- From: Norden M. Kelly (goliath1_yada@cyberhighway.net), 12/27/98.
- Hey, you characters. I would be beholden to anyone who has the song lyrics
to "Hippie from Olema". Jesse Colin Young and the Youngbloods did
it sometime between 1969 and 1971, I believe. It, of course, is a takeoff on
"Okie from Muskogee" by Merle Haggard. Like most everyone else, it
seems that I just stumbled upon this website. Aside from some hyperbole from
some contributors, the basic timbre is pretty darn cool and gives me a
sentimental twang. My seasonal best to all and good fortune with your
projects. I will visit again soon. Don't let the trail dust you, Norden M.
- From: Chris (DeMonties_yada@aol.com), 12/27/98.
- I've just seen now a Tv program on "digger's mov." I did'nt know
about it. Here in France, we had "hippies consequences" both
coming from England and America that people like me took with a lot of
prudence, or "dig - over" to see what it was about, discovering
situanionist movement (Jerry Rubin - Do It)political ones (Angela Davies
& Black Panther's mov.). It gave us a kind of view from people outside
Europe on a certain way to organize about Life. I'm happy that all that
arrived and i'm sure that "diggers soul" is something that neither
political power, nor money could ever kill... A french digger.........
Thanks to make me feel that there are other people who guess better life for
- From: Jacques GUIOD (JGuiod_yada@AOL.com), 12/27/98.
- I've just seen a document on PLANETE, a French TV Channel. I did not even
know that the Diggers existed. Really interesting. But I have a question :
apart from gifts and robbery, where did the Diggers find the money to make
FREE things or just to go on living?
- From: Dara M. (daralise_yada@hotmail.com), 12/25/98.
- I live here in hawaii on kauaii's a very nice place here and it never did
snow here for the 13 years i lived I was born here on kauai any ways it is a
very nice place to be when it snows were you live you can come here where it
does not snow well merry christmas and have a happy new year !!aloha!!
- From: Jack Moore (jack_h_moore_yada@msn.com), 12/24/98.
- I was editor of International Times in London 66-70. I received a lot of
San Francisco and other sctivists in the sixties in my home and also in our
cultural center, The Arts Lab. I had a theater troupe - The Human Family who
toured the continent doing anarchist Game theater and promoting experimental
theater in general. I would love to hear from anyone who worked in these
projects or who have memories of the performances. Since we created each
performance from scratch each day, almost no records exist of the
performances and personal recollections are of great interest as I am trying
to assemble some sort of collective record of it all. Keep up the good play!
- From: Ramon Sender (rabar_yada@well.com), 12/20/98.
- Good to see the continuing flow of info here! We've started a listserve
for Morning Star, Wheeler's and Star Mt. habitués and graduates. E-mail me
for more info. Badaba!
- From: Cathleen (CatSwan_yada@aol.com), 12/20/98.
- We love Black Bear Ranch and her lovely inhabitants, and may go back
there. But I would prefer a commune-ity that is less remote. We are
presently in Colorado. Have 1976 moterhome, will travel...
- From: Cathleen Swanson (CatSwan_yada@aol.com), 12/20/98.
- great fun. thanks. I'm looking for a community to live in with my toddler
- From: Paul Williams (Paul_yada@cdaddy.com), 12/19/98.
- Very pleased to find this resource. Delighted to be able to print out a
copy of Linn House (Otis Driftwood)'s great GARBAGE OR NOTHING, I was just
wondering the other day if I could find a copy somewhere. Regarding the
Chester Anderson papers...also delighted to see ComCo pages
online!...Chester and I had long planned to sell his "complete
set" to Bancroft to raise money for our project publishing other
Anderson books. I was able to make that transaction after his death, helpful
to get me and my backer out of debt incurred publishing FOX & HARE
(PUPPIES sold better. If somebody wants a copy of FOX & HARE--not ComCo
or Digger related, Chester's novel about a Friday night in Greenwich Village
circa 1962, gloriously illustrated by Charles Stevenson, email me.
Meanwhile, it seems appropriate to mention here that a history (and full
text) of the International Bill of Human Rights can be found online at
globalrights.org Oh, and the spirit of Don McNeill asks me to say hello to
Richie and anyone who knew him or Don... --PW
- From: (), 12/19/98.
- From: Jeffrey (jbrjbr_yada@aol.com), 12/16/98.
- Dig this -- I'm looking for any and all info, memories, whatever on Emmett
Grogan's mainman, Albie Baker. Albie was a jewel thief extraordinare, a
slick cat who knew the game better than anyone. I've gotten a copy of his
autobio, and I'm looking for any other information on this hero of the
people. Please e-mail me with what you know. Dig it.
- From: Chicago, Illinois: (amor_es_yada@hotmail.com), 12/16/98.
- Hey what's up everyone, I think this is a great web site. I am a student
at Northeastern Illinois University if anyone has any questions about it. I
will also try to answer any other questions that you guys might have to the
best of my knowledge. Happy Hoidays, V.
- From: Gustavo. (Psi-loco_yada@rocketmail.com), 12/15/98.
- As long as I am responsible for whatever decission I take I can do
whatever I want. ¿Isn't that great?
- From: David L. Barnes (chainbreaker_yada@theriver.com), 12/05/98.
- Just heard about your web site, I am going to spend some time here. I was
in Height-Ashbury News years 1967-68. wish I had stayed longer. We are all
responsible for everything we do or say. Be well !
- From: Tomas (tomas_yada@apex.net), 12/04/98.
- Erica, stop by and read what nice people can do. tomas_yada@morningstar http://www.apex.net/users/laurel/
- From: Andre (spaceman_yada@calweb.com), 12/03/98.
- Erica do not fear, Love is here, it's everywhere you go. I also found my
way to this so-called hell in Sacramento. I was born in SF living in the
haight on Clayton St. most of my life. Want to chat e-mail me. LOVE.
- From: Andre (spaceman_yada@calweb.com), 12/03/98.
- Rusty Ranney's post asked of Gary Brown aka: King of the Hippies
Actually at the age of six or so he was the "Prince of Haight
Street" and sat upon a massive wood chariot with huge wheels that
marched down Haight street. He had a brother Jackie (my best friend). Also
bro & sis Tommy & Dirdra and of course mother Michelle and father
Tom. Hello to all from the best times of my life. Peace & Love or as it
is now PLUR....
- From: eric bain (), 12/02/98.
- helllllllllllllllllllllllo
- From: David Benjamin (bg22004_yada@binghamton.edu), 12/02/98.
- Can anyone help me? I am looking for a resource that lists hippy-friendly
jobs. I have a BA in History and I need a job that accords with my morals
and ethics. Peace, David
- From: erica (therealedub_yada@yahoo.com), 12/01/98.
- I really enjoy your site I just moved here to California from Pennsylvania
about two months ago and it is nothing but hell here in Sacramento I was
looking for a way to get out so I can live in peace away from this
insanity....I miss my the family I have never known if any one sees this and
can help me find a place where I can be with my brothers and sisters people
who understand the way please help me I am desprate enough to come to the
internet for help!!! And I know most of the people who are reading this are
family...I live with some very unkind people right now...Please email me at
- From: Ginny Clark (), 11/30/98.
- Good thing to make a site on.
- From: stp candyman (jwce_yada@voyager.net), 11/27/98.
- feel free to e-mail me with any information on the where about of any
survivors of the STP FAMILY. is started out in the lower east side of NYC
back in '67 and the rest is history, glad to see the the dream is not over
and that we all are missing the times (good and bad) that we had trying to
start the revolution. love ya all, candyman
- From: peter chuckwagon (petbro_yada@mci2000.com), 11/26/98.
- lil mcCracken yer fodder was legendary beat seminal influence fer allus
crazies an wannabe christlike subteraneans et al sic so sorry he cant tel
all like lazarus, but you wanna talk with swedish susan aka heglund or
spider queen of gorda or whatever her last known whereabouts north beach
78"she claimed to be his sole true friend and ally. all I know of him
are tales she did impart to me during the 60s' one in particular concerned a
certain chinatown bank and a trash can and some plateglass and perhaps jail
time ?if you love art and oriental women you are on the road he travelled so
they say...
- From: peter chuckwagon (petbro_yada@mci2000.com), 11/26/98.
- From: jonathan motherfucker (apikoyrus_yada@igc.org), 11/25/98.
- i would like to get copies of those two or three apocalyptic manifestos on
legal-size sheets that alan hoffman-- olevhasholem- put out. did anyone save
them? i think this website is a pretty interesting place & even if
memory plays tricks there's no shortage of salt anyway. . . thanks annie!
- From: Annie MF (Annierat48_yada@aol.com), 11/24/98.
- I would like to find Kenolis e-mail address if he has one--Hi ken--and i
would like to say that I (for one) never fucked Peter Coyote!
- From: eyeless at Gaza (kcarp1964_yada@aol.com), 11/24/98.
- Knew an Eric used to wear a buckskin coat ala Buffalo Bill-66-69? Hawaain
Tom and Conrad? Anyone remember Prince was up in North Beach- later lived in
a tree house in the Panhandle? The Super Spade? What about North Beach scene
the Mod Room and the two brothers that owned it or Madam Chi Chi's --was a
far out and beloved cat "Bill?" ran the light show for the
strippers. There was pancake house one block off Broadway there open 24
hours all the club people and musicians used to hang there after hours.
- From: daf (appledor_yada@ionsys.com), 11/24/98.
- dig deep enough and the whole becomes full/filled.
- From: Anna Hjalmarsson (splash53_yada@hotmail.com), 11/17/98.
- Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like if i had been there !!!! and
thanks for a cool site !!!!!
- From: Anna Hjalmarsson (splash53´`Åä¨ä¨å&127;),
- From: Anna Hjalmarsson (splash53''&127;&127;ä), 11/17/98.
- From: Anna Hjalmarsson (splash53''&127;&127;ä'äö^),
- From: Anna Hjalmarsson (splash53''&127;&127;ä'äö^Å),
- From: Anna Hjalmarsson (splash53''&127;&127;ä'äö),
- From: Anna Hjalmarsson (splash53''&127;&127;ä), 11/17/98.
- From: Art Lee (brooklyn_yada@lm.com), 11/16/98.
- Looking for folks who remember me from Waller St., The Hobbit Commune and
MorningStar -Went by Either Brooklyn or Erik back then :) Homepages
www.lm.com/~brooklyn or www.geocities.com/paris/lights/1070 Still Truckn' :)
Still Bein' :) Always
- From: Art Lee (brooklyn_yada@lm.com), 11/16/98.
- Looking for folks who remember me from Waller St., The Hobbit Commune and
MorningStar -Went by Either Brooklyn or Erik back then :) Homepages
www.lm.com/~brooklyn or www.geocities.com/paris/lights/1070 Still Truckn' :)
Still Bein' :) Always
- From: Art Lee (brooklyn_yada@lm.com), 11/16/98.
- Looking for folks who remember me from Waller St., The Hobbit Commune and
MorningStar -Went by Either Brooklyn or Erik back then :) Homepages
www.lm.com/~brooklyn or www.geocities.com/paris/lights/1070 Still Truckn' :)
Still Bein' :) Always
- From: devans (devans_yada@ Chicagotoday.com), 11/12/98.
- If this message reaches either Abel Eregore or his biographer William J.
Craddock I would suggest that you read these two books by Marvin Harris:
"Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches" and "Cannibals abd
Kings." May be worth your time.
- From: devans (devans_yada@ Chicagotoday.com), 11/12/98.
- If this message reaches either Abel Eregore or his biographer William J.
Craddock I would suggest that you read these two books by Marvin Harris:
"Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches" and "Cannibals abd
Kings." May be worth your time.
- From: Michael McCracken, Jr. (stonyj_yada@aol.com), 11/09/98.
- Anyone remember 73 Commercial St? The three painters: Arthur Monroe,
Michael Bowen, Michael McCracken, and the rooster? Looking for those that
knew my father. Any fond rememberances?
- From: pata de perro (), 11/06/98.
- the only free space must grow so more free people can exp.and grow like
cells divide grow. what a great bunch uh idears some of that free store
stuff wuz good ..... and the foot er food wuz tooo... after infiltrating
mainstream am amused to hear of aliens quoting grogan, they got clearer pic
than mosta his countrymen....
- From: Melissa Potter (), 10/27/98.
- I am so glad to have found this web site. I feel I am a lost digger at
heart. I am greatly into theater, and when I heard them say the world was
their stage, I felt I was home. Before this I had never heard of the
diggers. Thank you for helping me find my ancestors.
- From: (), 10/26/98.
- From: leon leon (), 10/24/98.
- the free food , free store , free streets, and free people can only lead
to more free stuff, watch out for tans in vain,anyone hear of the fourth
waiver ?
- From: Paul Daniels (ace_of_diamonds_yada@Hotmail.com), 10/22/98.
- Hello, My name is Paul Daniels, and I am a Yr. 10 student at Scotch
College in Australia. My Literature class is studying Ken Kesey's "One
Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest". I am searching for any indepth
information as to Ken Kesey's links with LSD and the Merry Pranksters. Any
help here would be greatfully appreciated. Have a nice day, ace_of_diamonds_yada@Hotmail.com
- From: Melissa Birch (MBirch_yada@aol.com), 10/20/98.
- I'm an art history student at SFSU and am currently reseasrching for a
paper about the art of the Oracle, the Maverick and the Vanguard. I'm trying
to contact a person named Eric Noble..Andy Stafford suggested I talk to you,
if you are willing to be contacted
- From: Ed Fatzinger (efatzing_yada@worldnet.att.net), 10/19/98.
- Jeesh! This all brings back such memories. I was with the Diggers at 1775
Haight st. and then at Morningstar. Anybody know of or what became of Jack
the Rat, Rafael, Neal Hartnagel, or others from 1775?
- From: Steve Boyd (Mike12157_yada@aol.com), 10/17/98.
- This is a friends e-mail address . But you still can get in touch with me
at that address . (Steve Boyd one of the original olema ranch people 1970
will get in touch soon . "FREE DUMB"
- From: Steve Boyd (Mike12157_yada@aol.com), 10/17/98.
- From: a.k.a.ivan eye (), 10/15/98.
- on the night before allhallows all the cognoscenti were all abuzz about
grogan in the wake of john and yoko in the 1967 year of our lord rusty gun
rusty star rusty is the bailiff wapner still the star bananas and blood , a
real peace, amerikan soacialisis the true culprits,grogan lives in all save
those elitists all abuzz ,any one for a right winger from central casting to
lead this free feed? guevarra lives ,fontainbleu lied, more weak men lied ,
magick never died , rememberto remember
- From: 23 is real (), 10/12/98.
- I'm uncle sam that's who I am been hiding out in a rock and roll band. And
on the internet. Who are these Jerry Bears and Merry Pranksters really. Why
do they want to box us in ther boxes of rain. Also think Phish space
Pythagoras tones colors mental melt down. They all got you. right Wavy.
- From: Werner Grause (taschi.deleg_yada@t-online.de), 10/11/98.
- From: Jeff Spica (Jaspic_yada@aol.com), 10/06/98.
- Read Ringolevio by Emmett Grogan...Was utterly fascinated...What ever
became of him...I read about a wake...Did he really die or was it a
hoax...If true,how and when...How did he spend his later years...Can anyone
provide me with any further info on him...Thank you
- From: chuckwagon (petbo_yada@mci2000.com), 10/01/98.
- Suzanne the face of" 64" she was an old north bitch regular aka
.swedish susan .was friend of bill wheeler remember new years eve 1965.was
we there? looking for pictures of this scandy goddess model type hypster
wino panhandler infront of anxious asp ,or coffee gallery,or blue
unicorn,eating at the rescue missions or the diggers in the panhandle or big
sur two meter tall blond last name lutken- or heglund. clara venus ala
rimbaud , beat poets dream .introduced bill wheeler to the grimy side of san
francisco so iam told. J.C.Burris the harmonica man any body ? used to be
available on vinyl also best work done in streets; for wine ,so they say the
cowboy , character from connection shirley clarks fable about mikes pool
hall in north bitch the cowboy talked of jimmy carter the fabled street
person , the lytany of acid speed and grass sing song sung by lumbering
youth all along the haight. faster than a speeding mind anyone?
- From: Craig Bell (acenlil), 09/24/98.
- The diggers now have a home page -- Does this mean the 90's are dead? Flee
the city --- help the diggers saving the salmon and the forests on the
Mattole River.
- From: Craig Bell (acenlil), 09/24/98.
- The diggers now have a home page -- Does this mean the 90's are dead? Flee
the city --- help the diggers saving the salmon and the forests on the
Mattole River.
- From: george darling (jorgesoles99_yada@yahoo.com), 09/23/98.
- with al rinker did switchboard. where is al?
- From: Heather Stewart (psycho1967_yada@angelfire.com), 09/23/98.
I came across your webring (not created yet) and that's how
I found you. I love the 60's and have a website dedicated to it. It will
hopefully have links to pages like this in a "short" chronicle of
the 60's that I will be creating. Most of all I love the music, but I feel
for the people of that era. I was only born in 1977. I think that so much
more was done to give people the voice. To me Bob Dylan was the voice. As
well as M.L.K and others. It was a time when people were worried about
Nuclear threats. It was a time when the Civil Rights moment broke through. I
may not know what I'm saying, but I try to think I understand. I would've
loved to be there. If anyone would like to talk to me more about the 60's
feel free. I need to know more.

- From: Monkey (mike) (mcm8_yada@humboldt.edu), 09/21/98.
New bears have taken over. Hold on to your past remember 1%,
how bout it.Black Bear Ranch 1998 wants you. year 2000 ??? where are we
gonna be. Any one with any contributions,kick downs feel free to send or
drive them up.Peoples interested in The Black Bear news letter Please send
your address,donation(last publication april 98)next publication nov 98, so
hurry. Black Bear Ranch box 3 forks of salmon,CA. 96031. Or just write if
you would like to keep in touch or visit. See ya soon
- From: Andy Fieldflower (arba_yada@nym.lycaeum.org), 09/19/98.
It feels fine to give my share to DIGGERS guestbook! And to
all of You that´s reading this: Remember our spiritual goal, Love and
peace! LOVE for the Universe and Gaia,Mother Earth! Lots of hugs, Andy
- From: max (terve000_yada@wxs.nl), 09/19/98.
anything on light shows (handi crafted)with lots of watts
and colored liquids
- From: MAX (TERVE000_yada@WXS.NL), 09/19/98.
HI THERE i used to do the light shows in paradiso and
fantasio between 66 and 69 in amsterdam the netherlands anyone anywhere
working on lightshows in that periode of time please mail
- From: Judy Steele (steelej_yada@pls.lib.ca.us), 09/15/98.
So what happened to Sandy Archer? You didn't let us know in
your book. Tell me she didn't marry Danny Caldwell.
- From: Aron Kay (pieman_yada@pieman.org), 09/12/98.
howdy, this is the yippie piethrower...some of you may
remember me from the days of the griffith park love-ins working with green
power...here we are 30 years later after the chicago riots still feeling
like unrepentant hippies, yippies or zippies....i feel that way at the age
of 48!!!now i would like to hear from some 60's unrepentant hippies, yippies
or zippies....in these times of clinton, gingrich and yeltsin, i feel there
is a multitude of issues to dela with!!!therefore never stop carrying the
torch of justice.... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!RAINBOW LOVE please visit me at my
- From: Russ Norris (norrisfamily_yada@cybertours.com), 09/11/98.
wasn't the whole earth catolog an offshoot of the diggers? i
had a copy of a canadian whole earth book that we learned everything from
baking bread & brewing beer, to making leech beds. loved those days on
the farm in northern maine. keep on, keeping on...
- From: Tom Diaz (laurel_yada@apex.net), 09/04/98.
Cynthia, You want to talk to Sylvia Williams, Huw Williams,
Joan S., Ramon Sender, Kathy Sweeney, Doris Clark, Kyle Banks and Robbie C.
These human beings saved me from the bog of despair in 67.
- From: Russell Harrison (stain_yada@earthling.net), 09/01/98.
Seeking Community Russell Harrison on Sat 08Aug98, 09:23 PM
(EDT) Hello! Our family of three (two adults and a teenage boy) are seeking
community in rural Canada. We wish to live in a Y2k aware cooperative
environment based on secular communal values. Any group who would like to
associate with a hardworking family willing to adapt to an agrarian
lifestyle can reach us at tel:(514) 765-3965 or e-mail: stain_yada@earthling.net
Russell Email Address: stain_yada@earthling.net
- From: Cynthia Kitts (filmgarden4_yada@earthlink.net), 08/26/98.
Hello! We are doing a documentary on the History of San
Francisco for The Learning Channel. We are interested in interviewing anyone
who can tell the Digger history to our audience. We will be in town
interviewing on Sunday August 30th, and Tuesday September 1st. Please let me
know if anyone in your organization is interested as soon as possible. I can
be reached at 818/783-3456 ext. 117. or I can call you right back so it will
be on your dime. Thanks for your help and I hope to be speaking with
someone... Cynthia Kitts filmgarden4_yada@earthlink.net 818/753-3456 ext. 117
4215 Clodwater Canyon, Studio City, CA
- From: Eric (enoble_yada@crl.com), 08/21/98.
Just got back from 3-week trip to ancient Anasazi ruins and
associated unbelievable environs of the Southwest. Anyone interested in
viewing a few favorite photos can go to: www.bearbytes.com.
- From: Don Monkerud (monkerud_yada@scruznet.com), 08/20/98.
Coyote's book and now this anthology on Black Bear that
several of us are working on. It's refreshing and encouraging to see that so
many folks continue to think about many of the same issues that began this
whole movement back in our youth. Many strains, many streams can build into
a powerful current. Keep things flowing.
- From: Don Monkerud (monkerud_yada@scruznet.com), 08/20/98.
Coyote's book and now this anthology on Black Bear that
several of us are working on. It's refreshing and encouraging to see that so
many folks continue to think about many of the same issues that began this
whole movement back in our youth. Many strains, many streams can build into
a powerful current. Keep things flowing.
- From: dan'l (dzogchen9_yada@hotmail.com), 08/16/98.
live free or die!!! from Artemis & Calliope
- From: (), 08/16/98.
- From: Hans Happe (hans.happe_yada@uni-bielefeld.de), 08/14/98.
Dig, I see we meet again! I am from Germany and I am reading
right now the biography of Bill Graham, where the Diggers are mentioned
often by Bill. Its really groovy to see you all (or at least some of you)
still alive and well. I'm a digger too, from my heart, although I don't live
in San Francisco (what a shit!) but in Germany...
- From: Teraporng (tommy_123456), 08/12/98.
- From: david leach (dleachsr_yada@msn.com), 08/10/98.
looking for classmates from poly high , we were supposed to
graduate in spring, 1969
- From: danoconnell (dzogchen9_yada@hotmail.com), 08/10/98.
lived at marningstar in 1966 with a buddy named buck. we had
an old chicken coop we lived in. met jerrine and normal that yr and jerrine
and i started living together on clayton street our stepdaughter was named
artemis and in 1968 we had another named calliope. we moved to wheelers
during the summers and had a great time. still a hippy!!! after all these
yrs. see peter and judy every now and then. we had some great times!! i was
the guy who gave emmit the 58 ford station wagon for digger food gathering.
i volunteer at the catholic worker food kitchen, 225 potrero on wednesday
afternoon. Babara and charles and the catholic worker community is what i am
tuned into!! dan'l
- From: Madeline Matz (matz_yada@econet.org), 08/09/98.
- From: eyeless at gaza (kcarp1964_yada@aol.com), 08/09/98.
- From: (), 08/08/98.
- From: PETER HOLDSWORTH (sounds_yada@pressure.co.uk), 08/03/98.
We are currently researching a project on Emmett Grogan and
Ringolevio and would be very interested to hear from anyone who knew or
worked with Emmett. We would also like to hear from anyone who has a contact
number for the two French women who are making the Digger Documentary.Our
telephone number is London 0171 288 1337. Our we can be reached by E. mail
at the address given. If anyone knows of any film of Emmett then this would
be great to hear about. Best Wishes Pete Holdsworth
- From: Shelley Muzzy (shelleymz_yada@hotmail.com), 07/24/98.
Oh, jeez, is ANYBODY out there from 408 or Kendalhang? These
websites make me sad, nostalgic and a little depressed. Also heartened and
amazed that not EVERYTHING has been co-opted, contorted and abandoned. Its
nice to know some of us inhaled, injested and are still alive. And books?
I've been working on one for the last 30 years. Too bad my name isn't Peter
Coyote so someone would publish it! I loved "Sleeping..." but am
jealous as hell. I also loved "Be Not Content" and agree that it
was one of the very best works done about that time, or, more acurately,
about an acid trip. Oh, sigh. I lived in the Haight from April of '66 until
January of '68 and then again from the end of '68 until '73. Istill have
some Digger broadsides, I too remember the first Free Store on Frederick.
Would love to hear from anyone.
- From: Jef Jaisun (eljefe_yada@halcyon.com), 07/23/98.
Art Lisch??? Man, you pulled off one of my all-time favorite
routines on Haight one day. The street was jammed with cars full of
tourists, all being funneled towards the park. Naturally, they had their
windows rolled up and their doors locked, despite the fact it was a warm,
sunny day. ("You can't be too careful around these hippies,
Martha.") And while they tried to snap pictures of us by holding
Instamatic cameras up to the closed windows, you, Arthur, stood there on the
sidewalk, a few feet past the Straight Theater, holding up a huge mirror!
Now that's what I call Art. Inspired by your example, I commandeered a
Greyline tour bus and ran up and down the aisle hawking Barbs to the
bewildered passengers. (Too bewildered to buy any, that's for sure.) The bus
wasn't going anywhere anyway...those weekend traffic jams, y'know. So I
tried to sell 'em Barbs and you showed 'em how ridiculous the whole scenario
was. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
- From: David Barlow (margi_yada@camtech.net.au), 07/18/98.
(A revision to the email address which I sent earlier -
which, I think, I gave incorrectly).
- From: David Barlow (margi_yada@camtech.com.au), 07/17/98.
From Australia: Great site! I am researching
"psychedelic art". I need (serious) helpful ideas, material, and
good personal web contacts. It strikes me that if anyone can give some
honest help, Diggers and their family of friends and associates can!
- From: Tamar Zucker (BAALAT_yada@aol.com), 07/14/98.
I remember the Digger store In NYC. I was 10 or 11. What a
summer! The Digger's fed the neighborhood out in Tomkin's Square Park while
this new group, The Grateful Dead played for free. Brown rice and veggies,
apple cider. Lots (lots and lots) of free smoke, drums beating, incence,
frisbees and homeless teenagers from middle America, canny neighborhood
junkies, people reading EVO (The East Village Other-a newspaper) and R Crumb
comix on the benches. One day I decided to go shopping. At the Digger's free
store were piles and piles of clothing. Some good and some not so good. Old,
new, ancient, cool antique, ripped, you had to really hunt. Nothing was by
size. There was a sign on the wall that said "NO STEALING" I
wondered how you could steal from a free store. It was a few days later
while hunting up a replacement for my old white jeans that I had worn for 3
weeks straight that I found out. This felonious friend of mine Blues, never
a respecter of signs, proceeded to stuff a shirt under his shirt. He was
seen as I guess he ment to be. The dude up front was really pissed off. An
argument ensued. BLUES: How could I have been stealing, this is a free
store? STORE CLERK: You were stealing. You put that shirt under your shirt.
I saw you. It's people like you man... BLUES: .....and you call yourself an
anarchist, HMMPH! We were both thrown out. Wore those funky pants a few more
- From: Peter Coyote (www.petercoyote.com), 07/13/98.
Aron, the last numb er I have for Jane Quattlander
- From: (), 07/12/98.
Hi Eric- got your note, sending out the free pass Mon Morn,
best Harry
- From: richard ehrlich (ehrlich_yada@mozart.inet.co.th), 07/11/98.
a girl named rachel, from long beach, california's woodrow
wilson high school, ran away to be a digger in 1967, or 68 or 69. she came
back to school one afternoon and told us all how wonderful it was. an
inspiration to us all! where is she now? me, i'm here in bangkok, thailand...
and also at website: http://members.tripod.com/~ehrlich/ cheerz, richard
- From: peter blackrabbit aka chuckwagon (petbro _yada@mci2000),
"oh noble chuckwagon" the voice on the other end
of the line intoned; it was tony from 625....... ashbury that is;food
conspiracys , partys actors, roadagents , werewolfs, boogiesand other
assorted bonediggers, remember the soupin the panhandle remem some
bonedigger reciting from cue card on way to a buy like its gonna put him in
w/ flynn, did it ? any one remem 625 howsabout 1090 ? tracys donuts the
allnight bikers,superspade /caped crusaderthe psychedelic chop ,oracle
........then we woke up put on bowties name tags took the slams and basted;
till the lilplastic popped outta ma chest whattabout the trashman;
christopher ,the scottish clansman in front of the blue unicorn .....then we
woke up and ...weathered the familial insults putdowns stares inuendos etal.
oh yes the name tag and off to werk
- From: Dennis Long (mumeson_yada@msn.com), 07/05/98.
cool, I searched my own email address and got this site.
Mumesons are only detectable, other wise they do not exist. i thought
someone elese was hot for that, maybe a buddhist site..mu is the
no/something word. a hangup, but none the less here i am with my friendly
old digger buddies again. ai was in el rito nm in 67, livin with my old lady
and this dude who looked just like Gandolph, smoked a pipe,too. had a name
like 45, or something. we visited evey spring in that area, we even
rediscovered one. it was very funky. when raootin-tooters set up shop saving
the world twennty or thirty miles over the mountain, we were anxious to meet
them and see if they had any dope. they were friendly and invited us to
- From: stuart Tevendale (stevendale _yada@superonline.com), 07/05/98.
I first read ringolevio when I was 14 years old and again
when I was about 29. A fantastic book that mad me feel the same way I did
the second time i read it. The final score was also a great book. A tragic
waste of a life when he died of a heroin overdose.
- From: Coymoon (coymoon_yada@petercoyote.com), 07/03/98.
For those of you who are looking for either more info or the
latest on Peter Coyote, he has his own web site at http://www.petercoyote.com.
It now has over 150 pages! On his "Sleeping Where I Fall" page are
his book reviews, interviews, '60s photos, his first chapter, and his own
reading of the Preface and Introduction via RealAudio. Also, on his Online
page, you can read a letter from him in which he describes his feelings
about his recent book tour. Enjoy!
- From: Natural Suzanne (griffia_yada@csba.org), 07/02/98.
I just got back from Kauai'i where I saw the photograph of
Emmett, Peter Berg, Roberto La Morticella, Kent Minault, Brooks Bouchier, et
al (on the steps of city hall) in a little antique store in Hanalei! Aloha,
Shaka Brah, Natural Suzanne
- From: (), 07/02/98.
- From: Brian Tanguay (BTanguay1_yada@compuserve.com), 07/01/98.
We need the Digger philosophy more today than it was needed
in the 60's. Wake up, one and all, before it's too late, and before the
forces of "free-market capitalism" destroy the world.
- From: 333 (rlombardo_yada@bigfoot.com), 07/01/98.
Glad you guys are still around and operating, someone's got
to keep things free!
- From: (), 06/25/98.
- From: Alex (mcintire_yada@well.com), 06/19/98.
I just heard about this site. I'm proud to have been the
co-owner and driver of the "Mother Truck," a homemade camper made
from a 56 Chevy pickup truck. We lived in a house on Clayton, about half a
block from the Panhandle, and the Mother-Truckers helped do the free food
distribution run to other communes. My favorite two memories of that are
picking up day-old stuff fromt the Ukrainian bakery, and the time we were
given bushels of just-on-the-edge apples, and made great big vats of
applesauce and give it all to all passers. Mary B., an old friend who lived
at Black Bear, and who had her son Libre there, is still in touch, if anyone
wants to contact her through me. Alex, from Clayton Street ('67-'68)
- From: Eric (enoble_yada@webcom.com), 06/17/98.
Stefan from Sweden -- Haight Street runs through two zip
codes, but the area that is the heart of the Haight-Ashbury is zip 94117.
Hope this helps.
- From: Stefan, Sweden. (REL95SIS_yada@student3.lu.se), 06/17/98.
I need the zip code for Haight Street, San Francisco. If you
know it, please mail me the correct one.
- From: Stefan (REL95SIS_yada@student3.lu.se), 06/17/98.
Hello. I just wondered if anyone could help me with a little
problem that I have. I need to get the zip code for Haight Street, San
Francisco. I have the address, but I have no zip code. If anyone can help
me, please mail me the correct zip code. Thanks.
- From: (), 06/15/98.
- From: Paul Shippee (sun8_yada@earthlink.net), 06/15/98.
- From: Pete Bennett (bennetts_yada@alaska.net), 06/12/98.
Trying to find the Berkeley Barb, and found you. Do you
think it would be alright if I crash here for awhile?
[Sure, man. In the morning a bunch of us are
going on a food run if you want to join in. We've got to be at the Produce
Market by six o'clock <g>]
- From: Hans-Hinrich Taeger (taeger_yada@iol.ie), 06/10/98.
Great, that you saved and honoured documents of a spirit
that was so inspiring and powerful that it changed the world from grey into
color. With love from Ireland, Hans
- From: chas (darkbloom_yada@prodigy.net), 06/04/98.
Just curious--did Coyote ever wind up meeting that woman who
wrote about her fantasies about him in Salon 'Zine? I met her in Seattle and
she looks a lot like Nichole. Really good book, but can'y say I share her
- From: (), 06/01/98.
- From: Nelly (nellybet_yada@fl.net.au), 05/31/98.
Great page! Great Info, bookmark added and will be coming
back very often. Possible link to my homepage: http://www.fl.net.au/~nellybet
Long life to Anarchism, Peace and Freedom!
- From: Aron Kay (pieman_yada@pieman.org), 05/28/98.
hello again...i hope to see some of u at the 1998 rainbow
gathering in arizona....here i am at the age of 48, considering myself an
unreconstructed flower child out to change the status quo.....there are many
of us everywhere still commemorating the summer of love, the love-ins(which
i helped focalize at la's griffith park w/green power), the protests, etc.
all that still exists in our hearts!!!!there is no need to give
up!!!meanwhile visit http://www.pieman.org and http://www.acidtrip.com
- From: Ingrid and Helena (becks_bolero_yada@hotmail.com and
Rock n Roll!
- From: Hans-Hinrich Taeger (taeger_yada@iol.ie), 05/26/98.
Not an easy time for Ex-Hippies to keep all positive vibes
and wisdom insights alive in the late ninetieth. With love from Ireland,
- From: Anonymous (), 05/23/98.
Emmett Grogan Lives!
- From: Freedom (), 05/23/98.
Don't talk about it ,do it!
- From: Redwood (redwood_yada@codecheck.com), 05/20/98.
Moe, did you ever run across any of the Crazy Richard clan
in Ecuador around 72' or stop at my restaurant in Otavalo circa 73'? Ran
into Marta(Lew Welch's ex) at Coyote's Berkeley book signing. Hadn't run
into her since seeing her in 1972 on a beach in Taganga, Colombia.
- From: (), 05/20/98.
- From: moe armstrong (moea_yada@pop3.shore.net), 05/20/98.
I was there. The first issue of PO San Francisco has an
interview with me. Neal Cassady was my room mate. I'm still going like hell.
Living it and loving it. Went to New Mexico after the summer of love to live
with Larry Little Bird. Lived in a Diggers Commune in El Rito, New Mexico.
Stayed in New Mexico and South America for the last three decades (including
Cuba) I'm back in heart of urban America. moe armstrong
- From: David Weissman (paradox_yada@sirius.com), 05/19/98.
HI - I'm making a documentary on The Cockettes. I'm looking
for film, video, stills, and stories. got any? Thanks - David W
- From: Eric (enoble_yada@webcom.com), 05/15/98.
Dreamt of Jane Quattlander last night, anyone out there
knowing her whereabouts, I'd like to send her a hello! (In the dream, Jane
was leading a group of us to a Fall Equinox gathering at a desert mesa with
sandstone cliffs and petroglyphs, and teepee poles set up ready to be
- From: Laurel and Tomas Diaz (laurel_yada@apex.net), 05/13/98.
Does anyone know where Ambo and Kathy Sweeney are today? I
had heard that Ambo was seen at Lou Gottlieb's memorial in California
several years ago. If you know, please refer them to us. Thanks.
- From: Kurt Hibner (unclekurty_yada@yahoo.com), 05/10/98.
Glad to see you've always been there. I'm a digger too.
- From: Mark Hebard (Bard382_yada@aol.com), 05/09/98.
I just came across this site while wandering in the net. I
have often wondered what became of Black Bear. I came to Black Bear in the
spring of 1970 with 3 others and stayed a few weeks. . We managed to careen
a VW bus from Sawyers Bar into the ranch and contributed psychedelics for
all during the spring celebration. I remember Malcom and Balew. I stayed in
the Teepee in the meadow next to the main house freezing and nearly croking
on smoke from the fire we built inside. I remember wonderful communal
dinners, cooked on a huge iron woodstove, served on the long table in the
main room. I still laugh at the memory of Balew and two of us literally
willing an old chevy pickup over the outrageous road to Sawyers Bar to buy
gallons of wine only to lose a good portion of it from the bottles breaking
from the jarring ride. Also building a fire next to the stream and heating
stones for a sweat bath in a crudely built sauna of poles and mylar . I was
only there a short time but I remember intense discussions about social and
political issues. I was young and very wild then, but the experiences there
helped me construct myself. I am very grateful for those weeks and wish all
who continue more success. I live in Aptos and sought treatment from Michael
Tierra some years ago and never realized the connection until tonight.
- From: Peter Coyote (sfzendog_yada@earthlink.net), 05/08/98.
Need new address for Claude Hayward and/or Bob Slade. I have
copies of my book for them and no idea where they've gone. I'd appreciate
any help.
- From: Chris Parry (), 05/07/98.
Looking for info on original Diggers (1649) for a book.
Anyone with info please call at (250)338-6788
- From: Ferny Mu Kraken (mukraken_yada@geocities.com), 05/07/98.
Proud to be a hippy from Misippy. Here in the belly-button
of the Babble Belt, the '60s started in about 1967 or so. Sun say they ended
in 1980, when a mollusk was finally elected President. But as for me, I,
like the Captain of the Titanic, forgot to exhale. Delighted to have found
your site! Try mine, "Camino Surreal Cantina" at http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/mehetebell/41
- From: Quinn the Eskimo (LionKuntz_yada@Yahoo.com), 05/06/98.
Everybody's gonna want a dose.
- From: TestName (TestEmailAddress), 05/06/98.
- From: Paige Matthews (dam1_yada@rmi.com), 05/06/98.
well i was gald to see this page!!!!!!!!!!!! I just did a
huge research paper o the merry pranksters. i learned sooooooooo much, i
just wish i got to actula people who were part of it i have read tons of
books my fav, the electric kool-aid acid test! well thnks agian, much
aprciation Sincerly, page Matthews
- From: Paige Matthews (dam1_yada@yahoo.com), 05/06/98.
- From: Karen Day (kday_yada@whacme.com), 05/06/98.
Always considered myself something of a digger but now I
know that there are other diggers beyond compare.
- From: Emily (Lu_is_here_yada@hotmail.com), 05/03/98.
Remember the nice od man at Fish 'n' Chips? The
Haight-Ashbury Street Band--Oceola? The trippy dude name Gypsy? I used to
make stuff and sell it in H-A and loved every minute of it.
Well.......Altamont kind of was weird for a minute. Love Lu
- From: reggie barbee (diggers_yada@webtv.net), 05/02/98.
was a digger the 1st time around, how many life times ago
now but missed it in the sixties...would like to correspond with likeminded
- From: Lisa & Melody (panorama_yada@webjogger.net), 04/30/98.
hi, we just thought you all might like to read this poem we
wrote as we were coming down from an awesome high. Hey there hi there ho
there cunt. i smell the smoke of a freshly rolled blunt. take a hit and hold
it in, remember how it wuz. soon we will feel lighter, as we begin to buzz.
pack a bowl and spark it up, smoke until we die. or at least it'll feel like
that because we're really high. Hit the bong, yeah suck it up, we laughed so
hard we cried. but some of us have pissed our pants, we are completely
fried. now grab a snack we're still not done. there's still a kite to fly,.
we all smoke another bone, now we're in the sky. as we lay there on a cloud,
we're sinking in the air. we have none left, we're coming down- a thought we
cannot bare. find more money, buy a bag and do it all again. just don't
forget to smoke it with your very bestest friends. hope you enjoyed it.
we're sure you can relate. peace & love, lisa % melody
- From: Tomas (Laurel_yada@apex.net), 04/30/98.
Some people see the light. Some people see the moon. Some
see a fifty seven chevy. Some see a MorningStar.
- From: Peter Coyote (here), 04/29/98.
It's gratifying to read all these comments. I'm writing from
Boston in the midst of this whirlwind tour with my book. It seems to have
touched some sort of nerve: it hit the SF Chronicle best-seller list at
number 13 after only a week in print; has sold out the first printing and
the second ships Friday and they are tracking a third printing. Questions
and comments from around the country are deep and interesting and their is
much agreement that somehow, someway the pernicious denigrating of our
efforts and intentions by Reagan/Bush pundits has done damage and needs to
be reversed. I hope my book is just one among many soon. Much thanks for all
the support from Digger brothers and sisters, and apologies for where I
didn't get it quite right. Peter Coyote
- From: Tomas (laurel_yada@apex.net), 04/25/98.
Hi Joanie, Winnie the Poo is Great. Ramon thanks for the
websight. Who decided to destroy all the records?? Poor Elvis. Do you
remember the man with poison ivy all over his body. There was a young man
sitting in the corner picking crabs, I came by and said whach ya doing. He
smiled and I said oh and walked away.(The story is a little longer with a
family tree). What a Life, it is still great. Hi Klye,Ambo,Kathy ,Doris,Larry,Sylvia,Hugh,Robbie,Send
a Line.
- From: Arthur Lisch (none), 04/25/98.
Following on what Jane said . . . I went to a reading by
Peter at the book store in Mill Valley last night, driving from Calistoga
where, as Jane says, I paint signs, make metaphorical chess sets and am
active in community affairs. I drove down the Napa Valley to Vallejo and
then turned west on Route 37, passing the power lines that snagged Bill
Graham out of the elevated fast lane while flying from one venue to another.
This set me to thinking about all the tragic heros of my generation who are
no longer physically present. Some of them are present in the pages of
Peter's book and all are present in our collective memory. I went to Bill
Graham's wake in Golden Gate Park and was crushed in consciousness by the
huge crowd and mega-speakers. I thought of the irony of Bill's helicopter
being clawed from the sky by the electic wires which beastialy race across
the landscape to power the electronic circuses from which be profited. I was
at Ron Thelin's wake in San Geronimo Valley and felt Ron's loving presence
weaving through the hundreds of friends who had gathered in his honor. I saw
Lou Gottlieb there. He had been inspired by diggers to open his land,
Morningstar, to all, and eventually was moved to attempt to legally deed the
land to God. A while later I was at his wake, at Morningstar, with some
friends I had seen at Ron's celebration. Later, back to Golden Gate Park and
the anniversary of the "Summer of Love". The giant inflatable beer
can would have been a great hit at the original be-in. Someone floated down
in a parachute to wows, ooohhhs and ahhhas at the be-in and now the Blue
Angels roared overhead (to more exclamations of wonder). There was a small
stage at the be-in for the celebraties, many now deceased, and in present
time a giant stage and speakers for surviving celebraties. At sunset, as at
the be-in, people went to the ocean to watch the sun set. At this time John
Denver was crashing into the sea in his little airplane. His music carried
on from the 60s into 90s. He fell into the sea as the last strains of the
"Summer of Love" jam was fading away. So, arriving at a packed
book store I found a place to stand and listened to Peter read from his book
the chapter on the tragic story of Bill and Lenore. Lovely, sensual, poetic
people drawn into the hell of biker gangs, drugs, bruising fights and
destruction. Peter mentioned the sad, poetic end of Emmett Grogan in 1979 in
the subway at Coney Island. I thought of other flawed heros such as Neal
Cassady and his sad end. Both burned bright for a time but what's the
message? I was very aware of the lovely presence of Peter's daughter, Ariel,
who was standing near me. My mind was wandering when I heard Peter mention
my name in relation to the story aboutf Ron Thelin and I at a breakfast
table on the freeway. I raised my hand and waved and Peter recognised me
(even with whiter, thinner hair and other signs of approaching the 60s
again). He said, It's Arthur Lisch. I saw your daughter, Eleuthera, (at a
reading in Seattle) last night. That sort of interweaving, including Jane's
comments on this site, are a wonderful side-effect of Peter's deed in
publishing this book. After the questions (more on that later) I met some
other aging survivors. I also had a great talk with a fellow with Food Not
Bombs who was among other things concerned with freeing Leonard Peltier. We
exchanged a lot of stories in a short time and I thanked him for carring on
with the diggerly work. The conversation brought to clarity some ideas I
have been struggling to formulate more clearly. Its great what a good
conversation can do! After the event I was driving back to the Napa Valley
thinking about how so many heros who had set out to transform the Beast had
instead been devoured by the Beast over the years. Well it's never over and
there is no need to brood about that. The task is still at hand - as it ever
was, is and shall be. I was inspired by the thought that such wonderful
people as my daughter, Eleuthera (who Peter saw in Seattle) and Peter's
daughter, Ariel (who I saw in Mill Valley), my children Sara and Damon and
so many others have come through out of all those sad and gritty times, that
Peter chronicles so well, to be shining and strong people in this crucial
time. I find the words of Winstanley as inspirational as ever and have
continuing belief that out of all our life experience the Beast will be
transformed and good will prevail. Thanks to all those who have died on the
fields of battle.
- From: Emilia (hearthschool_yada@jps.net), 04/25/98.
Hearth School now has a homepage: http://members.tripod.com/~hearthschool.
Internet's a blessing to a farflung group like ours.
- From: Redwood (redwood_yada@codecheck.com), 04/22/98.
More for the record...In his chapter on Black Bear, Peter
describes my having come out of the Oakland Free Bakery scene. I did
participate to a minor extent at the Free Bakery but that was after my
association with the Diggers. Before the Diggers I was involved in the L.A.
Free Clinic. In those days I had a certain gift for hustling resources,
especially from the film making community. Peter Berg and Coyote got wind of
my cinemagraphic aquisitions( film, processing etc..) and determined that
such resources belonged to their much more worthy undertakings. I had seen
myself as a gifted hustler but after a very short phone call from them, I
realized I was a rank amateur. You can only imagine what it was like to be
hustled by the Digger nobility in those days. I was on the road to San
Francisco before I hung up. The next day I arrived at Willard Street and
have been in the Bay area ever since.
- From: Eric (enoble_yada@webcom.com), 04/21/98.
Saw Jane's message below, and it occurs to me that perhaps
we should set up an area on the web here where folks can leave messages
"setting the record straight" (so to speak, although I don't think
straight is exactly the right word. <g>) I checked in the book and
Peter still has the Oct. '66 dating for the closing of the Psychedelic Shop
and Death of Hippie, which should be corrected in the historical record
(should be Oct. '67). Minor point and really when you read Sleeping
in its context, it's not a history of the diggers so much as a memoir that
gets inside the head of someone who was at the center of much that was
happening. It really pulls back the curtain and reveals the inner Peter and
others. I always thought actors were supposed to hide their real selves, but
not apparently so. Jolly good read, Peter!
- From: Jane (timberlake_yada@earthlink.net), 04/21/98.
Saw Peter Coyote last night at Black Oak books (that was
fun) & bought a copy for our family's history. However, the actual first
Free Store seems to have been left out of the book, just as it was left out
of Emmett's book. Here's the story: In 1966-67 I was married to Arthur Lisch,
lived on Waller St. & had two little kids. I was cooking for the park
(with food left early every morning on my doorstep; Richard Brautigan used
to eat some in my kitchen before it was delivered to the park), helping teen
runaways to figure out what to do, stepping over the sleeping bodies in my
living room, dodging the media (also thick on the doorstep), taking in a
schizophenic homeless person to live with us, and trying, unsuccessfully in
the end, to reconcile family life with the new paradigm. One of the strains
on our relationship was the actual first Free Store, which Arthur opened on
Frederick Street before the Free Store on Cole & Carl came into being,
and which created considerable time and money demands on our anemic
household economy. I don't remember how long the store was open, but it
certainly did exist, and I'd like to set the record straight. After all, in
only a few years, Arthur's and my grandbaby Max (whose daddy Damon, our son,
and his sister Sara spent a lot of time at the Willard St. house after
Arthur and I split up) will be able to read. For those of you who knew these
folks, and maybe me too, here's what became of us: Arthur lives in
Calistoga, paint signs, makes chess sets with metaphorical implications, and
is active in community affairs. Damon is a molecular biologist at the
University of Arizona (post-doc); Sara is an artist who lives near Seattle,
and I write songs for kids and sing with them. Cheers to all.
- From: Scott J. Regner (rotscegner_yada@aol.com), 04/21/98.
Freedom is still my "Frame of Reference"....Peace
to all of you. It's obvious we need Diggers now more than ever.
- From: Blaine Dixon (blaine3_yada@wco.com), 04/18/98.
I downloaded Peter Coyotes chapter and took them to work,
were I spent most of last week reading them instead of working. It was a
real nostalgic trip for me. I was there too, but insead of diggers and
communes and free love it was sleeping in a rat-infested basement with a
film lab, doing self-assigned support to radical groups at SF State and
Berkeley..Peter was right..some of those hard-core leftists would have put
the Diggers "up against the wall" along with the captialists. But
we all have mellowed out..but then I try to hang on to my dreams of that
era...thanks for your site and thanks to Peter Coyote for his book.
- From: John Coveney (coveney_yada@dnai.com), 04/16/98.
What a treasure! thanks for the website. As a current member
of the Gnu Circus, formerly the commune The Circus in Berkeley, Bancroft and
Grant, I'd be happy to hear any stories from any of the many who passed
through ... Someday we will have a reunion part
- From: Rand Knox (rknox_yada@marinternet.com), 04/15/98.
..and the Titanic, which wasn't, crashed to earth, too.
Democracy? Who's steering this ship, anyway... its seems to be on auto
pilot, and that's no way to run a democracy, unless you wish to fly into
terrain...Was that Constitution or Corporatution...? Corporataucracy vs.
Democracy... if you hate democracy, try monoply! If you think open space is
expensive, try sprawl! Or, perhaps the Great American Car Deal metaphors
America's problems... talking about ditching democracy... afterall perhaps
alittle skulduggery won the West for the loopholed afterall... The car deal
repair job is now at: http://www.marinternet.com/rknox ... its a free
non-commercial village and family valuing site dedicated to banking the
costly dings out car deals for dummies and know-it-alls...like stuff you
should have learnt in High School, but didn't... A vicarious Digger (East
coasted at the time) Rand
- From: mjs (), 04/14/98.
Just wonderful!
- From: fish (none), 04/13/98.
Did anyone else notice that as the final jam was taking
place at the Summer of Love anniversary gathering and some people were going
over to the ocean to see the sun set, that John Denver was crashing into the
ocean in his ultra-light. See Maria Van Franz on the proclivity of the Puer
Eternus to extend youth as long as possible and how the metaphor of the
aviator and crashing to the earth fits into that picture.
- From: judy wood (auntysocial_yada@hotmail.com), 04/10/98.
- From: Mark R. Barnett (marc_yada@hamsfork.net), 04/08/98.
- From: (), 04/08/98.
- From: Jon Young (youngjl_yada@postoffice.utas.edu.au), 03/29/98.
Good to see another perspective on the Digger story other
than just Ringolevio and small snippets in other texts. Peter Coyote comes
across a tad less self important than Emmett. Information is power!!
- From: Michael Winstanley (michael_yada@vaxxine.com), 03/27/98.
I'm interested in uncle Gerrard's mystical nature .
- From: aron pieman kay (pieman_yada@queenbee.net), 03/26/98.
check out this site for old times sake: Virtual
Acid Trip
- From: Aron Kay(pieman) (pieman_yada@queenbee.net), 03/26/98.
I am back to send my love to my many comrades in the
rainbow-woodstock nation...especially to folks like diamond dave,
plunker,feather,etc. anyway, i am still an unreconstructed flower child at
the age of 48... i would LOVE to hear from anyone who went to the green
power-sponsored love-ins at griffith park in la...however all are welcome to
contact me via my email or at http://www.calyx.net/~pieman....... the
sixties live!!!!
- From: emily cunningham (foxychoux_yada@aol.com), 03/21/98.
hey all...i dont have anything intelligent to say, ill just
make a fool out of myself....this was quite
intellectualizing.....enlightening even peace out, yo : )
- From: E Cutrer (emcutrer_yada@aol.com), 03/18/98.
The logical extension of our communal existence is caring
for our own dead. When our friend Jasmine(from Hearth and other
adventures)died last fall, we were able to follow her wishes and provide her
with a loving and personal home wake and funeral. She was cared for at all
times by those who loved her. We did this with the assistance of the Natural
Death Care Project, a nonprofit group in Sebastopol, California. They have
been included in a segment on home funerals in a very good article on the
funeral industry in the March 23 issue of US News and World Report. You can
access it online here: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/980323/23deab.htm.
Have a joyous spring.
- From: edi (eroman_yada@niu.edu), 03/17/98.
I NEED HELP! I am writing a paper on the diggers. I can use
any info anyone can give me. It would help a lot.
- From: Coymoon of Woodstock (coymoon_yada@petercoyote.com), 03/15/98.
Those of you who have read some of Peter Coyote's Free-Fall
Chronicle chapters on this site might be interested in knowing that his book
will hit the bookshelves come April 1st under its original title of
"Sleeping Where I Fall." Information on his book and book tour
schedule as well as upcoming interviews can be found at his Web Site at
petercoyote.com. This site with over 100 pages encompasses Coyote's lifetime
work as actor, writer, narrator, activist and even musician with his songs
now on RealAudio. Check it out!!
- From: Alice Gaillard (alice_yada@digipresse.com), 03/15/98.
My friend Celine and I are planning a documentary movie
about the diggers story (since 4 years now!!) and we are still looking for
archives and footage.
- From: harris pankin (skies23.minspring.com), 03/14/98.
all right hello test one two three
- From: harris pankin (right now none), 03/14/98.
hi my brothers jack just died i wish i could have been in
san fransisco on march 3 thanks for the tribute i lived there in 84 ill be
back in july after the pinball tournament in vegas. anyways come to nyc and
join nyc in paying tribute to jack at cbgb's april 1.2,3,4,5,66 and the rest
of the year. april 18th at the knitting factory bring love and peace im
throwing the party. call cbgb's for band bookings steve miller just
happenens to be in town just a son of a fool.
- From: Emilia (emcutrer_yada@aol.com), 03/10/98.
Hey, Eric, I like the background. Happy spring.
- From: Kirstin (KMV3077_yada@STUDENTS.SSU.EDU), 03/09/98.
- From: Clane Hayward (lonesometown_yada@webtv.net), 03/07/98.
I have hazy memories of burning dollar bills and a favorite
tricycle in Digger bonfires when I was 2 years old; of my mother H'lane
getting arrested for shoplifting stuff that I later understood was to be
given away at the Free Store. Trying to escape my parents' hippie nostalgia,
it wasn't unil I read Todd Gitlin's "Years of Hope, Days of Rage"
that I realized how interesting the Digger history is. Nice site. Any other
Adult Children of Hippie Parents out there? We of the funny names, the
third-grade tofu sandwich outcastes, have to stick together!
- From: Robert Greenwald Productions - bd (rgprod_yada@aol.com),
Please spread the word. My name is Brad Durante and I am
currently (3/6/98) conducting research for an upcoming feature film about
ABBIE HOFFMAN, based on the book "Abbie Hoffman: American Rebel"
by Marty Jezer. We have the full cooperation of Abbie's 2nd wife, Anita, and
Gerry Lefcourt, Abbie's legal council. We are seeking any "Home
Movies," 8mm or 16mm footage of any Yippie activities, including: 1.)
the Oct '67 March on the Pentagon, 2.) demonstrations at the '68 Chicago
Democratic convention 3.) the Yippie "Festival of Life" at Lincoln
Park August 26-28, 1968 4.) "Bring Home Abbie" Benefit(s) Also, we
are looking for any original memorabilia from that era. Please contact us
online or at 10510 Culver Blvd Culver City, CA 90232 (310)204-0404 office
(310)204-0174 fax Thank you for spreading the word !!!!!!!!!!! bd
- From: Lisa Derry (haltderry_yada@beeline.ca), 03/06/98.
An amazingly informative site!
- From: Claude Hayward (chayward_yada@etsc.net), 03/04/98.
Thank, Eric, for your continuing efforts. Nice work. BTW,
H'lane can get e-mail c/o drhall_yada@efn.org
- From: Phyllis Willner (sugar_yada@humboldt1.com), 03/01/98.
- From: Ted Sheridan (sheridan_yada@sfsu.edu), 02/26/98.
Hats off! I am currently offering an experimental online
course at SFSU and this site is an excellent resource. Students are reading
T.E.K.A.T. by Tom Wolfe and going out to web and finding information. I will
recommend this site to all of them. Congratulations on a job well done!
- From: bruce glasgow (glasgow_yada@montana.com), 02/25/98.
i lived at the corner of clayton and waller with
mark,sophie,juston and amy anderson,before that the red house above the
haight bootery,best years of my life.can`t and won`t forget them.anybody
remember me??gene nelson,patrick who took me apple picking and put me on the
rainbow road??hey,i`m still here and the spirit is strong!!!!
- From: Bud Cloyd (budcloyd_yada@www.conet.com.mx), 02/19/98.
Just checked in. Haven´t looked at the site yet. But... I
spent many nights crashed at the Diggers place right off Haight in 67. Was
stationed in the military at an Air Force site down by San Jose. On days
off, I would come into the city and crash at the Diggers. Now I teach school
in Mexico City. Peace, Bud
- From: Gahmelah Mahal (griffia_yada@csba.org), 02/11/98.
Just found this sight, pretty interesting. I'm looking
forward to having my daughter (Khalila) in Ocean's wedding this spring.
Also, talked to my mom (Siena Riffia aka Natural Susan), we're both looking
forward to the book. I'll check in soon. Aloha to all.
- From: Dan Colen (dhcphc_yada@dmi.net), 02/09/98.
I travel,ask,see and wonder, what the hell happened. It was
about the idea not all the bullshit. Emmett once told me very few understand
the situation[what situation?], all these years later it's still true. Don't
ask just do! Has the world made cowards of us all. Old friends never forget
that for a while we did whatever it took to help!
- From: Pam Hanna (Read) (phanna_yada@law.vanderbilt.edu), 02/08/98.
Leonard - If you mean Manhattan around 1963-4, I was there
(New Orleans in 1965). Do you remember the Metro on 8th Ave. where people
packed in to read & hear poetry? That was in the days when they called
us beatniks. I first heard the word 'hippie' on the lower east side. I'm not
sure about a NY Emmett, but do remember this weird little shopfront place
with no signs that said 'art gallery' or anything to tell what it was &
there was this guy who sat on a folding chair in a scruffy-looking overcoat
& watched people go by. (I'm not making this up.) The 'pictures' were
just vertical multicolored lines in different widths & when I looked at
them, they started waving (a well-known optical illusion device now) & I
rubbed my eyes & looked again & said WOW or somesuch & the guy
saw me & came out of the shop & asked me what I saw & I told him
wavy lines, what else? & he wrote that down on a dirty notepad & he
seemed to dismiss me, so I went on wondering whether I'd passed or flunked
some kind of test. That was when the Village was just turning the corner
from selling out & you could still get into the coffe houses without
buying anything, but everybody lived on the Eastside. Pam
- From: Leonard Iye (gustav2_yada@msn.com), 02/08/98.
Have visited Guest Book 3 or 4 times during the previous 10
months and have been disappointed that no one from NYC seems to remember the
Free Store, Emmett ( how do you forget Emmett ), and Billy who according to
a childhood friend, is living in his old neighborhood and working in
Manhattan. Give your memories a good shake.
- From: (), 02/08/98.
- From: Maure (mdvaughn_yada@pacbell.net), 02/08/98.
Far-Out! So anyone around from summer 1969...Haight/Golden
Gate Park.. Or L.A. Diggers Summer 1969...Contact me AZAP... mdvaughn_yada@pacbell.net
Let Party Ya.............../////->
- From: Maris (), 02/04/98.
- From: Dave Hicks (), 02/01/98.
"Whatever it is that's happening keeps on happening no
matter what."
- From: mike nagy (mgnagy_yada@bayou.uh.edu), 01/30/98.
bless you all
- From: Eric (enoble_yada@webcom.com), 01/30/98.
The guestbook is working again, yay!
- From: (), 01/30/98.
- From: fish (none), 01/12/98.
Who will be in Golden Gate Park January 15, 1998? Be-In
original site.
- From: Rusty Ranney (rustylites_yada@aol.com), 01/09/98.
Grew up in Haight. Looking for some old childhood friends.
Looking for a brother and sister named Scott and Morgan, another b/s named
Greg and Valerie and another kid named Gary Brown who _yada@ 7 yrs. old referred
to himself as the "King of the Hippies". One could only aspire to
such greatness!
- From: beth (puddin6666_yada@aol.com), 01/09/98.
i'm writing a show based somewhat on the history of san
francisco, including summer of love info. i pose a question to anyone
interested in responding. what is the difference between now and then? in
other words, you see these new young hippie kids on haight street now, some
junked up on heroin, etc. what is the difference between the two
generations. any input is greatly appreciated. thanks.
- From: Jessica Hruska (j_hruska_yada@hotmail.com), 01/09/98.
This sight was pretty groovy!!!!!
- From: Carter Hall (Cudjoe17_yada@aol.com), 01/08/98.
- From: fish (none), 01/07/98.
Be-In Original Site January 15, 1998