Here are the comments left on the Guest Book during 1995:
NOTE: see Guestbook entry dated August 12, 2001 for explanation of the
encoding of email addresses.
- From: Kevin Reed (k-reed_yada@ix.netcom.com), 12/27/95.
- I'm so glad to have found you. Time to go back to good times.
- From: Mark S. Goldstein (markgold_yada@hula.net), 12/27/95.
- Just another old Hippie checking in, Living the Woodstock Nation Dream.
Peace, Love and Tie Dye.................Mark
- From: James H. Diggs (jamesd_yada@efn.org), 12/24/95.
- I am finally on-line with our newer technologies and am so greatly pleased
to find a site that knows of the Diggers. Four and five years ago, I had a
project I called "a bridge" using my hand-written and xeroxed
pages(an m2m, if you will). That is my attempt to at least talk about a
future moneyless, stateless, and godlesss social structure and I did at that
time develop a list of respondents to that idea. Which I am now trying to
think of ways of getting back in touch with like-minded people.Did I haappen
to score with you even though you may not have been on my list of
respondents?I have used the term "a bridge" to refer to our
transitioning from the present authoritarian, heirarchical, anti-life
structureto free,egalitarian structure based upon everyone sharing in the
manual labor necessary to meet our joint and mutual human needs. Plesde
respond if you have had some of these thoughts before but did not have anyne
to express them to. Thank you in advance.
- From: Joe Kimmins (JKpeanut_yada@aol.com), 12/20/95.
- My generation is still alive! Thanks for keeping the faith. It was hard to
be free in Tennessee, Georgia, and D.C., so I spent 15 yrs in Africa. Now
I'm in Neverland Hawaii and loving life here. Have a good job too. Aloha ...
- From: aRKADY (), 12/18/95.
- OM NAMAH SHIVAYAH! visit the Siddha Yoga Meditation center in Oakland, on
Stanford & San Pablo (1107 Stanford) (510) 655-8677
- From: arkady Litvak (s0701928_yada@dominic.barry.edu), 12/18/95.
- From: glen bennett (dont know), 12/15/95.
- emmett rules !
- From: Marie Robin (), 12/14/95.
- Grreat, to find you here, alive and kicking. I'm working on acquiring the
skills for "gypsy-life", learning how to drive my horsecarriage
(or is it wagon?), I hope to be able to go find your commune(s) and meet,
work, and enjoy with you some day. Lots of love, and a warm hug from
wintercold Roskilde,DK
- From: Gil Robison/Konchog Dorje (pgyalts_yada@emory.edu), 12/10/95.
- It is nice coming across tihs page. I lived in SF in the late 60's and
70's. Nice to see Kaliflower and the Angels of Light at least listed. I
sometimes wonder what happened to my friends and lovers among them, as well
as the Cockettes.
- From: Ronald Linthout (Ronald.Linthout_yada@Ping.Be), 12/09/95.
- I'm thinking about it for a long time of permitting reviews of the
"forgotten" LP's from the lesser-known late sixties artists. Bands
MERCHANTS OF DREAM. AIt should be a tribute to those people who made
good-time, happy straightforward melodic orchestrated pop. You know the kind
I mean when I'm talking about bands who used a lot of keywords like: love,
happy, tambourine, sunshine, rainbow, groovy, summertime, flowers, cotton
candy, marshmellows,... titles such as Mr.Flynn's toy shop, the technicolor
milkshake (just made these up). There a hundreds of these enjoyable albums,
but I will disregard progressive,garage, depressing music (Dylan,Cohen,Jefferson
Airplane), country-rock,blues and R&B. Only happy uplifting music! Are
you interested? I've got A LOT OF THEM!
- From: Bob Fischer (FBob_yada@sisna.com), 12/09/95.
- Good to see you!
- From: Billy Batman (puppet_yada@show.com), 12/08/95.
- Subterranean whispers of maddening visions...
- From: Rod Michael (rodney_yada@gac.edu), 12/07/95.
- Your only as real as you feel.
- From: Jordan Fink! (finkj_yada@oes.edu), 12/06/95.
- any YIP (or zippie) groups out there?
- From: Nate Kasper (GNK9437_yada@msu.oscs.montana.edu), 12/05/95.
- " If the World is a Stage, then appoint me your Electric
Stagehand." -- Jimi Later Nate Kasper -- Fly on!
- From: Eric Caraway (cara6266_yada@varney.idbsu.edu), 12/05/95.
- I've just got a thing to say. I wantto drive that bus come May. All my
life I've been makin' em run, this time around I want to go FURTHER. I feel
Neal inside of me, he's smilin' and jinglin' silver keys. Let's go for that
trip, you and I.
- From: [Message removed at request of sender]
- From: Jason Shapiro (jasonsha_yada@zygote.hsc.usc.edu), 12/04/95.
- From: Finkperson (finkj_yada@oes.edu), 12/04/95.
- I forgot to leave an e-mail address before so:YIP! Yip! Yippie!
- From: James McInish (jamesmcinish_yada@ichange.com), 12/03/95.
- 1st time here. I wasn't a digger but I was a freak. Thanks for the site.
- From: Kandalyn Hahn (klh12_yada@cornell.edu), 12/03/95.
- Images are great! Hope to use them in a presentation to 1st year historic
preservation grad students at Cornell on San Fran. We'll see if they are
tuned in!
- From: Colin Dowsett (compuserve_yada@100746,1463.com), 12/03/95.
- New to the net was looking for sites containing HELLS ANGLES MC WORLD but
found my way here, so i'm to look around
- From: Julie & Steve (KBBB56_yada@prodigy.com), 12/02/95.
- Hi Eric, I'm showing my husband how to use internet/www. He doesn't know
but we might be on (underwater) tomorrow. I'll let you know if we are. If
you drive nearby for Christmas, please feel free to come and visit or stay.
- From: paul micheal currie (zxjv55_yada@prodigy.com), 11/30/95.
- From: paul micheal currie (), 11/30/95.
- From: Finkperson (), 11/29/95.
- To the question about modern Yippies: I don't really know but read Abbie
Hoffman's Revolution For the Hell of It, Woodstock Nation, Soon To Be a
Major Motion Picture, and Steal This Book. Also read Jerry Rubin's We Are
Everywhere. To add to the question: any YIP groups in Portland Oregon? how
'bout weatherpeople? Yippie!
- From: Doug Aberley (daberley_yada@sfu.ca), 11/29/95.
- Eric, you've done a great service. There are histories that are not about
male politicians, and war, and the building of the earth into a machine. If
the legacy of the hippies, anarchists, anarchist geographers, early
feminists, regionalists, etc., can be 'remembered' we have a tremendous head
start at nurturing a socially just and ecologically sound future. I am
looking into the tie between 1960's era social transformation movements and
the contemporary bioregional movement. When I have completed building
extensive chronologies I will send them down to you. Imagine...an outlaw
memory of reistance and renewal...something far beyonf nostalgia...a map to
the territory of hope.
- From: Mike Taylor (mike_yada@plato.museum.tulane.edu), 11/29/95.
- From: New Hippie (Live it up), 11/28/95.
- I would like to know if there are any yippies left?
- From: (), 11/28/95.
- From: Ezekie Nichols (I'm not sure it's my uncle's), 11/28/95.
- From: Bill Chamberlain (WC0003_yada@acad.drake.edu), 11/27/95.
- From: Duke Devlin (yasgur69_yada@zelacom.com), 11/26/95.
- The 90's are the 60's turned upside down.
- From: (), 11/26/95.
- From: Skeeter Sanders (smugglet_yada@moose.uvm.edu), 11/26/95.
- What a surprise to find a Diggers page on the Web! I was only 11 years old
and living in my native New York City during the Diggers' most famous period
(I hesitate to say "heyday," because I believe the Diggers are
still very much alive in the incarnation of Food Not Bombs), and thus too
young to have experienced the full range of the Haight-Ashbury scene from
1965-70. But I lived in San Francisco from 1982 to 1994 -- in the Haight
from 1987 to 1989 -- and every time I walked down Haight Street, I could
feel the sprits of that era still floating through the neighborhood. For
years, I've often wondered "where have all the flower children (who are
STILL flower children) gone?" At last, I know now where some of them
are -- on the Net! And I'd love to exchange memories, thoughts -- whatever
-- with them. I'm a new Net kid on the block and sorting my way through
before sending e-mail to anyone, but feel free to send some e-mail my way.
Thanks for creating this Web site.
- From: Rich Lawson (jess_yada@primenet.com), 11/24/95.
- I just got here and haven't had time to look at your page. If this is
about San Francisco in the sixties, I was on Haight and Stanyon on Easter
weekend 1968 after two years in the Army. It was very strange: the Army that
is. Rich
- From: T. Ahonen (tap_yada@bn1.baynet.net), 11/23/95.
- From: Michelle Smiley (MSMILEY_yada@JCPENNEY.COM), 11/22/95.
- From: Kelly Randall (krandal_yada@metronet.com), 11/22/95.
- From: Dave Fowler (dfowler_yada@slip.net), 11/20/95.
- Just a note that the Museum of the City of San Francisco has linked to
your homepage. The URL is: http://www.slip.net/~dfowler/hist1/rock.html Its
amazing to recall the Mimeographed postings of the Dggers and watching the
cops tear them down from lamposts and fronts of abandoned stores in the
Haight. Dave San Francisco
- From: Andrea Gough (Rain699077), 11/17/95.
- Eighteen years old and didn't find my true home until this past summer in
San Francisco...hope to be seeing you there come june of next year. And
before I go, can anyone tell me anything about the Vagabond Poet - Tony
Seldin? I'm a poet myself and I really dig him, but I can't find any info on
him anywhere...
- From: Jill Silos (jksilos_yada@hopper.unh.edu), 11/16/95.
- I am a Ph.d. student in history working on cultural radicalism. The
Diggers were the basis of an important part of my Master's thesis and will
continue developing this history. Would love to converse with interested
- From: Arpn Pieman Kay (pieman_yada@calyx.com), 11/16/95.
- I was a Digger back in the '60s in LA. I used to help manage a group known
as Green Power Feeds Millions, which fed at protests and love- ins every
Sunday at Griffith Park. Later, I became the Yippie pie thrower in NYC. I
still hold the same ideals in my heart I held then.
- From: Paul Rodolfo Rodriguez (SangreToro_yada@aol.com), 11/15/95.
- Universal Fluidity
- From: Paul Rodolfo Rodriguez (SangreToro_yada@aol.com), 11/15/95.
- Universal Fluidity
- From: serch (serch_yada@eworld.com), 11/13/95.
- From: (), 11/13/95.
- From: marcel (marcelh_yada@delphi.com), 11/13/95.
- Is there a listing of hippie internet sites?
- From: Swami Kogananda (yogi_yada@mb.infoweb.or.jp), 11/11/95.
- Was suprised at fine page like this. Information on Japansese hippies
living in Suwanose island is available at: http://www.geopages.com/Tokyo/2047
- From: Laine Harling (THarling_yada@ctc.com), 11/08/95.
- Well this is a suprise to be able to jump from Grogan's book to the a
Digger home page. I found myself drawn to the charactor of Grogan which was
portrayed in Ringolevio. Growing up in Florida I didn't really get into the
scene until it was already over. I am forty-five and still feel twenty five.
Been looking for a place to hang my hat so to speak. I live on twelve acres
in "Corncob" North Carolina. I have been to San Francisco many
times. Hope to check you folks again and look foward to exploring your
effort to keep a very viable idea alive. I have quested for many years and
look foward to hearing from any one out there who has experianced the life
acting traits as so described. Its wonderful to be here. Laine
- From: Finkperson (), 11/08/95.
- Wow! I great to see that the diggers have a page of their own! Nead more
info on Yippie! and Chicago '98. It's strange but there are only a few
mentionings to Hoffman, Rubin, and Krassner. Pages like this will help fight
- From: Richard Petersen (zpub_yada@aol.com), 11/03/95.
- Great site! From the Brief
History of San Francisco page.
- From: nels (axiomadict_yada@aol.com), 10/23/95.
- a nod of the shovel to those both above and underground.
- From: nels (axiomadict_yada@aol.com), 10/23/95.
- a nod of the shovel to those both above and underground.
- From: Rick Meredith (RFMeredith_yada@aol.com), 10/21/95.
- From: Ron Partridge (rondini_yada@msn.com), 10/20/95.
- I spent a week in the Haight in 1969 when I was eleven years old...
- From: gerry m.finn (griffith_yada@internet-eireann.ie), 10/18/95.
- sending out a call to Emmett Grogan/Ken Wisdom do chara in Dublin,friend
of the Brazen Head Inn. I looked around the Haight in '92, saw Gerome at
'Electric On The Eel', but no one could help enough. Cool show though. What
happened to Kenneth Wisdom after he finished writting his book? Does he
think that ringolevio beats hurley? Has he succumed to the P.J.O'Rourkes of
this world? Is he still alive? As a child of a child of the
"sixties" I would love to know! REACH OUT AND TOUCH.
- From: gerry m.finn (griffith_yada@internet-eireann.ie), 10/18/95.
- sending out a call to Emmett Grogan/Ken Wisdom do chara in Dublin,friend
of the Brazen Head Inn. I looked around the Haight in '92, saw Gerome at
'Electric On The Eel', but no one could help enough. Cool show though. What
happened to Kenneth Wisdom after he finished writting his book? Does he
think that ringolevio beats hurley? Has he succumed to the P.J.O'Rourkes of
this world? Is he still alive? As a child of a child of the
"sixties" I would love to know! REACH OUT AND TOUCH.
- From: Grim Skunk (grmskunk_yada@odyssee.net), 10/17/95.
- Emmett Grogan was one of the origanal wild one's for sure. I just hope
they make a film one day soon about the diggers. We're still on the road of
excess that leads to the palace of wisdom. check out our Grim Skunk home
sight if you'd like :http://www.odyssee.net/~grmskunk
- From: Eugene Wisdom (), 10/17/95.
- Message in a bottle, man.
- From: Lincoln Mongillo (MJohnson_yada@medio.net), 10/17/95.
- Dear Diggers You all have been so insprational to my scene. Oh I am a dead
head so.. I can't thank you for the history and love and compashion for
other people you all represent So thanks again and stay in touch please.....
NFA lincoln Mongillo
- From: (), 10/16/95.
- chickens? in berkeley?
- From: ji kho (j-kho1_yada@uiuc.edu), 10/15/95.
- i find your chickens unappealing
- From: Joe Gaffney (jgaffney_yada@wco.com), 10/15/95.
- Early Steve Miller fan
- From: Deanna Ranneklev (Deannar_yada@IBM-SOM.usa.com), 10/11/95.
- pretty "groovy" to find you here! Get more goodies on Leary,
Lifestyles, Music.
- From: Rosendo F. Jimenez (rfjimen_yada@tesuque.cs.sandia.gov), 10/09/95.
- cool man!!
- From: ken browne (k.browne_yada@bbcnc.org.uk), 10/07/95.
- the diggers are still free thats soooooooooooo good keep goiong i still
beleive in free although i am part of the establishment i haven't seen the
pages yet do the diggers realey exsist
- From: ken browne (k.browne_yada@bbcnc.org.uk), 10/07/95.
- the diggers are still free thats soooooooooooo good keep goiong i still
beleive in free although i am part of the establishment
- From: MJ McEvoy (mjmc_yada@whitepine.com), 10/06/95.
- From: Edgar E. Peralta (MayaGuaLA_yada@aol.com), 10/06/95.
- I congratulate you for contributing with the Mayan art by exposing it in
the NET. Hope everything goes better. I'll be visitting your site very
- From: Laura Goldbaum (arbrador_yada@crl. com), 10/05/95.
- J- your pages are beautifully done. The slight fuzz is a slight tease,
makes me want to see the paintings in their nondigital form. E-I didn't get
a chance to savor your pages yet.
- From: Chad Piersig (), 10/04/95.
- Any one want to write to me feel free I am a 16 year old male who likes
bands like Nirvan, Marilyn Manson, ect. I like to skateboard. I will write
back to anyone who writes to me my adress is 726 12th street north Virginia
MN 55792 (Chad Piersig)
- From: Nia Georgiadis (Boar_433), 10/04/95.
- From: Joyce Everitt (pccjoyce_yada@aol.com), 10/03/95.
- From: Ben Simanek (dover_yada@krypton.mankato.msus.edu), 10/01/95.
- Looking for info on 60's for term paper, mostly ideologies.
- From: Erik Ireland (LaTrixter_yada@aol.com), 09/30/95.
- I'm very interested in your ties to Guate and would love to know if you've
spent any time in the east-Rio Dulce-area. I am putting together a proposal
to sponsor a nutritional project at an orphanage there and could use all the
help I can get. Look forward to hearing from you!
- From: Craig Shipman (loudman_yada@ix.netcom.com), 09/30/95.
- I have been doing a little research on the "Beat" Generation and
hyper text transfers led me to your sight. Real good stuff, I enjoy
researching recent american history. On to the next transfer...
- From: Dave Smewing (dave_yada@smuin.demon.co.uk), 09/30/95.
- Solidarity
- From: benedikte sterner (benedist_yada@login.eunet.no), 09/29/95.
- muy lindo citio, besos bene
- From: (), 09/28/95.
- From: Kevin Shields (kevin_shields_yada@berea.edu), 09/27/95.
- Am I just too young to understand what's going on? I hope not, for I get
to vote soon.
- From: steve reiff (steve_yada@molokai.com), 09/20/95.
- I am of the hippie generation and had many mind expanding moments during
those years. Where have all the hippies gone? Our world needs some kind of
- From: Monty Groves (76152.3246_yada@compuserve.com), 09/19/95.
- Uhhhh..... You know, It was never weird enough for me. I'm still searchin'
- From: Hector G. Sarmiento (hsu_yada@p.iie.org.mx), 09/18/95.
- Coming of age in the 60's and now 44 years old, I read almost everything
that refers to that period. Please keep the good work!
- From: V.J. Eaton(the Literary Denim) (vj_yada@primenet.com), 09/18/95.
- Accept loss forever - - Jack Kerouac
- From: (), 09/16/95.
- From: Scot-tay (eblanket_yada@eyes.jeffdell.com), 09/15/95.
- Correction-my email address was wrong. Send any info about the East
Village to the above address. Ciao.
- From: Sarah Phillips (Sarah_Phillips_yada@brown.edu), 09/15/95.
- I just got back to school and thought I'd check out your site- the
additions are wonderfully informative. I'm also writing you because I'd like
to hear your thoughts on a possible topic for my senior thesis. What do you
think of a history of the Diggers? Let me know what you think. Thanks.
- From: Scot-tay (eblanket_yada@jeffdell.eyes.com), 09/15/95.
- Wow- a page about the Diggers. How unique!! Preetty cool to see how many
people regard the 60s movements as legitamate American history instead of
just simply nostalgia. Related info-105 2nd Avenue in New York City,
formerly the site of the Fillmore East is being demolished and turned into
an apartment building. An effort was made to restore as the Fillmore, but no
such luck. I live in the East Village now. Kinda like the Haight of the East
Coast. Anybody got any history on that area?????
- From: Ashley Harvie (sjenks_yada@mcn.org), 09/15/95.
- Would like to hear from anyone who knew Gridley Wright in the 60's or
70's, Strawberry Fields in Malibu? Shivalila? Elsewhere in California?
India? I am a relative wishing to learn more of his life in those years, the
good and the bad (there was lots of both!)
- From: Afro Jon (sleater_yada@netcom.com), 09/13/95.
- do you think Emmett and the gang had any idea how big what they started
would become thirty years later?
- From: daniel arsenault (dgarsena_yada@is.dal.ca), 09/11/95.
- went to Juan Sisay Spanish school in Xel-Ha Guatemala in "92. Antbody
- From: Mark Schwebke (classfed_yada@aol.com), 09/10/95.
- Refugee from Pleasant Hill/Oakridge,Oregon area in the sixties. Remember
the Creamery & Pool Store in Springfield?
- From: Ray Anderson (randersn_yada@ic.owatonna.mn.us), 09/09/95.
- From: Alwyn van Heerden (alvin_yada@pixie.co.za), 09/08/95.
- Just to let you guys know that there is LIFE in South Africa! The guys are
cute, the buns are tight and we'd luv some foreign input. Next time you want
to visit, visit here.
- From: Fred Chavez (creol_yada@netcom.com), 09/07/95.
- Hey, just visiting ya! I found all these pages from SF and just had to
explore! :)
- From: Santos Rivera (usrivera_yada@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu), 09/02/95.
- Are copies/prints/originals of these beautifl painting available to the
public; and if so, where can they be purchased? Thank you.
- From: Phil Cartagena (fcartag_yada@fierce.net), 08/31/95.
- Visit my site...

- From: Mark Mentzer (mentzerm_yada@mtvn24.viacom.com), 08/31/95.
- I stumbled into your web site through rockuments site. It's wonderful,
brings back memories. I'm 41 and lived the sixties. Thanks for the good
- From: Shea Siegel (Atlanis), 08/29/95.
- As a 16 year old that firmly believes i was born 30 years to late,
articles and web sites like this are what makes me happiest. I love being
able to fall in to bits of a time that is already gone and unless I move to
Prauge and THEY find a cure for AIDS, free love and kosmic konciousness will
never be mine. A hippie at heart and in my soul, Shea (Atlanis)
- From: Shea Siegel (Atlanis), 08/29/95.
- From: Friartuck (Friartuck_yada@sonic.net), 08/29/95.
- From: Brian Sinclair-James (), 08/29/95.
- From: Chris Roark (croark_yada@Rt66.com), 08/27/95.
- You have some very nice work here, Thanks for sharing.
- From: Susan Hoffman (MojoMaya_yada@aol.com), 08/27/95.
- What a nice idea! I enjoyed the gallery of new paintings. You should sell
copies of some of the paintings.
- From: Paul Arsenault (paulat_yada@dsl.rhilinet.gov), 08/26/95.
- From: aron pieman kay (), 08/26/95.
- i remember the 60s period as acrucial time in my life. anyway the time for
a peoples uprising against that motherfucker newt gingrich has come!!!
- From: Josh Ozersky (joshua.a.ozersky.1_yada@nd.edu), 08/26/95.
- What do you think about Alan Matusow's charge, in The Unraveling of
America, (1984) that Grogan was a disturbed, violent figure?
- From: Adrian Roach (), 08/25/95.
- From: Adrian (), 08/25/95.
- From: (), 08/25/95.
- From: Jim Constantine (jgc_yada@panix.com), 08/25/95.
- What a beautiful quilt (I assume that's what it is). What is the story
behind it. --Jim My Homepage
- From: javier nieto-gutierrez (janigu_yada@servidor.unam.mx), 08/22/95.
- great!!!
- From: Phillip J. Phinney (p.phinney_yada@lw.com), 08/21/95.
- The spirit of the Diggers lives on. Did you know that the great actor
Peter Coyote was a Digger? Yes, this is true; before there was ET there we
the Diggers!
- From: Rachel Heller (RaJHeller_yada@aol.com), 08/20/95.
- (Ok, let me try this again, I'm new to being on-line.) I operate a walking
tour of the Haight-Ashbury. I was not here in the 60's; I'm more of an
amateur historian. Since most of the people who take the tour are tourists
and since I try to include the entire history of the Haight, not just the
60's, my coverage of the Diggers is necessarily rather superficial. I guess
my main question is to those of you who were Diggers or who were here in any
other capacity: What is the most important point you think I should make to
visitors when discussing the 60's in the Haight-Ashbury?
- From: Rachel Heller (RaJHeller_yada@aol.com), 08/20/95.
- From: Hermann Steffen (stefeeny_yada@sol.racsa.co.cr), 08/19/95.
- I have not yet checked out your site. I belong to generation W. (That
akward generation between hippies and generation X. But the 60s are a part
of my intellectual and emotional life. Satori, sex, drugs, wandering, social
conscience . . . these are a few of the things I believe I owe to the
sixties. The sixties agenda is nowhere near finished, and there are people
who are still pushing for things like gender equality or survival from
environmental meltdown. I'm one of them. Further thoughts once I have
something to say. Cheers, Hermann from Costa Rica
- From: C.E.Halliday (fjasmine_yada@netspace.net.au), 08/19/95.
- I would like to know more about the yippies and their connections with the
Diggers and the whole Haight St Scene.
- From: C.E.Halliday (fjasmine_yada@netspace.net.au), 08/19/95.
- I would like to know more about the yippies and their connections with the
Diggers and the whole Haight St Scene.
- From: steve hofflander (daytoday_yada@together.net), 08/18/95.
- cool stuff... i was actually trying to find out what you had listed for
"sprouts". i was doing a search on this and your site came up...
- From: michael dean (medean_yada@alex.stkate.edu), 08/17/95.
- things ain't what they used to be. or are they? let me know.
- From: Marylou Montrose (asi00_yada@keele.ac.uk), 08/15/95.
- A free invitation to come dig the American StudieS Information Super
Turnpike (ASSIST)
- From: (), 08/15/95.
- From: Andrew Graham (asd13_yada@keele.ac.uk), 08/15/95.
- "Far out" - a worthy tribute to the heady days of today, not
- From: Tirzo J. Flores (mana_yada@ix.netcom.com), 08/14/95.
- No es precisamente un comentario sino mas bien una pregunta. Alguien
podria decirme Como podria yo empezar a estudiar la lengua Maya? Hay libros?
- From: Elizabeth Y. Gutierrez (Laserrun_yada@AOL.COM), 08/13/95.
- I was one of four leaders that took 11 students from Lake Avenue
Congregational Church in Pasadena, California. We helped build a church and
worked on vacation Bible School with the children of Santiago. I Loved
Guatemala. I would even consider going there on my honeymoon
- From: Elizabeth Y. GutierreZ (), 08/13/95.
- From: Elizabeth Y. Gutierrez (), 08/13/95.
- I was one of five leaders that took 11 high school students from
California to visit Guatemala. We were a missionary team that worked in the
city of Santiago for 2 weeks. We helped build a church, and did vacation
Bible school with the children. At times we had three hundred children in
one day. We are from Lake Avenue Congregational Church.
- From: Dr. Paradox (zenhut_yada@netcom.com), 08/12/95.
- Irrerverence is next to Godliness you know Blessed Be
- From: brer rabbit (schwamf_yada@epix.net), 08/11/95.
- From: (), 08/10/95.
- From: Bruce Eisnr (Bruce_yada@Mindmedia.com), 08/09/95.
- http://www.island.org
- From: vic flick (pubblan_yada@amber.indstate.edu), 08/09/95.
- your basement must be a fabulous place to spend time.
- From: Brian Bush (74264.543_yada@compuserve.com), 08/08/95.
- Nice job on your site! Especially like story on how you got
"hooked" on paintings. The paintings are fantastic. Real talent.
While traveling in Guatemala, have you had any trouble with the
"Army" or police? Just Curious. Brian
- From: Tony Bove (tony_yada@rockument.com), 08/08/95.
- Hi! My company recently published the "Haight-Ashbury in the
Sixties" CD-ROM with Allen Cohen (editor of the S.F. Oracle).
- From: Bob Metz (bobmtai_yada@aol.com), 08/08/95.
- Thanx
- From: Ron Jacobs (rjacobs_yada@thyme.uvm.edu), 08/08/95.
- Nice page here, Colin. The Straight Theatre was torn down back in '79
after a few protests and attempts to buy it as a nonprofit space. Also,
anyone know where to get a copy of The Butterfly Kid -- one of my favorite
books that I left on a freeway ramp near Oklahoma City 1979 -Ron
- From: KATTA. (), 08/07/95.
- Moro kaikki! Hauska olla! Moi!
- From: Camilla Lerbo Karlsen (), 08/07/95.
- I wish I was born to be apart of your generation....NOT!!!!
- From: Carmen I. Reyes Peraza (cireyes_yada@campus.mty.itesm.mx),
- The paintings are really beautiful, and I like them because they show some
of the traditions of the Maya people that I didn't know. I like that you
increase the number of paints on this page. Thanks.
- From: Galen P Dively III (hempsterG_yada@aol.com), 08/05/95.
- Inspirational. Thanx!!
- From: Robert Mauney (robert_yada@mail.mcg.edu), 08/03/95.
- This web site shares information of great benefit to anthropological
community. I applaud your efforts.
- From: Steve Chase (smh_yada@pic.net), 07/30/95.
- thanks for the view!
- From: Matthew R. Nelson (mrn_yada@superh.hg.med.umich.edu), 07/28/95.
- From: velangeline ferrigno (lferrign_yada@mts.net), 07/27/95.
- From: DCBurton (tqur50q _yada@ prodigy.com), 07/26/95.
- Fascinating...
- From: Francisco Alarcon (falarcon_yada@grove.iup.edu), 07/24/95.
- Wonderful exhibit!
- From: Martha Nelson (pug_yada@primenet.com), 07/23/95.
- I thank you, sincerely for this "Blast of the Past" Page.. How
utterly strange to read this stuff, again.. I was a coupla yrs too young,
but old enough for friends - who have kept coming into my life lo, these
past 25+ yrs.. Mike, you huge ol' Digger - Are you out there??? Tis I,
Martha.. You & Cathy stood at my wedding with Andy back in '69, &
then we all moved up to Dunsmuir.. I miss you, your weird & wonderul
wit, your magic luck.. And people keep appearing that remember you, too -
fondly.. Love to you, Mike.. Love and thanks to all the people & friends
that helped guide my trail, whether they knew it, or not - They'll always be
a chunk of me... Lord Amighty - May the good heart and generosity of those
times spill over into these very strange days...
- From: Blair T Simpkins (bsimpkins_yada@scana.com), 07/20/95.
- Excellent historical portrait of the hippie movment!
- From: (brenner_yada@river.org), 07/20/95.
- From: Patrick Donegan (patricki_yada@lava.net), 07/19/95.
- Hello Digger wanna-bees! It's ruff to be a digger! Free is very hard to do
and be. Looking for H'lane? - Star Route 4 - Hana, Hawai'i 996713
- From: Hello out/in there (), 07/19/95.
- Sit back... smoke one... and listen.
- From: Clare Hanusz (aznos_yada@asuacad), 07/16/95.
- Beautiful paintings of a beautiful and tragic place... I'm curious about
the artists, especially the man who painted"refugee return" and
others. Lovely and haunting.
- From: Laura Annunziata (laa3c_yada@virginia.edu), 07/15/95.
- From: Bram Bos (brambos_yada@dds.nl), 07/15/95.
- From: Eric K. Martin (ekm_yada@ic.net), 07/14/95.
- Hey Eric, a long time from Chicago-Kent. This is one very cool page!!!!
- From: Jim Giddings (jgiddings_yada@igc.apc.org), 07/14/95.
- I'm so glad you're doing this work. I sometimes think the time of the
Diggers Free Store in Tucson was a dream, since it went away and left no
trace (physically). (Judging from the other comments here I guess this is a
guestbook for more than the Diggers Archive.) These dreams have to be kept
alive in memory so they can come back to life when the energy arises. Maybe
- From: Jen McLane (McLane_yada@Champlain.edu), 07/13/95.
- My mom is about to head out for Guatemala in a couple weeks, so I'm just
trying to where she is going.
- From: Ariel Martinez Hernandez (amartine_yada@cmi.on.ca), 07/12/95.
- I going back to Guatemala on July/95, I really happy to find this page
interesting!, I would like to find more information about guatemala like:
Update news weather Some lesson in spanish Important direccion
Embassy,Goverment,Hoteles and more Gracias de un amigo en "Canada"
Me gustaria tener la direcion (Email) de alguien en Guatemala favor de
- From: Amy Gonstad (), 07/10/95.
- From: Edward Schmitt (edschmit_yada@unix.infoserve.net), 07/09/95.
- I shall be traveling to Quetzaltenango next month. I would like to see
more of the work that is displayed here
- From: Paula Giese (pgiese_yada@gold.tc.umn.edu), 07/08/95.
- I am going to point to this wonderful page on my teaching resources for
Indians pages, This is running on the Fond du Lac community college server,
Fond du Lac Ojibwe reservation in northern MN. "Web Pages and Other
Computer Resources for Indian Teachers and Students"" at: http://www.fdl.cc.mn.us/~isk/.
This will bring up a "What's new' homepage that has an immediately
accessible icon to the Main Menu. About 2/3 down it is a Maya icon (Chichen
Itza), w9ich brings up MayaPage of links to other web maya pages, that is in
turn linked to Mayamap (sites and some info about each) and Maya2, which
explains a videodisk science/math integrated curriculum centering on past
and present Maya. I had a hard time getting on your system, this is early
morning, presumably light traffic. I see you run on a commercial network.
Your access porovider has a severe bottleneck problem. If you are paying
much for it, consider a different provider. Our server has its problems at
present too, but that's mainly due to the 56kbaud phone line which will be
replaced by t-1 later this summer. Well, congratulations on a nice page. Is
there a possibility you (or someone) might create an on-line catalog to
market these artists' work? I'm very interested in this for Indian artcraft
work. The only Indian-controled on-line one I know presently is for
Waubemeguil, a Canadian Cree graphic artist, and a phoney who calls himself
Turtle Heart.
- From: J. Scott Coatsworth (Pherrin26_yada@AOL.COM), 07/04/95.
- :)
- From: Andy Wilson, 07/03/95.
- From: (), 07/03/95.
- Diggers are very grave people.
[and CRYPTic indeed--e.n.]
- From: Bob Makemson (DBNT71A_yada@COM.PRODIGY), 07/03/95.
- From: Lord Makemson22, 07/03/95.
- From: r roy, 07/03/95.
- From: Dick Van Wie (dvanwie_yada@slip.net), 07/01/95.
- From: colleen (cmccahil_yada@sun1), 06/28/95.
- billie holiday said it best "money you gots lots of friends but when
your gone so are they...god bless the child".
- From: Margaret White (MWHITE_yada@ENGLAB.SLCC.EDU), 06/27/95.
- Merveilleux! How about in Spanish?
- From: Will Rainey (wmr_yada@walker.com), 06/27/95.
- Can't wait to show my roommate the beautiful 20th century Mayan (????) art
as he is Mayan.
- From: leroy (EXTREMUS2_yada@aol.com), 06/25/95.
- Bitchin' page. I'll be back after I fetch my pipe. Peace, love and
Woodrose seeds.
- From: Sam Shimek (sshimeck_yada@iadfw.net), 06/24/95.
- We're still here.....
- From: Tom Hippert (Tomas_yada@AzStarNet.com), 06/23/95.
- Kudos, on your work y buena suerte. The Height and Stanyan Hotel are still
there; the park is also.
- From: Steve Moriarty (Stephen.R.Moriarty.2_yada@nd.edu), 06/23/95.
- From: Mervyn Ang (mervyn_yada@temasek.teleview.com.sg), 06/19/95.
- Generally quite good. Keep up the good work.
- From: Russell Anderson (randoso_yada@iastate.edu), 06/17/95.
- From: Doc Rossi (rossi_yada@commenda.se), 06/15/95.
- Just passing through. May the sun shine on you, brothers
- From: Kitara Lagony (lagonyk_yada@crl.com), 06/14/95.
- Wow! This is very cool. Visit my site if you like: Africa
- From: stuart rockoff (srockoff_yada@mail.utexas.edu), 06/14/95.
- Once again, the Diggers are pioneers. This time in cyberspace. As an
historian, this is an extremely useful resource
- From: Tim Kroll (tkroll_yada@chs.cusd.claremont.edu), 06/13/95.
- Love the Site. Be using it often. :)
- From: Jorge Alberto Hidalgo Toledo (S0836090_yada@anahuac.dcc.anahuac.m),
- From: Noelle K. Heenan (nkh1_yada@columbia.edu), 06/06/95.
- This is so interesting! I am a US History teacher and plan to use this in
class tomorrow (after I devise a lesson plan around it, of course)! Noelle
K. Heenan
- From: Jen Gilbert (jgilbert_yada@acpub.duke.edu), 06/06/95.
- Eric -- Great pages! More Americans should know about the Diggers -- the
ones from San Francisco as well as the English Diggers of the 17th century.
You're not only providing a needed public service but making the world a
little less lonely for those of us who are working to make it better! Thanks
for lifting my spirits on this rainy day in North Carolina.
- From: Richard Gaikowski (richgaik_yada@slip.net), 06/06/95.
- Eric, great looking page, great materials!
- From: steve (steve_yada@matchmaker.co.uk), 06/06/95.
- how the hell do you get playboy on this bloody thing.
- From: Nathan Schwartz (76702.257_yada@compuserve.com), 06/05/95.
- This is a pretty fucking cool page.
- From: John Casey (jmcasey_yada@hk.super.net), 05/29/95.
- Tao.
- From: Sean Sloane (ssloane_yada@sirius.com), 05/26/95.
- It's lovely to see people from other countries on here!
- From: Terry Frost (hlector_yada@werple03.mira.net.au), 05/26/95.
- People know what's best for them. Fight the good fight, if only in your
- From: Skip Sawyer (jesawye_yada@hubcap.clemson.edu), 05/23/95.
- From: Timi Townsend (OPD_TOWNSEND_yada@ohio.gov), 05/22/95.
- From: Richard Stoddard (stoddard_yada@sojourn.com), 05/20/95.
- From: Miriam Bobkoff (mbobkof_yada@spy.org), 05/20/95.
- Mir was here! Love.
- From: Scott Stackpole (sstackpole_yada@cchs.ccsd.k12.wy.us), 05/18/95.
- The ideals are in here. Keep 'em livin'.
- From: Ann Storm (apo_yada@webcom.com), 05/16/95.
- I subscribed to Webcom (as you can see) and I just love all their
services. I copied your pages to see how you're doing things. Thanks for
your help, always.
- From: Sarah Phillips (st004593_yada@brownvm.brown.edu), 05/15/95.
- How coincidental: I just finished writing a paper on the Diggers when I
found your site. The breadth of your research is amazing and fascinates me
to no end. Thank you so much. You don't know how nice it is to find this
- From: Jamie Wagoner (menrpigs_yada@hooked.net), 05/12/95.
- From: Debbie the K (deb_yada@tink.com), 05/12/95.
- It's Friday and I have spent the week with good people, smart people, but
people who are ambitious in very conventional ways. This home page has
restored my sense of equalibrium and humor and I plan to return next Friday,
and if I need it Thursday, too.
- From: Todd Rossman (todd_yada@ic.net), 05/11/95.
- We are all products of our generation and environment to some extent...
This clear account compelled me to make a linkup
to my website/sphere. I come through and wonder at where the ideals have all
gone and been recycled...
- From: Craig L. Gordon (CGordon1_yada@Hofstra.edu), 05/10/95.
- All I can say is .... "Wow!" Great Job!
- From: K. David Weidner (KDW1_yada@cde.psu.edu), 05/10/95.
- This is my first visit. I will check it out and let you know what I think.
- From: Marcia Joutroubas (Mkout_yada@aol.com), 05/09/95.
- This was great reading about the 60's again. I am doing a paper on the
Vietnam Ear and It neat to read this information
- From: Scott P. Cook (scook_yada@sies.wsc.ag.gov), 05/08/95.
- Cool stuff! I was 11 years old in 1967, and my parents (reformed beatniks)
used to take me up the Haight on weekends to look around and grok on the
place. It was fascinating, all right!
- From: Bart Emanuel (bart_yada@chesapeake.ads.com), 05/08/95.
- From: Suzanne Curtis (SCURTIS_yada@utkvx.utk.edu), 05/04/95.
- I am double majoring in History and Theater at the Univ of TN, Knoxville.
This sounds great!! Please send me any info possible. There is a chance that
my address may be SCURTIS_yada@UTCC.UTKVX.UTK.EDU Please send info to both places
if possible. Thanks fo tolerating the info superhighway novice. Sincerely,
Suzanne Curtis
- From: da Flower Punk (timothy lynch) (tlynch_yada@violet.berkeley.edu),
- GLAD to see this! I have long felt the Diggers underrepresented /
misrepresented in the historical record such as it is. I am a historian
working on similar issues. (My dissertation in progress, on the relationship
of art and culture, 1955-75 in the SF Bay Area especially, is tentatively
entitled: _The U.S. Blues_. I'd be *very* interested in viewing any and or
*all* of the broadsides you have assembled. Thanx on behalf of Diggers
- From: henk (spg) (tank_yada@xs4all.nl), 05/03/95.
- nice pages! Made a link from our site SPG
(on political prisoners). Others might also be interrested in the site
on political deathrow prisoner Mumia
- From: Steve Lee (swlee_yada@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu), 05/01/95.
- Would like any 1960's hippie to answer brief questions by high school
- From: steve wilson (srwilson_yada@voyager.net), 04/30/95.
- From: Peter Clark (clarkmal_yada@mi.net), 04/30/95.
- Cool
- From: DAVID A. BRESLIN (VELIB_yada@RAIN.ORG), 04/28/95.
- From: Faye Jones (jonesf_yada@uchastings.edu), 04/16/95.
- Hi Eric, I'm at home in Seattle playing with Prodigy's web browser &
exploring Diggers. In this browser, Yahoo allows keyword searching. Thanks
for mentioning Jump Web in our Friday meeting. Faye
- From: Chris Carlsson (ccarlsson_yada@igc.org), 04/16/95.
- Hi Eric! Fuckin' great job! I'm fascinated by your selection of offerings.
And it's quite an elegant design considering the limitations. Congrats! I
grabbed a bunch of stuff for reading and I'll be in touch, as promised.
Thanks again!
- From: margaret Buktaw (cheripie_yada@cats.ucsc.edu), 04/14/95.
- I actually came across this by accident, trying to learn about computers.
I think this is great, and I am so excited to know that I can have access to
information like this. I never heard of the term 'diggers' before. Thanks.
- From: Johnny (iigbna.iigb.na.cnr.it), 04/14/95.
- Great!!! I never thought that someone dig out the Diggers as they were.
Just 1% but free
- From: michael dean (michael_dean_yada@aud.alcatel.com), 04/13/95.
- wonderful to see a beat old up in the gleam of today's yung republica
growed strange!! now that ggliddy has his own radio show and the vestiges of
the liberal media wannabees are growling hungry at the front door, is good
to have a back door to come home to. keep it high, guys...
- From: Paul Shepard (codasch_yada@sol.racsa.co.cr), 04/13/95.
- This is great site!
- From: Christopher Stewart (Stellium5 _yada@ aol.com), 04/11/95.
- All things in common
- From: David Stirk (stirk_yada@acfcluster.nyu.edu), 04/11/95.
- From: Jim Rymsza (jamesr_yada@u.washington.edu), 04/11/95.
- From: Martin Elsbach (melsbach_yada@hea.com), 04/10/95.
- Wonderful to see this material. I was there and have some wonderful
- From: Colin Pringle (colinp_yada@halcyon.com), 04/02/95.
- I dig it.
- From: blessed (blessed_yada@webcom.com), 03/29/95.
- e- i owe you so much, not only have you taught me the '411' about
netsurfing but your work online is an inspiration and example of great web
work love ya blessed (to have met you!)
- From: David Parkhurst (wind_yada@igc.apc.org), 03/29/95.
- Always an uplifting experience to visit yr page. Love you.
- From: MichaelH (_yada@h409-fs3.prahran.swin.edu.au), 03/27/95.
- Hi!
- From: Jeff Greenberg (siyotank_yada@snark.wizard.com), 03/27/95.
- From: Steve (steve_yada@newhomes.demon.co.uk), 03/26/95.
- Great pages! Well researched and presented. I found the housing bits
particularly relevant to my own study area. Check out my Com/Co
- From: golum (a creepy cave in mordor), 02/23/95.
- my precious, my precious, what a delectable little website you have
created, my precious
- From: Daniel. M. Bradshaw (dbradshaw_yada@nwu.edu), 02/17/95.
- (Nice Graphics!)
- From: Justin Uther Psyche (psykey_yada@clark.net), 02/10/95.
- 'Great to be reminded in such an immediate way of what was (so far) the
"high" point of 20th century American culture. The past is now the
- From: David Parkhurst (wind_yada@igc.apc.org), 02/10/95.
- Thank you for all the many things you've taught me through the years. Even
those I've forgotten.
- From: Cortez y Ibarra (cibar_yada@leo.tzu.net), 02/06/95.
- Mucho gusto, senor! Los artistas, especialamente!
- From: Gary Copeland (gec100f_yada@infi.net), 02/03/95.
- Strange Man! - Great graphics.
- From: roman matthews (imhotep_yada@mcs.com), 02/01/95.
- From: Bryan Sivils (bsivils_yada@info.census.gov), 01/30/95.
- Ooooo.Kaaayyyyy! Very Art101ish!! Narly man!!
- From: Ron Kochendoerfer (kochron_yada@uiuc.edu), 01/28/95.
- i'll take a peek and let you know. . .