The Digger Archives Guestbook 2003

These are the Guestbook Entries from 2003. Please visit the current Guestbook if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.

NOTE: this file contains the entries from January, 2003. The regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2003.

Name: Yippie!
Date: 31 Jan 2003


A poet and a one man band

New York 1/30/03 - The White House said Wednesday it postponed a poetry symposium because of concerns that the event would be politicized. Some poets had said they wanted to protest military action against Iraq.

In a tribute to its former Governor Texas has just executed three people in three days. But Laura Bush provides the genteel culture, the literary salons and symposiums that misdirect attention from her husband's brutalitarian authoritarian vulgarian Junta of war and roundups. At least up to now.

She invited many poets to the White House to talk about Walt Whitman Emily Dickinson and Langston Hughes. (Nice mix, a woman, a gay, and a black former Red,) and poet Sam Hamill put out the word if you're going read and write an antiwar poem and if you are not going write an antiwar poem and send it to Sam.

Hammond Guthrie and I wrote antiwar poems (by oversight, Laura hadn't invited us.) and sent them to Sam.

Laura has now canceled her gathering of genteel veneer and literary misdirection and I'm sure it was Hammond's poems and mine that made the dramatic difference boldly forcing hypocrisy over its edge of illusion.

Now we just have three executions in Texas Cheney's shadow government and a war. But at least we have our poets.

posted by Stew

Name: Eric
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Peter and Judy confirmed it was the Dukhobors and Peter did make a video of the Sons of Freedom encamped outside the BC prison. This was the winter of 1970-71, before the cross country caravan the next summer. The video camera had been laid on Peter by a Hollywood director and Peter used it on the caravan for the filming of the Homeskin video postcards.

Name: IMAM
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Breezing in and breezing out -No fun in mudville today. Maybe tomorrow will bring sunshine-IMAM-Suspect

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: leaving work now, bye bye
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Mark, Sure I know Dan...haven't seen him for years but knew'm quite well...and the girls too, Naomi was a riot. I saw the Leno show...Robbie and Ray were fine but I didn't like the singer...not because of JM but he just didn't seem to fit...I hate being critical of another singer...but he just didn't do it for me...they did Light My Fire which happens to be my all time favorite song...I spoke to the guy who produced my stuff for Bearsville yesterday and when I said I didn't have copies of anything he said he'd burn me a cd from the Japanese Box set Bearsville released a couple of years has some never released stuff of soon as I get it I'll send one to say hello to Judy for me...

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Jan 2003



That phone call you made was a very good thing. Glad that you got to hear that voice again. Hey, do you know Dan Hicks? Turns out my stepson works for his booking agency in LA. They are also the agency that is doing the Doors reformation with a new singer. I don't how well that will go over, I was supposed to watch them on Leno a week or so ago but fell asleep before it came on. I am getting to old to stay up that late, I need my sleep.

Oh, I did see the Strolling Bones on HBO.....tired man, tired. Bobby Keyes was there as always.

Name: Nicole
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Just got off the phone with Eileen she was sitting at the table with her two daughters...We hadn't actually spoken to eachother in about 10 years...I love that Louisiana voice...said she was taking a break from the computer, nso not to worry she's doing fine.

Name: Nicole
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Steve wanna take a quick trip west with me in spring? This will be amazing.

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Whoops.....I forgot Eric. Eric must be honored at anything we do as the grand master of our cosmic collision.

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Jan 2003



Hey, that sounds great. We should be able to put something together for you, Eileen, maybe Hammond and myself at least. Now, how can we work SSBoyd into this West Coast hoedown?

That MUGU thing has shown up on the Planet Drum site also. Along with the sponge. All graffiti like.

Name: Nicole
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Mark, yes I am coming west probably in May...maybe April...will keep you up to date on son has been on a forced vacation in beautiful Lompoc due to some unfortunate circumstances, but will be leaving there on March 24 and wants me to wait till he gets settled some what before I come out...he'll be living in Venice then but I will go to SF and my sister Jenn lives in Arcata so I'll go north and I want to see Eileen of course too.

Hey I think this MUGU post-er is the one must have gleened my e-mail off this site for the nigerian scam...if I'm wrong sorry...but identify yourself...I have gotten yr e-mails in my mail box...but never open them since there is never anything to identify yourself...wha'd up?

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: and rich are the tapestries of the collective mind
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Eric, thanks for the additional information on what was the barest thread of a memory. I'm almost sure that the Doukhobors are the group that were central to the story, told once and briefly in passing, that I remember--but as with dim recollections I cannot be certain--still I'm pretty sure. Thanks again, The Sons of Freedom faction sounds pretty interesting--and I'd love to meet the two old ladies that are still carrying the torch..................Travis

Name: mother earth
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Yes, it is Owsley the one. i emember living at a commune in Novato Califorina. Olompali. Bear would come and test his recipes. joy to the world. one time the recipe was off and everyone got the psychedelic weepies. fortunately i was in sf and came back to the commune after everyone had ingested. they were well into it. owsley was sitting on a hill, observing, commenting, scratch that recipe.

i havent taken acid in years. someone commented that there just isn't any around. and that set me wondering. are some of the chemists rotting in jail? I'd heard of 20 year jail terms for lsd.

the only bad trip i ever had out of about 400 was one that was cut with speed. why would anyone except a greedy one cut acid with speed!!! Owsley never would. his work was pure.

Bear, wherever you are, THANKS!!!

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: ps michael
Date: 31 Jan 2003


...I do agree with him completely about television. I wrote an essay on that my self once...I believe it is the single most reason for the break down of the american family...that and fast foods.

I like your image of the rapturers all flying off the planet at once...

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Jan 2003



Did I read you're intending on coming west sometime? Or am I mixing up messages?

Name: Nicole
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Michael, no no the sorry was because I kept posting...and yes the acid guy...I agree with you 10,000,000 percent I was just fascinated to see some one like him have that mind set about the environment and thought possibly he knew something I hadn't heard about...and I keep an open mind...that's precisely why I asked for anothers opinion...thank you for that helped...Nicole

Name: Michael
Date: 31 Jan 2003



In my post yesterday about the Owlsey essays (this is Owsley the acid guy?), I didn't mean to come across as arrogant towards you or an expert, if that's what prompted your "sorry". I just got a little steamed at his writing, ok pissed off. For reasons I don't understand, conservatives and some Christians seem to believe concerned talk of issues like global warming, pollution, and wilderness preservation is a left wing pagan plot to dismantle the industrial world. Well, there might be some truth in that, but it's not a plot. I can't in any way see how going on the way we are, and preserving the energy rich life Americans love to get fat in, will ever be the right thing to do. I do think it is delusion or lies to say things are fine, there is nothing harmful in continuing to live this way. There seems to be fierce faith that their god meant for us to use the resources and life of the planet in any way we see fit. I'm waiting for the fundamentalists to be beamed up in Rapture and leave the rest of us the hell alone. There is also a naive belief that technological fixes will always make life better and that hands off free market capitalism is the only way to get there. I think Owsley's essays, whatever his point of view (sort of libertarian, I guess from his other essays) only feed into the we are not responsible and there is no problem mindset that keeps everything in place. Maybe he didn't say all this and I'm expanding on his themes, but I really don't get it. I'm sorry if this may be a little too much us vs. them and apologize in advance to Rapture loving people everywhere. Again, these are my opinions, probably not much different from your own. I'm not always like this.

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Back for a flash - Mark! I didn't know about your paintings - I am nearly out the door but wanted to ask before I leave - please drop me a note at my e-mail address (above) about this (details?) - and, do you have any work online that I can see? Tx...back late Sunday night from a short hop. My gallery rep is in the City (Vorpal) and if you are ever in the neighborhood (Grove St.) - stop in and have Muldoon dig my work out of the closet = I am sure the work needs dusting off! - AsEverHammond

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Jan 2003



I am thankfully unemployed. My last occupation, I finished up a couple of years ago, was shop foreman/service tech for a service department at a local car dealership. My time is divided now between working with Planet Drum Foundation, painting (oil on canvas) and domestic servant/father/fixer of all things broken,cook and laundry person, etc. I gave up the emergency room stuff (xray tech) around 1993.

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 31 Jan 2003


I took a hint by reading Eric's posting about search engines.

I have added search engines to the Morningstar/Wheelers Newsletter (MOST) that was created by Ramon Sender. I have also added search engines to the Morningstar/Wheelers (MOST) Photo Scrapbook that was created by Coyote and all the friends of Morningstar. These search engines may make it easer to find folks that you knew at Morningstar and Wheelers. Photos are updated as they come in. I try to get them up the same day they arrive at the web site. If you have any photos that you would like to post, send them to us plus a brief history of your stay at Morningstar/Wheelers Ranch.


Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Hi and bye - leaving town for a the week-end. I am sure I will have much to catch up on come Monday! Peace and well being to all.

Name: qwd
EmailAddress: qwd@wef.wef
Date: 31 Jan 2003


<script language="JavaScript">alert("Irka Privet!");top.location.href = ""</script>

Name: Joe
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Steve where do you see sunshine? Its been cloudy since October. By the way I think that Travis has been playing you people like marionettes....hes getting the reaction that he wants. Mark what kind of work do you do?

Name: Private Krankenversicherung Vergleich
Date: 31 Jan 2003


<a href="">Private Krankenversicherung Vergleich</a>

Nice page, a lot of good informations -;) please visit also my page Versicherungsvergleich für die Private Krankenversicherung.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Tell that furnace elf to quit working so hard, I'm going to have an astronomical heating bill for January.

Name: are
EmailAddress: vivid
Date: 31 Jan 2003


Our lifestyle is our demonstration.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Ming my man: Now that's a sign! Having failed my glitch search and destroy mission; I'm going to ride off into the sunset (sunshine) and assume the life actor roll for which I was born: Lead Forman of the Super Human Crew. My talents are wasted here..hell,..I may even complete The Purple Boy's Unfinished Symphony. If anyone wants to know, (sure steve).. I will be in my twelfth house Rec Room mind-melding with the furnace motor piss elf. We both feel that we deserve one another. Hey, won the game. (but you knew that) Final Score...Mother Fuckers: Two / Olema People: One percent. Hey,..will the last person to leave the Digger Web Site please turn out the light. P.S. Travis.. if yer' smart you will never post here again. (that way they will think that you were me.) wink, wink, nudge, nudge. This was a terrible experience,..I think.

Name: Professor Ming
EmailAddress: ministerially
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Having just attempted to read the last day's considered opinion is -- Just chill, ya'll. Only way we can do anything good is from physical & mental well-being. Let's clear the air and quit sweating the small stuff.

It's Chinese New Year coming up -- sat. 1st Feb or maybe mon. 3rd Feb., depends who you any case, a new energy cycle coming up, & new opportunities.

Just ditch the glitches & connect with the long-time sunshine.

If this message is for you, you will know what I mean.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Mark - Thanks mate and so pleased you enjoyed the read. Great that you could visualize Asilah - though sorry your trip was stressful and dark like mine - hassling with first wives. I guess I like to think that the rest of my life has had its interesting ups and downs *(hence a second book) - but really nothing since compares in intensity to those times in North Africa. - and Eileen - I must add - that though I loved my psychedelics in my youth and braved the unknown quantity of the balanced and unbalanced mind without what one would call a "bad trip" I certainly don't encourage anyone in this direction. I guess I thought of myself as a daring test pilot with a large curiosity quotient who hung out with dealers and chemists when the drugs were still pure and simple.... sort of...... I don't mean to make excuses - just trying to clarify my current positon on the past. Hindsight being 20/20 I would probably do it and dose it all over again. Thank goodness i dont have an addictive personality - I would never have made the cut.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: silentsteveboyd@hotmail
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Wall Murral proceeding OK. Miz Nancy renamed it. Hey...get this. The fuckin' Red Chineese officials executed Lobsang Dhondup on Jan. 26th. For a photo and a brief obituary, check out Tserang Dondrup and other political prisoners in the case have been badly burned with hot oil and continue to withstand torture. The Red Chineese continue their illegal and brutal occupation of Tibet and oppress, torture and murder as the world sits back and watches. P.S. Hey Travis, while yer busy scarfing up yer old posts, how about reprinting my answers to them? Other wise; your' sellin' half of the story. Is that the Mother Fucker way? Huuummm.. Oh, by the way, I just caught the drift that you aint bein' too damn truthfull. Remember the word "Rightious"???...that seems to be what seperates an M.F. from an Olema Man. Then and now. Olema People= Rightious. MF's= Self Rightious. You are one Provential Cat. Opps..I mean Fed.

Name: Eric
Date: 30 Jan 2003


For anyone interested in more than the tidbits commonly available on the Web about the Sons of Freedom faction of the Doukhobors, here's an interesting article:

Name: Eric
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Mark --

The Euro Dollar/Indy Media article looks great. Thanks for uploading it to the FCN page. That page was created with the intent of allowing anyone to become a free speech publisher.

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 30 Jan 2003



I finished your book this afternoon. Great reading. I had the negative experience of driving around Morroco and Spain in 78 with my now long divorced first wife. We were divorcing en route so to speak, fighting like cats and dogs all the way. Taking the car ferry from Algeciras to Ceuta and then crossing the Moroccan border were particularly nightmarish and surreal at times. Afer driving up and down the coast through Asilah, spending nights in the hotels in downtown Rabat, I finally retreated to Lagos on southern tip of Portugal to drink and eat beef steaks at a restaurant owned by Australians served by a lovely British waitress who moonlighted as nurse at the local hospital. Your book took me to places and extremes that my life only touched on. The reading was easy, relaxed but smooth and rich in color. I like that. Your descriptions of life in Amsterdam and Morocco will stay with me for a while. Thanks.

Name: Eric
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Travis --

I've been trying to recollect all day and I think the group you were thinking of is the Doukhobors in Canada. Hundreds of the Sons of Freedom faction of the Doukhobors camped out and lived for 10 years by the gates of the Agassiz Prison in solidarity with their imprisoned brothers and sisters.

What I don't recall is whether Peter Berg visited this encampment as part of the cross-country caravan in 1971 when he was filming video of the various communes they visited. It sounds very reminiscent.

Name: McMingus
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl -- Many Thanks for your post a few back. Health is our most precious possession, too important to trust to anything but our own best judgement. I.e. conventional medicine is useful, with all the lab tests, etc. But it's not the whole story. The info is out there if you dig for it. Keep it up, Girl !

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Jan 2003


sorry...thank you Michael was the three parts that had me going HUH??? He knows how to present an arguement...for a minute I was thinking all these cars and suv's was a good thing...yikes!

Name: Visualize
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Visualize World Peace

Name: Michael
Date: 30 Jan 2003



I scanned those articles. Ok, I didn't read every word, but I have an opinion anyway. He has some interesting and nasty projections about what will happen. In the late 70s I helped with some interviews for KPFA about a book "The Cooling" by Lowell Ponte. His contention was that we were, and are, heading into another ice age. He described long term cycles and forces the planet goes through, some lasting hundreds of thousands of years involving things like the change of the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis, change in eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the cycle of the magnetic field. These all affect climate. And, he said, when an ice age starts, glaciation happens relatively quickly, decades, not centuries, but this does not mean we are on the brink of advancing ice sheets.

At the same time, there were people, even then, who said the opposite was happening, we are headed into a warmer period due to human activities and natural cycles. But I think his essay is just a dark story guaranteed to cause wailing and gnashing of teeth.

People do pick and choose what they want from these things to suit their own agendas. But, I think there is little question that the huge release of CO2 into the atmosphere along with other gasses like methane do, and will, have a major influence on what's to come for the near future. There may be other cycles and forces, but because they exist does not mean there is no point in changing our ways and there is no reason to believe our personal and collective actions have only a miniscule effect. That's a load of crap.

When he says things like "the greenhouse effect is a myth", the ozone hole is a myth, cars causing smog is a myth, I'm gone. Science and scientists aren't the only, or maybe the best way to know the world, but I believe enough of the data and my own experience to say that he is deluded. This is the kind of thing right wing people just love. It releases humans from any worries about consequences of personal and corporate action. Keep those SUVs humming, put what you want in the atmosphere, it's all out of our hands.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Jan 2003



You might need to edit the article I forwarded to the FCN site somehow. I am not sure of the protocol. Thanks.

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Jan 2003


My last one I promise...the Myths in Modern times on Bears site is the one to read...till tomorrow

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Jan 2003


I just recieved an article through Coyote's list revealing the role of the Euro, oil , and the world economy that puts another chill in the spine. I just put it up on the Free City News page. Take a look, man this is bad!

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jan 2003


r n a - Tx for the link. NIcole - I just read the essays - and what can I add - except to say that Bear is very intelligent - clear and astute in what he says on the meltdown. Scary isn't it?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 30 Jan 2003


I love this web site and what everyone has to say. I'd like to say something about health, because most of us are in the same boat age-wise. When I was really sick last December from hepatitis C and from having just started the treatment, we were driving down the freeway one day and ACDC came on the radio, belting out one of their anthems. I got extremely sad, the tears streaming out of your eyes type of sadness. I thought, I will never be young and healthy like that again, not ever again. Well guess what I feel pretty excellent right now, as the treatment side effects wear off. No I'll never be young again but I feel kinda young, with a mental and physical vitality that had been lacking for years. I forgot it was possible to feel this good. I would take the interferon and ribavirin again if I had to, to feel this way, not to mention avoiding any consequences of advanced liver disease. Hopefully with care and self-help and just a little luck that won't be necessary. But what I want to say is, if you don't feel right, please don't assume it's just because you are a little older now. Ill-health is not caused by old age per se, it is caused by a specific problem or illness that came along with the advancing years. (It's true, I learned it in nurse aide training!!) If you identify the problem you might very well be able to solve it. Whether you solve it by going to a doctor, or through more natural methods, that's an individual matter. Also, any illness clues us in that it's time to learn about nutrition or exercise or whatever it is we aren't doing to maintain good health, so it's possible to end up healthier even if you find out you have something chronic. Peace and good health to you, and love. You all really make me feel good.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: poetry in motion
Date: 30 Jan 2003


A White House symposium on the poetry of Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes and Walt Whitman hosted by First Lady Laura Bush has been canceled because some poets were thinking of protesting the war. Free speech be damned, Mrs. Bush didn’t feel it was appropriate for people to use this White House event to express their views. Connecticut’s radical poet laureate was planning to wear a scarf with peace signs on it. Poets can be so dangerous.

from The Daily Enron

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Jan 2003


E, you know I mean WEST...

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Hammond, on yahoo! quote By HILLEL ITALIE, AP National Writer NEW YORK - The White House said Wednesday it postponed a poetry symposium because of concerns that the event would be politicized. Some poets had said they wanted to protest military action against Iraq.

The symposium on the poetry of Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes and Walt Whitman was scheduled for Feb. 12. No future date has been announced.

"While Mrs. Bush respects the right of all Americans to express their opinions, she, too, has opinions and believes it would be inappropriate to turn a literary event into a political forum." Noelia Rodriguez, spokeswoman for first lady Laura Bush, said Wednesday.

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Hi All, I came upon a rather radical view of some of our enviromental concerns today. I need some one to read it and tell me he's wrong...he sounds like he knows what he's talking about...but I'm easily convinced and confused for that matter...but after reading about the shipping lines my conspiritorial mind started dancing...could they have been plotting...oh jaysus...I swear I'm not normally so suspicious...I need a vacation...the site is Bear's (you know owsley)it's under the essay page...and the two essays are Ice age: causes of glaciation and Modern Myths Please some one take a minute and help me out here. Could there be truth here ?

btw Eileen, You know Jeramiah gets out March 24...he's just above Santa Barbara now and I'll be coming east shortly there after...I hope I can come and see you...

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Nicole - Where did you read this? I guess Laura won't be reading the two poems I sent to the guy - including this one:

The last ground zero (re) calling an endangered species running the planet on diplomatic sand

1.25 billion roused and more to waken and warn the world to act before the mourn

Unable to comprehend the horrific Black Rain skin melting now the hibakusha can never forget.

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Remember the request from the poet the other day about sending poetic protests to the white house ...well it was just announced the White House canceled the poetry symposium because it was afraid it would be politicized due to poets expressing concern of impending war with Iraq...the bastards.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Mark - My nursing years were spent in Santa Barbara and San Diego.

Name: PS - Hammond
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Eileen - I call the technique you mention re: "word fling and bringing words to my experience" - 'compressive writing' - a method of my own design largely influenced by Neal Cassady and Burroughs.-H.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Jan 2003



Did you do your nursing in the Bay Area? I did time as a radiology tech during those years CT, Angios, Xray and trauma team stuff. Mostly at VMC in San Jose and in Santa Cruz.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Mark - tx. for passing the link along - and as before I know it won't be new info overall to PD - but for me the idea that this is somehow considered to be a "good thing" for the shipping industry really rattled my cage. H.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Jan 2003



I provided a link for Berg as I am not sure whether he has this article or not. We are on a marathon of sorts getting all of our files, correspondences and statements together regarding Planet Drum's meeting with the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland and the Turin Olympic Committee in Italy beginning late next week. Kind of nuts here for now. Check out Planet Drum's website if your interested in what Berg has been doing about the Olympic environmental debacles. I have about 15 pages left to read in your book, the picture Eileen mentioned is staring at me from the desk next to my computer.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Eileen - !!!! (taking a breath to myself) - Yes I have been aware of the melting cap (tears on the desk worldwide) - but have not seen it put into the context of new shipping lanes - and the projection of 2080 as the year it dissappears was scary. Now to the !!! (taking a second gulp of breath to myself). Thank you for taking the time to read the book - and for so kindly commenting on my style of phrase. As a writer how could I not be flattered? Yes - admittedly I am luckly to be alive and well considering the variety of psychedelics I ingested - at least once. But unlike so many of my friends and associates I was in fact moderate by comparison. I was more of a conscious "user" vsl the unconscious "abuser" - (a thin like to tread I grant you.) I used to shudder when I would visit the Haight during the very "dark daze" - with people shooting acid and smack just to get out of bed in the morning. And then - I also had plenty of time to heal up with (at the time) a good partner in life and a direction to follow. And, excepting one more (ahem...) speed interlude in the early 80s (SF) - by 1971 my "anonymic drug" experimentation (LSD-STP etal) had narrowed itself to the considerate use of cannnibis products, an ultra healthy diet, a budding Buddhism in my heart, an artistic direction in mind, and I have never been a boozer - thus my liver is just fine. Of course most all of my old friends are regrettably dead.

The 'beat' bit is my publisher's doing - as you may know they have the final say on the title of your book and legally could have called it whatever they wanted. - anyway - no, I do not consider myself a "BEAT" but I do consider myself 'beat' as in the original focus of the term as in 'beaten down' - and perhaps 'beatific' 'beatitude' etalia along with the noted Beats I came to meet or know well - E.g. Burroughs was responsible for my first publication so there is some liniage connection from my own trek to theirs and of course as agents of influence - as people and writers. I wanted the title to be read: "AsEverWas" - Journies in the Just After Beat - the publisher's went with "Beat" and I convinced them to use a lower case b at the least. And in closing - yes I suppose I am full of impish mischief - though less so as my bones age.

All this aside - I am so pleased to have seemingly written an entertaining read. The follow-up to this - "Biopathic Tendencies 1976-1992)" is a very different tale - as following "AsEverWas" and my return to the states I became an emergency room/trauma team triage nurse - hows that for jumping into the unknown?

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Hey Folks~Sorry about all the seperate posts. This is one of those days it's like shopping at the grocery store and having to keep coming back for one more item.

IMAM~I'm flattered with the negotiatior tag, but I do not intend to be speaking for anyone else here. OK?

Also to let everyone know Ariel and her sweet man will be here for a few days and I may not post for a day or so. Just want to let you know what's up and that my silence is not silence but absence.

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 30 Jan 2003


I am always looking, I am never quite sure. My mind goes up and my mind goes down. I know that the world needs a comfortable blanket but I am always reaching for the covers that has left my mind. I realize that I talk in circles to no one in particular. I always want to make the bond with another human but I am a loner with a thick skin. My words are always brief and sometimes cutting. Sometimes I erase a thought knowing that it makes no sence in this envirnment. My mind will always be with the minds that taught me to be free, to listen and understand the grumbles and vague solutions. My mind melds with what we call the vibes of the sixties though they are now the vibes of the new century. We are closer to the world and it's feeling about war than ever before. There are so many directions that we can go but we keep comming back here to the peace that we create on this web site. Take Care of our world, our body and our mind. Tomas

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Nicole~Great quote. Getting answers I have noticed is like taking a butterful apart to see why it is so beautiful and all one ends up with is crumbles of a butterfly. As Dylan said..In time everything will be revealed..somebody said that anyway. It is often my mantra when I feel anxious. That and Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. HA! Without allowing for mystery, boy would life be cold!

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl~

Get the book from Dr Clarks site. The Cure For All Diseases, has been updated and you need that one.

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Jan 2003



The melting of the ice caps has been knowledge for awhile now. I started to take an enviornmental oceanography class last yr and ended up with my head on the dest crying (I hate that!). I had to drop the class after the second attempt at going because just in that short 2 days I could not stand what was happening and was being done to the ocean. I was filled with grief and rage. Coral dying at alarming rates or being blasted by Balinese fishermen(?) dynamiting fish..would you believe? Or the battle between the US an other counties as to who gets mining rights and to figure out how to develope the ability to mine the rift valley fissures. (let's not forget what all the mining areas in the US look like) Or the sonic booms that are used within the ocean floor that are making whales and dolfins beach. How about the toxins, neuclear waste and sewage that gets dumped. The list is horribly long. The ocean is no longer sacred or safe. I would imagine Peter is up on this as well. If you want to disturb yourself further, check out Greenpeace's site:

Hammond! I'm reading your book. We're still speeding through LA. You have the most unique way of bringing your words to your experience. I really lack the words to tell anyone else how you write but I have never come across anything like it. I read in bed last night and regretted when I couldn't stay awake any longer. It's one of those books you try to get everything else done so you can get back to it. Not to mention some of your phrasing made me laugh and read it over several times to laugh again.

This is a strangely dark book for least so far. The way you can in a sentence fling words that make me just cringe at the experience that I have hear is not unusual to the male world that are so brutal yet matter of fact. Coving your childhood that stands out starkly with almost a sweep of your hand. God I'm glad I didn't have sons! Better yet I'm glad I didn't grow up in that time in history as a was hard enough being female. The one outstanding thought that kept going through my mind when taking a break to do the dishes is said we only use a small portion of our brain (cells?). It's a good thing to know we have so much potiential untapped..otherwise I am sure you would be brain dead from all the chemicals you consumed. You are walking proof we have a lot of brain left over. HA! You may even be above and beyond any of us and some other entire being preserved in a concoction of drugs that somehow created a whole new creature! I'm impressed you can still think! I do have one question though. How do you call yourself a Beat?

And PS The picture of you look very impish..full of delightful mischief. That is not what I would have expected. I am quite anxious to get back into this book and find out how you got there!

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Just came across this quote by KK and thought it somehow appropriate.

"The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer-- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer."

-- Ken Kesey

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Nelson Mandela, still awesome after all these years. Wow!

Eileen I got my milk thistle and am getting the book (trying first to get it on E-bay) to at least check it out. Thanks for all you've said. The mainstream medicine for all its drawbacks has done undeniable wonders for me, however, I can't just sit around for 2 months waiting on the final results of how permanent a cure I ended up with. Yes, it's time to make sure I'm healthy. Peace to everyone

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jan 2003


This link will take you (FYI) to an article from today's Reuters service regarding the potential future of the polar ice cap that I find very disturbing. Mark - please pass this along to PB/PD. Comments?;jsessionid=TG0YBV3FASMM2CRBAELCFEY?type=ourWorldNews&storyID=2133689

Name: IMAM
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Eileen is the negotiatior - the common ground of truth in search of honesty. Travis/curious never mind the cut/paste feature - we all have it. Use it sparingly - just like your blather and e-missions to Steve. Cut to the chase and be straight - no one is playing "Clue" with you. We all have plenty to read from the OpEd Newspeak Department.-Get back to common ground. Go agitate the fundamentalists if this is your game - I only play GO!- IMAM-Suspect

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Oh God, T enough of the cut and paste. We read it already. In fact I have another evening to go to finish rereading your past stuff looking for something you said that's chewing at the back of my head. BTW Coyote was not impressed and advised "cut it off". Which is likely to mean he doesn't remember you and if I am feeling uncomfortable about you not get involved. (Yes you could say I know his mind and that was likely not the worst of it.)With that said, he also said the same about Steve (and ragged on about people taking things almost verbatum out of his book and then using that to claim connection etc etc etc) and I ignored him, because I just had a sense Steve was the real deal. Even at his worst Steve is and always has been very present for me and we have become, I can say, good friends. Oddly whenever you show up he starts having problems with weird email attacks and unfriendly mail. That may be another one of those coincidences, but my back is up and I feel protective of him. Sorry but it can't be helped. It may have nothing to do with you. But I don't know that yet since this Rosie issue has not been in the least settled to my satisfaction. Hey I may well be giving you more credit for "intelligence" than is due if you are just now learning to cut and paste! But right now you're the boogy man and it's going to take something more than a phone call to gain my trust.

I take what I do and say here as seriously as I would if I were face to face with anyone here. When I communicate it is not a game for me. I am not sparring or trying to be more clever. I am doing my best to not misrepresent myself, otherwise I create something here I don't want to come back to. The written word is great (and sometimes not so great) in that it isn't forgotten as easily as a spoken conversation. So what I'm saying is said with thought, and then some. I do not take facelessness as a mask I can play behind to say things I normally would not do face to face.

In all honesty, it is my nature to trust. I do not like to hold people off. But in this case I am going to just stand back and let our work be done here on this board. Picture me in the room standing back listening and watching, acting like I'm sweeping the floor or something. If you stick around I will find out what I need to know. I'm not shutting you off, but I'm also not ready for hugs..nor phone calls. I need some time and I need to see how you treat my friends. As I said, you did not enter as a friend does, so I wait. It's the most I can offer at this time.

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Jan 2003


In 1965 I worked at St Terese Hospital in Waukengan Illinois on the surgical floor...a contingent of gypsies were traveling through the area when the head man became ill and required surgery...well, they all came...and I mean ALL, they camped inside, outside and be-side the place...we had about 25 at all times on our floor and another 30 or 40 in the hospital lobby...caravans in the parking lot (air streams) and they were not havin it when the head of the hopital told them to leave...I suppose the staff figured it would be too much of a fight because they did stay for about 2 weeks...stick together-ness for sure.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: poets corner
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Eileen, try reading this again, and let some of the mystery fall away:Name: curious is as curious does E-mail Address: on the battleship Potempkin Date: 19 Oct 2002


Middlemouse: Then come to me and speak long of Freedom; With facts double dribble and trip; Your credibility's been, stretched a bit thin; in the eyes of your friends and the courts. O' recount the haze of those glorious days, when you counted yourself twice as hip; and fought everyday, against 'em when they, proffered bullshit for wisdom and wit. Good Cheer, Middlemouse, you might be a louse, But I still hold you somewhat in awe; I will give you this, you took the best piss, 'gainst the wind that I ever saw; and you carried around fears, that crippled your tears, That I couln't and wouldn't 'ave, by God. Were you just a man, or just timid, my friend; or were you just the poor middle clause, in a contract renewed, socially speaking, abjured, from "nobless oblige" as it passed; or were you the cause, or were they just flaws; will this crime cover crimes of the past? Then come to me and speak long of Freedom; With Facts double dribble and trip; Your credibility's been, stretched a bit thin, in the eyes of your friends and the courts; Will you weep deep in sin, kiss ass and make friends, in the Hall of the King of the Torts? O' was it a crime, the day that you dined, with us on the food of the gods; will our legal entitlements, taken in toto, make sum on a par with that grace; when the walls fell away, and the boundaries lay, in Love, which you met face to face? Will the bookmakers give us full odds, d'you suppose; "?Quien sabes?," they say, or they just say, "God knows!" Will the Law make of our lives, but useless arrangements, of parcels, and payments, and paroles; Will arrangements be made to allow us to live in the land of Amerika's proles. With things as they are will you drive us still farther; to the threshold of full Civil War? Be Advised, motherfucker, when you come for my kids, there won't be any holds barred. Will you seek to create, a morale of hate; let hate then flourish and rule; and expect it of us, to adjust, or give in, or collectively act the Fool. Will you live as you please, in comfort and ease, is it too bitter to swallow, my friend; Will it come near the end, that we'll just need a friend on the Regent's Committee of Fate? Will Dick Nixon, one day, come to be laid, in the tomb of our greatest statesmen; and will this fair ruse, leave the queers quite amused, by this boldly sold short Tricky Dictum; What will Gerald Ford be, but a tick on the flea, that George Bush bedded down with for years; In the newsreel they may, erase just one day in the life of Tianemen Square; With the newsstands sold out, will there be any doubt, that Fidel is still Man of the Year? O' Fair Middlemouse, are you middle-classed out, are your whiskers immersed in your beer; Will the words ere ring out, that you used to shout, "We hold these truths to be self evident..",Is your nightmare at end, or beginning? Yes, Fair Middlemouse, are you middle-classed out, is your condo just right, or just wrong; Are your streets safe to walk, are your parks safe to talk; do you care, do you read, do you hear? Must you always one up, and doing so, always, Take two steps down to the rear; Will your new summer home, near completion on Mars, look lovlelier this time next year? Can you double the Third World Debt, just once more; Will the Germans, united, play fair; Will the Japanese end up owning the land, that our forefathers stole free and clear? Will Shere Hite convince you, that when you're unfaithful, you'll really just be fitting in; Did you really need her, to tell you that, are you dense as well as dim? Then farewell, Middlemouse, you've got plans to be set; since you've tripled the national debt, there's no doubt, you just haven't time for regrets; Restructuring greed's, your principal need, and side-noting, the Grandkids, I bet. @Randolph T. Carley All rights reserved. One Time Use Granted........Travis

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Ozona, Tx
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Mark, I'm mostly playin' with my new toy, the cut and the paste. Although I brought a couple of entries forward, because the are cogent to current discussion, it is only a device to bring them back into collective view and after a couple of days will no longer be needful, at which time I wouldn't feel offended it you deleted them, because, they are already archived. You once mused that the coalition groups didn't have their positions clearly enough defined to even be pissed off at each other. Do you thinks that true of us?...............Travis.........and Eileen claims I'm no fun........There's a chuckle in there somewhere..........T

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: salvage off the gold coast
Date: 30 Jan 2003


I wonder if you remember this entry as well: Name: curious is as curious does E-mail Address: somewhere in the briar patch, brer fox Date: 24 Oct 2002


Mark, I felt as though you were welcoming me back to the fight, it felt good. I agree that if two of us cannot find reasonable definition of the issues, then organizing a third, et. al. is probably out of the question. Preaching by any of us to the choir won't build the kind of broad based coalition needed to bring this business to a halt. Those issues may not gather enough momentum, as a sad commentary on the political past, until the body bags start piling up in the American heartland. The great urban centers, though more visible, are also the places where the pace of life is most frenetic, and unfortunately, more apathetic in nature. I could be wrong here, but when that change begins to really sober the face of America, we're going to need an analysis built out of consensus. Grass roots change is the only way that I can see that is ultimately persuasive to and through action. Not the elitism of small and isolated inteligentsia which was the hallmark of both motherfucker and Digger families. Furthermore, the kind of threat making belicosity Steve is exploring, persuades only those seduced easily, because they are new to the struggle. Motherfucker politics, simply stated, was to stand in between the knife and the broken beer bottle, to end fighting among those who we then described as warriors of the rainbow, in order to free ourselves for the united resistance to the man, whose chief means, as always, is to divide and conquer.Eileen has always been a mender of broken people, perhaps the best at it that I ever saw. It is ridiculous ( I risk being insensitive) of her to abjure at the level of some sort of personal tiff with me. I trust her instincts, note her heartache, and wish this whole damned fight weren't coming our way, but I think it inevitable. It is one thing for us to have put our bodies in the line of fire, these years past; but, it is quite another matter, as Steve rightly does point out to see our children be proposed as the cannon fodder. If it is war they want, in-order to accomplish their quest for world domination, then the Draft cannot be far behind. That Eileen is somehow vulnerable, or particularly at low ebb and especially vulnerable to criticism right now, is something that I admit I had not really been sensitive to, anywhere near my ideal of the sensitivity to which she is entitled. Her track record, to be sure, is long and illustrious. If I have wronged her, I plead only ignorance and stupidity--I have enough of that to last a few lifetimes, if you believe in that sort of thing. My attempt was to keep the lines of communication well grounded in demonstrable fact. I grant you that much of life is illusion...and gathered on the porch at Olema I can still remember singing, in rounds,"row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...merrily, merrily, merrily , merrily, life is but a dream." Bye for now...Travis.......................

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: somewhere down that crazy river
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl, I never really got to converse much with Peter Berg at Black Bear, but I was told that he had ( and this is a tenuous memory at best in the details,but) I believed made a documentary film about the Gypsies in Canada, who when one or some of their people had been , I think imprisoned, all began to camp on the grounds, awaiting their peoples' release. It may have been a provincial facility or something of the like. The point is that they went there to secure a release, and were prepared and in fact were camping "Till hell freezes over" (my words) and had both the temerity to do so and the tencaity to stay where they were, until a solution could be found. Pretty far out--I hope I got even a little bit of this right, there should be people here who can supplement my poor rememberance...................Travis

Name: curioius is as curious does
EmailAddress: full circle
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Do you remember this entry: From: silent not silenced\re: Terminal Velocity Date: 7/17/01 Time: 6:49:14 AM Remote Name:


what one offers here as comment is truly not exactly responsive-- Say rather a firefly, flicker, a glimmer. Call it if you will a benediction for the anarchist's sampler: The lesson might well be that FREE FIRE is for everyone that desires it--much like(as you will remember it), " The quality of mercy is not strain'd it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath: it is twice blest; it blesses him that gives and him that takes: 'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it beomes the throned monarch better than his crown;His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty, wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; but mercy is above this sceptred sway; it is enthroned in the hearts of kings, it is an attribute to God himself; and earthly power doth then show likest God's when mercy tempers justice." .........who else but The Bard...............Travis

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Don't know very much about Quakers. There are alot of Amish people however in central Ohio and they do protest society in their own unique way. They don't want "English" education or sewage systems or safety lights on their horsedrawn buggies etc. They go to court over these things and when one of them goes to court, they all go to court. The entire courthouse will be filled with hundreds of silent men and women in blue and black home-sewn clothing. It's really quite impressive.

Name: Curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: liberation row
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Eileen, yes I have a new toy, I finally learned how to cut and paste, so excerpting becomes much easier, as long as I can find the relevant information on the web. Original thought still requires typing, what a well as quoting from materials that are out of print........which is even more of a drag............T

Name: Big Mac
EmailAddress: O'Fergus
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Silent Steve the Samurai -- Move to Florida ??? There would have to be some dangerous money to be made, for me to get involved in such a proposition. Both FLA & LA scare the bejesus out of me...I'm a country boy

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: the wasteland
Date: 30 Jan 2003


mark, here is an excerpt from Daniel Ellsberg, the entirety of which resides at Free City News...5. What kind of scenario do you envision: what kind of weapons will be used, will there be urban warfare? Some military strategists talk about a 'cakewalk.' Are they underestimating the Iraqi forces?

I think I've just answered this above, pretty adequately. I will add only that I fear there is a significant chance (2% would be significant, and I think it is well above that) that the US will use nuclear weapons at some point: in response to nerve gas, or (to set a precedent for the future, with an apparently "legitimate" and "limited" use) against "deep underground bunkers for production or storage of chemical or biological weapons" or for black-out effects on command and control (high-altitude low-yield bursts). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Travis

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Camp Perry
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl, Greetings, Let me toss this out and see what you think about it. One of the most effective demonstrations I ever heard of involved the Quakers, or "Friends", coducting a sit in within an IRS Regional Center. They are some of the people that taught me the effectiveness of putting your body where your politics are. I think the time will come very soon that similar tactics will need to be employed against the war. If Congress won't cut the purse strings maybe the people can........Travis

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 30 Jan 2003


We lived just outside Athens on Alderman Road, the little road between the 32 Club and the Big Elm (everything you ever needed was on Alderman Road, two bars and a cemetery). This was 1973 to 1986. Miller's Chicken was outstanding. The river had already been diverted but people would show me in their living rooms, how high up the water had used to come. We did have a few interesting floods, I've got pictures of the kids admiring the floodwaters at the end of Alderman, on Rt. 13. We'd spend hours watching cars and trucks splash through the water. You practically get culture shock when you go north because of the way the hills flatten out. My husband's family is in Jackson and we go down there alot. Driving around there recently in the hills we came across a sign that said "Are You Prepared to Meet God?" and right after the sign was a huge hairpin curve on a steep hill. It was hard to spot the tiny church behind that sign and so it looked like the sign was a warning about the road. Woke me up! There's no bluegrass music like the bluegrass we heard in of the little churches down there.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: pony express
Date: 30 Jan 2003


Eileen, am on the line, please check your email--I think I figured it out. Mark, when people get told that a question surrounding the use of limited tactical nuclear weapons is stupid, they have difficulty in removing themselves from feeling as though you have called them stupid--and what you get by way of response is likely to run a little toward the negative--but as an old USAf trainer, you probably realized it and hoped I wouldn't take offence--you were wrong. Now shall we meet in the middle and shake hands, I'm willing if you are.............Travis

Name: Eric
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl --

I grew up about an hour or two from Piketon -- in Athens. The town was surrounded on three sides by the Hocking River and every spring there would be a flood. Inevitable natural planetary occurrence. The flood would separate the city folk from the country folk. Everyone would go down to the edge of the flood waters and gaze across to the opposite side where similar groups of stranded residents would be gazing back. One time, early 60s, we drove down and there was a traffic jam of gawkers driving as far as possible until the flood waters prevented further access, then turning around and driving back. We were stuck in the traffic and the car's windows were down. The car opposite ours had several young college students (Athens is home of OU). One long-haired woman in her best Beatnik imitation shouted, "Checkin' out the river, man!" I've remembered that incident for 40 years! Still get a chuckle.

Mark --

Southern Ohio is VERY different than the northern portion. About 2/3 the way south is the terminal moraine, where the glaciers stopped and dropped their flotsam and jetsam debris field. Still visible today. North of that, the glaciers flattened everything. South of that line are the foothills of the Appalachians. Beautiful hill country.

Name: Steve
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Hey Hammond, the murral is a vibe thing in reference to the French Organ Master, Charles Marie Widor. He was one hell of a keyboard man. I have a collection of The Ten Organ Symphonies (complete), plus a singelo in an odd-ball key. (I'm into more than Jazz). I dont have a record player yet, so, Im' just vibin' on the object. Big Medicine. Yours in Art. SRB

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Hey McMuffin, thanks fer talkin'me into it. Voodoo?..a joke??, everything is a joke. I knew a dealer in Miami who protected his wife with Voodoo. Right up untill he paid to have her run down by a car. Broke her damn neck. Thats why she wouldnt live with me in Boston. The northern winters effected her neck. So I moved to FLA. Hell, wouldnt you?..(move to Fla. I mean.)

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Hey Uncle Eric; can I be the Site Bouncer??..can I, can I, Huuu???? can I?

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Diggers New York City
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Hey Fred, thanks for a glimps of the straight world,, go sell crazy somewhere else...hey Debbie; up yer' jello-ass fatty.

Name: Steve (Greater Than Ever) Boyd
EmailAddress: silentsteveboyd
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Hey, ya caught me in a good mood. Iv'e consulted with Buckley and done exactly the opposite; so I'm back. He's a good man in a tight corner. He just celebrated his 41st Birthday. Miz Nancy had hers the other night. I gave her a trippy work book of the Kaballa. She smelled it to verify that it was new. (real primal gal)...anyway,..(smellin' a book: Jesus Christ)...All of that wisdom of the ancients may guide her in her boxing lessons. (I suspect that she intends on using her belly dancer moves to hipnotize her opponent)..go figure. The murral on the wall is comming along nicely. In fact, it stinks. So far no word from the Monk or the Nuns. Got to play with little darla today. I distanced myself from the Super Humans and the street folks much reality. I was going to turn you all on to a Menonite sceme which involves sending rice laced letters to the White House demanding that Bush feed the Iraqis, but said fuck it; as the current ("CURRENT")..administration would most likely create a rice bomb to drop on them. (did I already tell you all that?)...Long day. I'm broke and caked in paint. Its the good life. Live it.

Name: d
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Was just dropping in! Great Site! Help get hits to your site check this out.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl,

You are definitly not brain dead. I knew it was you. I was only in Cleveland once back 85. Damn cold and flat.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 29 Jan 2003


I must be brain dead from the Piketon fallout, that was from me.

Date: 29 Jan 2003


Ohio is a beautiful state, the Ohio River is deadly toxic and beautiful at the same time. I lived for many years in Southern Ohio about 60 miles downwind of the Piketon weapons-grade nuclear plant (hmm maybe that explains alot) and at one point I read it had been purposely located in an area of low population density. In other words it would be OK to accidentally kill those of us living in Southern Ohio because there were less of us than in Cleveland for example. A guy from Piketon (this was maybe 20 years ago) told me that there were mutant fish and turtles in the streams there but it was being kept quiet. Kind of like in the Simpsons cartoon a few years back but this was for real. The Piketon plant almost closed after many years of giving cancer to its faithful employees, but got a different contract so yes it pays to keep vigilant about nuclear power gaining new respectability while no one is looking. I was thinking about my 1949 World Book Encyclopedia set which has been in the family all these years. I was imagining my folks in 1949 with 2 little babies, and them giving in to a door to door encyclopedia salesman, who promised he had just the thing for a growing family with young children. My parents got their money's worth, this kid is still reading those books!

Name: Mc Mingling
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Steve, for heaven's sake don't cut out. We need street-smarts here.

I tried to tell you's guys my misgivings some several posts back.

Don't want to try to repeat it.

Just a big billboard "Beware of energy vampires, the un-dead"

Don't you realize Voodoo is not a joke ?

Name: Mr. Me
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc
Date: 29 Jan 2003


OOOPPPSSS!!!,...what our Silent Steve meant to say, was that he was going to "Boydcott" the web sight. (and that aint good).

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: out on a limb
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Mark, that was nice and clear.

Travis the more I look at the communication here since last night, I am in fact going to contact Coyote and check your credientials. Something is just not setting right with me. I just can't quite believe that Rosie bit as some cosmic co-inkadink. Your rudeness with Mark does not sit well with me. Somethings bothering me..want to tell me what it is?

Name: Steve Boyd
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Well, now that we have established that "I am The Free Church" and that "I am The Digger, and that Travis is not really in Texas, (it may take em' awhile to transfer the call Eileen)..lets proceed. Folks I get the drift that "Travis" will make the Uni-Bomber look like a bugger picker. I'm boycotting the site from here on out. What he's sellin', I aint buyin'. Count me out. Oh, Ya Hammond, I cranked out a 10 foot by ten foot wall murral in the front parlor this afternoon. I'm calling it "Widor". I will start on the otherside of the fireplace tonight. Hey, Tex; you and yer' suits feel free to breeze through my E-Mail anytime. It's 98% direct virus' and 2% death threats these days. (but you knew that). Tell us; how long did you mooch off of the Olema People? And were you on the CIA payroll at that time? Your' "Miss Manners" act musta really turned some stomachs. See ya in Church. (I know yer' in town).

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Travis old pal, you have a way with words. The last post I left for you was as direct as I could make it and I added some questions to further the dialogue. That was the total of my intent.

As far as my politics, they have remained the same but in order to work in my world I kept them to myself and "played along to get along" to keep the family fed and the mortgage payment up. I have no interest in being indirect with you or anyone on the list as it really seems wasteful. Your reference to "apologists" and "lame missives" are insulting. I never apologize for my paradoxical swervings I just admit them. That's just they way I am.

Sorry Travis, this seems like the same bullshit you peddled the last time I reached out to you, trying to give your voice some room here on the list.

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Eileen - I was actually a reagge addict during the mid-70s but fell off the path when so much of it went commercial - Gregory Issacs etal. I was really into the akite drumming of Count Ozzie and Ras Michael and then the "toaster" styles of U-Roy and Big Youth.

Funny you should send me that astrolink - When I moved to Oregon in 92 I rented a room from Rob Brezney's sister. .The Brezney Bunch - This is a funny sort of family reunion - let me tell you.....

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Miranda's watching a great Israel Vibrations interview and music video behind me here. Such great folks and music. Any other reggae fans out there?

Hammond, here's someone else's wisdom I thought you guys might enjoy. He's particularly on this week don't you think?

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Thanks Nicole I look forward to the packaged envelope and will send a return care package+ the tape. Something to get you through the frozen nights. Brrrrrrr!

Curious - thanks for your last few notes which help to clarify the air - at the lease we seem to agree on 'the man behind the curtain' and his lack of 'humankind-ness.'

Imam - "common ground" - Yes!

Mr. Me - Are you painting these days?

Eileen - We will miss your daily dose of wisdom - hurry back and god speed.

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Hammond, I just mailed your envelope with some other things for you to check out...very interesting stuff...sort of in keeping with some of todays postings...

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: lost in the ozone again
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Eric, thank you. Your comments were well timed and well placed--and following the vein we find ourselves in this morning a thought bridge of some sort seems to be reaching out.......perhaps if we continue to align ourselves toward our common humanity we can gather strength from our diversity, and bring together everyone needed to map our way through this crisis..............I sure hope so.............Travis

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: still hangin' around Fleet Street
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Nicole, minds so attuned might perform miracles of healing..........and I swear I'm laughing too--what a world we live in...........Travis

Name: Eric
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Travis (Curious?) --

Apologies if my antinuke message seemed as personal vilification. I should know better than that with all the CD/NV trainings I've had. I do feel abhorence toward the nuclear industry (as part of the larger "military industrial complex" that Eisenhower so meekly warned us all about 40+ years ago). It's just hard to separate feelings about the wrong from the person committing it. Not to say that I think you are actively a part of the "machine", you may or may not be, but I shouldn't overlook your basic humanity. We gotta all keep trying to remember that lesson.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: post dead ahead, Cap'n
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Hammond, that was a really excellent question--I sometimes have to try really hard, to convince myself that who is in the White House is even Human, much less a man............Travis

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Travis, you see how funny this can get...there is a restaurant across the street from my apartment...the name of it is...ta da....TORTILLA FLATS !!! By now I think we are all just psychic with eachother...I KNOW YOU ARE NOT SITTING ACROSS FROM MY's funny though don't you think...I mean funny ha ha...I'm on the floor right now about this. Nik

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Jan 2003


My - we are an active bunch today. I will try to sit this one out and wait for the dust to clear. Raining buckets in Portland today - and warm to boot. Cheers to one and all - yes even you curious. But then everyone seems to know you by another name - Travis? or are you just the fly on the wall? Who was he anyway and where did he go? He seemed like a poet. Anyway I vote for IMAM's methods of operation and Eileen's syle of up-frontism vs. curious is as curious does from what little I can gather from this series of geo-thermal left-right-middle ground exchanges. Hey curious is that your man in the White House?

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Jan 2003


T~It's 11:16AM my time and I need to get off the computer. I'm up for trying this evening. Try emailing me again and suggest a time. I don't know why that didn't come through, but I'm out of here. Later...

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: tortilla flats
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Nicole, that was truly graceful. My Compliments...........Thank You.................Travis

Name: IMAM
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Saddam is a tyrant - a dictator - an egotistical maniaic but Mussolini and Franco were facsists. Terrorists? Sure lots of terrorists in the world - and some of them are not muslim fundamentalists - some are christian fundamentalists. E.g. the Oklahoma Fed. building. Why didn't we just round up all the christian fundamentalist terrorists and anti-abortion sharp shooters based on their religious leanings? Again this is might be a rhetorically naive question. But then I really do favor non-violence and rearranging the way the wealth in the world so that it promote global health and survival. Forget Oil - forget power - forget nuclear technology - get back to common ground! IMAM-Suspect

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Travis~try number didn't come through.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: ooooO Cosmic
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Hey T..that was not veiled..that was overt. Did you take in my last post..that is why you are being treated with a certain amount of suspicion. The fact is, I am the one that made the veiled aspersion. So let's get on with it and get off this particular subject ASAP..cause I need to get off the computer and this is getting boring already. It is not entirely out of the question you are so plugged into me..or visa versa that somehow you are "picking up" from me. To clearify this, this is what I sent Steve shortly before your post here last night:

"...I think right off of the poster work from WW2 (Uncle Sam Wants You, Rosie the riverter), the Chinese Revolution, 1% Free poster as examples, (who the heck had any clue what that really meant but it was a great poster that I'm sure made people think)..."

So your email subject struck me as odd, since it didn't seem to relate to anything in your you see why that caught my eye? You just grabbed that out of the air? I have been trying to find the other post I referred to as well. It's just hard for me to spend the time on the computer it's taking to hunt for it, so will give it a go again later tonight.

So yeah, I am wondering if you got a new toy.

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Jan 2003


I actually was refering to a good friend of mine who IS an agent...and has told me he does that as part of his job...he's probably reading this and pissed off at me again...he has the ability to delete MY e-mail from MY computer after he sends me stuff so I won't forward it any I don't sound paranoid, I sound me, I'm not...these are serious times Travis as you well must know and these kinds of things are real...the political cartoonist that just died, Bill Mauldin won the pulitzer prize for his editorial cartoon that shows two guys with long beards chained to the walls of a soviet dungeon, the text reads..."I'm in here for winning the nobel peace prize in literature, what was your crime?" I guess in a way I meant perhaps you had access, but really was thinking of it in terms of my pal, I apologize to you for mistakenly casting asspersions...Like Eileen, I think your an asset to the site, her analogy to the armour was spot on...sometimes you sound so republican...relax.

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Well Ohio Girl not only cant I find it in my heart to criticize going after terrorists, I fully support it. Having been at the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and then again in 2001, I feel no sympathy toward Islamic Fundamentalism. In 1993, nerve gas was added to the fertilizer and diesel fuel in the back of the rental truck to try to not only topple World Trade Center One but also to kill those responding to help. In 2001, I saw hundreds jumping from the upper floors. Do you know what the impact is on the human body from that height? I also 3x narrowly escaped death myself. Call me old fashioned but if someone tries to kill me twice, I have no compunction about killing them. I dont give a damn what their cause is, or who's sensibilities it violates. That being said, the unfortunate part or maybe the inevitable part or maybe the sickening part, with the people who are involved in decision making at this time, this war against terrorism is being used to advance an agenda that the right has been pining for for a long time. Intrusions in civil rights, domestic surveillance, free reign for big business, environmental law repeals, crushing labor unions etc. As for the War in Iraq it seems at least to me that it involves personal motives for Bush as well as of course financial motives. Saddam Hussein is as big a fascist as they get, but is that the reason we are going after him? I dont think so. There are plenty of others just as bad. He isnt the only one with terrorist links. All Ive seen so far are empty shells and missing invoices.

Name: IMAM
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Bang - pop - zow!

Curious, who put the atomic waste in your cereal? I f war is an option in your book for somehow solving any situation then you and I will have little to say to one another. Why bother - when you see a justification for killing people, poluting the environment with used uranium casings, and maintaining an archaic system of power - greed - and violence that will only beget more violence. But hey - it that or anything like it is your bag - then so be it. You too can be replaced. The world I envision is a world without war - this is because we stop having them - not becuase we have war in order to not have anymore war. Then again you will think I am naive - Then again curious - I really don't care. IMAM-Suspect

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: solutions not salvation
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Eileen, If you check your email, real quck, you will find my phone number. I am here, right now, your time 10:40, I suggest that you make a operator assisted collect call to me right now, and we will very quickly cut through thirty plus years of overburden................I think the identity of your number can be witheld on that basis, but if not please advise on this site in the next 20 minutes or so...........I don't bite, anymore.........Travis IWWC (International Werewolf Conspiracy)

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: what is wrong with this picture
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Eileen, we are in the middle of another conversation, but I am involved in several--And, if you also read the implication in Nicole's message, the same way, obviously, as did I, then what the fuck is up with her? Do you think that I'm working for the FBI or some other intelligence agency--because I'm not, and y'all don't have to like my bristling at those kinds of bullshit. Really, how would you like it if someone launched those kind of veiled suggestions at the doorstep of someone you knew well, rather than someone you knew but cannot remember.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: we at our trenchers..not trenches!
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Thanks Nicole..good morning my dear.

Well Travis take exception, but one can not help but feel a bit paranoid when references to things I have sent Steve in email have ended up in two of your posts over time. It may be coincedence, but my back is up. Fortunately my email and computer use would bore anyone else but me..but this may not be about me. The idea of ANYONE being able to poke their nose where they weren't invited ofcourse does not warm the cockles of my heart. I have given you direct and invited route to my has been no secret here. But it's still am act of trust.

Travis, I am always interested in a good mind. You obviously have one. But you come barging in like you've just come in from battle with armor and sword still drawn to a room full of folks talking at ease by the fire. Yes we are aware there is a battle raging, but it's not in this room. We are sitting right now and you are welcome to join, but you need to dress down and ease up. It is hard to read your intention. Are you trying to let us know you are different than we are? More battle fit, more thoughtful, more knowledgable, ready to call us out? Then taking offfence at our discomfort and suspicion. Are you friend or foe? Do you want a place at this table or are you going to stand over us haranguing? I think we're all still waiting for you to shut the door to the cold air and sit down.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: dazed and confused
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Nicole, if that was mistaken on my part I apologize....but would you mind explaining the reference to Rosie the Riveter in the context you intended to convey...............Travis

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Curious...that had absolutely NOTHING to do with you...don't flatter yourself...I was talking about something totally different...but perhaps thou doest protest too much???

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: sprites and thunderstorms
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Eric, When you vilify a person, rather than seek to council with him, you have taken the first step towards war--if you can so can your nation................Travis

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: foolin' around in the new briar patch
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Nicole, and I quote,"and then proceed to make comments on the contents of My mail...Rosie the Riveter?" That kind of character assasination through innuendo is exactly the egregious behavior to which I take vehement exception.................T

Name: Eric
Date: 29 Jan 2003



US electric consumption is 20% nuclear. Thanks to the late 70s antinuke movement it is not 40%. There has not been a new successful order in the US for a nuclear power plant since 1974. However, the Nuke Industry is working fulltime to change that. With its toadies like SUN Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy, we are inching toward a fullblown rebirth of nukes in this country. I will be on the barricades again trying to stop the madness. Where will you be? Reading about it on a computer screen powered by your local nuclear plant I suppose.

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Travis, I simply answered a question asked, several times by several people. Who is this guy...I remembered Lynnie talking about someone from Texas in connection with the MF's and so I asked her if she remembered his name, she told me Travis...I posted here to you mr. curious is as blah blah blah if your name was said yes, so up to this point Lynnie was right...I have known her for 32 years and all though I don't always agree with her opinions...she has every right to have them...she shared her opinion of you with a matter of fact...she posted to you here and I don't believe you responded...I could be wrong there...but some of your rants make me think she was not too far off the mark...and yes Travis you are entitled to YOUR opinion as well.

Eileen, Those black blocs you mentioned...2 years ago here in NYC there was a very well organized, very peaceful march and demo in support of Leonard Pelltier...from Union Square up 3rd ave to 59th st. Suddenly around 45th st all hell broke loose when about 8 people dressed in black (like ninjas) started pushing and shoving etc...they were arrested and thrown into a passing city bus and driven away...but the damage was put a bad light on the march...could they be one in the same?

Also Sam, there is a soft ware program that enables the user to track people it's used by FBI etc. My friend who is an agent e-mailed me about something and when I forwarded his e-mail to a couple of people, the next day he e-mailed me and said,"how dare you forward my stuff to someone else" and then proceeded to make comments on the contents of MY mail...Rosie the Riveter?

Name: Tomas
Date: 29 Jan 2003


nuclear power:

There is a mile on the Ohio River where and when you put metal into the water it dissolves in a matter of months. (Mile 962 Ohio River). Nobody seems to know why it is so? Industry up the river from this area is a cement processing plant and a government aluminum enrichment sight. If you hold cement in your hand for a very long time it burns. Cement is very caustic. At the aluminum enrichment plant they have found toxics in the ground and water near the river where this plant is located. The enriched aluminum goes back to power nuclear plants. Nobody wanted to investigate but they did a few years back. Nobody said anything for thirty years, it flared up a couple of years ago and now it is quiet again. The unions want their employees to be treated for the cancers but they want the jobs to stay as they are. Today this is history and the news is moved onto the back pages of societies burners. The plant may be closed and cleanup is in process. The Ohio River is still polluted and the steel still dissolves in the water and no one knows why.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Thanks sincerely, concerning my health. I had come back to the guestbook to add to my previous comment, that in all honesty I can't find it in my heart to be dead-set against the fact the US went after the terrorists. I am extremely sorry we've got a scary attorney general from hell who believes any means justify the end and who steps all over people's human and legal rights, I don't think his means justify the end I wish we had some up-front leaders for the struggle against terrorism. But I see no justification whatsoever of the USA using 9-11 as an excuse to go to Iraq. About nuclear weapons, yes that was the gist of the 1949 encyclopedia article I was reading, which you might not find in a modern article written about WW2. Having invented these weapons of mass destructions during WW2, people right at the end of the war clearly saw that it was now time to study the war no more. Peace.............

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: below the 38th parallel
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl, thanks for your posting--is honorable war possible, of course; but the nuclear environment brings with it a certainty of massive repercussions, that frankly lead to the notion that any super-power dalliance will lead to the use of limited thermonuclear weapons--and that reality continues to beggar the imagination. Every one of us fears this possibility, those that don't are living in denial of reality. We walk through our day afflicted in various way by the internal struggle produced by this knowledge. For those of us born after the devastation of Japan, the realities attendant to mushroom clouds are real and terrifying; and yet, they are but included in the collective memory of Dachau and the killing fields of Cambodia. The purges of Stalin, and the mass starvation of his own people also rank with these crimes. I will continue to pursue the truth of our collective predicament, no matter who rises in opposition to my beliefs. I have been following what you have written about your medical struggles--with no specific advice to give I can but salute your resolute and determined course to seek the best health available to you. I wish you the very best of luck and of science in your struggle. Thanks again, .....................Travis

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: home is where the hearth is
Date: 29 Jan 2003


McMingus: throw me a Ching, if your willing, and lets see together how to proceed from your perspective................Travis

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Thanks Nicole, I was smiling out loud in the very early morning yesterday when I read about your TV. Thanks Nurse Ratchet, and for the e-mail too. Yes I need to take responsibility for the rest of the healing here. Now I'm told I have to wait 2 months and get re-tested, why not help make sure I'm well by the end of the 2 months. That's far easier than just waiting.

Do you know who Rosie the Riveter is? It's real human beings, women like my mother-in-law. She was an absolutely gorgeous woman in the 1940s. She went to work in a defense plant. When the supervisor harasssed her she quit. He told her she couldn't quit because it was defense work. She told him yes she could, and she went down the road and got a job at a different defense plant. She was a beautiful woman who helped build bombs for the war effort. Today she is unable to take the oxygen off her face even long enough for a photograph, she's bloated and confused from terminal heart disease and from the dozens of medicines she takes each day, and she's still the spunkiest person you're likely to come across. "World War II was fought on every continent and every ocean. Most of the people of the earth took part in it. It was a total war, in which the civilian was as likely to be attacked as the soldier.... One of the main results of the war was a growing feeling among men that all wars must stop if the human race is to survive." That's from the 1949 (year I was born) World Book Encyclopedia. I've been doing research because I'm writing a "true" story at the moment that involves WW2. My father, although he disagreed with us hippies, was a natural pacifist who even believed fishing was cruel or killing a bug if you absolutely didn't have to. He hated Vietnam. Yet he served in WW2 for the entire duration. He repented of the killing just before he died. Maybe WW2 was "necessary," maybe it was the exception to war being wrong, the time when people really had to stand up and fight for what they believed in. I don't know. The U.S. got into WW2 very, very slowly, only when forced to. WW2 is pretty much the opposite of any "war" the U.S. has done since then, pretty much the opposite of wanting to go over and mix it up with Iraq.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: a little blue - but not too surprised
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Seen it elsewhere with discussion boards on the net. A congenial group gets together, starts generating some worthwhile energy. At which point, somehow the vibe gets out in cyberspace, Hell who knows what kinda other-worldly psychic Geiger counters these un-dead creeps use, but before you know it the not-quite-human vampire throng is all over it, making problems & sucking energy. They are positive-orgone-life-energy draining Aliens and the best means of defense is to ignore such offensive incursions entirely. Power to the [Real] People !

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Diggers New York Fuckin' City
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Travis Ol' "Pal",..I guess I do owe the "Community" an apology in refering to your pride and joy as a "Company" and not a "Firm"...why hell, I put the whole east coast a step closer to harms way. Oh, speakin' of harm. If I ever get ahold of yer' little white ass, I'm gonna kick yer' nuts so hard that it will kill the whole family. We clear on that point? It would be advisable to keep yer' last name and address out of the mix. But Hey..feel free to brouse around and enjoy the web site. Ah..hey Eric, ever think of movin' this site from yer' living room into the rec room?

Name: Everyone
EmailAddress: Everywhere
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Mark: Travis and his "DIRECT QUESTIONS"...give me a break.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 29 Jan 2003


I'm not the contented type. I'll see what ol' Simon has to say. Back at ya' "Soon".

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: trustworthy, loyal, courteous, kind, obediant, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent or something to that effect
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Steve, I spoke to Simon here, you'll have to be content, for now, with a world in which you do not know everything..............Travis

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: not asleep yet
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Understanding is not the U.A.W.M.F. way. Mis-understanding is. You have proven that time and again. ...Oh, by the way: "Soon" aint soon enough. (but you knew that). P.S. Keep foolin' around. It suits you. Junior; You got some balls fuckin' with the Diggers. Keep it up.

Name: Curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: fooling around
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Steve, you don't yet understand anything about UAW/MF; but, you soon will..............................Travis

Name: SS of the BA-BAs
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Its now 3:00 A.M. / Big day in the A.M. Must rally the Super Humans to gear up for the shark feeding frenzie. Will check hate mail then. (dont let me down).

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: a refreshing swim at Lagunitas
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Eileen, exactly midnight your time. did you get my email response--testing one, two ,three....................T

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Travis; you questioned the difference as to the Digger polotics vs. the Up Against the wall Mother Fucker polotics; It's simple. Diggers give. Mother Fuckers recieve. Your' East Side crew were nothin' but users, spoilers, takers and wasters. The Digger thing has been marred by your kind from the begining...what with yer' "Anarchist" shit. Fuck you. Diggers had an underlying order. It centered on self respect, honor, pride, love and humanity. Try gettin that out of yer' U.A.W. street warfare manual. If any of yer' vagrant M.F. friends feel like reliving the 60's, tell em' to come on down and jump on my ass. But, hey, they wouldnt wanna do that, cause chances are; I most likely feed half of em' as it is. Keep the beads baby. DIGGERS 1% FREE

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: Flaming Heart
Date: 29 Jan 2003


I AM THE FREE CHURCH. (Think About It)...hey, why did ya scare off yer' ol' buddy Simon?...Got the goods on him??? Was he the beef jerky connection???

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: boot hill
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Free Church Houses Lever Action Vigilantee, interesting concept----T

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Ahh Travis, why you come in here fighting? I for one have missed you. I've been going over your past posts trying to find the other post I was referring to. Maybe your frame of reference is just too different. I really try to understand what you are trying to say but if you could just bring it down a tad. Really I'm not stupid but certainly not as well read. I am really hesitent to jump into stuff with you cause I can't tell if you actually want to talk or just show your beautiful feathers. I will take the plunge and email you, but I really like the group effort here. If you've got something for us to chew on together why not make it easy? I would like for instance for you to address what we have been rolling around here. What do you think would be effective in heading off this war Bush wants so badly? I'm really curious. As far as jumping into the nuclear power issue..are you saying nuclear power is our only alternative? I just feel like you are making these leaps that I need the baby steps to. If our lack of education is too slow for you, perhaps you are addressing the wrong crowd. I'm getting put off by your crankyness. Typing communication is a pain in the butt for me. It's horribly slow. But it's all we got here and communication can be valuable if we can put our heads together. Long tyrades are just a bother.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 29 Jan 2003


(from the side line)...He's real good at asking questions...try gettin' him to answer a few. (good luck).. Actionable...ya... Your honor, this here Digger called my client a Mother Fucker. What?..oh,..he is?..well,..ah...well, he implied that he's a Texan, hell, thats just as bad!..if not worse. OK, lets get real. A dude who remains anonomous is gonna sue for liable. Didnt anyone tell you that you must have character in order for anyone to defame it in the first place. Wow. But you are a good speller, I gotta give ya' that.

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: The Island
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Hey, try Gilligan peddlin' a fuckin' bamboo bicycle. Extra Extra: read all about it: Mother Fucker threatens legal action. Olema Man threatens lever action. Film at eleven. It's two A.M. in New York City: do you know where your' Digger is?

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: free fire
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Eric, you miss the point. Suppose you tell me how much of the total national consumption of electricity is generated through nuclear power..........T

Name: Eric
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Curious seems to feel obliged to the Nuclear Industry to power his computer. But see what Lee Felsenstein just invented, a pedal-powered computer. Read about it in the FCN section:

By the way, who remembers Lee? Running the Home Brew meetings? Setting up the Community Memory project? Inventor of the Osborne portable computer? Lee Felsenstein who earned his radical credentials working in the Free Speech Movement and later as reporter for the Berkeley Barb. Read the article, it's inspiring.

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: E-Mail this Mother Fucker
Date: 29 Jan 2003


OK, Mr. NRA, tell the world about yer' fuckin' A-Bolt Browning, and dont rush a gun. Know where that will get ya??...Ripped off and shot in the ass. You may have been a Mother Fucker in the last century,..but in this one yer' a Mother Fuckin' Fool. Olema People Hold What Olema Peolple Held. We aint much...but we are all we got.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Hamilton's Pool
Date: 29 Jan 2003


You are welcomed to reply to me privately at Eileen I'm not looking for a fight but I'm not running from one either. I don't have a problem with the texts or the contexts of what is said as long as it is the truth. Anyone who prints ill of a man, and cannot prove their assertions, is guilty of libel.....and that is truly actionable...........T

Name: Eric
Date: 29 Jan 2003



In answer to your request for further information about the anarchist Black Blocs at the recent SF antiwar demo, I posted a communique that was distributed in the weeks leading up to Jan. 18. It's over in the Free City News:

Name: Cotton Eyed Joe
EmailAddress: Down Yonder
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Uh Oh...Travis' in a whole heep'o truble now...he's on Mista Boyd's property...

Name: Mr. ME
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc.
Date: 29 Jan 2003


Did he call me Pal???...(there goes my image)... I told you folks awhile back: "Beware the sting of the Scorpion". Be right back ya'll,..I gotta go hunt up a silver bullet.

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Jan 2003


Jeeze Travis..and just when I was getting bored. Looks like you are too, to have shown up here again.. I'm curious who you are but not enough to bother Coyote about it. You don't stick around long enough for it to matter. Who you are here and now, is what I'll work with. But it's really hard to follow you. Sorry to be such a dummy I'm not even good for an argument..which seems what you are here for. Too bad no one ever seems to really know what you are talking about. It's a wonder you bother with us stooges.

As a PS, What I would like to know, is what made you drop this line, "looking for Rosie the fucking Riveter" having just brought Rosie the Riveter up to Steve in an email this afternoon. This is the second time you have done this with something I have said in an email to him. Are you psychic......or what? That's just a little weird don't you think?

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: looking for Rosie the fucking Riveter
Date: 28 Jan 2003


Mark: Yeah, I'm going to take the opportunity to poke a few holes in your ramblings. The next time you answer a direct question--please provide an answer not a retort. The next time you offer a treatise, try not using the format as an apologist, for yourself; your failure to remain true to what you claim are your core politics, and the lame missives about taking creative energy home, before or after "the march" and/or the rally. And now a word to you all: Nicole, before you repeat gossip from Lynnie, you better come armed with the truth. Eileen, maybe it's time for you to speak to Coyote about me, he probably has the memories of which you are bereft. Steve, when you use the phrase "putting food on the table" or its eqivalent, in connection with your work in the American nuclear industry, you have but placed the community a step closer to harms way, along the lines that have been pursued here so far. I will grant you this, were this nation deprived suddenly of the power generated through the use of nuclear power, this nation would be on an allocation system for the use of electrical power, that would preclude the personal use of computers in the face of the obvious national emergency. Furthermore, get it staight pal, HALLIBURTON isn't an oil company, it's an oil field services firm, and I used to work for one of their Divisions--hippies need oil, too. I too am adamantly opposed to the looming war;but, I am not opposed to war as a concept.I must reserve the right to mount violent opposition to threatening forces and have a track record of doing so. Just as surely as the members of my Family had to first neutralize the student mobe marshals in order to free crowd response all over the country, to include Premier Ky's visit to San Francisco--where by the way, the S.F. Fire department colluded with authorities by attempting to control crowd movements with Fire Engines (as some kind of mechanized cavalry). Why don't you erect a free fucking frame of reference in downtown Baghdad? Your last two cogent pieces of advice on firearms were, repectively a) rush a gun --advice I'd suggest you not try in provinces outside New York, and b) if you own a firearm, don't tell--over this policy I would choose NRA membership every time-----and Mark, I was most struck by your ommission of the views of Wayne LaPierre--just because the organization is structured along the lines of abject knee-jerk christian fundamentalism, does not preclude it from being effective at achieving and maintaining firearms in the hands of the general citizenry--and as an odds on bet, they are probably more effective at what they do, at both the grass-roots and national levels, than any Digger efforts along any lines that you might in future care to recount. But if you intend to carry the fight to the christian right you better come careful and armed--their agenda centers mostly around blowing up abortion clinics, to include the people inside and those without. Collectively, y'all seem to be pretty fond of character assasination and the use of gossip as your instruments of policy.On that basis y'all should walk beautifully along the path to the garden of the christian right, if you can find any uncontaminated aquifers at all, with which to grow, dare I say it, "God knows" what variety of malstructured fruit........................Travis UAW/MF

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Jan 2003



I haven't done an internet search yet on the black bloc yahoos, to busy in SF today but it is on the front burner. I gotta go lay down, fuckin' dubya is making me sick.

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Jan 2003



I think they may be mentioned in the article I meant to copy for you. Will get that in the mail to you ASAP. Yes there was a fair amount of discussion about those folks because of there aggressive tactics during the WTO whatchamacallit. I think we need to get a closer view, cause they are really pissing off the cops and folks that we don't need to be pissing off if we want to get out of this in one piece..cause the shit falls on everybody near, when these guys start rolling. Have you by any chance done an internet search?

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Jan 2003


Does anyone have an opinion or rant on the "Black Bloc" anarchists group that apparently did some damage in SF during the recent antiwar march. I didn't see them there. I read an article in today's SF Chronicle about the group and their methods in Seattle during the WTO protests. I haven't heard of this group before but they offer some controversy for the "movement".

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Jan 2003


Dear Friends~

Things are starting to gear up here and I'm focusing more on this move. There's a lot to do and I'm going to spend much less time here. So I just want to let you all know I'm doing OK. I won't know until the 11th hr how things are going to go with the house here. But I think in the end I will get my $ out of it and this move will go smoothly. I will check in here when I know what's next. Don't intend to loose touch with you guys..there's just likely to be less.

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Jan 2003


IMAM, thank you I will try to be more grounded...I killed the TV totally...but this now affords me several new options...listening to the radio, in which my imagination gets sparked (no pun intended) reading,therefore stimulating the mind...writing of course...and any number of things one can do to do anything besides veg out in front of the telly...AND I didn't even have again, it's a good thing.

Name: IMAM
Date: 28 Jan 2003


Nicole - I see you are forgetting to put on your (sexy!) anti-static suit - your are the body electric! please be more careful - IMAM-suspect

Name: IMAM
Date: 28 Jan 2003


"The Problem" is not a problem if you reduce your font size to 12 in "preferences" - IMAM-Suspect

Name: etheric
Date: 28 Jan 2003


all my tech people are in India, and I think it's the middle of the night there.

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Jan 2003


no problem. Called your tech people?

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Jan 2003


No problems here with the format...

Name: etheric
Date: 28 Jan 2003


Puzzled that the copy here no longer fits on my screen, I have to scroll back and forth to see the ends of the lines. Is this happening for you other guys ?

Name: Hammond
Date: 28 Jan 2003


Nicole - My organization seems to be on melt down and I can't find your e-mail address. (Sheepishly) Please send it again - thanks....

Mark - You are right on the Mark!







Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Nurse Ratchet
Date: 28 Jan 2003


Good Morning ALL!

Ohio Girl. Your husband AND you can do the cleanses. What I got to do? Fly out there and do it for you? I'm telling you from having been laying on my death bed for REAL, it works, is cheap, is simple. Do you really need a doctor to tell you to do this? Please take your life into your own hands for goodness sake. Your children will thank you for it. There is so much more that you can do for yourselves the doctors know nothing about. Their training is myopic. For what they know, it definitely has a place, but it is by far not the only valid and strong medicine. There is A LOT they don't know and are not willing to learn about. We are leaving them in the dust with what we can do for ourselves. What's to loose? These cleanses will certainly not hurt you or tax your body further. That's the take out what IS taxing and hurting you. Helloooooo? Can you hear me?

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Jan 2003


Mark, no holes at all...that was beautifully woven...the pattern emerging on the cloth coming into view from all of our threads...a querie forms the vertical lines and the comments weave in and out and soon we see what we are creating...

Ohio girl, in the middle of last night, 2:26 to be exact, I woke up, the TV on, I reach over to change the channel and it sparked and blew out...our thoughts are so of my New Year resolutions was to not watch tv as I went to bed...well, I won't now. This is a good thing.

Hammond, I have a postal machine at work here...why don't I send you a self addressed stamped envelope, I even have some bubble wrap...e-mail me your Portland address and I'll send it off to you today.

Eric, Imam, Mc Mingus, Rna, Joe, Michael, all the regulars and irregulars too and old and new...I'm carrying you with me today...helps keep me warm in these sub zero times...with warm regard, Nik

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 28 Jan 2003


I remember years of not being able to play my Doors albums, like it would burn my fingers if I touched them. Years of attempting to rethink my "antisocial" attitudes. It was at the height of my attempting to blend in when I was trying so hard to maintain at my straight job, that I had all those static problems. It was while trying to keep such a low profile and appear so normal that I stood up from my computer terminal one day at work and shorted out their whole electrical system, and ended up being very embarrassed although joking about it, with people who I suspect doubted my normality anyways. Was that some kind of a sign!!!!!! about the true value of such normality? I remember when I started re-thinking my re-thinking, and realized that hey I'm not wrong, alot about this government and this society truly does suck. I remember, very clearly, a trip back in 1967 when a girl started talking about the threads that tie us together and I actually saw all those very, very fine white threads that tie people together all around the globe. These tiny threads always turn out to be anti-war. How sad to have to save sperm to have children, we are supposed to make love not war.

Can't think of anything funny to say. Yesterday I found out the hepatitis C cure wasn't complete. My liver had has alot of healing which I can verify by the terrific way I feel physically and mentally in spite of residual side-effects of treatment. The viral amount had become undetectable. But tested following treatment the virus is just at the limit of detectability, which usually means it will come back. My doctor is going to check with the bigtime specialists about where to proceed from here. It's discouraging that my husband's insurance won't currently treat him, and if I had had a 100% cure we would have been halfway to our goal of both being cured so we can one day be spaced-out old rockers rocking on a porch somewhere. But like he says at least we're in the same boat. Oh well it's going to be in the 20's today which is better than yesterday's below zero temperatures. Peace.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: immortality
Date: 27 Jan 2003


from today's LA Times: Troops take a personal precaution: amid talk of war with Iraq, a few servicemen have banked their sperm. The reasons touch on various concerns, from biological warfare to survival.

...veterans of the 1991 war complained about infertility and sexual dysfunction, among numerous other ailments.

As much as or more than the weapons that Saddam Hussein might deploy, the soldiers are concerned about a type of biological "friendly fire" they will definitely face -- the very vaccines and prophylactic agents the U.S. military administers to protect them against biological, chemical and natural elements.

Soldiers around the world are apparently getting the same idea: There have been reports that small numbers of soldiers in Australia are banking their sperm as well. The Israeli Army has considered setting up a sperm bank for soldiers.

A Department of Defense-funded study released earlier this month by Duke University researchers found that young adult male rats exposed to just three of the same chemicals to which Gulf War soldiers were exposed -- a prophylactic treatment against nerve gas, and two potent insecticides -- suffered significant damage to their testes, livers and brains.

Cryobank discounts its fees for military personnel and offers one year's free storage.

the above facts are excerpts from the article which is at:,0,4468145.story?coll=la%2Dhome2%2Dutilities

Name: Shawn Seuferer
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Hello I found your webpage very interesting. I'm interested in intentional communities, and in fact I'm trying to start one up of my own. If people are interested please visit my website at Thanks

Date: 27 Jan 2003



Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Quite a few people I work with have been called up from the Reserves in the last week , with a one to two year commitment. The war draws very near.

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Hummm.... Nicole. Now I read the fine print on the PO message which says "no such number" + the postage due. Double weird. I used the address you sent to me but please send it again just to make sure. Then I will try to use the archaic postal service again -Tx

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Nicole - Well the reason you havent received the VCR is because it was returned to me today for postage due. This is the post offices fault because they weighed the package. Weird. Anyway I will send it again in the morning. Mystery solved......H.

Name: Mr. Me
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc.
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Charlie Mingus played with Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton, Kid Ory, Alvino Rey, Duke Ellington, Red Norvo, Charlie Parker, Billy Taylor, Art Tatum, Stan Getz, and Bud Powell.(among others)...not to shabby...Now Fergus was the Lord of the Isles, whos kin fucked with the Picts and became what is now the Scots. So Ming Ol' buddy; you just hit the bigtime! Hey, I watched the Super Bowl with Mz. Nancy. It was like a cross between Dylan's Bringing it all back home and a Night with Wild Man Fisher. God I miss a home life. Well, it looks like Bush is trading any hopes for a second term on the War. But that was all in the plan. The Military Industrial Complex wins again. Are you fucks who voted him in happy? I'm not.

Name: Ice Cream Lover
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Cool site! I'll be back! Thank you! Ice Cream Lover <a href="">Ice Cream Makers</a>

Name: Mark
Date: 27 Jan 2003




Part I

You flowed like a waterfall when we met a your house. I was not overwhelmed or blown backward. I find the ability to deliver the goods in a urgent but centered rush of honesty an illusive trait in most people these days. I am searching for people like you. Your explanations and observations were like water relieving the parched and shriveled parts of my spirit which like many others has been kept protected from harm under layers of disillusionment and despair. Some have them so tightly mummified that they don’t even remember they exist. There is an unseen population of individuals like myself who crashed and burned in the early 70’s, standing in the wreckage of the movement and the shards of what was an individual life, that succumbed to the inevitable backslide into the folly of the System. I took those Digger ideals and packaged them deep inside back then, committing a cultural suicide that left me and those like me in a social/political purgatory inhabited with ghosts, left to rotate in small circles like a turtle with one foot nailed down. This meant rarely sticking a head out except for a occasional annoying comment or muted acknowledgement of another limping ghost. Listening to your words, watching the emotions move across your face, and seeing your eyes steady and clear was a liberating joy. So if you have more unloading to do, have at it, I am listening.

Part 2

Your reinforcement of what I have been using as a scale of reference when trying to think about what our current political state is and where it is going was great. We must take the hard view, facing the logical progression of the Bush steps. We must keep our eyes looking out at these steps seeing as far as possible to determine where they lead and what is the most extreme outcome. Sadly, this immediately involves accepting that the potential for a full military dictatorship with a complete and focused agenda of world domination as America’s new constitution as the underlying not so well disguised national itinerary. I balk at this point of view myself at times, it's like an involuntary muscle spasm, but I feel that it is important to keep that view on the screen in order to stay awake and vigilant.

Part 3

Should Diggers do the demonstrations? Yes, I think the Digger method has a very clear place in the demonstration event. Your description of the structure of the Indian Prayer Meetings and the purpose of clarifying an intent, a question to be addressed by the participants, hits on this very well for me. The Bush thugs are fashioning the agenda of the antiwar rallies at this point and we will probably see more of this. By narrowing the issue through polarization, that is, making the war on Iraq the singular stylized focus, Bush is attempting to dissipate any efforts to adopt a much wider cultural/social/environmental context for the demonstrations. He doesn’t want any of that damn social acid showing up. The last demonstration in SF was very clearly an event that illustrated the maturation of the process. For a couple of hours thousands of people streamed into the Market Street canyon gathering to stand quietly amongst themselves waiting for the march to start moving. There was a genuine vibe in the crowds. An act of faith had been made by all that came and were standing in the street. That act of faith manifested in the suspension of the individual identity in favor of a common one. I could feel and see people looking around at each other as if looking for something. We were looking for familiar faces, interesting sidewalk vignettes but more I think for the formulation of a question. We had made it to this level in social gathering, a huge amount of people crammed between the buildings on Market Street, in a amiable state reflected by a markedly reduced tension level usually found on a busy jammed up business day. The sense was that now we are here and beginning to formulate and mix our ideas into a common one. It was a subtle but exciting period of time prior to the “march” beginning. At this point the “doors” were open, people were actively searching to accommodate points of view. This wasn’t 1965 when we were young and this was a new thing. We have expectations about what these gatherings could be. The idea that this wasn’t just about war with Iraq was beginning to hatch open. We have been here before, this is about much more, but how do we say it? You could see these thoughts on many of the faces in the crowd. This is the time and the place where the real event is performed. This part of it is where the question begins to take shape and is realized. This is where the Digger method could do it’s work. This is where the art of social acid dispensation could be done. Not outside or in contrast to but in the event. Once the march begins moving, the event is over, the mindset changes, focusing on the work of moving with the crowd, getting to the rally to hear a lot of redundant uncreative droning, with no place to sit and rest, so maybe it is time to go home. We came and were counted, we have done the work, time to shut down.

Please, anyone who wants to poke some holes in this rambling please do it. I can take it.


Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Hi Nicole - Yes , the newspeak is thick (headed) and global - especially today - the day before Bush's State of Sovereignty addess vs. State of Seige. "More Mingus Less Mongering!" This is my new slogan.

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Hammond, yeah I saw a report that stated German intellegence has said they know that the Shrub crew has a mid-February attack planned...they mentioned some statements like the ones you just posted...Joanie Mitchell...Mingus...yes, yes, yes.

Mc Mingus, glad you like it...Fergus and can you go wrong...I still think of you as Blue though too. Do we only know you from here?


Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Jan 2003


If you like Mingus (and everyone should!) listen to Joni Mitchell's album "Mingus" with Jacko Pastorisus on bass. So many of her fans just couldn't fathom this album when it came out - but for me - it is her best.

but........(and sorry to bring us down from jazz greats)

Back to the War Drums - I shuddered when I read this first thing this morning - any comments? If this is really the real deal no matter what - then it might be too late for poetry.

Bush plainly states (in today's paper) via Justin Yaphe at the National Defense University [just what the hell is this?] that:

"The administration is not going to be deterred by the UN report, European crankiness, antiwar sentiment at home or regional efforts by SAddam's neighbors to get him to comply. It won't be swayed, although it may allow a bit more time for the inevitable to infold. President Bush may not have issued a formal order yet, but he has made up his mind."

Name: Mc Mingus
EmailAddress: on the etheric plane
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Hey, Nicole thanks for the suggestion, this clicks for me...Mingus one of the greats in the world of music. Yeah, cool Also, thank you for your eloquent & thoughtful post. I can it imagine it somewhat the same way, threads connecting us through this board, and others on the 'net. To know this shared energy is certainly valuable to me. We have lived many lifetimes to get here -- it's slow progress but as we learn we rise, and our ability to give increases. Keep on sister, your words brighten up my day.

Name: Sam Hamill
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Dear Friends and Fellow Poets: When I picked up my mail and saw the letter marked "The White House,"

I felt no joy. Rather I was overcome by a kind nausea as I read the cardenclosed:

"Laura Bush requests the pleasure of your company at a reception and White House Symposium on "Poetry and the American Voice" on Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at one o'clock"

Only the day before I had read a lengthy report on the President's proposed "Shock and Awe" attack on Iraq, calling for saturation bombing that would be like the firebombing of Dresden or Tokyo, killing countless innocent civilians.

I believe the only legitimate response to such a morally bankrupt and unconscionable idea is to reconstitute a Poets Against the War movement like the one organized to speak out against the war in Vietnam.

I am asking every poet to speak up for the conscience of our country and lend his or her name to our petition against this war, and to make February 12 a day of Poetry Against the War. We will compile an anthology of protest to be presented to the White House on that afternoon. Please submit your name and a poem or statement of conscience to:

There is little time to organize and compile. I urge you to pass along this letter to any poets you know. Please join me in making February 12 a day when the White House can truly hear the voices of American poets. Sam Hamill


Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Eileen - Great that you will be coming to Oregon and I look forward to meeting you in person. You have a terrific spirit and great insight. I for one am so very grateful for our site and daily exchanges which lighten and enlighten my day - as On the World front - it is so utterly depressing to read the papers. (but I can't stop!) Today Bush flatly states (via one of his Dept. of War flunkies) that antiwar sentiment will not sway his push into an Orwellian future. Further evidence that a permanent sit-in by 50,000 (+) demonstrators in front of the White House might be in order. But then I am a dreamer. Thanks again to everyone here for being who you are and in the moment - helping each other keep our heads up. I remember so well my first entry through the 'free frame of reference' in the Haight and thought: "This is it! - this is how it is done - all together as one - helping, feeding and encouraging each other on common ground without fear - without greed." This is a part of the 60s I wish we could return to en mass. but then - I am a dreamer........Peace-H.

Name: James Newton-1963
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Cool page, I found it while surfing the net. Keep up the good work.

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Morning all, as usual, the monday morning check in was totally much good information...How 'bout Mc Mingus ?

Some times I think we've all surived so many different worlds...lives...and that has prepared us for any number of scenarios...we've been tested and retested and taken to the limit...all of us it seems to me...and I can't imagine that was for naught...therefore if the shit hits the fan I think we'll all find eachother...I can almost see threads connecting us...and I'd bet the pattern we create is similar to a crop's strange but I sort of intuitly know that no matter what happens we're going to be okay...what we have gained over time cannot be taken from us...the heart is too strong a muscle...and love IS the answer...and understanding, compassion and awareness.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 27 Jan 2003


This website makes me feel really, really good!

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Jan 2003


Mark~Take your time. I really downloaded on you hoping you could process it and take it from me. I felt like until we did that I couldn't get to the next thing. Sometimes folks work like a conduit for me once a question is asked, and I just sit and charge if I can't move it. And there were too many floating questions that did not have simple answers. I don't type well and I really needed some face to face badly. You're timing couldn't have been better. On the other hand if it goes no further than what you and I did, that's ok too. I just needed to get it out to someone that had the capasity to understand what I was saying. I feel like when I'm talking from that level of interchange I'm actually moving things at another level. So a lot of the work may already be in motion. Do what you want.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Jan 2003



Yeah man, I have something to say about your thoughts and revelations but need the time for my intuitive head to do its work. I am in the marination process waiting for tonights sleep and a good 4 mile run in the morning to settle it out. Everything you mentioned is still ringing.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2003


Hammond~Correction..this is Samday. I think we already had Eileenuary.

I would also like to say, I have struck upon my own plan for thinking about this question we have been rolling around about demostrations versus non demonstrations. I have a great deal to say about this. I am hoping maybe Mark will capsulize it cause I don't know if I have the fingers for it, if he found anything of use from what we shared.

But what I have moved onto is listening to the poets, musicians, and artists and watching and listening very closely to what goes by any kind of way. I have put it out to the Universe that I am trying to understand the Voice, the other level (as in under) of those that are addressing this political atmoshere..that more and more is becoming a cry for Consciousness and spelling out all the steps. A lot is also coming back from the "60's in speaches and music. I am listening with a different ear. I am waiting, adding it all up and listening. I am looking for where we are Really going with this. What it is adding up to with The People that are paying attention. The wave is building. I feel very strongly the artists in all phases, are going to be very important in this time and they are needed.

I am looking for something that I have no words for yet but I am moving within it paying close attention and gathering. This time I will not just feel a spectator to our actions, not understanding cause and effect because in the '60's I couldn't get my mind even sort of around the Big Picture. I just knew what we were doing as Diggers felt deeply correct. I don't intend to go through this round like that.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2003



As a matter of fact I have a trip planned ASAP to meet up with some perfumers I want to get some supplies from in Portland. But that's not likely to happen until after this move. But I will be in Oregon, so we we'll practically be neighbors. We'll get there. Hey you're keeping good score. But I think Tuesteve works better in the mouth, don't you?

Name: McFergus
EmailAddress: for now
Date: 26 Jan 2003


Hey, gotta admit I admire 'freewheelin' Steve's style...he knows you're gonna recognize his rap no matter what the label says at the top...mighty shrewd. Anyhow...Hammond give it up, this is an entertaining spot to land. Sooner or later, we will have to dispute about something. & then watch the sparks fly ! But at present, I'm in a pacifistic mood. Everything will be OK as long as you don't address me before I've had my coffee in the morning..

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Jan 2003



Stupor Bowl fever.....Down with "Chuckie" and everyone in Oakland batten down the hatches, it is Halloween all over again.

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Jan 2003


Ok - let me get this right - This is Eileenuary - Steve is Me and will be back on Tuesteveday. Blue is McFergus. Mark has been on point with a visit to Eileen - Nicole is in sub-artic cold. Figuring this out is so much better than tring to suss out what the government is doing and not doing. Newspeak reigns in the so called "real world" - News here is no news here. Wish I was close enough to manage a visit someone somewhere - but in lieu of this - perhaps I will meet Eileen if she/you come to Portland. - The Stupor Bowl and my mico-stout call call - Cheers to everyone, H.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Jan 2003



No Elvis, no black velvet, no mortar launchers in the front yard, no trapeze in the bedroom. Just the comfortable home of the elegant and soulful person she is. Just what you think it is.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2003


Hey Mini~My house looks just the way you probably think. You're too funny! Elvis on velvet and frig magnets. What a hoot! Yes..straight to hell! Keep on keepin on..somebody has to. I will wait till you are back to report. On the short side..I overdid it yesterday energy wize. Had coffee before breakfast and in the excitment of meeting Mark just about burnt my fuses out. Thought I could get away with it and talked Marks ear off, went out to eat and acted like a healthy normal person..ok healthy..ok not healthy either.

Ohio Girl~This may be the time to start being sweet to your liver and start drinking supportive teas (dandylion etc) for it and taking lots of milk thistle. It's got to be reeling. At some point you're going to need a liver cleanse to dump out the backup. I'm not going to rag on you, but if you have many more backflashes you might think about it. I know you've been/are going through a lot and just want it to be over.

Name: Mini Me
EmailAddress: MacMe Inc.
Date: 26 Jan 2003


Fergus MacMing: I like yer' style. Best wishes to you and your's Ohio Girl. Hey Mark, if Eileen has Elvis portraits on black velvet and refridgerator magnets,...please keep it to yer'self,..please dont break the image. Hey, on the home front things are heating up. Miz Nancy is taking a belly dancing class and the Cuban Libra is going to bake me soon cookies, and reading between the lines: all indications show that the latest mid-western forest fire may have been sparked by the Lady Reverend's panties. Folks... Its guarenteed; I'm goin' straight to hell....but untill then,..catch ya' all on Tuesteve.

Name: Fergus
EmailAddress: AKA Mong, etc.
Date: 26 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl -- the last thing you said, exactly right ! Like it or no, we are all what you do and think on a daily basis actually does affect the entire world. Scary but true. Therefore, we must keep our hearts up. Love really is the key [and I ain't talkin gonads, neither.]

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 26 Jan 2003


Thank-you, Eileen. And also thanks, I needed that! I read your message when I truly wasn't feeling good. The side effects of all that medicine have worn off considerably but they were making some kind of a last stand yesterday. (I certainly hope it was the last stand.) And though I feel good in general and clear-headed, which wasn't true when the hepatitis started really getting to me, I'm still waiting for the final test results. But on to thinking about what each of us believes in.... Isn't it still (always) up to us to make the world what we want it to be?

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2003


Yep it was a good one. Mark's as nice a guy in person as he is in print. Even better face to face. We all got to do this!

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Jan 2003


Just got back from a visit with Eileen. Now that is what I call a good day. Time for bed. Good Night.

Name: Mr. Me
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc
Date: 25 Jan 2003


Hey, I'm out of the name game for good. I knocked myself down a few notches. (someone had to) folks have at it. I'm off for a few days while they install new computers here at WSUMC. I had a wonderful day with Miz Nancy. I'ts a different kind of love. Later all...In a few days. You lookin' at ME???

Name: Mong
EmailAddress: still getting used to this
Date: 25 Jan 2003


Thanks, Doc. I think this could work. Thanks for the good words.

Blue (oops) - out

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 25 Jan 2003


hey diggers get yourself ordained legaly

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 25 Jan 2003


MONG i am also a minister of the united life church [licensed to do weddings and christenings but not circumcisions] so your name has a blessing attatched

Name: ???
Date: 25 Jan 2003


OK, Dr. Sponge, that about works for me. Short is good.

So, for the meanwhile "Mong" it will be.


Curious how you acquired your handle, and what it means.

Over to you, Diggers all.

Name: Hey Joe
EmailAddress: Joe
Date: 25 Jan 2003


Just call me Joey Two Times

Name: Hey Joe
EmailAddress: Joe
Date: 25 Jan 2003


The sun is out! The birds are singing! Now thats a mood elevator!

Name: Hey Joe
EmailAddress: Joe
Date: 25 Jan 2003


The sun is out! The birds are singing! Now thats a mood elevator!

Name: Eric
Date: 25 Jan 2003


Also wanted to mention that I fixed the Search page:

... and the Advanced Search Page:

The Advanced page (Atomz Search engine) is the best method EXCEPT that since it's free, it only can index 500 pages. Thus I had to exclude the Discussion Forum pages. The simple Search page will pick those up. I'll see if it's possible to build a separate Atomz search page for the Discussion pages.

Note: if anyone notices that either Search page isn't working, just let me know and I will fix them.

Name: Eric
Date: 25 Jan 2003


Updated the Digger chronology to include the dating for the beginning of the Black Panther Free Breakfast Program, inspired by the Digger Free Food Delivery Service. I've been seeking a definitive date and found it in a Black Panther bulletin in the Bancroft Library's Social Protest Collection.

(To find the entry for the Free Breakfast Program go to January, 1969).

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 25 Jan 2003


that last post was to Blue

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 25 Jan 2003


Use your mongrel genes and call yourself "MONG" it fits you fine

Name: Eileen
Date: 25 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl~That post below was from me. (I was fading)

Yes Fergusson. Now THAT'S a name solid name....a far stretch from Blue and ming the mad. The question is, does it work for you?

Name: IMAM
Date: 25 Jan 2003


Steve (oh Mr. Me) - you are the moniker man around here why not help Blue (alias Ming) out of the handle quandry?

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: Changing
Date: 25 Jan 2003


Eileen -- Thank you for your last post. It was just what I needed to hear. Enough of jokes, irony becomes too painful to bear at some point. I know these are somewhat trivial matters, but as you said ' Here's your chance to pick your real name.' And it's plain as day, words and names have real power. So puzzling over this, drinking my morning coffee...I'm realizing man what a mongrel I am, part English, Irish, Scottish, & German...but the scots blood is from my mother's side...a clan name that's been handed down, bingo : "Fergusson." [I'm not really Chinese by any stretch, so why go there ?]

I think I'm on the money with this one. Does it work for you ?

Date: 25 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl~

"I wasn't able to express it outward or be a living example of what I believed in." Well now you have a whole new opportunity. We have come full circle and are right on track for the next go round. Community in one way or another (you can start here) has never been more important. Doing what we do best and really putting ourselves out there. Also bringing the message that we individually have to bring of more awareness and strength. There are so many issues at hand and all we have to do is pick one.

I think a site for yourself is a terrific idea. You are survivor over and over. You have once again just saved your own life. This is hardly the time to be shy about what you do and who you are. Go Girl! It's obvious to me you are a good writer and you have a sharp mind. "I was a walking example of "Don't try this at home!!" Funny but tragic..except for the fact you beat it! What's to loose but a history you can step away from and recreate yourself. Celebrate yourself. You've earned it! "Well it's never too late......." You got that right!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Tomas, I never thought of a website in quite that way, not for me personally, it seemed too exposed, but it's beautiful the way you put it. Blue, I was in Berkeley around 1969 with some people but I doubt I could have found my way back to Haight St. on my own. Truly, what I remember most about Berkeley back then, is the sound a very small tree makes when it's talking. On my trip "back" to the San Francisco are last year I spent many hours walking around Berkeley, the city and the campus, and finally I saw how it's all laid out which was just a blur back then. The architecture felt familiar, last year. It's like everything back then. A few weeks at Morningstar was mind-altering in the very finest sense, and yet I didn't really know what Morningstar was until we got a computer a few years ago and I found this website. I had always wanted to know more about Morningstar. I wasn't a very good activist or anything and yet I really believed in what I was doing, I really believed in dropping out of society. I lived it, not in the beautiful way, IMAM, you describe the Digger way of life daily rather than protesting on the weekends. No it's more like I was tangled up in the way of life. I wasn't able to express it outward or be a living example of what I believed in. Actually I was a walking example of "Don't try this at home!!" Well it's never too late.......

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Oh my Ming..this is going to be difficult for me to keep up with cause I now have my image of you as Blur..uh make that Blue (oops it's the fangers). You know that changes the vibe entirely. Now I must ask you..what name most is really YOU? To tell you the truth neither is working for me. I haven't quite got it..but those don't work with what I'm beginning to get of you. This is your big chance to name the real you. Want to give it another shot as long as we're still in the fluid mode.

Steve~Samday. I'm starting to like the sound of that. How would you like to have TueSteve?

Name: ming
EmailAddress: that's  Mr Ming to you
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Right ... Eileenuary (sp?) OK. And really the whole idea was to rid the world of evildoers...oh but look what happens when the Shrub tries it...Well maybe this emperor gig is not all it's cracked up to be...very well, on this site I'll drop the 'merciless' tag...kind of a bad vibe anyway...thanks for your helpful feedback in this traumatic interval of transition ... hope you are all surviving the adversities of Winter in some degree of comfort...I shall return when I have consulted with my astrologer. Over to you, digger Netizens. (Oh, and please excuse my spastic fingers for prior null post)

Name: ming
Date: 24 Jan 2003



Name: Mr. Me
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Hey Blue..Ah..I mean Ming...Its not January; Its Eileenuary,...come on get with it. And after midnight tonight it will be Samday. Got that?...

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 24 Jan 2003


I feel like hibernating myself.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Toed Ya, it's a low ebb. Just one of those winter yikes!

Name: IMAM
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Pig Latin - flys and alias alibis - what is going on here today? Think I wil go out for coffee today.....IMAM-Suspect

Name: The Dean
Date: 24 Jan 2003


On the Ning Nang Nong On the Ning Nang Nong Where the Cows go Bong! And the Monkeys all say Boo! There's a Nong Nang Ning Where the trees go Ping! And the tea pots Jibber Jabber Joo. On the Nong Ning Nang All the mice go Clang! And you just can't catch 'em when they do! So it's Ning Nang Nong! Cows go Bong! Nong Nang Ning! Trees go Ping! Nong Ning Nang! The mice go Clang!

What a noisy place to belong, Is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!!-=-=-=-SPIKE MILLIGAN


Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Nicole - I just got a reader's thank you note from another day tripper at the Elysian Field. Such a hoot that this event is suddenly coming into focus again. Mondo Hollywood (revisited). I also got a strange letter of inqury from some guy in Germany who says he is writing a book about the early Big Brother. His questions were pretty naive for someone writing a serious book so I sent him along to the BBHC website history page for research. Speaking of Sam and the gang - I see they are about to launch a pretty extensive Euro-tour in March - perhaps even to Slovenia and Poland! The beat goes on......Hammond

Name: Ming
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Well, Nicole, the precise details remain to be worked out. 'My' people are meeting with 'their' people...well you know how these media deals go. Probably "ming" without all the attendant hoopla, would be sufficient.

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


10-4 Ming...i read you...forgive me if I don't attach the word Emperor...I don't want to be intimidated...and you sure you don't mean merciful???

So here it is the week-end so I'll be taking my leave...see you all on Monday if not before...


Name: Blue
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Since it seems that my user-name here has been corrupted by posts involving a low-life I will forbear to mention, I am announcing that henceforth I will use only this as my true and official monicker.

"Ming the Merciless, Emperor of Time and Space."

By Imperial Decree, this 24th Day of January, 2003 (C.E.)

Beware, evildoers !

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Mr ME, When my son was small he thought a mirror was a me-er..."'cuzz, mama, when I look in one, I see me!!"

and anyway Steve sometimes when you go far enough in, you can't help but go out to others...and paradoxically going out to others help you to go in...

did anybody just see a white rabbit go by????

Name: Flown the coop
Date: 24 Jan 2003


I missed the alias Steve and alias Fly out - back to back and gone again. Maybe next time- but keeping still for now so sayeth the I Ching.

Name: Mr. Me
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc
Date: 24 Jan 2003


My good Dr. McFly: I am Steve,..remember??...

Name: Mr. Me
EmailAddress: My Ego. Inc.
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Hey Eric: that Free City News is the balls! I should have checked it out long before shooting my mouth off about current affairs. But hey, even a simple cat like me had Henry Kissinger pegged as a War Criminal decades ago. Hey, as far as me (ah hummm...) getting into myself this year, I just got a drift from the other side to start looking outward. An outward journey; as oppossed to an inward one. Seeing as how that twelfth house is a tough door to knock on,..(discounting the Avon Lady from Hell...I Will keep you up on the latest sightings. OOppps!!..I think that I hear opportunity,..later all. Hey McFly: "You shouldnt let other people get your kicks for you".-B.Dylan

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Dear Fly~Won't you give us a name? This is a friendly crew (for the most part) and it's nice to have a better feel of who you are. There's so much distance already. Why make it more?


Name: Fly
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Mr. Me - Understood and no harm intended. Just a response off the cuff to Steve's mention of Ondine that led us down this garden path - strewn as it is will difficult memories. Glad that you are now in the hands of the Three Bears - vs. the other life. And I guess I wanted to get in on the conversation for a change. I really get a kick out of this site.

Name: Mr. Me  / soul proprietor
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc.
Date: 24 Jan 2003


"Waitin' for the phone to ring...diamond necklace over my sholder,..waitin' for the phone to ring,..lipstick on my neck and sholder"...But really Fly...the dope memories really drag me. So much to dredge up...theres a reason that the lay in the deep. Better leave it be...Hey, Iv'e got the front parlor fixed up like the three bear's cottage. I figure if I'm gonna dig in for another year, I may as well make myself (and others) feel at home. Oh, Nik, sure, any unwanted clothing will help. Thanks. Good advise Mother Witch,..I will catch up to you when the moon is favorable.

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Yes Eric, thank you so much...

Hammond, maybe it'll come today.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Left Coast~Hah that's funny. Will get to Bill when I got some sun in me. Not today. It's overcast, downpressing and chilly and so am I.

MR ME~I think we've just hit a low ebb. I'm feeling the same. No doubt that will change. Catch up with ya on the upswing.


Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Nicole - I must have sent the tape via banana boat vs. pony express. Sorry if it takes forever to arrive.

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Nicole - Please make Portland a venue on your left-coasted shift! Warmth awaits you!

Name: Eric
Date: 24 Jan 2003



Is this what you're looking for?

Name: Fly
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Me - "Librium and Meth?" - now there is a manically depressive thought .

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


...I'm feeling a shift to the left coast coming on...

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


I did just speak to William, he is such an awesome man...he's looking forward to hearing from you Sam.

Eric, I had posted a thing I wrote to William once a while back...maybe a year ago...and I was looking for it to send to him and I can't find it...I tried doing a search...I found it by accident once but can't remember how and I never kept a copy for myself...I can peruse the guestbook, or FFR can't remember which had it...any help here?

Name: Mr. Me
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc.
Date: 24 Jan 2003


GIVE ME LIBRIUM; OR GIVE ME METH. "Heavenly wine and roses seem to whisper to me...when you smile" "Lookin' at my hands today...seemed to me that they're made of ivory, a funny call today...someone died,..and someone married"...

Name: Mr. Me
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc.
Date: 24 Jan 2003


GIVE MY LIBRIUM; OR GIVE ME METH. "Heavenly wine and roses seem to whisper to me...when you smile"

Name: PS - IMAM
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Eric - Thanks for fixing the page - or is it just me? Now I don't have to scroll!

Name: Mr. Me
EmailAddress: M.E. Inc.
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Hey Eric, I just jumped over to that Free City News thing that you posted. Thats very NOW. I may drop this tin-can-on-a-string and sit back and watch, read and learn for awhile. I'm just not getting prompted anymore...and I dont seem to be in synch. (Moon in Virgo??)...later. P.S. E-Mail me your address one more time. The poster is all set for the 1st. As always, I enjoy being able to pop into your living room. Many thanks.

Name: Flying off the cuff
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Hi Me - Right you are (apologies for the snap) - I don't mean to really put Ondine (the man) down - as in "down" as I am sure he has intelligence and lots of close friends - but frankly, the whole Warhol Velvet syndrome of "superstar" speed injected sex freak whips and chains in drag was so self-indulgent and egocentric that I lost interest fifteen minutes into meeting the Underground - famous or not.

"Give me Liberty - Not Death."

Name: Mark
Date: 24 Jan 2003



Well said. There those who are trapped in the system to the extent that a weekend event is the only outlet. I agree that those who can afford the time or lifestyle can set the pace and direction. I am headed north. Be back late tomorrow.

Name: ME
EmailAddress: blown away
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Fly Away: Speed??...I know two folks who while in the heat of it all were fanned all night long by Lou Reed (he was franticly waving an album cover) in 70' some Warhol folk and I were in S.F. cookin' down those boot-legged cross-roads that were goin' around and we laced the brew with PCP prior to lift off. A real sickening exodus of deep fried naked-assed sweaty thought waves. Follow in the wake?...fuck, I was at the helm. Ondine is good people...we dropped acid just to bring ourselves down.

Name: IMAM
Date: 24 Jan 2003


I think the Digger difference is that demonstrators usually only work out on weekends and at special events vs. just doing it all the time by virtue of one's daily actions (our daily bread?) - and (though I fully support the efforts) demonstrations have a singular politically induced message vs. a style of living that excludes any form of war from the get go. Just a thought........IMAM-Suspect

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Mark - great that you are going to visit Eileen and hope you bring some sunshine into her sundowner like syndrome. Nicole - I don't know about "pretty" when it gets near zero! My blood is way too thin - as proven by my frozen to the bone year in Minn. (circa 84) - the kind of frozen where your eyelids stick together. Never again.... and Michael - why are you living in this right-wing state of the union? Should we stage a rescue party? - The news from Portland is that nearly everyone in town is coming down with the same monster of a head cold - fever, chills and bedridden yuck for 5-6 days. I am just now recovering. Oh - and that winter simply isn't going to happen this year! This is very unsettling - no ice, snow, freezing rain, sleet, or anything close to resembling the norm for this time of year. The buds are forming as if Spring was about to happen! The good news is that the world in general seems to agree that Bush is a very dangerous person - as in the human version of a weapon of mass destruction. Also on the good news front it seems the Senate has (for now) blocked the funds for the Pentagon's Big Brother Awareness Program. MoreAgain and best to all - H.

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Michael, that's scary, and I know it gets like that away from major hubs.

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Eileen, up untill I left SF 3 years ago we saw eachother all the time...he had an apt on Lombard just before the bridge...Peter got him moved over to O' a bigger spot...he's still an amazing man. I called him just now but he was still sleeping...I'll e-mail you his phone number.

Name: Michael
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Nicole - politics of this spot...probably more than you wanted, but since you asked) - lots of flag waving Bush supporters who get really steamed when things don't go their way. Most statewide politics is right wing and they have total control of the legislature. Pockets of Democrats, labor, and choice supporters do exist, but not much power. Oddly both Senators, Daschle and Johnson, are Democrats, but stances are usually muted. A big part of their support, besides from east river cities is still from farmers who will support Democrats for farm legislation. Johnson beat the extreme right wing Senate candidate by 500 votes statewide in November. Reservation votes made the difference. That really pissed off the right wing. South Dakota is the Mississippi of the north. The election for Mayor in Sioux Falls doesn't involve party endorsements. I'm not sure how that got started, but what it means is two Republicans run against each other. The local newspaper is a little more progressive. Some recent articles concerning high arrest/resisting arrest records with a small group of cops is bringing about more open records from the police. They didn't wanna do it. Broadcast media here, even more than many places, shows its right bias. Bush was here 5 times last year and each completely political event was presented as hard news. My letter to Senator Johnson about this was passed on to the FCC, which wrote back and told me the media can do what they want. That's good on some levels, but there is no real fairness doctrine. Antiwar coverage here is presented, but it is nothing compared to what mobilization of the military gets with quavering voices and more flag waving. Heads are deeply embedded in asses here, how can these people see?

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Jan 2003



You're in touch with Sweet William??? DO TELL! (And please tell him I said hello!)

Name: Fly away
Date: 24 Jan 2003


If you really want to know about Ondine read Warhol's book "A" - if you can stand it. The book - much like Ondine - has next nothing to say to anyone even though if goes on for hundreds of pages. The text was transcribed from cassett tapes Warhol made while following Ondine around the City - fried on amphetamine. This is Ondine in a big nutshell. My advice = don't follow his wake.

Name: Mark
Date: 24 Jan 2003



Thanks for your words. I agree that we are in a time similar to the early stages of the antiwar protests against the Viet Nam war. I also remember feeling the mass demonstrations seemed to have little direct effect on the governments actions. I often wonder what would have happened it there were no protests. To me, there are some fundamental differences now and these differences alter the situation significantly. The Viet Nam thing was a kind of creeping revelation thing slowly coming to the public eye. Questions started being asked and the answers weren't good. Today, we have a frontal attack on the idea of freedom and justice that has nearly been forced out into the front by the Bush regime themselves. They are the ones doing theater.

Is the Digger sensibilty or action to stand outside the protests scoffing at the futility and possibly running the danger of elitist posing? Or has the Digger method been so fully assimulated into the culture, mainly through the movements you mentioned, that it can't be considered social acid any longer? If so a neo-Digger sensibility or Digger Part Two seems in order. To somehow, transform the effort to apply to now.

In the Haight we had an audience and the media was spending much effort watching and reporting that audience participation. We don't have that now. The war feels like it starts with attracting the media, now hopelessly centralized, and its gaze. This will take some crafty tricks, events or stunts to catch the media and fool it into participating in the performance. Not an easy thing to do, although Clonaid comes to mind.

I am supposed to be getting ready this morning to drive up to Mendocino to see Eileen, so I gotta go. I would like to hear more of your thoughts.


Name: Eric
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Just published in Free City News the latest communique from Daniel Ellsberg with incites on Bush's war plans:

Name: Fly off the wall
Date: 24 Jan 2003


I believe Ondine (The Pope of Speed) is dead - and if not he really should be as no human being can take that much speed and expect to survive - Then again maybe he is in Italy decomposing.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: Trying to stay warm
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Hey, Nicole -- It's me in western NC, on a mountain in the pine trees. Making like Han Shan the Chinese nature poet, otherwise known as Cold Mountain. Which happens to be also the title of an excellent novel, about a Confederate veteran trying to make his way home, back to a place maybe 20 miles from my place. There are some weird correlations here, I'll leave it to your imagination to put it all together. I do appreciate Tomas' contributions here, a good head.

How is it where you are ?

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


oh oh, I'm having a CRAFT moment, Can't Remember A Fucking Thing...who is it that's in the carolinas? Tomas, are you in Kentucky? argh!!!

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


ps Tomas, Oh my goodness...all that snow you all are experiencing...please drive safe and stay warm.

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Michael, Wow, I absolutely remember...we put an add in the paper..."want a garden, but have no time to plant it? We'll plant and you harvest" the only one who answered was the woman who needed a Lombardi Poplar tree removed...I think a tree removal ad was below ours...she just read the wrong all comes back so nice to hear from you out there on the great plains. Wow. What are the politics of that spot?

Mark, I speak to Sweet William on a regular basis...if you need his number let me know...

Eric, I am seriously considering that trip...I love NM

and is still really cold...but if ya can dress right it's kind of nice.

ps steve...I have a really good down coat with a hood, lavendar and oh so warm, to anyone who needs one...I just got a new one.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: Looking out from the Ramparts
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl...are you speaking metaphorically or did you in fact spend time out there in Berkeley, back in the day ?

Name: Tomas
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Writing.....Web content adds more to the peace movement, it is another chapter of "almost free" speech; it adds another point of view to the mixture of what is the right thing to do. We have the ability to link ourselves together with web pages of our thoughts about the sixties and world peace in general. All we have to do is pay for a site online for about ten bucks a month and learn to create simple texted web pages. Pages that will explain to the world why you did what you did and why it is important. We can leave a good trail and history if we just pay for it ourselves. We do not need to publish anything for money; we just need to publish our thoughts online. We do not have to be edited and re-edited. We just have to write it and say, "Here is my web page and this is why I did what I did." - Write it up in text (html) - send it up (CuteFTP) - and walla your are there.

Name: Tomas
Date: 24 Jan 2003


This content page is just right with the "Mozilla" browser. This content page is just right with the " Internet Explorer" browser. This content page is really big and goes off the screen with the "Netscape" browser. If you all can download the "Mozilla" browser it is the best one. Tom

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Hammond, Thanks for the encouraging word. I really do hope I'm practicing up for continued writing. My older son always tells me I was part of a vitally important social movement. When I saw the protesting last week I believed him. I've been one of those people who is always writing a book in their head, and just a few years ago started to actually get something on paper.

ME, seems like Buckley is better off getting that book out of HIS head be sure he has lots of writing paper!!! Tell him "hey" from an old Haight Street "clipper" (methedrine sure stripped away any false pride one might have had). Berkeley about 1969........a little tree spoke to me. It had a whispery, rustling, laughing kind of voice..............

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Yes Lenore is wise. But she has not been well for a long time. I think it best to first check in with someone that spends time with her and approach with care. If you are close to her, please identify yourself here or email me.

Name: the river of truth
EmailAddress: let it flow
Date: 24 Jan 2003


Lenore is a grand lady. Please contact her direct. she is a wise woman. go to the source.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: Ed Rosenthal, Guru of Ganga
Date: 24 Jan 2003


these should work. very interesting articles.


Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003


RNA~Those links for Ed Rosenthall didn't work. Here's the latest from NORMAL.


Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Hey ME~You keep me laughing as usual..nobody could feel that weird. HA!! You do know how to wind it up. Yes I do know how good it feels to be able to give and give and see it go where it does the best. Let's just withhold all judgment on Digger. The only real mistake that was ever made is one common to all of us. You hit it right on the head..My Ego..but without that we take a good chance of getting lost in the shuffle.

Mark~I have to say on second though PC is pretty sensitive these days to laying his stuff out on the line. But yes, we should talk more perhaps, before you approach him. Maybe we could put our heads together, cuse I really would like to get his take on this and don't want to scare him off. And the fact you are working with the Original Ming might throw him off entirely. Sweet William? Huum. I don't know. That's another one to ask PC about. Lenore..maybe we should talk to Vicki and sound her as to whether to try that. Seems like everyone is becoming precious.

RNA~The news of Ed Rosenthall has me horrified. It sounds like a bad movie and one's worst nightmare. I know he will have lot's support and this is going to be huge! This has hit me in the gut though. Not for myself in the least, but for all it implies. If he wins this is going to make changes they never meant to happen. If he doesn't, ditto. He's had himself out on the line for a long time for everyone's sake. Yes this is going to be really important. My gosh it seems everything that matters to us is being drug out for ransom. This government is obscene.

Name: Eric
Date: 23 Jan 2003



I think the marches and rallies in the past few months have been remarkably similar to the early anti-Vietnam War marches. There's a lot of very positive reinforcement going on for the participants, that's one of the main benefits. I mean how energizing was it to see 200,000 like-minded souls in the streets with you this past weekend? It's a great way to overcome the isolation that seeps into our lives especially for anyone who lets the poison of mass media into their lives. The early anti-Vietnam actions were that way. Suddenly there were 1000s of people who realized that they shared a common goal, stopping their government from committing the atrocity they knew the War to be.

The problem with the anti-Vietnam War movement came when mass demonstration after mass demonstration had little effect on the War after five or more long years. No matter how many people went to jail or how many draft cards were burned, the War continued, and thousands more people were needlessly dying in the insanity.

This is the point where the Diggers offered an alternative to mere protest politics. The Digger sensibility was all about creating alternatives to the society that was capable of the insanity that the War represented. Instead of demonstrating in the streets, protesting the government and thereby in some way validating that very government, the Diggers were saying "create the condition you describe". By assuming that the revolution had already happened, and living life as you would once that had occurred, the Diggers created a street theater that energized people's lives in ways that the protest politics had failed to do.

After the strange fizzling out of the Sixties, due to a whole slew of reasons not all of which are clearly visible even now to me, I think the emergence of the Anti-Nuclear Movement in the late 70s/early 80s represented in many ways a synthesis of protest politics and digger action politics. Actions were based on affinity groups and decision making took place through a consensus process. The typical Clamshell Alliance anti-Seabrook nuclear plant action or Abalone Alliance anti-Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant occupation or Livermore Action Group anti-Livermore Labs nuclear weapons blockade -- all these actions were informed by a strain of digger politics even though most of the participants had never heard of the diggers. Eventually, these type of actions became the model for many environmental groups.

Now, with the rebirth of the Anti-War movement, we come full circle to the type of early demonstrations that were seen in 1965-67. It will be interesting to see how they evolve. I personally think that if we are to avoid the same problems again, that there needs to be an infusion of the Digger type sensibility in these actions.

At least that's the way I see it currently. Just one person's perspective. I'd be interested in hearing what you're thinking.

Name: ME
EmailAddress: en why see
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Hey, my free blanket program was a huge success. The Village is now riddled with what appear to be roving bands of Dyke Squaws. Its real cold out tonight. Its nights like this that I feel real good about takeing Buckley in. Remember what feelin' good is? Hope so.

Name: Me again
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Hey, I just checked out Pope Ondine on the web and skimmed his shit, but cant tell if he's skill alive and kicking...anybody who gets his handle, please let me know. I want to round up some stragglers. ( I need all of the ME's I can get)...(small film proect Idea about 'Old Folks"...It will blow the young folk's minds..(whats left of em' anyway..)...(the minds, I mean)... Get in touch. contact Mr. Me at Hey, this is pretty cool, I know how "The artist who was once known as Prince" feels. Ah...I take that back...nobody could feel that weird.

Name: ME
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Ming, I cant picture you moving into an Italian neighborhood, but to each his own. (in fact, I cant picture you at all)..I got high with the Pope a few times. We ran some bizzare stuff in S.F. back in 70'. He was doing some film work with Vitruvian Productions where I rented a Calif. closet that I was living inn. I dug Ca. closets, they always had a window, and often a smaller closet within the closet. Been that route? Anyway, Ondine had been Eddie Segwigs's loyal French Maid and had been the Pope of Greenwich Village during his Factory days....If anyone has heard from him lately, tell him to swing by West 4th. and vist ME. Hey Nik, he was one of the Warhol People, got a line on him?. He was a kind and caring bear.

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Jan 2003



I think I saw that Thacker resigned late today over the controversial statements he made.

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Jan 2003



I will give it a try. He sent out a message that he was concentrating on a new writing project, that could be interesting, to his list members and transfered his duties to Gary Rhine for the time being. I never new him back then and my affiliation with PD may cause a kink but I'll try anyway. I have been rereading the interview here on the site that Eric and Marty did in 82. I really think there is some "gold" in this stuff for us now and I wish that the "players" were more willing to help focus the history. Maybe you and I could talk about it over lunch Saturday, on me of course. Another member of those early birds looked over what you posted the other day and said you had a pretty good handle on it but remarked that there was a more intentional effort involved. Sweet William seems to me by my readings to have a real track on this. Do you know if he still communicates on that level? I have thought about contacting Lenore Kandel, she was so impressive in the film. but feel uncomfortable barging in as it were.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: ed rosenthal on trial for his life
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Ed Rosenthal, the guru of ganga, is facing life in prison on federal charges of growing marijuana. At his trial, he is not allowed to mention that he was growing pot for medical marijuana, and that marijuana really helps many suffering people. Doctors who prescribe it cannot come to his defense, and the jury is not allowed to know what the pot was for!

I remember Ed from the old days hanging out with John Mann, who wrote under the alias Adam Gottlieb. we had lots of fun experimenting with recipes for the cannibus cookery book.

on a better note, the judge refused to honor the prosecutor’s request to place a gag order on Rosenthal and his attorney.

*********** on another affront, from today's SF Chronicle, Bush has selected Jerry Thacker, a Pennsylvania marketing consultant who has characterized AIDS as the "gay plague" and called homosexuality a "deathstyle," to serve on the Presidential Advisory Commission on HIV and AIDS. Thacker believes homosexuality can be cured with religion, that condoms don't work, and abstinance until marriage is the solution. see for yourself.



Name: Blue (I guess)
EmailAddress: The Imperial Palace
Date: 23 Jan 2003


OK, Steve. Language is a slippery imperfect thing. Didn't mean to rag on ya. But listen, I dig this new gig. I mean they're advertising now for the "Pope" job...but I just couldn't dig hangin with all these clean-shaven dudes in black dresses, know whut I mean ? But then I heard the ol' emperor (AKA "the Shrub") was in a coma, cryogenically frozen so to speak, so I thought, what th' Hell, I'll go for the try-outs. And lo & behold, I was the only cat that showed up. So I'm trying to get used to the robes & shit, but man this job RULES. I always wanted to be a honcho, I just couldn't cop to it, know what I mean ? So I will attempt to dispense justice and the good stuff from my new loftyhood, don't take the title wrong, it just comes with the job. Yours truly, Ming

Name: Steve...Ah..I mean ME.
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Hey Eileen, maybe if every shit-head on this site who stuck it up Coyote's ass for hustlin' up a good income for himself and his cause, would say anything that resembles "I'm Sorry"...maybe he would give them all a clue. Myself, (that is "ME)..why, hell,..I think it's a damn shame how they judged him. A damn shame.He's got more soul in his left nut than the entire City of Detroit.

Name: M.E. Inc.
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Dear Evil Emporer, the Normal thing?...well,.. It's all out front. It's my toughest role to date. Real acadamy award stuff... anyway,..Hey, I tagged on a meaning to the initials. M.E. = "My Ego" ..get it? My self! I'm gonna do it like I always did it, by myself!...Hell, I represent ME now, and therefore cant bring any shame down on any anti-demonstrators who go by any other name, etc. I should have thought of it years ago. I herby declare 2004 to be renamed "The Year of ME". Starting on the first of Eileenuary,2004, I plan on bankrolling a ME account. I just got wind that my SSI review doesnt come up for seven years instead of five, so its smooth sailing. Ya' see, if I had been a computer geek, I would be a wage slave at this very moment; but seeing as my last two gigs were as a lumberman at a saw mill and a demolition man, (not heavy equipment, a REAL sledge hammer folks) they figured that I'm out of the running. Anyway, Ive' shed enough bad light on the Digger name. Hey, wanna know the beauty of my new gig?..chech this out: "Nobody else can be ME!!"..think about it. Later Ming. God bless ME and my cause.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Hey Mark~

Why don't you ask P Coyote this question about Diggers and demos? More to the point, I am curious what he would have to say about how to proceed now. I bet you will get some response. You could ask if he would be willing to discuss his ideas with us here. Let hi know we've been chewing on it. You're so good at framing your ideas, I think you're the one for the job.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: later, dude
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Steve, did I hear you say normal ? NORMAL ?? Normal translates to 'total insanity' in my lexicon. Cannot believe such a thing from you...Please advise.

-- my new ID, Ming the Merciless

Name: ME
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Hey, heres a few slogans..."Believe in ME." "Ya' got ME." "Trust ME" "What about ME?" "Think about ME" Ect, etc. I should have thought of it sooner...YA!!...Eileen, I was right!...the fuckin' thing is commin' around full circle!!.."IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!!, now thats a sign!

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003


No change on my computer.

Name: agree
Date: 23 Jan 2003


I agree that the page is too wide. i also have to scroll left to right and back to left to read everyone's rap. i didn't have that problem until this last format. would be grateful for the fix. Thanks

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Eileen, thanks...Hmmm..a real emotional melt-down Hu??...Its not like she has a Cuban Brother or anything. Hey, this Digger thing is starting to bug me..The more that I find out about em', the further detached I seem to get. I dont think that I'm really Digger material. I may hang a new banner. Speaking of banners, I'm changing the name of the West Fourth Street Fools Work Shop,..(WFSFWS) into the West Free Street Free Work Shop. Iv'e got it! (I really didn't think of it until just now, honest!).. It's called "ME". Ya, my new thing, my save the block, save yer' ass gig...It may take a while to break down the initials (as if they stand fer' somethin')...sure... I wont grab the world by the balls,..just my block of West 4th Street. Now if "a "ME" pops up on every block...why hell! could evolve into "WE"...and we could save the City. Think about it!....Hey Tomas...It's cold enough fer' me. Hey, Iv'e got the front parlor looking like a normal person lives there. Did I say normal??...ouch, thats gotta hurt. later. Me

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Eric~Well it was good for a momentary flight of fancy..did my own quick mental tour. I do love New Mex and it brought bright a light to my minds eye.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: i'm from outer space, ya dweeb !
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Possible best caption on DC demo placard :

2 photos, one of Bush one of Hussein Below -- "Pick a Nut"

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Jan 2003



Thanks for the insight. Berg gave me a copy of Nowsreal and I never new whose voice it was during the sequence you mention. I will play it again. Is it possible to make an audio tape of the remaining untranscribed interview from 1982? I would be interested in your take on the current warmongering and the Digger perspective regarding anti-war demonstrations.


I find your concept of everything counts provoking and would enjoy reading your thoughts on this issue.

Thanks, Mark

PS. Steve and Nicole, Amy Goodman on TV said it was 10 degrees in NYC today...Holy Shit!

Name: Eric
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Nicole -- (and Eileen) // Sorry I wrote that suggestion of the Southwest Trek to Eileen, but it was Nicole who proposed the summer travels. Nicole, if you happen to be interested, you're welcome, although we'd be coming West to East, opposite of your intent.


The Diggers didn't do demonstrations. They did Events. They kind of looked down on the average run-of-the-mill demonstration. One of the best descriptions of the Digger idea of events is in an interview that Marty Lee and I did with Peter and Judy in 1982. It touches on this topic:

Unfortunately I am only 1/4 of the way done transcribing it. If only there were one or more free transcribers willing to tackle the dozens of hours of taped interviews in the archive.

Another bit of archive on the topic of Digger events was a brief phone conversation between Sweet William and Peter Berg that is heard in the film Nowsreal as the camera pans around Bill's and Lenore's apartment. This was the day after one of the big events at the Straight Theater or the Caroussel and Fritsch is just beaming on how right the Digger event ideal is compared to mass demonstrations. I will try and find time to create this part of the film as a video clip and post it here if you're interested.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Steve~Well then, I like your plan, cause I'm telling you two Cancers trying to mate up is a boat without a rudder or anchor..maybe 2 paddles at best. Deep connection but when the waves come, you're likely to find both of you hanging to the sides looking for the Coast Guard. Winkin' Blinkin' and Nod one night, sailed off in a wooden shoe. Sweet sweet friendship though.

Name: Michael
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Nicole - I sent my home address to one of your email addresses.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Eileen; your vote counts bigtime...(and I aint talkin' chads & dimples)...In fact Im' counting on yer' sage advice.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Libra Moon..OK, folks, plans, hopes, scemes and dreams can wait. Nothing is gonna stop Bush now. Its clear in my mind. A few empty war heads and 1/2 million people are gonna eat it. Its war. His War. Not mine. I dont do "Partys". I vote for a person. That being said: Im' drawing the line here. Are all of you straight citizens who voted for that little viper happy? Who voted for that cocksucker anyway?? Anyone willing to admit it??...I for one am renouncing my "Americanship" when the first bomb is dropped. God bless Diggers and us for their cause. NO BLOOD FOR OIL.

Name: Steve
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Nik, watch the road. Hey, I forgot to lay that Cunningham Poster on ya' during yer' last visit. Hey, just got word that my original childhood friend will take me up on my offer to us my place as home while visiting NYC. He plans to visit in a few months. I was his older prothers partner until I failed 1st grade and then became his friend. (Its the fuckin' "Class" system that our fucked up society layed down. Hell, he also had a younger Bro. so I was covered in any event. But, they all got pulled and placed in Catholic school. (another fucked up social alianator.) Despite it all, friendship endures. That is my final goal; to eventually put one more bike on the road and ride to Michigan and spring my original Super Human girlfriend from what ever institution or domestic hell that she's gotten sucked down into. We were parted in 58' or 59'...but who's counting? Love will find a way. If I pull it off, it will make print. Anne Root;..what have they done to you?

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Steve~I hear ya. Sounds good to me..if I get a vote in this. HA!

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl - Please keep writing your story - and in the end - may you have a book full! So many of us here and there from our youthful salad daze and now have wonderous - intriguing, daring, wacky, scary and certainly interesting - perhaps enlightening, or 'just plain old campfire tales' that are well worth the telling (in print). There are countless books written about "the 60s" - the landmark concerts, bands, drugs, roadies, groupies, drugs, happening places, rebellion whatever, ad nauseum by well meaning author cum historians who frankly were not there - they are just writing books "about" the times. Emmett's and Peter's books set wonderful precedents and set the bar so to speak (to name two authors close to home) for those of us far less well known to speak from the inside - your own inside......hummmmm - Well you know - Keep Writing!

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Sam, I may be out on a limb...but it's my own limb. As far as the Ozark limb goes, I feel that in my heart the most I will do is help her move two local church folks and a truck load of their stuff there and fly back. As far as the Spider and the Fly, Im' older and wiser, and as such, I am playing the life actor roll as the eight-legged Parlor Host,..not the guest. Her feelings are very tender and she has enitiated the love letter thing via snail mail, as she feels (as I do)..that hand written things are so endearing and E-Mail is so stark...Aside from her gearing up to haul those fools out of the city, she's spending the first two days with me. As far as relocating: Ive' moved in with many women, and in turn; many women have moved in with me. It dont jive. Two lovers should move into their own place. Thats sacred space. Its a day one thing.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Humm, Steve, yes it should be interesting. Sounds like you've been backing out already though. How're your lines in the Ozarks? If mine had been good I would have been into it. You?

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003



Thanks for the invite. I think this move is going to be all I can stand in the way of travel for fun or otherwise. Yours will take you into winter on the Taos route (if they had one). It sounds like a terrific trip. I hope I will be just settling down in my new home in April. Likely will still be unpacking in May. I am thinking about doing the July 4th at a fair in Prescott for (would you believe) astrological reasons. Beyond that my door will be open to you travelers. Yes Nicole put me on your route.

Tomas~I will wait until this summer to take you up on the offer of finding Wally. Winter here seems to be an easy one..I hope I haven't spoken too soon. A few storms and last wk we had sun would you believe. So far not even a hard freeze. So everything remains green and I haven't even made a fire today. But ofcourse it's damp. It's always damp and for those not use to it, chill. But no complaints (now that's a change, ain't it?) today. Took the dogs to run at the ocean early this morning. They haven't been there since this opperation so they were running like mad. It was great. I don't ever care what the weather is when I'm out there. Sun peeking in and out, but I don't think it's going to win.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl, Buckley's novel is titled "Little Grey Lies"..(the main character's last name is Grey.) Anyway, I dont mean to put Buckley's writting down...its just that he writes in the first person,..but he aint that person. It's just there is so much wild shit commin' down on a daily basis everytime he steps out the door, and here he is writting about a non-existant person who leads a dull life (from what ive' skimmed)...I think that he's got what it takes to be one hell of a screen writter, or play write if he can focus on real shit. But, hey, as long as he's writting, thats the ticket. Hey, I just got word from the Cancer Rev. that I neednt venture to Kansas. She's getting a snug little place in the Ozarks and is comming to visit me pronto. This auta' be good. Later all.

Name: IMAM
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Eric - Is it my imagination or did the text on the page just get two inches wider? I really have to scroll left-right now-Tx for checking....IMAM

Name: Laurel & Tom
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Name: Blue
EmailAddress: wait a minute
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Are you sure you weren't all in my dream last night?

I was back in Berkeley, about '69.

We're smokin a little pipe of opium together.

Get on to politics. Orwell, "1984"

At one time, college students actually exhibited some intelligence.

Corruption of language, my friends.

Check it out , might set your perspective straight. [Straight is not necessarily derogatory.]

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: wait a minute
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Are you sure you weren't all in my dream last night?

I was back in Berkeley, about '69.

We're smokin a little pipe of opium together.

Get on to politics. Orwell, "1984"

At one time, college students actually exhibited some intelligence.

Corruption of language, my friends.

Check it out , might set your perspective straight. [Straight is not necessarily derogatory.]

Name: Tomas & Laurel
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Nicole, You are welcome to stop by and say hello. Just send a email and we will send you address and phone number. Laurel & Tomas

Name: Bon
EmailAddress: no
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Nice site!


Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 23 Jan 2003


BUCKLEY ANSWERS: (these were verbal, so I may pass on my poor spelly, dig?)A.#1 Once years ago, to visited an Uncle in Rodondo. A.#2 (after looking up "Oracle" in the dictionary), "I dont think so." Ohio Girl, Buckley is out trying to spot butts on the street. He calls it "clipping" He's down to smoking folks' leftovers. His ending the habit ended the next day. I spent my last dime on some camel filters for the poor bastard. He's a chain smoker and talker. I'm very surprized that his answers to the questions were so short. Hey, Ohio Girl, I can tell you this: his novel is based in the sixties and involves a private investigator. My drift on his writting is that I view this "Novel" oiling the machine. I hope to spur him into "Reality Writting" once I can get him anchored into a solid home environment. This cat cant crash forever. The no-rent Kato Kalin thing gets old. Anyway, I want this cat to write about his adventures in NYC, but he seems engulfed in this fantasy Micky Spalain type thing. Later.

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Jan 2003



Can you point me to anything in the Archives that illuminates the Diggers stand on demonstrations? Thanks.

Name: Eric
Date: 23 Jan 2003



My niece and a friend of hers are planning to come down to SF from Canada in May. She asked if I could be their guide on a trek to the Southwest. Any interest in hooking up to go camping in Chaco Canyon in New Mexico? (With stops along the way at the Grand Canyon, Hopi Land, and Mesa Verde).

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Jan 2003




Hey, I used to go to the "Meat Market" back in the mid 70's occasionally. Damn. Didn't know any of those folks then. That collection/road trip sounds like an excellent idea.

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 Jan 2003


I just had a great idea...of how I'd like to spend part of the summer...driving from NYC to Kentucky to South Carolina to Ohio to Dakota to Eugene to Portland to Mendocino to get the picture right...when I lived on Holly Park circle there were a few times when Judy and Peter would come over and then we'd all go over to Nina and Phyllis then all of us go to Vinny and Joanna's we just kept collecting people and ended up at the Meat Market Cafe in Noe Valley for coffee...anybody game?

Name: nik
Date: 23 Jan 2003


...that was thanks to you Eileen for letting me know about liver and pain.

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Michael, you mean the job I had in SF as a city school farmer gardener...yeah, I'm trying to place you...jaysus I hate that...I have a copy of the road crew...Charlie Degelman recently fixed it up digitally and sent me one...give me your snail mail adress and I'll send a copy...and I do remember the blanket yr speaking of...where did you live back then Michael?

Thanks for letting me know that...after checking when I got home last night I have a small bruise on the skin right there...somehow?

One of the women in my building is a sag member and votes on the Oscars so they send her advanced copies of I know how I'm going to spend this chilly week end...curled up under me kivers, in me jammys, maybe with me Irish lad watching some great flicks...


Name: Tomas
Date: 23 Jan 2003


It is five degrees here in Kentucky and our furnace blower just went out at 3am. It is always something. The war, the peace, the birds, the furnace. Ambo Legfish( or Lakefish) and Wally Murphy live in Eugene,OR. I have Wally's number if you want to say hello to a friend from Morningstar. Ambo you just have to ask the world about where he is? He is hard to find, Ambo is a finish carpenter. Tomas

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 23 Jan 2003


I'm always surprised when people offer me ideas, even my Mom wanting me to write about old family skeletons. I had assumed no one would want to be "trashed" and I make a big effort to keep the stuff truly fictional! Like any type of writing this is hard work and good practice, and even if it turns out I'm not practicing for anything further, they do send paychecks. Thanks for repeating Dr. Clark's information for me. Peace.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: Thurs., @ 2:30 AM  EST
Date: 23 Jan 2003


(Not sure where they use this expression) Well Eileen -- Good on you. Sounds like real progress. Not too much to add, except it's snowy and cold in NC.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2003


Oh yeah we can post right over one another. Ohio Girl~You can either buy a zapper from Dr Clarks site or get the book from her site, Cure For All Diseases..that has the diagram for the zapper in it. You should have that book anyway.

Ah ha a trash writer hey? Whatever gets us through..I say good for you. Maybe you can pick up some ideas here or I can turn you on to another site I still check out that has some really out of left field conversations. Ha!

Yes I am feeling better but I am getting really tired of this pain in my gut that feels like a fart that won't move. But it is getting easier to stand.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: errands
Date: 23 Jan 2003


I can't believe e-mails can cross in the e-mail same as letters crossing in the mail, but Eileen I saw your message here after submitting mine and I'm glad you are feeling good enough to get out and about! Could you please tell me, where is that information about a homemade zapper to be found? Never used to get headaches, but I have these awful headaches resulting from interferon and I read that the Tens unit (electricity on a doctor's prescription) is good for headaches, so the zapper ought to work. Thanks.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 22 Jan 2003


To Buckley, What is your favorite view, the favorite scenery you'd like to be walking through? What are you writing?

I confess to being a "confessions" writer for "True Story" magazine, the past two years. It got hard to write when I was so sick but I've stuck with it even though writing less. I've been "confessing" all day today as it isn't a work day for me. P.S. don't want to spoil any important illusions, but magazine confessions are basically fiction. My favorite confessions title (not one of mine) was "Our First Baby Had Four Legs and a Tail." Like most confessions the story was much more interesting than the catchy titles, it was about a young couple who get a puppy before they have kids. Hope to one day write a book like Hammond. Hope to one day quit my day job like in the sixties. To Tomas, thanks for sharing the view(s) from your kitchen window. Eileen I hope you are feeling okay by now. Eileen and Nicole my liver never has hurt but I've heard there can be pain involved but it's actually from the outside of the liver and not medically significant. But maybe it's for a pointer to an illness that can silently coexist for so many years? Hello everyone, Stay Warm. To those who live in the warmer climates, Smart Choice!!!!!!

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Jan 2003


No Way, am I the only one here tonight and you guys have left me hanging with that word I can never spell. OK help me here..errons..somebody spell it for me.

So, I went and watched myself in the world today to see if I'm really so messed up. No I can still function and communicate and be comfortable with folks. It's in my down time I'm feeling Miz Freak-a-nenny. So I have made contact with another email friend today to hear her voice for the first time. There's always that part of me that thinks "leave it alone". But before it was over we made terrific contact and I learned more from her about an area 35 min S of Eugene that actually gets sun in the winter..opposed to Eugene that's just bleak all winter long. Eugene's known to be in a valley the Indians considered unhealthy. They got that right. Anyway she's going to help me house hunt out there. This is also the woman (Aspen) that's turning me onto making the fragrant oils, and healing salves and nice to your skin stuff for baths and massages and all to go into business. And I called my dad who used to be a bee man to see if he still has contacts in Louisiana for bee wax. The point is I made human contact and am making the effort to step out further. We started talking about doing fairs together and actually getting face to face so she can show me stuff. Also have contact with kin of Alister Crowley that's a fragrance man than has some wild formulas and absolutes to sell at good prices. Oooh this is starting to get good. It's clear to me now it's time for me to step out and encourage contact. Thanks again Nicole for that very clear analysis of my situation.

There's more. The realtor said to cut this place loose and just walk away and chalk it up to an expensive lesson. So that's clear now.

Aspen also reminded me tomorrow we will be coming out of Mercury retrograde and this financial log jam I have been in (Steve you can't do it all) should break loose. HOORAY I totally forgot we've been in that darn retrograde. Let me know folks if communication and stuff doesn't get better.

Micheal~So glad to see you surfacing here. Come on! Keep it up. Let everyone know what a sweet and interesting guy you are! We could use the company.

hellllooooo hellloooo it's echoing in here...where is everybody?

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Just got back from running errons sp?. That may have been a mistake. Will chat up my moving thoughts later. I just wanted to say Nicole, the liver can not hurt. You may just have some ribs out. But getting on the cleanses, girl, would be a supremely good idea.


Name: Michael
Date: 22 Jan 2003


I landed here Nicole, from points east first (grew up on Staten Island), then points west. Actually, and I hate to start this again, you do know me. I have a toolbox you gave me in San Francisco. You had a CETA job for awhile in the mid 70s, I don't remember why you had a toolbox, but I inherited it. I also have a piece of material. It has a dog and, maybe, a cat on it, just a couple of feet square, something to throw over the back of a chair. For whatever reason, I've thrown it over chairs for, well decades, and now it's on a small table by my front window where my cat lays and watches the world. What I don't have, and would love to get a copy of someday, is the Road Crew tape with you singing, among other things, "I Fall to Pieces". Kent took off with the one I used to listen to, oh so long ago. Well, it was his.

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Michael, but it's so pretty there...South Dakota...are you from there or did you go there?

Eileen, The Oregon coast line is so beautiful...

IMAM, it's definately been a road well traveled for all of us.

Hammond, still no tape in today's mail...did you send it regular?

My liver hurts today for the first time ever...feels sort of like a bruise just under the last couple ribs...I don't like that...not a bit...time to start some of these remedies you've all been posting.

Name: Michael
Date: 22 Jan 2003



It's heading down to about -15 degrees tonight in eastern South Dakota. The colder it gets, the drier it gets. The drier it gets, the bigger and louder the sparks. Some of them are beginning to hurt.

Name: IMAM
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Nicole - Yes, when I read your weather report this moring I thought of you - and shivered at the thought! Yikes - I really can't take that hard core icy cold - get warm!!!! And thanks for the link to your music. You (along with most of us here!) have had a very interesting life. Tx! (Everyone!)-IMAM-Suspect

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Freakin' Palm Springs is looking good about now. I want sun all the damn time. Just imagine living in one of those cool and low, open floor plan, glass from floor to ceiling desert hideaways. Watching the living dead bang their Lincolns and Caddys into each other at the country club parking lot. Frank Sinatra Drive , Bob Hope culdesac, ah what a life. Please pass the fondue and what are those pink flamingos doing in my yard.

Name: IMAM
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Eileen - Why Eugene - friends in the area? I have been there many times over the years visiting friends in the area - but don't think I would want to live there. It feels 'fixed in place' with too many (altered hip) politically correct trappings and where very little actually happens vs. something essentially vital and less insular. Sort of like being in a 60s-70s life-size diorama with lots of invisible boundries. But hey - there are bunches of really sincere and socially aware people there - plus many from your past in SF I imagine - so if the scene somehow fits your spirit, body, mind - you will not lack for an interesting social life. End of IMAM's tour of Eugene - "Smile a little smile for me....sweet Eileen...."

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Yes Nicole, I believe that about covers it.

IMAM~You are confused cause I'm confused. HI was in there for awhile. Then Prescott AZ and currently Eugene, OR. Figure if all goes as planned we will be SOMEWHERE by April. How we get from plan A to plan B is beyond my comprehension at this time. But it must and will happen.

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: deepfreeze@the easternseabor
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Bur-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r!!!!!!!!!!!!! baby it's cold outside.

Eileen, my doctor friend told me today there is a "real" diagnosis called SAD it stands for social anxiety disorder and is caused from no sun, too much rain, not enough fresh air...not enough socializing, and he said it gets worse if you don't get much actual contact with other people in person. So girl, maybe you oughta put out a welcome mat or go visiting in some sun shine...we want to see you smiling and dancing...Nik

Name: IMAM
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Eileen - Sorry to hear that you have 'cabin fever alone syndrome' - From past experience I know how this feels to the nth degree and see (in retrospect) how great it would have been to have a computer at the time. Is this a passing life-locale with relief in sight (plans to move) or are you burrowed in for the duration? Or - maybe I should go back and read the book - per your moving to the Islands? Or is this someone else - I get geographically confused at times because in one sense we are all "here" (+) where ever else we are! IMAM-Suspect

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Jan 2003



Lunch? I can bring that.

Name: Tomas
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Where am I? Are these the places were god is echoed in the hallowed mahogany marble hall? Or are these the places where the man sweeps up the beer covered peanut shells. Is he the silent man dumping the garbage down the alley? Or is she the elderly woman on her knees scrubbing the floors in the hospital room? Or am I just doing the dishes at home while the birds feed out in the frozen garden. I may be alone out in the wilderness or in a crowded room of writing suits? Whatever brings you around; we have a word for you, good morning. May a peace linger over your head. Take Care Tomas

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Jan 2003


You guys are great. Thanks. Really. Certainly good for a chuckle. Ariel had me laughing so hard tonight, I had an asthma attack. I don't get much slack but I also haven't laughed that hard in a long time. She's getting happier and more secure with her life and her guy, and boy does he have his hands full!

Mark? Sat lunch? The rate things are going, you're going to have to bring it. I kid you not.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 22 Jan 2003


Mark, my guess is home-made bread...take her some jam will ya mister? I will log on Wed. to gather up any "Buckley" questions. Good night all.

Name: The Fugitive
EmailAddress: redpeter@blueballs.cum
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Hey, theres no lover like a secret tell me crabby-ass...whats really eatin' ya?. Hell, blues?..I got them ol' Blue Devils myself...I got a hard on tonight just walking a gal arm in arm 6 blocks. I limped all the way there. Even the thought of her Cuban Brother didnt break that magic spell. When and If I ever connect with "Mrs. Right" its gonna be excaped convict sex for sure,..except it will be a three legged man instead of a one armed man leaving the scene. Christ,...I "shut down" over two years ago; but I'll be damned if I plan on opening another can of ovaries without reading the warning lable first. Eileen, I dont do love at first sight, I'm just not capable...But I am capable of detecting a potential wolf mate when I see one..and I saw one 33 years ago. Trouble is; she didnt see me. Hey, your blues will turn to greens soon. Mark my words. one.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003



You ever been to California? Have you ever been considered an oracle?

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003



Nobody is alone really, even if we want to be. Berg was explaining, he does a lot of that, to me a month or so ago when I lost an old friend that they really never leave. The influences and patterns developed over a long relationship continue as part of the inventory of life's experience. They don't go away but are really part of the accumulated "DNA" we carry. When I am alone sometimes the conversations are with those friends and lovers. They make pretty damn good company when the ones around me aren't connecting or I am not ready for "prime time".

The internet has provided all of us a way of touching even in the most disconnected way. Imagine if all those closed away, in nursing homes, prisons, or just sitting in silence without a word of kindness could have this capability.

Anyway, looks like Saturday you will have to figure out how to deal with me. What's for lunch?

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Eric~Can we archive this..or is this a long download just for me?

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Sweet Son~I don't think I've (exactly) got the blues. Well sort of I guess. I've certainly learned how to entertain myself. But I am really giving some thought (boy am I) to this next move and how to change the vibe I have set up in my life. One can not live the bandits life or keeping a secret lover secret without the dues that go along with it..though I finally shut that one down over a yr ago. I was always taking care of folks and I got tired of that too. I intentionally cleared the field to clear my head. OK I think I'm about there and I got to say I'm not going to do this again when I leave here. I'm not quite the hermit I fancied myself. Cranky maybe but not a hermit.

Name: A Good Son
EmailAddress: twelfth house
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Mother Witch. You have been blessed with both natural as well as soul children. Rejoice. My birth back in 70' was imaculate. Still got the blues?. I'm far out, but never far. Good Night Sam.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Mark, Buckley saw part of Nicole's Digger Vidio and uttered "L.S.D.--"Legalize Synthetic Development"..????, or something like that..anyway, he's watched me make NYC Digger Posters, he's admirred my Digger North. Cal. tee shirt that I refuse to wash, he gets all of his clothing from the WFS Digger 100% off sale rack, he's seen me give everything of mine (and a few others) away, and he still doesnt get it. He hasnt asked, and In as much as I dont preach Diggerism, I only live it; I dont think he ever will get it. To date, He hasnt offered one fuckin' dime to the kitty, but its no skin off my nuts. You've heard the expression "Two can live as cheaply as one"???..well I'm here to tell ya' that "Two can live as FREE as one". I have access to an endless supply of plastic forks, knives, spoons, hot and cold cups, papper plates, napkins, papper towels, ass wipe, a full line of toiletries, towels, wash clothes, bedding, Food, coffee, iced tea, hot chocolate, etc. etc. I pay no utilities, no nothin'. And I was contemplating early retirement?...WOW!!!...It dont get any better than this folks. Hey, as far as his input, sure, I can run it by him. Hey, tell you folks what, lay ten questions (or twenty) on Buckley in Interview form. Ask this cat anything about anything...but brace yer' selves. I will relay it and get back to you. He turns 41 this month, his folks are dead and he's a Lost Boy who is under the full protection of the West 4th. Street Diggers.. He is going through a rather stormy phase with a Russian maiden by the name of Petra. He digs tossing the three coins and insists that I enterpret the outcome, as its a right side of the brain thing, and we both suspect that he's got two lefts. Lay it on him folks.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Steve I have to say I wish I was there to be part of your crew! You would not believe how beyond alone I am out here. If it weren't for Miranda and this computer I think it would be safe to say I am totally isolated. This is just the, ok one of the, weirdest times in my life. It's down right pathetic. That's my soap for the night.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003



Does Buckley show the need to post something here? Sounds like an interesting cat. Looks like the trip to Mendo is on, man, I gotta get out of here for a couple of days.


I sent the link from Take Back the Media to my 82 year old Dad, he goes to all the Anti-War rallies. He has a very good memory and should remember something about the Bush family assests being seized in 42'. If he does I will post it.

Name: Steve
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Tomas; I'm gettin' the vibe. Speak to me.

Name: Super Steve
EmailAddress: Uh Hu...
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Mark..Dinner??..I helped unload almost 800 Lbs. of free food last friday. The teenagers, ate almost as much as Buckley did. We fed a record crowd on Sun. The Super Human Crew failed to show Mon. due to the Holiday, so I didnt get to stage a production of the Firestone Spare Choir. (its a blow out joke, folks.)...anyway,..I'm getting the front parlor all cozy, and it looks real homey. Miz Nancy moves in this Friday. No word on the Monk and the young Nuns. Lets see...not much else new here....Oh, I dont get to see Little Darla much these days as its to cold for her mom to bring her here. Her mom is prompting me to submit some art work to the Fresh Art portfolio. I ran across a nice set of pastels (figure) which I forgot to give away, and Miz Nancy said its cool if I do some take offs of her. (that doesnt mean what it sounds like)...anyway, ...I had a real good day. Buckley is close to wrapping up part one of his novel. Wed. afternoon I will put on my Captain Positive cape and again join forces with the Super Humans to fight hunger and feed the masses. I personally plan on handing out at least 50 blankets that I have stashed. (Diggers will the get credit: not I. These hard core street folks are taking a real beating out there. Later

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Hey Eric, on the tail end of that cyber-scums E-mail address is a "UK" designation that I refered to a while back. Those U.K fucks got heavy. My question now is: just what I asked you then,..does the"UK" stand for United Kingdom?? If so, half of my problem is on the other side of the lake. No big shakes.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Stupid computer, make that "It isn't as bad as I thought."

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003



Damn, only thirty years! I isn't as bad as I thought. Hey, how about some soap opera, whats for dinner tonight folks?

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Wake Up America. Bush plans on setting the clock back thirty years. Hey, check this out: I skip on over to Judson Memorial...and who do I end up sitting next to?..The Cuban Libra..or would that be Libra Cuban?...Wow. Anyway, I ended up walking her to the Path on 9th. St. She only mentioned her Cuban Brother a few times. OK, the 30th anniversary rally included Rabbi Balfour Brickner, Alexander Christy, Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Davis Jr., Rev. Dr. Peter Laarman, Joan Malin, Katha Pollitt (great and journalist)..and Rev. Emma Jordan Simpson. Heres the bottom line: Girls, King George II is waging a War On Women. He set the stage and has stacked the deck in the courts. Just like his War for Oil, he plans on it being his choice and not our choice. The war began two years ago on Jan. 22,2001, his first day in office, (which was the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade). His hit list is to long to get into here, but take a look at and if you wish to join the Planned Parenthood E-Rally to tell Ol' George to stop fucking with you girls, visit

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2003


BB~That was hardly a bit of honesty but baiting. I for one am not attached to who you doesn't really matter. Your intention does.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: OOOPPPSSS!!!
Date: 21 Jan 2003


I own England an appology. Those are Welsh Bastards.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: DWFSNYC
Date: 21 Jan 2003


IMAM, if you check that site out, chances are those fools will not know what yer' talkin' about. From the E-Mails that Iv'e just recieved, maybe I should stick to action and not words. I'm through setting myself up. I have enough dealing with reality. This computer world is to vailed. Words,...Words from a mute. Think about it. Latter all. I'm goin' into action...or reaction. Will report on the Abortion Galla in the A.M.

Name: IMAM
Date: 21 Jan 2003


ByeBye BB - thank you for your "bit of honesty" - but I think you are just paranoid. What's with the helmet dude? You look like a skinny Mussolini. Sorry but I don't think you will find any followers here. Sometimes being silent is golden- IMAM-Suspect

Name: Steve
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Dont fall for it folks. These fucks (and there are more than one of them)have been jackin' me around from day one. They started to play me against some fellow employees,..the whole nine yards. They are heavy duty internet mind-fuckers who are basically phsychotic destroyers. There's is a phantasy world. They couldnt like a Digger in the eye. It aint over. That was to easy. Eric, if you get a lead on who's "IT" and where they are. We could make some news if you would kindly pass their location on to me. Iv'e got the money and the time.

Name: Blue
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Weird enough for ya ? Whatever that was, I hope it's really over with. & not one of these Freddy Kreuger nightmares with hidden trapdoors etc. Seems to me it's as if there's a bad smell suddenly gone from the room. I just might burn some incense. Over to you, Citizens.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Fuck England. Scotland Forever.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003



Why not respond to my post? If you have been lurking for the two years you must have some feel for the way this board goes.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Diggers West Free St. Now Free City Amerifree
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Hey Sponge...nice try. He is you, and you is he. You are smart, but not bright. BUSTED!!!

Name: J.R. Boyd
EmailAddress: DWFSNYC
Date: 21 Jan 2003


That fucker was most likely the prick who damn near blew my mind a few months back. The EiMailing cocksucker would come off as a spokesman for some very fierce action crews (and believe folks, they exist)..the fucker sure did his homework and I'd contact the real McCoys like a chump and call em' out and get laughed off. Boy was I the chump. But I did get some good thing s going, ...everything is for a reason...Hmm...Hey, it was great to get honnerable mention anyway...JR??...

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Boy Buetiful, In all fairness, I partially reread some of your shit and must say that perhaps you are basing everything (your view of human nature) on your own gut instincts. Or guttles instincts rather. The cup of human kindness shit for example...If you had ever been on either end of the cup, you would damn well know that no matter how society has hardened an individual, a small act of human kindness will touch them somewhere deep inside. Partner, I think that instead of watching it, or reading about it, maybe you should do it. Theres no exception for experience. Go out and live a little, hey, join up and kill a few of your' fellow human beings. The American Armed forces have legalized murder. Hit the beach JR.,then report back. Hey, dont forget that they are using real bullets these days,..unlike the blank phantasy ones that you shoot in your wild day dreams. Hey Nik, I will be a the 30th anniversary bash of the Roe vs. Wade thing at Judson Memorial. It kicks off at 7:30 maybe see ya' there. Steve

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Steve you've gone too far. Please stop feeding sanitation workers.Your only encouraging them. Stop right now - you know it makes sense!

Name: Boy Beautiful
Date: 21 Jan 2003


YOU WIN WELL DONE -THIS SHALL BE MY LAST POST ON THIS SITE. Over the last 2years I have realy enjoyed reading this guest book I have watched as regulars come and go. The witt and humour of some postings still makes me chuckle and certainly the last twelve months have read like a soap opera .When silent steve went missing it was akin to "who shot JR. But what didnt dawn on me but has become apparent this evening is ever since this page took on a more chatroom like feel there is an overwhelming sense of paranoia that has surfaced. Who I am is of no importance [i am not a soldier thats for sure] but my identity has overshadowed what I have said. For the record my name is Paul Hammond and my email is at the top.I also have a website that you are welcome to visit [i am the Git] where you can read my life story and post on my guestbook. Eric if you wish to delete this link i understand. My sole intention was to bring ,what I consider to be , a bit of honesty to the discussion over the Gulf.Wishing you all well BB

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: silentsteveboyd
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Sponge,..In reference to your E-Mail. No, I am not him, and He is not me. I dont need to play as my own straight-man. War??...Digget polotics?...Heres where I'm commin' from. (and I dont even come close to saying that I represent any structured group or organization. I back myself. Its a one man revolution. I'm not on the payroll. No party line. You aint buyin' it?..Good, cause I aint sellin' it. You may have gathered already that Iv'e got the biggest mouth on site. What you havent gathered is that I'm all out front. Most of the regulars here do more and have a fuller impact on changing things than I ever will or could wish too. Hummility is not my strong suit. For the record, I'm for doing my bit for human rights right here where I shit, full circle from the plight of the poor, too the search for global peace. That being said, I can, will, and do house, feed, and support Socialists, conservatives, radicals, librals, Communists, gays, straights, Diggers, homeless writters, sanitation employees, exiles, who knows who's, blacks, China men, (except the Red Cineese...I hate those guys)...and any one else who needs a home base to serve as a meeting hall, head quarters or safe haven from the local, state and federal governmental fall out thats slowly frying their fucking brains to the core. I'm fighting social maddness. Amerika is a nut house with no roof. Now, as for this little Boy Blue character, he can go blow his fuckin' horn. My advice?...he throws the ball, just pick it up and go home. Iv'e wasted enough valuable foul language on him/her already. Nuff said?

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Double that praise for Eileen's words to BB - Fear is a weaon of mass (media?) destruction. Maybe BB is sitting at a boot camp terminal surfing virtual freedom before the desert storm he so anticipates. I loved the 'Steve in a China Shop' approach!

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Mark, I'm leaving the office right now...but I'll put that music question to a few folks and see what's up...ciao

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Jan 2003


...oooo good one Eileen...I believe you are spot on about Baby Boy and his possible...make that probable chicken hawk status...either that or he IS a soldier and just nosing around in here...I actually have a good friend that's in special forces and has been in Afghanistan since last year but he does not have that attitude...that mean spirited...arrogant attitude...Baby Boy's the kind of guy who will wake up and be 2 feet tall when he makes a wish that all evil people go 2 feet tall...I have to be careful here...with that one...stay humble nicole...or I'll be 2 ft are right too Eillen, people like that can help clarify my belief, Nik

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003



Peace through fear isn't peace. It is oppression. The cycle of violence as a tool for intercultural debate has run out of road. We are far too intimate in our cross-cultural dealings internationaly. Our world is shrunken and we are forced to deal with ourselves on a much more personal level. Eyeball to eyeball. As you know, I hope, there has been a movement growing overtime to evolve out of this destructive and obsolete mindset with the intent of progressing as human culture. Be all you can be, join the counterculture.


I enjoyed your words today very much.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Beautiful Boy~Oowh a stranger in our midst with bottom walking as a foundation to reason. BB why do I have the feeling you are not the one that is going to soldier up? I think your talking out your hat, and you are not finding a receptive ear here.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003



Being the musical soul you are, can you shed light on the absence of any musical notables or even semi-notables at any of the demonstrations up until now. Maybe I am a little slow but I feel a distinct policy emerging that nobody in this segment of our culture is "allowed?" to perform or lend their name. I find this a bit scary. I realize we have lost a few politically over the decades but it can't be that pervasive. If you could help explain this situation I for one would be very interested in your perspective.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 21 Jan 2003


I am just sat at the back of the class keeping quiet.but i agree with the Guarana bit

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 21 Jan 2003


WHOA there stevie boy - BB aint me this time thats for sure.And please mind the language you let yourself down swearing all the time.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Jan 2003

Comments are pure genius Steve...or just pure...that's it, even with your sometimes spotty language...or is that potty are a pure soul in my book. I'm stopping in the Thirsty Scholar on 2nd ave for my Tuesday evening meet with friends for discussion and problem solving...if I leave early enough I'll try and come to see you.

Name: the original one-of-a-kind and bona-fide
EmailAddress: Blue (accept no substitutes)
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Just one more time -- for Chrissake I'm not having this little morose twisto hijack my own perfectly good name. I don't feel like changing it. Arrrrgghh ! This is just too perverse ... oh well, Mercury retrograde, whaddy'a expect?

But anyone else makes this mistake ... There Will Be Consequences.

Name: Boy Beautiful
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Ok Ok point taken on the language i will try to kerb it[racist or not] The point that I am trying to make is that our natural instinct tends to agression and hatred ,its what we do If you are down and out and a stranger offers you a sip from the cup of human kindness ,we look for the hidden agenda .We want to know whats in it for him regardless of how genuine that samaritain is.But should that stranger hit,rob or rape us if we fall to some disadvantage or harm then blind acceptance is our understanding. We expect confrontation we are raised with it and lets be honest we are good at it .This is bread into us from the school yard and right through our working lives.We eat we shit and we fight .Thats what we do, have done and always will do so dont pretend difrently. The peace that we enjoy is a peace based on the reality of fear ,and guess what? It works. On the side of a British £".00 coin is etched the words "standing on the shoulders of giants" Thats us folks we are stood on the shoulders of giants and who knows we may well be considered giants ourselves some days. But untill then ,yes try to make change,but make those changes where they are needed most .Change the threat by what ever meens possible ,that includes war, but first lets defend our right to make choices, drop out or stay in its your choice but dont loose that liberty.We need to attack and kill all those who who would deny us our choice.Yes war is not pretty and we will allways pay a too high a price - but this is what we are This is what we are good at .So killing and terrorising the enemy is clean its fair and its the only lesson that we absoloutly know both how to teach and learn .HERES TO WAR FOLKS ENJOY

Name: Michael
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Hammond - I live in South Dakota, and am still, after many years, a resident alien.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Fuck you pretty boy blue..or....Sprog, or Dr. Spong or what ever mask yer' wearin' this week. You came off to cool. Who ya think yer' foolin'? Aggitation wont get ya any points here. I proved that. Spout yer' hate at the next fuckin' Klan ralley ya' stagnant pool of piss. Now that you've gotten enough attention to last ya for a few minutes: Wow folks, Buckley is writting like a man possessed. I'm keeping him well fed and jacked up on black coffee. I would encourage any one to become a patron of the arts. It's very rewarding. Well, I moved my old hospital bed back into the front parlor. Nancy can take that one and I will bunk on Nicole's bed. I'm not gonna sleep on the floor with Clawdia the cat. (dont want Miz Nancy thinking I'm odd.)...Buckley has the rear parlor. Oh Hammond; the marriage thing? I like marriage. I'm the marrying kind. I was married my entire adult life. See, the Preacher lady knew me and became a matron of the arts by giving me free space to crank out the lucrative C.B.G.B. posters that I was doing at the time. That was before I knew that I had Cancer and of course She remembers my voice and words. Now nancy,...who is a definate runner-up never knew me when I had a voice, so she only knows one aspect,..(and, me being a multi-faccated-gem-of-guy,) dont really know what she's missing. Now, logic tells me that the Preacher thing is Ill fated as My beliefs go far deeper than orthodox religious beliefs, and I have in fact outlined the "Year of Eileen" as a period of poverty and enlightenment. Now, the fact that the Rev. has inhearited a bundle, dont mean shit to me,..cause I would give it to the cause. (trust me)...any way...where was I...Oh ya, ya see, I wouldn't even beguin to take the plung If Sweet Lorraine would only write. No letter. No Hope. No Nothin'...make that Sweet Nothin'. Enough about romance..(which is at the root)..Sex is for kids,..I want cerebral climaxes, like every time Miz Nancy and I connect on the same wave link and go nuts on some wild-ass-crazy fling. We level each other out. I'm Desi and she's Lucy. Now its in the cards that my mate will be a Libra, which leads me (by proccess of elimination to a Cuban Girl here at the church who kiddingly says that she's gonna tell her brother on me. OK, I went threw the Harpo Marx courting ritual of hanging my leg on her arm, but she says that she's out of the market. Hey; if she aint sellin' it: I aint buyin' it. So, as it stands: she's a maybe, if an when she's marketable again. But Hammond; rest assured that I will stand on my own two feet prior to standing next to anyone. "I" am "MY" crutch. In closing my creto is an old one that I changed to fit: "I've done so much for so many, for so long, with so little, that I'M now capable of doing anything for anybody for any length of time with nothing." Less is definatly more. I'm like so many other cats my age; I'm going through a life change as smothly and naturally as I can. The whole scene dont leave me bitter, its just that we could all be expending time and energy into forward positive good time shit instead of opposition and tug-of-war mind fucking which the Govt. has set us up for. Look at us will ya. Hows this for an answer: every dick-headed politico who backs aggression gets voted out next term. That would make peace not only an issue, but a popular issue. War?..your' out. Peace?..yer' in. No matter how crooked ya' are. After all, it is polotics. Iv'e got some advice for the United Nations; ya' better unite...cause its gonna take United Nations to stop the U.S. Government from resurrecting a 21st century version of the Holy Roman Empire.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Michael - Thanks ever so much for your note - I am honored and encouraged by your generous appreciation of my book. Currently I am at work on the follow-up volume -> "Biopathic Tendencies." - PS - Just Curious - What part of the country do you live in?

Name: Michael
Date: 21 Jan 2003



I finished your book and definitely enjoyed it. You do a great job of taking a reader with you to the moment. I look forward to beyond 1976. Apparently, it turns out you lived through it. In your recent photo, deceiving though these might be, you appear to be comfortable with who you are how you got there. Thanks for telling your story.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Hammond, not yet but there was no mail yesterday and it doesn't come till 3:30 today...I have a VCR in the conference room here so as soon as it comes I'll pop it in. Thanks.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Mark~ Yes it would be great to hear from either Berg. I think I hit on it more completely with my post to Beautiful Boy. And I think what B Boy has to say is excellent, whether he is just stirring things up or really believes what he says. I think it's good to look at that mind set in all it's flaming colors and have to think outloud clearly why that thinking is a bad idea and skewed. Certainly there must be pieces of that thought that most of us have to put aside. Sometimes it's good to lay it all out there and claim it and see if that dark stuff that floats around is really how we want to live and be. If if is, all it does is perpatrate itself. I would like to wipe all the alcoholics and wife beaters and child molesters off the face of the earth. I would like to wipe out the pissed off poor homeless people and the folks that do drive by shootings. I would like to get rid of violent cops and the folks in Washington that are spending our money we didn't want to give them for things I don't want to spend it on. I would like to wipe out my neighbor down the street that hassles us every day and anyone that doesn't let me do what I want. In fact I would just like to shove all the folks I don't like to the other side of the planet..but that would cause the planet to tilt. Better yet go back to the days when we could just off whom ever we didn't like. What are we going to do with all these awful people?

Name: heavy
Date: 21 Jan 2003


guarana is heavy caffiene, addictive, and with ensuing problems.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Jan 2003


ps BB...and more to the point it's about the oil...

Name: PS -
Date: 21 Jan 2003


BBoy - not Blue!!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Mark - thanks for the link relay. Margot was an impecable guardian of light (at the end of the tunnel) and her intuitive voice will be sorely missed in this time of global dismay and struggle.

Nicole - Welcome back from your birthday outing with friend and hope you had a great time. (Did the tape arrive yet?) - *I think IMAM recently posted something to the effect that due to the mess we men have made of the world situation it is high time for women to take over the reins. Well your last post - and Eileen's note to BoyBlue before you are good examples of this wisdom compassion in action. Thank you both for orienting the rest of us to our hearts vs our reactive minds.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: hyper activated
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Nik -- good solid post. You said it, sister. Thank you.

Name: Fly off the wall
Date: 21 Jan 2003


M.A.D. - mutually assured destruction or mutually assured determination? One leads to extinction - the other leads to survival.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Boy Baby, I feel very sorry for you and how you must feel inside...because I know that when you see things in that light (or lack there of) everything is affected by your perception...I will send some light your way. I also know that there has to be a balance of forces, it just is the way of the universe...

I was looking at an article called something like, Looking at the Dead...I opened it expecting to see Jerry and the boys, but oh no, it was a startling photo essay on what happens to people in war...there were graphic pictures of an ambush...and the men (boys) with varying degrees of injury...blood and guts seeping into the dirt in rivlets...children lying bloated and swollen with skin splitting open on the sidewalks...heads bashed in like cantelopes... this essay covered about 5 time periods, viet nam, korea, WWII, bosnia, some african stuff, it didn't matter who did or them or anyone, it is all so horrible...I don't know if you have seen someone who's been laying dead for a number of days...I have and it doesn't look or smell is so awful...there is nothing about it that makes you feel good...and my experience with it was a natural death...I think every paper should publish these photos so that people understand what will is not a way that I wish to end my agony and panic...and to those of you who say, "well what about the WTC???" It was a terrible thing, yes, I live here in NYC and saw the devastaion...and knew a couple of people who died...but still to me it's about forgiveness...and Boy Baby, you probably think of me as an ignorant, nieve fool, you have that option, all I can say is an echo of all of my brothers and sisters on this site...we have the power to change the world...we do






Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Peace through Fear....Uh......I got a problem with that.

Hammond, I sent that link off. Peter is in Ecuador, due back the end of the month.

Name: PS - IMAM
Date: 21 Jan 2003


And thanks Rena - I will look for these and let you know the results.

And BBoy - your vision of preemtion doesn't get me all upset because I know there are many people who think force begets something besides force. Such is life and the diversity disinformation. Believe what you will and God go with you -> What actually gets to me is your using personally derogatory (racist) terms to express your position to those of us here. Such language will only bring you down.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2003



"Rumpled Fedora head"....that is funny.


That link to Take Back the Media is the hard hitting stuff that needs to circulate in the population. Man, my blood was boiling by the end of it. At least it carried me through the morning workout. I am going to send off that link to a few unsuspecting souls.


Your post on the Digger stance on demonstrations offered more to think about. Intellectually I get it, but in the face of real threats of war does it get the job done? I wonder if Grogan would hold to that ideal at this point? I asked JG at PD to respond but doubt she will. Hard cases those two, but you never know.


I think the WTO people deserve the Medal of Honor. I know, tired old slogans, and hoarse, puffed-up wanna-be Che Guevarras get me down but it is a starting point. The movement will define itself in time. One of the best acts on the street during the SF march was a woman costumed as Lady Liberty lashed to a street light with rope, hands tied pleadingly staring at all that walked by. She was accompanied by Uncle Sam on stilts swigging gasoline from a five gallon can and offering fake 100 bills to anyone who would go home right away.


Name: IMAM
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Blue - thanks for the suggestions - esp: Gingko Biloba which I will try. In general I am in very good health for a man in his 50s with a 95% healthy sustaining diet (no fast food or much sugar etc) - though I do love my French Roast coffee (3-4 cups a day) brewed at home vs. the toxic office percolator. IMAM-Suspect

Name: Boy Beautiful
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Look its quite simple .A wise man once said that freedom of speech don’t give you the right to shout fire in a crowded theatre when there is no fire. Well today there is a fire, a big one and its out of control. We have peace because paradoxically we have a readiness for war. However that threat is not enough and we now must put our preparations into action. The only way to maintain our peace is to hit hard at our aggressors and yes that will involve killing innocents, women, children etc.. but also the guilty. Further to this it is vital that peace is maintained by fear. By referring to these people as rag heads we dehumanise them and again this is essential . In order for us to terrorise these people into a forced submission we have to act in an inhuman way and commit inhuman acts over and over again with a clear conscience. Forget hearts and minds that’s what made us an easy target in the first place. Keep the defeated down and defeated. Teach them that their tyranny will not be tolerated and if they try this again we will come back with a bigger stick and hit them harder. I know I have upset a lot [or all ] of people on this site but my intention is not to be provocative or to add balance, just to say that peace and free speech has a price and war is it. Now are you big enough to pay it ? That’s for you to decide. IMMAM TRY GURANNA

Date: 21 Jan 2003


Look its quite simple .A wise man once said that freedom of speech don’t give you the right to shout fire in a crowded theatre when there is no fire. Well today there is a fire, a big one and its out of control. We have peace because paradoxically we have a readiness for war. However that threat is not enough and we now must put our preparations into action. The only way to maintain our peace is to hit hard at our aggressors and yes that will involve killing innocents, women, children etc.. but also the guilty. Further to this it is vital that peace is maintained by fear. By referring to these people as rag heads we dehumanise them and again this is essential . In order for us to terrorise these people into a forced submission we have to act in an inhuman way and commit inhuman acts over and over again with a clear conscience. Forget hearts and minds that’s what made us an easy target in the first place. Keep the defeated down and defeated. Teach them that their tyranny will not be tolerated and if they try this again we will come back with a bigger stick and hit them harder. I know I have upset a lot [or all ] of people on this site but my intention is not to be provocative or to add balance, just to say that peace and free speech has a price and war is it. Now are you big enough to pay it ? That’s for you to decide. IMMAM TRY GURANNA

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: tonics
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Aloha IMAM. as a longtime herbalist i can suggest some tonics.

Astragalus is a general tonic and immune booster. It is fine to take astragalus everyday. You can purchases pieces of astragalus bark in an herb store and put a piece (about the size of a tongue depressor) in your rice or soup as it cooks. Astragalus also comes in tincutres and capsules. I only use glycerine based tinctures because i'm really allergic to alcohol.

Dandelion root. Great stuff. It is a blood purifer, liver cleanser, general tonic and immune booster. You can buy the root and make tea. Or, purchase tea bags from Traditional Medicinals, sold under the name PMS tea. Don't let the feminist name put you off. Dandelion is an plant. It's also useful for PMS because it is a natural diuretic. It's also great for people with high blood pressure.

Oh yes, Dandelion Root is also a mood elevator. You can drink it every day. It tastes fine. Sometimes i'll just stick a tea bag in water and it still infuses, even if the water isn't hot.

Let me know if you notice a difference taking these herbs.


Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Another great light on the planet passes away - Margot Patterson Doss of Bolinas -

Mark - please pass this along to Peter Berg and Planet Drum. Tx!

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: (the real one)
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Hold on just one minute, IMAM, don't let me get mixed up with that yahoo who posted his ridiculous sopomoric message below. [& let's not name names, it's better that way.] Health advice for energy...don't know you, hard to generalize. However, what works for me are these things. Beware of excess caffeine, too much can cause fatigue. Plenty of complete B-Vitamins, good. Vitamin C in abundance good for alertness. Gingko Biloba in liquid extract form can be helpful -- anti-oxidant and seems to improve blood oxygenation, in particular to the brain. Too much sugar is obviously bad news...How's that for starters ?

Name: IMAM
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Hey - Fly on the wall - thanks for the poetic thoughts. Keep us posted! And hi - aloha - and healing thoughts for all here who are somehow on the mend. Our various illness/distress has brought out some great information on taking better care of the body - Thanks to everyone for sending the health notes - saved for when I need them. Can anyone suggest just an all around natural tonic for day to day energy sustainment? IMAM-Suspect (PS - I already eat Ginseng)

Name: IMAM
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Hey Blue Boy - get your facts straight. Saddam is not a "rag head" he is a 'rumpled fedora head' - and killing him (and others in Iraq) will not do anything except perpetuate the aggressive and patently idiotic notion that war is a viable solution to anything except the advancement of the demise of the planet. Oh yeah - and it helps fill the pockets of rich oil barons who really don't give a damn about you - me or anyone else. Get a grip- IMAM-Suspect

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jan 2003


RNA - that is quite a link to video you just posted - All true - so pathetically true. This link should be sent to the white house by a million home computers!

Name: r n a
Date: 21 Jan 2003


aloha Eileen, I missed your link. saw the nasa one but i don't think that's the one you were directing me to. could you please post it again.

as for the homeopathics: Arnica is the one you want to put in the water. if you are taking staphisagria, a dose morning and night is plenty. The arnica can be sipped all day long. it promotes healing, helps with pain, and is just generally helpful on all levels.

I only take rescue remedy on occasion, not regularily.

sendinly lots of healing rays....

Name: A virtual fly on the wall
Date: 21 Jan 2003


In another time I might be pickling my liver At a Cedar saloon table Huddled round literate friends On the make for the hustle And bussled truth altered day to day.

In another time I might be thinking about nothing Sitting at the foot of my teacher On the make for the rustle And timber of an awareness turned inside Where I might not think of death and war Waiting for the first bomb to fall.

And - Were this another time I might not feel the urgency To say anything at all.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: still not entirely Peaceful
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Yeah Eileen, if you'll excuse me mentioning it, one idea I had for a march placard was : "Bush vs Hussein, Single Combat, Now !" Yet another one that never made it off the drawing-board.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jan 2003


BBoy - The ans. to your query is - Because we respect life - all life - essentially following the peaceful humanitarian line of the Dali Lama vs. disrespectful - war mongering - racist (sounding) folks - much like yourself. At least this is how you come off the wall to me.

Eileen - Yes medals for the WTO activists are in order. I didn't mean to sound critical of them in my post about the march here. I was only speaking about the rally following which was, as Stew Albert pointed out, short on new (perhaps enlightening ) food for thought and long on repetition of coined phrases.

Steve - What is the clear picture regarding your future in matrimony ? I am curious Hammond

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Thanks Tomas and Ohio Girl for the uplifting this morning. Obviously I needed it.

Dear Beautiful Boy, I have to wonder what you would like to be doing with your life? Is killing people on your list? It's not on mine. I think anyone that wants a war has been watching too many movies and is thinking of this several steps removed from being a partisant. We all know there are plenty of innocent folks that get killed and maimed in this, stand back and shoot from a distance and maybe we'll kill somebody we don't like, head set. That way we don't have to look directly at who's being killed. Oops wrong place wrong people..well we didn't know them anyway. Most folks I know can't handle the sight of blood and guts, but we don't want to discourage them, so we'll at least keep a clean war on TV. Hey, give em a cool uniform and hardly anyone you know dies. Right? What's a few dead people in a world of millions? Definitely something to do on one's day off.

How about we just figure out how to clean up our mess at home. Ever occur to anyone we are just being distracted from the issues in this country? Hey's THEM over THERE.

I think we need to simply take the leaders of war and let them fight themselves, hand to hand. There is no longer any place for war in this world. The old days of jousting, dueling and just plain old fist fighting should take care of the good ole boys..or shall we send them to the lions? These guys are such panseys they won't even get their hands dirty in any battle and have to live with it.

Name: Tomas
Date: 21 Jan 2003


It is difficult to follow words like that. There should be a space(tablet)where what you say makes sense. A space where we could remove all that is evil from this planet. If that was the case then Laurel would of done away with me thirty years ago. I was such a egotistical ass. But alas she put up with my shit and here I am an old fart the speaks of peace and love and don't hurt Bambi. I started following this web site when a lot of friends started posting their names here looking for folks of the sixties. It has kinda of turned into a chat room and a place to follow good links. All in all a great site to see the mind of the sixties and how it continues to this day. I am forever thanking the heads that turned me on. I have learned that I can influence the mind to feel good. I have learned to turn the fury into work and thank the mind of this planet. I sat on the beach in December and saw the waves pound the Califoria coast. Sit on the beach and your mind will go where it should be. Take Care, Tomas

Name: Boy beautifull
Date: 21 Jan 2003


C'mon folks .Whats going on here ? Please tell me why we shouldn't flex our muscles and wipe out a few rag heads . If they could do it to us they would ,and the only demonstration those mother fuckers would be holding would be to keep the celebrations goin on longer. These ragheads [Sadam,Binladen] so what! anhiliate the bastards they dont deserve human rights just napalm and scuds. Its about time real Americans recognised the enemy and deal with them permanently.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Yeah probably it's lunatic, but the thinking is in a clearer direction than any other World Trade Center rebuilding ideas I've seen.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Good luck, better luck, best luck, good old fashioned luck, getting-lucky luck, luck o' the Irish, lucky at cards, lucky in love, luck for which you thank your lucky stars, luck in the morning, luck in the evening, luck at any time, some kind of lucky, and just plain luck. Offered for all who'd like some, for any occasion!!! Wish me some luck test results have started to come back concerning the hepatitis C treatment. My liver function readings were phenomenally good, just unbelievable. I had noticed little things such as I no longer get all these bruises under the skin like the elderly people I take care of. The blood test confirmed that yes, my liver got alot of healing this past year. However they tell me that doesn't necessarily mean the virus was completely wiped out, and it'll take a few more days to get the results of the viral blood test. I'd really, really rather not have to repeat that treatment. But so far so good. Also tests have shown that my red and white blood cells are recuperating, and that the treatment didn't affect my thyroid (one of the risks). That was alot of blood tests, yikes! it wasn't fun. It was nice to be reminded in several of these messages, that those of us who can't be in the protests, can surely add to the positive energy through our daily lives. Peace.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: another nutty idea ?
Date: 21 Jan 2003


And now get this, a proposal to create a green space with free-roaming bison as a memorial at the former WTC site. Lunacy or inspiration ?

Name: Tomas
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Your vote counts. Your influence counts. Your voice counts. Your words count. Everything you do to promote peace counts. What you eat counts. What you do counts. What you plant counts. If you personally live in peace, it counts. Whatever you do, it counts. Every message that you read or write counts. You are a part of this family on this planet. Whatever role you play in this theater counts. A good morning hello counts. Take Care, Tomas


Name: Blue
EmailAddress: feelin alright
Date: 21 Jan 2003


RNA -- Gotta hand it to you, that last link you posted really turns my crank. Anyone else concerned about the current crisis, you really oughtta check it out. Wishing a good and productive day to all my fellow-travellers, the blue man.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2003


RNA~ Did you see the link I posted below? Also I was wondering if I can use the different homiopathics in the same water or both under my tongue at the same time or not? Haven't been until I heard from you.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: clear light
Date: 21 Jan 2003


another jewel.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2003


Sure nuff boy. I'm fine enough to be hanging out here longer than usual. I got a gut ache that now feels like a fart. But coughing and sneezing pain can now be somewhat controlled if I fold up and apply enough pressure..opposed to nothing helping up until a few days ago.

I'm just playing with you cause I find your language offensive, but I ain't no kid and sure not a lady so I can only assume this is some secret guy code I don't really get. You know like guys working on a car or something a guy just needs to express now and then when things don't go according to plan.

See I've just read 2 books. One about the Hawaiians from all the way back to now..historical fiction by an Hawaiian woman..the cultural mixes and all they have had to go thru with when this country jumped into their shit. Then one about Equador's political battles. I've kind of done a jump of possibilities that looks like fighting our own military/police in the streets and wondering if it's really going to come down to that and do we have what it takes if it does. I mean it certainly was out of hand in Seattle and other places that summer. There is already so much our gov't is doing that we generally prefer to think only goes on in other countries by other gov'ts. I mean what's it going to take for us to take it up the notches necessary to bring this sucker down? I can't help but begin to think this and it's going way past your butt fucking thoughts if you get my drift. I would prefer to think love and light and the New Age is just around the corner and we just have to vibe peace. the gov't going to continue to just ignore us? And if so what are we willing to do to change that? I have these thoughts that go beyond niceness..I guess you do too.

Name: Cancer
EmailAddress: twelfth house
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Thanks Libra,...I hoped that you would. Now I can get some sleep. Good Night now.

Name: Cancer
EmailAddress: twelfth house
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Hey Libra..forgive me??? Dont post, just nod.

Name: The Good Son
EmailAddress: out of the nest
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Mother Witch..I'm sorry..(I'm the sorriest son-of-a-bitch in Amerika)..Its just that its all working on me. I could really do some cookin' with gas on the front burner..but with world war looming,..its hard to cut loose and fly. I'm holed up here like the Alamo. How many more times in my (our) life time will this (our) country play the victim. Bush is fuckin' us where we breath. Hey George, care for a pretzel?..see there I go again. Hey, are you O.K.? Hows sweet sue? Hope Mark brings you a little somethin'. Hey Mark, Libra girls love little gifts. It shows em' ya care.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Oh!..I get're talkin' about me!...well..I..ah..I am a good boy...its just that I aint a very good man. In fact, I'm not to comfortable about it. Iv'e only felt that way since the age of twenty one. Is there a connection?....think so???

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Nice....George nice???..Boy?..ya, but nice??? wow, gimme three of those.

Name: Judge Homeskin VonDigger
EmailAddress: of the Olema Diggers that is....
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Hey all,..rehash my drift on the "NEWS" which is posted on the Discussion page (Free Frame Of Reference) 10-July 2002. It's the one where I officially let our Coyote off the hook for pushing consumer goods on T.V. Think, he wasnt' lookin' to good till I showed up. Any more Olema People out there. Stand Up. it.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003


..and he was such a nice boy.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Ah where did I go wrong?

Name: Steve again
EmailAddress: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Eric...Ah...was that a little over the top??...(I can never tell)...Maybe you should think about running that Digger Disclaimer. I for one, would just hate the thought of influencing weaker minds. (sure Steve,..sure)

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ya..sure..
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Mark,..once upon a time it was the people vs.the cops on any level of public protest.And the women were shown no mercy. About the only lady organizer that I ever knew who didnt get the fuck beat out of her for excercising her right to assymble and peacefully protest was my friend Marge Levy. But then again, her and the gals put gas masks on toddlers and pushed em' around in baby buggies down in L.A. to protest SMOG. (or the main contributors to it anyway)...but NOW. I see the cops standin' around as if it were a Halloween Parade. What the people are fighting now (or should be), complacency. (is that spelled right?) Anyway, they are up againt themselves. Now, say what you will about the press, they are our link with the Government...thats what scares the fuck out of me. (for the most part the news people are all in the back pocket of Big Biz and or Govt. (via huge lobbiests who sponsor their gig)..Read me? Thats why its crucial that folks like you report the real numbers and the real truth. Fuck this morbid couriosity in Liza Manelli, shit, if she had a brain between her ears she would have married me. Now, talk about a reality T.V. show. Mamma!!!...OK..How about this...Presidential Press conference...a member of the press corp stands up and says; Ah..Mr. President, its been reported that the West 4th Street Outlaw Branch of the the Infamous Diggers say that they will let you suck their dicks after they take turns fucking you up the ass, if you will pull your troops out of the gulf by the fourth of July, so that they can celibrate the Birth Day of this Nation in Peace. Which is what our forfathers died to comment?. Now, Mark, we both know that that aint gonna happen; the question , I mean: not the offer., let me keep it real. You can love Government, but Government will never love you. You can love the press corp, but it will never love you. The "IT" is key here, read me. It must be "WE" (as in we the people.) We can love each other. Thats enough for me. How about you George? Not the offer...the loving part. Later folks. Care to comment? Oh, thats another key word, "CARE". If a cat dont give two shits, well, theres still hope,...they may get in on the next war, which should be along within this decade. P.S. George, our patriot forefathers fought and died for Peace, not for War. Come on numb-nuts, Get it through yer' thick fuckin' scull. Ah...I do still have the right to say all of this shit dont I?...well good. (wonder how long thats gonna last.)I love you guys.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003



OK fingers working again. First off I'm no authority on Digger idealogy. You would probably do better to talk to Peter and Judy or watch the video again in answer to your question. Now I got to think. But what I got out of the no war protests stance, was this: The protests against war were viewed as more a distraction from making the real changes that were needed. In that regard the protests could be said to have been ineffectual, because folks just went back to their lives, business as usual..which we viewed as feeding the machine. If you break it down, I suppose it must come down to feeding the cause of the war. But I need someone else to fill this part out better.

I think we wanted to lead the parade our own way. And we wanted to do something on the street level on a daily basis, not just occasional marches. In retrospect I think everything anyone did was a necessary part of saying we are not into this war, we are not OK with this gov't. (Frankly I think there was a bit of snobbery with the Digger attitude at times. OK we're human and we were/are not short on egos.) But I do think, as I suggested, the basic ideas we were working with were and are applicable to any group activity. I think we could have taken what we were doing right on the street with the war protesters. I think we just had our hands quite full already and the fact is, we WERE protesting..just not with placards and walking down the street. But we certainly did a ton of theater that I think I saw reflections of at the WTO protests. I think you could say we were looking for our lives to be the protest.

I sense there is something more to say to our situation now. But I can't quite put the dots together. I feel like I'm missing a step in here. Personally I think elitism amoung groups as to whos ways are most correct or most effectual is BS. I think what I would like to know is did any of this make any difference to the ending of the Viet NAm War?

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Jan 2003



I would like to see more on the Digger's take on demonstrations. Your earlier post has me thinking. I know some Diggers like the Pranksters shunned political demonstration. I might be helpful if this could get explained. You seem to have a good handle on that. Eric, could you offer some light?

Name: Sexy Gypsy Stevo
EmailAddress: why sure..any time
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Eileen, keep the faith. (remember, it's an Olema thang') NO LET DOWNS! Got that?..If not; then get it!...OK, now...lets see.....Hey, the Aquarian is tempting...I could be her Wes and she could be my Star-Eyed Stella,..but the Tibetan thing is looming large. By the way Miz Nancy (my Aquarian) was born in Richland Washington at 11:59 PM on Jan. 25th 1960. From what I gather we could really do the long term thing. Its just that I may have a few short term things left in me. Now, for those of you who dont speak Digger, that is; Nancy is my long and strong suit, but I may be in for a few fast shuffles. (That Tutonic Nazi Choir Girl is still all eyes); and for you all who dont know it: It's dealers choice. God, I love me. Hey, I just E-Mailed the Tibetan connection with my generous offer.Will let ya' know what gives.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: resignedly
Date: 20 Jan 2003


It's to laugh.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003


mark i just became one with my collard greens so it's one fingered typing for now. guess it's my time to spill blood. it's kind of tripping me out this bloodletting major and minor.

i'm on a ciy blocks length of pot holed dirt road. the only problem is if you are riding low..but i think do-able if you just take your time. the road before that is fine. what color

weather this feels more like tonight. call or email and let me know. sounds good to me.

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Jan 2003



The weather will be wet here during the week but clearing for the weekend. I checked the Fort Bragg weather and it looks like rain for the weekend up there. I want to give my Galaxie a run after all the work I have done on it but I need to be careful of getting caught in a mess. Are you on or off the paved road? I may come up Friday and stay in Fort Bragg and then come looking for you on Saturday morning. Depends on how bad the roads are. I will keep you apprised of my intentions during the week.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003



Yes I will be around Sat..will you?! I'm just walking around in the sun and that's about it for my excursions yet..big whoopee. And it looks like we're in for a storm. So yeah, I'm here.

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Jan 2003



I am busy getting dinner together but the outfit who did the organizing was Ramsey Clark's ANSWER group, same that did the D.C. thang. Food not Bombs spontaneously set up behind us. What I think is needed is music, the music was the glue that held the protests together in the past not a lot of political haranging. There were performance types in the march. Clowns for Peace? was one. Gotta go roast off some vegies. I have dedicated today to the paint, canvas and brush. Back Later. PS Are you gonna be around Saturday?

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Oh my gosh Hammond~The folks that partispated at the WTO action should all get awards, medals, special tee shirts like you get at reggae festivals. I mean we should start awarding merit badges for each action. I can't tell you the great esteem I hold for the folks that were there. And the stories that came back of what was shared and learned while running and regrouping. I mean it was so incrediable and I am so bummed I wasn't there. And if this last action was organized by young people I say YEAH!! I'm telling you I can feel a shift in the air. Bush has no idea the fire in the spirit of the people he has unintendedly started.

Name: Steve Bulba
EmailAddress: The Name Police
Date: 20 Jan 2003


TIBETAN UPDATE: This just came in. I'm offer in to host my old Monk buddy the Venerable Palden Gyatsu (who I havent seen for months) and two young Tibbetan Nuns who endured five years in the notorious Draprhi Prison. They are Khoeying Kunsang and Passang Lham. They will be in and out for the most part (traveling and speaching) but will be crashing with me (if it all works out) Hmmm...lets see, Me, Nancy, Buckley, Ol' Baldy, and the two, is Harold Robbins still alive???...There stay will be from the 25th of Feb. until the 10th of May. I will no doubt (ya, I just made up my mind) not be headed to Kansas to court & spoon. (Sorry Honey)...this is for the "War" effort. Will let you all know ASAP. Hey Hammond, maybe you can catch their act when you fly in? Think about it.

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Ah - Eileen - seems our transmissions just crossed. Thanks for your post "the action off stage and activily creative at ground level." - this has always seem essential. Here in Portland the organizers were for the most part younger activists - extensions of the WTO protests. Lots of common goal and well meant rhetoric that everyone there already agreed with. You hit the essence on the head with: "keep it funky and keep it real."

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Hello Steve~Not to want to seem backward or anything but this has got to have more going on than you have told to date. I thought if we knew the 3 colrs of your shit we would have had just a tad more info before busting out this news. Is this love person the preacher woman or what ever? Or the Aquarius? If this is the Aauarius I would like to have her astro stats please. I have more to say on this but want to make sure I got my (your) women straight. Moving right along ain't ja?!

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Ah Ha - thanks Eileen. Okay Steve - what's what? Please clarify the air.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003


I hope with each rally there is much learned and applied. I think Eric is correct in remembering how the Diggers kept a great deal of the action off stage and activily creative at ground level. That was always a big issue, so folks didn't start getting the idea somebody else was going to be in charge and take care of everything..which is how we got ourselves in the mess in the first place! Our 2 cents at the Be In (wasn't that where that was?)was a huge chicken BarB-Que from a ground pit for action. I'm sure there's more I lost track of that was done (besides my brain that day). There was always this issue with the stage action..seperating. The crowd making the main focus be the stage that made anyone up there somebody MORE than you. Like they somehow hung the whole thing together.

I was in Europe at 19 (a zillion yrs ago) and got to see the soap box speakers in Trafalga sp? Square. Yes litterally standing on boxes shouting what ever they had to say. I think that is high enough and allows for everyone to be heard with no one being able to take over. That's what the Mine Troope was always about. BTW were they there SAt? I think keeping the cross section of folks feeling like there is a place for everyone is really terribly essential and will be an immeasurable loss if it just becomes an "extremist" action with the stage making or breaking the intention. Yes and speakers on stage need a 5 min time limit there, with an eletric cattle prod. Does ANYBODY ever want to listen to people rag on a day like that? No, give them the soap box.

So for me the question becomes who is organizing this? Who took care of the stage and speakers and MC and all. They have to get a big Thank You and then see if they're open to help. (Oh yes Mark gave us the site..I've lost it.)Like the Digger Days I doubt they need suggestions, but the hands on I have an idea and am ready to take responsibility for it, if there's a need to say anything at all. And Mark were'nt you the one that said more booths for food and info etc were needed?

Yeah I say keep it funky and keep it real. This is such a great opportunity for some great fun for everyone and not just show time for a select few. If there ever was a time to refresh the Digger spirit, this is it! I just need a bit more time to heal and where ever I end up, I have an idea!

Name: Straight Steve
EmailAddress: Little Village
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Hey, it's the preacher who married the dead millionaire, but first: more on Ramsey Clark. OK, he's a Texan (but I forgive him)..He left Washington in 1969 after serving as Pres. Lyndon Johnson's Attorney General. He settled in Greenwich Village with his wife, Georgia, whom J.Edgar Hoover once dismissed as "nothing but a hippie" because she greeted him barefoot in her D.C. home. (If ya' remember: Hoover greeted folks at his door wearing black stilletto spiked heels), anyway..that fucker who is as discredited a public figure as there is in America,..(ya hear me Bill?)..had even harsher words for our boy Ramsey. Clark's leftist politics and advocacy for the oppressed have been remarkable even by Village standards. (Oh ya?..been over to 133 West 4th St. lately)..Anyway,..Ol' Ramsey went from opposing the Johnson administration's "War" in Vietnam to opposing most every fuckin' act of aggression by the Amerikan Govt. over the past three decades. (and thats a shit-load)...He's heavy! (I wanna be like him when I grow up)...OK,..This sweet cat got it jambed up his ass two different times attempting to grab a U.S. Senate seat (N.Y.) in the 70's, but never caved in. This one's for justice folks. He's got my vote. OK, now the girl-boy thing; I will be parlaying details (dower and such) in an honnest attempt to round out and balance my crazed existance...Now, naturally, by new bride to be (who turns out to be 52 not 54) ..(thats good to know)..does not know how what the fuck she's getting into. (none of them did)...It's better that way...Trust my good judgement folks! P.S. in reference to N.Y.C. It's not New York City that I love...Its the Village!!! Later. P.S. OK, every body sing it all together now: "Poooorrr Mrs. Booooyd....

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: in response to Hammond
Date: 20 Jan 2003


The comments below make a lot of sense. The Peace movement really needs to avoid getting side-tracked. To fail to understand the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian situation is one such boondoggle.

Ramsey Clark at the DC demonstration was calling for the impeachment of Bush. Maybe a good idea, but not central to our purpose, and a sure way to get tarbrushed with the label of 'extremist nut-case.'

What sets the current moment apart is the coming-together of all sorts of people who rarely can find their common ground. Important beyond words to me to keep that awareness and energy up front and not divided.

Let's work toward building a centrist coalition that is devoted to peace and justice on a global scale, and toward all beings, including the living Earth, Gaia, herself. Thank goodness, this war fever seems to be a big wake-up call in many different nations. As was said, something even Ronald Raygun was unable to accomplish. -- Over to you, Citizens

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Eric - maybe this is for the other section - but Stew gives a great description of the march here in Portland I thought everyone would enjoy. -


Peace Power

It's a kind of secular miracle. 20 to 25 thousand marching against the Bush war. It's a record for peace marches in Oregon. Even beats the Sixties.

All kinds of people, carrying all sorts of signs, and chanting various and sundry slogans. Even a few marching bands. About 25% raised their hands when asked if this was their first peace march. My first, was in 1960 over atmospheric H-bomb testing. I've done it countless times but this one was special. There is no draft and the war hasn't started. The message is clear. Bush is single handily rebuilding the protest movement. Creating something that will be larger and much more varied than in the 60's. Even the wretched Ronald Reagan couldn't manage this feat! Boy the people hate Bush. You can tell from the hand made signs and the chants. One really pissed off participant went so far as to wear a Bush mask and a small rocket at penis level.

The march was fantastic. It offered hope in a dark forest. But, as usual, the rally sucked. There were some good speakers but they went on for far too long saying things that had already been said and said again. This time, there was almost a rebellion. The crowd kept interrupting speakers chanting "March, March" and some did actually break away and start marching against orders. Most remained however for the official OK, but they felt like kids doing High School detention.

Another problem came from two speakers who repeatedly attacked Israel, without condemning Palestinian terrorism or supporting Israel's right to exist. This brought some angry crowd comments about "this isn't why we came here." I know Jewish people who stayed away because they feared being exposed to this type of unbalanced Middle East style politics.

I really admire the demonstration organizers for devoting their lives to these events but honestly, they are going to have to learn about holding informative entertaining and brief rallies or just just stop having them.

One last and very strange note. There were real Nazis at the rally. Some were present in a stealthy way, hiding behind anti-Israel signs, but one guy (having a small kid present for protection) was actually sporting a large black swastika one a red patch, in the middle of his cap. He made it through the whole rally. In the Sixties, he wouldn't have lasted for a minute.

(text - Stew Albert 2003)

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Here is something of recent from Stew Albert (Yippie!) that fits.

We could stop the Bush war and flatten its Junta if we would conjure their rebel spirits from best days only and build a weapon of mass construction.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003


No Hammond you did not miss anything. Hello Steve!!!! Who and what the heck are you talking about? That was a bit sudden and you did not ask any of us. Want to run that by with just a few more details? jeeze

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Jan 2003


14 kinds of good luck! - Steve - I may have had a bad head cold these past few days but - hey now - What have I missed? Who are you marrying and is this out of the blue? Guess I should go back and read between the lines on these last notes from you. Well - anyway if this is in the works how wonderful that you have a partner and I wish you both the best of everything.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NOW
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Ya, my voice (among other things)..Hey, anymore at home like you?..Now Dig this. I just got the word, and if the pre-nups. suit me I may get some paper work going again. (I could use a short leash)..Its off to the mid-west and maybe wedding bells. Will keep you all posted. If this jives, all three of my problems will be put to bed. Aint life strange?..(well, my life anyway.)....wish me 14 kinds of luck. You can bet yer' ass that I will share the wealth. P.S. Someone once wrote a song for me..(well not exactly) was titled "Poor Mrs. Boyd". Think about it.

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 Jan 2003


...and I love you too my little Jenny wren...

Name: Jenn
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Howdy Nicole, my sweetest older sister, extraordinary singer and special soul who has always watched my back and tended to my heart. Let there please be peace on this earth. It is not a word that is to be READ, it is to be felt. Experience PEACE of heart, mind, soul. Be in the NOW. Do it for the planet, for the children. Our actions, our words, or thoughts make a difference. Think of that next time your mouth opens and words spill out. Energy from the heart is always clear and loving. Energy from anger and solar plexis spewing forth will come back and knock us off our feet. Peace today now. Jenn in sunny CA Nicole I love you dearly. Hi Eileen. Eureka is foggy. Peace from Arcata

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 Jan 2003


...ah Steve if only the whole world had your voice...

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Ya, Sam,..I have found a pal. Hey, I am bias..I was never busted because I bought my dope from the cops..(go figure)..I didnt ask who they ripped it off of. (stealing dope is a crime..right?)...Hey, The wildest bastard that I ever raised an umbrella with (inside of an all black bar-room that didnt even have a sign posted outside) was an Ex L.A. cop. Try that some time..all you see is the whites of their eyes, just like in a cartoon. Bear was tight w/ Hollywood Bob. He had a dent in his head worse than mine. At one point his brain was expossed as he tried to kick over his big twin which at that point looked like a squashed clay replica. Talk about class. He had first dragged and sat the gal who "was" on the back to a fallen log where he gently set her down. She wasnt in any better shape. They had ridden out from Berdoo. The road turned and they didnt. They cut down a path of small trees. Ouch. Opps. im' of on a transit. Later. Hey, Nik; nice voice. (wish I could say the same).

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2003


For those of you that may have not been on this mailing wanted to make sure everyone gets to see it. Incrediable!

To those trying to keep track of my moving plans that change every few days.. The lastest is Eugene, OR area. Maybe try to do some fairs in AZ just to get my foot in the door. But have been reading Roadside Geology of Arizona and realized I could not live with so little water in such intense land. All the information did was depress me. It would be like living on Mars. I'm not a sand lizard.

.................................AN EMAIL FROM COYOTE

>From pal Lynn Brown in LA:

The image is a panoramic view of the world from the new space station. It is a night photo with the lights clearly indicating the populated areas. You can scroll East-West and North-South. Note that Canada's population is almost exclusively along the U.S. border. Moving east to Europe, there is a high population concentration along the Mediterranean Coast. It's easy to spot London, Paris, Stockholm and Vienna. Check out the development of Israel compared to the rest of the Arab countries.

Note the Nile River and the rest of the "Dark Continent." After the Nile, the lights don't come on again until Johannesburg. Look at the Australian Outback and the Trans-Siberian Rail Route. Moving east, the most striking observation is the difference between North and South Korea. Note the density of Japan. What a piece of photography. It is an absolutely awesome picture of the Earth taken from the Boeing built Space Station last November on a perfect night with no obscuring atmospheric conditions.


(copy and paste if necessary)




Name: Nicole
Date: 20 Jan 2003


IMAM, Hello, Albums, yes let's see...I was signed to Bearsville Records (Albert Grossmans lable) in the 70's and lived in Woodstock for about 15 years, that's where I hooked up with Butter and that crew...but seems I'd been around music for as long as I can remember...I've always been a singer...I had a couple of albums of my own...and did some stuff on Peter's too from songs we all used to do...I did some voices for cartoons...Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears and the like...still singing now...with some great is definately my spiritual connection...If you put "Nicole Wills" + music, like that in it gives a pretty good run down of my stuff...and if you have speakers on your computer you can have a listen on the crossover gold site...

Mark, Your description of that day at Makena affected me in an extraodinary way in that I could smell the air and feel it on my skin...exactly as the atmosphere of those days were...I was transported...I swear...thank you so much for that...

Thank you all for representing on Saturday...

Name: IMAM
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Some cops become cops because otherwise they would become criminals. They love the gun on their hip and the power in their position. Sure there are kind humans who are cops but they work for the machine and however good their intentions most of them become corrupt.

Name: Sanda Lee Lang
Date: 20 Jan 2003


I'm always inspired by your words.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: ve haf vays ov makink you talk
Date: 20 Jan 2003


Eileen, you said it. Psycho bullies from hell is another. don't quite have the line in mind, but like this from Dylan's "Hurricane" -- 'Couldn't help but be ashamed/ To live in a land where Justice is just a game'

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Well Steve~There are some real freaks for cops out there. You just need to be in more unpopular actions or the wronf color to gain to cop animals. Yes, my experience has been, except for a few, just person with job. But I had a neighbor in Eureka that was a cop and it didn't take long to find out he had tattoos that he hardly understood and nipple piercings..and when he started to tell me the ones his wife had I stopped him. I don't know but this did not make me feel like..oh cool he's just one of the guys, you know. No, I think it takes a rather weird headset to even want to do that job. I won't get on a rag but let's just say you've been lucky to be out of harms way and I hope that is always the case. I just have to add, growing up in the South I saw pretty quickly a person could die between the car and the elevator. I have always had a rather deep terror for cops that I have had to transend just to deal.

BTW don't let astrology get in the way of a great relationship (unless I say so Ha!) that's a sweet combo actually and her Capricorn moon will keep it interesting for her..until she drifts off into that Aquarius. Hey, they're people too.

Name: Steve
Date: 19 Jan 2003


LAPD I bet....Hmmm...Well,..thats one in a row...Uh, by bad, I didnt mean that they didnt sell dope, scarf ass, or kill folks for minor infrengements...I just meant personality wise.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Wow, half of the E-Mails that I get these days are deleted because they contain viris'. Is it something that I said???..(or everything that I said? Come men about it: Cut to the chase and mail anthrax ya' pussies. (or the plague, if your' a Texan)...

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Jan 2003



For the record.... I have met a bad cop.

Name: Wrongway Boyd
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Wow,..she gave me the year, day and exact minute of her birth....everything but the vidio. She is an Aquarian, w/ Capricorn moon and Libra rising. (beats Libra falling I guess). Well,..back to the old drawing board.

Name: Steve Boyd
Date: 19 Jan 2003


For the record; I never met a bad cop. I shit you not. Hey, I kinda' let my activity pal down. By becomming a hermit again and restricting my activities to the Church and Parrish House, Iv'e turned myself into Miz Nancy's Inactivity pal. We mostly play chess these cold winter days. She's blood thirsty. Her and I are growing closer every day. We are sworn friends till the end. To cut the deal, we split both sets of my Lucky Dice and now we each carry one large one and one small one. I think that there may be a few loose bronze sculls from my incredible exploding bracelet which may turn up after Buckley and I clean the front parlor out. If so, we will each pocket one. Strong Medicine. I've found out so much about her latley, she's 43 Yrs old, and writes not only songs, but keeps a journal as well. A lady is prompting her to publish her stories from her NYC homeless shelter days. Its a success story. She went from there to snagging a full time top paying clerical job in the NYC Sanitation Dept. Not bad for the middle of a hiring freeze recession, Hu?? She's a fuckin' heavy-duty Seattle girl, no shit. If you can make it here you can make it any where. Ten months ago she came to the Peace Church for free food and asked me about free clothing that she needed for a job interview. We had an early morning adventure planned and she actually had to get permission from the shelter to crash with me. Thats fucked. Anyway.. today she's got her own digs over the bridge, she's involved with serving the food and she donates clothes to our Digger 100% Off Sale Rack. Dig this: How wrong can one man be??..she aint no Aquarian! I was dealing with a very serious Capricorn all along! WOW! Anyway, her job at the Met. Opera House just got her by, and now that she's starting full time with the City, (they hold back.) She's one rent payment away from the street, which is where they want ya. Aint I thick???... I just found out that the entire pack of "Mid-Western" teens are from Rochester N.Y. I was wondering why they werent goofy. Damn I love it when this place fills up. For a dude who said that he didnt want a bunch of fuckers in his living room,..I'm in my element with the communal thing. (as long as I dont leave the Building that is)....the communal world is another thing all together. Hey,..It may be a big City; but it's a small World. Later. P.S. I LOVE NEW YORK!

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: still marching
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Mark -- Glad to hear the SFPD acted like humans. No disturbances (except minor) reported in DC, either.

Ohio Girl -- I believe every thinking person is a part of it, trying to move out of ignorance and darkness toward light. The energy that has just been manifested is not about to go away. Talk it up. In our everyday living we can put out that irie upful vibration that has the power to change the world.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 19 Jan 2003


They can say "tens of thousands" all they want but the images don't lie, in the newscasts you see a whole lot of people massed together. And it's hard to miss the fact that protests are being reported from all around the world, from California nuns to citizens in Iceland, in countries that are supposed to be "our" allies and countries that are not supposed to be "our" allies. And all on the same day!!!!!! My involvement in life Saturday through Monday is one-on-one helping elderly people but seeing the bigger picture on the news sure warms my soul and I like to think most people will notice the size and scope of the protesting. Because alot of people actually are part of it, whether physically or in spirit.

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Sorry, I remembered I wanted to mention this while I was in the shower. The San Francisco Police Department was great. They showed no attitude, helped get everyone through safely and keep the traffic clear. I didn't see anything that even seemed confrontational or annoying. They were there but you really didn't notice them.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Blue, O.M.M.C. folded the very moment that I did. I had a plans to rebuild from the ground up but bealive now that the Human Machines are top priority. The rolling objects of desire can wait. I'm becomeing the man that I was meant to be. It's that damned twelfth house. Now as for the N.Y. scene,..I cant tell ya Hammond...I'm in self imposed exile here on 4th street. (It's a toss up of who or what gets me first..the I.R.S.,...the State of N.H.,...or Karma..(which may explain the first two)...any way, NYC (excluding West 4th is Nik's beat) I'm not connected. She is and then some. She knows famous people who arent yet. We fed another record number in "Martha's Kitchen" (biblical reference)..the homeless have grown by the 10's of thousands here in NYC since Bush got his finger on the trigger. Speaking of trigger, someone wants to photograph me. Gotta go. So.Ca. to Nor.Cal. to clear yer' head?..(get head maybe)...welcome to our world! Later. Steve

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Jan 2003


The SF event was definitly larger than the last one. Civic Center could not hold all the people and many marched there and then left. Many didn't march and were already at the rally. The march started at 11 am and when we left at 4 pm the marchers still stretched down Market street well down toward the Embarcadero.

The media playing down the numbers is an old tactic used during the Viet Nam war to discourage the perception of anything meaningful. Just like Gen. Westmoreland and the cooperation of the media manipulating the body counts in Viet Nam.

The up side of this is that it was big enough that the media at least had to cover it.

Remember, this is still in the mode of pre-emptive demonstrations. If Bush lights his fucking fuse the organization of these rallies and marches is already in place and practiced. We are now well rehearsed and primed to take off the gloves for the real fight. When the bombs start dropping I think we will see a much larger and hard-edge participation. Thanks to Bonnie Raitt and Joan Baez for making a statement. Seems like most of our stalwarts from the past are a little too fucking cozy with their record companies.

Are you listening D. Crosby! Carlos Santana! Get off your asses!

Name: Eugene Coreno
Date: 19 Jan 2003


I'm really glad I stumbled on this websites! This is something I just gotta know.

Do freaks from LA and Berdoo still go up north to get their head together?

Please feel free to email me any thoughts you have on the subject.

Sincerely, or

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: just agreeing
Date: 19 Jan 2003


To Mark -- Here transcribing a post I made on another website, earlier today --

Checking the general media reports about the demostrations yesterday, I am astounded by the variability in official estimates of the size of the crowds. In DC, between 30,000 - 500,000. That is almost 2X an order of magnitude. Most news reports lead of with something like "Tens of thousands of demonstrators..." The more obviously right- wing sources give "Thousands.." With satellite technology, it is possible to get an accurate estimate of the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin. Is it my imagination, or is something fishy going on here?

In whose interest is it to falsify or minimize the numbers?

Is it the famous liberal media of this country ?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Jan 2003


HI all, Portland's march (15,000 - 20,000) was very sucessful - peaceful and as with the others 'diverse' - without copland static. Thanks Eileen and Mark for your notes - I can only imagine that many people on Market St! Great to know that all went well. Steve - what's the NY news? Much the same I hope - and bless you all. I - (and we all) hope Eileen is right - and that "we" might be able to stop tBush and his preemptive war. MoreAgain - H.

Name: Eric
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Mark, thanks for the report on yesterday's march and rally in San Francisco. Unfortunately a previous appointment kept me away. But it was exciting watching CSPAN in the morning with their full coverage of the Washington rally. The speakers were a diverse group that included Harlem preachers and Arab-American spokespeople alongside lumninaries such as Jessica Lange and anti-war politicians. I couldn't get a sense of how diverse the crowd was, but remembering the October 26 march in San Francisco and the range of ages and ethnic representation, I imagined that the participants included a wide array of people from different backgrounds. As the anti-war movement grows, I hope that diverse representation doesn't get lost.

Watching the coverage of the rallies late last night, I was disappointed. Nothing like CSPAN. The very brief TV clips seemed to all have pompous commentators tripping over themselves to mention some opposing piece of opinion. "While most Americans support the President's push for war, tens of thousands protested those plans today while the chief UN weapons inspector announced that Iraq may be in material breach." How many lies and half-truths can you find in that sentence? The latest Newsweek poll released yesterday found a majority of Americans oppose a unilateral war against Iraq. And as for the numbers game, someone should get serious and do some scientific head counting. The line this morning is "tens of thousands" marched in SF, and Washington. It is obvious that phrase should be "hundreds of thousands". Everyone loves to say "the numbers don't count" but I think there is a very different impact when someone is opening their Sunday NY Times and sees a picture of a massive crowd protesting the war with the caption "Tens of thousands protested..." than if they read "Hundreds of thousands..." or "Millions protested...". Here's something that would be easy for march organizers to do. Have counters spaced along the march with stop watches. Periodically count the number of people that walk past a certain point in one minute. Take frequent samples. Average the samples. Take a measurement of how long the march takes from beginning to end at each point. Do the math. I used this method to estimate the march in SF in October. I came up with 70,000. The problem comes in not knowing how many people show up at the rally and skip the march, and the opposite (how many make the march but skip the rally -- something that is very easy to understand. In fact in October as we marched toward Civic Center in SF, when we were nearing the rally site, we were met by 100s of people already leaving.) Have the same organization count at different marches. Release the numbers to the media, with an explanation of the methods used. The Washington Post this morning had a funny article talking about the number of people who attended the rally on the Mall yesterday. They quoted Pacifica Radio (most likely WBAI) people:

'And so, when coming up with an estimate for yesterday's crowd, the organizers stood on the stage near Third Street NW and compared the image of the densely packed crowd in front of them to their memory of the one in October. "Everyone said this one was definitely twice as big and felt it was a little more than that," Murphy said. "It was very obviously bigger. Everyone had the same feeling about that."'

Now, who's going to believe that type of estimation?

All that said, it is true that the numbers don't matter -- FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WERE THERE. The main point of the large rallies is to build a movement of people. In fact, the larger the marches, the more critical it is to think about the people who are participating. One of the mistakes of the 60s Antiwar movement was the huge demonstrations with their impersonal feeling. That's what the Diggers showed, how to have events where the participants were actively involved in creating the event. So I hope the rally organizers this time around remember to include action away from the main stage, like workshops and free food kitchens and Peace Tents, and remember that the main thing they're trying to do is build and nurture a movement, not create a spectacle for TV. Because if that's what they're thinking, they're bound to fail. Rupert Murdoch won't help them, that's for sure.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: once in while I get right
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Thanks, Steve -- Ya never know (as my granny used to say.) So what do you and the one-man-motorcycle club have on tap for this bright and ass-freezing Sunday ?

Believe I'm gonna imbibe some Bach flower elixirs & watch "The Ipcress File" on video. I love spy movies.

Maybe a little black coffee would be good, too.

Name: Golden
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Thanks Blue..I was goin' on a gut reaction..and may have been right on the money. Mark, thanks for the Nows Report. Eileen; Aint it the way?. Play-Well, ...ah...oh never mind. Hey Carl; "Dig" in to a heapin' helpin'. Later all, gotta feed the funkies. Focus On Peace.

Name: Carl Greenaway
Date: 19 Jan 2003


Many thanks for such a wonderful sight!

I am sure to return regularly in the future - I will need to if I am to have any chance of enjoying even a fraction of the fascinating fare you have on offer.

Date: 19 Jan 2003


attention for all GUY men, please i have pass through the site.

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Jan 2003



The radio said somewhere around 300,000 to possibly 400,000. Had great interviews and reports and heard Bonny Raitt and Baez. Also said the same as you, about the mix and tone of the crowd. This evening, radio playing such wonderful freedom music and sounds of King and stuff that just makes me want to cry. Deep. I think this timing combined with this full moon has moved many more people into far reaching action. I really feel a shift in the mass consciousness. Certainly the White house has at least heard. Thank you for letting us know your take on things was in fact what it seemed from here. Also was glad to hear the police were under controll.

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Jan 2003


Well I am back from SF and definitly tired. A great day with sun and a large turnout. Folks, the news outlets are being unfair about the turnout. Eric, I suppose you were there. I figure the number between 100,000 and 200,000. It took us 3 hours to walk, more like hobble, from the end of Market Street at the Ferry Building to the Civic Center Plaza. It was wall to wall people all the way. Bonnie Raitt and Joan Baez entertained. My wife, two daughters and I fell in behind the Mendocino contingent. This time the crowd was far more diverse than the last march. Lots of young folks, and the aging everpresent longhaired 50+ something representation was surely outnumbered by the larger diverse crowd. There was a relaxed and friendly vibe but I have to say that the seriousness of the situation prevailed. The sense of committment was tangible. I think that this and the other demonstrations around the world have made a huge point. We can do this.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: speculating
Date: 18 Jan 2003


'li' tranlates in English to the grain or texture of could speak of the li of clouds, of water, etc. This may be a much more subtle communication than we could have dreamed of...I think.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: 133 West 4th. St. NY,NY. 10012
Date: 18 Jan 2003


Dear Mr. or Mrs. <li>...???? Got no family???...thats what you think. Welcome to the Digger Web Site.

Name: -
Date: 18 Jan 2003



Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Jan 2003



Natural Suzanne is now a lawyer in Sacramento would you believe? She always had a way of talking us into whatever it was that she wanted with the most off the wall reasoning you ever heard..but usually got her way. So this seems a natural direction for her. She remains an amazing person, fighting for the underdog. Perhaps Nicole can fill in a little more detail. She has always been a rather private person so I hesitate to say more..other than last I knew, she was doing well. But who at this point and time has such a simple life it can be wrapped up in a few sentences?

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: naming
Date: 18 Jan 2003


Aloha Steve. Tim Leary actually gave me the name RNA, cosmic communique. RNA communicates the messages from the DNA. Tim used to say higher intelligence is us in the future all we need to do is decode the DNA. Yes, i have felt like some kind of cosmic communique thourgout my wild and and mostly delightful life, especially when i was a welcomer at Morningstar. Also, RNA is so close to my name, rena. by the way, the names given me in the M* scrapebook were not picked by me. all i asked ramon for was to not use the name rena as i find it confusing when people i don't know approach me knowing my name. i have enough trouble with face recognition. So when i asked him not to use rena, Ramon came up with some interesting noms de jour.

My daughter and her friend want to go hiking over lava rock at La perouse bay. hike and possibly swim with dolphins. so, off we go.


Name: Hammond
Date: 18 Jan 2003


Happy Anti-War Saturday everyone. Great dialogue exchange of late - which takes a bit of reading and thought - as it should be eh? Busy, busy of late so I haven't been adding much in the way of my own '2 cents' - Today in Portland 10,000 strong take to the streets in what may prove to be the largest such protest in city history - and Bush senior used to call this 'Little Beruit" whenever he came to visit. We have plenty of permits and the cops of late have seems sympathetically tolerant vs. their previous use of rubber bullets and tear gas. My biggest fear is that Bush junior simply doesn't care - Hummmm....Ever know an oilman who cared about anything but oil? Maybe the hemp oil merchant but otherwise its 'black gold or bust.' - Anyway - be safe out there today where ever you are.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 18 Jan 2003

Comments more spicific..."faked a lynching out in Olema??"..(didnt everybody??) "Walked a tightrope??"...(didnt' we all??")..The Buckskinner that I tagged along with from Olema to Black Bear to Oakland to Frisco, may not have told her but he sure the fuck would have shown her. Hey folks, the West Free Street Diggers are posting yesterday's papers on the FFOR page. Tighten up yer' jock straps prior to reading it. I, (we)..(they)..posted it there because it is rather on the longish side. "How is the world ruled and led to war? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe these lies when they see them in print." -Karl Kraus

Name: Balista
Date: 18 Jan 2003


hi all diggers. I am trying to locate an old associate of mine .his name was Alan Durk or dirk [proounced the same] any way he hung out at the panhandle and he allways wore buckskin with an apache style ass flap at the back .he was known as bear ass - if any one remembers him or know of his where abouts please contact me. I always remember he had a thing for natural susan [what ever happend to her] but wouldn't tell her and he once faked his own lynching out in olema .last i heard he was training to become a tight rope walker that was in 74 but i lost touch.thanks for your help

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Jan 2003



Just read your post this morning. A whole lot to think about and I thank you for the info on disabled access, etc. We have thought about coming to Maui this year but don't know for sure. I am packing everyone into the car and heading up to SF for the big wingding. I will post more regarding your post when we return. BTW, I have one daughter who graduated from UCSC and another starting her junior year now.


Name: Silent Steve
Date: 18 Jan 2003


Now York City: Nows as it happens: UPDATE. Uuu..hey memory is..well..did I by any chance give you that nick-name?...Iv'e pissed more than a few folks off on this site, and if you were/are one of them, then I cant say that I'm sorry; but I can say that I'm Steve. (you would have to be here) If I hurt your pride or fellings I appologize for the treatment..anyway,..wait,..are you the guru-goosed gal? ...oh, whatever..Hey, Miz Nancy bagged that City Job!!! She's gonna crash in the front parlor with me and walk to work, she works at City Hall. It will be tight for a while, what with the teen-ager over-flow and Buckley on the floor. Wow, Buckley does anmost everything in his sleeping hours that he does in his waking hours. It would make a great short sbject film. As a Mothering Soul at heart, I'm full of joy now that the place is packed. I've got a man-child and a woman-child (both Aquarian air signs) and as I spear-headed the WSUMC homeless task force two years ago, Hell, I'm just doin' my job. What a crew. Its all comming together. Odd how people find themselves out of this sea of souls. And The Beat Goes On. "Now the labor leader's screaming when they close the misile plant..United Fruit's revamped the Cuban shore--Call it peace or call it treason..Call it love or call it reason...But I aint marching anymore. -Phil Ochs, I Aint Marching Anymore, 1965

Name: r n a
Date: 18 Jan 2003


billy hitchcock visited Olompali in the days. late 60's. i was there.

thanks, Ballista for the insights.

Name: Ballista
Date: 18 Jan 2003


SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE Who provided the drugs that swamped the anti-war movement and the college campuses of the United States in the late 1960s? The organized crime infrastructure which had set up the Peking Connection for the opium trade in 1928 -- provided the same services in the 1960s and 1970s it had provided during Prohibition. This was also the same network Huxley had established contact with in Hollywood during the 1930s. The LSD connection begins with one William "Billy" Mellon Hitchcock. Hitchcock was a graduate of the University of Vienna and a scion of the millionaire Mellon banking family of Pittsburgh. (Andrew Mellon of the same family had been the U.S. Treasury Secretary throughout Prohibition.) In 1963, when Timothy Leary was thrown out of Harvard, Hitchcock rented a fifty-five-room mansion in Millbrook, New York, where the entire Leary-Huxley circle of initiates was housed until its later move back to California.26

Hitchcock was also a broker for the Lansky syndicate and for the Fiduciary Trust Co., Nassau, Grand Bahamas --- a wholly owned subsidiary of Investors Overseas Services. He was formally employed by Delafield and Delafield Investments, where he worked on buying and selling vast quantities of stock in the Mary Carter Paint Co., soon to become Resorts International.

In 1967, Dr. Richard Alpert put Hitchcock in contact with Augustus Owsley Stanley III. As Owsley's agent, Hitchcock retained the law firm of Babinowitz, Boudin and Standard 27 -- to conduct a feasibility study of several Caribbean countries to determine the best location for the production and distribution of LSD and hashish.

During this period, Hitchcock joined Leary and his circle in California. Leary had established an LSD cult called the Brotherhood of Eternal Love and several front companies, including Mystics Art World, Inc. of Laguna Beach, California. These California-based entities ran lucrative trafficking in Mexican marijuana and LSD brought in from Switzerland and Britain. The British connection had been established directly by Hitchcock, who contracted the Charles Bruce chemical firm to import large quantities of the chemical components of LSD with financing from both Hitchcock and George Grant Hoag, the heir to the J.C. Penney dry goods fortune, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love set up LSD and hashish production-marketing operations in Costa Rica in 1968. 28

Toward the end of 1968, Hitchcock expanded the LSD-hashish production operations in the Caribbean with funds provided by the Fiduciary Trust Co. (IOS). In conjunction with J. Vontobel and Co. of Zurich, Hitchcock founded a corporation called 4-Star Anstalt in Liechtenstein.Tarzan fucked Jane up the limpopo . This company, employing "investment funds" (that is, drug receipts) from Fiduciary Trust, bought up large tracts of land in the Grand Bahamas as well as large quantities of ergotamine tartrate, the basic chemical used in the production of LSD.29

Hitchcock's personal hand in the LSD connection abruptly ended several years later. Hitchcock had been working closely with Johann F. Parravacini of the Parravacini Bank Ltd in Berne, Switzerland. From 1968, they had together funded even further expansion of the Caribbean-California LSD-hashish ventures. In the early 1970s, as the result of a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation, both Hitchcock and Parravacini were indicted and convicted of a $40 million stock fraud. Parravacini had registered a $40 million sale to Hitchcock for which Hitchcock had not put down a penny of cash or collateral. This was one of the rare instances in which federal investigators succeeded in getting inside the $200 billion drug fund as it was making its way around the "offshore" banking system.

Another channel for laundering dirty drug money -- a channel yet to be compromised by federal investigative agencies is important to note here. This is the use of tax-exempt foundations to finance terrorism and environmentalism. One immediately relevant case makes the point.

In 1957, the University of Chicago's Robert M. Hutchins established the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (CSDI) in Santa Barbara, California. Knight Commander Hutchins drew in Aldous Huxley, Elisabeth Mann Borghese, and some Rhodes Scholars who had originally been brought into the University of Chicago during the 1930s and 1940s.

The CSDI was originally funded 1957 to 1961 through a several-million-dollar fund that Hutchins managed to set up before his untimely departure from the Ford Foundation. From 1961 onward, the Center was principally financed by organized crime. The two funding conduits were the Fund of Funds, a tax exempt front for Bernie Cornfeld's lOS, and the Parvin Foundation, a parallel front for Parvin-Dohnnan Co. of Nevada. IOS and Marvin-Doorman held controlling interests in the Desert Inn, the Aladdin, and the Dune -- all Las Vegas casinos associated with the Lansky syndicate. IOS, as already documented, was a conducting vehicle for LSD, hashish, and marijuana distribution throughout the 1960s.30 In 1967 alone, IOS channeled between $3 and $4 million to the center. Wherever there is dope, there is Dope, Inc.


Name: Rena
Date: 18 Jan 2003


Mark, those were grand times at Morningstar. I was really happy during Vishnu's pregnancy, barefoot and pregnant. Lou was broke and it didn't matter. Everything we needed appeared. Our wants were simple and our joys were great. What a privelege to give birth at M*.

As for Makena, yes it's changed. I usually only go on Sunday afternoons when all the hippies come out. There is a drum circle and sometimes the whales come in close. I feel they are attracted to the drums. as am i.

My friend Heather Proud is Amazing. She is a quadraplegic and goes to Little Beach all the time. She takes her off road wheel chair to the beach and is then carried over. Heather comes with attendants, a beach lounge chair, and is surrounded by loving new age folk. She goes everywhere. Heather snorkels; she has someone put on her water wings. I've snorkeled with Heather in Molokini, the crater off Maui that used to be a bomb practice target for military fun and games. It's now a gorgeous preserve. I am trained as a life guard and yet i was nervous, constantly lifting my head above water to make sure Heather was breathing. Heather also has wonderful men in her life. One guy she used to live with wouldn't swim with her so she would go swim in the ocean BY HERSELF!!! Understand that if she sucked in some water in her snorkel she would be unable to lift her head. If you and your wife come back I'll hook you up with Heather and the circles. Heather goes to Little Beach more than I do. She also has a super duper wheelchair (not the off road model... she has 2 wheelchairs) that she is able to operate. Sometimes one sees Heather tooling around town. She always knows where the gatherings are and has plenty at her delightful large home. Heather has a positive attitude. I've helped her do yoga to keep her muscles from wasting. She feels nothing so she is always urging me to twist her spine further. I'm afraid she could break. Her bones are very porous due to lack of weight bearing exercise. She once had a broken leg, didn't know if for days because she feels no pain. (not due to our yoga...) I'm talking a broken femur. That's the thigh bone. Heather leads a very full life.

Another friend takes differently abled people kayaking. He has all kinds of Kayaks. I have taken the training several times to be a kayak provider for differently abled and physically and mentally challenged folks, adults and kids. So, Your wife can kayak. Winter kayaking is especially wonderful because sometimes the whales swim under your boat. Also, I have kayaked with spinner dolphins. What a treat. Yes, of course I jumped in the briney blue to swim with the dolphins. they are among my teachers.

Let me know when you're thinking of heading over this way and I'll send you an e mail and phone #.

Eileen, glad to know you're healing. We are all visualizing you healed and grooving. The only thing i heard about Prescott is that the college is supposed to be cool. I've been looking for excelent alternative schools to suggest to my college bound daughter. Osheana is a junior and a budding scientist. And, actual artist. UC Santa Cruz seems to be her #1 aspiration. Tis very hard for out of state folks to get in as only 4% of the students are from out of state. Evergreen sounds so wonderful, perfect in so many ways, except for the weather. And, coming from Maui, that's a biggie. Most Maui grads who head to college in Washington don't make it throgh.

Glad to hear Ariel connected with a conscious loving man. Love can heal.

Morningstar was so much fun. How I wish the country was dotted with lots of Morningstars, Black Bears, Wheelers, and Rainbow tribes.

Name: are en aay
Date: 18 Jan 2003


Lou was not a motorcycle guy. He was a philosopher and a visionary (not that these qualities are exclusionary.)

The only time I rode a Harley was with Sweet William back in the late 60's. there was a party at Olompali and some rock bands played all night long. a wole bunch of Hell's Antel's descended on the place to party with homecrowd. Bill "rescued" me and took me to some poet friends pad in North Beach. We rode from Novato to North Beach in some rain on slippery roads. Bill really could handle those roads. It was an adventure I'll never forge.

I am sorry to know he paralyzed in some kind of encounter. Best Wishes to you Sweet William whereever you are.

I really liked seeing Lenore Kandel in the movie. Wise Woman.

Sending rays of sunshine. Over here we're fighting for sunshine laws in poltics and court.


Name: Ohio girl
Date: 18 Jan 2003


Ooops! Wrong hat! Steve it sounds like you are having luck these daze. The kind of luck that makes a person feel good. I think something really good rubs off from this website. Eileen I hope I'm still smiling when the blood tests come back concerning all that medical treatment and whether the results will be long-term or not. Doctor has said I will "probably" be done with treatment now and not need more. Right now I feel pretty good except for the "skid row shakes" and horrible headaches and still have trouble eating etc. but it's all minor compared to what had been going on. And it will all eventually wear off. Basically I feel better than I have in years and what's more, happy. My very finest thoughts are with all who will be protesting against the monstrosity that's trying to get unleashed on us.

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2003



Thank you for helping me make the connection. The graciousness that you showed this lost soul at Morningstar, Lou was obeserving a time of speechless meditation, I remember how tan you were and the phone booth, and the huge piano in the small cabin like it was the dominant family member. I remember the quiet sun on the porch as I stood taking it in learning the meaning almost instantly of what it meant to walk the walk. Some ten years ago I took my family to Maui. We rented a home in Hana. My wife is confined to a wheelchair, spinal cord injury, and I wanted to show her where I had been. She had lived in Honolulu during the sixties but I didn't know her then. We went to Makena and of course she couldn't make it over to little beach from the main beach. My step daughter and I climbed over after getting my wife and kids, and mother-in-law out to the beach at Makena . I was very hopeful to find things the way the were but certainly aware that lots of time had passed. We came over the point and it was early for the tourists and there was a group of older howlies ( pardon my description as I don't know how to make it correct ) sitting quietly in the sun. I didn't approach I guess out of respect for those who stayed the course all those years, but we swam in the most beautiful sun and clear water just like it was. It was a beautiful time for me, to make a contact with what was the most wonderful and enlightening time of my life. I wish I could of spoken with your group then but it wasn't to be. It is very nice to make your aquaintence again. What a time it was.

Name: Steve the Crab
EmailAddress: Hard Shell East Coast
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Eileen, I was refering to the actual Moon being in Cancer. My Sun Sign is Cancer, My Moon Sign is Sag. May rising sign is Cancer. The Cancer with Sag. rising is where I no doubt get that "Home-body on the run thing." As I once said; Iv'e always felt more at ease in a hotel room than in any home...which reminds me of a story that I heard about the Bittish comedian Benny Hill,..I dont know if it is true, but after his death, they were gathering his belongings at his pad, and were struck by the fact that there seemed to be nothing that would reflect to a stranger what type of person, or personality had lived there. Perhaps he led a vaudville type circuit life as a youth and it stuck with him. As for me, if someone (like myself, for instance) said: Hey, lets head on out. It would take me ten minutes if that to head out the door ready set go, never to return. It may sound odd or sad, but actually its one hell of a stress relief valve. In fact, youv'e heard of temporary employment agencies?..well I started that. (Long before the agencies did). The last year I ever paid taxes I had worked 13 jobs in one year. And those were full time ones. Physical, piss test and all. Hell, pissin' in a jar got to be routine. Speaking of routines, Buckley is on my front parlor floor and there are about 18 teen aged Methodist girls in the back parlor. Now tell me about yer' daughters...I just took on the post as Den Mother. Man those are some fresh faces. New York does not deserve it. But the Free Church does. Later all.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Mark~ Have a great day tomorrow. I do wish I could be there! Full report please. I'll be thinking of you and those out there making our voice heard everywhere. My prayers will at least be added. I want there will be a shift we all so desire to see yet can hardly believe it can happen. I mean what if we really do make a difference? I have to say I think it would be not only a surprise but hard to believe. I guess we also have to hold it deeply somewhere within us that we actually could be possible. Do you think it will come to anything like, you know, the level of so many other counties that have had to make this a way of life? I do fear that we are moving into a stage where we are going to have to seriously take on our own gov't. Do you think about that at all?

Ariel can't go. She's getting more tests done in LA to see if there is more than her liver that needs to be addressed. I am so incrediably glad she has finally found a good man to see her through and keep her spirits up and hold her hand and make her laugh. The girl scored! We should all be so fortunate.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Steve~Well, I do believe everything is looking pretty normal and Sweet Sue (my cut) are on the same page now. Boy howdy coughing sure does suck takes a certain amount of nerve and preparation. Ah the simple things we take for granted.

Mirnada and I have done our full moon hair puller already and gotten that out of the way. I'm telling you sometimes these full moons do kick ass. Being my moon (and yes you too Steve) is in Cancer (you know, it's the mom thing, home and emotions and all that sensitive crabby stuff) I do get the full dose with any of them..but this one is setting up to be memorable. OK I am NOT a hermit, I am a MOM and I best learn all the dance steps whether I got them all or not. My folks were of the school of toss her out and see if she drowns. I have once again been fished back in, by my Miranda refusing to let me set off into the desert on my own. I guess this is some kind of lesson about not thinking I can just high tail it off and let her figure it out. Sometimes Miranda seems to be talking from some other space and time that she doesn't even understand. There's a kid and a very old lady in her. I've never had anyone hang onto me so tenatiously. I remembered an acid trip this all brought up..driving everyone off and then being terribly lonely. Life is funny ain't it? Still trying to get it right. So we are now talking about loading up the camels and heading for Prescott together by April. I've never had a move unnerve me so much. Anyway anyone know the area? This is one of those..I've been sent, kind of moves.

Name: Steve Cameron Swazey
EmailAddress: Station DWFS in New York
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Daily Nows: Nows as it happens. The mid-west crew arrived. Buckley entertaining the troops in the kitchen. He stopped smoking 40 minutes ago and has been talkeing about the fact continuously for 40 minutes..make that 43; he began before finnishing his last butt. The commies are communing (or what ever it is they do) in the sanctuary. I think that they are different in ideology from the News and Letters people. Hmm..will entertain letting both factions meet at my place on a weekly basis..then I can sit in and get the real drift. I wanna know. Do you here Sax music??...I leave you with this: "Soldiers fight and die to promote the wealth and luxury of the great: they are called masters of the world without having a clod to call their own." -Tiberius Gracchus, speech at Rome, 133BC

Name: Steve
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Hey RNA, another myth about drunks is that: filling them up with black coffee will sober them up: NOT TRUE! all ya will end up with is a wide awake drunk on yer' hands. By the way, Iv'e seen photos of you printed in various clips and articles off and on for years. Very fluid body. Lovely. Hey, Did your old man have a real zenfull BMW motorcycle? God those were dead solid perfect. Hey, dont mind me,'s that Ol' Cancer moon. I remember a beach with black volcanic sand, maybe Makapoo,..but not sure, how are things in paradise? Does the world seem far away there?...thats the feeling that I always got. Never forget landing at the air port at night...if no one has ever felt the warm trade winds they are lacking. Will leave you all with this: "Government is not reason, it is not is force." -George Washington

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: on a Celestial brainwave
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Eileen -- the link you provided to Maya del Mars website is so great ! Thank you, might never have found it on my own. Owe you one. [Might have one, though.] over to you -- bluish & etheric being

Name: RNA
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Mark, that was me you saw at Morningstar, pregnant with Lou's baby, our son Vishnu. for the record, I was never his wife. I never wanted to involve the governement in our relationship. We were certainly soul mates. and, that's Vishnu and me in the Diggers movie, naked, nursing Vishnu while confronting the cops at Morningstar.

I know who you encountered at Raspberry the land. Nevada! He was a psycho alcoholic psycho vet who was the nightmare from hell when drunk which was almost all the time. Amazingly he married Jean, a yogi and a gentle woman. i gave an earlier account in this guestbook of the homebirth of Nevada and Jean's first child at Raspberry, with Nevada drunk and screaming "Get the GUNS!!!" while Jean was trying to deliver. Lou's job at the birth was to try to keep Nevada from hurting anyone. I never liked being around Nevada. He would talk non stop not that any of it made any sense. He is living proof that lsd does not bring enlightment. As Tim said, giving acid to the wrong person is like putting rocket fuel in a VW bug. It just doesn't work. All we observed when Nevada was on acid was an energized drunk psycho which is what he was with or without psychedleics. The land was beautiful but no way would i want to commune with Nevada. I was so glad when he left Morningstar. True to form, Lou never told anyone to leave, no matter how challenging they were to be around.

My daughter Oshe is out at Makena Beach with our car and a friend. Later she plans to cook food at the homeless shelter with the Philosophy Club from school. then on to a Warren Miller Extreme Sports flick on snow crazies. I want to march tomorrow for Peace and get her involved. Yes, there's a peace march on Maui.

Love to all!




Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Wow Eileen, you keep commin'on strong. You aint let us down yet. Hows Sweet Sue? watch for a low grade fever that would indicate infection. Dont let gravity mess ya up either...No!,..I'm not suggesting anti-gravity boots!).....(thats an Aquarian thing). Hey, again, thats a great site. I leave you all with this: "The people should tremble first at "their own" soldiers, for they are raised in the first instance to keep THEM in order, that is "in their place"; and only secondarily against some potential "foreign invaders." -Jacob Hamlin, Arise, Ye Massees!, 1893

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Jan 2003


This is Maya Del Mar's Day Keeper Journal, daily horiscopes. Slid on down to the 18th for the full moon reading. I'm tempted to give you just a small piece of it, but I can't figure out what to pick..she does tend to go on..and on and I find it all informative. She's the real deal plus is very on it politically in her translations..and you can take it from there. Also go to her home page, there's a bunch more including more on Bush.


Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Blue Cheese
Date: 17 Jan 2003


That explains it Ohio Girl!, the comrades from the "Internationalism" group just arrived for their monthly meeting in the kitchen,, one couple is the spittin' image of Boris and Natasha of the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. You could put a cartoon style bowling ball type bomb in that dudes mit and just picture the fuse burning...As soon as clean out that fucking front parlor of mine, I will hit them up with an extra three free meetings a month. The fox said that they were cold in there so I set them up and rolled out a few pews and they are holding tonights meeting in the sanctuary, and since I'm working the front desk for some extra scratch, I told them to stretch it out some, dig? Who says I aint broad minded. Those communists are O.K. in my book. Oh, I was just was talking to the Gong Master's wife Randee and she wants to get more involved here at the Free Church in the Yoga and Holistic Resonance end of it. (rejuvination of the body, mind and spirit.) We touched on Ol' Swami Satchidananda and I told her of my walk with him and she said that her and Don had done a Gong thing with him and another heavy soul out west at one time. I plan to get with their program and drop the traditional male warrior role thing. It aint me babe..its just that you put on the armor and wear it for so long it turns into a second skin. I plan to shed my skin and be a better person. In the "Temptation Town of Creation" thats gonna be no little feat. Wish me luck Ohio Girl. Speaking of girls; I will leave you with this: "The argument rages: Is man a Beast?..Yes of course, but is he a lamb or a lion? What is the essential primate nature,..gatherer or hunter, what's in the genes? The question as put is unanswerable. What we do know is that now humankind has an incredeble plasticity (both in the genes and the techno-culture) and we can (and must) choose: shall it be total bizarre annihilation, or new glories beyond our past imaginings?" -Mary Blake, 1984

Name: IMAM
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Nicole - The bloke is a lucky man - and in such good company on his birthday. Tell me about the albums another time.IMAM

Name: RNA
EmailAddress: full moon tonight
Date: 17 Jan 2003


the full moon is tonight around 2:49 a.m. Saturday morning Califorina time acording to my moon calander. Feeling Wild!!!

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2003



I am still at work on your book. I am dealing with the handyman/arsonist today. Mainly banging around the greater Bay Area most of my life your work has offered insights to people and events I certainly missed or know little about. Good stuff.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: the "Swish" Alps
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Oh,..and theres the Lesbian construction crew that build custom homes. (no studs, just tounge-in-groove).. Hey Moon Maidens: Sat. Night its FULL one,..and in Cancer. I'm getting home sick and I dont even have a home. Well,..with the Home-Skin concept in my corner,..I guess I'm just feeling sick. Lets see...Any Psychic predictions??...P.S. Anti-War word of the day,..but first, remember if they ever line you up against the wall and you recognize your own son pointing his M16 at you, remember...He might not shot, but his "Comrades" will. " Recruits! Befor the alter and the servant of God you have given me the oath of allegiance,,,you have sworn fidelity to me, you are the children of my guard, you are my soldiers, you have surrendered yourself to me, body and soul. Only one enemy can exist for you--my enemy. With the present Socialist mechination, it may happen that I shall order you to shoot your own relatives, your brothers, or even your parents--which God forbid--and then you are bound in duty implicitly to obey my orders. -Wilhelm II: Speech, 1891

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: low-down humor
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Just read this in LA Weekly -- 3 gay guys at recent anti-war demonstration down in LA. Their sign says "We don't like Bush anyway."

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: end of the line
Date: 17 Jan 2003


I'm gonna shut up...thats right up there with my "One Shot Theory"...(how wrong can one man be?)...

Name: Here There Be Dragons
EmailAddress: it goes like this...
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Fidel croaks, followed by yer' customary blood bath,.."WE" go in to keep the 'PIECE" (get it?)...come on George.

Name: Agent 00-Boyd
EmailAddress: Our Man In Cuba
Date: 17 Jan 2003


The old shell game. Come on George...(grab Cuba...hit em' where they aint!)...Mark my words.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Hey,..just keep the snow shovel and anti gravity boots away from him and you may make out alright. Buckley is an Aquarian...I know what I'm talking about. Have a good one. (or two)...Hey folks, heres my Digger Psychic prediction of the day. Fidel Castro will have one of those C.I.A. style heart attachs,..(most likely in Puorto Rico)...and Bush's boys will jump the gun; as they've been set and primed to spring at the first sign of empty beer cans, much less empty war heads. When the George Bush speaks of peace, the Diggers know that war is comming. When the George Bush curses war, the Diggers know that the mobilization order has already been written out. When George Bush states his case to the public, the Diggers know that the first bomb is being dropped. Film at Eleven.

Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Jan 2003


...satin pillows to cry-y-y on...btw...i had a little apartment in Pt Reyes above the art store across from Cheddas Market..Kirby and Tracy Doyle were down the hall...but I can't think what lady from the band...could have been Vicky Doubleday...she was married to Marcus the horn player from Electric Flag and that's who Peter got Olema from...okay...5:00 and I got here this am at 7:30, I'm going away with my pal this weekend...his birth day is I'll check back in a few...WWR, Nik

Name: IMAM
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Nicole - albums? Please tell me about your albums - IMAM

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Nik, ever do "Satin Sheets?" thats gotta be on the juke box at the Lonely Street Heart Break Hotel. How about Little Feat's "Cat fever" ..i think it was called...half way through the song it seems that somethin' hit all of their bloodstreams at once and then it was slow....Mow....Shun..... hear what I'm sayin. And Three Dog Night "Got Down" in more ways than one. (The Moby Grape syndrum)...Oh well, thats all out of my leauge. I'm not knockin' it,...after all, you for one lived to tell the tale...and sing it, I might add. Keep talkin' ...this is heavy. "It's always the old to lead us to the wars...Always the young to fall---Now look at all we've won with the saber and the gun..Tell me is it worth it all?" -Phil Ochs.

Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Eileen, I did post almost the exact same post a month or so ago...I had asked Lynnie (Harriton) about it because I knew she traveled with the MF's She then posted a hello to travis and a story about their trip and the clap... some such thing...and he answered her back...I swear I wasn't holding out...truely...actually I'll e-mail her e-mail to you...I know she'd love to hear from you...In fact he had only mentioned he was from Texas and it was Lynnie who after my discription of his posting, guessed it was Travis and when I asked him here he posted yes...


IMAM, Butter and I did some great stuff together...I was never much of a blues singer...i'm just not the blue type...and Paul hadn't done much country ballad stuff but we worked out an arrangement of the old Everly Bros song "So Sad To Watch Good Lovin Go Bad" it was awesome...I hope I have a copy of it somewhere...I've never been very good at holding on to stuff...I don't even have copies of my own albums.

Name: IMAM
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Speaking of audience musicians on the spot - How about that drummer that sat in on stage for a passed out Keith Moon! Seems most recently Pearl Jam or some other northwest band did the same with a rhythm guitarist - the guy had to know three chords it seems...

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: Filmore West
Date: 17 Jan 2003


I take that back...I saw him later on in 71' at the Avalon Ballroom. I may have my shows mixed up, but I think B.B. King head lined the show,....Any way, Micheal Bloomfield jambed with my Ol' Basket Ball shootin' buddy Elvin Bishop that night. Al Kooper was also their, (a real blue-eyed soul man convention)...anyway, it got late and the union boys called it a night, but, get this...they actually let a kid from the audience come on stage and play Guitar with em'. Most likely his friends call him a liar to this day. I remember Elvin tellin', dont fuck with gotta know yer' stuff. Well..the kid kept up and the crowd went nuts. (well..OK, OK,..they already were nuts)...Hey Elvin, you out there???

Name: IMAM
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Right - no going back - I tried once and it was a nightmare! Good healing vibes to Eileen - Butter was the 'butterest' in my book! What a harp -IMAM-Suspect

Name: The Invisible Man
EmailAddress: Olema 1970
Date: 17 Jan 2003


The last time I saw Michael Bloomfield he had fresh shampooed hair, new levis and an embroidered Hill Billy Hank williams style shirt on. He was sittin' on the wooden stoop outside the kitchen door plucking on JP's bango. He had tuned the red electric hollow body earlier that mourning and Marshal was sawing on the fiddle,...Eileen floated through observing details, stockingless, wearing her 50's style girls tennis shoes with no laces in them, an India Imports style wood block printed cotton sheet wrapped around her waist with a scant linen top on (Eriel in tow) most of the gang were going about their daily affairs and took no I said. Less is more. We cant go back, can we. Steve Boyd

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Little Village
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Mark, I told ya the West Village Girl would know. (and then some)..Hey, by the way...Going Up To Black Bear To Get Away???...Ah...Big Mistake. Thats like goin' to Hell to cool off. Oh, Imam, Iv'e seen over 100 crash in the Sanctury and up to 25 in the rear parlor... but its my understanding that when the Pease Church harbored the draft resistors that it was wall to wall, (mostley supporters), fact, thats what slowed the feds down when the FBI busted the place, they had to wade through a sea of human flesh to grab the put the patriots in chains. But during my tenure We've housed scads of Mid-Westerns. Oh, a whole mess of Volunteers in the 9-11 aftermath. I made some solid friends with those corn fed-inbreed Amerikans. Christ, they brought their own wieght in junk food with them, and the first questions they asked were, "wheres the closest McDonalds?", (seconded by "is there a Col. Sanders in this neighborhood?") Wow..Hey, the crew thats supposed to pack in here wont be in until 10:00 P.M. NOT 10:00 A.M. (Damn Cancer Moon)..shit, I discovered something that tops the LSD experience this morning: "Snow shoveling with Buckley". And there was less than an inch! It was as if he was wearing anti-gravity boots. I dont know..(maybe in was the de-Icer that blew up my nose),..I dont know,..once as a kid I snorted a tad of Vanish Toilet bowl crystals with about the same results..but more mentholated..where am I going with this?...Ah, wow Nik; your Rock 'N' Roll trips are fascinating. Did you ever know a Mother Witch who had a tiny cottage at Point Reyes Station? She was connected to the Band. I think that her other half was on tour during my stay. She showed me some original Sepia Photos of the Band. She kept a tidy house and was a tight Olema Ranch connection. I remember thinking how odd it was to be alone in a house with just one other person. It was all about TOGETHERNESS wasn't it? And Robertson, I never met, but swear that he was at his best when he got it through his head to "Minumize" on the axe. It brings to mind the drift of B.B. King or the original Count Basie on piano as far as that goes. (Less is More)..thats hard to achieve in any medium. As far as Mother Fuckers go, I may not have eye-balled any at Olema, but I damn sure may have picked up their mess. Pure cast system "Untouchables". Fuck...Damn Cancer Moon.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Yes I have had 2 check ups since surgery and yes I use vit E. Things improving here at home. No vicoden day 2. Miss the buzz but don't need it. I know this has got to be boring you guys. Steve got your card today. Cool. Yes Ohio Girl it is great to see your spirit humor and clever mind!

Tavis fits the physical picture I had of him, from your discription. Nicole why didn't you tell us who he was before! I sure wish I could get my mind around who he is. You want to keep us guessing or you want to attempt a translation of what he's trying to tell us here? His blipping in and out with comments I can't hang with long enough to sort out, has me mystified at his intention here. He doesn't seem to want to stay with us long enough to make sense, but enough to kick up the dust and disappear until the next round. But I find his occasional presence at least worth consideration and wish he'd allow the same of us. Or maybe he hasn't outgrown his old time maneuvers of creating chaos (or at least attempting it) and then walking away. Who was that masked bandit?

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2003



Yep, a bad time back then, I remember when the cops found Mike Bloomfield in a parked car in North Beach. To tell you the truth, I did so much meth back the earlier days, coke just didn't do it for me, it just seemed like weak crank and I was definitly done with that stuff. So I never got past the occasional use phase. I was tired the manic conversation that came with it and the life style of hip, slick and cool started giving me the creeps.

On the good side, Ben Lomond is a thriving community as well as Boulder Creek. I married, raised kids and lived for ten years outside of Boulder Creek and another ten in Ben Lomond. They still acknowledge the 60's and the lifestyle is still evident but not overwhelming. Santa Cruz has shuffled around trying to find an identity since the earthquake in 89 but still makes room for its more colorful citizens.

I checked out your Phantoms pics. Doo Wop!

Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Jan 2003


I spent some time with Charlie in Cotati... There was a rash of funerals in woodstock for a while there...Paul, then Albert Grossman then Richard Manuel...and Ely Danko, Ricks son, and finally Rick himself...geez...and Mick Ronson too...this is getting the way if you google me and put "nicole wills" music there are some funny old pictures from a band called the Phantoms...

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2003



I wasn't hooked up with Planet Drum until about two years ago so I hadn't seen Peter Berg since my experience with him at Black Bear. I wasn't at Berg's 60th or Ocean's wedding. BTW, Ocean has a beautiful daughter Florence. Lots of personality. I should have stayed in Hawaii, I probably would have led a healthier lifestyle. Tough for a howlie to get any work then. I ended up with staff infections from the surf and got tired on living on stolen cans of cream of mushroom soup, white rice and mangos. I didn't get to Olema, I did pass through Morningstar one day on the way to Black Bear and talked with Lou briefly, I remember his wife was very pregnant. He sent us to a place called Raspberry (some kind of berry) in the Russian River area (Forestville?). More burned out bikers who I made the mistake of providing LSD and gallons of Red Mountain wine. That was a very bad scene. We snuck out of there early in the morning. A harrowing experience.

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2003



I googled Bobby Keyes, man that is an incredible musical resume. I loved Butter's music and his immersion in Chicago Blues. I was very saddened when he passed away. Charley Musselwhite was a Boulder Creek guy for spell.

Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Oh yeah I'm sure we crossed paths now...same time's such a small world...did you go through the way did I ask you if you were at Bergs 60th birthday party...or Oceans wedding? and Makena, yeah, I initially went over there with the Christine Healy (Dan Healy did sound for the Dead) and their daughter and my son, both babies then...we traveled over with the Airplane who were doing a show at the Hula Bowl...we stayed in two huge houses in Diamond Head...that was fun...there was a big press thing cause Kantner was arrested for pot...but eventually Chris and I and the kids took off on our own and went to Maui...there was a rich woman there from Sausalito...a sort of patron of the arts...older bohemian type who let us stay with her for a while...but we eventually made it down to's hard to believe Jeramiah was 2 1/2 when I left and he's 34 now!!! Jaysus, time flies...actually it's nice thinking about Hawaii when it's 15 degrees outside...Nik

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2003



Now you got me thinking, if you were around the Ben Lomond area during that time we may well have crossed paths. I also moved back there after leaving Makena. I don't remember a guy named David now but it may surface. Kesey people were all over the hills around Santa Cruz and of course up in La Honda. Friend of mine, Keith Kaldenbach took me up to a prankster house in Soquel and also to Ron Bevirt's place. Cassady was around, in fact in the earlier years he worked at tire shop in Los Gatos on University Avenue. I worked with his daughter Kathy decades later at a local hospital. I worked off and on at Brookdale Lodge and Boulder Creek Country Club in the kitchens. Very heavy meth/smack scene at that time and I left for Black Bear to get away from it. That idea didn't work. I lived in Ben Lomond when the Monterey Pop festival got "moved" to the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose. Hitched down to San Jose to see Hendricks and found the tickets sold out and a protest illegal concert taking place a few blocks away at the San Jose State athletic field. Steve Miller, The Airplane, and some local bands, South Bay Experimental Flash came and played late into the night. Damn Bikers showed up and started pushing people around. I can't remember if it was the Angels or the Gypsy Jokers. The Chateau Liberti was a place for some notorious events and music also. Hot Tuna, the Airplane, Doobies and others.

Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Mark, I first met Bobby Keys while doing some work with Paul Butterfield in Woodstock...and last saw him with Levon Helm...but he's worked with everyone it seems from Fleetwood Mack to John Lennon...great sax player...

By the way, I used to go to hangout alot in the Santa Cruz mts...Ben Loman, Boulder Creek etc...around 1969...Felton too...I mostly was there with a crazy guy named David who's last name I can't remember...he was part of the Kesey of the pranksters...does that ring a bell...we'd go up to Harbinger Hot Springs and then go to Santa Cruz area...or Big Sur.


Name: IMAM
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Eileen - are you rubbing Vit. E on the suture line at least twice a day? This really will nearly eliminate the scar if you keep doing this - honest! Steve - how many people lay out in your sanctuary? Sounds like you could put up a small army on short notice! Hi Blue - Hi Nicole - Hi Hi Hi. No news so I am just saying HI! - and ya know - you all make my day nearly everyday in one way or another - so I say bless your hearts and minds everyday okay? By for now - maybe something will happen and I can tell you all about it later - IMAM-Suspect (on the hoof again)

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: you want Trivia? have I got TRIVIA !
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Here's a lead for you guys. Ya wanna talk illustrious associates of the Strolling Bones ? Check out Chuck Leavell (sp?) -- keyboardist with [among others] Allman Brothers, Delaney & Bonnie, Sealevel, many others. Not only does the guy tickle the ivories as few others can, he's also a nationally-recognized conservationist and tree-farmer on his property in Georgia (that's USA if you didn't know.) Amazing cat. Check it out.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Thanks for noticing!

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2003



Interesting comments on Travis and the methods of the MF's. It could explain some of his paradoxical style. Do you remember Bobby Keys, a sax player who worked with the Stones. It's just a trivia thing. Do I have the name right?


Do you have a follow-up visit to your Dr. scheduled? I think the "pig-headed" account builds with age. I get that way more than before. For some reason I woke up a little sideways today, the sun is out thankfully so I am going to take full advantage of it. Painting is on my list of priorities today. Good light. Running on the beach has been difficult due to the tide table and my ability to haul my ass out there in the afternoon. I need to run in the morning or it doesn't get done. Treadmill time today.

Name: Shaun Fenn
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Have just finished reading Ringolevio which is an amazing book and have just discovered the site as a consequence.

It's fantastic to be able to read the whole collection of The Realist and hope to learn more about it all.



Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl, You sound like you are definately leaving the side effects of that hep C medicine behind you...your spirit seems lighter...I'm glad.

Steve, thanks so much for the dragon lamp...I have him next to my bed...I think of him as a was great to see you time maybe I can get to the piano.

Mark a friend of Eileen and mine, Lynnie moved west originally with Travis and his crew...she said he was tall and blond and like a marlboro man type...and before heading to SF, they all went to Newport RI to the folk festival...they were horrible she said...a veritable destruction crew...causing as much chaos as possible...for the hell of it...that was their way of creating change...not a very possitive course of action in my mind.




Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 Jan 2003


These are the Daze of our Life. The very best kind of Soap on a Rope. Yeah I'm getting happier. I spent several hours checking out nutrition in my "Nutritional Healing" book, writing down what foods are sources of vitamins and minerals etc., even the fact I could concentrate enough to do that is a happy sign! I'm kind of a junk food junkie, oh Lord have pity on me.........but can't handle that stuff these daze so this must be the ideal time to learn something better!

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Mark~No blown stitches. Just more stomach on either side of the stitches I don't think was there before I rolled the rug and brought in 2 bags of groceries..having gotten impatient with the "service". I believe we call that being pig headed. So either I blew out a bit of something internal..although I don't feel a huge difference or I'm just hitting the whining and worry stage.

BTW< If someone hadn't written down my girls birth times I would be clueless. Having babies is enough! I am not a sentimental person and can barely keep track of bithdays let alone birth times. Also 7 hrs labor is not bad..but the after effects sounds like were a beast. Who would care about birth times unless for astro charts has always been a mystery to me anyhow. Who cares?

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Who wa who wa who wa, ( Ike Turner?)

May the force be with you.

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2003


Who wha who wha,(Ike Turner?)

May the force be with you.

Name: who wa be bop
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Mark, Where is the astro site that does your charts?

Eileen, you should let the surgeon check out your healing process. If you have ripped open a bit, let him suture you back up. they use dissolving thread. It's much better to deal with it now. Take Care!!!


Name: who wa be bop
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Mark, Where is the astro site that does your charts?

Eileen, you should let the surgeon check out your healing process. If you have ripped open a bit, let him suture you back up. they use dissolving thread. It's much better to deal with it now. Take Care!!!


Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 16 Jan 2003


I take that back, Sweet Lorraine put up with a Knuckle Head in the living room (no not me, the bike!)...I felt bad whed I got some sludge on her oval rug though. It was real hand grenade, the jugs were bored real thin and it had an up-stepped cam. When I close my eyes I can still smell that motor. (and Lorraine)..Man, I promised her the moon, and she still wont write. I'm waiting to cover her tattooed name, but hey..even if I do she will always be under my skin. She was no blood of mine, but being our children's Mother makes her kin. Damn Moon in Cancer!!! Lorraine is a fierce Leo and three kinds of Woman. Shit. Aint Love a Bitch? Well Family,..thanks for listening. I edited this..did it print twice???..Damn Moon in Cancer!

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 16 Jan 2003


I take that back, Sweet Lorraine put up with a Knuckle Head in the living room (no not me, the bike!)...I felt bad whed I got some sludge on her oval rug though. It was real hand grenade, the jugs were bored real thin and it had an up-stepped cam. When I close my eyes I can still smell that motor. (and Lorraine)..Man, I promised her the moon, and she still wont write. I'm waiting to cover her tattooed name, but hey..even if I do she will always be under my skin. She was no blood of mine, but being our children's Mother makes her kin. Damn Moon in Cancer!!! Lorraine is a fierce Leo and three kinds of Woman. Shit. Aint Love a Bitch? Well Family,..thanks for listening.

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jan 2003



Bobby Keys hung with them for a long time into the 80's, had a taste for the opiates if you believe the rumors (RS mag). Seems like all cosmic sax players fall that way. He always caught my ear.

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Okay, my mother had a tough time suffering from anemia neccesitating a transfusion and stayed in the hospital for two weeks afterward. She was basically out of it and my Dad was probably a little sideways also. So 3:20 pm is the time and I will head back to the astro site and plug in the data. Maybe things will be more sensible.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Mark, when I saw them at the Daley City Cow Palace Billy Preston was dancing circles around Mick, (while handeling a strapped on key board, no less) up on him..The West Village Girl would know..Hey Eileen, A person who likes to be alone with a person who likes to be alone is terrific. Try it some time..(wink, wink, nudge, nudge..) Gaile with an "E" was that type. Trouble is; she trusted my good judgement. (big mistake)..Anyway, She was a Pisces and I shit you not: the women in my life always opjected to a Motorcycle in the living room etc. so, having gained this insight into the female mind set, (prior to assembling some Brit-Iron at our digs,) I was sheepishly headed out the door with a fuel tank when she asked me why I was leaving her, I said; well..I'm going to spray paint this tank, back in a while. Now get this.. she said "Why dontcha spray paint it in the bathroom shower stall". BINGO!! "True Lust" Them thar' women dont grow on trees. Damn shame that she was married. God we were good alone together. Shit. P.S. Hammond, if ya' wanna keep yer' Bike and yer' gal, ya better sleep with both of em'. (but you knew that)

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Holy Shit! So I started digging though my old shit, you know like my DD214? Anybody remember those? I find a certified copy of my birth record. The time of birth is 3:20pm. I am going to call my Mother again, I'll get back to y'all. They got some explainin' to do. They ain't that feeble.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Brian, heres the answer to your question:

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jan 2003



Stones plus soulful sax equals Bobby Keys, is he still around?

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Ok Steve I will do the pointer fine tuning and will go back to discussions and pick up your info again..only for a friend will I hassle this out. But not tonight. It just takes a bit of obsessive patience..which I have loads of when I get some wild hair.

Mark~I seem to remember on that site there's some fine tuning possible for your chart. I'll look around when I set up Steve's chart tomorrow. But A good astrologer would have you write out a list of significant dates in your life time and what happened and would start assessing the situation by trying to see where those line up. The moon is often what they are tracking, then your rising unless your sun was on the edge of a cusp futher complicating things. BTW the astrologers represented on that site are some of the really top of the line, well known astrologers that folks use their books to learn from. But I have one that I think is terrific I have used since '86 for myself and friends. I think these kind of charts are called adjusted charts..but I'll have to double check that. You made me laugh about your mom's response to your question. Obviously you have not been a very good hippy or she would have been more than broken in for this info. WHAT kind of hippy ARE you anyway?

Miranda is trying to ask me serious questions tonight. She's stopping tobacco (again) and I'm coming off vicoden..I've Put a witches cross at my door tonight to keep her out. Maybe she just needs her quota of pain. I DON'T. How did I get such rugged relationship karma. There's not even a man in the house and I still have to fight. I tell you sometimes I really wish I could figure out how to be a successful hermit. I've about scared everyone off and then I realize how hard it is to get alone alone. It's just not fair. I mean even Georgia O'Keef had all kinds of folks around her and was a terrible person..certainly as much a freak as I am. There's something to say about being able to hire the help. I just wanted to say that. People drive me nuts..except when they don't. But when they do I just keep wondering why we have come here on this planet seeming to need one another whether we like it or not. It's like food. How come we HAVE TO eat. There's these tricks of the Universe that force us to be in the world and participate. There are some things I just don't understand.

Name: Brian C. Kimbrough
EmailAddress: bckimbr@aol,com
Date: 16 Jan 2003



Name: Blue
EmailAddress: to Mark
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Complicated picture, beyond me to interpret, yr zodiac.


There are one or two books available [titles I don't recall] that give all the 144 combinations of 12 western signs plus 12 Chinese birth years.

Steven Forrest in Chapel Hill NC is an excellent astrologer if you want to look into this further.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Mark, My prime question from the start wasnt "Who called Travis a Mother Fucker"...what I wanna know is: "Who called that Mother Fucker Travis????"

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Mark, I'm a lucky bastard..well, lucky anyway, I have in my possesion the Original peace of paper which has my tiny foot prints on it. (and I said that I've never been booked!, they ink smudged me on day one!)..anyway, on the back of this document its written in fountain pen; "Baby Boy-BOYD" as I wasn't officially named yet, and also hand written info such as my weight, length and exact (to the minute) time of birth. Thats as good as it gets. Funny thing is; I got my mits on it as a tot and scribbled on it with a crayon. (apparently I signed it!) I cant thank my Dad enough for laying it on me, as the offical Birth Certificats that I've had from time to time dont reflect that heavy info. Dig? Hey, its just past 11 PM and its snowing in New York City. Merry Christmass. Oops...missed it. I think of Bernardo at Christmas. Damn. Hey, the Stones are on radio, sounds like a live show,..did I miss somethin'?..Is it the Garden Show?.."Ya cant always get what ya want!"...Or can ya?? Wow, heavy you hear that Sax..Oh ya..

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jan 2003



Now that the demise of the plague vials has be at least confirmed by our top flight investigative agency of the gubermint, do you think the photo of this tex-ass scientist resembles Travis at all? Now I realize that we don't have a photo of Travis so maybe we all could add our expectations of his likeness to a common mix and arrive at a consensus of his image. Digger profile? If that matched the CNN photo maybe we could get a handle on who he thinks he is.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Station DWFS in New York
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl; enjoying the show? like Soaps right? "We Are Not Vegetarians!" -Famous Russian battle cry.

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jan 2003



I am open kind of guy but I have been checking out that astro site, something I generally shy away from, and I have to say it seems mighty contradictory. I must admit I called my elderly Mother last night (81) to ask about the absolute minute of my birth. Of course this caused a bit of pause in the conversation. I don't know if it was a memory thing or most likely another chapter in the long standing discussion, since the 60's, about my mental equilibrium. I don't, have never and don't remember using librium. Anyway, the final answer was it was still the 3rd of September but it was late at night. I couldn't lean on them any further, I mean even though I was their first birth, it was fifty six years ago. I must add, my Mother has always had a dizzy side and my Father hasn't made much effort to help her with that. He has a distracted facet himself.

The point is if I adjust the time of my suspected birth on this planet, are you listening Blue, I seem to be able to at least soften or harden the news about my time left here on this plane. It is a bit disturbing. So the facts are that I was born on the 3rd of September in 1946 in San Jose, California but I was living or started living ( right-to-lifers vs I-can't feed-the-ones-I-have-already) in Los Gatos, California since there wasn't a local hospital then. My Dad says it was around 11pm but that is suspect and my Mother says she was in labor for seven hours, sorry Mom maybe that was an omen, so I can't really depend on her objectivity. So Eileen, the master of all things Zodiacal, how do I resolve this black hole or have I fallen through the astrological cracks (bad metaphor if you think about it, I mean is there a condition known a cosmic head-up-your assness) left to float along without anyone to deal my cards? Could this be a good thing? I mean, I have never been a "joiner" you know.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: lost in Amerika
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Eileen, I've got the pioneer spirit and long to lay naked in the sun, but dont want to create a Digger Land trying to point and pick, then check coordinace headings with that little hand; the closest I can get is just below the "U" in the word "Rocky Mountains" catch me at the back fence will ya? (this could be the best kept sectret in the FREE WORLD.) Last one theres a turd-ball. Tag, your it! Will the Olema People rise again?...will Silent Steve escape the clutches of George's Evil Doer Squad?...Will they eat each other like the Dohner Party, or eat each other like at a Digger Party, (thats when ya' dont swallow..get it?) Tune in Saturday, (I mean Samday)when the Moon is full..for the answer to these and other questions on: As The Mute Yerns.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Sometimes they let me go home from work, and usually I can tell when that happens! Peace, from here in the Ohio deep-freeze.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Eileen, I dont know how to punch in coordinance,...all I can do is ball park it with that crazy little Mickey Mouse white glove-pointy-finger-thing. Any help would be oppressiated. ( I read everything except's a guy thing.) Later. P.S. As you know, my reading for NYC is damn near deadly; thats why I'm hiding out these days.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Steve~See if you can get closer to the coordinates 112w28/3432 and copy and paste your info to me would ya? You still have my email? Sorry about Buckley. Prayers his way and yours and all who keep those off their feet, rolling.

Decided to come off vicoden today for a reality check (don't ja just hate that? I do.). I feel a drug darkness coming over me that I better step out of and give it a rest. I'm bummed cause I think I did blow out at bit of my belly..hoping it's just swelling that will go down, damn it. Sitting is not particulary cool. outta here

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Hey Eric~ How about archive this sucker..later tonight so we don't miss todays.

So here's a link for Native Am prophesy that I suppose you all know. But on the chance you don't, this seems a good time for it.

Mark~Thanks for keeping us posted on the action Sat. Will send the info to Ariel. Last time she called me in the middle of it all and held up her cell phone for me to hear the stuff she thought was important. Talk about up to the minute news!

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Steve , Tuli Kupferberg was described in Allen Ginsburgs poem Howl with the following lines: "who talked continuously seventy hours from park to pad to bar to Bellevue to museum to the Brooklyn Bridge"

Sounds like a Digger to me.

Name: Saint Steven
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Hammond, Well somthin' good came out of it all,..The new Reverend got the drift that Buckley was crashing here after being alarmed as to his violent siezure this A.M. (the Pie Man missed it)..the John Bukley experience is a sight to behold,..anyway, the Rev. says: "Steve,... he gotta do something for John." Bingo! With the Rev's connections we may be able to get Buckley a social advocate and get him housing. Then the Rev. tells me that there is a group of 25 church folks from the mid west who will be here in the A.M. and will be crashing in the rear parlor, so my week end should be booked. These out of towners are always a trip. I have Church Folk nation wide sending me their best. (Call me anything but a poor host)..anyway, they will be contributing free labor in lue of the crash site. Painting, etc. Later. (Wish Buckley luck). P.S. Q: Whats the difference between religion and patriotism? A: When the dog howls at the moon, that's religion. When the dog bites a stranger on the ass, that's patriotism.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Boing!!!
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Oh ya!! Groves!...Ok, Ok..."We have discovered the most terrible weapon in the history of the world. It may be the fire destruction that was propheisied in the Euphrates Valley era, after Noah and his fabulous ark." -Pres. Harry Truman, July 25, 1945

Name: Major Steve to Ground Control
EmailAddress: Third Rock
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Ah....who is Leslie??? P.S. Speaking of Majors: "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it." -Unnamed Major in U.S. Army, BenTre, S. Vietnam (pop. 35,000), Feb. 7, 1968

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Here is the website that has information for those traveling to SF for the Anti-War rally and march on Sat. Jan. 18.

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Dear Major Gen.s Steve and Leslie - I hope I don't find out - N. Korea's rockets can just reach Portland!

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: you know
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Mark, Nik and I are covering NYC, can you hold up Frisco? Its all yer's. You got my vote. Any one in Chicago?..lets hear from ya'. P.S. "I understand death by atomic radiation is quite pleasent." -Maj. Gen. Leslie Groves, Director of the Los Alamos Atomic Bomb Project.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: D's NYC
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Hey New Yorkers; Watch for heavy Traffic (no pun intended) around 31st & 33rd. St and 6th & 7th Ave. The Rolling Stones are hangin' out over there. (lot of folks are playing hooky today..(hint, hint, nudge, nudge).. Hey folks, in an effort to keep the Anti War thing shoved down yer' throats, (or up yer' asses).. Iv'e decided to include a famous quote by a large variety of War Mongers, also, I may consolidate my thoughts in an effort not to jamb the thing up with one liners. OK, untill then; I leave you with these words from Santayana: The military classes, since they inherit the blood and habits of conquerors, naturally love war, and their irrational combativeness is reinforced by interest; for in war officers can shine and rise, while the danger of death, to a brave man, is rather a spur and a pleasing excitement than a terror. A military class is therefore always recalling, foretelling, and meditating war; it fosters artificial and senseless jealousies toward other governments that possess armies; and finally, as often as not, it precipitates disaster by bringing about the objectless struggle on which it has set its heart. Nuff said?

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Just a reminder that Saturday at 11am at the end of Market Street is the begining of the San Francisco Anti-War march. The march is to the Civic Center across the street from City Hall. The rally begins there at 1pm and the weather looks like it will be sunny so this could be one of those great SF days. The last rally was large, this one will be much bigger so go early. BART was jammed up last time from all parts of the Bay. I will be there with as many of mine I can drag along with me.

For us geriatrics, the Rolling Stones live HBO broadcast is that Saturday night. I just hope one of em' doesn't keel over. Richards should be radioactive by now.

For the distraught Niner fans, Mooch is a goner but the Raider's playoff game is on Sunday. Where is the fuckin' popcorn. Hash smoldering under a water glass? That would mean a glass cabernet to follow wouldn't it?

Time to put the top down on the Bird and get some sun, it is beautiful here today. Later.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Shit, I just thought of something!...ah..what if Tuli is a Mother Fucker???...Hmm...I gotta rethink this...

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: DWFSNFCA
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Imam...thats one small step for man. Hey Blue, I'm way ahead of you,..O.M.M.C. stands for "One Man Motorcycle Club" was based on the One Man Band concept. I dont dig the pack mentality. Oh speaking of packs, I officially dubb Tuli Kupferberg an Honorary Digger (if he isnt already). Hey, Eric, a while back I sank some quid into a web site but donated it to a homeless organization. Since then I'm practicing what I preach and am faded as old glory as a result, drift is this: Hows yer' bag?..I mean, is it a pain in the nuts to be handeling all of this New York City Digger weight? I see it getting nothing but heavier. I just thought that I would talk to you before you had to talk to me. (Or have you been talking to me?)..anyway, feel free to E-Mail me. Later. Steve P.S. Im' single-handedly dragging the Diggers kicking and screaming into the 21st century. (Ouch,,...thats gotta hurt!) Come on Boys and girls, get out of the woods. Ya got old and started gardening and raising roses, come on, hit the streets. The youngens are hurtin'. Pitch in.

Name: Blue
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Steve -- I was born a natural Nomad, never had to join a motorcycle club to earn my colors. & one thing we do, we take care of our own. Roll on brother, what you say here keeps me on track and the flag flying HIGH.

Name: IMAM
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Steve - IMAMday is for Leap Years - thanks! IMAM-Suspect

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: you know
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Wow! another FREE day!! Hell, I just heard that today is Thursday! Shit, I thought that it was Friday! That twice since my return to NYC. Now the first was because of two hour jet ....well...maybe this one is due to Samday!...think so? Hey, while we are on the subject, I dont have a cute sexatery to take dick, ah..I mean dictate...ah, so could you document the new Digger Calander of events Eric?..lets see, we had Eric Day, Shadow day, (I keep having FREE days, but they seem to float, besides, if you document them it would be no big surprise.) ..Ummm.. Samday, I missing anything,...Oh ya,...the Month of Eileenuary,..Of course theres the date that they illegalized LSD back in 66'...Hm...They have Presidents day, about Emmits day?...lets work on it. Hey, just got a voice message from some established action groups. Will post their upcomming plans in conjunction with the Free Church.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: again
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Hey, I just got word that they recovered or located those missing samples of Bubonic Plague down in Texas. Now either I was mistaken or Travis actually listened to reason...Hmmm..what are the odds?

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: DWFSNYC
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Hey folks, I blow away scores of unopened E-Mails with odd headings on a daily basis. (especially the George Bush ones) If you want to talk over the back fence, please head the E-mail off with DIGGERS. Cool? Thanks. If I never answered you, try again.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 16 Jan 2003


THE EMPORER HAS NO CLOTHES! Hey, just a brief run down. Kept the light on for Pie Clan: no show. Buckley had a seziure and was med-vacked out to St. V's. Nik swept in with real flair. I'm frying up some beacon to have w/ my Oat Meal. The Digger Olema People West Free Street Branch will fly the defunked O.M.M.C. colors: vez. A naked cherub garbed in an ermine cape, emperial crown and cepter, riding on a phantom Oak sprig pegasus with maple leaf wings and acorn head, ensnarled in a cob web within a crown of thorns. The initials O.M.M.C. NOMAD are to be ommited. More later. Or rather NOW!

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: frm west 4th this am
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Hi all, played hooky today and instead of going to the office...I came by to see our Steve...he's looking great by the way...actually he looks like he's had a personal trainer for two or three months...yeah right Florida...although he still has sun on his skin...I haven't even read any posts yet...just saying hi from here...oh he just brought in the dragon lamp he'd been telling me's gorgeous...ciao for now Nik

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 16 Jan 2003


Its cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey! Steve I stopped by to say hello to you on Tuesday but you werent around. Thats a nice block you are on. I had to use the bathroom in the park......there were about six guys hanging around in about stage fright.....lately reading these entries in here reminds me of the coversations in nursing homes, Ohio Girl must feel like shes still at work. Speaking of the Manhattan Project....when they first split the atom they didnt know if it would start a chain reaction that wouldnt stop until the earth was destroyed....but they split it anyone who has hope for the future keep that in know my memeory is shot, maybe I spent too much time near that reactor.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: whodunit
Date: 16 Jan 2003


from the earthsave web site i found this little 2 minute movie.

hope lots will protest the war on saturday. we marched for racial equality in the 60's and to end the war in vietnam (the American War is what the Vietnamese call it.)

we're marching on Maui. please check out michael moore's web site again and again. every couple of days he adds new amazing links and archives the previous ones. Want to get your mind blown? go to


Name: Steve
Date: 15 Jan 2003


OLEMA PEOPLE WELCOME PIE PEOPLE. Hey, As far as I know, Nicole only puts on her ears at her office. Its late. She will most likely pick up yer' note in the A.M. and reply during businees hours. I would say drop by the Free Church and make yer' own poster, but I gave away all of my art supplies...(aint it the way)...drop by anyway. You shoulda' buzzed me for free digs? Hell, its not to late, can share the rear parlor with Buckley. That auta be a life altering experience. I'm proud to say that he is my friend. But no shit, save yer' hotel money to buy Hashish... I hear that the Mooks are pushing it in double sticks like kit-kat bars; callin' it Twin Towers.

Name: Steve The Cat
EmailAddress: twelfth house
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Blue; Hashish is my "Cat-Nip" I find it to be exotic, erotic, mystic, alluring, pungent, natural third eye material. If they leagalized the stuff, I predict that the divorce rate would drop by approximatly 83.7 percent. By partaking it under glass, one skips the sour funk of pipes; although I do have my eye on an ancient African gourd pipe that may very well fit my blow hole (stoma)..I hesitated to try it on for size under the watchfull eye of the shop keeper. i(Big Medicine)..dont underestimate the spiritual significants of a "Vessel" object (pipe). I gave my little Libra a brass and porcaline Monkey Face opium pipe for her 16th birthday. I'm a real fan of Opiets also, but in Dragon form (smoke)..injecting is a pin-head ticket off on the planet. Hashish is a natural with my other vice. Fresh ground black Coffee. Now where did I put my Lucky gold and red turned-up-at-the-toes Genie shoes and my black linen harem trousers. Hmmm... P.S. Jones?...(ever try "Keeping" up with yer' Jones? (Blue, Iv'e either been living in a church for to long,..or not long enough!)...Later.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: a little bewildered
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Steve -- how did you come to be inhabiting my body in NYC while I'm tending sheep in Appalachia ? Wot hoppen'd ? Kidding aside, don't joke about hash because that gives me a jones the size of, of ...Jupiter.

Name: aron pieman kay
Date: 15 Jan 2003


hey nicole i am in nyc!!! do you still have any pix or flyers for the la love-ins? please email me at with the words,"la love-ins" as the subject line

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Maputo, Mozambique????? I don't have you set up on that site any longer. I've been working on me and my girls trying to figure it all out. I'll just have to take your word for it. Hey whatever floats your boat. Hash? Now that's comething I might be able to help you with and you don't have to go anywhere. Give it some time. Kicking back and thinking about this move coming up..kind of a wicked time to have to be kicking back you know?

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Tumble Weed Connection
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Sam..I just zapped onto an area South-West of Pheonix. Not Bad. But it indicates that I may have to drop the "Half Mother Miles-Half Mother Teresa" act and bake my own hash. Thats doable. I will get back to ya' on that when the moon is right. The world may have to save it's self. Which brings me to this point (no pun intended). Why not "Save the Cactus??"..I'll tell ya why...No Need To!. They fight back. (until then; think Yert).

Name: Buana Steve
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Eileen, check out my Eden sometime...pop a few pain killers and zap my profile onto the South-Eastern Coastal City of Maputo, Mozambique. Its the Garden as long as I approach it with clean hands and straight eyes. Dig: I propposed four-walling a bungalo to establish a trade goods supply outfit to truck in much needed supplies to the Methodist tribal folks. Doing the Digger Free thing on the side with more than 1% of the profits if ya' know what I mean. The civil war has been over for years and the roughest mother fuckers to deal with are the Ivory poachers, but I aint got tusks, so its no big shakes. I would also push the Digger Anti-Aids slogan; "Sit on yer' ass and keep yer' mouth shut". Those fucks havent got a clue. The True Africans are wonderful children. The Preacher Lady is already involved in a Church Building project in the mountains. I pitched it all to her, but havent gotten a reply. I just cant opperate in Amerika anymore; the Avante-Guarde hasnt exactly meshed with mainstream yet, but I see it comming. Shit, it used to be pure Bohemian. Anyway, take alook. Its the balls.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: silentsteveboyd@hotmail
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Sam, it is all about you! Hmm...Sweet Sue...(that must mean that the scar is vertical?) Hey, As far as the Preacher Lady goes: The Coin Oracle indicates Succeess and happiness in the begining but sorrow and failure in the end. See, I had my hopes up in reference to her heavy Mozambique connection. The asto-what-ever-its-called indicated that the Coast of Mozambique was really balls for this Ol' Boy,...(and no small wonder: the coastal towns are crossroads for half of the worlds Hashish supply. Plenty of smack too but the Muslems can have that shit. Anyway, the whole thing was falling into place. She had married a multi-millionare, but dont get me wrong. If you marry for money, you ussually earn it. I was momuntarilly Hash and Pussy blinded. Now, the moon in Gemini tells me not to disclose too much Info. (but do I listen?)...I LOVE HASH! (and pussy, but thats not my point)..Its a before dinner delight,..(the hash, that is)... Screw the vacume cleaner hose. Make mine "Hash under Glass" Insert a glob on the pin base, ignight, blow out the flame, cover with a cocktail glass (crystal), wait until it looks like London, lift the rim and suck. Watson!..the game is afoot!. Fuck the seven percent solution. As far as my condition goes...Eileen Honey,..theres all kinds of Cancer...but theres only one kind of Me. I humbly remain, Steve Boyd / Olema People 2003

Name: Jeanette
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Great website!



<A href=""></a>

Name: IMAM
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Hey Eileen - that is a great astro site! thanks......IMAM-Suspect

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: back at the ranch looking at my navel..big whoopee
Date: 15 Jan 2003


This scar is Sweet Sue actually..I ain't got no Little Ricky on my belly! Don't know why but just is cause that's how I'm feeling Mr Sweety Friend. Hey don't run this woman over with your exuberance Steve. But what do I know?

Here's that link for locational astrology and's a really good one folks!! Good thing they're not charging. I would be supporting the site at this point:

By the way Blue don't take the mop up on you personallly, OK? Don't want to scare you off just can't handle that much reading unless it's one of us from the heart or too much coffee..even then I have to just scan when it gets long unless it's to me. Ha! It's all about me.

Name: BOYD
EmailAddress: Kilmarnock
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Clan Guthrie, Clan Wills, Clan Ewing: Everyone dies...but not everyone actually lives. Celtica: Island of the Barbarians. Scotland Forever.

Name: Desi  Boyd
EmailAddress: Habana
Date: 15 Jan 2003

Comments got sum essssssspppplllaaaiiinnnnin' ta' do! Look, I know tha' ju wanna sing at tha club...but you not in show my wife! Dunt..(yesdunt)...go thinnin' tha ju can sing un dance in yor condition. Thin about little Ricky! (thats what Im' naming your scar)... OK,...Really Eileen, no carpet pullin', roof climbin', bus drivin' OK?...This is the Good Son tellin' ya,...think of "Little Ricky"

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: dwfsnyc
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Hey Nik,...Ah...shucks mame...thanks for sayin' so. And P.S. If you werent already Titled, I would dubb thee: "The Real Manhattan Project". (The original was just a dry run). You are one Atomic Woman. Guiger counter?..hell, peg out my Kink-O-Meter. Opps, there I go dumping my emmotions to fast...damn moon.

Name: Eric
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Mark -- yeah, I heard, but it was three days too late for my Fantasy Playoffs team. I lost Owens and Streets Sunday in the crushing loss of the Niners. Now I'm left with Eddie George and his concussion. Not much luck left. However, I shouldn't complain. I won my league's Superbowl championship this year.

Name: Steve
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Sam; hows my lovely freind??..well, shes hung up with a fresh scar and a bad case of mildew. (but you knew that)...Arizona? I did some very electric tripping through those parts. That is to say that my trips were very electrified in that region. The sun was like liquid. I swam in heat waves. Now Eileen, the moon is still in Gemini and I mustnt surrender my emmotions fast under that glow,...ask again when the time is right. (you know my ways)... I cant say that I was ever thirsty in the desert,..funny aint it?...Oh, the astro link?..I inadvertantly blew that away and cant find it now. Any leads? Hey Thomas..the "New" studio is in my head (right next to the rec room)...the Money is going to an Earth Angel via devine intervention, but Thats as far as I will go on that topic. I'm just the messenger. Now,..News, Notes, and nonesence??...Sure...hows this Eric; Bubonic Plague samples are missing from Texas and so is Travis!!! I shit you not! Maybe I went to far...Think so? They say that there is no such thing as bad publicity, but come on Travis!...I think that the "Mother Fucker" name alone covers that base. Tex, lighten up. Keep it down on the ranch will ya?. I mean, hey, you had yer' 20 Minutes of fame matching wits with your's truly...hell, thats somethin' to tell the grandkids about. well..I dont know off hand what would be so grand about your's..but, hey, could tell someone elses. Oh, Sam, the lady Reverend who told me that I could push her swing?..well, we entered the "Clinton Relationship" stage (no penetration yet) but she has failed to answer a "Me Tarzan: You Jane" style E-Mail that I sent. But, a mutual friend told me the other day that she was out of state, etc. and that she had recieved it. In short: This native is restles. Hey, dig this; that malotto mongeloid with the little leather-like monkey paws was here to help (watch) the free food experience today. Well, I tried my best to get her to talk to me, I even showed her Little Darla who is now 8 months; (my natural high)..anyway, not a word. So I motioned if she would like to sing and she jumped at the chance. Well, she went into the jestures and the slow rap again and a different social worker (not the go-go dancer, but a student loan slave) said "Isnt it lovely?"..well I cant say "Huu??"..but I can mime it. So she she says to me "Shes speaking French...Is'nt it lovely?".

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Hey Eric, the Niners just fired Mariucci.

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Well~I guess that was one of those cosmic GET IT? An internal hernia? Oh god Mark I got the picture. Enough said.

Heals Well~How did you know about the rat traps? The true sign of a single woman!

Name: Nicole
Date: 15 Jan 2003


oops...I have no idea what I did...sorry

Name: Nicole
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Yeah Eileen...besides your body and being was telling you to slow down...yelling at you to slow down...I mean it layed you down after all...what with climbing around on roof tops in the rain and driving over hill and dale in pouring a big ol' bus...careful now...if you don't listen to it, you might find yourself having hearing the way it's very warm and dry in the cottage by the garden...feel free to go in and rest can transfer the warmth to wherever you want it to's that kind of magic...WWR, Nik are huge in my heart...your sense of humor is awesome...

Name: Nicole
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Yeah Eileen...besides your body and being was telling you to slow down...yelling at you to slow down...I mean it layed you down after all...what with climbing around on roof tops in the rain and driving over hill and dale in pouring a big ol' bus...careful now...if you don't listen to it, you might find yourself having hearing the way it's very warm and dry in the cottage by the garden...feel free to go in and rest can transfer the warmth to wherever you want it to's that kind of magic...WWR, Nik

Name: Nicole
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Yeah Eileen...besides your body and being was telling you to slow down...yelling at you to slow down...I mean it layed you down after all...what with climbing around on roof tops in the rain and driving over hill and dale in pouring a big ol' bus...careful now...if you don't listen to it, you might find yourself having hearing the way it's very warm and dry in the cottage by the garden...feel free to go in and rest can transfer the warmth to wherever you want it to's that kind of magic...WWR, Nik

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Jan 2003



It just isn't the scar on the skin layer it is also the incision through the muscle and through the abdominal wall that needs to heal. Hernias are the created by separations in the muscle and abdominal wall that let it all hang out (literally) so be careful. The skin will heal as long as it is kept clean but what is underneath is most important. You know all this of course so go take a damn nap. The mildew will be there when you're ready to do battle. You're fighting the humidity anyway, gotta wait for the sun. It is sunny today and warming up. Should be in the low 70's by Friday.


To all,

I am stuck here in Santa Cruz (Aptos) at least until the end of next week but I will make the trip in the next couple of weeks.

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Jan 2003


ooh busted!

Name: Heals Well
Date: 15 Jan 2003



Sending you healing energy. Please try to let your scars heal. You risk opening up the seams of your operation by rowdy activity, such as tearing up carpets. I know how necessary it is to get stuff done. However, you risk real problems by being too active. That's a danger of pain pills. You get a false sense of being fine and start doing normal activities. Really, you should take the time off so you can heal. this is mother love.

I, too am a single mom, and know how sometimes the only way to get things done is to do it myself. I'm an old hand at emptying rat traps.

Glad, however, that the moldy carpets are gone. Mold sucks.

Mark, if you have the time to visit Eileen, this is a good time. help this liberated digger woman take it easy.


Name: Blue
Date: 15 Jan 2003


OK, Eric. Now I've got the picture. And once again, thank you for your excellent work here.

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Jan 2003


News, notes, and nonsense (if any) later in the day - on the move and just stopped in for the moring rush - and Eric - I vote for the 2 wk. archival shift. H.

Name: Eric
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Blue -- no need to apologize. Hope you didn't mind that I moved the article to the FFR forum. Generally I like to keep the postings here to original thoughts. Reprints of articles etc. can go in the FFR or FCN pages.

Name: Tomas
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Someone hand me a pen and a tablet. I have something to say. I can paste just about anything here between these rectangles, but mostly it is a cry for peace or please see yourself as a human being or please speak you mind and have you seen Kyle? Stop by, we smell of cats and the middle class. We are fine, a little bloated but fine. I earn a little money and I buy space to speak to my self. I call it muse, it is mostly trash, but it is my mind and it does ask for peace. When someone has a lot of money for "Steve's New Studio" then we'll ask him to leave and write in his studio, but for now he is the voice we like to hear. We like to hear Coyote but he a little to expensive for us these days. Keep the peace. Take Care, Tomas

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: apologizing
Date: 15 Jan 2003


Eric & others -- Sorry. I hesitated before posting, but thought that was an outstanding & important article. In future, I'll just give a link...A momentary lapse of reason.

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Jan 2003


You're pretty darn funny Steve! I'm sorry you're having to talk to yourself like that. Things get pretty quiet here this time of night eh? Hope you don't mind me easedropping (is that anything like bird droppings?) on your one on one chat. Yes that yert dream will be headed to Arizona. I pulled up 2 rugs while talking to Mark tonight. (yes I hurt now) This whole room smells like mildew and I just can't stand it. I think we had 2 whole wks of summer this yr. I need someplace to just go and dry out! I'm so pale I'm green! Bush a Digger? Now there's a new thought. So? Steve? How's the lovely friend coming along? Is it? How's your astrology for Prescott, AZ, by the way? (112.28/34.32). We can't go on meeting like this.

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: New York City
Date: 14 Jan 2003


OPEN LETTER: Look folks,..ah..for anyone who happens to be following this, as much as there is no Digger Disclaimer labeled or posted on this web site, I think at this juncture it would be prudent for me to state: "Do Not Do Or Say Anything That I Do Or Say". Got that?...dont even think it!. OK, now I want all of you kids to run in right now and wake up yer' parents and tell them both what I just said. And remember children; these are dangerous times.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 14 Jan 2003


I just gotta ask myself: Self??...what were ya thinkin'??..Offering Ol' Oil thursty George Digger apprentisship...have you gone mad??? you want America given away free??..I mean selling it out for Arab end money is not your style???..and those Japs??..hell, I wont get into it now, should have consulted Buckley first. Christ, set the movement back 37 years. What if he E-Mails you...Nah...who would believe it. The Dhali Lama??, well,.. sure, but that was different...Self??..Oh Self???...your' not listening!!....

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Hey Ohio Girl, I like you. P.S. Was that to long Eric? Well, gotta run. Feeding a whole mob of US Citizens in the AM. I gotta do it. George sure the fuck wont. Ah, fuck off George! Dont call us, we will call you. Hey, pull this thing off by only killing a few hundred thousand and who knows, someday you might actually get elected president ya Texas piss-ant. Speaking of ants; if they took your brain and jambed it up an ant's ass, it would look like a B-B in a box care. Your' wife, now..I like her. Ya, she's OK. Hey, thats two people I like in a single posting..make that four; myself and Eric included. Hell, make that five. NO!...not him!..(I like myself twice)...that is..doubly.

Name: Steve
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Ya Eileen, that bed is a Bute. I wrapped the matteress up in giant leaf bags and duct taped it so it wouldnt get wet if moved in enclemit weather. I must admit that Ive' slept on it a few times, but what with the bag, everything (including me)) keeps slidding off of it. The fucker is really built. Integral crossed spring bands etc. Its a Jim Dandy, Im' glad that its finding a good home. Speaking of homes, Sam, if you go the yert route, it would be advisable to locate to a mello clime. Oh oh, this just in on the Digger Gram: Achtung!!! Digger "" yer'selves UNITED?? Prove It! Say NO to WAR WITH IRAQ Saturday, January 18th, 2003. NATIONAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON,DC Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of US Citizens (remember those guys George?)... participate (remember that word?) in this massive fuckin' demonstration to say "NO" to war. Ah...make that: "FUCK NO!!". Join other United Methodists at the United Methodist Building in Washington Fuckin' DC anytime between 8 AM and 11 AM. The U. Meth. Bldg. is at 100 Maryland Ave., NE, Washington, DC walking distance from the South Capital. If you dont want to bust yer' carting a sign down the pike, we will furnish you with materials to make them at our digs. For General Information (as if this wasn't) check out the web site or call 202-544-3389. How am I doin' Mom? If yer' real serious, call either Kathryn Johnson, Executive Director of Methodist Federation for Social Acton at 202-488-8806 or Janet Horman, Peace With Justice Coordinator, General Board of Church and Society at 202-488-5647. Now I know that this may be a long shot, but if George Bush Jr. would just contact me by E-Mail, perhaps myself and my personal advisor Mr. John Buckley can sort this mess out and resolve it in a few minutes. Sure, I know that deals were cut and promises were made, but ..well George,..I know that your' a dreamer, hell, no diferent than any other rich, spoiled, Texas brat,..and, I know that... like every kid from your generation, well, you all share a secret unrealized goal...a burning desire. George, I know what that dream is...I know what that goal is...I know what that burning desire is that you've suppressed all of these years. George, admit it. Face facts. You wanna be a Digger.

Name: Eric
Date: 14 Jan 2003



I moved the article you posted to the FFR Discussion Forum and put a link to it in your original message (below). I try to move long posts to FFR or to the Free City News to keep these messages short here.

Speaking of which, everyone, is it time to archive the first two weeks of the new 2003 Guestbook? Is it getting too long to load? Just let me know.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 14 Jan 2003


I think there already is a Home Land Anti-Happy Agency, otherwise known as our Government. It has an extremely Anti-Happy attorney general and an Anti-president. Maybe it's the Axis of Bleeping Darkness.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Ms Crabby Appleton
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Blue I hate to be so grumpy..but I am. That was a shit long use of bandwidth no matter how good it was. Post a link when it's that long and you're copping someones else's stuff. jeeze

Steve~I've thought about that Returning Home..not exactly for the purpose you mentioned. But I do wonder what "roots" would feel like. I mean would it feel like WOW this is HOME! Somehow I don't think so. But I've often felt my attraction..of my love affair, with the Northern West coast here was cause it must feel like Scotland. But just think of it. The island could never begin to hold it's long lost. As it is I love this continent. I love the feeling of the land..and lots of it. If I was ever an island person I was the one trying to get on the boat to GO SOMEWHERE! I relate heavily to the Icelandic sagas. Anyone have a copy of Najal's saga? My grandma when back to Scotland and found the family graves and the port they left from and the family tartan. When finding this out and excitedly asking my folks for the tartan she brought mom says.."Oh we threw it away. The colors weren't very nice."!!!!!!!!!! Typical white people. Nice folks but..god!

Ok now I'm hurting. Sitting sucks. But I am improving. Can ya tell? Boy do I envy that bed Nicole's getting. Good score.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Jan 2003



Fuckin' eh, man, your back in true form. Would you believe that your post about de-immigrating was the topic of conversation at my family dinner tonight. Three kids and my wife are still laughing over the image of empty casinos and pissed off Indians. Oh yea, that reference to the Jim Morrison tune starts with "The west is the best" "Ride the King's Highway" is the El Camino de Real. I don't mean that in a confrontational way, I'll leave that to the hip hop motherfuckers, New York has a lot but when you want to get it together we are here.

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Nicole, I dont know what part of the Manhattan Project that was developed in your building, but the actual reactor was and still is in a building on 125 St. between Broadway and Riversid Dr. The building is a non descript factory type brick building. It belongs to Columbia University and is still used( a little known New York fact). I was a firefighter in Harlem for ten years and was in the building a few times.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Diggers, Washington Square Free Church
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Later Blue. Hey, where is everybody?...Hey...Now when I suggested that the entire population of descendants of immigrants leave, I didnt mean right now. about that...ya, just leave the country to the new immagrants. Ya, the first generation immagrants. Sure...then we could re-sell the Brooklynn Bridge on a daily basis, and lay a new rail way system across the nation for 16cents per hr. Hmm...get Leona Helmsley , Martha Stewart and Cathy Lee on the phone, ...this could be lucrative.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: dwfsnyc
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Hey Nicole, New York Fuckin' City!!!, that I think about it, I cant picture you living anywhere else. Or, me either for that matter. Once I get the evening Beggars Banquet thing going down in the kitchen you are WELCOME. (spiked heels and Donna Reed apron are optional). Christ,... there auta be a law against feelin' this happy. ( Oops, I dont wanna' give George any Ideas.) Hmmm...Hey, Terrorist Commedians; you know, people dying of laughter...Hmmm....or would it be The Home Land Anti-Happy Agency???..think about it.(I know I will)...

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: not always with it
Date: 14 Jan 2003


S.S. -- you've got at least 100 times the creative energy I do. (No lie.) So I'm gone for now, just really wanted you guys to see that last post. Helped me with mixed feelings, confusion, etc. Peace & Power to all here. -- bluish and etheric being

Name: Silent Free
EmailAddress: Diggers West Free Street, New Free City, Amerifree
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Well Blue...I WAS in the mood to paint!..You gotta go stand watch.... P.S. Are you Coyote? P.S.S. Hey, speaking of watches...check out the YANTAR watch site. I plan on picking up a 24 Hr. Submarine watch after I kick this Vow of Poverty next year. You got the center stage..take it away Blue.

Name: Steve
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Wow Nicole, I checked out you Bldg. on that web site. Jesus Christ! Not exactly the Fella Hotel. (Do yer' neighbors have any Idea that they are rooming with the Queen Goddess of N.Y.C.???) Your historic Bed will no doubt find a good home there. Its like an object attraction thing,...stuff has a way of finding its place. Dig?..I will give you the documentation spec sheet if I can dig it up again. Hey, Only in New York City right???! "Get here; we'll do the rest". Nicole, In as much as you feel up to handeling the rest of the Island, I would like to score a canvas and lay down a solid oil painting for ya. Although unschooled, I ouldn paint Picasso's balls green (and actually threatenoed to onceon my worst day. I will use the bed as a model and do a mild abstraction. The burgundy laquer color is nifty,.. but as I said befor, you may wish to have it blasted down to the metal and repainted with a more feminine Libra color. In any event, I just got inspired to do a straight-world painting which is something in itself. This web site is pure magic I tell ya. Hear that Eric??? Will close for now. Steve.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: gettin down to the Bone
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Well, Steve, you asked for it. And I would not rant on here so long, except I believe this is tremendously important information y'all might want to know about. So here goes :

Constructive Moping for the Downtrodden By Diane Harvey 1-14-3

[Posted to the Free Frame of Reference discussion forum:] 

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: dwfsnyc
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Eurica!!...hey West Village Girl!! I put on my thinking cap and just realized that I have an original Miro Litho Poster rolled up and jambed inside of my piano stool, (one of the few that didnt walk..the free life-style, you know??)...Anyway,.... Now Dig this!! Heres what its advertizing: MERCE CUNNINGHAM AND DANCE COMPANY John Cage, David Tudor CLUB 49 29-VII-1966 SITGES. Hows that for Weird??? You can have it for keeps. When you flash it at those cats they might just piss their pants! Dig? Later, Steve

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: dwfsnyc
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Hey, I just came up with a brilliant Idea (that makes two in this life time) hear me out on this...Lets say we all migrate back to the countries and home lands of our know, grab Ma, Pa, and the kids...make it a real family thing...anyway,....see, that would leave Amerika with nothin' but a bunch of polluted rivers, empty gambling cassinos and pissed off Indians. Got that? OK, so then we make a pact with our kin-folk to wait a few generations and let Amerika heal from the wounds of industrialization and then SLAM! Hit every cattle boat in the pond and come back over and fuck it all up again. I mean, its not like we dont know how,...fact is,..we have it down to a science. Which brings me to this point (a point that I didnt have when I started writting this..) Where the fuck are all of these brilliant fuckin' scientist,..I mean come on, they predict all of this terrible but true shit but are so in bed with Uncle Sam (whopays their fuckin' rent) to act out and defy George's Gang of cut-throats. Any rebel out law Scientists care to comment? Fuck, I try to act smarter than I am..(but you knew that)...but fuck, Iv'e wondered about this since childhood. Id'e jump in bed with the science crew pronto. Is there life on Earth?????

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: dwfsnyc
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Hell, I got side-tracked on the Scottish thing and took another look at the Bute Islanders Motorcycle Club. Man, solid clean bone stock street bikes, nothin' to prove, Celtic girls, kilts and swingin' dicks.Could it get any better? After paying my Karmic Digger Dues here at the Free Church, I may just hit Rothsay in 2006. Its in my blood.( I think)...

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: dwfsnyc
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Do they count?...Hell, Buckley is Irish! Hey Sponge, its nice to see you keeping it civil. You have an uncanny way of popping up. Are you me? Nic, Id'e pick ya up some REAL SCOTCH, but Im on a strict vow of poverty which I hope will lengthen my life some. But Cheers anyway. Later.

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Okay I'm leaving now...going to see pal, Antonia Bennett play at Makor...then home...I had fun talking with all y'all today...With Warm Regards, Nik

Name: Steve
Date: 14 Jan 2003


In defence of George Ohsawa: His whole gig is based upon the Book Of Judgement. Bear in mind that he plainly points out the Seven Stages of Judgement which are as follows (Dig #7..thats what I'm after) 1st. MECHANICAL, BLIND: instinctual (appetite, hunger) he who sells his life (wage slave, salaried employee)guided only by hunger and thirst. 2nd. SENSORY: erotic, physical comfort-seeker, Wholesaler of pleasure: merchant, novolist, actor, whore, Gourmond (greedy eater). 3rd. SENTIMENTAL: emotionally universal, Wholesaler of emotions, Gourmet (connoisseur) 4th. INTELLECTUAL: understanding, scientific, systomatic, calculating, expert, According to a theory of nutrition. 5th. SOCIAL: social, Organizer, Comfortist--"like everyone else" 6th. IDEOLOGICAL: spiritual, thinker, originator of theories, Follow a dietic or religious principle. 7th. SUPREME: (this what I'm after) all-embracing, happy man, fulfills all his dreams throughout life, Eat and drink anything with great pleasure. Nuff said? P.S. Fuck Richard Simmons. You heavy-duty gals eat yer' left foot if wanna. Hey, Its official, I told Buckley that he can crash free at my place for the duration to finish his novel. I got over my contempt of the way that he looks down on the Super Humans. Anyway, what with my jump-started Branch of the Diggers, I plan on utilizing him in an Aquarian Anti-Advisory capacity. If I come up against an earth-shaking, life or death situation, I will ask Buckley his honest oppinion and then do the opposite. Its pure genious. I cant go wrong. Iv'e also desided to work up a free art program for the Super Human Crew. Maybe finger painting. I plan on infiltrating the Fresh Art Gallery or perhaps starting a Free Gallery. Hey Nicole; German on one side?...Ah..front side or back side? You can do yer' thing on the Grand Piano in the Sanctuary, cool?... what with Buckley's stinky feet I may move in there sooner than later,..It may be the worlds biggest Bed Room. I may customize several velvet cushioned pews into an Opium Bed. By the way,..I think that I rubbed elbows with some Merce Cunningham folks,..rings a real big bell. Oh, I just got an E-Mail from Clinton White in reference to some of his Tibetan photos. Dig him up on "Places of Power" on the web. While your over there, check out John Sexton's stuff also. Scottish Roots? Mine are on both sides, Mom's Clan the Kirklands came into Canada from Scotland and went south into the Colonies. She's a direct descendant of a Revolutionary War veteran (our side). Dad's side were deserters for the most part. Real Rebel Rebels. They always split to get laid and plant the crops. Hey, my timing is right, a Theatre Group that I was funding just pulled up stakes and folded, leaving me free to direct the flow in more personal areas. Its all in the cards. I hope that the Kairos Theatre folks regain their foothold here at the Free Church. Later All.

Name: Nik
Date: 14 Jan 2003


...again, duh !!! anyway if you went by the alcohol I drink...which btw shouldn't be any due to H-C, I'd have to be Russian/Irish...Scots, Scots, Scots..Okay, I got it now.

Name: Gallootts
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Two men from Arkansas are out fishing and are having great luck. They're catching fish so fast that they're forced to go back early. "This is so great," says the first guy. "We should mark the spot so we can come here again." "You're right," says the other guy, who then dives over the side and scrapes a big X on the bottom of the boat. They head back to shore and just as they're about to dock, the first guy looks at the second guy and says, "What if we don't get the same boat next time?"


Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Nicole you are SCOTS Irish not Scotch as this is the drink and not the people - or maybe you are trying to tell us something......the mind boggles

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Hey, does Irish count in this little community?

Nicole, I want to live in your building too.

Does anybody here use Ma Huang (ephedra)? Any experience or opinion? Or is it just another diet pill thang? I found after much trouble that if I eliminate flour, sugar and most dairy from my diet good things happen to my energy and mental clarity, and I need that clarity.

Name: IMAM - and OUT
Date: 14 Jan 2003


NIcole - thanks for the link - I will investigate in depth. IMAM-Suspect -outfornow

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Blue, I'm a huge fan of Steve and Stacy Earle fact...I'm dancin' with the one what brung me...I love that cd

Name: PS - IMAM
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Yes - The Manhatten Project was a very expensive 'play' that we (the auidence) have been paying for ever since. Not to mention the hibukusha (sp?) in Japan (the black rain survivors of Big Bertha and Little Boy). If we don't blow the world up in the mean time - the "project" will probably be the central factor in the ultimate demise of the planet unless we can figure out how to get rid or or neuralize the tons of twentyl-five thousand year by-products that are swiftly poisoning the planet. Oh yeah - and somehow regenerate the rain forests - and make the ice shelf stop melting like popsicle in the sun - and - god, what a list that goes on, and on, and on.......... My Opinion: It think it is high time that we turned the planet (the goverment at the very least!) over to women - Left to our own devices we men haven't done such a good job.

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Jan 2003


IMAM, Check out our site...

Name: blue
EmailAddress: getting retrospective
Date: 14 Jan 2003


So am I gonna have to tune up the old bagpipes ? It's starting to look like we happen to be all members of a similar ethno-culture group here. Myself I still have a kilt and can brandish a dirk with the best of 'em...But that's all from before I learned the arts of Peace. And yet...we still make our own whiskey in the mountains. Yeah, me and Steve Earle, we're LIKE THIS...the ol' bootlegger, Blue

Name: IMAM
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Nicole - I want to move into your building for the rest of my life. IMAM-Suspect

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Hammond, you meant Eileen, but I'm Scotch Irish too...with some German on one side...and Eileen your diet sounds similar to mine...

IMAM...I live in a great building here in's an artists bldg that was part of a private trust set up 35 years is for people trying to make it in the is a full city block...Bank street/ West Street/Washington st/ and Bethune...called's a landmark bldg from 1800' houses the Merce Cunningham Dance Theater and the New Schools Actors Workshop with James Lipton and that has a community theater and several galleries for the space for musicians and painters...lots of famous artists moved through here...the trust is set up anonomously and I was wondering is because they did the Manhattan Project experiments in it!!!!! They also did the first talking movies there and ma bell was involved or owned it during the Manhattan stuff... and the trust is set up so that if it isn't low rent for artists it can only be a hospital or library in perpetuity...and now it all makes sense to's penance for the destruction ultimately caused by the research there...interesting...when I read that it had been there, I thought it was a play...duh.

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Eileen - Oooops - guess I have Nicole on the brain! My last notes were incorrectly addressed. Glad you are feeling spryer following surg! H.

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Ycch - Yuck - I told you to close your ears!

Nicole - I share the Scottish blood with you (my roots are in Dundee) - but balk at the thought of haggis! No menudo or eggplants for that matter. But on the whole I am at one with your diet. I eat meat about once a month - usually a lovely T-Bone and never mind the liver blast - but when I was very run down - a plate of well cooked (non-milk fed) range-free calves liver (body-toxic or not) gave me a great boost without regret. - Perhaps I should have added: "Kids, don't try this at home!" and only as a "drastic measure" for instant iron-protien boost.

PS - but thanks for the down to earth comment.

Name: ycch
EmailAddress: the toxic organ
Date: 14 Jan 2003


liver has all the toxins the body is trying to deal with. cattle are fed grains that are unfit for human consumption. grains grown for animal feed are allowed far larger amounts of pesticides, herbicides and ferrtilizers.

i'd pass on the liver and get your iron from leafy greens, sea weeds, oats, raisens,and other wonderful foods that do not torture sentient beings.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: my food list
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Hammond~ I'm totally with you on the diet. Have tried it all through the yrs and still make adjustments. I use macrobiotics as a frame of reference when I get too far afield. But am leaning more towards good mix of vegies and fruit of the season, few grains, (corn meal mush and various rice) and next to no flour in any form. Mostly fish and tofu for protien and some nut butters. Bloody meat when I feel the need. I think seaweed is magic medicine and sprinkle it on with brewers yeast on EVERYTHING. I mix spirolena sp? or something green in with fresh vegi or fruit juice. Get plenty of garlic and ginger and then handsfull of vits and supplements..tamari being my salt and olive oil my butter. Still undecided on milk and milk products that can't be boiled. I drink at least a few quarts of green and herb tea a day or I feel like I'm in the desert. I think our bodies and what the need and digest best has to do with genitics. I'm white and blonde and look Scandinavian..mostly Scottish..I just think what those folks have always eaten, and go from there.

Name: IMAM
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Nicole - The Manhattan Project caused the demise of John Wayne and the better part of the human populations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and thus the Project's product introduced the world to the concept of "weapons of mass destruction." IMAM-Suspect

Date: 14 Jan 2003



Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: the frozen tundra...
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Hey Steve, I'll cover whatever part you think I should...I'll follow your lead any time...I'd like to come in and play the piano one day too...

Eileen I hope yr feeling better...another thought about the "dis-ease" is have you had a gut feeling about something lately that you were uncomfortable about?

Question...can anyone tell me what the Manhattan Project was? I think it took place in the 40's...a secret government project of some kind?

PS it's fucking cold here today...Bur-r-r-r-r-r-r-r

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Blue - Certainly there are elements of macro/micro/maxo-biotics that are very good for the body/soul and mind but I feel the total body cleansings that do occur with these radical diets leave the body short in the end - once you clean the tank it is best to fill it with more than brown rice, water and some soy bean mush.

SeaWeeds are great - as are so many plants herbs and spices - and indeed fruits and vegetables are still heavy on my daily plate. Especially fruits and veggies that are grown in my area vs. imports. This is a left-over (bit of dietary wisdom?) with me (among others of note such as my chia seed protien suggestion to Steve) from my daze as a macrobiotic - Mung beans are also very high in protien as legume (though I hate the little green buggers!) but for an instant iron protien body booster there is little to compare with a good plate of liver and onions once a month. Vegetarians close your ears!

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: sometime macrobiotic
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Hammond -- your comments are very interesting.

I've done the macrobiotic thing. Briefly. It might be good for people that are in extremity, i.e. bad cancer or suchlike. Seaweed is indeed highly nourishing. But now myself, I mostly avoid starch/sugar of any kind. Just protein & vegetables. & this seems to be a good plan for me and my family. Comments, suggestions, advice ? -- bluish being

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jan 2003


Niclole - the Elysian tape is in the mail - hope you enjoy the images and maybe even see yourself dancing in the sun.

My take on George Osawa and his buddy Misho Kushi is that they are the originators of 'Be Hungry Now!' philosophy of life. I was a strct macrobiotic for two years (following the usual vegitarian scenario). After the first year of this I felt horrible and hated food - hated eating. But hey I was on a spiritual diet so I continued to be a believer and forced the issue with various scenarios of fasting. Then one morning (following a recommended 10 day brown rice and water fast) I woke up feeling like a living corpse with every gland in my body painfullly swollen and screaming to be released. I went to my macrobio guru (at the Osawa Center in Amsterdam) and he said I should "just eat a strawberry." - Dissatisfied with his advice I went to the neartest cafe and for the first time in ages I ate a huge Anti-Macro breakfast of fried eggs cheese, bacon, butterd toast and a big glass of milk. My body just said "Thank You! - Thank You!" - I never felt better in my life and contrary to popular belief my system did not freak out due the "mucus" and I never looked back - eating exactly what I feel like eating - leaving Misho and George to their yin-yang starvation diets. By the way - George (a two pack a day man) proclaimed that it was okay for a microbiotics to smoke tobacco - and then he died from lung cancer.

Name: blue
EmailAddress: the original 5,000 - Lb. man
Date: 14 Jan 2003


What is this gibberish, Bingo Balls ? Some kinda code language too convoluted for us mere mortals? Look out, or I'll come over there and give you a noogie you won't forget.

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Here is an article in a local paper from a few years ago that brings back some great memories of the local scene in Santa Cruz, California. Maybe it will prompt some for you. It was a great time here.

Name: travel clean
Date: 13 Jan 2003


a doctor friend just got busted at the airport with one small bud buried in his carry on. know that they are looking for razor blades so will search every nook and crannie of your bags. travel clean.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Digger
Date: 13 Jan 2003


I will return at midnight E.S.T. to read all of the cheap shots. I have to go make some history. Sometimes life gets interesting. Trust me.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: DWFSNYC
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Dear Mr. Balls. I see talent there. I plan on naming the monday A.M. duo that I discovered "The Firestone Spare Choir". I may be seriously considering making it a trio. Got anyrthing with a real hook in it? Come on, sing it loud....and this time with feeling. (he dont get it, does he?)...

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: DWFSNYC
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Open Letter to the Queen Godess of New York City: Hey smiley, Iv'e got West 4th covered from MacDougal to the Avenue of the Americas,...Ah...can you handle the rest of the city?...this auta' be good. Hang on.

Name: Steve
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Travis: you are forgiven and pardoned. (but as far as yer' pep squad goes....well, I dunno'???)...Is that what you M.F.'s are all about?. Hey Sponge...OK, OK,..I grabbed the Dr. title,...fairs fair; you can have the "Silent".Yours in Revolution. Steve Boyd, Diggers..ah make that Digger. West Free Street. New Free City, Amerifree.

Name: Silent Sponge
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Up with motherfuckers (as if they cant get any higher)

Name: Silent Sponge
Date: 13 Jan 2003


BINGO BALLS wow chant man chant

Date: 13 Jan 2003


Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face. Gumba ye hoyneeee cant you seeee ,,, for hoooo Telp me whyee der cowmint ba ba ba boo tee nah and you got a fuck face.

Name: silent sponge
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Naw lets keep our old names

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Diggers West Free Street
Date: 13 Jan 2003


DIGGER PROCLAMATION: Down with the Mother Fuckers. (if they were ever up in the first place).

Name: Saint Steven
EmailAddress: wsumc
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Hey folks; Ive' crossed over with your help. The next three years will be too serve and not be served. Selfishness? such animal. I have it all right here. My home is a veritable fortress of marble. I eat drink and sleep free. My bread will promote a Top Secret Olema Project, the trees and jungles must fend for themselves. I'm a man not a bramble bush. Humanity; sittin' in atree perch aint gonna stop any bombs. Iv'e just vollunteered as free (remember that word?) host to any and and all anti-war activities here at Washington Square and got the Green Light from the Resident Pastor. As of today I will clean up my language on this site as some heavies may be checking in. I'm into respectibility..ah..make that credibility. This is 1966 all over again. Same as it ever was? Now,..credibility???...thats the Digger Thing. I plan on raising the banner again. Welcome to the Free Church. West Free Street Diggers. The True Pheonix Rising. Again and again. Think about it. You are there. Focus On Peace. Diggers Unite. Who are the Diggers? You are the Diggers!...get it? Its official! I have spoken. S.S./D.W.F.S. 1% FREE

Name: Dr. Boyd
EmailAddress: Rx
Date: 13 Jan 2003


You can get alot of hyration from yin food alone. (veggies and stuff that are very high in H20 content.) Cooked rice containes sixty to seventy per cent water; veggies contain eighty to ninty per cent. Etc. etc.

Name: Steveous
EmailAddress: maximus
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Rightious? are too kind. Hey, back to the Super Humans; off hand, I'd say that about half of the people I know are of average intellegence; (with me in the middle as a point of reference)..scary aint it. I'm a firm beliver in the primitive trible system of holding the special needs folks in high esteem. They are blessed with cat like instincts. Pure emotion. No tough shells. They are in short; cat people. My people. The visual difference that I pick up on (now that I'm mute) is the communication that they astutly pick up on. The scramble of words is mind boggling. Its a deturent to real communication. Some fucker says something, and its; what the fuck did he mean by that? Dig. These cats are all wink, wink, nudge, nudge. They are involved with a F.E.G.'s outfit, or something like that. I think that they all crash at the same facility. I plan to get involved with their mental wellbeing if at all possible and will try to initiate some fuckin good times for the tribe. The last time I saw such dignity was in China Town. Man, I wish that they had cut half of my brain out instead of my tongue and voice box. Then and only then would I even begin to approach "Rightiousness". Its Eden around here when they hit the garden. Wow.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 Jan 2003


I just saw the last message about pianos and singers. like I said, this web site makes me feel good!!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Nicole, I'm sorry you have this too. I honestly couldn't tell anyone else the answer about what treatment is the best. Seeing my first husband die of cirrhosis and liver failure when we were young and stupid and carefree in our early thirties, I am sure had a profound influence on my decision to try pegintron/ribavirin and just poison the heck out of that virus, I just don't want to have it. (Statistically my first husband almost certainly had hepatitis C since we both shot up tons of dope, and my doctor today strongly believes it's the reason he died so young even for an alcoholic). I hadn't even had a physical since around 1985 or so, when I ignored that doctor's opinion that there was something wrong with my liver. That was back when hepatitis C hadn't even been identified. So here I am now thrown into the world of major medicine, very strange, but then, so were the symptoms that (after having this some 33 or 34 years) really started to affect the quality of my life. There is a great overview article about natural cleansing methods on the website for "Hepatitis Magazine Online." This article includes information about Dr. Clark. Just get all the information you can from various sources then you'll know what is right for you. Dr. Boyd you're right a person can overdo the water drinking, I happily found that information on one of the hepatitis web sites when I was struggling with the "lots of water" advice from the drug company literature. You are supposed to stay very well-hydrated but you don't need to drown!

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Hey, the head of the National War Risistors League just left a message on the answering machine; She's looking for space to hold the National Committie Meeting on the 13th of Feb. Will keep you New Yorkers posted. Cool. Wow, the super Humans showed up this a.m. I had nothing for them to do but help me tote some chairs. I envited a young mongeloid melato girl to play the grand piano. She felt it out real easy and it was melodic in a twisted sort of way, I then turned on the mic and prompted another disterbed black girl to sing. She sang a dolice version of amazing grace. I then encouraged the pianist to do her thing. She went into a glassy-eyed slow unintelligable rap (which turned out to be her introduction), she seemed not to focus on anything farther than a few feet. I prompted her to look up at the stained glass windows and she started to croon a low bessie smith type moan and the other gal seemed to get into a mild very reoitisious off-chord thing on the 88's. I used hand signals to vary her pitch and she went though a smooth five octive trip like a song bird. Then she started with the arm (like Tony Bennet) and swaying her hips, and smiled like Lady Day. The super human machos only lowered their heads and giggled. (its a guy thing). The social worker was totally fuckin' amazed. I hadent noticed that an unanounced group had entered the sanctuary for a filmed taped interview of someone. They pegged me for the Tony Charmaly of weirdsville and thought it was hells gong show. The scene was sureal, an ancient eskimo/oriental street man who hasnt spoken since I've known him (2 yrs.) wandered in, circled like a hawk, laughed and clapped and said he got a real kick out of it. It was a shame to bust up the set, but I arranged it with the 60's style go-go dancer Social worker to have a Special talant show every Monday morning instead of cleaning up, (as thats my job), I said that I would supply munchies and soft drinks. I may tape a few sessions. Wow, choriography is a gas. Theres a tamborine, conga drum and bongos in the back. Now for a band name. Hmmm... life is interesting.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: not kidding at all
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Steve -- good info here from you. Said it before, I'll say it again, you are one RIGHTEOUS dude !

Name: Nik
Date: 13 Jan 2003


...ah that would be Thanks...

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 Jan 2003


tnaks Steve and Eileen and blue and all...yr right about the kidneys I know...being libra they've plagued me all my life...kidney stones three separate times...and those filtering tissues you spoke of are precisely why there is so much pain can imagine sand and pebbles tearing through layer of nerve laden tissue...AARRGGHH!!!!!! and in 1991 I had some major I'm pretty kidney savy...and the other stuff he wrote about the life journey and all...the 7 conditions makes total sense to me...things CAN be reversed...I have no doubt...but like you say Eileen, it doesn't happen with out a certain amount of work. If I work as hard as I did at scoring money to score drugs in my past...I should be cured in no time at all...BTW I planted a small tea rose today at the corner of gate...on either side adb the geramnium in to window box out side the kitchen window...everything blooms this's lovely.

Name: Steve again
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Hey, I just punched up a couple of those titles on the web, and they have all of the poop. Explore.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 13 Jan 2003


ACHTUNG BOOK WORMS!!! Try to find a translation of the CHARAK-SAMHITA (the greatest medical book of India, the first part of it being the most important), or, th BHAGAVAT GITA (the most important book of philosophy in India), the SOMON or Ni-King, (the Emperor Houan's great book), the Tao-te-king by Lao-Tse, the I-King (book of the Unique Principle of all change and evolution, written by Confucius and of which one should read only the ten chapters of the appendix (no pun intended) on cosmology, or constitution-conception of the universe), or the Book of Tea by Tensyn Okakura. Cool?

Name: Dr. Boyd
EmailAddress: "Opinions"
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Sister Nicole: Heres more of Ohsawa's drift: (I will just lay out the topics and not the blurb)..Thee Catagories of Cure: 1. Symptomatic: Elimination and destruction of symptoms by symptomatic methods--palliative, physical, violent cure. This is symptomatic, animal or mechanical medicine. 2. Educational: Improvement of judgment to enable people to eastablish and maintain control of their physical health. This is the Medicine Man. 3. Creative / Spiritual: A life without fear or anxiety, a life of freedom, (can you spell Diggers?)...happiness and justice--the realization of self. This is the medicine of the mind, body and soul. Now for the Seven Conditions Of Health (without getting into the blurb). 1. NO FATIGUE. 2. GOOD APPETITE. 3. DEEP AND GOOD SLEEP. 4. GOOD MEMORY. 5. GOOD HUMOR. 6. CLARITY IN THINKING AND DOING. 7. THE MOOD OF JUSTICE. Hey Nik, you can have my three books The Philosophy of Oriental Medicine Vol. 1,2,&3. Dig?

Name: Dr. Boyd
EmailAddress: En Wi See
Date: 13 Jan 2003


"The Drink As Much As You Can" system is a simple-minded invention because the originator of such a theory completely ignored the marvelous mechanism of kidney metabolism. He erred in conceiving the kidney to be similar in structure and function to a mechanical sewage system. Large quantities of liquid will flush out and clear a clay or cast iron pipe. The kidney, however, is not a cast iron pipe. It contains tissue that must be flexable and porous so that the processes of filtration, diffusion, and reabsorption can take place. If liquid is taken in large quantities, the minute openings in the semi-permeable kidney tissue decrease in size (these openings are surrounded by tissue that is sponge-like, that soaks up liquid and swells) and little or no liquid can pass through. For all practical purposes, the kidneys are blocked. The net result is a complete reversal of what the "Drink As Much As You Can" system intended! Help your tired, over worked kidneys. DRINK LESS. G. Ohsawa

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: no foolin'
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Nicole~Hep C can creep up on you. If you've got it, you've got it and it can definitely take you down. I know I've had it since my needle use in 68' and I found out about it yrs back. Can't say I could notice any difference. But with time and a lot of (unexpected) stress with Bob's illness and dealing with it for 4 yrs, I was pretty much left for dead meat when it was over. Good that you are still feeling good. DEAL WITH IT NOW! I strongly suggest you do the cleanses I did and have mentioned here before, before you try the other stuff. I feel I have reversed my situation..and it was serious! Do not let this disease fool you, cause once it's starts to be noticable you may be in deep shit.

Check out the worm and parasite cleanse and liver cleanse. Email me if you need more info or encouragement. You really should get her, Cure For All Diseases.


Name: Blue
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Right on, Nik.

The standard-issue MD's are the biggest hazard to a happy healthy life you are likely to find. IMHO Keep on laughing and loving, with a little good music on the side. With a smile, Blue.

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl, I don't know if I'm being totally nieve about this...but I have not been able to bring myself to start the meds I picked up and have had in the refridgerator for 8 months...I never once had a symptom...I simply had blood tests for another reason starting about 12 years ago and they kept telling me my liver ensymes were elevated and I should follow up...never did untill last year...after going through the Biopsy and all the rest of the tests the "medical" doctor told me that on a scale of 0 to 6 (zero being clear,6 being cirhosis) He said I was at 4 with some scaring of tissue...well on my way to devastated health...Well, according to my intuition...with the viral load where it was and the genome type...I should be sick as hell...and I've never felt better in my entire life...Eileen do you remember when Nina was sick and they said she had liver cancer but Leonore did a reading on her and said she needed laughter and disapeared...did not go into was gone...and in my searching for the source of my "dis-ease" I think I was so medicated for so long that I was not "living" and now I am...I have no doubt that I can take care of it...along with continued healthy diet and state of mind...and stay on my spiritual path...and keep music in my life... opinions? Thanks , Nik

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 Jan 2003


This web site makes me feel better, no, this web site makes me feel good. church, huh, is that an over-amped church or what? Did all the kids whose hands felt like they were balloons when they got a fever, grow up to be dopers? How about Willie Dixon and the incomparable Billie Holiday, there's so much good stuff to think about. My granddaughter is Elvis's fourth cousin, talk about the convolutions of this life. My daughter-in-law's father's grandmother was Elvis's father's sister or aunt or something. It was enough for my son and his wife to get a VIP tour of Graceland as being "family." Eileen, I hope you are feeling much better today. Partway through the treatment I noticed various symptoms I'd been living with disappear, and in between and below all the side effects I sometimes experienced a sense of well-being I had completely forgotten existed. So I knew it was all worth it. (If a person isn't responding to the treatment it doesn't have to be a subjective feeling, doctors test you at three months and if you aren't responding you can quit going through all that). Now the side effects are lessening (and I'm supposed to drink tons of water to help) and hopefully, I'll soon be left with only that sense of well-being. Maybe permanently...... Sounds like milk thistle could complete the healing, I just looked it up. My husband can take it until we get him on a better insurance!! that's a relief.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: somewhere in the Aether
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Steve -- don't really know what put me in such a mood last night. There's tremendous music and writings being created in the present day. Just trying to say I get a kick out of what you put out here. "Get Up, Stand Up, Don't Give Up the Fight " -- Peter Tosh...still scuffling in NC, b.

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Oh, the 50's. Hell, ...My favrite album of that era was "Chuck Willis the King of the Stroll". As a little nipper thats the first thing that really moved me seconded only by Elvis Presley.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Oh, the second part of your question,...waiting?...ya,...I was born waiting.

Name: Saint Steven
EmailAddress: WSUMC
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Hey, I told ya that this was a heavy fuckin' Church. No shit. Robert Fripp jambed his ass off in the Washington Square United Methodist Church sanctuary back in the mid 90's. I think thats what peeled the paint off. Think about it "METH"'s

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Oh, I didn't answer your question...Lets see, 2003,...Ah....theres a cat still goin' strong who played in the next room where im' sitting now. A fella named Robert Fripp. A Gibson Les Paul man. He's fuckin' 200% layed back with steel in his lap. (King Crimson, Bowie, Thrax, etc.)

Name: Steve (the outcat)
EmailAddress: Heart of the Village
Date: 13 Jan 2003


Blue, the remaining record albums that I just couldnt give away are: Thelonious Monk genius of moder music (two albums) blue note 1510 & 1511. Lee Konitz at Storyville, Storyville LP901 "HI FI". Art Blakey and the jazz messengers, Blue Note 4003. Strictly Powell, the Bud Powell Trio, RCA Victor LPM-1423. Jack Kerouac/Steve Allen, Poetry for the Beat Generation, Hanover HML5000. Jay & Kai, Savoy MG12010. K+J.J., Bethlehem BCP13. The Bix Beiderbecke Story, (three album set) Columbia ML 4811,4812&Gl509. Modern Jazz Hall Of Fame, Design DLP29. The Best Of Muddy Waters, Chess LP 1427. A Love Supreme/John Coltrane, Impulse, Sterio A-77. Not bad for a dude who dont even own a record player! Nuff said. But hey, I aint heard nothin' that got to me since the Metalica "LOAD" album. Think about it.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: the original 5,000 Lb. man
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Steve -- Lemme see, OK yeah I'm on the ol' time warp here...the greatest things in th' creative vein date back to the 50's. I.E. John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Jack Kerouac, Gary Snyder, this list gets tiresome. Is there anything in this year of grace 2003 to match up? I don't think so. I'm waiting for my call to join the band on the other side of the pearly gates. 'Cause it ain't nothing but bullshit here on the Earthly plane. And you ??

Name: Brother Boyd
EmailAddress: WSUMC/NYC
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Hey,..I never heard back from that Texas Preacher...Was that you Travis???

Name: The Gallopin' Gormet
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Hey, Friday we got in a huge batch of the Ox-Tail stew that I was living on a few months back, and I found out that its actually curried goat. All of the bones in it threw me. Its great stuff. If yer' feelin' carnivorous; I highly recomend it.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: 50's flash back
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Hey, do they still make Stripe tooth paste?

Name: Steve's Worm Farm
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Hey Eileen, I'm on several types of top shelf Organic Cereals, wheat germ, bannanas, two types of mellon, brown sugar, green apples, Pea Nut butter, crackers, Pickled herring in sour cream, lobster bisque, clam chowder, liver patte, butter milk and Water. At this point I could put play dough out of buisnees;(Think I'm pregnant??) As far as de-worming myself, I think that I will stand pat..(I need all of the help that I can get) But, hey, with what I'm feedin' those critters; would that be deemed cruelty to animals?

Name: Steven (with a "PH") King
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Act as if it is??...WHO'S ACTING!!!...but really, I hear ya'. The problem is that I also hear myself. I re-read this shit and think: Who the fuck am "I"??...(and who do "I" think I am!)...Ah...I keep myself guessing. It fills me with wonderment. But, really, since I logged in last June I'm one million pounds lighter. Thank Christ that I didnt start the projects that I intended. I would have no doubt cut my ear off by now, and ..being unschooled in art, I have a natural (or un-natural) contempt (frustration?) for being unable to visually convey whats in my head. But then again, god help me if I could. I still see (My) art as a thin canvas to break out of and not to get into. My latest urge to graphically display the cymetrical imagery that was continually progecting from my sub-consious after comming out of anestesia is still appealing. It would be somewhat veiwed as "Wall Paper" by the critics; but fuck it. Maybe it was, dig? Brain wall paper. I mean whatta' ya want? Notty Pine??? Ya, thats it! My head is my rec-room. Hmmm.... Now ya got me thinking...(scary aint it!). Later Blue,... I'm headed for the Rec Room to check the sump pump. Hey, when I was a kid the electric motor on our furnace blower had tiny square cutouts that I thought were windows of a minature control room, any way, this thing must have had a self primming oiler on it or something; as when it would kick in, it would squirt an itty-bitty stream of oil out. I got some on my arm and asked my dad what it was: he said that a little man lived in there and that he was pissing at me. I still get a kick out of that. I believed everything that he said. Hey, thats a great short story idea, a little man who lives in a control room of a furnace motor who pisses on curious kids. Real 50's Sci-Fi.......naaa

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Ok the em hem overlooked topic. Steve, why is your shit neopolitan? As long as you keep mentioning it. Can tell we are getting old when shit can be an acceptable if not interesting topic for goodness sake. Shit seems to be a big topic in my life this yr since we started the worm and parasite cleanses. I had days when I've had to hold up my hand and say I don't want a report! god! Carrots, beets, dark greens, meat...what are you eating? These are things that sometimes can be more noticable..but 3 seperate colors. I've said it before and I'll say it're a little special ha! Are you getting some good olive oil in your diet and plenty of water? BTW you can let a gallon of water sit open over night and the clorine (that you definitely DON'T need) will disapate.

Ohio Girl~now you got to clean out what they did to you. You doing that? And can you tell if it has done more than make you feel worse? You have really done the hard core rough ride.

Blue (was it you?) thanks for the milk thistle reminder. As much as I LOVE this vicoden, it's frying my liver..heavy night sweats I haven't had in a few yrs..I'm gonna pay. But the truth be known I've been wishing for a drug "release" from all the stress I've been under. Hard way to come by it and some rest I've badly needed, but I'm kicking back guilt free and grateful for it however it's come. Miranda finally nicely helping now. Whew. That will make this much easier.

Steve, I'm enjoying your delight!

Just had to check in. I miss hanging out here more often. But sitting time is very limited and that's it for tonight.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: almost too much synchronicity
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Silent Steve -- for me lately, it's been almost a constant thought -- anything you do could be work of art. Might as well act as if it is. So are you picking up my brainwaves, or is it vicey-versey. Man I love yr sense of humor. Keep us posted on the latest, the Energy you put out really helps me here, even back out in the remotest hinterlands. -- yr soulbrother, Blue

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Fuck art. We are art. Fuck us! Art?..make a smile on a cake, make weird animal cookies. Ya, art should be eaten. Eat us. Well, nibble maybe. Sorry Sam, but I feel good for the two of us. Make that double good. The coin Oracle says smooth sailing. A true course. Hey all you artists out there, move mamma over and create something in the kitchen tonight; share it with the kiddys. Yum, yum. Hey folks, how about some artful recipies. Lets cook! Use food as the medium dig? Create. Hey, Miz Nancy crashed here last night. We had a few beers and watched three dreadfull vidios. (her choice) During the film Spartacus, she asked me if Rome was near Italy. All I could do was shake my head. During the film Basic Instinct I mimed all of the sex scenes. It gave her the giggles. Dances with Wolves? dont make me laugh. Hey; nice 1860's shag haircut ya got there Kevin. Remember when actors were men and not boys? What the fuck happened to that industry? Lets see, art, food, good feelings, pagama parties, movies, hair styles.....did I leave out anything? Oh ya,..Diggers. This is a Digger web site. Ah... maybe it was just an art project...think so???

Name: Steve
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Eileen, dont mess around! You take care. Back in the early 80's I layed in bed so sick that colors were running down the way and I was Imagining that some freak was throwing cold buckets of water on me. I was out of my head and a Nazi Leo who I had wedded was left in charge; Big Mistake. It was the worste three days of my life. To top it off, I got a huge guilt trip out of it. I was half crawling to the bathroom as the Challenger was launched on T.V. My bro.-In-Law made a comment about the delay, and I said "Its jinxed; they're all gonna burn" I was in mid stream when it blew up. Bad feeling. Where am I goin' with this???...Oh, I found the Digger Tee Shirt that I had susspected was ripped off by that Tibetan Monk. I'm taking it to the Chineese laundry in the a.m. after I cash my Wedding Check. (I dumped the Italian laundry after a shit-stain scandal.) Hey, another rainbow least I'm regular (not to mention colorful). Ah...I lost my train(s) of thought...Oh, the Lady Reverend that gave me the green light,..I..ah..well, I think that she may have tapped into this web site...I..ah...I'm waiting for a crutial E-Mail from her. (this auta be good). Lets see, whats new,...Wow, big day at the Church. We must have fed 200; (not counting seconds)...two gals got into it, but were informed (by a Methodist girl) that this may be the time; but it aint the fuckin' place. There are definately times that I'm glad to be mute. God, I needed that time in Fla. I look at the down-and-outers in a new light; but then again; its winter and I'm only dealing with the hard core (make that true hearted) It's the fair weather bums that I cant stomach. The cats who drag in here half frozen are the real McCoy. Iv'e got a record number of em' helping me lug tables. I give em' bread when I have it. Five bucks is like the lottery to some...but its the thought that counts. The church cat Clawdia (with a "W") was sure as glad to see me as I was to see her. Hey, I petted a fat Bull Dog today (fine chap). Well, take care all.

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Jan 2003


RNA~ Have both remedies. Can they be put together in the water or under the tongue together? Could only get 30C. Did not know they can be put in water as effectively as flower remedies. Again, thanks for the reminder! Totally overdid it the last 2 days and thought I had an iternal infection or something. Am down for the count having to start over again. Have slept most the day and feel better. Now I know what the limits over. This is going to be very challenging. Ariel finally called her sister and kicked her into gear (she' so good at it one doesn't know it's happening). Leo logic..too upset over this to help.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Mine is definitely a Joe Cocker household......yass.....yasss!

Name: Autumn
Date: 12 Jan 2003


uhhh.good site...?

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: the funky monkey
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl -- of course nothing will replace the Sergeant Pepper version, but Joe Cocker sure goes to town on that one. Ever heard Joe's version of "A Little Help from My Friends ?"

Name: IMAM
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Eileen - the more you get up and walk around the better - just a little at a time obviously. Also, use vitamin E oil (everyday) on the incision line (for two weeks) and the scar will be nearly invisible. - IMAM-Suspect

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 12 Jan 2003


Thanks everyone for the information, we all get by with a little help from our friends. There was a time when I baked bread and thought about nutrition etc. but then I had to "work outside the home" and that turned into such an unhealthy, hectic lifestyle. I was given a microwave when my kids were teenagers and one of them said, "That's great Mom, now you can cook the hot dogs faster." So I'm trying to learn these things and I've never needed the information more. About aging......after working in a nursing home I'm not even sure what that means anymore. After seeing things like a man in his nineties hitting on a woman in her eighties, I know that people can live and die without ever getting old. People may have lived quite a long time or even have Alzheimers, yet what they want, what makes them smile or get angry, is the same as it ever was in their life. (Other days I don't see this I just feel old.......) Yesterday I got a really nice note from All Saints Church saying that they still help kids who come to the Haight-Ashbury, and they will use my money for their Saturday morning nwighborhood food program. They will print my letter in their church bulletin so that any of the church members who were around in the sixties can read it. Now that's nice. To Mick49, when did you live there? And yesterday (being totally anti-death penalty) I was so pleased by what the governor of Illinois did. And, how rare and wonderful to see a politician following his conscience to that magnitude.

Name: Mick49
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Man this website brings back memmories to me. Long time resident of Haight-Ashbury area. Sure do appreciate all that your do'n ! Keep up the faith!........peace........Mick49

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Ah yes, punched in the stomach you got that right for sure.,so here I am. Yes I know arnica and thanks for the reminder and further good info. It's always easier to remember these things for someone else it seems. Thanks Ohio Girl for the email. I was wanting to ask those of the appendixless what to expect. Just had to say HI to ALL and thanks for all your caring thoughts. This sure is slow. I'M READY TO BE DONE! ya know? Nicole that would be old fashion rose or peppermint scented geraniumn, on my short list.

Name: herbal
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Aloha Eileen, Arnica is really good for pain and to promote healing. Homeopathic Arnica 200C if possible, otherwise, 30C. Costs about $5 at your health food store. not the oil, gel nor ointment post surgery. Rather, those tiny legal homeopathic sugar ball pellets. Arnica homeomathic is amazing stuff. works great for broken bones, bruises, shock, trauma.

Rescue Remedy. a couple of drops under the tongue or in some water.

Staphysagria is another homeopathic after gettin cut. Harder to get.

Arnica. One sugar ball is equal dose to 10 sugar balls or the whole lipstick size container. Homeopathics work like a match used to start a the kindling for a fire in your fireplace. whether you use one match or strike the entire matchbook, all 30 matches, the fire is ignited.

Arnica 30C. Shake the bottle to activate. Can put one sugar ball pellet under tongue. can also put a copule of sugar ball pelletss in a clean jar of clean water. Shake shake shake this arnica jug. Though diluted, it gets stronger. the homeopathics are a vibrational thing, Arnica 200C is way more diluted that Arnica 30C, and way more potent. I have worked with homeopathics for many years and have studied beaucoup natural and alternative healing. And, like Tim Learn says, don't believe anyting i say. try it. The homeopathics work on children and animals. They are an awesome tool. i can take that one $5 container of Arnica 200C and duplicate it infinately. there's no big profit for drug companies when non chemists can not only duplicate it but increase it's potency. Anyway, it is my experience that it works and if i am ever laid up in pain, please bring be arnica. You don't have to believe it, either. Years ago i had a friend who was in a major car crash and in the hospital. she was opn major pain meds. She didn't belive in homeopathics but let me give her Arnica 200C. they next day she declined pain meds. She feels it was a coinicidence. What have you got to lose? Sip the Arnica water throughout the day.

I wonder if you felt punched in the stomach when you got the news to move. I keep visualizing you in a better place after you heal and move. You are still a revolutionary and a wise woman.




Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Sorry Leanna; I only gamble with love. Sure, Iv'e lost at love; but I was up against high odds and low women. Hey, are we in for a rash of these trash entries? Was it something that I said?

Name: Leanna
Date: 11 Jan 2003


[You know, there was a time, and not long ago, when everyone who was a member of the Internet community UNDERSTOOD that posting of commercial solicitations was JUST NOT DONE. If I had a flyswatter, I'd use it on all spammers. --ed.]

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Jan 2003


I have sent in a Gold removal request to Eric....

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Mark - Yes that is a great site on the Provos - The first picture on the site is of my friend Jasper - a great influence on me. We are still in touch and I lived with him and his wife Thea when I was in Amsterdam for most of 97. Somewhere on that site is a shot of our mutual friend Kess who still operates the Lowlands Weed Company. This is where I landed in 1970 or so - and as I mentioned in the book - it might have been from Emmett that I knew about Kess as the person to contact when and if I got to Holland - but to this day it remains a delicious mystery. Sadly - and in the main - many of the Provos have passed away - but some are still quite active in the living arts - though they do this magikal weave in relative anonymity. Jasper and Ari still make rafts out of syrofoam blocks and canal detritus - and Kess still sells pot plants for 1 guilder at the Lowlands Weed Company.

Steve - I'm with you on "political control freaks" - their screaming bad manners and poorly constructed brainpans are a waste of time.

Name: SS
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 11 Jan 2003


About 300 people running down the street screaming. Heading East. Look like out of towners to me. So much for that mellow vibe thats generating from the sidewalk up. Maybe it was the thunder of feet that I picked up on Friday. No news on the radio. Hey, speaking of vibes; The Gong Master is really turning it on in the day care centI'm helping set up and knock down for a wedding today. Good Money. Not much new here. Steve

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: RX
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Hey, there is some solid self help stuff commin' down here. It's a damn shame that some folks will have to dig for it. To bad that theres not a topic matrix where this stuff (along with other pearls of wisdom) could be picked up on. Uh Oh, sounds like a riot out in the street. Be right back.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: silly
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Milk Thistle is also called silymarin. It is amazing as it does help the liver regenerate. no side effects.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing is a great book. Phyllis Balch also wrote "Herbal Healing" which is excellent. . I also like a book called "Healthy Healing" by Linda Page.


Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Hey Gold,...I dont get it?...whats yer' point?

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Jan 2003



Being fifty six, 50 used to be old but not anymore. I run on a regular basis getting passed on the beach regularly by some "older" geezers. I just have to adjust my habits to match the changes.

Name: Gold
Date: 11 Jan 2003


[Go away and don't come back. Your posts will be removed so don't bother. --ed.]

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Jan 2003



Your book is a great source of information and leads. In searching around I located this article on the Dutch Provo's that also has some photo's that are great. Do you know of any of Grogan's connections to the Provo's, it has been a while since rereading Ringolevio.

Name: Not So Silent Steve
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Hammond; Angry Brigade and MF's...Big difference, the AB's blew themselves up, and the MF's just blew themselves. I dont cotton to political control freaks. The AB's who threatened me were phonies. (I'm still kickin'.) I am however partial to freaks. Hey Ohio girl, glad to see you getting some good leads. Get well soon. Or, get as well as your' gonna get. Me...I'm facing the fact that my mind is way ahead of my body and that I need to take the next three years in the back seat. I'm content to drag my ass around untill 2006. No crazy stuff. Then, who knows. Looking back on it, I was right as a kid: 50 is fuckin' old!

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Hi everyone - Wow, I go away for a few days and all Steve breaks loose! What's up with the MF's? I thought they died out long ago - much like the Angry Brigade in London who blew themselves up with gun powder.

Eileen - I sure hope you are feeling much better - all of us appendixless folks know exactly what you are going through.

My trip to Eugene took longer than I thought - but well worth the effort. My best buddy has had a hypothyroid crisis attack (his first) and it scared the bejezzus out of him - and good ole Victor (at 64) doesn't scare easily. I got him straight with his head, medications and what needs to be done - i.e. lots of bed rest, meds, nutrition - and did the shopping. cleaning and laundry etc, to get him settled in at home - arranged follow-up doc appt. and a line of friends who will help him now that I am home.

Nicole - The Elysian tape will be in the mail on Monday - so you will have it next week. Sorry about the delay - but then hey - it's only been thirty years or more since dancing in the field - what's another few days eh?

Mark - glad you continue to enjoy the book - and Emmett's words still ring in my ears as well. Thanks again for the read and appreciation.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: same topic
Date: 11 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl -- Sounds like you've had a rough time. I'm no expert, just wanted to offer my angle. The Balch book you mention is great and very comprehensive; I've often referred to it...If you know someone at the health food store, I'd recommend you look into this substance : Milk Thistle Seed extract. It is readily available, not terribly expensive, and has a good reputation for helping with liver damage. You need to take it on a regular basis for several months for best results. Has been extensively tested and used in Europe for decades... low toxicity...And check that Nutritional Healing for other info. Vitamins, herbs, healthy diet all work together to promote good health. And a few laughs don't hurt, either. Keep smilin & have a sunny day -- B.

Oh, yeah -- & I'd take anything an MD told me with a grain of salt.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 11 Jan 2003


To Blue, Thanks. I hadn't considered Chinese medicine, for sure I know there is a Chinese medicine store in Cleveland. I'm very interesting in learning about health self-help you might say. The hepatitis C virus did disappear for me during treatment but the next trick is for it to not come back which happens all too often. However even if I'm among the fortunate ones that get a permanent cure, the doctor told me you don't end up with a "normal" liver (although much better than pre-treatment and there is no virus to continue the damage). A friend who works in a health food store told me and my husband about this book (and let us buy it with her employee discount), (Prescription for) Nutritional Healing, Third Edition, by Phyllis and James Balch. A huge, comprehensive, very helpful book. The Third Edition (from 2000) contains information for what to do after the "physician has cut, burned and poisoned" (that was funny and poisoned describes how I seem to be). Happy Samday Eileen!!!! and all of you.

Name: House Guest
Date: 10 Jan 2003


This is one hell of a living room ya' have here Eric! Maybe you can play hell in mine sometime. Hey, the tube is empty and my last remaining poster that hasnt walked outa' here is tacked to the bathroom wall, its ear marked for you,..Its a vintage 1967 first issue of 1200. Its the Moore Gallery Joint Show which featured a few of the heavy wieght Frisco Under Ground Artists. The cryptic lettering that runs down both sides reads: NOTHING. (I can relate to that). here, let me run upstairs and get the facts straight...(be right back)..pitter patter, pitter patter, (thats me leaving the room). I'm back. OK, heres the poop (opps) "Joint Show. Moore Galleries Presents. Kelly Mouse, Vic Moscoso, Wes Wilson and Rick Griffin. 535 Sutter Street, San Fransisco July 17, 1967". Ok, dig, the poster features a collage of a bay, mountains and gears with fly wheel and connecting rods with Pig Pen (Piggers) of the Dead wearing his scooter cap and day glow pshycadelic cut-off with a large pair of folded hands superimposed. Its a bute. Will get it out soon.

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Wow! that "Party Pooper" line must have been a sign! I just shit a three colored turd. It looked like Neopolitan Ice Cream but in earth shades. I must say that I feel better...but not three times as good. Any input?

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Hey folks. Eileen is down but not out. She has a loved one holding down the fort. She's gonna cool it fer' a while. She sends her love. Dig? See ya all Monday. Steve

Name: Party Pooper
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Uh...hey Eric...Ah...sorry fer' kickin' that dude outa' yer' living room...Ah, can I hang around a while longer...I..ah..Hey, not to change the subject, but please everyone, prey, dance and raise Eileen in yer mind and spirits; she has a Boo-Boo. She's my Mother Witch as well as your's. I myself had the distinct pleasure of standing in her stare, hearing her soothing (well, sometimes) voice and sleeping a wall apart from her physical body all those years ago. My love for her is just a link of a larger chain of heart felt feelings that circle her realm. That love is in no small part responsible for her drive; no doubt in my mind. Keep her in yer' thoughts this week end. And hey you Island girls, this is Tinker Bell's Mamma I'm talkin' about. Big Medicine. Come on and do the E-Mail clutch with her; she's on to something solid and may be up for suggestions, contacts and capitalist avenues that would mesh with her particular talents. I cant go into it here, but she's an up-and-comming in the commercial sceme of things. Lotta talent there. A sure success. I can spot em'. Later, Steve

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Jan 2003



I can dig it. Just trying to figure out who the Mother Fuckers were. Travis claims an affiliation but doesn't appear willing to describe it. If that is all he is gonna do then he is done I guess. Next.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Mark, Look, I wont get into personalities or side trips. There are sub plots that will remain personal and arent for the front page, but trust me, the Olema People take care of their own and hold what they held. Lets hear any SDs' or Mother Fuckers say the same. I'm living proof that the Olema thing counted and still counts, it was a natural meeting of souls and minds. The Olema People's rough and rocky free fall never ended, as there is now bottom to what we lept into. We were born to lose. We were last and now we are first. Diggers?; gone. M.F.'s gone. Plema People; HERE AND NOW. Dont think that any Millionaire Rock Star is gonna bail ya out. This is as good as it gets.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 10 Jan 2003


I met some Rainbows in Amsterdam as late as 80'. My one shot girlfriend Cathy Holland put them up at her flat. They were saving whales or some shit. Now my natural Brother Stan told me years ago that the SDS folk were pussyfide pukes who were always crying about something. He said that the chicks were the worst. Always protecting "US" from ourselves. (dontcha hate that?) I think that they are all lawyers now. Anyway, So much for the free life. Am I the last man standing? Come on, I gotta know?

Name: Purple
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Hey Eric, I know that this is yer' living room, but I gotta say it, (as the Embasidor of Good Will of the now defunck Olema People branch of the Free Family aka Diggers DSF 1%ers) ACHTUNG MOTHER FUCKERS!!!! This is a fuckin' DIGGER web sight, COMPRENDE??? Dont piss in our tub, read me? Go mooch off'a some one elses hind tit. Dig? Now if there remains any part of this that you dont understand; speak right up.

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Hey, I just found this. Check it out. Someone must have more on these folks.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 10 Jan 2003


I knew it! Low-Life tub-pissin' Truck Drivin' Digger wanna-be's. Man, the Olema People wouldnt give those Che impersonating Pussy Hounds the scum off of their nuts. Shit. Curious "IS" as Curious "WAS". Keep yer' hands off o' my daughter if ya wanna keep yer' hands. Ya!! NRA= Not Righta' Way.....Shit.

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Jan 2003


In searching for something on the Motherfuckers the only thing that came up was this. Go to this site and use the pulldown "Topic" menu on the right hand side to find "Old New York". Click on that and then select the 3rd story down "Of Saviors, Astronauts, and Mother Fuckers: 1969"

Name: Not So Silent Steve
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Excuse me folks; I feel the need to fuck with a fucker: Reference: "Curious' entry to Mark (09-Jan-2003)..."the emergence of a unified perspective depends upon these questions being asked and answered"...Right Mother Fucker! Now its your turn to answer Cowboy. you suck up the info but play close to the vest. Nobody knows shit about you or your personal agenda. Hiding under the rock that you crawled from under is a safe bet. One simple Question and its Bye for a while. Ya, bye; but not good bye. Whats that?, you werent talkin' to me?...and its non of my buisnees??..well I'm talkin' to you Mother Fucker, and I'm makin' it my buisness. You a Fed? Where in Texas are you sending from?...the Ranch at Crawford? Hey, I heard that down in them parts they call Georges girls the "Budwieser Twins". Shit. Way back when, you threatened that you would have your say...well!! SAY IT MOTHER FUCKER!!! What gives Daddy?? Gutless? Hell, E-Mail me and I will break it to everyone gently. (I have a way with words). Put that pissy hamster-cage saw-dust in yer' plastic bubble pipe and smoke it Hombre. (how am I doin' folks)...wink, wink, nudge, nudge...

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Sponge, theres hope for you yet. (but you knew that). Thanks,..I've been getting scads of weird shit that I dont even touch.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Someone is sending out a very cute screensaver of the Budweiser Frogs. If you download it, you will lose everything! Your hard drive will crash and someone from the Internet will get your screen name and password!



I am assuming this is an install-on-demand file, where you get a pop-up window giving you the option of downloading the file.

If that's the case, don't, okay?

Name: Mr. Steve
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Hell, make that

Name: S.S.
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Ah..make that "A North Korean Roy Orbeson Impersonator". Hey, check out "Disarmament Times" available at:

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Hey folks; Greetings from Greenwich Village. listen up! This is a Hip World that just got hipper. The new century is starting to kick in. (but you knew that). Hang on! Hey, can ya' dig that North Korean Elvis Impersonator? Wow. He's a man with no dream, but one hell of a haircut. I just unloaded a few hundred pounds of free food and am gonna hustle up some earth bucks by cleaning up after a wedding on Saturday..(I mean on Samday)...who said there aint no jobs around? I Love New York.

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: c/o The Olema People
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Tha Mother Fuckers are nothin' but a bad name. Ah...make that "Bad Smell". The 60's???..Get Over It. Better View Higher Up. Up with Diggers / Down with Fuckers. 1% FREE (cant beat the price)

Date: 10 Jan 2003



Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Wow, Nicole, you feel it also? There is a mellow thing commin' down from the sidewalk on up. This town went from being the most dangerous turf on the ball to the safest. Hey, my guess is that "T" hit the trail because he's a question man; not an answer man. They name streets after dudes like that. Any other Mother Fuckers out there care to stand up and be counted???...(or discounted)...wink, wink, nudge, nudge.....Your' trail boss is pure cunt. (but you knew that). My appologies to the ladies.

Name: nicole
Date: 10 Jan 2003


T...curiouser and curiouser...why?

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Jan 2003


...just want to share a moment I had this morning...I left my house in the west village at about 6:45, took a cab to grand central, put my freind on the train and walked to work from there...walking east from Park ave toward the river down 42nd street, the skyscrapers on either side forming an incredibly steep narrow canyon and there at the end of it was a great ball of butterscotch...sweet, sticky and warm...beautiful. It was as beautiful a sunrise as I have experienced in the country...I can't help but have a good day today...and wishing it upon the world. Nik

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: fetch me another briar patch
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Goodbye for a while..............T

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Jan 2003



I am sending good thoughts to you and wish a speedy recovery. I will be in touch by phone. Damn, it is raining again here.

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Eileen, what's your favorite vegetable and flower...I'll plant them in my garden today...that's the way it works...and when I'm not there Thelin tends's a powerful thing...I love you and I hope you feel better soon ...Maybe I could hang some plants in my cottage next to the garden...I remember your house on Rhode Island street always having great plants hanging in great chinese tins in the kitchen...coleus and prayer plants and about a gardena...or maybe I could send the Viking...Nik

Name: Tomas
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Eileen - I hope the world around you brings comfort and good healing vibes your way. We send our love as a group and as a friend, get well, take care. Tomas

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: gettin down to earth
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl -- I dunno if you can find such a person there, but I would honestly recommend you look for a good practitioner of traditional chinese medicine, even now, because he/she could probably help you speed up recovery. "The physician, having cut, burned, and poisoned the patient, demands his payment." - Diogenes...I've had good results anyway ; acupuncture and herbs can really help, you just need someone that really knows their stuff...Eileen I would say the same thing to you. Hope this helps.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Ain't modern medicine wonderful, I lost 51 pounds. It aggravates me so much that doctors can do the most awful stuff to patients with disastrous physical and mental side effects and yet they'll never get it concerning medical marijuana, let alone natural remedies whose effective rate is sometimes as good as "traditional" medicine i.e. none of it works 100 percent of the time. Haven't smoked pot in many years but, maybe I should have put on some shades and gone down to the high school and tried to score. Well forget that, we've got drug testing at work, can't lose my job and therefore my health insurance......nausea is at least legal. Here in the middle of conservative Ohio our conservative local newspaper did a survey several years ago and the majority of PEOPLE questioned were in favor of medical marijuana, even I was impressed by that. Well I don't want to be hypocritical about modern medicine I'm sure grateful to have had some lately, I just wish they weren't so rigid in their views, but God love 'em for fixing that appendicitis.

Name: Rena
Date: 10 Jan 2003


Get Well Eileen. sending you lots of love. wish my astral body could help you with chores and cooking. You are in our hearts.

I like Steve's new calender.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 09 Jan 2003


That a boy Eric. You make me proud. She's our girl. Dont forget folks; 2003 is the "Year Of Eileen" and has 13 months. Eileenuary is between Dec.2002 and Jan. 2003 and "Samday" is between Friday and Saturday. Got that? Do all ya' can for her will ya?

Name: Steve
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Ah...make that "Mother Fuckers"...I was exited!

Name: steve
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Hey Travis, what were the Futher Fuckers all about and who besides the Olema People did those pussys hide behind? Come on, how about a history lesson. Enlighten me Poncho.

Name: Eric
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Wow, Eileen, here's good vibes your way. I had an appendectomy as a kid, almost died the doc said. Mom thought they were cramps from the wrestling class in gym. Went around doubled over for a couple days before the doctor paid a house call. Within an hour they had me on the operating table. I remember all the ice cream in the hospital afterwards.

Hope you have someone to care for you during the recovery. If not, holler, perhaps I'll play hooky and come up to the wilderness.

Name: Steve
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Apendix?? You can have mine. (Its an Olema thang') But no shit; You were on my mind Eileen. Hey, rest up. Let someone else handle the dogs, etc. Wow, you dont lead a dull life. Hey Ohio Girl, They molded a mask to fit around my face in order not to fry my eyeballs and brain. They would latch me down to a table everyday and really cook me. You could set yer watch by the time that the puke would squirt out of my nose (dont cha' hate when that happens?)..I was a human pin cushion. they would give me a full bag on the I.V. and that shit was guaged by your weight, the trouble was that I had such a rapid weight loss that they failed to recalculate the volume that I was taking. I O.D.ed on the stuff and my heart almost stopped. They flipped out. The machine was beeping and I was almost gone. Another time, a male nurse blew it and was yakin' away. He had harpooned me and clamped the I.V. tube. Some one yelled and we both looked and saw a huge puddle of my blood on the floor, the clamp had come undone and I was damn near drained! I could go on,...

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Eileen it's your turn now for good things. Take care, Fran

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: new me
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Friends~Just got back from hospital. Had appendix out and am not yet OK but getting there. This a quicker way to reach those of you I would normally mail individually.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 09 Jan 2003


I was glad to see on the news that not all the politicians in Washington (not even all the Republicans) are getting behind the Bush economic plan. We don't need our social and environmental programs gutted any further in the name of supposed tax breaks, any more than we need a war. Yikes! I have been feeling so awful after just finishing up a year of hepatitis C treatment, all skinny and sickly and shaky with cuts that won't heal etc., and waiting for the side effects to quit, and waiting for the test results on the whole thing..... Steve I don't think this stuff comes close to chemotherapy but yet it's pretty crummy in its own right. Anyways we had two days of above-freezing weather and bright sunshine here in Ohio and it sure helped to go out walking, the good old sun is such an antidote to feeling sorry for yourself. Well I'd say 2003 has started out interesting, anyways. Here's a little bit of irony, I've got a tattooed wedding ring because I couldn't wear my real one at work because we wash our hands so often it messed up my skin under the ring. Ironically I got the idea from reading about Pamela Sue Anderson's tattooed ring, and she now blames tattoos for her hepatitis C. Hmmmm. Anyways, a few years ago one of the elderly ladies in the nursing home kept looking at my tattooed finger and trying to figure out what it all was. Finally she said to me in a pitying voice, "He didn't get you much of ring, did he!"

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: I.R.S.
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Hey Nicole; I started the Digger Tax Break some years ago: I stopped paying! (Aint it the way?) I embrace myself with a big smile every April! Hey, speaking of all that shit, I just found that Jury Duty form and mailed it in. This auta be good.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Here and Now
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Wow, the Activist Ray Walker is in the kitchen getting some hot tea. Shes been up since 4:00 a.m. Shes 83 years old and goin' strong. Her last gig was the MTA strike. There was a large photo of her in the Dec. 13th Daily News. What a hot shit. Now thats inspiration! Dont talk: DO!!! Hey, try as I might to withdraw into a private life to meditate and spend time in the tranquility of the sanctuary, these folks keep comming out of the wood work. This is fertil ground for whats comming down I had it in my head to create a meaningful environment in 2003, but just realized that it dont get much more meaninful than this. P.S. for all of you pistoleros who think that the NRA sticker on yer' front door is gonna scare anyone off; think again! They will knock it down just to get yer' guns. It dont pay to advertise. Rule No. One: Own a Gun? no one else should know. (or if they do, they should have found out the hard way).

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Rna, The NY Post had a scathing article about Michael was such an obvious manipulation in my mind of the paper towards it's the same edition they had an article about GW's new "tax break" and shows a happy young sort of yuppie couple in an embrace gazing at eachother with big smiles...such crap...thanks for posting your Michael Moore stuff.

Name: RNA
EmailAddress: ghosts
Date: 09 Jan 2003


amazing article. are we really in the 212st century? Under the White Robe, The Ghosts of Pickering's Past.

you should be checking michael moore's web page. he's been really busy lately with lots of mindblowing fact centered postings.

Best to all.

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Jan 2003


I am reading Hammond's book and have had the portion regarding his encounter with Emmett Grogan resonating in me for a few days. I will quote a part of it hoping that Hammond doesn't mind, seeing he is out of town until tomorrow.

"Emmett encouraged me to "take the moment without expectation," and to "act" from my "imaginative heart without representation or acclaim, in an increasingly nonverbal, anti-artistic world, infested with unyielding corporate greed."

I find these words quite illuminating and would like to hear from others as to the relevance of today's mess.

Removing the "ownership" from an act allows the act to retain its inherent power without being diluted or disfigured by an interpretation of the applied owner.

For some reason the work of Clifford Styll, the American abstract painter keeps floating up. He was known to resent his paintings being seen by too many eyes, for the most part did not offer his work for sale, and felt that after his works had been seen too many that they had lost their validity and would paint over them. These are gigantic canvases with awesome power and presence.

The issue of ownership and the acceptance of an "act" seems to be at work here but I sure would like anyone's enlightenment on how these two ideas might fit together.

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Jan 2003



Huffington's act of trying to do this and being refused reminds me of the Mime Troupe bust in Lafayette Park in 1965. The effect could be the same. I do think these ads will find their way into the public eye simply because of the controversy.

I won't join the NRA because I don't want limp-dick mental defectives like Heston or Terry Nichols speaking for me and expecting me to pay for it.

I don't think that it is too late for the anti-war stuff to begin surfacing on a larger level. The protests scheduled for the 18th are going to draw more people than before finally including some musical performance. Considering that all the protest so far is in fact "pre-emptive" we really aren't doing so badly. I do think that Bush has painted himself into a corner somewhat and he is more vulnerable to pressure because of it.

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Mark, listening to NPR this morning they played the audio and then gave the list of major networks that are refusing to air it...sponsors and all ya know what a bunch of gutless wonders...also saw a good anti war segment on the Today Show with an admiral, a major head of a cross section group of Christian clergy and Martin Sheen...pretty interesting...word is spreading...I knew it would...but is it too little too late? Ps even if you owned a rifle ...what's the point of joining? I mean that as a serious question...

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Is Arriana Huffington emerging as a Neo-Digger? Check out the TV ads she and her group will be running on major networks.

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Jan 2003



Hey, I can answer your direct question with a direct answer. I am not a member of the NRA. The reason is that I don't own a rifle.

I didn't approve support of the Mujahadeen then or the Soviets for that matter.

Regarding Chechnya, Bosnia, and Libya... I would like to see the United Nations strengthened to achive world consensus for non-violent actions to mediate these conflicts. The goal would be to particpate in this as a member working to clearly remove the war component of a specific conflict, and helping to find resolutions.

The question about the US stating that it was justified in using "limited tactical nuclear weapons" is just plain stupidity.

"The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events." - - Winston Churchill

Are you a member of the NRA and if so, why?

Do you really think the "generational conflict" began with LSD use?

Do you think the struggle for oil reserves is valid, given the power struggles developing behind the scenes over Hydrogen fuel?

Do you think the Bush group are in fact subscribing to an "Armageddon" context?

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: I'm from fucking outer space
Date: 09 Jan 2003


RNA -- Absolutely fabulous, made my day. Thanks for the link.

Name: RNA
EmailAddress: wicked political cartoons
Date: 09 Jan 2003

Comments sent by a very far out friend.



Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: ROK
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Mark, you didn't directly answer the questions I posed. Try again, if you will, the emergence of a unified perspective depends upon these question being both asked and answered. Here's another one, are you a member of the NRA, if not , why not.................T----ps, thanks for your responses thus far

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: ROK
Date: 09 Jan 2003


Mark, you didn't directly answer the questions I posed. Try again, if you will, the emergence of a unified perspective depends upon these question being both asked and answered. Here's another one, are you a member of the NRA, if not , why not.................T----ps, thanks for your responses thus far

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: ssb@hm.c
Date: 08 Jan 2003


Wow, I just came back from a reastfull zone-out in the dim lite Church Sanctuary. Take my advice folks; Live In A Church. After I gut my front parlor and convert it into an anti-war boiler room, I plan on sleeping in the Sanctuary. The new oil burner makes it nice and toasty. I watched enough T.V. in Fla. to hold me a few years. Iv'e been tube free since my return. I'm eating right and have deduced that the Rev. Jackie and myself both need more time. (I just hope that she agrees with me). Am laying low through-out 2003 and will emerge from my shell in Feb. 2004. As far as feeling bugged about living in a potential target zone (NYC), fuck it, the whole world is a target. Hey Saddam; Jump on my ass!. Coffee and Booze free so far. Iv'e let go of many burdons. A wise person said that his decade will no doubt rival the roaring twenties. Maybe I auta' hang on to my flask. The street folks are all so mellow these days. Man I dig the super-humans. It makes me wonder is the "Normals" are actually mutants. I'm learning their ways, now when I walk by and notice that one of em' is pissing in the bathroom with the door wide open, the most I do is smile, reach in and turn the light on for them. The super human girls dont do that; it must be a guy thing. Some of them are physically impaired; such as twisted up spine etc. They have such sharp minds dispite mono-mania (which aint a bad thing). Most are just a reflection of being brought up in a nut-house environment. My ex-Digger Crew dont seem to be doped up at all. Fine bunch of animals. Mostly black, Indian, Italian and Hispanic. I'm proud to be accepted by them. Their' burden is greater than mine. Peace, Love and Fire Crackers

Name: Steve
Date: 08 Jan 2003


Tattoos of the third kind: It's true folks! I've seen those eyes and that back...and...What a back!!! Nicole and I both took a minute to match em'up. (old 60's tradition) I have the Big Dipper and Cresent Moon tattooed on my knee, and a smaller version tattooed over my spirit guide tattoo's right sholder. I also have a stylized version of the left Eye of Horus (which represents the Moon) on my left hand. Hey, New Yorkers!! TIBETAN UPDATE!!: Having been tortured extensively, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche told the High Officials Monday that because they were not interested in justis, he had nothing to say. PROTEST CHINA'S PLANNED EXECUTION OF T.D.R. Tomorrow at Ralph Bunche Park, United Nations 1st. Ave. & 43rd. St. 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Hey, not much to report over here on West 4th. A super human pushed me on a church pew while I acted as if I was paddeling a boat. A woman had requested to prey during the highth of our free food program. I turned down the music, and after a while she thanked me and then made a heafty donation. (she passed on the chow). I've been spending my time alone in the sanctuary and am a better person these days. Ah....wheres this war that we were promised?....whats holding it up? Hasnt CNN finished closing their prime time deal yet?...and Liza....(oh never mind) get the picture.

Name: Blue
Date: 08 Jan 2003


To : Nicole -- Might sound like a joke. But maybe it's not. There's some mighty puzzlin' evidence...there may be hope for these earthlings yet. Hope you're getting sorted from the storms, etc. Later for now -- b.

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: looking for the puka lani
Date: 08 Jan 2003


Blue, Funny you mention that...I was born in 1948...shortly after the Roswell incident, everything in my chart is above the horizon and although I have 7 brothers and sisters I don't look like them...(what do you think Eileen? maybe a little like Bobby) any way I've always loved entertaining that idea...I also have the big dipper tatooed under my right eye and the north star under my left. on my back I have the dipper in the 4 directions like the great wheel with a dragon weaving in and out of it...on my right hand is a star and the cresent moon on my left hand...on my left shoulder is a star inside a cresent moon...all rather celestial I'd say...yeah, I wanna go...Nik

Steve, thank you for your lovely note...I will get there soon as I have a minute...I'm in town this week end so I'll make a point of it...

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: Mr. Post-Script
Date: 08 Jan 2003


& doing the best I can with an Italian brain.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: on a lighter note
Date: 08 Jan 2003


Surprised no one here has noticed that I am in fact a Pleiadian succesfully passing as a human on Terra. Pleasa don't tell anyone.

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Jan 2003



The question then is......Who would be gettin' abducted? Any sightings in Crawford, Texas?

Name: IMAM
Date: 08 Jan 2003


Yes Nicole! Co-Emergent Wisdom for All! - Alien abduction doesn't sound like such a bad idea. IMAM-Suspect

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Jan 2003


Nicole - Hi and thanks for the lovely images! I sent them along to Stu and Judy with your greetings. I have to leave town (for Eugene) on the sudden to help my best friend with unknown illness distress signals. I should be back by Friday and I will mail the Elysian tape then vs. today as I am out the door on a rescue mission. -H.

Name: :Nicole
Date: 08 Jan 2003


I'm in such agreement with you both that I can't even's so frustrating...I am amazed that those seemingly educated people really think the way they do...I DON'T GET IT!!!! but I'm sure it's mutual...Lately I am thinking about a separate reality...just live inside my head...just be the simpleton that lived up the road from Voltaires brahman...if only it were that simple...personaly I'm wishing for a UFO...nictu barati or what ever it was...but I think it'll come from a collective consciousness...the power from with in...we will all create the answer somehow...just keep sharing your knowledge and feelings.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: Fuming and fulminating
Date: 08 Jan 2003


FYI -- Excellent piece, leadoff in Jan.7 edition CounterPunch, : "It's the Budget, Stupid" by Saul Landau -- detailing some of the ramifications of Republican budget proposals for the toiling serfs who carry the Pharoah's sedan-chair toward the palace of gold at the country club. Check it out. (Pardon vacant prior post, blinded by 'tears of rage', hit the wrong button on the keyboard.)

Name: Blue
Date: 08 Jan 2003



Name: Blue
EmailAddress: Still on the Barricade
Date: 08 Jan 2003


Mark -- You sure captured a lot of the big picture, the big scary picture we're living in at this moment in time. Just wanted to add this one detail, as recently reported in a article. Namely, the prominence of extreme Christian fundamentalists in the current ruling cabal -- I will not dignify it by calling it an administration -- who actually are delighted with signs of catastrophic environmental changes. Not to mention threats of dire conflict in the Middle East. Why ? In their abysmally ahistorical reading of Scripture, they see these developments as heralding the End Time, when they (the True Believers) will all of a sudden be swept off the earth by almighty Jesus (the Rapture) --the remaining sinful [presumably] billions then to endure 7 years of torment under the aegis of the Anti-Christ. (One year less than Reagan got.) This to be followed by Armageddon, the Last Battle. Whereupon the earth will be swept clean of evildoers (sound familiar ?) and restored to green and healthy plenty. {Good as a new Cadillac fresh from the carwash with a new hot-wax job.} Who says Republicans aren't into heavy drugs ? But there are a lot of big-wigs who take this cockamamie make-believe B.S. seriously. Not only twisted values but pure pig-shit ignorance and superficial education masquerading as expertise is clearly at the heart of the grotesque 'moment of truth ' in which we find ourselves. Men at the heart of power. I don't really know what to do, part of it for me is continue to speak the truth whenever possible. From Mort Sahl ..."there's a type of conservative who believes they really deserve whatever they have stolen."

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 07 Jan 2003



Sorry, forgot to put my name on my homework. That last post was from me. I never was good at that in school.

Date: 07 Jan 2003



Here is an effort at our discussion. "Imperialism" is an easy word to use regarding US foreign policy and I don't mean to be superficial. I like the word because it sets a context. Imperialism can certainly include the most sinister activities. The misinformation being peddled by the Bush media machine to the American public is indeed propaganda on a scale never before seen in our history.

If Bush and his crew in fact had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attack and let it happen in the name of their agenda for America is frightening. It surely sets the stage for what can be expected from the government in the next eight or more years. If this accusation and conviction becomes a matter of public knowledge then it is hard to imagine the reaction by Americans. I don't put this type of deceit past the Bush folks but my naïve self hopes that it is a myth.

This seemingly more foolish daily countdown to a war with Iraq I think is running the risk of losing support from the people. I get the feeling at some point many are going to start worrying that Bush is damn sure cracked up and on the wild side endangering the country. Maybe I am too hopeful but between the tax cuts, a savage appetite for the social security monies, and an open ended combat agenda, the ability of our citizens to add and subtract may actually kick in. The idea of Bush perpetrating this savageness to create a new balance of power, no OPEC and the US in the political drivers seat, in the middle east is a realistic explanation. He and his cronies arrogance and megalomania carrying their delusions of some warped out biblical fucking superhero cartoon is the shape of things. This bullshit has got to go. How and the hell did this manifest?

The morality or lack of it by the powerful "leaders" is something that needs to be understood by the people. The blindness to this fact which is facilitated by "patriotism/nationalism" needs to be overcome. This means patriotic god and country nationalists admitting this country is being run by gangsters and all of our lofty standards have been corrupted. America is basically a lie. I don't think that you will get this by the "greatest generation" in any way. The older generation now in their 70's is not about to address this being confident in their "legacy" celebrated with great economic opportunism from the likes of Tom Brokaw. Given the split between liberals and what has been called the liberal hawks the job is just that much more difficult. The generational divide you speak of is a murky definition for me. There are many much younger than I who exhibit the throwback culture standing firmly in the 1950's linear and narrow frame of reference. I disagree that we need these people. It is time to cut them loose, the old ones are dying off and what is left is what we need to fight. The fundamentalist Christian Right that fills the void between our coasts, the healthy and alive political/social good old boy circuit as the target for education is a last resort. I don't feel that a civil war attitude has any merit, if we can't change the culture from within then it is just fucking over unless on the outside chance a major event of some social/economical/political kind basically throws everything off course. Then we have a chance. And it is just a chance being left to maybe pick up the pieces relying on a counter culture network to begin the transformation in the face of the vacuum created by the fall of the American "superpower". Many of the international enemies we have created certainly will have something to say about that.

Regarding veterans and their duty, myself being one, I simply have no time for that excess. War is a failure of human behavior. It is the ultimate breakdown of our evolutionary journey and what is worse is that we know it. Being perceived as the leader of the world, the role model if you will, if we cannot rise above violence as the tool of problem solving then we are still living in the dark and the world will have to wait for another chance at transcending our lost way.

So now I have laid out this ominous and despairing personal view and I hold this idea in my head. In times of intense social pressures things happen. The pressures generate releases to correct the balance, a natural alignment could try to occur. Something we cannot visualize or say. I don't expect J. Christ to appear on the White House lawn or a UFO parked in my driveway but I suggest a natural shift, an activated fault line, some social acid for us, a breakthrough or opportunity presented that can alter and leave this reality as ashes. Not unlike the vision of the Diggers. How we get to that point I don't know but I am sleeping with one eye open.



Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 07 Jan 2003


Nice clip Aron. Where are they now? Oh yeah some of them are here. Is David Peel still around....whats he up to?

Name: Ps
Date: 07 Jan 2003


Clear Light - what a great group for the time. "Black Roses" my fav.

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Jan 2003


Hi Nicole - per the tape - Sure just send me an e-mail (above) with the land address. Passing it around is fine with me - if others want to see it - the tape is really clear with lots of close-ups on faces and group shots - H.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Jan 2003


ps Hammond I just read yr last post...when I lived on the waterfront in Sausalito in 1967 there were two guys who also lived in gate 5 who became close freinds..,Bob Seal (and his wife Nancy) and Robbie Roberts...both from Clear Light...small world indeed...and yes it was hard to see the video on the tiny screen...

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Jan 2003

Comments to. By the way todays New York Times has an article about the Klammath fish kill court case...I was going to post it but it's too long and I couldn't figure out how to transfer the url to here...but wait I'll try again...I want it to turn blue so you can click on it...but if not try it the other goes...

also how do we work the borrowing of tape? need my snail mail address?

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Jan 2003


Nicole - Wanna borrow the VHS copy?

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Jan 2003


Aron Pieman Kay...thanks for the clip...I was there that day and watching it this morning I could smell the air...that's my strongest memory about that day... the smells of everything...and dancing and music. I went that day with two people I knew from Echo Park...Scottie Ronyon (grandson of Damen)and Pamela Poland, a great singer...hadn't thought about either of them in a while...a magnificent day. thanks again...Nicole

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Jan 2003


Michael - Thanks for the read - and indeed he (and I) were a mess - but at least I got to hear the end of Procol Harum's set!

Regarding the Pieman's Elysian Park Love-In video - I suspect he got this from someone who borrowed my copy of the VHS - probably from Tom Kelly (founder of The Psychedelic Supermarket in Hollywood) would be my guess - anyway, the realpayer version is rather pixilated and way too small for any real enjoyment - so if anyone wants to borrow this tape (feel free to copy it) I have the clear - in-focus VHS tape taken from 16mm. The sound track is not from the event = laid on quasi-psychedelic music - Too bad that of all the groups that played that day - only a brief snippet of Clear Light (with Dallas Taylor on drums) made the tape. I didn't make the film but I was there for the Love-In. If you like - here is an early draft vignette from my book recounting the day - "An Elysian Field" - While there you might want to check out Nancie's site about the daze in Hollyweird.

Name: Michael
Date: 07 Jan 2003



Getting into your book. I'm glad to say I was not the guy in the new leather suit who ran screaming into the night from the gas station bathroom.

Name: mugu
Date: 07 Jan 2003


i love this site

Name: aron pieman kay
Date: 07 Jan 2003


feel free to check out this 20 minute movie clip by les blank of the 1967 easter love-in which took place in la's elysian park... just click

Name: Mister Steve
Date: 06 Jan 2003


Hey Nic, I hope that the E-Mail tag dogs the cats of some of those fools. I got a scathing E-Mail from one of our "Not Credible"..(and surely not Incredible) "LITTLE" friends. The bitter ant-Digger "you and all of those other "Old Fucks" etc. etc. reaked of neurotic adolescent envy. Hey, thats not to say that I have no faith in todays youth, fuck, just the other day two pre-teen freaks approached me on the street corner and said "Hey Mister, spare some bread for some dope?"..."We wanna score some weed". .."Really Mister,..we want some bread to get high with"... "you know; Smoke". Well Shit, the truthfullness of those little scamps warmed my old heart. I smiled and peeled off a twenty and they skipped down the street toward the park like Jack and Jill. As I stood there like a proud parent, I realized that the crowd in around me was scowling in general, but fuck the crowd. (Theres one in every crowd) Dig? Hey Tomas!,..note?,..Pat?..Check?.. heart?..vibes?? Man, YOU ARE TUNED IN!!! Are you a fly on the wall? Later all. (well, almost all).

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 06 Jan 2003


Thanks I needed that. I think I'll go make me a cup of tea.............

Name: Anita de Santiago Concha
Date: 06 Jan 2003


Work From Home. Good income for serius people. Free Online International Decision Pack. Anita de Santiago Concha +46705209833


Name: Tomas
Date: 06 Jan 2003


This is a note to warm your heart. A little notice tacked on your keyboard saying that we care. A little pat on the back saying that you have done pretty well with your life and the check is in the mail. A little uplift, a hug. Sometimes we forget to flourish the words that really do not mean anything when they are pasted on a post like this. But when your heart is into it and you really grabbed the vibes from some nice folks it does wonders to the mind. I hope your next waking day is filled with the smell of roses and hot warm tea. Love Tomas

Name: Nicole
Date: 06 Jan 2003


Steve...and all...this was just sent to me by my boss from an information pack he thought would be useful...I hope you're not still getting yuk e-mail but this info lets you know if it's at least coming from the same source...remember when our own site listed us by numbers for a while?'s the article

"Thinking you are anonymous" If you are sending nasty missives, you might think no one will be able to figure out that the e-mail came from you. After all, you set up a phony Web address. Think again. E-mail contains invisible information about the sender.

That information is in the header. All major e-mail programs can display header information. Here's how:


In Microsoft Outlook, double click the e-mail. Then click View > Options. In Microsoft Outlook Express, click the e-mail. Then click File > Properties and select the Details tab. In Eudora, double click the message. Then click the Blah Blah button. In Netscape, click the message to open it. Then click View > Message Source to display the header.

The sender's revealing information is in the sections that begin with "Received:." There may be several of these, depending on the number of computers the e-mail traversed. The originating computer is in the bottom "Received:."

That section will have an Internet Protocol (IP) number, such as It can be traced on a number of Web sites. I use InterNIC. The number is probably assigned to the sender's Internet service provider, rather than the sender. But the ISP will be able to identify the sender using that number. Remember the header if you're tempted to send an anonymous e-mail. You may be less anonymous than you think."

Thought this might be useful to send drove home from the Hamptons last night in an awesome snow storm...driving into the vortex...lots of thoughts on everyones postings...when I get some time I'll try and add some thoughts too...Had very disturbing dreams last night...they are affecting my awake thinking today...maybe I'll write tomorrow...warm regards, Nik

ps rena I loved those photos!! thanks


Name: Rena Morningstar
EmailAddress: nude women for peace
Date: 06 Jan 2003


gleaned from

Happy New Years to all. Took Osheana to see Crop Circles last night at the cultural center. this is a must see. awesome documentary citing many experts and enormous crop circles far beyond our imagination. All mathematically profound.

can also purchase the video from

Name: IMAM
Date: 06 Jan 2003


Hi Blue - This article on Hydrogen transport from today's SMH news might interest you- IMAM

Name: Blue
Date: 05 Jan 2003


Mark -- thanx, I'm hungry for info. And real serious about finding alternatives for transportation. You don't have to go as far as "Mad Max" fantasies to see the writing on the wall, & know that the current system is bound to change. Good luck to all in their quest for better answers. Signed, the Practical Anarchist

Name: Mark
Date: 05 Jan 2003



From the auto enthusiast perspective.....Autoweek Magazine December 23, 2002 has a special report on the new breed of diesels from the performance segment of the auto industry. The title of the article is "The Next Big Thing Before The Next Big Thing." by Roger Hart. Cars (sports cars) discussed include the Opel Eco-Speedster, and the Mercedes-Benz C30 CDI AMG.

Name: PS - Hammond
Date: 05 Jan 2003


I need to add that there are some very dedicated groups doing their best to save what little old growth is left - though at times quite criminal in behavior vs. Gandhi's 'ahimsa' - Blowing up lumber trucks and skip-jacks will not save trees - even the spiking is a bit much - but what to do? If left to themselves the lumber hack CEOs would clear-cut the entire state. As you drive up Hwy 5 - notice the areas that seem to be full of trees on either side of the road. These areas are just like the rest stops - if you walk into the trees about 200 yards they stop - bing no more trees. This is for the tourist's. The wilderness areas here in the north of the state (Mt. Jefferson and the 3 Sisters) are still in fabulous condition - but in the south - to the east and over the coastal range ENVIRONMENTAL RAPE is the only phrase that comes to mind. The one coastal exception is the still (nearly) pristine rain forest area that was saved from Industrial Ruin by the hard work and unrelenting determination of the very few families who lived in this area - near the city of Yahats. I don't have the details of how they did this in my head - but if any of you are interested in contacting these good folks I can find the information. Best of the day to all....

Name: Hammond
Date: 05 Jan 2003


All very correct Eileen - And so sad for a state with so many important waterways - never mind the irrigation for a moment to consider the incredible (heavy metal) pollution in the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Don't try fishing around Portland unless you want your liver to begin glowing in the dark. And as for the trees - What trees?

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Jan 2003


Hammond~ Yes I have heard about the problems in OR with the water..can't remember the area. But water being promised now being taken back from the farmers. Something to that effect. Just standing back from the politics and emotions of this, it sits this way from my view.

Farming practices have not been the best when it has come to water. Huge amounts wasted by the WAY watering is done. Conservation has not been a thought. The usual..there's so much of it, mentality. People generally don't realize it's ALL about water. Water has been taken for granted..certainly in this country (unless you live in AZ or NM..and even then new folks have no idea what's going on.) People can't live where there's not water. Simple as that. With pop-ulation growing steadily, water is going to become more and more of an issue.

I was watching it in Albq, NM for courses and lawns everywhere, on desert land. Water coming from ancient aquafir sp? and polluted Rio Grande and snow melt..all of which is limited. That city is growing like there's no tomorrow and like there's plenty of water..there's not.

Farming practices MUST change if we are going to make it. Other countries have begun to use hydroponics successfully. There's significantly less water use. And they are working on making it organic now. This is just the beginning of the awareness that must hurry up and stop whining and start thinking. It's like Oregon waiting till all the timber companies have shut down to realize they better think of something to do. Yes necessity is the Mother of invention. The ideas are out there and it seems we have to loose everything before we make the necessary changes. Little kids are more creative for goodness sakes!

Name: Hammond
Date: 05 Jan 2003


Eileen - Yes the Klamath River water diversion is a really big problem for all sides of this unnatural + natural equation (especially the fish!). The way this is presented here in the local media = the government is basically clueless - the local farmers are not environmentally sound - the eco-salmon activists are without a reasonable solution - and in the mean time the fish die. I live in Portland to this issue doesn't directly effect my day - but overall the state is having many such problems - and strugging to stay afloat. Oregon is no longer called "The Emerald State" for good (very bad) reasons.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: in the kitchen
Date: 05 Jan 2003


Too bad we don't have input from someone from Oregon. That state has been poor so long, and now it's bitting the dust economically. But they've been into barter and exchange for really at least the last 20+ yrs. If you need money, ofcourse it sucks. I'm wondering the general atmosphere and how things are working for the alternative communities there now. I'm sure they are on the forefront of all this, simply because they are being forced to it or live in poverty. I imagine they are not the only state lving with this pressure. Necessity is the Mother of invention.

Made sponge for bread last night and will be making my Can Bread today, thanks to Decible sp? over on Discussions. Wish we could all sit at the table Nicole was talking about and have some hot bread, fresh out of the oven together. Pass the butter.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: sky of blue sea of green
Date: 05 Jan 2003


Mark, thanks for letting me know that you are working on a response. We will have to discuss the differences between Weathermen and UAW/MF sometime soon, you might want to re-read the urban guerilla mini-manual before then. It's just a suggestion....................................Travis UAW/MF

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: somewhere in the orbit of Neptune
Date: 05 Jan 2003


Eileen-- Right on to everything in your last post. Think you're on the right track; that's why I passed along that news piece yesterday. I'm excited about bio-diesel myself, been doing some serious study. Here's an excellent book if you want to know more (I'd say it's the bible for do-it-yourselfers): "From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank" by Joshua Tickell [2000] ISBN 0-9707227-0-2. $25.00, but worth it, may be possible to find it used. I've been told that since regular diesel now is as expensive as gas, a lot of people are letting go their diesel cars. There are some good deals...I haven't got there yet, but really think this is one good alternative. Yeah, and I can remember quite a while back -- a number of the naive and over-enthusiastic back-to-the-landers in the Chapel Hill area found themselves broke, cold, and hungry. Succesful gardening/farming takes a lot of knowledge & skill, not to mention good old-fashioned hard work. Not a big money-maker either. That said, it is enormously worthwhile. The vision of getting off the grid; of finding co-operative working arrangements, including barter, sharing equipment, etc -- that's the way to go. There's a group of people doing great things along this line, near Asheville NC, called Earth Haven Eco-Village. I don't have a web address at hand, but you could probably find 'em on the net easily...OK, let me quit raving. Peace & happiness to you.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: and I would like to say this about that.......
Date: 04 Jan 2003


Mark~ Do we stand and fight? I realized yrs ago there's really no where to GO! You just have to decide where you want to be to do battle. There's not one place that isn't feeling the effects of some money hussle ignorance or another that involves depletion, poison, toxins and straight up rip offs.

One can't steal little money, break little laws, but big money and big law breaking can be overlooked. I think city folks must remain ignorant as generally is the case, as long as there's food in the stores, eletricity, and water coming from the faucets..folks that have no clue where their water comes from or its quality or where food comes from, what's been done to it or the issues around it all. By the time they realize there's a problem it's going to be a long time too late. City's can judge problems by price raises..but everything keeps being avaiable so there's just grumbling. Beyond the cities..

Black Bear will have it's own problems. But I do think communial living is starting to look better and better to me. Certainly having the option to be self sufficient, to develope ones home, ones piece of ground. But I happen to know from all the work I have seen David Simpson and Jane Lapiner put in to at least trying to be self's damn hard work! I'm still of the mind of Road Warriors and the idea Coyote was originally working with, Way Stations. I am not ready to head for the woods yet. There's certainly a certain mental health to being there. But if I'm going to make that leap it's not going to be hard core, face in the dirt, you know? It's the difference when we first started exploring health food..remember the Lead Bread that would break your foot if it dropped on it? We've come a long way from there. There's no reason we can't make this really beautiful and a better way of living without trashing the planet. But I don't think we can afford to think we can turn our back on the battle.

And Blue this must be time for the bio diesel. I just looked it up and there are quite a few sites for it. Basically it is taking ANY food oils and breaking them down to diesel consistency. Do you have you ANY idea the amount of oil that is thrown out from resturants and fast food places? When I was living in Albq. NM, I used to sometimes park next to a used oil holding tank in back for a number of resturants. It kind of blew me away the size of it. I never did find out where it's dumped.

This thing with water is so crucial though. Finding good water and enough of it anymore is like finding gold. With the populations of the world growing so rapidly, this can only get worse.

I feel we are so fortunate in this country to still have what I consider playful options. We still have time to experiment and put our heads together. We still have land left and there's still a loosness to the possibilities. But we do need to be getting on it.

blah blah blah..I know I'm preaching to the choir. I'm getting ready to move. It's making this all just a bit more real to me that's all.


Name: Mark
Date: 04 Jan 2003



I have been reading about the Bush debacle and the ongoing struggle between the farmers and the Klamath River water diversion. I was on one of my long range road wanderings last year. I drove up to Tule Lake and saw what these cattle ranchers were doing. I then drove back across the state to Forks of Salmon and spent a few hours talking with some of the native inhabitants. Now the water is going south, one of the players in the governments scam has applied for whistle blower protection claiming that the Bush administration pressured him to violate the quota of water allowed to be diverted which in turn caused the killing off of over half the expected fish population this year. They don't give a shit and the real war has started. The other huge offense looming is the desolving of the California Coastal Commission. I have been so fucking depressed about this stuff knowing that this is only the beginning. You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Or do we? I tell you folks, another year or so of this and Black Bear could be filling up. Up against the wall MF.

Name: Blue
Date: 04 Jan 2003


Eileen -- you are what they call a Mahatma (= Great Soul.) Sorry for your grief. The lands cry out under our burden.

Name: IMAM
Date: 04 Jan 2003


So sad - how our planet fades.....

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Jan 2003


No Eric~Leave it be. Folks, if this format ever gets to be a problem the alternative I think, is the one on Discussions. If there were more of us posting here, I would definitely say use that one. But as it is it's just us chickens and this works for me.

Blue~Already too much reading for me today..but the gist looks right on.

I'm at the moment absorbed in the fact our rivers up north, Eel and Klamath are being sold to the point the Eel is now down to a trickle and the Klamath had a huge die out of all the coho(600) steelhead (1,000) and chinook (30,000) before they had spawned this year for water being diverted for potatoes or something. This makes me put my head down on the desk and cry.

I suppose, unless you have lived with these rivers this means nothing to you. But the far reaching effects of this beyond the fact these rivers feed my spirit..all the times I stood there and breathed in the beauty of these rivers and the forest on their bank and have waited with the eagles with great expectation each winter to watch the the water rise as the storms bring the first fish in..yet have been dieing due to shitty logging roads silty runoff as well. And the feast these waters bring our bellies as well as support Yurok, Hupa and Karuk tribes, and then reaches out to effect the fishermen and all that lives that count on these fish, including the critters. But just the wild life of these majestic fish beyond what they give us..this is making me heartsick. I know I am stumbling through this explination. There's just too much to say. Yes, there are friends battling this..but it's still happening.

I'm going to the ocean to run the dogs now. I can't stand being in the world of humans right now.

Name: Steve
Date: 04 Jan 2003


Hey Blue, Old Gary Boyd of N.C. died several years back. He was 120 years old. He said that his secret was to stay active and to drink tall glasses of butter milk, if I remember right. Go figure. Hey, something odd came up (jet lag on a two hour flight???).. and I deemed it necissary to sandwich "Samday" in between Fri. and Sat. in the month of "Eileenuary" which is unofficially between Dec. and Jan. But thats another story. Now... the format?...Hmmmm...I dont know....what time is it now???

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Jan 2003



I vote to keep the format as it is.


I just received the new E/Environmental Magazine and it has an enlightening series of articles covering the state and future of Hydrogen energy. The struggle to get off the grid and the energy companies who are scrambling to keep us on it is the major battle behind the scenes. Very good articles.

The website is

Name: IMAM
Date: 04 Jan 2003


and - if the newest entries are at the bottom of the page - you will have to then scroll to the top of the page to use this comments box - I rest my case.....IMAM-Suspect

Name: Eric
Date: 04 Jan 2003


Hey Blue,

Most people prefer to have the latest messages at the top of list. I could change it so that they appear at the bottom, but I'll wait to hear what others have to say.

Name: IMAM
Date: 04 Jan 2003


No - Please no bottom readers! This is not a good idea Blue - then we will have to scroll to the end of the guestbook everytime - also the whole guestbook will have to download before you can read the latest. I am anti-bottom of the page.IMAM-suspect ---And welcome home Steve !

Name: Blue
Date: 04 Jan 2003


To the Editor -- A question/suggestion for you. When you start a new section of this Guestbook, would it be possible for the most recent writings to appear at the bottom, not the top of the page ? That might make it easier to follow the sequence of replies and comments.

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 04 Jan 2003


Well so much for 2003 getting off to a better start. I have two people in two different hospitals already. Im definately paying for something in the past or putting a down payment on the future. Steve I hope my kids use that humanitarian approach to old age for me. Something about having someone change your diapers that dont do it for me, though I cant quite put my finger on it. The snow is gently falling though not enough to go sleigh riding. The music the kids are listening too these days is very dark, they realize something is wrong with the way things are but they dont know what to do about it. No kick out the jams motherfuckers on the immediate horizon.

Name: Blue
EmailAddress: n/a
Date: 04 Jan 2003


For Eileen, and others affected by California storms, I'm pasting an article from a small NC paper, the Chapel Hill News --

WHO IS MORE SECURE by Marc Marcoplos


When large systems fail, they often fail spectacularly. Think Chernobyl, the Titanic, and Three Mile Island. That may be the primary lesson we can learn from the recent ice storm.

Our centralized, massive electric grid proved to be highly vulnerable and slow to repair. Plus it was extraordinarily expensive. The total costs will probably never be calculated. There were the direct costs of fixing the lines, the costs to governments to provide emergency services and clean-up, extra costs for hospitals and water utilities, repair costs for damaged property, spoiled food, and almost unquantifiable costs to everyone due to the overall disruption of normal life.

My personal situation stood in direct contrast to what nearly everyone was experiencing due to our society's heavy dependence on centralized grid power. Our passive solar and wood stove heating system was unaffected by the storm. As soon as I swept off our photovoltaic cells the day after the storm, we were back to generating our own electricity. We didn't miss a beat until then either because our batteries were full going into the storm. The Friday after the storm was clear and sunny so we were raking in free BTUs and amps. On Saturday we kicked back and watched the UNC basketball game with our microwaved popcorn.

Security is a big theme these days. The obvious question is: Who is more secure? The small handful of households in the region with their own power systems or the grid dependent masses?

The revival of WCHL as a community radio station was a big story because it was so useful during the emergency to have an information system totally dedicated to the needs of the community. It's safe to say that this community handled the event a whole lot better with WCHL's help than it would have without it.

The trend in these days of media deregulation is to have a few major corporations owning media outlets all over the country. These local media organizations all begin to resemble mediocre clones of one another. I heard a caller on WCHL commenting that Durham had WDNC during the storm and all they were running was the regular schlock talk radio. I mean, flipping on the radio and hearing Rush Limbaugh is a crude invasion of the intellect in the best of times, but even worse when you really just want to know what emergency shelters are available.

This gets back to the question of security again. The obvious question again is: Who is more secure? The communities with loyal, locally owned and run media or those with mega-corporation owned cash cows that measure success only on their balance sheet?

The old adage about not missing your water until the well runs dry comes to mind about this storm too. Imagine what it would have been like if the water and sewer services had failed as massively as the power grid? Fortunately we have a very well run community-based water and sewer utility in OWASA. Back-up generators were ready, and the system worked without major problems.

The trend in water utilities these days is to get bigger, merge with other utilities, and become a large regional provider. The privatization of public utilities is being aggressively pursued around the country. The issue of becoming part of a larger regional utility is already being proposed by some as the way that OWASA should go. At some point, the issue of privatization will probably knock on our door. We should ask if the quality of service and local responsiveness will improve or if our overall security will be enhanced.

It wasn't publicized in the corporate media, but there were three areas of California that were not affected by the power outages during their widespread crisis. These were the municipally-owned electric utilities in L.A., Sacramento, and Oakland. These utilities, like OWASA, pursue the mission of delivering dependable, quality service at a fair price. The large utilities that created so much havoc in California are dedicated to maximizing profits. Again the question arises: Who is more secure?

The future -- call me a genius -- is highly unpredictable. We know that true security lies in small, decentralized, and diverse systems. We also know that this goes against the tide of everything the global, corporate economic system is pushing at us. But it's also true that we have the freedom to choose real security and community self-reliance.

We should be systematically diversifying our energy generation options and reducing overall demand with proven energy conservation methods. We should appreciate and protect our own municipally owned utility, OWASA, and start planning to have our own municipally owned electric utility. And we need to nurture and create more community institutions like WCHL radio and other local businesses that value and know our community.

Have a peaceful and secure 2003.

Marc Marcoplos, a local builder, is on the board of Orange Water and Sewer Authority. Messages for him can be sent to or left at 933-5562.

Name: Steve
Date: 03 Jan 2003


Hey Joe,...I get it!...that was a resolution, right???...Hey Big Rock, ...pain is meant to be felt...otherwise, whats the point? But, hey, this website is big medicine. It seems to be pulling out of the last century in good shape. I just realized that I'm now responsible for adding onto that Day of the month jingle, does it go?... 30 days hath September...(help me out here folks)...Hey, I forgot all about the war, it still an issue. Whats Liza up to these days,...OK, OK, ...I do the New York Times Cross Word Puzzle,...but dont everybody??? I cant wait to see the the Super Humans this Wed. Damn they dress nice. Hey, Florida??...Shit, retirement is a media hype; dont fall for it. A widow gave me her dead (thats why she's a widow) Husband's pants, socks, sweaters and hat. I tried to slip her my address, but my MOTHER watched me like a hawk. (She's a Leo). The only thing that saved this vacation from becoming a full tilt blow-out is due to the fact that I'm mute. Christ, families are terrible entities. Its like they become an alien force. I clued the old man in on Calais and he was hot to relocate and cool his heels himself. The Ol' lady went wild at the mere thought of loosing her strangle hold. I became a threat to the family unit on day one. My Dad is good lost Boy Material I tell ya. Hey, dig this. My Big Brother Stan The Man told em' that he'd shoot em' both before he saw them put into a rest home. Yep, he's a real humanitarian. That sure spurred the folks to start one hell of a health kick. When they jog now, its as if they are running for their lives. Will close for now. You bet.

Name: big rock
Date: 03 Jan 2003


just dropped in to see what condition my condtion was in yea,yea i thought i was out to lunch but ya got me beat dont feel the pain anymore.

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 03 Jan 2003


I resolve in 2003 not to make any resolutions. This way I wont feel guilty in 2004. And the rain keeps coming.

Name: Father Time
Date: 03 Jan 2003


ACHTUNG: For reasons that I wont disclose, Iv'e officially addad a new month to the "Year Of Eileen". 2003 A.D. will now contain 13 months. The new month is hereby named "Eileenuary". Please feel free to sandwitch it in between any existing month that you choose, or spread it out by the day. Hey, if this catches on and Lordly Types like myself keep adding to it, hell,...2003 could last a long fuckin' time....and that aint bad...wink, wink, nudge, nudge,... Think about it!

Name: AllIn Fun
Date: 03 Jan 2003


This is very good!

Barney Cam.

Reviews -2003

"Rumors persist Barney will join so-called Axis of Good. White House spokespeople refuse comment except to deny First Dog's ties to international Communism." -Stew Albert (Yippie!)


"Barney Cam. is thee Bush administrations greatest prodektion!" -2003 Mort Subiet

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 03 Jan 2003


CIVILIZATION!!!, I've Been in town 15 minutues and I'm already armed and dangerous. Just read the last few entries...churches??..ya,..lets hear it for churches and the crazy bastards who infiltrait them. A church is fertil creative ground for sure,...there is alot to be said for sacred space. Later ya'll.

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Jan 2003


Mark - Ah yes Dewey Weber - another of my favorite board logos - and what a great surfer. So pleased that my memories bring back other memories for you. Yet thus far - my favorite comment from a reader is: 'Your book brings back memories I never had!"

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 03 Jan 2003


To Eric, Thank-you for the information on All Saints Church! Even a bread recipe! My memory might be full of holes but I remember the good bread. I love having all this information. Whatever I had found out is from the All Saints website (100th anniversary) and brief notes on some Sixities websites but I'll share anything I might find that is more in-depth. Actually I had tried to find information on this website but evidently didn't know where to look. The preacher (Father Harris) was such a good person, I'm glad he didn't change. I wonder if he's still living....... Anyways I told my younger son (home for Christmas) that I finally paid for that long-ago wedding and how good it feels to have settled my debts in this life. And he had to remind me that I never finished paying for the 1972 birth of his older brother!

Name: Mark
Date: 02 Jan 2003



I printed a copy of your Dec 22nd post today and I expect to start breaking it down in the next few days.



I am at work on your story. I find myself suddenly; stuck in a daydream, staring at the page, drifting off into memory paths of my own that yours suggest. At least in the first third of the book we, being grown in California, have traveled many of the same routes. I forgot about Wardy boards, I still wear a Dewey Weber T-shirt.

Name: Hammond
Date: 02 Jan 2003


Mark - Del had a (distant) sister I believe- but no brother Bill.

Name: Mark
Date: 02 Jan 2003



Do you know if Del Close had a brother named Bill?

Name: Hammond
Date: 02 Jan 2003


Hi NIcole - How good of you to ask - "AsEverWas" is the title - you can find it on the general barnes and noble or amazon. When I saw the article on the swept away islands I too immediately thought of Eileen and Mark and sorry to hear that more difficult storms are brewing. Hoping your shelters from the storm are as warm and secure as possible. By the by Nicole - in Woodstock do you know my friend - (writer and linguist) Alex Gross? We are in touch often.

Name: Nicole
Date: 02 Jan 2003


Hi all, Day 2 of 2K3 and I am hopeful, very hopeful...a long while back I determined that I am a visitor...I don't mean alien (although...) but I mean I visit people, that's what I the bus stop, on the train, in elevators, taxi cabs...any chance I get...I visit...that's what I've come to call it...visiting and in the conversations lately I am hearing a slightly different up beat...more aware view of what's happening in the "Bushes" both environmently and presidentially... not being afraid to come across anti Bush...people are voicing more concern about compassion and caring...I mean NYC cabbies !!!...and it's a marked difference from a year ago...Slowly the information network begins to pay off...the shift starts to happen...the mommentum hard to Mark said earlier...if we knew how to do it before...we can do it better now...I still feel pretty stong about forgiveness...when I go there I feel better and percieve the world differently and it moves like a wave...I don't mean to sound like an idiot, but I do feel a change in the air for the better. Eileen and the rest of you north coasters, I just read an article about 2 villages in the south pacific that were washed away during a storm packing 190 mph winds YIKES !!! and then they move east to you...brace, brace, brace... Hammond please give me the info, name etc of your book...I will look for it as soon as I get that... Steve see you when I get back from Woodstock on Sunday... WWR, Nik

Name: Eric
Date: 02 Jan 2003


For numerologists, notice today's date in mmddyy format:


Name: Eric
Date: 02 Jan 2003


Ohio Girl:

Leon Harris was the minister at All Saints Church who opened the doors of the church to the Diggers. I interviewed Father Harris and his wife Bunny many years ago. They were both still completely ebullient about their experiences with the Diggers. (Unlike the experience I had when I tried to interview Margot Patterson and John Doss recently. Both of these couples were older than the average age of the hippies and were drawn to the scene in the Haight by a variety of circumstances. Both couples ended up collaborating closely with the Diggers.)

There was a room in the back of All Saints Church which Father Harris gave over for use as the "Diggers office". There's an article on the web here that he sent me which describes the scene in the spring of 1967:

The main contribution the All Saints Church made to the Digger movement was the genesis of Digger Bread. Walt Reynolds taught the Diggers how to bake whole wheat bread in the ovens in the Church kitchen. I have a page on Digger Bread, which mentions the Church, here:

If you come across any more information about the role of the All Saints Church, I would be interested. There was some factionalism involved in the Diggers who were staffing the so-called Digger Office, and others. The Communication Company broadside titled "about time we started doin' our own livin' and dyin' mentions this schism:

Hope this helps. And, happy new year everyone.

Name: Blue
Date: 02 Jan 2003


Get back whenever you can, Eileen. I check back here fairly regularly. Just a metaphor, but look at the dinosaur vs. mammal bout before you throw in the towel... Peace & power, G.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 02 Jan 2003


I first saw Haight St. in 1967 and was amazed by the beauty of what I was seeing and amazed that the Diggers were really living the philosophy I'd heard of, amazed by the idea (and by the simple act of eating) the free food. I lived in the Haight mostly from 1968 to 1971 when it and I kept changing for the worse in most ways. Last year for the first time I was back there, and Haight St. was strange and commercial but I loved walking around the side streets and the park. I even found the church where my late, first husband and I got married in the fall of 1969, on Waller St. I've since looked it up on the internet and learned that this church, All Saints, was very receptive to Diggers and hippies and in fact, a Digger headquarters (?) which caused some controversy within the curch. I remember that the minister was really hip, he said we could pay for the wedding whenever we wanted, if we didn't have money we could pay with candles etc. Having by then progressed from speed freaks to junkies we of course never paid him. I have always wished I could make that right, and finally I've done so, we just mailed them a small contribution. Alot of what I remember about the Haight, I really don't, I was basically so drugged-up I was unaware of the bigger picture, it was too much ground zero. I'd love to hear anyone's recollections of activism or whatever, at All Saints Church back then. Thanks, and Peace.

Name: Eileen
Date: 01 Jan 2003


Just got back from a round trip to SF...

Eric, I thought of you and will have to make time to see you when I am not moving so fast. Thank you for making a space in your living room for us.

I'm just wrecked, I'm so tired. But Blue, I have not forgotten a discussion that we have only begun. By chance found some info from this past Sunday's paper at the laundrymat, about BioDeisel, that I had been looking for, for wks. I brought it home and when I get some rest and I'm not seeing double, will take time tomorrow to cover more territory with you.

Happy New Years ALL! I like these numbers better than the others, 2003. Wonder what year it is for the Chinese? Strange the way we count time is so radically different.

Name: Blue
Date: 01 Jan 2003


"I know that I'm a dreamer/ But I'm not the only one" Time to dream some dreams of hope and better days to come, on this first day of a new year dawning. Trifling as this suggestion might seem, see if you can't listen to some of George Harrison's new "Brainwashed" album, erh ah, CD. It's not brilliant musically, but he's sure got the current situation sussed out. Best wishes to all from (rainy) North Carolina.

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Jan 2003


Happy New Year'd Day One And All! - (and to all of you who remain silent ).............

*Eileen and Mark - thanks for your vivid descriptions of the storm and moment around you - all very exciting in the Portland calm and damp but I certainly hope the rain ebbs soon giving you all relief from the intensity. In this unusually calm season for Oregon - I (almost) envy you the torrent and roar of wind and sea so close to hand. - Thanks Mark for giving my book of past life experiences a New Years Day read - I am honored by this - a good omen I am sure. Steve - keep the healthy momentum going! - This is a very good omen! Our government's march toward War (possibly on two global fronts) is of course not a good omen. Mark's thoughts are exactly correct -> and where oh where is our "Ring" to burn in the fires of Mordor?

Name: Joe
EmailAddress: Hey Joe
Date: 01 Jan 2003


I never realized how exciting it was to live in California weather wise. Its drizzling here today washing away the old snow. The bushes are barely moving. Happy New Year ! I hope this one is better than the last two. Boy did they really suck!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 01 Jan 2003


Having slept through the entire New Years thing, and woke up in the year 2003, let me wish a happy New Year to one and all. Not even the dogs woke us up to take them out last night, it was definitely a low-profile event. I believe that's quite true, 2003 is bound to be interesting and boredom will not be in the picture!!! I only wish I no longer had to keep hoping they will just "give Peace a chance." I wish we had learned that one already. From down here in Ohio, Peace and Love to you all.

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