These are the Guestbook Entries from 2003. Please visit the current Guestbook
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The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from February, 2003. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2003.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: at all hours
Date: 28 Feb 2003
......and Im' tryin' to find the time to read a book!!!???...Jesus Christ!

Name: Diggers From Inner Space
EmailAddress: We Are One
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Check it out New Yorkers: THAW (Theatre Against War) Network's all-day "Theatre for Peace' event includes a FREE (any other kind) performance of WSUMC's Kairos Theatre's "A Clown, A Hammer, A Bomb, and God". (On the morning of Good Friday 1994 (April Fool's Day), an Activist Priest dressed as a clown and broke into a US Missile Base in North Dakota. This play is about that morning. ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY! Sunday March 2nd. 6 pm. At Wash. Sq. Peace Church, 135 W.4th St. NYC. check out the new Peace Church's "Coffeehouse for Peace", beguining Sunday, March 2 at 4pm.

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: The Crypt
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hey Eric; the other film is titled "U.S. War Crimes In Vietnam"..the can is labled Original Print (but crossed out and says: Duplicate Negative)....Hey: cant have everything!!!

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: The Milenium Vault
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hey Eric: In as much as the New Rev. is gonna break the news to the entire flock this Sunday; I have started an all out effort to save what I can from hitting the trash can. Heres my question: do you archive any 60's War Shit?...If you do, your' gonna wanna' kiss me full on the lips for this one. Dig This: while scrounging through the nooks and cranies in my attempt to save any pieces of Peace Church history, I ran across four cans of film (reels) that seem to have been compiled by the Fuckin' North Vietnamees back when The Peace Church was really cookin'. These may be boot-legs that never made the nightly news (for sure)...anyway, They are 16 MM Magnetic full coat S. Tracks. Charlie must have been doing the talking; as one film comes with a poorly type written translation. The titles are: "Days With The Youth Shock Brigades" and "Actualities: Vietnam" (Haiphong). The written break down for the second film includes: News Vietnam 1972. Commentary, Interview, Etc,..Alert In Hanoi (May 1972), Pictures of the offensive in the South: May 1972: The Quang Ngai Plain. (Between Hue and Saigon: Quang Ngai). Ho Chi Minh Trail, May 1972. Commentary, etc,.. Speech By the Mothers' Union. An Interview with General Giap. Commentary, etc... Interview, Etc,. In closing: Eric, if this is somethin' that you could get off on, or direct to the proper source, ..its yours for keeps. Pick it up at my place Mister. See ya then.

Name: niggers from outer space
Date: 28 Feb 2003
I are one.

Name: IMAM
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hey - he asked and I tried to be subtle - but okay Eileen no more Butt head Bevising for me - I am out for the count. IMAM(Suspect)
PS - bub-bob-stray - be whoever you want to be except Sponge!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 28 Feb 2003
My old man won't bite anyone (I don't think!!). One of our dogs might, he is a rescued dog. Someone put a nail through his nose with a nail gun when he was a puppy. He's wonderful but it takes hours to get to know him. The others bark alot for new people. (Again, I don't include my husband, I don't think). Unless you've got hours to spend the T & A is better. Seriously if I wasn't working when you came through these parts, It'd be something else to meet up somehow.
Big day in publishing, I got the "True Story" today containing my lastest story, which they called "Three Weeks Before Our Wedding.......My Fiancee Disappeared." Talk about editing, you never know what they will call the story or what names they give to the characters. They always change the names of peoples, places, companies etc. just in case the story is really real. They rarely edit for content, although sometimes you can tell they edited a few lines to make the text fit on a page. The one time they edited for content, in a story about prison, I had the narrator look around the visiting room and see people of all colors and ages. I guess that was too controversial, they just had her look around the room and see lots of people or something like that. I guess you are supposed to pretend black people don't get sent to prison (in droves).

Name: Junior Achievement
EmailAddress: :liamE
Date: 28 Feb 2003
That works for me Gouge,..thanks for the clarification Imam. OK Eileen; nuff said. (am I still your' favorite?)...If I am, dont tell anyone, just smile.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Stroking your picolo is masturbating.
congugate the verb to wank
he wants to wank
he is Wanking
He wanks
he is a wanker
he was wanking
He has wanked
simple! do you get it now?

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Stroking your picolo is masturbating.
congugate the verb to wank
he wants to wank
he is Wanking
He wanks
he is a wanker
he was wanking
He has wanked
simple! do you get it now?

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hey boys could you reel it in just a tad? I feel like we're now hanging out with the 13 yr olds. Could we get past this Bevis and Butthead moment?

Name: IMAM
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Ahem....Steve - "wanking" is stroking your picolo in the uk.....
No "gouge" stray bob - or bubbing will come your way.IMAM(Suspect)

Name: wet bob
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Stray Taco...or Satyr Bell?
How about if we make it easy and go with Gouge? will that work for you?

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hey Bob, you were baptized huuu???...hey, for your info. Ive' got the One-Man ass-hole department covered on this site. P.S. Hey Sponge,..thats "Mr. Ass-Hole To you. (what is a Wanker, anyway???)...

Name: Hon. Judge Homeskin VonDigger (of the Olema Diggers, that is)
EmailAddress: Digger First Court of Appeals
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Bob; for your upfrontness, forthrightness; (and scare tactics in general) are hereby dubbed: "Stray Satyr" (or "Taco Bell Bob")..your choice...

Name: Mc Wing Nut
EmailAddress: way out in left field
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Nicole -- thanks so much for that link, it was just what I needed today.
It's just so right on. Energy is the thing & life is one big vibration festival.
I'm gonna put on some loud music & sing & dance & thank the powers that be
for giving me one more day of LIFE.
Thank you, sister.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Dhoiiiii.....
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hammand,..Imam..Im' no defeatist; I plan on apprentising with pristene Stainless Steel guns until I get my Licence to Thrill...then and only then will I get diabolicle. "WOW" The mere glimps of Bernhard's "Mad-Max" equipment would made most grown men weep. He's listed on the web under Tattoo Machines..(enter at your own risk).... Hey Nicole, again..thanks for the info/ really charged me up..why cant we hear that good shit on T.V.???...oh ya,..commercializm, I forgot. (The truth just dont sell)...Well the Michigan kids split this A.M., man, they had the place smellin' like a girl's locker room,..kept blowin' fuses and trippin' breakers with all of those hair dryers. Panties everywhere...It was heaven. Now I can get back to AsEverWas. (great little screen play)..Hey, the 6th Precinct just called and wanted to know what the fuck was happening in reference to the upcomming (unauthorized/illegal) Peace March thats starting from 135 West 4th Street (ring a bell?) and marching as far as they "Think" that they can get. As always: we didnt' know what beer was. Hmmm...Hows this folks? all will hear about it before they do! (such a deal!)...more "Nows/News" as it "Happens". Cool?

Name: IMAM
Date: 28 Feb 2003
stray bob - Hey - stay "stray" and I won't be 'bubbing' you in the future - and now the dogs have pissed on your leg you are reborn! IMAM(Suspect)

Name: stray bob
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Oh, man, now I'm really confused. Who am I today?
Steve, what can I say. Quite often I'm an asshole, but yesterday I had them lined up to punch my lights out. Even made a woman almost cry yesterday. Damn. I get home, the dogs come running up waggin tails and looking all glad to see me, they get one sniff and piss on my leg! My stars are misaligned, my chakras are crossed, my panties are bunched. I owe you one road trip care package. That, or the truck stop enchilada of your choice.
Not being able to stand my own company, I trotted down to the used book store last nite and picked up Alan Watts's 'Behold the Spirit', a nice hardbound "Between Heaven and Hell' by Willie Blake, and Michael McClure's 'Huge Dreams'. And, down to the local lyberry I found Suskind's 'Perfume', which looks good. Thanks to who recommended it. Anyway, have a good weekend, folks. via con queso.

Name: Hammond
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Nik - thanks for posting (twice!) - This article (yes "it's the real thing") is the essence of the essence = being in the moment with our first intentions turned on full blast. - OH, and maybe Imam is right - Steve? better practice up before I let you loose on my imaculate dorje!

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Feb 2003
I just re-read the article I posted earlier and it is so perfectly at the heart of it all that, well, I'm going to post it again...take the time to read it if you can...

Name: Michael
Date: 28 Feb 2003
That Chronicle article hit it exactly. It was like somebody standing in front of me, after several cups of coffee, just telling what he thinks of the ignorance of the current crop of dangerous white guys in charge, and how he deals with it. I sent him a note thanking him for that one and passed his words on to some others.

Name: IMAM
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hey Steve - sounds like you better start practicing with all the high expectations! I will wait for the test results..........................................
IMAM(Suspect) with colors in tact.

Name: IMAM
Date: 28 Feb 2003
MEENA - Never forget that meditation is one of the better consciousnes expanding 'drugs' around. I double dose everyday! Welcome to our world and don't be shy - we might just save you some trouble. #1 - forget about the drugs we took them all for you - #2 Each One Teach One - #3 Keep it real ...or at the very least keep it humorous! - IMAM(Suspect) The guestbook greeter of late......

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: in a round about way...
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Fuckin' "A" Nicole!..that article is Bomb!!...Work at it??..Ya!!..It aint easy!...wanna piss the Suzanna's of this world off?? (try fuckin' a Preacher)...Hey, It is personal,...Only YOU can change it. Ya,..pump up the vibe...lets all fuck-off big time and then share it with the world...Hey, Pat: I only have two enemys in this world; and I havent had the pleasure of meeting either one of them. (we met on this web site...and they may be one in the same person for all that I know) that being said: As the man who holds the title of being "Whats wrong with America", I can truthfully say that my unknown friends here on the site outweigh the bad vibes and trecherous deeds of the dime-dropping, ape-throwers of and curdled milk squad, who continually try to ban me from the Olympic Games. Im' dumb and mute,..but I aint deaf. I can hear the written words and read the spoken ones. I can see with my hands and feel with my eyes. (Its a super-human trait)..Hey, a Mobile Guerrilla Tattoo unit?...hold the phone, I dont have a power supply, tubes, needle bars etc. etc....and I havent laid one line with any Big Iron yet. I aint no Spider Webb yet. But thanks for the volunteerism...thats the spirit. Now as far as vintage torture equipment, sure, my stuff is comming direct from Bernhard's Garage Irons. He's a fifty one year old mad scientist out of Copenhagen who has a little wooden house that he retreats to near the water. Bad back and neck, on a small pension. He lovingly cranks out rough-cut, soulful, funky, gritty, home-spun copies of Paul Roger's original design Tattoo Machines. Dont panic!...These babys are like harleys; tear em' down, rebuild em' & fine tune em. (they will be covered by a baggie while in use anyway)...I have plans on stripping them down, sand blasting them, de-burring them and shooting them with a few coats of cold galvanized spray. (anti-rust...heavy zinc content) but will clear-coat them after, in order to sanitize them before use. The top-heavy effect can be somewhat countered by using a hand knurled old style heavy needle tube. I may sand blast the "Black Widow" liner and hit it with some black "Wrinkle Paint" and bake it in the oven. We used to paint the cylinders of our bikes with that stuff. Just paint it on, kick em' over and let the engines heat up to fry it on.. In closing: Tattooing is like Riding: "Dont Let yer' Irons rust or your Colors fade".

Name: Meenah S. Flores
Date: 28 Feb 2003
I was just a litle girl when i heard about this Love Generation group and up until high school and college i've been following up any publication i can hold on about the movement. i like particularly the music of that characterize the era, the outfit and the outlook of the people who in one way or another became part of it. I was never into drugs but i do practice some meditation to help me cope with stress.
I hope this site will go on to preserve the legacy of that exceptionally cool era in history. i think those hotheaded leaders like Bush would need more of your stuff. more power!!! MEENAH

Name: Hammond
Date: 28 Feb 2003
PS - Steve - My double dorje could use a color enhancement. Got it 10 years ago from a master traveling needle man from Ohio named Eric. You may be busy with your new toys on the road.......
Nik - your tat sounds magnificent!

Name: patrick
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hey folks, Was out of town for a couple days, Rakin' in some legal tender.I missed out on some good jive madness it looks like.
Silent Steve- Congrats on the catch and release of that "STRIPED BASS"
I can't see why SPONGE BOB is getting such extreme reactions, I thought everyone loved curdled milk.
I got my "panther" tatoo in 68 or 69 in San Diego by old doc Webb. That may have been the beginning of my Hep C as I came down with Hep B wweeks after that. Of course it may have been also helped along by me conspiring against myself by choosing to inject some illicet chemicals into my arms.My Ol' Panther could definately use a touch up, It comes from the old days of India ink and limited colors.
Silent Steve- Sounds like you got my drift. Things were definately most "unreal" from my perspective back then also.
Later, Patman

Name: ter
Date: 28 Feb 2003

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Feb 2003
This is an article from SFGATE the San Francisco Chronicle on line's true and good.

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Feb 2003
...speaking of tatoos...the dragon on my back needs some touching up (I got it done in 1972/3) and when I went into the place on Christopher st for an estimate he told me $300 but when he found out it was originally done by Don Ed Hardy he said he'd do it for free for the privledge of working on one of his originals...
Maybe we could find someone to sponsor our road trip as research for our collective screen play on "how long does it take to fix a truck?"

Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hey,..put out that cigarette!

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: Rebuzzzzzzz
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Hey Sam; to answer your' question in short: (without sounding like a smart-assed know-it-all),...I am under the definate oppinion that the "Old Irons" are stricktly for those who can handle them. And I plan on being one of "Those". My tattoos will be all original design and no coockie-cutter off the wall stensils. If the punks want the funny pages tattooed on their arms they can go to my compeditor. My Mr. Natural, Gypsy Joker, His & Hers Scull days are long gone. Hey, Im' soundin' down right mature!...(scary aint it)...Hey, the finest Tattooing that I ever laid eyes on was done by a Fine lady up in SeaBrook New Hampshire.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Bzzzzzzz
Date: 28 Feb 2003
Eileen, the old Irons suck up the heat and the vibration as well as provide a more solid current flow. No matter what the frames are made of: (brass, Iron, Steel or aluminum)... a liner has always been lighter in weight than a shader. A liner is guaged to have a shorter stroke and boosted faster (different number of wraps per coil) and the shaders are traditionally heavier, slower and longer stroked to really lay in that ink. In the end, a single needle line is what it is; no matter what lays it down; it's the Person behind it that counts. The air weight machines in my book are for the Artist's comfort more than anything. As far as the weight of a dentists drill, I would much rather have the wieght of an old fashioned drill follow through than to have a cat pushing a feather-weight into me. To be frank; Ive' only given one actual Machine Tattoo, and that was to a Seven Club Brother named Dishonnest John. It was a cover-up Tattoo for John's "Judy" tattoo that I had originally hand done years before. (it was Mr. Natural scowling and holding a protest sign that read: "JUDY")..(John's varorite wife at the time) I said, Im' no expert with a gun, but Ive' given dozens of joint style tats. I plan on persuing the Chiaroscoru thing. (Black and Grey) and am not above fine tweeking any detail by hand. Why no colors? Colors are not ink. Colors are "Pigments" Im' a true "Ink Man" at heart...on that note, heres a Tattoo horror story. A Michigan Hill Billy named Norman Bright, had gotten a Joker Tattoo from me on his anckle. He was a repeat costomer and by suplying the booze got two Original Skulls Tattooed on both sides of his upper chest. A male Skull w/ goatee and a stringy haired female skull. Well, I was drunk to begin with and dug up an old bottel of Scripto Fountain Pen Ink..(kinda on the dark blue side)...anyway, the Tattoos were prize-winners but Norman came staggering back out to the house two days later, ripped open his shirt and screamed LOOK! (you guessed it)..No Tattoos. Just a faint outline left by the scabs. Hours of sweatin' bullets and his body sucked up the ink like a fuckin' sponge. He took it rather well. His Ol' Lady left him shortly after when he was caught fucking their dog. I always liked Norman. Hell, I even liked his dog for what thats his ol' lady?..well, thats another story. Did I mention that Norman was a Flintiod?. (go figure)

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Steve~You getting that vintage torture equipment? The difference anymore is the difference between the dentists when I was a kid (slow, painful and shook my head like a jackhammer) and their equipment now. So fast if they blink they have worked their way to the outside of your head..oops sorry. Then again at least it's not the traditional bamboo and rock technique or the slice and soot application. Hope someone teaches you the light touch with the fine lines. You can always spot an oldtime tattoo..heavy black lines that with old age just turn to blue smudges. I've seen some really beautiful work that looked like brush painting in the past few years. I'm still deciding on what I want. You going to travel with your equipment?

Name: Dr. Boyd
EmailAddress: Eye See You Unit (I.C.U. Get It?)
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Bob: How wrong can one man be?...Hey partner, I saved you a place in line. I knew that you would come to your free crack per cuctomer. No sweat. Hey,..whats yer' sign? (see how I am???..I would have pouted out in the van)...Hey all, life goes on.... My backers: (the boys down at the lab).... Black Eye Unlimited and the Johnson's Ear Wax crew "Joint Venture"..have given me an offer that I cant refuse. They want me to succeed. Im' getting a complete collection of vintage hand made Tattoo Guns designed by the late-great Paul Rogers. These Heavy-Duty old Style Irons are real piss-a-roos. Hey Ohio Girl; thats the spirit!! a Tits & Ass Truck Stop!...HHmmm...are we talkin' Bush burger and a side of thighs, or what???...we will be eating out ya' know! Give the Ol' Man my best, will ya?.....(honey, please,..I dont want those people in our home,..honey?...honey???...)

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Bob I have a feeling to save confusion you may want to go by Stray Bob (or what ever handle you prefer) before you get confused with Sponge Bob or any other Bob that may show up here. There seems to be a lot of Bobs in the world and we don't want Steve (or Sponge Bob) to get confused. Just a thought.

Name: IMAM
Date: 27 Feb 2003
bob - I was going to say: "Hey - Bub off!" Now you are Mr. Nice Guy so I won't-(yet) - IMAM(Suspect)

Name: bob
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Steve, you know, I was out of line, takin' that crack at you. I apologize.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 27 Feb 2003
There's a T & A (no kidding!!!!) truck stop up the road from my house, great greasy food! The house is kool but the dogs would go beserk. If you hit Ohio let me know......

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: led foot
Date: 27 Feb 2003
McWang: those babies are fast! (they pass everything but gas stations)...

Name: Mc-Wing It
EmailAddress: inquiring minds want to know
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Right. Almost fergot to ask, lookin at all them big shiny trucks.
Is that miles per gallon, or gallons per mile ?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: The Way-Back Machine
Date: 27 Feb 2003
I have a wheel chair story. Back in early 73' on a warm night in Berserkeley, me and a Hustler named Steve Googie (the same one who got involved in the Mass. Senator scandal???)..(The one who was with me during the "Star-small titty-House boat-car crash-Pink Powdered Acid Nose-Burn Incident"...(sounds like another Dylan song dont it?)..Anyway,..we were tripping on some heavy acid and having stiffed the bill at a local Mexican joint we ducked up some stairs of an old house where the door was left ajar and followed our ears to the music. The party was in full swing. Not your typ. Collage kids, but older hip types who were passing around gallons of red wine and joint after joint. Steve and I sat cross-legged, drank wine, smoked grass, answered a myriad of questions from the females as a large circle was formed in the main room where a freak in a wheel chair was attempting wheel-stands,..well, he high-sides and smashes his head on the hard-wood floor. I fly like an Indian, right him and everyone starts laughing. I no sooner sit down and he does it again, only this time I get the jump on him and mash my fingers between his thick skull and the floor. Well, this went on about 8 or 9 times; I would break his fall (and my fingers),..set him up-right; all to the roar of the crowd. Folks were laughing so hard that the tears were flowing, and I was starting to think that they were pretty cold; when this freak gets up out of the fuckin' wheel chair, and walks into the next room. I thought the fucker was a cripple!! They werent laughin' at him!..they were laughin' at Me!!.. well after I was told how funny I was, a rather large delegation of concerned men-folk narrowed it down; through a series of very direct questions, that Steve and I didnt actually know anyone else at the party,..or, in fact, didnt even know anyone who knew anyone at the party. At that point, a dark cloud formed over the party...(We left under that cloud)...

Name: Mark
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Getting back on track after being down with the flu for a few days. That was a great trip to Mendocino, the weather was fantastic the second day. My wife really enjoyed our conversation at lunch. Man, when the weather is right up there, it is really hard to beat.
All you roadtrippers coming this way gotta do Monterey Bay and SF on the way. Don't let any folks jive you, SF is still a wonderful city full of interesting people, damn good food, and less crowded than many of you may remember. If wheelchair access in these places is a concern I can help with info.

Name: Steve Kettle
EmailAddress: down on the farm
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Ya Mick, the break was intended for farmers and working folks who "Need and Use" their pick-em-up trucks to survive. Every other suit now drives one. Wall Street looks like Dodge City these days. Man, I miss my 49 stove-bolt six and my 76 Jeep Pick Up. Anyway,..hey Nik, Im' going to design a batch of R. Crumb Style Road Trip Tee Shirts. Thanks again for the invite; It will be good to get out of my shell. My pubic...Ahh..."Public" awaits.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: master of time & space
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Already there Steve --
Exxon is the old Rockefeller pro-Nazi monopoly ... thot this was old news.
Might as well buy a new Hummer with the recent tax write-offs.
In a continued state of revolution -- the Nothing Man

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Self Appointed Road Captain
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Open Letter To All Amerikan Consummers. Subject: Year Of Eileen Mystery Tour. Reference: Digger Fuel Embargo. Objective: Lower Gasoline prices by June. Starting Today DO NOT purchase any Gasoline from the BIG TWO (EXXON and MOBIL), if they arent selling any, they will drop their price and the other companies will follow suit in an effort to compete. (did anyone think of this before???)....Also, if any one along the route would like to touch base (but dread the thought of Diggers in your living room; we could EMail via lap-top and get together at a local Truck Stop. Objective: Good Times, muddy Coffee, greasy food and hopefully low fuel prices.

Name: Porridge & co
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Come see the fun and hear the heart of Generation de generation this coming Saturday and change your life. Original Street theatre.
We are offering a street rendition of the barn scene from Steinbecs "of mice and men" And Matta has just informed me that we will be giving away free HOME MADE CORNISH PASTIES (whatever they are)
first show starts at noon and will continue untill we get busted.
Real stompin corner theatre for free
From West Lafayette: - Head east on SR 26 - Turn left onto 5th St. - Turn left onto Main St. - On left hand side at the corner of 4th and Main St.
From Lafayette (US 52) : - Turn and head west on SR 26 - Veer right onto Main St. - On left hand side at the corner of 4th and Main St.

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Ooo you guys are busy here today. Notice the moon has gone out of an overtime void ofcourse (don't ask). I better jump in before you leave me in your breeze.
So Nicole, I only remember the names I think because I heard them from you so often. I don't recall actually meeting those guys. But I did sew for North Beach Leather somewhere around maybeuum**how about "65? Linda Gravanitus turned me onto the job after she had quit. (I think that was around the same time I worked at the Mary Quant store in Geradellie Square.) Although they were supplying NBL with some of their stuff, they were actually seperate entities. The factory moved finally to I think Viet Nam early on in the corperate game and left everyone without a job a few yrs after I quit. As I recall the designs were coming from some guy that lived in a tree house in HI. Aaah the stories and knitting the pieces together we do here..June huh? That will give me time to settle and put you on the road when the weather won't be as likely to be playing games with you. How's the boy sounding?
Hammond~Thanks for seeing what you can do. The $ for this venture is almost in after a really nasty dry spell, briefly relieved with Steve's momentary generosity. I am about to be able to breath freely. No that's not true. I am breathing freely. Having my head shaved and walking down my road on a beautiful spring morning with the sun and air just about lifting me off the ground..yeah Steve you had the right is delightfully refreshing..even if it does back people about to falling backways when they see me. Hey I don't mind the space at all. Anywho..glad your back. I know we all missed you.
So an update. Miranda has once again got her sights on HI which I am very pleased about..great place to visit if not winter in and I am still looking towards Drain. This is getting really interesting. March is IT. Back to taking the house apart.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: w4th
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Hammond; Ive' decided to make the round trip; so I will be here to wine and dine you. I scratched the L.A. leg, as I plan on gearing up a grass roots effort to save the Peace Church. (it may involve "Squatting" and/or a "Last Stand" by the more militant fanction of the congregation. I got some inside info on the way that the "Established" Methodist Machine works. First they would "Donate" the priceless stained glass to one of "Their" other churches; or a "New" one...then they would horde the @ mil. that comes down from the realistate, (and most likely contribute to NYU's "Take Over" of the Village. I aint goin' out like lamb; I'm commin' on like a Lion. Heres what "They" dont want "Us" to know: First off:..well, I wont get into it here,..but its a mind blower. Hey Bob...Pills?..Hmm..Dr. Boyd says: "Take Two Suck Pills and call me in the mourning. If they do stop, I will wait out in the van. (in good company)...Hey Nik, by June I should have some real scratch in the piano seat. I dont do plastic, but can lay the green on any card holder that wants to make the history books. Later All. Imam, Steve and Hammond; the three Cabaleros. Has a certain ring to it.

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Nik -(the echoes of our shadows cross yet again!) This (Echo) sounds like my Vicky all right - she loved the clear purple and black light haze of inner space like few others I have known . She tried to put a spell on me when I switched my emotional gears to being with Wendy and our impending move to SF - and it nearly worked - until Vicky realized that by getting me back on her track in this way she would only have had my outter shell and not my heart - and thus she let me off the hook she had implanted in my psyche. ----- PS - indeed it is easy to get lost cruising around The 3rd Page ->hidden links of surreal fun in all sections! Good that you will be in the City until June - I look forward to a great time out with you and Steve......

Name: Nik
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Hey Hammond, just reading some more of your book, and think the Vicky you speak about in Echo Park, was the same one whose house I spent many acid trips at...she was a friend of Pamela Poland who was the first person to bring Jackson Brown around...anyway, she was kind of scary to me in a witchy sort of way...we had a car accident on the freeway just on the curve by the 102 beer brewery and I always thought she caused it on purpose to test my paranoid? nah...
I got stuck driving around page three...I couldn't leave...that was fun but I better get some work done now...
also I probably realistically won't get out of here before son wants me to wait untill he's finished with the half way house that Lompoc is sending him to for 4 then. We'll see one another here okay?

Name: bob
Date: 27 Feb 2003
thank you.
big cardboard box full.
none public up on the web that I can direct you to, though.

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Hi folks - I'm back again from short-ranged travels and nothing very interesting to report....... Paid a visit bub-not-that-bob's Xero magazine and added a link to it in my 3rd Page.
Good stuff bub! Thanks for the connection.
Nik - when are you planning to hit the road - hoping to see you here in Portland but I still plan on being in NY in May or June if SAF is going to foot the bill - but they have yet to send a confirmation date so this is still up in the air. Anyway - just curious about your tentative plans out of the city......
Eileen - I am still trying to get hold of some friends who live in Drain for some on site details about current vacancies hidden in the lovely forest yet near to the main road to anywhere.....
Steve & Imam - Keep keep'in on my good brothers

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Feb 2003
IMAM, yep...I suppose I could call there and inquire about Burry.
Bob, I like your writing style...but I knew that after your small story about the bread baking incident...very sensual...any more around?

Name: bub
Date: 27 Feb 2003
I just threw that up there 'cause it's my only web presence (besides here), Nicole.
Fiction. Pure lies. ('course art tells lies in order to reveal the truth...)

Name: IMAM
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Nicole - thanks - (just me butting in again!) and to correct myself - I did mean to say "North Beach Leather" guys and not 'Hell Bent for Leather' another place/group altogether (in LA) - NBL made me a nice bag once.....Interesting folks as I remember and connected to a heavy hitting crowd......Didn't they move from their original place to a tiny shop somewhere near Union Square area? IMAM(Suspect)

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Feb 2003
IMAM, the question about the description was meant for Bob, not the hell bent for leather question...just to clarify.

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Feb 2003
IMAM, no, they were designers...Burry had an extensive collection of authentic ancient native american clothing, war bonnets, moccosins, blankets etc that unfortunately burned in a fire at Gate 5 in Sausalito about 1969...then he and his partner Frank started making leather cloths for the rock and roll crowd...I shared a house with Burry and did a lot of his bead work for him...he was an awesome artist...Frank died of an overdose of nitrous oxide and Burry went on to design stuff for North Beach Leather, but I've lost track of him and was just wondering...I tried google but no luck. they had a business called Pathfinders in Mill Valley.

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Feb 2003
...very interesting. Is your description of him, you?

Name: IMAM
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Nicole - Are they the "Hell Bent for Leather" guys?
Steve - Thanks mate - I will stand by yourside anyday - anytime - anywhere! IMAM(Suspect)

Name: not that bob
Date: 27 Feb 2003
I've done a lot of things I'm ashamed of, but a politician? I just can't lie that good. Nope, I'm a cupla googles down the list...I'm this one...

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Joe, I think this road trip is going to be a fasinating experience...with stops planned and unplanned...I can drive but have no credit card needed to rent a vehicle...any volunteers in that department...I have the money to pay just not the plastic to back it...strictly cash for me...then I must live with in my means...
Bob are you the same Bob Gouge who ran for office on an anti war ticket in Tucson? I can't help it...I'm a googler
Eileen do you remember Burry Olson and Frank Berry the leather makers?

Name: bob
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Not-so-silent Steve, back in the introductions,when the lady asked, I gave my name. It's still in the book.
They've got pills for that now, you know...

Name: Joe
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Sounds good Steve....I like to drive....and I talk a lot a I get the Neal Cassidy part? Many of you here have Hep C...and of course Aids came a little this coincidence that these incurable diseases that are easily spread just happened to break out at the end of the sixties into the seventies. The military was doing a lot of experiments with biological warfare...It makes you wonder...the easy availability of heroin in the late sixties and hepatitis C..just some thoughts

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 27 Feb 2003
The only thing that really downsized me was the hepatitis treatment, it erased years of happy junk-food junkyhood! My brothers and I used to play with the strangely twisted lead scraps that accumulated below the old typesetting trays (my father had done this work too). We used to imagine animals and boats or whatever in these lead filings, like looking at clouds. And what a big deal it was to get our names made out of type!

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Hiedleburgh Press
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Ohio Girl: Ive been "Down-Sized" everywhere but the bed roonm. Hey, are a good writer. (and a great type-setter as well, I Imagine.) I remember the basic "Test" of the printing trade: Being able to make a "Printers" hat out of a piece of news paper. I showed my kids how. (I was a mere straight-rule die-cutter myself) down in Wobern Mass. prior to hiring on as a soft metals fabricator (Led burner).."Heavy Metal"..anyway, I remember liberating a whole duffle bag full of old type of varios sizes from the print shop of a large dept store chain in Newton Mass. So heavy that I could hardly tote it,..anyway,..I decorated the kitchen wall sink and stove area of my Commonwealth Ave. Apt. in Boston. Stuck em' all on with liquid nails. (yep, we use alot of liquid nails at my house)....I put up all of the block ads for 50's ladies fashions etc. Real eye appeal...(very Bohemian)..when I split, it was a selling point of the place...anyway,..It was no big loss to the outfit, as they had all been made obsolete by computerization,..which sadly reminded me of when we were forced off of the "Boards" an onto the computers in the drafting field. Remembering back to some of my installation drawings and blue prints of the late 70's and early 80's its a damn shame. The system steals the trades. I knew folks who had worked in shoe factories all of their lives: but could they make a pair of shoes for their kids?..hell no..all they could do was run a last machine, stitch, or glue on heels. The "Cobblers" are all dead. Murdered by the system and buried next to the true draftsmen and type setters. Good mourning Amerika.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Working in a nursing home: being paid a salary to get 32 hours a week of vigorous exercise. You'd have to pay a gym or spa and not get nearly that much exercise. Being paid a salary to spend 32 hours a week in the presence of some 130 gurus. We're supposed to be taking care of them, but what we gain from them can't be measured. It compensates us for the heartbreak and crappy working conditions. Typesetting was beautiful when I first got into it, working for the perfect presentation of people's thoughts expressed through the written word. It had turned into no more than just a job, when I was fortunate enough to be asked to leave. Go figure!

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: Sheila Worth Getting Kitzinger
Date: 27 Feb 2003
I just received Sheila Kitzinger's most recent book, "Rediscovering Birth." I am astounded and delighted with such an enlightened approach.
Not preachy and loaded with facts and varying customs for birthing from dnacing to immobilized. so many choices. the pictures are phenomenal; the text is enlightening.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: "downsizing"
Date: 27 Feb 2003
Joe, life only gets better after they "downsize" you. It didn't seem that way at first, even though my family kept saying, downsized? you look the same to me. I was a typesetter when the typesetting industry imploded, when old-line workers were replaced by our understudies who were earning less per hour, and who also didn't know enough to waste further company money on such things as "quality control." It felt real crummy. But then I thought, finally! Now I can get unemployment like in Richard Pryor's movie and get paid to do nothing for six months!! That had always sounded so attractive to me, and what a shame you couldn't get it by quitting a job, you had to be fired for no good reason. Well being ornery I guess, I couldn't stand unemployment. Having to fill out a bunch of obnoxious questionnaires through no fault of my own, comply with a bunch of obnoxious rules, wonder what the heck would happen in the future. In less than two months I started working in a nursing home, backbreaking at my age but the best thing I've ever done probably as a person helping others. And I started this little fledgling writing career by selling "confessions," not much but who knows where it might lead. After downsizing, life is an open book once again........there are always possibilities.....

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: On the road again...
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Hey Joe, get together with Nik; as I said, I can front a larger rental as this thing slowly turns into a know, maybe one of those retarded buses. We could all pull off our own version of the "One Flew Over The Coo-coo's Nest" fishing expedition. The more the hairier..ahh...merrier. If Eric drops the word on his arrival, I will take ya all out to dinner and we can work on the details over cocktails. Hey: "the hairier the merrier, and details over cocktails" fits right in with "The pump dont work, cause the vandal took the handle"...(move over Bob)..see what livin' on 4th Street will do to ya?...anyway, we could meet up at a swank eatery out near you so that your wife wouldnt have far to scoot. Or something on the Island if she would like a change. How about it?..lets take a vote.

Name: Joe
Date: 26 Feb 2003
yeah its me....that site of the village is interesting ...i aways got this strange feeling looking at the house on macdougal where louisa may alcott wrote a book.... didnt know why....didnt know a book was written there....but thats strange....she is up and hobbling around in a walker and with a cam on her leg...hard to keep a good horsewoman down.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Drafting Memories
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Joe, ten years ago I was a happily married life actor doing a cameo as a design drafter (AutoCad) on an MBTA rapid transit job in Boston working for Buffalo Electric just prior to a stint on Deer Island and Riverside Yard with Fischbach and Moore. Anyway, I was an F&M man in Buffalo clothing: as they had bought out Buffalo in order to snag jobs that they had been banned from (Bid Rigging)...aint it the way???..Been there have ya??..Anyway,.. the whole F&M Boston office, as well as the main Dallas Office were there gathered for a yearly wing ding. To make a long story short, the floor directly below their banquet room buckled about two feet. The entire brain-trust of the outfit came that close to getting zilched. It gave me the creeps then; as I had eaten at the Windows on the World eleven years earlier. Hey, you up for the trip???...for my money, we could rent a wheel chair accessable van for your wife's comfort. This is Aquarian Joe,..right?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Rising Above It All
Date: 26 Feb 2003
IMAM: You and I go back to my first day on site. We really locked asses. You stood up and were counted. You did your' new name Proud. It's you & Me untill the wheels fall off. Hey Bob, we will swing by if I have any "SAY" in the matter. Now you say that you are in the book?...Hmm...thats Bob with a "B"..right?..kinda like a Cher, Elvis or Madona thing...right?...Hmmm...Mr. Bob? Oh, I get it, you were polish and had it shortened?...Bobowitski?...Bobowski?...Bobavicks? I gettin warm??..hey Nik, sure that you want me along???(I have a very unique way of giving directions these day),..hey McCunnilingus; give it up. It just dont pay. You are dealing with a sick mind. (his, I mean)...

Name: Joe
Date: 26 Feb 2003
On the tenth year anniversary of the first World Trade Center bombing I was given my walking papers today by the job. Now I'll have plenty of time to do who knows what. Retired at 46...who woulda thunk. I'd like to travel back down to Las Cruces and see whats going on. It's been a long time.

Name: Mr or Dr or what ? Sponge
EmailAddress: root boy McMingus
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Sponge -- I think you're just about like the wicked witch of the West in the
Wizard of Oz flick when the water hit her...shrinking down in a pile of steaming
shit... and not a minute too soon { WHERE ARE MY FLYING MONKEYS !?!??

Name: IMAM
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Steve - yes! sidekicks forever!!!! -IMAM(Suspect)

Name: bob
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Looks like a fun road trip, Nicole. Be sure and stop by, if you can. I'm in the book.
Kinda brings to mind an Aridzona to Manhattan trip I embarked on with Slick Earl and Lovely Linda. 1970? Handfull of whites, case of Coors and a lid of Red. Made real good time, no stops. (not to imply that you would...)

Name: Steve Boyd
Date: 26 Feb 2003
I am up front. You are not. It is what it is. Your eyes are not straight and your hands are not clean,...thats none of my doing. Good Luck. I Hope that you can work it out. I mean that.

Name: Dr Spon
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Help I am shrinking

Name: Dr Spong
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Stevie (corkscrew) Boyd
Travis, Fed, crop circle faker,butcher, baker and fuckin candlestick maker. What the fuck are you on. Keep guessing and by the law of averages you must guess right. Unfortunatly you are too much of a dumb fuck to realse whats under your nose. You and IMAC will make a lovely couple.
Please tell me, did you corn stompin in Ohio ? because if you did watch those fuckers they can be quite scary. This is not intended as an olive branch but I dont mean you any harm so lose all contact with that group they aint no wacko troup of alien pranksters they are the real McCoy bad bastard squad that see and hear all. Enough of the soppy stuff. I still find it cute that you tried hittin on me (BIG KISS XXX) and you never know I may hitch a ride in your pink caddy.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Duhh..
Date: 26 Feb 2003
make that "IS" actionable...

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: The Witness Stand
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Hey IMAM, I better watch my self...I plumb fergot' that slandering an unidentified, annonamous person in "Actionable" down in the Texas Bad-Lands. Somebody Stop Me!!!

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Ask Spiro Agnew
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Virus Clones???...Hell No,..that would be giving them a station in best guess is that it's either the ghost of Claude Rienes, or just yer' average, run-of-the-mill Republican. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge,.....Suzanna Cream-Cheese...whats gotten into you? Hey IMAM, I have the feeling that this could be the beguinning of a wonderful,...Imam, "Round up the usual suspects".

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: stewed, blued and tattooed.
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Sponge: your reply holds one word more than I thought it would. Funny...Travis aint one for answering questions either,..Hmm..but you are..(oh, I mean "He") is gone for a while,...Playin' yer' own tag-team partner must be like whackin'-off and swiching hands without missing a stroke. (And you said it aint so)...make that Diggers: Three...Mother Fuckers: ZIP

Name: IMAM
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Steve - who are these nattering nabob fans of yours - virus clones?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: ridin' shotgun
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Hey Queen Godess; if we pick up any of the Dr. Sponges of this world: (or any of his evil twins) thumbing, I want a window seat, got that? (Sponge-Sprog Square-Ass gets the hump). Hey, really; that cat drags me. Theres always one turd in every punch bowl. Speaking of which, I had a striped one yesterday. Right up the entire length. A perfect 50/50. What are the odds? Hey Sponge; lets see ya' top that. (Truth is stranger than fiction)...

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Enigmatic aint I

Name: Porridge and Co
EmailAddress: laugh@life
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Come see the fun and hear the heart of Generation de generation this coming Saturday and change your life. Original Street theatre.
From West Lafayette:
- Head east on SR 26
- Turn left onto 5th St.
- Turn left onto Main St.
- On left hand side at the corner of
4th and Main St.
From Lafayette (US 52) :
- Turn and head west on SR 26
- Veer right onto Main St.
- On left hand side at the corner of
4th and Main St.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Six Gun Ink Slinger
Date: 26 Feb 2003
My Good Doctor: In as much as you popped up in my Horrible Scope today: ( "a very subversive, smoldering conflict" in reference to your' "naked power play"..lets air this out. First, you hit me up to fuck with everyone's mind. I say sure (in order to feel you out), you tell me that you are also SPROG. No sweat. You set me up to be recruited into an Ohio Vally "Corn Stompers Club"..a bunch of sick fucks who fake crop circles in order to muddy the true investigative waters in reference to the actual alien made symbols. I bust yer' case on the SPOG alter ego, the Donna Martin alter ego and the Crop Gang,..(who got very threatening), big deal, find another name to play yer' kid-games behind. then tell me that you are several people who's letters of their first names spell SPROG as well as SPONGE. You then attempt to turn me against my co-workers and some how read my mail. In as much as you have never denied that anyone else has ever boot-legged your handle and the fact that you have (in a round-about way) stuck it up everyone's ass except "Travis'"..but now deny turning the heat onto my ("FRONT") Tattoo Venture (as if you were more than one person; you wouldnt know which "Mr. Sponge" did it anyway, ya stupid fuck) got some "Esplainin' Ta' do!. Whats really eatin' yer ass? Get a commitee meeting together and come up with a good one. Dont have a life"...just gettin' a whif of the kicks that you aint got the balls to pull off. Come on. How about it?... what the fuck are you made of??? Are you that lonely in Texas? (this auta' be good folks)...Smell a Fed???

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Comments nice

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Brought to you by Black Eye Unlimited and Johnson's Ear Wax
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Hey Miz Sponge; make that "MOM" (roll over sweet chips.) Hey all; the French gang that was here turned out to be a "Fasting Peace Group"..(I thought that they looked rather thin.)...Jesus Christ; If I ran that show it would be "Lets not: and Say we did." I mean really,..ya' think that their self-denial gave Ol' George even one single stomach cramp?..not by along shot. Hmm..leave to the French. Oh, by the way: Sponge: your' Travis..opps, I mean, your' accent is slipping. ( Diggers: two.... Mother Fuckers: ZIP)

Name: Blighty
Date: 26 Feb 2003
IMAM (Ban) - nag - nag - nag. What do you have to say that is relevant to anything? Why not change your name and be yourself for a change? blah blah mighty big blahhhh

Name: IMAM
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Dr Sponge(Ban) - nag - nag - nag. What do you have to say that is relevant to anything? Why not change your name and be yourself for a change?IMAM(Suspect)

Name: Dr Sponge
EmailAddress: keeping my sherrifs badge covered
Date: 26 Feb 2003
What a strange, cryptic and symbolically loaded open letter you have posted. Those emails I sent only contained a picture of Germain Greer and some Kenny Rogers lyrics so I failed to unravel the cryptic analogy behind the phrases such as “RICO laws and psycho” Perhaps your hard hitters find you a gullible character that’s easy to wind up. (sorry about the spelling gullible is not in any dictionary)
However I did pick up on your sexual tension in your symbolic invitation regarding the tattoo and your references to my not having a penis. You poor honey
Look lets clear the air ok. If you are harbouring fantasies about putting your inky prick near my ass then this is an issue for your self,and flattered as I am that you associate the word WOW with my arse I realy must decline your misguided offer.But keep looking , your handsom prince is out there and in the meantime try returning to those gay porn sites you are so keen on .Any way I dont do it on the firs date but full marks for showing good taste.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Hmmm....
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Hey Patric; I took a stroll with Swami Satchadananda just outside of Boulder back on Earth Day in 1970. (It dont get much more real than that)...OK,OK,..looking back on it was rather un-real in a twisted sort of way...Hey Nik, "Fine Trips" are right up my alley..."Fun",..ya, is good. We can do fun. Well it all seemes to be falling into place. Ive' over shot my "No more than two years in any given place" anyway, and have in the most round-about-way hooked up with that old Tumbleweed Connection again. And here I was rather enjoying my Hot-House Flower days. Goes to show that nothing is for sure except Change. (I embrace Change). So much for my apprentisship, but I may do the straight student thing at a joint in Bar Harbor Maine next year. That would put me a hop-skip-and-jump from Calaise, as So. Cal. cant hold me for long. Gotta see the Sun rise over the water; not set over it. (It's in the stars). Hey, I cant think of a better crew to gang with on my first "Organized" road trip of the new Century. P.S. I travel light. (clear light)..just kidden'. I cant wait. "Nickooooole,..when are we gonna get there?????" "Hey,..Silent Steve has to piss!..Well; He' shoulda' thought of that before we left New York"...."This is the last God-Damned Vacation Im' takin' you kids on!!" Oh, the memories!!!

Name: patrick
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Speaking of fragrances, cannibals and France. Have you read the book "Das Parfum" By Patrick Sueskind, English published title is"Perfume" Excellent little read.
I can vouch for the billboard in Asheville your talking about. I just finished looking at it from the window of my loft. Ashheville is kinda like a Baby Boulder, Colorado circa 1970 only alittle more real.

Name: patrick
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Speaking of fragrances, cannibals and France. Have you read the book "Das Parfum" By Patrick Sueskind, English published title is"Perfume" Excellent little read.
I can vouch for the billboard in Asheville your talking about. I just finished looking at it from the window of my loft. Ashheville is kinda like a Baby Boulder, Colorado circa 1970 only alittle more real.

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Eileen, I had lost the e-dress for Ariels web site, couldn't find it anywhere, I have her personal e-mail but I was wanting to find the Green Venus site and couldn't get it for some I gave up for a while and had intended to e her for it...well after giving all that energy to her last night and some this morning...a book or something here at work fell onto my keyboard and voila there was her beautiful face on my screen...and I'm telling you right now...her site was NOT on my drop down menu...she just showed up because we were on the same channel...psychic forces at work.
You made me think of your Crow Mama and Sadie hens...
Steve, it's gonna be a fine trip...and fun...

Name: IMAM
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Wealcome Riff ! - 'Each One Teach One" - IMAM(Suspect)

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Yes Nicole~I can see it. Ariel says she is realizing she has unwittingly left behind her spiritual life while the doctors poke and tug and she's getting back on track. Yep yep those prayers are working.
RIFF~If you are afraid of being ridiculed for the info you are giving here and I think you can see you are as safe as any of the rest of us here. Which is to say there is always going to be someone out there that may hassle but so far we ALL beat you on personal stuff by a mile. Steve has even been known to report on the color of his shit and gotten away with it..ha! I think the few of us here could be considered freaks and always have been. Your in good company. This RIFF machine while interesting if dependant on pendulumn use is lacking sorely. I've not found I am terribly accurate with a pendulum and it is rare to find someone who is. Have an off day and youre in trouble and hanging your ass over the line.
I have been looking futher into Dr Clarks Syncrometer and I believe it would do all the RIFF does plus make it possible to sort out the physical problems. THis is considerably cheaper and I think could be even more effective. As far as Peter footing the bill..what are dad's for? He's been doing all that's possible from AMA doctors to Medicine Men. But having been on the alternative health care route for 30 yrs plus I know what unbelivable husslers are out there. So I am very slow to go running after all these great ideas (anymore). If I had not been cured by Dr Clarks approach, quite by accident, I should add, I would never have considered it seriously. Bottom line..this use of sound and eletrical charge to get rid of problems is such a great notion and I do believe we are actually seeing it's use becoming avaiable. But the fees at a $1 a min..the person should be taken out and shot. No better than the rest of the AMA pharamacuticals out there. Shameful to be taking such advantage of sick people.
BTW whomever was reporting on NC..thanks for the good word. It's great to know there are beacons of light still shining out there. Makes me want to visit.
We still haven't found a place in OR. I'm not worrying. Sure I think about it and am looking online. But Miranda is stressed. My little Virgo does not take well to all these uncertainties. Send some thoughts her way as well please.
Steve..looks like the path is being sent for you and the church. I love it when the Universe gives such clear signals. Although it sounds like it will be a huge loss to many.
Good morning all. Spring is offically here. All my chickens are laying again. My aracana banties are laying their beautiful blue and pink eggs along with the ones from my 2 big hens big eggs. I'm still a little kid in the hen house feeling I'm on a treasure hunt whenever I gather a handful of warm eggs. It's a good life.

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: ps
Date: 26 Feb 2003
...Maybe I should make a huge peace sign in the green grass with marigolds...I will next time I go in.

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: standingbythegardengate/
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Eric...when? you'll call me? There's a great anarchist book store in the east village (complete with free section) and a ton of things to do...right Steve...
Eileen, I spent a great deal of time at the cottage and in the garden last evening...The lily of the valley are planted around the apple tree that I planted for my grand daughter Hannah and the lilac tree is at the corner of the cottage by the window so I can see the blossoms when I'm sitting in my chair...there is also some wisteria now by the gate, it's really beautiful...can you see it? Lavender and white seems perfect for Ariel.

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Eric...when? you'll call me? There's a great anarchist book store in the east village (complete with free section) and a ton of things to do...right Steve...
Eileen, I spent a great deal of time at the cottage and in the garden last evening...The lily of the valley are planted around the apple tree that I planted for my grand daughter Hannah and the lilac tree is at the corner of the cottage by the window so I can see the blossoms when I'm sitting in my chair...there is also some wisteria now by the gate, it's really beautiful...can you see it? Lavender and white is perfect for Ariel.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 26 Feb 2003
I hear ya Ohio Girl. Hey Eric, if ya' wanna' do yer' homework on my neck of the woods before hitting town, just type in St Marks place hotel...that will get ya' to a site that reads 8th street/st marks hotel. Its a map that starts out over by Hendrix's old digs. You can "walk" through the map N. S. E. or W. from there. It pin-points my crib as well as Nik's. (Real Funky neighborhood). Check it out Mister. Now for the "What-A-Difference-A-Day-Makes Department. Hey Nicole; If the offer still goes: count me in on the road trip;...I need to deliver some Good Karma to my Faith-Keeper in order to fulfill a huge chunk of destiny. I will most likely split to West Hollywood from there: (as Its a one-way for me); See,... The new Rev. just gave us all the word that The Peace Church may close its doors as early as July. (Not up to code, Etc.) We have all seen it comming for some time now...Hey Nik; If its a "GO"; Dont sweat the fuel or the munchies; (I got you all covered both ways). I hope all you crashers can make it here under the wire. It may be the end of an era. (I remember a few of those myself)..."Like a Rollin' Stone"...Drop in Nik,..lets work out the details. Steve

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 26 Feb 2003
I'm ready for Spring and I'm ready for Peace. No mad rush over a cliff like lemmings, just Peace.

Name: Rife
EmailAddress: Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Nina Silver, Ph.D. Now 448 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, and newly revised! The number of pages has been increased by about 150 since the last revision, in order to accommodate the greater number of disease listings, frequencies, and other information on detoxification, minerals, water, pH, the therapeutic aspects of light, sauna therapy, and much more. Includes a full 200-page cross indexed Frequency Directory. Nina Silver, Ph.D., tells the whole story of this cancer cure invention by Royal Raymond Rife. Most complete manual available. Extensive research and many personal contacts in the alternative health field made this clinical guide possible. Newest edition available in March, 2002.

Name: Rife
Date: 26 Feb 2003
Eileen and others... the book is "The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing" by Nina Silver, PhD. amazon and bn don't carry it but you can find it on an internet search. about $60. isbn # 0-9668352-3-9
this book explains how the rife boxes are used and has frequency rates for so many pathogens as well as stress, fears, so much more. apparently the frequencies effect target pathogens: viruses, fungi and bacteria and shatter the cell walls just like Ella Fitzgerald can shatter a glass.
I have a friend taking treatments and will let you now if she gets results. a well respected naturopath i know also has one, and a very wise herbalist also told me he invested in the machine and book.
the internet search came up with conferences (recent) on Rife healing and Hep C and Cancers. the practicioner here charges $1 a minute which gets costly real fast. however, if it gets results then hallejulah. however, in the book it says Rife specified that his healing discovery not be used for profit, that no one is to charge for treatments.
your practicioner needs to be able to dowse with a pendalum. for example, there are numerous frequencies for most specific pathogens; sometimes the patahogens mutate, etc.
maybe peter will look into this and support treatments for his daughter. wouldn't that be a blessing. i am humbly searching for ways to heal nasty viruses.
there are also frequencies for stress, fears (founded and unfounded) etc. the rife box is supposed to help tissue regenerate as well as destroy invading pathogens.
sometimes a parasitic worm can have viruses inside of it and so the parasite is the vector. (mode of transport.) originally Rife was able to blast the tuburculosis bacteria but people stayed sick until he discovered that viruses lived in the tb bacteria. so, additional blasts for the virus and voila, people got WELL.
Good luck all. this is too personal so i'm remaining anonymous. I did see a movie on Rife and his work and was astounded by watching pathogens dissolve as showen through the microscope.
still things to consdier are dealing with dieoff (colonics recommended) and how do we get the money to pay for treatments???

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 25 Feb 2003
Fuck the Store Mister; hit the Fool's Pair-A-Dice. The Michigan crew will pull out by Sun. a.m. You can crash and eat here. You and your's can have the run of the back parlor and the downstairs kitchen as well. You will have a private W.C. and shower. We stock soap, razors, deoderant and shampoo. It aint exactly the Helmsley Palace, but ya' cant beat the price. No strings. Its all FREE: (because crime dont pay)...hey, you can pull your poster off of the bathroom wall. Get here; we will do the rest. P.S. Bring your own towel. (Im' wearing the last one that we had). Dont E-Mail my address unless you want the feds to meet you at the gate. Just drop in. I will keep the light on for ya'. 133 West 4th Street (ring "Artist In Residence" button) Hey, the lower end of 5th Ave starts one block over, in the center of the north end of Wash. Sq. Park. It's a great walk on a nice day. Naught to annoy; much to enjoy; A Digger Welcome to thee.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: the witch doctor
Date: 25 Feb 2003
I can tell you this much, an eye-witness report. Every other house in downtown
Asheville, NC {Hippieville, USA} is sporting a peace sign or anti-war slogan.
A blank bill-board on the main hwy into town has "NO WAR" in large & clearly
volunteered red letters on it [not a paid announcement]. The daily newspaper (not notably liberal) has a constant deluge of peace-oriented letters on the editorial page every day.
The discontent is most plainly manifest here, even in the buckle of the Bible belt.

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 25 Feb 2003
How bout' a tatoo from old SSBoyd? I am sure Boyd and Buckley would make for some interesting visions. Don't forget your snowboard.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's.....
Date: 25 Feb 2003
Supercomet..just for the heck of it..Here's something I'm interested in. Good pictures. You can decide on your own about the rest of it.
Bob I ordered that book on Frangarnces. They author has 2 other books on old France that look facinating..whores and cannibles...? Just finished watching the video, Ravenous. So I was a bit taken aback to find the subject come up twice in one day.

Name: Eric
Date: 25 Feb 2003
Will be in NY next week for a couple days. Any suggestions of places to go, things to do? I'm going to try and get back to the 5th Ave. research library to photograph the 1649 edition of "A declaration to the powers of England", the first Digger manifesto. Any free stores to visit or WRL events happening?

Name: Black Eye Unlimited
EmailAddress: Tattooing By Silent Steve
Date: 25 Feb 2003
Open Letter to Doctor Sponge: Hey dickless,...the next time that you drop-A-Dime; make sure that it's not two plugged nickles. My backer(s) all checked out. Front?...RICO Act?... not by a long shot. I didnt think that you would go that far, ya' Psycho-Fuck. See ya' down the line maybe. P.S. By the way, wasnt' "Heavy Hitter" was "Heavy Hitters" mistake. (or, rather: Your' Mistake). Think About It. P.S. Ive' got you slated for a free tattoo; a big "W" on each side of your asshole. "WOW"

Name: bob
Date: 25 Feb 2003
I picked up 'Rational Mysticism' last nite. A good book.
Out here, seems like almost every car is flying the flag, or has a flag sticker on it. I'm thinking of flying the French flag on my beat up old truck. (somewhere back in the mists, my ancestors were French) Or maybe the earth flag...

Name: Nicole
Date: 25 Feb 2003
Sorry that is not Cricks paper as I thought...someone discussing it and not to well I might add...very skipable...nik

Name: Nicole
Date: 25 Feb 2003
...this is an interesting article about conciousness written by Dr Cricks one of the co discoverers of the double helix strands of 1953...he's still around and this is his latest paper...

Name: Roasta
Date: 25 Feb 2003
Fresh underground art & culture.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Bob, I have a hole in my brain where more and more seems to leak out on a daily I do understand..yes you were very close. It sounds great and I'm definitely going to get a copy. Thanks for the effort.

Name: bob
EmailAddress: Ahah!
Date: 24 Feb 2003
That elusive title is: 'The Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and the French Social Imagination' by Alain Corbin 1988 Harvard Univ Press. and it's still in print. @$15
I was thinking it was 'The Fragrant and the Profane' or some such. Close, huh?

Name: fragrant bob
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Arrrgh! My brain's broken. I'll look for the book tonight & let you know.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Ha Bob..yes yes.........and? I want to know the name of that book. I'm getting ready to go inot the fragrant oil and healing salves etc and would love to know what that book is. ET phone home

Name: bob
Date: 24 Feb 2003
I'll often label myself a skeptic, and will mostly be telling the truth. However...on rare occasions I have experienced 'events' or 'things' that simply can't be explained away rationally. Glimpses into the future, insights into the 'now', a vision or two completely outside the pale yet as substantial as this machine you're looking into right now. Metal and plastic and glass. (Yet, all this machine does is produce pixel gas, right? We divine meaning from the patterns of that gas? ( I better quit, before I really embarrass myself)
The Secret Life of Plants. Yes, there's a yellowing copy on my bookshelf at home, right next to...oh crap...I'm drawing a blank. In the late 18th century, Paris was mapped according to aromas, not streets or landmarks. It's a book about that. It's called... ... ...???
trace this call and tell me where I am.

Name: Antenae(derg)
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Hi all does anyone have a good recipie for samosas either lamb or vegie. Much obliged

Date: 24 Feb 2003
Thanks Nicole - Hieronymous looks very interesting. I will have to consult my crytsal ball about this........IMAM(Suspect)

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: onthepsycicplane.orgone
Date: 24 Feb 2003

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Glad Ariel is feeling OK. Whew!! About hepatitis C being a slow and subtle way of life and how it sneaks up on you, that's been really bothering me lately, wondering what might have been had I realized I was supposed to have more energy. What books haven't I read? No, even doctors don't recommend interferon and ribavirin for everyone, they weigh a variety of factors. It's really good to have all the different point of views. Treatment is not compulsory.
I am half-French (not to open a can of worms here and don't tell Buckley whatever you, no political arguments here have some more coffee and a piece of pie). Apparently in France the pharmacist is a really important health practitioner who advises people on what to do for their ailments, and on which times they need to consult a doctor. I always thought of it as an early screening process much cheaper than having to pay to see your doctor to see if you need a referral to a specialist for example. But how could it work over here in our lawsuit mentality, the poor pharmacists would be sued every time they turned around. American pharmacists are underused for health information they can impart. My relatives overseas use homeopathics or big medicine, whatever is needed. No special emphasis on the big medicine. Yes many aspects of our way of life here are profit-driven. Wasn't that part of the reason to drop out in the first place!

Name: IMAM
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Nope - does any one have the link handy? - IMAM(Suspect)

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Patrick, just finished reading what I googled about is very interesting...thanks for the info...I now see that the article I just read is from a conversation with the author/s of secret life of plants...Yes, I'd forgotten about that...and
Eileen, I've thought about that alot...the re-communalization of our clan...even if only to give us ease in our golden olden age...but coming together wiser (hopefully) and with out the hormones rages of our youth...I for one, love this idea. I can see it...and I love it.

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Patrick, just finished reading what I googled about is very interesting...thanks for the info

Name: patrick
Date: 24 Feb 2003
are you hip to the "Hieronymus Machine"? I believe it is the only U.S. patent on a psycically operated machine. A brother named Caspian who I met in British Columbia had the blue prints for it. I recall it was very interesting. Dr. Thomas G. Hieronymus Patent # 2,482,773. Patent awarded 1949. Patmandu

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: our bodies and bodies and others
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Nicole! Good One! HA!
and yes PERFECT for the flowers. Thanks. Ariel called a few minutes ago to say the latest crisis has subsided and she is having breakthru information. (See praayers and good wishes DO help). She will tell me more after work, but wanted to update all concerned.

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Feb 2003
...funny but I tend to get orgone energy when I cover my body with the person of my choice...

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Hi All - Windy and icy cold for a change in Portland with a sunny sky.
Wanted to share Stew 's poetic note from today -
Bouncing Bernadette
Good old Jimmy Breslin
informs us that
Bernadette Devlin
got booted from Bushland
when she arrived from Belfast.
She was once a member
of the Brit parliament
and a socialist leader
for Irish justice.
She was a flaming radical
back in the '70's.
Full disclosure!
I once got drunk with Bernadette
in the members only
Parliament saloon.
That was a long time ago.
She's been coming to American Babylon
for decades
and didn't throw a single bomb.
But now that she's a grandmother with a bum leg
she considered ineligible for admission
can't buy her grand children presents in Macys,
bounced her back to Belfast.
Indignant, Ms. Devlin told them
"You can't do that, I have my rights."
Better informed, the INS thug replied
"Since 9/11, nobody has any rights."
Went walking in Portland
early this morning.
Very cold.
Very windy.
Harsh exercise.
But the sun was shining bright.
Made me think of better times
Of warm days
walking on the beach
mellow on my deck
growing tomatoes
It was before 9/11.
George Bush wasn't President.
And we still had rights.
by Stew Albert (Yippie!)

Name: IMAM
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Orgone Final:
Or..... The easiest accumulator is to make a blanket using the inorganic on the outside inorganic on the inside layers to cover your whole body in Orgone Energy.................. But remember kids......Orgone Energy is not for kids................IMAM(Suspect)

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Yes Eileen, I have it LILACS and LILY OF THE VALLEY

Name: PS
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Put the top back on the milk can and leave it there!

Name: IMAM
Date: 24 Feb 2003
IMAM's easy to build - easy to use 'Orgone Thingy'
You can build a really simple orgone accumulator from an old milk can. You wrap one inch layers of alternating organic (cardboard) and then inorganic (steel wool) inside the can moving toward the center - this goes on until you have about 8" of wrap with a space in the center about 6" in diameter. Then you punch two holes into the bottom of the can into the space section inside. You attach rubber tubes (about four feet long) into the holes. On the end of one of the tubes you attach a metal funnel - the other tube goes into a bucket of some sort with about 4" of water in it. (Be careful with the water - it will become contaminated with DOR - Deadly Orgone Radiation (but it is easily disposed of - just keep a lid on it and it won't hurt anything.
Anyway - Now that you have your Orgone accumulation device - you just hang the can in a tree on a mountainside. It will immediately begin collecting Orgone energy - then you put the funnel hose agains your body in the area that you are having problems.............IMAM(Suspect -Orgone Agent)

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Correction..learning by samosis .....hahahaha, osmosis. know Ariel. You could probably pick the plant. I would say something old time and fragrant. Lavendar, violets..something in that realm.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Thinking about the beginning of it all
Date: 24 Feb 2003
IMAM~I've been facinated by the idea of the orgone box but never saw directions for it. THat was such an interesting period in time, When I was going to school in Boulder ('61-'63) was where I first hear of Reich, Stiner, Crowley. I was also coming across old people that we the freaks no doubt of their generation that were into natural healing..herbs, pendulums, the most incrediable psychic I ever met, chyropactors, rock hounds, folks that knew the land, as well as ghoasts and aliens (UFO types) In those days Boulder was a stew of the folks hidden out in the hills and were some of my first teachers. You have to understand, coming fresh from Louisiana having lived there for 21 yrs I stepped into something that felt beyond anything I had ever heard of and also felt like I had stepped into a nest of people one only dreams of. There was much I had been learning by samosis from the Blacks in Louisiana all my life without realizing it was anything unusual until I left home. These folks and the info that was out there..well I was a duck in water.
A few yrs back I came across a book that was a somewhat smaller but very significant gathering of info by some of these folks, I guess you could say, in the realm of Stiner and these old time "freaks". Secrets of the Soil by by Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird,
Christopher Baird, and William Thomas. These are the guys that wrote Secret Life of Plants. These are books that are not just for gardners..really stretches ones mind to the possibilities as to how we actually relate to the soil and plants in a way that goes beyond your run of the mill organic gardening..ha! to say the least. Not your downhome gardening. I consider this with When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone, on my required reading list for anyone that has missed these books. I'm serious. This is, you might say a much more esoteric book in the realm of the Fox Fire books. Remember those great books?..they're still avaiable.
I think with the economy rapidly sliding beyond our grasp, it's about time to refresh our memories of our communial living on the land, roots.
quickmorph..thanks for the hep c input. There are apparently 3 levels of hep c the doctors have sesed out. From the easiest to treat, to the nigh 'bout impossible. To those folks that say sorry youre feeling bad. That is not exactly how it is. Hep c becomes a way of life that is so slow and subtle as to not be noticable till your in serious shit. I will always go for the less invasive way of dealing with sickness..doctors are on the very end of my list. I continue to pursue this subject on this particular page because it is this 60's generation that seems to have been so hard hit. I thought we had slid by AIDS by the skin of our teeth..can you IMAGINE (if I could typoe that bigger I would) can you IMAGINE if we had come out of the 60's with AIDS on our tail????? We would all be dead!!
OK that's my 2 cents this morning. Back to..yep, packing and all that comes along with it..dump and thrift store runs, etc. HAve a good day.

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Ohio girl, Dale Carnegie did a study at the turn of the last century...comparing homeopathy, naturapathy and alopathy, the later being regular american brand of medicine, he determined that there was way more money to be made with alopathy, you treat symptoms, needing prescriptions and you have to actually see the doctor for that, it takes longer to heal, the drug companies make money, the doctor does, the whole machine worked better for them with alopathy so that was where they funneled the money and pushed for it...up to that point we had homeopathic doctors much like they have in Europe now...for every regular pharmacy in France, there are two homeopathic ones...kind of interesting...same as the cervical cap is legal there for over 2o years, but a nurse can instruct you on how to use it so no doctors fees...they confiscate them at the docks here...shame...Dr. Dollar wins the way I have insurence that covers my hepatron interferon stuff, but I won't take it...I have zero symptoms, I feel great,have gobs of energy (untill I take that, then I'm devastated) so I choose to feel good for a shorter period of time? "They" say my viral load is in the millions and that my biopsy showed damage at #4 on a scale of 1 to 6...however, I don't think so...besides for me today it's quality over quantity in my life and I know I am doing the right thing for
Eileen, what shall I plant for Ariel...?
When I go to California this year I'm going to try to I'll pass through Tucson on the way.

Name: IMAM
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Wanna build your own Orgone Box?

Name: stray bob
EmailAddress: lost in the ozone, er, orgone
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Morning'. Had to make a quick run out to San Diego this weekend, my wife gets a bit edgy if she's away from the ocean for too long. Soon I guess we'll just have to move to Caly...I am sorry to hear of all the illness folks are experiencing. My thoughts to all of you, for health and happiness.
Nicole, certainy if you make it out to Tucson, let's get together.
Years ago, I was taking books to this guy, a shut in, a wreck, living in a glorified flop house. Hooked up to an oxygen tank, ashtrays full of Camel butts,
fridge full of Cokes and juice. Anyway, he asks for books on Reich. I ask if he's interested in the Box...yep, say he. I find some plans for building the box, bring them out to him. He's sittin' in his room with a young streetwalker, so overjoyed to get that info. 'You just saved my life' he says. (the streetwalker did much more for him than I ever could, I'm sure).Never saw him again. Anyway, the Orgone Box comments reminded me. It's neither here nor there.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Its so strange....I have (hopefully had) it, my husband has it, his ex-wife had it and we hope she got cured, it's probably what my first husband died from although it hadn't even been named "C" back then. And that's just in my personal family, and it doesn't include a brother who won't get tested, and it doesn't include old friends, or new-old friends from here. Quickmorph I'm glad you are ok!!! And it's good to get yet another side of the story. We've got to stick together.
Eileen did Miranda say anything like "Oh Mom I can't believe you did it" when you shaved your hair? I love it when I can get my kids to say that!
The European way of health tends to try natural medicines first--the things that are less-expensive and less-toxic. Then if necessary use big medicine. The American way seems to do the reverse. I think it makes sense to consider anything that might work. Peace

Name: quickmorph
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Some hep C notes...
I've had it for probably 30 years. I live near Yale and went to see one of their liver specialists the other day. I've been doing blood tests pretty regularly for the past few years and and lately they've come up normal, he didn't recommend the pegalated interferon. Also had a biopsy a few years ago which for me was no big deal. Like a quick kick in the gut and over before I knew it.
Anyway, the gist of it is that a lot depends on virus load and how slowly the thing is moving. Doc seemed to think that the side-effects from the interferon out-weighed the good side of the therapy. So (at least according to him) it's not always the best course of action.
For what its worth I quit my bourbon nightcap a few years and go and started on milk thistle. My blood work went to normal very soon after. So if you've got it DON'T DRINK!
Ohio Girl - Thanks for all your great help with this mess. The websites are terrific!

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Feb 2003
Yeah, I look pretty dang refreshing!

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: nope
Date: 23 Feb 2003
Eileen; you fuzzy little thang'. Hell, Segorny Weaver pulled it off. I remember back in S.F. around 1970 seeing the bald gals with one ring through there nostril. (bold move in that era)...but the Nun look is refreshing. Its as if it markes a new beguining. I had just close-cropped my hair for the Lady Rev's last visit. Kinda like the Pit-Bull effect; but without the chewed off ear. (that may come later)...Anyway,...I love all short-hairs; cats, dogs, people. Hmm...Baldness???...remember this one? "God made some heads perfect. (and put hair on all of the others)". Think about it.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: I Dare Ya'
Date: 23 Feb 2003
Wheww..Im' back. Well, a youth group of about twenty, from Michigan State University is dis-placed Buckley in the back parlor. They found it hard to believe that Im a "Flintoid" until I wrote a positive response to a question with the term "Fuckin'-"A"!!!. The New Rev. put the good word in for Buckley and reserved him a bed at the Men's Shelter at the old Bellview Psychiatric Hospital (my old haunt)...but, Buckley being Buckley promptly headed for a sit-up-all-night-in-a-chair city runned crack gallery. He drug his ass in here this mourning and stashed all of his gear thinking that he has one foot in the door again,..he looked like he had been shot at and missed and shit at and hit. He's gonna pull his little bird with the busted wing routine. My new bride scored a house (home) in the mid-west and is whole-heartedly supporting me with the Tattooing Venture. Ive' put in an order for the first two hand-built guns from a connection that I have in Coppenhagen Denmark. Im' sticking with the old style classic P.Rogers and J. Walker pattern tattoo guns, with plans for a custom navy brass Original "Silent Steve" model. Gotta register my name pronto. Tell that Wheeler's Ranch Steve that he missed the boat. Maybe change his to : "Got Nuthin' Ta' Say Steve",..(that cat can talk when he wants; right???...anyway, Ive' been prompted to become a Master Chiaroscuro man. (Black and Grey work only) Tribal, Celtic, New Primitive, etc. Hey, sorry to hear you all' are feelin' shitty these days. Hey,.."Winds gonna' change,' blow yer' blues away". Bet on it. Later all. P.S. I posted some Anti-Oppression connections on the free frame of reference page. Dig it.Hey Suzanna: When they say "Uproot EVERY known terrorist training camp"; are they including the American ones also???...Naaa..of course not! (stupid question).

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 23 Feb 2003
The Wavy Gravy look is definitely not good on a woman. The unique appearance of Wavy Gravy and Andy Warhol is/was best for themselves only I'd say! At least bald would get people's attention! but I sure don't have the nerve. My husband is one of the many who weren't cured on the old interferon treatment. We have some medical-student tapes about current hepatitis treatments and one of the case studies was a woman who had taken the old interferon unsuccessfully. Her liver was in such bad shape they kept her on "maintenance dose" interferon for years (sounds like maintenance hell to me). When ribavirin came along and she took interferon plus ribavirin, she got a permanent cure. Well I'm going to head back into this crappy weather to go to work tonight but the daylight hours are getting longer, spring will get here.....

Name: IMAM
Date: 23 Feb 2003
Orgone boxes are plug free.

Date: 23 Feb 2003
Come spring go sit on a sunny warm beach and forget about everything but what you see and feel.
Take a warm stance about how you should feel. Let what helps you help you. A nice friend that puts you in a warm space is something nice to have around. Stay away from anyhing that plugs into a wall.

Name: IMAM
Date: 23 Feb 2003
Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Box - not Rudlof Steiner (who I think lived in a another kind of box) - I have experimented with one of the original orgone boxes and other orgone thing-a-ma-jigs and there is most certainly a strange phenomena (orgone energy) occuring but as to whether it cures anything I have no idea. Yes - the Gom Jabbar!
But also the UK Dr's black box used by Townshend and Claption to cure their heroin addictions uses frequencies I believe.- IMAM(Suspect)

Name: RIFF
EmailAddress: correction...
Date: 23 Feb 2003
and NOTE improvements. excuse my many typos in my last post. people are feeling improvements. I'm told that unfavorable lab tests can be aced after treatments with this. Ariel sounds like a prime candidate. As, the treatments also help revive and restore healthy cells, so i'm told.
and, yes silymarin, Milk Thistle, is supposed to regenerate the liver. no harm taking this wonderful plant. comes in tablet and capsule forms at your health food store. I take it just because of the pollution in our lives. fortunately i didn't wreck my liver with alcohol or heavy drugs, but i know the air we breath is loaded with heavy metals and other pollutants. can't hurt to take this humble weed.

Name: RIFF
EmailAddress: i'm with you
Date: 23 Feb 2003
Eileen, I'm with you. Yes, it is like a zapper with thousands of possible frequencies. The secret is finding a practicioner who knows how to tune in to which frequencies and for how long. a course of treatment can include time on the machine for stress, vitality, fear , trauma, parasites (specific parasites have specific frequencies), viruses (often carried by parasites!!!) and more. Separate times for each frequencies. The priacticioner i know is doing "research" and i am hearing good reports. The box costs between $3000 and $4000, the book another $30 (I'm guessing) and the ability to use the pendulum is the essential ingredient. Like, round worm could have several different frequencies so which on e andfor who long is critical to getting good results. Also, a clear practicioner is essential. I mentioned to a woman who uses this machine for healing that a friend was considering buying one to heal family and friends. The practicioner said she'd be happy to help the friend learn how to use it; she does not fear competition as she is overwhelmed with people seeking help. She would like to see more practicioners out there, here, everywhere.
as soon as i get the name of the book i'lll share it here. people i know who are getting treatments are very glad and not improvements.

Name: patrick
Date: 23 Feb 2003
That was the first thing I thought of Eileen. That Jabberwocky box that the toxic mother superior in Dune employed. Darkness. Patman is suspect.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Feb 2003
RIFF~Stay with us on this. As I understand how Dr Clarks Zapper works I can well imagine something you are talking about working. I know there is a box that has a much wider range of eletricial frequencies than the 9 volts used for the zapper. I also know it costs an arm and a leg! You know I was listening to a program the other day with a specialists that has studied Russia's and the US research on stress. Interesting enough they found chanting, meditating and the like actually reprogramed the deep ingrained ill health stress levels from childhodd forward. Having used chanting to deal with this myself, have found this to be accurate. It has occured to me that chanting should be able to also heal the body..(body, mind, spirit not in the least seperate) as it is actually vibrating the body with dsound waves. I do not know about meditation in this regard. This also made me thing of Stiners Orgone Box.
Ha! IMAM~You made me think of the Black Box from Dune. Remember that one?

Name: IMAM
Date: 23 Feb 2003
RIFF - Is this like the "black box" used in the UK to cure addictions? You put your hand into the box by all reports..... But this is probably different eh?- IMAM(Suspect)

Name: RIFF
EmailAddress: seeking alternatives.
Date: 23 Feb 2003
will send more info as i get it. it's a box with dial up frequencies, and the partient holds two rods that flash with light as they emit mostly silent sound waves. kind of like to box used to blast parasites, only this has specific rates for everything from germs to mental blocks. there's a published book with frequencies, used with a pendulim. the new book even has frequencies for bio terrorism: anthrax, smallppox, eboola. also frequencies for different cancers, viruses, parasites, etc.
i will get more infor and keep you informed, don't have the name of the book, but will.
best wishes, a friend who is also seeking alternatives.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Feb 2003
A note from Ariel...."thanks for sending all these. i'd love to hear how people feel post-treatment (like the first one you sent said they felt great)."

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 Feb 2003
Eileen - Sure - Wavy still has hair - at least he did two years ago here in Portland. But the wave was fading...............

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Feb 2003
Wavy Gravy? Does he have any hair? I shaved mine after Miranda said (after a bad dye job) I looked like Andy Warhol (or as she put it, the old guy with the white wig on his head).
Patrick~I also sent your info onto Ariel. Thank you and Ohio Girl for taking the time for this for Ariel. I forget the genotype she has, but it's the hardest to treat. With the latest testing the doctor put the fear of god in her. After doing the old interfuron treatment and it doing nothing but giving her hives, making her sick and hurting her, she is understandably not rushing into this next round of treatment. But with what you have both had to say, I can't help but wonder if she should go for it. But the reprocussions sound so narley! But ofcourse we know the other "reprocussions" if it's not stopped. Doesn't it make you think of the dark ages? Poison to cure. Bring out the leeches! (I read some time back about leeches being used again.)
More packing today. House has been pulled apart now and looks like..well, like I'm moving. What a mess. Have a great day all.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 23 Feb 2003
Hello Eileen, I am glad if anything I say helps Ariel, e-mail if you need any gory details. Me too, I've heard the virus really digs in, I think they are now treating people who got a transplant, to keep their new liver virus-free. The doctors are really trying on this one. Good information from Patrick!!
Hello Patrick and Congratulations being virus free and your friend too! That is beautiful to hear. I have been there, having to keep working so as not to lose your health insurance, and then that feeling of knowing you got your health back. I got this from shooting dope in the late 60s and early 70s. I took the Pegintron and Ribavirin. I found it to be horrific the first few weeks and horrible the rest of the time. I have (had I hope!) genotype 3 which can be cured in 6 months if you're lucky. At the end of the 6 months I had a viral amount of "10" which is so close to zero. an amount smaller than they could even measure a few years ago. They re-tested me in a few weeks and the viral amount was sky-high again, so they put me right back on it for another 24 weeks. I hadn't even stopped losing weight and feeling crappy etc. from the first 24 weeks. At the end of the second 24 weeks, I again had a viral amount of "10." However they tell me it's not necessarily the same this time, 10 is such a low number and my other tests came out very good, much better than the first time around. And I feel really good, much better than after the first round of treatment and much better than I have for years as far as that goes. So.......either I'm cured or at least I know I'm going in the right direction. So I'm waiting for the blood test. No doubt I'll have gone nuts by then, there will be no one to tell the results to.
I suppose it's silly to worry about my hair in light of everything else. But if I wear it back I look like a boy. If I wear it down I look like Wavy Gravy.
Ariel, keep the faith........... Peace

Name: patrick
Date: 23 Feb 2003
Eileen and Ohio Girl
Milk thistle. symarillon?, Hep C,Interferon? So so familiar. I started the Milk thistle in 1994. Labs kept indicating no change. Had a liver biopsy in 1996. Being a recovering addict I decided to have the biopsy without any meds other than novacaine as a local prior to having the ol' jab through the ribs into the liver. Damn! Not a very bright idea on my part. Biopsy showed moderate damage. Lots of chalk, Shit I thought all that stuff was pure, must have been from the dilaudid. Ha Ha. Anywayyy I did the treatment. Interferon and 1999-2000, Slowed me down significantly but I managed to continue working. Had to, the meds were so exspensive could,nt afford to lose my benifits. Plus after striving to not play the gamme for twenty years it was kinda interesting being part of regular ol' society. Treatment was effective. Labs are normal still and I continue to test negative for the virus.A friend of mine has just finished up with the newest treatment Pegilated Interferon and Rebo. You only have to take one shot a week instead of every 3 days. Supposedly more successful than prior treatment like mine. His hair is still thin but at present he is recovering well and tests negative for hep c.I would recomend the treatment sooner, not later. I've lost alot of friends and family to this of course I guess If you don't make some chemical lifestyle changes also the treatment may not be as effective.
A return to health is a wonderous thing, Peace, Patman

Name: dave(chalkline)weigand
Date: 23 Feb 2003
hey,peace kids, i be now pullin free since before this millinium, and have yet to be the true love i learned from ya'll in Florida or Georgia (Atlanta 2 in '71)but i keep on pulling free. later dave

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Feb 2003
RIFF? You going to give me some info or a link? I am interested to find out more since you brought it up.

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Thank you IMAM, Hammond, Mark and Ohio Girl.

Name: IMAM
Date: 22 Feb 2003
"Healing - Healing - Healing!....Vibrations....!

Name: IMAM
Date: 22 Feb 2003
"Good - Good - Good (Heaing) Vibrations........" -IMAM(Suspect)

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Ohio Girl~Thank you. Sent that info from your post here to Ariel. I will put you two in touch if she has more questions. Your news is heartening. If one's hair is the sacrifice..well, Ariel will have to decide these things for herself..obviously since I'm currently bald, we may have different issues with that one. Ha! She just explained today how that virus moves around and can uum, attach to the DNA I think she said, hide out and re-occure in a transplanted liver. Viscious sucker! Yes she has been treated for all kinds of other stuff even when they know it's hep C. She's lost her footing in the process.
I myself, have been lucky. It seems I have gotten ahead of this thing with the cleanses. I count myself very lucky but am staggered to see none of this seeming to help Ariel. To be born with it is a whole other world. I guess those guys hogging the dope in the end saved me the worst of it. (But at the time you can well imagine I was not thanking them.) What can I say, but karma..we were never taught to the think to the 7th generation were we? But then again, were we capable of thinking of anyone but ourselves?

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Eileen - Hummm..... right - I forgot about the No Willamette Valley -and Pleasant Hill qualifies..
Ohio Girl - :-)

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Eileen, Anything I can do? You've got my prayers for your daughter (and even for you about moving, moving is a bitch). E-mail if you want, let me know if you don't still have the e-mail address. Are Ariel's troubles from hepatitis C? I know it can cause problems all over the body that don't even appear to be liver-related, people have been misdiagnosed with all kinds of illnesses when it was really hepatitis C. As for me I feel really good for the most part. Most of the drug side effects are gone. My hair is worse than at the end of treatment it looks clown-like, just awful (a month and a half after end of treatment). However I have an energy level mentally and physically that I had forgotten existed. Not just a returned energy level because I'm off the treatment, but an energy level like years ago. I feel like I can "think" like myself. I have the distinct feeling that as horrendous as the treatment was I would be much worse off without it. However it's a month until I get re-tested and a week or two after that until I know if I'm really cured, since my final test results were borderline. I still have some problems that are probably due to liver damage such as wierd circulation problems of the hands and feet, or saying something and the words don't quite come out right, which had stopped happening while I was on the treatment. It makes me wonder if the hepatitis is coming back. But, being virus-free doesn't mean all that damage goes away at one time, so all that doesn't prove anything. I'm taking milk thistle and various vitamins and trying not to worry. However I looked at the calendar this morning to see how long until the blood test.....but mostly this morning I was all fired up by the thoughts stirred up when I finished AsEverWas! Peace

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Eileen, Anything I can do? You've got my prayers for your daughter (and even for you about moving, moving is a bitch). E-mail if you want, let me know if you don't still have the e-mail address. Are Ariel's troubles from hepatitis C? I know it can cause problems all over the body that don't even appear to be liver-related, people have been misdiagnosed with all kinds of illnesses when it was really hepatitis C. As for me I feel really good for the most part. Most of the drug side effects are gone. My hair is worse than at the end of treatment it looks clown-like, just awful (a month and a half after end of treatment). However I have an energy level mentally and physically that I had forgotten existed. Not just a returned energy level because I'm off the treatment, but an energy level like years ago. I feel like I can "think" like myself. I have the distinct feeling that as horrendous as the treatment was I would be much worse off without it. However it's a month until I get re-tested and a week or two after that until I know if I'm really cured, since my final test results were borderline. I still have some problems that are probably due to liver damage such as wierd circulation problems of the hands and feet, or saying something and the words don't quite come out right, which had stopped happening while I was on the treatment. It makes me wonder if the hepatitis is coming back. But, being virus-free doesn't mean all that damage goes away at one time, so all that doesn't prove anything. I'm taking milk thistle and various vitamins and trying not to worry. However I looked at the calendar this morning to see how long until the blood test.....but mostly this morning I was all fired up by the thoughts stirred up when I finished AsEverWas! Peace

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: House hunter
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Hi Hammond~
I am looking for a place with a bit of land..a lot (of land) would be nice, but ofcourse will depend on the area. I am a gardner and need space as well as privacy. Need good electricity, a place that will accept my 2 dogs, at least 2 bedrooms for Miranda and me..more would be nice. Out buildings would be terrific. I'm hoping to bring my 5 chickens. Space, lots of space and light! I can pay up to $900 but would prefer 5 to $700
max. I want to stay out of the Williamtte Valley. I am looking for the micro climate that will not hold sickness and overcast all winter. No I have not considered Pleasant it out of that valley? I've been using the on line classifides of the Eugene Weekly and the Register. Any help or suggestions totally welcome.

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Eileen - If I can help - please send me a few details on what you are looking for: e.g. - House with acreage or house in (whichever) town no acreage and to rent or buy? How close to the Drain (Cottage Grove area) do you want to be - 10min - 20min - 45min ........? I ask because I might have a few suggestions - e.g. Have you thought about Pleasant Hill (also south of Eugene)?

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Gardening for the future/Food for now
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Hi Mark~
I will give you several resources. If you search, John Todd, you will find quite a bit on his books work, etc. As much as I already know about his work, I am still as excited about it as I read over what I have found for you here.
What I didn't tell you was, I had a vision (in trance) of Seattle yrs from now. Clear domes along the coast, full of plants for food and experiments developing new plants..folks working with beings from another planet..the crescent harbor there, a UFO landing area. The structures I saw?, I later saw in diagrams of future vision in Todd's first book for maintaining food and fish in a beautiful enviornment. Later he would develope a way to purify waste water. The man is the most practical of visionaries. Here is that info. I will give you these leads to start with.
I think this first one is his home site:
This is about his early work and the development with lots of pictures:
There is also Growing Edge magazine. I've bought all their back copies. This is to gardening and hydroponics, what Organic Gardening magazine by Rodale used to be to us..leaping light yrs ahead. The aquaponics, hydroponics with fish as adjunct, is another off shoot, similiar to Todds work. There are some great variations different folks have developed which I am very interested in. All the way for the backyard level, to quite a bit larger. This is something I hope to learn more about and develope once I am settled in Oregon. There is someone in Eugene, I just read about doing this.
This is the Growing Edge site with their link to aquaponics:
Thanks for the request for info that has given me the ooportunity to share this here. I hope there is someone else that will find this exciting if not at least interesting.

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Eileen (- Ariel -) You are both in my daily prayers and rounds of the wheel..... Bole Nath Ki Jai (in honor of the deity)

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Rena - How tragic!!!!! (lol)
Eileen - Thanks!!!
I wish I had a DIGGER FREE copy to send and pass around but alas, I only have two copys left to myself! Barnes & Noble, Helter Skelter Books, or SAF Publishing if you really want you very own.....

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Feb 2003
In our conversation the other day, you mentioned the person who was working on Hydroponics/fishfarming/water purification technology. Could you post his name or link to that stuff?
Our thoughts are with you and your daughter.

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Feb 2003
RIFF??>>nope sound healing? I know of sound healing from my own psychic work but I have not come across it elsewhere. Want to tell me more.
Ohio Girl~How are you doing? Ariel needs everyones prayers. She is not doing well and is stuggling thru doctors that think they've got a cure and they don't. She is not getting better plus is not sleeping and has not found the door yet. My heart aches at the helplessness I feel as a mother as a healer. If holding ones child would be enough.

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 22 Feb 2003
In the March issue of Harper's magazine is an essay titled "No More Unto The Breach. Part One: Why war is futile." by Jonathan Schell. It elaborates on ideas in his book "The Unconquerable World" which will be published in May by Metropolitan Books. I have read through the essay and am going to reread it today. This is an amazing analysis of a the "War System", The First World War, and Woodrow Wilson's attempt at the League of Nations. The online version of Harper's is still the Feb. issue but I think the cost of the printed version is well worth this work. This is really a good step in forming "The Question".

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: AsEverWas
Date: 22 Feb 2003
Hammond, the last several pages of the book just blew me away. I couldn't say enough about this book, except for not wanting to spoil it for someone who hasn't read it yet.
I found my copy on They are one of the websites that list various sellers of any given item with price comparisons too. I just checked and they had several sources listed for "AsEverWas."
We are awash in half-melted ice and new rain at the moment, supposed to get 3 to 6 more inches of snow tonight and temperatures around zero by the middle of next week. Good grief!

Name: RIFF
Date: 22 Feb 2003
have you had experience wit the RIFF box for sound healing? is this described in the cure for all diseases?

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Feb 2003
rna~You want my copy?

Name: rena
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Hammond, just got a message from; your book will not be available until mid april. do you know a better source?
Best to all...

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Hammond, gotta go now, but thanks and I'll check it out Monday...although Westbeth, my building is replacing the old gym with an interner if it's ready I'll catch you over the weekend...have a good one all...WWR, Nik

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Hi all - (My) - 3rd Page - Journal of Ongrowing Natures - Volume One
is now complete - Please visit - bookmark and return now and then for entertaining material from a wide array of Internationaly known and emergent artists.
And please spread the jam if you will! Thanks - Hammond

Name: IMAM
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Sponge (Ban) - Until further notice you are on the shit list - I mean the short list or do I? You should leave Steve alone - in f act why not just leave? IMAM(Suspect)

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 21 Feb 2003
OOOHHHH get her ! Have you been on the testosterone replacment pills again or just listening to your Kenny Rogers albums for too long. Why dont you ask your "heavy hitter" to forward the emails to you before you start making threats.
Use your time and money wisely , you never know when either can run out.

Name: IMAM
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Great photos Nicole - thanks! But I am with Eileen on 'Being There' - brrrrrrrrrrr - yet so beautiful! And thanks for watching my back with Sponge-nana-(Ban)...... IAM-IMAM - IAM (Suspect) No Substitutes!

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Thanks Eric...

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Nicole Thanks for the wonderful photos, Thanks Eric.
Ohio girl thanks for the plug.
Layla is blasting away in the other room. I got up to dance but this weeble only woobles, it was worth a try and it felt good. I circled the room with my arms like wings for just a few moments in time.
Let Santana play in Iraq, lets dance.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: basking in the snowflakes in Tangiers
Date: 21 Feb 2003
This is just a parting gift, not a goodbye--besides it's just the right size for a pocket, and so can be readily at your disposal, in your quiet moments.........................Travis
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
By Robert Frost (1874-1963)
Annotated by Brett Roettinger
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods an frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Figurative Language
"Whose woods these are I think I know."-The first sentence of the poem gives us insight that the speaker is a trespasser who is familiar with the area he is riding in.
"Woods"-The word woods is repeated throughout the poem, indicating that it is a key word. The woods represent more than woods, though. The woods are irrationality and temptation. The woods tempt the speaker to enjoy nature instead of focusing on the task at hand.
"Snow"-Snow is usually thought to represent winter and purity because it is white. However, it contributes to another element of contrast. The white snow in the dark woods shows gives the poem another element of contrast.
"Horse"-The horse is more than just a horse in the poem. The horse symbolizes speaker's conscious. When the speaker want to give in to the beauty of the woods, the horse reminds him of his responsibility.
"Farmhouse"-The farmhouse is the other side of the conflict that the speaker encounters. Representative of rationality, the farmhouse reminds the speaker of his duties to himself, his horse, and those he is visiting.
"Darkest evening"-Normally dark is associated with evil. It is ironic that in Frost's poem dark is not negative. The woods are dark and lovely. Frost points out that just because it is a dark night does not mean it is ominous.
"Downy flake"-The word choice of downy flake instead of snow creates imagery which increases the quality of the poem by allowing the reader to create a mental picture of the poem.
"Lovely, dark and deep"-Associating lovely with dark and deep shows that the woods are nice to stop in not only because they are beautiful but also because they are restful and sleepy.
"But I have promises to keep"-The speaker's sense of responsibility and task cause him to discard the idea of stopping in the forest because of his practical needs and oaths.
"And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep."-The repetition of the last to lines is famous and indicates that Frost is unhappy with the drudgery of responsibility. These lines reinforce the image that the obligations of society make life burdensome.
Theme-The theme of the poem is that irrationality have their place. On the darkest night of the year, shelter is first priority.
Meaning-The key phrases that contribute to the speaker’s dilemma are "woods are lovely" and "promises to keep" because they outline the conflict. The imagery shows how beautiful the forest is, making his decision harder. The repetition of his journey shows that it is important he be practical. Overall, Frost must submit to society.
Tone-The tone of the speaker is dejected. Although the speaker is happy to stop briefly in the woods, he is unhappy because he has to leave and return to the village. The speaker's depression stems mainly from his unwanted responsibility.
Speaker-The speaker is someone who lives in a little village though he does not want to. He has told someone he will do something and has to return to the drudgery of society. The speaker has an appreciation for the cold and for nature because he likes watching snow and because he likes spending time in the forest.
Imagery-Frost is very talented at integrating imagery into the poem. Even though the poem is in iambic form, Frost still creates a mental picture of the dark and beautiful woods and of the peaceful wind and snow. "The darkest evening of the year" reinforces the darkness associated with solitude.
Figurative Language-Miles to go before I sleep can have the double meaning of a long time before I die. The speaker could also be contemplating suicide. He could be tempted by the lovely darkness of death. Also many words have double meanings such as the horse representing a conscious or the village representing the burdens of society.
Structure-Frost repeats himself in the last two lines of the fourth stanza. This reinforces the idea that the speaker cannot stop in the forest because of the responsibility he has to society.
Rhythm-Frost uses iambic rhythm. Every line has eight syllables and alternates between stressed and not stressed syllables. Also, the first,second, and fourth line rhyme with each other. The third line does not but it sets up the rhyme for the first second, and fourth lines in the next stanza.
Summary-When looking at the poem for the first time, it seems to be unusually simple. A man is resting in a forest on a snowy night. He is tempted to stay, but must move on because of the distance he must travel before he can rest.
"Biography of Robert Frost." World Wide Web. Available:

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Hammond, I'm about to head to Tangier. The concept "open marriage" always did set my teeth on edge. Free love was difficult enough to get it right, but what it meant to be, was probably the opposite of "open marriage."
Nicole the photos are beautiful. Wednesday night in central Ohio the temperatures really dropped, and Thursday morning all the fields, and the trees down to their smallest branches, were frosted white. Behind them was a pink sunrise, with fog swirling in and around. By afternoon, we were having the more usual follow-up of a big snowfall, huge mounds of blackened slush throughout all the towns, oh well.
Is Bush really backing off? Very skeptical but eternally optimistic here.

Name: NYC Peace March permit denied causa bush
EmailAddress: are en hay
Date: 21 Feb 2003
The Bush administration - which is in the midst of trying to sell the war to the public - filed a
brief urging the judges to uphold denial of the permit. And the Bloomberg administration has no
intention of forcing a St. Patrick's Day standstill instead of a parade - even though it's bigger and
likely more raucous.
this is why no Peace March was permitted in NYC.
found this via

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Feb 2003
Nicole....nope uh uha no way not thank you great place to visit no way jose better you than me snow in the city? I don't think so. Great pictures. Really captured the cold. So glad you like it.
Bob thanks SO much for the further info on places to stay etc. You have really helped a lot! It's the first feeling I've been able to get of the area at all that made me the least bit excited.

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Hi all, this was the back yard as we left woodstock on Sunday morning
about 7:30...this is color film...not black and white...the atmosphere was
so filled with snow it just looks that way...The 2nd two are shot from the
windows of my office on Tuesday...
I had this on my old Christmas disc so that's why it took a few days to
find it...Nik
[Click on image to view larger version]
[Click on image to view larger version]
[Click on image to view larger version]

Name: paula
Date: 20 Feb 2003
does anyone remember a guy named bob, his wife, kathy and his sister named mona.they were in the haight in 1967. sorta drug dealers to the stars. they were very kind to me, let me stay with them when i showed up with their friend, tj. he was the first hippie i ever met. in houston, had music i had never heard, big brother, and more. his place got busted and i paid our air fare to the city and he gave me a place to stay. it was amazing. i don't know what ever happened to any of them. i left to go to morningstar one weekend and when i went back for my stuff....cops everywhere. they let me get my stuff and split. anybody know?

Date: 20 Feb 2003
Hey Imam,... Brown Acid???...I got my hands on a quantity of "Chocolate Mesc" in S.F. back in 1971. (remember when everything was called "Mesc???")..anyway, it was mild-but-raunchy street acid that was called "Hot Chocolate" I think. It really blurred our vision and gave us all the misconcieved conception that we could breath under water..(remember that feeling??).... Anyway, it was rough-cut and twisted a bit, between the size of a tab and a barrel. About 35 or 40 of us from the agency went skinny dipping in the Oakland Towers pool one night. Damn near swallowed half of it. Couldnt find our way back to the party and tried all floors. What do you say to an elevator full of wet naked men? (Its called "Speechless"). Hey Sponge,aka Robertrobie: a heavy hitter told me that you have been E-Mailing to my old address again: Try it one more time and you will be in for one big fat fuckin' surprize. Go ahead, try it. I dare ya'. I got the money and the time.

Name: IMAM
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Sponge - you are not (Suspect) either - you are (Ban) bare ass naked here. Brown acid? Guess you are not part of the Woodstock generation as that comment would have cracked you up - You could have listend in your mind's ear as Wavy Gravy made the announcement. Oh never mind.......and yes, I have a tattoo on my arm but it is most certainly not a picture of you (or anyone else for that matter). Suggest you see the acupuncturist instead - 6 prefrontal needles will help your condition. IMAM-(Suspect)

Name: stray bob
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Eileen- now mite not be too early to make reservations for Rodeo Days in Prescott. The town bursts at the seams. The old Hotel St. Michael is downtown, funky & pretty damn neat. Won't be quiet, though. 520-776-1999, or 800-678-3757.
I usually stayed out at Days Inn, cheap clean close.772-8600. But...there was a big forest fire last summer & I'm not sure that motel escaped. Try a call.
Heritage House is just your basic motel, 445-9091. & Cascade is fine, too. 445-1232. Kinda warm for camping, but the campgrounds mite fill up pretty quickly, too.
Prescott is my spiritual home. It's also extremely conservative. It's good if you can bring your own money, 'cause there aren't many jobs, if that's a concern.
more later, if you want.

Name: Dr Sponge (SUSPECT)
Date: 20 Feb 2003
What acid? where? when? I dont remember posting that . Steve are you IMAM. Do you have a tattoo of me on your arm? Put the McDonalds arches over your olds and charge em for advertising space - if they dont pay tell people that they are unfinished pert breasts. Or Kenny Rogers buttocks (you know it makes sense)

Date: 20 Feb 2003
Sponge - Please stop taking the brown acid - it is not recommended.

Name: IMAM
EmailAddress: sponge@sixes&sevens
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Dr Sponge
No I am not trying to take your identity or claim that we are one and the same but if you feel that you are me or that I am you then perhaps we should get tattoos of each other on our arms and claim they are images of Peter Berg or Kenny Rogers or perhaps they are one and the same (does Peter Berg have a pair of cowboy boots and a fake white beard in his bottom draw?)Hey Steve you're the expert whats going on ?. Perhaps Eileen could don an oriental cap and claim to be Steves enigmatic figure on his arm .I dont know but this sure is a strange world. Imposter - moi - never. I still drive the fastest milkcart in the west.
Sweet Lorraine syndrom you dont wanna' know yes I dig Dig or maybe not .===who swapped the names on the intro ? who put the bop in the........
Bizzare bazzare Balthazare.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Kind of an old peach..... Tomas was good enough to add my photos to the Morningstar photos (last page of photos), you'll see what I mean! (Fran 2002). Talk about bald, that was before a last huge bunch of hair loss from the hepatitis treatment, my hair is truly atrocious at the moment. In Fran 1970, my dog Maverick was given to me by Temla and Yoshi who lived I'm pretty sure on Page Street. Maverick was pretty much a Haight Street regular himself. In the 2002 picture you can just about make out some family photos. The dark photo is my younger kid graduating from Kent State, being handed his diploma. The little black and white photo is my in-laws in the 1940s, "Rosie the Riveter" and her late husband. The other is a "visit" photo of me and my husband on his 1996 "enforced vacation." Oh the complications of life!

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Feb 2003
So Bob (may I call you Bob?) Thanks so much for feeding me good words about Prescott. I am following a feeling and have never seen Prescott. Yes a mob of folks for that time there is fine with me as long as I have a place to go to get out of it. Think it's too hot to be camping then? Any motels or such to suggest? I am so thrilled to find someone that knows and loves the area.
Hammond..I'm still in Ft Bragg..CA on the coast. That's for the word on Cottage Grove versas Drain. I'm afraid Drain may be a lot harder to find a place but will put more focus in that direction.
Yes Nicole I shaved my head at 40. Those were more spiritual reasons and was a really intense experience. This time it was more out of frustration with my don't want to know. But I do think shaving ones head or cutting off all ones hair is always some kind of offering, or letting go, whether it is consciously seen that way or not. So I offer my hair up to the Road Gods to the Home Hearth Goddess and to the once again asking the Doors to open. D8d I leave anything out? I do have a list......ha! Don't we all?

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Eileen - Humm..... Drain would be my choice of the two though as you can see CG has (modern?) facility at hand. Drain has great access to trails, streams, the river, the coast, and hidden folk that come out when the moon is full o' beans (yes indeed you're kinafolk I think) but CG proper is pretty straight mid-leftist loggerville on many local fronts. Where are you now - in Oregon?

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Eileen...I remember you did that once before...I crew cut my self once and then figured out later I was trying to get rid of a feeling...and took it out on my hair...thank you by the way for yr lovely compliments...we are all our own worst critics...I know that green of green that accompanies fresh.
We have an office in Tuscon...maybe I could courier something for the boss and visit...
IMAM...our(SUSPECT)...I almost said something to the imposter about got mine for sure!

Name: stray
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Name's Bob. Prescott, huh? That's my old stomping ground...lot of my history is up in those mountains. Many, many stories...My son has instructions to scatter my ashes from Thumb Butte at sunset (when the time comes).Thumb Butte's that big volcanic plug you'll see at the edge of town as you drive in. The tribe has pretty well scattered up there, but I may be able to scare up a contact or two, if you like. Rodeo week will be absolutely packed with tourists, but it's fun.
Check out the old video 'Junior Bonner' starring Steve Mcqueen. It was filmed in Prescott during Rodeo week. Early 70's, I think. I'm somewhere in there. (that gawdawful 'Billy Jack' movie was made up there, too). Anyway, any questions about Prescott, I'll try & answer for you.
Thank you for the welcome. Guess I kinda need a place to come in from the storm, from time to time.
Bob Gouge, the stray...

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Feb 2003
shheut..that would be..I am still so fair....

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Hi Hammond..yes, it's me and Sinead..but I'm still so far I look VERY bald. But I have a good head so I've at least got that. It's all about my face inyours. Ha! I am looking around Drain. But not seeing much there. More places in Cottage Grove..will see when we get there. As I said we are cutting this really close and is often the case..going forward on the wings of an angel.

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Eileen ! Actually bald like Sinead O'Connor? - This is radical. Great that you are on your way to Oregon.... And by 30-40min south of Eugene? - what is the nearest city-town-'burg in the woods' to where you will be living?

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Oh my gosh Nicole do you realize how much trouble we would be in if I could touch type?! I'm still a blabber mouth..ask Mark. If I could type freely..ahh now that would be scary. BTW There actually is a magnifying screen that can be put up to this puny lap top. But I stay on this little thing for the same reason I haven't hooked up to keep me from spending too much time here.
Miranda and I plan to be moving outside of Eugene, OR..probably 30 or 40 min S, to stay out of the Willimate Valley and get better weather and not get caught in the overcast and bleak winters and nasty air. People stay sick all winter there and never seem to figure it out. duh I expect we will be moving about the same time Jeramiah is getting out. (Have you told Ariel yet?)
Today we have the weather I have been thinking would never get here. Blue blue sky and real sun!! Daffidils are all blossoming and it is green green green. Welcome to N CA coast! Sun shining in my, would you believe mildewed windows, blasting into to the house with golden light. All my stuff is pulled out and the next round of boxes waits.
Two days ago I had a bad hair day and now I'm bald. Yep shaved and ready to start fresh. Thought of you (yes while I shaved my head) and your glorious mane and how exquitely you are (dare I say) aging. tsk..wish I could say the same. Let's say I'm making the best of it..adjusting. But a shaved head really wasn't quite the direction I had intended to go. Ah well it's a new time in my life and I am in some senses starting over.
Stray care to give us a name? You sound like family to me. Welcome. Prescott is on my agenda to check out this July during the rodeo, blue grass festival, fair etc. Want to check it out. Am planning to possibly have 2 bases..OR and's that for extremes? I seem to have been born with skates on my feet. Would love to hear more about where you are and your interests. Good to have you here.
another post with no glasses. this is always fun to check later to see what I did. ha another method to keep me from getting stuck here..not being able to see what I'm doing ha!

Date: 20 Feb 2003
Sponge/Sue/nana/ He/She/IT !-
You had better not be suggesting you are me because IAM-IMAM (Suspect) and there is no other alternate! Be(Aware) infidel heathen mis'gnome'-ers and doggeral ones.

Date: 20 Feb 2003
The Bush administration is planning a secret meeting in August to discuss the construction of a new generation of nuclear weapons, including "mini-nukes", "bunker-busters" and neutron bombs designed to destroy chemical or biological agents, according to a leaked Pentagon document.
The leaked preparations for the meeting are the clearest sign yet that the administration is determined to overhaul its nuclear arsenal so that it could be used as part of the new "Bush doctrine" of pre-emption, to strike the stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons of rogue states.
The National Nuclear Security Administration, which is responsible for designing, building and maintaining nuclear weapons, yesterday confirmed the authenticity of the document.

Date: 20 Feb 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Nik - Uncanny the number of shadow crossings we have had eh?

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Ohio Girl - You are a peach!
Nicole - Vito and Sue .... Hummm......This is quite possible though not in 69-70 as I was just leaving the country - but when I returned in 1976 I did visit in Cotati for a weekend - maybe then? Such great folks - and fond memories........
PS - All
Here is a piece on the LA March written by a friend for LA Weekly I think you will enjoy - H.
"THIS IS THE AMERICA I LOVE," DECLARED my comrade and current house pest John Sinclair during Saturday's march. Sinclair was founder and chieftain of the infamous White Panther Party in the 1960s, manager of the incendiary MC5, and a victim of a state frame-up in which he got up to 10 years for giving a narc two measly joints.
Now the hardest-working poet in show biz, he and I were limping west on Hollywood Boulevard with thousands of other patriots to stop Dubya's Folly. With us were Rex Weiner, former Yippie/Zippie/White Panther, underground-press hawk and current media maven, and Rex's 14-year-old son Carlos. And me, the junior-league Yippie kid who used to knock over NYPD sawhorses in the '60s and then run like hell to create strategic street diversion.
Two brothers from the Black Bloc buzzed by, noted Carlos' youth and handed him a flier announcing a breakaway march at a ä certain location. So, three middle-aged revolutionaries and one sprite. Rex had given each of us a toy walkie-talkie courtesy of his son so we could communicate in case of riot.
With my prosthetic hips and a cane, I'm lucky if I can crawl like hell. Sinclair's bones were creaking, and Rex, while the sturdiest of the three, was showing the effects of decades of pills, powders and potions befitting a founding editor of High Times. When we passed Grauman's Chinese Theater, the actors dressed as Superman and Batman were grinning and giving the peace sign to the marchers. Suddenly, some red-faced, humor-free sergeant from the Los Angeles Porcine Department ran up to America's superheroes and screamed, "CUT THAT OUT OR JOIN THE PARADE!"
"That fuckin' does it!" I grunted. "Fuckin' un-American tellin' our nation's superheroes what to do!" I whipped out my pad and pen, 3-year-old press pass and headed over to ask the cop why he did that and get his name and badge number. Two large hands enveloped me from behind, and a baritone belonging to Sinclair implored, "Please don't do that, Mike. For me." The cat spent 29 months in prison and years fighting with cops, so I refrained, even though the momentary flash of righteous rage was invigorating.
In sleepy L.A. town there's just no place for a street-fightin' man. At least not one with prosthetic hips.
By Michael Simmons

Name: Private Krankenversicherung Vergleich
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Nice page, a lot of good informations -;)
please visit also my page <a href="">Private Krankenversicherung Vergleich</a>.

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Hey Eileen, you gave me an idea...maybe we could develope a computer screen that magnifies on your screen but translates to paper and other screens as regular size font...h-m-m-m-m-m...I can touch type with out looking, but I know what you mean as far as keeping up with my text in terms of reading the way...where are you moving to? Jeramiah'll be back on March 24th...
Hammond, could we have crossed paths at Vito and Sues place in Cotati? I shared a little chicken ranch with Sheila and Buddha Sudduth in 1969-70 right up the road from there and we visited eachothers places often...
Snows melting...I happen to be feeling glorious this fine February morning.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: back to the book club
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Hammond, It has occurred to me, as I read, what a beautiful thing you've done in adding to the written record about writers, artists and musicians of those days, and it's a big plus the book got such a good index. To chronicle so many people and events and make it look spontaneous takes alot of talent, I know personally because I was never able to write anything non-fiction that I didn't get aggravated with and throw away. I'm enjoying this book!

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Feb 2003
Now all I have to do is learn how to type without my glasses on.

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Uum, I no question at all Dr Sponge..I know a guy when I see one..I have x-Ray vision!
Hi All~spent wonderful afternoon with Mark and his sweety. I sure like this taking the unknown, unseen factor and adding the human touch. Sure would be fun to be able to do this with all of you.

Name: Sponge
EmailAddress: or an imposter ?
Date: 19 Feb 2003
How will you tell ?? Hahahaha! Perhops Frankenshteen alzo ? ..zis remaaiinnss to
be revealed... Ja ?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: No
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Sponge: GAME OVER: It's like the "Sweet Lorraine" syndrom; "I dont wanna' know" Dig?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Email:
Date: 19 Feb 2003
No,..that sorta' Queers things up. Are you saying that you are IMAM????

Name: stray
Date: 19 Feb 2003
I'm in Tucson. Of course, the invitation is open, too. Take care.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Am I male or female ?
Yes I am !
I certainly do not look like Keny Rogers and I aint from Wales however regarding my good self being either solitary or plural we could be lying if I said we're not.(could that be a royal we ?) as for changing my on line identity - no I like this name (suspect)
I hope thats cleared things up a bit.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Barber Shop
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Sponge, I have the remnants of a beard. Its a Goat. The radiation permanently fryed both sides of my face so-as nothin' will grow. I lost the tooth that was crossed over when I was in FLA. Now my lower teeth are slowly crossing the second tooth. It feels like they screwed in a plate of some kind to hold my jaw bone in one piece where they saw cut it may be a bit squinky. It really drags me.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Cosmos factory
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Sponge; the spirit guide Tattoo is bald with a long braided scalp lock with an ancient embroidered chinaman's cap, Ear ring and Fu Manchu mustache. Not likely; But I did see Kenny Rogers with Chrystal Gaile when they opened the Orange County Ampitheatre back in 1981. Great show. I plan on covering the Tatto with a "Sailor Girl" to match the "Pirate Girl" on my other arm. I'm also getting inverted Angel Wings to cover "Sweet Lorraine" for the second time. Iv'e got so many cover-ups that my Tattoo's now have Tattoos. The Lady Rev. E-mailed me and said that she had talked to Lorraine for hours on the phone and indicated that she knew why Lorraine has shut me out of her life. I told the Rev. that I didnt want to know. Also, as a wake-up-call; the Rev. told me that after they had gotten into me, they all figured that I was as good as dead. The siwteen-hour surgery was a surprise to everyone. No one told me that. When I said that I was lucky to be alive; I was just playin' it up. I'm now a different person than I was yesterday. Bottom line: I aint throwin' nobody down any stairs. (well, your case Sponge,..maybe up them). But hey, you seem to be opening up. Tell me about your world; are you male or female? Thats a start. Later all.

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: rightuptheblock@west.bankstreet
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Stray, of course that's right, Leroy st. is in my sound as though you are down south somewhere...and I've passed through your territory as well...I've been finding that alot of us do cross paths with out realizing it straight might have just nodded as I smiled and looked at you as we passed by eachother some long time ago...doesn't really matter...we are all getting to know eachother somewhat right here...if you are ever east again...let me know. with warm regard, Nicole

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Or cowboy boots?

Name: stray
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Why, thank you, Nicole. You're in the City, right? I spent a few years on Leroy St. 7th Av. & Houston.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Do you have a beard ?
On a warm summer's evenin' on a train bound for nowhere,
I met up with the gambler; we were both too tired to sleep.
So we took turns a starin' out the window at the darkness
'Til boredom overtook us, and he began to speak.
He said, "Son, I've made a life out of readin' people's faces,
And knowin' what their cards were by the way they held their eyes.
And if you don't mind my sayin', I can see you're out of aces.
For a taste of your whiskey I'll give you some advice."
So I handed him my bottle and he drank down my last swallow.
Then he bummed a cigarette and asked me for a light.
And the night got deathly quiet, and his face lost all expression.
Said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy, ya gotta learn to play it right.
You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.
Ev'ry gambler knows that the secret to survivin'
Is knowin' what to throw away and knowing what to keep.
'Cause ev'ry hand's a winner and ev'ry hand's a loser,
And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep."
And when he'd finished speakin', he turned back towards the window,
Crushed out his cigarette and faded off to sleep.
And somewhere in the darkness the gambler, he broke even.
But in his final words I found an ace that I could keep.
You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 Feb 2003
...beautiful, thank you for the is what keeps the tree alive...nothing wrong with that, we could all use a bit more hoke and a lot can wag your tail here any time...and sit on the porch with the big dogs...

Name: just a stray dog
EmailAddress: down on the Border
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Gone are the days when the ox fall down, you'd pick up the yoke and plow the fields all around. Gone are the days when the ladies said please, Gentleman Jack Jones won't you come to me.
I've been stopping by a fair bit lately, it's all so very familiar. Guess I need some of that now. Don't know any of you, but I'm of that time, and place. 'Place' often being the road. Nostalgia is probably dangerous at times like these, the Beast raging for blood and all, but something keeps coming back to me. Women making bread. That was always one of their many mysteries to me, women making bread. How the house would fill with that smell, those oven warm loaves. Butter and honey. Magic. I tried to learn, and eventually got a couple of loaves down, but they were never quite the same. I didn't have the chemistry.
There was a hot New Mexico afternoon, I was helping Claire in the kitchen. Working close, her skin was glazed damp from the heat and I could smell her. Something rich and complicated and loamy. She smiled, pushing strands of hair away with her forearm. Lovely Claire. Later, we sat out under a Cottonwood. She pulled her long hair up in a twist and fastened it with a heavy Mexican silver clip. It just took an instant. Just a simple movement of beauty that held worlds. It's stayed with me for all these years.
I'm being sappy, I know. Sorry. Just keep those little moments of beauty close. Take care of one another.

Date: 19 Feb 2003
Maybe this one?

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 Feb 2003
...personally, I don't think it looks any thing like Kenny Rogers...I think it's whom ever you need it to be at any given got the power Steve...and you know it too...

Date: 19 Feb 2003

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Steve all is not lost.
I have worked out a way to both serve the "common good of all" and put your Kenny Rogers tattoo to good use .
First scan your tattoo and send the image here
The entertainment value of this will serve the common good (you know it makes sense)
You picked a fine time to leave me Lucile.......tum ......tee......

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Hugs and a big smile to you Ohio Girl - tx.....
Sponge - Now you crack me up - I like this vs. lady mud slinging.
Eileen - good packing! Great little moment you mention - I can just see you being trundled off the street to meet your fate!

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Packing? Safe journey
Poor old Johnny Ray sounded sad upon the radio
He moved a million hearts in mono
Our mothers cried and sang along
And who'd blame them
Now you're grown, so grown
Now I must say more than ever
Go Toora Loora Toora Loo-Rye Aye
And we can sing just like our fathers
Come on Eileen, I swear (well he means)
At this moment you mean everything
With you in that dress my thoughts i confess verge on dirty
Ah come on Eileen
These people round here wear beaten down eyes
Sunk in smoke dried faces, so resigned to what their fate is
But not us, no not us, we are far too young and clever
Remember Toora Loora Toora Loo-Rye-Aye
Eileen I'll hum this tune forever
Come on Eileen, I swear, well he means
Ah come on let's take off everything
That pretty red dress Eileen (Tell him yes)
Ah come on let's, ah come on Eileen, please

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Dr Sponge~You keep me laughing! (You have that memorized? ha!) Yes, good morning all. Now back to packing.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Dull , dull and even duller clan Boyd
Sponge a gogo not welsh mumble mumble barf
Is it true that the tattoo, on your arm, you thought was of Peter Berg is actualy Kenny Rogers. Wow you have spent the best part of your life with an image of ............of.............of Kenny Rogers on your arm HA HA HA HAHHHHHHHHHH unbelievable.
You've Painted Up Your Lips
And Rolled And Curled Your Tinted Hair
Ruby Are You Contemplating Going Out Somewhere
The Shadow On The Wall Tells Me The Sun Is Going Down
Oh Ruby.… Don't Take Your Love To Town
It Wasn't Me That Started That Old Crazy Asian War
But I Was Proud To Go And Do My Patriotic Chore
And Yes, It's True That I'm Not The Man I Used To Be
Oh, Ruby…. I Still Need Some Company
Its Hard To Love A Man Whose Legs Are Bent And Paralysed
And The Wants And The Needs Of A Woman Your Age, Ruby I Realize
But It Won't Be Long I’ve Heard Them Say Until I Not Around
Oh Ruby….. Don't Take Your Love To Town
She's Leaving Now Cause I Just Heard The Slamming Of The Door
The Way I Know I've Heard It Some 100 Times Before
And If I Could Move I'd Get My Gun And Put Her In The Ground
Oh Ruby….. Don't Take Your Love To Town
Oh Ruby…. For God's Sake Turn Around

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: snowmounds@NYC.Brrrrrr
Date: 19 Feb 2003
'Morning all...Please excuse the cut and paste from Rhino's Blog, but I don't think Suzanna would click on the link and I think she should read Suzanna and others who doubt our sincere love of country and the democratic process that allows us to make up our own mind given ALL the this please and if you would take the time to read the entire link you may at least understand why we feel as we do...
Patriots and Traitors
I just finished watching Tuesday's Donahue show featuring Media Benjamin of Global Exchange...
...and Jesse Jackson scrapping it out with 3 self avowed patriots who leveled charges that all the peace protesters were traitors & hated America. It's fascinating to me that the difference between "Patriot" and Traitor" is just two letters, and ironically, they're "PR". How can these blustery dunces appear on national TV with a straight face claiming that they & THEIR president & his cronies are patriots? Get this:
We know Saddam has Anthrax, as well as botulism & bubonic plague, because the Reagan Administration GAVE him the starter cultures. The emissary on that mission? Donald Rumsfeld. Don't believe it? Type "Rumsfeld" + "Anthrax" + "Iraq" into your search engine.
That Dick Cheney's sure a patriot! He'd never aid our enemies, right? Think again. As CEO of Halliburton, he went around the UN embargo by using foreign subsidiaries Dresser-Rand & Ingersoll-Dresser Pump to rebuild Iraq's oil infrastructure just 3 years ago. Not only did he seek to do business with the enemy, he broke the law doing it. Estimates of the deal vary from between 23 and 78 million. Cheney's take amounted to approximately thirty pieces of pirate silver (adjusted for inflation from 33 A.D.) Need proof? Type "Halliburton" + "Iraq" into your search engine.
Admiral John Poindexter, recently put in charge of going over your e-mails & credit card receipts, is a convicted felon who sold Stinger missiles to the Iranians, used the profits to fund an international terrorist organization, then lied to congress about it. Along with the Stinger missiles, Poindexter delivered to the Ayatollah a Bible and a key-shaped cake. Go ahead and and call us protestors as unpatriotic as you like, at least we didn't bake any stinking cakes for the Ayatollah. Too young to remember this? Keywords are "Poindexter" + "Iran".

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: my one minute claim to fame
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Ok OK I Cooked fried chicken for Richie Havens. It was not the most memorable time in my life but he liked the chicken and I was gald to have the opporttunity to cook for such a sweet (and famous) person. It was the first month of having moved to the Height. I lived with the photographer Edmond Shea..well, he took me in off the street. I would meet Coyote and go off with him that night. The beginning of that chapter of my life...

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
That is what Frankie Lymon is singing in Marion this morning. The old folks in Marion are listening to the golden oldies. This is the music from the fifties, sixties and seventies. Those were the voices that spoke of love and understanding.
This is a conservative community that voted republican. Are they allowed to sing along with the Beatles? I surely don't know that question. They follow the flag wherever it's draped. To me it is one of our 2003 paradoxes. Sing along with me, "Sing and slay, follow the sun, sing and slay follow the stars."

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Hammond, "AsEverWas" is wonderful. Not just because it brings to mind things out of my own experience, but intrinsically a good book, with a visual kind of writing. It's making me think, and at times laugh out loud. I'm at the beginning of part 3, about to leave San Francisco and head overseas. Personally at that point in time, I remember one day waking up one day in the Haight with a bunch of people and doing up our junk together (happily unaware of hepatitis C) and deciding it would be just too much of an effort to go to Altamont, not even to see the Rolling Stones. I was far from artistic. I met Richie Havens once very briefly in about 1995 or so and that moment is one of life's little cherished treasures to me.
Mad cowboy disease......also hoof in mouth disease........

Name: Conan the Librarian
EmailAddress: a-k-a Blue, etc.
Date: 19 Feb 2003
Seen this one ? From a placard at an unspecified demonstration :

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: none
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Well I just skimmed a copy of The New York Post that Buckley has been raving about. The Post is on an anti-French kick. Its open season. Thats where that mindless fuck is getting all of the frog poisoning. I let him hide out in my front parlor; as there is a meeting in the back tonight. I cant for the world of me, get this lunatic to stop shittin' in his own back yard. He's outraged that the "Peace-Niks" are in his space, and its not even his space. Even after I explained that it is a church meeting.Dig??? I swear to Christ if he so much as howls, claps or laughs upon hearing that the first bombs are being dropped, I will throw his retarded republican ass down the front steps. The Post or Suzanne can claim him. I'm all through. Me?. I aint no Peace-Nik,..I'm a "Piece-Nik". (but you knew that)

Name: a friend
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Coyote in howls with Poets Against War -

Name: IMAM
Date: 18 Feb 2003
StEvE -tX-tHat aLteREd yM daY- iMaM

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: knee deep
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Ohio Girl; thats the one here will feed his habit, and I gave all of my cash to a traveling Night of the Hunter nymphomaniac Preacher. Hey George: no comment; other than to say that other than free-lance racism; for the most part, "Ism's" never kill. Only Personal Agendas kill. Lincoln killed, Lee killed, Stalin killed, Rosavelt killed, Churchill killed, etc, etc,..Hey Sponge...dont remember the photo??...maybe you were/are more than one person after all. And by the way Sponge; you must realize what "Good" is before you can even come close to comprehinding what "Common Good" is... I cant believe that you showed your colors like that. You just aint you today, are ya? (heres a hint: Ya gotta stand up to yourself before you can ever stand up to anyone else). Think about it. Bout' time to join in the game under anouther name aint it?/..or have you already?/..Hey, theres an ANIVERSARY comming up!!! Sixty years ago in April 1943, Dr. Albert Hofmann decided to try his latest, synthesized discovery: Lysergic acid diethylamide. After an hour, he got on his bicycle and went home. His trip became "The Trip". Hofmann's ride began a journey that has altered the mass consciousness, to this day. (Think about it).

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Just in from a sunny morning in Portland - sorry Nik, Steve and the east coast - Brrrrrrrrrrr......!!!!!!!!
Sponge - Thanks for your clarification - but as to your comment - question: "I dont have the nerve to say that to her face. (what male in his right mind has ?)"
My answer -> "a man who can honestly hold his own sand."
As for the "antipidean loudmouth statement"
I'll reply with a quote from the lovely Ms. Greer:
"The only causes of regret are laziness,
outbursts of temper, hurting others,
prejudice, jealousy and envy."
- and for the further enlightenment of others see:
Quote Me On It - Germaine Greer

Name: IMAM
Date: 18 Feb 2003
This is a very good sign! In today;s SMH

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Ok point taken .Germaine is ,as you rightly point out ,talented,intuitive and a well spoken woman and again you are correct in pointing out that I dont have the nerve to say that to her face. (what male in his right mind has ?) but "the lovely ms Greer"is not exactly pinup material is she? C'mon be honest.And as for the antipidean loudmouth statement.That still stands.
No I havent seen that picture, perish the thought, but if it pumps your nads then so be it .
The common good - is there any such thing ? i might need some help there. what was that pic i sent you ?

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: One percent free book club
Date: 18 Feb 2003
AsEverWas: You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss our present sorrows goodbye for awhile. Wow!!!!!
My parents cancelled out each other's votes for 40 years of marriage minus a week or two, until he passed away. Small world! Make sure Buckley has plenty of smokes, they'd be hard to find in the snow.

Name: Nicole
Date: 18 Feb 2003
No thank you GW but, I might carry a sign that says ,GW, GET WELL SOON

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: ESP
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Wow! Buckley must be Phsycic. Theres a whole gang of French Activists meeting in the Sanctuary today. The place is crawlin' with em. I put two and two together when I ran into the head man who arrived here from France last week. (he's actually a Scotsman). We are putting them up for a few days and nights. After a run-in with Buckley, they opted to bunk down in the Sanctuary instead of the back parlor. They must be old school, as they dont seem to be able (or want to) speak English. Shit, Buckley's getting more than weird,..he calls me Max, and asks if its time for his close up. He also keeps asking if we should put Mr. Spinoza into the window seat. (we dont even have a window seat, and I aint about to ask who Spinoza is. Ol' Buck also puts on one hell of a sinister laugh. Real Ghoulsville. What a charmer. He should get out more. Actually; I think that it may be a front to scare the frenchmen. (??????)...Hey, on the carreer front, I checked out some hand made Tattoo Guns today, but the cat only sells to lincenced Tattooists. Gotta get on that real soon. Hey, for the record, my Mother is a Republican. Dads a Democrat. He used to say "Shit,..our votes cancel one another out." Me?..Im' not a party hack. I vote for the Man, or the Woman who I feel has a heart, soul and conscience. Hell, I dug Bill Weld big time. In fact, his last words to me were; "Its good seeing you". (Aint it the way?) I for one am all for keeping party affiliations out of the mix. Its such a "Division"...Hell, I for one am all for the big pay off. Its racketeering. Got a problem??..throw money at it...and keep throwing. No problem! Sky's the limit???...National debt???...Three words: "Dont Pay It".

Name: George W. Bush
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Hello Y'all! I was thinkin' maybe y'all might want to carry signs with these statements at your next anti-war demonstration to help y'all convince America and the world of the evils of war.
Maybe these might work:
Except For Facism, Communism, Slavery & Imperialism, War Never Solved Anything!"
Or, "Saddam Only Kills His Own people, It's None Of Our Business!"
And my personal favorite, "Communism Only Killed 100 Million people, Let's give it Another Chance!"

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: One Percent Book Club
Date: 18 Feb 2003
"AsEverMore" just arrived in the mail. My first impression is I better dig right in! What a nice gift to arrive during this little mini-Christmas season we're having in Ohio. Our dogs love "walking" through the drifts, they get all excited and happy. Tomas are you buried in snow?
Rena that was beautiful about childbirth. And about English women prisoners being allowed the freedom to give birth. An Ohio incarcerated woman fought very hard and surprisingly won that right, not long ago. I believe she won the right to have her husband with her during childbirth, and to be with her newborn sufficient time to establish breastfeeding.
No I don't think protesting a war is anti-Republican. If anyone however thinks protesters see too much of a link between Republicans and war, well, you are protesting too much as they say. It is extremely plain that people all over the world do not want war, it's not more complicated than that.
Eileen you'll probably think this is funny but I am married to a Republican. I LOVE a Republican with all my heart and all my soul. I sure don't categorically hate Republicans. I did tell my husband, however, during a recent political discussion, that my next "True Story" should be "I Married A Republican ..... How Can I Live with the Agony" !
Well I'm going to go and read a book........ Peace

Name: IMAM
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Dear Robert - nana - Suzanne - You can't stop something from happening if you don't know they are going to happen. - Clinton didn't try to start a war as you well know - but hey - since I know you will be back with yet another name and another bunch of right-wing brain dead nonsense I will not bother to say more. You obviously have it all figured out - Good luck living in your duct tapped safe room.

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Hey folks,
Heading out the door for a few days in Mendocino. Be back this weekend and I don't about my laptop internet access where we are going.
I really think you have missed the point. Ending war as a diplomatic tool is the goal, removing the oppressive imperialist American/Corporate Republican/Democrat regime is the main avenue to success. Later.

Name: IMAM
Date: 18 Feb 2003
The News Today - But is George listening?
Cut/paste and send to:
The mounting global resistance - seen in large public demonstrations and in a UN Security Council that is tilting toward more time for weapons inspections - is setting back the Bush administration's diplomatic schedule for lining up support for a war. Jack Straw today conceded that the enormity of the anti-war protests at the weekend made it "very difficult" to launch an invasion of Iraq.
The Foreign Secretary acknowledged the sheer size and strength of feeling against a potentially devastating new Gulf war. He told the BBC: "It was a very, very large demonstration, probably the largest one we've seen in our recent democratic history in London. We have to take account of public opinion."

Name: Robert
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Those of you who call yourselves anti-war might have gained some measure of credibility if you had been just as much against Clinton/Gore for the many bombings and attacks that took place under that administration. Did you know that Clinton lobbed more missles at Bahgdad in 1998 than Bush Sr. did throughout all of Desert Storm? Where were you all then? I don't recall seeing any so-called peace protesters demonstrating against that administration. Why not?
Could it be because your anti-war protests are really just anti-Bush, anti-conservative republican protests? Maybe you are just really frustrated because the conservatives are in power now, and they are finally doing what it takes to eliminate terrorism, unlike Clinton/Gore, who just made matters worse.

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 Feb 2003
"Igorant' - just igorance!" - (as Michael Jackson might say. ) Bush comes on radio and says re: the plants 30 million + protest:ors: "Apparently some people think Saddam Hussein is not a dangerous person. Well I disagree...." - Hello Georgie Boy! - It is not Saddam's character we are protesting. Apparently you missed the message that "some people" (30 Million and more you idiot) think YOU! are a very dangerous person. Well I (we)don't disagree!........

Name: IMAM
Date: 18 Feb 2003
PS - NIclole - Yea! blizzard photos.... I look forward to seeing these. Were you scared driving home? I would be on pins and icicles!-
IMAM (Suspect)

Name: IMAM
Date: 18 Feb 2003
But what about the "evil" axis - between Bush's eyeballs?

Name: Nicole
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Wow...where to start? Let's see...Friday night Danny and I made an awsome dinner together for a few friends...we ate, had inspiring conversations and played music. Saturday morning a group of us met a Odessa, diner on avenue A and St Marks. A diverse group of folks, the owner of a very successful Market Research firm, a corporate lawyer, a professor from NYU in art studies, an audio/visual tech and myself. We took the 6 train to 51 and Lex and it took 30 minutes to come up the stairs and onto the street...the police wouldn't let anyone on the streets...they tried to let traffic carry on normally???? except on 1st ave...well, forget about it...there were hundreds of thousands...look do the math...every twenty blocks (north to south) is one mile...from about 40th street to 72nd was solid wall to wall people...but not just on first...on 3rd ave, second ave, 1st ave and some on York... the actual rally, speaches and all was on 50th...we never got anywhere near...but people had their radios on to BAI etc...but we figured as long as we were in the head count that was okay...afterwards we went for drinks and a TV the fox network...PULEESE...cnn...jpretty much all of them...played it down except for a couple of isolated incidents...of was an amazing day. Then on Sunday I drove to Woodstock wth Danny and we drove back in the blizzard yesterday...oh my god, that was amazing...I'm e-mailing some photos to eric later today...
Suzanna...we all learn what we need to know as we can...if we keep and open heart and pay attention...and listen to the universe...we will come to know the truth...I don't so much think there is good vs. evil as much as two sides to a coin and the balance is what we should strive for...Nik

Name: yogalore
EmailAddress: what a blessing
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Sheila Kitzinger is the woman who:
was called when Princess Dianna was in Labor. They called her to say the Princess wanted to stand up and give
birth. Sheila said "well .. let her". They called again and said they couldn't find any equipment in the hospital for her to
hold on to standing up. Sheila said "Prince Phillip is strong isn't he ... couldn't she hold on to him?". Hence, Princess
Dianna gave birth to her son, standing.
got it passed in legislature and parliament in England that women in prison could give birth out of chains. For 6 weeks
she lobbied and now it is law in England that a woman giving birth in prison can "be free" while she gives birth"
helped to devise and award for the hospitals who had the most "normal births" ... these are births that begin and end
spontaneously with NO interventions ... births without an episiotomy. The hospitals who win these awards are
annuonced for the whole country in front of the Legislature. Hospitals are now competing with each other to have more
normal births!!

Name: r
EmailAddress: who dunnit
Date: 18 Feb 2003
Thanks for posting the article on The Kingdom and the Power: Saudi Oil, The Holocaust, and American Intelligence at the Dawn of the Middle East Crisis. it had me floored. It's always been incomprehensible to me that the US refused to help Holocaust refugees. Even our doors were shut.

Name: Eric
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Don Monkerud posted an article in the Free City News on a talk by Charlotte Dennett at the Resource Center for Nonviolence in Santa Cruz yesterday. She discussed her research into the politics of oil as the backdrop to current US foreign policy.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Well RENA, congratulations! just topped my best perfomance. Off hand; Sweet Lorraine and I kept sex where it belongs: In the kitchen and the bathroom, but much for spontinaiety. Ah...hey Eric,..could we build an additional Birthing room next to the living room??? I'm feelin' kinda sick. But no shit Rena, thanks fer' changing the subject. Life vs. Death. This Bush thing is eatin' everybody up. (well, ..not counting Republicans)...Hmm..Its good to see your voice. Stick around.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: birth bliss
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Sunday I missed the Peace Portrait on Maui to participate in a workshop with Sheila Kitzinger, birthing guru. Kitzinger has written many books on alternative birthing and recovery. The workshop was brought to us by the Midwives Alliance of Hawaii, MAH. Sheila spoke on a hithertoo untouched subject...
Sheila spoke about women who suffer depression, anguish, guilt, anger, fury, despondency, etc., after traumatic births. Traumatic births usually involve too many interventions which are often themselves the cause of emergency C sections. For example, many hospitals encourage epidurals yet fail to inform birthing women that the epidural can cause a plunging heart rate in the unborn baby and necessitate an emergency c section. Or, often women are put on a time clock and if the baby doesn't deliver in a specified, arbitrary time frame, heroics are used such as drugs that painfully speed up labor, vacuum extraction (the baby's head becomes deformed and bruised from this), episiotomies, and forceps delivery. Sometimes these interventions are lifesavers. Often, however, they are used to speed up the delivery for the convenience of the doctor and the hospital staff. Often the mother feels brutalized, ravaged, and denied the opportunity to birth naturally. Kitzinger made it clear that these women are NOT suffering from post partum depression, and that these feelings are NOT caused by crashing hormones. This is different than Post Partum Depression. These women have been seriously traumatized and most health care practitioners just poo poo these traumatized women and offer a tranquilizer or attribute it to their hormones. These women need to have their experiences validated. These women often have a hard time bonding with their babies, and this anguish after the trauma can also affect their personal relationships with their partners as well as their babies. For some women birth is a crisis and a trauma. These women are often suffering from PTSS: Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Then Sheila went on to compare traumatic births to rapes and other sexual violence women who have already been victims have endured.
It is important for us to interview our clients and learn if incest, rape, abusive relationships are part of their history. It's better to bring this past trauma to the surface than just ignore it. So many conventional medical providers don't ask and don't really want to know.
The defination of a natural birth is one in which no anesthesia and no episiotomy are used. In England, thanks in no small part to Kitzinger, hospitals now compete for the best statistics of Natural Births. Kitzinger has also helped free birthing women from literal chains as they labored. But, she says, the epidural is like chains because it paralyzes the woman from the waist down and keeps her from moving around.
Sheila later went on to discuss pain management techniques that support a natural, peaceful birth.
Ideal setting for a birth is the same as for making love. The birthing room should be intimate like a place where lovemaking takes place. Imagine trying to make love under bright lights with nurses sticking their hands in your yoni and tying you to monitors and IVs, and surgical implements present. ... kind of ruins the flow... lighting should be intimate, flowers, music, and respect for the couple or mother are all ingredients for a natural birth. touch, motion, eye contact all help.
She spoke of the birth dance, rock and roll your pelvis as you labor, and the birth song, which can be long slow OMs, deep breathing, grunts or mantras. And, a concept that was new to many of us... Informed Refusal. A birthing woman has the right to object to hospital proceedure, the right to refuse fetal monitoring, episiotomies, pain meds, IVs, etc. Often birthing women are cowed into believing that they must submit to "hospital proceedure," and if they don't, are labeled a "difficult patient."
Stand up for your rights!!! BTW, standing is a wonderful way to give birth; kneeling, squatting, leaning... birthing positions are not just stationary positions. Birth is a dance, and a comfortable birth includes lots of movement.
with aloha, r n a

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Hmm..Rings a bell. Thanks Hammond. Hey NEW YORKERS!!! Its been 17 months. Do you still feel the impact? Anger? Depression? Anxiety? Drinking too much? Nightmares? Loss of sleep? Heres soom good folks to talk to. They can help. For FREE, confidential counseling, or just someone to talk to, call 1-800-LIFENET. (nuff said?)

Name: IMAM
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Is nana also Suzanne?

Name: nana
Date: 17 Feb 2003
i think dat u should make youyr search more interesting

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 Feb 2003
"Femle Eunuch" - sorry about that Germaine....

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Steve - Germain wrote (among other titles) "The Female Eunech" - and she was quite the looker in her salad days I might add - exempting Sproge's point of view..........Back to the WAR - 30 million + strong against what he is doing and Bush doesn't say a word. Ideally France and the rest of the sane world will prevail before his itchy finger gets a gran mal seizure. What is happening in London would bring out the National Guard here I think but I rather like the idea of freezing the Defense Dept. in place - where is our Whitehall? Where is our Parliment that could jerk the reins from the Bush Administration? - Right, I remember now, we won the WAR - the english went home and we started killing indians.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Hey Hammond, I never did get back to the book. This upcomming war is at a real bad time in my (Our) lives. I dont know the lady in question; but will take it from the horse's (your) mouth. Hell, I cant see puttin' down any naked women; for what ever reason. Speaking of naked; Sponge E-Mailed me a photo way back when we were on terms. It was a zinger. What with that Put-On dry (droll) wit; he may be a Welsh Bastard-English-wanna-be. Who knows?. Its your move about something for the common-good?

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Sponge : I am well aware that the lovely Ms. Greer is alive, well and writing. As you point out - I have fond memories of our encounter as mentioned in my book. The picture you mention is of course an infamous one - and one that the lovely Ms. Greer indeed regrets was ever taken. But not for the reasons you might imagine. I will let you find the real reasons for this on your own - dig and ye shall find. Aside from the inner workings of those involved with the production of Suck Magazine in London/Amsterdam - the picture (have you actually seen it?) is quite beautiful (although audacious!). Nonetheless - it is what it is - an artifact from a day of sexual ease and liberation gone by. The lovely Ms. Greer you so rudely refer to as: "that old antipidean loudmouth" - is an incredibly talented, intuitive, well spoken woman who would put you in diapers if you had the nerve (and you don't) to say this to her face. Frankly Sponge - I have a great deal of respect for her as person and as writer. She is also very lucky to be here considering the unfortunate and extreamly violent physical attack she sustained from a deranged fan. -

Name: King Wrong
EmailAddress: Empire State Building
Date: 17 Feb 2003
IMAM,...gave away the Ansco sure-shot box camera years ago. I loved 220 black and white. The negatives were so large. Plan to get a pro rig for the Tattoo gig though. Hey, I could draw it! Lets see,..Oh, I got an insight on Buckley's raving...see, I dont do the mainstream news these days,..but it seems that he reads the Post and something about France's position as to the empending war just set him off. He's had massive mood swings since his last fit and has everyone here walking sideways. His rages usually involve life-threatening arguments with recorded voices on his cell phone. I try to get him to stay low profile, but it does not register. Its a Flowers for Algernon gig thats tearing my heart out. As I said, I was hiding him out: the deal was that he could sleep here and be late for everything but dinner,..but not "live" here. Thats simple enough? Anyone can drop in to visit me around breakfast, lunch and supper time, then say bye-bye and pop back in at bed time. Simple, right? Wrong answer!!! Thats not the Buckley way. He haunts the place 24/7 and doesnt get it. He could fuck up a wet dream. He's aliitle brother that I never had. Its freaky. Well, the War Resistors League split. Good vibes. It was nice to hear a few of them say: "Wow, its been ages since I was here last". (meaning the Church). As for me, Im more and more drawn to Judson Memorial these days, one block East on 4th Street. Big doin's up there. Miz Nancy's first full time NYC Sanitation Dept. check clears soon and she will go back to her place in Queens. I will miss her shits-and-giggles so much. Hey Sponge..where are you at. I mean, what country. I was thinking; If you are actually in England, maybe you could be whats "Wrong" with it. (Nice feelin' aint it?)..a warm glow. Well, Merry Christmas Ohio Girl. Bundle up! P.S. Cheer up Sam,..its in the cards. Later all.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Germain Greer, Germain "bloody"Greer you cant be serious by refering to that old antipidean loudmouth as the lovely Ms Greer. C'mon please show a little taste . A nd I still cant shake that image you put in my head of her posing naked in a yogic possition .AAGGGGHHHHHHH there it is again stop it - get out of my head you demons.
Hammond she is alive and well and a regulare to the BBC and ITV

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Yes, this snow is the real thing, we're having a White Christmas every couple of hours, the trees are beautiful. I drove home from work this morning in low gear and silence from the lack of traffic. The cars look like poodles this afternoon, with the windows cleared off yet a big top-knot of snow on top. This is central Ohio with less snow than Southern Ohio let alone states farther east. My sister-in-law in Southern Ohio (Jackson) told us they have an inch of ice under all their snow, power outages, and they keep hearing a snapping sound as snow and ice-laden trees break and slide down the hills. (Yes, Nature clears her own forests you don't need Bush logging to do it.) Makes me think how beautiful it was to be living out in the country just outside of Athens, in the blizzard of 1977. I think it was 1977. 1977 and 1978 were real hard winters and it was beautiful and we enjoyed ourselves tremendously.
I saw one piece on TV where protesters in San Francisco were interviewed. I only saw it once but I saw a negative broadcast repeated many times. Peace!

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Hey New Yorkers: Boogie on down to Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center tonight at 7:30 pm. The NOT IN OUR NAME Statement Of Conscience Presents: POEMS NOT FIT FOR THE WHITE HOUSE. For more info; call 212-875-5030 or go to

Name: IMAM
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Steve - are you up to your eyeballs in snow? Can you take a picture out your door and send it to Eric for the rest of us to eyeball?IMAM

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nope
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Hey Eileen; zat you??..I was thinking that it could be a dark room with just voices. Ouch!..dont touch me there! Watch it!

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Yep, soon as this snow lets up and NYC opens up again, I'm goin' to march ..opps,..I mean Walk out and get a Tee Shirt printed up that says: "I'm Whats Wrong With This Country!!!" (and if ya dont believe me; just ask any Republican). Thanks Suzie-Q,..that was a good sign. Aint it funny how it all works out???

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Hah..Time out Room. That's great. I could have spent the wkend there and elimiated all the people that aren't speaking to me. I seem to be pissing off a lot of folks these days without even meaning to. Ah well who needs hangers on? yuck yuck yuck I can see it now with over stuffed furniture, by the open fire..sort of like an Old English movie.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 17 Feb 2003
I hear ya Eric. Its Klondike Hell out there,..but Its nice and cozy here in the Peace Church Parsonage. No outsiders. (or staff). Buckley is getting cranky. He's starting to put two and two together. He suspects the W.R.L. are French. (whatever that means??)...He feels threatened that the "Frogs" will drive him out into the cold. (I planted em' all in the back parlor where he crashes)...about forty in all. Shook his ass out of the rack real early. He drips cooffee, paces and writes till dawn. The kitchen is cranking and everyone is lunching on home made soup, salad, etc. Lots of health goodies. Man, he's he's a mess. See,..Ol'Buckley is a Hawk at heart, and is getting his Irish up. He says that he only showers with "Dove". Friends?..ya... I can pick my friends; and I can pick my nose....but I cant pick my friend's nose. Later. Thanks for lettin' me drop into your living room. Hey, how about a spot on this site called Eric's Living Room. You know, where we could all have a sit-down and not bitch about Polotics, religion or...well, sex is cool. You know..a little Time-Out room. Think about it. (Ive' got an old Twelfth House furnace that you can retro-fit it with). We could sacrafice the dwarf and unload our childhoods there. Beats carryin' that weight. Dig?...think about it.

Name: IMAM
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Eileen - Ooops! my phone was off the can - thanks!-IMAM (Suspect)

Name: IMAM
Date: 17 Feb 2003
London has the right idea! From todays Guardian.-Maybe we should do the same?!?-IMAM-Suspect
Anti-war coalition leaders, emboldened by the massive turnout at peace rallies in London and around the world, are planning to try to shut Britain down should Tony Blair defy public opinion and go to war without a UN resolution.
"We want people to walk out of their offices, strike, sit down, occupy buildings, demonstrate, take direct action and do whatever they think fit the moment war starts," said Lindsey German of the Stop the War Coalition yesterday. "We want to completely close down Whitehall and prevent the Ministry of Defence going to work. At 6pm on the first evening after the bombing starts, there will be demonstrations and vigils all over the country, to be followed by another march with CND on the first weekend after war starts." The coalition will decide over the next few days whether or not to call for a local "day of action" which would be an invitation for younger, militant groups around Britain to take direct action.

Name: NY Friend
Date: 17 Feb 2003
30 Million and more protest the WAR (that ideally will never happen!)
Keep on - Keep'in on!

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Eric - I think the constant drummers you mention got their training here in the NW. At every march and gathering here in Portland they never stop banging away like shaman robotons on a mission - I think they believe their monotony of sound is in charge of the general energy of the crowd. Anarchists - go figure..........Portland got off to a slow start this time around but the cops brought out the pepper spray just for good measure. Typical of our police state of mind.........

Name: Eric
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Nicole, Steve, Ohio Girl, Joe, and any others caught in the Presidents Day Storm of 2003 --
I'm so jealous! I've got the Weather Channel on just to experience the blizzard vicariously and dream of walking down Lafayette Street darkened by the swirling snow clouds and silenced by the traffic stopping drifts.
Have fun for me!

Name: Silent Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: West 4th Street
Date: 17 Feb 2003
The heart and soul of the War Resistors League shoveled a path to the door this A.M. They are doers. I'm getting tight with the core group. Wonderful, wonderful, folks. Alot of Camarillo brillo; a few gypsy skirts here and there, some corderoy proffessor types,...its like a little piece of Nor. Cal. I brewed Coffee for the cause. Both of the resident Aquarians seem oblivious to it all. (they just think that I attract odd friends)..(well????)....Miz Nancy's back is alot better since she started sleeping on Nik's bed. (I dont know about her front)..anyway, Buckley is Buckley...We plan on digging (no pun intended) out from the steps to the Church. Its great to have the place crawling with activity (no pun intended). I hope the War does not come down, and we can all come back to earth soon. Well, Buckley has his anti gravity boots on, gotta run.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Good thing I didn't have a long ways to drive, to get home from work this morning. We have got tons and tons of snow in Ohio today. And what a snow job from the news media. What a rollercoaster ride this is, for sure. Most people on this earth don't want it to be a rollercoaster ride to hell. How quickly the reporting of the protests has turned back to negative. I can see that they are handing me BS, but I can't see through the BS well enough to see what it was actually like in New York, San Francisco, etc. I am honored to read some first-hand accounts on this website.
My granddaughter took her first steps, although they "didn't end in walking" I'm told. A little about geneology: My children are wiser than me. They never had access to all the drugs we had in the 60s so of course they are wiser, that's a no-brainer. Hence my granddaughter is sure to be a genius! Well that's a good thing then! All grandchildren are geniuses so I know it's ok for me to make up a reason.

Name: Eric
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Watched the last part of 60 Minutes with Michael Moore. He is such a bodhisattva. Truly enlightened.
Then Andy Rooney did his thing and tonight's editorial was all about the French blocking the US War against Iraq. I never realized how much Rooney is an imperialist. He said the French have no right to block the US going to war because the US saved the French in World War II. What kind of puppet government does he think France is? With that type of argument, someone could just as easily say the US owes its very existence to the French. (We would have lost the Revolution without the French money arms and troops, after all.)
Speaking of media, if anyone tries to argue that the media has a liberal agenda, just look at the Fox News Channel. If CNN's slogan is "All News All The Time" then I nominate for Fox's slogan: "All Bimbos All The Time." Yesterday, as they sneered while millions marched, the onscreen logo read "Axis of Weasel" referring to the countries that are standing up against Bully Bush.

Name: Eric
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Wow, it was another energizing event we had today. But some of those youngins' got to learn not to crap in the well we all drink from. If they want to destroy some property they can have their own party. But when they come to a peace gathering, all weapons (mental as well as physical) should be left at home. (We used to have monitors back in the 60s, has that concept been lost by the wayside?) Another thing I'd like to comment on, the incessant drumming that these anarchists seem to love. There's something militaristic about that. I could almost hear John Philip Sousa in some of these black garbed contingents.
Someone should tell the anarchists that until further proof, the suspicion is that they have been infiltrated by police agents trying to provoke the exact type of violence that took place.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: ps
Date: 17 Feb 2003
IMAM~You forgot to mention the tin can.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: sky watching
Date: 17 Feb 2003
Oops sorry forgot to put my name on the Sun post. And here's the Moon..astrology for this full moon (which is kicking ass tonight!) plus a bunch more about stuff influencing now and as well as effects on politics.

Date: 17 Feb 2003
Thought you guys might like to see some pictures. There's a comet blazing towards to sun. We are also in a solar stream that is really messing with a lot of folks electricty.
These may be a little behind where it's at now, but my favorite.
These are up to date.

Name: IMAM
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Yes folks we did it witout 'celling out' - how you might ask? We used string and dental floss..... Now I really must go to bed.........IMAM-Suspect

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hey, theres a "ME" imposter in the house. "I" will be right back!

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Mark~We love you back. Let's hear it..YEAH! Cool you got on an interview and thanks for the brief report. Share away!
Ariel and ALL the sisters (our 60's-early 70's babies), Angel, Ocean, Sierra, Solange and I forget who else, got together for the SF gathering, plus husbands, boy friends, (yes they let them come) babies and kids. Ariel asked Judy Berg how we had managed at these events without cell phones..HA ha ha! Leave it to her to think of that! Judy said something to the effect..we were connected. No kidding! I could find anyone I wanted no matter how big the crowd. (I think there's a lot to be said to potientially loosing our sensitivity, to technology.) I'm so proud of these girls and that they are carrying on the banner. Ariel says she's really having to study up now (Suzanna, listen up) so she can hold her own in discussions with her very, would you believe, white Republican dude (honest folks he's terrific!). We had a good laugh about that. She said it was a great day but I forgot to ask if she had passed for Black (that's a joke) and gotten in on the strutting march. In fact I didn't get much of any details cause she was tired. The fact she made it (unlike her mom) was enough for me!

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hey all,
We are back from the SF Demonstration and I am dead tired. Democracy Now did call me on my cell phone during the march and interviewed me for their radio show so if you hear some inarticulate running off at the mouth...yep that is me. The march was as you would expect in SF, organized and laid back. Nobody does it better. My turn-out estimate would be close to what the last event was around 150 to 200 thousand.
I ran quickly through the posts tonight and man, you folks can get in some serious shit when I ain't looking.
Hammond, I am with you on the crabs.
Suzanna, girl you are fighting that losing battle here. We were the sixties. Respectfully, you would be wise to spend time absorbing the large and prodigious amount of information that Eric has spent decades making up this site. We are not, repeat, we are not throw backs. It all comes back to the Diggers.
I am tired and need to sleep but I sent a message to Eileen last night that had something that I would like to share here.
The shit has hit the fan again. I think in part this is a gift, a chance to take part in another cultural metamorphosis. We can do this. We know who our roadmen are. It will be a great honor to ride this wave with you all on this list. We are the extreme. We have the 360 degree view in a linear media desert. We win.
I love you all. Goodnight.

Name: me
Date: 16 Feb 2003
i thinks much here!

Name: IMAM
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Suz - Do any of our comments register in your cramped forebrain? What is anti-American about being against a "Preemptive WAR" initiated by a guy who wasn't even elected to the presidency? Never mind that he is an idiot.

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: get real
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hey Suzanne, lets get real, let me say this (as if someones gonna stop me?),..look, I cant laugh this off. You represent a huge block of Americans. Thats more than fair to say. I, also do. (well, maybe thats unfair to say),..I represent the super human crew....but you know what I mean. Now, after reviewing your earlier input, I assume that you may be in your early 40's. I had jumped to the conclusion that you were much younger. OK, dig. Look lady; Your "Hate" thing is really bugging me. I cant shake it. I was just walking out front. Its snowing and I looked up at my parlor window. There is a large sign in it that reads: "WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER". Now, I may be an extreamist...but you want extreams??...would you ever dream of seeing a sign that read: "WAR IS THE ANSWER"???. Talk about Hatefull. Jesus Woman. Hold the phone. Back up. Dont get yer' piss hot. Cool yer' jets. Now for the real part...Shit!..(I forgot what I was gonna say)...musta been all of those drugs. (well, ya' got that part right).

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: really I'm a Pleidian, don't ask
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Watching this little soap opera for a minute or two ... sometimes an intelligent
alternate viewpoint is valuable, it requires a legitimate response & a little
cogitation. This is not happening here. I would guess S. has a lot of issues
that will never be addressed by this type of debate.
Say a prayer for the misfortunate, & pass on.
Strictly from Weirdsville, having a nice little get-down w/ Kerouac
& Wm. Burroughs -- your motherfucking nasty anti-social & possibly infectious friend : Blue

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hey Suz, stick around. You bring out the best in me. Im' the Silent Saint and you are the Anti-Travis in this life act. Its the wedding of the winds. (but who farted?)

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hey Suzie Cream Cheese...whats gotten into you? Off hand, to the best of my memory; the only time hate ever came up on this web site was since you dropped in. Think about it. You my dear are provincial. Now where was I,..oh ya, sound like some one else,...Hmmm...does "Juice" ring a bell folks???....Look, Suzanna, or whoever you are,.. lets call it a day, shall we? Hey, check back in after the first few thousand body counts and talk about hate. Ya, I hate. I hate the thought of anyone losing their life as a pawn in a greedy power and oil sceme; no mater who's fronting the show. Speaking of shows, you are in the right play house, but the wrong act. This aint no pissin' contest. But speaking of which: I lost a bundle of cash once in a pissing contest with a gal down in Florida. The bet was to see who could piss the highest on the wall. She was an Irish gal who I later married. Anyway,.. she got on her tippy-toes, pushed her ass up against the wall and let go. Well, was respectable. But I said; "watch this", and what to a think she said?..yep! She said Hey, "Hey!!..NO HANDS!!"

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Uh on, as I had off to work again, already they aren't showing pictures of Richie Havens on the news, already the news is slanted toward how much Iraq likes the protesting. Confusing, like letters (originally?) from a teenager. You can't disguise one thing, people everywhere desire to give peace a chance right now.

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Feb 2003
From today's LA Times - Stew Albert reviews the new book by Ann Charters on the 60s. Enjoy it here:,0,487607.story?coll=cl%2Dbookreview

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Feb 2003
FYI - New in The 3rd Page from Paul Krassner
PS - Suzanne - I think you have said enough now. Your near slanderism is so unnecessary - and think we all are honestly sorry - even sad that you feel so angry, confused and hurt by life and the cards you have been dealt.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 16 Feb 2003
You all should be very proud- many of you have confirmed what I had always suspected about the sixties anti-war crowd, that your so-called anti-war "peace" protests are nothing more than thinly veiled anti-americanism.
In my opinion, most of you are nothing more than an aging, pathetic group of discontented misfits who probably had difficulty fitting in to mainstream society and who have obviously failed to find any meaning or true happiness in your lives. I only wish there was some way I could prove to you the error of your ways. Ultimately history will prove how totally and completely misguided you all were.
Sadly, just like the terrorists of 9/11, your own pathological hatred of America and all that this country stands for will only continue to fan the flames of hatred and help prepare the way for more acts of violence against this nation. Shame on all of you! I can only pray that your children are wiser than you all are.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 16 Feb 2003
OK, OK...I know what beer is IMAM, fact, I invented it. Hey, heres what pisses me off; once I get my paperwork straightened out, my Lady Reverend wants me to head for Mozambique, where she has a one year hitch lined up. Now, the Moslems are no biggy; as they are the Merchants; and ready cash in hand bridges that gap, and the civil war has been over for over a decade, and I can deal with Ivory poachers, (ditto: "Money")...but heres my grip,..there is still a possiblility of getting off of the beaten track and steppin' on a U.S. fuckin' land mine. Shit. Oh, I just cut a deal to entertain a core group of insiders from the War Resistors League up in the back parlor in the A.M. These folks are charged up and its thrilling to make the scene. They dig the Ol' Olema hospitality. Its all falling into place. I some small way, I am making a difference. Hey Suz, Id'e love to tango, but Ive' got other things on my mind. (Hows it feel to dance with yer' self)...I know, I know,..come-on Steve, leave the kid alone.

Name: IMAM
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Steve is what's wrong with the world? And here I thought it was fundamentalist nearsightedness, power grabbing, arms sales (repeat: "arms sales"), oil wells, closed door sessions by shadow governments, military build-up and the waste it leaves behind (like tons of spent uranium casings), land fills, hair spray cans and a slew of other things. Thanks Suz for cluing me in!
Hey Steve - what the fuck man!
Get it together will ya.....-IMAM-Suspect

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Blackbear Ranch East
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Ah,..gotta think fast...Hmmm...ya!,..ahh..the ol' stand by!...Ah gee Suzanna; I auu...I dont know what beer is. (Hey Red, pass the wallet.)

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: already babbling in a nursing home
Date: 16 Feb 2003
That's what they seem to call it when we aides complain about our working conditions or the crappy food they budget to the elderly

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Believe nothing you read and only half of what you see. There were close to half a million here in NYC. No shit folks. Those werent fuckin' tourists. What is with our Nation's Press?. They were our link with Government. Now they are a foggy window which distorts. I didnt think that it had gone that far until I read "Their" numbers. Remember folks; numbers dont often lie; but liars often use numbers.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Suzanna~You need to read more carefully what is being said here and stop just reacting. You are missing the message, missing the point and missing the consideration that has been given you. I will ask again, what do you want from us? Do you think you are being effective or just looking for an opportunity to spew? I am sorry you are having such a hard time, finding yourself so alone. You have been welcomed here but are wearing it out. Where's your heart girl!? War does not make peace. How hard is that to understand? The world has asked us to take care and not be hasty in our rush to war. You think the world is your enemy as well? It is because we love this Earth and care for this country and what it is based on, that we and the millions standing up, are so desperately trying to save it.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Jean Kilpatrick put it best- "Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is."

Name: S.S.
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Dr. Sponge; this your' evil doing??? Come on, a joke is a joke. Out with it!!!

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: no way
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hey all; check out everything that our Miz Liza-Jane Suzzana has layed out so far,... and read it in the order that it came down. Is somethin' fishy??? I'm still not buyin' it. Nobody stary-eyed teeny-booper could have that many stars and stripes commin' outa' their ass. (or could they?) Hey "Suz", were your foster parents from Crawford Texas by any chance????

Name: Suzanna
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Author Daniel Flynn put it best when he said, "Anti-Americanism is reflexive, knee- jerk and programmed. It's emotive, not cognitive. Patriotism is for the thinking man."

Name: Silent but not deadly
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hey, you got some balls talkin' about fathers. Dont get me wrong; as I'm a dead beat dad myself. By the way Suz; whats yer' sign baby?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Well Scuz me scuz. Shit folks: I guess that makes it official!....Wrong?? Hell,....thats my line: "How could one man be so wrong"??..lets see,... I was born wrong. If I got any "Wronger" I'de be write..Auuu..I mean "Right". You got it half right:...I hate whats becomming of this Wonderful FREE country...but bear in mind; it's like the "Company", can always love the company, but the company will never love you. Little sister; this "Country" is/was an "IDEAL", Ideal that has been kept alive by those who have been ever vigilant in fighting off oppression, wheather it be internal or external. That being said; I must admit that my heart is in Scotland. The blood is strong. As far as the Red Chineese, well, aint up on this soap opera, so I wont get into that,...Morn my Dad??...ya, not everyone has the good fortune to be born an orphan,...So, lets see,...Hmmm... I'm whats wrong with this Country...hey, who says that I'm an under-achiever, or that my goals are set too high.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Silent Steve,
You are what's wrong with this country. Maybe you should stay silent... If you hate this wonderful, freedom loving country of ours so much, I'm sure communist China would love to have you. I mourn for your father. Suz

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: wsumc
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Well, no requests for any surplus rifles yet,...Hmmm...hey; I'm left holding the keys, and I assured the W.R. Leauge that they could stay as late as they want to. I also gave them access to my bathroom upstairs, as the one down stairs cant handle the traffic. They set up a chow thing in the kitchen just like on Friday. Will be away from the computer for a while. Any locals care to drop in? Just Swing by. Focus on Peace, ya'll. Hey Suzanne, maybe me and you got off on the wrong foot. I'm not recruting or brain washing,..hell, I will go so far as to encourage you to stand on your moral values. But; I think that you should "Get Involved", Hmm,..why dont you stage a local "WAR RALLY"??? Think about it. Hey Vince,..hows yer' retirement/pension fund?...a little shakey these days?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: real world
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Heres the latest: The Sanctuary is now filled with the core group of the War Resistors Leauge...(make that; a gang of over-the-hill, anti American, anti- government, anti-god, sad, rebellious, pathetic old syphletic peers of mine). The head men and women call me by name; so I made one hell of an impression. Hey Suzanna, glad you find the fight for freedom so amusing, keep rejoicing. Right up until the time that the Government boys (who will protect you from yourself) search your moving van and arrest you for marching..oops,..(I mean walking) down the street that used to be public. I do have to say that you are polite as well as respectful...and It scares the fuck out of me that you are in fact whats "Right" for the "Country" that Amerika is becomming. I'm sure that more of your friends will be dropping by soon. Well, later folks, I'm gonna take some polite and respectful advice and go Drop Dead. Thanks for havin' me Eric. Sorry about the shit stains on the carpeting. P.S. Suzanna, I'm the direct father to son descendant of a Revolutionary war (our side) soldier. I have a list of battles that he fought in somewhere around here. That means that my vote counts. Hey, I got a good deal on a whole gross of Polish Army rifles; they are in mint condition. (only dropped once).

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: not buying it
Date: 16 Feb 2003
That was to steril. Travis...are you "Suzanna" this week?

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Every body screams but no body listens. So sad. Words convey an emotion which no body sees. A free frame of reference? There is a body attached to that point of view. There is a glow from that body that is called life.
This is no time to choose sides. There is only time for peace, inner peace.

Name: NY Friend
Date: 16 Feb 2003
I guess not everyone has stopped spitting at us from the sideline.
War for Peace is No Peace at all..........

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hi all - my what an active little cacus we have here - Thanks Suzanne for stopping in and welcome back anytime - even though we don't share your side of this global mess. You won't find many friends of the military here though - we gave up on them along time ago for many diffferent reasons - nearly all of which still apply today. I don't think any of us are spreading crabs anymore though.............

Name: IMAM
Date: 16 Feb 2003
PS - Suz- Eric is right - So I'm sorry for being rude to you. You are very welcome here - Join us and you might transform into a peace loving young lady with ideas and thoughts to share with us or then again you might want to join the New Republican Warehouse at - Have a nice day! IMAM

Name: IMAM
Date: 16 Feb 2003
"Oh Suzanna - oh don't ya cry for me".... (us).
Dear Martha in Disguise - No one attacked you - you in fact have attacked us from all sides for being "wrong, rude, pathetic, anti-American, anti-God, 60s throwbacks" who no one listens to anyway. Yes and we all have venereal diseases that we are going to give you unless you crawl back into your patriotically sealed room where you won't have to deal with nasty people like us. We are the people your parents hung out with - taking off our clothes and dancing in the park to the demon beat of drums - and trying to levitate your alter of protection - The Pentagon. NO Wonder they dumped you! Quit trying to find them because from what you have told us about them - they won't appreciate your point of view any more than we do.IMAM-Suspect

Name: Eric
Date: 16 Feb 2003
I for one respect your presence here. There are many many love-children of the 60s who have turned away from their parents' ways. That's natural. After all, we weren't exactly following our own parents' lead when we dropped out and joined a movement in fundamental opposition to the "Amerikan Way".
Yes, you absolutely understand us very well. We are opposed to this society in many many of its manifestations. Most importantly at the moment, this country's rush to Imperial dominion over the world. Do you really want to live in the Roman Empire all over again?
So, I agree with you. We are the kooks. However, when you say "no one with half a brain in their head takes any of you you seriously anyhow" I would respectfully disagree. There were 10,000,000 people marching in the streets yesterday opposed to the madness that you are supporting. We stopped the madness that was the Vietnam War. The Universe willing, we can do it again.

Name: NY Friend
Date: 16 Feb 2003
"Anti-War demonstrations, involving eight million to 11.5 million people, according to various estimates" Remember (of course you do!) when people used to spit at us from the sidewalks - calling us "dirty long-haired traitors" who should be shot? I guess some of the "Times" have "changed" after all.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hello all!
I just couldn't resist coming back to weirdsville for another peek, and I'm so glad I did! It gives me one last opportunity to respond to some of you who felt the need to attack me personally because of my opposing point of view (so much for free speech.)
I may be a republican polish bastard love child who likes Martha Stewart and George W. Bush, but at least I'm polite and respectful, even to kooks like you. Too bad I can't say the same about some of you. Before I sign off for good, however, I just wanted to say, with all due respect, that it is poeple like you who are what's wrong with this country.
It is Anti-government, anti- american, anti-God sixties throwbacks like yourselves who are destroying this country with your anti-American sentiment. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, but sadly, most of you don't even know the meaning of the word. Rebellion might seem cool when you're young, but at your age it's downright pathetic. You would think by now most of you would have wised up like so many of your peers did long ago. I guess it must be all the drugs you took.
The good news is, no one with half a brain in their head takes any of you you seriously anyhow. Thank God for that. If anything, those of us who have brains that are still intact and functioning properly find you all quite amusing. We can all rejoice for it won't be long before most of you drop dead from veneral disease or are left babbling in some nursing home somewhere and the country will no longer be forced to suffer your foolishness. May that day come soon. Suzanna

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: picture close up of wet hen
Date: 16 Feb 2003
3 cheers for Miz Nancy!! Steve you had it comin' heh heh. I delight for you!
Still feeling cranky this morning..don't know why (I'm sure I could make a list if I put my mind to it) but will chant and see if I can get my head screwed on right. I think I best stay off here until I'm a nicer person, which may take some time and I need to get back to my packing and cleaning anyway. (Steve I was playing you know) I had a feeling the sun might happen for this event in SF. Great surprise to wake to! Miranda got stuck (with the car) on the wrong side of a landslide on 101, so all I can do today is listen to the happenings on the radio. What am I doing here when I should be there?! I feel totally in the wrong place today. Stood and looked seriously last night at the stuff I have to deal with and pack, throw out, give away or take to the thrift store, in my workshop..which has become a catch-all for 3 yrs. groan. Today I will begin on that as my penance for missing this day in SF. If no one hears from me this week, you're probably lucky.

Name: Not-So-Silent Steve
EmailAddress: three legged mule
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Gottcha' Mark. Wow, I just checked out my daily Horrible-scope and I may go hide under a rock. Will leave you all with this: If you see a newspaper will headlines that indicated that "We" "Strangled" Manhattan: dont buy the paper. Thats one way to send a message. Hey, good day to get into Hammond's book. Later all.

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Morning Steve,
Judy mentioned that she was sending out invoices and said she would send the one to you. I explained the situation you have to both Peter and her so they are happy to get whatever you can do whenever you can do it. Gotta head out. Later.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: not really
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Hey Mark, I'm backed up on everything, I just financed a religious retreat/honeymoon at a swank Uptown Hotel. Will kite Pee-Drum three months dues on the first of March. After that will settle back into original program. Over and out.

Name: Steve Cammeron Swazey
EmailAddress: On The Beat
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Nows Flash: Sixteen Turds killed by exploding Port-A-John. P.U.!!!! hey, In as much as I was the equivilant of "Digger Ordained" the other night; I felt it my duty to "March" with the Forum Of Concerned Religious Leaders yesterday here in New York City. Great bunch of folks. I hate to think of the downward spiral that my life would have taken had I fallen into Bad Company these past two years. Boy would I be edgy. Miz Nancy is really pushing me to go the Tattoo Artist route. I sat up all last night communicationg with her. Those Aquarians are light years ahead; I will say that. Bitter Cold this A.M. Let a whole army of homeless in early. Hey, no shit, sorry about the "Black" and "Polish" slur,....hell I'm sure that Vince musta had more than $2.50 (that being said, If he was a Republican, He mighta' got some on a promise)...think about it. "Read My Lips"

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Good Morning Ohio Girl, it 7:45 am here and I am trying wake up my kids and wife and load them all up in the car for the ride to SF from Aptos (Santa Cruz) about 80 miles. I am stopping in San Jose to pick up my Father (82), the history of our relationship has come full circle since the early days of LSD, the Haight, Viet Nam, my struggle leave the Air Force in 67, etc. Easy drive though. Rain was predicted for the day but the storm moved through in the night and now it is clear and sunny. I have a hopeful outlook this morning like many of us I am sure, but having been around this block more times than I can remember, I also know the rollercoaster nature of this conflict. It is going to be great to get onto the street with all the people. Later.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Silence pierces the quiet of the early morning! Should I have this big smile on my face? Oh well, I do.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Weirdsville
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Just got in. Read the, all I can say is if "Suzanna" really is "Suzanna" (which I doubt)...well; I cant put down a "Name"...but, uh...Heres one for "Vince": "Demon, behold your work". Shit, try the fuckin' Martha Stewart Web site,..or tap into Oprah. Get creative..make some napkin holders. Well folks, I was among the thousands who froze their nuts and ovaries off while George and Suzanna were most likely sittin' by the fire, eatin' pretzels, watchin' the news and tampering with a ballot box. But hey, I could be wrong. (which is more than I can say for Suzanne.) Hey Eric; "Suzanne" was some sorta' test,..right??? anti-reality check,..right???...a sad commentary on today's youth culture right?...if not,..I take back my Bastard comment. Me?...I worked at it for years to become a bastard. (while the Suzannas of this world were Born that way). You gotta problem with that Vince? Steve Boyd 133 West 4th. Street, NY,NY 10012 P.S. Hey Suzanna, you woulda' been half black instead of half Polish, but the dude was two dollars short.

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 16 Feb 2003
I sat in a crowd of gray hard business women, patrons of the arts. They had dragged their husbands along for the night. I sat and watched Judy Collins sing the songs that I first heard in 1968. I had just left Morningstar and this voice was ringing clear. She was singing the songs of Leonard Cohen. I was in heaven as I was last night. She asked for peace on earth and please no wars and the crowd just moaned with a mild aplause. I knew what to expect and perhaps she knew too. I was thrilled to be part of her life in this moment that I was part of that crowd of human beings together in Kentucky. Well the night is over and the world still wants peace. Judy is singing on a CD in the other room as I scan over the letters written this morning. I wish Suzanna would stay. It is hard to hear her speak but alas she has a voice and as I say she opened her mouth to speak. Let us listen.
Go here Suzanna: and follow the voice of this poet.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Far out!!! I come home work this early a.m. and turn on the TV and see Richie Havens singing and protesting. Wow!!! When I left for work yesterday evening I was already thrilled by the amount of coverage the protests were getting on the news (CNN Headline in this case). By this morning it was pretty awesome. Can't wait to hear from some who were fortunate enough to participate (and also today in San Francisco). Only then will I know how close to the truth the news stories are. McMingus I love what you said. Concerning the part about TV news, living in smalltown Ohio, the TV news gets me a little closer and I try to sift out what's being said and pictured and see what's for real, if possible. I know the news is BS. But, they had to give the protests so much more time than they gave the ones around MLK's birthday. That means this is too vast to sweep under the carpet. That means ..... a whole lot of people are in agreement with the protesters.
What is the solution, if it's not war? The solution is peace. The way to do it is trade, commerce, communication, maybe even blue jeans and Coca Cola. Even that works better than war. I'm with sitting still as opposed to screwing up big time. Peace !

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Feb 2003
If you are still with us..your remarks have been a real tooth grinder for me today..I have had to listen to various versions of this from several people I care about and I have to admit I was so taken aback as to be almost speechless. If there was an original thought in your thinking or even a sentence that rung true, I might be able to take in something you had to say. You don't have to agree with anyone here, but to parrot what the media is feeding us does not pass for being politically informed. If you are not willing to learn something more than what you are being spoon fed, you are definitely in the wrong crowd. Sorry but I am not feeling real diplomatic today. A weird site? Should we take that personally? I had almost forgotten what being called weird by a stranger felt like. You haven't even begun to see weird here..........where's Steve? Ha!

Name: Mark
EmailAddress: Idon'
Date: 16 Feb 2003
Fuckin' eh!, another wacked Irishman. We need lots of those. Thanks to the great whoever for that. The paradox is rising up for all to see even on CNN. Hold on to your seat folks, it is happening again. Holy Shit!

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: I look like Homer Simpson
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Well, not exactly.
My heart is like a cactus tree. Full & hollow.
Reports of worldwide protests today -- Amen ! we have more allies (in
the real sense) than we will ever know.
It'a not so acceptable to say this (but I'm Irish, so who cares about
being polite ?) -- the real deal is a spiritual struggle. & I'm on the
Devil's side saying bring on all information, don't lie to me...I cannot
& will not watch television or even listen to NPR in the current clarify, see Wm. Blake "The Marriage of Heaven &
Hell" for what I'm referring to.
Comprendez-vous, mes amis ?
It is not this one moment nor this world alone.
It's Buddha & Krishna & Jesus & (even) Mohammed versus
spiritual materialism & a form of consciousness no different than
Zombie-ism...the living dead.
Once again, the message is -- Wake Up !!
One cup of coffee is better than 3 hours of the bullshit brainwash
called jocularly "the news."

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Welcome to the discussion. I would like to recommend a book that may
help with some of the American Mythology. The name of the book is "A
People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present" by Howard
Zinn. This book has become a textbook for many schools and is easily found
in bookstores.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Goodbye all! This is one really weird site. It's been interesting, but
as a proud Republican and Bush supporter, I guess I don't belong here. I
sincerely wish you all the best in your pursuit of peace on earth. Thanks
for everything. Take care & God bless.. Suzanna- Thousand Oaks, CA

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Were you living in L.A. in 1967? If so, do you remember a guy named
Vince who was 6 foot 7 and rode a motorcycle? His full name might have
been Vince Savukas. He may have had a brother in the music business. I'm
trying to find someone who knew one or both of my birth parents in order
to prove that they knew eachother. At this point I'm not sure Vince is my
father. My mother didn't know his last name.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
What's so wrong about America spending tax dollars on military training
and arms? The military is what keeps us all safe and sound. Our government
is only looking out for our best interests. I don't believe for a minute
that our government has some secret plot to gain access to Iraq's oil
supplies. Besides, we have our own oil sources and President Bush is
trying to make us less dependent on foreign oil.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
What's so wrong about America spending tax dollars on military training
and arms? The military is what keeps us all safe and sound. Our government
is only looking out for our best interests. I don't believe for a minute
that our government has some secret plot to gain access to Iraq's oil
supplies. Besides, we have our own oil sources and President Bush is
trying to make us less dependent on foreign oil.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
What's so wrong about America spending tax dollars on military training
and arms? The military is what keeps us all safe and sound. Our government
is only looking out for our best interests. I don't believe for a minute
that our government has some secret plot to gain access to Iraq's oil
supplies. Besides, we have our own oil sources and President Bush is
trying to make us less dependent on foreign oil.

Name: IMAM,
Date: 15 Feb 2003

Name: IMAM
Date: 15 Feb 2003
With the Patroit Act to "protect me" I will now retire to my

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
I doubt if the world would remove Saddam if he decided to attack
Israel, which he has threatened to do. Iraq has been making threats about
attacking Isreal for quite some time. I don't think that the rest of the
world will come to the aid of Israel and join forces to remove Saddam. I
wish it were not so, but's that's the way it is. We are Israel's only real
friend and ally. Maybe the British would help out, but they don't have as
large a military force as we do, nor do they have the weaponry. They would
most likely get their butts kicked. That's why we had to bail them out in
You're right that we are an intimidating force to be reckoned with. For
the good of this country, our leaders in the past have taken extreme
measures to protect this country from our enemies. But you have to admit,
as sad as it was that we had to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima, it was the
only way to end the war with Japan. The loss of American lives would have
been much greater had we not done taken such extreme measures. Ironically,
Japan is now our friend and ally. Other nations know that if they mess
with us or our friends, they will pay the ultimate price. We are not
bullies, we are simply demanding respect. There is nothing wrong with
that. You should be proud to be an American. We are the most respected
nation in the world.
Saddam does not care about his own people and will even use them as
human sheilds because he knows that our leaders will be more reluctant to
attack if there is the possiblity that innocent civilians will be caught
in the crossfire. We have given Saddam the opportunity to prove that he
has disarmed, but he has refused to cooperate. The U.N. inspections are a
joke! Everybody knows that Saddam is very good at hiding weapons of mass
destructions from the inspectors. He's done it before. I wish we could be
certain that Saddam would "behave" but I think he will
eventually try to use his weapons, or eles sell them to those who will.
You're right about one thing, we do all want peace. We who support
President Bush and what he is trying to achieve care very much about world
peace, we just believe there is no peaceful solution to the current world
situation. If there were, I'm sure our leaders would gladly opt for it.
But there is no peaceful solution here. Unfortunately the terrorists want
nothing more than to destroy us, and are very pro-active in their approach
to terrorism. Therefore, we must also be pre-emptive as well as
pro-active. We cannot sit idly by as they prepare ways to kill more
innocent Americans. Take care & God bless...

Name: IMAM
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Sure we are generous (but to whom and why?) What are we doing for
ourselves - Hummm? What do we spend our tax dollars on? Why is the US able
to be generous to some? Because the US makes a lot of money in arms
trading - high tech surveillance and military training - and in OIL among
other nasty habits. So if I seem irritated with the US Government aside
from any generosity or supposed freedoms - Hell yes I am irritated. Bunch
a madmen running the place.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
IMAM- America is the most generous nation in the world. Our government
gives more aid to more countries in need than all other countries
combined. Americans give more to charitable causes worldwide than any
other nation. We are not a greedy nation hoarding it's wealth, we are a
compassionate nation. Most Americans care about the less fortunate and we
do all we can, but we can only do so much. We must produce arms in order
to remain strong militarily. Otherwise, we can expect to be attacked by
our enemies. We must be able to defend ourselves. Sitting and doing
nothing is not the answer. If we can prevent another September 11, than
shouldn't we do all we can?

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Have you ever heard of good cop, bad cop? Well we are the crazy bad cop
and we are quite believable. The government in Iraq does not care what the
world thinks. But they(Iraq)know that we used a Atom bomb in Japan. As the
news says" George Bush is a very scary man" and that is a weapon
that can be used for peace. If Iraq behaves then things will be good. If
Iraq does whatever they want then the world will remove him. Killing is
not a good answer no matter who you are. Everybody wants peace. Take Care,

Date: 15 Feb 2003
Oooops - why is everything doubling today?

Name: IMAM
Date: 15 Feb 2003
PS - the French don't like us because we aren't French - And sitting
and doing nothing is sometimes the better part of otherwise screwing up
big time.

Name: IMAM
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Suz - Big Questions! One thing (solution) we have to do is to stop
being greedy with whatever natural wealth we have. Idealistic thinking -
perhaps - but we would be a lot closer to a solution (e.g.) if the US
Governement would stop - simply stop - producing arms - selling arms -
encouraging arms - and the miliary and begin to disperse our natural
wealth and the money otherwise spent on WAR to the citizens who need it
most on up the line and out to others - With Others - (talk about
coalitions) we begin clothing - feeding - and sheltering. Never mind what
other contries want to do - If the US wants to be the SuperPower influence
it wants to be then the US should fast begin to set and example for the
rest of the world - vs terrifying everyone.
How about Tonga as an option?

Name: IMAM
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Suz - Big Questions! One thing (solution) we have to do is to stop
being greedy with whatever natural wealth we have. Idealistic thinking -
perhaps - but we would be a lot closer to a solution (e.g.) if the US
Governement would stop - simply stop - producing arms - selling arms -
encouraging arms - and the miliary and begin to disperse our natural
wealth and the money otherwise spent on WAR to the citizens who need it
most on up the line and out to others - With Others - (talk about
coalitions) we begin clothing - feeding - and sheltering. Never mind what
other contries want to do - If the US wants to be the SuperPower influence
it wants to be then the US should fast begin to set and example for the
rest of the world - vs terrifying everyone.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Ohil Girl, are you kidding? I see plenty of news coverage on peace
marches, protests, etc.. It is practically dominating the airwaves! Every
day on the news I hear about people on the left speaking out regarding
their opposition to the war in Iraq. Where have you been? Isn't it
wonderful to live in a country where you can speak out and you don't have
to DIE for it? Too bad the people of Iraq don not have the same freedom we
do. God bless them. Maybe someday they will have the same freedoms we
enjoy here in America. You know why France and Germany and other Socialist
countries hate us? Because they are jealous of our success and our
freedoms. Everyone knows that America is the greatest country in the
world. Those socialist countries who are jealous of our success are the
ones standing in the way. It's the same for the socialist left here in
America. The left hates America because America defeats in practice what
the left believes in theory. America is the greatest country in the world
because we are a free, capitalist society based on religious freedom. Why
do you think so many people from other countries are literally dying to
come to America? Because we are the greatest country in the world!

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
I'm really curious about something and maybe one of you nice folks can
enlighten me. I know that you are all opposed to war and that you are for
peace. What I've been wondering is what you think the solution is, if it's
not war. How do you think we can we achieve peace with our enemies without
going to war? We've tried reasoning, but that didn't work. We tried
sanctions, and that didn't work either. It seems to me that the only
option we have left is to attack Saddam and all evil terrorist leaders and
defeat them, and in so doing we will remove them from power, and from
threatening neighboring countries. Only then can we have real peace. What
other options are there? I can't think of one.
If we sit and do nothing, eventually the enemy will develop long range
weapons of mass destruction, and will attack us or one of our allies. It
is not the U.S. or it's leaders that are standing in the way of peace, it
is the enemies of the U.S. who are refusing to disarm that are preventing
peace to prevail. We are for peace, all of us, and sometimes the only way
to achieve peace is through war.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Hello Kate! Suzanna, free speech means just that, you should always say
what you feel or it wouldn't be communication. If the reporters have't
DUCT this issue we might see some TAPE on tv giving fair coverage to what
the protesters are communicating.

Name: Luis Kemnitzer
Date: 15 Feb 2003
This very wonderful. I'm glad to see this. In memory of Geoff Yippie!,
I've made a 2-CD compilation of some of his favorite songs. For snail mail
address, I'll send one to you. WRL is meeting tomorrow (16 Feb 03) at 11
am on the west side of 2nd street to stroll as a contigent.

Name: Luis Kemnitzer
Date: 15 Feb 2003
This very wonderful. I'm glad to see this. In memory of Geoff Yippie!,
I've made a 2-CD compilation of some of his favorite songs. For snail mail
address, I'll send one to you.

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Hi Kate~Welcome here!
Eric~Thanks for the info. I think the action in SF may prove to be a
good follow up on the NY action. I'm thinking I will leave at the crack of
dawn tomorrow and head over to Ariel's so we can march (or whatever)
together. I realized that Miranda has no real grasp of what is going on
politically, or the reality of what is going on this wkend. I need to go
not only for myself but to open her eyes.
Suzanna~Where do you live? city, state?

Name: Kate Waterbury
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Omigod. When you say "Welcome Home" you mean it. Don't know
why I never before found this site, but so glad its here. And maintained.
Although what I've been soaking in here feels like the heart of home, my
own experiences took place out on one of the limbs of the body inspired by
the Diggers. I'm grateful for the articulateness of the writers, diarists,
and archivists. Thank you. Kate

Name: Eric
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Eileen -- the peace march in San Francisco was put over a day because
of fears it conflicted with the Chinese New Year's parade. The SFPD
originally approved the Peach March thinking it would not conflict since
the New Year's parade is in the evening. But Chinatown leaders objected so
the March coalition agreed to go the next day. I actually think it might
work out. So many people will see what's happening around the world that
it will bring lots more into the streets tomorrow.

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Suzzana - thanks for joining our moment vs. movement. Indeed we are as
Eileen mentioned in our 50s and 60s now - and one of the best things about
us here and now is that we have essentially remained who we were then -
only older - wiser and grateful that we have survived when so many of our
friends and associates have passed away. So many of today's concerns are
essentially the same concerns we had back in the 60s - only 2003 style.
This site has given us the gift of sharing the moment again - in virtual
time that is nearly real time to chat, cajole, remember and laught - but
most importanly it gives us the opportunity to discuss and see and help to
fix to the global moment that is fast on the decline - yet hardly lost.

Name: Suzanna
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Hello all you old hippies! This site is so strange, but yet in some
mysterious way I am cosmically drawn to it. Ha Ha. Anyhow, thanks for
everything. You all seem like very interesting people. However, just so
you know, this love child voted for George W. Bush, so be nice! W. just
wants to eliminate madmen with nukes and bio-weopons of Mass Destruction!
Whats wrong with that? Would tyou rather live in a world where people like
Saddam Hussien have nuclear weapons of mass destruction, with the U.S.
beeing their prime target? These terrorists hate us, and want to DESTROY
us. Completely obliterate us from this planet. They think we are the GREAT
SATAN so they think they have a religious obligation to destroy us. Don't
you get it? You may not see it this way, but you guys are totally helping
the enemy's cause. Among the so-called peace activists like yourselves,
Saddam Hussien probably has more support here in America than he does in
his own country! Isn't it time you guys stopped protesting against your
own country? You are being completely unpatriotic! Hey, the sixties are
over! Get with the program and support your country, your president and
the troops who are risking their butts to keep us all safe. They deserve
our support for what they are trying to do. Stop trying to read more into
it. It's very simple, Bush will not tolerate threats against our country
by any other nation. Whoever threatens us will probably be attacted.
America isn't some "fascist regime" trying to take over the
world or whatever it is you think our leaders are trying to do. It's about
keeping the American people safe. Would you rather live in Iraq? In Iraq
they would kill you for speaking out aginst your leader. Bush does not
support the killing of innocent people. He is a good and honorable man,
and a majority of Americans support him and what he is trying to do. So
please stop bad-mouthing him! Support your country!!!
By the way, to answer your question regarding how I found this site, my
message was posted here by a very dear lady named Nancy who has been kind
enough to help me in my search for info. about my birthparents. She
thought someone here might have remembered them.

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Good Morning Amerika! - and good morning all. This weekend should be
momentous!!! - a turning point? (let us pray) - Bush and his pathetic
friends are (for the moment) acting like hurt little kittens - mewing for
their mama's milk (WAR!) - Vive la France! and Vive la "Old
Europe" (aka: Anti-Rumpelstiltskinism) school of SANITY and deep
understanding via first hand experience of horrific WAR x 2 in their
streets, air and living rooms. What does GWB know about this? Nothing of
course - it's all "old" cowboy hat to him. His recent pictures
his ball bearing eye-lets are narrowing into slits like a Fu Man Chu from
Texas. Ideally everyone will stop listening to him - and the UN will
threaten to take over the reigns. 20,000 or so UN Peacekeeping forces in
Washington might not be a bad idea.
Botttom line: Send Georgie Boy back to his ranch!

Name: NY Friend
Date: 15 Feb 2003
More than two million protesters joined forces around the globe on
Saturday to deliver a blunt message to President Bush -- "Give peace
a chance and do not rush into war against Iraq."
Europe's biggest rally appeared to be in Rome where, under a sea of
rainbow peace banners, one million people marched through the streets of
Rome. Graying pensioners to dreadlocked teenagers marched side-by-side in
a carnival-like atmosphere.

Name: NY Friend
Date: 15 Feb 2003
More than two million protesters joined forces around the globe on
Saturday to deliver a blunt message to President Bush -- "Give peace
a chance and do not rush into war against Iraq."
Europe's biggest rally appeared to be in Rome where, under a sea of
rainbow peace banners, one million people marched through the streets of
Rome. Graying pensioners to dreadlocked teenagers marched side-by-side in
a carnival-like atmosphere.

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 15 Feb 2003
The world wants peace on this planet. We have all cast our vote and
peace is what we want. Just as the government can see you from high in the
air so can we. Just by clicking a mouse we can see a hundred different
newspapers across this vast planet. And what do those papers say this
morning. Look! They want peace. And I repeat myself; we can see in a
matter of minutes that the world wants peace just by looking at every
paper on this planet. There is only one machine on this planet that does
not want peace and that is the machine that is controlling the president
of the United States. Can they see the news and the papers? I do hope so.

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 15 Feb 2003

Name: watchdog
EmailAddress: brrr
Date: 15 Feb 2003
new US budget includes zilch for Afganistan. now that we have the
country under our thumb for the oil line, our responsibility to the
country we bombed is done. Remember, the US bought up ALL satellite images
of the bombing. some suggest the patterns were in the route for the oil
pipeline. Our concern for the abused women in burquas, the chidren without
education, and the hungry masses has evaporated.
I was also reading about the new welfare proposalss meant to further
restrict welfare recipients' access to education. the opject is to just
get them off the welfare rolls and into a minimum wage entry level job so
they can live in poverty but not at government expense. Also, welfare
recipients have a lifetime cap of 5 years on welfare. so, if someone gets
into trouble later on it's tough titties for her and her family. Of course
the total welfare expenditure of our government is a mere tiny fraction of
the military budget.
and, while we're at it, abortion is on the line. Sounds like we are
creating a class of slave laborers.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: I'd Rather F*** than Fight
Date: 15 Feb 2003
Silly me, of course we didn't really do the right thing in Afghanistan.
Now we can move along and "help" the Iraqi citizens.
Not a former hippie....STILL a hippie! Suzanne I didn't know your Mom
but I had a friend just like her back in those days, and babysat her baby,
and I know she was doing the very best she could. It wasn't all turning
out as good as she wanted but that's true of any of us who are parents, we
never make it come out as good as we'd like for our kids. My own Mom (not
a hippie!!!!) said something beautiful to me once. She said having us kids
was the most wonderful thing she had ever done, and yet the one thing in
her life she really didn't have anything to do with.....we were just
miraculously growing and developing inside of her and she was just there
being made part of the miracle. Maybe your parents had trouble getting
things in their lives to come out right, but you are what came out

Name: Steve
Date: 15 Feb 2003
I just helped some fellow Americans move out of here and was to foolish
to go with them. They were edgy about parking the truck in front of or
near-by certain buildings, for fear of being reported. They were
guarenteed that the truck whould not make it off the Island without being
shaken down and were told that they would most likely hit "Check
Points" at several places due west. I may get arrested for just
walking down the street tommarrow. Hey you skin-headed fuckin' nazis
punks!..I dont see yer' asses on the line. This is the side of Hitler's
Germany that the Klan didnt tell ya about. Wait till they search you for
the sake of "National Security". You sick fucks better go
color-blind real fast. Dont look now, but all you good ol' boys is in a
heap o' trubble. Your Enemy is white.

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Feb 2003
OK I admit it. I have been stoked all day from that Security Council
meeting and I can hardly wait for the reports from tomorrow around the
world and SF Sun. (did anyone hear why they put it off til Sun?) Can you
feel it? I can.

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Feb 2003
McMingo w/ the tiparillo oh my gosh you are so funny! and not only
that...True Heart, you are SO right. Now that's a valentine wrapped and get that Suzanna?

Name: Orion
Date: 14 Feb 2003
let's have an unofficial contest this sunday at the peace march in san
francisco for:

Name: McMingo
EmailAddress: w/ the tiparillo
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Another precinct heard from, just a little late.
Hard to type with this duct tape sealing all bodily orifices and amply
spackled over both hands. Damn I wish I had some morphine. A lot. Not that
I'm depressive. But just in case, ya know ?
"... pay no attention to the man behind the curtain ..." for
I am the mighty OZ " <belching flames & frightening
Don't buy this brand of con, friends & neighbors. All we've really
got -- in this mixed-up world (& probably the next one, too) is true
hearts. No one can take that from you.
Best to all, about as blue as Krishna right now. M : out

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Feb 2003
yeah i'm up (said in a whisper)..i'm checking in here off and on
tonight while working on a logo design. i've been jittery all day. what's
up? (9:14 PM PST)

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: none
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Psssttt...hey still up?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: not a chance
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Comments hand, Id' say that "We" (the 50 to 60 year old)
Amerikan Dream Refugees that haunt this web site, were at one time, a
cross between Satan's Slaves and the Golden Horde. Be proud. It may be in
your blood. As a true Love Child: welcome to the family. Remember;
bastards are not born: they have to work at it. Sometimes it takes years.
Hey, speaking of bastards, opps: I mean family: The Gong Master pulled off
a trippy show tonight. If ya' wanna' get a glimps of this cat, his name is
Don Conreaux and you can punch him up on the web or check out to read an interview. Shit, Im' gonna' walk miles
tommarrow with carpet burns on both knees. War is Hell.

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Feb 2003
How did you find this site if you don't know what it's about? Just
curious. I think most, but not all, of us here are from the San Fransisco
'60s scene..specifically the Diggers and those involved one way or another
or interested..that put's us in a 60+ to 50 yr old range..right folks?
There is an understanding here of what your mom likely was about without
any of us knowing her. I think what might help you see her and the man she
was involved with in a clearer light, if you would do some reading about
that time. Peter Coyote's book would give you one inside look of the time.
She really wasn't doing anything unusual for what many of us were all
dealing with as women at that time. But you must understand there were SO
MANY people coming to the West Coast, the chances of anyone here knowing
her is unlikely, as no one has spoken up. I think Hammond was the only one
spending much time in LA.
I do hope you can find some peace about those responsible for your
birth. There are many children from that time that do know who their
parents are who have really taken us to task for making their childhoods
so difficult. On the other hand we were breaking ground that none of us
knew an easy way to do it. I feel children born at that time came in with
a mission of their own to have drawn them to be born at such an intense
time. Perhaps this might compare to many of us born around WW2. I feel
anything I say to you is less than what you want. Do you know what you
want from us here beyond ID-ing your parents?

Name: Suzanna
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Thanks everyone for your help regarding my search for my birth mother
& birth father, Vince and Lizzie, Hollywood 1967. What exactly is this
site anyhow? I just don't get it. Are you all former hippies or what? I
will keep posting messages & hopefully somebody will remember them.
Thanks & God bless..

Name: Red Green
EmailAddress: The Lodge
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Duct Tape??..Is that how they do it in Texas??..I was wonderin' why the
White House Windows look rather foggy these days...Wow!!!...make that
"One Thousand and TWO uses" Thanks for the tip George. (you been
watchin' the show, aintcha'??)...

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Steve - Good move mate - "titty-mouse and tatty mouse" are so

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Heres the latest: NYPD says "No Porta-Johns"...hey, its only
half a million fuckin' people. Another ploy to create unrest and hardship.
They say that its a "Threat to Security" or some such
horse-shit. Hey Hammond: I hear ya. Its ill-fated. I was set-up. Come to
find out; she had told a secretary here that she was gonna lay me two
years ago. She's buying a home in Kansas City and wants to play titty-mouse
and tatty mouse, but I dont care for that neck of the woods. Well, gearing
up for the Peace Concert this P.M. Will report on the Riot after the fact.
Hey, I got some! I can win any war. Speaking of which: remember this
one?.."Fuck / Dont Fight"

Name: IMAM
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Ohio Girl - Afghanistan - the delicate balance between starvation and
life is in constant flux - landmines are still everywhere like us soldiers
roaming around with guns waiting to go off.

Name: Dire Wolf
EmailAddress: sundardas@(no-spam)
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Lightning strikes and all is illuminated, the mystery finally disolves.
The cipher withstood years of scrutiny and the secret kept within their
hearts is now in the light of day. Was it a Superhero or did Fenris
finally rise from the earth and howl? Oh what a long strange trip it's
been..... Please don't murder me! The hints were there all along, now so
plain to see. A lucid dream in 84, gave a big clue to what was to come.
The earth did rumble in the Temple and out of the ground Fenris rose. The
indecipherable code on the podium, "the god is lecturing?" found
later under a bridge near the sea. Geronimo! We shouted! Better spend the
$5Mil. while still free! The so-called C-slayer, is now many....who all
had their share? Rose was it you displaying your skill? "Father I
cannot tell a lie. It was I who chopped down the cherry tree." Better
hail a taxi and get out of Dodge. Yes, many mind-blowing days lie ahead.
Ubermensch/Supermen delusions of grandeur no more.....

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 14 Feb 2003
I'm feeling unusually clear-headed, I guess because we didn't indulge
in any duct taping here so we didn't get woozy. Happy Valentine's Day. Hi
How come the government and the the news are no longer talking about
Afghanistan? Are we no longer doing wonderful things there and caring a
great deal about improving the lives of the citizens? Do we no longer care
about women's burkas and children's safety and education? Is everything in
Afghanistan "okay" now?
Mark, I cringe to think what could happen to the sheltered, intrinsic
world of a nursing home (for example) in a crisis situation. They can't
even try duct tape. Alot of people who truly have no voice, would be so
vulnerable. I kind of fell into this line of work when I got
"downsized" out of the typesetting industry three and a half
years ago. I have no regrets, actually I'm grateful now that it happened.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Happy Valentines to all. I am anxious see our conversation evolve over
the weekend in light of the protests. Next week should be very

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Feb 2003
It's hard to say Mark which way he'll go...I just wish he could humble
himself and do the right thing...hey I can wish can't I?
I won't be back in the office untill Tuesday, so untill then my
friends, enjoy your week end and think great peace filled thoughts and
happy Valentines to everone...I got big love for all y'all!
ps. A 7 year old says to his Mother,"I know what I want to be when
I grow up." She asks, " what?" He answers ," a
musician" She says, " well honey, you CAN'T be both"

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Hey guys~
I'm not really here. I still am in preparation (stress) mode for this
move as I walk around looking at what gets packed and how much I really
want to take with. Plus showing the house to an idiot with money and
little else. Just irritating and made me want to ask his sign (yes there
IS a wrong answer) but I resisted.
I just couldn't pass up the Valentine's greeting to and from. Plus I
was so moved by the Security Council speeches I felt the need to share.
Yes Powell made me think for the first time in my life of leaving this
country. He was embarrassing. And that's scary we are depending on folks
like that to represnt our intentions, when it's obvious there is no brain
in gear..think drawing lips and eyes on side of hand to do the talking
amongst elders (countries) that have lived through enough wars not to
appoach this with more than off the cuff response he had. Bad.

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 14 Feb 2003
This mornings UN proceeding was very dramatic and I think Powell
stupidly revealed his lack of foundation. The question is how does Bush,
if he cracks, paint himself out the corner and does he have the courage to
do it. I think not. The anti-war demos this weekend will be very

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Michael - You and other guys just get a nod in the right direction +
lots of friendly non-macho appreciation. Hugs (+) are for Valentines!
Welcome back Eileen! And where are you now?
Steve - In the future I suggest you avoid all things "miraculouse"
and stick to "bobbing for apples."
Nicole - Thanks for boosting the moment with optimism = hope. We need
so much more of this!
Stew and I were talking about " the sense of hope" just the
other day - concensus -> "Without it We Are Lost." It is so
easy (reading the daily NewsAnxietySpeark to feel doomed no matter what.
Like if Saddam came completely clean with something like: "Yes - I'm
sorry Emperor Bush - I have lots of weapons of mass destruction. Please
destroy them for me and I'll immediately go into eternal exile at the
North Pole if you won't attack my people." And then the Emperor
replys: "No way Sado - time has finally run out!" - In the mean
time N. Korea is aiming at my house and the local stores are all out of
duct tape. Gotta run... - :-) H.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: back at-cha'
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Good to see your words Sam. Hey everyone: lets not fergit: (thats what
George wants us to do with his global smoke screen)...not to change the
subject;...hey; Im' not askin' ya to pick sides, Im' askin' ya to think
about the children: CRISIS- Poverty and Malnutrition in West Bank and Gaza
Strip. and Happy V. Day and naked hugs
to all of you ol' hippies. P.S. Fuck You George!

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Hammond and ALL~
Back at cha! Hope someone does something special for each and everyone
of you today. Happy Valentines! The Security Council speakers..especially
France..was my valentine today. I was moved to tears for so many reasons
listening to them today. My heart opened at the possibilities from the
worst to the very was all there.

Name: Michael
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Geeze, Hammond, no hug for me?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: in the thick of it
Date: 14 Feb 2003
As always pardon my spelling (and telling): What I took to be a rally
here this A.M. at WSUMC was/is actually a pow-wow of core leadership and
insiders of the War Resistors League from around the Nation. I sat in and
my offer for free space to brain-storm at my place was favorably recieved.
I will not comment on any plans...other than to say; check-em' out on the
web folks. As of this writting, I havent touched base with the commies
yet. On a more personal note (It aint personal now), heres the latest from
the Kiss-and-Tell Department. (It's all in the family, right?)....I had a
religious experience the other night. It involved a sexual three-way.: Me,
a lady Reverend and God. It was miraculouse. It changed my life. It was
like in the Exorsist, her head spun around in circles. ..and she puked pea
soup. I past a huge handicap milestone....Im' ready for the amputee hall
of I know that there are millions of toothless men and women
out there who have eaten pussy with no teeth (in their mouth
stupid!)...but I did it with no tongue!!! was like bobbing for
apples. hey, I gotta' go...theres a war on, dontcha know.

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Nicole, Eileen, McMingus, Ohio Girl, Rena, r n a + Steve's partner and
all partners everywhere. Wish I could hug you all. (Virtual Hugs instead)

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Things are gearing up here in NYC too! especially since this morning
Hans Blix said there ia NO smoking gun...there are no WMD and they were
NOT running out the back door as inspectors walked in the front...My
office is one block from the UN and the media is all over the
place...protesters are out en's a wonderful thing to see...LOOK
OUT BUSH...again I think the tinker bell system truely does
work...remember as children we all clapped and she came to life...I have
no doubt that we can all create a different wind...come on everyone,let's
clap for our lives....Nik

Name: IMAM
Date: 14 Feb 2003
WARNING: Unidentified terrorists are said to have contaminated Duct
Tape across the US! All citizens who have sealed themselves into their
safe rooms will begin to feel woozy after about 30 min. followed by
intense feelings of stupidity. Please return your Duct Tape to 3M Corp.
for a full refund. - IMAM-(very)Suspect
Happy Valentine's Day -> Most especially the ladies in the

Name: NY Friend
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Three cheers for the UK!
"London: As the fleet of thousands of buses and peace trains
heading for London grows by the hour, surprised national coordinators are
starting to contemplate something unprecedented: a crowd well in excess of
500,000 coming together in defiance of the Anglo-American preparations for

Name: correction
Date: 14 Feb 2003
an entire segment, not the entire show...

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: must see
Date: 14 Feb 2003
Michael Moore on "60 MINUTES" This Sunday! "60
Minutes" is devoting an entire segment to Michael Moore this Sunday,
Feb. 16, on CBS, 7pm ET/PT
Moore is the author of Supid White Men and the creater and producer of
Bowling for Columbine.
Be sure to tune in! the entire show is devoted to Moore!! remember, his
awesome website is filled with the fruits of impeccible investigative

Name: are
Date: 14 Feb 2003
they're keepying Hawaii at a more moderate code and assuring Japanese
tourists that it's safe to come her. even the arabs like to vacation here.
saudi princesses and texas oilmen among the tourists. today's paper said
there were more tourists than residents on Maui in January. the traffic
jams are thick, thouh nothing like LA. but, getting there, and there are
many traffic jam loci on maui as the infrastructure planning wasn't.
I'm thinking of Tim Leary and his words that higher intelligence is us
in the future.

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 14 Feb 2003
How many human beings are we going to find dead next week (sealed
up-tight) because the Bush administration has whipped the elderly into a
frenzy of fear?

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Ohio Girl,
It takes a very special heart like yours to understand and care for the
elderly. Our society doesn't offer much beyond maintenance for them. How
did our culture become so cold?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 Feb 2003
I guess they will now have to put out a revised edition of The Jumbo
Duct Tape book.
There isn't much to protest here except for the price gouging at the
gas station, but my heart is with all who will be protesting this weekend.
It's something to work with extremely elderly people who mostly don't
know from space shuttles anymore and have no further understanding of
terrorism or war. They are studying the war no more. It was sad after 911,
when one man who did understand it, tried to explain it to his roommate
who never would. But all the time while I'm at work, trying to see that
they are all clean and warm and happy, laughing with them if things are
going really well, these are activities that simply need to be done
regardless of the state of our world. It's humbling to be at a place where
anything the politicians are doing totally loses importance.

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Sorry, thing = think in my last post. Can you all believe what the fuck
is coming down, sometimes I just can't grasp it. I wake up in the morning
fearing what may have happened in the night. Just like before.

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Tom,McMingus and Hammond,
Please step away from the duct tape and black plastic bags. Does
"body bag" ring a bell? I mean we all want to reduce our
environmental "footprint" but I thing this is a little over-amped.

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Feb 2003
This just happened: I went over to my near-by grocery store to get some
milk. On the way out there was a local news crew setting up and I asked
why they were filming there. The newscaster wanna-be says: "Oh, they
are buying duct tape inside." "Sticky business isn't it," I
said and walked away. What's next - little black pills to hide in our
clothing? I like the black plastic sack idea - like John and Oko's
"Bag For Peace" event at the Royal Albert Hall.

Name: Mc Mingus
EmailAddress: AKA Duct-Tape Man
Date: 13 Feb 2003
At last my mission can be revealed. No one ever can have enough duct
Especiallly when it's a matter of survival.
Enough plastic sheeting & tape ... hey RADIATION ought to be afraid
of ME !
Right ?

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Talking Trash
Laurel and I had a drill today to see how fast we could drop into a
black plastic trash bag and pull the drawstrings tight over our heads and
poke a straw into the opening. It works pretty well if you don't mind
rolling around the floor for a few minutes. So if you see me walking down
the street with a trash bag in my back pocket don't ask. And do not, I
repeat, do not practice on trash pick up days.

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Dear Dr S ! - How kind of you.... and the sequel ("Biopathic
Tendencies") is in progress - slow going yet ongoing.......Thanks for
asking -
Nik - I think the accumulating 'odds' are against our having 'not' met.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Hammond love your book -soak up the praise it is well deserved - when's
the sequel?

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Hi Hammond, God I just can't imagine we didn't cross paths...I sang at
the Golden Bear in 1965-66 and lived in Manhattan and Hermosa...actually
moved to Hermosa when I was 10...went back after I left home...and my
friends and I had our dancing eggs over easy on the
float-back-down-to-earth part of tripping at a place called Belle
Isle...I'm savoring this book...I think the importance of a book like
yours right now is that the atmosphere of anti war was brewing then and it
envokes in me a very real desire to get involved...

Name: NY Friend
Date: 13 Feb 2003
No Iraq Attack!
Spread the Peace!

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Feb 2003
I read Stew Albert's piece sometime back and agree with his prognosis.
How to do the Digger hokey-pokey on Bush is the question. Everybody keep

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Hi Nik - Did you get off the subway at the correct stop this morning?

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Feb 2003
New in The 3rd Page -
Stew Albert's "Million Yippie March"
? thoughts anyone?

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Mark, as soon as I get a moment I'll e-mail you direct...but I loved
the letter and I have another idea as to a who can do the transfer...
I'm going to be at the demo on saturday...a report will be
forthcoming...I'll take my digital camera and maybe I can capture a moment
that lets you know the atmosphere...nik

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Feb 2003
NY Friend,
The Bush dogs have set up a confrontation and it is a fearful one. The
suspension of NYPD laws restricting agressive crowd control tactics has
set the stage for violence. It will be a test of how far the Bush jerks
will go in their efforts to discredit or squash dissent. I will be
watching closely out here on the West Coast knowing what happens on
Saturday will set the mark for further protests. If it gets bad the media
will probably skirt the live coverage so anyone who can please give an
update on Saturday. The SF demonstation is on Sunday this time, 11am at
the bottom of Market Street just like last time.

Name: NY Friend
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Rally Round - but NO March? Rallys are for tupperware sales!
Protesters in New York will be joined by more than a million people in
300 cities around the world, a global uprising against President Bush's
push for war. The New York event was supposed to include a walk past the
UN. But pressed by the U.S. Justice Department, which filed a friend of
the court brief, a federal judge ruled the city could deny the necessary
permit because a march of such scale would pose an unacceptable security
Hemming in thousands of frustrated people presents its own dangers.
While they plan to appeal the court decision, organizers say the city's
refusal may only boost the turnout. "People are outraged," says
UFPJ co-chair Leslie Cagan. "At this point, we're not just protesting
over this war but over the right to assert our basic civil rights."
[Walking past the UN is an unalienable right!]

Name: Joe Banner
Date: 13 Feb 2003
Great site - awesome information. I look forward to reading more!
Joe Banner

Name: Hammond
Date: 12 Feb 2003
Woah.....! - Eric is going to enter in here with one of his (usuallyl
well placed) comments about no sales pr on site! What can I say that I
haven't already tried to say - or maybe I should just shut up while the
rush takes place? It is so rewarding to know that I have written an
engrossing read. - Honestly blushing with pride by your support. And with
that I will cease and desist with persistant Thank You!'s - Your interest
and support really does encourage me as I begin with the follow-up. Aside
from this - and into the moment at hand - these are such difficult and
stressful days (for us all) with the war option and its (nearly)
unimaginable aftermath underlying most of our daily reality. The moments
here (live and time-delayed) that we share are such excellent moments.
Moments I think we all appreciate in this manner. For this priviledge and
joy I offer up 60 seconds of silence before I add this note to the
guestbook - hoping, praying (demanding!) and envisioning Peace for our
immediate and long range futures. H. (click)

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 12 Feb 2003
Right on, Steve! No, wait.....maybe the school system is too much of a
cruel and unusual punishment. Switching from funny to heartsick, there was
a man executed in Ohio this morning. It wasn't even the top story on the
12 o'clock noon news. First they talked about the airport, then the
weather and how much school has been missed due to snow days. Oh well, I
guess at least some kids got a little less cruel and unusual punishment.

Name: Mark
Date: 12 Feb 2003
I am going to contact Edith Kramer at the Pacific Film Archive at UC
Berkeley for some advice. I will keep you posted if she responds.
I think you have the makings of a great screenplay or book there. Think
about it.

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: policewithmachineguns@grandcentral.station
Date: 12 Feb 2003
Hammond, I read two stops past my subway stop this inside
of your life was I...thank you, thank you, thank you.
Steve, That is a trial I want to attend daily and see it again on court
Mark, I know I got carried away with that "dream" but
seriously, I will speak to the NYU film dept...perhaps it could be done as
a hands on learning experience similar to the dental's always
first class work because you have professors that are the top of the
profession to guide them along...I'm sure they have a deptment that covers
film transfer and retrieval...I'll let you know.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 12 Feb 2003
Hammond:...survived????...maybe. Endured??...ALWAYS. Ohio Girl: when
the mentaly Ill stand trial, they are denied a jury of their
"Peers". Lets hire retarded Judges (Iknow a few) and stock the
jury box with local super humans. Hell, we could get Pee-Wee Herman as
defense atterny and Bob Cat Goldwait as the prosocutor. As a punnishment
for the worst offenders, they could be sentenced to 12 years in the public
school system. And for those found guilty of horrific crimes, hell, were'
talkin' four extra years of collage. Think about it. That should be a
deturent to any nut.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 12 Feb 2003
Me too. This is fun!! We got our horrid property tax paid. I was going
to wait for my next paycheck to order the book but I ordered it anyways.

Name: IMAM
Date: 12 Feb 2003
Ditto brother H - Not wanting to be left out of the picture I ordered
your book today! - IMAM-Suspect

Name: Hammond
Date: 12 Feb 2003
Rena - and Mahalo! to you - (I have always wondered what that meant), I
continue to be so flattered by the fantastic encouragement I have received
from you all. This means so much to me and I am forever grateful for your
friendships - and that we have all survived thus far!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 12 Feb 2003
Hello and peace!
One-sixth of people in US prisons are mentally ill and I don't believe
this statistic includes mentally handicapped people. Some of these folks
have committed horrific crimes, but, there was little or no help available
for them while they were getting themselves into trouble. No one
considered them competent, until they were considered competent to stand
trial. The LA county jail has been called the largest mental health care
provider in the world. An overwhelming amount of the people on death rows
have mental problems and/or mental handicaps and/or terrible childhoods
yet this never seems to "send a message" to anyone about the
state of our society. They are sent there supposedly to send a message of
some kind. We go all over the world looking for evil, and all along it was
in our own backyard.

Name: Rena
Date: 12 Feb 2003
Aloha Hammond, i just ordered your book, AsEverWas, from Amazon.
Looking forward to receiving it. Mahalo, which means Thank You.

Name: Guy Cchouinard Jr
Date: 12 Feb 2003
WOW MOM GOD DOG ! The Diggers are alive and well. I remember reading
about you guys in The Realist. GREAT site ! Keep on keepin' on.

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Feb 2003
For all,
I posted an article forwarded by Steven Ames from the Bioregional list
to the Free City News which is his forwarding of a dispatch from Mike
Ferner who is a member of the Iraq Peace Team now in Baghdad. The title of
the article is "Mike Ferner in Iraq".
Also put up an article by WENDELL BERRY: "A Citizen's Response to
the National Security Strategy of the United States of America".

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: justreadthis@yahoo.mail/yikes!
Date: 11 Feb 2003
State Can Make Inmate Sane Enough to Execute By ADAM LIPTAK A federal
appeals court ruled that officials in Arkansas can force a prisoner on
death row to take antipsychotic medication to make him sane enough to

Name: IMAM
Date: 11 Feb 2003
Hey Nicole - thanks for the thought and the hug! I don't have a CD
player anywhoo....IMAM-Suspect

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Feb 2003
IMAM...NO Problem...I really like you, whom ever you had
asked me once "what cd's and what music" so I just thought...absolutey
no other reason...I always like your input and please stay anonymous and
active here...Nik

Name: PS Nicole
Date: 11 Feb 2003
Nice try though!

Name: IMAM
Date: 11 Feb 2003
Nicole- My snail address will completely expose my (Anonymouse past) -
and my IMAM (present) but thanks for thinking of me. Don't worry folks I
am not whoever you think I am - I am anonymouse but don't tell anyone
because I might deny it!!!!! Love all of you guys....IMAM-Suspect

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Feb 2003
I will send you my home address to your email in a minute or so.

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Feb 2003
Mark...of course...I'll send it care of PD?

Name: NY Friends
Date: 11 Feb 2003
Dear Digger Friends,
The police have denied United for Peace a permit to march on Feb. 15th,
but the rally (and almost certainly the march as well) are going forward
anyway. Hundreds of thousands are expected in NYC and people in more than
300 cities throughout the globe are organizing protests this weekend
against the Iraq war, even as the Bush administration moves forward with
its war plans. Feeder marches are being planned by dynamic and diverse
groups including the Harlem Freedom Hall Feeder, the Mardi Gras Carnival
Bloc, the Chicago Humanist Feeder, the Peace Ride/Bike Bloc, the Take Back
the Future March and numerous others which will converge and then march
(or bike or dance) to the rallying spot at 49th street and 1st avenue.
For more information visit

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Feb 2003
Is there a way I can get a copy of your music CD?

Name: Job
Date: 11 Feb 2003
You can not find the light because your eyes are never open. Hence[Job,
I'm not sure about your sense of direction. But you have most assuredly
blundered into a place where you don't belong. Pray, do not trouble us
further]you have kept us all damned.THAT IS YOUR CROSS TOO BEAR

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Feb 2003
to clarify, I meant...not supposed to judge by the cover...

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Feb 2003
Hammond, just returned from B&N and have book in hand...they said
they had a couple of requests for it and would try to stock it...yeah !!!
I know I'm not supposed to...but judging by the cover...I like it
Eileen, I realized I have Susan Keese e-mail and # but thanks...
Rna, I'll get that right off to you and yes, while east we will
definately get together...and we can visit SSB...this is positive
thinking...means we will still be here...Nik an snail mail for me?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 11 Feb 2003
Tomas, politely spoken. Amen.

Name: Ashley
Date: 11 Feb 2003
I feel abd for every one that died in the bombing last year!!! My aunt
and uncle died in that bombing last year!! Shed so many tears!

Name: Ashley
Date: 11 Feb 2003
When I heard about the bombing I cried. My aunt died in that!

Name: NY Friends
Date: 11 Feb 2003
We Have a Right to March - Without Tear Gas!

Name: tad
Date: 11 Feb 2003
"Some friends here saw the Moyer's piece about the next step in
police power expansion. Even in South Dakota, it scares the shit out of
people who are paying attention...."
This is a link to that draft.

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 11 Feb 2003
When a man opens his mouth he has something to say or he is hungry.
There are a varity of ways to voice an opinion and old religion is one.
"Is one" is the key to peace. If you read what he says you'll
see that he uses words to communicate. We that want peace want voices that
want peace. "Do waa ditty, ditty doo", "Shaboon life could
be a dream", "Bo Diddily, Bo Diddly" And our favorite
master of words, Bob Dylan.

Date: 11 Feb 2003
Nigeria goernment,the likes of obasanjo/Atiku abubakar are criminals.
They were looting the minority language of ijaw who they cannot speak
their language wealth. If i was wrong let them speak my language Igbo then
what make us a nigeria is for thieves to rule us. I want Koffi Ann to
divide Nigeria to avoid corruption. Chieze.

Name: Bruce
Date: 10 Feb 2003
When I listen to people so afraid of their own dying that they want to
contrive the death of everyone and everything except for a chosen few, of
course, namely themselves, usually, I think of the lyrics Richard Marley
composed one winter at Blackbear during an impromptu contest to see who
could come up with the best verse to 'Greensleeves.' Richard won with Time
Time is passing here One second is a thousand years Still the river, still
the moon And no one to see their ending

Name: The Old Testament
EmailAddress: w/ Enoch & the Essenes
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Job, I'm not sure about your sense of direction. But you have most
assuredly blundered into a place where you don't belong.
Pray, do not trouble us further.

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Feb 2003
PS - "Pshchedelic?" - I'm not that stoned! - Psychedelic
Supermarket - oh - and the Bizarre Bizzar for those of you who remember
this fun little Hollywood hangout.

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Suzanna - Sorry (revisited) in that I don't recognize the name as I was
in the Hollywood area as well. I have forwarded your message along to some
friends who might - Tom and Vickie Kelly - who owners/founders The Omnibus
coffee house and the Pshchedelic Supermarket. They knew so many of the
changing faces passing through Hollywood throughout the 60s. Good luck in
your seach.......

Name: patrick
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Job, Hey man you should check out Now that is
the real deal. Everybody else should chheck it out just for some wacky

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Suzanna, I am sorry to say off hand I don't recall Lizzie, I didn't
spend as much time in LA tho...mostly SF, but I want to tell you something
about those that perhaps you won't think too harshly about your
mother. During the 60's "free love" period...many of us coming
away from such a strict parentlal uptightness...(see the new movie about
the 50's FAR FROM HEAVEN) were just trying to connect with people and in
our confusion hooked up with a variety of other also seeking people...I am
sure I had sex with people whose last name I did not know...I was never
however a prostitute...however had I been at that time, and at that
age...and any one who was...I believe was terribly confused...looking for
acceptance etc. I'm am sure there were girls who went into that profession
with eyes wide open, but from what you said about her mental state...I get
the feeling she had a difficult time with many parts of her life. I will
look at the names may jolt some memory, in the mean time take
care of yourself and keep looking for truth, Nicole

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Steve - I see it won't do any good to say: "Now don't get carried
away." Glad that you are in such good company - but open mic? Is this
the kind that translates into braille? Ah - technology...... what will
they think of next? (oviously kidding).
Nic - From afar I envy the beauty and tranquility of snowfall. We in
Portland have completely missed winter this year. Sunny out today and the
trees are budding. This could be a disaster in the making if we get a
sudden cold snap. Summer was seemingly endless last season - and now here
we are with Spring in Feb. I am sure this might sound marvelous to some
but it is a big disappointment here.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Little Village
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Nic, Miz. Nancy has been dragging me to local open mic joints. My lady
got here this A.M. and I'm still smellin' my fingers. I should be booked
for at least three days. Ah...when you do pick up your bed, please ignore
any knotches in it...(but hey, whose keepin' score?)... and I may burn the
matteress in an offering to the gods. They smile on me. (as I smile
back).... I was just offered to spear head a holy light house in the mid
west and am weighing it out against the tattoo venture. But wont get my
hopes up until the papers pass. Its unfolding like a dream come true. P.S.
Everybody sing!!..."Just slip out the back Jack..make a new plan
Stan, just jump the fence VINCE"....Ah, that the way it goes? But
really,..Good luck in yer' search kid.

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Nicole - Thanks for offering to pass the video along. And if anyone is
interested I also have a VHS copy of the soon to be released version (more
complete) of the film "Mondo Hollywood" sent to me by my amigo
Bob Cohen (the director). You can borrow it for copying as well. Cheers to
all - H.

Name: Robert & Suzanna Duttera
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Does this ring anyone's bell? - a friend
Orig. from: Robert & Suzanna Duttera <>
Subject: Did you know these people in 1967?
Did you know my birth mother, Aimee Fisher, a.k.a. "Lizzie"?
She was known to frequent the nightclubs and bars in Hollywood. She also
had an apartment in Hollywood and was quite a party girl before she got
pregnant with me in 1967. I was born right there at Hollywood Community
Hospital, later my mother later had a nervous breakdown and I was taken
from her and put up for adoption. From what I understand, she has been
mentally ill ever since and may be homeless.
Maybe you might have met my birth father, his name was Vince. I think
his last name might have been Savukas. I was told he was 6' 7" tall
and from what I understand, he was quite a character. He was from
Pennsylvania, but moved to L.A. in 1967. From what I understand, he also
frequented nightclubs in Hollywood, where he picked up my mother. (Shortly
thereafter they made me.) I always wondered if my mother was a prostitute,
because she didn't know my father's last name. Were there many prostitutes
in Hollywood in 1967? From what I've read, it sounds like the women (and
men) in that era especially in Hollywood were pretty loose morally. It
sounds like people were having sex all over the place! I imagine
prostitution was quite common as well. My mother was a blonde, pretty but
kind of looked like she might have been a bimbo. Maybe she was a stripper.
I know very little about my father except that he was tall and had green
eyes, and his name was "Vince". I appreciate any information you
might have. I am still trying to locate both my birthparents.

Name: FYI -
Date: 10 Feb 2003
"Among other things, the Bush administration now wants to imprison
suspects before they are tried and create DNA databases of lawful
residents who have committed no crime."

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: who wa where?
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Nicole, the e mail i sent to you just bounced back. I have a
"spare" email address at hotmail that i use when traveling. I'm
reluctant to post my personal e mail address on this forum as it has
generated some unwatned e mails in the past from hippy hating weirdos.
anyway, here's the hotmail address: If you send me
your e mail address i will send you my snail mail address. thanks. i mean,

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: soul to soul
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Nicole, Thanks for the offer. I would love to view the tape and share
it with friends. I just sent an e mail to what was once your e mail
address at yahoo. Please let me know if you received the e mail and I will
send you my mailing address. I'll also try to get some copies of "the
Hippie Revolution" to send to the inner sanctum.
I'm also looking forward to hearing your cd.

Name: Michael
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Job - You mentioned witnessing the anti christ. Alive and well,
somewhere in the vicinity of the White House. You know, there are
apocalyptic fools out there, in this country, sending money to Israel
supporting Jewish settlement in Palestinian territory just to bring on
Armageddon. Once again, I'm suggesting you bypass this whole thing and go
for Rapture now. Leave the heathen hordes in peace.

Name: Job
Date: 10 Feb 2003
The second coming of Christ and the end of the world as we now know it
The Second Coming, the return of Christ to Jerusalem, and the end of
the world (end of the age) alluded to by Messiah Jesus Christ, could occur
as soon as the year 2007. The middle east conflict over Jerusalem and the
temple mount is now scheduled for complete and final settlement by
September 15, 2000. The Sharm Memorandum signed by Israel and the PLO on
September 5, 1999 requires finalizing the permanent status of Jerusalem by
this date, presumably including the temple mount and the Dome of the Rock.
This could be the agreement described in Chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel
that Christ referenced in Chapter 24 of the Book of Matthew. This treaty
could start the 7 year countdown to the end of the age (not the "end
of the world") resulting in the construction of the third temple on
Mount Moriah and the mid-point "abomination of desolation" that
Christ described. The battle of Armageddon will be at the end of this
seven year period. Nevertheless, the Sharm negotiations may not result in
the treaty referred to by Daniel and our Lord. We will have to watch
developments and be aware of the Third Temple teachings of Scripture. An
event such as war, terrorism, an earthquake, etc. may be the catalyst in
the rebuilding of the Temple. Jesus said "watch" for His coming,
and that is the purpose of this site, constructed in September of 1999. We
will also diligently and logically examine the Scripture that is related
to this great event! God has said that His temple will be built during
this last 7 year period and is THE sure sign of His return. The prophesied
regathering of the Jewish people into a reborn Israel in 1948 and their
regaining control of Jerusalem in 1967 are sure signs that this is the
last generation (40-70 years) that Christ said would see His return. This
generation will also witness the anti christ, the abomination of
desolation, and the great tribulation-all end time subjects of Bible
prophesy. Believers and non-believers, Jews and gentiles alike are invited
to check into this site periodically to keep up with the latest
developments in all of the world events related to the Messiah's coming.

Name: Black Bart
Date: 10 Feb 2003
In these daze let's remember the trademark line of Scoop Nisker,
inveterate radio reporter from KSAN and now KFOG, "If you don't like
the news, go out and make some of your own".

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Feb 2003
rna...I can send you a copy of Hammonds tape if you like...
also I just read a review on a book about Black Bear maybe written by
Susan Keyes...Susan are you here? how can I read that?

Name: :Nicole
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Ohio girl, sorry you're right, I just re read and it was RNA...please
dis regard...

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 10 Feb 2003
It's nice to get home from work and read the messages. I work 12 hours
on Saturday night, 12 hours on Sunday night, and then 8 hours tonight. The
beauty of that is, I'm then done for the entire week, and it's enough
hours to get fulltime benefits. The rest of the week is mine! Nicole, I
think you mean someone else?? let me know. Now I do hope to hear your
music one day, and get Hammond's book probably next paycheck (we're
dealing with the property tax at the moment, yikes!). For the protests
around Martin Luther King Day, I heard on the news a statement from the
White House, about how fortunate we are to be living in a country where we
are free to protest. This statement angered and saddeded me in a thousand
different ways. I know he didn't think it up himself.

Name: Michael
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Some friends here saw the Moyer's piece about the next step in police
power expansion. Even in South Dakota, it scares the shit out of people
who are paying attention, enough to make them wonder about leaving the
country. One of these friends teaches high school government classes. She
does not serve up flag waving blindness to kids who need to think as much
as anyone about what this and the coming war means to them.

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Feb 2003
For all......
I just posted the Article on the Bill Moyers show on Free City News. It
isn't showing up on the list of articles on the left column of the Free
City News yet but if you use "search the articles" and enter
"Domestic Security Enhancement" it will come up and you can
click on it to read it.
Eric, You may want to edit this somehow. Thanks

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Regarding the PBS Bill Moyers interview. My father talked to me about
and he is very fearfull of the intentions of this "enhancement"
including secret arrests. My father is 82 and is basically torn up about
the direction of the government, he is despondent. I also recieved a piece
on it this morning from Coyote's new list master, Gary Rhine. I will email
it to you. Hey can I get some of your songs?

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Morning all, seemed like a long week end...snow on friday and again
today...I don't mind, in fact I rather like is after all, winter.
Last night watching Bill Moyers on PBS...someone leaked a new bill
proposal to the center for ethical something or other...about phase two of
the law they passed thru quickly after calls for broader based
law enforcement capabilities, relaxed scrutiny of surveilance, and secret
arrests...this is scarey and it was only shown to ONE congressman...they
said (those reporting this stuff) that it was in the making to just rush
it as soon as we(not us of course, them) attack Iraq. anyone else hear
this stuff?
Ohio girl, e-mail me your address and I'll send you a copy of the
tape...and a cd of mine, I just got some copies...
Steve, I stopped by on Friday, I had been up the street at NYU cafe to
hear an enviromental activist, Derick Jennings, but I couldn't stir
anyone...what's the best time to catch you when we can go do something

Name: Zeno
EmailAddress: @ the Stoa
Date: 10 Feb 2003
Another philosophical link regarding Epictetus :

Name: Mc Mingus
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Best sage in the present age of Ignorance: Epictetus -- find on the
internet here :

Name: Steve again.
EmailAddress: Clarification
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Ah, ..I'm a 1952 baby, and as such: got a late start. I hope that I
havent given anyone ony bad impressions (sure steve) of my generation.
(fuck: my conduct was better than most)...but then again,..I always hung
with an older crowd. They watched out for me. (when they could keep their
eyes open)..later.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: twelfth house
Date: 09 Feb 2003
We used to get high by the fire light at Weird Harry's on Channing Way
in Berserkley. We would all lay about and toss minature marshmellows at
one another and try to catch them in our mouths. Yep;...home alone. I was
into a distinctive asp type of eye cosmetic design of cobalt blue and
yellow. Hidden, (I thought) behind dark Charles Lindgerg Avialor glasses
with leather blinders. We were hanging with a local rocker named
"A" who's girl friend was named Dildo. They followed The Pink
Floyd from city to city. (must be nice, hu???)..anyway, my eyes were done
with day-glow paint.(which most likely gave me my daily dosage of led)...
Folks were constantly stealing our clothes. We were often hounded by local of our early pshoto resembles one particularly civil
one who we complied to. Not that you are or were a hound; but did you do
some East Bay shutter-bugging? and/or marshmellow tossing? It was Ludes
and Singapore-slings. WWWOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Steve/Bernardo - Now wouldn't it be interesting if you turned out to be
one of his running mates - when I passed by? I have had this feeling all
along that when we get together we will both flash - "Woah! I
remember you ." - Who me?

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Sanctuary
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Mark, I think that my written suggestion to turn the original WTC plans
and blue prints upside down and build 126 stories into the earth was
deleted from a documentary film. Then again, my cameo in The Rise And Fall
Of Western Civilization ended up on the cutting room floor as well. (They
have their ways of altering history)..but anyway, I'm in the middle of
making a banner for the event on the 15th. I indicated that I was
harmonically challenged so they will supply me with a tamborine, which (if
word on the street is true) I may sharpen the jingle-jangles to a razzors
edge. They layed some bread on me for the art work which I refused, but
they insisted. I will pass it on to the homeless, as I know that George
sure the fuck wont. The entry from an NYC friend is probably acurate
inasmuch as a rally permit may not have been issued as of this writting.
Thanks friend. Do drop in. And do clarify my fuck-ups. Thanks. Hey
Hammond, I dig the current "Cat who Ate the Cannary" photo of
you on the back book sleeve. Its so "Who Me?. You have charm, you
rascal. I have felt so close to you and others here for so long it seems.
Cant wait to see you. Nik and I must plan ahead for real home-comming.
Hey, Ive' been picking up and putting down your book between the ordinary
madness and I must say that I'm back to my "Skimming" ways, and
with that being said, I feel that one could cut the pages out and shuffle
them and still get one hell of a read-ride out it. No wasted words. No
stuff jambed in. Not one hint of fickleness. Not so much confessionary as
confidential. As if on the Q.T. It should be for rent and not for sale. It
could haunt a family room bookshelf. I tell ya, if I had read it
"Before" it happened, hell, I could have cut to the chase. Cant
wait for your next installment. Check it out folks. AsEverWas.

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Helicopters and tear gas on the way. Can the WTC site be the new
Peoples Park?

Name: NY Friends
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Speak Up for Your Right to March!
United for Peace and Justice has secured a rally location for the
protest on February 15, but the NYPD continues to deny the right to have a
march as well. We will not capitulate to the NYPD's attempt to curtail our
rights of expression and assembly: Military aggression abroad is entangled
with restriction of civil liberties here in the United States, and we
reject both. We filed suit last week in Federal Court in Manhattan to
require the NYPD to issue a permit for us to march. A hearing was held on
Friday, February 7, and the judge’s decision may be announced on Monday,
February 10. But this is a political fight as well as a legal one. We need
all of our supporters to make a huge ruckus about the NYPD's attempt to
keep us from marching on February 15.

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Steve - Your description of Bernardo is so perfect! " He had a way
of stumbling as he walked that gave the impression of a man walking up
hill." This is so true. The last time I was with him - he was walking
up Sunset on a lonely Sunday - few cars about and there he was walking up
hill on flat land. I gave him a lift to Santa Monica - What an original he
was. When we first met in Mike's Poolhall (SF) he (and his running mate
Eddie) took me over to the Coffee Confusion on Upper Grant for the first
time. "Hot Orzata" was the house drink - tipped with a light
dose of acid upon request from those in the know - and Bernardo knew -
believe you me.......Hendrix would have been jealous of his hair.

Name: Steve Camerron Swayzey
EmailAddress: Our Man On The Street
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Heres the shit that wont make the Times: You heard it here first: The
hightened alert is George W. Hitler's answer to quell our right to
assymble. The alert has keyed the heat up who are now geared to bust heads
on the 15th as not only a matter of Public Safety but of Father Land (opps...
I mean Home Land) security as well. NYC has refused a parade permit and we
the people are suing. As a result NYC has granted a rally permit, but has
only designated a small area which will naturally not contain the tens of
thousands expected to show and will of course in itself create chaos and a
hazard to the general public. Thats where we play right into their hands.
Its gonna get ugly. A whole mob is gathering at the Peace Church to pull
off a "Harmonicas For Peace" thing and provide some vibes for
the War Resistors end of it. Rally; or riot, Push; or shove. If Bush's
plan works.... We The People will be seen as We The Enemy. He's gonna
divide the Nation. That being said. I want just half a chance to divide
his tight Texas butt cheeks. I'm talkin' Cactus Capers folks. (ouch..thats
gotta hurt)..but really George,..I'm just kiddin'. Being a religious man
myself, I have you pegged as the fuckin' Anti-Christ. Repent George. Dont
push the button. The bottom line here folks, is that the Bush
administration is attempting to set the stage to portray the peace
demonstrators as unruly and un-Amerikan. Say it aint so George. Hey Ohio
Girl, when they put my ass on trial as an enemy of the State, I will
demand a jury of my peers: Twelve Rightious Diggers. (Dead or Alive.) Will
report on the scene as it comes down.

Name: Steve Camerron Swayzey
EmailAddress: Our Man On The Street
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Heres the shit that wont make the Times: You heard it here first: The
hightened alert is George W. Hitler's answer to quell our right to
assymble. The alert has keyed the heat up who are now geared to bust heads
on the 15th as not only a matter of Public Safety but of Father Land (opps...
I mean Home Land) security as well. NYC has refused a parade permit and we
the people are suing. As a result NYC has granted a rally permit, but has
only designated a small area which will naturally not contain the tens of
thousands expected to show and will of course in itself create chaos and a
hazard to the general public. Thats where we play right into their hands.
Its gonna get ugly. A whole mob is gathering at the Peace Church to pull
off a "Harmonicas For Peace" thing and provide some vibes for
the War Resistors end of it. Rally; or riot, Push; or shove. If Bush's
plan works.... We The People will be seen as We The Enemy. He's gonna
divide the Nation. That being said. I want just half a chance to divide
his tight Texas butt cheeks. I'm talkin' Cactus Capers folks. (ouch..thats
gotta hurt)..but really George,..I'm just kiddin'. Being a religious man
myself, I have you pegged as the fuckin' Anti-Christ. Repent George. Dont
push the button. The bottom line here folks, is that the Bush
administration is attempting to set the stage to portray the peace
demonstrators as unruly and un-Amerikan. Say it aint so George. Hey Ohio
Girl, when they put my ass on trial as an enemy of the State, I will
demand a jury of my peers: Twelve Rightious Diggers. (Dead or Alive.) Will
report on the scene as it comes down.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Jury Duty....Just Say No! I tell them I would never consider sending
anyone to prison unless they first fix the prison system and guarantee me
the safety and basic human rights of the person who gets sent to prison,
and so far they back away at that point. And I mean that, it's not (only)
to get out of the jury. And why are we supposed to think a group of 12
deliberately misinformed people can produce justice? My first husband was
called for jury duty 3 times after he died. Of course they never would
have wanted him, alive, in their courtroom unless he was the one on trial.
But it always made me really sad. It was his only public recognition. The
last time it happened, I got angry and told them to go dig him up and put
him on the jury if they wanted him so bad. At that point they finally took
him off their lists. We love tats here, mine seem to be property patches.
One of my kids thinks getting tattooed is wrong, however, he has a nose
ring!! What do you say when anyone in my family is wearing a suit and tie?
"Will the defendant please rise?"

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Itinerant Professor Of Tattooing
Date: 09 Feb 2003
Hey, after reviewing some of my original flash designs, I just got the
green light to apprentice under a Master Tattoo Artist. A real heavy East
Coaster. I plan on not buying anymore magic beans and gearing down and
investing both time and money into a lucrative trade. I figure that I'm
good for pushing ink for the next twenty years or so. An early instiration
for such a trade stemmed from my original "Sweet Lorraine"
Tattoo which was was done by Cliff Raven. In those days it was one dollar
per letter. I dont think that he's around anymore. (but his work is). I
plan on approaching the Shammanic aspects of it also; and may revert to my
original hand-done methods under certain cercumstances for the primal
types. Any Ink Junkies out their?...

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Feb 2003
NEWS FLASH: Hunter S. Thompson being interviewed by Tim Russert on CNBC
as I type.

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Feb 2003
Damn Steve! Roll on with your bad have a way. Words, what
strange and beautiful words.

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: you know
Date: 08 Feb 2003
Oh Hammond; did I mention that after an ill-fated Pheonix Dope deal,
Bernardo became known as Steve Boyd?..(along with a few more shady types).
The I.R.S. loved me. Bernardo and I chummed from San Francisco to West
Hollywood and points east. He were hustlin'. Everybody was hustlin'. The
money just rolled in. Never a bad vibe. First class hitch hiker.Hell, I
wished that the cars wouldnt stop,..just to stand there with him for a
space in time. Smooth sailing. We shared the philosophy of non-philosophy.
It just worked. I never crossed the line, like Tennessee Jim did. I wasnt
man enough. To this day I wish that Bernardo was a chick. (You folks be
careful what ya' wish for)...Hey,...good sign!,..I aint lost it yet.

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: 133 West 4th St. NY,NY. 10012
Date: 08 Feb 2003
ASEVERWAS FEED BACK: Hammon, I just skimmed your brush with Bernardo
Saltana; and from the sound of it; you got off light. Having taken the
round trip in his company many times, I wouldnt want the general public
getting such a base image of our man. From your description, I hope that
the general public doesnt make him out as some basket ball court Spear
Chucker. The Cat was the personification of what the BTO's were all about.
(male fanction of Laurel Canyon GTO's) He had a way of stumbling as he
walked that gave the impression of a man walking up hill. He was as lean
and lanky as a Tiger, everything that Jagger shot for but missed. Bernardo
had raven wing black blown out cotton candy electric flaming hair which
left ozone sparked trasers. His skin was silken honey aztec gold. Eyes of
coal black molton pools of inner space. You could fall into those eyes if
to near the edge. Pearl white teeth. A voice as soothing as Jesus' mother.
Bernardo was a pure blood. He stemmed from an ancient race of North
Americans from deep within Mexico. Heres a quote: "In school, I
dressed Ivy League". Shit,..I wish I had followed my heart and not my
head, and not brushed him off on our last encounter in Hollywood. I lose
more friends that way. Hey out there???

EmailAddress: one more
Date: 08 Feb 2003

Name: a friend
Date: 08 Feb 2003
Univ of CA at Davis, very leading edge.

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Feb 2003
Steve - thanks mate - glad you like the old stokes. No official date
for my trip in May but it stlll looks like it will happen. It will be
great to visit you and Nicole!

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Feb 2003
r n a - Indeed the rivers in Portland are very toxic but the air isn't
bad compared to Seattle or Ca. but still - not very nice in downtown and
along the water front. As for Or. univ. there is little beyond the U of O
and OSU (Or. State) - as to which is better for environmental studies I
would have to investigate but they can't be too high on the totem pole -
so much is being cut in Or. education including a significant number days
in the school year due to recently decreased funds statewide. We are
scoring very low on this front these days. "AsEverWas" is the
name of my book - thanks for asking.:-)

Name: Steve (Mr. Clean) Boyd
EmailAddress: 133 West 4th. St. NY,NY. 10012
Date: 08 Feb 2003
It way out of hand here and its been building since our Reverend was
busted at the U.N. It seems that they couldnt nail em' fer' trespassing,
so they bagged em' all on disorderly conduct. It was the most
"orderly conduct" on earth. That Sunday at service the Rev. said
that to be locked in the same room with over sixty ministers and religious
leaders was cruel and unusual in itself. I Dont know what the hell is goin'
on...It's back to "Fear City". Nancy and I are a bit concerned
as Buckley is pulling his best Winston Churchill. He's ready. All he lacks
are cigar, brandy and a tommy gun. (actually, he's he's an ol' Irish fist
man. He's turned down several knives that I've offered to give him)
to his writting: Ive' been shoveling the coffee and ciggaretts to him like
a blast furnace. I make Harold Pinter's "Dresser" look like a
slacker. I keep him fueled up. No scotch though. (Dont want another
Daschel Hammet on my hands.)...He paces the floor like a panther as it is.
He's writting at a frenetic pace. Once he gets a few novels under his
belt, I'm hoping that he finds his own voice. The Drama thats played out
around him daily is more compelling than any fiction. Why cant he see
that?...Is he writting for himself?...maybe thats his hang up...writting,
instead of telling,...instead of showing. This much I do know: "I
dont Know". As far as the protest thing goes: I havent gotten into
the loop; all I know is that Wash. Sq. church will be a focal point and
pocket of protest here in the Village. I cant find a calander of events
copy or get one up from the computer. I'm in limbo as to the dates. Cant
remember...War Resistors leauge is involved for sure....I do know that
there will be a FREE Concert for Global Peace and World Community here at
the church on Feb. 14th. at 8:00 PM. The Gongmaster of Ceremonies Don
Conreaux will kick it off and the Mysterious Tremendum Sacred Tone
Ensemble will raise hell, plus, the original "Out Cat" himself:
Paul Knopf, will lead the orgasmic WSUMC Chior. Hey Hammond, that
painting: "Under Glass" is terrific. Hmmm...Amsterdam??...(sure
it wasnt "Hash Under Glass"??)...Cant wait till things slow down
so I can burn through some of the pages. Later all.

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 08 Feb 2003
Okay, here is something I have been thinking about posting. I had the
pleasure of viewing some film footage of the 1971 Caravan filmed by Peter
Berg. It is my opinion that this stuff is very important to the Digger
legacy. There are about 20 hours of tape, some 1 inch broadcast tape and
some 1/2 inch tape that needs to be saved. The film is deteriorating and
it needs to be transfered to VHS or some stable format. These are on 30
minute reels and the film has to be treated (baked) as the emulsion is
separating from the tape before it can be transfered. The cost depending
on the condition of the tape can run from $80 to $200 for each tape. 40
tapes and you can do the math. Finding someone capable and trustworthy for
stablizing the tape and transfering it is the first step. Money is the
second and possibly negotiating with an appropriate film archive could be
the next. If someone wants to talk about this email me using the address

Name: r n a
Date: 08 Feb 2003
Mark, I read that New York City is actually refusing to issue a permit
for the War Protest Parade period. It's not just that the protestors can't
march past the UN; they are being denied permission to hold a peaceful
march at all. This is serious suppression of dissent. Interesting, the ST.
Patrick's Day Parade gets a permit AND permission to prohibit gays from
the parade.
Hammond, I must have been asleep at the wheel. What is the title of
your book and what's the story on the video? I'ld love to get both, and
I'm fine with buying copies. Thanks.
Hammond, are there any universities that deserve a look see by
enviornmental aware daughter who wants to study environmental sciences?
Evergreenin Olympia really resonates but oh, the weather. I heard about
pollution in Portland that's really bad, the air and the rivers. again,
the weather seems to be an issue because we are spoiled by warm surf and
balmy nights.
i'm going out to check the wind and ocean conditions. some friends
chartered a 53' catermarin. the plan is to cruise out and find the whales,
stop the boat, and swim near our marine friends. I love hearing the whale
songs. When we are close enough, the sounds penetrate your bones and body
in a delightful way. of course our voyage is clothing optional. love to
all, r n a

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Feb 2003
(Echoes) - Hey Steve, Good the hear from you and to know that the comp
copys are finally (after much who-ha) arriving across the great water. I
hope everyone knows how much I appreciate the encouraging comments about
the book. It is a rare treat for an autho to speak directly to readers and
again my heartfelt thanks to all of you. PS - other than flattering
comments are also welcome - I can take the heat (I hope!) as I so
appreciate all of your perspectives whatever the topic.
Mark - I envy your Montrey view here in mid-town Portland - yet if I
streach my neck out the window I can just see the top of Mt. Hood. I agree
with your take on Allen's interviews - and other les poetic work. I
especially like his "Indian Diaries" and other near travelogue
writings like the little book/poem with photos - "Ankor Wat"

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Feb 2003
Hey Steve,
What is up with NYC deciding that the antiwar march can't march past
the UN building? This sounds a little confrontational to me.
Ohio Girl,
I am with you. It is warm and sunny today. I can see across Monterey
Bay all the way to Pacific Grove. NO television, no news and no heartache
about what is ahead today. I am reading a newer book of interviews with
Allen Ginsberg edited by David Carter called "spontaneous mind".
I just finished one by Tom Clark done in May 1965 for The Paris Review
called the "The Art of Poetry" My head is spinning with his
thoughts today. Sometimes I think some of his interviews are up there with
his best work.

Name: Steve (straight citizen) Boyd
EmailAddress: 133 West 4th St. NY,NY. 10012
Date: 08 Feb 2003
Hey Hammond, you handsome bastard; I just got yer' book in the mail
this A.M. Wow, Its a sign!...I havent read one single page yet, but I did
skim the Index, and by my way of thinking, you could have published it
seperatly in itself. Like Wow. Hammond, I will try not to give it away
until we meet and you sign it it for me, and then if free it at all, I
will lay it on my natural Brother, that cat reads. Shit, my shepard,
my healer, my Lady Reverend has met me more than half way and we plan on
fighting life together. She's due to fly in on the 10th and limp out on
the 13th. Arrangement??..he, in the midwest and I here in the city for
now.... our views as to space and freedom issues should prove a pluss; as
our haunts will be Denver, Chicago, NYC and Boston. No housewife
stuff,...lovers. On the home front there are some heavy anti-war groups
gearing up to rally at the Peace Church. Dates are forthcomming when I get
my hands on the calander. The mural has taken on a life of it's own thank
Christ. (as true in drafting: the good stuff designs itself)...I'm just
the cat with the brush,..a conduit for the flow, insulator for the
current. Hey, when you hit the city, if yer' not slated for a book
signing, we can stage "Autographs Against Your Will"..I can hold
off teh Barnes and Noble security forse as you sign any and all books and
magazines that anyone buys. Hey, get this, I just heard back from that
Jury Duty thing,..Now they want me to show proof in writting that my
condition would impaire me from arguing my conclusions as to the guilt or
innoscence of a person based upon the facts as they are presented. Fuck. I
will say it again: To think that our Freedom is based upon twelve people
who are to stupid to get out of jury duty. Shit. Im' gonna direct them to
St. V's medical records dept. and tell em' to do the footwork. This is one
big sceme to keep folks from registering to vote. (although, I would have
loved the Helmsley trial)...Hmmm.. I rest my case. Cant wait to meet ya.
As I said, plenty of room, bring the family. Later. Steve

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 08 Feb 2003
It's a beautiful, sunny day. All I have to do is not watch the news,
not look at the tax papers, not think about doctors and not actually look
at the thermometer which is never a good idea in Ohio in February. Well I
think I can not do all those things awhile and enjoy the free light.

Name: IMAM
Date: 08 Feb 2003
Hummmm.........Steve goes on hiatus - Eileen goes into moving mode -
now the silence. Now what was that story we were working on were Coyote
and Nicole were sitting at the kitchen table......?
Next chapter to be revealed in the future......the present is illusive.

Name: PAW
Date: 07 Feb 2003

Name: IMAM
Date: 07 Feb 2003
This is great fun! Enter "Saddam" in one slot - and
"Bush" in the other. Keep clicking to change the

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Thanks for the info and links, the reason I asked is as I've said I'm a
visitor...when I'm at my train or bus stop and I've become friends with
the regulars who use the same stop...yesterday I showed this one guy the
Elysian Fields tape and he said, " oh if you're from that era you
might know my boss...Lee Weiner, one of the chicago 8 " It sounded
familiar but I wasn't sure, and when I looked at his picture on the bio
sight, he looks like someone Abbey sent me to while he'd been here for the
Phil Ochs madison square memorial...Again, it's a small, small world !!!
...oh yeah hightened alert...I wouldn't put it past them to create
something in order to convince us of the neccessity of just makes
me so angry...

Name: IMAM
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Government unveils 1st Weapon of Mass Cyberization! -IMAM-Suspect

Name: Samantha Williams
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Keep up this great resource. I bookmark your site, best greetings <a

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Feb 2003
PS - Nicole - If you go to Stew's bio in The 3rd Page
Click on "Chicago" - in this article there is a link to Lee's
bio near the bottom of the page. :-) H.

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Thanks for the link. I read it shaking my head. Bush is driving us
deeper and deeper into chaos. Rumsfeld's threat today really exemplifies
the level of fanstasy these jerks work from. Colin Powell's presentation
as evidence even in our own countries skewed judicial charade would be
thrown out of court. As the pressure builds to the climax of this I am
waiting for major cracks to appear, maybe along the lines of some of his
wavering supporters in the government. I can dream with the best of them.

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Nicole - An answer from Stew :
"Hello Nicole! Lee was one of the Chicago 8. He was an old friend
of Jerry Rubin's, from before Jerry being a politico. Till recently (at
least) Lee worked for the Anti-Defamation League.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Mark...I just read an article that busts the Iraqi Dossier that
everyone at the UN was given as reference while Colin Powell gave his
animated was lifted from various sources (with out
permission)some of it verbatum and some slightly changed...the whole
article is astounding...and we were led to believe it was our
"intelligence" services uncovering these was mostly
previously published opinions...amazing...

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Part of my history is growing up in the California Hotrod culture, I
still participate in this culture segment, albeit politically mute for
survival's sake. Knowing the general right wing stance of this group and
the anti-semitism that Ford was known for I found this quote, posted this
morning on one of the automotive lists I subscribe to, very out of
character and encouraging :
My opposition to war is not based on pacifist or non-resistant
principals. It may be that the present state of civilization is such that
certain international questions cannot be discussed; it may be that they
have to be fought out. We ought not to forget that wars are a purely
manufactured evil and are made according to a definite technique. A
campaign for war is made upon as definite lines as a campaign for any
other purpose. First, the people are worked upon. By clever tales the
people's suspicions are aroused toward the nation against which war is
desired. Make the nation suspicious, make the other nation suspicious. All
you need for this is a few agents with some cleverness and no conscious
and a press whose interest is locked up with the interests that will be
benefited by war. Then the "overt act" will soon appear. It is
no trick at all to get an "overt act" once you work the hatred
of two nations up to the proper pitch.
Henry Ford

Name: Fly-in - Fly-out
Date: 07 Feb 2003
"I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war
demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have
a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."-Mother Teresa

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Feb 2003
ps Hammond...didn't mean to sound negative about the tape...quite the
contrary...I loved it...just so's totally worth it to see Steve
Miller and Chet...thank you again.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Comments are more than welcome...I am excited about getting
it...the Elysian tape was ah ah ah let me wow! Made me
laugh...didn't see me at least I don't think so...kind of a rough
cut...I'm happy to have it in my archives though...absolutely...beautiful
snowy morning here's 11:00 and we have about 5 inches
already...supposed to snow through till about 6 or 7...glad I have good
snow boots...I'm sure we'll get out early...I'm going this evening with a
couple of freinds to NYU's Tisch building to hear some one speak on the
Iraq issue, don't know who yet...but is on our side...btw, will you ask
Stew if he knows someone named Lee Weiner (pronounced Whiner)...okay, back
to work...I am feeling much better today...

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Feb 2003
PS - Nicole - and thanks for the B&N pick-up on Tues!

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Eric - 'vous' or no - those links are pretty interesting but they all
go to roughly the same site. Great graphics - but suggest you close the
gaps between the links. Tx!

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Regrettably I don't 'par le vous' -
Nicole - Glad the tape arrived and hope you enjoy the moment
(revisited) - a smile on every face. Is the guy you met from Clear Light
in that brief sequence with Dallas Taylor? Highlights: Gypsy doing his
Booty Shake and Gen. Hersheybar in full dress along with Barry McGuire
making Love-In on the grass. Notice The Brotherhood flag flying? Ah -
Orange Sunshine everywhere that day. Keep the tape as long as you like -
and copy it if you can. Stew and Judy send their love and we all hope you
can make it here this spring/summer. We had a great visit the other day -
sharing the surprises in your letter. Yes - please send the DS photo you
mentioned - especially if it is recent. Spooky eh? - Stew cracked up
seeing the shot of Rush Harp - Utterly amazing the variety and depth of
mysterious persona we (as late 50s-60s generation) encountered in our
intrepid wanderings. The world has never been the same - even if we didn't
actually "change it."
The photo you sent of Danko brought back a (very rare) fond memory from
the year I spent (freezing to death) in Minn. Minn. I had a very lonely
job in a cold basement shredding (16 tons) paper 8 hours a day for the
state employee's credit union. Home life was not much better - anyway - I
got off work one snow filled day bored as usual. Just as I was about to
get on the bus to go home and accoss the way I noticed the headliner at
this really seedy bar/club (can't remember the name.) THE BAND! - I ran
right over and caught the first set - everyone except Robbie R. = the best
$5 I ever spent.

Name: edend
Date: 07 Feb 2003
Take a time to tranlate it's a rare french metawebsite of underdog
freak... Or just explore it's very intuitive and graphical.
En 2003 : Ouvrez les Yeux
[Tous nos mp3 sont gratuits] = [117 mo de muzik hors norme free]
Champ de réveil de la réalité.
Interface graphique et intuitive d'accès à nos sites
Un MetaWebsite de Webart labyrinthique à explorer.
Contient une seconde interface en hommage à Damiers Imaginaires et
Neuromancien : Osaka
Le Miroir Onirique.
Histoire interactive [animations+mp3]
L'Adaptation multimédia du Court métrage de Morne. Actualisation régulière.
Collection d'anomalies en mp3 [mp3]
Laboratoire clandestin d'expérimentation musicale.
Télécharger les 71 minutes de mp3. code allopass gratuit : X7338764
actualisée [Prose+Peintures+Photo] Poèmes en prose hallucinée,
galeries peintures psychodéliques, galeries photo. négatives et
Les Contes de la Roue de Fortune
Ils synthétisent les principales trames des réalités.
C'est pas des inédits de giger ! C'est une présentation webart d'un
opéra darklassic en devenir...
A un Poète Mort
Interface d'accès aux oeuvres de Leconte De Lisle contient une lecture
post mortem en mp3 de Fiat Nox.
Le nid du Colibri Nécrophile
Le site de la Muzik Hors Norme.
Très prochainement actualisé...

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 07 Feb 2003
I was wondering (Thursday) morning about this same question, maybe that
in itself means something positive! I was wondering if it's lesser to talk
to people in this way rather than face to face. But, this is
communication. With people you couldn't otherwise talk to. I'm talking to
kindred spirits. Some of you I no doubt saw at Morningstar but I was such
a brief transient there we probably wouldn't recognize each other. Yet
this black box linked us up! I'm talking to someone from Athens Ohio where
I spent some beautiful years. Through e-mails I talk to my older son and
his wife and get pictures of the baby, and I talk to my younger son. Our
family is spread out across the U.S. and since in-person communication is
seldom possible, the internet adds to our chances of communication.
Unlimited since it's cheaper than phone calls and quicker than letters! It
adds a facet to communication. Back in pioneer days, the family being
spread out across the U.S. meant you might get a letter once a year.
Though e-mails I talk to a friend who moved to Florida that I wouldn't
otherwise talk to, it would have been reduced to just that yearly
Christmas card. Not to mention people I strike up a conversation with
through the internet when my husband or I want to look something up, and
all those dear Nigerian friends ha ha! So it's not perfect, but this is
communication, those white threads. Peace!

Name: Mark
Date: 06 Feb 2003
"...and then what happens" I get to see what you want me to
see about you. Are we all getting too close? Can we deal with the new
internet arrangement?

Name: Mark
Date: 06 Feb 2003
I talk (write) to you and you write to me. We can say whatever we want.
A fire looks back at us, reflecting our own thoughts. A TV feeds us a TV
Dinner from a menu prepared at a centralized institution. McLuhan would
probably see this as a solution.

Name: IMAM
Date: 06 Feb 2003
and........then what happens?

Name: Tom
Date: 06 Feb 2003
Are we talking to a machine?
Or better yet am I talking to a machine? And if so, why? How did this
happen? We are a nation that look at boxes plugged into walls and talk to
the boxes. Marshall McLuhan just rolled on the floor with delight. Or
better yet he is with us as we yell at this screen and say," Did you
see what he wrote?" We are truely amazing creatures. We go from
watching fires in caves to watching black boxes plugged into walls.

Name: JOE
Date: 06 Feb 2003
Morning Dew comes to mind

Name: Mark
Date: 06 Feb 2003
What was that Elvis Costello ditty..."Waitin' for the World to
"We want the world and we want it........NOW!" JM

Name: Nicole
Date: 06 Feb 2003
Comments I'm in one of my rare and I repeat rare "I don't care if the
whole fucking world blows up" moods,'ll pass...

Name: Nicole
Date: 06 Feb 2003
Hammond, Barnes and Nobel called...they have the book in but I won't be
able to get it till Tuesday...looking forward, and the tape just now
arrived...I'll go to the conference room and watch it...thank you so much,

Name: IMAM
Date: 06 Feb 2003
Yuck! Sorry paraquat is still being used in any fashion - I don't
really keep up on it - but it was or was said to have been used in the 70s
in Mexico to in effect 'treat' the plants prior to harvest. Symptoms
included coughing up blood - but I (thankfully) never met anyone who
experienced this and we all smoked mexican weed. Maybe it was just a scare
tactic - does anyone know for sure? CIA sprayed the Bay Area in the 60s
with pneumonia and flu the saying goes so anything is (unfortunately)
possible - seeing how the US is the only (democratic) country to have
actually used a weapon of mass destruction. Iraq has yet to threaten the
US - but N.Korea just said "Well the US isn't the only one who can
make a preemptive strike." hint - hint (boom!) . Where is the future
when we need it? IMAM-Suspect

Date: 06 Feb 2003
Paraquat? Many times it has been used to poisen dogs here on Maui. Have
read about it many times. paraquat soaked meat tossed to dogs.
paraquat was also used to eradicate pakalolo aka maryjane. ycch!!! some
unethical growers would still sell paraqut soaked buds that had died.

Name: IMAM
Date: 06 Feb 2003
Or how about the paraquat scare? IMAM-Suspect

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: take everything with a grain of salt
Date: 06 Feb 2003
Remember in the early 70s or thereabouts when there was a "cancer
scare" about cranberries and people didn't know whether or not to
serve them at Thanksgiving? Well today the big news is that we should eat
cranberries because of their anti-cancer properties. Anyways they taste

Name: McMingus
Date: 06 Feb 2003
Just to make it plain, it's the Ed Rosenthal legal charade that's got
me ready to punch a hole in the wall. The moral bankruptcy of the
"justice" racket has never been more clearly exposed.

Name: actually
EmailAddress: r n a
Date: 05 Feb 2003
actually, Bali is back on the list. And, the country is really hurting
due to the plunge in tourism. i have some friends who spent a month in
Bali this fall. they arrived back a few days before the bombing. they had
been frequenting the club that got hit. talk about shaking in their
shoes!!! they were 3 brothers ages 18, 20 and 22, and the 22 yr old's
girlfriend. Canada is a groove if you like cold weather. But, i just
learned from watching an old Michael Moore show, a video of some episodes
of The Awful Truth, his once upon a time tv show, that there are more
warheads stashed in the Pacific Northwest that anywhere in the coutry.
VERY close to Canada. It was an interesting show. Probably around the time
of the first gulf war. Michael found some Iraqi's to seek out weapons of
mass destruction. boy did they hit jackpot. they were proudly shown stores
of SARIN, and we learned how the canisters often broke... and later we
viewed the map of the tremendous amount of warheads in the Pacific
Northwest. So, no place is really safe anymore. I remember when the
volcano went off in Mexico about 20 something years ago. Haze from the
volcano covered the globe. Really, ther's no place left to hide. One other
thought. The poor souls in Hiroshima and Nagasaki who were nuked.... those
who ate sea vegetables and miso fared better than those who did not. So,
miso seaweed soup may save you yet! Potassium Iodide is part of our Y2K
emergency stores. Pretty grim to look at that bottle. Truly, if the ping
pong rally of nukes go off it's Sianara time.
Knowing this, i encourage all to live each moment to it's fullest.
i found videos of The Awful Truth/ Michael Moore at the public library
here. Hawaii state library is so ono. You can order any book, video or cd
from any branch of the state library and they send it to your branch at no
Eileen, hope you are finding a fine place to live.
I'm going to NY this summer as I'm becoming a Grandma. Perhaps I'll get
to meet Nicole and Dr. Boyd. My son and his wife live in NYC. I have
family an hour north of the city and a very groovy cousin in Woodstock.

Name: Mark
Date: 05 Feb 2003
Lets see....San Francisco is still good. But if I gotta go,sun is a
major priority so Tonga could work. I read Hammond's book so Morocco is
out. Have a brother in Thailand, he likes it. Ecuador? Cuba? Bali is
definitly off the list. Damn! Where is my atlas?

Name: IMAM
Date: 05 Feb 2003
Canada seems the only place short of Tonga.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: What new filthy low-life mentality...
Date: 05 Feb 2003
Comments operating here. Well, if you can contemplate it, British Columbia
might be where you want to go. You could leave the lower 48 to expire in
toxic waste & GET OUT...shouldn't say so, so plainly, but that's what
I'd like to do.
There you have it...Move to Mississippi, and sign up for secession. Or
vote with your feet, sell everything you can, and migrate to a civilized
Are there any other genuine options ?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 05 Feb 2003
RNA, thanks for the link on how to help with Ed Rosenthal's defense
fund. The case made the CNN news, maybe that publicity will help him
legally. One thing I never understood either, "states' rights"
is always such a big deal....except in the case of medical marijuana.
Perhaps something good will shake down from all of this but hopefully not
too late for Ed Rosenthal. The prison system doesn't need anymore
"job security" there are already far too many people locked up.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: naked
Date: 05 Feb 2003
Pot prohibition has nothing to do with the high. Liquor is quicker and
so much more deadly. the real reason pot and hemp are illegal has to do
with economics. Dupont and William Randolph Hearst had intense reasons for
wanting hemp and boo illegalized. Your hemp shirt will last 50 years.
Dupont wants you to wear polyester which has to be replaced ever few
years. Also, Hearst, the newspaper magnate owned thousands of acres of
forests. He didn't want hemp paper to compete with tree paper. And, Dupont
manufactures the chemicals to process wood into paper. So, prohibition is
about economics, not about the delightful buzz.
Interestingly, an acre of hemp far outproduces an acre of wood in paper
production, i think by a 6:1 ratio. And, the hemp can produce another crop
in 9 months; the trees take 20 years to grow back. The hemp paper does not
require lethal chemcials.
Hemp is also being used in building in France. It is resistant to
fungi, pests and rot. A great book, "The Emperor Wears No
Clothes," by Jack Herar, spells all this out. This book was
unavailable for a while but has just been reprinted.
Another note of interest: Ed Rosenthal's daughter's name is Justice.
Our prayers are with Ed and family. Those who want to send a donation to
Ed's defense fund, please go to
Ed needs more than prayers. And, a donation, no matter how small, is part
of the snowball, 100th monkey effect. Just do it. if we all do, we'll help
this important cause.
with aloha, rna

Name: Mark
Date: 05 Feb 2003
This Ed Rosenthal deal is a testament to the farce known as the
judicial system. Is this the ghost of Mayor Sam Yorty stalking the halls
of the courts. The court circus that produced this verdict is sadly
indicative of the Federal governments multi-faceted attack on
non-conforming anti-fundamentalist Christian thinking. The hit list the
right wing has compiled since the country "lost it's way" in the
60's is long and they are taking names and kicking ass. Passports anyone?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 05 Feb 2003
One elderly woman at the nursing home where I work, was getting "Marinol"
(not sure of the spelling), the pill version of supposedly the essence of
marijuana, supposedly as an anti-nausea medicine. I can tell you
personally it did nothing for her. One nurse even thinks it killed what
little appetite she had. This is a very important fight, getting the
government to drop its stupid prejudice against an effective and
much-needed medication. There are TONS of medicines today (even some
antibiotics) that have hallucinogenic effects, the law against medical
marijuana is simply a prejudice. And yes there's a prejudice against
feeling good, euphoria and a false sense of well-being are commonly listed
as adverse side effects of pain medicines. Yikes!

Name: Hammond
Date: 05 Feb 2003
Rena - r.n.a, and all - Today from Stew Albert.
Must Get Stoned
Ed Rosenthal grows marijuana. He was busted by the Feds and then
convicted for his crime. The trial took place in California and the jury
wasn't allowed to hear something real important. Rosenthal's pot was legal
weed. He grew it in California for medical purposes. California law calls
it legit. Only Ashcroft law calls it a crime.
Six jurors have apologized to Rosenthal "Never would have
convicted him knowing it was medical."
A friend of mine, bold Anita Hoffman dying of cancer breast and bone
had a few laughs with friends was able to eat a bit of matzo sleep a bit
of sleep philosophize at times, because she smoked much medical Mary Jane.
I met and thanked the growers of her grass. Kind souls they are developing
different strains for different pains. Ashcroft would arrest them and
imprison them for their kindness. Ashcroft is the kind of right-wing
Christian that believes life is about suffering not getting high not
having a few laughs enjoying friends, even the dying, even for a few
minutes, are not freed from his curse of pain.
Stew Albert 8:44 AM

Name: Mark
Date: 05 Feb 2003
Steve and Eileen,
I look forward to reading whatever you can contribute here whenever and
however you do it. This sense of upheaval is being felt on many levels as
the cultural simmering moves toward a boil. The rising paradox is
revealing itself every day. For me these are confusing and conflicting
days causing dismay. But like I said before, this ain't our first
barbeque, we can do this. Of all, folks like us can do this.

Name: Hammond
Date: 05 Feb 2003
Steve - AsEverGreat to hear your voice on so many subjects - it has
been a real pleasure - keep you lantern trimmed and burning mate - And
Eileen - Understandable that you will need to focus on moving and real
time adventures but please stay in touch. Your voice has been a gift to
the guestbook and thanks again for giving my book the time of day. In
Passing - and with Love to you both -Hammond

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 05 Feb 2003
What is this web site showing us?
Is it about a revolution in the sixties or is it a continuing
revolution in the mind of the planet? I could say both and I see both.
These collections of words give us a viewpoint and an insight into the
thoughts of the minds of the young adults in the sixties. I personally see
a continuing message of those minds here at this website. Emotions go up
and emotions go down and that is what makes us special and unique. We are
the human beings on this path/planet and we are here to fix it. Take Care

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 05 Feb 2003
On a frigid Ohio day, Tomas's words had me happily truckin' down a hot,
sunny country backroad. Silent Steve, your way with word pictures has
warmed my heart at a time when it was most needed and taken me through a
human heart of New York. I've been hoping for the last few days, that
you'd be feeling some warmth and happiness too. There can be awfully good
music in churches. Peace!

Name: Dunacan the digger
Date: 05 Feb 2003
your website is very imformative.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Ah Steve~Say you got a life? Good. When a computer fills most of ones
communication needs..what can I say? It's better than nothing. As you were
the reason I was enticed to stay here in the first place, I may float off
as well. Yes I will check in but not likely on a daily basis as I have
been. I have a lot to do, as the weather is starting to be more inviting.
So a smooch to you all and will catch up with you later. If I disappear I
will check in once I've moved to let you all know how it went and where I

Name: Steven Robert Boyd
EmailAddress: Over The Rainbow
Date: 04 Feb 2003
And a shadow touched a shadows hand.....Hey, thanks for the road trip
to happiness offer, but it was in my backyard all along... yep, staring me
right in the face. Seems that the 2006 cycle came early. I'm rollin' in
it. I will never want. I cant say as I'm going into retreat; as I now
realize that I already have. Although I consider Jesus a dead man; In
pursuing the Methodist Christian route, I plan on doin' them, not him
proud. (I'm still a Boydist at heart).. Good news, on the home front the
Lady Minister will visit me for three days and nights next week to round
it all out and fine tune it. We are both very happy that I spoke right up.
Hey, the Students say that their seems a good chance that the Tibetan Monk
and Nuns will take me up on the offer to crash here in a few weeks, and In
as much as Buckley is an orphan, Nancy and I are unoficially adopting him.
And I plan on making a musical instrument from an ancient African pipe and
jambing with the Mysterious Tremendum Sacred Tone Ensemble from time to
time. This sure is a crazy world. I will think of you all often and may
drop in from time to time. In closing, thank you all for putting up with
me during the change. It was a long eight months...and thats what its all
about; change and time. I didnt want to,..I fought it. Fought it like a
tiger. By the way, a midwest connection who set up a blind E-Mail account
indicated that someone may in fact be reading my stuff at this end.
Probable due to my free offer to sexually service the wants and needs of
President Bush. So,..I'm laying off the E-Mail trip and Will only be
getting snail mail from the key players at a safe house. Happy
Trails, fer' the sign of the God's Eye. HOMESKIN

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Take a look at tonight and look at the lead photo of Colin
Powell. Lately the photos they have selected have a new tone and this one
is the most extreme.

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 04 Feb 2003
"Love the one your with." I was in Chicago with Ambo and
Kathy, we were playing frisbee in the park when I heard, "Love the
one your with." on the radio. I was in love with Sylvia who was in
Washington State with her husband. And here was Laurel, Ambo and Kathy
with me in the park. Ambo and Kathy decided to go back to Morningstar and
I stayed with Laurel. "Love the one your with." So if you drop
by, you too may be infected by Tomas. Songs do influence the way we live.
"Our house is a very fine house with two cats..." Sometimes
drugs do good things.

Name: Eric
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Eileen -- Sorry for the confusion. I maintain the Planet Drum web in
addition to this site here. The Planet Drum guestbook has become some
layover stop for every spammer east of the Atlantic. We get messages on
that page advertising tiny hotels located in the Turkish Mountains, for
example. It got so bad a few days ago that I blocked instantaneous posting
of messages. So now any messages for the Planet Drum guestbook page go to
my email first.
So far we've been relatively lucky here on the Digger Web guestbook.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: at breakfast with Leinengen
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Leinengen vs. the Ants--In the kitchen of the house at 53rd st. in
Oakland, home of some of the old Jellyroll Press people, someone once
wrote , "Oh Fuck-off you goddam ants,"--a few days later
appeared, "Ants Unite--FIGHT THE

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Mark + Steve~ HA! Know the song, Love the One Your With? That would be
ME loving ME. I can manage that. The rest is icng on the cake called
Friends. I am already imagining this West Coast trip as I think about my
next house and land what I want it to be like. Room for a sweat lodge and
tents, outdoor kitchen, gardens plus a house full of light and warmth and
room to spread out. (and no ants) Y'all Come!

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 04 Feb 2003
I use SpamNet to take care of the spam. It works very well.
And it is free.

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Eric - Another good de-spamer anti-virus deal can be found at
I have used this for some time.

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Sorry, man.....Valentine's Day will mark 22 years with the one I am
with. Your gonna have to keep Eileen. Did you see the posts about coming
west with Nicole? Think about it. Maybe we could coax my old Ford up the
mountain from Sawyer's Bar to take a look around the ranch. Hasn't been
much snow this year.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 04 Feb 2003
I have so much spam I'll never starve. I have so many Nigerian friends
I'll never be lonely!

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Eric~ I use McAfee to catch all the spam and junk mail and viruses, as
well as folks I don't want to get all their idea of cute stuff I'm tired
of. It sorts it out from the acceptable email. Don't know how that works
on a site like this, but you might want to look into it.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Feb 2003
This is Planet Drum web. I thought you were footing the bill. Why is it
Planet Drum?
On the subject of trails and paths, there is one in Montana, that is
below an observatory (somewhere around Missoula I think) that is so old
the local Indians say they don't know who made it. This observatory is on
this very high, exposed mountain top. Something drew Miranda and me up
there. It must have been the medicine circle. Just above the trail and
below the observatory is a medicine circle that is also a mystery and
looks to possibly be an observatory as well. With stones set up for the
solstices and equinoxes..but dug in in an odd way. A fence has been put
around it to protect it from vandalism and is covered in prayer flags and
medicine bundles. It is only opened for Native ceremony (thank goodness
for that!). The whole area raises groose bumps in the feeling of ancient
sacredness. There are not many places I know of left on this continent
that still hold that kind of energy. So much has been destroyed with
cement and blacktop. This brings to mind the Huichol (indiginous people in
Mex) that go on days long trecks for the peoyote, who are not adverse to
hitching a ride on roads that cross their old path ways. But there are
also the trade roads and common roads to consider. If we start walking the
paths will me made. They don't disappear if we are not sitting on our
asses don't cha know. BTW Oregon has the best walking and bike routes I
have seen anywhere. Very impressive.
With that said..I have observed having lived in the woods a good part
of my life, there are path followers and path makers. The animals,
particulary deer are usually the first guides. Without them it can be
difficult to know the way. I have thought a lot about the beginning of
paths. It seems human nature to look for the easy route already made.
Expand that and you see what we have come to.

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 04 Feb 2003
I grew up in San Gabriel in L.A. Sidewalks were part of our community
in the fifties. When I moved to Kentucky in the early sixties I saw that
sidewalks were not a priority. Helping the poor was the thing to do. Well
since the late sixties the poor have been fed if they wanted to be fed. We
learned that from the diggers. But today the priority seems to be cars and
rv's. Paths and walkways are way off in our future. There is no program to
build those trails. The Government controls (regulates or has the option
to take over) all forms of transpotation. I wish that paths and trails
were part of their plans in our near future.

Name: Nicole
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Eric, what was that?
[Spam, spam and more spam. The Planetdrum web has been so afflicted
that I stopped automatic posting of Guestbook messages to filter out all
the ads. --e.n.]

Name: Nicole
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Tomas, there was once footpaths...they stole them for the automation
revolution...Broadway, the great white way in NYC was the Algonquins
footpath through Manhattan (Indiginous name for this island) and the
Natchez Trace (a path that has been walked so long it can be three to four
feet deep)ran from what is now Nashville Tennessee to Natchez
Mississippi...all paved today except for a few spots...and of course the
Appalachian trail, Georgia to Maine...some of us at Turkey Ridge walked a
stretch of that...part of it that's still a 9 year old in
Connecticut I played in a wooded area that had an Indian path we called
the blue trail, it led us to a platform that was some kind of ceremonial
area from the early 1700's (surprisingly, the tourist board never bothered
with it so we kids made it ours) I'm sure it's gone by I live
on West St on the Hudson and the city has made a bike path and foot path
that is almost completed around the entire island of far
I've walked from about 64th street on the east side down around lower
Manhattan and up to the george washington bridge. I would love to walk
across America...Turkey Ridge was a stop off point for an old man who
walked across...any one else remember him? Thanks for giving me those
memories this morning Tomas...

Name: McMingus
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Here's a little more info on Ed Rosenthal's mistreatment :
Peace & Power : M, out

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Paths and side walks
I am interested in paths and sidewalks. We build roads across this
country and forget to finish them. On every state expressway there is a
sign that foot traffic are not allowed to enter. Where are the footpaths
alone the edges of this expressway for the folks that like to walk across
our country? It irritates me to see a mother walking the edge of the
roadway, where is the path? We buy cars and trucks and they build
roadways. We buy shoes and jogging shoes and they do not build the path
for the walker and jogger or for even the child on the bicycle. Our great
universities have them, but folks in rural America have only wishful
dreams. We started out with a great society and ended up with a "piss
on you" economy (trickle down).

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Oh good Grief! yodelohoo
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Haha! I'm sounding like a country and western song! That's kind of
embarrassing. Let's move this story on to another page what ya say? Upward
and onward. Taking myself just a little too seriously now. I'm over it.

Name: Eric
Date: 04 Feb 2003
Rena, I got the transcribed interview. Thanks. I will try and get it
posted as soon as posssible.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Feb 2003
I want so much more! You have to remember I've danced with death.
What's REALLY important? I know who my friends are. I make the same
mistakes. I won't do it again if I know what they are. If I'm going to
kick ass I want to do it cause I MEAN TO..not by accident. I hate that.
Here's a big ole hug over the airwaves (((((0))))) No, I've taken it like
a woman, sweet friend. I want YOU to take it like a I'm not
playing games. I rarely do, and when I do you are not likely to be in the
line of fire unless you choose to stand there.

Date: 04 Feb 2003
Open Letter to "Travis"..."I" dont have a problem
with you. "You" have a problem with you. P.S. Thanks Coyote, you
came through in more ways than one. (Silence is Golden). P.S. I owe you a
hat. (But you knew that). Aint it the way?

Date: 04 Feb 2003
Mark: I'm lighter than much "Further" could I come
up?...I was wrong...It's not about me..Its' about Eileen. She has entered
the brotherhood of man. She has more than what it takes. This goes far
beyond the relm of sexuality. Please be kind to her. Her grief is my loss.
I love her. There is a reason that I have no voice. Silent steve. God damn

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Feb 2003
So I just heard some woman from the Green Party in Ireland look a
hammer to one of "our" planes going to Iraq causing some ?
million $ amount of damage. It's interesting to see difference of
Ireland's Green Party's stand on this and the Irish Times, take on the
incident. Needless to say the mainstream paper didn't get around to
mentioning it is against their laws as a neutral country, to support
anyones war. Here's a portion from the Greens site with a link to their
home page and the same for the Irish Times:
The Green Party is greatly concerned that the Irish Government will
support military action against Iraq. This concern is based on the fact
that the Government has facilitated both the Gulf War and the war against
Afghanistan by allowing hundreds of military aircraft to use Shannon
Airport and Irish airspace. The assistance given to the Afghan war was
done without Dail approval and contrary to Article 28.3.1 of the Irish
This concern is also based on the uncritical support given so far to
President Bush's 'War on Terrorism'. While Ireland held the chairmanship
of the UN Security Council, our Foreign Minister, Brian Cowen, indicated
that Ireland, not only supported the war against Afghanistan, but would
consider supporting an extension of that war to other countries. [When the
US Ambassador to the UN, John Negroponte, delivered a letter to the UN
Security Council (October 8, 2001), stating "We may find that our
self-defence requires further actions with respect to other organizations
and other states", Brian Cowen stated that "as of now, the
threat has been identified in Afghanistan. If there were evidence to
suggest that other regimes were a threat to international peace and
security, such action {military attacks} would be admissible" (Irish
Times, October 9, 2001).]
It's vitally important that the Irish Government use its last few
months on the UN Security Council to uphold the UN Charter and reassert
some semblance of independence in Ireland's foreign policy.....
Cabinet set to approve use of Army to guard US planes
The Cabinet is today expected to approve the deployment of Irish
soldiers to guard US military planes refuelling at Shannon Airport after
US officials conveyed their "serious concerns" to the Government
after another attack on a plane.
"....Refuelling of military and civilian aircraft provides 40 per
cent of Shannon's revenues, he said
. "There is a real danger that we would lose that. That would be
devastating for Shannon..."
blah blah blah and now we know all gov'ts are the same when it comes to
priorities. This is good, we want to use the Irish forces to protect our
planes. Ah now there's a twist eh?

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: heaven scent
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Aloha Eric, I just sent the interview to your e mail address. Last time
I sent it to your address it came bouncing back with anote from someone
saying "there's no Eric here..." So, let me know if it makes it.

Name: Mark
Date: 03 Feb 2003
I saw your post to me about the painting thing... I get with it soon. I
have been busy today at the vet and being the gravedigger for my families
pet cemetery. Lost my kids 13 year old cat today to arterial thrombosis.
Fathers have some very unpublished chores.
For all,
Here is an article in today's SF Chronicle that is an ass-backward
analysis of why we aren't seeing any musical notables at anti-war
demostrations lately. Kind of says something about character.

Name: Mark
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Hey SSBoyd....lighten up man, come up for some air.

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Look what I found. Anyone interested?

Name: Eric
Date: 03 Feb 2003
I can't find the Lou interview anywhere. If you can, please send it to
me and I'll add it to the M* archives. You can send email to

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: feedback
Date: 03 Feb 2003
i just sent the Lou Gottlieb Interview to the feedback section. I hope
it gets posted somewhere on the site. Lou was a visionary and a joy to
know. I went to Morningstar seeking the Utopian Dream at the "Digger
Commune" in 1967. This very cool interveiw was conducted just 4
months before Lou's very sudden death in 1996. It's a good read but far
too long to post here in the guestbook.. Let me know if it came through,
and if not, where to send it.

Name: IMAM
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Amen Niclole - IMAM-S uspect

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Feb 2003
In posting a response to Decibel, one of our young friends I was
reminded of a thing I wrote re "slavery" and in the face of the
state of things I think I'll post it here for any young un's who might be
on the fence in terms of substances...
Now , I thought slavery was abolished by Lincoln
but I look around and you know what I'm thinking
all you kids out there fightin' and drinkin' and usin'
just don't realize precious time you are losin'
If there was a way I could just make you see
If just for one's trade places with me
and feel all the sorrow frustration and pain
I know from then on you'd stop playing the game
Cause life is exciting, it can be hella fine
don't follow the crowd, YOU be one of a kind
and bring your friends with you
and raise ALL your voices
to let others know
They too have choices !

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Feb 2003
I'm sorry to hear Susan is having such a hard time right now. A good
astrologer would be the way to go..I'm not it! I'm flattered you asked but
when then get that tough I go to people that really know their stuff.
I just finished up a Saturn return that I would have never guessed was
stalking me if I hadn't been warned. I'll give you my favorite astrologer
and a few other sites. I hope you can find something that is helpful.
Everyone is getting an ass kick, but to be going through a return at this
time I have to say sucks. But Saturn retuns and Pluto riding everyone's
tail..Pretty much this is a rugged time period and to get a reading helps
keep one sane..well, at least gives you some road markers and how best to
work with it. Sanity these days seems to be a rare bird.
Here's Antero:
This is a site she might be able to ses out some stuff for her own..I
highly reccomend it for excellent general info specific to ones self. Plus
there are some killer astrologers advertising on that page..but the time
and price might be too much. Worth checking out.
This is Maya Del Mar. She's really excellent but you have to dig
there's so much info there.

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Nicole - ah yes. Now we get to the juxt of of the position. Fairfax
indeed and John Brent imagine and not "Grant" (aka) "Dr.
Servo de la Lune" - Gary - indeed. Funny story last time I tried to
call him in NY but too long for here to do it justice. I have a collection
of hilarious little vignettes all about what happened when I attempted to
call various Committee friends. I used the Gary annecdote on one of my
radio broadcasts - Xmas of 2000 I think - and called the piece "A
Christmas Gary" [vs. a Christmas Carol] with the studio band backing
me in improv. Wish I had a copy of this or any of the shows I did for Dan
O'Neill over the past 2 years but alas I have none! And thus I am now on
strike and haven't done a show in a month or so..... anyway: "Yes,
and...." as we used to say. Yes and, talk to you soon.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: getting into a Big Bad Mood
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Wait, I'm not finished. And if I don't see a break in the clouds pretty
soon, I'm getting out of the good ol' USA. No matter waht it takes, I'll
be gone.
You might want to take a hard look at your own options.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: not left nor right
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Hey Ohio Girl -- Glad if that link was helpful, I think the Chinese
system can indicate good info you might not know about otherwise.
Responding to Rena, below. The situation with Ed Rosenthal is
absolutely atrocious. Hope his appeal goes somewhere. It might sound a
little nutty here, but this kind of over-reaching Federal heavy-handedness
is exactly what the states-rights people (i.e. Southern Partisans) have
been on about for years. Our Constitution is being systematically violated
every day, and the masses "stupefied with con" look up at their
captors, like sheep in a pen, waiting to be fed.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Scroll right down through these messages to the entry from McMingus
with the awesome Chinese horoscope link!

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Feb 2003
ah the commitee...I shared a house in Fairfax with Kathy Hesseman, and
of course through Peter got to know John Grant and Gary Goodrow...and
again what a small world it truely is...a woman I work with here in my
office is the girlfriend of Jason Goodrow, Gary's son...we'll speak soon
you and I.

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Ohio Girl, what is the site I can read this years chinese forcast? I'm
year of the rat...
also Eileen, where is Pluto now in terms of someone born in 1946 in
terms of Saturn return? My good friend susan is suffering so much loss and
hard times right now...her birthday is also 9/23/46 you know, Susan
Steinberg Towlson...anyway any light you could shed for me if you have a
Interesting to see the stuff about Rolling mention of
spotted fawn...figures

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Nicole - I want to respond (and will in a return hard copy post visit
with S&J tomorrow am.) to any number of lovely things in your letter
to me. One that jumps out that I will mention here in brief is your
connection to Carol D in SF. Indeed we may have crossed shadows at this
juncture as I met her and others in the club set via The Committee crowd.
She was such a sweet heart and so petite!

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: double stubborn
Date: 03 Feb 2003
It seems I'm an Ox in the Chinese system besides being an Aries. Well
that explains it. The Ox horoscope for the year of the Sheep was dead-on,
not all overly rosy but quite accurate about some uphill and
nerve-wracking struggles and also about the underlying important things
being OK. The horoscope provided tips about how to proceed through this
year. Hello and Peace!

Name: patrick
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Hey Eileen. Thanks for the response. Boulder was just one of the many
great stops on my journey. I was on the west coast a couple of different
times. Bay area 1972, Santa Barbara (Isla Vista) 1969, just trippin'
around. I'm originaly from Columbus, Ohio I was 16 years old in 1966, The
rest is history. Seriously Freeked out by age 18.Wandered around dodging
the ol' draft( I was busted in Boulder for a little misunderstanding over
some illicet chemicals. The feds caught up with me there and re-classified
me 4-F, which at the time I was proud of. Still am.)Hung out in Detroit,
Ann Arbor,Iowa city, Boston- Cambridge, Taos( new buffaloe),Aspen,
Evergreen, Manitou Springs.Moved to British Columbia from 1973-77,
Vancouver, Gas town, Kitsilano. Also the okanogan valley in B.C., Vernon,
Kelowna, Edgewood.Moved back to the states in1977 lived in Albuquerque.
Got clean and sober may 19 1986. Lived in the south for a while Atlanta,
also Mountains of NE Georgia, Rabun, Co. Now live in Asheville, NC. With
my wife of 11 years. My son Frankie Lee Standingfox and his wife Julie
live in Asheville also. They were married in Hawaii last year, ,expecting
a child soon.I work in mental health, substance abuse, ( Go figure). Life
is good. I have regained some memory and a time line for most of people
and places. ANYWAAAAAY<, better go now. Thanks for response. Patrick

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Eileen, will try and do that this afternoon after work...I'm curious
too...It might just be a computer thing...isn't there a part of the HOPI
prophecy that says the end of the fourth world starts when Spider Women
covers the world with her does stand for World Wide
Web after all...again I have to say...I'm alright to go,not in a suicidal
way at all if it sounds like that, that's not what I mean...but if the
greater good is served...somehow...I,I,I words.
Hammond, I just came back from Barnes and Nobles and they will have
your book there for me in 3 days...I look forward to reading it... I was
thinking so much about Frank these days since we all spoke about him last
month and I started re reading A Crock of Gold...such a great story.
Steven, I am bringing the down jacket today before it gets to warm to
use it!!!

Name: IMAM
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Eileen - No troubles here with the guestbook. And hi everyone who is
back from where ever you were. We had a Prepare for WAR!! invader while
you were away. Thanks to Eric the many repititions have been ejected. No
news in the news except bad news. Very strange (prophetically
significant?) that the shuttle cracked up over Texas eh? Sorry they had to
burn up in reentry - but I think the whole space program should be shut
down for at least two years - put everyone associated with the deal on
unemployment bennifits and then spend "all the rest of the
budget" on domestic affairs - i.e. people in America that are
starving - homeless - and destitute. No more committees on how to do
things - just do it!!!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Feb 2003
PS - Scam Letters - The Internet Police (really!) have a web site that
is meant to warn people about this scam and numerous others. The problem
with this is that you can go to examples of all the letters and how they
were sent out. Without meaning to - the internet police have in fact
provided the scamming public with essentially all the tools they need to
continue the scam!

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Hi Eileen - Back in town late last night - and just got caught up here.
Seems like most of us were out of town or busy over the weekend. Yes it
really is a small world - especially the overlapping of connections here!
The Brezeney's were all very nice folks - but I was constantly at odds
within the kitchen. I had to have my own special bowl (kept in my room) to
mix up tuna fish (once a week) and heaven help me if I brought any real
milk/cheese products into the fridge.
Nicole - the Elysian Tape in today's mail (revisited!) I will be seeing
Stew and Judy this week and I will share the anecdotes with them - thanks!
Don't fret at all about the NIgerian Scam letter as long as you don't give
them any information and just ignore them. ( I have received hunderds of
them over the past two years - sep. by my anti-virus junk mail program
from my regular mail). But once you are on the list you will recieve them
forever - they never give up. The scam letter from the Abacha family
originally landed in Australia about three years ago. Many there were
taken to the cleaners before the government stepped in and it began to
spread globally. (Greedy) People apparently are still falling for it - and
losing a great deal of money in the process. There is no Security Company
here except the one that will rob you blind.
Steve - Mr. Me - where have you gone off to?
[Poem for Frank from: Michael McClure]
and off again.
"Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha!"

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: kangaroo court
Date: 03 Feb 2003
many of the jurors in Ed Rosenthal's federal pot bust are really upsent
that they were prevented from knowing that Ed had been growing medical
marijuana. They based their guilty verdict on the judge's instructions.
The judge in the case prohibited any mention of medical marijuana or
Califorinia's laws permitting such.
the article also says Ed was hired by the city of Oakland to grow the
medical marijuana. That was news to me.
while keeping Ed in the light we also need to keep Nan Koehler in the
light. Nan is facing 9 years in prison for practicing midwifery without a
license. For those of us who choose to home birth and enjoy birth as a
joyous transition rather than a medical event, this is a huge setback.

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Feb 2003
ERIC~I am having problems getting my messages to post here and can't
pull up Feedback at all. So I hope you are reading here. When I try to
submit it acts like it's not going through, yet shows up. So I hope you
are reading here. I don't know is this is just my problem or not. Anyone

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: ketchup
Date: 03 Feb 2003
HI Folks~ With Coffee in hand (watch it) I take a minute to do some
catch up here. I've been pretty depressed this wkend and haven't felt like
posting. One of my friends here has taken offence at the remarks of
Coyote's I posted and is no longer communicating with me. That hurts, but
life's full of unexpected shin kicks. Also I am just starting to deal with
this coming move and that's kind of intense working out all the loose
ends. So all in all I am not enjoying myself much right now and I'm also
having less time to sit here. But Miranda and I did do a prayer sweat for
ourselves yesterday and it's sunny right now so I think this is a good
time to jump in for a minute.
May Frank rest in peace..he could sure use the rest! I had thought he
was not looking well but I was not told he was in fact wrapping things up.
So thanks Hammond for giving the word. My connections in Humboldt, as
usual are lagging.
Also, yes that's interesting you have a connection to the Brezeney's.
To add to the circle, the astrologer I have used since '86, Antero Alli,
Rob considers his mentor and teacher. What a small world.
I would also like to post part of this of the Hopi Prophesy a friend
just sent. This is not exactly the way I have heard it but is close
enough. Here is the 9th Sign. The link is posted at the end here for
anyone that wants to see the rest of it.
I find it significant that folks seeing the shuttle burning as it came
in (not knowing what it was) said it was a blue ball of fire! As a PS to
the last paragraph..this must be why I feel called to Prescott, AZ, and
continue to make plans this summer after we have moved, to go ses it out.
It is very close to 4 Corners (Hopi/Navaho land).
"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a
dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a
great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the
ceremonies of the Hopi people will cease.
"These are the Signs that great destruction is here: The world
shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle people in other lands --
those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns
of smoke and fire such as the white man has made in the deserts not far
from here. Those who stay and live in the places of the Hopi shall be
safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon, very soon afterward,
Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World.
He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in our hearts. Even now the seeds
are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the
Fifth World."

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 03 Feb 2003
Those of us who are a little bit "age challenged"....... When
we were children, people made jokes about the moon being made of green
cheese. You couldn't even explain those jokes to kids today without
sounding pretty stupid. We've grown up watching man's adventures into
outer space, and what a blow it was to see the shuttle came to grief
shortly before it was to touch the earth again. Stars fell on Texas.

Date: 02 Feb 2003
Oh the dallyance of desire

Name: Woodstock Lady
Date: 02 Feb 2003
Dear Nicole, No, I don't believe we've ever met. I had met Sam, Peter
and Emmett when I did live in Woodstock years and years ago - had some
special encounters with Emmett during 69/70. Also knew some of the guys in
The Band as well as Tim Hardin & Howard & Jones Alk, to name a few
of the Woodstock folks from back then. I sort of fell out of touch with
the Woodtock scene when I went abroad for ten years or so. I still have a
huge fondness for everything I've ever heard that The Band has done and
would be interested to hear some of the stuff thay they'd done that I've
yet to hear. I'm not too optimistic that I'll ever find the Japanese box
set - but you never know. Thanks for your rsvp. WL

Name: Nicole
Date: 02 Feb 2003
Fergus McTavish McMingus Dundee, Ed is living in Woodstock...
Woodstock we know eachother? Do you live in Woodstock? (if
you don't care to reveal, I understand) The box set was put out in Japan
and I'm trying to locate one for myself...when I have details, I'll
post...I know RC Victor in Japan bought the catalogue...more later.

Name: Eileen
Date: 02 Feb 2003
Hey Patrick~
Actually Boulder was the jumping off place for me. I came a bit
before..somewhere around '61-'63 as I remember. Had lived all my life (21
yrs) in Shreveport Louisiana and finally escaped from there to Boulder.
Total cutural shock for me! (If you haven't been to the South there's no
way to explain.) Caught the tail end of the Beat scene..which in Boulder
was more a style than a reality, Kennedy was shot and the Civil Rights
Movement took place while I was there. Took a few yrs to acclimate being
out of the South and then I got bored with the small college town it was
in those days..ALL there was, was the hill. Kept getting word drifting in
from San Fransisco, something was going on. Finally left (hallucinating
from a speed come down) in the middle of winter in mid '63 to SF, and the
rest is history.
So in answer to your question..yes I was there but your story was
nothing but rumor to sounds familiar. Want to tell it?

Name: Patrick
Date: 02 Feb 2003
Hey anybody out there from the " HILL IN BOULDER COLORADO
1970-1973" Wow what a universal magnet for some high minded folks.
Also a few infamous ones. Tulagi's with everyone from Muddy to Sea Train.
Boogies at Hidden Valley. Eddie Spagetti's pool hall. STP family, This
place was a major stop on the Road from Berkeley to Cambridge and all
places in between. I attended the first Rainbow gathering in Granby,
Colorado after running from Mr. Jones in Tucson. Saw the White Buffaloe in
the snow. Sat thru prayer meeting with Mescalito the night before.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 02 Feb 2003
Was at my job all night, at the nursing home. Most of the people I was
taking care of, no longer have any way to understand what a space shuttle
is. Life always operates on many different levels.

Name: Myles O'Fergus
Date: 01 Feb 2003
"Out Demons Out !"
[where is Ed Sanders when you need him ?]

Name: IMAM
Date: 01 Feb 2003
SOS - Guestbook emergency in progress! Eric? IMAM-Suspect

Name: Boy Beautiful
Date: 01 Feb 2003
[Banned for war spam --ed.]

Name: Lucky
Date: 01 Feb 2003
Please pardon this intrusion by a stranger, but Eric's notice of new
articles in the News prompted me. Ellsberg says to send info to reporters
(with documentation). Enough documentation here, I would think.
A huge, frightening document that puts the lie to the 'response to
terrorism' justification. Do with it as you will. Thank you.

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Feb 2003
Hi everyone - I am still away from home - but know some of you would
like to know about Frank - Sent to me by Denise at Empty Mirror Books RIP
- More when I return.
Freewheelin Frank Reynolds died at 1:00 in the morning on January 30th,
2003, at sixty years of age. He maintained his humor and enjoyment of
living in his cabin in the redwoods by his beloved waterfall, in company
with his cat, the deer, the foxes, and a passing bear. Those who have seen
Frank recently, found him in clearness of mind, Zen expectancy of death,
and manly resolution. Frank was the Secretary of the San Francisco Hells
Angels in the 60's, in his middle years he began practicing Zen
meditation, He has been a Zen hermit for many years. Bruce and Asche who
were his longtime friends and caregivers for the final months said Frank's
passing was smooth and peaceful. Frank died of liver cancer. His cabin was
in northern California.

Name: Woodstock Lady
Date: 01 Feb 2003
Dear Nicole, I was intrigued to learn about the Japanese Box Set
produced by Bearsville records. It must have some very awesome stuff on it
with so many great artists contributing. I've looked around the various
music sites - even called Woodstock records and Bearsville studios and
learn that it may be impossible or near impossible to purchase it. Do you
know otherwise? Would appreciate anything you know about it - would also
like to hear the stuff you did. Thanks, WL

Name: Woodstock Lady
Date: 01 Feb 2003
Dear Nicole, I was intrigued to learn about the Japanese Box Set
produced by Bearsville records. It must have some very awesome stuff on it
with so many great artists contributing. I've looked around the various
music sites - even called Woodstock records and Bearsville studios and
learn that it may be impossible or near impossible to purchase it. Do you
know otherwise? Would appreciate anything you know about it - would also
like to hear the stuff you did. Thanks, WL

Name: Eric
Date: 01 Feb 2003
New articles in Free City News,
Ellsberg Advice to Reporters on Covering War (with questions that
everyone should be asking about US war mongering)
Ellsberg Sees Nuclear Madness in Bush Agenda (scary theory explains the
"weapons of mass destruction" hysteria)
UN Chief Inspector Blix Calls Bush, Powell Liars (this article alone
should put the lie to the US war push)
Axis of Justice Defies Anti-Free Food Ban (hip hop artists break law to
distribute free food in defiance of Santa Monica ban, "Feeding the
homeless is not a crime. The real crime is that the members of the Santa
Monica city council, all of whom have homes and plenty to eat, have passed
a law making it illegal to help the poor. Axis of Justice is happy to
provide meals for the needy in defiance of this unjust law."

Name: the inscrutable Ming
Date: 01 Feb 2003
Ohio Girl -- Sheep year could be good for you -- but check your birth
yr. in the Chinese system, there are forecasts for each of the 12 Chinese
signs at the end of the article I gave the link for. I have faith it will
be a good year for you. I read your earlier post about the healthy things
you're doing, sounds like you're on the right track.
Peace & Prosperity, Sister !

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 01 Feb 2003
Both my husbands had those enforced vacations. Small world isn't it,
and such twisted laws we're being dealt. The pot laws break my heart and I
try to do what I can on that. One strange but really good thing, I can
reach things higher or father back in cupboards, than I had been able to
for years. As I found out last year it wasn't just my bad luck to have bad
arthritis for my age, it was joint problems caused by hepatitis. Still I
didn't expect this! While it's unknown if I got permanently cured, the
fact remains I was too complacent about "aging" it sure pays to
look into one's health. Hey, is the year of the sheep good for a stubborn

Name: whaa?
Date: 01 Feb 2003
stammering li

Name: McMingus
Date: 01 Feb 2003
Greetings all -- Gung Hay Fat Choy !
Welcome to a New Year, anno 4701 - Year of the Sheep.
See here for more details on what to expect :
Live long and prosper, comrades !
Perhaps a turning-point has come.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: guilty
Date: 01 Feb 2003
Ed Rosenthal was found guilty on federal charges of growing pot for
Califorinia medical marijuana. Rosenthal was not allowed to rais the point
that he was growing compassionate pot for suffering folk with doctors
prescriptions for mj.
He is facing a 5 year minimum sentence.
the witch hunt is on.

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.