These are the Guestbook Entries from 2002. Please visit the current Guestbook
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NOTE: this file contains the entries from November, 2002. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2002.

Name: shoms maga
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Nov 2002
This is a nice site

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Nov 2002
Ohio Girl~
I have found some cleanses for Hep C that work. HIV, AIDS and cancer are also addressed and begin with these cleanses. I am one of the legions that have been battling this since my own needle use. I now longer feel that bone deep tiredness and have turned my health around. My daughter Ariel, was born with it and these cleanses have helped but not brought about the dramatic changes it has in me. But there is one doctor that feels she may be dealing with something more than Hep C and we will see about that soon. For anyone that knows anyone else that has it, or is sick with just about ANYTHING or in pain, these cleanses will blow your mind at the changes they make. I will give a brief here and the site to go to for more detailed info. Maybe this will help you or someone you care about. You are welcome to email me with any questions.
To cut to the chase, the basic cleanse starts with a worn and parasite cleanse. That alone will make a noticed change in just about anyones health and is rediclously easy to do. 3 inexpensive herbs are used. There is also a thing called a Zapper, that is more expensive and a necessary piece of equipment. But in Dr Clarks books she diagrams and gives instructions how to make one cheaply..I have both. Go to her search to understand what it does.
Next is a kidney cleanse and it can be done at the same time as the worm and parasite cleanse. This is also herbs and I find it a pain in the butt simply because it takes much longer to do. I have never finished the whole round, but know I need to. With that said, I don't feel it's crucial to finish it to get on with the liver cleanse. But that's my opinion.
The liver cleanse SUCKS. But it only takes overnite to do and in 24 hrs you will feel like a new person! This is no exageration. But it must be done 6 or more times. You will know when you have done enough for what stops coming out of you. I found I had to do it every 10 days until I stopped having energy drops. It is ESSENTIAL to do the worm and parasite cleanse before you do this or you will get sick as a dog! Take my word on this.
The next biggie is your teeth, and needs to be addressed ASAP. I can not emphasize this one enough. I could not stabalize my health until I dealt with this. The amalgam..the silver in your teeth, is poisoning your liver! NO ONE should have silver in their mouth! This was the hardest and most expensive things for me to deal with. The info she has is shocking and I have found she is not the only one that knows and agrees on this. You need plastic or ceramic fillings. No gold either. She doesn't even like the plastic or ceramic. Everything they use, leaks into your system. But silver is the worst and is not just silver. You've got mercury in your mouth! Think about it. There are many dentists that will say your crazy..find one that doesn't. Cause they're WRONG. If you need someone elses word on this I will hunt down another site for you from the head of toxicology in Florida.
Dr Clark has written 4 books. I have 3 of them just to use as reference for friends with HIV (she says can be cured in 6 days!), Aids and cancer. For myself and my family I use her book, Cure For All Diseases, as a reference book. In these books she lists all the toxic stuff we are using daily in our lives. The list is long and is a bummer and a hassle. I am still cutting my way through it.
There are lots of people and AMA that says she is a quack. They are wrong. I and my family and friends that have followed her instructions, and can varify that allergies and many other things you would never imagine this would change totally, does.
PS She does not directly address Hep C. She has not gotten enough varificaton on it yet. I met her by a stroke of luck, and found there are not enough people that I have been able to give her hard decisive data yet. But as far as I'm concerned, I don't need anyone to tell me I'm alive because of her. Here is the site.

Name: Ohio girl
E-mail Address:
Date: 30 Nov 2002
The turkeys were safe from me this year, no appetite from hepatitis C medicine. I've had vegan Thanksgiving dinners as good as turkey but not even that this time around. Most food is safe from me at the moment!! Not much happened for Thanksgiving, but I'm thankful that our family will be able to congregate by Christmas. I've never been much of an activist, a few weeks at Morningstar way back when, were a beautiful vacation from my then-life of drugs. Morningstar didn't change my behavior at the time, but it did change my lifelong attitudes and feelings and it has always stayed with me. I think the politics of the U.S. are about as gross as it gets (I HOPE!) at the moment, but the country has overcome such policies and tactics before. The voting process seems stalled-out to me, please tell me I'm wrong. I think how we live (at least in my case) is the only way to positively affect the world, maybe I can make the biggest difference a little at a time, one person or one animal or one day at a time if I'm thoughtful. Happy Holidays to one and all. Steve I don't know you but it seems way too quiet and silent here in Ohio.......Peace

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 29 Nov 2002
Perhaps it is the environment that I am in that makes me comfortable with life. I do not look for the violence but it comes close to home when I read or see the news.
The window that I see from is peaceful.
Perhaps it is all the trees that filter out all the violence that surrounds me.
Or it could be my brain that sees the rainbow, I am not sure?
This has been going on for a long time.
I am going on a trip. I will be back in a couple of weeks.
Take care of your self.

Name: Eileen...
E-mail Address: the unenlightened
Date: 28 Nov 2002
Yes we are here and sometimes thankful. Life lessons creat common is not a given, and is rarely the only place we make our decisions from. We can move about our world if we have money. We speak and write freely until we say something that arouses too much attention that doesn't go along with the status quo. Free, raises the question..from what? We can not bury the wheel but we can modify it. The gov't revolves as it is, because we have not figured out how to change it. Today I enjoy a peaceful meal and am grateful while I think of those that don't have that luxury. They could be next door. Killing after the dishes will not happen at my house but will happen somewhere else a hundred times over before the day is through.
This is not a peaceful country or a peaceful world. People are not peaceful creatures. Peacefulness is something we strive for. But to be peaceful all the time means one is numb, or not paying attention..or maybe the Dalai Lama or Amachi. I certainly haven't gotten there..and I do think they suffer too.
I appreciate the gentleness of intention that you bring. I choose awarenss. It does not always mean I feel peaceful. There is much to suffer and there is much to enjoy. To get attached to one or the other is like trying to stop breathing.

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Nov 2002
We are here. We are sometimes thankful. Government revolves around our being here. Common sense creates what ever we choose. We can move about our world.
Are we lucky enough to live in a world that lets us write freely here on the net or are we in some place on this planet that needs some improvement?
Are these messages seen throughout the world? If they are then they know what they need to perfect their realm.
Who is the freeist person on this planet? Can you tell me? Are you the freest?
When we spread the wealth throughout the world does it become better? Does the field become level through this communication? Can we bury the wheel after it has been invented?
Today we are thankful and we celebrate that with a peaceful meal.
Did someone ask us to kill our neighbor after the dishes were dried?
If we are peaceful at dinner then we can be peaceful all the time. It is our choice. It is mine.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: I'm sort of back
Date: 28 Nov 2002
I am having my dream Thanksgiving. Well, one I've wished for many times. Alone. It's not the way I want every Thanksgiving, cause I often enjoy it with all the preparation and mainly when I have my family and friends around me. But this one this yr suits me just right. My girls are with their friends and loved ones. So everyone has what they need and that feels good. I hope you all are having the Thanksgiving you want too.
I am beginning to loosen my mind up about this potiential move. And RNA is absolutely correct. Today ideas, dreams of the future, and the home I want next are starting to bubble up. I used to enjoy this. I know it will come. I am not under any immediate pressure but what I create myself. So am trying to ease up on that. It's a beautiful sunny day here on the coast..that helps. I'm still rummaging around for the gypsy in me and I know she's gonna be happy when I find my gypsy skirt again.
Tonto, I see you have given this a lot of thought. Some of what you suggest is very much the way I hear the Japanese run their big companies. I think we have something to learn from them in that regard. I also think those of us who spent time on communes or worked as activists have a pretty good idea of what the kinds of problems come up in trying to create a level playing field. From a simple point of view, small groups work more fluidly than larger. There is something in the back of my head about about the size if the gov't we have created..that we have somehow agreed to that has gotten out of hand. Maybe it was always out of hand. I do know it was created to protect those with land and money from they get go. With that kind of foundation, we started off unequal..and it was with intention. I think states should run themselves with their own laws and own cental gov't. This country has gotten to big to be run by one gov't. I think until that happens we won't see the changes we need. How we get there is beyond my imagining.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Nov 2002
Thanksgiving is a good day to become vegetarian. Here's to all the vegans and other animal lovers in the world.

E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Nov 2002
ON ALL of our demonstrations we chant "Another world is possible". But what does this mean? On one of the anti-capitalist marches in London last year several people arrived with a big home-made banner that said "Overthrow capitalism and replace it with something nicer".
That's where millions of people in the worldwide movement are at now. We know what we're against, but there is endless debate and searching for what we are for. Here is one view, my view, of what another world would look like.
First, it would be absolutely nothing like the old dictatorships in the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam and Cuba. Our alternative is not a police state. But nor would it be like the parliamentary democracies in Italy, Britain or India. It's not that I'm against voting. The problem is partly that we only get to vote every five years and, whoever we elect, they never do what they promised.
But the real problem is that, although we have democratic parliaments, work is a dictatorship. From the moment you clock on to the moment you leave, you do what you're told. "If you don't like it, TONTO," they say, "you can go."
We spend the majority of our lives getting ready for work, going there, working, coming home, and then slumping to recover ourselves. So the dictatorship at work means our fundamental experience of life is not democratic. And the corporations and the employers run the political world anyway.
It starts long before we're old enough to work. School and university are dictatorships too, preparing and disciplining us for the world of work. So we would start another world with democracy at work. We would elect the managers from among ourselves, replacing them whenever we want.
Ordinary people can do those jobs. We already make the trains run on time, run the hospital wards, design buildings. People would grow into those jobs, and we'd need fewer managers if people were doing their jobs voluntarily. But that alone would not be enough. There is still the world market.
I worked for ten years for a feminist abortion clinic. We were a co-operative. We shared jobs. We had equal pay. But we were competing with other clinics in a market, and in the end we had a management that sacked all the union members. The same thing has happened to whole countries that try to have democracy in the middle of a world market.
So the workers in each company or government department would have to take over the whole place. Then we could elect representatives from each workplace. These would be people like ourselves, cleaners and carpenters and teachers, not lawyers and politicians parachuted in from outside. They would work alongside us, be people we could know and weigh up.
The representatives from every workplace could meet together in each city every week to make decisions about what to do with the economy. In most towns the only place big enough to hold them would be the football stadium. Then they could elect reps to a national meeting, and that national meeting could elect reps to international meetings.
At the base of this would be meetings at each workplace every week. Every week we could replace our reps if we wanted, at every level. Of course some people don't work. Retired people could elect reps at clubs, and so could children at school.
All these meetings would make decisions about what to do with our work. In capitalism every company must compete, and profit is the criterion. In our new world we could make decisions based on what we need, not on profit. There would be endless debates in those meetings.
Some people will want to put a lot more work into looking after old people. Others will want a lot more musicians and artists. Some will want to work only four days, and abolish Monday straight off. Others will want to keep working hard to bring the poor countries of the world up to the level of the rich. Some will want to put all our energy into the environment.
There will be endless debates, and we will settle them by consensus when we can, by votes when we must. There will be compromises, mixes and matches. Some of our decisions will turn out wrong. The key is that they will be really democratic. One of the glories of our movement, and one of the surprising things, is that we all seem to be agreed on the central importance of democracy.
I don't know exactly what those meetings will decide. I think we'll want equality, with everyone earning the same. I think we'll want to share out jobs, so everyone spends part of every week or every year doing the really good jobs, and everyone takes a turn at the boring, hard, difficult jobs.
I'VE LIVED and worked in six countries on four continents. From talking to working people in all those countries, I'm absolutely sure a central thing they will want is freedom from fear.
We spend our whole lives ruled by fear now-fear of being humiliated by the teacher, fear of looking stupid, lying awake at night worrying about money, fear of the gas bill, fear of not being able to get your ageing father into a decent hospital, fear of losing your job and having to come home and tell your husband or wife and your children that you can't bring home any money, and being ashamed.
Losing your job may happen to you only once or twice in your life, but the fear of it is with you every day. In another world we would make sure that those fears were gone, that everyone lives in security.
It wouldn't be a perfect world. People would still die, or feel unloved. There would still be problems. But it would be a far, far better world. And in time we would create new people. Two things will help here. First, the people we are now could not create this new world. In fighting for it, and in winning it, we would become quite different people-not just us here in this room, but the majority of people in the world.
Think how much you have changed just by being in Florence, just by this one experience of the European Social Forum, the confidence and hope you have. Then think of that multiplied a thousand times or more in far bigger struggles, and you have some idea how we would change.
But also we would create a new generation, raised in a new world. We have all grown up under capitalism. We carry the scars of much suffering, of grief, of being made to feel small. I smoke. I'm overweight. But each of us carries that suffering in our bodies, in the way we stand and walk.
Look at any baby, at their great eyes drinking in the world in wonder and excitement. Not any baby-not the ones who do not have enough to eat. But the others. And then look at the adults. We would create a world where that wonder could last into adulthood. And those people, raised in a new way, could go on to create yet another world.
I don't know if we'll do this in families or not. It may turn out everybody wants a standard family with 2.4 children and a white picket fence. Maybe half the population will turn out to be lesbian or gay. Maybe all the lesbians and gays will want the 2.4 children and the picket fence. I don't know. But I do know we will be able to make these decisions democratically, with the right to choose what we really want.
It won't be easy to make this new world. We are now at the beginning of the anti-capitalist movement. Before us is a long hard road, with many ups and downs. We will win victories we cannot now imagine, and live through shattering defeats. In the process, we will grow in numbers, and all of us will change profoundly.
No one can say we are bound to win a new world. Our slogan is "Another world is possible", not that it is certain. But I do know this. I'm 54 years old, and have been a revolutionary all my adult life. Until a year ago I didn't think I'd see another world in my lifetime. Ever since the great demonstration in Genoa last year I have known that it is now possible."

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Nov 2002
Happy T Day to all.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 28 Nov 2002
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Along with everyone else.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Nov 2002
Happy Thanksgiving to all - Hammond

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 28 Nov 2002
Tim used to say you first have to imagine it in order to create it. I hope your new home is even better than your current one.
Your move could be a blessing in disguise. Sending best wishes, R

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: loose lave
Date: 28 Nov 2002
"Bowling for Columbine" has broken the all-time box office record for a documentary in America. It has
ignited a national discussion about guns, violence, the NRA, racism, why the Canadians don't lock their
doors, and the insane preparation for an expanded war in Iraq. The film continues to set box office
records in the UK, France and elsewhere. And, next week, "Stupid White Men" begins its 10th month on the
best-seller list. Have a happy Thanksgiving.
Tim Leary used to say, "Intelligence is the ultimate aphrodesiac." that was quite a bumper sticker.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Nov 2002
Yes Mark - The moron has indeed placed the bad Doctor in charge of the 9/11 investigation instead of placing him before the International Court. - And Yes - Big Brother has been peeping for many years - but not with a virtual microscope and in such blatant abuse of our rights of privacy. We are all terrorists in the Republican eye - IAMIMAM - Suspect

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Nov 2002
"Henry the K" is back in the saddle. Maybe there is something like a LSD flashback. Holy shit, batman.
A weekly aquaintance of mine described the US as moving through it's Post-Imperialist phase on it's way to a governmental collapse not unlike the Soviet Union. This collapse he predicted will be due to the government's inability to support a monstrous military commitment. Got a comment on that?

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 27 Nov 2002
Big Brother has followed me for over thirty years. When I want to tell him somethings I just tell him. Like now. I can say something and he reads what I write and "presto" Big Brother knows what I feel about changing the heart of America. We can use Big Brother if he is listening.
The worst Big Brother can do is destroy my family and I. He cannot destroy the freedom that is in the heart.

Name: Rena
E-mail Address: ocean swirling
Date: 27 Nov 2002
"The People's History of the United States" is the title of Howard Zinn's book. It's Incredible. He has stuff on all the presidents, including good ol Jimmy Carter. Zinn is well documented. I enjoyed reading the chapters in random order. Raad about oppressed indentured servants then skip to Abraham Lincoln who was no champion of the slaves.... "If I could maintain the Union without freeing the slaves I would gladly do so," is one LIncoln quote that stands out. The chapter on the Vietnam War had me in tears. Those were my friends and classmates who were dying for what??!! I remember the terror of my friends and brother that they would be drafted and sent to Nam. the rich, of course, could stay out of the army by extending their college education.
Mother Jones has an article at "No Child Left UnRecruited." Part of the 740 page education bill, the "No Child Left Behind" bullshit bill, includes provisions that any school that wants federal funding MUST give the federal government total access to the student directory for recruitment. A few schools are testing this policy. Another ill effect of this bill, aside from giving our children to the draft board, is that all the myriad of tests that the students must pass force teachers to teach for the test. Nowadays, good teachers teach their students how to think, how to research, how to be critical. But, those that must learn a list of facts for these tests are missing out on interactive learning, round table discussions, and other areas of learning. Big Brother is Watching YOU. 1984 by George Orwell rings true, chilingly true. Back to the no child left behind bill... schools that don't have a high enough pass rate among their students receive less funding so the marathon is on to teach for the test.
Home schooling is scuch a luxery. I am blessed to have had the time to homeschool my kids. However, they need a lot more info than I can offer which is why my 16 year old is now at Maui's only prep school. I sure wish there was an alternative here. At least most of her classes are interesting. ...She's reading Carlos Castenada in a Philosophy class. .... and, Zinn for US History. Chemistry is Environmental Chemistry. She's digging it.
As the world gets crazier my daughter has begun entertaining thoughts of going to college in Hawaiim, her native state. I just want her to be happy. I sure love the program of interactive education at Evergreen in Olympia but the weather is a big obstacle for us tropical flower hawaiians.
Sending everyone love and blessings on gratitude day. Hope you all have lots to be grateful for.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 26 Nov 2002
I hate moving myself. Good luck Eileen. It was nice talking to you on here. This too will pass.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2002
Well friends I am going to be out of the loop here for awhile. I just found out yesterday, I'm going to have to make some radical changes in my life sometime this yr that has blown my mind..moving. When I thought my gypsy life was really over. This has come as a unexpected shock to me and I am not feeling up to making sense or thinking about anyone else's mind right now. Thanks for the good company here.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2002
The only use I can see of this recording of every breath we take, is if there is someone or some group in particular that is being tracked. That's certainly scary enough. But imagine anyone or anything tracking our lengthy and boreing conversations and daily doings to find a grain of anything worthwhile. It's the IDEA of all this that is disturbing in the extreme. But to get anything of value, so much would have to be processed..and we know how faulty the eletronics world can get. I sense something else is afoot here. Like maybe diverting our attention to worry about this. Just a thought.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2002
I hate to bring up "Big Brother" again but in the blink of an eye (yesterday) our "Freedom of Speech (privacy)" has been eliminated. The Office of Information Awareness ala John Poindexter (of Iran/Contra) is just getting itself up and running. The Mobius chip will undoubtedly be making a reappearance on the set - this is the cute little Big Brotther software (designed earlier this year) that allows 'the watchers' - to read what you type on your keyboards as you type it. Perhaps the typewriter isn't as out of date as it seemed? Suggest that everyone use terrorist verbage without threatening context as a footer to all e-mails so that the OIA databanks become overwhelmed. Vinceremos! IAMIMAM

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2002
recieved an email from steve all is ok. his computer was down for a while nothing more sinister than that

Name: me again
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2002
So busy goofing forgot to thank you Nicole. Thanks for checking in. Have a good one yourself. I can just imagine you in the cold morning. This is when I would be ready to head for the country! Snow in a city..yuk! Sunny and damp (as usual) here on the northern coast. Everythings turning green from the storms that came in last wk. Remember the first time I came to CA in the middle of winter in CO, having gone through a blinding blizzard over Donner Pass then coming over the hills the change of air and the startling green of everything. I do wait for this change of season to bring the beauty back. Thinking about making a fire and get my lazy ass in gear.
Enjoy the season all.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2002
Indeed - Need we say more..... onwords! Out Moloch Out!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: ppsssst
Date: 26 Nov 2002
No no, it's like this...the bird on the line is dropping poop on hats below, singing songs with friends in the morning snow. roger and out.. or is it hugh and lewy?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: eh hem
Date: 26 Nov 2002
The fox is in his hole watching the hounds run by. All is well.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2002
...all's well on the western, uh, west st front...

Name: nik
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2002
...that is if any of you HEAR...

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 26 Nov 2002
hi all...I went to west 4th last evening...I spoke to a guy in the office who said he hadn't seen Steve that I filled him in a bit as to why I was worried and he told me their computer has been down for the last 3 days...then he said he realized Steve really hadn't been around for about as long...I left a note and the guy said he'd put it under the door...I suggested he might consider going in if there's no response or if he still doesn't show up...He hadn't known anything was up so that makes me feel better...I'll go over again before I go home this evening as well...let me know too, if any of you here separately...okay? other than that it looks like we'll get snow tonight in time for an old fashion Thanks Giving...with warm regard on this ever so frosty morning, Nicole

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: focus the attention on the attention
Date: 26 Nov 2002
Eileen, thanks for the response. I am going to follow Peter's advice and read The Peoples History of America (Howard Zinn) and Manufacturing Consent (Noam Chomsky). That should give us at least a starting place, in which we will have a common Frame of Reference. An old dog can learn new tricks, I hope.....T

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2002
Hey T~
I will not take issue with your thoughts concerning Steve. We all have our own, and you a entitled to yours. It is a mean willed intention I have addressed here.
Well you've done something I always thought would be interesting but never could get my mind around well enough to do it. Taking on different characters (thoughts) and using different names for them. I have no problem with that unless it is being used simply to hide behind..which I didn't think was going on with you. It occured to me early on with my computer use on other boards, that it would be a great experiment of how the "person" we project is reflected back in others reponses. I actually found when this was all new to me, it was hard enough to project myself in a way I felt was true to myself. I take it as a great excersize in communication. I now take a fair amount of thought before and while I post to really say what I mean and have it come accross as intended. I have different lines of thought and interests, but I have chosen to claim them so there is no uncertainy as to who's posting. I have come here the share ME, and I claim it all. I have come to not only add my two cents about my own take on our shared past, and to also do catch up with some of those I have lost contact with. As well as pick up the political climate here and maybe learn something.
There is a site that has been very active for a number of yrs, and can get interesting at times in a number of areas. Although it is an earthquake site, it covers a pretty wide range of topics. The political pages some of you might find interesting, when they are not flaming each other over nonsense (see, it does happen elsewhere and as stupidly). There are some good and varied minds there (and some clueless), and I think is a good finger to the wind of a cross section of attitudes and thought politically. I usually look to see what the lastest Dona has come up with. This girl is ON IT. Here you go:

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 25 Nov 2002
Damn I did it again. Thats me arrogant. Been in New York City too long myself huh travis ....then again I was born seem to have your underwear tied in a are quite full of yourself....I just have trouble seeing any content.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 25 Nov 2002

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2002
Hey Curious - Well, have you got it worked out now? Can we get on with things mysterious or do you still have issues to go on about? You are quite well spoken - but now what? Got anything "non-Steve" related to add or detract in the mean time? - No offence intended - afterall - I don't have much to say these days - except perhaps that under Bush educational statistics will go up only because there is less to learn......IAMIMAM

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2002
Eileen and Nicole - I haven't heard from Steve since his bail-out note - sent him an e-mail but no reply which is unusual - but then he may be south-bound on a OMMC flight pattern. In any event I hope someone goes by to check on him....... Thanks.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: in the land of plausibility
Date: 25 Nov 2002
I am unconvinced of Steve's predicament. It sounds too much like "crying wolf" to me. It also smacks of being perfectly willing to dish it out;but, being unwilling or unable to take it. In any case I should think there were many ways to address real levels of threat, either expressly stated or implied. Now I'm not saying that I think Steve disingenuos. But he has certainly bordered on it at times. I am otherwise not involved in this at all--in any way, directly or indirectly, other than as an observer. And 'bye the way--You may all, collectively or individually, go jump in the fuckin' lake, when it comes to questioning the reasons why I choose to use different "names" as my stalking horses. Since Benjamin Franklin, writing as "Poor Richard" to Samuel Clemens, writing as Mark Twain, the tradition of developing a persona within his literary style, is well established for an author, any author( and when you literally or figuratively put pen to paper, that is what you become-an author). It was thus before the Constitution and, happily, remains so--I should have thought you would all have learned that in elementary school. There are a few things that have not become apparent to you, for instance, that Beetle Bailey addresses you only in connection with military concerns. Amonttillado has addressed you to join him in spiritual pursuits; but, at the same time reminding you of Poe's first line, if memory serves, " A thousand and one misfortunes had I born of Fortunato," which is how I felt every time I tried to approach riposte and repartee, with Steve Boyd, all of which was designed to qualify him as both sharp and reliable, toward the resolution of a unique problem, which is a private matter, and not available to you in public. However, his sharpness was of tooth, and his reliability called, only in regard of the matter of which I speak and not as a general case, into some question. I will say that he has maintained the discretion that I had hoped for--no small thing in and of itself. Nobody understood because they were not intended to understand, goddamit. Steve was boastful and resentful; but, when I was finally able to resolve the mystery with him, by private resource, he understood why the whole thing had been necessary. Not, that it was of necessity for him;rather, it was of necessity for me. Steve has taken credit for stimulating a great deal more than is his due. He has put words into my mouth, and that borders on real insult. He has lived in NYC to damn long, for my money. When I spoke to Eileen, here, he took protective umbrage with my remarks, and a new round of hostilities began--most of which I just didn't participate in. You know, fuck with Eileen, Fuck with Coyote, fuck with anyone or anything that Steve Boyd didn't like and he blew his top. I really don't give a shit what you think about my attitudes, or at least what you mistakenly think are my attitudes, especially, because I can't control what you think or how you feel. In almost every case in my entire life, when someone told me to keep it simple, they were actually seeking my compliance.They just wanted me to comply--as a general quality--nothing particularly specific--just comply. When some one tells me to keep the language simple, what they are saying is invariably that I should come to some operable conclusions about the lack of intelligence or education of the part of the audience( only audience in the sense that this kind of communication doesn't achieve the intimacy of a two party conversation). What fucking arrogance! I will never do you the disservice of speaking to you in that manner; unless, you offend.
I may take the time to define a term that has a special meaning: example, the time I used Ken Knabb's definition of Bohdisattva. But, the only reason that I do it is as a matter of respect for you, and that I take great pains within my communications to be quite clear. You all take so much on faith, why can you not take me on faith when needed? Eileen has been one among you willing to dig herself, as have Eric and Mark Hebard--Mark especially has extended faith in that direction-and it is much appreciated. Simon is still a wolf in sheep's clothing, but you will probably have to find that out for yourselves--on that note if you have not read Nietzche's Will To Power you cannot know what I find wrong with Simon, and frankly, he can only operate within the sphere of your ignorance; he depends upon it....................Travis Motherfucker

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2002
Eileen, I'm going at 5 pm after work...but I'll call the church right now and ask at the office to make sure he's ok...Nik

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2002
I can't raise Steve via email. I hope someone that can see Steve, will go track him down. Please email me and let me know how he is doing.

Name: Iron Riders Anonymous
E-mail Address: The Open Road
Date: 25 Nov 2002
Down with the virual Angry Brigades! Up with honesty of expression - and that is what courageously Steve provides - however blunt or innacurate at times. It really doesn't matter if you agree with him - agreement is not the point - just ask Sprog or some of these other virual instigators who have nothing better to do with their down time except bugging Steve - a pure heart willing to put his thoughts and actions out on the white lines of the hightway - stirring the pot of dialogue so to speak. But stirring with valid thought vs. inane threats and stupidity. Who ever you are - I suggest you stop it while the stopping remains sane vs. the unmentionable wrath of others who live near by...... Take heed.

Name: Michael
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2002
I want to add my voice to those who are calling you back. You brought life to these pages. I'm sorry to read that you have been threatened by idiots. I hope you are able to get past that shit and find your voice again.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2002
Good morning ...I was away for the week-end and I didn't go by and see you Steve...I will be over today...and thank you Eileen for your words on that frustrating it must be for our Steve...and yes that was my brother...he's currently back living in Starlight, Pennsylvania...Peter and his son Nick saw him awhile back....they went on a fishing trip with him in summer on the north Platt river in Wyoming...he and my sister Judy from Chicago came to see me the week after 9/11...concerned because I live downtown near ground zero...that was such a treat...
There are some serious issues on my mind today, but I can't quite bring myself to broach them yet...speak later, Nicole

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 25 Nov 2002
Tomas was put under the same eye as Steve but it was on the Morningstar Most newsletter. People were saying why is he writing this stuff here. Some said write it elsewhere. Some said Morningstar is free, let him write here.
So Tomas does write to the Morningingstar newsletter as he pleases. But Tomas also pays for a site all his own where Tomas can muse all he wants.
So Steve do as you please, Tomas does not mind. Buy your own space and invite Tomas over for a chat. I am not into chat rooms. I cannot spell without a spellchecker.
When a man opens his mouth he has something to say or he is hungry. We as a commnunity can listen or feed em.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 24 Nov 2002
Steve is getting threats via email. What cowards! I cant say its unbelievable. Nothing is unbelievable anymore after the last year or so. Actually its very predictable. Eye to eye they would say nothing. Behind the keyboard they are invincible. Ive found in life that those that threaten do nothing. You gotta watch the quiet ones. Well Steve I hope you keep talking. You got me laughing quite a few times during a continuing dark period. Dont let these stunads rattle your cage.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Nov 2002
I guess I should say again that Steve is welcome here. I may not agree with his opinions and wince at times at his blunt expressions but his contributions to the discussions have been appreciated by many of us. I consider this site to be an extension of my living room in some ways. As long as a person is trying to communicate, that person is welcome. Even "Sponge" would be welcome if he or she was contributing to the conversation. But just sending blather for the sake of seeing one's name in "electrons" doesn't cut the muster. I've never felt that about Steve. The stuff of Steve's that gets people upset is his raw anger. But who cannot feel anger at the world today. Reading Steve's messages makes me aware of my own raw feelings. I only hope sincerely that he isn't turned off by the reactions that he's gotten. I hope he has thick skin as well as homeskin.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Nov 2002
To all,
Eileen has put it on the table. I for one see beauty and dignity walk through the open field of Steve Boyd's words. We should all have the courage to speak so clearly exposing all that we have to hide and to share. If you, who attack with a particular agenda, can't deal with the full spread of an individuals reality, it is your loss. Please amble your sorry ass off to oblivion.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address: in defense of Steve - ditto
Date: 24 Nov 2002
"Each One Teach One" - and thank you Eileen for saying this for the rest of the 'freely framed' - H.

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address: in defense of Steve - ditto
Date: 24 Nov 2002
"Each One Teach One" - and thank you Eileen for say this for the rest of the 'freely framed' - H.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: in defence of Steve Boyd
Date: 24 Nov 2002
HI All..?
It is perhaps due to the wkend and folks having a good one, that I get to be all but the Lone Ranger here..but I would like to say something (take the risk) about Steve that has been on my mind for the last few days. Along with "faceless" in Steve's case, voiceless. Imagine for a moment, having no flow of communication avaiable other than the computer you sit in front of. The rest left to facial and hand gestures and hand written notes.
With that said, I have taken his out/rages of "freedom of speech" here with a grain of salt. He "speaks" things here, that we save for private conversations. But where does he get to blow off steam, if not here, where he naively assumed comradship of anyone inclined to visit this site? I see there is much more to him and in him, than those moments of political/social "incorrectness". Do we not all have them, or are we all pure of mind and heart? There are those that have taken offence, by not taking in the whole. They have taken to pretty much stalking him via email, and even on this site at times. It has become malicious and cooly threatening. You know who you are. I would ask that you look at for the track you have taken and realize the harm you are doing to a person I value here, that has not hidden his vulnerability and humanness behind "facelessness". That has used this as a safe harbor to express what can not be spoken and released in the way you have avaiable any time you choose to anyone you choose.
Again, I have seen this personally directed maliciousness on other sites. The site master finally had to track down their ID's (yes it can be done) and entirely shut down their avenue into the site. But I am appealing to you, to let this site (and our email) be a safe harbor for all of us, and not just a place to express your malcontent in such an intended hurtful manner.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Nov 2002
Thanks Eric. Having been active on other boards, have seen there are folks that take advantage of the "facelessness" that is afforeded, to say anything, no matter how offensive. I have seen boards all but ruined by the site master not taking a hand in content. Thank you for paying attention.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Nov 2002
Sponge -- you've been asked before by others and myself. Take your misogynistic and sexist drivel elsewhere. It's not
appreciated here.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 24 Nov 2002
Eric you hypocritical piece of shit . you edit what is convenient and allow through the same. censorship is your veicle . drive careful you may overstep the mark . Keep up with the popular accord of opinion its safer that way. live by the sword die by the minions . you fucking two faced "oooh look at me " plebian . i have to face the devil you ,unfortunatly will be judged by your peers.
live long and prosper

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Nov 2002
Hey! Is this Nicole's little brother?!

Name: Bobby Wills
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Nov 2002
Good web site. Fun to see the names of old frends from years ago.

Name: Amber
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Nov 2002
I would just like to say first that i think all of you are wonderful and mysterious and so interesting. I may seem like a dreamer but ive been reading around and im definately moved,and the photographs were amazing. I would love to hear some stories, advice, or any little thought that comes to your mind. Since i can remember, the only place ive ever wanted to go was California. It's like a mass of excitement and passion and adrenaline is pulling iside me and stirring about. I want to start off across the country and explore the depths of the truest culture ever born in america. "Do you know the warm progress
under the stars? Do you know we exist? Have you forgotten the keys to the Kingdom. Have you been born yet& are you alive? Let's reinvent the gods, all the myths of the ages. Celebrate symbols from deep elder forests. [Have you forgotten the lessons of the ancient war]We need great golden copulations. The fathers are cackling in trees of the forest. Our mother is dead in the sea. Do you know we are being led to slaughters by placid admirals & that fat slow generals are getting obscene on young blood. Do you know we are ruled by T.V.the moon is a dry blood beast." - James Douglas Morrisson
I'd like to hear from you and have some really good conversation.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: foggy bottom
Date: 23 Nov 2002
Er, make that felicitous...........T...and plus--some body, at some point asked about Bubba, from Whitethorn...I hadn't heard his name in over thirty years, and have nothing new to add, except to say that he was recuperating from the worst jaundice that I ever saw, while staying with Art and Ruby, in the city(SF) this while Barry Motherfucker was still alive--ye gods I would have loved to have seen he and Vinnie square off on pianos...and while I'm there, the last song I remember Vinnie playing, was "The Promised Land"--I think at the Red House...bye for now.........T

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Nov 2002
On my way to Native Am tepee meeting..but checking in here quickly. I'll probably be gone a few days. Looks like you and me here. When I read this there is a feeling of such innocence/openness of concideration here. An internal dialog that we must all have had to some degee at one time or another and hopefully still do. I wonder how much more he would have to ponder if in the the late 50's all the truely spiritual material and teachings we have avaiable to us today. One must take into account the time period. I wonder what YOU find in this? He is considering such basic questions. He is really digging at the bones of what it is to be human. In those days physics had not come to acknowledge the implications of spiritual aspects as worth consideration, as they have found, as they have dug deeper and deeper. In my own spiritual studies from so many yrs back, I was waiting for the big Ah HA as the physisists (I can't spell that one) laboriously picked apart the workings of the universe. But he goes futher and is questioning the MIND, of humanity. The ancient Chinese and Indian (India) teachings had already spelled it ALL out in extreme detail. And there are those like myself that must laugh as they go, hey, wow, look what we just figured out! They are really reinventing the wheel in this regard. But it seems we all must.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: The Great Dismal Swamp
Date: 23 Nov 2002
While I do not, as a matter of principle, believe in evil I had previously dedicated myself to finishing this piece for your collective consideration: Richard P. Feynman, Nobel Laureate in Physics, a partial excerpt from Frontiers of Science, 1958 : Education, For Good and Evil---.......Once some thought that the possibilities people had were not developed because most of those people were ignorant. With education universal, could all men be Voltaires? Bad can be taught at least as efficiently as good.Education is a strong force, but for either good or evil. (para)
Communications between nations must promote understanding: so went another dream. But the machines of communication can be channeled or choked. What is communicated can be truth or lie. Communication is a strong force also, but for either good or bad. (para) The applied sciences should free men of material problems at least. Medicine controls diseases. And the record here seems all to the good. Yet there are men patiently working to create great plauges and poisons. They are to be used in warfare tomorrow. (para) Nearly everybody dislikes war. Our dream today is peace. In peace, man can develop best the enormous possibilities he seems to have. But maybe future men will find that peace, too, can be good and bad. Perhaps peaceful men will drink out of boredom. Then perhaps drink will become the great problem which seems to keep man from getting all he thnks he should out of his abilities.
(para) Clearly, peace is a great force, as is sobriety, as are material power, communication, education, honesty and the ideals of many dreamers. (para) We have more of these forces to control than did the ancients. And maybe we are doing a little better than most of them could do. But what we ought to be able to do seems gigantic compared with our confused accomplishments. (para) Why is this? Why can't we conquer ourselves? (para) Because we find that even great forces and abilities do not seem to carry with them clear instructions on how to use them. As an example, the great accumulation of undertanding as to how the physical world behaves only convinces one that this behavior seems to have a kind of meaninglessness.The sciences do not directly teach good and bad. (paara) Through all ages men have tried to fathom the meaning of life. They have realized that if some direction or meaning could be given to our actions, great human forces would be unleashed. So, very many answers must have been given to the meaning of it all. But they have been of all different sorts, and the proponent of one answer have looked with horror at the actions of the believers in another. Horror, because from a disagreeing point of view all the great potentialities of the race were being channeled into a false and confining blind alley. In fact, it is from the history of the enormous monstrosities created by false belief that philosophers have realized the apparently infinite and wonderous capacities of human beings. The dream is to find the open channel. (para) What, then, is the meaning of it all? What can we say to dispel the mystery of existence? (para) If we take everything into account, not only what the ancients knew, but all of what we know today that they didn't know, then I think that we must frankly admit that We Do Not Know. (para) But, in admitting this, we have probably found the open channel. (para) This is not a new idea; this is the idea of the age of reason. This is the philosophy that guided the men who made the democracy that we live under. The idea that no one really knew how to run a government led to the idea that we should arrange a system by which new ideas could be developed, tried out, tossed out, more new ideas brought in, a trial and error system.This method was a result of the fact that science was already showing itself to be a successful venture at the end of the 18th century. Even then it was clear to socially-minded people that the openness of the possibilities was an opportunity, and that doubt and discussion were essential to progress into the unknown. (conclusion--[my words-& depending on your humor the most felficitous word (conclusion) in the language] Our Responsibility As Scientists We are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. There are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions and pass them on. It is our responsibility to leave the men of the future a free hand. In the impetuous youth of humanity, we can make grave errors that can stunt our growth for a long time. This we will do if we say we have the answers now, so young and ignorant; if we suppress all discussion, all criticism, saying. "This is it, boys, man is saved!" and thus doom man for a long time to the chains of authority, confined to the limits of our present imagination. It has been done so many times before. (para) It is our responsibility as scientists, knowing the great progress and great value of a satisfactory philosophy of ignorance, the great progress that is the fruit of freedom of thought, to proclaim the value of this freedom, to teach how doubt is not to be feared but welcomed and discussed, and to demand this freedom as our duty to all coming generations.***************I'll discuss this later, I trust y'all know how difficult it is for me to type.........I just need to rest a bit............Regards...............T

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 23 Nov 2002
Mungo, great name . I dont know what your talking about but you could try asking steve direct. His email is no secret its posted on this page enough times. Where did you get my address from i would like too know . its no secret but to my knowledge its not been posted here or anywhere else.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 23 Nov 2002
OPEN LETTER TO PLANET DRUM AND HAMMOND: Got fucked where I breath. Must save my own ass before saving the planet. Pulling the welcome mat. Contact you all from the underground. P.S. I should have made my words short and sweet. (because now I'm eating them.) Dont let the "Bastards" of this world get you down. Over and out.

Name: You Know
E-mail Address: You Know That Also
Date: 23 Nov 2002
AUGUST 5TH. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY!!!" You "Famous"???...not In my book. P.S. See Ya' In Church.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Nov 2002
I seem to be the one that has time for this page this morning..I don't mean to be Miss Know It All here and know others will pitch in later. Good for you, you are still questioning what is real and what is a cultural game. So am I at 59. It's important to always question. We can miss a lot, if we're not paying attention. True we have to settle within ourselves what our life track is at some point.our point of view..the window we look out of. As stated earlier, NO cultural rules, leaves for a ship with no moorings.
Personally I've had to come to terms with being "different"..even in Ca. Ha! I remain outspoken, so have just gotten better at it. I question a lot when I don't understand something clearly or don't like what is going on. My kids still cringe at times with me in public. I'm not afraid to appear dumb. I hold we are all, just people, and start from there. People still respect "authority" and those that move and speak with authority are very good at sliding stuff it a teacher, public figure, etc..or cultural mores.
To take it to another notch..The police are trained to intimdate for instance. They can't do it eye ball to eye ball if you're not going for it. "Authority" is so, only if you're going for it. There's a simple trick I learned about the STANCE of authority when guarding back stage doors at music festivals, from folks trying to get in, that I see applied in many other situations by people trying to claim authority for their ideas and their presence. ACT like you belong there and know what you are doing and MOVE WITH NO HESITATION. If you can slow those folks down with questions, often you already know the answer to, you can rearrange the situation that demands equal footing and revealing answers. It was quite often a tact employed in Digger action. "Question Authority" has never been more important.
I know I have swerved off course of your post here. But this is where your thought has taken me.

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Nov 2002
There is a door that opens, there is an influence. Once the door is open there is no turning back.
What we saw may have been an illusion. But I think it is bigger than that. There was a movement of mind for the better. The movement continues today and will grow, as the world understands the influence.
The world that I see is big and well lighted.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Nov 2002
Your remark kept floating by last night. I wanted to also add a perspective that may be forgotten as we speak in the present time, of Ronnie's concern of our leaving the battle front (but not the battle). It is easy to forget we were all (mostly) in our 20's, in the 60's. When I say "all" I am saying we were addressing our own age group, our peers..we were all in the same boat. Mark explains the intention exactly. If we did our job well, we were not required, after the message was given and the example shown ie lived out. We failed if folks were left asking, what do we do next. Also I want to point out, that the on rush to SF of thousands of kids, was instigated largely by the was a hot story that went all over the US like an flash to young people to come party. We were well aware early on, an artificial or temporary, by necessity, situation of "Height Ashbury" had been created. There was a concern of the needy situation that was taking place would turn into a disaster for did not come prepared to take care of themselves. Often with little money, no place to go, and little on their back to sustain them but a dream of something better or an escape. There was a song that became popular at that time, that irritated Coyote no end, Come to talked about sun and wearing flowers in your hair, like some dream land broscure sp?. It was not sunny and warm and it was not was cold, foggy SF and it was city streets, suddenly teeming with kids with no where to go, having no idea what they were getting into. We didn't want to be seen as the Salvation Army and we were in no position to take an on going responsibility for anyone. We weren't trying to create an easy nest, a safe place no one wanted to leave, but picked up a responsibility the city turned it's eyes from and used the opportunity to fuel imiginations with something more than an acid dream. I don't think we can be faulted for that.
At some point we had to say, the party's over folks..that was the point, at least in my eyes, of Death of was a way to tell the media, stop sending these kids here! I think it was a brilliant move and took a while to figure out how to let folks know we had all gone as far as we could go. We didn't create the situation on the Height, but we ended it. At least we gave them fair warning we were pulling up stakes and moving our tents. The party was over and time to take what had been learned, home.

Name: quickmorph
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Nov 2002
The Digger influsnce was fundamental for so many (thousands? millions?). As a suburban Connecticut 16 year-old in 1968 the prospect of throwing out (or a least throwing into doubt) all of the cultural rules/roles was both exhilarating and confusing (as if being 16 wasn't bad enough!) Thank god for that though...because at 50 I'm still struggling with what's "true" and what's a cultural game. And the Diggers helped to build the crucial launching-pad for a lifetime of necessary questions. All they did was demonstrate that the world wasn't flat...further navigation was up to those who chose to travel.
Sure I've got hep C and too many dead friends as a legacy of that freedom. But I don't think it's fair to blame liberation for the foolhardiness that can go along with it.

E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Nov 2002

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Nov 2002
"Don't follow leaders" - I repeat this because I heartily believe that "When the People Lead - The Leaders Will Follow" - We are picking up the central thread here.

Name: Ohio girl
E-mail Address:
Date: 22 Nov 2002
Some thoughts about age: When I turned 50 I thought it was funny, a really good joke because what a miracle that I'm still here after all the awful stuff I did back in my teens and twenties. Too bad I wasn't able to be smart when I was young-looking, but I only got somewhat smarter as I got older so there it is. I'll be 54 in Spring and my husband will turn 50 in a few weeks, he seems OK about it, us old dogs can still learn a few new tricks!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
Well Simon, that was depressing...and? How's it go in your neighborhood? I heard on the alternative radio news tonight about the high school kids in NY protesting the war in the making. Terrific well thought out, well spoken those teens. Very exciting the kids are DOING SOMETHING! Bettcha it wasn't on the 8 o'clock news.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
They all had their grotesque Taliban tales. "Right there, bodies hanging, rotting, stinking!" said a trader in Chicken Street, the tourist trinket centre. Taliban horror stories poured out of everyone,
unstoppable like water from a broken tap: "I was walking with my cousin and her husband outside here," said another man. "The vice and virtue police beat them both with big sticks, beat them to pieces, blood everywhere, because her ankles showed too much under her burka. I stood there, ashamed, but there was nothing I could do. I didn't go out after that." He was a young Pashtun and no friend of this new mainly Tajik government, but he had no doubt that the Americans did the right thing.,1284,838892,00.html?=rss

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
You hit a great point. Davis presents a pivotal moment in the Digger experience. The point is individual responsibility. I remember Bob Dylan being hounded to death as a prophet, expected to script out the "next steps" as if it was choregraphed and only needed to be instructed. Lenore Kandel draws the focus very clearly in the Digger film. Planting the seed of change was an extraordinary accomplishment, but the core of the Digger offering was the question " Okay, we have created a fresh canvas here folks, the door is open, whaddya wanna do with it?" To take the arrogant position of "dictating" the moves of the culture goes against the Digger effort and begins the destructive cycle all over again. I have to say that Ronnie Davis raising his hand and declaring "Uh....I got a problem with that." is one of the most profound statements of the counterculture.

E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
I think the rebuttal explained quit clearly in follow up to what Ronnie said, what the intention had been. Watch that again and see if it makes more sense to you second time around.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 21 Nov 2002
After watching the tape, one of the things that struck me was the comments by Ron Davis about once the life acting was over for what the Diggers were saying, what about those they influenced being left high and dry. Its easy to say hey its not my fault Im not a leader, but you can have a profound influence on others. Hopefully not with disastrous results. This is even more so when you are issuing pamphlets to people about how to live in a different way. Being in the life saving business maybe gives me a different perspective on this but I think its on the cold side.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
Thanks Joe~But I sure ain't struttin' no stuff these days. As I said, holding it together with safty pins and glue standing waaaay back from the mirror. I had a rather disconcerting moment a few yrs ago. Folks have said Ariel and I look a lot alike..that worked for me until..she and I were stepping out together one night several yrs back, and I stand in my mirror thinking how good I look. Then Ariel steps next to me to check herself out. It was like a flashback and a fast forward..I'm like, HEY STEP BACK, dang!

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 21 Nov 2002
In the tape there is a still of you

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
Joe~ Huh? Where did you see me?

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 21 Nov 2002
Damn I did that wrong.
Eric thank you for the tape. That is a nice layout you did on the box by the way.
Eileen you were/are quite the looker.
In response to Simon....there is no such thing as competition today which kind of puts a crimp in your capitalist argument. Corporations diversifying into innumerable industries and their propensity to align themselves into industry associations aka cartels makes a mockery of any notion of competition in most areas of commerce. By the way it is only when workers are able to take themselves out of the vicious cycle of competing with each other ( labor unions) that any rise in their standard of living occurs. Even within the United States, people in right to work(for less) states make much less than in those states which dont have right to work laws.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 21 Nov 2002

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
Hi Red~
Perhaps someone else can tell you more. If not I'll get more precise info if it really matters to you. I have a girlfriend that was very tight with him and is still friends with his wife Lisa. I am sorry to say Pete died of cancer quite a few yrs back.

Name: Red
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
Question, what ever happened to Pete Knell a local biker in the Bay ? I'm an old biker/hippies from Northern California and was thinkin about old times.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
Eileen - this was a good move - I did much the same not long ago and kept my mouth shut - what's the use.... but just wait - if Bush stupidly opens the Social Security fund for everyone to play Stock Market with the number of elders who somehow support the administration will probably double - until the retired investors start losing their money...... Just rambling in on the page. Hope everyone is well beyond the scipt that at times seems to be writing itself!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
Thank you for news of the "outside" world. In reality I'm afraid it is we who are on the outside! When I was visiting my folks in Louisiana this summer, I asked my dad what he thought of Bush". I consider my dad a pretty intelligent man and hoped he might (ok I admit it) surprise me with some in depth perspective that was beyond good ole boy thinking. Nope.."I think he's doing a good job." says he, like we need to give the man an award. Well being I'm such a political nimwhit, I just swallowed that bitter pill and dropped the subject. With a minor amount of thinking, I realized my dad has a "system" he spent yrs developing for the stock market and has been making money hand ove fist, no matter what it is doing. I figure as long as that's not disrupted, he's not coming up for air. I didn't even want to hear his reasons for supporting Bush. My lack of intelligent rebuttal would have just dug the dagger deeper making him all the more satisfied in his thinking.

Name: Michael
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
A short trip back to the talk of politics and power. Yes, I am very aware how narrowly defined the news is packaged and presented. Here in self referencing, provincial Sioux Falls, even more so. When Bush brought his right wing extravaganza here several times in the last year to pump up locals for his worldview and congressional choices, it was all big flags, muscle, and hero worship. Local TV stations presented "touchdown to take off" coverage as all George all the time hard news. Partisan rallies and political speeches, with little, usually no opportunity for other voices. Lots of awe struck gushing and on air orgasms from news people. The last time this happened was two days before the election - same thing. I called one station and asked the news director what he was doing for other viewpoints. Immediately pissed, he asked, "What do you want me to do?" and slammed the phone. There is no liberal bias in the media here. Pretty much one God and country mind-set and attitude. Green doesn't register here. The Libertarian candidate for Senate quit the race a few weeks before the election and supported the Republican. Somehow, the Democrat, Tim Johnson, pulled out a win by 524 votes statewide. I'm not advocating Democrat politics, it's just the only other choice here and usually they don't do well. By the way, any woman running for statewide office here, of any persuasion, lost this year.
It's not all horror stories, but, oh shit, there's a cold, mean breeze.
Luckily, I do have friends.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
"Up To My Neck In Monks" - great title Steve - When will they do their sand painting? Take photos for us and post if you can....

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 21 Nov 2002
That sounds pretty unfriendly. What are your intentions here?

E-mail Address: roncesvalles@navarre.spain
Date: 20 Nov 2002

E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Steve for some reason I don't have your email address any more. Can you email me?

Name: One for the road
E-mail Address: homeskin@olema.lsd
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Hey Mungo; pissed cause yer' excluded from my site? that it? Its your turn to look for clues. Its spelled out several times via "Miss-Spelling" of the same (as it ever was?) word. Think about it. If you gain entry, then you really rate. See ya' on the Other Side??? "GOOD LUCK?"

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Mungo,...The most exiting August that "WE" ever had??? As I said ALL of mine were exciting! And all of the players that I ran with in 75' are either dead, or worse. And as for remembering Aug. 5th 1975, are you out of your fucking mind? If dropping out now will get you off of my ass, its worth it. Good fuckin' bye. P.S. How would you know if "Donna " was really who she said she was? I can smell a fed. Fuck you. In closing, the kitchen just got to hot. Im' gettin' out. See ya' in the fall if I see ya' at all.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Mungo, I forgot and left out a touch-down that I made in 75'. Are we talking Boston? Are we talkin' Suzie LeBlanc's muff? (now that was exciting!)

Name: Macuma
E-mail Address: sunshinelane@gulfcoast.fla
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Open letter to Buffalo Jane. If thats you fuckin' with me, cut to the chase or consider yer' self out of the will. A chunk o' change is at stake here, Dig?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Sorry; up to my neck in Monks. Hey Mom, the trinkets and wompom will be mailed out along with Eric the Animals posters on the first of December. Oh, please update me on the addresses, everything is buried here. Gotta run. (Home work, you know how it is). Hey Mungo, give me a location now! Did we spend that "Exiting August" on the mainland or the Islands? Come on, give me a clue.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
You are right on about the wholesale gutting of the Unions. The Demo's laid down on the Homeland Security bill with it's non-union fed employees clause as well as providing money for the G. Bush Sr. Presidential Library. It stinks so bad I can smell it from here. Hopefully the big unions are ready to fight. Teamsters, UAW, etc. This going to get ugly quick.
Keep an eye on the Los Angeles District Attorney's antics in the next months. I have a sinking feeling that the Terror(Red?)Scare tactics are beginning in order to intimidate the "Hollywood Limosine Liberals". Can we remember blacklisting.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Steve I was at the wrong wonder why I didnt see any chicken boxes. I was at the Church on the south side of 4th between Macdougal and who knows what. That is where the old water fountain is outside. Anyway...I'll be sure to say hello next time Im around. Eileen thanks for the compliment. You seem to be a very sweet person.
It didnt take Bush long to attack labor once he got control of congress. First taking away the rights of federal workers and then putting their jobs out to competitive bid. The press and labor unions are always the first to be attacked and silenced by anyone looking for absolute control. Though the press has been silenced since the Gulf War, which they were shut out of. If only I were trust fund baby.

Name: Holely Mother
E-mail Address: Eileen
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Hey Steve~Speaking of sand paintings where's my spiritual shit? I'm holding it all together with safty pins and glue. You still READING that paper?

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
The protest is happening here also. My daughter participated in a "Day of Silence' at the High School today and my other daughter at UC Santa Cruz informed me of a class walkout this week. I gotta go get the youngest from dance class, be back later.

Name: Steve Cameron Swazey
E-mail Address: Cub Reporter D.W.F.S.N.Y.C.
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Ah..Joe,..Originally I thought that you were refering to an old water fountain inside the church, and there is no "side street" entrance. The Peace Church is located on the north side of the street (W.4th.) between MacDougal St. and 6th.Ave. My digs are in the old front parlor of the Parish House next to the church, (east side). My two front windows are above the Fresh Art Gallery. A poster in the window reads "War Is Not The Answer". The sign on the buzzer reads: ARTIST IN RESIDENCE. You cant miss it. Hey, some robbed Tebetan Monks just walked in. They are throwing some sort of pow-wow in reguards to the upcomming Sand Mandala. I screwed up and missed the last meeting. The NYU Student for a Free Tibet informed me that they all walked out of classes today in an effort to make a statement about their opossition of the upcomming war. Dont check the nightly news for it, as the main-line press has been blind to 99% of the opposition here in NYC. Fuck the New York Times. (oops, sorry about that); I should be more sensitive to the new "INFORMED" format of this web site and should maybe keep my desperado philosophy to myself untill I do my "Home Work"..., but hell, watching this shit, (spell that "DIRTY WORK" come down in my own nieghborhood, (spell that "HOME"). I feel that my "HOME WORK" didnt exactly get eaten by the dog. On that note,...this time its with true conviction, FUCK THE NEW NORK TIMES! I dare say that the Drepung Gomang Monk's Sand Mandala as well as the walk out will be upstaged by Liza's canceled reality TV show. Now thats THEIR NEWS and THEIR REALITY.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
In an effort to give Travis the benefit.... I have reread his posts many times to try to get the tone right. Maybe it's just me projecting my own bias or it is somehow tweaked by the flatness of the written page but it keeps coming out nearly the same each time. I'm not sure he was aiming at Joe's validity either, my comment was a general one.
Travis,... I am working on it. Is this stuff your academic vernacular hovering over the brood or what? Anyway....let's keep at it. Maybe it will sort itself out.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
OK Joe, I see. I read too fast sometimes and miss the overtones. That was a nice little jig you did there, I must say.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: HeyJoe
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Eileen, The thing about the homework was a joke on my part. A little jibe at the ostentatious. The Kiss acronym is Keep It Simple Stupid. Trying to show your intellectual prowess by using a lot of words that most people dont understand is an exercise in futility in getting the point across. By the way Travis I understand the meanings of the words you use but find myself not really caring after a few lines.
Steve, I was on W. 4 St today. I was working and was gonna stop by and say hello but I had a call and hadda go. Which entrance is it....on W. 4 or the side street that was closed? And the fountain is still there on the corner.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Yes ofcourse you are right in many ways. Well, it makes my ignorance at least more excusable I suppose. But I am planning to read the books Coyote at least suggested to do some catch up. But it is true I have more time and perhaps interest. But I have a daughter that has a really poor education due to all the traveing and moving we have done in her life and I have to say being truely uninformed about our history just as a country. I don't see this a good thing. But it does not stop her from stepping out to save our Redwoods. Yet it helps to motivate her when she knows the issues behind that. It is also important for her to know how the loggers are caught in the middle..even if they are often obnoxious and generally poorly informed of the larger cuts down on the us and them mentality and gives some room for badly needed dialog. Yes, tending one's garden is essential. And to be fully informed empowers. But it is like fixing the plumbing or eletricity in a really old house. You fix one thing to find there's a whole line of connection in the process of falling apart. Do you just continue patch and repair as the next problem surfaces or rip out the whole thing and start all over? For a few years I was counting on huge earth changes thoughout the US (in Ca that's not hard to imagine) to just wipe out all the mess we've either made are by default are part of. But I finally gave that up since it's obviously my own brand of wishful thinking and it's not happening this wk and didn't happen on "channeled" timing a few yrs back. We all figure out some time or another "this" is not going to go away if we just wait long enough. (I hate exposing myself this way.) I do know if change is made too quickly, before people really understand it, will not last. The changes that are needed do in fact take tending our gardens. If we can only do that we are effecting a much greater change..and yet there are the Over Lords. What to do about them, that keep us patching the faulty wiring? In Joe's case I do not fault him, but project my own inadequacy to the question at hand, of education as well as effectiveness. I didn't see that T was questioning Joe's validity of purpose. But apparently there is stuff going on here that is flying past me.
In the end, I have a great trust in my own intuition and my finger to the wind, so to speak. I only glance at the headlines and never buy a paper to see what the latest BS is. I have come to rely a lot on the talk on the street and Amy Goodman on Demoracy Now and our local alternative radio stations. I don't know what it is like in much of the rest of the country

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Civil literacy is certainly at the center of many problems we face. The level of civil literacy is controlled in large part from a mostly centralized media outlet and the classrooms in our schools are equally tied to similar agendas. Getting the facts out and listened to is the war that faces us and the enemy is huge. Couple this with the intimidating task of an individual to begin re-educating by examining the history and discussion of existence is overwhelming to all but the most passionate citzens with the free time to spend doing it. There are those who take the time and energy to strike out at the beast but to the person punching the time clock being led on by the "american dream" propaganda, seeking simply to make comfort, safety, and financial "security" the goal is a hard row to hoe. They are in fact "tending there own garden" in my view and are insulted when questioned about the validity of their purpose. Today CNN ran a poll asking " Is driving an SUV a moral issue?"... the last time I checked it was 87% "NO".
My fear of heading for the library is brought on by the sucking vortex the seems to swallow up all good intentions. I really think that this can be a trap, recycling bad or irrelevant information with good, choking down true efforts at change at this point. As an artist I know the importance of not letting your past overcome the future of the work. There comes a time when all the work you have done needs to be shit-canned so all the references that cause repetitive work can be removed. This time may be upon us as culture. Social acid. It could be time to create a condition not study the old one. I want to hear that collective flushing sound.
P.S. Was at PD all day yesterday. I got your email. Don't know about hooking up to that list yet. I need to get a little organized.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
T + Joe~
Having a hole in my short term memory has become worse with menopause and often leaves my family astounded. Such is life..I do not remember my response to you concerning Haiti. My memories of growing up in the South must have been in some ways similiar to your own. I was born in Beaumont, Tex and visited my grandparents there often enough to know something of the Tex mindset..although the Mexican issue did not have a face in that area. It is living near grape growing country in Ca, and making recent trips to S Ca that has driven the Mex issue home, as well as my time in New Mex. Seeing the Mex's (and other S. Am's) stalked by (EPA?) men, like criminals..being humiliated and arrested on the street, pulled out of shopping malls, whole families standing in front of there homes surrounded by men in disturbs me a lot. Knowing they were being swept away as if their lives did not matter. The predudice, arrogance and self rightousness of one culture againt another, that our gov't nourishes with laws and reasoning that I believe that is in no one's best interest but it's own, in the name of we go into other countries with our businesses undermining jobs here. This makes no sense to me. It makes me think of the mass slaughter of coyotes when the wool business went belly up due to synthetic cloth..blaming the coyotes for the failing industry.
With this said, I think you are absolutely correct in the need for us to politically educate ourselves and come up to speed if we are to fully partispate in the changes we desire. Joe, it is not a question of taking tests. One does not need to go to school to broaden ones mind and seek out a more full understanding of the issues we face in this country and the world. I think it takes more than saying I don't like this or that. Without knowledge of we are dependant on others to chart a path. This goes against all Digger thought..if you care about that. For me, I just don't like to sit dumb, having opinions about things I know I don't fully understand, letting someone else take the lead..and with the wrong person, running over me with no rebuttal.
I have become concerned enough about the world situation that I can no longer be content not understanding how we got here and what part we play in it. There was a long time, growing up, I did not believe what I was being taught was the full picture..not to mention what WAS being taught was boring, so didn't choose to take any of it in. But we no longer have an excuse for not being informed. We need to look deeper into the causes of where we are today, before we can intelligently address them.

Name: The "Head" Master
E-mail Address: foolsschool@olema.lsd
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Mark,...among the orthodox and liberals alike, the detestation of "Curious'" ideas spread also to his person.
That being said; through better understanding, we might all discover much to admire in him.
I had to laugh when our Steve spoke of him contemptously as "the great apostle of Mother Fuckdom" in his latest E-Mail..(sorry Steve)..but I also view our "Curiously Cool and complacent" friend as a traitor to Diggerdom.
I feel that it was his natural tendancy toward corpulence which set our Steve off at the onset.
In short, there has been perpetuated among his many detractors the legend of a Mother Fucker lacking in wrought Iron Soul which characterized the true Digger spirit; a precocious youth who failed to realize his full promise; a Mother Fucker who, having sold out to the straights before the age of thirty, gradually lapsed into a rich, barren, and rather frivolous old age. In closing, Fuck him.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
Travis....I don't know, man. Your pretentious and condescending ways really take me to the limit. Can you find it in yourself to put aside that attitude and bring more of your self to the table? You have come to offer your experiences and at the same time seem to be dumping on some of us. I don't get the schzoid manner your using. I for one would like to read what you have to say but it is difficult getting to the core of your posts. Intellectual calisthenics have their purpose but I have to stick to situps. Regarding "wheel reinvention", I am one who is beginning to think that it may be a good place to start. Maybe uninventing the wheel could be a better place.

Name: Eileen/Sam
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
I'm sure Phyllis is alive cause no one has told me she's dead. I know that's a bit cold but I loose track of her periodically. Generally she has lived in the Humboldt Country area of N CA. I expect she's still there. Will ask around in a few days. I'll also find out if she does computers and have her check in here herself. Somehow computers doesn't seem her style..but you never know.

Name: Tiziana
E-mail Address:
Date: 20 Nov 2002
The site is very interested ! congratulations, very nice

Name: long gone
E-mail Address: and remembered
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Is Digger Phyllis still alive? who has seen her last?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Hey Star-Eyed Sella....why the long face? You are lovely and loved. Is that because you are loving and lovable? (I should know these things by now)...Hey, that was a real Easter Egg hunt, but my detective days are over. I've weened myself and have reverted to using both rugs as a pallet which can be stashed in the wakeing hours. My space is still jambed up due to the day care kids in the rear parlor...but the run way is clear for the take-off. All in good time...when ever. After I some-what gut the place, I'm converting the space into a motor cycle assembly-writer-poet-painter-jazz work shop which will rival any in the Beat Hey day of the Village. No curtains naturally.(lets just hope all of the "personalities" dont converge at one time. (talk about fussion!). Thanks for the photo. As always, thinking of you. You look great. P.S. Keep up the fight.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Donna; I would...if for one minute I thought you were who you said that you were. I'm through with this masked ball. I fear the Red Death.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Groan........ Has everyone gotten their changes in yet? The guestbook is fine unless you want a script writer......I'll be back......

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Enthralled by your acumen
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Joe, Be not wise in your own conceits. To no man render evil for evil: provide good things, not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men; not revenging yourselves, my dearly beloved, but give place unto wrath. For it is written: Vengence is mine: I will repay, saith the Lord. But if thine enemy hunger, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink; for doing this, thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head. Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good...................good words from a friend of mine......T

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Travis- you do wax pedantically on occassion in addition to periods of verbiosity exceeded sporadically by superciliousness. You are familiar with the acronym KISS. By the way I never liked doing my homework.

Name: Donna
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Steve, it's good to see you here in the Guestbook. Write me sometime....

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Eureka!
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Dear Eric, my honey(that would be my wife) just helped me, by phone, to move the location of one of the favorites on the tool bar-and everything is again bitchin'. My thanks for your help--I would say, as a diagnostician in other disciplines, that the error probably stemmed from this end ( actually, I'm pretty sure about that, but we don't as yet know the actual dynamics.) Thanks, again.................T

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: tech support
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Eric, make that Dear Eric, there are three of us using this Mac--My mathematics and statistics teaching wife, my seventeen-year-old (pushing the limits of Senior privilege) son, and my computer illiterate self. As you might imagine we are so busy that we barely manage to assemble thrice a week, and then for only an hour or two at a time. I will bring your advice up to them, they will likely understand, or will be able to check formatting--there may have been a loose hand, here, somewhere, Squire--and until then I will carry on. Should we collectively find no resolution I will get back to you...Thanks......T.....***** Eileen, I just yesterday had a chance to see Gregory Peck's portrayal of Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird------I want to mention one aspect of the psychological foreshadowing underlying the scene involving the mad dog. It is my contention, that allegorically, the mad dog most threatening the community in that film, and in fact, was the undercurrent of vigilanteeism and racism inherent in the upbringing of the poor, white, disenfranchised underclass. Your comments in response to my mention of the Tontons Macoute and the folks strangling from oppression in Haiti, became all the fresher in regard to understandings borne of growing up in the South. In your case you knew the qualities of Louisiana, and I tell you frankly, that things were not much better in post Reconstruction Texas--in my case, specifically, west Texas--still cotton country. Only add the desperation of mexican poverty, and the picture is complete, but for the part of my heritage that was the result of my parents' experiences of Dust Bowl and Depression Oklahoma. And still, within that film is a comfortable place, of early youth, not so far from Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, and swimmin' in the creeks, and fishin' with both worms and grasshoppers with five times more cane pole than you can handle.And coolin' out with the old folks, on the porch of a summer's eve, eating hand-turned, homemade, fresh-peach icecream, watchin' everything in sight come alive with lightning bugs. Have a great day today, Eileen, and sing such songs of the South as keep you warm.....T

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
the feed back page reads seed bickand it also reeds side map instead of site map

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Eric the text size is fine but the page loads as a blue colour however the dates for the archived pages are set at 2003 & 2004 could this be causing some loading problem

Name: Michael
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
I use MacOS 9.2.2 and saw a little of what you did, at first It's ok now, though. I have a 17 inch monitor, which gives me plenty of room, and a resolution set to 1024x768. Have you tried other resolutions, other browsers? Mozilla 1.1 works well for this site. And it isn't Microsoft.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: anarchist row
Date: 19 Nov 2002
The whole purpose of reading works held commonly within the body politic is to facilitate a condition, an environment--if you will, that allows one to but mention an author and title, to then make a few remarks either of comparison, or taking a postion upon a central theme--expanding the conversation, and in so doing hone communication to a finer edge. Because there seems to be some confusion in regard to what the differences are between the "State" and "Government" I would suggest that those of you with such an interest direct your attention to War Is the Health of the State by Randolph Bourne (1918)--which even for its stiltedness and "time bound" qualities, is still an urgent and sweeping crystallization of many things related to the nature of war that you may have thought but never have seen given conscious voice. It is contained in Ken Knabb's work within the Bureau of Public Secrets ( I previously erred in the spelling of his last name). After all the bitichin' about how what was needed was a quality of relevance within the modern curriculum, I am still amazed at the lazzines of those joining the discussion, who are, frankly, arriving without their homework--ask the educators of your children, consult with those who are taking their children in home schooling situations, through the rigors of Calculus and Philosophy. Don't get me wrong here. No one can be expected to become expert at all subjects--no one could possibly read the body of literature that currently exists, nor even read the literature being produced in any single year. My point, I suppose, is this: that Farhenheit 451 and 1984 share common elements. Destroy the power of literature to communicate, either by burning or banning books outright, or by rewriting them in unintelligeable "newspeak" and the effects are the same--but; worse, simply allow the knowledge to be lost through lazziness and disuse and be forever doomed to reinventing the fucking wheel every time you engage the common mind with a thought..........Thanks, I've been wanting to say that for a long time...............Travis

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
T -- I'm at a loss. The table in which all the comments on this page are placed is set to 90% of the window size. The absolute minimum window size is the graphic at the top of the page (the black bar with pic of Emmett). That's the minimum width this page has to be. If you resize the window so that the black bar with Emmett's pic just fits within the borders of the window, then ALL the text on the page should wrap within those borders. If that's not happening, then I have no idea what's causing the problem. I don't have a MAC but I can't imagine that's the cause. Maybe you should change the default text size in Internet Explorer. In the version I'm using, the text size is under: View, Text Size, then choose "smallest" or "medium" etc. I removed all font formatting and theme colors etc. to this page to try and fix your viewing problem.

E-mail Address: Eileen
Date: 19 Nov 2002
HI All~
Something special is rumbling in the background.
Here is a site..The Earth Charter. Countries currently coming together for a new vision! OFCOURSE you did not read about it in the newspaper or hear Bush announce it!
Just now slowed down enough to take in your piece that starts.."All politics is about will power." Yes yes and yes. Thoughtful writing. Thoughtful thoughts.
"I'd like to see a lot less force in the world. I would rather persuade than enforce."...take a look at this site.
"..the hippies they will quietly get on the train." Someone may, but not the ones you and I knew. PS There are no hippies..but I get your drift.
"The more power given to the government in the name of doing good the more power it will have when it decides to do bad." Makes sense to me to what we have experienced so far, but what if..consider the info on that site.
Yes you pretty well summed up my feelings about gov't as well.
And I remember Bob in the apple grove with Jane and the kids picking apples for us all to make apple wine at Thanksgiving in the basement of Bob Valadez home in SF. It was the perfect Marin County autumn day and we played like gypies! The last time I saw him was with the family crew at the beginning? of winter in Redway (Humboldt County). We were arguing about his anger, and about dying, as we stood by the VW van in the muddy road with his dogs. I do not regret it. We had too many yrs we were friends, to ever regret a moment of it. I couldn't go to his wake. I was too angry he had died. I knew he would not be short friends that day to celebrate his passing. I heard it was incrediable! A good solid person to have been friends with.

Name: sister
E-mail Address: with soul
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Does anyone know where Digger Phyllis is these days? It was good to see her smiling face in Les Diggers.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: tech support
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Eric, It may be that I was confusing the indention and page overuning on discussion headers, for one problem ( for lack of a better comparison, similar to one of the old computer languages that made debugging, line by line, a simpler task because one was not confronted by endless blocks of text, in a stacked and non indented format--but whose name I seem to have forgotten) which is completely independent of the wide format problems I am experiencing on Guestbook. The instructions, reading in part, "Previous 2002 entries have been archived in the 200s Guestbook to make this pag---------and that is where it overruns the page to the right----is still a very real problem, akin to maddening, though the type face seems to be much more crisp--as is the look of the texts after they have actually been posted to Guestbook. I sure hope I'm being clear about the descriptions of the problem......please didn't previously explain, but I was called out of town for a few days, and upon my return, Simon had made his appearance, the previous Guestbook had then been archived, and the problem was in place, making it an absolute bitch to catch up on reading the prolific comments.............PLEASE HELP!!!..............Regards ................T

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Eric have you re-formated the guest book so that the page is now blue or do i have a loading problem ?

Date: 19 Nov 2002

E-mail Address: LAGOS@MUGU.GUY
Date: 19 Nov 2002

E-mail Address: Eileen
Date: 19 Nov 2002
That was YUMMIE Nicole! You just brought a main course, desert, warm home made bread for everyone, and a lovely mirror!! Thank you for that.

E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
It is the one-eyed man who rules the Kingdom of the Blind..

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Eric - the site reads well and within the margins for me - thanks for the upgrade.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address: willinics@
Date: 19 Nov 2002
...This is an awesome, amazing, humbling, inlightening, inspiring, family of incredible people...I see actual physical material fly off the screen when I read everyones words...Eileen, I was in the bus with you this morning, even though you drove it yesterday...I ducked when the truck rounded the corner...and I hadn't seen a west coast sun set in so long...thank you...and Steve, I was sitting, staring at your humble magnificence...and Tomas your words danced right off the screen and floated around me untill they blanketed me in warmth...Mark, in your journey down that dark road yesterday of our not so wise choices of the past, you allowed me to fully realize how lucky I am today and how hard I worked to get myself whole again...there is something so neccessary here...for telling...I want to print it out and bind it in leather...hold it to my body so I don't lose it if this modern techno stuff blows up in the coming horror...if that's what's in store...all though in my gut I think we'll pull out somehow...I sometimes think that the huge standing monoliths in Monument Valley, Colorado might have been sky scrapers that fused from heat of a catastrophic explosion (i.e. nuclear)...and that the cliff dwellers of that region were people like us who had managed to learn how to the people in the song "wooden ships"...because I have no doubt that each of us have certain knowledge and are being brought together by this again I thank all of you old and new for giving me your words...I cherish them all. with warm regard, Nicole

E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
as he picked up his hammer and saw

E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
I see,...I see said the blind man.

Name: Tomas
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
There is a place where you see.
There is a place where you see another human being.
You sense.
You sense the reality of the moment, this moment.
You love.
You love what you see.
You love what you see, perhaps another human being.
Quite amazing.
Quite amazing this ability to see.
Quite amazing this ability to see another human being.
That warm feeling blazes inside of you, it is called love.
It is called love for humanity.
Do you see what I see?

Name: Steve Kissinger
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Did you say "Such"...or "Suck?"

E-mail Address: Eileen
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Ahh, such the diplomat.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Yes...yes we are. You? Irriatating? Let me put it this way; you constantly put me in an irritated state of mystification. (but then again, you always did.)

E-mail Address: Eileen
Date: 19 Nov 2002
We are they, good son. It is now our turn to sit at the table. Did you not call me here? Many do not speak but watch as the table is spread, thinking themselves commoners, with no place. Perhaps they do not realize this is a pot luck and the more makes a grander feast! The others you seek sit at other tables, avaiable only through special code, thinking their jewels too valuable to be seen with our own. Others do not know we are here. But winter boredom will drive them from their lairs. Until then we will feast together in good company.

Name: A good son.
E-mail Address:
Date: 19 Nov 2002
Oh Mother Witch..It is I who am here now because of you. Speaking of Here and Now...where, though, where are they, the famous, those crowns of the banquet?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Today spent most of the day moving a friend's stuff in my school bus over hill and dale into vineyard country, winding roads, for what seemed forever. 5 hrs total through a beautiful autumn day. Met a huge O truck face on, cornering into my lane at a blind turn. Found out I have good brakes..everything in the bus flying to the front of the bus. No one behind me. Lucky us.
Looking over the households spread out, driving home in the soft colors of changing leaves in a deep pink sunset. And yes Steve, the thought came to me they have any idea what's coming down?
Driving back with no radio, thinking of all our conversations here and all of you..the community of sorts forming. Thinking that we have a need to say something that matters to us. How else can we get to know each other..again? Agree, disagree..much more interesting than silent "oh what an asshole". Steve, you tender hearted guy, I am here because of you. Please go through the twists and turns with me. I see you for way more than one moment and count on you for the same.
Do I philosphize here on these pages? Is that what it is called? A nice word for ranting? In truth, I am finding words to feelings and thoughts that have laid dormant for so long I hardly know they are there until they come pouring out. It seems I think best when I write or have another to talk to..and who would I say these things to. Coyote once said, we do with each other what other people pay hundreds of dollars to a therpist for. Ain't it the truth! The life of a hermit leaves much stored up. I feel safer here at this computer. Yet my statements hold questions. Is my vision, my point of view too myopic? I was told by an astrologer a few yrs ago we were coming into a time when individuals would rally around a cause..political, religious whatever. And I thought, (having been raised in a strong Christian household) oh god, how awful..NOT ME! Yet here I am waving my flag and I can't help but wonder if it's not a tad irritating? Better tell me now, cause I have my soap box picked out!

Name: Stainless Steve
E-mail Address: lostboys@olema.lsd
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Well, we are of one mind (scary aint it?) as to this web site being a sphere of the collective Digger soul. That being said; you hit it right on the head. I own up to being disobedient on only one count: That being said, I suffer my own anger and grace. Its just when I get locked between the seperate spheres (Diggers vs. Mother Fuckers for example) is where I move uneasily, intensely, and anxiosly along disputed lines of communication. I gain strategical points only by spiritual cunning, and not by a UC Berkely sheep skin. My break-throughs via a key board as appossed to a the full nelson route, can only manifest themselves in the form of passionate spititual violence. Dig? Fuck their self-conscious ambiguities neatly concealed within their poetical language. In closing; I stand tall in speechless triump of the Digger Spirit in a world of words without deeds and deeds without words. In closing, I leave you with these words: "Yet I felt no certainty about anything, demanding from every moment a new confirmation of my truth, a disinherited son." FRANZ KAFKA "Each torpid turn of the world has such disinherited children, to whom no longer what's been, and not yet what's comming belongs." RILKE

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: tech support?
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Eric--Lets be clear about how I understand your instructions. I placed the cursor at the very bottom right most corner of the entire viewing window and dragged the proportions of the frame to just outside the width of the comments window. I then scrolled down into previously posted comments and the problem is then propotionately worse. This problem does not occur within the comments window as one is composing a text. It only shows up after it has in fact been posted. This problem presents itself (wider than can be seen in its entirety without scrolling to the right and then back to the left in order to read the entire senences) in both Guestbook and Discussion. I haven't tried other areas of the Archives yet. This behavior only began after the last section of Guestbook was encapsulated ( the immediately previous section.) Hope that helps you track it down...if not let's try something else........T

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
I think when words run out of road that's when the opportunity for real travel sits up. Reactionary?...don't let em' get by with it, we are all reactionaries. Some are more honest about it and the only one who can "write you off" is you. Something I am guilty of over and over, but try to overcome, is forgetting that we are also mirrors for others.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
OK, T.... try this. Resize the Guestbook window so that its width is slightly larger than the scrolling text box at the top of the page (the box that is labelled: "Comments"). That's the minimum size that you can have for the Guestbook page. If you scroll down the page, each of the entries SHOULD wrap within those margins. If not, I'm going to give up my Webmaster Ring.

Name: The late great S.R.Boyd
E-mail Address: twelfthhouse@zodiac.sun
Date: 18 Nov 2002
They wrote me off as a reactionary and an obscuranist. In truth, (remember that word?)..I embrace the absence from my life of commonly accepted symbols that represent the house of my deepest feelings. Mark, rest assured that I have blind faith in literary exploration, Digger diversity and creativity, and mankind. They have no idea what's comming down, but then again, I can't expect anyone to read the unwritten. They rely on the written word to much..(old habits are hard to break).

E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Hell ya'...who else would dare talk to me that way!

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Did the Republicans win the election by voting machine fraud?
ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy:
Risks Digest

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
SS that you?

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: tech support services
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Eric--still experiencing wide format. Am using a Mac OS9--with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5- Macintosh Edition 1995-2000.Allthis through that info helps you correct the problem................Regards.............T

Name: *****
E-mail Address: ******@***.***
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Stay down!
You are the enfant terrible in the Digger household.
You are the symbol of that which transcends, the measure of the immeasurable and the visible logic of the heart's reasoning.
We cannot go back to your single-minded synbolic order of the Olema People's Middle Ages.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
This just came through this afternoon so I put it up here for anyone who might have been part of this.....Mark
Subj: [sixties-l] Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers...
Date: 11/18/02 3:42:36 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: (John C Mcmillian)
Dear All,
I'm advising a fascinating senior thesis here, "The Life and Times of Up
Against the Wall Motherfuckers," about the famous lower east side
anarchist collective of the late-1960s. I'm lucky to be working with a
talented and energetic student, and this is actually the first study of
its kind. (The senior thesis in Hist and Lit is in fact a pretty big
deal; students work on the project for almost a year and they often make
valuable and original contributions to the to the academic literature.)
Anyhow, we're suffering the difficulty of a lack of sources. Accordingly,
my student and I would both be interested in hearing from anyone at all
who thinks they might have something to share about UATWMF or their
milieu. This would include former members or associates, friends, or
anyone who encountered them. I think we've done a pretty good job of
finding the little bit of material that has been written about them already,
but if anyone knows any unlikely or out-of-the-way sources, that would be
wonderful too. Best to contact both me and my student together; I'm at, and Caitlin is at
Many thanks!
John McMillian

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Curious T --
Made another change in the table/cell properties of this page. Let me know if that helps. If not, let me know what browswer you're using, and what type of computer. I'll try and find something that matches your config to troubleshoot this problem.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Hey Boyd......You planning on coming up for air anytime soon?

Name: Bishop Sotemohk Beeyayelel
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Greetings and blessings from the Moorish Orthodox Church Diocese of New Jersey. We lovingly and respectfully invite you to visit our website at
Just as our own Walid al-Taha (Warren Tartaglia) is today a saint in heaven, so too truly is Emmet Grogan of the Diggers!
Bright Blessings,
(Rt.Rev.) Dr. Sotemohk A. Beeyayelel
Bishop of New Jersey
The Moorish Orthodox Church in New Jersey

Name: Midwife on Trial
E-mail Address: Birth Choices
Date: 18 Nov 2002
from my friend who is on trial for practicing midwifery without a license... she went to court on Nov. 15.
"This is drip torture. They postponed my hearing until Jan 3. The DA requested a "continuance" because she was going to be in court and my lawyer went along with it because she/we aren't really prepared. We don't have and
expert witness yet. The drama can't begin without one! My family is so involved the tension is great, Today I feel OK. A Baba from Nepal has come to my home somehow. Just at the right moment when I felt like I couldn't take the pressure anymore. Just his presence puts it all into perspective. AP is going a big story about the birth - released Nov 18, should hit the presses Nov 24. One good thing in the newspaper article the reporter will be quoting the DA as saying some things about me that will definitely go against her. My lawyer friends say to ignore the press cause no one reads the paper anyway. Publicity is scarey, never know how people take it."

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: plans
Date: 18 Nov 2002
My friends are looking for more land to try again. They feel they are really blocked from having a community on the 63 acres and would like to sell it. considering all the shit they've been through I am amazed at their continuing upbeat attitude.
Eileen, where in Mendicino are you? I'll be doing some voyaging in the Pacific northwest both in Feb. and this summer.
with aloha, Rena

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Simon -- we had a healing ceremony for Samurai Bob before he died in 1983. It was held on Mt. Tam and was a very beautiful event. Bob designed a mandala that we reproduced and gave to everyone. If you'd like, I still have that someplace in the collection and could scan it and send a copy. Not sure if you like that sort of thing, but it was pure Samurai, the symbology.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
You are a queen! Thanks for going to the trouble of getting this info for me. Yes I never needed Fuller to tell me my home effects my consciousness. The Indians (Native AM) don't care for corners cause energy gets caught in them. Now we have Feng Shui to take it down to the last mirror and door to the point of rediculous! If they end up having to sell these, I have a friend on the Big Island that might be up for one. On the other hand, hope these folks are going to get through this mess they're dealing with, with all their palns on GO.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
All politics is about will to power. Government is about men with guns forcing other men to do their will. George Washinton says it:
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence - it is force! Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master..." -- George Washington
The difference between me now and me then is that I'd like to see a lot less force in the world. I would rather persuade than enforce. My interest in force is no less it is true. Just my relationship with it has changed. Government ultimately protects those with power and money. Government from day 1 has been the way the rich steal from the poor. I'd like to see a lot less of that sort of thing. The more power given to the government in the name of doing good the more power it will have when it decides to do bad. And sooner or later the government always decides to do bad.
At the core I was always more at home with the bikers than the hippies. 1% free is a biker motto. From my perspective what I see is this: when the Germans come for the hippies they will quietly get on the train. When they come for the bikers they will have a fight. I'm one of those who would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. My attitude is probably representative of 10% or less of all humans. There are still a few of us left in the world though. Surrender is built in to most. We are herd animals at heart and surrender is generally how one stays in the herd (or tribe if you will). The Bagavad Gita is more to my liking than the non-violence of Jesus. And even Jesus suggested his followers buy swords. So I could get along with the don't tread on me Jesus. There are thieves and robbers and murderers. When they meet me I don't intend to submit. Your mileage may vary.
Even Ghandi said that the worst thing the Brits did to India was to disarm the people. Marching is good in a place where the government will listen. We have such a place in America today (mostly). Armed violence is good in a place where the government doesn't listen. I prefer to be ready for any eventuality. I can shoot straight and write a good polemic. Whatever is needed.
The meek will not inherit the earth. They will be slaves of the strong. Twas ever thus. To pretend that it will be anything different any time soon (in less than a century or two) is delusion.
If you don't believe me just look at G. Bush. Or S. Hussein. Or Y. Arafat. Or A. Sharon. The evidence of my premise is what you demonstrate against regularly. In 70+ years of demonstrating it hasn't gone away. I personally think the best you can hope for in the forseeable future is competing powers. So that one has a choice of the kind of slavery one wants. The slavery of the US of A is not too bad. That of Iraq is not too good.
As Orwell once said about the peace demos in his country in the 30s. The only reason they can demonstrate for peace is because Britain has a strong fleet. He also said that those demonstrating for peace were objectively helping the fascists. If you want peace to get some respect from the pro war Americans the next time you have a demo be just as against Saddam as Bush. Be against all power used to oppress.
One must be on guard against warriors without limits and peace demonstrators without a concience. Or as Jefferson said: "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." My hope is that neither the warriors nor the pacifists ever totally get the upper hand. The pacifists gained the upper hand in France in 1939 and it took till 1944 for the outside warriors to come to their rescue. The warriors gained the upper hand in Germany and Japan in the 30s and we got a world war. During that time millions were literally enslaved. The camps the German's ran weren't called slave labor camps for nothing. Then the American and Brit warriors came and freed the slaves. We even freed the slavers. Now that was a new deal.
A world with too many warriors would be a bad place. Just as would a world with too few. Yin and yang. In balance. Ever looking for a new balance. The cosmic whirl.
Which is one of the reasons Samurai Bob and I got on so well. One warrior to another so to speak. The news of his passing greatly saddens me.

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: deluxe yurts
Date: 18 Nov 2002
for clarity... the yurt features are re listed with commas.
taller walls. these really make it more like a home and less like a big tent, hurricane proof,
moon roof that opens, windows all around, additional double doors in three directions; one large door as main entrance, termiteproof: the floor has multiple layers of different materials. also, a nice deck surrounds the yurt.
My friends really felt that all the extras were worth it. A thirty foot diameter yurt is huge. It was used as a community gathering place, for yoga classes, for dancing and grooving, and for a couple of folks passion for juggling.
After taking a 3 day workshoip on Bucky Fuller 16 years ago, I understood my aversion to rectangular dwellings. Fuller believed that the sturcture you inhabit effects your consciousness. No wonder i've always loved non code housing.

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: yurts
Date: 18 Nov 2002
As requested, here's the info on the yurts.
Pacific Yurts offers a professionally engineered yurt.
... Pacific Yurts, Inc. 77456 Hwy 99 South, Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 email: Phone: 800-944-0240 Fax: 541-942-0508 USA
I found my friends at Little Beach yesterday and got the info. There are a variety of sizes of yurts and many "extras" that can be purchased. My friends got the deluxe deluxe with every extra feature available which about doubled the price. They are glad they did. some of the "extras" inlude:
taller walls. these really make it more like a home and less like a big tent
hurricane proof
moon roof that opens
windows all around
additional double doors in three directions; one large door as main entrance
termite proof: the floor has multiple layers of different materials
The 30' diameter deluxe yurt went up in two days!!! It was erected on the rainiest part of the island and totally withstood all the elements. Only the blue meanies made us tear it down.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: The Gary Snyder Institute
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Simon, Please don't sell me your conclusions--simply publish your research here, and allow me to draw "mine own." You say that you have changed;but, I don't much see it. I still find you power driving, and pushing a line that is suggestive of the same "Will to Power" politics that you were fond of over thirty years ago. You still seem to think that your ideas will reign supreme if you can just prevail beyond the limits of the stamina of your opposition. That, unfortunately for you, just plain ain't so. You also seem to be in some confusion about the inherent differences between the notions of "The State" and "Government." Perhaps you would benefit from reading some of Ken Kanab's comments along these lines, to include his inclusion of Snyder's piece on "Buddhist Anarchism"(1961) From the Bureau of Public Secrets. I have many other thoughts here, but they will have to wait until later. I explained to you in Covelo, that subsistence hunting, of the native deer population, was problematic, in terms of the impact of the demands of that many people on the populations of the nearby forrests. It was for that reason alone that I agreed to join you, Claude, Gristle and John Mark, on the feral pig hunt down "Tin Cabin Creek" to the EEL River. You know the results, what you don't know is how I ultimately squared the multiple indiscretions with Elmer. There was nothing honest in how you boys elected the alternative to pork that you least from the perspective of my values..... That you continue to embrace Mao's analysis, espoused by Rhodes at Bryceland, that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" surprises me not at all. Further, that the "petetite bourgeois" are not your enemy, also contained in Rhodes analysis, more or less waving his "master shipbuilder's license" in one hand and the Little Red Book in the other, also does not surprise me. That you seek free markets in which to operate is but a surface wrinkle in your essential topography--you only seek to be a little capitalist because you could, or would not, make the jump to robbing banks to support the efforts of the dissemination of your "revolutionary" agenda. Ground all of the commercial and private air travel in the world, thus solving all of the military's problems, worldwide, about controlling air space, and YOU will still have a job. What the fuck is up with that?.......Travis.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Ohio girl,
From my researches in the effects of drugs, the two most dangerous in terms of fetal development are tobacco and alcohol. With alcohol being the worst.
There are no crack babies. At least it is not the crack that causes the problems. It is mal nourishment and the tobacco and alcohol that goes with the crack lifestyle.
That is what the Dr. who thought he found a crack baby syndrome now says.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Everything government does is at the point of a gun.
If you think armed robbery is the proper organizing principle for society fine by me.
But at least be honest robbers. Get your own guns and do your own robbing.
Don't hire your thievery done for you. It ain't honest.

Name: Ohio girl
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
I remember walking around Chinatown barefoot all afternoon, one day, looking for a store that sold baby pacifiers. Maybe that's slightly funny but I've got a whole lot of hard-drug memories that aren't funny at all, lots of us do. Some of the tracks never went away after being clean 30 years. But I still say, you couldn't change the past, the good or the bad, and still have gotten to where you are now. Eileen I've been there wondering if my first child would be damaged by my drug use, reaching a point where there was nothing left in the world but me and two little kids. Ironically, it's one of my kids who always tells me the world is getting better. I tell him, nothing really ever changes and he tells me, no Mom, if you compare social conditions of past generations to social conditions of today, things do slowly improve. My other kid who used to call me a "burnout" when he was a teenager getting angry and rebellious (but I understood that), now surprises me with his respect for my life. Well I find life to be fascinating and for the most part beautiful. Peace!

E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: lookout mountain
Date: 18 Nov 2002
Mark, Yes, I read your entry of the 27th of Oct., appreciated it, and am formulating a response. Eric, the same problem still exists with the wide format.............T...........also, thanks for responding, Eileen-----Simon, come on, goddamit, pick up the ball..............Travis

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
In reading your post I had to go find an old t-shirt to wipe the snot and tears. (My dogs pull around me.) Thank you for all that you shared with such realness and clarity. Standing in the midst of cultural change and the way we chose to go about it, left us all with no moorings, and it's a wonder we were able to create anything of lasting value, against all odds. We are all survivors and should receive Purple Hearts!
I think now of the 100 Yrs War. An odd thought in the midst of this, one might think. But if I remember correctly, the yrs of plague had wiped out almost all but the young people..and that was the future they created for themselves. (OK I don't know where that came from. That just popped up!) I think people in their 20's tend to set the ground for the future more than they can possibly realize at the time, and I have learned to tend those in my sphere well. I look at young people today and what many are trying to accomplish. Those fighting for the life of the planet. Those trying to educate themselves to have something of value to offer, beyond simply making a living. I know we as parents and grandparents have had, and do have, a hand in that. That we have learned to teach our children to think for themselves and pay attention to the reprocussions of their choices. To teach them not to be fearful, but repectful of their life and that of others..and what happens when they don't. And I think we have all learned how important it is to keep our children near us and listen..even at a distance. Is it something like our grandparents that went through the Depression, that taught the next generation to fear for money? Each new generation in some way being a reflection of the one before. Are we going forward? If so, what looks different?
We found out the dangers, and temporary fun at leaving all guide lines. I thought long and hard what our parents missed, that threw us so far afield? I had no political was not discussed in our family. So that was not a motivating factor..and I doubt it was for many of the thousands that had come to SF. What was at the CORE of this unrest? What I came to is, if values are not based on something that recognizes, nourishes and has respect for the creative spirit/mind of ones self and others, there is a slow disintergration of those values. I would like to think, as Joe suggested, we can help the next generations from repeating the dead ends and mistakes of the past. I think the only way this can be done is by example, and by paying attention. It goes beyond just words and rules. If what we do with our lives, in our jobs, in our relationships and our relationship to the earth, relects and gives that nourishment and respect, we are going to make the changes we so long ago dreamed of. If not, no political or social rearrangements will stop the unrest.

E-mail Address:
Date: 18 Nov 2002
All Heavies?...All Heavies?.....OK....make it the "Heavy Heavies". (spell that: A-N-G-R-Y B-R-I-G-A-D-E).

E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
No, the spelling is Van Tassel.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Your post offers an interesting perspective. The convergence of the far left and the far right has been around for a couple of decades or so. It brings to mind the alliance of the Hells Angels and the counterculture way back when. The question remains if and when a change is manifested do these two movements remain allied or since the ends have been realized do we go our separate ways.
Your strategies seem rooted in military/confrontational/subversive methods. Isn't this what the left is or has been trying to overcome? Isn't this still playing in the same old ballfield when what is needed is to step out of the cul-de-sac mentality?

E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Ah~ make that "Give my love to C:oLEEN".

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Adding to Joe's comment,
When people head for the "edge of the world" or find themselves dumped there, danger abounds. Casting off or being denied the ropes of the standing culture that lash us to a safer but otherwise obsolete structure sends us floating free. Free to stumble and fall but also free to set new directions or free to die. Overturning what was once relevant and instructing, leaving the paved road for the open landscape, takes us out into the wild, the badlands of human awarness. I found a cold comfort there but the immunizations of the deserted culture no longer held and prices were and are being paid. Dearly paid.
Eileen, like many I sat at a table like you did, used that needle with nothing but contempt for the next sunrise, scoffed at judgment.... spitting in it's face, spending my gray matter and future like a shitfaced shore-leaved sailor. Nothing but anger. The world of cottons, matches, baby pacifiers, eyedroppers and drawn curtains. No hippies, no Fillmore, no Acid tests, no Makena, no Black Bear....just guns, burgled goods, negotiating(?) with Oakland and East San Jose "fences" then the endless waiting for what was needed. A very immediate but totally demeaning existence. Getting down was the way it was said. I have crawled in the bushes on the side of the road, pale and unwashed, soaked from the rain, looking for the "outfit" I tossed out the car window the day before. I have delivered the skinpop to the maternity ward during visiting hours. The child (not mine) did survive, the mother a few years later faded and fell. Her mother screamed at me at the funeral, but I was high. Sometimes while driving in a T-shirt the missed Tuinals that still reside in my arms wave at me. Some of us survived scarred and burdened. We are here. We are alive. We breathe in the air of morning. The future is still ours. I am glad there is someone like you who is like me.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Speaking of the drug war..can anyone fill me in on what Columbia is like these days? What would it be like to live there as a local?

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
As a member of the right these days I want to tell you where the right is vulnerable:
The drug war.
It is the key to bringing them down. It is losing traction in America. It is also the key to the secret government. Check out the CIA/McCoy urls I left earlier.
As to the rest: I am actually stuck in 1775. Don't tread on me. Limited government with limited power. The right to keep and bear arms. Separation of Church and State. etc. I'm kind of a Jacksonian libertarian.
Every power you give to government to smite your enemies will eventually be used by your enemies against you. You can learn this from history. Or Pastor Niemoller.
Why would you want to give more power to those who have hunted you down and taken your property and your people for years? It is a wonder to me.
Of course I have been strange for a very long time. Even among the misfits I didn't fit in. So be it.
In any case the left is fragmented and needs to make allies with those on the right that have some congruent interests. It needs a common goal that the American people can rally behind. Medical marijuana is supported by 80% of all Americans. But only by a handful of politicians. Even on the left. You have a winner but you don't rally behind it. It is a wonder.
I have given you the amunition if you are smart enough to use it.
Target weakness not strength. B.H.L. Hart "Strategy" is a very good book to read about the strategy of the indirect approach. Another good one is "On Strategy" by Col. Harry Summers Jr. It is a military/political analysis of America's loss in Viet Nam. Used at West Point as a textbook. Very useful if you want to try to end this war.
The current terror war is strength. The drug war is weakness. Use the demise of the drug war as leverage on the terror war.
Just as racism was used against the Viet Nam War. "No Vietnamese ever called me nigger" was quite effective.
You do have one major problem - blacks keep asking for more drug war when that war is devastating the black community. I think key elements of the black community are being paid by the government to promote the drug war. I'd look into community/church/government partnerships. When you see a black pastor/organization promoting new jails, more police, more drug war enforcement look into the funding of the pastor/organization.
BTW nice peace demo at Pt. Reyes:

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 17 Nov 2002
There are no heavies. We are all heavies. You meet people in life that you thought at one they know something about life that I missed or havent been exposed to or didnt grasp...then you find out they are just people like you who muddle through as best they can. Expecting someone to show you the way or shine the light is another dead end. Eileen what you talk about is very important if we dont want the next generations to repeat the dead ends and mistakes of the past.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Simon, glad to hear you didn't get stuck in 1975. How about 1875? Your ideas sound like those of the late 1800s known as Social Darwinism. Familiar with them? Ever heard of Eugenics? That was the outcome of social darwinists. That and the Third Reich. Who do you think built this great nation of ours? Was it the Anglo-Saxon stock or the slaves that were forced here? Which side would you be on if it was January 1861? Where would the libertarians have stood on the slavery issue?

E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
For me peyote is where other psychedelics only tread lightly STP included! - Glorious indeed are buttons fresh from the desert floor - and while LSD was a wild colorful, perhaps enlightening and at times terrifying ride - Peyote is for me a fatherly/motherly encyclopedia of soul enhancement life lesson verification etal - albiet it colorful and awesome at times. Nonetheless - I suggest we all sit down (Iraqis included) for a global (ritual - healing) peyote festival instead of WAR!!!!!!!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
I have had half an eye on these folks for years. This may answer your question. Scroll down to the bio.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
T Curious~
Your past missive to me rung of memories lifted from Coyote's pages. I will not bother to pick apart. I can find no ill purpose in your claim to the past. Where in fact, I enjoy your thoughts and memories and the way you weave them. I DO in fact have a sense of you NOW, that it makes my present amnesia of so much of the past, all the more bothersome. Therefore please accept my applogy of suspicion of your legitimacy as if I have something to loose, as hasty and uncalled for. I continue to watch for something you say that will jar my memory, with expectation. But I have to tell you, I met so many people that claim to know me that came through our scene, you are certainly not on a short list of the forgotten. I seem to be part of an viewed elite that had an impact on many lives, I had little awareness of even back then. Frankly, I lived in my own world that centered around Coyote and eventually Ariel. And who remains in my memory, is no statement to what value they played in the larger picture beyond my own self interest.
Ohio Girl~
Thank you so much for sharing your treatment info with me. I will pass it on to Ariel. I think she is up to speed on all the options. You will be interested to know my second daughter, Miranda, with Bob Valadez (Santiago, from the Red House, to some of you) who is 10 yrs younger, did not test positive with hep C. The doctors could only guess the disease becomes less virulent ie actively contagious, with time.
To my great shame, my needle use was most active when I was pregant with Ariel. That alone, perhaps could have weakened her liver enough to give the hep a home. I was emotionally suffering so, I was self medicating, as suicide was looming too closely as an option. It was clear by then Coyote had MANY more interests besides me and the baby I was carrying. The fact I made it to 30, is nothing short of a miracle. I can attribute making it through those years, to mother's prayers that kept my thin line to life connected. With all the strange drugs I also added to the brew, it's a wonder Ariel has a brain left! What I carry of value from that time is Ariel, period. Betrayal by all those closest to me, but a very rare few, was what I lived with. A major crisis finally mounted by 29, with my unrelenting Saturn return that demanded I step up to the plate or die, and I stepped out of my maddness into an unfamiliar world. And like you, I would not be who I am today without this past..but I do not cherish it, other than as the catalyst that forced me to remake my life to beome more than a victim of it. My story is an unpopular one and does very little to make it be the way others would like for that time to be told. The war that took place in Viet Nam was not the only war that would leave post tramatic stress syndrom in it's participants, to heal the dark night of the soul. Some made it. To me this is not just simply about a time in singular history, but a time that was a catalyst that has addressed lifetimes for many. Got MY attention and finally slapped me AWAKE!

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Did you find my post to you on Oct 27? Jus checkin. No response is fine.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
For all,
Here is an interesting event that came to me from a Bioregional list I am on. Does anyone know what's up with these pilgrims?

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Curious -- please let me know if the format of this page is easier to read now. I must have made an inadvertent change yesterday while archiving the first half of November. Thanks for mentioning the problem. The page should now reformat automatically to fit the size of the reader's screen.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: meanwhile, back at the ranch
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Cast back your minds, bretheren, to a distand time when the children were without even a sleeping bag. It was not yet the time of strife, nor of flight, nor of Exodus. It seems in foggy memory as though Alan Hoffman was still alive, and that methane generators were the subject of great interest. Internal combustion engines being the general form of powered travel, compressors, and distribution, and filing stations were planned...though none were ever built. Truck stops were coming into being, at least within imagination; networks of trade, too, were imagined. Why, even in San Francisco, the Two Coyotes were writing simultaneously, and I cannot even tell you if at this time they had resolved that one would be Coyote, and the other Coyote 2. But Peter Coyote, as he was affectionately known, had resolved that the Digger seed monies would sustain the children in their quest for adequate bedding. I, then a lad new to Digger circles, had no expectation that I would be a recipient. A short journey from the ranch to, I believe it was Berkley, was all that was needed because Sierra Designs (if memory serves) were selling, at the greatly reduced price of 30$ each, "bleeder" down bags, which were not only serviceable, but were actually luxurious--in contrast to such other bedding as then commonly existed. Gristle was there too, ask him for corroboration. That Peter, alone made the decision, I know not. Neither did I know then, nor do I know now, if Ron Thelin, for instance, was helpful toward this end. Nor do I know of the others equally disposed to such generosity, who might have been consulted--they may have been many. But, Simon, a man must need to sleep, whether he is able to attend his other afflictions, successfully, or no. And by this heirarchy of thought are such decisions I think you already know.............T

Name: Ohio girl
E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Hello to everyone. Eileen, I'm taking the interferon and ribavirin treatment for hepatitis C. It's awful, and going to work so I can keep my job and health insurance to pay for it, is awful. You really have to simplify your life to help tolerate the medicine. But I do intend to get cured, if at all possible. I had so little energy before I started the treatment, and other problems, it's like I might as well try the treatment. Maybe your daughter knows this web site, the best one I found. It's called which gives excellent information with sometimes daily updates on new research etc., how to get free treatment in some cases even. I can't regret the past, it was so amazing to be in the Haight in the 60s, those unbelievable trips, a short but never-to-be-forgotton stay at Morningstar. Far too many drugs. But without my exact past I wouldn't be who I am, and know what I know, and have the husband and children and grandchild I have, and have had the opportunity to know my first husband I met in the Haight, who died young (ironically, the doctor says he almost certainly died from hepatitis C coupled to alcoholism, which wasn't being identified back then, I had been told only that he happened to succumb earlier than most to alcohol). My husband also has it, we're trying to get him treated too. One child doesn't and the second one I can't corner him to go get tested, must be his hippie blood! Truly no regrets, although it's strange to be paying now with my health, for things I did 35 years ago. Definitely strange. Yet life is so rich and beautiful, there's so much for us all. Take care, Keep the faith.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Devil's Island
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Eric, something in the nature of the format has, I think?, changed for the worse. I don't know anything about computers, really, but the text in this new section is displaying larger (wider) on my screen so that I have to scroll right, then back to the left, to read each sentence. Considering the complexity of the texts being submitted, that is very difficult indeed. I don't know if this problem is the result of some change in my machine or in yours. Please help if you can...............T

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Bryceland, California
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Simon: You obviously expect us to read what you write. That being the case, allow me to observe that in order for you to be abreast of where, as a community, we are in this discussion, you will of right need to read all of the previous postings, at least within the guestbook, in order to properly fathom what has already been said. I had not heard anything of you, really, since Space Time Productions, in Seattle. Very few here know of that project--it will be interesting to see what you remember of me. I sometimes check my email at I had, by the way, heard some interesting news of Indian Steve, some years ago, that I would be willing to share with you privately, within that format.................Travis.........Eileen--Still waiting for a clarification from you, not a demanding tone, only curious..........Regards...........T

E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
Hey, why thank me? It was holding to the path that got you in. I must say that being able to drop the "Bad Grammar" is refreshing. Get over there pronto. These mouse ears are comming off for good.

E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
129202012521213111691212 (naturally)

E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
The web site has been up since mid Oct. Homeless outfit was pure Bullshit. Had to wait and find out who would put the dagger in, and who would twist it. You are the only ones who have clean hands and straight eyes. Welcome. The real heavies await you. See you on the other side. The name remains the same. Your pass word is homeskin. (aint it the way?)

E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002
he knows

E-mail Address:
Date: 17 Nov 2002

E-mail Address: threetables@newhaven
Date: 17 Nov 2002

E-mail Address: colleen@sushibar
Date: 17 Nov 2002
** ******* *** ****. **'* ** *** **!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
I had to laugh at your barfing memory. Hard enough to get peyote down..coming up again doesn't seem quit fair! (They call it getting well.) But it rarely happens if used properly. I also have a inate fear of "getting psychedelic again" ha! LSD left a lot of fear in that regard and I always have to pass thru that door to go on. But peyote is considered a medicine by the Native Am..both externally and internally. A meeting is not a free for all. It is structured, as all Native Am ceremonies, down to the last detail, beyond anything most folks could imagine, in order to stay focused on the prayer that has been asked for. It touches and allows a part of your mind, and spirit/heart to open to greater possibilities and clear out what is getting in the way of that. But it takes focus in a manner that takes a lot of concentration not to give in and just trip (THAT will make you sick)..awakeness in a place we tend to let sleep..hardly a time to play around. It doesn't just run away with you the way acid does. You have to work with it though. The Natives call peyote, the Heart of God. I am very fortunate to have this avaiable to me. It is not always easy to get in. And ofcourse the gov't is doing all they can to mess with this way of praying. We are now waiting to hear if non natives will become illegal to the church, beoming a threat to any Natives that let any non Natives in. This will be decided in Dec. I can't imagine that door being closed to me and my family.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Peyote. I haven't eaten that stuff since 64 or 65. I remember barfing and the nasty taste. Tell you the truth, the idea of getting psychedelic again seems a little scary. In spite of the loads of the stuff I took way back then it has been since the early 70's since I left this plane in that manner. In times of frustration and general disharmony I have thought about it, thinking it would help me pull my head out of my ass but haven't sought it out. Must mean it didn't need to happen. I still get my head stuck on a regular basis though.
The hepatitis C thing must weigh heavily on you and admire your tenacity in overcoming it. I remember when my first daughter was born jaundiced and had to stay at the hospital under lights for two days before coming home. I didn't say anything but my mind raced for awhile. I checked your daughter's website and found it a very creative concept. I bookmarked it and intend on visiting it to see how it developes. I also hooked up on Coyote's mail list this morning, thanks.
I had friends and a teacher from CCAC who volunteered at Soledad teaching creative writing. Stephen Ajay, he was from up your way. While in his class at CCAC he talked alot about his experiences and it has stayed with me all these years. I had friends who were busted for a lid in the 60's and ended up doing years in prison only to be caught on the parole/prison/parole cycle. It was awful. I may look into the volunteer thing again. It takes a hard constitution to deal with it though.
The fog is rolling in and since I am the mule of the house that means building a fire and then heading for the kitchen to rattle those pots and pans. There are some hungry eyes staring at me while I type.
See ya.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Had a few hours of sun this morning quickly changing to low fog and drizzle. Back from a peyote prayer meeting that took place Sat night, I had not intended to be part of. The Road Man wouldn't let me get away and made a place for me. Feeling a load lifted, with a prayer for my girls. Should have gone for help sooner. Surprising I have got my energy back today so quickly. It used to take one or two wks! Let's me know my liver has improved significantly.
Just talked to Ariel. She spent the morning with the inmates at Delancy St. Other states are asking them to come and help them set up similar models. Ariel is so impressed with what they are doing, that she is hoping to get on board and be part of that outreach team. She is studying for her psychologist licence (while holding a job working with autistic children) and is currently getting her hrs working with her mentor in the prisons..which is where she wants to focus her main work. She did her main internship at a place for high risk, arrested male teens. It was an eye opener.
But she also has a much more advanced case of hep C than Peter or I, as she was born with it. So far, has only been able to hold it at a low roar with the cleanses, acupuncture and various herbs, vits and such. Intefuron yrs ago only made her sicker. She is going to try the new round that has been developed in the last few yrs., that is supposed to have better chances of a cure. But it will cost 20,000!! for something that has a 50/50 chance of working. All this makes her feel she is in a race for time, as the hep continues eat up her energy that she needs so badly to do what she is trying to accomplish. I can barely stand to wrap my mind around this.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address: R.King@Outsidegettinasmoke
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Hey Brother Steve,
Please don't shoot yet! I was just trying get my stuff out on the table. My last post to Simon was meant to open discussion not to end it. You get that Simon?
"Pissy".....I don't think you are capable of being "pissy", it's a little middle-of-the-road don't you think? The weather is warm and beautiful here, howzit up there?

Name: Sherlock
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Mungo...your question gave me the answer. You fell for it!

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
consider yourself told. well said Eileen

Name: Not So Silent Steve
E-mail Address: The Highway
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Sing it loud Mark! Take it from this Ol' choir boy: no people sing with such pure voices as those who live in the deepest Hell; what we take for the song of angels is their song.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Stuck in 1975? Uhh.....I got problem with that. I recommend a visit to Berg's site, I checked out Badeagle and was supremely disappointed. The first few paragraphs nail it down. His links to the parasitcal Horowitzian traveling sideshow is silly and counterproductive to the culture, although it gives Horowitz an occupation.
The "capitalism equals morality" hayride is some tired shit and dates far back into the darkness. When is the last time you priced a set of Nikes?
"BTW the reason I have gone so long with these posts is that it is very hard to get a discussion going with any on the left who will actually consider the evidence."
(Evidence? ev-i-dence n. 1.The data on which a judgment or conclusion may be based, or by which proof or probability may be established.)
Whose "evidence" is best? Bush, Marx, Saddam, John Poindexter, Ollie North, Andy Warhol, Ken Starr, Angela Davis, Yogi Berra, Marcel Duchamp, Stephen Hawkings? You get my drift. "Evidence" is a word as suspicious as "belief". There could be the problem.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
WE ALL DIFFER ONLY IN DEGREES OF WONDER. And on that note, Im' going to spit over the centerline. P.S. save the sermon, I live in a church, remember?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Thanks for lightening the Nov posting load and clearing the debris on Discussion.
Yes I know you are RNA..I've been following your posts. Go over to Discussion and scroll down a bit to A MOMENT AT MY HOUSE to get a simple overview of a little of what I am up to currently. Look around on that page if you want a bit more of a taste of "who" I am now.
Here is a site Ariel started not long ago. There's a great picture of her and brief bio.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Do you think I am talking behind your back by talking around you? Your gun fighter stance, when you disagree with someone you have just "met" here, does not allow the ground for an exchange of ideas. Which I assume we are here for. You're wrong and I'm right attitude is hardly inviting. It just makes me pissy. I know you can do better. I didn't feel like talking directly to you last night. Obviously you got my drift. No, not everyone that has been abused, is on drugs. I don't think that was the point. But everyone that has been abused at some point or another is going to find it showing up someway, somewhere in their life in an unhealthy way, if not identified and healed..not just over ridden. A new construct must be developed that there is no frame of reference for, as Mark pointed out. Drugs, etc are often the avenue out..a faulty construct of dealing with feeling we are unlovable or dealing with stress, as our lives and responsibilities and needs become more demanding, as an adult.. for lack an internally safe place that was never found or learned as a child. Where do we learn this safe place in ourselves..just grab it out of the air? This is something I not only know about personally, but have put good many yrs of study and observation into. I address this issue with a good size back log of information. There are addicts with or without drugs..addicts of pain. People that have identified love and pain going hand in hand. Stress going hand in hand with helplessness. Walking victims trying to get on with their lives, with circuits that have never been hooked up properly, not understanding why they are shorting out.
I don't agree with all Simons conclusions as being complete, or necessarily correct. But know by following conversations with him, I will learn something. There are times when we have a primise that may be correct, yet not lead to what appears to be a fully reasonable conclusion. Has it got to be your way or the highway, no questions asked? I'm assuming we all have something to learn, as well as share. "Share", being the operative word here.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Mungo, your little "Good Luck" was the give away. The next time that I see you...well...the offer still stands...A deal is a deal....But Im' folding, count me out, in more ways than one.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Glad to be of service. Needless to say my thinking did not get stuck in 1975. My son David says that most people can't learn any thing new after age 18. This is so common that it is a saying: "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". I think it is my work in engineering that constantly forces me to question my assumptions. I reccomend an engineering career to any one interested in life long learning. Bad assumptions prevent problem solving.
Remember that when it comes to "uncontrolable" addictions there are two components involved. Pain and different brain chemistry. Which is why not every one who was raped as a child is a heroin addict.
There is now science to back up my point of view.
There are urls in this article that will point you to the evidence.
The main thing I think, and you pointed it out, is to not be bigoted. It keeps us from opening our hearts to those in need.
My wife/girlfriend of the last 28 years has had a very difficult time with her issues. I'm glad I never gave up. (well I tried to a few times but the Force wouldn't let me)
BTW the reason I have gone so long with these posts is that it is very hard to get a discussion going with any on the left who will actually consider the evidence. Being old friends I thought you would give me the benefit of the doubt. I haven't been disappointed.
The funny thing is that these days it is the right that is most open to different points of view. Very interesting.
If any one wishes a relatively honest discussion of the issues of the current war (there are flamers every where) might I suggest:
Be prepared for hard questions. And assertins won't do. You better have facts because they will fact check your ass. :-)

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Glad to be of service. Needless to say my thinking did not get stuck in 1975. My son David says that most people can't learn any thing new after age 18. This is so common that it is a saying: "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". I think it is my work in engineering that constantly forces me to question my assumptions. I reccomend an engineering career to any one interested in life long learning. Bad assumptions prevent problem solving.
Remember that when it comes to "uncontrolable" addictions there are two components involved. Pain and different brain chemistry. Which is why not every one who was raped as a child is a heroin addict.
There is now science to back up my point of view.
There are urls in this article that will point you to the evidence.
The main thing I think, and you pointed it out, is to not be bigoted. It keeps us from opening our hearts to those in need.
My wife/girlfriend of the last 28 years has had a very difficult time with her issues. I'm glad I never gave up. (well I tried to a few times but the Force wouldn't let me)

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
We have romanticized the Indians for way too long. They were killing each other for control of the land long before the white man came. The white man was just better at it. Same game, new tribe.
Read about the Comanche who stole as much land as they could take by violent means.
David Yeagley admires the white man because the white man was a superior warrior. He wants to learn the ways of the American white warrior. The white man is a hell of a warrior. Nothing to be ashamed of. Especially considering that once our enemies surrender and learn our ways they do really well. Compare that with the European King Leopold of Belgium who ordered the legs of children in Belgium's colonies cut off when their fathers didn't produce the required tribute. Lands that America colonizes get rich in time - Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand even. They also get self government. Without a fight. Were we perfect. Hell no. Did we do evil deeds. Hell yes. Do our evil deeds come any where near the scale of evil that is currently being committed in the Sudan against the Animists and Christians there? Hell no. When compared to perfection we suck. When compared to what usually goes on in the world we are not too bad and we are getting better.
Remember "the Mouse That Roared" with Peter Sellers? The joke was that they wanted to war against America and lose in order to be "colonized". A truer joke about America was never told.
American colonies are not exploited in the usual way. They are integrated into a commercial system that improves the lives of the people. Poland left the USSR and wants to join NATO. They want to be an American colony. Even Russia eventually wants to be a part of NATO under the American defence umbrella. Have they lost their minds?
Read about Iran. They want to get rid of the mullahs and become more americanized. They are in the streets as we speak. Where are the "peace" demonstraters supporting the Iranian students and people? Not in evidence? How strange.
Or take the recent "peace" demonstrations in NY (I think) where Iraqi nationals came out in support of an American attack on Iraq. What is up with that? Or take the Iraqis in the American protected zones. Plenty of food there. The food shortages seem to be in the areas Saddam controls. In fact Saddam has about $5 -6 billion in an oil-for-food money account at the UN that he hasn't spent. Why isn't he using the money to feed his people? He likes to see babies and children starve? Why would he do that?
If America is an empire it is a strange one where we strengthen our colonies so they can better compete with us. Even the Vietnamese want to join the fookin' WTO for God's sake. What is a matter with them? Don't they know their own self interest? They fought a war to be free of us and now they want to join up? Wass up?
And then we had the recent sustainable development confrence where the third world countries asked for more American trade not less. Why do they want to be colonized by America? Are they stupid?
Are their problems? Yes. By protecting American jobs with high tarriffs we hurt the third world poor. Bad idea in my opinion. We would be better off with willing buyers and sellers making deals without governmet interference. Does Nike exploit third world workers by paying better wages than the locals? The locals line up in the streets when they hear Nike is opening a new exploitation plant. They get better paying jobs and we get cheap shoes. That really sucks don't it? Much better if they had no jobs and we paid more for shoes, eh?
Take the Afghan pipeline. Will Afghanistan be better off being able to tax the flows through the pipeline or will they be worse off? If the pipeline is in America's interest does that mean it is not in Afghanistan's interest? Why can't all parties to a commercial deal benefit? Who made that rule?
Don't forget Eric that at one time I held the opinions you currently hold. My study of the world has led me to change my mind. It is not that I prefer a different outcome to yours. It is that I think the means you choose will not get you the results you want.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Two Fisted Steve,
Having spent a fair amount of energy plowing the fields of my own addictions and on the other side of the road working at liberating myself, and then helping others to get clear of this stuff I agree with you that past traumas tend to overrule present behavior. This "pain crutch" becomes a hammer to beat off the attempts at logical behavior. If an individual hasn't made a decision to get off that little merry-go-round time would be better spent on those who have. That said, 99% of those struggling with addiction do have times when getting out of the cycle is foremost. I have never met a person, who being tortured by addiction, didn't want to be free of it at some point. But Simon's perspective has merit in that pain is what brings most to addiction. This pain is for many very specific in that it is reaction to specific traumatic events or series of events. In some cases it the addiction has been a reality since early youth and the individual simply has never learned life's lessons on coping with pain, meaning they have no reference point. If you can't remember what it was like to be without addiction there is nothing to fall back on. For others it is less focused but more of a pain relating to their state of existence, racism, poverty, educational deprivation and lots of issues that are tangled up with each other. Working from Simon's stance allows for a compassionate mindset that puts aside the polemic and judgemental feelings that afflict us all. Treating the addiction and trying to give the tools needed to resolve the past demons as well as with the deck of life's cards that has been dealt for an individual is how I worked at it. It doesn't work for some but has for others.
I sure as hell don't hold some of your theories but you get me thinking and your personal history is very interesting. Glad you decided to post here.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Land use regulations,
What ever their theoretical desirability to preserve an "ecology" they will in fact be used to drive the hippies off their own land.
Twas ever thus. To expect government to protect ecology is nuts. The rich will always buy their way out and the poor will be dispossesed.
The best deal we can hope for is that property rights will be respected. If we ask that they be disrespected in the name of ecology the first people's property they will come after in the name of ecology will be ours. To expect any thing different is to believe in the tooth fairy.
It is one of the reasons I write for a survivalist magazine on the www. They have similar goals as we do but their methods are grounded in the Constitution not some utopian communist fantasy that always turns in to a tyrrany worse than what we have here.
What you have to ask yourself is would Stalin have tolerated hippies as well as America has? Pol Pot? Saddam Insane? The Taliban? - you couldn't even fly kites for God's sake let alone dance or worse dance in mixed company.
I see no need to destroy America because it isn't perfect. I see the need to make it better through voluntary co-operation.
And as for gun control. I don't know what ever happened to the 1%ers. They were always well armed. At least those who wanted to be. Gun control is not the answer and the militia is not your enemy. The police will not protect you. The samurai among you will. To give up strength and arms in the name of peace was never the digger way. At least not the diggers I hung with. Armed non-violence is the best way. Don't tread on me.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
For all you prolifics out there, I've archived the first half of November's messages. See the link at the top of this page to get to that file.
Eileen you were asking why there are two places on this site where people leave discussion-type messages. It's just worked out that way. When web design first started out, people added "guestbook" pages for visitors to sign. Our guestbook started out that way but soon became more than that. It turned into a back-and-forth dialogue. I added the Discussion Forum, but just like well-traveled paths, people kept coming here instead of the new interstate freeway, so to speak. So, we have two places where messages are left. The Discussion Forum (which is actually the second one -- all the messages in the old one are archived on my harddrive, some day if anyone's interested I can post them) is not the best threaded discussion software available. Some day we might have a true conferencing system here. To see a guestbook page that is more like the original concept than this, see Planetdrum's:

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: Bowling
Date: 16 Nov 2002
is the place to find Bowling for Columbine playing at a theater near you. It will finally be on Maui in December. Thanks to granddaughter Rachel who tuned me in to this site. i'm eager to see it and take my teen daughter.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Simon, You dont "THINK" that it was from you? That answered my question. (hear what Im' sayin' Eric?)

Name: Stevie Dooty
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Open Letter to The Gang Of Three: ah...make that four or five.....In as much as I have been talked at instead of talked to in my last few entries, there is no real need for any of you to reply to me now; or rather, reply at me. Guilt trip? thats not my bag. In fact, you can hold the feed back altogether, no comment seems to be in these days. You talk of pain and abuse? Ive' been there and back. The fact that I dont fall into your percentage group who use it like a crutch was my downfall....well, what can I say. Weakling sorrow...Thats for the Curt Cobains of this world. Whats my point?.....Im' excluded because I excluded myself. (aint it the way?)

Name: Rena
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Eileen, I've long admired you. what are you up to? where's your child? if you want, you may contact me here on Maui at Also, if you ever come to Maui, the welcome mat is on. i've also been writing as "RNA" so those posts about my children, visions, life are one and the same.
IMAM... my friends, the Dream Weavers are trying to sell the 63 acres becasue there is no possibility that they can have a community there. Also, the court system here on Maui is so corrupt we call it "Maui/Mexico."
they currently own part of a 32 acre piece with 3 other families. There is internal discord there as some of the owners want minimal gatherings and my friends love to connect with the soulful and laughing souls. Also, the 32 acre piece has a public right of way and each day 500 to 1000 tourists (Really!) hike through the land for access to waterfall pools.
The Dream Weavers are looking for other land to purchase. As far as selling the 63 acres: who would want it with so many restrictions? It is nice that some advanced consciousness folks came in to real money. Here on Maui the land is being bought up by the super wealthy. Developements are being built on Hawaiian archelogical sites which the Developers bulldoze and they say, "there's no sign of archeological sites here." the Hawaiians say, "the white men (missionaries) taught us to pray and while our heads were bowed they stole our land." The devestation of the native Hawaiians is all to simular to the demise of the Native American population and rights.
I'm wroking as a doula these days: a labor assistant, childbirth educator, and help with pre and post partum care.
Sending love, Rena

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Simon, the "peace" movement that I knew and participated in was anti-imperialist first and foremost. No one had illusions about the communists. But Vietnam was a civil war brought on by the US reneging on a promise to Ho Chi Minh to allow free elections in 1956. The US has followed an imperialist path for all of its history.
(Ever hear of Andy Jackson and the Trail of Tears?) This is what we were marching against in the 1960s. It's why we were marching two weeks ago, hundreds of thousands of us in the streets again, against a war
that is being planned not to protect us from the villains you see in the Islamic fundamentalists but to retain control of the remaining oil reserves. You're very fast with figures and theories. Answer this: given current and assumed consumption levels, when is it projected that the West will run out of oil reserves? Who do you think has been planning for that eventuality and how long have they been planning? Talk about addiction. Do you drive an internal combustion engine vehicle? Whose pain is responsible for petroleum addiction?
Afghanistan? You've got to be kidding. Ever hear of the Dauletabad oil field?
You think Afghanistan was about getting rid of the Taliban? I thought it was to
get Bin Laden. We turned against the Taliban (our former CIA puppets) because we
wanted them to turn over Bin Laden. When they didn't we went against the Taliban
too. But Bin Laden turned up on tape last week. If the whole resources of the
most powerful government on earth could not get Bin Laden after one year of the
most concerted effort possible, what chance would the Taliban have had? And how
was it that we actually defeated the Taliban? An article today shows that
the CIA paid off all the warlords. That's what the war was about. Now our
Central Asian oil pipeline can get built to the Arabian Sea.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
I don't think the e-mail was from me. The best way to find out though is to send me a reply. I will respond.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
I'm sorry to hear Samurai Bob is gone. I miss him. He was one strong fierce/peaceful dude.
I don't know how you put the nuclear genie back in the bottle. Disarmament can't work because one bad guy with a nuke will then terrorize the rest. There are bad people out there. People who will initiate mass murder for power. Fortunately at this time our country is run by small murderers. It is a job qualification. There is no utopia. Wish Bob was here. He and I would have a very fine exchange on the subject. You will have to stand in for him Eric.
Peace can only be achieved when the strong always protect the weak. And the strong will have to know how to fight and kill. And there needs to be competing strong groups so no one power is uncontrolable. There are no easy answers. Except to find more love in our hearts. Evidently this is not easy even for those so disposed. Our Steve is a fine example. Abused children and junkies get no sympathy from him. Even if they are only hurting themselves.
I find it really sad that the antiwar movement learned nothing from the Vietnamese boat people, the Vietnamese re-education camps, and the Cambodian genocide. I remember the communists promising that none of that would happen if they won. It sounded really good to me at the time. There are in fact worse things than war. At the cost of much $$$$ and 5,000 men a year we could have prevented the death of millions. I guess the yellow man was not worth it. We didn't have the heart for it. We lost faith in ourselves.
We are seeing the same in the Middle East. The Taliban was killing 10,000 Afghans a year to maintain their power. Supressing women, killing gays. Killing drug users and dealers etc. It is possiblle that as many as 3,500 died in the American assault. But the women are free. And mass murder by the government to maintain power has stopped. As much as we might like utopia we have to look and see. In objective terms are things better or worse?
And then there is the rise of islamic fascism. Which seems to be very popular in the "peace" movement. The fascist want to kill the Jews and enslave the rest. Read their literature. And yet to got to war against them is bad. What ever happened to the peace movement's support of peace and equality and freedom. Or do they prefer living under Wahhabi sharia? Slavery is better than war? What kind of non-sense is this? There was a German in the 30s with a similar program - if you look at the peace movement of the 30s you will find that the German got a lot of support from those who believed in peace at any price. They kept paying a higher and higher price and still they got no peace. What a surprise.
Is our system perfect. - No. Can it be made better. - Yes. But we can't let our own imperfections blind us to the fact that there is worse out there. And they hate our wealth, power, and freedom. Most of all our imperfect freedom.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Let's do a thought experiment on environmental damage.
Suppose there is an endangered bug called an mbug. Suppose it's niche is in people's warm pockets and $1 bills.
Suppose the government tries to enforce protection for the bugs but does not want to pay for all those $1 bills. So it declares that the bills will be impounded until the bugs are no longer endangered. Suppose they also send out inspectors to look for the bugs.
What will people do? First if they see any of the bugs on their bills they will kill them so they can keep their money. Second they will no longer put the $1 bills in their warm pockets. Third they will switch to coins for small transactions causing pockets to wear out faster.
The only real way to protect and increase the mbug habitat is to pay $1.10 for every colonized $1 bill. When that happens the mbug habitat will explode.
The only way to get real environmental protection is to make it profitable. Sure there will be a few who will do it for free. And a few who will not do it at any price. But that has never motivated the many.
Which is why I'm a Free Market Green. I want to figure out ways to make the money system support what I want. To do that I have to make what I want profitable. I go back to the illegal drug market. For 80+ years the government has been trying to staunch the flow of drugs. Profit keeps them flowing. I want to harness those same forces for the environment.
True it is more difficult than passing laws. But it is also way more effective.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
I don't believe I stayed with Rhoades. Possibly one night or two when I went back to Bezerkeley in Summer/Fall of '74. Not likely for any extended time. I had my OL (Sandy) with me and a guy from Missouri (Paul) who picked us up hitch hiking in Boulder. He wanted to get the hippie tour of the coast. He had three different kinds of really good pot and some fine hash. In exchange we gave him the tour of a lifetime. A very fair exchange.
As to Steve,
There is a lot of predjudice out there about drugs. His attitude is not unusual at all. It seems like a lot of people need someone to look down on. Obviously he did not read the curent research on the subject. It appears that many people have relatively little trouble handling pain or that their level of pain is mild and controlable. But for some the pain never goes away or can only be alieviated by strong drugs until the issues are worked through. Sometimes it takes decades to work through the issues especially if the person's brain chemistry is not like the other 90%. People in the 90% have absolutely no way of understanding the 10%. This is especially brought out in the links in the pot article I wrote.
I personally can no longer be a drug chauvinist/bigot. I see things way too clearly.
Yes. Ward and Randy used to visit my shop often. On Sheffield near Armitage in Chicago. Before then I lived for 6 months in the St. Nicholas Theater and got to know David Mamet and Bill Macy and the rest of that crew. While I was at St. Nicholas I built my first S-100 machine using my GI bill money from a correspondence course I took (I didn't need the training but I did need the money and the 25" Heathkit TV that came with the course). I also visited Ward's basement (could have been Randy's) a couple of times. We all belonged to the CACHE (Chicago Area Computer Hobbiest Exchange) club and had monthly meetings to exchange stuff buy and sell from each other etc. Exchange info. Problems with the hardware programming etc. I used the 8251 serial chip in the board and other than a hard reset it was impossible to determine it's actual state so it caused a few problems. I think we fixed it by using a bit from the 8255 parallel chip to do a hard reset when we needed a software reset.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
There are issues with control of money.
"The Latin American drug cartels have stretched their tentacles much deeper into our lives than most people believe. It's possible they are calling the shots at all levels of government." - William Colby, former CIA Director, 1995
There are issues with control of people (drug war racism):
There are issues of control of other countries:
Read "the Politics of Heroin in South East Asia" by Alfred McCoy
short review:
The symbiotic relationship between drug merchants, and intelligence and law enforcement, is examined in detail by McCoy. From Southeast Asia, to Central America, to Afghanistan, the trail of CIA covert action and drug smuggling runs parallel. McCoy also examines the banks that preceded BCCI as havens for tax evaders and criminals protected from prosecution because they banked with covert operators, and pinpoints critical historical periods when the narcotics trade might have been
stopped had it not been for U.S. intelligence agencies. - read the book for free PDF - Buy the book - Interview with McCoy - Interview with McCoy - Bush 1 - Ollie North - The Balkans

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Yes Rena~That would be me. I remember you well. All the men were tripping over each other trying to get your attention! Really you must she the new Fr. film out Brotherhood of the Wolf and see if you can guess which woman made me think of you.
Simon~I don't see why Steve is getting his panties in such a wad over your premise. It is well known one of the common problems with folks that have been sexually and/or physically or mentally abused growing up, is drugs or alcohol and yes, sex in it's more creative self distructive forms. It makes sense. I know in my own case and that of pretty much everyone I know that has had a drug problem to have one or all of these issues. (Coyote says in his book, he was physically/emotionally abused as a child. I happen to know what it did to him.) You generally don't try to deaden or radically change your consciousness if you feel good about yourself. But I think there are many people that don't connect the dots. Many don't remember. But once I recognized that in myself I could see it like a veil from my eyes, in others. No, not projection, but recognition. The help is healing, not drug enforcement. Our jail system is barbaric to the extreme. There is no help, there is no therapy to assist change. Nothing is changed but made worse. Caging someone does not change anything. It has been found most of the folks in jail have lived out how they grew up, with either physical and/or sexual abuse. It is also known this is passed on from generation to generation. It is why it has become so important to find help and stop the cycle. But the drug war is not about helping anyone. It's not even a moral issue. Like everything the gov't's about money. You can't tax the drug business. But there has got to be more to it than that. If they made it legal they could tax it. So that tells me it has something to do with their relationship to other countries and the games of contoll they play. I almost know, but can't quite put my finger on it. But you can be sure there is very little our gov't does that is soley in our best interest. It's all about money.
BTW, did you live with Rhoades for ahile in Berkeley.

Name: Rena Morningstar
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Eileen/Sam, is that you, the Sam who had a child with Peter Coyote? I remember meeting you at Olema around July 1970. I've often wondered how you be. I was only there for a couple of days, taking a change from Morningstar.
Sending great wishes for you and all, Rena

Name: Nod
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Intelligent discussion? Naaa!!! I never knew what I was talkin', the fact that I dont know what Im' writting about just makes sense. I kindly asked you to E-Mail me with a simple yes or no. No such luck! I know yer' kind. You and Travis should get along just fine. I feel kind of hurt...but not hurt enough to cook up. You intellectuals can take over. I did what I set out to do anyway.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Simon, Im' under the Impression that at least 75% of "people" who do "Anything" were at one time or another "Abused". I only know five ladies who were sufered from incest who never touched Heroin. Thats 100% in my book. Statistics dont often lie, but liars often use statistics. Try this one on for size: "Milk leads to Heroin" shit! 100% of the junkies that I was ever in contact with, started out on milk as babies. Enough of the weakly sorrow for those who opt for death on the installment plan. Pull out a neddle in front of me and its Alowha on the steel guitar,..I dont give a shit who fucked ya' as a kid. You aint one now ya junkie. I live in the methadone capital of the world man, what rock did you crawl out from. Whats NASA been puttin' in yer' wheaties?

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Property owners take care of their property because it is in their economic interest. It is very hard to deter economic interest. The government has been trying to do it for 80 years re: the drug war without much success.
Is it perfect - no. But you got to ask yourself who knows more about a property and will take better care of it. A bureaucrat in an office who if he makes a mistake is out nothing not even his job and can make some one else pay for his errors or an owner who will take real losses if a mistake is made.
You will note that this past summer the lands burning were mostly government land. Give you a clue?
BTW as agricultural productivity has increased more and more land is reverting to forrest. There is more forrested area in America today than there was in 1900.
You really ought to read the article I posted on heroin. 70% of the female heroin addicts were sexually abused or witnessed sexual abuse. I can no longer be a drug chauvinist. People take the type, strength and quantity of drugs that help them cope with their level of pain. The only difference between a weed addict and a heroin addict is the level and type of pain.
Read the articles and the evidence provided in them. Then we can have a really intelligent discussion.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 16 Nov 2002
Simon -- someplace in this collection I have copies of the messages that were posted on the Resource One computer in 1975, copied from the one terminal in the SF Public Library system located in the Mission District branch. As part of Kaliflower we were connected with Fred Moore and the Home Brew Computer Club down in Palo Alto, and Captain Crunch with his world famous Puce Box. We built our first 8080 S-100 system with a plywood motherboard. Brautigan's Loving Grace poem was my inspiration early on too. The first BBS I connected to after saving up for a 300 baud modem was Ward Christensen's in Chicago. Is that by any chance the one you worked on?

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Actually the diggers came to me. I was living in the house/shack next to the garage before it became the Truck Stop. I helped the Truckers clean up the place and contact the owners to rent it. Being into cars/trucks/bikes I naturally gravitated to the truckers. Especially since the electrical problems were trivial for me. Besides in my own way I had similar craziness and techno/utopian visions. Brautigans poem about computers was on a computer print out in the Briceland Store/Neo American Book Store. I ran the bookstore for Steve Squirer. BTW as far as I know I'm still the Boo Hoo of Humboldt County. :-)
I have had the good fortune to be in the thick of the computer revolution. I took my wife to be on a hitch hiking trip to the Bay area in summer/fall 1974 (a realization of a dream for her she wanted to have an adventure and meet some real hippies - she got her wish)and got introduced to the Resource One Computer System at the Whole Earth Catalog Store. I looked up Rhodes (the welder) and he put me in touch with Grisle. We stayed at G.'s place for about 10 days before we went North to Seattle. I think G. came to visit us in our dome in Carbondale, Illinois around December but it could have been early in '75. My memory is a little hazy.
When the microcomputer hit the front page of Popular Electronics in January 1975 I knew what I had to do. I had moved to Chicago in the Summer of '75. By 1977 I had written an article on EPROM erasers. And the following year I designed the I/O board that went into the worlds fist BBS. Resource One was my inspiration. Now we are all hooked up. Which was my vision. Yipeee.
I am well connected with the anti-prohibitionist movement. A lot of people know me from reading my work on MAP do a power searh on Simon author and Illinois area. In fact when I have a new column out it often rises to the top 10. The local leader of NORML (Rockford, Illinois) is my best friend these days. He is completing 2 years in the joint for dealing. Which is why I started writing on the subject. First to get him a better deal (he had 6lbs and priors and only got 2 - 5) through keeping his case in the public eye. And finally to see if I couldn't spring him early by ending prohibition.
I have become convinced through my studies that ther are no addicts (and it seemed like we had all kinds in the gang) only people in pain taking the drugs, or food, or sex, or? to ease their pain.
I have had an "addiction" specialist who at first disagreed with me change his mind. I have helped a sheriff change his mind. In addition I am in contact with a LEO organization who agreed with my premise from the get go. But of course they have a lot of officers self medicating with alcohol so the idea was not very new to them. I'm working with a chronic pain medication organization to stop the DEA assault on pain doctors. A Mild Green from NZ wrote to give me an atta boy today. All of that happened this past week because of the two articles I posted. I thought Coyote and Berg might want some insight into what some of the major drivers were for all of us back then so I started looking for a way to contact them today.
What I want to do is to make what I found it public knowledge.
There are no addicts. Only people in pain.
If we can make people see that then we don't need a DEA to protect us from addiction. We will see drug use as a symptom of a problem not a cause. The drug war will be over. The enforcers will be ashamed to enforce.
At least that is my hope.
Do you recall Tello and Bubba from Briceland/SF? Have you heard from them?
Thanks for the e-mail.
All my love to you and yours.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Ah...make that a nickle. Then it went up to twenty five cents a stick.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Ah...make that a nickle. Then it went up to a twenty five cents a stick.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Right on Simon. "They" dont even give us the satisfaction of "Contributing" our hard earned dollars even if we wanted to! "THEY" (We the People??) ...WITH-HOLD it. It's a strangle hold. If you dont fill out the "Withholding" form, YOU DONT GET THE JOB!. Its Little Brother and the Withholding Company. Even if we "WANTED" to share the wealth with our Uncle Sam,...we could never control where the bread goes anyway, without CIA pukes like Ollie North getting their dead hand in our pocket. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION is what sparked a REVOLUTION..(spell that "CHANGE". Untill the I.R.S. boys tag me again, Im' gonna keep givin' it away. Hey, there was somethin' to be said for the Olema pink eye and ring worm fanction. P.S. Hey Eileen, I walked by a street book vendor today and glanced down an spotted the very book that you mentioned. I didnt pick it up...its just that the title caught my eye. Drugs? the Big Biz Nylon put originally put the screws to the "Hemp" production in this country. (ropes). I knew an old cat who told me that the only difference to outlawing weed was that one night you bought a stick of reefer in the jazz club for a quarter, then BANG! the next night you had to buy it out front on the sidewalk for fifty cents. Pain? Aint no pain big enough to get me to mainline junk. Thats where my guide comes in. Listen to that voice kids. I only skin popped (what a waste?)...maybe I was just "Hurtin'" a little bit. I cant find any pity for junkies. Live with em?...sure...dig em'..some...Pity them?..never. Accept any "reasonable excuse for their "Temporary Thing" way. Call it and claim it. Do yer' thing; but dont let yer' thing do you. Are we still on the same page?

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Simon -- OK as far as you got but what about environmental damage? Who's going to protect the rivers and forests and all they contain? Libertarian arguments like yours, it seems to me, are what's feeding the rightwing agenda that pushes the WTO onto our lives. Where are you at with the WTO overturning local environmental and labor laws?
BTW, I hung out with Samurai Bob for the last 6 years or so of his life. Bob got me interested in the anti-nuclear movement very early on. He and Jane Quattlander were founding members of the Abalone Alliance. Bob was always a strange sight among the Quakers and peace activist crowd. We kept the tradition of observing solstices and equinoxes all those years. One of our favorite places for solstice sunrise was Corona Heights (the official name) which can be seen above the intersection of Castro and Market. Hippies like us called it Acid Mountain or Red Rock Hill. One year we showed up to celebrate sunset and were surprised by a coven that showed up at the same time and place. Naturally we joined them and they us. Later that group joined us in the Abalone Alliance and we formed a "cluster" of affinity groups with them and others similarly like minded. This was Starhawk's group, and it was how we met them the first time. Bob and Jane and a bunch of us put together a guerrilla theater troupe called the Plutonium Players which was much fun.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
BTW the condition with the infection in my mouth is commonly called trench mouth.
The cure is vitamin C. Not crushed leaves. Coyote meant well but he had priorities other than taking care of other people's pain. Or listening to their needs when they conflicted with his. A very human condition. Obviously I'm not immune to the disease either.
In those days though every one involved was in pain. It was probably the largest collection of severe PTSD sufferers assembled in one place. We were all warped by our childhoods. All. Without exception. Carla's story was not unusual for the group. Ask Randy/Grisle about his father.
Out of our pain in our own incoherent way we were trying to make the world a better place. We had dreams but no clues. We didn't fit in. We liked it that way. But we couldn't understand the "straights" and they didn't understand us.
The clue is pain. Child abuse. PTSD from war. etc.
It has nothing to do with economic systems.
It has to do with bad parenting. No government program can fix it. The best we can do is to ease some of the pain by disempowering government. The instrument of our adult torture. Any system that makes government stronger even in the name of helping the people will in time be turned agaibst the people.
Let us start by ending the fookin drug war. Let those in pain find drug peace until they can find other peace.
Smith the Nobel Prize winner in economics this year once believed in socialist economics. No more. From experiment he found it to be a failure. I have come to a similar conclusion in my own way.
People world wide freely buying and selling drive down prices and resource use over time. Raise people to a middle class life style and they no longer reproduce at even replacement rate.
What is needed is to lower the resource reqirements for a middle class life. No system does it as well as capitalist competition. What short circuits that competition is government favoritism.
We are better off with millions of individual decisions some right some wrong than one government decision. Not even democracy can save us. We need to let a million flowers bloom. Because if we can't trust our neighbors we certainly can't trust our government.
The #1 rule in government is that scum always rises to the top. Any promise you like will be made as long as the promiser gets his power level increased. We must not expect better men. What we need is to limit their power to do damage. That requires competing power centers. No one vision of goodness will suit every one.
What needsto be done needs to be done without coercion or we become the masters we revile. Let us convince not coerce.
Taxation is theft. It is done at the point of a gun.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Read your articles on pot and heroin. I agree with yours (and others) conclusions as far as it goes. Have you read, THE EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES by Jack Herer? It is probably the best book you can find on hemp/marijuana from use to why it was made illegal etc.
I find it interesting the Drug War has run up the price of good pot to $4,000+ a lb. $250-$450 an oz. Various counties are making it legal while the feds breathe down their necks with pot busts. Many courts are getting fed up with the feds and Canada has made it legal last I heard. Yes you are right, there is a lot of money that has gone into this drug war and no one intends to loose their job.
NORMAL has a very informative site. They also have a great news letter that will keep you informed on what is going on politically with this issue on a regular basis.

Name: Eileen/Sam
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Hi Simon~
I remember you! (Wonder of wonders!) Glad to hear your life opened up for you. You seemed to be a pretty lost soul..I suppose arrogance will do that.,or was it pain and anger and not in forgiving company. Amazing you made it as far as you did with us. You really lived in your own world in those days. How is it you came on the scene back then? Bob and I remained good friends until her passed. Grizzle is now living in S. Colo. I talked to him on the phone a few yrs back when I was living in New Mex. He wanted to sell me an old bus..wouldn't you know. He sounded good.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Hey, I just skimmed Carla's story, and Coyote says that we were all evicted from Olema in April of 1970. I got news for yay' I gave em' all the word that Hendrix had just died and history tells us that was in mid September. We had helped scrub the place down with bleach and water, and J.P.'s Flea market had pretty much wound down to where the place was fairly spartan. But as far a inhabitants at that point, we were all far from gone...well, we were gone, but still there. Dig?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Hey Simon, Steve Boyd here. I just have one question. Was the E-Mail that I just got from yoy??? If yes, Im' cool with that. Please reply on this page...(yes? or no?)...thanks.

Name: Silent Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
NOW, were' gitten' somewhere!!! "For want of some bread, the Oranges were lost, for want of some Oranges, the chapped lips werent glossed, in exchange fer the vitamin "CEE" the windows were washed." S.R.Boyd Welcome Simone, give up all hope, ye who enter here.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Samurai Bob and I were tight when we lived in a place called Briceland. He was part of the Briceland Horse and Truck Gang.
Most of the guys were good mechanics but not too good with electricals. I did most of that.
I was one arrogant sum a bitch in those days. Bob understood. So did Grizzle who was a brother to me. There were giants walking the earth. Honored to be a part.

Name: Simon
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
I'm the Simon from Black Bear in Carla's Story.
I was doing some googling on Peter Coyote and Peter Berg. Found the diggers site. Did a search on my name and found Carla's story - she was one beautiful princess. Great tits. She was so kind to me.
One thing not mentioned by Carla was that I had asked for some oranges when a shopping trip went to town. They came back with tobacco and some candy or some other junk food. No oranges. I was very sick and very annoyed. Peter Coyote had a $100 bill and I asked him to buy me some oranges. When he refused I announced openly that I was going into town to steal some. No one objected. There were a lot of thieves in the group. Well I got busted and a bunch of us went back to the Safeway to wash their windows in exchange for the oranges. They did help heal my mouth. Ever since I'm pretty careful to keep up with my Cs and the skin infections are much less. Not completely gone but much better.
These days I'm an aerospace engineer. My other claim to fame is that I designed the I/O board for the world's first BBS. I have a family and four fine children. 58 years old in October.
Here is some writing I have done recently on the drug war which is a hobby of mine:
There are no addicts. Only people in pain.
What we call addiction may just be self medication for
undiagnosed pain. PTSD, child abuse, etc. heroin pot
Please write back if this interests you. Or any other comments.
Simon - Briceland Horse and Truck Gang

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Hey Eric, I dont have you listed as a contact. E-Mail me OK?

Name: Steve Stalin
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Wow, I just met a fine Communist gal. Im' hosting an outfit tonight called "Internationalism". I had know Idea that they were Reds. We hit it of and it just came up in casual "Converstation". I told her that as a fucked over Union Man, my sympathies were with the "News and Letters" Marxist Humanists and she clued me inti her people's web site "" Came on gang. Let me hear your bellalakas ringing out! Check out the site. They have some food for thought. Of course if you are the Amerikan breed who live communaly but arent communists, maybe you better read the a Playboy instead.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
IMAM no disrespect intended. think on this, how could Van Goch look at sun spots with only one ear ,his sunglasses would keep falling off

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Good Grief - Beautiful sun spots looking like Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" to the penile Sponge. No disrespect lad - but I wouldn't mess with the ladies on their discussion board - really bad idea....Eric might just have a filter for your spam...

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
well theres no need to be so abrupt - however whats my appendage got to do with this - nobody mentioned your penis, tut tut shame on you

Name: S.S. of the BABAs'
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Im' talkin' about your disrespect to the girls on the disscussion page dickless. Wanna fuck with the big boys?

Name: Mr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
no - no - i just cant be foolin ya like this . its me Dr Sponge

Name: Silent Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Wow, that was fast...give me a minute...

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
change my name - no way theres more chance of me changin my sign . which is libra by the way. whose emotions are hurt and why

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Sponge, Im' the only freind that you "HAD" on this site. Comme on, change yer' name and start out fresh. Heres what ya do...burn those news papers that youve' been reading and cook up a few original thoughts. The thoughts could lead to Ideas...who nows, in time you could actually turn up a clue. Come on...get "IN" on it. P.S. whats yer' sign? (this auta' be good folks)....

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
i aint diggin ya kid what you on about ?

Name: Silenced Steve???
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Ahhh...make that "Emotions"

Name: Silenced Steve???
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Ahhh...make that "Emotions"

Name: Silenced Steve???
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 15 Nov 2002
No big shakes at this end..."THEY" burnt my fuckin' house down! What next??? Take away my birthday??? By the way, The State of New Hampshire just contacted me by mail. They reclassified me (not in so many words) from Dead-Beat Dad to Dead-Beat Grand Dad....well, they got the "Beat" right anyway. I need some time to rethink that Florida offer. Hummmm.........The kids are all grown but the "Government" seems to be graced with eternal youth. "IT" will see us all in our graves. Time is on "Their" side. P.S. Hey Sponge...I thought that you would have known better by now. Please wise up. This is about people's lives and deep-seated emmoyions here. Have a heart.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
IMAM no they don't

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
To get on Coyotes list
for political updates and such, send him your email address with the request. This is the kind of info I think we've been wanting.
BTW Nicole thanks for the sun picture and interest.
RNA~What's a woman, that can't take care of herself having another baby for?? She trying to set up her own little starving population? That distresses me as much as the rest of your news.
On what grounds are they trying to shut down this yurt village?
For a point of interest on my part (not to overlook the issue or anything) but can you tell me where these yurts were bought? I am thinking about putting one up here at my place.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Here's a really interesting site for up to date space weather and sun pictures and good links. Who would have thought we'd ever be keeping track of such things?! I think anyone with school age children should have this. I find it facinating.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
RNA - This is (of course) absurd! Ridiculous land usage rulings and outdated laws have caused the demise of so many excellent communal retreats. So sorry your friends (and your) 'eden' has fallen to the wayside - Is this a permanent exile or a temp. set-back to returning to the set? My Good Wishes to you all - IMAM - Suspect

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Nicole - These sun spots look like a Van Gogh!

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Eileen, if you type this into your address space and look at this fantastic photo from a new telescope...speaking of sun spots...

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: midwife on trial
Date: 15 Nov 2002
Nan goes to court today and perhaps to trial for practicing midwifery without a license and child endangerment. This is about our right to have choices in birthing. Nan is extremely knowledgable and capable. I have watched her do her blessed work. if anyone's interested, check out her website:
Doulas are sought here on maui as labor assistants, birth sisters, childbirth educators, midwifes, and post partum caregivers. Doulas assist at both homebirths and hospital births.
Today i helped a friend who has birthed 5 children au natural. unfortunately, she is a single mom and on her last threads of welfare living in a dismal housing project which is one step up from the homeless shelter and literally adjacent to it. The homeless shelter is adjacent to the prison. Ah, how i miss living in the thick of communities where we would share care our babies. this woman even has HUD to finance her housing but there are so many rich folks here that no landlord is interested in HUD tenants which bring investigators to make sure every aspect of HUD housing qualifies. Landlords make so much more with vacation rentals and illegal bed and breakfasts.
The communes I lived at provided emotional, physical, and child nurture support. Back then we even nursed each others babies... i'm like an auntie to some of my nurslings.
My friends came into some really big bucks and purchased 63 acres in the jungle. the land is surrounded by 10,000 acres of conservation land. They put in orchards of exotic fruit, built a huge communal kitchen, got some hurricane proof yurts with lotsa windows and moon roofs, and began the community of my dreams. the neckties (govt. officials) shut them down. The heliocopters discovered the radical activity on this land... my friends even bought 2 bulldozers to blaze a trail from the top of the land miles down to the ocean and bulldozed level places for communal areas. Now they have a stop work order, were forced to disassemble all the yurts including the 30' diameter one used for yoga. they are prohibited from planting even a single tree. this is especially frustrating because they had just purchased and dug holes for (and fertilized those holes) 50 more exotic trees yet are not allowed to place the trees in the earth. this all happened this year.
Reminds me of when they shut down Morningstar.
Wishing you all some carefree days and sending much aloha.

Name: paula
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
i got my copy of les diggers. thanks so much. what a gift.
sorry it took me so long to let you know but it's been hectic here in my life. things are slowing down a bit..thank god.
again, thanks

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
Hi folks i just returned from visiting Stratford upon haven Shakespears home .very nice but too touristy .A bit like walt disneys version of merry England and full of American tourists asking for a "glass of your english pint please."Anyway there was a group of us and we decide too take the long way home ,via the B'roads. these are just 1 lane tracks. As we were going through this authentic English villiage we stopped at a pub called The 3 tables which is an unusual name for a pub. Once inside we noticed that the pub was in 3 parts - the old part dated 1306 the middle room from 1560's and the new section built in 1795. In the old part there was the 3 very large tables that the pub was named after and we read that they was all carved from the same oak tree and the pub was built around them . This we realised as there was no way either table could fit out the doors or windows of the place. considering the age of these tables it will come as no surprise the amount of historical figures, including royalty, who have sat at them . names like Oliver Cromwell , Charles 1 and even Dick turpin.We got talking about these big beautifull tables and the fact that they are older than America or Australia and how with age the oak had turned black and was hard as stone. The graffitti was testament to the centuries they had endured .2 world wars, civil war and napoleon.Our wicken friend decicded that it would be a good idea to spend the night there so we booked our rooms etc.earlier this evening we asked the landlord if after closing we might play ouija on one of the tables. The man said nothing but returned about 10 mins later with 2 friends and a local bobby (cop to you colonials)and demanded that we leave right now he didnt charge us for our food he gave no explanation just told us to get out and go.. I am going to retun there next week and sneek down in the middle of the night with my glass and candles.... stay tuned for the next instalment. yours spookily the good doctor sponge.

Name: PSS - Last
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
And then ominously there is DARPA - overseeing father of the IAO -
scary indeed...... IAMIMAM - Suspect

Name: PS - IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
Here is their ooky-spooky domain!

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
Nicole - yes - the Patriot Act + Home Land Security + the newly installed Information Awareness Office (The IAO's official motto is "Knowledge is Power") all equal the ongoing demise and resurrected re-write of our bill of rights etal - and, it seems the Freedom of Information Act has taken a sinister turn. IMAM-Suspect

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
Imam...The truely scary part is...pass it or not they are already doing it...believe that!

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
Hi everyone - I am no big fan of Safire's but nonetheless - here is some insight into Homeland Security - all for our benifit!
"You Are a Suspect
WASHINGTON - If the Homeland Security Act is not amended before passage, here is what will happen to you:
Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book and every event you attend - all these transactions and communications will go into what the Defense Department describes as "a virtual, centralized grand database."

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
Hey Nicole,
Just getting ready to leave for PD. Your liberated indentity is a lift for the day. Be back later.

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
what I meant was i am Nicole, come and get me if you want!

Name: Nicole aka WVW
E-mail Address:
Date: 14 Nov 2002
There were a couple of other "patron saints" at that time in Maui also...Virginia Dowis was a Sausalito millionairess who had a big place in Kula...she put lots of people up when they needed a shower and civilization...or money...then there was Larry and Diana a christian couple in Napili...who opened their doors to people with out just had to put up with a guy named Nemo a "born again" hippie who was totally over the top...and of course that Banyan tree by the Pioneer...a couple of very broke times I sat and ordered dinner in the out door restaurant there and signed some room number on the check and then just left...and yes, those kiavi thorns...I think the missionaries planted those trees along the shore to discourage the natives from going naked...I'll tell you what blew me away was...finding Poli poli forrest there...a red wood forest in the middle of the pacific...
by the way I've decided to drop the WVW...because #1 if "they" think anything I know or do would further their quest to squash anyone...or help them...well basically fuck I am Nicole and come and get me if you want!!!

Name: Makena
E-mail Address: Pulsates
Date: 14 Nov 2002
Aloha from Makena. Was there Sunday, the day the hippies gather and the drummers make rythem. It really feels like the good ol days. Usually someone is on psychedelics so the rest of us get a contact high. Everyone is friendly and sharing all kine. As the sun goes down the fire dancers light up. also light dancers who use light sticks rather that the burning torches and wads.
i love your stories of Makena in the old days. the junk pot holed road to Maken that used to take an hour is now paved and you can drive the distance in 10 minutes from where the paved road used to end.
the Banana Patch... interesting story,,, David Joseph got the idea of letting anyone who wanted to live at Bnana Patch in Haiku. the state (or county) tried to shut him down. so, David Joseph hired a hip (he thought) lawyer to defend his right to share his land with his extended family. Well, David Joesph lost shirt in court. No way could he keep the land open. What happened next really knocked me over. After losing his right to share his land, the "hip" lawyer sued David for fees and ended up taking Banana Patch away from David Joseph to pay for his legal fees. Something not right about this...
This was happening the same time that Lou Gottlieb declared Morningstar "Land Access to which is Denied No One," or "LATWIDN." for interesting accounts of Morningstar you can check out Home Free Home on this web site. RNA is one of the mystery authors... using the name "Near Morningstar" to protect her privacy.

Name: O.M.M.C. / NOMAD
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 13 Nov 2002
Mark, Thats the sign I was lookin' for. Fuck War, Fuck the rain forest, Fuck Zen. I will have a 16" rear wheel with chromed spokes, rim and mechanical break drum by Dec.1st, (gotta start somewhere) Hey, Brando had a trophy, Free wheelin' Frank had a bottle....It looks like a Royal Typewriter will be my handle bar mascot!!! Thats gotta be a first. Hunter Thompson, eat yer' heart out. P.S. Hey Huter, I never did thank ya for the ride.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 13 Nov 2002
Maybe you should include a 60 foot roll of paper ala Keroauc for that portable your pounding on. Or how about a scooter with a mount for your writer built in so you can pull over and get the moment down on paper by the side of the road, you could even let the motor idle for continuity.
Hey WVW,
The Makena beach stuff kind of floated by. I would be interested in hearing more of the history of that cosmic spot. I think I remember Samuri Bob by your description. I came to Lahaina to try to poach a place to live with a guy named "Mouse" (not Stanley) who was from Felton, Calif and whose female companion was Carol Kettman, an old friend of mine from the early Santa Cruz days (62',63'). He lived in a small apartment(duplex?)on Dickerson near the Church. He didn't take well to my poaching idea so I hung out at the giant Banyan tree and the Pioneer Hotel hoping for a break. I was seriously broke with nothing but a Tshirt, levis, a Navy foul weather jacket, brogans and a sleeping bag. The local howlies said that it wouldn't be good to hang in Lahaina due to uptight police. The Banana Patch and Makena came up as places for true vagrants to relocate.
After finding my way to Makena Beach, not an easy thing to do in those days, which included sleeping in the Kiwai(sp?)forest (badass thorns on these trees) off the beach one night to be awakened by a large cow standing over me drooling on my chest in the dark. I am sorry but a fucking cow was the last thing expected to see in Hawaii, it scared the shit out of me. I came across a group of people the next day who had been renting a house back from Big Beach a few hundred yards but had been evicted due to lack of funds and were in the process of setting up housekeeping on the sand. Of the people I remember, which is hard for all the familiar reasons, a beautiful red headed girl from Ventura named Ricky got my nose open right fast. We used to go to the Kihei dump to bag the discarded dented cans of pineapple to feed the residents of Makena. She and a few of us went up to the tourist center on Haleakala (volcano) to watch the sunrise on acid. Froze our asses off so we broke into the observation room and set the trash can of fire. We also used to collect soda bottles on the side of the roads around Lahaina and redeem them for cans of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup and rice. This was the staple in the communal pot on the campfire at Makena. Toasting coconut shards on the fire, yeech..Fruit raids to the wet side of the island for bananas, papayas, avacados,guavas and lechee nuts. We all could have used a large stash of Imodium back then. It was funny how there could be so much drugs and so little to eat. Ganga was the Hawaiian weed of choice, much more pungent than the Mexican stuff I was used to. It was there nearly everyday and acid just seemed like it was growing on trees. Makena was a great vacation from the speed, smack and other hard drugs that were replacing the more familiar fare in SF and the Bay Area. Life Magazine did a feature article on Santa Cruz County titled "Speed Capital of the World" around that time. Later it would be called the "Murder Capital of The World". You could smell ether in the mountains in the morning. Makena was a dream. No money, no house, I spent weeks at a time naked, my only clothes were my Levis that a made into cut offs, no shoes. When I finally went back to California I found an old surfer T-shirt buried in the sand that I rinsed out in the surf and a pair of mismatched flipflops (go-aheads for you southerners)so I could be dressed enough to get on the damn plane.
I eventually moved back to Ben Lomond, Calif but kept in touch with Ricky by mail trying desperatly to convince her to join me in the redwoods. She left Makena and went back to Ventura with her folks after being the victim of locals violence. I hitched down to see her in Ventura one weekend but she was done with the hip life at that point anyway. So I said goodbye and she gave me a ride back to 101 and I hitched back to Santa Cruz. Never saw her again.

Name: Steve Cameron Swazey
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 13 Nov 2002
Having combined the unfinneshed working drafts of THE WORST I EVER CALLED YOU WAS CUBAN BOB, NO BALLS, NO JEEPS, NO BABYS, HOW I KILLED MYSELF, ESSAYS FOR RETARDED PEOPLE AND THE RED CHINEESE, SPAGGETTII FETTISH and IN OTHER WOYDS:IN BOYD'S OWN WOYDS PartIV & Part II into a novel; WIERD BY ANY OTHER NAME...which they (all of them) strongly suggested that I spell "WEIRD" BY ANY OTHER NAME...(they just dont get it do they?)...Ive' got a saleable (marketable) product,..(by product?) which should supplement my income, as I have all but commited to various charities. Being broke AGAIN was what it took. Now I dont suggest that you all pull this kind of shit, but hey...????? Well, lets see, the proceess we (I) got Eileen out of her shell...and It seems to take only a few insults to get Curious in on the mix. WVW is in for the duration, and in my opinion should get more than one Historian Award. Wow, lets face it...It was one hell of a ten year period that lead up to "Year One" (1970)....and in that sense its now "Year Thirty Two" and closing fast. Im ready for a fast '33'. Like I said folks, no faith, no art, no hopped up stripped down motorcycle....just a portable typewritter, two old wire milk crates and a bottle of The Macallan Anniversary Malt Scotch Whisky...thats my heres the trip...CHEERS!'s to bad science, bad medicine, and the enduring mistreatment of the mentally ill. Silent Steve, Staff Reporter Of The Diggers

Name: Homeschool it's Fun
E-mail Address: and may keep your kids alive
Date: 13 Nov 2002
Part of Bush's "No Child Left Behind" "educiation" bill includes, in the 700+ pages, a mandate that all public schools, in order to receive federal funds, must give the federal government full info on students including home address etc. this is for recruiting purposes.
Homeschool it's fun and it may keep your kids alive.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: under the boardwalk
Date: 13 Nov 2002
Crisp wit is always welcome...........and if we do not hang together, we shall certainly hang separately.........more or less Franklin................regards...........T.

Name: Poor Richard
E-mail Address: Mount Vernon
Date: 13 Nov 2002
"A learned Blockhead is a greater Blockhead than an ignorant one."

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: "Twas brillig
Date: 12 Nov 2002
Pardonable misquotes, regards to Ben Franklin, "Oh, Sting, where is thy death?"

Name: good fortune
E-mail Address: its yours anyway
Date: 12 Nov 2002
here's the address again for the site that puts you together with lost funds..from my friend's email...a lot of friends have found moola here.
"Some state treasurer's office may have some of your money, per DateLine! Check this out: for the links to states where you may have unclaimed property, old deposits for utilities you never claimed, unknown inheritances, you name it! (You have a whole lot better odds than playing the lottery!)
I have been amazed at how many people I know who have found monies in assorted state treasuries belonging to them or their families!"
the woman who sent me this is beyod wealthy. she definitely spread a lot of good fortune by passing this one one.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Nov 2002
Steve -- nothing received on this end. Once you click "Add Comments" the remote server should instantly save the text. If the computer locked up before you clicked the button, then the text is lost.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Nov 2002
Eric, I was just laying out the floor plan of Olema Ranch main house to aid Travis' memory. the whole speel got zapped and just dissapeard from the screen. Did you pick it up at your end?. I may take it as a sign and lay off for a few days myself.

Name: curious is as curioous does
E-mail Address: Ellis Island
Date: 12 Nov 2002
What false?

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Nov 2002
Joe -- sent off your copy of Les Diggers today. That's it for all the requests. Hope everyone who requested one got it. The clerk at the Post Office asked if I wanted insurance everytime I mailed the packages. I tried to assume that was a standard question, not a premonition that they would get lost. Several of you have written that you received the tape but I haven't heard from about 20. If you ordered a copy and didn't receive it by now (except Joe) please let me know.

Name: WVW
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Nov 2002
you recently posted a web site for recovering lost royalties etc...I can't find where it was...could you re post please...

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Nov 2002
Hi All~
Am having computer problems. If I disappear a few days..or more..I can't afford the fixin' right now..just figure that's what going on.
RNA~Congrats and awe for how you're handling your childreds schooling. Takes as much from you as it does from them.
Coyote sent this last night to my question of understanding politics better...."You know the best thing you could do would be to read The People's History of America by Howard Zinn and Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomskey. That would give you a background. The rest would fall into place."
T..why does this feel false?

E-mail Address: REVIEW
Date: 12 Nov 2002
WIERD BY ANY OTHER NAME Two months ago, drawn mainly by financial benefit, Steven Boyd started writting. In his new book, Mr. Boyd, who is a New York-based journalist, explores clinical insanity as an occupation. Refering to his own display of paradoxical formulations, his current novel is a story as glorious as it is agonizing. In reviewing it, the preface alone is one of the most extrordinary and revealing documents ever composed by a madman, which beguins with the words: Tennessee Jim was from Tennessee. The Title contains the only lucid words in an otherwise deranged book.

Name: Steve is as Steve does
E-mail Address: Goethe
Date: 12 Nov 2002
A grip maybe....a handle..NEVER!...well in your case; maybe an Ax handle....and as far as tellin' tales out of school;..its not like I was "Playin'" with some one elses "numbnuts"....

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: Quo Vadis
Date: 12 Nov 2002
Eileen, The first time I met Peter was at Olema the day the crew was trying to strip the lathing of the upper out buildings in order to tar paper them as an attempt to make them habitable against the coming winter. The largest colony of wasps I had, up to that time ever seen, was the major stumbling block. A smoker can was ordered up. and made serviceable, having some fair effect, but still a very dangerous operation from the point of view of the very real possibility of someone receiving massive stings and progressing into anaphylactic shock. For that reason I walked up and stopped a full thirty feet or so back and watched with interest, playing with Coyote's personal pair of "numchucks'. I found them next to his small tan colored leather pack with the (as I think I remember it) coyote's paw branded on it as an identification. I believe it was more or less under some clothing hung on a coat rack of sorts, I think on an interior wall near the door to y'alls' bedroom. The very same doorway that Ariel disappeared through to fetch the jug of wine from y'alls' room the morning after, say rather tailing off from an all night party of drums and guitars and dancing, like so many other evenings, that helped refresh the spirits of all concerned--even you, a monumental task when viewed from the perspective of having to clean up afterwards. I know that kitchen got you down, but you and Carla, and the other ladies whose names and faces have blurred into hazy remembrance all share my gratitude now, and did so then, for doing those necessary things that make a home a reality. The shock of at first being resistant to musical form seemingly without form, as when Ron Thelin would play his bass clarinet on the porch, in the softer parts of the evening, and first hear the names of association like John Coltrane, and then hear it accomplished. What fucking magic! (I think it was a bass clarinet, but I was no, and am not now, really a musician. I related the story about Ariel in DISCUSSION along with a thought about Caledonia Bat in relation to the scatalogical humor entrenched in the regular Olema kids, only to then be upbraided by Steve, when he entered the site by responding, I believe to every entry in the Discussion.But I digress...So---I am looking at Coyote's pack, and see the numchucks, I think hanging from one of the hooks above, and am warned by one of the women not to fuck with Coyote's stuff. I respond that I didn't really think he'd mind my watching his woods fill up with snow...( I mean that I really didn't quote Frost's line but I hope that this is giving you a glimpse of how my mind works--like when you think I'm being obtuse, even abstruse; because, Peter understood me right away.) So----I'm standing there flailing around with them, carefully, because I too made a pair at the cabinet shop in Berkley, or Oakland, wherever it was, but just didn't have mine with me. I had no intent to steal them, only to trip with them for a few minutes. Peter, pretty busy, up to his chest in wasps, never-the-less looks over at me ,gaze meeting gaze, and says--does not boom( although somewhat amplified), " What are you doin' with those?" I shrugged, "Playin." That was about the limit of the conversation, he returned to his task, and I continued, until a really dangerous group jumped the reservation, so to speak, and we all essentially fled for a few minutes.There were, of course, exchanges of tactical consideration within the group, much as later conversations in the house upon other occasions, where all were invited to share discussion ,essentially ,as Peter called it, addressing a problem with the common mind. Do you remember me coming out in the panel that Jeffrey from the Bakery had completed an engine rebuild of, that I think later Vinnie was driving, and that Kathleen, Crazy Michael, and Crazy Bernadette went to Mexico in, and completed their journey by arriving in Bryceland, just in time for the fireworks--that I used to fetch to y'all a load of 4 x 8 sheets of plywood for completion of the beds in the bunkhouse? Is this helping? Think on it awhile, and I'll try again, until I jog your memory--but there are some keys that are private, although it is fair to say that you and I were never intimately involved with each other. So you won't remember me in that space. Enough for now, fond regards.............T.............Steve, I accept your apology, but I would ask that you get a handle on your anger--and you're talkin' out of school some....T

Name: **** ****
E-mail Address: **********@*******.***
Date: 12 Nov 2002
***, **** ***!

Name: R N A
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Nov 2002
Hi Steve. when you put on that Hawaiian shirt be sure to smoke a fatty. the yoga story stook placein 1976 when I was 27. i'm now 53 and dig the yoga but avoid the groping guru. the yoga tickles my boat and i can do it without a class chez moi or anywhere. have yogamat will travel.
eileen, thanks for defending my honor. steve know that i enjoy your postings and you have caused many smiles to form and laughs to emerge from my sometimes cheerful countenance.
Steve, I home schooled both by children and considered it a privilage to do so. What a joy to spend time with my kids, and what a joy to give them an alternative education. I used lots of right brain resources to teach and also raised them with no t.v. they are self motivated and independent thinkers. the 16 year old is now at a prep schoool , not to be hoity toity, but because the public schools here are really really bad. My teen at least has interesting classes and interesting teachers. lots of round table discussions and interesting projects. they're even learning us history from the perspective of the underdog in "the People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn. Also, they read a lot of fascinating novels in English and social sciences. not so in public schools because of the limited budget. here i spend many hundreds of dollars on books but i'm pleased with the books. I don't like the homework load and the pressure. I wish our kids had more time to breathe, groove, and surf. researching colleges with awesome daughter is quite a project. So far Evergreen comes out with flying colors tho the weather may be a challenge for the Hawaiian wahine. Steve, no offfense meant, and no offense taken by my failure to respond. i thought you were hearing my telepathic conversations...
best to all, RNA

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 12 Nov 2002
My Trip Without a Ticket story is on the Discussion page if you want to snag it.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 12 Nov 2002
DIGGERS PRESENT: ADVERTISMENTS AGAINST YOUR WILL. / WHAT IS A HOT DOG???...carcasses from old or thin cattle and swine; cheeks, jowls, hearts, tongues, lips, eyelids, gums, intestines, ears, nostrels, tails, snouts, tendons, windpipe, liver, kidney, salt, fat, bone, blood, and preservatives. ENJOY!!!....hey crew..when in Manhattan check out VivaVegie's Vegetarian Center of NYC. / * hosts lectures, vidio screenings, workshps and discussion groups * offers a referral service for restaurants, stores, vegan products, and Vegitarian organizations * functions as a meeting place for groups * serves as a drop-in space for vegi advocacy * suppies guides, pro-vegi info and local menus * houses a full line of vegi research material * 121 East 27th Street, suite 704 * 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. M-F 646-424-9595

Name: Swami Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
ACHTUNG! NYC ZEN FREAKS: I just got wind that the Tibetans plan to pull off some sort of wing-ding here at the Peace Church next week. It's not officially posted on the Church calander, and my source was not specific as to the date or the type of function. Will give more info when I get it. OHM...(ohm my god!) Later, Steve. P.S. I will also update you all with Tues. nights Students For A Free Tibet Meeting as well a the progress of the upcomming Mandala Project. Hey...Im' good for something. Speaking of "Something"...Hey Eileen, thanks so much for the Wild Duck connection..maybe I..(we all?) can "know-of-as-where-we-speak" from here on out...or at least be on the same page. Perhaps We could pick and choose current Hot-off-the-presses Wild Duck Topics and Articles and run em' up the Ol' Digger Flag Pole and see if they fly. Again thanks for acting as conduit for a more (hopefully) focused political formate were on site. As far as the latest shit-storm that I started and as usual attempted to drag my dead ass out of...D-Day is fast approaching and we all will have bigger fish to fry once George lights the fire-works and pushes the buttons. As for me (ya, let's not forget "ME")..I think that I topped myself in a new All-Time LOW. Attaching deffenseless soiled doves and Hula dancers...Uh Oh...there I go again....Last but not least let's not forget the veterans who gave the ultimate sacrafice so that we could all "Freely" bitch about it all...and at the same time lets not forget to but say a prayer for the inocent millions lost at Aushwitz, Dresden, Nakasaki, Heroshima...etc..etc..etc War is hell...Bush is raising Hell on Earth. Its maddness...Its Evil in itself.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Thanks for that transmission, I went to Wild Duck's website and did more reading. Like always, lots of questions that lead to more and more complex questions. Kind of relates to the post I made a while back about defining issues and trying to talk about them when we are victims of our own dialogue. It is very stimulating and I am looking for more but found the website has not been updated for a year or so. I wonder if they are still happening, I will look into it tomorrow.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
From this point on you can assume I am the messenger of anything political. For safety and privacy sake there will be names left out where they aren't necessary to the transmission.
We begin:
This is, to date, the deepest and most fundamental response to my queries I've yet received. From Casey Walker, Editor of The Wild Duck Review, one of the 'indispensable' journals every one of us should be reading. I offer it as a core proposition.
Dear +,
Thanks for this... and I'm looking forward to seeing it move forward.
I have a single, strong response:
The average American citizen and the general public does not really understand what its interests are or should be.
Every single issue the "left" identifies with lacks intellectual leadership--not because of an impoverishment of ideas per se but because of an impoverishment of independent intelligence. What do I mean by this?
Today's hero/heroine leader will not focus all or even most of their attention on corruption, extinctions, poverty, injustice, moral fraud, etc. but will get far more radical--wisen-up and power-up intellectually. Which means getting astute about the kinds of ignorance afoot. Understanding the landmines that lead to the kinds of obliviousness with the highest, most tragic outcomes. Pursuing the process of targeting ignorance and transforming it. It means, for the first time in the whole of the human endeavor, taking our present, non-negotiable mandate to learn the terms and conditions for life to flourish (or lose them forever), and set up the means to learn them accurately, swiftly, and well. This is the only use of intelligence more transformatively powerful than power itself. It is the only kind of intelligence that uses power well.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, living and working it with Wild Duck Review.
Every single issue before us is indicative of how oblivious most of us, left and right, actually are. It should come as no surprise we are all at an ecological/social/military brinksmanship now at this very moment in history. But our response will only be partial (and leave room for destruction to continue elsewhere), or merely palliative, if we don't see the larger, more urgent challenge to take up our obliviousness as personal/political projects of the highest order with the highest, most radical outcomes.
What does this mean? It means setting up deep, clear-sighted inquiries that don't stop short of true self-assessment, true questioning of where we are, what we are doing, and where we are going. Every single school child, teen, young adult, adult, and elder should be expected to engage in these questions and to pursue these questions as the ones that matter most. They matter to meaningful educations, meaningful work, meaningful legislation, every conscious choice that determines the future.
These questions need to be deployed through inqurires that "live" in the culture at large. Inquiries that take a lead on exposing ourselves to ourselves, not for purposes of recrimination, but as the crucible for pursuing the kind of knowledge and insight that force revelation, create the "ah-ha's" of maturation. They need to have at their core a fearlessness for the raw grittiness of real world conditions and an insatiable desire for a beginner's intelligence.
These inquiries, in the public interest, will actively reveal what each person's/society's interests actually are.
These are not simple or easy......and are contrapuntal to conventions of "problem-solving."
For example: It means not viewing global climate change first as an emissions problem, but pursuing knowledge of what air/atmosphere actually is to our bodies and minds, to forests, oceans, animals, plants, viruses, etc. in ways so 'breakthrough' that make emissions become a no-brainer. It means not viewing transgenic crops first as a pollution problem, but understanding what protein synthesis is to our bodies, minds, forests, oceans, etc., so that deployment of transgenic organisms becomes a no-brainer. It means not viewing cell phones/towers first as carcinogenic, but understanding bioelectricity as fundamental to biochemistry in ways that make the impacts of high levels of radiofrequency transmissions a no-brainer. And so forth....
This all means a serious, radical gestalt shift to questioning our understanding of life itself--which means our prevailing ignorance of it--then deploying the will and dispatch of inquiry to open the human (political) endeavor to the relentless pursuit of knowing and caring for life.
It will take the very people most missing from our political 'scene' -- the intellectuals, scientists, literary artists, anthropologists, et al, who are actively studying life at the far edges with little to no relevance to mainstream politics. It will take voices from the margin; experiences described from the margin; wisdom shunted to the margin.
And, these people need to be brought in, their intelligence applied, to all of the questions incumbent in issue after issue facing humanity.
These inquiries need to be organized and presented out into the mainstream from an "institute" via radio, print, film, tv, dvd--all the resources available to us--so that they can begin to live in the culture. Ultimately, not only do we achieve a cultural quickening for new understandings of what should and shouldn't be done, but we achieve the very basis for a mature politics --an engaged politics. Indeed, the value of each person's life, his/her informed choices, his/her relations with society/nature should come to depend upon it.
Why are we frozen in a wasteland of ignorance, and worse, apathy; relagated to reactions not true responses? It's not as if we don't have all the media tools available to us, or the people, or the intelligence. All we're missing is the independent vision for an institute of this kind, and the will to enact it.
Editor & Publisher
P.O. Box 388
Nevada City, CA 95959

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Thanks, I will be taking you up on that in the near future but will give you a heads-up before hitting asphalt for the North Coast. Judy has something she wants me to bring for you, I don't know what. Tomorrow is Planet Drum day in SF for me, it has a liberating effect on my spirits. I gave Santa Cruz the name Gilligan's Island some years back, in that perspective it is good to get out of here for air routinely.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Uuum~I haven't had such a nice offer in a long time. Yes Steve, anything you want to send my way I would use and do something special with it. Aaah, there you are..the eagle has landed.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Dear Eileen, I was showered with small buckles, buttons and what-nots by some greatful Tibetans. It's my understanding that these date back a ways and are all cast from Metiorite metal. Having always been a silver man myself, but metal free since my bronze skulls liberated themselves..I was wondering if these little totoms would recharge you in any way, or maybe play a role in any of your fashion designs etc. Just let me know. In closing; I dont have a tail, but if I did, it would be between my legs. Read me? P.S. I dont know if any of the Items are religious relics or If you would want to purify them with earth, wind, water and fire before taking them across your's your call.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Email or call when you're headed this way. The door is open.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Mark, come crash at my place for an eternity...or longer.(a few days)...He RNA, I just put on a Hiwian shirt from the free clothes rack...its a real corker. Hey, I rethought your delima and feel sorry for any gal in your "Position"....It must be a drag doin' yoga in bullet proof underwear. Hey...ah...ya...hum...who else can I alienate??? ...oh Curious...oh Curious....

Name: Steve the Lion
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
IMAM, it's clear in my mind..(scary thought aint it)...that George Bush's campaigns are not aimed at hostile opinions (scary thought also)..or Ideaologies. He's playing it smart by entering such an ever widening field of no mans land between apearance and reality. (If you cant dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!)...That goes double for his expression and substance as well as gesture and personality. Im' ashamed to say that he is a Cancer..(in more was than on.) In my opinion, Hinkly zapped the wrong cat. (Imagine!)....

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Steve, My take is that all rivers have narrows, eddies and inlets that don't go anywhere - non the less the river here remains on (dis)course. Invisibility is strange no? IMAM

Name: Steve again
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Mark, please refer to my three Free Frame Of Reference TOC entries of 18 Sept. 2002. Titled A DEMOCRACY, A REPUBLIC, and a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. (in that order)...NUFF SAID??? Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Sorry....make that "hit you in the ass on the way out.." My keyboard is now having solar flare swerves. Eileen, I need help. I feel another road trip coming on.

Name: Steve Churchhill
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Hey, I will say this and then shut up. Im' not up to speed with the news..but has anyone woken up to the fact that todays "ConditionS parallel Hitler's rise to power. As kids we were taught that he was a dictator. In fact he was voted in by a democratic process by the masses of unemployed who were feed a line of horse shit about a common enemy ( do terrorists ring a bell?0 and a race of "People" who had stolen their jobs (do illegal mexicans ring a bell). I wont even touch "reasonable assumption" I used to take a chance by rolling my own cigaretts (three Castles brand) in the kitchen window with the blinds pulled up. Who the fuck is to "Reasonably assume what the fuck I was rolling?. The day that you must hid to roll a fuckin' cigaret is the day you better buy an M1 Garand and 200 rounds of ammunition. Stand up Patriots. Let's roll. (in more ways than one.) Drop Bush Not Bombs,/ Swat your local Swat Team.

Name: Steve Churchhill
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Hey, I will say this and then shut up. Im' not up to speed with the news..but has anyone woken up to the fact that todays "ConditionS parallel Hitler's rise to power. As kids we were taught that he was a dictator. In fact he was voted in by a democratic process by the masses of unemployed who were feed a line of horse shit about a common enemy ( do terrorists ring a bell?0 and a race of "People" who had stolen their jobs (do illegal mexicans ring a bell). I wont even touch "reasonable assumption" I used to take a chance by rolling my own cigaretts (three Castles brand) in the kitchen window with the blinds pulled up. Who the fuck is to "Reasonably assume what the fuck I was rolling?. The day that you must hid to roll a fuckin' cigaret is the day you better buy an M1 Garand and 200 rounds of ammunition. Stand up Patriots. Let's roll. (in more ways than one.) Drop Bush Not Bombs,/ Swat your local Swat Team.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
"Bastard of Democracy"....has a nice ring to it. I don't know if it is solar flarings or just the general fucked up state of the state but I definitly feel spun. It is time for the majority of the Democratic "leadership" to admit to themselves that are just plain old greedy-ass republicans after all. Time for the whole crew to pack it in. Don't let the door hit you in ass on the way out, assholes!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Hey Mark, I got an A+ in school for delivering a 15 minute speech, 14 min. and some change with out looking at the clock. (thats where the plus came in. In it, I echoed the fact that the "SYSTEM" loved Dr. Spock while he was instructing momma on how to potty train junior...but that same "SYSTEM" hated him when he told Mamma not to send Junior to Vietnam. It's the "System", it Political, Religious, industrial, Juditial, etc. you know any given "System" can be a very cunning enemy of truth. If "Our" leader of "Our" system; who by the way was voted in by a minority of the populus, (Bastard of Democracy?) would just be truthfull and admit that he is philosophising with a hammar, I could respect that. If he would just pronounce himself "Dynamite" and start preaching the "Superman" angle, he might not have to pull off a war at all to get the second term. This (our) "System" is prime for 21st century eliteizm...which by any other name is Nazism. In closing...repeat after me children...Hile Bush! Long live the "Homeland" (father-land?)...Death to Nazis, death to skin-head hate mongers. (does hating hate count?) ...Love they neighbor...fear the "System". We wont get fooled again???

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Dr. Sponge AKA Dr. Songe. Imagine a Beatle reunion??? (two more bullets). Folks, ya gotta shot back!

Name: One more time..
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Eileen, Alan Ginsburg told me in Boston..and this is from the horse's mouth..."Thats all over...Thats all gone..". Hey,Eileen, words dont make it so...shit, here I am at 50 resolving issues of my 18th this rate when Im 82, I will be puttin today's issues to bed!....well...I guess thats something to look forward to. As I said before, it takes me at least 10 years to get used to being my age. Hey Imam, whats yer drift on this soap opera? Will little Steve run to his room to pout? (or will he hold his breath, stiffen up and take a header onto the hard wood floor?...(now thats what I call physical therapy)....They should have rocked me to sleep with real rocks!

Name: Songe? Songe?no way its me the great Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
I and ONLY I shall put this page back on its true navigation

Name: Dr Songe
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Imagine that a lunatic didn't leave his house with a gun.
Imagine , what if he didn't shoot John Lennon.
Imagine John Lennon still alive.
Imagine him sat at his PC .
Imagine he found this web site.
Now imagine the intense realisation that would overwhelm him upon reading this guestbook.
Imagine his reaction when he sees for himself the groupes and individuals, of his own generation, that so inspired him are still here because they could not sell out.
Imagine him reading the entire guest book.
I imagine he would look to Dr Sponge (from his home town) and he would practice and then adopt -- sausage, mash, hotdog, cabbage and pizza.
Imagine there's no hotdog,
It's easy if you try,
No hotdog below us,
Above us only sausage,
Imagine all the pizza
living for today...
Imagine there's no cabbage.
It isnt hotdog to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the pizza.
living life in pizza...
Imagine no pizza,
I wonder if you cabbage,
No need for greed or hotdog,
A brotherhood of mash,
imagine all the pizza.
sausage all the world...
You may sausage Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hotdog some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
Imagine him delivering that at the next MTV awards.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
I definitly would like to hear Coyote's take on the political shit storm coming up on the horizon. Has anyone noticed the current term being peppered into the rightwing media propaganda "San Francisco Democrats"? It is showing up more frequently now and I think that right is signaling that they are headed this way to do battle with those who turned the society in "the degenerate direction" way back when. We are going to find out who is on the bus and who is off pretty soon.
I just posted an article forwarded to me on the Free City News page of this site, it is about recent demonstrations in Ecuador. Good for a little blood boiling.

Name: Prince of Piece?
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Eileen. Im' on the fence; on one hand, I feel that I should have followed Coyote's lead and turned my back on this sight...but on the other hand, I fully realize that in doing so, I would have been turning my back on an historical catastrohy. I would have cheated myself of my rightful place in that mental and spiritual massacre. By either staying hooked up int the straight world or going underground; I would have merely reverted to to my primevile, unholy and barbarious level. Damed if I do, damded if I dont. The only thing that keeps me above moral (Immoral?) high water are the shreds of belief, and my original superstitions. As a wise man once said; we are all the heros of our own mythology. That being said, I am now comfortable with the role that I played. We cant all be Untouchable, unforgiven, or unforgettable...but on that note, I have comfort in knowing that I was never uninvited, nor ...Im' in good company with the tens of thousands who were sucked into the Digger orbit who were and remain among the unknown. My new Motto: "Who Knows?"

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
OK, Steve TRUSE!~
How about we detour around this pot hole and get back on track. Was there a track? If not, could we make one? We have solar flares today..anybody feeling spun? My theory is they amp the energy and we are amping. Also I asked Coyote if he would give me some political direction so I can understand (from his point of view) what's going on, since I don't hardly understand any of it. Anyone else interested in what he shares with me?

Name: Saint Steven
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Truer words were never spoken...Tis the crown of roses for IMAM the prophet's brow.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
The page has run amok!

Name: Asshole
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Ah...make that MR. Asshole,...It's put to bed. I now view my life as aperverted miracle. I preach foolishness...but admit it. It's perfect foolishness. Dont forget yer roots Dr.,..ah..I mean Mrs. Phil.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
"Grip?...ah...on which section of my chart could I find one."
I think we don't need a piece of paper for that. How about you're talking from the wrong hole!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Hey Nicole, I wrapped up the matress in two large leaf bags and positioned the bed to go out the door. Buckeley just dropped in and is ready, willing and...well, two out of three aint bad. I figure betwwen you, me and the driver, we can drill it into Buckeley's head which direction that we want the bed to travel...then again it may take a commitee. Im' not kicking him when he's down, its just that ive' had more than a few "Moving" experiences with him, and counting the drawers on the attached night stand, the unit has more than one moving part...thats where Buckeley starts to loose it. See ya later.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Eileen, screw it, the cat may have been Travis for all I know. As far as any unwritten chart goes; I played what I was dealt. It didnt take a rocket scientist to tell me that Life is "As-IS"...If I want a guarentee, hell, I could buy a Maytag, and as far a Queen Kapalani goes; fuck, its not like I stuck in my thumb and pulled ouy a plumb! Shit, no response on my part would have been a ass kick. Can ya hear this RNA?'s the sound of one hand clapping. P.S. Grip?...ah...on which section of my chart could I find one?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
The word is the guy had shoulder lenght blonde hair. Last thought is Kenolli..can't see the gun action in that picture either. At least you know now who it's not.
What can I say? I'm sorry if I took this out too far. But now I stuck my foot in it, I got to complete this. Our charts represent a map of what we came in with..our gifts, our lessons, our karma. What we do with that, is the unwritten chart.
Steve, that ass kick to RNA was a tad harsh for no response. Get a grip!

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 11 Nov 2002
RNA you brought back memories of the type of thing that turned off many people in the early seventies to the exploration of other religions or practices. I think of it as the bullshit factor. You were ostracized because you didnt want the Guru getting his cheap thrills from you. You were smart enough to realize that no enlightnement would be coming from that souce. It seemed that a lot of people traded one blind faith for another. The term politically correct wasnt in usage yet at that time. I never had a problem recognizing inconsistancies and just plain bullshit when it arose. I never glossed over it either because of the stridency of others around me. Maybe having attended the terror camps of the 1960's Catholic Schools innoculated me from being afraid to go my own way if I had to. It also made me very skeptical of people trying to sell you something.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Hey,..enough weakling sorrow for one day..(or a life time for that matter)...Christ, my kid's could most likely tell ya shittier tales than that. Whats been done cant be undone. That "ME" is nothing but a faded photograph.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Dad is a Taurus who admitted later in life that he never wanted children in the first place. Mom was a very distant Leo who had been raised in the dust bowl. Her folks didnt as much as talk to her as a child. Both of my folkes worked full time contrary to the Jones'. I was raised by strangers. I was told that I would freeze up, hold my breath and fall straight backwards smashing my head on the kitchen floor when "Abandoned" daily. It was a viscious cycle of rejection, (in my eyes), anger, (on may part), and detachement. In 20/20 hind sight, I would have prefered to starve with Mom than to have been well fed without her. We are talkin' General Motors and Bell Telephone here. In the 50's either one of their jobs could have supported us comfortably. Their choice; my lose. Mothers take note. Did another woman see you child's first steps?...Whats that worth?...think about it.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
ArEnAy; if ya aint got the cookies to wear that stinkin' towel headed Gumby's asshole for a head band than ya' deserve to be goosed by every thick fingered farmer that drives his John Deere down the pike. Ive' commented on yer' input several times and still seem to be invisible. Does ignoring existance go along with the breathing program? No reply nessisary,..(but you knew that.) Aloha Betty Boop. Hey Eileen, Nicole, and big shakes...his Identity is not important. His existance is/was. Whether he's still on the planet is not relevant either. The more I think about, oh...forget it, its to far out... fuck it.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Steve~For those not interested in this, how about jump down to the lower part of this post. I have something I want to share.
Ahh kick my butt!! I misread a piece of your chart! In my defense it was really late at night when I looked at that chart and was flying by the seat of my pants with half a brain. Hey what can you expect from an armchair astrologer at 2:00 in the morning? Your working me here.
It's not Saturn/Taurus but Jupiter/Taurus..this should mean at the very least, money or fortune through group interactions, friends and associates, visions, dreams. Where I get in trouble are connecting the angles. If the angles are difficult, it can turn this into a challenge. You would know the answer to the fortune aspect of this better than I. All I can do is point to it. This is what we pay a good astrologer to read. They know how to connect the dots..I just know how to read the pieces and wing it on the connections to the other houses. I owe you a Christmas present of a real reading. With that said, I don't know why you feel best in an empty house..not astrologically anyway. My best guess is about the area I didn't discuss. So I'll hit on it lightly..and this is ONLY a guess after hunting around your chart for an explination. You have the potientially heavy father and all that I said about it before (Saturn) down there (in your foundation ie home area..what your home was like growing up..too much dicipline or not enough. I have Saturn there I know of which I speak. There is also Neptune and Mars. It looks like it could be rugged to me. Mars is about sexuality, physical energy, creative force, plus all aspects of the warrior, good and bad. Neptune spans anywhere from drugs and drinking, dreaminess, to highly spiritual. You take it from there. Your mom fits in that house also, one way or another..but she is also represented by your moon, which is hidden away in that 12th house. Which makes me wonder if she was in fact at home or somehow absent? You by the way don't need to be reponding here to all this. I'm just mulling this all over.
The reason I went to this, was the way you choose to live (home-skin) in some reflects to that house in your chart. Either in kind or reaction to it. To complicate this, are your nodes which I haven't even addressed..past life information that you bring in as a strength and the counter balance to that. But I'm already over my head and won't even go there. It's the Neptune that somehow gets my attention, simply because Neptune can be very spiritual..and what you discribe to me as your home-skin, is the asetic. The one that does not need a bunch of stuff to feel complete or a need for it, to represent who you are..which negates my remark about Cancer's need of stuff. The way that Cancer is tucked away, I would guess the stuff aspect would sort of leak out but not be felt as a need.
>>>>>>>+<<<<< <<<<+>>> >>>>>+<<<<<< <<<<+>>>>> >>>>>>........
As far as hurting others we love and that whole boat load..we're HUMAN..hello! Would someone that has never hurt or been hurt, please raise their hand? It is what we have ALL come to learn about. How to love ourselves. How to love others. Is there anything more challenging?
Enlightment is recognizing, finding, the pure heart mind and spirit that is at the core of us all. Chanting for me is that PATHWay back HOME so I can drop my baggage and remember who I REALLY am. See without fear and judgment, my mistakes AND my goodness and make corrections from a place that is ALWAYS clear. I see it something like an onion..if an onion had a core. I wish I could think of a better example. The onion layers being all the stuff we think we are and all the judgement good and bad that comes with it. The core our True Nature. The more we go there CONSCIOUSLY, the more familiar we become with it, the more we can bring it to the outer layers.
Buddhism 101
The Buddhists say we have POTIENTIAL enlightenment in all the 10 worlds (aspects) that make up EVERY human being..hell, hunger, anger, animality, rapture, tranquility, learning, absorption of that learning, bodhisattva, and Buddhahood.
This was a great epiphany for me. I had some notion I had to be perfect to be enlightened. It is the object of chanting or meditating to help us remember who we really are in any of those worlds. The moment we remember, it changes that world.
Try this.
Memorize these 10 worlds. Watch yourself during the day by just randomly stopping and asking yourself, what world am I in now? Then stop and clear your mind/emotions for an instant and just breathe. Refocus just on your breath. Stay with it until that is what has got your full attention. See what happens.
Ok the sun is out and so am I! Have a great day.

Name: WVW
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Eileen, thank you.
Steve, maybe it was the guy who was on the run from San Quentin...that was the same time frame...

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Ahh, we finally found your song! I will send this info to my oldest. I'm sure she will find it interesting! I have to tell you I would have done more than shriek with the roving poker feeler. But Believe me I have had my share..from AMA doctor (you know the one), ancient Chinese acupuncturest (aah we just got to go in here to fix your..haha hope he got herpes of the finger!), from medicine men (helloooo Rolling Thunder..lesson #1, do not assume old men are any different) to Chinese boy in Chinatown ally for exchange of box of tomatoes (can't remember if the tomatoes were worth it) and on and on.
I have found you really got to watch your back (and other parts) with men in power..some will misuse it and get away with it cause often no one wants to call them on it. Ofcourse in the '60s hippy women created the position of being fair game. This is something I have never heard talked about from that time, that was a huge problem. Here we were flauting our beauty and sexuality without realizing we were doing nothing to protect ourselves. I learned the hard way, as many women have. But so MANY of use have sexual abuse issues in the family, that we are walking quiet victims until that is recognized addressed and healed.
I have to tell you, becoming an older woman has come as some relief in that department. Men hassle me less. I still pay attention ofcourse, but the hassle dept has come way down noticably. But along the way I also learned how to stop sending out ramdom "safe" signals to men. I find it interesting women have told me the safest they have ever felt has been in visiting Buddhist countries. But enough of this.
I realized after I asked you about Na'alehu, I didn't know what island you were's on the south tip of the Big island.
WVW~Yes I realize we are still very connected. I am working it out here and coming up to speed. Something clicked..I got a clear NOW connect. Appolgies.
Steve~I still havn't been able to raise Coyote. But I remember him mentioning there was at least one guy (if not more) that was on the run that he had helped. My guess is this is your man. If that is the case he may not be willing to say more. We'll see. Samuri Bob was a long and close friend and with more thought I know he was not the one.

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: Mulabhanda
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Aloha Eileen, I don't know where Na'alehu is, other than not on Maui.
re Astanga yoga: having taught it as well as studied it i agree people can get hurt, but only when it is taught irresponsibly. Astanga practicioners gotta breathe constantly and hold mulabhanda: clenching the gut, yoni and butt hole. If done carefully it is safe. The second part to Astanga safety is not to go to the pain zone. After those radical warm ups your muscles will stretch further than they would have cold. If you press your body into the pain zone then you are ripping muscles or ligaments.
David Williams is an American yogi who brought Astanga to America. He learned it from Guruji Patabi Jois in India nearly 30 years ago. When followers of Patabi Jois brought him to America, Jois went crazy grabbing boobs and yonis of American female practicioners. To this day he still goes for the genitals. About 25 years ago I took class with Jois in Paia, Maui on his first visit to Maui. While I was in plow (shoulderstand with the legs over behind the head, knees by the ears) Jois cmae up and stuck his finger in my yoni!!! this was not funny to me. Though in those days many of us (myself included) had a variety of sexual partners, I still felt it was my right to choose who to engage with. Before the class the next day I told Guruji NOT to touch my genitals. I told him in front of David Williams, his prize student. Sure enough, during class, he again approached me in plow and stuck his finger in my yoni again!!! Yes, I was wearing a leotard as was everyone else. Other sexual acts twist poses, to help guys twist he would move them by their shoulders. To help women twist their spine Guruji would grab their boobs instead of their shoulders.
The weirdest thing was after I told Guruji NOT to touch my genitals, some of the yogini (yoga women) got mad at me: they liked the boob treatment. It was the celebite women who wanted this contact!!! Another repercussion: Rich Roger, who had financed Gurujis visit to Maui put me down for questioning Guruji and I was excluded from the many yogi parties he threw for Guruji and the yogis. Later, also about 25 years ago, Rich Roger went to India to study with Guruji with his young and well endowed sweetheart, Julie. Guruji didn't just handle her boobs, he repeatedly squeezed them black and blue. He would also get on top of her in paschimotanasana, forward bending head to knee, and HUMP HER while squeeezing her boobs!!! Roger asked Guruji to stop bruising her boobs and Guruji became enraged and threw Roger and Julie out of the ashram. When Roger came back to Maui he sought me out to offer his deep apologies and i was once again invited to his parties. Guruji was just in Hawaii this summer. I heard that he tried his old tricks in Kauai where he taught before coming to Maui. One victim screamed and threatened a lawsuit. At any rate, when he came to Maui after this event, Guruji behaved himself. I still avoid Guru Cop-a-feel.
That being said, I still love Astanga. Madonna is a practicioner. I got to see her at Madison Square Garden in 2001. Her yoga teacher, Danny Paradis, used to live in my house in Hana 24 years ago, and got us VIP tickets in the 5th row. i had rented an 8 room house for $100 a month. all these yogis moved in and i gave everyone free rent. Danny was one of about 10 yoga teachers who lived in this funky but huge Hana house (in Nahiku). Anyway, Madonna is really fit and I'm sure Astanga is a major reason. David Williams who first brought Astanga to Maui is now teaching near our home and my 16 year old daughter is learning from him. Sometimes I join her in David's class. Williams no longer goes to see Guruji because of what he did to Julie and me.
Re getting hurt: I have been to classes by other teachers where they plunge beginners into astanga without the safety precautions such as constant slow breathing through the nose and holding mulabhanda. Since astanga is strenuous, such cautions are necessary. When taught irresponsibly or practiced too agressively, practioners can get hurt.
Another bonus w/ astanga is its effect on your internal organs. I've always enjoyed sex and have always had lots of orgasms. However, if I've done astanga that day, my orgasms are even more magnificent when engaging in beloved sex.
Astanga also oxygenates the brain. If you need to be in tune, astanga will help. I love it.
Eileen, if your daughter comes to maui let me know and I will give you a contact number and e mail.
...with aloha...

Name: Sexy Gypsy Stevo
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Mr. Oru,..I couldnt have said it better myself. Hey WVW, I still may have a few more bronze skulls layin' around on the florr,..(like Miss Nancy was one hell of a right jab, and they flew all over the room)...I will find any and all after I do a clean up and get the stuff back in the rear parlor. The boiler project should take a few weeks for removal and replacement of the new system. Hey, if the man of the hour "The Exile" was/is Samari Bob, 1970 (YEAR ONE) must have been his peak year...or am I way off??? Now I wonder who the "Chineese Cat" was/is...on second thought..."Who am "I"????? take "IT" one step "FURTHER"...who is "anyone???".

E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
On this day of 9th november i work here well so fine another site.
guy man

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
WVW, far as this cat being totally inked..well even the trees looked tattooed at that point, and I must admit that the tattoos were doing alot of crawling around..(if ya know what I mean). WVW, I loaded up my room in order to clear out the rear parlor for the kiddies, but I left a clear run way to the hall double doors for the bed to float through. I will stash the vidio in the upper side bed drawer. I dont know how much help I can be moving it as I pushed myself with some huge sacks of onions and carrots and knotted up whats left of the muscle that runs from my left arm pit to my chest...but my right side may take up the slack. I feel stronger every day, and am loosing the pins and needles while regaining alot of feeling. Wow, WVW, you looked fantastic yesterday...whats the secret?..Good Clean Living??..And by the way, was that you at City Hall fucking with the straights with your tambarine???. Hey, I forgot how sharp McClure's bike was,...was he checking the fuel level, or just taking a huff??? Theres alot to be said about those 19" front rims with the beefy tires. I forgot how ballsy they actualy were. They make the thin 21"er's look so pussy. OOps! Hush my mouth!...Again its always a pleasure seeing you. I Will hang in untill July. As always, doing what I say, and saying what I do....sooner or later...often not sooner, but often later...(that 12th House?) See ya after five Sister.

Name: WVW
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Steve, thank you so much for those incredible skulls...they're beautiful...and I think I'll be able to pick up the bed this evening...after work...I leave here at 5 and then I have to hook up with my pal with the truck...sorry for the was nice to see you yesterday...I wanted to ask if I can come by and play the piano some afternoon...since I haven't been back to TNC I haven't played in a while...
Mark...I lived in Maui in 1969 also...I stayed at Makena first in the little house at the end of the length of was a Big Brother and the Holding Co house...then I moved to Lahaina and moved into an old Sugar Plantation right behind main street in was owned by an old Japanese man named Fred Kobataki and Samarai Bob had lived with him as well...he let women live there free and men had to pay 16 cents a day and do some work that was more of a zen exorcise than anything...then I moved onto a boat anchored in the harbor that was owned by the guy who owned the Tides bookstore in Sausalito...he saided in and flew home leaving the boat so I lived on it with my son Jeramiah who was 16 months old at the time...I have great memories of that time...and I think that it was Samarai Bob that Steve remembers...
Eileen...I need you to know something....we are still very connected.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Shit! I just went through an eye opener; I jumped back to the top to type this in, check it out; the original entry starts right here*** Wow Eileen, I dont wanna' get off on a "ME" trip, but (what else is new)..I gotta' tell ya, I re-read your entry of Nov. 9th. where you clued me in on my chart...In re-reading it I realized that I had somewhat "Blocked" it out the first time...kind of froze up half way through it as if I had suddenly realized that I was reading some one elses mail. Anyway, In re-reading it, I just realized that all of the tears are stored in the 12th house. (they can sure add up). I want to compliment you without turning this into a mutual admiration society...but then again, on second thought, your entries onto this site (your words, thoughts and feelings) compliment themselves. Beyond that...I thank you. But back to the chart...would that 12th house..(written in the stars, so to speak) explain why I was into the "Homeskin Way", prior to Coyote clueing me into the concept? And also why I so readily took his words to heart and held so strong to that path all of these years? I mean,..fact is that the homiest that Ive ever felt was either beneath the leaves in the wilderness or in a cardboard box down on the Bowery, and real edgy anywhere in between. The reason that I always liked the first few days in a new home or apt. was the fact that the rooms were all empty. Its all slowly comming around. Ive' seen so much unfold since you logged on, I re-read my own entries and I think, Wow! Who the fuck is Steve Boyd?..Who the Fuck an "I". And on that note; the heavy-duty gal in the film basicaly said that Acid was a real mind-fucker for those who didn't know themselves, or who were lying to themselves,...hell, I came to that amazing conclusion many times on acid. It was a revelation that I would deny time and time again..(when I came down)..Now, that being said; they say: to know one's self is enlightenment. Well, I do know myself, and it may be enlightenment, but it sure the fuck aint enlightening, Dig? Ive' hurt everyone who ever loved, ..make that; Ive hurt everyone who Ive' ever loved. Wow, I just brought that out. I always looked at them as victims...Its like mice and men...except Im' playing George AND Lenny. FUCK! I gotta think this one out. This is like Psychology NOW. Jesus Christ folks. Work it out on the key board, I did. Wow, the guilt of hurting them...they got hurt in the process...ya, but I see now that I was hurting myself all along. Why?

Name: Brother Boyd
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Wow, I just waded though my (yes I still have an address) E-mail! Rev'd Jackie (my widowed holy woman) contacted me. she's flying out for the first week of December! Wow!!!...she's gonna melt all of that snow!!. My mood just took an upswing folks. Fuck Spirit Guides, Fuck Tattoos, Fuck the Diggers, fuck.....(please feel free to add to the list). Hell, Im' gonna soak in some hot water. Uhhh...Nicole...about that mattress....

Name: Steve Reeves
E-mail Address:
Date: 11 Nov 2002
Hey Eric, I checked out the film again and my pal Buckley dropped in to hid from the rain for the night and make some vauge connection with the film and the Tee Shirts that I had handed out...but he's not conecting the dots...hey Mister, you are a fine lookin' animal. Were you ever conected to the Warlocks (not pre-G.D.) who were on the Haight? I may have been your Christmas present way back when. In any event, now that Ive' seen you, check me out in the Gage Bros. Film "Kansas City Trucking Company" I play the straight (naturally) married man "JOE". If you knew John, you would swear it was my son. Damn, I do good work. P.S. Hey, Eileen, I just dropped a note to Eriel. Nothing crazy...I told her no reply was nessesary...Hey, "WE" are "ALL' so proud. She is living proof that it was not all for naught. (Ive' got three prime examples myself)...hey Im' not taking anything away from your youngest...give her my best wishes.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Eileen -- Samurai Bob was friends with Freewheelin Frank but I'm not sure if he hung out with other Angels. I don't think he had tattoos, at least not what Steve describes. I would have remembered those. There were many occasions when we were nekkid in groups -- sweats, Rainbow gatherings, etc. He might have had some tattoos -- he was after all an ex-Marine. Jane Quattlander would know for sure.

Name: Steve Pan
E-mail Address: onuntilmorning@thirdstarontheright
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Eileen; Yes It was at Black Bear Ranch late in the year of 1970. There was talk of an early snow and prior to me scooting on the Studabaker 6X6, a secondary wave of Olema People showed up. You appeared with JP's daughter Sherry. I dont know if you two rode up together or not. The girl who slept in the garage (at Olema) where Coyote parked his bike had already been trucked out due to a blocked intestine and ended up back at Olema. Coyote had riden up with the wild red haired bastard who owned the old style volvo that looked like a bull nosed version of a 1940 ford. Stash had already been rounded up by her folks. She had run off with her daughter and her agent's sports car. (Everybody was runnin' from somthin'.) And no, it wasnt Samari Bob...If he's the guy that "I" renamed "The Chineese Cat". The Chineese cat (Samari Bob???) had long black greasy hair but was balding. He always wore leather head-band, dark blue levis that had kept their color from never being washed and were way over due for an oil change and a red Kimono type robe with exotic symbols printed on it...and sandles. He had a natural way of laying around rather than sitting. I think that the ornate carved Ivory opium pipe was his property. He was akin to me in as much as we only owned what we wore on or backs. Alike in other ways also...I mean, heres a guy heading to Nor-Nor. Cal. at the end of the season wearing what boils down to be a fuckin' bath robe, and Im naked except for a pair of painters overalls and no bed roll. (Makes me proud). Anyway, the Chineese cat rarely spoke. Very mellow; never come, never go; just there. On the way up he bathed naked in a culvert at our first piss stop off the highway...he was a real tourist attraction. But back to the Spirit Guide. "I" named him "The Exile" A group of Frisco Hells Angels Rode up and pitched camp with us down by the lower end. Among others, there was Little Mike, Julio, Bert (I think)..and the real tall officer who asked me If I wanted to "Rape, Plunder, Pillage..Or What???" I cant place his name..he's in the Gimmie Shelter film...had red wings, green wings, and brown wings...Hey, If ya catch that flick, check out Moose covering Jagger's ass out side of the trailer after that freak popped mick in the face. (combination of Capt. Kangaroo and an adrenelized water buffalo..thats how I want to remember him) HEY MOOSE, DROP IN. Anyway, The Olema tribe was a mixed bag, several wheeler's women. Froggy's Mom was there for the first week, Onanda had her own wheels and was in for the long haul. The Denim Girl slept in the open air on an old matteress. Two of the Hells Angels had their rightious girl friends in tow, they were rich girls from Muir Woods I think. My first night there I crashed in the attic crawl space in the main house, the second night I tripped deep into the three forks and slept on some discarded ply wood and covered up with an old piece of carpeting. from then on out, I wised up and buried some blankets in the deep dead leaves near Onanda. It was a Mamma Earth Kangaroo pouch. I fought the cold with tobacco. I dont know if I was typical, but for the most part, I stayed pretty much fucked up around the clock and in doing so (it helped) worked my way into the adult realm. Olema had been Fools School, but Black Bear was Clown Collage. Not yer' average holiday from reality..but then again watching the walls melt at Olema was not exactly nine to five. My daily intake during my comming of age consisted of a combination of apples, berries, home made yogurt, smoked salmon, cookies, Goats milk, granola, lSD, topped off with the now famous Hells Angels Mellow Yellow. (Their beer and wine was gone by the second night.) OK, back to the Exile..hey, I hate to break into a story but as I was escorting Miss Nancy out this evening she was accosted by a vicious plinker (spare change artist)...I made an appearance and he changed his story to a sad tail of diaria. He went for an acadamy awarard saying that he had shit himself and needed afew bucks to get some sweat pants.."Mister, all I WANT is a pair of pants... I smiled and returned to the door with a pair of levis that had one hell of a skid mark in em'..(looked like the Indianapolis 500) Apparently the top shelf Scotch had greased my pipes...anyway...I had stashed them, not wanting to launder them... as I am boycotting the Chineese laundry and am dealing with Italians now, You a shitty pair of drawers by them and thats vendeta know..."Niki...Niki..why he do dis to me Niki???"'..) so anyway,...Kids, be carfull not only what ya' wish for, but out what ya' WANT. OK,..the "EXILE"...he has more of a shadow than a man...he was the heavies cat that ive' ever walked with. And when I say cat, he was part cat...something ...I cant put my finger on it. I will adress the telepathic aspects of the encouter another time. In closing, during the Black Bear group Photo I stood outside the picture frame (of reference?) with him and the Hells Angels. Me; an Olema man? lost boy. The choise was mine.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Ariel has just surprised me with her own site. Check it out and send her a question.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Was this Olema or Blackbear? I don't recall any Angels going to Blackbear I could be wrong ofcourse..I did miss a trip up there that might have been that time. This sounds more likely to have been Olema. Some of this discription sounds vagely like Samauri Bob. But I don't recall tattoos but at one time he had long hair (who didn't) and he definitely had patch pants. But I can't see Angels in awe of him or playing guns with him..but acid does unexpected things. Naw can't be him. I'm wracking my feeble brain and will ask Coyote later this evening. Will get back to you on it. Do you remember the color of his hair or if he was tall or any other features? He wasn't an Angel or do you know?

Name: Station DWFS in New York
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
"KNEWS" flash...."Members of a Southern California family escaped unharmed Thursday after a hatchet-wielding man barged into an Orange County home and assaulted his former in-laws and his own 10-year old daughter before felled be a single shotgun blast", United Press International reports from Laguna Hills, Calif. We here at Station DWFS feel that this story points out the need for more-stringent hatchet-control laws. The power of the Hatchet Lobby is such that in most states, anyone can buy a hatchet - there's no waiting period, licensing requirement or even limit on the number of hatchets you can buy. Don't get us here at Station DWFS wrong; we're not for a complete ban on hatchets. Contrary to the "ax nuts" at the National Hatchet Association, responsible hatchet control poses no threat to ligitimate wood-choopers.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: ~!#$%^&@*(
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Eric, thanks...and, Ah....Na...cant be him. He would cut his feet off rather than wear those shoes.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: West 4th
Date: 10 Nov 2002
IMAM..I gotta tell ya, this cat looked like a cross between Ming the Merceless and the Incidiouse Dr. Foo Manchu. He saw without looking, talked with out vocalizing and heard without listening...the long length of his Cat Fish style goatee' gave him a fierse Dragon vibe. His eye brows made Jack Nicholson's look flat. He was a bigger than life Arabian Nights Geenee....hell, maybe he was...after all; I did get my three wishes. Now I ask ya'...was it me?...or the Mellow Yellow????

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Steve, the photo of Peter with shaved head was atypical. Here's another more recognizable version of The Hun from 1968 on the sidewalk outside City Hall. Peter is sparring with a street preacher, whose name escapes me at the moment, who unfailingly showed up at demonstrations for years. Peter has his long hair loosely
tied in a ponytail in this photo:

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: Shirking USA
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Eileen....the reason that I mistook this cat as Berg in the first place is due to two on this sight. The two photos of Berg that threw me three curve balls are the ones that show his oriental hat on his bald head and the one with (MUD??) covering his arms. My "Spirit Guide" may be a Stranger to one..but not everyone. Coyote would know him. From the beguining, I was under the Impression that he was an exile..(but werent' we all?). This cat, (who ever he may be was HEAVY. He was bald and donned a pill box Chinaman's hat...(curve ball no. 1 and no.2) his braided pig tail reached his ass, his patch pants were rotting off. He was heavily tattooed from both sholders to both wrists...(which I thought showed though the mud..curve ball no.3) The Hells Angels sat at his feet like children as they presented his Birthday Gift. It was a fine piece. A brand new single action Ruger 357 Frontier six-shooter, complete with a weastern black basket weave fast draw holster rig. The heavy artillary un-nerved the Berkeley People, they centered their verbal objections on Coyote after several rounds of target practice. The fuckin' laid-back Black Bear folk were unopinionated. I triped with him through the woods. When we parted he told me to keep the spent shell casings that I had gathered. I passed them out to the children and taught them how to whistle with them. (dont say I never gave ya' anything Froggy)..I used two to embed in a clay skull that I formed from a batch that a lady was slinging back by the large dome out back. The rest is history.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Will the unknown guy tattooed on Steve's arm please identify himself?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
My oldest daughter, Ariel, was partners in a yoga studio in SF, for a yr., up until last May. She's the yogie queen (tried preety much all styles out there) as well as into weights,running etc and has always been very physical. She still continues to do yoga as her main interest for her mind and body. I would go there and take classes when I visited the city. She did Astanga until she sustained too many injuries from it. Her partner was way into it though. I happen to like it, but she said of all forms, it was the one she found a lot of students got hurt.
I did some studying up on the guy that devoloped it. He has a very interesting history. His classes were mainly all boys and young men. (Not until a bit later would one teacher finally take women..I think it was a cultural thing that this took so long to come about as acceptable.) He was something of a drill sargent turning the boys into pretzles, at times standing on them to complete a pose. Kind of rugged. Not exactly your poises with no strain, school of thought. I think when I was younger it would have suited me though. I was very much into physical intensity. These days I would just get stuck and have to be saved! So I stay closer to the gentler forms, yet no less of a challenge. It is the one thing I would like to add to my life on a regular basis that I have not developed the decipline for..alas. But with your insistent reminder, I am suddenly reinspired. I do know it will make a stiff body such as mine has become, healthier and more subple sp? longer into life. I have see a picture of an old lady doing the head stand and an old man doing stretches that will take me quite some time to accomplish. All I know is I do feel like a new person when I do any yoga at all. So thanks for the reminder I needed.
With that said, my youngest (23) daughter, Miranda will be moving to Na'alehu, Dec 13th. She will be moving in with my old friend Shawn of the Gypsy Trucker days. If you have any suggestions to what a young woman might do there with people her own age, I would love some suggestions.
Steve~Glad to see you didn't abandon us! How funny you now find you have a vertable stranger tattooed on your body! Ha!

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Little Beach at Makena brings back many memories. Mostly psychedelic and free in 1969. The LSD sunsets from the rocky point between big and little beach were the most beautiful experiences I had. Then we had to walk seven miles down a dirt road to Makena carrying whatever we could scrounge in LaHaina on our backs. In particular, a LSD flooded night for all inhabitants of Makena, about forty, with great bonfires. That night the U.S. Armed Forces set off an unbelievable practice bombing and off-shore shelling of the island a few miles across the channel. The concussions of the exploding shells rocked Makena beach, huge parachutes with brilliant flare gondolas floated in the sky over the dark island and we all thought the world was erupting in chaos. It lasted nearly until dawn leaving all of us distraught and thoroughly freaked. That is a night I will never forget.
There was a severe lack of fresh water at Makena. A curious fellow we called "Saint George" lived in a cabin around the point from Big Beach who allowed us to walk over to his garden spigot and fill our empty gal wine bottles with water and carry them back to our camps. The cops would come and chase everyone in barefeet into thorn infested forest to hide or into the water where we would swim up and down while the yelled at us. It seemed like every week some group of folks arrived with huge amounts of psychedelics turning on the whole beach in mass. I remember a particular cat one day came parading down Big Beach in a sorcerers coat and conical shaped hat with thermos bottles filled with tabs of acid for everyone. Then a group of yoga inspired folks came one night with hits of sunshine for everyone, I think they were from Leary's commune in Southern California (?), and we built bonfires chanting and hitting the bardo en mass late into the night.
The locals would come down at night to surf fish and drink, then harass the group of squatters raising more hell as they drank. There was a guy who went by the name "Happy" who spent much of his time explaining that a UFO was coming to get us, who on a LSD peak was driven into the surf by the fisherman firing pellet guns at him. He swam out in the dark tangling himself in the fishermans lines, shreiking for the UFO to save him. It took hours to rescue him from the surf without the fisherman finding him.
The area around Makena is golf courses and huge hotels but the little beach and Makena still remain.

Name: Howley Steve
E-mail Address: InWhySee
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Hey yer' thing. Aloha

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
the digger tape is so much fun. I was surprised (not really) to find myself in the flick. yogi girl in the country commune. also, she who nakedly nurses her baby while confronting the cops who came to Morningstar that day.
More important, I appreciated the words and visions of our family members. what a great film.
it's Little Beach today, Makena's jewel on Maui where the alternate lifestyle folks gather each sunday for clothing optional drumming, dancing, celebrating, and body surfing in the perfect ocean.
yoga yoga Astanga Yoga. if there is Astanga near you, check it out. What a pleasure this yoga is.

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: Planet New York
Date: 10 Nov 2002
OPEN LETTER TO PETER BERG / Wow, Nicole just slipped me the Vidio: Les Diggers de San Francisco and from what I saw, YOU are NOT the cat who I connected with at Black Bear and who's Image I later had Tattooed on my arm. How can one man be so wrong? Fact is. I dont believe that we have ever crossed paths. That being said: Had you just said "Wrong Dude" when I questioned your Identity in the E-Mail that you snubbed, I would'nt have shown my ass by dragging your name through the mud. But hey..."No such thing as bad publicity" Now.... Having fully realized the gravity and conviction of your humanitarian efforts I am dropping my selfish bike project and boosting my monthy donation to Planet Drum by Four. (that is: 4 times the agreed monthly installment starting on the first of Jan. 2003). When you and your's hit New York City feel free to crash HERE...Got that? Hey, I was just interupted by Miss Nancy who drug me outside and introduced me to a street artist...he was sitting next to my steps painting the Bldg. across the Street where The Barrymoore's lived in their early theatre days. I flew in and grabbed a coffee bean gunny sack and dumped my entire collection of Oil Painting brushes in it and laid it on the cat. He shit himself. I scrawled on a piece of paper "Free From The Diggers". I feel lighter and the Beat Goes On. Later. P.S. Hey Sprog..."God Save The Queen"

Name: Sprog
E-mail Address: darkfoces@work
Date: 10 Nov 2002
I ALWAYS knew the royals to be a bunch of greedy ruthless parasites. Now we know they would happily withhold evidence and send a innocent man to jail just to save their own faces. Butler Paul Burrell said he wanted to be "a rock" to Princess Diana, a vain selfish clotheshorse.
A police search of Burrell's house found he had kept just a few of Diana's vast collection of clothes, a modest 20 suits, 37 hats and 75 sweaters! Burrell's obsession with the royals makes him a very sad man but not the thief the police accused him of being. His slavish loyalty certainly didn't stop the royal family plotting to crush him.
The queen conveniently forgot a conversation where Burrell told her he was keeping some of Diana's clutter until her sons were older. Presumably they would then be able to take the shock of knowing the extent of their mother's wardrobe-the size of a row of terraced houses.
The queen conveniently remembered the conversation just before Burrell was due to take the stand when he would almost certainly have revealed royal secrets, affairs and cruelties. The royals were terrified of Burrell because they "treated him like wallpaper". He knew everything about them because to them he was "below stairs" and therefore subhuman. But it's not just the royals.
The judge at Burrell's trial seemed to think protecting the royal family was more important than seeing justice done. Any sane politician would seize on widespread revulsion with the royals to press for the abolition of the discredited monarchy and everything it stands for. Blair, of course, fell over himself to grovel before the queen.
She should pay the £3 million trial costs-as a last act before her and her horrible brood shuffle off into obscurity.

Name: cathy burg
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 10 Nov 2002
Have been thinking about writing for your Trip Without a Ticket. Couldn't locate that page, but wandered around your site exploring. Stirred up a lot of pieces that's all I seem to have left. How much of this is due to being stoned on grass 24/7 and how much is just age is no telling. So maybe I'll just throw out some of those pieces here just for the heck of it. So little can be wrapped up in a real story.
First I want to say I'm a bit confused as to where to put this. I never have figured out how this page and "Discussions" is seperated..or what your intention is on either. Was there ever some boundaries to what you REALLY want on them? But since I'm here now, this is where it will go for now.
The Communication Co was the bain of my home life where they set up shop. The Gestner sp? used carbon paper and it didn't take much time for black smudges to appear everywhere a hand was laid..the stove, the walls etc. Paper was often loose and left where it fell. I never figured out Claude and Helaine's history. They both dressed very dark and there was a layer of crud on them at all times they wore as a style. Could this be a hangover from the Beat period or was this something they took on as a proud statement to say they were no hippie clones? Whatever the intention they seemed to generate a mess all over Coyote's shared flat, that I was always trying to clean up. I think they took this as a challenge and the mess grew more daunting with each new printing. Basically I was beginning to feel sub human in their eyes. One day I made the mistake of leaving a note that said, "Please Clean Up Your Mess". As they left that day after running off their papers I walked into a house littered with 100 copies of my note flung from room to room..a house filled with "Please Clean Up Your Mess". In time I would come to love them..but it was not that day.
Years later at Olema, we had all gone to town on a food run to SF (a saga in itself). When we got back to the ranch house, I found a plastic bag with something strange looking in it. On close inspection, much to my horror, it could only be a large fresh chunk of someone's scalp! Considering how out there we had gotten, this was not entirely out of the realm of possibilities. We talked about this for days wondering what it implyed. Days later Claude and Helaine showed up asking if we had found their package. We had no idea what they were talking about until they said they heard I was into tanning and they had left me a piece of pig skin from a fresh kill! Typical. Thanks guys.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Glad you had some left. I will make 10 more in the next week or so and we can keep stocked up. Maybe DVD's could be next.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 09 Nov 2002
You know Steve there is something about having 220 stories of buildings coming at you that kind of puts things in perspective. She will be ok its just a long road ahead.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Mark -- I can print up more labels and coversheets this week. But I just remembered that Peter gave me 4 copies that he had made from the original copy of the video I gave him this summer. So... Joe, send me an email ( with a mailing address and I'll send a copy this week.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Hello Eric,
Do you have any labels, etc. left from the film copying that was done? If so, I will run off 10 or so to put up for grabs. Let me know. Hey, the sun is out on the bay. Maybe this storm stuff is over.
For Vacillating SS Boyd,
Maybe it just my strange thinking but I don't think that your writing is going to be easy to stop. At least I hope not.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Bet you thought that was another one of those coikadinks? I wonder if thinking Nam Myo Renge Kyo in a meditative sit,, instead of watching your breath would work. Worth a try. If you're into it, this is how it's pronounced:
the "o" is like hoe, the "a" is soft like ah ha, "yo" is run together like yo mama, and the "e" is soft like ring. Something like this: Nam Myoho Ringa Kyo. If you do it let me know how it works and I will explain a little more.
Ah the sun is out and I have much to do before I get out of here.
Joe~I know this sounds random, but if your wife would do a worm and parasite cleanse she would find much pain would likely go away and she will heal much faster.
Today when I was walking around the cabin noticed where I had considered jumping was big broken glass I had forgotten was there from the window I broke with a misaimed ball last week! I had sat there considering that jump thinking how often I had done that as a kid..I loved jumping from high places. And I wondered if my body would now simply crumble. It was like taking a high dive into a pool I couldn't see and I sit there for about that long too. Finally called the dogs over so I could gauge the jump since it was dark and I couldn't see much. It was a nice surprise when I landed I was just fine. Will get back to you about the roof. It's too flat and has subtle dips.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: overloaded
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Eileen..I knew that there was another angle at play here...Your support, coupled with your tip to Rob Brezsney's web site turned the tables...It all meshes! My Bro's. card, my friends's crossed out engagement Invitation and Brezsney's Sex Tips For The Very Plain (reqd. Reading)...have all swayed me to dump faith, art and writting. I must focus on the motorcycle. Its official. A done deal. I just shook on it.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: To many to answer
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Will do Joe..sorry about yer' life..Ah..wife! Hey, Spaz, I posted a bit on Jessica's Free Store back on 03-Sept. on the Free Frame of Reference page, but (forgot?) to give an address...(I didnt want the capitalist flea market people storming the place and cleaning her out)..Anyway, I was under the inpression that it was a low-profile neighborhood thing. I had planned on donating a chunk of change and hang a Digger Tee Shirt on the wall with my E-Mail Address, but the bottom fell through the movement which is now comprized of only special education and learning disabled adults who are commonly known at the Peace Church as the Super Human Crew. (It was a natural evolution I guess)...You where to go but down. Every thing finds its own level. But check the entry check it out; I mostly quoted the NYT Sunday Sept. 1st. article. Give my best to Jessica. Hey Eileen, my prayers were answered. I got a post card in the mail from my Brother in Idaho and a crossed out Engagement Party invitation from my Child Hood Artist friend in Sacto. Nor. Cal. Now check this out; my Bro. writes: " Thinking of you brother, THINK NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO. Remember, virgins dont get pregnant, not even by God! and Jesus is a dead man. NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO." heres what my old friend said in part: "I was painting up till about 5 years ago when I looked at a artist has ever painted one..nature is too complicated to absorb & reproduce-now my art is looking and seeing." Wow Eileen, I may rethink this whole thing....well, I got some work (labor) to do in order to pull off Sundays Begar's Banquet...enjoy your week end folks.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 09 Nov 2002
You know Eileen I kind of intuited the stiletto heel part. The cape got by me though...the rocky mountains must have gobbled that wife jumped off a bucking horse in early September, broke her right leg in 30 places, including a compound fracture....wound up in the hopital for 40 days....14 operations....infection, muscle and skin grafts and is still bedridden at home. The jump was only about 6 feet. She has to go back in for bone grafts in December. So Im kinda trapped in the house too when im not working. So, be careful when you jump. Or better yet dont go on the roof without someone there. By the way a can of tar is great for that. Put on a glove and just slap it on where you think its leaking. If you had wind it could be that the roof shingles are lifting and the water is getting underneath. Email me if you need any other roofing advice.( laughing) thats a zero in joe not an o. You too Steve feel free anytime to email me.

Name: Caz Prescott
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Hi! Thanks for setting up this website. It's a great way to inspire people to get involved with the world.
My friend Jessica Baldwin has opened a Free Store in Brooklyn, NY. It's a store/community space in the Williamsburg area.
Brooklyn Free Store Hours: Thur & Fri 12-8pm
131 Grand Street Sat 7-11pm & other random hours.
Brooklyn, NY 11211 (212)-252-5250 (718)-486-8829
On Saturdays it's Cosmic Cafe. Play music (live or recorded) anyway you can. Bring your own p.a. Jessica might even jam w/you on bass.
If you'd like to have a group meeting, it's free.
Peace, Love & Chicken Grease
Caz 'The Spaz' Prescott

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Darn it Steve, you teller. I stopped trying to second guess people a long time ago..I KNOW when I'm right and don't have to ask. HA And I get tired real quick of discussions even when I'm doing the talking would you believe? Yes I asked to be alone too. I specifically wanted to be a hermit. And here we are. I really prefer to go TO folks, rather than people dropping in..which means it's time for me to step out..thus this meeting tonight is calling me after several yrs of no show. Some people can do things easier, but I have minimal interest in general socializing. This computer here is mostly it. I can leave when I want, wear my sleeping clothes, not brush my hair, have bad breath, stuff in my eyes and fart when I feel like it, talk and not be interrupted and not have to cook. Who needs people to hold your hand when ya got all that I would like to ask? OK I definitely could use my shoulders rubbed and occasionally I would like to sit at the fire and chat with someone besides my daughter and my dogs. Beyond that, I ask you, is it ever that easy? No.
God you have teeth and they're freaking out? What were they thinking, leaving them in?! What they're doing doesn't sound like much fun but having them pulled is good they can only do it once!. Well, today is the meeting. Miranda and I are going together..she's the real peyote girl..oh you should hear her sing in there! Just thinking about it is making me want to get in gear and get stuff together. I have quite a lot left to do before I can take off this afternoon. My inside house has been ignored for my outside house. Looks like we're up for more rain..oh yeah here it comes. Tepee in the rain. I always end up by the pole with the drip sliding down it, or on the side that wasn't trenched well enough. In fact I called yesterday and put in my request for some GOOD trenching before the gullies got a path started into the inside..just in case any one was thinking this was going to let up.
When I take the smoke in the tepee tonight, I will keep you in mind. I'm asking again, what do you need/want that prayer about? You can email me if you wish.
PS, I know the best astrologer going. Here's his site if you would like to contact him and have him tell you WAY more..what I said will be left in the dust in his clarity and right on-nes. He is very much the real deal. He's great for some good road signs (arm waving and flags) along your way. I go to him once a yr., have been since '87. He's really good and keeps me from panicing and helps me make sense of my mess..makes me make it less of a mess. Really he gives me heart and is very psychic as well. This is not a very easy time for any of us.
And this guy is a Cancer and I bet you'll like him. Many times he's surprisingly right on for a weekly random reading. He's a trip!
Hey Joe~ I jumped from the roof wearing my stiletto heels and red cape..what is would I be wearing repairing the roof in a storm in the dark? Silly
And with that, hugs to all. Catch you when I get back.

Name: Mark Hebard 9/3/46
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Thanks for the clarification of the Digger film. It does back up one of my more eloquent spoutations "Time flies when you don't know what you're doing."
Unlike some others, I got some sleep last night. Today is Zen and the Art of Doing a Brake Job on a old Jeep Cherokee for a much older Father. Bye.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Hey are a Libra...remember? cupid bow lips, dimple, dicissions! dicissions! push-me-pull-you. pro-con. My Libra wife would say Steve??? And I would say..Ya?? And she would say...Never Mind! Heres another Libra trick...Steve??? Ya?. Your mad arent you? No honey, Im' not mad. Yes you are. NO...Im' not mad. I know that your mad! .....OK!!! NOW IM" MAD!!!!!! P.S. (But oh that smile). Hold a grudge?? Libra's dont know the meaning of the word. Their motto is: "All Is Forgiven" And on that note...I was,..and am.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Wow; you are up late....You ask if Im' crazy?...well..ah...what time is it now? Teeth..hell mine are moving like a fault line. The bottom side teeth have folded over to where the tops are directly facing the tops of the teeth on the other side. I hope that they dont have to re-break my jaw...Hell I just as soon get em' all pulled. Shit, talk about goin' through some changes...I was thinking about it, what with cheating death and reuniting with the folks after years...Its all a bit much. I ah...well...maybe I should ..hel...see that! Im' starting to second guess myself. Thats bad. (second guessing when ya' havent even first guessed)...Dig? Hey, are you sayin' that you watched the film E.T.? Ha..Im' no stamped cookie; I never saw it...or Jaws, or The Excorsist..I did see Star Wars and a shit load of others. In L.A. a friend used to drag my to press previews with him. Those were cool, they would lay a whole press pacage on me and often a star or two would show. Hey, I did however catch a few minutes of Coyote in a knife fight film..shot in South America I think. Oh! I saw The Jagged Edge all the way through, man when Coyote pegged profiled the dude as an Ice Man, that was chilling...that 60 seconds alone was worth the addmission price. Damn shame that he diddnt have the lead role. Hey the Wind Horse film ..the butler did it! a loose sketch without blowing it for you...A young Tibetan brother, sister and cousin (girl) are jumping rope and singing. Red Army thugs murder their grandfather for hanging up what they consider to be a radical poster. The sister grows up to be a disco singer who, with the pull of her Chineese main squeeze is up for a Nation wide Chineese Propoganda TV show. The cousin is a Buddist Nun who turns radical and gets her as in a real bind. The brother drinks, smokes, shoots pool, and screws alot. Their child hood friend is starting a Steve Boyd type one man campaign. A fine Jane Goodall type hooks up with the dead beat brother who kicks out the jambs when his tourchered Nun cousin is sent to his folks by the Chinks in an effort to to keep her from dying on their hands. The American gal vidios the dying Nun's testimonial. From there it gets real good. I couldnt beleive how well lite and edited it was. The continuity was smooth. Nothin' like Buzzbee Berkeley's The Gangs All Here (on Acid) at the Castro Theatre...but close. Theres alot to be said for Carrot, Beet, celery, and ginger juice with Scotch. In closing...Crazy???...the Gods must be crazy!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
I think you and I may be aliens on the wrong planet. ET phone home..just feel asleep thru the whole durn movie. I'm starting to take my movie choices as a sign..of what I don't know but I'm supposed to be in my bed asleep but here we are. This has been the loniest 2 yr of my life and I ain't got nothin to show for it! But I'm making my way out..I think. I'll tell you when I get there. Having almost all my teeth pulled did put a damper on things though. It's the shits when we find out how much we attached to what we looked like, although from the sounds of it, you definitely win the prize. Thank god for computers or I think I might have really and truely no one to talk to. Well, no one I wanted to talk to anyway. Hey cranky, I'm not keeping track or even taking seriously the folks you are apparently upsetting. Although I think you're bugging yourself more than anyone else..or your just gathering flys. I'm not going to tell you what sign I am..are you crazy!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: well........
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Hey ArEnAy...Fuck the New York Times!...Ah..there I go again...Its verbal violence. I was reading about sexual harasment the other day; and the thought just accured to me that when I verbally de-masculate Travis and strongly ugre him to copulate with close relatives,..well, that is actually sexual harasment....even though we are both men..(well in earth years anyway)...Hey ArEnAy, In as much as you are a tiny percentage of the populated world that I so rashly told to go get fucked...I appologize..unless of course you would like to go get......See Eileen! There I go again! P.S. No shit;...whats yer' sign baby?

Name: RNA
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Movies with violence, whether domestic violence, gang violence or global violence numb people to the horrors of violence. I don't find violence entertaining.
remember, too, during the Gulf War people sat glued to their tubes sucking up govt propaganda that was fed to the media. so glad i don't own a tv.
do listen to npr and read , http:/www,/ ,
and and the nytimes online
Keep informed. It's the alternative media which alerts me to un and under reported important news.
I believe it was Elaine Brown of the Black Panthers who said, "We lost the revolution to the t.v.!" Instead of protesting injustice in the streets folks stayed home to watch the Cosby show...
Please stop supporting movies that glorify violence.
Do you wonderful people know how widespread Domestic Violence is??! It's huge in every walk of life, including wealthy professionals and peons. DV knows no class boundries. The Welfare Reform erects a wall preventing an abused woman with no or too low finaces from leaving an abusive spouse. That's if she's already used up her quota of 5 years maximum for life benefits for welfare. Suppose a woman had several kids and used up her welfare allocation years ago but now finds herself in a worsening abusive relationship. the kids watch physical and psychological abuse horrors occur. Yet, Relief Funds will be denied her. tough luck.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: Ah...nuts.
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Joe; Uranus?...Hey, I am the anus. OK Eileen...I gotta say it...Travis, Im' sorry, auto wash dudes..sorry. The whole Jewish race...DITTO. Jamaicans?...Sorry Mon. who am I leaving out?...Fuck Bush and the Red Chineese..Im' not sorry. Ah...who else did I offend...Oh ya, the world in general...oh,..the Hawians...the...well...Im' drawing a blank at this point. That being said...Im' the sorryest bastard on this web site...Eileen, my moods are changing by the minute. I build a castle in the sand, and if a wave dont come along soon enough, I start pissin' on it. Ive' been running away from EVERYTHING my entire life. I gave everything that I ever possesed away...even alot of good stuff that didnt belong to me. Ya, know...All I ever wanted was to be left alone. (Be careful what ya wish for kids)..In the end, I got just what I wanted. These have been the loneliest two years of my life. Its like in the cartoon where the character saws off a tree limb and the tree falls. Ive' never been able to stay in one place for more than two years. Im' past due here, but tried to convince myself that recovering from Cancer surgery didnt count. With this latest clean slate...I whole heartedly tried to cultivate friends for the first time in my life, and other than the super human crew...and two of the most Aquarian Aquariuses in the universe, I want to hide from everyone. I would entertain the Idea of escorting Rev. Jackie to Mozambique, but a white man who breathes through his neck would most likely drive the locals into soom sort of a voo-doo frenzie. It would jeprodize her more than aide her. Can ya' picture it? Macumba!...simba..Ju-Ju...adambuasi, Kiwa, Im gettin' goffy. I could always keep my neck covered. Hell, I wish I hadnt sent all of that liquid codine over there now...Ah, what am I sayin'? And that crack that I made a couple of months ago about sending my tongue to the starving people in Banglegesh..Am I fucked? My typewriter is upstares with a blank sheet of paper in it. My asseys for retarded people and the Red Chineese is getting no where fast. And Im ahead of it by a mile. Hu Oh, Im' starting to make sense...bad sign. Will close for now. (Ah...about that personal stuff that ya' didnt want to get into..I dont need a chart to read them beads)....God compensates. In any event, Im' holding down the fort here until next July. man..what next.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: HeyJoe@LawnGuyland.sandbar
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Thats me. A day late and a dollar short. Eileen I hope you didnt have heels on when you made that jump. Steve I used to sweep subway cars for a living. I know all about fried chicken boxes and Olde English 800 beer bottles. At least you know where Uranus is now. Im still not sure where mine is.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Have you seen the old Sci Fi movie of Coyote's, Time Traveler? It's a slice of Olema..I think he's even got the finger bones on his vest. Really funny movie that I think he must have written most of his own lines.
I went back to your asto chart tonight and I think there is some explination there of why you are not remembered. Cause it bothers me, it bothers you, and I was trying to figure it out. You've got some pretty important stuff hidden in your 12th house..namely your Sun..that part of you that says "here I am"..the essence of who you feel (and not entirely know for sure) yourself to be. Also tucked in there is Venus..your ability to attract people and things we love and value. And Uranus..our unique individuality and ability to liberate yourself from past limitations. All in Cancer which is about home and feeling and private self (so you may not like me saying any of this). That house is a strange one..a place of hidden things, involves family secrets, karma, and the sub/unconscious, spiritual ideals as well as skeletons in the closet, and things we tend to feel uncomfortable about. Because we feel them more than we can really get hold of. The difficulty with that placement, is it can't be accessed directly by you or anyone else. This is so for anyone's 12th house. So HOW does one get to what is stored there? One has to come at it side ways. Being this is all in Cancer (emotions, feelings, home) which is pretty secretive already. So you have a pretty tricky task to confront. You've got this really gentle sweetness hiding out there.
You are on the right track by being on this site and in your writing in general. Your communication, how ever it is done, and ability to think learn and reason, is in your first house. It is your rising, and what peoples first impression of you is, and how you present yourself (your mask as it were), in Leo. Leo wants to be heard and heard first and loudest..the lion. Odd that you are mute and yet with that Leo and in your communication, you WILL be heard!
Running tight behind this is Pluto..transformation and rebirth..sudden change as well, in your money house. Connected and interacting with that money house and your "front", your appearence, is your 11th interactions, friends associates, visions and dreams, social aspirations and ideals..Taurus in Saturn. This is a no BS combo. Saturn is heavy, serious..order, form and discipline. Saturn is our ass kicker and often associated with our darker (shadow) side. Taurus is resourceful, productive and stable..Tarus has an eye for what is of value. This is up there for everyone to see. And that comes off as you mean business. And it also means there's potiential money in your communications.
I will leave out the other stuff at the lower part of your chart cause it gets more personal than what we need to know or what I'm looking for. Hope this hasn't been too personal for you already!
So this is how I see this question about not being remembered from the past and why you care. For myself, I tend to remember people that I have some strong emotional connection with. In this regard you might count yourself lucky. You probably didn't piss me off, nor were you my those days, a dangerous position to be in either way. HA! You were still developing your communication in those days, so it was probably coming across in a way folks didn't entirely understand..or remember you by. And this IS where you will be most remembered.
Bottom line communication is important for you..and it is in fact in an area you could make and loose money and make again..your book?
Where you get in trouble, is you are a unique and very gentle soul..spelled out in your 12th house. Yet all of that, as I said, is hidden away until it either bubbles up or is sensed (which I got with our first communication). So you will stick your neck out big time (that darn Leo) and then can sometimes get your feelings hurt when responded to in kind. One, Leo does not like to be challenged and two, you feel can fel it as a deep cut if it's something you actually care about more than you thought. That cut is felt to that hidden 12th house. It must be frustrating to be so unpredictably vulnerable to yourself. Remember I said that 12th house has to be accessed side ways..well that's where you feel the cut. But that's because you didn't take that soft part of yourself into consideration in your tough guy stance when Taurus/Saturn is saying this is the real deal. If your going to dish it out, you got to be also be ready to eat it. If you're having a rough day and somebody pokes what you say, that's going to all but bring you to tears or depression, out of just plain agrivation. Am I wrong? Cause what you have to say is often really important to you.
What does this all tell you? What this tells ME is you need to check in with your own feelings before you bring your gun out and have a guy attack. Second don't worry about not being remembered. Who you are now matters a whole bunch more than who you were. Your better off than me in that regard. My whole claim to fame for yrs was being Coyote's old lady. No one knew who I was without that ID. It's a pisser when that's the only door in.
You and I are friends Steve. The past did not create that. The past has simply given us a common frame of reference, that we both need to share. Let that be enough for us. What I feel in communicating with you, is worth more than either of our histories.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
Hi Mark -- just to keep the historical record straight. The French film "Les Diggers de San Francisco" was filmed and produced in 1998 by Celine Deransart and Alice Gaillard. It was first broadcast on French cable TV in December, 1998. Peter and Judy received a copy from Alice and Celine in 1999, in PAL (European) format. This was the 90-minute version of the film, longer than the version which was broadcast on French TV. The narration was in French with French subtitles for the interviews. We made VHS copies and distributed them through the web site with a special case and cover design. We also had a showing at CellSpace in San Francisco on June 13, 1999.
Then, this past summer, Jean-Pierre Zirn, the filmographer who shot the footage, sent me a new version of Les Diggers. This was the 54-minute version that was broadcast on French TV. However, the narration was in English (although heavily accented). Due to the slow and precise diction of the narrator, the tracking between the audio and video gets out of sync in a couple places. This is on the original copies that I received, don't worry -- it's not due to any defect of copying. This 54-minute version is what I offered earlier this summer in the Free Store.
The Free copies again were sent out with a special case and cover and labels. At the moment, I've sent out all the copies of this new version.

E-mail Address:
Date: 09 Nov 2002
~They grabbed the SLA bad boy in South Africa NOT in Texas. You heard it here first! You can stop looking over your sholder now T.

E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
For those interested in the poetry of KayAnne Pickens-Solem check out
(toward the bottom of the page).

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: inmylonelyroom@heartbrekhotel.sad
Date: 08 Nov 2002
In as much as only the Hot Rod element of this site will lower himself to my level, I will call it a day and face my only enemy in the bathroom mirror. Untill next time, rest assured that I will continue to beat up on my own image. (Aint it the way?) Whats that you say?...Have a Goodnight???...Ah...thanks, but I have other plans.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Yes Lenore is still Lenore even more so..thank the irreverant god/ess! One of the few womens voices that was/is truely her own..and Deprima and Elsa Marley..Kayanne..equally right out there yet not known. (I'm really pressing, I want her easily avaiable so badly.) It's the women poets/writers that have held their ground so beautifully. There was a lot of testosterone to contend with for point of view. It stands out to this talking soul and not afraid of the words.

Name: Swami Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Dr. Sponge; you are getting sleepy, your eyelids are getting heavy (along with yer fat ass) get yer' waddle over to the magic box and punch up DEMI URGE, dont skim, read. Do yer' homework and report back. In my crazy wisdom, I cant help but think that you somehow fit into this absurd puzzle called life. When you awake you will remember everything. Do not play solitary, not play solitary.

Name: Dr.Who?
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
1995?...hell that seems like only seven years ago!

Name: Steve Boydski
E-mail Address: adjoiningrooms@thewarsawhilton.#2	
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Speaking of Polacks...the Gong Master's svelt wive was just here to inform me that her Ol' man is in Poland in an effort to establish a new Peace Garden. We chatted after I frisked her for a wire or a chastity belt. Ah...I forgot what I was gonna say....

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Yeah, thats the version I have. I don't mind the sound track out of sync that much, it doesn't take away from what is being said. I am really impressed with Lenore's interview.
For those who are interested this film was made in 1995 and isn't just film from the old days.

Name: Steve Bunker
E-mail Address: desotosfountain@peacechurch.youth
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Those were the days......Joe; the nice Jewish-Polack couple who filmed the West 4th Street/West Free Street Digger revolt are in the process of an ugly (any other kind?) divorce of sorts. I get the feeling that the reason that their noses are so big, is because air is free. After getting wind of my background I think that the kikes smell money. I got zip for a response on my buy out offer. Oh-Oh...make that 135% of the world. Did I miss anyone?...NEXT!!!

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Uh.......I'll pass on that Chebby stuff. Working on electronic fuel injection at this point with a Powerdyne Supercharger and Mass Air system. Yea, the cold air induction through the fender and grille is on the list. Gotta have my bright lights here.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Still trying to beat the dark..what am I doing here. This would be much easier if you guys were all here helping me and then I wouldn't have had to jump off the roof. My wool sweaters are the only thing getting me thru right now..I have this fantastic Swedish fishermans raincoat if I can just find the darn thing..I should not believe Miranda when she says she doesn't have it and go look cause I'm running out of hiding spots to look in. Steve, I have a tepee but I need poles. The fact is I'm not even letting anyone know I have it yet cause there's a lot that can start happening once the word is out that I am not ready for just yet. Artic tepees? I'd love to see what they're a site.
Oops almost dark..later~
Mark~My copy is great up to a brief section of maybe 3 min where the sound is not syncing sp? with Lenor, Nina and Freeman.

Name: Steve Andretti
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Mark, mine was a 64 Galaxie convertable. It of course had twin horizontal head lamps. Your 65 has twin vertical ones. You could still punch out the top set and route flexible air induction tubes over the inside wheel wells and directly into the side of a rigged up air filter box. (Run one on the outside of the battery and move the washer bag on the other side.) If you have a stock 352 automatic you may want to skip it though. Try a Chevy motor with headers, shorties and glass packs. That way, you might make it home. GMCF-FGMC

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Hey, whatever melts your butter but be advised there is some late model stuff included in this. By the way, I just took delivery on industrial strength front and rear sway bars for the 65 Galaxie. Big around as yer arm. This old dog is gonna hunt.

Name: Steve again
E-mail Address: NOW
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Mark, To answer your, I dont have the Digger film...Truth is I would rather see a super eight version of Eileen up on her roof...(Ladderless). Hey Eileen, wool can be a killer in that weather. I have an arctic tee pee connection that you may dig. P.S. Hey know how to push my button. My week spot is that I can dish it out, but I cant (wont?) take it. That being said; I am a poor sport. In closing; show me a good loser, and I will show you a loser. Think about it.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Mark, when I came in contact with the hybrid off-shot of the defunked Diggers, they were anything but street performers. To tell the truth, thats not the way I wish to remember them or actually view them. As I said before, I viewed a film a while back that depicted my former self in the early 70's. Its akin to the reason that I dont save personal or family photos. And in as much as the comfort and reasurance that I get whenever I hear Coyote's voice on a television set..The comfort is in knowing that the sound is a current emmission...and not from a deep well...that being said; the past as well as the future are not real. Now is real. fast! missed it.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: inmyshell@crustation.crab
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Light??? light has dimmed to a cold, monochrome smudge. It's as if ive' been ushered into a garden where stone statues converse while displaying the very model of behavior...a behavior which has has aroused my admiration to the point of boredom. (and Ive' never been bored a day in my life...that what scares me. Whats happening to me? Im' turning down a book deal. But on the brighter side, the lady reverend who saved my life was just widowed and may head to Mozambique to help finish building a church and to stock a field hospital. Prior to the loss of her new husband, I gently took her hand and slowly removed her wedding ring. I placed the ring on the desk and we embraced. I crave romance not sex. What a life I lead. I just got word that she wants me to contact her. What a life I lead. Get this; she's a Cancer also, and only two years my senior. Christ, I lost my touch...I cant even get arrested in this town. I plan on getting some pass port photos and will take it from there. By the way...April is the cruelest month.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: free-fire camp
Date: 08 Nov 2002
I did't use the term extraterrrestrial patter in order to inflame old wounds--I simply wanted to let you know that I do not reject the whole subject out of hand. I quoted Strieber because he had reservations about the nature of his experiences so profound as to open within his recognition that qualities of the mind, as yet poorly understood, may very well be newly emergent.Not trying to kick sand, my apologies, ...................T

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
How is the quality of your copy of Les Diggers de San Francisco? I was thinking of running off some more copies (VHS)myself but I need to get PDF's copy to make a better one. The copies I made are coherent but a little ragged in places. I am going to Planet Drum on Tuesday.
Let me see about making a copy for you. Sometime next week. Then I can get with you off the list about where to send it.
Do you have the Digger film?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Mark...Goodness? are to kind.

Name: The Invisible Man
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Greetings from the Barresian cult of "I"-of shoddy vulgarity par excellence. One request for both of you femme fatales; not live blindly....and in doing so fulfill your roll as family members of the same race of those who from the dark aspire to clarity. Thats not asking to much.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Who are these idiots? Steve you are a New Yorker need a thicker skin. Why worry about people who dont tell you who they are? People certainly will remember you now.....cheer up.....its the change of seasons....November is a tough month ....we miss the light

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Ah yes,
Steve.....Please rock on for the good of the people. Your goodness spreads out on this here plate like a wonderfully complex and belly-warming gumbo. This is no time to stop...pedal to the is when you are best. Listen to that WVW village soul. She knows. Eileen...I hope that tepee is nailed down, it is still carrying on down here.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
That was not nice of you. jeeze what's up mistsa guy? So who cares if some weirdos are pissed at you or your pissed at them or whatever the heck. I'M NOT! and you can't expect to just like put your socks in your shoes and leave damn it. Ok i'm over it even though I am clueless to what just happened, I can live with it. We'e going to go on now right? Ok I've taken the really hot shower..had to move the plants out of it that I can't figure out where to put. Ate sort of and now Miranda tells me this is Fri (I knew that) and the meeting isn't until tomorrow night (duh). So that means all the reasons I couldn't quite get out the door for that are all null and void./ I mean don't you want to even HEAR about it?/ Boy I sure want to get stuff finshed before dark so I can go to the ocean and watch this storm kick's taking an in breath at the moment. Guess I better go let the prisoner dogs out of the work shop. So I got time to get ready for this all nighter tomorrow. This is like going to the dentist for me until I settle in. I dread these meetings they are so damn hard getting to the good part. But I do believe we move planets before the night is done. Got any requests..this is a real question Steve.

Name: The new (knew) me?
E-mail Address: 133 West 4th St. NY,NY. 10012
Date: 08 Nov 2002
OOOOOKKKKKKK.....seein' is how you asked nicely....I will dump the Tupper Ware Contract and hang in here. Fuck the Publishers of this world. Christ...(that makes 101%)....shit!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
SAy WHAT?? Came in from the rain soaked to the bone..ok the skin through my last 3 layers now trying to dry ariels room get the dogs off of me they're so wet like I need more? and I'm cold and all this what is this talk? this lovely nonesensical too beautiful talk? Go? No computer no here? what why or is it too much? is someone after you? or ha I'm getting cold now and so I need your flow who cares that you are in the past cause it's all here and now and love you even more so what does it matter STEEE-VE..WHAT?
Still undecided about this tepee's going to be a doozy and I'm doing this on purpose in this storm an ah i'm cold but I don't want you gone yet NO
clothes..silly clothes are magic are a prayer of who you are it is the skin that says this is what i feel inside LOOK

E-mail Address: proudblackpanther@creeping.marblehalls
Date: 08 Nov 2002
WVW (Iknow who). The midnight, as your Dearest of Dear Steve has come to realize, is the source of the human will to power, man's drive to dominate, control, and master his environment, not to adjust to it, for man cannot adjust to his environment. The effort to adjust is a will to submission, which leads to asceticism, to self-denial, to the desire to perish. The effort to adjust must always fail, for between man and his environment is an eternal disparity; man's mind is but an instrument of the midnight powers, and an instrument is necessarily other than the object it manipulates. Now the midnight is awakened from the profound slumber into which the will to submissive adjustment (the gratification of the oriented drive) had, throughout human history, cast it by its magic illusions.

Name: WVW (you know)
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
leaving the computer for the week end...back on Monday morning...ciao

E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002

Name: WVW 9you know)
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
My dearest of dear Steve...I will not and could not ever forget you...and I know we met for reasons of great importance that have not been revealed to yet. In reference to your statement regarding clothing...the following is a paragraph from the book "the crock of gold" by James Stephens, the book Free wheelin' Frank gave me...I found it on line today by a google search and I'm reading it again...I thought this fitting after you wrote what you did about "clothing"
"When he came to the edge of the pine wood he halted for a few moments, not being quite certain of his bearings, and then went forward again in the direction of Gort na Cloca Mora. It came into his mind as he crossed the Gort that he ought to call on the Leprecauns and have a talk with them, but a remembrance of Meehawl MacMurrachu and the troubles under which he laboured (all directly to be traced to the Leprecauns) hardened his heart against his neighbours, so that he passed by the yew tree without any stay. In a short time he came to the rough, heather-clumped field wherein the children had found Pan, and as he was proceeding up the hill, he saw Caitilin Ni Murrachu walking a little way in front with a small vessel in her hand. The she-goat which she had just milked was bending again to the herbage, and as Caitilin trod lightly in front of him the Philosopher closed his eyes in virtuous anger and opened them again in a not unnatural curiosity, for the girl had no clothes on. He watched her going behind the brush and disappearing in the cleft of the rock, and his anger, both with her and Pan, mastering him he forsook the path of prudence which soared to the mountain top, and followed that leading to the cave. The sound of his feet brought Caitilin out hastily, but he pushed her by with a harsh word. "Hussy," said he, and he went into the cave where Pan was.
As he went in he already repented of his harshness and said--
"The human body is an aggregation of flesh and sinew, around a central bony structure. The use of clothing is primarily to protect this organism from rain and cold, and it may not be regarded as the banner of morality without danger to this fundamental premise. If a person does not desire to be so protected who will quarrel with an honourable liberty? Decency is not clothing but Mind. Morality is behaviour. Virtue is thought--
"I have often fancied," he continued to Pan, whom he was now confronting, "that the effect of clothing on mind must be very considerable, and that it must have a modifying rather than an expanding effect, or, even, an intensifying as against an exuberant effect. With clothing the whole environment is immediately affected. The air, which is our proper medium, is only filtered to our bodies in an abated and niggardly fashion which can scarcely be as beneficial as the generous and unintermitted elemental play. The question naturally arises whether clothing is as unknown to nature as we have fancied? Viewed as a protective measure against atmospheric rigour we find that many creatures grow, by their own central impulse, some kind of exterior panoply which may be regarded as their proper clothing. Bears, cats, dogs, mice, sheep and beavers are wrapped in fur, hair, fell, fleece or pelt, so these creatures cannot by any means be regarded as being naked. Crabs, cockroaches, snails and cockles have ordered around them a crusty habiliment, wherein their original nakedness is only to be discovered by force, and other creatures have similarly provided themselves with some species of covering. Clothing, therefore, is not an art, but an instinct, and the fact that man is born naked and does not grow his clothing upon himself from within but collects it from various distant and haphazard sources is not any reason to call this necessity an instinct for decency. These, you will admit, are weighty reflections and worthy of consideration before we proceed to the wide and thorny subject of moral and immoral action. Now, what is virtue?"--
Ps my good man Steve...I will definately see you this week end...the rest of this book by the way is on line free...under worth a with warm regard, WVW

E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002

Name: -
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
<i> il like this</i>

Name: Lost Boy
E-mail Address: onuntilmorning@thirdstarontheright
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Dear Eileen, this is my last transmition. They fact that no one remembers me has prompted me to alter the chapter "The Purple Boy" into "The Invisible Boy" Forget??? can I forget the morning that I became a person???..I swung from the square framed cut-out and dropped to the wooden floor. One Black Bear girl screamed. I had slept the previous night in the attic crawl space of the main house. They wispered as If unobserved. The question was answered: "He's one of the Olema People". Thats as official as it gets in the tribe folks. I was in. I had Arrived. In reference to my odd activity prior to that great day, I see clearly now the primitive reasoning underlying the act of wearing sherry's fringed suede moccosin house slippers, her dad's (J.P.'s) white painter overalls, and Coyote's hat. It was a subconcious attempt to build a person. Namely, Me. I come to this conclusion after unearthing the following information about the theory of clothes. Clothings origin and influence, is a theory of symbols. Man is the clothes-making and clothes-wearing animal. When mankind put on fig leafs we became mankind, for that act sybolized our shame when we emotionally confronted sexuality. Naked mankind is not mankind; criminals goes mildly to their execution because judge and executioner wear clothes, symbols that they automatically submit to. Mankind is conditioned to respond to symbols of power, of social roles, of religion, of status, of everything that determines their behavior. Mankind is also the tool-making animal; yet mankind's most important tools are symbols. The visible symbols, or clothes, are symbols of the phenomenal self, or social role, but the the social role is but the symbol of the eternal infinite ego. To complete this scheme, the physical world is but the symbol of the divine. I could go on, get the picture. In closing...Eileen, Put me on record as saying that I would rather be forgotten by the Olema People than remembered by my own parents. Upon leaving for Neverland, I wish that I could ask you to never forget me...but under the circumstances must say, Never remember me...(now thats gotta be a first). You are loved.

Name: P.T.Hope Ed. I.P.O.C. Publishing
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Three Messages from S.R. Boyd via I.P.O.C. as follows; No.1 / West Village Girl,...Hey sister woman...The Super Human Crew are Revolting..(no shit,...Ive' seen them!)...(I told them that the Times are dropping the funny pages)...and as a result have gained their support in I Am Protesting against Anti-New York Times Reporting on Tues. at 9 a.m. The demonstration is in fact in direct retaliation for the shitty NYT coverage of the demonstrations in Central Park, London, DC, Frisco.....Will give Times Square location soon....Please tell any and all of your retarded friends to DROP THEIR SUBSCRIPTIONS! LET THE FUCKIN" TIMES KNOW THAT WE WANT THE NEWS! No.2 / Eileen,...Hey Mother Witch, no big shakes...All further contact should be made by U.S. Post Care Of W.S.U.M.C. 135 West 4th Street, New York, New York 10012. Any local drop-ins to my studio at 133 W.4th should be made promply at Midnight; as the bell will go unanswered untill then. At this time please be advised that I am contractually enguaged and as such will not contribute material (original or otherwise) to this web site. Fear not, my upcomming volumes "In other woyds: In Boyd's own Woyds" Part IV and Part II will be published in that order at different times in 2003. I think it only fair to leave you all with this: "O Man! Listen! What does the deep Midnight urge? 'I slept, I slept-, from deep dreaming I am awakened:- the world is deep, and deeper than the day has thought. Deep is the world's woe-, joy-deeper still than agony; woe urges: Perish! Yet all of joy wants eternal being, wants deep, deep eternal being!" Friedrich Nietzsche. No.3 / Travis: I offically Dub Thee: Grand Duchy if the quasi. And on that note, I offer you the following quatrain: IN a quasi CITY...CERTAIN quasi GENTLEMEN...RIDING quasi HORSES...HELD a quasi TOURNAMENT...

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Joe~Ask Eric for a copy. If he sent me the last one I'll send you mine. I mean how many times do I really need to look at it?
Travis, is there some way you can give me more to go on about our past? I mean it may not help, seeing as Steve has about rerun the whole movie and I can't catch it. BTW Steve, Kayanne can't place you either. I'll get around to Cheralynn later. But I have no doubt at all you were there.
Mark~By now you have seen the ocean!!!! Amazing isn't it?? It washed mounds of bull whip kelp right onto the roadway. I've never seen it come up so far. The ocean was totally kicking..the the next storm is not far behind. The surfers were just arriving as I was leaving..such maddness! But that's GOT to clean out your head and leave nothing but infinity! No wonder those people are so high all the time. Hope getting out there helped some. It's a good place to uum talk. A good place to let go and just receive. I bettcha you know this too.
Am giving serious thought to heading up to Humboldt for an all night tepee meeting tonight..such maddness! Probably should bring a surf board! Hope they have trenched well. I'll be back here in a few days if the roads are clear enough for me to get thru. Ooh I can see that storm coming in over my shoulder, as we speak. Hope I have battened down the hatches well enough.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Ahem. Is it safe to come out yet? If I didnt know any better Id swear Steve and Travis are in love. If he knows all of you why doesnt he just come right out and say so. Then again I would have stopped caring who he was a while ago. Who has time for it. How can I get a copy of that digger documentary? Can you leave it in the fountain for me Steve? (Laughing). I had to put that in so you knew.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Thanks for the condolence. I am headed down to the beach for a little renewal. I can feel the wave concussions from here. Steamer Lane is predicted to have 30 foot waves and Mavericks in Half Moon Bay is expecting 50 footers this afternoon. Very windy last night and early this morning. Got up at 4 am, got some coffee and stood in the backyard letting the wind and rain blast off the beach into my face. I love that air.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
PS School in '62 was in Boulder, CO

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Wow T~
I'm flattered to pieces you have been following what I have been saying and to your devotion to type all that out to me. Normally I won't do a read on the computer that long, but curosity will take me a long way. Steve, I don't think he was messing with me at all, but I love you watch over me like you do. With all that said let me tackle this and see if in fact we are on the same page.
".. to why countries so afflicted cannot probably ever approach a Marxian workers revolution." I am from Louisiana..old school Louisiana. Perhaps only a Southerner could appreciate what that means. When I was first at school there ('62) I was ashamed to say I was from La. I assumed the world knew how the Blacks were treated. No one could hardly expect them to rise up in the cotton, cane and soy bean fields (or in all other areas of service) and revolt!! The fact the Civil Right Movement took place and someone like King appeared, is staggering to the imagination if you really had a grasp of how bad things really were. I think the same thing can be said of Chavez and the movement with the crop workers. The truth be known, The Diggers were far from leaderless. The only thing that might be said is there were a whole mess of really bright men working together. Just as Emmett's name was often a vehicle (I never did figure out how that started) there must be a number of folks right on the brink of a "movement" at the same time. Just as King, Gandi (just finished that video after the power went back on last night) and Chavez..there comes a time when there is an idea..and idea, an understanding and an over view that is so clear, the action to take becomes obvious, it's need creates momentum and courage to see it through, the bottom line. But from history I know, it does take leaders and when an idea is in harmony with enough people, it catches on and sells like the best movie in town. But you know what? They are always well educated. This seems an important factor. I wonder if Che Guevara was?
We have a local monthly paper perodical called "New Settler Interviews" that I consider right up there with Amy Goodman (Democracy Now..if you're not following her, you should be) in the informed and useful questions this woman (Beth Bosk) asks. She covers Mendocino and Humboldt Counties peoples..and this area is a real hot bed of alternative folks who have a lot going I said we're not asleep at the wheel. She may be the only one really on top of what's going on here, and has been for quite a few yrs. I tracked her down yesteday to get an interview she did with a young man that was at the WTO action in Seattle. This kid is so well informed I just want to follow him around. Coyote and crew would LOVE him! He was in my daughters history class catching up on history from the Civil War to now. This young man told the story and spelled everything out so clearly and I want to share it here. I'm actually going to see if I can track him down and see if he will do something here on this site. It gives me a huge sense of relief to know there is someone out there like him, and others. As I mentioned over on "Discussions" to Fat Jake..the media is doing an excellent job of keeping what's actually brewing out of the papers. I won't even try to circle back to address my original thought. Onward.. have covered so much I hardly know where to begin and I'm not 100% clear of your point/s. Really, I am sorry to say that since you labored to so to get that to me. But I will just jump in here and hope I don't come off as a wing nut. First off it has occured to me if our cells are replaced entirely within 7 yrs..doesn't it stand to reason we could repatten and be healed of any sickness etc? That's why I think chanting, meditation etc is so gives us a vehicle to change our mind...just think of the possibilites! Our bodies ARE vibration. I believe we change, "correct" that vibration with our minds..but not with the same mind that made it ill. We have to make a leap.
"that this discovery may have importance in the cure of cancer.' The paper is only interested in the use of the idea, not the idea itself. Hardly anyone can understand the importance of an idea, it is so remarkable."..what a truely beautiful statment that is! I would say that comes closer to where I live. I generally am the one looking under the skirts of a situation.
God T, I so wish I could place you, you seem to be on the tip of my brain. But as my brain has replaced itself so many times this explains why I'm having such a hard time. HA!
Where I'm struggling here is this word "patter". I really could do without such a demeaning word. I still don't get the WHY of the use of it. It makes me cringe. I am aware when I say anything about UFO's, crop circles, David Blaine's street magic is real, channelings, earth quake sensing, solar flares (totally spin me out) and my notions of time shifting etc..I can easily be lumped in with the folks that are embarrasing, at best..crazy, believe me I'm used to it. My girls listen to me with miminum interest..I believe the word is tolerance. But they are with me on the psychic work we do together and astrology is more useful to our immediate needs than astromomy..I'm sorry but as intersting as astronomy is becoming (the photos from space are worth putting on your wall!) it's just not as juicy as astrology.
We all create our boundaries and limits and how they make sense of the world for us. Mine just happen to include little green men (ok they're not green) and things that go bump in the night.
When folks get spun and need help, who do they call? Ghost Busters! Believe it or not I can usually tell when someone just needs to be reeled in and when they got something real going. There is a difference. Sometimes we all walk that fine line. Me, I'm just letting it hang out there for you guys. Not all of it may matter to you or to what you think our issues here can withstand in content. But it is definitely real in my brain and I'm running it out for consideration! Shit, I'm 59 yrs old. At this point I'm put so many pieces together I'm going easy on you. HA!
So T, I'm running late here. I was hoping to get to the ocean as the sun came up to see what this storm has brought in. God I do love storms. I haven't even chanted yet. You got my morning focus. That was some good thought. I still prefer being served your own cooked up meat and potatoes. I supper applogize if I have entirely missed your point/s here. Don't give up if I have. RSVP
Steve~are you with me here? I don't know what this guy has done in the past to so irritate you..but we're ok here. Keep breathing! I'm thinking about your front steps being the lastest hot spot in town. There's this thing I do when I turn new soil and plant seeds and need to keep the cats out. I put in a bunch of brush or sticks standing up so they can't put their butt down. Am thinking about how to make your front stoop equally uninviting. Will get back to you on that.

Name: Dr S ponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Psalter thrust rope - I bet Steves feet smell too.

Name: Psalter Trust Hope / Editor "In Other Woyds: In Boyd's Own
E-mail Address: inpraiseofchrist@goldmine
Date: 08 Nov 2002
"....rejoice in the midst of tragedy." W.B. Yeats. So ends the entries of Steven Robert Boyd: a terrible crime, a frightful transgression, lies in the background and the past of this figure: but what it was we were never told, or at best were given only hints of. And these hints suggest a violation and destruction of another personality, or at least an attempt at it. It is not simple murder that appears to haunt him but the murder of a soul. The sense of chaos and wild deformation within is acted out by involving another human being, as if that sense could be justified or made real by drawing another into it. By the capacity of Boyd to involve another, the reality of that self-alienation is proved, demonstrated, made sane, and given an extaordinary power. And its power must be recognized and admitted; the aesthetic crudness and rawness of Boyd cannot be reduced to mere melodrama, anymore than Travis' input can. Boyd's entries may have the badness that only sincerity can give a submittal, but that sincerity cannot be denied, nor its force critically argued away. Alienation from man and nature, guilt before man and universe, are the problems Boyd must resolve; and resolve them he did, in of all things a comic, ironic epic, the unfinished Digger Guest Book entries. In parting Steve says: "Lets make it 100%...Fuck The World!"

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Hey Davy Crockett; that pixie sprite frowned and furrowed her brow at me also...(It's called "Readin' ya)...but you knew that. (Get over it)..keep fuckin' with Eileen: and you will "find out".

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Nov 2002
P.S. Hey Travis...It's a wash!!!...the Ailiens and ET's dont believe in you either!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Nov 2002
WHEN he has something to say to me??? Direct???...drum roll please..........Direct?...Direct??? cant handle Direct. Like I said before Scorpio; If you cant see it, smell it, hear it, eat it it, or fuck it: THEN IT AINT REAL. That goes against every thing that Im' all about. That goes against me.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Steven Palmer -- on your question of the gay/hippie intersection in San
Francisco in the late 60s. Have you looked at the Kaliflower publication? That will provide you with a wealth of research. Here is the link to my KF section:
Check out the scans of volume 3 and the tables of contents for the individual issues:
And, if you haven't read this gem, don't waste a minute, read thoroughly Deep Tried Frees which, apart from giving the history of the Kaliflower Commune, is also one of the most lucent statements of what Free meant to the Digger-inspired communes in the Bay Area in the late 60s-early 70s:

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Loaded Fruitcake?...what are freinds for? Damn Mark; not good news. Hope his things were in order. Shit, fuck the cats and squirrels; two ranchers (looked Chineese to me) from New Mexico brought the fuckin' Plauge with em' to N.Y.C. A Doc said that maybe one more day and the dude would have turned Nuemonic and contagious. Some fleas on their N.M. Ranch tested hot. Why couldnt they have visited Crawford Texas? (aint it the way?) Those fuckin' Red Chineese and their Commie flea circuses..there auta be a law. Hey, Im' not sweeping up the leaves out gives the Church a certain Dracula's Castle effect in the twilight...and what with some of the local Crack fiends constantly lerking, its a real fuckin' horror show. We dont seem to have the Jamaican porch monkey problem any more as they bust the boyz on a daily and nightly basis. There must be some kind of law about selling this close to a day care. Every pop-eyed Brooklyn and Queens Colonal Sanders fan seems to want to set up shop on my front steps. Whats that all about? Travel on a subway to stand at my front door for 18 hrs. a day? And piss all over my sidewalk?...Ya..MY sidewalk. I sweep up their busted glass, hose down their stagnant piss, pick up their beer cans, listen to them fight about money all night. You can add these Black, Tan and medium rare Bastards to the list. (Oh ya, dint forget to add their prime costomers..the White Cheese-Eating NYU students..if not for them, the Mooks wouldnt even cross the bridge). That puts it at about 60%. NEXT!!! Hey girl!...Ohio? comment.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: the penny dreadfuls
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Eileen. Stopping by the library today, two books (used books for sale) particularly caught my attention--I bought them both (Communion by Whitley Strieber and The Comedians by Graham Greene.) I address Comedians first. Starts with this quote from Thomas Hardy "...aspects are within us, and who seems Most kingly is the King." From his letter toA.S.Frere, "Poor Haiti itself and the character of Doctor Duvalier's rule are not invented , the latter not even blackened for dramatic effect. Impossible to deepen that night. The Tontons Macoute are full of men more evil than Concasseur; the interrupted funeral is drawn from fact; many a Joseph limps the streets of Port-au-Prince after his spell of torture, and, though I have never met the young Philipot, I have met guerillas as courageous and as ill-trained in that former lunatic asylum near Santo Domingo. Only in Santa Domingo have things changed since I began this book--for the worse." If you never saw the film it would be an excellent way to refresh your political exposure to why countries so afflicted cannot probably ever approach a Marxian workers revolution. Now to Communion. I ordinarily don't like to quote at length from a work, especially wholesale blocks of text; but, in view of my position on extraterrestrial patter--I would like to clarify my position. Strieber essentially does it for me, eloquently.
I have not as yet read the book, so I'll not comment upon the substance, nor will I even say that I agree with his point of view. I will say that I greatly appreciate the way he approaches a telling of the events. " (p. 57-- What I can say in favor of these transcripts is that they represent the response of an honest man to the efforts of a recognized expert in the field of medical hypnosis. One of the greatest challenges to science in our age is from modern superstitions such as UFO cults and people who are beginning to take instructions from space brothers. Charlatans ranging from magicians to 'psychic healers' have tried to gather money and power for themselves at the expense of science. And this is tragic. When one looks at the vast dollars that go each year to the astrology industry and thinks what that money could have done for us in the hands of astronomers and astrophysicists, it is possible to feel very frustrated. Had the astronomers been awash in these funds, perhaps they would have already solved the problem that I am grappling with now. I respect astrology in its context as an ancient human tradition. Still, I wish the astronomers could share royalties from the astrology books. I did not believe in UFO's at all before this happened. And I would have laughed in the face of anybody who claimed contact. Period. I am not a candidate for conversion to any new religion that involves belief in benevolent space brothers, or in unidentified flying objects as the craft of intergalactic saints--or sinners. And yet my experience happened to me, and much of it is recorded not in an unconscious context but in ordinary memory. If we are dealing with a new system of beliefs on its way to becoming fixed into religious dogma, the way the religion is in my case emerging, right into the middle of the mind with no obvious allegiance to it at all, suggests that real belief could be a totally misunderstood BIOLOGICAL process capable of occasionally issuing forth from some extraordinary and unsuspected structure of the brain far more concrete than Jung's collective unconscious. Thus, even if visitor experiences are an essentially mental phenomenon, to laugh at them or dismiss them as some known form of abnormal behavior when they obviously are not is in effect to be silent before the presence of the new. Science should bring its best efforts to this, which means good studies that proceed from open and skillfully dawn hypotheses. If mine is a real experience of visitors, it is among the deepest and most extensive as yet recorded, and I hope it will be of valueif they emerge. If it is an experience of something else, then I warn you: This 'something else' is a power within us, maybe some central power of the soul, and we had best try to understand it before it overcomes objective efforts to control it. What folows here are two transcripts of hypnotic regressions, covering my buried memories of October 4 and December 26, 1985. That these are buried memories and not imaginations worked out in the doctor's officeseems hard to dispute. The mechanism that buried them is no different from that which places any particularly terrifying experience behind a wall of amnesia. Beginning with Freud, the process of screen memory has been extensively documented. The hypnosis used on me was not qualitatively different from that used on police witnesses. And the same caveats that apply to police cases apply to this case--those and no others. It should be remembered, though, that--even given my earnest effort--I am describing what I PERCEIVED, which may or may not have been what was actually there. We really do not have enough experience with our reaction to extreme strangeness to know how we alter memories." ***********Now, I want to remind you, Eileen,of a different picture, within your memory at the house in Olema, and its significance to my life. It was a small picture, a snapshot, of who, I do not remember was the adult upon whose hip was Ariel, and she in full frown--wonderful in her furrowed brow. Peter( Coyote, not Berg) mused to me that her reaction was to the approach of a stranger. He wondered aloud if her facial expression was an instinctive animal/human reaction(a priori--in its truest sense within psychology) or a learned response. And within that context of psychological responses, akin to any experience of a transcendental experience( trancendent within the sense as to be beyond the range of practical normal experiences) that Strieber discusses in Communion, I would now like to include an observation by Richard Feynman. This is an excerpt from Frontiers of Science, 1958, taken from the Reader #1, The Project Physics Course, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1970, Harvard University: " It seems to me that we do think about these[social] problems from time to time, but we don't put full-time effort into them--the reason being that we know that we don't have any magic formula for solving problems, that social problems are very much harder than scientific ones, and that we usually don't get anywhere when we do think about them. I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy--and when he talks about a nonscientific matter, he will sound as naive as anyone untrained in the matter. Since the question of the value of science is not a scientific subject, this discussion is dedicated to proving my point --by example......................The same thrill, the same awe and mystery, come again and again when we look at any problem deeply enough. With more knowledge comes deeper, more wonderful mystery, luring one to penetrate deeper still. Never concerned that the answer may prove disappointing, but with pleasure and confidence we turn over each new stone to find unimagined strangeness leading on to more wonderful questions and mysteries--certainly a grand adventure! It is true that few unscientific people have this particular type of religious experience. Our poets do not write about it; our artists do not try to portray this remakable thing. I don't know why. Is nobody inspired by our present picture of the universe? The value of science remains unsung by singers, so you are reduced to hearing--not a song or a poem, but an evening lecture about it. This is not yet a scientific age. Perhaps one of the reasons is that you have to know how to read the music. For instance, the scientific article says, perhaps, something like this: 'The radioactive phosphorous content of the cerebrum of the rat decreases to one-half in a period of two weeks.' Now, what does that mean? It means that phosphorous that is in the brain of a rat ( and also in mine, and yours) is not the same phosphorous as it was two weeks ago, but that all of the atoms that are in the brain are being replaced, and the ones that were there before have gone away. So what is this mind, what are these atoms with consciousness? Last weeks potatoes! That is what now can REMEMBER what was going on in my mind a year ago--a mind which has long ago been replaced. This is what it means when one discovers how long it takes for the atoms of the brain to be replaced by other atoms, to note that the thing which I call my individuality is only a pattern or dance. The atoms come into my brain, dance a dance, then go out; always new atoms but always doing the same dance, remembering what the dance was yesterday. When we read about this in the newspaper, it says,' The scientist says that this discovery may have importance in the cure of cancer.' The paper is only interested in the use of the idea, not the idea itself. Hardly anyone can understand the importance of an idea, it is so remarkable. Except that, possibly, some children catch on. And when a child catches on to an idea like that, we have a scientist. These ideas do filter down ( in spite of all the conversation about TV replacing thinking), and lots of kids get the spirit--and when they have the spirit you have a scientist. It's too late for them to get the spirit when they are in our universities, so we must attempt to explain these ideas to children."************I really didn't want to quote Richard out of context, so you pretty near got it all, direct. I feel similarly, Eileen, as you do, in that I am not sure exactly what it is we are ti achieve here, but that it seems to be emerging on its own terms. I have a great deal more to say, but I a such a poor typist, that this effort has been exhausting, and I will rejoin this dialog a little later.. Steve: I don't have any idea who's fucking with you, but it isn't me--when I have something to say to you it will be direct...........T

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 08 Nov 2002
Orian~Nice writng. The first rain, first snow, etc is always a time I stop and clean altars, crystals, indoor plants go outside for a long awaited washing and I just stand around outside looking at the change in light, taking in the new air, turning around breathing it all in. Your poem was a nice part of it. Thanks

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Sorry Mark~You might want to burn a candle. Helps I think.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Sorry, the power went out here for awhile. The other news is that I have gotten word that I have lost another friend to alcohol and Hep C. I am kinda at a loss for words. The memories good and bad are rolling up on the beach so to speak. I'll be back tomorrow.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
No, I want to talk about today. Whoowhee did we have a storm! It rained and blew so hard I spent the better part of the day and into the dark nailing things down, moving stuff, covering stuff up and having to cover it again. Always transplant with the first rain..the plants love it. It got so dusty here I about couldn't stand this is the big hooray! The eletricity just went back on after being off for about 5 hours. That is SUCH a reality check. I love the quiet and candles but ofcourse the water pump shuts down etc. Couldn't find my raincoat so have been thru just about everything that was still clean. Now I'm chilled in my last 3 layers. Was having to ditch like crazy. Blew Ariels window open and soaked her bed and pillow..don't think I'll tell her. Up on the roof more times than I wanted with water pouring off down my neck trying to keep a tarp over a bad spot. I can hardly wait to see whats down the road when the sun comes up. Wonder how many houses ate it with falling trees and branches. That was almost was scary.
Steve~Same yr..a month later..Was living in Aspen and friend sends fruit cake with note "watch out it's loaded"..I thought she meant the rum. So me and my friend Destiny are hogging down and I start looking around at all these rich people and I get all bent out of shape and can't get out of the car and she has to get out and leave me. I'm alone tweaking and all of a sudden I realize I've about eaten this whole fruit cake and I'm so paranoid I can't stand it and I put my head down into my sweater..then it dawns on me!

Name: Steven Palmer
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
I am researching a book about the interface of the gay and hippie communities in San Francisco in the late 1960's. The history of gays and/or gay hippies in that era is underdocumented. I am looking to fill in that gap. The Cockettes are a great part of that story and have been very helpful to me, but this is not a book about the Cockettes per se -- it is their task to write their history as they so richly deserve.
If you were part of that epoch, whether straight or gay, and have something to say about your beliefs, attitudes, and experiences in experimentation in matters of sexual desire, please contact me. I want to hear a broad perspective.
Also, if anyone remembers the Psychedellic Venus Church in Berkeley, please be in touch.
Thank you.
Steven Palmer

Name: Ohio girl
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
The leaves on the trees are beautiful right now. We haven't had enough sunshine this Fall, but every so often a brilliant sunny day comes along to make the Fall colors shine in all their glory. At times I wonder why I ever thought you could only see how incredible nature is, on acid. I'm struggling with hepatitis C from bad habits in the Haight in the 60s, even one of our dogs has cancer. But you can't help being reminded, if you just look around you, what an incredible world this is.

Name: Steve........
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Hey Mark, I was into a fraction of the E-Mail that I recieved from about 54% of the world's population. Wow...what I want to know is....why dont they address the issue on site? Something tells me that there are alot of silent eyes out there. Why so shy? I can tell from their responses that they aint grabbing my address of of a bathroom wall somewhere. Hey, I dropped the freak who was posing as a Washington State sweety. Got a little to personal. Why the masks? Has this society gone into the closet? Peek-aboo! Its Odd..(cosider the source folks)...Hey, I just revised my 2003 budget, and I can squeek by just fine. Low profile. Use the under ground railway door to change addresses and do the slip-slide night owl act. Hey, the SLA folk just cut a deal. (Still one on the loose)...oh Travis! got some esssssssplainin' ta do! Hey, lets throw out a new topic. Uh....I dont know....Hey 32 years ago this month I was celebrating Christmas (a month off) with Bernardo and the Salt Lake Boys. God, a full ounce of Black Vietnamees weed in the stuffing...yuk! let me see...32 years from now...2034. That would make me 82 yrs. then I hope to be telling a new generation that none of this really mattered. (I would hate to think that it really does)......Matter; that is. Do you hear saxaphone music?

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Comments, I'll even talk to Mugu..sorry I can't help it.

Name: Mugu
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Do not think about this site. Mahi

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Please, Eileen let me correct you. Migrant is waving his "thang".
If you want to play ball you need to bring some dignity to the plate. The attitude gets you attitude.

Name: Twisted Mouth of the Olema People
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Did I say that Forty-Five percent of the word was pissed-off at me??? Hey, add the hunch-backs, Texans and the Mexicans (Texans turned inside-out), and that brings it up to at least 54%.....Thats gotta be a two day record. NEXT!!!...........

Name: Talks Twice of the Olema Tribe
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Hey Ignorant..(I mean Migrant)..Your whole speal reeks of Texas. I pick up on the Anti-Digger vibe. Your a Mother Fucker aintcha? Look Fart; untill ya' muster up the balls to label yer' verbal diarhea with anything that comes close to yer' real name...why dontcha just write to Anne Landers and leave it alone. I picked tommatos in Fla. and saw a bowed-backed kid who's hands damn near dragged the ground as he walked. He was an American tryin' to compete with the "Visitors". My first thought is: If I still worked the "Casual Labor Scene" Id' go where the money is..and fuck the border(s), but if you think for a minute that I could hike my ass to Mexico and horn-in on one of their jobs; theyed machete my white ass and serve me up with some of those dog meat tacos that they feed to the "Tourists". Who's grapes did you buy this week Tonto? "Production" is all the same machine. You seem to be sniping at the cogs in the wheel...It's a big assed steam-roller partner! I give 50% of my net income to charity. Thats 49% above the "Norm". Whether I buy Montana Bannanas is irrelivant. Keep yer pissy sugar cane poncho. Buyin' Mexican produce thats been fertilized with human shit dont rub me right. Admit it piss ant; You are "Curious" arent you? Fuck you Travis.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Migrant Worker~
What's your attitude problem?? We get your any solutions or you just need someone to wave your thing at?

Name: JOe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 07 Nov 2002
I have a back yard and a front yard covered in leaves. There are still a lot on the trees though in full color.

Name: Migrant Worker
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Forget the cities and jobs! You won't even have to worry much longer about Mexican farm labor. Since more and more fruits and vegetables are going to be imported from Chile (and New Zealand). Another reason why so many are coming here. Loss of jobs because American stores don't buy Mexican produce, one of Mexico's biggest industries.
Got a Dell? Call customer service lately? You'll get an Indian support person. Bangalore, India, Indian. No more squaking from underpaid American workers. Test the service here, then ship it overseas.
Keep missing the point. As things keep getting pulled out from under where you're standing. Stay emotionally reactionary. Be culturally chauvanistic. Keep living in the past.
See how convenient astral tripping into cloudy skies can be? Racism. (Political correctness.) Are still the best tools to separate people and control them. While you fight amongst yourselves, world trade and the global economy can be more easily downsized, reorganized, restructured, chemicalized, gmo'd and centralized.
Free Oaxacan corn!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Hope all of us in Northern Cal are dry this morning after the first storm of the year. Walking to work through fallen Sycamore leaves reminded me of a childhood pastime in the Midwest. This time of year in Ohio the ground would be completely covered in leaves. I'm not talking a smattering here and there. I'm talking MOUNDS of leaves. We kids would rake these into HUGE forts, mountains. Ultimately we would set the pile on fire. I'm sure the burning of Fall leaves doesn't happen anymore. But are there still places where the leaves blanket the ground? (And then the snow would come and the browns, reds, yellows would disappear under a sea of white.)

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Thanks for the link. Maybe we should try using this on the dumbass, boneheaded, self-serving, testicular deficient democratic "leadership."

Name: orion
E-mail Address:
Date: 07 Nov 2002
on the semiarid serengheti plain i've heard/
the animal habitants sense the first rains/
and anticipation builds/
rolling clouds darken the horizon/
then lightning and thunder break the suspense/
filling the air with supercharged ozone molecules/
semiarid california waits tonight on the pacific rim/
the human animal habitants sensing the change in seasons/
winter wet green hills replacing the summer dry season/
(gold mountain the chinese migrants called it mid 1800s)/
the hills golden in summer/
now wait for winter's storms/
the blasts of wind before the rains fill us/
with anticipation/

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 07 Nov 2002
Good Night all. We made it another day. Now thats saying something. Is everybody in? everybody in??...Is everybody in???

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Steve not only am i an aquarian 2/2 groundhog day, fred flinstones birthday etc. but i was born at 2:22. I dont know if all those two's entail anything special or it just makes me an extra potent pain in the ass. Now that you mention it , I have been known to piss people off from time to time. Now you got me wondering maybe my moon made me do it.

Name: Steve Gump
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Hey Mark; truth is; I dont think I could learn it. Ive' bull-shitted my way through some wild stuff, but it was nothin' next to this waterfall... As a kid they made me stand in front of the mirror and hold my cheeks (face) pinched in my hand while talking to myself. It was the speech teacher's home remedy to the "Problem" that I had of talking out of the side of my mouth. Thats the first time that I really connected with myself...(and the codine cough syrup, I think)...anyway, they seperated me from my soul mate (Anne Root) and put me through the paces. Thats about the time that I started to stutter. My old man had a short fuse on both counts and would whip me like a dog. I always had shit in my pants. Once years later while pheasent hunting, I held my grandfathers 12 guage at hip level, a live one was in the bore, I squared off on my dad, clicked off the safety and started rubbing the trigger. I was high from adrenaline as I thumped the trigger a few times with my finger. I was about 20 ft. from him and it would of cut him in half. I clicked the safety back on and felt that I had passed a milestone in my life. Its when that kind of self therapy goes wrong; the news reels cant begin to fathom. To this day, I wonder if I would have blocked it out had the shotgun discharged. Looking back on it. In a different culture (Digger Culture)..I would have mearly been named "Crooked Mouth" or "Talks Twice" and would have dug that. The square pegs round themselves out. I improvised my own system of five dotted rows in an effort to keep up in mathamatics as I never (to this day) could memorize the times tables. I feel that a simple abacuse could have solved my "Problem". It all makes me want to cry now. Hey, Eileen, Im' gonna try to bail out of the Holiday thing. It was supposed to be for two weeks at Christmas. Christ, I want a white one. And would be content with the memory of my folks last visit; even if its the last that our paths cross. All is forgiven. Hell, My talkin' (crooked or other wise) days are over...The last time I had any shit in my pants, I woke up next to some railroad tracks. (J.D. and Coke)...Hey I wonder if a mute studerer would convulsively "Double Sign??"...Hey, Joe. No hard feelings OK?. Come on over to the Peace Church Monday Night; November 25th at 8:00. The NYU Orchestra is throwing a FREE consert. If you are a high brow, I will introduce you to Barry Spanier and Roger Mahadeen. Works by: Mendelssohn, Brahms, Wagner, Khachaturian, Ravel, Williams and Tchaikovsky. W.S.U.M.C. 135 West 4th. Street. Fuck the crowd. We can do "Digger" heaven...(the balcony). And you cats at the car wash thought that I was gonna know!

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Ameslan (or American Sign Language, aka ASL) is the preferred sign language in the USA and Canada. Here's a link with pictures of the alphabet signs and good links for anyone interested in more information:

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Steve I'm over loading my turn here tonight but I got to tell you your comments on Florida make me laugh and laugh. I have to read it to Miranda..I think that's her view of me. I'm either too fast or too slow..there's no pleasing this kid. I'm sending her to live in HI in Dec. I'm tired of the lip. Now I know why my parents "let" me go to Boulder to school..they were way ready to get rid o my lazy, back talking, ass. BY Miranda, how can I miss you if you won't go away. Steve you going to stay in touch when you go to FL..when and for how long? How are we supposed to function without you?
That Tibetan report was not satisfying.

Name: Steve Sturn
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
OK,..lets say that the Aquarian population is one tenth of the world's population...and the Chineese (of any given zodiak sign) are maybe 25%...ah...lets not leave out the Nigs at the tens of thousands of Car Washes world wide...That comes to about...oh..Id' say about 45% of the world's population that Ive' riled. (and its only Wed.) Whooooh! It just turned Thurs. E.S.T. Well...45% down; 55% to go. A diggers work is never done!Aint it the way?

Name: Steve again
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
You forgot to point to your invisible wrist watch and hold one finger up....NOT THAT FINGER JOE! Hey, but seriously, I gotta admitt that the two Aquarions in question could both very well be exceptions to the rule...and ...well...they are both dear friends..(that tells ya something) is an aspiring writter and the other is a perspiring writter. Both very talented. I cloth the dude..(he refuses money) and was at one point hiding him out like a jew. I supply the gal with a ton of bootlegged food each week and she crashes with me (I take the floor) when she over-eats at the weekly beggars banquet that I personally sponsor for her highness. Seems she often cant stomach the subway ride back to Queens. In short, I support the arts. Dig? Its just maddening, when I try to drill something into their heads by actually writting two or three paragraphs; both of the fuckers will read the first few lines and hand it back and say, "Uh Hu"..."Sure"...I start jumpin' and stompin' the fuckin' floor! I push it back into their faces and they pull the same shit!.."Uh Hu"...Ya..Sure...OK..." Come on! I only know two Aquarians! We are talkin' 100% of the "Known Aquarian Population" here. Hmmmm....Im' gonna re-read all of your shit. Catch ya later. Uh hu..Ya...sure...

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: HeyJoe
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Steve you talked about unions a few times.....I think after the next two years the only unions you will see will be in museums. They will go after unions before they go after Saddam. As far as Social Security we wont have to wonder anymore if it will be there for us when we hit out golden years. It wont be. By the way Im an Aquarian. I gotta go I have dry cleaning to do.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Mark; I only know two signs; the peace sign and the finger. I use pantamime mostly.... and it's odd, I dont really use any two manerizms for trying to convay the same thing to any two people. Its as if I "Connect", or dont "Connect"...I know that its a burden for the "recievers"..but they Get it; or they dont "Get" it. Women seem the most perceptive. Nicole is scary. (In a wonderful way). Another gal here (also a Libra) is forever turning to me and and asking: "What did you say?" I naturally flip! It's like she can read my mind! (Nice Ass!) Opps! Busted! Now the Aquarians! Fuck..male or female they drive me into violent rage! Dig: I exit through the door, turn; an point to my wrist (as though Im' wearing a watch) and then I hold one finger up. Meaning: (I will be back in a minute asshole!) Well; heres the nearest Aquarian response to date..."Oh...Oh..Ya..I know how it is...I need to do some dry cleaning myself." This is constant..see what I go through?..I just cant walk out of the room without a word. My disability aint gonna' fuck with my manners. But back to the sign thing..I was going to look into American Native Sign, but was told by a heavy source that its, I pretty much stick to either the pease sign or the finger...but, lets not tell the kids. OK?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Greenhouse done. Got stuck on the roof of cabin when my lumox Shepherd knocked the ladder down..had to jump. That was kind of thrilling. Wood stacking next, in the dark. Mark, I hear all the words being said, but in the end there is not enough clear info or enough mind (on my part) to get my mind around all these issues. This is where I always run to Coyote, and no way am I taking this mess to him right now. How about Berg? I admit it, I'm a great follower when something makes sense to me. In the meantime I can't do much to sort this out. I think everything is so connected or overlapped at the edges, if you just start ANYWHERE that you DO have a handle on, it may cause a ripple effect.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Ah...Im' over my mood..It's just those Chineese...Christ! can play dumb: but you cant play stupid. NYC?? What the fuck am I doin' here? And North Sacto!...come to think about it, thats a long way to go for Bass Lessons..ya see, my childhood Original Friend is not only a super artist, he also played Bass in groups such as Ars Nova, Bo and the Diddlyites and also the Decoys. Is Nor. Cal. that fucked up??? Im' runnin' out of places. Hey, I found out that I didnt miss out on that sand painting after all. I just found out that it's called a Mandala and they havent even completed the 5'x5' platform for it yet. I just got an E-Mail from them which says that they have a two panel disscussion comming up with Tibetan hor d' ouvres, i.e. Momos...(Momos?)..hey, speaking of weird names...last night during the film I whipped out the ol' flask and spiked some fresh carrot, beet, celery and ginger juice with some 25 year old single malt scotch. Jumpin Jesus. I dont know what to call it...any suggestions? Man, I gotta get a juicer. It's fabulous! Hey, we have a two boiler system (over 100 yrs. old) shit the bed, and the kids in day care are freezin' their little hienies off. Im' moving all of the folding beds and shit from the back parlor into my space. Those little jokers will be whoopin' it up on the other side of the door for a few weeks; that should cheer me up. Still no new Tattoos...Ive' got a "Tattoo to do list"...A skiggle on Berg's third eye; WOW! What a life I lead. Im' not looking forward to Fla. on the holidays. Im just not into wrinkle rooms. That place is one big terminal zone. I remember watching an old cat take 15 min. to get 50 ft. across a parking lot while hunched over staring at his feet; he made the Tim Conway character look like Charles Mile-A-Minute Murphy. And what does he end up doing??? He gets in a car, takes another ten min. to fire it up, and drives off at about 3 MPH. Its like John Glenns last flight (the space craft was going 15 mph. with the left turn signal on)...Theres alot of misery down there... old misery. Its like Tarzan's Elephant burial ground. Christ..was getting involved with the family again the right move? Maybe thats why Sweet Lorraine wont write?...THEY LOVE HER!!! Shit. Goin' where I dont wanna go. It's that Impulsive Sag. Moon. Sure! Count Me In! Ya!,..sounds like a blast! Boy, I couldnt write it fast enough. I had been drinking wine...Mom is devious! Hey Eileen, Im into more shit now than when I could talk...Is it lonelyness? I swore that I would never fly again. Fuck! If and when I make it back to the Isles it will be by ship. Hey, they have cruise ships to Fla. Thats a really fucked Idea. Ya..or ...fuck it; I can level with em' and Lie about having a premenition of death by air. Lie to the folks...whats new? Thats what folks are for...Ya hear that kids?..if ya' cant lie to the folks; who can ya lie to,..Hmmm...I gotta think this out. Hey,..In re-reading this...I guess that Im' Not out of that mood after all. I dig writting; such realizations can be garnered. (thats the word..right?..Garnered? I love sounding smart. (allways have).

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Hey Steve,
I need some help. My stepdaughter is a school teacher. She is teaching kindergarten after 3 years teaching 2nd grade. Kindergarten students need to be able to know the alphabet to move on to first grade. She has two students that have trouble with this, one is on his second go-round in kindergarten, and after some testing the problem seems to be linked to visually recognizing the letters. A technique in helping kids get by this problem is teaching them to sign. Is there a good online source for learning sign language that the parents could use and is there a particular version of signing more accepted than others?
Thanks. Mark

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Churning is the operative word here I think. I got my 2 cords of firewood this afternoon, the rain is definitly on it's way. Firewood warms you twice, once when you stack it and again when you burn it. Getting the wood into stacks may be a good chore in the face of the contentious mood in the air. After the climax of the political season (turkey shoot)last night churning really seems to exemplify my day. It is in the air.
Trying to define issues and talk about them is harder than ever. I find that in even just thinking about an issue, in no time at all, it divides itself up into a thicket of overlapping and often contradicting problems. Just sorting out what to think and what to disconnect is overwhelming. Personalizing an issue brings distracting emotional content but distancing to become "objective" takes the heart out of it.
Ultimately I find myself clumping around inadvertently pushing one persons button or another, generally raising hell, trying on one hand to back up on one misunderstanding and on the other hand getting pushed out of shape from another. All of this then descends into noise. Nothing gets done, my feelings are bruised, the roads to understanding become an ambush and finally the despair settles in.
How does this cycle get broken? How does an intelligent dialogue that carries through to realization of common interests get done? How does the decision get made to act on a particular issue when the issue is connected in so many different ways to a whole truckload of other issues which may react badly to the initial attempt to work out the original problem?
Can someone enlighten me?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Dr Sponge Dear~ I would just love to be escorted to our friendly threesome rendezvous by Steve in his leathers and we in our red stockings. I think I'll wear a little one of those cute 30's hats with the tiny veil so as not to not be outdone by you! Don't mind Steve, I'm sure he'll come around. He seems a bit on the snappy side, don't you think? Must be some of those invigorating NY folks. heh

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Joe..well well, I'd rather have got me..but I don't like NY. I didn't say I didn't like New Yorkers though. You know some folks are West Coast People and some are East Coast People, I guess. I'm just a back water girl though, and New York is just a bit much!

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Hey, New York is invigorating. It stimulates creativity and interaction with others. You better be able to interact or you will get trampled. ( laughing)So many different types of people so many different ways of doing things. I'd rather have root canal than live in California

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Ok Illegal~
I've am still trying to beat the rain and get my green house finished before this storm hits any minute. But this interaction has been churning thru my head and I got to tell you I'm more of the same mind as Steve. In reality I have stayed pretty focused on my end of the world. I dropped out of the loop a long time ago and run my business my own way,as Steve also suggested I am in fact doing. I see one of my daughters still trying to make a difference in the courts and jails. My other I am showing her the ropes for running under the radar. I've got my gardens ready to feed us. Have made a nest for my friends and children if they need it. I take it as it comes and watch and listen.
Illegal, which I somehow doubt you are, this is your beef I'm afraid, and is really in your lap for solutions and creative alternatives. I'm now pretty much running thru the woods watching my back these days. You are living in the last place on earth I would want to live, (next to New York). The problems in that area start with the land being inundated with salt water, the earth quake situation is crazy making, the air is horrible, it's crowded and even more crazy than N CA. and the problems there I don't want and haven't a clue what do about them..the list is too long to bother with. The place your in is pretty much a border town. Border towns suck. I have really already said my peace before we got to this point. My feeling is you may need to do more research by considering what folks like Noam Chomsky or Howard Zinn has to say about these issues you bring up, IF you are really looking for alternative and a much clearer picture of what's going on. I like to try to stay informed, but I still can't put it all together.

Name: Chairman Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Im' ready to kick some bucked teeth out. These lemmings are continually locking the bathroom door behind them when they exit. Ive' unlocked the cocksucker at least 45 fuckin' times. Any Chinamen out there care to log on and explain this? I mean is it the Communist way? Make the desk man Cow-Tow?? Stupid fuckin' Chinks...Ya, who's stupid?..I gotta go unlock the fuckin door. Be right back.

Name: Steve Chavez
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Hey, I worked a job that ended up lookin' like Little Saigon. Blame them? Fuck no. "Black is fine; Tan is grand; But Whites the color of the Big Boss Man!" Who the fuck do you think is doing the Hiring??? It's our good neighbor "Mr. Jones". "They" are not fuckin' us! "WE" are fuckin' us! At Chevy they dumped a 10 gallon bucket of stagnant piss on a forman from 40 feet above. It knocked him on his ass. (aprox. 8lbs. per gallon)Whats my point? You dont get it??? Start pissin'...and think will come to ya'.

Name: Steve Sevant
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Au...make that "Shift Change at the Car Wash" know,..first shift punching out and second shift punching in. Hey Sponge, I told ya' I aint got no pass port and I do not (never have) used an Alias. Bring Eileen???...Ah...NOBODY brings Eileen yer' head up yer ass, or someone elses???

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: cosmic communique
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Aloha Friends,
I received the following e mail and checked it out and found $1500 owing my son's father! I sent the site to about a dozen friends and 3 scored big. now i'm sending it to all... This site came up with royalty checks, forgotten bank accounts, and stock dividends for friends.
Some state treasurer's office may have some of your money, per DateLine!
Check this out: for the links to states where you may have unclaimed property, old deposits for utilities you never claimed, unknown inheritances, you name it! (You have a whole lot better odds than playing the lottery!)
I have been amazed at how many people I know who have found monies in assorted state treasuries belonging to them or their families!
Pass it on!!

Name: Steve Boyd
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
IRAQ UNDER SIEGE. O.K. folks, before I get into this; I think that we can all agree that Sadam wedged this people right into the rat hole that they now find themselves in....but fuck Sadam; Im' talkin' about the people. Here goes. Ive' heard more than a few of the following people speak out live on the following subject. Check out this book at Title: IRAQ UNDER SIEGE The Deadly Impact Of Sanctions And War. Chapters by All Abunimah, Dr. Huda S. Ammash, Anthony Arnove, Naseer Aruri, Barbara Nimri, David Barsamian, Phyllis Bennis, George Capaccio, Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk, Denis Hallday, Kathy Kelly, Ranla Masri, Dr. Peter Pellett, John Pllger, Sharon Smith, Voices In The Wilderness, and Howard Zinn. DROP BUSH NOT BOMBS...NO BLOOD FOR OIL...NO WAR ON IRAQ.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Christ, Jobs?...I thought that renege ment "Shit change at the Car Wash". Fuck; I worked in a factory where you could wear flip-flops and stripe to the waist, no eye, ear, or face mask protection...they thought that OSHA was the latest designer drug. Best fuckin' job I ever had. I lived with three different women in the same dept. (Two layed me off and one fired me). It was an eight hour party. Getting drunk and slapping a bucket againsts a dudes head did not constitute actionable termination. Bottom line....We all got fucked by foreign competition. Now they are having ALL of the fun. Fact is the Govt. sponsored us for retraining in another field. Am I sore at the slaves who "Stole" my job? Fuck No. It aint personal. The outfits like Nike' and such just found bigger chumps. I was a fool to even jump into that cess pole in the first place. My advice to the next generation? Walk away from the Gut-Wringer...Sell dope, sell yer ass, beg, borrow and steal....dont survive; endure! Christ; talk about personal...Im' covering the front desk tonight for a friend..and get this! The fuckin' place is crawlin' with Chineese. These pukes wanted to crash the place one hour early in order to decorate for their event, but naturally didnt' book the time. I pulled the ol' stupid mute routine and locked there yellow asses out. Now its bitch, moan and groan. One chairman Mau type smiley boy tried to con my ass into unlocking the piano. I wrote, "Its not in your contract to use it"...He said "Im' from N.Y.U.! I wrote; "Ya, I can tell by your accent!" These cats are out to fuck anybody they can. Like I said; I take my laundry to the Italians these days. Hey, back to "Other" people "Stealing" our jobs. WE WOULDNT??...YA BET YER SWEET ASS WE WOULD" I never held it against anyone for bettering themselves. Get a job the old fashioned way...STEAL IT PEDRO.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Christ, Jobs?...I thought that renege ment "Shit change at the Car Wash". Fuck; I worked in a factory where you could wear flip-flops and stripe to the waist, no eye, ear, or face mask protection...they thought that OSHA was the latest designer drug. Best fuckin' job I ever had. I lived with three different women in the same dept. (Two layed me off and one fired me). It was an eight hour party. Getting drunk and slapping a bucket againsts a dudes head did not constitute actionable termination. Bottom line....We all got fucked by foreign competition. Now they are having ALL of the fun. Fact is the Govt. sponsored us for retraining in another field. Am I sore at the slaves who "Stole" my job? Fuck No. It aint personal. The outfits like Nike' and such just found bigger chumps. I was a fool to even jump into that cess pole in the first place. My advice to the next generation? Walk away from the Gut-Wringer...Sell dope, sell yer ass, beg, borrow and steal....dont survive; endure! Christ; talk about personal...Im' covering the front desk tonight for a friend..and get this! The fuckin' place is crawlin' with Chineese. These pukes wanted to crash the place one hour early in order to decorate for their event, but naturally didnt' book the time. I pulled the ol' stupid mute routine and locked there yellow asses out. Now its bitch, moan and groan. One chairman Mau type smiley boy tried to con my ass into unlocking the piano. I wrote, "Its not in your contract to use it"...He said "Im' from N.Y.U.! I wrote; "Ya, I can tell by your accent!" These cats are out to fuck anybody they can. Like I said; I take my laundry to the Italians these days. Hey, back to "Other" people "Stealing" our jobs. WE WOULDNT??...YA BET YER SWEET ASS WE WOULD" I never held it against anyone for bettering themselves. Get a job the old fashioned way...STEAL IT PEDRO.

Name: woodstock rape
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
I was in Woodstock this summer. there is a huge contraversy over the monestary at Overlook Mountain. I went up to the place. It's fine now but they want to make a sipritual resort up there. The road can't handle, there's insufficient water, there's all kinds of problems, though the biggest is the road and quality of life. Yes, a religous theme park resort.

Name: west village girl (woman)
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Comments has gotten even more bizarre and I'm not sure how to communicate...with warm regard,

Name: west village girl (woman)
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Comments has gotten even more bizarre and I'm not sure how to communicate...with warm regard,

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
To the girl from the west village,
All is well here. A little time will sort this out and since the political aspect surely has gone into the dumper your contributions to our (list members) conversation have taken on a stronger purpose.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Alien --
I know we in the North call it LaLaLand but yr description of current corporate hiring practices is too bizarre to believe. Can you back those claims up with any evidence? I know racism is alive and well in the good ol' USofA but even so, I have my doubts about "It's a trend in companies to have departments all of one race or ethnicity." There are laws and they get enforced. I was on a jury two years ago that awarded the largest employment race discrimination damages ever in history, so I know a little bit whereof I speak.
As for the overpopulation question -- that's a separate issue from the immigration issue. The human species is overpopulating everywhere. What we've got in California is not overpopulation it's a traditional American story of the newly arrived bringing their cultures and the inevitable clashes that result. I don't really believe that the next generation of Mexican-Americans is going to want to cede the land lost in 1848 back to Mexico. But that's a cultural posture that scares the hell out of the rightwing. Speaking of right wing, the Republican onslaught was not due to the immigrant explosion. If anything, the Dems probably held onto the California governorship because of the Latino vote.

E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
so steve can you make saturday night it will be a good pissup and the albert is still a great pub - bring eileen too

Name: Illegals All
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Yeah, I can't dig your tone either. Or hear your solutions. Just sounded like oh those poor farmworkers. When most immigrants in this country live in cities. Confusing? Yes. This conversation, like the subject, goes all over the place. No one's point of view actually defined. So many elements to it. If you want to send the aliens home, that's your bag. I never said or implied anything of the sort. Those are your words. I will say I believe the mass immigration has to stop. There's no where to put all these people. There's a housing and job crisis where I live. As I mentioned before. They're concreting the whole place over. Overpopulation. Yep. You can say it. Glad you did first. Cause its one of those things people are afraid to talk about. Like the issue of immigration. Here, in LA, people all over say its time to stop. Doesn't matter what color or ethnicity. Except those newly arrived won't say much. I remember when the Sierra Club took an overpopulation stance in the 90s, then quickly dropped it. Too politically hot, afraid people would turn off to the environmental issues if the population issue threatened them. So, sacrifice an important element for the bigger issue? I still don't get that one. Sometimes you have to say the hard things, or take a stand, whether its "popular" or not. Isn't that what people complain about in our politicians? They never say anything, tell you what they think, or what they plan to do. Once in office, things play themselves out. If people can't even discuss things, nothing will ever get resolved. Could be wrong, but what I see Becerra and Molina doing is pushing the envelope of population. Taking power by numbers. For what purpose? I don't know. When you ask, they won't say. They won't even let you ask the question. Seems thats how politics are being played out now, people know, but don't say, constituents just go along, hoping its what they think it is. Nothing is clarified. No solutions presented. They talk about jobs, but don't Create them. They can talk till their blue in the face, but it won't bring companies back into the area. You should hear what management says internally about the place, living in LA. They don't want to deal with the problems here. Too many poor people, minorities, immigrants. Then another view, by a dyed in the wool Republican says send em all over, America will have the cream of the crop. When asked about what happens to the countries they leave, he says, so what? Its a trend in companies to have departments all of one race or ethnicity. People only hire their own. And companies let them get away with it. Everyone groans, Kaiser only hires Latins, this place you have to be black, the accounting department is all Chinese, all the high level managers are white. Ask the groups about their hiring practices, they say why not? So much for equal opportunity. It hasn't changed the thinking or behavior, rather its being played out as "now I can do the same." Then Blacks sue Texaco, win job security and pay raises, the whites have a fit, the rest don't say anything, but the policy doesn't change, Texaco keeps hiring "family". It is overwhelming. Meanwhile, while we fight with each other, the resources trickle down and are drying up, and the money and power flows up to an elite few. So much for democracy. It'll get worse if it gets better. In regards to answers, I wait to hear yours. I will say-I know it's a hard pill for most to swallow these days-but I think people need to get over seeing their concerns so selfishly and step beyond their personal boundaries. We're all in the same boat. We're all losing by working our personal preferences.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Illegal Allien~
What I do know, is I lost one of my favorite jobs because it went to Viet Nam or some such. The businesses in the US are moving to other countries..that's why there's a shortage of work, right? But I hear they are not improving things in those countries and exploiting the people for the most part. Why am I not surprised? Did someone say there's enough work for everyone? I missed that. I know that more folks are having to take part time jobs so the employer does not have to pay benifits. Not to mention taking jobs that have nothing to do with their field.
Water? Now that's an interesting issue I don't have a full grasp on either. But I do know my favorite river is being bled dry by being sold to the farmers and towns further south of us. Have you ever looked at how the watering is DONE?! Half of it evaporates before it hits the ground. Like gas we are needing to rethink how we're using our resources. I know here on the Northern West Coast, our rivers have been getting significantly lower for yrs, long before the water was sold, cause we're stupid and have let most of our trees be cut, instead of continuing to select cut. Then there is less salmon and the ocean fishermen are hurt (not to mention the salmon). And the mills are closed cause they cut all the trees (duh). I could go on tracking this. As I see it, everything and everyone is interconnected, when you start looking more closely. When there's careless use (WHO US?) the reprocussions just go down the line and circle back and whack us in the ass.
There's certainly no shortage of stuff. Been to the dump lately? (Or my parents basement, your parents attic or my workshop?) I think our problem is a hording mindset. As we tried to point out from the get, as Diggers..there is enough to go around. But more and more it is getting obvious even within our own families we really need to take care of each other. Can I say the word, over population here? Over population of the world. We can't continue like this, without coming up with some better ideas about how we live. Or the other hand with the dread diseases, and killing each other off maybe there is a balance being kept..but that's a pretty default way since we humans can't figure out the algebra.
I guess I'm getting confused by what you have had to say. There are things we agree on that I'm not sure you realize we agree about. But a tone I can't get into. I can't help but wonder what part of the country you're from? And exactly what is your point? And do you have any solutions floating in your mind besides sending all aliens home? Cause we better all start packing if that's the case.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Want to remove the "Border Problem?"...remove the fuckin' Border!'s that simple. We were raised thinking of "America" as "East" to "West"..that is , "We" started in the "East" and butchered everything and everybody who got in the way of our "Western" expansion. But folks...look at a fuckin' map...(Sure, I know that the ones that were drilled into our heads in grade school ended at the Canadian and Mexican "Borders"...but AMERICA is rightfully (Geographicaly) "North" to "South". I wont get into it here, but ask any peasant in "South America"...he will tell you when its harvest time in So. Cal. and even the names of the farmers...his wife will also tell you which Hollywood celebrities Illegal maid just got deported. My advice?...GET HERE..WE'LL DO THE REST.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 06 Nov 2002
Election Day 2002 Batten down the hatches the storms a comin.

Name: Illegal Alien
E-mail Address:
Date: 06 Nov 2002
It's interesting that y'all see the issue of immigration as being only Mexicans. But since you emphasize it...
I would like to know why your roommate left Mexico if Alta and Baja are the same. Why then would it be worth the "two days of hardship walking through the desert" to come north? Could it be more reflective of the class and caste structure in Mexico? How about the attitude towards homosexuals in Latin countries? Have you seen the Gregory Nava tv series? (The guy who made El Norte.) Edward James Olmos, the former Teatro Campesino (who's really a city boy) now practicing Tibetan buddhist, in his role as the father said, we want all of the Southwest to be Spanish-speaking! I know Mexicans who won't watch the show, that are being impacted by the competition for jobs, don't have health or any kind of benefits, are several generations into being American, and don't want to turn the Southwest U.S. into another Mexico. That's why they're here, to get away from there.
And I have to have a hearty laugh! I don't think the conditions of farm labor has change much since the 60s. When's the last time you held a job? Or even had to work? The workplace has changed tremendously in the past 35 years since I've been in it. Workers being paid less, management taking more -- sometimes all, as we've seen from Enron, Arthur Andersen, Adelphia Cable and other examples. Yeah, as some digger said in his writings, they're turning the US into an oligarchy. (Sounds like an expression formerly used to describe Latin American countries. Spanish-speaking colonies, such as the Phillipines.) Rich and poor. No in-between. Conservative values issued from above. And don't you ever consider that those poor people standing on street corners, or whatever fantasy that you have of them, aren't competing amongst themselves as well? They're as human as you are.
I get the impression that you believe just because someone is an immigrant from Mexico that makes them pro environment, pro gay, and fond of hippies and women's liberation. Did you notice how many Latins ran as Republicans in today's election? Or when Cruz Bustamante used the "n" word and got away with it? Gloria Molina, a county supervisor, voted down green space in East LA. House Rep. Becerra, when he ran for mayor, said we need more growth, build more places for more people to move in to. Where's the water going to come from? The water tree? And gas and oil? Wood? Plastics to fill these new homes with? Then he says we need more jobs to stop the grafitti. Why would he say that if there are enough jobs as you infer. (21 corporations moved out of LA in the 90s. That's jobs out of the area, not in.) Have you talked to kids in their 20s and 30s? All have friends that are out of work. Things have changed considerably in 30 years.
I see that new immigrants are more interested in money and acquiring new things, keeping up with the Joneses, maintaining racial boundaries, than in sustainability, personal liberation or Walt Whitman. Even the ones from Latin America. And that concerns me.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
As regarding the "hordes of immigrants" argument as to why the counterculture may be forgotten, I live with a Mexican man who was born in 1966 and he is in all aspects reflective of children of the counterculture that I know. He listened to all the same music, watched the same pop movies and shows (although being in Spanish he was under the impression they had been produced in Mexico) as he was growing up. He just happened to be born on the opposite side of an artificial border, which random happenstance of life he changed at the age of 16 when he walked for two days through a desert to finally reach a remote railroad track which carried him to a new life. Besides, all this land (California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado) are by rights Mexico Alto. What do you think Thoreau was protesting when he ended up in jail?

Name: Steve Ebbert
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Wind Horses: A Review. Two thumbs and a big toe UP! This is the first film that Ive' seen where the cast and crew requested not to be in the credits for fear of their lives. Ya' hear that Spielberg?, ya' hear that Capolla?, ya' here that Wertmuiler? Mr.Thupten Tsering; the cat who pulled the whole thing off has balls as big as prayer wheels. He conned the Reds into thinking that it was a music vidio. They kept the Officer of Affairs (who they had to pay to bird-dog them twenty-four hours a day)busy with Magazines, fast food, and tea while they fucked em' where they breathed. By the time the Red Threat demanded to see the footage, it had already been pipe-lined to the U.S.A. In viewing the film, I personaly detected an underlying tension that oddly seemed to manifest itself into a certain calmness; a rather morbid calmness; in as much as subconsiously actors were acutly aware that the Images of themselves that were being documented may be in fact the last visual evidence of their very existance. Ya' hear that Hoffman?, ya' hear that DeNiro?, ya' hear that Nicolson? In sum up this motion picture in four words: "Victory to the Gods" P.S. Hey Eileen, Im' with Mark...let it flow like liquid for more class clown. Tell us a bed time story. We would all sleep sounder. Tell us what could have been. Once in a land far, far away........

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Illegal Alien~
Ok let's talk about that. You ready to pick and plant grapes, mile after mile, and all the back breaking crops machines can not touch in the hot sun day after day, that have been sprayed with poisons for the bugs? Are you ready to go into the warehouses and stand all day sorting? Are you willing to stand with the lines of men standing along side the city streets waiting for someone to give you any kind of job at all, day after day? I don't know much about all the areas illegal aliens cover. But you can be sure even poor folks are not rushing for these jobs. Are you ready to do this work no one else will lower themselves to do, and have no rights, generally not paid even minimum wage, not speak the language, have minimal if any of the most basic care given in this country? Are you ready to risk your life for it? And how about those that have made it into a decent paying job always having to look over their backs to be swept away? Did they take a job from you? If my taxes are going to educate their children or pay they medical bills I am more than happy. I'm grateful. Cause I do not like giving my money for the military or stuff I have no idea where the heck it is going. What exactly do they need to know about our history that will make this a better place for them or for us if they are not seeing it by the way they are treated?
Anyone here want to address the WTO, Fair Trade Agreements etc?

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Bring on the airing, please. Your honesty and opinion can energize, hopefully giving a sense of acceptance to others who can step into the light for all to learn from. Isolation over the years breeds tentativeness, and atrophy of the once limber communication muscles. The media has been a tool for decades for minimizing and marginalizing the effects of the counter culture. Many of us have been silent victims of this mythmaking. This tool has been in the hands of those seeking to reclaim what was forever lost. It has been used by the political right, fundamental christian groups, and military/business corporate power houses to hopefully walk us all back to 1959. It is a foolish and dangerous intention, as we all can see much clearer now with the power of the information exchange hyped up to once unimaginable levels. This clearing of the general view of our cultural/political/economic self exposed very clearly the how far we have really come and how hard the right will fight and how scared they really are.
I just spent the day working in SF. I was around the Mission District and PDF all day running errands and I can tell you that the counter culture is not dead. It is alive, it is vibrant, most of all it is empowering.
Come out, come out whoever you are and tell us your story with the pain, with the despair, bring it all for all to see.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Keep talking Eileen

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Whoooh...Ive' got 15 Min. to beat it over to see the Movie. Will do a Rex Reed on Acid type critique in the a.m. Latter Ya'll. Ah...hey George...Ah....I was just kiddin'...(sure I was)...Hey Jed, go fuck yer' brother.

Name: Steve Nader of the Green (make that MEAN) Party
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Nov 2002
As self appointed Presidential Candidate for the Mean Party; I hereby declare that George Bush is dangerous at any speed. My solution to this insufferable situation?...Ah...How about the majority of registered voters, just not vote for that Cocksucker? Hum...Then again, It didnt work last time; did it?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Soul Man~
I have held much pain over that time as well. It is why I am here chatting it up and at times addressing these issues from my perspective. I decided to stick with it because by talking about it is giving some relief to the thoughts that I have shelved. Thoughts that a long time no one wanted to hear. We all came into that time with our own needs and expectations. I can't help but wonder if some of the feeling of loss isn't just natural in anyone passing from the idealisms of youth into maturity. Because in the larger sense we did not fail. Consider this. When one does anything that is going to make a REAL change, there is always opposition. Whether it is a change in one's personal basic belief system internally or whether it is a larger change desired in one's society. If that change was not something that was not going to make a real impact, there would be no opposititon. Why would there be. One can almost guage the importance of the change by the amount of opposition.
In some martial arts there is a technique where the force of the opponant is used to throw them off balance or one is able to simply step aside sending them falling on their face. I think that is what we were trying to do as Diggers. For the time we were active on the streets, I think we succeeded. There was also the notion of infiltrating society, just as the gov't infiltrat/ed some situations. I think we have done that by stepping off the street and into the world, implimenting the best of our visions where ever we are. Society has changed and we are still kicking up the dust. Anyone who grew up in the 50's knows we threw the direction things were going entirely off course, never to be the same. Up to that point society in general felt the gov't could do no wrong. A lot over time is being questioned and there is a real restlessnes for something better. It is the youth now we must contiually look towards and make sure they get our support and encourage them to think for themselves, to put our minds and energies together. We made mistakes. We learned from them and have that knowledge to make corrections. We are not asleep at the wheel.
I hope you take time and add more of your thoughts here. We all hold a piece of the puzzle. Some us, like myself need to say the things that are unfinished so we can perhaps reevaluate some of our thoughts with others of like mind and experience, that have become too internalized and need some air.

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Hey Dubbya!! call off yer' boys. A Real Estate office is one thing...a Fuckin' Church is another. Unions? sure...FBI?...piece of cake..One of the most Radical Fuckin' Churches in America??? Ya, tell me another one. Fuck the Middle Eastern Muslims..its the Western American Christians who will give you one in the brain pan, you Hate-Mongering little piss ant. Hey Jed,..Fuck you too!

Name: Silenced Steve???
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Dear Village Girl; Well; seein' how my run of the mill Presidential Death threats have all been side-tracked...I dont find your delema that surprizing. Fact is several prize winning revolutionary fuckin' Papal Bulls by the self appointed Pope Of Greenwich Village himself have been lost in Space. (Im' sure that they will surface at my Trial)...Hey, try this on for size.."DIGGER CONSPIRACY-FEDS GRAB PEACE CHURCH COMPUTER" "UNITED METHODISTS OUTRAGED" Hey Sister-Woman..FEEL FREE to kite your stuff from this site anytime after 6 p.m. Hey, if they pull the plug on me, my "Accusers" will be faced. They dont want the front page...believe me. DIGGERS HOLD WHAT DIGGERS HELD. EXTRA, EXTRA,..GET YER' FREE PRESS...GET YER' FREE PRESS HERE FOLKS...

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Steve myself ,robert russell, glyn winskill and ged wainright are meeting up for a drinking session in the albert pub in lark lane ,aigburth liverpool at 8pm saturday you are more than welcome to join us just jump a plane to john lennon airport liverpool and a quick cab ride to lark lane first round is on me. tell eileen she is welcome too.

Name: the gjirl from the west village
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
To those of you who recieved my forward yesterday...I got an e-mail about it this morning...from said person telling me off and since then all my files in my work computer have gone missing...we have the expert here from our server company looking because they're all work related (real estate) He said my forward was brought to the attention of his "captain" etc. etc.
I'm staying away from the computer altogether for a while...Steve I'll come by and see you soon...they have a carnivore program(soft ware that gleens names) so I am not even using my name...but in the mean time, with warm regard, me

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Thanks for your insightful thoughts. Let us not forget the reaction of the right to those new ideas and personal freedoms which continues vociferously to this day over 37 years later. All you have to do is put on Fox news, it takes less than a minute for the roots of problems to be laid at the door step of " fuzzy headed" 60's leftovers or liberals. If you think about it, based on their strong reactions to this day, they have been really shaken up by the changes begun then. By the way , how can I get a copy of that documentary about Diggers?

Name: Illegal Alien
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
And immigration, flooding the country since the 70s with millions who had no experience, connection, memory or care about what happened previous to their arrival.

Name: Soul Man
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Thanks for that overview, Eric. It is so painful to remember, much less discuss with the old crew that were involved both culturally and politically. The way you framed it, and what Eileen had to say, ... makes one think ... Can't say much more, just think about the question Joe raised -- what happened. The police repression, and Cointelpro, did a lot to end what was going on. It seems every group in the country was infiltrated and broken up by agent provocateurs. Check out the LA Times article about the Panthers that came out in the late '70s. At least 2 of their central committee were agents. I was shocked that they printed it. But I guess they already knew by that time, around 77-78, that things were over. A couple more things popped to mind when reading your post, like the timeline of events, which reveals a lot. The media and advertising came out with their "alternatives" to ours. Look at the history of tv shows. The agressive campaign to take over the imagination, sub-conscious as well as obvious, starting with "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous". Then the rich bitch shows, not only shifting the thinking towards "greed is good". But the behaviour of people, women bitch-slapping each other over a man, all of the cunning and deceit used to win, beat out the competition, personal value placed on externals, etc. From there to now, even the titles reveal the message: Survivor, Elimidate, Dog Eat Dog, Fear Factor. And the music, not just Gangsta rap, but all forms of dark, violent, "hard" rock. Hard drugs and guns in the schools and on the streets, emergence of a new style of (extremely well-organized) gangs, drive-bys, car-jackings. Our kids grew up in such a violent culture which I don't think we get near to understanding. The antithesis to peace, love, creativity, beauty, grooving together. One other thing, the disinformation campaigns such as many variations of "the sixties are over", and "Jane Fonda is a traitor", "Vets were mistreated and spit on by anti-war demonstrators", "the Holocast never happened". All bull. The complete opposite of the truth.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
As I went to sleep last night more floated up in answer to your question. I forgot to mention the fact that folks were ODing. Yes I did say drugs were messing with our focus. But I think I need to make it clear to anyone that may have missed it..folks were dieing. Really there was absolutely no sense of our mortality. So that fire storm Steve mentions..death was also part of it and that can really mess with the party. Don't ja just hate that. Steve, you are so funny. You have such a gift with a picture. HA!
I think part of the spreading out, was there got to be too many roosters in the barn and too many cooks in the kitchen and too many cooks and roosters mixing it up..which can be a rather messy situation. Now now folks don't saying I'm copping an attitude. I happen to know not all was happy in paradise at all the communes. Yes for many of us THIS is where the turning point took place THAT Joe was asking about..because face it, THERE WAS a change. And in my eyes a failure, a face forward stumble..certainly a hole in my bucket. I wanted to see communial living succeed. Yes, we did set the ground for communes in the future and yes a few communes made it..but not with many of the major players in place. The communes became a brew pot of discontent. And the fact is, if we had stayed nestled in our communes we would have not spread out with the gifts we would bring into other communities. It needed to happen. But I think HOW it came about, was not from a greater vision. We just kind of blew apart because we couldn't get along (and I know this was so at other communes as well) and it took a long time for the rend in friendships to mend..if they did at all.
The men individually were developing their ideas and it was getting harder for them to get along. The women were getting tired of the musical chairs in the bedroom, and sharing the well as backing their men in the in their own personal visions, if they were going to stay together at all. When you start getting towards the end of your 20's there is what is called, astrologically, a Saturn Return. It's a kicker! It can put a real damper on ones loose ends and really makes you look at your life with a cold eye and serious up. By your 30's you better have your shit together or it's going to be one bouncy ride. We also needed a real way to make, We had children that were starting to do more than be cute babies and the free ride was definitely not free. I think in the end HOW we chose to make a living is what sorted the apples from the oranges. And this is where I stay damned impressed. If you follow the lives of not just the Diggers, but of many of the visionaries of the '60's you will see in the end they have fine tuned and stayed true to their original vision..whatever it was. To me this is the real test of an idea..can you live it out? Do you have the cajones to tough it out when no one understands what you are trying to do and can't see how your going to get the money you need? Or do you find a way to bring in money some other direction to fuel that vision until it can get off the ground. Can you hang in there or get lost in the shuffle? And as I said, these folks have created something of their own making from the ground up and truely given something of value that was not there before and continue to do so. Funny how the Universe can drop kick you where you're needed and you best have meant it. Yep, be careful what you say you want, you may just have to make it happen.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Well said Eileen - but let us not forget "media" and the CIA-FBI double-triple agent moles as factors in the breakdown of the counter-culture - dark forces beyond our control making friends in hip high places - freely distributing nefarious (highly adictive) substances and invasive thoughts to a vulnerable crowd of youngsters looking for the 'pot' at rainbow's end. Bless our pointy little heads!

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Joe, that's a really good question. There definitely was a feeling that the world or at least this country was on the precipice of some mighty change. Who's to say it didn't happen? There's a term I use, "persistence of the counterculture" to describe cultural influences that can still be seen today which are a reflection of that change that took place. Mark hit on it -- there are still very committed people doing very committed actions. The counterculture was about "lifestyle" and if anything can mark the change in American culture 35 years since the Human Be-In, it is in people's lifestyles. Start thinking about how you live, eat, work, love, recreate. Some of those ways are undoubtedly evolved from the hippies.
On the other hand, you are right in the sense that there was a general feeling of disappointment toward the mid-70s. Especially for those on the more political side of the spectrum. The Vietnam War went on way longer than anyone imagined. We never legalized marijuana (to this day, imho, one of the tragic undone items on the 60s agenda). We never completely healed the racial divisions in this country. One of the things I keep meaning to write about is the police repression in the 60s. There were constant busts, and in some ways it drove the counterculture back underground. However, there were new liberation movements that came out of the era -- women's liberation, earth liberation, gay liberation, etc. But all those things were political. The counterculture was primarily lifestyle-oriented, alternatives-oriented. And yes, there were disappointments at that level. Look at all the 100s of communes that started out strong in the early 70s that never made it to the 80s. Why was that? For some who lived through those changes, it's still too painful to discuss. And, of course, the darker specters of the age -- drugs and AIDS killed so many. In some ways it really is as if we lived through a war and the veterans after so many years can finally embrace thinking of their long lost compatriots and what might have been.

Name: Michael McCracken
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 05 Nov 2002
It was a cultural fire-storm, but often the hottest flames cool the fastest. As a true spark of the Revolution, Eileen's embers are still warming many hearts. Keep stocking the hearth folks. It's comforting on the cold mornings. Being a boy of the 60's and not a man of that era; here's my first hand acount of it in a nut shell, (And I dont use the term lightly). Boys and girls; Things were "Happening". Im' not talking "By the Week"-"By the the Hour", "By the Day"...or even "By the Minute"...Things were "Happening" by the SECOND. It was down to the wire. Even a cat nap during that era seemed like a month in the country. Thats where it was at...Oh,...maybe the fact that the room would fill with an odd eether smell as everyone would slam against the nearest wall, slid down and clump limplessly gasping for breath as the hair stood up on our heads and our hearts damn near pounded out of our chests...Ya, it was second by second alright. Lets see "That Seventies Show " pull that one off. (What would they name the eposode?) Back To The Future????

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 05 Nov 2002
Eileen answered the question about the longevity of the counter culture well. It is alive and evolved, not the short- lived flash point of the Haight/Ashbury, but difused and assimulated into the cultures. Follow the trails from the communes into the environmental movement is one illustration.
I think the Digger documentary with the inspiring interviews of the original Diggers goes a long way in destroying the myth of the demise of the counter culture.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Oh, that will be a fun one to try to answer. There may be a politically correct response to this good question, but I can only answer in a more personal manner from my view of things. Pretty much yes, to all you suggested. Yes drugs I think were a factor. Hard drugs came on the the streets after the first few yrs and slowly ate away our at our focus. But the first few yrs were something like a new love affair or making a new friend. Everything was new and the outcome unknown and wide open for experiment. With time, more entered the picture and what was an experiment, a fresh experience, started taking on more reality. As Diggers we never intended to strap ourselves to the "play" we were producing. We were developing ideas that we hoped would take on their own momentum. The Counter Culture as a whole could not sustain itself at the degree of just straight up partying that was generally going on. There were many groups though, that had developed enough together of a vision for the future, that they started looking for a way to make it solid. Around I think '68-'69 folks started moving out of the was getting pretty harsh and I think we felt we had done pretty much all we could do there. Folks started looking where they could find a home to begin to fill out that vision. Thus the back to the land movement, as it has been called. Communes were established. Each with their own purpose in mind. There was also a fair amount of traveling going on. People started buiding traveling trucks in the process of looking to where they would settle. As that happened, women started having babies and within a few yrs things started getting more serious.
But back up a step here. There was the Red House in Forest Knolls and Olema, where many of the Diggers went. Olema came about because Peter Coyote was there and there was a farm house and land and out buildings. He thought he had gone out there to recover (by himself) from I think his second round of hep. But Peter had something about him that would make people follow him to the ends of the earth..and hey, Olema was just an hr out of town. Since he couldn't get rid of us, being a flag bearer of Free and all..the place started filling up and we started to see if the idea of Free could be lived out in a different and more challenging situation. I think this was the only commune that came together by default. It wasn't to grow soy beans or have a spiritual family. It was to take the next step of the Diggers out to whatever we could make of it. But you did not ask about the history of Olema. So this is to say the Counter Culture continued to flourish around the US and Calif, although the center was no longer SF and the media didn't have much of a handle on what was going on, so a lot of folks thought it had disappeared. Not by a long shot!
I think in the end, it was having children that put the capper on the idealism and really started the next stage of development as the kids got older. Some people just kind of paniced I think and went, now we've got to get real, and went back into what they'd walked away from. But there are many that continued to develop their ideas and looked to where they could be applied in their communities. That has not stopped.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 04 Nov 2002
While you who were there at the beginning are here and at the risk of appearing silly, I've always wondered when did you realize that the counterculture had gone bad, that it wasnt going to work. By all accounts there was a time when somethingrevolutionary was happening, when hopeful visions for the evolution of culture in a positive direction flourished. When something big was in the air....What changed all that....was it sudden...was it gradual....was it the drugs...did it get too big too fast...was it just part of getting older and having more resposiblities?

Name: Proyet Uuave Tutu
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Where is this thing and how can i find it yes in your country many things but here not much for my people free. How do you understand this in so rich a country as yours "all things free"? Your country even poor are fat and lonely while here embarassed nillions starve thru povertys way! Why do you not think of yourselves so instead of the peoples of wealthy nation?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
"What if there was a war and no one came?", has been my mantra today while working on the greenhouse.
Back to work. This is starting to look like a work til it's too dark to see you can see I'm not exactly devoted to this project.

Name: An Old Friend
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
The universe is a point between our eyes - in all directiions - everywhere -an aperture if you like - and where breathing is "the one and only" thing we all do together in every living moment. And so my friends of old and new acquaintances here in print - let us breathe as one - and remember to exhale! Long live the spirit of the time(s) in all of your hearts and minds. Thanks for the memories - an old friend

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Direct hit. You immediately brought to mind the title of a Van Morrison work called "No Guru, No Method, No Teacher." I have chased down lots of stuff, in my stumbling way, finding that whatever the hot item I am following inevitably loses it's way. I am doomed this way I think. To me it has become very much like the auto parts junkyard. They have a "pick and pull" policy. Bring your own tools, find what you want, take it off yourself and take it home. I have finally determined that as soon as someone states that this is the only way to do something, I am in for a run down that dead end street. A Bay Area Icon, (Hog Farm guy) said it best pitching a presidential candidate, "Nobody has all the answers."
What I have taken from Zen, Buddhism, Tibetans all who have tremendous tools and parts to offer the west is the power of centering the self. First it was learning, or more correctly remembering how to sit undistracted with my self. Our culture is hell bent on driving me away from myself, through media, religion, or whatever. The prospect of having to sit in quiet without outside stimulus to busy the mind is cause for serious fear for a good part of our society. A radio, television, busy work, anything that can keep the self from emerging in the moment. Second, in agitated or anxious states, when a crisis of some sort erupts, finding the peace needed to calm the soul or self is in the moment. Being able go to the moment is a powerful tool. I think Peter Berg's poem posted awhile back is an excellent example of centering.
Anxiety and despair, self hatred, fear, guilt, regret, and all the "demons" that can raise their voices to a chaotic rant seem to reside in my past, or are setting up shop in the future. Both of the states of mind appear theoretical to me and trying change them was difficult because they don't exist in the moment. Learning to quiet the internal dialogue was a tough lesson, I thankfully found this early on after following clues left by Kerouac, Watts, Snyder, and the like.
Techniques for finding the spot between the past and the future are an individual affair. "Signify everything you see", chanting, breathing patterns, mandalas, lots of stuff is available to learn. I remember in Hawaii in 68 I stayed in a place on Maui. I was stranded, penniless living on a remote beach called Makena, someone said a Yoga school in Haiku would let you stay for 2 weeks and feed you if you would participate in their method. Hunger is very good at driving me towards spirituality. It was called the Haiku School of Nirvana Yoga. One technique I learned there was to listen internally for a buzz, a vibration or frequency or a ringing. It was similar to when you jump into cold water and a high pitch vibration in your head goes off for a few minutes. The focus of the awareness should try search for and amplify that vibe, then realizing that it is a group of sounds, to focus on the loudest one making it louder and clearer. I have used that one many times after spending lots of energy fucking up my life and then getting to the work of putting it back together again. I have had to save my own ass way too many times.

Name: Steve again
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Keep Breathing...Hey thats some solid advice! Where there is a will; there is a way...and you my Dear have Both. Hey, Fuck the war...Achtung! Scooter freaks; I just got the spec sheet on that Engine. The Angel's are selling it for Rolling Thunder. It's fresh up with 0 miles; built by Peter. It's an 84 Cu. In. Pan Shovel with Delcron Cases, Andrews Gears, B-Grind Cam line and Webber springs. New valve job and dual-plug heads. Late model oil pump, new generator and a new SU carb. LIKE WOW! I dont dig disc brakes, but go fast bikes need stop fast breaks. Back to the ol' drawing board. Any body spare a pair of steel bottomed shoes and a parachute?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
"God is In the center of everyones chest." EXACTLY! I don't know about you, but there are times when my brain and/or emotions drive me crazy and I need a (healthy) way to direct the traffic when it is running me to the ground. The I Ching says "The light is dependent on something to which it clings, in order that it may continue to shine." I'm not really so interested in lamas or monks or gurus or whatever. It is against my nature to get tangled up with following anyone, cause they invetably blow it. But something as simple as my own breath and attention, as a way to center my monkey mind is the only thing that has kept me on this planet.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Well, I took a nap and didnt wake up in Solitary..So..Hey Joe; Damn good Indian Joint on 6th Ave near Waverly Place, I eat that mush with no problem...and yes; the Good Doctor and I do the E-Mail thing; but he (she) remains behind the mask..(could be George W. Himself)...but I think the cat has feelings and hope that He (she) drops the monicher and Introduses him (Herself) and gets a fresh start. Who would know?....and the Autobahn??? Wow, I was doin' at least a buck when somthin' zipped by. All I can tell you is that it was red. (and Gone). I missed Berlin but spent some rainy days in Munnich and dug the Penochetech. Cold, Grey, Nazi Architecture....WOW,.. The glory that was once Rome. Speaching of which; America has just equaled itself with that empire. We are now the most hated nation on earth. Jesus was a victom of it's capital punishment. I dont know where Im' going with this..Hey "Eillen".. As you should have gathered by now: I dont know much about anything and a whole lot about nothing. (Thats why I keep it light)... Christ only knows why Iv'e been where Iv'e been, gone where Iv'e gone, and done what Iv'e done. Take Olema Ranch for instance; I dont usualy know how heavy the crowd I run with is; untill about one quarter of a century later. Maybe I should give ya' all the scoop on the Monks who Iv'e horsed around with in 2027...think so??? Im' into the unspoken, unwritten, unsaid, unheard; and not neccisarily in that order. One Million Souls: One Million Faiths: One Million Religions: One Million Snow Flakes. One Million Smiles...I dont expect you to follow me...It's a journey we must walk alone. A lonesome Valley, Dig? My Dali aint no Lamma, He's the one and only Salvador Dali; who once said that God is In the center of everyones chest...Anyway, I urge the parents of our American offspring to instruct their sons that there is a letter with their names on it more deadly than Anthrax. Its a Draft Notice. You boys feel like shootin' some one, Off a Draft Board Official; theyve' taken more lives than any Abortionist that I know of. Want war Crimminals?? Hang Henry Kissinger on a street light pole! Oh, Hammond; that friend is my Brother (we have the same Mom and Dad)...He turned me and Dad on to grass in the late 60's and clued me into a group that he had seen on the West Coast..(The Doors). At that point I was into Nolan Strong and the Diablos, the Girl Groups and Detroit Sweet Soul...(not too cool for a 15 yr. old white boy), I kept my musical tastes secret..I stretched it a bit with the Rightious Brothers and Johnny Rivers though...Well, Stan got me into the Bau Brummels real quik, and upon my untimely departure from the Public SchoolSystem I shacked (I dont use the term loosely) up with the President of the New York City branch of the Rolling Stones Fan club. (she was a "Lorraine"..but not "THAT" one.)..we lived in a three room shack with 23 cats and 3 large dogs and a whole lot of pissy Rolling Stones Albums, Letters and Memorabilia. We heard wedding bells, but she had a stray husband, so...well..Ding Dong. Where am I going with this???? Ah...Any More Questions?

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Steve - if your California bound friend - in search of med. pot can't make the scene there - tell him to come to Portland. We are med. pot friendly here (no pot clubs though so street prices still rule the outside) but with card (easy to get) you can grow your own "medicine" (7 plants) and legally carry an ounce (your emergency supply!) at all times - with up to 3 ounces at home. I was one of the first 1400 (as of end last year) but now there are nearly 5000 cardholders with more to follow you can be sure. Cost is 150 bucks per year with a doc's note. Cheers - H.

Name: Eillen
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Ummm Steve~
Not to get picky but this Zen deal is not necessarily Zen, it's Buddhist. It's interesting you (one) can be all around this and not know or think to ask to get down and learn what they have to teach. It is an odd twist of fate the Chinese gov' do I say this without underplaying the atrocities..have unwittenly given the GIFT of the Dalahi Lama and the Tibetan relegion to the world. Up to the point of being driven out and having to flee for their lives, they did not leave their monestaries. They have a message and a path that is badly needed at this time and I do hope that you find your part in it.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Steve you dodging these raindrops? If there is one thing I can do is eat. Dont forget the Indian places on E. 7 St. That will get your nose running! Im glad you know what Sponge is talking about. Because I dont. Am I missing the decoder ring? Dammit, I have to keep going in the cereal box till I get to the prize next time! Is it an emperors clothes kind of thing? Do they e mail you on the hidden meanings? Did you have to take a lot of Acid 35 years ago to tune in? Speaking of which, how thick do you think your Secret Service file is? I wanted to take a trip back to Amsterdam when Im out of the job, which may be soon . I drove with a fraulein from Berlin to Amsterdam a few years back on the Autobahn. Talk about getting out of the fast lane in a hurry.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Nov 2002
My Good Doctor...I see talent there. Please send in some serious stuff. Cut loose. You seem to possess the us your true nature. Write a poem about about a poem about a poem. (That auta keep him busy folks)...but really; show us yer' stuff. These are dangerous times. We need poety; more over, we need poets. As far as hittin' the Green Freaks when they are down, all I have to say about it is; get yer' asses out of the Jungle and into the Streets. Save yer' ass first and the trees are bound to follow.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Wow; thanks for the skinny on Georges lates back-stab. This gestopo shit is gettin' scarry. The media has been slowly breaking in the Amerikan Public; who are at this point so numb that when georges royal guard drags us out into the street, the nieghbors will line up at the fence and start singing "Bad Boys, Bad Boys...whatcha gonna do?...whatcha gonna do when they come for you??"..Nik, I only felt at home in three places; New York, Venice, and Amsterdam. It's narrowed down to two. Im' going for Pass Port pictures in Mid December. Hey, Eileen, I will gather any and all written Material and or Info on obtaining or sponsoring a showing of the film; as I may tend to re-write the plot. (you know, circled wagons, hot house wives, Indian raids...etc.) Anyway, your interest in the Zen deal has spurd me to be more attentive of the Eastern drift, and I will keep the site updated. Man, thanks again for the E-Mail Nik, Im' pissed now.. Ill' jump Bushes ass if that prick gets within five feet of me. I'll hammer his ass with so many rights; he'll beg for a left. I told you all that that little cocksucker is bustin' the unions and the fuckin FBI. Wake up peasants! KING GEORGE II is creating a Realm. Our ansestors fought his kind. LIVE FREE OR DIE. DEATH TO TYRANTS. Hey George, have a pretzel on me.

Name: Dr Sponge
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
sausage, mash, burger and goose fat
Abou burger Adhem (may his tribe increase!) Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace, And sausage, within the mash in his room, mash it rich, and like a lily in burger, An angel writing in a burger of goose fat: - Exceeding peace had mash burger Adhem burger, And to the presence in the room he sausage, 'What writest thou?'-The vision raised its head, And with a look made of all sausage accord, Answered, 'The names of those that love the Lord.' 'And is mash one?' sausage Abou. 'Nay, not sausage,' Replied the angel. Abou sausage mash low, burger cheerly sausage; and sausage, 'I pray thee, then, Write mash as one that loves his fellow mash.' The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night It came again with a goose fat wakening light, And sausage the names whom love of goose fat had burger, And lo! burger Adhem's name led all the rest.
perhaps a little ambitious but it comes across well. I must work harder on my use or lack of ascenance

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Yes indeedy I do remember Albert quite well. Didn't know he signed you, and didn't know he died. Guess I didn't know him quite as well as I thought ha!. God nobody tells me anything..but that's usual..out of sight out of mind, what can I expect? This isn't at gavetch (you know tha Yiddish word that sounds like clearning flem) at you. But it is true folks tend to treat me like I'm dead unless I (said loudly) make the effort. When I complain I get a bunch of guilt trips..I didn't know you cared blah blah blah. Gee I could say the same! Now where was I? Nicole that's an incrediable story! You know the Tibetian practice is not my own, but I hold it in high regard and am facinated by all the stuff they do. I have heard there is going to be a Tibetian monestary built over the hills from me in Laytonville. I would love! to know they're there. They have a pretty strong following with some of the people of the Hog Farm over there as well. I just like the idea of the energy and change it will bring an already extrodinary valley that needs to be used for more than pot growing and ranchers..not that I have a problem with either..but it's such a special place.
Steve~I heard some part of an interview about that movie almost 4 yrs ago when I was living in Albq, NM and have been keeping my eye out for it every since, with not luck. I REALLY want to see it and will be waiting with great expectation for you to tell us what it was like. If you can pick up any tapes of them chanting would you snag one for me? Mine finally wore out.
Looks like we may get our first rain of the season..and do we need it badly. Got to cover the green house (easier said than done) and batten down the hatches..bring in the fire wood etc. Later y'all.

Name: Steve the Hun
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Nov 2002
DEATH TO THE PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Pop a cap on those Yellow Devils. These Red Book Butter-Heads has butchered more than 1.2 million Tibetans; destroyed more than 6,000 monasteries, imprissoned thousands of civilians, and are now raping the environment and dumping nuclear wastes. Tibet has been transformed into a vast military base while George is geared up to nuke a desert....(real bright)...Oh, I forgot: Theres no fuckin' OIL in Tibet.... I call upon the punks and pussys who climb Mt. Everest; (because it's there) plant a fuckin' bomb on yer next girl-scout outing. Hey George; the day you lock asses with the Red Party Hacks is the day that you can count me in on yer' own brand of Texas R.O.T.C. But, hey...they might shot back..right??...ya, little shit stain. Bush...and this goes for yer' Ol' man,..untill you can fight for truth, justice and the American way; stay the fuck off of West 4th Street. Now for a ststion break: / / / / / Nuff Said?

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Eileen,Steve, do you remember Albert Grossman? he was Dylan and Janis's manager and signed me to his record label, Bearsville, later on...he gave his offices over to Peter and Emmett to use the phones etc and gave us money to send to Sienna when she was in the Canadian interior...became a father figure to me...always a supporter of diggers...anyway, he called me frantically one day and asked me to go into town (woodstock) and buy him 7 white silk scarves...and bring them up to the house in Bearsville. When I arrived, there were 7 high ranking Tibetan monks...he had invited them to Woodstock to consider Overlook Mountain as a place for their new digs and the scarves were gifts for them...shortly after that Albert died...but he left money for them to build their temple...and they's beautiful and a replica of the one in Tibet...they're a peaceful presence in that town and they felt that Overlook Mt. was very holy as did the Onteora Indians of the region. They did not live there, but felt it was sacred ground and that to sleep in the shadow of the mt. was a gift.
and steve I'll try to come on Tuesday...Nik

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Nik, Count me "IN". Please let me treat you both to an evening out, or..."My people could contact your people"..and we could do lunch Baby....Breakfast??? The Waverly on 6th Ave & 8th St. has good food cheap and has bottomless coffee 24Hrs. We could do the 3 a.m. Steak and eggs thing...How about around the first week of December??...Hey Black-Lung Joe; you up to it??? Actually, Im' not too keen on trying to eat in public..(as little kids usually mimic me and catch hell from thier folks,)...but soup or pancakes is cool..and I can drink anything thats wet. Hey, we could hit "Tea and Sympathy" over on Greenwich Ave. Pure English! The Boss Lady cusses like a sailor and will throw yer ass out on the street at the first sign of any horse shit. Its a hole in the wall with pure vibe, if you Dig the Brunch scene that is....Hey; theres also a great Burger joint over on University Place. Hey Nicole; If you are interested in that Tibetan film..boogie on over to 12 Waverly Place (off Washington Square Park), Its in Room 17 at 8:30 p.m. this Tues. Night. Later. Steve

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Morning all,
Say Steve, I think you, Joe and myself should get anyone who logs onto Planet Drum and reads the dispatches Peter has sent out will be able to smell the earth and feel the humidity and hear those birds and feel that breeze. When I read his words...I am in Ecuador.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Eileen; I got in bed with the Buddist's (figuratively),..after a whole gang of em, crashed in my back parlor and were given a healthy dose of Olema Hospitality. They had walked on up from the Pentagon in D.C. They blessed me and kissed my ass in general. A Monk laid a pair of socks on me (not knowing that I was sockless)...It was like a Cancer Clinic Jamboree, Bald is as Bald does. I also hit it off with a bevy of local Japaneese Buddists and helped pull off a Peace Thing on the One Year 9-11 thing...pluss a neat little wing-ding for some visiting Political exiles etc. The Students for a Free Tibet dug my new style Zen-Digger-Bouncer technique and pulled me into the ranks, but my "Buddist-Boydist" Ideology just about "riled every one". I have been skipping most of the meetings; But Im' still their inside connection to the Peace Church and I host their rallys and cultural events here. (Big turnouts)...great kids who are getting involved. They still invite me to the happening...I missed out on one hell of a Sand Painting of sorts...I cant remember what its called...but I may get back involved. (for the good of the Tribe, if nothing else). Will keep you posted).

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Eileen; I got in bed with the Buddist's (figuratively),..after a whole gang of em, crashed in my back parlor and were given a healthy dose of Olema Hospitality. They had walked on up from the Pentagon in D.C. They blessed me and kissed my ass in general. A Monk laid a pair of socks on me (not knowing that I was sockless)...It was like a Cancer Clinic Jamboree, Bald is as Bald does. I also hit it off with a bevy of local Japaneese Buddists and helped pull off a Peace Thing on the One Year 9-11 thing...pluss a neat little wing-ding for some visiting Political exiles etc. The Students for a Free Tibet dug my new style Zen-Digger-Bouncer technique and pulled me into the ranks, but my "Buddist-Boydist" Ideology just about "riled every one". I have been skipping most of the meetings; But Im' still their inside connection to the Peace Church and I host their rallys and cultural events here. (Big turnouts)...great kids who are getting involved. They still invite me to the happening...I missed out on one hell of a Sand Painting of sorts...I cant remember what its called...but I may get back involved. (for the good of the Tribe, if nothing else). Will keep you posted).
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Name: Steve Cameron Swazey
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Will Do Eileen!..Its this Tues. Night, a few blocks from my place. The film was partially filmed clandestinely in Tibet and partially filmed in Napal. Co-writer, Director, and long time activist for Tibetan Independance, Thupten Tsering will introduce the film and Q&A afterwards. As always folks,; you can count on an indepth Digger rundown, encompassing a precise, acurate, detailed, and at times enthrauling account of the riotous antics and mad-cap miss-adventures of those baffeling baffoonish robed wonders and their bald but bold side kicks, as they take it lying down and lick the hob-nailed boots of those chubby little Red Chineese. Aint they cute in those uniformes folks?...and those thumb screws and three foot long bayonets!!! What a scream!!! But, hey; I will grab any and all pamphlets to relay this cat's message verbatum; You can count on it.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Bt the way Steve~would you give us a report after Windhorse? I'd sure like to be there for that! Is it just coninkidink that this Tibetin opportunity has come up or is it always right there avaiable at your door step? Anywho go there and think of me and bring it back here would ja?

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 04 Nov 2002
Steve you had me rolling right off my chair. Its good to put things in perspective. Man you just gotta laugh at life. I got most of this crap in my lungs in one sitting. Thanks again for the heads up Eileen.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 03 Nov 2002
Hey Joe, Ive got a healthy sprinkling of Mica Dust, Wing Tack, and Raw
Pine Resin, (the powdered shit that will actually heat up in your hand
while forming a solid again) from slaving in a glue factory. Concrete
dust?..(Fuck, in Fla. we had to hand cut the bags open on many a windy day
while perched in the scoop of a front loader, due to silo malfunctions,
all ya' had was one good breath, we looked like New Guinnee Mud Men. ( lets
here it for the right to work law)... Asbestose?..Ditto..during the early
70's every Mr. Jones on the block was bootlegging it out of their
basements, and as a result, the back of the garbage truck looked like a
snow storm white out at times. I was also a lead burner in Woburn Mass.
(soft metals fabricator), cowboy (unlucky) boot had a hole in it and I
had a perpetual black toe from the lead dust. I got a healthy dose of zink
in my blood and lost my sense of hummor as well as the little math skills
that I had. (It hightened my abstract thought !
patterns though)...I could go on, but would peg out the Ol' Believable
Meter....but in the final annalysis; I deserved everything my Scab-Ass
got; and why?... I didnt hold to my roots. ie."FUCK THE BOSSMAN!...UNITE...Color May Ass "PROUD TO BE UNION" STRIKE; STRIKE;
STRIKE. My Ol' Man was in the original Wild Cat Strikes of the early 50's.
He booked to Buffalo to walk his WWII GI Veteran Hill-Billy ass on the
Picket Line so I wouldnt get Fucked. Little did he know that I would end
up Fuckin' myself. Speakin' of fuck...Fuck you General Motors
Corporation...Flint's a Ghost Town now...but down Ol' Mexico way...well,
like I said years grandkids will swim the Pecos River to reach a
higher standard of life. Death to the Suits who sold America. Fuck you
Chevrolet; I never worked for you...I "Labored" for Organized Crime. The
saving fuckin' grace of the working stiffs. Hail the Mafia. Why is America
FREE???...(because Crime DONT pay!). Steve Boyd U.A.W.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Nov 2002
I stongly suggest you go to Dr Clarks site and email her people with this
info and ask for possible advice. I have a pretty strong (and long)
background on alternative medicine. There is no one that covers ground
that no one has else seems to have figured out how to address, until I
came upon her info. While RNA's suggestions are good, but they are the tip
of the iceberg in what's needed.. epecially in the case of chronic illness. The most evasive illnesses and debilitating problems to cure are her speciality.
I had the opportunity to meet her a yr ago when she was in hiding from the
gov't and got to watch her work. She is a researcher and is light yrs
ahead of the best research out. I tend to beat my head on a wall most of
the time trying to promote her info because it seems so simplistic, yet so
foreign, if not down right strange. If I had not seen for myself and for
my family the changes that are possible I would not take her work
She is daily making breakthoughs and there is likely more info avaliable
that has not gone into her books. Please take the time to at least see
what her people have to offer.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 03 Nov 2002
RNA thanks for the tips on asthma. I should have expounded further
though. I have two lungfuls of glass silica, asbestos, concrete dust,
fiberglss, etc. Doesnt bode well for the future I fear. Steve, Ive been to quite a few halloween parades. I took a woman there once who was from
Guatamala who's Mother had been disappeared. It made a great impression of the USA to her im sure.

Name: Ollie North, Equator
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Nov 2002
Let's not forget that the Dalai Lama was on CIA payroll in the early 60's
where cross-dressing and orchid fetishes are compulsory.........

Name: Stevela Khan
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 03 Nov 2002
Tashi delek Ya'll. Tibetan Up-Date;...I was just invited to a
premier showing of the first feature length Tibetan Film. "Windhorse".
It includes a live (any other kind?) Q and A session with the Radical Activist
Director. Also asked to shmooz with the Drepung Gomang Monks at the end of the
month...well; Im' into em' for a pair of socks...but; Why me Lord???...Well, Tu
tu che! Those cats are all right, but between you & me and the whole
cyber-space world, the homosexual aspects of that whole gang have been really
down played...and I just got an update on the ancient Sythians...Those wild ass
wariors were a horde of knife fightin' cross-dressers. Hell; same as it ever
was. Keep the beads baby.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Remote Name:
Date: 03 Nov 2002
We're under another scatological attack by puerile sponges. Remote computer IPs will identify the postings of the little doctor.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Nov 2002
I gotta go to another location, family thing, to watch the Niners/Raiders game. Will use that computer. Reason I mention it is I see that the remote numbers are up on the posters info. What's up with that?

Name: Steve Boy'Ar'Dee
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 03 Nov 2002
Hey Mark, for your Roux, try spreading the flour out on a cookie sheet and baking the shit out of it. It removes moisture and gives it a real nice "Nutty" flavor. Then mix in your clarified butter. Dig? Well, I just revamped my 2003 Budget, and should be able to hold my own until next Oct. when a little more bread kicks in. Most of my charitable obligations will run from Jan. to Oct. so I have two months to play Santa Clause. Ho, Ho, Ho... Hey, I hear some bad talk about a draft being "NECCISARY"..(spelling?).."THEY" say that it would "HAVE TOO" be implimented in order to restock and fill the ranks (Which will be spread out all over Hell's Half Acre. You youngen's better star in some Gay Porno, shot yer' fuckin' toes off, or fuck the Family Dog, cause the alternative dont look that good. Think about it. Hey Juice...TEN-HUT!!!!! At Ease son.

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Nov 2002
....a little dessert, I mashed.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Nov 2002
Doctor Sausage mashes without a tear. Ha! A little sausagecake for desert?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Nov 2002
Wow,..That Sponge really takes ya' there, dont he???...Smell the fried Peppers and Onions???..or is it just me??? Hey Doc...Give us some more will ya???

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 03 Nov 2002
Mark, Joe...Dont let anybody kid ya, it's ALL Image. The "ZEN" bike IS and ALWAYS will be the '60 something BMW's with the Earls Forks. Man, talk about where its "AT". Solo Seat, Pillion Pad on the rear fender for Zelda to park her big ass. Fuck; I may rethink this whole thing...Im' a reasonable man. Any BMW freaks out there. And whats the scoop on those Russial URALS?

Name: Phrapp Euracles
E-mail Address:
Date: 03 Nov 2002
The new and (hopefully!!) improved (?) Mac OS X aka "Jaguar"; buck-twenty-nine USD; Should I buy it? If so, now? Later, when the price drops? Or screw it altogether? (Currently happily using 9.1) Any help appreciated....

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: laughola
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Michael Moore on Oprah was about 10 times better than the Donahue hour. I agree that Phil kept cutting to commercials just as Moore was about to make a point. Donahue could have been better. The Oprah hour with Moore was stellar, however, and she included wise words, shocking facts, and great clips.
Joe... i used to work for an excellent naturopathic physician. Asathma is such a common complaint and the cure is often very cimple. Asthma is allergies. So often people are allergic to cow's milk. the first thing any asthma patient is directed is to eliminate dairy products. no yogurt, cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, ice cream, etc. It's cow Ashuitz anyway in the factory farms. Also, drink lots of water. Ester C or Meta C will help clear toxins. i avoid ascorbic acid as it can trash the gut. other common allergens are corn, eggs (sallmonella balls), wheat and corn. But, Dairy products seem to bee the worst.
An excellent text for natural healing is "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." can get at amazon. Good luck.
with aloha...

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 02 Nov 2002
I know what you are saying Mark. Harley had a special for firefighters after 9/11. Im looking for more steel not less.There are a lot more rice rockets here among the youngins and Harleys among the mid life crisesers.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Steve,and Hello Joe,
Since we're talkin' groceries, I am busy putting together the final components for a shrimp etouffée for a family birthday tonight.
Santa Cruz has foisted itself into the medicinal marijuana pot thang after keeping a high profile and attracting the feds who busted the farm. The mayor and city council then handed out free buds in a press conference to those who had them taken away. Then they have demanded the confiscated stash returned to the owners.
I don't know what is like in NYC but every midlife crisis ridden dot-comer out here is riding a Harley. They are like gnats. There are more Harley's on the road here than Toyotas or rice burner kawasuzukihondas. My history never got around to full bike stuff. My friends in school were into British bikes big time. Matchless, Triumph, BSA, etc. Then came the 60's and psychedelics did the trick for me. After my experience at Black Bear and some time working for the County (for free, in a inmate jumpsuit) probation enforced my finding "legitimate" aspirations. Long made short, I trained as an Xray Tech and worked for years as a ER/Trauma room tech in Bay Area hospitals. Haven't been on 2 wheels since. Just can't force myself to do it. Post-traumatic stress maybe.
But....I truly enjoy the artform of custom Harley building. Not the money does it all shit, but the real stuff that builds on heart of the road worn look. It is called "patina" in stuffed up art collector circles.
Gotta go mix the roux with the stock and finish the Dirty Rice for a Louisiana fireball dinner. Later.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Steve if you ever get a chance check out Tales of Beatnik Glory by Ed Sanders from the Fugs. There are a lot of funny stories from back in the day from the Washington Square Park area in there. When you get that frozen that you cant bend your legs you arent cold anymore. At least thats been my experience. Im always surprised to learn that Im that frozen. ( Chuckling). I know what you are saying about the Celtic warrior mind set, not being one to turn the other cheek either. After seeing the picture of Eileen I can understand why your memory stayed that vivid. Anyone know of any thing that helps asthma/chronic respirtory infections?

E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Nov 2002
WOW, that Berg really takes ya' there dont he??? Smell the earth worms, moss and mildew? (Or is that just me???) Hey Eric...give us some more.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Joe, me and Martin VonLinsouwe fell through the ice near shoreline in Grand Blanc Michigan. We had to trek a couple of miles. Our pant legs froze up like stove pipes. It felt as thow they were lined with razor blades. We did two miles the hard way: Goose leggin' tiny steps Mister. My nuts are still blue. Hey, the nordic climes bread a tougher beast. I was forever out in the snow bare-footed as a kid. (In short spurts naturally). Hey, I slept all day with the cat. nancy is comming over again tonight to watch the second part of Gladiator in the Day Room. I feed her Im' all set in the Food and Women that's another story.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 02 Nov 2002
This aint nuttin yet Steve! I recall times being a solid block of ice and having to break the ice to bend my legs. Actually I grew up in Astoria/Long Isand City. Now that place has food. There are 117 distinct ethnic enclaves in a one mile stretch of Roosevelt Ave. Anything your taste buds can imagine, not to mention your fantasies in women.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Mark, my long lost Brother may jump back to Eurica to get onto a medicinal legally prescribed Grass trip. He's drug and booze free; but looks beyond his 52 years due to Hep C and mild diabetis. The booze actually saved his life when he crashed his Stortster......(but may have caused it too), I guess that that kind of logic cancels itself out. Anyway, my original child hood friend is in North Sacto. and I was going to try to get him to drop out and do the Village Artist thing here at my digs in NYC, but he has a solid State Job, so Mohamed may go to the Mountain. Summer 2004 at the soonest, as I will no doubt ride out. I just got a line on a fresh up motor built by a Long Island Hells Angel. It's got Shovel Heads mated to an older FLH bottom end and some funky type advance distributor; (Im' a magneto man myself)..but its got a new style oil pump, and its going for short money. I had planned on getting the power-plant last, but this is too good to pass by. My latest design for the project was pure "Hayward Style", but ape Hangers run the blood outa my arms, and what with the bad sholder, I want my hands above my heart, but, horizontal with my sholders. Im' going back to the 2" over springer. High-Oh-Silver!!!

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
You got any more of those?

Name: Steve again
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Hey RNA; I would point you in the direction of the Gong Master's web-site but his wife told me a few weeks ago that it crashed and went all to hell. I will post it again when they get a new one fired up. They are two very terrific people. He travels alot with a Peace Bell Project thing...Hey, Joe...Cold enough for ya? God I love the change of seasons. Did you check out the Halloween Parade the other night? Next year Nancy wants me to get in on it with her as "Adam and Eve". You gotta meet this Gal...("Madam and Steve" is more like it.) Oh, Eileen, Im' not into the secret alphabet..(That's Curious' Bag)..I was shown a photo by some rescent returnees from Seatle. It depicted what apeared to be a Large Troll under a bridge. They told me that he was actually holding a real Volks Wagon!...I pretended to understand..(Bad Habit)...Anyway, It looked as if it might be a giant sand sculpture...Any Seatlers out there care to comment??? Hey, back to the ZEN THING; Myself, I just cant tear away from my comming of age self-tailored Nor.Cal.Digger-Gypsy-extra-synsory-sign and soul sending style leap of faith Free-Fall form of spiritualism. (let me catch my breath)...Unwritten, unspoken, unsaid, unseen. (I guess Im' into "UN")...Ya, Im' an "UNIST". Anyway, I dig the I Ching and the Old Farmer's Almanac. Pacifistic Idealism??? Come on Folks..From one Peace Creep to another...Fuck, If it aint worth dyin' for; It aint worth livin' for. (Im' talkin' about yer' existance; not a plot of land! But on that note; If ya' have to tote an Uzi to do yer' food the fuck out. NOW!!! Run!! Save yer' asses!! It's only real eastate. Hey Motherwitch; this should blow some wind up yer grass skirt; "Fear Nothing But The Sky Falling...and Always Be Ready To Fight". We Are The Celt Folk".

Name: Peter Berg (via Eric)
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
forest bottom
thick with hemlock and pine pieces
from last fall's roof-breaking wind
black rocks floating in brown needles
green clean-edged leaves stab through
I want to be less than I am
porous woods light
play over me, warm then cold
hidden birds call tease directions
fly through me
shushing breeze humped field descending in yellow-dotted waves
to the night-filled lake
slide over me deep underground
[By Peter Berg, sent via Eco Ecuador Dispatches, 02 Nov 2002]

Name: Mark
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Now that you have lightened your chest(load), does this mean that we can expect a new level of prolifics from you or are you going to savor the mellow, get all dreamy and floated. Fight trainers keep the men off the women (men,too?), takes the edge off they say. Yoga? Hey maybe that could help me get this olive out. Ah, never mind. I can't find it. Today is carb adjust day for the 57 Ford 312 Yblock motor, sweetest sounding engine ever made. A harley goes "potato..potato..potato" and a yblock goes "". Greetings from sunny Monterey Bay. What is this stuff about comimg to Sacratomatoe?

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Joe; Geetings From Greenwich Village. Hey, Ill-Fated West Free Street Digger Project failed In that sence; I was successful..(and have the bomb threats to prove it)... Au...Brooklyn?? food in the world. Hey Eric..that photo beat out Bad Finger's Theda Bera style "No Dice" girl, by light years. "Dirty and Sweet..OH YA!!!!"...I dare say that "Eileen the Hulla Queen" may be Tattooed on more than a few Barbary Coaster Warf Rat forearms...think so??? Simon...To the Way-Back Machine....Oh, Eileen, many thanks for reinforcing the legend; that: "Yes...There Was a Camalot" And, hey, walking through the rain without getting wet was my little secret...YOU TOO????? (I was always alittle to uptight to disclose that one. And on that note...There is alot to be said for "CRAZY". Please keep it will no doubt find that your spirit(s) will you, like so many..(well a few anyway)...may have carried that weight for to long. Work it out. God is in the details. Hey, IMAM; I picked up an industrial blender and In between fasts..(mine are always natural, and not scheduled. My Body just says: "Hey, lay off of the Intake for awhile..go the servival route"..anyway, I will whip some real god-given earth food to a froathing frenzy. I dont want anything that mankind has fucked with first. (I can stomach anything). Hey, RNA; Im' hosting (working the front desk) for a Gong Yoga Work Shop as I type. The Gong Master was a West Coast Heavy years ago, and my very well know a few of you folks. I will point him into the direction of this web-site. After reading my posts, I hope that he dosnt put a Chastity Belt on his wife)...Not that Ive' banged that Gong; mind you. (It's been two years folks...thats a record I never plan to break.)...Hey Mark, Is every body In???? Dig,...Bad Finger; Dirty & Sweet; Gongs....this is working right into the Ol' T REX Thing...Aint it funny how writing evolves into a flow, at some points?..Speaking of which, There is a CD out of Bolan's early un-issued work. Check it out. Until then,...GET IT ON!!! BANG A GONG!!!!GET IT ON!!!!!

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Since the only time I "dressed" like this would be for The Invisiable Circus at Glide..but this was probably done as an add for it or something. As I remember I had some kind my version of a belly dance skirt on at the Circus. The picture I am looking for was when the belly dance took place when I was as someone said, enthralled, dancing with Sweet William..not that was a score! I will be glad to detail my memory of that event on the oral history archive, which I haven't been over to yet. I just ran in for luunch and will get to it this evening.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Regarding your question from the guestbook entry of Oct. 31, here is a photo of you taken (best guess) at the Invisible Circus. Can you confirm that?
Is this the photo you were thinking of? This was printed by the Communication Company on one sheet with no other text or graphics. It appears to be a Polaroid and I imagine Claude or Helene or Chester used the Gestefax to create a stencil directly from the photo. Any recollections for the
oral history archive would be most appreciated. [Photo below posted with
Eileen's permission.]

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Thanks Eileen. I'll pass it on.

Name: IMAM
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Additional medicines for kidney, gall bladder, and liver cleansing -
Kidney = fresh lemon juice and water 5xs a day for a week
Liver = drink lots of beet juice (everyday ) which cleans the blood dramatically.
Gall Bladder = apple juice fast for three days followed on the 4th morning with half a cup of olive oil down the hatch - lemon juice after to kill or cut the oily taste. On your next trip the the pottie you will evacuate an incredible number of pretty green peas = bile pellets
Do these three over a 7 day period ending with the apple juice fast and you will be amazed at how much better you feel. Good Health To All - IMIMAM

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
I watched the Donahue show and as always I was impressed with the humble and insightful way he has. Donahue tended to step in the way but the message got through and that was the important thing. I missed Oprah, there is something about watching TV in the afternoon that feels to strange. Oprah has an enormous following though and I am glad that she gave Moore the audience. Do you think Moore could pull of a film about the Diggers? Just a thought. Thanks for keeping the information coming about the movie and his TV interviews. The movie is playing in Santa Cruz and I am going to try to get in this weekend.

Name: RNA
E-mail Address: haha
Date: 02 Nov 2002
anyone doing Astanga yoga out there? Mulabhanda, breathe, and enjoy. It's a very special form of yoga that tunes and endorphs.
Michale Moore and oprah were brilliant on Friday. Yes, i found myself in front of a friend's tv (still don't want to own one) and was glad i did. His 3 minute animation of the history of fear in our country is is mindblowing. Moore has dug up solid facts that have long been hidden. I trust this guy.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Here ya go Joe..Hi All~
I think this is worth posting again. I'm off to my textile printing class all day. Have a good one.
This is really for ALL of you. Dr Clark also addresses AIDs and HIV and cancer plus pretty much everything from head to toe..go to her Search.
I'm going to do my best to give you a brief and this is the link to get to the actual process to save me from re writing the book and filling too much band width, OK? This is just the bare bones.
This is where we all begin.
According to Dr Clark almost ALL diseases are due to various toxic overloads we have accumulated from our enviornment and in the food we eat and the stuff we use on our bodies (ANYTHING WITH ATRTIFICIAL SCENT). The list is long and daunting and made me not want to even begin. But don't let that stop you. After 2 1/2 yrs I am still still making my way through it. You will have to decide for yourself where to begin. You really need one of her 4 books for this info, although some are on her site.
But you can begin the cleanses right away. These can be done no matter what medicine you are taking and should not get in the way of your daily life activities.
In order to clean out our livers we need to clear some other stuff out of the way first. Otherwise the liver cleanse will make you sick as a dog to do it. Believe me on this!
She starts with a kidney cleanse. There is list of 7 kidney supporting herbs that are brewed up and drunk as a tasty tea. This is the least exciting of the cleanses because it is subtle and can go on for many wks (3 to 6 wks!). I have never managed to get through the whole thing. But I would suggest, unless you have kidney problems to get on with the next cleanse a wk into the kidney cleanse and just keep on with it at the same time.
Next is the worm and parasite cleanse..totally simple. 3 different herbs capped up. This is one EVERYONE should do and it will likely blow your mind!!! I bet not one of you will not be shitting out gobs of worms and parasites within the first 6 days! You can actually SEE THEM. This cleanse will change your life. Aches and pains will magically go away! If you (or ever)have/had dogs and cats, you're on the top to the list of needing to do this. She has a similar cleanse for your animals you are sharing worms with. Yep!
Then you are ready for the liver cleanse. Again, EVERYONE needs this one. Do you have allergies, colds and a meriad of other problems? You will find it all there in your liver. This cleanse is one you will need to allow yourself 2 days at home. You're going to shit your brains out. This cleanse SUCKS! But please believe me you will be a new person within days and thank me for telling you about it. You will feel better than you have felt in yrs! Epson Salts, olive oil and fresh grapefruit juice..totally disgusting. You must follow her directions EXACTLY.
Hundreds of green balls about the size of peas and stuff that looks like chaff will come out of your liver. That's the stuff making you sick. Anyone with Hep C will need to do this every 10 to 14 days until you have done about 6 cleanses. Anytime I can feel a significant drop in my energy I do this cleanse. But that doesn't happen often any more. Although I will be doing one starting tomorrow cause I haven't been a good girl. Although she doesn't mention this, you get better results if this can be done the day before the full moon..but don't wait for that, but do it then when you can.
So those are the cleanses. There is also the Zapper. Everyone should have one. That thing is amazing and you will find is worth every penny.
And last, but far from least is, GET THE METAL OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!. This is HUGE issue..especially if you are already sick. Without doing this you will be fighting an upstream battle.
I am living proof of all I have stated here. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. Or email her site..they do answer.
But you really need one of her books if you do not find what you need on her site. You can also order all you need from her site, which is really handy. It is mailed out quickly.
I would love feed back from anyone that uses this info. I love to hear success stories!

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 02 Nov 2002
I work with a few people who have contacted Hepatitis C through the job. I'll pass onto them the info that you posted. Do you remember the date you posted it...(laughing). Doctors dont seem to be able to do much for them thats for sure. Steve we are daytime neighbors. Im working in Brooklyn right now on the other side of the Manhattan Bridge.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
You are never off the mark, you ARE the mark! You can advise away..if I don't take it, it stimulates my thoughts. Yes winter in SF..I distinctly being so high I could run between the rain drops and get to where I was going (pretty) dry. Yes I have always worked with bones, feathers etc. Where you around when I started tanning hides at Olema? Eventually about 13 yrs back a Native friend taught me how to brain tan. THAT is what began to bring me back in touch with the spirit of my work. As soon as I got around those hides something began to come back to me. I also made raw hide drums, rattles, and spirit dolls from horse, buffalo, deer, goat and tanned sheep hides occasionally to use to sit on in the tepee through the night. I'm getting ready to teach myself to macrame' since I picked up a stash of abalone pieces at a pow wow a while back. I want to make a necklace. So in answer to your question..yes.
Ha! Painting his feet? I imagine someone painting on their entire wardrobe not to be out of the realm of possibility! ha!
Hope your brother has the sense to use them. They threw my doctor bills out the window.
a real V.W.?????..that was a bit too much code for me. What?

Name: Steve again
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Hey Eileen, I once painted tennis shoes on a dudes bare feet. (He had been refused admitance to a mini-mall in Florida)...It worked? Now thats "Fashion Art" Hey, ever get into natural know, bone, feather, shells etc? Thats what I mis about the free spaces. I will gather some shark teeth and other goodies from Florida over my XMass Vacation. Hey, we got word to my Brother about the cleanses. Thanks so much for spreading the word(s). Hey, as for me and this web-site...well, Im' a little off the mark...but your input is dead solid perfect. Hey Joe,...prompt her for more info. Its some soul-searching freeze-framed worldly words. Fuck; Eileen, you may have fumbled...but you never dropped the ball. Heres Love to you. OK...OK...Im' a fan. (From day one).

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Seatle???....I just got word that there is a Troll under a bridge out there....and a real V.W.????? Waiting for a full report. Hey, Eileen. Me give you advice???....what the hell was I thinking???....Oh those Victorians...layers (years) of over painted wainscoating. We called them shotgun flats. (you could gun down Mamma cookin' in the back kitchen by pokin' the gun through the front door mail slot). I miss the grey rainy S.F. winters. Remember how the steam would rise in columns from the man hole covers at night?..and how everyones fresh washed hair would frizz??

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Hi Joe, glad you joined us.
"It must have been tough to glimpse Eden and then had it slip away." Boy that was a perceptive thought! There may be those that would say that's not so. But I can tell you, for many people it was the high point of their lives for way too many yrs. There was a long spell I wondered if my life would ever have anything to top it or at least give me something as significant. An almost impossible act to follow. I know a number of the women in the family still have a quiet yearning for the best of what we shared together. But I have to tell you it was pretty pitiful for those that couldn't let it go.
There is some part of me that has never stopped yearning for something I doubt will ever be in my life again..a tribe. What you have to realize is most of us had not had children yet. Most of us were in some early range of our 20's. I think what we miss the most, were those few yrs where we all lived together and played and created together. The thing that made SF such an ideal place for this, were the Victorian houses. I don't know if you know the city, but these houses are stacked flats, sometimes 2 and 3 stories usuable basements. We filled these houses. Whoever had the money paid the rent. I know it wasn't me! We would be going from floor to floor visiting and planning. Tie die projects, and all forms of art and ideas flew! Various kindred souls would find each other and inhabit a house or more and think of themselves as a family. Many would take a name or be known by the street they lived on.
There was a certain quality or skill these families became known for. It was just a natural thing that was happening. Once these families solidified and we would hear of one another..and eventually seek various households out to see what we could share in ideas. In one of these houses and in this manner we put together the 1% FREE poster. I was there for the collaboration of that. I really enjoyed watching the process taking place between houses. Partly from that, the Diggers extended their sphere beyond the Mine Troupe to encompass other families..other houses.
I have always kept my feelers out for where the kids in their 20's are making themselves felt in this country. I believe they are in fact they the greatest potiential Life Force for any movement and direct action. I think that is, for a large part, why the rally in Seattle protesting the WTO was so dynamic. And what would we do without them in the woods fighting for the trees? There are so many areas they are making themselves felt. It is the generations that follow us that tell me it is not over and we did not in the end we have not missed the mark. Now "They" have not only us, but another generation to contend with. United we have a lot to share and we are in fact doing it. The party's not's just more spread out. But I do miss the camp fires together.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
I can't tell you how much I have given away or traded rather than sell it if I can't get the price I want. It is only the Digger mentality that came up with that solution..but it is also pride. My work is worth more than the market will allow and it pisses me off and undervalues my work to the extreme. I would be competeing with clothing and objects of great beauty and enormous time invested, being bought for next to nothing in poor countries and resold here at mass produced prices here. This problem is not only mine, but is what is undercutting the American economy. I have looked into what it would take to mass produce my work and I refuse to do it. It's what made me loose my muse in the first place. It was one of the larger losses of my life. The only reason I do any form of art, which has been widely varied through the yrs, is an expression of my spirit, addressing spirit, to feed the spirit of others. The only artists I know that have really "made it" have had to become business people and it shows in their work. The inspiration is gone and it is just another a product. I am just coming back to my inspiration, my muse, and I will not make the same mistake twice. I've had many yrs to really understand how I lost that hold. If there is anything I want, it's the RECOGNITION of my work. I want people to wear it or use it (as the case may be) and love it. I want it to make them feel good. That has always been my intention from the beginning. Everything I made during the 60's was made for and on an individual, from something I saw in them that I wanted to make them aware of in themselves. When I finally got my work into the music scene (where the money was) I was treated like someone's seamstress..what total egotistical BULL SHIT! They had the wrong dog! And to sew and design to make a living on the market, you are sewing for a coat hanger. When money entered the picture I was between a rock and a hard place..and quit.
Now money is no longer a problem and it dawned on me one day I could begin again. My daughter Miranda is an incrediable artist and we are starting to work together. I have already cautioned her to beef up her education for another avenue of income, so she is free to do her art with no pressure. I have come to realize it is important everyone has something they keep just for their own pleasure. The phrase, "Do what you love and the money will come."..I say beware what you sell.

Name: Joe
E-mail Address: Hey Joe
Date: 01 Nov 2002
All these names and faces from books come to life in here. Interesting. I was a little too young so I missed most of the times that you are talking about. It must have been tough to glimpse Eden and then had it slip away. But you have to keep putting one foot in front of another which most of you have. We are all a work in progress.

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Hey Eileen; I hear ya when it comes to the price ticket/value/self judgment issue. Heres what may hone the edges a little bit for ya. Sell at cost, dig? The real people will pick up on it and kick in some for the groceries. Dig? Price out all of the fabric and dyes etc. and if anyone looks at yer' work side ways; just hand them (Dont Throw) the equivilant raw material at them, and say "Let's see you do any better asshole"..See, this way your time is deadlines... Or; if ya' gotta go the capitalist route due to family preasure, hell, charge minimum wage. This should get ya' back on the "Im no better than any other stiff" track. Hey, as far as you sayin' that you would like to see some of my stuff; You Did! One day while stripped to the waist, you sat behind Coyote on the couch with your legs wrapped around him and combed out and braided his hair. (He was peaking on the Green Acid that I had layed on him). Anyway, I had stuck one of my originals to the left of the piano a couple of feet above above the sawed off shotgun, well, as Coyote's "Fan" club all sat around taking in the "Braiding of His HIGHness"...the picture "popped" off and floated to the floor. It was a picture that I had drawn of my family home in Flint Michigan..(with holes in the road that my self portrait was peering through. I had never realized how long his hair was until it was combed out. Boy, if anyone could have freeze Dried the flyers, photos and handbills that were hanging on the wall behind that couch, what a trip! I couldnt figure out half of that shit. I wish that I had asked more questions. Speaking of clothing: in S.F. (early '71) I helped crank out a shit load of very popular double button front "Randolph Scott" style "Fireman" shirts, in heavy cotton. We did on lot in Red, and another in Grey. I worked closely with an old gal who was pushing what became an Icon of sorts. The Yellow "Happy Face". Some years earlier, a cat had bootleged some rigs from a burn unit; and that fad spread nation wide..("Water Beds"). I also was into mixing a mild bleach and water solution and applied it to black and blue denim clothing in vey tiny dots via a hypodermic needle (who me?) had a neat effect. Dragons..etc. The Clementina Alley cats were also cranking out "Ecology Now" tee shirts and bootleging the Coca-Cola trademark label into "Coc-aine" tee shirts and selling them through both Psyche Shop locals. I wore an Opera Cape during the winter of '71, (that was uncool, having gone out of style in NYC as of about 68)...the high cut knit belly shirts were in around 71. As were mens "Granny Shoes"..(come on had a pair..sure you did.) Hey Eileen, I said it once, and will say it again,...You liberated the fashion slaves the day that you "dropped yer' laundry"'!!! Fashionably Yours, Steve

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Whoops... somehow your name got in the wrong box. I am not Eileen, you are Eileen and I am Mark. Right?

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Yep...It is true. The man loves worms. Works with the organic gardening project affiliated with UCSC I think. I think Judy told me he might have participated in the Apprentice Organic Program there.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Mark~was that you being me? Ronnie GARDENING? NO WAY!? He must have fallen in love with an earth lady. I'm so glad to hear he is still up to his mischief. worms? I would LOVE! to see that!

Name: Steve
E-mail Address: silentsteveboyd
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Wow Nik, they closed the streets all around my place. I utilzed Nancy as a human mole, she muscled her 1'2 block down to West 4th and 6th Ave. It was as if her thighs were greased with butter! I held both of her sholders and steered as we rode the wake of the Masses. She's a real sport, but once curb side, she drew the line at crawling under the Police barrier..after a pregnant Nun stepped on my hand, Hey, I tried telling Nancy; .."Whats the odds of that happening twice?"..but she pretends not to understand my puppet-like mannerisms....she's way out there...Anyay, we saw Vampira, or Elvira, or Vampirella, or whatever her name is. Ciny Lauper was real cute. The Dykes for Peace were out in full force. I dressed as my self..(object of desire???).. Nany dressed as herself..(Ah...Naaaa!!!!)...Folks thought that my stoma was part of the outfit. An older lady stuck her finger in my blow hole and then screamed. All in all, it was a damn good time. I love the Village. There was more skin last year though. (???) Sign of the times???

Name: Augustus Owsley Winstanley III
E-mail Address: whycrackisking
Date: 01 Nov 2002
you could be jello biafra and rip off yer mates to feed the need for ketamine on a cold december night way back in the middle of someone elses yesterday trapped beneath the floor of your very own edwardian shade tree fixated on the starry night but why bother when all the lost souls of symbion flex gruntingly by with all the celerity of a fig bar in nocturnal lust for the packaging it once knew in summer long ago when eggs grew from the sidewalk and vain was everywhere licking up the flesh of it's very own nectar wanting not while wanting wild fricasee and it's pusillanimous friend warning the others of impending attack whilst fortifying the solitude with a pertinent wind

Name: nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
steve, I'm leaving my computer for the week end and I know I won't be by tonight...and after getting stuck for an hour and half going from 2nd ave to west st on 14th...I'm so glad I didn't try to drive a truck through washington square park...I'd still be it was I was home in bed by 8:45...I needed the rest. anyway I'll try to come by over the week end...hopefully...even if I just get the mattress...ciao

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
I had the occasion to meet with R. Davis a month or so back about some PD stuff. We met at a Grange meeting in Santa Cruz, he is active in the Organic Gardening projects, where he performed a one man vaudevilian show about worms (composting) with a harmonica, two rolling-scroll boxes of hand drawn educational cartoons, wisecracks and even a little dance step or two. He is exactly as you see him in the film, healthy, aggressive in his edgy way, and up to his neck with things to do.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address: that nameless post would be me
Date: 01 Nov 2002

E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
"My High School daughter can do a killer impression of Ronnie Davis with his hand raised in a disdainful way, discussing the Digger legacy saying "Uh.....I got a problem with that." That gave me a good belly laugh!!It's good to have that in there. I'm sure it must have given everyone, including Ronnie, to get their responses on that film. It really added depth and a clearer understanding. I had heard before about his feelings ofcourse and it grated a bit not to have that fully replied to. It is aways useful to have desenting views. That was a well rounded film.
I have never seen Lenore since those days yet she remains dear to my heart. I know my dear friend Vicki Pollack, who watches over her well being (an unsung angel), that Lenor has not been well for a long time. Yet she remains clear and inspiring. I was so pleased to see her included in this interview. I hope (and have encouraged) Vicki will find time from her Book Project to join us here some time soon, to talk about the work she is doing. She is carrying on the Digger ideal with her work and is a real unsung herione. Also her son Nick working with you, carrying on as the next generation.
I think it speaks volumns to know so many that were the moving force behind the Diggers are still LIVING OUT the dream, each in their own way, the vision we all shared. For me it gives full valitidy that this was more than simply a pipe dream of the young. I agree totally with your thoughts.
I also look at my own life now (as I often have) and question to what degree I myself still activate that vision. I think it has been in more subtle ways, as I never had the abitity to step back and think in the larger political sense, as this core group was, and is capable of doing. The manner in which they chose to activate their vision still astounds me. Even more so considering how young we were. These are truely Old Souls that had a grasp far beyond their time and age.
I knew it the minute I walked into the Mime Troupe in early '64, something extrodinary was taking place. As the Diggers developed more and found it's footing I was just along for the ride.
I would like to tell just a bit of my story here. I was going to school (partying as it were) at the Univ of Co., in Boulder. Somewhere '62-'63 I was fed up with the style of clothing on the market, our only option besides the thrift stores and Army Navy surplus. I took a P jacket and diassembled it for a pattern. I had some maroon Navaho cloth (something like shiny pressed velvet) from NM and remade it into a P coat. Boy, my brain opened up! I suddenly realized I could make anything I imagined!! Was THAT a moment! At the point I was almost finished with it, I took my first acid trip, TA DA! I finshed the cuffs with lace, beads and sequins..leaving the conservative 50's style and Beatnic stinky old clothes style we were still laboring under, in the dust. Overnite I became the lone freak fashion statement on campus. I was on a roll that would not end for 11 yrs. Who would have guessed less than a yr later I would find I had long distance, been part of a whole explosive statment in dress.
While in the mountains in Co. I came across a fallen down small mining village. I had this overwhelming feeling of what it might be like to live with a group of friends in such a village. It became a yearning for me that I had no way of knowing would soon be fulfilled in the Victorians of SF and later, Olema.
More complex, became a pressing thought about living well without the need of money. This thought became more and more developed for me in long talks with friends and anyone that would listen. But I could get no traction from others. This was not a politically hip campus and I was the lone voice in the woods.
Somewhere during this time the Mime Troupe came to campus with the beginning of their first road shows. I laughed until I cried and my guts hurt, while the majority of the audience sat thinking who knows what..stuned silence? Did I get their political message? I can't say I remember, but it let me know there was a great deal "out there" that SOMEBODY was thinking about besides me!
Fast forward to the Diggers. They were not just TALKING about change, they were Being change and I was in Fat City! The thing I find so interesting, is all these ideas and changes were in the WIND! I was already "in process" before I ever hit Height St and thought I was the (extremely aggitated) Lone Ranger.

Name: curious is as curious does
E-mail Address: "here have we but the icy fang of winter"
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Steve, It aint so.............T

Name: Hammond
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Indeed winter is here - brisk and icy in Portland. Nic your memory stirs mine to remember the time my father tried to teach me to swim from the water's edge of a lake - he chucked me in about three feet of water and I sunk like a stone. Lesson #1 over until I was old enough to understand the concept of floatation survival at the public pool while the ocean was years away. Ah childhood........ Have a great day one and all.

Name: Mark Hebard
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
I have had the first version, in French, for a year or so and now the English language version. There is so much that could be said about this film. Given the corrupting nature of the film media world, it is a miracle that it exists. The healthy distrust by those who would be part of a "mainstream" film has kept the Digger legacy from exploitation by all sorts of agenda toting folk. the same time for people like myself who were on the sidelines spectating or had an intermittent or limited contact with Diggers over the years, it is a powerful well of inspiration. Heavy on the inspiration ingredient. There is the conflict;... how does this documentation get the audience it deserves and how does it get to the people without distortion?
My first reaction along with some tears and sense of loss, was "What have I done to further these ideals?" Here are these people who not only set the pace but have spread out into the culture taking the words and experience into a lifetime of work. In my travels over the last couple of years, I have found many of the people in the film and many who are not, living and toiling quietly at the job of creating the condition described. I am awed by this, and it has given me cause to reevaluate all that I do.
The importance of a work like this film and the work to build this website is unmeasurable. There are many like myself, who have joined the class society as we all know it, thinking that all is gone and dead, only memories of a time past are held preciously, to revist in moments of solitude and isolation. Not all of us are the cataysts of change but many are the vehicles that they can ride in.
I am sure there is a 50ish woman in the Shopping Mall parking lot getting into her Cadillac SUV or a man waiting in line at Nordstroms who have these memories erupt spontaneously, a momentary clip of sorts that comes with the question "How the hell did I get here?" Of course, the thought dissappears as quickly as it arrived and without the food of the Digger story to give it life, it dies.
I have shown this film to my family and friends, the seed definitly get planted. My High School daughter can do a killer impression of Ronnie Davis with his hand raised in a disdainful way, discussing the Digger legacy saying "Uh.....I got a problem with that." It has become a playful phrase and look that has spread among her friends at school. Stuff travels and the door is always open.

Name: Eileen
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
That was just what I needed this morning. Thanks for sharing tt. I'm really touched by all you've gone through and your
It is so cold here this morning, hard frost..thank goodness the sky's clear. Not that nice dry cold either. I feel like this is going to be the kind of winter I better do as Steve and get the supplies in.

Name: Eric
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Just finished archiving all the October entries into a separate file which should make loading this page quicker (at least for awhile). If you missed anything from October, here is the link (also listed at the top of this page):

Name: Nicole
E-mail Address:
Date: 01 Nov 2002
Good morning all, and what a beautiful November day it know, crisp, bright, clear...I was looking through my journal for something and I found this I had written on November 1, 1999
so I thought I'd share it with y'all. Actually it really was a turning point for me...that time period
I was born on the edge of a great lake
In October, the autumn edge of the year
I learned to crawl along the edges of a parque floor
I learned to walk holding on to the edge of my mothers chesterfield
I stood at the edge of my family
watching, waiting, wanting to find a way in
I'd stood at the edge of my life for far too long
So I went to the Ocean, to the edge of the earth
I layed on the ground
I felt the mother reach up and gather my loose ends around her
Fused by the heat of her heart
Illuminated by the light of her love
I can see the edges all around me
I have found the center
Enjoy today everybody...with warm regards, Nik

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.