These are the Guestbook Entries from 2003. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from September, 2003. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2003.

Name: ???
EmailAddress: where's steve???
Date: 30 Sep 2003
Nic, i'm sure you got no news from 4th street.
i know how he loves dialoguing with us here. i'm hoping he's grooving somewhere.
Steve, your silence is deafening. We miss you and your light.
with aloha, R N A

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 30 Sep 2003
The [ Fall Back ] issue of The 3rd Page Vol. 2 is now online!
New material appears first in nearly all sections...

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Sep 2003
BTW The site Gilda gave me? IT WORKS!!!!!! I feel like I have a new computer. I was getting so many popups I could hardly type or stay with where I would occasionally have my home page taken over. I was ready to throw my computer out the window. This is such a relief. THANKS

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Sep 2003
Hi Nicole~Ahh you are so good at passing us pictures. I'm looking forward to voyeuristically enjoying the coming seasons with you..saves on the gas.
Got your email. Thanks for the number. I will have to rearrange my psychic a bit and give him a call..soon. It's that leap over history and space thing.

Name: nik
Date: 30 Sep 2003
i meant...most OF them...

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Sep 2003
Eileen, Yep that's what I did...I'll call him at home today and I'll e you his home number.
I'm so glad I had a friends and my sisters who suffer daughters, well most have them have worked things out by now but the holy hell of teenage girls...
and Tomas, you are blessed...with yr girls, not with the politics of your neighborhood.
Mark...yeah, btw your piece, WOUND, is beautiful...
Everyone, I was upstate over the weekend and Autumn has arrived...leaves turning, air smells of woodsmoke and apples, plumes of mist rising off the creeks, the sky like opal and the air crisp. I love it.

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Sep 2003
Nicole~BTW I never got your email. You must be using my old msn address. I'm back to
But I did call the hospital and Bill had already been let loose. Any more word on him? Please tell him I said hello. Any of Steve??

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Sep 2003
till only 25?

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Sep 2003
Just checked in here after a very emotional evening watching Martin Scorcese's work on PBS, tonight was Skip James and J.B. Lenoir. I was dancing and raging and crying at the same time. Learnng that Cream's recording of "I'm so Glad" paid for Skip James' surgery was inspiring. Thankfully Eileen, you have sent me to bed with a good laugh, I have been advised over the years, that boys should be sent to live in caves on the outskirts of town until the reach the age of 25 years. I myself would of appreciated it. Happily, I have all girls. I have to say that when I make that last graduation it won't be just hers.
Hey Tomas,
Keep it coming, man. The next time I am in Memphis I will try to find my way up to your locality. Ashcroft normal? . . . Holy shit!

Name: Tomas
Date: 29 Sep 2003
As if someone opened a can of worms in the United States and selected the worms they wanted while we all wiggled, shouted and tried to be free of the confining can.
My daughter turned out pretty well. She seems to lead by example. The world flows toward her in a vibrant way. She is alive and well and the world sees it.
She makes whatever she can or gets it a yard sale.
She can live in whatever environment that she is in and does it well.
People love to be around her.
The yound children around here are very conservative. They become nurses, Doctors, miners, hunters, teachers and lawyers.
They all depart for greeners pastures elsewhere. The school system is old fashioned and strict.
The people in their fifties and sixties see us ( mentally they were there) but everyone else does not.
The world here sees the Bushes as liberal. Ashcroft is the norm here.

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Sep 2003
Comments I lied. Mark..take note of the young people in the actions. Listen. Maybe ask some questions and sound the water. What makes them step out there? I wonder what percentage of young people do you find there? One of the most profound and well informed pieces of writing I saw concerning the early WTO actions was by a young man probably in his early 20's. He may be the only one out there ofcourse.
When my girls were various ages those were the ages I was almost exclusively aware of. And you? And here's my sweeping generality...teenagers suck! Especially if you are their parent. I can't think a time I was more glad to get through without hanging mine by their thumbs.
On another note..heard on the news today Tony Blair is not getting the Mr Popular vote this week with his siding with the US. It made me think what a strangle hold this gov't has got here. How it can have become so powerful it is it's own monarchy. I'm glad you mentioned more actions coming up. Even if it does nothing to change things here (so far), it must add strength to other countries to know we are not all going along with the program.
In my ignorance I used to look at S Africa wondering how so many people could be ruled by so few. Now I know.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Sep 2003
Good words. After all the frustration trying to make something or someone change, after crying and raging at what is going on till you can't bring it up any further, I feel like you. Just keep one foot in front of the other and do what you think is the right thing, make the example somehow. I am happy to see some protests beginning to resurface. I will be going.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 29 Sep 2003
"Wound" (orig.from the guestbook)

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Sep 2003
Here in NYC have some young'uns really seem to be aware and working towards trying to help fix things...not sitting still for what ever is handed down to them...but I think you're right about the media assault and the mtv mindset of not having any patience...I WANT MY MTV AND NOT NOW BUT RIGHT NOW!They don't seem willing to do the footwork, instead just rebel about the situation by acting our with out thinking through...I can only hope in my insistant way, that the "infection" will get to the point of making the patient take care of it...or amputation. I still believe in spontaneous healing, but that can only happen when the heart and mind are there...worse case senario is the patient dies and I know rebirth comes with that.
what I really think is that none of it actually matters, it all has to do with how the individual deals with their particular immediate surroundings and time and space, and all will be revealed...just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and be a decent human being.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Sep 2003
I see some of that here in Aptos as well but there are kids who at least have a clue to some of this. At Planet Drum we have a steady flow of interns and volunteers who seem to have a curious bent. That may be the SF/Berkeley demographic showing though. Out in the media mainstream, the story is probably different. The barrage of head reaming media roll creators is never ending and I wonder how most can overcome. I don't think acid is really the answer any longer, culture has moved passed it and I don't think it has as much of an effect.
Thanks again for your inclusion of my words on the 3rd page.

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Sep 2003
No clams allowed!
Wish I could say that the young people I meet these days are curious - but they are not - at least here in Portland they are environmentally friendly nulifidians who smoke dope and really haven't a clue about so much in this world that is immediately available to them - (ahem) with a little Digging. Part of growing up in the electron age I suppose.... if it isn't digital or anarchistic in nature they are not interested.....They need more acid I think - er.... stop the press.... maybe I need more acid.....

Name: Jag
Date: 28 Sep 2003
Speaking of clamming up for a week that is exactly what I am up to. I am on a road trip starting tomorrow morning and returning sat. It's not really what I'm used to. We'll be staying in hotels and driving a new company car! My wife is reveiwing her territory for a new job in marketing. Fuji and Energiser area manager for Washington, Oregon and Montana. I get to tag along for driver duties and moral support. I'm looking forward to logging some miles and seeing the state of the union. I'll be sending your CD's along the way Nichole. They should ship by Tuesday at the latest. You all have a good week. Peace

Name: McMing
Date: 28 Sep 2003
Please don't clam up for a whole week, any of you regulars

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Sep 2003
There you go. Ha!

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Sep 2003

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Sep 2003
I don't think that will be realistic....a week?

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Sep 2003
OK I promise not to say one more word for a week.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: still chewing on this bone
Date: 28 Sep 2003
LG. KIRK~Welcome to the fray!
No didn't offend me. This is one problem with computer can not hear my voice, see me waving my arms around or wigglingly my eyebrows. (Ok I didn't wiggle my eyebrows.) Certainly nothing you said I haven't thought myself. As far kids are concerned, my internal thoughts, have sounded way too much like "The youth are going to hell in a handbasket" adults of our youth. And as an adult now, looking back at us, I would be frothing at the mouth! And it is THAT, which has made me look more deeply at the kids and at myself. How's this one...
Yesterday at a large rummage sale I overheard some young women talking about a really nice old sweater with raveled cuff edges, trying to figure out how to hide them. I suggested covering them with satin blanket edge binding. I saw the "satin" part light her imagination..and proceeded to find out she had no idea what I was talking about. I almost said,are you kidding?!! But saw in her face she was not, and explained, knowing she had never, or would ever, walk into the few fabric stores left. Would you beieve this momentaily pained me deeply, recoginizing the fast food consciousness we are speaking of? And yes, it suddenly made me feel old, recognizing all that ran through my mind. Part of what made me follow the young women in the grocery store that day..they had made their beautiful clothes that made them so outstanding. Do you realize how rare a sight that is, and what huge a loss I feel in that?
I watched the physcial effect on people when computers first were being brought into the work place. A man using it for billing, was twitching in response to the speed at which he was even changed the rhythm of his speech patterning. I thought then, uh oh, this is not good.
To cut to the chase..things change with every generation. Things are lost, and equally, I must keep my eyes open to what things are gained..I have to assume that flow. We are as much a part of it, if we are not hole up somewhere, not willing or able to communicate adequately to step into the stream. If the knowledge, which now becomes that of the generation (us) behind the next (them), have hard gained can not find a voice, can not so to speak, change partners smoothly in the dance (from Fox Trot to Cha Cha), then the information will be lost to someone else to do the work, as we fall behind mumbling to each other. It is my belief that anything of True Value/Core Value (for instance, people are more valuable than "stuff") will find a language and as always will be sought and heard.
And yes, very much yes, McMing, I agree with ALL you have said. As well, I believe as our gov't and white bread religion are becoming so abhorent, the line is clearly being drawn in the sand, more clearly than ever before. It's destruction is a matter of time, as those that stand on the opposite side gather in number..witness the 3rd World countries stepping out of the last WTO discussions. I do not think these changes will come by peacefully or easily or without our partispation...but I MUST believe they will come or I would be disheartened into inaction.
I am currently rereading A Distant Mirror just to give me a little more to stew on.

Name: Jag
Date: 28 Sep 2003
McMing were I to follow the tradition I inherited (Catholic) I would be endlessly genuflecting to a god I feel no affinity towards and a relegion that leaves me cold and yet still sends a message of comfort to my inner child, like a security blanket that has long since lost it's purpose. However You do bring up some good points and I need to read more Lao-Tzu

Name: McMing
Date: 28 Sep 2003
You make good points, Eileen. Let me say, I cannot blame the young for what we, the older generation, have failed to give them. The young people I do know (I have a 19-yr old stepson) are not so different from how we were .. and I like 'em fine. They have a lot of curiosity & open-mindedness .. an idealism I wish I could still muster.
But looking at the larger picture, it seems like America has become a 'fast-food nation' in many significant ways. It doesn't seem to matter what ingredients went into the meal, or which lands or people suffered to put it there, as long as the portions are large, cheap, & appear in a hurry. A soul-less materialism without any sense of history ... Oh, and on the other hand -- another brand of know-nothingism, the frighteningly Apocalyptic fundamentalist Christianity that infects all levels up to the top of government. Those fools would like to bring about the Last Days so that the saved (ie themselves) will be caught up in the Rapture .. while the sinners (ie everyone else) is ravaged by the miseries of a crumbling Earth .. a foul & dangerous fantasy.
When I referred to tradition, well you're right, we have all lived for many lifetimes. So your biological parents' ways might not be naturally your own.
We are complex beings, an earlier incarnation might be most your own.
Still, an existing tradition (way of life, philosophy, vision of wisdom) is
something to be discovered -- not invented. It is received, and has its own
integrity which ought to approached with some humility. Or can we outdo the sages of the past ? .. I think this is what Baba was recommending, to keep to
our own, what is in our blood. The old ballads of the British Isles still
give me chills in my spine, tho' I never lived there & don't know why.
Similarly Lao-Tzu reads like a remembered dream from just a few days ago.
Each person probably has a different heritage .. I didn't mean to come across
so dogmatic & would like to apologize if I offended you.
& yes, at least in my case, it was the acid that sent me down the path of enquiry, trying to understand the mysteries, a journey which has not ended.
-- from a spirit in the material world

Name: LG. KIRK
EmailAddress: ONNIAR.AOL.COM
Date: 28 Sep 2003
Comments is interesting to move through the moment just to be moving.
This eve, I was rereading HSTs mad invective-self-reflective Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I got to the end of 8.,..."We had all the momentum;
we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave...,...and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark-that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back." I put the book down. I thought to myself "well fuck it, you've done it've forgotten a first rule of
fun and games...'it's not all fun and games'. Not in the mood for defeat, I came downstairs and fired up Maggie...intending to talk a short walk...end
of story. Sometimes you eat, sometimes you get eaten...but I guess that's
cool too...cause it all ends up organic.
Stay loose, have peace, & thanks for the "site"

Name: LG. KIRK
EmailAddress: ONNIAR.AOL.COM
Date: 28 Sep 2003
Comments is interesting to move through the moment just to be moving.
This eve, I was rereading HSTs mad invective-self-reflective Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I got to the end of 8.,..."We had all the momentum;
we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave...,...and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark-that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back." I put the book down. I thought to myself "well fuck it, you've done it've forgotten a first rule of
fun and games...'it's not all fun and games'. Not in the mood for defeat, I came downstairs and fired up Maggie...intending to talk a short walk...end
of story. Sometimes you eat, sometimes you get eaten...but I guess that's
cool too...cause it all ends up organic.
Stay loose, have peace, & thanks for the "site"

Name: Tomas
Date: 28 Sep 2003
This is really a nice link.
Check it out.
Thanks Gilda

Name: Tomas
Date: 28 Sep 2003
Lou Gottlieb - A Tribute to Lou
Learn About Lou Gottlieb

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Comments sounds like you're due a trip north. Let us sit and talk. It's your turn.

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Gilda~How nice to have a new face here! Welcome. And thank you endlessly for that info. I will try it out tomorrow. I can barely get anything done any more because of the pop ups. As far as your friend goes, I will pass the word out to someone who may know more. Things are generally slow here on the weekends, so let's wait until a few more folks show back up here this wk. This sounds like someone somebody around our loop will know of.
Mr Cranky Pants..You're kidding. "The tradition you inherited?" Which incarnation? Scot, English, French, German, Goddess worshiper, earthwitch, Southern Methodist, Buddhist, I Ching reader, Native American follower and much more. And you McMing, a lover of Meher Baba, who smiles at me from a poster on my wall? It all melts down through me and percolates up and becomes one. How am I to seperate them out and why would I pick only one when I am so rich with all? I tried and and it felt something like being asked to love only one of my children.
And speaking of children. No they are not all or uninformed or uneducated. They are not all lost or unseeking. Talk to them. Seek them out before you assume such sweeping generality. Or we become no better than the generation of adults we almost turned our backs on. The children are our future and we have done nothing of any matter if we do not recognize them.
In reality we (and I speak as a white person) came to this country with traditons that are still based on fear and killing and oppressive religions. If it hadn't been for acid, what are the chances we would have been much better? Tradition? Tell me honestly..what would that be?

Name: Mark
Date: 27 Sep 2003
P.S. Tomorrow night, Sunday, Martin Scorcese's documentary on the history of the Blues begins on PBS. It goes for six or seven nights.

Name: Mark
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Fuckin' ayh, man. Your perspective distills.
I will send the changes you need tomorrow in the method you asked. Thanks for giving me some inspiration.

Name: Gilda model/ spam/ For Eileen
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Eileen on the spam issue the worm that has been plaguing us for the last few weeks has I think 5 different subjects the best way is to create a folder / filter for eacxh heading and have them go directly there then it does not get mixed up in your good mail. Again you can write to me if you want help and i will give you my # to call and walk you through the process I will be happy to help anyone as long as they agree to pass the favor on and help others on the board. It is not difficult but it can be confusing if you do not yet have experience you are i hope running nortons or another virus checker. That is seprate from the spyware issue.
Gilda... you can also write to me at I check that email often while i am working. The pacificanet i check once daily during the week .

Name: Mark
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Wrastling, not wrestling, the demons.....we who have some years accumulate these things. Survival seems to hinge on how to deal with them. Here is my take on it.
(Ocean Beach at Lincoln Blvd.)
You led me over deep cold water,
dismantled and ready.
Stood me swollen with anger on a long night highway,
saving nothing for forgiveness or the morning.
Floated at my ear,
whispering “Remember . . .”
Your coal black feathers fluttered and flicked,
teasing and accusing.
You circled paying out blame,
stoking forgotten embers.
On today’s white capped morning,
on the swept up breezes.
Over the seawall’s ledges,
scooping and feigning.
Vaunting and bragging,
pretending something special.
Banking and diving,
balanced stopped on fast wind.
I feed you old French fries,
laughing at your antics.
Seeing your obsidian eyes,
hard and free.
Today I sit on the fender,
alone again with you.
Listening to your silken tar wings
like rustling tuxedos.

Name: Gilda model/ Internal POPUPs/ For Eileen
EmailAddress: - www.pleasureparade,com
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Pop ups are a so annoying but here i can help you . often the pop ups that seem to come from no where are small text files that companies download. There are many good free solutions that you run on like a virus scanner. i run several because I have an isp and we have many websites some with adult content so I was not only plagued with the popups that companies like yahoo amazon download but also endless popups that you can barely escape.
It is a good idea to run this software often for other reasons as well they can track your activities tell other companies what you have bought or even if you have applied for a loan. Most are low risk but some are quite envasive take up system resources and slow your computer down. I do don't have a big issue with privacy but unfortunately the tracking devices are becoming sophisticated but on the flip side there is always a creative techie who is the champion of the people.
This software is free you can upgrade and it is nice to do if you can afford it because it supports their efforts. down load the free version to try it out run it a couple of times and you will be free of those nasty popups. I am delighted to help if you need help please write and reference to board and i will give you my number and I can walk you through it.
I will give one little warning there are many sites that say they remove spyware and they are spyware themselves it is easy to check out if you type the name of the software in google and nothing comes uo except that site stay away , and take the time to read a couple of links if a multitude come up and see what people are saying. you can also trust this site any software it offers is well reviewed.
I am certainly not trying to scare anyone and I ignore the advice of my programmers constantly myself but this will make your life easier.
Have a good one I am glad I saw your post. I am building a new startup company and do not have much time to play but I was hoping perhaps someone knew where Herb Jaeger was ... I have tried all the conventional methods like phone books to no avail. But I am sure it is just a matter of time...
Have a good one all and thank you for commenting on my post Eileen I felt a bit silly because it was my first post after I sent it . I am such a mush but I ams what I ams and I will just keep peppering the world with love and keep being mushy it has worked for me so far... and it gives my kids something to tease me about...

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: the merciless
Date: 27 Sep 2003
aaah .. I feel so old & mean .. but to me [at 51] the past is passed & no point
in looking back anymore {even if sometimes I can't help it} .. my only guru is Meher Baba, and there are many published writings although the Avatar is no longer with us .. part of what he said was, stay with the tradition that you inherited .. be it Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, whatever .. not to start a new tradition - but like the Sufi's, don't be bound by any external forms.
Unfortunately, the young of this time seem to have NO tradition, old or new,
to hold to or revolt against. Just nothing. Just video/cyber/bullshit media
reality .. not even Nihilism or the ambiguities of philosophy. A hedonist outlook if it can be characterized in any way .. try asking the next passing
teenager what Hedonism means & wait a year or two for the response, if there is one. I can't live in this realm, don't have to.
With Lao-Tzu & others, cloud-hidden, with the most excellent tea -- blue

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Sep 2003
oops did that withour my glasses..can you tell?

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Thanks Hammond~ It's my home computer that's the worst and I use Posti. Actually I guess it's not span but the pop up adds have gotten think as flies. I use both hotmail and outlook. I probably should call my server and see if they can tell me what to do.

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Thanks Eileen - and PS spam - if you are using a library computer and your e-mail is being spammed - suggest you go to the server's site - e.g. if this is the one they use. You can probably hook into their filter - but bear in mind that these sorts of e-mail acct's / servers are used by the bulk of spammers who send out the spam in the first place! Go figure - but anyway the server will have some sort of filter for your e-mail acct. Good luck......

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Sep 2003
BTW Sweet William had been let out of the hospital by the time I called yesterday afternoon. I have no further way of reaching him and we will have to wait for Nicoles report.

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Mark - WriteOn! - (The 3rd Page will get back to you nxt. week)
Eileen - if it is your home computer being spammed check out - I use it and it is very effective....(PS - great reply to a great poem)
Jag - Thanks for the Dolphin ride!
Steve - ????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ? (RSVP)

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Do I need to appoligize for that use of bandwidth?..shows what 1/2 beer and an off the wagon smoke will do. I meant it but didn't really need to say it again.
The deck really should be considered flash cards and is no joke. A Christening. What a wonderful day this will be for you!
No Gilda I don't know this man and thanks for the great memory shared. I bet someone here will know him.
Oh Steve we miss you!

Name: gilda
Date: 27 Sep 2003
In response to James R. Davis post about the Blue Unicorn. A chronology that turned into a musing...
My memories of my days and nights at the Blue Unicorn are vivid and rich . However I was quite young, although I spent a good deal of time there between the ages of 16 thru 18 and I was still very focused on how the world affected me so my memories are very personal and I do not think I can fill in the chronology very well.
I am trying to locate Herb Jaeger who I last spent time with about 5 years ago if anyone is in touch with Herb I would appreciate if you let him know. Herb I believe took over the unicorn in late 1996. He is a wonderful man, a teacher, mentor, musician, friend and lover. We were friends before he met Anne so I know he owned the Blue Unicorn prior to 1997. Our friendship continued through the years even though our lives took us on very different paths. I married 4 years later and had the good fortune to have shared a wonderful and rich life with Moe then a music producer until he died suddenly 4 years ago.
The Blue Unicorn was a place where you could get a cup of coffee and brown bread and butter for free if you were hungry and in need. The conversation was always flowing and something was always going on much of which may be best to keep off a public forum. Folk Music, open mikes, poetry, politics, the Sunday morning motorcycle ride to Point Reyes were all part of the rich culture. Everyone was welcome, there was an unspoken code of consideration to others that was understood and created a rich atmosphere.
I was young 16 (1966 ) when I first walked in to the Blue Unicorn and I felt at the time I had found a home. My Big Brother owned an antique store in North Beach called The Attic, I had spent hours and hours in City Lights Books Store writing poetry since I was about 12 and hanging out at Enricos watching people and sipping coffee. It was so nice to be surrounded by poets, musicians and philosophy at last without being known as Johnnies little sister; the culture was younger, hipper and more exciting than my old haunts.
Herb was a patient man who lived his life with amazing integrity. He was not co-dependent but he was also willing to help and support friends and his customers at the Blue Unicorn. He even talked a man out of mugging him and took him out to breakfast instead. He would answer my questions with thoughtfulness and sensitivity and never made me feel awkward or gauche although I am sure I was. I recall one day we were crossing the street and he asked me if I would like to move in with him. In all my young wisdom still suffering from catholic guilt I remember saying "What and not be married?" To which he burst out laughing and hugged me so tightly easing by embarrassment. He then went on to explain there was certainly no shame in sharing your life with a person without being married. Considering we were lovers it was a peculiar and a rather funny comment on my part, not an easy one to help someone come out of without feeling very foolish, but Herb had that gift.
That was part of what made the Blue Unicorn and my early times in the Haight such a wonderful place. The culture was generally accepting, "one wayism" and judgment which can become a strong part of the culture in groups that spend a great deal of time together, was not nurtured in The Blue Unicorn, respect for humanity was. My experiences at the Unicorn shaped my life and the lives of others in many, many ways. It was a springboard for artists, poets and musicians, inspiration, idealism, generosity of spirit, hope and passion filled the place.
I do not recall the exact nights events occurred but there was open-mike on one night and poetry on Wednesdays. I drifted away to new adventures when I was put on the guest list at the Avalon Ball Room, I was at the concerts 3 days a week, dancing , listening to incredible music. I met Moe there and entered a new phase in Marin County and I was not around when the Unicorn was sold. I do know Herb shared the profits with all his long-term employees.
I would love to connect with some of the people from the Unicorn please feel free to write, There was Mike a school teacher and friend of Herb's, Forrest and so many names that escape me. So many people who probably have no idea that they are gifts I have carried through-out my life. Thank you.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: mydecisionismaybe
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Hi everyone,
Have yoy checked out the "BUSH REGIME CARD DECK"? The French put it together. Really nailed it. Its at
I expect Steve to surface soon. Its coming up on the first of the month and if they are reluctant to let him out of detox he will probably leave against medical advice and be back with us. I miss him.
I'm off my grandaughters christening today.Then having the extended family members over for drinks and food. Peace, Patman

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Sep 2003
On a much more mudane note..I am being spammed to death here. Can anyone tell me how to block this?

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Sep 2003
Ah Mark, so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us. Rant on my friend. What better place where there are friends to receive. This is the rare avenue for me as well to say what offen can not be said.
In response to your prior post. Thank you for your understanding. There is something like a dream that comes back to me that I cannot catch. Each generation has a need to discover itself anew. This computer age our children are growing up with is running fast ahead of us..ahead of them. Life becomes a mental exersize rather than a true experience. I sometimes find myself becoming confused between fact and fiction. Did I dream it or did I read it somewhere online? How much more confusing for those growing up within it looking for meaning. Remember the saying, "Kill your TV's"? Now the computer becomes a doorway to escape either in or out of reality. Experiencing riding a biycycle only on computer games or an information avenue broadening idea exchange beyond state and country boundary lines. Music and political action becoming more and more the gathering place.
I picked up 3 hitch hickers a few wks past, fresh young people running the coast from Washington, south..having recently come from a huge gathering in Tenn., Two night and days with something like 9 stages making Reggae on the River or a Grateful Dead concert seem small..pan handling all the way, with no planned destination. On my journey home on that marathon rush to the sea,I met a few buses of Rainbow people as I passed thru Utah on the way to a gathering. I stopped and talked to them. Their presense for me a temptation to follow. And the other day I saw 3 strikingly beautiful strong young women in the grocery store that pulled me back instantly to the 60's..obviously not from this town. I watched them briefly, with a yearing of a time past..thinking "I am/was one of you."
I share this with you thinking of your 15 yr old. These young people gave me hope for the future, knowing by the innocent strength in them, they represent many more that carry the torch. And there is a communication carried by computer and those on the road, that is bringing many together in a way before never imagined. Looking for something and something is being created, that is no longer seperated by age, time or place. It is staggering to consider.
I believe in the basic human spirit that yearns for Truth..and companionship, that looks for meaning within that. And there are the hucksters, political and in the market place that have become more and more geared up looking for a profit, looking to feed off of what can be used any way possible. Hasn't it always been so? The yin and the yang. The Light and the Dark. But the choices always remain the there Light or not? What is the Frame of Reference we reflect to our/the children?
This is what makes me go on my own Walk About with my daughter, when the Path becomes less clear. I don't think we can afford to rest on our laurals thinking we have already done The if some great Ah Ha was IT. Sometimes a refresher course is called for for. And for me that way is by putting my body on the line. The Native American's believe that is all we have to offer that is ours, to the Universe, to Creator, as our exchange for Beauty..for Truth..for our prayer for peace. Peace of mind, peace of heart, peace on our planet.
I believe it is up to us to keep the flame burning so our children can find the road Home a little easier. I have compalined early on, when I first came on this site, of the mistake I felt we made in the 60's. To carry an ideal we were not bringing home, as we busied ourselves with political ideals..looking outward. I like to think that mistake has been corrected. I guess I was wrong when I said to Nicole I did not know what being a "spiritual warrior" meant. I rest my case.
Mark, I don't know the deamons you struggle with. But your heart shines bright and I know you will find your way.

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Sep 2003
A really beautiful vibe Mark.

Name: Mark Hebard
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Sorry for the excess today, I have been in a funk for a month or so and I am trying to defibrillate myself.
Your hair swam through my hands slipping.
A fragrance rose.
Like never before.
New trails of undreamed comfort,
walked naked for the day.
Fresh body taut with pleasure,
lay head back in thick darkness.
All senses extended.
Rushed toward the end of more,
filling deep hungry memories.
Each dry brittle pore,
Taking every drop.
More than given,
each secret beat pulled away.
felt and eaten,
Never enough to stop.
All methods commanded.
Toyed by excess,
dismissed by selfishness.
with pieces.
Your misted dream lifted,
stretched and split away.
Shiny clear light,
awakened the horizon.
I fought and twisted,
surrounding like fog.
Shaking fear and violence,
dancing jagged steps of grief.
Your road was open.
Brutality was last.
Shame slid over like a fever.
Time was taken,
to make my changes.
Humility’s core opened
to the light.
I remember your swimming hair,
A fragrance rose.
Like never before.

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Nic - Eileen - So sorry to hear the news on Sweet William - please keep 'us' up to date - hoping - praying wheel spins for the best....
Bole Nath Ki Jai

Name: Nik
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Eileen, check yr e-mail...sent the info
leaving the office now...later all.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Sep 2003
"The point at which your mind is your enemy, full of doubt and fear, yet still having to go forward." Tim Leary made a career of diving off that cliff, was famous for saying "oh, why not?" Inside/outside...what voice is true? I have to say that much of that fear and doubt in me is learned, (external) responses which can be good but also completely stagnating or even corrosive. Rolling the psychic dice was an adventurous endeavor in the counter culture wars but these days we are so deluged with dialogue and images it is difficult to tell where the line is. This has been called the "dumbing down" of the culture through media, keeping the attention span short. Fear rises more steeply now as the noose has tightened dramatically around cultural alternatives. Eileen, your piece reminds me of something realized years ago doing substance abuse counseling. I had a life before drugs and alcohol and could remember it if I wanted too. I had a reference point to seek out and a sense of joy when it began to resurface, thinking I could never experience life that way again. But, when a soul has grown up from childhood never knowing sobriety or peaceful existence it is impossible to touch it. Getting that person to the side of the "box" meant an enormous individual leap of faith. That example illustrates a parallel problem today, given the raging media storms rolling through our youngest generation, for profit of course, the idea of a walkabout, road trip, or solitary journey of some kind to facilitate the existential crisis and hopefully a resolution, or a better term, the evolution of the two opposing minds morphing into a new cycle of self just ain't part of the scheme. The self voice is being muted. Life scripts are being handed out in huge numbers everywhere you turn. Hundreds of Barbie and Ken dolls of every capitalist whim and cloned mutated Leave to Beavers crowding the brains waves everywhere. Just pick one and get on with it, if you don't like it just grab another. You folks may recognize that I am currently a father of a 15 year old in this rant. When you scale this problem up to the level of say Bush Vs whoever he picks on next, Islam Vs Christianity or white European culture against the rest, it is a little boggling to think of the eventual final scenarios.
People who continually strive to think outside like Peter Berg become harder to hear in a time like this, they become "difficult" and "cranky." I think we are seeing a throwback to the post Depression/WWII mindset which revered safety, comfort, and conformity. Moving out to the "edge" and risking a jump off the collective bus is losing it's relevance to a population being cattle prodded behind the fence. Whew...I feel a little unburdened now, thank you for your patience in these matters. I really must finish the damn laundry.

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Sep 2003
CounterPunched (again)
"Unsaftey in Numbers"
+ Stew Albert's "Or Consequences"

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Sep 2003
OH my gosh Nicole! Thanks for word on him. Will try to reach him when I get home. (I'm at school and must get back to work.) Could you email me the number and his room? Think he's up for a call?

Name: Nik
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Today is Sweet Williams bd and he's in the hospital, St Lukes. I just got off the phone with him...he had a very close encounter with the other side...please include him in your thoughts...He's such a marvelous man.

Name: Nik
Date: 26 Sep 2003
basically, tho a few days late, happy Autumn Eqinox...
all of us Sept & Oct 50 + folks should check the old almanacs...I bet it was an extra cold Jan & Feb that decade...and tv was so went off at 10:00, our parents knew how to stay warm...

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Told ya the Diggers were Libra rich! Lou and Coyote share same birthday?! Wonder if all Oct 10th folks are larger than life? I have this theory about early in Oct Libras..they are all pretty spectacular and very To The Front. And Sweet William? There's another one, as well, Jane Lapiner and I share the same day.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Tomas, yes, Amen to your beautiful, true words.
Jag tell your wife happy birthday!!
Today I stepped out of one of the little boxes anyways, the "we're broke we never buy CDs anymore" box. I got Warren Zevon's The Wind. This is very beautiful music, a sad wind blowing through it, and gusts of humor. How beautiful that he made this album and how beautiful that his friends saw him through it. I am thankful, and I hope not morbid, for things like this album, and The Osbournes telling it like it is about middle-age and illness (they are dead-strange and they are dead-on, and funny too). When I look at my husband in those quiet moments when we're not in some everyday box, and I know I could never get enough of him if we lived to be ancient, I sometimes have these flashes of doubt. We've both got hep C. Will we both manage to beat this, will we have as much time together as we hope? Did we burn that bridge years before we ever met? And yet our pasts were the only way to get from there to here. Like Tomas says, I would do it again in a minute. Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Sep 2003
It is my wife's birthday today, Libra all the way.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Sep 2003
uum and it is when the mind snaps, the Universe can vacumm out our "knowing" and be re-aligned with the knowing of our body..making as Steve says..our skin home ie Homeskin. A bent mind is just a bent mind.

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Sep 2003
ps Bergs birthday is October 1st

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Sep 2003
PS is the doubt I am talking about. Yes trust in ones self and in the Universe makes large steps possible..having no real clue of our ignorance. When the time comes when one realizes what was easy to be created in the mind has actually put ones life on the line and there is no easy escape, no turning back..That's when the mental wheat from the chaff starts getting seperated out and it is not fun.
Yes I have also had that moment when I knew the next choice I made could make me air born or enlightened forever. No, this is about REALLY realizing mis-steps could kill you and you are at maximum and it is not enough. The point at which your mind is your enemy, full of doubt and fear, yet still having to go forward. This is not romantic, it is devastating. Which in the end is the point. This is fear and a reality that becomes more and more harsh until your mind either snaps or bends. The only grace as well as anguish being, you know this has not been done TO you.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 26 Sep 2003
3rd Page Release:
The Family Dog Presents
"The Hep Cats Ball"
a Benefit for Allen Cohen (SF Oracle)

Name: r
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Lou Gottlieb is also Oct. 10.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Sep 2003
oh yeah, berg has a birthday coming up too. ant more libras out there?

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Sep 2003
The new Homeland Security Bill has passed. Things will be different now. Internet surfing will be tracked by the FBI with a non-intrusive method. The FBI says you will not notice anything different. For a
demonstration - Click on the link below...
HAd a dream last night I gave my laptop to the new Digger/Treat St house. (boy I miss that!) Watched how friends simply coming together of like mind become a home..and by motion, an action. I think the gift of the computer was so I would shut up, so I was glad to see I hadn't been tossed out this morning with the rubbish.
Yes Tomas! You said it.
Ok Rena you hit my limit! No jellyfish pond. Pee. I'll keep that in mind. Wish I was there.
Floating Nicole..happy beginning of your Birthday!

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Tomas - amen .......
Nic - can we start celebrating your birthday now?
Happy Birthday Nicole!!!!!!

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Reading todays posts had a profound effect on me...Eileen, Tomas, mark, Ohio girl and well first while reading yours Eileen I got a real feeling in my gut of stepping out over a ledge, with total trust. It's that leap of faith...and knowing that when you do make that leap everything comes together...but there can be no doubt. When Jeramiah was small I was pushing him up an extrememly steep hill in a stroller when I realized it was effortless. At that moment I knew if I jumped up I could tread air...not fly but levitate the was I do in my dreams, but I couldn't do it because I was afraid that when I did it would freak me regrets really, but I should have done it.
and Tomas, your description of us all was perfect.
I truely feel all of you. With extreme warm regards, Nicole
Shana Tova to those of you who observe the jewish holidays.
Eileen, I'm October 4th and Peter is October 10th

Name: Tomas
Date: 26 Sep 2003
We have all stepped very far out of the box. This is one reason we write to this website. We are not the normal in the eyes of the so-called normal. We stepped way out into the trip of a lifetime in our youth.
We have seen more pain and pleasure than the average bear. Our highs have gone into places that others have tried to write about. People have loved us for being who we are and people have hated us for being who we are. We have followed a very different path. We are very vocal and we tell it like it is.
Most of us have been around for about fifty years and it has been a trip. We are just like every other human being on this planet that has struggled to stay alive. But those other eyes see us as being a little far out of place or peculiar.
We are in the process of writing that book every time we respond to this website.
Some of us have the money to maintain other websites about our exploits. Those lists go on and on and on.
I get very emotional when I read about love that last forever. I have tasted that love and it is grand.
We all have paid a dear price for following this path. I would do it again in a minute.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 26 Sep 2003
First a post about stepping outside of the box. Next I find myself in jellyfish lake. Wow!

Name: Palau is
EmailAddress: in Micronesia
Date: 26 Sep 2003
Where is Steve? We hope you are grooving!

Name: maui mermaid
Date: 26 Sep 2003
went to Palau with a famous and great marine biologist. snorkeling in the most amazing locations. thousands more kinds of fish than Maui, and Maui snorkeling is magnificent.
one day we hiked ( a group of 8 or 9) to Jellyfish Lake. this lake is isoalted, the porous rocks that encase it allow the tides to repleish fres ocean water to this ocean pool. the jellyfish in this lake do not sting. they don't need to becasue there are no preditors. There were 2 kinds of jelly fish in the most abundance imaginable. it was like swimming in Jellyfish wall paper. i have photos of me in that lake, covered in jelly fish of assorted sizes, some quite large. (10 inches in diameter.) the smaller jellyfish pulsate at a more rapid rate, those tiny ones realy are zippy pulsars.
after we explored the jelly fish and few gentle fish in jellyfish lake we climbed to shore. We had to be careful not to touch the mangrove trees because their bark and sap are toxic like poison ivy. these trees had black sap.
once ashore the marine biologist let us know that a well fed crocadile lives in the lake. She didn't want to alarm us. She knew it was safe because the croc eats jellies, and with no other preditors, the water is filled with these gorgous animals. , like oatmeal with a zillion raisens...

Name: Maui Girl
EmailAddress: OM
Date: 26 Sep 2003
I got jellyfished today. swiming in the beautiful ocean in the process of a feel god half mile swim, zap yikes outch. could feel some stinging out deep on the south end of the bay..
My first dlliemna was to cover up in my one piece leotard/swim suit, realizing that the Tentacles Could be in the suit which was at my hips. i decided i better take that risk and cover up since Kam I is a very public and busy beach.
Luckily my suit was safe. I did get a 2 foot long lash rash from a very long tentacle. on my inner thigh is where i felt it the most.
swam to shore.
showered with cold water
applied the pee that made the pain recede.
at home i called poson control on the first call they said NO PISS!!!
i left the piss on because it was working
i tried to call 3 marine biologists but all gone.
a science teacher found a worthless book ...alcohol is excrutionatingly painful to jellyfish stings and yet it suggested it. i tried it once long ago and never again. and, she added, go to the hospital if respiratory distress.
i didn't have respiratroy distress.
I called the Emergency Room. I said I'd been jellyfished.
I was immediately told Pee On It.
I thanked them.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Sep 2003
I need to rant tonight.
Just ate a book I couldn't put down..From Alice to Ocean. Excerpted from Robyn Davidson's, Tracks. (now have to hunt down Tracks!) Fantastic pictures and inspiring read. Young woman took 4 camels across the Outback (Austrailian desert) on her own, on an 8 month treck. Sold National Geo her story in order to buy her supplies..which required from her, very begrudgingly to accept a photographer to track her occasionally. It was a life changing experience that made anything I have ever done look simple by comparison. Yet the craziness and struggle that ensued very familiar.
I was able to move along with her and her intension. That pull of putting it all on the line. Sensing there is so much more to know of ones self, that the "familiar" hides from us. It is something I have never found the words to explain in the many travels I have taken, to my satisfaction. I found relief in this book if for nothing more than she had the words. She even talked about her two opposing minds, just as I had to come to terms with, and the crisis and turning point, as on my own journey, was there. I have not been able to think of what I did, or my other travels, as a "trip".
The Native Americans have ways of doing this in Sun Dance and in ceremony. I expect that is what a Walk About is for as well. Is this perhaps what makes some men go to war? It seems to me the most pathetic way we reach for this, at best, is through therapy. I think it is a restlessness of the soul when we have no way, have found no healthy way, to answer those opposing voices of society and spirit, that divide us internally. And it is not something that can be found with just mental exercises. We are physical creatures and there is just too much emphasis on safe mental gymnastics for answers.
Peter Berg used to talk about "stepping outside the box". He was speaking of this in politial/social terms. Yet I think that statement has further implications..further possibilities. Isn't there something in all of us that yearns to really step into the Unknown? Test ourselves, that becomes muffled if not deadened ,if we can not dare or find a way, to do this?

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Sep 2003
Laudable sentiment FYI, censorship begins at home. Redneck, while vile and reprehensible has some weird shit to get off his chest.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: Spam-I-Am
Date: 25 Sep 2003
Yeah I can see that, I guess people have got to be free to turn themselves into spam. Oh well, Peace

Name: Eileen
Date: 25 Sep 2003
Thanks for all the strokes but the next on the list..Nicole you and Peter C both have birthdays coming up and I always get them mixed up. Want to tell?
Free umm I don't recall "free" had limits to free ass kicking either. Red Neck I think you are just too deep and mysterious for the likes of us, so it's be really cool if you'd find somewhere else. Or is everyone finding you too profound to relate to?

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 25 Sep 2003
Somewhat regrettable reminder that open means "open" - free means "free" and nothing less or more. Without the voices of mugu, Biloxi, Sazza and the Phen-Phen people we might wonder who we really are - nonetheless - Biloxi - why not just go "Fuck Off!"

Name: Mark
Date: 25 Sep 2003
I haven't from James and Co. Berg said they had headed for Big Sur after discovering the clutch problem was actually low power steering fluid. The offer is still good here though. Did you check on SSBoyd?
Adipex, try crack if you want to lose it fast.
RNPMissisippi, You need to leave the house more. Darkness comes in many forms.

Name: Tomas
Date: 25 Sep 2003
Tic, tic, tic
What is the point in making your point so traumatic?
Our blood flows rather swiftly after a painful accident.
What is the point in showing us this lesson?
It is nice to know that you see the world.
But what is the purpose of the shock treatment?
I remember yanking a chair out from under a young girl in my fourth grade class.
I thought it was such a laugh.
The world is made of holes and I stand at the bottom with....
You'll have a good day.

Name: Orion
Date: 25 Sep 2003
If everyone is tired enough of the Red Baby Poet, I wouldn't mind if the System Administrator here consign those particular electrons to the dust bin of history.

Date: 25 Sep 2003

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 25 Sep 2003
"Who The Hell is Stew Albert?"

Name: Nicole
Date: 25 Sep 2003
what a mean spirited thing to say...but really the one thing I have come to know as absolute truth most definately get what you give...there is a saying "what you wish to experience provide for another" You got some fun comin' your way jack...although as far as I can see you are already BLIND...poor baby. My higher self says, " I'm hoping for your "vision" to improve and for your sour grapes to sweeten" however, my lower self says..."Fuck off idiot"

Date: 25 Sep 2003

Name: just a regular guy
Date: 25 Sep 2003
well Adipex, it's tough for me to get out of my specially-built LaZ-Boy, since I
weigh well over 500 pounds. But it's motorized like a giant wheel chair so I generally don't need to .. to properly appreciate this website I usually drop about 10 hits of LSD, one or two E's, gulp down a bottle of Robitussin mixed with a 5th of Pernod. Then a pipe or two of loveboat, a Vicodin and 5-6 NoDoz .. and maaaann, I start to feel alright !!
Of course usually I don't indulge like that more than once or twice a day.
I wouldn't be able to concentrate on my TV game shows.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 25 Sep 2003
Eileen's Page (revisited) in case the other link is malfunctioning - if so cut/paste the url into your browser - it works!

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 25 Sep 2003
Thu. Oct. 2 8 pm The Truth About Medical Marijuana in SF
Presented by the Independent Policy Forum, featuring Ed Rosenthal, Dr. Donald Abrams, Robert J. MacCoun, and Edwin Dobb
Where: Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason Street (at O'Farrell), San Francisco

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Sep 2003
I especially enjoy visiting here after ingesting copious amounts of Benzendrine and washing it down with a gallon of Jolt cola, it makes for a relaxing afternoon and takes my mind off of my delusional fantasy's of grandeur.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 25 Sep 2003
Adipex - How stupid of you to drop in. Yes oh yes, we are all lame-ass obese diet-pill freaks with nothing but aimless time on our hands. Do you know of a Phentamine Amusement Park we can visit?

Name: Adipex
Date: 25 Sep 2003
So very glad I found this truly great site. I come here when I have just taken a weight loss diet pill to take my mind of my weight problem. Does any one else take prescription slimming pills? Mine are FDA approved to help obesity sufferers avoid associated health risks from being overweight.

Name: Nicole
Date: 25 Sep 2003
I wanna go...

Name: rena
Date: 25 Sep 2003
it was only a glimpse, one short phone conversation. i look forward to meeting her.
in the meantime i've got my hands full with my 17 year old. karma.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Rena~Wow, Ena a gentle spirit??? The island must have worked it's magic on her cause she has always been one fierce pristess. I was just being lazy posting my address after way too much time on the computer. I have you in my phone book but not your address. Thanks for all the info. If I were to sell on the islands I would make an entirely different line than I am doing right now..certainly not denim jackets do you think?. At some point I'll put some sundress prints together. Thanks for footwork offer..great! I WILL get there. And this time on my own! You have no mercy with your descriptions. Shawn just sent me pictures from there that would have me packing if I hadn't just come off the road from the trip from hell. No, I've committed myself to school for awhile and getting my art/work under way.

Name: rena
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Ena also said we should meet. it will happen. She is a gentle spirit.
Paia has lots and lots of shops. Also, I have friends who support themselves through the Maui Swap Meet on Saturday mornings. It's hard work. I'll get in touch with my friend Melissa who sells beauiful batiks she designs and has produced in Bali. She just came back from the Rainbow Festival. If you send me a couple of samples, or even photos, I 'll show them to shopowners and try to find places for you to sell them. I'll e mail you my home address (I'm not as brave as you) in cause you don't have it.
Lahaina is pretty much tourist crap now a days. But, Paia and Makawao have some really cool shops. happy to do some footwork for you.
some stores only sell made on Maui so you may have to come here and create. You are welcome here: There's a larre cottage on our place that is for teens and guests. If I have lots of guests, they can sleep on decks or in tents, and use the cottage as a communal kitchen. If it's just you and your entourage, can use the cottage wholly. Either way, you could sew and socialize and have a place to sleap with the gentle trade winds and the palm trees shading your hammock. So, maybe you will make another journey to lava lava land.

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Sep 2003
The Family Dog Presents - The HepCats Ball - A Benefit for Allen Cohen of The San Francisco Oracle
Who ? - Phil Lesh and The Hep Kats, Ram Dass Don't Push The Clown - Lights by Randy Merten & Very Special Guests
Where? - The Great American Music Hall - 859 O'Farrell Street - San Francisco
When: Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Thanks Hammond. Folks used to say a persons 4oth tends to be an unfortunate event. I did see a few friends not quite ok with that one for sure. "They" (those other people that say things) obviously never turned 60!

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 24 Sep 2003
"3 Piece Suit" (click image)

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Eileen - Happy Birthday on your Birthday!

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Rena~I keep meaning to ask you..are there still stores there selling hand painted clothing in Lahina? Not the great Bali dye and batic, but more local work? I'm wondering if I could sell my clothing there (hey I'm almost local)? Do they have open market days or stores that do stuff on consignment?
Maui was my original inspiration for this work and would love to turn it back there.

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Got it Hammond see you then

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Got it Hammond see you then

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Nichole I've got most of your CD's burnt only a few left. I am kinda pressed on time but will finnish in the next couple of days and get them off asap.

Name: Hammond
Date: 24 Sep 2003
JAG - Great - and you can come earlier if you like - my conference has been moved to 10am - so see you at 2 or whenever you get here. Please bring my vhs copy of Elisian Fields - oh and Nic's tape. Thanks mate..... treats if you have them.... :-)

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Kids at school with computer time. Loosers. Get your work done.
Rena~Ah! you are pulling my heart strings. I will get there when I can but my extra money is going out the door now, as I'm helping my 24 yr old with her first real move into town. Now I have to actually get serious about my lastest dyeing and printing project to put some travel money aside.
I'm glad you made contact with Ena. That's so cool. I hope you two get a chance to meet. I think you may find a kinship.
Yeah I wonder where Steve is too. Finally freed from the computer for awhile. Can hardly wait for the reports to start coming in.

Name: Nik
Date: 24 Sep 2003
I'll go by west 4th this afternnon and see if I can get any news on Steve.

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Sep 2003
I hear that Ohio Girl, this place is attracting some diet pill hucksters from hell.
Hammond, I will head your way around 2:10 this afternoon. Let me know if any thing changes, if not then I'm looking forward to seeing ya.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 24 Sep 2003
What a joke, after all this hep C treatment I weigh less than it says on my driver's license for the first time in my entire life. Who needs all this diet pills crap, wow, my stomach isn't good enough to tolerate "spam" these days. To be serious I've been hoping Steve is doing OK.

Name: Diet Pills
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Wow, this is a great web site. Do you sell diet pills though? I am so glad I found it, thank you. I will let my buddies (Bontril, Meridia and Xenical) know and drop back again soon.

Name: Mark
Date: 24 Sep 2003
What is Steve's status now? Has he left NYC for Maine? Anyone heard from him off list?

Name: R N A
Date: 24 Sep 2003
How to Stay OUT of the Military.
very helpful info. pass it on to freinds and family facing mandatory registration. a draft could be looming, cause no one his right mind would sign up for unending tours of duty in Iraq, the sitting duck brigrade.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: glowing friend
Date: 24 Sep 2003
Eileen, spoke with Ena tonight. She sounds so akamai, mellow and wise. She lives above Makawao, in Olinda, too bueatiful to describe. please come here in person to check it out.
her phone is with the 7. I gave her your e mail and your snail mail addresses.
She is delighted to hear from you. and, yes, she does make glass jewelry out of lava.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Sep 2003
nO Fentermine there's no dang potatoe growers here. You can stop now.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Sep 2003
Mark~Yeah it must be the weather.or maybe there's some fishing season opening up. It was superior for a few days and now we're doing the usual payback with fog so heavy it's like rain. Suits my mood today. Glad I only turn 60 once! I wasn't kidding when I said I'm not counting after this. I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT 80 LOOKS LIKE! Just stay in touch on that one. Will be great to visit.

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Sep 2003
Happy Birthday from Elaine and me. I am trying to work out an accessible hotel in Mendo in the next month or two so we can get some of that good air and food for a weekend retreat. The area is still heavily booked up. We can get together for something then.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Sep 2003
Thanks gave it a head start!

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Sep 2003
Rena..back to you.
Thanks Ohio Girl. I'm kind of stunned to celebrate 60. I think I'd like to stop counting now. I'm having such splits in reality lately (I'd prefer to think them as mystical energy shifts), not keeping track of my age any longer may not be too hard. really was the lack of glasses or a Sr moment. I'll be daring and post it here..33300 Pacific Way, Ft Bragg, 95437.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 23 Sep 2003
Happy Birthday Eileen! That isn't age, it's coolness, very hip!

Name: Nik
Date: 23 Sep 2003
Rena, the minute I get it you'll get it a minute later!!!
Eileen, I think perhaps when you said you didn't have your glasses on the other morning you missed that I, Nicole, wanted your us post address...I have somethings I want to send you...can't e-mail it...if you prefer not, I understand...let me know.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: aloha
Date: 23 Sep 2003
Hi Eileen, I emailed you my particulars...
Spent the night by a waterfall pool last night. heavenly.
Nic, am looking forward to getting a copy of your cd.

Name: Jag
Date: 23 Sep 2003
Happy Birthday day Eileen, I hope it is a great one :)

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Just watched a George Carlin special and have to say for all his profanity and bombast he is one satirical character. He verbally pummels the microphone and is fearless in his attacks on cherished icons, attitudes and the insane protestations of any one with out a sense of self deprecating humor. He is a national treasure.

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Joy~Same to you my dear! Thanks for the reminder and good wishes for the changing season. May everyone's harvest be bountiful!!

Name: Joy Andis
Date: 22 Sep 2003
A very happy and deep autumnal equinox to you all. May Demeters gifts in the bountiful earth nurish you into the dark of the dreamtime.

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Done Hammond

Name: Nik
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Thanks Jag, I wish I had the whole lot of it...I'll have to break down and buy a copy on line...I think only Fallin was on the Album...

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Jag - Bring the cd with you !

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Wow Nichole, I'm listening to the CD as I type, very polished, the orchestration is amazing. Your voice is beautiful and smooth, I love it!!

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Gotcha Hammond, 2:30ish is great,
No problem Nichole :)

Name: PS
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Don't I sound like the bigwig teleconfering boho - yes!

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Sep 2003
JAG - Great - looking forward, but make it a little closer to 2:30. I should be done with my tele-confer with NY by 2 but just to be sure - Thanks. We will follow our noses from there....

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Jag, tens perfect...yr the best.

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Nichole, mail just came and so did the CD! I will treat it like glass. How many copies do you need? How does ten sound? More? Less? let me know
Hammond, 2:00 sounds good. I'll let you know when I leave here, its only a fifteen minute drive. Looking forward

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Sep 2003
JAG - Are we still on for Wed? If so - after 2pm is good for me

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Nichole, just woke up, no CD yet but my mail doesn't come for a few hours and I'll let you know as soon as it does. I bet it comes today.

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Rena~ the other address is hotmail..I don't have my glasses or my brain on yet this morning. aloha

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Sep 2003
rwna..I don't have your email filed. mine is Or which I pick up when I;m at school with the same heading.
Yes Nicole this is turning into an rather interesting BDAy time.
off to school now

Name: Nik
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Eileen, would you e me your postal address, I want to send you something.

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 Sep 2003
I saw M & A precisely because of the bad reviews...I saw it at the Angelika and I was only one of about 12 people in the theater...which to me was such a shame...because the people that did go to see it, understand it...those that should see it won't...sort of like preaching to the choir...I found it moving and powerfull and recomend it to all...
That was a fantastic review Hammond.
Jag did you recieve the cd?

Name: rena
EmailAddress: Makawao
Date: 22 Sep 2003
Hi Eileen,
I'll be in Makawao tomorrow to pick up Oshy and take her surfing after school. I don't know your friend Ena, but you can e mail me her phone# or whatever contact you have and I'll deliver your aloha.
My daughter's school is one mile above Makawao. Makawao is a small area with lots of cool people. It's gorgeous there, upcountry Maui.
Little beach was grand today. Hope you get here before too long.
with aloha, R N A

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 21 Sep 2003
"Bed Collars" (click series)

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 21 Sep 2003
from today's Daily Mirror
SADDAM Hussein has been in secret negotiations with US forces in Iraq for the past nine days, we can reveal.
The Iraqi dictator is demanding safe passage to the former Soviet republic of Belarus. In exchange, he has vowed to provide information on weapons of mass destruction and disclose bank accounts where he siphoned off tens of millions of dollars in plundered cash.
President Bush is being kept abreast of the extraordinary talks by his National Security advisor Condoleezza Rice. She is co-ordinating negotiations in Baghdad which are led by Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of American forces in Iraq.
The United States has vowed never to negotiate with Saddam and want to take him dead or alive, but the White House hopes the clandestine talks will allow them to pinpoint the tyrant's exact location.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Sep 2003
hello friends..just curious..what's you home page?
Rena..have you met Ena (Tahalou..what kind of name is that?)? This is not a woman you would forget if you met. I was told her address is in Makawao. I thought she was on the Big Island but isn't this in Maui? Just occured to me you two may know each other. A sister I would like to get back in touch with.

Name: FYI - Opinion Search
Date: 20 Sep 2003
Would you have voted to go to war?
I would have voted to go to war -
I mean - no,
I would probably have voted against it.
and come to think,
I would never have voted for the war,
that decision turned out to be a major blunder
I have always been consistent about that
I would have voted for the war at the time,
but now I'm against it.
I would NEVER have voted for the war.
Well, I may have voted for it at the time
but now I'm against it.
How am I doing in the polls?
© 2003 - Rt. Gen. Wesley Clark (in search of an opinion)

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 20 Sep 2003
"How to Stay Out of the Military"
Everything a teenager needs to know.
An Excellent Resource (pass this along)

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Sep 2003
FYI..yes total body replacement HA! I think that's the inevitable direction.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Sep 2003
Steve~We wait.

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Sep 2003
Hammond..yes good review..very intense! Political poetry equally fine and intense. Too bad for politicos we are no longer seperated by local newspapers and TV. Makes it a tad harder for business as usual. Thanks for the additions.

Date: 20 Sep 2003
Nice site... however, I'm not too concerned with this world and what people think of me. They'll perish, too. Besides, much more important realities await thee. Both God and I want you in the Great Beyond. How do you get there? Belief in the Trinity and frequent confession; We know you can make it if you follow our guidelines in this Finite Existence. Sign the Guest Book, too. God Bless You.

Name: PS - Hammond
Date: 20 Sep 2003
Here is a great review of Dylan's new film written by a friend of mine here in Portland.... (CounterPunched)

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Sep 2003
CounterPunched (Weekend Edition)
"Insights Unsound"

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 20 Sep 2003
Total Body Replacement will be next on the plastic surgery front.

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Sep 2003
You guys are dear. Acid. That's it! I need more acid. Have a great wkend friends. Mine's starting off really wacked out. Hey never a dull moment. The good part I'm really enjoying the beginning of my weaving class and think about all the cultures of men and women that through the ages have done this. One could even think it odd I'm going to a class in it if you think of it's history. I keep waiting for the past life Ah Hah..I've done this before.
But can we talk here just a minute more about aging? Has anyone noticed the stuff that's in the fashion magazines these days about aging and how to prevent looking older, starting at practically 14 with injections of really questionable stuff, face and body lifts and stuff that kind of makes you wonder how come anyone hassels anyone about alternative medicine when they're doing all this dangerous and cutting and pasting and icky stuff? Does this strike anyone else as kind of scary? OK I admit I did one day pull my skin back and imagine a face lift..but then there's the rest of me and I had to laugh. But the faces of the old Navaho women stay in my minds eye. Who would want to loose those faces? And the soft gentleness of my grandmothers ways and bodies and the safe place that gave me as a child to rest. I think I just need to keep riding my bicycle, keep working on my health and start yoga. While I'm at it..what the heck are the pierced and implanted and totally tatooed folks going to look like at 50?! DAMN SCARY! Poor little kids when they have them as grandparents! Am I being backward or something?! I mean can you picture it?
Rena..thanks for the Louise Hays tip. I found some really shocking informationa about her childhood while I was wondering around. Another wounded healer. I also found an interview that I'd like to share a piece of here with everyone. For those of us that still wish for a community..I thought her vision was beautifully filled out. Maybe one of us..or our children, will pull this one together.
Eric..if this is too much feel free to delete it and just leave the link. I'll tighten the format up a bit.
By Dennis Hughes, Share Guide Publisher
DH: I'm wondering what you see coming down the road in terms of career opportunities.
*LH: I see tremendous growth coming in holistic health. There's one area that I would love to see addressed. They have assisted living now and retirement communities and all of them are geared towards poor health. I get a lot of brochures from these places because they think I'm going to want to come and live with them. And all of this stuff is set up for when you get really sick, we will be there to help you to the grave. And I think it would be wonderful if somebody would start some holistic retirement communities where people could really live out the rest of their days in vibrant health. I think it would be very popular, but someone has to do the first one. It could be a national chain.
DH: I've actually had that in mind. My grandfather was in the convalescent home business. He had a number of them in Los Angeles and he won many awards for above average care. I worked with him before going to college. But it was far from holistic health care. Yoga, T'ai Chi and meditation should be included for senior citizens.
*LH: Absolutely. And food! If you go to any of those places the food is so appalling, it hastens you to the assisted part of living. If you don't eat right and you don't know how to take care of your body, you're not going to have the energy to do anything wonderful. And you know, there's nothing wrong with playing golf, but my God, are you going to spend the rest of your life playing golf? That must get incredibly boring! Why not kickboxing?
DH: Really? Kickboxing for seniors?
*LH: Just because you're a senior doesn't mean that you can't do all sorts of things.
DH: Like aerobic activities?
*LH: Yes, aerobic stuff. Not that you'd have to, but make it available, and then people are encouraged to try it. On my 73rd birthday I took up kickboxing. I said to myself, why not, let's try it. I'm not sure yet that I'm going to stick with it.
DH: Besides holistic doctors and nurses at a holistic retirement community, would else would you like to see?
*LH: Chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy.all the healing modalities. And a holistic medical doctor on staff, instead of a medical staff and an occasional holistic practitioner. We should swing it the other way around.
DH: As the baby boom generation ages, there's a huge number of people approaching retirement age, so I assume that the older boomers will get this going. Then by the time I get there it will already be happening.
*LH: You wouldn't lose money on it.
DH: Right, because it's a large population, and all of us who care about natural foods aren't going to want to give it up and switch to Jello!

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: When I'm 63
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Like a fine wine we assume the dignity of age.
The cacophony of youth
badgers for an encore,
tries to impose brown hairs
through an all grey head.
But perpetual dreams have given way
to unmet desires and blighted visions.
Grey is softer and more forgiving.
Maturity is an acquired taste.
- Judith Pordon

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Sep 2003
You could never be old. Maybe it was the acid, I think it was, but I never feel old. People in my realm don't get me for the most part because I am not following their script of aging. It isn't in my DNA anymore. Just radiate your self, that's all it takes. Oh yea, don't listen to the "old" folks and get on with your bad self. People like you mark the path.

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Sep 2003
OH Hammond! Thanks and thanks again. I love the long list of all about ME. We should all have one! And the Dead Nurse story is great! My experience of large groups these days is limited to Reggae On The River and I can well imagine this scene. Really funny story.
Yeds Mark Peter's got it right. Surprised he remembered. As I said before, a goodly number of the Diggers were/are Libras. I get to lead up in on the Autumn Equinox. Almost there. Was thinking today about various yrs we have thought was old when we were younger? Well today I want to say I officially consider 60 OLD. Any thing past that is just OLDER. No biggie really..just amazed I'm here.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: also glad to change the subject
Date: 19 Sep 2003
But first, thanks Dead Nurse! Me either, I wasn't aware of the information on the Phil Lesh website.

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Hi all - I must be in a typing mood - anyway - speaking of the Dead - here is a lilttle vignette from like 1984 abouts that I hope you get a kick of some sort from. Enough Hep-C for a minute......
When the Dead came down to play Ventura Co. Speedway for 3 days Rock Med (from the Free Clinic) needed a licensed nurse and an EMT with an ambulence at hand + the Rock Med doc. The clinic contacted me to be the nurse and the county for the EMT. It was a great gig, great shows, I loved being a Dead Nurse and meeting up with my old friends from the clinic - great fun had by all - er... except the EMT guy. On the first day we were hanging in the med tent smoking a fatty and he shows up in like a spanky new nazi-emt outfit - lots a patches on his arms, a big leather belt, stethascope and scissors along with radio, flashlights, mace, and handcuffs. Not at all pleased by the triple hose hooka he says: "I was told to report to the nurse - where's the nurse?" (I was busy holding my hooka hit) and the room says: "Oh you mean Hammond" and all point to me coughing my lungs out. (I recovered) I say to him - "Look never mind all this - let's go out side." - *Obviously this guy is not going to "fit in" - so I tell him to patrol the parameter and to stay in touch by radio if anything happened - we had the base camp covered... So anyway this worked fine the first day. The only time he called me was from the far side of the speedway - filled of course with Deadheads. He was panicy and needed me to bring a stretcher. So I do and when I get there (the bleacher section) he has a semi-conscious hippy chicklet on downers and sort of a mess. We put her on the carry-all and and start toward the crowd and he says:" Shouldn't we go the long way through the parking lot?" (which would have taken us forever with the stretcher and I say - "No - follow me" and as the band winds down their last notes to the song I shout out - "Psychic Injury - Make a Path! - Psychic Injury!!" and the ocean of Deadheads took their cue - opening the human gate for us..."Psychic Injury? - oh wow man, hey make way - psychic injury coming though....." on down the line and without breaking stride we were at the base tend in like 60 seconds or so.... The girl was fine - and the emt couldnd't believe what had just happened - his mind was blown so to speak - ----So okay fine.... but the next day was a little different sort of mind blow.......
A few of us were diggin the band from the med. tent tower during the show and I notice some sort of scuffle in the crowd near the stage apron and use the binoculars to check it out. There is the EMT guy struggling with a shirtless Deadhead flailing his arms about - people are gesturing for him to stop - but the emt just sprays them with mace - then he handcuffs the hippy and marches him out of the crowd and over to the Ventura Co. squad car and officers at the side - and also digging the show - but now they see the EMT Nazi and his prisoner and take interest. By now there are like 6 of us in the tower with binoculars One cop take the prisoner to the squad car - and the other is speaking to the emt who is ranting on it seems - and pointing at the hippy who is now being uncuffed. The one cop then grabs the emt and thows him on the ground - handcuffs him and throws him into the squad car. They roar off with sirens and lights....... We blow our minds! Are we on acid we ask ourselves.....
Next day we learned what happened. The Nazi-Emt guy got like double dosed by someone - probably with liquid as "Pyramid Oil" was circulating quite freely - and of course he went into Vietnam mode on the peacefull Deadheads. ....... He never returned....... But I sure had fun being a Dead Nurse......
Thanks for the indugence..... love to you all - H.

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Sep 2003
It's Happy Birthday Eileen time again!
The 3rd Page (Revisited)
Happy Birthday Sweet Lady.......

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Sam, I mean Eileen,
Peter told me your birthday is the 23rd. Any truth to that statement?

Name: Jaz
Date: 19 Sep 2003

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Nic - yes - please pass it on asap
patrick - thanks I will check the site. Yeah - Phil loved to drink 'Spensive Wine' - lots a sensive wine - and well we all know the rest in one form or another. A great survivor indeed (not to mention an inspired bass player) who has come back again to share what he learned in the process - asever like the Dead eh?
REDNECK POET - trouble at home eh?

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 Sep 2003
a long time friend of mine just called from San Diego and our conversation turned to Hep C...she said she had some inside info on available transplant came to her via Vermont congressman Jeffers. Apparently there is a small specialty hospital in Indiana named Gray Hospital with a higher meld number system for eligebility for recieving...most other places you have to be practically dead...She gave me the e-mail of the contact person. If you know anyone in those dire of straights, let me know and I'll pass it on.
Jag. Okay. yr the best.

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Correction, make that the first of Oct. I lost a month somewhere :)

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Sep 2003
I haven't received the CD yet Nichole, I guess what I can do is make myself a copy of your tape so I will be able to get it on CD when I have the resources. I can burn you plenty of copies of the CD your sending let me know how many you need. I will try and get the conversion software but am having trouble getting it together right now. I know I can get it after the first of Nov. I will wait for your CD to arrive, make you copies and send back your tape with the CD's I make. I will then have a copy of your tape and your CD to work with.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: theredmanrules
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Hammond, Thanks for the info on the phil lesh site. Wow, what a survivor.
mcming, Ya ever heard Rita Coolidge " The lady's not for sale" album. One of my all time faves. Had it on vinyl twice.I've been searching for the release on cd to no avail.I also have an affinity to the native american people.Have sat through a few peyote prayer meeting myself. Ah the magic of the great spirit and the medicine. I believe I've mentioned the web sight of "The United tribes of the Americas"here before. Check it out. The Seal of country is beautiful and says it all. Later, Peace, Patman

Date: 19 Sep 2003

Name: Nik
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Jag, I can probably make cassette copies my's just cd's I can't...did you recieve the cd I sent yet?

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Eric, I posted a response to Jag and I just got a screen saying Sorry Web is busy...Huh? Let's see if this posts to you...

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Hi all - maybe you already know about this - but Phil Lesh has quite a bit of info on Hep C and treatment that he underwent on his web site. Also you might look up Alton Kelly as well - he has had a successful recovery post transplant as has Mouse as far as I know.... the beat goes on........Yikes alive so many of our own have this to deal with - Allen Cohen - Chet and on and on...... So sorry all - what a drag this is.

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Nichole I've just got some blank cassettes and will make some copies of the tape you sent. How many do you need? I am still trying to get the software for CD conversion and if I make myself a copy of your tape I can get your copies and the original back to you soon and then convert my copy to CD. Make sense?

Name: Nik
Date: 19 Sep 2003
ps speaking of goo goo guy pan...guess who showed up on a navaho site I was observing yesterday...geesh...he's spaming the global guest books...he must have an unusual physical ailment cause he's obviouly "bored as fuck".

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Rna, I'm totally deaf in my left ear and partially in the right...there is a physiological reason for it but I know where the source of the dis-ease came from...when I was small my parents had huge loud blow out fights about whether or not I was my fathers child...and I put a "deaf ear to it" plain and simple...for I do not recall a harsh word ever...but my older siblings told me it was horrific yelling about that subject...
my deafness has actually helped me tremendously with my harmony know how singers put a finger in their ear to better hear themselves and stay on pitch...I have it naturally...
and hep c..."livin'" it up too much

Name: shoms maga
Date: 19 Sep 2003
I am here, keep off boys

Name: r n a
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Hi Eileen, the book you are looking for is by Louise Hay. you could do a search in She actually wrote several books.
I'm sure her books are in every library. she's sold zillions of books.
The naturopaths really go for this. got an earache and they ask if you heard any bad news recently. Lung problems + grief. etc.

Name: Eileen
Date: 19 Sep 2003
Hello "passing through"..feel free to join us. We're just hanging out and as you can see, we just goes where the wind blows.
Can anyone tell me the name of the book/author that makes the connection between various physical body parts pain and the emotional connection?

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Going On
(For Peter Berg)
Push and shove,
fret and think.
Stand alone,
stand beside.
Stand alone paying the price.
Sleep with demons,
dream with angels.
Bet and lose,
work and win.
Push and shove.
Each one teach one.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: from days gone by
Date: 18 Sep 2003
If you ever lived in DC in ~ the last 10 years,
very similarly .. this road used to go where I wanted to go .. it sure as Hell
wasn't one-way yesterday .. WTF ??
When did things get so perverse & fucked-up ?

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Don't feel alone, I am lucky just to remember how to get home by the sheer fact of daily routine at times. It has a cleansing effect though. A whole new day! Where the hell are my keys and can I borrow your pen? Why am I holding a pen in my teeth? Did I shut the garage door? Stop sign!....what fucking stop sign?
One of the best lines on film from Roberto Benigni in "Night on Earth", he is a wacked out Taxi Driver in Rome reeling around in the early morning hours in a Fiat trying to take a mysterious and ill priest to his destination. Hot footing it down an ancient Roman street it suddenly narrows and dead ends turning into a sidewalk. His exclamation was "That wasn't there yesterday!"

Name: passing through
Date: 18 Sep 2003
What an amazing - diverse group of conversations you all are - your unity speaks loud and clear. Keep up what ever you are doing!

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Sep 2003
I have done fasts and some cleansing methods for many reasons and the rejuvenating effect is very evident. I just wonder what is really in those little green goat BB's. Didn't mean to stir the shit......bwah ha hah hah.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 18 Sep 2003
My husband's grandmother was Melungeon, which is very interesting. Some people say Melungeons are a specific racial group (something like Moors?); others say they are mixed black, Caucasian and Native American. In French, the word "melange" means "mix" and I wonder if that's significant. There are many Melungeon people in the Appalachian regions, lots of Melungeon websites too. I never met my husband's grandmother but in her photos, even as an elderly woman, she is beautiful. Very spiritual too, I'm told she was the head of the whole family, all the other women coming to her for advice, although in some instances she was the victim of prejudice. One definition of Melungeon is, if not one can describe exactly what your ancestry is, that's Melungeon.

Name: Char ~*
EmailAddress: Hippie Museum
Date: 18 Sep 2003
I've redone the Earth section of the Hippie Museum.... check it out.
don't miss the Green Links!
Peace and Green Living,
Char ~*

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Nicole..of course not. Damn. It's a wonder I remember YOU! (Just kidding). And they even remember my DOG?!I am so pitiful. Marrying into Navaho must have been a bit challenging. They are generally not receptive to whites on a good day..much less in ceremony. I have to say I'm a bit envious of being brought so deep into that culture with a ceremonial man. I really had some notion I would have done the same somewhere along the line. Can't say I didn't try that's for sure. On the other hand that road is no an easy life but certainly a full one. And yes I know what you mean about the man being the real deal and not using his position. White women are embrassingly particullary vulnerable to those guys. Talk about a clash of cultural social signals and expectations.

Name: Nik
EmailAddress: oops
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Forgive me Rita Goodwin...that would be, "she was a 5'2' beautiful new age woman."

Name: :Nicole
EmailAddress: thewindisahowlin@nynotcalm
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Eileen, do you remember Bill and Rita Goodwin from Pennsylvania? He was a 6'6' drummer for Phil Woods and she was a 5'2' ...they had the farm down the road and had 2 kids Lisa and Max...all that said to say this, Lisa is now married to Sam Tso, a full blood dinee (sp?) Navaho, who's considered one of the best of their medicine men.(sort of a young RT, w/o trying to have sex with everyone)(no disrespect meant there, but you know...) They have 3 kids of their own now and were here for a visit since he was lecturing at nyu. Very powerfull folk. They remembered you and your black great dane, crow?

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Thanks everyone - I stand corrected - and informed. Mark - well maybe 200 pellets- anyway the bowl was full of them and I was much rejuvinated from the treatment.

Name: Hammond
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Ohio Girl - my great, great grandmother was full blood Cherokee

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Oh Yeah McMing..after Contact from the Underworld of Red Boy (R Robertson) I was ready to go off and dog the man! I've been pretty much out of the loop since Bob (Miranda's dad) died a few yrs back when we were doing meetings and sweats pretty much every wkend. But I catch a peyote prayer meeting now and again and was just looking for the pow wow listings the other day. Have been involved in ceremony one way or another since Rolling Thunder came into our midsts..oh my gosh has it been that long..34 yrs ago. I'm sort of a wattabe (or maybe an am is ha!)and being anywhere around that scene is soul food for me.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: non-PC
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Anyone else here know & love Native Americans ?
My wife is part Cherokee.
Listening to Rita Coolidge, Robbie Robertson .. what soul !
If you don't know this connection, check it out.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 18 Sep 2003
Very true hep A, B, and C are totally separate diseases, with C usually the only one to become chronic. I test positive for having had and cleared B in the past. (When I got the C diganosis from my family doctor, he mistakenly thought I had B too and for some reason the thought of having both terrified me, even though I wasn't actually surprised about the C, I was ready for that news. The health dept. called me right away because B is contagious and I felt so threatened by them, the government, like they were going to send me to jail or something, it was a bad day all around, a flashback to that good ol' paranoia.) ANYWAYS I think it's a good idea to be tested for C, not everyone with C will even be recommended for treatment, let alone do you want treatment, but at least you can become aware of the healthiest ways to live with C. Peace

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Sep 2003
I saw Tierra for acupunture last year for back pain. I noticed he had really scaled back his website as far as online advice. He is probably being more "prudent" in this day and age. I still have his book on the shelf and consult it from time to time when a health thing comes up.
On another front, I am finishing up an article in Rolling Stone Magazine about Depleted Uranium weapons used by the US in Iraq and elsewhere. If you can get past the sexed up Britany Spears cover and the shameless corporate advertising the article is right on the mark. Talk about war criminals, sheeeit!
Hitting the hay, gotta go to SF in the morning.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Hey Tomas..there's nothing wrong with having good karma..just rare to find.
MARK~I looked at Michael's site. He ain't telling there. You realize with AMA breathing down everyones neck, being the Law of the Land, anyone Coming too far Out with "alternative" healing has to really watch their back..Nan being a good case in point. What a joke..acupuncture and the use of herbs is a zillion yrs old and is considered "alternative" carries the tone like some half wit crazy Calif cousin that borders somewhere between quackery and witchcraft.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Guiltily relieved
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Thanks for the input Eileen. I should definitly get checked for the gaumet though, I did not live a sheltered life :)

Name: Tomas
Date: 17 Sep 2003
I never earned any money for drugs. I never did buy any drugs. Drugs were always available but I never wanted any. They just came.
If someone gave me a drug then I used it.
The same logic can be said for food and sex.
Today I am hung up on food and sex but not drugs. I could take drugs or leave them be. Using drugs was not my quest.
I wanted peace and I found it.
I got lucky because I had some great heads pounding this skull with good thoughts.
Sylvia Williams to start then Huw Williams, Andee, Joanie, Ramon, Nancy, Kathy, Doris, Kyle, Robby and Lou.
Sometimes I think that I should apologize for my head being in a great place. But then again I have no choice. I am here.
Which is pretty far out.
That was given to me by the Diggers.
In Berkley with Doris I am standing naked in a second story window looking out.
An early morning purple haze in Berkley greets me. Acid and grass did a great job there.
I am there, still there.

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Sep 2003
I remember reading through some of the articles on her website sometime back and found it interesting. Trying to mix some of her theories with my limited medical background gets murky when it comes to visualizing things on Xray film, CT Scans and MRI but I don't have the knowledge to go much further than that. I do know that medicine where ever it comes from is far from exact science. I wonder what Michael Tierra recommends for this stuff?

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Ha! Jag~As far as I know C is a critter all its own, and isn't as easily passed as A or B either. It doesn't even turn you yellow as far as I know. It just sits there and on a bad day makes you tired and like today..pissed off. The worst cases ofcouse are another horror story altogether with swollen livers and makes for a REALLY weird head set. But I imagine there are variations to the theme. This is a very hard disease to generalize about other than it is hard to get rid of and can kill you. But so can Life. At this point I think anyone that lived through the sixties at least, would be wise to get C tested unless you lived as a monk in the attic.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: UH...
Date: 17 Sep 2003
I had hep A or B in 68, the doctor was indeterminate on the diagnosis, is there a connection to C? I haven't had a sympton for years and years but right after I contracted it and subsequently recovered I had recuring bouts of orange urine and jaundiced eyes for a long time espescially after drinking ungodly amounts of alcohol. I realize hepatitus is a life long affliction but do not know the connection between A,B and C. Any Pro Bono advice would help? All this talk has me very curious (mildly alarmed, terrified, what the fuck!!)

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Sep 2003
actaully..the green/bile peas come from the liver. I could go into the whole nine yards of this but to save me rewriting the book here's a bit of it. The rest can be found here and ofcourse there is a great deal more when you start exploring the site:
It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1˝ quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.
For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored. The green ones get their color from being coated with bile. Notice in the picture how many have imbedded unidentified objects. Are they fluke remains? Notice how many are shaped like corks with longitudinal grooves below the tops. We can visualize the blocked bile ducts from such shapes. Other stones are composites - made of many smaller ones - showing that they regrouped in the bile ducts some time after the last cleanse. At the very center of each stone is found a clump of bacteria, according to scientists, suggesting that a dead bit of parasite might have started the stone forming.
As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. It is also thought to slow the flow of lymphatic fluid. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way "nests" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body.......etc

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Sep 2003
I know this probably isn't a popular opinon but being a former xray tech having done many choliagiograms (gall bladder contrast media studies) I have to put my 2cts. The gall bladder is small, 300 "pellets" of anything is unlikley. I think what your seeing is post digestive olive oil emulsified with whatever is in the digestive tract at the juice, herbs whatever. Just my thoughts.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Gall Bladder Cleansing - works every time.
3 day apple juice fast - nothing else - on the 4th morning drink half a cup of olive oil. Your next evacuation will be a few hundred green peas of bile pellets.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Ohio Girl..the weather here is beautiful too. Yeah it's one of the no fun dances we got going here htat's for sure and it's "here, try this try that". I'm definitely up for whatever works.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Eileen, I wish I could meet you in person. Same medical problems, same Toyota!, we've both worked with the elderly, not to mention the sixties and doing our own thing ever since. I doubt we'd agree on medical treatments but so be it. I had an ultrasound before the liver biopsy (often done to check the position of the liver). Today my doctor said that he thinks he remembers the radiologist, during the ultrasound, pointing out that I had some gallstones. My doctor is going to look up the ultrasound and check that out. Well that would be a pretty benign explanation for me getting sick last week, and, I wouldn't even have to have another medical test. Hope that's not all too good to be true.
I doubt I've got any worms or parasites, how could they possibly survive the medicine I've been on!!! I've read about olive oil and grapefruit juice to cure gallstones, sounds cheaper than a doctor but I'd wait until this treatment is over to try it, my stomach is way too touchy on this medicine. The doctor is probably going to "wait and see" anyways if I have gallstones, you bet I'll be even more careful what I eat, too.
I realize there are several types of medicine that can treat hep C symptoms. I think interferon/ribavirin is the only way to permanently eradicate the virus. Me, I don't want to peacefully coexist with this virus, I want it gone. It's a matter of different medical philosophies, I believe. You'd have to be very committed to this treatment to take interferon/ribavirin, it has side effects for most people, you have to be willing to figure out how to get around them. It more or less alters the course of your life while you're on it, if nothing else causing you a temporary stay in Doctor Territory. Oh and yes like Patrick said, I could have used some prozac during the first 24-week treatment, just ask my poor husband. Probably a GREAT BIG dose of prozac. But after that I never had the side effect of depression. After treatment it feels like you found the fountain of youth, you didn't know you could still feel that good. Sure wish I hadn't had a relapse but I'm trying one more time now.......
Hep C is a tricky disease, "fucked-up" describes it very well. You can have lots of symptoms and a fairly sound liver, or no symptoms not even fatigue and a very bad liver. Or no symptoms and your liver is OK too. Or bad symptoms and a bad liver too....... It couldn't hurt anyone to be tested for it, if your past includes risk factors. What's one more needle hole!!! I think people should know, because even if you don't want to be treated, there is important health information people with HCV should be aware of.
Unfortunately yes, liver disease can cause symptoms outside the liver such as difficulty in thinking (and people with liver failure actually go into a coma, although that's the worst-case scenario). After relapsing last spring, I was sent a medical consultation with a specialist (hepatologist) and had the opportunity to ask him about all this stuff.
AND the weather has been just beautiful in Ohio today, and the past few days. Peace

Name: Nicole
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Piggy backing on the biopsy really just sort of felt like a punch in the side...I mean the doctor actually put the contraption up against my rib cage (they go in between two ribs) and then raised his knee and slammed it into the contraption...not very biggie...
Waiting for the rath of Isabel to hit but meanwhile it's 72 degrees with bright blue skies and gorgeous...calm before the storm? brother called me from Yellowstone yesterday and it was 19 degrees...snowing and 40 mph wind.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Back at school this morning. Took yesterday off. I think a full day of dyeing and sucking in all the chemicals was a bad idea. Will have to work outside from now on. THAT should be less than inspiring when the wind and rains are blowing unchecked from the ocean. I can pretend I'm on a boat.
Gave my bus to Miranda's friend that has gone thru 7 (count em 7!) surgeries on his head..the man looks like Frankenstein yet is still oddly handsome despite all the staples now and again from ear to ear, and scars and messed up smile. Although at this point looks become a stupid consideration I suppose. He has insisted his hair never be cut..some religious thing, plus not eating grapes in any form..yet prefers McDonald's and Taco Bell to home cooking. He has been sleeping in his moldy car for 3 yrs. Simply put the man's a freak and Miranda finds him fascinating even though he NEVER stops talking. They're the greatest of friends. It's due to her insistence and compassion Andrew now has a new home after almost dieing (again) last wk. The guy has risen from the dead more times than any of us can believe.
Thanks Rena..Don't laugh but I have started doing all you suggested a wk or so back..after my coffee. Maybe that, in time will make the coffee less an issue. A big pull back to the coast would you believe, was the seaweed! We have some of the best nori anywhere and the bloom was really amazing this yr. Have you ever seen it waves with iridescent lines as it catches the sun. After yrs of buying seaweed I have begun to harvest my own. I may even get a wet suit this yr so I can get out to where it is fresher. This area has a wonderful varity. Another favorite are palm fronds. I know that you and I are truly mermaid sisters.
Ohio Girl..your symptoms are/were EXACTLY the same as mine before I did the worm and parasite cleanse. Those symptoms have nothing to do with the liver! Liver is about being tired to the bone. Your description of what you have been through due to treatment makes me slam on the breaks and reconsider my alternative course with better intention. In fact you are convincing me to clean up my coffee and sugar addiction and get back on track. No way do I consider such reactions to "a cure" acceptable. I had the impression you were doing better. I can get to where you have, with the course of action I am taking without the expense or suffering.
I can't help but wonder if your medications are killing worms and parasites and that is why you have gotten some the same effects I have with the cleanses I have done? (talk about overkill!) It certainly doesn't sound like it's clearing your liver. Stones ORIGINATE from the liver, and when you do a liver flush you can see them by the hundreds, before they have crystallized into "stones". Those uncrystalized stones are what block the liver and carry a huge array of problems off with them when you rid yourself of them..including the effects of Hep C. The liver cleanse I do (after the worm and parasite cleanse) is Epson salt followed with grapefruit juice and olive oil (gag) over night. Really is not fun,..but it's quick and a walk in the park compared to what you're experiencing.
As this is a public forum I continue to pursue this, trying to figure out what's going on in relation to our extremely different choices of treatment. Not to try to talk you into my choices but to compare so we can learn together. Oddly Ohio Girl, your latest report has reinspired me to get back on track. Dang and I was so ready for the quick cure. Yours just sounds like the torture treatment that adds insult to injury. I think I'll stick to the witch doctors.

Name: quickmorph
Date: 17 Sep 2003
A little more on Hep C. I've had two biopsys (that sure doesn't look right!) over the past 5 years and neither were that traumatic. I've had dental work that was worse. They do make you lie down for 5 hours afterwards to make sure everything's cool, but besides that and a slight ache for a few days afterwards, it certainly wasn't too bad. Since my liver's wasn't in terrible shape the first time the doc wanted to see the progress of the disease over 5 years. My point is that since this fucked-up disease does a number on your liver, it makes sense to take a look at the thing once in a while. For anyone whose doc wants to do this and has what sounds like good reasons, my advice would be to go ahead.
I'm one of those "asymptomatic" people who wouldn't have any idea how I was doing if it wasn't for this kind of scrutiny. Ohhh baby though, when he first held up that biopsy needle I wanted to crawl under the table!

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: p.s.
Date: 17 Sep 2003
I had to laugh about the urine test for Nan the midwife. It's not a funny situation but that part of it is ridiculous, the stupidity and heavy-handedness of the Law never ceases. I'm very happy she at least gets to stay at home. Peace

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: 2 cents worth again
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Hello everyone, including Steve "Still Too Silent," hope you are doing ok! Well I couldn't ever say to anyone with hep C you HAVE To be treated, it's very personal, and after all I'm one of the people who relapsed after the first treatment. Definitely that's the other side of the story, of not getting the quick cure. But after the side effects of the initial treatments wore off, while I was having a remission from the hep C virus, I felt so outstanding. Then all the miseries started to come back, as the virus came back. That's why I know I'm on the right track. If I don't get a permanent cure this time I'll be very sorry, because I doubt it would be worth re-treating again. But I am trying to avoid a life filled with illness leading to a somewhat early death. Gee I don't want to sound morbid here. But picture this, an old hippie who avoids doctors at all cost. In my peaceful middle years, all this stuff starts going wrong with me. Hurting so much it was like someone wound up a big skate key in the middle of my back until every joint was stiff and painful. So tired I would literally wonder how I could get up in the morning and get dressed and get it together enough so the world would perceive me as a person. Slurred speech sometimes. Inability to think clearly, or say what I mean to say, feeling like a child on the sidelines of adult conversations. Wondering if the reason I never watched TV anymore (let alone read a book) was because I had become so cool and mellow. Or, had I become dull and stupid? Wondering why my toes were numb all the time. Multiple sclerosis? Diabetes? Alzheimer's? Extreme arthritis? There was something very wrong. It turned out to be hep C, I wasn't fortunate enough to be asymptomatic. I've had alot of side effects of treatment but have missed less work than many people who have nothing wrong with them. Without treatment, there's no way I'd still be able to work. Last time I took "Pegintron" and ribavirin twich for 24 weeks, this time "Pegasys" and ribavirin for 48 weeks (20 weeks done!). Probably Pegasys, the newest treatment, is milder, because I'm on higher doses of shot and pills, and yet the side effects are a little less this time around. But partly, I'm doing better because I have rearranged my life as necessary around the treatment. I eat better (how many people finally learn to eat right after getting a chronic illness!!!!). I changed my shifts at work, got rid of the ones that were physically too much on this medicine and truly depressed me. I concentrated my work week into Sat. Sun. and Mon. On Tuesday, which would be a down day anyways, I take the Pegasys shot as soon as I get home in the morning. I'm tired enough to doze through alot of the effects, and, I'm not wasting a "good" day of the week on that shot. Best I can come up with! I have alot of skin problems because interferon, which has an anti-fibrotic effect on the liver, also causes you to have fragile skin which doesn't heal easily. Wal-Mart's generic version of "Eucerin" helps along with antibiotic cream, prescription psoriasis cream because the medicine gave me psoriasis at the onset of each treatment......lots of skin remedies and problems and boxes of bandaids. I have to take "neupogen" shots or I'd have a dangerously low number of white blood cells. This isn't a picnic. But it's okay. And I don't hurt all over and I can think (well, that's relative, but I seem to be able to think like "myself" anyways). Not all doctors insist on a biopsy, by the way. In my case, they wanted one when I had to be re-treated, to help decide if re-treatment was warranted. If I had gotten cured the first time, and had had no other liver symptoms, my doctor wouldn't have felt the need for a biopsy.
So, my two cents worth but no answers here. Today I have a doctor's appointment and part of what it's about will be "pancreatitis," which to me is not a good sign, but, hopefully, it will stem from some common reason like gallstones. Then tomorrow a funeral. My Uncle died 5 weeks ago. My Aunt died yesterday, she just couldn't live without him. She had Alzheimer's and lots of people would say she didn't have a clue. But how strong, it's a testimony to the human spirit in a way, she still knew alot. She knew she didn't want to be here without her mate of 45 years. Amidst all these mysteries of life, Peace

Name: rena
EmailAddress: coffee
Date: 17 Sep 2003
Hi Eileen. Try drinkig lots of fluids to move out of coffee. Miso broth will give you a kick, get you going. ginger tea is nice. you can even boil some fresh ginger and then add miso to the ginger tea instead of honey and get a kick. Many Japanese drink miso soup in the morning to get the day going.
as you boil the water or ginger, you can add carrots, onions, garlic, any vegetables you like, rice, and make a soup. Oh, Seaweed is also a real High Energy food. a piece of torn nori in your miso.. yum. we eat nori, dulse, and other seaweeds can be added to soups, spaghetti sauces, stews, grains... I like to be Princess Seaweed for Halloween.
sending you love Sister!

Name: bluefin
Date: 17 Sep 2003
i share that Alan Watts connection. his outlook seemed so clear while contrary.
and if you have those tapes, then you've heard that wonderful laugh.

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: let's get real
Date: 16 Sep 2003
OK let's talk a minute about The Money Thang. Being a Digger site maybe we could use a little refresher update reality check. Who here DOESN'T want a lot of money? Raise your hand? Everybody got their hand up? As I recall, it basically came down to robbing the rich, each other and even yourself and buying drugs. Ok and finding there were a lot of folks that were looking for an outlet for their abudance and found the Diggers a good conduit. We definitely irritated the shit out of the gov't and had a good time in the process. The philosophy's great, although we would have been more better (can I put those 2 words together) called Robin Hoods Merry Pranksters with a Huck Finn back. Such a bunch of hustlers with a great idea. We did have fun! Onward...
I have to admit to a long struggle with the idea of Spiritual necessitating Poor. Yet I believe this is some way back past life karmic belief that I am still trying to spiritual AND flamingly rich! Ha!
That must have been a bit of a moment for D Chopra to be on the same show as The Dhali Lama. It sounds like he's not used to sharing the stage with someone that must be something like standing next to a saint and in the position to have a dialog or expected to stand on even ground..what? Sounds like a mistrel show. That must have been tough to watch.

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Resent the e-mail Hammond,look for... (From Jag (John) Next Week?)
For what its worth Deepak is interesting in a new age enlightened way. He wants to walk the path but his celebrity gets in his way.

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Funny, I saw the same show with the Dali Lama and it was truly embarrassing. Deepak has a good rap and I like him, he is a bit of a charlatan at times and the money just keeps rolling in but it kind of fits the Digger thang. I think he overdoes his stage settings and ambiance at times. He has that Rod Mckuen delivery occasionally and it gets in the way but I think he is instrumental in bringing expanded awareness to folks who wouldn't get the opportunity. I am reminded of Alan Watts who I found fascinating for years. Later, I found out he was hitting the bottle pretty hard but I still had my kids read his stuff when they were young and I have all of his tapes somewhere around here. So, in all I think in spite of tripping over his own ego at times (I never ever do that) he has my gratitude for his work.

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Sep 2003
rena - and not to knock the good hearted words and work of Depak - but when he appeared with the Dali Lama on TV a year or so ago - it was rather humorous. When his Holiness finished saying something (to Larry King ) Depak would immediately chime in with: "What his Holiness is saying.....(bla-bla-bla..." as if he were Garrett Morris on SNA performing a open-caption service for the hearing 'non-impaired.' Assuming somehow that the Dali Lama's words were confusing - which of course they weren't. This went on and on for like 30 min. until the Dali Lama put a gentle stop to it. King was actually cracking up.

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Well the location sounds cool. Now all they need is some good Humboldt expertise! What a bunch of loosers if they can't get that righ with a $5.75-million contract? What the freak is THAT about? They should be buying from the GROWERS. Damn, leave gov't to screw up something that started as a good idea. Such chicken shit! I really had a moment thinking Canada was cooler than anybody..OK no one's going to likely ever top Ampersterdam..but one can dream. Dream on.

Name: PS-FYI
Date: 16 Sep 2003
The marijuana is being grown for Health Canada deep underground
in a vacant mine section in Flin Flon, Man., by Prairie Plant Systems
on a $5.75-million contract.

Name: FYI - Service
EmailAddress: Bad Goods in Canada
Date: 16 Sep 2003
First tokers of Health Canada cannabis call it disgusting.
- Some of the first patients to smoke Health Canada's
government-approved marijuana say it's "disgusting"
and want their money back.
A52-year-old Toronto man who uses marijuana to combat nausea
said the Health Canada dope actually made him sick to his stomach.
"I threw up," Dalley said Monday. "It made me nauseous because I
had to use so much of it.
It was so weak in potency that I really threw up."
Dalley is returning his 30-gram bag, and is demanding his money
back - $150 plus taxes. Wakeford is returning his unpaid bill for two
of the bags with a letter of complaint.

Name: The 3rd Page
EmailAddress: Imagining.........
Date: 16 Sep 2003
"THE RESIDENT" (3 clicks)

Name: rena
EmailAddress: cosmic consciousness
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Heard Deepak Chopra here on Maui on Sunday. Some friends bought me a ticket. WOW and double Wow!!! I had heard him speak here about 6 years ago. He really has a great consciousness expanding rap. I encourage all to hear him speak if you ever get the opportunity. He is better than ever.
as for Nan, yes, she is fortunate to stay out of concrete. If she didn't have the $11 a day, she would be screwed. also, what a blessing that home is a heavenly garden and she's the gardener.
Steve??? Hope you are Grooving!!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Sep 2003
JAG - no, I must have dumped it with the spam/virus catch of the day. Please send it again and use a subject heading I will notice...tx
Nic - yes - I get your message loud and clear!!
Eileen/Mark - indeed I can vouch for the (odd) nursing immunity (seemingly it seems) to some of the most contaigious nasty bugs and virus attackers known to 'man/woman-kind.' In my case - e.g. direct and indisputable exposure to Encephalitus - TB - countless Hep variants, antibio-immune Staph etc and the black plague all without so much as a sniffle. And thankfully this seems to be pretty universal in the med world - otherwise there wouldn't be any nurses or tech's alive.
It is so good of you all who have hep and liver ailments etc to explore these moments here on the guestbook - aside from the benefits you all may get from from the dialogue - it is all so informative - and I think must be reassuring to many of our silent visitors. Thanks one and all......Strength and Honor - Each One Teaching One - then as now.

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Hammond did you get my e-mail? I used my hotmail account if you didn't recognize the address.

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Nichole, I listened to the tape last night and really enjoyed it, kinda reminds of Jerry Garcia and Friends (not the Dead)I saw them perform in Portland a few times and the harmonies and eclectic mix of instruments and beats is similar. I will make some tape copies quick and then focus on getting it on a disc. Very cool stuff.

Name: Jenn
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Thanks bessos.
Frank Zappa went to High School in Antelope Valley CA, which is in the Mojave Desert , where my first son was born... Consequently I met several people who went to school with him. During his years there (Zappa), he showed up to Biology in only a jock strap. Guess that was a true lesson in Biology. :} Teacher tossed him. surprise! Those desert rats are ballsy eh?
Hammond, you have my creative writing juices all fired up! When life isn't sooooooo busy, we really must connect more on this and that!(purple hint)

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Thanks for that note Nicole. I no longer really know what that means but it sounds good.
And thanks for the further info Patrick. Just thinking about going through all the steps takes a certain mind set that I will have to pull up from somewhere. But when you and Ohio Girl talk about no sign of hep left, I realize what a great thing that would be. Ariel's been doing really well with the alternative treatment she has been following via this psychics advice. But I am getting tired of this juggling act and would really like something decisive to happen this time around. I ofcourse always liked the doctor route when they have always sold the idea of just a quick way to cure something. But so many times the rest of the story comes some times latter..oops. I have learned to distrust their methods.

Name: Nicole
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Eileen, I just got off the phone with my friend Susan Towlson, you might remember her as Steinberg...anyway her birthday is 9/23 as well and she read me from her book today about people born on that said...
"people born on September 23 are faced with on going challenges that must be met, and because of this they become Spiritual Warriors"

Name: patrick
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Hey Eileen, I drove 100 mi. round trip to my job daily which translated to about 11-12 hr days and did private practice on Saturdays the whole time during treatment for hepc.I would come home take the shot(3x aweek) pop the ribovirin pills take a big ol'800 mg. ibuprofin eat and hit the sack. By taking the ibuprofin at night I felt no aches or pains next morning and might take another ibuprofin during the day.I worked as a primary therapist in an inpatient substance abuse/ mental health center and did not get sick the whole time of my treatment with even a cold.
The new pegasys treatment which Ohio girl is in the midst of is much better as you only have one injection a week (very tiny needle) and the reported results for recovery are even higher. The old treatment with interferon only had very week results maybe about 8% recovery and out of those 70% relapsed.
Nobody noticed that I worked with or did any of the people I came in regular contact with that I was on this regimine. I did not even tell my son until I was finished and knew the results. Not that I was ashamed but I tried to downplay it and not give it that much energy. Oh yea, I almost forgot I did also take a small dose4 of prozac during treatment to help with some of the psychological effects.
The only advice I would give you is to get a good doctor, Maybe an internal medicine person. Most arent willing to proceed without a liver biopsy so they can get a better read on whats going on. The biopsy is,nt that big of deal. They will medicate you with little pain meds. Best to whatever you decide. Peace and health to all. Patrick

Name: Eileen
Date: 16 Sep 2003
Rena..The fact this is going on at all is one more sign of the dark age we are in. I am sure in THE Dark Ages women were helping women give birth at home. The laws in this country become crazier and crazier and our so called justice system is a money monkey court. I wonder if there is ANY country besides this one with such prohibitions?

Name: Mark
Date: 16 Sep 2003
I am glad to see it has ended at least in a bearable outcome but those rules are just ridiculous. Having to 24 hours in one day inside your house...what is up with that? Urine tests? I don't get it. Can you tell if someone is practicing midwifery from their urine. Whatever, could be worse.

Date: 15 Sep 2003

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: birth sista
Date: 15 Sep 2003
latest on Nan who got proscecuted for practicing midwifery without a license in California...
I just spoke with our fearless sister Nan. Her rate for the ankle bracelet was reduced to the "indigent"
rate of $11 a day and her incarceration time is 8 months. Thanks to all of her friends and family, she has
to money to pay for the ankle bracelet that will monitor her house arrest.
Here's her rules:
she's allowed in her yard (she's a farmer) 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.
one day a week she must spend all 24 hours in her wonderful house.
no visitors except family. however, as a farm, we can come by and buy fruit.
she would like to work a 2nd job as a yoga teacher but the rules say one job. she's hoping to get
permission but she has a tough probation officer.
she's not allowed to attend a birth for 3 years.
she's not allowed to TALK about birth to anyone!!!! The probabion officer assured Nan that she would
lock her up if she talks birth to anyone.
regular urine tests (no problem) and spot checks at her home.
after 8 months she will then have 3 years probation. still no talking about you know what!
4 of her children live on her farm with their spouses and her grandchildren. So, know that she is surrounded by love.

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Sep 2003
Yeah our bodies are really amazing. The more I look at what comes OUT of our bodies and the more I learn about toxins etc, the more confused I get about how there can be such a broad line between health and illness and at what point the scales are tipped either direction. I used to think I knew something.

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Sep 2003
I am just asking in general. Funny about the hospital work though and Hammond can probably attest to this, you seem to gain a huge immunity for some reason. I have worked around the worst of it, no need to describe, but I never got sick. An Xray tech a like a nurse has physical contact on a regular basis with all the patients in very close ways. My Daughter is an elementary school teacher in an area of great diversity, sometimes 7 or 8 languages in one class, and many are new arrivals to this country bringing lots of regional afflictions with them. She has finally built an immunity of some sort being able to ward most of the viruses that float around. You don't have to be Howard Hughes, in fact that may be the dangerous way.

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Sep 2003
Mark,you asking me? No I don't think hep C is routinly tested, as far as I know. But I would guess they are now on high alert for odd liver counts on the regular run of stuff on done blood tests. If your liver counts are higher than they should be they would probably suggest you get specifically a hep C test. The problem is, beyond that they can't tell you much about it's progression without a biopsy (too invasive) and/or constant viral tests so they can make comparisons..both likely expensive.
I talked to Ariel this evening about the ribavirin/interferon. She said there are two brands (?) being used and the cheaper one has the rep of being the hardest on you. Joanie Batman/Bullington told her about a health psychic that both she (Joanie) and Ariel have gotten good help from, and who is not expensive. She wants me to try her first before approaching this other avenue. So I am waiting to hear from her.
Frankly I'm tired of the battle and want some outside help. I picked up a need for coffee and sugar while on the road and have not been able to get on top of it. Come on, I stopped smoking..don't I get some credit points for THAT,!? I mean shit, I feel like being a human creature is slightly above the dogs and chickens when it comes to all the stuff in our invironment that ends up in our systems. I'm starting to feel like I need to be one of those people that don't want to touch dooor knobs, public telephones, pet dogs or eat food out of the ground, and all the coughing snorking people in my classroom..forget working in a hospital!!!

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Sep 2003
All this stuff about HepC lately, not just here but lots of places. My sister works in a hospice in Butte County where they deal with many suffering from complications surrounding Hep C. I feel reasonably fine for my 57 years. I do a serious workout for an hour 5 days a week but I have slowed down over the last couple of years. The asymptomatic thing naturally has me curious given punctured history. Is HepC routinely tested on physical exam bloodwork now? I have been tested for HIV several times due to my routine emergency room work and I have done this outside the HMO I am covered by for obvious reasons. Any input on this? Do you think a test would be a waste of time and another damn needle through a tired and collapsed venous system?

Name: Eileen
EmailAddress: Hep C next step
Date: 15 Sep 2003
PS...any advice as to how to proceed? Can I do this and go to school at the same time?

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Sep 2003
Ohio Girl and Patman Ok Ok you got me. Will begin to look into this remedy.

Name: patman
Date: 15 Sep 2003
ohio girl, I too was sceptical about the ol' ribavirin/interferon route. After trying all other alternative supplements including milk thistle/silmirron sp.? I used it and the best antioxidents on the market. The milk thistle was the best I could get at the time and was quite expensive. I was probably spending at least $200 a mo. on all the different supplements.I took them for at least 3years and my labs continued to stay 3x the safe values.My attitude was "So what its nonsymtomatic, I'm in no pain and why would I want to take some toxic chemical that will give me flu like symptoms and may not even work" When the new studies came out with the success rate being so high for a cure and the fact 3 dear friends I'd known throughout the years who were younger than me and in my opinion healthier quicker than I, and also"non symptomatic"(other than elevated labs)Had all died from hcv in a 2 year span.I decided to look into the co/therepy txment. Myself and another hcv + friend who had tried most natural therapies also including 6 mos. of natural treatment by the Dalai Lama's doctor decided to do the interferon/ribo on the buddy system. That was over 4 years ago and we both continue to have normal labs and test negative for the virus. I did'nt realize how low my energy was before treatment(The ol'non symptomatic myth) But now that I've been virus free for so long I definately have more energy aqnd continue with all my normal regimines of antioxidents and natural supplements as before. I have met many other folks with similar stories as mine. Best of luck with this round. Patrick

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Sep 2003
I always tried to make the Zappa concerts. The first was just after the "Freak Out" album at the old Fillmore in SF. Another strange one was at the old Circle Star theater in San Carlos with a rotating central stage. Tom Waits was doing stand up monologue as the opener. One of the last was at Winterland when he launched into a verbal tirade against Rolling Stone Magazine which had lambasted his guitar talents, he spent the rest of the night frying the earlobes off us with guitar pyrotechnics.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Re Zappa
Date: 15 Sep 2003
Bluefin, I saw Frank with the Mothers at the Shrine in LA many times and he was always good. He could play a mean lick when he wanted but often times he was noodling and experimenting which was good too but in a different way.

Name: FYI -Service
Date: 15 Sep 2003
blue-fin - Yes, he was.... sad that he moved along so early on.
FYI - Cal. recall election postponed - due to neo-chad reformulations

Name: bluefin
Date: 15 Sep 2003
thank's FYI..(re F.Z.)...he played pretty good too.....

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Sep 2003
I hear that Ohio Girl. Those dreams were vivid and I would always wake up just before I did the deed. Talk about frustrating!!

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Sep 2003
"Celling Out The Alarm"

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: silver lining
Date: 15 Sep 2003
It probably took 25 years to stop dreaming about junk. And yet, it's always a silver lining to the clouds, if anything medical happens which results in a narcotics prescription. Can't help myself I guess..... I have a doctor's appointment this week, the doctor for sure wants to find out the reason for pancreatitis. Eileen I eat all kinds of antioxidants and (by necessity) an extremely healthy diet, almost no fats except nuts or olive oil, it was (probably not by coincidence) I got sick after eating a small amount of junk food. But as for medical treatment I'm satisfied with the peginterferon/ribavirin (I know, I know, everyone's different). In spite of the side effects, I'm one of the ones who feels better from taking it. It restores my ability to think and read and use big vocabulary words, things I literally lose from the HCV virus. Wierd but true. Thanks everyone, Fran

Name: Nik
Date: 15 Sep 2003
thanks Jag, by the way, when you get the tape I must warn you, it's very funky sounding...but good, I think...the cd is a whole other thing...hope you like them...

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Sep 2003
Nichole, I e'd you my address, I have plenty of blank CD's they aren't much if you buy in bulk (50 or more). Looking forward to hearing it. I haven't received the tape yet but my mail hasn't arrived today so I'll let you know.

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Sep 2003
If your friends arrive here in Santa Cruz I will keep you posted.
Ohio Girl,
I hope you are feeling better even without the pharmacy.

Name: Nicole
Date: 15 Sep 2003
Jag, Please e-mail me your us postal address...I found a cd of mine with 5 songs that are much more current...and I have blank cd's for you too...

Name: Nicole
Date: 15 Sep 2003
Beautiful Cash notes on the third page...and
Eileen, your statement about the guys on the lawn...oh my god, how incredibly written THAT memory was...I could feel the steam rising..."hotter than a pepper sprout"
Jenn I completely understand...I wasn't thinking, I mean it NEVER occurred to me about that situation...thanks for the explaination, love you...I know they spent the weekend with Berg.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: Allswell
Date: 15 Sep 2003
Thanks for including my garble in the memoric.Felt good.Maybe I will reread what I write or do spell check more often. I loved all of the chemicals you all have been talkin' about. I missed the oxycontin it came out after I cleaned up.Dilaudid did,nt hold me very long. When I got my liver biopsy I had more chalk in it than the cliffs of dover. Loved that Smack.
Peace, Patman AKA "the tussionex kid"

Name: Eileen
Date: 15 Sep 2003
Ohio Girl..worm and parasite cleanse then liver cleanse. I know you don't want to hear it, but it's all connected and you really must unload cause this latest event..well the knee bone's connected to the leg bone, the leg bone's connected to the ankle bone, the ankle bone's connected to the foot get my drift. I keep wishing someone you trust as an authority would tell you this. I hate to harp (and debated all day whether to say it again)..but I keep hoping.

EmailAddress: Scratch my nose
Date: 14 Sep 2003
Dilaudid does the trick

Name: hard case
Date: 14 Sep 2003
Demerol or Oxy-Contin .. it's all good
(pardon me while I nod out for a little while)

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Sep 2003
Ohio Girl - ouch! So sorry this happened - very uncomfortable I know. Did they x-ray for stones? Geeeze girl - rest - rest - fluids - fluids right?
oh yeah - and please pass the Demerol.......(okay - just kidding)

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Nashville Skyline
Date: 14 Sep 2003

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 14 Sep 2003
I ended up in the emergency room last Thursday from "pancreatitis," very painful, it took 2 demerol shots to stop hurting (nothing else hurt either for several hours as you might imagine). Very scary because my first husband had that and he died about a year later. Hopefully this will turn out to be from gallstones or something not the condition of my liver. Anyways a prescription for pain pills, yeah, definitely, it's like a vacation. Peace

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 14 Sep 2003
Thanks all - glad you liked the memoric graft from the guestbook.

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Sep 2003
McMing..if you were in the city that would be glad it's just irritating and they're staying on their side of the hill. Boys will be boys. glad to hear you're surfacing. I finally took drugs last night just toget some rest..good ole pain killers+..and found out I had been in a lot of pain I hadn't even been aware of. Ahh drugs..I wish..oh well..been there done that. But a respite sure was needed and was the cherry on top. I also feel better today. Upward and onward.
Weather here on the coast is hard to believe. Normally I have to wear two layers but this is like being much more south and I could get used to this! Have a good Sunday friends. Always my no guilt who cares, do whatever day..and it's sunny!

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 14 Sep 2003
bluefin - "It isn't so." My opinion Frank was a very good guitarist - perhaps innovative an certainly original in presentation/composition but hardly a virtuoso - hardly earth-changing. He had more chops with the original "Trouble Comin Everyday" than any of his post-orig. MOTHERS groupings Steve Vai not withstanding. Frank was a business man plain and simple long before and after he was a guitar-hero. Now as an avant-garden composer he has few if any peers in the rock world.
Dig "Yellow Shark"

Name: Still the only one awake?
EmailAddress: th ugly Irisher
Date: 14 Sep 2003
& now, my revenge :
Aerosmith turned up to 11
on the big Marshalls on the front porch.
Don't fuck with me, Baby

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: could I go to the next world, please ?
Date: 14 Sep 2003
9:30 AM on a sunny Sunday in NC
And my neighbors are firing some kinda semi-auto,
sounds like at least .30 caliber,
just over the hill. Rapid-fire bursts.
Bullets on a beautiful day.
What kinda place is this, anyway ?

Name: Jag
Date: 14 Sep 2003
Sleep well all and thank you Mark your work is inspired

Name: bluefin turtle
Date: 14 Sep 2003
a greatest guitar list without Frank Zappa?? please say it isn't true.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Sep 2003
Nice addition to the 3rd page. I like it.
Good night, I am feeling better.

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Sep 2003
I second the motion. Mucho Gracias Compadre.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Sep 2003
3rd PAge..thank you for that. Really nicely done.

Name: Psssst - The 3rd Page
Date: 13 Sep 2003
All done now - see Honor Roll - click on Johnny Cash -
Love ya all - Ed 3rd Page

Name: PS -3rd Page
Date: 13 Sep 2003
The link takes you to the working draft - The formatting is ongrowing (though static for now) and perhaps a photo of Johnny Cash will be added to the page. Please send comments - suggestions or ? as this (pending any objections) will go into the [Fall Back Issue] (Oct. 1) of the journal in the Honor Roll division of The 3rd Page.
Current HR Membership

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 13 Sep 2003
In honor of the day - "Big River (3 Echoes)"
:-) Ed. The 3rd Page
Don't even bother Biloxi Red..... You are on your own.....

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 Sep 2003
Including Steve, "Too Silent" at the moment. How are you doing?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 13 Sep 2003
Johnny Cash, like one of my kids reminded me, always told it exactly like it is, in his songs. And now that I think about it, you could ALWAYS understand the lyrics in his clear, deep beautiful voice, that's not true of many of my favorite artists. And people remember the words to so many of his songs...... "Best of" lists are fun to generate thoughts and memories but how much can they mean? I never heard anyone play the guitar live like B. B. King. Talk about "live" guitar, wow. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. Peace!

Date: 13 Sep 2003

Name: FYI -Service
EmailAddress: appreciations
Date: 13 Sep 2003
The guitarist listing is from (who else) Rolling Stone. However off the mark - the post sure inspired some great anecdotes and continuations (jag-mark-eileen-patrick !! ) from you all = some great minds continuing to be great minds. Bless us one and all for still being here.
My personal top ten favorites would be:
1/ Jimi Hendrix 2/ Elmore James 3/ Eric Clapton 4/ Mike Bloomfield
5/ John Cippollina 6/ Chet Atkins 7/ Duane Allman 8/ Roger McGuinn 9/ Harvey Mandel 10/ Jorma Kaukonen (tie-dyed with Jerry Garcia)
Honorable second mention (go Ohio Girl) = Hail Jaco Pastorius!! - a once in a lifetime virtuoso without peers and such a tortured soul - RIP

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Sep 2003
I danced with those guys Mark found on the lawn, my freshman year at LSU. 18 yr old virgin, first time away from home without my family that tested every boy for proper upbringing that came to our house. In Shreveport I could not escape being Dr Ewings Baton Rouge I was just another hungry white girl. Came the night we drove across the river (Mississippi) and I knew I was stepping into the land my folks had kept me from. All I remember of that night was the boy with hair and clothes and a manner that would have never made it past our front door, pulling my body against the length of his and sliding his leg between mine. We danced with sweat and heat with a voice on the juke box I would never get to play at home. That night I knew I would have to get as far away from my parents as possible and anywhere in the South would not be far enough.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: impressed
Date: 13 Sep 2003
Mark Jag, You are a couple of lyrical cats. I sure can relate. Only our little sub division(900 sq. ft ranches w/basement to spin 45's and try that aspirin in a coke deal) were surrounded bay big ol' corn fields in N. Columbus ,Ohio. Latchkey kid also.My dad was abeer salesman, Always lotsa Schlitz, That was the co. main brand.Had kinda sweet taste after I had chance to compare it to other brands. Coming home from catholic school searching through my dad's sock drawer for the nudist colony mags to get the vision of nunzilla out of my lil' pate. At the swimming pool I was a member at I recall the swim couch setting up a 4th of July party and 2 of the older guys on the dive team rode bicycles off of the diving tower probably 16' high over same flames on top of the water the coach had formed by floating a little fuel oil and igniting it while Johnny cash sang "I fell into a burning ring of fire" over the crackly pool pa system. Add John Hammond Jr. to that list and Brian Jones too. later, Peace Patrick

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Sep 2003
Right on Mark you make it come alive. My tract house childhood (five cookie cutter models all eerily similar) was cut from the same cloth. Braceros, bean and berry fields, early Orange County still barren in places and hot hot hot! VA loan for an $11,000 three bedroom ranch house and my parents both working while I could have been a poster boy for latch key children. The disturbingly crazy shit that we did between 2:30 and 5:00 when the house was mine and anything goes and nobody knows. Then the drunk old man stories!! I could regale you with tales of debauched boozing and self indulgent alcoholism that tore my childhood into a recurring nightmare of frenetic memories that weave a tattered tapestry rife with screaming, crying, pity, pathos and all the depraved shit that comes out of two fifths of Smirnoffs a day. Yeah my old man was a great guy to know if you wanted a shot and a beer back. He had good taste in music though if you liked Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, big bands and jazz. It didn't start like that. My early memories were pretty normal. Davy Crocket caps and Jim 'Bowie knives' (plastic), boys club ping pong, public pools, barefoot summers and picnics in the park. The weirdness kind of crept up slow and steady. Like taking drives in Irvine and my parents sharing a six pack of schlitz on a hot summer Sunday. Or spending three hours in the car out front of a dive in Ensenada while my mother would periodicly run into the cantina to try and get my old man to leave his vodka martini and take us back to an American bar. He was a bar manager for Claremans restaurants in Covina, Cucamonga, and Gardena. Nice steak houses frequented by psuedo celebs and big spenders who couldn't get in the Brown Derby. The North Woods in Covina, the Golden Cock (no shit, large rooster on a gold pole for a logo)in Cucamonga. He thought he would own his own place some day but that dream got lost in the bottom of a fifth of gin. I could go on and on but suffice it to say my childhood wasn't much different than millions of "Leave it to beaver" families that hid the truth from the neighbors and bought into the lies of the fifties. Simple times my ass. Cold war paranoia, bomb shelters, pressing question of the era, would you let your neighbor in yours or blow his ass away? Lenny Bruce trying to warn our parents that things weren't right but no one wanted to hear him. Beatnicks, hip chicks, Charles Mingus, Be Bop and The Purple Eye. What a country. What a "simpler time".

Name: Mark
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Big River
I lived as a boy in one of the suffocating tracts of suburban homes swallowing the fruit orchards and berry fields of the Santa Clara Valley. Dozers chewed and growled through the rows of apricot, prune and cherry trees heaping the carcasses into huge bonfires that would burn for weeks. Italian, Portuguese and Japanese farmers left leaving no trace. Whining skill saws and endless hammering slowly replaced the drone of irrigation pumps pushing clear cool beautiful water through sun baked ditches and the roaring furnace blast of the fruit driers. Sidewalks laid out with curb cuts for unbuilt houses replaced the shady orchard rows for adventure and boyhood fantasy. Those orchards were also a relatively private after school place to convince Elena Ramirez to open here blouse. Bracero camps were felled without a thought of the ghosts of those who came every season to sweat their life for a contemporary slavery.
As promised by the developer, a community pool for our blocks of tract homes named Los Ranchitos was built and it became the center of summer adolescent boredom and children’s swimming lessons. A redwood barbeque table was set up under the cabana facing the concrete deck alongside the pool where we would plug in our teenage record players and spin stacks of 45’s. Stuff like Elvis, the Everley Brothers and Bobby Darin and Gary U.S. Bonds, anyone remember “Candy Apple Red Impala”? It was the late 50’s and I don’t think any of us new how late it really was.
Most of the families were striving to perform and define the script of the West coast middle class. That really means the homes could be bought on VA financing and you better make the payment, landscaping and fencing not included with a prune tree in every backyard. It was white and it was not middle class.
I headed for the pool on Saturday not being able to stand the confinement of my room or the silence of the sweltering house. At the gate to sign in to the pool area, something was definitely changed. I had seen these guys before or actually I had seen them in a 48 Cadillac Fastback, a low long loud bomber in primer white with a split rear window, white and red tuck and roll, big fat whitewalls, and Tennessee plates. A custom lead sled. Nobody had Tennessee plates. Nobody did up a Caddy like that, I mean this is California, 40 Fords or 56 Chebbies for sure, but not a big low and long tank like that. And there they were sitting on the lawn for Christ sakes, right in front of the gate with a record player with an extension cord plugged into one of the outlets for picnics that never happened. You walked up to the gate and there they were just looking at you. Three guys with pomaded ducktail hair, petrified never-washed levis, cowboy boots, big collared shirts with rolled up sleeves. Each had a fallow distant face with eyes that would be labeled the “thousand mile stare” by blindsided teenagers back from Viet Nam.
It was the music. I was turned to stone.
“The Tennessee Stud was long and lean
The color of the sun and his eyes were green
He had the nerve and he had the blood
And there never was a horse like the Tennessee Stud
The Tennessee stud was long and mean….nothing could beat the Tennessee stud.”
I know I must of stood there jaw dropped in a adolescent brain fade looking a pubescent Neanderthal but I was stoked. A brooding deep ghost voice sung out and filled the trim green lawn with an alien but earthly spirit. Forget Fabian, Frankie Avalon, the Four Seasons, Bobby Vinton….all of that Mickey Mouse Club shit…Johnny Cash just wiped it clean. From that day on Johnny Cash has been in my musical back pocket. In later years “The Ballad of Ira Hayes” played incessantly on our record players with our youthful spirit singing the words out loud.
Cash had the face, that amazing face of long wounds and unspeakable history. His eyes could cut you down or fill you with warmth. Watching his eyes you could see back generations to Appalachia coal miner anthems, hear the mandolins and banjos, gospel send ups, old liquor stills deep in the pines, and badass flathead Fords on a dirt street Saturday night. As a young boy looking at him I saw the whole realm of male reality, the burden of hard youth, the recklessness of innocence spent wickedly, the haunting memories of days wasted in decay. You can hear the music of the hills and green valleys of the South, the pain of lost dreams, the struggle of the working class and always his quest for forgiveness. Rest in your peace Mr. Cash

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: to Eileen
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Right. Who could invent these numbers anyway ??
To me, John Ciopollina coulda been # 1.
As well, Jerry Garcia. Jorma Kaukonen. Carlos Santana. Bonnie Raitt.
Male, Female, White, Black, Hispanic, whatever ..
if it ain't got soul, leave me alone, know whut I mean ??
that's what it is, no shit .. & the souls I think about .. every day ..
like this .. Keith Jarrett .. Thelonius Monk .. James Brown ..
Lenny Bruce .. Allen Ginsburg ..Jack K .. Miles .. Weather Report when Jaco was reportin' .. yeah, I mean when th' junkies & crack-heads was signin-in
Son Ra .. right, Madonna , Bootsy Collins & the Rubber Band .. try this-- June
Tabor & the Oyster Band --
OK, it's just all the old tiresome divisions have no use.
Especially the radio is so worthless lately.
I wish I could sign on with the all-enlightenment channel,
the Dalai Lama the main DJ, every day.
Or what ?

Name: Jag
Date: 12 Sep 2003
George Harrison at 21st!! He was good but not that good. Where's Keith Richards?

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Cipollina? Who made that up? I guess I missed something.
Loosing Johnny Cash..he is such an inspiration what he made of his life ans his music. Totallly unique human being.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: thinkin' about Johnny Cash
Date: 12 Sep 2003
And here's the question: who really wins, long-term, anyway ??
So, why not take a page out of Pearl's book, and say,
give me the the supreme ultra hyper most, for today ?
Why not ?

Name: FYI - Yikes!
Date: 12 Sep 2003
How did I do that! Sorry everyone

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 12 Sep 2003
The September 18, 2003 issue of Rolling Stone has ranked John Cipollina the 32nd greatest guitar player ever! The listing notes "Cipollina was half of the twin-guitar team - with Gary Duncan- that drove San Francisco's Quicksilver Messenger Service, the best acid-rock dance band of the 1960s. Cipollina's spires of tremolo, enriched with the erotica of flamenco, in "The Fool", from the band's 1968 debut, and his ravishing improvisations in Bo Diddley's "Mona" and "Who Do You Love" on '690's Happy Trails, are supreme psychedelia, authentic evidence of what it was like to be at the Fillmore in the Summer of Love. The classic quartet lineup of 1967-69 made only two albums, thought Quicksilver re-formed with various players over the years. Cipollina, who suffered from severe emphysema, died in 1989.
Other notable guitar players on Rolling Stone's list include:
Neil Young #83
Robbie Robertson #78
Johnny Winter #74
Eddie Van Halen #70
Jerry Miller #68
Link Wray #67
Dickey Betts #58
Roy Buchanan #57
Jorma Kaukonen #54
Mickey Baker #53
John McLaughlin #49
Les Paul #46
Steve Cropper #36
John Fahey #35
Buddy Guy #30
Mark Knopfler #27
Mike Bloomfield #22
George Harrison #21
Carlos Santana #15
Jerry Garcia #13
Jimmy Page #9
Stevie Ray Vaughn #7
Eric Clapton #4
Duane Allman #2
Jimi Hendrix #1

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Thanks Nicole. Will try to get some pictures for Eric to post in a few months.

Name: Desi Escobedo
Date: 12 Sep 2003
I love you.

Name: Nicole
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Mark, thanks dude, got it.
Eileen, what ever you do is beautiful I'm sure, as you are as well I'm sure...create whatever you want.

Name: Nik
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Mark, of course with out the yada...still nothing so far...

Name: Mark
Date: 12 Sep 2003
I resent it just now. I have two emails for you, one with a hyphen and one without.

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Nicole..nope again. I'm not sewing except for Miranda and me. I never intended to be A Seamstress. I was sewing in order to manifest my designs. I don't know if you understand the difference..but there is one..and that's where I originally got in trouble. Folks were trying to turn me into a seamstress to do THEIR ideas. Big difference and finally did my work in.
In time what I would be into doing though, is take something of yours and turn it into a tripped out work of art.
My main focus right now is used/recycled denim and velvet clothing. My version of Shibori..Japanese type of tying for dyeing..reverse dyeing and then redyeing..then silkscreening and air brushing. The silkscreen subjects are as varied as my imagination and will change as rapidly. Denim jackets are my main interest and where the idea started. I did a jacket for myself and folks have stopped me on the street to ask about it.
Another area of inspiration is the train graffiti. I would give my right arm for some original work to silk screen!! Know anyone? I don't want to be just copping photographed work without the artists consent.

Name: Nicole
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Mark, no e-mail from you...
Eileen, I'm so happy to hear you're doing your art have such a creative eye. Actually , I have a picture of a blouse I would love to have you work on for me...I could send it to you with my correct measurements and you could pick out the fabric and I'll pay you lovely...think about it...

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Some questions answered. A political astrological must read:

Name: barleyborn
EmailAddress: sheeeit
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Lets see The man in black could definately be classified as cowboy. John Ritter son of Tex Ritter.Definate cowboy. If these things run in three's perhaps this ol, Full Martian Moon will send some rays toward crawford where that lil' pissant cowboy wannabee ( also known as "Daddy's lil' oil boy) lives. YAHOOOOO!!!!!

Name: McMing
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Please, Eric, could you once again fix the format problem ?

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Nicole~Nope. But I'm finding sometimes folks with strong Scottish ancestry often have a close resenblance. I like the idea of someone doing something so cool, looks like me. I have to tell you the face you hold in your mind of me, may need a few changes made though. Ha PS I finally have enough to hair to have gotten a perm. Kind of uplifting..the feeling. Impatient for the length though.
Subject: The Artist Life
I picked up a good size pile of a varity of old art magazines last night from the Mendocino Art Center. Turns out they are from the mid 70's to early 80's. What a treasure trove of history. Artists/crafts people who had made it out of the '60's with their work still on a roll, and in the market place. I always envied folks that could do that. A lot from Northern Ca..but the rest of the U.S. as well. As I am coming back into my own work again after all these yrs, it is interesting to revisit the that time period..where I lost my muse trying to bring my clothing designs into "a living" opposed to the give-away. At some point I will do a "search" and see if some of them are still on track. I think it would be a pretty informative followup. I've always found it amazing when I have met artists who can do both the money and art dance successfuly. Something I have yet to figure out. With that said, I am once again looking down that road and really wondering how the heck I'm going to proceed. There are so many options and in the end becomes a lifestyle question. I do not see my work and the way I choose to live as seperate issues as they feed into one another. I feel I'm back in the heart of the 60's dance. How to keep it real? I mean really real? Art not seperate from life? I get to have another go at it and I never thought I'd get back!

Name: Mark
Date: 12 Sep 2003
I just emailed my number to you.

Name: Nik
Date: 12 Sep 2003
...yes please Mark, it'll save me going through hundreds of e-mails in my folder...thank you so much.
Eileen, I met a woman the other day who looks like your incredible fiddle player who is now working at Belvue hospital as a music's amazing how much she resembles you...have any relatives named Pam?
Good-bye to the man in black...

Name: Nik
Date: 12 Sep 2003
...yes please Mark, it'll save me going through hundreds of e-mails in my folder...thank you so much.
Eileen, I met a woman the other day who looks like your incredible fiddle player who is now working at Belvue hospital as a music's amazing how much she resembles you...have any relatives named Pam?

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Sep 2003
Rena..mercury retro..+ full moon? We all hit bottom over here and are now floating back up. You catch that planet dancing with the moon? Anyone know the name? PS I can feel the earth quakes coming in, for what it's worth. Beautiful weather on the coast up here too. Can't call it hot but I didn't have to wear a jacket down to 3 blankets on the bed. Sky very alive. Really curious what the next few days will bring both in and on the earth. Mass energy is getting, ummm, quite built up.

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Sep 2003
So true, Bush the coke head AWOL in denial and Ashcroft the sanctimonious fundamentalist radical obfuscate and misdirect the nations attention.

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Here we go again. Doctor Dean Edell was ranting about the Tommy Chong deal. He said it was like busting Target or Macy's for selling wine glasses. If this is the war-on-drugs strategy, these nimrods are dumber than I thought. What we have here is cultural cleansing and a long list of counterculture paybacks. I cannot believe there hasn't been a backlash to this shit. I don't smoke dope anymore and I keep my kids away from it but this isn't helping the case for responsible behavior. Bush was a fucking head to begin with, what a moron.

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Tommy Chong got sentenced to nine months in a federal prison for selling drug paraphernalia online. His company Nice Dreams Enterprises which makes bongs and pipes will be sentenced later today. The business can face sanctions and fines. Tommy also forfeited $100,000 and was fined another $20,000!! All this while Enron skates, Haliburton makes billions in Iraq and Ashcroft shreds the constituition.

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Sep 2003
I got the preview, thanks again for taking the time. I will go it over again tonight and send it back.

Name: Mark
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Sorry for the late post. I just got back from Bergs. Judy is visiting her father but Peter is around. I will be close to home this weekend so if you would like to pass on my contact info to them and they travel through Santa Cruz I would be happy to say hello. It is getting hot again here on the coast. If you need my info I will send it by email, let me know.

Name: page fixer
Date: 11 Sep 2003
......... fixed.....

Name: Ps- FYI Service
Date: 11 Sep 2003
"Accept no substitutes!" IMAM (Suspect)

Name: FYI - Service
EmailAddress: FYI - Service Announcement
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Tame though it is (and out of context) - the link posted below from "FYI" is not a post from your trusty FYI Service center..... :-( a name by any other name - is a wolf in virtual clothing (-:

Name: FYI
EmailAddress: Fact or Fiction?
Date: 11 Sep 2003
This is bizarre

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Oooops - there goes the page again - Did I do that?

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Yeah - but when shared with in intriguing friend it is richer than the coffee alone..... Modesty will get you 'KnowHere'

Name: Nik
Date: 11 Sep 2003
...yeah and that and 50 cents'll buy me a cup of coffee.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Nic - You know the coolest of the cool my dear...
JAG - Great let us look forward to it

Name: FYI - Service
EmailAddress: For Better or Worse
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Just In:
WASHINGTON -- Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark has told friends he is likely to become the 10th Democratic presidential candidate, a move that could shake up the crowded field just four months before the first ballots are cast.

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Sep 2003
I'm so excited because an old friend from the old old days in SF who now lives in LA just called me from 34th and Madison and he's coming to the office...Bob Seideman, you might remember him from those days...he's a photographer known for his blind faith cover of the naked girl holding a silver aeroplane and the picture of Janis with only beads around her neck and a couple of Grateful Dead covers...I love when old friends come to ones too...

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Sep 2003
I'm game Hammond, I will be free sometime next week or no later than the week after. I'll e-mail before hand with something concrete if your available.
Yeah Gouge, you out there?

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Ohio Girl - glad you enjoyed the read...
Mark - another poetic gem for your menu? (RSVP)
JAG - We should get together for a lark soon.
Nic - Sorry your brother missed PTown and Jenn
All - Keep your lanterns trimmed and burning.......

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Brain Scans
Date: 11 Sep 2003
9/11 again and what has Bush done? Afghanistan can be understood as a knee jerk reaction to a truely heinous and callous deed but then we lose the moral imperative and stagger like a drunken thug into Iraq. We piss off and lose any empathy and good will amongst the world community. We act just like the arrogant imperial bully that Bin Laden accused us of being. In the long run we have behaved like an uncaring spoiled brat while the world was trying to build bridges to us and our nations mourning we were intent on scorched earth and MOAB's. Bush Inc. has wasted the misplaced trust he received from a country in shock and used it for petty revenge and financial gain for the select inner circle he is being manipulated by. A puppet on a string. The scarecrow who will never have a brain. He has destroyed decades of achingly slow progress in less than then three years.

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: unredeemed
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Hey, Patman .. yeah, the Asheville Disclaimer .. a great front-page piece
from "the Supreme Unknowable" .. << I said I hate Flags, not Fags ! Sorry,
gotta go, another appointment >> .. Humor the only weapon against bigotry
& ignorance, you know it, bro'

Name: patman
EmailAddress: downsouth
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Its 8am here in Georgia and as of yet I have not had to endure any politicized 9/11 themes. Of course I have'nt turned on any radios or tv to subject myself to the hannity ilk,and the other evil s trying to do there self serving evil best to prfit on this tradgedy. At present I'm listening to POCO "Rose of Cimarron" CD . what an epic tune.sweeping harmonies,chilling. Hey McMing have you seen the new free rag in Asheville. Its ing great kinda Lampoonish. Headline yesterday. GOD APPEARS TO THE MASSES AND SHOUTS " YOU GOT IT WRONG I SAID I D FLAGS!!!" Its called the Asheville disclaimer. Hey Sponge, I ve been sleeping with the brights on since My first ingestion of the sacred tabs. Where the is Steve? Probably down at ground zero sucking up all that toxic stuff and tin' Sunflowers. May the Great Spirit keep you close bro. To Nic, Eileen,Jag ,Mark ,Sponge,Hammond , Mcming and everyone else( not you mugu) Thanks... PEACE< Patrick

Name: Nicole
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Mark, my sister Jenn picked yesterday to go away on vacation when James was due there this morning...they had decided not to stop along the way and just camp and go to her spot...ah well, now they will be headed down to SF and I gave him Peter and Judy's number to call and say hello and maybe they could talk to you too?
great words both you and Jag.
Rena, I'm feeling it.
Where's Gouge?

Name: Rena
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Step Into Liquid is World Class. I've seen a number of surf movies. This is truly great.
..has anyone noticed the effects of mercury retrograde????
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @#$%^&^$*(&**&)*) *#^%!#$~! @!@~@~!@~!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 11 Sep 2003
What have we done that is noble and honorable, to commemorate and give meaning to 9-11?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 11 Sep 2003
And then I try to follow the connection between 9-11 and the brainscan mentality, and it makes this day even sadder. Peace

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Nicole, I appreciate you putting those lyrics in writing here. Jag, me too I loved that part of the show about getting a tattoo. Hammond, I love that line ("When All Was Said And Done") about brain scans!! Oh well we elected Big Brother ourselves........well that's not even true......

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Mark, correction, I definitely know the beach, not the poem. I spent many days on that beach. The hamburger stand at the north end of the parking lot, the shops next door. A lady fed us one day with a fish head soup and home made bread, red wine and we supplied the herb. She had a house just west of the main beach. You could see the cement ship from her front porch.
Did you write that ode? It is really a beach bums muse.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: salt water in my veins
Date: 11 Sep 2003
Mark I'm not familiar with it but it is evocative and so real. I smell a dead sea lion and see a gull soar. I particularly liked this as well.
"I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide,
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume and the seagulls crying.
I must go down to the sea again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over. "

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Sep 2003
Here is a beach run poem where worlds collide and renewal takes place in spite of it. The beach is Seacliff on Monterey Bay in Aptos with a sunken cement ship for a wharf. Jag probably knows it.
Pressed into the sand,
one eye milky and dry.
Black feathered neck matted,
throat exposed sent backward.
Idling minivans elbow into parking lot tables,
plastic liners stretched over can rims.
My stench revealed,
hovering with flies.
Fingers of tide trying to reach,
hoping to clean me away.
Ulna bared white and still,
waiting to be softly sanded up and down the slope.
Fleas are coming together,
hopping in humid frenzy.
Twisted leg fallen over the horizon,
end unseen.
Thumping breathing stride-train passes behind.
Grey haired haunted cackle pierces the distance.
Chattering chopping voices raise like flags.
Lighter fluid clouds float on the breeze like poison kites.
It’s going to be a long day.

Name: Claude
EmailAddress: CrackpotTheoryLand II
Date: 10 Sep 2003
here's another link with some of those pesky disturbing questions...

Name: Jag
Date: 10 Sep 2003
Step Into Liquid is made by Dana Brown the son of Bruce Brown who made Endless Summer and Endless Summer II. I saw Endless Summer in 1964 or so when I was a regular at Huntington Beach and surfed constantly. It was the pen-ultimate surf flick and made a huge impression on me and my fellow wave rats. The concept that you could follow the sun and summer would, in theory, never end was a radical concept to 15 and 16 year olds who dreamed of Waimea Bay and 30 ft waves and North Shore environs such as Halieva, Sunset, and Pipeline. It was a major source of adolescent fantasy. If Dana comes close to his old man Step Into Liquid has to be a great movie

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 10 Sep 2003
RNA - your post (the url) has changed the page again.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 10 Sep 2003
Stephen King if you are reading this then its time for you too retire and wrap up your typing ribbons.
I just read "Stupid white men"
Now I sleep with the lights on

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Sep 2003
"When All Was Said And Done"

Name: R N A
EmailAddress: who's got a secret?
Date: 10 Sep 2003
"Air Force Launches New Spy Sattelite."
It has the ability to listen in on cell phone calls. The antennae are as big as a baseball diamond. They fold up like an umberlla fo launch.
from the article:
"The National Reconnaissance Office would not reveal any details about the satellite, including its cost, purpose or which contractor built it. "
found at hppt://

Name: FYI Service
Date: 10 Sep 2003
The film is on the mainland - though I have yet to see it.... Sounds great!

Name: rena
EmailAddress: step into liquid
Date: 10 Sep 2003
There's a surf movie playing in the islands, Step Into Liquid. It's a Great movie: if it ever comes to the mainland,be sure to see it. everything from surfing 60 plus foot waves at Jaws on Maui to scenes of a paralyzed man who surfs with help from his frineds who tow him out (not the huge waves, of course.) amazing footage all around. also hydro surfing, teaching waifs in Vietnam to surf, just incredible, diverse surfing scenes, including some really unexpected locations. the movie is more than just surfing, there's a lot of diverse and interesting people.

Name: Jag
Date: 10 Sep 2003
I saw the VH1 special on Warren as well as the last appearence he made on the Letterman show. Letterman asked him what if any thing he could say about life from the perspective of knowing his death was imminent. All Warren said was something like, not much really except maybe be sure to enjoy every sandwich. After the show Letterman said good by to Warren and added enjoy every sandwich. I looked on his web site Monday morning and sure enough the only epitath there was "Enjoy every sandwich". He was a remarkable individual and faced death with wit and irony. I also loved the VH1 show when Dave Barry told him he should get a tattoo cause most people live to regret them but in his case....

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Sep 2003
Nic and Rena,
I wanted mention how much this time of year makes me remember Makena and Little Beach. Those images from back then, still vivid and rich, continue to inspire me. Rena's description of her paralyzed friend in the waves on Little Beach is amazing. Many times I was tempted to dive in one of the seven sacred pools. The first time I went there, peaking on sunshine, was an immense experience.

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Sep 2003
So we're having an extended summer out here on the West coast. Dolphins and birds dancing near the shore. I have always wondered how spending time at he oceans edge signifies a neutral zone, like standing between past and future.
Zevon was a catalytic soul. Thankfully our generation has been graced with many of these wonderful shamans who feed us cultural treats and clues. And he was very cool.
I keep waking each morning expectant to read or hear a break in the political wave. A huge crack in the side of the Bush's teetering vessel with his handlers and plotters leaking out onto the ground squirming in the light of day, sizzling away like the wicked witch of Oz. Now, I understand this is probably pie-in-the-sky dreaming, but I am still hopeful this dumb fuck will step on his own member quite heavily allowing for the usual media sharks to start circling. I think Bush will go down but the damage is monumental. More shame dumped on our country.

Name: Nik
EmailAddress: ps
Date: 10 Sep 2003
This is part of an article in the Kansas City Star:
"People are always asking me what do I like about his music," Letterman said.
"It was just thundering and exciting and rhythmic and complicated and unusual rock 'n' roll," he continued. "It was not the kind of rock 'n' roll you would hear much of. And then the lyrics, oh my God, the lyrics were so vivid. Just very evocative and each song that you listened to was like watching a motion picture."
Shaffer and the band played Zevon's songs throughout the show, which ended with Letterman speaking to the camera, saying, "Goodnight, Warren, we'll see ya."

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Sep 2003
Jenn and Hammond and, please e-mail me yr phone numbers as James is in Idaho now going into Oregon and then down to Humbolt...Jennifer I can't believe I don't have yr number!!!and Hammond I misplaced yrs. Thanks guys.
Ohio Girl, I recorded Tenderness on the Block on an album...a great WZ song...It's a song about giving your children room to grow in their own direction.
Mama where's yr pretty little girl tonight? Trying to run before she can walk, that's right...she's growing up, she's gotta young man waiting...she's all grown up, can't keep her young man waiting.
She's was wide eyed, now she's street wise, to the lies, and the jive talk...but she'll find true love, and Tenderness on the block.
Daddy don't you ask her when she's coming in, and when she's home don't ask her where she's been...she's going out...can't keep her young man waiting...she's going out, won't keep her young man waiting.
I know how much it hurts to see her go, she's got a mind of her own you know...
she's growning up, she's gotta young man waiting...
she'll be okay, let her have her's a long way, it's a long walk but she'll find true love and tenderness on the block.
I saw the Letterman show as well, very touching.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 10 Sep 2003
Yesterday I saw Warren Zevon's program on VH1, wow. Our culture, I mean the sixties/seventies culture, has been so changed, not always for the worse (as I think he shows in the program) now that it encompasses illness and mortality and grandchildren and the thoughts you could only have by living 50 or 60 years. Warren Zevon was always an original, even in times of unbounded originality. I had the David Letterman show of Monday night taped (since I'd be at work) thinking he would probably talk about Warren Zevon. It was a great show, wonderful words said about Warren Zevon, a clip of one of his last recorded performances, his music played at all the breaks including an outstanding jazz "Werewolves of London." Peace

Date: 09 Sep 2003

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Sep 2003
Cool Nichole, I'll make a dupe in cassette first thing and then try and get it on CD for ya. I also gotta give it a listen!!

Name: Nik
Date: 09 Sep 2003
ps Mickey, I just googled "allmen joy" and 106 hits came up, I'm leaving the office right now (it's 5:15) so maybe if you try that you can find a of luck

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Sep 2003
Comments to you
Jag, I've sent via snail to you a tape that I have promised to Michael forvever, but didn't want to send it untill I had some kind of a copy and I don't have the equipment for even a cassett copy...poor poor pitiful me...but I'm hoping you can do something...this is from 1975, the road's in the mail today...later in the week I'll send some of my newer stuff, gotta find it at home...ciao

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Sep 2003
thanks for the orientation Mickey - alas I do not know Roger. Maybe ask Hillel Resner owner of the Straight or better ask Reggie (see Straight Theater web site )- he will respond before Hillel gets to his mail i think
JAG- Great!!!!!
Nic - Hi you....

Name: mickey
Date: 09 Sep 2003
HAMMOND, Roger was the first lead guitarist for Allmen Joy and Johnnie? was the drummer. At the time I was starting to play lead guitar with them and Johnnie and I had a spat over my cobalt blue sunglasses, whe he aggressively took them off my head and kept them, while we were on Hippie-Hill, staring at the sun, before a gig. Needless to say, I realized I was not in good company and withdrew from the group, took all my marbles and went home.

Date: 09 Sep 2003

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Sep 2003
Nichole and Hammond, I am trying to line up the software and jacks to accomplish cassette to cd recording. I should know more in few days and will let you know. Its taking longer than I thought but I haven't forgot about it. Pax Vobiscum (Peace be with you)

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Sep 2003
Mickey, yr name sounds familiar to me...probably passed you sitting on the corner playing...knew some of whom you spoke about...also, give a bit more on Roger and Johnnie...might spark some memory don't still have the les paul do you...?

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Sep 2003
Mickey - Welcome home - I myself (and many of us here) went to many a Straight Show - but "Roger and Johnnie?" - Who? Maybe after my daze in and around the Haight, but someone will - Try Steve - he remembers everyone, but stay away from mugu.

Date: 09 Sep 2003
Howdy, I was there for the first free Hendrix concert in the Panhandle Park, right after his debut at Monterey. I was also an aspiring guitarist. I remember walking up to him before the gig carrying my guitar and sitar wearing an Aztec cape my old lady Wanda from Montana traded me for my suede coat. At the time I was playing coffee houses with an Indian music ensemble which included Michael Bell from St.Louis, recording for Columbia records, and his old lady who was from India and a student of Ali Akhbar Khan, a protegee of Ravi Shankar. At any rate, Jimi, practically unknown at that time, came over to me(maybe he thought I was playing too) and put his arm around my shoulders and we rapped for about 30 minutes. He was wearing his pirates coat and his fro was peroxided in the front and the man's thubs were the longest I ever saw. The dude was seriously cool. Anyway, the diggers were puttin' on the Ritz that day there and we all grooved to Hey Joe, the Wind Cries Mary, Purple Haze, Foxy Lady, Rock Me Baby, and maybe one more tune, Wild Thing. Needless to say, this event changed my life. We were so privileged to be in that scene. I was there for a couple of years. I remember that day they blocked off Haight and the Dead played. Iwas in the front. When they finished, I walked off with Jerry and he and I sat down in the street and played each other's Old LES Pauls. Another day, I sat and jammed in the street with Elvin Bishop just sittin on the curb unamplified,right when Bloomfield quit Butterfield. I jammed with the Allmen Joy band at the Straight several times and once with Roger and Johnnie at The big Golden Gate love in with Charlie Musslewhite and James Cotten simultaneously. Wow! What a rush. Now to the point, I'm just trying to contact Roger,as I never knew his last name and can't find much on the band other than Family Dog poster info. Did this group become the Allman Brothers Band, or not? I did jam with Dickey Betts there at around that time. Later on, I received Jesus over at the Page Street Mission called the Living Room, run by Ted Wise, Jim Dopp, Steve O'Shea, and Danny Sands. I even let Charlie Manson jam on my electric in there, occasionally. But I quit because it seemed like my guitar was demon possessed. Seriously! I KNOW THIS IS NOSTALGIC RAMBLING, BUT I HOPE YOU DIDN'T MIND AND MIGHT HAVE SOME INFO FOR ME. i'M ALSO LOOKING FOR A CAT THAT LIVED ON ASHBURY, right off Haight named Bernard Catchings, who used to do a lot of photography. I believe he's still in the city. Thanks a million. May you live long and prosper, and by the way thanks for the meals, truely advanced human beings were and are "the Diggers!"
Sincerely, Mickey Stevens/Natchez, MS

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Sep 2003
Hi all - guess I missed mugu's latest atrocity-in print. Must have been a loo-loo to have caused such a stir. Whatever - thanks for removing it Eric....
Rain in PTown today - trying to keep my head above the porverbial water with multi-projects and life itself.
Love to all

Name: Nik
Date: 09 Sep 2003
...Horton Hears A Dr Suess

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Sep 2003
Claude, ah yes, interesting link...I've spent some time on a site this morning of microscopic photography and it confirms my belief in the Horton Hears a Who theory...worlds inside worlds inside worlds and if it is in the physical it can be in the mental too, as in our governments etc. Besides I took alot of acid and I already knew that...there is no space...we just can't see the substance between all things. sometimes I become really anxious when I look at this stuff...and I have to shut it off...seriously if I see too much it will all blow away...I suppose as Eileen was saying the other day, that's when you have to simply let go, open yr eyes and who know's maybe the whole shebang becomes crystal clear...for now I just give my brain a shake and shut off the computer...imagination is a powerful thing.

Name: Claude
EmailAddress: Crackpot Theory Land
Date: 08 Sep 2003
Nicole, it was Subway Satori and you were blessed.
So I've taken a peek through the door into Crackpot TheoryLand, which I'll share with you. My old friend Martin McClain in SanFran sent me a link and I spent some time cruising around in there. A bunch of stuff, many folks' takes on trying to relate the observable facts and the "accepted reality" of what happened. I guess I hadn't realised how much discrepency exists between "a.r." and evidence clearly observable. You can see an example at this link:
(can't figure out how to make this a live link)
My point here isn't to evangelize for this particular crackpot theory; it's to observe that there IS a line that defines a territory of plausible conclusion, and that it's scary to become aware of it or to cross it, however plausible certain evidences may be.
the first photo on that link takes you right to the door...
Many of us have a lifetime's experience with believing stuff that, thirty-five years ago was pretty out there, but has turned out to be pretty commonly accepted now, not to mention certain lies from people in the government that have been exposed, decades later. So I, as I'm sure many of you do as well, tend to trust my own powers of observation and deduction, and tend to be sceptical of "accepted reality", especially as purveyed in the mainstram media.
So where's your line...?

Date: 08 Sep 2003
This is the last straw !
Mugu I am sharpening my knife because I want to carve your rotten
carcass myself .. and then the fire will be HOT ..
because your filthy cannibal intrusions have no place here.

EmailAddress: mugu eat shit and die
Date: 08 Sep 2003
Mugu strikes again!! Width is out of sync.

Name: mugu
Date: 08 Sep 2003
[mugu be gone]

Name: rena
EmailAddress: what to do w/ $80 Billion
Date: 08 Sep 2003
Creative Dissonance. found via
Sunday, September 07, 2003 from
Creative Dissonance
- $80,000,000,000 -
Despite his challenge to Congress to reign in spending, President Bush is rasked for an additional $87 billion in budget year 2004 to fund the continuing occupation of Iraq. Given the difficulty that people may have coming to grips with that amount of money, the editor of Creative Dissonance thought it might be helpful to give a list of things one could do with that amount of money.
Things to do with $80bn USD:
* Buy 4,000 trips into orbit with the Russians
* Hire 1,523,800 elementary and secondary school teachers
* Siesmic retrofit the Bay Area Rapid Transit system 80 times
* Raise the US's commitment to fighting the global AIDS epidemic by a
factor of 10
* Install pollution control devices on every coal and gas-fired power
plant in America
* Fully fund Medicare for two years
* Convert 20 million cars from gasoline to natural gas
When considering whether to grant President Bush's budget request,
Congress would do
well to examine what we have accomplished with previous spending
associated with the
War on Terrorism.
Afghanistan (Estimated military expenditures to date: $20 bn USD):
* US forces have failed to capture both Taliban leader Mullah Omar and Al Queda leader Osama Bin Laden
* Afghan government officials have been assassinated and kidnapped, and those that remain have only limited control of the country
* Afghan women are routinely kidnapped off the street, raped and "honor-killed", and continue to wear the notorious burqua. Co-ed schools have been burned, and girls are bartered like cattle
* Opium poppy production (previously suppressed by the Taliban) has surged, making Afghanistan a leading exporter of the drug precursor used to make heroin
* Inflicted 'collateral damage' estimated between 1,200 and 3,000 killed
* Taliban forces have regrouped in Pakistan and are returning to Afghanistan
Iraq (Estimated military expenditures to date: $73 bn USD):
* US weapons inspectors have failed to find any evidence of Iraqi "Weapons of Mass Destruction"
* US forces have failed to capture (or kill) Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein
* The US-dominated "Coalition Provisional Authority" has failed to restore electricity to the vast majority of the country
* Iraqi women are routinely kidnapped and raped, and have begun to wear veils
* Oil pipelines transporting Iraqi crude have been repeatedly sabotaged; Coalition forces are reportedly losing money in the oil market; Iraqis are experiencing fuel shortages
* Inflicted "collateral damage" estimated between 6,000 and 7,000 killed
* Incurring US casualties daily -- the number of post-war casualties hasexceeded thenumber of those killed in the invasion itself
Given the staggering cost of America's commitments in Asia and the Middle East and theequally staggering needs of the American people, Congress would do wellto scrutinize the request for additional funding and ask itself where the country's fiscalpriorities lie.
(Many thanks to for the public education and energy independence cost estimates) permalink

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Sep 2003
Nicole..went to school with that whole state of mind to mull over. Thinking how cool it was and how rarely one hears a man discribe such an event. Just an observation. But it's nice to be in such company that at least doesn't make fun of it. You must know as well as I how hard it is at times to find someone the share such an experience with.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: RIP Warren
Date: 08 Sep 2003
Yea Nichole, the dreams down here aren't broken there just walkin with a limp. :)

Name: Nik again
Date: 08 Sep 2003
...that would be "intention" and "realized" I am still somewhat sleeping.

Name: Nik
Date: 08 Sep 2003
ps Warren Zevon finished his song.

Name: Nicole
Date: 08 Sep 2003
Hi all, autumn approaching...already brown leaves on the sidewalks of NY...went to the Ocean 3 days in a row...I know it will soon be to cold to go...
Jag, listening to the Tom Waits CD you sent while on the train to Brighton...I suddenly was not on a train but was a nuitrient or messenger in a vein inside the greater was completely surreal...I couldn't feel any form to myself but knew I was doing "work" whether it was carrying dirt particles to enter them into the ocean...or bring salt back inland...I really felt like that, that aside from what I thought I was here for, there was purposeful things going on regardless of what my Iintentions were...and when I relized I was in that world...suddenly the train was pulling into the station and the brakes were squeeking loudly, metal on metal and harmonizing with the strings on the song that was was is what it is whatever it is and I'm okay with it...

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: gratitude
Date: 08 Sep 2003
thanks Hammond. I enjoyed that journey.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: mermaid
Date: 08 Sep 2003
Aloha from LIttle Beach. Today I was delighted when a friend of mine was riding waves. She is a paraplegic. She was going for it, riding the waves with her boyfriend. She's like a fish in the water. actually, she's a mermaid. she snorkels with waterwings: she has limited arm movement and no leg movement, though she can't lift her head... She is one awesome sister. She broke her neck at age 17 by diving into one of the Seven Sacred Pools in Hana.
Tomorrow I help Faith give birth in the hospital. Faith was a childhood friend of my son. She will be having a C section becasue her missing chart just surfaced and we learned that she has a vertical cut in her uterus from a previous C section. Vertical cuts are more likely to rupture so she lost her status as a candidate for a VBAC (vaginal birth after Ceasarean.) It is her 4th child. all her kids are coming to the hospital to greet Pablo, her new son.
sending aloha to all. yes, Steve, the eyes are smiling. Hope yours are too.

Name: The 3rd Page
EmailAddress: Image Bank
Date: 07 Sep 2003
"Click Open Suit"

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 07 Sep 2003
Hello to all. I just caught up with the guestbook after a short absence and was "NOT" surprised to see a JOIN ME entry just disapointed that its here already.
Alow me to explain
Danny Wallace is credited with the burb "the man who started a cult by acciden" About a year ago he placed an ad in a local free sheet saying simply - JOIN ME - and people did, they joined him without knowing what they joined. After some media attention his numbers of joinees swelled to around 100 and they asked what it is they're joining. Danny said do a kind act every Friday and improve the nations karma. Joining is free by sending in a passport sized photo of your self and you become a member of his karma-army.
On this web site you all know the meaning of free, but most people relate it purely to a no monetary charge.So by common terms you join for free and the only people too gain are the ones who recieve the kind acts like giving up your seat on a bus etc......
Danny Wallace AKA The leader now has over 3000 members called joinees.
It seems strange that an ordinary member of the public can get national and international media attention with less than 100 members not doing anything but sending in a passpot photo
Danny wallace is an award winning TV producer whose carrear was flagging along with his bank ballance untill he started JOIN ME. His join me collective has gained him a shitload of attention and notoriety (which is a strong currency with the media) and enabled him to write a summer best selling novel about his accidental cult and if you havent already guessed it earned him a few ŁŁŁŁŁŁŁ'S as well. Well FREE is FREE is Free
Mr Wallaces media manipulation skills are taking him to America soon. Not bad for an average Joe who didnt know what he was doing or how this came about.
Heres a link to his latest interview

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Sep 2003
Hey! I'm finally online at my own house! Now I can stay up to date on the mis-aventures and what all, without having to wait for school. Steve? you still in New York?
Hi Eric..the same back to you. Always a nice surpise when you surface.

Name: Sazza
Date: 07 Sep 2003
waving my bannana

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 07 Sep 2003
Lost OTH - mugu is 'Sazza' in drag - last seen in Biloxi, Sweden

Name: Lost on the HiWay
Date: 07 Sep 2003
Great .. the monster idiot is back with senseless nonsense for all
Mugu .. ya fuckin cannibal .. How 'bout we grill YOU on the barbecue ?
Pass the hot sauce.

Name: Eric
Date: 07 Sep 2003
Sending free joy to everyone out there in diggerland

Name: Jag
Date: 06 Sep 2003
PS, Rena my "music" consists of compilations of downloaded MP3's I then burn on my CD burner. It doesn't amount to a lot of talent. Besides that I do play a half assed blues harp self taught on the road.

Name: Hammond
Date: 06 Sep 2003
"Double Depping the Context"
and "The Poseur" by STEW ALBERT

Name: Jag
Date: 06 Sep 2003
Tomas, I agree yet that thing called ego or self still gets in the way. Rena, I spent a lot of time in the Haight but didn't get to close to the core constituency, I roamed the backroads and bounced around the planet from 66 through the 70's. I feel a deep connection with the Haight and all it represents. I have spent a lot of time in our Aloha state as well. I worked for American Hawaiian Cruises at one time and spent six straight months cruising the islands seven days a week no day's off. It was beautiful. Kona and the Na-pali coastline on Kuaii are my favorite sights. I lived on Ohau for a couple of years and Maui for a few months. We used to circle Niihau
every Sunday when I was on the Independence. We sailed every Sat. from the clock tower in Honolulu (ala moana). I have a brother I have lost track of who is on the big island I think. He recently sold some property there and is still wandering around the islands. He spends a lot of time in the VA hospital. He came back from Nam with a serious case of post traumautic stress but has muddled through. He settled on Maui in 70 and has moved around ever since. I feel a deep connection with Hawaii as well.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: zoom
Date: 06 Sep 2003
Eileen, you're welcome here. I look forward to seeing you. whenever.
Nic, I never did get your CD. I would enjoy hearing it.
got hit by a motorcycle yesterday. I was in a Subaru Forester, stopped at a stop sign, one block from my house. A teen was learning how to drive a motorcycle and plowed into the driver's side. He had no helmet and was wearing shorts. He went flying backwards. I got some sideways whiplash. Got some excellent body work yesterday. I'll be ok though my neck is till sore. He lost control and meant to hit the brakes but instead blasted the throttle.
I was on my way to a conference at the college on WAI, water. watersheds, stream ecology, aquifers, and environmental concerns. I missed the conference.
By the way, the hurricane turned tropical storm totally missed Maui. No howling winds. just some chop in the ocean. the waters have been calm. i swam a half mile yesterday morning before the motorcycle hit. went and soaked in the ocean after the accident. That ocean water is so healing. I feel blessed to have it so close to home.
Jag, you are one who I haven't yet connected with. Were you at Olema or the Haight? Morningstar or Wheelers? I'm curious about your music after reading glowing reports here on the guestbook. 'scuse my ignorance. as a single mother my attention si often elswhere.e..
Mark, Happy Birthday all year long. by the way, Steve and Nic are the only people I have ever met via the internet, and what a treat. Thanks for the digga guestbook!

Name: Tomas Muse
Date: 06 Sep 2003
You are a small part of a whole. We are alive, we are part of the stone and water. We are the rainbow that we see. We are the view that is personally your own.
The Earth is a small part of a bigger picture. It has about as much meaning as this black spots on this computer.
I see it as grand, far out and oh so cool.
This is peace.

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: somewhat cheerful
Date: 06 Sep 2003
Greetings, fellow travelers. Thanks for some real worthwhile recent entries.
To respond as best I can -- Jag, as usual you raise some interesting points. Yeah, even at 51 I often come back to the bedrock of mortality, the ticking clock going one direction only, to our final moment. & useless regrets over wasted time, bad decisions, the commonplace blindness of being human & all-too-human .. aaaugh. But sometimes a brief glimpse of a plan & plot behind all the incoherent randomness .. to me this is Faith, the sense there is some purpose manifesting somehow. I don't believe death is our final end, only a big transition .. to what, who knows ? .. & leads me to this, as fragile as all our existences truly are : "My religion is kindness" [ - the Dalai Lama, I think.]
Thanks Salvo .. glad to here from a brother in Italy. Right on !!
Glad to read your comments Ohio Girl .. O.Henry is a local hero in Asheville town, my city. There's a street named for him downtown. A great writer, somewhat underestimated IMO.
To everyone: Keep your lamps trimmed and burning. {Who knows when the grid might crash again, anyway ?}

Name: salvo from italy
Date: 06 Sep 2003
A scream of desperation from Italy:We don't want "Don" Berlusconi and his friend,"Caesar"Bush and Tony "the slave" Blair.For a right world,please,at next election on U.S.A.,Italy,England and all the Nation have's a nazi-right-pseudoliberist regime,do not vote for that's band of dangerous criminals.Sorry for my English,i want to say at all the people's with brain:RESISTERE,RESISTERE,RESISTERE!(is a motto of the Italian Comunist Partisan in the Resistence at the 2° W.War)

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 06 Sep 2003
Thanks! I loved stories by O. Henry and Jack London etc. when I was growing up. Life is rich isn't it!

Name: Jag
Date: 05 Sep 2003
I think your stories have a little bit of "The Gift of the Magi" in them Ohio girl. I mean that in the best way. I grew up on O'henry's wry wit. Being able to capture the dichotomy of life is a gift.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 05 Sep 2003
I like the thought of writing people not characters, that's the kind of idea to keep in the back of my mind so what I write stays on path I want. I had a story published this summer about a couple who find $38,000. I felt that I hadn't written something terribly original, just my take on a familiar theme; in my version they don't keep the money because they don't want to set a bad example for their child. One of my brothers said my story reminded him of an O. Henry story, as a matter of fact. Well, I had very positive reactions at work etc. to this story that I didn't consider very original. I guess we all like the familiar tales. Still, I don't want to get stuck on that path.

Name: Jag
Date: 05 Sep 2003
It seems to me that all we are is an amalgam of religious/socio-political beliefs. We seem to have come by these tenets through one of three methods. By incessant force feeding from our parents or through rabid indoctrination from religious and scholastic instituitions or more benignly through self exploration/experimentation and rejection of the above two. Irregardless of how we arrive at our current (subject to change, as all of life is) thought processes it pretty much defines us as humans and what we represent as individuals on similar paths in the grand experiment of life. The more time I put in on the third stone from the sun the more I realize that what I think and who I am is pretty inconsequential in the larger context of where I'm going. Life is a journey and death is the destination yet that should be good news not reason for grieving. How we go about arranging our travel plans should be the ultimate goal and how we behave towards our fellow travelers should be of paramount import. Thanks for letting me rant. I feel old today and I Know I'm only sliding into home.

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Sep 2003
I hope you're wrong about that time I "gave" everything away in sort of all fell off of me as I walked..the closest to killing myself I will ever come to in this lifetime. But with both Saturn returns have had to part with my home and most of my belongings and "friends" and major Let Go. Wish it could be called a Give-Away..but it was hardly voluntary. But both, all times, have been the paths to deep ah hahs and awakenings. These kick in the butt Cosmic events one can either give into or go down screaming. I admit to doing a great deal of both. But yes Nicole..I do get the similarity you suggest and I agree it does sound like Steve is on a mission that will be life changing. It sometimes helps I guess to think we are making the choices, but when it gets that big I really don't think we have a whole lot to say about anything, but let the river take us and do our best not panic. Steve seems to be on the journey and I know we all must be sending out psychic life rafts/prayers for his well being.
Mark I got a good laugh out of your birthday report today.
Today no school..just stopped in to say hi to yous. Still making my way to the computer folks to get me back on line today.

Name: Hammond
Date: 05 Sep 2003
Steve - !!!!!!!!!!! what else can I say? "Watch the theater listings?"

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Sep 2003
The difference between Osama and Paul Hill is about five thousand miles and the substitution of Allah for God. Other than that they are equally certifiable.

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Today was good. Endured the Planet Drum staff led by El Commandante' singing the birthday song. I should of videotaped that. Discussions around the lunch table at one point marveled at the execution in Florida yesterday of the wacked out evangelist who murdered abortionists with a shotgun. He wanted execution because god is going to reward him big time but Islamic suicide bombers are the only fanatics and the anti-abortion activists standing outside in the rain and lightning with the anti-death penalty activists want him alive, with the anti-abortion radicals threatening more carnage as revenge, at the same time Jeb Bush saying he will not be bullied into not killing him, and the preacher orders steak for his last meal. Shheeeit!

Name: Steve again...
EmailAddress: right here
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Hey Hammond; to answer someone's earlier question about what films Emmett Grogan might produce or direct if he were alive today:, guess would put AS EVER WAS at the top of a very short list. At Olema there were more than a few folks making pit stops after returning from Northern Africa. Judging from those Ghosts Who Walked,.. I pretty much get the picture...real Phantoms. Hey, Im' getting a Met Art Gallery pass and while everyone else copies the masters, I will be firing out original CBGB posters. I will also do self-study on the history of posters at the NYC Public Library. What with the never-ending flood of bands, I should hone it to a fine art. If Miz Nancy can four-wall a stye by October, I should be trump tight. Hey; so she hears voices and sees things: (I like that in a woman)...P.S. Back To Emmett: although I dont' think that I ever met him; I get a vibe that the man did not die: only the body died. In closing: You make us all proud Hammond. P.S. Ohio Girl: heres one that I heard the other day: "Dont write characters; they are not real. Write people: they are!." Dig?

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Check it out: (From the Old Farmer's Almanac) THE UNITED STATES: A NATION AT THE CROSSROADS In response to a growing mistrust of many institutions that form the foundation of our society, America has been undergoing an identity crisis. We have become a re-nation, reinventing ourselves in every manner possible (remodeling, regifting, recycling, reusing, refashioning, renewing.) We have sought safe haven in our nostalgic past, our homes, our gardens, our machines, and ourseves. "Maybe we're living in the past because we feel all freaked out by the future," commented columnist Joel Stein. Where we used to draw sharp lines and make clear catagories, we are now a blender nation mixing it all up. Animals have human traits and vice versa, our cars are our clubhouses, the outdoors has come into our homes, we're dressing our furniture with the fabrics we also wear, we're mixing our scientific facts with our spiritual notions, and we're combining academic disciplines with hybrid branches of study. "We have one foot in the past, one in the future," says Ellen Sideri of ESP Trendlab. "We're going to see a lot of innovation over the next few years, and I believe that something good is going to come out of it."

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Jenn- Please send me an e-mail at the above address-Tx!

Name: Alive and kicking (my liver)....pow,..pow...
EmailAddress: ah....hmm...
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Hey Nik; no...very minor; ..(I swear)...Im' just at a juncture,... Im' cool. (ask anyone)....Hey Jenn; small world Dept.: The "Blouser" who turned down the drink(s) paid her respects to me this afternoon. It seems that I was having my coffee and doing the daily cross-word (OK, OK,..NY Times...but I didnt read a word) at an outside village cafe that she happens to own. Then, to top that off, later today, I run into the waiter of the joint out by Riverside Park. Hey, kids: dont ever try to out drink a South-African,..a white one at any rate:...(come on; just kidding.)... Hey, I re-read my last transmittal and must add that the main-lining with Danny and Co. adventure was back in 1970. Whatever that shit was; it was a ten second super-scourcher trip that fired my soul into deep space and snapped me back again like the world's largest rubber band. Swear to god; the Wizard of Oz film played in my mind's eye at fast forward. The film broke and rewound at lightning speed. Fuckin' amazing. (remember when things were amazing??)...Like gettin' shot out of a cannon..(I imagine)... Most of the other stuff (accept the affairs of the heart) were taken from cocktail napkin notes. Guineess beer and Jameson Irish whiskie....(good food). Speaking of which, Im' out of the 2000 plus cal. per day...(400 calories per pack) GI shake mix..(loaded with other good stuff)..and have proven that a human can survive on it for 90 days plus. (they give Govt. grant money for stats like that right??)...anyway; Im' dumping to 600 calls per diem and will supplement with a veggie thing..(powdered shark tail, etc..Ah, lets see,..Happy B.D. Mark. Needlepoint Dept. Up to 38 million women are pulling yarn these days, says the Craft Yarn Council of America. Also,..some 22 million Americans have revived the art of canning homegrown produce, inspiring numerous books, classes and internet chat sites. In clossing: this morning??...not so much as a head-ache. Hey Sponge: Peace.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Wow Eileen you and I had the same car! We had the Toyota (89 all track and yes, station wagon too) for 7 years. The Cavalier is a trip but it's not like I didn't care for the Toyota, I even had to take some photos of it before we sold it. Unfortunately we don't have a garage and here with the Ohio winters the bottom of the Toyota rusted out pretty bad. I understand that's a weakness of these cars but it wouldn't be such a problem in California. It was very expensive to keep fixing various leaks etc. the last 2 winters and didn't seem to be safe enough to try to keep it going another winter, the underside was so iffy. But it was a great car and now the Cavalier is very cool, it sure moves right out there.....
Nicole, I'm breathing a sigh of relief for you because the trial is over. Peace

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Nic - YIPPIE!!!! Great that this is over - and that he is where he is. A relief I am sure.
Jenn - Double Yippie!!!

Name: Jenn
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Mark...ahhhh to you too. bessos
Hammond, you are the first on my mailing list (ha) once the fall harvest is here. We have to do the snail mail thing, or else James can come to you with provisions...yep, hints always work with me, eager to please..what goes around comes around three fold I always find.
RNA, yep the rainbow bridge was one in the same...I wish I were there some days! Farming here keeps me really really busy this time of year!
May all of your days be filled with everything your hearts desire.
Namaste Namaste Namaste
Nicole....words, odes, songs, tales...nothing can ever relay the deep love I have for you. OH! I spoke to Judy yesterday, perhaps we shall all meet in NY in the spring! Love you nickle.

Name: Nik
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Mark, HBTY, HBTY, HBDM HBTY...and many more....

Name: Nicole
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Just came back from the sentencing phase of the trial, he got 10 years for attempted rape in the 1st degree, 7 years (concurrent) for sexual abuse...5 years police supervision and classes upon release and must register as a sex NY state you must do 7/8ths of yr sentence. at least it's done now.
Claude, it sounds so beautiful there.
RNA...I was living on Maui when they did the Rainbow Bridge movie...they were filming the body of it at Bruce Baxters place...that's how I ended up there...during part of that time I was in Haleiwwa with Quciksilver as they were recording Fresh Air...we all had a close encounter on the beach with a very real UFO...that's what the film was about...and I'm am so not surprised at that Jenn...we are so connected...
Just one more thought...I've been reading Lovelocks Gaia theory on line extensively and it just makes so much sense...and I have a lot to say about how I feel and think about it ...I just can't right now ...but I would like to discuss this with everyone and get yr take on it too.
Steve...why do I sense something major going on with remind me of a time in Colorado when Eileen gave everything away...Time for a visit I see.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Steve you pull me from my stupor..blowing kisses to you all. (PS you did not let me down..I was on a downward spiral that couldn't be stopped and you gave me a parachute for some momentary braking's all good).
School has got me overwhelmed at the moment. I'm on computers for almost every class..kind of a computer burnout already I will have to get on top of. Have to get my laptop fired up and one line today or tomorrow. Can't stand to spend that much time in a room full of 40 computers +..I go numb. But have some major art studio time/dyeing/ a weaving class (now THAT takes the patience of a saint getting to the fun part..I'm assuming the weaving to be fun..right?) A Co-op forming right in the big smack middle of Ft Bragg that wants me in, but it feels to fast to commit yet and somebody in the mix is trying to make too much $ off of the space..not my idea of a Co-op. I'm pretty fired up but hardly on a roll yet. In fact I'm kindof tired but will get the dance down cause I ain't giving up this time. Parents have come thru ($) and my path is becoming less strewn with bolders and hard spots.
Bithday sing long for you Mark! Peyote church has some peyote type birthday songs that are so ticked out I still can't do it along..but beats that around the cake and candles song we all know so'll hum a few bars....hey ney hey ney
Ohio '89 Toyota all track station wagon, currently has 200,000+ miles on it and loosing oil after this brutal trip and eating gas like it's running out the bottom. Poor baby. Hope to be able (to afford) to get it put back together one more time to get us thru the winter. Toyota's RULE!
Rena..friends called from the Big Island Wed so I could hear the wind howling at their door with the arrived here yesterday morning much worn out, with thunder running ahead of it..being so out of season it took awhile to realize what we were hearing. Think of you there in Maui..dreaming of getting back there sooner than later for a visit.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Interesting article Hammond, much like Tony Blair's handling of the goverment official who leaked the same info in Great Britain and ultimately commited suicide. Very rotten politics.

Name: Hammond - PS
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Peter Coyote memo from a relative in the retired
intelligence community about the Bushies pulling the cover off a CIA
spy who happens to be the wife of somebody they believe crossed them up. And this is at the same time the Bushies refuse to publish pages of a report to the public pertaining to Saudi Arabia under the
pretext that those pages might reveal too much about our spying secrets - *Taken from Al Arnowitz's latest broadcast

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Jenn - You have me drooling!!! Guess that says were my head is at! When Nic's son heads to PTown (if) - send emergency rations along with him!!! In this case Purple is my favorite color - even if I am green with envy!!!!!)
Steve - Well I never! and I suppose you missed the whole Moroccan section -which some say is the best part. Oh well you will have to wait for the film version - i.e. - the script (the treatment) which I am currently writing (working title = "Mektoub - It is Written") with a friend in NY - (author - journalist - Adam Engel) and should open in an indy theater near you in 2000 and something - but don't hold your breath - I know I won't....hey, pipe-dreams come true (sometimes) and if not I will just smoke it and enjoy the dream.
Hear that Jenn ---(double the hint)
Mark - Happy Bday - My ole bones know just how you feel....

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 04 Sep 2003
Happy Birthday Mark! Our new late-life "baby" here is a 1988 Cavalier Z-24 convertible in beautiful condition, it really picks up the spirits! The 89 Toyota all-trac that we just wore out, was a great vehicle whose amazing handling abilities were so welcome after totaling a car on black ice some years back. The most durable cars I've ever had were this Toyota and an old Datsun way back when. But the Cavalier drives like an AMERICAN car, there's quite alot to be said for that! (No don't worry, I still despise the fearless leader I'm not that American.) We never have the money to actually select a car, it's whatever comes along when we need one. Usually what comes along works out pretty good. We were pretty much delighted this one happens to be a convertible! I love those Galaxies.....
Steve you talk better than anyone. Illness ain't shit, that's the truth, I would only concede it makes the moments of our best reality farther apart. Or something like that. Peace

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: rainbow bridge
Date: 04 Sep 2003
jenn, is the mansion the one in Rainbow Bridge? My daughter Osheana goes to school in that mansion and on that property with additional buildings for classrooms. Jimmy gave a concert here on: it's a trip watching Rainbow Bridge because i recognize so many folk. that mansion is in Olinda, Maui, Upsountry.

Name: Claude
Date: 03 Sep 2003
That link below to "altaenlosbuscadores" takes you to a (I think, if € is the symbol for a Euro) Spanish website that offers to get your site listed high on the search engines, and thus is a commercial message, FYI.

Name: Mark
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Ahhh know what to say. Thanks.
Jag...well I can't understand the older I get the younger I feel. Duck and cover, yeah, I can do that.
Being taken out for some cheesecake and a snifter of Grand Marnier Centenaire. Does that make me a capitalist pig? Gotta park my lowdown 65 Galaxie up in front with all the Escalades and Mercedes. I can't do Harley's, too many years in the Santa Clara County Trauma Center. I cooked the gumbo tonight, love that cajun belly burn. I could be getting over this.
I'll be back...oh shit, it's Ahhnold. Do I have egg on my face?

Name: Claude
EmailAddress: New Mexico
Date: 03 Sep 2003
I well remember that first rain coming to the coastal forests, after a summer that burns all the meadows to gold. The emerging green and the mists and fogs, ssoooo soft, nature's velvet. Of course, as with all good things, after five or six months of it, we were perishing for some sun, sick of soggy.
Could really use some of that rain; our summer monsoon seems to have been canceled this year. I doubt we've gotten an inch since May; a good monsoon can bring 4-8 inches over the summer. We're starting to think seriously about a well for irrigation to get us past the times when the river isn't reliable and the rains sparse. Plus, with well water, we could use drip, which isn't practical to use with ditch water; too many particulates unless you want to clean filters hourly.
Meanwhile, it's coming up on time to plant a fall garden. Some years the fall can stretch out till December and some of the hardy greens can make it thru the winter (parsley, kale, chard, brussels sprouts)if the winter isn't too harsh. Most years we haven't had to make a fire until after halloween. I'm sure everyone has noticed that the weather is screwed up; patterns we've gotten used to in a region are no longer dependable and the extremes have gotten a lot more extreme. One more thing to blame on the Republicans...

Name: Jenn
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Happy Birthday Mark, you have been very quiet lately. I was hoping that you would surface. With fall coming on, there is a belief that as Nature goes within, dropping the excess fruit, we can go within as well and drop our excess, and giving intention to something we would like to manifest and letting that excess be compost as well as seedlings to sprout in the spring. It's worked for me for years, but I am really careful what I ask for, because then I have to look at all the bullshit ways I sabotage what I really want and keep it from myself. Last year I asked for peace of mind. Mind you, I got a piece of my mind, and looked at everything that keeps me from that peace state. ick, but necessary.It seems to help to get the intention mainfest if I do artwork or writing, and have something like a "sheild" to remind me. You are an inspiration your big bad self. I turned 50 this year, and was handed a margarita at 11:00am on the 11th, and by the evening I was wasted, said sloppy slurpy shit to my friends about undying love and such. My dearest friend made a 4 story chocolate cake for me!I hope you're as lucky!
Hammond, remember the pix Nik sent you?, well, let me tell ya, THIS year is unreal!!! PURPLISH MAGENTA! It actually starts out black, very body slam. Stinkin' to high (ha) heaven. Gotta love the magic. I love living in Humboldt Co. Our D.A. is a very "sympathetic" man. He recently went to a fund raiser in So. Humboldt, and spontaneously gave his surf board to auction. Brought a whopping $1500. Some guy! Have a fantastic funfilled frisco trip. Sometimes the ions at the beach help clear a head too.
Silent Steve, I was an acid guinnea pig for a guy in Hawaii when I was a 16 year old runaway.(Hey if you're gonna run away, might as well go to the islands I figured)Turned out that no one even was looking for me. I Tried out all his acid first (he was the chemist). He scared the shit out of me once by asking how the trip "was", and I was still ablaze.
16 year old Orange County girls are extremely vunerable. Turns out also, I was eating stolen fruit from the orchards at a mansion Hendrix owned that Nicole was staying in, and I didn't even know she was there. Makes ya wonder eh?

Name: Just a kid...
EmailAddress: no one you'de know.....
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Danny shot me up while I was asleep...the Wizard of Oz film played fast forward in my head ...then busted and ran backwards way-wire....I was amazed. DMT?...STP... Danny was paronoid that they were tryin' to kill him...I said that Ide' take the first hit...(and I did.) It was Russion Roulette with an automatic folks,....Tonight; ..pure NYC. He liked my polotics: when he asked me about Schartznager in Calif. I replied by clicking my heels and raising my right arm. Folks: we gotta' end the frontier justice forign policy..come on...VOTE!... the latest NYC Graffity says: "DIE BUSH". (the writting is on the wall)....Rena....your' eyes have it. I cant break away from you......Roaring zeros??...hell lets' do the 40's!!!..this is WAR!!!...Sister Morphine: this is the first time that Ive'e had hick-ups through my stoma...It puts em' all off...Ive' been wearing a cravet since I scared a flock of school girls on MacDougal Street. Final score?... Olema People grew up or died and I kept running,...(and never stopped)...Cancer?..hell; a frieght train couldnt kill me. Cancer aint shit. Mother are near and dear...I feel it. I ask nothing more than to die in your' arms. I let you down. Life got in the way..(dont ya' hate when that happens?)..Tonight I was drinking with a South African. We toasted everyone who remembered what a hard days work was. Well, Eagle will cover "Sweet Lorraine" next friday....Its her that I owe an oppology to. (But BEING sorry is enough.)...Hey Hammond; you gotta be my favorite person...Hey..I gave "As Ever Was" away before finnishing it...aint it the way?...Ohio Girl: "Write, write, write...Hey Mr. Tamborine Man...(sorry Bob);..your'e weariness amazess me also....What gives???...Come on!... Join in a aint no race!...Hey Nicholson: get yer' sunglasses and foot ball helmet: were' goin' fer' a ride!....New York State O' Mind??..." London Calling"...Back to Eileen again: "She's so HEAVY"... As a gentleman; I never drain my glass...A Peruvian Indian came into the bar tonight: looking for work. He was turned down. I shook, layed 20 dollars on him and he thanked GOD. ( how many kids do ya' think that I fed to tonight?)...Thats' Ol' Time Religion folks...try it..youll' like it...Dont ya' feel it in yer' arms??...I played Charlie Parker on the box all was damn near perfect....Alone..naturally...Hick ups?...whats with that???..Oh,.. the Bird really blows...It takes me back to Hubert Shelby...(Last Exit To Brooklyn)...Although I put down his markmanship at one point: I truelly admire Sonny Barger. Sponge??..You dont like me... (I can relate to that...but the fact that you dont want me to like you really burns my ass. I rubbed the stone cats head for good luck. I offered a blowser a drink...she turned it down. I wrote on a napkin: "Sorry...No offence"..she replied: "None Tacken"..pure lady. Here Ive' been drinking at one of New York Cities' "BEST DIVE BARS" and didnt' even know it!...Go figure!....and Bird blew...and the piano tinkled...

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Happy B-Day Mark, 57 is a nice number, I'm closing in on 55 early next year. Don't forsake the human race entirely. Enough of us always manage to duck and cover. Enough to pick up the pieces any hoo and keep it in motion.

Name: Mark
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Hey homies, I have been damn quiet lately looking for some inspiration. Don't know the reason for it but I am trying to crawl out and get active. Part of it must be the state of politics and the changes in general over the last year or so. My normal way is to isolate and fall into interests that keep me distracted from the parading bullshit, so I have been doing my gearhead thing, starting the resto on the old Ford truck I bought in Arkansas. Thirty eight year old grease, busted knuckles and rusty bolts. There is zen in this, dammit. It is hard for me to just keep on as if all is gonna work out fine. Dan Stolpe talked to me about this piss-poor attitude and offered the leverage of perspective. In that, I mean the arrogance of the human race thinking somehow that we have power of all things, the power to destroy all being forever, is foolishness. Ten thousand years from now, some thing will be digging us up wondering who the hell these idiots were. Not having to be able to paint or write for a month or more has me feeling roped in but at the same time a kind of hibernation. Spent lots of energy on exercise, Tae Bo, getting into good physical shape, the best in decades. Tomorrow is a day at Planet Drum along with a fast ride to SF, I tuned the old Tbird so it sounds just right, and so maybe if I don't freeze in the wind or get soaked in wet fog (the Tbird hasn't a fold up top), this funk will dissolve. So anyway, today I am 57 and feeling good but feeling bad at the same time, funny how that always happens.

Name: nik
Date: 03 Sep 2003
f**k yrself mugu garbage guy pan

Name: Jenn
Date: 03 Sep 2003
YOU GO! I live in the country on 40 acres with only one other family, shame!! We live in a Timber Protection area, which is good, but it is limiting. I dream of communal living daily. We grow a lot of our food, veggies & fruits, in North Cal. In the beautiful, quickly becoming extinct Redwoods. A group of our friends, 10 or so couples, mixes, singles, ie; people are getting together here to purchase about 80 to 120 acres on the Trinity River to build a community. Self sufficient as far as we can. I love to stay "home" and be. Just living. Just be. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Pouring rain here today, first fire of the season in the ole' wood stove.

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Claude, oh my now that's very tempting...I've had serious thoughts about that very idea...when I first left San Francisco in 1974 I wanted to go either to Woodstock or New Mexico and at the time I opted for NY...I was in Tesucee in 1983 and almost stayed then...ah, the universe moves in mysterious ways...more thinking on this...
Thanks Hammond, I know he'll be north to visit my sister Jenn, so perhaps they'll head further north...

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Two new images to ponder -
"Double Breasted Reflection"

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Sep 2003
A Digger does as Diggers do - well done Claude!
Here's hoping you find the perfect neighbors!
Nic - I assumed without saying that my number should be added to your son's travel card should he get to PTown. I think you have it - but if not e-mail me and I will send it along.

Name: Claude
EmailAddress: New Mexico
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Thanks for your e-mail. I hope he passes thru.
All: Right now I am having fantasies of extending an invitation to someone who might be interested in a place to be. Who that someone(s) is remains to be seen. The place to be is here, our place on the Pecos River, eight acres with some irrigation and some mod cons. A place to stop running and take refuge. Plant a garden, smell a flower, feel a breeze, hike a canyon.
The last time I tried this was 1968, up in NorCal, where we had gotten fifty acres. We needed communards, but were reduced to actually going out to Wheeler's Ranch to recruit. That had mixed results, but made for some great stories, as you might imagine.
I'm not quite as naive as that today, but I've had this order in to the Cosmic Redistribution Service (Peter Berg was my order taker) for a while now and so far there's been no delivery, so I thought I'd try a bit harder.
Our main interest is to have more people here; there's a lot that could be done, but with 105 years between us, we are not quite as energetic as we need to be to actualize all those possibilities.
All this, of course, begs a zillion questions about the details, and this is the place to discuss them. This IS posted with absolute sincerity.

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Geeze - I hope my DMT comment didn't unleash this mega-poster on phenermine! I better consult the i-ching......melts in your mind - not in your mouth!

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Yeah Patrick, melt in your mouth not in your hands, better than M&M's. I always liked the way they fit into a Pez dispenser :)

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: wadafuckwasdat?
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Wow just checked in to see how Steve was doin' after scarfin' down the ol' coffin candy. Whew, much better than that person who made that last post obviously. Shit I started feeling a little paranoid just scrolling through that blast of shit.
Yey Blue Cheer, Orange Sunshine They called it orange wedge in some towns cause people were splitting the tabs into 4 pieces and folks were getting off on a wedge. I remember dropping a tab and thinking I missed my mouth and dropped it on the floor took another and again blaming it on too much lebanese hash thought I again missed my mouth and took 1 more. As I was crawling around on the orange shag carpet looking for the first 2 dropped tabs Istarted really, RILLY GETTING OF, RILLYY. When I finally came down and a couple days later I realized it was because they melted in your mouth so fast that I really had,nt dropped em' on the floor. I really dropped em'
Peace, Patman

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: ZOG this
Date: 03 Sep 2003
If communist Russia was merely a ploy for zionist Jews to control the soviet bear how in the hell did they allow the mass excutions of Jews under Stalins Pogroms and genocidal policies of erradicating dissident Jews, Christians,and intellectuals' as Stalin said "When I hear the word intellectual I reach for my gun". Methinks thou dost protest to much Vasse Vassilius.

Name: Katarina's ex-playboy Vasse Vassilius at Olsten
Date: 03 Sep 2003
A Saga by the ex-men who flirted with any Jewish Evangelian Zion dollies and other kind of collaborative traitorous whores in the Eastern Europe
[Long post removed, not appropriate for the Guestbook. Feel free to repost
on the Free City News. --ed.]

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Sep 2003
Ohio Girl - I had to cover my eyes as I chuckled - !!! - now there is a 'one-up-womanship' I dare any guy on the guestbook to duplicate! -
But as for just 'dropping a hit' - oh it was 'evil' - but in the right set and setting - (like out in the desert) and with plenty of time (like 3 days) on your hands it was an exhilarating ordeal. I much preferred DMT... ahem - er.... make that "I really liked DMT!" especially peaking on smooth acid. (I confess).........:-) Oh - better stop or we will be receiving phentamine spam for ever....

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Sep 2003
I never tried that method with STP Ohio Girl, I'm surprised I didn't cause I did with acid and any thing else that came down the pike. Maybe I knew subconsciously that it was a bad idea.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: philosophical trip
Date: 03 Sep 2003
A band named after a drug named after a laundry soap, don't you sometimes really miss the sixties? Blue Cheer the drug was fine, the band was fine, even the laundry soap was fine as far as that goes. STP, now that was evil, worst thing I never should have shot up 2 hits of, maybe it wasn't that evil if you just dropped a hit of it. So what has changed today, life is still full of good and bad, beauty and evil, and some of the evil is my own doing or my own perception. I'm still after the good and beauty, still trying for the sun. Peace :)

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 02 Sep 2003
You can't fool me Sazza -
I know Mugu Biloxi Red Neck stuff when I read it.
Hanks - "Ringolevio" or "Pirandello Returns"
SRB - Aliens are what make up 95% of this country and all of them are illegal. Me - I am 4% native and 1% Free

Name: S.R.B.
EmailAddress: N.Y.C.
Date: 02 Sep 2003
Comments human being is illegal...or alien....think about it.

Name: Hanks
Date: 02 Sep 2003
If Emmett Grogan became a film Director, what kind of fims do you think he would make ?? Animal House ? Resovoir Dogs ? Pulp Fiction?

Name: Sazza
EmailAddress: it gets hardre all the time
Date: 02 Sep 2003
21 Reasons why the English Language is Hard to Learn
1. The bandage was wound around the wound.
2. The farm was used to produce produce.
3. The dump was so full it had to refuse more refuse.
4. We must polish the Polish furniture.
5. He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7. Since there was no time like the present, he thought it was
time to present the present.
8. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
9. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10. I did not object to the object.
11. The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12. There was a row among the oarsmen on how to row.
13. They were too close to the door to close it.
14. The buck does funny things when does are present.
15. A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17. The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18. After a number of injections my jaw got number.
19. Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
20. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
21. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

Name: FYI -Service
Date: 02 Sep 2003
Steve - Phenermine will do this to the best of us.....

Name: Steve Pan
EmailAddress: Second from the right and on till morning....
Date: 02 Sep 2003
No; I meant "What Ever Happened To Blue Cheer???"...(last seen turning the air into cottage cheese)...dope???..dope???..Hey kids; that Coffin Candy aint no sex drug. Hell, Im' renaming the event "Drop Dead Dick Festival"..and now on with the show..(drum roll please)... THUS SPAKE BOYD: From Ubermemensch to psychosexual fetish object. Cult of the Psychic Penis / Silent Steve on vocals. AFTERMATH: Well folks; I attended Sunday morning Church Service. Tally? A Sinner Won, a Saint Placed and a Fool Showed. (Sleep was scratched). This afternoon I pulled a "Krammer" and washed my clothes while I showered..(still swampy from the park fountain)..Clyde is all saddled up and ready to roll. Hey Hammond; as far as names go; I always called the owner "The Big Cheese" and I refered to the kid as "Junior". Oh, for all of you soap opera fans..that Mid-West Unconditional offer of love??..well; two small glitches: (1) Nice place to live, but I woulndt wanna' visit there. (b) Unconditional??!!...thats just to damn restrictive fer' me!. "....Keep back lady, no one is going to catch me and make me a man.... She had to tell him. "I am old Peter. I am so much more than twenty. I grew up long ago." "You promised not to!" "I couldnt help it." ........Hey Nik, a little boy's bed ran away. Its down in the front parlor weeping. Give it a good home will ya'?...... Again Tink replied, "You silly ass." Peter could not understand why.... OK; final score; Olema Tribe vs. Reality. Tie. Cat got that one. ....It is sad to say that the power to fly gradually left them... In time they could not even fly after their own hats. Want of practice, they called it; but what It really meant was that they no longer believed...... In closing, before hitting Mother Road, I leave you all with one more quote from Celine': "Travel is useful, it exersises the imagination. All the rest is dissapointment and fatigue. Our journey is entirely imaginary. It goes from life to death. People, animals, cities, things, all are imagined. Its a novel, just a narrative. Littre' says so, and he's never wrong. And besides, in the first place, anyone can do as much. You just have to close your eyes. Its on the other side of life.

Name: Nicole
Date: 02 Sep 2003
Claud, thanks so much for your response...I'll give him yr number...he's a great kid, and I do remember you...absolutely !

Date: 02 Sep 2003
Dear Join - I have checked out your Join deal - and though I am sure you have nothing but "acts of kindness" in mind and deed - I think your club is silly and frankly I don't think anyone with a life should bother "joining' your deal - maybe it is just a Londoners thing and this is why you don't have more than 2 Americans on board. Anyway I think I can speak for us all - by saying that we have received your message - we know where to go it we want to JOIN! - so it is pretty redundant and silly to keep posting these over the top invitations to join up with an invisible crew like yours.... Good Luck and Good-by!
There - now that I have that out of my system I will go back to my in the field research oh - and REGISTER TO VOTE!! - JOIN UP WITH THAT! - GET RID OF THE BUSH FAMILY ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!

Date: 01 Sep 2003
Why go back in time, I'm sure their are some "North Americans" just south of the border you can find for the price of a green card.

Date: 01 Sep 2003
Why go back in time, I'm sure their are some "North Americans" just south of the border you can find for the price of a green card.

Name: th' fretful porpentine
EmailAddress: quid pro quo
Date: 01 Sep 2003
I need 2 Americans also .. to work the land for minimal wages .. i.e. none ...
do you think I need a time machine to go back about 200 years or so ?? .. the mind reels .. & some of the bodies also .. later, gator ..

Date: 01 Sep 2003

Date: 01 Sep 2003

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 01 Sep 2003
Biloxi Red-Neck Poet and Mugu have relocated to Sweden where they received a neoclonal sex/body transphentamine transplant and will from now on be known as the entity :Sazza".

Name: Sazza
Date: 01 Sep 2003
I take it you already know
Of tough and bough and cough and dough?
Others may stumble, but not you
On hiccough, thorough, laugh and through,
Well done! And now you wish, perhaps
To learn of less familiar traps?
Beware of heard, a dreadful word
That looks like beard and sounds like bird,
And dead: it's said like bead, not bead
For goodness sake don't call it 'deed'!
Watch out for meat and great and threat,
They rhyme with suite and straight and debt.
A moth is not a moth in mother
Nor both in bother, broth in brother
And here is not a match for there
Nor dear and fear for bear and pear
And then there's dose and rose and lose
Just look them up, and goose and choose.
And cork and work and card and ward,
And font and front and word and sword,
And do and go and thwart and cart -
Come, come, I've hardly made a start!
A dreadful language? Man alive,
I'd mastered it when I was five.

Name: aaa
Date: 01 Sep 2003
Look at
[On first sight, this looked like a typical spam message worthy of the
Recycle Bin. However, a little voice whispered, "click the link" and
here is what was found amidst this web site devoted to Utopia:
The reason un abolishment of mony in Utopia
is nobody trouble in mony.
For good world bright future.
So, this message and its solitary link is a keeper. --ed.]

Name: woodstockric
Date: 01 Sep 2003
My bass player Mike and I got off the bus in Atlanta in early "1967"
we were heading for montreal where I had just returned from playing
"EXPO 67" (the 1967 worlds fair) but we only had enough money to
make it to Atlanta, once there we met with some people who said we could "crash at their pad" and play at the "Catacombs" coffee house to
some money. But once we fell in with the hippies there we knew we
were HOME. 36yrs of playing gigs and I still feel the same way I did
back then-and still play the same music.the greatest music ever written
I never did make it back to Montreal, But did open for the Allman Bros,
Sweetwater,Spirit,Steppenwolf, And Joe Cocker and the Greese Band
they stayed at our house whenever they were in Atlanta.In 1972 the
name of my band was changed to"Woodstock Nation" and still is
I'm just starting up a web page-check it out and any advice would be
helpful . (

Name: Nik
Date: 01 Sep 2003
that was....hey ALL

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: willinics AT yahoo. calm (you know what I mean)
Date: 01 Sep 2003
Hey all, up here on the esopus again, rain out side looks so lovely to me. Fog draped on the mts...little bits of mist rising up from between the ridges...very warm looking out there to me. Yesterday was gorgeously sunny, not warm enough to jump in the river tho.
Request to those of you who know god son who just graduated from Berkely schoool of music and is about to release his first CD of exquisit music is leaving on a trip across country on Wednesday...I told him I might have a couple of addresses or phone numbers he could call on his way...he and his friend are basically going to camp across if you feel okay about them giving you a call e-mail me by wednesday and I'll give you a call and let you know his name and particulars...thanks, Nik

Name: Tomas
Date: 01 Sep 2003
Fall of 1967 - The day that I arrived at Morningstar. We unloaded the food from Nancy's van. She said that we were going to score some dope, "So who wanted to come along". Kathy and I said we'd go. So we headed to San Francisco to score some acid.
The second place we stopped at was the Grateful Deads old home on a hill. At that time I had no clue as to who the Dead were. I just remember being introduced to this blond guy. The dining room had this huge table with this really nice cut crystal bowl filled with blue cheer laundry powder. We hung out a bit then headed back to Morningstar Ranch. Ramon talks about the day in Home Free Home.

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.