writing
within the aegis of the Mime Troupe? I think it was as it was written in "Burocops
Proboscis Probes Digger Bag", Berkeley Barb, Oct. 21, 1966. The Hunters
Point Riots split open reality. No longer was it enough to perform on the wooden
stages that were temporarily set up in the park for a few hours. Grogan and the
others who followed him and Billy Murcott had to jump off the wooden stage onto
a larger stage.
There's also other interesting threads in this history, not the least of
which is the evolution of free shows to Free Food. That involves the Artists
Liberation Front, but there's not too much in the Shields Library that I've
found specifically about ALF. There's also the connection with Kenneth Rexroth.
But that's about all for now. Sorry to take up so much space, but wanted to
write some of this down.
[P.S. Please feel free to send any comments, suggestions, disagreements,
etc. on this interpretation. --en]

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Jan 2002
The rear view mirror has a lot in it this year. Recently released from the
blue collar timeclock harness I spent a good part of it looking around
California for inspiration, definition and remembering. The road was calling and
the roaming began. I found myself in some diverse places and with equally unique
people. I realized I was looking for the persistence Eric mentioned in his post
about the lingering spirit. I found ashes, some ghosts, lots of new beginnings,
a fair amount of established disease, surprising transformations, and well-aged
commitment to the spirit and joy of what was manifest in the Digger experience.
This has been an extraordinary and transcendent year for me. I found myself in
Venice watching the same old edgy hustle on the beachwalk with a glimmer of
theater laying in wait here and there. Santa Monica remains the leader for
cellphone head graftings, valet parking, exhibitionist patio dining, and the
most creative panhandlers but has an outstanding farmers market on 3rd St. every
week. Sunset Blvd is still the pinnacle of night time sleaze. We got shuffled
and frisked through the Museum of Tolerance in Century City. Traveled through
the gritty side of Long Beach and over the Port of Los Angeles staring down from
the bridge at the enormous piles of recycling materials. I sat in sweet silence
in the rocks out at Joshua Tree feeling the ages humming in my blood eventually
discovering a ring of converted school buses surrounding a camp of drummers. I
sat on the front porch in the brilliant sun at Black Bear Ranch with the young
residents and walked in the meadow, letting the history ring in my ears. I
walked through a Fair in Tulelake where the ranchers hate salmon and are losing
“their” water to its restoration along the Klamath. I sat under the tree in
Forks of Salmon listening to stories of agent orange, Native American birth
defects and mismanaged forest fire protection. Ate a chilidog in the grandstand
at Famoso Raceway outside of Bakersfield witnessing the gathering of relics of
the West Coast Hot Rod culture playing out their final scenes in annual
nitromethane celebration of remembrance. Walked the green at Del Monte Lodge at
Pebble Beach among the nickel plated, wire wheeled Dusenbergs, Bugattis and
Delahayes of the Concour de Elegance only having to leave being sickened by the
festering opulence sucking up the caviar, French champagne and gourmet cigars. I
drove for the first time along the Lost Coast and Petrolia in Humboldt spending
a nearly supernatural twilight in the first growth Sequoias on the way out. I
drove past the armed guards at Pacific Lumber following a logging truck with a
sticker that said “This Family is Supported By Logging”. I sat on the bright
green lawn in Delores Park in SF next to the Food Not Bombs table during the
Anti-war rally and marched down Mission Street hearing the chants echo in the
buildings. I banged on a ceremonial bell at a small San Francisco winter
solstice gathering at the beach at the end of Lincoln Street and laughed as a
matured Digger tried to blow his lungs out on a conch shell. I had no real hard
expectations last year and really didn’t know what I was up to until it was
over. I am renewed and hopeful by what I have found. I know there will be more.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@yahoo
Date: 02 Jan 2002
So here we are...with an opportunity to begin again...I know I sometimes need
an if each new day weren't enough. I know that I for one will try my
best to pay attention to my natural surrounding, because I somehow feel in there
lies some answers...even here in New York City...sort of "take a look/take
a lesson"...and of course the best stand-by of all...Do unto others as you
would have them...I know for me it begins where I stand and when I open my
mouth...In James Stevens' book A CROCK OF GOLD, he speaks about the fact that
the way we speak is by taking a breath and forming words as you exhale and that
because that same breath is what allows us to live we need to really understand
that we must "speak" words worthy of that's very sacred
really. Warm regards to all, Nicole

Name: paula
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Jan 2002
eric, speaking of Rainbows, i was involved with the East Texas branch of the
rainbow family before i moved back to california. the first time i went to a
gathering, i sat in the car and wept. i wept because 20 some odd years after my
wonderful time t morningstar, here i was at a gathering of a family, cooking in
the woods, kids running around, people just being "groovey". my heart
felt so good. i went to many more until i left texas. i cooked for hundreds of
people along with many other wonderful cooks. the crew comes in about 2 weeks
before the gathering and builds a mud oven, and sets up the kitchen. it was
great, we cooked biscuits, pizza, birthday cake and even a couple of wedding
cakes. we cooked egs to order in the am over the griddle, breakfast potatoes,
bacon gravy, etc. i once made enchilades and spanish rice for 150. sometimes the
"bliss ninnies' drove me to distraction. these are people who don't want to
help cook, wash dishes or serve, but who will eat you out of house and home and
"borrow" every last cigarette you have. i know you know these
people,,they are always everywhere. i have not "rainbowed" since i've
been in sebastopol. haven't found any rainbows. the rainbow family is a
wonderful thing. everyone is welcome. my son has been to a couple of the
national gatherings...40-50,000 hippies in one place......freakin nirvana. just
wanted to tell you about the rainbows. it's a good thing... paula

Name: Char ~*
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Jan 2002
As we tumble into this New Year, we can take a look backwards, and see the
dream of the 60's that whirled through our world, bringing Love, Attunement and
Enlightenment. Now, as we slip into the New Millenium, we can see that the dream
was real - a New Awareness is indeed engulfing this planet - and we are here to
fulfill All the prophesies, to become one with the Truth - Children of the
Spirit. We are the stuff that dreams are made of. Love, Light, and New
Awakenings. Char ~*

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.