These are the Guestbook Entries from 2003. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from November, 2003. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2003.

Name: diane
Date: 30 Nov 2003
I lived at Morningstar around boyfriend at the time visited Morningstar with a woman he had met at the side of the road in Sausalito while hitch-hiking back home to me..Her name was Martha and her little girl was Casandra.....he then came back to get me(with her)oh the lovely 60s and 70s!and we all drove back to live at Morningstar--one big happy family. I remember Rena and Lou, and the Baltimore 4 as we called a group of 4 young guys living there...I remember Bob and Shep I think he was called..they lived in a school bus. Also, Dan Doe who lived in the teepee. Alan and I built a tree house between 4 Redwoods, with clear vinyl walls and ceiling. The northern CAl. rainy season was not great with our slightly sloped roof, but not-to-worry..we remedied the rain collection by cutting a hole in the floor and letting the rain water just run through. We spent time at Wheelers Ranch occasionally...with another resident of morning star named Maverick...he was a "cowboy" of sorts...very much of a character. We found out the car he was driving us around in was stolen. I am sad we do not have any pictures of Morningstar...I would love to see any photos if anyone has some to share. It was a very interesting time in life, and alot has changed, but the memories of the late 60s and 70s are amazing treasures. My friends now cannot believe I used to live such a lifestyle!

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Nov 2003
They are essentially the same vehicle. They are also inherently unsafe. If you are looking at new vehicles or newer, check the Mazda Tribute/Ford Escape.

Name: R
Date: 30 Nov 2003
before i bought my last car i purchased a one month subscription to Conusmer Reports online. i think it's for $3.95 I was able to get the inside scoop on which car was the safest. Besure to notify consumer reports that you are canceling your subscription or they will bill you every monty. it was the best $4 spent while car searching. my daughter wanted a toyota truck which had a miserable safty rating. she got a safer car.
good luck

Name: claude
Date: 30 Nov 2003
I know they are very similiar. Try going to eBayMotors and search for these models being offered. Compare the specs and this will answer a lot of questions. There is usually extensive detail/specs in these listings, and that might help.
Good luck

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: dogpatch/Oakland
Date: 29 Nov 2003
Does anybody out there know the differences between a Suzuki Samurai and a Chev. Geo Tracker (sport, manual, 4wheel drive.) Are these two effectively the same vehicles? Who makes the engines (4 or 6 cyl?)This is an urgent plea for any information concerning these vehicles--please respond soonest, as in now, if possible. Mountain time 9:19 pm......................Travis

Name: CounterPunched (Again)
Date: 29 Nov 2003
CounterPunched Weekend
Another Op-oetic venture by Stew & Hammond

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Nov 2003
Doc - I heard back from Allen - who does remember Tobacco - with the following note - to all that he will soon be writing about his adventure into Liver Replacement land - sorry he couldn't be more help and good luch finding your friend.
From Allen:
Soon I'll be able to write a letter about the adventure . But to answer inquiry - I knew eobacco but he didn't write for the Oracle. He was a Digger who got crash pads together for Summer of Love.

Name: Rena
Date: 29 Nov 2003
Aloha. No, Doc, I don't remember... there were thousands of wonderful souls that passed through Morningstar. However, David at Wheeler's may remember. He's still there, and was there for the whole time. his e address is <> andhe is the Wheeler Ranch historian. He used to known as "David Abraham" because he is so tall.
Eileen, my computer dying was a great liberation. I was surprised what a hold it had on me. I am now on a new iMac and i love it. I got the low end model, claimed a student discount (it's for my daughter?) Anyway, I enjoyed talking with you on the phone earlier this week after 33 years!!! Eileen, looking forward to your journey to our tropics.
by the way, the name "rena morningstar" is fine, but i never married Lou so the Gottlieb is not part of my handle. Lou was certainly my soul mate, but I refused his offer of marriage. Turns out we never could have anyway because by deeding Morningstar to God his divorce from his original wife was stymied because there could be no division of property. for the record, I'm friendly with his first wife who lives in Berkeley and is a very cool woman. She (Lee) recently went on a cruise with Howard Zinn. The cruise was sponsored by (I think) The Progressive or some simular alternative press. Howard Zinn was the main attraction. I would have loved to have gone as I'm a big Zinn fan. I read his books and even listen to his cd's. He is fascinating and tells it like it is (or was).
Love to all. the ocean is calling. ...

Date: 29 Nov 2003
Hank sergon is an inmortal police officer in Houston, Texas
And has an interesting theology of the word like

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Nov 2003
Hi Doc - how marvelous of you to drop back in - I have no idea about your friend "Tobacco" but as you mentioned that he might have written for the Oracle - I have asked Allen Cohen (in recovery from a recent Liver transplant) - It might be awhile before I hear back - but when I do I will let ya know if he remembers your friend or you from Gene's book of photos - which I rather think Allen has at hand....
Eileen - I (we) am (are) so proud of you! As claude says - maybe there is hope for (even) me!

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Nov 2003
Doc~You're in the right place. Stick around. While we may not be here much until we recover from thru the archives to see who and what's up here. I was on the street and at Olema. But there's Rena Morningstar/Gotleb. Perhaps she may remeber you..but I think her computer is down until the beginning of the wk.

Name: Doc Ray
Date: 29 Nov 2003
Howdy. I was one of the young runaways in the Haight in 67. I came up there with a hippy named Tobacco from Strawberry Fields Commune in Malibu Canyon. He had something to do with the Oricle, I writer I believe. Anyone know what happened to him? I also stayed at Morningstar for a time and at Wheelers. There is a pic of me in the book 'The Summer of Love' by Gene Anthony. Page 63 I'm the one in the leather jacket. Curious if anyone recognizes me. Would like to connect with folks who were there to share foggy memeories.
Peace Doc

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Nov 2003
Hi Claude~It's just as well we missed. Too much going on here. But do hope we get another chance this yr. I stopped smoking partly cause my daughters ganged up on me about it. Smoking's such a weird thing and takes some supper overmind we possess to give it controll. I realized I was mistaking hungry signal for smoking am eating again and giving myself permission to eat whatever and whenever I want until I level out. I feel so proud of myself its my way of rewarding myself! But some days my lungs ache so. Lung cancer is such a stupid way to die and emphysema you get to drown above water and heart attacks are equally as stupid. Not thinking we can die should have gone out by our 20's. Odd marijuana is made illegal when tobacco isn't and is a zillion times more addictive and distructive. Not that we need all these damn laws and taxes for every move we make. Speaking of that, Nov. Forbs zine has a whole write up are marijuana in Canada that really rubbed my fur the wrong way..pretty much selling the business! That's way too weird when it finally gets acknowledged by the straight money market!! I got to say the market has made a whole new leap this year that I really don't like in the least. Was a good time for me to step out of it. Never dreamed it would take the turn it has and still remain semi illegal. The gov't is so wacked. Saw pictures of Bush in (Irack sorry I still can't spell it) and I admit it, for 1/2 a minute it really pulled at my hearststrings. Aww. But this guy did not earn his place to wear a uniform of any kind and is just a corny schmuck there for a photo op and using the guys there for a backdrop. Hello..what took him so long to show up? He's aways missing the boat. That's what I have to say about that. Nice try winnie. Great visit with my little family..but missed you guys. Hope you had a good on.

Name: claude
Date: 28 Nov 2003
Yes, Eric, that was a great evening, thank you. I expect to be back in the summer, for another reunion, not digger related, and I'd like to get together again. I don't think we were anywhere near finished mining the topic.
Mission Bar & Grill, east side of Mission, two doors down from 21st. Black and white tile entry; small, but tall, inside, giving an unexpected spaciousness. Severely elegant simplicity, not expensive. Because I talked so much, I only had the lentil minnestrone special, which was perfect, lentils accorded the respect they deserve. Owner Nidal generously allowed us to hog the best table all night, right on the sidewalk window. Martin Mc was there also, and Joe, whose name I forgot. Best of all, a block and a half to Clane's pad. Thanks again, Eric.
When I go to San Francisco, I wonder a lot if I could live there again, or rather, live without New Mexico. How would I like to be there? I'd like to at least try it. How would I make it there? Well, that's the question, isn't it?
I guess what I need to do is write the outrageous novel that slaughters every New Mexico sacred cow (they litter the cultural landscape), lays bare all myths and foibles, makes me a pot of money and gets me thrown out out the state, whereupon, I have to return to San Francisco, a New Mexican exile, in genteel retirement. Anybody know an agent...
(Eileeen, there was no way, but I thought of it...) and you go, girl, on the not smoking. You give me hope I can do it.

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Nov 2003
Good start but kind of boring. What's wrong with these people? Gumbo with no okra?? Puleese.
3 c. cooked turkey
1 pkg. smoked sausage
1/2 c. green onions, sliced
1 sm. onion, chopped
Cayenne pepper (opt.)
Flour & oil
Fillet gumbo
Make a roux with flour and oil. Salt and pepper the turkey. Then saute in the roux until it gets brown. Transfer the meat into a gumbo pot. Saute the onions and green onions in the leftover roux and then add to the meat. Add enough water to 3" to 6" above the meat. Season with Accent and pepper to taste. Simmer 3 to 4 hours at a slow boil until broth is about 2" above meat, stirring every 20 minutes.
Add a generous amount of paprika to provide red coloring to gumbo. Slice sausage into pieces and fry for 4 or 5 minutes. Add sausage to gumbo and let it return to a boil. Reduce heat and sprinkle in 1/2 to 1 ounce of fillet gumbo. Let gumbo simmer (not boil) for 10 to 20 minutes to thicken. Gumbo should be served over rice.

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Nov 2003
UUh I'm so stuffed I can't sit down. 2 days of eating..ok gourging. Got to see if there's a turkey gumbo receipe to finish this sucker off. Onward turkey...

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 28 Nov 2003
Continuing Stories - Get the full monty on GW's plans for the Draft.

Name: patman
Date: 27 Nov 2003
Whew, traffic from n.georgia to western north carolina was horrendous.Glad to be home. Hope everyone has a thankful thanksgiving. Peace, Patrick

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Nov 2003
Eric - good move mate. Your Memcon will be a treat.

Name: Eric
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Spent last evening with Claude at the new Mission Bar & Grill. Very enlightening
encounter. Claude is a true Dharma Bum, even to the extent of his zazen practice.
He was tolerant of my incessant questions and the information he imparted was invaluable. Got to write up
a Memcon now.

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Mark, the Dixie Chicks and Texas were synonomous with G.W. and Carlos is synonomous with those %$#@*%># assholes. I think the Chicks hit closer to home but Carlos has always been a Homie and Homie don't play that game.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Windows
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Ouch! and touche' I feel exposed, I am hiding in plain sight (my words and a few less) If I could I would, follow through, no pain no gain, subjectivity minus objectivity = ?, issues, answers, questions, the blind leading the blind. A life lifed lived with out inquiring is a life not lived. The implications? Many and varied, Expectations?, High, Whose?, mine, Issues? None really, Windows to the soul? One broken, Would love to look at it, shouldn't block, lazy and unfocused? Could be, Muddling through? Definately,
I yam what I yam and the moving finger writes and having writ moves on and all thy piety and all thy wit shall not succeed in canceling half a line.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Just got off the phone with my brother in Bangkok. I am waiting for his daughter, my niece, to arrive from UC Santa Barbara for the weekend. I know the traffic will be bad on 101. He went to a Santana concert in Bangkok where Carlos apparently interrupted the show with a political rant explaining that he wasn't part of the Bush amerika and spent time on the state of things. Of course, my brother and his wife stood up and cheered. Turns out that the section of the concert where they were seated was populated by employees of Haliburton, Chevron, and Unocal. Oh well, no Christmas Card from those folks. Funny how we hear about the Dixie Chicks and not Santana in the news.

Name: your words and a few more
EmailAddress: this way and that
Date: 26 Nov 2003
I spy, seeing double. Double what? Double trouble. Someone? Expectations? Whose? What's the issue? A real headache. Windows of the soul. Just can't look at it. Gotta block/distractions. No insurances. Lazy and refusing to focus? Who says? Muddling through? The implications?

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: The ayes have it
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Just got in from Seattle and the I-5 corridor on the day before Thanksgiving is not a pretty thing. Five North bound accidents three South bound made for a long and arduous drive,(I'm a passenger for now) and many people didn't make it home for the holidays, makes you realize what a tenuous hold we have on life and how quick it can end.
Happy Turkey Day to all, Eileen, McMing, Ohio Girl, Nichole, Hammond, Mark, Patman, Claude, Missing in action Steve, Joe and any and all who visit here and I am thankful for all who have expressed their thoughts and cares for my predicament.
Nichole, I am thinking more like Karmic retribution or the Seven Deadly Sins or a ripple in the fabric of my existence etc., I am sure I have some overdue Karma. revenge has never been a priority and I think it only leads to a vicious cycle of escalation.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: next year it's pizza. period
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Eileen .. try this .. one to many shallow bowls of any commonplace vinegar left
standing around your house, open to the air, for a day or two .. in general, vinegar absorbs smoke odors .. you can clear the smoky air from a grease fire or suchlike by waving around a damp towel w/ vinegar in it .. might work for old tobacco smoke .. if no good, blame it on Digger engineering !

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Thanks guys. Air is a good thing! Just had to finish freeking out. It was too hard stopping to turn back, but I'm paying..but still not as bad as what I felt when I was smoking. You know when one gets too far from the best possible health, it is all too easy to forget what that feels like. Augh. Now my house has that nasy smokers smell. Any suggestions? I don't have curtains and will clean the windows. But what about the interior in general?

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Nov 2003
I think you have the stuff to get by the tabacco monkey this time. It is worth the ill effects if you just keep going. Waking up on a crisp cool morning with clear breathing is it's reward. You can do it this time.

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Nov 2003
EILEEN - Yippie! - 'Keep On Not Smok'in!' - (tobacco)

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Nov 2003
that would be glassws on.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Hammond~I think it's almost a week of being clean!!! I feel like I've come out of the black bog!..but I sure have a headache at the moment. Poison moving around. Guess I didn't get to the vit C and water soon enough today. Miranda is moving back in. Couldn't cut it on her own, but gave us both (OK me for sure) a badly needed break. Both of us also got some introspection that I think moving back in together will be somewhat different.
Mack~Yes, better everyday. Makes dealing with the world a great deal less traumatic when my life doesn't feel traumatic too.
Nicole~She got tired of waiting and got his phone # from me. Don't know if she's talked to him yet or not. I will give her your greetings.

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Everyone have a great turkey whatever day!
Eileen - you didn't mention the status of you know what. What's what?

Name: Nik
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Yes Hammond, the presidential peice.
Jag, I'm just thinking of some source of the "dis-ease" lines like...keeping your eye on the prize...eye for an eye(got any revenge thing going on?) the ayes have it...oops wrong aye...etc.
Eileen, please give Ariel my love...and let her know I'll e-mail her Jeramiah address, she'd asked for it.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Happy Thanksgiving to has been a surprising few years posting here and I am thankful for the good conversations.
I am thinking of you and am hopeful your situation will resolve itself soon. Your post about Hot Tuna brought back memories. The Airplane and Hot Tuna did a lot of time in the Santa Cruz area. I remember Grace Slick careening around in a Citroen, and a particularly full tilt blow-out at the Chateau Liberte up in the hills with Hot Tuna including Papa John Creach and Felix Pappalardi. They nearly blew the walls out of that old place.
It is nice to read your positive thoughts in a not so positive time. Looking forward to getting together with you.
Thanks for providing great thoughts and memories of course the 3rd page.
Ohio Girl, McMing, FYI(suspect),Claude,Nicole,Tomas,RNA,Patman,Curious, and all the rest have a full and fulfilling Thanksgiving.
You are the man, thanks again for this site and all the dedication to it.
It is time for the Mutant for Peace to reveal himself!

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Nov 2003
HI All~
A quick one this morning. Ariel and Alec will be here tomorrow. I haven't seem them since Miranda and I took our little joy ride. Since that time we have all been through so many changes..and we've hardly ever been apart this long. So I think we're in for some great walks and talks and hanging out by the fire. Yes I also count the friendships here as one of my blessings. The other being I am finally finding hooman bein's that I like beyond the computer! I have found a craft I am loving and my 2 girls are still in the loop with me and my parents are not only alive but we are on good terms. Life is good and I am starting to wake being able to appreciate it as of late. No word from Steve. But I bet he's king of the hill somewhere making sure the world around him runs smoothly. Yes Jag, Ohio Girl said all I expect we are all feeling for your situation. I tend to be of the stiff upper lip school when I feel so certain there is an easy remedy. But I have put down my pom pom's a minute to remember it is not an easy thing to live with our bodies taking off on their own, until we know what to do and hopefully don't mind doing it.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you all have the choice of stuffing yourself's silly and have folks around you to do it with that make you glad.

Name: PS H
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Or were you ref: to Paul's Presidential piece?

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Nic - which post ? My last was about John's passing - what caustic remarks about what subect? - and you too have a great holiday season.... now where is that mystery guy?

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Hammond, You made me worry about SSBoyd with yr last post, cause he made some pretty caustic remarks right here on that same subject...think I'll have a look around the neighborhood for him. Any one hear from him on their home ports?
Hope everyone can enjoy the holidays...they can be tough times...I have a few things to be grateful for and this site is certainly one of them...Happy Holidays to all of you. with warm regard, Nicole

Name: Oho girl
EmailAddress: Happy Thanksgiving
Date: 26 Nov 2003
Nicole, yeah I know that Buck Owens song, it's perfect. I try to talk to kids when there is a good, natural opportunity, some seem to be empty-headed but then wasn't I when I was a kid? I was full of idealistic visions yet ended up basically shooting dope, there's a particular kind of empty-headedness there. I felt invisible for years but now sometimes I do feel like I have something to say and I'm noticeable at times.
Jag that's a crappy hand you got dealt, it's mind-boggling the little things that can occur to the body the longer we live in it. My prayers are with you on this. I hope you can stay at peace with the situation until it gets resolved whether by an eye-doctor or alternative medicine. I'm paying off the local hospital $50 a month, probably forever. I have medical bills like I always felt bad about "old people" having, so I sympathize with you on that one too.
I hope you all have a good day tomorrow, and a good week. Peace

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 25 Nov 2003
Preview Vol. 3 The 3rd Page - (coming Jan.2004)
"Threats Against the President"
by: Paul Krassner

Name: Nicole
Date: 25 Nov 2003
Okay, okay, I'll get off the soap box after this...I promise
This is from Charlie Degelman's The Weasel Hunter...
"Nowadays, anyone who wishes to combat lies and ignorance and to write
the truth must overcome at least five difficulties.
He must have the courage to write the truth when truth is everywhere
The keenness to recognize it, although it is everywhere concealed;
The skill to manipulate it as a weapon;
The judgment to select those in whose hands it will be effective; and
The cunning to spread the truth among such persons.
These are formidable problems for writers living under Fascism, but
exist also for those writers who have fled or been exiled; they exist
even for writers working in countries where civil liberty prevails."
The first version of Brecht's essay was first published in the Pariser
Tageblatt, December 12, 1934, under the title "Dichter sollen die
Wahrheit schreiben" ("Poets Are to Tell the Truth").
Write your asses off, writers. Pass your work around. Read your asses
off, readers. Be excited. A great battle lies ahead.
-the weasel hunter

Name: Mark
Date: 25 Nov 2003
Nik, don't be discouraged by your younger prospects, they don't represent all younger thinking and I see quite a lot of clear thinking emerging from them. When that shit hits their own personal fan (draft?)in a way that throughs the balance off for these selfish and lazy types, a sudden awareness of the problems will cause them to think. The new Rolling Stone has a story about the "Oust Bush" musical tour and also a scathing comphrensive article by Robert Kennedy, Jr. exposing the Bush administrations method of repealing long standing environmental regulations for his greed driven buddies.
Eric, I have seen the articles about the new Hooverist attack on the anti-war movement. It is a fearful thing but I just knew it was coming. These son-a-bitches want to fight the whole enchilada all over again.

Name: Nik
EmailAddress: Tale, not Tail
Date: 25 Nov 2003

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: back from lunch...
Date: 25 Nov 2003
as Jenn would say," Oh My GAWD !!! They practically answered in unison with their heads cocked to the side and a puzzled look on their 22 and 33 year old faces ,"what world situation?" I asked if they knew how social security worked and were they worried that it might not be in place by the time I need it let along the two of them...answer, "uh uh" Pooja, the 22 year old said very seriously, "no, I don't think about that kinda stuff cause then I'd just be worried and it doesn't really effect me." I will buy The Handmaids Tail and give it to her for our secret santa gift...

Name: Nik
Date: 25 Nov 2003
...that would be ,can be put into place

Name: Nik
Date: 25 Nov 2003
...anyone who hasn't, please read The Handmaids Tale. It really shows how methodically and slowly things can put into place then BLAM !!!! all of a sudden the shit hits the fan and everyone is looking around like WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED????? I plan on having a conversation at lunch with some young co workers and first of all just ask them what their take on "the world situation?" I seem to think they don't have any interest in any of it...they are in their 20's or early 30's and go to work and the clubs at one has ever brought up anything about anything...I'm as much to blame for not ingaging them in conversation. so, that's my goal this week, ask them how they feel about any of it...we can preach to the choir all day here...except that people do read these pages and that's a good thing...just talking to myself and formulating and figuring...thanks all. any suggestions?

Date: 25 Nov 2003
"Dissent will not be constrained by hypocracy"
2003 - Mort Subiet

Name: Eric
Date: 25 Nov 2003
Hey all,
In case you missed it, the NY Times broke a story two days ago, based on a previously secret memo, that the FBI has infiltrated the anti-war movement. This in itself is not very surprising, especially for anyone who remembers J. Edgar Hoover's massive campaign to discredit Martin Luther King, Jr. in the early 60s, or COINTELPRO of the late 60s/early 70s, or the program to infiltrate CISPES (El Salvador, Central American support movement) in the late 70s/early 80s.
But what makes this new incarnation of "FBI As Gestapo" particularly scary is some of the language creep. Check out the article (posted on the Free City News, link below). Note that the FBI is referring to non-violence workshops as "training camps" -- the term that is used for terrorist centers. How soon before we read that sit-ins are "terrorist disruptions"?
Read the article here:

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Nov 2003
Interesting timing John. Lenore just read at Vesuvio's in North Beach yesterday (Nov 23)! Here is a site with info and possible contact if she is not up for phone call. I will probably know by tonight. She does not use a computer so that avenue is out:

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Nov 2003
John~I will pass this message on, and I or someone else will get back to you one way or the other.

Name: John Yates
Date: 24 Nov 2003
I am trying to contact San Francisco poet Lenore Kandel. I am a writer who would like to talk with her about the work she has done since the publication of Word Alchemy. I have not been able to find a phone number for her, or another way of contacting her. If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated. I also would be willing to relay information through a friend if she is not comfortable with allowing me to contact her directly.
I believe Kandel is one of the most important poets of my generation who has not been accorded the critical respect she deserves. I would like to help rectify this situation.
You can email me at
Thank you.

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Nov 2003
Jorma is an amazing musician. I saw Tuna live in Long Beach at an outdoor concert and he was a virtuoso on the acoustic, as well as seeing the Airplane too many times to count in SF and LA. They also had a where are they now piece on 60 minutes, I believe, and he was running a music school and really giving back to the fans and people who loved him. Scholarships and workshops and many many freebies. He's an inspiration and a treasure.
Nik, hipless don't know nuttin. Being there is all it was and all that matters.

Name: Nik
EmailAddress: don't read this mr hip hop...
Date: 24 Nov 2003
If you read the credits on QMS fresh air LP you'll see my son Jeramiah and I both...Jeramiah was only 18 months old at the time and they called him the Page of Revelee.( you know, musicians tend to sleep late and babies tend to make noise early in the morning ) I did alot of work with Jorma in the 80's upstate before I moved back to SF. Genesis is a great song of his too. He's playing here at the museum of radio and television this week.

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Nov 2003
Lord how time dissappears! John died in 89 - so I guess it was 90 or 91 that I met with (Carol?) I have forgotten her name - didn't know her from before as she and John had not been married long as I remember. There was a great wake party for him at the Filmore though, John's red guitar was on a guitar stand onstage with a (constantly) buring cigg. stuck in the guitar peg. A great great show with many musician friends in cameo roles as the lead guitar for the remaining QMS. Great poster to if you can find one.....!

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Nov 2003
McMing - John died in the late 90s (I forget the year) maybe 97 of emphysema related complications. I was invited to the funeral but couldn't make it - and I hate funerals anyway. I did meet his widow here in Or. at the Country Fair a year or so after he passed on. Sad he went so young. I never met his son, but he now fronts a group called Quicksilver Gold with Barry Flast and a few others - Greg Elmore on drums I think - covering QMS material.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: still ranting
Date: 24 Nov 2003
Thinking about the Airplane, etc (back to earlier post) the lead instrument in
pop music has changed several times, for a while it was the sax (Lester Young, Charlie Parker, Coleman Hawkins) occasionally the piano (Jerry Lee Lewis, Leon
Russell) but probably the guitar has been front and center for at least 50 years. There have been countless great guitar slingers.
So this is not a rank-out contest, as to who might have been greatest.
IMO Jorma was the heart & soul of the Airplane, and just such a funky creative DISTINCTIVE player .. that when he left, it wasn't the Airplane anymore. No one ever played quite like him. Also, John Cippolina defined the sound of Quicksilver. Does anybody know if he's still alive ? .. Jorma, at last report is alive and well, & posts frequently on his own website, .. These and a few others captured the magic of the day in their strings & zinged it out for the world to hear. Still vibrant to this day.
Richard Thompson is no slouch on guitar, either. Thanks for the heads-up, Nik.

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Nov 2003
Thanks all, I am going to pursue all options and taking wormwood and cloves is not such a radical thing, I can easily handle that as well as rounding up a zapper and even acupuncture. I have had acupuncture therapy years back for meditative relaxation. I enjoyed it. They inserted several areas, ear lobes and wrists and I simply read a book and listened to music for an hour a session. Very restive and calming. I could use that. I am going to keep one last Dr appointment, a neuro-opthamologist, as a final attempt to go the mainstream route, like that has ever been a bastion of support. It will make my family happy though, all avenues will have been attempted and my medical bills will be astronomical! Don't try this without insurance like me!! Oh well blood out of a turnip. What can I say?

Name: Joe
Date: 24 Nov 2003
The traffic light cameras go off everytime the ligh turns red.....they have other better cameras to keep an eye on people!

Name: Nik
Date: 24 Nov 2003
I can't remember who it was I talked about Richard with here at this site...but if you're here today...check this out below.
Richard Thompson: Live in Studio 4A
Singer and guitarist Richard Thompson has a rabid cult following and his albums are a staple of rock critic "must have" lists. Thompson talks about his work -- including the live CD 1000 Years of Popular Music -- with NPR's Liane Hansen. Hear full-length cuts of songs performed live. Expanded coverage includes songs from Thompson's Studio 4A session.
If you log onto there's a link to this...
Eileen, I saw that in the times's frightening, however, we've all known that anyway I'm sure...however, somehow once things are public knowledge it can go either way...if the majority of folks don't react badly it will encourage the shrub crew. I'm afraid a handful of us won't do...we must have major public outcry...btw, while waiting for the bus on 2nd ave and 42nd street the other day...I noticed how many times the traffic light cameras go off and I didn't see anyone going through the light...I think they just ramdomly check out who's out and about...of course that's right by the UN so maybe that's why.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Nov 2003
yes AND an acupunturist.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: to Jag
Date: 24 Nov 2003
Most particularly, if you love to read & write, vision problems are a horror.
[Yet another reason to quit tobacco .. it's no good for the eyes.] If I were in your shoes, Jag, I'd look for a good Chinese doctor, sometimes acupunture can
be amazingly helpful. That's my 2-cents worth. Hope your problems get resolved quickly.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Nov 2003
Well~I guess you could say we have a party!
Jag..what is more gross? Thinking about having worms and parasites..or having them, and doing nothing about it? Come on. How hard is it to take powdered cloves in caps 3 times a day, and a dose of wormwood and green walnut hulls once a day for a wk or so? Ha! Just think of telling those doctors what you did to get better. Ha ha, they're NOT going to want to hear it!
Yes, we are supposed to be able to live with those critters. But we have been taking in too many things our body was never supposed to have to deal with..starting with propal alcohols. If it has a fragrance..guess what? Not to mention rubbing alcohol. I won't go into the details and bore you all. But you're all on the list here.

Name: errandsetc-fl
Date: 23 Nov 2003
Do you like pearls?Do you have interesting about pearls?
Here,we have so many beautiful pearls,
we are waiting for your coming anytime.
<a href="">
pearl, pearl necklace, pearl jewelry, pearl earring,
pearl ring, freshwater pearl </a>

Name: errandsetc-fl
Date: 23 Nov 2003
Do you like pearls?Do you have interesting about pearls?
Here,we have so many beautiful pearls,
we are waiting for your coming anytime.
<a href="">
pearl, pearl necklace, pearl jewelry, pearl earring,
pearl ring, freshwater pearl </a>

Name: Jag
Date: 23 Nov 2003
I didn't see your shout out back there McMing. I appreciate the thought, I have been in a dark mood lately with my double vision and inability to muddle through the implications. I have taken to wearing a patch over one eye to block the visual distractions. The pirate look is chic cept I lame it up with my glasses covering the patch but the dour look I carry compliments the patch :). The official diagnosis is sixth eye palsey which translates into a lazy eye that refuses to focus in conjunction with the other and leaves me with visual disorientation that I could of envied in the day. After talking with several opthamologists and an optician they have come to the conclusion that there is no physical reason for the issue, no tumor (cat scan) no diabetes (blood workup) no high blood pressure (thourough checks) no cataracts (glaucoma check) no fucking reason except the fact that it exists! After confering with Eileen I tend to lean towards her concept of Horrors! Parasites! Makes sense but the thought is grotesque. I know the body is a haven for every kind of microbe and germ but they are supposed to keep their distance not move into my senses. Oh well what the &*$*# I will survive and "In the valley of the blind the one eyed man is king" Peace

Date: 23 Nov 2003
It ain't a party till the cops show up!

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 Nov 2003
Hi all. Just here for a minute...
Ohio Girl, Your post made me think of that country song, Together Again, by Buck Owens...but not as a love song per say...but as a comfort food kind of song about lost days gone know the one?
Together Again, my tears have stopped fallin', the long lonely night has come to an end...
I caught the tail end of Donny Darko and never knew what it was about...thanks for the synopsis Lott.
Eileen, you go girl
Ming, I could listen to Embryotic Journey 100 times in a row...and do it another 200 more...the Water Song too...
Hammond...just. two
Everyone...yeah team!!!

Name: Jag
Date: 23 Nov 2003
Lott I read the Bradbury story back in the fifties or early sixties (I devoured Sci Fi then) and loved it. I think Twilight Zone did a version of it as well. Putting time travel in perspective is difficult because of all the inherent paradoxes but the "what if" factor is fascinating.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: For What Its Worth
Date: 23 Nov 2003
I recently learned that the human body regenerates every single cell in it every seven years! So in essence we are not comprised of one shred of our original being but instead have reproduced our entire physical makeup several times over during a lifetime!

Name: Lott
Date: 23 Nov 2003
In Ray Bradbury’s classic short story “A Sound of Thunder,” a time traveler steps off the prescribed path and crushes a butterfly. He returns to the future to find that everything has changed. This is the biggest conundrum in the conception of time travel, and perhaps renders time travel physically possible (at least according to Stephen Hawking) but metaphysically impossible.
Until Donnie Darko, films dealing with time travel have limited themselves to being just cool exercises in the “what if?” Terry Gilliam’s Twelve Monkeys (1996) is perhaps the most elaborate and successful movie mind-fuck, but its final revelation provides no answers to the time travel conundrum. The film remains at the level of example—if time travel is like this, then this is what would happen. It doesn’t explain why and its characters remain caught in a loop, destined to repeat themselves forever. Bruce Willis’s character will always watch himself die.
Donnie Darko follows a boy of superior intelligence whose emotional problems propel him on a very strange trajectory through a tangent universe. Donnie’s journey begins when he dreams about a rabbit telling him to leave the house. He follows the rabbit, and escapes being killed by a falling airplane part of unknown origin. But the rabbit tells him that the world is going to end in twenty-eight days. Donnie’s been given life and death at once.
Donnie Darko boldly attempts not only to transcend the time travel conundrum, but to link it explicitly to the biggest question of all: Does everyone die alone?
If God exists, he must by extension have a plan for the universe, a path for everyone to follow. If we are following a path that God knows from start to finish, then we should be able to jump to any point on that path because it already and always exists. Donnie is able to see these paths as Abyss-like arrows emanating from people’s chests. He tries to ask his science teacher what it all means, but his teacher can’t answer—he’ll lose his job. He can’t tell Donnie how to travel in time because it means telling Donnie that there is a sovereign God who created time and who oversees its unfolding.
Donnie’s bible is The Philosophy of Time Travel, a book written by Darko character Roberta Sparrow, a.k.a. Grandma Death. Sparrows are the birds most commonly associated with God’s providence. In the Bible, Jesus asks that we “consider the birds” to understand how God will take care of us. Shakespeare riffs on these words as Hamlet, confronted with his own mortality and understanding that he must take action, says, “There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow . . . The readiness is all.” But the dark side of God’s providence is death. Hamlet understood this—the readiness of which he speaks is the readiness to die. Throughout Jesus’ teachings, the idea is that true devotion to God will remove the fear of death because of the trust that God is sovereign and he will provide, even after death. As the existential optimist Job says, “Though he slay me, yet I will trust in him.”
So why, then, does Roberta Sparrow say to Donnie, “Every living thing dies alone”? This question throws Catholic schoolboy Donnie into a tailspin. He thinks that the world is going to end and he’s going to die and be alone and there’s nothing he can do about it. Even as he falls in love with Gretchen and comes to know the depth of his mother’s love for him, Donnie watches his world spiral out of control. He finds destruction of his own making and destruction that is unavoidable. He can’t make heads or tails of any of it and comes to find that the world is a terrifying, dark place even as there are pockets of goodness.
Donnie is learning the meaning of what the biblical writer John calls “the now and the not yet.” The Christian believer lives in the paradox of knowing that salvation (from the eternal consequences of sin) has already arrived and that salvation (from the sorrow of living in a fallen world) is still to come. The conflict will be resolved only when the believer sees Christ face to face—that is, on the believer’s mortal death. Chiefly loving the “now” will lead the Christian to try to turn this world into heaven, to seek happiness in the temporal. Living solely for the “not yet” sends the believer into exile, devoid of intimacy with God’s much-loved children, dreaming only of an escape hatch. Choosing to (try to) love both creates a holy neurosis that might be what Paul meant when he said, “For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Or what Jesus did when he laid down his life for his friends.
As the clock runs out, Donnie makes love with Gretchen and then goes to Roberta Sparrow’s. He’s found love, and now he needs answers. If everyone dies alone, then it doesn’t matter that he loves Gretchen. What he finds is death, destruction, sorrow, and despair. The complete darkness of the fallen world is laid bare before him, and Roberta Sparrow is nowhere to be found. And then the sky starts to fall.
Donnie watches the clouds gather above his house, and then scenes from the movie run in reverse. Donnie is back in his bed on the night of his death. He laughs. He should laugh: he has time traveled, and now he will die—but Gretchen won’t be murdered. His family will weep but the world won’t come to an end at the close of twenty-eight days. He’s sacrificed himself to prove that God exists, that God is indeed sovereign over everything—and if God exists then no one dies alone, it is safe to die, and the world doesn’t have to come to an end. His death does change the future, profoundly, but he laughs because he’s learned that death isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a person, not by half.

Name: Guip
Date: 23 Nov 2003
Hey Diggers heres some free money
Branch Manager,
Stallion Bank Nig Ltd,
Idumota branch,
Dear Friend,
This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we have not yet
met. The message could be strange but real if you pay some attention to it. I
could have notified you about it at least for the sake of your integrity. Please
accept my sincere apologies....
[Another bank branch manager from Western Africa with a proposition to claim
some dead millionaire's estate. Geez, there have been a surprising number of
rich people who've died in airplane crashes with no surviving relatives in
Africa since email became so popular. --ed.]

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Nov 2003
You got to see this!

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Nov 2003
Hammond~I spent my last days smoking watching the flash points. For some reason it's writing more than a few lines about personal "serious" stuff and big stress. The "serious" stuff is easy to drop. The rest well..maybe I can remember how sick I was. Cause I was damn sick a mere few days ago. I can't believe the difference in just 4 days! The ability of the body to recover is truely amazing..although I am sure I have some serious internal damage to repair. Cleanses, suppliments and my zapper I believe will put me back together. Speaking of the Zapper..Anyone out there have herpes? It will knock it out almost immediately..along with more things than I can list! Smoking challenges seem to go in cycles of 3-4..first 3-4 days, 3-4 wks, 3-4 months. Sneaky shit. I just can't let my guard totally down. I have this theory about addiction. No matter how long one has been clean..once that door has been opened, EVER, it will forever lurk as a known possibility. Some notion we can be freed from pain..painlessly or with little or no effort. But it got clear I would not have all my strength to fight this monster that is feeding off the unwary and unconscious, and I refuse to go down easy.
Claude-excellent message and picture. Right to the point. Hammond..funny yet sad one. Another day to address the demon. I have such a strong feeling this has to be addressed as strong, on the unseen level, while "they" remain distracted with the apparent. Time to do morning chanting. All will be revealed.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 22 Nov 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Nov 2003
Yeow! As I posted my note - we were Phentermined to the Spamic Max!

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Nov 2003
Nice drawing - thanks claude
Eileen - Keep the faith - be stong - and CONGRATULATIONS!!! The hump is probably yet to come in that deep space where smoking is the rock between hard places - but you are DOING IT!!! Don't let go of the moment...... Suddenly - out of the blue - you won't be a smoker who is stopping anymore and you will just be you - Yahoo! Free - Free at last......!!!!
And then "always remember " in each and every moment that you can NEVER EVER NEVER EVER HAVE ANOTHER ONE - EVER!!!!!!
I am a prime example of failing to remember this..... If you can do it, hey maybe (just maybe) so can I (someday) (sometime) (maybe) - ouch!

Name: McMing, weighing in (another middle-weight)
EmailAddress: Hey, Y'all
Date: 22 Nov 2003
Greetings & a most courageous good morning to all !
Jag especially, but to anyone downheartened, I think maybe we're turning the corner here .. and one little ray of inspiration that has chanced to come my way, is a recent book called "Got A Revolution ! 'The Turbulent Flight of the
Jefferson Airplane' " by Jeff Tamarkin .. a terrific account of SF days,
1965 or so, all the way up to almost the present .. the Matrix, the early Airplane, a whole lotta crazy shenanigans. Try listening to some of those discs
again .. 'Surrealistic Pillow' or 'Bless Its Pointed Little Head' .. or Hot Tuna .. & also, a rediscovery for me, Quicksilver. 'Happy Trails' indeed.
Point is, those astonishingly great sounds got across the country [to DC, in my case] ... across the world in fact, & conveyed a subtle & seductive message of freedom & unfettered creative possibility thru all the BS .. like a stealth signal, flying "under the radar" .. I think it could happen again.
Peace & Power .. Still Freaking Freely .. Yr Humble Servant .. M.

Name: claude
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Check out this guy's work! I wish there were a way to post an image. Is There?

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Nov 2003
I get a blog that Coyote forwarded sometime ago. This was a trivia thing that knocked me out being I was in Memphis a few months ago for the first time and being serious Jerry Lee disciple.
November 23, 1976 -- Police arrest Jerry Lee Lewis outside the gates of Graceland after he shows up the 2nd time that night making a scene, shouting, waving a pistol, demanding to see Elvis Presley.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Nov 2003
U.S. Detonates 'Mother of All Bombs' in Florida Test.|top|11-21-2003::18:06|reuters.html

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 21 Nov 2003
I was just struck (again) by the beauty of getting together like this. We've all "been there" and now we're "here somewhere" and it sure feels good. "Here somewhere" in the sense of, where the heck are we really when we talk over computer terminals? "Here somewhere" in the sense that we all seem to struggle at times to find our place in society in 2003. But here we are, together again. Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Er.. I know the quote is Learys but my reading at the time was Dharma Bums

Name: Jag
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Welcome home Eileen!!

Name: Jag
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Yeah Mark I too was a tad young when I hit SF (18) and wasn't privy to alot of the inner mechanism but I was welcomed and comfortable and even ran into a few missing in action people from my So Cal neighborhood who had migrated north in 66. I didn't make my first visit till 67. I remember that in 65 or 66 me and a few friends who were smoking dope and segueing into acid tagged ourselves as hiplings, long before we knew much more than Turn On Tune In and Drop Out. Kerouac led me north more than anything.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Democracy Now!'s report on protest in Miami is bringing tears. Makes me think of Tennaimen Square. What has happened to this country?

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Hammond, Jag, Nic, and Hip,
Finding common ground in a culture that has been scattered over the last decades brings a sense of community to those who move around the "outside" of the mainstream. Some like myself kind of wandered around in it back then, a little to young to fully engage, and due the lives we led then many of the people I hung with are no longer alive. So when I can make a connection of sorts it helps me see myself and remember the influences and struggles that have become me. There are, at times, human frailties involved but I for one don't see one-up-manship as the core of it. Hip, change the frame of reference you utilize and take another look.
I just read that Bush intends to open up the Alaskan wilderness for oil leasing in spite of his energy bill being blocked today in congress. I think the battle lines are being defined more clearly and the thrust of his illicit intentions are coming out into the open for the population. He is a bold motherfucker but I don't think he will get away with this one. Peter Berg and I have begun to open up dialogue with bioregional activists in the North West as part of our efforts to bring the Winter Olympic Environmental travesties into line. This is in the early stages after the International Olympic Committee "awarded" Vancouver the 2010 Winter Games. Some of the strongest and most coherent bioregionalists and environmentally adept folks organize in that area. We didn't get far with the Games in Nagano, and we raised a little hell in Salt Lake City and we are going round and round with the Olympic Committee in Turin, Italy at present but the region around the Vancouver thang is a whole other deal.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Day 3+ CLEAN and feelin' good. Darkness and pain have lifted. Miranda baby sat me thru the worst of it so I wouldn't give in. Finished 2nd rug..a real beauty. Cold wind blowing. Just passing by, until I can come safely play. Good stories.

Name: Jag
Date: 21 Nov 2003
I get Hips dig in the sense that I went to the Haight to get away from the HS mentality of coolest dude at the prom or BMOC arrogance but that in no way diminishes the importance of the shared fellowship that comes from actually being in a place on the planet where the Times Were Definately A'Changing. The era was a seminal influence on American culture even to this day.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Thanks claude - I added the link to Mario's name on the page. This will be included in the first issue Vol. 3 of the journal. (Jan. 1, 04)

Name: claude
Date: 21 Nov 2003
hey, thanks, 3rd Page. The very words themselves. The passion in Mario is evident by his voice in the film clip. He's not reading these words; he had no script, no teleprompter, and certainly no little receiver in his ear like W is rumored to use...
you can see the film clip at

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Nov 2003
"Co-Emergent Wisdom "
comes to mind,
"Each One Teach One."

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Hi Nic - The Whole Earth List of Names = what the accumulated effect would be. - and how is the City this time of year? Sorry you couldn't get out West this year.....
Hip-Hop - It's all the same ole Free Frame of Reference mate - an invisible coffeehouse, with some friends, friends of friends, and new friends doin this and doin that - remembering, laughing and even crying at times. Some of us, like Steve, are actually Silent. We like the laughing part the best.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Nov 2003
That's very funny actually...but we're just finding connections...maybe you haven't had the pleasure of realizing shared history with other people...I personally love gives me a sense of continuity that because of my life style, it would otherwise be lacking there of...and none of them were famous then for the most part...and we say it to eachother like little kids who say, "wow did you see hop-long cassidy at the fair today...if they were who's the one trying to be hip slick and cool? me I'll be the fool any day.
but, that was a very funny read...I can certainly laugh at myself if we come off that way..ha!
ps...btw way if I was REALLY trying to impress...oh my, the list of names...

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Insert inspired by claude/inspired by Mario!

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Hey Hipper - We were all there too! Funny we didn't see you. (Suspect)

EmailAddress: Hip Hipper Hippest
Date: 21 Nov 2003
The "Hipper Than Thou" syndrome
I was at Woodstock!
Yeah? Well I was at Woodstock and Altamont.
Oh yeah, thats cool, but I was at Woodstock, Altamont, and sat in on the basement tapes!
Well far out man! I was at all of those and I sat on Hippie Hill with George Harrison and smoked out!!
Yeah well I rolled the joints on Hippie Hill that day and then I went to Janis's for dinner!!
Awesome dude I thought I remembered seeing you their when I came in with Carlos, Jerry G. Ken Kesey and Emmett
Ad Infinitum :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Name: claude
Date: 21 Nov 2003
and today, on DemocracyNow, there is a film clip of Mario Savio's mythic speech on the Berkeley Campus, the "...bodies on the gears...and on the levers...and stop the machine!" (somewhat paraphrased) speech that was heard round the world. Sent chills up and down my spine. In that year (1964) and the few preceeding, Americans students had confronted the beast in the South and brought that fervor to bear on the University Administration. The students, fresh from the Freedom Summer in the South, wanted to organize on campus, hand out literature and fund raise in support of civil rights activities; the admin. forbade (hard to believe , now) them this activity. What I had not realised was that this was the first (according to Amy G.) time that the cops actually got called onto campus to arrest a student for handing out lit. Cop car rolls onto Sproul Plaza, they stash Jack Wiesman in the car and 3000 students (and these are all clean-cut white middle class young ladies and gentlemen, suits w/ties and proper dresses) sit down around the car for the next day and a half. By the time they got it all settled down again, they had closed down the whole campus, faculty included. Thousands of cops, a major big deal in it's time, radicalised a lot of students, spread all over the country. Mario was so young and so earnest, clean-cut student type on the cusp of the future. A Catholic, raised in the honorable old tradition of organised Catholic social justice activism; Dorothy Day and all that extending back to the turn of the century. He was speaking then specifically of UCBerk, but his words apply to our present situation here in America. My beloved country, under the thrall of fear and the yoke of the Military Industrial Complex.

Name: YIN
Date: 21 Nov 2003
Harmful elements in the air
symbols clashing everywhere
Reaps the fields of rice and reeds
while the population feeds
Junk floats on polluted water
an old custom to sell your daughter
Would you like number 23?
Leave your yens on the counter please
Hong Kong Garden
Tourists swarm to see your face
Confuscius has a puzzling grace
Disoriented you enter in
unleashing scent of wild jasmine
Slanted eyes meet a new sunrise
a race of bodies small in size
Chicken Chow Mein and Chop Suey
Hong Kong Garden takeaway
Hong Kong Garden

Name: FYI -Service
Date: 21 Nov 2003
London research indicates you should never use your cell phone in an elevator or e.g. on public transport when going through a tunnel. The toxic waves bounce around in the car replicating until you are out of the tunnel or elevator car. In the mean time you and everyone around you is being bombarded with the toxic invisiblity.

Name: R N A
EmailAddress: free brain
Date: 20 Nov 2003
A friend and raw food chef visiting from California told me about a product that protects her brain from cell phone radiation
Green 8
i just ordereed one for my daughter and myself. i'm very concerned about cell phone radiation, and have read that the "ear buds" may not really help. I have a friend who used a cellphone a whole lot over 10 years and died this year from a tumor right where the antennae was. another friend, who used her cell way way way excessively has a tumor right where the antennae is and her eye bulges out.. these cell phones are not a joke, and even if you have free minutes, you should use them as little as possible. anyway, i know we don't sell things on this site. i have no personal gain from passing this info along, it seems this may be a lifesaving artifact.
sending love, r n a

Name: R N A
EmailAddress: free brain
Date: 20 Nov 2003
A friend and raw food chef visiting from California told me about a product that protects her brain from cell phone radiation
Green 8
i just ordereed one for my daughter and myself. i'm very concerned about cell phone radiation, and have read that the "ear buds" may not really help. I have a friend who used a cellphone a whole lot over 10 years and died this year from a tumor right where the antennae was. another friend, who used her cell way way way excessively has a tumor right where the antennae is and her eye bulges out.. these cell phones are not a joke, and even if you have free minutes, you should use them as little as possible. anyway, i know we don't sell things on this site. i have no personal gain from passing this info along, it seems this may be a lifesaving artifact.
sending love, r n a

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 20 Nov 2003
Speaking of McCarthyism
Letera Mort (for Harvey Job Matusow)

Name: claude
Date: 20 Nov 2003
There were a number of people I got to know in Venice. The public portal to the scene was the Venice West Cafe, run at that time by John Haag and his wife Anna. Dawson McGouch (not sure that's how he spelled it) made the coffee and sandwiches. VWC was seedily authentic, books, chess, poets, dim lighting. It was there I fell under the wing of Vaughn Marlowe, who said he used to run the bookstore next door, and was then paid staff at KPFK as News Director, IIRC. He invited me to volunteer there and there I was. I worked for a while with Leonard Brown, who, I was told, had produced, or created or something that seminal tv show "77 Sunset Strip", which was what passed for hollywood cutting edge hip at the time. The Hipster as folk Hero and The Hipster Detective. His girlfriend was Clair Brush. I remember being at their house one time for dinner and getting more stoned on reefer than I had ever thought possible. Yes, Venice was def where I caught reefer madness. Leonard brought me into this radio documentary called "Five Nights in the Ghetto" he was producing for Pacifica, which involved five sequential shows of interviews, man-on-the-streets, and grim warnings of dire consequences from the Watts and South Central communities, aired during the spring before the Watts Riots. THAT was an eye-opener for this young sprite, walking around the 'hoods, trying to get people to talk to a scared long-haired white kid on tape about what it was like down there. Freep had also just done some work on publiscising the Watts Towers, trying to save them, so I had already been down there. Of course, when the riots came, I had to go back, and I wound up
driving Yorum Getzler's white VW beetle with him, cameras aready, following a stream of cop cars down the Harbor Fwy and getting off right into the middle of a street confrontation just off Alameda Blvd. Cops at one end of the block and a mob on the other. The mob threw rocks at us and the cops threw us on the ground, not impressed with my home-made LAFP Pree Pass. They let us go right away, they were very paranoid, to quote St Dylan.
What really stood out then was these folks, who were not young'ns, had all recently been throught the Hollywood Blacklist scandal and the McCarthy Committee hearings and this was all fresh in their minds. These were old line lefties, and all that New Left ferment was just a glimmer on the horizon at that point. Goldwater had just been soundly chased back to his cave, and LBJ was serving up the Great Society.
Jeez that's all I can do right now...

Name: dosed
Date: 20 Nov 2003
Claude, wasnt that Augustus Stanislaus Owsley.

Name: claude
Date: 20 Nov 2003
I plan to be in NM for the duration, so y'all come. H'lane is in residence somewhere in NoCal these days; Clane is in touch with her. I have some great photos of H up at the Land a few yers ago. Her first visit there in over twenty years. She is a sight to behold. I told her there is a diorama awaiting her in the Smithsonian, depicting the last unreconstructed hippie.

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Nov 2003
claude - gone on and on with flashes. Do you know Tom and Vickey Kelly? The owned The Omnibus and the Bizzar Bazzar - now living here in Oregon. I have to go take a nap now to stop thinking about crazy mad wonderful LA people! I am writing about Morocco at the moment - and dealing with another set of crazy, mad and (not so) wonderful people.
Ah the Echos of our minds - We (all of us here) are a veritable Think Tank of Thinkdom. bye for now :-)

Name: OOOOps.....
Date: 20 Nov 2003
the address -

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Nov 2003
claude - Now I remember "the question" - I asked if you knew Jean-Marc Vasseur from those daze. Re-reading your note I see the Jim (Roger) Mcguin girlfriend mention - so perhaps you did know him. He lives in France now - but then - as now he is one of McGuin's closest frieinds. During the time frame you mention below - Jean-Marc was living in Hollywood area. You also mentioned the Venice West set - Do you know Philomene Long and/or the late John Thomas? Philomene and I are in close contact if you do - (lord, the number of LA (in that small window of time we are speaking of) folks that you and I might have in common is rather unimaginable) - Did you also hang out at Bito Lido's, The Chetah and the Lighthouse? Were you at the Easter Love In in Griffith Park? Did you get a dose of the crabs (like the rest of us!) from the waitress at The London Fog?.... I must stop or I will go on forever....... LA/Hollywood in this time was the most incredible scene - as you say, of loose elements that just melded together to have this uniquely LA sorta Pandora's Party - and the we were gone......

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Nov 2003
claude - !!!!! Yes, yes and yes! You and I undoubtedly crossed paths during this time. I may have even come by your house in Echo Park! I was at the 5th Estate nearly every Fri-Sun in and out over and above.... Art was in the basement (write to me at the address above and I will hook you up. [Can't leave Art's address here] He sent me a picture (which I have lost) of him dressed like Robin Hood handing out the first Freep issues at the Faire front entrance. I can also connect you (if you need it) to Delores Mitchell (wife and co-founder of the 5th Estate with Al - who is very ill) I wanted to include a shot of the place in my book - yet no one had a photo (Kunkin included - and he sent out a search missive to all the old photographers for the Freep et al) Delores had to comb her family photo albums to find the rather pitiful photograph of the front of the Estate which is in my book - which may be the only existing photo of this important, utterly wonderful hang-out that is was. - I too hung out at Fred C. Dobbs - This is where met up with the likes of Vito Paleukas, Bunk Gardner of the Mothers and the Fraternity of Man ensemble...Wanted to include a photo of this in my book as well but the only shot Î could find was a modern day photo of the building it was in - now a dentist's office I think.
Re: the tests - I think we were there together as well. Sorry to keep dropping my book in here but if you haven't read it here is the vignette on about the Acid Test
Sound familiar? They had the tub there as well.
As with Nic - you and I need to have a good ole fashion sit down...
I can't remember the question
Oh, here's one. Did you know Bernardo?

Name: Nik
Date: 20 Nov 2003
very familiar story. I believe you and H'lane and I met at Olema or Treat St...somewhere, I have a picture of you both somewhere in my head...I'm excited to think one day we can all meet in the middle somewhere...Maybe NM?

Name: claude
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Hammond, and Nicole.
I was living in Echo Park for a while in the spring of 1965, about 5-6 blocks up EP Blvd from Sunset (Pioneer Market and Pioneer Take-Out on the corner, always bustling.) Lived in warren of rooms and outbuilding some anglo guy named Bill something had. He lived there with his whole family, married to a Hispnic lady and they had some young lids, Bunch of us lived there for a while. This was while I was working at the Freep, yup, in the basement of the Fifth Estate. Al somebody ran the Fifth as an under-age nightclub/coffeehouse and it was always packed with kids. I walked in the door with the lead article for issue #4, an interview with Mario Savio, fresh down from Berkeley. I interviewed Mario for KPFK News, where I had been helping out as a newsroom volunteer. I was 19. Anyway, I transcribed the interview and trundled it down to Art Kunkin, and the next thing I knew, I was working for the Freep as well. Art was staying (illegally) down in the basement, and there were always a bunch of people coming in for one thing or another. A very happening place for a 19 yo to get to hang out in. I did a little every thing, a bit of reportage, typesetting on such (now) antique dinosaurs as a VariTyper and a paper tape controlled justifying typewriter called (it's coming back to me) a Justo-writer, which gave the paper that pro look of the columns equal width. This was a big deal for Art to get. I also set a lot of type for the ads, learned all about paste up. Then Art would drag the whole pile of camer ready copy down to a printer in Long Beach, and then drag all the printed bundles of Freeps back uptown to distribute, all in the old pickup camper (was it a dodge) that ran on five cylinders. On mornings when cash subscriptions came in in the mail, we would get to go eat breakfast just down the street. I should def talk with Art, if he writing a history.
You guys were there then, let me ask you about something I observed back then, see if you agree. It seemed to me that one of the seminal events in the early coming together of the way-spread-out and largely unaware of each other freak community scattered through the ghettos and canyons and hills of the LA metroplex, was the Renaissance Pleasure Faire, a moment when all these folks who had come to try that one on got to see how many other folks there were like them. I remember walking around at the first one, out in the Malibu hills somewhere, the Paramount Ranch, and sharing this utter euphoria over feeling surrounded by other freaks. Something clicked there, I think, for a lot of people, a realisation of how many freaks there were and the power of coming together. ^Those were a couple of very densly packed years for me in LA. The remnants of the Venice West scene, the Strip when the first long hairs started hanging out, long before it degenerated to riots and stuff. I remember the Artists' Protest Tower that a DiSuervo ,perhaps it was Mark, or Tony, erected on a vacant lot bwtween Ciros and Whiskey. A tensile structure of rods and cable and bright cloth. And right up the street, for a magical moment of a few months, The Cafe Fred C. Dobbs, (I don't got to show you no stinkin' badges) a semi tragic happening of a little hole in the wall on the north side of the strip. I t was the dream of Bonnie and Ivars, who were sweetly in love and putting this cafe together. Just before the pplace opened, Bonnie and Ivars went down to TJ to get some stuff for the place, and Ivars was killed in a car wreck. Bonnie came back alone and bravely went ahead and opened the place. A bunch of us helped out. I would cook there occaisonally. I think I cooked a burger for Dylan, who made an appearance on one of the nights he sat in with the Byrds at Ciros while Tamborine Man was on the charts. I never knew why, but the place closed down after a few months, Bonnie went on to meet Hugh Romney and become part of the mythos. I can't remember how I got involved with those folks, what the connection was, but I got to be a Byrds groupie for a while, which meant that I got to do them favors, like drive Jim McGuin's girlfriend back to Palos Verdes, or was it David Crosby's girl friend?
Yeah, acid. That was all mixed up in the time as well. All these folks seeing stuff, peeking thru those doors of perception. When I first ran into it, it was still legal. You could go down to Mexico and get the pure Sandoz, caame in a little glass tube about as thick as a pencil, maybe inch and a half long (you could easily stick it up yr ass if needed), had 250 hits in it. Sugar cubes.
Anyway, so by the time the Pranksters rolled the bus down to LA to bring us the word, I was right there for it. Part of the publicity machine. The first one was for the liberals and academics, at that wonderful oniondome church up in Northridge, out in the Valley, Unitarian, I think. They set up and did the whole deal, kool-aid and all, but minus the lectricity. The next weekend they pulled out all the stops down on Alameda. Legend has always had it that Paul Foster (RIP) dropped a decimal point in dosing the kool-aid that night, so everybody got a 10x dose. IIRC, H'lane got this tidbit of info from him when she and I and Clane stayed at the Hog Farm up in Tujunga for a couple of weeks in the summer of 1967. Eileen will remember when we all came back from that LA trip and wound up crashing at the Pine Street house for too long, because the CommCo had imploded while we were gone.
I had brought a young Freep volunteer, a nice Jewish valley high-school girl who was walking a bit on the wild side. I can't remember her name. I invited her in the spirit of adventureand she was up for it. I don't think she had done any dope before. I am driving this stripped down, bare metal 1954 Jaguar XK 140M with no top and problems, but tamed enuf to drive around. One of the great beasts of the road, and I had raced all the way to Deadman's Curve in it. Anyway, we get there and it's funky and not too crowded. Some people people I know are there. Doc Stanley. Clair Brush. Lot of milling about, not an inch of plush in that old warehouse. The multi media is swirling all around. They bring out the garbage cans of Kool-aid and I have a couple and Bring one to my date. The Dead start playing and we go ssit againt the back wall with a bunch of people. Beyond that, it starts to get all hazy. I distinctly remember a moment, after the band took a break, getting fixated on this distant light, which I got up a checked out, which turned out to be the glow of the Dead's big McIntosh amps I found out as I stumbled through the mikes and stuff. There was, of course, the unforgetable "Who cares?" cries of despair. I had thought at the time it was Clair Brush calling out. but I never found out. It went on forever and as the dawn came, the cops did indeed come around, some guy in a suit did hand out Kool cigarettes,and I remember telling myself I was supposed to be scared. Somehow I found the girl, who had survived intact, somehow, and seemed to be fine, although she thought she ought to get home. The Jag, of course, had a dead battery, but there there were plenty of people reeling about in the street and they were willing to push us, as the cops cheered us on, and off we motored, somehow safely getting her home. I have never seen her since, but I would love to hear what her take on all that was..
I left the Freep in late 1966, bound for San Fran with an angry ex-husband on our heels, the Jag traded for a pickup to haul us up, H'lane's daughter Modi (Modi is now an indy filmaker in LA and recently a mom herself.) and H'lane pregnant with Clane.
Well, jeez, I didn't mean to talk yr ear off. What was it you were asking?

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Each one Teach One
Date: 19 Nov 2003
It seems so simple yet I remember all the times I did some little something and if nothing else, it made me right with myself. Thanks

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 19 Nov 2003
I have long felt that I will never "change" anything on a grande scale, but that I might do some good on a one-to-one basis with people I am in contact with. (Yes.... each one teach one.) The Administration is a huge awful boulder thrown into our common lake. But, each of us can make small ripples that spread and spread and spread and when enough people care, these small ripples could add up to more than the wake caused by that choking huge boulder. I think that's why society eventually tends to right its own wrongs, but it doesn't happen by itself, it happens when the people desire change. Peace

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Nov 2003
I am struggling with the same problem and be assured that many are afflicted as well. This is the import of the Bush program and you are reacting normally. Just keep your eye on the ball, take care of yourself, and remember that phrase....each one teach one. Just keep on going.

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Nov 2003
The current climate of right wing incomptence coupled with insensitive social programs and the enrichment of the few at the expense of the rest of us is indicative of a new tomorrow, a grand dawning, an inevitable downslide that seems to be an inexorable degradation of the human condition. Somehow greed has surpassed humanity as the prime motivator of progress. How to respond? What to do? Why do anything? Serious questions and not to many answers. I can rant, I can help my neighbor, I can question my own values, but can I make an immediate difference? I think the odds favor the Moneyed Interests who can manipulate and buy public opinion and only have to profer a pittance to seem as though they have your interests at heart.
What to do!! What to say!! Rally round the flag boys, gather round the cause.
I feel lost yet so assured that the evil that permeates this world is heading for a fall, I just can't figure out why. (WE KNOW THEY ARE WRONG)

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Er.... no, I wasn't into ice capades back then. I was into speed, though.

Name: Nik
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Ice capades.

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Nic - might have been the Cockette show if it was the early early one at that Chinese Theater in North Beach - but what was he doing in LA? That's the question....: -)

Name: Nik
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Hammond, Scott was an ice skater initially...and he directed some Cockette shows...He is in the Monterey Pop movie dancing near a Tepee with Pamela. I think he eventually died in a bath house fire as did Ricky Shamblin...we all moved to SF together...Ricky was the boy toy of the guy who owned all the Tad's Steakhouses...we first lived at his house in the oakland hills...then we took an apt at 191 Frederick Street (corner of Ashbury)...Scott was also grandson of Damon Runyon and a very interesting dude.
ps I can't put this book down.

Name: Ps
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Jenn is just the bestest!!!!! :-)))))))) !

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Nic - The name Scott Runyon rings a distant echo (park) bell. What was he up to back then? - Reflash - Nic, I am still amazed at the number of places and people you and I have on common ground going back to the daze in LA - not to mention SF in various quarters.... When are you coming out here! We need to sit down.....

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Hammond did I ask you if you knew Scott Runyon or Ricky Shamblin or Pamela Poland in those old LA days? circa 1965-6...echo park?

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Nov 2003
PS - Claude - the "Prison Journal" is Ken's work not Zane's - Gus Van Zant was there as well. A fun night to be sure....And speaking of that LA Time frame - You might have still been at the Free Press when I used to sleep under Hugh R's (now Wavy) desk on ocassion - he called me "The Desk Boy" - and secondly do you happen to know Jean-Marc Vasseur? At the time he was around the scene doing films and selling acid - also a song writer after a fashion... Curious....

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Claude - that rings my bell a few times. Del and I were very close friends and I also know Art Kunkin - who you undoubtedly know ala the Freep. Did you hang out at The 5th Estate? - anyway, re: the Uke you speak of ala Tiny Tim - and the Hugh connection. I have a copy of the poster from that A Test and Tiny was listed, but I don't remember him being at the Test - also where I got my card. Were you there? - I don't know your friend Doc - but I do have Art 's e-mail address and he would probably know. He is currently writing the history of the FreePress - I am also in touch with his daughter Anna so e-mail me at my address and I will point you in the right direction. Especially if you were at the Test you will appreciate this bit from the other night. Zane Kesey and the remaining Pranksters came to Portland just a few days ago to promote the publication and release of his "Prison Journals" - check this out - printed much like the Oracle colorwise....Anyway, I went over to the Bagdhad Theater to hang out, have fun and give Zane a copy of my book. As you may know on the back cover is a photo of my Test Card. So, I walk into the theater crowed with old and new Dead Heads et al du period book in hand and the first Prankster who comes up to me is Jennie Murphy (Eugenie) - She was at the door the night of the Test in LA and sold me (maybe you to) my ticket to forever. Funny people those Pranksters... But the biggest fun and flash that night was realizing that here I was in 2003 - in another old building. listening to the Prankster Band play a warped rendition of The GD's "That's It For The Other One" - dancing around with some of the same folks I danced with 38 years ago during my first acid trip. George Walker (the bus driver) and I looked at each other and smiled that 80 yard smile as we gave each other a big hug.... Great stuff when it lasts eh?

Name: Nik
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Claude, the synchronicity of everything coming out about this stuff just now is pretty convincing to me...from many different sources...and it seems time for a swing back to at least a godess/god shared platform...mother earth father sky is good. I guess we just keep seeking until we're ready to know...sometimes I think that's when you pass on to the next realm...interesting stuff for sure...

Name: claude
Date: 19 Nov 2003
I read DaVinci Code in the last month or so and was caught right up in it. As I remember, (I read far too many books) there is a lot in it about the male/female dichotomy, and how the Catholic Church's amalgam of what was to be called Christianity, considered any reference to the female principle as heretical. There's a lot to ponder here, the whole Mary thing, and the notion that old Chuy was actually married to Mary and that they had a child and that this child was to be the true disciple of Christ. A detective story that educates you about some deeply hidden origens of Christianity and how the present shape of the religion was distilled out of a lot of history, some of which the patriarchy of the Church didn't want known.
Reminded me of Robbins' "Another Roadside Attraction", in which the big secret the Church was hiding was the mummified body of Christ stashed for a couple of millenia in the vaults of the Vatican, evidence of his non- ressurrection.
The best fiction blends the truth in, gets you thinking...

Name: claude
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Speaking of the Stanley family, I love to hear any word on an old friend, Michael Augustus Stanley, who came out of Chicago in the mid sixties. I first met him in LA, around the LA Free Press, where I worked a couple of years before I moved up to Frisco in late 66. He called himself "Lovable Ol' Doc Stanley, played some guitar and new all sorts of stuff about the insider politics of LA. He always claimed kin to the Stanleys, and thought Augustus Owsley Stanley was a cousin of his. From him I first learned the name of Gene Bisqualiuz, a legendary Hispanic Sherrif of LA County in the fifties and sixties. He know Hugh Romney, Del Close and those Second City folks, and Doc once took me over to the house in LA where Romney was staying, where Tiny Tim was a house guest, before he made it big. Tiny Tim played his Uke for us. This would have been, I think, 1965, about the time the Acid Tests got to town. Doc was the one who got me to check that infamous AT of Tom Wolfe fame, down at 111th and Alameda, that has passed into mythology. For that lead alone, I owe him. Doc was the first person I knew to pick up on the Diggers and declare them of crucial social significance. During his LA times he was hanging out with a teeny cupcake-blondie folksinger (they played the Troubador and other venues) named Diane Star King, whom he called Jellybean.
Anyway, Doc was up in the Haight from the first, and I remember distinctly his going to the Free Frame of Reference (was it Page St?) which was the first manifestation of the Free Store. He picked right up on the deep significance of Free Store. Last I heard of him, he had gotten into some kind of trouble up in Mendocino area, I think I heard he had shot somebody, and did some time for it.
Anybody have more to add?

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: reeling@1.618.PHI
Date: 19 Nov 2003
Wow, what an amazing book, it's a "novel" but again transends that fact because it is filled with actual facts and places as well as the story he used to bring these things to light. PHI pronounced FEE is 1.618 and is called the devine proportion...everything in nature is proportionate to that number. For instance...the spirals of a mollusk sea shell...the ratio of each spiral's diamiter to the next is 1.618...female bees always out number the males and in any hive IN THE WORLD if you devide the number of females by the number of males you WILL ALWAYS GET 1.618...sun flower seeds grow in opposing spirals and the ratio of each rotations diamiter to the next? 1.618
and it was Da Vinci who figured that the body is made up of building blocks whos proportional ratio ALWAYS equals PHI...I find that so fasinating...I think fractals are like that too...anyway, it's raining, I'm at the office and just thought I'd share that. It is in everything the distance from your shoulder to your fingertip then to your when the ancients discovered PHI, in everything natural, they worshiped nature...well, more reading.

Name: claude
Date: 19 Nov 2003
If you haven't seen it already, Riverbend, a blog written by a young Iraqi woman who lives a middle-class life in Bagdhad. Her posts (when she can get them out) give a perspective on life in the real world for ordinary Iraqis. We don't even know here name, but her blog is read all over the world. You need to be checking her out at:
which I hope will show up as a live link.
Another blog worth keeping up with is daily Kos, which is a bunch of sharp lefties posting on insider Democratic politics. Endlessly informative.
two others I read every day:
These four are all the intro you need into what all this blog stuff is about.
They will link you into the rest. Buzzing hives of activity. The immediacy of KOS is breathtaking, some serious minds at work there.
Also, check out the "Meatrix", anti factory farm propaganda of the highest order, and buzzing like mad. This one is for kids. Google for the link.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: not sae well meself
Date: 18 Nov 2003
a whole lotta wind & blustery rain here, last night today & tonight .. & I slept badly .. not tip-top, to say the least .. but thanks for the greetings friends .. Patman, sounds like a great trip, wish I could see the 'ould country' one day .. Nik, The DaVinci Code I would love to read .. Eileen, Holy
Cow ! don't leave us for any longer than you must. Please !
It comes and goes, but I get a flash or insight here, that doesn't come from anywhere else.
Furthur !!! Into the Unknown

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: Mayor of London is a Hero!!!
Date: 18 Nov 2003
Mr Livingstone [current mayor of London} recalled a visit at Easter to
California, where he was denounced for an attack he had made on what hecalled "the most corrupt and racist American administration in over 80 years". He said: "Some US journalist came up to me and said: 'How can you say this about President Bush?' Well, I think what I said then was quite mild."
on the eve of Bush's visit to London, Mayor Livingstone of London said:
"I actually think that Bush is the greatest threat to life on this planet that we've most probably ever seen. The policies he is initiating will doom us to extinction." Mr Livingstone, who is holding a "peace party" for anti-war groups in City Hall tomorrow, added: "I don't formally recognise George Bush because he was not officially elected. So we are organizing an alternative reception for everybody who is not
George Bush."

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 Nov 2003
Gee after all that I have to sit down... great shows, great ideas (Eileen) - press on and succed. On the run right now.... ah, Arthur with an orchestra.... must a been great....moreagain, H.

Name: Nicole
Date: 18 Nov 2003
sounds like a fantastic trip Patrick and when I get by a computer with speakers I'll check out the site...
Last night I went to bed at 8 pm and woke up at 11:30 never to fall back into my I feel achy and cold and hot...Yuk...rarely do I feel I especially don't like it...But...I bought The DaVinci Code and it is riviting...Eileen, Ming all of you actually would love it I'm sure...back to book now...ciao

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Nov 2003
Oh I'm glad I caught you all with your bein back home news before I shut down. But Ohio Girl you got me good with my kind of music. Oh Death>>! Oh I think I might have done something to embarrass myself. His a capella just tears me up! I get goose bumps just with hearing ABOUT the performance. I really must make an effort to track these guys down this yr! I love the music too much to wait for stories of it.
This is me waving bye folks* DArn I'm miss you all!
Eric and all~Thanks for the good words.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: words on paper
Date: 18 Nov 2003
I forgot to say, for two of the songs Ralph Stanley needed to read the words, and he simply held up a piece of paper in front of him with the words to one song on one side, the words to the other song on the other side. Now that's for-real, down-home impressive.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 18 Nov 2003
Wow....the Ralph Stanley concert was awesome, what a beautiful evening that was. Ralph Stanley is incomparable. He has been performing for 57 years now, as we learned in his introduction to the show. He is the main speaker for his band. He is for sure old, yet so vital. He spent several hours before the performance, sitting at a table selling CDs and photos, signing autographs and posing for snapshots. My husband took an amazing photo of me standing with Ralph Stanley, will we ever treasure it. Ralph Stanley is out there WORKING, not just an old guy brought on stage to do his songs, but a working musician out touring in his tour bus. His son and young grandson were part of his "Clinch Mountain Boys" band. Ralph Stanley among other things is funny. After having mentioned at the beginning of the set that he had been performing for 57 years, at the end of the set he told us we were the best audience he had ever seen!
The music was something else. You could look all over the audience and no one was able to sit still, toes and knees and fingers were tapping all over the place. First there was a local bluegrass band, very good to listen to. Then Dr. Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys for an hour and a half of the heart of bluegrass. Ralph Stanley did "Oh Death" a capella and a gospel song, "Lift Him Up," also a capella, I was one big goosebump. He did "Man of Constant Sorrow," and "Angel Band" from "Oh Brother Where Art Thou," he mostly sang but played claw-hammer banjo on one song. The band's stage presentation was simple and understated and effective, with any members not taking part in a particular song, dropping behind the stage curtain so that the groupings didn't always look the same. Ralph Stanley performed on most but not all of the songs. We heard bluegrass treasures, bluegrass standards, bluegrass many things. At one point my husband and I both closed our eyes to just let the sounds steep through us.
Yeah, this truly was more important than our workaday world problems. Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 18 Nov 2003
Patrick, what an entertaining and intriquing trip, gotta be nice to read a paper or see a show with out all the American war fervor being shoved down your throat.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: part 2
Date: 18 Nov 2003
Thats the first time I've ran out of space here. So here is part 2.
Sponge-- since you are but a ferry away from Dublin. I suggest you venture over. Since you have not been there in 10 years. Lots has changed for the better in the city, The have restored many buildings and monuments. Hell, Just the improvement since we were there 2 years ago is amazing.
And to repay you your favor for the referral to the "Brazen Head" ( by the way the main room was closed to a private party but they insisted we come in and join it) I must highly recommend You check out the "Jack L. Does Brel show" At the Spirit on Abbey street. Probably to see this show in a larger venue would usurp its power. "I absolutely insist you go!!" He is playing through Nov. 29th I believe. If you don't absolutely totally enjoy it and rave about it I will refund your money for it personaly and also pay for any guiness you quafe on the outing. "I'm that serious, Order a ticket and get your ass there" Then when you return check in covertly under your new handle to see if I need to send a few Euro's or a "You are quite welcome,mate".
Eileen-- Go for it. The change is gonna alter your mood in a very wonderful and positive way. Just remember to take it easy, Progress not perfection, the ones of us trhat are presently non-smokers have tried more than once to quit. The ones who get smoke free are the ones who keep tryin'. Like Hammond I also chewed the hell out of the nicorette gum for a few months and then it lost its taste for me. Have not wanted to smoke since. Even in Ireland where people still smoke in a lot of public places it did not set off an urge, nor did it disgust or bother me being around it.
Hammond-- The vibe in Dublin is great. The people there seem to take it for true, That Bush is the problem and the American people will once again find a remedy for such tyranny. I also got a couple of good shots of Arthur Lee and will try to post acouple here if I can figure out my scanner.
Nicole-- Not to keep spanking this pony-- buttt Check out that guys website at and then go to the sample of the Brel songs.
Glad to be back. Mark,Mcming,Eric,Jag, FYI, MIA STEVE,thanks for all your thoughts and views and dreams. Peace,Love and true freedom, Patman

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: part 1
Date: 18 Nov 2003
Hi everybody,
We have returned from our Ireland adventure. Great trip !! The people in Dublin are so especially beautiful.Plus Ireland is such a young country the majority of the people are under age 25, But instead of that making me feel old, It made me feel younger. It was bliss not having the american propaganda war machine blaring constantly. The coverage on the news there was minimal in comparison.Plus it was based on more fact than fiction.
Hammond- Arthur and Love were great.Fine form. What a great band he has. His young guitar player is incredible. Kinda like a restrained, smoother hendrix as to not bogart the spotlight. They were in London the next night then live with jools holland where the played 1 song, Jools chatted with Arthur in between and then Love and arthur did the shows finishing number to a great fanfare from musical peers who had performed also. The Dublin shows orchestra consisted of strings and horns from the Dublin symphony, Of course all dressed funky and under age 25. Brilliant.
The manager at the Ambassador got us on the guest list at a club called Spirit the next night where we had the pleasure to see a local irish musician named jack lukeman and his band do a caberet show of Jauque Brel's tunes. It was called "Jack L. Love, Sex and Death, The songs of Jauque Brel" It was unfucking believable!! He did the show with all songs translated to english and the club was set up with small tables like a french cafe' Quite intimate and man Jack L. can really sing and perform.
Dr. Sponge-- Thanks again for the tip on the "Brazen Head Pub" wow!! THe Guiness glasses were sitting on the bar waiting to settle as the barman expertly kept blending into them as the patrons patiently waited.

Name: Eric
Date: 18 Nov 2003
Completely understand. Quitting cigarettes was the hardest thing. All the associations with smoking kept rattling that mental chain. Places where I would sneak a smoke. Situations. Thankfully bars became smoke free, and coffee shops. Those were two favorite places, situations. What really helped was substituting new activities that were smoke free. Like swimming -- can't smoke while doing the crawl. Ha! That was the life saver. Also, the nicorette gum helped get over the physical addiction, I guess. It was funny how that worked. I chewed that gum for several months. Then suddenly one day all taste for it disappeared. Completely irrevocably gone.
So, here's best wishes, it's a tough row and all that. Only you can do it, but if you need anything you know how to holler. Buena suerte.

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Nov 2003
Mark~I have one obsession..the computer/and one serious addition..smoking. They totally support one another. I rarely smoke except when on the computer. The computer is eating up otherwise creative time and the smoking is killing me. 36 hrs of not smoking is the furthest I've been able to get, and I was totally high after being totally sick the day before. Remember, I already have emphysema, and stopping smoking hurts like a bitch and my lungs feel like they weigh and extra 20 lbs..and then had a serious desperate need to smoke.*stooopid* This is what we call hard core addiction folks. But I am getting no foolin' sick from smoking. I had this thought that if all it takes is staying off the computer in order to stop smoking, that's more than worth the sacrifice. I'm so serious about this I have asked Miranda to stay with me to help me get over the hump..I'm saying 4 days she is allowed to guilt trip, take the car keys or whatever. I really feel like I need to be tied down to get thru this. So if you see me here any time soon, don't talk to me and make me go away. Ha! Get the picture? I figure we have all made good enough contact here, I can leave and still hope to hear from you all every so often.....right?

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Nov 2003
I don't understand. Can you explain? Please send me your numbers.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Nov 2003
Friends~I am going to give Miranda my computer in another day or 2. You all have my address that want it? Do you need or want my phone #? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Name: Romeo
Date: 17 Nov 2003
Just wanted to say Hi. hi. Bye.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Nov 2003
Mark~Bush has to know the English do not have him on their All Time Favorite list. But I still look forward to him getting a dose. I doubt our media will tell it though. I know not long ago Blair's popularity was taking a beating because of his relationship with this country.

Name: Cleopatra
Date: 17 Nov 2003
"Please contact me asps."

Name: kelly garnet
Date: 17 Nov 2003
need partners to expand my company in abroad,
please contact me asps

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Nov 2003
I was a little distracted on my last post. I meant to say that the draft and it's consequences could force those who are still taking what the mainstream media is peddling as factual, to be placed in a more personal context regarding the war and the jerks who perpetuate it. Once some of the realities of war and corruption begin to reach into the daily life of our population, closer attention will be paid to the actions of our government. The "turd" is the polarization and conflict brought about by this. When harder, angrier questions are asked and the answers aren't adequate. That would be the "fan."
On another note, I think that Bush's visit to London could be an important event for his public image. Britan, widely seen as our close supporter of the war, may have a different message to send. What I have read about the size and management of the protest awaiting him there is encouraging.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 17 Nov 2003
Draft the void - and avoid the Draft!
This revolution will not be digitized!
Sign off now! - Go AWOL asap.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Nov 2003
Mark~And what turd would THAT be?

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Nov 2003
The point I am trying to make about the draft is that the sooner we (our culture) reach the point of crisis we will begin the search for a resolution. The longer we are cajoled, duped, massaged and coddled by the media the more capitalist greed mongers will suck the blood out of our lives. The sooner that big turd hits the fan and we all, and I am talking about the dinner table in Amerika here, the more lives will be saved.

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Nov 2003
This may lend a modicum of hope in these dim times, billionaire George Soros, liberal philanthropist has pledged serious money and time to rid us of Bush in 2004

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Nov 2003
Oregon's Guard deployment is the highest since WW II as well, Ft Lewis is the mustering point for the entire region. I heard something recently to the effect of "The rich go to school and the poor go in the military, lets bring back the draft and apply it equally" It sounds great in theory but as we all can remember it was never applied fairly and the "Fortunate Sons" were many. A stint in the guard back then was an out not so now.
Mark I remember reading something you scribed about that experience and can only imagine the horror. I got my draft notice forwarded to me in Sydney, Australia and spent almost two years explaining how I got a passport and visa. (I fell through a crack :) )

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Nov 2003
Eileen,Jag and Travis,
Fort Lewis, the mere mention of that place just pulls me back. In my efforts to slide out of a tour of duty in Viet Nam in 1966 I ended up spread-eagled on the floor of the military air terminal there, then locked in a holding cage in the center of the Fort Lewis stockade lobby to be taunted by the MPs on the desk. Spent long cold nights and days in a maximum security cell listening to the shrieks of a horribly demented GI next door. Marched in a chain gang with bracelets and chains to the mess hall to be run through the chow line with the Army regulars and then back to the stockade again. The idea of this scenario playing out again for another young and naive insurgent sends a sinking burning anger through my nervous system. This experience for me included a 3 month stint in a locked down pscyh ward at David Grant Hospital at Travis AFB, and an absolutely unspeakable duhumanizing attack on my sanity during a "evaluation" at Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in the Oakland Hills. I am not a violent man, but if I was ever to come across the Naval "physician" on call the night the military delivered me there (not likely and hopefully he is dead now), his health would be on the iffy side. Man, the stories I could tell of treatment of COs and those who tried to work the system for a way out of the war then are chilling. I know where this all goes but I still say the draft can be part of the "consciousness expansion" of this war. More later.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Nov 2003
Nov 16, 03-FORT LEWIS -- More than three-thousand National Guard members report tomorrow to armories across Washington. Then the members of the 81st Brigade will head for Fort Lewis. Eventual destination: Iraq. This is the largest deployment of guardsmen from Washington since World War Two. The brigade has two tank battalions, a mechanized infantry battalion, engineers, support troops, artillery and an intelligence company. It was put on alert September 27th. The troops will perform security and support operations in Iraq, relieving other soldiers on duty.

Name: Howard Zinn
EmailAddress: FYI-Service
Date: 16 Nov 2003
Available Now
Disobedience and Democracy
Nine Fallacies of Law and Order - historian Howard Zinn lays out a clear and dynamic case for civil disobedience and protest. He challenges the dominant arguments against forms of protest that challenge the status quo.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 16 Nov 2003
The results are in!
Sat Nov 15 2003 19:43:02 ET
The full extent of the low regard Britons have for George Bush was tonight revealed in a poll.
The US President was branded a threat to world peace by a clear majority, 60%, of those questioned by YouGov.
More than one in three, 37%, said Mr Bush was "stupid" while 33% called him "incoherent".
Only a minority saw positive characteristics in Mr Bush, with just 7% regarding him as a good world leader, 6% as articulate and 10% as intelligent.
The findings are published in The Sunday Times ahead of his state visit to Britain next week, the first by a US leader.
A slim majority of those questioned opposed the visit by 26% to 21% although half did not care.
There was sympathy with anti-war campaigners who plan a series of protests to mark the visit with a majority of 53% to 41% supporting the demonstrations.
The antipathy toward Mr Bush is matched by an increasingly gloomy view of Iraq.
For the first time a majority said Britain and America were wrong to go to war with Iraq by 45% to 43%.
The question has been asked repeatedly since March and when US troops entered Baghdad in April voters were in favour of the war by 66% to 29%.
Now almost three-quarters, 73%, expected the security situation to get worse over the next few months.
Only 15% believed that things would get better in Iraq with just 18% saying the country's future would be as a peaceful democracy.
An overwhelming 70% thought there was little hope for the people of Iraq and that it would be a permanently unstable country.
Despite this, there is not a clamour to bring Britain's troops home.
One in five, 20%, said UK forces in Iraq should be withdrawn immediately and 26% said they should return home within six months whatever the security situation.
However, 47% believed Britain had a duty to retain forces there.
There was little faith in the President's ability to handle the continuing problems in Iraq.
Fewer than a quarter, 24%, had confidence in Mr Bush on Iraq, while 74% did not.
Prime Minister Tony Blair fares only slightly better with 38% expressing confidence in him compared with 59% who did not.
There was also scepticism about the "special relationship" between Britain and the US.
Only a third, 34%, thought the relationship should continue as at present with Britain remaining America's closest ally.
A larger proportion, 47%, said that Britain should continue as one of America's allies but be ready to pursue a more independent line.
Some went further, with 14% saying Britain should no longer regard America as a close ally and should pursue its own interests irrespective of what Washington thinks.
YouGov surveyed a representative sample of 1,934 adults, online, on Thursday and Friday, November 13-14.

Name: FYI -Service
Date: 16 Nov 2003
For all you URR enthusiasts: Consult the Black Panther Handbook - Ramparts Magazine - The Realist - and even "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The times may have changed but the UUR strategy game of huntum and hideum is essentially same.
Instructions included but batteries will not be necessary.
The Revolution will not be digitized.
Avoid the Draft & Draft the Void (instead)

Date: 16 Nov 2003
Consult your friendly Black Panther Handbook - Ramparts Magazine - The Realist - and even the Berkeley Barb. The times have changed but the strategy is the same. Instructions are included - batteries are not necessary

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: more briar patches
Date: 16 Nov 2003
For those of you who are landowners or landholders you might want to consult with some of your vet friends and start the process of digging underground hootches. The're sure to be helpful as the railroad comes more fully into the realm of necessity. Find people you trust to check on your designs and your timber shoring techniques. Start linking, off air, through personal meetings to avoid gossip. Later, and perhaps along different lines of communication we could begin to discuss paint ball skirmishes with authority--likely to result in charges of at least intefering with said authority if caught. Perhaps it's time for somebody to bring forward some rational legal advice concerning these kinds of actions.....we seek to remind the man that he is not now nor ever will be fully in control. Otherwise we prevail, as usual, by exposing the dichotomies between what is said and done, by now a familiar and effective tool, if one ever gets past preaching to the choir. Mark and I once started a conversation that among other things forced us both to deal with the continuing escalation of " patriotic retrenchment," that would surely arise as the body bags, amputees, and perhaps chemically contaminated vets began return to heartland USA. This conversation also included Hammond, who, if memory serves, knew, and so stated that the relative anonymity and obscurity, afforded those in large anti-war actions are a function of our larger cities, was lost on main street as the coffins mount--culminating in our general agreement that the Selective Service System was probably just around the corner, headed for our kids----The average men and women of our country, buying into a hot, fly-by war, followed by endless patrols and annoying shifts on guard duty, had not been reached, educationally, about what it's like to be a sitting target, in the middle of a muddled mission. At home, too; the rank and file veterans, have already recognized the uselessness of making fundamentalist Islam a fucking democracy-------------if you want to talk here about this further..........give it a go..............Travis UAW/MF

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Nov 2003
Rainy Sunday in Portland - I think mugu leaves his droppings all over the internet - Like most of us, mugu is someone who has received thousands of letters from the Abacha family trust. The difference is ole mugu has been writing back to the scam artists - "mugu" is a derogatory term for someone or thing in Liberian, so a real Liberian would not call himself this... Oh well
Sponge - Fair sailing mate - I believe I understand what you are up to and perhaps against. You can not be here in alias of Sponge - the new Sponge is not a "Sponge" - but the transformation - like a molting snake which leaves the shed behind - in your case perhaps it is the'woodshed' - as in the jazz version where we go off at times to work out the new riffs before jumping back into the fray with licks that blow everyone away.... AsEver a pleasure - and come back when you do...

Name: Prince Valiant
Date: 16 Nov 2003
Coprophagist = a dung-eater

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Nov 2003
Bummer Eric! A little something to do in case you didn't have enough to do!
Nicole~In looking for something else, came across this. A little NM flavor:
So while at it figured to check out the Taos paper. Whenever I'm in some fantacy of a place I check out the local paper:
Mushroom season has begun here! I have my second rug started! I am starting to be really so glad to be back here.

Name: eric
Date: 16 Nov 2003
Eileen -- no virus. I was haunted by a song i'd heard on the radio and installed iTunes to search for it. Turns out iTunes is not so friendly to Windows. It left a nasty driver that prevented the computer from shutting down. Tried everything I could think of, the only solution was a complete reformat and reinstall. Just goes to show what Apple can do to a Wintel computer. (Oh, it turned out the tune that had been bouncing around my head for days was Yellow by Coldplay.)

Name: DeSilva
Date: 16 Nov 2003
coprophage ? Whats one of those?

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Nov 2003
Eric..A virus?

Name: eric
Date: 16 Nov 2003
sorry haven't been able to clean up mugu's mess, my computer stopped working and i'm installing all software from scratch...

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Nov 2003
"But ACT is not the only political movement Soros is funding. This week he put up $US5 million for the web-based activist group,, which for months has been campaigning against the Iraq war."
Mark~I've been pouring the thoughts out quite coherently. LAst night I was so wired I was up to 4:40 AM and could have kept going..and sure paid this morning. I'm too old for these late hrs anymore. This morning more demand and I finally craweled off to Miranda's to get away from my brain and veg out in front of TV for a few hrs. Is it the sun? I've lost track and feel like I'm being moved like a freight train whether I have the energy or not. Woke with the tail end of a dream. 2 astronots trying to get pigs to fly. Ha! If pigs could fly..any thoughts to what the heck that dream joke was addressing? No I'm not going to be the pig and the astronaut..I'm too tired to do it.

Name: Prince Valiant
Date: 15 Nov 2003
Another lowdown filthy sabotage assault -- th devil take you,
you wretched coprophage

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Nov 2003
Hey Eileen,
These solar influences must have me on the run too. Or,it's just I can't seem to keep my thoughts together for any length of time.
Water under the bridge, show us what you got. I would encourage any of your cohorts who read this list to show it too.
And Jenn,
I wish I could be more positive about local politics but recalls have been a recuring event down here. They come in cycles and usually don't have as much effect as expected. BUT, since Ahnold has made his way, at least for the near future, recalls will be the order of the local political day.
Ohio Girl,
You can really shine that light on us all.

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Nov 2003
Hey Sponge~Why leave when you're just figuring it all out? I don't understand.
This has been one hell of a wkend that ain't over yet. Have about communicated myself into the ground. But wanted to stop by with a Hi! That's about it.

Name: Sponge
Date: 15 Nov 2003
to stop spam change the "r" to make robert in the email address

Name: Willie De Silva
Date: 15 Nov 2003
Gotta come back here , fucking diggers still alive. wow fucking great

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 15 Nov 2003
Ever wanted to evaluate your self? Have you ever found your own true worth?
The worth others value you at ! I just tried an experiment. Just me, no help from any one else. I asked myself "am I my own product?" or am I a product of someone else's power or strength? I learnt a hard lesson over the last few months. Sponge is what Sponge is - not what Sponge thinks he is. I hold, through my work, a privileged position.One that gives me media attention and the ear of thousands. I cant divulge what I do but trust me I have my dependants.However I discovered that I was supported by someone elses power. Infact I was getting by on the shoulders of giants. Well I am not the first and I am not going to be the last.
I just spent a few months in the company of strangers. People who don't know my reputation or even my name. I tried to impose myself on their community not by interference just by their willingness to accept me as a leader (that's too strong a term) or as a valued member of their community.
I failed. I failed because I tried too hard. I failed because I put myself first, and I failed because I wasn't strong enough to deliver. Yes i knew the words. Yes I knew when and how too say them and when and too whome. My convictions just didn't convince those that I wanted too help (impress?)
After a lot of soul searching I have made a decision. Dr Sponge will desist after tonight. This is my last post.Thank you all for you patience (Eric thats you) and appologies for any any hurt or misunderstandings that I may have caused (Steve are you listening) Diggers you will never know how far your voice is heard, it's loud and clear this side of the Atlantic
Thank all of you diggers, old and new, you all matter.It was my pleasure to have met you.
Finally I have been given the gift of recognising my own capabilities and it is good. No more delusions of grandeur, just plain simple honesty. We are all little people. Long live the little people.
Dr Sponge.

Name: Potato King
EmailAddress: another tuber
Date: 15 Nov 2003
just as a theory question, what do you think would be MUGU's interest in this website ?

Date: 15 Nov 2003
Gagga Goo Goo Gagga Mugu - out demons out!

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Nov 2003
"relative?" you might ask. We haven't proved it as yet - he is searching the tree now that I have found the missing link - but it seems we are cousins on my grandmother's side. Man, where did I come from - Woody and Arlo on one side and Hawk on the other - guess I should have stuck to playing the drums afterall! Ah life.....

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Nov 2003
Jenn - :-)
Public TV - As a rule I don't watch programs like "Doc" - but keep your eyes out in the listings for the upcoming episode (this year) that includes my Hawkins relative - Ronnie "The Hawk" - as well as playing a role he sings a new song. I guess 'Big Time' is just around the corner! Got a note from his daughter the other day and Ronnie is do'in fine after his heart surgery. I missed seeing it but apparently Vanity Fair ran a great photo of Hawk with Robbie R. in the November issue. If anyone has this (Vanity Fair ? - here?) please send me a copy...
Best of the weekend to everyone -H.

Name: J
Date: 15 Nov 2003
H..........INCOMING ;)

Name: Jenn
Date: 15 Nov 2003
Oh my gawd!!!!!!! Maxam has gotten the signatures needed to recall our DA. Last night was a huge fundraiser, which sold out to keep him in office. He is such a decent man, and this is maddening. The recallers, good ole boys from the logging days and the actual LP company that the DA filed fraud charges against put up the Money to get this thing to fly. So many people I know are working hard to stop this damn thing. Arnie was bad enough...still scratching my head...but Galeageos the DA is such a compasionate guy that it boggles the mind. He is not soft on crime, just goes after REAL crime. If he does get recalled, that will mean that NO DA will go against the bastards that swabbed pepper spray in the EYES of now violent demonstrators, or any large business that deserves looking into. Those neanderthals even felled a tree on a protester and killed him. different DA then, big slap on the hand, awwww and they called it an accident. what next?
Thankful for the good things....chilly autumn mornings with river fog rolling in, the last of the harvests and quiet firelit nights, and friends who understand. ahhhmen ahhhhwomen.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Nov 2003
Here is a curious and provocative news story from SF.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Nov 2003
Here is a curious and provocative news story from SF.

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Nov 2003
The CounterPunched Version
Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Ohio Girl~making me laugh. Ralph Stanley will put everything back in it's proper place. OOOoooooooOOoo I wish I could go..said with a whine. Please tell us about it!!!

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: good, bad
Date: 13 Nov 2003
I just lost a bunch of money at work in the form of bonuses that have been cut. And holiday pay got reduced drastically, and every one of us counted on the Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years pay for our holiday spending. On the good side I still have a job. On the really good side, only two days until the Ralph Stanley concert!!!!!!! I might as well focus on what's truly important. Peace

Name: claude
Date: 13 Nov 2003
I'd have to second that feeling. I do feel a lot of pent up energy building.I also believe there will have to be a national focussing this coming year on getting this next election right. I think it can be done, and plan to work at it how I can and I think everyone has to suspend disbelief this one time, like Tinkerbelle, believe this democracy back to life. It means a get out the vote campaign like never before. The internet is a powerfull new tool that our side has seized and run with. With enough effort, it's possible to blow these suckers right out of the water, the way things stand right now. A lot rides on the public pereption of the next eight months vis the war and the economy. As it looks now, going to hell real fast in the rack, and no big job growth (I'm laid off right now), gonna be a lot of disappointed and pissed off folks come November next.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: cogitating
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Haven't looked at the cards lately, & don't know if I dare to. But, coming from whatever other sources I've got .. I don't really sense doom so much. More like, fed-up-ness. It may be my wishful fantasy, but somehow I see more desperation/enlightenment spreading .. enough somehow basic education that the proles can understand one another .. and thus, a big voice, like 'No More Lies
& No More Bullshit' .. aahh, I dunno, the seduction of the lottery win, every American imagines he/she might win the big lottery .. shit, maybe you're right Eileen & drastic but not such a bad idea, thin out the herd. I'd take my chances with that.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 Nov 2003
It is COLD in Ohio today. I was glad to get that message from/about Silent Steve but I'm freezing here in the house, and I just hope he's keeping warm enough without one.....
Yes these are strange and disturbing times, aren't they. A veneer of normality in our society if you don't think about Iraq, if you don't think about our civil rights quietly being stripped away, if you don't think about the fact that almost no one is secure in their job or their ability to obtain medical care, if you don't think about all the prejudice that has never really been eradicated in our society. Or humans without a roof over their head tonight. Does it all look better than it is because we have DVD players and computers today? I tend to believe in cycles, or pendulum swings, that the world and society tends to "counterpunch" itself and right itself. Ha, anyways I always hope that's true!! Peace

Name: Nik
Date: 13 Nov 2003
A change of subject for a moment...

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Eileen - adlibing all over my chin was I? I will read back and pick up on the bigger picture. Glad you liked our Op-oetic gesture to B&B's estate visit. To bad we don't have our own Guy Fawkes Day - then we could all burn our own version his effigy. Guess who?

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Many have been seeing the Black Rider moving West to East. Ha frankly I think I wouldn't be noticing the direction other than getting out of the way! On the War Issues board post by Doc, what was of most interest to me was the head set presented. THAT'S what got my attention on that post and made too perfect sense.
Hammond~I don't think you're getting the picture here. But nice cut up by you and Stew.

Name: Nik.
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Nice punch Hammond. and btw I don't think my experience in the tree house really had anything to do with the morning glory seeds other than they being a vehicle for me to "see" something I needed to see. I did take them and I did get physically sick from them...but that's where it ends...the experience transended the actual facts...I heard pounding, smelled the sweat, felt the wind, saw the leaves blowing and had I let go of the railing I would have touched the riders boot...THAT"S how real that was...Maybe I was just so sick (poisoned) that I was near death and plugged into the akashic stuff...

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Preview - (to be CounterPunched)....
Op-oetic joint venture from Hammond and Stew.
Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot
The Commander in Chief of Statements
heads for blighty to yank the chains
of unpopular coalition and prime directive
to the citizenry - good fellows, women,
children all brewing with anger.
Tea will not be served with trumpets
at the street militant's humiliation,
where mobs are massing in the mean
over imperial egos set to praise
and not to bury one another.
Sorry to have missed Guy Fawkes,
perhaps a totty round of charades
following the fireworks over London,
and the bonfires last burning effigy
honoring this grand traitor's day.
No pennies for these guys.
© 2003 - Hammond Guthrie & Stew Albert

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Thanks Nicole~you have no idea how I hate to post this shit. I agree with you about this needing to happen. This keeps being a flashback to, A Distant Mirror. Same movie, different weapons. Something like 1/4 of France's population was left by the time it was done. People beat down by the brutal politics and religion with the devil to pay with the atrocities of the crazies. Weather over the top and ofcourse fires. The whole works. Woke this morning with some memory of a ship from China bringing in the plague. Whatever that's about.

Name: PS - Hammond
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Nic - I loved how you so casually mention "the tunnel thing" = something we all know so well from the daze gone by..... What were we thinking? - Oh, now I remember......

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Actually I rather liked"Heavenly Blues" (don't chew more than 40 kids) - and then there was Hawaiian Woodrose - Opps... everyone wakes up naked in a tree with this one!!! - Ah the daze.....Asthmador anyone?

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Eileen, I've read the links and it's so alarming, yet I have this feeling that it all needs to come to a's like having a low grade fever and just feeling shitty and not sick enought to lay yrself down, but not well enough to do anything...well, the fever needs to break...bush and osama are twins, they both are fundementalist who believe theirs is the know the Dylan song, with God On Our's like that...he say's, "I cannot tell you you'll have to decide, whether Judas Iscariot had God on his side"
There are those who'll argue that that scenario with 30 peices of silver had to happen in order for the whole crucifiction thing to happen...but then that doesn't account for all the other religions or belief systems throught out the world...somewhere in there is just the ying and yang of it all...just sort of rambling here trying to get a feel...thanks for letting me.

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 Nov 2003
ah syncronicity again...When I asked if anyone remembered David (prankster) and also that we hung out at Longreach Ranch, Billy Hitchcocks place...well, One night at that time 1968-9, we had eaten (stupidly) some morning glory seeds (ugh!) David left and I climbed up the hill behind the house and went up into a tree house. I became gravely ill...I was so poisoned...suddenly there came a huge horse and rider through the branches and leaves of the tree...I heard it was thunderous, holves pounding, dirt flying, the tree shaking so hard I had to hang on for life...after that I went into one of those hurling through a tunnel things, filled with fear I could barely breath and when I got to the end of the tunnel there was coming from the sky at a great angle a sort of tube, that was translucent and trasparent at the same time...with all of history and everything future inside of it in little compartments...and at that moment I felt fantastic...euphoric almost...definately at peace. then I found my self on the ground naked and puking over looking the napa valley from mt St Helena at the bottom of the tree awesome experience...and I always thought there was a real important message in that experience because it was sooooo real, much different than an acid trip.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Nov 2003
I don't care if I look stupid. I'm taking this as real.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Nov 2003
Claude~Will connect with you tomorrow via email.
I've had another hard day, and I want to pass on some thoughts and info here. This "something" that is going on for me is starting to take more form as more information comes in. Normally I would say take it or leave it. But in this case I'm taking it seriously. I am feeling absolutely battered with negative forces. I have beefed up my chanting and am calling for all afternoon chanting at my house every Sat from here on. I have my own stuff to clean up I'm doing battle with, this seems to be bringing to the fore. The Dark Rider seems to be collecting its legions thru the unwary. I hate to think of what others may be going thru with no spiritual foundation. This is no party! Someone compared it to the Dark Lord, in Lord of the Rings. That about covers what I am getting. Put on the ring Frodo. But this is being done (yes, it feels intentional on some level, or is it the scales are finally becoming too tipped?) without anyone realizing there IS a ring!
My sister who has always been way more in tune than I am to particulars, has this to say. "Hard to get a feel for the timing, but it feels like it is within 2 weeks to 4 months. I am most concerned that it may be biological, as I mentioned. I pray not." I don't think this is all we're facing.
I am giving a link here, to a message I would like to share, with words from a visionary, which too much rings true for me. This site has been hit hard with people successfully crashing (as in wiping out) many of the boards. I hope it still is in tact by the time you try.
And on a lighter note, Lord of the Rings has a cool site. (yes, I still have lighter notes)

Name: claude
Date: 12 Nov 2003
Bay Area 11/25-11/28; IF the weather isn't too shitty to drive up and IF I can borrow a car, I MAY try to zip on up there for a quickie ;) IF you might be there...
email me yr phone#

Name: Mr Vista
EmailAddress: UK censorship my arse
Date: 12 Nov 2003
[Mr. Vista: this site is for original thoughts, not vapid reproductions of
multitudinous drivel.--ed.]

Name: Nik
Date: 12 Nov 2003
Jag...yes my brother.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Time to Rant!!
Date: 12 Nov 2003
Regarding Bush and his cronies, if they weren't such bull shit artists and blithering greed mongers with out an ounce of compassion or humanity, if they weren't the lowest possible denominator, if they weren't a scourge on the geo-political amalgam of possibilities, if they were'nt the quintessential representation of all that is wrong on the planet!! Well greed begets greed, the worm will turn and those very aspects of evil they are supposedly rooting out on behalf of a "grateful nation" those self same entities that this administration is chasing like a bitch in heat, those evil doers, they will have the final laugh when bombs over Baghdad turn out to be the rallying cry for the unwashed masses that in the end will bite the hand that feeds them, Consumerism, unabashed greed, prophecies of end times, Jesus Buddah Allah!! I hear a ground swell of discontent,a rallying cry of enough is enough, the clarion call of revenge and Bush et al have a bull's eye on their foreheads. Alas we will pay the ultimate price for their militaristic adventurism. More of the same. Out damn spot, the dogs of war are here.

Name: gborie
Date: 12 Nov 2003
nnnaana,i done come again oooooooooooo leaveam for rammmmmmmmm.

Name: Nik
EmailAddress: ps
Date: 12 Nov 2003
...and the petro glyphs on second mesa look like guys in space suits too.

Name: Nicole
Date: 12 Nov 2003
reading more on the mayan calendar today and they marked solar flares as one of the main points on the calendar and passage of time...and it makes sense to me that it would effect us as well...the plates, now there's scarey thought. But once again, I feel okay about all of this, it's like a rescue effort of it's self by the planet.
Between Hopi Kachina dolls looking like "space suits" and mayan and egyptian pyramids looking like lauch pads...who knows...things could get very interesting...and after all, I have been wanting an adventure.
The bush thing makes me puke. Suddenly he starts talking like he's the one and only one who can fix things..."we've" got to turn it over to the Iraqis as soon as possible so that "they" can get the oil up and running...bullshit I say...he's a very bad infection indeed. I think it's too late for anti biotics, I think it's amputation we're looking at.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 12 Nov 2003
Eileen - I too get the 'feeling' that the fan is about to get hit by gobs of goo - Undercover of doom the admin. is on the run - Dems calling for Rumpster's ouster - 500 lb. bombs beginning to reign instead of Iraqi fall guys - Bush coddling up to the greiving partents of dead Vets - "This is a nation at war" - even after the war as the Saudi sour grape connection rots on the vine like raisins in the sun bleached desert. Bush seems to think he is in charge - what a joke. Nobody is in charge and this is the problem in a bombshell. Nuts to all of them!

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Nov 2003
Hi Orion~Well none of that was readable. I have heard this is running thru the internet and I would expect thru several sources. This may be totally bogus. I mean certainly if it was meant to be a secret, it sure ain't now. I am still hanging fire to see if what I am feeling has anything to do with anything. This just may be more bad news feeding frenzy that I'm getting waves of. There is another thought by one of the sensitives that rang a bell for me, that the solar flares..yes, more coming, are doing things to the earth's plates. If this is so, we will find the plates moving differently. Whatever, I still have to wash the dishes.

Name: Orion
Date: 12 Nov 2003
Eileen -- here's the web site that supposedly published the communique warning Muslims to leave Washington (D.C.), New York, and L.A. immediately. (I say supposedly because the text is in Arabic):
The communique (as translated on other web sites) was signed on "5 Ramadan, 1424" which is Oct. 30, 2003 in the Western calendar, but it wasn't published on the web site until Nov. 3, 2003.

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Nov 2003
This is where that came from:

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Nov 2003
Has anyone seen this? Is this on TV or just the internet?
"American Muslims Told to Leave Major U.S. Cities",2933,102179,00.html
I have been seriously wacked out all day for no apparent reason. I won't go into all the details, but I don't recall ever feeling like I have and it's made me feel really vulnerable and disconnected. Finally checked in on a Sensitives site I have frequented for a number of yrs and was surprised to see folks there, from all over the US, are feeling much the same thing and no one knows why. For many this started yesterday. It didn't hit me until today. I believe what we are feeling my be mass consciousness, which I get when something scary is in the wind. My guess is, this could be it. The only way I (or they) will know is when the feeling releases and see why. I just felt this worth mentioning.

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Nov 2003
Patman~We will all be waiting for your return report!
Occasionally I go to Coyote's site to see what he's up to lately. On "Latest Tracking" There are some rather strange pictures of him..his character in a new movie, Deepwater. He said it was a fun picture. I hope he meant Funny, cause he's one of the funniest people I know. I have always wished he would do comedy and feel like he's stepped over his true calling. Has anyone seen his movie from '87, Timerider? That was one weird ass movie, and so funny! I think he had to have written most of his script or been given free reign. If you haven't see it do, if you can find it. If you want a flavor of Olema..he clearly drew heavily from it. Go check out his site if you want to see the goof ball weirdo I know. Ha! What are friends for?

Name: patman
Date: 11 Nov 2003
silent steve got him a footloose messenger man. How about dat. That idiot son of an asshole thing was cool. Thanks for passing it on claude. Off to Dublin town in the morning. I will pass on to our Irish brethren that the resistance is alive and well in the good ol' US of A and they are not the only ones practiced at the art of talkin' treason. Later all. Peace, Patrick

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Nov 2003
Make that..sent you.

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Nov 2003
OH Mike~YOU'RE A SAINT! That's so cool he set you. Yes we know exactly who you are talking about. If you're still with us..Thanks so much for being the messenger. Feel free to come back visit with us.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 11 Nov 2003
My name is Mike...I ran into silent steve and his bike clyde near the fulton fish market in New York City this morning and he passed me a note asking me to log onto this site and leave the message that he is alive and well, and that he and clyde are toughing out the season. That's all...hope someone gets this and knows what I'm talking about. Good luck!
Mike D.

Name: Nik
Date: 11 Nov 2003
McMing, that's good to hear...I know there are pockets of people, and practically EVERYONE I know feels the same way about the current state of affairs, and it's hard to figure how it can keep happening. Then again, my boss, who I think is brilliant in most as a tack, can do anything...he actually LIKES the shrub contigent...why? because he's rich? He reads the Dali Lama went to China to adopt a baby girl...and he likes bush?!?! I don't get it...he says, we'll all come to see he's right! yeah right...right winged ya mean. If this job wasn't supporting me, I'd consider quitting...just on principle. Anyway thanks for your encouraging point of view...and about that obesity thing...At the beach this summer, most men looked 7 months pregnant and 12 year old boys had brests bigger than mine, and that's saying something...and all walking back from the snack stand with tons of crap.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: bucolic
Date: 11 Nov 2003
Thanks, Eileen .. it's a new flash for me, maybe that's how the alignment of the planets is manifesting here, but I just got back from a sustainable-agriculture conference in SC [Carolina Farm Stewards' Association]
& it's good to know we have comrades, however little you would know it from main-stream news propaganda. & farming is one area we can do something to win back our independence .. many other dedicated & knowledgeable folks are at work on this .. & the inhumane players in this field, i.e. Monsanto, Con-Agra, etc.,
the Genetic-Engineering giants, are being fought in court .. and losing. BTW, trivial but inspiring to me to go to a gathering of maybe 1,000 people, of whom most were fit and in good shape, even the 50-yr olds .. very little of the unhealthy obesity you would find in a normal sampling at random of the American populace. The underground is still alive & well & just around the corner. One more cheesy slogan, but
"Come on, arise, and win !" -- Creedence

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Nov 2003
Thanks for the site Claude> Yes it was worth the wait, actually satisfying, and will get passed on further. I just had a flash. If we could come up with a song like that one ha!..OK maybe not exactly lke that song (too many words that don't Ha rhyme) to go public. so everyone was singing know like "We Shall Overcome"..or like "Idiot Son of an Asshole", he and his buddies would at least get the message. You know, I don't think we've come up with any good SONGS..and they can be so effective.
McMing~Meant to tell you that was a nice bit you offered up there. And as always Nicole, I am transported to "place" with your great descriptions. Thanks.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 11 Nov 2003
The Meatrix
PS - Mark, don't wish that they initiate the draft as a misguided missal for added dissent - the tools are far too costly

Name: claude
Date: 11 Nov 2003
time for some comic relief...
(750k download, and worth every second of the wait!!

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Nov 2003
Ahg..that's way harder to read through than it was on paper> I think this site sums up the intention of that speech with more specific action which President Ikeda spoke of and has been in some way a moving force behind. Please take a minute to look at it. Earth Charter Summits:

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Nov 2003
Jenn~What a great idea! I'm definitely up for a visit. You can meet the dogs and see my wonderful rug too.
"Kaliyuga noun (in Hindu mythology) the fourth (present) age of the world, characterized by total decadence."
"Even ultimate evil, when viewed in terms of its essential function of enabling us to polish our lives and attain Buddhahood, can be thought of as a teacher."
Further. Here is a link to a peace proposal given to the UN Jan 26,03, by President Ikeda..head of our world Buddhist organization (SGI)of which I am a part.

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Nov 2003
I just finished the Gore speech which was forwarded by the MoveOn folks behind Dean. I am so pissed at where we are headed as a country. I watched and listened to Clinton a few months back at Cal State Monterey Bay with Leon Panetta and have heard Gore's and read McGovern's take on the state we are in. Fucking knuckle-dragging,linear-thinking apes are pulling the levers now. The intellectual contrasts are breath taking and frightening. Sheeit! I hope the hell they do initiate the draft and soon, then the turd will head for the fan blades. Thanks for putting the Gore speech up.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Get Up Stand Up
Date: 10 Nov 2003
Right ON! McMing and let the sun shine in. The corporate greed mongers will reap their just deserts. JAH LOVE

Name: Eric
Date: 10 Nov 2003
I have posted the full text of the speech Al Gore gave yesterday on the Free City News page. This is where he accuses the Bush Administration of bringing about George Orwell's vision of 1984 and other horrendous realities. A must read for anyone interested in the future of this country:

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: skeleton crew
Date: 10 Nov 2003
.. is what I perceive here, a few of us, the proud & lonely, in the far-flung
stations of the night, watching the stars, listening to the oracles, tossing the bones .. united in isolation & defiance, keeping the word & the concept of the Soul alive .. cultivating our gardens & our concepts .. in tight with those that share these things .. seeking out unknown techniks .. seeking to bring an end to the Kaliyuga .. unutterably opposed to the corporate hegemony of all conceivable means of production, most centrally food & agriculture -- working for the restoration of the Garden, equity, right mind .. the dispassionate diamond-cutter Buddha-mind which we all possess
Get Up, Stand Up
Don't Give Up the Fight

Name: Jenn
Date: 10 Nov 2003
Greetings lovlies,
The eclipse eclipsed the north california coast due to a fabulous storm. We did drum and chant but it was amazingly quiet and mellow. My womans group usually can really make a lot of noise! Eileen I thought of you just over the mountians and through the woods, and we would be together! I may take a weekend trip to Fort Bragg with my darling, and I'll let you know if we can maybe have a lunch date on us!
Hammond, your book is so grippinig, I am not done, but Michael ate it up, wants more...avid reader that one. Next week. ;)
Nicole...check your email, lynns' daughter amber has a heart thing going. I am hugging you back with huge open arms and smiling wide at your being. I love you.

Name: Lillian
Date: 10 Nov 2003
Thanks to Eric and Eileen(Sam) for giving me some energy in my quest to locate John Simon and get my contact info to him. I am following up on any leads and will keep you posted. It has been 26 years since Motorcycle Richie died in a fire at the Chelsea Hotel, and I am now ready to deal with the fallout from that experience. I'd like to have a picture of him since my last and clearest memory of him was what I saw when I unzipped the black body bag in the back of the emergency vehicle in front of the hotel that night. There was a funeral, but I blew by that time in a fog. My life has changed radically but some things remain. Thank you for your kindness.

Date: 10 Nov 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Nov 2003
Curious - Yes, very selective services - which have changed a bit - especially regarding deferments - see the official web site for the full monty and the new classifications. I tend to agree with you on the water marks and holograms in progress regardless of what the Dept. of Statements has to say about the issue....
CounterPunched - "Conscriptions"
As for the boundry to the north the ruling on this is still pretty much the same as far as I know - Go forth and be denied reentry unless you want to deal with uncle's FBI pogram. CO status is still available but under different definition than in the past... Underground railways are reopening as we speak....

Name: Eric
Date: 10 Nov 2003
Lillian -- sorry to hear about Richie. I would've liked to meet him. John Simon occasionally checks in here. The last time he left a message was in 2000 and he gave his email address as: (remember to get rid of the _yada part). I doubt that's still current, but you could give it a try.
By the way, I put an article into the Digger archive here which I ran across by pure accident from the New Yorker in 1967 which described the Free Store in New York and it gives a brief bio of Motorcycle Richie. You can read the article here:

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Nov 2003
Good Monday Morning all, beautiful week bon fire, didn't make it to Johnny's but stayed on the river (esopus creek). Arrived Friday evening and had dinner at New World restaurant...outrageously scrumpcious food!!! To the house and early to bed...when I woke up in the morning about 6:30, the sky was very grey but for a small slit that allowed the rising sunlight to paint the yellow leaves on the opposite bank of the first it looked like a fire...I got up and went outbr-r-r=r=r-side 18 degrees, but it was spectacular...the river deep grey blue, the hardwoods absolutely golden,interspersed with black bark and green pine, and the sky grey. So can't help but feel alive...fucking great way to start the day. Later that evening Susan and I walked into town to eat just as the shadow was taking it's first bite of the the time we finished our meal, the shadow was full as well, we walked back home, sat out back and watched and felt everyone watching. For those of you who weren't able to see it...I saw it for you.
Eileen, glad you finished. Must be lovely.

Name: claude
Date: 10 Nov 2003
I don't remember, exactly, but, quite likely I lost my dial-up, or fell off the net for some reason. It's happened a few times. Have also had a couple of crashes of computers. Or maybe I was waiting to hear back from you or something. Can't find any trace of earlier correspondence. I have the same address,

EmailAddress: Curious George
Date: 09 Nov 2003
As is does, contact me via carrier pigeon for furthur info concerning clandestine meeting in Adirondacks, for identity clarification seek Emmett Grogan's Ringelevio page 184, aka "Suntan"

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: crystal mountain
Date: 09 Nov 2003
Hammond: Did you mean by SSS the Selective Service System. Here's a bet for you, I've got ten bucks that say that new draft cards are already being engineered with water marks and holographic images, in order to defeat simple counterfeiting. I would ask you if you know the particulars of the patriot act, and such other particulars of homeland security, in regard to crossing our borders both to the north and south....( there must surely be enclaves of sympathetic ex patriots in both locations.) If you wish to discuss these issues in a more private setting, use snail mail to a friend of mine(Rugged Luggage) P.O. Box 680155 Park City, Utah 84068-- I'll probably get it that way in a week and a half or two weeks time.................Tierra O Muerte.......Travis--by the way, if I was believed, you should be able to get some idea of my level of discretion by contacting Silent Steve, or Claude--Steve knows part of the story, and Claude knew me on the Land--but doesn't remember me.........In fact there are lots of people who don't remember me--pretty effective anonymity, except that it sometimes gets in the way..........T

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Elmer's shitter
Date: 09 Nov 2003
Claude: Why did you go silent (without explanation) during my contact with you?If willing to resume contact me at
.....................Travis UAW/MF.........or here, if you wish (within limits.)

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Nov 2003
I finished my rug tonight!!
Well? Are we all enlightened now? After 4 hrs of marathon chanting I certainly feel cleaned up! That was fun, if not some work.
Glad you got lucky Claude. The moon was hidden behind the trees and rain clouds. What a disappointment. But had a great day! Tonight the moon blasts away. Today everyone is wiped out I have talked to. We had a huge rain storm that accelerated in the night..woke me it was raining so hard. Perhaps it was the exteme change of weather that got everyone..or the outpouring of energy.
Lillian~Sorry, can't help.

Name: Lillian
Date: 09 Nov 2003
Hi All,
This is my first time on this site. I am looking for John Simon, the author of "The Sign of the Fool. Memoirs from the Haight-Ashbury, 1965-68" . He wrote this book about his trip and adventures with Motorcycle Richie to the Haight. I was Richie's lover when he died in the late 70s at the Chelsea Hotel in NYC. He was the love of my life and I do not have one photo of him to remember him by. Please forward this message to John if you know him, and John, if you're out there: we met once or twice and I know you remember me, if only vaguely. I'd appreciate your contacting me by email and I hope this finds you and your family well and happy.
Lillian (formerly aka-Brandy)

Name: claude
Date: 09 Nov 2003
Serendipity still manifests! Spaced out on the eclipse until I snapped, stepped out side, and there it was, bingo, totality, the last sliver of light slipping away as I watched. Thankyou.
Yes, I remember Gerard was quite a BMOC until he fell in with those socialists...
...seriously, encountering Winstanley was my own personal "St. Paul on the road to Damascus" moment, back in 1966. As I lay there in the (metaphorical) dusty road, dumbstruck, I realised that the battle had been going on for the last 350 years and was still unresolved. 35 years later, that's still true.

Name: claude
Date: 09 Nov 2003
Serendipity still manifests! Spaced out on the eclipse until I snapped, stepped out side, and there it was, bingo, totality, the last sliver of light slipping away as I watched. Thankyou.
Yes, I remember Gerard was quite a BMOC until he fell in with those socialists...
...seriously, encountering Winstanley was my own personal "St. Paul on the road to Damascus" moment, back in 1966. As I lay there in the (metaphorical) dusty road, dumbstruck, I realised that the battle had been going on for the last 350 years and was still unresolved. 35 years later, that's still true.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 09 Nov 2003
Hello everyone! I didn't get to see the eclipse, although the sky was clear enough. We were too busy at the nursing home for the first few hours of my shift, one new resident was extremely unhappy and he needed all the time we had and no one got their breaks. Many of us tried to see the eclipse after it was too late, oh well.
I've been busy with family matters but have been reading all the messages. About dreams, interferon sometimes causes those waking dreams. It doesn't remotely do anything that makes a person feel good, as a matter of fact it kind of degrades your personality, does sometimes promote those waking dreams. The most interesting dream I ever had: I saw a photo in a magazine of an eight-sided God's eye. I tried over and over and over to make an eight-sided God's eye but I never got the threads wound right, I always kept burying the pattern. One night I dreamed about how to make this God's eye, woke up and tried one and got it right! This must have been 25 years ago but I'll never forget the experience.
Tomas has put a picture of my husband and me in the Morningstar scrapbook on the last page, if anyone's curious! My husband did the sixties thing back here in Ohio (which got pretty wild back then in it's own way). Thank-you Tomas, for my photos you have posted. Peace

Name: George Coombs
Date: 09 Nov 2003
So glad to have found this page having got to know Winstanley as a student

Name: George Coombs
Date: 09 Nov 2003
I wrote on Winstanley for my BA(Hons) dissertation and would be pleased to be kept up to date with on going research etc. I found him and interesting and thought provoking character and I look foward tp furhtre contatc with this page

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Uh Jag? I take it you're not feeling better..?

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Rena~You make me tut slut! Ah yes, the silence of the "good/bad girl". Giving birth, labor, and the funky exposure of our "parts" to others who are not even sexual partners (if that's not a can of worms in itself), can require a huge leap. We know how many women have not looked at themselves and likely never had anyone but a doctor (gad) look..often a humiliating experience. To suddenly having to spread one's legs and RELAX and do weird breathing and making sounds too?? Yikes! This does not fit ANY picture in the fashion magazines or the invulnerable stance so many women have had to develope..or those that already feel so vulnerable, this has got to seem over the top. They all couldn't be any luckier than to have found you. Ha! The lusty naked Goddess of the hills! You'll have them yodeling Hawaiian love calls before this is over!
Have a great day tomorrow everyone! I will be sending wonderful thoughts to you all. Rena..I will be expecting you!

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Nuff Said
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Tom Waits "Cold Cold Ground"
Crest fallen sidekick in an old cafe
never slept with a dream before he had to go away
there's a bell in the tower
Uncle Ray bought a round
don't worry about the army
in the cold cold ground
now don't be a cry baby
when there's wood in the shed
there's a bird in the chimmney
and a stone in my bed
when the road's washed out
they pass the bottle around
and wait in the arms
of the cold cold ground
cold cold ground
there's a ribbon in the willow
and a tire swing rope
and a briar patch of berries
takin over the slope
the cat'll sleep in the mailbox
and we'll never go to town
til we bury every dream in
the cold cold ground
cold cold ground
gimme a Winchester rifle and a whole box of shells
blow the roof off the goat barn
let it roll down the hill
the piano is firewood
times square is a dream
I find we'll lay down together in the cold cold ground
cold cold ground
cold cold ground
call the cops on the Breedloves
bring a bible and a rope
and a whole box of rebel
and a bar of soap
make a pile of trunk tires
and burn 'em all down
bring a dollar with you baby
in the cold cold ground
cold cold ground
take a weathervane rooster
throw rocks at his head
stop talking to the neighbors
til we all go dead
beware of my temper
and the dog that I've found
break all the windows in the
cold cold ground
cold cold ground

Name: rena
EmailAddress: om tat sat; om tut slut
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Nik, the eclipse will peak at 8:14 p.m. NY time. so for an hour before and after you can look for the changes.
Eileen, I'll be chanting with you. and, I'm expecting you on Maui any year now.
Yesterday, first day on a new job, teaching pregnant recovering addicts how to birth with ease... I had them chanting. but, afraid of laying a religious or hippie trip on them i suggested they chant significant words or the name of their baby. "OOOOOOHHHHH - PEEEEEEEEEEN... was one suggestion for a chant during birth. I used "om." long low deep and slow...
Onoe woman said she was afraid to utter a sound during her upcoming birth. I talked about getting over the "good girl" approach to birth where they are passive and quiet and let the doctors do it all. Active birth ladies. and, the birth song is glorious.
and as i teach them yoga postures I call them stretches. doesn't matter what we call it, the results are powerful.
most of the recovering addicts have been vidtims of abuse and rapes.
going to see a punk version of Midsummers Nights Dream at Oshy's school toni9ght. should be cool.
aloha oi

Name: Hammond and Stew
Date: 07 Nov 2003
For CounterPunch this weekend edition - and sorry to bring us back to the war - from the beauty of the eclipse and lovely doings - but nonetheless this is an issue that needs nipping in the bud so to speak. Stew and I have long feared that the SSS would surface once again - and with the recent and adamant denials from the lying goons in power- etc... anyhow here's the piece (vs. the peace) - best of the weekend to all - and if you know someone who is just about to turn 18 - tell them to get their shit together early..... it is about to fly if the B boy is reelected..
Induction ceremony found hidden amongst
opportunities for Selective Service personnel
replacing shadows terminally posted since 1973
Turn on the lights, boot camp the computers,
upload the lie detectors to capture defects on AWOL,
the doors of conscription have been left ajar
Women liberated from assuming the weaker sex
making cannon fodder instead of coffee,
teenage corpses losing their best shot at life
Selected for body bagged services
clearing away Baath brigands so Shi'ites
can decree veiled dreams of freedom
21,420 slots to be filled in vacant boards
sending young men and women off to war
about democracy from spin to shining spin
Red, white and blue lines painted on the floor,
piss in a bottle and give up your blood,
conscription is rearing its ugly dead.
© 2003 - Hammond Guthrie & Stew Albert

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Digger ladies in the field(s) and on hilltop(s) far and wide I will be with you all in spirit during the numbra and penumbra - asever - H

Name: Orion
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Sponge, here's the answer to your question:

Name: Nik
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Sponge, I've been scouring the internet and can find nothing...must be pretty bad though if they say it could take down the monarchy...geesh! even the butler infering the queen wanted to have Diana killed, didn't cause this much flap.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 07 Nov 2003
hi all
we got a media black out here. so does anyone stateside or other know what it is that prince(i want to be a tampon) charles is denying ?
Sponge in the dark

Name: Nik
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Hi Rena, gorgeous woman that you are, and Eileen...and Ohio Girl, and all my beautiful sisters here...ours (eclipse)peaks between 8 and 10 pm and the weather report is perfect...we'll all be on the mt above the ashokan resevoir at my ex-husband, Johnny's house...we're going to have a giant bon fire and play some music and say goodbye to our friend Jimmy Barlow who just left's going to be a good beginnings...and all of us will be looking at the moon at the same time...I can feel the power behind that already...and I look forward to everyone sharing the experience...speak to you all on Monday if not before...with warm regards, to my brothers here as well...Nicole

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Nov 2003
His name is Andrew Gilliam. He's still standing, sort of.

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Rena~Ha! I'm already feeling it! Yesterday I was bumbling around and terribly dyslexic by evening. Going through pains and all kinds of weird shit. I realized finally there was such a huge shift going my body was getting more and more disoriented trying to go on with business as usual. Went to bed early, just wiped out. Woke this morning high with such a gentle clear feeling and loads of energy. To tell you the truth I have held this astrological prediciton and all that's come with it, quite suspect. Guess I was wrong cause I sure feel the shift and flow going on. Yipee this is fun! Am moving my chanting altar into the front room and really need to get back to this because it is requiring the whole inside of the house shift around. That seems appropriate now doesn't it? I will be chanting on my own off and on the whole day..others will be here starting at 3 PM. You are welcome to join me at any time:)
PS Folks. I have a friend dieing in his car in my yard. No this is not a joke. This will take WAY too long to explain. Too many brain surgeries. I am the only that will let him go without a fight (on their part). Please send prayers for his peace and release from pain.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: moonglow
Date: 07 Nov 2003
actually, it's all smiling WHITE men.
Eileen, I'll do some astral travel and join your circle tomorrow.
The eclipse peaks at 5:18 your time. so, you will probably be able to see some of the eclipse if you can see the moonrise. i just checked my moon calendar. it's 14 after the hour that the eclipse peaks. Whether or not you can see it, you should feel it...
love, r

Name: Eileen...below
Date: 07 Nov 2003

Date: 07 Nov 2003
Rena~No woman in her right mind would stand to be photographed on this one! I must not think evil thoughts I must not think evil thoughts love light peace I must not think evil thoughts uuuuh the engine's stalling.
Your plans for tomorrow sound wonderful! We're having a chanting gathering at my house tomorrow and I am keeping my fingers crossed we will be able to see this eclipse.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: alternet
Date: 07 Nov 2003
The publicity photo on the White House website of George Bush signing the late-term abortion ban says all we need to know about who is making decisions about women's bodies. See Ma, no women! Added note of irony: the photographer is a Tina Hager.
It's all smiling men.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: Harmonic
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Here on maui spirits have been touting a Harmonic Convergence during the eclipse tomorrow. we won't get to see the eclipse: it happens at 3:18 p.m. Maui time, but i assume we will feel some effects. i plan to be someplace special; either at a favorite waterfall pool or at Little Makena. some friends are having a large gathering for a new age prayer fest, but are charging admission. something about having to pay to pray bothers me. I'd rather be at the water, communing with the elements. I understand there is some cosmic line up of planets.
love to all, r n a

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Nov 2003
Claude~The full moon is on the 8th. Moon in NM will be between 6: and 6:30.
Here's the schedule for everyone:

Name: claude
Date: 07 Nov 2003
So are we looking for an eclipse tonight? It's REALLY dark out here, good sky viewing. What degree of totality is expected, and how far south can it be seen?
Nicole, keep me posted on yr travel plans; you are welcome here.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Nov 2003
I know I have at least another year here...but if I ever get this trip across country together I'll definately come round.
I'm going upstate this after noon and with out the city lights will be able to view the eclipse nicely...when you step outside up there you can see the edge of the milky way...

Name: claude
Date: 06 Nov 2003
the offer has been standing for a while. When might you imagine that you're gonna be ready to split the Apple? If you are interested, I could send you pics of the place, etc, but, and this seems to be a big but for many folks, we are way off the beaten path here, what I would call "culturally isolated". You would def want to hang out here a while to see how that feels. I've been out here so long that it feels like home to me, and I don't have any perspective anymore. I could see it being too extreme for some. Right now we are looking at my neighbor's rototiller, a fine bright shiny crisp one, thinking about buying it, but reluctant to tie up the money on something we won't use til spring. Or do I get his old beater and fix it up over the winter? The neighbor's a certified organic farmer and has an enviable set-up. (A barn to die for) His marraige has crumbled and he lost his mojo, so he's selling the whole thing. Nice spread, if you have 300k. Talk to me...

Date: 06 Nov 2003

Name: Mark
Date: 06 Nov 2003
Peter is in Ecuador until the end of the month but I will be seeing Judy next week and I will mention it to her. I will also post something on the wall at Planet Drum in SF about your offer so the volunteers can see it. Can you send me some particulars? Send it to
and put "attention Mark Hebard" in the subject line.
Nicole, this sounds like something for you to consider.

Name: Nicole
Date: 06 Nov 2003
Claude, If the offer still stands when I'm ready to leave this city...I'd love to be there. When I moved to NY initially my choice was between NM and here...well Woodstock actually...lived there for 15 years. When I lived in SF I taught gardening in the public schools...Vicky Pollick and I were part of the CETA thing...City School Farmer Gardeners.

Name: claude
Date: 06 Nov 2003
Hey, I fell for it,too. I tend to want to believe stuff like this, because it's easy to imagine they are true.
I spoke with Peter a couple of years ago, just before his 60th. At the time I mentioned that we have space here for someone who's into gardening/farming and is looking for a place. That offer still stands, if you care to put out the word. Maybe I'm still living in a sixties time-warp, thinking this would be attractive to someone. Know any refugees? We have refuge.
Say hello to Peter for me, and Judy, too. I's been a long time.
Finally has gotten cold enough to freeze out here. Today it's freezing fog, coating things with ice.

Name: Eileen
Date: 06 Nov 2003
I'm tired tonight, so will try to make this brief. (yeah right) I would like to add a little more about dreams. For those that a good at remembering dreams this may be more interesting. Dreams are non linear. If you pay attention you may begin the realize, several dreams can be happening at the same time. This is actually how our waking life is, but we have learned to seperate and tune out the over laps. For instance, with solar flares I sometimes experience past, present and possible future at the same time. Needless to say, this sits me down and can be confusing and disorienting. But dreams can safely do this..and yet as we awake, we do the same thing we normally do and sort the dream as a linar experience.
Dreams are our greatest secret gift. It has been proven, without them we tend to go a bit nuts and actually will "dream" interspersed in waking life. Anyone having done speed, know what I'm talking about? Our dreams allow us a safe place to process anger, fear, sex, love, hate and all those things we cannot always safely express. It's a time to download. It's also at times a place to receive information.
Having done a lot of psychic work in the past, I found out there are dream travelers. I expect there are many people that do this, without realizing it. I think the ones that know they do this, are rare. As Nicole and I know, there is no Time as we perceive there are no Boundaries to where we can consciously go..on or off planet or anywhere else. Our dream bodies DO know this. There are people that have dream teachers, ie, they go in dreams to their teachers..or they may be a teacher..or they may be part of a of even a greater gathering doing some kind of higher work. There are people who can do these things or be trained in waking state to extend in this manner in an alpha state, as Nicole and I have done. Then the possibilites are limiteless. Even with a small knowledge of this, Lucid Dreaming..working with your dreams, to intentionally direct them, while dreaming. But for the most part I think we NEED "free form" dreaming.
As well, in dreams, we can assist in situations where someone needs help..or a witness. This can take place anywhere in time. I have done this a lot in the past (years) without intention. It took me a long time to realize what was going on. This for me has been involving trauma..rape, and war vitims and the like, usually. I finally asked to stop having these dreams..and I did. Also there are those that have died (or not) that want to leave a message to someone. They will come to a "receiver".
So this is to tell you dreams have many levels. The first I always look at, is how it applys to me. This is where we usually stop. But with this info, perhaps you may begin to discover there are also greater possibilities you have filtered out as you wake, you might want to catch.
Sorry. This is as short as I could make it.

Name: Nik
Date: 05 Nov 2003
Mark and Hammond, maybe they WERE the police.
Eileen and Mark, I think the premonition and dreams are definately linked. I guess I'm exploring avenues of conciousness and where I want to take my life. let me rephrase that...where I want to GO with my life, no plans on taking it! Michael Stipe to me is Music...I love that band and the fact that he stands up for his political beliefs. The floor? geez that's a hard one...maybe just foundation, being clean and taking care of old wood...from the bottom up...that sort of thing. Anyway thanks for the insite...I'll be paying more attention.
Hey, anyone heard from Gouge? You out there Bob? Everything Okay? Been quite a while since you've posted here.

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Nov 2003
Mark your comment to Hammond made me laugh. They must figure if the guys aren't attached (physically) to the gun, it doesn't matter. Besides they've got themselves a nice piece now. Think about it though. What would they persue? They I'm sure have enough ACTIVE trouble.
I have more to say about dreams but will go into this tonight when I have time. Regarding waves and and crashing planes. Just as certain people reappear in our dreams..they REPRESENT to us, much more than just knowing them. Water is our emotions..I think you can find the identity of crashing planes. As I said, there is quite often a connection to close feelings and experiences that these things address. Our emotional landscape, if you will.
Til tonight. PS So glad you joined us with some thoughts.

Name: Mark
Date: 05 Nov 2003
Nic and Eileen,
Interesting comments on dreams and Nic's death premonition. I have had a few instances when for no apparent reason I get this mental message that I won't live much longer. Not an emotionally charged or fearful thing, just a matter-of-fact kind realization. It has happened a handful of times over decades so it isn't a common thing for me. At first it was a weird thing leaving me confused and thinking about what or where it could be coming from. I don't make a habit of predicting my death. The most disconcerting thing to me is these feelings came on at a time when I wasn't dealing with any real disasters or conflicts in my life. They just kind of bubbled up. In the end, realizing the effect of these thoughts caused me to pay attention to my actions and what was happening around me, I now feel like the thoughts were just reminders to keep my eye in the moment and take part in a little more introspection. My most difficult recurring dreams are those of military planes crashing around me which probably refers to my years in the Air Force and running from giant tidal waves which may connect to my early surfing days, nearly drowned a couple of times, and living on the coast.
I can't believe the Portland Police haven't shown more interest in the gun you turned over to them. These numbskulls could be a serious threat to the general population.

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Nov 2003
Hi Travis.
Nicole~ I wish I had that dream! Do you know the trick with dreams? Take each thing, and look at it as YOURSELF..Michael Stipe, the farm, the floors, the rooms, and feelings etc., are all you. Dreams also often address something of the past three days. Not that it can't extend further, but that's a good place to look for what has stimulated a dream. What does Michael Stipe represent to you? The farm house your internal home, the closet (you are quietly working on yourself). Ha! You're out of the closet now (here). If you write your dreams free flow you will discover much with plays on words and puns. The beautiful room (your beautiful mind/self), these are places of your mind, (for lack of a better word)..the current work in progress..and you find it pleasing. How does it go? And God/dess created heaven and earth and said, "It is good." The newly found rooms places in yourself you haven't gotten to yet, but promise a lot of nice things to look at. Go Girl. Sounds like you're doing you HOME work and doing it beautifully. You SHOULD feel secure! Good one.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 05 Nov 2003
Who forgets the present is doomed to the past...,12271,1077906,00.html
Or was it the past we were supposed to forget?

Name: Mark
Date: 05 Nov 2003
Thanks for posting, I figured you might still keep an eye out here. My only connection to the request for information on the UAW/MF was a post on the 60's list, I get these posts as an email service, by a journalist Roz Abrams. I reposted that request here so you might see it and respond if you wanted. I don't know any of the MF's myself but the dialogue here has been interesting and I sent Roz Abrams a message that her request was getting some interest on the Digger board. That is about all I know about the project. As the political climate worsens I can understand the need for those to remain apart.
The email address of the person doing the book is:

Name: Mark
Date: 05 Nov 2003
Thanks for the link to the info on the "Two Hard Questions" post, I forwarded it to some folks. I need to remember to check urban legends for clarity.
I work at Planet Drum as an unpaid henchperson for P. Berg's bioregional efforts, currently dogging the Winter Olympic committee in Turin, Italy to live up to their environmental promises. I have been there for a couple of years.

Name: Nicole
Date: 05 Nov 2003
No static suit yet, just had that one spark last week.
Eileen, you asked what my dreams were telling's last nights.
I'm at a house that I've been in my dreams many times over the years. It's not Turkey Ridge but it's a farm house with a big wheat fields in front on either side of a long drive way...Michael Stipe from R.E.M. is there and He is admiring the house and I say, "but look what I have discovered" and I take him thru a closet and on the other side are some hidden rooms that I have been fixing up slowly...I show him that I have just linseed oiled one of the wooden floors...and it is beautiful. The rest of the newly found rooms are still pretty untouched, but who ever had been there before left alot of things to look some jewelry and little carved boxes and lace...some nice things. I then walk out side and then I woke up...this dream left me feeling really good. Secure.

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Rocky Mountains
Date: 05 Nov 2003
Sorry about the message tripling--don't know why it did--remove the oher two if you wish.......................Travis

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: still in the briar patch
Date: 05 Nov 2003
Yes, Mark. Still here--patch currrently in four feet of new powder. Say hi to Ben and Joan for me if you run across them. Casey Caitlin was the chick writing the "Life and Times of the Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers, as her senior English project. If you'll go back through the guestbook entries you will find her address at Harvard--but, supposing that she has now moved on, in the same communication, her faculty advisor also listed his address--so you might get a friendly nod in the direction you are headed. I interviewed with Casey, by telephone, for near two hours, and found her charming and resourceful. If you can find her, she might be able to help you; although, most of the motherfuckers and their friends/accqaintances were very careful about breaking their anonymity, for whatever reasons, which Casey agreed to honor. I have spoken to some UAW/MF family who definately did not want to be involved. You have to remember that the statutes of limitation to not apply to some of the actions. I could fill in some of the gaps by providing my phone number--you can reach me at at least I think it's still viable...........................Travis UAW/MF

Name: claude
Date: 05 Nov 2003
here's a link to a pretty substantial refutation of the assertions of Congerssional criminality in the "Two Tough Questions" posting. Much as I wanted to believe it.
Do you actually work at PlanetDrum, as in have a job there?

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Nov 2003
A lot of sites are down now. Surprised we're still here. Watch for a possible fatty earthquake around LA, somewhere between Nov. 4 and 11th.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Just got back from weaving. My teacher made comment about me doing battle with it. Ha! She sure got that right! It's funny how one can look at a rug and not think much about it. Gee whiz. It's two steps forward and one step back..over and over trying to get the colors to work in the pattern to suit me. The woman before me, now tells me she had the same problem..and she was only working with 2 colors. Now she tells me. My teacher says she had a hard time finding a country to teach and help, that didn't have a tradition in weaving, and where their colors weren't already set. She's a purple person and places like Guatemala gave no freedom of color or pattern. (I didn't know she had done this) She ended up teaching in Equador, where they just needed to make money with their work. I thought this an intersting piece of cultural info.
McMing~a nova hadn't entered my mind. It does make one wonder what the heck is going on and what the effects are going to be, besides shutting down electricty and all. If it gets serious I wonder who they will bomb?? I'm beginning wonder if this Saturday may get more interesting than I thought! Think I'll look at the sun pictures. Bet they are getting pretty fantastic.
Jag~My immediate thought would be to do the cleanse and zapper and give it at least 6 days before you invest in a may not need him/her. I can tell you now he will not be able to relate to Dr Clarks approach on this AT ALL. Secondly, if the headache persists and your eyes get right, there is more than a good chance the headache is about your teeth. I forgot to ask about your neck. That would be a big clue about your teeth. Do you have a pain anywhere in your neck or when you turn your head?That would be your teeth..if so, your liver will also be involved. The liver part is relatively easy to take care of.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Eileen the glasses are on hold for now I am pursuing all options, including a neuro-opthamologist as well as Dr Huldaclark.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: dubious
Date: 04 Nov 2003
OK .. so if the sun keeps flaring .. more & more .. or worse (not to scare you
or anything) goes nova etc .. well however much money might be involved, what will the Republicans do then ??? It might be kiss-your-ass-goodbye time .. 'if it was up to me, it'd be champagne with you' {Bruce Cockburn, "The Last Night in the World"}

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Nov 2003
me again...or make that the Sun again from Space Weather:
MEGA-FLARE: Giant sunspot 486 unleashed yet another powerful solar flare today (Nov. 4th, 1950 UT), and this one could be historic. The blast saturated X-ray detectors onboard GOES satellites at X17.4 for 11 minutes. The last time such a thing happened in 2001 the flare was classified as an X20--the biggest ever. This one might be even bigger; stay tuned for updates.

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Nic - you are so special.... I can see your arms outstreached - and Jenn is the bestest! - But do tell, are you wearing your Anti-Static suit?

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Ha ha! They are carrying her products on their "Old Shop" on the home page. Prices are better. Good for them!

Name: Nicole (sista)
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Jenn...ah girl, I love you this much (hands stretched out at arms length, fingers opened stetching hard to the point of dislocating my shoulders)
in fact, bigger than the whole wide world.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Sorry folks. Didn't get an email address.
Here's a branch of her folks. You can order just the stuff you need if you scroll down the list. I'm not craz about their prices, but they'er in the ball park and I expect will help you right away. I suggest you call them.
800 220-3741
here's the home page if you need it:
Will look for a minute more to see if I can find another way into her products..or you could email them, tell then what you want and get their prices. This might add another day.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Jag~Why not put a stop order on the glasses quick, if you're going to pursue this?

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Jag~ Whoa! Federal Trade Commission is trying to shut her down..again! Will see if I can backdoor to her products. In the meantime here is the first zapper I came across at half the price. Is a good basic model and should do the trick. If you're up to it you may be able to seach a cheaper one. But this is a good price.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Eileen the good Dr. is being effectively silenced by the FTC no less. For now any of her products are verbotten to purchase.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Jag~here are the links for Dr Clark. This is her home page:
Here's the parasite and worm program and details.(I consider the Arginine and Ornithine optional) Check this out first:
Pick your way thru this list:
Will see if I can find a cheaper zapper now and post you ASAP.
post me here or call if you need any further info. I will be leaving the house today by 3:30 and back tonight.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Eileen the card says "This Is Central Headquarters" and thanks for the call

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Nov 2003
This just shows to go ya...this was forwarded to me by a Digger.
Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who
were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis,
would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.
Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are
the facts about the three candidates.
Candidate A
Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's
had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B
He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college
and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C
He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an
occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.
Which of these candidates would be your choice?
Decide first... no peeking, then scroll down for the response.
Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question:
If you said YES you just killed Beethoven.
Makes a person think before judging someone.
Wait till you see the end of this note! Keep reading...
Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember: Amateurs...built the ark. Professionals...built the Titanic
And Finally, can you imagine working for a company that has a little more
than 500 employees and has the following statistics:
*29 have been accused of spousal abuse
*7 have been arrested for fraud
*19 have been accused of writing bad checks
*117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses *3 have
done time for assault *71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit *14
have been arrested on drug-related charges *8 have been arrested for
shoplifting *21 are currently defendants in lawsuits *84 have been arrested
for drunk driving in the last year...
Can you guess which organization this is?
Give up yet?
t's the 535 members of the United States Congress.
The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to
keep the rest of us in line.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Eileen It came today, Tarot~! no less :) perhaps I should give myself a quick read except I dread the answer. Thanks for the cards, I will investigate. The optomitrist says my condition has gotten worse in three days and now I need twice as much prism. What it amounts to is I have developed a lazy eye overnight! Unheard of in adults according to her and she is going to refer it to a specialist. hopefully the prism thing will correct it but I am a little apprehensive about it all. Kaleidoscope eyes indeed, every thing is reminiscent of a very bad trip.
Thanks Eileen, I'm working on a new Chomsky for you but everything is on hold for a day or so.

Name: Nik
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Jag any news on the BP yet...hope all is well.
Hammond, I love the notion of waiting for a call...THE of the just have to trust...great story.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Jag -
picture yourself on a boat on a river
as "the man with kaleidoscope eyes."

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Jag~You should have gotten my package by now......? A prism for one eye? That sounds interesting. Glad it's not high blood pressure!
Nicole~Good to hear that feeling passed. Wonder whar it was about? Site you found sounds interesting. Will save it for my late night rambelings.
Had a breakthough this early AM. Realized I've been quietly, seriously stressing about my dyeing project that isn't coming together, with teacher in the background applying silent pressure while I muddle along. I am usually queen of problem solving. I feel like I've been in a field of dasies, focusing on the cow patty. Today I must address this and see what I can come up with and stop just being confused and stumped. The larger Ah Ha is, I see loosing my home and this bumfuzzled journey really knocked the blocks from under me and made me distrust my own knowing, my own inner vision, and has sat me down hard, afraid to have a new thought about A LOT of things. No wonder I've been so damn cranky!

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Nov 2003
The banditos didn't come back so I guess this interlude is over. Guns - nasty little (big) guns, though in actuality this was a nice piece. When I asked myself if I wanted to keep it - (flashed back to 1980) when I was the purchasing agent for a gold and silver bullion dealer on Union St. around the corner from the Balboa Cafe. We were the only dealers in the city (at that time) who hadn't been robbed at gun point - and I was the only purchasing agent in the area who didn't pack at the office. Under pressure from my boss and the never-ending comments of other dealers and agents who sold me their wares I finally agreed to carry. My boss thought I was just afraid of guns - anyway down to the gun store we go. The NRA redneck behind the counter asks what we want and before my boss can say a word I say - "Gimme a Bulldog .44 with a fitted shoulder holster, a speed loader and a box of magnum loads." - My boss was rather astounded and says "I thought you didn't like guns?" This bite of bit comes from the second book - so you will have to wait for the punchlines that followed - but the bottomline is that after a year of packing everyday I came to the point where I just didn't feel comfortable if I didn't have that .44 Son of Sam iron nesting under my arm pit - you know sorta naked. That was a feeling I did not like - and so this plus a number of other (ahem) more pharmacological activities at the time led me to quitting the gold business in favor of Buddhism. As an after note and 2nd book tease here is the only published (rough draft) vignette via Soma Lit Review - enjoy if is suits
"Waiting For The Phone To Ring"

Name: patman
EmailAddress: holybloodgrail
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Nicole- Thats the premise of a couple things I've mentioned here before. Holy Blood, Holy Grail is a book by Peter Baigent and a couple other guys that captures it pretty well. Another real interesting one also based on History and I believe pretty true is. The second Messiah" by Christopher Knight. Its the follow up to "The Hiram Key" by the same author.Good stuff.
Et in Arcadia Ego, Patman

Name: Nicole
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Jag, thanks for yr encouragement and actually it's not a negative feeling...just unknown...anyway it passed.
I've been on a site all morning after having googled "priory of sion" it has all sorts of info on the mary magadaline as holy grail (vessel) and alchemy and codes and secret societies... by everyone from issac newton to jean cocteau...and alot more in between...very interesting...
also anyone still plagued by pop ups go to and on the right as you scroll down is a flyswatter, down load it and every time one tries to pop up it gets smacked with the swatter...and it's free.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Nov 2003
Wow I have missed a few things, I woke up Sat morning with a freaking case of double vision and a headache that would stop a charging rhino. I still have it and the world is not nicer in stereo. I am stumbling around and wearing a patch on one eye until I see my eye doc this morning. I saw her Sat and she mentioned high blood pressure and stroke in the same sentence which only increases my paranoia. I saw a doc about that though and after a CAT scan and check up he signs off on that one saying I need corrective lenses. Any way my eye doc says if it isn't high blood pressure then it can be remedied (probably)with a prism ground into one of my lenses. I will know more this morning.
Nichole, I hope your intuitive senses are not accurate, its way to soon for your curtain call stay upbeat and positive, I'm trying and my mind wants to go with all kinds of negative explanations for my eyesight. I'm just going to go with the captain Kid look and wait it out.
Pretty damn rude of those gun dropping punks to bring it back to your door Hammond, not surprised at our Police's lack of follow up. The Portland Police are pretty gun happy and incompetent in their own right. I would have done the same thing you did though, never had a piece and never wanted one.

Name: patrick
Date: 03 Nov 2003
Sponge-thanks for the info and the invite. Emmett Grogan and also Robert Emmet. The Irish patriot who got his well bred young ass strung up for high treason back around 1800 also probably imbibed at the Brazen Head.
Hammond- Shitfire! You are the one that hipped me to the fact Arthur lee was still alive and reincarnated a Love tour. All I did was pull the trigger on the date and place. No pun intended on that "Pull the trigger" line. Peace,love and kevlar---- Patman
Eileen-thanks for all the crop circle stuff.
Nic- Thanks for sharin'

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Nov 2003
They didn't come back today - go figure... maybe later tonight they will give it one more go. I mean if they were dumb enough to come back twice - the third time might be a charm...
Nic - "Patty Cakes" - (flash) now there is a name from the way back machine... No idea whatever happened to her - but David? The name doesn't ring a prankster bell - Zonker comes to mind as he hung out in the area quite a lot - sad but he passed away a couple of years ago to something like leukemia or heavy metal exposure (he ran a waste disposal business at the end). What did "David" look like?
Patrick - double the envy over the "Forever Changes" show - the show here in Portland was great but no orchestra backing him up... He closed the show with "Que Vida" which was a treat on top of the treat.

Name: claude
Date: 03 Nov 2003
Last weekend had the first snow on the peaks, up over 12,500 ft, but it's usually a while before it gets down here. I drove 90 miles thru snowstorms and there was ten inches in my driveway the day I voted in 2000. Some years...
this year they can't make heads or tails about the Nino/Nina influence. They say it could still go either way. Nino years IIRC can bring us lots of snow.

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Nov 2003
Patrick~I got a good laugh at Hammond having your suggested conversation with the guys, considering their frustration exhibited at not finding the gun. I'm amazed they even came to his door. What did they plan to say for goodness sakes?? How totally random. Let's hope they figure they've blown it bad enough now, they won't come back. But I guess you're right. I mean what else is he going to say but the truth? He could hardly have been holding it waiting for the friendly neighborhood hoodlums to ring his door bell and ask for it back!
Nicole~I'm chewing on that thought. I remember at one point my life being so good, going so well, I had the same thought/feeling. No doubt you have had every thought I might have, and I would prefer to think you simply sense a change coming, perhaps of consciousness. Your dreams say anything? I haven't seen you yet. Sorry. You can't die. Patty Cakes. I'm surprised I remember her..but I can't go beyond that. Yeah, snows of New Mexico are also becoming a beautiful memory for anyone there as well. I lived in Colorado during the early 60's when one didn't see the ground until late spring. I remember being in the mountains waking from the night's blizzard, having left deep snow twinkeling in the early morning sun..the air with that special hush as the wind stirred the aspen trees. There is nothing like it. Now it is not uncommon to see the ground and rocks cold and miserable between shadow patches of snow, and often if NM gets any, it can be gone before it can build up. It is very disconcerting and seems nature made a mistake. And what's really tweeked, is knowing the ski slopes are being patched together snow machines in the middle of winter. Somehow it has to take the real feeling out of it. Yeah, I always seem to see the wrong side of things these days. The crotchity old lady, (said in a nasal creaky old voice) I remember the day... I seem to be going, "it's all going to hell in a hand basket" lately.

Name: Dr Spong
Date: 03 Nov 2003
I havent been to Dublin for about 10 years and it now attracts a lot of stag and hen parties from England so the city centre is quite rowdy but still enjoyable . i have posted a link at the bottom and some of my old haunts are still around .
the stags head was a great pub and well worth a visit with the best guinness you have tasted it takes about 5 mins to pour it proply but well worth the wait. As a tourist go and see The Brazenhead its Dublins oldest pub and is where Emmett Grogan says he stayed. The place has changed a lot since then but the older part still exists.
Should you ever come over to England lets hook up and I will give you a guided tour , but remember pub culture is still dominant over here so be prepared for a boozy time.
hope you enjoy you stay.
Eileen "go for it girl" whats the good of a shouting board if you dont shout at it. Keep it up

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: Alwayssomethin'
Date: 03 Nov 2003
Hammond- You are as neurotic an old freek as I am.Oh shit got the pigs involved now what do I do?!! If the younggun punks come back tell them you found it, and after struggleing on rather to keep it or sell it you decided to do the right thing and return it to its rightful owner. Realizing that passing it on to the local authorities was much better than puting an ad in the lost and found (not wanting a bunch of gun clowns responding)Let them know they can pick it up at the local police station where it is safe and sound. Good luck , Patman

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Nov 2003
Hammond, Eileen, anyone, I'm trying to remember the name of a young prangster guy I hung out with for a while...His first name was David, and he had spent alot of time with Patty Cakes. He hung out at LongReach ranch sometimes and Harbinger Hot springs...I went down to Big sur with him alot too and Ben Loman and all the places in the Santa Cruz mts...anyway I'm just trying to find out if anyone remembers him or knows what became of him?
other than that, it's November 3 and 76 degrees here in the big apple...the holloween parade was fun, the marathon was great...I'm feeling very cranky today...but I'll get over it...
I've had a couple of thoughts in the past week that I might die soon...needed to say that outloud...I think it's all of the sycronicity stuff that has me thinking I should be prepared for it...I can't explain exactly what I mean...and it's not at all a bad thing...I'm okay with that...I've no fears surrounding death...maybe I'm just getting ready for a major change. I don't want to come off sounding like a nut case...I'm as gounded as ever...just thoughts I need to spit out know they say, you're only as sick as your secrets...thanks for letting me share...
Hammonds, yikes...that's sort of scary...keep us posted...okay?
Eileen and both had me entrenched in the snow and beauty of New Mexico and Colorado...thank you.

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Nov 2003
Hammond~What?!(with attitude). I dropped it while I was trick or treating man. Your neighbor sounds on the stupid side not have covered your're sure you're not the one to break his windows?
DUH! of the morning:
After meeting firefighters on Oct. 27, Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger went to Washington.
"I also want to thank President Bush for declaring it a major disaster area," said Schwarzenegger.

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Nov 2003
"The Bandito's Gun"
Yesterday was raking the leaves in my front yard when the rake hit something hard. It was a black zippered pouch holding a stainless steel .357 magnun with a rubber grip loaded to go with hollow points. So I take it inside unload the thing and think: Should I sell it (no) etc...and then called the cops who came and picked it up - saying: "Well that's a nasty little gun isn't it?" Then around 9:30pm I hear leaved rustling in the yard - peek out the blinds are there are the banditos with a flashlight looking for their piece - a skinhead and ponytail both in their 20s - finally they leave - but 20 min later they are back unconvinced by their first search. Finally they start ringing the front door bell - so I call the cops: "Hey the gun guys are back" (but of course they never show up) - I peek at the banditos at the front - then my neighbor (who knows nothing about the gun) comes out and talks to them. I can hear the conversation from my kitchen window - nearly wishing I still had their gun - anyway my nice neighber listents to them say they have lost a wallet - and he gives them my alias "Oh yeah the guy in #3 was raking the leaves- and closes the door... They keep ringing my bell which doesn't work - getting all pissed off and finally the leave (I go tell the neighbor about the banditos) - Now this morning my neighbor comes to tell me the back window of his car was smashed and that his girl friend says they same guys were hanging out early this am -
Guess I better go buy a gun eh? I might have to shoot my way out.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: one too many beers on a rainy night
Date: 03 Nov 2003
Uuh sorry about the tirade when you were just having a thought, Dr Sponge. Patman~Oh I'm envious!

Name: patrick
Date: 03 Nov 2003
Hey Dr sponge,
I am gonna be in dublin for a few days to see the arthur lee and love forever changes concert. I believe you are somewhere by liverpool? Any idea what the Ambassador Theatre in Dublin is like. Also Robin and I have been to Dublin before for a day or two on holiday a few years back, We spent most of our time in Galway/Connemara Scarfing copious amounts of salmon and irish good will and humor. When we were in Dublin we did the ol'tourist rounds. Trinity, Book of Kells, Irish museum of history, Michael Collins barracks, etc. Do you have any knowledge of any cool, different,off the beaten path things to see or maybe we should hop on a ferry to check out some highlights elsewhere? Like I said, We are arriving for the concert on thur nov. 13 and flying back to the states from Dublin on Sun. Nov. 16th
any info would appreciated.
PS I wish I could have had an oppurtunity to fly the concorde. I bet that some of the great rock musicians of our time have vast memories of that experience. Oh well, that experience along with the military experience and the pulpit I will have to do without this time around.
Peace, Patman

Name: Rena
Date: 03 Nov 2003
just read an article on the LA Times on line about race admissions in UC schools. Both Berkeley and UCLA have only 4% AFrican Americans. I see that this whitewashed effect is widespread. what year is this?

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Nov 2003
Dear Dr~Good to see you here. I hate to be the fly in the ointment..but here goes: Heard a program on the Concord a few months back. Apparently they ate fuel like there was no tomorrow and hella expensive to build..only the richest could afford them. That would not be us.
Leisure the guys on the street? There was a time when we imagined all the things that were being developed would give us more free time. Certainly did THAT. No one imagined it would also end so many jobs in the process. Shot ourselves in the foot with automation. Yes, and the next thing that shortly followed..thousands of jobs taken out of the country. We're kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. Lots of people are taking jobs that have nothing to do the best they have to offer, or even relates to their background, just so they can have a pay check.
We had the best when we got walfare and it was enough to live on, as we did in the 60's and 70's. (Hello out there, remember?) How do you think the 60's was POSSIBLE if all those kids (us) had jobs? Ha ha, the wicked will play! We were able to stay home and raise our kids, do our art, or whatever, hang out and brainstorm and yes, play. THAT'S called leisure. We explored free time with a vengence, and I can't say we were bored. It was not what "they" had intended. We weren't SUPPOSED to being having fun! Now welfare isn't enough to get anyone through on the barest exisitance, and is cut off after a few yrs. Mom's and dad's now all have jobs (if they are lucky) if they want to feed their kids, and pay the rent..and aren't home until they're tired. And the truth be know, many can't and don't. Who's raising the children? School, friends, TV, computer games and the internet, and anyone that crosses their path. Our parents may have been drones, but many also had time for us, did they not? The question may be, IS IT a start of a new (?) trend? If we can't get a handle on our goverment/s, I do not see a light at the end of this tunnel. Who's running this show anyway? The World Trade Organization. My friend, we're up shit creek. You got the paddle? If not you better learn how to swim.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 02 Nov 2003
This week we saw the last flight of Concord before it was decommissioned and that’s it for publicly available supersonic flight. We have always been at the pinnacle of our achievements. Cars have constantly improved with faster, more reliable, cleaner engines that give off less emissions. We now have PC’s in nearly all homes and schools giving access to the internet improving immeasurably global communications. TV's with remote control and flat screens, mobile phones getting smaller with longer battery life and medical and scientific advances that are too numerous to mention. Now aviation has taken a step backward, supersonic flight is now unavailable, the dram from nearly 40 yrs ago has collapsed.
The last time technology peaked and then took a nose dive was when the Roman empire collapsed 1600 years ago. Is this the start of a new trend? No . But here’s to hoping that this is the start to a slower pace of life, a step backward that equals an improvement. I am no luddite but are we not forgetting that all advancements should really be made to improve our lives and perhaps give us more leisure time and not just to improve our economic efficiency by making us better, faster drones than what our parents were.

Name: Eileen
Date: 02 Nov 2003
Glad to get the pictures of Hip Cat and good to see Allen smiling. Got a chuckle at Wavy rapping.
Yeah Rena, saw a video of some of the circles yrs ago in Taos. Glad your daughter got into to it. Miranda doesn't get it at all.
Just dropped in for a minute on my way back to the studio to weave. I'm FINALLY on a roll. yipee! The day is wet, chilly and overcast. Good day to spend indoors. Guess our coast "summer" is over.

Date: 02 Nov 2003
Rick - Never mind my post - I asked Babbs and he doesn't know anything about the Big Sur Neal day - good luck with your search

Date: 02 Nov 2003
Hep Cats Ball Review with Set Lists and Photos

Name: rena
Date: 02 Nov 2003
"Crop Circles Quest for Truth," the movie played at our film festival here. i loved it. check out the website at
There are none available now from the website but I just checked for "Crop Circles Quest for Truth," and I found everal cheap copies of the DVD and VHS, all new.
This movie knocked my socks off. more like my sarong since it's too hot for socks over here. I saw the movie twice; the second time I brought my daughter who was stoked to see it.

Name: Eileen
Date: 01 Nov 2003
I would love to meet up with you. I'm in Ft Bragg, 15 min north of Mendocino on the coast. 3 1/2 hrs north of SF. But I'm kind of stuck here. Miranda and I are sharing the car and I think she will be working. We won't even be able to go see Ariel (now in Sacramento) for Thanksgiving. Seems like a lot of driving for you..but if your into it, would be great to visit!

Name: claude
Date: 01 Nov 2003
Y'know, Eileen, one ongoing venue to meet up at is the annual summer solstice celebration and meeting at the Land in Covelo, which isn't too far from you. I get to about every third one or so and they have been continuous since way back. It's a weekend, or longer if you wish, camp out, and you never know who might show up. Peter came out about ten years ago or so in the Dodge and H'lane showed up two years ago, after two decades in Hawaii.
I'm going to be in San Fran for the thanksgiving week, Tuesday thru Friday. I'll stay part of the time at Clane's in the Mission and try to see whoever I can. Just exactly where are you, anyway? We could try to meet?

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Crop Circles
Date: 01 Nov 2003
OK. After a great deal of hunting I have found an interestin free, crop circle site with a good collection. Because I am familiar with these circles, I can tell they have not been changed..but have been cleaned up and more clearly defined. Because these circles are made in large fields of planted grain, there are always lines, I guess from the seperation of planted rows and can be distracting to the clearity of the well, sometimes these are not found until they have been there for some time..ditto for the clarity. Plus these circles are quite large, and when they are photographed from the air (as they must be to see them clearly), there is often distortion.The interesting thing he has done, if you click on one of the pictures, is show how he made the reconstructions. And THAT blows my mind to see what it takes to figure these things out! Dig in. I think you will see these circles are too perfect to be made by Joe Schmo, on the ground. Sorry I can't find original pictures, other than one at a time, which is too much of a hassel.

Name: Eileen
Date: 01 Nov 2003
Yeah, we caught the edge of that winter, and it was damn cold still..not to mention I was fresh out of Ca! I forget how many camps we did with them. But at one stop, we were surprised by another snow. Ben would use the cover of the wiki up, a very versatile lining from a military tent from Alaska (a design I have since copied for a sweat cover) that had loops on the outside that could be tied to surrounding trees, to bed under. All our firewood got wet and we couldn't cook very well and were hungry. We were all left to huddle under blankets to stay warm waiting it out. We were bored and restless, rolling smokes and talking. Ariel remembers that as the day she was taught how to roll tobacco and got her first ride on a horse with Ben. One of the men went out foraging and came back with a squirrel's nest full to the top with dry mushrooms. There was some talk of eating them, but we quickly decided that was a bad idea, not being able to identify them. I felt bad the squirrel had it's winter store robbed for no purpose in the end. I had a road kill, soft fawn skin with the hair still on, with me, I had skinned and tanned. While we were together I added red velvet for a little dress for Felana. I was very taken with her. I remember now, I talked to Laurie thanks to you, several yrs back when we were (yet again) living in NM, looking for work. Much to my surprise she remembered me and said she had always wanted to thank me for helping her regain her health, as she had gotten very sick before they pulled camp, with herbs I guess I had brought with me. I had no memory of that, but it made me feel good I would be remembered for that. I wish I had a chance to meet her, and you again before we left. I talked to Griz as well, and he tried to sell me a dead bus he had..ha, didn't he wish. Didn't get to see him either. I do hope, with expectation, we will all come together again.

Name: claude
Date: 01 Nov 2003
that was 38 below zero F. !!

Date: 01 Nov 2003
That little red head was Felana, who was tha daughter of Barry and Laurie Spiegle. Laurie was known as "red-haired Laurie" and she stayed around forever afterwards, becoming an RN and working for years and years at Taos County Public Health. I built her a house in Taos in the early nineties. I think she went back east lately, haven't seen her for a year or two.
Barry was killed in Albuquerque, around spring of 1972. He would have disappeared into a pauper's grave under an alias, had I not happened to be in town that day and kiling time idleing thru the newspaper and noticed a minor news article that mentioned his alias. I actually called the cops and asked to see the body, to verify that it was him, saw that it WAS him and then asked to see the pistol that has been found with him, because he had stolen my pistol only recently, and I wanted to be sure it wasn't mine they were holding. The gun was Barry's, in it's distinctive buckskin holster.
Then I drove up to Ojo Sarco and told his family about it. He is buried on a hill overlooking Ojo Sarco, with a view to both the Continental Divide (the San Juans) and the Sangre de Christos. My brother now owns the land, and Laurie and Fatchie (that's what we called her then) put up a headstone there a few years ago.
We heard about the horse that had died that winter in a letter Ben sent us that we got at Briceland on the spring equinox, 1971. You remember, that was the morning H'lane stopped traffic on the Briceland road by walking around nude, stoned on Mescaline in the parking lot of the Truck Stop. We had to drag her off into the woods before the cops came. That winter in Northern New Mexico is still legendary; it has never again been that cold. It hit 38 below zero in Ojo Sarco the first week of January, 1971

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Nov 2003
CounterPunched Weekend
"Lock, Stock and Bomb Inc." + Stew Albert's "The Week That Was"

Date: 01 Nov 2003
Rick - Go to and ask Babbs via the e-mailer - he knows the ans. to your question - I think

Name: Rick James
Date: 01 Nov 2003
Is there anyone out there who visited or camped out at Limekiln Creek, Big Sur, between February and August 1968? Also, who remembers the Neal Cassidy Memorial Festival? or Be-in? that happened there that spring or summer? And what date was that, by the way?
I was caretaker (of sorts)for the campground that year and when the lease expired on the property (it was Wells Fargo Bank land) a small group of us vacated to under a lemon tree up in behind in the mountains; that is, until we got ran out of there too.

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Nov 2003
Claude note below - "Pigasus" not "Pegasus" sorry Stew!

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Nov 2003
Update - Allen returned home from the hospital yesterday and he has been getting stronger everday. Yippie!!!!! Photos and newsy bits from the Hep Cat's Ball benefit will be posted next week via The 3rd Page

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 01 Nov 2003
The 3rd Page Warning?

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Nov 2003
Claude - all I can offer (via second hand comment) is that the MF's and the Yippies did not get on well together - outright hostility is a better definition vs. the oddball at oddities with and the somewhat nefarious relationship the Yippies constructed with the Diggers (and even this is hard to accurately requote (see Ringolevio at the Love In for the mistaken words - a mystery to this day as to who said what when and where). Hammondized translution from the words of Stew Albert co-founder of the Yippie and Pegasus campaign.

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