Welcome to the
Digger Archives
First time here? The Overview page explains who the Diggers
were (are) and the intent of this site. The What's
New page highlights additions to this web so returning visitors might
check there first. The archivist's
posts occasional missives of interest. (Added Oct 2020:) The new "How
To Navigate the Digger Archives Site" has some tips for getting around
and finding what you want.
The links on the left border show the main sections of the Digger
Archives. A one-page summary of the critical texts in the archive (including street
sheets, broadsides, manifestos, posters, videos, interviews, histories) is
located on the Highlights page.

Coyote Howl: the Sixties Counterculture as Agent of Change

The Digger Thesis
The 1960s Counterculture was a pebble in a pond with ripples spreading
outward into the larger society. The San Francisco Diggers at the
center of that wave embodied the cultural changes
still felt and seen today worldwide.

Search the Digger Archives
[Type in key words for content to locate in the archive]

Updates to Digger web
Recent Blog Posts
Comments on the Long Lost Interview of Arthur Lisch
People’s Red Dragon Architecture
Fred Moore: Trust in People
North Beach; Weather Resonance
Past Tidbits
The Diggers published a "virtual street sheet" on St. Valentine's
Day (2017) about the controversy involving the San Francisco Recreation
& Park Commission's denial of Boots Hughston's request for a permit to
hold a Free Summer of Love 50th Anniversary event in Golden Gate Park.
Feel free to forward this new
Digger sheet to anyone who might be interested. (Also
posted on the archivist's blog.) The Digger Death of Money 50th anniversary event took place at Shaping
San Francisco studio on Oct 26 2016. A new Digger Broadside was distributed
along with other handouts. The "Death of Money Opera" digger sheet/broadside
is posted
here. The audio of the event is
The old Digger
Forum Discussion Group was archived. Now many of the participants have moved
on to various social media (a concept barely understood at the time) but the
archivist here maintains a
WordPress blog. Feel free to check
it out.
Parting philosophy:
"When comes the time to leave this world someday, what you get to keep is
what you gave away."
Note on Content Edits:
This web first emerged in 1993 and the content
changes at varying rates depending on how much time the Archivist can devote
to the coding.
This page last updated:
January 29, 2024 |