These are the Guestbook Entries from 2003. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from May, 2003. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2003.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: Peace : All
Date: 31 May 2003
Sommer is i'commen in -- loud sing cuckkoo
All the festivals .. all the celebrations
Th' hell w/ Death, we're still alive
Peace & happiness to all you peaceful people
.. I'm celebrating with my kids & step-kids tonight
May the Circle be Unbroken
-- from the Appalachians, in memory of June Carter Cash

Name: H
Date: 31 May 2003
Tomas - I think we are lucky in this regard - in a way it was the end of the 'real' Los Angeles whose boundries were easily measured and defined. We got to experience the end of a somewhat golden era as they (who ever "they" are & who are they anyway?) say. My grandmother was in a pretty unique position - working for the LA times and running around with the stars of the day via the fashion world. Don Loper was the big wig at the time as was a guy named Rex who made hats for notables like Lana Turner and Hedda Hopper. Trippy sfuff coming off the farm as I did - She whould always take me to I. Magnin's first day out to get me lookin' like a City Boy on the town. Of course my friends back in Dimba couldn't get the gist of it all (or me at times) - way too alien and out of town.
Nonetheless - I would get to go down to visit here 3 or 4 times a year and it was great fun. I mean who remembers what LIttle Tokyo looked like and why?

Name: Orion
Date: 31 May 2003
Just came across the following passage in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Henry Harrison
(1803), proposing Jefferson's strategy for getting the Ohio Native Americans to sell their land to the government (who in turn would sell it to the speculators). This
succinctly shows the sham of any claim to legitimacy this country makes. We
stole it all, live off the fruits of our thefts, and continue to find new
"markets to exploit". Capitalism is one big "Pyramid
[Thomas Jefferson to William Henry Harrison, 1803, quoted in "God Gave Us This Country" by Bil Gilbert, p.
"We wish to draw them to agriculture, to spinning and weaving. ... When they withdraw themselves to the culture of a small piece of land, they will perceive how useless to them are their extensive forests, and will be willing to pare them off from time to time in exchange for necessaries for their farms and families. To promote this disposition to exchange lands which they have to spare and we want for necessaries ... we shall push our trading houses, and be glad to see the good and influential individuals among them run in debt, because we observe that when these debts get beyond what the individuals can pay, they become willing to lop them off by a cession of lands."
"To promote this disposition ... we shall push our trading houses".
Thus is the philosophy of all Pushers. Get 'em to buy your Stuff, and they're hooked for life.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Oops
Date: 31 May 2003
"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them an Honest Look at the Right" is the correct title.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: And Dawgonit People Like Him
Date: 31 May 2003
Just watched one of the most refreshing political pundits around Al Franken on CNN book channel, I missed the main show though, I guess Bill O'Riley and Al had a confrontation and O'Riley, true to form, verbally bullied Franken whose Harvard educated wit was too much for a mental midget like O'Riley and he resorted to cheap and loud diatrabes rather than have a meaningful dialog, hope they re-run it cause it sounded like a great exchange that highlighted O'Riley's miniscule grasp of the issues he so loudly expounds on.
"Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" is a classic and I guess Al has a new one due in October titled "Liars and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them an Honest Look at the Right" I'm sure it will be great.

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 May 2003
Eric~I really enjoyed reading Pams rememberances. Thanks. Amazing how little fear we had in those days to do anything we could imagine and follow our dreams without question.

Name: Tomas
Date: 31 May 2003
Hammond you and I have the same memory of LA in the fifties. My grandmother took me to all those places on the train from Pasadena to LA. Where we would stop at Olivera St. and visit relatives.
Pam Hanna Read lives in New Mexico. I'LL send her a email and hopefully she'll get in touch.
She said she always had a pot of beans out for family.

Name: Jag
Date: 31 May 2003
Eileen, yes people tend to congregate where familiarity is a comfort factor but this country's immigrant heritage has made roots a matter of personal choice and many of us still maintain that wanderlust that I feel brings cohesion to the spirit by broadning our perspective of alien culture's and customs. Xenophobia breeds when people stay rooted and unawares of the world outside of their own little sphere and the likes of Bush et al can ignite that fear of foreign influence's to advance their own personal agenda by attacking such "alien" cultures as France and Germany even though millions of Americans can trace their heritage to those shores.

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 May 2003
"Theater(s) of Operation"

Name: Welcome Home
Date: 31 May 2003
Howdy Folks!
The 2003 Ozark Rainbow Family Spring Regional will be held in central
Missouri at Fiery Forks along the Little Niangua River near Climax
Directions: North of Camdenton Missouri on 5 Hwy then 10 miles west on 7
hwy. Second left past Barnumtom Mo. - Look for sign to "Fiery Forks" - 2
miles down Gravel Road 7-17. This beautiful 1,606 acre area includes
stretches of Little Niangua River, Fiery Forks Creek and Toby Creek,
lots of room for kind camping and family fun. This is an open family event
and we encourage you to spread the word in every direction via all kind
means. "Welcome Home!"
*Site is located between I-70 & I-44 so stop in and visit if your
This area is reasonably flat with lots of sweet shade, loving meadows
and has a large clear spring with easy walking access to the creeks and
rivers. Site is very large and people friendly with some shallow wading
pools, trees to play under, hiking trails and lots of downed oak and
hickory for camp fires. We encourage you to bring water containers &
filters, tarps, cooking equipment, C.A.L.M supplies, and tools to help
make this a truly wonderful experience for the family to enjoy.
Busses welcomed - No steep grades, solid hard packed gravel for 3 miles,
no overhangs, lots of parking in many areas.

Name: Eric
Date: 31 May 2003
Eileen (and everyone)
Just realized that the link I gave to Pam Hanna's Morningstar Chronicles was to Part I (California). Here is Part II, which is the New Mexico story:
I'm not sure that the email address for Pam is still good. Pam -- if you're lurking, let me know and I can update your address on those pages.

Name: Eric
Date: 31 May 2003
Pam Hanna, I presume, is the Pam that Tomas mentioned:

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 31 May 2003
Or - ReRoll The Axis Dice Instead!

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 31 May 2003
Aside Door Revisited
(-: serial image click through :-)

Name: Nicole
Date: 31 May 2003
Eileen, Charlie called me here at the office yesterday and said he hadn't heard from you...I had left my number on his was great talking with him...I had meant to hook you up with Bob Seidemen but he and Belinda were out of was very nice talking to Miranda too.
there is no where to rest yr eyes from urban sprawl in L.A. it too much of everything...

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 May 2003
Yes Hammond and I also think there are lots of people still there because the change was slow enough maybe they didn't notice it and just adjusted. I know (one of) my X mother in law could not imagine any place beyond LA having anything going the world ended at the edge of LA.

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 May 2003
Tomas - What song? I must have missed the question!
I think people live in LA because they are so far into debt they can't leave - and the place is so crowed that there isn't any room to leave. Other than $ and more $ why would anyone do this to themselves - living there I mean. (nevernever mind).
When I was a kid in the mid-50s I really loved going to LA to visit my grandmother - Olivera Street - Angel's Flight - The Farmer's Market and (e.g.) Hollywood treats like shopping in IMagins near McArther Park along with eating at the orig. Brown Derby when it was just a funny little derby of a building across the street from the Coconut Grove in the Ambassador Hotel - and rowing around and about in the Echo Park Lake - and wandering in Griffith Park was so wonderful as a 7 year old farm boy from the sticks.....Ah memories of LA where the smog was absent and palm trees dotted the sky-blue everywhere - and the "only" freeway in town went to Pasadena.
Best of the moment to all.....

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 May 2003
Joe..Ah yes. The dust storms. Well you don't have to get in the middle of them and unless you live out on the mesa. (I still haven't gone to see Joanie and Bryden out there and can only guess it's not been fun this month.) I have seen dust tunnels out there like serious mini tornados. In Questa we are pretty much out of the dust and I expect anywhere south of TAos the same could be said. But I have lung trouble and even going through the worst of it have not noticed any problem. In other words there are plently of places to be in Northern New Mex that have some of the cleanest air imaginable.
Who's Pam, Tomas?
Umm thanks for the thought JAG..I think you must be right about the place folks choose to live being hereditary. Yes I understand now. This has bothered me for yrs and I don't know why it didn't occure to me. I grew up in Louisiana (21 yrs) and noticed when I left (yes it was shocking to my family) very few people leave the South. That's how that culture remains so locked fact there is NO "culture" without generations in one place. I think there is much to say about that idea, considering how many people move around looking for home (as well as work). Never the less, that may still take place within the same location. I think a study in this would be facinating and have a lot to say about the temperment of this country.
And like this idea of folks not questioning the place they live and possible truely better alternatives, could be applied to how Bush can get away with all he does. Folks get on a known direction and are hard put to change it. I stay amazed, truely amazed what bald faced lies this gov't can get away with, especially if it's in print.'s in print, it must be true..or the President said it, it must be true. There are too many inbreeds in the country.

Name: patrick
Date: 31 May 2003
My computer has been in hospital since last wednesday. Am checking in from asheville library. Wow! Arthur Lee and Love.Andmoreagain. One of my better trips after a horrible freakout the same night centered around sanctuary in a campus apartment experiencing the "FOrever Changes " album.
Nicole I'm driving myself mad trying to remember who did that song. I guess I'll be even more frustrated when someone posts the answer. At least then I can slap my forehead and utter "Damn I Knew That!!! Patrick
Is love playing back east anywhere.

Name: Joe
Date: 31 May 2003
Hey X lady ...the wandering damsel has returned....I am looking into New Mexico too for repiratory reasons....I hear some conflicting things about that...dust storms....its amazing how Bush is just let off the hook weapons of mass destruction....uh well we just said that to create a rallying point to depose a tinhorn dictator who thumbed his nose at me and my have to wonder if sometime in the near future this doesnt sink in and there is a backlash against him here.....maybe I still havent learned

Name: Tomas
Date: 31 May 2003
I grew up in Alhambra-San Gabriel-Pasadena. When I was told to join the service or get kicked out of school I had no clue that I was sick. It took moving to San Diego away from the smog to the military to tell me that I had a severe case of bronchitus. They told me I was sick and I said, "I was not". I was.
I was later stationed in Hawaii and out in Pacific where they "blew up the island" right before my eyes in the early sixties. When I was discharged from the service I moved back home to LA but the smog was so bad that I could not live there without coughing. I moved to San Francisco. I went back to LA last year to visit drove through Long Beach and said, "this is the pits I'm out of here"
Pam lives in Thoreau NM on highway 40.

Name: Jag
Date: 31 May 2003
I meant "decidedly"

Name: Jag
Date: 31 May 2003
I think choices such as living in a depressing environment like LA are more hereditary than not, if I was born a Muslim I would more likely than not be a Muslim, family heritage being paramount would explain most, if not all of lifes inexplicaple paradoxes it is the rare few who make choices that difer from their familial background that cause ripples in the social norm and make the comfortable decidely uncomfortable.

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 May 2003
that would be bamfuzzel

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 May 2003
In regards to S Ca I think we cab easily agree but there sure a lot of folks living there. So I have to assume someone likes it. Just like there are lots of folks in in pre fab gtoupings. I would go out of my mind with depression. I'm always trying to understand what makes folks tick. Those kinds of choices always just bamguzzel me.

Name: Jag
Date: 30 May 2003
LA, the cesspool of civilization, born and raised I miss it not, give me blue sky's and cool forests with a touch of natures natural high.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 May 2003
Mark - thanks. My advice - get right up against the stage apron if you can (I was) - no better seat standing in the house.
Just for an aside: I spoke with him briefly (along with his British manager - forget his name - but a real nice guy) - and Arthur is pretty touchy about 'the old daze' - but nonetheless we had a lark rembering nights at Bito Lido's in Hollywood where the then unrecorded LOVE was the house band. No stage whatsoever - they just moved the jukebox aside and let it rip.
Eileen - great to hear from you and at length. I so agree with you about LA - I left in 67 and haven't been back - but when I left for good I wrote a long poem about the city. The last line of which was: "This city is condemned." I shudder to think how the place would feel today....
Have a great weedend - I mean weekend everyone. It is Rose Festival in Portland - which means I just stay even further out of the way . Too many touristas for this old soul.....

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 May 2003
Hi All~Back again! Burned up the road.
Biggest accident outside of Albq I have ever seen. No I was not in it. I feel like I'm flying a bird after driving the bus all this time. Not sure I will get in that bus again except to sell it. 111 degrees + thru the desert yesterday. The water in my water bottle became too hot to drink to I kept pouring it over I don't have AC. I didn't know it could get that hot!
I feel like a different person from this journey the past month +. I mean really different. But I haven't got a clue how that is going to manifest yet beyond living somewhere I never expected to be and starting all over from the ground up. Nothing, including myself feels familiar and all I can do is roll with it. I have needed this.
Nicole~Thanks for the effort. Spoke to Kent..couldn't reach Charlie. Ended up staying at a Best Western..Gray Hound in Long Beach is in the worst neighborhood possible and have no idea how a BW ended up there. But after walking a few blocks realized I was in danger and give in to paying for a motel. I needed the rest and it was a safe place. S CA is SO not my cup of tea. It just amazes me..yes appalls me the places people choose to live. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I was afraid to breath the air. It's scary what people get used to.
Then as I drove across the desert..stopping in needles to get asprin for the headache the heat was giving me. I once again over and over had to ask..why? What is it that makes people live in the desert in trailers, prefabs in clusters with no tress, no water, in ugly houses? There are so many places that make me realize how incrediably different we all are and how much I really don't understand.
There is, BTW a major drought going on that being on the coast made it all quite unreal. It's real and folks still are building and moving into area (like Albq, Phonix etc) that are not going to be able to sustain more use. Also trees are dying from some blight in great abundance and I see it is even getting the juniper here..I didn't think anything could touch them! I see huge changes and it seems so few people are aware of what is going on and is about to happen.
Going through Navaho/Hopi country I had this pull to understand more of how they have in the past chosen to live on the land. It is a relationship with the land that I don't even feel with the old Hispanic settlements. Yes Eric, Chaco Canyon and many other places call to me as well. Now that I have a way to get around that's easier I plan to explore, with time, many of those places. Now there were the people that best understood living with the land. There is still much to learn I think even though the people are not there..I'm sure their spirits are.
I am thinking by getting into either weaving or pottery, and growing corn, squash and beans for starters, I can slowly find a more organic way to go into these settlements and have a deeper understanding. There is something I have always felt..something that I tasted on the caravan cooking over a fire for every meal and living pretty much outdoors while on the move, of living in a way that makes me feel clean and in harmony, much closer to the land in a way that makes me feel strong. There is much to learn about living here that is being abandoned due to the many pressures of land grabbing and the changing lifestyles in order to survive the dominat/ing culture. But some is left and I want to learn what I can.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 May 2003
Correction needed:
Make that "I don't know if..."
Ooh beep beep, ooh beep beep...yeah!

Name: Mark
Date: 30 May 2003
I don't if Arthur Lee and Love will be in Portland. My son works for their booking agency in LA so I will ask him about it and pass it on here.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 May 2003
Mark - Anyone in the bay area who like Arthur's chops - Don't miss the LOVE show what ever you do! I saw him here in Portland last year (with Baby Lemonade as the backup) and it was an utterly seamless show with 19 songs (no time left for an encore) one after the other no fuss no muss LOVE - like a dream come true. Arthur was in such fine form. Maybe they will stop here on this current tour - do you have their adenda at hand?

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 May 2003
A good editorial in todays NY Times about wagging the dog...

Name: Oooops
Date: 30 May 2003
Hi - Eric will remove my latest note soonest!
All: Please do not forward the link to Ed's Supper until next Wed. if you have bookmarked it. I just learned (via Robert) that I was premature in releasing the url to the photo - Tx - oooppps H.

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 May 2003
bg, let's go
Ohio girl, it does. get better with age that is...

Name: Mark
Date: 30 May 2003
Another Tidbit,
Arthur Lee and Love are coming to the Fillmore in SF to perform the "Forever Changes" album.
A most intense acid trip for me back then involved their song "Revelation" off the DaCapo album. Sheeesh!

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: oops concerning 1st entry
Date: 30 May 2003
I hit the wrong key. But speaking of in and out, I wanted to comment about the old in-and-out. I saw one of those women's magazines I can't quite keep away from, with an article about sex "still" being good when you get old. Well that might be interesting. Well guess what, the woman writing the article about how good she thinks sex still is, is FORTY! Ouch. Get a life.....a long one.......

Name: bg
Date: 30 May 2003
let's go, but not tell anybody, ok? They won't notice for a long time...

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 30 May 2003

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 May 2003

Name: gouge
Date: 30 May 2003
You just got back...

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 May 2003
...i wanna go

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 May 2003
Stew and I were thinking maybe the Democratic nomination should go to Martin Sheen. This would be an easy transition from TV unreality White House cadre to the next generation of Reality TV - in that "The West Wing" would simply go from the fake set to the real setting letting the cameras roll as the transition takes place. No problem with advertising budget because the promo's can be written right into the weekly script post-convention continuing right up to the election. Then when we want to complain about something to the president - we can just turn off our TV sets enmass and The West Wing ratings will fall drastically - and forcing the script writers to insert "good stuff" for "bad stuff" by the following week vs. waiting forever for nothing to get worse.
Or maybe Stew and I are just being silly............
We don't watch The West Wing anyway.....

Name: gouge
Date: 30 May 2003
I'm goin' back in...

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 May 2003
I will out immediately.
Should I contact the Security Company?
Respond soonest!

Name: Eric
Date: 30 May 2003
I don't know how more I can be out... any suggestions, sas, please do tell.

Name: Wonder Warthog
Date: 30 May 2003
Right, sas .. out is good, very good. Tell me, are you related to mugu ?
I seem to detect some kind of generic resemblance.

Name: sas
Date: 30 May 2003
i will like you to out

Name: sas
Date: 30 May 2003
i will like you to out

Date: 29 May 2003
is where truth lies an oxymoron?
it's the truth telling tales out of reference.

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 May 2003
Ah Eric, that was brilliant a'ye lad...I just re read it and I now see...after the Loma Prieta earth quake Bill Graham did a big benefit for the victims and at one point there were about 12 of us in a dressing room in back when Bill walked in with Mr Hope himself...we all stood...quite automatically out of reverence for him as an Icon...he is one of those that even disagreement with his politics...he is an american you just find yourself standing up...he was very gracious and very small I might add...I always pictured him tall...big. yeah, thanks for the memories...

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 29 May 2003
I dont claim the story to be original just an illustration.

Name: Brad Martin
Date: 29 May 2003
For an upcoming book (Univ. of Massacusetts Press) on "Public Performance in the 1960s" that contains a chapter on the Diggers, I need an 8x10 b&w photo print of one of the
Digger public actions/street performances in H.A. I have no budget to speak of-- I can cover expenses, but the main recompense is the
knowledge that you have contributed to scholarship-- if you really feel like helping me out in this effort, then I see that as perfectly consistent with the D's
idea of "free." In return, you would get my undying gratitude for having saved me from shelling out the exorbitant repro & rights fees charged by
professional photographers. Thanks!
Brad Martin

Name: Eric
Date: 29 May 2003
The "condoms in your car" story is NOT original. I'm starting to think NOTHING that Sponge does is original. That story has been around the net so many times it's considered a classic by now.

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 May 2003
Dr Sponge didn't make that's a years old urban myth tale but true to his name he absorbed it like a sponge.
hey, is where truth lies and oxymoron?

Date: 29 May 2003
Very funny Dr. Sponge - But, the question remains, would you have driven away in semi-erect wonder and embarassment - or would you have simply gone to your glove box before climbing those trangressive stairs?
Is this where the truth lies - or did you just make that up?

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 29 May 2003
Illustration of truth being in the mind of the beholder.
I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for three years,and we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my fiance? She was a dream!
There was only one thing bothering me, and that was my mother-in-law to be.
She was a smart, confident career woman, but most of all she was unbelievably sexy. She often openly flirted with me, which piqued my curiosity and made me quite uncomfortable at the same time.
One day she called me and asked me to come over to review the wedding invitations. When I got there, I realized she was alone. As we looked at the invitations, she whispered in my ear: "Soon you will be married, but you must know that I have feelings for you that I can no longer ignore.
Before you commit your life to my daughter, please make love to me just once". I was in total shock .... what could I say? As I sat there dumbfounded she said, "I'll go to the bedroom, and if you share my yearnings,just come up and take me." Still dazed, I watched her magnificent form as she wisped up the stairs. I stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do, and then turned around and went to the front door. Slowly,I opened it, and stepped out of the house. Amazingly, her husband was standing outside.
With tears in his eyes, he hugged me and said, "We are so happy. You have passed our little test. We couldn't have asked for a better man for our daughter.Welcome to the family."
I will never forget the day I earned the trust of my in-laws, nor the valuable life lesson I learned on the front steps of my wife's childhood home. The truth is always, always, always, keep your condoms in your car.

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 May 2003
..."hoot mon" who'd ya be then lad?

Date: 29 May 2003
hoot mon, am i in love? put it there, pal -- lucky us! beside you, my four-legged friend, my favorite brunette? blind date with two sleepy people. when we're alone, at home on the range, lady's in love with you, on a merry-go-runaround wing ding, chicago style. buttons and bows -- that's not the knot.
hey everyone -- thanks for the memories, ain't we got fun?
goodnight, irene. (i'm on the road to bali, or morocco)

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 May 2003
Aye trooth an loit and luv an all...tis a good tis.
speaking of which...any one know who did the song that had those lyrics
"love is the opening door, love is what we came here you know what I mean? Have your eyes really seen? "

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 29 May 2003
The truth?
I write because I like to hear my self talk.
Peace is what I am asking for?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 29 May 2003
Mid-1960s, saw James Brown live in Cleveland. Powerful, quirky, mezmerizing. Like nothing I've seen before or since then, and I knew enough to know I was seeing music without the usual marketing towards teenyboppers like myself at that time. He's called the Godfather of Soul with good reason.
San Francisco, late 60s, the Ace of Cups at the Avalon Ballroom.....or one of the ballrooms. There can be truth in music, it can seem like all the truth you need.

Name: bluefin
EmailAddress: islandboy@rockcom
Date: 28 May 2003
thanks for the butterfield memories at the golden bear, which they tore
down to put up a resort hotel for surf city. had to see that show twice to
believe it.....bloomfield and bishop trading leads while the harp wailed.
led zep, with no opening act at long beach arena was an experience
watching jimmy page control the audience with song selection. up so high,
then laid back and haunted....the mushrooms helped some too. but far and
away, for me, was zappa at mac court, eugene, or. never saw a band so note
for note....steve vai on backup guitar, give me a break. if you gotta name
10 great guitarists, frank's gotta be at least 5 of humble
opinion. always great reading here....thanks for these flashbacks and many

Name: Mark
Date: 28 May 2003
CNN is running this article on Ed Rosenthal today.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: somewhat skeptical
Date: 28 May 2003
"Hmmmmnn .. white man speak with forked tongue, Kemosabe "
"You are right, Tonto [a chesty voice as if after a nearly fatal
whiff of nose candy] .. let's ride on down this canyon .. perhaps these
heartless outlaws have ridden toward the river .. if only Wittgenstein
were here"
<< sounds of galloping horsehooves, southward >>

Name: Hammond
Date: 28 May 2003
Sponge - and ain't it the truth. But to tell you the truth is to tell
you that the great Communicator in Chief of the US - something like
Lawrence of Arabia before him - will indeed be going to Akaba to spake the
speak of his piece in and to the middle-east.
I wish it were a mirage ..... and not the truth.

Name: dr Sponge
Date: 28 May 2003
Currently the definition of "half-truth" reads that a
half-truth is a statement that mingles truth and falsehood to form a lie,
which is incorrect; that would be a half-true statement and not a
half-truth. The confusion would have been avoided if the term half-truth
would be replaced with half-the-truth, or anti+truth. The word
"the" is an important one: a truth, the truth, & The Truth.
The definitions of truth and lie must be corrected to reflect the
implicatons of a half-truth; a truth can be a lie, and a lie can be a
truth. Newly discovered dimensions of both truth and lie. On the positive
side, we should also be aware that a half-truth, may deceive both the
speaker and the listener; here we have a communication problem. Their may
be no intent by the speaker to deceive but by not knowing what level of
truth is required, or the purpose of the quesiton may inadvertantly forget
to tell the truths that may be critical to arriving at the appropriate
conclusion. The World and Science, is full of unintentional half-truths.
Today in most trials, we are sworn in by swearing to "Tell the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Appreciating the
difference between truth, a truth, and The truth, would suggest that the
question be rephrased to ask that you tell only truths, and tell all the
truths you know. To tell The truth would require knowing an infinite
number of truths, and all truths; a capacity that would be very difficult
to achieve. The truth includes truths that no one would be aware of ; the
question should be re-examined

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 28 May 2003
WHAT IS TRUTH was the question posed by Pontious Pilate at one of the
most famous trials of all time, that of Dr Sponge. Sponge proclaimed to be
many things including, "The Light of the World." The answer or
part of the answer to this two millennium old question is one that mankind
has overlooked, namely the similarities between the scientific properties
of LIGHT and TRUTH. It is to this model that we are able to "think
outside the books" of mankind to revise the definition of "Truth
", "half-truth" and "lie." I believe this may be
the original error of programming, the original sin, dating back to the
Garden of Eden.
Truth is a reality that has a duality and paradox nature to it. Truth
can be dimensional, truth can be true and it can also be a deceptive lie
when it is a misleading part of a greater truth; the anti-truth. There are
profound differences between TRUTH, truth, a truth, the truth we know and
You see, truth, can be minor or major, it can be therefore relative if
it is a minor truth, and absolute if it is a major truth. Interesting
enough a simple metaphoric model of Truth, is represented by the
scientific properties of LIGHT.
Like the many beautifully different and distinct colors of the rainbow
formed from the light from the sun, The Whole Truth is formed by many
different and distinct truths; No one but Dr Sponge knows The Truth.
The next time you see a rainbow appreciate this model for TRUTH that
begins with the Light of The World; the sun of Dr Sponge
The boxes that we think in are based on half-truths, and half-truth
logic. They polarize issues and problems and become a monumental obstacle
to resolving problems, balance and seeking The Truth; although we may
never know it; we are not GOD just put your faith is Dr Sponge and truth
will be yours.

Name: Aside Door - 3rd Page
Date: 28 May 2003
Aside Door - 3rd Page
:-) 2 Nic

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 May 2003
Hammond, I love yr new ones, especially conundrums...

Name: Poetics (Revisited)
Date: 28 May 2003
CounterPunched (again)
"Disarming Conundrums"
The 3rd Page (revisited)
"Vial Rumors at Home"

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 May 2003
Hi all, I just got off the phone with Miranda, Eileens younger
daughter, and She (Eileen) is on her way to L.A. and the people I meant to
set her up with for an over nite are away...I put in a call to Kent M and
Charlie Degelman, but no reply as of yet...anyone got some one in LA that
might put her up for the evening?
Eric, I saw yr sight from the link on the 1998 guest book...I have
always been intrigued by that place and all of monument park in
general...that would be the place to meet up with everyone !!!
if anyone has an idea for Sam, post to me and I'll call
Miranda...thanks, Nik

Name: FYI Service
EmailAddress: Drop This Book!
Date: 28 May 2003
More on "Drop City"

Name: Eric
Date: 28 May 2003
Eileen --
I just checked and it appears that you're only about 150 miles (by the
road) to Chaco Canyon. One of my dreams is to get a bunch of friends to
Chaco and camp out under the gaze of Fajada Butte. Have you ever been
there? The campground is very magical.
(Fajada Butte from the campground, sunrise) (the
Butte, closer view)
(the Great Kiva from South Mesa)

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: confused (as usual)
Date: 27 May 2003
Disarmingly real, a world slow on the uptake to accept the state of our
union, soon to incorporate another subject state, assimilate those who
disagree, co-opt the disaffected few who object. Wal-marts and K-marts the
American dream of those who had nothing and want the crumbs that fall off
the plates of fat and sassy cats who would have us believe that salvation
awaits for all who partake of disingenuous lies that leave us in doubt of
our own ability to perceive the self evident truths stated by slave hoding
aristocrats who didn't want to pay taxes and fostered the lies that hold
sway today.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 27 May 2003
Vial Rumors at Home
Digging Detrick has unearthed
the passage of time and secrecy
has been slowing the effort
He finds it,
contains it and tries
to figure out what it is
A certain time capsule effect,
floating in jars of formaldehyde
Documentation doesn't exist -
removed, pulverized, throughout
hiding behind "The Eightball"
Sanitized, incinerated, eliminated
precautions were not required - as
fighting mass destruction is a dirty business.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Little Cuba
Date: 27 May 2003
Hey hammond,.. Is Fidel sweatin' it yet???

Name: Steve Again...
EmailAddress: down the page...
Date: 27 May 2003
hey, I took some time to read the last few posts..Howdy Eileen!!! (boy
that was a short year)...hey, as far as a real move in 2004. I may opt for
Bennington Vermont. Its a fairly short ride from here and is in a
"New England" State. Some folks dont realize that the original
13 colony states provide the stongest protection of folk's rights in the
nation. The later states introduced into the union took alot for granted
when it came to "State Citizen's Rights". At this point, I need
all of the rights that I can get. Will let you know how the "Trial of
the Century" comes out on the 23rd of June. Later.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 27 May 2003
"Disarming Cunundrums"

Name: Free Dumb
EmailAddress: That was From Cow Hampster
Date: 27 May 2003
Ah.. I mean New Hampshire,.. Ya, that was from me Nic. I tried a couple
of times from up in that neck of the woods to get through to the "OLEMA
PEOPLE" (which I assumed still existed. (Thats where the profetic
"Free-Dumb" comes in. But...we were PEOPLE then,..werent we?

Name: The Original Silent Steve
EmailAddress: New York City, New York County, New York State
Date: 27 May 2003
Well, Saturn in Cancer from early June until mid July is the boost that
I need (needed)... the under-cover cops attempting to infiltrate my front
parlor was a real bad sign. The only other time they had showed was when I
damn near bled to death from a neck drain hole. (I mean really,..a call
goes out for an EMT unite and twelve cops also show???).. that was the
star treatment. These fucks want inside in more ways than one. They had
the Rev,. show them the lay-out late at night and just about shit bricks
when I met them at the rear parlor door. (see, I was suposed to be on the
4th floor. (get it?)...Oh,..Lets keep it between ourselves and the whole
world..OK?..anyway, although the Peace Church is good for another 6
months; I dont consider it a Peace Church any longer. I freed it awhile
ago, and as in the way of all things; its regained it's natural enslaved
condition. Someone once said that only slaves are free. That being said;
Im' altering my conception of FREE into LOOSE. Ya,..real loose. I just
gave my formal resignation as Sexton today. My last day is the first of
July. I bull-shitted everyone (except the world)..that Im' moving up to
Calais Maine. My actual plans are to play the part of the high-rollin'est
bum on the Bowery until Jan 2004. Then I may consider a long term change.
In closing,.."Good Luck Rides The Winds Of Change". My thanks go
out to everyone who unwittingly participated in the "Diggers Against
Your' Will" program. (poor bastards inadvertantly hung their coats,
scarves and hats on the Digger Free Store Clothing rack in the lobby. Some
of the lucky one's payed good money to get back their belongings a few
blocks down on 6th ave. God I love this city. Stay loose ya'all.

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 May 2003
...just saw another one from 1998...from a Steve Boyd signed, Free
Dumb, that sounds like our boy...
manana, goin' 'ome now. ta.

Name: Mark
Date: 27 May 2003
I had to search back to find the first one I posted. You made me wonder
what the hell I might have said. Almost five years ago. Damn!

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 May 2003
Eric - "Yes and," - thanks again!

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 May 2003
Eileen, if you need an over night place in LA...I have one for you,
really great people too. let me know...
Mark, I just read your first ever post on the's really
interesting to go back and read all of them from the beginning.
Eric, you are an awesome human being...I and i'm sure we all, thank you

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 May 2003
Oh Micheal! I'm so glad you're here. It worn you out? Same here. Yes I
have rocovered just in time to hit the road again. None of the Grey Hound
schedule works for me, so am going to just jump on the bus and take the
day time schedule..which will hang me up in San Beranadino for 1 1/2
hrs..but at least it will be in the day time and maybe I can figure out
how to get to Long Beach from that layover in time. The port dock closes
at 4:30..the bus arrives in LB at 5:30. Why is nothing easy? Ok I guess
that's my quota of whinning today.
Anyway I found a book on prairie plants used around ones house instead
of fighting to create the golf course effect. Ofcourse I thought of you
right away (aren't we practically neighbors now?) and would like to get
some ideas and possibly seeds from you. So email me would you, so we catch
up. Also by chance found an article on the man (DuBray) I had been talking
over the phone with just before I left here yrs back. He raises buffalo
out your way in South Dakota. I had been thinking of getting some hides
from him to brain tan as well as scrape for drums and rattles..they are
the absolute best for that. At the time he hadn't figured out what to do
with hides. Really nice guy. Check him out:

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 May 2003
Thanks Eileen - and I just sent you an e-mail.

Name: Michael
Date: 27 May 2003
I'm here, mostly silent running. I've have been following your trail.
It kind of wore me out, but you seem to be recovered and in place. I have
your new email address.

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 May 2003
Hammond~Thoughts for your friend are good.

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 May 2003
Hi Eileen, I missed "snagging" your new e-mail - please send
it to me or post it once more.
Healing energy needed today between 10 - 11 am as my (our) friend is
getting his liver scanned to see how the tumor is doing - most ideally in
remission or gone!
Nic - Margaret and I had a gread little barbeque with Stew and Judy
yesterday - a great day it was..... They send their best as ever

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 May 2003
Wonderful discription..took me right there. But I have to say after the
endless rain and fog of Ft Bragg it made a better internal visit than I
think I could stand in real life for awhile. I know there will come a time
when I will miss it and go looking for it..but not yet.
I'm so impressed you went kayaking though. I have noticed in my travels
there are very few people out in it really DOING something with their bicycles, no walking and minimal use of the water beyond
fishing. The most striking were the folks in their mondo RV's..TVs,
generators running, the extra car attached and the portable table and
chairs under the awning as the outdoor event. etc. This is camping??! (yes
it's still like the old days being watched as a questionable neighbor in
the "over there" camp site.) Is everyone saving it for the gym?
A rather large divorce from nature. Just an observation. Sounds like a
wonderful break for you.
So how come Steve's been kicked off the computer and I assume the
church is closing is why he's being moved..? What are his plans? He had at
one time been really up for a move. I hope he's got a plan he's into.
What's in the works? Please tell him I say hello.
I would totally LOVE it if everyone would think about heading out here
in the fall. Am West has pretty cheap flights to Albq and there's a
shuttle up this way from the airport if driving makes this too far. Really
it is so special here that time of year it's SO worth the effort and would
be great fun to meet as well as run around and do stuff together.
The magpies have all had their babies and won't let my dogs rest
anywhere..need to go out and back them off. You saw baby ducks? aaaw

Name: Nik
Date: 27 May 2003
...that is "they've pushed the MOVING date up" secret
movie deals in the forcast...well, not that I know of.

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 May 2003
...the yard sales and most b-b-Q's washed out, but I managed to have a
great week-end. I went north, and some how being in the country in the
rain is nicer, in that everything was sooooooo green...and when there's
mist rising from all the little valleys and the rocks are showing all of
their colors radiantly...I kayaked up the Esopus a few miles and just sort
of drifted back down...Canadian Geese everywhere...and mama ducks and
babies too...early in the morning I saw some enormous fish jump totally
out of the water...ker-r-r-r-r splash!!!! amazing...the rest of the
week-end was spent inside...the lighting as it is when dark and rainy
outside...warm and amber inside...good movies, good food, good wine and
good friends.
Eileen, I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone. Autumn in New Mexico
should be exquisite. btw, I stop by and see Steve every week, he's not
always there, but he still lives there and they pushed up the movie date
so he's okay for a while...they just kicked him off the internet...shame.
I told him to come here and use mine...we'll see
The sun is shinning here's a good day. with warm regard to
all, NIk

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 May 2003
Oh and thanks for the word on Steve. I was afraid he was out on the
street. I mean the hard way.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 May 2003
Hi Mark~
Sounds like the good old days before someone has figured out to ruin a
good thing. Glad to know something like that still happens.
You're welcome here when ever. Glad to know you're so mobil~!

Name: Mark
Date: 26 May 2003
I can be there whenever everyone else can get it together. Steve is
still at the church but has very limited access to a computer. He just
checks in when they aren't looking.
The expectations here in Aptos didn't materialize. The weather turned
overcast and cool for most of the weekend so the party headed elsewhere.
Today it was sunny, warm and quiet. It was ok. I missed the Watsonville
Fly In which included six Herrier Jets buzzing the bario scaring the
living shit out of the Mexicans and busting a few eardrums. I was in Paso
Robles for the West Coast Kustom Nationals, now that was cool. Did you
ever get a sunburn from a peach and pink metalflake paintjob? Surprise, no
flag waving or even a hint of politics in the park. Rat rods, and Kar
Kulture freaks from as far as Belguim, Japan, England, Sweden, and
Australia plus the usual from LA show up in Paso Robles. No tickets, no
pre event advertising, no hassles, just show up and have a good time. A
very well done event.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Y'all Come
Date: 26 May 2003
Ahh quiet finally. Sounds like the last biker is gone. What was that..4
days non stop of the roar of bikes. Lots of wrecks. I'm dying to see what
the police report looks like this week. Also really curious what the count
was. I don't think I've ever seen so many. Ooh and some HOT men and
women!! Lots of women with their own Harleys..Impressed the shit out of
me! (next lifetime) The Questa emergency service made a rats ass showing
of getting some woman scrapped off the cement. All macho dudes couldn't
figure out how to use the equipment. What a nightmare. Ofcourse they
couldn't just ask what the heck was going on and get some help..guys. Came
home and told Miranda never let that crew get there hands on me if
anything happens. It was so bad I was laughing when they almost dumped the
woman strapped on the gurney, on her head, with them all puffed up for the
bikers. So Bad. I've had enough of Memorial Day or what ever that was.
Glad to have our quiet little town back. Haven't read a paper or seen TV
in weeks or heard any news in weeks. I'm ok letting the whole mess just go
by as long as possible. I got my own story.
OK I'm almost on the road again. Put it off until Wed so maybe I don't
have to get stuck in LA Grey Hound at 2:30 AM for 2 1/2 hrs, if I don't
actually have to..YUK!. OK that might be good foder for my book..but you
know what...?
So I was waiting to get this suggestion out there when Nicole shows up
in the morning. So folks~how about a plan for a get together in here at my
place in New Mexico in say for one of these 2 events..which take place my
favorite time of year..when the fresh picked chilies are being roasted on
the road side (and chili and pesole feasts are abundant!)and the light is
like no where on earth. Around Halloween is the first snow..if the weather
ever gets normal again.
Sept. 30 San Geronimo Feast Day, Taos Pueblo, ceremonial footraces at
dawn, arts and crafts fair, sacred clowns, afternoon pole climb. No
photography or recording. Call 758-1028 or visit online
Oct. 5 to Oct. 6 Taos Wool Festival, celebrating the fiber arts, Kit
Carson Park, call 758-5438 or 888-909-WOOL (9665).
Otherwise just check in with me when you think you might be out this
way and see if I'm "receiving" yet. Did you all snag my new
email address?
PS>>I ask again..what's up with Steve???

Date: 26 May 2003
This means everyone because we are all (in some fashion) casualties of

Name: Jag
Date: 26 May 2003
Right on Patrick & Mark this should be a day of remembrance for any
and all who were devoured by the onslaught of war.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 May 2003
Here is a link to an article on the front page of today's SF Chronicle
that is "provocative".

Name: Mark
Date: 26 May 2003
I am with you on the hypocrisy of all this. I remember to honor also
all the members of the Armed Forces and draft resistors whose lives and
the lives of their families that were damaged and forever altered after
taking a stand against the Viet Nam war.

Name: patrick
Date: 26 May 2003
This is agood day to remember the "4 DEAD IN OHIO". I don't
believe they were ever given a proper memorial at Kent State. It really
makes me ill when I hear the likes of Newt Gingrich(I just gave the sign
of the evil eye to ward off any toxicity when I uttered that creatures
name)espouse how evil the Chinese are for they"re actions against the
students in Tientaman Square. What a Hypocrite. He is probably parading
around in his star spangled flag panties today. Going out into the sun
now, Patman
PS this is the second try to post this. I checked out Michael Moores
sight and nothing seemed amiss.

Name: earth sister
Date: 25 May 2003
Michael Moore's website got hijacked!. check it out... it's vanished at
some michael moore hater has taken over the address. weird.
also, an excellent source for news:

Date: 25 May 2003
Butter was so good - so so very good at what he did. Better than a
Hendrix with a harmonica Butter would take you there in a breath or two
like LIttle Walter, and Howlin' Wolf could do and few others. Butter is
missed by many.....

Name: earth sister
EmailAddress: birth mother
Date: 25 May 2003
Benefit for the Nan Koehler Legal Defense Fund Raiser - Party
Nan is being prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license,
being a midwife.
Featuring - Vince Welnick and other local musicians and dancers.
Friday -June 13, 6-11PM Sebastopol Community Center, 390 Morris St.,

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: would'
Date: 25 May 2003
I've got a picture with my son and step daughter at age 4 or 5 sitting
on Muddy Waters lap. we were training through chicago, musta been 77. and
he was playing at a little auditorium at Racine college. I had seen Muddy
many times and had "Got on the good foot, chemically, so to speak
with some of his band mates when they were in boulder for a 3 night stand
a couple of times in early 70's. Muddy loved his Covosier but We toked
together too with some of my best, He did'nt offer me any of his cognac
though.Frankie and Cassy(the kids called him their "black
grandpa". I miss him. I also miss Butterfield who I caught at the
tail end of his addiction at a club called Stache and little brothers in
Columbus ohio around 85 or early 86 He was.nt doing to well and the owner
of the club asked me if I could help him out as he had an abcessed tooth
creating lotsa good ol' pain to medicate. I phoned my dentist who sent
over about 20 percodan and my did that man wail. I remember the owner of
the club raving after about it being one of the best shows she had ever
heard.I wish he would have played double trouble that night. Within the
next 6 months I checked into treatment and as I have mentioned before That
was may 19,1986 and I have remained clean and sober since. I don't recall
if I heard about Paul,s overdose on morphine before or after I went into
treatment but that little interlude with just he and I figuring out a way
score some more opiates in that dimly lit, smokey back room of that club
in the ohio state university district on High Street haunts me til this
day.Hell I was as strung out as he was, winding down on the methadone and
daily regiments of other opiates and IV coke. Every time I hear the Eagles
"Sad Cafe" "I don't know why fortune smiles on some and
lets the rest go free" I think of Paul Butterfield. Love and peace to
all drunk or sober. Patrick

Name: Mc Ming
EmailAddress: FYI
Date: 25 May 2003
Here's a clear well-written piece about the relationship between
military spending and the increasing plight of the poor in America :

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: hot food and good music
Date: 25 May 2003
Hi Eileen! I remember being "pranked" (as they call it today)
when I first went out to California, asked did I want to try an authentic
hot pepper. I took a huge bite and there was no way out. Also, another
time, did I want to see what a real olive tastes like, before it's been
cured? Well that's the worst taste in the world. I can't figure out how
people ever started eating olives. How they ever figured out you could do
something useful with such a horrid tasting little fruit. How could they
know it would taste really good after months of curing or pickling? Must
have been really hungry to persist in finding a way to eat olives.
I used to go hear the Paul Butterfield Blues Band (I can still see him
playing that harmonica), and Dave Van Ronk (who passed away a few years
ago) any chance I could get, up in Cleveland, in small clubs. Maybe at a
club called La Cave?? This was mostly before I went out to the Haight,
although I also saw Dave Van Ronk in the seventies, playing at a college
in Cleveland. He asked, does anyone remember Adele's Bar (the biker/hippie
hangout) and he got cheers and applause for asking. I used to tell my Mom
I was at the movies when I went to Adele's (unless of course it was the
movie "Morgan"). I saw Janis Joplin at one of the Hells Angels'
parties in San Francisco and once in a concert hall, the Doors, name a
band and between me and my brothers, at least one of us was there. My
older brother was at the last Sex Pistols concert ever; and it must be
hereditary because my older son went to great lenghts to get a tape of
that show. The Animals were a great live band. I'm no doubt somewhere in
the picture, in that much-reprinted photo where the Dead are playing on
Haight St. I was living in the flat that had the balcony across from the
Straight Theater. I sure do love music, even just thinking about it. I
feel really crappy from this medicine I'm back on, it's better to think
about music... Peace

Name: Tom Diaz
Date: 25 May 2003
Reviews of T.C. Boyles Book "Drop City" by the friends of
Anyone wishing to add a review is welcome to do so.

Name: Mark
Date: 24 May 2003
One of the best "festivals" I stumbled into was one in Lodi,
California about 1970. It was at Amador Lake, really a resevoir, on a very
hot day. Lots of LSD, Red Mountain wine, and weed circulating. The list
goes like this. Taj Mahal, Cold Blood, Santana (anybody remember the
restored 30's moving van that was their tour bus?) Ike and Tina Turner
with the Ikettes (who drove their Rolls up the dirt road to the back of
the stage, opened the doors and set up the little RRoyce picnic set and
broke out that white stuff), Bo Diddley (Landed in a helicopter),
Kalidescope, Albert Collins and some other I can't remember. This was an
"illegal" festival with no tickets just people taking money
along the trail to the dam. The town was overrun with bay area hippies who
found out about it through the underground media.
Of course, Cream at Winterland and Bob Dylan at the Greek Theater in
Berkeley. Janis Joplin's final concert with Big Brother at the Carousel
Ballroom in SF.
Thanks for the Rick Nelson thing. I was a huge fan of his since the
50's when he and Elvis, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis ruled.

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 May 2003
Jag - Indeed...
Shows before I go -
Any of the LA Shrine Aud. Who shows, Procal Harum at the Whiskey, Pink
Floyd at the Cheetah, Hendrix with Soft Machine at the Pavillion, the Dead
at UCLA with the wall of sound (indoors), Spirit anywhere
Bye all

Name: Jag
Date: 24 May 2003
Excellent correlation between Bush and Blair vs Jimmy Carter in Nobel
Peace Prize Nomination, Hammond, some Scandinavian must have confused
Bush's AWOl years as an anti-war statement or something, Peace Prize!!
what the fuck- Over!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 May 2003
A literary Double Header for me this weekend with:
The Palestinian Chroicle
and along with Stew in Counter Punch
Double Yippie!

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: space-time continuum problems
Date: 24 May 2003
Right, because there are moments when I'm not entirely certain where I
am .. maybe this is why SF is so magical, it's foggy a great deal of the
Eric .. I don't know what's up with the formatting, but all these
messages exceed the width of my screen, not by much, 3 or 4 characters ..
is it just my set-up ?
Rachel -- Post whatever you like, this is a kind & understanding
group. It takes courage to be so up-front about yourself .. you're a good
Best 3 concerts .. if I remember them, was I there ? Best 3 ever ??
Aaagh ! Well some of the best -- Van Morrison in DC, 1975, just 2 back-up
musicians, on keyboard & drums, Van on acoustic guitar, harmonica
& saxophone :: and on Celtic soul .. probably the greatest I ever saw,
EVER. Dylan, always great altho probably better the time I didn't see him.
Talking Heads !! 1983 tour, when it was a giant band with all kindsa
percussion & projected light-show, etc.
Wait my 3=5, The Who, 1989. Springsteen - whenever, wherever.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Top 3
Date: 24 May 2003
Hard to chose but this one rates in the top two or three
Often the Foil of Frank Zappa, the El Monte Legion Stadium, 1968 or
there abouts, an unspectacular Johnnie Otis and his son Shuggie opened
with a journeymen set of his standards, Willie and the Hand Jive being the
most memorable, it was a crisp set and the crowd was warmed up when Edgar
Winter and White Trash took the stage, Rick Derringer, Jerry La Croix, and
even better a guest appearence by his brother Johnny Winter! They were
hot!! Derringer and Johnny exchanging solo's and playing so in sync (no
pun) that it sounded like a fluid harmonious whole. Edgar was wailing on
his sax and the place was pulsating with so much energy that I was
physically rushing as I stood directly in front of the stage with the
sound completly enveloping me in a cascading wall of aural bliss. They
played so hard and so long I thought the sun was going to come up before
it was over. Instead some one turned out the lights and dimmed the stage
signaling the reverie had to finally end because the promoters wanted to
go home.Near riot ensued but we were sated with sound by then so we
finally wandered off to pursue another day in the life.

Name: patrick
Date: 24 May 2003
john hammond, Bonnie raitt and bassist freebo on same card in tulagi's
in boulder, colorado 71 or 72 Then all 3 did the last set.ten years after,
red rocks ampitheater, morrison, colorado 1970 or 71. Spirit, denver 70 or
71.#1 The James Gang, World theatre, Columbus,Ohio 1969. Original Joe
Walsh and gang. Orange Sunshine. BLEWMYFUCKIN"MIND.

Name: lynn
Date: 24 May 2003
I would love to talk with someone who was in the Haight between 1965
and 1967. I was never there. But I love that time and wish it never would
have ended.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: OZ-mosis
Date: 24 May 2003
Sorry about the double blanks I posted but I was in my HTML class and
their computers suck, I like your answer better than that articles
explanation Hammond, and yes its a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Name: Jag
Date: 24 May 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 May 2003
What a great way to start today - with all the fresh energy and new
invisible faces. Welcome Rachel - great channel/dreaming! And hey - if I
was in the ether and wanted to make a spirit break into this world frame
of reference for some reason - what better spot to pick someone than in
The Free Store! Ditto Triple Eileen's goosebumps - and good ones mind
you....I for one always got goose bumps in The Free Store - the kind that
much like LSD - where the special effects last somewhere between eight
hours and a life-time.
JAG - no offfence taken mate - I was just being silly
But as for the # of holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall. The reason
they can actuallly count the "holes" is that in the mid-60s the
Albert Hall installed the big black - circular sound baffels all attached
by nearly invisible wire and fixtures. When I took my box seat during
Ricky Nelson's (UK) debut gig with The Stone Canyon Band I looked up at
this ceiling for the first time. The effect created is like right out of
Yellow Submarine in that here are all of these black holes in the ceiling
- and of course you can count them all = how many holes it takes to fill
the Albert Hall! - Wild eh? - "Rick" and his TSC were very
disappointing for "Ricky's" many many many fans and when he
finished his opening set - (which ended with an abominable version of
"Honky Tonk Woman") - he got little applause from a sold out -
and standing out in the street anyway sorta show. (15 min break) - Ricky
Nelson comes back out on stage with his bassist (now on electified
stand-up, lead guitarist and drummer (with a reduced to the bones kit) -
and Ricky says to the house something like this - "You folks here in
the UK have been some of my most enduring fans and I want to thank you
from the bottom of my heart . I want to move on musically and personally
from being "Ricky Nelson" and I can do that with my new band - I
really am Rick now and that is life. But having said that - "This one
is for you."
With that Ricky - with a beautiful vintage electro/acoustic
Rickenbacker across his chest and with the nearly acoustic trio backup -
knocked though every Ricky Nelson hit - outtake - and surprise a Ricky
Nelson fan could ever ask for. I have seen a lot of amazing one of kind
shows in my day folks (and havent we all) - but "Ricky's" second
set (a 2 hour show in itself! - ranks among my top 3 of all time. He was
seamless.... He and the band received 16 standing ovations.
For me this show is surpased only by a ("Jim") Roger McGuinn
show at a little supper club in Oxnard, Ca. - seated about 400 dinner
included for the kick off for his ' Back to Rio' album and like Rick - he
was Roger for the first set (backed by a group of young musicians) - but
for the second set he put on his "Jim McGuinn" hat - and said -
Now that we got the new album out of the way - I want to give these
youngsters in my band a little work out - and launced into a 2 hour
extravaganza of "These are the Byrds - Seamlessly Revisited" ala
Jim and clone afficianados ending with a 19 min version of "8 Miles
Hight" - no encore as there really wasn't a Byrd Song left to play -
he took 9 curtain calls though
And lastly - the very best show for me would be (insert drum roll):
Paul Butterfield and his original crew - Sam Lay on drums and Naftalin
on keys - and (among so many great numbers than night) the ended with an
extened version (can you even imagine) of the complete "East -
West" - this in a little club in Huntington Beach callled The Golden
Bear .and seating maybe 200 at the most and I was sitting right up against
the stage apron at Butter's feet.
Such great memories - and thanks whoever sparked this rant!
Anyone else got a top three to share? (and if that isn't a redundant
Have a great day everyone -

Name: Eric
Date: 24 May 2003
Eileen --
Had to laugh, reading yr message -- the juxtaposition of the Sangre de
Cristo mountains mentioned in the same breath as hot chile peppers. My
first introduction to the spicy life was in 1970 at the Ortiviz Farm, with
those beautiful mountain ranges hanging over our heads, at lunch break
from a day of "haying" in the Fall sun, our closest neighbor,
the local sheriff and his young boys, their family with roots back to the
Spanish conquistadores, chomping down on what appeared to be green bell
peppers, one of my favorite childhood foods. Me, the inquisitive young
longhair, had to ask for a taste of what turned out to be jalapenos, not
bell peppers, of course. Now, 30 years later, after having lost all taste
due to the ravages of my past sins, one of the only foods I can savor is
green habanero sauce made in Merida, Yucatan, 500,000 units on the
Scoville scale of hotness.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 May 2003
Hi Rachel~I have to say your dream gave me waves of goose bumps. That
was quite a powerful dream! I know those dreams. Welcome. You came to the
right place. In meeting my neighbor the other day she said..I wish I had
known you in the '60's, I know we would have been friends. I realized, no
that's not likely cause who she likes about me is now..not then. So don't
think you've missed anything cause it's all here in it's new and improved
form. As we used to say..Be here now! It's not just memories.
Hi my friends! I'm confused what is going on with
Steve...Steve?..anyone want to fill me in? Things have been so busy here I
don't have time to read thru it all.
A little atmosphere..bikers are still at it. It's 10:17 AM. Miranda
(that's my 23 yr old daughter for those who haven't been keeping up) is
asleep in my bed. Clouds are caught at the moment on the Sange de Cristos
with that very NM blue sky and clouds that look like fake perfect painted
clouds. The sun here at 7000'+ is INTENSE. I have definitly lost my Ft
Bragg palor on this journey from the big island and directly into the sun.
Cotten woods cut loose their fluff and float through the cool morning air
looking like snow. (Floating through my open bedroom window they drift
across the floor.) The many fruit trees have alread gone from flower to
leaf (ooh I will be drying and canning apples, apricots and pears from 100
yr old trees this fall!)as all the rest of the trees in a matter of days
unfurl their new leaves changing the landscape from skeltons, to swaying
dancers and lordly watchers. The mountain peaks still have some snow left
that continue to feed snow melt to the old and still valued acequias.
There is an on going drought here and water takes on the value now of the
old days once again. One does not just let water run without the scorn of
ones neighbors. (In the past there have been battles over this water.)
I have begun to tough up again to the scorch of chilies. Asking if
green or red is milder/hotter has become a stupid request of ones frame of's all too hot to a CA sissy as myself! No we are not in
Kansas any more..get with the program.
My bus still contains the final remanents of this move..the last of my
silk screen supplies, my bike still packaged from the Pacific crossing, a
tent and Miranda's clay..yes we really shipped clay for her sulptures.
Today I will finish emptying out the bus and put it near the road for
sale. For half of what it's worth I could pay my rent for the yr. I do
hope it sells soon.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: onthebus.pax
Date: 24 May 2003
Rachel, Yep your dream was definately someones reality. Partly mine. Hi
Eileen welcome back, glad things are progressing for you. Adios, pat-riot

Name: Jag
Date: 24 May 2003
Rachel, Welcome and yes Dorothty dreams do come true

Name: Eric
Date: 24 May 2003
Rachel --
Let me add my voice of welcome. I started this website in 1993 and this
guestbook page has evolved into an online discussion group. Sorry it's not
real sophisticated but it seems to serve the purpose. I've thought about
setting up a true conferencing system, but so far haven't seen anything
that works with MS Frontpage.
Wow, that's some dream you had, with the free store. Very powerful
vision. The Free Store for many of us is a magical place. For you to dream
about it without knowing what it was, well, that truly sounds like some
reincarnation flashback. During the Vietnam War, many soldiers who
deserted would come to the Free Store and change their uniforms for hippie
clothing. Visiting the Free Store was a very effective way to have an
instant lifestyle change.

Name: James R. Davis
Date: 23 May 2003
Hi All, Please excuse me for butting in, but ... I'm wondering if any
of you remember a childhood buddy of mine, named Bob Stubbs,who used to
run a place called The Blue Unicorn on Hayes Street and also a place
called The Phoenix on Haight Street from the mid 1960's to maybe about
1980. He died earlier this year. I'd like to share what we remember about
him and his businesses and what he thought about things if you'd like. I
was in SF for the Bay to Breakers event last Sunday so came down to the
Haight Ashbury area again and boy have things changed. Even if you didn't
know Bob personally maybe if you frequented either of of those places
maybe you could tell me more about them and how they fit into the mosaic
of life during those times. Peace be with you, James R. Davis, Sacramento,

Name: Mark
Date: 23 May 2003
Feel free to roll it all out here.

Name: James R. Davis
Date: 23 May 2003

Name: Rachel
Date: 23 May 2003
Hello everyone!! There is such a wondeful friendship on this page
between you all - I'm surprised there is no chat room of some sort.
Hmmm...Hello Nicole and Mark, Bob, McMingus and everyone else. I'm glad to
be spending my quiet nights here with you all. It's a good comfort. You
have all been a great help, and much more excepting of some of the things
I've posted than most people I know. The way I cam upon the site...well,
After I had watched this movie about the 60's, there was a certain part in
this movie where one of the charcters goes off and and does the hippie
thing and spends alot of her time in Haight and Ashbury. There was some
footage from back in those days as well, mixed in with the rest of the
movie. (kind of like forest gump??) Anyway - when I saw this part in the
movie I was taken back a minute and couldn't breathe. Then I heard this
noise - like a big "swoosh" and a bang and I closed my eyes and
a bright light flashed. AFter that I was really freaked out and went
upstairs to meditate. This was an unsusaly long session and I heard lots
of voices, and laughter, and as I went deeper into my relaxation I saw
this woman, she had long blonde hair, a beautiful smile and held her hand
out to me and said "I'm glad you've made it back to us..come"
And she laughed like a little girl and ran away. That night I had a dream
me and my dog were swimming in this big river. It was SO BEAUTIFL. It was
the bluest blue I'd ever seen and there were goregous mountains and feilds
and along the bank were these women who were like...ancient preistesess,
and they were all dressed in white throwing flowers into the river. I
tried to communicate with them but none of them would look up except the
last two. One standing on one side and one on the other. The river spilt
in half and I had to make a choice to go either way. Incubus (my dog) went
one way and I tried to follow her and I was crying for her and screaming
and reaching out for her. I tried to see where she was going but couldn't.
The other way led to this place that was full of these people telling me
to come with them. One of the people told me to come to their free store
and I would find Incubus there. Another person told me I was "late
for the bake", and another person asked me to "carry my white
balloon at Woodstock" and he looked like Roger Daltrey, then I looked
at the woman in the white dress and she looked at me, smiled and said
"Come and see what you will find with us here" And her eyes were
purple. She stared at me so hard it scared me and I woke up. SOOOOOO....
later that day I got on the internet - typed in "free store"
(because losing my dog really bothered me, I has sweat coming out of my
eyes from crying) and got to this website. It only felt right to become
involed in it somehow. I don't know what any of this means and I swear to
you all I'm not nuts. But - I've found a certain comfort in this site
reading about everything and meeting you all. I'm sorry to make such a
long post..but thank you all for listening.

Name: Mark
Date: 23 May 2003
Ah, those sweet words will flow again. I have been waiting like the
others for your fine vibes. Now, if we could just get SSBoyd reliably
(street legal, I doubt it)hooked up this dog could hunt. Welcome back.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: How many holes?
Date: 23 May 2003
When I resided in Sydney, Australia, circa 1970, I read an article in
the local fishwrap by a journalist who was interviewing John Lennon and
Lennon espoused upon the holes in Albert Hall line from Sgt Peppers, he
said that he had been reading a local London newspaper and came upon an
article that quoted a London road maintenence official who was talking
about the sorry codition of Lankenshire roads and he estimated that there
were 4,000 potholes to be repaired. After reading this and being stoned he
incorporated the lyric "4,000 holes in Black and Lankenshire, now
they how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall" I could be all
wrong about this knowing the accuracy of journalists and the memory gap
that 30 + years can create, and I know I should read your book (and will)
as soon as my meandering mind gets it together enough to pick it up, but I
was curious if any thing I am talking about is relevent to what you were
saying.I know I read something to this effect in that article but like I
said, 30 plus years.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: everybody must get
Date: 23 May 2003
Hammond, I didn't mean to imply a thing my friend, my attempt at a
double entendre was thwarted by my clumsy fingers and tired mind.

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 May 2003
Hello Eileen! on the run as usual eh? nice to know what's what though
and good travels....
JAG - Relly m'I knot ass thiNk as you stowed as I am orkay? What? Oh
But hey - do you know how many holes it take to fill the Albert Hall? I
can't tell you the number but I can tell you why they know.
do you know? Hummmmm,,,,,, I guess if you read my book you know - but
what about someone else?

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 May 2003
Hi All..OK I'm here. But I have spent the good part of the day making
it possible and just wanted to say hi..HI! Memorial Day in Questa, NM? The
bikers have hit this place with wheels spinning and engines roaring. The
road from here goes to Red River and is a solid run for fun. Questa? We're
talking a quiet Hispanic town 7000'+. Yes these folks DO know how to party
with the best of em when given any opportuntity while the rest of us non
party-ers lay low. (I can't figure out what merits being stopped by the
cops..speeding? Don't make me laugh.) Tonight should be loud enough to
compete with any other bike run from S Humboldt..if not even more
outragious. Certainly nothing as scary as the old Angel runs..but not a
place to be in the night if you ain't got your spurs on. Now what was this
holiday about? Seems ANY of them are just an occasion to pary till your
ass drops off. whatever I do love those bikes and it wioll mean serious $
for the area. I hope the waitresses get tips worth what they will put up
with tonight.
I'm taking the Grey Hound to Long Beach at 5:30 am on the 26th from
Taos, to drive my car back. The weather is already getting seriously hot
out this way and I'm going to be bookin' (PS they say there has been a
drought for 4+ yrs's intense.) All hold a good thought for me to
get home safely and easily. The semi scene out there is no joke these
I promise a report with some flavor before the months up. Miss being
here and have much to share.
hey Micheal around?

Date: 23 May 2003
Ok maybe I should take an English refresher course at Berkley

Name: Jag
Date: 23 May 2003
Hamond I meant "in stoned" but what mean is no problem.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: But Your Flag Decal Won't........
Date: 23 May 2003
Now they know how many wholes it takes to fill the Albert Hall
Hammond, no problem, nothing is written stoned:-)

Date: 23 May 2003
Yeah Eileen - come out and play! We miss your voice - and smile...

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 May 2003
JAG - Hoping you get this in time. I need to pass this weekend - sorry
for the late notice!

Name: FYI Service
Date: 23 May 2003
An important Flash video
And Welcome Linda!

Name: Nik
Date: 23 May 2003
bye now, I'm off north.

Name: Linda Fletcher
Date: 23 May 2003
I lived at 1775 Haight Street when it started, after it moved from
Frederick Street. I was a part of the Diggers. I got married to Rodney
Fletcher. I was part of the free food, free store, etc. experiences...and
also the Black man's free store. I was there during all the many
confrontations with the police, remember all the food donations and a guy
nicknamed Whitie and others who use to go and get food from the
wholesalers, use to drive around in free cars picking up food, etcs..and
from this the Free Store came into existence. I was there the night CBS
came in with all their cameras, etcs. Also, remember a guy named Rafael,
Arthur Lish, and Lenny. Remember the days when the press just distroyed
the neighborhood and the Influx.

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 May 2003
...I love you guys...
Eileen, come out and play...

Name: bg
Date: 23 May 2003
I talk good Amerikan...

Name: Mark
Date: 23 May 2003
Did you find the "wholes" he mentioned. I can't find them
Quote of the day:
"What a moroooon!" Bugs Bunny

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 May 2003
...(for the record, I do not consider Berkley and education, but merely
propaganda) before you make ignorant and clearly biassed predictions...
...he probably meant to say "I don't consider Berkeley an
education," unless where he was educated, spelling and grammer didn't

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Posted on Free Frame Page
Date: 23 May 2003
This intellectual micro-brain parrots partyline nicely eh?
From: Date: 22 May 2003
Comments I read your "macroeconomic" essay on the
consequences of war with Iraq (which was crafted before the war, and
indeed possessed many predictions). Firstly, its not even particularly
macroeconomic. Actually, you simply make assertions which are only
evidenced by liberal propaganda.
Secondly, all of these assumptions are ridiculously absurd, and proven
EMPIRICALLY through the outcome of the war. I couldn't continue to further
read your article when you incorporate the consequences of the dollar
depreciation. Guess what, its intentional. Today France voted 14-0 for US
and Brittish control of Iraqi reconstruction. Why? Because for the next
few years they are going to suck on our ass, because the deprecation of
our dollar will tip their economies into immediate recession. What happens
to France and Germany when they can no longer export goods to the U.S.?
And guess what else, what kind of power shifts will occurr among the EU
nations when they realize the majority of EU power rests in the hands of
countries that have becomes political enemies of the U.S.? Adios France
and Germany.
My point is, all of your "prophecies" in that articles are
preposterously incorrect. I don't have times to point out all the wholes
in your theories, but this one should suffice. Why don't you get a brain
and an education (for the record, I do not consider Berkley and education,
but merely propaganda) before you make ignorant and clearly biassed

Name: Jag
Date: 23 May 2003
Nichole I will use that e-dress I get tons of mail from Nigerian widows
and Sudanese deposed dictators with a boatload of money all for me.

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 May 2003
Nic - indeed the fraud address is a good thing - but also a bad thing -
this is because anyone can go to the site and copy cut/paste the form
letters needed to (re)initiate the scam with instructions included! This
is why every now and then I (we all!) get a Security Company scam letter
from someone in like Bulgaria vs. Tome Leggo (as I call it) and the Abacha
family trust. Incredibly - many gulible greedy folks (largely innocent at
heart) have traveled to Tome Leggo looking for the Security Comany only to
find a gang of armed thugs who take all of their money and then deposit in
Miriam Abacha's account. Really sad business for some desperate people who
have to deal with living in a really stinky country run by murderous
criminals. What a world eh?
Gouge - Indeed.
The 'write it up or write it off syndrome' can last forever - but can
also end in a moment's time. 'Denial and Diversion' is a game we (writers)
all play with ourselves in order to avoid the Fear of Writing (like the
old idea that (endlessly) "shapening pencils" is actually a part
of the writing process - either because of (undoubtedly well founded )
insecurities as 'life-artist' artists / writers or out of (sheer) Fear of
what we might say - the trepidation of aftermath impressions from those we
love the most - and the old stand-by - "I'm really not talented
enough for this sort of thing - and I don't want to embarrass myself so I
will go back to my Denials and Diversions - thank you very much.
"Saftety First" is not a motto for us I am afraid - so I say -
fug it mate - dive right in. After all via The 3rd Page you are already a
"published author" - OK?
And - for what it is worth mate - I really enjoy reading your stuff!

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 May 2003
Gouge, I'm already standing in line waiting for it.

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 May 2003
this is the e-mail address for the fraud detail at US secret service
that was set up specifically for the "my unfortuneate dead husband
who left $20,000,000.00 us dollars in a shoebox under the stairs in lagos
and all you have to do is give me your banking info and I'll give you half
of it" scam...
you just click on forward and send it to them...I got this from my
friend in the "biz"
hope you all have a nice extended week-end...I'm going upstate to do
some kayaking on the Esopus. It's cold and rainy and if I pretend I'm a
duck I should be just fine...

Name: Gouge
Date: 23 May 2003
Hammond, thanks for the kind words. Regarding a publisher...for years
I've been sitting on this project, sloth and fear keeping me from doing
it. It's the Book of Things Unspoken (though I wouldn't call it that. it
would be untitled) You know, those things you never say, but later wish
you's a thing about love. (like never telling some woman how I
felt leads me years later to write about her kinda deal). I don't believe
in Judgement Day (isn't it everyday?) But if we are to be judged, won't it
be on how well we've loved? (Christ,. I'm rambling...) So anyway, I'd
write all this stuff down, directed to every one, no one, print it up,
bind it, and distribute it annonymously. You know, a book left on the A
train, slipped into a shopping cart at the Piggly Wiggly, left around,
given away know. Buncha copies spread all around...
I'm an idiot with these machines, but could figure out how to print up a
book on one. Already know how to bind, like I say, it's fear
thats keeping me from doing it. Now that I've talked about it, guess I
gotta do it though, huh?

Name: Jag
Date: 23 May 2003
Well put Ohio Girl, after the dust of war settles maybe we'll wake up
and realize "we've been bamboozled" Nah probablly not

Name: Orion
Date: 23 May 2003
For the Right Wing Lurker on this board who left the deceptive message
about Sen. Robert Byrd -- check out the Free City News. There's evidence
of much worse intentions on the part of your favorite son Rep. Howard
Coble (R-NC). The chair of the House committee that oversees the
Department of Homeland Security recently (Feb. 2003) stated his support
for the Japanese-American internment camps in this country during World
War II. Later he apologized. However, I turned up evidence that this was
not a momentary lapse. Back in 1988, he was an ardent opponent of the bill
to give $20,000 to every survivor of those same camps. His comment, back
in 1988? "In time of war, when a country is threatened for its very
survival, many lives are disrupted for no logical reason."
This is the guy in charge of overseeing "Homeland security"?

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 May 2003
Mark - I live in Portland, Or. -
"Mugu" is in translation a Nigerian word for
"idiot" and he/she/it is probably attached to the ever present
Miriam Abacha and family of spam artists who have tons of money for you to
retrieve at the Security Company.
Here a 3rd Page regarding this Tome Leggo bunch!
Check out Dr. Kazeen Waheed......

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: www.abnormalisnormal
Date: 23 May 2003
Steve, You go DOG !! Silent Steve street legal ? Phew, that will truely
be a thing to behold. Hang in bro. Peace, Patman

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 23 May 2003
Hi Steve! Hey are you asking anyone here what "normal" feels
like, I hope you aren't waiting for an answer. But we do know how to
maintain even when the going get's strange, perhaps that's what normal
really means...... Peace

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: w4th
Date: 23 May 2003
hey, I feel good. Dont know why. Ive' stopped going to the Doctors
alltogether and have been living on K-Ration chocolate shake mix for about
2 months. No shit, the instructions call for approx. 1/4 canteen of water
to be mixed with each pouch and shaken up. I grabbed six full cases of
that shit from a City Harvest delivery. It will last me at lest six months
or more. Each pack contains 400 calories. (mostly from fat). I do
supplement with a bit off Liquid Ensure..but not much)...I have gained
some poundage. I stopped drinking booze now that the smoking ban is in
full force. Not that I smoke,'s just an ambiance thing. Its like
taking away the low lights and juke box. Where's the romance? I dumped the
food stamp thing and the medicade also. Its an attempt to get off the
system. Those fucks are still hounding my ass to serve on a jury. I plan
on grabbing a pass port, paying an out of state fine to clear my last
licence and going for a NY motorcycle licence. Live like normal man (well,
a man, anyway).. by Feb. 2004. Back on the liquid diet is neat, I have no
real appetite at all. It brings me to the conclusion that solid food is
addicting. One thing thow; Im' yinged out of my mind. I need some yang.
Miz Nancy wants to take me out for farewell drinks tonight. She's going to
Seatle to vizit her Mum. Im' not up to it. (the drinks, I mean). Ya, I
plan to get normal. ,..Ah,...whats it like??...Oh, I snagged a double
breasted suit that was made in Japan. Real fine detail work. (Gotta dress
the part)...tough act.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: pardon my French
Date: 22 May 2003
Might as well hurry Jag, after all the presidential budget fixes, soon none of us might even have a pot to be pissed in.

Name: Jag
Date: 22 May 2003
You know, republicans really do worship at the statue of Mars, They think that increased military postures are going to solve our country's social ills but in reality the only thing our warmongering rush to world supremancy is going to prove is who's got the bigger dick. Obviously Bush doesn't have that elusive member or he would have honored his commitment to the "Champagne Brigade" in the air national guard and not gone AWOl, just cause its been white-washed doesn't mean it didn't happen but to hear even one responsible party address the issue is impossible, I am so sick of prostrating politicians excusing his behavior that I want to worship at the porcelain gods receptacle and regurgitate into its dank bowels, sorry for the graphics but I am pissed.

Name: Mark
Date: 22 May 2003
I forgot to mention the previous post that the Watsonville Fly In is happening. For all you literal aviators this a Mecca of piston driven relics of previous American excursions. I at this moment have a restored World War Two Bomber making a landing approach over the house.

Name: Mark
Date: 22 May 2003
I did some searching on this MUGU dweeb. He or it spams guestbooks and lists all over the internet with the same fucked up messages. The lists he pollutes are in the hundreds.
I don't know about where you live but here in the Monterey Bay area its hot and its Memorial Day weekend. The pentup kickass attitude of American Imperialism is palpable. SUV's from all over the state with flags decaled all over their ass-ends driving like "we got the fuckin' oil man, so get out of the way". Living in a tourist area has its downside and it will be crazy here. They will be mortaring the beaches with fireworks, killing each other on the highway, and generally making asses of themselves in the name of BUSH. I am going to put on my quiet face and head down to Paso Robles for the West Coast Kustom Nationals, a James Dean thing, for part of the weekend. You know, the Candy Colored Tangerine Metalflake Babies that T.Wolfe capitalized on, Ed Roth, George Barris, Stanley Mouse (Oh yes, Stan has a colorful past). But 85 degrees, a beautiful park area with over a thousand customs from all over the country, lots of rockabilly bands and barbeque is a place to hide. I slid a fine coat of Turtle Wax over my ride so pardon me while I slip between the cracks for a couple.

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 May 2003
I really love this Mugu character. He can be so cute....

Name: Jag
Date: 22 May 2003
Hammond, no problem, glad we got to the bottom of it.

Name: mugu
Date: 22 May 2003
please i am here so kep off!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 May 2003
JAG - Yeah my computer date went out for a walkabout but is back in step now - odd that it does this periodically - Sorry about that!

Name: Jag
Date: 22 May 2003
Hammond; I found your reply but its dated 01/01/04? and my "new message" alert didn't post it, I don't know if the problem is on my end or yours but any way I did get it.

Name: Jag
Date: 22 May 2003
Eric, 1954, Pope Pious the V catholic school, the ruler was an accepted form of "instruction" for us satan influenced lefties, my problem is that it would be cool to be ambidexterous but no! I eat leftie, write rightie, throw baseballs with my right hand and frisbee's with my left and can not switch hands effectively so they totally confused my orientation concerning which hand I favor, freakin nuns!
Hammond, I did'nt receive the e-mail but I know now, I will let you know as soon I can :)

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 May 2003
JAG - Yes - I replied as well e-mail - but in essence "Yes" is the ans though my limit is 75 :-) Tx!

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 May 2003
Eric, I'll make a few hand bound copies and we'll all get one when we meet.

Name: Eric
Date: 22 May 2003
JAG -- Just remembered I wanted to comment on your message about getting punished for being left-handed. That happened to me too. Ruler on the hand, first grade teacher. Now I eat left, write right. What year were you in first grade? For me, it was 1955. Must have been an accepted theory of education, ruler to the wrist cures unconventional behavior. Look where it's gotten us. I can eat with one hand and write/type with the other, all at the same time. Now how conventional is that? <g>

Name: Jag
Date: 22 May 2003
Hammond did you get my e-mail? Let me know :)

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 May 2003
Thanks JAG for the note on my image - no click just yet - all will be ready for the June 1st launch of the [Summer ReIssue UpDate] of the journal.
Nic - :-) excellent! Let me know when and if I can help.
Gouge - great moments in print! You don't need an editor (for much) - you need a publisher! for the lot!
MoreSoon - H.
PS - Denise is creating a very nice tribute page at Empty Mirror (note below) so "please" send her any words - prayers - rememberances - Diggings - and all frames of reference - Tx!

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 May 2003
Hammond and Gouge, thanks for your input...I cc'd everything over to Eric and see what he thinks.
beautiful Bob.
Hammond, it would probably be by categories ie. humor, health, memories, people places things...and only select bits...I've got all the time in the world here in front of this machine...

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 May 2003
Hammond, this is the New York Times obit for Ted Joans

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 22 May 2003
Thank-you Tomas!

Name: Tom
Date: 22 May 2003

EmailAddress: @Byrd land
Date: 22 May 2003
[From the editor:] Hey, everyone, notice the message (below) left without any
attribution. Again, a seemingly factual account of a recent event, the point
being a personal attack on one of the few elected officials to criticize Bush
and his fascist policies and illegal wars. In fact, Robert Byrd made the
comments below more than two years ago (during a Fox News interview, March 4,
2001). However, the message below makes it sound like current events. This is
right-wing trash. Probably the same person who posted the "dead soldier
coming home" story a couple weeks ago. As for the jingoistic plea to West
Virginians, here is a quote from the Charleston Daily Mail, March 13, 2001:
"West Virginians, for the most part, seem inclined to accept Byrd's
apology and move on. Among those defending him last week was former Delegate
Arley Johnson, one of only three black members in the Legislature before he
resigned in January to accept a job offer from Gov. Bob Wise."
Finally, here is the full quote from Byrd in the interview. He was asked to
comment on race relations in this country: 'I think we've reached a new plateau,
and I think it's going to keep going upward, that understanding and race
relations. I just think we talk so much about it that we help to create somewhat
of an illusion. I think we try to have good will. My old mom told me,
"Robert, you can't go to heaven if you hate anybody." We practice
that. There are white
niggers. I've seen a lot of white
niggers in my time; I'm going to use that word. We just need to work
together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking
about it so much.'
[Here is the bogus message:]
When asked about race relations senator Byrd cautioned, "There are
white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time; I'm going to use
that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country,
and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
Hey, Senator Byrd! Those of us back here in West Virginia would just as soon
you didn't talk about it at all!
Byrd later issued this apology from his office in Washington:
"I apologize for the characterization I used on this program. The
phrase dates back to my boyhood and has no place in today's society. As for my
language, I had no intention of casting aspersions on anyone of another
The most obvious observation coming out of this latest sorry episode of the
former Klan member's history on race relations is that he is losing his sense of
decorum, his propriety. West Virginia deserves better than to have an aging
Senator, even one who has done much for the state, losing control on national
It is time for Senator Byrd to have the grace to go. Before he makes an even
bigger fool of himself and the state that he tries to serve.
Remember Robert: West Virginia went with Lincoln in the big war.

Name: Paul MoonOak
Date: 21 May 2003

Name: JAG
Date: 21 May 2003
Gouge; Kudo's, you capture a moment with exquisite sensitivity

Name: Denise Enck
Date: 21 May 2003
I'm putting up a webpage in tribute to Kirby Doyle. If anyone would like to contribute thoughts, memories, photos, or anything, please drop me a line at
(the small print: there's no deadline, you keep the copyright to your work & the page will be continually updated as I receive new material for it.)
cheers ~

Name: bg
Date: 21 May 2003
SenatorByrd's remarks of late:

Name: Mc
Date: 21 May 2003
gone now .. later cats & kitties .. can't .. ya know ?

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: yet again
Date: 21 May 2003
we will survive .. kinda like that touch of gray . kinda suits you anyway

Name: bg
Date: 21 May 2003
thank you, McMingus. (though I see I need an editor...)

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: still awake
Date: 21 May 2003
Gouge -- you hardly need me to say so -- but beautiful .. listening myself to
Robin Williamson .. "older yet, and wiser far .. this mystery will not be forgot"

Name: Gouge
EmailAddress: Claire in Palomas, 1972
Date: 21 May 2003
I shop with Claire in a mercado in Palomas,
Chihuahua. The market is cool and dim, the air full of
Spanish. She is graceful and at ease. She buys thick
slabs of carob, kilos of rich coffee, spices and meters
of bright cloth. It is cool in the market, she is self
contained. She looks at me and smiles. She wears
sandals and jeans, a simple white Mexican blouse. A
silver clip holds her hair. The next day we sit in her
kitchen, rolling green corn tamales in softened husks.
We sit for hours, making tamales. It is hot, her skin
is gleaming, she laughs. We sit in her yard at sunset
in a cool breeze.
See Claire as I first saw her, walking late one
evening in a little Arizona town. She wears a short
skirt, high boots, a dark, ornate Mexican shawl. Her
long light brown hair falls loose. She is not tall,
and walks with a grace. There is something different
about her. She passes beneath a light, it bathes her
face and you see she is very pretty. There is a sense
of sadness about her. In some way you can't describe,
that sadness gives her beauty. She walks with several
others, but she is the only one you notice, they fade
into the shadows next to her. They are talking, she is
quiet, listening, looking at the ground before her.
They pass into the night, but you have seen her, seen
something different in her.
Some months later, I met Claire, and saw what was
different in her. She was a woman. Just as some boys
never become men, some girls never become women. She
was a woman. She was complex in ways I don't have words
for, she was a woman. Her beauty was in the air around
her. If you had seen her smile, seen her cry, if you
had looked into her eyes, you would know. Her husband
did not value her. I was proud that she called me her
friend. I last saw her in 1972. We had been shopping
in Palomas.

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Duh
Date: 21 May 2003
Test Image, OK!!

Name: JAG
Date: 21 May 2003
Hammond, I get a clear image but when clicked on the link isn't active, Just in case you did'nt know.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 21 May 2003
Spectra (Test Image Only)
See it while it lasts!
Is it a clear image or a blurry image?

Name: Gouge
Date: 21 May 2003
Done, Nik.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 May 2003
Gouge, I wanted to send you a copy of a letter I e'd to Hammond but I can't find your e-dress in my book...I thought for sure I had it, can you e it to me and I'll send you this...? thanks, Nik

Name: Gouge
Date: 21 May 2003
Ditto, Nicole...

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 May 2003
Nicole - there ya go with the 'titilating' again! (and don't we all love it - and you) Indeed I/we do....
PS - Apologies to everyone who looked in on my image/poem test - proto-type sillyness yesterday - "Iraqs Oil" I hope the image is clearer now and can some one please let me know about the clarity? My screen always shows my images as clean and neat - but a friend wrote back that he could barely read the print.
"Iraqs Oil" (Version 2)

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 May 2003
...I'm falling in love with the men and women on this site...

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 May 2003
Thanks Nic - I look forward to the e-note!
More soon - and Gouge - indeed, the anomaly is an amazing web site. I visit often - highly recommended everyone!

Name: Mc Ming
EmailAddress: psycho active
Date: 21 May 2003
Nik -- yeah, it's real. You just have to be alert when these unusual things happen. I've said as much as I can right now on this subject because I'm afraid
the belief in what I'm talking about appears to be mental illness to many people. I don't think so but still a healthy skepticism may be useful .. I do
regret the times I had a strong hunch or intuition & disregarded it.

Name: Earth Mother
EmailAddress: teach me
Date: 21 May 2003
California midwife agrees to plea bargain that spares her from prison time

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 May 2003
Mc Mingus, I experience this type of thing quite often...I mean I will see something odd and a few days later something occurs that puts what I saw into perspective. For instance...on 9/9/01 the Sunday before 9/11 I was on my way back from Boston and as the full moon was rising the shadow of a jet passed over it (like the bicycle in ET). Was I having a premonition? Maybe...I dreamed about an elevator freefalling from the 10th floor and told my roomate about the dream, later that day the elevator at Vasser Hospital fell from the 10th floor injuring a pregnant woman...coincidence? That sort of thing. I believe we call things into our realm as we need them...and so
Rachel, I would ask how you came to find our site? You were possibly directed to it by the same phenomenon that gives you your visions and feelings.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: speculative
Date: 21 May 2003
Rachel .. if I've got this right, you remember things, have a sense of times that realistically is not possible .. Some of us have what used to be called
'second sight' .. it's telepathy, clairvoyance, sometimes vivid dreams that prove to be prophetic .. but it's not something to worry about .. I believe human beings are evolving in this direction, really it's all good, just little known, new .. a little rough & unfinished. Real world deal to me .. do not be
distracted by intuition, best to always use logic & simple horse sense. Once in a while though, that subtle sense can show you the right direction. Does any of this make sense to you ?

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 May 2003
By the way, have any of you read, NEVERWHERE? It's a great book about London under...about doors and portals...really a good book.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 May 2003
Hi Rachel, welcome.

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: meshouting@hammond.hello
Date: 21 May 2003
Hammond, I have been so crazy reference to yr e-mail...please forgive me...I have alot to talk to you about as a matter of fact...I have an idea I want to bounce off of you...I'll e you about it later...but know that all is most definately well...Your pal forever, Nik

Name: Mark
Date: 21 May 2003
You found your way from the Free Store to here. So glad you made it.

Name: sister midwife at stake in witch hunt
Date: 21 May 2003
Dear Birth Sisters,
Nan Koehler is at trial right now for practicing midwifery without a license. I suggest you follow her journey as the outcome will affect
all our lives. She is facing 9 years of jail

Name: what's for lunch
EmailAddress: Enjoy
Date: 21 May 2003
mother jones did an article on health foods being bought out by kraft and philip morris.
see the article online at
"Culture Change" many surprises.
the same issue had an article on school lunches. another excellent
article, called "Unhappy Meals."

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: keep on the sunny side
Date: 21 May 2003
I couldn't think of anything positive to say about Ed Rosenthal's trial, but then I did. Here in Ohio a whole bunch of people are getting paroled from prison. Partly because the parole board lost a court case but actually because the state budget is so bad. For once in my life I have something to thank the Republicans for, the way they have wrecked state budgets in the name of "tax cuts" is actually making the prison-industrial complex too expensive to maintain. It was already almost too expensive to maintain much longer but this did it. This could help anyone who gets caught up in the "justice systems" as sentences could become more humane, not for humane reasons, but for money reasons. Go figure.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 21 May 2003
Hey Steve!! You and Buckley reminded me of back in the daze when my then-brother-in-law passed out dead drunk in his back yard and the middle of the night and the neighbors called the cops and reported a dead body. He could look the part.

Name: Rachel
Date: 20 May 2003
HI GOUGE!!!!!! How are you today?
For Steve - I'm so sorry about that smoking ban in NY. That sucks. If they ever do it where I live I'm moving to Canada. They've already banned it in public places in Maryland and West Virgnia.

Name: JAG
Date: 20 May 2003
TIA is one scary freaking acronym, George Orwell revisited with a touch of totalitarian police state courtesy of the Fourth Reich.

Name: Mark
Date: 20 May 2003
Add this to the Ashcroft assault list:

Name: JAG
Date: 20 May 2003
RNA I can not believe Ashcroft can usurp state law and flaunt it in appellate court. He is evil incarnate!!

Name: R N A
EmailAddress: our friend
Date: 20 May 2003
++Pot Guru Denied Re-trial++
Despite evidence of jury bias, US District Judge Breyer denied Ed Rosenthal a new trial last week. Sentencing is
scheduled for June 4. Rosenthal could spend the rest of his life in prison. Protests are set for that day in San Francisco.
For more information visit:

Name: gouge
Date: 20 May 2003
to pass some time...
just click on some buttons and...

Name: El Topo
Date: 20 May 2003
I am available in certain rare video rental stores.
Come find me - I am worth the effort!
But I am quite mad....
El Topo

Name: patrick
Date: 20 May 2003
Always ready for a shot o good ol' silent steve. Fuckin' outragous.
Another one I remember was the best toxic western in the world. EL TOPO By Jaderowsky, I believe. Allen Klein, The old lawyer for the beatles snapped it up back in 1970 something and refuses to release it to video. John Lennon had mentioned it being tops so he snagged the rights for it. There is a website where people are petitioning him to release it. I sent an E-mail myself. Set my movie free!!!!!! See ya all later I'm on my way to Georgia in thhe am. Thhe name of my counseling practice is Cimarron Counseling, Cimarron in spanish means wild and untamed, perfect name for someone working with drunks aand addictts, eh? Peace, Patricio

Name: Steve Again...
EmailAddress: the office
Date: 20 May 2003
Hey, the Rev bumped up the closing date from July to December. Ive' got some lee-way to ween myself of the good life. Hey, I just looked at some cat-scan type x-rays of Buckley's rotten brain that he left here. Wow. Crazy world. Me and the Ol' chap have been somewhat estranged since my involvement with the No War thing. We do however agree that the LP recording of "The Paragons meet the Jesters" is the finest of its kind. (two 50's Harlem Groups). Hey, heres my latest plan,...hook up with a P.O. mailing service on West 8th to kite my SSI checks to undisclosed locations, and live a normal road life. Tough act; I know,..hey, Ive' been living by the Book Of Changes lately and have wised up to the fact that I am what I am. A wanderer. (or is that Wonderer)...anyway,.. I will drop in from time to time. Homeskin.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 20 May 2003
Konkrete Image/Poem
"Iraqs Oil"

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: 4th floor
Date: 20 May 2003
heres a good one,..well, a few good ones...(the true stuff is always good)... a wild woman shit in the Sacristy and wiped her ass on the alter cloth last Sunday before service. The Rev had me tear out the carpeting. Buckley passed out in the lobby and I taped a sign to him that said "Performance Art Against Your' Will Presents"..'The Sleeping Man'. It scared the hell out of more than a few folks. (looked more like "The Dead Man". Ol' Buck had been diagnosed with a syste on his brain. They say now that its most likely nothing..(the syste I mean).. he was delerious last week with walking knewmonia, but nobody picked up on it. Lets see... Oh, Sweet Lorraine wants me to visit for a week, but Im' older and wiser. Well, older anyway. The wings are going over her name (again) soon. Strange vibes here in town. The Not In Our Name Anti-War / Peace group wants to rent out the Fresh Art space below my old parlor and the NYC under-cover cops want to use my vacated parlor as a surveylance spot to bust Street Dealers. Theres an un-written novel here somewhere. I should have stayed put. But the 4th floor is like another world. I now have north light. I dont go to bars or taverns anymore. Its just not the same without the smoke. City-wide ban ya-know. Gotta run, untill I can sneak on again,.. see ya. My best to those here, there and inbetween.

Name: Gouge
Date: 20 May 2003
Hello, Rachel.

Name: Rachel
Date: 20 May 2003
As I was scanning through past entries that were posted in seems as if maybe I share the same frustration with some people about our "president"? Personally - I can't stand him and there's something about him thta doesn't sit right with me. He reminds of of my step-father who was an abrasive and controlling militant asshole and war was the answer to everything. A deeper part of myself believes Bush is the Anit-Christ. But perhaps that's just my irrational thinking. I mean - is he not trying to rebuild Iraq...? Just a thought. For anyone out there who also holds discontent for our justice system and a certain political asshole - here is a poem from one of my favortie folksingers. I know - I'm a little late in the presidential discussion - I apologize. It's called "Self Evident" from Ani Difranco.
us people are just poems
we're 90% metaphor
with a leanness of meaning
approaching hyper-distillation
and once upon a time
we were moonshine
rushing down the throat of a giraffe
yes, rushing down the long hallway
despite what the p.a. announcement says
yes, rushing down the long stairs
with the whiskey of eternity
fermented and distilled
to eighteen minutes
burning down our throats
down the hall
down the stairs
in a building so tall
that it will always be there
yes, it's part of a pair
there on the bow of noah's ark
the most prestigious couple
just kickin back parked
against a perfectly blue sky
on a morning beatific
in its indian summer breeze
on the day that america
fell to its knees
after strutting around for a century
without saying thank you
or please
and the shock was subsonic
and the smoke was deafening
between the setup and the punch line
cuz we were all on time for work that day
we all boarded that plane for to fly
and then while the fires were raging
we all climbed up on the windowsill
and then we all held hands
and jumped into the sky
and every borough looked up when it heard the first blast
and then every dumb action movie was summarily surpassed
and the exodus uptown by foot and motorcar
looked more like war than anything i've seen so far
so far
so far
so fierce and ingenious
a poetic specter so far gone
that every jackass newscaster was struck dumb and stumbling
over 'oh my god' and 'this is unbelievable' and on and on
and i'll tell you what, while we're at it
you can keep the pentagon
keep the propaganda
keep each and every tv
that's been trying to convince me
to participate
in some prep school punk's plan to perpetuate retribution
perpetuate retribution
even as the blue toxic smoke of our lesson in retribution
is still hanging in the air
and there's ash on our shoes
and there's ash in our hair
and there's a fine silt on every mantle
from hell's kitchen to brooklyn
and the streets are full of stories
sudden twists and near misses
and soon every open bar is crammed to the rafters
with tales of narrowly averted disasters
and the whiskey is flowin
like never before
as all over the country
folks just shake their heads
and pour
so here's a toast to all the folks who live in palestine
el salvador
here's a toast to the folks living on the pine ridge reservation
under the stone cold gaze of mt. rushmore
here's a toast to all those nurses and doctors
who daily provide women with a choice
who stand down a threat the size of oklahoma city
just to listen to a young woman's voice
here's a toast to all the folks on death row right now
awaiting the executioner's guillotine
who are shackled there with dread and can only escape into their heads
to find peace in the form of a dream
cuz take away our playstations
and we are a third world nation
under the thumb of some blue blood royal son
who stole the oval office and that phony election
i mean
it don't take a weatherman
to look around and see the weather
jeb said he'd deliver florida, folks
and boy did he ever
and we hold these truths to be self evident:
#1 george w. bush is not president
#2 america is not a true democracy
#3 the media is not fooling me
cuz i am a poem heeding hyper-distillation
i've got no room for a lie so verbose
i'm looking out over my whole human family
and i'm raising my glass in a toast
here's to our last drink of fossil fuels
let us vow to get off of this sauce
shoo away the swarms of commuter planes
and find that train ticket we lost
cuz once upon a time the line followed the river
and peeked into all the backyards
and the laundry was waving
the graffiti was teasing us
from brick walls and bridges
we were rolling over ridges
through valleys
under stars
i dream of touring like duke ellington
in my own railroad car
i dream of waiting on the tall blonde wooden benches
in a grand station aglow with grace
and then standing out on the platform
and feeling the air on my face
give back the night its distant whistle
give the darkness back its soul
give the big oil companies the finger finally
and relearn how to rock-n-roll
yes, the lessons are all around us and a change is waiting there
so it's time to pick through the rubble, clean the streets
and clear the air
get our government to pull its big dick out of the sand
of someone else's desert
put it back in its pants
and quit the hypocritical chants of
freedom forever
cuz when one lone phone rang
in two thousand and one
at ten after nine
on nine one one
which is the number we all called
when that lone phone rang right off the wall
right off our desk and down the long hall
down the long stairs
in a building so tall
that the whole world turned
just to watch it fall
and while we're at it
remember the first time around?
the bomb?
the ryder truck?
the parking garage?
the princess that didn't even feel the pea?
remember joking around in our apartment on avenue D?
can you imagine how many paper coffee cups would have to change their design
following a fantastical reversal of the new york skyline?!
it was a joke, of course
it was a joke
at the time
and that was just a few years ago
so let the record show
that the FBI was all over that case
that the plot was obvious and in everybody's face
and scoping that scene
the CIA
or is it KGB?
committing countless crimes against humanity
with this kind of eventuality
as its excuse
for abuse after expensive abuse
and it didn't have a clue
look, another window to see through
way up here
on the 104th floor
another key
another door
10% literal
90% metaphor
3000 some poems disguised as people
on an almost too perfect day
should be more than pawns
in some asshole's passion play
so now it's your job
and it's my job
to make it that way
to make sure they didn't die in vain
baby listen
hear the train?

Name: Gouge
Date: 20 May 2003
Anyone remember 'Chac: the Rain God'?
Saw that one at the Waverly Theater, Sixth & Carmine, by the West 4th St Subway, one stormy Manhattan night in 1974...

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 May 2003
ps Hammond...Stew and Judy know Colleen as well...and of course Martin and Susan, they grew up from children age 7 with Abby Hoffman in Wooster Ma.

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 May 2003
hammond, yes, hello? When we have our meeting we should make a movie...I am so excited to think we could all meet up...Maybe I could do some research and get everyones expenses underwritten by some anthropology dept somewhere...that would be a digger Berg would say...a friend of mine who is a professor of anthropology at Vassar, Colleen Carey Cohen, did her doctoral thesis on Beaverland, the woodstock commune of Martin and Susan Carey and siblings...Martin did the mandala pen and ink for the original digger papers...Colleen spent time at Turkey Ridge and knows alot of isn't out of the question...

Name: Shakespeare
Date: 20 May 2003

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: film freakazoid
Date: 20 May 2003
Another amazing film is "Latcho Drom" (sp?) - Rom for 'safe road' .. a history of the gypsies without dialogue, only songs .. from India to Egypt & Turkey & France, from donkey carts to Mercedes sedans .. beautiful, different, difficult .. still awaiting a new rebirth of wonder -- blue

Name: JAG
Date: 20 May 2003
Anthony Quinn in La Strada was my first Fellini film and it made a deep impression, what I like in a movie is substance, foreign films are usually far superior to American and I actually like sub-titles, they don't distract and you can see the actors emote rather than some dubed crap where there is no correlation between the lines and the mouth opening inanely, "Cinema Paradisio" is a good example, I saw it in both dubbed and the original Italian and their is no comparison. Also the Roberto Begnini film "Life is Beautiful" same thing, "E Tu Mama Tambien" not what I expected but still superior especially with the original Spanish. I look for the best foreign film reviews for that reason, they seldom get much respect in Hollywood for obvious reasons and when they do they usually make an inferior version, "The Bird Cage" vs "La Cage Aux Follies" for one. One of my favorite foreign movies is "The Balkan Cafe" in serbian, it explains the entire history of the Balkan madness and genocide with allegory and humor which is no small feat.

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 May 2003
Nic - Hello?

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 May 2003
Eric, when my oldest sister Judy came to visit me in SF from Chicago, the first thing she wanted to see was Cost Plus ! I couldn't believe it. She drove out here to NYC 3 days after 9/11 to have lunch with me and then drove back...the first thing she wanted to see here (and the only) was me...that was a wonderful feeling actually. She had been worried. ah family...ain't it great!

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 May 2003
Nic - my first wife Wendy and I did the same in SF - only we wanted to see how many movies we could fit into a day - beginning at the all night house on lower Market at 8am - throughout the day and ending up taking a taxi to see "I Am Curious Yellow" out at the Surf - all in all we saw 13 films!
Exhaused we were!

Name: Films
Date: 20 May 2003
Bergman made Black and White look like Color in "Persona" - what a master!

Name: Eric
Date: 20 May 2003
Speaking of cable cars, my niece was just in town for the first time. 19 years old. Her grandmother had been telling her places to visit from memories of the times I played tour guide when they visited me in the Commune in the early 70s. Places like Fisherman's Wharf, Coit Tower, Cliff House. And of course, the legendary cable cars. Gotta take a ride on a cable car.
So first thing my niece arrives I ask what she wants to do. Cable car? Fisherman's Wharf?
No. First thing she replies: "Haight-Ashbury". Second thing: "City Lights Bookstore."
So we went to City Lights and North Beach -- but, of course, via the cable car. Gotta keep the grandparents happy.
[She loved the Haight and North Beach. But at City Lights, she was in heaven,
walking through the aisles of books, sitting in the window reading poetry,
communing with the spirit of Jack Kerouac.]

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: upinthebalcony@movies.yeah!
Date: 20 May 2003
One morning in the 70's Peter and I decided to go to movies all day...I think we saw 5 or 6 that day. We saw Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, Children of Paradise, La Strada, King of Hearts and Dersu Usala all in one day...going from art cinema to foreign film house and so was a great way to spend a rainy sunday...and traveling by cable car...San Fracisco really is a wonderful city.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: p.s. I always forget something
Date: 20 May 2003
"Schindler's List" is a modern example of a movie made in black and white (with those few piercing touches of color) deliberately for the theme and artistic expression.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 20 May 2003
"Morgan" was made back when some directors would deliberately choose color or black and white for a film, based on what suited the theme or artistic feel they were striving for. This is rare today and of course color film has improved tremendously in quality, it's much more expressive than it used to be. But it's a shame when black and white movies of the past get bypassed in the marketing for modern audiences. Black and white movies from the early days of film are perhaps accepted better than black and white movies of 30 years ago. Oh well. David Warner, the star of "Morgan" was Jack the Ripper in "Time After Time," and a really good villain in one of the Star Trek movies, a very interesting actor. "Morgan" is a unique and beautiful film about a person who isn't in any way normal by society's standards, so of course it says something about the so-called normal (Napier) world. Anyone who hasn't seen this movie, you are in for a treat.

Name: susi
Date: 20 May 2003
sweet kisses

Name: Film Buffing
Date: 19 May 2003
King of Hearts is a wonderful film - ya gotta love the birdcage.
In and out of the age of - David and Lisa - The L Shaped Room - This Sporting Life - Morgan - Darling - and so many more that are seemingly never shown except in the rare movie house and never on TV.
Jules and Jim, Shoot the Piano Player - Persona - 8 1/2 - La Strada sitting on the shelf somewhere unseen and deteriorating.
Makes no sense....
TV is such a drag - no style at all.

Name: Mc Ming
EmailAddress: can't quit
Date: 19 May 2003
Another memory .. Nicole .. long ago, far away .. the Circle Theatre in Wash. DC
played great films .. always a double bill .. 10 tickets for 10 bucks if you bought that number .. and I saw 'King of Hearts' there countless times {guess they rented it when they couldn't get anything else} yeah I'm a film nut .. wish the 70's never went away .. mostly trash now but the old stuffs back on DVD & that's what I watch .. ~ th' old curmudgeon

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Siskel & Whats his face?
Date: 19 May 2003
"Requiem for a Dream" by Darron Aronofsky is pretty bleak but an unbelievably stark portrayal of addiction, Ellen Burstyn is freaking great as a mother who slides into depravity, not for the squeamish but a fucking great flic. He also made "Pi" in black and white for like 10 or 20 grand and he won the Sundance with it, another good flic.

Name: Shanelle
Date: 19 May 2003

Name: Gouge
Date: 19 May 2003
I had kind of a crush on Rita Tushingham, way back when... (but was she in Morgan?...)
Yep, I picked up 'Parfum', got most of the way thru & my wife snatched it...but I'll get it done. Good book...
I have memories of McSorley's I can't even remember...

Name: Mark
Date: 19 May 2003
I haven't seen "Morgan" either but I will search it out. My favorites change but "Paris Texas" with Harry Dean Stanton (the camera work is outstanding) and the Ry Cooder soundtrack is always on the list. Also "Wrestling Ernest Hemingway" with Richard Harris, Robert Duvall and Shirly McClain is really incredible.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: doing OK
Date: 19 May 2003
Yeah -- McSorley's .. sawdust on the floor, old old B+W pictures on the wall,
a little place, a dive .. still the best goddamn alehouse on the planet ..
want to get back there one day

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 May 2003
I have never seen, or heard of this movie (Morgan) actually. I want to see it now tho on all y'all's recomendation...My all time favorite movie...King of Hearts with Alan Bates...i've seen it easily 15 long as we're recomending...also recomending listening to Ashly McIssac from Cape Bretton, Nova Scotia...remarkable fiddler and maybe as long as I am recomending...there's a little deli on the corner of East 45 and third, or of course the second ave deli...and then there's veneiros bakery between first and second...and of course Mc Sorley's for a good pint...I better get outta my head and back at my desk...ciao

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: enjoying@gorgeousday.easternseaboard.yeah
Date: 19 May 2003
Mark, Eric, thanks for the Kirby report...I still have such a vivid memory of him laughing out at the Pt Reyes apt...sitting on the wooden floor inside warm and outside foggy and dreary...and damp...but his big laugh warms everyone...I'll look for Kelly's e-mail...and post the link to her.

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 May 2003
So who did Rita Tushingham play? I know - "stupid question" - I will just look her up! Maybe she wasn't even in Morgan = a film everyone should see. And I don't think David Warner has done anything to equal this - except perhaps as that journalist who gets his head cut off in
The Omen with Gregory Peck. Or was it Rita Tushingham?

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: worship velvet
Date: 19 May 2003
Morgan,eh? Wow sounds like agood one I have'nt seen yet. Thanks.
Who was it that picked up Das Parfum to read? Perfum in english. Was it Mcming or Gouge. Have you finished it yet? Later all. Patalogical

Name: Eric
Date: 18 May 2003
Someone might want to reply to a 19-year old whose having reincarnation 60s flashbacks and wondering who/where she was that is causing these visions. She left a plea on the Free Store:

EmailAddress: Hollywood confidential-Morgan
Date: 18 May 2003
Cast and Credits
Starring: David Warner, Vanessa Redgrave, Robert Stephens, Irene Handl
Directed by: Karel Reisz
Written by: David Mercer

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 May 2003
Morgan's wife played by Rita Tushingham I believe - Now I must go find the film at the rare video place!

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: somewhat deranged
Date: 18 May 2003
I think I remember the line, when Morgan goes to confront his estranged wife in the (was it ?) auto showroom of the new guy in her life .. "Napier babies .. you want to make .. little Napier babies ?" [ the new guy is an absolute horror .. the subtle joke is the original Napier had something to do with algebra or calculating machines or suchlike .. any of you guys know the details ? ]

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 18 May 2003
Comments of my very favorite movies of all times, what a memory. Made back (mid 60s???) when some movies were in black and white and some were in color, so being in black and white it's harder to see it today, less mass-produced for resale. My Mom thought there was something wierd and subversive about me going to see the same movie so many times. Usually I had to say I was "at the movies" when I was out and about and up to no good. In this case I had to say I was "out with friends" when I went to see Morgan yet again!!

Name: Sing-a-Long
Date: 18 May 2003
"Morgan is sad today, sadder than yesterday"
What a great film......
Perk up everyone - smile for me!

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 18 May 2003
Nicole - Please forward the link along to Kelly - I only have her snail address.... Tx! H.

Name: PS - Hammond
Date: 18 May 2003
Eric - all - Oooops - there were errors in Kirby's 3rd Page - all is corrected now and if you click his name a the bottom of the page it will go to the archive thanks to you Eric!

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: trying to get right
Date: 18 May 2003
Thanks for the support, Mark .. I was just particularly alienated yesterday ..
participating on another chatboard and dealing with so many human rhino's & worse .. the human prospect gets discouraging sometimes, know what I mean ?
It usually picks me up to get back over here .. I find it very difficult to be out in the world, to do something normal like -- go to WalMart or something ..
it's like that old movie, what was it, "Morgan" maybe ? where the guy sees the fashionable girls & then they turn to flamingoes & parrots etc. before his eyes .. it's like that & I'm not certifiable, honestly .. waiting for a better day,
just thanks Man, thanks

Name: JAG
Date: 18 May 2003
Nichole, after reading your concept of God "by the way I personally think of God as the collective conciousness of all living things..." I have to agree and have always felt God was the universal consciouness of us all. The religion theme got me started and as a recovering Catholic I am alway's trying to justify my "aberrant" beliefs. I especially like Dishwalla's thoughts on God.
Its getting cold picked up the pace
How our shoes make hard noises in this place
Our clothes are stained
We pass many, cross eyed people
And ask many questions
Like children often do
'Tell me all your thoughts on God?
'Cause I would really like to meet her.
And ask her why we're who we are.
Tell me all your thoughts on God?
'Cause I am on my way to see her.
So tell me am I very far?'
Am I very far now
Am I very far now
Am I very far now

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 May 2003
Eric - thanks so much! Here is the link to Kirby in The 3rd Page. Click his (thumbnail) photo under Ted's:
If you have a link to the piece you copied for the (A)wake - please send a link to this as well and I will insert it to the page....
AsEver - H.

Name: Mark
Date: 17 May 2003
Godddamitt man, hang on. Its dangerous out here too. Swarms of LexusBMWMercedes slamming through Bay Area freeways with fuckyou lane changes. But if you're an old timer like me, mine came out in 1848, you know where to go. California still has it.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: dislocated
Date: 17 May 2003
Wish I was in the West .. still trying to hold down the fort back East altho
I've had to retreat to the mountains because most of this territory cannot be defended .. still organic & Jeffersonian in the Blue Ridge

Name: Eric
Date: 17 May 2003
Hammond -- after looking closely at the table of contents in Kirby's Collected Poems, it seems that the material I thought was part of Ode is actually a separate poem even though it doesn't have a separate title. And reading it closely doesn't show any internal connection to Ode, so I won't add it here. If you have the Collected Poems, it starts on page 27, the first page after "Ode to John Garfield". The first line is: "What damaged brains O Garbageman?"

Name: Eric
Date: 17 May 2003
Hammond --
Here's the link to the full text and BibCit record for the Communication Company sheet
in which Ode To John Garfield first appeared. The version in Kirby Doyle's "Collected Poems" has additional material. I will transcribe
the longer version into another message later...

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 May 2003
Mark - Eric
Anyway you can post Kirby/s poem?

Name: Mark
Date: 17 May 2003
I live in Aptos but I come up that way whenever the weather gets hot, to roam around and enjoy the place. I do this when I need to break away and get itchy to be in a quieter surrounding. I dream of relocating to that area but the cards are not with me on it. Wife and kids with other timelines that set it aside. I usually go up to Yreka and come over 299 and into Eureka. That includes a side trip to Forks of Salmon. Most of the time I get on 36 south of Eureka and head over the hills that way. We looked at some property around Bridgeport and Mad River near the Medical Clinic. Still dreaming.
Peter Berg recited the John Garfield poem yesterday at work from memory and spoke about Doyle's legacy. A very rich history lesson.

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 May 2003
Stew and Hammond +1 CounterPunched Again
Weekend Editon - Poets Basement

Name: Mark
Date: 17 May 2003

Name: Mark
Date: 17 May 2003

Name: Jenn
Date: 17 May 2003
What's your proximity to the Mad River?
I live near Nicoles sister.

Name: Jenn
Date: 17 May 2003
Nickle penny & dime....what a dance team in glorious splender and thin slips. No my phone is not on solar, however an answering machine needs to be plugged in, and I frankly can't use power unless I am using it. We have enough juice, today is really warm and sunny, I just can't bring myself to "waste it" on stuff I'm not using...I was visiting Tim on Mother's day. But Thanks fer thinkin' o' me.
Seriously...the Mad River's Tributaries are being raped as we speak...I hear chain saws and HUGE trees ripping my heart as they fall.
HEY!! A couple of my friends will treat me to a 3 day trip to NY...Not sure the dates, middle of June? We want to go to to shop, and two of us to see some art. I'll let you know, and we can actually SEE each other. Love you madly (pun intended) Jenn

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 May 2003
Eric - Thank you so much for attending and posting your (A)wake take on the moments shared. You have represented the rest of us who would have been there if at all possible. I have cut/pasted your words to many a dear friend of Kirby's and I know they too will appreciate your having been there. H.

Name: Eric
Date: 17 May 2003
Attended the rousing Poet's Wake for Kirby Doyle last night. Kelly, Kirby's daughter, was there and spoke with heartfelt love. Kirby's longtime friends and fellow poets spoke, read from theirs or Kirby's work. Michael McClure read a prose reminiscence he had written yesterday morning about Kirby's apartment in 1958 and the scene that revolved around their Fillmore neighborhood ("we were all
thieves and outlaws, but innocent souls"). Peter Berg spoke extemporaneously, his great skill as orator, about the tragedy that Kirby's work bespoke. He mentioned the influence that "Ode to John Garfield" had on Emmett Grogan, another Irishman "dislocated from the American Dream." He recalled the "Candle Opera" that Richard Brautigan staged in the Panhandle with everyone lighting candles in the audience while others read favorite poetry. Emmett read the "Ode" and afterwards Peter handed him a pistol that he'd been given and said to Emmett, "Here you're going to need this." Others talked about Kirby's drinking and meth habits. And Kush, the angel who organized the event, read Diane DiPrima's Revolutionary Letter No. 11, (which Diane had requested be read, she having a previous engagement last night in the Sierra) talking about riding with Kirby on a Free City food run up the San Joaquin valley. Kelly talked about growing up at the Red House in Forest Knolls. Vicki Pollack and Tony Urrea were there. Neeli Cherkovski. Allen Cohen recounted how Kirby and Emmett had convinced the Oracle staff not to hold a Summer Solstice Be-In on Hopiland in 1967, and read a piece of Kirby's they published. Several different musicians played saxophone arrangements they had written for the occasion. Food and drink were aplenty. A representative of the Digger Archives handed out a reproduction of the Free City News sheet that Kirby wrote for the Easter event 1968 (FC-05) "BIG HUGE LUMINOUS THE FLOWING EYES OF GOD PLAYING BEAMS OF INEXHAUSTIBLE LIGHT".

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 May 2003
Yeah the irony is, my Mom was right about making candy an occasional snack. However she also thought drinking milk was a barbaric American custom, the milk she was supposed to drink when pregnant with us kids, she poured down the drain when my Dad wasn't looking. She did eat alot of sardines she's told me and there's another irony, they have alot of calcium same as milk. Oh heck, she had alot of natural sense I guess and I'm still leery of Milky Ways.

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 May 2003
Gouge - ditto - ditto ( I sent it along to friends.) Tx! -H.

Name: JAG
Date: 16 May 2003
Gouge, To echo Mc ming and Nic, Viva Zapata!!

Name: patrick
Date: 16 May 2003
Driving back to North Carolina from Georgia yesterday, somewhere along the way I glanced up and painted on the viaduct was "WORSHIP SATIN" and "SATIN RULES" I laughed so hard I almost went into the ditch.
Peace all, Patrick, and may God bless all the congenital idiots for we shall make each other laugh until we pee our pants.( Did you notice that capital G on God? I learned that in Catholic school)

Name: Poetic-A-Day
Date: 16 May 2003

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 May 2003
Gouge, piggy backing Mc Mingus...thank you so much, I want to e-mail the link to alot of people I know that could use the boost...a great reminder.Thank you again...Nik

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: still kicking
Date: 16 May 2003
Jeez Gouge -- Man, thanks for that link - the Zapatistas - great, just great.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 16 May 2003
Last week, Halliburton Company was forced to admit it paid a $2.4
million dollar bribe to a Nigerian government official in exchange for
tax breaks. Payments were made in 2001 and 2002 by Halliburton
subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root. Halliburton has been involved with several large-scale projects in Nigeria. In 1999 Kellogg Brown and Root began what was then one of the largest construction projects in Africa; a major expansion of Nigeria's liquefied natural gas plant in
Rivers State. Halliburton has been active in the Niger Delta and has
several collaborative projects with Nigeria's largest oil producer,
Shell Petroleum Development Company, including development of the first major offshore oil and gas facility for Shell.

Name: gouge
Date: 16 May 2003
Often I get bummed, real down and out. It seems we failed. Then I read something like this:
Zapatista spokesman Subcommandante Marcos writes, "History written by Power taught us that we had lost.... We did not believe what Power taught us. We skipped class when they taught conformity and idiocy. We failed modernity. We are united by the imagination, by creativity, by tomorrow. In the past we not only met defeat but also found a desire for justice and the dream of being better. We left skepticism hanging from the hook of big capital and discovered that we could believe, that it was worth believing, that we should believe -- in ourselves. Health to you, and don't forget that flowers, like hope, are harvested."
the full article (long) is here:
take care of one another...

Name: JAG
Date: 16 May 2003
Nichole, when I asked question in confirmation class the nun reprimanded me as well and wanted to make me re-take the whole thing again! I did have the ruler slap administered in 1st - 3rd grade for writing left handedto this day I write right handed, eat left handed through a ball right handed, throw a frisbee left handed etc. I'm so confused!! Oh well what the #$*%*! over.

Name: JAG
Date: 16 May 2003
Other than Buddhism I think most organized religion is a scam perpetrated on the masses in order to justify their existence. Being territorial in nature and aggressive in proselytizing they prey on the weak willed and naive offering eternal salvation in the after life if you swear your fealty(and money) now. Not an equitable trade in my eyes since they have the supreme arrogance to tell you that what hasn't happened in 2000 years is going to happen in YOUR life time! yes step right up little lady, come over here sir I have a remedy for all that ails you, coming soon to a theatre near you The Ressurection!!
I can't fathom how people are so desparate to believe this that they ignore the fact that people have been told over and over for 2000 years that this momentous event is goimg to happen in their life time and then the promise is defered to the next generation and the next and the next. Stop the madness!!

Name: Joe
Date: 16 May 2003
Ohio Girl getting treats occasionally makes you appreciate them more when you get they arent that great for kids raising their sugar levels and rotting their teeth....i could count on one hand the number of times I had soda as a kid....but come tho think of it my teeth had a lot of cavities anyway....hmmm maybe I better rework this theory

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 May 2003
some one told me once his father was jewish and his mother catholic and that gave him a new twist on the jewish sorrow and catholic guilt...he said he was so so sorry that he didn't feel guilty...and sometimes, guilty that he didn't feel sorrow...cancelled out then?
...also I had a serious question in my confirmation class about confession...I asked the nun ,"if I don't feel comfortable spilling my guts to the priest in confession, but feel really connected to God and can talk directly to him and really tell everything and feel completely forthcoming about my personal disapation, isn't that better than lying in the confessional?" Well, let me tell you, she practically got the ruler out for my knuckles right there...and "how dare you think you could speak directly to God?" I would surely burn in hell for that faux pas...needless to say, that very day, I set up my own little alter in my room and spoke endlessly to God all by myself...and continue to do so the way I personally think of God as the collective conciousness of all living things...and you know what else, there's that whole things about burning women at the stake who were simply naturalist who said processed sugar was bad for you...but hello, who owned all the sugar plantations...missionaries...and the catholic church! okay, now I'm mad, I better sign off...see ya later...Nik

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: partly functional
Date: 16 May 2003
Hmmn .. once I did hear about the dispairing dyslexic who sold his soul to Santa

Name: Mark
Date: 15 May 2003
Ohio Girl,
My 80 year old mother still won't by butter, she loves it but its margarine that makes her feel better. Sufferin' sucotash! Sinner or not, I have learned to buy the butter. Then again, I did the "occasional treat" routine with the usual addictive suspects we all have experience with and that sure as shit didn't work on me. I think what we have here is a lack of self-discipline!
Anybody here practice Zazen?

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: the sin of chocolate
Date: 15 May 2003
Not just Mom was very strict about candy bars, they were an OCCASIONAL treat. She made the best pies but they were an OCCASIONAL thing, she usually served fruit or something like that for dessert. She grew up in the Mediterranean region and had different ideas about food than most other kids' mothers. Good ideas as it turns out, the "Mediterranean diet" has lately been given that name, and considered quite healthy. Anyways, at age 54, I still find it very difficult to buy a candy bar "just because."

Name: Mark
Date: 15 May 2003
Okay, maybe sometimes I feel too guilty to jaywalk. Do you think that this guilt is really a method for all religions of any sort to hold power over the indoctrinated and undereducated?

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Blame it on Adam & Eve
Date: 15 May 2003
Mark; I used that analogy to underscore just the point you make, I was taught that I was born guilty, original sin and the whole package of living your life "pure" in order to atone for some crap I had nothing to do with, I managed to dump the concept while still in confirmation class, I had asked the mother superior teaching the course if a person who was born in India and lived a rightous and moral life free of sin but a devout Hindu rather than a christian would go to Heaven, mind you I was only 12 at the time and I was dead serious about the question because even then I knew their were some serious issues all the clergy I was in contact with kept ducking, without hesitating she summarily condemned the Hindu to fire and brimstone. I can thank her for opening my eyes early to what a scam they had been running on me since childhood. I never took any of it to heart after that, but the guilt lingers in the reccess's of my mind.

Name: Mark
Date: 15 May 2003
I spent the day with Michael McClure, Norman Fischer and Leslie Scalapino in an very personal setting listening to them read their work and speak about Buddhist influences at Stanford. Free lunch to boot! For this long isolated soul trying to make a return to the living it was pure sustenance. Tomorrow I have to play catch-up with Berg but it was surely worth it. Thanks again for the heads up.
Frickin' catholicism is a curse of guilt. I read some years ago a dissertation of sorts on the history of media as the primary tool of oppression and the Catholic Church took top honors. Thanks to lysergic acid I was able to at least deconstruct most of the mythology that seems to get into DNA. Damn archetyptes! BTW, I don't jaywalk much but out of fear of lame ass cell phone drivers not the "GUILT".

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Sleepless in Portland
Date: 15 May 2003
Did you here about the Dyslexic , Agnostic, Insomniac? He lay awake all night wondering if there was a dog.

Date: 15 May 2003
hmmn .. necrophilia .. without this, civil rights is dead for sure .. what are you thinking about man ? have another huff of glue & get back to me, alright ?

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 May 2003
A quick at the Taos library again. Hope to be online with my laptop some time next week if my stuff arrives in Albq on schedule. I'm on the edge of being broke and looking for work. Although I have to go to Long Beach when my car gets back from Hilo..I'm assuming towards the end of the month. Damn this has been, and is such a stresser pain in the butt putting our pieces back together. This has been yet another well paid for life lesson. Wish it didn't include cash for gosh sakes. I'm still waiting for the water to settle so I know I've got the $ we will need and can relax knowing we're here and it's going to come together just fine. Sure I know that..but I need to KNOW IT. Ya know what I mean? So a date for a visit is more likely to come after I get our lives a tad more nailed down..will keep you all posted.

Date: 15 May 2003
Sponge - A request has just been entered to remove you yet again. Don't you have anything worth a farthing to add? Get a grip.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 15 May 2003
OK if your bored and surfin around - check for an ancestor who is a convicted fellon here

Name: Dr Sponge
EmailAddress: inabronmac@agayorgywithadeaddonkey
Date: 15 May 2003
The new rules of sex (i shall let this speak for itself)
[Please post links to articles rather than copying the text completely into
a message here. The link you included is retained, below, but the lengthy text
is excised. This page is meant for original comments, not rehashed news
articles, please. --ed.]
Take from BBC news

Name: Nicole
Date: 15 May 2003
Jenn, I spoke with both Judy and Penny the other day...Mothers day, but couldn't reach you, is your phone solar too and won't work if the sun's not out? gee us a buzz mate !!!

Name: Jenn
Date: 15 May 2003
Nicole & Mark..
(Hug you Nik XX) The Mad River is indeed georgeous, but in such pollution trouble. Sad, sad thing. I can see it from the top of the mountian ridge I live on, a beautiful sight ( Nicole, It over looks Blue Lake). Many of our friends and neighbors here are uniting and have begun a "Friends of the Mad" group to recondition and restore the tributaries. Problem we've run into is that some of the group would like to take the monies the "logging companies" are willing to GRANT to us, (PL, worst offenders, and Simpson Lumber) but WOW they would have long term strings and bull attached to them. Still, the Forest Service is involved and a restoration team that does incredible local work and community service. We live in a sublime paradise, that I am grateful for each day and willing to help to save our mother and her waterways. The Redwood trees used to reach almost 30 miles inland in Eureka, but now there are only a few left standing in town, and none of those are old growth. The new DA here is looking into all the illegal logging practices here but the good ole boy society is after the tune of recall, but that will never happen. He's suing the largest employer on the coast, who is a power hungry tree blind fool MAXAM corp from the big apple. Mark...? Mad River?????

Date: 15 May 2003
Joans on wood s lot this morning.

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 May 2003
AlphaRhythmicAfterBeats - (For Ted Joans)
At best, or at the very least,
Be - Bop - Beatnik and Beatitude
Concern subterranean acts
Divining the Ted Joans of things -
Everything else is straight no chaser.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 May 2003
Thanks for the tip about the Stanford thing tomorrow. I am supposed to be at Planet Drum tomorrow but I can stop by and if I can get in the Bioregion is just going to wait a day.

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Domino Sanctos
Date: 14 May 2003
Mark, I know about the recovering Catholic syndrome, as a former altar boy and Catholic school alum I can't jay walk without the guilt trip kicking in.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 May 2003
Nice image of NorCal. I just can't stay away and Mad River is one my favorite areas. I like to follow the river up high enough into the mountains to rise above the fog and bake in the sun on huge river rock.
You all got me on the regrets thread. Being Irish and a recovered Catholic I have my traditions to haunt me. What is that Tom Waits thing:
"I've been confused about the ying and yang, I put through wash but it always leaves a stain"

Name: RNA
Date: 14 May 2003
Full lunar eclipse on Thrusday, May 15. Check it out!!! I think it starts early in the evening in the west coast.
Love to all, r n a

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 May 2003
...just a few afternoon memories this afternoon...
I live in New York City, however, walking along a northern California road just after dawn… in Blue Lake… mist rising off the Mad River meeting the fog rolling in from the coast…California cuisine…pea soup. There’s a perfume in the air unique to this part of the world…of redwood bark and firs…of damp black loam and giant Paleolithic ferns…I feel Northwest. I know I’m in the upper left hand corner of the map of my country. I can take huge deep breaths here. I can feel my eyes dilate to drink in all there is to see…I am keenly aware of my surroundings…of how small I am compared to these giants. There is something so primal here. I put my arms out and spin. I fall to my knees…I dig my fingers into the loose pine needles on the ground. Thick, deep and warm they are…slowly turning into earth. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, entirely exhilarating, exceedingly enticing and exceptionally enchanting.

Name: Oooops
EmailAddress: WrongBox
Date: 14 May 2003
Sorry Eric! - H.

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 May 2003
The tribute to Ted Joans is rolling along at
Contributions are gladly accepted; just email
Memories, thoughts about Ted & his work, art, & photos are all appropriate.
A celebration of Ted Joans' life will take place tonight, Wednesday, May 14,
in Vancouver, BC.
The time is 9pm & the place is Bukowski's Bar & Grill, 1447 Commercial
Avenue, Vancouver. Telephone is 604.253.4770
See or download the flyer for this event here:
Michael McClure, Norman Fischer, & Leslie Scalapino will participate in a
symposium on Buddhism & Poetry at Stanford tomorrow, Thursday, May 15. It's
All the details are at
A memorial poetry reading for Kirby Doyle will take place on Friday, May 16
at 7pm. The poetry reading will be held at 7 p.m. at the New College of
California Cultural Center, 766 Valencia St., San Francisco. There's a good
article here: I
don't know the entire lineup of poets who will read but Michael McClure,
Jack Hirschman, and Tisa Walden will be among them.

Date: 14 May 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 May 2003
Pieman - Why is your site so difficult for me and my iMac to log on to - much less explore in depth? Should I use Netscape or ? - as I would like to visit. -thanks
PS - Nic - where - what and how is our silent brother?
PS - Eileen - Are you here or only there?
JAG - your words ring and resound as do those of Gouge - Mark - Joe - etal of recent.
and asever - Eric - Thanks and Praise for keeping the site at large so well organized and useful
TaTa - H.

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 May 2003
Nic - yes, burning them at dawn is best
no regrets - yet regret my words and perhaps actions in time's pastense - yet as a dear friend once said to me: "You know Hammond - there may be no guilt at all" - and another who said: "Grief Be Far" - In any event we all have our 'regrets' in concept to tote around with us in one form or another - yet I feel that regret is useless beyond being a spiritual reminder to do your very best in every given moment being in that moment - What we must "not do" - and forces are against us! - is let us Not (begin to) Regret The Future! -
The past has taken care of itself.
Bless one Bless them all -
Each One Teach One -

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 May 2003
Comments regret I do have...I had a boyfriend around 1976 who asked me to burn ceremoniously, all correspondence from the men of my past (I had kept all my letters and notes etc.) We went out to the garden and I made a pile and I burned all of it...That was a mistake I truely regret...I let his (and my own) insecurities dictate to me...there were some incredible letters...not just love letters but real heart felt advice letters from Peter and Emmett and one from Paul Shippee written completely in berry juice with a quill that was a beautiful work of art...letters from the famous and the infamous...I save everything now for various reasons, and I did learn more than one lesson from that experience...funny I still have all of his letters...maybe I should burn them.

Name: Ming
EmailAddress: Waxing Philosophical's Car
Date: 14 May 2003
OK, not so simple a topic, regret. But also from Nietszche .. "Amor Fati" = love
of fate, accepting everything, good & bad together. There was no other road to
lead us to today .. hell yeah, I hate the stupid mistakes I remember, friends
lost, opportunities shot .. but who can be better than they can be ? It's just
what it took, seems to me, embrace it all .. travel on !

Name: aron pieman kay
Date: 14 May 2003

Name: aron pieman kay
Date: 14 May 2003
hello i am signing on just to say hello to my comrades from the days of the yippies and the green power love-ins at griffith sure gets lonesome in the streets of babylon as i deal with arthritis and heart is still with the struggle aginst asscroft, scumsfeld and that shrubbing asshole named dumbya...we must still fight the good fight for the future of our planet...
aron pieman kay

EmailAddress: Looking for a Prophet
Date: 13 May 2003

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Regret's
Date: 13 May 2003
Wise addendum Mark, I guess I could find a few as well.

Name: Mark
Date: 13 May 2003
Hey Ming,
I forgot that message on Guthrie's axe. I read "Bound for Glory" as a kid under the blankets with a flashlight. Thanks for the memory.
Ohio Girl,
Regrets and words. That is a big subject that can haunt the sleepless night. "No regrets" is a volatile phrase. My closet is full,looking for a cheap storage unit.

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Frgidaire's and memories
Date: 13 May 2003
Thanks for the kind word's, I too have no regret's, as that syphlitic madman Nietsche said (I think) "What does not kill us only makes us stronger"

Date: 13 May 2003
Amen cousin Woody!

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: not here, not now
Date: 13 May 2003
Just yesssss ... been there in those hard corners, up & down & desperate too many times .. but now I don't regret any of it .. thanks Hammond, Mark, JAG, Eric, Tomas, Eileen, Nicole (especially) a few posts back .. we're still here .. "this machine destroys fascists" [inscribed on Woody Guthrie's guitar]

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 May 2003
When it comes to not shivering, Eileen whenever you read this, I think it's great you are in New Mexico, a really enchanted place, perfect for physical health and spiritual well-being too. I remember how good it is there even though it's been maybe 30 years.

Date: 13 May 2003
...the suit only comes out in the winter...

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 May 2003
You know what, it's impossible for me to regret the past, even though I'm dearly paying for it now. Actually still shivering too, due to the "cryoglobulins" in my blood from hep C, exposure to cold causes them to gel. Who knew?? But, what I regret is not the drugs or anything else, I regret those few times when I really said the wrong thing to someone, the words you never can take back. That's the kind of thing I regret, same as anyone else. I don't regret what I did or learned in the past, which made me who I am, in a way I don't regret what I've learned lately by being truly ill for the first time in my life, my husband and I have sat back and laughed about some things we never knew existed. Life is quite a trip. The times we shivered back then, at least we really had left, we had gone "on the road." We really had left and had not wanted the warmth and security of Eisenhower America. Well right on Nicole, add a different interpretation to all this shivering! Peace

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 13 May 2003
Bravo Mark!

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 May 2003
Nic - now there ya go with the 'titilating' details again - oh, and where is your anti-static suit?

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 May 2003
Mark, Awesome
Tomas, Thank you for the provocation...invocation
my best shiver now comes just as I ...well, you's orgasmic !

Name: PoeticExpress
Date: 13 May 2003
Hammond & Stew - CounterPunched
"An Illogical Reign"

Name: Mark
EmailAddress: ItsTomas'
Date: 13 May 2003
Sometimes all we were doing was shivering in the cold.
Shivering sleepless in the cold dark morning newspaper recycling bin.
But not another day.
Shivering on the midnight damp back seat of an abandoned Pontiac.
But not another day.
Shivering on the hard cold sand with phosphorous wave dreams.
But not another day.
Shivering in the frosty plowed prune orchard moonbeamed night.
But not another day.
Shivering on the bloody cold tile Amarillo jail bare light bulb watch.
But not another day
Shivering through the dark jabbering iron dark in the Fort Lewis Stockade.
But not another day.
Shivering on the hard packed moldy Teepee floor at Black Bear
But not another day.
Shivering in the light rain junksick in the muddy Ventura off ramp bushes.
But not another day.
Shivering under a frozen canvas tarp El Camino bed hitching over the snow covered Siskiyous.
But not another day.
Shivering from fear and the anguish of a lost way.
But not another day sucking the poisoned milk from America’s dreamy tit.

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 May 2003
Nic - Hummmmm - 6,000 bottles of beer on the wall - 6,000 bottles of beer! - thanks - I will look but Peter was deep cover all the way in the day. However - he is certainly one of the most well read individuals I have ever known. Like one day he just sat down and read straight through the collected works of G.B.Shaw (for the next 6 or 7 weeks!) drinking pots of hard coffee until he was done.
Quite a guy -

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 May 2003
Nicole, JAG, (All) - Amen! Brothers and Sisters
Somehow - some - everywhere we are -I too believe that we are at the leading edge of the unknown business (revisited yet again) - and of course I couldn't agree with you more. Not only our stories and lives past/present as 'life-actor/artists writers, storytellers and 'quasi-enlightened' survivors are vital and important for the times at hand and to come - but perhaps more important than the stories and lessons learned in themself - are the very dangerously daring moments past and the psychic muscles that we all had to develope in the process of getting though these fairly unique brain wave and living experiments + of course the big process as it has transpired since those more (ahem) experimental days in bliss or while shivering from the unrelenting come-down, the dead cotton blues or the weather outside. I don't really mean to just 'pat us on the back' here as overall and for all of our good intentions the legacy we left behind certainly has it pot-holes to oblivion.
Anyway - well done and good luck everyone the future seems to need us afterall

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 May 2003
Hammond, I just googled Peter Cosgrove and 6,600 entries came up...alot about an Austrailian, but I only scanned a few...have a look, maybe you'll see something you recognize and can find him...Nik
Dian, By the way, the cop that found Emmett on that A train was quoted in his report as saying," Even though the guy didn't have any I D on him, I knew he was SOMEBODY" Even in death. I saw him just before that happened and although he was still chipping and perhaps that killed him, he was being extremely creative at the time, writing a lot of songs and having great ideas...he was still vital...he was Emmett.

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 May 2003
That was brilliant Jag...very visual words you give us...partly I'm sure, because of my own experiences in the very realm you speak of. Looking back on all of that...both the warmth and the oh so real shivering...(when Tomas said shivering, I thought of dope sick shivering or cotton fever shivering...argh !!!)But as I was saying, all of it has in fact enhanced my life...because I indulged myself, endangered myself, denied and supplied myself, because I did all of the things I did and because of all of the things I didn't world view is huge and I am able to make better decisions...I can weigh things more easily than if I'd have had a one sided life. I believe that's one of the reasons we all have lived the lives we have...survival we are familiar with...from street level to corporate level to health to happiness... We are all working very hard at creating some sort of harmony in the universe. I sometimes think we are the leading whip of a ribbon snapped on the air and after the wave slows and the ribbon stops whipping it will be clear that all of our experiences were neccessary...and the path will clear.

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 May 2003
Dian - Thanks for initiating some fine memories in my brain of the Blue Unicorn daze and nights spent reading and rapping on the couch by the window. The coffee was terrible as I remember - but who cared?
Does anyone know (or the whereabouts of) Peter Cosgrove (a poet and Irishman to the core) who worked there for quite awhile? He is a good old friend - who I would dearly love to be reunited with! I dedicated one of my first books ("Belfast Insert") to him - Among our doings back then we put together an amazing live-reading with multi-tape deck performance for the English Dept. as SF State (1969) based on the women in Joyce's novels. Peter's Galic was something to be-heard that night and the event was well received.
Perhaps someone here might have been there!

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: @Shivering
Date: 13 May 2003
The 60's were a time for "shivering in the cold". Between my visit's to the Haight I spent many lonely nights cold and silent under a bridge, up a canyon, and in the forest. I never gravitated to the center of the counter culture but tried to emulate instead the author's who had formed my adolescent thoughts of rebellion, Kerouac, Burrough's, Camus, Hesse, Ginsberg, and a plethora of other's. The solitude of "Dharma Bum's", the Angst of "Howl" ,the existential quagmire of "The Plague" and "Steppenwolf" were my guide post's.
I think we all vacillated between the extreme's of stoned bliss and the inherent paranoia that came with an almost unaware sense of separation anxiety as a result of leaving the society that had spawned us. While in the forest's alone at night I contemplated all the mysteries I could never explain and while in the company of fellow traveler's I explored all the forbidden fruit's that my upbringing had held taboo.
The drugs I imbibed were mainly key's to unlocking the repressed emotion's that a life of dysfunctional interaction between my parent's, teacher's, Priest, cop's, take your pick, had succeded in locking deep down in my psyche.The introspective nature of acid made it child's play (literally) to wander the back alley's of my mind while the amplitude of crank made it easier still to inhale all that life could offer with no thought of caution until the rush had waned and the fear crept in, driving me into the solace of heroin's arm's, the deep seated security of the wombs embrace, absolute mental solitude and emotional indifference.
Yes the 60's were heady times and for much of them I was bissfully immune to the approaching appocalypse of American complacency, social inertia, and corporate shilling barreling down on us all like an iron horse from hell belching fire and brimstone while devouring all in it's path and leaving social ruin and cosmic ashes in it's wake.

Name: dian hill melzer
Date: 13 May 2003
I had moved from Haight Street down to 1832 Page Street, right across from the library and closer to the Panhandle. This was a conscious move on my part as I wanted to be closer to the Blue Unicorn and Digger's HQ on Page Street.
Emmett was one of the bright shining stars of my life. His ongoing continuing realty rap was always remarkable. I ran into what was left of him at a bar called Yellowfinger's on Third Avenue sometime around 1972 or 73. I slammed down some pretty potent bloody mary's and we speedrapped, ducked out for a toke or two then went on back to the bar for more fun and games. This was the last time I ever saw him alive. I read in the Village Voice that he'd overdosed on the A train back to Brooklyn. It didn't seem like the proverbial "fitting finale" to me, even though Emmett certainly wasn't the sort of man I'd ever think would die in bed at a ripe old age. GODSPEED, DUDE, WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 May 2003
"There are times when all we were doing was shivering in the cold, that does not say much."
Wrongo Tomas - this in fact says quite a lot as I am sure many of us here will agree.

Date: 13 May 2003

Name: Tomas
Date: 13 May 2003
Andrew what I wrote has not been exagerated, most of what I want to say has been forgotten. There are wilder times and sexual exploits that I cannot write about or will not write about.
All the pain and the reasons for dropping out I did write about.
There are times when all we were doing was shivering in the cold, that does not say much.
The fact that we remember those emotional times is because we did something that was not normal. We left our parents because they were wrong and society was wrong. A generation of children left their parents(society).
That is pretty far out.

Name: adam drew
Date: 12 May 2003
i am 19 years old and as i read about the 60's, listen to the music, and try to understand all the aspects of what was happening I am saddened to have not been able to have experienced it first hand. With all the writings on it now i realized that it is exagerated to some extent, or many of the negative memoires lost, yet i feel a longing to that amazing time one that will never be filled.

Name: Stew Albert Poemic Today
Date: 12 May 2003
How much pain can a poem take
and not burst in agony,
fragments burning brains
clean of all rationalization and hope?
Can it gaze at US tanks breaking down the walls
of Al Rashad state hospital in Baghdad
and looters, rapists and firebugs
following them through the hole in civilization?
Even Mad Max wouldn’t rape a schizophrenic.
Resistance was futile.
Rapid repairs were made
but a few weeks later
returning barbarians destroyed
all noble efforts and sparks of sane.
Patients fled the insanity of American liberation.
Going home to their beloved families
where in good time
they could kill their wives and children.
And there are no police to bring them back
and their meds are selling
in a thieves market, anyway.
The hospital administrators asked
again and again
for American protection.
Shi’ites came
but the hell with Allah
turned gangster
selling gasoline on hospital grounds.
The ruin is now guarded by remorse free Americans.
After the museum, the library, the art gallery
and ordinary hospitals and homes
were put to the torch of theft and fire
the poem figured it had survived the worst
of Rummy’s revolution
and could again think of flowers and whales
but instead learned about the peculiar way
Iraq’s insane citizens
were de-institutionalized.
Now wondering
if beauty will ever exist
without unbearable pangs
of guilt.

Name: Hammond
Date: 12 May 2003
Thanks Ohio Girl and Nicole - Prayers are a big help.
The Hammond Housing Hunt is in full swing it seems. Not only for "our" friend who needs the liver transplant - but as of ten minutes ago via phone alert - I am also looking for housing-up 12 - 15 Mime Troupers for their shows here in October.
Challenges will be met!

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: solidarity
Date: 12 May 2003
Hammond, all I can offer from Ohio is my thoughts and hopes and prayers for your friend but I do offer these sincerely. Don't know who the person is but I'll be thinking about him and hoping he gets through this OK, thank God there are so many successful transplants today. Hep C is a large community (unfortunately) but everyone I've met has a solidarity, we always try to support each other and hope for the best for each other. No one who has this is spiritually alone.

Name: Hammond
Date: 12 May 2003
Mercy Call
I am doing my best to help arrange for someone to receive a liver transplant here in Portland - a person who started out with Hep-C and his situation has become cancerous. As some of you know, I was a nurse for sometime (now retired) but I am doing all I can to arrange for this persons post-operative care.
Please contact me ( asap - If you know of any nurses - or if you are a silent guestbook reader and you are a nurse - living in the Portland, Or. area - and are willing to discuss some pro-bono post-op TLC during his two to four month recuperation.
Thanks so very much!
PS - Guestbook mates - For his privacy I don't want to use his name here on the guestbook per the note above - but please note that this person is someone many of you will already know on a personal basis - and if not - then you will most certainly know of him and his outstanding achivements in and for our generation - most especially in the Haight of our daze.
Those of you who know and care - please feel free to drop me a line if you would like to know more. -AsEver, Hammond

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 May 2003
Denise Enck is making a tribute webpage for Ted Joans which will be
posted on the
website. Please send your memories of Ted Joans, and any thoughts about him, to for
nclusion on the webpage.
Photos would be appreciated as well.
At the time of his death Denise was in the process of making a website for Ted & Laura.
You can see it at if you like.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 May 2003
Denise Enck is making a tribute webpage for Ted Joans which will be
posted on the
<> website. Please send your memories of Ted Joans, and any thoughts about him, to for inclusion on the webpage. Photos would be appreciated as well.
t the time of his death Denise was in the process of making a website for Ted & Laura. You can see it at
There was an obituary in the SF Chronicle
A few mistakes in it, but otherwise pretty good.
Ted didn't die on April 25, it was a few days ago.
Ted invented the phrase 'BIRD LIVES' and wrote it all over New York when Charlie Parker died. It has been suggested by Laura Corsiglia that everyone get chalk or charcoal and write "TED JOANS LIVES" on walls, sidewalks...everywhere.
It seems a fitting tribute to a great man.

Name: Mark
Date: 11 May 2003
Nicole and Eileen,
I could probably get there after June 12th.

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 May 2003
Eileen, yes, your neck of the woods I think is's so magical and mystical...I'm going to pose this now to all...pick a date that you could possibly spare 3 days in and around and post it here...I will try to tabulate a good middle ground date and see who might realisticly try to attend...I personally would take off work days with out pay to come together with all of you...I feel it would be a major event in my life and I feel compelled to do this...and thanks Eileen for the offer...
Happy Mothers day to all of us!!!
and just in general...yeah team!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 May 2003
From: "Harry Nudel" <nudel-soho@MINDSPRING.COM>
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2003 8:46 AM
Received from a mutual friend - RIP, Ted
Ted Joans, born some 70 yrs
ago in Cairo, Il...July 4th..
died a day or two back
of complications of diabetes
Citizen Ted of Paris..
Greenwich Village... Timbuktoo
& all points beat east/west
was the real jones....

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Free Speech?!!
Date: 10 May 2003
Oakland's school district has some audacious effrontery, I think the concept of an open debate is a little mis-understood in these circumstance's

Name: JAG
Date: 10 May 2003
Nichole, after your snippet I had to revisit this epic tale
With God on Our Side
Bob Dylan
Oh my name it is nothin'
My age it means less
The country I come from
Is called the Midwest
I's taught and brought up there
The laws to abide
And that land that I live in
Has God on its side.
Oh the history books tell it
They tell it so well
The cavalries charged
The Indians fell
The cavalries charged
The Indians died
Oh the country was young
With God on its side.
Oh the Spanish-American
War had its day
And the Civil War too
Was soon laid away
And the names of the heroes
I's made to memorize
With guns in their hands
And God on their side.
Oh the First World War, boys
It closed out its fate
The reason for fighting
I never got straight
But I learned to accept it
Accept it with pride
For you don't count the dead
When God's on your side.
When the Second World War
Came to an end
We forgave the Germans
And we were friends
Though they murdered six million
In the ovens they fried
The Germans now too
Have God on their side.
I've learned to hate Russians
All through my whole life
If another war starts
It's them we must fight
To hate them and fear them
To run and to hide
And accept it all bravely
With God on my side.
But now we got weapons
Of the chemical dust
If fire them we're forced to
Then fire them we must
One push of the button
And a shot the world wide
And you never ask questions
When God's on your side.
In a many dark hour
I've been thinkin' about this
That Jesus Christ
Was betrayed by a kiss
But I can't think for you
You'll have to decide
Whether Judas Iscariot
Had God on his side.
So now as I'm leavin'
I'm weary as Hell
The confusion I'm feelin'
Ain't no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
If God's on our side
He'll stop the next war.

Name: Mark
Date: 10 May 2003
FYI Service,
A teacher calls the Secret Service on students in the classroom that make disparaging comments about the government. That teacher needs a new occupation and the Oakland School District needs to be taken to court for their complicity.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 10 May 2003
Save the Oakland 2

Name: Joe
Date: 10 May 2003
very succinctly put Hammond....keep em coming

Name: Poemic Today Day
Date: 10 May 2003
A Poem a Day - (or more!) keeps the neo-conservative's at bay!
"An Illogical Reign"
To decrease proliferation
Tactical nuclear weapons (TNW's)
Will be researched and developed
This is not MAD
(Mutually Assured Destruction)
This is UAD
(Unilaterally Assured Destruction)
Tactical nuclear weapons are needed
to discourage anyone else from making
weapons of mass destruction
This isn't acronymic UADness
It's truly madness
Sanity unconditionally demands
That Nuclear Weapons be destroyed -
And anything short of this is MAD!
Development is MAD
Deployment is MAD
I am most certainly mad!
Mad at this administration of mass destruction
(C) 2003 - Hammond Guthrie

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: the middle of it all
Date: 10 May 2003
Kelly~Oh I feel the tears welling up to see the implication Kerby has passed on. I am glad I knew him and know he lived a full life and has left good stuff behind for us. I hope he did all he wanted. And I would love to know more about Tracy and the rest of the family.
I wish I had time to really read all these posts and follow through adequately..but I don't. I so look forward to when I am not pressed for time. But from my brief scanning..thanks Hammond and hello to you all.
By the time we are all really ready for a gathering, consider the area I'm in. Hey it's practically the middle of the US..well it's certainly the friendly part..and all you water logged mildewed persons can come dry out. The only mildew anywhere around is what I broght with me and it doesn't stand a chance.
My mouth if burning frim the green chilles in my lunch, the sky is blue, the air clear and the mountains around me..aah the mountains around me!

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 May 2003
Weekend Edition - Counter Punch - Yippie!
See: "In Child'sPlay" (HG) and Stew Albert's "Empire"

Name: McMing
Date: 10 May 2003
r n a -- Thanks for the feedback .. IMO a skilled Chinese doctor can do amazing
things .. maybe there really is something to this ch'i stuff .. sign me : still

Name: The 3rd Page( Digger Preview)
Date: 10 May 2003
The 3rd Page [Summer ReIssue Update] will offer this free mp3 of Hammond Guthrie reading his Xiphoneric Madrigal:
"Suite: Bucky BlueEyes"
(for Louis 'Moondog' Hardin)

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: endorphins + acupuncture
Date: 10 May 2003
Aloha McMing,
In 1976 i quite tobacco using acupuncture. I was a Camel smoker and quite addicted. I was 26 and had been smoking cigs for 11 years. The acupuncturist in Honolulu said he could cure most addictions. What brand of cigs did I smoke? he asked. After I told him cames, he said, "No Problem." Knowing Camels were the strongest I asked why he asked. He told me he could cure heroin addiction, nicotine addiction, but he was powerless against menthol addiction.
I paid a one time fee of $75 and was welcomed to return for additional acu boosts. Dr. Michely placed an acupuncture ear stapele in my ear which I was to activate whenever i desired a ciggie. I looked like an idiot with my finger bouncing in my ear, but it worked. within a few hours my lungs felt like helium baloons and i thought that simply by quitting i had cleared my lungs (ha.)
Withdrawel was hard. I went back for a couple of boosts. He would zap my third eye with either an acupuncture needle or an electrical acupuncture needle "to boost my bliss." it worked.
After a month of psychological withdrawel i felt ready to cut loose of the staple. a friend cut the staple and the two ends were removed. within hours i discovered that my lungs were still thick and sticky: it would take 3 years for the tar glue to be cleared, and only after i began a strenous asatanga yoga practice.
but, oh those 3rd eye acu stimulations! Yeah!
by the way, a friend who worked in a methadone clinic said the junkies said it was easier to kick heroin than tobacco.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 09 May 2003
Patrick, thanks for the encouraging words, I'm glad you are still OK. I didn't get it off any innocent toilet seat either, sometimes I get sick of hearing how "nice" people get this too. Well I wasn't nice people when I was deep into drugs. I wonder if knowing about this virus would have stopped me? We certainly didn't get upset back then hearing how you'd die from hepatitis B if you couldn't eat your way through it, or that speed dissolves your brain etc. etc. or that you could go to prison forever for heroin. Of course we cooked up together, and were glad to have at least one needle to share around. The only deterrant to any of this might have been if I was in my fifties when I was in my twenties. That MIGHT have worked.....
Today when I was walking one of the dogs and trying to feel okay from all the medicine, I found this amazing fossil of branched coral, about 2 by 3 inches in size. It was at a construction site where a stone wall is being added around a very old home, a "century" house actually. There are thousands or maybe millions of shell fossils in sandstone in the town creek, but this was different. It could have come from the soil, or from gravel or construction materials that could be from anywhere, that had been brought to this property at any time within the last hundred years. A fossil is scientifically less significant if you don't know it's true origin, but how fascinating. How did it happen to end up right here? I think stuff like this gives me endorphins. To tell the truth, now that I think about it, I started walking years ago because I read about the "runner's high" and it's true you can get a really good feeling if you exercise to a certain point but I don't have the energy for that these days, oh well. That could be a goal to shoot for ha ha.

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: Miracle of science
Date: 09 May 2003
I suspected I was making it harder than it should have been, perhaps we'll find the genome soon.

Name: patman
EmailAddress: Downsolongitlookslikeup2me
Date: 09 May 2003

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: fantasy land
Date: 09 May 2003
In point of fact, the human body routinely generates its own opiates, otherwise
known as endorphins. Could be that electrodes or acupunture needles at the right
points could generate these substances at need. I'd sign up if anyone knew how.

Name: Dreamer
Date: 09 May 2003
Ouch! I think many of us have had that same dream at some point - nice that it is only a dream - now......

Name: JAG
Date: 09 May 2003
Speaking of the things said here, I had some vivid dreams last night of purple vials of panapom, morphine syrettes, and the acrid scent of mexican black tar bubblin in my head, it was enough to make me wake in a cold sweat and an ache in my soul.

Name: JAG
Date: 09 May 2003
I know I am a recent arrival here but I've got to say reading the daily scribes I find on these pages make my day (and life) a tad more, no, a lot more fruitful and meaningful, to all who participate, thanks for the thoughts and the insight into what was and is.

Name: Jenn
Date: 09 May 2003
Nicole.......PA in June, Maybe I could link up with Peter on his way????I am totally up for it and I think Penny would be too. Would it be easier for me to ask Peter for a tape of the documentary? I could show it here, our city council is totally the green party....anti war, anti big town and all.
We are currently fighting to clean up the Mad River, the main source of drinking water for about 25 thousand people, and they are finally getting fines for polluting it with cement run off.
Love you Nicole, bessos all over yer face.

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 May 2003
Kelly - thanks for dropping back in on us....
Mark - Eric ?
Can you represent the rest of us far and away at Kirby's wake? If so please advise. - H.

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 May 2003
Counter Punched Again -
"Bombastic Promiss Keeping"
PS - Mark - gotcha!

Name: Mark
Date: 09 May 2003
I got home late last night from Planet Drum and saw what you put up. I am very happy that you consider my ramblings worthy. I am very grateful to be part of what you are building there as well as here. I sent a message to you to the Email you listed as Editor and I will be tweaking the piece a little and will make a small bio. I have to say I came here to this board a couple of years ago and it was dead-on-arrival. I railed on about it in that void here a bit with out much reaction, I tried to bait some hooks but I couldn't get a bite. It is amazing how the life has flowed into this site and I am thankful to all take time to post their thoughts. Eric must be stoked, it was pretty quiet here for awhile.

Name: Kelly Doyle
Date: 09 May 2003
To Nicole et all..
I'm so sorry I did not check again when I posted my news about Kirby. But it's not too late to attend the memorial. It will be in SF on May 16 at the New College Cultural Center at 7p. Any an all are invited it's going to be a Poetry Madness Wake.... there should be many of the old crowd and the poets, artists, and general vagabonds attending. To Nicole, Im truly sorry my email address did not work for you, but please try again as it is working and has been for years. I check it daily. I would like to tell you some news and get some news from you re:Kirby and Tracy. I just found via the internet, her long lost daughter and my sister, Kirby's other baby girl, afer 30 years. thank you all for your condolences and I hope to hear from any who knew Kirby at the email address I listed here. Please one and all attend this very special good old fahsioned Irish Wake ( well sort of) and Poetry Reading.
Kelly Doyle

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 May 2003
Dear Friends - Indeed - I (we all) appreciate, savor and honor the times we share with one another here and now on the page and in our hearts and minds where ever we reside. Checking in for the Daily Digger always makes my moment in one way or another and gives me added strength and perseverance throughout the day.
Cheers to you all! Your memories, virtues, wisdom(s), insights, life poetry, friendships and spirits are quite precious to me and to the future of us all.
In The Moment - H

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 09 May 2003
Mark - See link below - RSVP? -

Name: patrick
Date: 09 May 2003
Got back to Asheville from Georgia last night and attended the thirsty Thursday Minor league baseball game, Real cheap beer and real friendly people. Times like that I truly believe I picked the wrong lifetime to quit drinking. Looking out into center field at sunset on a beautiful North Carolina night I noticed one of the ads was for a " HEAD SHOP " Cool as hell, Big ol' sign, right in there with the bud lite tripe.I looked around me. Kids,a few yuppies,a couple of cops and lotsa freeks! Everybody was groovin. I love this town.
You guys have been busy since I've been outta town. Glad your safe and sound secure Eileen. I love Taos. Havent been there in awhile Stayed at New Buffaloe Briefly when Sharon was pregnate with Frankie Lee, Named after Dylans ramble on John Wesley Hardin Album.That was around 72-73 been back through many time since. Lotta changes. Still good vibes.
Glad you decided to get back on the treatment for your hep Ohio girl. It works. I'm still testing negative for the ol, HCV over 2 years almost 3.
It was great hearing about all the ol'druggie daze. It helps me remember. As I've definately got a little dain bramage since I don't recall missing a hit of any of the substances recently listed. Did'nt care much for the barbs, but did some. Gotta couple Knots on my arm as well. Nembutals geezed best, You could cook em down clear. Had to cold shake the tuis and seconals.
Thanks for sharing your travels and travails here everybody. Reminds me of all the places I've been and the adventures I've had. Even the time spent in the county jails and my little prison stint allowed me to meeet some good brothers.
Murine bottles, Yea eye droppers with collar made from the piece of a dollar bill to stop leakage. Cuttin' down a syringe and puttin'a "BINKY" on the end to squeeze that shit home. I sure as hell did'nt get my hep from some toilet seat. It's a wonder any of us got out alive. Shit I've inhaled enough tear gas to kill 20 normal citizens.
Would'nt change a damn thing. Especially the fact as of May 19 I'll have 17 years of sobriety under my concha belt. Love and Peace, Patrick the free

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: space is the place, baby
Date: 09 May 2003
Hey, Nicole -- Well one of my old travelling buddies used to say "You don't take
the trip, the trip takes you." Typical Mercury retrograde mishap for your bag
to go one way while you go another .. Merc goes direct May 20th.
Thanks for your earlier post .. it would be great for the regulars here to
actually meet in the flesh .. maybe someday. In the meanwhile I for one am real
glad to have this cyber meetingplace.
Godspeed on your journey.

Name: nicole
Date: 09 May 2003
well, I'm never here this late at night, it's 1:30 am...I left work, went to my friend Danny's and cooked a huge turkey dinner, had a couple of glass of wine and then went to Port Authority to catch the bus to woodstock...Tomorrow I'm going to Boston to attend the graduation of my best friends son James, who has just finnished 4 years at Berkely School of music...well, my bus arrived at 10 and I got off the bus and as it pulled away Susan pulled up and I got into her car and said,"wow! perfect timing...we sat for a minute then she said, "Nicole, where is your bag?!" Oh Fuck I said, it's on the we ended up driving for another hour each way to Albany (the next stop) to retrieve my stuff...aaarrrggghhh! and in a hideous rain now here I Saugerties, with my bag and stupidity...on the way back from Albany she and I decided that had we actuallly gotten on the road to her house in "normal" time, there would have been an accident or something...we were way layed for a reason...perhaps to spend a couple of extra hours together in the car...but oh yeah we'll be driving to Boston in the morning...goodnight good friends, sleep well, speak again soon, with warm regards, Nik

Name: nicole
Date: 09 May 2003
well, I'm never here this late at night, it's 1:30 am...I left work, went to my friend Danny's and cooked a huge turkey dinner, had a couple of glass of wine and then went to Port Authority to catch the bus to woodstock...Tomorrow I'm going to Boston to attend the graduation of my best friends son James, who has just finnished 4 years at Berkely School of music...well, my bus arrived at 10 and I got off the bus and as it pulled away Susan pulled up and I got into her car and said,"wow! perfect timing...we sat for a minute then she said, "Nicole, where is your bag?!" Oh Fuck I said, it's on the we ended up driving for another hour each way to Albany (the next stop) to retrieve my stuff...aaarrrggghhh! and in a hideous rain now here I Saugerties, with my bag and stupidity...on the way back from Albany she and I decided that had we actuallly gotten on the road to her house in "normal" time, there would have been an accident or something...we were way layed for a reason...perhaps to spend a couple of extra hours together in the car...but oh yeah we'll be driving to Boston in the morning...goodnight good friends, sleep well, speak again soon, with warm regards, Nik

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: home
Date: 08 May 2003
It's just like you say Nicole, this place feels like home. It will be a rare privilege if I ever meet anyone in person I've met here. Hello, John Chase from All Saints' Church where I got married in 1969. I finally paid for the wedding last Decemer, had a really nice letter from the Pastor. A little sixties wedding memory: My (late, first) husband's best friend didn't show up at the ceremony. The reason was, when he got to the church, he walked around and around it but it didn't have a door!

Name: Rebecca
Date: 08 May 2003
This site has been an eye-opener for me. I haven't read everything yet and will certainly be back as I have time.

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 May 2003
Nicole - So glad to be here for us one and all - H.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 08 May 2003
A Poetic Today -
"Bombastic Promise Keeping"

Name: JAG
Date: 08 May 2003
Tom Waits
Small Change (1976)
Tom Traubert's Blues
Wasted and wounded, it ain't what the moon did, I've got what I paid for now
See you tomorrow, hey Frank, can I borrow a couple of bucks from you
To go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me
I'm an innocent victim of a blinded alley
And I'm tired of all these soldiers here
No one speaks English, and everything's broken, and my Stacys are soaking wet
To go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me
Now the dogs are barking and the taxi cab's parking
A lot they can do for me
I begged you to stab me, you tore my shirt open,
And I'm down on my knees tonight
Old Bushmill's I staggered, you'd bury the dagger
In your silhouette window light go
To go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me
Now I lost my Saint Christopher now that I've kissed her
And the one-armed bandit knows
And the maverick Chinamen, and the cold-blooded signs,
And the girls down by the strip-tease shows, go
Waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me
No, I don't want your sympathy, the fugitives say
That the streets aren't for dreaming now
And manslaughter dragnets and the ghosts that sell memories,
They want a piece of the action anyhow
Go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me
And you can ask any sailor, and the keys from the jailor,
And the old men in wheelchairs know
And Mathilda's the defendant, she killed about a hundred,
And she follows wherever you may go
Waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me
And it's a battered old suitcase to a hotel someplace,
And a wound that will never heal
No prima donna, the perfume is on an
Old shirt that is stained with blood and whiskey
And goodnight to the street sweepers, the night watchmen flame keepers
And goodnight to Mathilda, too

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 08 May 2003
These no-bid contracts that have been handed out by the Bush Administration (to Halliburton and Cheney's Ghost Inc.) need to STOP! I think we all agree on this - Here is a link to Sen. Wyden's (Dem. Oregon) recent thoughts (April 10, 2003) on the matter and what we can do about it. Go Oregon!

Name: John Chase All Saints Church SF
Date: 08 May 2003
Fascinating project: As you are well aware, All Saints' Church was the headquarters of the diggers during that period.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 08 May 2003
Mark - Here are your words on a preview page
With your permission I will add this in the [Summer ReIssue Update] of the journal. Please change the title to suit + a brief bio + your last name. Thanks very much for writing this - and if you agree "Welcome to The 3rd Page!"
RSVP - as above 3rd Page Ed.

Name: Nicole
Date: 08 May 2003
Gouge, Jag, Mark, Ohio, Eileen, Steve, Eric, Hammond, Rena, Mc Mingus, Joe, Jenn and all of you. Thank you for all of your words, your beautifully powerful words... They are such a comfort to me...whether you have me laughing out loud or my heart cracking open and aching, the feelings are tremendous at times. I feel like you are all my lovers, and my children and my brothers and my sisters and my parents. I realize I want to see you touch you smell you and hear your voices...I'd like us all to seriously consider meeting in the middle somehow, somewhere, some time.
ps another very powerful song of the anti war ilk is Dylans
"God on our side"
But now we got weapons
Of the chemical dust
If fire them we're forced to
Then fire them we must
One push of the button
And a shot the world wide
And you never ask questions
When God's on your side.
In a many dark hour
I've been thinkin' about this
That Jesus Christ
Was betrayed by a kiss
But I can't think for you
You'll have to decide
Whether Judas Iscariot
Had God on his side.
So now as I'm leavin'
I'm weary as Hell
The confusion I'm feelin'
Ain't no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
If God's on our side
He'll stop the next war.

Name: gouge
Date: 08 May 2003
not 'our stories' are a bit different, I mean our "histories" are different...

Name: gouge
Date: 08 May 2003
Really extraordinary, Mark. Thanks.
Our stories are a bit different, but not that much...
Choking down a Sausage Egg McMuffin and a Dew for breakfast as I read your words I thought 'what the fuck am I doing?'
What happened, did we get lazy, complacent? Or was the Beast fated to win all along? It's a time of horror. The mesmerizing circus just keeps us diverted. They call us consumers, but we are the consumed, body, mind and soul. I really despair, that's why I write about my son so much I guess...we have to kill the Beast...we have no choice. I'm getting old and grey and the only weapons I have left are my words...
I'm rambling. Maybe still reeling from what you wrote. Thanks for doing it.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 08 May 2003
Mark - Very strong - well composed and vital! You will be hearing from us in the near future -
The 3rd Page
[Summer ReIssue Update Committee]

Name: JAG
Date: 08 May 2003
Unbelievably stark imagery Mark, I saw much the same in So Cal 66-68, the needle and the spoon, "every junkie's just a setting sun" I didn't run away from home but at 19 I ran away from my past and immigrated to Australia and the backroads of the planet. Heroin? Crank? The closet I saw to dope in Sydney was some very weak weed and some animal speeed scored from a dude who worked at a pet hospital. I actually cleaned up nicley, my most serious escapade came on my 20th B-day when a group of drunken mates I'd met down there had me swilling whiskey from a bottle spaced out on rover's pep pills while I was standing in a fountain taking a leak and shouting look at me I'm a bloody statue!! That's when a local Bobby came upon us and tried to pinch me for lewd and lacivious behavior and public drunkeness,! luckily my mates were locals and talked him out of it after I showed him my ID and proved it was my B-day, this cop hated Yanks and reluctantly let me stagger into that good night to continue my drunken carouseing and homesick blues for another day.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: in the cavern of Memory
Date: 08 May 2003
Greetings all. Mark -- your last couple of posts were outstanding, brought back a lot of memories .. I'm 50 y.o., grew up in DC, was at the March on the Pentagon in '67 .. then Berkeley just after the People's Park police riot .. I guess I did softer time than you, but much you mention is familiar. How mistaken perhaps we were, but the sense back then that any day might bring a new revelation, a breakthrough, the new alchemic key that would make everyday life golden & immortal .. that's what seems to be lost now. Just hustle and bustle, make a buck to spend a buck, as if everything is known already and there can be no new magic realm of possibility .. which I don't believe for an instant, just
saying ' that's how it seems .' In fact the sun that shines today is brand new,
different from any before it .. Huxley in "Island" gave us the mantra : 'Attention , Compassion.' I'm gonna put on Country Joe & the Fish, "Electric Music for the Mind and Body" and turn it up turn it up turn it up

Name: mugu banga
Date: 08 May 2003
i don reach hear guy una hear just stroll pass.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 08 May 2003
Hi Renee! I loved Morningstar. I wasn't there long enough for anyone there to remember me but anyways, hello, Peace!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 08 May 2003
Masters of War, Bob Dylan's masterpiece, the words sung slow enough so that each phrase has time to roll around in your head before you hear the next one. I love this website, laughed so hard about all that self-love and self-inspection and then thought so hard, reading the messages this evening. I'm back on hep C treatment so I need a laugh. Why treatment some might ask, well, it works. Even though the virus relapsed in my case, I know what this treatment did for me, and I can't stand to live like I have the last few weeks. "Cryoglobulins," an abnormal blood protein, a result of hep C that I have, causes alot of painful symptoms and what's worse, it messes up your blood circulation. Treatment would cure that too, so there's quite a bit of reason to me to get re-treated. This is for 48 weeks at higher doses. It just doesn't feel as gruesome to me as the alternative. Speed could still kill after all these years. Oh well, I surely did love speed and smack.
Dr. John........ Around six or seven years ago we went to a "Blues Festival" at the Blossom music center in Ohio, near Akron. Got free tickets because my older son and his wife were working at an organic grocery/restaurant that catered meals for the musicians booked at Blossom. (All jobs should have perks like that!!!!!) The headliner was B.B. King and let me say, that's the best live guitar playing I ever heard in my life. Astounding. For his set, Dr. John strolled onto the stage, heavy and slow, in his white New Orleans suit and fedora-type hat, sat down at the piano and just rolled out the blues. Wow!! His autobiography ("Under a Hoodoo Moon" by Mac Rebennec) is a really good book by the way. Peace

Name: renee gaudier
Date: 08 May 2003
I lived at morning star for about a year with my hippie parents,its really funny reading this ! Im not sure what year it was but I remember it ended with me and my mom getting hepatitis also....I remember being so happy that I was sick because my parents took me to the hospital and i got a nice warm bed,food,a shower with hot water,and ICE CREAM!!!!and meat.....and A TELEVISION!!!! I REMEMBER 2 girls older than me,i was around 7 to ten yrs old they were teenagers one died i think she had syrum hep.I remember Lou,he wanted to take me to L.A. to i think Marlon Brandos acting school but told my parents one of them would have to accompany me of course my parents were having too much fun living in teepees eating apples and brown rice peyote and DROPPING ACID, to even consider their daughters chance of an acting career...that was that....i remember vishnu was just a baby around the time we left.....i remember seeing rena in the full lotus position standing on her head and was crazy....i remember being videotaped by some news channe;l or something....i said i loved it there, and i didnt eat meat because it made people ANGRY

Name: Mark
Date: 08 May 2003
We were into the music. The war was going to go on, the napalm was burning and the old fools stomped through the country roaring the American dream. We tuned in, turned on and dropped the fuck out. In my 1966 it was about psychedelics,
meth, smack, weed and the music. Those hot days we worked at the Los Gatos Car wash, mitters in suds, in black rubber boots while our skin absorbed the fragrances of car wash soap and hot wax. Shifts end would mean climbing soaked into Keith’s black 54 Ford convertible, Smitty mufflers crackling, and wheel up Highway 17 to Black Road leaving the Santa Clara valley for the Santa Cruz Mountains, hammering the Ford in second gear, hanging it out hard through those gravel Gist Road switchbacks up through the oaks and madrones to the redwoods. He would sling that Ford for all it was worth slamming it into the narrow spot to park that looked down on our always behind-in-the-rent cabin roof. If it was Friday, that was money day and the first trip was to the record store and maybe some burgers. The rest, after some serious arguments, inevitably was for the drug of the day and if it was meth the chances of showing up for work the next week were slim. Outfits fashioned from Murine eye droppers, baby pacifiers and rubber bands came out, cotton balls and cartons of Pall Malls, and economy packs of Juicy Fruit gum. By morning the cable spool table would be filled with abalone shells stuffed with cigarette butts, papers, cotton, spoons, matches and bags of weed. A poster of Huey Newton staring out from a wicker chair on one wall and the Incredible Hulk loomed out in dayglo lime green on the other. The sound system often consisted of a tired old turntable wired through a stolen Marshall amp. The reading material was Zap
Comix, the Realist, the Oracle and the Barb. People we didn't even know would appear in the night with tokes of weed to sit and groove. The cabin would be filled with Rick, Keith and I along with an everchanging cast of lost hopelessly stoned ghosts. We were not the angels of light and peace. We weren’t on the high school football teams and we didn’t go to Senior Ball. We had read “On the Road,“Howl” “Dharma Bums”, and the “Junkmans Obligatto”, many had tweaked with Neal and peaked with Ken. We had sold our blood for food at San Jose Blood Bank too many times already. We were what was wrong with the American mythology. Most of the extended group had done CYA and Job Corps time for drugs, one had done two years for a lid. All of us had given up on a system that couldn’t give a shit.
Richie Haven’s “Run Shaker Life” touches off those memories. Those years were filled with the Doors, Quicksilver, Cream, The
Yardbirds, Ten Years After, John Mayall and the Blues Breakers, Muddy Waters, The Blues Project, Siegal-Schwall Blues Band, Paul Butterfield, Big Brother, The Young Bloods, Canned Heat, Jim Kweskin Jug Band, The Joy of Cooking, The Mothers of Invention, The Chambers Brothers (Uptown) , Jimmy Reed ( did I mention Jimmy Reed), Dr. John, the Night Tripper, HP
Lovecraft, Savoy Brown, Cold Blood, It’s a Beautiful Day, Junior Wells, Led
Zeplin, Howlin’ Wolf, Traffic, The Electric Flag, The Buffalo Springfield, Steve Miller, Spirit, Jimi Hendrix, The Velvet Underground, Jeff Beck, Wilson Picket and James Brown. Of course the Beatles and the Stones. The Fillmore, The Avalon, The Longshoremans Hall, and The Barn. It goes on and on.
Dylan was different. He didn’t hit our 72 hour speed run top ten. He was a personal thing. When I crawled out of that cabin looking for cover, slipping deep into depression that was a brutal stew of hallucination, paranoia, and sleeplessness, I would try to find a space in time to let his voice quiet me. If I was lucky, very lucky, I could score a quarter spoon of smack, have some change left to stock up on quarts of Spur malt liquor and begin the impending flameout. Dylan’s early acoustic stuff could help pull me through. “Corrina, Corrina where you been so long.”
During those real early years, after struggling as a runaway on the beach streets of California feeding on shoplifted meals and tourist car break-ins, I gave up in 64’ and enlisted to “get myself together”. A year or so later I was hanging in the Haight on leave and on “unauthorized” absences learning the ropes and dope of the counter culture. I had an artistic affliction that manifested one morning by carefully inking a poster of the lyrics to Dylan’s “ Masters of War” on the inside of my barracks wall locker. During an unexpected inspection by the squadron commander, he personally ripped them off the door. My rage was evident.
This brings me to the point of all this. A few weeks ago I was watching Democracy Now and they played Dylan’s “Masters of War” as a regular musical interlude in the news programming. I was taken. I checked the collection of CD’s and realized I didn’t have a copy. I took off for the music store and secured a copy of “Freewheelin” recorded in 1963 and brought it home. Then I found the lyrics online and posted them here on the
guestbook. What I did next was unexpected. I printed out the lyrics and sat down after dinner to read them as a poem to my kids. I did fine until I reached the lines:
“You’ve thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain’t worth the blood
That runs in your veins”
Without an interior warning of any kind I broke down. The tears rolled out right in front of my family and I couldn’t control it. I tried to gather myself as I am not known for this kind of display but I had to fight for it.
After a few minutes of struggle watching the faces of my stricken family sink into emotion, I managed to finish those last hard lines. I had no idea that this would happen. At that moment I again realized the stakes of this game and when I think of that evening the tears still well. How far have we come to reach this point.

Name: JAG
Date: 07 May 2003
Mark, as the Titular head of the Planet Drum Free Frame of Reference committee you have an obligation to keep it relevant.

Name: Mark
Date: 07 May 2003
Mc Mingus,
Okay, I'll buy that segway. I do have other interests you know.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: a plain brown envelope, please
Date: 07 May 2003
Hmmmn .. well some of us consider it not so much titilating
as bio-activating

Name: Mark
Date: 07 May 2003
The PULSE is the Planet Drum Foundation periodical we put out to members but I thought some of us here might find this provactive and may entice some new members.
Dear Planet Drum Members,
The PULSE for Fall 2003 will tackle challenges to
bioregionalism as a model for political action and
its relevance for social change. We want to address
three obstacles to broader acceptance of bioregional principles:
1. "real-world" economic and political boundaries;
2. bioregions in a changing biosphere;
3. urban living.
These "Hard Questions for Bioregionalism" are
intended as areas for "edgy" thought-provoking discussion
to prime further thought and action.
PULSE is published for its members and relies on their initiative and
creativity for its content. Your submission can be any of the following:
personal account, interview with a remarkable individual, report on an
organization, announcement of an upcoming event or conference, book or video
review, recommended reading, suggested course of action, manifestos,
diatribes, stories, artwork, photos. Submissions should not exceed 2500
words. Deadlines for submission is August 1, 2003. Please send submissions
or direct any question via email or post:
Planet Drum Foundation
PO Box 31251
San Francisco, CA 94131
Please read below for more detailed descriptions of the "Hard Questions for
Bioregionalism." We look forward to receiving your contribution to the next
edition of the PULSE.
Patrick Landewe
"Hard Questions for Bioregionalism"
1. "Real-world" economic and political boundaries: Bioregionalism implies
that historically arbitrary political boundaries should be replaced by
demarcations such as watershed, mountain range, and biotic community.
Presumably, that means challenging power structures and states. What are
ways that you confront the political impositions of county, state and
federal jurisdictions and economic pressures of multi-national corporate
rule? How are these political boundaries made visible on the landscape? Are
you taking action that directly challenges political boundaries that disrupt
or divide natural systems? How does bioregionalism affect political practice
and discourses of power? Are there pragmatic actions that can actually alter
bureaucratic structures to facilitate feedback on the bioregional level?
2. Bioregions in a changing biosphere: The debate among climatologists is
no longer whether or not the climate is changing, but what will be the eventual
effects of global warming. The questions faced by bioregionalists
in regards to global warming are not only about how to decrease levels of
greenhouse emissions but also about how to respond to long-term climatic
changes that are already underway. Beyond Kyoto Protocols and
alternative energy, what does bioregionalism have to say about a changing
biosphere? How are you facing the realities of global warming and how do
bring a bioregional perspective to these global changes? What are the
changes you are witnessing in your local bioregion as a result of global
warming and climatic change? Are you noticing shifts in the biotic
community where you live? Are you seeing new species migrating from
neighboring bioregions as rainfall patterns, sea levels, and growing seasons
change? How does a changing biosphere affect our conceptual understanding
of the bioregion? As people begin to migrate/relocate in response to
climatic changes such as increased frequency of droughts or floods, what
will happen to our understanding of community and local culture?
3. Urban living: Call it bio-urbanity or eco-hip, there are a growing
number of city-dwellers who are applying notions of reinhabitation,
sustainability, and permaculture to the urban centers they've chosen to
reinhabit. The relevance of bioregionalism to urban living is continuously
called into question. Are you living bioregionally in the city? Are you an
urban pioneer or urban neohomesteader? What is your style of
"reinhabitation" in the city? How do you bring a bioregional sensibility to
an urban setting? How can it be made more relevant to city-dwellers? Where
do you find "wildness"? What is the relationship of the city to the
bioregion where it is located? What does the bioregional principle of "local
culture" mean in terms of a cosmopolitan city? What are ways that
you celebrate the emerging biourbanism? What is the bioregional role of
indy-media websites, community radio, zines, alternative newspapers,
community event/art spaces, etc?

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 May 2003
Eileen - Drop me a line about the book - Who knows if I can help but I undoubtedly have a few suggestions about preparing a first draft and what to do in the beginning.
Nicole - I thought they were teaching you how to sew buttons on in home economics - not solo gymnastics! Man I should have taken home economics instead of watching those films suggesting I would go blind..... it would have been much more titilating!

Name: Joe
Date: 07 May 2003
Hey X Lady Im glad to hear you have found a perch. Ive been thinking of New Mexico myself for my respiratory problems....11% humidity sounds good!

Name: Eilee
EmailAddress: Taos Library
Date: 07 May 2003
Hey! Stop it! I'm trying to not be laughing too loud in the library. Anyone that's heard me laugh knows that could cause some damage. Vericose veins according to Adel Davis (my favorite old school health lady), can be cured with high doses of vit E (1000 (iu?)) a day..for a month or so should be ok. Dick on the back of your leg?!..I'm still chuckeling. Hi Steve. Was wondering where you were. This moving with the wind was damn nerve wracking to say the least. Yes Mark the eagle has landed and nary a moment too soon.
Yes..Nicole, and all..please stop by for a visit. It's truely heaven here and friends are welcome.
Anyone want to give me some direction on writing a book and getting it published? I definitely got one in the making from this trip. This is a for real quyestion.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 May 2003
Hammond, thanks for your support.
Jenn, I think Peter C is coming east to go fly fishing with Bobby in Pennsylvania in June if Bobby doesn't have to go back to the north Platt river before then...wanna come out?

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 May 2003
Recently at work I was limping and my co workers asked what had happened...I told them I pulled a muscle while having sex, they asked, "who were you having sex with?" I answered truthfully, "myself" They looked at me like I was crazy...huh? I am totally sane, mostly...but how does the song go...if you can't be with the one you yrself. it's a good thing...and I've got 20-20.
and I was good too!

Name: JAG
EmailAddress: AKA Barbituate Blues
Date: 07 May 2003
I hear ya Mark, every time the Doc say's roll up your sleeve I cringe.

Name: Jenn
Date: 07 May 2003
Another book that includes Tecumseh,and portrays him in a positive Warrior character, but is sci-fi and a bit "mormonish,(as well as the author) but it's worth a read.
"Hatrack River" by Orson scott Card as a Trilogy or
Sometimes listed singularly as: "Seventh Son"
"Red Prophet"
"Apprentice Alvin"
tells some interesting tales, in only the way sci-fi does...
some folks I suggested it to thought so-so, some didn't like it at all, some love it(most did) Tecumsehs' part and that of his brother were my favorites.

Name: Gouge
Date: 07 May 2003
Ohhhh, man!? See, that's one reason I never was any good at that communal living deal. Everybody in on everybody else's jones. Man pulls his pud, and the whole house knows about it. Pretty soon, everybody pullin' they pud, or ticklin' they fancy. Next thing you know, they pullin' somebody else's pud or ticklin' somebody else's fancy, one thing lead to another and you got a big mess on your hands...
better living through chemistry...

Name: Mark
Date: 07 May 2003
Barbiturate Blues,
I got a collection of those lumps (tuinals, nembutals) also. I hate getting blood tests.
Thanks for the advice but surgery is definitly out. I personally have refuted the myth of appendage overuse and blindness in my lifetime. What was that Fleetwood Mac (the real Fleetwood Mac, that is) tune, something to do with a rattlesnake?
I better mix some paint and get back to work.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 May 2003
Steve...squinky???? great word, whatever it means!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 May 2003
Steve - Mark - yes, you both have way too much time (and other matters) on or in your hands. Suggest you both go to the plastic surgeon for a refitting and then to the opthamologist or you will both go blind - at least that is what they taught me in grade school auditoriums while the girls got to watch home economics films.

EmailAddress: Barbituate Blues
Date: 07 May 2003
Ah; the bane of reds, I have a bump on my arm where I found out they were for ingesting not injec.... well anyway, I found out.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: vaudeville live
Date: 06 May 2003
Sunday morning at the nursing home, a little old (very old) lady was sitting near a new arrival, an old but nice-looking man. She asked him, "Are you the man who used to work at Wise's Drugstore? She had to ask him a few times because he's hard of hearing, but eventually he heard her and he replied, "No." And she said: "I didn't think you were him."
That's why I love my job I guess. Hi everyone. Peace

Name: Mark
Date: 06 May 2003
That was a fine piece. It made me think of what was and is.
Thanks for telling us about your dick. It has, with an exception for Gouge, a rather sporadic (dic, get it?)few weeks. I have one those veins on the very tip that, if I watch closely, I can see the blood pulse through. Obviously I have to much time on my hands, or is it in my hands? I can verify that I could be old but the appearance of this tiny, teeny thing was the result of too many reds (referred to as "bankrobber" capsules" in my old crowd), W.Turkey shots , a lack of underwear and a hastily zipped pair of Levis. What can I say, I don't tattoos.

Name: Hammond
Date: 06 May 2003
Welcome home Eileen! So glad you found a place to land.
Nicole - I too would like to hear the words - and thanks for sending the poem.
Gouge - thanks again for your words!
Welcome back Steve - it has been quiet here without your voice.
No news here - same old same old......

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: At Large
Date: 06 May 2003
Hey, some fool left the computer on. Well I passed on the NYC action yesterday because the group who pulled it off wanted it tight and controled. And as such, the heat didnt feel squinky. After arresting so many innoscent by-standers at the last wing-ding; the civil-suit is making them say please, these days. The suit should go well for all of us who plead not guilty and most of the trumped up charges that were added after the fact will most likely be dropped. Sundays meeting which I hosted here was small but fueled up. The remnants of the 30 foot tall George Bush statue that was errected and then toppled uptown Sunday mourning was placed in the center of the meeting floor. Only one obvious under-cover man who naturally turned red each time that he questioned about all those who had been illegaly arrested popped up. He was for the most part laughed off. Not much is new on the home front. Ive' been walking around totally un-armed for weeks now,'s very liberating. I plan on improving my 100 yard dash. Been investing alot in a new drinking program with Miz Nancy; but no "Benitits" to date. Irish Whisky, English Beer and one healthy Polish Gal. Its staggering. She still wants to share some space,..but that "Friends" sitcom life-style is very unapealing to me. She really wonders about me sometimes. Hey, Im' officially old now. While fiddling around the other night, (alone).. I came across a vericous vein in my dick. Now Ive' had one on the back of my leg for some time..(a vein, not a dick)..but I never knew that a blow-out in that area was possible. Its not like it can be used to enhance pleasure etc. No biggy..(the vein I mean)...but, well,...enough about that. Lets see,...a couple new tattoos, mentor is a Nazi named VanRipen who can really nail it in if you can bite the bullet. Well,..still no direction,..Im' spinning my wheels and bidding my time untill something pops. Still no definate word on when the Church will close, and am wondering if the "Up Against The Altar Mother Fucker" program is such a good Idea. Idea??.. idea..seems that I havent had one lately. Later all.

Name: Nicole
Date: 06 May 2003
Thank you Bob.

Name: Gouge
EmailAddress: The night Richie called down the wind.
Date: 06 May 2003
In just a few weeks, my son leaves for Italy, to lose himself in dark Umbrian earths, the paintings and sculpture. To find himself. He's a seeker, and has his wounds. I can only hope the ones I've done will be of some use to him. I feel his restlessness. The peace he seeks is in his heart, it's the path there he must choose.
Unable to stand the face in the morning mirror, I stopped shaving a while ago. The beard came in white. I'm more comfortable now, with that stranger.
Boots and jeans. An old leather jacket surprisingly heavy, moans softly as it settles around my shoulders, then becomes weightless. A second skin. Out into the cool night.
Richie Havens is in town, singing under a tent awning on a little plywood stage in a downtown park. I'm out past the edge of the stage in the shadows, fighting tears at some of the songs. He begins 'Freedom', and a wind comes in from the west. The song builds and the wind becomes angry and harsh, snapping the tent. Threatening. Richie's voice rides the wind he's called down, his guitar whipping it harder, some primitive force, some frenzy, and then it's done. An aching climax. He's bowing low, exhausted, his face twisted in some holy grip of pain and bliss and the wind hisses away along the dark downtown streets.
Later, I speak with him briefly. He looks deeply, smiles and takes my hand in both of his, holding it long. 'Thank you', he says. A wave of calm washing away the dust.
(for Nicole)

Name: Nicole
Date: 06 May 2003
Eileen, so glad to hear from you...and so glad you are in New Mexico...I now have a real reason to go...well, actually the land itself is reason enough, but going to visit you gives me a sense of direction...
I'm so curious about your island experience...sometimes I think it would be hard today, to live on a small speck of land in the middle of the ocean...although it is gorgeous, I'm too much of a nomad.
Welcome home.
Eric and Mark, the moment I get it...

Name: Rena
Date: 06 May 2003
thanks for the input. Osheana is pretty sure she wants to go to school in Northern Callifornia. Her working list is UCSC, SFSU, Sonoma State U, UC Davis, and USF. I'm glad she's attracted tothe life style of the bay area. I was there where I was her agae, though i was doing Haight Ashbury and later the communes.
Oshy is a strong student, all A's and B's. she did well on her SAT's. I'm pretty confident she'll get into the above schoools tho I hope she'll get into her first choice, UCSC, the hardest to get in to from out of state. I realize that she would have a better chance getting in a private school, but I keep hearing that SFSU is much preferred to USF. Our family will help with tuition, so the big challenge is finding the right school. Osheana is hoping to be chosen for the engineering class next year that makes a solar car.

Name: Tim
EmailAddress: Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, and spam
Date: 05 May 2003
Colleges--If your frame of reference encompasses the far reaches of North America, you might also consider St. Thomas Univ., way out in Fredericton, New Brunswick. It's a private school attached to the Univ. of New Brunswick. The history program is excellent--chaired by an expatriate draft resister who loved the land up here and decided to stay. The other chief virtue of the place is that it is very affordable--one of the most affordable in Canada, with a high rate of scholarship assistance. Even more affordable with the exchange rate on the Canadian dollar. Fredericton is a long way from anywhere--provincial in ways both good and bad, and one must keep the bad side in mind. If a student is adaptible, then s/he can get a very good education there. Good luck.

Name: Mark
Date: 05 May 2003
Ah, the eagle has landed. New Mexico sounds great to me. Dry and warm. Hope you get hooked up soon. We miss you here on the book.

Name: Mark
Date: 05 May 2003

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: We made it!
Date: 05 May 2003
At Taos library with a few minutes left.
Miranda and I finally found a home in Questa, New Mex. I sure didn't expect to end up in the very place of my hearts desire. It actually called us. Which is a good thing cause I had my face in the dirt crying for home by the time we made it here. This has been one hard journey I hope never to feel I have do again. It was worth it all for the transformation Miranda has gone through and for all I have learned. Now all I have to do is find a job! Keep those prayers coming..they DO help.
I look forward to the time I can get on line at home. There are still some complications I have to make my way through before that time. Anyone want to drive from Long Beach with my stuff and car still coming back from HI..what a nightmare that little glitch has become for me.
Will check back in from here in a few days. We have an address but no phone yet. Utilities just being turned on.
Thoughts from New Mexico to you all! I can hardly believe I am back. We have such a great place. I can hardly wait to tell you about it.

Name: Eric
Date: 05 May 2003
Nicole -- I also would like to hear what you had to say to those young'ins.

Name: Mark
Date: 05 May 2003
Hi Nicole,
I would like a tape of your presentation when they are available. Thanks.

Name: Nicole
Date: 05 May 2003
Friday evening began with a screening of : "Unprecedented: An Exploration of Florida's Vote Theft
and How "Democracy" May Again be Stolen in 2004."
Every one should see this film...the real skinny on the purging of votes and mistakes also made by the dems in terms of recounts etc...I think they're having a bit of trouble getting networks including HBO to air it...but if it comes to a neighborhood near you...don't miss it...anyway after that a guy from Greenpeace spoke and then the chair of nyu's history department spoke then me...there was probably 100 people there and the students asked alot of went really well and they've asked me to participate in some upcoming events...they are giving me a tape of it, so if anyone wants one...lemme know.
BTW...I've seen a similar andy-gram in readers digest...and it too was hard to digest...formula schmaltz...they must use the same guy that writes the AT&T adds...they can always produce a tear or two
Stopped by to see Steve yesterday, but alas, he was out.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: provincial
Date: 05 May 2003
Does it have to be California ?
Just my 2 cents worth, all I know about is local -- UNC-Asheville is an excellent small college. Work-study .. Warren Wilson college.
I've met students from both .. very hip & aware .. believe it or not, even back here in the sticks.

Name: Tom
Date: 05 May 2003
Check out Berea College in Eastern Kentucky.
It is worth a read. You have to work your way through it.
You work a half a day and you study a half a day.
It's history is great.

Name: Mark
Date: 04 May 2003
The problem of state residency exists in all California state colleges, including UC, State and Junior Colleges. They charge an enormous amount of tuition for out-of-state residents. Rents are equally high in Santa Cruz for student housing. Establishing residency may be an option but that means living here for a couple of years at least I think. I have a daughter at UCSC now and another graduated from there also. The situation now is that tuitions are going up rapidly and services (teachers and classes) are being cutback. Given that, check some of the private colleges in the Bay Area as they are now in the same tuition scale as a non-resident in the state system.

Name: Eric
Date: 04 May 2003
Rena --
SF State University has a good reputation in the Cal State university system. The campus is very bucolic, in the Park Merced section of the City. Many of the liberal academics who hovered around the Haight-Ashbury in the late sixties were teaching at SF State. The student body is very diverse, and SFSU prides itself on its reputation. Here is an interesting study on student perceptions of the school:
The main problem that all students in San Francisco face is housing. However, the dot-com bust has created a free-fall in commercial rents, and to some extent in housing rents too. There are several good rental guides online, for example:
Mateo is teaching at SF State as a grad student these days so if you have any questions, I can pass them onto him.
Good luck,
(So many friends and acquaintances have kids who have recently gone through or are facing the college choosing process, it's like a generational rite of passage.)

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: Sf State University
Date: 04 May 2003
Anyone have any experience with SFSU? Osheana is considering colleges in Northern California and some friends recommended this school highly. She loves UC Santa Cruz but it is very tough for out of staters to get in. Love some feedback abouy SFSU and any other great schools in Northern California.
Eileen, wherever you are, I hope you're grooving.

Name: JAG
Date: 04 May 2003
Life without an apostrophe would be a catasrophe (methinks)

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 May 2003
Frank Zappa did an album called "Apostrophe" - which includes the near hit "Please Don't Eat The Yellow Snow" - which uses an apostrophe in the song title. Where would the world be without apostrophes? One big Free Frame of Reference? Certainly the language would be questionable - but what is the tense of it all and who really cares?
Andy-gram Spam is disinformation at its best - (worst) and as we get closer to the chad election I suspect we and all will be seeing more and more of this sort of alias patriot propagarbage.
"Dissent will not be constrained by hypocracy!" - -
but alas - where is the apostrophe?

Name: Scott Jay Regner
Date: 04 May 2003
The Diggers were the heart of the 'hippie' and 'youth' movements, and they didn't generally use apostrophes.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: urban spam legend
Date: 04 May 2003
When an Andy-gram arrives with a false tear-jerking legend to try to prove the sender's point, well, that's spam. It's no different than the spam legends that get forwarded over and over by acquaintances and co-workers etc. Spam by any other name is still spam. We just got spammed is all.

Name: JAG
Date: 03 May 2003
Gouge, L. Cohens rendition is an original and probably the best but I have several versions by others as well as his, my favorite is by Don Henly he does Cohen's lyrics justice.
As for Andrew and his cohorts, Just shows to go ya!!

Name: Mark
Date: 03 May 2003
Thanks for exposing the liberties taken by A. Nelson. The dishonesty used to forward his threat exemplifies the rights method. Very slimey shit.

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 May 2003
All - any of you that haven't heard Cohen singing the lyrics to "Everybody Knows"- run out and get the album - it is terrific!!!
Thanks Gouge.....
and great leg work Eric!

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 May 2003
Stew and Hammond Counter Punched Again

Name: Gouge
Date: 03 May 2003
'Naturally the common people don't want war, but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.'
Hermann Goering, Hitler's Reich-Marshall,
at the Nuremberg trials.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: ma'at
Date: 03 May 2003
I can here the beating of the chest. snakes are rising to the patriots nest.
Daniel Lanois

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: ma'at
Date: 03 May 2003
I can here the beating of the chest. snakes are rising to the patriots nest.
Daniel Lanois

Name: Eric
Date: 03 May 2003
Just to show what phonies these pseudo-patriots are. That message below from "Andy Nelson", didja read that? He writes that "last night" he flew from Atlanta to Alabama and the pilot announced that PFC Howard Johnson's body was onboard, having been killed in Iraq.
Well, a little research shows that this soldier was buried four weeks ago today in Mobile, Alabama. So, whether or not you believe in the underlying message, note that there's a basic lie that this writer has tried to foist on us.
The Right has no respect for truth. Only what serves their hidden agenda of world domination.

Name: Mark
Date: 03 May 2003
The changes to the site are good. I like it.
Thanks for putting up the Cohen thing. I am going to revisit his stuff.

Name: Gouge
Date: 03 May 2003
"Everybody Knows"
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died
Everybody talking to their pockets
Everybody wants a box of chocolates
And a long stem rose
Everybody knows
Everybody knows that you love me baby
Everybody knows that you really do
Everybody knows that you've been faithful
Ah give or take a night or two
Everybody knows you've been discreet
But there were so many people you just had to meet
Without your clothes
And everybody knows
Everybody knows, everybody knows
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows, everybody knows
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
And everybody knows that it's now or never
Everybody knows that it's me or you
And everybody knows that you live forever
Ah when you've done a line or two
Everybody knows the deal is rotten
Old Black Joe's still pickin' cotton
For your ribbons and bows
And everybody knows
And everybody knows that the Plague is coming
Everybody knows that it's moving fast
Everybody knows that the naked man and woman
Are just a shining artifact of the past
Everybody knows the scene is dead
But there's gonna be a meter on your bed
That will disclose
What everybody knows
And everybody knows that you're in trouble
Everybody knows what you've been through
From the bloody cross on top of Calvary
To the beach of Malibu
Everybody knows it's coming apart
Take one last look at this Sacred Heart
Before it blows
And everybody knows
Everybody knows, everybody knows
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Oh everybody knows, everybody knows
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 May 2003
Eric - Well done!
Mark - Write On!
Most Simply Andy - Bless you're ultra-conservative fatith-based heart for trying to communicate these essentially right-wing war-enhancing anti-peace on earth feelings to us. Most simply Andy we are not the kind of folks you would ever invite home for dinner so in case you were going to ask - No Thanks!
Happy May Daze to one and all..

Name: Mark
Date: 03 May 2003
Re: Andy
This is a typical response from those who are feeding on the American myth. The discussion and emotions have been corraled by a self-referencing of Patriotic fervor. These celebrations of the drama of war are entertaining for those who take part, allowing the unbridled expression of the darker side of personality like pride, racism, nationalism, violence and christian supremacy. The real reasons for this war are, once again, left behind to be forgotten while the nations "patriots" dance dizzly with the devil. The polictical/educational/media system has worked hard to benefit from the American mytholgy and is it's perpetrator. The words Andy Nelson put up here are a clear and sad example of the robotic citizen produced by our American factory. Shame.

Name: Eric
Date: 03 May 2003
Hey all,
I archived the April messages to make for quicker loading of this Guestbook page.
More importantly, I created a new navigation bar at the top of the page. This will allow the reader to access all the main and second level pages from any page in the web. You need IE 5.5 or Netscape 6 or later to view this navbar. Hope that doesn't create a problem for anyone.
I also changed the web theme to get rid of the spiral notebook design on the left border. This seemed to cause problems reading text on some pages.
Any suggestions or comments on the design changes are most welcome.

Name: JAG
Date: 03 May 2003
Well said and so true. This country was built by the labor of enslaved and reviled people. The truths we hold so dear are nothing more than empty promises held out like a carrot on a stick so that those who have nothing will endlessly strain like mules in a harness to grasp what will alway's be just out of reach. The rights of others has alway's meant the rights of the minority who hold sway in Washington and this country has never in it's history made a rush to accept foreign concepts or alien peoples without at first isolating them in a cultural ghetto and making them chaff until they broke their own chains.They were here not because we held their freedom dear but because corporate greed held their labor cheap.
Andy Nelson and his ilk forget the most patriotic sentiment I know. "I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it!!"

Name: Orion
Date: 03 May 2003
To Andy Nelson,
I am one of those protesters you so quickly dismissed in your message about flying home last night with a dead soldier in the cargo hold of the plane.
I would ask what you meant by the following: '...if you meet anyone that's not "on board" with this philosophy, i.e. the protesters to which Bob refers, that you "correct the situation".'
What does it mean: "correct the situation"? Is that what Americans are supposed to do with dissenters?
I'm reading about Tecumseh, the great Shawnee war chief, and the history of the late 1700s in the United States. It makes me realize ever more how this country is totally morally indefensible at the very core of its existence. We stole everything we have. It's that simple. The plane you flew back from Atlanta? It was stolen. That flag you wrap yourself in? Stolen with the blood of the natives we robbed and the Africans we enslaved.
Now this country has turned into the personification of the black hearted frontiersman who took his club and bashed the brains of the Shawnee children and women and old men until his arms were exhausted and he turned the job over to his subordinates.
Your "correct the situation" sounds eerily like Hitler's "final solution", for that is who we have become.

Name: Andy Nelson
Date: 03 May 2003
I want to tell you of an experience I had last night flying home from
Atlanta. The pilot came on the intercom and went through the usual
announcements telling us that "we're just east of Montgomery cruising at
28,000 feet" and "you've picked a beautiful night for flying, just look at
the gorgeous southern sunset out of the right side of the plane". He then,
however, said this: "Please bear with me as I deviate from the script, but I
want you all to know that simply by coincidence you have been granted both
the privilege and honor of escorting the body of Army PFC Howard Johnson,
Jr. home tonight. PFC Johnson was killed in Iraq defending the freedoms we
all enjoy, and fighting to extend those freedoms to the people of Iraq. We
are also accompanied by PFC Johnson's cousin, Marine Major Talley, who has
been chosen by the family to escort PFC Johnson home. Semper Fi!"
The plane quickly became very quiet, but soon erupted in thunderous
applause that lasted for several minutes. It was quite moving, to say the
least. As I sat there thinking about what the pilot had said, and
visualizing PFC Johnson's dead body riding below me in the belly of that
plane, I noticed a couple of things. Two rows in front of me sat a father
holding his daughter, an infant, and they were practicing "ma-ma" and in the
row behind me was another young boy, probably 2 or so, learning to count to
10. Now obviously both are too young to realize we're at war, or that one of
our dead was with us, but it made me think, and this is the point: These
warriors, mostly young, all volunteers, everyday are prepared to give their
lives for our future, for a safer, more secure future for people they don't
even know, all based on the principle that fighting and dying for this
country is worth it. You all know and agree with this, but not everyone
does, so I would ask that if you meet anyone that's not "on board" with this
philosophy, i.e. the protesters to which Bob refers, that you "correct the
By the way, the flight ended with all of us deplaning only to line the
windows of the gate house to watch PFC Johnson's body, draped in the
American flag, be rolled out of the plane and into a waiting hearse that was
surrounded by his family members.
Please pray that our soldiers' sight is acute, their aim is true, and
that as many come home as God can spare. GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS, GOD BLESS THE USA!
Andy Nelson
Montgomery, Alabama

EmailAddress: @Catholic School
Date: 02 May 2003
God was showing a group of new arrivals Heaven, He walked them around and showed the sublime and the wonderous and took them on a tour of all the glories contained in the afterlife, after a while they came upon a huge edifice so large as to be incomprehensible to fathom, as was much in Heaven. As they approached this edifice God motioned for the newly arrived to be silent. Everyone was dutiful and they passed this structure in silence. After passing one of the assemblage asked God what was in the edifice that they should be silent. He replied "That is where the Christians live and they think they are the only one's here."

Name: Gouge
Date: 02 May 2003
I Am a Book I Neither Wrote nor Read
I am a book I neither wrote nor read,
A comic, tragic play in which new masquerades
Astonishing as guns crackle like raids
Newly each time, whatever one is prepared
To come upon, suddenly dismayed and afraid,
As in the dreams which make the fear of sleep
The terror of love, the depth one cannot leap.
How the false truths of the years of youth have passed!
Have passed at full speed like trains which never stopped
There where I stood and waited, hardly aware,
How little I knew, or which of them was the one
To mount and ride to hope or where true hope arrives.
I no more wrote than read that book which is
The self I am, half-hidden as it is
From one and all who see within a kiss
The lounging formless blackness of an abyss.
How could I think the brief years were enough
To prove the reality of endless love?
- Delmore Schwartz
Poet Delmore Schwartz (1914-66): Orpheus in Purgatory
pulled off wood s lot

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 02 May 2003
Happy May everone and a big bottom burp to you all

Name: Nicole
Date: 02 May 2003
Hammond...not to worry, you are both very titilating !!!!!
they are trying to figure if they can destroy the old ballots from Florida 2000 or keep them as historical documents...hysterical documents

Name: Joe
Date: 02 May 2003
I remember the 9/11 victims.....I was almost one......and I interact everyday with the survivors, including myself......and I dont see the connection with Iraq as any more than with Saudi Arabia, which by the way Bush administration is doing everything it can to withold documents that link saudis to 9/11 from those who have filed suit against saudi's for funding terrorism. The same lawyer who broke through with tobacco lawsuits is persuing this and is getting sandbagged by our government while getting cooperation from others including Russia. I think the war had to do as much with unfinished business for his father and the assasination plot by Iraq against him as it did even about oil.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 01 May 2003
Does anyone remember that the Space Shuttle was lost? Does anyone even remember the people who died on 9-11, and whether their survivors are getting by OK? Did the terror end for them? We are just supposed to think about statues being knocked down in that country that has the oil, and the new big word pre-emptive. But we better not think too hard about that word because we are supposed to stay happy about it. I wish I was back on Schrader Street.

Name: Mark
Date: 01 May 2003
Protest Bush!
Money for jobs, education and people's needs, not for war!
End the occupation now!
Friday, May 2
8:30 a.m. - See details below
United Defense Technologies
Santa Clara
Gather: 8:30 am Marsalli Park, Santa Clara (see below)
March: 9:00 am
Rally: 9:30 am United Defense Technologies, 1205 Coleman, Santa Clara
Gathering point: Marsalli Park ("Lafayette" Park on older maps) -- The park is at the corner of El Camino Real and Lafayette Street in Santa Clara. From Highway 101, take the de la Cruz Blvd exit south. Not far from the freeway, bear right onto El Camino Real. The park will be on your right.
(The area around UDT will be closed to all traffic. Do not try to go directly to the rally site.)
1. The Santa Clara CalTrain station is about four blocks from Marsalli Park. Turn right on El Camino as you come out of the station. Organizers will also run shuttles from CalTrain to the park.
2. Carpools will leave at 7:45 am from Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, 457 Kingsley Avenue, Palo Alto and at 8:00 am from South Bay Mobilization, 480 North First Street, San Jose.
3. Buses will be going to the protest from San Francisco and Oakland. Call Global Exchange for information and to reserve a seat. 415-575-5555
For more information, contact:
Direct Action to Stop the War,
Global Exchange, 415-575-5555,
International ANSWER, 415-821-6545,
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, (650) 326-8837,
South Bay Mobilization, 408-998-8504

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 May 2003
Oh great - I make the slip and McMingus gets the laugh!
Well I never......

Name: Nicole
Date: 01 May 2003
Mc Mingus, that was very funny...

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: skulking
Date: 01 May 2003
I went to Catholic school where there were no benitits

Name: JAG
Date: 01 May 2003
Nichole, yeah, she was forthcoming about some things, Kabala for one, I find that whole Jewish Mysticism concept fascinating, monotheism vs mysticism and I need to know more before making a judgement call about it all.
As far as Colin Jr. I guess its not supprising, I had hoped Colin Powell would have been a stabilizing influence in this administration but as the only vocal "moderate" in this regime he has been less than effectual and is only following the lead of his compatriot's, the whole lot go back to Reagan and Bush Sr and blood is thicker.... as they say.

Name: Nicole
Date: 01 May 2003
Jag, I agree with you, although I must say she suprised me in other areas...I thought she was pretty candid...for the most part
by the way did you see the blog about the fact that the George W Bush appointed head of the FCC is none other than the son of Colin Powel !!! How's that for complicity...geesh!

Name: JAG
Date: 01 May 2003
I had the misfortune of viewing Madonna's special the other night and was less than impressed. When pressed by Matt Lauer as to why she pulled the controversial Bush grenade video all she could mutter were inanities about not alienating her audience and disrespecting the troop's since she had made the video prior to the Iraqi debacle.
She, like so many of her ilk, do not want to sacrifice one iota of fame and fortune for a cause she obviously has sympathy for. Michael Moore made his mark by doing just that and it has'nt hurt his box office, in fact he make's it clear it has only enhanced the gate receipt's. The political climate in this country is so "McCarthy" as to be a re-run of the 50's. Blacklisted entertainer's, Tim Robbins, Dixie Chicks, Sean Penn, and many others. I think they are finding though that in the long haul they will only earn respect for having the gonads to take a stand and not cower to public opinion. The entire Bush adminstration will some day answer for their complicity in perpatrating a policy of empire building and domestic inertia with no regard for the social ramifications of ignoring the one's most in need and reaping obscene profit's at their expense.

Name: !!!
Date: 01 May 2003
Freudian slip on "benitits" !!! - but then that was seeming part of the "benifits" so I guess the term applies! Sorry ladies for my indescretion!

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 May 2003
PS - Gouge - I take that back there was one other Blind Date via a cadet's girlfriend's best friend - and she was something. I nearly fell over when I first laid eyes on her she was so good looking. A very hip young lady from Agoura near Malibu Lake, Ca who was the 1st cousin of a well known Broadway star. Being in a military school with the sons of famous people did have a few benitits when it came to the oposite sex! And "V" I am certain is making some guy - somewhere - a very, very lucky man.

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 May 2003
Gouge - Thanks for the comments and indeed we really must chat about military schoolisms and the lot. Co-ed military school? Now that would have been great! Although my class and the class just before mine laid so much carnage to the school's image that had there been a cadet-ess corps on hand our school doctor "Shakey" would have been forced to become an on-campus abortionist . Our rep preceded us and the local high school forbid any of their girls to come to our dances - so the cadets who didn't have girlfriends from home were forced to have blind dates with the less than beautiful yet sexually frustrated young ladies from Our Lady of the Flowers Catholic school - until that is and following a spate of decisive 'unFlowering' at our Junior Prom the sisters at OLF instituted their own ban on our academy functions. Blind dates then had to come via the girlfriend of one of your friends - ideally one with a really good looking girl friend! I ventured into this Blind Date arena but once - and really lucked out. Can't remember who my cadet friend was who set me up with his girls best friend but should he be reading this "Thank You!" My blind date turned out to be the very lovely and daring daughter of actress Della Street - Perry Mason's on screen secretary. What fun......and best to all - H.

Name: Mark
Date: 01 May 2003
Protest George Bush War Criminal! Stop the Colonial Occupation of Iraq! — Santa Clara
Friday, May 2
8:30 a.m.
Bush will deliver a speech on Friday, 9:30 a.m., at United Defense Technologies in Santa Clara. Join South Bay Mobilization, International A.N.S.W.E.R., Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Direct Action to Stop the War, and Global Exchange in protesting Bush and demanding money for jobs, education and people's needs, not for war!
Check with sponsors for exact event location. For people taking public transportation, shuttles will be available from the Santa Clara Caltrain station. Buses are available from San Francisco and Oakland. Call Global Exchange (415-575-5555) to reserve a seat or help with car pooling.
Carpools will leave from the South Bay Mobilization office, 480 North First Street, San Jose, at 7:45 a.m.
STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES! Negotiations with various authorities are underway. We will update you as soon as we have more confirmed information to share.
For info, call 408-998-8504 or 415-821-6545.

Name: g
Date: 01 May 2003
Just a wee thought - wonder if the good john blackwell [528 Schrader St]freed the stove? maybee yer warming them tootsies someplace.........

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