The Digger Archives Guestbook 2003

These are the Guestbook Entries from 2003. Please visit the current Guestbook if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.

NOTE: this file contains the entries from April, 2003. The regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2003.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Apr 2003


Being on the margins and often off the page entirely when it comes to popular music, Madonna hasn't twiddled my thingie musically. I have watched her antics pushing the media around though and had some good laughs. I was watching when she talked about her new album and video, deciding to pull the harder edge grenade toss to Bushwacker. I then noticed in Rolling Stone the critics fucking took off on her new album. I don't put much stock in the critics at Rolling Stone as they are generally pawns of the record labels, but the level of poison from these "critics" was damn shrill, kind of reminiscent of Fox News "coverage" of the "war". Her album "American Life" is apparently an indictment of the fat-sucking consumerist, shallow-brained lifestyle so deeply embedded in our bottom scraping culture. The album was panned horribly. So today it enters the charts at Number One. I think I am supposed to be happy that somehow, at least for awhile, some conversation about the pigness of the American Dream is going to be injected into the common vein that usually serves as a drip infusion lobotomy for the grazed and difused. Whaddaya think?

Name: gouge
Date: 30 Apr 2003


Hammond, I'm about 1/4 the way thru AsEverWas. The reviews are right, it's excellent. Of course, I may be somewhat prejudiced, being spawned from a broken family myself, absent father & mother, 'raised' by grandparents...sent off to military school (mine was San Marcos Baptist Academy in Texas. a co-ed joint. You can just imagine how that worked out... ah, the stories we could tell of adolescent resistance...coke cans or toilet paper rolls in the howitzers, dimes crushed in the breech of M1 rifles...or sometimes clips parties the night before white glove inspections...) and later to become a wandering freak...draft classification 1-A prime meat...there are a few similarities to our early stories... anyway, great work!



Name: JAG
Date: 30 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl; I can only second and third and fourth Marks Missive, my thoughts are with you.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl,

Sorry to hear of your continuing struggle with Hep C. I am thinking good thoughts for you.

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Sad Day in Lone Star State
Date: 30 Apr 2003



Somewhere in Texas a village is missing an idiot

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Apr 2003


And the "Nobody" was just a pair of toy teeth that Wavy would wind up to chatter away 'plastically' at the audience - sounds better that what we have now.......

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Apr 2003



As for Friday night, say it loud and roll on with your bad self! I think Bush is gnawing on the 50 year thang that T. Turner predicted. I think we are back to a Nobody for President campaign again. Shit fire! If that dumbass would jes go for the pretzels a few more times.

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Apr 2003


Hi all, when I take part in this panel on Friday, I'd like to paraphrase alot of what was posted today and past days, as sort of a digger alternative to this whole presidential mess...I mean, I will speak for myself but I'd like to include a bit about our ongoing conversations because I truely do feel something of real shape coming into the lense...and I like it...everything no matter how small or large starts with one ideal...and it's funny because one of the last conversations Peter C. had with his father before he died...was his (morris)analsys of the situation and he said, "it won't happen fast, but it will happen, maybe in 50 years" again I'm paraphrasing, but it fits the time line...and even Ted Turner said recently...he gives the whole human race only about 50 more if there are any objections to me mentioning the site and out on going brain storming...speak now or forever... Love all of you, Nik

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Apr 2003


"AsEverWas" reviewed by Joyce Metzger for Al Aronwitz's Blacklisted Journalist

*Pretty wordy - but hey - a favorable review is a favorable review!

Best to all - H.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Apr 2003


I think our only real hope is to 'deselect' Bush in 04 - that is if the chads don't get us again - or if (God forbid!) the proposed virtual voting machines all vote for him no matter what name is written in. I think we are all suffering from Neurotic President Syndrome and Middle of the War Blues. The only convincing cure is to get rid of the unelected virus by any means necessary (BAM!) which some of you might recognize from 60s counter jargon - ie. Up Against the Wall Motherfucker! - and good-by Georgie boy.

Hope Screams Eternal..............


Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: gee Officer Krupke, Krup You!
Date: 30 Apr 2003


I guess the reason for me not writing is personal blues added to worldwide blues. The doctors think I have "cryoglobulins" which is a reaction of the blood to the hepatitis C virus, causing your blood to clump up and freeze at inappropriate times, basically. It's a serious thing to have, but it matches the stuff that goes wrong with me, and would explain why I started feeling bad as soon as I had a relapse and the virus came back, whereas some people never get symptoms from hep C. I think I'm all krupped-up. I was never a type A personality, but not it feels like I'm down to about type Z. I felt so excellent for awhile, now that I know such a level of health is possible I want it back. I've got a doctor's appointment Thursday where he elaborates on the bad news the specialist already told me. Oh, brother. Also I've been "confessing," i.e. cooking up some new tales for True Story.

Why am I not surprised that businesses can invest in voting machines!!!! Makes perfect sense. Everything's free in AmErica, For a small fee in AmeRIca. It's always been difficult for me to understand the differences in this country, why wages and prices vary so widely in different regions of the country (although poverty remains the same, just easier to obtain in the pricey places). States' rights to completely different laws and penalties etc., makes about as much sense to me as a jury of our peers. No one on earth has a peer.

Well Steve that's a trial I'd like to see. When you're a Jet let them do what they can.....! From down in Ohio, Peace

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Apr 2003



At the end of the discussion at Planet Drum the final word was "it comes down to each one teach one" and a short but very convincing description of the effectiveness of that method. Planet Drum Foundation is a very small outfit, I repeat small, and the effects of the work over the last 30 years is nothing short of amazing. The myth that one person can't make changes is foolish, in fact to me it seems that it is the only way it can be done. Michael Moore was held up as an example in this discussion. When I first started at PDF I was skeptical but after two years I am finally getting it. I am a little thick sometimes. Peace.

Name: JAG
Date: 29 Apr 2003


Mark, you make some excellent observations, and yes Portland is a maelstrom of divergent attitudes as well as Seattle and on a lesser scale Eugene. The Northwest has alway's been a beacon for unconventional social excercise's, the first "bottle bill" for refundable beer bottle's and cans, the first decriminalization law for our favorite herb, even one of the first Senator's to oppose the war in Vietnam. I realize this trend is followed in many other region's and would hope it could coalesce into a viable alternative on a national level, or better, global. Your concept gives me hope, and even better, a reason to believe this current nightmare can be ended with individual effort and reason.

Name: patrick
Date: 29 Apr 2003


hey gang, I am just coming out of the stupor myself. Was over in the Biltmore forest earlier today with my wifes father who was visiting. Ah blazing azealas and the dank smell of the "Robber Barons". Can't beat a sunnyy day to make things seem right. Speaking of seccession and such you must check out the"United tribes of the Americas" sight at Its about having a country in a country, or in many countries. They even have they're seal registered and approved with nafta for trade. I'm ready to become one of the citizens of the UTA . Talk about a cool seal on the passport. Check it out!!!! Keep on truckin' Silent Steve, even slowly on your back! Wish I could be there for your trial. What a hoot. Well, off to Georgia for my couple of days of work. Hah, Those fools voted in that new guv to get the rebel battle flag reinstated and not only won't it be reinstated but the one the old guv compromised with, Which still had a mini-racist battle flag on it won't be allowed either.

PS. DIG IT !! Peace all, Patman AKA Freebo'

Name: Tim
EmailAddress: Revolves Around Revolving Bodies :)
Date: 29 Apr 2003


Mark--Interesting train of thought on secession. I would suggest that Latino cultures of Southwest are many and varied, some strongly identified and connected to Latin America, some not--a really fascinating discussion of the cycle of responses of US Latinos to immigration from Mexico in 20th c. in David Gutierrez, _Walls and Mirrors._

McMingus said it so well: "uneducated" doesn't (necessarily) translate into "stupid." I had much better conversations about my dissertation research with my brother--who never finished high school--than with most other grad students. Many of the latter wanted to be members of a club in which they would have the privilege of being irrelevant to the rest of the world, & could look down on everyone else from their seat in the club. (Met some wonderful, committed, radical people there, too.) Grew up among people like the NC hill people you describe, though much further north. Not liking interference from anyone often translated into ultraconservatism (one of the places where Jesse Helms got his votes), but that doesn't mean that, with a shift in the winds, that all those folks would remain so. It all depends on whether they hold private property sacred, or community bonds sacred. Next twenty years could provide a severe test of all our values, including this one.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Apr 2003



I would be remiss without recommending Peter Berg who would recommend the late Ray Dasmann as his best mentor in Bioregionalism. If you haven't read Freeman House's "Totem Salmon" you gotta do it. A really wonderful book.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: look out for the Secesh' party
Date: 29 Apr 2003


Righteous thoughts, Mark .. anyone here remember "Ecotopia" by Ernest Callender ? It could happen, & might be the best outcome.

Bioregionalism : see Gary Snyder, Wendell Berry, Edward Abbey. Most legitimate political thought I know of.

Probably most of us here are seceding in our own ways .. even in NC it can be done. Lots of organic farmers & stubborn hill people here, don't like interference from ANYBODY.

So try imagining grass-roots people might just be ready to escape tyranny. Uneducated doesn't translate to stupid.

I hope you've got it right in that last post.


Name: Mark
Date: 29 Apr 2003


Here are some thoughts from a discussion (me mostly listening) a week ago. The prevailing opinion is it is an unlikley scenario that this government can be toppled from within. It is to big, to powerful and it runs on money and deceit. The other component of this an assumption that the US is in the late stages of the industrial age if not done with it completely. Imperial efforts to bag all the world resources to remain a dominant force and feed a bloated culture bent on ever increasing consumerism will take a toll. It is a dead end road. The feeling is that secessionist movements or sentiments will cause populations within our country to seek independence from much of the political debauchery that will prevail. An example is much of the Southwest and California is a Hispanic majority making the needs and traditions of that culture more linked to the Latin American cultures. San Francisco itself could exist as a City State which is how most of the country sees it now anyhow. Seattle, Portland also have a strong counterculture and Bioregionalism has sprung up throughout our country as well as abroad. These Bioregional groups are very different from each other and have created communities based in sustainability but often have quite unique political/cultural perspectives. The view is that as the situation becomes more corrosive many of these groups will network and become allies in common needs tending to work around the established government structures. As these networks form old border lines will become less relevant. Dependency on a increasingly out of touch political structure will shrink. As Europe realigns itself seeking to leave the oboslete warring solutions that US has relied for to long the US will find less audience for it posing. The media that is so "powerful" now is going to suffer from their own transformation into a corporate/entertainment/propaganda machine losing credibilty at the hands of the big money interests. I know these are loose ideas floating around but I wanted to share them here to see if I can get a reaction.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: West Fourth
Date: 29 Apr 2003


I actually got authorization this time. Hey, I went to court yesterday and insisted that I was "Crossing the street very slowly on my back"..the judge was an old 60's activist and when a DA type objected to my NOT GUILTY plee (she insisted that I was deaf and couldnt understand the plea procees. Actually If I had pleaded guity, I could have walked and if I stayed out of trouble for 60 days the charge would be purged from the record. Well...I indicated to her that I could hear and snapped my finger three times, to which the Judge snapped his three times (to get my attention and to test if I could hear). I looked the cat in the eye, and he smiled and said "The Jets" to which I mimed my best Jets vs. Sharks West Side Story Dance. Well, I dont have to tell ya that my not guilty plea was a solidarity statement for the M27 folks and the NYC Anarchists who got slapped with shit like interfearing with an officer (for merely asking questions), resisting arrest (for falling down when pushed, etc. Anyway, my point is that I was at no time "Disorderly". Ah, shit, I wont go into it here,... The weather was fantastic, I naturally wore the Ol' Digger Tee Shirt to trial is on June 23rd. Keep ya posted. P.S. "When yer' a Jet, yer' a Jet fer' life."...hey, when Nicole was over, she sang the prettiest song and played the piano in the back parlor. Wow, how such a "Whiskie and Tobaccoo" sound can come out of a sweet package like that only goes to prove that there's a prize in every box. Well, Im' half upstairs and half downstairs; moving is a bitch, even if its a few floors. Hey the nice lady who I moved stuff up 5 flights a few months back wants me to tote some more junk. I think she likes me. Hey Nicole; Carnegie Hall hooked up with Nonesuch Records and Emmylou Harris is gonna play Zankel Hall in late October, let me treat you and some friends to the show. Get back to me on that. (Coyote aint the only one who'd worship in her church any day!!) (your's also; for that matter). Later all.

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Apr 2003


good to hear from you all...I need to know everyones an interesting item for you...My boss who is a major developer in NYC and Florida recieved a fax today offering as an investment opportunity, buying into "computer voting" machines isn't it a bit wierd having them underwritten by corporations???

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: "Breaux Bridge Jail " just kidding, a song by Gatemouth Brown
Date: 29 Apr 2003


Here's my take -- you're lucky to be outside this world of lies & violence -- take your sweet souls & soar in the air. It's just too foul in the mainstream.

(Going out to tend the garden here.)


EmailAddress: Ricl and
Date: 29 Apr 2003


Here's an arcane article about non-other than Kenny Wisdom

Name: FYI Service
Date: 29 Apr 2003


US Troops open fire on (unarmed) Anti-American demonstrators in Iraq

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Apr 2003


Hi Nic - Mark and Jag


Yes where is our inspirational mute who has more relevant things to say than most verbalists? I have not been licking my wounds because the blood is too thick so I take out my frustrations by writing and htmling my way through the day - keeping me sane. Hope springs eternal - yet the Bushman keeps doing his dirty work in the shadows -

ReRoll The Axis Dice (click through) to see what I mean!

Oh and Nic - I was thinking of you yesterday. Ronnie H. ('The Hawk") sent me a copy of his new CD "Still Crusin" (very bluesy in the backbeat) and his biography recently re-done in paperback. You may have read this - but there are some great early photos of Danko and the Boys that I know you would appreciate - check it out if you haven's seen it = "The Hawk - the story of Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks by Ian Wallis.

Peace and Love to everyone -


Name: JAG
Date: 29 Apr 2003


I too have been reading, licking my wounds, so to speak. I think their is a lapse in the action due to shock and awe at how easily this nation was duped by a moron.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Apr 2003


Hey Nicole,

I am here, been watching this book for a week while I am painting. Very quiet. I am in a funk of sorts or maybe just stunned a little given the huge swerve the world has taken in the last month. I have been doing lots of head shaking, reacting to the stuff I see happening now. I still can't believe the American culture is buying what Bush is selling. So I am painting and tending to regular matters, waiting to see what is coming our way. I still hope, maybe foolishly, that a crumbling of Bush's credibility will emerge and spread, and also a shake up in the media whores who perpetrated these crimes. It is still raining out here off and on so the mood is frustration waiting for the spring to really hit and change the energy cycle. Peace.

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Apr 2003


Where is everybody...I guess the better weather is keeping you all outside...well, that's a good thing. Also our inspiring Steve is being way too silent.

Name: John David Locking
Date: 28 Apr 2003


Nurse-plus might cure health crisis via mri technicians poaching via earthquakes technologies ttyl

Name: Tim Hodgdon
Date: 27 Apr 2003


Greetings from Canada!

I've been buried under the workload that comes with your first year of teaching, so haven't been on the site in a while. I was browsing through the guestbook, and discovered that there had been some talk of Digger women putting together a book on their experiences.

Here's one visitor who would love to read such a book! Are you still working on it?

Peace, Tim

PS: G.W. _does_ resemble Howdy Doody!

Name: Jennifer
EmailAddress: MiJennWicca
Date: 26 Apr 2003


Steve, ah, yes, alas the world has 3 additional wills women.....Nicole and I however are the only ones with earthly of yet, there is hope for us all . I live on a rapidly becoming self sufficent solar powered 20 acre "farm" of my own in the redwoods up high north country "humboldt" Nicole is the lark and song bird that warms the deepest part of my heart and has been my inspiration to live full and on the edge of social reality. She is my muse. Nice to meet you as well. Kisses and love and namaste to all humaneS and living ones. rocks, trees, birds, rivers....and all. Most love to those non-humanes...and namaste to the BUSHMIESTER...the thought is chilling... Jenn

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Apr 2003


Two Ways,

The waiting is over. Create the conditions you describe. I can't see any other way. The intellectual level that these old fools play on is just pathetic. I think now is the time to find common hearts, feed some of the sadness with the words and vibes of our counter culture, and let our numbers and spirit reinforce the values. You and I are not alone, we have the same blood in the veins, the same tears that fall, but we damn sure have the same right to live in this country free and clear of these idiots.

EmailAddress: Two Way's
Date: 26 Apr 2003


The overwhelming political lesson of the last year is that war works — that is, it's an excellent cover for the Republican Party's domestic political agenda. In fact, war works in two ways. The public rallies around the flag, which means the President and his party; and the public's attention is diverted from other issues. As long as the nation is at war, then, it will be hard to get the public to notice what the flagwavers are doing behind our backs. And it just so happens that the "Bush doctrine," which calls for preventive war against countries that may someday pose a threat, offers the possibility of a series of wars against nasty regimes with weak armies. Someday the public will figure all this out. But it may be a very long wait.


Name: Taking Up All the Page!!!
Date: 26 Apr 2003


Hammond and Stew in Counter Punch (weekend edition)


Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Apr 2003


Hi all.

I just read this article from the Washington Post - which has to be the most pathetic thing I have read since this mess began. Apparently our "liberating forces" in their inept search for weapons of mass destruction neglected to secure the (well known) nuclear sites and storage facilities containing all sorts of radioactive elements and unattended death waste. Now the Pentagoons say they have the places "secured" - but unfortunately not before some major looting had taken place by unknown radioactive thieves. This is just one of the "pathetic" elements within this report.

Will administrative stupidity and blind ambition never end? Currently no one with any sense what-so-ever is at the wheel of our dearly beloved SpaceShip Earth. But I guess we all knew that........

Name: FYI Service
Date: 26 Apr 2003


"I thought the Americans said they wanted a democracy in Iraq," said Kassem al-Sa'adi, a 41-year-old merchant. "If it is a democracy, why are they allowed to make the rules?"

The Full Magillacuty:

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 26 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl - thanks - and remember, your work is always welcome in The 3rd Page...... :-) Ed.

Date: 26 Apr 2003



Name: Ohio girl
Date: 26 Apr 2003


The poem delicately and precisely says what's wrong right now on these perfect Spring days. I just saw an interview on CNN this morning with Sanje Gupta (spelling?) a doctor who has always done medical news spots on CNN, and who was an embedded reporter with military doctors in Iraq. Without making any antiwar statements (and I don't believe he ever has), he pointed out that the fighting will end, but people have been left with wounds that will never end.

I always enjoy these links to Third Page, Emptymirror, Counterpunch etc., probably I haven't mentioned that! Hello to everyone, Peace

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Apr 2003


Duh me.......

It is too early - here is the corrected link to Nic's poem:

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl - congrats on your True Story contract!

Nicole's latest contribution to The 3rd Page

"Sitting in the Shadows of War"

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: true life
Date: 26 Apr 2003


I got another contract in the mail from True Story magazine, for a story that is a little less fictional than my others, it's based on my own family, the Fourth of July when one of my children was six years old and one was just about to be born. I was telling my older son how this story is like our story, except that the pregnant woman is always counting her blessings, there is a live-in husband who is very helpful around the house, and the woman is an excellent cook. "Oh," said my son, "you mean, not like our family at all!"

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 25 Apr 2003


New from Stew Albert

"Seig Howdy"

Name: CounterPunched Again
Date: 25 Apr 2003


"Spring Time in Iraq" (Counter Punch Version)


Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Apr 2003


Nic - Ask and ye shall receive! (=check your e-mail) -

Hey Hippy Museum - Thanks so much for your listing-links! And when you see him give Steven a gigantic hug from me.....!!! :-)

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Apr 2003


I was doing some research on the Tuatha De Danaan and came across this sort of interesting page...

Hammond, would it be proper for you to forward that to me?

Name: Communes
EmailAddress: ~*
Date: 24 Apr 2003


The Farm is the most renown , but Sustainable Communes are alive and well, and are many, and with all the insanity about, folk are having a renewed intrest in "returning to the land" check out the Intentional Communities website :

Name: the Hippie Museum
Date: 24 Apr 2003


We've added the Digger Guestbook, Tomas' Muse, and Hammond's Third Page to the Hippie Museum here: and Hammond's War(d) Repot here: You're All Great! Onward and Upward! ~* (the Hippie Museum can be found on the Farm! )

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Apr 2003


Kelly - Bob C. fw'd your note on Kirby's last days and moments. I so wish I could be at the wake - but distance and time prevail. Again, please accept these heartfelt condolences to all in the family and to perhaps thousands of grateful friends - and all for having known Kirby - Grief Be Far.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 23 Apr 2003


"Spring Time in Iraq"

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 Apr 2003


Kelly - (Nic), So sorry to learn of Kirby's passing. I didn't know him well but I when was a quasi-denizen of Bolinas circa 1968 - 1969 his genuine presence there and in the general area is so fondly remembered by all. My heartfelf condolences and prayers to you and your family. Namasté - Bole Nath Ki Jai - Hammond

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 Apr 2003


Kelly, your e-mail did not go through, perhaps you can post it again...or a number somehow...I know this is tricky because of spam, but if you just remove the words (no spam)from my e-dress, it will go through but they can't gleen it from the general give this a try...

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: re Kirby Doyle's journey onward...
Date: 23 Apr 2003


Kelly, I'm sorry to hear that news, I knew your father well. In 1969 I lived in an apartment above the art supply store in Pt. Reyes and Kirby and Tracy lived down the hall. Somewhere in my belongings I have a drawing I did of him...just a head shot...I'm not an artist but I was able to capture Kirby's spirit...I went back and forth between the houseboat in Sausalito, Olema and the Pt Reyes apt...Shannon and Kirby would come by the houseboat sometimes on fishing expidetions (at least that was what they said they were doing down at the water front) I would love to come to a memorial for him...truely...and if for some reason I cannot leave NYC to attend, I'd like to write something or participate in some other way...Your father had a magnificent laugh...please let me know if I can help in some way, with warm regards, Nicole

Name: noname
Date: 23 Apr 2003


Ronald - to learn about communes go back in time or search the web - but if you are serious then contact The Family and Steve Gaskin in Virginia - as this is one of the only communes still communing as such For the rest - it is a good history lesson but little else. Why not start your own commune? It is free for the asking - but much harder to actualize.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 23 Apr 2003


Hey there Steve! Hello to everyone, from almost-Spring Ohio. It frosted again this morning, Spring hasn't settled in yet I guess. My car and I both run better on the warmer days, neither of us is ever going to be quite righ I think, so I'm sure happy to see the approach of Summertime. Peace

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: Copperhead Road
Date: 23 Apr 2003


A write-up about the late Nina Simone & her early days in the Asheville area of North Carolina .. not a bad article --

Name: Ronald Antoni
Date: 22 Apr 2003


I would like some info on communes in cal. and oregon. You can email me or call me @ 650-799-4511. Im 48 and would like to experience living in a commune.


Thanks Ron

Name: Karen
Date: 22 Apr 2003


YES steve, it's a very good sign! we each are our own island; and we have to listen * look @ how we affect our surroundings:>} You help us in making the shift; Thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: JAG
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Mark; You've probably heard of Obo but just in case. He's Portland's spiritual rhythm master.

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Apr 2003



I knew you couldn't stay "silent" for long. Despair has fallen around but most of us are starting get over it, had a good day at Planet Drum getting some insight and inspiration. After I digest some of what was said I will pass it along here.

Everybody, Eric has helped put together a new souped-up Planet Drum Website. In particular check out the new Green City Calendar. This calendar is a work of love by the volunteers at Planet Drum and a model used by many communities around the world.

Name: Eric
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Hey, Steve, good to see you survived the past two weeks which have been the nadir for many friends of mine. Something about the despair over the wars we're paying for in our names. But they can't keep us down for long. Gotta keep on keeping on...

Name: Texas Psych
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Check out the best Texas Psych group here:

Look at all the CD’s we produce for the fans:

Art for those discs:

Most recent, we have EVERY ‘Elevators IA 45 burned to disc along with the Spades 45. All are from original vinyl including the Spades. These are then de-clicked and removed of surface noise. Also out now is a 160-minute George Kinney interview from a month ago. There’s the double disc 8/11/84 Roky gig. It’s great! We put the stuff out on the street for the fans. Don’t just talk about it! Listen to it!

Name: Steve again....
EmailAddress: I think...
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Mother let me get this straight...Oregon is an Island???...Hey,..let me know where you can pick up a letter will ya?. Oregon??? Hey, I skipped the last M27 protest. I knew that after the original dry run that the heat was gonna bust some nuts. It was freezing out and their hot chocolate cools off fast. (They hate that). It was short and sweet. What gets me is all of the "Supporters" who said the night before that they couldnt get busted; so they would "Just peacefully stand across the street" (without blocking the side walk)..boy were they shittin' their pants. The heat grabbed the whole mob. Freedom and Just-us for allmost all. Aint it the way?? Hey, I heard that the war is over...but,..uh.. if it was never declaired, could it end?...Hmmm... is it me or what???? Hi Eric, Hi hammond, Hi everyone....everywhere....Hi me. (whens the last time any of you said hi to yourselves?? that a good sign??...

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Jenny??...Nicole!!..Theres more like you at Home???!!! WOW. Hey, let's clone ya' baby!!!

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: same-as-it-ever-was
Date: 22 Apr 2003


hey motherfuckers! Im' on an "Unauthorized" Church computer. I was told NOT to fuck with it. As I dont have a password, I jumped on it after someone left it on & open. Hey, whata they gonna do?..cut my tongue out??...I havent skimmed down or checked out the latest shit yet. Will do and get back at ya. The Diggers are alive and well in NYC. Im' still giving away the store. Seems like the only things that I can hold onto are my tattoos. Hey Nik, I forgot to give you the posters. (next time)..hope FLA was a gas.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Arcata, Ca. Outlaws!

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 Apr 2003


My darling Jenny wren, I just e'd you at your wicca address, but in case you read this first...I was in Florida on your Birthday and no access to a computer but I thought really hard (soft really) about you and vibed the best song I could go check your mi jenn wicca...I love you more than I could ever tell you...I think it's really over due, the reunion of the 4 Wills sisters...we could even invite the three boys, but I don't think they're speaking...what a family...whew.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 22 Apr 2003


"The Faith Based Wild Card"

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Houses of the Unholy (Cards)

Name: Eric
Date: 22 Apr 2003



In the 2000 election, in the first debate that I saw Dubya, I broke out laughing hysterically at the first close-up face shot. I had never really looked at his face before. I yelled out, "It's Howdy Doody". And all my friends broke into hysterical laughter as well at the utter truth of it. He's a puppet, he's Howdy Doody. (Since then I've seen the comparison appear in print in numerous places, so either word-of-mouth is very powerful, or thousands of us had the same revelation simultaneously.)

Name: Jennifer
EmailAddress: MiJennWicca
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Nicole....oh where oh where has my big sista gone? 50 years, my time has come and gone....and no birthday tune from my favorite voice. What is the news on the boy? btw the only axis of evil is mr bush and his low life commandos and other MEN in rule that we no NOTHING of. Don't 'cha think gw looks like alfred e newman on his best day? NIK write me chickie boom. Love ya and mucho besos from the wren. Love ya more than words Jenn

Date: 22 Apr 2003



Name: Pope Salmon the Lesser Mungojelly
Date: 22 Apr 2003


love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!

i am here in VT now, near bennington, anyone nearby i Demand that you write to me Immediately. LOVE!

Name: Weed Grower
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Another "joker" for your deck of cards should be Daniel Pipes. If you don't know about this guy, visit:

Very scary, this guy's a demagogue like the whole Right Wing Conspiracy.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 22 Apr 2003


The Resurrection is Here!

Date: 22 Apr 2003


Name: Orion
Date: 22 Apr 2003


The US Military came up with an ingenious idea, their "Death Pack" of playing cards depicting the top 55 most wanted Iraqis. It's such a great idea (of course we're not advocating any violence), we can use the concept ourselves. Let's create our own "Pack of Jokers". Here's my first nomination:

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Here is a link to the SF Chronicle article on the reopening of the Avalon Ballroom.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Morningstar lived in my heart over the years, and was always one of the focal points from which my view of the world evolved. It was the first thing I tried to find when we got a computer that could go online. And I was only there for a few weeks..............

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 22 Apr 2003


Morningstar Ranch: Why is this one particular piece of land so special? We could write books about what happened there? Why is this one particular piece of land so special? Boil tried to write about it but failed.



Name: r n a
EmailAddress: nina simone
Date: 21 Apr 2003


Nicole, Nina Simone just lest earth? She came to Morningstar in 1968 or 69 or 70 for a visit. I remember what a grand latdy she was. Morningstar was definately outside of her dimensions. She got a nice personalized tour by Lou and his entourage of the day.

Name: Joe
Date: 21 Apr 2003


I am in .....i was just laughing about that the militias in michigan have bigger arsenals than the much for disarming Saddam and his fabled arms caches.....they show a small pile of conventional arms on tv and make like its a big find

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Apr 2003


...Nina Simone just joined the chorus of angels...

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: ps
Date: 21 Apr 2003


Hammond, he was in great spirits and not to worry on that front.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Apr 2003


He doesn't have a computer...I stopped by just before I left for Florida and he said it was down...I don't know if it's because they shut it down due to the possible move or if it's just broke...I'll try and make an arangement where he can come into my office and use's free after all...Nik

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Apr 2003


Hi Nic - Say where has Steve disappeared to?

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Apr 2003


Joe, why did I think you were here in NYC...btw, a gorgeous day here in the big apple...spring has actually sprung? Nik

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Apr 2003


Joe - Sorry to hear about your recent bout of ill health - and hoping you are on the way to full recovery mate. You have my vote for getting out of Michigan - AZ/NM has to be better quality air - Taos?

Name: Joe
Date: 21 Apr 2003


Well I just got out of the hospital after 5 days because of my lungs......been sick over 3 weeks so far this time.....ive been thinking of New Mexico or Arizona it still a good place to go for respiratory problems....I havent been there since 79.......some of those munition dumps they find in Iraq and show on TV are about 10% of the size of what some people have bunkered behind cabins in Michigan

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Apr 2003


Bunnies and colored eggs ain't my thang but here is an interesting link for those of us who want to sidestep Moloch.

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Apr 2003



Glad you're back, you old dawg. What subversive duties have you been up to?


I would like to know your take on the SF protest last weekend if you have some time.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 20 Apr 2003


Hi IMAM, I suspect I missed you!

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Apr 2003


If we go back to the beginning we shall always find that ignorance and fear have created gods; fancy, enthusiasm, or deceit has adorned or disfigured them; weakness worships them; credulity preserves them in life; custom regards them and tyranny supports them in order to make the blindness of men serve its own ends.

Baron d'Holbach

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: @"mangled".com
Date: 20 Apr 2003


Ouch, tough crowd,Ya hockey puck :)

Name: Imam Ibin Awaytoolong
EmailAddress: ether here or there
Date: 20 Apr 2003


Then they came for "the actually Quote" and found out they came for the spelt of truth within "mangled" poetry trala......IMAM (Suspect)

Name: JAG
Date: 19 Apr 2003


I totally mangled my last post, this is the actually Quote


First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Pastor Martin Niemöller

Name: JAG
Date: 19 Apr 2003


First they came for the communists and I didn't complain because they did'nt come for me, then they came for the Jews and I didn't complain because they didn't come for me, then they came for me and no one complained because their was no one left.

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Apr 2003


Please see today's CounterPunch -> The Poet's Basement

"Chaos Theory (Revisited)"

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 19 Apr 2003


Dr. Sponge, Now that's funny! Except the joke's on me my car actually has started to stall out as much as the computer! Thanks for a really good laugh.

Nicole, best wishes and I hope a speedy resolution to that trial. It was right to do it the first time, it'll be right if you have to do it again (but I hope not).

Name: JAG
Date: 18 Apr 2003


As I gaze at all the sublime chaos about me I regress, the ancestral past, microsmic particles, evoloutions conception, a progressive march towards history's sum, the primordial sludge that bore us all to evolve towards sentience and grasp our surroundings. I cannot fathom to what end this should lead. As "maturity" beckons and reason rules I stand ready to renounce my membership in the grand experiment called "Humanity". Foward my mail to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 18 Apr 2003


Bill Gates or GM - an oldie but goodie

For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the waycomputers have enhanced our lives, read on. > > At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon".

In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a press release stating:

If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics: > > 1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day.


2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car. > > 3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You > >would have to pull over to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue.For some reason you would simply accept this. > > > > 4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause > >your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine. > > > > 5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was > >reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would > >run on only five percent of the roads.

6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single "This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation" warning light. > > 7. The airbag system would ask "Are you sure?" before deploying.

8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna.

9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.

10. You'd have to press the "Start" button to turn the engine off.

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 Apr 2003


Nic - I know it is difficult thinking of a second trial but plea bargains generally stink from a victim's point of reality - Please send this guy away if at all possible - he is undoubtedly a recidivist who needs long term containment vs. short term hand slaps. Love to you and welcome back!

Name: Nicole
Date: 18 Apr 2003

Comments mistake...that was Winslow, Arizona...nevermind

Name: Nicole
Date: 18 Apr 2003


...just back from Florida...great vacation...tons of sun, the ocean, rest, and my best friend Susan. Trial went well, but a hung jury hold out...she wanted more coroboration??? anyway now they offer him the plea again...the judge told him..."consider 11 to 1 and personally everything she said (me) made sense everything you said, made no sense, I would consider the plea" But if he doesn't we just do it again on April 30th...

Eileen, Prescott Arizona is beautiful..."it's a girl my lord in a flat bed ford..." that was in Prescott. Maybe check out Gouge territory...Tuscon...sounds like you keep adding to your wisdom file...

Back later y'all, With really warm regards, Nik

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 18 Apr 2003


PS - Wayne Morse

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 Apr 2003


Eileen - Sorry to miss you while in Eugene - so close by. Had I known you were going to be there I could have put you both up at the Wayne Morse Club House - all refreshments etal supplied with a great smile from my dear friend Victor who was the late Senator's chauffeur. Should you get back to Eugene please let me know before hand and I will set the scene for you and Miranda. Best of the best on your journey!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 18 Apr 2003


Eileen, outta sight! Yeah life is a trip. It's good to hear from you! Eric, jury duty? Ouch. My good wishes are always there for everyone who has met up on this guestbook. Peace and lots of love, Fran

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Apr 2003



If your traveling south to Prescott please know that you are welcome at my place for a few days of re-energizing (shower, sleep, repairs, room to park and good food)in Aptos. I have a garage which is really a shop filled with all my tools from my mechanic days, a fenced yard for your critters, a private room and bath, and I can make an etoufee that will make you wish that you were heading down Highway 61. I will be at Planet Drum in SF on Tuesday from 10 am til about 2:30 or 3 pm. You could hook up with me there if need be or PB and Judy know how to get in touch with me. We would love to see you. If all else fails, come to Santa Cruz and email me, and I will come find you.

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Apr 2003



I know you're probably gone on by now but maybe you will catch this on the way. Sitting in the Headlands Cafe with you a month ago I was taken with your spirit again but you have knocked me out one more time. You are one of a kind, a true free range Digger woman. The road knows. The road teaches. The road reveals. Home, home on the road. I thought of you while pumping gas into my Ford in Lost Hills on 5 Tuesday. Elaine and I are thinking of you.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: HWY 5
Date: 17 Apr 2003


HI ALL! At computer cafe in Eugene, OR. Miranda sitting at the computer next to me. Ha! It rains so much here ducks come out to wade across the streets and highways. I laugh everytime I see it. Quail in CA and ducks in OR. I'm telling you the hunters in Louisiana would not put up with all this unharmed food on legs!

So HI was not it and Eugene isn't either. Miranda and I basically threw ourselves into the slip stream having cut for our mooring. Being on the road has different rules than sitting safely at home or just going on vacation. How to express this? We have been like those carts one sometimes gets at the grocery store that has a jammed up wheel. You know the kind that bumps along makes a lot of noice and pushes forward anyway with effort. Found out we have lived together long enough (finally!) and we are pulling in different directions and couldn't get HI to hardly open up. It's that thing about the feels you, your know? Money and cards is not always the Open Sesame. Then we flew back after 2 wks of no fun (but a little) and picked up the school bus and saved the animals (my cat has since bailed) and headed up here. The bus has now had the whole muffler system replaced, and is in the shop having the manifold resurfaced and the bearings checked. Have been riding with the trucks..that's always fun. Anyway stuff is coming back from being shipped to Hilo (car and household stuff and art supplies)..oh what an expensive weird ass lesson! We just had no clue what we were stepping into. But what the heck? We could have sat at home and rung this discomfort out for yrs. I woke this early morning thinking about what a gift the road can be. I realize now what a huge act of faith it is what we have done. Thank goodness Miranda is so on it! This girl is no BS and has been blossoming into someone I haven't seen before. Just for that it is worth it all!

So she's heading back for Ft Bragg and once our stuff has come in from Hilo..sigh..I'm on my way to Prescott, AZ. Oh yeah found a great army navy surplus today. Got some totally cool stuff. Miranda had to drag me out of there. I feel so much of "me" shifting with all these changes and am excited for the first time on this adventure for what's next. I can tell I'm growing. I've been out of my comfort zone for some time now and am learning how to make it comfortable. A ways to go I admit. Who's to know in the end what that will look like? My dreams are starting to help me. That's when I know it's getting good!

Perhaps will catch up with you all further down the road

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 17 Apr 2003


Is this just E-Voting or is it another E-Volting government plot?

Coyote will be interested in this (I think) per his recent letter to Sen. Barbara Boxer re: E-lection disturbances in Florida and elsewhere.

From The Guardian (today),12767,939004,00.html

Name: Eric
Date: 17 Apr 2003


Hope that cured the problem. Some browsers don't seem to handle the long URLs but now that I know it, the problem's easy to fix. My problem was getting distracted the past few days with jury duty.

Name: Michael
Date: 17 Apr 2003



It isn't only Hammond, the page formatting has gone wide again for several days. Thanks.

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Apr 2003


"Many people find themselves in a state of despair these days, and with good reason. Yet we must not let our voices, our No to war and Yes to peace, be silenced. What has happened? The stone that we pushed to the peak is once again at the foot of the mountain. But we must push it back up, even with the knowledge that we can expect it to roll back down again."

- - Günter Grass ('99 Nobel Prizewinner for literature)



Name: Amanda Illar
Date: 16 Apr 2003


This site was a great resource for a college history paper! I really appreciate the great information. It has helped considerably.

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: @Downunder
Date: 16 Apr 2003



I spent the better part of 2 year's in Sydney, Australia back in 69-70, I even made it to Auckland for a week. I'm sure a lot has changed but what I saw then was a society unencumbered by all the trappings of Modernity and crass comercialism. I worked for the New South Wales Railroad in a little suburb of Sydney called Lewishom, I was struck by how open people were to divergent concepts and world views other than their own, there was a fair amount of bigotry concening WOGs (Worthy Oriental Gentleman) and it was applied across the board to include any immigrant not of American or British descent but somehow it didn't muddle their world view, I think because they made no pretense of being a world power. Unfortunately I had to make good on an invite from my local draft board in So-Cal so my sojourn was cut short.

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Apr 2003



Someone old and close to me said the American flag now is nothing but a substitute for the Confederate Flag. He also spoke of a friend, a life long conservative Republican, who has had enough. These actions taken by people in their 70's and 80's is dramatic. He is thinking of immigrating to New Zealand, following some family, but may wait until the election so he can vote against Bush before leaving.

Name: JAG
Date: 16 Apr 2003



You could'nt be more right, we are inundated with media hacks that wouldn't know a true portrayl of our gov't if it bit them on the ass! O'reily, Hannity, Colmes, Geraldo, the list is endless, they pander to the lowest common donominater in our society, Ratings! They continually mouth inanity's and human interest snippets like they are Edward R Murrow incarnated all the while sucking up to the sources they are supposed to be reporting on. A travesty of monumental proportions, endlessly duping the mass mindset of a co-opted middle class who blindly follow with their wallets wide open.This puerile crap that passes for new's is what got us to this stagnating point in time and I see no relief soon.

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Apr 2003



You're right on. Bush and his fellow theorists, those raised and emitted as true products and manufacturers of our immoral capitalist pig farm, found the half-assed link to 9/11 and Islam countries that potentially hold petroleum based economies by the cojones. Making the jump of faith on the ability to use race as a tool, Bush plays his hand, making a fabricated connection between the 9/11 terrorists and Iraq. Thus tapping into the racist and violence-addicted nature of our culture providing endless supplies of hate and vengance much reaching back to the Viet Nam failure. He has instigated the war of polemics to ravage clear thought among the misinformed by subverting the media that is all but an ass-licking tool of the war mongers. Journalism is dead, the honor once held by the mainstream media leaders has turned to spittle and barks. So now we have the results of jingoist propaganda hustlers. We have a misinformed, boiling, racist caldron of chaos that fuels itself with neverending rhetorical erections sending reason and analysis on the run, tarred and feathered, and attacked as treason and blasphemous horror. The gallows may be on the horizon and our own lobotomized brothers lost in this screaming mob may be our hangmen. Proud American. Proud American. Proud American.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 16 Apr 2003


Roll The Axis Dice - and click through

Name: Dr Sponge
EmailAddress: home@last
Date: 16 Apr 2003


Hi all just back from Munich and then Amsterdam so I havent posted in a while.

Hello proud American and what a multiple post that was.You missed out the most vital part of the angloamerican aliance .We the uk supplied (along with the usa)saddam with the weapons ,finances and inteligence for him too seize power back in 68. We continued to support him against Iran and sold him the weapons and technology so that he could massacre the kurds then invade kuwait.Suddenly we impose trade restrictions and Saddam is no longer "economicaly viable" or maybe if he had purchased biochemical weapons he wasnt buying them from us and that is we invaded - outed saddam and his cronies- and we will begin to replace them with other cronies who will look at thier depleated stockpile of arms and yes , you guessed it, will start buying from us again and so the circle continues.After all what else is an oil rich dictator going too do with his money? feed his people? start an education system for all or perhaps fund a true democracy and open up its borders to tourists.

No this allience is purely financial, motivated only by greed and will therefore be very sucsessful.As for our officers wearing red coats i believe a red nose would be more apropriate judging by the friendly fire casualties.

Its good to be back.


Name: Rena
Date: 16 Apr 2003


Minissota has passed a new abortion law, tacked on to a bill that would allow circuses to come to town (really).

New law says the woman seeking an abortion must be given 24 hours and information which includes photographs about the procedure, and an estimation of how much pain the embryo feels during abortion. This bill is a way for the state to dictate what a doctor says to the patient. Another provision changes the definition of an unborn child to start with the moment of fertilization until birth.

Thanks again to Michael Moore for leading me to this horrid news.


Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Apr 2003


Spamic Madness! Love to all - H.

Name: gouge
Date: 16 Apr 2003


sorry for burnin' up so much of the band with that Vet's statement, Eric.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: gone to the mattresses
Date: 16 Apr 2003


OK, Proud American .. 13 (count 'em) posts before it registers somethin ain't doin like it spozed to do ? Time to see a physician & get those prescriptions adjusted .. if that's the problem.

Date: 16 Apr 2003


They've added several pages, they rock!!

Name: JAG
Date: 16 Apr 2003


Extremely happy for you Ohio Girl , I know you desperately needed some good news, and whats better you "earned" your good news by way of your own expertise and talent. No fluke there.

Proud American is worried about his first amendment rights? Why he's got Dubya, and his father and Reagan to protect them, the first two who supported Ossama and Saddam to the tune of Billions well he gassed Kurds and Iranians while we watched and smiled, aren't you proud, America?

Name: Proud American
EmailAddress: freedom@of.Speech
Date: 16 Apr 2003


Sorry, for the multiple copies, didn't seem like I was getting anywhere.

Name: Proud American
EmailAddress: freedom@of.Speech
Date: 16 Apr 2003


So, you bunch of commie lilly livered liberals advocate free speech, but, I guess free speech only applies to those misguided twerps that espouse your communist views? I suppose, too, that "eric" or "jag" will likely censor this post as they did several others. You really love this country, but your communism betrays you when you erase anything doesn't agree with your communistic view.

I thank GOD that I am an American and I thank GOD that HE enabled the US and GB to begin the process to get rid of the tyrant Sadddaaam and free the iraqi people from the opression of the last 30 years, and, we did it without the lilly livered french who aided and abetted Saddaam, without the russian communists who supplied arms to saddaam, without the chicken canadians who ran away, and without all the other muslim lovers, and God haters.

A long time ago, Britain and France were at war. During one battle, the French captured an English major. Taking the major to their headquarters, the French general began to question him.

The French general asked, "Why do you English officers all wear red coats? Don't you know the red material makes you easier targets for us to shoot at?"

In his bland English way, the major informed the general that the reason English officers wear red coats is so that if they are shot, the blood won't show and the men they are leading won't panic.

And that is why from that day to now all French Army officers wear brown pants.






Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: .......somewhere in France
Date: 16 Apr 2003


In my family we grew up speaking both French and English, or sometimes the kind of a neat hybrid language that happens in bilingual families. My mother was a war bride from WW2 which makes it both funny and sad that people would be anti-French right now, my parents certainly sacrificed during a war. I don't speak French all that well (and less and less well over the years as I don't get much practice), the translation was about finding some idiots here today. Real merde, pardon my French as they say! Once when I was a kid, some cousins came over to visit from France and got me into alot of hot water by telling me stuff to say to my Mom, she never did tell me what that one word I called her meant! Well Tuesday I got another contract in the mail from "True Story," this is my tenth story sold to them. Today I'm going to Cleveland for a "consultation" the liver doctor wanted me to have with a hepatitis specialist, so I needed the good True Story news. Paix......Peace

Name: Eric
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Wow, the neo-con spammers were busy today, but I think I have their puny scribblings cleaned off the walls so to speak. For anyone who wants to post an article, my suggestion is please copy and paste the link instead of the full text. Otherwise, you can post the full text on the free news page.

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: @Parle Francais
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl, I understand your Mother is French, someone is full of "merde":), amazing how fast we pick up profanity, and that you are more than fluent in my native tongue. Thank you for the missive and I envy you your ability to converse in French. My parents were from Minnesota and surrounded by scandinavians, I think it stifled their desire to know their heritage.

Name: JAG
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Bonjour Ohio Girl, "Merde Alors" indeed, tres idiots, my French is lacking, I took Deutsh in school, I said I was French American and the latter took precedence in my family, Until I found my way :)

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Bonjour JAG, ma mere est Francaise. J'ecrit tres mal en Francais, mais je parle francais un peu miex. Ah, merde alors, on trouve quelques idiots ici ajour'dhui. Paix!

Name: gouge
Date: 15 Apr 2003


I'm soon heading off to San Diego, looking forward to feasting on fish tacos and an InNOut here and there for a few days, but...

Bicycle Day is coming up!

keep the faith, don't let the trolls bother you.


Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Apr 2003



HELP !!!!!!!

Name: JAG
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Mark, read on it gets worse,unfortunately Franco would be proud.

Name: JAG
Date: 15 Apr 2003


This site is being spammed by an ugly cadre of neo-fascists, methinks their views are neanderthal and they belong on the animal channel.

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Apr 2003


I just got back from LA. Wow, isn't this boogie a mess! I got some readin' to do. Seems like some folks got lost on the way to the Birch Society Turkey Shoot.

Name: Dennis Miller
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Flushed all the neo-fascist anonymous sludge.  --ed.

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: ProudFrench
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Axis I think I can say the anti-French sentiment expressed below is not representative of this site, as a pure blooded French American from both sides of my family tree I am very proud of my ancestral homes stand on the war. The French, while not entirely altruistic, are far more willing to allow reason to come to the fore and not resort to "Nation Building" as a means to advance a purely political agenda. The French are suffering a backlash in this country solely because they had the back bone to stand up to an un-elected president with a lust for power and oil. Viva La France!!!

Name: axis of evil
Date: 15 Apr 2003


i can't believe i come to a diggers site and i read about anti french remarks as far as i am concerned france had the balls enough to stand up againts your american right wing regime so for me a real digger should be proud that at least one democraty is willing to stand up against american right wing policies.


Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Vicki Edwards - I think the pet store is two clicks to the right!

Name: JAG
Date: 15 Apr 2003


In solidarity Gouge, Amen

Name: vicki edwards
Date: 15 Apr 2003


i love king charels spaniels cause they are so cute. i have one my self and would not change her for the world

Name: gouge
Date: 15 Apr 2003


JAG, I'm sorry about your brother. As you say, there are thousands like him. 'Nam is still killing today. Just a few years ago my cousin found his own end after decades of torment. I have a photo of him standing on a jungle dirt hardstand, Westmoreland pinning a medal on his fatigue jacket...

I'm sure the words will fall away from Master Sargent Dial, if he even bothers to read them. Perhaps years from now they may mean something to him.

Name: JAG
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Gouge, one last thing, my brother is among the thousands who came home from Nam with the continuing nightmare of Post Traumautic Stress and even though a reluctant warrior he never wavered in service, purple heart, malaria, etc. he still opposed the powers that were (and still be) that sent him to that jungle for incomprehensible reasons. His life has been a pure hell as a result and he almost managed to join the list of suicides that followed their tours on more than one occasion.

Name: Gouge
Date: 15 Apr 2003


It's not exactly that nice story I promised Nicole... I haven't forgotten. I'll come up with something, next few days in Caly should clear my head...but I just couldn't let Billy's, and the other's screeds go unanswered...

Name: stephan
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Hi folks greatings from old europe ,still there.LOL I unvute you to write .Love Stephan

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Gouge - Quite a reply mate.

Name: JAG
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Gouge, I am overwhelmed at your response to "Billy" I think the fervent appeal of the multitude of signee's on the enclosed document speaks volumes about the True Patriotism needed to "Stand" against tyranny.

Name: gouge
EmailAddress: 4billy,et al
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Statement To The Troops

by Veterans Call To Conscience; March 26, 2003

We are veterans of the United States armed forces. We stand with the majority of humanity, including millions in our own country, in opposition to the United States' all out war on Iraq. We span many wars and eras, have many political views and we all agree that this war is wrong. Many of us believed serving in the military was our duty, and our job was to defend this country. Our experiences in the military caused us to question much of what we were taught. Now we see our REAL duty is to encourage you as members of the U.S. armed forces to find out what you are being sent to fight and die for and what the consequences of your actions will be for humanity. We call upon you, the active duty and reservists, to follow your conscience and do the right thing.

In the last Gulf War, as troops, we were ordered to murder from a safe distance. We destroyed much of Iraq from the air, killing hundreds of thousands, including civilians. We remember the road to Basra -- the Highway of Death -- where we were ordered to kill fleeing Iraqis. We bulldozed trenches, burying people alive. The use of depleted uranium weapons left the battlefields radioactive. Massive use of pesticides, experimental drugs, burning chemical weapons depots and oil fires combined to create a toxic cocktail affecting both the Iraqi people and Gulf War veterans today. One in four Gulf War veterans is disabled.

During the Vietnam War we were ordered to destroy Vietnam from the air and on the ground. At My Lai we massacred over 500 women, children and old men. This was not an aberration, it's how we fought the war. We used Agent Orange on the enemy and then experienced first hand its effects. We know what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder looks, feels and tastes like because the ghosts of over two million men, women and children still haunt our dreams. More of us took our own lives after returning home than died in battle.

If you choose to participate in the invasion of Iraq you will be part of an occupying army. Do you know what it is like to look into the eyes of a people that hate you to your core? You should think about what your "mission" really is. You are being sent to invade and occupy a people who, like you and me, are only trying to live their lives and raise their kids. They pose no threat to the United States even though they have a brutal dictator as their leader. Who is the U.S. to tell the Iraqi people how to run their country when many in the U.S. don't even believe their own President was legally elected?

Saddam is being vilified for gassing his own people and trying to develop weapons of mass destruction. However, when Saddam committed his worst crimes the U.S. was supporting him. This support included providing the means to produce chemical and biological weapons. Contrast this with the horrendous results of the U.S. led economic sanctions. More than a million Iraqis, mainly children and infants, have died because of these sanctions. After having destroyed the entire infrastructure of their country including hospitals, electricity generators, and water treatment plants, the U.S. then, with the sanctions, stopped the import of goods, medicines, parts, and chemicals necessary to restore even the most basic necessities of life.

There is no honor in murder. This war is murder by another name. When, in an unjust war, an errant bomb dropped kills a mother and her child it is not "collateral damage," it is murder. When, in an unjust war, a child dies of dysentery because a bomb damaged a sewage treatment plant, it is not "destroying enemy infrastructure," it is murder. When, in an unjust war, a father dies of a heart attack because a bomb disrupted the phone lines so he could not call an ambulance, it is not "neutralizing command and control facilities," it is murder. When, in an unjust war, a thousand poor farmer conscripts die in a trench defending a town they have lived in their whole lives, it is not victory, it is murder.

There will be veterans leading protests against this war on Iraq and your participation in it. During the Vietnam War thousands in Vietnam and in the U.S. refused to follow orders. Many resisted and rebelled. Many became conscientious objectors and others went to prison rather than bear arms against the so-called enemy. During the last Gulf War many GIs resisted in various ways and for many different reasons. Many of us came out of these wars and joined with the anti-war movement.

If the people of the world are ever to be free, there must come a time when being a citizen of the world takes precedence over being the soldier of a nation. Now is that time. When orders come to ship out, your response will profoundly impact the lives of millions of people in the Middle East and here at home. Your response will help set the course of our future. You will have choices all along the way. Your commanders want you to obey. We urge you to think. We urge you to make your choices based on your conscience. If you choose to resist, we will support you and stand with you because we have come to understand that our REAL duty is to the people of the world and to our common future.


Name, Branch, Years

[Names of vets who signed this declaration.]

Name: billy
Date: 15 Apr 2003


Hi folks, I am enclosing a little poem I wrote. I wrote this shortly after arriving here in the Persian Gulf, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. We had been getting sporadic news from the states and it seems most of what we were getting was about people protesting against the military being here. Most can tell you that I am very passionate about what I do as a U. S. Marine. So....I felt so strongly about the protests that I sat down and wrote a little something that expresses my feelings on the matter from the Marine side of the coin. I shared this with a few friends and family. I have become really surprised and humbled at the reactions I have recieved on this. My wife, Shellie told me many had requested it, so, I am sending my poem, titled "The Stand" to you. I hope you enjoy it. God's Peace. Billy

"THE STAND" I read in the news, how you made a stand, you marched in the streets of our country's land, trying to say who is wrong or right, telling our country they should not fight;

Marching against Marines, like me, here, defending the rights you hold so dear, assuming I love to kill and maim, acting like this is some sort of game; You call yourselves experts on what we should do, on September eleventh, where were you, while thousands of Americans suffered and died, are you trying to say this is something you can abide? Were you at the funerals as they lowered the caskets, maybe you should remove your rose colored glasses? I so, want to feel the comforts of my home, where recently I left my family alone, yet I'll do my duty in this far off land, so you can march on Washington and make your stand; Do not despise me for what I do, because truth be known, I do it for you, to hopefully free you from terror's arm, so you can have your freedoms, free from harm; What is the price, for the life you live? What is the payment you have to give? Is it starring in a movie, or singing a good song, that has kept you free for all this long? It is men like me, and others too, doing what our country calls us to do, sailing the seas to this far off land, while you stay at home and make your stand;

I am not bitter, this is the life I choose, so the rights you express so freely, you will not lose, you may not support me for what I do, but you need to know, I do it for you;

When this is over, when we are through, I would rather you just say, thank you, for giving you, the time you had, to march in our streets and make your stand.


Name: JAG
Date: 14 Apr 2003


Hammond, how goes the struggle? I am reading "The Third Page" on a regular basis, well, as regular as I can manage at 54, and can see why counter punch pitched it, hope all is well.

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Apr 2003


Hi Eric - Is the page all reformatted again or is it just my screen?

Name: JAG
Date: 14 Apr 2003


New web site that promotes the truth about our own "Regime"

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: hello
Date: 14 Apr 2003


Got off work this morning to find a sunny day, no frost on the car windshield, green growing things everywhere, early flowers blooming. I'm going to toss my cares into the spring breeze for awhile. Peace, Fran

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: protest@portland.OR
Date: 13 Apr 2003


Stew Alpert is right, it was a good turn-out and it felt good to get out and march, I managed to attend the January demonstration and we had 30,000 plus but this Saturdays 4,000 was a determined group and showed that even though the Bush war is in the end stage it still can elicit an angry denunciation locally and internationally. The Jan and March protests were extremely well attended and this bodes well for continuing outbursts of vociforous crowds even as Bush Inc points his compass towards Syria.

Name: FYI - Portland, Oregon
EmailAddress: vinceremos!.com
Date: 13 Apr 2003


As We Go Marching

It felt great being on the protesting streets. Best cure for reading about tragedy is to get off your couch and fight. A sunny April 12 Saturday in Portland and four thousand people were marching against the war and not showing any signs of dangerous depression. Last big march we had saw 25,000 on peace parade and the spirit was zany ferocious. I feared a few hundred people would show up since the conquest phase of the war is almost over and its clear nobody in the White House is listening. But this was a good crowd and when its numbers are added into the D.C. march and the half million in Rome and Spain and many other places we can be sure that a massive opposition movement exists as permanently as Dubya’s love of war and executions.

The march congregated at the waterfront circled though downtown Portland and culminated with a rally in Pioneer Square. There were very few hecklers along the line of march. They insisted that we should support our soldiers and we said we did, with inescapable logic, because we wanted to bring them home now.

Unfortunately the organizers had chosen a funereal tone. There were the predictable coffins and die-ins. Mexicans can pull off the death festival with life affirming energy. With them it goes back to the Aztecs. But when Americans try to play at death--it’s just deadly and uninspiring. Especially when the usual tales of woe folk songs are sung in the manner of a dirge.

It was nice to see a growing number of protesters marching under open Jewish colors. The anti-Semites have been trying to blame the war on the Jews. This is the most grimly “Christian” presidency in recorded American history. Right-wing Jewish advisors and Sharon are designated to be the power behind the throne and that just goes to show how predictably dumb Jew hating can be.

Indeed to the Jewish contingent goes the best slogan of the march.

“The last time we followed a Bush, we wandered in the desert for forty years.”

If you don’t get it, read up on Passover.

Stew Albert 4-14-03

Name: PS - Seattle Pictures
Date: 13 Apr 2003


Name: FYI Demonstrations
Date: 13 Apr 2003


Name: FYI - Service
Date: 12 Apr 2003


It's An Oily Business

Name: FYI Service - London
Date: 12 Apr 2003


Thousands of demonstrators marched through London today to commemorate those killed during the war in Iraq and warn that the suffering is far from over. Tens of thousands of protesters, many holding placards demanding "No occupation of Iraq", converged on Parliament Square, where they held two minutes' silence for the victims of war before marching on towards Hyde Park.


Name: FYI - The 3rd Page
Date: 12 Apr 2003


Fresh War Poemics from today :


"Bandaged in Barricades"

"Anarchaeology and the Art of War"

"AfterMathic Roars"


Name: Mark
Date: 11 Apr 2003


I am heading out for LA and will be out of touch until sometime next week. Don't let these bush monkeys get you down.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: relidion down their throats
Date: 11 Apr 2003


Just read that the southern baptist conference has 25,000 missionaries READY to go to Iraq and start spreading Christianity.

Even my daughter, who is reading Zinn, has commented that Christianity is a way of keeping the poor in acceptance of their condition, keep em working and keep em lemmings. She was commenting on the condition of slaves, but the comment applies...

oh, and on,

Bush's "No Child Left Behind" program has received critics because itprovides children with vouchers to schools that, some argue, are much more likely to be private and church-affiliated. Additionally, federal funds could be cut from public schools that don't "provide teachers and students the chance to express constitutionally protected prayer."

Teaching Preaching?

Bush's Education Secretary Roderick Paige said he prefers and promote the teaching of Christianity in public schools.

I love reading michael moore'ws website and visiting links from Operation Oily Residue. His web site is set up so when you hit a link it makes a separate page so you can still dig on MM's home pages.

with aloha, Rena

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Apr 2003



Yep, I think your absolutley right about the state of mind. The sense of defeat or maybe the realization of powerlessness against "Moloch" is manifest. I know I feel it but I have felt it before. This isn't our first barbeque. It also means a shift of gears to what has to define as the next focus. We have been manipulated into the position of having to indict the "American" ideology which at this point is a scary prospect with the media baited and qivering waiting to attack the first signs of decent. The long haul kind of stuff needs to be addressed now. We are going to be deluged with patriotic excess and accusations from the right. The license the fundamentalist right has to trample and witch hunt is limitless at this point. I realize this can feel like the low point in the struggle but I understand the cyclical nature of this so I am hopeful to some degree and thankful the counterculture has evolved and matured over the decades building a network of resources. But the strategy of the politcal "overthrow" of America has been designed and tuned by the right for decades and timing is high on the list of techniques leaving the 2004 elections racing down on us while they ride the wave they created. Waging the political battle from the left is going to be a time of struggle that hasn't been seen in US history since the Civl War. The solidarity of other countries we had against the war is something I am looking at wondering how deep or shallow those sentiments are.

I suspect the Delores Park turnout will be somewhat smaller but San Francisco and the Bay Area is home to the more hardcore activists so they will show up. I won't be there as I am in LA this weekend but I will be at Hollywood and Vine at noon to march with them.


Name: FYI Service
Date: 11 Apr 2003


Examination Time - Go Brussels!

"The European Commission is examining contracts awarded by the US for reconstruction work in Iraq to find out whether they breach World Trade Organisation rules and discriminate unfairly against European companies. The move could throw up a new irritant at a time when relations between Washington and Brussels are already severely strained by the highly critical stance adopted by many European Union members towards the war in Iraq."

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Apr 2003


Eric - The same is true here in Portland and the wet, wet weather is also a factor - along with a sense of paranoia in the mainstream citizens who marched before the first bomb was dropped. Now they are afraid of being labeled as 'traitors' or as 'not supporting the troops' - and Oregon has had its share of casualties to mourn as well.

Keep the faith everyone and spread the word:

"Dissent will not be constrained by hypocracy!"

Name: Eric
Date: 11 Apr 2003



I think many people who were vehemently opposed to the war on Iraq have gone into a withdrawal mode in the past few weeks. Didn't the same thing happen in the first US/Gulf War? First, there's the "now-that-the-fighting-has-started-we-have-to-close-ranks" mentality. There's also the sense of powerlessness that's inevitable. Tomorrow there's a march and rally in San Fran, from Civic Center to Dolores Park -- in some ways, the home of the anti-war and peace rallies. It will be interesting to see who comes out.

Name: rena
Date: 11 Apr 2003


planted my garden today. letuces, kale, lemon balm, basil. the garden is circular without any rows. one path leads to the center and the plants are played out in a mandala. then i did a rain dance. sure enough, it rained. the thunder that preceeded the rain was my wake up call to plant the garden.


Name: Ohio girl
Date: 10 Apr 2003


Maybe we're all stunned by the notion that knocking down statues equals having a new nice government

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 10 Apr 2003


With CounterPunch's lift today - The 3rd Page has received 1200 visitors - ahem - in the last 3 and half hours = More visitors than in the last 10 months. And as one of the 3rd Page Skizologists predicted in Vol. 1

"The 3rd Squirrel Speaks!"


Name: Mark
Date: 10 Apr 2003



I am still waiting for Steve and Eileen to start stirring the shit. I have noticed a quiet spell on several lists I subscribe to. Sign of the times?

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Apr 2003


Am I on some weird time sequence zone or what? The book is always so quite when I drop in! Oh well - love to you all - H.

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Apr 2003


Update: Along with my poem "Rumors of War" - The 3rd Page was elected 'today's Site of the Day" in CounterPunch!



CounterPunched Again

Name: rena
Date: 10 Apr 2003


Aloha. Olatunji's first name is Babatunde. saw it in the paper today. His latest album is "Love Drum Talk." it was nominated for a grammy. I'm ordering it.

anyone going to African Dance Classes? they are the rage on Maui. at least among some of us...

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Apr 2003


Prayers for Babaji Olatunji - truly a great artist/percussionist - and spirit. I sense that many of us encountered our first contacts with the mysterious and incredibly spiritual power of the drum and the rhythmic potentials. I was a young drummer once - whose first kit was an old beat up 50s jazz kit - and when I heard what Olatunji was doing on "Drums of Passion" I felt like packing it in as a drummer (and did a few years later - largely because I needed cash so I hocked my kit in Fresno and never looked back) - knowing in my percussive heart that I could never get anywhere near this feeling on a trap set.

Bole Nath Ki Jai!

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 10 Apr 2003


"Rumors of War"

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Apr 2003


Here is a link to a campaign in California that could have influence nationally.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: healing vibes
Date: 10 Apr 2003


A garden with milk thistle sounds beautiful, there will be healing vibes from New York, thanks Nicole, Joe, Rena there are people in Ohio who pick dandelions in spring and all kinds of spring greens and morels to enjoy, ginseng and may apple to sell. Wild ginseng has to be harvested very carefully so it keeps growing back and because it is so valuable, my neighbor in Athens, Ohio wouldn't show me what it looked like until the week I was about to move away!! I left town with a crayon-rubbing of ginseng leaves. I think dandelions are cheerful not a "weed." I still have a homemade tape ("low-technology tapes" my family calls them) of Olatunji as part of a Grateful Dead New Years concert that was broadcast nationally, we are lucky to get people like that in this world.

This is really the time to pray for peace, if not peace as opposed to war then peace as opposed to chaos. Please let my country slip out of our usual pattern of leaving chaos in our wake, and create some peace.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: feel the beat
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Babaji Olatunji died on Sunday from complications of diabetes. I had the privelege of hearing him perform live on Maui many many years ago. An article on NPR honored him. He made many albums, the first Drums of Passion. I listened to this many times. He also played with carlos santana and mickey hart. Thank you for moving my soul and my spine... What a great musician and a Giant of a man. His drum classes were both inspiring and healing.

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: @also
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Dubya's Anthem "Dirty Deeds Done Real Steep"

Name: JAG
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Mark; That is most eloquent, I have a CD I burned with that and every song I could find that fit, Bruce Cockburn's "If I had a Rocket Launcher" is an angry ode that captures the mindset as well.

Name: Mark
EmailAddress: Ihad
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Masters of War

by Bob Dylan



Come you masters of war You that build all the guns You that build the death planes You that build the big bombs You that hide behind walls You that hide behind desks I just want you to know I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin' But build to destroy You play with my world Like it's your little toy You put a gun in my hand And you hide from my eyes And you turn and run farther When the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old You lie and deceive A world war can be won You want me to believe But I see through your eyes And I see through your brain Like I see through the water That runs down my drain

You fasten the triggers For the others to fire Then you set back and watch When the death count gets higher You hide in your mansion As young people's blood Flows out of their bodies And is buried in the mud

You've thrown the worst fear That can ever be hurled Fear to bring children Into the world For threatening my baby Unborn and unnamed You ain't worth the blood That runs in your veins

How much do I know To talk out of turn You might say that I'm young You might say I'm unlearned But there's one thing I know Though I'm younger than you Even Jesus would never Forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question Is your money that good Will it buy you forgiveness Do you think that it could I think you will find When your death takes its toll All the money you made Will never buy back your soul

And I hope that you die And your death'll come soon I will follow your casket In the pale afternoon And I'll watch while you're lowered Down to your deathbed And I'll stand o'er your grave 'Til I'm sure that you're dead





Name: Mark
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Hey Eric,

That McGovern article makes me wish he was about 10 or so years younger. His article in Harper's was on the money as well.

I use the "reload" button on my browser and it keeps coming back the same as it was. It has been like that for me all along. Maybe it is an AOL thing. Thanks.

Name: Eric
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Mark, thanks for posting that article by George McGovern on the Free City News page.

As for your description of the process for viewing new articles on that page, I had to laugh. It's called the REFRESH button (or Reload if you're using Netscape). The most recent articles are at the top of the left-hand frame. When you click on the title, the article appears in the right-hand frame. When you add a new article, you will see it posted after clicking REFRESH.


Name: Mark
Date: 09 Apr 2003


I just posted an article by George McGovern that was forwarded to me on the Free City News page. You will have to search the articles for it until the title gets posted on the blue headings on the left column. That usually takes a day or so but it is in the archives now. The article is "The Reason Why"

This article helped prop up my sentiments this morning after watching the insanity on the news today.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: garden of delights
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Nicole, dandelion is an excellent liver tonic. Dandelion is a blood purifer, liver tonic, and a mood elevator. Dan drink dandelion root tea every day. until your garden blooms, dandelion can be purchased at the health food stores as "PMS Tea" bu Traditional Medicinals. The only ingredient in PMS tea is dandelion root, because it is a natural diuretic, with no negative side effects. dandelion root tea is also good for folks with high blood pressure, and for folks with no ailments at all. best of all, it tastes great and can be drunk all day long, every day. it does make you pee, so don't take it if you cant get to a lua (hawaiian word for wc)

Love to all. It's Rachel's 32 birthday tomorrow. Rachel is the granddaughter of Lou Gottlieb and is one of the most awesome people i have ever met. send her your love!

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Nic - At trial just keep your chin up and stay in the moment. Truth and Spirit will take care of the rest. Enjoy the sun!

Name: Joe
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl....sorry to hear about the relapse..keep your chin up the sun will be out soon

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: inthegarden@theheartofmind.calm
Date: 09 Apr 2003


...Ohio girl, I'm planting a a patch of milk thistle in my healing garden for both you and I and Sam and all of us hep C'ers...if you give me a list I'll make a liver shaped herb garden...all planted with liver healing herbs and put an Iron gate around it and maybe I'll put some crystals in the ground and just make it a lively liver garden...that should give us all some vibes to work with...It'll be okay, I believe that.

ps I'm going to court tomorrow and Florida the next morning so I probably won't be posting unless I find an iternet cafe...or maybe I'll stop by our Miami office...I'll be thinking of you while I'm in the warm southern sun and sea...WWR, Nik

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 09 Apr 2003


Life can be so confusing, convoluted, complex. The re-test showed the hepatitis C virus came back on me, and I think what gets me the most is how truly good I felt for several weeks after being treated. Then I started getting some of the symptoms back. But if it's possible to feel that good again, it's awful that it didn't happen. And then there's all the bleak news of violence and pain in Iraq. And it won't end even if the war is declared to be "over" fairly soon. Well hopefully we'll have some more sunny days here pretty soon, walking around in the sunlight is always something to feel good about. Peace

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Apr 2003


Thanks Nic - Did you see the 3rd Page links of her photos I posted? If not go back a bit and they are there - or let me know and I will post them again. One is by Laki - do you know him? He did that great video docu-beat on Hubert Hunke - see his bio page in 3rd Page - there is a link to the video information and clip.

Aloha News - Apparently Eileen (per Rena) is headed back to the mainland due to the VOG - volcanic smog and other factors of 2003 Island life demands. Perhaps she will decide to come this way (Oregon) afterall...... Wait and see - but Eileen, if you read this - know that our hearts and minds are with you!

Name: Nicole
Date: 08 Apr 2003


Hammond, I Didn't make it on Friday, but thought I'd share my correspondance with her on this day...She and I had gone to Emmett's wake together in the first week of April as it turned out...she and I were living next door to eachother in Willow, small town just outside of Woodstock, where she still lives...we had both recently spent time with him prior to his death.

----- Original Message ----- From: Nicole Wills To: Janine Pommy Vega Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 12:14 PM Subject: Hello

Reading a story about John Garfield this morning spun my memories around to your wonderfully insightful poem for Emmett...his own dark shadown upon the wall...I think was the line that sparked the truth. Would love to see you get to the city? I live in the west village at Westbeth...I work mid town...give me a call if you come in and I'll do the same next time I go north...with warm regard, Nicole

From: "Janine Pommy Vega" <> | To: "Nicole Wills" <> Subject: Re: Hello Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 14:24:20 -0500

March 29, 03. Hey Nicole! Sorry to be so long in replying, been on the road, and some health issues restricting time and motion. Anyway, am coming down to the city for one night Friday April 4 to do a gig at Holman's Bowery Poetry Club at 7 or so, then for a week April 11to the 17th. I'll be staying with my friend Ilka Scobie, tel ###.###.#### What's your telephone number? I'd love to see you! My plans are one gig at Bkln Library 4-6 Sat.April 12, take in some of the People's Poetry Gathering, maybe a museum, a show, see friends, shop, as though I were going to a foreign country. The news so overwhelmingly bleak and controlled, thank God for the internet and conncectedness. Big love to you. janine.


Name: Scott Jay Regner
Date: 08 Apr 2003


The heart of the movement. I see it's waves rippling outward in time like at the All Good Festival etc. Cool site keep it going.

Name: Pernilla
Date: 08 Apr 2003


I just want the war in Iraq to stop-my boyfriends family are all dead now-thanks to America-why do tou think your life is moire worth than anybodys else???????????Please do anything about you president, I think he is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Tomas
Date: 07 Apr 2003



"Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" Willie Nelson,

"Wonderful Tonight" Eric Clapton

Two of my favorites. Good Wishes Good Vibes.

Peace in the Springtime.

badaba, Tomas

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Nicole without even knowing you I know that you have beautiful intuition, you know how to do the best that can be done in such a twisted situation. All the people in prisons and jails aren't identical at all. Personally, regardless of how bad the prison system makes me feel, and in spite of wishing there was someplace better, some people need to be there. People in prison are the first to tell you that. Don't let the court get to you, that can be so hard on anyone who goes into the courtroom for whatever reason, but that concert sounds like a good antidote. Good thoughts will be coming your way from Ohio.

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Nicole - how was the reading with J Pomy-Vega? Suspence kills!

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: thanksforlettingmeshare.calm
Date: 07 Apr 2003


...thank you again, you are all such amazing people...and it's true, had I been some young actress not as strong as I am...I might well have ended up dead...he was certainly pissed off that I was putting up such a fight...

...for some better news...I'm going to the beacon theater on wednesday to see Willy Nelson,Sherill Crow, Eric Clapton and a few others...hottest ticket in town.

Name: Eric
Date: 07 Apr 2003



I just read your question about the trial you're involved in. You have all our support in whatever you need. Just name it. You need a few days away from the City, come to the coast for a weekend. You need to call and talk to someone, you have my phone number. I think you are doing the right thing, know that you are helping someone else who may have been this creep's next victim. You can have peace in your heart at the same time as you stand up for justice. There's no need for you to feel guilty. That's his trip, he's the transgressor.

Pure heart, pure mind.

Name: r n a
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Dear Nicole, Goddess strength to you. You gotta convict this criminal. I'm in touch with the teen scene and am aware that many young teen girls get aquaintance raped and gang raped by aquaintances and are too fearful to call the cops or convict. Which, allows these perpetraters to go out and do it again. The rapist who assaulted and battered you is hoping that you won't show up in court, that it will be too emotionally traumatizing, and that he can walk.

Often an organization like Women Helping Women or Alternatives to Violence will help you, accompany you to court. I'd call the rape crisis hotline and the domestic violence hot lines to get some emotional support. I realize this isn't domestic violence but these organizations have counselors who are knowledgable and will even accompany you to your trial, and help you survive the emotionally wringing ordeal.

An excellent book put out by Ms Magazine: I Never Called It Rape, by Robin Warshaw. (or Warsaw) You should get this book and read it. I was floored and i have always considered my self knowledgable on women's issues. Really, check it out. I found it at the local library. It's about $10 on amazon.

Get this guy off the streets. The next victim could be your little sister, or someone else's little sister.


Name: Joe
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Nichole i my opinion you are doing the right thing and the only thing you can do....he would definately do it again given the chance , if not to you then to someone else. We have the right to live our lives without fear from people like him..sounds like the theater did you a big wrong too. Good Luck...just look them right in the eye and tell your story like you would to anyone else....if its a jury trial they are only people like us....if its a judge they heard it 1000 times before.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 07 Apr 2003


OAKLAND, Calif. (Reuters) - Police fired rubber bullets on Monday against hundreds of anti-war protesters blocking a road near Oakland's port, witnesses and officials said in what is believed to be the first police use of rubber bullets against demonstrators since President Bush launched a war aimed at toppling Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on March 19. Demonstrators were seeking to block access to American President Lines, a shipping company they claimed was profiting from the war in Iraq. Police at the scene said they used two types of rubber bullets to disperse about 750 protesters and that some arrests were made. Oakland Police spokeswoman Danielle Ashford said police used "sting balls," also known as rubber pellets, and bean-bags to disperse the crowd. "We gave our dispersal order, we gave them an order, we gave them ample time to disperse," she said.

In San Francisco police arrested about 18 protesters at the Federal building in a separate demonstration. Anti-war activists in the San Francisco area said they were launching a series of protest actions on Monday after a period of relative quiet in a city famous for its history of dissent. Police arrested more than 2,000 people in San Francisco in the first two days of the war.

In New York, several dozen people were arrested in an anti-war protest that blocked the entrance to the Manhattan building of the Carlyle Group, which has a significant stake in the defense industry. Police said about two or three dozen demonstrators were arrested outside the building on 5th Avenue at 56th Street and charged with disorderly conduct. The self-described "M27 Coalition" of protesters said the demonstration was part of a "day of direct action" against the U.S.-and British-led war in Iraq. The same group organized a "die in" March 27 that snarled traffic in the center of Manhattan during morning rush-hour and led to more than 200 arrests.

Name: Nichole
EmailAddress: Michael
Date: 07 Apr 2003


A man who would do that to you would very probably do it again to someone else. That he is willing to go to trial and does not, from what you have said,seem to show any remorse, leaves you with few choices. He would probably do it again to you, given the chance. As the trail plays out you may have the opportunity to, at least, voice your opinions on prison and what it can do to a person. Good luck with this and be strong.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Thank you. I appreciate you all so much.

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Apr 2003



You should feel fully correct in following through on the trial. For yourself, to bring some kind of end to it, and to see that this criminal faces his consequences. Trials are difficult, calling on your emotional and spiritual confidence. You will come away stronger when it is done. Good luck.


Name: JAG
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Nichole, If you want confirmation that a predator who would cause harm to you and by his actions obviously to others should pay for his hienous behavior you should only think about what his incarceration would mean for potential future victims. I am deeply sorry that this had to happen to one so free and unfettered and would hope this does not permanently scar your soul and embitter your spirit. Be as strong as you are wise.

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Nicole - My heart ached when I read your brief yet graphic account of the attack you sustained. I understand your feelings about not wanting to send someone to jail - but where else - group therapy? He needs to somehow accept responsibility for his actions and jail is the only therapy this idiot society has at hand. Let the dice roll and karma will catch him in the end. The invisible therapist is watching this case unfold. So much love to you Nic - heart beams and moonbeams!

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Nicole, You are doing the right thing. We as a community have created the laws that we try to live by. I know it is confusing. There are old religious laws and new religious laws that our country was founded on. We have kind of mixed them up and we use both in our lives. Most laws are built using the old laws and our hearts are using the new laws. He will have to abide by the old laws since we do not rape and pillage any more. Love in a more pleasant way, Tomas

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Good morning all, I stopped by and visited with Silent Steve on Saturday, and his computer is down, that's why we haven't heard from him...he's doing just great...he's such an awesome human being...he gave me the 16 milimeter films (5 cans of them) with the Anti Viet Nam war stuff...also slides,from the same period with some god awful stuff on them, not meant to be seen by the genral public I don't believe...also the film King of Prussia about the trial of Daniel Berigan the plowshare 8 trial...and the documentary The Last Empire...some incredible stuff...I'm going to see if the NYU film archives might like to have them...

I'm conflicted right now, the rape trial starts today, from my attack last August...I don't want to put someone in jail...but he did put me in the also ended my relationship with the theater (he was the janitor there and attacked me in one of the prop cages) and they were afraid I'd sue them, which I never would...the fact that he wants to go to trial in the first place is nuts, I mean they have the 911 tape of him attacking me a second first I got away and had run into the office and locked the door and he came in throught the box office window and was attacking me while I was on the phone with 911...idiot, the DA said it's a pretty compelling tape...he never suceeded in actually raping me, but I was pretty beat up in the process and was taken by ambulance to Beth Israel where I had to stay a couple of someone tell me that I'm doing the right thing...okay...or not.

ps it's snowing as if it were the middle of February right now...

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 07 Apr 2003


Just got home from work and there's too much about Iraq on TV for me to figure out what's going on. The atrocious deaths brought about by this war, will be used to prove that this war was necessary, we had to stop such atrocities. That's not just circular reasoning it's a death spiral. Still praying for peace here in Ohio..............

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: SHIBUMI
Date: 06 Apr 2003


Calm before the storm, or what? Glad to here Eileen is safely ensconced on the big Island.I was there last year. My son was married there. My Ex's daughter "Kachina" lives there with her husband and 2 children, She is into some pretty cool stuff.


The problem with national borders is it is easy to forget we are one creation.

Leading some to fuck over others.

The answer lies in peacefully exercising "Supremacy witout Domination"

Peace, Patman

Name: Hammond
Date: 06 Apr 2003


Hi everyone - but where is everyone? Out enjoying the moment I hope. I have finished (for now) The 3rd Page Vol. 2 - by adding the final section "Non Fiction (Revisited) - So - here is the home link yet again

Thanks for spreading the jam!

The 3rd Page Vol 2



Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 06 Apr 2003


Name: Mark
Date: 05 Apr 2003


It is very quiet today.

Flags are waving from frontyards.

Fresh corpses smoke on the banks of the Euphrates.

Amerika is gorging in the gut of our children.

I tried to go for a walk,

I had to come home.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 05 Apr 2003


Open Letter to the Anti-War Movement

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 05 Apr 2003


Hey there, Happy Birthday Hammond!

Name: JAG
Date: 04 Apr 2003


I'm Blogged!!

Name: JAG
Date: 04 Apr 2003


Hammond,I love the new edition, I am sharing it with all I can.

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Apr 2003


Blushing...... Thanks Nic - and Mark

Name: Nicole
Date: 04 Apr 2003


...put another candle on your birthday cake, your birtday cake, your birthday cake...put another candle on your birthday cake, you're another year old to daa aa'll have some fun, and eat some cake and maybe ice cream'll sing and play the day away and one more thing you're gonna'll blow out the candles on your bithday cake and when you do a wish you'll make, so put another candle on your birhday cake, you're another year old today !

ps awesome page three !!!

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Apr 2003



Happy Birthday. Keep on kickin'.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 04 Apr 2003


Stew Albert Today -

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Apr 2003


CounterPunched Today! -

"The Deadly Mihrab"

Oh yeah and just to shout about it and cause I like getting older - because it means I am still alive and kicking!

It's my birthday today!

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 04 Apr 2003


Image glitches fixed!

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 04 Apr 2003


Nicole - Here are some pictures from The 3rd Page (Vol. 1) of Janine - Enjoy the show and if you see Charlie Plymell - say hello!

Janine Pomy Vega

4 Poets

Name: bg
Date: 04 Apr 2003


Sure, Nik.

I've got lots of stuff. Lemme rummage around & see what I can come up with. Take care. bg

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 04 Apr 2003


The 3rd Page Volume Two is now up and running. Please spread the jam!


The 3rd Page

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Apr 2003


Steve and Nicole,

As usual my plans change, so NYC is off the itinerary for now. I am going to stay off the airlines for awhile and let this SARS thing play out. In the interest of my own mental health I am going to drive down to Santa Monica the weekend of the 12th and kick back except for the march in LA. Then we are heading out to Joshua Tree National Park for some mental reunification. After that I am going to just hang around Venice for few days and return refreshed I hope. The people running this country and a lot of them in it are insane. I watched Frontline last night chronicle Tony Blair's decline as he was sucked down by Bush. The implications of the Bush administrations actions in Iraq and leading up to it have set the course for the marginalization of the US as irrelevant and not a "player" in the future of a world that has moved beyond war as a means of settling conflict. This country is being left by the side of the road cursing and spitting at the cars passing by. Maybe there is some good in that. If the US could just learn how to stop killing.

Name: Nik
Date: 04 Apr 2003


Good one Gouge, but you know what I would like to read is another story from one hidden somewhere you could post to me? huh? huh? do ya Bob? Don't know what it's like today in Arizona but here is chilly, damp, drissily dark kind of sad looking outside...maybe it's the atmosphere reflecting the Iraqi non military folks caugt up in the cross fire...I'm going tonight to hear Janine Pomy Vega do a reading at the Bowery Cafe...for those of you that remember her...I'll send regards.

Name: Gouge
EmailAddress: lostintheozoneagain
Date: 04 Apr 2003


Hi, Nik.


I'm sure you've seen this, but it's Friday...

via con queso...

Name: Nicole
Date: 04 Apr 2003


...was it something I said?

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Please everyone check this out...but as the day draws near...we shall see if they actually air the show...this is good.

Name: JAG
Date: 03 Apr 2003


OOP'S Damn keyboard :)

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Nicole - Stew and I don't think it will ever fly - but nonetheless - it is trying to spread its ugly duckling wings over P-Town as a test case for future containment of anyone doing much of anything without a permit to do it - and guess who hands out the permits? Right and as JAG typostically resounds : "It is truly a frightning propisiton."

Love and peace to all from the city of terrorists! ("Little Beirut")

Name: Messages From the Past
EmailAddress: PeaceService.ether
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Least we forget -

"The question which we must solve once and for all, by some sort of new philosophy of peace, which we may not leave unsolved, is really this: "does Force work?" All over the world men and women should ponder this question. If Force is thoroughgoing, it arouses resentment and hatred in human beings to whom it is applied and corrupts the human beings who apply it: it therefore invites more use of Force and must end in sheer brutality.


Those who love America and England and wish them to be strong forever must read Laotse again and again, for they will gain thereby the secret of immortal strength, exempt from corruption within and invulnerable from attack without."


The Great Tao flows everywhere,

(like a flood) it may go left or right.

The myriad things derive their life from it,

and it does not deny them.

When its work is accomplished,

it does not take possession.


"I am not worried lest America may not be able to assert a leadership of force and power; I am worried lest she may."


1943 - Lin Yutang

Name: JAG/John
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Nichole, here in Portland we have a chief of Police, Mark Kroeker, who is an Ashcroft clone. He is a fundamentalist Christian who has no qualms about suppressing civil liberties as long as the "legislation" is in place, meaning he would love to impose his moral authority on all of us just as Ashcroft already is. It is truly a frightning propisiton.

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: thenoose@gettingtighter.ouch
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Sorry for the lengthy post but I couldn't get the link any rate, this is some scarey business.

Oregon Law Would Jail War Protesters as Terrorists Wed Apr 2, 9:01 PM ET Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Lee Douglas

PORTLAND, Oregon (Reuters) - An Oregon anti-terrorism bill would jail street-blocking protesters for at least 25 years in a thinly veiled effort to discourage anti-war demonstrations, critics say.

The bill has met strong opposition but lawmakers still expect a debate on the definition of terrorism and the value of free speech before a vote by the state senate judiciary committee (news - web sites), whose Chairman, Republican Senator John Minnis, wrote the proposed legislation. Dubbed Senate Bill 742, it identifies a terrorist as a person who "plans or participates in an act that is intended, by at least one of its participants, to disrupt" business, transportation, schools, government, or free assembly.

The bill's few public supporters say police need stronger laws to break up protests that have created havoc in cities like Portland, where thousands of people have marched and demonstrated against war in Iraq (news - web sites) since last fall.

"We need some additional tools to control protests that shut down the city," said Lars Larson, a conservative radio talk show host who has aggressively stumped for the bill.

Larson said protesters should be protected by free speech laws, but not given free reign to hold up ambulances or frighten people out of their daily routines, adding that police and the court system could be trusted to see the difference.

"Right now a group of people can get together and go downtown and block a freeway," Larson said. "You need a tool to deal with that." The bill contains automatic sentences of 25 years to life for the crime of terrorism.

Critics of the bill say its language is so vague it erodes basic freedoms in the name of fighting terrorism under an extremely broad definition. "Under the original version (terrorism) meant essentially a food fight," said Andrea Meyer of the American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites) (ACLU), which opposes.

Police unions and minority groups also oppose the bill for fear it could have a chilling effect on relations between police and poor people, minorities, children and "vulnerable" populations.

Legislators say the bill stands little chance of passage. "I just don't think this bill is ever going to get out of committee," said Democratic Senator Vicki Walker, one of four members on the six-person panel who have said they oppose the legislation.








Name: FYI - Service
Date: 03 Apr 2003


"There were many rationales for this war, but the one that was most consistent and compelling was that we needed to disarm Saddam Hussein before he could use his weapons of mass destruction," said Senator Bob Graham, a Florida Democrat who voted against using force in Iraq. "If weapons of mass destruction are not found, it will further damage the US reputation in the international community." - April 3,2003- Senator Graham

Some Democrats opposed to the war against Iraq worry privately that coalition forces will resort to planting weapons to prove the invasion of Iraq was justified.

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Local Traitors? - Portland, Or. 2003

Name: r n a
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Steve, I look forward to meeting you and Nicole in July. Our baby in the photo, Vishnu, is about to become a father. I'm looking forward to meeting my grandchild! born at a hippie commune and now an attorney in NYC.

here's one more photo from the good ol days, taken a few months after the photo on Hammond's site: Why are these people laughing???


Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Welcome to Oregon - Protest and go to jail as a terrorist?

Name: Loo Megan
Date: 03 Apr 2003


i am finding a book wich can tell me everythings about the divine idol ; Kurukule as well as the picture. Apparently, i don't understand the word that i had seached , it shown { no.130 KURUKULE SPRING 1970(?) }Why there is a question mark ? and how can i find the really extremely good book that can tell me everything about Kurukule also the pratice of her. Your earlier reponse will be appreciate. Thank You.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Wow, NYC is quite an interesting website once I finally found it. The heavers bless their hearts are quite serious. About me and my better half, well we both want this war to end as quickly as possible with the least amount of suffering, even though our views of it are so vastly different. Funny thing is, when we met which was around ten years ago, he was so impressed that I had actually gone out to the Haight Ashbury, he thought I must have been a great protester with great intellectual views. No, I had to admit, I was just a great doper same as you back home in Ohio. All my beautiful ideas back then got shot down so to speak, my ideas went underground for years. From the Department of Camp Followers: I think embedded is a wierd term, another example of something they should have thought through a little more. If I had a daughter and she was a war correspondent, I'd be steamed to have it spread all over the TV how she was embedded with the troops.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: again
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Three A.M. in New York City. Im' goin' out for a fresh of breath air. Dime not runk occifer. Hot-Mon!.. I thought it said "Laddies!!"...

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl; once that you get into the site, you must enter the "Anti-War" Updates section. Great links to the "REAL WAR". Later. All my best to the Ol' Man.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl: It's posted on the Anarchists NYC web site and listed under the topic: NYC IMC. Its a funky site; they even list the defunked "Up Against The Wall Mother Fuckers" as part of their heritage. (In the days when the lower East Side was "Lower".) Enjoy! Hey, there were also three sweeties arrested who had signs that read: "Boobs Not Bombs". They were busted after the lifted their tee shirts over their heads.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Oh I get it. Red, white and blue. Is there no end to human creativity?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 03 Apr 2003


This is one of my daze off (night off I guess) and I sure needed a laugh after all that free time to watch the news, which is truly wretched, enough to make you retch. I'm going to look up those websites, this I gotta see (from a distance!). Peace

Name: Butt-inski
EmailAddress: west fourth
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Hey Rena; Steve here. Wow, that photo of you and your's really glows. Its like liquid sunshine. (Same Ol' Sun)...1970,..ya, John Lennon renamed it "Year One"...(aint it the way??)..Aloha.

Name: Rena
Date: 03 Apr 2003



I contacted Dioney tonight and e mailed you her phone number. Dioney is great and she remembers you from her visit to Olema. Dioney lives out past Puna in the jungle in a really cool place. She is looking forward to hearing from you. I know if i were living on the big island I would want tolive right where Dioney is. Take her leads. She will guide you home. Dioney also lived at Mornignstar.

She also lives near the wonderful beach where i first swam with dolphins in '91.

You're getting closer!

Love, RNA

Name: Steve
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl; no shit! It came down on Tuesday. Its posted on the Anarchist Nyc or the M27 Coalition web site,..I cant remember which. That takes some real balls. (and alot of cherry pie) at work tonight?

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: 4th Street
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Hey Nik, Im' gonna move yer' bed up to the top floor for safe keeping. Wow, its a dream to sleep on. Hey, give em' hell at your NYU presentation. The only "Credability" issue that I can see, is that you dont look old enough to have done the do. (You sweetie). All that Good Living paid off???... The years have been kind to you. Oh, by the way, I added a bunch of slides to the film package for your friend. It looked like some very gruesome civilian casulties, I didnt delve into it. Hey Eileen, damn shame that my natural brother no longer lives on the Island. He bought some land in the Philapeens and said that he skipped the violence by only riding on the Moslem buses. He's state side now but his native wife is still in Manilla I think. I gotta' write to him. Later all. Hey, I wasnt kidding about that puke in. (thats New York for ya')...later.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 03 Apr 2003


Hi, Eileen! Steve I haven't laughed so hard in daze. You can't be joking it's not April 1 anymore????

Name: 21st Century Diggers NYC
EmailAddress: "Structurelessness Works"
Date: 02 Apr 2003


Humans Everywhere Against Violence Eternaly...(HEAVE)..staged a "Puke-In" on the side walk of Rupert Murdock's Fox News Corp. here in NYC. It was called "Operation G.I. Tract Freedom". They all gorged on Cherry, apple and blueberry pie, prior to letting go. (My first choice would have been beef stew)..I passed on that circle-jerk after they shot down my Idea of crambing into the elevator with Rupert and staging a "Fart-In". No, really, I dont know those people. Yeeecccchhh!!!.....Aloha Eileen!!! Hi Miranda!.

Name: Eileen
Date: 02 Apr 2003


Rena~Still have not been able to make contact with midwives but finally figured out a phone they could call. Another long day. I get up before the sun I am so happy to be here and listen to the last of the night rain and hear the birds wake in the jungle around me. The air is so alive so fucund the smell is food for my spirit. Then on for some Kona coffee and spoon out a papaya. Life's hard ain't it.

Yes Nicole, Carol's info would be good if yiu can find it, please. Glad to hear about Jerimiah. You must feel some relief.

I had a weird experience in Kona the other day. The hotel we were in had clusters of young men all over the place. They kept coming in and I suddenly realized they must be soldiers. I went out and talked to a few of them. They were off base on a wkend break (which explained the high degree of noise that wkend) and they were waiting for the tour buses to take them back. I won't go into the conversations..other than one guy couln't temember where they were being trained to go fight. What I want to tell you is about the silence. Even if they had been totally been hung over I have been on campus enough to know hangovers. No, it wasn't that. Imagine hundreds of guys in silence so thick I was hesitant to move through it. This was serious dread. Or perhaps I should say if nothing else just plain serious. All one guy could say to me was, we will be sent out until it is over. That I guess pretty much said what was on their minds. I wnt back in my room and cried at the mortal stupidy of this game. Every time I cahnt the last prayer is for peace and well being of everyone and the Universe. I have never made that prayer quite so earnestly.

Name: Nicole
Date: 02 Apr 2003


Eileen, btw, Carol Seran of Gris and Carol lives somewhere in the islands...I had her e-mail may already know this, but if not I'll post it to you at the e-dress you posted earlier...I'm going to Florida for a coupla weeks on the 11 th...ah sun and surf and sand...i love it.

Name: Mark
Date: 02 Apr 2003



Here is the link I posted to the Krassner interview.


Hey, Eileen.....Howzit goin howlie?

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: welcome Eileen
Date: 02 Apr 2003


Aloha Eileen, I just emailed some numbers of midwives on the big island. They are happy to help you. Welcome!!! I look forward to seeing you and meeting Miranda.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do. Love, Rena

Name: Nicole
Date: 02 Apr 2003


Aloha Eileen, I'm glad you landed and are safe...I know how beautiful it is there and I hope I can visit you there some day in the not too far future. We've definately missed you on the site...Jeramiah is out and about and that's great...doing well.

Hammond, can you repost the link for the Krassner interview...was it you who posted it in the first place? thanks if so...if not, thanks anyway.

Name: FYI - Service Poetica
Date: 02 Apr 2003


Stew Albert CounterPunched!

"Total War"

Date: 02 Apr 2003


Warm! no "warn" - !

Name: Hammond
Date: 02 Apr 2003


Aloha Eileen! - So good to hear that you are well and warn with that sexy bald head and the rest wrapped in a sarong - A great image! Prayers and Visions for your house search - test the waters for the rest of us - we may be close behind!

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: ALOHA!
Date: 02 Apr 2003


Just a few min left on my $ here at the hostel in Hilo. Yes! We made it and wanted to say hello. Will check in later tonight when I have time to sit. The storms have been actually wonderful. They mostly happen at night. Yes it's wet but it's warm (I'm in a sarong and short top and flip flops) and the water goes quickly into the lava beneath the soil. So not puddles and mud (yea no dust)and oh the plants! papyas and bananas to eat to my hearts content..often free for the picking. and the people are so open and sweet. Miranda has men noticing her and talking to her..flirting and just reaching out in a friendly way. She has never had this on the mainland..guys still looking for Barbie, you know. Think of you all. Sad to have had to leave my animals. That was really hard and am still processing that one. But the move here is real and it has not come without some hard core sacrifices. Ooh found a spider the size of my hand (ok almost) in the car yesterday..should have seen the stuff flying out of the back of the rented rover trying to catch it. she finally appeared on the inner roof and I caught her gently..but whoa a fast miss. Word is since 9/11 there has been a steady flow of folks moving know, that "someday" move to HI got a wakeup call. Which is to say housing is really a challenge to come by. But we're hanging tight or should I say loose. RNA..lost the connections you gave me for here. Please repeat.

So all take a minute please for that prayer for a great home for us quickly.

Name: Ditto Service
Date: 02 Apr 2003


"The talk of supporting our boys always struck me strange back in the Vietnam War. The soldiers didn't start the war -so opposing it, isn't going against their asserted will. Calling for an end to the war is a way of offering them protection. The antiwar movement means them no harm --its only Rummy and the gang that insists on "our troops," passing through the gates of hell." - Stew Albert 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 02 Apr 2003


Ohio Girl - living between hard places is indeed difficult. How does one "support the troops" and yet detest what they are doing? If the admin and its supporters had their way we would just shut up and support the troops - i.e. support the great 'Communicator in Chief's" WAR in Iraq.

"Dissent will not be constrained by hypocracy!" - HG - 2003

The bottom line is that while having compassion for all human beings in and out of WAR in Iraq - we can not "shut up" - will not "shut up" - and WILL NOT SUPPORT this horrible preemptive WAR in Iraq in any fashion unless it STOPS! (unconditionally) Peace Demands the Total Elimination of WAR! (and most especially the WAR in Iraq)

Oh yeah - and Peace demands that Bush and his immediate family of WARMONGERS go into permanent exile at the unknown location and stay there!

Name: 21st Century DIGGERS NYC
EmailAddress: Peace Church Action Commity
Date: 02 Apr 2003


ACHTUNG New Yorkers!!...Big April 7th Stand Off. Check out M27 Coalition and Anarchists NYC web sites. Tighten up your' jock straps.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 02 Apr 2003


If I pray the fighting will end soon, does that mean I'm praying for success in battle? And is that the best alternative I can hope for under the present circumstances? The war news speaks of so much suffering, part of me doesn't care what would make this end as fast as possible. Well I'm going to walk the dogs. The early-morning early-spring atmosphere might improve my mood and the dogs know of no reason why they shouldn't be made totally happy by a nice walk. Peace

Name: The 3rd Page Archive
Date: 01 Apr 2003


The 3rd Page Cartoonists (Skizologists)

Name: Ginger
Date: 01 Apr 2003


BC Spring Harvest Cup May 23rd - 26th 2003.

The B.C. Spring Harvest Cup will be four days of events, parties and ganja galore. The judges pack will included 15 of the top Strains of the spring harvest and it will be up to the judges to pick a winner!

Judges Passes are $500 USD each Call 1-800-731-8192 for information

Name: FYI Service Maximus
Date: 01 Apr 2003


Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:17 AM Subject: House Resolution 20--for the sake of democracy

Friends and Concerned Americans,

Against all odds, there were enough signatures, e-mails telegrams and phone calls within the last 24 hours to Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio to persuade him to introduce before the House of Representatives in Washington,D.C. a little known resolution that deprives the President of his authority to wage war.

However, we must now persuade Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert that there is a growing consensus if not a plurality to mandate the resolution for a House ballot.

Therefore, please take a moment to e-mail Speaker Hastert by simply saying, "I am in favor of introducing HJ Resolution 20 for a vote."

Speaker Hastert's e-mail:

Please do this NOW.


And please forward to every other concerned citizen you know.





Name: Morningstar
Date: 01 Apr 2003


Hammond, the photo was taken at Morningstar Ranch, just a few feet away from the spot that Vishnu dove into God's Land at his home birth on March 27, 1970. Those were grand times and the photo stirs massive blissful flashbacks.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 01 Apr 2003


r n a - Rena - This is what the photo you sent looks like (quickly) prepared for The 3rd Page (with your permission) -

Lou Vishnu 1970 - (exact location?) Morningstar?

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Apr 2003


r n a - A perfect use for my book! Too bad I am not there to share the moment - and the doobie.......

Name: Nicole
Date: 01 Apr 2003


...that would be SF and the 60's etc...

Name: Nicole
Date: 01 Apr 2003


Mc Mingus, it was Eileens original post, but thanks for reminding me about it...just finished it and wow...I think I'll add that site to my favorites.

Steve, thanks for the e-mail, Things sound jumpin at the church...I will get by there before I leave for Florida...which is on the 11th...and I'm giving that talk at NYU about SF and the ^)'s etc on the 10th...I'll let you know the time and I think it will be in the NYU Cafe right on the corner of west 4th and Washington Square park...I guess I'll be away when Mark is here...damn !#@$!@$#%@

Name: Mark
Date: 01 Apr 2003



The NYC trip is still in the forming stages and if I bring a companion a hotel is definitly in order. If I come alone, I will just wing it. I will let you and Nicole know if and where I end up NYC. It would be great to get together.


Looks like that storm is hitting the West Coast today. Ah...Hana, what a place. Black Sand Beach, Red sand Beach, the seven socalled sacred pools. Incredible hiking and natural beauty. The warm temps and rain were always a refreshing daily experience for me. Eileen was surely not searching rain after the deluges on the North California Coast this winter, I hope the sun is out for her now.

Name: Mc Mingus
EmailAddress: into the Mystic
Date: 01 Apr 2003


Worthwhile & illuminating piece here, regarding New Moon in Aries today, 1st April . (Link first provided by Nicole, I think, some time ago.) Time for new beginnings -- check it out : Peace - Out - Yr. Brother in Arms

Name: Auntie Aloha
EmailAddress: r n a
Date: 01 Apr 2003


Welcome to Eileen on the big island. I'm a long swim away... We've had some major storms beginning Friday. Eileen flew in to some weather. We've had a long drought this winter so the rains are welcome, though i'm sure not to her as the welcome. camped in Hana on the jungle side for 5 days with about 20 to 30 friends of all ages; college kids, teens, all ages... It poured on Friday and Saturday. No matter. we boogie boarded, body surfed and surfed in the rain. At least it's warm here so hanging out in a wet sarong was ok. it was a great respite from the news of the massacres in Iraq.

Steve, the photo of you at the die in is heroic. Thanks for your efforts!

Hammond, I brought your book to read on the camp out but only used it to roll doobies. there was too much going on to read. i love communal living. i sure miss it.

Love to all.



Name: Steve
EmailAddress: 4th month,4th floor, 4th Street...Hmmmm...
Date: 01 Apr 2003


Hey Mark, At the Trustee's Meeting tonight, I donated my digs in the front parlor to the cause. The new Rev. got the green light to carry on the radical tradition of WSUMC and we are really comming together in a big way. I will most likely still be there when you visit, so no big shakes. Im' taking a room in the staff quarters on the top floor. It's got a cozy communal kitchen. (wonder how Clawdia the church cat is gonna like it???)


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