[CC001: The Communication Company ... OUR POLICY]The Communication Company OUR POLICY OUR PLANS & HOPES OUR MAGNIFICENT MACHINES WITH WHICH WE CAN WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET! [each word this line is underlined] WE NEED
[CC002: Remember the Love Circus][Reprint of a San Francisco Chronicle column, May 19, 1967?:] The most beautiful word in this or any other language is sure taking a beating in these parts lately. The word is that four letter sigh and expletive called love. Love has been around for quite a while, but it was not well and truly discovered until last year when the hippies, here and elsewhere, started working it the way the Forty-Niners worked the Mother Lode. The hippies created a very groovy scene out in the Haight-Ashbury. They kissed cops, gave flowers to drunks, invaded downtown department stores with lovely bright balloons, and turned on with strange drugs. Everything they did was brilliantly merchandised under the name of love. Whether the hippies know as much about love as, say, St. Francis of Assisi, is much to be doubted. But likewise, it cannot be doubted that to think of love is a good thing, and to think of it often is almost certain to increase the supply of it in this sorry world. So more power to all lovers, everywhere. It is the merchants of love who are another matter. These camp followers of the lovely life are enough to curdle your marrow. They are debasing the currency of brotherhood. They are the carnies who follow the missionaries into uncharted land. They rightly stink. A couple of months back the Diggers and other Haight militants picketed a "Love Dance" on account of it cost three bucks fifty to get the body in. A jewelry store called "Happiness Unlimited" has a window sign: "We love you; we hope you love us." About the same time a bar on Haight Street converted itself into a hot dog and hamburger establishment. The hamburger is called, naturally, a LOVEburger. The hot dog is a LOVEdog. And this [c]uddly establishment has applied for permission to change its name to "THE LOVE CAFE." Look at that civic cancer, the topless phenomenon of North Beach. This whole nauseous scene is a direct outgrowth of the rather engaging nihilism of the beatniks who took over Grant avenue and its suburbs in the mid-50's. Because Ginsberg and Kerouac used feelthy words in their efforts, the area got a faintly orgiastic reputation. The tourists came from Fresno and Gilroy and dreamed feelthy thoughts as they looked at the beats, and saw pretty white girls walking arm in arm with black men. When the landlords, and the beats themselves, wearied of the North Beach scene, the merchants of love knew they no longer had the product, but they still had the customers. Ergo, mothers of eight swinging their nates, and heaving their mammaries, while the salt of the earth slaver and think those same feelthy thoughts. (Next week: The First Topless Nun!) In the end, the punishment of the hippies will be brutal and biblical. Their own imagination and talent for self-advertising will do them in. Their love, and their flowers and their balloons will bring the creeps. The creeps will prove unendurable. And this too will pass. [Communication Company commentary:]
[CC004: Survival School]Survival School free!
Every Tuesday night at 8
Every Monday night at 8
Every Wednesday night at 8
-at- [CC006: Hippies In Free!]HIPPIES IN FREE!!!!!! PSYCHEDELIC SEXUALIS just say, "Ramparts sent me." the management requests that you refrain from hissing and booing while the show is in progress. [CC007: Prepare Now For The Potlatch]PREPARE NOW FOR THE POTLATCH When San Francisco Will Open Its Golden Gate [graphic of person carrying many possessions on top of the head] [CC009: All in all, dear friends...][Reprint of article titled, "FBI's List of 'Radical Subversives'": "The FBI has elaborate plans to deal with possible subversion during a national disaster..." Com/Co editorial in right-hand column:] All in all, dear friends, this promises to be an interesting summer. Our government is clearly planning to invade North Viet Nam with an eye toward knocking out Red China. Certainly, they expect this country to reach a state of drastic emergency before fall. Probably a full-scale, formally declared war. When this happens, the FBI is ready -- ready & eager -- to take care of all radicals & subversives, right? Round them up & put them away, & if anything unfortunate happens that's just unfortunate, ain't it. You & I, dear brothers, all of us who smoke a little pot & dig a little peace -- we are high among the radicals & subversives Curtis O. Lynum is ready to pick up. Because dope is political, & don't you forget it. Anything that criticizes the Establishment & its asinine war & power games is political -- subversive! -- and taking dope is an act of criticism. Whether you mean it to be or not. Motives don't matter. The act, not the reason. All the heads & hippies, all the black power people, all the wild & futile reds with their outmoded economic fantasies & incredibly lovely & naive idealism -- you & I, dear oh my brothers -- we have all been planned for. Everything is ready. Have a good trip, but remember [I Ching hexagrams] printed as a community service by the communication company, member of the underground press syndicate. [CC016: What Part of the Day Do You Spend Running?]WHAT PART OF THE DAY DO YOU SPEND RUNNING? Which part of the day do you spend running Me? I run to ward (fend off, hospitalize, isolate) printed by the communication company a member of Ups [CC017: Got It Anyway Who Wants Haight Street...]GOT IT ANYWAY WHO WANTS HAIGHT STREET THIS SUMMER ANY WAY
who's media-money looney trap is this?
[CC020: Things are getting a bit out of control]"Things are getting a bit out of control" [Partial reprints of three newspaper articles, along with R Cobb (?) cartoon:] A Congressional Call to 'Forget' U.S. Constitution Bombs Directed At Civilians Police Chief Alarmed by Panthers [CC023: War Is Decor...]WAR IS DECOR IN MY CAVERN CAVE.
[CC024: All Watched Over...]All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace
[CC026: A Moving Target Is Hard To Hit]A MOVING TARGET IS HARD TO HIT Therefore, this is not advice for all. Some of you are people who stand there and take it, as the poles did, the ones who did, attack the hordes of tanks on horseback, with futile swords. Beautiful, that is your shot. It is not mine. When 200,000 folks from places like lima ohio and cleveland and lompoc and visalia and amsterdam and london and moscow and lodz suddenly descend, as they will, on the haight-ashbury, the scene will be burnt down. Some will stay and fight. Some will prefer to leave. My brief remarks are for the latter. I will stay. At some distance. Available. But my advice for those who have a way or ways similar to mine: disperse. Gather into TRIBES of 15 or less. Communal "families" of 5 adults (however divided into sexes) and the natural number of children thereby made, is ideal for nomadic tribal dispersal action. More than 3/4 of the state of California is national forest, national park, or state forest or park. Take your truck or car and make your camp in the part of the state you like most. Most parks require that you move in two weeks. Some places require moving every two days. This is only fair. The idea is, no one has the right to hog one campsite for the summer. Choose unfamous forests. Avoid yosemite. Work, honestly, with the forest ranger. Write the state of california for their booklet. I think the feds have a similar campsite guide. Also, volunteer for summer fire fighting work. It's good work, well paid, and necessary. When the fire starts they come to your camp and take you to the scene of disaster. Another thing, as I was once quoted: "sometimes you only have to step 3 feet to the left and the whole insane machine goes roaring by." Or something like that. The point is, for those who have this kind of way, not out of cowardice, but as WAY, that sitting in the haight-ashbury in all that heat and the terrible crowd you cannot help anyway (maybe), is simple insanity. Disperse. Gather into smaller tribes. Use the beautiful public land your state and national governments have already set up for you, free. If you want to. Most Indians are nomads. The haight-ashbury is not where it's at -- it's in your head and hands. Take it anywhere. ...Lew Welch Church of One Gestetnered by The Communication Company (UPS) 3/27/67 [CC027: Free Acid!]FREE Acid! M.G.M. cameramen, here to film RIOT ON HAIGHT STREET, reputed to be PASSING OUT FREE ACID to make the action more "Authentic." It's a bribe, but I'm an easy lay for free acid. Considering the kind of cats they are & where they're at &c, it probably isn't even true. A cheap rumor calculated to produce a picturesque crowd. I'll find out. Free? this rumor gestetnered for what it's worth by the communication company (ups) 4/8/67. Free acid? Be advised. It's probably a lie. (When's the last time MGM did anything free for you? Right.) Right? [CC028: Carte de Venue & Street Menu]Carte De Venue