These are the Guestbook Entries from 2004. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from January, 2004. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2004.

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Jan 2004
Hey there Michael, we share the same birthplace and Irish/Catholic roots.

Name: Jag
Date: 31 Jan 2004
Faith and Begorah, Hello Michael

Name: Michael Cavlan RN
Date: 31 Jan 2004
Will the real Emmett Grogan please stand up? My goddess in heaven. I just stumbled upon this site from the SF Indy Media Site. I read the book "Ringelivio, A Life played For Keeps" about 20 years ago. I still have the book in my bookcase and still refer to it as my bible. I was raised catholic in northern Ireland, born in San Jose and am currently residing in Minnesota. I am a Green Party and Indy Media Activist and am going to seek the GP nomination for the US Senate in 2006 here in Minnesota (PS it is fucking cold here)
You just lifted my spirits even higher and gave me pause for my upcoming campaign. In Irish Gaelic Dias Duith Agus Slan Go Foil Mo Chairde Nua. May the Gods Bless You And Good Luck Go With You My New Friends.

Name: claude
Date: 31 Jan 2004
My disk's list includes titles not on the Warfield Theatre list. I posted the same query over at the Grateful Dead discussion board, and perhaps someone there will know something.
Although the disk I have seems seamless from start to finish, with an intermission break, I have no way of knowing if whoever burned the disk I copied from just burned their own disk with just the tracks they liked from a variety of sources. I don't think this is the case, as the audience soumds pretty consistent throughout. You can hear the same guys whoopin' an hollerin' in the background. I guess if I had the published versions, I could listen and hear if what I've got is the same, or something different.
Of course, my fantasy would be that this is some unreleased stuff that has gotten out, some private venue where a recording was made, but not used. Do you know how many Garcia/Grisman recordings there are?

Name: Counter Punched
Date: 31 Jan 2004
"Tide and Time Again" ....

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Jan 2004
Claude - Full Set List: Warfield Theater 2-3-91 --- Walking Boss, Woody's Rag, First Onto This Court, Handsome Cabin Boy, I Truly Understand, All True Lovers Are Bound To Die, Man of Constant Sorrow, Two Soldiers, Take Me, Grateful Dawg, The Thrill Is Gone, Rockin Chair Blues, So What, To Sea Once More, Friend of the Devil, Kentucky Waltz, Russian Lullabye, Arabia - Encore - Ripple - :-)

Name: claude
Date: 31 Jan 2004
I just listened to the whole CD I've got, again Has different songs, diff. number of songs, no encore. More like several hundred people in audience than the fifty I first mentioned. Can you ascribe names to the songs I've listed below? I'll check out the pignic site, see if anybody there knows anything. Thanks

Name: Ps - Watchers watching
Date: 31 Jan 2004
Check this out....

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Jan 2004
Mark - Indeed Wavy is still Wavy - and of course NoBody is still running for president! - When the first NoBody tour launched itself at the Dinosaur Album release party at the New Fillmore Wavy used a pair of toy chatter teeth held in his hand by the microphone so that NoBody could speak to his fans. We all got the message loud and clear..

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Jan 2004
Claude - Sounds to me like you have the G/G set of sound-board songs that got passed around GD taper circles (recorded at the Warfield Theater - 2-3-91.) This was before the G/G cd collection(s) was/were released. The taper/tape has more songs and with a much smaller audience. Tape one opens with "Walkin Boss">"Woody's Rag">"First Onto This Court" (11 songs) ending with "Grateful Dawg." Tape two opens with "The Thrill is Gone">"Rockin' Chair Blues">"So What" (Miles Davis song) - 8 songs ending with "Russian Lubbabye">"Arabia" - The encore is (oddly) "Ripple" - and a great version to boot... - (19 songs total) - does this relate to what you have? :-) H.

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Jan 2004
Wavy is still at it. Get some laughs.

Date: 31 Jan 2004
or here....

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Jan 2004
Claude~I bet you can find out from someone here..

Name: claude
Date: 30 Jan 2004
thanks, but this is not that one (Grateful Dawg). First, since I am not really current with most of most of the later GD stuff, I don't even know the titles of all of these tracks. There are 13 tracks, no intro, live audience in a big space, but not a big crowd at all, maybe 50? Tell me what it sounds like to you when you hear it. It may be only Garcia and Grisman, I guess. I'm so out of it, GD wise that I don't even know who Grisman is. My Grateful Dead imprinting, burned into my brain at THE EK-AAT has made me always love them, but I missed most of their trip after the sixties.
The tracks are in this order, named or key line given
1 thrill is gone, 2 " Rose of (something) a cabin ...", 3 fields have turned brown, 4 unk instrumental 5 sitting here in limbo 6 "...oh, the wind and rain..." 7 angels laid him away 8 jazzy, upbeat instrumental, sounds familar and might be a medley Dgango Rienhart sounding, i think 9 "...I rode to see me Nancy..."
10 ten years friend's wife 11 Shady Grove 12 "...just like a man...sycamore tree...proud of each other in the land of the free..." 13 She's An Artist (Dylan)
Guitar/s and mandolin/s . So I got a copy of this in my laptop, but translated into real player type file. The disk I copied said (handwritten) "Jerry Garcia, early/2002", iirc, cause the disk is now gone, can't find it anywhere. So, that's what I got here, does that ring any bells? Wanna hear it? I think I can email it, so send me the address you want me to send it to.

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Jan 2004
I already did it. I may not watch the super bowl but will watch the Move-on ads.

Name: Nik
Date: 30 Jan 2004
Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS
Luckily, there are still some networks that do allow the free exchange of ideas. Please join the one-minute boycott: at Super Bowl halftime, switch to CNN and watch "Child's Pay," and let us know at:
Thanks for all you do,
--Adam, Carrie, Eli, James, Joan, Laura, Noah, Peter, Wes, and Zack
The Team
January 30th, 2003
P.S. Here's the L.A. Times' Op-Ed piece, which ran in today's paper:
One Thing That Won't Be Tackled on Sunday: Issues
By Eli Pariser
Campaigns Director, Voter Fund

Name: Jag
Date: 30 Jan 2004
Grateful Dawg is also a documentary detailing the entire collaboration and really good.

Date: 30 Jan 2004
Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS

Name: Rena
Date: 30 Jan 2004
Thanks, Eric. mo'betttah!

Name: Eric
Date: 30 Jan 2004
A quick search turns up an album that Garcia did with David Grisman in 1991, called Grateful Dawg, and includes the two tunes you mentioned. Here's a complete playlist of the album:
1. Intro | 2. Grateful Dawg (Garcia / Grisman) | 3. Wayfaring Stranger (Traditional) | 4. Sweet Sunny South (Traditional) | 5. Old and in the Way Intro | 6. Pig in a Pen (Traditional) | 7. Dawg's Waltz (Grisman) | 8. Sitting Here in Limbo (Bright / Chambers) | 9. Off to Sea Once More (Traditional) | 10. Off to Sea Once More (Traditional) | 11. Jenny Jenkins (Traditional) | 12. Arabia (Grisman) | 13. The Thrill is Gone (Darnell / Hawkins) | 14. Friend of the Devil (Dawson / Garcia / Hunter) | 15. Grateful Dawg (Studio) (Garcia / Grisman)

Name: claude
Date: 30 Jan 2004
I have this CD of Jerry Garcia and some friends. I have no idea where it came from, but it's clearly one of his last, if not THE last public performance before his death. It's very moving, all accoustic, includes "Thrill is Gone", "Sitting Here in Limbo". I have copied it and will send copies to those who wish, but I want to know where it came from, if anyone knows; is it outlaw or something that's been released? Unfortunately it has to be played on a PC using Real Player, a regular CD player can't read it.
Let me know if you know about it or want to hear it. I think I can email it as a file. My address is hidden below.

Date: 30 Jan 2004
Liverpool punk scene (the worlds greatest punk site it ain't) online @ or go to google and type in liverpool punk scene (it's at the top) with links to over 1500 other punk sites. No need to log in to post. Also if you want us to put a link for you on our site email us. Or get on our site and tell us. Also if your in a band instead of emailing us about upcoming gigs. Just post them on the site.

Name: Jag
Date: 30 Jan 2004
Please let the madness stop. A single simple thought. We sleep, we wake, we wonder, wonder if we can, please let the madness stop! I saw a man who had no limbs, another soldier lost, I saw a sight so grim, and so sad I had to write. So what the fuck is this! One missive more or less! The killing still goes on, from time begun till when? Iraq, Iran, I’ve seen enough! Indentured servants all. God bless the child whose got his own, God bless the man who’s seen enough! All I ask and all I want is God Please Just Let The Madness Stop!!!!!

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Jan 2004
I will email her, explain the particulars and give her your email address.

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Jan 2004

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Jan 2004
I have info on the editor working with Berg. Would you like me to contact her on your behalf about the Women of the 60's idea? From conversations I had with her she seemed very interested in participating in a project like yours with a particular interest in but not limited to the Diggers. I can discuss the concept with her and exchange email addresses if you like. She works for the SF City Library. Maybe a general conversation with her about what you might envision could offer some catalyst. Lemme know.

Name: Mark
Date: 29 Jan 2004
Do the recent URLs that I have posted cause this problem and can I do something other than not posting them to help?

Name: Eric
Date: 29 Jan 2004
Rena -- does that fix the screen problems? I never notice the problem until someone mentions it 'cause I use IE. Other browsers can't handle the long non-wrapped lines that happen when people paste long URLs into their comment, or the Muggy one leaves a continuous line of non-sensical characters with no spaces interspersed. Anyhow, I cleaned things up, hope that's better.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 29 Jan 2004
Rena - Eric has to adjust the page - someone posted a long url address I think...

Name: Jag
Date: 29 Jan 2004
Psychotropic trippin was the backbone of the sixties and without it would you? could you? call it the sixties? Those who didn't and tried to hang with those who did could not have had much in common nor much to contribute in a spiritual sense. My first trip was so awe inspiring as to alienate me from my high school peers forever, or at least until they joined me over time.

Name: Rena
Date: 29 Jan 2004
is anyone else having trouble with this site? I can't get the guestbook entries to fit on the page, and i've tried both with Explorer and Safari. it's a hassle trying to read it by constantly pushing the page back and forth, left and right. any suggestions? i have an iMac flat screen.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 29 Jan 2004
Some of the first to take Leary's Harvard approved study using LSD were Catholic priests - by report - most found it at least somewhat 'illuminatiing' - and apparently none of them jumped out of a hotel window....Drugs are always on the scene within us or without us....AmenCornered(suspect)

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 29 Jan 2004
My first (late) husband and I while hitchhiking along the California coast in 1969 met some hippies in a Christian commune and spent a few interesting days with them. Really nice people. They were living drug-free I believe. A little break from our shoot-em-up lifestyle. Yes there were all kinds of philosophies among hippies. I met people striving for a natural high through macrobiotic food, too. But, the people in the Christian commune had previously done drugs, and the people looking for a natural high were looking for a perhaps better way to have what they had first found through psychedelics. I would say there were very, very few counterculture people who never did drugs and most of us definitely stuck with the drugs, that's what it is. My husband and I no longer do drugs today (if you don't count the thousands and thousands of dollars worth of hep C drugs, some of which has to be shot up what a joke) but by no stretch of the imagination are we straight people & don't want to be. Peace

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 29 Jan 2004
Arcane - (sigh) - sure research away - but bear in mind that the essential and better part of the good folks here (myself included) is that we got through 'the movement' (or whateverthe name) "with" the drugs - and at times "because" of the drugs for better and for worse. We have a collective - conscious - respect for "the" drugs - even though many of us may not actively explore these realms in the manner we once did - the results are still in the pudding - in that we have been irretrievably "altered" and "altared"(for better and yes, for worse) by "the drugs" of and in the funny wonderful world that was "the 60s" - which really didn;t end until about 1975 . So Arcane - What was the question?

Name: Jag
Date: 29 Jan 2004
Got it Claude, its sent

Name: claude
Date: 29 Jan 2004
Waiting for somewhere to send you my address, Don't want to post it here. email me chaywardatplateauteldotnet

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 28 Jan 2004
Arcane - okay you passed the 'secret fyi test'. Enter and be who you are among friends...

Name: Jag
Date: 28 Jan 2004
I copied it and wow, that is cool, I am sorry I missed the debut on PBS. I noticed a few days ago that a documentary on the SLA was up for an award at Sundance. That would be a good film as well. On the same note I saw a documentary on the Sundance channel a few days ago that was amazing. "An Injury to One" was the name and it was about a lynching and beating back in the early 1900's in Butte, Montana. The gist of the movie was an outstanding indictment of Anaconda Copper and what an atrocious and reprehensible company it was. It bled Butte dry and polluted the area beyond redemption and bailed on the city after milking it for billions. Over ten thousand miners died in their mines, they broke the back of the union and were linked to the lynching of the IWW organizer. It gave me chills. I'll send those cd's Friday, Claude, I need to know where you want it sent? Later all.

Name: nik
Date: 28 Jan 2004
couldn't even copy the link...

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Jan 2004
You will have to copy and paste the link below to use it, apparently there is a limit to the length of hyerlinks on Eric's new server.

Name: Mark
Date: 28 Jan 2004
Weather Underground Documentary nominated for academy award, no shit!

Name: Nik
Date: 28 Jan 2004
Eileen, the cd is James Towlson, Susan Steinbergs son...I'm just getting it out there in peoples ears and hearts...
Okay, my friend Loretta, lives in Woodstock, and I will get her e-mail and anything about her I can and tell her about you and then you two can exchange info...she's very successful at it...she repped a jewlery company for years as well, and I remember seeing their stuff in Sausalito a few years tomorrow I'll get that info to you.
Jag, yeah, maybe some Howard Zinn...and I've got another tape for you of some great oldie stuff...
the rest of all y'all, warm regards on this snow filled east coast afternoon.

Name: Johnny Arcane
Date: 28 Jan 2004
I think I met some of the Wilkerson people in the 60's and early 70's, and I read The Cross and the Switchblade. I viewed them with a certain amount of trepidation because of the Jesus connection and the way that people who get Jesus want to write off all the other connections as deceptions of Satan. But they were decent folk who lived communally, in the tradition of the early Christians before the movement got Romanized.
I'm not hoping anybody is a convert to anything. Sooner or later we're all heading out of here on the Next Big Adventure. I'm just trying to take it all in.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 28 Jan 2004
Arcane - yes, those are the Teen Challenge folks I was recomending you to. and FYI - we are all over 50 (mostly) - some nearing 60 (+) and frankly Arcane - though most of us have cleaned up our acts - and are paying the physical price for some of these acts via our malfunctioning livers nonetheless we still use and/or honor our substances right along with our spiritual expansion - E=Mc Squared - what's your point. Are you hoping we are all converts to born again thinking? - Guess again we are all converts to born again living in the moment - as conceptually free as is possible within the stucture that binds us together - never mind the rest - it is an illusion anyway....

Name: Johnny Arcane
Date: 28 Jan 2004
I did meet some people in the 60's who fit drug-free hippie sub-genre. Some of them were Jesus freaks, some of them were just hippie wannabes, weekending from the straight world, some were timorous little field mice afraid of the contents of their own minds (actually my ficitional character falls into this category) but there were some for whom it was an actual, intentional discipline. Also I remember, back when I was a kid starting out on my mind-bending adventures, a person I identified as wise told me You will reap the spiritual benefits of the substances and then you will no longer need them. By the time you are 50 you will be substance-free. That prophecy has been pretty much fulfilled, for me at least. Don't get me wrong, I am not pretending to any special wisdom. It's just the way it fell out.

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Jan 2004
Yes Nicole that's exactly what I am doing. I would be TOTALLY into it!! Yes give me a connection. I have been printing them as well as pressing flowers..both, on card quality stock. It's all just been sitting here and I could use a market. I imagine I'm likely to be the only one doing this. People don't realize the potential for beauty in seaweed. At some point I will also imbed it into Japanese paper for lamp shades for my own use. They have beautiful colors in them when held to the light. I haven't been following what your next CD is..? Do tell.

Name: Nicole
Date: 28 Jan 2004
Eileen, are you doing any card type stuff with your seaweed art? I have a very good friend here in New York who reps all kinds of card artists to all the high end card "boutiques" in the north east...let me know if yr interested in speaking with I put the cd in the mail for you...

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 28 Jan 2004
A 60s without drugs? Oh man that would be so boring!
Arcane - suggest you contact Teen Challenge and the Rev. David Wilkerson - they managed the 60s in faith-based rehab. maybe this is the crowd you are seeking...
Please leave all drugs in the bucket by the door....

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: children conceived in altered states
Date: 28 Jan 2004
I was never much of a drinker but did conceive my first child when the bartender told me and my first husband "The bar is closed to you." That sounded so funny to me, being truly not much of a drinker that was a new experience. We had to be told that several times. I drove home (going in and out of a blackout) which seemed to make sense since the old man was the one with the drinking problem. Ensuing pleausrable events in my parent's TV room where we were living due to being broke, resulted in an outstanding kid!!!! Now what's this about not doing drugs in the sixties, are we talking about the same sixties? The states have been altered ever since.

Name: Jag
Date: 28 Jan 2004
Its hazy mind you, but I think the drugs kind of defined the movement not the other way around.

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Jan 2004
Yeah Johnny that would certainly be a work of fiction. If you're talking the 60's, you might as make up the rest of it..

Name: Johnny Arcane
Date: 28 Jan 2004
I'm interested in hearing from people who embraced the movement but did not do the drugs,and why not? This is research for a work of fiction.

Name: Jag
Date: 28 Jan 2004
I can include some material by Howard Zinn, "A Peoples History of the United States", as well, if you like audio books they are great, I've been driving alot lately and on those six hour jaunts they are a nice change from a steady diet of radio and cd tunes. These contain somw really good subject matter and relevant as hell to today's political climate.

Name: Jag
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Great Claude,I will need an address or I can forward it to someone and then let them get it to you, Hammond can you send Claude my e-mail? They will be in the mail as soon as I get back to town, I'm in Seattle till Friday.

Name: claude
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Please, I'd like a copy, too?
Thanks for the encouragement

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Absolutely! I must be in a very accepting mood today - first domes and now new old music... Thanks Jag...

Name: Jag
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Hey does anyone like early sixties late fifties tunes? Shirlies, Ronette's, Sam Cooke, Del Shannon, Tokens etc. I have a disc if anyones interested.

Name: Counter Punched
Date: 27 Jan 2004
"General Disorders of the Day" ------

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Yes Rena. Book next wk. Hey about we go over Steve's posts and see if we can figure out where his parents might be in Florida. We could each take a month of archives on this page..and there was much more on Discussions. I'm really busy until the wkend. But could offer up Sunday to some digging. I am starting to..yeah have bad thoughts. Anyone want to join me hunting? I am totally up for deeper digging if we can find the city. Also, what about police and yeah body found in NY? There has to be a way to track him down cause this isn't right. I can't really believe he is just ignoring us unless he's like in the Anartic without a computer.

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Hammond the book's yours. Probably in the mail next wk. I'm really doing my best not to start collecting things, as I know there is another move in front of me before the yr is up. As far as the book goes..I've got a school commitment that I want to see through this semester (til mid May). Then it's open waters. I would like to just talk around about it during that time. Also to see if there is someone I can work with to sound this out and figure out a game plan. There's a lot to take into consideration already and plenty more I have no clue about. I want this to be something I can live with, since you say it's going to be like that. This is NOT something I want as a hobby!

Name: Jenn
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Ethan...but can you imagine TIM? his dad is an ultra annala Cal highway partol! you know..that would be insane! In my defense he was a fireman when we were first married, he snuck into the chp without telling me a thing...hence the X in married.
If you could let me know where Taj's son is I would love to visit him. I met the twins once at your house when they were babies and you were rooming with their mom. Sorry to learn he lost one in a tragic car accident.
I doubt you're being parinoid, you would be sooo shocked at the capabilities of spying.Your calander can be read from satalite. Like they don't have bigger fish to fry. sheesh.
Hammond-I once had 200+ rejection letters for a childs book I wrote. Takes the wind from the sails, but try try try. You are a great resourse.;)

Name: Eileen
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Thanks Nicole..don't leave yourself off the list. I also want to I said before more than the Digger ladies..although limiting it to that would certainly give me more than enough to work with. But there were so many others. And what about the communial time? Do I limit this to the city time? Are there limits?

Name: Rena
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Hi Eileen, I'd like to see the woodstock book. Thanks!

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Claude - Indeed - and then more work... but you are well on the way if you have the draft finished - but keep polishing it - narrowing it down to the essence of storyline and clarity while you work on your cover letter. Cover letters should be no more than two good paragraphs of really relevant information about your project, and " the pitch" itself is ideally no more than 25 words.. - and this sounds like a very interesting read!
Eileen - 'a nudge is as good as a wink '- but to do this you will need to dig in and stay dug in 5 good days a week - 4 to 5 good hours a day - otherwise it will become another long term 'hobby'...vs. a ready to go ms. in say 8 to 12 months of hard - yet fun and satisfing work... I have said before, you have the chops my dear....Write On!

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Eileen - "Me, me" (hand in the air) - I want the dome book when you are done with it.....

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Jan 2004
The women
Just to name a the top of my head...
Judy Berg
Susan Keyes
Judy Quick
Phyllis Wilner
Natural Suzanne
Carla Schuler
Elsa Marley
Joanna Rinaldi
Peggy Darm
Vicky Pollock
Joannie Batman
Marsha Thelin
Mary Anne Pickens
Cheryl Lynn
Kaye Anne
Carol Seran
Lenore Kandel
Nina Blasenheim
Jane Lapiner
Betsy Degelman

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Jan 2004
I googled "children of the 60's" and got a lot of interesting of them
click on his links too.

Name: r n a
Date: 27 Jan 2004
Sisters of the Extreme is the name of the republished Shaman Woman Mainline Lady.
you can get it at flashback books or at amazon. Awesome book. A house guest just
found it in my library and took it down to the little glass and screen hut under
the palm trees. . .
Michael Horowitz and Cynthia Palmer are the editors. . .
5 stars * * * * *

Name: claude
Date: 27 Jan 2004
thanks Hammond
how come I'm not surprised it will be work?

Name: r n a
Date: 27 Jan 2004
I read a wonderful book called, " Wild Child: Girlhoods in the Counterculture." I highly reccommend it. I found it in the library and bought a copy for my daughter. Here's the page at amazon so you can get a feel for this book: Eileen, I think your project is a great idea. Love to all, r n a

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Thanks Hammond. Helpful to give me some traction. Claude. I have heard of a number of the Digger kids doing this. That should be a little more interesting than we want to hear. And we think it was hard when we grew up! HEY anybody want the dome book and/or the woodstock book? I'm done with them.

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Books - a process - with steps all along the way. Eileen - you are starting from scratch - so research - notes - photos- organization - interviews - finding your voice and then pounding it out into a rough first draft. - Claude - making sure the ms. has had a very good edit or two and that it is formatted properly. Write a synopsis (1000 wds.) of the ms - and write a one paragraph description of what the book is about. Polish these until they glow in the dark. Research who is publishing similar subject books - find out who represents those authors and send them your cover letter - The art to getting published is the art of the cover letter. Include the 1000 wd. summary - and keep doing it - - Just keeping at doing it - is what pays off in the end. Pure perseverance.... and a bit of luck

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2004
obviously I meant "..if you can't read a 21 yr old..."

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Ooh we're being spied on?! How exciting. Nicole I still wouldn't eliminate the interest factor outright. But if he seems weird he's weird. I think we have been thru enough if we can read a 21 yr old we better stay home. Yeah I'm still assuming Steve is at his folks and so far my letter hasn't been returned. Mark I am totally up for a contact. I have some ideas starting to form how to do this..sort of. The big one is, and the freeing factor, I don't have to be the one that writes this. But I could pull it together. I would love to really have it open and free ranging and not just get stuck with the "Digger Women" notion. There are I am sure a lot more stories I have not heard and would like to. One idea has been to give each woman a certain number of pages or words as a limit, and get in as many as possible. And/Or do interviews and record them. I for one prefer talking to writing. I really get too bogged down writing. And I know I want lots of pictures. Here's an idea..create a list of questions or subjects to pick from. Huum that alone would be a brain grinder and might miss something. I really need some input here. I'm really wondering how to start. How to put the word out to gather the women? Who puts the pieces together? Is that the editor? I don't know the first thing about putting a book together. Is there a "Dummy" book for that? Exactly what would it be called. I have no idea what I'm getting into. I definitely need a cheering squad and hand holding and any pointers anyone wants to dish out. Hammond? You too?

Name: claude
Date: 26 Jan 2004
hey guys,
I need some advice here. Clane (my daughter) has written a couple of books, I think quite well written, on growing up hippie/digger. She was born in SF in March 67. So, she's stuck, and the books have languished for a while. Now she has agreed to let me try to push them towards publication. So what's my best move here? Find an editor, find an agent, or find a publisher? Suggestions?

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Eileen, I know I would be more than interested in reading it.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Jan 2004
I can't encourage you enough to take on the book project. It would be a wonderful gift to those who follow. I would be happy to be your cheerleader, motivator, or whatever if you would decide to do this. I was approached by an editor at the Planet Drum celebration in San Francisco last October who has been interested in getting involved with something exactly like this, she is currently working with Peter Berg publishing a collection of his essays and they are in the final stages of editing the introduction to each of the chapters. She seems to be a very motivated and thorough individual, she has also done editing for our reports to the Italian Olympic Committee at Planet Drum Foundation. Just an idea.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Everyone is watching everyone - The 3rd Page certainly receives its share of visits from the gov-homeland security-force and even the CIA Chad Station pops in once an awhile - Counter Punch is certainly read by anti-freedom of speech riders et al - and here our guestbook is another example of pretty free-wheeling speech, monologue, memory transplants and good ole fashion Diggerist fun. I don't think Steve threatened to do anything that would have brought in the 'people removers' - but I do remeber him going on about the MC5/MF connection with someone who had contacted him. Or am I dreaming this?

Name: Nik
Date: 26 Jan 2004
sorry 'bout that...the double...and oh yes Eileen...I know for a friend in the FBI let me know about it...they also read all of our e-mails...homeland do think all the infiltrating provocatures of the 60's got thier is silly to me, a bit cops and robbers or cowboys and indians...but as I said, THEY need to feel like they are actually doing something helpful...I swear I'm not crazy...I don't even care...I'm just worried about Steve.

Name: Nik
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Jenn, Ethan, Emily or Tim?
ps Taj jr has a landscaping biz in Kuaai.
oh, and everyone, I met a guy who claims to be a friend of Steve's...quite frankly, he made me nervous, he showed up out of no where at a bar I frequent...He suddenly got very friendly and happened to mention Silent Steve...out of context...he said he was one of the M 27 or something...maybe I'm just being paranoid...anyway, he said he hadn't heard from him either...when I got to the office this morning there was a message on my machine from this guy (I know he's not interested in me...he's only about 21) and he called again at lunch time, "just to say hi" what do you I being too cautious? I know that those guys have to believe we are all up to something so that they have a reason to have their jobs...that's a scarey thing...I've seen my file and I'm not even anyone who any one would worry about...THAT'S what I worry about with Steve...he said some harsh things on the subject of our administration...

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2004
akh I have to run again but can't pass this up. Nicole do you seriously think anyone could give a flyinghoot what we say here or enve look at this site?? I really just don't see it. With that said..exactly since when have you become uninteresting to a 21 yr old?? Don't you believe it.

Name: Nik
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Jenn, Ethan, Emily or Tim?
ps Taj jr has a landscaping biz in Kuaai.
oh, and everyone, I met a guy who claims to be a friend of Steve's...quite frankly, he made me nervous, he showed up out of no where at a bar I frequent...He suddenly got very friendly and happened to mention Silent Steve...out of context...he said he was one of the M 27 or something...maybe I'm just being paranoid...anyway, he said he hadn't heard from him either...when I got to the office this morning there was a message on my machine from this guy (I know he's not interested in me...he's only about 21) and he called again at lunch time, "just to say hi" what do you I being too cautious? I know that those guys have to believe we are all up to something so that they have a reason to have their jobs...that's a scarey thing...I've seen my file and I'm not even anyone who any one would worry about...THAT'S what I worry about with Steve...he said some harsh things on the subject of our administration...

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 26 Jan 2004
I mean really - has anyone ever heard of a reported "freak" being born to an acid head giving birth.. What an idea...

Name: Jenn
Date: 26 Jan 2004
I actually did concieve a child in an "altered" state...California! But seriously I really did. He's brilliant.

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Jan 2004
You go girls! - (ladies of the fields and well beyond), you have my vote for your book...but only if Eileen's operandus psychedelicus home-birthing prose is included without censorship ;-)

Name: Nik
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Jenn, you haven't heard from him 'cause he's back on "vacation"

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Jan 2004
...Eileen, perhaps a collaboration?

Name: Jenn
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Thanks for the info, sorry but we won't be coming to your neck of the islands...but are so excited non the less. Although I live in the majestic redwoods on a beautiful wooded farm, there is such magic in the islands. Somehow I thought you were on Kauai. Sorry we can't meet. Also thank you so much for the information on the book. Shaman medicine is so powerful with and for men and women alike.I had the honor of apprenticing with a Shaman Woman here in Arcata. What a journey, which lasted with her for a year and a half, and of course continues in daily life.
YES! A book would a great venture..adventure for you! I would love to hear more and assist if I could. I'm currently working on a novel myself and love to hear of others' works. They always seem so syncronystic to life...imating art..imating life.
I highly reccommend "The Secret Life of Bees", a fabulous novel, healing to every woman I know who has read it on a profoundly deep level. Has anyone read "The Devinci Codes"? Also, according to the New York Times, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" should be read by every human on the planet. So many books, so little time.
Thank you for the great site, the photos are beautiful.
Happy day to all Peace

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Quick one. On my way to school. Yes Rena send Micheals email. Aren't you so full of interesting info..sounds fantastic! No psychedelic conception and home birth?!! Guess that leaves most of us out! They'll have to get over it. sheeesh

Name: r n a
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Eileen, Michael Horowitz and Cyndi Palmer wrote a wonderful book about psychedelic women thorught the ages. The book is "Shaman Woman, Mainline Lady," subtitled "Women's Writings on the Drug Experience." Chapters include" Psychedelic Pioneers, Beats & Hippies, Choosers and Abusers, Mainline Ladies, Expatriates and Vagabonds, Opium and t he Victorian Imagination, and the first chapter, Images of Woman & Drugs in Myth & History. In the Opium Chapter you will find many, including Louisa May Alcott, George Sand, Sarah Bernhardt, Jane Adams, and many more. Billie Holiday and Edith Piaf are among others in the Mainline Lady chapter, Alice B. Toklias, Anais Nin, Laura Hukley and Margaret Mead in the Psychedelic Pioneers; Lenore Kandel and Anita Hoffman in Beats and Hippies, and more more more. There are some amazing graphics. Interestingly, 3 different publishers would not publish this book if my writings on psychedelic conception (!) and home birth were included! There is a graphic of a woman with a needle in her arm: that's o.k., but psychedelic conception and home birth... we have to draw the line somewhere. However, your project of women in the 60's sounds very cool. I can send you Michael's email and home phone in you like. He is a tremendouse resource. There are so many other powerful women who are not included in Shaman Women. I think your book will be a big hit. Too many kids these days are without visioin. Bring on the Visionaries!!! Jenn, Kauai is the other end of the world from here. I have one artist friend over there, i haven't visited since the 80's when I went over for the concert to raise funds for the hurricane victims. Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Brown, and other great groups played. It's a long plane ride to Maui, and interisland fares are expensive. Of course if you come to Maui I'll take you to some magical places.

Name: quickmorph
EmailAddress: psychoramic
Date: 26 Jan 2004
Someone may have posted this link once before, so if this is old stuff, my apologies.
If not, these photos are truly incredible!

Name: patrick
Date: 26 Jan 2004
just checkin' in. Been busy with my 80 year old mother. she lives in an independent high rise. and has become real confused and incontinent in the last 10 days. back and forth to the dr. etc. I also walk her ancient dachsaund,Missy every morning and every night I am so glad we relocated her here close a few years back.
All else is groovy with may immediate life.Maybe Gen. Clark will make a good secretaary of State. If bush gets out does that mean Colin Powell"s son has to give back all the loot collected from his rigging of the corporate media takeover by the rightwing?? Would be a pity,eh? Later, Peace, Love and Action. Patman

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Jan 2004
chewing again on the idea of a book Women of the 60's. Pictures and the whole works. I have been told enough times now to so this but thinking of a whole different approach. More as it comes. I'm at incubation stage.

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Jan 2004
Jenn, Waimea canyon on Kuai is spectacular and so is the Napali costline. The cruise ship I worked on used to sail along that coast all day on Sunday's and the view was magnificent, we docked on Monday and I would wander the island all day, I couldn't believe I was being paid for the privilage. Check the link, its a tourist vesion but doesn't lessen the grandeur.

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Jan 2004
Your welcome Jenn and yes that is all I have of Nichole's music and I would love you to supply more, thanks.

Date: 25 Jan 2004
Imbolic is afoot
You can welcome the growing light and
See Think Choose
Our politicians seem to be
blind witless fixed

Name: Jenn
Date: 25 Jan 2004
Thank you a million times over for the music...Tom Waits is a favorite of ours too. If those are the only recordings you have of Nicoles' you are missing out on the best of the best, I hope you can hear more of her son will record her album for you and I will return the jester,(not clown') when I reach the shores of my home.

Name: Jenn
Date: 25 Jan 2004
I just finished having breakfast with Penny, She of course sent her meal back!!!! hahahaha
We love ya...Jerimiah has not returned email?
Lil sis

Name: Jennifer
Date: 25 Jan 2004
I'm comingto Kauai the last week of march until the end of april...any hints about locations to visit? Is this anywhere near you?
I'm Nicoles' sister, it would wonderful to meet you.
Hi Hammond, sunny so. cal is relaxing, but I miss my love and my home and pets, but my mother in law is fairing well. miss talking to you.

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Jan 2004
Hammond, the concept that we live in a democracy is an illusion, this is a republic pure and simple(shades of Rome). We are limited to two parties and these are like mirror images of each other both with a vested interest in preserving the status quo. Yes I'll vote for the lesser of two evils once again but I long for a pure representative democracy with a plethora of parties and choices. Green, Gay, Socialist, Communist, Black, Brown you name it,if enough people exist so would their party.

Name: Hammond
Date: 25 Jan 2004
Then again - he didn't really need to list every state by state bus stop. That was a little over the top - but this is so stupid anyway - not focusing on the timber of issues at hand - all the cantidates comparing service records like they were Oscars and Obies - different colored suits rollin up their sleaves and gettin out the gettin out OUT! These primary elections make me ill considering the possiblitiy that they create the meanless foundation for an overall illusion of choice as demonstrated by our last "election" - Don't get me wrong - I will vote - I want my vote and your vote and everybodys vote to COUNT AND BE COUNTED - but then there he sits GWB in his oval office like WMD hiding in plain sight - and - he wasn't elected into place.
Bah.... yet we can hope until November..WHEN WE ALL OWE IT TO OURSELVES - OUR CHILDREN AND EVERYONE WE DON'T EVEN KNOW TO VOTE!!!!! at least one last time - believing in our hearts that this process isn't irretrivably corrupt.

Name: Hammond
Date: 25 Jan 2004
Claude - thanks for the link - indeed "a must see" for anyone left with the impression that that sum and substance of the moment was "the scream" - which can barely be heard above the roar of his supporters and volunteers - followed by an impassioned epilogue. The public is hit from two sides - the side that the Orwellian news presents = Dean runs amok! or the Letterman/Leno side vs. reality = the side where we see that Dean is really quite sane.

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Jan 2004
It seems to me that the nuclear non-proliferation policy in this country go's something like this. If we find your developing a nuclear program and purchasing supplies for it from China, N.Korea, Israel, Russia etc. you are basically fucked and we will go after YOU, not N.Korea, China etc. Iraq, Iran, and Libya being the example, however if you fly below the radar and successfully build your bomb ala Pakistan, India, N. Korea, Israel etc. then it's welcome to the club and how may we kiss your ass. Some deterent, the reward for success makes it too inviting not to try and if you happen to be a business partner we even wink at your indiscretion.

Name: Hammond
Date: 25 Jan 2004
ARCANE - Contact Denise at Empty Mirror Books - <> and tell her I sent you lookin.

Name: Mark
Date: 25 Jan 2004
Thanks for the link to the Dean film clip. Quite amazing shift of context from the government sponsored media version. I sent the link to family and friends.

Name: Johnny Arcane
Date: 25 Jan 2004
Does anybody remember a poster described by Kenneth Rexroth in his "Autobiographical Novel": "A picture of a high society revel at Delmonico's. Supporting the floor like half-prostrate caryatids were workers, men, women, and children, kneeling, bowed, crawling figures in a shallow cellar under the black and white tile floor. Above them, handsome men with ribbons across their shirt fronts and women with their breasts showing above their evening gowns were dancing. In the center of the picture a worker had thrust his clenched fist up through the floor and all the nearby revelers were staring at it aghast."
I remember seeing this picture back in the 60s and really would like to find a copy but could find no reference to it anywhere until i recently read Rexroth's book.

Name: claude
Date: 25 Jan 2004
That Howard Dean "Scream" that's getting all the buzz?
Given the huge media barrage about this moment in the Dean campaign and such, it behooves us to see this event in context. It's pretty intense, and it's definitely a must see. Hand-held videocam, shot from the floor. cinema verite'

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Jan 2004
My unemployment benefits have funded me so I guess it is about the same, I was declared a displaced worker (which was news to me) and I didn't have to look for work as long as I attended school. I am so grateful for the opportunity.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Jan 2004
Thanks for the encouragement. I have been very lucky to have the state pay for everything. I mean I guess it's the state. I'm SO glad to hear about your eyes!!

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Jan 2004
Good luck in class Eileen, I have been attending for six terms now and am about out of resources to continue but I have achieved seventy plus credits and coupled with what I had earned previously I am somewhere in the junior ranks of attaining my BA. What matters most is the knowledge I have garnered tho, and now it is almost time to put it to the test. Nothibg but respect for your venture into academia. I have Bush to thank for the job climate I am about to inherit. Also I am glad to say my eyesight is about 80% better and still gaining. I took my usual approach and ignored it mostly, I did look into your alternatives in Sandy, OR and was saving all action for the chance it wouldn't fix itself, which, I think, it is. I know! I am playing Russian Rulette.

Name: Eileen
Date: 24 Jan 2004
Comments Mark~In case you don't have this yrs tides book this is a good site. Sounds like you watch the political weather the way I watch the earthquake sites. Morbid facination waiting for some BIG ones. Kind of an ambulance/firetruck chaser mentality. OK I admit it. I love big messes as long as there isn't too much guts.//There's some samurai movie where this guy wants to study at some special samurai school and they force him in a pond in the middle of winter and tell him to stay there. When he finally gives up fighting yelling and struggling (after a few days) he's told he's ready to learn. I really didn't get it, until I cried for days over frustration of world news and finally gave up all hope. I feel totally liberated and can now do battle unemotionally, with a clear head. What do I expect? Nothing. But I know what I have to do anyway and they can't wear me out or hurt me, because I have no expectations. Do you get this? Does this translate into your Taebo? When do you do your best? BTW that's so cool you're doing that. Yes Master Steve is a hard act to follow and we are a mere shadow of ourselves without him. I'll look at the site you suggested. PS I will be starting school full time starting this Mon and won't be around as much either. But I'm sure I'll be peeking in.

Name: Mark
Date: 23 Jan 2004
Nope not boring. Yep, the beach was good. I am thinking about running again there if I can sync up with the tide table. I need to go in the morning, too many people and dogs in the afternoon. I have been sticking to Taebo (kickboxing) workouts and have become addicted. Regarding the feeling of boredom, I think it is more anxiety over how things on a wider scale have been turned around. I find myself checking the newsites almost to an obsession waiting something sudden to happen to change it all back. That and SSBoyd being MIA, the color has muted a bit here. The drudgery and uncertainty of the political campaigning has really drawn me down. Talking with my Dad last night, the subject of an "October Surprize" came up. Meaning that Bush and Co. could be sitting on a significant developement or fabricating one that they would unveil in October that would be spin the opposition (Democrats) out of it. I feel that an October effort by Bush is good prediction of their manipulation of the politcal process. Some good folks here in the Santa Cruz area have been posting anti-war and anti-Bush signs on the back of random freeway signs so you can read them from the opposite side of the road. Big one on Pacific Coast Highway today saying "The war is a lie". Doesn't George W. eat pretzels anymore? I have been hanging around the trying wean myself off the regular media. Molly Ivins is always funny. Check it out.

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2004
oh and Rena thanks for the follow up on the midwife issue Hammond brought up. I really didn't know what to say as it's just more agrivation as your island news was. We really have to not be so high profile when having our babies. But it seems everyone is so afraid to take matters into their own hands. But we also don't want to put the midwives at risk. But I'm all for keeping the whole AMA fear factor out of the loop. How did we get here in this mess..or more importantly how do we get out of it? When did we invite those assholes to the party?

Name: Eileen
Date: 23 Jan 2004
NOOOooooo join Lynn. You should have stopped while you were ahead. Ladies there is nothing boring hearing of your daily life and outtings. OG I so enjoyed you synopsis of your Bush State of the Nation said all I needed to know. Mark hope your walk was good FYI..good response and that's all I can remember right now other than I sure like to find us all here. I just got back from Japanese printing marathon to get my final grade. Teacher ended up asking for some of my work and seaweed print to use for her other classes. I was totally flattered but felt they were the tip of the iceburg of what I could have done/but was working on getting the techique down. So many people were facinated with my pressed sea weed have decided to give a class in the spring somewhere of Seaweed As Art. There are so many beautiful things one can do with it..just as with pressed flowers and such. I need to start making money with my work and am giving myself this semester to play with new art stuff and funnel it into a store. HEY anyone out there want to front my stuff to a store??? My back hurts and I have been waking at 5:30 cause I can't help it so I'm done for. Was that boring?

Name: Join Lynn
Date: 23 Jan 2004
oldies but goldies You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named, "Bush," "Dick," and "Colon." Need I say more?

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 23 Jan 2004
I was just thinking, it's been kinda boring around here too. But there was one neat thing a few days ago. The local college (Ashland University) had a huge winter event with maybe 100 ice sculptures. They've had it in previous years but we never went looking for it before. I've seen an ice sculpture before. I think it was a swan full of fruit salad. But nothing like these massive and delicate and beautiful displays at 5 p.m. on a frigid evening spread out across the college campus. All the surrounding trees were lit and outlined in tiny white lights. Very trippy.....
Silent Steve I pray you are someplace okay and warm. Peace

Name: Nicole
Date: 23 Jan 2004
I'm here, just feel sort of boring right now...let's see I can give you a basic rundown of my day today...
up at 4:30...relaxed easy, shower and news. Out the door at 7:30...there're about 6 or 7 people I have gotten to know on my walk to the train in the morning...I stop a moment with each one as we pass each other...Jimmy,Todd and Nivia who all work at the ink factory across the street from my bldg...and Joe the super of the co-op at the corner of Greenwich and Hudson right by Abingdon square...Sal who owns the hardware store on 14th street and 8th ave.(I have a crush on him)...the view of the empire state bldg surrounded by low lying clouds always grabs and sparks me...down the steps to the E trai, hello to Deborah the station master, down another flight to the platform...when I'm in the train I'm amazed at the number of us cramed into that small tube...we really are like nutrients in veins...that's pretty much my daily getting to work routine...see kinda boring...I've nothing new to report...oh, I've seen two more dark but very good movies...Monster and 21 Grams.
Going to my FIRST kareoke bar this evening for a birthday party...can't to all, Nik

Date: 23 Jan 2004
First Steve and now everyone else is MIA.... Is the world about to end or something.....?

Name: FYI - Service (suspect)
Date: 23 Jan 2004
Arcane - "If the thunder don't get ya then the lightening will..." - and leave the psychedelics to us........

Name: Johnny Arcane
Date: 23 Jan 2004
I just found this website and approve. In cosmic time the 60s were but a tiny wrinkle in the mandlebrot but many of us were blown open at that time, and glimpsed the big picture. I remember somebody talking to me in the broken down rubble of the former Sutro Baths in San Francisco and they said the earth is soon passing through a new celestial vibration whose substance is the stuff of conscousness. Those who do not go with it will go crazy. Psychedelics are one but not the only way to go with it, but you have to go with it or you will go crazy.
Well, what do you think, did it happen? Not in the way I thought it would. The people who went crazy just called it sane and took the wheel i think.

Name: r n a
Date: 23 Jan 2004
Thanks, Eileen, I forwarded Redfords letter especially to my out of state friends. The Hawaii politicians are already with us on this count.
Hammond, I recently met a woman from England who is now living here. However, her medica insurance is from England and actually pays for a licensed midwife to home birth her child. No US insurance pays for a home birth midwife. In fact, here on Maui we just lost another ob.gyn because the standards of practice here are so restrictive. She is not supposed to support VBACs even though they are statistically safer for both mother and child than an automatic C-section. A VBAC is a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. Also, here there is no way a woman can choose an ob/gyn to be at her birth. All the ob doctors are on rotation. So even if you choose Dr. Hip who promises to let y ou proceed without unnecessary interventions, if you give birth on the wrong day you could end up with a knife happy ob. It's chilling.
Blessings to all. Things have got to get better!

Name: Mark
Date: 22 Jan 2004
I also sent off forwards of the Redford thing to my family and friends. Thanks for the link.

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Jan 2004
I am on it Eileen, also ,when I look at this crop of demo candidates the only two who have a snowball's chance are Kerry and Clark, they have the cred to embarass Bush on his military record and tho Dean is more to the left and to my liking the GOP would make a buffoon of him much like they did to Dukakis. I would rather have a moderate democrat than four more years of the incumbent. That thought makes my skin crawl.

Name: Eileen
Date: 22 Jan 2004
"Over the next few weeks, President Bush and his congressional allies will try once again to ram their disastrous energy bill through the U.S. Senate. They fell only two votes short in November and they've vowed to make passage of the bill their top priority now that Congress has returned from recess...send your two senators an email or fax, telling them to vote against this pro-polluter energy bill. Then, forward my email to at least four of your friends, family members or colleagues."//I have sent this to a few of you. This is set up to be really easy to do. I hope you will respond.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 22 Jan 2004
Biloxi - you seem thrive near the lowest uncommon denominator.

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Jan 2004
Sorry abt the double post folks... who knows why... Weather is so much better in Portland - and my spirits of late greatly improved. Eileen - et al here du midwifery - Did you notice the spate of recent articles from the UK re; the decreasing number of new midwives in the UK? I don't have a link - but check the recent Guardian pages if you are interested. This is having a neg. effect on the gen. UK birth process and they are recrutting for prospects vs. our conservative power's manner of essentially ignoring or presecuting midwives.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: totally grossed-out
Date: 22 Jan 2004
Seeing the fearless leader's smiling face consumed me with rage, but I did hear most of the speech (from another room, without looking) and listened to the subsequent commentary all day (Wednesday) on the news. CNN posed a question for viewers to respond with an e-mail (I didn't bother) but the question was, do you think the speech was a State of the Union address or a campaign speech? There's the problem in a nutshell, I realized. (A big nutshell). That's why the whole speech said not a thing, just circular reasoning and unanswerable statements grounded in nothing, such as "The economy has recovered. It has recovered because of the tax cut. The Patriot Act must be renewed for our safety." Gag me with a spoon.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Jan 2004
General Disorders of the Day...........
Lives without lives praying at mosque five times a day,
undoubtedly praying for liberation, and daily life without
the spreading toxic sand of unrelenting war and disparity
etching the dawn and furrowed brow of every survivor
in a land where the next date palm just might kill you...........
Attacks on occupational forces continue to rise
after all of Saddam's inert circle of doom are gone
yet Iraq remains the icon image for terrorist
T-Box sporting suicide bombers enacting real time
free-for-all and freedom becomes an impossible dream............
The cameras have been rolling along the watchtowers
spreading the news and breaking it down for the masses
after the homeland caucus corn and back-slappin' is over
U.S. troops, British troops, Afghani, Iraqi men, women, and children
living and breathing the fumes of so called "freedom" continue to die.............
Republican conservatives are oiling up their reentry boosters,
and Democratic candidates are forming an accumulative no one
to represent a heart-bound constituency for revolutionary change
without ties that bind America to the Bin Laden family trust,
and "other interests" guiding the general disorders of the day............
The President spoke to the nation from the Senate rostrum,
"War," he said, is making the homeland a safer place to live
under [his] watchful Patriot Acts enabling freedom from fear
of terrorist weapons of destruction that will never be found,
and by creating an increasingly senseless form of insecurity...........
In my easy chair with a drink nearby, a virtual mistrust formed,
beginning with a smirk, a wink and a nod to his second at hand,
both imperceptibly shaking in their boots under two rye smiles
that one day their conspiracy might be exposed to public eyes
before man sets foot in mouth to militarize the moon and Mars..........
.......stanzas forthcoming in CounterPunch...........

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2004
I watched the last few minutes of the speech. Same old tired bullshit and rote behavior from the audience. It is hard to understand how backasswards the leaders are. The "Democratic response" afterwards was equally lame. Nancy Pelosi is so afraid of appearing unpatriotic that she dribbled all over herself. Tom Daschle is incompetent. Well, it looks like it is Wes Clark's turn in the barrel. I wonder how he will fight off the sharks and if he will still have his ass after its over. The amazing thing about the Bush speech is that he didn't mention Iraq once. What the fuck is that? I watched a discussion last week by some heavy weight Ivy League historians and the term "Imperialism in Denial" was used to describe the US. Military strongholds on the Moon and Mars coming up. Hopefully, they might diddle with the wrong life force and get slapped down.

Date: 21 Jan 2004
The state of the union was a tribute to idiocy

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2004
Mark~I missed the State of the Union last night..but assume it's the same ole trick pony show or someone would have said differently. Focusing on home/yourself is always a good idea this time of yr. We're SUPPOSED to be in our caves. I'm assuming the worse to continue politically and have not made any decisions yet..but definitely chewing on some thoughts.

Name: Mark
Date: 21 Jan 2004
I have been quiet lately. Feeling like I am dog-paddling in Dookie Lake given the political cesspool that has flooded us. So, I have been concentrating on what is happening at home, cleaning, recycling tired stuff and putting some fresh air into our living space. The piece I posted for Steve Boyd represents an kick in my own ass to get my mind fertile again. I am thinking about endurance for the next 10 months and how to position myself according to what the Presidential election results could be. If it goes badly, decisions really have to be made on how to cope with the deterioration. The sun has finally come out so I am headed for the beach.
Hey there, Travis.

Name: Eileen
Date: 21 Jan 2004
Thanks Travis (nice to see you here)~uumm all of it good..too bad it'll kill ya. Guess it just depends on how you want roll. And that piece..a nice one to wrap ones mind around. Walla walla bing bang.. and a fine writing from you as well Mark Mark bo bark. I never could get that right:)

Date: 21 Jan 2004
Mark Mark Bo Mark Banana Bana - oh never mind....

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: two sides to a coin?
Date: 21 Jan 2004
Eileen: "Darkness came suddenly. The night was indigo black with storm, the earth rocked with claps of thunder. The winds roaring in from the Caribbean blew out the candles. As they lay in their hammocks besieged by the darkness, wondering what next would descend upon them, large luminous fire-flies, cucuyos, began to flick on their lamps.
In the cold light of the cucuyos, the ruins appeared to be enchanted; the stucco bas-reliefs seemed invested with life. Headless warriors stepped out of their walls, stalked through the somber, tree-gutted galleries. They lay awake in the darkness, their ears strained to pick up the strange night sounds. Outside there was the tinkling, it seemed, of silver bells, which was the bleat of tiny tree frogs, and something like a plaintive voice called in the distance. Then, as if from the ruins, came a sob almost human, then a birdcall, limpid and dulcet. Silence. Now the distant roar of thunder. On fierce gusts of wind, the rains came, pouring in from all the interstices, wetting them, drenching them in the chill of a falling barometer.
They could not hope for too much sleep that night, so Stephens composed himself with a cigar. 'Blessed be the man,' said the irrepressible Mr. Stephens,'who invented smoking, the soother and composer of a troubled spirit, allayer of angry passions, a comfort under the loss of breakfast, and to the roamer in desolate places, the solitary wayfarer through life, serving for "wife, children, and friends." ' " p. 158 Maya Explorer John Lloyd Stephens and the Lost Cities of Central America and Yucatan, [ by Victor Wolfgang Von Haven with felicities to the memory of Frederick Catherwood--noted artist and fellow explorer with Stephens] , Norman : University of Oklahoma Press : 1947............................Travis

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Jan 2004
(For Steve Boyd)
Looking through closed eyes,
lifting like a smooth swell.
Easing out into the obsidian currents,
floating with soft smiling birds.
Listening without ears,
slipping away to the open .
Riding on light effervescent waves,
without a mouth.
Arms are left with the legs,
to wait in mute stillness
Like a leaning tuxedo,
buttoned and zippered.
Clear white starlight dissolves the day.
Night mixes with dawn and noon.
The air breathes the heart slowly,
dreaming it’s pulse.
What can be left behind
What can be brought back
Stay in touch.
We will have lunch.

Name: Jag
Date: 20 Jan 2004
I made a copy for me Nichole, it is really a smooth sound.

Name: Mark
Date: 20 Jan 2004
Stop with the "Name Game"...did the same artist do "Nitty Gritty"? I saw Southern Culture on the Skids do that one here in Santa Cruz at the Catayst last summer. They rocked the shit out of that tune. Here is one you can't get out of your head as a payback....ting tang walla walla bing bang... ooh ee ooh ah ah! Somebody help...!

Date: 20 Jan 2004
Fretting Fretting No Fretting Banana Bana No Fretting - Fretting

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Jan 2004
I mailed a letter to that address I posted here last wk. (?) with "please forward if necessary". Waiting. My vote is he went to his parents in Florida. Getting his floating teeth fixed perhaps....? Yes I am fretting.

Date: 20 Jan 2004
Steve Steve Bo Steve Banana Bana Bo Steve - Mo Steve!

Name: down yonder
EmailAddress: in the pawpaw patch
Date: 20 Jan 2004
it could only help to throw some prayers in Steve's direction. Hey, where are you Steve? It's a SUPER COLD winter in NYC and Steve is homeless most of the time. I really feel he would be contacting us if he could, and his absence concerns me. Is he free and grooving? I like to visualize him like that. Please swend those telepathic waves in his direction!
We Love You Steve!

EmailAddress: Nicole
Date: 20 Jan 2004
Jag, everything just arrived, thanks so much...I'll send some on now...isn't it a great cd?

Date: 20 Jan 2004

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Jan 2004
I think Steve is on an adventure of his own making. I hope he checks in soon.

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Jan 2004
I feel you might be lurking around here a bit...come on and show yourself.

Date: 19 Jan 2004
even mugu wants Steve to come back!

Name: IMAM(Suspect)
Date: 19 Jan 2004
Hey Steve - Even I will crawl outta the closet - Where are ya?

Name: Nicole
Date: 19 Jan 2004
sssstttteeeevvvveeee...we neeeeeeeeed yyyoooouuuu....our reparte is lacking luster...biloxi tries, but no one can fill yr shoes...

Name: patman
EmailAddress: STEVE !!!!
Date: 19 Jan 2004
Time for another Steve check in date lottery. It worked last time. Never underestimate the power of the degenerate gambler. I bet he checks in beteen my b-day on Jan.21 and St. Vals day.Sayyyy the 29th of Jan. is my bet.I'm so glad I was born on the cusp with capricorn as I have hardly any earth in my cosmic make up. Need all the ancoring I can get with a pisces moon, Libra rising and my venus in aquarius also. Step right up and place your bets.See if we can't pull Mc Stebe back in with our carnival of fate and fortune.
Peace, Patmandu' the great guesser

Name: Rena
Date: 19 Jan 2004
Where's Steve?

Name: Skatch
Date: 18 Jan 2004
Comments 3piece punk band from Birmingham, England

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Jan 2004
Here is a link to a quaint travelog about present-day Berkeley. Kind of funny in it's "Sunset Magazine" style.

Name: claude
Date: 17 Jan 2004
Eric Blumrich's stuff is hot. He did that "idiot son..." one I posted here last month or so, and he had a finalist in the MoveOn competition.
is there a way to email peterberg? let me know at chaywardatplateauteldotnet I want to ask him about some stuff we used to talk about and if he knows who is talking about that stuff now.

Date: 17 Jan 2004
happy new year folks . - I have been inspired by the recent postings . - you know you love me.----- MATRIX ' OH MATRIX' ATCHOOO' I HAVE GOT A COLD - OHHHH FUCKIN HELL - I'VE GOT A FUCKING COLD - MATRIX- DATE CHICKS - RED KNICK(S)ers - WITHOUT THE HUBBLE CONSTANT - THE PARADIGME OHHH MATRIX - CROSS COLLATERALISATION - SNEEZE IN THE MATRIX - BUY KERCHIEF IN GERMANY - I'VE N LONGER GOT A FUCKIN COLD. ------- thank you all for your kind praise and for raising the profile of post clinton poetry.

Name: CounterPunched Weekend
Date: 17 Jan 2004
"Weighty Abstractions"
AsEver....... H.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Jan 2004
You're lucky. That means after you stopped there was no more missing it..right?

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 17 Jan 2004
I use smoking to satisfy my addiction and nothing more.

Name: Eileen
Date: 17 Jan 2004
For my smoking friends. I found this on the hotmail site. Here's part of the artical to be very right on. It doesn't resolve anything, but it certainly addresses the problem; I expect for all of us that have to give this a thought every day. The part about "comforting ourselves" rang a loud bell. Ariel (my family shrink) says when we have not found a way as children to comfort ourselves, this becomes a problem as adults and some way to do this is important to be found. It sems obvious that smoking would replace nursing if we never found a follow up to that. But I didn't nurse as a baby..but I DID suck my thumb until sometime into school. So I can see smoking would be a perfect follow up. Hmm, more to think about to chase this doggie down, cause I sure miss it.. Hope this is of some use to any of you.."A new study shows that nearly 90% of heavy smokers say that even though they know smoking is dangerous, they still consider cigarettes their "friend."..Researchers say that emotional bond may help explain why smokers have such a hard time quitting, even with the help of nicotine-replacement therapies.. "They use smoking to comfort themselves not only in trying situations but also in situations that many people find relatively inconsequential."

Name: Mark
Date: 17 Jan 2004
Here is a link to an animated short of a hard-core political nature. What is significant is that I received the link from a Bioregional List Serve I subscribe to through Planet Drum Foundation. The significance is that this list is populated by many who don't recognize the political government and have left it behind in favor of local activism. Voting or participating in national politics is has been seen as a corrosive enabling act. Bush has succeeded in activating these groups due to the outrageous agenda he has embarked on. This is a sign of hopefulness on our part and venerability on the Bush side that he may not recognize.

EmailAddress: loved this
Date: 16 Jan 2004
By Norman Minnick:
"I Begin By Invoking Pablo Neruda Invoking Walt Whitman"
--after Neruda
Because I love my country
I claim you, essential brothers,
old Walt Whitman with your gray hands
and old Pablo Neruda with your owl-like gaze.
So that, with your fierce spirit
word by word, emotion by earthly emotion
we will tear out by the roots
and destroy this bloodthirsty George Bush.
No living being can be happy on earth,
no one can get to any real work on this planet
while that man continues to dismantle entire cultures, from that shallow palace in Washington.
Asking the old bards to confer with me
I assume the duties of a poet
armed with a voice and a pen that calls for a change of regime here at home.
Our so-called enemies are no more a threat to us
than we are to the world and to ourselves.
You cannot conceal Guernica any more
than you can hide your thirst for war.
The poets are rising up and we repeat: A warlike state cannot create! And we shall reveal who the real tyrant is--the unelected official waging war for profit from the White House.

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Jan 2004
I guess the "catheter stuck in my tally-whacker" should have been a clue.

Name: patman
Date: 16 Jan 2004
I think the site is probably one of the funniest and sickest on the web. Check out the article "Do you have demons in your colon" yuk. yuk..

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 16 Jan 2004
Eric - Understand and Deliver us all from the likes of the Matrix. I took one glance and ran back here for cover....Visiting the Landover Pastor feels like a lead cloak on my pituitary gland

Name: Eric
Date: 16 Jan 2004
Yes, it's just as I suspected. A total hoax, that Croix posting. The web site where the original can be found has this introduction that was not uploaded to our Guestbook here:
"Landover Baptist Pastor, Harry Hardwick attended an advanced screening of the new film, Matrix Reloaded, in a burned-out warehouse in Des Moines last weekend. Two days later, he was found naked, unconscious and without his wallet, limply draped over a cot at the Pair O' Dice Luxury Motel on old Route 9. He was slated to give a Christian review of the film the following Sunday, but was confined to a hospital bed at the time. His secretary sat at his bedside to take down his notes on the film:"
Here's the URL, the site is totally apocryphal:
For all Diggers, here's a special note from the Landover Ministry:
"Let us note here, 'A Christian who is interested in doing their own thing, will not feel comfortable at Landover.. we would even go as far to question whether or not that individual is a Christian to begin with."
AMEN, Gerard Winstanley be praised.

Name: Eric
Date: 16 Jan 2004
Croix's post is so looney tunes, I'm almost tempted to leave it. I'm sure it's not original (one of the reasons I justify casting such messages into the dustbin) but it's also not straight-arrow evangelical either. I mean, what's this: "Otherwise, he wouldn’t take me up to his room at the Pair O' Dice Luxury Motel afterward so I could have him come to the Lord." Sounds like "pick up tricks" time unless I'm completely miscued. Besides, I've been trying to understand the underlying Biblical symbology of The Matrix Trilogy, but I never thought of Neo as Satan. That's a new thought.

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Jan 2004
Croix I think you made a wrong turn, the anti semite's and KKK are at

Name: Jag
Date: 16 Jan 2004
Patman ditto here I suggested spring in an earlier post but it showed up way back on yesterday's postings and now is gone? I am having troubles with the new server I think.

Date: 16 Jan 2004
For many years now, True Christians™ thought that the Oscar for "The Movie Most Demeaning to Christians" would never be wrestled away from its perennial winners, the Hollywood Jews. Well, with Matrix Reloaded, that cabal of Christ-haters now has some serious competition. This movie has Polish Catholics at the helm. If we need any reminder of the pernicious threat Polish Catholics pose to our American values, we need look no further than that crazy old coot, Pope John Paul II, who treats our nation's thousands of pubescent altar boys like his own personal petting zoo. When I discovered that The Matrix was a trilogy, I should have known right away that the series was an open attack on my three-headed God: the angry Father, His loving Son, and their flying sidekick with superhero powers, the Holy Ghost. Mocking the concept of the Trinity is nothing new. Nonbelievers filled with too much logic for their own good have always ridiculed the idea that folks that talk to each other in the Bible turn out to be the same person. In fact, Jews, who are so easily distracted that they can only worship one god at a time, were on to the always-imaginative Mary Worshipers when they came up with the post-Biblical concept of the Trinity as a clever way to get around the fact that Christians seemed to be worshiping as many gods as those housecat-deifying Egyptians. In this Polish movie, there is even a female character called, “Trinity,” who we later find out is God. That is sort of like what happened to the Supremes back in the 1960s, when they thought they were three-as-one, but woke up to find out that one of them was God.
I’m going to tell you all about this movie and everything about the next movie as well. Spoilers ahead, my friends! If you want to save seven dollars and your soul, read on! I must mention here that I didn't want to see this movie in the first place. I should have left the theater right away, but the young man whom I met in the alley outside the warehouse, insisted that we stay through the whole film. Otherwise, he wouldn’t take me up to his room at the Pair O' Dice Luxury Motel afterward so I could have him come to the Lord.
Please bear with me; I’ve got a catheter stuck in my tally-whacker, so I’m going to be as brief as I can here. It doesn’t take much imagination to see that the Matrix Trilogy is nothing more than an attempt to discredit God’s Divine Plan for the world. Every True Christian™ recognizes God has a master plan for all True Christians™ – and some really nasty things to do to the rest of humanity as a vicious afterthought. I've got to mention some things about the Lord here, because without his guidance, this movie wouldn't have made a lick of sense at all!
The Matrix Reloaded movie does everything it can to discredit the Lord's Divine Plan. And in a larcenous appropriation of God's very own modus operandi, it isn’t the least bit subtle in its efforts. It appeals to youngsters whose degenerate parents have allowed them to spend more time surfing the wave of raw sewage that is the internet than reading their Bibles. Whereas the Bible takes pains to anthropomorphize divinity in a way that can scare even a five-year-old, this film tries to cast the Lord in an even more accurate image of a perfect god. He is no longer the emotional, forgetful human-like God of the Bible; He is an infallible machine. They have turned God into a computer program called The Matrix. Like God, the Matrix controls the lives of humans, providing for their every need and dictating their every action. Like God with His "prophets," whenever any of its subjects become rebellious, the Matrix uses "agents" to torture and exterminate the troublemakers. Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, swarms of locusts and hailstorms of frogs have been replaced with more modern technological means of destruction. But the end result is the same – accept, believe, and don't talk back or you will be destroyed.
Twice, God has been forced to punish unrepentant humans. He evicted us from Heaven-on-Earth because Eve got some bad advice from a talking snake. And when sin became more frequent, He killed every man, woman, child and unborn infant, save for a single family, with the Great Flood. Similarly, in the Matrix Reloaded, humans’ decadent, deviant ways resulted in their total annihilation, thus necessitating that God/the Matrix take over their lives.
From what I recall in the movie, a small group of Satanists refuses to accept God. They live far below the Earth’s surface, precisely where Hell lies in the real world. They dress solely in black, Lucifer’s favorite color (after Labor Day). And their “holy city” lies in the center of the Earth (i.e., the middle of Hell). In a breathtaking example of the power of Israel lobbyists, the name of the holy city was changed in pre-production from Munchkin-land to Zion and its short, colorful inhabitants were replaced by character-actors in cheap black hats who bob their pipe-cleaner curls while making annoying wailing noises every time they see a stone wall.
By the end of the movie, most Christian viewers will realize that Lucifer is portrayed by Keanu Reeves. Although Mr. Reeves' ease and naturalness in acting would, on first blush, seem to best qualify him for playing one of the machines, his resume makes him surprisingly well suited to play a character who breathes. Keanu Reeves not only played Satan’s son in “The Devil’s Advocate,” but is also a known homosexual who had a longtime affair with David Geffen, CEO of a record company known for producing albums with the voice of Satan when played backwards, which is indistinguishable from the voice of Avril Levine played forwards. Before transforming into Satan, Reeves’ character was named Thomas Anderson to reflect his status as a “Doubting Thomas,” someone skeptical of the Lord’s Word. He starts the evening just like Liza Minelli begins every morning: He is given a choice of two different fates by choosing to swallow either of two illicit pills, one blue and one bright red (the color of Satan's rump). While you never know which one Liza will go for, it goes without saying which pill Thomas chooses. Upon becoming the Devil, he is renamed “Neo,” which literally means “new” and is a prefix for words that reflect new ideas, another attack on Christian thinking. Neo’s followers recognize he is the Devil incarnate, leader of the underworld, by repeatedly referring to him as “The One,” which is yet one more veiled jab as Jesus, who has to share His throne with an old man and a bird.
The film only gets more insulting to wholesome American audiences with the introduction of Jada "Pinky" Smith, wearing a hairstyle so ugly even Christina Aguilera wouldn't leave her crack-den wearing it, and acting so masculine she makes Rosie O'Donnell look like Audrey Hepburn. The only saving grace to watching this film was being able to yell invective and mockery at the old colored woman called, The Oracle. Imagine, a descendent of Ham running around predicting everyone’s future! It was also a real hoot to see Hollywood portray the leader of the attack on God (The Matrix) as a Negro named Morpheus. Creation Science teaches us that's the name of the pagan Greek god of dreams. In the third incarnation of this trash, there are characters named Zeus, Poseidon and Miss Cleo.
The first movie ended with Satan obtaining all his underworld powers and challenging God’s will. In the second movie, Satan goes on a relentless tear to cause as many people to fall from grace as he possibly can. I will gladly reveal the ending of this movie, and the final movie to be released in November, if you promise to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Please write to me at if you are interested. I strongly suggest that all Christians refrain from attending this film. If you are interested in finding some discussion points to speak to unsaved people about the movie, just ask your Pastor to see the film and tell you what it was about.

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Jan 2004
Patrick - our door and hospitality is always open should you come to the NW...........

Name: patman
Date: 16 Jan 2004
Wow, Good job getting the sight back and smokin'. Just back from Georgia trying to help recently thawed out addicts to spit the unlodged hairball out. They are quite reluctant. I guess us addicts are afraid there may be a whole lotta trace mood altering chemicals saturating said hairball. Wow, gives a new meaning to a possible cotton shot,eh?
The mention of all those surviving musical folks reminds me of my tour of Berkeley 71-72 and catching Barry Melton and band at that club right off campus. Keystone Club?? Saw some acoustic Garcia with Merle Saunders, And that nut case Sylvester went bananas the night some freek snatched his sequined jacket off the stage and made his getaway out the door as Sylvester screamed " Stop that thief he got my coat" and everyone stood fast and watched as the dude made it to the door unchased and had the bouncer open the door for him. Sylvester wasso beclempt he had to go to the john to powder his nose and returned even more hysterical when he realized his magic sniffing powder was in his jacket. " I got a sequine suit from a pearly Queen" My partner and I sang that Traffic tune all the way back to Telegraph Ave. Adding our own hilarious lines to it hoping to spot the perp with the sparklin' jacket to hit him up for some of Ol' Sylvester's Snow.
Hammond and Jag and Mark.... Thanks for the quick Portland History and review, My interest is peaked, Gotta come check it out now. My Maternal Grandad, Joe McCord is buried there. Never met him. Could even check out his grave while I'm there. My roots are so plucked and scattered It is truely hard for me to get history on my blood line.
If I ever choose to try a little social or antisocial drinking WIMPY'S sounds like agreat place to start here in the states. I guess nin Europe I would have to pick Dublin, The tasting room at the Guinness Brewery would be first pick.
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Love and Peace, Great to be back,

Name: Tomas Muse
Date: 16 Jan 2004
What me worry?
Get lost in space.
Take a little trip and let your mind wander and wonder.

Name: R N A
Date: 16 Jan 2004
Hi Nic, Yes there were some strong gusts yesterday. 52 mph in Kahului. Lots of downed trees and power outages. Now the winds have died down and the surf is huge. I can hear the roar and the pounding from my home a few miles from shore. /// the following event sounds like fun. i won't be able to get there but maybe some of our west coast ohana can. / love, R N A
What Happened To The Sixties? /
For More Information: 707-938-0988 /
An evening of community-focused dialogue, music, and
dance. /
Saturday, January 31, 2004 /
7:00 p.m., Dialogue /
9:00 p.m., Music and Dance /
Sonoma Veteran1s Building /
126 First St. West /
Sonoma, CA 95476 /
Katy Byrne, World Peace Productions,
Michael Toms, New Dimensions Radio,
Angela Alioto, anti-discrimination attorney and
author, Straight From the Heart.
Susan Griffin, social thinker and author, The Book of
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., educator and author,
Transforming our Relationship to the Earth.
Paul Krassner, social and political satirist and
author, Sex, Drugs, and the Twinkie Murders: 40 Years
of Countercultural Journalism.
60s All-Star Band
Banana (The Youngbloods)
Barry "The Fish" Melton (Country Joe & The Fish)
Greg Elmore (Quicksilver Messenger Service)
Kathi McDonald (Big Brother & The Holding Company)
Peter Albin (Big Brother & The Holding Company)
Roy Blumenfeld (The Blues Project)
Opening Act: Country Joe McDonald
To bring community together for discussion and music.
To examine the ideals and inspiration of the 1960s and
bring them into current context.
In advance: $28. At the door: $30.
Dialogue seating limited to the first 200
ticket-holders at the door at 7:00 p.m.
Klein1s Sonoma Music, 707-996-2196
521 Broadway, Sonoma.
Readers Books, 707-939-1779
127 and 130 E. Napa St., Sonoma.
Body and Soul, 707-996-3303
500 W. Napa St., Sonoma.
Returning Freedom and Power to the People
scheduled for January 31 in Sonoma
For so many of us, the 1960s never ended. On January
31, 2004, at the Sonoma Vet's Building, you can share
reflections on that era and hopes and dreams for the
At 7 p.m. that night, Byrne and co-host Michael Toms
of New Dimensions Radio will host the second evening
of "dialogue and dance" in her series of events
featuring community dialogue about empowerment,
freedom of speech, and other topics. Special
discussion guests include Angela Alioto, Susan
Griffin, Ralph Metzner, and Paul Krassner, followed by
music from the 60s All-Star Band led by Barry Melton
at 9 p.m., with opening act by Country Joe McDonald.
Byrne, a Sonoma psychotherapist who has hosted and
produced radio and television programs, has a
consuming passion and deeply felt beliefs for that era
which involved so much freedom of expression. Katy
says, 3The 60s were a time of great hope for me. I
felt alive. There was momentum in my life. My values
seemed aligned with a new America. Since then there's
been a hole in my psyche. All of these events we1re
producing, with community dance, dialogue, and concern
about humanitarian values, are inspired by my respect
for freedom of speech. I don1t want support for a
voice by the people, for the people to be lost."
Byrne literally crackles with energy from her curly
red hair to her toes, but is saddened by the change.
"The values of community free speech seem to be
replaced by commuter lanes, nights too tired to read a
book, stress over money, and no health care. The voice
of the American alternative media seemed to weaken,
and I felt confused about all my relationships. Good
things changed, or went away, and I never got over
Convinced that the best of the decade doesn1t have to
fade to oblivion, Byrne put together a series of live
presentations in Sonoma featuring luminaries of the
60s era-thinkers, musicians, and your neighbors who
lived through it-to appear in a community dialogue
format. She's videotaping each event to create a
televised series for later broadcasts. The first
"Whatever Happened...?" was held in October 11 at the
Sonoma Barracks. "Measuring by the enthusiasm of
presenters, audience, and musicians, there are a lot
of people around today with a passion for the kind of
concerns we had in the 60s," says Byrne.
Co-hosting with Byrne is Michael Toms, called 3the
Socrates of radio2 by listeners and guests. He is
widely acclaimed as one of the premier interviewers in
media today, and is founding President of New
Dimensions Foundation. His award-winning
internationally syndicated "New Dimensions" radio
series engages in sensitive dialogue with the world1s
leading-edge thinkers, social architects, creative
artists, scientists and spiritual teachers. His book
An Open Life: Joseph Campbell in Conversation with
Michael Toms is a national bestseller. Toms' legendary
dialogues include interviews with Buckminster Fuller,
Alice Walker, Linus Pauling, the Dalai Lama, J.
Krishnamurti, Maya Angelou, and hundreds of others.
When asked about the importance of the 1960s, the
inspiration and idealism of that time, and how we
might learn from it, Toms says 3the 60s were a window
into the future in that we were shown what is possible
with the power of Love. We simply weren1t ready to
fully know or embrace what was required of us. The
question is, "Are we ready now?"
Guests include the noted, controversial attorney
Angela Alioto, one of the country's most successful
and outspoken anti-discrimination attorneys and a
two-term member of the San Francisco Board of
Supervisors. She has tried and won landmark cases and
written groundbreaking legislation, including the
strongest anti-smoking ordinance in the United States.
She created a comprehensive homeless plan and
increased AIDS services funding, and is the author of
Straight From the Heart. She is the daughter of former
San Francisco mayor Joe Alioto.
Also participating is poet, writer, and social thinker
Susan Griffin, M.A. says that she is
3famously provocative, though her provocation takes
very different forms, ranging from her classic
feminist treatise, Women and Nature S to her
well-received A Chorus of Stones, which weighed in on
the nature of war. In The Book of Courtesans, Griffin
is downright scintillating.2 She is the recipient of a
MacArthur grant for Peace and International
Cooperation, a National Education Association
Fellowship, and was awarded an Emmy for her play
Voices. She lectures widely throughout the world.
Joining the dialogue is Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., a leader
in bringing 31960s thinking2 into growth and
implementation. 3Dr. Metzner was a guest at our first
60s event,2 states Katy Byrne, 3and he spoke
eloquently about the power of fear to run our lives
and about the years in which we all felt compelled to
grow more conscious.2 Metzner has been an explorer of
states of consciousness and transformational practices
for more than 30 years. A professor at the California
Institute of Integral Studies, Metzner teaches courses
on altered states of consciousness and green or
eco-psychology. He is the author of several books,
from The Psychedelic Experience (with Leary and
Alpert, 1964), to Know Your Type (1978), and in 1999,
Green Psychology - Transforming our Relationship to
the Earth.
Rounding off the dialogue is guest Paul Krassner, to
whom no cow is sacred, and no stone unturned in his
search for irreverence. When People magazine claimed
that he was 3father of the underground press," he
immediately demanded a paternity test. Unlike most
journalists, Krassner often crosses the line between
observer and participant, with no apologies. He
covered the antiwar movement, then co-founded the
Yippies with Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin. He wrote
about the psychedelic revolution, then took LSD with
Timothy Leary. He edited Lenny Bruce1s autobiography
and then became a stand-up comic?with Bruce1s
encouragement, although Krassner prefers appearances
on college campuses and at theaters and art galleries.
The New York Times says of him 3He is an expert at
ferreting out hypocrisy and absurdism from the more
solemn crannies of American culture.2
Among the most recognizable movers and shakers of the
1960s were the musicians. Performing after the
dialogue will be an incredible group of well-known
performers, with an opening act by Country Joe
McDonald. Although often aligned with political
issues, McDonald states that he has viewed himself
"as a moral conscience." Well known for his appearance
at Woodstock, McDonald's work in the following years
ranges from folk-rock and blues to his musical tribute
and album title song Carry On, written for his
mother1s funeral. (For more information:
Leading the all-star band, guitarist Barry "The Fish"
Melton continues to champion the flagship ideals of
the 60s with his work as Chief Public Defender of Yolo
County and his consistent, vocal support of free
speech. After early work with Country Joe, Melton
continues with his own bands and as solo artist. (For
more information:
Kathi McDonald, one of the west coast1s most
accomplished blues singers, is also appearing. Kathi
McDonald became the lead vocalist for Big Brother and
the Holding Company when Janis Joplin left the band.
She has toured and recorded with Joe Cocker, The
Rolling Stones, Leon Russell, the Quicksilver
Messenger Service, and many more.
Also performing in the stellar lineup are Banana,
former guitarist with The Youngbloods, Peter Albin
from Big Brother and the Holding Company, Sonoma
resident Roy Blumenfeld, of The Blues Project, and
Greg Elmore, formerly of Quicksilver Messenger
The events produced by World Peace Productions engage
in community dialogue around local and world events.
Music, dance, and the promotion of alternative media
are integral parts of these dialogues. For more
information, call 707.938.0988.

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Jan 2004
Excellent site of avant garde poetry and radicalism

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Jan 2004
OK I posted twice and no go? I hope I havn't spammed the system, If this won't post I'll let Eric investigate

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Jan 2004
Nichole the post office says you'll see them Monday

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Jan 2004
Nichole, the Post Office say's you'll see them Monday

Name: Nicole
Date: 15 Jan 2004
Rena, you okay girl? I hear the winds out your way are bellowing like great sea monsters...let us know.

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Jan 2004
I was going to make some extra for sure, I will have to use cd sleeves cause I'm all out of jewell cases but I'll make a nice cover for the disks and a playlist.

Name: nik
Date: 15 Jan 2004
ps can we send a couple around to our musical friends, actually if you send me copies I can use my postage machine...

Name: Nik
Date: 15 Jan 2004
Glad you like it Jag, we're trying to get another label involved, he has to first buy back the masters etc...having a few showcases in the city...cbgb tonight and Downtime in Chelsea tomorrow...I think he's great.Lots o' snow and freeeeezzzzing here. btw Isn't Bush so clever...he wants to spend a billion and a half to edumacate them po' yung'uns 'bout marriage...kin you bleve it...maybe them that don't git it 'll be sent up to mars...kinda like...he sure is one spooky dude.

Name: Jag
Date: 15 Jan 2004
Nichole, it just arrived and I'm listening as I type, awesome sound, kinda like David Grey but original and all his own. Pity it didn't get released.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: Thank-you Eric
Date: 15 Jan 2004
Thanks!! for once again, taking care of the technical side of our "home" on the net. Paragraphs ..... not to worry! They aren't where it's at. Thank-you for keeping this website together. Peace

Name: Ps Wimpy's
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Wimpy's is also the home of this old cowboy drunk as a skunk who used to sing-blather-croon classic songs and show tunes from his makeshift wheelchair every night - The owner of Wimpy's liked the old guy so he recorded his songs and put them on the jukebox - Hank something or other finally died - anyway - Hank and his tunes made into Richie Underberger's book about the world's weirdest singers and musicians. Now people go to Wimpy's just to hear the odd old guy sing on the jukebox... oh and if you make it to Wimpy's make sure you ask the bartender about Hank's stuff - and you will get a complimentary cassette of Hank (or what ever his name was) screaming acapella Christmas Carols...

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Mark - indeed the slum - skid row - flophouse district you speak of is nearly gone - ala trendified - yet there are a few places left from the era such as Dugo's bar - and, believe it or not, you can still buy that very same breakfast today for 90 cents at one of the remaining cafes. The area where I live - near 23rd street was also a skid row bar area in that time - now it is completely trendified except for a place called Wimpy's - a real dive with interesting color - such as the Friday night X-Ray party. You bring in your x-rays and they put them up on a light box behind the bar and people guess what's wrong with you... Emphysema usually wins....... One other place that finally closed last year was called The Storm Cellar - and catered to the follks had been 86'd from all the other joints...a very motley crew. Now it is a pub catering to the rich up and coming 25 year old...

Name: Jag
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Mark that is now the Pearl district and it is the most high priced neighborhood in towm. Condo's for 900k and such. When I moved here in the early 70's housing was unbelieveably low compared to Southern Cal. As Hammond said even now you can find a great home for 200 thou. My son just bought a starter house for him and his girlfriend for 112 thousand and is refurbishing and fixing up. It is in a great neighborhood. His neighbor is the Fire Chief for his community. I was amazed my son managed financing and all at only 23. He has a contractors license and business and is a go get him worker. Did'nt slide like I did for many years. I'm pretty damn proud. (Obviously)

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Jan 2004
I found myself wandering around Portland in 1968 in the winter. I was hanging around the classic flophouses in the "skid row" area back then. That was indeed one of the most colorful and interesting down-and-out places I ever visited. The place was full of loggers trying to stay drunk and warm during the winter, gypsy families living in storefronts, hasseling anyone who walked by. It was straight out of the depression, a time warp even then. You could by a stack of pancakes, an egg, toast and coffee for 50 cents. I snuck into a basement of one the larger old hotels that was filled to the ceilings with personal belongings of poor souls who couldn't pay the rent, dissappeared, went to jail or passed away without family. This stuff went back 50 years. This was in the Broadway and Burnside area if I remember right. What a place. I understand it has been redeveloped into a trendy area now.

Name: the editor
Date: 14 Jan 2004
has anyone questioned how the faa can rebuild an entire airliner, scraped from the bottom of the ocean, and NOT perform even the most cursory investigation of the alleged airliner that allegedly bumped into the pentagon?
It's not that big a puzzle...
and none of the pieces fit.
Move On!

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jan 2004
In Portland you can still by a 2 story, 3 bedroom house (with a yard and off street parking - in great shape - in a great neighborhood for 250k.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Wow...that is high pricing. The average home price in Santa Cruz is over 500k and that doesn't get you much. Here in Aptos/Rio Del Mar its 600k and up, way up. SF is about the same or higher and your lucky to get a garage. The house up the street is a dome with shingled roof. Very she-she styling on the side of a hill overlooking Monterey Bay. I wouldn't build a dome for myself, I have done the neverending leaks deal and concave walls make it hard to place furniture and cabinets. Like an A frame, all the heat tends to collect in the top making any loft area hot and the floor level cold.

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jan 2004
That doesn't make a lot of sense - but my heart was in the right place!

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Obvious failure there - oh well - sometimes the most simple answer is the least obvious. Love to all - H.

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Anything iMac friendly works for me...
[new paragraph attempt by double spacing}
Good work Claude!

Name: Nicole
Date: 14 Jan 2004
My sister Jenn's house in Humbolt is solar...Hey Jenn, how bout chiming in here? A friend of mine, Alice built her house out of adobe in Tesuqui. They made thier own bricks, cut their own vegas etc, etc and it seemed not to cost too much...hey by the way, here in NYC the average apt costs $260,000 per room, and then you have to pay maintainence or common charges anywhere from 600 to 1500 a month. I just can't imagine.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Eric,|Vertical bar works for me.

Name: Eric
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Well, it looks like the new Frontpage 2003 form handler is not leaving paragraphs that are typed into the scrolling text box. The prize for discovering this bug goes to Claude Hayward who will get one share of Microsoft stock which he can burn on some cold New Mexico night.
[This should be a new paragraph:] I have submitted this problem to the tech support people for the host server, but don't have much hope.
[Another paragraph:] We could put a symbol into our text to designate a new paragraph, and I could periodically run a text search to replace them with paragraph characters. I will nominate the vertical bar: | which is on most keyboards above the "backslash" character (which is "\").

Name: Eric
Another attempt.
Hit Enter 3 times at end of paragraph. Does that work?
Another paragraph.

Name: Eric
I fixed the most recent posts so they wrap. However, paragraphs still probably won't be working.
For example, this is a new paragraph.
And this should be one too.
Here's an attempt to force a paragraph using HTML code.

Date: 14 Jan 2004
Eric, yes it is working much faster.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Eric, the format obviously needs a little tweaking but at least it is
working for now.
Here is a link to Sean Penn's new column in the SF Chronicle.

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Eric~Also too big for the page. This does not look like a plan!

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Ooooh This is looking weird. Also lost almost my entire post. Wonder how much of
this will get through. ouch!

Name: Eileen
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Eric..I don't know what you mean about "speed". But I do notice when
I'm using my up and down keys or mouse and side bar it is no longer smooth as it
Claude~The book said they had a mylar skin that the neighbors disliked a lot
because of the glare. Yeah I've seen that happen in NM with windows too./ Well
that was some very interesting input. I figure by now you've done it all. Staw
bale looks hella work and intensive. Adobe would suck on the west coast..yes?
But straw bale must be close to the same thing. Saw the Earth Ships and photos
of someone helping with the internal solar stuff..he was being paid a lot.
Having priced solar for my own use at one point I was not thrilled. (Forget the
fact there's so little sun on the coast.) I got a solar zine for a yr and I was
surprised to see how little solar can power in total use. Nice for a back up if
one has $ to burn I guess. Not quite the dream come true. But passive solar I
think makes a lot of sense. uum would like to have see the missing paragraph.
Yeah Eric~The dome book talks all the way through about all the ways folks were
trying to deal with the dripping problems. I'm guessing that's a huge reason we
see so few now.

Name: Eric
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Yes, Mark -- We're back online on a new W2K3 server platform. Notice any speed
difference? That was the big incentive. But the fact that the old site was going
to disappear as of 12:01am this coming Thursday was what got me to pull this
Claude, I remember the Red Rockers dome in Gardner, CO. My
first introduction to the perennial leaking problem that all geodesic domes seem
to have.

Name: claude
Date: 14 Jan 2004
hey, I had paragraphs in there, where did they go?

Name: claude
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Eileen & dream houses
Yes, I remember that big dome at Libre. Not cozy space
First of all, for the record, I'm going to say that the straw bale folks have got an awesome propaganda machine going; got all sorts of folks sucked into that one. Having built a coupla them in code compliant situations, which is the only way you're gonna do it if there's a bank involved, for the amount of work, you could build an adobe. Which is not to say that there is no use for the concept, but the inspectors WILL NOT allow it as loadbearing wall unless used as infill to a post and beam system. I do have some ideas involving straw bale and the judicious use of concrete, which would probably be as efficient as it could be done, and have it approved. I may yet get around to building myself a barn this way, to try it out.
The Earthships are a similiar example. There's a colony of them near Taos, and they sell for 3-400k. Not cheap, if you gonna have a contractor do it.
Whatever you make walls out of, you are not gonna (overall) save a bunch of money on a component (the walls) of a house that usually amounts to no more than 10% of the cost of a house. All those marvelous things like being off-grid, fully energy independent are shockingly expensive to go out and buy and have installed. It only becomes attractive when you realize it costs 30,000 bucks a mile to run power lines to your place.
Plenty of folks who know how to do that kind of stuff or who have friend that do manage to pull it all off in a funky, back-yard way (yrs trly included) DO do a lot and make it work for them, and build their own houses etc., you've seen it, and it's all around. But you have to do it yourself.
I live in an adobe, and it's def the thing out here, where the daily temperature swings can (literally) approach 50F. Made the adobes ourselves. And I have built adobe houses, turn-key construction, for a lot less than $100/SqFt (excluding land), so it doesn't have to be absurdly expensive. Absurdly expensive is more like the $400+/SF some Santa Fe trophy homes go for, and those are often considered underpriced by buyers from the outside world. Yada yada yada
I could go on for days on this topic. Glad to answer questions/offer insights about alt.arch and adobe.
That dome up in the Hollywood hills, if it's the same one, at the time I saw it (1965?)had clear plastic skin. At night it was otherworldly to see from outside, all the lights inside visible.

Name: Mark
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Hello, hello....are we on yet?

Name: Eric
Date: 14 Jan 2004
Glad to see you made it, Eileen. The top-level domain servers are much faster these days for changing their lookup tables. It will be interesting to see how many of our regulars make it back without any problems.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Jan 2004
wOW Eric, that was totally painless!!

Name: Eric
Date: 13 Jan 2004
If you are reading this message, then the migration to the new server was a success. Hopefully, everyone will get here in the next 24 to 36 hours. Welcome back!

Name: Eric
Date: 13 Jan 2004
Test of new server.

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Jan 2004
Eileen - ah the ever infamous cool.... at the time...

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Jan 2004
I get it now Nichole, I space on the titles, I have the CD your refering to. (and that is a great song)

Name: Nik
Date: 13 Jan 2004
No Jag, I'm not on the one I mailed yesterday, but you'll love it just the same...the songs are amazing and you can feel free to share it with others as well...
ps yeah Eric, Good Luck with the moves...
it's snowing and cold...but y'all make me feel warm.

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Jan 2004
I can't wait Nichole, I really love your voice, I can bet this will be a treat.

Name: Nik
Date: 13 Jan 2004
Michael, just got word that Randy Van Warmer died at a cancer research hospital in Seattle...He had recently completed an incredible recording of Stephen Foster songs, I just listened to it on Christmas Eve...I guess, "he'll be coming 'round the mountain..."
Jag, he's the voice doing harmonies with me on most of that cd.
wrote that song..."You left me...just when I needed you most"

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Jan 2004
OOOoo Eric that sounds scary. Don't loose us!
Hammond~Yes Drop City domes are in there..with a wonderful juciey 3 parts from Peter Rabbits book, Drop City (wonder if he finished it?)..about the runs to get the hoods for the domes..really hair raising maddness that only we would have done in those insane days. I know we all could relate to these tales.

Name: Eric
Date: 13 Jan 2004
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that the web service provider for the Digger Archives has informed me that we have to migrate to a new server. I've been getting everything ready and have the files transferred. I'm going to be putting in the change of DNS at the top-level Internet servers. This will take a couple days while the new addresses get propagated on the 'net. During this period, you may be accessing the old pages. Once I start the process, I will post a temporary URL to get to the new server.

Name: Hammond
Date: 13 Jan 2004
Eileen - here is the only image I have (for comparison)
Philo holding his Yantra House model
How about pix of the original Drop City domes? - and the big white one in Hollywood hills was built by the Wrigley's Gum heir if I am not mistaken.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Jan 2004
Nicole I wrote such a fat post to you today and then the computer ate it. I just hate that. Yeah Gate entry into the whole thing. Never could quite fit in. But I sure have some stories! Suicides? I don't think I'm ready to look at that.
Hammond~I don't see the Yanta dome..but it sure's got everything else! the Red Rockers Big Dome and the Hollywood Hills dome and just bunches of domes from everywhere, with building pictures, stories, plenty of young long hairs and it's just fat! Lots of diagrams and loads of info. Maybe the Yantra was in the first book. I need to go back to the thrift store tomorrow and see what else I may have overlooked in that Hippie closet clean out!!

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Jan 2004
Oh Jag~Just listened to the Three Tenors CD with all the other wonderful music tagged on, twice tonight..and I always send thanks to you whenever I listen to any of them.
Hammond~No the pictures aren't indexed with the builders would you believe. What you see is what you get. But the name sounds familiar.

Name: Eileen
Date: 13 Jan 2004
Claude~You ever see that one I'm talking about in the Huerfano? That was the biggest dome I've ever seen. I like them from the outside..but the inside..I hated it. The accoustics were really irritating the way they moved around. I also don't like seeing the structure internally. It's the problem I have with real yurts also. That really jars me visually..too much going on unless it's covered. I think straw bale construction has to be the next generations answer to poor person's building...yes? What's your choice? What do you think about the Earth Ships? In the end don't they get expensive to put in all the internal solar stuff? If you could build your dream home for the least amount of money (do those cancel each other out?) what would it be like?

Name: Jag
Date: 12 Jan 2004
Sorry, that last post was me, I didn't put my nom de plume in, John

Date: 12 Jan 2004
I found this tidbit about Kesey's vision of a dome in LA, Claude I seem to remember a Geodesic in the Hollywood hills around 67, we used to trip in Topanga Canyon and for some reason the sight of a huge plastic fantistic structure is vivid.

Name: claude
Date: 12 Jan 2004
yeah, I had dome fever bad. Up at the Land, we built a Plastic one and several of the ingenious plywood ones, that somehow I remember Kirby Doyle as having brought the info for. (truly magic in it's simplicity. I had gotten originally enchanted by a marvelous one way on the top of the hills in LA, I never knew exactly where it was, but I got to it a couple of times in 1965. A full sphere geodesic, covered in clear vinyl, a professional job, but I never knew who's it was. Any of you LA types ever see it? I also remember Elsa's, up at Black Bear. Hey, do you know that on the current USGS Topo maps of Black Bear it shows "Marley's Gulch",right where the dome used to be, iirc. is that a recent addition, or was it always named that? It is a 1994 map.
I have even built adobe domes. Learned it from Hassan Fathy himself (remember "Architechture for the Poor" by him in the Original Whole Earth Catalog?)

Name: kursat
Date: 12 Jan 2004
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Name: Jag
Date: 12 Jan 2004
artonrock, I'll take ten porcelain cherubs for my bath tub and be sure their peeing champagne.

Date: 12 Jan 2004
<a href=""> is very pleased to make it possible to
acquire beautiful art reproductions at affordable prices.
Animal,Fountain,Figure,Vase,Bench and Bathtub Sculputre!

Name: nik
Date: 12 Jan 2004
uh...duh, that would be WEST

Name: Hammond
Date: 12 Jan 2004
Eileen - does the Dome Book have a picture of or mention of "Yantra House" in it - created by Philo Farnsworth?

Name: Nicole
Date: 12 Jan 2004
Oh yeah Eileen, I know that book...and I've dreamed that dream too. I still want to get a small rv...bigger than a vw but smaller than a can park them in town...but they still sleep 4 comfortably with a shower and sh-tter. that's one, the other is a canvas roll down sided kind o'thing...then a 4 feet under ground the rest up above ground wooden and windowed...btw if you go to google and put in Waldo Point...there are great old pictures from gate 5 way back...but there is also an RIP section that lists all who died along the way...amazing how many suicides...just's a great site to visit though...
I've pretty much decided I'm coming east in March...too bad I can't drive across in my rv.

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Jan 2004
make that..Skylark.

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Jan 2004
Hey Nicole~I found a book at the thrift store, called Woodstock Handmade Homes (1974). Thought of you immediately ofcourse. No doubt you have been in a few. Also found the Dome Book #2 (Bolinas 1971). Someone finally letting go their old dreams or cleaning the closet. Mirnada is thrilled.The Woodstock pictures are shitty typical 70's dark prints. But if you look long enough it all looks familiar. Reminds me a lot of David and Jane's place in Petrolia before the big earthquake here knocked it down. Oh yeah, that was a fun time. (not) Yeah, Miranda dreams of her own specil home. I just remember how heavy and dark most places were..and or leaked in the rains. Remember Elsa's (Skylack's plastic coved dome..or the Big Dome Claude?) But I love the head set we had to do it. As I begin to look though these books I find myself thinking..acid and the thought the world was going to be nuked any time gave us the freedom to bust all thoughts of how houses were "supposed" to be. Everytime I go into a teepee or passed a hogan I still dream on. I think of the Star cabin at the Red House built into the side of a hill of rock and the rest made of paned doors. I've had a dream of a whole house like that in the woods. I guess I'm still not over it.

Name: Nik
Date: 12 Jan 2004
Thanks Jag, and your package is in the mail. regards, Nik

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Jan 2004
Nichole, its in the E-Mail

Name: Nik
Date: 11 Jan 2004
Jag, I can't find yr address, I know it's in my archived e-mails but I'm feeling lazy, can you e it to me again Please, I want to get this cd to you. Thanks in advance.

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Jan 2004
If memory serves, the city of Laguna finally recognized him towards the end of his life and gave him a stipend to survive on. Not that he needed it, I remember him from my earliest childhood memories and he was always there, and he was not unkempt and dirty but always had clean levi overalls or denim and washed and, aside from his long white hair and beard, neat.

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Jan 2004
Eiler was a great character - with stories and stories that never ended... and deserved every penny he apparently never spent. I went to his little cabin twice - and I mean little - big enough to house the bed and a night stand with an oil lamp small - rustic and nearly falling down - but cozy. He also made a bit of money before his Laguna retirement by panning for gold.

Name: JAG
Date: 11 Jan 2004
Ah the Greeter, I know were his thousands of dollars in his mattress came from. Every time we went to San Diego, San Onofre, Dana Pt., La Jolla etc. My parents, me, friends, relatives, and thousands of others would hand that kindly old man a quarter, dollar or something for his cheerful greeting by the side of Hwy 101. He was an institution in Laguna.

Name: patman
Date: 11 Jan 2004
Thanks, Hammond.

Name: PS - Bernardo
Date: 11 Jan 2004
All who enter - I don't mean to be hawking my book here - yet with all the Bernardo talk and for those who might be interested in knowing a bit more about him -- here is the vignette from "AsEverWas" which remembers dear Bernardo.
"Laguna Beach - Hollywood Transition"

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Jan 2004
Mark - I think if anyone has - it would be Pamela (de Barres - aka Miss Pamela GTO's) - yet her writings are mostly about herself (ala her book) as groupie to seemingly everyone in the Rock world who wanted a groupie vs the life and times of other interesing characters on the set who chose anonimity vs. the lime light. Vito is another who could have and most certainly should have written his memoirs - which would have included Bernardo and so many others (largely unknown) at length - yet he did not - and now he is gone as well. Carl Franzoni could tell some tales - but again, he is so self-oriented that his book would be nearly unreadable - unless you want to know all about Carl's privates................ What a scene Mondo Hollywood was - and in fact the world at large is probably better off that it was such a short lived scene - way too freaky LA Style.......but hey - it was a lot of fun to say the least and Bernardo was a major player in the avant music, film and social setting of the time...

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Jan 2004
Yeah Mark it's those assumptions we make that those we care for will remain as we remember them best and will someday..yes that someday when they show up not there but dead or so changed and we wonder what went wrong how could this have happened when we cared and waited..too long.

Name: Mark
Date: 10 Jan 2004
Discovering someone important in another life, who has been sent down other roads than our own and has passed is a sad event. I have suffered the same also. I remember stumbling into a death notice on the internet of a very good friend who I hadn't seen in decades. I was stunned because I always thought she would be okay. When I would find myself in the area of our old haunts I always kept my eye out for her and I often thought of how great it would be run into her again. I have know way now of finding what happened to her and it one of those lost forever. I wonder if anyone has researched Bernardo to at least outline a bio of some kind?

Name: CounterPunched Again
Date: 10 Jan 2004
"On the Verge of Tomorrow"

Name: YES
Date: 10 Jan 2004
Startling new facts came to light in research on Richard III. The historian Michael K Jones haS uncovered what appears to be strong proof that the 15th-century English monarch Edward IV was, in fact, illegitimate, thus throwing the legitimacy of all the kings and queens who followed into question. In fact, it appears that the royal line should have extended, not through Edward, but through his brother, George, Duke of Clarence, and his heirs.
All great empires fiddle and fake legitimatcy when selecting a CEO so WHATS CHANGED?

Name: Hammond
Date: 10 Jan 2004
Mark - News from the underground via Miss Pamela of the GTOs - alas (as I feared), ole friend Bernardo passed into the next bardo a few years ago.

Name: Eileen
Date: 10 Jan 2004
My sister just sent me more Yellowstone info. Oh and you know around Jackson they been getting a double dose of earthquakes?
Frequently asked questions:
Press release:
OK so here's my theory: Mother Earth is responding to the disharmony. That's not too hard to relate to, unless one thinks of the earth as a non living thing. We put so much on consciousness as if there is only one brand..ours. Now the Sun is joining the dance. Perhaps it always has at times like this. Changes are due. Yeah I'm the crazy on the street corner with The End Is Near. With a little PS: Is 2012 going to come soon enough? In the meantime I go on, business as usual and wonder if the dreams I had of SF so many yrs ago are actually getting quite close. (the air was not breathable..there's more to it) As a country we are in such deep shit with apparently no desire or way any longer to save face. Yeah, Bush has already got to be planning his this hand, not that one. Waiting. I'm waiting for those other shoes to drop and trying to decide how wise it is to stay in this country and how long to wait. Yeah, I've heard wonderful things about New Zealand..but it's too far away from all I know and love..Canada's not. Have been starting to arm chair investigate.

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Jan 2004
If you trace the history of the "free" press in this country and it is rife with coporate and business bias from the begining. I think Tom Paines missives might have had a kernel of free expresion but they hardly championed the average man at the expense of the vast landholders and businessmen who had the most to gain from severing ties with England. This country was founded by fat cats who didn't want to pay their taxes and went to war with the rank and file peasant who was promised freedom and a better life but received short shrift once the war was won. The press gave lip service to the masses but knew their interest's were and are better served by the power mongers who will never willingly relenquish their hold on the country's purse strings. William Randolf Hearst and yellow journalism can be found alive and well in the personage of Rupert Murdoch, an Aussie who finds it more profitable to hawk his right wing bullshit here in the USA than down under. The media is a shill and spokesperson for corporate America I fear that can't change or will change in the near future. Even when they seem to be a force for liberal change it usually turns out to be a boon for the other side of the same coin. ie the Democrats or the Republicans. The two party system is the biggest problem. True representative democracy is what we need ala European Parliamentarianism. When every party that receives at least five percent of the vote is granted a seat in the parliment then all voices are guaranteed to at least be heard and it forces the majority party to comprimise

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Don't get me started on the TV news. First thing to realize it is a product that the big media is trying to sell you. The product is adjusted and colored to make it attractive by the people who own the corporation and are the ruling class. Anything they say is surely suspect. Journalism as a credible mass media phenomena is history. I watch it off and on, I am watching it now to gauge how worried the Bush administration is of Howard Dean. The negative "press" on Dean is the "company line" for all the TV news now and has been for the last couple of weeks. When he wins the Iowa thang the Bush group will dial up the rhetoric. Meanwhile Bush is trying hard to create distractions, anybody want to go to the moon? He and his are very nervous about the WMD report which will come soon that says what we all know it will say. Another distortion is the media trying to fabricate an economic upswing but it isn't working very well. Corporations say things are better but people are still out of work. I watch so I can see what they are feeding the pablum eaters.
The last good thing I saw was that great Martin Scorcese series on the blues. That was good.

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Jan 2004
I enjoy my boob tube when I can catch a serious documentary or a flick that manages to express my frustration but as far as newsworthy your right. I do tune in to PBS and the McNeil Leher report though. They and Bill Moyer's still get close to real news.

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Yes I agree Jag. I don't have a TV or rarely read past the newspaper headlines..if that much..cause I know they're little better than National Enquirer. Yet people are still taking that as news. Don't they kind of have at least a feeling they're being played and wonder what else is going on? Anyone that has been in any street action in the last few yrs knows they lie. But communication and dialog is the bottom line to change. The more opportunities we have and create that, the better chance we have for change. I personally don't believe it is going to happen..change on a big enough scale that is. But the unexpected can and does happen.

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Overwrought or not Eileen it is another perfect example of media preference for mainstream pablum that won't upset the natives. The prediliction for crap is so widespread I can't stomach much of network celebrity star fucker idiocy that passes for serious news. We are so manipulated by our media it is beyond redemtion. The only news source I half way trust is NPR (national public radio) and foreign broadcast's which is sad. I think the foreign press is trustworthy only because they have no vested interest in us and a lot of animosity towards us which translates into the fact that they love to see us make a fool of ourselves in the eyes of world opinion. I don't think we need any help in that area anyway.

Name: Eileen
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Yes, thanks Jag. But I think this report is a bit overwrought. But those are the signs of potiential blow. Yet Earth timing as "potiential" can be way different than ours. But I mean look where they are for goodness sakes. Maybe it'll be the next Ole Faithful and nothing more. I know though if I lived there I would have my bags packed. Do I ever unpack them you might ask. Ha! Antigua, Guatamala is watching cinders and stuff spew from their local volcano and they are saying it's nothing to worry about. Now THERE is a situation if you ask me. They didn't.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 09 Jan 2004
PDVM - Bless your sober heart. Did you know that in the beginning of the Harvard experiments with acid it was seen as a potential cure for alcoholism ? (and other ailments of the soul).... You are part and parcel of the spontaneous follow-up success study.... Why not write to Ram Das at his web site - I know he would love to hear from you about this....
Let's all drop again in our 60s!

Name: Jag
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Claude I was intrigued by Eileens post as well and I found this last night which I think is the article she is refering to.

Name: Patricia De Vita McKinnon
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Until 1967, I had lived a very hard life that became even more of a nightmare when I became addicted to hard drugs and alcohol. A bunch of us left NYC in April 1967. One fellow was as social worker, one was an announcer for a Berkely radio staion, one was a valet and then theere was me, a 20 something person who had her first and second experience in the city and Staten Island. Well, when we all got to San Francisco, I was so happy to see what you were up to. I never knew that there were people outside of myself that felt the same way as me!
I am sixty-five years old now and my aweakening came back then and the door closed, leaving me to live and learn the ways of this place.
Finally, a few months before my fiftieth birthday someone came to the house with acid which I was determined to take because somehow I knew that it was now or neveer, because of my destruction to myself and those around me.......a house cleaning so to speak. It wworked and I have been clean and sober since then. You see? The love you offered was mnothing like anything I had ever exprienced. So, seeds were sown,. Today, I have a wonderful compassionate daughter, a grandson who has known no sorrow in his short life, and finally, the miracle of her getting married to the man who is wise, and loves her and the baby so much. Isn't that what it is about?

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Claude, I googled "is yellowstone heating up?" and got a esoteric site about mother earths revenge, but then I googled "yellowstone hotspots" and more realistic (not that the other isn't believeable in my book) links...until we hear from Eileen, check out google.

Name: claude
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Do you have alink to where you got that Yellowstone quote?
(it is generally considered to be good form to include a link to the source of a bit of posted info...)
(because, I already know that if I post this else where, to spread the word, "LINK???" will be the first responce.)

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Mark - Nic - All - the link will take you to my friend Nancy's site. She is the one who sent me the Bernardo photo.... This is a really fun site to visit especially if you were in Hollywood during this time...If you have photos or memories to share send them to her and she will post them....
Ps - Nancy was the first all nude dancer in the US....

Name: Mark
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Whoops again, hit the wrong link for the LA scene photos and info. Here it is:

Name: Nik
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Mark, the last link you posted brings you right back to here...not to LA link...

Name: Nicole
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Eileen, what was the source of that article...very interesting...the admistrations idea that we are better of not "knowing" things is preposterous...for instance, on New Years Eve, the credible threat to NYC was a dirty bomb...but they decided not to panic the public, because then the tens of thousands of people might not come to times square and then they would all lose money...forget about our safety and our's all about the money. But knowing this, would you move away, because you're close enough to be affected if it were to blow...I don't know that I would...I'm still here in NYC. I think maybe New Zealand is a good place...I have friends that just visited here that live there...they say it's paradise...but I think I'll leave that kind of adventure to the 20 somethings...and I'll stay put and contemplate lessons life has offered up to me thus far.

Name: Hammond
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Mark - Bernardo was one of the first 'one namers' on the scene. Surely he must have had a last name but I never heard it and we hung out quite a lot. A 60s photographer friend of mine will be speaking with Pamela de Barres soon and I have asked him to ask her about Bernardo's currency - if anyone knows she probably will. So perhaps there witll be a followup - Good ole Bernardo.... it really is great to have a picture of him. Funny guy - he was so flambouyant with his pre Ziggy Stardust persona du Bernardo and knew everyone worth knowing above and below the surface of hip - yet he hated to have his photo taken - and tried his best to avoid publicity - nonetheless rumor and truth spread like wildfire when it came to his antics and sexual adventures.... He would always deny everything as "lovely rumors" .

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 09 Jan 2004
Hello from cold, cold Ohio. Here I am, the original barefoot kid, this hep C medicine makes me so cold I'm wandering around the house with two pairs of socks on my feet. That's strange about Yellowstone. A reminder that the Earth knows vastly more than we do. All human knowledge just scratches the surface of reality, in a way. We are fortunate that the earth is generally kind to us. Now if everyone would only know enough to return that favor. Peace

Name: Eileen
Date: 08 Jan 2004
thought yous might find this interesting too:
July, 2003, Yellowstone Park rangers closed the entire Norris Geyser Basin because of deformation of the land and excessive high ground temperatures. There is an area that is 28 miles long by 7 miles wide that has bulged upward over five inches since 1996, and this year the ground temperature on that bulge has reached over 200 degrees (measured one inch below ground level).
There was no choice but to close off the entire area. Everything in this area is dying: The trees, flowers, grass and shrubs. A dead zone is developing and spreading outward. The animals are literally migrating out of the park.
Then during the last part of July one of the Park geologists discovered a huge bulge at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. The bulge has already risen over 100 feet from the bottom of the lake and the water temperature at the surface of the bulge has reached 88 degrees and is still rising.
Keep in mind that Yellowstone Lake is a high mountain lake with very cold water temperatures. The Lake is now closed to the public. It is filled with dead fish floating everywhere. The same is true of the Yellowstone river and most of the other streams in the Park. Dead and dying fish are filling the water everywhere.
Many of the picnic areas in the Park have been closed and people visiting the Park usually stay but a few hours before leaving since the stench of sulfur is so strong they literally can't stand the smell.
The irony of all this is the silence by the news media and our government. Very little information is available from Yellowstone personnel or publications. What mainstream newsstories do appear underscore the likelihood of a massive volcanic eruption. Though geologists publicly admit Yellowstone is “overdue,” they have been quoted as stating another massive magma release may not occur for 100,000 or 2 million years. Others close to the story are convinced that a massive eruption is imminent. A source that has demonstrated first-hand knowledge of the park's history and recent geothermal events stated the following: “The American people are not being told that the explosion of this 'super volcano' could happen at any moment. When Yellowstone does blow, some geologists predict that every living thing within six hundred miles is likely to die. The movement of magma has been detected just three-tenths of a mile below the bulging surface of the ground in Yellowstone raising concerns that this super volcano may erupt soon.”

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Jan 2004
Here is that link to the LA scene website.
I had some friends who hung around Leon Russell's place in the early 70's. Keith Kaldenbach, another was a guitar player Vic Phillips who played here in Santa Cruz with a band "The Broadway Blues Band" back then, a drummer named Kelly. All very hard stoners.

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Jan 2004
Does anyone know Bernardo's full name? Funny how it is, I had many friends and dope friends that I never knew their real names, just nick names and when we wandered off had no clue how to find them again.

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Jan 2004
Mark - no idea where he might be - maybe somewhere into the next Bardo along with Miss Mercy - Hey Bernardo - you out there?

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Jan 2004
Nice link Mark, the Bergen Belsen memory is chilling

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Jan 2004
Finally a picture to go with all the stories. Thanks. What has happened with this Bernardo, is he still around?
Here is a link my youngest sent me that is being used as inspiration for artistic events by her conspirators.

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Jan 2004
Hi all - my convergence from the past to present continues - I recieved this photo this am from a friend in Virginia - that probably only Silent Steve would recognize - but any way here is our old mutual friend Bernardo with Miss Mercy of the GTO's.
Bernardo was one of the hippest characters you could ever hope to meet....Way ahead of his time in so many ways....
Cheers all - H.

Date: 08 Jan 2004
i maga man don land oooooo una hear me i beg unaoooooooooooooooo

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Joan~Have a bit more info since last mention of him. Have emailed you.

Name: Tom
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Some Don King comments:

Name: Joan Qualtrough
Date: 07 Jan 2004
I would like to find Maui artist, Al Lagunero, referrenced in the 2002 guest book, "letters to Eileen." I have a water color he did in the late 60's when he attended Arizona State University. Al, as a teen used to stop by my apartment in Waikiki on his way to Kapiolani Park to sell his paintings. I encouraged him to talk to his counselor about getting an art scholarship.
I would appreciate any info on locating him.
Thank you,
Joan Q.

Name: Eileen
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Moving fast..quick hello. Mark, book looks like something I will have to scan on a stronger day. Will definitly get to it. Thinking of you all. Wish you could just come over and visit while I weave. Would be so much easier. Oh yeah. Awhile back my prus dropped off my bicycle on my way to school. Just this wk realized my totally ever best most favorite treasues of knives were stolen. Damn I thought they were at home but once the search began (I was just given a fresh hide) the light dawned. Can I say here how how WRONG that is? Have spent days (that's where I've been when not at the loom) on eBay looking for the right knives. Shit how does one buy a knife without holding it/ So yeah I've bought..ok 5, hoping one will be right. Yeah it's the old ones. I haven't been without a knife for working and just you know, having next to me in over 30 yrs. (this past time has been the shits for letting go..but this wan't OK. OK? The best was like THE find of all my yrs of looking, was the Eugene knife show this April and apparently is not to be replaced. Unusually small WWII knife in good shape that a man at a Idaho bus stop sharpend and perfected for me. Can you hear me? This is like stealing something so deep it hardly has words. They got the prize.
So much for whizzing by. I needed a moment of lamentation.

Name: Nik
Date: 07 Jan 2004
thanks so much Mark for that link about Micah...I googled further and found more of the same by other authors as well...My son and I have an ongoing dialog about the pros and cons of his having grown up in the environment he's a mixed bag being able to have insight into the situation through different yet similar eyes, is really great...I will be ordering the book as well.

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Jan 2004
My daughter at UC Santa Cruz is taking a creative writing class from Micah Perks. She has an interesting history of growing up in a Pagan communal environment that started in the 60's as a young child. She has written a book on those times that speaks from the youthful perspective. Eileen, I don't know if you have come across this book but it certainly appears to address some of the motivations that originally brought you to this guestbook. I haven't read it yet but I am going to order a copy. Here is a link to a review:

Name: nik
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Comments the house...yeah!

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Hey there Gouge. Good to see you back. Damn fog anyway.

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Hey Gouge! Glad your alive and well? Thanks for dropping in, Don't be a stranger. Hope the ,fog?, lifts soon.

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Holy shiiitt! I didn't think it was as huge a text. Sorry for the "bomb" hopefully Eric can correct my goof soon. I didn't mean to create such a mess.

Name: gouge
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Just stopping by for a quick hello. Wishing the best for you all. Hope everyone is well, warm & happy.
Hi, Nik...
Onward through the fog...

Name: Mark
EmailAddress: Long article
Date: 07 Jan 2004
I am sorry to take up some much room here but I tried posting this on the Free City News page 3 times this morning and I couldn't make it work. Kept getting a message that the address was wrong when after editing it and then trying to post it. Eric, if you can move it over I would be very grateful. This a great article.
Progressive Politics in the U.S.A.
Gene Marshall, January 2004
A deep cultural and economic gulf has developed in the United States, and it affects everypolitical campaign, every election, every decision made in the halls of government. The twosides of this gulf are as diametrically opposed to one another as the two sides that waged thehorrific Civil War of the nineteenth century. As was true then, most people today have a foggypicture of what this overall conflict is about. Many people have some clarity about one or two
pieces of this vast divide, but most remain unclear about the whole picture.
Describing the Great Divide
This vast gulf has come about because massive shifts are taking place in U.S. and planetarysociety. Here is a list of some of the shifts that characterize the overall departure of U.S. societyfrom its well-established but now passing patterns:
1. The Shift from Racism and Culturism to Honoring Human Diversity
(from “I am my Group” to “I am my Planet”)
2. The Shift from Patriarchal Gender Patterns to Feminine/Masculine Balance
(from Assumed Male Prerogatives to Creativity Released and Valued)
3. The Shift from Doctrinaire Religion to Open Interreligious Dialogue
(from “My Religion is Right” to “Spirit Experience is the Authority”)
4. The Shift from seeing humans as Ghosts in Earth-suits to Full Members of Nature
(from being isolated entities to being the self-awareness of the cosmos)
5. The Shift from Material Success to Voluntary Simplicity
(from endless accumulation to defining “enough”)
6. The Shift from Individualistic Overemphasis to Communal/Personal Balance
(from being apart to being a part)
7. The Shift from Traditional Norms to Creative Authenticity
(from honoring the past to honoring the present and future)
8. The Shift from Authoritarian Pedagogy to Guided Creativity
(from job training to inclusive discovery)
If we call these eight shifts “cultural shifts,” there are also economic shifts:
1. The Shift from All-out Use of the Earth to Human/Earth Balance
(from Human-centered Exploitation to Mutually Enhancing Support)
2. The Shift from Perpetual Economic Growth to a Steady-State Economy
(from Youthful Industrialism to a Mature Planetary Practice)
3. The Shift from a Carbon-Fuel-Driven Economy to a Renewable-Energy-Driven Economy
(from Spending our Savings Account to Living within Our Means)
4. The Shift from a Profit-Driven Economy to a Contribution-Driven Economy
(from the Value is Making Money to the Value is Human Service)
5. The Shift from Autocratic Businesses to Worker Cooperatives
(from Boss-Employee Hierarchies to Democratic Workplaces)
And in order to deal with these vast cultural and economic shifts, we also face the necessity of
vast political shifts such as:
1. The Shift from Aristocratic Rulership to Democratic Responsibility
(from The Empowerment of Wealth to The Empowerment of People)
2. The Shift from Imperial Unilateralism to Interregional Multilateralism
(from Globalization from Above to Globalization from Below)
3. The Shift from National Micromanagement to Bioregional Empowerment
(from Excessive Centralization to Appropriate Decentralization)
4. The Shift from Ideological Rightness to Contextual Ethics
(from Knowing the Answers to Estimating the Appropriate}
5. The Shift from Combative Decision Making to Consensus Decision Making
(from Adversarial Win-Lose Arrangements to All-Win Discovery Arrangements)
These eighteen shifts are basic ones, but others might also be stated. And each of these shifts contains further subparts, each of great importance. For full understanding, each of these shifts needs to be spelled out. Nevertheless, this list can be a symbol for what we mean by “progressive” and “reactionary.” Those who support many or most of these shifts can be called
“progressives.” Those who resist many or most of these shifts can be called “reactionaries.”
“Reactionary” may seem a harsh term, for there is such a thing as conserving important values established in the past. But such genuine conservatism is called “centrist” in our current political spectrum. A centrist conservatism includes conserving the natural environment;conserving the victories won by labor unions, women, and racial minorities; conserving the
protections articulated in the bill of rights, and conserving meaningful participation of all citizens
in the decision-making process. But our current day “neoconservatives” or “right wingers”
conserve none of these basic treasures. They are willing to risk all these values to “conserve” the
power of an economic elite. And they seek support among those who want to turn back the clock on all or most of the eighteen shifts listed above. “Reactionary” is the correct term for this attitude. One of the characteristics of “reactionaries” is that they do not think of themselves as “reactionaries.” They see themselves as “reformers” bringing the society back from whatever movement the society has already made toward embodying the above shifts.
In this first decade of the twenty-first century, the United States is almost equally divided between those who see some or all of the above shifts as needed and those who don’t. This is reflected in our political contests. The Republican Party counts as its loyalists the most reactionary elements of this society. Centrist Republicans may support some of these progressive trends, but the Republican Party base is composed of strong resistance to most or all of these progressive trends. From my election watching and reading, I estimate that at least 40% of the U.S. voting population is solidly committed to this reactionary mode.
I estimate that another 40% of the U.S. voting population gives strong support to some of these progressive trends and supports most of them with growing interest. Progressives can appear fewer than they actually are because they are fragmented into many different groups,emphasizing different aspects of this overall shift. The reactionaries, on the other hand, tend to be more united. The past almost always seems more orderly than the future; so reactionaries can sound more sure and aggressive. It is this moralistic and ideological sureness that most offends many progressives. Progressives are those who know that reactionary sureness is a delusion. Reactionaries commonly accuse progressives of being people who don’t know where they are going. But from the progressive perspective, “not knowing where we are going” is a wholesome quality. Progressives know that the future must be different, so they are always experimenting with provisional innovations. Progressives, therefore, often struggle to match the enthusiasm and unity of the reactionaries. Progressives commonly fight among themselves about what the next right directions need to be. Reactionaries are also divided, but their divisions have to do with the degree to which they reject most or all of the above shifts. Some reactionaries adapt reluctantly to some of these shifts in order to be stronger in their opposition to the shifts that offend them most. The most clever reactionary politicians are able to cloak themselves as moderates in order to widen their support for the reactionary actions they are
dedicated to bringing about.
George W. Bush is one of these false moderates. He has held together and fanned enthusiasm among the reactionary forty percent of this nation while fooling another ten or eleven percent of the muddled middle of the political spectrum. This fooled group may be
shrinking, for his reactionary actions with regard to the U.S. economy, foreign trade, and preemptive warfare have exposed him to increasing criticism. He is vulnerable to losing some of the votes he won in 2000 from the muddled middle. His reactionary extremism has also served to unify the scattered progressives. While progressives may fight with each other on almost every issue, they are coming together in their common opposition of George W. Bush.
Neoconservative or “right wing” Republicans attempt to dismiss Democratic criticism by claiming that Democrats only bash Bush but have no positive program. This, however, is not true. Even though Bush-bashing has picked up steam, constructive proposals are also
flourishing. And it may be true that Bush himself is the most important issue in the 2004 general election.
A thoroughgoing rejection of reactionary politics is a step that many voters and current nonvoters are interested in taking.
I myself consider George W. Bush to be the most dangerous political figure in the history of this nation. Ronald Reagan has dropped into second place. Bush is dangerous because his policies are 180 degrees out of sync with the necessary social shifts. These wrong directions taken by a powerful superpower lead to extremely tragic consequences for the entire planet. Thus, a smiling or frowning, semi-popular, U.S. neoconservative can be viewed as more dangerous than even the blatantly “evil” dictators and desperate terrorists who are demonized in our popular media.
The majority of the U.S. population are still foggy about how dangerous Bush is. The 2004 election may still be a very close one, close enough to be stolen again with rigged voting machines or with misinformation passed off as truth by a bought media.
Though Democratic candidates disagree on significant issues, they also agree that putting money in the hands of laboring Americans will enhance the economy far more than tax cuts for the wealthy. They are clear that a skilled multilateralism in foreign affairs is the only way out of the Iraqi quagmire. They are clear that environmental laws must be improved not reversed.
They are clear that steps must be taken to limit the power of drug companies, oil companies, and corporations generally. They are clear that civil rights have to be better protected – that social
security and medicare have to be augmented not rolled back – that extreme neoconservative judges must not be allowed in the top echelons of the legal system – that racism and sexism in all its subtle forms must be rooted out – that governmental decisions must be made through practical contextual ethics rather than from ideological certitudes.
There are also deep rifts among the Democratic candidates. They are spread out over a wide spectrum extending from the outspoken progressive Dennis Kucinich to the dedicated centrist Joe Lieberman. Those who attempt to “govern from the center,” are being ridiculed by the more progressive candidates as “Republican Lite.” And Kucinich is dismissed as too far out of the mainstream to be “electable.”
The Confusion of the Two Party System
Our two-party system tends to blur the intensity of the vast divide that characterizes U.S. political life. In most European nations, many different parties share political power. But in the United States, third parties are not serious contenders for national power until they become one of the two major parties. If the U.S. had a parliamentary system or instant run-off voting laws, we would see that we actually have about four major parties, each supported by less than a
majority of the voting public.
Party 1 is the neoconservative wing of the Republican Party now represented by George W. Bush and his administration. There is some variety within this wing of political opinion. George W. is more reactionary than his father or even Ronald Reagan. In actual practice he seems to have more in common with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and DeLay than his more moderate
cabinet members such as Colin Powell.
Party 2 is the centrists including the Clinton wing of the Democratic party, the centrist “independents,” and Republican centrists like John McCain. Among the 2004 Democratic candidates, Joe Lieberman is a clear example of this wing of political opinion. Bob Graham and
Wesley Clark, though they opposed the Iraqi war, are still centrists in the bulk of their policies.
Party 3 is the populist progressives of the Democratic Party. This group is defined by such candidates as Howard Dean, John Edwards, Dick Gephardt, John Kerry. “Populist” in this context means identifying with the needs of the vast majority and willing to fight the forces of corporate wealth for tangible victories on behalf of wider justice and ecological well-being.
Party 4 is the visionary progressives, including approximately a quarter of the Democratic Party, independents like Ralph Nader, the Green Party, a few other splinter parties, and organizations like The Alliance for Democracy. The 2004 presidential candidate who most clearly represents this group is Dennis Kucinich. Carol Moseley-Braun and Al Sharpton, in their
outspoken style and bold positions, are also members of this group. Other prominent members include Russell Feingold, Barbara Boxer, Jim Hightower, a number of African American women like Maxine Waters, and the tragically killed Paul Wellstone.
“Progressive” can be a misleading term, for even most centrists count themselves as progressives. And centrists are somewhat progressive as well as somewhat tied to the big-money establishment. For example, John McCain supports attention to global warming and joined Russell Feingold in support of campaign finance reform. The Clintons strongly support greater equity and respect for women and African Americans. They have been competent and persistent in making incremental changes in progressive directions. But on issues having to do with global trade, NAFTA, or the WTO, centrist politicians lean very far toward the interests of the captains of industry. The Clintons and others speak of environmental improvements and an
economy that brings progress to everyone, rich and poor alike, but this balancing act of supporting both the current corporation establishment and a progressive agenda blurs many issues and results in compromises that are untenable to the members of parties 3 and 4.
Nevertheless, the skillful Bill and Hillary Clinton, together with a strong assembly of centrist Democrats, succeeded in “reforming” the Democratic party toward the center in order to win victories from the neoconservatives. This was a hard battle, but they succeeded. It was assumed that Al Gore would inherit the mantle of this “reform” and continue the Clinton arrangement for another eight years. Although Gore was never entirely comfortable with Clinton centrism, he took the advice of his handlers, chose the centrist Joe Lieberman for his running mate, and campaigned from the center. Bush pretended to be a centrist as well. This set up a boring and confusing debate.
The New Gore and the Populist Four
Following the controversial Supreme Court decision that gave Bush the presidency, Gore seems to have repented of some of his centrism. This is signaled in his speeches against the Iraqi war; his stronger populist statements; and his friendship, admiration, and endorsement of Howard Dean. So what is this “new” Gore perspective all about? It does not embody the
visionary progressivism of Kucinich or Nader, but it is a move in the progressive direction. It is clearly an abandonment of Clinton centrism. Clinton and his allies are clear about that. Though the Clintons have skillfully feigned neutrality in the Democratic primary, they clearly prefer someone more centrist than Dean.
Wesley Clark might do. Dean has clearly declared his
independence from centrist politics, identifying himself as “the democratic wing of the Democratic Party.” Even more threatening to centrists, Dean is creating a grassroots organization that is effective in raising money and mobilizing progressives and nonvoters. If he wins the nomination and the presidency, he is also stubborn enough to make good on his promise of “reforming” the Democratic party. And this time, “reforming” means becoming less centrist, more populist, more grassroots, less Washington-oriented, fewer ties with bigmoney donors, more liberty to oppose neoconservative positions and make advances in
progressive directions.
John Kerry is also a populist progressive. Nevertheless, I believe that Kerry has attempted to
keep one toe in the Clinton era and another in the progressive directions he shares with Dean.
His campaign may be too nuanced for the average voter to understand. He may even be raising fears that he will be a damper on the Party’s progressive enthusiasm. Whatever the reason, his campaign is not yet working. Dean, on the other hand, is articulating the issues more simply and straightforwardly, and he is receiving an enthusiastic response.
Dick Gephardt and John Edwards are also outspoken in their populist progressivism, but they have not yet matched Dean’s success with grassroots organization and money-raising. Unless something happens soon, these two presidential aspirants will become the most likely choices for Vice President.
Nevertheless, the truth is that all four of these candidates are quite similar to one another and
quite distinct from the more progressive Kucinich.
Kucinich and Dean
Dean has distanced himself from Dennis Kucinich, and Kucinich has taken on Dean. To me, this is the most interesting debate of the presidential season. Kucinich lays out an ultra-progressive program with little or no moderation. In almost every case, Dean dismisses him as
going too far. For example, Kucinich proposes to reduce the bloated, wasteful, and corrupt Pentagon budget and use that money for free college education for everyone. This may be a sensible thing to do; even moderates may one day do exactly that. But Dean is not supporting that idea. Perhaps he is sensing that reducing the Defense budget in a time of military overcommitment
around the world is not a direction that the U.S. citizenry can embrace.
Both Kucinich and Dean have opposed the war on Iraq, but Kucinich is saying that the Iraqi war was not only an exaggerated response but has become a quagmire from which U.S. troops should be withdrawn sooner rather than later. Kucinich is making the point that our
overwhelming presence there is more of a problem than a solution. Dean is not asking for a prompt withdrawal. He is willing to stay and stabilize a situation that he feels is now more dangerous than it was before the war. I believe that the U.S. presence in Iraq does raise difficult questions. On the one hand, I believe that the Bush administration’s program of staying in Iraq
until “we” have fostered a type of “democracy” that is acceptable to U.S. oil interests will only deepen the quagmire and inspire additional support for the radical Islamic theocracies and terrorist organizations. At the same time, I feel that someone must figure out how to put together a viable and non-oppressive international assistance program for a more “democratic” as well as “independent” Iraq.
On health insurance, Kucinich claims, as do Moseley-Braun, Sharpton, and Nader, that a single-payer, governmental program would sufficiently lower drug costs and administrative costs to finance full health insurance for every person. Dean and the other three populist candidates are willing to fight with the drug companies, insurance companies, and the HMOs, but not to the extent Kucinich is proposing. They each propose something more moderate. Dean argues that he supports a program that can be enacted by the congress. But sooner or later it may become clear to any progressive president that it is hopeless to work out a viable
health care design that includes making compromises with a health establishment that is intent on maximizing its profits.
World trade policy is an other area where Kucinich is, I believe, basically correct and the other progressive Democratic candidates are promoting solutions that are too moderate. The entire progressive wing of the Democratic party is in general agreement that NAFTA, the WTO, and similar international agencies are currently captive to the transnational corporations and that valid labor interests and environmental interests are being tragically damaged world wide. But most of these politicians stop short of Kucinich’s claim that we must simply shut down these organizations and start over. I believe that a program to reform NAFTA and the WTO will end up looking as silly as a program to reform the Ku Klux Klan. Nevertheless, Dean and the other populist progressives may be politically correct in assuming that the U.S. voters are not yet ready to embrace the Kucinich position.
Kucinich is also willing to take on media reforms and criminal justice reforms not emphasized by the other candidates.
On ecological issues, Dean and Kerry seem as clear as Kucinich. These three and others can, I believe, be trusted to make improvements in this arena. Yet, in my view, no presidential candidate is giving the impending ecological upheaval the priority it deserves.
So What Should Progressive Voters Do?
What does the above commentary mean for progressive voters?
(1) We might simply leave the Democratic Party to its complex infighting and vote in the general election for a Green Party presidential candidate or for Nader if he runs as an independent.
(2) Or we might sign on for the Democratic primary and express our visionary progressive conscience in a vote for Dennis Kucinich.
(3) Or we might feel that a choice needs to be made among the four populist progressives in the context that they represent the only viable choices for unseating Bush and taking a few steps toward reforming the Democratic party. It seems to me that many progressives expect too much from their president. Politics is the shrewd “art of the possible.” A political position is different from a philosophy of life. A political position is, at best, a compromise of many values, and it is an attempt to represent a majority of the people. In this context we might ask whether a president Kucinich would be too inflexibly dedicated to progressive principles and too inept at fruitful compromises. And we also might ask if there is enough support at this time among the U.S. citizenry to stand by a Kucinich or a Nader presidency in the long hard fight toward the changes they are proposing.
Presidents can sometimes lead a majority of the people beyond their current views. But it is also true that
presidents and other political figures are usually the trailing edge, not the leading edge, of overall progressive change. A working majority of the people still need to be won to a visionary progressive agenda, and no president or presidential candidate can be counted upon to do the whole job of making this change. I am grateful to Nader and Kucinich for their help in educating the U.S. population on the conservative delusions we could be avoiding and the progressive
potentials we could be realizing. But we who count ourselves as visionary progressives have not yet built a popular movement strong enough to support a fully visionary president. And thus, it seems clear to me that Kucinich does not have the grassroots organization he would need to mobilize the Democratic base, the Greens, the visionary independents, and the nonvoters to win an election against the Bush forces.
What distinguishes Dean from all the other Democratic candidates is his grassroots approach to democratic organizing and money raising. He is probably correct in his prediction that this is the key to winning against George W. Bush. Television debates and media spots are not going to do it. Dean is committed to getting thousands of people out on the streets in face-to-face
confrontations and thousands more working through e-mail networks. Dean has already begun welding together the grassroots forces that may be able to shift the Democratic party a few steps toward a more progressive perspective and also defeat the super-financed reactionary establishment of George W. Bush. Unless Dean’s grassroots organization could be shifted in full
support for Kerry or Gephardt or Edwards, the inherited structures of the Democratic party might not provide enough enthusiasm for these candidates to win in the general election.
Dean, whatever his limitations, has done the work of organizing a broad constituency of contributors
and workers that goes well beyond those forces in the Democratic Party who depend upon large donors. And for this reason alone it is not unreasonable that many visionary progressives are opting to support his campaign. Molly Ivins, whose intuitions I trust on many issues, has recently announced that she is supporting Dean because he is a vigorous fighter and thus
capable of being a winner in a contest with Bush.
For these reasons and others, I am also supporting Dean. I see him as a skilled political strategist and more solidly progressive than some of his moderate positions seem to imply. The full flavor of this man cannot be ascertained from his interviews and media spots. To see his clarity and depth, read his speeches available on his web site:
Nevertheless, it is still early in the Democratic primaries, and Dean may not sustain our ever
more careful scrutiny. My deepest agreements remain with Dennis Kucinich and my admiration for Ralph Nader goes even deeper, but I believe that the key task for progressives in the 2004 presidential election is not building up the visionary progressive political constituency. Rather our task is defeating Bush and moving the Democratic Party a few steps away from its
ineffective centrism and toward a more vigorous progressive rejection of the neoconservative
Centrist politics is not the sure bet its promoters claim. From my perspective, Joe Lieberman is not a viable option for defeating George W. Bush. Lieberman does not possess Clinton’s political skills. Wesley Clark, though he has some foreign policy wisdom, is an
inexperienced politician and is limited by an unimaginative centrism. The populist four – Dean,
Edwards, Gephardt, and Kerry – are all intelligent and experienced politicians with significant popular appeal. It is my view that these four are the only options we have for stopping the neoconservative descent into more and more oligarchical rule and international disasters. I do not view choosing one of these men as opting for the least among evils. I see them as the best among available options in this very complex and dangerous situation.
I see ousting George W. Bush as necessary, but I also see his ouster as no more than one step in the vast challenge to mobilize a greater portion of the U.S. population and the world population in support of a fully progressive agenda. Kucinich’s campaign has been fresh air blowing through our political discussion. The correctness of this or that detail of his proposals is
not important, but the overall willingness to be boldly visionary and drastic in opposition to the established neoconservatism is laudatory. Nevertheless, among the visionary progressives I most admire, even Kucinich and Nader are rather moderate. Writers like Thomas Berry, Lester Brown, Vandana Shiva, David Korten, Noam Chomsky, and a long list of others are more
visionary (especially on ecological matters). In whatever way this U.S. presidential election turns
out, progressives will still have an enormous educational task to do among the citizenry of this
We are indeed engaged in a new kind of Civil War, one not fought with muskets on a bloody battlefield but a conflict that can only be won by progressive forces making bold witnesses to the truth and being persistent, confident, and effective opposition to all lies, secretiveness, defensive propaganda, and halfway answers. If progressives succeed in the coming decades in ripping loose the truth from the morass of mass media mendacity, then humanity may avoid some of the impending disasters that loom on the horizon. But as their short-range goal, progressives, I am convinced, need to retire Bush to his Texas ranch.
I invite you to share this article with your friends. The issues contained in this article are, I believe, among most important topics of the coming year.
For the Earth,
Gene Marshall
For Realistic Living resources, check out our web site:

Date: 07 Jan 2004
We are what memories are made of..........

Name: Nik
Date: 07 Jan 2004
...dancing in tomorrow land to Kay Bell and the Space Men...with occasional visits by bobby hatfield and bill medley...

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Memories
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Speaking of climbing trees and tripping I remember one summer I spent so much time in Irvine tripping one forest ranger got so familiar with me it was bizzare. We kept sneaking into the restricted part of the woods, where it was a high flash fire danger, we went in there cause it was totally deserted and that is a rare thing in itself in So Cal, while wandering round the woods I would invariably climb a tree and space for awhile. That summer I received three tickets for trespassing on restricted forest lands. All three tickets were issued by the same ranger and all three times I was up a tree and he had to call me down. The third time this happened he simply said "Hey John, its time to come down" and then he inquired if I had a problem or an obsession about trees. I was always so fried on acid all I could do was accept the ticket and smile. I think I freaked him a bit cause by the third time he treated me with kid gloves and skipped the fire hazzard lecture. My parents couldn't understand anything except I kept getting tickets and what was my problem? Ah well, sometimes things were better left unsaid

Name: Terri
Date: 07 Jan 2004
I love this web site. I've always included The Diggers in the history of the Hippies as I shared my personal experiences from back in the 60's with my two daughters, but now they can actually see what I've been talking about.

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Ditto Tom Sawyer's Island Hammond, I would go the fort and hole up in one of the sentry boxes and trip on the people below. Also the suspension bridge was cool but I always got run off for swinging and swaying it to the discomfort of the people behind me, great place for tripping but man were the rules lame.

Name: Ps
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Hey Nic - Maybe we danced with each other on that Carnation dance floor!

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Ah Disneyland - what a monument to tripping throughout the 60s. Once you got in the hard way with your long hair it was off to climb an olive tree on Tom Saywer's Island until the guards suggested that you had better 'come down'. - On to talking to the mechanical parrots in the Enchanted Ti-Ki Garden or getting smaller and smaller everywhere to the tune of one of the silliest and most infections jingle rounds every concocted - and then listening to the likes of The Association on the Carnation dance floor.....

Name: Nik
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Thanks guys, no thing in particular just the OC connection made me think about those a matter of fact I think my very first acid trip begain while I was eating bacon and eggs there and I realized it was working when I notice that the windows were breathing...and my eggs resembled Salvatore Dali's time pieces.
Ps I could see the top of the matterhorn from my bedroom window and the fireworks every nite...when Al Aronowitz wrote my bio for Bearsville records, he mentioned that fact as being why I am how/who I am...and my relationship with reality.

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Bel Isle does ring a bell, we used to hang on Harbor Blvd when we left Disneyland and that diner was a late night haven if memory serves. I only lived about six mile down Chapman from Harbor and Disneyland, I remember the fireworks every summer evening at 9:00, I could see them off in the distance from my house.
Oh and yeah it can snow like a mo fo here but it hasn't happened for quite a while. Mother Nature is in payback mode today, the town is a sheet of ice

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Jan 2004
Nic - Snow in Portland? Ha! - we just haven't had a normal winter since the early 90s and everyone forgot. There is a 4' frozen snow drift across the street - it is 18 degrees outside and we had an ice storm for most of the night. Good ole winter this year....
I remember the Inner Circle but no details - just dancin my ass off under the influence. The name 'Bel Isle' doesn't ring a bell but there was an all night dinner that was in its own way much like Cantor's in Hollywood in that it as you say - offered late night shelter for heads on the way up and down the ultra color spectrum. What did you want to know about any of these places and I can ask the goat farming Wizard (via my cut out to Phil) as he will probably know what ever it is.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Jan 2004
My father was a either of you remember any of these places...Bel Isle, it was a dinner where alot of 5 in the morning coming down from acid breakfast eating was harbor blvd somewhere...or the Inner Circle, that was a music place, alot of gay guys and all of us acid heads danced our asses off...and one more place The Flying Jib in redondo? Just curious...
Took off work yesterday went to the doctor...winter flu like stuff...she said that was okay but my blood pressure was 160/112 so I'm back to bp meds...feeling better today though.
I didn't realize it snowed in Portland...

Name: Jag
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Thanking Stew, I feel honored by your presence,nice thoughts and being in Portland I can relate to the snowbounnd sentiment

Name: Eileen
Date: 06 Jan 2004
terrific stories guys!!!!! So in a hurry but had to stop by here.. will try to catch up tonight. ha have to laugh at hanging out with the cat at the heat vent. I sure know that one..last few days I couldn't get enough layers on and must have looked like the crazy lady down the street. Practically suddenly warmish today after days of take your breath away outdoor moments. Yikes, snow and more snow in that damp air? That so sucks. I would not be a happy camper. Maybe the homeless have hit the Greyhound south..or just hit the Greyhound anywhere. Seemed to be the case when I was on my own trip this past you know what. GH seemed like homeless home in the night on wheels.

Name: Stew Albert
EmailAddress: writerinthestorm
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Writers On The Storm
All poems are canceled
because of snow in Portland
until further notice
all creative comments
will refer only to inclement weather
Since terrorists may benefit from the storm
you will stay home and be grateful
you don't live someplace
where you have to write poetry
in very bad weather.
© January 6, 2004 - Stew Albert

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 06 Jan 2004
"Around Squared"

Name: Jag
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Good stuff Hammond, I can see the faculty stuffed shirts fuming, I attended Goldenwest Jr. College in Huntington Beach and me and a few friends formed an unofficial fraternity named Tau Sigma Iota which was supposed to signify cannabis somehow? I think it was the thirteenth letter in the Greek alphabet which would be M in ours which meant marijuana or some such sophomoric connotation. We had jackets with our Tau Sigma emblazzoned in gold on the back and all had long hair, John Lennon sun glasses and smoked a lot of dope on campus so we were fairly notorious for being up to no good. After hours we hung at the pier in Huntington Beach and frequented the head shop next to Jacks Surf Shop on Hwy 101. We had the world by the balls, or so we thought. Good fun and lots of psychedelics though

Name: Hammond
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Another SIP snow story just because....
The admin. demanded a SIP membership list. We refused on the grounds that the Supremo Courto had (in truth) recently ruled this was an infringement on our groupo rights to privacy. The admin played all coy with the Dean saying: "Look, just give me a sealed list of membership and I will put it in my safe unopened." We said that was a good idea and gave them the sealed envelope with the SIP membership list - but we just picked names at random from the phone directory. Two days later the Dean was fuming over none of the membership being students at the college. We then refused to talk with the Dean except via interschool memoranda to our faculty sponsor the hip Psychology teacher who liked to smoke pot with us.... He bailed immediately after this breach of nonsense - and we were without our sponsor - hence our forthcoming "rogue" status...
Over and out - snowin like a MF outside....

Name: PS
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Another SIP extravaganza du nothing but provocation was when we invited George Lincoln Rockwell (then head of the American Neo Nazi Party) to speak about Racial Issues in America. Of course he didn't even reply to our invitation but we promoted the event as if it was going to happen with school approval via posters all over Costa Mesa and Newport and around 800 people showed up at the school's auditorium with protest signs all angry and mob like. Then when the admin. asked us what we thought we were doing - we said we didn't know anything about the event and accused the admin. of trying to set us up with their bogus posters. We were not a very popular orgainization with the admin to say the least - especially as we were officially sanctioned to put on Intellectually Stimulating Events.... and we tried our best.... though most were conceptual events that caused more trouble than if we had actually held the events... go figure... it was the 60s

Name: Hammond
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Jag - Indeed the homeless here are in trouble at the moment. Really frigid out and snowing harder all the time outside.
OC - memories falling out of the cobwebs of my mind -
We had this loose knit groupo du radical at OCCollege we called SIP - Students for Intelectual Participation and among our 'event' we invited Tim Leary (who showed up) and the then head of the OC Narcomen (who didnd't show) to speak about the current state of Drugs in America. We didn't actually get permission from anyone in the admin. - just gestetnered the school with posters on the day of the open air event - with a megaphone for a PA. Leary was game - but we got shut down before we could commence with lord knows what as we didn't actually have a program either... Just balls - So we just retreated to the nearest hidee hole and turned on - tuned in and dropped acid for the rest of the day.... The school couldn't really do anything to us (just yet) because nothing really happened beyond Tim showing up on campus. Later however the admin. was able to label us a "rouge organization" whose cont. presence on campus was "forbidden" - Oh well - kicked out , attended a George Wallace rally, got thrown out by the cops and then came our draft notices in the mail. The daze of SIP comedia del radiculi was over.

Name: Jag
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Hammond it is deep snow out my window and blowing steady. All things considered I am hibernating too. I feel for the homeless in this town and know there are not enough shelters for them.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 06 Jan 2004
"Asimilar Opposites - Looking Aheadless"

Name: Hammond
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Brrrrrrr! It is 18 degrees outside with a windchill of 4 degrees - snowing and freezing rain in the forecast..... Yikes it is cold in Portland....... I plan on staying in with the cat by the heater vent.

Name: Jag
Date: 06 Jan 2004
We used to call it the County of Orange and Birch, and it could get pretty paranoic. The police were fascist types who in one local incident fired a "warning" shot at a fleeing party goer and blew the back of his head off. I definitely looked over my shoulder after learning of that callous act.

Name: Hammond
Date: 06 Jan 2004
The Birch Society was in full throtle operations when I was living in OC - Wallace was a favorite son - and the narcs were all stoners with sun glasses and dark suits looking for the next doper to bust. It was sort of paranoid - but we all had fun. If you had long hair and the narcs drove by they would point their fingers at you like a gun and pull their triggers...

Name: Adan
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Thank you for the wonderful website and information I will be back soon, nice Site, greetings from Spain...

Name: Albert
Date: 06 Jan 2004
I just surfed in and found your site, I really enjoyed the visit and hope to come back soon. Greetings..

Name: Maria
Date: 06 Jan 2004
i am french and i enjoyed visit your website, i wish you a merry christmas.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: thinking Steve right now
Date: 06 Jan 2004
Silent Steve, e-mail home...... take care, Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 05 Jan 2004
Great essay on Orange County conservatism, as one who was born and raised in Buena Park and Garden Grove I can really relate. While these suburban right wing revolutionaries were bemoaning the rise of the counter culture their children were actively supporting and importing said cultural and herbivorous materials. These Birchers had no idea their kids were the lynchpin of alien ideas that found fertile ground in their own back yards. Orange County was more than these suburban right wing bigots. Hammond and Nichole can probably shed some light cause I know my crowd did not buy into the insanity. Luckily my parents were moderate Democrats who were far outnumbered in that part of the world but I didn't feel the weight of right wing idealism and actually was taught tolerance most of the time. They mention Walter Knott of Knott's Berry Farm fame who my old man knew slightly and served him his martini's in his capacity as a bar manager at Coda's Restaraunt across form Walt's place in Buena Park

Name: Mark
Date: 05 Jan 2004
SSBoyd.....please report to the front desk!

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Jan 2004
RE:'s all in the archives (above)..he was talking about his bat and then sent word through someone else he was ok.

Name: Nik
Date: 05 Jan 2004
...that you DS?

Date: 05 Jan 2004
Even the monitors are monitored........

Name: Nik
Date: 05 Jan 2004
IMAM, I know he was spouting some pretty hard line stuff about the current establishment and I know we are monitored so I worried he may have been carted off with no way of communicating...only because we haven't heard and I haven't seen him...the last thing was someone else said he'd asked them to post a hello...but I will check out the address Eileen posted this morning as it's near my apt.

Name: IMAM (Suspect)
Date: 05 Jan 2004
Does anyone know what his last guestbook entry was about?
NIc - Eric?
IAMIMAM(Suspect) -
PS - Hey Steve!!!!!!!! What up......?

Name: Nik
Date: 05 Jan 2004

Name: Jag
Date: 05 Jan 2004
Nichole, Looking forward to it and am thinking Steve, Silent, and Boyd all together.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 05 Jan 2004
Hey Perfume Garden - wake up and smell the roses why don't ya? Quit following me around!!!!

Name: perfume fragranceannex
Date: 05 Jan 2004
good collection here can also visit by

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 05 Jan 2004
Interesting Orange County bed of 60s radicalism essay...

Date: 05 Jan 2004

Date: 05 Jan 2004
The Silent Steve pictured in the guestbook is Wheeler's own beloved elfin Being ~ still Being, and of whom (?) our Digger Silent Steve heard of later, after taking the moniker as his own.
It's trippy how words from the heart of one can be so moving and fun and enlightening and friendly that they're missed when they're gone on such a scale. Very Mystically Tribal. Yup, the GREAT POWER of the 60's is back. And this time we're gonna win.
Char ~*

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 05 Jan 2004
Claude - This is our Silent Steve

Name: claude
Date: 05 Jan 2004
So is this a photo of OUR silent Steve?
(from the Wheeler's Ranch Scrapbook)

Name: Nicole
Date: 05 Jan 2004
Eileen, thanks for that...I've already sent my panties and I'll go by there today and see what it is...may just be a mail drop but they might have record of him...great idea.
cold there, warm here, what's up with that...although I think this week will see or rather feel that artic shift...
Does anyone else 'sides me think we may have migrated from mars when the shit came down up there...? that would explain some petroglyphs and Ezekial.
Didn't know Don...still, condolences to all his family...
Jag I have a new wonderful CD to be in the mail for you this week...
Hammond, Ohio, Patman, Ming, IMAM, FYI,Joe, Tomas, Claude, Michael, Pieman, Travis,and yes, Redneck and Mugu...everyone...think Steve.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Jan 2004
Hi Hammond~Damp cold here too. Nights getting real. OK. That's enough winter now.

Name: Eileen
Date: 04 Jan 2004
After almost an hr hunting the archives, I finally found this from Steve Oct 6 '03:
"Send hate mail, death threats, kisses and panties to: Steve Boyd 7 East 8th Street, Suite 369, NY, NY 10003."
Nicole? Is that a place you can check out? Think I will drop a postcard to see if anyone their knows where to find him.

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Jan 2004
Burrr.... freezing in Portland with snow on the horizon. Good ole winter.......... warmth and love to everyone.....
Ps - Bye Don..... you were unique

Name: Papoose
Date: 04 Jan 2004
Selected by the USA Supreme Court. (period) ... a.k.a. 28 day cycle of life-giving deliverance (bed of placenta-human being)...delivered by the "supreme" court, my lord and my listener. Thank thee that i may know security in my old age, "el" presindente. I shalt dwell in thy city's storefronts, someday. God Bless and be with Thee., God save al Presidente! Amen . Amen I say to you. You who have ears: Hear!

Name: Tomas
Date: 04 Jan 2004
Don King
Don King passed away Jan 01, 2004
photo of Lou, Pam and Don
Rest in Peace

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Jan 2004
Funny Bush site and hitchers looks engrosing. Both late night when I can't get off the computer numbers.
BTW am going to give the Steve Boyd vibes out hard. Hope you all will join in Nicoles suggestion and see if we can fish that boy in. I've gone cold turkey long enough. He may be grow up enough to do without us..but I'm not grown up enough to do without him. I mean good grief, the guy should have some decency and at least let us know he's OK and where he is so we can send spies.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Thumbing
Date: 03 Jan 2004
This brought back some great road memories, hitchiking as a way of life.

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Jan 2004
Since Dubya seems to be on so many minds check this venerable site

EmailAddress: Would you hire this man?
Date: 03 Jan 2004
George W. Bush Resume
Past work experience:
Ran for congress and lost.
Produced a Hollywood slasher B movie.
Bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas, company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.
Bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took private land using tax-payer money. Biggest move: Traded Sammy Sosa to the Chicago White Sox.
With father's help (and his name) was elected Governor of Texas.
Changed pollution laws for power and oil companies and made Texas the most polluted state in the Union. Replaced Los Angeles with Houston as the most smog ridden city in America. Cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas government to the tune of billions in borrowed money. Set record for most executions by any Governor in American history.
Became president after losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes, with the help of my fathers appointments to the Supreme Court and voter fraud committed by brother Jeb and Katherine Harris in Florida.
Accomplishments as president:
Attacked and took over two countries.
Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury.
Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history.
Set economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.
Set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market.
First president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.
First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.
First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.
After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, presided over the worst security failure in US history.
Set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips than any other president in US history.
In my first two years in office over 2.7 million Americans lost their job. No Bush president has ever created one net new job yet.
Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work Americans than any president in US history.
Set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12 month period.
Appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history.

Name: Eileen
Date: 03 Jan 2004
Nicole~I heard that. I could use some companionship on this one cause so far have not gotten my brain to shut up and give me some slack. I'm gaining weight and drinking sake'..heah I'm not smoking ok? NYers in a cage. Great idea meakes me want to rush to the party..NOT

Name: IMAM(Suspect)
Date: 03 Jan 2004
Here's a good one:
"Pat Robertson said Friday that God told him President Bush will be re-elected in a landslide."
Ergo: If somebody NOT BUSH is elected does this mean that God lies to Pat Robertson? IMAM(Suspect)

Name: ~*
Date: 03 Jan 2004
For another smile, go to Google, type in miserable failure, and click on "I'm feeling lucky." : ) ~*

Name: Nik
Date: 03 Jan 2004
ps Hammond, I like all of the new entries on the 3rd page...on my way out now to see either 21 grams or monster.

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Jan 2004
Nic - Yippie - keep the faith - QUIT IF YOU CAN.... Eileen has started a trend!
I wrote to Steve's old email the other day but it is closed....

Name: Nicole
Date: 03 Jan 2004
Ah yes,a New Year...I didn't go near times square...for 1. they have all these pens set up about 10 by 20 and once your in there you have to leaving...not to go to the bar on the corner for a drink or to use the bath room...personally I'd hate that...but those who were there seemed to have a blast. I'd be afraid of some bacterial thing spread by some crazed whatever. As it is I woke up this morning with a hideous case of bronchitis...and trying to get to the "source of the dis-ease" I thought, not getting some thing off my chest? but it dawned on me suddenly ah, duh, Nicole QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!!so there's my (I can't even say it) know.
Steve. Nope I've looked for him...went by the church...asked around...Eric seemed to think he went to Florida...but I can't imagine him NOT going to a cyber cafe. Yeah, let's everyone concentrate real hard and maybe he'll hear us...
Patman, I loved yr comment to Biloxi Redneck...I wish I could be around when he gets old.

Name: Jag
Date: 03 Jan 2004
I particularly like the extra pair of blood stained hands, very fitting.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 03 Jan 2004
What a marvelous act it would be if say 100,000 people bought the action figures and sent them to Bush (all packages requiring a signature for delivery)

Name: Eileen
Date: 02 Jan 2004
Oh yeah! Don't cha just wish someone will show that to him?

Name: claude
Date: 02 Jan 2004
Good Old Mad Magazine Comes through:
G.I. Joke Action Figure

Date: 02 Jan 2004

Name: Larry Holben
Date: 02 Jan 2004
Hello Anonymous Editor/Archivist: I'm looking for information on Walter Reynolds who made Digger bread at All Saints' Church in Haight in the late 60s. You mention you interviewed him but haven't transcribed the interview. Is he still with us? I'm writing a history of All Saints' Church as part of its 100th anniversary and would like to know what sort of engineer Reynolds was in his staight life (the sources I've got don't agree), whether/how he was connected with the faculty of the Stanford University Med Center, how long he made bread at All Saints', etc. Any help you or anybody else can give will be most appreciated. Thanks. Larry Holben.

Name: cosmic communique
EmailAddress: thank you Dennis!
Date: 02 Jan 2004
Kucinich: Refusal to Discharge Is an Involuntary Draft
"The Army's refusal to release tens of thousands of soldiers who have completed their terms of service amounts to drafting them on the very day they fulfill their obligations. These men and women have already risked their lives. They should not have to risk them a second time through involuntary service, through being forced to stay in Iraq. This is a draft. A draft forces people to serve involuntarily. If this occupation is allowed to continue for years, as the President and other Democratic presidential candidates want, we are bound to see a more formal draft. And with three of the Democratic presidential candidates favoring mandatory draft registration for 18-year-old women, even families without sons could be in for a huge surprise. Before we move any further down this path, we must recognize this occupation of Iraq as a destabilizing force in that country and a drain on the resources of this one. We must go to the United Nations with a proposal that would pull US troops out as UN peacekeepers are brought in. We must give up our hopes for oil profits and privatization of the Iraqi economy and instead rebuild our own economy here at home."

Name: perfume
Date: 02 Jan 2004
good collection here can also visit by

Name: The 3rd Page (In and Outake)
Date: 02 Jan 2004
Cave In Meditation - In and Outaken

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: recipe
Date: 02 Jan 2004
He Juice!! ---Go ahead and add a couple carrots and spuds to that onion and I'll dump ya out a righteous PSYCHADELIC IRISH STEW TO SCARF and as in the ol' digger tradition won't cost you a dime. Free as the wind. PEACE BRO. Glad I did'nt die before I got old.

Name: Eileen
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Anna~It just goes on and on. I was with some new friends this morning and out of nowhere both those places came up. I wasn't at either..but they were formed during my time in the late 60's and we were doing a lot of cross pollinating (ha!) at Olema. My friends were there I guess 10 yrs+ later, but we found out we had a mutual friend from Wheelers..small world. all really happened! Lucky us!

Name: Anna
Date: 01 Jan 2004
I was surprised & happy to find Morningstar and Wheeler's on the web.
I was there along time ago. Sometimes I thought I dreamed the places. Thank you.

Name: Eileen
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Doppler to mess around with:

Name: Eileen
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Happy New Year Y'alls! Pulling in late here. Let's see, finally finished my dad's scarf last night. Such an accomplishment was my idea of celebrating. Huge O storm last night to break thru with a crack of sun and a bit of blue this morning..enough to make me feel great and happy for the day. Spent the morning with Miranada and friends chanting. Then spent the early afternoon discussing with Miranda her thoughts for the coming yr and our mutual goals. I am surprised I actually do feel new today and have a lot of excitement and fresh energy for the classes I have coming up. I'm going to just roll around in art/my creativity with great abandon. (Picture your best dog rolling in a big cow patty.) So great to hear from everyone and I bettcha Nicole will have more interesting news to add. I love hearing the different flavors we each add from our parts of the world. I feel great love and appreciation for you all. Good thoughts and prayers to Steve. I do miss him and hope he'll will send word soon.

Name: orance hats
Date: 01 Jan 2004
orange hats were the signal that the wearer was an undercover cop in Florida during the recent madness where protesters got clobbered and sprayed with rubbeer bullets and mace.

Name: Jag
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Juice (Redneck), a great new year to your sorry ass as well

Name: FYI -Service(Suspect)
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Juice - is of course Biloxi RedNeck Poet - and this is some of his best work - great fuckery fuckfuck to you too BRNP - now go find mug and the phen-phen people and dig a big hole...

Name: perfume
Date: 01 Jan 2004
good collection here can also visit by

Name: Counter Punched
Date: 01 Jan 2004
An Op-oetic CounterPunch for the New Year
"2003 Almaniac"

Date: 01 Jan 2004
Juice:If brains were shit you'd have a boatload

Date: 01 Jan 2004

Date: 01 Jan 2004
Mutes 4 Peace are in deep cover - Nic - any news?

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Speaking of great ways to start the New Year - I had enough snow in my yard this am to make a 4 ft. snow angel which is getting covered and set as the snow storm continues... Sat. (if as predicted) will be a much stronger storm so maybe I can build a flockl of angels in my yard.... So pretty out - and after last year in which we didn't really have a winter at all it is especially nice. cheers all -

Name: patman
EmailAddress: oops
Date: 01 Jan 2004
The Far out Burlesque show gals were the REBELLE"S not the Revelles.If they happen by here and see I fucked up they're nom de plume they might put me on they're short shit list. Definately would'nt want to be on the wrong side of those gals. Later off to moms to eat kraut and ribs. I know, Black eyed peas is also appropriate. I don't care for the mushy,semi bitter after taste of them. Now I'm probably in truoble with every southerner I know. Great way to start the new year, Where is our favorite southern mute!! Patrick

Name: patman
EmailAddress: blast,blast,blast
Date: 01 Jan 2004
For the first time in many years Robin and I actually stayed up past midnight. We caught a great show at the orangepeel here in Asheville, Its kind of a renaissance of the small clubs you been chattin'up lately. The show consisted of Some Theatre enlightening people to vote by the REVELLE's a bawdy troup of mostly women, It was great yo see they're way of disposing our current prez.
The music kicked as. A group called the legendary shack shakers blew my mind. Check out they're web site. Southern Culture On the Skids Mainlined( That does'nt mean they geezed on stage) and ushered us into the new year with more excellent,tongue in cheek, double entendre tunes preformed by probably some of the best non-poser musicians on the the road in this day and age. We had fun and nobody noticed I did'nt drink. Not even me. We had fun. Happy New Year All. The revolution is alive and having a ball in Asheville.
McMing-- I looked for a freek in a panama hat, did'nt see ya. Har Har, Patman 04'

Name: Hammond
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Hi everyone - Happy New Year - let us pray a year of defeat for our overseers - "Silver Apples!" - very few people got to see this eclectic group - they have a great album though - hard to find.

Name: Jag
Date: 01 Jan 2004
We brought in the new year pretty quiet to Ohio Girl. I managed to stay awake through the Letterman rerun but was dozing off towards the end. Oh well, like you said the new year got here without my help. Hope this one brings good tidings for all

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: 2004
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Happy New Years, hoping it's full of promise for each one of you. We did a quiet New years, uh, if you must know, we kinda fell asleep before midnight but, somehow, 2004 got here anyways!
Adele's was something else, and that diner, and the little museum lake park. Spun my Mom some tales and hung out with the bikers at times..... I lived in Coventry in 1972 when I got back from San Francisco; Coventry is such a bunch of retro shops and interesting restaurants today, nothing like what it was, but it never turned back into a "normal" neighborhood. I heard Paul Butterfield a few times and Dave Van Ronk, all at La Cave I'm pretty sure. And what was that little place with all the black lights. Good memories within a mind full of holes...... You aren't by any chance the Paul who drove back to San Franciso with a can of pepper to plug the leaks in the radiator? Peace

Name: Mark
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Happy New Year from the west coast! Maybe we can bring this motherfucker down in 2004.

Name: claude
Date: 01 Jan 2004
The neighbors are bringing in the new year; their clocks agree within five minutes or so, acording to the gunfire. I fired the shotgun three times, for tradition's sake and just 'cause I still can, way out here where there's still enough space.

Name: claude
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Jimmy Ley. I've never seen him, but I've heard him a lot on our local blues show. His line, which sticks in my head (it's a great song) is "...the older the buck, the stiffer the horn...", all about being an old guy picking up a young thang, a truly fine, double entendre-laden
bluesy riff to rival anything of the classic dirty dozens of R&B's roots. ("...if you want me to fix yo' car, you gotta let me look up under your hood...") type of genre.
THAT Jimmy Ley?
I caught the webCam at Times Square as the Ball went down, live, and marvelled at the wonder of seeing it like that. Lots of happy seeming revelers, bless 'em. Nicole, see if you can find out why there was such a contingent of folks wearing wierd orange hats, like maybe the Cat in the Hat, or the Mad Hatter or wha'?
SciFi world in some respects, yet wondering, right now it's 11:50 pm in my little 'hood, if there will be the traditional shooting into the air that usually goes on. There is a large contingent of Reservists from this area in Iraq right now, including a big bunch that just got called up. I'll join the shooting if my neighbors are celebrating, but it seems awfully quiet out there tonight. I'll see in a few...
And a Happy New Year to all of us, diggers old and new.

Name: Mark
Date: 01 Jan 2004
Tonight's home New Years video is "Bananas" by Woody Allen. HA!

Name: cleveland paul
Date: 31 Dec 2003
was anyone at Mt. Tamalpias(?) I think it was in the summer of 67 for a dead concert and their generator malfunctioned or something so all the people started emptying 55 gallon garbage cans and turning them into metal conga drums. The communal beat was huge, far reaching, ever changing and could probably be heard for a mile. Kind of like Sunday afternoons at Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley except on a grand scale.
Ahhh the memories.....

Name: cleveland paul
EmailAddress: to: ohio girl
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Yes I did do Adele's. Also La Cave and a many other places around. At La Cave heard the Velvet Underground, BS&T, and a two guys called the "Silver Apples" who were probably an electrical engineer and a drummer. The guy had a homemade synthesizer made out of wooden boxes and had it set up on folding chairs so he could play it. He had a wa-wa pedal under his elbow. Missed the night Hendrix showed up to sit in with a blues man friend named Jimmy Ley. Sorry, I'm running on. Did you know any of the regulars at Adele's?

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Dec 2003
How many remember this guy? Santana manager up until an aborted free concert in the crater at Diamond Head.

Name: claude
Date: 31 Dec 2003
I went to a Gaskin "Monday Night Class" that winter of 66-67. It was in a huge room at SF state. They were ongoing there for a while. (I didn't drink their kool-aid)
We have lots of funky space out here, on the river. Fall is better than summer (It's HOT) Shady grove. Pond. Acequia big enough to swim in runs right through it all, 60 ft from house. Eighty-five miles to the Plaza. Our drought continues unabated. We have been able to keep our fields green and our trees maintained so far, but it gets iffier each year.
I have somethings on the west coast at some point in the summer, hopefully all around the solstice.
Hope to see you all out here.
BTW, the satellite images site is wonderful, and it links to a site that has access to photo images of the entire US. I have a one week membership ($10) and am downloading images of all the places I can think of and find. What do you want to see? I can email you images. See your house!
Happy New Year!

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Dec 2003
I'm thinking we could catch a pow wow somewhere. But that would NOT be Ark. Or go to a hot springs somewhere.
I'm still working on the scarf for my dad. Weaving cloth is turning out NOT to be my thing. Good grief! Way too tedious..only for someone I love..a bunch. BAck to weaving. Hear the weather is going to get intense everywhere. It's hard to believe cause it's just overcast and chill, but nothing that bodes ill. Famous last words.

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Meet in the middle.....Arkansas, can we stay out of Paragould? Just got back from lunch on Monterey Fisherman's wharf. Best Calamari filets I've ever had. Major party in Monterey tonight, they were setting up the bandstand and booths to start at 3 o'clock this afternoon. I am full and need to lay on the couch. Be back later.

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Dec 2003
OK Here's my tentive time line and interests. But I am also totally up for what ever.
I am bored with NM. But tentively, am taking a micacious pottery class at the Taos Pueblo, June 23-28 or Sept 22-27. September 30 is
San Geronimo Day at Taos Pueblo..a very special spiritual event and fun time.
My real interest remains HI. Let's see..I have school until May 23 but would and am considering a trip/move there any time after Feb. The Merrie Monarch Festival in Hilo, April 11-17. If I'm there by then we could all go to Rena's for a few days, then everyone could come pile up at my place on the Big Island. Or forget all that and just go to Rena's whenever. Ha! Wait til Rena show's back up and finds out we're all coming to her place.
Then there Ark. Yes there's music and then there's always a trip to go crystal digging!!

Name: PS me
Date: 31 Dec 2003
All somewhere around the time that the Family Dog / Avalon presented the premier of The Beatles "Magical Mystery Tour" - This was Gaskin's vision I think - he connected and the fab 4 gave him (and the Avalon) the honor.

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Eileen - Yes it was Gaskin's event - Famliy Dog supported following the move from the Haight to right ! Playland due to the number of peole who started showing up every week - I wasn't there for these 'classes' either but learned about them from Chet or someone else ala Dog. Soon after this Steve and fellow pioneers hit the road en mass bus to form the Farm. They have a great web site...
Nic - Perfect......

Name: Nik
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Eileen, all of those sound beautiful...even Arkansas. good music there...vernal equinox ? summer solstice ?
Middle Ground/Middle Earth
I'm so there.

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Middle Ground
Middle of Now Where: Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Middle of the Ocean: Rena's/Maui
Middle of Far Seeing: Taos or Claude's house
I think we should pick a spot and time where there's something fun going on we can do together.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 31 Dec 2003
As for the beef thing - - in the UK we shouldnt eat anything with hoofs.
They lied again about which animals are infected, still whats our health worth when compared with money?

Name: Nicole
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Hi all, I just got back from having a wonderful lunch with our Noble friend Eric...great way to start off my new years celebrating...we had middle eastern food at the Jeruselem Pita on 45th st...later I'll be meeting some friends at the Thirsty Scholar, one of those east village Irish pubs frequented by Dylan Thomas back in the day...staying awaaaayyy from Times Square...doesn't sound at all inviting to me...I'll watch the ball drop on TV as I always have.
I am going to start planning a place and time for us all to meet...and what I'll do is have it far enough in advance that once we agree on the date that is most convenient for the can all just plan on getting there. I'm very if anyone has an idea for a middle ground (easy for all to get to) place...let me know...THIS WILL HAPPEN.

Name: Mark
Date: 31 Dec 2003
That concert hall was at the old Playland at the Beach. It was an amusement park with rides across from the beach down past the bottom of the hill from the Cliff House. The place was torn down in the 70's sometime and replaced with condos eventually. Country Joe and the Fish played there as well as most of the local SF bands. Does anyone remember "The Barn" in Scotts Valley in the Santa Cruz mountains where Kesey did many of his acid tests?

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Dec 2003
OK got it. How about The Maritime sp? Hall? Seems like Chet Helms may have bought it later.
I thought Mon Nite Class was somewhere off the Haight on the south side. Sad to say I entirely missed those classes. (Come on..who was that? Was that Steve Gaskin?) I only heard about them after the fact.. I was so entrenched with the Diggers. In another lifetime I'm sure I would have hooked up with one of the alpha guys and gone off on the caravan. What I heard about that commune (The Farm) impressed the shit out of me..The fact they could figure out a way to make a living and not shoot each other over work. Olema was always such a constant power struggle it's a wonder anything got done. Plus they had a terrific midwife, who as I remember wrote one of the first good midwifing hand books) come out of that crew. (anyone remember her name? Rena?)But I think in the end it's people's nature to want "a leader" and figures larger than life and then knock them down. I think there were power tussles there as well. But they sure hung in there and had some really impressive folks and work come out of there. Another one I heard about WAA-AY down the line, that I still have kept some journals from I found in a used book store, was New Alchemy. Leave it to the East coasters to come up with such brilliance. They created The Ark which was a stroke of genius. A large passive solar greenhouse with a talipia (fish) breeding tank. The diagrams of their idea are still worth putting to use and as far as I know they still exist. Ofcourse the pictures of some of it was far funkier..but they had it right and I'm sure over time got it perfected. Personally I think their vision is going to hold the most potiential in our food issues, which John Todd has taken out even further. This is the commune John Todd came out of, and I can see New Alchemy was just a blueprint from which he has made such giagantic leaps in water purification. He took the idea of The Ark and developed what I believe will be is the most significant vision of the future. OK so while I'm on communes. WHY was the Israel commune shut down?

Name: patman
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Just about finished the da vinci code. Great little read.I,ve been aware of the bloodline and bloody cover-up of the church for years. Having read holy blood,holy grail in the 80's I gathered all info I could into me over the years. History sure can be distorted,eh? I hpoe all the bombing in Iraq did'nt destroy any buried historic documents as most of them point to this view of Jesus.I'm sure bush would'nt mind if they were destroyed.
Have a happy safe new year all. PEACE, PATRICK

Date: 31 Dec 2003
good ole mugu

Name: Jag
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Happy New Year's Eve to all and may the next year bring a bountiful and abundant harvest to all and may every day bring joy

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Mort Subiet - New Year's Eve 2003 3rd Page
"Embody Bags "
The War That Is "Over" - Needs To Be Stopped!

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Eileen - was that the same building where the Monday Night Class was held?

Name: Nicole
Date: 31 Dec 2003
That's a fantastic site Eileen...I wish they could do it streaming live so that we could watch the clouds moving...

Name: muguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Date: 31 Dec 2003

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Cleveland Paul did you go to Adele's etc. in Cleveland back then?

Name: Eileen
Date: 31 Dec 2003
Hi Paul~I know the building you're talking about. I think it actually was a city owned building. Maybe Mark or Nicole will remember the name. We did a thing there one Thanksgiving. I remember there was lots of acid and Hells Angels. Coyote and crew had come in from that means the Red House from Forest Knolls was there too. I remember it was packed. One of those nights when there was a bit too much acid and Coyote was walking around with his juju staff chanting, "Tell the truth, as funky as it is." It was his way of holding the energy when it threatened to get dangerous the way it could with the Angles en mass when the energy was flying. I remember seeing some guy moving like a mouse looking for his death in the middle of the Hells Angel's circle. That was an interesting piece of information for me how that worked. Santiago (Bob Valadez) told me of an insident that night when one of the guys came at him threatenly and he threw his chi at him and sent him flying without even touching time Bob would become a martial arts master. UUm Well friend, that's more than you asked, but there it is. Welcome.
Ohio Girl~I'm glad you caught that. Mark~Good you got into it. Cool sight to watch us from outer space!

Date: 30 Dec 2003
were any of you in SF in '67, '68, '69? I was just dreaming and need to know for sure the name of the little dance/concert hall somewhere on highway 1 across from the beach and in sight of that amusement park. I'm thinking it was a Family Dog establishment but I'm not sure. thanks for still being here.

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: just one more comment about food
Date: 30 Dec 2003
Eileen, thanks for the fascinating recipe!! A new cheesecake variation for the new year will go over big around here. Peace

Name: Mark
Date: 30 Dec 2003
I didn't miss it. I spent at least an hour there looking at the photos.

Name: Eileen
Date: 30 Dec 2003
In case any of you missed this, think it's worth repeating:

Date: 30 Dec 2003
Nic - starting a few days early into 2004 - I/We are in love with you to!

Name: Nicole
Date: 30 Dec 2003
Eric, I used that data base doing research for my boss who owns the old Taft Hotel, awesome place that library...can't wait to see you.
was checking out the free frame and came across link...
btw I recieved a Christmas card from Gouge...sounds idea why he quit visiting the site...he had good input and I love his writing...
Everyone, A HEALTHY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU know I'm totally in love with ALL of you.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Dec 2003
Eric - Best of the moment mate - enjoy the City! AsEver - thanks so much for your attention and energy - your creativity and your virtual friendship. Best of the new year - and hug Nicole for me!

Name: Eric
Date: 30 Dec 2003
Sitting in the NYPL Research Library on Fifth Avenue. First chance to get high-speed access to the web since leaving California a week ago. Archived the December postings into the December guestbook (see above for link). Happy Winter, everyone.
Nicole: will try to call, but didn't get into the City yesterday. No luck at the Bureau of Vital Statistics. Birth/death certificates are only released to relatives now (this is a change in policy). Had a blast at the Strand Book Store. That place has some magic. At the Donnell Library, discovered a fulltext New York Times database back to 1857. (That's 18 not 19). Ran a couple searches and found some articles I hadn't seen about Emmett etc.
By shear accident, tuned into ABC TV Monday to see the tailend of the first of a 2-part show Dreamkeeper, with an all Indian cast. Wonderful stories, did anyone catch it? Recognized John Trudell, I think. Good to see he's survived well all these years.

Date: 30 Dec 2003
Israel is gone - but Zendak lives!

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.