These are the Guestbook Entries from 2003. Please visit the current Guestbook
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NOTE: this file contains the entries from June, 2003. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2003.

Name: Eileen
Date: 01 Nov 2003
correction: That would be, Fallana.

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Hi Claude~I met Ben and Chipita around that time as well. They came to Olema, I guess on their way to NM and we got to be friends. In '71(?), 3 months before Olema shut the gate for good; Ariel then 2 1/2, me, along with my Great Dane, Crow, hunted them down, finding them just as they breaking winter camp. They had spent winter in deep snows in a large wikiup, having backpacked horses into the NM wilderness with several couples and a baby called Fallna (fawn)..the mom a beautiful redheaded woman. Ha, I remember much to my surprise, a dog eating beans. (This summer a neighbors dog in Questa ate beans..guess it's a NM thing) They were loading the horses to head for the Huerfano Valley..where in another month they would ride into my camp, a good walk away from the Big Dome. Anyway, one of their horses had died during the winter and they asked for us to travel with them for awhile, and carry gear in my pink VW van one of the Angels had given me. I would drive ahead, gather wood and begin camp for them, and they would catch up in the evening. I remember those days together with such fond memories, that has to this day has touched my life. Once the caravan arrived in the valley, we would later do our first peyote meeting with them. And you know the rest.

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Nicole~That must have been a flash to have someone recognize such a deep meaning of your mask. One Halloween shortly after I had finished reading Fortane's book, Moon Magic, which addresses the Dark Goddess (the dark moon), inspired my costume. I made a black mask to fit my whole face..a silver snake head ring bent to come out of my lips down, and a lizard curving down from the top of the mask, down my forehead, that fit my face perfectly. Covered myself in layers of back silk and under colors or gold. I very much felt the part. What surprised me, it the costume would stop everyone in their tracks. I think masks such as yours and mine must bring back for others, old rememberances. That tickeling of memory. Thanks for the sites. Will keep me busy as well. The crop circles on that site represent a few of MANY.
FYI~Thank you. It is good to have another female voice here. I expectantly wait for more in depth common..and uncommon ground. I still can't get a fix on you girl. Ha..You mean stop the Solar Inconvience? Hardly. Have you been feeling them? I spoke about this some time back. I believe the Sun and Earth are talking to one another. For sure, we know the Earth is responding with arouras, more earthquakes and many more volcanoes errupting. Not to mention airplanes thrown off course, communications going down and more I'm sure I don't know about. The earth and it's inhabitants have a inter-relationship that we have for the most part forgotten our part in. But as the saying goes, Nature bats last. I'm glad there is still something mankind (an oxymoron) cannot controll with power plays. it is up to us to adjust and learn. I trust this teacher.

Name: claude
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Hi folks,
Whoever posted about Roz Payne and trying to find out about the motherfucker family in it's New Mexico phase:
I wrote her to see what's up, as I have, as it turns out, a lot of memory about that time and place. Can anyone fill me in on what those folks were up to in NY (lower E.side) just before they left there in late 1970? All my experience with them was after they (and I) got to New Mexico. Except, of course, for meeting Ben the first time at Black Bear at the equinox in fall of 1970, which some of you will remember, I'm sure.
Anyway, she has a friend who's writing a book; it's a helluva story.
Just started making fires at night, here in our adobe on the edge of the prarie; being a long slow drift into what I hope will be a slammer of a winter with oodles of snow (dream on) to break our drought. Got a HUGE stack of firewood on the porch.
Solitude available

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 31 Oct 2003
yi- as I was attempting to type.... You ladies just blow me away - Eileen, Nic and ..... et al du fem with your depth, scope, wisdom, insight, perseverance, clairity, humor, sensitivity and empowerment.... and, and, and, - well, shucks gals - I am so lucky ta know ya! Thanks for being who you are - you make life shine on a cloudy day.....and even when the sun is already out....... (PS - got any tricks up your sleaves to get rid of the solar convergence?)(Suspect)

Name: Nik
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Eileen, here's a crop circle link I found with that as well...

Name: f
Date: 31 Oct 2003

Name: Nicole
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Eileen and all, I was wearing a plain white mask today at the office and one of the attorneys said it reminded him of the movie "eyes wide shut" and then he told me about a book he read that talked about the sexual stuff in that movie being based on a real thing called Hieros Gamos...meaning the holy marriage and a godess I googled and found some real interesting things...coincidently speaking the second sentence sounded like some of the stuff on the harmonic of David.
I hope the links work...and let me know what you think.
Restoring the Goddess to Judeo-Christianity
... anointed the king. Together they embodied the Divine in a life-sustaining
partnership -- the *hieros gamous*. My revised interpretation ... - 39k - Cached - Similar pages
The Archetypal Mandala of the Star of David
... and the female "chalice") this symbiol represents the masculine and feminine principles
in perfect union, the "sacred marriage" or "hieros gamous" of the ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
Hieros Gamos
It is the moment before genesis. The ecoforming cluster is ready to seed
the red planet with the replicator globules, an union between ... - 2k - Cached - Similar pages
Appendix. Masonic Symbolism. The Masculine Journey. The Legend of

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Eileen - Your suggestions keep me busy - Thanks for the direct link and I will brush up on my Mayan while I am at!

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Man, the season changed over night here on Monterey Bay. Thunder and rain this morning early, now it breaking up but it is only 45 degrees. It was well into the 80's a day ago.
Steve P.
I had a copy of Grogan's book on the shelf and checked out page 412 and then started reading, I may reread the last half of the book. Welcome.
The description you sent me of B. Morea definitley does not fit our old visitor whatsoever. Oh well, thought I might of had something there. Harmonic convergence, hoiee or no hoiee, at this point I am ready for anything that will change the course.
Put me on the thank you list for your explanation of the Nova show. I was watching it but had to leave in the middle.

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Oct 2003

Name: Char ~*
EmailAddress: Gray is Good
Date: 31 Oct 2003
A gray day is a good day today. Morning mist silver gray touches lightly with chilled fingers urging me to gather wood and kindling, boots donned for the first time of the year to stomp and snap dry limbs into super combustible fuel.
Just back from the city and witnessing the birth of my precious grandson Jaden Ray who arrived to the awe of all with the sounds of Bob Marley in the background, I look forward to sitting by the crackling fire - winter's sun - and being engulfed in it's warmth as I view the cosmic show in it's firey depths and give thanks to life and magic, family , friends, and New Awakenings .
Autumn Blessings,
One Love,
Char ~*

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Stephen - just for kicks here is The 3rd Page link to Kirby's Memoric
You if you want a copy of his work(s) you can get them from - let her know I suggested this and she will probably give you a nice discount....
Patrick - Ditto Eileen's note - but I can say that Arthur's show is not to be missed - saw them here in Portland last year = the best concert I have attended in years = a seamless presentation without dropping a note as if the songs were written yesterday. Envious of your trip!
Ingrid - Contact Mrs. Abacha in Nigeria or her nephew Mugu
Cold wind blowing in Portland = 29 degress with the factor thrown in.
Burrr..... but I love it!

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: hooie or not hooie
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Hi Stephen~Sorry about leaping over you there buddy. Sounds like you were right in the middle of IT. I saw Kirby several yrs back at a family gathering and went right past him on some steps. When he spoke to me it was his voice I recognized..ha, we're all changed a tad. That was the last time I would see him and feel grateful for that moment. Sorry I can't circle in on you tighter than that. But welcome here!
Patrick~No info but wish I could go. OFCOURSE you will come back with a full report after your trip.
Briefly put, my best astrologer dude says for 11/8: "If Chiron is assigned planetary status to validate the entire premise of the prophecy, the the only thing that will be accelerating on November 8th will be the hooie factor."
What a party pooper! I'm going for it anyway. Afterall as was said, the raise in consciousness is a choice at any moment. Will have on going chanting with friends at my house that day.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: thegoodhumorman
Date: 31 Oct 2003
Hey gang,
The ol, patman and Robin (My lovely lady of 13 years) are heading from Asheville to Dublin for the Arthur Lee and Love concert on Nov. 13th.
I figured I saved enough money this year by not smokin, dopin', drinkin',or having to get bailed out of jail to go ahead and binge on this instead. I,ve been to dublin before but but have never caught any music acts.
Is anyone familiar with the ambassador theatre on o'connell street?Thats where the show is.We will be staying but a few days flying back on nov. 16th. One thing about Dublin is I always feel a left out with all that Guiness flowing and me choosing not to imbibe.
Any info from you all about out of the way happenings in Dublin would be appreciated. Like I said we have been there before briefly and checked out most of the biggies. Book of Kells, Trinity College, Michael Collins, Irish history museum, etc. Be looking for things alittle more esoteric
off the beaten main. HAPPY FREEKIN' HALLOWEEN

Name: ingrid hippe
Date: 31 Oct 2003
i want email addresses of famers in tunisia for business transaction

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Oct 2003
FYI~This site is more fun and answers your thought I think. Hope you can snag it.

Name: Steven Parker
Date: 30 Oct 2003
I'm the son of Susan Parker, identified by Kirby Doyle on page 412 (Birth of Digger Batman) of Ringolevio. I lost my copy of the book some years ago and I don't know where my mother's copy is. It was nice to stumble upon this website. I still have a digger dollar somewhere in my archives, should go find it. I remember Kirby and even tried to find him some years back. My mother and I and Margo lived for a time on Sproule Lane (maybe some of you remember that place). Great To See This Site!

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Talked to one astrologer friend about the chart for Nov 8 (US time), for this event I have addressed here. She says what is of significant note here, (as was stated on the site) all the transpersonal planets (those that tend to leave one wondering "how did that happen?") will not be active within the loop that day. In other words, this possible raising of consciousness is just that. A possibility that must be made by choice. Have emailed my very best favorite astrologer for his thoughts, and will get back to you on that.

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Don't have time to look at more links. Back to those tonight.
FYI~Yes it does sound Pleadian inspired. Take a look at that site for the astrological map for that day. Truly amazing what we're in for! A beautiful formation that looks other worldly for anyone familiar with charts. Go down further on the home page for a Crop Circle that is staggering to the imagination! The Crop Circles. I wish I could find a good free site for them. Circle Connection used to hold all the best for free and I guess I'm going to have to pay, cause I want to start silk screening them. I'd give my right arm to be able to post them here and blow everyone's socks off. I think if anyone could still think they are man made, they would change their mind.
Hammond~Thanks for the picture. Looks Rorschock. I was wondering though why it had none of the sun activity. But the concept of putting earth bound fire as the sun becomes a statement in itself.
Sam Hamod~Thank you for coming here to share you poem, your feelings. It gave me goose bumps and another way of empathy for what these fires leaves behind. I think of the waves of distress woven into our mass consciousness, has to be what many of us are feeling. Word is the fire fighters themselves are staggering with no time for days with no rest or food. I think of them as well, the responsibility and frustration and all they must be feeling knowing so much depends on them and seeing the suffering. It must feel like fighting this fire with a gardeen hose. Our fire fighters have become the heros of our time.
Jag~we all know intuitively and from past experience, a change of counscious is always just a blink away. But I think there are moments, such as this, where we have assistence from the Universe to make that leap easier. From my own experience this yr, these Solar Flares have been rather disorienting. When a sudden shift takes place in energy fields, as has been going on the last few days, I become high wired and incrediably sensitive. My highly evolved reaction is to start drinking to tune things try to run and hide rather than going directly into the eye of the storm. But if I chant, my focus becomes very powerful and focused with no more effort than normal. I think this is a great opportunity now, and with what is lining up in the stars, to make a little more time from our busy-ness for ourselves to center into our spiritual centers in what ever way we know how to and see what comes.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Just stirring the shit a little, here is an article that appears in today's issue of GoodTimes newspaper in Santa Cruz, Ca. Michael Moore is taking some flak here.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Coyote forwarded this article to those who would be interested, it is a provocative analysis of the use of "frames of reference" in the current political landscape. I posted it on the Free City News page because of it's length. It is good.
The Cognitive Science of Political Dialogue
Framing a Democratic Agenda
By George Lakoff, The American Prospect
September 24, 2003
Sam Hamod, very compeling imagery, I could smell the wet burned wood in my mind. I kept thinking of Berg's discussion of the "Homeskin" context throughout your poem. Thanks for putting it up.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Thanks Nic - I made the image using just a scrap of fire and smoke taken from a photo of the fire near Julian - so it isn't actually a sun/solar event but an earth bound one in point of origin...

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Sounds like Pleadian to me...... "?"

Name: Jag
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Interesting site Eileen, I think it points to an alternate path in understanding how we all fit into a grander scheme than we are allowed to grasp. I like the quote below from their site
"We also know that this gate has always been open, to those willing to step through it. Although this chart depicts a moment in our future, the energies embodied in it can also be used to show us how to activate that moment right NOW."

Name: Nik
Date: 30 Oct 2003
that was beautiful Hammond...very sensual
Sam Hamod,the harsh reality of has to be making way for something...I think Mark said it well...or the planet is just taking care of itself...gaia hypothosis

Date: 30 Oct 2003
Wildfires ( Southern California, 2003) -
Sam Hamod
They attack the bark
Of our existence,
Stealing and gnawing away
At treasures, memories - those small things
We put in boxes,
We save, we try to save in cars,
We save
Those things that speak to us
Those things that tell us who we are
When times are bad
When times are overwhelming
And sorrows fill the crackling air
The desolation
Of a naked fireplace
Amid the charred window
Frames, broken bricks
And splintered glass
Is like so many of us
Who come home, isolated
With shock, remembering the
Albums, the photos, the frying pan
And the cookbooks we’d marked,
Books and dolls from the shelves,
Wedding pictures, pictures of you
At the beach with that absurd hat,
Or my mother looking sad-eyed
Or laughing with our kids, and
Our little girl crying for
The pillow that smelled like her
Dead grandmother - all lost
In a whirlwind of flame, in a
Carnivorous thrust
In that moment
Without movement, that
Engulfing burning grab—
Before it all disappeared.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 30 Oct 2003
:-) The 3rd Page (-:

Name: Jag
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Thanks for sifting through my less than perfect explanation all, I was really impressed by that program and I am not able to convey the entire concept accurately but suffice it to say that the size of one of these "strings" of energy is so minute that if you enlarged an electron to the size of our sun then, in comparision, a 'string' would be the size of a tree!!! Very minute building blocks and impossible to actually view. Like Nichole said though, all the acid I ingested back then pointed to the same reality and I spent alot of time waving my hand in my face "Trails man, did ya see the trails?" the spaces between the spaces, I could sense and feel them.
Well spoken Mark, society needs a mirror held up to it so the flaws can be observed by all

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Oct 2003
I like your idea McMing! Going to be a full Luna eclispe..certainly worth seeing if at all possible..and the rest, icing on the cake if it's going to do tha do. My sister who is queen of alien and angel contact AND is a Light Worker and says it "resonates". Ha! Who am I to scoff! I have to admit her "sensitivity" and language is often way over my New Agey tolarance meter a great deal of the time (is this a sign of old age crankiness?)..except for the fact she totally puts herself on the line for creating situations for helping massive amounts of people in the most creative ways, that empowers everyone involved, is a huge organizer and just moved her whole family (no small matter) to Pasadena, 2 months ago because she was "told" her help would be needed for crisis there. Another Storm Surfer. Bingo! So yeah, I listen to what she says.
Hammond~whoah, you got that right! Nice piece. Thanks for sparing me the news cold, this morning. I can take it..just not first thing in the morning if I don't have to. I wake pretty thin skinned.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Indeed - Mark, thanks buddy - I needed to hear just exactly what you said - posted.... What we need is a Life Actor in Charge! Anyway - I came here before I checked the news today so I won't lay a new (old) frustration on you all. Yes it has been going on forever and will continue to go on - but just how long is 'forever' and how is is measured? String Theory? - I tried to watch the program but my mind wasn't on it seems. Jag's post would have been handy before the fact.... thanks for posting the helping hand on this....Now back to the trenches......
Lock, Stock, and Bomb Inc.
Commodity investments
controlling the momentum
blatantly rolling over the future,
leaving the un-invested citizenry behind
reassured by two illusive precedents
"Violence is a reaction to progress,"
and "Progress is our most important product,"
as the body count closes down the prophesy
in a bullshit market where "Peace Has No Value."
© 2003 - Hammond Guthrie (to appear in CounterPunch)

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Jag, thank you...I meant to watch that Nova, but couldn't. I've been trying to figure out the string theory for a couple of years, every now and then I'll google it and go to the various sites and try to understand it...yr explaination I understood...sort of...but acid sure did show that there is no "space" really, and the butterfly opening it's wings in South America having an effect in New York City also supports that. I especially remember being able to move the air with my hands and watch it marble and swirl, it was what alot of non acid takers saw of us, waving our hands in front of our faces...but it was so incredibly facinating...I haven't done acid in 30 some years, but it was like yesterday...I'm so totally grateful for having had the good fortune to experience it as much as I did.

Name: Joe
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Jag thanks for the explanation of string theory, I kinda caught that show in the middle and didnt understand what the strings were. That concept is a philosophy as well as science.....a rather rare co-existance and beutiful on both counts

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: ruminating
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Eileen .. upcoming Nov. 8th line up new info for me .. & being the somewhat
retro oldtimer I am, I don't have much use for new-agey 'invocations' & suchlike. But thanks for the heads-up .. I'll bet there's something to it, I've felt a shift in "The Force", & maybe this is a hint .. Believe I'll burn a bonfire that night, out on the hilltop & wait for the spirits to dance around.
Peace & Power to all

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Jag~Was wondering where you were! I didn't understand much you said but the roasting Japanese part..hey, it works for me if all you said points in that direction, I feel much better! What we didn't add, was what they are doing to the whales, dispite international agreements (who are we to say anything anymore thought to anybody about agreements?) whose blood I believe the dolphins were swimming in, and no doubt more stuff, I don't want to know tonight.
PLEASE all do me a favor and check out this hokey looking site. A highly respected psychic brought this up tonight as something quite real that's about to happen. An opportunity for a big shift in consciousness I am MORE than ready for. I got wind of this but thought it was BS. Now I'm going to have to take it in and give it some brew time. But with the sun doing what it's doing now, I totally believe anythings possible. I mean it's throwing out so much juice something's GOT to give. Maybe this info slides nicely into this great theory you've offered up. Whatya think?

Name: Jag
Date: 29 Oct 2003
"The world is to much with us" I watched a fascinating show on Nova last night that attempted to explain the latest theory concerning the universe, Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum physics all in a unified theory dubbed "String Theory", I had heard of this concept before but until lately no one has given it much credence but the more it is examined the more it seems to explain the unexplainable. The crux of it is that quantum physics and relativity are incompatible theories, quantum physics works perfectly well when explaining molecular and atomic particles but is useless when applied to stars galaxies and space time while relativity works great when addressing the cosmos but breaks down when attempting to understand sub-atomic particles. The two concepts merge when looking at a black hole which is both sub-atomic energy interacting and the remnants of a cosmic catastrophe, a collapsed star that has the mass of thousands of stars yet is so miniscule as to be sub-atomic. String theory states that contrary to popular belief electrons and quarks are not the smallest particles in our universe but strings of pure energy 100 billion times smaller than an electron comprise the basic building blocks of our reality. these "strings" vibrate at individual pitchs much like a violin string or guitar string vibrate to emit a note. Everything in the universe is emiting its own cosmic tune and in order for this theory to work it has to factor in four other dimensions besides the three we now know. So in addition to hieght, width, and depth there are four more diminsions time being one that apply to our universe. This means that alternate universe's must exist along with anomolies that are unexplained paradox's that co-exist but contradict their existence. Something like two answers to the same question and both are right. I like the thought of harmonious pieces of matter (I knew that orange sunshine was telling the truth) being the essence of our being as well as alternate universes co-existing with our reality. Any way I had to unload this concept and pass along the thought that all is not as it seems and those Japanese fisherman are going to roast in another reality while the dolphins slide gracefully into an azure sea.

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Mark~That was from Hammond. Yeah, that one stopped me too. Sounds like Hammond has had about as much fun as I have today. Will have some interesting info that might give us something positive if not a enlightening to consider. Have to make phone call, but will get back.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Oct 2003
I am stuck on the image of the Tibetans you described. PEACE HAS NO VALUE... that explains much of what we are enduring.

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Thank you Mark~I need to glue that to the inside of my brain!

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Eric~ Thank you for the wonderful pictures and site. Mark~I particularly like the picture of the Pathers facing off the cops. Can you imagine it these days? They'd be called "a gang" and I doubt a stare down would wash any more. They would be covered in gear and face masks to hide behind, at the very least. Ohio Girl~Thanks for your recognition. And yes Nicole you do get the picture.
A day of tears. As I've been told, tears wash the soul. Well it's washed. As the sun sets I feel calmer now. But it's better than feeling nothing. My mind begins to unlog jam things I hold off until until the scales get tipped too far with packaged grief.
It's been an odd day here that suits my mood. Overcast, but high ceiling, with whipping clean gales coming off the ocean, (yet hoping they are not getting this in LA). Surfers were out in force this morning as I walked with the dogs. I have a special feeling for those storm riders, and envy what that must feel like to go into it..while everyone pulls their coats around tight and trys to stay out of the disorienting bitting wind. It has to be different than any other kind of surfing. It must empty one's head for nothing but their relationship with the waves and salt ocean. Palm Tree seaweed strewn across the beach, torn from rock holdfasts. They told me with each storm now, more seaweed will come in, clearing the rocks and ocean for fresh growth. Odd they didn't know what seaweed one can eat. I showed them to cut the fronds, which are my favorite. With the last rays of the sun I see a solid layer of smoke holding within the moisture from the ocean. There's no way to put aside what is going on.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Oct 2003
This shit has been going on forever. We can't change it. To take on the whole thing as an individual is devastating. We can only offer an alternative and that is our purpose. Your work as well mine and others here do that, don't forget it. Remember, we are the counter culture, not the mainstream, we walk outside and can only influence and set up scenarios for the rest to consider. Life actors do this, artists and poets do this. The mainstream tends to scoff at these "marginal outsiders" thinking they only represent what is wrong. Loose caps, with no real vision of real world and values. To stack up all the days bad events is the work of myopic media and the powers that be. The fires will continue long after we are gone, they have a reason, real estate developers and county planning departments are at fault. If it is going to flood or burn, don't fucking build there. Does anyone remember Sam Kinison's rant on the starvation? Bioregionalism addresses these issues directly. Ice caps melt because capitalists don't give a shit, those folks gotta go. The tide will turn, maybe literally, maybe not in our life time, but consequences will prevail. We as counter balancers don't have be part of the mess, we can send out the message of hope and set the stage for change. Each one teach one.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: catastrous
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Hammond .. if you hadn't posted this or similar, I would have done the same.
& yet our daily lives go on .. catastrophe or no.
So what is it .. Divine intervention .. the universe just doesn't care ..
kosmic roulette .. 144 regulators meditating on a regular basis ?
yet again the one small world we know of with consciousness is not yet plunged into Oblivion .. welll when you feel solid & bulletproof, maybe that's when you should start getting uptight ..
Who in th fuckin hell knows, who knows ?

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Great day eh? Ice caps melting, Dolphins begin slaughtered, War after the War going on in Iraq, California on fire, a .3 earthquake in the fire zone and giant solar flares disrupting the electro-magnetic spectrum of the planet. Is like this a message from the outer limits or what? It's the "or what" I am most concerned with....FEMA funding only goes so far..

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Check out this link to some great photos of the Panthers.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Please correct Roz Payne's email address to read:

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Oct 2003
This came through on the Sixties List serve at, I have been getting it for a few years. Great articles from time to time. Travis, you still out there?
My old friend Osha who was part of the Motherfuckers sent me the following.
I seem to remember someone who was writing a paper on the Motherfuckers ,
perhaps in boston. Can folks respond if they know the info. Im also interested. He is writing a book. Ah, so many of us oldies but goodies are writing the history, telling our stories is great. So many different historical truths. So glad it isn't just historians.
Roz Payne
As to questions for the Sixties list serve, here’s some for a start.
I’d be interested in talking to anyone who hung out with the Motherfuckers
on the Lower East Side or in Canjelon, New Mexico.
More specifically I’m interested in people’s recollections of the free
nights we did at the Fillmore East and the negotiations with Bill Graham
that preceded them.
I’d like to know when, in 1967 I believe, the garbage strike took place on
the Lower East Side, the one which inspired our Lincoln Center Action.
I’m interested in talking to people who remember the role of the
Motherfuckers in the Columbia University strike.
I’d like to hear from anyone who remembers a speech Herbert Marcuse gave, I
believe at the School of Visual Arts in New York, and who may have been a
gathering at Murray Bookchin’s apartment with Herbert and the Motherfuckers
in attendance.
I’d like to know what people remember about a demonstration at Rockefeller
Plaza I believe in January 1968. When did it happen and what was it about.
Does anyone remember a meeting probably at Columbia, probably an SDS meeting
in which Motherfuckers released a bunch of caged pigeons.

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Oct 2003
PS>>these flares mess with electromanetic fields. Expect computer, etc glitches.

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Hammond~Well, that was a rugged way to start my day. Could there be a more violent place?? As artists and writers we have to speak. As with my weaving these can become an act of not only having a voice, but an act of addressing on, I want to say, for lack of a better word..a magic under level. In the end Prayers (chanting) are what keep me afloat..give me a way to immediately address these horrors and all the rest and not feel totally helpless to do something immediate and direct. I feel we have to fight to keep the light and that is always the first step. A lighter note..we are currently experiencing the largest solar flares in recorded history. Although I have to wonder exactly how long does the "recorded history" actually extend? As I have said before, I think these flares are energy boosts. I hesitate to put myself futher on the line with that, but suggest one pay attention to how they are feeling with this in mind.
EXTREME SOLAR ACTIVITY: When it left the sun, the cloud was traveling 2125 km/s (almost 5 million mph). The CME struck Earth this morning (Oct. 29th) and sparked an intense geomagnetic storm.
More here:
Worth waiting for download:

Name: again
Date: 29 Oct 2003
I might be worldly and tempered so to speak but I can't even watch "Old Yeller" for the second time. In fact, I don't think I will come back here next time around - this place is way too violent and bone-headed - I mean what's the point of having a mind if you don't use it? No my day is ruining by Japanese fishermen (murderous hit men) and I haven't checked the news about the inferno in So. Cal., or the mounting death toll in "post-war" Iraq, or......... I need a vacation..... But where to go? Inside is the only refuge it seems..... Yesterday I visited some Tibetan friends and on their wall was a picture of a crowd of monks facing away from the camera - all except one. He was looking into the lens of space - holding a sign that read: PEACE HAS NO VALUE And the more I ponder this - I see that this is (so painfullyl) true............

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Oct 2003
I know, I know, I know........ and then I don't know - such indifference is beyond me.......... Send a prayer today to a Dolphin near you......

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Eileen - I may just take up your attitude about reading the news - and I hate sharing (insert horrid words I can not find) news like this - nonetheless - The world - the UN - God! needs to take some immediate action against this sort of monstrous behavior -
What insult - What outrage!!
The Dolphins (and I) Are Crying Out

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Eric - Ditto thanks!
Eileen - I guess that (the review that hasn't happened) would have to be the LA Times - and only because my grandmother was Fashion Editor there for 18 years. Reviews and comments thus far have been so fortifying - encouraging - nourishing - and well, flattering to say the least. For this is am so very appreciative...... Screenplay writing is driving me nuts to be honest - like trying to ride a unicycle with a square wheel. Quite a learning process which I pray will only help me as a writer in the long run vs. sending me into rehab!

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Thank you Eric, and by the way, I wanted to send you a cd but need your snail mail address...
Eileen, your dedication to task is inspiring...walking to the office from the train this morning in pouring rain kind of looked like your discription of color and texture...the rain brought out orange flecks in the red bricks covered with twisted brown ropes of wisteria vines...and bright soft red and gold leaves laying on the small bit of grass at the side of the office garden. Lovely. I love the fall for those reasons...driving up the thru way where they'd cut through a mt to make the roadway and the streaks of varying rock colors with green moss against the fall leaves...again, lovely.

Name: Eric
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Fantastic mental picture of you bent over loom weaving strands of wool to create a universe of color, Eileen.
Here's Joe's web, thought you might like to see what his eye for Guatemalan painting has
brought forth:

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 29 Oct 2003
McMing honest feelings are so welcome, that's where it's at, the expression of our true feelings is as good as spam is bad. I'm trying to imaging being able to weave from my heart into a tapestry !

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Oct 2003
Thanks Eric! That mess felt like a constipated page. Could he have been serious. The boy needs to learn how to use a link!
Doing a late night catch up..Hammond the NASA/IPAC was most interesting for it's listing names. Sort of made me think of the titles for your suits series. I got half way thru your stark pictures before I saw their titles in the lower bar and had to go back and read them all...which ofcourse is as much a part of the picture. Harsh man! Glad to see the good reviews of your book. Just out of curosity..what review have you not gotten you wish for most? How's your movie coming?
...........A word picture of my art:...............
The rug I'm weaving I'm is becoming a statement to the changes I'm going through. Actually a revelation that is grounding it. I had a slow ah ha as I noticed the colors in my bedroom started changing, softening up with less and less Guatemalan and Indian influence in the last few wks. One of those totally uncounscious things. I suddenly realized the colors I had laid in my rug, of bright orange and yellow behind a dark brown boarder, no longer would work in my room. I chewed on that for 24 hrs, and then went (I felt like I was sneaking) into the peaceful weaving room, surrounded on all sides with large windows, to make a change when I knew no one would be there. I didn't want to explain to anyone what I was doing, and didn't know if it was even kosher. I carefully unwove 6 inches, that had been a fair amount of complicated weaving and several hrs work. As I took out the bright colors, I remembered Penelope, unweaving her tapestry each night to fool her unwanted suitors..muttering to the past and to xxx that pressed against me, I would not stop..this was going to be MINE. At last the colors were out and I knew what I had done was right, as a wave of relief, release, swept over me. I paced the room full of colored wool avaiable as I emptied my head of voices, working out serious intention. Knowing this rug could not be a compromise to the past if it was going to "speak".
I worked into the night trying out colors, laying in rows of rich light brown, then twirling it with shades of light earthy green, with an occasional spike of lucious twirled deep orange and red to give it life blood. The warp of cotton strings I weave through, are part of the design (this is called Overshot) as the complex pattern of curves and triangles slowly evolve as a defining element of the design as a whole. Stepping back to see it more clearly, taking some out, putting more combinations in, until each row against the other seemed right; waiting for the pattern to emerge. A new weaving is a great deal like watching a flower you have never seen before, opening out slowly. You can not really see what you have until you are pretty deep into it. Finally, with my back aching no longer able to do more I stepped back. Yes! It is working! I completed the originally removed 6 inches, and is BEAUTIFUL. I have begun what will become a 5'x 32" rug. I'm just beginning!

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Oct 2003
Nicole~"hippy intercourse" has taken over the site. Eric must be gone.
[No, just delayed tonight. The cleaning crew has finished for the evening.

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Oct 2003
Eric what's up? I've posted 3 messages and none have shown up...will this one?

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 28 Oct 2003
Over and outside the bubble - What's the frequency Kenneth?

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Oct 2003
GENITIALS so sweet
SPIT with delight
TO THE EROTIC word kiss
The POETry
SMELL MY PRIVVYS TOO not an option

Name: The 3rd Page
EmailAddress: CLICK IMAGE
Date: 28 Oct 2003

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Oct 2003
Your need to seek infantile pleasures here doesn't add anything. I encourage you to put something up here that furthers the discussions or just sit back until you can.

Name: Nik
Date: 28 Oct 2003

Name: Jag
Date: 28 Oct 2003
I second that emotion Hammond

Name: Hammond
Date: 28 Oct 2003
RedNeckJed from Biloxi - We have all forgotten more than you will ever know - but you are correct about leaning away from Eileen - attack one you attack all - Each One Teach One is not about idiotic phentermine babble - Privy that you twerp.......And on second thought don't read Lenore's poetry - it might give you a complex headache.

Date: 28 Oct 2003

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 28 Oct 2003
RedNeckBiloxiPoet does wright about what he nose - Mugu is Sazza and is limited to spamologue in lower case rampages that take us to the right hand margin - RedNeck is a Phentermine test case

Name: Hippie Museum
EmailAddress: ~*
Date: 28 Oct 2003
Enjoy an excellent Pam Hanna review of Hammond's "AsEverWas"

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Oct 2003
Carla~I do wish you would stay here with us! You will find good company. I'm sorry to hear about Neil. I did email you after your other post, some time back. I will send you a note.

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Redneked! Your mind masturbatory word map misses the mark and does not make it poetry just because it is double spaced with capitalized letters. Perhaps you mistake us as sexual fools (or poetic idiots) and easily shocked. Wrong crowd dude. If you want to see some of the best erotic poetry ever, which yours is NOT, you should get Lenore Kandel's, The Love Book, from the 60's which I see >>>>is IN PRINT again, Friends!!! Your writing must be coming off of bathroom stalls. Thank goodness we don't have to see the kind of drawings you do. If you want to write, try something you KNOW about!

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Nightmare on Main Street
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Right eyelid closed, iris dilates
Retina focuses, image sharpens
Ad for …”Insert Product”…, rolls
Left eyelid closed, iris dilates
Retina focuses, image sharpens
Message… “Insert Topic”… viewed
Calling all senses, post medium here
It’s a brave new world, it’s an instant messenger
No stone unturned, no lesson unlearned
Mass marketing, why stop there, intrusive, invasive, inclusive
We can do better, frontal lobotomy, insert message, product placement guaranteed

Name: M
Date: 27 Oct 2003
well that last one slipped away from me without as much as a fare-thee-well.
Anyway, myself I'm as much mystified by Redneck as by MUGU .. could they be one & the same, just flying under the radar ?
I think these sunspots are making everyone loopy just right now.
Hang on, soon this moment will pass.
[& I will calm down too. Maybe.]

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: huh ?
Date: 27 Oct 2003

Name: Jag
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Redneck IS an unnatural sex act

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 27 Oct 2003
RedNeck is back to himself and Einstein can rest easy for now...

Name: carla and neil (
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Hey Eileen,
Haven't heard from you so I hope you are doing ok. Please write to us P.O. Box 154, Cerro, Nm 87519. Just hope I don't get mail from everyone. Oh well if I do, right. Just want to say hello, how are you and miranda and we miss the both of you and california too, maybe we can come back soon. The law is preventing me from going anywhere right now which really stinks. The more and more I read about my government the more and more ashamed I am of the people that supposedly run it for me and my family and everyone else that lives here. Maybe people in this country, especially the middle class, will finally wake up and smell the "SHIT" thats going on. Or, what, am I the only one who can smell it. On another note, Neil isn't doing to well physically, the doctor is sending him to a heart doctor, so keep him and me in some prayers, please. Hope to hear from the both of you soon and wish you were here, or at the least, we were there. I will try to write back soon. And, I also do have a lot to say about all kinds of things in this guestbook. Thank you Eileen for being who you are, wish there were more people like you, maybe the world would be a little more loving and peaceful
peace and blessings, Carla

Date: 27 Oct 2003

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Hi all just stopping by to say hello
21st century has caught me in its snare and my leisure time is now a precious thing.
what the fuck is going on with all this rushing round. If we were to all slow down then p'haps we may live a lot longer and get even more done -----just ranting-----
the new philosophy is not "dont put off till tomorrow what you can do today" but --- do it 5 mins ago do it now and tomorrow and dont stop , even for air, just push push push, and make sure that you stay a good consumer. And take time out for other so that you can shit on them from a great height!
remember that movie "Falling down" with Michael Douglas? Well look out world cause tonight Dr Sponge is walking home and he is pissed off

Name: Mark
Date: 27 Oct 2003
It is hot here again today and dry. No trouble with fires so far but the potential is high. Santa Cruz mountains had a very light winter so it is fairly dried out. The Planet Drum boogie was pretty good, attendance wasn't what we thought then we realized we were up against the last game of the world series. Lots of good food and drink, Geoff Hoyle did his "Dance of Death" with a full size skeleton prop, it was really amazing. The fire eater got there late just as we were finishing cleaning up so we all sat out in the back parking lot of the SOMARTS gallery under the freeway while she whipped all the fiery balls around and drinking up the last of the donated wine in the warm night. The gallery was filled with Day of the Dead installations by local artists.
The NEWS....I am at the point that I half wish things would just go really bad now and we all can get Bush out and his henchman in jail. Something has to really shock the voters into chasing him off. Unfortunately, this has the feel of a big very slow plodding turn and people die on every step of the way. I read an article today in the local paper,GoodTimes, about Michael Moore taking it to some the lefties here saying carrying signs in protest or having the Santa Cruz City council vote for Bush's impeachment is silly. I agree, here in Santa Cruz we have what I call the Gilligan's Island syndrome. Lots of people, mostly white, come here and put on the metaphorical grass skirts and coconut shells and play. When they get bored or the money runs out off they go.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Hammond - All
The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Just in case you want to really get out there........

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Eileen - gave me a great chuckle - great lines in your noteback and on the mark - oops - and too the point... sorry Mark...and yes Mappo tx.... (sp) This is my gut reaction (toward comfort food) to the news every morning - 1st the Sydney Hearald Tribune, then the Guardian, and the BBC broadcast - so by the time they finish with me - I am ready to "attack the world" each day in my own little way -and the war (be)labors on.....Disinformation needs translating whenever possible -
Nic - I heard from the southern northland today - all is well and hot per the weather report.... Wish you were along for the ride! Stew's 64th birthday party is Dec. 6 maybe you can get here for a winter escapade.
(Beatles attire is optional)

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Hammond~You should know better than to start your morning with the news! After yrs of papers bumming me out, I finally decided if it was worth knowing, someone would tell me. Since then I have also discovered alternative radio and Democracy Now! I run by the papers and occasionally check the headlines to make sure the world hasn't ended. Ha! My sister who recently moved with her family to Pasadana, sent the family and emergency email letting us know she was safe from the fires (80 miles away..we'll see) and I had NO idea what she was talking about until I checked the LA Times last night. BTW..did you mean Mappo?
McMing~You held your mud well.
Let's see. Of the famous, who's death has made me cry besides friends? Bill Graham most recently. Those sudden snuff outs of dynamic people can leave such a sense of vacumm in the place they filled.
Nicole~ Sorry the deal didn't go though. It must be a great deal like waiting for a marijuana crop to come in. It's hard not to count your chickens and there's no sure return for all the work. As Steve says, it's all about ME isn't it? Later I will be more fun anyway..I'm counting on it! But hope your next cash flow will not be depentant me getting all my ducks in a row. If so, I'll see what I can do to hurry things along. Ha!

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Good afternoon all, thank you, all of that below was so lovely.
My deal fell through at the 11th hour. Buyer didn't know a new bldg was going up across the street that would block his back to square one...oh well, that's real estate for ya. kinda puts my trip to Calif on hold again...but that's ok...I will trust the universe has something much better in store for me.

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Back again after checking the news - which is getting to be like hitting myself in the head with a sledge hammer. The bombings in Iraq on the first day of Ramadan - and then of course the horrific fire(s) in So.Cal. what a disaster - so much loss in the blink of an eye. And then I read an article about how one of the terror detainees mentioned the possibility of a terrorist plot to set forest fires via timed devices. Of course this information was ignored by the FarmLand Secuity force as having no basis in fact....'The White Hose' staff is hidding everything they can about the 9/11 investigation and the output from our powers that be only comes in the form of "leaks" via "unidentified" talking objects.
I want my Maypo!

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Oct 2003
A continuing "clan" indeed - carrying on what began "once upon a time" and for me as for the rest of you the guestbook is our 'commons' - I look forward to reading the Daily input - out takes and heart warmers - the laughs and the saddness that appears - the sharing of self and same among brothers and sisters of the road - then - now and tomorrow. Like a breath of fresh air that has the quality of 'deja view' as well as being in the moment anew with currency and vision - HOPE! Somewhere at sometime a reunion in physical space will be a momentous moment for us all!
We definitely help to keep the pilot light lit - Love and Peace to all

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: keep me away from whiskey & porter
Date: 27 Oct 2003
sorry Ohio Girl, didn't mean to get maudlin on ya. It's just so strong to me,
the sense we've been deserted by everything except our own selves .. and we are kin beyond any blood line .. so 'Lord if I ever needed someone/ I need you'
Because so many are just shut down, only about material things. & it's nice to
have a car that works, etc. But it will never satisfy your soul.
Saying it again, one more time, but that's all we really have .. your immortal soul .. and that is why love is infinite, it's not gonads, it's the soul.
My testament .. later, fellow lovers. Consult Rumi for further details.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 27 Oct 2003
Blew MY mind to see the Donovan words written out. Yes, we are family, bound by invisible connections now like the tiny threads you could see on acid, connecting everyone. I cried the hardest when John Belushi died, I was more like that messy addict, than hip as I was supposed to be. And he was so funny.

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Oct 2003
MUGU~you little troll you, what would we do without you? Do you also make phone calls and hang up? You must be beyond bored.

Name: E
Date: 26 Oct 2003
ignore that ?

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Oct 2003
McMing~Need a good writer to inspire? Here it is.
Totem Salmon: Life Lessons From Another Species, by Freeman House? Do yourself a favor and READ IT! Pure poetry. Freeman's a brother of the 60's, and I had no clue what a truly beautiful writer he is. What a surprise! He tells the story of the Mattole water shed when he Nina, Jane Lapiner and David Simpson (all forefront Diggers) came there during the time I just mentioned, when all we went our own way. When they moved to Petrolia, Ca they saw the salmon were almost gone. I remember them trying to figure out how to carefully catch the salmon for their eggs and breed them to restock the wild salmon. It started with no information and no help. They were doing from something no one knew a thing about and developed to a full fledge project, with no money but what they could scrape together. In a long battle they got grants to continue their effort that was taking more and more of their time and developed a pilot program many would come to study and work with. Also is the story of the lives of the local Indians and how their lives were entirely guided by the salmon. This is the book of the great love and respect for the salmon that enveloped their lives. Nothing I can say can do justice to this book. Freemens writing skill alone makes it worth the read. It's a book hard to put down.

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Oct 2003
Amen Eileen and in so many ways you got it right, keep the positive and revise the negative. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: to Eileen
Date: 26 Oct 2003
God, you've got that so right, "we have remained a clan", it's why I've kept posting here, it's my own home place, & I realized maybe 30 years ago, lost in the haze of a strong hemp high, what you can put in words will never do it, but that's all we've got, so keep trying keeep trying .. the best I've known, old Anarchists & scholars of The Word, joyceans & junk-heads, it's all we've got,
Jesus don't you know I cried when Kerouac died? It's all we've got, this thin thread of word & vision. Kenneth Patchen said all I ever hope to know & see.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Oct 2003
Have spent the good part of the day going over the archives here..stories of our past that always make me a bit sad, yet still amazed at what lives we lived. Leaving one another in the end was much like leaving home for the first time. Stepping into the world to see what more we could make of our lives without the bulwark of one another to shore us up. Yet even at a distance we hold one another in one way or another. Some have come back together in time to continue working together. Yet even apart, we have remained a clan, as much as any family blood could bond. Some things we failed at. But the most important, has remained. A testiment to the reality we intended. A family that has not disintegrated, but continues.

Date: 26 Oct 2003
" " "

Name: whoah
Date: 26 Oct 2003
title is "Sunny Goodge Street

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: memory trawling
Date: 26 Oct 2003
Here's one that came up this morning, on a cold & rainy day.
{BTW, the 'inner child' is not so far off, except who's to assume this child was abused, it's just an earlier maybe better self .. I wish I could go back to a time I had not so much experience & thus less reason to be the cynical harsh
old bastard I have become .. but that's just my story.}
Anyway, the Mingus/hash connection -- from Donovan, a long long time ago :
<< On the firefly platform on sunny Goodge Street
Violent hash-smoker shook a chocolate machine
Bobbed in an eating scene.
Smashing into neon streets in their stillness
Smearing their eyes on the crazy Kali goddess
Listenin' to sounds of Mingus mellow fantastic.
"My, my", they sigh,
"My, my", they sigh.
In dull house rooms with coloured lights swingin'
Strange music boxes sadly tinklin'
Drink in the sun shining all around you.
"My, my", they sigh,
"My, my", they sigh, mm mm.
"My, my", they sigh,
"My, my", they sigh.
The magician, he sparkles in satin and velvet,
You gaze at his splendour with eyes you've not used yet.
I tell you his name is Love, Love, Love.
"My, my", they sigh,
"My, my", they sigh.
"My, my" - sigh. >>
Listen to this in real time if you can, Judy Collins sang this song also.
cheers -- blue Ming w/ a mug of ale in hand

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 26 Oct 2003
Hey all you Seedy fans!
Speed,Run or Crawl but do not miss these shows!
THE SEEDS - November 2
The Coach House 33157 Camino Capistrano
San Juan Capistrano,California
November 8 @ The Key Club
9039 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood,California

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 26 Oct 2003
Patrick - Flashback to The Realist for an intuitive sub-plot on Johnson's involvement - Krassner's take was over the edge (just a bit!) but the premiss is there like clear and present danger....

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: oliver got it pretty close to right
Date: 26 Oct 2003
Hey everyone, I saw a guy on tv last night on the jesse ventura show (kinda like watchin' wrestleing on acid) he was interviewing this guy who just came out with a book about Johnsons invovement in the JFK murder. What made it most interesting besides the new evidence was that the author is the father of lil' Bush's present main press agent.
Looked like a pretty good turn out in dc. Peace, Patman
Where is the batman? Hope the little critter makes it.
Where is doc sponge? He doe'snt have time for us I guess. Surely he would have responded to redneck stalking by now if he was checking in.

Name: Eileen
Date: 25 Oct 2003
Any interest in UFOs? This is the real deal. You'll just have to take my word for it. I've heard the man interviewed a few yrs back and I have no doubt. The photos and sounds may take an act of faith but many have gone to his place and have had contact. At the very least if you have time to dig into his site I think it give you something ususal to think about. Hope this link works:

Name: Eileen
Date: 25 Oct 2003
Hammond~Thanks for the update on Allen. Recovery and keeping his body from rejecting his new liver will be the next challenge. Good thoughts and prayers continue.
Rena~I hope you check in before this gets too far down. Your thoughts of volunteer work really sparked me. I'm been in a real downer sitting and looking at my life since Miranda left. (which everyone here has had to listen to me whine about) Her leaving just made all I didn't have going even before she left, very much in my face. This is such a small town and has so little going on of interest to me. It's overdue for me to try a new approach. There's a great botanical garden near me that has all kinds of interesting volunteer work avaiable. That's me! Thanks for the kick in the butt.

Name: Hammond
EmailAddress: Updates
Date: 25 Oct 2003
By all reports Allen is doing well post op-transplant and is out of the CU in a room of his own with caregiving friends at the bed side 24/7 and then again after he goes home - maybe in 7 days.

Name: Mort Subiet (aka: Hammond)
Date: 25 Oct 2003
CounterPunched Weekend
"Crusader Rhetoric" (the final take) - by Mort Subiet
(+) Stew Albert's "Vegetarians"

Name: Mark
Date: 25 Oct 2003
Heading out of Aptos for San Francisco in a few minutes to try to get in the last part of the anti war demo and then over to Berg's to begin the preparations for tonights celebration. Doors open at 7 pm show starts at 8 pm. All Digger types will be around and the weather is just perfect, 90 degrees today in SF. I love this place.
Here is the link again with the info celebrating 30 years of Planet Drum Foundation and the Digger legacy. 934 Brannon at 9th Street SOMARTS Gallery

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 25 Oct 2003
Biloxi Redneck - I think you should stick with your poetry and take less phen-phen - what on earth are you talkin on about? Color you ecru and be done with it......

Date: 25 Oct 2003
We find the basic root in Latvian *ZIL-, *ZAL- and *ZEL i.e. ZL-
ZIL- "blue" in Latvian,
also the word for "pupil" of the eye
and the blue-grey "forest"
ZAL- "green" in Latvian, also the word for grass
ZEL- "gold, yellow-colored" in Latvian
DZEL- "yellow" in Latvian
ZILumas - "grey" in Lithuanian
AZUL- AZUR- "blue" in many languages
ZELenyj "green" in Russian
ZELtyj "yellow" in Russian
ZAIRita "yellow" in Avestan
CAERULeus "blue" in Latin
SAR- "red" in Latvian
SORt "black" in Danish
SVARt "black in Swedish
KR- "color" in Latvian
GRey in English
KELainos"black, dark color"
Greek and in Old Hindic KALA "black"
GALanos "blue" in Greek
but in Lithuanian GELtonas "yellow"
XILos - "grass", XL- "green"
CHR- as in CHRoma "color" in Greek
It is quite clear from the above examples that many of these terms derive from a single "color" root-word which was then adapted in various only slightly dissimilated forms to distinguish the varies shades of "color" in the "color-system".
Great fuckerty fuck fuck fucks!!!!!!
The great German thinker Goethe wrote in his Color Theory
about the color-perception of the ancients:
"Their denominations of colours are not permanently and precisely defined, but mutable and fluctuating....Their yellow, on the one hand, inclines to red, on the other to blue; the blue is sometimes green, sometimes red; the red is at one time yellow, at another blue.... If we take a glance at the copiousness of the Greek and Roman terms, we shall perceive how mutable the words were, and how easily each was adapted to almost every point in the colorific circle."
Note also that the white-black-grey (brown) system of black and white color has a different root. The Root BL- viz BR-
PELEKS "grey" in Latvian
duBLI "mud" in Latvian
whence Old Irish DUB "black" (DUB- Sumerian "tablet")
BLACK in English
BLUE in English
BLONDE in English and
BALINATS "white, bleached" in Latvian
BRown in English
The entire issue of colors is significant to our appreciation of the age and origin of any ancient culture.
Its a material world that we are living in.

Name: Rena
Date: 24 Oct 2003
anti war ralley on Maui tomorrow (Oct 25). Instead of a march there will be a gathering at the college with speakers and musicians and environmentalists. Should be fun.
Eileen, we're definitely tripping around together this summer. yes, you welcome here, and I'll also try to get to the big island while you're there to help you resource in paradise. My calander is about to open up: Oshy graduates and turns 18 in May.
am going to be working with recovering addicts who are pregnant. I'll be teaching how to have an easier childbirth. and, I may be accompanying them as they labor in the hospital.
visited our political prisoner, Nan, the midwife serving 8 months under house arrest. She is such an incredible person that the visit was uplifting (for me). actually she's not allowed visitors, so it really wasn't a visit. but, since she has a farm and works her land, she's allowed to sell fruit.... so I came officially seeking fruit.
and, went to Morningstar and met the newest Morningstar baby, Callum Moringstar Lawless Mills, born at home, on the land, on June 2. Callum's parents are the caretakers of M* and the place is singing. Calum's ma birthed while holding onto a rope hanging from a tree. we visited the spot where Vishnu was born and danced around there, too.
Love to all the diggers, old and new, r n a

Name: Mark
Date: 24 Oct 2003
I am pretty busy with the Planet Drum thing tomorrow night, I have the only truck which means I haul it down there and haul it back, then drive back to Aptos. I am going to try to march with the anti-war demo in the morning. Damn Steve it is good to see your words. Rena, I will pass it on and it is definitely weird here regarding student demographics. Berkeley for one has lost a good part of it's bread and butter Asian population due to the 9/11 event so the anglo component has returned but I think they be new Republicans. UCSC is more of the same. UC tuition is through the roof. It went up 400 bucks this quarter. I did an interview on KPOO in SF with Peter Berg yesterday with a guy you all may remember, Diamond Dave. He is in the Digger Documentary Film at the end exhorting the Digger treatise at a Food Not Bombs table on a sidewalk in SF. We also ran into a guy named Terry Collins who talked about his experiences at the Black Mans Free store and Emmett Grogan. At 66 years of age, Diamond Dave is still pushing the Digger thang as hard as ever. Each one teach one. Oh yeah, the new Rolling Stone issue has a piece by Michael Moore exposing the Bush family connection to the Saudis.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Hi Rena~So good to have you back with your report. In my travels it has been ONLY the citys with any diversity. It's all a carpet of Pink (I have to laugh at being called White) people for the most part, in all small towns anywhere but NM. I was wondering how a move to the mainland was going to sit. HI is a hard act to follow. In fact just yesterday Miranda and I celebrated seeing a Black man in town. Colors are a true rarity. The diversity in HI was such a joy to find. It's something I miss a lot. I wish I had been able to see you. It must have been great for you and your friends to get together!
I'm now slowly gearing up for the possible move to the Big Island July/Aug. Getting myself more focused in general and more mentally and physically healthy in particular. Cutting back as I notice stuff I really don't need and still mulling over what I'm going to do about the dogs. Will begin shots in the next month or so, for one of them, as it will take 6 mo to bring him up to speed not to be held in long guaratine. Even then I have mixed feeelings about whether to bring him. I don't think my oldest is going to last that long, and certainly couldn't handle the procedures, travel or change. This time I have a better idea of the steps I need to take to make that move possible. My friend Shawn, is champing at the bit for me to get over there. We're talking about sharing a house. Checked out rents in Maui. It's as bad as here on the Mendocino coast! I don't see how people make it there that don't own their homes. But I am still planning to get there to see you and see the island again.

Name: Rena
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Aloha oi. just returned from a quick trip to SF and sonoma county. Granddaughter Rachel went to Michael Moore in Santa Cruz on Sunday last, and had great stories about his talk. Wish I could have been there. if you ever get the chance, go hear this brilliant man.
We had a good time during our 3 (count em) 3 days on the mainland. Hooray for our friends at the commune. A feast was prepared and old firends gathered.
Oshy looked at SFSU and Sonoma State Universities. She doesn't want to be in the chilly city; she's a Maui girl, after all. She liked SSU but there was one major drawback. Everyone but everyone is white. there is no racial diversity at that campus. oh, yes, there is an occasional token person of color, ut we were awash in a sea of white. living in Hawaii where whites are in the minority, you really notice this. She did connect with a Maui friend who is in her second year at SSU and the girl loves SSU. It was a chance encounter.
HPU is getting a more serious consideration as it has students from all 50 states and a heap of other countries. And, it's in Hawaii, on Oahu, with two campuses, one in Honolulu, and one out of town in Kaneohe.
Sorry to miss the Planet Drum Gathering. I'd love to be there. i'll send my spirit and astral body. hugs to all!
Also would love to be at the benefit for Allen. Hope he makes it! Please continue with the updates on his well being. I used to grok with the Oracle staff back in '68. We had a great time. Inspiring!!!
California was very friendly and welcoming.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Mark~That sounds like quite an event! More, I am impressed with such an inviting way to offer The Message.

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Hey Red Neck - thanks for taking the time and pleased that you enjoyed the ride - GREAT FUCKERTY FUCK FUCK mate your poem/note is well received. OnWords! Book 2 on hold for now as I delve into the malestrom that is screenplay writing......... it's a brave new world to me.

Name: Mark
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Here is a link for a big wing ding we all are having San Francisco tomorrow night. I will be there along with the Bergs and lots of interesting folks. Come on down and get down.

Date: 24 Oct 2003

Date: 24 Oct 2003
Eileen - love it all = it can't be replaced only altered = a one of a kind

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Oct 2003
No. To be honest, it reminds me to love the parts of me I don't love very much at all.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Oh Nicole! What a totally beautiful piece of writing! This one's going in a special place. (And my house is not littered with writing.) Please tell Susan I said so. This feels like medicine for my heart this morning.

Name: Nik
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Susan doesnt live in the theraputic house, she just works there. She has the house on the Esopua Creek.

Name: Nicole
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Goodmorning all, I have to share this poem with you that my longest, closest, best, sister friend Susan Towlson sent me this morning...she lives upstate(where I stay when I go up) She is a substance abuse counselor in a live in theraputic community...and she's an awsome woman...Eileen you may remember her as Susan Steinberg...she had one of the house on the river in Shawnee-on-the-Delaware.

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Here is a link to Planet Drum Foundation's work that Peter Berg, myself along with members in Italy, USA and Japan through Guard Fox Watch to put pressure on the International Olympic Committee to honor their pledge of creating a model for a sustainable and ecologically sensitive major winter sporting events. We are currently in discussion with the Olympic Organizing Committee in Turin, Italy for the winter games there in 2006 and have begun reaching out to bioregionalists in Canada to form a strategy for the Winter Games in Vancouver in 2010.

Date: 24 Oct 2003
San Francisco-According to Allen Cohen's long time companion Ann Cohen; The
legendary poet, activist and publisher has been in UCSF's Intensive Care Unit
since 2:30 AM Thursday morning. Cohen was diagnosed with Hep C in 1990 and
told he had terminal liver cancer last year As of midnight Friday, October 24th
Cohen's medical team headed by Dr. John Feiner expressed initially optimism
that Cohen's body will accept the his liver. Cohen remains in
critical condition
at UCSF hospital. The next announcement of Cohen's condition will be at
12:00 Noon, Friday, October 24th.

Name: Doghouse O'Reilly
EmailAddress: naturalist
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Probably better to have a bat in your pocket, rather than bats in the belfry.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: me quit????
Date: 24 Oct 2003
Hi Steve and Steve, or, Steve and Mini Me!! Hammond that's funny you said the same thing my old landlord did 25 years ago when I quit smoking effortlessly due to being pregnant. He looked at me with exasperation and rolled his eyes and said, well I guess I'll never quit!! RIP, he never did! Eileen trouble finding words (even slurred speech sometimes) and the words coming out of my mouth not being what I had in mind, was in my case from "encephalophaly" which has to do with liver malfunction. I'm ok at the moment (maybe!!!!!! I guess it depends who is the judge of that) at least while on treatment. Speaking of which, what a relief to hear about Allen Cohen I hope everything just gets better and better for him now. Peace

Name: The Bat
EmailAddress: Again,...
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Ah... make that MEDICADE, It's the real deal. Im' gonna have em' check my jaw out. Both of my lower canines are almost touching at this point and my face is swelled up on the left side. later all. Hey Nik; thats one hell of a nieghbor hood that yer' in, Great vibes. Ive been spending alot of time in Washington Heights on the cliffs overlooking the Harlem Plain. One hell of a city.

Name: The Riddler
EmailAddress: Ah-Haaa...
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Just as I suspected.,,, The Good Docor???... or is'at you IMAM?,...hey; this is one sweet bat. Dig it; I just got the green light for medicade and my jump back to a healthy perscription liqid diet again,..Im' back down to fighting wieght from roughing it and have been living on Clyde like a Mongol Hun on a war pony, When my feet do contact the earth; its an odd feeling,... hell; without two wheels to roll on, Im' just another bum. Oh; Thanks fer' the Bat info. His tiny mouth is to small to get a chunk of me. Id'e bite em' back anyway. (thy can sense that ya' know),... He's snoozing in the palm of my hand. OK now; I just got an up-date on what Ive' been missing while tip-toing through the daisies:,,, my spies tell me that Ol' George is pissing away $4 billion a month to occupy Iraq;,, (thats more than $130 million every hour).. do the math. Steve the Bat says: remember these numbers when they say there is no scratch for education, heathcare, libraries, firehouses, childcare or any other vital social services, I leave you now with a quote; "Are more people going to be killed? You bet." -Donald Rumsfeld July 14, 2003,

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Oct 2003
FYI~ain't no problem here. I was just able to follow his riff and thought it interesting. I've heard the same theory about color before, but never so eloquently put together. I think the FUCKIDY FUCK FUCK is so we don't think he's loosing his touch or confuse him with someone else. heh

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Great Fuckerty Fuck Batman - the phen-phen is producing some interesting comments - go RedNeck! I was only trying to make a point not start a battle....That's what happened the last time I had to change my moniker..... Peace on you....(suspect)

Name: Oh Good Grief
EmailAddress: you know that thing in your pocket?
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Don't let it bite you. Needless to say there's the whole rabies thing although some minor # have it. Did I need to say that? Says they lay on the ground paralized (barking...just kidding) etc if they've got it. Yours isn't paralyzed.....right? Anyway they won't act natural for a bat..and you know what that is batman? Bet your gone back into the wilds anyway.

Name: More than
EmailAddress: you ever wanted to know
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Here's the low down on all the bats in North Am. Surprised the heck out of me how many different ones there are. I think I found your guy in here but you need to take a read and see. In my quick scan thru a bunch of sites the problem here is we may be talking a few+ pounds of insects! The good news is you may have found one settling into hybernate. So think about where you found him and see if him fits one of these guys. Hope you're still there and this will help. I've raised all sorts of critters. But I never had a bat long enough (my dad took him back)to know what to do.

Name: Cave un-night-us
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Choose a location on the Eastern side of your house that receives about 6 hours of morning sun. Solar heat is important to bats. The house should be placed 12-15 feet above ground. It is helpful to place the house near a natural source of water.
Will contiue a quick search. Take note of the sun need. onward

Name: Bat Man
EmailAddress: Your' cave or mine?
Date: 23 Oct 2003
To the honey jar Robin! Fuck the Animal People. Lil' Steve is now "Mini Me". It's a done deal. P.S. Thanks Honey

Name: The Artist formerly known as Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Please....
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Hey Redneck; I was takin' a stab at being funny. I really havent sat down (or stood up) and delved into youre' material. So tell me... are you the next Pablo Neruda; or what??...

Name: E
Date: 23 Oct 2003
UUm hey ya bro. There's too many hours in the day when you don't have people TV. How about the whisky AND tobacco. I actually poured rum in my tobacco last night to ease it up. It's the rolling of it, ya know? Little batty may need honey water.

Name: Count Boydula
EmailAddress: Do you love me,,,or is that a bat in yer' pocket?
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Eileen!!..,,being averse to exertion is really growing on me. There's not enough hours in the day. time flys when yer' lazy. It must be my old dog phase,.. or more likely my primal hybernation mode. In any event; Im' making my peace with the world. Im' still on my original ounce of whisky soaked tobacoo and its a rwal spiritual trip, i smoke only in the still of the night (ol' Gypsy habit),, the flavor is wonderful, try a pipe little momma. Hey; i saw a sticker layed over an anti-smoking poster tonight, it read: "Today Cigarettes; Tomarrow Beer And Big Macs". Really, its the roaring zeros I tell ya, The dealers are now huslin' New Ports, no shit. I can see "Smoke-Easies" being the next big thing. (knock twice an' tell em' Joe sent ya.)

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Oct 2003
OH just when I thought I was leaving!
Red Neck! Wow dude you can speak English and have some cool insight. Keep it coming buddy!
And Steve! word from you has about made my day! Oh I hope you come back quick. The bat? I've had a bat in my time. But this is weird..I have this problem sometimes, no a lot of times, finding words when I'm trying to explain something simple. I mean it's serious, like simple words. I see the picture but the word just won't come and it drives Miranda nuts waiting for me to sort out my brain. I just gave up yesterday and blurted the first thing that was THE FURRY LITTLE BAT I KEEP IN MY POCKET. And I pulled out my hand like it was there. Made perfect nonsense to me and I just left it be. PS..The fruit eating bats are in S America. Yours needs insects. Maybe you got to catch them live and tie them to a string. Like lizards they may not go for the dead ones. Hope he/she makes it!
Friends..I'm going to find a for real solid shrink. I know what my smokings about and I know what's up. Had a talk with Ariel and told her I could well be her patient. She knows me and knows what's up, and knows the ropes and is going to walk me through this to find help. Never asked for help and have just toughed my way through. Can't keep this up on my own any longer. LIFE has become cold turkey. Otherwise I may join Steve just for the rush! Being as I've been bearing my soul..hey why stop now?

Name: Steve The Bat
EmailAddress: Church Bellfrey
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Hey Eff-Why-Eye,,, never; repeat... never, ever enter into a battle of wits with an unarmed man. (or poet, in this case), hey this bat loves cold coffee. Must be the cream and sugar. or.,,, well; that's a New York bat for ya',

Name: FYI - Servico
Date: 23 Oct 2003
"Great Fuckerty Fuck!" - BRNPoet - what's got into you - philosphical phen-phen?

Name: No name these days.,,,,,,
EmailAddress: Of Mice and Men.
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Hey; Leon Grodski E-Mailed me and said " Would you help out anyone who called you a prick in public?,....(Did I say that?,,or mime that,.???...or type that???,, Looks like I fucked up a good connection. Hey; tonight I was pushing clyde down a Christopher Street and a big assed gal was bent over and yelled STOP!!,, Im' saving a spider!!... I watched her try to scoot em' along w/ a piece of cardboard,. I made a fw Bodist faces and tried to convay that Im' a humanitarian and to prove it I pulled a live bat out of my right pea coat pocket. Well she shit..(the lady); see, she thought that I was gonna serve up the spider for dinner or somethin'. OK; I Ironed that out with some hard earned wisdom aquired from Quinton Crisp, Here's the flip side, A fine gal just invited me to an animal lovers meeting right here at the Peace Church; and get this: the bat was a sign to hook up again (if only for a night). I found the little guy half froze and starved (I imagine) on a Hudson St. side walk. Thinking that it was a giant furry moth. I attempted to spread it's wings. Well, the little guy was hurtin' so I wrapped him in both gloves and pcketed him/her. Before long it was peeking out and smiling. A real errie take on Ben Franklin's Church Mouse. OK; then I find a Bacardi Bat Logo bottle top. Im' then wondering if I should name it Bella or Louisville; ..then I think; whats' a mute doing "Naming" anything? I look down and in the cement is the name "Steve" etched when it was fresh poured years ago; I then look up and see a poster in a window that says "Steve". Bingo! It's Steve the Bat!!. Im' droping the name myself. I havent picked out a new name for myself yet. Hell,.. everything is comming my way. Ive' got shit falling into place as if the hand of God is in the mix. My new Crisp Philosophy has gotten me balls deep with the woodland spirits who haunt Riverside park, I no longer even give folks the finger: I figure: why Imply that they can go get fucked when I feel that they'r fucked already??.. Besides, flippin' the bird would convey my thoughts,..hell; they dont deserve even a glimps into this gold mine. Hey; anybody remember me saying that Leon was a prick?..hey. Steve the bat is on lap as I type. He's hamster yellow with cinnimon markings. Juanita just gave me a grape for the little nipper in the event that its a fruit bat. Its little teeth are oipelescent and it smiles when I rub its chin. It cuddles in hand. The Animal lady said that they may be able to place him. Hope so as the riggers of Park life may be risky. Ive camped out for the last 13 nights. Spent some quality time up in Harlem and I tell ya the place is tame. Its all bullshit. Those North Carolina Blacks are the greatest folk in world. New York is just a word. (well,, two words.),, Ive' had agrand time entertaining my thoughts and may be half deleriouse.. Hey. a well known female author jumped to her death on Jane Street a few days after I wrote the poem. It prompted me to leave out some alternat depictions of the grass between the stones etc, On a more personal note: Im' still maintaining my protean ability to always be on the vanguard of change,.. but no time to get into that now. I wrote a shote piece about an unrepenant mute who redeems himself through the compasion and brotherly love of another deadbeat; an epyleptic author. Speaking of which; Buckley took after a dude her with a chair (twice).. they may get tough with him. He's now banned from every shelter in the city due to some new rulings from city hall. I told Sister Louise that I may see him through the winter anyway that I can. She said "You v'e got too!!". Anyway; I may contact the Society for the Advancement of Travel for the handicapped and pull of some sort of surreal One flew over the Coo Coo's nest type excursion for me and ol' Buckley. Maybe to warmer climes. Pull a Midnight Cowboy routine minus the death sceane, Hey, time for the animal meeting. Hey, this little guy keeps licking me... no word from Miz Nancy. "Every bodys talkin' at me...."...

Date: 23 Oct 2003

Date: 23 Oct 2003
My interest in the Color Words of the Ancients
derived from the misconception of the Sumerologists that the Sumerians
were "black-headed" - as immigrants into a region of the world where everyone else
was ALREADY black-headed. Some linguist had erred.
We can demonstrate on the basis of the Indo-European roots for the word
that there was a basic word for ALL the colors in general, i.e. COLOR, which
was then adapted to different colors by different cultures,
e.g. Latvian KRASAINS "colored" is in fact Sanskrit KRSNA "black, dark", Russian KRASNYJ "the color red" and Old Church Slavic KRASINU, Latvian KRASNS
The description of the hair of the Sumerians clearly meant "blonde, red-haired, colored hair", i.e. in CONTRA-DISTINCTION to the black hair of the native inhabitants of the more southerly regions - [As Shakespeare wrote, "the sun-burned races" -
is not a racial slur, it just means that pigmentation increases with increasing exposure to solar radiation, which is why the hair of humans is darker South - it is a normal adaptation we also find in other life forms as well. I tan, do you?].

Name: FYI -Service
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Has anyone else noted the increasing number of packaging designs for mundane items like tissue and whatever itesm all depicting "tropical" scenes and situations? I think there is an Ad-Hoc Conspiracy to sublimate the warming trend across planet and to accustom folks to thinking it is all part of the nomal progression of life (heating up) on earth. Also clothing sizes seem to be changing so that the larger sizes are now smaller in terms of the number - this seems to me as a way of making people think they aren't so porky..... Or am I just becoming an urban paranoid............(suspect)

Name: Sun show
Date: 23 Oct 2003

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Oct 2003
darn. wrong link..give me a minute.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Oct 2003
MAJOR solar flares are kicking in. "Sunspot 484, which first appeared this past weekend, has grown into one of the biggest sunspots in years. Now about the size of the planet Jupiter,it's easy to see. But never look directly at the sun!" No Kidding? Here are some cool pictures, the last two my favorites. Enlarge them to get the full effect:
Nicole~I could make you a nice little rubber number, but you'll have to supply the whip. Now, I'm REALLY not here. Heh heh*

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Ah yes - Nic.... Your anti-static suit is the best!!!!
Ps - Eileen - yes I agree!!!!

Name: The 3rd Page
EmailAddress: Flash!
Date: 23 Oct 2003
A contooning story: OOPS (The Daily Leak)
CRUSADER RHETORIC originated in the mind of The Secretary following a series of counter statements made earlier by CRUSADER RHETORIC's foundering Arch Angel George - Warrior of God. The Secretary had worked at a Pentagon Safe House for weeks before conceiving the CRUSADER RHETORIC series by leaking the memo he had written to unspecified anti-axis animators. He wasn't trying to develop a rabbit or a paper tiger - The Secretary envisioned a character with a strong aggressive body which the world audience would assume belonged to a true patriot. The Secretary tried to talk the Overlord into developing a preemptive unilateral series with him for public consumption, but fearing his imagined image as the Warrior of God would be tarnished by the series his disinsighful boss turned him down with an appolgetically cold shoulder. The Secretary, undaunted, decided to go it alone and soon left for an unknown shooting location.
Filed 10/23/03 by OOPS importer at large: Mort Subiet

Name: Nik
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Great news Hammond, and good idea Eileen.
Oh oh, I just got my first atmospheric static shock of the season here in the office...time for action!

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: not really here :)
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Hammond~Well your news certainly is way better than mine here!!! I can't help but think all this good will focused on Allen has been answered. Maybe we should try that on Bush..wish him a new mind!

Name: Hammond
EmailAddress: NewsFlash from the Ether!!!
Date: 23 Oct 2003
All - I just received word that Allen Cohen has a new liver as of yesterday and all is looking good post-op.....!!!!!!!!! Really a flash as I just heard from him like four days ago and he said he was moving up the ladder like maybe in Dec. for a transplant - but this is like out of the ether! Yippie and thanks so much (in his behalf) for all of your good wishes and concern - Now Chet's benefit on the 29th will be even more special!!!!! YIPPIE!!!!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Well said Eileen - and done as well..... staggering isn't it? We can spend (waste) billions on the continuous re-building of a foreign nation thousands of miles from the home(less) front - yet we (seemingly )can't feed, clothe or shelter our own people - and who largely suffer enmass due to the failing economic policies of the state - Will the "new" Iraq or Afghanistan help reconstruct America? Laughable ..... if it wasn't so relevant. This admin. has done absolutly NOTHING for anyone with a bank balance of less than a million dollars - and even they are complaining! Yes - let's all follow Eileen and Jenn and Nic and all who might go out and feed, clothe or shelter someone today - or tomorrow or both......... i.e whenever we can. Who else eh? In the mean time the ice shelf is vanishing.............

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Oct 2003
that would be..NOT over look...

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Oct 2003
After Jag told me 23% of homeless are Viet Nam vets, I went on a search for more figures. Here is a chilling '03 report on homelessness in the US, while "4 Billion a month to occupy Iraq, 1.9 billion to occupy Afghanistan." In my research of this subject, found 30,000 homeless reported in Japan. I question this figure, as NY reports 30,000 in NY alone!These kinds of figures are hard to get my mind around. This link gives the most comprehensive info I have been able to find. Having had to use food banks many times in my past, and teetered on the brink of homelessness myself this summer, I feel this report even more deeply. It is a very real. And having a child to have to face this situation is the worst feeling in the world. I don't know what can be done about this in the Big Picture. But I think it is something we should at least have a clearer knowledge of. I have always made sure we do not throw away food we can give away. My girls and I also have often gone on the street to share leftover Thanksgiving out of the car and I always try to remember to offer garden food if I have it to food Nicoles sister has done. At times I go through my extra sleeping bags and blankets and go where I know the street people gather in the evenings. In whatever way we can, we individually need to over look those Out There..especially during the holiday times and cold weather, not far off.

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 Oct 2003
So I guess this means if we men who are eternally addicted to tobacco could just get pregnant it would be a snap to quit smoking? Oh well - back to reality....

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Wow I know the feeling of being "entertaining" at work, ha ha and I'm trying so hard to be relevant, a shining light, or sometimes just trying to get by. Anyways we were in Southern Ohio 2 days this week, away from work and everything, it was like diving right into the heart of Autumn.
I quit smoking effortlessly when pregnant with my second child (with the first child, doctors still believed "moderate" smoking was okay). I quit with the second pregnancy because cigarettes gave me morning sickness, and didn't start again because the price had gone up so high and I was broke. Started smoking some 20 years later and THAT was hard to quit, very hard. A good reason for quitting (honestly!!!): If you smoke a good-quality cigarette once or twice a year it's really fine, you know why a peace-pipe was smoked. Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 23 Oct 2003
Eileen I'll look for Chomsky on Iraq.

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Oct 2003
Here is a link with an health condition update on Allen Cohen, founder of the SF Oracle.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: whaa ?
Date: 22 Oct 2003
Don't try to sell me your bogus drugs man .. I'm already a hoodoo man, been that way for many years, got my black cat bone & John the Conquer root .. you
con artists better get a better pitch 'fore you come up a-talkin your BS to ME!

Name: Nik
Date: 22 Oct 2003
OH MY GAWD !!!!they must be sooooooooo skinny by now.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 22 Oct 2003
You might not believe this but when I was searching Goggle for "idiots" I found the Phentermine Lover's Chat Room...

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Oct 2003
An interesting side-bar is that it's too bad the power's that are and the med. assoc. haven't explored metabolic regulators such as APO-33 (Apromorphine used in the US for nausea only). This is what Burroughs used to finally kick. In London this is used all the time to actually "cure" heroin addicts who really want to kick for good. Burroughs tried to get them to investigate APO-33 (after all who should know better what really works with addiction) and the FDA told him to buzz off... Why? - Because with a "curative treatment" you wouldn't need Methadone clinics and would lose "control" of the whole addict situation. Anyway, maybe there is a metabolic regulator that would work for nicotine. That I would try.... but taking something like Atavan (which was invented for something else and has all sorts of weird side effects) is really out to lunch...... Just me rambling away today ...... What's got into me? Must be Eileen's quitting..... maybe I am getting a contact withdrawl? So glad we exchange our selves here..... Love you all - and on with my day. TaTa

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: on nic o teen
Date: 22 Oct 2003
When I first started it was to "appear" older...I quit with no problem when I was pregnant with Jeramiah...then moved to Maui and was 3 years everything free when Quicksilver came over to do the Fresh Air (ha!) album and they were all getting high and I found if I smoked a cigarette I'd get a cheap buzz...after that I only smoked at night for years (when I would do heroin) a bag of dope and a pack of cigarettes yeah, anyway I started smoking again in the day time because I was still up from the night before. but now, I haven't smoked a cig in daylight hours for about 15 years or so...and with the smoking ban in restaurants and bars, I barely smoke at all...a pack a week so you would think I could just quit...if I even as much as take a puff before 5 or 6 I get cold and lose my energy and feel horrible...I've conditioned myself to not want it...
I was only on Methodone for 3 months and kicking that was the thing that made me NEVER go back to any of it...the Kings dope Coyote used to call it.

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Oct 2003
As an addict..This is officially Round 2 for this month. I think I got my mind around this so I can quit. And yes in the past I have tried it all and cold turkey is the only way to go. The shame of me to me and the progressing unconsciousness that tobacacco gives me is no longer acceptable. All these cool things I said yestereday..well they circled back and I heard them. I want ME. Been looking at lots of pictures of the Merrie Monarch in Hilo and cruising a lot of sites to just suck up Hawaii so I can get my dream anchored of being there by July. I began to remember the face of some of the women doing the hula there that made me there's a strong and beautiful sister. There are glimpses of more of that look on some of the old pictures of dancers. They are for me my beacons. These are the women I want to be able to stand next to and it's not happening if I an unconscious weak and needy. Which is exactly how I currently feel.
GOT IT last night everything I do, think, or feel becomes part of me, part of my body, and part of my are what you eat think do. Some changes are in order. I can do this now. I've got my mind wrapped around it. I always need a one line key for this when the going gets hard. This time a picture came..a stick figure surrounded by a circle.
I don't want this next step to be confusing or end in failure. So my dear friends I bite the bullet and must jigger out of here until I am strong enough to return. I think I left enough pieces of myself to hold you and you certainly have of yourselves for me.
Laptop lid dowm. There's work to do.

Name: Hammond
EmailAddress: Off to my Corner to sulk
Date: 22 Oct 2003
And now I feel like I should have just kept my mouth shut!!!!!

Name: Ps- Confession
Date: 22 Oct 2003
and unlike most sane individuals - I loved my first cigg.

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Oct 2003
Mark and all - your comments are well taken - and yes, smoking in public is fading even here in Portland but then I quit smoking in public years ago. My one year of not smoking clued me in (duh!) as to just how awful the smell is - and though my 'roll my owns' don't smell anything like processed ciggs - they do smell like ducth tobacco so not to make much of an excuse here as I know it stinks. My own habit is based intirely on nicotine, nicotine, nicotine - vs. "having to smoke when I read or other business of fidget etc...." Unlike my wife who goes into a deep emotional shock and awe hidden pain syndrome when she tried to quit I just go into hard core cellular withdrawl with every cell in my body screaming for nicotine - so like a fully addicted rat who insists on going the wrong way in the maze - I head for the tobacco pouch instead of the food. Fortunately and unfortunately I have never had any of the (on the surface) bad effects from smoking - no cough sore throat etc.... no wheezing even - so my body isn't always telling me that I am doing something horrid - but of course I am - hey I used to be an emergency room nurse I know about the bad end of smoking - but like the total nearly life-long addict that I am - this doesn't seem to matter. Go figure....I can well remember people with tracheotomies holding a cigg. up to the stoma in their neck to get their fix.... In the end - I guess I am somehat somewhat hopeless in this regard........ Then again - there is always tomorrow..... End Smoking Dialogue as it just makes me want to smoke.............sigh.........

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Oct 2003
You make a very good point about the behavior that goes with Heroin addiction. The ritualism and negative support system that is inherent in an addicts world is in my opinion a harder obstacle to overcome than the drug itself. For me, stepping into the junk culture was like a separate reality and it had a fascination that stuck like glue. I was watching Pulp Fiction the other night and watched Travolta mimic the junkies mindset. Eerie. Most of the addicts I associated with worked very hard at keeping their crew of cohorts firmly "on the bus" undercutting, ridiculing and promoting failure at any attempt to clean up. As for tobacco, in the Bay Area and in the Santa Cruz area smoking isn't prevelant any longer. It is a rare event that I smell cigarette smoke. People don't smoke in public that much here and it is banned inside all public buildings including bars and restaurants. When I was working as a dealership mechanic if I worked on 15 cars in one day maybe one or two would have smoke odor in them. This change in cultural habits makes it easier to kick nicotine. My daughter was in NYC this summer and was flabbergasted at the amount of smokers, even in LA my experience is that smoking is looked upon as negative social behavior.

Name: patman
EmailAddress: smokefree
Date: 22 Oct 2003
Mark, the ol, skoal between the toes trick. Man first btime I heard that one. I'll pass that on to folks who can't afford the patch.
I chewed the shit outta nicorette for about 3-4 months. It was great! Hell I could get nicotined anywhere,anytime. Non smoking meetings, movies, resteraunts, airplanes. I would even fall asleep with apiece in my mouth.Lucky for me at the time the txment center I worked in had good insurance and with a dr.kinda stretchin,' the truth.My insurance paid for box after box of ther gum intill I quit it. It worked well I believe the longer I stayed on the gum the longer I got away from the other habits. Including practicing the same toxic short deep breathing pattern. Not being able to smell how bad it was to others. Not realizing the rotten taste I had due to impaired taste buds and not being very active. I think the biggest addictive behavior for me was the same one I bought into when I used to stand in line at the methadone programs which was supporting my fellow addicts in thehopelessness of getting clean "This stuff is impossible to come offf of, it gets in your bones" Which is total horseshit. Detox is real possible once you make a decision you wanna get clean. Coming off the gum was abreeze. I had been ingesting lots more nicotine with it than with cigs. But the compulsion was gone since the nicotine levals were'nt spiking from me freebasing it into my brain through my lungs. The day I quit the nicorette I had a fever and real flu like symptoms and my bp was a little higher than usual. I took some advil and the doc rx-ed a clonidine patch for me. I passed out slept about 12 hours took off the patch got ungroggy and felt ok. No crazy mind shit like when I tried cold torkey many times off the cigs. I attribute that to having been breathing good ol' clean oxygen minus the cig toxins including carbon monoxide for the previous months. I am a certified hypnotherapist and some folks really react well to hypnosis.It will only work though if some one truely desires to become a nonsmoker. It does'nt work if some one has te attitude-" I'll try it and if it works I'll stop smoking" One other thing the gum helped with was that I was able to relieve some of the anger and guilt I carried around from being a smoker and the judgement I perceived laid on me by the society of nonsmokers.I guess in a way it took away my victims rights that probably help keep me addicted to smokin' Anywayyyyyy if ya got em' smoke em'. If you wanna be a nonsmoker go for it. Peace, Patrick

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Rachel~Ha there is no subject except whatever comes next. And what you pasted is quite appropriate to where we've just been. As long as we are pasting tonight. Here's one of my favorites:
From Nelson Mandela’s 1994 inaugural speech
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Name: Rachel
Date: 21 Oct 2003
I know it's off the subject - but here is a poem of mine that's a favortie.
Go placidly Amind The Noise and haste, and Remember What
peace there May Be In Silence. As far as possible without
surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your
truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull
and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the
spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become
vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser
persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as
your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a
real posession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise
caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of
trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is
full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be
cynical about love; for in the fcae of all aridity and
disenchanment it is perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully
surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of
spirit to sheild you in sudden misfortune. But do not
distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of
fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be
genlte with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees
and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or
not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding
as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him
to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy
confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a
beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Oct 2003
I like "Signor Smoking". Really nice image. I googled the title and came up with the poet but since it was posted without a name I won't post it. Great poem though. Got some more?

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Here's an old smoking poem from Black Bear. I had stopped smoking for the first time. Was sitting with Samurai Bob..and heck if this didn't get me started on another round. Yes..use the force Luke. I am, and I will kick this any minute now. There is something decidedly gross about an old woman, skinny and mummified from tobacco use. I do have a goal..and that ain't IT!
And you handed me a cigarette-tobacco
wrapped in perfectly cut corn husks
An offering to the morning.
We sat cross legged in the sun that
just topped the trees.
The air clean with shadows-salmon
in the smoke house
open kitchen across the way-oatmeal
with raisens, toasted sunflower seeds.
And the smoke through my mouth
tasted good.
Thanks all for the smoke-athon. Upwards and onwards!

Date: 21 Oct 2003
"Use the force Luke"

EmailAddress: Smokem If Ya Got Im
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Signor smoking
Signor stands beside the pastel houses lights a cigar
And waits for the lights to come on behind the mountains
The smoke from the cigar rises and becomes the mist settling down
And in the near dawn signor’s cigar is like the one bizarre
Red eye of a drunken devil, bleeding burgundy ashes.
Signor smokes in silence
And tells me stories of the old days, his deep voice in cadence
With the blaring night and the swimming stars,
The baritone thickened and marred
With cigarette coughs, telling me stories of the old days,
the old days.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: tobacconist
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Hmmmn .. a tough one because it's cheap & legal .. even if you've gotta go outside many places to torch up. I still roll my own {dutch blend} & wouldn't
touch a store-bought cigarette for $100. Secret weapon is: sooner or later this
shit starts tasting bad to me. Then (with the essentially-free therapy of many
glasses of tap water} it's nothing to quit .. for a while. Maybe next time I can make it stick. I think it's a psychological addiction, adjusts brain chemistry .. like Pearl, sometimes I think a few years of ultra-hyper-most,
that's it, do I think I'm gonna live for ever anyway ? -- Not to discourage you, Eileen, if you want to get off tobacco. Just my story. Sorry if this is negative.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Into the smoke filled room. When I quit drugs and alcohol smoking was that last thing I just couldn't get over. In my experience the hold on folks by nicotine rivals any other drug, junk included. The damage done by smoking is a slow moving thing, creeping up on your health a little at a time. No smack overdose, no speed run come down, no alcohol poisoning and blackouts and DT's. The memory cells that call for nicotine last for fucking ever. I was still having spontaneous urges years after quiting tobacco. I finally did it by tapering down with Skoal bandits stuck between my toes so the capillaries near that tender skin surface could suck on them. My socks had little brown stains near the little toe on both sides. Hey, it worked and I bought new socks. The last time I acted on an urge to smoke after about 5 or 6 puffs I became very sick. That will keep me away from them for good. I know that if I start hitting the alcohol hard again smoking will be right around the corner. I do not want that. One of the things that I learned during recovery is that it takes generally 30 days to acquire a habit, so if someone can make thirty days without the habitual behavior they have made a good start on getting over it. That first 30 days can be a motherfucker though.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Eileen - indeed - and to repeat: If it wasn't for me I would have quit years ago. I have rolled my own Dutch tobacco for nearly 30 years now and "stopped" once for a full year. Stopping is hard - very hard - and I can just barely remember how I did it....[insert: went cold turkey in a cabin in the mountains for two weeks with no car to get anywhere and no neighbors - just water - brown rice and a little whiskey] - However - "stopping" and "quiting" are two different animals altogether. At the end of the year I was at a party - had one to many for my own good and had a cigg. - woke up the next morn with a bad taste in my mouth - yet 3 days later I bought a pack - the rest is history leading to 3 minutes ago...A friend of mine stopped for 10 years - then he was driving up to Oregon and stopped at a rest stop around 1am. He was sitting at a bench and under the bench were 3 butts. Like a robot on anti-consciousness he opened the butts and rolled up the dregs in a zig-zag and he has been smoking ever since..... So the moral here - if there is one - is that tobacco is the ultimate addiction - right there with junk - only with junk you have to really fall down to get back on the horse - with ciggs. all you have to do is wake up one day - and if you don't watch out - you are a smoker again before you know what hit you - and the sad part is - you don't care - you just go back to smoking....oh well, sorta like junk too I guess. - Anyway - to end this rant on - I think there are three stages to quitting. 1st there is wanting to want to quit - the there is really and truely wanting to quit - and finally there is quitting. And for me - having tried every sorta acupuncture, tea, patch, pill and gum whatever - the only way is cold turkey. - But then again - iand as before "if it wasn't for me - I would have quit years ago...." Love to one and all - PS... it doesn't help if you (like me) just plain old like smoking either!

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: Just a little book review
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Reading a great book...almost finnished...WICKED-THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST. The story from HER point of view...from her birth to her death (I guess, I haven't finished it yet) The same author did a book called CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER Where in Although Cinderella is beautiful, she's manipulitive and coniving and isolates herself by doing the floors (and we always thought her step mother made her do them) and in contrast her sister was not pretty but was truely a woman of substance...these books are cramed filled with good ideas and the people of Oz and surrounding towns (in this book) are much like us at this site and the wizard was much like the Bush administration and the like. Worth a read ...very clever Author is Gregory Maguire.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Oct 2003
HAmmond..smoking is a religion whose only nirvana comes with not smoking. Now there's a thought worth keeping and so true! I have stopped and started and stopped (that's where I'm aiming right?) more times than I'm going to say. And I still don't know the key to stopping..I mean how I come to it. But I know the high from stopping is is the physical pain. There's nothing like the high of being healthy that can not be experienced when smoking. It is staggering how quickly additive smoking is! I found out that nicotine shuts down your bodies natural way of dealing with pain, and sustitutes it's own. The trick is waiting for your body to come back up to speed..thus the crankyness and feeling of real urgency for relief, when stopping. The "rock" aspect of it is what it is..a (bad) friend you can count on that asks nothing and is always there. The only gold star I get is what more I haven't done, or with whom, to fill the space. There's nothing subtle here. Miranda found a house and I started smoking. I'm such a whimp, I had a week I was wishing for our old friend to give me some mental/emotional peace. Yep. And I have a long track record of taking care of other people. In the past, that's been a BIG, AH HA for me..a socially acceptable space filler, I now have to remind myself of. It's ME, I have to take care of. I have to keep my little mantra going..I wanted this space, I know it is what I asked for, wait and let the good stuff come. This is a real act of faith!
Nicole~I had no CLUE who I was until I hit 30! You know the story. I think a lot about being human is cutting thru that karma that we grow up with. It is an odd gift we get, when that growing up time has come with dark and dreadful aspects that turn us towards drugs (and yes, I do think tobacco is another one of those socially acceptable drugs to dull the pain) and wrong partners as adults. The "gift" is the engendering crisis, which makes us confront our lifes in a way that demands almost super human courage to become conscious. To turn around and face the Demon and peel back the layers and CHOOSE life. Who we are becomes precious, valuable to us, life never to be taken lightly again. It is nothing short of coming back from the dead.
Not everyone is faced with this kind of decision and sadly, I feel I am often amongst the walking dead. Those that have made no clear choices about their lives, who they REALLY are. The foundation being, how much money they can make, who their mates are, how they look, who they know, the education they have..whatever they can grasp that makes them acceptable in other peoples eyes.."safe" to one another. And we? We become a tap on the shoulder. We beome "interesting", weird, bothersome, daring, odd, threatening, unique, facinating, and sometimes the one people grab onto if we offer help. We are beacons with colored lights. Fortunately I have found ways, one step beyond me I offer up, so I don't drown when they grab for me..chanting, the I Ching, sweats. Tools that say, here it is, now you do the work. It is not ME, but YOU, you want.
But yipee! I finally woke with a piece of useful info for myself this morning. I've been stuck with a "supposed to" in my art. What a major pain in the butt THOSE supposed tos are. They can really get me by the throat.
But enough ranting..remember, you ALL said I could. It's time to go chant. A Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, to you all today. Nicole? SHINE ON SISTER!!

Name: mystery guest
Date: 21 Oct 2003
thanks for everything Diggers - some of us would have staved to death

Date: 21 Oct 2003
Alienation comes easy when the planet is being run by the lowest common denominators known to man and Political correctitude is manifest destiny

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: glazed eyes
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Some times I feel as though I'm hiding in plain sight when talking and interacting with others. I think I said something to that effect a while back on these pages. I have always gotten along with others but sometimes I feel as if I have to sublimate my true thoughts and attitudes so as not to alienate others. Most people have buried the sixties and their only memory or connection is the dope or the music. The true meaning of that era is apparently lost to most. The indignation of a nation and especially its youth at rampant abuses by the establishment, be it goverment or business, and the outpouring of very real anger at the war in Vietnam was a direct result of what started in the Haight but all that remains is some vague memory of bellbottoms, beads and flower power. Even Eisenhower warned us of the military/industrial complex barreling down on us in 1958!! The times they are a changing and its still happening but no ones noticing!!

Date: 21 Oct 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Eileen - here's another one or two: Smoking is a religion whose only nirvana comes with not smoking. Then again - if it wasn't for me I would have quit years ago.

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Oct 2003
Eileen and all, oh yeah, the glazing of the eyes or the rolling of them to one another...really familiar with that. I work in a very corporate scene and as you know Sam, I AM NOT the corporate type...I know that's one reason they actually like me here, I'm sort of entertaining, but I say what's on my mind and I talk about what's going on in my life and I am pretty frank and they aren't used to it. All of us have had such vast experiences, more than the average corporate joe whose worked at the same job in the accounting office for the past 20 years. So I just keep spitting my self out to them, I can of course be discreet when called for,and discerning, but I really try not to edit myself too much...otherwise I'd feel fake. I did that when I was younger, trying to be somebody someone else thought I should be...nah, can't do that...I know that wasn't what you meant Eileen, but yes as Mark and Hammond and Ming and we all say, keep spitting you wisdom and working your wonders.

Name: Redaction Team Tv Independent Laponia
Date: 21 Oct 2003
The Story of Raymond DAMADIAN
The Story of Independent Scientist Dr. Raymond DAMADIAN and a bite of imagination around the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
[about 10 pages of text removed, not appropriate for this Guestbook page--ed.]
That's all Folks!.. This is an alphabetical/selected portals list for all Good
People around Planet Earth who are anti-War, anti-Imperialist, anti-Racist.,
anti-Zionist and anti-Fascist; who want to Fight Back and build together a
Better World and this work is a tribute to Revolutionary Comrade Carlo GIULIANI
....and remember what Comrade Ernesto CHE GUEVARA says:
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Thanks all. Thanks Mark. You seem to catch me when I fall. Yesterday really sucked. I'm basically breaking up a long time dance I just can't stay with any longer..and the whole thing left me feeling really evil and physically jarred. This, with Mirnada moving out, I'm wishing I was back on the Big Island NOW. I just couldn't get comfortable in my body or mind. You called it Hammond..smoking is the rock between hard places. That didn't help so I threw rum at it. The truth is I am not enjoying my own company all to shit and everybody else sucks. ha! So there you have it. Just got to tough it out until.......whatever.

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Lighten up on yourself a tad. I read your post and have had similar feelings as you. Going an independent way, self teaching, takes you where you want not where most are led. Hence, communication becomes a problem when you don't speak in the "normal" context. That "glazing of the eyes" is a common event for many on this guestbook I would think. It can be very frustrating and lonely, having no ability beyond chit chat with lots of everyday people. The sad thing is that in this media distilled culture the situation is getting worse. Living "inside" ones interests can be rewarding but when the time comes to seek companionship especially with an eclectic menu of subjects a feeling of being left in an empty room prevails. I worked for 15 years as a car dealer mechanic and foreman and the majority of my waking hours were in that context, having those types of conversation. I felt like I was giving up at times, but I have had the same feelings when being the academic world. I spent time at school, BFA Painting CCAC, and finally tired of the same restricted dialogue. From there I returned to the emergency room work to get down to the reality of it all. A serious case of burn out plus an overdose of the medical incompetence perpetrated by some sent me into the greasy world of crankshafts and headgaskets. I did find a temporary cure in the early 90's. I had been at war with my addictions for years and had enjoyed success in getting over them for many years. I ran afoul with the local 12 steppers during those early years of struggle and in defiance started a discussion group in the same community center where these outfits did their hoodoo. Sorry in advance to any AAer's here, I took serious heat over this for along time and I am used to it. I did this for several years, paying the room rental costs. This was a drop-in thing with no real agenda other than a slim thread around substance abuse issues. No leader, no setup, no structure, just free discussion with whomever came in and sat down. The group ebbed and flowed ranging wildly over diverse subjects at times and I gained finally what I call real conversation. It was a great time and I have thought about doing it again. So....Eileen, keep talking.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Oct 2003
OK. I'm so busted.

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Eileen - there is No Exit! here - stand and deliver..... smoking is the rock between hard places.

Name: McMing
Date: 20 Oct 2003
I concur with Nik, Eileen. Your contributions here are great.
Don't quit on us now. {Maybe try the low-tar brand of cigs.}

Name: Nik
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Eileen, you are not!

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Oh god what a hang over. I wish I didn't think I was so lucid as to need to express myself last night and just gone to bed. what an ass

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 20 Oct 2003
We are being investigated by Nigerian Phentermine dealers who work for the Security Company in Washington D.C,

Name: Nik
Date: 20 Oct 2003
I wonder if Gborie is threatening the 419 below which is the U.S.secret service treasury dept e-mail that's investigating the nigerian scams...or is warning the mugu guy.

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Nic - HepCat's Ball is on the 29th onsite report with photos will follow.....

Name: Jag
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Yuor so rhgit Nicole. :)

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Great Photos on the link, I'd seen some of them before but not all...
Sorry to hear about Jack Bruce's woes. BTW how did the hep cat ball go...anyone attend?
I'm not feeling too social today, but here a little food for thought
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht
the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol
mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the
huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a

Name: Hammond
EmailAddress: Announcement
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Grace Slick Day October 24 2003
Hotel Monaco San Francisco Paris Ballroom 501 Geary St. San Francisco
Friday October 24th Grace Slick Day 7 -10 Pm Saturday October 25th - 12 – 2 PM and 7 - 10PM
Admission: Free
Grace will be attending the exhibit to talk with collectors and to dedicate
art purchased at the exhibit.
Original Paintings, Original Drawings Hand signed limited editions Will be available for sale to the public
Please call 707-555-8525 or visit

Name: Hammond
EmailAddress: News on Jack's Liver
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Late last week, when Jack Bruce announced that he almost didn't survive a recent liver transplant, the classic rock world learned that it nearly lost one of its elder statesmen. That the Cream bass player and singer was influential is no secret, but it's interesting to not that without Cream, many other bands and artists might never have been. Sammy Hagar, for one, says their albums are the ones that inspired him to start rocking. "Cream, Disraeli Gears. Fresh Cream too. I mean, I was the biggest Cream fan in the world. I mean, I love Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, I've got so many influences. The first Procol Harum album, with 'Whiter Shade of Pale,' and when Disraeli Gears came out, that Cream record, I learned every song on there, how to play and sing it, it changed my life. Without a doubt. Set me on a path." Sammy will be glad to learn that Jack Bruce is doing fine, and hopes to keep making music for many years into the future.

Name: Jag
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Elileen, I believe I saw a special with Sacred Spirit doing a concept album live and if its the same band your showing me the link for yeah!! The live performance was all native American and very conceptual. It was a mixture of ethereal, spacey, and driving Indian druming. Very electronica and very very good. I'm downloading them right now :)

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Oct 2003
JAg~Check this out. Have you heard this stuff?! It reminds me somewhat of what was done with Deep Forest. Putting solid blues into a whole new format. I was told it's the new Euro music.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: spilling the beans
Date: 20 Oct 2003
Hi Jag~Thanks. Long in my life I have worked on my "mouth". Lately I seem to be emptying out my brain, which I know can get me in trouble if not received well. I feel like I'm doing house cleaning on the unwary. Having spent a childhood and on, being told I talk too much either explicitly, or watching someones eyes glaze over, becoming restless, it always causes me some discomfort to let it spill. So I remain somewhat amazed and relieved when I am encouraged here. I generally spoon feed any more.
If there is one thing that describes me most accurately is, I am curious. Being dyslexic, yet a quick mind, did nothing for me in school. I cheated my way painfully through school and learned more than I realized by default. I read my first books by MY OWN choice from a friends library, for the first time in my life when I was 29!! Meetings With Remarkable Men, by Gurdjiff, and Family Private Property and the State, by Engels. They blew my mind. I hit the ground running. My library became large and hugely diverse through the years. Used book stores became a treasure hunt of anything that grabbed my attention. I set out to finally get the education I could not find in school being forced reading books that put me into an instant stupor.
I know about stuff there's rarely anyone to talk to about. We have only touched the tip of the tip of the iceberg here. I have taken time talk to most people, stranges and friends, looking for what makes them tick. It's been a huge source of understanding what makes people do the things they do, until I ferreted out the patterns. Ariel and I were able to run neck in neck while she studied her Doctor in Psychology. I loved travel and digging into the land and into cultures and their way of life and spiritual beliefs. I have been gifted to meet a few incrediable people with unique knowledge. I have sat by many "fires" and initiated into religions and to spiritual beliefs, medicine and magic from around the world and found their common ground. I have skills I've given up offering because as I'm sure many have found here, most people are comfortable sitting in their mud puddles no matter how much they say otherwise.
So many people have such narrow fields of interest, I have grown tired of the search. I have pretty much given up learning something new from people at large, or trying to engage them to a new or unusaual (to them) idea. It has made me pretty reclusive as I have become easily bored. It makes me short with people and the BS, and also tired of being considered weird. Now I'm in a wait and see what comes mode. In the meantime, I read, listen to music and prowl around here.
Tonight I'm listening to some SO FINE music on the radio from, Sacred Music Vol 9. I think it may have that piece of music I was looking for the other day! Gonna have to look it up.

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Eileen; Nah not long winded, god the way I pontificate its a wonder any one even hears half of what I say. I think you made him realize that there is no simple or easy answer for the mess he's found himself in the middle of.

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Comments in long winded? If I had realized he was 2o, I would have gone in consideribly easier. Less across the board for sure. I feel like I dropped a brick in still water. I do a lot of just chatting as well. Sort of like sending "picutres" of home. I will just leave politics I threw at him to percolate.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: town hall
Date: 19 Oct 2003
went to a town hall style meeting this morning with Dem Pres candidate Dennis Kucinich. This man is incredible. He is a tru visionary, a conscious politician. His talk was consciousness raising. what a privelege to hear him!!!!
First presidential candidate to ever come to Maui.
Check him out!!!

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Yeah Eileen, did you get my reply, I was impressed with the breadth of your response.

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Jag~Get my email?

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Ah - we have been rescued! thanks Eric.....!!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Think = "thick" - way thick
blogged down
Boy-cott the mess by
your entries
Eric Arrives!

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Oct 2003
I see we are into the right hand margin again!
Double spaced entries avoid the rush..
Oldbonedigger - fine, mexican meat balls
okay - I don't get it - but what has the jewish
mafia got to do with Jack's liver?
Where is Eric? Like Where is Elmo?
The maze is too think to cypher down..... \
Over-Out and About.........

Name: weasel gutz
EmailAddress: 999@666
Date: 19 Oct 2003
ever notice how oldbonedigger sounds like mexican meatballs?

Name: peter brown
Date: 19 Oct 2003
about jack bruces liver....
and nary a word about the jewish mafia,
them haights an straights used ta rap about
so the new mob outta houston sets the pace as tone is out
dis season?

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 19 Oct 2003
The mega-poster has landed!!!...
Must be the Mugu from the Anti-Zionist branch
of the Abacha family trust on way too much Phentermine
Bring's out the Voodoo in me.....

Name: JAG
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Eileen like Nichole says just take out the yada, I'd love to peruse your response.

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Oct 2003
The rabid anti-semite strikes again. This is the longest post in history!

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: one of the "old hippie moms"
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Hello from Ohio! I've been down to Southern Ohio as my mother-in-law was very ill (fortunately she is once again holding her own, she is extremely tough and not yet giving in to her health conditions). The Fall weather is exquisite, especially driving down South a few hours where the color changes of the leaves are a few weeks ahead of central and northern Ohio. Early frosts such as we've had this year, make for the best Fall colors. And I hate to be materialistic but my brother-in-law gave us a DVD player, is that ever cool!!!! Just to let you know how far back I had to read in these messages, I'd like to say that when I was a little child, my French/Spanish grandmother, who lived with us, would play cards with me with these really beautiful cards, so different than any other cards I'd ever seen. When I went out to the Haight, I learned that these were Tarot cards..... sure wish I still had them..... FYI I'm glad you are IMAM!!! Marybeth my kids were not always proud of old hippie mom especially when they were teenagers, but they are now..... Peace, Fran

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Oct 2003
I've been on the computer for 12 hrs today and have to go to bed. Will check in tomorrow. I'm wiped.

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Jag~In all fairness he probably is as well informed as they want him to be and sadly, as well informed as a good deal of the country. He went in as young as they take. To save room I have not put my response. I will mail it to you, but I don't have your email any longer. I'd love you to check it for correctness and any additions. This is going to be an on going conversation. The boy has to have more than a whit of sense by the fact he's holding out on the socially acceptable barracks past time and yearning for smoke.

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Make that "only" following orders

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Eileen, this poor soul sounds like an add for all the misinformation and skewed concept of right and wrong that is so prevalant in our country. On the one hand he understands the inherent wrong in what is happening before his eyes and on the other he justifies his reasons for perpatrating the very thing he knows is wrong! Is it youth, naivete, arrogrance, ignorance, or just plain "I was omly following order's" ala the Third Reich?

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Marybeth AKA Pearl, Oklahoma brings back memories of two years spent in NW Oklahoma City living and working in the heartland. I drove a Yellow Cab for a year and worked at Seismic Exploration's for another. The cabbie experience, though memorable, was an education in how many varieties of people inhabit our planet and how different we all can be while still being basically the same. The Seismic Exploration part was a grand adventure in exploiting our resources for primordial crude and excusing our endeavors in the name of enriching Exxon, Shell, Texaco, British Petroleom. I actually enjoyed the latter in terms of pure job satisfaction and waking up to a day of outdoor excitement. I was a shooter on the seismic crew and my job description was to wire a drill hole loaded with 15 lbs. of dynamite and then blow the hole in order for a recording truck to monitor the seismic vibrations and determine if it was oil, gas, water, or shale below us. I truely got off on the blast, the dust and the ensuing spume of dirt, rock and debris that gushed out of the earth every time we shot a hole. It was a rough crew and all of us were stoned alot. This in 1980 Oklahoma! The sixties had woven a large web and getting stoned was considered "normal" even in the heartland. Even in my cab it was pretty tame for a passenger to pass a joint to the driver and I never refused. Man times have changed, me as well.

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Oct 2003
Here's some news from the front. I have cut out and pasted what I think you might find interesting. I am trying as gently as I can to educate this young man Miranda remembers as "a sweet guy". I appolgise now for all the band width use. If this is not of interest tell me now or I will continue to drop in cuts.
i can give you the skinny of what it is that we do over here. I'm in the airborne infantry(so yes it is 100 percent guys) out of vicenza Italy, Ive been there for about 2 years. we jumped in march 25th, if you were watching the news then, you probably saw us, we were the only people to jump in the entire war and they broadcasted it on all of the news channels, my platoon sergeant had a helmet cam for the jump. We jumped into secure an airfield with little resistance, then down south to kirkuk to secure 2 more air fields and the 2nd richest oil reserve in the world, and we've been here in kirkuk for 6and a half months since we've been here we've engaged in dozens of small firefights and were part of fairly conventional warfare. Lately what they do is make bombs and place them in areas where Americans are likely to pass through, we've lost a few Americans lately with these bombings just tonight my safe house was attacked, about a half hour ago, no worries they aren't very good shots with rpg's and after tonight there is a few less terrorists out there.
As far as the people go, most of them liked us when we first got here, and figured we would work miracles and now that we've been here for so long and there country hasn't just turned to gold in front of there eyes they don't think we should be here anymore, how soon they forget that we don't want to be here anymore than they want us here and we were here to first get rid of a tyrant leader that killed and toarched his non-followers by the tens of thousands. This is really just a horrible ugly place in the world, full of dirty horrible people i no longer have any sympathy for them there ignorance is destroying any chance at rebuilding this place.
...ocean, no trees and just a bunch of unhappy pople that hate everything around them. The only things that get me through my days here are my reggae and the crazy bond a guy from..and i have built on for the past couple years. Both of these are odd for people to see in the army, i am yet to meet someone into reggae,and you would be suprised as hell to see the lack of respect people have for green around here. None ive met in the past 2 and a half years knows anything about keeping things all natural, all of the guys i meet do he ecstacy thing or coke or krank and just have no repect for our way of life.
..I just cant wait to get out and go back to being happy all of the time everyday like i was, thats how life is supposed to be you know? AS for now i dont completely agree with what bush descides, buti have a lot of pide for being an american and have grown a whole new repect for it since ive been in the military, ive been just about everywhere except the orient and australia. there are still alot of horrible places out there that i dont believe most people know about, and these are the kinds of places that you would have to see to get this respect, places like the ivory coast of africa, serbia, albania kosovo the balkins in general not to mention the different parts of the middle east ive seen. the thing is there are places that could use a strong nations help, where we go wrong is the way we try to handle these places. Besides the places that are odviously screwed up, even europe makes the u.s. look good, i base the europe thing on a complete opinion basis, ive been everywhere in europe except holland (i cant go there while im in the army for odvious reasons)

Name: marybeth
Date: 18 Oct 2003
I'm a surviving old hippie alive & well in Okla. Born in the 50's, grew up and learned ALOT in the late 60's. Survived & grew in the 70's, survived the excesses of the 80's, tried to get it together in the 90's & still tryin'. Would have not chosen anytime else to grow up in as the times I did. My babies call me their "old hippie mom" quite proudly! My e-mail reflects one of the great icons of my time. Peace.

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Oct 2003
Well FYI~so glad that pulled you back in the loop. A Rose is a Rose.

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 Oct 2003
CounterPunched (Again)
"Faith-basing the Leaky Faucet"

Date: 18 Oct 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 Oct 2003
Hi all - and IMAM! welcome back....... Yes sad situation with Jack Bruce's liver - and - If anyone wants to send him a prayer message you can do so via my mate Derek in London - he sees Jack often and will pass your notes on to him -
send notes to: Derek Araujo<>

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 18 Oct 2003
Eileen - nope no games. I changed my guestbook moniker (given to me by Steve) because strangers began posting idiotic things in my Digger given name IMAM (Suspect) - I went away to stop the nonsense and now i am back as FYI - Service - usually only posting info or such vs. getting into the mix - but your tarot comments got me a goin again!
I am IMAM (Suspect) - accept no substutes..... aka FYI (Service)
No Games from me ..... only straight shootin from the hip

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Oct 2003
FYI~Steve's not here and I ain't playing games. Are you?

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Oct 2003
Big start my morning with a good laugh!
Warren, welcome~Did you go through the pictures linked below? I had a good solid moment of nostalgia looking at those pictures, I try to avoid. It truely was a time I am 100+'s grateful I didn't miss. Thank God/dess not the ONLY high point, but has been a hard act to follow. I was at the Be In. I figured after that, who needed Woodstock?! There was a note with the Be In pictures..we saw at the Be In, how big the movement actually was! I hadn't really thought of that at the time..I KNEW how big we were. But in retrospect when I see those pictures, it IS amazing.
I have to say, I have wished as Diggers, more times than I can say, we hadn't been so down on camera use (it was a hard core issue). I can't believe now, the few pictures I took, I threw away in time. What I would give now, for more pictures of US! If it hadn't been for the media and a few lone photographers, Tom Wier, and Casey, we would have next to nothing of the Diggers. /I keep wishing Tom had a site of his work then. Does anyone remember him or know where he went?

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 18 Oct 2003
Mugu-ized again!!!! I wil be back later - and Eileen - the (suspect) additon is a clue as to who I am.....Steve knows me by another name...

Name: The Big Ugly
EmailAddress: Haw ! Haw! Haw!
Date: 18 Oct 2003
MUGU, ya little dickens, you have such a quaint & engaging sense of humor !
You can be sure we all love you for it !!!

Name: Warren Brown
Date: 18 Oct 2003
I realise there are probably 200% more people who claimed to be at Woodstock, than were actually there. Well, I'm here to say, I WAS in fact at Diggers store in 1968. I was visiting my girlfriend in Stockton Calif. and heard about the place. I had to go and see. I left a fairly new "T"-shirt of the Doors behind, in exchange for a well-used jean-jacket. Hey!! I got much use from that beat-up jacket. It was a time that will NEVER be seen again................sigh!!

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Mark~It's always good to hear when someone makes it! I hope to hear his music.
A small rant:
FYI (suspect)~Can't we have a real name from you? I did not follow your posts when you added the (suspect), although I remember it had to do with Steve and some confusion between you and someone else. But you're here again making contact. I would like to know more about you. I would like to know you better..starting with your name. pluuue-es. WE're not going to bite you. I'll make you a trade. We get a name and a broad range of your interests along the way, and I'll play with you. I have a feeling we could share a lot of common interests. But I would even be into an email conversation if you prefer.
I found Furtune's books very unusual, needless to say. Her fiction really takes you into world that I found unique and suited my head set at the time quite well. The Sea Priestess is very odd and slow to get into, but is well worth it. It's my favorite of her's, and remains a book I read now and then. If you're going to read her, I would say start with that one first and then progress on.
There is also a MUST READ..I think for everyone. When God Was a Woman, by Merlin Stone. If fact I suggest you read it before D Fortune. I consider this a foundation book..basically a text book of the time about of The Goddess (which was not an insignificant time period or a cult), hugely researched..and explains how we got here today with the religious and cultural attitudes that I sense grates on you. It is the most comprehensive infomation of the religion you are likely ever to come across and touches all our lives now considerably.
It is the missing history of EVERYONE of all cultures. It will answer questions you must have, and more you never thought to ask. It's a solid piece of work. For me it was an epiphany, that popped my head and opened new doors of understanding and thought. I got every person I knew to read it. My oldest daughter used it for her senior thesis in high school. My mother gobbled it up. Also, until you read it, no other books pertaining to The Goddess will ever make the sense they can if you have that as a background.
What I came to, among many other things, is we all have that range of time as cellular memory. If you read this, I think a great deal will fall into place.

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Oct 2003
For any that might have missed it, Jack Bruce, one of my alltime favorite artists was diagnosed with liver cancer. He had a liver transplant recently and his body rejected it and a bad infection set in. He almost died but as of today he is said to be making a full recovery. He released a new album days before his surgery, the title is "More Jack than God" or something close to that. I think I read that Clapton did guitar work on it.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Oct 2003
WOW! Wonderful body of work!!! HA! I love this line with the photo he took of McClure, Robby and Dylan when had escaped out of a window from the crowds beating down the door..
"I was in college and living at home during the Beat period. I had to mow the lawn before I could borrow the car and go to San Francisco to shoot this photo and the City Lights Books last gathering of the Beats event."
All I can say is, I'm glad I was born in time to be there. It just entered my head what a huge leap of fate it was that I got there at all. In retrospect it certainly wasn't in The Plan ANYONE had for me. So many jumped the fence.
Thanks so much for the link!
FYI (suspect)~watch out.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Please visit the new addition to Empty Mirror Books (virtual host of The 3rd Page) = The photos of Larry Keenan at:
Dig into to this and you will find some mind-blowing photos - perhaps even finding one or more of yourself! Really a great collection but be prepared to settle in as the photos are all of such good quality online that they download slower than most unless you have DSL - but it is worth the slower pace.....

Name: FYI - Service (suspect)
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Hi everybody - I am back from the outer reaches. Here is a sorta cool thingy - it translates your name into Egyptian Hieroglyphics -
Eileen - I am still mystifying and meeting "Dion Fortune" - very deep - very very deep. I must tread lightly..... baby steps.... baby steps.....

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Oct 2003
I just read that review....nicely written and it must have come as an unexpected gift. Good show, mate.

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Thanks guys and gals - the review makes my day.....H>

Name: Nik
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Steve B, if you get on line this week-end, I'm staying around the old home place so gee us a look mate...aye n' I'll be keepin an eye out for you as well...maybe come up for a spot o' tea. Look for me on the bike path across from my bldg...I'll be reading my book there in the afternoon on the river provided it isn't raining buckets...ciao

Name: Nik
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Here's the d, sorry I left it off the last post.

Name: Nik
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Hammon, made me wanna read it again, but my girlfriend Susan has it at the moment...

Name: Jag
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Gotta love those Aussies Hammond, they get it. :)

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Oh yeah! What a great review even if he practically rewrote the book in making it. Good one!

Name: Hammond
Date: 17 Oct 2003
And the beast goes on - errr. I mean beat - or do I? News to share is this review of my book - the best one so far and coming nearly a year to the day post publication - ! - in Jacket Magazine out of Australia
InLaws & Outlaws
Other news worth sharing is that Ed Holmes and the Mime Troupe are in town with "Veronica of the North" - and it was great seeing Ed - talkin up the old daze for the youngsters - I put on my old "Other Crew" hat for the load-in which was lots of fun - Ed said spontaneously from the truck bed - "Hey look at Hammond - he's dancing again!" and well yes I was - Emmett and Coyote would a been proud. - but today my old bones are screaming full blast! Can barely type with my fingers - but hey it was worth it and I will see the show tonight or tomorrow.
Eileen - Anytime my dear - it might just rub off on ya! We have it to spare.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Oct 2003
Jag..nope didn't show up there. Maybe you put an e in samileen? BTW, I rarely check that address.
So where to tonight? I am using the bus for (borrowed) temporary wheels, and ran out of gas on the way home from weaving class in Mendocino 10:30 tonight. (God! what a gas hog.)
I'm working on my first rug! I think weaving is so DEEP. I have always been facinated with raw wool and have thought maybe I would just get into spinning it. Now that's HARD. For a long time I thought weaving would be too hard to learn. I almost didn't get into it, but the wool kept calling me back. I'm loving it! And I am starting to really like and feel comfortable with the other weavers as a fat added bonus. There's a common feeling in the air. Something about weaving that creates an unusual bond between really varied people.
I have a feeling there's going to be an Ah Ha at some point. You know, a memory, a feeling of, I have been here before. Or a feeling of connect when I can look at say Navaho or other cultures rugs and begin to see what they have done, and understand it. Understand something of the person that did it too. Tonight we learned something of a briefly used Navaho technique and the history of it. My silk screen and dyeing teacher is teaching this class. I know it is her first love and she has a terrific background and has more to offer than I am likely ever going to learn. There is something very solid about this, knowing I am doing something that goes back and back and back. That will allow me to be part of it. Will talk to me in time.
Anyway, caught a quick ride and walked in the dark a short stretch. The ride and the walk was all so nice. Sweet guy with reggae on. And really dark and peaceful, a catch of unusual warmth in the air. I got to thinking how safe I feel here. I'm really trying to pay attention, courting why to stay here. Feeling safe is a good start. I had a flicker of a new head set, a light at the end of the tunnel, this morning about how lucky I am to be back..but it escaped me. After all I went thru this summer, you would think this wouldn't be an issue. But it is slow to come. I keep pulling my mind back here and making the steps to feel I want to belong here. It seems to be coming, gently.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: raw
Date: 16 Oct 2003
on my way to raw food class, the Raw Truth.

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Oct 2003
I used your hotmail address Eileen but I think I have it figured out from your directions :)

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Hey Jag you must have made a mistake on the email.I'm at mcn, not msn. But the other day I counted 33300 mail boxes as I was drving on Pacific Way and 95437 were in Ft Bragg. How's that?

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Eileen I need your address to mail the cd's, check your e-mail.

Name: Eric
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Yes, so true. "Make sure the cook fries that tofu in non-genetic engineered safflower oil or else I may break out in hives."

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Comments it doesn't look like it's happening this time around. Sounds like you're the all time Tour Mistress at home or away. I know it will be a great adventure. You definitely know how to make the best of it!

Name: Rena
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Hi Eileen, there's no way I can get to Ft. Bragg in our 3 days in California. But, we will connect either here or there. Occidental is west of Santa Rosa, east of Bodega Bay. just added the final event... we will see Nickel and Dimed in SF. It's a play based on Barbara Ehrenreich's book. It's playing at the Brava Theater for Women in the Arts near SF General. That's Thursday night and we take the shuttle at 5 a.m. Friday to the airport to return to Maui.
There is a dinner Wednesday night at a commune near Occidental that will include about 20 folks. If you do want to come down let me know and I'll give you particulars. You can stay with us, only we split Thursday a.m. for SF. I realize that it is a long journey in a funky car. so, next time. or, on Maui.... I'll take you to really grand places here in aloha land.
love, RNA

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
McMing~Don't feel shy about talking about Meher Baba. I doubt anyone is thinking you're giving a pitch. His teaching are part of your life and part of who you are and what's important to you. We are here sharing and leaning and I welcome where ever that comes from.

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Hammond, I have had an exquisit love in my life, unfortunately he died, but it only seems perfect obviously wasn't or I wouldn't have been filling my self with drugs...My hope is that all of these trials I've gone through with these liasons, I will know the way to walk in a new union. I generally give to much of myself away, then want some of it back but I've already set it up own undoing...One of the reasons now I "seem" to have difficulty is that I'm staying ME and not caving in to make some one "like" me...sounds silly, but that was a huge one for me and took me years to get it. I'm looking forward to a day when I meet my match.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: food conscious
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Well the whatizit? Rockabilly (maybe) guitar whiz Junior Brown wrote a song with the line "It ain't what you eat, it's the way how you chew it." Which more or less describes my large-scale outlook on life in general.
Oh 'Baba' is just a generic term of respect in India for spiritual masters.
Meher Baba people are generally warm & welcoming -- if this is of interest to
you, there are discussion groups in many cities where you can learn more.
You don't have to wear orange clothes either. But I'm not here to sell you anything, just FYI.

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Absolutely Sam, that resonance part makes so much sense. Sort of the same thing as when you think of someone you hadn't in a while and suddenly they call. is it you calling them into your sphere or them already thinking they'd call and you pick that up before they pick up the phone? no is that weave thing again...that's how I've been thinking of it lately...much the same way in harmony, musical notes go out one at a time...or in lines like, la la la la la la la and over layed with lo lo lo lo lo and then a fifth on top of that and soon with the words as well a whole picture jumps into your head and voila! Maybe that's what the string theory is really about...
campanionship is good. That's one of the reasons I like sharing a space...but with my own space with in that space.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
One more quick one, then I need to get my day on a roll. There's a young man named Jake that's stationed in Iraq, I quite by happenstance made contact with last night via email, looking for a mutual friend. I'm going to see if I can pull him onto the site to talk to us. Keep and eye out for him.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Whoah Hammond~Can I touch you and get some of THAT on me?! Toot away! I gave up finding that relationship a long time ago.
Hi Eric..I love it when you surface! Yeah, being spiritual back then meant turning orange from too much carrot juice or eating so poorly one all but floated off. We have learned a lot about being a vegitarian since then. But I have to say when I was waitressing about 6 yrs back, having to deal with Vegans made me want to poke them in the eye. The same holier than thou attitude was ozzing all over the place with a whole long list for the cook of what not to add..or even bringing in there food! Oh yeah and the cook really loved it. Hey go sit on the curb and eat sprouts!

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Hi Nicole..thanks for doing the Map Quest. Cloverdale might be possible. Yet it's still a lot of running around for Rena. Rena?
Yeah I agree with you Nicole. I agree. It was a bit high flootin'. Couldn't help but wonder if they have made it this far together. Always suspect when the woman's letting the man do all the talking, you know? Hole up in the hills with one man? Nope sorry..I'd kill him.
For myself, relationships come when something opens in me. It's not something one can's more about a deep shifting of gears and that door opens. I can feel it quite clearly when there's actually space for that to happen. I think relationships come when they come. And then you can't get rid of them..ha! The grass always looks greener. Which is to say when we're not in a relationship we yearn for it..yet once they're happening, I personally struggle for my freedom after a few yrs. Guess I'm not mate material. But I would love a man as a friend just to watch TV with at this point. I mean my lover of 9 yrs has even become a bother. I had the notion not living with someone might be more my cup of tea. I never imagined this would become so long term! I guess there's a lot to say for not living together. But knowing someone really well becomes over familiarity becomes boredom. Nope, I'm just not mate material.
I think the conversation we were having earlier about syncronisity sp? comes more to the point. Maybe that door opens in us when there is that like kind..the "other" that is also looking that triggers the opening, and there is a resonance maybe before we have even seen one another. Which may explain, "love at first sight"..the connection was already made of wave lengths 3 days before, and all that's left is to make contact. This is why sometimes it can also be someone we have known suddenly becomes interesting..or ofcourse there's also the mysterious stranger. Ofcourse the key here is resonance. We can know others searching..that doesn't always mean anything to us. It's the ah ha! we're waiting for.

Name: Eric
Date: 16 Oct 2003
When I was first living in Berkeley in 1969 there was a vegetarian restaurant on University Avenue near Grove (now ML King) Street. The people that ran the restaurant were Meher Baba devotees. I remember they used to look at each others' eyes and if one could see white below someone's iris, that person was said to be "sanpaku" which I gathered was definitely NOT a good thing. I later learned that it meant the person's diet was out of balance on the YIN side, like eating too much sugar. The universal cure to being YIN was to eat YANG foods like the burnt rice at the bottom of the cooking pot. Boy did I learn to burn rice. Hah!

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Nic - " Are the Meher Baba people the same as Sidha Yoga and the woman Sai baba?"
No - very different versions of the universal word and action

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Oct 2003
And - I must add - and without meaning to sound "better off than" or tooting my own horn - I honestly believe that I and my dear Margaret have what many would call "the perfect relationship" asever and always in the moment together where all is an extension of the very first moment we first laid eyes and hearts on each other eight years ago - and I mean without one seconds break from this truth - beauty - and soul mate-ism love, shared intrests and respect for one another that seems to come so naturally to us. We hold each others hearts.. A rarity I am afraid - as we both have 2 previous and lengthy marriages behind us that were so far removed and different that what we have with one another - I guess what it is - is that we see each other for the first time - each and every day. - Wishing that you all find such partners in life and time......I am indeed blessed...

Name: Nik
Date: 16 Oct 2003
ps Are the Meher Baba people the same as Sidha Yoga and the woman Sai baba? for some reason I'm thinking yes. While on an inforced vacation once I took a correspondance class with them and it was wonderful...My friend Sukoshi is part of the Ashram in South Fallsburg, New york not far from here...I've seen this woman Sai baba speak and she's really incredible. any connection?

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Right - Condolezza - I guess I forgot that she is a woman - injected daily with Republican testosterone I think - and Jag clearly says what I might have added. Yet again - the dialogue here is a great example of what I wish was taking place in DC and other centers of power and decision. Women have been comunicating with each other for centuries - from the heart stone vs. the men in power (at the least) who have really never learned the how and the why for such honesty and insight - why should they? This sort of truth - questioning and search for universal solutions that enhance the minds and lives of men and women and children doesn't make for fatter bank accounts and secret agenda benifiting but a few vs. the full spectrum of daily life and the qualitiy of same. Women like Condolezza are really just latent-men in power dresses controled by greedy - self-centered - back-stabbing men in blue suits with little american flags in their lapels.
Go Ladies of the field!!!! -

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Rena and Eileen, I mapquested Occidental and it shows that Cloverdale is pretty much right in the middle of both of you.
For some reason reading the Levine page made my body feel tight. I too would have liked hearing her views and I don't know anyone who has the "perfect" relationship. I don't know anyone who has yet acheived perfection...I guess I don't like the boundaries that all those words put on something I feel should be boundless or at least unbound. I just went back and read some more to see if I hadn't given it enough of a chance, but nope...too clinical for me. Not that I have any answers my own self...just that I don't think you can put a formula to the way to love, I mean I know there are disciplines that help one get to a certain state of mind or physical state. But when it come to love...I dunno. I think choices I make in everyday living put me in the same room with other people...If I make the right choices in my life, karmically I am then put into the thread pattern that works the best for other words, if I am being the best person that I can be the path clears for me...I can see more clearly, feel more openly and be more receptive to those and everything around me...the range of possibilities open etc...must be doing something wrong tho as no love connection in a while...actually that's not true...I'm really quite happy at the moment being my own lover and friend.

Name: Eric
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Mateo is now teaching at SF State, in the geology department. I called him and he's on campus next Tuesday in the afternoon. Drop me an email if you'd like to get in touch with him during your whirlwind tour. Happy trails...

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
by then by then by then..still not quite awake on that post. See the quaratine has changed. But am rolling around in my head for Miranda to find a place she can live so she can take the dogs. She's already feeling hemmed in by the rules of the landlady, so that may be do-able. A lot can change by July/Aug..but not N CA coast weather!

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Ah and Meher Baba! This is where you need me signaling with twined fingers and laughing.
Rena I would LOVE to see you!! I live exactly 2 1/2 hrs north of Santa Rosa. I don't know how much further it is to Occidental. Darn, on second thought right now the car is running so fucky I don't want to take it out of town and can't afford to fix it until next month and don't have the $ for the bus. I'm down to my last $100 for the month. I helped Miranda move into her new place. Hah..I've got plenty of beans. Darn darn darn!!!!!!!
With that said, I am holding my breath the quariteen sp? for animals will be changed by July or Aug. I'm seriously considering a move to the islands by then, unless my life here has changed considerably by then. At the very least I plan a trip to you, and to see Shawn on the Big Island by then. (So come here in June!) You're plans for your trip here with your daughter sounds like fun. I hope she likes the school.
I don't know what it is like in Occidental..but here on the coast the nights have turned cold. We've actually been having light frost and ofcourse it is damp as usual. So you might want to bring something warm to wear so you can layer up. You know how it can get.
I'm glad you liked the interview with Stephen. I did have to wonder though with such high minded talk if they didn't have a fight afterwards. We didn't have HER view and wondered if she wasn't rolling her eyes. Ha! Sounded good anyway didn't it?

Name: McMing
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Yeah, thanks for the link to the Levine piece, Eileen. Food for thought.
I believe in Meher Baba's teaching, he maintains that the heart chakra is
the correct place from which to relate to the world. Of course, we need the
observation & analysis of the mind center also, but it's not the be-all end-all. "The heart has its reasons, which reason can never know." (or words similar to that) -- Pascal.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: in the blink of an eye
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Thanks for pointing us to that inverview with Steve Levine. Relaly great! I met him at a rock concert back in the psychedelic 60's. He's a great man. I sent his interview on to some favorite people.
Oshy and I are doing the quick trip to California next week. Flying into SF on Monday, visiting SFSU on Tuesday and working our wat to Occidental and the communes. Wednesday we tour Sonoma State, guided by a Morningstar hippie who is now a Ph.D. and teaching at Sonoma State. We'll get the insider's tour. Wednesday night we're going to a dinner at one of the communes. Thursday we work our way back to the city, visit with a couple of friends, and will be at the airport Before sunrise on Friday, arriving on Maui at 10:00 a.m. on Friday. We got cheap rates, and this is how Oshy wanted to do it.
I expect to take a bit of a longer trip to California in June or July. Hope to see some of the digger clan as well. How far is Ft. Bragg from Occidental?
I'm renting a car in San Rafael for the out of city experience. I am so not ready to drive in SF.
Dennis Kucinich is coming to Maui this week-end. He's having a town meeting at the college on Sunday morning.
Some one sent me this... pass it on...
Reinstate Camping
Saturday, October 18
Makena Beach...
Bring your fishing poles, food, and all of your aloha...
See you there!
Take back the night!
It's time to stand up for your right!
This is a big political issue on Maui. Makena used to be camper's heaven. Now it is officially closed from 9 pm till 7 a.m. The only way people are allowed to spend the night is if they have a fishing pole and are either fishing or pretending to fish. no fishing pole, no can stay. This is crazy. It should be a fun evening. I live about 10 minutes from Makena. then I'll go to Kucinich on Sunday morning and back to Little Beach on Sunday afternoon. I'll bring a stick, some dental floss, and a diaper pin. i'm fishing for marlin... who are the officials to tell me my good luck fishing pole is not a fishing pole. it's good luck for the fish. I may forgo the diaper pin. may be a paper clip... no bait, of course.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Why SF? Come see ME! Have fun which ever direction you go. There's nothing like driving a new ride. Nite

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Hey, I like the King and women thing. That way we could begin to kill off the MFs like Bush who can't resist driving the Big Car. Moths to the flame. Dude, check it out! You could be king of all these womens! They like you! Arrrgh...Next! I have to sleep on this, have to go to SF tomorrow. Maiden voyage for the old truck I bought in Memphis. Goodnight Sam.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
And further more...back to the brain a minute. When we think about thinking aren't we conditioned to direct our attention to our heads? That makes sense in terms of receiving from our head charka.But what if we directed it to the region of our hearts or to our chi point? What I haven't said, is this has all made me think of our charkas. How unbalanced we are if we are "head" heavy.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
OK. It was just an idea.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Oct 2003
Yea! Marks make me laugh. Considering the work you've done, I'm sure you've see all aspects of humanity..the best and the worst. When push comes to shove I want someone that actually knows what they're doing and doesn't get hysterical..I don't care who they are! As far as this gov't goes, considering the self interest it was based on, I say chuck the whole thing and start over. Or dink the thing out. Cause there's way too much room for making the kind of mess we're in. Maybe we need to go back to The King Must Die. The women run things, set some guy up as king and strangle him at the end of the year. Where's FYI (suspect) when I need her?!

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Oct 2003
I tend to lean toward your description of human awareness at times, I feel somehow it is a give and take between something within the body and a more etheral source. What that source is leads me more to the Eastern theories but they all remain theories and I am glad of that. I have taken from my pscyhedelic education the axoim that when someone begins to explain to me that "this is the way it is, the only way" it's time to move on. Gender just doesn't play into it for me. I have worked for many women under very stressful conditions and some can be level headed and make clear judgements, some can't. Women in these situations rarely exhibit the stereotypical raging, blustering, and threatening violent reactions of men but I think that is a cultural surround. Women have a selection of avenues to muck things up quite seriously. I tend to wish for a gender change in politics or leadership when the shit has hit the fan like everyone but in the end power corrupts. I do think it is time to dump the white males as power brokers en masse though, and let the vacuum be filled with plenty of women. The decisions being made with the feminine component as a balance would surely help. All you have to do is look a Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney, and their lackys and you can see it very plainly, these guys have the cultural transmission in reverse, looking over the seat out the back window, hauling backasswards at full throttle.

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Oct 2003
"Relationship is really the greatest of all danger sports." Stephen Lavine.
Mind if I shift gears here for a minute? Looking for something else, I came across this interview with Stephen in '95 in Common Ground. I always wonder over such high minded conversations. But knowing some of this man's dying and death work, I thought he might have some living insight. I found this to be some refreshing thoughts on relaionships and marriage we might all find something or other useful.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: My two cents
Date: 15 Oct 2003
I think women in high places, be it religious, political, or just in societal situations has more merit than drawbacks. Sure Condoleza and Thatcher demonstrate that woman can be as shortsighted and aggressive as their male counterparts but considering how few have made serious inroads into any large segment of society as an acceptable alternative to a male it seems that when it does transpire the results have been anything but poor. Mother Terresa, Joan of Arc, Florence Nightengale, Ellenor Rosevelt, and even Hillary! Overall the end has justfied the means and inherently a (hopefully) softer touch and more compassionate approach could not be any worse than the mess the male dominated history of our species has left in its wake.

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Oct 2003
There is the thought the heart is where we think from. Now I'm not necessarily saying the emotional heart. This may be a Chinese concept. I can't remember. But I do remember it was from an avenue that made me consider that seriously. I've been chewing on that thought again with this discussion. I think this has to imply to something, certainly beyond the heart as an organ. Consider the possibility thought is not originally within the body at all..or more specifically thought moves from within, for lack of another word, the ethers, and the brain becomes simply the receiver and the storage container an how clearly that comes through. Proceeded by the cultural bend and patterning, we early on set the program for what we receive and how we "listen". When a culture (and all do this) sets the rules for what is "real and what's not, we retune our "listening" for what is acceptable.
I just spoke to Ariel to get her thoughts as she has done a great deal of study and contemplation on this being a physicology sp? major, as well as a very spiritual person. She pointed out the apparently unique ability we have as humans is to watch, observe our own minds. Then one has to ask The Who or What of us is doing the watching/observing. This is certainly not a new question, but I feel worth bringing up.
In scanning the material McMing has offered..I will now have to dig into it.. I think part of the issue here is the cultural bend. In my reading of the 14th century, shows not much has moved forward. Desire of religion and politics (money) is to keep the general satus quo "in line" has not changed. The tactics just become more complex and insidious. It takes, as it always has, the renigades to Call It and keep things moving forward and exposing the intention, and demanding explanation.
Hammond~I would like to add a response to your last post. As Ms Rice has shown us, women in politics is not always any different than the men. Yet there are a few that are making a ripple. It is my belief what is lacking, is a good give and take of men and women together, to put things on track. I DO believe women are more capable, more willing to see the necessity of this. I find it grounds for thought, that many Native Am tribes held a woman as chief. It was when the Whites stepped in,(and the attitude towards homosexuals as well) there place in their society was changed. They could not relate talking to a woman chief. There were also men held in high regard that conferred and had their place in the whole. They eventually were given more power by the Whites, in time undermining the order within the tribes.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: once more today
Date: 15 Oct 2003
I think it's real what I'm trying to describe .. Hammond, reading your poems in
Counterpunch, probably this doesn't seem so strange to you .. but I really don't know what to do with this info, except maybe post here where I know I won't get an immediate strangling harsh rebuttal.
But if it's so, what do we do to continue on an upswing of consciousness ?
I'm looking to the younger generation, seems like however deficient their education, they have some sense of the possibilities.
Time will tell .. it's still love that keeps me alive .. and after countless
misadventures .. well, maybe the bad karma's finally been paid off. Maybe.

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Oct 2003
Eileen, Nic - McMing - what excellent dialogue - such elegant minds trained onto the crux of the movement in time - such a pleasure to read your exchange here. And further convincing me that we are way over due in having women such as yourselves running this country instead of the good ole boys without brains or sense.... your words are so refreshing and insightful - and as Nic said - "...there could never be a doubt EVER again.." TaTa

Name: Nik
Date: 15 Oct 2003
I know ( or think) The Celestine Prophecy was fiction, but it didn't matter to trancsended that...the syncronicity of readership and the ease in which I could relate to so much of it...still you know what they say, "slow and steady, wins the race" Acid gave me the look into it...there could never be a doubt EVER again...

Name: Nik
Date: 15 Oct 2003
Amen McMing. Again, worlds with in worlds, Horton hears a who and the glue that brings us all to this web site. I get electric feeling when I dwell on it...the possibilities and the implications. I think like that in terms of global doesn't all of a sudden, overnight change, but there comes a gradual change,unless something catastrophic happens of course, but even subtle changes are noticed by those who pay attention.

Name: McMing
Date: 15 Oct 2003
Thanks for the good words, Nicole & Jag. That article brings together a lot of info I never found in one place before. The dumbing-down of our culture seems worse by this account than even I would have guessed ..however, it's true that 'science' is the dogma of our time, the ultimate arbiter, not to be second-guessed. But all systems rest on meta-axioms which simply cannot be questioned. Also : weird & amazing info I've come across, as you mention,
Nicole .. there have been cases of people with normal or above IQ's, functioning well, who upon examination have been found to have very little actual gray matter. It appears the mind IS NOT the brain, brain is just the machinery, not what makes it work .. & materialist superstition makes the whole question appear so very simple. I don't buy it. Also -- Mammon, precisely, the worship of worldly wealth & power .. unacceptable if anything escapes the ruling paradigm ..
I've seen it in action so many times I can't count, synchronicities, true dreams, unaccountable occurences. Here's my subversive notion : there is an emerging tribe (small in number compared to the many billions) that is to present-day humans as the Cro-Magnons to the Neanderthals, smaller lither & qualitatively different. & on this level,
evolution is no longer on a physical plane {since modern-day medicine is so
effective & allows many to survive that would never have made it out of childhood a few decades ago} but rather in the psychological realm. And,
if you'll allow me to spin out my speculation, one area of advance is in
communication. Not precisely telepathy, not seeing ghosts etc. [not the standard 'psychic' Ouija board claptrap] but just something a little better
than language .. includes a sensitivity to signs & symbols. A little foresight {long known & kept quiet in the highlands of Scotland as 'second sight'} .. & most critical -- maybe this empathy is the key to survival on
into the future. Whew ! Didn't know I had so much to say on the subject.

Name: Nicole
Date: 15 Oct 2003
Mc Ming, what an interesting site...I've been on it all morning. My Granddaughter, Hannah, who is 7 yrs old now was born with no left brain. A one in several million thing called Skees Bilateral Encephali. A person can live a normal life with this condition and even graduate from harvard and untill an autopsy is performed no one knows of the condition. Although now with MRI's etc they see it long before ...however Hannah developed seisures and that exacerbates the situation. They think she can "think" in as much as one could with out ever interacting...but she can not doing anything motor...she can't even swallow so she has a feeding tube...but she's an absolute beauty. She looks normal. But can't walk or crawl or sit...I say all that to say the doctors though know that it is possible for people to transfer to other areas of the brain with the proper
stimulus...The site you posted is very interesting indeed and is linking me with more. Thanks
Eileen, Thanks and yes harmony is my forte and favorite thing to do...really the stuff on the cd is old and my newer songs are sort of what you said, alot of ballads with harmony...I don't do enough tho...i miss it desparately and it's my spiritual connection.

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Oct 2003
Interesting stuff McMing, I like the premise that our psychic ability has been desensitised by material Or "Mamom" conditioning and beliefs. It especially rings true in today's material world mentality.

Name: aron pieman kay
Date: 15 Oct 2003
it is a fresh wind that is blowing against the empire (think of paul kantner's blows against the empire) due to the fact the supreme court is not letting ayatollah john asscroft go after doctors who recommend medical marijuana ...
lets just say its like paraphrasing "fight fire with fire", we are "fighting bush with bush"
meanwhile its on to fighting the good fight at the nyc republikkkan convnetion protest next summer!!! support the million yippie march and the million marijuana march
aron pieman kay

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Oct 2003
This is driving me nuts. Does anyone know the name of the artist that does the really intense pictures/paintings of anatomy/the body with all the energy running through it? I don't know how to discribe it any better.

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Oct 2003
McMing~Dr Livergood the funny! I scanned that site enough to know it will take my morning coffe to get thru it, but it looks interesting. And speaking of the brain..A few yrs back I heard a radio program about a person who had sustained some kind of damage (can't remember what it was..maybe a stroke) where one hand could not open up. After a great deal of therapy etc someone had a bright idea. They put a mirror in front of the working hand so the person could see it and opened the good hand..where upon they were able to open the closed hand! I know this wasn't your point..but it reminded me. Also someone told me tonight there is a way to reprogram the body to undo dyslexia! I'm hoping to get this info this wk..I need it! He said they are starting to use it successfully on children.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: just warnin' ya
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Oh, and there are a few off-putting pictures & graphics of the human brain
[outside the cranium] near the beginning of the piece I cited below .. not
essential & I skipped over that section myself entirely.

Date: 14 Oct 2003
'possibilities' of course - M.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: attempting to evolve
Date: 14 Oct 2003
This piece might be helpful to anyone here who does not feel quite at ease in the present day of diminished possiblies .. came across my radar screen today
[Ha! as if there were any coincidences] .. it's lengthy, with graphics, might
take a while to load .. but particularly interesting to me, where it might be
a propos here, is the notion that psychic abilities have fallen afoul of the
'scientific revolution' .. but this is precisely the cutting edge of human evolution .. check it out if you have the patience :

Name: FYI - (suspect)
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Eileen - hey thanks - this looks real interesting - though it will take some time to absorb.... I will get back to you....Gone now for a few days in the outlands....

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Nicole~Gives me goose bumps to hear your voice again. What I am reminded of once again, is I have always wanted to hear you sing with a solid group of women. You have such a skill in harmony and is where I think you really shine singing with others..especially in ballads. This has never seemed to be your choice, but I am still waiting. Not that you can't hold your own and it may be more fun for you to choose otherwize.
FYI~You might find reading Dion Fortune interesting. She has a very unusual background having studied in the same school Crowley was involved..and a great deal more. She locked horns with the men and stepped into her own. The Sea Priestess and Moon Magic, two of her many books, spells out a lot NO ONE talks about. Take a look at this site. I think you will see why I have offered her to you. If nothing else you will find either of these books a very unusual read.

Name: Nik
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Jag, yes I did and I LOVE it and totally appropriate...all of it.
Wow Eileen...the day I found the 6 of clubs, I got an offer and an accepted offer on an apartment for $140,000. Now I'm just doing the board package and hope the sale goes through, my commission is 6% of the sale price. so that is fitting...Now if I could only sell one of those million dollar places I could retire.
The day of the eight of spades, I went to an AA meeting as a way of maybe putting some possitive spin on the hour of 5:30 when I leave work and am not quite ready to go home, but don't feel like going to "happy hour" with everyone that card matched that day pretty well too...actually I decided to join the gym at The Vanderbilt YMCA...right next to my office and has a pool too. So thanks Sam, that makes sense to me. Your ol' book's okay.

Date: 14 Oct 2003
"on a bridge to forever..."

Name: Jag
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Eileen I have your CD's done and will get them in the mail ASAP. I hope the Chomsky stuff is to your liking he has a plethora of material to draw from and I was pretty random on what I included. I can send more later.
Nichole did you get a chance to listen to your B-day CD? What did you think of the first track "Expecting to Fly" I thought it was appropriate

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Ok got my old funky gypsy card reading book to know..I'm such a busy body.
6 matters..a lucrative partnership
8 spades..Opposition from your friends. If this card comes close to you, drop all present plans and develope new ones.
told you it's my funky book

Name: FYI (suspect)
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Not even a transexual man - a man is a man when it comes to Tarot cards....t

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Oct 2003
FYI~"and I would never let a man read my cards!" Not even a very short man, not even a very tall man, not even a very fat man nor a skinny man, not with with a hat, not one with a cat or even a bat? Gottcha! Tried yarrow stalks..too impatient but nice asthetics.
Nicole..I got the CD!!! Will listen to it this afternoon. Thanks!!

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Eileen, well it wasn't funny at the time! Using the cards should be for others - ie. reading for others and not for oneself. For myself I will never again use/read the cards for myself - my own life vs. someone else's - If I need a reading via cards I have someone else do the layout - and close my eyes until the center cards are read - then and only then will I look at the layout..... paranoia in action..... but this is like once a year vs. the I Ching which I use monthly - perhaps weekly at times vs. the cards... and I use yarrow stalks for the Ching vs. coins for the most part... for me this creates a meditation while determining the lines vs. the quick coins.... either is fine though as I have no fears in using the Ching as I do with the cards.... and I would never let a man read my cards! Bye for now......FYI (suspect!)

Name: E
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Hi Nicole~Not me right now. I looked last night and can't find my cards..may have gotten lost in this move or Miranda has them. But you can look them up on line. I am very curious!

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Oct 2003
FYI~"....inappropriate use of them"? I'm laughing..I've had my ass kicked ooh a few times finding how far I could push things. Big ego BS ending up with a room full of spirits I wasn't real happy about, some bloody instructions/curse for killing someone, basing 3 yrs of my life on an I Ching reading that was totally off, reading cards more than once for people that dug me a hole I couldn't get out of..actually the unfun list goes on. I don't think a man could do worse. Yeah there was a time..but we've gotten older and I think gentler and wiser..or meaner and crankier..HA. All depends on what you're looking for don't you think?

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Okay, speaking of the Tarot...2 weeks ago on two separate days I found two playing cards face down on the ground in front of my office...they also were from two different decks. I think I know which cards they represent, but not sure...and don't have a book to anybody wish to help me out here? the first was the 8 of spades...the second was the 6 of clubs. Neither were reversed when I picked them up. I think its 8/swords and 6 wands...anyone?

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Eileen - My original introduction to the interpretations came from an english translation of Fournier's work... There is a newer book by Philippe Camoin and Alexandre Jodorowsky (the guy who made the film "El Topo"). I haven't actually used the cards in quite a few years as I much prefer the I Ching in these matters of 'seeing' - yes you are correct that for the most part (in general and in my experience) men have not used the cards to any degree of depth - and I think this is because of the general nature of men vs. women... The cards are usually quite safe in the hands of women - whereas in the hands of men they become more of a weapon - maybe testosterone plays a role here but then I am speculating. I have ultimate respect for the cards - yet personally find them to be dangerous even with this respect - so I take the I Ching in hand vs. the cards - which nearly cost me dearly ........ enough said as I get shivers when I look back to my inappropriate use of them - try as I did to overcome this I could not avoid the power of the cards vs. the softer knowlege and directions in the I Ching. Now I only use the cards when someone asks for a reading (rare) - as whenever I get the cards in my hands I am inclined to look at and into my own life - and this is best left to someone else.... ideally a woman!

Name: Nik
Date: 14 Oct 2003
...ah, that would be medical...duh

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Oct 2003
For those of you who don't get the SF Chronicle...I hope this link worked, other wise just go to's the leading story and regards medicle pot and a blow for Bush

Name: Patrick
Date: 14 Oct 2003
Eileen, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas wrote a very good book chasing the history of the knights templar. "The Hiram Key" As much based on history as possible.Better yet is "The second Messiah" Kind of a condensed version of "the Hiram Key" I Highly reccomend it. As a matter of fact I am making a special trip to Rosslyn Chaple in Scotland next spring.This is where the templars regrouped after being ripped off and persecuted by King Philip and pope clement V. Also Jaques de molay was burned to death, or arrested on Frday 13th which was hence the reason for friday the 13th being so notorious.I believe these books set history right in a lot of ways. Enjoy Peace and truth, Patman

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Ok, I'm out of tobacco. Bet my posts get shorter from now on.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Oct 2003
I seem to be running behind these posts tonight. McMing~ The I Ching Workbook by R.L. Wing is a pretty good translation for those not into the more mystical language. Both my girls use it. I met the sister of the woman that wrote it and was so impressed to learn about this person. I would have never guessed it was by a woman. She surely must have past life knowledge. I have used the (can't spell it)..other I Ching (yellow book) for 33 or so yrs and I guess the language just grew on me until I understood it. I have just found a new one that I am really excited about by Taoist Master Alfred Huang and has made me put the other aside. It is by far superior to any I have seen. It is a huge leap for me that has been a long time coming. I think it's as accurate as we'll ever get. He is a old man and he was taught as a young man in China, by the old men. Which is to say his info goes way back. He says more about the progression and history of the I Ching that I don't want to burden folks with. But if anyone's into the I Ching, I strongly suggest you get this one.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Jag~Ha! It's enough you have an idea of what we are talking about.
FYI~According to Tuchman, whose book I'm reading, our info is very similar. But her research and details are such I'm swayed in her particulars to his death. Also she says, the Templars with 2,000 members held the largest treasury in Northern Europe.."Not only their money but their existence as a virtually autonomous enclave invited distruction." Kings or Presidents..isn't it ever so?
Again, I am impressed you can read those cards. I didn't know there was a book for them. Is it a translation or a more current intrepretation of them? I think reading cards demands being able to move into another level of awareness. And to tell you the truth I have never known a man that even used the cards. But I would venture to agree with you on that subject. Although my favorite astrologer is a man and is so good I would call him a seer.
The most impressive card reading I have ever had was by Elaine Henderson (who has since passed away), that used to have the Pie and Eye in the mountains outside of Boulder. She used a very strange deck. Looked very close to playing cards. She also had small notes written on them. She would go as far as to give names and future time tables and would have you take notes. Totally accurate. She would have you shuffle the cards then cut them into three piles and then pick one pile and read from it. What I would have given to be trained by her! But clearly it was a gift she had, that went beyond the cards. I have often wondered what ever happened to that deck. I asked her if she could do this for herself. She said no.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: where is home ?
Date: 13 Oct 2003
I Ching vs. Tarot .. difference might be, as Westerners, the symbols of the cards speak to us directly .. my earliest memories seem to include the King
Arthur stories, Robin Hood, the Grail .. all that stuff. The Book of Changes, you have to make such a leap .. three foxes .. a golden arrow .. it might make immediate poetic sense to someone raised in traditional Chinese culture but not to me. Don't mean to engage in meaningless disputation, & the old ways of Taoism are not trifling, just not quite my homeplace.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Oct 2003
FYI..just saw your post will chew it over and get back to you.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Hi McMing~I guess there's no escape. Well, I'm almost out of tobacco and will hit cold turkey by tomorrow.
There is this moment I dislike just as I'm going to lay out the cards, that makes me uncomfortable..not knowing what I'm going to get. The bad news cards are no way to ignore..and Crowley's deck makes no bones about it. When I would read for others this desperate tone would enter their voice and somehow I was hopefully going to explain it away. HA! Now, if lay them out I cheat. I pull out 1 to 3 extra cards after the reading if I don't like it, until I get something I DO like. As always I'm still making up my own rules. These days I generally just lay out 3 cards..past present and future.
Ha! A 100 times? You're one of those maniac shuffleres.
One of the books I used for awhile for Crowley's deck, put a little different spin on things which I have personally found more useful. The negative cards are viewed as what we are doing to ourselves..not what is being done to us. It's the hurt we inflict on ourselves. This makes way more sense to me and gives me a clearer na d more honest way to address my situation.
As far as how things fall in a reading, I find the I Ching even more astounding. The answer rarely fails to say EXACTLY what I am going through, and addresses it with more compassion and understanding than I would ever find on my own. "Good ole I Ching" has become a common mutterance. Do I understand how it works? No. I just know it does and I have stopped trying to explain it. The closest I can come to is..we saw on acid that nothing is solid. I would say when we handle the cards or the coins we are no longer seperate. Synchronicity is a great word for the event.
I caught the tail end of a great discussion on the radio months back with a really interesting woman rabbi. She was talking about her study of the Kabbalah and The Tree of life. She was talking about what deep information is there. I had no idea. But that alone sounds like it could be a worthwhile life long study.
I have to admit I know more ABOUT the cards opposed to having studied them deeply. There is a huge amount of information stored in them besides the Kabbalah. Astrology, numbers and more. All combined, one could easy take a yr on each card. Numbers are something that I studied briefly..long enough to see I was getting over my head. They are considered the key magic from way back and create a language and knowledge that goes deeper and deeper. I mean, look at where we have gone with numbers! This is why Crowley's corrections threw everyone into such a flip. Anyone seriously studing the Tarot up til his deck would hit a wall, thanks to the Rider/Waite deck. That was there intention.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: musing
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Wow! {Sorry, just a little flashback, really I'm OK .. I think.} Eileen, thanks for the Tarot info, I see you are no novice. To me, the cards are so powerful I approach them with trepidation, & never casually. & right again, it was the notorious lysergic acid diethylamide that opened the door. The few times I pick them up, it freaks me because [I shuffle like a madman, 100 times or more] .. spread 'em out .. & IT'S THE TRUE STORY ! .. & no way in Hell could I have chosen this spread .. so .. whaaaat's going on here ? No possible explanation. Best cross-reference I've found is Jung's "Synchronicity, An A-Causal Connecting Principle", which I think might have been part of the Bollingen 'I-Ching' prefatory material .. the only further item I'd mention is, there seems to be some reflection as well in the cards, of the Kabbalah, the Tree of Life .. perhaps most plainly in the Crowley deck. Oh, one more item of note, Italo Calvino wrote a book called I think(in English) "The Castle of Crossed Destinies" wherein a motley group of travellers, temporarily housed for the night at a tavern or such, not all speaking the same language, tell their life stories by means of spreading their own chosen cards from a Tarot deck.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Oct 2003
I find it no small coincidence to have found in the book I'm reading..A Distant Mirror (597pages) I had over looked Jacques de Moley was burned at the stake in 1314. At wich time, according to tradition he called down a curse on the king to the 13th generation of his descentents. The king died within a month. No doubt giving great power to Moley's power. But magic and such was commonly used by the church, just as in the witch burnings to come, I think in the next century, as an excuse for burning. I am now pressed on to do more research on the known origin of the Tarot. I strongly suspect this period is not it. As it is the knights became within that century, a scourge on the land and the people who were at their mercy..burning distroying killing torturing and taking all the revenue they required, most violently in the name of the kings..who lived in luxury and decadence hard to imagine. Perhaps the 1200's told a more romatic story.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Molay, Jacques de
(b. 1243, Molay, Fr.--d. March 19, 1314, Paris), last grand master of the Knights Templars, an order of knighthood founded during the Crusades that had attained extensive power and wealth. He failed to exercise effective leadership at the time of the suppression of the order by King Philip IV the Fair of France and Pope Clement V.
Molay entered the order in 1265, fought in Syria, and after 1291 was at Cyprus. He was elected grand master of the Templars about 1298. Summoned to France (1306 or 1307) by Pope Clement V to discuss a new crusade, Molay asked the pope to investigate certain spurious accusations of blasphemy and sodomy that had recently been made against his order. On Oct. 13, 1307, all the Templars in France, including Molay, were arrested and interrogated by command of Philip IV, who was intent on crushing the order and seizing its wealth. On Oct. 24, 1307, Molay, probably under torture, confessed that some of the charges brought against the order were true, but he rejected a charge of sodomy. He wrote to Templars throughout France, enjoining confession; but when the pope sent his own delegates to conduct the inquiries, Molay and many of his subjects retracted their statements, saying they had been exacted by torture. In November 1309 and in March 1310, Molay appealed for a personal judgment by the pope. But Clement decided to suppress the order (March 1312); and on March 18 or 19, 1314, a commission of three cardinals condemned Molay and other dignitaries of the order to perpetual imprisonment. On hearing this sentence, Molay again retracted his confession, and as a final punishment he was burned as a relapsed heretic by Philip IV's officers the same afternoon.
Ps - FYI - The tarot is safer in the hands of women.....

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Tarot
Date: 13 Oct 2003
When I said familiar I meant in the sense that I ineptly tried to read them with the instruction of a more knowledgeable seer. She seemed very astute at interpreting them and I was extremely interested at the time but that was many many years ago and I remember little about them.

Name: PS - FYI
Date: 13 Oct 2003
and made somewhat easier by using the rather standard Celtic Cross layout....

Name: FYI - Cards
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Hi again - reading the lower arcanum with the French deck is pretty straightforward via the text that accompanies the deck (aligned with the stars and seasons) and it doesn't seen to matter if the cards are inverted or not in the lower arcanum - but does with the greater arcanum. The suits are the important issues Swords, Cups et al - and the numbers are variants on the central theme... trancending in a way much like the i-ching lines change from bottom to top. But yes, you are correct that it is a more interpretive experience with the lower cards based on what the reader feels vs. sees....

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Ha at school and can't smoke here..where there's a will there's a way. Supposed to be in art studio but wasn't told would be closed with some teachers meeting. M's got the here we are.
Jaque de molay, knights Templar and all..oh yes it comes floating back up..but only in pieces. I would like to do some further search on this. Now here is where the internet has it all waiting for random info to surface or..ok I would LOVE to be in the SF library. I was tracking this info MANY yrs ago and kept running out of trail. As I'm deep in the 14th century, I can see I will have to go further for this info. Anyone know de Molay's time period?
FYI>>Pray tell. How do you interpret The Marseilles deck? I'm impressed. You have to be grabbing the info out of the air. And Jag? Do you use your cards..I mean can you?
Michael!!! I really wish I could say differently (it would make for SO much a better story). But by far as I was no longer THE HAD been. I think rooms maybe were rented out. But I could not figure out how the folks at the top fit in the picture..or where they came from. I never saw them again.
Thanks Mark and Jag over mention of my bus piece. Next to everyone here it hung kind of lame. It felt deep and meaningful at the time. Ha!
OK.. the poison's running thru my head and I'm heating up. later..

Name: Nik
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Eileen, Delancy Street Foundation now owns the Russian Embassy. It's one of the buildings that house their theraputic community...I was in Delancy street in the mid 90's. really helped me out, but needed to be more independent...they just refer to that house as "Russia"
just an update on the place...

Name: Michael
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Got the CD and tape. Can't hear the Road Crew until I figure out what killed my old tape player. But the CD...what a treat to hear you singing closer to now. I hope you do more.
The Russian Embassy in the 60s...there has to be more to that story. Don't grab a smoke and tell me. I can wait. If you don't remember, it's probably deep in the government archives.

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Really interesting Eileen, the only deck I am familar with had the charactors represented by medevil knights and princes and princesses and of course the hanged man. I am not sure of its origin. Also great piece on the doomed bus.

Name: hmmmm.
Date: 13 Oct 2003
I also have read where the initial tarot was actually cards representing the knights templar and the beliefs they held true. Including a lot of egyptian mysticism. That is why the pope/church claimed them to be produced by heretics.When actuality they charted the history of the templers.Jaque de molay being the hanged man, as that was the position he was crucified/tortured in. With one leg crossed.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 13 Oct 2003
yes - the French deck - this one I have alwayls liked - and the only pictures are in the greater arcanum - vs. most others where all cards have an image to visualize upon . If I am correct the BOEL deck is based on the Egyptian - which is way beyond my understanding or interest. As with Eileen I rarely ever use the cards - and look toward a few words and meditation..... Thanks for the overall Eileen.... very interesting.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Oct 2003
If there is any interest in this info, I'm sure there are corrections and additions that could be made. The Morgan deck I refer to is the Robbins' deck..not the Greer.
Nicole~the way you discribe scenes always takes me right with you. Always a wonderful eperience!
Yes, I sit here smoking. Damn. I just can't do this. I really must take a break from the board. Easier said than done. I need to be tied to a tree for 3 days!

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Oct 2003
No CD. Give it one more day.
I'm easy.........
My history of and about the the Tarot and how we got there and how it got here (flaws and all):
Technially, the outstanding difference in cards are their reprints. Their color..some are poorly colored and do not do justice to the impact of the intended originals. The Crowley decks often are a good example of this. The color of the Waite/Rider decks have always waffled around. Unless one is familiar with these cards, they won't know the difference..or could care.
I have made a dividing line to the meat of WHAT, Tarot cards are about and info on a few decks, if you don't want to plow through more personal history of the cards and time than you may be interested in. Having time to burn this morning (which you may not) I decided to tell you how they came to be. I will not be offended if you do not find this of real interest. But on the chance you might, I offer it up to you.
I begin in the middle:
When I came on to the street ('63), there were a few decks circulating. I think I have seen them during my search and most are still in print. I think maybe the Waite/Rider decks were around early on. But mainly there were some old French decks that were very mystical looking, very old reprints. But for anyone (all of us) they were very frustrating. Beautiful, but with no word explanation like the Rider/Waite decks..the minor arcana were just symbols and the major arcana, pictures that meant little. There was no way to understand the meaning of the cards and no books. I remember one whole French deck was pasted on a bedroom wall, just for the beauty of it. None of us really had a clue about cards to start with.
It was a time of searching, for many of us, of the "old knowledge". Acid (LSD) had "informed" us there was more than what our religions of the time had to offer. I felt there was a fine line between magic and religion (and still do). Many of us were trying to bridge our acid experiences with something we had no vocabulary for but, "WOW!" and "peace". Buddhism (Zen, the first to come, thanks to Alan Watts' essay on Zen Buddhism) and religion from India, would soon come in the form of gurus, was not known by many..would begin to develop what we were looking for, the following yrs. I had a feeling there had to be a great deal more I could also find from Europe. But I am ahead of my story.
By 21, I discovered, after leaving home, I had gained knowledge of magic from the "Negro help" by osmosis during my growing up time in Louisiana..and I began to use it. While at a 3 yr stint at the Univ of CO, in Boulder, I quickly became known as a witch, without being particularly overt about what I was up to. During that time I began to have info offered up to me about the old, what shall I call them..the old Masters/warlocks/magicians/mystics, from England that made me hungry for more knowledge. There was next to nothing available. Before I left for CA, at 23, I would meet the old people in the community in Boulder, who had knowledge of medicinal herbs, how to use a pendulum, found old psychic card reader, who was the best I have ever come across, using playing cards, and my first teacher; a very strange dark skinned man named Sigisman, that would begin me to set me on my path to a long quest for psychic ability, healing knowledge, herbs, and eventual deeper spiritual knowledge. A very fruitful 3 yrs.
So, back to the street. You have to understand that in '63, there was practically NO knowledge of anything besides old school white America religion and certainly nothing mystical. It's hard to imagine. Until the "New Age" info began to unfold, none of this was common knowledge...and what an outpouring THAT the point of over load! Astrology was almost an unknown. There was only one old brilliant Englishman that we began to seek out for that information, whose name now escapes me. You get the picture. But acid was leading us into realms that had to have more explanation. The coming time would give us the vocabulary and a much larger frame of reference.
I think it was still in '63 I was taken to the Russian Embassy in SF..a very imposing and unusual Russian designed structure, I'm sure you have seen. I have no idea how I got there or how I was picked out. Through dark, long winding stairs, I was taken to the very top, which looked high over the city. In a small dark anti room, was shown slides of Lady Frieda Harris' paintings, which would soon become Alister Crowley's Thoth deck..not yet in print. I was one of the few people that knew these paintings even existed!
I was blown away! Nothing had prepared me for the intensity of what the pictures implied. Acid did not invite darkness..and these cards held more than I was ready for. As I grew older, in time I would come to understand, for many reasons, why that particular deck needed to be taken into consideration . Light and Darkness must be acknowledged and dealt with, if it is to be balanced..Yin and Yang. We are is both and cannot exist with just one. Many people saw Crowley as a Black Magician and felt those cards represented that. I disagree. Therefore, for a serious reading, that deck comes out. I don't like using it much, but it has it's place. Onward..
The big stumbling block with the Thoth deck, is Crowley's book..the Book Of Thoth, takes an adept to understand, and is really of no use for reading more deeply into the cards. You are left to your own devices to translate the pictures. There are other books that have followed trying to work with those cards..but none I have seen come close to the knowledge I feel Crowley titillatingly holds before us. This deck is very much in print..both rather large, and normal size.
The Morgan deck, while funny and often a consternation, is a compilation of much of we gathered during the spiritual investigation of the 60's, plus the best of acid gained knowledge, certainly the basis of this deck. I must say I am amazed at Robbins' ability to compress so much potential thought causing info, in seemingly silly cards. I sometimes use it the way the Angel cards are used, to pick just one, to mull over for the day. I also have used this deck for a quick read for someone I know is not ready for a hard core reading, by picking 3. Even then, they can be a challenge to work with, because they often defy verbal explanation. At the very least, they are good for a laugh.
I did not come across the Brotherhood of the Light deck until much later. Again that is a deck harder to ses out of the whole panoply of real tarot decks. And really REQUIRES the book and takes a lot of study. Plus the deck has little beauty to it. So, I imagine it fell out of use because of that. In refection, I may get the book just to deepen my study of other Tarot cards even if I don't aquire the deck. I had forgotten about it.
Ultimately, the tarot cards were considered in my understanding of them, as flash cards. A way to study the knowledge they represented and to lead one into deeper thought. Or for the neophyte to study along with teachings. It is my guess the REAL "fortune telling cards" as such, were actually and simply, playing cards.
I have heard and read there was a lot of hubris over these original cards..particularly Rider/Waite (there was another I can't right off remember) and Crowleys, being made available for public use, by the Old School of English mystics. They felt this was secret knowledge that could be misused in the wrong hands. It was explained away, by the fact they had not placed the numbered cards correctly and left out certain pertinent symbols.
The real upset came from those quarters, with Crowleys deck. He corrected the numbered cards and put in the whole nine yrds as only he could have done, being considered the top of the heap of the mystic schools of Europe. He said he had done it for the "New Eon" (that would be us) . He saw the time coming and felt we would need the knowledge. He made significant corrections and additions...although I would have thanked him more if he had given us a useable guide. But when one reads his text, it is clear there it would have taken a lifetime to write all he held in his head. An impossible task. There is more history to this, but I will restrain myself.
The MAJORITY cards today are mostly aids, hints, anchor to focus, if you will. They have nothing AT ALL to do with The Sacred Tarot (as it is actually called), and have no deeper knowledge to offer at face value, other than ones imagination or to inform of other culture's symbolism..and even those lack a great deal. This are called "tarot" for lack of understanding what The Tarot was/is about.
In closing, as I have included myself in this journey of information, I rarely use cards except for myself. People being "read for" put too much of their needs of their life on the word of the reader. I use the I Ching if I need WORDS. In the end I have Nichiren Shosu Buddhism as my spiritual daily practice and am involved in Native Am. ceremony. That's more than enough. The cards fall into the background, until I am mulling over something to give me a little more to consider. They are an old time friend, but not the bottom line.

Date: 13 Oct 2003

Name: Nik again
Date: 13 Oct 2003
ps Steve, you can ALWAYS come here to my office and use a computer mon thru friday 8:30 am to 5 pm when I'm problem...just show up...PLEASE...people need to hear from you...let me add (if you want)

Name: Nik
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Mark, Thank you.
Eileen, did you ever get yr cd?
Ohio Girl, Read your story on the ride upstate and loved it...more! more!

Name: Nicole
Date: 13 Oct 2003
A good Monday morning to y'all. Just returned from the gorgeous nearly peak color...Stayed with my ex husband and his wife...they have about 200 acres situated in a bowl above the Ashokan Resevoir...took a walk up behind the house yesterday and found lots of bear tracks and bear sh*t...Johnny's seen one big bear as he leaves for work in the early morning...says it minds it's buisness and just eats the berries or messes with the compost a bit. He drove me to the bus at 5:30 this morning and walking out of the house at the, with no city light the sky is incredible...I could literally see the edge of the milky way...then the sky started turning that sort of Maxfield Parrish color and by the time I was headed down the thruway towards the city the sun was just breaching the ridge and splashing color onto all the leaves...there's a stretch famous for being Johnny Appleseeds planting grounds and the apples now are bright red against the dark bark and beautiful. A herd of deer and a pheasant on my right out the bus window...oh and a ribbon of small black birds heading south as far as you could see in either direction...not a bad way to begin my week...I usually come back Sunday the dark...from now on I'm catching the morning ride.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 13 Oct 2003
The Marseilles deck is my deck of choice.....

Name: Mark
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Good Morning, I found your CD in the mailbox on Saturday. What a breath of fresh air. Your voice is wonderfully captivating and clear. A fine way to put a voice to your words here and to your entries on the 3rd page. Thanks.
I am not a Tarot reader but would be happy to read whatever you put together.

Name: patlic as in garlic
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Hi all, Just returned
from a great visit to Charlottesville, Va to visit my wifes relatives and attend the "13th annual Virginia garlic festival. Great time, Great food. The Bed and breakfast we stayed in was on the adjoining property of "The Monroe Institute" a place to study out of self experience and to find your self in the process, At dinner Sat. night was a woman from bc,canada who is involved in film production who just finshed up her latest visit to the institute, A real fine African roots drummer named daryl Rose who was playing at the Garlic festival and has played on and off for years with the wailers and babatumday,?spelling.Great night table full of other folks including 4 other recovering a/d freeks in my wifes family from dc, Maryland and new orleans.
MCMING-- Charlottesville has a cool downtown area, but it sure ain't as cool and is'nt brimming with the spirit we seem to embrace here in ASHEVILLE.
WOW-- what a wealth of written words to view here on my return. Garlic Blessings to All. Peace Patman

Name: david hancock
Date: 13 Oct 2003
Thanks for this nice web site.
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Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Oct 2003
On second thought I withdraw that offer. Just same song third verse. I doubt this is a Tarot crew and don't want to foist that on you. I close with warm reguards.

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Oct 2003
God you guys are boring today! Ste-e-e-ve!
I just spent the morning working on a semi brief piece about the progression of the Tarot and spirituality on the streets in the 60's. A woman on eBay is sorting through the remains of a store on Cole and Height that closed in '78. Amoung everything, she has old tarot decks (I want)..some out of print, that are still in the cellophane. What to see it my piece? I won't be offended if no interest.
Hammond, it's really amazing what can done on the computer. Yes they do look like painting. I liked the look of the suit sitting on what could be an airplane seat. Good message in the image.I started to take a desktop graphics class, but the teacher was such a shit I dropped the first day. I see it as a great potiential for my silk screens. You think a book For Dummies would get me through?
As a PS. I started smoking last wk and already have myself badly strung out. The only time I smoke is on the computer writing..writing, smoking have always gone together for me, like some use alcohol. So I need to take a breather here in order to quit. Tomorrow is the New Me Day and I won't be around until I can clean up and it's safe for me to sit here.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: on Vineland
Date: 12 Oct 2003
Rumor has it that Leif Ericson was the first European to sight what came
to be known as America's shores .. about 3 or 4 hundred years before Columbus
.. it's possible he [E.] sailed as far south as present-day New Jersey, which
he named Vineland, in a vain attempt to persuade the stubborn Norsemen to make
the perilous crossing, and settle over here.

Name: FYI - Diservice?
Date: 12 Oct 2003
Or is that falsely true?

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 12 Oct 2003
Propaganda is usless information that might be truely false.

Name: Mark
Date: 12 Oct 2003
Hey, how about President Hugo Chaves of Venezuela going off on celebrating "Columbus Day". Calling on all Latin American and Native people to resist the celebration calling Columbus' "discovery" the beginning of a 150 year reign of genocide that was worse than Hitler. Right on! I saw a poll on CNN that the majority polled in this country still by into that propaganda. What a joke.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 12 Oct 2003
Eileen - I sent another .jpg that might work for you - in any event here is a close-up

Name: Jag
Date: 12 Oct 2003
I saw the show on Shakleton a wile back Mark. Totally fascinating. How they managed to even get back was such a greuling experience. What about what happened to the majority of the survivors when they did get back! W W I cannon fodder! what a fucking waste!!!

Name: Mark
Date: 12 Oct 2003
Er...make that Sir Ernest Shakelton and they left in 1914, it was late and I was sleepy.

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Oct 2003
Hi Mark~I'm still dragging my ass through the wars and horror of the 14th century. It somehow mixes in a stew with the Democracy Now news each day. I can't imagine wanting to cross Antartica on purpose! But such stories aways facinate me.

Name: Mark
Date: 12 Oct 2003
That's a good one. Just finished watching a video called "Endurance" a documentary about the Shackleford attempt at crossing Antartica in 1916. Talk about road fever, sheeit!
Jag and Ming....keep it coming....more, more.

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Oct 2003
MCMing..thanks for sharing a fine evening with us. Hammond, please try again. Jag~I hear you. Steve kicked me in gear with his readiness to speak so openly..and all of you have made me want to share a little more of my own writing. Although I haven't anything current, I would like to make this offering:
The bus engine roars and sparks
fuming at being started after
so long dead
brakes stuck heart locked
we want you to roll again
and end this battle
There is a new time coming
Road Warriors is no longer
a movie

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Oct 2003
Jag - Tx. mate! - "Each On Teach One"

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 11 Oct 2003
Eileen - "Close Up" sent to you via e-mail

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Oct 2003
I don't know about last night but after reading "AsEverWas" and meeting Hammond he has inspired and encouraged me to pursue a more active approach to putting my thoughts to pen (Metaphorically). Nice scribe McMing, sounds like a perfect idle.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Oct 2003
Eileen - It is indeed -

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Oct 2003
Comments this your work? I wish I could see it up close. So appopriate for what I have been doing. From the bones, out.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 11 Oct 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Oct 2003
True enough Eileen.... Best of the weekend to all.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: scribing
Date: 11 Oct 2003
So herewith, a little real-life experience story.
Last evening, I went to town with my lady, dear-wife now five years & counting.
And we went to dinner at a little cafe across from Pack Square, the heart
of Asheville, the crossroads of town. Sat down outside, under an awning lit with fairy lights, night coming on but still just the twilight, watching the passers-by .. kids with skateboards, the glittering few, the hipsters, & others not so well-to-do. Drank a glass of wine or two. Then a street musician started playing nearby for quarters & dimes, his battered brown fedora on the bricks for his busker's tips .. not a young guy, silver-haired & mustachio'ed, maybe 60 or more -- looked like he knew his way around the alehouse, but no-way drunk, not then .. singing sweet & soulful, on harmonica & guitar .. so many of the songs you know .. "Heart of Gold", "Imagine", "Our House" {" a very very fine house"} smiling at the little kiddies, flirting with the stylish girls on their way somewhere else in a hurry. A young couple came up & sat on a bench on the pavement, with a giant white dog, 4+ ft high, which someone said was an Irish wolfhound. The busker came over & asked permission to sing a song to their dog, "an original song." They said OK, so he did, & it was some goofy lyric about how great it was to be a dog in Asheville, how much fun all the stret dogs had .. can't quite explain, but the privilege to be sitting with good food, wine, the best of company .. watching the passing human parade, a transient moment, but is this not enough for happiness ? It just moved me & I'm still not certain why.

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Oct 2003
Thanks McMing, I surprised myself!

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: the critic
Date: 11 Oct 2003
Great great poem, Jag .. 'what oft was thought but ne'er so well expressed'

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Oct 2003
No Hammond..I don't really think this crew needs to be "prompted" to write. Some days just come from the gut and we're fortunate to have one another to receive. Jewels!

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Oct 2003
Mark - seems our WriteOn!-ScribeOn! suggestive notes digested well.

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Oct 2003
The sun is out and I best suck it up while it's there. Where I live it's a precious commodity. Bruce don't go away. Man you just fit right in here and I have quite a few "..wife facilitates workshops for the Foundation of Shamanic Studies." the Bible belt??! Shamanic know you have whetted my appetite. But right now I feel like we, yah, we all made love last night and am just going to roll in it for awhile and reread and take it all in. That was nice, really nice. Ha! I should freak out more often.

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Oct 2003
Holy shit, man....everybody cut loose last night.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Oct 2003
All - wow! that is all I can say for the moment - Wow!

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Oct 2003
Ah Jag, I feel blessed. A beautiful end to a long day. Thank you and hugs all around. I go to bed after a call from my man ready to be what I need and less than he wishes. All is well. Good night..til tomorrow my friends.

Name: Eileen
Date: 11 Oct 2003
God Bruce I'm stunned and nothing I can say can really cover all you just did. Ofcourse, yes you can call me Sam. There are a few old friends that still call me Sam, and it has a sweet feeling for me to hear it every once and again. It implies a knowledge not many people have of me any more. If I made you a shirt, I KNEW you and have no reason not to remember. I will know you when I see will come..and no doubt we will see each other again. I hope so.
I don't really think of this as a chat room, but I guess it is. I think of it more as a place friends hang out. It's quite safe here to be yourself and consider it another branch of the family. I came on The Discussions board with guns out and found out that was ok too. I've worked through a lot of old stuff here and it's real here to what ever degree you're comfortable with. Ha! Quit looking for the back door.
Now I know why your name has stayed with me. Kayanne's one of my very closest sisters. Bob Valadez (Santigo..remember?) and I were married and had Miranda, now 24. Are you up on any of this?
Also I had a hand in Bryden leaving. I remember the day. Coyote was gone. I remember Stash was there getting in my way as usual. Bryden was baulking and I put my foot down. I knew he had something waiting for him and it was time for him to move on. Do you know about he and Joanie living outside of Taos? I saw them a few yrs ago and they were so dear, so beautiful. Mirnada and I stayed with them for a few days out on their land on the mesa. They were building from the ground up their own adobe home, living in a tent. They were great people all along..and now add being clean for yrs. Such wonderful people. Angel beings.
I can bet we have a lot of notes to compare and catching up to do. You ready? I'd love to spend more time with you here. You have friends waiting.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Sonnet for the Soul
Date: 11 Oct 2003
A twig a leaf a drop of dew sunlight glistening life anew
A sonnet calls its sweet refrain a sound so clear I must remain
To listen silently and reminisce of bygone times and quiet bliss
The sounds rush in and still the soul, lush fluid notes of inner truth
Like strings of jewels each distinct, they shine and gleam enticing all
Each a promise to be revealed at dawns first light, a newborn day
And all the days stretch endlessly and shimmer shine a dazzling sea
Wonder works in all of us to be, to stand, to walk in peace
Elusive hope we reach to grasp a promise kept a home at last
This and more is what it is, life’s promise made to one and all
We want to know yet dread the truth if all of life is only this
And nothing more and nothing less than empty hope and endlessness

Name: Bruce de la Luz
Date: 10 Oct 2003
The path that took me to Olema and Blackbear:
Grindstone/San Francisco/Sea City/Morning Lusted
you and I roll from our beds disgusted/vain affluent mime kids/tricked up on the new/in old washed out houses/who cares who built
over drunk half demon/who owns all this desire/wasted out strung out/huzzle day forever
nothing eternal/about your cut off feet/lazy body ripped brain/ total being eternal center/fucked up but it runs/
Lord have mercy!/I is funky today/I is splendid, displaced, dinky dream boy/meat and bone love dance/work it out right.
San Francisco, 1968
May I call you Sam. I've never been in a chat room before and doubt I'll ever be again. It's wonderful. Yes, Keven with a beard. I saw Rolling Thunder suck black gunk out of his shoulder and then go into the bathroom. We heard his pukeing sounds. I live in Southern Ohio and my wife facilitates workshops for the Foundation of Shamanic Studies. A decade ago I was visited by Padmasambhava and became a Buddhist. My wife visualizes but I see nothing. I'm a reformed alcoholic and love my AA meetings. In fact, I gave my first lead this week. I tell them I'm a Christian-Buddhist because when I was a kid I saw Jesus come through the rolled glass windows one sunday morning with my grandmother. This is the Babtist Bible Belt, and I'm not one to make waves. Like Padma-sambhava says, "It looks just like me." You made me a light green paisley blouse sleeved shirt so me and so Virgo my mind is still stunned. The reason you don't remember me that well is because I lived there from the fall of 1969 to the end and nobody hardly knew I was there. I created the plural. The time I liked the best was when JP moved in on Bryden and Phillis and Bryden lost that roll of the die and had to leave. Bryden hugged Running Deer's apolosa, turning to look at me, he told me I'm positioned in the middle of the road. Then Kent showed up from the Red House in his big White truck. Bryden entered the back of the truck. The truck pulled out. The doors flew open and Bryden leaped out, landing on his feet. When he passed me, he said calmly, "I forgot my flute." On the wall of the living room, he wrote, "Is this anyway to treat a brother?" I saw it as a battle between light and dark. JP wanted to put in skylights and Bryden wanted to stay behind curtains. The bottom line, I thought, was JP had wife and kids, Bryden didn't. After Olema, I went to live with JP until he died.
I set to tune my steel string strung/With my timidly tight feelings/ Complekating/Shatter like rainbow glass/And flecks of gold
JP stole a volkswagon and stashed it in Bryden's basement garage. Bryden got me to cut it up.
River I recall/Running down the right of me/Likity hell/Life around me/Swirls in currents/Quicker still
JP saw duality in fours. Love was positive-positive and Fear was negative-negative. Between them was wants and needs.
The sunshine's damn right, mean old man/to warm the sides of my house/on the cliffs outside/below the edge/my tomb/break at noon
As Diggers, without leaders, and no rules, by the mid-70's we all went adrift and landed wherever we jolly well were. On my way back to San Fransisco to end my life at the rising sun with Tom Brame, I met Janet.
Mummified morning faces bend like dyin' clay/smiles break away/in the mirror I can't but say/"Is there anything I can do for you?"/Pitied-pitier/Pat my face-feeling better/Intensity dust on the wake rising/I've had to hide away/Till something positive comes my way.
It's difficult being nobody but I wouldn't trade it for somebody. You gotta get your priorities right, I think. The only original thought I've ever had states, "Who you love, loves you." I really believe that's true. I can't deal with unrequited love. I came to believe there was a dishonesty with myself or someone that caused such a phenomenon. Coyote would sing, "Without love, it doesn't mean a thing." It's true. Without love, it doesn't mean anything. There's no money, no houses, no country. Just us. We create that stuff. Like the song says, "Come on people now, let's get together, gonna love one another, right now!" That's Bhakti Yoga.
A bird calls between me and trouble/A thunder truck passes ringing a bell/Up the street a man shouts it all down/My ear's keeping track of every sound/My eye can follow an unbroken line/My heart's swallowed in this world I walk around.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Mark, the poem went straight to my heart, thanks. Bruce's "my bones will turn to ash and dust, my mind on four winds climb," wow, I had a vision of that the first time I ever did acid, it was so long ago. Eileen, keep on keepin' on :0) Like you said, even those bad-assed days help get us from there to here.

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Oh Bruce! Another poet in our midst. Keep it comming. I was thinking today, in my deep melancholy, how it is the artist that can express the things that can we cannot always express. That can touch us when nothing else can and make one feel less alone. All have done that in your own way today and I am greatful for your compassion and willingness to offer yourselves to me. It has helped more than I can say. This was one bad ass day. But I needed to get there before I could go on.
I want to mention something. Maybe it will mean nothing to you and not apply to any of you. But I'm going to throw it out here. I checked later in the day and saw we have had 2 on going days of solar flares coupled with the full moon. It's a double whammy energy wise, and sure kicked the shit out of me. It takes whatever is already happening and magnifies the energy. I bettcha there are more than a few people feeling this. I know the earth is, and expect to see some pretty good size earthquakes around the world getting kicked up soon. I certainly see there are an unusual number of smaller ones on the north coast already.

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Oh Bruce! Thank you that was so beautiful! I just now saw your poem. Yes, I remember you..but not as well as I would like. What a nice way for you to walk in here. You came in with...Sara? As everyone knows here, my memory has large holes in it. You may as well know that right now. No, Coyote brought Rolling Thunder for..give me a minute..Kevin. He was hole up in the gun room off the kitchen. He was always pretty crazy, but by then it was clearly he was seriously possessed. I mean weren't we all? But this was scary..a very violent spirit. Remember the hatchet through the door..I think when Marrianne was flipping out? As I remember Peter talks about it in his book. A hard to forget time even for me. That ceremony was amazing and I took in every bit of it..I remember it vividly as well. It was certainly a turning point for me. In time would lead me into Native AM ceremony I am still active in today.
Steve I don't remember. So far no one remembers him. It's bummed him out. I wish I did. I wish SOMEONE would. He has become very dear to all of us. Maybe if I saw him it would jog my memory..which is often the case. I'll be with someone for awhile and their voice and gestures come over that old part of my brain and I strain to catch the rest. Usually it comes. Not so much what we did, but at least who they are. I don't pretend knowledge until it comes and I know it is very disconcerting to the person on the other side of my eyes. It's very frustrating. That time was terribly hard for me. I was pretty crazy. I got way worse at Turkey Ridge. I made a huge breakthrough at 29, just before I left there, that changed my life. But I lost a lot of my history in the process, leaving only names and a lot of lost memories. Not all of them were bad. But the baby seems have to have gotten thrown out with the bathwater.
I have seen some of Jed's pictures. If you could part with them for awhile and send them to Eric (our site master), he would post them. We would love to see them. Ariel has a large framed poster of Gypsy and Jouquine's sp? gypsy truck. It's such a treasure. She let me borrow it for awhile. What a time eh?
So where are you? What are you up to? I'm so glad you surfaced. I hope you stay with us.
Mark..I wish I could just throw out the great poetry you write! Yes, vacuum is EXACTLY the word. I'll kept the rest of that thought with me. It suddenly made me remember the times folks would leave Olema in mass, leaving the few of us left to wander around like lost dogs. It usually took a week before the next wave came in.

Name: Bruce Martin
Date: 10 Oct 2003
A Sonnet from the olden days:
I lay tonight along the path of home/The cowboy drifter and his donkey be/Neath love's old worn out melody of stars/A song behind the lizard's skin, half-starved/By boredom's dis-ease, my lost colors swirl/Out sorrow, western flair, nobody cares/because the coldest moon can sing my dreams/I pray the Blue I've known remembers me/Returns from night to night and hollows me/When all my friends have gathered in their drives/To hear the last demand they'll understand/The night the wild rover rode in green/Coyotes howled and women screamed/At stories told of deeds that made me dream.
Blackbear, 1970

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Bruce and Jag,
Thanks for the good words. I never know when I am going write something...I just left the computer on today and typed some words when I was passing by doing my regular stuff.
I hope you are feeling better. Having Miranda head out must have you a little turned around. It feels like we want them to leave so much when they get grown but when the do it still catches you off balance. It always leaves such a vacuum. But vacuum being what it is, something will get sucked in to take up the space. Keep your eyes peeled.

Name: Bruce Martin
Date: 10 Oct 2003
My bones will turn to ash and dust
My mind on four winds climb
My passions in colors they will hide
But my love for you will never die
Sky wind
Golden grass
Beauty's place is painted
Eileen laughs
Olema, 1970

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Music, your I dig myself out of this hole. Deep Forest now. The sun setting, the dogs beg to go to the ocean. We will go and watch it the sun feed the ocean. This has been a long day of terrible introspection. Lover as well as last child out of the nest. Not pain, but confusion. A new life that feels like hanging in the air with no pointers. I have to make my own signs. Had a dream a few nights ago with a woman carrying a significant looking sign..with nothing on it. I had to laugh at the irony as I woke.

Name: Bruce Martin
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Mark Hebard, that is one helluva poem. That's beautiful! It's the best I've read in a long time. Hi, Sam. Remember me from Olema? Is Steve the person who Coyote brought Rolling Thunder down from Carlin, Nevada to heal? That was one helluva ceremony! I remember it vividly. From time to time I read the dialogue you guys have had going for a few years now. Jed sent me some pictures from Blackbear and our trip across Montana in the gypsy wagons. What a treat. If I had the expertise, I'd paste them to the web site. Other than e-mail, I'm a bit illiterate. Happy priorities and blessings upon you all.

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Oct 2003
I love you guys.

Name: Jag
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Good lick mark, it moves. Eileen Wait alway's put's it in perspective for me. Listen to "Invitation to the Blues"

Name: Jag
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Consider it done Eileen, and maybe a few more surprises :)

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Spit on the griddle and watch it sizzle,
can’t have fun with a head hung down.
Spit on the griddle and stoke the fire,
it’s all that’s left when it comes down to the wire.
Deep in the mud up to the axles,
hard cold rain going to the bones.
Tired froze ass stuck in the road,
have to do better than this all alone.
Never got the answers, never asked the questions,
took long chances more than twice.
Saw those bridges burning in the mirror,
kept quiet eyes on the roll of the dice.
Cut a finger on real sharp knife,
burned a lip on an old Pall Mall.
What’s going to happen,
who is going to make the call?
Sometimes it feels like I’m just fading,
floating down the river to the open wide sea.
Other times it’s like I’ll be here forever,
listening to the Jays, breeze coming through the trees.
Spit on the griddle and watch it sizzle.
It isn’t worth the crying, better for some laughing.
Spit on the griddle and stoke the fire
Now is all that’s left when it comes down to the wire.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 10 Oct 2003
As long as we keep on singing - the song will remain...

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: gimmies
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Jag~I've been needing tears for days. The anti war viet nam war music did the trick being painfully applicable to these days..with Many Rivers to Cross, the icing on the cake beings the heart of what's eating me..that messes with me on a good day. Just wrung me out until RL Burnside just blew HOT HOT groove!I can't believe you put that in there. Can't feel sad with that kind of music, not even if you tried. More just a little more RL could ya would ya? I'm hurtin' and having a hard time being here. Just like old what am I here for? Just got to ride this sucker out. Maybe Waite will put it all into perspective. Must be the moon.

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Well..we don't, do we. It all depends on the frame of reference.

Name: FYI - Service
EmailAddress: Public Service Reminder
Date: 10 Oct 2003
"You must remember that it is not necessary to survive." D.T. Suzuki

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Rena~Dr Clark also speaks about ALL plastic bottles containing contaminants from the processing of the bottles in the first place. Bad news all around on that one. I would love to get a spiral-ator. With no molars, chewing has turned me into a rabbit..eating with my front teeth (which have gotten quite sharp!). It sounds like it would make preparing cooked or uncooked would be helpful to me. Keep in mind the vegi's have come from the ground and need to be cleaned especially well. I can see raw food working in a tropical situation. But in colder climates I am not crazy about the idea. Too yin.
Isn't Helen Caldicott inspiring?! That is one woman ON FIRE!
Ohio Girl..Ralph Stanley? Oh how fortunate you are. I can picture it all. It makes me think of the first time I was in Taos NM and surrounding area. Sheep being herded across the rode the with men on horseback. Indian pintos corralled outside of Taos Pueblo. This is when I meant to be there..autumn, my favorite season in NM..chilies roasting, wafting thru the air, indigo nights, golden spangled aspen and cottenwood trees with brilliant blue sky to set them off, sunsets changing the adobe houses shocking pink, a bite in the air of coming snows. Yet you sound like you are in a gentler place with so much beauty and a way of life with music to inspire.

Name: Nik
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Ohio, glad you like it...I'm going upstate this week-end there's a reunion of my old band, some of whom I haven't seen in 12 or so yrs...I'm excited. My John Holbrook is from the Isle of Jersey in England...hence the accent on the last song.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: why now?
Date: 10 Oct 2003
The last diatribe was in response to a request by a friend to support the US Postal Service's stamps that cost more and give some funds to research on cures to breast cancer. Clearly, the real story is breast cancer prevention.
love to all.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: breast is best
Date: 10 Oct 2003
The real cure to breast cancer is in it's prevention. Learning the causes of breast cancer allows us to realign our lives to avoid the causes. John Robbins book "Diet for a New America" has hard evidence that increasing consumption of dairy products and meat increases your chances of breast cancer. Breast cancer is virtually unknown in countries that don't consume dairy and use meat sparingly. Robbins facts are solid: the Dairy Assn and the Meat Assn both tried disparately to
disprove his facts and were unable. You can check out his book at any library. Also, there is a one hour made for PBS movie, "Diet for New America," based on Robbins book. It is a fascinating glimpse at how we are poisoning our bodies and our planet. Great visuals - the pile of manure three stories high that is contaminating the ground water and causing serious birth defects is one; another is watching the snake of plaque being removed from a heart attack victims artery is
gross: putting the video on rewind is even grosser as you watch the plaque snake be shoved into an artery...
I recently watched a film by Helen Caldicott, a physician and peace activist. The tape was of a talk by Caldicott to physicians and nurses: she used some advanced language to describe the horrific results of exposure to DU: Depleted Uranium. Also in this tape Caldicott talked about how plastic water bottles leach poisons into your water, especially if allowed to get heated in your car. This causes higher rates in breast cancer and other cancers, she said.
Last night I attended the first of a series of Raw Food "cooking" classes. Yum Yum Wow. One of the things the chef mentioned: that drinking water from plastic water bottles causes cancer. Jeremy Saffron said that there were reports of more breast cancer in areas where residents relied on water from plastic bottles.
Oh, heavens!!! that raw food class was RAWESOME!!!!! the Raw Truth as Jeremy calls it. Jeremy has opened raw food restaurants all over, including 3 that are still operating in NYC. I think the name of the restaurants is Quintissimal. I got a spiral-ator which turns carrots, beets, and other root vegetables into angel hair past size ribbons. We made pad Thai noodles by cranking out the carrots and beets, then putting them in a yin yang on the plate, heaped with marinated veggies and topped with a rawesome curry sauce. we also made tom yum ghai soup out of coconut water, soft coconut meat, fresh ginger juice, fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, basil) and a dash of fresh hot pepper.
Incidentally, women who breast feed have significantly lower rates of breast cancer. other intrusions include VDT: video display terminals, and working in a store with the laser price recorder. So, I'd rather see the research going into prevention. That's the real cure. Of course, we'd have to clean up the environment and our diets. and, that's a good thing.
considerably more challenging as Bush derails environmental protections and clean ups.

Name: Jag
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Sounds beautiful Ohio Girl, Songcatcher is out on tape and DVD. I really liked it.

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Oct 2003
Ohio Girl, Ohio, I wanna go.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: piece of my heart
Date: 10 Oct 2003
I've been reading, or re-reading the past few days of messages. Yes, this place is very special, to have met up like this, to be continuing the story. It's miraculous but not really, didn't it have to happen...... Yes to another question, after just having read a wonderful description of New York City, Ohio is truly beautiful. If any of you every come by this way let me know. Even our rescued dog who used to try to eat everyone who came to the door (understandable since he'd had a nail put through his nose with a nail gun when he was a puppy) has now finally after four years of TLC mellowed out, guests would no doubt feel more welcome! It's beautiful here because of the farmlands and you come across amazing scenes because there is a huge Amish population. Things like a man plowing a field with a team of horses, right along the freeway, he's at the end of a field and behind him is a huge backdrop of autumn-colored trees. Things like a family putting their work horses in the barn at sunset. Incongruous things like an Amish buggy driving on a bridge over the busy freeway, or a young Amish man clucking his horse as he runs a red light with his buggy. And, eons ago this was all under the sea, and the wonderful fossil shells are not a rarity. And bluegrass music, a few hours south of here in Appalachian southern Ohio. I've mentioned this, how my husband and I went to a bluegrass church service with his Mom and family, you couldn't hear better music anywhere, totally non-commercial, I myself had no idea this still existed, like coming across the Carter family before they ever made a recording. Is "Songcatcher" a new movie? I'd love to see that. An unexpected pleasure coming up soon, Ralph Stanley is doing a concert at the junior high school auditorium here in about a month. We're going to try to get off work or whatever it takes to go to that. Peace

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: encore
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Nicole, I wish the photo of you was in color so it could capture your golden aura.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: dancing in the sweet
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Nicole, Thanks for the CD. It just arrived and I put it on. That's me, dancing in the sweet.
sending aloha, Rena

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Mark - My thoughts exactly....Scribe on!

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Oct 2003
You crack me up, dude. WRITE ON

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Nicole! Whadaya mean you weren't going to talk for while? Glad to see you got over it. sheesh
Hey All...I'm trying to find out about a piece I keep hearing that HAS TO be John Lee Hooker, that I think is recently out. I think it's one of those patched together pieces. (People in the parking lot at the grocery store probably were not ready for me grooving in the car!) But I wasn't around when they gave the name. The other time I heard it, they said some European name..I'm like WHAT?? It's just this solid groove with the only phrases..Moanin' for you & That ain't right. ANYBODY KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT? live with Blue Grass and old timiey music in one's back yard. It hardly gets better than that!

Name: Tomas
Date: 09 Oct 2003
When I left Morningstar some years back I had decided to do and not to just talk. The world needed my physical help. Well I did do and I did work. Moving my body at difficult tasks. Now as my body ages I am at the stage in life where I am to be left on the iceberg to float away. So I thought I'll write while my body withers away. Most folks say I can't write, so what! fuck'um. Let me die painting the walls of toilets and yelling peace atop that shattered crate.
The world I live in now needs an enema.

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Oct 2003
This is a few yrs ago...
October 24, 2000
New York City Early Morning Bus Ride In Late October
For Peter and Judy
Huge bands of opal sweep across the eastern morning sky as I glide along the Harlem River Drive...
Next through the Keith Haring Crack is Whack Park soon
Passing rows of bombed out red brick buildings left over from the socio/economic wars of west 125th Street.
Contrasting the smooth sleek white stones of the Guggenheim at 88th.
Now flocks of pleated skirt girls in knee socks gather giggling as they cross over from Central Park at East 76th disappearing into their fancy private 5th Ave classrooms.
Turning onto 57th passed Dior, Bachman, Bvlgari and Coach all in the shadow of Trumps “I can stack my blocks higher than yours!” try at masculinity...
Right onto Lex and right into herds of suits criss crossing Manhattan canyons much the same way cows leave their lateral lines across the hills of Northern California...
Glass giants hover over an international nightmare of thick traffic as we near the UN on 42nd Street...
Crossing over to 6th suddenly a burst of color from the flower vendors in the 20’s puts me immediately on the back steps of Peter and Judy’s house on Harper Street where all my simple fears fall away…... mint…nasturtiums…verbena…I’m in the garden… my spirit soars…I am home with family.
A pothole pulls me back into the bus…I’m at my stop.
In New York City

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: one more
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Thanks, Nicole.
If I could not live in the back of beyond, I figure I'd live in the heart of the
metropolis .. & no greater metropolis anywhere than NYC. My hat's off to you for
the courage & gumption I imagine it takes to face up to Manhattan everyday.
But secondarily, this website is a great nexus, & as Jag has mentioned an important way to know we are not alone, just scattered by time & circumstance.
& the story is not over.

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Ohio Girl - Tx! - WriteOn!

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Oct 2003
I'll have to check it out McMing, thanks, and Eileen I'm working on it. Get back to you when its done. Thanks Nichole, McMing, Eileen et al.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: Back atcha, Jag
Date: 09 Oct 2003
'Songcatcher' is great .. but to reply to your question .. there's still a lot
of the old ballads being sung in the hills, and I know whereof I speak since
I'm familiar with both the Brit renditions (Shirley Collins, the Albion Country
Band, some of Pentangle, others) & old-timey American music, bluegrass, etc.
It's a direct carry-over, & while you will almost never hear this music on the
radio, the tunes & often the words are virtually the same. Bluegrass is still
going strong here, that old 'high lonesome sound.' & Doc Watson, of Deep Gap
NC is a major figure in this kind of music, and a musical icon in his own right.
If you want to check it out, he's never released a bad recording, & there's a
major 3-CD retrospective featuring Doc with David Holt, entitled "Legacy" from
High Windy Audio [] which you might like .. I just got it from the library .. which might be the right way to go for you if your local branch can get it. (It must cost more than a little for a 3-fer, & you'd
likely want to check it out before buying.)

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Oct 2003
McMing, I wasn't going to post for a while because I feel I've been talking too much but the words of both you and Jag deserve recognition. Eileen as well...all of you really. I was always told by much older wiser people that as time went on I would come to know what was important and who my friends were and what my calling was, and how to achieve my goals, how to RECOGNIZE my goals, and not to look too hard with just my eyes...and to trust and to love and to forgive. Those three things are not difficult for me...Patience, now there's a snag. Personally, me, I need to put forth less talk and more action. You all really help me in so many ways. Thank you.

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Thanks McMing glad to hear from you. I was going to ask you about the Mountain country around Ashville. I saw a flick a few days back called "Songcatcher" it was set in the early 1900's up in the Apppalacia Mountain's. I know the body of the story was fiction but they brought up a great connection between early American music and ancient English ballads. It was really interesting. I knew there was a basis for bluegrass in English and Scottish music but according to the movie every lyric was almost an exact match to early English troubedor's and wandering minstrels and the songs were handed down from generation to generation. All the way to illiterate hill fold of the mountains. Cool flick but how much remains of that heritage? Not much I would guess.

Name: 1% FREE
Date: 09 Oct 2003

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: another grateful 'dead'
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Thanks to all for your great posts of the past coupla days, but especially to you, Jag, and I will quote, for this : << You know I feel truly blessed to have finally met the many peoples who visit this site. I have wandered in the desert for years and always felt alone when I lay my head to rest. It’s not that the many characters I encountered were fundamentally different than I,it just seems that I took for granted that the changes and attitudes of the sixties were founded on more than just the party inherent in wanton drug use. My cohorts were completely satisfied with stupor and indulgence for its own sake. >>
I first turned on to maryjane, aged 14, listening to an acoustic album of Bob
Dylan, maybe "The Times They Are A-Changin' " in an upstairs ghetto apartment on 8th St. SE in DC, across from the Marine barracks, with a motley crew of Antioch work-study students who were anarchists, poets, musicians, philosophers & comedians. The funky flat was littered with original paintings,
City Lights paperbacks, countless magazines, broadsides on the wall, the usual anarchist mess .. Pot was not a substitute for beer. When we got high, it was a marathon off across the high plateau of literature, philosophy & politics .. And that was what it was [is this boring you ?] we were on a mission to GET IT RIGHT & to get away from the brainwashing .. Then on to many an acid session at UC Berkeley, more of the same. Thru many a moon of chasing the muses of Philosophy & Music myself .. But we were an explorers' club, the
League for Spiritual Discovery .. & down the many short, sometimes sad, years I've never quit.
Found Baba, & that was the answer I was waiting for. Love is our highest calling, all beings even the dogs & cats have souls & are striving upward,
don't strain just do what you do best naturally. Now I live way back in the
country, raise a lot of my own food, almost never see a car, try to stay
peaceful & on the Path. And cannot live or breath without music.
That's my story. Thanks for the insight, brother.

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Thanks Eileen, I was having a senior moment. Hey no problem with either ,I will my include my address with these CD's give me a few days to compile them.

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Joe..yeah, hardly a good start. He his stuff with woman was info enough..a finesse at all. But there were enough people that took the trouble to vote, you know. Not like I have a choice, but I'm ready to be surprised.

Name: Joe
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Eileen I'll try not to cloud over your ray of sunshine.....when you consider that the ony issues he would talk about were no taxes for the wealthy, attacking workman's comp and the car tax, plus the fact that he took big money from the same sources as Bush did, you will forgive me if I get my raincoat and boots ready.

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Oct 2003
Hey Jag, it's just us just us chickens here. You feel like home to me too. Nice's nice to be real and someone LIKE it. We've all partyed our asses off till we fell down and got up again and still managed to get something worthwhile done. Now we can all meet as friends without all the havoc and still have more to say PLUS get some great stories. Fat city I'd say! I'm enjoying the company too.
And thanks so much for the follow up on the CDs. Thats so cool. Can I have some more music too? like Contact from the Underworld of Red Boy, by Robbie Robertson. If you send me your address again I'll send you something out of left field from the 60's.

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Oct 2003
You know I feel truly blessed to have finally met the many peoples who visit this site. I have wandered in the desert for years and always felt alone when I lay my head to rest. It’s not that the many characters I encountered were fundamentally different than I,it just seems that I took for granted that the changes and attitudes of the sixties where founded on more than just the party inherent in wanton drug use. My cohorts were completely satisfied with stupor and indulgence for its own sake. Once, when I had extricated myself one more time from the influence of indulgence for its own sake and found a job and an apartment on Mt Hood, working as a lift attendant at a ski resort and being a semi-recluse, my childhood friends found me by asking for my whereabouts in the local taverns. I must admit I was known there. After determining which building my one room apt was located in they found my room by looking through the windows of all the apts and when they saw a windowsill with a row of books they broke in and awaited my return proudly telling me how they knew it was my place because of all the books! I was flattered and flabbergasted that they had hitchhiked all the way from So Cal and found my haunts through such an alien thing as a book collection. I loved them all and we partied till the manager had to threaten me with eviction but I have always felt I was an outsider looking in. The ideology of the Haight has always been my beacon but never my home. At one point I had to spend hours trying to convince one of companion’s that the correlation between Lewis Carroll’s “Through the Looking Glass” and the Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” included the final line “Feed Your Head” and not “Keep Your Head” as he insisted. We were wasted on STP and had to listen to it a million fucking times but he could not be convinced he was wrong! Small issue but I hope it illustrates how out of sync I have always felt with my environs. Thank you all.

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Eileen, that didn't take long, I can have them for you in a flash. He is easily found on my download sites. I have already started downloading many lectures and live engagements.

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Never thought about it looking for something like that Eileen. Let me try and I'll get back to ya.

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Oct 2003
yeah, but guys it's what we've got! It was hard enough or me to vote..honestly I rarely have cause I don't believe ANY of it. let me have a ray of hope..I just have a can call me on it when the shit starts hitting the fan. I am still trying to figure out politics. (Bear with me here, I can't find my glasses.) To me it has always looked like even if you think you know what you're getting, there are so many figers in the pie it's all a crap shoot.
I was listening to Nome Chomsky in a great discussion on imperialsm today. The man is the only person that I can follow. What I would give to have a whole mess of his tapes! Hey Jag..what's the chance of some CD's. I badly need the education.

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Your probably right Mark, it figures he carried Orange County, when I was growing up there we called it the county of orange and birch for the John Birch headguarters in Anaheim. That is one right wing county. I only hope he has the courage of his supposed convictions but I'm only being optimistic. Politics is a sleezy business.

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Oct 2003
yeah but he's so cute. Hi Mark..been missin' ya!

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Eileen and Jag,
I think Gov. Groper will be towing that Bush & Co. line big time. He hasn't the political seasoning to overcome the Republican pressures. Another Reagan in the works. I looked at the break out of the election returns by county and found that his support was limited to the central valley, the north east counties (sparse population), San Berdo, Orange County and San Diego. The recall lost in Los Angeles, the Bay Area including Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley), and most of the coastal counties. The historically Democratic Legislature has weathered many Republican govs in the past. Unfortunately, this probably means a gridlocked state government for the duration of his term. Slimey politics at it's worst.
For your age you have some great experiences. I would like to hear more about it. As an aside, you might check out Planet Drum Foundation and explore their work in Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador. is the url.

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Well OK Reegan! Let's hear it (your poems) or give us a link if you have one. Agh! What a culture shock you must be going thru to end up in Denver!!! Poor baby. Let me strongly encourage to keep up speaking Spanish..don't loose it by non use. I bettcha there's a solid population of folks from Mexico and further south, there. Hunting that down might give you the opportunity to speak, eat, dance and sing! BUT, get hip to the gang situation before you step out there. It's become bad in a lot of areas I NEVER expected to find them. Needless to say, being in a city it's something to be aware of and stay way clear of. Yes, it is materialistic..I don't know what to tell you, it will take some getting used to. But there are good people everywhere and that's what counts in the end, isn't it? You'll find them. So good to hear back from you.

Name: Reegan
Date: 08 Oct 2003
thanks eileen for your words of inspiration and advice. it's rather hard because there WERE so many people in peru i related to, and here everything seems terribly materialistic. i'm 16, so i have a bit of freedom to go where i want though not a whole lot, mainly because of the mindset of my parents. I've been to Boulder several times, it's a great place to be for sure.
Peru was a beautiful place to live. the ocean, the people, everything was so amazing it seemed surreal. i lived in the capital city of lima, though on weekends i often traveled to the towns on the southern coast with friends. Spanish is a great language to know, and im basically fluent now from living there. it was a very inspiring place, and i developed greatly as a writer there, a few of my poems from that time period are going to be published in an anthology.
anyway hope to hear from you guys

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Nic - E=Mc2ed sweetie - and I have a grip on the names now - thanks for "thinking" but never mind my dear - and mum's the word okay... ?
Hanson, Alison, and Rick are working well enough... And for the rest of you reading in here, well - "never you mind" - but don't stop thinking!
Tx Eileen - your suggestions are in the pool.... On'words!

Name: Nik
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Hammond , Okay, h-m-m-m-m-mm let's see...Hansen and Glinda (Wendy was a good witch and Glinda was the good witch of Oz)
Hansen and Gretchen
Gretal? NOT
my favorite girls name is Jane...and it's rarely used any more so that's kind of a unique name.
Did I understand yr question?

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Eileen, I think "Arhnald" is pretty moderate and damn near a democrat on most social issues but will he be forced to tow the party line? His womanizing credentials are impecable for a Kennendy. His wife knows what her family is like and I think she is the force behind him. All will be revealed :)

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Eileen - thanks for the note....!
See Nic - take it from the top :-)
Raechel - thanks for the memories - then as well as now. My e-mail has a few of them in brief... ..... Tom was such a guy of the first degree - altering (at the very least) our FM lives forever.....

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Oct 2003
darn..I'm betting he WILL do things differently. I mean he must have folks advising him that are not just businessmen. whatever sigh~I can't get this said right.

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Ohio Girl~That was a lovely way to start my morning. Would love to hear more about the area.
Jag~as I mentioned I'm reading A Distant Mirror (14th century Europe). I'm still trying to get a grip on how/why she sees comparison from that period to this. Is it the unending wars? But I had to see it in the light of Swartsneager (sp?was I close?) What were "they" thinking? A real MAN..a knight in shining armor? I cringe at seeing his strained smile for the me here? How many yrs?
Knowing I can't say this in public.we're all friends here, right?..I had the under thought the man might do a good job. I would like to think he has good help bbehind him. People say his money making in business will not translate well into politics. I am betting he will not do things differently and might find a way without hurting us further. Call me a dreamer. I am waiting with actually a certain amount out excitement cause me man is no dummy and I am very curious to see what comes. No I did not vote for him, OK?

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Oct 2003
My memories of your time at KSAN are a good reminder of how good it can be in SF. It is great to hear of your film and radio work in Denver. I would love to have a copy of the film and I know a group of young active people that would find inspiration from it. I will send you my address by email. Thanks.
I have to rant this morning ....
We give the curse of gambling to Native Americans as a payback for despicable murder. Thus marginalizing them further into a dark murky world of organized crime so when they try to exercise their monetary power in the ruling class political structure the money is tainted "morally" and cannot be seen as legitimate. It just goes on and on.
A new media cyborg "elected" here in California, voted in reportedly by a majority of younger males according to statistics revealed this morning. Not generally a well informed or sophisticated group politically. The superimpositon of reality by media engineered fantasy comes full circle.

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Oct 2003
I love to envision the planet as it was. The lava runs on the Big Island are a window into the past and Mt St. Helens here in the NW opens vistas to another time. The fact that we are here today is a mystery considering our origins and the incredible, cicumstance's? that had to transpire to bring our planet into the shape it is. Or once was, fast becoming a ghost of it's former self, I, though, would opt for historian in another life. I meander through history books purely for fun and fascination.

Name: Nicole
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Raechel, I don't know if we ever met, but I dated Bobby Cole for a long time and spent alot of time at the station...I'd love to have a copy. I had lived next door to Henry Sudduth (Buddha) at Gate 5 and I have great fond memories KSAN...glad you found us.
We just had a new young visitor to the site here named Reegan who recently moved to Denver from Peru, and is looking for people to relate to of our mind set...maybe they could e-mail you or visit the station...

Name: Joe
Date: 08 Oct 2003
A grade B actor is governor of California....remember how well that worked out the last time....if you think politicians had no back bone before wait till after this recall.....they will be afraid to do anything unpopular or that wont air well on FOX.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: wait a minute, I just remembered yesterday
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Was I so sick yesterday I imagined all this or did it really happen? The fearless leader was on TV with a new big word, informing us that there are "leakers" all over Washington DC. The Terminator won???? Yikes

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Here in Ashland, Ohio, in the midst of what appears to be beautiful and timeless farmlands, with even the farming methods appearing timeless due to the many Amish farmers, the "town creek" that runs through town contains thousands and thousands, maybe millions, of fossil seashells. Geology is truly fascinating, our Earth such an abundant and forgiving Mother Earth, our mysterious home, old beyond ancient, revealing endless treasures.

Name: Rae chel Donahue
Date: 08 Oct 2003
I can't believe I found you guys! I'm Raechel Donahue (widow of Tom Donahue) and I'm working on a somewhat freeform station in Denver. I make documentaries, the last of which is about the history of FM radio. It aired on PBS last season. If you would like a copy, give me an address and I'll send you a copy. It has a lot of SF folk in it. xxoo raechel

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Oct 2003
Jag~As an after thought I'll raise you one. I try to imagine what the land was like during earth changes. Montana, CO and New Mexico have so much of the past volcanic activity and of river and ocean sediment layers, that it really got my mind churning trying to envision what it was like. Especially when I lived in Albq. NM a few yrs back looking over the plains at the bumps of what had been huge active volcanoes. I could never really get my mind around it. It used to drive me nuts. I would stand in the desert and pick up dinasour bones, polished river rocks and balls of obsidian still cover in volcanic dust. In studying Roadside Geology for NM, I found out that used to be an inland sea! If I had it to start over again I would major in geology..I am absolutely facinated by it.

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Oct 2003
Nic - Geeze - it isn't like a quantum physics question my dear(s)
Eileen - will send again

Name: Nik
Date: 07 Oct 2003
Ohio, Mark and Michael, it's in the mail...
Hammond, still thinking...

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Oct 2003
Thanks Eileen, I drove through that landscape all day Sat. and ruminated on what it was. Thats why I enjoy the road.

Name: Nik
Date: 07 Oct 2003
Hammond, I'm thinking, I'm thinking...

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Oct 2003
No Hammond~I have gotten nothing from you. Please try again. You may be using an old address. This is where you can find me now:
JAg~Oh I hear you. I have had the same thoughts when I see the dams and the bare land. I have read so many times Lewis and Clarks discriptions of that area. All that's left, is one's imagination of what the Columbia must have been like. Worse is to know the other aspect we cannot waste that is leaching from the soil into the river from the WA side! One can not go anywhere any longer, knowing the stories of what was, and not suffer deeply the loss..and the destruction continues. I have written many of these pieces on my travels, just to release my own anguish to paper. It makes me want to walk all the more lightly on the earth and treasure and fight for what is left.

Date: 07 Oct 2003
This is a small quote from the astrological site I post here occasionally,to encourage you to go take a look. I find these astrological predictions for political world events to be always right on target. If you go to this link and scroll down the page, you will find the astrological explination for what has and will be coming. I wonder if we will also find public actions lining up with these would certainly give them more strength. I like to look here occasionally to get an idea of what the planets are doing that influence the big picture. Looks like we'll be getting help..if not a further kick in the butt to act.
"These are the timelines for the breakup of traditional structures in the U.S., particularly relating to food. Saturn on the U.S. Sun means that the nation is growing up, and finding a more realistic place in the world. It may be that U.S. imperialist ambitions are meeting the reality of the people of the world, and will be curbed. Issues around food, so dear to us all, may be instruments of raising consciousness."
or go to: Ceres and the Crisis in "Free" Trade
Caifornia..don't forget to vote today.

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Oct 2003
As I drive along the black tar highway, amber waves undulating on either side of the ribbon of asphalt I feel a keen sense of loss. The spacious landscape stretch's to the horizon. The tapestry of rural scenes coalesces into the minds eye as a vintage memory of yesteryear. The Nez Pearce once roamed this land. Centuries of proprietary care and the deep appreciation of it’s worth nurtured the environment and its bounty. The Columbia River stretch’s below and it is truly majestic even now. One can only wonder what beauty it held for the likes of the Chinook Indian and their fellow caretakers of nature’s beneficence. Now despoiled by the many dam’s that control it’s natural fury and now tamed by the hand of men who only see dollar signs when they gaze at the wondrous panorama that was forged by time and God.
The true inheritors of this land have long since been relegated to peripheral roles as casino owners and dwellers on marginal plots of land that were deemed to worthless for the white man. The memory of a statement made by many white South Africans during the years of Apartheid rings in my ear, they would claim that the trouble they had with their “Kafir” population was due to their kindness in not practicing the American model of colonization. America had no problem with disenfranchised natives because of the genocidal policies they used as they moved west. Smallpox infected blankets, mass slaughter of the men and forced starvation of the women and children all attributed to a miniscule population of indigenous peoples who no longer had a voice and who were never listened to when they did. All culminating in Chief Joseph’s “I will fight no more forever”. Yeah the Afrikaner was so much more than kind to its native population that they paid the price of living to regret their kindness! Such hypocrisy would have made our ancestors proud. The chickens always come home to roost.

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Oct 2003
Ladies - no suggestions for me? I am surprised.....or maybe you didn't get my e-mail query - Nic, Eileen, Jenn, and Rena?

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Oct 2003
Nicole~I look forward to hearing it..full blast!

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Oct 2003
Comments I get out of the train last evening on my way home from work...and who do I see walking up 8th avenue? Yep, none other than our Steve and let me tell you... he look mauvelous! I mean it, tweed pants, a sweater, looking very autumnal...and fit and handsome. I like that he's in my neighborhood and I can see him.
Rena and Eileen I sent off cd's to you yesterday.
Michael, I'm looking for yr address again...sorry, can you e it to me
and anyone else who wants one.
you know just take out the yada, it's there to keep e-mail harvestors at bay

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 07 Oct 2003
I hear a very gentle sound

Name: Tomas
Date: 07 Oct 2003
good thought.
Forever placed in the moment.
Thanks .

Name: Eileen
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Hi Reegan~Nice to see you back again. Hmm Denver. Can't help you there. Ofcourse Boulder is hopping. There is a two block open market there with all kinds of stuff going on. And a huge range of folks. I don't know if it's busiest on wkends. I was there a few months back when I was traveling (I live in Ft Bragg, Ca) and can't remember what day..but it was a lot going on. I'm sure Denver has a lot to offer tho. Mind me asking your age? Just wondering how much freedom to go places you have. And wonder what your interests are? The internet might be handy for some searching around. You know..a search under Denver, and then what you would like to find. I would guess if you ask at school (I'm assuming youre in school?) you might find some ideas. It takes I guess you know, to find new friends sometimes. One good one, can open a lot of doors. Don't assume you are the only one with a different view of things. Also if you visited one of the universities or colleges you might find notices of interest. Go to where they eat and hang out. Sorry I can't be more help.In the to us. Tell us more what you have on your mind.. and respond to things here if you have any thoughts to add. I'm made some good friends here, and on other sites that have helped me have someone to talk to when I have felt too isolated.How lucky you in the places you have been. I would love to know something of your experiences.
Hi Jim~I have my beer out. Does that count? I think it is very intersting you brought up "reinvent the myths". Although I am 60 yrs old, I find myself currently addressing that, rolling it around in my mind. There have been radical changes in my life situation recently, and just yesterday I was pondering of where I am headed. I do like my life to just happen to me..I need an intention, a picture I am going for. Having been in the heart of the 60's movement (or whatever you what to call it) I know how that "myth" was individual at a time..then coming together, with those of like mind, to expand on it. We became the hero or the heroine of our the story. Ofcourse the media is always looking for a good " feed" and took it from there. We simply USED it for our own means, a good part of the time. But without the media many would not have known what was going on and would have missed it. We are in a very fruitful time that is drawing many people together in various ways. Especially politically. And if there was one factor that was the motivation of the Diggers, it was political..and it pointed directly to how we wanted to live.
For myself, I have come to a time that demands I recreate MY OWN myth. This is not something that can be done from the own vision of what I want to do with my life and my creativity. Who am I now? What do I have to offer, unique to myself? What direction do I want to take my life and my work? What is "my work" and what do I want my life to look like, from the outside? What community do I want to allign myself with? Does it exist? For a long time I have not cared about the "outside", but I now feel called once again to "come out". In doing that I know I will draw or find those of like mind.
I am like a story teller internally, that asks for pictures to go along with the story. "There was an old witch, that lived by herself in the woods. Herbs hung from the rafters for medicine and dyeing. Everything around her was simple and beautiful. Hides, bones and feathers decorated her home. Pots cooked on the stove of many colors to dye cloth and wool. The things she made for herself and others were like nothing they had seen before and many wanted the unusual clothes she made. There was something about them that made them feel good when they put them on." Really the story for me hasn't changed much..but is being revived..reremembered. What is your myth of yourself? What of you..unique to offer? I dressed those of the 60's that was part of the myth..our clothing became part of the story. That was not my intention, but it was what I had to offer.
As each of us delves into our own mythology/vision, for a better way and place to live, we have something to add. I think when enough of us come together with what we have to offer, creates the strenght of a movement yet, if you will, the myth comes after the fact. It all begins at home.

Name: Reegan
Date: 06 Oct 2003
thanx guys - no my parents are moving me around...i dont mind it, tho i wish i could be moving on my in denver, and i would like to get in contact with some other folks like me...if u know of any around here.

Name: Jim
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Where is the wine?
we need something someone new something else to get us through
give us a creed to belive - reinvent the myths
dying on the vine!
getting tired of hanging around
waiting around wi our heads to the ground

Name: Eileen
Date: 06 Oct 2003
NOOO Steve don't go away! Definitely Belgium STONES. It has a great ring to it. And you too, WRITE WRITE WRITE. You are SUPREME. So GLAD to have an address for you. Yes doing nothing is a fine art. It is also too easy to turn that into what feels like WORK with the slightest change of head set. Sweet William was the first I heard talk of Doing Nothing as something to aspire to. It comes under the heading of FUN in my list. That thing we find ourselves doing because we simply find ourselves doing it when we had intended to be doing something else. Makes me think of all the times I went out to dump the compost and found myself hrs later still in the garden cleaning, picking, rearranging and planting and just sitting looking at the beauty of it. And Rena, Coyote had such similar thoughts as Lou in that regard. In fact the more I learn about him the more similarities I find. Great minds think alike.
Steve, thank you for letting us know you are eating. I'm afraid I am still recovering from being on the road and just this wk stopped going for McDonnel's #2 as my breaksfast of choice. I've almost gotten a handle on the donut/sweets addiction, which up to this journey had never been an interest. Road food went from feeling desperate to comfort food.
I understand what you say about the I Ching directives keeping one a float. Certain instructions become a mantra when stepping into the unknown. I have had it only once in 33 yrs to have misinformed me..put it aside for a yr after that one, but recovered. It had told me the decision to go to NM was a bad idea..I just didn't know HOW bad.

Name: Hammond
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Nic, Jenn, Eileen and Rena - Hope you all got my e-mail ? - any suggestions? RSVp - e-mail - Thanks

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Steve, all write, I will write!! You too, it's an awesome way to communicate. Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Nichole I sent you an e-mail.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: doin nothing
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Lou Gottlieb used to call it inaction in action.
He professed that doing nothing is important work: we are the leisure experts, and we are showing others how to enjoy free time. not glued to a t.v., or stuck playing solitaire... Lou said many Americans don't know how to handle free time. So, he called us researchers. Way back when (late 60's) Lou would talk about cybernetics taking over so many jobs. He didn't realize that we would export so many jobs to thrid world countries... anyway, he forsaw a future where leisure would be compulsary. Soon, he proclaimed, a machine will be doing your job better than you could. The challange is what to do, or not do, next. At Morningstar, where we could live free rent (just ask the owner, God, if we could stay... God welcomed us all...) and we shared all resources, there was no need to work. Sometimes it was only rice and soybeans, no tamari, but it didn't matter. we could dance and love all day all night. make music, investigate other religions, build non conventional, non code houses. gardening was a pleasure, not a chore. Dinner was never dependant on whether or not someone had put in his fair share or x hours of work.
just read that Michael Moore is doing a doumentary on 9/11 and the Bush connection to the Saudis. Miramax (Disney) is bankrolling it.
Moore's new book, "Dude Where's My Country?" makes its debut tomorrow (Oct. 7) at a book store near you.

Name: Nik
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Jag, Thank you...they arrived today.

Name: Nik
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Steve, Belgian bricks from Belguim...Did you catch the Red Bull Flugtag on the river yesterday? insanity...for those of you who don't's an event where people push crazy "flying" machines off a 3 story ramp and jump into the river with it...huh? it was cold yesterday and I didn't see any wet suits either...
and Steve that was a beautiful poem.

Name: One More Time...
EmailAddress: naaaahhh....
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Hey all, ..Im' signing off untill early November. In asmuch as my E-Mail blows away unread letters after a week. I most likely wont get the drift. Send hate mail, death threats, kisses and panties to: Steve Boyd 7 East 8th Street, Suite 369, NY, NY 10003. Maybe I will drop in to visit Juanita at the Peace Church tommarrow night. If so, I will jump on line from thier. Until we meet again. Keep faking it. Hey Eric!.. thanks fer' havin' me.

Name: Steve again...
EmailAddress: Very Pleased with myself thank you.
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Christ; Im' really hyped up about doing some original writting again. What I wanna know is: would it be Belgian or Belgium Stones?. Screw it. I figure that I can clean it up grammatically after I polish a final draft. Man, Lou really put the ol' spark in me. Hey Nik, if I had (or did) an alarm clock; coffee would be on me. Today is my day off. Now I know that you may wonder what a man who has shrugged all responsibility and has no cufew or dead line or any place to be or any particular thing to do at any given time would require or even consider a "Day Off". ..well, its like this. I find that Monday is my high energy day, and if you think fucking off in general is a no talent type of venture: think again. Doing nothing takes alot of planning. (other-wise you could very easily get inadvertantly wrapped up in doing something.) Bottom line. Plan on nothing. (It can only turn out as well as you plan it).. Or; as the Zen Cats say: "When there is nothing to do: Do nothing". So I spend my day off planning anti-activities for the rest of the week. If I want to go to extremes, I make a list on THINGS "NOT" TO DO. Hey Sam: as far as the I CHING goes: believe me: I spent many a night asking and getting answers to enough questions to float me through the end of December. Thats where some (most) of my confidence stems from. Basically; all I gotta do is stay white and die. Dont take that as a racial slant; I picked it up from a black cat. Later: All our best. Steve and Clyde. P.S. Ohio Girl: WRITE, WRITE, WRITE.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: CyberCafe on Bleeker Street
Date: 06 Oct 2003
"And a shadow touched a shadow's hand..on Bleeker Street."Mom says Beer is good food. Hey, Clyde's ear ring is missing; (I suspect foul play)..I replaced it with a tiny bell; (as a safety pin would look too punky.) OK Mother witch; No Monkey. Well,... maybe I could get one put on with a magic marker just for the effect. Or maybe a horses ass. Dig; The National Anti-Smoking group is called Smokefree NY. They seem to be locking asses with an NYC based pro-smoking outfit named CLASH. Im' more CLASH oriented; but you know me: (I planned on playing both sides of the fence.) (In as much as I feel that I should smoke; ..but no one else should)..Ha, Ha. But really; here's a coincidence; over a year ago a gal walked up to me at the Peace Church and said that she "Liked My Look" and gave me her card and set me up for a screening. They photoed me etc. and wanted to hook me up with an agency after getting the low down on my involvement in films during the early 70's. Dont get me wrong; the Calvine Cline underwear commercials were definately out; but they were still into the Heroin-bathroom floor type clothing ads and wanted to extend that to an older market group. You know: "Fucked up people who wanna look good" get the picture. Anyway; They were pushing the sleezy under-belly fashion world of NYC. Cut to the chase: No Dice. I did however suggest that I would be open to promote the American Cancer Institute etc. That didnt wash either. They were too hung up. Anyway,..back on track; (remember the old timers who all had a monkey tattooed on thier backs?) or the seventh Elf "Dopey" holding an eye dropper syringe near the main line?... Hey Hammond: heres my original opening for Belgium Stones: (Words by Steve Boyd / Inspiration by Lou Reed) "Wrapped in wool against the chill, feeling drawn and pulled against my will, I roll and glide to navigate the patchwork black top tide... the curb shorn cobbled stream. The frost heaved granite blocks. Form waves beneeth my feet, I sail upon the bounding mane. The river they call Jane Street". .... Dig: I may tag parts of it into the first draft. Oh, ladies, and and other's. I didnt mean to alarm you all about my diet. I bought 1/2 of a baked chicken yesterday and spent about six hrs. eating it (with crackers). I still have 1/4 left. I may stick to sardines.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Michael Moore - recent UK interview -
cut paste the url below = my effort not to change the page format!,13947,1055591,00.html

Date: 06 Oct 2003
"Take'in the E Train baby" - what a gal

Name: Nik
EmailAddress: oops!
Date: 06 Oct 2003
that would be 8th avenue

Name: Nicole
Date: 06 Oct 2003
Hey Steve, I'm gonna look for you in my neighborhood then...I see the very tall thin gentleman-woman you mentioned every morning when I walk to the train...I leave my bldg about 7:15 and usually stop at the cafe next to Tavern on know the one with the flower boxes at Jane and 8th street...look for me if you up and out...I take the E train from west 14th st. I'm looking for you.
Thanks for the bd wishes everyone..
Rena e-mail me you postal address okay just leave out the yada

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: California midwife
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Just heard from Eileen who was shocked to learn that Nan the midwife got busted in CALIFORNIA.
The mayor of Sebastopol declared a "Nan Koehler Day" while Nan was being raked over the coals, and the proclamation said something about offering women the right to choose where and how they give birth.
Nan's the best! send her your love!

Name: rena
EmailAddress: midwife news
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Aloha Eileen,
I haven't heard of any protests. Nan got the wrong lawyer. She had a chance to get a top notch high powewr lawyer but instead chose a woman who lived in her area; the woman lawyer sympathised with Nan but did little else. She said had she been forced to do jal time in jail she would have appealed. now she's just trying to get this behind her. we begged her to get the best lawyer as we sent our donations, but she assumed she's get top legal aid from the local lady. it was a bad choice. now we are trying to keep her from beating herself up over this choice.
I'm sending Nan a subscription to MS magazine and a pile of old issues of Ms. i just scored from the library. and, other reading materials, and am calling her regularily. there's not much anyone can do. Nan shaved her head at the beginning of her house arrest time, figuring if she's going to live like a nun she might as well look like one. I know it also signifies shaving off the hair that endured the years of agnony as she awaited trial and and sentencing. Prayers are always good. also, I'll send you her home address in case you have anthing you'd like to send her.
the only way i can currently read guest book is to copy and paste.
love to all

Name: The 3rd Page/Grotto Conflux
Date: 05 Oct 2003

Name: Jag
Date: 05 Oct 2003
I am truly glad you enjoy the tunes Eileen.

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Jag~You've served me a whole banquet!! I haven't had a system that could handle the highs and lows and am listening for the first time all the way thru. In fact I still haven't heard any them and I am just a cronic case of goose bumps, now rolling in this music on good speakers. Oh I so love Over the Rainbow, by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. The first time I heard it I burst in tears. Equally I really felt a loss to find when I was on the Big Island he had died! There in a little corner grocery store (I think it was north of Hilo)was a gold record and found it was his! Family.
Rena..I am sorry this midwife is being treated this way!! What a truely strange time we live in. Is there any kind of organized reaction and support for what is going on?

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Jag~Figuring out my new freedom quickly. My new sound system from Ariel for my birthday can now blast the 3 Tenors rightiously with no complaints!! OOH and here comes the Staple Singers. I am one happy camper! Thanks again.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 05 Oct 2003
More Suits Persuits!!!
"Booth Suits"
"Reflecting Pool of Suits"
"Debatable Suits"

Name: rena
EmailAddress: welocme home steve!
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Thanks for enlivening these pages. Please stay connected. we really miss you when you're on the tomb.
i don't own a t.v. but i did see an ad at a relative's house. a women talked about how addicted she was to smoking tobacco, and the consequences had been throat cancer. Then the ad shows her dragging on a cigarette through her throat hole. Same as yours, Steve, so, the ad has already been done, years ago, and it was VERY effective.
Heard the First Annual Lou Gottlieb Memorial Tribal Gathering at Morningstar yesterday was a success. folks gathered, played music, grokked, and feasted, remembering old times and creating new ones. i hear Morningstar is delightful to behold. Paul and Michelle, her caretakers, are doing an incredible job of loving the land and nurturing it as the land nurtures them. I heard Bill Wheeler also came through on his way to Bolinas.
i cringe at the thought of the gropper becoming gov. gropinator. has some incredible news reports and editorials, including the really important one that arnold would dismantle the lawsuit set to bring about a $9 Billion lawsuit against Ken Lay, Enron, and his buddies:
The state of California is in the hole by $8 billion for the coming year. That's chump change next to the $8 TRILLION in deficits and surplus losses planned and incurred by George Bush. Nevertheless, the $8 billion deficit is the hanging rope California's right wing is using to lynch Governor Davis.
Here's the real story Arnold doesn't want you to hear. The biggest single threat to Ken Lay and the electricity lords is a private lawsuit filed last year under California's unique Civil Code provision 17200, the "Unfair Business Practices Act." This litigation, heading to trial now in Los Angeles, would make the power companies return the $9 billion they filched from California electricity and gas customers.
Cruz Bustamante is the plaintiff in this suit.
Follow the action. One month after Cruz brings suit, Enron's Lay calls an emergency secret meeting in L.A. of his political buck-buddies, including Arnold. Their plan, to undercut Davis (according to Enron memos) and "solve" the energy crisis -- that is, make the Bustamante legal threat go away.
While Bustamante's kicking Enron butt in court, the Davis Administration is simultaneously demanding that George Bush's energy regulators order the $9 billion refund. Don't hold your breath: Bush's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is headed by a guy proposed by … Ken Lay.
The evidence against the electricity barons is rock solid: fraudulent reporting of sales transactions, megawatt "laundering," fake power delivery scheduling and straight out conspiracy (including meetings in hotel rooms).
So the Bush commissioners cook up a terrific scheme: charge the companies with conspiracy but offer them, behind closed doors, deals in which they have to pay only two cents on each dollar they filched.
Problem: the slap-on-the-wrist refunds won't sail if the Governor of California won't play along. Solution: Re-call the Governor.
read the entire artilce ata:
The pay-off? Once Arnold is Governor, he blesses the sweetheart settlements with the power companies. When that happens, Bustamante's court cases are probably lost. There aren't many judges who will let a case go to trial to protect a state if that a governor has already allowed the matter to be "settled" by a regulatory agency.

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: midwife blues
Date: 05 Oct 2003
I just spoke with Nan, our midwife in chains. She is under house arrest and wearing the ankle bracelet so she can be monitored. She spoke with her probation officer to get a handle on all her rules. He told her she's not allowed to have any fun. that's in response to her asking what she's allowed to do. Her crime: practicing midwifery without a license.
She could get out of the ankle bracelet in 4 months (end of January) if she obeys all the rules.
otherwise she's looking at May 20, with a follow up either way of plenty of probation and is prohibited from talking about BIRTH. yes, prohibited from TALKING about Birth. aside from being a farmer, she is also a yoga teacher. if pregnant women attend her yoga class she is prohibited from talking about you know what. this is really bizarre. i understand that she is prohibited from attending any births, but TALKING about birth??!!!

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Oh Yes! The Belgium Stones was so wonderful. Write on.
The sun came out today. There IS a god! I ordered a sun therapy box yesterday before I slit my throat after over 2+ wks of fog. With that said..Steve how do you manage without your I Ching? I finally have a house all to my own and I walked around today going good grief, now what do I DO? Do you realize how much thought and energy we blend living with another? I'm slowly remembering how many years I have wished for this moment to do ANYTHING I wanted and what it might be like. I have not lived alone since I left home! Humm. Ok I can do this.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 05 Oct 2003
"Judy in Disguise"
by Stew Albert

Name: Jag
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Steve, The Belgium Stones is a great piece. Reads like a tome on antiquity. Welcome back.

Name: Hammond
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Ah..... er...... "cocumentaries" are something else all together.

Name: Hammond
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Steve - welcome home bro - and thanks for the e-mail - and yes, I am smiling.
So last evening was interesing indeed meeting Robert Meeropol - son of Julius and Ethel Roseberg - 60 or more people in Stew and Judy's living room following a great pot-luck. Aside from his book he is the Director of The Rosenberg Fund for Children -(children of resistance - children of resistors) = (check it out)
The week of the Executions Robert celebrated his 6th Birthday (June 15, 1953) and being a regular sort of kid he was playing Monopoly with his 10 yr. old brother - the children of communists with a sense that something dangerous was happening with their parents - visiting them in Sing Sing the day before Julius and Ethel's 14 wedding aniversary - and their execution on June 18th at sundown - not to break the Sabbath. Playing Monopoly again at home with the TV on - news came on to announce their parents had died ("had been murdered") and the 11th hour of their young lives had just begun.
Interesting also that the cocumentary film "The Weather Underground" primiered here in town (by Sam Green and Bill Siegel) and the filmmakers came for Robert's reading. Also - if you look real close in this film - about half-way through - the v/o makes ref: to "The hippy chick with the painted face" - this is Judy Albert in disguise......

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Ah Steve, I think I'm in love! So great to hear from you. No I destinctly DO NOT..I repeat, do not like your tattoo/smoke hole idea! Yes, as an idea it's funny. Not only will it look gross..that's going to hurt's going to hurt. I ain't playing here. Give it a rest. Huum let's see here what's wrong with this picture..your smoking and doing an add for cancer? Don't mean to pick. Just some silly thought I had. But I'm currently smoking again, so I guess my vote doesn't count.
Miranda has a best friend in his 40's, tall, could be nice looking guy, that has had so many surgeries on his brain he jess don't look rite. He's chatted it up with death quite a few times now. I find it interesting he has been doing for at least 3 yrs, what you are currently doing on the street. I mean it's the same head set. He's got a monthly check he blows through in a short time with generosity, feasts, occasional motel, pot and more pot. The pot shuffle, being the anchor factor here, and not so hard to hussle around here. Fast food prefered over home cooked, and keeps several storage lockers that have become expensive closets, then scuffles through for the rest of the month. Rarely bathes or changes clothes and sleeps in his car, which I'm very sure is beyond gross. So I give him my bus after another close death howdy..bleeding brain and all..we really thought we lost he can get out of his car. The sucker uses it like his garbage can/limo and STILL sleeps in his car. Beats the hell out of me. So Miranda has started insisting he sleep (in seperate covers thank god) next to her so he isn't in his car. She's afraid he's going to die in there alone. He's smart..and social, in his own tweeked way, and funny. He can name almost everyone on the street or wherever he haunts and tell you about them. I roll you two around in my brain. Is this by any chance having an over familiarity with death, and being physically challenged (different), this dance with the street? PS alcohol is not a food group.

Name: Earthquake McBoyd
EmailAddress: Jane Street
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Hey, last week I ran into the Heathen Philosopher "Mr. Jimmy" (another Washington Square Peace Church Sexton who fell from Grace).... I clued him into the fact that his starring roll in the film short: "Great Balls Of Fire" has won Best Of Show Awards across the board both nationally and Internationally at some very heavy film festivals. Dig: I must be dislexic in a twisted sort of way: I called the Riverview the Riverside,..and the list goes on and on... I re-read my stuff and cant believe how many words and place names that I actually alter in my mind. Hey; no news from Miz Nancy yet. I take that as a good sign. And what of Rena and Silent Steve you timid denizens of the barnyard ask??..." The last we saw of them was when they kissed, then beautifully naked walked into a sea of bright blue water - leaving their bodies like old clothes upon the shore". (wish I had wrote that)...(and done that; for that matter)...

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: fed up with foul behavior
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Eric .. could you fix the formatting (AGAIN !) please ??
And then bar the gate against MUGU & these other bone-in-the-nose savages
who keep fockin things up here ?

Name: guyman
Date: 05 Oct 2003

Name: Steve The Bard
EmailAddress: Riverview Hotel, Zoo York City
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Aqua-Pat; Well, the man looks as if he just returned from the Olema Ranch Fat Farm. He's gotta' get some girth back. He's got the Ol' Coyote long and tall thing down pat, but it just dont fit. Speaking of lanky, I'm on a diet of China Gunpowder Tea and Rum. (I know it's just distilled sugar, but October is here)...I supplement by grabbing folks discarded lunches. I swoop in like a seagull on Clyde and beat the other bums by a mile. Top of the can: no digging. Best food in the world. I feel like a King whose test tasters havent detected poison. I top it off with a pipe load of whisky soaked tobacco. As far as my rugged Individualizm goes: I must admit that I did hit McAuley's Rescue Mission and got fourteen straight nights before getting bumped to the lottery system, and then lucked out on a full weekend. I only camped out for a couple of weeks actually... but during my Public Park Jamboree Ive' learned more and more that no good deed ever goes unpunished. Therefore; these days, I dont push the envelope in the good deed dept. Rather; I simply attract good deeds by my unselfeshness. Try it at home on the kids. Heres my guide lines for the remainder of 2003. Im' structuring my day to day routine in a very unstructured environment. Balance is my man here. Here on the web site I once put down some of Coyote's advice to a third party about daily routine such as Coffee, and shaving etc. just to make it one more day. I take back my Insensitivity. I should listen more. As far as routine goes; I must admit that spending like a drunken sailor for one week out of four may seem extreme; but I figure that I sleep one 3rd of my life; so why not really live one third of it. ( It goes without saying that I fake the other one 3rd). ( dont do the math)...Which brings me to this point: arent we all faking it???... Myself; Im' torn between instant Ego gratification and long-term security... so; In my mind (scary thought) I'm cashing in on both, with a heapin' helpin' of self depravation thrown in as a humbling factor. (Kind of a wild card)... In any event, my goal is to die broke. I just hope that Im' not setting the bar to high. Ive' reached a milestone and no longer fear loneliness or Isolation. I bought myself a pinky engagement ring and plan on getting married to myself as soon as I can afford it. I plan to double as the best man. Hey, Eileen; whatta' ya think about me blowing smoke out of the monkey's ass? I plan on story boarding the commercial and suggest Aloha on the steel guitar as the theme song. They call for a NYC cancer vitims to "Speak Out" but, well.. you know where thats at. I doubt very much if they will buy the Smoking is for Ass holes Idea, but it could be revised. Losing one sence out of five (or six, in my case) seems to have fine tuned the remainders and although Im' holding off on my planned artistic ventures until early 2004; I still seem compelled to write. So here goes: (the first draft:) BELGIUM STONES - Wrapped in wool against falls chill, I ride and bounce patch-work black top hills of sewer covers, Iron grates, dried leaves windsrewn till, I hit the end of Jane Street. Rolling, weaving, I navigate the curb shorn cobbled stream, jutting frost heaves toward the Hudson and the Jersey shore harbor at the Riverview, they count the winters gone, the sun, the ice the snowy storms... the weather beaten belgium stones of Jane Street. Hand cut in a distant land, chisled by forgotten hands, ship's ballast in the age of sail---granit monuments should tell the tale,... yet mute, they keep their secrets well. The Belgium Stones of Jane Street.

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Patman..that's sort of like earthquake predicting.

Name: patmandu
EmailAddress: close but no cigar
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Steve, I was only one day off on betting on your return to these sacred tabs. I believe I predicted the 3rd of October for you long awaited return, I also predicted you may have been in inpatient detox, but I must have been channeling Courtney or Rush vibes, (How in the fuck did they penetrate my shield !!?) You make me proud to be everything I've been and am.
What was your read on Wes Clark? Peace, Patman the aquarian avenger

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 05 Oct 2003
Good morning New York! Hi Steve!!

Date: 05 Oct 2003
Welcome home Steve!!!

Date: 04 Oct 2003
here's some more Hippie stuff to read:
See Poety by Stew Alpert
Newsletter Archive and Recipe Index by Joe Dolce
and Leaky Faucet Cuisine by Hammond Guthrie (CounterPunched)
in the section "Other Hippie Writers"

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Sigh of relief and a yipee of joy to hear from you Steve. It definitely ain't be the same without you! Don't be gone so long! That was no fun hardly at all.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: The Round House
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Mark... Naaahhh... I gotta butt the courners again and again. A hard life makes a fine man. But I wouldn't hesitate to ask if I somehow went insane. Believe me. Good Night folks.

Name: Steve Again
EmailAddress: No Pearl Harbor...but close...
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Hey, I thought that I was being fucked over in a Chineese Cyber sceme...but the thing went through. The attack is now called off. Oh,.. make that "Lost In Translation"... great film. I gotta be running..(actually, I dont have to be anywher, anytime for any reason)... but, ..I dont know,.. I just said it out of conditioning. (which is what Im' trying to do) "Uncondition myself). Hey, Ive' once again proven that total freedom leads to financial ruination... but heres the flip-side, Dig: I may be up for a nationally advertised Television Commercial. It involves a group thats filming here in NYC. The Idea is to scare the fuck out of kids who smoke. Anyway, for the gig, I plan on getting a monkey tattooed around the hole in my throat (bending over with his tail raised) with the word "ALOHA". The gist will be: "Only Ass Holes Smoke" (Truth is: Iv'e taken up smoking a pipe as part of my new image...but they dont gotta know that).. Oh. I bumped into several Anarchist at the Berrigan send off tonight. Hmm... one more thing..I gave up my Communist inspirations for more earthy Economist ones. (It gets ya' farther)....alot farther... ah.. (make that FURTHER). Later all. P.S. I missed the Dali Lahma...( or did he miss me??)......

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Oct 2003
You old dog, it is good to hear from you. If you get into a bad corner let me know.

Name: Steve
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Tried twice to get through. Im' declaring war on Japan.

Name: Steve
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Tried to get through but these Oriental Cyber Cafes fuck it all up in order to bleed more yen from ya. Later. S.S.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Boyd's Tomb
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Hey I just shook hands with Ramsey Clark, I finally hooked up w/ the Ol' Boy. I walked into Judson Memorial to make the R.I.P. thing for the passing of Philip Berrigan. The speakers were Dan Berrigan, Liz McAlister and my all time favorit champion Amy Goodman. Hey Nik, you live in a very cool part of the Earth. As I told the insiders, Ive' been Camping out on City Property (Near Grant's Tomb) but Live very Large at the Riverside (three courners north of your' digs) for the first week of the month. (Its a cross between The Fella and the Chelse; (kind of a coast to coast ghost)Jesus Christ, it's very expensive to be poor in America. I dont see how these bums do it. Wow, the West Village is another dimension. I was welcomed to the hood by a gal who had counterfit hips and an Adam's Apple. (She said "Hello Bicycle Man")...Hey, I pierced Clyde's left handlebar grip and gave em' a large silver hoop ear ring. Dig, my first day at the Hotel I was pondering a poem titled The Belgiun Stones of Jane Street..(the coble stones were originally brought from their as ship ballast. Anyway, I was up in the air about writting durring this transitionary period when I crossed over to the bike path and Lou Reed pulled up on his scooter. To make a long story short, we did the 12th Street double shake and I was inspired. The cat is solid sincerity. Pure stone. And dig this: I go to the film "Lost In Transition" (terrific) Bobby Short is sittin' behind me. (not so solid,..or sincer).. anyway,...I just got my stomach tattooed. (dont you kids try that at home.).. ah.. lemmee see... whats new..ah,..Oh, I was questioned by the Police about a "Floater" in the Hudson River. A Cuban fisherman swore that it was a black man. I said that it looked like a piece of Samsonite Luggage. Hey,.. I call em' like I see em'. Hmm.. what else,.. Oh ya, Nik; there is now a dead line for picking up yer' bed. Ya' gott grab it by Sun. Oct. 13th. They plan on renting both floors out and may keep limping along as a church of sorts. If ya dont grab it, its history. Lets see... I havent checked out what Ive missed...will do it now. Later all.

Name: Whispers in the apse
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Phentermines can not be trusted (pass it on)

Name: Bontril
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Hi And Thanks
(yes, I know my name is the same as a certain diet pill, but I was named before they were!)

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 04 Oct 2003
mugu by another name (bugadee) is still MUGU! Cast yourself at the first stone and begone hence you wander in the wrong desert

Name: buggadee
Date: 04 Oct 2003
[spam deletion]

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Hi all - I will send a follow-up note after tonight's reading/book signing at Stew and Judy Albert's place tonight. The guest of honor is Robert Meeropol - son of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - and author of the recent memoir "An Execution in the Family" -
Here's what Michael Moore has to say about the book:
"...a powerful tale of [Meeropol's] lifelong struggle to overcome the fear brought on by our government's legal murder of his parents and to transform it... into a force to build a better world for children. Inspirational, moving... engaging... should be required reading."
and this from Publisher's Weekly:
"Bravery is rare. Tyranny is commonplace. Both define the life of Robert Meeropol, son of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg."
Should be an interesting evening at the Albert's......tata

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Oct 2003
CounterPunched - Weekend Edition
"Leaky Faucet Cuisine"
+ Stew Albert's "Rush to Justice"

Date: 04 Oct 2003

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Mugu aka: Sazza - may you wander in the desert for 40 years in search of Moses and the Ark of the Phenterminers.

Name: witch doctor
EmailAddress: fuming
Date: 04 Oct 2003
mugu -- last straw time, weasel boy. a big bad hoodoo's on its way (leprosy to be specific.) don't say I didn't warn ya.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Oct 2003
Mugu..who let you out?

Name: Mugu
Date: 04 Oct 2003

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Oct 2003
heheheh good one bluefin. Here's another 40 from the Bible..what's his name and the Ark. Noah. Ahh that's too many 40' I know they're making it up. I'm so Sr moment any more. Hey get used to it!
Reegan~You must be in shell shock with cultural and climatic shifts!! Where in Colo are you? What town? Colorado can be quite different from place to place. Are your parents moving you around or are you doing it on your own?

Name: bluefin
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Happy Birthday, Nicole!! I believe Moses wandered for 40 yrs. cause he refused to ask for directions.

Date: 03 Oct 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Hi Reegan - welcome home
"Don't Regret the Future" - create it
Love to all

Name: Nik
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Wow, Reegan, that's sound like it must have been an adventurous move...and Colorado is so beautiful...we do have some of us living least someone who might e-mail you about the area...I'll post around for you.
Have a good weekend all...I'm grabbing my saddle bags and gettin ready to ride...into that beautiful sunset...vaya con dios, adios y hasta luego...yr pal, Nicolita.
ps. mucha suerta y buenos suenos

Name: Reegan
Date: 03 Oct 2003
i just finished moving from peru, south america, to colorado in the us of a, where i live now.

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Reegan, glad you found your way here...keep coming to us...listen in and join in...what part of the world are you in?

Name: reegan
Date: 03 Oct 2003
i need some help and i think ive come to the right place. im so upset with this community, this system. all i really want to do is live a beautiful and full life, but theres so much pressure to do other things with my time from everyone, things that seem so redundant and pointless. i want peace for this world, an end to war, freedom. for now i find it in little things, the waves in the hair of the sea, the falling leaves, but i wish that other people could have it too. does anyone else feel like me??
tomas- i posted on the discussion as endlessummer

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Ohio Girl - I would love to have a (signed?) copy!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 03 Oct 2003
The November issue will be on sale in about 2 weeks. "True Story" is most often found in drugstores, but I would be happy to mail a copy of "Long Distance Love" (to anyone I should say). Yes this is going to be a wonderful Fall, spectacularly colored leaves will be the compensation for having it frost so early this year. Peace

Name: Nik
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Ohio girl, ooh yes, please. I want to read it ...can I go to my local new stand and buy it? I will, I will. Can't wait! Oh, at work, I must.
We got a sm frost here upstate too...sumac already on fire...Maples just a slight buttering of yellow...and the smells...m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m

Name: Nik
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Thanks to you too Jag...I'm looking forward.

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Live from Spokane
WA , What a long strange... I hope to get back to Portland by Sunday I am definately logging some miles and the hinterland is alive and well. Nichole I mailed your CD's on Wed. I hope they find you by your birthday and if not happy B-Day any way (I included a new compilation for the occasion) Later All

Name: ~*
EmailAddress: Hip Muse
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Been offline for awhile... here's a couple of updates:
added the Family Dog / Allen Cohen link to "Happenings" and also... "Express Thyself".... more to come on Allen!
Added's emergency announcement about Arnold Schwarzenegger's Abuse of Women to "Political"
Love you guys.....

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Laurel, thank you for the lovely e-mail...
Eileen, you are truly a magnanomous woman. That's my favorite word...Websters gives it this definition: High souled, noble of mind and spirit...(and most important to me Sam) generous in forgiveness. that you have done that is the best present anyone could give me...I know you know what I'm speaking of. Thank you.
Jenn...goes with out saying...but I'll say it anyway, Thank you
Digger family...and all, thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you.

Name: patrique
Date: 03 Oct 2003
I,m back to home base. Happy, Happy to all you libra born.Beautiful sunny cool day here in hashville,nc. Looks like I may need to take a trip down to palm beach, I hear there is a still suffering addict down there that may nee4d my services. Guess it don't pay to be so smug, eh. peace, Patman

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: we CAN drive 55
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Happy Birthday Nicole, have a good Saturday on your birthday! (I turn 55 this coming Spring, we CAN drive 55!!)
Just saw my "V-Mail" story in print (November "True Story"), that's always a thrill. They called it "Long Distance Love (World War II Romance)." Hammond and Jag, for whatever reason they didn't change everyone's name as usual, the narrator is still Daisy and the airplane is still the Upsy-Daisy. That's the first thing I looked to see in the story, what they would call the airplane! If interested in a copy of the printed story let me know, I always have to make a bunch of copies for various family, friends, co-workers etc. which now includes the hep C doctor's staff. They did the usual edits some of which make me cringe as they slightly affect the continuity or grammar but oh well probably everyone who writes, reacts to edits like that. Don't know when they'll next publish a story of mine, the regular editor is on maternity leave and I've not felt good enough to mail them as much work as usual. But I'm finishing up a story right now....... My story "Love Harvest" in the October issue was about a farmer's market, modeled on our local farmer's market and this is interesting, the salesperson at a drugstore in town here that carries "True Story" told me that an Amish man came in and bought a copy! They are usually into the opposite of anything like a worldly magazine.
It's freezing (literally) in Ohio this morning, kind of early in the year for frost but this will make for spectacular Fall colors on the trees. Peace

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Oct 2003
I TOLD you there are a lot of Libras in this old crew. So it would stand to reason they are all rolling in. It'll be over soon. See, Libras get along generally..I didn't say always or forever. But they recognize one they can talk to each other easily right off. Nicole, am I right?

Name: Mark
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Happy Birthday Nic, funny how these birthdays are so close. Saw PB and Judy today and things are jumping around Planet Drum, they never let up.

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Oct 2003
Jenn~Was thinking of you. THERE is a silent man that watches us..was wondering if you were getting the smoke from those fires south, I mentioned to him in an email. (Hi Micheal) Well. Are you? Knowing the valleys and the way the air moves, somehow I can't imagine you are. We are beginning to get smoke from both S Humboldt and a fire south of us..but haven't reached max here in that regard. I hear it's serious in S Humboldt and they've closed the schools.
It's so great to read your words to Nicole. The love between you two has been obvious from the get. I know that playfulness sillyness and generous love in her and can easily imagine her being a great big much as the great mom I saw her be to Jeremiah and Ariel. Truely a big heart.
I have a much younger sister that stayed home when I left Louisiana. I would send her music and news of the outer world that never reached the was the most I could do, and in time it got her out of there (which had been my hope). As an adult she is the only one of my siblings I am still really close to. There is nothing that can take the place of growing up time shared. The knowledge of that time can add a depth to a relationship that no other person can ever truely address or know. She now can help me at times when no one else can begin to understand our frame of reference. There's nothing that can take the place of a good sister!

Name: Jenn
Date: 02 Oct 2003
Thank ye bro....was a pleasant time! e- you very soon.. purple smiling!
when we were little, you were so adorable. You still have that same glint of a female tribal sister. Many are the days I am grateful to have seen your face when we were children. You above all glistened with the rememberance that helped me hold on to life even then, as I felt dispair that we are (en masse) not a humanE species. You were a kind and gentle sister who was so funny and so surprising. You never hurt me once...never once, and you sang like the mother to me. You taught me about the Earth and how to grow food with the plant spirits. You made faces with me and we laughed until we peed our pants. You were a lifeline to a smaller sibling, a rarity in my travels of life even in the "finest" of homes. You are a goddess and I hope they have a goddess party for you dearie. But seriously,ha! Gratefully I look at the splendor of life that surrounds me daily on Paradise Earth, you are in my heart all ways. Happy Nicole's Birthday to us all. Hey, 55 is a speed limit........I think Moses was checkin' out the digs for his hood for 40 years.

Date: 02 Oct 2003
please off you workers of wayo peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Name: Eileen
Date: 02 Oct 2003
Carla! Hey girl, I've been wondering about you two. Back in NM! God, wonders never cease. I didn't think they were just going to let you disappear so easily. It has occured to me there must be something there for you if you can stick it out..since I'm guessing you don't have a choice. Sometimes life works that way when we have had our choices cut down to no choice. I'm sitting fat compared to when we were together. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm REALLY doing but at least I don't feel like I'm being chased by the hounds and it's just an internal dialoge I struggle with. Mirnada's moving into town on her own tomorrow! This trip really showed her how strong and together she really is.
You can email me

Name: Nicole
Date: 02 Oct 2003
Yep , SURPRISE!!!!! An absolutely scrumptious cake from the Amish Market...this is shaping up to be a very nice year. Off home now, ciao

Name: carla and neil
Date: 02 Oct 2003
Hi Eileen and Miranda,
My computer is fixing to shutdown so this is quick. WE MISS YA'LL. We are back in New Mexico, long story, of course. Anyway since you don't have a phone yet that I know of, nor do I at this moment here is my mailing address please write. P.O. Box 154, Cerro , NM 87519. Hope you are filling better Eileen. Take care and love you both. I will write later, maybe tomorrow.

Name: carla and neil (
Date: 02 Oct 2003

Name: Nik,
Date: 02 Oct 2003
thank you Eileen, I could deal with a "nothing after 6 pm until 6 am" sort of fast...just small sacrifices these days. I think my journey starting out at 15 in the end gave me strength...and the ability to roll with it. I've no regrets about any of it...and I think my office is in the middle of trying to give me a surprise party so I have to act shocked...I know cause I'm usually in charge of that activity for funny!

Name: Nik
Date: 02 Oct 2003
ha!ha!ha! ha! ha! I'm rolling!!!!!!!!

Name: Eileen
Date: 02 Oct 2003
Nicole~In the writing of the Essenes there is a fast for 40 days, that is pretty hard core as one would expect. Your question of the meaning of 40 yrs reminded me of that. Obviously it must have meaning. I known in Buddhism 3 and other uneven numbers are considered for some reason "better". I am sure in those days numbers were not just arbitrary and hold great significance. Beyond that..sorry can't help. Leaving home at 15? Wow, that's such an intense age, it is hard to imagine you heading out on your own then. Life seemed so endlessly long then. Lifetimes now, to look back how far you've come. Amazing isn't it? Sounds to me like you've found a good path and wish you well and your best dreams come true as you blaze into your coming year.

Name: Nik
Date: 02 Oct 2003
ha!ha!ha! ha! ha! I'm rolling!!!!!!!!11

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 02 Oct 2003
Moses went to the desert in search of a new homeland for The Phenterminers.

Name: Nik
Date: 02 Oct 2003
PLEASE do not read the last sentence in my last post with the inflection of an instructor...(it kinda looked like that when I reread it...)I was actually asking cause I have no clue...I just know he was supposed to have done that...

Name: Nik
Date: 02 Oct 2003
it's the 4th , but thank you Wren. I realized the other day that I was 15 when I left home and will be 55 on Saturday...that's 40 years I've been out in my desert. Can any one tell me the significance of Moses 40 yrs in the desert?

Name: Hammond
Date: 02 Oct 2003
Jenn - Welcome back from vacation - hope you and yours had a great time and that all was well tended while you were away. Think I sent you an e-mail just after you left with some info on this and that but I have forgotten what it was now.... space out.......RSVP ala e-mail when you have a moment.... tx
Yippie - time to celebrate Nicole's birthday again.....
--- Sing us another song forever ---

Name: Jenn
Date: 02 Oct 2003
Nicole's birthday is the 4th.....this Saturday. Same to ya bad.

Name: Jenn
Date: 02 Oct 2003
Hey everyone, Nicole's Birthday is October 6th.......Happy Birthday, happy birthday, we love you, happy birthday, and may all your dreams come true, when you blow out the candles, one light stays aglow, it's the love light in your eyes, where 'ere you go? I love ya sis.

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Oct 2003
Nic - yeah I tried the - again with no reply. (mute) Silence is golden?

Name: Nik
Date: 01 Oct 2003
Just got off the phone with West 4th street church...they said he left late August and was going out of he said, and that he gave her his personal e-mail and they have not "heard" from him since he left...I guess it's his hotmail e-dress. Any way she took a message to give to him should he show get in touch with us...She seemed to think he had planned a retreat type trip and she felt he was okay...I will assume the positive as well.

Name: Mark
Date: 01 Oct 2003
Eileen, I sent you his address just now.

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Oct 2003
Eileen - Mark has it I think
Nic and all - I wrote to Steve recently - and he usually writes back - but thus far silence is his name.... We all are wondering -

Name: Eileen
Date: 01 Oct 2003
Anyone got a direct email to Peter Berg? Please e it to me.

Name: Nicole
Date: 01 Oct 2003
You're a good man patman.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: stevelotto
Date: 01 Oct 2003
I'm on my way to Georgia to guide some still suffering addicts and to learn from them. My bet is that Steve will contact us by Friday the3rd of October. Hopefully he is nowhere near DC. It looks like the shit is starting to squeeze at a higher pressure and I would'nt want admiral boyd affected by any of that. Love and Peace to all. Patman

Name: Nicole
Date: 01 Oct 2003
I stopped by the peace church to see what's up with Steve, but no one was there who knew him...and I had to leave...but
Washington Square United Methodist Church
135 West 4th Street
NY, NY 10012
tel: 212-777-2528
fax: 212-688-5488
I called and left a message on the machine this maybe I'll hear the mean time I think everyone should e-mail him there or a message about him...or call, so that he eventually hears us...they may have a forwarding and if he is in any kind of distress, he'll know we're here.
ps. Happy Birthday Peter Berg!!!
Ohio Girl, we're chilly here too...reeaally hard to get out from under the kivers this mornin'

Name: Richard Sizemore
Date: 01 Oct 2003
I have compiled quite a few pictures and built a webpage mainly dealing with Davy, Asco, Twin Branch, and Mohegan. The address is

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 01 Oct 2003
Hello from chilly but sunny Ohio, I must say when my two boys were teenagers they were atrocious. Maybe only a little less so than their Mom had been!! but even my long-suffering Mom felt bad about some of the payback I got. Those were hellish years and they are such beautiful people today, who knew any of the long strange parent trip in advance! Who knew the wonder of them as babies or the wonder of a baby grandchild. peace

Name: Mark
Date: 01 Oct 2003
Steve, we're all waitin' on ya here bud.

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.