Morningstar, Wheeler's and the Free Land
North of San Francisco, across the mythic Golden Gate inlet, lay the rolling hills of Marin
and Sonoma counties, golden in summer, verdant in winter. For many of the Haight's denizens,
suffering burnout, ennui or police heat, the siren call of the North drew their embattled
souls to the land of the red-tailed hawk and live oak shrub. Morningstar was the first
refuge with an open land policy. Founded by Lou Gottlieb, a former member of the
folk-singing trio Limeliters, Morningstar was known as the "digger farm" in the
Haight, supplying apples and other organic fruits and vegetables to the Free Food
programs. We have a growing collection of materials here, due to the diligence and labors
of love of many graduates of these Free Land communes. |