These are the Guestbook Entries from 2003. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from July, 2003. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2003.

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Jul 2003
Yea, I visited the Sun thang on the day he died. Something profound about that but I don't know what it is. Memphis is currently reeling from a damaging storm that has the local power company struggling to get around 60,000 homes back on the grid. I feel that the locals are somewhat distracted and stunned at the same time. Tornado warnings last night but all is sunny and warm today. Funeral services haven't been announced to the public anyway. The influence on me as a kid by the likes of Howlin' Wolf, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee, Carl Perkins, Elvis, Rufus Thomas, and a host of others is really the basis of my early musical awakening. Phillips drove the black musical bus right to the front door of us silly little white kids homes. I am not of fan of hip hop and the Memphis sound is certainly missing from the airways these days. I have noticed that lots of performers you don't see on the west coast play here, the place still has a magnetic mecca-like draw. I am tired, loaded up my 66 Ford F100 today for the 2100 mile trip back to Santa Cruz starting at dawn. You can still here an amazing variety of music on the radio here, really amazing. Stuff you can't get in the Bay Area.
I talked with Barry Lloyd in Paragould, the guy I bought the truck from, about your history. He is an older fellow and his mother still lives here. He wanted to know how old your folks were and I guesstimated about 70. He said that there are lots of Boyds in Paragould. The town population is about 25,000 now. Several factories have moved in here in the last couple decades and jobs are here. The culture retains what you would expect from a bible belt perspective. Very anglo here, not like Memphis at all. I can send you Barry's email if you want it. He is a pretty nice fellow and is definitely part of the culture here. I am turning into Eileen in the morning, burning up some asphalt for the next three or four days. I will check in when I stop for rest. See ya. Gotta sleep.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 31 Jul 2003
I hear ya Eileen; I dumped the blade even before reading yer' post. I swapped the tight-assed levis for a pair of kangaroo pocketed cargo pants that roll up in a jif. I dumped the 8oz flask also. (they always seem to attract fire water)...lets see. Oh;..the boots; ya... (lucky or otherwise) they are also history. (part of the fundamental change)... Yep;..leather sandles from here on out. They let the tootsies breath and also jive with the no sock thing and with them on instead of the boots, I wont be pegged as a pervert at the laundra-mat.(more on that later.. you gotta picture it in yer' mind).....anyway,.. Oh...I dumped the pencil and note pad; as I intend to stick to my memory and dont want to cloud any issues with facts. I may pick up a wind breaker, but for now Im' hanging onto the rain coat. (as I will need coverage while sitting wathing my clothes spin in the dryer.) I Will report in often from cyber cafes etc. On with the hunt.

Name: Jag
Date: 31 Jul 2003
Good Stuff Hammond!!!! (Take back the media site is phenomenal)

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Jul 2003
Counter-Punched (yet again)
"Speculation Blues" (revisited from the guestbook)
and more importantly - Everyone! - watch this video
"Army of One" - (the networks should run this twice a day!)

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Jul 2003
Steve~ditto Jags blessing to you. Keep in mind if you do Gray Hound they may hunt out your knife and anything else they don't understand. Hardly any stations seem to do this but the big towns. Prayers go with you.
Yeah, Rena, I'd like to get a description of those pants as well. They the old style open wrap? PS Always good to check every once in awhile to verify ones reality and choices, ain't it. Yep, travel's not what it used to be. It's enough to try the patients of a saint..or make one of you! in process.

Name: oops
Date: 31 Jul 2003
Oh I meant lifting them and tucking them into their waistband like with skirts sheesh I think I'll proofread this one.

Name: Char ~*
Date: 31 Jul 2003
Rena or someone could you give more of a picture of your pants? (this is not a personals ad) I think I know what folks are talking about like lifting light wide pants which has always been the only way to bicycle too with em : ) ? Or are we talkn bout sumpin ahm missin?
Please give the waves waves and the dolphins hugs for me!
Love n New Beginnings
Char ~*
(on the Rainbow Way)

Name: Nik
Date: 31 Jul 2003
Mark, there must be some activity in Memphis surrounding the death of Sam Philips...did you get over to Sun yet?

Name: Eric
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Rena -- thanks for pointing that out. There's now a link to the July archive at the top of the Guestbook.

Name: r n a
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Hi Eric. The entries for July 1- July 26 have disappeared. there's no link.
anyway, back on Maui and grateful to be here. Meeting Steve in NYC was one of the highlights of my trip. along with meeting my new grandson "BeenJammin."
got caught in an NYC bomb scare scenario on Monday, caught in the traffic jam for the councilman shot at city hall last Thursday, , and in the jam over Cecilia Curz (is that her name) funeral on a Tuesday. bio family drove me crazy and i was again reminded why i left home and sought out an alternative community.
Peace to all, r n a

Name: ~*
Date: 30 Jul 2003
oops..... Chet Helms Birthday party and concert this Friday!
Allen Cohen's Benefit coming up a little later. To be announced.
Sorry 'bout any confusion. This information highway gets a little twisty turny sometimes, but the flow is strong and good.
Power to the People
Go with the Flow ~

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Thanks Mark - catch you on the come back...

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Outta Sight Steve. They weren't zeros they were bicycle wheels.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: not gone yet....
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Mark; my dad's dad was Robert (Bob) Boyd. Mom's dad was Charlie Kirkland. Dad's mom's kin were Fosters from Georgia who were connected to the Weatherfords as well as the MacGillivries who had Creek blood early on and Mom's side were tied into the Kentuky branch of the Huckabees who were part Blackfoot. According to my genetic back ground its a wonder that I havent scalped anyone yet. Oh, I just got an e-mail from a great cat that I was busted with at the Die-In. I told him to hit the guest book. He was in S.F. in the mid 70's. Give him a warm welcome.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Jul 2003
News Flash from a digger in Memphis! Poindexter is going down over the terrorist futures market plan. He is poised to resign tomorrow. Are the cracks beginning to show in the pot that holds this crap together?
I was in Paragould today. Bought the truck I came to see and now waiting out the bad weather here in Memphis to plan my return to the best coast. I forwarded your history in the area tonight to the fellow I bought the truck from and will talk with him about it when I return to pick up the truck tomorrow or the next day. He is an old timer and may well remember some your story. Beale Street sucks almost much as the carnival at Graceland. Elvis Schmelvis. These are the cheesiest tourist scams I have been conned into seeing.
I got your message about the 3rd Page today and I need to do some tuning up on it. I will get it back to you after I get back to Santa Cruz. Thanks again.

Name: Jag
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Happy Trails Steve! Keep your powder dry and
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
(traditional gaelic blessing)

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Mugu Guy Pan
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Hey...sorry about that MUGU. I scrolled down and saw that you got to that guestbook first; so..I either followed you, or Im' that much further ahead of you. (???!!!). Well folks; It's down to the wire. I gave everything away to street vendors except Nik's bed. Im' ridin' legally Clyde outa' here with nothin' but a rain coat, pair of lucky boots, button fly levis, linen shirt and Greek style sailors cap. As part of a fundamental change: I dumped the I Ching for good this time but kept the inside rice paper leaflet page with chineese writting and inscriptions to wrap around my cold hard cash. The answers I want arent' the written kind. I plan on seeking them in every set of eyes that I see. Heres the break down: I have three pieces of ID wrapped in a waxed papper envelope, a Camillus rigger's marlin spike knife, small pocket flask w/ funnel, a pocket sized mole skin travel journal and a Koh-I-Noor 0.7mm rapidomatic pencil w/ spare leads, a P.O. Box key and Clyde's chain lock key. From here I plan on stream-lining as I go. Hell....who needs a rain coat, Hu Rena??? Ya, screw the rain gear...see; I told ya that I was gonna stream line from here. Speaking of line... hope to see ya all further down the line. Happy Trails. P.S. Dont you kids... Ah fuck it. I want all of you kids at home to try this. (at least once in yer' life). Build some character. I dare ya'.

Name: carla
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Eileen and Miranda,
where are the both of you. we miss ya'll. we are both here in california and anxious to get together and say hello again. You have both become dear friends to us in fact the only friends we have and truly need you both in our lives. Please write me and let me know you received this note. We miss you so much but we are glad we got out of NM. It's been kind of hard lately, Vermont didn't work out so we are back on the west coast and glad. So a Digger you are? How about that. I want you to know that it's not your past, or who you know, or what you've done in your life; none of that matters to us/me we clicked as friends and a friendship that last is hard to come by. Miranda Neil really misses you too. Thanks for helping back in NM and packing up our stuff for us to. Thank you Miranda for being careful to pack Neils stuff so carefully. We are getting help here in california now we've go to decide where we are going to live and just get there. Please write soon and I hope the both of you are doing ok and have found your place in the screwed up world. Peace and Blessings, friends always and hope to see ya'll soon. I still can't belive your website. WOW!!!

Name: carla
Date: 30 Jul 2003

Name: carla
Date: 30 Jul 2003

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 30 Jul 2003
A new 3rd Page contribution from Allen Cohen
"What About That Dream Poem"

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Jed (and all who dare to read!) -
here is the link to Frater Choronzon's presentation to the Golden Dawn Society of Thelemic Magick (1990) see: "Doctor Farquharson's Radio" regarding my late mate and to whom I think you are referring. His madness was unique - until you factor in the likes of Syd Barrett.

Name: ~*
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Celebrate with Chet Helms and Help Allen Cohen!!!
(This Friday!)

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jul 2003
"Speculation Blues"
The bulk of DARPA's stock and trade
was exposed in yesterday's papers -
but who wants them?
Homeland (in)Security is risky a speculation.
The terror market might fall-out,
the bottom line might well disappear,
and only the (over)seers of 'schismet'
will have profited from the remains
trading online predictions of terror
guessing in the dark of DARPA that
encourages the future(s) holders
to bet heavily on themselves -
after all, they know the timetables.
© 2003 - Hammond Guthrie

Date: 30 Jul 2003

Date: 30 Jul 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jul 2003
oops! I did that once before- here is the DARPA site
But the other one might be more interesting for some....

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Jul 2003
Thanks to our Sen. Wyden (D-Or) this ultra-scary and perfectly stupid idea of trading on the future of terror will never fly.
Keep periodic tabs on - scary resource but we need to know! (so we can stop them)

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: freakin' zeros
Date: 30 Jul 2003
How scary to have a government like a bunch of preteens who ate too many donuts and came up with a really bad idea like terrorism futures and then didn't even have the sense to think that was an awful idea lets forget it immediately. They've been standing in the Krispy Kreame line too long.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Here and Now
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Gotta go...I turn into a punkin at midnight.

Name: Steve again...
EmailAddress: the name game...
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Hey MUGU; I see that ya' followed me over to the Mourningstar guest book...It's only fitting I imagine; I get the distinct feeling that "Your' friends baby; treat you like a guest".....and "In your' head; baby, Im' afraid you dont know where it is"...I stop short at calling you names: in-a-smuch as I dont know your's and dont want to. If its you Sponge, I really think that you need more than help. Your' alter-egos are hiding behind the skirts of your' alter-egos. Ive' heard of being pussy-whipped, cock-whipped but Ego-whipped???...and as far as the above J/A near-quotes; you fill in the rest. How could anyone be that unloved???!!!

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: The Beat Goes On...
Date: 29 Jul 2003
My personal Congrats go out to all of the NYC A-7 and M-27 folk who keep walking free due to solidarity, rightiousness and pure balls. (some real tough overies in the mix also)... special thanks to the unsung teen-agers in the group. There is hope yet. Coalition group representatives, leaders and those in for the long-haul will meet Sunday, Aug. 3rd in the back parlor of Washington Square Parish House 133 West 4th Street, NYC. If the crowd swells, we can jump over to the Sanctuary or Day care facility. Free food and drink provided by those mythical beasts: THE DIGGERS.

Name: Steve Boyd
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Hey Jenn; my E-Mail is and snail mail is: Steve Boyd 7 East 8th Street, Suite 369, NY,NY 10003. My Bro is in Boise Idaho at the moment and my jump back to Eurika soon, (where he was). If he does make the move I may hook up with him. He's got a Hep-C jones after sucessfully cutting off a thirty year Alchodelic binge (just before his liver almost turned to jelly.) I was never a good drinker;...but Stan; well,..we was an expert. He' one lucky cat. I sure would like to be there for him at this juncture of the trip. He's one tough bastard but his pride will be the death of him. Once in Eurika, I could reunite with my original 1957 Zen Friend. We've been doing snail mail and he's a state worker turned shut-in who I would love to liberate. Theres so much escapism in our generation. Think I may go on a sojourn to wake a few folks up. As far as the Eurika scene; heats not an issue, as Im' law abidding for the most part. In fact, Ive matured to the point (in the last several hours) that Im' going to contact the IRS and the State of New Hampshire and get a payment program squared away in order to spend my later retirement with no paperwork dig? (my SSI will pay that shit off)...(The Government paying off the Government)...only in America!!!...(dont you kids try this at home)..Hey, Nik; I havent moved your' bed down yet, as another group is crashing for a few days,,,will do it tommarrow in any event. Later all.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Boydsville Arkansas
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Hey Mark; as a Yankee child I spent some fantastic summers around that neck of the woods. In fact I became a crack shot with my favorite (the 22Cal.) during that period. My dad could light stick matches with one. We were Remington folks; but I learned on a Winchester bolt action. My parents both attended Paragould High. The Boyd Farm was in Rector Arkansas. My Granpa Boyd was a very well know hunting guide and famous coon-hunter in those parts. He raised champion coon hounds. As achild I remember lying on a coon skin rug made from a single pelt. Now; granted,..I was small; but even the big folks said that it was the largest ever seen (the rug you fool, the rug)...anyway, He led Bankers, Lawyers and Pro Base ball players from Memphis Tenn. on some wild ass coon hunts for sure. He sold one dog at the heigth of the depression for an amount that was unheard of at the time. He raised and trained mule teams also. In fact he farmed by mule teams until well after WWII (where by keeping several share croppers and farm hands well fed and working.) His prize Mule teams also sold for record amounts of money. It was said that he tamed them to the point that women and kids could lead them. (Well...Boyd Women and Boyd children anyway)...Lots of kin buried down there, Crockett Co. Tenn., Dyer Co. Tenn. and of course Clay Co. Ark. Check out the fire flies at night.

Name: Jag
Date: 29 Jul 2003
I just heard on MacNeil Leher that the Futures market for terroist activities, lets bet on the next assasination attempt on Yasir Arafat, was brought to us buy none other than the folks at DARPA, via the pentagon, the same folks Hammond had the foresight to out. These are some seriously bent folks.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Hell, I just set up shop here in Memphis. Staying in the less than she-she Graceland district near the airport tonignt. Rain and muggy clouds and heat. Thanks to somebody for airconditioned rooms. Tuned in some pretty funky music on the rental car radio here, I am gonna slide by the Sun Studios tomorrow just because. Fucking airport was dripping with barbeque stands the smell was all over the place. Do you think I can deal with Beale Street and the tourist traps? I have to go up into the north east end of Arkansas to Paragould to check out a vintage Ford soon.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 29 Jul 2003
"Suit Suite - Tout Suite" (click through image series.)

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Jul 2003
jed - then again there was Trevor.... and of course Hoppy. The mad brits with strange names game is afoot!

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Jed - humm.....I just sent you another e-mail (test run only) to see if it bounces back again. Maybe I copied it incorrectly. Sorry about misnomering you ala "the dud who had the pictures of Emmett"
Your comment below adds to the chance of our having perhaps met in London.
"a very strange brit with a strange name" - (laughing to myself) and indeed I did run with a few. I think you are refering to the late and illustrious Robin Farquharson (author of "Drop Out"). Robin was mad of course, as well as a (once) well respected mathmatician - and unquestionably one of the brightest minds I have ever encountered. But then he was as I say - quite mad. When the building burned to the ground - the flames took Robin as well. He was reportedly at the attic windown giving an oration to the crowed below until the building collapsed.
The purple basement you refer to is also rather possible
Howard Marks - indeed I know the name well - yet I tried to stay away from this monied crowd - as well as the fellows well met surrounding Auden but following my reading at London University I avoided the Oxford crowd all together..
So then jed - what were you doing at the time - and now?

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: Gettin' pissed
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Come on Mugu you fucking moron bone-in-the-nose savage .. I got my atom-powered ray-gun ready .. quit hiding in the underbrush, coward .. you shall learn the cost of bringing down upon yourself the wrath of the mighty & unforgiving MING the MERCILESS !!! { < mweehee ha ha > } Resistance is futile. (of course, maybe, then again this cretinous mutant subhumanoid may not understand English.) Nevertheless : Submit,
or perish. -- Ming has spoken.

Name: jed wainright
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Hey i never claimed to have a pic of emmett infact i dont have one at all . hammond the address is not a dud and i havnt mistyped it but i didn't receive an email from you either. the place i refer to in kensington was mad micks squatt i cant remember the exact location just that every room downstairs was painted purple. i believe it burnt down around 72-73 i was in hamburg then. i seem to recall that you ran with a very strange brit who i think was caricatured for the pot head Danny with the camberwell carrot in the movie withnail and I .This guy was so far out i cant believe he ever came back in. he had a strange name and people said that he was gay - all i remember was a never ending supply of good pakistani hashish and a very generous nature. there was another guy i would associate with you , a welsh man well educated called howard marks do you remember him. he had a lot of friends from oxford university alot of them were rich americans over in the uk studying at oxford- cambride. i bumped into an old friend taffia hertz 2 years ago and she claimed that bill clinton visited the squat with marks do you know any of this

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Move over New York
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Portland has at last joined the civilized world! According to the most news worthy item to hit town in years ever since Sunday morning a crowd of people (over 200) have been waiting in line for the pinnacle of cultural excellence to open its doors. Yes Krispy Kreame has arrived.
I am amazed at how little people have to do or hope for. Too spend two days waiting for a donut? What can be so monumental about a saturated confection of sugar and lard? Portlands provincial mindset is showing which is not all bad, but a freaking donut? Not to mention the local news is treating this as though the Mona Lisa has just arrived for an extended stay.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: just another roll of the dice
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Magnificent plan .. gives a new meaning to the term 'Casino Economy' .. a wager
on mayhem & death, brought to you by the bright boys in Washington .. unfortunately, I don't think this one's gonna fly, but you gotta admit, there are some monstrously creative thinkers at the Pentagon .. Monty Python or Robin Williams could hardly top this latest stunt.

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Joe - thanks for the heads up - is this the same "dud" who said he had photos of Emmett taken in Italy? .... a lame duck without a flock
Mark - happy trails mate!
Nic - westward ho soon?
Steve - keep those lanterns trimmed and burning.
Eric - Thanks for fixing the page.
*Mugu and his immediate family seemingly don't need "reasons" for their relentlessly spamic way.
Best of the day to everyone - and it is sweltering in Portland again

Name: Nik
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Comments let me see...wager on the next terrorist act?????? The pentagon thought this one up...and let's see, I can just hear the conversation between the two "terrorist" who decide to fix the bet..."yeah, we'll rig the statue of liberty to blow up and then pour all of our assets into the date we pick and kaboom...we're rich!!!

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: terrible twos, what a millenium
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Hello, just resurfacing from my weekend of night shift, back to the zerolicious light of day.

Name: Nik
EmailAddress: ps Eric
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Eric...I knew you'd love Brighton Beach, it's like being in a totally foreign country...all those specialty shops...totally unpretentious... nostrovia!

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Jul 2003
Shortly after the Loma Prieta earthquake in October 1989, Bill Graham held a benefit in Oakland for the victims of the quake...
Sitting back stage at that event, in a room with about 8 other people including Taj Mahall and Susan Lydon, David Getz and others, Bill walked in with someone. Now, I have never been one to be star struck, but an amazing thing happened when Bill brought this particular gentleman into that room, we all automatically stood up out of respect...for it was the one and only Bob Hope...he was absolutely gracious. warm and friendly. A remarkable human being...He clearly stated that he hated war...but supported the troups, wanting to do what he could to bring some bit of happiness in their horrifying circumstance of war. Bob Hope, Thanks for the memories...

Date: 28 Jul 2003
It takes community ~Love never fails.
Healing thoughts and Blessings to Allen
and Us All.
Onwards and Upwards
Beautiful People
Char ~*
(ps. it's fun and colorful chasing Rainbows,
and even funner catching them!
Knowing all the while, we ARE what we seek)
: )

Name: Eric
Date: 28 Jul 2003
Back from Back East just in time to do some needed cleanup of the page. Will have to tackle the FFR next.
Sorry, Steve, had only one day in NYC, spent the rest of the time with octogenarian parents, including a last minute picnic for the beautiful summer weather on Saturday the day I had planned to come visit you. But I couldn't help thinking it was far better to take the parents to their favorite outdoor natural haunt than to indulge my Manhattan love affair. See you next trip. The one day I did indulge was to follow up Nicole's suggestion of Brighton Beach. All summer I have been longing to lay on a beach somewhere and that one perfect day at BB was my wish come true. Thanks, Nicole. I loved the people on that beach. No hipper than thou, younger than cow crowd. It was a pleasure to share some sand with the Brooklyn neighbors.
Why does Mugu think anyone is interested in his vandalism?

Name: Jag
Date: 28 Jul 2003
I believe Eric said he was in New York, Brighton Beach? I think mugu wins for now.

Name: jenn
Date: 28 Jul 2003
silent steve,,,yep. I live in northern parts. just 9 miles from eureka...remember me? nicoles sister...anyway, I live here in humboldt co. its a fabulous place and I would love to fill you in...let me know yer email and i'll get more personal wit yer bad self.
the youngest of the clan,jenn

Name: jenne
Date: 28 Jul 2003

Name: Joe
Date: 28 Jul 2003
Hammond that guy, Jed Wainright, keeps talking about different things like meeting Emmet Grogan in the Alps and having pictures...and meeting you...etc....apparantly he reads books....he is as phony as GW's smile

Name: Hammond
Date: 28 Jul 2003
Eric -
Seems like a Muguspamic barrage has taken place.
The page downloads - but only to Mugu's moniker.
Hey jed - well this is possible as I did live in London 70-71 off Kensington Hight Street. - I tried your e-mail address but it is a dud
Are you a dud - or are you jed wainright who might have met me in London 70-71?

Name: jed wainright giving up on poetry for a bit
Date: 28 Jul 2003
Hammond I think we met in kensington london crrca 1970-71 if you are the Hammond Guthrie i remember
Hi i remember back in 1970 i was working with David Essex when i first came across a very intense but talented band who had just decided to call themselves Queen.They were sat round discussing personal names for the band members and all agreed that they could use their own exept for Farookh Bulsara(for obvious reasons)he wanted to be named after one of the planets and venus was his preference .Like today first names are subject to fashion and Freddie wasn't very in at the time so Freddie venus was rejected. Brian suggested Roger- after Roger Daltry- and Freddie went for his second choice "Uranus" however thats were I stepped in and said you cant call yourself Roger Uranus, its to long! fortunatly they all agreed and they settled on Freddie Mercury. I have pics on my pc of this meeting just email me and I will send a jpeg

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: almost gone
Date: 28 Jul 2003
Hey; my long lost natural Brother dropped me a Dylan post card but as usual, no way to reach him..(my Bro. not Dylan)..anyway; he may be moving to Eurika No Ca, Nor Cal, No Cool. Anyone got a report on whats up in that neck of the woods??...been years since I was in them thar hills. Hey, I ship on Wednesday:..just Me, Legally Clyde, the rags on my back and a possibles bag.the 30th. to loop the loop. Be back on the 14th if I dont touch ground until then. Happy Trails.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: Too Wide
Date: 28 Jul 2003
Help ! Eric .. My screen would need to be 5 feet wide to show these messages

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Jul 2003
Hey All,
I am leaving for Memphis in the morning for a little adventure. Flying there but driving back. I should be in area for a few days trying not to get into too much trouble, I am going alone, so if anyone wants to meet up somehow let me know. I will have a laptop with me so I can check in here.

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Jul 2003
Eileen...another writing suggestion that someone recently gave me and it's so helpful, is in doing yr history...make notes in 5 year's not so overwhelming then and just jot down the major things that come to yr mind... then memories surrounding stir up...I remember when Sweet William got shot and had amnesia if we told him something that had happened he would then begin to remember the surrounding time...I also put old addresses in Mapquest and when the grid of the block comes...voila, specific memories pop up and clarify...very useful tool...playing music from a specific time crystalizes stuff too...smell as well...

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Jul 2003
Zooming by folks. Finally sent email to Security (not!) CO to the car place that houses the friendly sexual predator I had to deal with. I'm still a bit rattled from addressing this and need to get outside and get some clear air in my head. But wanted to say hi and thanks for the writing advice. 3 hrs huh. Some folks in my family would call that wasting time. Guess that's why so many authors thank their families for their support and patience..? I would love to write 3 hrs a day! Are you kidding?
Patrick..Bo Diddly..what was that about. He played for my Sr Prom ('60), up close and personal. He was so drunk he was laying down flat with the mike, then his guitar, on top of him..and still playing great. I grew up with black blues. We NEVER would have had a white band for anything. What for? I realized yrs later what incrediable music I grew up with that never made it out of the south. Bo and all recorded were the tip of the iceberg and not necessarily the best either! OK they were all great..but there was SO much more.
off to job hunt

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Fear Not..ah..make that "Dread Naught"
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Yep; we saw the same show...Michael realy handled himself well. His theory of "US" being afraid of "THEM" really hit home. I dumped my boot knives a long while back and for the world of me cant really put my finger on "WHO" I feared; or why. (Maybe I feared "US".) which may be a Froidian slip for U.S.??!! Go figure. It's a jungle out there...or an Eden;'s all in the way that you approach it. Later Jag. Big day tommarrow.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Moore for Prez
Date: 27 Jul 2003
I saw the 60 minutes piece and yeah he said just that, irate librarians managed to embarass Harper Collins into publishing "Stupid White Men" after they had pulled the plug on it right after 9/11 seems they wanted a re-write to clean up all the anti Bush rhetoric and Michael refused then he read an excerpt at a library and the librarian was incensed when he explained why it never was published, she got her friends on a librarian chat room/web site to harass Harper Collins and Bam, number one best seller, like they regret publishing it now! I read it last year and it is a great fucking book, Jeb Bush comes off as a bigger A-hole than G.W. if thats possible. Also, a must see, "Bowling For Columbine" an automatic classic.

Name: Steve Boyd the Flintoid
EmailAddress: Fear Nothing
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Mike Moore for president. P.S. Hey Micheal, did you have an uncle in Flint named Bruce Moore??..He married Loanne Cobb who's father owned Cobbs Resauraunt. Their ol'dog Trixi was a real pal to me.

Name: McMute
EmailAddress: Dread Naught
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Hey;.. I think "Naught" means "Nothing" (as in "All for Naught").....and "Aught means Zero"..(as in "Thirty-Aught-Six) (30 Cal. 1906 varient).. but who's counting?..I get the drift. Personally; I didnt want to bring Bush up. (now or ever)...the fuck never E-Mailed me).. missed some solid advice. Where the hell is that Imperialist pig gonna' get us bogged down next??..hey, big day in the A/M. Gonna represent the Nations Mutes at the M27 Press Conference. Also gotta tell the gang to maybe get Rev. Hooper to open up for em' on the 3rd. I'm goin' to see my natural children and grandson from the 1st to the 13th. Moving Nik's bed to the first floor also. The new Sexton is grabbing my 4th floor room. I will most likely haunt the pews until blast off. I will re-stock the depleated free courned clothes rack with a variety of rags that Ive' pulled from it. What goes around comes around. I heard that Micheal Moore really made a hit on 60 Minutes. Told how his best seller (Stupid White Men) was all but squashed until some heavy web-site to web-site amoung some Irate Librarians turned it all around. Powerful tool this web. Hope they dont ban it as a Home-Land Security foe. Yep...The Zeros are gonna keep that Ol' Flint boy right on top. He's got my vote. The man is sane.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Hee Dow
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Shades of the Beverly Hillbillies, how about the "Double Naughts" as in George "Jethro" Bush, naught into naught equals naught.

Name: Steve...
EmailAddress: wow....I mean WaWaWaWow
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Hell, how can a mute aquire a speach empediment you may ask??...(start typing real jittery)....I need to slow down, but the core group of M27 folk are just now starting to mill around out front. Im' hosting the next two meetings so I must re-scedule my NH trip until after the 3rd. Got to run. Focus on Peace.

Name: Steve again...
EmailAddress: time warp,.. year 33
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Hey Ohio Girl; John Lennon dubbed 1970 "Year One"... so maybe we could just coult off from there and maybe draw up our own calandar. Hell, the Inca and the Romans did it. (In so many was I was born in 1970) I iknow what yer' thinking..NO; not Re-Born. It was different. (woulda' hadda' been there). OLema Ranch 1970.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: late riser...
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Nik..sounds as if you are in a good place within a good place,...enjoy the moment and the moment yet to come. I cant thak you enough for delivering a holy woman to my door step. After about three blocks I was cleansed..and not by the rain. Hey Ohio Girl; according to Ol' Omar, here's whats comming down pronto: after the seven year dance of Uranus and Pluto, (ending in 2011)..the world will be in a very different condition politically and socially. Uranus in Pisces should stir up mucho upheaval and innovation..(the birth of Mormonism and Christian fundamentalism is an example of this pairing. Pisces rules the underdog, the enslaved and the disenfranchised (no names please)..whose status was raised in previous Uranus Pisces periods. The last time these two teamed up was in the early 20th century from 1919 to 1927, during the "Roaring Twenties". The mesh signaled the "Jazz Age". The "Lost Generation" of writters began publishing and socially, the down-and-out triumphed. The gals won the right to vote in 1920 and Gandi started fucking with the Brittish in India. The flip side was Boot-legger Wars, the Mafia's secret "Cosa Nostra" and the roots of the IRA. Also: Pluto in Sagitarious (until 2008) should pull all of us away from our quest for aquiring wealth to a journey for the meaning of it all via interconnecting with one another on spirituality (outside of traditional religions), philosophical, and intellectual levels. Saturn in Cancer: We must put in the time in order to get the pay off. Very restrictive vibes..but the reward is maturity. (about time), in clossing; a name for this era or decade??....hows this? as much as a zero denotes the absence of quality, quantity and mass,..lets start by calling it the TWOS. OK,..that makes this Two Three,..get it?..or maybe the TWIN decade. (Ahhh Looookkk..."TTWWWIIINNNSSS!!!!!.....hell, I dunno',..knock it around abit. How about you Sponge??..any input???

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 27 Jul 2003
That's funny. And I feel so famous, the new millenium matches our bank account! Oh well back to work.

Name: Jag
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Hey how about the soaring zero's for the expected Bush deficits and just the negative start.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: blank slate
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Seriously it has always bugged me in a small way, concerning people talking about the years 1900 to 1999, there are cool phrases like the twenties, and yeah the James Cagney roaring twenties, the thirties. But you have to say "between 1900 and 1909" or "between 1910 and 1919" the "teens" would sound stupid, and it's even more awkward now that we have 2000, 2001 etc. I'm looking for a neat phrase about this stuff. "The turn of the century" was one way to describe 1900-1920 I guess. The zeros, the roaring zeros......zeros is a blank slate maybe that's a good thing.
The Ohio farms are awesome to look at right now, they are at the peak of green abundance and aliveness (I bet upstate NY is the same). To see an Amish man taking a team of horses into the barn as dusk approaches, really disorients you about time and the zero years of a new millenium. The "government" that is already trying to f... this up seems so theoretical at a moment like that.

Name: Jag
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Nichole, it sounds like a perfect setting for introspective sounds and meditations, I can almost smell the birch and the smoke from the fire. Knowing you enjoy the tunes makes it very gratifying. Peace

Name: Nik
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Eric, I start reading in the left margin, and since th e computer is facing north I finish reading somewhere in middle of the it the mugu?

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Jag, thank you so much...I brought the cd's with me up state and my friend Susan said ,"how did he know?" I answered "kinship, kindred souls, shared history and the like" I'm looking out the window now at the ridges of the catskills and at the Ashokan resevoire and lisening to the voices of all the friends that slept outside by the bonfire that is stil lightly burning yet this morning...My ex husband Johnny throws this great party for his beautiful wife Karen every much much food...I can smell birch bark burning on the fire...m-m-m-m-m-m-m

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: The Great Diggersbey
Date: 27 Jul 2003
When I mentioned the "Roaring" thing; I was refering of course to the 1920's aka: "Roaring Twenties"...beguining about now:..the planetary activity has set the stage once again for some "New Dances","New music" and "New Freedoms" from time-worn traditions..only one catch:...(we gotta get away with it).... "Oh, how in the world can the old folks aint gonna' rain no more???"...

Name: Steve...
EmailAddress: almost gone..
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Hey Jenn; as a garbage man from way back, Im' here to tell ya that the fattest tomatoes and the heartiest Pot grows in the dump. As too plastic; Ive' seen plastic milk jugs bust like glass and turn to powder after long exposure to the suns ray...the trouble is: They bury it all!!! wont break down for hundreds of years. And we have to pay for gas to light the stove! They "Burn-Off" the methane from dump fires for years. (thats because they cant put them out).. Up in smoke. Go figure. Hey I watched the Television today and saw a show on the growing bicycle culture in the USA and how they are fighting for their share of streets etc. That may be my next cause. I plan on going straight human power. Walk, peddle or crawl. (well.. run in a pinch.) Later all.

Name: Steve....Again......
EmailAddress: The "Boring Zeros?....
Date: 27 Jul 2003
OK; come on...let's name this decade....ah...fill in the blank. 2000 to 2010___________. Hmm..blank??..blank???...maybe thats it! The Blank Decade.

Name: Steve
Date: 27 Jul 2003
Hey Ohio Girl; just checked out yer' photo's on the Morningstar site... wow...I mean WOW. The June before last I bussed through Ohio and realized just how long it had been since seeing real family farms. Funny how each generation has the notion that they invented farming and fucking...Oh; there goes my mouth again..I had met a whole bunch of Mennonites here in NYC who were from those parts. I was kicking around between Bellview, McAuleys and the Bowery Mission. Those folks bus in all the time to sing for the local down-trodden. They do a mono-tone voice thing thats very angelic. Hey,..back to the "Ranch" thing; .. you may remember Onanda. It wouldnt take too much research to find the life magazine photo of the crowd scene at Altamont. She showed me the pic back in early 70. She can be clearly seen with her man. Of couse, posting it without her permission could back-lash. (as she very well may be Sister Onanda of Mercy by now)... you know how that goes. Oh,.. as far as the "Roaring Zeros".. there's alot of planetary activity that corresponds with that era. The original Lost Generation of actors, writters, poets, artists, bootleggers, and racket-men spun out of it. Hell; prohibition is even on the re-bound. Here in the city, you knock twice, tell em' that Joe sent ya' and then slip into a "Smoke-Mill"...screw the gin;..ciggarette girls in fish-net stockings working the Isle. Well, gotta go. Hey, you look great. (great folks look great)...but you knew that.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Jul 2003
Being "We" is a complicated matter for contemporary society
built on psuedo-individualism and "overcoming" nature and
"harnessing" its power. What drives humans to need dominance
over all things? Sitting in a traffic jam the other day behind a minivan
sporting a religious bumper sticker reading "My God is awesome"
implying that any other is not, said more than its driver realized. The
"we" implied by that bumpersticker is not an inclusive context
but one of dominance over others. "We" win, you lose, fuck you.
I don't think "we" have moved off the medival plane much. My
"WE" and yours are weeds, crickets, wind, beatific mutes,
nomadic female bus drivers, gardeners, half-assed comodified Diggers like
myself, and anything else that lives or exists in this reality. I feel as
much a fellow traveler with the caged elephant at the SF Zoo as the
redtailed hawk circling over the bluff near my house. The majority of
humans still seem unable to make that step. The only thing that appears to
draw "americans" together is violence and consuming. To me it
seems so easy, just change your mind, accept being part of it all and get
on with it.

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Jul 2003
I'm glad it arrived so quick Ohio Girl, glad to do it and am happier
even still that you enjoy it :)

Name: jenn
Date: 26 Jul 2003
mark.......yep, it's just all a big "WE". We make up the
world, the conditions, the misery, the beauty. We have to change it. We
are it. We can't hate unless WE are hate itself. We can't love unless we
are love itself. We are One people, all inclusive, if we had no duality,
if we could really see the Devine in ourselves, then in others...WE would
have paradise more often together. Namase

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Date: 26 Jul 2003
Before getting into the three-days-of-nightshift-weekend, I've been
happily enjoying the second CD from Jag, which arrived this afternoon.
Awesome! Thanks!

Date: 26 Jul 2003
I`m an nastybator, I`m a big boobed mama coming for you
I`m the space invader, I`ll be a sucking rollin` bitch for you
Keep your mouth shut, you`re fucking like a big nipples bird And I`m
busting up my balls for the words
Keep your wide on eye on me babe
Put your titties to my head
Press your pussy face close to mine, love
Freak out in a sexrace daydream oh yeah!
Don`t fake it baby, lay the real thing on me
The church of man, love, is such a sexy place to be Make me cum baby,
make me know you really care
Make me pull out all your hair

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: Roaring Zeros
Date: 26 Jul 2003
Wow, in spite of feeling pretty much like crap I've been listening to
Jag's sensational CD, I've been having a grand old time in New York and
hearing music in Asheville and eating in a luxurious garden in these pages
lately. Don't we got fun! Roaring Zeros now, I like that! There's never
been much of a name (in any century) for the years 00 to 19. So now, what
to call 11 to 19?? Morningstar......there are 2 pictures of me (Fran) in
the scrapbook on the bottom of page IX. Rena I hope you'll be posting baby
pictures somewhere!
Writing.....I always wanted to. I always wanted to write nonfiction,
philosophy or biography or something. Never really wanted to write
fiction, but then a friend got me into trying it and becoming a
confessions writer. "Moral porn" one of my kids calls it! Really
the stories aren't porn sorry it's not that exciting. Anyways, writing
these stories is teaching me a tremendous amount about writing, first of
all that I love it, I always wondered why it didn't go smoothly like this,
fiction seems to come much easier (to me). Second of all, that maybe now I
could write other stuff too. Peace

Name: Mark
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Very well put. When will "we" finally get it? It is the
"we" part that is the problem.
How about this. Start your story from the day we sat in the Headlands
coffee shop and your tears fell when you talked about Sweet William. If
you could write down the stories you told me that day in the way you spoke
you would be on your way.

Name: Jenn
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Namaste, I want to share, because I would give you all a helpiing of
this day if it were in my power. I know not everyone is driven by need to
grow healthy food, or given the gracious gift, resources or the land, but
I must say that the satisfaction of growing ones own meal is beyond words.
The gratitude I feel running my fingers through the rich soil, with the
birds singing, the dragonflies gliding, bumble bees humming, humming birds
chirping and screaming through the air, cats lolling, dogs resting in the
shade from chasing EXTREME wildlife through the woods. I wish I could send
you each a flower from my gardens, mixed with veggies and vines. I would
bestow the world a feast if only it were in my power. Each strawberry,
every blueberry, every last succulent huckleberry, thimble berry, himalaya,
I would conger you up some jam to spread on your toast in the early dawn.
Steve, there is that dawn again, persistant one. The coast is so fertile
and abundant, my belly is full, my soul is balmed, I'm off to a deeply
earned slumber. We really would benefit by sharing more of the land with
those of like mind. The digger dream is that of hope? Is that of sharing?
Caring? for the earth? For the tribe? For the humanes? I teeter twixt the
sublime graceful pleasure of fresh chard, herbs, carrots and beets...and
the despair of the hungry, worn, battered sisters and brothers of this
earth. Will we ever get the fucking picture? An Aside: Our town now
boastfully recycles any plastic. Yeah for that....? NO! The shredded,
bundled bales go directly by ship to China for the processing of the polar
fleece the americans are so fond of, and proud to be using
"recycled" plastic...the workers of these factories are mostly
young girls and women who are disposable, by means of this disgusting
unregulated polluting practice. So, to combat not buy any shit
you don't really NEED especially in that plastic crap that has a number
higher than a TWO.2. night all...

Name: patrick
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Mcming, Thanks for the heads up. I figured out the schedule. Man it was
crazy and crowded down here. We did,nt have to shuttle. We live downtown.I
beleive there is some cd release party for a group called the muse's at
the st Lawrence Basilica on Sunday. Neat ol' church. Know anything of
they're music? Saw a couple panama hats, no black hatband. I was wearing a
"HULA GIRL CIGARS" Tee shirt. Bo Diddly was Bo Diddly still
after all these years. Later, Peace and prosperity Patrique

Name: Steve again...
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Hey Hammond; I just reviewed alot of the Third Page stuff that you've
compiled,..excellent,..great show-case. After I establish a writter's
get-a-way up in Calaias;(Ive' given up art).. I could never match the
images that folks conger up in thier heads upon digesting the written
word.. (although, Henry Miller pulled the water color thing off with-out a
hitch)...Hmmm..anyway..after I get grounded and survive my first winter
I'm entertaining the Idea of putting together some Digger Yin-Yang
take-offs (Boroughs's cut-up style with a touch of Boydism added to the
mix) to alot of the like-minded collective soul thats flooding down the
pipe-line which in my mind, seems to be begging to be dissected by not
just any run-of-the-mill Dr. Frankenstien. Will keep you posted. Write,
Write, Write...

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Greenwich Village
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Hey; dont look now, but the Free Frame Of Reference Page has been
infiltrated by a gang of Capitalist Health Scam Artists. How Rude.
...Hmmm... lets put em' to the test shall we??...How about some FREE

Name: Pappa Steve Hemmingway
EmailAddress: West 4th
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Hey Eileen; you are a book!!! Heres where it starts. Right here! The
Digger Hotel Round Table. The beguining of the Roaring Zeros. (2000-2010)
Wake up and smell the spirituality ya'll. Take heed from the tribal women,
Film, write, talk, dream, edit, publish, produce, act, react, regenerate,
smoke, drink, (creatively, that is), make music, illuminate,
invent, elect, emancipate, interconnect and embrace tommarrow and have
fun. (but you knew that)...P.S. I have a lead on renting a small house in
Calais. Now: alot has changed...I have one question:... are drugs, public
nudity, sanitation and code violations still an issue??? Just kidding; I
was goofing on that Morningstar Ranch my book; home is
where no harm shall come. Later. P.S. Hey McMing: you got the South-East
covered??. If we get enough involved we could pipeline whats really
comming down in the "OUR" Nation. (But it would have to be word
on the street with no headlines)....naturally....

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Thanks for the reply "Sam" :) let me know what you decide on.
Hammond and McMing make excellent sense, in my limited capacity all I
could add would be the old maxim "Every journey begins with the first

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: to Eileen
Date: 25 Jul 2003
I am not the author of any published writings except here, maybe .. But
I know a few literary people .. (and of course, there are all kinds of
manuals & advice on how to write, to sell your writings, etc.) .. But
what I would mention is a little book called "Finding the
Center" by I believe V.S. Naipaul .. the crux is: to tell a story (
any story, including the story of your life ) first thing is to find the
center, the turning point, the 'McGuffin' if you will .. & then the
rest is easy. Story as meditation .. find this text & tell me I'm

Name: Hammond
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Eileen - Much like life "it" (your book/story) is a play
without a plot and you begin now - heading anywhere you like. What
happened inbetween is the story - what happens now is the story and what
happens next is the story. Plenty of life actors to include my dear so
characters won't be hard to find. Didn't we already find a title of some
sort? "Computer Fried Prose" I think. Just go to work girl.....
That is how you do it. But you have to keep doing it...... and doing
it..... at least 3 hours a day min. until you have a first draft to work
with.....Write anytime....
:-) H.

Name: Eileen
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Oh this coming to the library for computer time is starting to drive me
nuts! I just scanned this page from the bottom up and I am so frustrated
not to be able to jump into the flow the way I so badly wish. As soon as I
get a job will get my internet connection. In the meantime..yes Jag, you
found me.
I just did a liver cleanse and wasn't up to the treck over here
yesterday. I can't belive what came out of my body (sorry folks) and how
much clearer my head I expect my energy to follow suit. I knew this
trip..road food and Motel 6 pet friendly rooms, and housecleaning
chemicals would take their tole..yep. I am now starting a worm and
parasite (that was kind of ass backwards but I was in a hurry) to take
care of the Motel 6 stays, dairy, and meat. Eating any more has become
down right dangerous for me. Heck being in a body is dangerous. Ha!
Anyway the library is closed for the have a good one yall.
Just know I keep an internal dialog with you ALL (am dying to get down
with the UFO, crop circle reporter) and am chopping at the bit to jump in
PS..I was told once again today I should be writing a book. I just
don't have a clue where to begin. Any thoughts out there, how to get a
clue to even the topic? Can't figure out what to try to wrap my mind
around. As all of us have had enough of a life..not to mention simply One
Day! does one do this? Waht's the story?

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: Ashevillian
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Patrick .. hope you check back here today (Fri. 25th July) .. Bo
Diddley's playing tonight, 9 PM, not Saturday .. details on the festival
in the Mountain Express or Asheville Citizen-Times, both available on the
internet .. I might be there, not sure, I don't like being around crowds
much anymore .. but they sure know how to throw a party so nevermind my
old-man attitude .. great food & a really really great street party ..
One tip would be, take the shuttle bus in ($2/roundtrip) either from
Asheville Mall or K-Mart on Patton {W. A-ville} .[Parking will not be an
option downtown.] Other musical groups I can recommend -- Buncombe
Turnpike (4-part harmony on some wonderful old-timey & bluegrass
material) .. Ashley Chambliss (piano & vocals, her own original
material, a great vocalist .. think Ricki Lee Jones) .. Jimmy Landry ..
Ghost Mountain (blues out of Satchmo, channeled thru Memphis, with a
little detour thru the Delta) .. wear a hat if you're going, I'll have on
a Panama with a black ribbon & I'll look for ya.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 25 Jul 2003
3 new poems in War(d) Reports from Muldoon Elder, Adam Engel and Sam

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: reconnected
Date: 25 Jul 2003
hey everyone!! ifinally have received my new laptop. I keep looking for
my side mouse. I'll get comfy with this one soon enough I'm sure.
Wow Nic, Great relay to Ohio Girl.
Steve Congrats on beatin' the rap. Love your mad energy bro.
Mcming are you gonna check out bo diddly at bele chere celebration
downtown on saturday night. Its kinda cool the city of Asheville providing
this 3 day deal at no charge to folks. This will be the first time
attendence for me. Glad the drinks are'nt free. I'd be bummed.
I don't post much on this sight, Although it is the only one I do post
on, But bI sure do relate to you all and look forward to reading the
guestbook. Thanks.
Good to be back to the mountains. It is sure a lot cooler temperature
and vibe wise than down in Georgia. Peace Patman

Name: Nik
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Steve, Eric called yesterday asking for beach suggestions so I gave him
directions to Brighton Beach...he's going today, perfect day for it...I'm
heading upstate at 3 so I won't know what he's up to after the beach...

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ya'..again..
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Hey Rena,.. I just checked out that hippie museum site and ya!!! Char~*
does some good-vibe stuff alright!. Sorry to hear about Allan;..thats the
trouble with rapping on this guest (quest) book; everything slides by so
fast... anyway;..I Hope that Allen makes it in more ways than one. (and
here I was punchin' on my liver the other night)...Ya, right... guys!!..wanna
impress the girls??..punch yer' liver a few times. Wham... a few real good
stabs! Hey... back to Calais for a minute.. I understand that they have a
collage up there where I could maybe sit in for awhile,..maybe learn
something. Kinda' start off where I left off in 69. Close the hoop, so to
speak. I dont know. Up one to talk to; even if I could.
Eileen;.. you up???

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: still up...
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Hey Eric;..let me know when you plan on hitting town. As I was telling
Rena;.. I dont get out much. Hey, I cant get my mind of of the north
country....I just found out that Calais was at one time dubbed Main Street
USA on account of US Highway No. 1 starting from there. I knew an old con
from Copper Harbor Michigan (upper penninsula) where Old Highway 41
started...but I dunno' what they called that place....he shot his finger
off with a 25. automatic while running through the woods one night hand
cuffed. He was chased down and tackled by the first female officer in that
neck of the woods. I think she was French-Indian. It was very romantic;
the moon-light, the trees, the snow,...the way he told it. ...something
about her ripping part of her blouse off in order to wrap up his bleeding
hand... and the long walk back. I can picture George Clunney starring in
that scene. Well,'s all unfolding at this end;..the end is becomming a
begining...and none-to-soon either. Drop me a line. We can do somethin'...
maybe roll our pant legs up and walk in the rain.

Name: Steve...
EmailAddress: up late dropping...
Date: 25 Jul 2003
Hey RNA... I just checked you out on the web; (Rena Morningstar) (Google..I'm
feeling lucky)... wow,...what a site..(the site I mean)...I will delve
into it sooner than later. (the site I mean..)... Yep;..that's the gal who
curled up and smiled at me alright! ...yep!

Name: Steve again...
EmailAddress: smilin'
Date: 24 Jul 2003
Dylan??..(he dont remember me either)...Dawn??..with me around; not
even the crack of dawn is safe. But really folks; here' my final score: No
Hep. No T.B. No STD. No HIV. NO FUN. What an evening: I was a perfect
gentleman and RNA was a perfect lady. (dont ya' hate when that
happens??)... The best years are ahead of us all! I would like to start
planning for communal retirement. Pooling SSI, pension and retirement
checks,...get a gang of three wheeled bicycles and wheel chairs going.
Drill out the core of our walking canes and fill them with Led. Lean on
the Sunday Bingo games for a cut of the action...maybe push generic drugs,
or pan-handle off of the grandkids. You know... keep it respectable.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Spell-Check
Date: 24 Jul 2003
Ah...make that "Stroked"..(what kinda' freak do ya' think I

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: late riser
Date: 24 Jul 2003
Im' still faking out alot of the locals...I stay walled up on the 4th
floor and they all think Im' in Maine. Hey Rena, I got yer' note. Sorry to
miss the connection. As I said I will swing up for a short stay at my
son's place and see whats cookin'. Must return to NYC by Aug. 14th to
cover a shift. Will E-mail and write from up there most likely. Wow,..I
never figured out whether stickin' yer' pants up yer' ass like that was an
attempt at keeping yer' clothes dry or to get yer'legs wet...but who
cares??!!,...the crowd liked it! You were a real tourist attraction. Those!!! It was like a Heafty Bag commercial gone 50's. A dancing
trash bag. Folks, it was like a 55 gallon condom with a ten quart
reservoir tip. She called it a "hooded poncho". (I asy she
picked it up in the Valley of the Jolly Green Giant. Man; those legs!!...Nik
will back me up on this:..I sank to my knees in the church foyer and
kneeded, strocked and patted them. (and that was before greeting her
hello)...oh, those legs. On our way up to check my mail, Rena pointed out
some Infamous local hang-outs where she used to teeny-bop. Hey Nik; your'
hair looked lovely. It shows off your' facial bone structure. Cant wait to
settle in up at Calais. Maybe Free the place up a bit. Who knows...maybe
they could us a good-will ambassador. (or did I proclaim myself Mayor...I
cant remember)...I should have;..then again...In any event: "Welcome
all". And remember; Everything in moderation...including moderation.

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Jul 2003
I've tried to e-mail you but I don't think its working, I was offering
you a complilation of music for a house warming present, if your
interested let me know and I hope all is well.
(you have my address I think)

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Jul 2003
Jobs With Justice
I participate in a little legislative spamming through these folks, a
worthwhile organization.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: dancing in the rain
Date: 24 Jul 2003
it's thursday and it's raining. doesn't look like we're going to see
you today Steve. i'm fine with the rain, but today is my daughter's

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: revolve rotate radiate
Date: 23 Jul 2003
p.s. Steve... i love Sunrises also. i'm always up at the crack of dawn,
as dylan used to sing... (at least on Maui)

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: grinning
Date: 23 Jul 2003
had a great evening with Professor Boyd last night. Look forward to our
next conversations. I'm hoping to get by for another visit before heading
back to Maui. Will you be around tomorrow afternoon, Steve? I'll be
treading through a shopping blitz with my daughter in SoHo and hope to
steer the energy over to positively 4th street. I'm hoping to just aim
down to the vegetarian restaurant across the street from your digs when we
arrive in the city, and stop by your place first. i'm expecting we'll be
in the area around noon. Nicole, too bad you had to leave so soon. I
wanted to hear you sing and i know we have lots of magical stories and
adventures to share.
Steve, thanks again for a memorable night. I enjoyed our walk in the
concrete rainforest. next time on maui!
hope to see you before my flight Tuesday. with Aloha, Rena
ps grandson Ben was a dream. He likes my singing!

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Jul 2003
I thank you for the effort you made as well. Making connections for
Ohio Girl and acting on opportunities to further a mutual context lies
really at the core of the Digger legacy. A very elegant act. Each one
teach one. That is the prevailing response at Planet Drum (PB/JG) to the
present shit mess this culture is in. In conversation a week or so ago, PB
very eloquently described the power of an individual act and the ripple
effect it can have . In a replay of Les Diggers de San Francisco a few
days ago I got the whole thing again. Eileen, at the risk of speaking for
PB which is always dangerous, I hope that answers your earlier question
about what their response to it all is. The song remains the same. I am
still only 1% Free but I am working on the other part too.
In reference to the need to move, I mean just start moving, I am
afflicted with or genetically predisposed to the same tendency. I have
learned or have been conditioned to temper it but I know that I have to
trust my own voice. When that nomadic voice raises to the forefront of my
generally chaotic inner conversation I know it's time to get on the
highway. Once in 1991 or 2, after suffering a severe case of job burnout
in the local trauma center, I drove non-stop from Ben Lomond (Santa Cruz,
Ca) to San Antonio, hung a right down to Corpus Christie, out over the
bridge to Padre Island and hung a left over to Port Aransas, straight to
the shrimp fleet dock, bought bag of freshly caught big ole shrimp, bought
a bottle of wine, checked into a campground nearby and cooked killer plate
of scampi, drank the wine and went to bed. I had no idea that I would end
up there but I had to go.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jul 2003
Steve Rena Nicole..such a beautiful report. And the offer to Ohio
Girl< Nicole? I'm so glad, so proud to be in such good company.

Date: 23 Jul 2003

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Jul 2003
I saw that story a while ago on CNN's website. Reminds me of the Mayor
Moscone/Harvey Milk murder in SF City Hall. BTW, we out here have been
without smoking in public places including bars and restaurants for some
years now and it is well accepted by the majority. At first there was a
backlash but it died down rather quickly. When I still worked at the
hospital I sometimes would go outside for some air, and be amazed to find
smokers standing in the rain puffing away. Several of them were
Respiratory Therapy Techs. My Daughter just returned from NYC and loved it
but she said smoking is more prevalent there than in Dallas. In later
years when I was working for Ford I noticed about 4 years ago that they
were eliminating ashtrays and lighters from some of their new models.
Times change. They now offer a "smokers option" if you want it
equipped that way.

Name: Jag
Date: 23 Jul 2003
Lunatic fringe strikes again, this is a crazy mixed up muddled up world
for sure, by the way I spelled it that way cause it seemed right (I guess
it was) :-)

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: thiscrazy@world.notverycalm
Date: 23 Jul 2003
News Flash!!! A gun man just opened fire on people in City Hall...2
people shot, the mayor, Bloomberg is unharmed...the gunman still at large.
The city shutting down again...bridges and tunnels closed...subways
rerouted...ugh!...probably someone pissed off about not being able to
smoke in his neighborhood tavern...

Name: Jag
Date: 23 Jul 2003
Alright Nichole, second times the charm!!

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 Jul 2003
Jag, you're an awesome human being...the music was in the mail today,
thank You.

Name: Reversed Freudian?
Date: 23 Jul 2003
"memer(ship)" = "member(ship)" = oh well - )(-
there ya go!

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 Jul 2003
Nic - Excellence in motion my dear - eh what Ohio Girl? Nic is right on
the pulse - the heart beat that somehow surrounds us all,
Ohio Girl - and all who dislike your spamic drudgery - is
very -very good. I have used their filters for 2 years and only on rare
occasion do I get a spammed message in my actual mailbox - like one or two
a month. All of the defered spam goes to a file at postini (virus
possibles are listed sep.). I get around 200 non-virus letters a day from
relatives of the Abacha family trust in Nigeria, salespam-verts offering
immediate ways to engorge my memer(ship), tips on how make oodles and
oodles of money at home and of course all the porn anyone could ever not
want! - with postini this is all very easy to dump - or read if I want to
- and easy to sep. out any you want to deliver to your mail box at home.
Highly reccomended!!!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 23 Jul 2003
Thank-you Jag for relaying my information! Nicole your last message
sure had me laughing. You should have my address and e-mail address and
phone number now, I didn't want to put my e-mail address up here, I
already have a lifetime supply of Spam and am seemingly best friends to
everyone in Nigeria.

Name: Jag
Date: 23 Jul 2003
Nichole check your e-mail I, forwarded some info for Ohio Girl, I think
it is fantastic what you might be able to accomplish for her.
Your Rena, Steve meeting sounds alot like a typical day in Oregon, wet
with a chance of wetter, although today is heading for the 80's not
typical here.

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 Jul 2003
Comments yesterday afternoon, 5 ish, I'm sitting in my little cubicle and
in walks Rena, gorgeous earth mother goddess...and I realized very soon
that I am way out of step with the "natural" world...the weather
was extreme yesterday in the northeast in terms of rain and wind...but was
I concerned when I left for work? of course there we were walking
down the street in ...she in her sturdy sandals with her pants cleverly
rolled up and pinned to her sides, a rain poncho with a hood...and an
umbrella, a change of dry clothes in a bag, etc etc etc and meanwhile
there I am with my fru fru shoes falling apart because they're getting
soaked, my veddy sophisticated pants turning into wicks and drawing tons
of water upwards to my knees, my umbrella carefully directing water into
my purse...etc etc etc...We arrived at Steves and after a short visit
there I had to leave...and I'm so sorry I did as it turned out...the sushi
was good but the company was not...and it sounds like they had a lovely
evening loss. Nik

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: Thank-you Nicole
Date: 23 Jul 2003
I'd like to meet all of you in person. But then it would be the sixties
again, when we didn't have to go looking for a home, when we were all
drawn together and it was a real home for awhile. (Maybe not
"we" specifically, but we the group who have never settled in
quite right since then, not most of us).
Nicole that's a beautiful offer, it can't hurt and just think, what if
it helped. Thank-you.

Name: Steve again...
EmailAddress: a real vibe.....
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Well; It was the final straw: Yep..Im' a sun-rise boy and she's a
sunset girl; I demanded her to get out!...she curled up on the couch and
smiled. I suggested that we settle it by sitting back-to-back. No dice.
She lulled me with tales of Einstine, whale songs and water babies.
Looking rather dapper: in a Village sort of way,.. I hailed a cab on 6th
Avenue pointing to Rena all-the-while to keep them from zooooming by. (but
thats another story). Theres alot to be said about spending an evening
talking to a lady. I never knew what I was missing. You folks gotta try
it. On that note, I look forward to sitting down with each and every one
of you in this life time... whether up in Calais, here in NYC, or out on
the coast. Its a date. You too Sponge.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Oh Rena... the rain...the walk...the summer colored skin...Im' proud to
say that Im' past fifty. What a lovely evening,..exchanging our most
valuable possession ...our time. Aloha. Until we meet again. Aloha.

Name: Nik Rena and Steve
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Hi everyone, here we are at the WFSUMC mission accomplished! It's
raining cows and chickens out side...I forgot the we'll just
have to tell you all about it later. With warmregards, Nik

Name: Again and again...
EmailAddress: using up ink...
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Ah..make that "STEED". Well, its about 5:45. I gotta go meet
three wet ladies out front soon. Or.. maybe just a little damp... Its been
pouring off and on...or..on and off; (I can never tell)...can you? Will
give a full report on their conduct later. Trust me.

Name: Steve Again...
EmailAddress: CAMERA???????
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Wow!!..I can show off my tattoos, my half-assed wall mural...and lets
not leave out my stead; Ol'Legally Clyde. Hey Nik; since our trails
crossed last; I got as inked up as a Barbary Pirate. (he who put down the
funny-pages)..truth is; I went full-color in order not to project a gang
or jail-house image. Still have alot of spaces to fill. Ive' been divorced
for about ten years now and am just starting to feel single. Odd...very

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: all wet at this end
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Raining off and on here...sure.. I will hang in there Eileen...hey Nik;
fine cause. Im' awarding you today with a very small gold anchor and
heart. (symbolizes Hope and Charity).. you may want to add a cross to it
for Faith;.. but then again; you have enough of that to go around as it
is. OK;.. where were we?..oh ya..Gouge has the South West proper. Hey, I
helped Martha My Dear plant flowers and string up a series of white wire
fences out front. We did it in the rain. I got about 45 years younger real
fast. Bare-footed. Good feeling.(as in feeling good) Back to the
cause:..Best wishes to all of the Hep and Hip folks out there as well. I
dont mean to make light of it,..but most are likely Hep-Hip, dig? (or
would that be Hip-Hep?)...anyway, try to get George Carlin in on it. Hey;
Im' trying to curb my foul language. It's easy to swear...but when your'
mute,.. it takes an effort to spell out all of those dirty;..thats
a help I guess. This is yer' Ol' Uncle Steve sayin': Keep It Clean Kids.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 22 Jul 2003
New click image series! (by Hammond)
"Suit Suite"

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Ohio Girl, Just got off the phone with a friend of mine who is
organizing a big fund raiser for hepc research. They are hosting a black
tie event and selling tables for between 10,000 and 50,000$ and have sold
over 350 tables so far. My friend Julia is married to Willie Nelsons bass
player and so of course they will be playing and another patient of Dr.
Bacon is Naomi Judd,(she will be performing also)any way they called me to
get in touch with Peter to see if he'd be interested in participating
(Willies suggestion) I say all that to say this, Julia said that Dr. Bacon
is the number one specialist and hep c researcher and that he is wonderful
about helping people out who are having a difficult time of it (in terms
of healing or financially) She said he is willing to travel also and that
as a favor for my helping her on this event, she'd have him call me...but
I'm Okay so I'd like to have him call up for that? let me
know...Maybe he can help you...let me know

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Eileen, I found these works by James Koller most are recent but
beautiful non-the -less

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Oh yeah..cell phones. you got that so right. I was having a bit of road
rage last yr tail gating and all and someone called the cops on me. Put a
whole new twist on things out there that's for sure. I'm really wanting
you to keep us with you Steve.

Name: Steve Again...
EmailAddress: they said that it couldnt happen here
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Hey Eileen, in my day (as a rubber bum)..while thumbing mother road;
snitch poles (CB antenas) were the dead give-away. But on that note; they
were only used to detect the heat. What with 99% of the population in
today's snitch-society; the American public (spell that p-u-b-i-c) ARE the
heat. Walking, jogging and driving around with a cell phone glued to their
ears, its odd, un-natural and un-nerving. It puts a whole new cyber-slant
on the hick-term "Yer not from around here..are ya??!!" and/or
"You might know where yer' goin'..but I dont think ya' know where ya
are!!!" Watch yer back out there kid. I know that I will. Calais is
calling. I hope that in our own ways; we can all find our own private

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: just woke up
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Hey Hammond; it was me playing Moses. Really, the Money and Prestige
thing is motivating and thats about all. It takes more than drive. But
think about it;..if it was a ghanga sosiety and we all swapped dope for
goods; the elders would be saying: dont chase after the "Almighty
Dope" (instead of "Dollar"). Its basic symbolism; or; to an
extreme "Idolism". The money is (like all Idols) hollow. I hope
that the youngens on site didnt take it wrong. Its the core that counts.
Got to get to the root. (OK girls:... The Garden). More than enough TV
evangalists already. What was I thinkin'???...Hey: Ive' got some terrific
news of a personal nature; but am keeping it personal..(that's a first).
Although Calais will be home port, I was just informed via snail-mail that
I will always have a snug harbor in the land-locked mid-west. The love
involved is also unconditional. Thats a first.

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Eric and Mark~Glad you could glean something of use from this journey
of mine. I do feel when I move like that I'm on a mission into the heart
of more than my own for whomever cares to look at it beyond their own
notions of what I'm about. This is a rather sore issue for me (could you
guess? ha). There is a poem James Koller/Kohler? wrote that Michael Terria
put to music (anyone remember?) that I have always totally identified
with. In it he talks about the difference of those bound to the land and
those that roam it (it's a very intense poem and I would really love it if
a copy could be posted here..Eric?). I also think about the NAvaho that
consider roaming and a lot of space between neighbors necessary..and so
on. I have always done battle with my friends and family over this need to
move. There are those that would consider this normal and could easily
relate to my intention and what drives me. But this trip was extremely
disturbing..and as I said frightening. This I percieve as having to do
with something going on in this country and is not just about me. Thr fact
this cut me so deeply to the quick. If there was ever a time to start
digging in, I have to say this is it. As I tend to run the front on this
one I would suggest we are in deep shit that is going to get deeper. Calif
tends to be pretty protected with it's own view of this
case that is both a bad and good thing. It is all too easy to not realize
how shakey it's getting out there. The lines always get drawn when folks
get uneasy. I'm really curios what folks like the Bergs are seeing out
there. A friend pointed out I was not traveling with the protection of
"tribe" and sticking out like a sore thumb in my bus..a whole
other world when one can pass for "normal". That would not be
typing without glasses today. Hope I made it through clearly.

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Thanks Nichole I'm blushin', look for the package by Thursday according
to my post office, (we'll see)

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Steve - Mark - Yup - I misunderstood the post thinking Mark was
traveling with Eric to the east - sorry folks - life is confusing enough
without additions from me! Still scorching here in Portland 92 today I
think with a cooling trend on the way (so they say).
Hey Moses - you came to the wrong club house - We are all FreeWheelin
Frank freindly here - but, we will take the cash off your hands - we know
where to distribute it (1-00% free) .... or we might just pick up instead.
Mark - sorry you missed the Arthur Lee show -
Nic - "high love" - just had to say something 'titilatin' to

Name: Nik
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Steve, Gouge is in Tucson AZ...that's southwest...
Looking forward to this evening...I'll have my digital camera so maybe
Eric can post some photos...

Name: Nik
Date: 22 Jul 2003
Steve, Gouge is in Tucson AZ...that's southwest...
Looking forward to this evening...

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: your hippie friend
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Aloha Nik and Steve. I will be seeing you Tuesday Rain or Rain. going
into NYC in th a.m. with my daughter (17), niece (16) and mother (85) to
see the Einstein exhibit and the history of chocolate exhibit at the
Museum of Natural Hx. Then they will all return to Westchester and I will
be heading over to Nik's at 5. I have a place to stay in the city for the
night so the evening is open. Wednesday I play doting grannie with my
daughter in law and new grandson BeenJammin.
Let's expand, expound, and exude.
Steve, cool about the ASL classes. Osheana and I used to take ASL
classes and really enjoyed them. The instructor would always sign off
color jokes at the end. It often took his repeating the joke many times
till i got it. I've forgotten a lot due to lack of use but i know it will
come back in a flash. My dad's going deaf and I've been trying to convince
my mom and dad to learn ASL but they are in denial and refuse.
Looking forward to the visit. with love and laughter, R N A

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: yep
Date: 21 Jul 2003
closing for tonight;..gotta have the Chinaman wash my stuff in the AM.
Also a shower is in order. Hey Nik; I can bring my rolling towel rack
(Legally Clyde) down to the sanctuary and reset the seat height so that
you gals can take a few spins around the pews. Or I can roll the pews to
one side for figure eights and such. (not exactly a first for this DeCycles had about 8o bikes in there last season)..but maybe a
first for you all. See ya tomarrow.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: who me???
Date: 21 Jul 2003
hey,..dont take piss-call supervision lightly...( I know that Travis
wont)... Really...It's an awsome responsibility. Iv'e got a good story
involving the Whitehall Street, Wine, and several aborted piss-calls;
which led to an entire bus load of 60's era draftees getting dumped in the
middle of nowhere. It takes organizational skills. Hell, just last March
27th I was pissing in dixie cups in full view of half of the NYPD force
down at the old bull pen. (which they opened up on our account). No
additional charges came down. The key???.."Authorization". If a
chief detective says: "we lost our head count,..I cant authorize you
to be escorted to the head, with it..piss in some of those dixie
cups! Bingo! Home free. The desk personel were amazed. There I was, bare
rars on three sides, standin' tall, filling cup after cup while a whole
line of freaks were desperatly trying to relay information via a tapped
pay-phone to our attornees who were denied access to us. Crazy system.
Busted for opposing war, but Scott-free to hang my dick out in front of
200 caged Americans. Go figure. Now where was I,...Oh; was a result of
being unorganized. Losing head count??..come on. Hey; the South West is up
for grabs. Anyone? Just speak up.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jul 2003
No, I am not headed to the East. I think Hammond misunderstood one of
my posts. I can be confusing at times. Dopi tribal rituals? That is funny.
Did you see my post earlier today about the new film about the Weather
Underground. It is a link to today's SF Chronicle article and review. Berg
saw it some months back at a previewing and said it was good. Hey, you
better quit fucking with Travis our we will have that whole mess wound up

Name: Holy Moses
EmailAddress: Gathering of the Bribes..(cash: not stash)..
Date: 21 Jul 2003
OK; remember the all-new-and-Improved one percent brighter 21st Century
Digger Motto: "READY CASH IN HAND". Got It?! It's a new world
kids: This is yer' Ol' Uncle Steve tellin' ya' that Cash will get you
through times of no dope, better than dope will get you through times of
no cash. Now here's the scoop: Being a true nostalgist at heart; its now
DOPI... Get it? The Dopi Tribe. We can pattern one hell of a goofy
Swastika based on the Federal Highway System. Eileen; you cover the North
West. (but dont let it cover you)...are we cool with that? South East??...
theres that cat in the Hipsville USA or somewhere'. Report
back, OK? South West??..Hmm..ah..Travis; here's a chance to get back in
grace. (or near Grace anyway). (Sorry about that Grace). No, forget that
one;... do the Nomad Gig. (get ya' outa' the house)...Im' authorizing you
to go strictly Grey Hound in yer' old age. Heres the plan: I want you to
spear-head as chief ram-rod in charge of piss-call for my newly formed
"Up against the slow lane Mother-Bussers." On a more personal
note: whats up in your neck of the woods? Hey, If it's a sore spot; when I
mentioned Weathermen a while back, thats where it ends, OK?. Pardon my
name-dropping. (a very low-key outfit). With Good reason.

Name: Last of the Olemians
EmailAddress: Shores of the Hudson
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Oh;.. I forgot the Nor-East. (thats where I come in). Nik: New York
City dont count; (In a very oblique way, it's the center.) You gotta hold
down the fort. Im' counting on that.

Name: Steve Again...
EmailAddress: Ahhh...
Date: 21 Jul 2003
East??..hey Mark;.. I musta' missed that one. Where are you headed? Oh
by the way all; the Calais move is still a go; just bumped back abit. I
plan (who me?) get grounded; maintain a minimum of 4 to 5 folks
sleeping in the living room; an on-going-never-ending pot of stew on the
back burner, a baby or two doing the crawl and Sign Classes so that I can
get involved helping less fortunate and/or under-privileged mutes. My edge
is that I can still hear and I talked for about half a century, so I can
also gab to lip-readers. I just made a break-through to my three natural
children and am on the verge of getting a program going where-by I will
routinely visit and vice-versa. If I can establish a solid base, I may do
the winter hybernation thing after all. The Tropical gig is Easy-Living.
(I dont do Easy)...By the way..speaking of the Hopi, most but not all)
that I knew, always got folks wierded out in the late sixties because many
of them had the Swastica (left handed version, setting still, not on end)
tattooed on the center of thier chests. (also clan tattoo),..but the
anti-Nazi shit that idiots threw their way, was way off base. Thier
original Swastica (hope I have the right tribe) was laid out as their path
of survival,..that is to say that: in the begining, they split into four
bands each heading a different direction to pioneer and settle. Nor-West,
So-East, So-West, Dig?

Name: Steve
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Nik; I will spend the better part of the day cleaning up in the
Sanctuary, office and kitchen in an effort to be "Around" when
you all swing by. Just take a peek-a-boo through the place. Hey Eric;
crash here. I think that Rev. Hooper may be a fan of sorts; as he has said
from time to time..(when I react wildly to an issue).."Well;.. I
guess it's not the Digger Way". Thats great to hear from a Methodist
Minister. He must be on to the fact that it's a deeply spiritual, personal
orbit that we were all pulled into via the Frisco hot-bed sphere of
influence. Now, I dont know how far he may have delved into this web site
(if at all). Like I said; Ive' been here for three years and very few are
aware that the Digger Thing has been actively generating whithin these
sacred walls, as I dont preach it for the most part; but live it. Thats
why I have a kinship with the Jews and other tribes: (they live it
also)...different "ITS"; to be sure; but "ITS" all the
same. When I think about though..(who me??)..It does seem logical that as
a Pastor, he may have brushed lightly upon the roots of the original
Digger movement as part of his theological studies. (I dont know). In any
event, you should meet him. He does Texas proud. We wish each other well.
(and thats a good thing).

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Eric - Mark - Have a great trip east!

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Well said JAG - so many out there are feeding off the lowest common
denominator - conversation is lost - progress is dull and this is said to
be the most liberal state in so many ways! Ah - Laguna in its day - so
relaxing and laid back.....and intelligent to the max....

Name: Jag
Date: 21 Jul 2003
I can relate to finding a community with even a semblance of Tolerance,
diversity, and creative values, seems the ones that aspire to the concept
are little more than art house facades that are more tourist oriented than
true believers, scratch the surface and you find it is only a thin veneer
with a profit margin at its core. Laguna Beach once teemed with the type
of souls that all found common ground in opposition to mainstream
sentiment, Big and Little Sur as well, I still have hope for Eugene due to
its political activism and anarchist movement but I'm not about anarchy
per se, you've got to have something ready to replace the society you tear
down and they spend little time on that issue. I have'nt done any real
traveling since 1988 so I am a little out of the loop on what is and isn't
there. Eileen it sounds as tho you must have seen the paucity of what is
still around. I feel as if I have to hide in plain sight when surrounded
by the mainstream mundanity that I live amongst.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jul 2003
I am with Eric on that deal, it is a great story of seeking a home in a
community that fits "our" needs. The places that aspire to these
goals are getting far and few between. Tolerance, diversity, and creative
communities are getting pushed further into the fringe by the
political/religious/economic winds of late. Your story illustrates much of
the frustration many feel.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Eric, I go to Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, but there are
plenty...Wildwood NJ is a cool place need a hotel there
me when yr in and I'll check our some places...We might have a great couch
if you're traveling alone...only room for one.

Name: Eric
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Eileen -- I was the one who mentioned your recent Big Circle Trip to
Sienna out of respect for the sheer Karmic nature of the story. It's tales
like that which became the Migration Stories of the Hopi People. Please
don't take offense.
I will be back East starting tomorrow for a few days visit to family
(Mom's 80th birthday). This will be first time to visit during the summer
in several decades. Any suggestions of beaches in the New York/New Jersey
area? I need a place to collapse and let the rays and breezes do their

Name: paul floyd
EmailAddress: floyd_paul@lilly,com
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Hey man I have seen these fuckers in real life - Hackpen hill is my
best sighting
The location of Hackpen Hill, has been a focus for the phenomenon since
the early nineties. In 1991 we had a wonderful triple Dumbbell appear
below the slopes of the White Horse, and was keenly celebrated by the Crop
Circle Community. Its has taken eight years, but the same field has now
been visited again by the Circlemakers, but this time by something that
surpasses anything that has been seen before below these slopes.
Its appearance close the White Horse, it’s quite simply majestic! The
shock of driving down the road early on Sunday morning was enough to
swerve on to the curb, as colourful vocabulary of joy came pouring from
myself. This was quite extraordinary, and to make it even more intense was
the fact that we had been sitting onto of the hill on a night watch on the
very night it appeared!
Only hours before, we had decided to drive out to Hackpen, as it’s
not a generally popular place to night watch. We parked the car in the Car
Park above the White Horse at around midnight, and proceeded to walk along
the Ridgeway some 200 yards from the Car. After some minutes of discussing
a dark patch in a field directly below us, we noticed some lights that had
suddenly appeared to our right, some two fields away from our present
Four lights came on at once, and then went off, as soon as they had
appeared. Then a huge searchlight started to scan the fields, in what
seemed to be cottage grounds as we located it on the map the next morning.
The light was searching the field for over twenty minutes, and was not
moving from its location. We were all very curious, but unusually not one
of us decided to investigate further, we were all quite contented to watch
it from a distance. The light disappeared not long before we decided to
call it a night, but what would have we discovered if we had investigated
further? Now! Many of you will be thinking about the work of people but
let me put this question to you all. Why would they be attracting
attention to themselves with a powerful searchlight? Could this have been
farm security, the Police, or perhaps someone who knew a little more then
the rest of us? Many questions, but judging by how dark this night in
question was, and the enormous size and complexity of this formation,
could anyone have created it? Perhaps the report and images will speak for
themselves, we leave it up to you, but at the end of the day, this is an
exceptional design, with beauty and outstanding geometry and presence!
The design itself is regarded as a vortex, than as a Galaxy, seen on
many formations in 1994. However, the pattern is made of interlocking
crescents, which seem to criss-cross each other, swirling round into three
main arms. The overall diameter is around 390 ft, making it the largest
ever design to appear below Hackpen Hill. Its geometry is something, which
I have never experienced, purely because of the shear scale of the
formation, and the organisation involved creating such a design. It
reminded me in many ways of standing in the Windmill Hill formation in
1996, not only because of its diameter, but also its floor construction,
which was equally outstanding. We were luckily enough to be the first
people to enter, and could literally bounce on the freshly flattened crop.
On first appearance I could not see any evidence of mud on the stems,
but there as a wonderful combing effect throughout the crescents, very
similar to what Ilyes has been researching with regard to her Bols theory.
The crop seems to be laid in three sections of flattened crop with
slightly raised portion between in section. But the overall construction
had the feeling that it was very lightly flattened, no heavy pressure was
involved with the flattening process. Although the plants are very young,
they still crackled when force was applied with each step, which indicated
that the seed heads and stems were not effected by the actual event. The
central part of the formation had a wonderful centre, creating a feeling
that the whole process went down together, not in stages. That is an
important point to raise, especially with regard to the overall diameter
of the formation.
This formation I’m sure will be regarded as one of the highlights of
the season so far!

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Yeah, I had just come into the office when Peter was on the phone with
you. I was mistaken about his pedestrian mode of transportation. He needs
a car now.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Nice pic Jag...
Steve, Rena just called me she got in this morning on the red eye...we
are going to try to meet up tomorrow after I get off work, she'll come
here to my office and then we coming to find you...I'm excited about it.
Hi Eileen, yeah, Vicky and Jane and David were here (different times)
and Lynnie didn't tell me...I was very disappointed. I did see Nina
Mark, spoke to Peter Berg on Friday...very nice

Name: ste shaw
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Hey ingman get your stick and line out ITS CIRCLE TIME
E.T. Face With Coded Disk Crop Circle Formation
On August 14, 2002, the image of an alien E.T. face with a coded disk
appeared in a field of wheat in England. Investigators found the very dry
plants undamaged, indicating that the formation was "real," that
is, not made by humans.
An LED sighting device was found near the formation, which has caused
some researchers to support the hoax theory. However, the device may have
been placed near the formation after the fact by hoaxers or others. Some
years ago, a witness reported that a helicopter flew over a crop formation
and dropped something from the air. Later, researchers found a stick with
a string attached to it by the formation, and concluded that the formation
was a hoax. People are easily fooled by such tricks.
Dee had a dream about the aliens arriving just prior to learning of the
formation. It was somewhat like the film, "Close Encounters of the
Third Kind."
Martin Keitel also had a dream just prior to learning of the formation,
that seemed related to the event (see link below).
The mass media often presents the so-called "skeptical" spin
on the topics of UFOs/ETs. Sometimes a scientist will explain that visits
from ETs are unlikely, because of the vast distances between stars. The
speed of light cannot be exceeded, therefore it is silly to think that ETs
travel many years just to visit the planet Earth. Case closed.
One "problem" with this media spin is that many serious
investigators, such as Jacques Vallee, do not believe that ETs are
physical beings from other solar systems. Investigations led to the theory
that the phenomenon is probably activity from another dimension. Strange
phenomena of many sorts has been with mankind throughout history. The
belief systems, including the religions, of various cultures has often
been effected by such phenomena; angelic visitations, for example.
It is our view that dreams have been, and continue to be, associated
with such phenomena. Joseph Campbell said that we create civilizations out
of our myths, and that myths develop from dreams. The ETs, the Watchers,
may be attempting to influence a change of beliefs on a global scale. We,
humanity, may accept or reject the change. It may not be wise to simply
debunk and ignore the input.
So, the selectively "skeptical" argument is lacking - the
case is not, by any means, closed. The jury is still out.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jul 2003
I gave your email as to Vicky, maybe Eric can get her the
correct address. I am sending Gristle a copy of Les Diggers de SF.
Yep, being a California native the weather this year is significantly
changed. I can remember some long hot summers but not with such a steady
spell of heat. Great for the beach and garden but ominous in the global
sense. I didn't really think the DA recall in Humboldt would make it to
the ballot but it is scary. Missing Redwoods are a fact of life here in
the Santa Cruz Mountains, now mostly small clusters on private land being
pillaged by a San Jose lumber thug.
I didn't get to see Arthur Lee and I think he is off to Europe now. I
had to make do with Southern Culture on The Skids and Reverend Horton Heat
last week at the Catalyst in Santa Cruz.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Legally free! Right on!!

Name: Legally Free
EmailAddress: 4th Street Irregulars
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Well; after clogging up the juditial system; like so many human blobs
of colesteral, the block of defendants that I was a part of, stayed united
and as such, we all walked this mourning with no court costs, no fines, no
slave labor and all charges dropped in 60 days of fairly good to half-way
decent behavior. Some were let off with "Time Served"and charges
dropped. (more time in court than in jail: go figure). It may be announced
on the M27 Coalition web site or at the next press conference, I dont
know. Enough polotics. Comming back from court,I picked up three small
bronze oriental coins in China Town. I had given my small ones away and
also my extra set of large ones. The Large ones that I still cast the
Oracles with are real clunky and tend to wake the dead at 4 AM. Hey, I was
off when I had said that the moon was in Taurus a couple of days ago.
Thats what threw me off. But I trusted my gut feelings to spite it; and it
ended up paying off. Remember; a wise soul is guided by the stars; a fool
is ruled by them. Later. Smile Sam. Great Web Site Eric. (Nice Living
Room). Nik; watch those rays.

Name: jenn
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Mark, just wanted to let you know, the D.A. recall in Humboldt Co.
didn't get enough signatures for the november ballot. The funny thing is,
the good ole boy recallers think this guy is too lenient on crime, and too
tough on logging industry, i.e. jobs, but he is actually tougher on crime,
has more stringent medical herb guidelines, but he is not into big
business and wants to stop the raping of the trees by Herowitz. an aside;
it is a very serious factor that the trees here are disappearing at an
alarming rate. Redwoods, just mowed down. The law is 10 feet from the
public access. I saw an arial shot of Eureka from the 1930's and it was
solid HUGE trees for 30 miles inland. Now you would be hard pressed to
find 10 Old growth trees in town. It's also alarming that it's so warm
here. 5th year in a row that it's hit 90 degrees 5 miles as a raven flies
from the shore. Warmer ocean water, different sea life, less to mere fog.
I fortunately have profuse veggies as a result and a magnificient flower
garden. bitter sweet life is. best, jenn

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Yes - 9am and sweltering to be flat out about it - yuk.......
And a new image for your third(page)eye
"2win Suiter"
Eric - Thanks for removing the epic alien post
Mark - Did you see Arthur Lee yet?

Name: Jag
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Nichole, got it and will re-send I sent you a reply and yeah it is HOT
in Oregon!

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Oh I wish I had my computer set up and could take time to read through
all this. Anyway with a quick scan..I believe you all know my email
handle..just change it to hotmail if you have't gronked that yet. Would
LOVE to connect with more Family. Yeah, MArk, my travels all always up for
conversation. I'm not always crazy about that. Makes me feel the Family
freak you know? UFO lights? There are 2 lines of thought on that one when
it comes to earthquakes and volcanic erruptions. First off there is an
electromagnetic thing that goes on around this stuff and it is not unusual
to see balls of light flying around. There is also the thought they
(UFO's) are somehow cooling out the situation so that things don't get so
destructive. Personally I think both is likely the case. There si a great
UFO site from this guy I think in uuh WA or OR that has been directy
communing with UFO's and aliens for yrs now and has some wonderful
stories..yes I totally believe him. Gristle made an appearance??!! Cool.
Yes ofcourse I remember him.\ Steve glad to know you're out there and

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Eric and I both encouraged Vicky to post here on the Guestbook and she
seemed willing. I didn't get her email address but maybe Eric can help us
there. The weather here has been incredibly warm and clear for weeks.
Highly unusual not to have foggy days and some overcast. I love it.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Hi all, another nice weekend here in NYC...I of course went to the
Jag...done, check yr e-mail
Michael, yes I did and thank you so much...I'm still trying to locate
my copy of The Road Crew to send you...
Lupine, thanks and I'm glad to be able to reconnect with yr do
you know Rena?
Rena, you in town yet?
Mark, Vicky was just in NYC a couple of months ago, but our mutual
friend who lives here has a problem with me and never let me know she was
in town...please give her my e-mail as well and maybe she'll write
me...she was the first of the women in the family I connected with when
Peter introduced me to everyone...I'd love to talk to her.
Hammond, Jag and all you Oregonians I saw the weather report for
Portland...said 95 degrees...yikes!
also you know the Paul Floyd guy is the one again about genetic tobac...yuk
seems a bunch of bored riff raff found their way here...

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Here is a link to a new film on the Weathermen. I haven't seen it
myself but have spoken with some that have and it was highly praised by

Name: Michael
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Speaking of Cds, since the one Jag sent you is among the missing, did
you get the Richard Marley disc?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 21 Jul 2003
Steve, that's the best explanation of UFOs I've ever heard in my life.
And I second the "Amen." And at least you aren't deprived of
your senses, a few examples of which we've just seen here recently.

Name: Jag
Date: 20 Jul 2003
Right on Steve.This place don't need no stinking racists!!
Nichole before I re-send the CD could you e-mail me at the above so I
can double check the address I have from the package you sent, I just want
to make sure I send it to the right bldg. in New York, I imagine that
might be what happened to the first one, or you could e-mail Hammond the
address and he could forward it to me, whatever works.

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Jul 2003
Later for the racist blatherings. Let them stew in their own
apocalypse. No Guru, No method, No Teacher...(Van The Man).
I saw Vicky last night if SF and gave her your email. She wants to
reconnect with you. Saw Eric as well. Your recent nomadic itinerary was
the subject of conversation. Hope you are well. I also met Random Factor,
or Gristle as his digger name. Anyone remember him?

Name: Mutley Farquarson
EmailAddress: Wine, Women and Whiskey
Date: 20 Jul 2003
Thats the spirit McMac. Hey, Tonight I more or less laid down my
standing. I am not an A27 or an A7 cat. I am "THE" Mute for
Peace who supports the coalition. (I aint no membership-man)... well,
anyway; after some consultation; I wont fire up the Judge with a
Blind-Boy-Boyd routine, and as such; may most likely get the charge
dropped with out an ATD. No fine, no court-costs, no slave-labor
communitee service and no "good-boy for 6 months" paper-work. As
with the M27 Frisco branch; most everything is going to hopefully be
thrown out, dismissed or dropped. In as much as I will be in town through
Aug. I volunteered to host one hell of a crank up rally here at the Peace
Church on Aug. 3rd. We plan on charging up the vibe that the coalition
originally sparked earlier this year. Its going to be the wildest group of
activist this side of God's-Green-Hell. (not another Mute in the whole
bunch...go figure)...speaking of mutes;..I may be hung up on this thing.
What with living on chocolate milk and having no one to confide in, its
almost like a form of sensory deprevation. Dig? Hell; it could be a real
loss..(I could have been fluent in six languages)...Me again..It aint
about me...(is it?). Hey Eileen; get three men and a small boy to paint
yer' room creamy vanilla gloss white. So white that it lights up the
evenings. Get plenty of white cotton ruffles going also. Later all. Mutes
For Peace. Support the M27 Coalition. Coast to Coast. Protest.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: partially destroyed
Date: 20 Jul 2003
Amen Silent Steve .. what have these recent weird-ass aliens been
ingesting ? We're all about freedom of action & mind here, & no
senseless limitations .. but I hate this hateful shit. We are Rainbow
people, in a larger sense than the tribal gatherings, a big tent, all
upful righteous people of any stripe are welcome .. yours for a larger
& kinder life, close by Walden, sitting next to Jack .. in Ali Baba's
cave .. Montaigne & Voltaire are sharing a bottle of Armagnac ..

Name: Steven Robert Boyd
EmailAddress: 7 East 8th Street, NY, NY 10003
Date: 20 Jul 2003
Jesus Christ. Was that you Curious???!!! Shit....Hey; Ide' give ya' my
number; but it aint tattooed on my fuckin' arm yet. I didn't have an few
extra days; so I didnt read the last two posts...but if yer' down on the
Jews; stay the fuck off of my block. Jews are folks. If yer' down on Jews;
yer' down on folks. Im' pro-folk. Where they burn books they will soon
burn people. Back in 80 I was taken in, fed, bedded and damn near wedded
into thier outfit. And UFO's. If theres Identified Flying Aircraft; it
just stands to reason that theres some that arent. Whooohh.. M27 meeting
in the back parlor in 10 minutes. (the core group thats left standing has
more than a few Jewish gals).. go figure...Lets here it for gals and Jews.
Come on. Enough with the tags and labels. Focus on Peace.

Name: Ingy lost and fucked up with lies
Date: 20 Jul 2003
A Black Country UFO research group has had a big increase in reports of
unexplained lights in the sky since the start of the hot spell.
Stourbridge-based Uform says it is getting reports every day of
sightings of unexplainable lights and objects in the sky.
Group member Yvonne South said there appeared to be increasing activity
in the "Himley Triangle" around the epicentre of the Dudley
earthquake in September last year. And two unusual events were reported in
Dudley on Monday and Brierley Hill on Tuesday night.
"An unexplainable silver spinning ball was seen briefly between
Dudley Castle and the Black Country Museum on Monday around 1pm. It
remained in the sky for seconds before disappearing.
"On Tuesday night an object was seen in the Brierley Hill area at
approximately 11.45pm which travelled in the direction of Pensnett turned
very sharply then disappeared instantly.
"These sightings are from credible witnesses who know the
difference between, aircraft, balloons, satellites and the rising stars.
There are probably even more sightings that we are totally unaware
of," she said.
"It is well documented that UFO's are seen before an earthquake
occurs and also when volcanos erupt. Uform is watching the skies with an
open mind," she added.
The group also has video footage of an unexplainable object which was
seen in the Gornal/Himley area at about 1pm on June 29 and also last month
had reports of sightings from Stourport, Kidderminster and Worcester.
"One of our own Uform members witnessed an unexplainable orange
ball of light on July 8 near Hartlebury Common."
She appealed for anyone with information about the Black Country
sightings or other unexplainable objects in the sky to contact Uform on
07941 833842.

Name: ste shaw
Date: 20 Jul 2003
Preparing for Contact: Lessons from the Past
Among scientists involved in the Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence (SETI), it's quite common to be focused on the future, ever
mindful that it could take years, or even decades, to find a signal from
otherworldly intelligence. But if historian Steve Dick has his way,
astronomers will also turn their attention toward the past as they search
for life beyond Earth.
"I am a firm believer that history should inform our present
actions, that we should learn from our past to help us make good decisions
for the future," says Dick, author of Life on Other Worlds: The 20th
Century Extraterrestrial Life Debate. "You've heard the saying that
those ignorant of history are condemned to repeat it; =E2=C7=A6 without
prior preparation based in part on history, we could make big mistakes
with big consequences."
Getting Physical
Some have suggested that we can anticipate people's reactions to
detecting extraterrestrials by recalling the response to the 1938 radio
adaptation of H. G. Wells' novel War of the Worlds. Among the listeners
who tuned in after the beginning of this radio drama about an invasion of
Earth by Martians, some panicked when they believed the play to be a news
program about a real event.
Dick cautions against using examples like this to predict reactions to
a real SETI detection. Most egregiously, Dick argues, such comparisons use
hypothetical face-to-face encounters to predict responses to a SETI
detection involving signals sent across interstellar distances. "The
Orson Welles War of the Worlds broadcast is the ultimate example of what
radio listeners thought was physical culture contact," which Dick
argues "is very different from the impact if the extraterrestrials
are light years away."
As an alternative, Dick proposes a fundamental principle that should
guide "the broader idea that history can and should inform SETI
impact studies." According to Dick, we should focus on
"analogues based on the transmission of ideas between cultures,
rather than on physical culture contact."
"The analogue most often cited is contact between cultures on
Earth, which usually led to disaster: Cortez and the Aztecs, Pizarro and
the Incas, the Europeans and the American Indians, and many others."
For predicting responses to a SETI detection, however, Dick maintains,
"these are not good analogues because they involve physical culture
Instead, he proposes analogues based on the dispersion of ideas between
cultures. "If a SETI signal is deciphered," Dick suggests,
"a tantalizing terrestrial analogue is the transmission of Greek
science via the Arabs to the Latin West in the 12th and 13th
centuries." In this analogy, "the Greeks are the
extraterrestrials," the Islamic scholars serve as the bearers of the
message from one culture to another, and "the medieval translators
and commentators in Spain and elsewhere are those who bring the new
knowledge to the masses."
According to Protocol
Following standard research practices, the first steps that astronomers
will take after detecting a signal reflect the normal process of science.
After confirming the validity of their discovery, they will share their
findings with the world. Even if the research team detecting a signal
attempted to keep the discovery quiet, in the process of confirming with
astronomers at other observatories, it seems unlikely they would be able
to conceal the news for long. In Dick's view, "human nature will not
allow that to be kept a secret."
Though there may be frustratingly little to report in the days
following signal detection, Dick emphasizes the importance of being as
complete as possible from the beginning: "In general people are eager
and willing to believe in ETs on the slightest evidence. So, we'd better
get the announcement right the first time, as well as any further details.
In the absence of information, rumor will fill the void."
There should be no great uncertainty in determining that we have
detected intelligence beyond Earth, in Dick's view, because the signals
themselves would be unlike anything found in nature: "We are looking
for very narrow band signals of the kind that nature does not generate, so
the fact that a signal is artificial should be obvious." Instead,
Dick expects the ambiguity would come later: "It will be much harder
to decipher any message, a problem that I think SETI scientists
underestimate. We know from cosmic evolution that civilizations could be
billions of years old. Whether we could communicate with such entities is
An Apt Comparison
Given the potential value of analogies in SETI, how can we be sure we
are making appropriate comparisons? "In order to have a good analogy
to contact," says Dick, "one needs very much to specify the
scenario." As we have already seen, it is vital to distinguish
between scenarios where evidence is transmitted across interstellar
distances and scenarios where contact is up close and personal. But even
within SETI scenarios involving contact at a distance, we need to consider
several other factors.
"Is there just a 'dial tone' signal that indicates general
intelligence, or is there a flow of information? Fast flow after immediate
translation, or slow flow after perhaps generations of decipherment?"
As Dick emphasizes, "These are all very different cases of
In spite of his enthusiasm for using historical analogues, Dick urges
vigilance: "I have always been careful to emphasize that historical
analogues cannot be used to make predictions. They can only serve as
guides to our thinking, as tools that tell us that not all things are
possible, nor is just one thing possible." Though analogies can play
an important role in preparing for the detection of life beyond Earth, as
Dick reminds us, "they are guidelines that must be used with

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Jul 2003
The mega-post needs to be unposted - Eric?

EmailAddress: Jew York?
Date: 20 Jul 2003
They awoid of to show the real discrimination?! Schindler's List was
only a filmatic illusion, actually the true boss never gave a chance peace
in communities... You know, Bonniers, Wallenberg, Bilderberg-gangs and
"Bulldogs" drive the Swindlers' lists, means all the honoured
intellectuals been registrated on their computers... Therefore
Stockholm-Sydney changed to be second plot area of Jew York-Tel Aviv's
armed Mafia... - Yes, it's!.. But what a lucky I have been warned before!.
- The authorities are blind on such actions.. Why? - Because every big
shurk drives by the big lobbies in this big SvekJa zionized Kingdom... -
?! - How can we could informed and know the truth!?... - I can't reply all
in two minutes?! - Well!... I understand better... It's a modernised
version of enormous hypocrisy... And I understand why the worlkd couldn't
react when Jews slaughed people in Sabra, Shatila, Jenin... Everybody
watched on tv meanwhile druck Coca-Cola, chips, bonbons... - Like the
film-druged idiots?.. - No, Sir!...

Name: Jag
Date: 20 Jul 2003
This post seems to reek of anti-semitism packaged as unbiased reporting

Name: Stephanus Robertus; Dominus DeMute
EmailAddress: (It's me..Silent Steve)...(ssssshhhhh).....
Date: 20 Jul 2003
Moon in Taurus. Hey RNA; the Address is: 135 West 4th Street (between
MacDougal and 6th Avenue) ...(Washington Square West and the Avenue of the
Americas). Check us out on our web site. Let me know when ya'all can swing
by and I will do my laundry. Hey, could your' dear-old-Dad use a bike? Im'
seriouse. Or maybe your' girl??..hey; speaking of kids; my Man-Child just
E-Mailed me and inquired about my plans to swing on up to N.H. He said
that he has an extra room. I could visit with the In-Laws and avoid the
Out-Laws that way. Im' a happy man. I Hadnt heard from the lad for three
years. He sounds good. I may not make it up for awhile; as the body count
is rising (which isn't suppose to happen after a "War" ends) so
I may get balls deep(er) in some more civil disobedience stuff. (dont you
kids try this at home). I may work on the 'Deaf-Dumb-and-Blind"
angle. Hope that you have a pleasant flight. Hey everyone!

Name: paul floyd
Date: 19 Jul 2003
Hello. I have just returned from Llangollen north wales ,where i
visited a 13th century Inn in the village of Rhewl at the foot of the
llantisilio mountains.In this pub is the most amazing manuscript I have
ever seen . At first it looked like gibberish but on closer inspection the
symbals are very much like those contained in the Voynich book.However
this parchment dated 1563 shows what looks like crop circles, mentions in
latin about "THE MOVEMENT"there are some french and italian
phrases that i could not decipher properly ,but both contain the words
illuminatum and illuminato .Most amazingly is the signature on the bottom
- quite clearly John Dee the other signature was not so clear but looked
like C.Maitz or malts. Alan the inn keeper was good enough to let me take
some digital pics of this and if any one like to see just email me

Name: Lupine
Date: 19 Jul 2003
I was browsing through this site looking for photos of my mom, Carol
Seran (of Carol and Griz), from before I was born and I came across an
entry from Eileen and Nicole wanting to contact my mom in Hawaii. She is
back in Kona now. She just changed her email address, but you can email me
at the above address with your information and I will get it to her. She
should be back online in a few days.
[Lupine, thanks for the update. I changed your email above (anyone
sending email to Lupine, just delete the _yada part) to protect your email
address from being harvested by spambots on the Internet.--ed.]

Name: Jag
Date: 18 Jul 2003
Sorry bout the double blanks, I just got in from the coast and am
tired. Hammond thank you for the published missive, I've bookmarked it and
am motivated and stoked!!
Ohio Girl didn't think it would be that fast if only Nik's had been as
swift, I am really glad you like it I tried to mix it up and include a
little bit of every thing.
Nichole I will reship tomorrow and hope for better luck. This has been
a long but very satisfying day. Peace All!!
[deleted the blank messages --ed.]

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 18 Jul 2003
That sounded funny, I really do mean smoked with bay leaves not that
herb :)haven't felt the need to go any further out than this, for quite
some time

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: bird on a wire
Date: 18 Jul 2003
Jag, thank-you!! The CD got here, already. I listened to it once, then
let it get all through me and the house once already today. Beautiful
music. And what's more, it makes some of the things that have been
discussed here come alive, it's music very personal to this guestbook.
Thanks Eileen and I'm glad you are enjoying! Feels like the house has
been smoked with good music today, now it should be smoked with some
favorite herbs. The dogs will stare and cock their heads and stare I bet.
Gotta keep chasing the medical vibes out of this place! Peace

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Jul 2003
OOOOH Nicole I will be with you in spirit tonight. You should be a kid
in a candy shop!!!! I will even make a real prayer for your guy. I mean
good grief it should be easy pickin's..iny meany miny moe!

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Jul 2003
Hey Ohio Girl! Saging is yes..smoking. Yrs back I met a medicine
woman/dreamer with the Pomo tribe. She and the women did a ceremony that
surprised me with the manner, and with what they smoked us. Many local
fragrant plants in an abalone shell on top of a small wad of scot towel
(you know how hard it is to get stuff to smoke right without hot coals
when it's just loose stuff? The scot towel worked great)..I can't remember
now what all they had..mugwort, local bay and maybe sage and cedar as
well. It was quite nice and made me realize (except for the scot towel,
ha!) it made perfect sense to use the plants around us. Since then I often
do the same where ever I am. Here, adding rosemary as well. It is a plant
that loves it here and growns in abundance, being a Medeterian sp? plant.
When you start looking around it feels more connected to the area to see
what can be used.
And yes you are right about making a house yours. Usually painting a
place seems to do that. But in this case I am re-doing the floors and had
3, 16 yr old boys help me clear the place out entirely..the black widows
and daddy long legs were a bit taken aback to have them and their mess
behind and under everything, be so exposed! icky..but I don't kill them.
It seems I have had some significant young man energy around me (remember
the Navaho guys that tended my bus in Gallup?) on this journey..humm in
3's. This is very unusual in my life. I think they are helping break up
some stuck energy as only a crew of young men can do. Their energy is so
wild and fresh and I seem these days to be somewhat less cranky so I can
actually enjoy it. Speaking of which, my honey, I tossed out a yr back is
back in the picture. Some good male energy around me is making me feel a
lot better much to my surprise. In my case I don't know what I'm missed
until I have it and then I'm glad for it.

Name: Nicole
Date: 18 Jul 2003
Thanks Hammond. for all you do. Jag no mail today...I just checked and
I'm going home now 2:30 pm...I'm early girl today
Tonight I am going to a party at the Ukrainian Hall being thrown by the
NYC Firefighters for single NYC women...oh boy, this is exciting...I love's a fund raiser for kids affected by 9/11 so not only will I
be having fun, I'll be doing some good work. Possibly I'll find that guy
or better yet, he'll find me...I'll keep ya, Nik

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 18 Jul 2003
New in The 3rd Page
"Voices & Views"
"Lightning Strikes" by JAG - Guthrie & Long (combine
poem) and a new "Momento" from Nicole

Name: Jag
Date: 18 Jul 2003
All right Ohio Girl, it should make it early next week if their are no
complications, McMing got his yesterday so I'm hoping Nichole gets hers
today but who knows? I'm just glad your perked up and posting Peace :)

Name: R N A
EmailAddress: who wa diddy
Date: 18 Jul 2003
Eileen, I know how so many of our sisters struggle as single moms.
Bucky Fuller concluded that there is enough for everyone to have the
basics as a Given. If you want a mink coat and a cadallic, get a job.
otherwise, food, housing, medical care, etc. are every citizen's right. My
friend Huelo has 5 kids and is a single mom. She has just been cut off of
welfare (5 years welfare maximum for life, even is she has twins tomorrow)
and every day is a struggle. She was a childhood friend of my son's and
lived in my home when she was a Senior in highschool becuase her mother
had a monkey on her back. She lives in the HUD housing that is next to the
homeless shelter that is next to the county jail. It is a very depressing
scene. and, no one wants to rent to her, even with HUD, becasue her 5 kids
will demolish a place. and, my goddaughter, Angel, a single mom who,
having been raised by a welfare mom (and hippie supreme) works 3 jobs to
support her kid and buy her NEW clothes, only has no energy left to
actully spend quality time with her young daughter. Parenting is such
important work. All parents should be supported so they can nurture and
educate theit children.
Steve, I'm a tree hugger from Waaay back. I love to interact with
trees. in fact, i used to have a "Tree Hugger" bumpa sticker but
my daughter was terribly embarrassed by it. That and the one with a
picture of the Earth that said "Love Your Mother." Yes, my idea
of going to church is expanding euphoria. I believe that is on the agenda
for our meeting. I have no idea what my calendar looks like in NY. My
grandson is #1 priority, and spending time with my duaghter in law and
son. Also, my dad is turning 92! He works out with a personal trainer
twice a week! His b'day is the 25th. I'd like to bring 17 year old Osheana
by to meet you and Nik. I like exposing my daughter to alternate life
styles, revolutionaries and heros.
What's the address of the coolest church in NY (your church)?
Positively 4th St??
with aloha, Rena

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 18 Jul 2003
I got a feeling and it won't go away Just one thing then I'll be ok I
need a miracle every day.
Steve I wish that church would stay like it was too. Sounds like lots
of people hide out in that church and that's at least one thing churches
should be for, our refuge, since trees really are good for prayers.
Eileen I think cleaning up a place like that really makes it yours,
it's a neat thing to do. Eileen and Rena what is "saging" a
house and how is it done, sounds like smoking, if so I'd like to bay-leaf
this place or eucalyptus this place and bring in a little of California!
Jag, I already feel better just thinking about the CD. See I'm
energetic enough to be posting messages. We've only got a few of the songs
on it, and those are on vinyl records and we're between record players, so
it will be a treat!

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: been there
Date: 17 Jul 2003
hey Rachel; you forgot to point out the plus-side of the virus: The
other two side-effects are: Hair Re-growth and uncontrolled orgasms.

Name: Steve Q. Public
EmailAddress: yes-ahhh
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Hey; I laid low through the last couple of moons. Picked up an
over-sized Ladies Tibetan house coat today (hope it shrinks to fit).. must
be made for a Red Chineese. Anyway; I walked in and they imediatly phoned
for back up. I had on my Bogart African Queen get-up (complete with 1953
sweat)... They started sniffin' the air. I was pure funk. haddnt' been
outa' bed for days. The enforcer flew in w/his cell phone in his hands as
the gals where attempting to circle the wagons (or whatever was handy). I
surprised the cat by motioning to the frock in question. (50% off). He was
reluctant to cow-tow and fetch it (for fear of a karate chop???)...he
finally pulled it down with a long wooden dowl that he held like a
jowsting staff. After assuring the counter gal that the Ben Franklin was
real, he looked at the old Grandma (who refused to acknowledge my
existance) and said: "Everything OK now...I go now". Shit. makes
me glad that I bailed out of that Tibetan thing. Hey.. "Fuck Tibet;
Save America". I swung by, grabbed my mail and took a well deserved
shower. Ol' Clyde looks naked not drapped in wet towels. Funny how things
look different when viewed ...I ah.. Im' stuck..I cant finnish that line.
Well..funny how things look different anyway. Hey, the Robe brings out the
ol' Sythian blood. Hey Rena; why dont you gals think about a pajama
(optional) party over here at the Peace Church? You too Nik. If it's a
maybe, I can give a glowing recomondation to Rev. Hooper. You could even
pitch your' Birthing thing to the Locals. Do you represent a Birthing Club
or Organization? If not; this Church is fertile ground to start one. Hell;
Im' in tight (I wish) with the local "NOW" gals who meet in the
back parlor once every couple of weeks or so. ("National Organization
Of Women"). As a matter of fact I gave them my NOW! sign. (not
connected). Anyway; I know that they would get off on you and your'
back-ground. Fuck; I want a miracle! I dont want this Ol' place to fold.
It's tearin' my heart out. If I get even a whisper that its possible to
save it; Im' in. Funny; but I spend most of my time hiding in this church
from a wild world,.. and I rarely prey. (I talk to the trees outside)..
does that count?? (I prey that it does). P.S. Hey Travis! How's the real
world? (according to you that is)... I cant remember the score...Oh ya;
Mutes for Peace; ZIP. MF's: DOUBLE ZIP. P.S. If ya' wanna' know
"Which Way the Wind Blows" .. I can hook ya' up. No shit. Later
all. Focus on Peace.

Name: Jag
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Rachel, I think I heard of that virus only it was called BUSHTIME!!!

Name: Rachel
Date: 17 Jul 2003
If you receive an e-mail entitled "Bedtimes," delete it
IMMEDIATELY. Do not open it. Apparently this one is pretty nasty. It will
not only erase everything on your hard drive, but it will also delete
anything on floppy disks within 20 feet of your computer.
It demagnetizes the strips on all your credit cards. It re-programs
your ATM access code, screws up the tracking on your VCR, and uses
subspace field harmonics to scratch any CD's you attempt to play. It will
program the auto dial on your phone so that you can call only 1-800
numbers. This virus will also mix antifreeze with water in your fish tank.
It will drink ALL your beer.
It will leave dirty underwear on the coffee table when you are exp!
ecting company. It will replace your shampoo with Nair and your Nair with
Rogaine. If the "Bedtimes" message is opened in a Windows 95/98
environment, it will leave the toilet seat up and leave your hair dryer
plugged in dangerously close to a bathtub filled with water.
It will not only remove the forbidden tags from your mattresses and
pillows, it will also refill your skim milk with whole milk.
If you don't send this to 5000 people in 20 seconds, you'll fart so
hard that your right leg will spasm and shoot straight out in front of
you, sending sparks that will ignite the person nearest you.
HAaahAHaahAhaaHAH!!! I needed a laugh today and this gave me one - I'm
hoping to spread some laughter onto others.

Name: Jag
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Hammond I sent a reply and much thanks.

Name: Jag
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Nichole and McMing I went ahead and made two more copies, I'm sure I
have your address McMing so if you don't see the CD by tomorrow I'll
reship but Nichole if you would E-mail me at the above with your office
address just to be safe I'll re-ship yours as well and worst case scenario
you each get two copies and give one away, or not, whatever.
(Hammond got his fine but they didn't have to travel far.)

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Yes Nicole give Carla my email. Cool youv'e got some of her work. Any
connection with Jane Quatlander? NOw there's someone I have waited for yrs
to connect up with again and I guess I'm just going to have to hunt her
down cause it's not happening by itself.
Yes Rena I actually saged then cedared the house, our car, bus, dogs,
ourseves and all and everyones stuff within range. That's always part of
our doings on a regular basis. I smoked the heck out of the house! The
place on it's on, has a peaceful feeling about it..but it's always good to
clear the air and whatever else may come with it. Glad to know we are so
much on the same wave..length. Good there is a good and supportive family
to hold these children. I regretted my little tirade. Yet I've seen too
much suffering in big families (heck any family!) to have let it go by
with no comment. No doubt I am not alone in this.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Nic - check your e-mail.....

Name: Jag
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Nichole if it doesn't show in a day or so I'll simply burn another one
I kept the file, its only a $1.70 postage so not to worry, I am just
bummed at the post office's ineptitude. I don't think McMing has got his
yet either!
On another note, in todays fishwrap their's an article buried in the
back of the metro section announcing that Asscroft is going to be in town
tomorrow to meet with the federal prosecuters office. I'm sure its about
Oregons medical marijuana law and our right to die statute as well, just
like him to sneak in on short notice so as to stem the flood of protests
and circumvent the publicity. If I didn't have to drive to the coast
tomorrow I'd be their and I hope we have a turn out befitting "Little

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Yes what a pleasant surprise that the Supreme Court has some autonomy,
am I too cynical?? That was beautiful, hearing about those decisions.
There is always reason to hope and keep speaking your mind, it's too big a
country to get swayed wrong forever.

Name: Nik
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Jag, still no mail...but I can always send a prepaid envelope,it
doesn't cost me anything...let me know

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Counter Punched Today -
"(Dis)Intelligence Revisited"

Name: Jag
Date: 17 Jul 2003
I read that piece when first published Hammond, couldn't agree more,
dangerous revisionist history she promulgates.
Eric my son downloaded "28 Days After" when it came out,
quite a fearsome tale it tells.

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Mark - nope - his name doesn't ring a bell. Does he have a nom du
mania? - And - did you see the LOVE show yet?
Joe (and others) - re and fyi - Coulter's latest - here is a piece you
might enjoy that I published in Counter Punch when the book first came out
. All of our sentiments are quite similar.......Thumbs way down!
"Hogwarts Replaced By Hogwash"

Name: Eric
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Joe -- yeah, I agree totally about the Far Right. Ann Coulter sounds
like something out of 1930s Nazi Germany. Clearly a case of "the
elevator doesn't go to the top". On the other hand, the two Supreme
Court decisions the last week of June (sodomy, affirmative action) lend
some small hope. At least the Madness Virus has not overtaken everything
yet. (I went to the movies first time in months, to see "28 days
later" -- if you're up to a horrific vision of the genetically
modified future, this is one scary flic.)

Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Eileen, I got a beautiful letter from Carla who asked me to please give
you her warm regards, she sent me copies of some exquist water colors she
has done. She started painting only 2 years ago...who knew...let me know
if it's okay to give her yr e-mail.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Her column is one of the reasons I don't take the local paper. Also,
they print the names and addresses of kids in trouble. When it was my kid
I was less than thrilled, and since they spelled our name wrong, he wasn't
happy either.

Name: Siddhartha Rajput
Date: 17 Jul 2003
I think Tibet is a great place and I wish to visit it someday
-Siddhartha Rajput

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Ann Coulter infuriates me, if I tried to read a book she wrote I would
explode or implode or something.

Name: Joe
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Ann Coulter wrote a book which just came out in which she says the
opposite of conservative is not liberal or socialist but is traitor. Folks
keep your powder dry, its getting scarier. They are whipping themselves
into a frenzy of fervor.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: sound & spirit
Date: 17 Jul 2003
Sound & Spirit Welcoming Children Into the World. Eileen, this baby
was blessed, born into a loving family able to support and nurture her.
They live on 2 acres of gorgous jungle with a small community of people.
The father is 100% there for his wife and children. The 3 boys homeschool.
The mom is a midwife's apprentice. Soul work. How fortunate our sister is,
to birth in such a supportive environs. If single mother's, heck all
mothers, didn't have to scrounge or work untold hours for rent, what a
blessing each child would be. Parenting is a Noble and Honorable
Did you sage your new home to clear the energy? highly recommended. it
would also probably serve to sage yourself and Miranda. I periodically get
Aloha, r n a

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jul 2003
With all the references to Kesey and the fair in Oregon I wonder if
maybe you may have crossed trails with an old friend from Springfield by
the name of Jim Beecraft. It is just a shot.

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Jul 2003
PS - All - I just learned that Allen's med. treatment (today) has been
postponed. Frustrating for him - but your added prayers will not have been

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Hi Imam - welcome back!
Redneck - no worry there..... your phentamine poems are a world unto
Nicole - please tell me again when you are heading West - my memory and
anticipation need reorientation.
All - Allen is under anesthetic as we speak - send extra prayers!

Name: IMAM(Suspect)
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Nic - Nic - Nic - no offense taken sweet lady.....IamIMAM(Suspect)

Name: McMing ( copyright 2003 )
EmailAddress: nominative
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Someone here -- I forget who -- suggested the above as a moniker when
my stage name 'Blue' got hijacked somehow, months ago .. I don't remember
the details.
& yeah, I'm still around .. sometimes just lurking .. prefer not to
post unless I've got something fresh to offer.
Peace & Power -- M.

Date: 16 Jul 2003
hey hammond dont copy this OK

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Another UnFair Fair Note - (and yes Eileen) there are so many wonderful
memories stored overall. For many many seasons it was the high light of my
Anyway - back to blathering for a moment. In the early 90s Victor and I
decided that we would treat the crews to a party. Of course we didn't ask
anyone for permission as was our habit of doing things. We rented a u-haul
and filled it with about $400 worth of fruit, juices, energy bars,
cookies, and goodies to eat - + a big school bus full of red carpet fun
and games that we set up - all hidden from view in the "alterabled
parking lot" two days before any body from the outside world showed
up on site. We set up at night - and by morning there were our posters all
over the site inviting all crew members to come by our digs for some red
carpet treatment - funny games - and food all free free free. Before we
could get going with our operation the main camp security at the time came
out wanting to know who we asked. "God" we said - and they said
we had to tear down our deal - and it was a fantastic deal I might add....
Anyway we had to go before the "council" so to speak and they
said "NO! you can' do this without permission...."
"Permission to treat the crews? We don't need no stinking permmission!"
So in disgust over their lame attitude took all the food to the crew
leaders and just dumped it out - packed up our stuff - including a
flamingo portapotty - revved up our engines and split. No party was given
for the hard working crews by the OCF staff and to this day no real party
has ever been given to just the work crews - aside from the gereral after
fair picnic.
We went back to the fair - with about 200 (free) laminates on strings
that had a picture of Senator Wayne Morse standing next to one of his
prized bulls which was pooping OCF peach pits onto the ground and under
neath it said "The First Politically Correct Fair" - odd but
everyone wanted one............

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Ah yes the faire. I was there I don't know when but it was before the
sweep got down right serious..when I next was there it was so crowded I
got on the tail of a friend who had lived in India who showed me how to
navigate the masses. As one might imagine in India it is a fine art..I
couldn't kleep up with her. But by that time folks that were part of the
"in" crowd were so full of themselves..well ROTR is equally as
bad I suppose..just a different flavor. In fact several yrs back at Reggae
I was camped next to some officinario types OCF and they couldn't stop
talking about how much cooler they were..ego trips el royale abound. Sort
of gave me a clue as to the direction things had gotten. But you know I
have seen this happen with quite a few fairs to varying degrees. I mean
they have become just a different look to business that is at least..what
can I say..outside. There are craft fair guide books now for crafters and
for the most part has become serious business with the edge of pressure
and competition that I avoid. BUT I still take the Oregon fair as a great
memory and inspiration of how imaginative and exciting it was and perhaps
in some other time and place is creating itself. There's always us loose
ends out there with a good idea that's at it's beginning.
Patric you made me laugh.
Today I have to figure out how to get 50 yrs of wax accumilation off
cement/flagstone like floors before I can bring all my stuff in. Still
finishing packing the last of grandmas stuff.
Rena~I hate to be a total stick in the mud. But I am always agast at
folks with so many children. Rarely have I seen them not being able to do
more than just struggling to take care of everything and everyone. It does
not thrill me to hear families with so many hatchlings. I don't really
understand this desire for many children and often seems to be the mans
need to show his verility or the woman tangled in religious beliefs that
in the end wear her to the bone juggling so many children. Tell me I'm

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Travis - Funny note from you - 'bolted and dolted' in place and time.
Haven't seen mouseman or anyone from the Fair since 97 as I never go to
Eugene. Reports today from friends with a food booth say that this was a
great Fair - but "great" does not fit my old standard of
"magical" - Kesey was right about the sweep - but I knew it was
really over when they tore down the old Drum Tower (due to late night
noise compaints!) - very lame.... Now the "drum tower" is a
makeshift temporary bunch of hay bales that closes up shop at 11pm so that
non-drum loving oldsters can get to sleep more easily. In so many ways the
age of tranformation - is a dull age at OCF. Also filled with so much
gossipy rumors and silly rules and bi-rules and triple rules. Booths are
no longer made from on-site materials - trucking in redwood for god's sake
to build permanent structures - with concrete in the ground! Good grief -
again and again with bad grief attached. The musicians are still paid a
paltry beggar's sum even though the Fair makes hundreds of thousands of
smackers every year. All they want to do is buy more land - that they say
they are "stewarding" as ever - but this is something of a
misnomer. Using the site for activities other that the Fair - and with all
the publicity surrounding - etc etc - the real "magic" on the
set is gone. Big publicity, the sweep, and the concrete building permit +
now the food booths have to carry liability insurance!
Whatever..........In 95 I and a few other (near outlaws) were asked to
speak to the press and law enforcement about the "drug problem"
at a press conference - Everything was fine and politically correct until
my co-hort Victor and I got up (known at the time as The Stainless Steel
Pulse) for our dishwashing Dead duties along with Che Ray during NW tours
and our spontaneous OCF activites... Anyway - we told them there wasn't a
"drug problem" at all - but an overall "responsibility
problem" We said that money from the fair should be sent to help
legalize hemp, that the sweep should be swept away, and clearly reminded
everyone that 10 years ago "they" were the ones sneaking in to
the Fair with their LSD and brownies to get high with everyone else.
Needless to say - our little presentation (wearing our uniforms of white
overalls and stainless steel work hats) and our banner that read:
"When the People Lead - The Leaders Will Follow" did not go over
well with the politically correct folks on hand. Nor the cops -
All things just seem to pass....

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: aname@isaname.huh?
Date: 16 Jul 2003
I do know a coupla' things for sure though...I am Nicole, Nichole, Nik
and Nic and on occassion Nikki...and I'm sure some other names to some
other folks when the fancy strikes.

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Okay, so Mc Mingus who'd you start out as? I remember someone
bastardizing your name as well tho...h-m-m-m-m
IMAM, sorry I absolutely meant no disrespect...and more to the point
welcome back. to the fore room.

Name: IMAM(Suspect)
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Wrongo Niclole - I am most certainly the real IMAM(Suspect) - the one
and only (back from the sideline) and accept no substitutes! I left the
active forum (but not the form) due to someone unduly using my Steve-given
moniker for less than admirable purposes. Now that was confusing! McMing
(the magnificent) is McMing to you and has never been IMAM(Suspect).
Still readin - but I will refrain for now from spreading idle gossip
that might be used against me!
Love all of you - IMAM(Suspect) - tata
Nothing beats a royal flush -

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Nik, cool, I knew as much but was worried about the state of our snail
mail. McMing as well, the post office ain't tellin the truth (surprise)!

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Jag, no not as yet, however, I haven't checked todays mail...I will let
you know of course...
Mark, thanks...for the e-bay forward, that's the single off the album
from 1983!!! I did it way before Rod Stewart.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: publicdrunk
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Hey all, Still exiled to pack square public library with rest of the
rabble May have my new compute by 18th or 19th. Steve sure was on a binge
there for a couple days. He musta crashed. Eileen, I can relate. I guess
I've accepted the fact I'm always gonna be a vagabond of sorts. We will
probably stay in this cool little town for a couple years max and then
move on. I'm registered to vote here. May as well stay long enough to vote
that lying little bastard OUT!!!! Well gotta go now.Running out of library
decreed time. I wasted most of it sending out threatening letters,
downloading porn and buying Illicet chemicals.HAR! HAR! Later, Peace,

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Nichole has your CD arrived? Its been over a week and the post office
said 3 to 4 days, just curious.

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Check your email for a message from me this AM.

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 Jul 2003
I may be developing a case of altheimers (sp?s)but didn't Imam change
his name to Mc Mingus after going through several incarnations of same
name? because some one was trying to high jack IMAM ? If so , he has not
been side line watching, right Mc Ming...if I have it right, you are very
active here with us all. If I'm mixed up about this, some one let me know.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: mudpies in a malestrom
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Hammond: Sorry, don't know why or how the last entry was quadrupled,
please feel free to delete all but one of them, thanks............T

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Molehill, Montana
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Hammond: didn't know you were an OCF compatriot. Are you a dolt with a
bolt as well (I'm almost certain that you will know the expression as well
as its inception) if unfamiliar, ask mouseman---further, I used to work
the midnight path rove (security)--what you called the 8. I agree that the
Midnight Circus should start sometime around midnight--and regrettably, I
also agree that OCF should probably change its name to what it was being
called unofficially--The DARE FAIR--after its move to the draconian
sacramental use policies that you mentioned. Yes, Hammond I am a dolt with
a bolt; we will be able to resolve my identity to those of you in doubt,
through those channels. Let us all take a collective sigh of relief that
we are not on "peacekeeping" patrol in Iraq. We'll talk more if
you're willin'..............Travis UAW/MF... ps....I'll have to look
around for it but I think I may still have a copy of the original handout
circulated in opposition to such a strident security sweep--you'll
remember this line from it --"If they ask for your passes, show them
your asses.".....T

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Molehill, Montana
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Hammond: didn't know you were an OCF compatriot. Are you a dolt with a
bolt as well (I'm almost certain that you will know the expression as well
as its inception) if unfamiliar, ask mouseman---further, I used to work
the midnight path rove (security)--what you called the 8. I agree that the
Midnight Circus should start sometime around midnight--and regrettably, I
also agree that OCF should probably change its name to what it was being
called unofficially--The DARE FAIR--after its move to the draconian
sacramental use policies that you mentioned. Yes, Hammond I am a dolt with
a bolt; we will be able to resolve my identity to those of you in doubt,
through those channels. Let us all take a collective sigh of relief that
we are not on "peacekeeping" patrol in Iraq. We'll talk more if
you're willin'..............Travis UAW/MF... ps....I'll have to look
around for it but I think I may still have a copy of the original handout
circulated in opposition to such a strident security sweep--you'll
remember this line from it --"If they ask for your passes, show them
your asses.".....T

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Molehill, Montana
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Hammond: didn't know you were an OCF compatriot. Are you a dolt with a
bolt as well (I'm almost certain that you will know the expression as well
as its inception) if unfamiliar, ask mouseman---further, I used to work
the midnight path rove (security)--what you called the 8. I agree that the
Midnight Circus should start sometime around midnight--and regrettably, I
also agree that OCF should probably change its name to what it was being
called unofficially--The DARE FAIR--after its move to the draconian
sacramental use policies that you mentioned. Yes, Hammond I am a dolt with
a bolt; we will be able to resolve my identity to those of you in doubt,
through those channels. Let us all take a collective sigh of relief that
we are not on "peacekeeping" patrol in Iraq. We'll talk more if
you're willin'..............Travis UAW/MF... ps....I'll have to look
around for it but I think I may still have a copy of the original handout
circulated in opposition to such a strident security sweep--you'll
remember this line from it --"If they ask for your passes, show them
your asses.".....T

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Molehill, Montana
Date: 16 Jul 2003
Hammond: didn't know you were an OCF compatriot. Are you a dolt with a
bolt as well (I'm almost certain that you will know the expression as well
as its inception) if unfamiliar, ask mouseman---further, I used to work
the midnight path rove (security)--what you called the 8. I agree that the
Midnight Circus should start sometime around midnight--and regrettably, I
also agree that OCF should probably change its name to what it was being
called unofficially--The DARE FAIR--after its move to the draconian
sacramental use policies that you mentioned. Yes, Hammond I am a dolt with
a bolt; we will be able to resolve my identity to those of you in doubt,
through those channels. Let us all take a collective sigh of relief that
we are not on "peacekeeping" patrol in Iraq. We'll talk more if
you're willin'..............Travis UAW/MF... ps....I'll have to look
around for it but I think I may still have a copy of the original handout
circulated in opposition to such a strident security sweep--you'll
remember this line from it --"If they ask for your passes, show them
your asses.".....T

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: goddess birthing
Date: 16 Jul 2003
a friend gave birth today to her first daughter. She and her husband
(or soul mate) have 3 sons. The friend is a midwife's apprentice and was
very fortunate to have a labor that was only 1 and a half hours, born at
home with a midwife. Wow! What a blessing day!
actually pulled the suitcases out of the basement to prepare for NY
where we go to meet my new grandson BeenJammin. Actually his name is
Benjamin, but i've always liked creative spelling. The yoga mat is the
first item in the bag. then the cell phone charger...
Looking forward to visiting with Nic and Steve. My daughter and I are
grooving. Some days are like that. what a blessing.
Love to all. r n a

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 15 Jul 2003
Hello IMMAC you lovely little sideline watcher you .Hows it hangin?

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Jul 2003
Eileen - I am somewhat biased - (after being on the Main Stage crew, Main Camp crew and one time assistant site manager over my 13 years) working with OCF - yet rather saddly my report is: "It Just Isn't Fair Anymore" - the very last one that was actually still "Fair" was Kesey's last one (late 80s). He got up on main stage and let everyone know quite clearly what he thought of "the sweep" (mass mustering out the many fun folks who snuck in after 7pm to see the Midnight Show on Sat. night (which now starts at 7pm) - and justifiably echoing my own and others sentiments - saying that with it would come the demise of the Oregon County Fair as it had always been. He never returned to the best of my knowledge and today the sweep is huge and relentless. To preserve the best of my many wonderous memories of the OCF I should have done the same . I finally hung it up in 96 (my only time as Security crew member (walking in the 8 during the Fair among the throng). This was the year following the state narco pests threatening to confiscate the land so anti-drug Security was a big deal. Fine I said - "I will do the 8 during the fair" - I lasted nearly one day - and turned in my spurs - with comments like: "You bloody hypocritics! " After I refused to confiscate and destroy the 200 brownies these two sweet (hippie-like) youngsters were (rather descreetly) selling on the path. Instead I took them (with their mavelous bakery goods) out to their van in the parking lot. When they had the brownies stashed I escorted them back into the Fair and wished them well - (ahem... after consuming two of their proffered wares). The Secuity crewleader (a good friend) got all upset with me - and that was that as they say - Now it much closer to a Knott's Berry Farm event with people patting themselves on the back for still being there - vs. actually "being" there...... Ah well - everyone has their opinion i guess.....

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Jul 2003
Hammond~Yes I am at least not amidst the trucks wondering which one is going to take me out or which of our vehicles is going to have a heart attack. I've had more than enough living on the edge! House cleaning and job hunting is a lot less fearsome. I am decompressing slowly though as I reconsider familiar territory. I do have a sense of what I'm doing and what I would like to accomplish.
I don't know if I mentioned this. There was our favorite, really large, second hand store closing after 18 yrs, in Taos. Stan let me go through the place and pull out all his denim and fronted it to me. I got a varity of jackets, skirt, and dresses..2 large contractor bags full. I'm going to tie and discharge dye (un-dye and re-dye)and then silk screen them. I have the all time book for Shibori dyeing..Japanese teniques. Will use this clothing to experiment and see if I can find my market. I think this is such a hot idea and thrift stores always have cheap denim clothing, so I'll have a steady access of stuff to work with. I can see also just working with clothing folks already have they want transformed. Anyway just wanted to share the direction I am headed with my art. the meantime today is job hunting day. Hold the good thought for me.
Rena~Thanks for the picture of the ROTR design for this yr. They have had some real loosers for the last few yrs (in our humble opinion) and it is good to see them taking a new leap. That would be pretty exciting to have won that contest. It will mean a lot of exposure for the artist. There's a tiny chance Miranda and I will go this yr. M mentioned just the other day she looks forward to getting the bus painted and set up to take there. She says she had decided a few yrs back she didn't want to go there again without the bus. Camping cheek to cheek having to tote food and supplies in, in the sun and dust and partying, can get to be hard. But we did it for many yrs, plus worked there. It's really an event that is one of the more memorable. And Oregon Country Fair? Any reports from there?

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: goddess laughing
Date: 15 Jul 2003
here's the correct url for Diev Riendo Hart's photos on the Reggae on the River site:

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: god's laughter
Date: 15 Jul 2003
Reggae on the River! A friend here on Maui, Aleshonee, just won the contest for the artwork for the ROTR poster contest. Aleshonee is the little sister of my sonVishnu Gottlieb's childhood best friend, Kai. Aleshonee is also a friend of mine. We are both Labor Assistants and have taken trainings together. I've known her since she was 4. you can check out Aleshonee's
winning artwork here:
while looking at the winners, I found Diev's photos in the look like a star contest.
Diev Riendo means God's laughter. His younger brother was named Purple Air. Cool names or what!!! Diev Riendo and Purple Air were both MorningStar kids, and later moved to The Farm in Tennessee. Be and Be are their folks. Willie B Hart, an awesome powerful musician, now confined to a wheelchair with MS. Beatrice, is doing fine last I heard. I remember Steve Gaskin had B and B change the kids names to more conventional names. Purple Air became Emmanual. Diev -i think- became Mathew.
Anyone going to ROTR? Let us know how it goes.

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Jul 2003
Got it Ohio Girl,let me know and nice to hear from you.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Thanks for all the good thoughts and reminders of very cool music. Hello IMAM! Jag I'm e-mailing my address, I'm smiling this is fun! We get by with a little help from our friends...........

Name: Jag
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Mugu has mugued up the page, the width is out of sync!
Damn savage
[took care of mu --ed.]

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Jul 2003
I do have your phone number and I passed it along to Sarah this afternoon. Thanks.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Hey there IMAM. Good to know your still watching.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 14 Jul 2003
New (heart touching) poem from Allen Cohen -
"Insomnia And The Eightfold Path Through Anxious Night
Please Support Allen's Liver Fund any way you can.....
3rd Page

Name: Jag
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Ohio Girl
E-mail me at the above and I can figure out how to send your CD (its done) :)

Name: Joe
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Hey Steve she is being operated on tomorrow...thanks for asking....shes getting another ex fix on her leg for 6-12 months...pins, rods. and rings to attach the bike riding for her for a while has ben a long long guarantee of this working either....then its amputation

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Nic - you do the bestest things! - or is it just you? Your beach trip sounds like it was lovely fun - but where is that companion we all keep wonderwishing about?. He is missing some of the best years of his (and your) life. "A great catch' would be such an understatement I won't bother with it - er......... "fantastic catch" is a little closer..... love to you
Eileen - Your (virtual) voice sounds (reads) so much more relaxed and in the moment with clear focus tasks and dreams at hand. Return is at hand!
Imam - long time silence buddy - be "out there" here more often.

Name: charles slow
EmailAddress: james slow
Date: 14 Jul 2003

Name: Dr Sponge
EmailAddress: sponge@thecuttingedgeoftechnology
Date: 14 Jul 2003
I heard a story today that is likely to be an industrial myth but its worth repeating , so here goes
Rolls Royce developed a gun for fireing chickens at toughend glas windows on aeroplanes ans high speed trains etc, Amtrac ordered one for tests ans their cheif engineer watched in horror as the chicken shattered the cabin window . The test and the results where sent back to Rolls Royce asking for their help and advice. Rolls Royce sent back a 1 line memmo. It read
Defrost the chickens !

Name: I am IMAM(Suspect)
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Steve - I am most always "out there" - yet quietly in the moment
keeping my "lamps trimmed and burning." - thanks for thinking of me!

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Comments good to see you back here. Look forward to my own set up at home where I can take some time to catch up with you. Yes Joe..the word is..this is not a good time to be traveling especially if you don't have a home to come back to. It's a Moth'a out there! Steve..believe me my thoughts are with you. Mark you are welcome anytime. Right now we are still digging out grandma's stuff and are finding the place is a deep mess. Do-able but definitely challenging. Once again I am reminded when I can finally come up with the money to buy again I may very well entirely avoid anything but throwing up a yurt or something on a piece of land. Some old houses have their beauty. But not when one starts going beyond appearances. Makes me think a lot about the wisdom of the cultures that have lived in movable stuctures.
Look forward to the time I can sit and catch up with you all a bit more deeply.

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Steve, I ended up not leaving the office til 6 and then had to show two apartments...maybe some $ will come of it...I'm hoping...but I'll try to catch you soon...before the doors close on the WFSMC...
Mark, do you have my office number...if so give it to's usually on the bottom of my e-mails
Spent the entire week end in the ocean...heaven...I love creating my own Brighton Beach Memoirs...It really is little Odessa there...the hock cold beer, wodka and hot knishes on the beach...
Ohio girl, feel better.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Hey Now...
Date: 14 Jul 2003
Boy; I jumped over to the free Frame Of Reference Page and was blown away at what a Roll I was on last July. Dubbing Kings and Queen Godesses, etc. I even bestowed a title on Ol' Sponge. Speaking of the landed gentry; You out their IMAM??? about my little slant-eyed friend?...ahh...say: now that Im' on the edge and am actually about to fly and may be dead air for a few moons; who was fuckin' with me last season?? Or rather; how many were fuckin' with me?? And why did you stop fuckin' with me?? Im' just (ouch!!) Curious. Hey folks; seriously; if you havent heard of the M27 Coalition; check it out on the web. Dedicated fuckers who dont set home on their asses. (they may set in the street on their asses from time to time).. but thats another story. It's Coast-To-Coast. "Nation-Wide". Speaking of "Nation"...any progress reports on the broken hoop???. Any of the tribes in bed with the Tibetans in the South West yet? It was written, ya' know. Aloha

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: right here
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Hey Joe; thanks for tip. Hows yer' wife's leg doing?. (the bad one, I mean)...Im' seriouse. If I get out of this environmentally friendly bike with no engine frame of mind; I will put her at the top of the list for the free "Legally Clyde" give-away. Maybe you could mount Clyde on blocks and she could do a pedal physical therapy routine, right there in the living room. Or if you know some poor kid; we could do Christmas in August. Man, I got a glimps of a new Royal Enfield today. A low compression 350 solo. Man, them Britts and their Gadgets. One lung, one carb. Simplicity. Course'; I could always rig Clyde up with clothes-pins and playing cards.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Wow
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Comments'd you do that???

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: W. 4th
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Hey; it's a full moon in Capricorn. hey Joe; an outfit called DeCycles biked through and crashed (slept) here at the Peace Church last year. About 80 in all if I remember right. On route from the mid-west to New England somewhere. I threw out our welcoming sign just the other day. Maybe I can contact them and get some solid tips on cross country routes etc. They all had orange flags and stuff. Maybe I could pull off a mutes.. OK,..OK... "Mute" For Peace run. Hey, I heard about a town in Maryland that has a large deaf mute population and is really into the "Sign" thing. I may just enter some type of class, or school or something. Maybe relocate there and find a hearing-impaired wife. Blind would be good. Really; cutting myself off from society may be the wrong move. I worked with a chalk board with the M27 crowd, but thats bulky. I gave my Magna-Doodle away to a ceribral palsy cat who couldnt talk. Most of the super-humans that I chum with are multi-handy-capped. I feel so guilty at times, I wanna' put on a fake limp. hell; Ive' been on chocolote milk for too long. Hey Mark; maybe Sarah can take some of this stuff off my hands. I still have over 250 pouches of it left. Does she have a camera? maybe she could get some pix of me riding Clyde. Or me laying in the street. Or me practicing carrying Clyde over the Cumberland Gap...Or me at the beach wif' an anky' on me' ead'. (Bonzo Dog Band)... yep;..full moon in Capricorn. Hey; Ive got a terrific wedding gift for her. A quill pen and a brass skull and crossed-bones ink well. Great for poison-pen leters. I will wrap it up. Later.

Date: 13 Jul 2003
PETITION TO: The Office of the District Attorney of New York
ATTENTION: Assistant D.A. Raymond Castello, Room 836
ATTENTION: Assistant D.A. James Kindler, Room 852A
1 Hogan Place
New York, NY 10013
PHONE (212) 335-9082
FAX: (212) 335-9186
We, the undersigned, urge Assistant District Attorneys Raymond Castello and James Kindler to drop the charges that remain against members of the M27 Coalition, who were arrested on March 27th and April 7th 2003 while engaged in acts of peaceful protest against the U.S. invasion of Iraq. In support of our appeal, we site the following: *These defendants were acting on behalf of justice and international law in their acts of peaceful protest. *There was no damage to property or injury to bystanders or police officers at either of the protests. *Many of these defendants were wrongfully arrested. *Many defendants were held for an unreasonable amount of time in detention, were subjected to excessive use of handcuff restraint and illegal interrogation about political affiliations. * The actions of the DA's office in prosecuting these cases appear to have the intent to intimidate protestors, to chill dissent and to frustrate the exercise of fundamental Constitutional rights. *The unwarranted prosecution of these cases is a waste of valuable city resources in a time of fiscal crisis. The Constitutional right to peacefully protest government policy is fundamental to our democracy. Peaceful protest in the interest of justice is one of the most concrete expressions of the American ideal of liberty and is held as an imperative for people of conscience everywhere. We urge you to drop the charges against these defendants. (especially the old balding mute dude.. he's all fucked up).

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: here and now
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Joe: hike-Bike; that shows how much I know about it. Anyway; I may put my adolescent beach-comber fantasy on hold untill I see the M-27 thing through. hey Mark, tell Sarah to get over here before she meets Mama. We can rig up a costume where-by we can be introduced as Siamese Bro & Sis. Dig? Joined at the hip. We could even alter the prom photo on the Xerox. I do look a bit different these days. I cropped my tickler and I now have wrist to elbo tattoos. Hey; here's the latest on the M-27 hold-outs. Here's what ya' do; make a copy of the following; then, sign it by proxy for every dead relative that you can remember,.. and..oh;.. maybe the pet dog, cat & gold fish. Follow me so far?? (It's the American way)...OK; here goes;.. PETITION TO: The Office of the District Attorney of New York (Isnt' this exciting?)..ATTENTION: Assistant D.A. Raymond Castello, Room 836 ATTENTION: Assistant D.A. James Kindler, Room 852A 1 Hogan Place New York, NY 10013 FAX: (212) 335-9186 PHONE (212) 335-9082. We, the undersigned, urge Assistant District Attorneys Raymond Castello and James Kindler to drop the charges that remain against members of the M27 Coalition, who were arrested on March 27th and April 7th 2003 while engaged in acts of peaceful protest against the U.S. invasion of Iraq. In support of our appeal, we site the following: *These defendants were acting on behalf of justice and international law in their acts of peaceful protest. *There was no damage to property or injury to bystanders or police officers at either of the protests. *Many of these defendants were wrongfully arrested. *Many defendants were held for an unreasonable amount of time in detention, were subjected to excessive use of handcuff restraint and illegal interrogation about political affiliations. * The actions of the DA's office in prosecuting these cases appears to have the intent to intimidate protestors, to chill dissent and to frustrate the exercise of fundamental Constitutional rights. *The unwarranted prosecution of these cases is a waste of valuable city resources in a time of fiscal crisis. The Constitutional right to peacefully protest government policy is fundamental to our democracy. Peacefull protest in the interest of justice is one of the most concrete expressions of the American ideal of liberty and is held as an imperative for people of conscience everywhere. We urge you to drop the charges against these defendants. (especially the old balding mute dude.. he's all fucked up). SIGNATURE. PRINTED NAME. ADDRESS.

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Ohio Girl,
Hey, try some older Dylan. It helps me over those tough spots. "I ride the mail train, baby...Can't buy a thrill...etc."
Sorry for the multiple posts, I am struggling with Windows XP and new laptop with that ridiculous touchpad mouse.
The new issue of Harper's has an excellent essay that walks right down our road here. The essay is titled "The Middle Mind: Why Americans don't think for themselves" by Curtis White. This is from a book to be published this month (August) by HarpersSanFrancisco. Fucking great!

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Ohio Girl, consider it done, I'll go with my instincts. I'll have done in a couple of days.

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Hey, my middle daughter flew to NYC today with her main squeeze. She is going to meet his mom for the first time. His mother works in Manhattan and lives on Long Island. They will be in New York for a week and I gave her the address of the peace church and told her to look for you if she is in the area. She has a copy of the photo of you at the demo and has read your stuff here on the list and is quite impressed with the Mutes For Peace movement. Her name is Sarah.

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Hey, my middle daughter flew to NYC today with her main squeeze. She is going to meet his mom for the first time. His mother works in Manhattan and lives on Long Island. They will be in New York for a week and I gave her the address of the peace church and told her to look for you if she is in the area. She has a copy of the photo of you at the demo and has read your stuff here on the list and is quite impressed with the Mutes For Peace movement. Her name is Sarah.

Name: Joe
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Steve the Appalachian Trail is a hiking trail.....its too rough for a bike

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: M27 (Mutes For Peace Fanction)
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Hey,..the meeting is heating up. The DA mob dont wanna' get any shit smeared on them or the NYC Boys in Blue Gang (for their fuck-ups)...and as such are reluctant to cut deals. (as it might set a precidence). To our advantage though; many 9-11 families have written and called in telling them to leave us the fuck alone. Here's my drift. Later tonight I will post an address and number that you all can hook up to and voice your' outrage ...(for the poor mute bastard anyway)...(so much for solidarity)...hey,.. Im' countin' on ya. Later.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 13 Jul 2003
This is what the internet should be used for

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Email:
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Hey Ohio Girl; go out and steal "joni mitchell" HITS Reprise 9 46326-2. Listening to that CD makes me wish that I was a girl. No shit. It's that good.

Name: Esteban
EmailAddress: here
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Thanks jag. I plan on giving all of my stuff away and getting Clyde geared up to follow the warm weather. Tool kit etc. I plan on picking up a quality hammook and some good lead lines. The rig can double as a tent w/ light-weight tarps. No layin' on the ground fer' this kid. I need to reasearch the Appalatian bike trails etc. and/or any eastern seaboard route. If I time it right, I can stay ahead of the weather. (not counting rain of course). Fuck the land-lord. I am a lord. Hey, the mob cleared out Sat. Night and as such Im' hosting an M27 meeting in the back parlor in a few minutes. It coensides w/ the Plowshares gig tonight. I will try to get them to blend and give you all the high-lights. I met up w/the Plow Shares folks a while back,\. I can tell ya' that they are the original article. Later.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Thank-you Jag, I bet that would definitely make me feel better! I love all the music discussed in these messages. Another way to put it, anything that's the opposite of Lite Rock probably covers my taste. Is that enough to go on? I think I could use a surprise right now. Thanks!

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Jul 2003
CounterPunched Again
"Bring Me The Head (of Alfredo Saddam)"

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Jul 2003
Ohio Girl, sorry about your doldrums, if music can soothe your doldrums how would you like a custom CD? Give me a list of artists and titles and I can compile you one. Let me know I enjoy compiling selections and searching the net for material.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: somewhat down and out
Date: 13 Jul 2003
I haven't felt great but it's an upper to read these messages, to read about the music which always soothes my soul, to see how right things turned out for you and your daughter, Eileen, and Steve you seem to be on a road trip without ever leaving NYC this stuff cheers me us. Yesterday I got my twelfth contract from "True Story" magazine, that cheered me up too. I came home from the farmers' market (with some real food that hopefully will fix me right up), and found a contract for my story "Love Harvest" which is about a woman finding romance at a farmers' market. I know, "Love Harvest" kinda sounds like one of those hippie exploitation books but the title is to get the editor's attention, they almost always change the titles anyways. Well I wonder after this story gets printed, will lonely "True Story" readers start going to farmers' markets trying to get laid? Newest place to meet guys.......?

Name: Mark
Date: 12 Jul 2003
Hey it is hot here on Monterey Bay. If you need some heat check out the temps down in Death Valley for the coming week. It was 129 today and it is near 8pm and it still 105.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 12 Jul 2003
New poem by Allen Cohen
"Insomnia & the Eightfold Path Through Anxious Night"

Name: Hammond
Date: 12 Jul 2003
Working at my desk with music on the tape deck that would take you all home with such a smile on your faces - wishing you could just click here and listen in to The Chalatans (live) playing extended versions of:
"Alabama Bound (brief segue into "Mona")," "High Coin (Baby)," "Easy When I'm Dead," "Codeine," ending with a wild and wooly rendtiton of "When the Movies Are Over" - one of my fav songs - especially the instrumentation during the break. I think this is on one of their cds - so enjoy this one if you can. These guys were so ahead of the pack and yet another on of those - "Well, ya just had to be there..." sorta deals.
Ah the music we were all so lucky to hear first and only hand....
Jag's generostity has me plundering my vaults with a renewed musical interest....
So much better to do this than read the daily blather about who in the admin. lied today and how sorry they are for not stopping the war in Iraq. Bush saying in the background "See, it isn't my faught - Now re-elect me so I can get on with my oil cartelium."

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 12 Jul 2003
"Passages Di Chirico" (click images)
Happy Sunday to one and all -

Name: Jag
Date: 12 Jul 2003
Rena I spent a few years in Hawaii I worked on the American Hawaiian Cruise Line for almost a year as well as my brothers garage in Wahiawa on Oahu, I remember all the tented houses and the termites(not to mention the roachs), that tropical clime was a haven for insects but I loved the atmosphere and once I was acclimated socially the locals were the most gracious people. I miss it alot and one of these years I'd like to move back.

Name: Joe
Date: 12 Jul 2003
Bush's approval rating has dropped ten points in the last 2 weeks over the weapons of mass destruction thing. Tenting for termites here is only for the dry wood termites that come from overseas as far as I know. Dry wood termites live in the wood. They usually put poison into the ground around the house because the common subteranean termites actually live in the ground most of the year. Id stay out for few days either way and wash everything before using it. After reading Eileens odyssey I think Ill stay here for a while.

Name: no name
Date: 12 Jul 2003
Magic is afoot!
As Ocean Spirits embrace you
with Loving breezes
softly hugging
and waves that whisper
Welcome Home
Welcome Home! ~*

Name: R ehn ay ?
EmailAddress: witch doctor
Date: 12 Jul 2003
Ed Rosenthal in the news again. The feds are appealing his short sentence (one day.) Ed is appealing his conviction as a felon. The jurors have begged to dissolve their verdict because major facts were withheld. Ed had been hired by the city of oakland Ca to gorw for the patients prescribed medical mj.
read about it here:

Name: R N A
EmailAddress: aloha
Date: 12 Jul 2003
Aloha Eileen, Here in Hawaii we have major termites. The houses are tented and gassed with Vipane. real bad for the ozone layer but real effective and no residual spray. Is the house being tented? If so, once it airs there is nothing do deal with except the bug and centipede and scorpion corpeses. The critters die from lack of oxygen.
If the house was sprayed... I'd put cotton runners on the carpet. Usually bombs are used for fleas.
here we use salt for fleas. it really works. we use Hawiian salt because it has no sugar in it (check the label on your current brand) It kills the fleas in the carpets, and no residual poison.
When our house is tented i stay away 2 days. The tent is removed after 24 house. I give it an extra day to air.
I hope your home is blessed with beacucoup laughter and love. 2 acres is grand! let us know what you plant.

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Esteban, Bush is the "Punch and Judy Show" revisited, hope springs eternal or some such shit and maybe he'll take a wrong turn in Zambia and find himself face to face with some of the third world despots he's gunning for. I saw him and his daughter and Lara his squeeze watching two elephants fucking while they sat in an open air vehicle with bench seats and had a front row seat. No shit! This was on the news last night. Good luck with clyde, Pee Wee and the great bicycle race.

Name: Esteban
EmailAddress: Born under a bad sign.
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Hey: Kairos Theatre is pulling off something in the sanctuary... I forgot just what it is...hey; I was just "Watching" Television (again) and had tuned into my favorite commedy show (Nightly News) and anyway; here's George Bush in Africa with his' dancing shoes on trying like hell to side-step the questions that he ran over there to avoid in the first place...well; you know the pay-off. (the CIA was just kiddin' around).. Oh, it seems as if we "Discovered" a "New" planet! ..(it's actually about 13 billion years old (young?)..anyway,.. its about 800 times larger than Earth. I wonder what they will name it and what (if any) are the astralogical ramifications. I could use a boost in that department myself. (Double Cancer w/ Sag. moon) Go figure. Hey "No-Name" Why dont they call it like it is and name the fuckin' place "The Hep Museum?..give me mine with fried onions please. I hope that Nicole is OK. Rained like hell a while ago. Later.

Name: Hippie Museum
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Attention !!!
Allen Cohen ~ hip poet and founder of the 60's Newspaper the San Francisco Oracle, is ill and at this time is very much needing the help of all who love and admire him. Please visit S.F. Heart's page for the Allen Cohen liver fund and if possible please help pass along the information contained therein.

Name: mfanvudahibaeism
Date: 11 Jul 2003
no - no - not in the glue factory! Doing it at home was bad enough.

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Jul 2003
That is great news! Just in time for some great weather. After you get settled in I will think about driving up so you can show me around your new digs. I just bought a new laptop so I am going through the learning curve. My old PC wigged out last night.

Name: the real Me
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Hey; I just hopped over to the joint that kites my snail-mail because I thought that Nik might have thought that I actually live there. And, anyway, I bumped into Mathew Broadrick. He was wheeling a baby carriage with the cutest child. He seems like a fine cat.

Name: Ste trying out my new name (keyurius )
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Hows this for a handle

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Hmm..
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Ah... who am I talking to; and where's Nicole. Wow; Sweet Lorraine wants to know where Steve is; and Steve wants to know where Nicole is. Now the question that may be answered on next weeks soap opera (As the Digger yurns) is this: "Where in the hell is the person that Nicoles is wondering about??? Stay tuned. (in, that is).

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ya..that one!
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Well Pop my Iggy!!... hey, I almost set a glue factory on fire once. (well; several times). I would scoop up a few pounds of powdered resins and Fast Eddy would light up a torch on the main floor. I would dump the load off of the upper gallery and a fire ball would mushroom allong the ceiling. That was during 94 when all of that great Seatle Sound was still with us. We piped it in real loud during my Auther Brown numbers. It was a real 3rd shift floor show.

Date: 11 Jul 2003
A Spontaneous Combustion;
Fire is a flame that can burn
Flames that can burn are on fire
Burning fire can ignite a flame
Combustionable material can be inflamatory

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: West 4th
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Ah hint: The Steve's of this world dont usually say 'SORRY'...but we could change all of that. Steve's of the world unite!!! Steves for Peace!!. Steve Power! Give Steve a Chance!.. Etc. Etc... follow me? ..ahh.. I mean "Follow You???....ah...(???!!!) Hey that junkie-bride-to-be may be casing out the kitchen for a food raid. (I love to see folks steal free food...It's so 60's)...anyway, I dont think it will come down; as a homicidal maniac is cleaning up in there. He's a Slovic Lunatic named Angel. He seems to think that he's got the job and Im' not going to break the bubble. Well still no Nik. Boy that was a close one,, I was almost going to take a shower.

Name: Free Poetry!
Date: 11 Jul 2003
"Permutating Valery"
(a spontaneous composition)
"The mind is a moment in the response of the body to the world"
The world is a response in the body of the mind to the moment
The moment is a world in the mind of the body to the response
The response is a body in the moment of the world to the mind

Name: Steven Robert Boyd
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Hey Steve; how about calling yourself "Curious:..(wink, wink,..nudge..nudge)....Did I spell "Curiouse" right??? Or hey; could adopt the Tribal Name of:"He who spells right". (or "Spells Right" for short). Or "S R". Or "Hell No; Not THAT Steve". You chose. Any suggestions?.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Silent (among other things)
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Hey Steveless; Not to fret. Mom was gonna' name me "Robin" wheather I was a boy or a girl. Anyway;..there's a little Steve in all of us. I had dubbed myself "Silent Steve" after becomming mute; but found out that a Wheeler's Ranch man had already claimed it. Hey; it's 4:20 and no sign of Nik. I checked both doors for a "Here and Gone" note; but only found a halk-chewed Gummy Bear with a few hairs on it. (not her style)..the bear I mean. Anyway,.. Ah hell; I should just make up a Nik and Steve story. Oh; hey Eric,.. I just tagged onto the part of the site where you lay down the dirt on the Original Digger movement of the 17th Century. Wow; I will take the time to dig deeper into the spiritual aspects and conceptions of those cats. Think the original doctorine and way of life will take root in this century. (or has it all ready). I know for one that there are so many out there prime for grabbing whats real,.. (in reference to the inner light)..than the rain-bow chasing of a promised land. Any feed back??? Hey an ol' Hippie gal who's getting married just dropped in for some free wedding apperall. I turned her onto a cow hide vest. She then went on and on in a effort to hustle me with the ol' My future husband needs money to get his perscrition filled. She kept calling me father and I would not grease her palm but kept miming that he was in my prayers. I ofter play preacher when no one's around. (It's a cinch). Well,...still no Nik. Prey for her. I know that I will.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Jul 2003
PS - Eileen and Miranda - So glad you both safe and solid on the ground. So very - very glad you have landed.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Eileen - Glorious!!!! Just what you (and the rest of us) asked for you and Miranda. - Yippie!!! Don't worry about the jobs because they are both on 'the way' - and so happy that there is lineage to this family and their seeming very together transition. You and Miranda are still on 'clean up duty' here - but of a different sort and you are the perfect team for this.

Name: The Other Steve
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Sorry this site aint big enough for 2 steves so seeing as you was here first i will find myself a handle . any suggestions?

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Great news Eileen it sounds better than the Oregon coast and a treat for the road weary. When you least expect it something awesome can happen and give you a whole new lease on life :)

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: yes
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Damn.. I dropped the shower routine; I went back to the stall and found that those young pranksters are using "Clyde" as a wet towel rack. I could hardly make out the lower profile of the wheels. I didnt exactly see red: as Legally Clyde is far from the Ol' Knuck. But really; Where's the pride, the dignity, the honor???? Using a strangers bicycle as a home appliance of sorts. Oh the shame. ...and I couldnt even find the deoderant.

Name: The Mayor
EmailAddress: "High" Office
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Im' going to take a real shower and put on my cleanest dirty clothes. I love it when she visits.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Damn...
Date: 11 Jul 2003
I missed your' last post...maybe Im' actually "Tuned Out". Will take you out for a bite or two.

Name: Black Boyd
EmailAddress: The Black Hills Gang
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Lets see; defacing a national monument;..Ah..hey! Lets not and say we did! Damn shame that the New York Times let go of their most creative reporter. Hey Nik; your' bed is still on the 4th floor, but I will get it down as soon as the group clears out. Time is on my side these days. In as much as Ive' had it too good for too long; I was on a "Kick Me Hard" trip; but snapped out of it and am now on a full blown "I want it better for longer" gig. Im' smilin'. How are things in the mid-town five O'Clock world? I can picture Marlow Thomas on acid during the intro of "That Girl" as you head out to work. (Smile, will ya). By the way Nicole: speaking of smiles and being happy; heres something rather odd that came up...(no shit Steve?)..In going though my stuff, I ran across the photos of you which you E-Mailed me and I also reviewed the ones that you posted on site way back when; and at one point I remember having commented on the fact that I thought that you looked sad and that you should show that great smile of your's. Well, to my amazement (who me?).. I realized that you were smiling in most of the photos. Go figure? (Am I that tuned in????)....

Name: Nik
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Steve, it's 2:35 and I'm off work early, so I'm coming by right now...see you in about a half hour to 45 minutes...Nik

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Jul 2003
ps...the guy who said he had pictures of Emmett was the same guy who posted the piece trying to rally everyone to support genetically altered tobacco...I think he was just trying to get more names and possibly have us go to his site...bullshit stuff....

Name: One of the Steves again...
EmailAddress: Sittin' on top o' the world..
Date: 11 Jul 2003
I said "Sittin'...hey, I just met a gal who is applying for my old Sexton Job. We shook hands and I crossed my fingers to wish her good luck. But she said that she didnt know sign language. Thats what Im' constantly up against. If a normal man gave her the crossed fingers; she would gush and most likely say: Oh, thanks; I may need it". Get me??..also, I write someone a question and they write me the answer... or they scream real loud in my ear. I should print up a tee-shirt that explains where Im' at. Ummm... maybe everyone in America should do that;.. you know;.. the Ol' "Looks 8..Dances 10" thing. Mayor of Calais; I decree that...oh forget it! Hey, since I took down the Digger 100% Sale sign off of the rack, we seem to be getting more and more clothing donations. The Garbage men finally took the sign; which I took as a sign..(but wont get into that now)... Hey Eric; what would your' Tee Shirt say big boy? How are ya. Man; you got somethin' to be proud of with this web site. Real Mount Rushmoore Material. Hell; we could form a guerrilla squade to chip off Teddy's specticals and you'd be a dead ringer. Think about it. Lets organize. "BULLY" Over and out.

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Eileen, yeah team!!!! I'm truly happy for you and Miranda...and like Tomas was saying, I think, is that home is where the heart is...and no matter what is going on with the ol' bush gov thing, we can create our perfect world where ever we are...keep keepin on...

Name: Just one of the Steves
EmailAddress: Changeling
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Terrific Eileen. Hey, that was some whirl-wind tour. Moon in Cancer for sure! Until around the 22nd I think. Hey; remember Joni Mitchell's tune "Urge For Going???" Play that a few times if the ol' tear drops have been hiding out with your' shadow for too long. Hell; I just noticed the shadow of my hands on the keyboard,.. been a long time for me too. It's as if Im' being telecast and recieved in my head (station DWFS)... I'm sitting back and watching my life;..dont get me wrong; NO; I havent been in the Village for too long and I dont intend on insulating my hat with aluminum foil in order to keep the Government from beaming in on me; (anytime soon)...Speaking of my end of the Village; for those who remember it as the "New Orleans" of NYC; well, I hate to break yer' bubble... for the most part, Aides zapped the real party animals and now its just your' run of the mill human zoo and side show. The Gay Race got as torn and scattered as the hoop of the tribes. A race of souls who embraced me, fed me and let me grow and go. Im' counting them in; (never counted em' out);..they; us; we;... and on that note; Is everybody In??? (In my new unauthorized capacity as Mayor of Calais) I welcome you one and all to the Great State of Maine. Or... If any of you get there first and claim Kingship; you may of course welcome me. (Im' not a detail man). As far as making sense;.. Im' about par for the course.. right?. Let us know where and when you can recieve house warming gifts. (directly; or through a third party). I know how it goes. By the way; hows the protien strands comming along? Are you at the Peanut's "Woodstock" fuzzy stage yet?. I think that if you cut or trim it on a Leo moon, it may come in fuller. Later all; and remember folks: "It's all about you".

Name: Eric
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Oh, Eileen, it sends chills up my spine reading the miraculous (fingers crossed) rebound you've made. The land you describe sounds so healing, I almost feel healed from my own inner city angst just reading your message.
Onward and upward,

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Jul 2003
The Good Ship has landed!!!!! We found a home last night and clearly all the prayers and good thoughts pulled a terrific rabbit out of the hat! 2 acres nice size place with the ocean 1/4 mi as the sea gull flies. Bus friendly, dog friendly, people friendly. Family home of greatly loved grandma who passed 2 months ago (no not in that house) with a great deal of her stuff still in there. Furniture kitchen stuff and all the way down to the nick nacks. Looks like we can use and eventually buy the furniture..we came with card board boxes and milk crates and one dresser. Of course there is plenty of gardening room and out buildings and more than I will go into. We will probably help simply box up anything we don't want, as the family has already come together and gathered what they wanted. There must have been a lot in there cause the place is anything but empty..even paintings still on the walls. Landlady is grand daughter..singer, actress, Goddess and is not after our last dollar or our skin or life history and has let us park the bus before she is quite ready for us to move in. Termite spraying today and I want time for it to air out...anyone know the timing on that kind of stuff?Her brother taught at LSU in Shreveport,Louisiana (my home town) and there are Ewing's in the family. There's more but needed to let you all know miracles still do happen.
Me? I'm kind of in shock and holding steady until the $ is exchanged and the agreement signed. But I feel kind of teary today..a lot of mixed feelings. We're in a Cancer Sun at the moment so I will just blame it on that. Really, it's just as well I feel this all now and get it done with rather than have it so tucked away it sneaks up on me. Sad at what I've lost. Happy to have another chance and just blown out at what we have just gone thru. Now we need to get jobs but I think the Universe has given us the Big High Sign, so I think the rest will fall into place.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Steve - I did the same - suggesting he send them to Eric - and got the same no reply. A dead end kid maybe....

Name: Ste
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Hey I emailed that floyyd guy to see his emmett pics and i didnt get any rely. whats goin on ?

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Jul 2003
Really glad you liked the selections I chose for the Waits CD Hammond, he has so much material out their and I tried to chose the stuff I felt was his best work but music is so subjective I don't know what others like.
I get in touch with ya Sat.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Jul 2003
JAG - just a wishin and a hopin! You know how it goes....

Name: Jame Morrison
Date: 11 Jul 2003
:-) Your web site makes my day

EmailAddress: MUGU@MUGU.COM
Date: 11 Jul 2003

Name: Tomas
Date: 11 Jul 2003
The bear went over the mountian to see what he could see. The bear will always go over the mountian to see what he can see.
I am not a pessimist or am I a bear. I see what is planted before me. And what is planted before me is the earth. Good or bad it is my home.
Dylan said that toward the sky there are no fences facing. The earth is my home, whatever vista I see is my own, wheather its looking out of a jail cell or standing on the beach at sunset.
I am not going anywhere. This planet may always be my home.
My strength is my being.

Name: evetS
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Make that a "Third Party"...Im' excited. By the way, I answered an M27 E-Mail and asked for some advise in reference to the blind-man routine that Im' planning to pull off in court. I dont want to smear their image.

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: just in...
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Just got a word from athird part; Sweet Lorraine wants to know "Where I Am"... (well;.. I know where Im' not)...hey, speaking of "Where", "I", and "Am"..(what-ever-that-means)...I often surprise myself...the fuckin' Dalai Lama is hitting town in September. Aint that a scream??. I should of hung in with that outfit. Hey, has anyone heard anything about the word getting out on my Deaf, Dumb and Blind Anti-War Resistance Project? Ask Mr. Lama if you bump (hee hee) into him.

Name: The most confident man in America
EmailAddress: (or Manhattan Island anyway)....
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Hey, a busty blonde approached me before I could get the key in the door. I had seen their camera set up across the street and was ducking in fast. She was all pro and asked if ESPN could film the front steps of 133 West 4th. I gave her the nod and tyhen gave the crew my best one-kneed "Mammy" and in return, she gave me a Ball Cap. So much for a location fee. Hey Sam; whenever you and the other "Elders" (and I aint refering to earth years) actually get a glimps of the gates of Eden. Give me a shout. hey;.. heres a twist; Im' looping back to WSUMC for a short stint to cover Juanita as host while she goes on vacation from August 14th to the 28th. Im' glade nothing was etched in stone; as I never nail down the fine points. The biggest mistake I ever make is to mark a calander. This may buy me some time to pad the Calais nest egg. Im' still a bit hesitant on the prospect of getting a "Blind" cane past Court security. maybe I should wrap the red tape around the end moments before being asked to approach the bench. I envission an episope somewhere between 24 Hours and Ally McBeal. (not bad for a cat who shuns TV, Hmmm?? Well, theres 30 some folks camped out in the front and rear parlor. Like old times. Hey; I plan on spending a good deal of time in St. John Canada. (bay of Fundy)... accourding to the planetary activity, its dead-nuts where I auta be. (thats why I settled for Calais).. It's just a hoot & a holler. And who knows,.. an American dollar may be as strong as 99 Canadian cents if Im' lucky. Shit

Name: Roving Eye
Date: 10 Jul 2003
kim cattrall, Carrie Grant, Brad Pitt and Rolf Harris
All friends of mine
They enter my living room
From time to time
I know of them
They dont know of me
Celebs of fortune
This I will decree
I live in London
Not Biloxi
I know them all
they know not me
Theres something odd in the water
Down in Biloxi
So call me up visit me any time, see me for free when your on line.I am only human an odditie. I trump out loud and dress like Bill Oddie AND I KNOW ALL THE WORDS TO BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY
(I see a little silhouetto of a man.
Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango)

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Miranda came up with my new mantra..we have a home here..we just haven't found it yet. I can work with that.
I check my email daily. So far the librian remains friendly.

Name: Char ~*
EmailAddress: Collective Consciousness
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Change is afoot... there's magic in the air!
Something is stirring up the ole tribal spirit, and it seems like those of the hippie persuasion are beginning to want to bring it together and be around others of like ilk. Something is telling us I think, that it's time that we took a united stand against the "machine", or at least start putting the wagons in a circle. Love, and New Beginnings, Char ~*
(Canada sounds great! Too bad it's not in California : ) )

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Going to the end of the line
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Just some positive energy, to much negativity has me in a funk.
Well it's all right, riding around in the breeze
Well it's all right, if you live the life you please
Well it's all right, doing the best you can
Well it's all right, as long as you lend a hand
Maybe somewhere down the road aways
You'll think of me, wonder where I am these days
Maybe somewhere down the road when somebody plays
Purple haze
(Chorus 3)
Well it's all right, even when push comes to shove
Well it's all right, if you got someone to love
Well it's all right, everything'll work out fine
Well it's all right, we're going to the end of the line
Don't have to be ashamed of the car I drive
I'm glad to be here, happy to be alive
It don't matter if you're by my side
I'm satisfied
(Chorus 4)
Well it's all right, even if you're old and grey
Well it's all right, you still got something to say
Well it's all right, remember to live and let live
Well it's all right, the best you can do is forgive
(Chorus 5)
Well it's all right, riding around in the breeze
Well it's all right, if you live the life you please
Well it's all right, even if the sun don't shine
Well it's all right, we're going to the end of the line
Traveling Willburys

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Eileen - see how much I know about Canada - gee 2010 is just around the corner.
JAG - check your e-mail for a weekend question from me..

Name: Jag
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Arrg! It won't paste as an active link you will have to copy and paste it.

Name: Jag
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Eileen should be an active link.

Name: Jag
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Eileen I don't believe the Olympics are going to be in North America until 2010 at the earliest.This is the future games schedule, Summer:Athens 2004,Winter:Turin,Italy 2006, Summer:Beijing 2008,Winter:Vancouver 2010
Here's a link for a free assessment for qualifying for Canadian immigration

Name: Nik
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Someone told me that since my parents and all my older bros and sisters are Canadian, that I can opt for duel citizenship? even now? There is a state park in eastern canada called Battle of Chrysler Farm State Park, that was my great grandfathers home stead, David Dexter Chrysler...the first time I tried to go they wouldn't let me in, but years later I played gigs in Montreal and I loved it there...
Eileen, remember when Sienna horsebacked into the interior with the babies during the draft resistance days? Maybe she has some good insite as well.

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Will follow up on link for Canada later today when I am done with grrr house hunting. Libraian told me it too $10000 liguid assets plus a few yrs, to become a citizen. Where are the olempics going to be? I need to get to the Canadian web site and get this info clear. Anyone have time to do the finger work on that one for me today? Oh my gosh the thought of that man having a second term is too much!

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Eileen - Regretably I have never been to Canada - though I am considering it as an alternative to crossing the great water if you know who gets reelected. Jobs relating to the forthcoming Summer Olympics might be at hand - but work permits are always a drag. I read in todays paper that the gov. up there is soon to begin pot distribution for med. card holders at $112 an ounce (10% thc content overall).

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Jul 2003
...very heavy atmosphere in the air today...I feel like something is going to explode...outside...maybe just impending thunder...

Name: Oliver Asheba
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Hi there , nice page and a good design! Greetings Oliver

Name: Tomas
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Talk to Andee about Tolstoy Farm, it may piss you off but it will do it nicely.
Electricty comes from the sun there and it is not hard to find online.
Kentucky is beautiful but all the preachers will try to save you. Laurel and I had a great time here in 1969, Laurel in short skirts, no bras and fire and brimestone sparking our doorway all the time.
Did you ever get to see Pam?

Name: George Kleist
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Check Your Review of
The Hippie Dictionary
by John Bassett McCleary
Here is your review the way it will appear:
John McCleary as Pundit for Flower Power Pinheads
Reviewer: from Walden Pond
This book is extremely "tiring!" It is "padded" to say the
the point of making the book inane. C'mon, now...he puts "zip code" in
his dictionary, along with a plethora of other irrelevant terms and
phrases. The "Yiddish" words (that he barely defines adequately)
hardly belong in this book at all...Some Jews would be aghast at these
references within the context of such a narrow window in American
History...not to mention that (for such a "sexually cognative" pedant)
he completely left out the sexual connotation for the word "schmuck,"
defining it only as "a naive or stupid person."
He does the same with "putz." He doesn't seem to have a problem with
defining "pussy," however...not surprising!
He mentions Steven Gaskin in his book, but fails to discuss a renegade
that left Gaskin's troop (Louie) and settled in Pacific Grove with his
devoted disciples (who later sued him for recovery of material assets
and compensation for physical abuse at his hand...not very
hippie-like, eh?) before fleeing to South America with all the money.
Also, he was much too kind in describing Gloria Steinem's
character...McCleary does know how to suck up and stay published!
Seriously, I could go on and on for some time about his severe
language limitations and his inability to convey anything deep and
meaningful about a counter culture that was so ephemeral and insipid.
The term "hippie dippie" from a previous review comes to mind when I
think about this charlatan. I fear he has set himself up as an
"authority" on hippiedom. Well, I "question his authority!" He's more
likely a dressed-down "petit bourgeois" in severe need of giving
meaning to a very unfilling life/lifestyle.
As for his reference to 9/ll....I'm not sure what he's smoking these
days/daze, but I don't have a problem countering his notion that if
the government had listened to the hippies, 9/11 would never have
happened. On the contrary, John, it would probably have happened
sooner! I give this book one star only because won't permit
me to post this review without a star rating. If I had my druthers, I
would rank it in the negative field...minus a thousand stars! Take
some advice, John....stick to what you always did best....panhandling!
"shit happens anything can go wrong. You can't stop fate. A popular
bumper sticker."
~John McCleary, THE HIPPIE DICTIONARY, page 434

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Try this Eileen, same site, more specific to Canada

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Exodus
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Here is an interesting link if one is thinking of leaving this conservitive morass.

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Eileen I spent a lot of time in Canada in the 70's and it was a definite respite from the USA. I don't know how much has changed but I know it has to be better than this war machine climate we have. I remember a more civil atmosphere and a Canadian perception that we were up to no good south of their border. They wouldn't get on board the Iraqi express for Bush and that pissed him off. I agree with the concensus here that this country is becoming such an oppressive force at home and abroad that a change of climate would be welcome.

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Jul 2003
In the library talking to the librarian about "the situation" in this country. She brought up Canada. That's not the first time that has come up as an option on this journey. OK folks, can we talk about this? Anyone have any info or thoughts on this? Any place you know and love? Any tour guidess out there? Right now I'm going to sit tight. Needless to say I'm are my resources. But that will change and I am still less than pleased with the options. I should be on my feet again within a yr. $900+ with a long list of conditions for a hole in the wall is so far what I've seen..and that is generally what it is on the northern west coast. It is not good. Although it does no good to be pissed off I am pissed off. I would like to explore Canada via computer to at least give me something to explore and dream on. Anyone have any useful links or thoughts on this? BTW I have a hotmail account with my samileen.
over and out for today

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Step Right Up
Date: 09 Jul 2003
McMing, Nichole, Hammond, their in the mail, hope you enjoy it.

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Nicole..ooh I hadn't thought of Irland..wonder if water wings on the bus..naaw.
Steve and Hammond..I guess my instincts are pretty right up there and I have felt no need to wander amongst the carni guys. I'm watching at enough of a distance not to be in the loop. Saw two handsome beauties at McD's (breakfast you know)yesterday from the crew and they looked pretty hard core. There was a time though....
money money money money..speaking of hard core..these landlords are a hard lot..$ for eyeballs and with N/P N/S, bad tenants, animal horror stories, junk cars and credit reports stuck in their brains as guide to the perfect tentant. oh yeah I'm back in California. I can do this I CAN do this.

Name: Nik
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Hammond,a whole group of us did it together in 69 I think, Elsa Marley, Phyllis, Sienna, (natural suzanne) Lenore, Sam and me...a few others also, I can't remember if any of the men did but alot of us wimens. a great tool.

Name: PS
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Thanks for "falling in love" (with us) - !!!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Nic - you continue to blow me away with off the cuff comments. "Silva spot" eh? Now where and when did you come in contact with the SMC folks? I first ran into them and their way during my speed enhanced largely mindless wanderings on Hollywood Blvd. in 65. -
Long live micky mouse as a source of entry....

Name: Nik
Date: 09 Jul 2003
...hey maybe we should all emmigrate to Ireland...gorgeous, totally for the taxes if you are an artist or writer...and quaint and oh never was just the heather that took me there...aye lads and lassies, jaysus, mary n'joe I'll be goin then...and lang may yer lum leek (that means long may smoke come out of your chiminy)'s a good luck thang...Nik

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Eileen, I'm feelin'ya. I'm feeling all of us...sometimes when I get on this line here and start having conversations with all of you, old friends and new, I get a sensation in my when I'm falling in love with know that longing, excited, anticipitory feeling of being completely alive...and that has to mean something besides that I'm just crazy and basically a child at 54...but whatever it is I like it and it makes me feel good and I think it's extremely good for my physical and spiritual health...endorphins rock! Yes,I think all of our communiques are forming a road map that will become more and more visible as we continue our dialog. In the mean time I found a wonderful photo of a small cabin/cottage in Tennessee that looks exactly like the one in my Silva/ my head...the one I've been going to for 30 it's now my wallpaper on the computer so I can double visualize constantly...where intention goes, energy flows...I totally intend to materialize this place...I can create it...I have zero doubt. Sam you are an amazing woman and I know you will perserver...I just thought of that great song...and we'll all go together through the wild moutain thyme...all around the purple heather we will go laddie,, Nik

Name: Daniel Sani
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Just awesome!

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Eileen - Good advice from Steve. Today's carny huskers and buskers are all on phentamine and have the general mentality of the brain dead mechanic who wanted to give you a different sort of lube job for doing the work on your van in what sounded like Barstow or Needles to me. Sorry you and Miranda have to play chinese checkers with your sleeping - camping - and (lack of ) privacy in the parking lots of Ca. - Hang in there - a house to home is on the way.

Name: Steve Vargas
EmailAddress: Homeskin
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Watch out for the Carnies kiddo. Heat-Merchants,.. the whole lot of em'. Go with the true Circus Folk. "Circus is when ya' feel it in yer' arms". I knew the best "Butcher" in biz. Rowland Kaiser. An original Hitler Youth. (but that was beyond his control)... Circus,..ya;..go Circus.

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Jul 2003
PS Please just translate my miss spellings and expect many more. I must hurry, being on a public computer and don't have read over time. Now you all see me in the raw. Take it or leave it.

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Steve..will be waiting to hear about Calais.
Yes, the 7th return. I park the bus in the college parking lot durning the day with my dogs. A big open lot between me and the bushes..where a carnival is setting up. An interesing mix of guys set up the rides. It's hard to believe that something that is such a throwback to my childhood and has the road as home for real actually exists anymore..and in my back yard yet! HA How appropriate. Miranda takes the car and runs our errons (I give up ever learning how to spell that work) and is hanging out with her best friend that has lived in his cart for yrs. He's showing her about using the the little town bus here and getting her to WALK places. He even talked her over the Noyo Harbor bridge twice. I did the dance with the cops last night quite successuflly and got some inside info where I can tuck the bus at night that they won't bother. I don't think there is any state as unfriendly about doing ANYTHING for free, as CA is.
Yes ladies, I do think the tribes are beginning to seek one another out. Or maybe I am and they have been doing it all along. This is a very humbling experience for me. I see where money has made me too isolated and it has taken this experience for me to wake up to a whole other window of life that many more folks share.
Road fever. Really felt like that..but more I felt driven from from behind. This house hunting looks like it may take some time, but now we are just going to sit it out. Please put the prayers out there for us to be in our new home soon.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Ya....
Date: 09 Jul 2003
I hear ya Hammond;... Im' feeling almost guilty hanging state-side. But then again;...the thought of U.S. forien policy aint that enviting either. Having been legally married a few times the "Love it or leave it" concept is neither untested nor unformiliar to me. Maybe they should change the term to read: "Kinda' like it,..or..well..vacation several times a year". (You know, "middle of the road thing").

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: Skin (never leave home without it)
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Word from many planetary pipe-lines has it that: It's not about "Finding" your'self; It's about creating your'self. Big doin's throughout the solar system these days. Well, I just bought two belts for the vacume cleaner. (one extra) and will most likely get the bed down from the top floor by tonight. I had the oddest dream(s) last night... and they continued throughout a mid-morning nap. They Involved a whole family who Ive' never met. (dream family??)..anyway, the dream(s) kept continuing in the same setting and home (back yard style) environment; even though I awoke many times. All in color. It was a long serial of episodes that were all very comforting. I guess that my subconscience is filling in the gaps and I'm being kind to myself. It's a nice gift; both to give and receive. Who needs Television?..hey; they were most likely brought on by my rememberance of the folks who took me in on the 4th of July in Mexico Mo. (Summer of 1970 I think.) I had hooked a ride with collage proffessor named Rev. James E. Thomas from out of Cambridge Mass. His Nik-Name was "JET" When we parted trails and I headed north to Michigan, he laid some African weed on me that had brightened up the colors along the way. You still out their Jet???

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Ohio Girl - Char* - Portland is in the same funk with the same lack luster of just about everything collective or conscious - unless you are 19 again or about to retire from your local government job. For myself - I am considering another expatriotic move to Europe or UK as a alternative to localized socio-artistic boredom and homeland frustration over the rise and tide of the Bushistic State - but I will wait until after the election. "Love It or Leave It" is eating at me on a daily basis. Not that things are so grand in Europe or the UK - but things and life struggles will at lease be different!!!
Back to my cage..........

Name: FYI Service
Date: 09 Jul 2003
More on DARPA and the new CTS from Big Brother

Name: Raoul Smith
Date: 09 Jul 2003
just finished surfing through your wonderful site!
Thank You

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 09 Jul 2003
PS - See A.R.Cox "Evidence"

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 09 Jul 2003
Mark - The 3rd Page listed this great link sometime ago and if you want to read about the author his reverse radiation icon here:
click his name.
:-) 3rd Page

Date: 09 Jul 2003
Hey Ohio Girl ~ I was surprised to see my thoughts lately put down so directly in your post! wow! I have been going through exactly the same thing here in the beautiful Sierra Nevada foothills..... wonderous beauty, slow, easy, like stepping out of a Norman Rockwell painting. Nice smiling people, lovely lakes and cool winding rivers ,,, but no collective consciousness in the least.
I'm in the process of finding and moving to a more "hippie compatible" environment myself. I'm really tired of being a round peg in square hole. Hey.. maybe the hippie spirit is reawakening and we are all following some big homing instinct to "come together".........Maybe that's why it's called a movement!
Love, Freedom, and Tribal Unity,
Char ~*

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: there's no place like home, there's no place like home
Date: 09 Jul 2003
What is home? We live in a wonderful old house with the best front porch in the history of the world, a large, cool porch with brick sides and pillars. How often I have wished this house could be transported elsewhere. This town (Ashland, Ohio) is so bland. That was why I moved here in the first place many years ago, there was no trouble I was remotely tempted to getting into here. Sometimes I can't stand the idea of living in this bland environment. Other times when I really get to know people I think I was wrong, there are so many old hippies coming out of the woodwork, lots of bikers old and young (this is after all Ohio, biker heaven). Then sometimes I know I'm wrong about the "straight" people when you really get to know people that's a bunch of nonsense that doesn't matter. Other times, the old man and I feel basically displaced, wish we lived with more sympathetic souls, or wish we lived back in Southern Ohio in the sympathetic countryside. The "straight" morality heavily predominates around here, it can feel oppressive even though there's a rich other side to life here too. I don't know the answer to this, just rambling........maybe the bottom line we don't live too far from either of our aged Mom's? Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Mark you fooled me! I was about to relay the info of a dead link when I realized what I was looking at my wife and I howled!!

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Here is a link of internet sarcasm:

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Sheeeit! Talk about of dose of road fever. Park that thang! What was that Eagles verse..."Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy."
I checked out Calias, it is definitely "affordable". What is that place like in the winter? Saipan, where the hell is that? Does Sally Struthers work there?

Name: Steve Barrow,..or Parker,.. or...
EmailAddress: Clyde's Riders
Date: 08 Jul 2003
How are ya' Hammond? I hate to waste space on short posts;.. but I rarely communicate w/ folks these days; what with being in the final stages of making an exit and all. Im' actually going to set up house keeping in Calais; if for no other reason than to welcome a hourde of NYC folks who want to visit. It's a real cinch. Bus up to Portland Maine, then grab one of two daily buses straight to Calais. Hell; I may be down here more than up there. In any event; cant beat the rent up there. It rivals Saipan. Studio around $350.00 per month.

Name: Legally Clyde
EmailAddress: Having a Clyde Moment
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Im' putting off altering the Ol' Bicycle until Aug. I may leave the fenders on and "as is". They are full flared and as such; the front one will keep any rain rooster-tail from drowning me and the rear one will fend off a skunk stripe. Im' just talking to hear myself. Ah... shit,.. I keep forgetting.

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Eileen - Time travels fast when you can't slow down - but I understand. Hoping you and Miranda can get some much needed rest. Now what was that about " six stages and the seventh brings return..." ?

Name: Stevo Polo
EmailAddress: Globe Trotter
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Thanks Mark;...hey Eileen; problwms, problwms!!... check out Saipan! It's the trailor park of the Pacific. From what Ive' seen, they dont use cement or morter for there "Houses". They just stack a bunch of cinder blocks up and throw on some whiffled tin. They make the slums of the Dominican Republic look like the Upper East Side. My advice??...dump anything that has a motor bolted to it. Sam; On a more personal note; I think that you and I (along with half of the remaining tribes) may be somewhat dragged by the same phenomina; that is: We arent in the wrong places; we have just found ourselve's in the wrong century. Then again; what do I know? (anyone else get the same drift). Oh; Sponge: I said "Century"...not "Universe".. got that? Hey Nik; sounds like a Rockwell painting. Thanks for that little slice of American Pie. Good Vibe. My favorite 4th was on a stop over thumbing East. A farm in Mexico Mo. (I cant spell Mousoury)...Happy Birthday America.

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Hi Jag..I really wish we could have sat with you and a good meal..road food has gotten worse along with everything else. But Miranda was so blown away by the city there was no turning back. I tried. I'm not sure you and yours were ready for what could have well been a crash landing. I am sorry to have not let you know what was up. The problwm was, I didn't know and was at the point I could hardly talk sense. When we finally pulled over night before last Miranda listed all she had learned..all she wanted to do better in her life. She says, has all this been for the lessons. I'd say that pretty much frames it up. My on the road book..Crashing Thru Karma, or..There's A Lot of Folks and Country I Never Need to See Again, or Place is not Home.

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Wow Eillen, journey of two lifetimes!! You should have slowed down long enough to re-energise in Portland. Wife and I were expecting company and had some good home cooking planned. I am glad you landed safely however!!

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Jul 2003
oOOH HERE i AM...BACK IN.........fORT bRAGG. Talk about Road Satorie sp?. Blasted through Portland freeway by skin of our teeth. Did not enjoy that with Miranda on my tail (behind the bus) trying to navigate blind. Let me tell you the free ways suck thru cities when one has hard no good solid sleep hardly at all in 3 months, sun fried and baked too many times over driving a small elephant and the daughter afraid of heights and never done city driving following behind, chanting to keep from hyperventilating. Car died (did I tell you) outside of Security CO..trapped in a car eater vortex, in a town we couldn't leave for days definitely in a bad movie. Guy fixing car like a bad porno phone call..willing to trade for sex and did not let up for hrs until I thought for sure I would be raped. Thrown out of KOA..did I mention in no way does my bus look like anyones vacumn from the world on wheels..let's say the 60' is back in full tilt and the road is dangerous more than I have ever experienced. Apparently I'm not alone in this take. Anyway did the Oregon coast cause Portland was definitely way too much a city for us..yes I could see it could be great if one were in that mode. Nothing felt like home down the whole coast and I could not believe we were still viewed with less than friendliness. Not to mention 4th bumper to bumper. The bus really became the only place that felt right until we crossed the CA boarder. At that point I had a panic attack and pulled off for the night. After coming full circle for the 2nd time felt we had both had enough reality check for a lifetime (yeah can dream)..and realized I had left this place like loosing a lover. Had to face it and deal. We begin again. We can do it. Library closing now. Back later.

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Hammond no word here either I hope alls well and she is just taking the scenic route.

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Mark - did you see the LOVE show yet? Send an afternote when you do
Gogue - a great site - thanks. Quite a collection of albums.
JAG - no word from Eileen yet - wondering what's up
All - I may not be around the guestbook much in the coming weeks so if you want to get in touch please use my e-mail address above.
Diving in.......... H.

Name: Nicole
Date: 08 Jul 2003
BG WOW! what a great site, and me with no speakers on my computer...I'll have to go to another desk...Karen Dalton...what a singer wow, she lived with me on The Becky Thatcher in Sausalito when Jeramiah was born...She was incredible...later we saw eachother alot in Woodstock...last I saw her she was pretty ravaged with HIV...think she may have passed...I'd like to know what ever happened to her daughter Abby...anyone know? So many names on the list...thank you again

Name: gouge
EmailAddress: I'll have a dollar's worth of regular today
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Woke up a little twisted today, not like yesterday. I'd been dreamin' about my old digs down on Leroy Street for some reason, the rumble of the number 9 train down under the street, a lady's full hips. I thought of ol' Phil Ochs, he used to live at 57 Leroy, so I hear. Down on the bottom floor. Gone before I got there, moved my bag into those rooms on the top, where I could see. I was dreamin' a beat, you see. buh bop bop buh bop bop ... that's that train under the street. It's those hips. It's ol' Phil down on the ground floor drunk on despair tappin' into the pulse of life.
That beat's everywhere....Santana Live at the Filmore '68...Jingo. Man, is it ever there. It's just that beat of life, everywhere.
So anyway, I wake up with that on my mind, that & Phil...and this is waiting when I fire up my machine this morning...
I'm gonna be busy for a while...

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Jul 2003
McMing e-mail me at the above, its my hotmail account and already spammed, I will send my ISP e-mail back to you and we can go from their.

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Don't bother Nichole, I got it, my pleasure, I like compiling CD's. I have a 50 disk player and 80% of my disks I made. You can really make some specialized play lists.

Name: McMingus
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Thanks for the kind offer yesterday, Jag. I certainly would be interested but
hesitate to publish my e-mail address on a public forum .. so I don't quite know how to get in touch with you. What to do ?

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Jul 2003
I hear you Hammond his voice went through some permutations over the years, he almost had a lyrical throat in his early days and then its gotten steadily raspier.

Name: Nik
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Jag, that'd be the address. I can send a self addressed stamped postage package if you want...we have a postage machine here at the office...let me know.

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Jul 2003
JAG - the voice of Waits is indeed an original (and I love his lyrics) yet sometimes it is a near reproduction of Capt. Beefheart's voice - I can't tell the difference on some of his songs. Great stuff......

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Jul 2003
Great Nichole, should I just send it to the return address on the package you sent C/O you?

Name: Nicole
Date: 08 Jul 2003
yes please Jag. I'd love one...
ps Any one here ever been to Black Rock and the Burning Man?

Name: Eric
Date: 07 Jul 2003
The "thank you for your web site, here's a link to mine"-type message is just spam. Normally, I eventually delete all such comments. No need to take them seriously, folks. This is typical spammer tricks to get people to visit their sites. The Planet Drum guestbook was so inundated I had to set up a filtering email to prevent all the "Tyrolean Hotel Tourist" messages, etc.

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Pretty lame Charles (The Knobhead)

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Charles in the UK we have a name for people like you and hat is KNOBHEAD. Welcome Charles the knobhead.

Name: Charles
Date: 07 Jul 2003
My wife and I would like to thank you all for this web site. Hours of pleasure and all.

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Nik I first heard Waits in the late 70's and I dug him immediately, he is an original and very few people can do his music and no one his voice, that 2 carton a day with a fifth of jack gravel growl is totally unique.I can burn two CD's as easily as one if you'd like one, I owe ya for the video any how, let me know.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Jul 2003
That was me below, just wanted to see if there was something about the idiots that I was missing...I decided I can't knock it till I try it...and so I did and guess's just stupid...forgive me I'll never do it again,with the warmest of regards, Nik

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Jag, I love that guy...I first saw him by accident at the great american music hall in SF...I actually went to see Melissa Manchester that night and there was a bomb scare...and the second act didnt' show and they culled him from somewhere...he just walked down the eisle from the audience side carrying some sheet music and mumbling to himself...hat askew and funky looking but once he sat at the piano and sang, Richard Thompson wordsmithery...brilliant.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Hi all just got back from Amsterdam wow wow wow and i didnt get stopped at customs.
Gladiolus hello there. quite a remarkable post- now lets talk turkey. I think it would be a very good money spinner if you would market me.
ie Dr Sponge T shirts - Dr Sponge bathroom accesories - Hows this "The DS" hair cut
yes you too could impress all the right people with a DS cut
Dr Sponge tampon. Girls its that time of month again but keep your confidece with the new Dr Sponge panie towel with wings.
Dr Sponge cigarettes- just suck on a Sponge!
Hell who needs you Gladiolus I got this whole thing worke out just fine - look out wall st theres a new boy in town.
Back to what I wanted to say---Hammond when was you last in Amsterdam. I go 1 or 2 times a year for the last 20 yrs and to be honest the feel of the place has changed dramaticaly. Last night I wittnesed a kinife fight but there was no blood spilt and it went on for too long without any real violence. It almost looked like a performance and led me to wonder if it was staged by the tourist board a life imitating art scenario just to keep up a seedy appearance. dunno but the place does seem to have lost its edge.
Amsterdam is still worth a visit regardless of my post

Name: FYI (revisited)
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Hey Magic Hippie (part 2) - I think aaron the pieman was part of the group of Green Party - power? folks in LA you are seeking....

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Jul 2003
If you liked the lyrics you would love the song, I could burn you a compilation of Waits material and other stuff if your interested.

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Nichole, haven't heard from Eileen yet, I suspect she laid low for the 4th of July weekend, she has my e-mail and phone # as well as Hammonds I hope to hear in a day or so.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Biloxi Red Neck - quit taking phentamine - or better yet just go away.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Hey MagicHippie -
try the guestbook at and ask the site owner (Nancy) to connect you with folks from "The Green Party" who were for all intents the Diggers in LA .
For the other guys - try the home shopping net work
Nothing can be said to mugu - he is on his own trip.....

Name: Thanks
EmailAddress: we needed that
Date: 07 Jul 2003
now why don't you go back to the land of sharpened teeth, for a cannibal feast,
o great & wondrous mugu ?

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Morning all, ah let's see...Italy with Emmett? could be but I recognize the name as being the guy trying to push the bio tech right away I don't believe him...figures if we thought he traveled with EG, we'd go to his site...not too bright
anyway, my week end went like this...bus up Thursday evening (2hr trip normally but 3hrs now due to holiday traffic)...and arrive in Saugerties to a BBQ with an after dinner motor up the Esopus at dusk. (the out board given to them by the original owner who bought it in 1948!)we got back just as the crescent moon was rising over the tree tops of the opposite bank...early the next morning I walked down to the river and jumped in (it was already 80 at 6:30am)...afterwards we walked into town to watch the little Saugerties 4 of July was beautiful to see all the small town folks with their lawn chairs set up in the yards...I loved it...afterward I kayaked a bit and swam at the town beach...then we walked up to our friend Mary Anns for her annual BBQ and played some music and just at dusk, two baird owls let themselves be known first by sound and then they sort of floated down and perched on the fence above was such a gift. and after that we, and everyone from town, walked to Cantine Field and watched the very unsophisticated fire works(it was wonderful) and home to day... morning swim and then into Woodstock to the flea market...later out to dinner for Kit and Susans 23 aniversary...and yesterday I was in the water one way or another all day...from 8 am untill 6pm when we had another BBQ with salad from the garden organic free range chicken and venison burgers...and of course great friends good wine and raucus singing...then I had to get back on the bus and come home...but even that was easy...I got on, fell asleep and the next thing I know we were at Port Authority...then home to bed...I hope everyone had as nice a time as I did...
ps has anyone heard from Eileen?

Name: McMingus
Date: 07 Jul 2003
I liked the Tom Waits piece, Jag .. a real piece of poetry that expressed what
I was trying to, a whole lot better. Thank you.

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Your are always welcome to pull up a beach chair next to mine and ponder the dolphins and pelicans. Spent yesterday on a belly board chasing the shore break. I got an extra wet suit. California.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 07 Jul 2003
Hey Hippie; want some real magic? Today the sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn will all be in Cancer. Im' gonna be way out there. Boing!!! Hey;..ahh...Lost Angeles?.. ah... remember the little witch house on Santa Monica?

Name: MagicHippie
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Hey now SF Diggers~ Where's the Los Angeles page?
Such a sad thing to leave out a whole page in history
but hey I totally can DIG it,,,Man
You know what I mean,
I know what I say,
It's all in the past,
It's for the last gasp
Can you catch my grasp?
Y' an' Love,
Los Angeles Digger 1968 hehe

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: nyc
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Hey; I just got back into a Saipan web site and it's very appealing. Real McHale's Navy type of vibe. I guess it's really what you make of it. My wayward Brother has a wife somewhere in that area. He bought some land somewhere in the Philapeans. Shit, he was heading out and got as far as the airport bar. He ended up in prison and a German Photographer got a lead on his connection with the National Deserter's Committy Connections in Stockholm back the 60's and did an interview etc. Well My bro. bitched about the stinkin' conditions and showed the dude his foot (which was near gange green) and the German threatened to break the story; so the head politico told Stan to get the fuck out of Dodge. State side; they wanted to amputate two of his toes and he said (being a Boyd) "If anyone cuts em' off it will be me". I gotta get his address. He use to send me wierd Buddist post cards to cheer me up and help w/ my recovery; but would never include his address. I know that he's In Boise Idaho. Thats all I know. I think that his wife and her family are livin' on his land. He had a sceme where we could all live deep into Mexico and cross North every three months to collect; but I dont do Mexico. Plus the family situation doesnt appeal to me. Im' ready for the twilight; the lawn chair,..the beach and ahh..hell,...I wanna' live in a beer commercial.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: The large print giveth and the small print...
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Sorry for the huge post but when it comes to stream of consciousness beat writing it is mad! and when Waits sings it it is an amazing piece, 30 years old and it is only more true now than ever.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC Boob Tube
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Hey, I just watched part of an airing of a thing labeled "Institute For Policy Studies". The speaker was Phyllis Bennis. If you get a chance to tap into it or run down what she has to say through other sources, it's well worth your' while. She really nails it dead nuts. very informitive. Well, Im' getting most everything squared away at this end. Im' tearing down Nik's bed in the A/M and will muscle it down to the front parlor. Will scoot out of here on Thursday, July the 10th at the latest. Will swing back by around the 20th to pull off my Stevie Wonder act. Hey, as I said; I got my hands on several cases on G.I. powdered chocolate drink a couple of months ago and have been surviving on the stuff. Its amazing that a human can live on chocolate milk. It's every kid's fantasy. I just wonder sometimes thow; if it's effecting my logic and rational. In any event Im' real carful what I consult the I Ching about these days. Wow, Buckley was one bruised and battered dude at Sunday service. He had taken another header after suffering a seizure. I got to read some medical material that he had on the subject. (his condition is brought on by screwey electrical impulses in his brain). I guess a crash helmet wouldnt be practical; what in this weather and all. Hey; Miz Nancy gave me a very touching card and confided in me that she's now recieving the psychiatric therapy that she needed. Im' curious (watch it!).. as to what environment I will plunge into next. What with all of the heavy Methodist influence and my somewhat sheltered three years here at the Parrish House and all; hell;..I may suffer cultural shock. Or;..or... culture may suffer the shock. (you be the Judge). Later. SRB

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Step Right Up
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Tom Waits
Step right up, step right up, step right up,
Everyone's a winner, bargains galore
That's right, you too can be the proud owner
Of the quality goes in before the name goes on
One-tenth of a dollar, one-tenth of a dollar, we got service after sales
You need perfume? we got perfume, how 'bout an engagement ring?
Something for the little lady, something for the little lady,
Something for the little lady, hmm
Three for a dollar
We got a year-end clearance, we got a white sale
And a smoke-damaged furniture, you can drive it away today
Act now, act now, and receive as our gift, our gift to you
They come in all colors, one size fits all
No muss, no fuss, no spills, you're tired of kitchen drudgery
Everything must go, going out of business, going out of business
Going out of business sale
Fifty percent off original retail price, skip the middle man
Don't settle for less
How do we do it? how do we do it? volume, volume, turn up the volume
Now you've heard it advertised, don't hesitate
Don't be caught with your drawers down,
Don't be caught with your drawers down
You can step right up, step right up
That's right, it filets, it chops, it dices, slices,
Never stops, lasts a lifetime, mows your lawn
And it mows your lawn and it picks up the kids from school
It gets rid of unwanted facial hair, it gets rid of embarrassing age spots,
It delivers a pizza, and it lengthens, and it strengthens
And it finds that slipper that's been at large
under the chaise lounge for several weeks
And it plays a mean Rhythm Master,
It makes excuses for unwanted lipstick on your collar
And it's only a dollar, step right up, it's only a dollar, step right up
'Cause it forges your signature
If not completely satisfied, mail back unused portion of product
For complete refund of price of purchase
Step right up
Please allow thirty days for delivery, don't be fooled by cheap imitations
You can live in it, live in it, laugh in it, love in it
Swim in it, sleep in it,
Live in it, swim in it, laugh in it, love in it
Removes embarrassing stains from contour sheets, that's right
And it entertains visiting relatives, it turns a sandwich into a banquet
Tired of being the life of the party?
Change your shorts, change your life, change your life
Change into a nine-year-old Hindu boy, get rid of your wife,
And it walks your dog, and it doubles on sax
Doubles on sax, you can jump back Jack, see you later alligator
See you later alligator
And it steals your car
It gets rid of your gambling debts, it quits smoking
It's a friend, and it's a companion,
And it's the only product you will ever need
Follow these easy assembly instructions it never needs ironing
Well it takes weights off hips, bust, thighs, chin, midriff,
Gives you dandruff, and it finds you a job, it is a job
And it strips the phone company free take ten for five exchange,
And it gives you denture breath
And you know it's a friend, and it's a companion
And it gets rid of your traveler's checks
It's new, it's improved, it's old-fashioned
Well it takes care of business, never needs winding,
Never needs winding, never needs winding
Gets rid of blackheads, the heartbreak of psoriasis,
Christ, you don't know the meaning of heartbreak, buddy,
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
'Cause it's effective, it's defective, it creates household odors,
It disinfects, it sanitizes for your protection
It gives you an erection, it wins the election
Why put up with painful corns any longer?
It's a redeemable coupon, no obligation, no salesman will visit your home
We got a jackpot, jackpot, jackpot, prizes, prizes, prizes, all work guaranteed
How do we do it, how do we do it, how do we do it, how do we do it
We need your business, we're going out of business
We'll give you the business
Get on the business end of our going-out-of-business sale
Receive our free brochure, free brochure
Read the easy-to-follow assembly instructions, batteries not included
Send before midnight tomorrow, terms available,
Step right up, step right up, step right up
You got it buddy: the large print giveth, and the small print taketh away
Step right up, you can step right up, you can step right up
C'mon step right up
(Get away from me kid, you bother me...)
Step right up, step right up, step right up, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Step right up, you can step right up, c'mon and step right up,
C'mon and step right up
Couldn't say it better McMing, the constant hucksterism and buy it now!! bullshit has me in a daily fog. If I want to communicate with corprorate America I turn a dial, the importance of these hallowed pages is to disprove just such blasphemous crap as Gladiolus is propagating. I have not seen a single site that so vehemently rejects the profane and immmoral consumeristic mentality as this site and if it didn't I would be immensely saddened.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: Don't make me get medieval on your ass, son
Date: 06 Jul 2003
So much mistaken bullshit lately .. what did we get linked to here, anyway ?
What's been shook out here is as good and real as it gets. I myself am real tired of the scams, the come-ons, & the bogus internet sites .. go away, please
all the hysterical nonsense .. including moneymaking ideas & the whole Nigerian
e-mail scam ..
Have we been around for 30-40 years to be fooled by you ??
Just go away.

Date: 06 Jul 2003
My earliest recolection of Emmett was from our time together in Italy. He went under a diferent name then (not Kenny Wisdom) and I still have photo's from when we was in Rome & Naples together. If you would like to see them email me at
They are black and white but good quality

Date: 06 Jul 2003

Name: Howard
Date: 06 Jul 2003

Name: Mark
Date: 06 Jul 2003
I think you are spending way too much time in Wal Mart.

Name: Hammond
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Gladius - your note gave me some of the best laughs I have had in weeks. Oh yeah, do you by any chance sell phenetmine by the ton?

Name: Michigan Boy
EmailAddress: (steve)
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Hey Ohio Girl. I thought about getting a tee-shirt printed up that says" "HOWS MY CONDUCT???" CALL 1-800 DISORDERLY". No shit, I most likely will make a mountain out of a mole-hill,.. but Im' fresh out of causes. Everything seems to crumble and fall away. (or does that happen to everyone?)...anyway; I could have walked twice but like I said; my gig is a solidarity move. I realy feel for the poor bastards who are facing multiple charges that were trumped up and tacked on hours after they busted. Also the ones who were just walking by. By the way; the reason that I took off my shirt was to show them my gimp arm and chopped up chest. They had gotten real charged up because I was giving them finger in a round about way and not responding to their questions. It worked out fine and as such I didnt get my face mashed into the pavement or left laying out like a side of beef like the majority. They were fairly wierded out due to the shear volume at the Die-In. But all-in all fairly good sports and were tickled by the fact that after I was searched a third time, word got out that I was sockless and had no underwear on; coupled with the fact that my sole possession was a single NY ID benifit card. (no money, keys..etc)..It sped the proceess along anyway. But here the bottom line; and this cant be underscored; five days earlier about a million fucking americans filled Broadway, from Union Square to Times Square in one hell of an anti-war demonstration and didnt get shit for media coverage while the next day under 2000 flag wavers "FILLED" Times Square which led to COVER STORYS. Fuck. I havent begun to fight.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: again and again....
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Actually; I took alot more than one percent; but who's measuring. (ah; thats right; in the sanctuary)...But no shit;.. I really think that the Digger thing is dead,... cant say as I remember the last gasp...but I didnt' exactly damn it's soul and dare yt's spirit to rise. Fact is;... I really blew it. Fuck it. Dont believe everything that you read (or write)... The Olema People were (not "Thee").. but "An" end product. ( much for hybrids)... By the way... you werent' serious were you?

Name: Eric
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Glad --
That suggestion has got to be one of the all-time best nominations for "Unclear on the Concept Award". The Diggers may be gray-haired today, but they're not suffering from dementia.
Doncha remember the benefit the Beat Poets held in early 1967 for the Diggers? Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder passed a hat and gave the collection to the Diggers, who promptly "announced that there was a mistake. 'The only type of benefit that could be thrown for the Diggers is one where everything is free!' Then, they gave the hat to the bartender and told him to count the money out on the bar in front of everybody, and to continue buying rounds for the crowd for as long as the bread held out. 'That's a Digger benefit!' ... and everyone applauded." [Ringolevio, p. 278]

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: I dont know....
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Hey mister;...dont knock the 1% thing. Hell;.. a few weeks ago there was a big War Resistors award galla here at the church. I only stuck around long enough to levy a One Percent Digger Tax on all of the Beer that they started to ice down. (I grabbed beer; NOT money). Get it???

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Caveat Emptor
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Er... Gladiolus, your kidding, right?

EmailAddress: Caveat Emptor
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Gladiolus, excuse me I think you mistook this site for the intrepid trips home page.

Name: Gladiolus
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Hey, cool site. However, you're missing out on the real thing. You've obviously got a lot of web traffic. (Most of the search engines list the Diggers Archive high up).
Here's my suggestion: market your site. You could pull in some big Bucks. How about a nice T-shirt with that funny "1% Free" logo printed on the front. Some commemorative Digger Memorabilia, reprints of your famous manifestos, but with present-day prices. "The Digger Papers" for $21.95. None of this "Free" stuff. That's just silly anyway, something from bygone days. What about some of those famous Digger photos, but autographed by famous Diggers? You could probably get $500 for a Peter Coyote autograph.
At the least, you should have a secure shopping cart set up for visitors to give you $5 donations to help keep this site going.
Think about it.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Steve it's a little late, so, happy "Birthday Weekend!" Indicate to the court to quit monkeying around, because you see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil......... I'm hoping they have no idea how to write you up so they don't. Peace

Name: "I"
EmailAddress: In here
Date: 06 Jul 2003
(Mom always liked "Me" best.) Hey Eric; great tune at the entrance. Kinda Thrilling. Damn good web site. Class??...Style???... no. Grace. Ya,...that's it...Grace. Very nice. I like it. Focus on Peace.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: da bluze
Date: 06 Jul 2003
God I miss my voice. Boy;... could I talk. Ya' one ever had the slightest incling that I was saying or pronouncing miss-spelled words. Dig??? Ive still got the voice in my head though. You know;.. the voice that you talk to yourself with. Your' "Think" voice. Its amazing how often I actually talk things out to myself. I even catch myself moving my lips. You know;.. try to advise and talk sense to "ME". (that's Mr. Me)..Oh ya,... "Mr. Me".. It's definitly a duallity of sorts. A Demi-Urge. One hell of a team. (Too bad that "I" get in trouble and "ME" dont. (aint it the way)...some things never change. ..well, good night. Thanks for listening.

Name: Blind Lemon Boyd
EmailAddress: In the dark
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Ah... speaking of the Top;..was that a little "Over?". (I can never tell)....

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Blind Deaf Mutes for Peace
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Now; I know what yer' thinking: How are they going to find out about my new anti-war movement; they cant read it, or hear it. Brail!! Its the only way to go. Brail!! ...Ah,...Maybe heavily starched embossed brail Tee Shirts. Screw it. Just grab their asses and drag them into the street at the next Peace Rally. Ya,.. a "Peace Against Your' Will" program. I wish I had some help on this stuff. Its lonely at the top.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Public Enemy Number One Billion
Date: 06 Jul 2003
Hell, I cant sleep. Ya know,.. Its bugging me....the Court deputy accused me of talking; Lawyer lied to one Judge and said that I could lip read; and another fuckin' Judge snapped his fingers to prove that I could hold a beat. Its my turn now. Im' gonna pick up a cheap cane, spray paint it white, wrap red tape around the end of it and wear my black surplus goggles to court on the 21st. (I may graduate for an M27ite to an Anarchist yet). Im' sorry that I pissed the NY-A's off in the first place. I like those folks. Now,'s the beauty of it. Ive gone up against different Judges and Deputies each time around; but it's been the same prosecutor each time; but in as much as she originally showed her ass in court by objecting to my not guilty plea on the grownds that I was deaf; she may stand down on this issue. Hopefully I wont get any repeats,...but if thats the case...and if any of them ask if Ive' just recently lost my eye-sight; fuck;.. I can just pretend not to hear them. It's perfect. What are they gonna do? I mean who's gonna' fuck with a deaf-dumb-and-blind man? Then again, this is New York City. Any input?

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Hot Seat
Date: 05 Jul 2003
Hey, Rena... I answered you;..but it never made the screne. This happens sometimes. I will wait awhile and maybe post again. The post contained some M27 and NYC Anarchists tales. (any connection??)....

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: At Large
Date: 05 Jul 2003
Ya Rena; maybe you could make the trial. Ive' been up against three very fair Judges so far. The scene is usually a real hoot. At least a couple of M27 folk get expelled from the court room during each circle-jerk. Hell,..during the preliminary one I was real close to getting my ass booted out for talking!! shit. When the NY anarchists raised hell about it and started yelling: "He cant talk: He's a Mute for Christ's sake!!" the up-tight Court Deputy glared at me and, and she said: "Moving your' lips constitutes talking". With that, I lip synched "I Love You" (which she naturally took as: "Fuck You",.. and I got on her bad side. Man,.. she was really charged up. Since the end of March, nearly everyone including myself has altered their appearance in an attempt not to get matched up to some of the antics caught on tape,... but,..well,.. short of a fuckin' wig,.. Im' pretty well sunk. There are several shots of me taking off my shirt in the middle of the entersection. One cop said: Easy there Iggy. It was a real compliment.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: aloha
Date: 05 Jul 2003
Happy Birthday Steve! I'm headed to NY later this month and hope to connect with you and Nic. Hope you're grooving!

Name: Char ~*
EmailAddress: Hippie Museum
Date: 05 Jul 2003
Thanks Jag! Like these Digger pages, it takes a tribe to raise a hip website.
Likewise, Kudos to you. (and y'all)
Char ~*

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: the real cellar
Date: 05 Jul 2003
Thanks Hammond. Hey, that Capricorn and Taurus put me to work in the basement, stocking canned food. Man it's muggy in NYC today. I may hang in for a few extra days in order to clean up the three year mess that Ive' made and to help supervize a visiting youth group of about thirty young folks. Thats usually a real charge. The vibes are so electrified. Well, gotta get back to the basement. Later.

Name: Hammond
Date: 05 Jul 2003
Steve - Happy 5th of July and Birthday!!!!

Name: Just plain Steve
EmailAddress: Legally Clyde Rides Again
Date: 05 Jul 2003
Hey, I turned fifty-one years old today. I sat out the fourth; and as such, Im' still unexploded. I feel one-five not five-one:, no shit; thats most likely why I keep comming up with all of these crazy life-style angles. (Evil thoughts lead to evil deeds type thing;) But with a twist: YOUTHFUL THOUGHTS LEAD TO YOUTHFUL DEEDS! As far as heading north, south, east, or west; Ive' decided to go further in. And as far as finding a safe haven. It dawned on me that if I can just find that safe place within myself (like the old days),...then hell; Im' HOME FREE... Later all. Maybe see ya in the Homeskin root celler where the little man pees out of the furnace motor window. Happy Birth Day America. REVOLUTION!!!!!

Name: Jag
Date: 05 Jul 2003
Hammond, I have too much material :) I am going to need to know what you don't want, I'll e-mail you a list.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Jul 2003
Char~*, outstanding site, kudo's

Name: Char ~*
EmailAddress: Magic and Dissent
Date: 04 Jul 2003
This is tripping me out..... I was thinking for some reason
whether I should spend time on the museum today , or do other things
that might make me $$. I finally came home, after walking the dogs at
the duck pond and began to add E Pluribus Unum to the Museum on
Happenings ( ) .... and
then I added the Howard Zinn Democracy Now Link... wishing I had
faster internet so that I might listen... when lo and behold it came
on the radio!!!!!!! It's on right now!!!!! Now, in my hippie
vision synchronistic heart I am celebrating the magic of Spirit's
way of letting us know we are all connected, and that yes indeed our
dissedent voices are flowing together to work to bring Peace and
Freedom to this crippled nation.
E Pluribus Unum
Out of Many,
Love and connectectness
Char ~*
(Viva La Revolution!)

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Jul 2003
:-) Makes my day!

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Jul 2003
Hammond, consider it done, give me a few days to flesh it out and locate the material.

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Jul 2003
JAG -I would love if you cut me a cd - IZ (Rainbow and other hits) - and as for filler and since you ask - and as you might just have some of this stuff - guess my wish list would include songs in the vein of: "Sip Your Cup" by Ras Michael (akite drums)- Bunny doing "Dancing Shoes" esp[ecially with the early-early Wailers, anything by Count zzie and the Mystic Nights of Rastafari, or maybe some Big Youth classics, anything by the original U Roy and lastly say - how about Burning Spear's "Garvey's Ghost" album (dub side only please) - you know, stuff like that - other wise - just filler up! thanks!

Name: R N A
EmailAddress: aloha
Date: 04 Jul 2003
A Video That Shows How Long Bush Sat Staring at a Book AFTER He Was Informed of the Second 9/11 Crash Into the World Trade Center. Bush was in a photo op, attending a class at an elementry school.
This is hard to stomach. led me to this.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Jul 2003
My apologies I didn't realize that was only a partial version of IZ's song, I didn't play it through cause I already have it.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Jul 2003
Right on Hammond, I've been into Marley since 76 when I read an article describing him and the Rastafarian religion, I was intrigued by his smoking a LOT of ganja as a sacrament and after listening to No Woman No Cry I was hooked on Regae. Toots and the Maytals, Bunny, Peter Tosh , Jimmy Cliff (Many Rivers to Cross) and all.
I have the complete version if IZ doing somewhere over the rainbow on my hard drive, I could burn you a CD with that and a hell of lot more if you tell me what you like, I can find it.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 04 Jul 2003
Oh yeah almost forgot, bless you for running a group.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 04 Jul 2003
Copping skills, now that's truly funny. Back in the 70s in Athens, Ohio, my neighbor got busted for DUI once again, he wrecked the car or something, he and his wife borrowed my old car to go to a compulsory group therapy about drunken driving, over at Ohio University. This sounds like a sitcom but it really happened, actually I've seen a story like this on a sitcom. They come home very late, for one thing my car got towed away and they had to use up their very meager money bailing out my car. What's worse, the group they went to was strange. It made less and less sense but they patiently kept trying to get with the program. Then as this hilbilly kid confided to me red-faced, he and his wife found out they were attending a gay students' support group. Well that was one of the many programs that failed to help him stop drinking....................for awhile he lived in jail and they'd let him out to sleep with his wife a few time a week and everyone was happy.

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Jul 2003
JAG - Great stuff! IZ is another great example of the connection between contemporary Hawaiian Island music and Jamacian Regae - particularly the music of Bunny Wailer. Check out Bunny's (and others) rendition of nursery rhymes if you can find the CD = very similar to IZ - I want to hear his complete "Over the Rainbow" do you have it?

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Jul 2003
If you want to hear it scroll down to just under the picture of the 500 lb Samoan and click on Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Jul 2003
Has any one heard this guys rendition of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"? He's a 500 lb Samoan who sings this tune in an achingly sad and sweet falsetto, it segues into "What a Wonderful World" Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong version and it is truly a beautiful piece. All done with only a ukulele accompaniment. I have been listening to this for a couple of years but just recently heard he had died shortly after recording this.

Name: patman
Date: 04 Jul 2003
Right on Ohio Girl. Happy independence Day.
Last night I was doing a group focusing on Substance abuse and recovery.
About 10 folks in the group. We are talking about coping skills. Contending with life situations without having to resort to any self destructive behavior. I had written COPING SKILLS on the greenboard and listed some of the things the group came up with. Such as:
Call a friend.
Get some rest.
Hit a meeting.
Hit a punching bag.
Hug your dog., Etc.Etc
New client comes in real late, first session, referred by the court.
He takes a seat way,way in the back. MMakes brief eye contact with me,sizes me,up squints to see the board. Doe'snt appear to be enthused with either and proceeds to glare at his boots probably wonderin' what all this bullshits about. As we finish up group I ask him if he wants to add aanything and he looks up at the board again and says " Yea, If you gonna be coppin' insteada sellin' you shure ass hell better have some cash, Know where to find the best shit and have some bitch with ya to hold the dope as most you motherfuckers in here are on the mans hit list,besides being on some type of parole." "Hit a punchin' bag my ass" "You better be ready to slap some sonofbitch silly if he fucks wit your money"
There was about 5 seconds of total silence before the whole group erupted and started laughing and pointing out that it was about coping skills not COPPING SKILLS.
Definately my kind of guy. I gave him credit for group even though he was only there for about 10 minutes.
peace and freedom, Patrick

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 04 Jul 2003
Yeah Jag, I value being clearheaded now and remembering the things I do, it's a good way of life. It's not that I want to be a straight person, and when I mentioned that to one of the kids he said, "Don't worry Mom there's no danger of that!" So I agree this is a way of life that works. Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Ohio Girl, I lost my appetite for self destruction in the mid 70's but what a ride and I chipped junk for a long time after that until I realized I wasn't craving the dope as much as I was running from myself.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: the overamping goumet
Date: 03 Jul 2003
I didn't prefer speedballs, what a purist, I liked methedrine hydrochloride all by itself lots of it, better yet junk when there was no speed in your system, junk won out. I had all these subtle preferences for certain varieties, like it was all something important. Strange days for sure. Who knew these were "gateway drugs" to interferon, good grief! Today (and for many years before finding out I better not indulge due to my health) my taste definitely runs to being substance-free so I'm there to appreciate the world that my senses interpret. It can be a very cool world on it's own merits. Long strange trip indeed!

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: come to think of it....
Date: 03 Jul 2003
I'm still up.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: BBzzzzzzzz
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Ah,.. make that DisHonnest John. Anyway,.. then shortly after that, still covered in paint, D.J. and I stopped into see his brother-in-law: who was moving out of a furnished apt. because the owner was selling the bldg. Well, John says to the land lord: How much for all of it? The cat eye-balls D.J. and says: Stove, frig,.. gotta take it all. John says OK. How much?. The cat says $300.00 and before John can pay the cat, the dude pulls out $300.00 and hands it to John and says: when can ya get it all out of here?. Christ we got a loaded apt. full of furniture and $300.00 to boot! We were still up and made the move in one night.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: The way-Back-Machine
Date: 03 Jul 2003
There was this religious lady that wanted me and dishinnest John to paint her house. Well, back the 8o bucks was 8o bucks. We started speedin' and listened to Joni Mitchell's "You turn me on I'm a radio" (hundreds of times consecutively). Well, the neighbors were amazed; as they had never seen any ladder work like that. We scraped, wire brushed, sanded and gave her two coats of white with jet black trim. First and last time we ever painted by flash light. (I think)......

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Ahhh....
Date: 03 Jul 2003
OK,..Legally Clyde it is. Unexploded ordenance????. Hell; Im' an unexploded civillian. That metal detector may be the ticket. Reflect on the 4th??..hmm.. lets see: "Home-Land Security" is when the "people" (as in "WE" the people)..actually buy into giving up our hard earned rights and liberties for some pie-in-the-sky "Protection"??!! (am I reding that one right.) Fuck no;.. we aint giving it away; It's being taken. Folks: we are losing it all real fast. And no amount of voting can restore it. It's not a "Democratic" issue. Its a "Juditial" issue. Empeach that cock-sucker, null and void his administration; put america into recievership, stiff the bill on the national debt and restart the cottage industy. Fuck minimum wage. How about a Maximum wage??...Uh Oh,...there I go again...But hey Nik; the vibe is possitive and hell;..its almost fitting that the first story that I remember (with Pictures) was about a little boy who would stay up until all hours by the fire place. Well, time his bed got somewhat lonely and felt so unwanted that it actually ran away!!..ya!!!...the kid's bed rolled away on it's coasters!!!. Hey, I am registered to vote. (Thats what got me into that foolish Jury duty thing. With my luck, those fucks want me sit as jurrer at my own trail. Hey...are you thnkin' what Im' thinkin'???.. Naaaahhhh!!!!!!

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: memoryslackard
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Whew, Me 3 on dat speedball sled. Glad we made it through.
Hey Nic !! Not only have I voted in the last 3 elections, but all 3 times my guy got the most votes.That last deal really sucked.I plan to keep votin' anyway. What the fuck. I bought in this far. I'm glad I figured out how to buy in without selling out. OH YEA !! one other thing Nicole, That song "Love is the open window" Love is what we came here for" Who could offer you more" I finally remembered " ELTON JOHN " Damn he was rightous back then. Saw his first american tour In Denver. Mark-Almond opened for him.musta been 1972. Oh yea. Did so many preludins I still gotta wick growing out of my waxy ol' head, Hector.

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Speedballs Hammond, the ultimate rush, half up half down and totally detrimental to your longevity, as you said I am quite surprised I survived my youth.

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Jul 2003
JAG - er... maybe so, but I am rather sure "Hervie and Stevie" wouldn't feel this way as I doubt that they survived the 9th wave...

Name: FYI Service
Date: 03 Jul 2003
The grid is set to replace the web
Dig it.......

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: Follow My Leader
Date: 03 Jul 2003
I remember reading "Follow My Leader" when I was a kid, wow, what a book, remember when the boy realizes it's morning and how neat morning is, without having to see it? What at awesome thing to be reminded of that book. Such a great book about a child and a dog and a whole world more. E-bay and ebay's are good places to look for a book, and if it's listed way expensive just wait for another day.

Date: 03 Jul 2003
I think our red neck found a thesaurus

Date: 03 Jul 2003
Biloxi Red Neck Phentamine Poetry - there is nothing like it.

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Hammond, memories like those are "priceless" :)

Date: 03 Jul 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Jul 2003
JAG - your memories made me shudder. Along with your note "Hervie" and her conmpletely illiterate boyfriend "Stevie" came rushing back into my distant brain pan. Those two would double shoot each other up in the bedroom - crystal meth in one arm and china white herion in the other - like two freight trains (or is that fright trains?) runnin into each other. Of course all their teeth and hair fell out all over the house - but nobody seemed to care. Give me the whillies just to think back sometimes....So glad - yet in fact so surprised to be alive......

Name: Al Camus
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Was it all for naught? America amBushed?
I smell a movement coming.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Thanks but no thanks Hector
Date: 03 Jul 2003
I remember what a righteous speed freak in my circle of deviants was, someone who could load 10 CC's of USDA pharmaceutical methedrine into a binky, locate a subcutaneous vein, take the "plunge", sit back and let the roar of the freight train envelop you while taking several short gasps of air and completely leave this mortal plane for several minutes, then gradually ease back to the reality of the filthy room and dirty spoon but by then not giving a fuck for your surroundings or your soul cause your next move was to repeat the above. Gives me chills to this day.

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Nic - For me this entire bi-partisan set up is a Trojan House of Non Representation. If Bush gets re-elected (chads or no chads) I may just leave this place for good - struggling somewhere (anywhere!) else will at least interesting. The cost of illusion here is way too expensive.
Give me a Parliment any old day.....

Name: bg
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Thanks, Nicole. I'm being a nuisance to my 'elected officials'. email can be a wonderful thing...i've been in the streets recently, the Feds and the local blackshirts now have some updated fotos to add to my jacket, been told to 'never come back' to the local federal building by the uniformed doughboy with a Glock on his hip, letters to the editor, letters to reporters, a mirror to the emperor's clothes...(and, I vote.)
Have a good holiday.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: to Nicole
Date: 03 Jul 2003
OK, you're right .. and mostly out of outright despair, I have not bothered to vote at all .. the last time I can actually remember was for Carter a long long
time ago .. so thanks for the wake-up call, sister !

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Jul 2003
I notice now every time I open this page a pop-up for phentermine displays in the bottom right corner. Hector is that you cause "We don't need no steenkin speed" I had my fill.

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Nichole, I hear you, I tell my kids "If you don't vote you can't honestly bitch about it"

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Hey Steve my brother in law is in the merchant marine and has been to Saipan many times. He says it is beautiful and dangerous. Lots of unexploded ordnance left over from WWII as well as rusting jeeps and tanks still on some beachs I guess they are freaking lazy thats a long a time to leave that stuff lying around.

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Jul 2003
I guess I should add to the first part of my post...or not.

Name: gooooouge
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Hey mite wanna swing by Bike Works for a hard core cycle fix
that sounds like a nice ride you got.
Yep, SPEED KILLS, but damn, I used to love her...!

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Ohio Girl, Mc Mingus, Jag, Eric, Hammond, Michael C, Mark, Eileen, Steve, Gouge, Jenn, Patrick, Joe, Rena, and all who come here, I would ask that everyone truely reflect on "Independence Day" and be prepared to vote on all issues you feel strongly about and to secure your independence in one way that you can and that is to vote, vote, vote.
I'm heading up state now, I'll check in with y'all later on...
ps. the first book I ever read with out pictures when I was a kid and the one that got me interested in reading and learning was called "Follow My Leader" about a kid who was blinded while playing with firecrackers on the 4th of July and the resulting relationship he forms with his guide dog. I'd love to find it again...I was probably about 8 or 9.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Hey Hector - come back later when you have some interesting drugs to pander. You and your army of phentermine heads might get along just fine with Biloxi RedNeck but as for the rest of us your diet pill advert is unwanted spam by another name. Try the Saipan Sucks guestbook maybe the Sipan Suckers will want to get dazed and confused with you and your truck drivin friends. Oh - and just for laughs you might want to try some methamphetamine sulphate with your over under sideways down the counter crap. But then again - maybe not......We can all testity that SPEED KILLS!!! and don't you forget it - if you can remember.

Name: Mc Ming
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Thanks, Eric .. it's not such a big deal, since we can read everything with a
little patience even if the text is wide .. but I'm another American used to
instant gratification in everything ! Thanks for keeping this site up & happening, you do more good than maybe you would suspect. Thanks !!

Name: Eric
Date: 03 Jul 2003
Thanks to Michael and McMingus and others who mentioned the horizontal scroll problem again. Is it fixed now? One of the messages had a long URL which I suspect was causing the problem. I just shortened the offending line.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 03 Jul 2003
How about "Legally Clyde"?

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Tiki Hut
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Ahhh... make that "sWimming" in shit. Hey, really, its refreshing to get the low-down on the seamy side of paradise. I like the pros and cons. Dig the part where they say that there is no fishing industry in Saipan; (as that would require effort)...ya,.. that's rich. Truth in advertising. That's where its at. With a few more Sailor Tattoos and a Hawian shirt,.. I could blend in just fine. Another Howly on the dole. Just what the Island needs. (thats the case with Manhattan, anyway)...go figure.

Name: Captain Boyd
EmailAddress: Master of my fate
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Hey,.. you gotta check out the Saipan Sucks web site. Wow,.. I could really operate there. A fool's pair-a-dice. Real pirate country. Hell, it sounds like Punta Gorda Florida in the old days. (Punch-a-Gorda). They kept up the George Wallace for president signs for years. (and those were on a U.S. Highway.)... too damn bad that this generation got it all sugar-coated....or did they??...anyway, undrinkable water?...shimming in shit???..power failures??... slave labor??...drunkeness and cruelty??... where do I sign up???..."Oh its a Pirate's Life for me!!""....

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: still lookin'
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Hey, I just skimmed and web sight called "Saipan Sucks". From what I gather, the place is damn near as corupt as the States. Fuck it if Im' an American. These Islanders hate everyone. I may reconsider. Maybe winter with the folks and fly over from the West Coast before the rainy season hits. Take the bicycle naturally. Maybe sit this war out yet.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: never mind
Date: 02 Jul 2003
No need for info;..I just tapped into a Saipan web site. Aloha!

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: Travel Agent
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Hey, anyone ever been to Saipan??..Is it freak-friendly. Do they still sell wives??..any info would be oppreciated. Thanks.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: yep
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Hey Mark; sharing Bush's astrological sign: I must admit that Im' rather contrary and side-step more than just the issues. (If I head West, I cut back East..after saying that Im' heading South..etc). Well, my true (undisclosed) plan was to fly over to to Saipan. I trashed that one,..and heres what gets me: I could have really tanned and fattened up on Saipan (spelling??).. It's in the North Pacific,..and is in the U.S.'s back pocket. I could and can legally recieve my SSI checks over there w/ no hastle..(as opposed to getting cut off for "Leaving" the Country)... but what whith the world-wide anti-American sentiment Im' afraid of getting lynched. Bush's antics pegged out the ol' Hate-O-Meter across the board. Tourism is dead. Our current administration killed it. That little prick screwed up my extended vacation. Up with the M27 Coalition: Down with Bush.

Name: Mark
Date: 02 Jul 2003
You make a very good point about Bush selling the "kickass" persona. The next election is going to say quite a lot about the future of this country. I see a complete disregard for clear thinking and responsibility in a large portion of the society that seems just fine with operating on the level of the World Wrestling Federation which is a goddam entertainment industry. The Terminator is going to run for office in California, and he will probably win! Like you, I dumped the TV but I got lazy today and tuned in to watch a debate on FOX about the credibility of the Joe McCarthy. Fuck! Oh yea... Hey Hector, get lost.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Slim-Fast
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Hey Hector: screw Diet Pills. Try Cancer. (It worked for me). But realy folks...what's with my attitude???. Im' not a lost cause..Im' an Irishman without a cause. Do ya' think that this Ant-War thing is realy right for my temperment?. As I said; I walk around NYC totally unarmed. (Death Wish)..Oh, I forgot; I ride around these days. Man, I took that bike out for a spin this afternoon to check the Ol' P.O. Box over on East 8th. Now I know how that Jamaican cat felt like; what with the mere mortals diving under the front tire and all. Ahhh... anyway, Im' ringing the handle bar bell and folks are jumpin', runnin' and dodging. Its a thrill. I had forgotten what a ball-surge it is comming that close to running human beings down. Am I back on the road to being normal? (remember that road?)...In an effort to emerse myself in main-stream society after getting over the cultural shock of hiding out in a church for three years I may infiltrate a group of like minded bicyclists..or...well.. Bicyclist anyway. I must admite that the tattoo on my back just doesnt fit the ride these days,..but hay... does anything realy fit anything these days. Its a new century. (I think)... (maybe the Government plays with those dates??!!)...

Name: Hector
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Very good web site. I loved it. Found invaluable information. Just what I was looking for :-)
But I have a question for the webmaster / owner. Is it OK for me / others to leave our web site details like this;
<a href="">Diet Pills</a>?
I hope you say it is not a problem. The reason I ask is that, if I find a good web site like this, I naturally recommend it to my friends. Which is good yes? Well, yesterday I got an email from one of them, whom I had recommended another site. Seems the site owner was angry they posted their web information on the guestbook, and was sending them rude messages.
Can you believe it? I mean, why have a guest book if you do not want people to use it correct?
Anyway, if it is a problem. Just let me know and I will not recommend the site to anyone.
Regards and best wishes

Name: Chocolate Steve
EmailAddress: Round-a-bout
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Hey,..I just realized how complacent Ive' become after dropping the failed 21st Century Digger Project. I threw the 100% Sale sign out over a week ago, but the trash men keep placing it back out of harms way. I take that as a sign. Wow,.. a sign being a sign. Hmmm... anyway,.. back to the complacency end of it, .. these hard-core hangers-on of the original M27 Coalition are a down right inspiration. The hangers on are solid. Im' going to see this through and perhaps take it a few steps further. The Mutes shall rise. Fuck,.. my dream of an endless summer is fifteenish; not fiftyish. It's been so hard for me these long years; fighting maturity. Shit; this comming July 21st (right after I mime in "MY" sign-language that the Judge and DA can stick their ACD offer up their' asses again, I may just surprise myself..(remember what that was like??).. anyway, energy level is peaking and Im' up to it. Ive' been living just on K Rations of Chocolot milk for the last couple of months and cant believe my endurance. 400 cals and plenty of protien. Hell,.. Im' Ive' got it knocked. I weened myself of the passion for fine food. Its amazing. Speaking of amazing. Ive' all but avoided the news, but I get dribs and drabs,...and corect me if Im' wrong,..but is the Bush Gang really selling the kick-ass mentality routine to the "People"???......are the kids buying it???... I wanna know.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Oops
Date: 02 Jul 2003
My apologies, no harm intended

Name: FYI Service
Date: 02 Jul 2003
McMingus - I think this is JAG's inadvertant fault with the long lines in his post and not your computer.... Eric will adjust it I am sure.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: deranged
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Accckk ! Eric my computer has gone berserk again .. display will not fit left
to right .. help !!

Name: PS - Paul
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Photos of Paul

Name: Hammond
EmailAddress: Paul Foster c/o heaven
Date: 02 Jul 2003
June 23, 2003 - Prankster Paul Foster moved into the next playground
A merry lad he was -

Name: Stevie
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Hey Binky. I dont do Let-Downs. (Mentaly-Speaking) that is.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Ahhhuuu...
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Make that "scRewed" and "ouR nuts". And I forgot the part about taking alot of orders from a most-likely inferior human being. (but you knew that).

Name: Pee Wee Boyd
EmailAddress: Fun House
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Fuck Bush. lets talk bikes. hey; I scewed up. My short-term memory is just that: Namely SHORT. The bike is put out by TREK and it's Named "CLYDE" ...not Ralph. (I was close). No doubt about it now. Im' renaming it "Bonnie". Now back to the War. Ya,.. I saw him on screen at a swearing-in of some armed services folks. He really rubbed it on out nuts, as to how it's an all volunteer force now. Lets see now;...OK,..alot of sand. Unbearable heat. No available pussy (at any price)...Au.. no booze,.. uptight camel-fucking Baptist Style Moslems who wipe their asses with sand. Ah...hey, maybe some recruting posters are in order here. A snappy tune...Ya,...How did it go??.."Be all that you can be""...ah fuck it. Im' gonna go out and lay in the street.

Name: Binky
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Waiting for the true stupidity to show up .. please don't disappoint me

Name: FYI Service
Date: 02 Jul 2003
And thus spaketh our great communicator in chief who is an incompetent dolt holding the reins and black buttons to the future.
Give us liberty or give us someone else!

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Sir George Speaks
Date: 02 Jul 2003
- George Dubya Bushisms -
Screw the country, screw the planet,
and screw the English language.
"There's a lot of people in the Middle East who are desirous to get into the Mitchell process. And.. but first things first. The.. these terrorist acts and, you know, the responses, have got to end in order for us to get the framework.. the groundwork.. not framework, the groundwork to discuss a framework for peace, to lay the.. all right." - 8/13/01
"The ground grounds me." - 8/13/01
"My administration has been calling upon all the leaders in the—in the Middle East to do everything they can to stop the violence, to tell the different parties involved that peace will never happen." - 8/13/01
“It is white.” (when asked what the White House is like by a student at Morningside Primary School in East London ) - 7/23/01
''I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe.. I believe what I believe is right." - 7/22/01
"The true greatness of America are the people." - 7/2/01
(When asked what Independance Day meant to him on a visit to the Jefferson memorial): "It means what these words say, for starters. The great inalienable rights of our country. We're blessed with such values in America. And I — it's — I'm a proud man to be the nation based upon such wonderful values." - 7/2/01
"The best of America occurs when people walk up and say, Mr. President, I'm praying for you." - 6/21/01
"I want to thank you for coming to the White House to give me an opportunity to urge you to work with these five senators and three congressmen, to work hard to get this trade promotion authority moving. The power that be, well most of the power that be, sits right here." - 6/18/01

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Oh-tay banky
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Cool,..Hey Nik; If this is my second child-hood; where do I sign up for thirds???. Its like the Pee wee Herman saga: "A Boy and his Bike". Im' modifying it into a beach-sickle and plan to ditch all of my winter gear..(as I vowed (remember what those were?) to never again spend another winter in the North. Im' bobbing the rear fender to run just under a pack rack which I plan on picking up with a pair of small surplus Swiss saddle bags. The spring-loaded girder forks and seat give her plenty of bounce and she's set up with a rear drum style seven speed. Not one of those spider from hell derailers. She's got coaster brakes and is one classic ride. She's put out by an Indiana outfit; and is flat black w/ silver pin stipes. Actually; I shouldnt refer to it as "Her" in as much as "It's" name is painted on. The Company named the bike "Ralph". Hey,.. I could alter it to read: "Ralphetta"...or "Ralpheen"... or "Ralphaminna"...or how about "A Girl named Ralph"... Oh Hell; how about "Momma Ralph". Any input??

Name: Hammond
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Right you are FYI -
Here is a poem revisited - "Stepping Into Deep Darpa"
No one is safe............

Name: FYI Service
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Yes DARPA is exploring Deep Do-do that has been quasi-secretly building itself at the Pentagoon think tank for about a year now - getting out the bugs so to speak. It is tied to other DARPA systems such as Carnivore - Mobius - and other 1984 like ideas for insertion into previous realms of PERSONAL PRIVACY - just visit their web site if you want to be even more confused and concerned.

Date: 02 Jul 2003
this is sooooooo scary

Name: Nik
Date: 02 Jul 2003
My timing is off today so far...Steve, I'm taking the bus up on Thursday...but e-mail me...I have a computer up there...

Name: nicole
Date: 02 Jul 2003

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: all ears...(well,..not All).
Date: 02 Jul 2003
Hey,..are you driving up??..I could hang in here untill the Friday..and snag along. Hey,.. yesterday on a whim, (remember those?)..I bought a bycycle and had the thrill of a life-time riding through Manhattan traffic. Wow. Ah,.. as far as the week end up north; I would pass on the water activity. I just stay near the edge these days and wade..what with breathing through this hole in my neck, I would drownd real fast if I took the plunge. Off course, I could always snorkle with a length of garden hose and some duct tape. Real "Red Green" style. Hmmm.. Stoma Snorkeling..what a consept. Well, hey,..I gotta get ready for the Super Human Crew... in as much as they are so involved with helping me feed the poor;... I may start calling them the "Supper Human Crew". Think About it. By the way; the Church Folk gave me a real nice funeral of sorts. I will miss all of the responsibility; self-imposed and other-wise. Hey, every freak, mad-man and mental-defective in town is out for my soon-to-be-vacated job here at WSUMC. Im' being border-line stalked. Its spooky. One Iron-Curtain refugee thinks that its in my power to just give it to him. He's a scary one. Talk to ya soon Nik.

Name: Jag
Date: 01 Jul 2003
Rupert Murdoch would f#$& up any thing, he is an Australian embarrassment to all mankind.

Name: damn the fox
Date: 01 Jul 2003
I see where fox network just f-ed up a deal to show all the old charlie chan movies. My favs as a little tyke. Along with boston blackie and ramar of the jungle. Bastards

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Jul 2003
Nic - 90 miles from anyplace with the amenitites you mentioned sounds great to me. I don't get out much though.....

Name: Nik
Date: 01 Jul 2003
Hammond...come on! It's only 90 miles from NYC...10 from Woodstock. Stew and Judy of course know it well...
Happy Birthday Judy Berg (Goldhaft)!!!! July 2, I'll be calling you tomorrow

Name: Nik
Date: 01 Jul 2003
Hammond...come on! It's only 90 miles from NYC...10 from Woodstock. Stew and Judy of course know it well...
Happy Birthday Judy Berg Goldhaft!!!! July 2, I'll be calling you tomorrow

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Jul 2003
Nic - I wanna go too! This sounds like a great way to spend a few years

Name: Nicole
Date: 01 Jul 2003
Steve...when you get to Saugerties or the hudson valley area go to a library and e-mail me...I'll meet you up there...I have a house on the river...(my best friend does) and you are totally welcome there...kayaks, fishing rods, floating's on the esopus just as it makes the sweep around the bend and spills into the hudson...go to mapquest and put in Saugerties... you'll see right where it's beautiful Steve, I'm going up this wanna go?

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: Sailor's Dream
Date: 01 Jul 2003
Hey, I forgot to mention this. Dig it. Every River town that I mentioned has a branch of my Bank with a 24 hour ATM. Ya,.. I did the direct deposit thing. Go figure???!!!

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: shipping out
Date: 01 Jul 2003
Jenn; may your' Gods bless you. (all of them). I know what Im' talkin' about. (take it from a boy whose truest friend was an apple tree). Anway, heres my latest plan; In as much as Iv'e got to be back in NYC for court at the end of the month, Im' opting to hit two of the Great Lakes and work my way back on the New york State Barge Canal. See, the cards, stars and coins say to avoid my kid's Mother, and in-as-much as they are a tight Clan, with six I get Egg-Roll. close contact is unavoidable. The EX (a LEO)..will demand to be involved. So, my solution is: dont hit Maine yet, as it would cause hard feelings as to why I didnt stop in on my way up...or on my way down. I will instead pack my winter gear in the Ol'sea bag. (Pea Coat, wool blanket, shaving kit, wool trousers, watchmans cap, scarf, hooded club pull over, rain gear, flash light, rigger's knife and mess kit, and ride the dog to Western New York. Hit Buffalo harbor and check Erie. Then head up the Niagra River to Youngstown and on north to Lake Ontario. Then south to Lewiston, Niagra...OK Dr. Sponge...OK..."Viagra Falls". Then hit Tonawanda and blow back East along the old Erie Canal. Next stop: central NY. Cut around Lake Oneida and hit Rome, then Ilion and Herkimer. Catch my breath; or some-one elses and scoot along the Mohawk River to the Capital area of NY. Hit Amsterdam, Schenectady, Troy; (hang south along the Hudson River and stop-over in Albany.) Follow me so far??..OK.. Now I do the Mid Hudson area. Head south to Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh and take a breather at Stony Point. Then on to Ossining and lay up until my trial. later

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.