These are the Guestbook Entries from 2003. Please visit the current Guestbook
if you would like to leave your own comments. We also have a Discussion
Forum where there are threaded topics.
The most recent entries are at the top of this listing.
NOTE: this file contains the entries from August, 2003. The
regular Guestbook contains entries later in 2003.

Name: Joe
Date: 31 Aug 2003
Blue Cheer "Louder than God"
Steve: I remember when CBGB's was a folk music and bluesgrass place. The first hint I had that times were changing is when I saw the New York Dolls bassist on the subway platform downtown in 1973...I was like WTF?.... They made some good music....Speaking of Hells Angels, I put out two fires at their headquarters on E. 3St. and 1st Ave. I worked in most of those firehouses around there.....Great Jones St., Ave. C , Houston and 6th

Name: Jag
Date: 31 Aug 2003
My friends and I wound up with an OZ of STP when one of us flew to SF to score some acid and he couldn't find any of good quality and was convinced to get the "next big thing".He came back to So Cal with an ounce of the stuff. Try as we might we couldn't sell any and couldn't give it away either. The 36 hour stigma scared almost everybody. We managed to eat most of it in one summer of weirdness and give away some of it. I kinda liked it. I would crash after a day or so and wake up hallucinating and tripping. It was an aquired taste for sure.

Name: PS-FYI
Date: 31 Aug 2003
Blue Cheer - home page

Name: FYI Service Announcement
Date: 31 Aug 2003
"Blue Cheer" - officially named in honor of the wonderous tabs punched out by Bear and freely distributed - test cases on the sidewalks of the Haight - and in retrospect the expreiment seems to have been largely successfull - at least more successful than the free STP handouts that came later. Mellow down easy (the Blue Cheer) was one thing and heavenly remembered - but the free STP voidoidism for 36 hours was quite another deal eh? Gives me a (nervous) rush just to think about it..... and then there was that first few batches of (over the line) "White Lightening" - but ah - if only it had all been "Peach Barrels" or (tee-hee) even Sandoz ampules we would all still be tripping!
Happy Labor Day Everyone!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 31 Aug 2003
If you mean me, "reincarnated" was just a metaphor, sadly. Can you imagine if they came back. But it couldn't be an oldies-type retrospective or a band touring as the original Blue Cheer, it wouldn't lend itself to that. We'll just have to play their recordings and crank up the sound...... Road runner, road runner, going a million miles an hour (or something like that)....the Sex Pistols seem to have got stuck in my brain today. Happy Labor Day weekend!

Name: Hammond
Date: 31 Aug 2003
Steve - Late on the CBGB draw eh? - never mind the bollocks...
"Baby's On Fire" - what a great song. Blue Cheer reunited? - tell me it's true! or was that just a 'metalphor?' - Dicky and I seemed ot meet up on the bus all the time in SF - he like to just ride the bus to nowhere in particular. BC once played the Whiskey in LA - and can you even imagine what their wall of Marshall amps did to the small venue walls not to mention the ears to brain pans of the crowd.?
It was't pretty folks - but it was incredible just the same.

Name: ~*
EmailAddress: passin' it on....
Date: 31 Aug 2003
here's some words by
Clarissa Pinkola Estes that Alicia Bay Laurel sent to put on the "Political" page
many moons ago that has been buried in the files. Here ya go Alicia.
It's a moving read. . There's also a link to excerpts from her (Clarissa's)
book "Women who Run With Wolves"
Love, Light, Sharing and Caring,
Char ~*

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: Cleveland Rotten
Date: 31 Aug 2003
Now that sounds like a concert. My kids worked so hard (and successfully) to implant punk rock memories into my acid rock memories, and then I noticed Blue Cheer had been reincarnated in the metal bands, and my old man's favorite rock songs are 3 years younger than my favorite rock songs, well, everyone in the dysfunctional family would have dug that concert, at times for our own individual reasons. Now that sounds like fun. Thanks for the memories! I love all kinds of music. We had a mindblowing night a few years ago (the old man and lady, not the kids) at an hours-long church service with live bluegrass gospel music, down in Southern Ohio.
Hammond I intend to keep writing, and write all kinds of stuff! I started writing fairly late in life (two years ago) but I've learned that there are plenty of authors who didn't start writing until after they had "grown up." I don't seem to have endless time in which to write everything I'd like to write but it's an interesting goal!

Name: Steve,..ya,..steve..
EmailAddress: Ahhh...
Date: 31 Aug 2003
I think it was the singer of Secret Cervix... Im' gotta have to see the film. Man,.. I shoulda' waited 20 years to recount last night,..It would all have seemed so clearer. Follow me? Hey,..what ever happened to Blue Cheer?..the band, not the drug. Anyone???....

Name: Like Wow...
EmailAddress: Doiii....
Date: 31 Aug 2003
Hell, I just checked out the CBGB web site and the show actually started at 5:00. I was three hours late!!... That explains their "Condition"...hey, the site dubbs it as the largest death Jam in the states. Hey, I also picked up on this: the Ohio Band I loved is called Cult of the Psychic Fetus..(not finger) Hey, watch fer' Ol' Uncle Steve in the film ya'll. Heres the set up: Ya see, the lead singer of Secret Cervix was screaming a tune about having to wipe his ass real bad. (I mean real bad)...So,..well.. (you all know my world famous cheritable streak),.. ya, guessed it. I supplied my right sock. Final score?.. he talked the talk, but wouldnt walk the walk.I even got my sock back. It was a good piece of comic relief I tell ya. I wish Miz nancy had been there.

Name: Steve in wonderland
EmailAddress: the rabbit hole...
Date: 31 Aug 2003
Hey Pheny,..after eatin' that Coffin candy, Im' ready to "Go Ask Alice"...and to think:..I thought that I had witnessed the Death Of The Dress Code back in L.A. all gotta try to get ahold of the film. I dont know the title yet.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Hey,..I got the name right....
Date: 31 Aug 2003
Hey, Pheny, have good taste in web sites. Screw bed, Im' gonna put on the Pink Frogs.

Name: Think about it...
EmailAddress: I know I am...
Date: 31 Aug 2003
Shit,...that seven straight hours of solid Death Rock. Lord heve mercy! Im' cleansed!!!

Name: Steve... I think...
EmailAddress: What,...what????.....3:00 A.M.
Date: 31 Aug 2003
Rock Review: Title: Dont take yer' socks to town son..(or, this dont smell like Teen Spirit). Hey!!!...the SSI owes me double now. Im' deaf. At 8:00 P.M. sharp I handed them my cover letter and Biz Card (no lie; Rena's seen it)... anyway, they flagged me in. It was like Hell's Halooween Party. I lucked into CBGB's 2003 Drop Dead Festival. Im' talkin' total NYC Decay here folks. Hey Ohio Girl, two bands woulda made ya' proud. The first up was a reunion of an Ohio band called The Funeral Crashers who did an odd version of Eno's "Babies On Fire" just before breaking up again...Next the Memphis Mortitians,; top drawer Psycho-Billy. The lead was no gun slinger; he kept it right in his arm pit. The double bass (wired for sound and sheet metal reinforced was an inspiration to pluck-slappers everywhere)...Next up were The Brides; the female siamees cat of a girl bass player rounded out a rolling thunder Drum solid group. Opps...Cancer Slugs were before them..(I wrote my notes on a Child Support Coupon)...the C.S.'s hailed from Alabama and were serious. Bingo! The Secret Cervix really paid off. A mountain of steel I tell ya. Oh, Hammond; I'm on the big screan again: (They Taped the Show) The cameo appearance involves Me, the lead singer of Secret Cervix and my right sock. (More on that later.) OK, up was an Ohio group called Cult Of The Psychic "Finger" I think,..I didnt catch the last word. Like Dwayne Eddie on Chrystal. I showed the kids a new dance..(The Twist)...Next up..I didnt catch their name. The nice Lady passed out Coffin Candy to the crowd. The last act was a Calif. Band called Cinima Strange. The lead was Hybiscus clone Spring Bride witha a cow mask on. Very Hi-Tech, theatrical stuff. They commenced by digging a musical hole about as deep as Billy Idol is tall,..then they stepped out of it with a few slabs of twisted beutey. I wabled my hand and the lead singer of the now defunked Funeral Crashers leaned over and Screamed in my ear: "When they're good they're good..then theres all the other times", being a first timmer, I didnt know If I was witnessing a small piece of "Other Time" or not, but thier last song was from thier first album and wow! It was definately a piece of "Good" time. well, that was my first real taste of Death Rock. The crowd was a mix of D.J.'s, and cult followers from around the country as well as Europe. Even some Hells Angels checked it out. I had one thing in common with them: we were the only ones who had full sets of eyebrows. hell, I was one up: the blood on my shirt was real. (damn shoulder wound)..any way; I went out unarmed, saw dead people make music and had a very relaxing evening returned to the Sanctuary with a Pink Frog CD around my neck suspended on one of my shoe laces and a new attitude. I attribute that to clean living...(or was it the Coffin Candy)...go figure. Gotta hit the sack,..gotta get up late tomarrow. My pick of the night?? Cleaveland Rocks baby...It's The Psychic "Finger???"...sorry about my "Everywhere else is Cleaveland slam"...hey,.. maybe Everywhere else rock??!!..'s possible.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Steve - you crack me up.....

Name: Steve Graham
EmailAddress: Major Domo of Promo
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Headin' on over to CBGB with cover letter in hand. Show starts in 20 Minutes. Will report back. 9but you knew that)...

Name: Steve Dylan
EmailAddress: Bringing it all back home.....
Date: 30 Aug 2003
And to think... I tried to ween myself from this site. Hey; dont jump in folks,.. Im' doin' just fine all by myself.... or hadn't ya' noticed??...

Name: Wild Man Boyd
EmailAddress: an evening at home.....
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Hey, Nancy even Irons clothes!..(whats with that???).... Get me and Hammond another beer will ya' honey?

Name: Steve Rotten
EmailAddress: Dream-Home Heart-Ache
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Hey Hammond; I must admit that for the most part, the posters were much better than the actual bands. Where and when did originality run off and hide? hey, speaking of writting; (or originality) I must say that Miz Nancy's stuff is dead-nuts commercial and she can out Jingle Manalowe. Her stuff has a hook. I inquired if she could tackle New (Old) Wave. I planted the seed, and plan on laying some early Roxy Music on her as an eye-opener.

Name: OPPPSS...
EmailAddress: Steve
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Ahh... make that group: "Necropheliac Fecal Consumption" (get the picture?)...Dont you kids try that at home!

Name: CBGB Freebie Stevie
EmailAddress: The Bowery
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Hey Hammond, on a more capitalistic note; everything that I do is some how motivated by a personal agenda. And on that note: I plan on pushing a program of having the promo posters blown down and printed for hand outs to all ticket holders,. (like the ol' Filmore days). Hey, my signature may end up being larger that the top billing act. ( Now I ask ya',..whats a little self-promotion between friends??)..

Name: Devo-Stevo
EmailAddress: Whats in a name??..
Date: 30 Aug 2003
More into faces than names,.. but will Inquire. (they may remember me)..hell, I had quite a lucrative thing (in proportion) back in 01. I cut overhead by going the cardboard condo route and was granted daily assylem of a warm dry place to produce the art. Hell, the (my) Lady Reverend even supplied me w/ materials. She adored my work. And my voice. Meanwhile: back on the sidewalk, others were copying my designs..(dwellings, not posters).. Im' a natural at building shelters. Anyway, The posters were for the most part One-Offs. A real rarity)... I was into "Free Art For Free People" and wanted the best voted band to get dibs on the originals... I think the in-house folks were collecting them tho. ???..anyway, I said It was "No Strings",..but they demanded that I take cash,...and that got me into some commissioned CD art Illustation offers from the more pollished groups. they didnt want slick coputer graphics, or the antiquated Xerox Collages. They wanted Olema Gypsy Stle. I was at the brink; but was cut short when I was diagnossed w/ head neck and throat cancer. Hell, the CBGB cats took it harder than I did. They have pure heart. Very solid. Must be to survive the "Rackets" in NYC. Anyway, I may have mentioned this: I donated my Electro-Larynx to a charter member of the In-House band "Nechropheliac Consumption" (I had done a real gross poster to promote the band. (It pretty much graphically depicted their name),... anyway, i cant remember if the Romone death was pre or post oprative, (If I had my voice or not),.. but a sidewalk shrine went up overnight and I dropped into pay my respects. I often frequented the Bowery Residence Committi, (above CBGB) (where I first met John Buckley),,..the Old Palace hotel. (for you ol' timers)....anyway, I was also drawing the bums that surrounded me and that lead to depression, but allowed me to focus on reality; (see through my pictures and not my eyes)...(you might read me on that one)...anyway,..Am I making any sense?..oh well...Im' thrilled at the thought of leaving the WSUMC fool's paradise and getting down to some basic living w/ Miz nancy. The resurgence of my Poster Carreer wile bind it all together I hope. Man, those CBGB cats gave me nothin' but praise and encouragement. Hey Hammond; heres something rather ironic that ties it all in: my free physical which originally detected the tummors...(real tummors folks; not the punk band) was conducted by a knock-out nurse upstairs at the Old Palace. Aint life strange??...Good talkin' at ya partner. Will give the gang yer' best.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Steve - sounds like a nice gig - wish I could be there with you - and while you are there say 'Howdy" to Charlie Plymell and Laki for me.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Alternate FYI Service
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Achtung!! New Yorkers: Barnes & Noble Book Store in Greenwich Village (396 6th Ave @ 8th Street) will pull off an open mic Poetry Night Sept. 11th at 7:30 PM. Sign up will begin at 7:00 PM. Theres only one little hang-up that might drag you: (material must be "suitable" for general audience. Want my advise?...assyemble the wife, kiddies and inlaws within the safety of yer' own living room and have yer' own reading. ie: take off all of yer' clothes and swear like hell.

Name: CBGB Stevie
EmailAddress: Eat yer' ticket stub.
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Its raining out. It can wait. Im' hosting tonight anyway, woulda' been a time scrunch. Hey, If the Roaring Zeros do reflect the 20's, then we can all expect a new wave of music. (opps, I blinked and missed it)..

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: dont wanna miss it.
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Hey FYI, thats the way. Im' headed over to CBGB in 5 Min. to re-unite and parlay a steady poster gig. I know the store front poet den that you mentioned. I recall as if it were yesterday; laying there on my back upon the sidewalk, looking up skirts as Buckley read the NY Times (or Post?) out loud. Lots of heavies on that street of lost men. Can you Imagine the Bowery in the overhead El days?. Keep up the solid Info. Hey all,... check out NYC will ya?. (everywhere else is Cleaveland).....They say; ya' wanna be your'self?..stay where ya' are. Ya' wanna be someone else??..come to New York. back in 69, I went by the name of Ray Kemmer. Aint it the way?

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 30 Aug 2003
New York City, August 30, 2003 -- Thurston Moore, DJ Spooky, John Sinclair - and leading poets from the world of alternative literature such as Anne Waldman, Ira Cohen, Janine Pommy Vega and Charles Plymell - will headline a three hour benefit performance on behalf of Nesenkeag Farm, New Hampshire, at a concert to be held in New York City on Sunday, Sept 21, 2003, from 2-5 pm.
The afternoon of music and poetry will take place at the Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery New York (212-614-0505), located across from CBGBs, one block north of Houston Street in Manhattan.
Others scheduled to appear on behalf of the farm are Andy Clausen, Jason Eisenberg, Lorna Smedman, Eero Ruuttila, Laki Vazakas, George Wallace and Steve Dalachinsky.

Name: Stephanvs Robertvs Dominvs de Bute
EmailAddress: Open Letter to Clan Guthrie
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Hammond my man, I feel that I can speak for at least five or six souls on line here;...grab our words, shake em' up. See what falls. Spin a web. Skim the crap. Knit a patch-work; take the ball and run with it. YOU write OUR' book. You know, the "Guestbook Papers". It's like sellin' our recipe to Hellman's...we're all gonna be rich!!!! (In more ways than one)...Good bye my friends. I wish you all well. My new Image???..Hmm... lets see;... common law husband...Ah...pot belly, wife-beater tee shirt, Dickie work pants... ya,...Im' siding up with the Americans again. But I just gotta' say it one more time:..."SCOTLAND FOREVER".

Name: After thought...
EmailAddress: The Stephen King version...
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Heres how King would have written it: I was the Tattooed Man that I connected whith up at Black Bear Ranch back in the Summer of Year One. Think about it...I know that I have. Who else could have guided me so faithfully. (and to think of my Image covered up by a Sailor Girl Pin Up. Aint it the way?) Acid-Love.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Aug 2003
CounterPunched - (again)
"Remembering 9-11"
PS All - I can confirm (via long distance visual.jpg) that Nicole looks dazzling with her short hair. She will knock em dead on her holiday!

Name: Big Mamma Boyd (in Spirit)...
EmailAddress: heavy conscience...
Date: 30 Aug 2003
OK; yer' all wondering: "What about Buckley??"...hell, I dont know. Shit;..It's one lonesome valley, for sure. It tears my guts out. Well, this is where the theme song starts again and the credits roll down,. It took me two years to hook up here,...lets see, my first big sound bite in mid June of 02 went somethin' like this: (from memory):... Little Mike side kiked his bike with his good left leg. Moose's shit was stashed in his head light. The Cookie Monster drove Onanda's dust green panel truck off the cliff edge of the Black Bear utility road...or somethin' like that?? I close??. P.S. tell my mother that I died.

Name: Pee Wee and Dottie
EmailAddress: why not...
Date: 30 Aug 2003
This site is habit forming...Hey Nik, In my mind; most every gal over forty looks cute as hell with the Page Boy (Tom-Boy?) look. Its a neat Image. Borders on proffessionalism. You looked so nice with your' hair up when you swung by with Rena,..the Nazi style (OK, OK,..Gretchen:..the Tyrollian Honey Buns) which were braided like Princess Laya. The neck is very,... well,..very,..ah..hell, look at the back of any lady's neck... You'll get the picture. Very faun-like. Well, Im' putting the final touches of skinning outa' here. The bed will be down by Labor Day. Miz Nancy is opting for my old Hospital bed. Fits her "Craft-Matic" state of mind. I plan on a hammock to fold and stash during daylight hours,.. and if I yern for adventure, maybe sleep in a card board box on the back pourch. Hey,..She adores Legally Clyde, and even mentioned a bicycle built for two! Aint that the end??..I said that I will check into it;..and I will. Love those zanny Aquarians. She could (and would) get a bonnet wreathed with flowers. Life is good. (but you knew that)...

Name: Make that one more time...
EmailAddress: Steve
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Hey Rena, I gave the gang some Osawa input some months ago. Delve into it, ya'll, dig deep, re-read. (Ah... skip my ""Single Shot Theory)....hey; I was doing Osawas' thing for some time until I got lazy. Later smiling eyes!

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Final transmition
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Major Steve to ground control:...Make that: "Like a Sponge"...hell, the Froidien Implications are rather troubling.

Name: Steve,.. just plain Steve
EmailAddress: The Forgotten
Date: 30 Aug 2003
A Bike!!! good move Eileen. Edit??..OK, I will buy that, I said (In a saner moment) each day could have made a novela. Oh; Thanks for the feed back Ohio girl. Dig: "Our life is a journey Through winter and night, We look for our way In sky without light." (song of the Swiss Guards 1793) Well, as fate would have it: Miz Nancy entered the scene smoking a tiparillo and swigging Bailies Irish Cream. She crashed here and last night we got to the root of my Cancer ascendant in my twelfth house. Seems as though Im' squirming like a butterfly pinned to the wall. Here's the Karmic scoop: I never grew, (in most ways)... I lived through others, and as such, they: (my children included) "Grew" past me and went on to live their lives..etc. Ive' been searching for My own private Olema since year one. (bad move) ...anyway; By sucking up the feelings and sorrows of others like sponge, and sharing the joy and hurt, I spun my wheels. MY emotions and MY feelings were always blured. I couldnt seperate the two. See,..It seems that Emotions are constantly changing (being caused by trends, fads, social situations (environment)etc...and are the end result of "Outside" influences. While Feelings are from a deep well spring within. I MUST keep detached and settle for looking through the iced over window at the other kids opening their presents, dig? But I must find a structured way of balancing where-by remaining on the outside while staying within myself.....go with my inner feelings. (Trust Myself)..and here I thought that I was a lost boy,..(or Peter Pan on a good day)...Hell, Im' Tink! (mascaline duality off "Tinker-Bell)...(who was pan-sexual come to think of it)...anyway, hay, ya' gotta believe in me, or I fade. (or must I believe in myself??)..tough call... anyway,... Bottom line is: Miz Nancy and I have made a pact to room together starting at the end of September. She's got me collaborating with her in writting tunes and has talked me into regaining my position as resident Poster and Flyer dude for CBGB. (I loved the Poster gig and the punks involved). Poster work is short rapid fire projects which I excell in. Anyway, we may be a reality show without cameras. Henry and June??...The original Odd Couple??. I smell a novel. Home base is the key. She wants me to mural the walls. You know, cave man stuff. Potent,..big medicine. She's on an even keel these days (therapy) and is not demanding. She insists that Iretain my own version of "FREE". (scary aint it?)....."Oh Wendy??..IM" Home!!...Here's Johnny!!!"....Final word??.. I thank Coyote for giving (His/their) Homeskin concept wings. By taking ten minutes out of his life to explain to a kid (me) that the possibilities are endless and that my body was my true home has gotten me this far...(is that a good thing???)... anyway,..."You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink, you can send a Flint Boy to Olema, but you cant make him think!" It took 33 years for me to get it right. I just got my Doctorate in Foolishness. Thanks Coyote. Ya, folks; it aint Pete, or Peter,..It was and is "Coyote"..(got that?). Hey, to all you aspiring and perspiring writters; I leave you all with a clip from Ce'line (from his book "Journey To The End Of The Night"): "The biggest defeat in every department of life is to forget, especially the things that have done you in, and to die without realizing how far people can go in the way of crumminess. When the grave lies open before us, lets not try to be witty, but on the other hand, lets not forget, but make it our business to record the worst of the human visciousness we've seen without changing a word. When that's done, we can curl up our toes and sink into the pit. That's work enough for a lifetime." P.S. I think I made it ya'll; thanks for lending a compationate ear to my mute ranting and raving. Your' time was appreciated. Thanks fer' havin' me Eric. Final score: Steve: Soul Intact...Life: Zip.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: worm shit
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Michio Kushi is coming to Maui as part of a wellness convention. Private consultations with Kushi, which are already sold out, are $800 per hour.
Lou and I delved into Macrobiotics way back. We read George Osawa and learned that it is optimal to eat food grown within 500 miles of home. We learned that it is better to eat a complete plant: eat the apple core with the apple, eat the carrot tops with the carrot. We learned what percentages of grains, fruits, veggies, beans and seaweeds were optimal. We learned yin and yang. We learned to cook buckwheat noodles and eat miso. We learned what the expression "san paku" meant
and looked for it in unbalanced folks.
San paku is when the whites of the eyes are showing below the iris and is a sign of imbalance. (i think... it's been a long time.)
Lou and I used to grind our own grain for pancakes. That was always fun. We had a hand crank grinder. Vishnu's first cereal came from that grinder: rice cream which is way ground up brown rice cooked and cooked and cooked.
Oshy's first food was purple sweet potatoes.
I'm planting in our garden today, adding anui nui lettuce and curly kales. I put a bunch of worm shit in the garden when I got back from NY and planted a variety things. The basil leaves are HUGE, due to the castings. It's nice to use basil leaves like lettuce.
There is a wildcat on the loose behind my duaghter's school. Even the expert flown in from the mainland is unsure whether it is a leopard, panther, or what. Be alert.
ausuggestion is someone smuggled the animal in as an exotic pet and then it either got away, or was let loose.

Name: Hammond
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Ohio Girl - Thanks for the V-Mail - so well composed and such a touching story. Keep writing!!!!!

Name: ~*
EmailAddress: The Hippie Museum
Date: 30 Aug 2003
Thanks for some of the links shared, and just for being you beautiful tribal siblings.. here's The Hippie Museum's latest updates for your Labor Day vacation pleasure and amusement ~
Inner, and Outer... Peace,
Char ~*
(We all gotta serve somebody..... Bob Dylan)

Name: Jag
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Hammond I have Ohio Girls story on a word doc. I could send you a text version if you want.

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Ohio Girl - can't seem to find your address - but here is mine above. Please send the vignette - thanks...

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Ohio Girl - can't seem to find you address - but here is mine above. Please send the vignette - thanks...

Name: Jag
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Get one now! The George W. Bush "absent without leave action figure."

Name: joinee jones
Date: 29 Aug 2003

Name: Jenn
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Today a person I have never seen made my heart smile, and it was feelin' so damn blue. That's been a long time comin'. Yes, nature, creativity, love, family, peace, veggies & flowers do that, but not the same. Thanks be to ya.
A thought from Walking Buffalo:
"We were a lawless people, but we were on pretty good terms with the Great Spirit."
Namaste...and may your colors fly
ps Eileen...every night I toast you at the table of fresh foods, and see you in your earth momma spirit digging your toes into the soft soil...ummmmmmm
you were with Michael the jewler, Nicoles brother when you came to our farm in Red Bluff.(Little Texas, Boloxi, any of too many towns) It was about 1974, and you only stayed overnight. It was so hot that you immediately completely disrobed and hosed off in our front yard, but the water was too hot too. We really shook up that community in those years! Hairy pitts, skirts with boots. Organic? Whaaaaaaaaaaaa? A huge delivery truck used to deliver whole grains and bulk out to our farm for the community, and we'd split it in our garage. Peter and I dug up and collected coyote carcasses from fence posts, buried the ole' bodies and made toe bone earings, the ranchers there would give you $25 per skin of the critters, claimed they cost them big $$ in livestock. Right. So we were on a mission to set their souls free! I've since lost my earing, but not the hole he jabbed through my lobe with a small pick! If that were only the least of the jabs we all get!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Hammond, I had sent the story to Jag to try to return the favor (in some measure) of those beautiful CDs. I wouldn't post these stories on the internet; that seems like going too far since I have sold all rights to them. I don't have a problem e-mailing copies of the manuscripts to people I know. If you still have my e-mail address, e-mail me and I'll be glad to "V-Mail" you back. I'm working on a story that involves people going to a Bed and Breakfast. Not being in the bed and breakfast income bracket, I've been looking up details about bed and breakfasts on the internet. I wonder how this will enhance my spam and pop-up ads!!! The story "V-Mail" is loosely based on my real Mom being given some WW2 letters from my Dad, just last winter. But I didn't know alot about V-mail. I had a great time researching the history of V-mail on the internet, so my details would be accurate. I really got into that research.

Name: Hammond
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Ohio Girl - What have I missed? - Where can I read your "V-Mail" story? Is it among the posts - as I can't seem to find curious mind wants to know!
Nic - short hair? Gotta pic to send me? my curious mind wants to be "titilated!" Enjoy your days off on holiday to the fullest..... You deserve the break.....
Eileen - you go girl!
Jag - any opportunities for this weekend? RSVP to my e-mail- Tx!

Name: Nicole
Date: 29 Aug 2003
In the office alone with Charlie Parker on the radio in the conference room really loud !!!!!!! Getting ready to leave early due to Holiday. Setting off for Woodstock in a bit...oh, I cut off all my hair last night and I love it. Very nice feeling. It's kinda marilyn monro-ish now...

Name: Jag
Date: 29 Aug 2003
I'm towards the end of Sleeping Where I Fall and feel like I know a little more about myself through the (mis)adventures of the many characters who inhabited Coyotes world at the time. The death of his old man resonates in me. I was returning from a week at a commune in Washington (state) and my brother couldn't contact me with the news until well after my fathers death. I didn't get to So Cal for a month after that. Unlike Coyotes 50% orphan I was officially 100% cause my mom had passed about six months earlier. I'm sure that is what hastened my old mans departure. And much like Coyotes memory the most indelible thought I carry about my old man is his admonishment that I "Wouldn't make a pimple on a mans asshole" I think every son carries the burden of his fathers unrealistic expectations and hopefully I haven't been quite as cruel to mine.
Kind of vicarious reading after talking to the participants here on this site.

Name: Eileen
Date: 29 Aug 2003
whizzing thru the library on my way back from final registration..whew! Riding my bicycle back and forth, school to home about a mile I guess! Makes me feel like a saint. I must look funny cause I'm sure not the "bicycle" look. I still don't have my gears down..and so far no one has tried to run over me. Bike lanes except on the bridges..yikes!!!
Steve..yes I know the rug youre taking about..but I'm working on a loom. But I like the suggestion a bunch and think that would make a very cool rag rug design.
We didn't survive, we endured..that is so right on! Sleeping While I Fall..oh I like that! As it is I really can't get a handle on the actual title. PS Keep in mind the text for that book was edited big time. I think he said 300 pages were cut..knowing how prolific he is it could have well been more.
Have a great wkend.

Name: Jag
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Ohio Girl V-Mail was a great story. I loved how you wove WW II into the now. I didn't realize True Story didn't give authors credit. That is a crime. You deserve credit.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Adipex - Call Rot-0-Rooter - take 400 tabs of phenetermine and call us in the morning.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 29 Aug 2003
Steve the world seems to keep coming up with zeros, I think it needs to sit back and contemplate Mars while it smokes a cigarette. Then it should eat some supersized french fries, in case they become the next prohibition. But what do I know I sure can't smoke or eat french fries at the moment not unless I want to feel considerably worse. Can you imagine the roaring twenties Terminator-style but the Terminator would be elected by the people not dropped on us unknown from the future. Oh cripes! Or maybe they just made a movie like that.......
Patrick, after I stop laughing, let me say, God Bless our dysfunctional extended families, God Bless them One and All!
Jag, I sure relate to what you said about the Beach Boys, when you met them in person, acting like you should be "eternally grateful to bask in their presence." Well that's funny, I was a teenage GIRL when I met them and I WAS eternally grateful to be basking in their presence!!! Actually they were totally mild and regular-acting when you consider all that came later with them. All I remember is they didn't want to drink any milk because it would affect their singing.
Nicole, "True Story" doesn't give any bylines to the authors; the stories are supposed to be by anonymous "real" people who send them in. In the past (very seldom today) when the "True" magazines used known authors or celebrities, these people would get credits (although the celebrity stories were no doubt ghostwritten). But most stories have always been anonymous. The warden of Sing Sing prison was a frequent contributor in the 30s, very exciting stories. He got a byline. "True Story" is soon to be 85 years old, and is said to have the most faithful readership of any magazine. Some people have had their subscriptions for 50 years, or subscribe because their mother and grandmother did, etc. It is distributed worldwide. On the other hand I think it is suffering as far as newsstand sales go today, there's too much competition. They seem to do better with subscription customers. You are more likely to find it in a drugstore than an upscale magazine stand. It's like that. I just saw my latest story in print, "Love Harvest," the farmers' market story, which is in the October issue. They shortened parts of it, and as usual I cringe at some of the language of their editing. But, my husband's initial reaction to this one was "It's longer than most of your stories." So maybe shortening it was wise overall!!!! In the November issue (tentative date) they will have a story of mine I called "V-Mail," about World War II letters. I don't know what title they will give the story. "Love Harvest" is the first time they used the same title that I gave to a story. I don't mind e-mailing a copy of my manuscript version of a story to read. These are never exactly like the final printed versions, however. Among other things all of the proper names are routinely changed, to protect the innocent I guess!

Name: Ya; Kinda purplish....
EmailAddress: The Sole Olemanees
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Shit, that one got me dizzy and in a cold sweat,..I forgot to scrape anything up for nurishment today. I gotta catch somethin' to eat. later. Olema People??... I am the Olema People.

Name: The Purple Boy
EmailAddress: Last Of The Olemanees
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Eric, I just skimmed the site again, and am amazed at the depth and breapth (such a word??)..anyway, Its Diggers, Diggers, Diggers, (steve, it is The Digger Web Site) but whats with the long forgotten (better off?) Olema People?. We were people then. This is Silent Steve. I tell ya' by 70, it was Blackbear People, Berkely People and Olema People,..and not nessicerilly in that order. Diggers? The term was generic, miss-used and wide spread by then. Diggers were flighty. Olema People were solid and heavy. Sure; hybrids one and all. Thats my point. The cream of the crop?... well, creamy for sure. Ide' Hell, the Olema Ranch entries of Coyote's "Sleeping (while?) Where I Fall was all I read before giving it away. As Ive' said before, Ive' only skimmed this site, (to into "Myself" to do much more),.. but thats something that "WE" did. ("We"Got into ourselves in very big way). Me was we and we was me. Lets get into "WE" again and delve into a very DARK area which was lost in the grey area, shall we? The Lost Boys. (easy girls, just has a ring to it). (A guy thing)...where was I?..oh ya. THE OLEMA PEOPLE. Snap, Crackle Pop. P.S. Coyote's sumattion of the scene was handled with kid gloves. What gives Pete. come on. Give the singer some. Drop in with some edification. Or does it matter.? Does it realy matter?...ah,.. what time is it? Now? Its NOW? (thats what I thought.) In closing, great web site Eric. Hell, Ide' settle for what got lost in the cracks. That is Ide' settle for myself. I wouldnt settle for less. Thats what realy eats me. Being speachless and Invisible. Wierd feeling. But that beats no feeling at all. Life Is Good. We are not survivors. we endured. Big difference. we are the undefeated. I your' alive to read this; congratulations. You made it.

Name: Steve Ghandi
EmailAddress: The New Deli Deli
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Shit, who needs a 114 year old yogi heal ya. The (my) body repairs itself. Hell, I feel like Im' goona grow a new tongue. Eyeballs, hell,..he can blow it out his ass. No disrespect, but they say that he's a self-made man. being a self-made man myself; I can tell ya'...most arent' made very well. Hmm.. ..self, self,...myself,..the word "Self" keeps popping up. Lets see: word assosiation: "Self"...ah..instant gratification??..I dunno. Hell, the toungue thing?..most likely another tummor. Hey, why couldnt they give me a toungue transplant??.. Hmm... Goat?..calf?... any of you gals care to comment??

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: billions and billions...
Date: 28 Aug 2003
hey all, take Tomas' advice,,...check out Mars tonight.

Name: Capt. Boyd
EmailAddress: S S Confido
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Hey Eileen; the ol' salts had a way of making realy neat clover shaped rugs from rope. I think that it was based on a Nepolian Knot configuration. I will get back to you on that. Ive' just jumped into a new area of study: Marlinspike Seamanship: (dont laugh)... it involves Knots, bends, hitches, and the care of rope, blocks and tackle. It's for when Im' forced back into the job market. My aim is local harbor work, although I dont have any union connections south of Boston, so I may opt for Boston Harbor,..or Charlestown Mass. First choice would be the Bay of Fundy, or at the head tide in Calaise,(or if anything still exists in that neck of the woods). (doubtful)..anyway, I delved into the dry land equivelent some years back with a rigging outfit in Newton Mass. Ah...where was I,.. Oh, a light house or draw bridge situation would suit me just fine. Anything isolated and on the water. hey, once I do get settled, I plan on rigging up my first "Ship in a Bottle". Some what of a lost craft. Now where did I put that Ol' Rockin' Chair.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Joe; 19 operations? Jesus Christ! Hey Jenn; the political scene?..after staying in Juanita's room and getting filled with the Straight T.V. news (olds).. I feel ashamed to be an American. They should change the word "Patriotism" to "False-Prideism". Damn shame. There's blind faith, and theres blind Ignorance. My moneys on faith. The Bush Lies are starting to surface. But they seem to take a stance of; Well, we said what we said for everyone's good". Shit, It wasnt for my good, I can tell ya' that. One Word: "VOTE!" Focus on fresh veggies and peace.

Name: Evelynne Woods Boyd
EmailAddress: shhheeeesssshhh....
Date: 28 Aug 2003
I goota proof read this stuff!

Name: Steve again and again and again...
EmailAddress: Roaring Zeros
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Hey Ohio Girl; one the Zeros pass, I predict the next "Prohibition": Tobaccoo. Fuck, the day that they outlaw it is the day I start to grow it. Smoke if ya' got em.

Name: Steve Booze. Why ask why?
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Hey, I didnt mean to demean any alkies out their, hell, I fight the bottle myself. I can be cruel and so Insensitive. Hey Sponge, whats your' take on the sauce? Want my advice? Stop at forty. (years, not drinks you fool). But no shit Sponge, you started to open up. Ah,.. I skimmed that Join-Me thing: it looks like a local rap. Is it a Liverpoolian thing? What could an "American" offer? Get back to me. Oh, my E-Mail was just slammed w/ a bunch of money hungry Africans and some German Porno Queens. Any connection? Hey, have any of you picked up on the cultural changes that are ebbing upon us? Motorcycle Shops, and Tattoo Parlors have morphed into boutiques. Pool Halls are over-run with families and Churches are filled with Vaudville acts. What gives? Kids are still made to register with the draft board, or am I wrong on that on?.. If its true: one question: "Why??!!" You can quote me.

Name: Yep!!!
EmailAddress: S.R.B.
Date: 28 Aug 2003
No mistake like a new mistake! Nice words and thought Eileen. My folks?..hell, I spent half a century trying to convince them that I couldnt' be trusted. They never caught on. My bio will start out wit: "I was raised by thieves and liars". But, hey, who can raise a double cancer with a Sag. moon? Most "Kids" are destroyed by the parent's divorce; ...hell, I was snuffed by thier' solid marriage. When two people form an entity, it hard to approach at any angle. When the Ol' man would say" "I dunno, go ask yer' mother" I felt like sayin' "I just did; now Ill' ask my other mother. Shit. Opps...there goes the regret again. But, ya, kick out all of the supports and free fall. Somethin's gotta "Turn Up" always does. Hey, stick to the books. Later.

Name: guess
EmailAddress: ...
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Make that "Waste the Ink"... (If I quit while Im' a head; I will never quit)..

Name: OOPPPSS...
EmailAddress: spell check
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Make that "Buffalo Jane". Hey whats with the weather around the country??!! Man...hey, heard any good lies from the Bush gang lately? Gee, big article in the Shambala Sun (spelling?) about the Dali Lahma. Lets see,..hey, every kid in NYC looks as if he stepped out of a GAP window display. Whats with the Skoobie-Doo beatnik thing? M.G. Grubs was light years ahead (behind?)....what goes around comes around. I fell into the trap myself and instead of scooping some canvas top-siders, I bought a pair of Italian made "Trackers". Kind of a weathered Mad Max sneaker. What was I thinking? I miss the lucky boots. I miss alot of things. Places. People. Fellings,..oh-oh, it comes again!.."Blah, blah, blah.." Sorry to wash the ink Eric,..but this is all Ive' said all day. Try it at home sometime. duct tape yer mouth shut. Most likely, In four or five hours you will rip it off screaming at the top of yer' lungs. Its a form of mental clostrophobia. I gotta break out. What I wouldnt give for on Morrison howl. Ya, ya, ya,..pretty neat, pretty neat,..pretty good, pretty good...

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Shee-utt getting a college computer to download this site is like waiting for Jesus to appear! Steve that sounds pretty interesting your nerves are waking. I have one in my mouth from my teeth being taken out that has stayed in the tingly stage off and on but has yet to make the leap. Being in a body is such a mixed blessing ain't it? Waiting for A Sign?? The way my signs have been going is called, running out of choices BUT old Saturn Return trick..Pick One..ha ha, a Cosmic Joke. At least that leaves no confusion. Once I give into that (screaming and kicking) the rest gets easier..or at least less fraught. Seems like you are doing something akin to what I did..pulling out all the attachments and supports to see which way things fall. Really it is a huge act of faith. I had a dream once while Bob was dieing that I was in a van I had lost controll of that was flying over a clift. I had my eyes shut and suddenly realized it was hardly a moment to think closing my eyes was going to make me not experience it. Figured best not try to miss the moment of my death. This to me is a great deal like what I have just done (and am still in the process of) and what you are doing. I think we both have the past life ascetic knowledge in us. You seem to lean even harder that way than I. It's really a chance to see things more clearly. You have been through so much and have made such a life for yourself in NY. From what I understand of NY it is a hard act to follow. On the other hand it demands a lot as well. I have learned living in a city one can become enclosed in it. I need to be in nature often, to not loose touch with...I am taking a long breath..not to loose touch with my body..I pretty much lack words for it. But having my life filled with mainly people is entertaining at best and distracting on many levels at worst.
"Near" parents? yikes! You want my vote? Only if you feel you could use their support and you're ready to have them peering into your life.
Ok I guess I'm out of here until school opens up Tues or if I stumble across a computer between now and then. Taking a rug weaving class as my fun class from my favorite teacher tonight. The rest is 8 units of business computer incrediable small business info offered within the community Wed nights. I've pretty much got classes from 9 am to 9 pm M-Th. Talk about a change in my life! I can't go back to the same ole mistakes. At the very least I need to make some new ones!

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Safe at all speeds
Date: 28 Aug 2003
O.K. The Nader thing, I am a dummy. We did brush upon that. O.K. Hey, that reminds me of a quote by Chief Seattle, but.. I cant type it...only feel it. Remember that state of mind. Speaking of which, Im' gonna cheat and jump to the Astro link and get an angle of the dangle. Latter. Oh, hell; why dont I just come out and say it??: "Blah, Blah, Blah.." Oh, I broke my caffine fast last night and after downing two tall mugs of hot tea I wrote a short story (in my head) titled "Bufallo Jane of a thousand fucks" (I cant use her real name due to pure fear on my part) if it ever makes print, it's gotta be her nick-name. Anyway, the first three (very short chapters) turned into an introduction, then it realy took off. I taped right into the Henry Miller stream-of-consciensness groove. I amazed myself. I was silently laghing. It was that entertaining; if someone else was spinning the yarn. I was amazed. (who me?)..shit, if I could have taped it, it would haave been all sewn up. But taping is out for me. Gotta' sharpen a pencil and try to keep up next time I get jacked up on a stimulant.

Name: Opps..
EmailAddress: SSSS.RRRR.BBBB.
Date: 28 Aug 2003
nevermind;..theres a Green link an his site. Will check it out myself.

Name: One More...
EmailAddress: S.R.B.
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Oh, hey, ah...F.Y.I. service; I just jumped onto Clapso's link and the "Green Party" caught my eye. Over the last couple of years Ive' met a hoard of Greenies, (who all seemed very distracted) I never actually inquired about what they are or are into. Am I stupid or what? Some of em' had very deep political ties here abouts, are they a third party or what? (Rena; I think that you also mentioned them in or short rap on the system??!!... so where's it at? Thanks. We (some of us) may learn something. Hey Joe; give her our best. Anything that I can do?

Name: Lord Boyd
EmailAddress: Dean Castle
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Hey Nic: I just skimmed that thing by "Clapso"...hey;.."Read, Think, Speak and Be". (three out of four aint bad) hee, hee. Which reminds me; as part of the spiritual healing that I plan on spear-heading: ("I" wont do it; so "I" have too)...Im' married to myself now and am getting a better foot hold day by day. Anyway, oh, ya... as part of that proceess, Im' going to get an old-school R.I.P. tattoo with Cross and flowers etc. The banner will read: "MY VOICE" 1952-2001. Well, gotta run, I got some reading, thinking and being to do. P.S. thanks foe continually sharing and adding to this page. It's turning into a gold mine. (wierd scenes and all). Thanks again. P.S. Hey Jenn,.. I plan on eating anything that cant or wont flee. ie: veggie mush, shell fish, grains etc. Life is good. So,"Till we get the Healin' done", I will sign out.

Name: Back again,...
EmailAddress: 4th-1/2
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Sponge; the way she put it I would have sworn it was local (London area). Ya Jag, Carolyn was her name. I had done some "Take Off" poetry durring the 96 season (mimming other's structure, but entering my words and sentiments etc. and the stuff was Wwwaaaayyy Oooouuuuttt. There is/was?? a poet up in the Rochester N.H. area who still may have a good deal of my work as he was collecting it. He would show me his stuff and I would do yin/yang take-offs of it and fire it right back to him. Im' not sure iff he ever picked up on what I was up to or not. Anyway, his name is/was Skip. He hides out in the woods like most of the N.H. Republicals that I met. I think that he's still wearing Tie Dye. Anyway, Im' having alot of trouble at this very moment... 99% of the Al Anon folks cant follow even basic hand signals on where they are suppose to hold there meeting. Its as if they are all in a daze. Whats the moon's phase??...Oh, speaking of which, I cant remember my last drink...or drinks rather. That was my main aim at distancing Miz Nancy. The booze is the worst. I feel good,.. hell, I may give the ol' liver a few good jabs. Pow! Later. I gotta lead some lushes by the hand. Damn Pity.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: 4th
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Had a real good night, my body seems to be in the final healing stage..hell,...its been 26 months since the blade. The pins and needle sensation is fading fast but has given way to a real itchyness. I thought that maybe it was due to my peeling ex-sun burn,... but this is definatly nerves getting back into the game. I ran out of GI milk shake mix and may get inventive with my next diatary intake. I dunno. Hey Eileen; Im' getting hesitant about leaving NYC anytime soon, I have a certain saddness that it wont be the same (is it ever?) once I return. Sure, Ive' split twice in three years, but I had some roots to return to then. Being uprooted (I dug myself out),.. it seems a bit unsettling. As far as the "Trip within a Trip" goes: my pilgramige that I call life is at an intersection. (Travel is sacred)...a book about that I think)...anyway, I may pull over into free parking untill I get a sign on which way to go. Hey,..I got a card from my Nor Cal friend who hinted that he had "Talked" to my folks and they expressed a strong desire to hook me into moving "CLOSE" to them. Which makes me wonder WHERE???!!...They spend half the season up north and half down south. "Close"... kinda' scary aint it. Anyone out there whose' "Close" to the folks care to comment??? Im' just rambling now. hey, Im' hosting tonight, there's some A.A. folk here who need some help,..later..

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Steve the only fire i can remember in a big night club around that time was the casino fire on the isle of man (casino being the cubs name)

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Nicole - Here is a link re: the author you discovered

Name: FYI Service
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Nicole - here is some info on the Ringolevio guy

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Hey Steve
Date: 28 Aug 2003
The Beans of Egypt, Maine
by Carolyn Chute
The Beans of Egypt, Maine
"A startling and original first novel....They are endlessly slamming doors, dropping food in their beards, moaning, stomping, snorting and unzipping...but they are neither villains nor buffoons." -New York Times Book Review

Name: Eileen
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Early for class. Discovered my hands know more than my mind! Started typing (computer keyboarding class) without looking at exercises and suddenly my fingers started hitting the right keys while my mind was still stalling. I took typing at 19! and the grove in my brain apparently is sent for life. How freeky! I'm slow as hell but I'm getting it right. Made me feel pretty getting my mind out of the way so I could work better. Really I felt like a kid and wanted to shout, "Hey! Watch this!!" I'm still just blown away by the how much more does my body know that my mind is unaware of???? This all turns into many thoughts about the mind body dance.
Steve..maybe like me you will recycle yourself and end up back in NY. PS you are welcome here. Y'all come!

Name: Nicole
EmailAddress: surfin around the net this morning
Date: 28 Aug 2003
...and I found this...

Name: Joe
Date: 28 Aug 2003
Hi Steve...Im from Long Island City....her leg still is a non union fracture...there is an another ex fix on it now and some DNA paste in there....19 operations later.....thanks for asking

Date: 28 Aug 2003
Afuckingmen Jenn

Name: Jenn
EmailAddress: which witch?
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Happy to put a smile on yer kisser. Folks, I truly feel like I am in heaven eating out of a fresh garden.All around me are fabulous flowers, fruit trees and a huge garden. Steamed greens, beans, corn, salad...on and on. I have eaten so many blue berries I feel like a blue goddess. I read recently that every 21 seconds a person on OUR planet, OUR SPECIES starves to DEATH!! Every 21 seconds. 3/4ths of them are children. 200 times the super bowl every year. Wow.
But hey. It takes all of us to feed all of us. I feel so frusturated regarding this whole government and its politics that I want to run and hide, then I feel like a coward, who should do Something, anything. Given my er, shall I say "shady" back ground I would never win at an election... Giving food to all my friends and some schools is a start, but my gawd....when the fuck are we going to start caring about each other? Each and every each other? Sign me up.

Name: Yep...
EmailAddress: uhhu...
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Going to sleep now,.. gotta get up late again tomarrow. Hey, speaking of Main; there was a big gal up that way who admired some of my early poems. She runs a local militia group. (ya, guns)...She authored a book way back when called The Beans of Egypt Maine. I should get back in touch. Anyone recall her name? I will web search it on Thurs. Im' tired.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Manhattan Island
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Hey Aquarian Joe; how's yer' wife? Hope it worked out OK. Are you in Brooklyn or Jersey? I cant recall. Me not recalling!.. this is getting scary. Speaking of Aquarians,..Man, its gonna be hard closing this chapter of my story. The church cat Clawdia is in love with me. She either has it in her head that she's human, or that Im' a cat. I think that we both fall in the catagory of half way there. (not that she' an Aquarian).. Its my pals,...Ive' slowly weened myself of my two best friends. (they grew on me),... like a spiritual family... Im' heart-broken to give em' both the Lone Ranger. Ya, I'm talkin' about the gal who hears voices and sees things, and the man who wears a crash helmet and doesnt ride anything. Funny, I never questioned Miz Nancy's audio and visual halusinations,.. hell, at times I could almost hear and see that shit myself,..she explained it all so graphically. (how's that for an open mind)... anyway; I wanted so much to believe. And Buckley with his never ending hard-boiled-dick novel. man, those Aquarians live in the moment. Wish I could. I live in yesterday. Opps... there's the regret that Ive' been trying to 86. Good Byes crush me. Not the words, but the act. Well, I may put Calaise on hold until after the 04 season. If Allan cant use his pull to gain access to any or all of the Lost Footage, I may opt for obscurity again. (Its a warm place). Anyway, I may store Clyde at a local Bike shop for the winter and skin out to Old Florida. Maybe Punta Gorda. Work on the tan. Save a nest egg. I dont know. Shit.

Name: Steve again....
EmailAddress: Ferry cross the Mersey
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Sponge, dont look now but yer' personality is showing. I was wondering if you had one. Seriousley, I met alot of English ACTORS who likewise got fucked over (more or less by untalented American "Movie Stars" who were layin' out they're best pig-latin cockney. damn shame. Man when they crawl into a bottle its a sad sight. It almost came to blows in London when I tried tellin' a pub full that Dylan wasnt queer, and had a wife and family. To a man, they all said, Nooooo...Bobbie Dylan is a queer. What gives with that? Hey, back in 80 I shacked up (in between chamber maids) in Chelsey with a plump snaggle toothed farm fresh run-away wife who had skin like butter milk. I quizzed her about her black kinky wig, and She told me that her hair had been fried off and her scalp scourched in a famouse club fire over there. Dont remember which, or what name, or even what year that it happened. Ring a bell whith you? Ah, warm gin and a silver side. She said that I talked funny.

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: Tashi Delek Ya'all
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Hey Hammond, the film footage of me (playing me) in The Rise and Fall of Western Civilization was cut out entirely from what I gathered. As a matter of fact, the film crew was ordered to Cut and temporarilly shut down altogether. Fact is: I was in line, but not actually standing up... and they call it a fuckin' documentary. I may have been pulling off my Jesus Christ Impersonation. Shit. Censorship is drag,. As for me, I never even saw the film. so,..that being said; maybe I am in it,...but the way the cat blew up and started threatening me, I doubt it. I remember saying "Hi Mom;..Hi Dad,,and then holding up both fingers. My drift is that it was about the 1979 L.A. Punk scene. This all took place at the Whiskie. I think it was on the same night as Pearl Heart and I both got thrown out of the Roxie. Two girls had glombed onto us, one was very pregnant, (Pearly May had the honors).. and I got a young newlywed who had had her first falling out. Anyway, after dropping a few hundred on dinner and champagne, the bouncer (or bouncee) in this case followed Pearl and I up the stairs (which we were climbing like a ladder) to the head. I think he was plannin' on busting up a snow storm,...hell, I dont know what he was thinking. All in all in was a great night. The gals company really seemed to put Pearl's feet on the ground. He was as normal as I had ever seen him. They split as a trio and I went back to the club and ironically danced with myself. Aint it the way. Then, I remember kissing and fondeling a supporting post (like a lally-column) that held up the cieling. Some chickies thought that that was the end. They teased me and damned if I didnt go back into my J.C. Impersonation. Subconsciously, I must be a Christly Cat. On that not, I do have some spiritual healing to do. P.S. Nik; the bed will be unasembled and set to go. I will leave instructions w/ the crew here. call first to verify and pick it up at yer' convenience. Oh, the two posters will be rolled up also. Later all. Hey Rena: again... the eyes have it. Up for another hour,..maybe talk some more.

Name: Jag
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Very interesting Dr.

Date: 27 Aug 2003
No - Joint Me!

Date: 27 Aug 2003

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Steve Jag Hammond and whoever else asked
Yes Pete Best is probably still bitter but who could blame him. he now works in Oldswan job centre as a civil servant but on the rare occasion when he does talk about it (and tey are rare) he is very philosophical about it all and good for him too. He is still living and working in Liverpool and frequently gets hassled by Japanese and American tourists he is never rude but firmly turns them away.
One character stil at large is Alan Williams (first beatles manager) he is still drinking around the city centre and it is quite amusing watching this drunken old man telling tourists who he is and them not believing them - they travel 3000 miles or more to see Penny lane or quarry bank school and right next to the is real living history and they dont know it. Like all scousers I could ramble on all day but i wont maybe later, i wil tell you about Quarry bank school and the most remarable school year pupils ever gathered in on place - some thing strange happend to get so many talented people in one school at the same time and i aint just talking about Mr Lennon

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Aug 2003
New York Times story...just lovely, seems Bush says any updated equipment can be exempt from Clean Air Act. don't know if this link will work...
? EPA frees power plants from clean-air rules

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Nic - are you and Steve still trying to deal with that bed? Funny...very funny I think - whats it been 6 months now? Ah the sock-hop memories dancing in the garage with Darla and Linda to those 45s on a silly little record player - lovin the slow dance and other 'titilating' moments for the first time.. It was all so sweet and untainted by the world outside...

Name: Nik
Date: 27 Aug 2003
ps Patman, you had me rolling with that description of "the gathering" you and your wife seem very at home.

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Jag, god going far back now...sock hops in the garage putting 45's on the square record player...and dancing slow to theme from A Summer Place...that was like early pre teen stuff...but soon after that I was going to a place three blocks from my house in Anaheim, Retail Clerks Union Hall and dancing to Dick Dale and the Deltones...Mizerlou as it turns out is an old Armenian folk song...our prom featured the guys who did the Hully Gully...The plug got pulled on them pretty quick. ps I went to Trident Jr and Loara.
Ohio, do you write under your own name...shucks I'd love to pick up a copy of True Mystery and read something of yours..
Steve, I'm going away this week end but then I could come and get the bed...I have access to a van now too.

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Ah yes - who could forget The Sock Hop - doin the Surfer Stomp - Hummm... The Pyramids? no - Rip Chords yes - The Rivingtons and the Shantays. The Sandals (those guys who did the Bruce Brown sound track to "Endless Summer") played at my junior prom.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: midnighttraintogeorgia
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Hey everyone, Happy belated b-day Eileen. I love the way you reinvent. Keep it up. I've been pretty busy with all the different relatives in town after granddaughter Naomi,s birth. My ex who is my sons mother was in town from New Hampshire where she manages a food co-op along with her was her daughter Kachina and her grandkids Isla and Sage who are on mainland for a couple of months from the big Island Hawaa'i. Also staying was my son's in-laws from Dc area who happen to be both retired FBI. Pretty interesting mix. My son and his wife who are young and upwardly liberals. The ex and her crew smellin' of patchouly and and playing food cops pointing everything out that was not organic and babys hangin' on tits everywhere you look and the ol' mother-in law getting so red and puffed up Iwas afraid It was gonna pop. And me the Ol' ex junkie radical who has changed in so many ways sitting over in the corner with my lovely wife Robin playing with Little Naomi feeling free and serene. I'll touch bases again when I get back from Jobbing in Georgia. Peace, Love to all Patman

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: midnighttraintogeorgia
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Hey everyone, Happy belated b-day Eileen. I love the way you reinvent. Keep it up. I've been pretty busy with all the different relatives in town after granddaughter Naomi,s birth. My ex who is my sons mother was in town from New Hampshire where she manages a food co-op along with her was her daughter Kachina and her grandkids Isla and Sage who are on mainland for a couple of months from the big Island Hawaa'i. Also staying was my son's in-laws from Dc area who happen to be both retired FBI. Pretty interesting mix. My son and his wife who are young and upwardly liberals. The ex and her crew smellin' of patchouly and and playing food cops pointing everything out that was not organic and babys hangin' on tits everywhere you look and the ol' mother-in law getting so red and puffed up Iwas afraid It was gonna pop. And me the Ol' ex junkie radical who has changed in so many ways sitting over in the corner with my lovely wife Robin playing with Little Naomi feeling free and serene. I'll touch bases again when I get back from Jobbing in Georgia. Peace, Love to all Patman

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: School Daze
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Hammond, when I met the "Boy's" it was pretty strange. We had an elementary school a few blocks from my house that was used on weekends as a venue for local bands and their was a regular "Sock Hop" (remember those?) every Sat. nite. My uncle who lived in my community arranged to have the Beach Boys play their one weekend as a favor to him, talk about weird, it was like having the Beatles play a birthday party or something. I attended with my brothers and we got the VIP treatment because of my uncle. The band played for a couple of hours and the crowd was screaming just like American Bandstand. We were all in our early teens, I think I was a freshman, and we had our de riguor white levis, Pendletons, and wingtips, Harauchi's or Purcels on and looking very surf. The band had dressing room the size of a closet and I got to hang with them between their sets and after wards for a little while. They were most definitately uninspiring sorts. They acted like I should be eternally grateful to bask in their prescense and were very bored. They were probably pissed at my uncle for making them play such a lame gig. I had a good time though cause I was a minor celeb for the nite with all my friends. My uncle even had the Pyramids (remember them) play the same venue a few months later. They were a riot because they all had shoulder length hair throughout the act and at the very end they whip off their hair (wigs) to reveal totally bald heads and they made some derogatory statements about the Beatles and long hair. We boo'd loudly which pissed off my uncle and that was the end of his special guest participation.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Thanks for the vote of confidence Steve and Hammond, seems I can use a vote of confidence these days. I'd like to write various things, now that "True Stories" has taught me so much about writing. I have no rights to these stories by the way, you sign away any and all rights forever to get a story published for a few hundred dollars.
I was an usher at a Beach Boys concert and ate dinner with them, the height of my teenage life to that point. They were really fine, can't forget they were very original back then.....just before the sixties went totally outta-sight. One of the local radio stations was playing their songs Friday night, we were listening to it at work, and they still sounded good. A James Brown concert I saw back then was so for-real, my girlfriend and I were the only white people in the audience, for once seeing music and a performance not tailored for white teens. (Saturday Night Live did a great sketch on this subject, with Ray Charles.}
A few months ago I keep hearing "Werewolves of London" every station I turned to and I got really sad, I thought Warren Zevon must have died and this was a tribute to him, as he had only been given a few months to live. Well he has beat the odds and the doctors' predictions so far, for now. It must have felt good to be able to put out an album. I will try to catch that show on VHS not to mention the album. Peace

Name: FYI - Service
EmailAddress: Hope Springs, New Hampsire?
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Hope Springs, New Hamshire?
"The American people accept the fog of war when the war is just and necessary and has clarity of purpose. But they expect it to lift once the president himself declares "mission accomplished," as the banner aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln announced on May 1, the day Bush landed in his flight suit and said the United States already had "prevailed." The prevailing view in New Hampshire right now is otherwise. "

Name: Hammond
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Ohio Girl - The 3rd Page door is always open.
Steve - I know Sky (now Skye) Saxon fairly well. The last time we hung out for an evening (Eugene in 95 or 96) he was a bit haggard and rough around the synapse but still looking much like he always has - he certainly sounded like he always has - and what a stoner he remains..... I really had trouble keeping up with him to be honest and fell out around 4am. The great moment of the night - during a jam session was his - 40 minute version of "Up In Her Room" - Sam Andrew from Big Brother was there as well - lots of fun!!! but exhausing.
Skye lives in Hawaii now I think....
I saw that End of Civilization film - (the first one) - "I Just Love Livin' In The City" was the high point for me - but I will rent it again just to see you standing in line.
Sponge - ah - Liverpool is it? From what I hear Best has a new book out about his days and thereafter. Have you read it? From afar I would guess he has fair reason to feel 'shafted' - who wouldn't!!! But Ringo is a much better drummer I think - Best was very proficient from the early recordings of Silver Beatles but like a good studio drummer vs. Ringo's inspired fills and persona. What's the first group you heard as a teenager that blew your cork? My fav.(s) in the day - of those I saw in concert would have to be The Kinks on their first US tour - and Them with Van Morrison on their only US tour (playing rural high school auditoriums!)
Accumulatively - we are all so LUCKY!!!! to have seen (and hung with) so many of the inspired groups and musicians of our day
Jag - what a trip that must have been! Though having lived around the Beach Boys in their later-day Santa Barbara phase - "underwhelming" is a very good description of them off stage - especially Mike Love. Boring 'dudes' with way too much money.....
PS - Happy Birthday Eileen (revisited!!!)

Name: Jag
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Nichole, Brookhurst, Lincoln, Beach Blvd., Katella, Goldenwest Blvd., sound familar? I remember cruising them all and after wards I would find myself at the beach more often than not. Oh yeah the hair police at Disneyland were a riot, we had more ways to get past that than I can remember. Tucking it under a hat worked pretty well but wasn't foolproof.

Name: Nicole
Date: 27 Aug 2003
Steve and Jag, I enjoyed listening in on yr conversation this morning...and wow all that great music...I was in my friends car, cruising down Brookhurst on my way down to the beach...and picketing Disneyland cause they wouldn't let the surfer boys in with their straight long and combed straight back and their wingtip dare they...I got very territorial about our beach boys...and then I, I'm right here at my desk...but thanks for the journey this morning boys.
Mark, I met Dan Stolpe around 1973 when he was living on the Swinamesh Indian reservation outside fo La Conner was great being in his house surrounded by all of that beautiful work...I know he did some things with planet drum too.

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Aug 2003
G'nite Steve, one last mention of music, Warren (Werewolves of London) Zevon is on VH1 and it is sad and very poignant. He is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and has recorded one last album, some heavyweight help too. Jackson Browne, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, Chris Christopherson among others, even Billy Bob Thornton? They do a rendition of Knockin On Heavens Door that is, considering his situation, errie and hauntingly sad. Worth a listen. I'm glued as I type. Goodnight all.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: over and out
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Im' going to sleep now. (I gotta get up late tomarrow)...

Name: Steve Copala
EmailAddress: on the set
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Shit, Im' hyped about Leon Grodski and the Sushi-Bar getting onboard (or taking on the film project). The stuff from The Rise and fall Of Western Civilization, plus any stills that I could unearth from the lost Rolling Stone Steve Boyd and Tennessse Jim interview would round it out. Ah... lets see,..from what I hear, Leon did a stint in a few places that I did, although at different times and under different conditions. Ah,.. hey Leon, when I called you a prick, I ah...well,..ah, know...Ah fuck it. Hey Mike McClure, give me a buzz. My people can do lunch w/ your' people baby. Hey, fact is: I have McClure blood on Dad's mother's side of the family. Any film buffs care to comment??...(not much feed back lately)...

Name: Steve Boyd..the lonely planet boy.
EmailAddress: Surfin' CBGB
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Fuck it. Brian screwed it all up. Scratch The Beach Boys. How about them NEW YORK DOLLS???!!!

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: close to the cuff
Date: 26 Aug 2003
In my mind Ol'Chuck made one big mistake; he let young Brian look over his shoulder and pick his brain. Where ya' think that he picked up the art form (it is more than a technical skill). Chuck shoulda' started throwing hands. I saw some clips where, I think the quote was something like.."Ah'.."It got where I could do what he was doin'". ...and;.."Ahh.. I said; 'Hell, I can do that'". Shit, where's the justic?..wheres the respect. The feeble minded bastard has an ear for music sure, but he's a sedated version of Ozzy. Christ, and here I thought that I never complete a project. Shit. Wouldnt' it be nice........

Name: Steve Van Gough
EmailAddress: 4th
Date: 26 Aug 2003
mark; dan Strope is very inspirational. Hey, get this, Im' not gone a few days when some dork start to dismantle my parlor mural. (It was 3-D) w/ variouse pieces of hardware and such applied w/ liquid nails. I even have a gold watch where my self-portrait heart would have been. (set for 9:11). Anyway, the name of the piece is "The Three Temptations Of Steve" which depicted an evolution (a trinity) in respect to the love and enchantment between myself and the former Reverend of W.S.U.M.C. (she was a female, OK Sponge?)...anyway, she prompted me to do an unspecified subject mural as I was healing. I didnt start the project until she had married and moved away. Oh, prior to someone trying to gouge and dismantle it, (they tore of a picture box, dinner plate and spoon, etc. I was paid the coolest compliment on it by my friend Juanita, she said, "I was in there at night, and I couldnt take my eyes off of it,..then it started to MOVE!"...she then asked: "Wow, how did you make it so it would do that?. Cool, hu?. Anyway, she came back from Va-Ca early, but Im' still gonna cover as host until the end of the month... so Ive' been crashing in the front parlor; as she has taken over her room again (none of that!)..anyway; at night I stare at it and it does seem to slowly spread out and get deep. I see things in that seem to take on a life of thier own. Its as if someone else painted it. I look at it and woner about the creator,..which all art should make you question. Its the singer; not the song dig? (Mick does)...anyway;It depicts the three stages of my relationship with the Lady Rev. And on that note; Im' doing everything in my power to keep from joining her in the midwest. She bought a house. The tractor beam is that strong! It's scary. Im' a boy and she's a girl, but wow! Im' amazed; and thats saying something. Im' opting for a park bench for as long as I can hold out. Freedom is like Fashion: any drag queen who ever got her pinky toes amputated to fit stilletos will tell ya": Ya' gotta suffer. later. I will try to photograph it some evening,..whats left of it that is. Remember kids: neatness counts, and dress for success.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: More Trivia
Date: 26 Aug 2003
They had a biographical flick on the Beach Boys a couple of years ago and in the middle of it they show Brian's dad attending a recording session of Pet Sounds and he is freaking at how slow and disjointed the whole process is proceeding, he says something to the effect of how he missed the day's when he and Chuck Britz could crank out an album in just a few sessions. I got a (decidedly small) goosebump at the mention of my uncles name. He should have got a lot more recognition for all the years he spent in the studio with them. As it was, he lived about six blocks from me in a cookie cutter three bedroom ranch house in Eastgate, a 2,000 unit tract housing complex with five models, all disturbingly similar. He deserved better, my old man deserved better, hell I deserved better but what did I care, I spent most of my time at Huntington Beach and as little as I could in my stucco splattered suburban 'Hood'in West Garden Grove. All uncle Chuck got was a plaque that read "To Chuck Our Favorite, and Only Recording Engineer", this was a couple of years before they fired him.

Name: Steve A Go Go
EmailAddress: Star Wood
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Last time I hit the Whiskie was rather a blur,... i was cameoed in line on the production of a thing called "The Fall Of Western Civilization" but was cut out by a veamint (livid) producer/director. Hey, maybe I could get ahold of those clips. Anyway, the last few shows I saw there were/are all blobbed together in my brain file. I remember seeing Ray Manzeric on oran with John Doe and "X". Xena was very healthy. A heavy duty blond cat did road house blues to a tee. I also remember seeing "Angel" (who had to alter it to Angel City) due to a conflicting local band name. They were from Austrailia and did a slick tune about Fuckin' somebody up with a base ball bat. Ah,.. lets see, Martha and the Muffins,..ah,..Rubber City Rebels (From Akron: Ohio Girl). I spent alot of time at the Star Wood, as I was tight with the owners. I saw re-formed versions of Spankey and Our Gang, Iron ButterFly,..lets see, Barry White,..I was doing a bit of drinking with one of the Average White Band. This was all around 79' or 80'. Rock-a-Billy was in and out. I was Bar Keep at Phases in the valley. Thats where I met Blondie who was on top at that time. debra harry was precice but short winded. I damn near got D.J. Chucky Star killed one night. OK, OK, two nights in a row. On a lighter note when I worked for Chas Pollack on Melrose Place, Chuck was horrified to find out that my best drinking buddy, Marko Antonio Carillo (who I got Chuck to hire) was in fact the infamous "Star Wood Slasher". This kid was pure blood and took bouncing seriously. Throw yer' ass out??..hell...he'd cut ya' to pieces. The club scene in L.A. was unearthly at that time; the valley girls were taking center stage as Bowies Kids were on a downward spiral. The angel dust was turning my stomach.

Name: Steve the Droog
EmailAddress: The Milk Bar
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Talks the way I write...poor bastard. But really, Im' on the cutting edge. its a Clock Work Orange. Im' singin' in rain..Slam!!!

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Yeah but Brian's old man was a moron, he sold the entire Beach Boy's catalog for a few hundred thousand, he didn't think it had any long term value!! Its estimated worth now is a few hundred million. And Brian never would have got Pet Sounds produced with his old man at the wheel. To innovative and psychedelic.The old man was a financial and creative idiot.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Flint
Date: 26 Aug 2003
As a kid, I kick myself in the ass for not tagging along w/ my older Bro. he hit all of the Big Detroit shows. Kinks, Beach Boys, Kingsmen, etc. There was an English sounding group who was from escapes me. Ah...they had an English sounding name. Ah to hell with it. Speaking of Detroit and Flint as well; JAMES BROWN's shows were historacle. (pre black and proud shit). That seperated more than it pulled together. Speaking of Brown, I remember watching the Tammy Showcase thing on black and white TV in Flint w/ Dad, Stan and a souther preacher named Calvin Chapin from Arkansas. Anyway, all through the Stones set while a highly unsatisfied Jagger was slithering and pursing his lips, the Rev. was in a trance-like state, chanting "English Queer",..English Queer. Stan, Dad and I were in stitches. It was Calvin's TV, but Dad insisted on checkin' it out. Then when Brown did his Break-Down number, it was "Nigger Queer", Nigger Queer!!. Man, them Southern Baptists cornered the Market on biggitry, they were real hard to take. James Brown blew em' all away. Good Man J.B. Good Man.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Too all, I had the distinct pleasure of spending some time with Dan Stolpe in his studio yesterday in Santa Cruz. This guy is a treasure and definitley a fellow traveler in the Digger tradition. He talks like Steve Boyd writes.

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Aug 2003
I loved the Byrds, "McQuin and McQuire (Barry?) Still a Gettin Higher in LA, You Know Where Thats At" Roger was great live and solo, saw him right here in Oregon long after the Byrds were history and saw the Byrds (with Crosby) in LA at the Whisky.

Name: Steve Diddley
EmailAddress: One Mo' Time...
Date: 26 Aug 2003
God Dog!! Sky Saxon was my favorite for a few days. The Seeds "I cant seem to make you mine" was the story of my life at that time. Angst City. Is he still worshiping Dogs in Hawaii???. Man, to bad yer people couldnt have held out. After that, there was a loose nut at the wheel. Then agaain; Id'e be tempted to stay in my bedroom for a few years...If I had a bed room. (see; alot of good comes from the bad)...the Gods dont want me shootin' my mouth off or having a bed. They must be crazy. Hey, a great pop band who were a bit out-grown for the part was ROCK PILE. "Moments of Plesure"...ya...Pop.

Name: Steve Star
EmailAddress: later...
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Hey;.. best of both worlds??..The Byrds. Roger did a pre-punk thing that the Clash ripped off. I saw the Byrds at the carosel ballroom (new filmore West) and at that time, he was the only original. OK, ok,.. one more,..but heres where I draw the line. MUDDY WATERS. After he had recorded one of his first tunes he had gone home to sleep it off and was awoken by someone playing it on a phono about 3 of 4 flights up in the apt. bldg. He was reported as saying like: "I heard me singin' from way up there and I thought that I had died". Hey; check out Chuck Willis "King Of The Stroll". I was moved by that one at a young age. It still holds up.

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Aug 2003
For what it matters I got a little history with the Beach Boys, my uncle Chuck Britz was their recording engineer in the day when their old man managed the band. He (my uncle) was tight with the old man and he recorded most of their albums up to Pet Sounds but when Brian fired the old man my uncle went with him. He worked for Capitol Records and recorded quite a few of the LA bands, The Seeds and others, I even met the Beach Boys, I was underwhelmed cause by then I was a Stones fan and the English invasion was in full force.

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Gotta agree Steve, Paul and John were probably more at fault, from what little I know Pete could charm the lassies better than either of them and that could not be tolerated.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: whadda' I know??
Date: 26 Aug 2003
It's beeen a long time' a commin. Best American Band?... The Beach Boys. Best of the Britts? The Kinks. Now you all may laugh, but in its day; Surfin' USA was just as punped up as I Wanna Hold Your Hand was in its day. And likewise; You Really Got Me was more riviting (as well as original) than any Stones or Beatles hit of the same three or four months.. (gotta remember how fast the shit was flying then)...OK, OK, THE ANIMALS!!...there I said it. Hey Eric, out there??. What is it with the "Celebrities"???...they to fuckin' good for this web site?...or what???....P.S. "Two Words"...CHUCK BERRY. Its all theft. Richie Valens stole it from little Richard and Led Zeplin grabbed it from Richie. Bless My Soul!!!! Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby,...when ya' gotta' wig-hat on; whadda' ya' do with it fellas??...TAKE IT OFF!!...and get down with' the jerk..come on baby; show daddy how ya' work, come on baby, I said a' ha, ha, ha....Etc. You get the drift, right???...right. Bless My Soul!!! "Shut Up!!"

Name: Steve Loog Oldham
EmailAddress: no shit...
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Sponge, the last three bands that I was even remotely involved with were the Bottles (Boston Ma.), The Dogs: aka L.A. Dogs and the Ghost Riders (Los Angeles also). The key to a solid group???...ya got me???!!!... Most likely Magic. Ya, alot of Magic. Nik; take over will ya?

Name: Steve Boyd
Date: 26 Aug 2003
OK,.. I will bite. Hey, want my take on it? They dumped Pete for a pro strip clib drummer. (His "hard Driving" beat was admired by teens who used their hearts and not thier heads. Im' no drummer, but can deliver the "Hard Driving" stuff. Remember: the rythem section is a two man thing. Ten says that Lennon's vote counted. The same with Stuart (had he lived)..(he was no base-man). It was pure big time. No love lost. Stu would have gotten the first ticket to palookaville. Thats just my inside take of it. (or "outside",..if you will.

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Sponge, does Pete feel a wee bit cheated by the likes of Ringo?

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 26 Aug 2003
steve have yo changed your email address

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 26 Aug 2003
no not the quarry men or the silver beatles but i will pass on your regards to pete best next time hes out for a pint

Name: Another Steve sighting.....
EmailAddress: Christ.....
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Man, the Free Frame Of Reference Page has really gone to hell. What gives? is it random stuff, or targeted? Hey, speaking (and I use the term loosely) of targeting; I plan on zeroing in on 86ing Dreaming, Wishful Thinking and Regret. Now hows that for an I Ching Free move??? Bear with me,.. I could change my mind before I end this sentence. Hey, speaking of which, remember on acid when ya' would start talking and forget what you were saying half way through it??..(or was it just me?)... Hmmm.... Hey Sponge; Dr. Boyd says: take a trip and call me in the morning. (That may be our fundamental clash-point,.... are you experienced???? Oh,...speaking of which, I waltzed (Rena's seen me) by Electric Lady Land Studios today and they were filming a TV show that cranks up in Sept. See how things bleed together in creative (free thoght flow) writting??? Or is it just me??. Hey Ohio Girl, get yer' True Stories into the Third Page. Whittle a few down to suit the format. My moneys on Ohio.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Ahh...
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Hey Eileen; how about an update on yer' last haircut? Next time cut it in August. (it will grow back faster and fuller, so they say.) Well, I re-packed legally Clyde, and added my Pea Coat, wool blanket, and as I dont do the gates or loading ares, I through in the riggers knife. Got two good changes of clothes and have skipped the laundra mat route. The park water fountain works fine (after hrs.) Hell, I often was out may stuff twice a day. Its a good life. (I think)....any Hermits care to comment or to participate in the wave of the future? (whatttt????)....

Name: Steve Best
EmailAddress: Ma Bests' cellar
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Spongeroo, you old enough to have seen the Quarry Men at the Casbah?? always, pardon my spelling. Coffees on me. Peace Baby. P.S. dont fergit' who gave you your' "Proctologist of Diggology" Doctorate. Actually, I dig England and wish that I could attribute a bit of my Inginuaty to my English blood. (but Im' dilluted). Whats up with yer' Union stuff?... still united? Your's in Unity. Seen them new Triumphs?. Wow.

Name: Totally Steve
EmailAddress: DIGGERS / got a problem with that?
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Damn, I feel good. Only one detail to wrap up and this phase will be at an end. No responsibility, no ties, no bed-time, no gotta-get-up taps. No registrations, hell, the Home-Front Jury Duty squad even wised up. Its as if Im' doin' 280 through a slo-mo Chaplin film. Hey, speaking of films. Im attempting to get Leon Grodsky to cut loose with the 4th Street Diggers/Olema (when I thought that they still existed) film footage that he shot of me and Mister Jimmy. By the way "Great Balls Of Fire" which featured Jimmy won national as well as international "Best Of Show" across the boards. Anyway, I plan on getting with Allan Baxter, (a producer friend) to overlay and splice footage of some of the 4th St. antics, plus our "Trip" to and from the film premier into a series of 70's footage that I was involved in, plus footage of the "Die-In" bust and some vidio clips and stills of my radical throat surgery. I plan on overlaying a song by Spirit, Cant remember what the tune was called, but the words had, "Tell my Mother I died". Anyone remember that one? To cut to the chase; the short subject film will involve a retrospective of a soul who's voice dies, but cant be silenced. (Who me?)... I offered Grodski cash up front, or points, havent heard back yet. I fear that the prick my make his own movie. Release??...ah.. what release??. It's an Ego-project that I can focus on. Im' too scattered.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 26 Aug 2003
from liverpool actualy

Name: Steve-O-Matic
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Nik; I still havent moved the bed. It will be ready to roll in the first week of Sept. I promise. At this point, it's a career goal. Loads of time. P.S. If you should choose to have it blasted down and repainted. I suggest that you fully assymble it prior to prime and paint if you go the laquer route. (as it chips like hell when torn down and/or re-assymbled). Hey, what you could do, is give it a shot of enamel paint. (rubbery and streatchable). Im' just rambling;... actually it would look real wild, blasted down to metal and then treated with a clear rust preventative coat (like the Hot Rod craze adopted in the 80's). Or use you'r (or someone else's) imagination. Get crazy with it. Hey, one final note; if you do decide to sell it, get with the NYC French Design store called "1950" over on Lafayette. They will maybe show case it for a commission. In any event. Sleep well. Ive' got it in my head that I will never have a bed again. What lovely weather these past two days here in the city. P.S. Got yer note Jenn. Made me smile. Hey, my left arm is commin' along in leaps and bounds. Ive' got alot more feeling returning to my chest. the pins and needles are ebbing away, but Ill/ be damned if my sun burn didnt fry the skin off of the drain tube scar on my right shoulder. Thats the scar that oppened one night and damn near drained me. The skin had been so scorched by radiation that it wouldnt heal. (they told me to stay out of the sun,... sure, ya' give me radiation poisoning and tell me to lay up in the shade...(were they serious?).. any medics care to reply? Later. Steve.

Date: 26 Aug 2003

Date: 26 Aug 2003
Sponge - do you live in Brixton - Marylbourne Terrace or Lands End?
.....or are you actually Flemish in origin?

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Steve - oh he is a brit alright - I bet he even likes Mushy Peas with his fish and chips - but then again, so do I...... What about it Sponge - fess up mate - peas or no peas?

Name: Steve again
EmailAddress: the final word...gotta have it.
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Hey Sponge; muster up some balls from yer' little sister and try to tackle a few Hard-Boiled Eggs. Its' a big step up. Im' now convinced that you are English. Draw the line??... sure, right at your' feet. Hail Brittania.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 26 Aug 2003
2 new poems from Allen Cohen
"35th Reunion of Table Mountain Ranch Commune"
Revenge and the Emptyness - Bombings of Bus and UN -
August 19, 2003
The 3rd Page

Name: The Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Boyds For Social Change
Date: 26 Aug 2003
My good Doctor, Appology accepted... (on behalf of all of the dairy cows out there). But really Ol' Chap, that was just a test. (one that you flunked misserably). I knew I hadnt' lost my touch. No big shakes: your' Karma ran over your' Dogma. It can happen to the best of us. (Or in your' case, the worst). Opps; there I go again. It's the year of the Dragon and the hour of the Rabbit in me; thats all. Very petty; upsetting folks and driving them over the edge. Bad habit. I gotta' watch that. Hey all, here's a drift: there's a cat named Andrew Boyd who's pulling off an evening talk here in NYC. "PRANKS WITH A PURPOSE" A perort from the front lines of the New Creative Activism. This dude is an artist and grassroots publicist. (Author of The Activist Cookbook). He's been balls deep in sit-ins, guerilla thearte, culture jamming, media pranks and viral campaigns. His promo says that he fucks the man over by adding intelligence, humor and savy into political campaigns. Will get back on date and place. Gotta go. Later all.

Name: Eileen
Date: 26 Aug 2003
A quick one while waiting for class to start. Carrying full load and at the moment suffling classes around and a bit overwhelmed trying to get all the pieces to fit. So much to tell and really no time for it..I found wonderful business consultant group I am TOTALLY excited about. Very happy at home andn daily grateful to be here. So bizarre this break in time has been.
Put together 17 pages back and front, for friend, with a lot my "how to" indoor growing knowledge. I could well cover much more on grillia sp? gardening, cloning, etc. It has occured to me THAT may be my book. All I have seen out there is not up to speed..Southern Humboldt being on the leading edge of such knowledge, by far..which I have gleaned and developed futher from many yrs (15+) of experience and always asking lots of questions along the way. Any thoughts on this folks? Now that I have decided to close that door in order to focus once again on my clothing business this is sort of an emptying out of my head so the infor is not lost.
Thanks all for the birthday wishes! That's nice to open up to here even if there's a month more to go. Sure we can string this out for wks. Afterall I've lived to 60 for goodness sakes..truely amazing. I have finally Ha! accepted the fact I'm here still.
Must run. Wish I had more time. It will come. I'm dying to give you my Latest Plan.

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Aug 2003
atta mugu - Mugu even if you "don reach here"

Name: mugu
Date: 26 Aug 2003
i don reach here oooooooooooo

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Eileen, I had intended to post my birthday card for you closer to the 23, but alas, it can be yr birthday all month now if you like...
Sponge, atta boy

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Hey I only appologised for the CHEESE EATING PART. I hold firm on the bald headed wanker stuff and the well fisted arse even the monthly cycle etc..... work out for yourself the spirit in which it was intended. C'mon folks nothin soft here but my boiled eggs

Name: bluefin
Date: 26 Aug 2003
sponge? what have they done to you?
regarding a much different and far previous post, does anyone remember a club/coffee house named 'Dragonwyke' ??
and happy birthday, Eileen!

Name: Hammond
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Sponge - well done and accepted.
Onwords! - but don't go soft on us...just remember that between (spontaneous) action and (unthinking) reaction there exists a moment and degre of (unfettered and indeally considerate) freedom. and aren't I the moralist! Hey - I have put my own "foot in mouth" in some of the wrongest of places in my day - so you are hardly alone. Just keeping tabs mate - and as my good ole Uncle Jack used to say:
"Good manners lets you in & bad manners let's you out."
"Each One Teach One" works as well.......

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Aug 2003
In my over indulgent days we would say "I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" but in retrospect it was about the same difference.

Name: Mark
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Happy Birthday Eileen. Had some serious thunder and lightning here last night. Hope you are finding your new home comfortable.

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Aug 2003
my last post looks like one of those spammer things but it's not...honest...
Sponge...or lobotomized

Name: Jag
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Sponge, you sound neutered!

Name: Nicole
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Hey any of you musicians out there...check out this's a club I belong to and it's the greatest. Fortune Magazine calls it the mental health club...after you click on it go to "about the off the wall street jam"

Name: patman
Date: 26 Aug 2003
I liked the old sponge better.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Happy Birthday Eileen! By the way, how are you doing now at the new house? I hope everything has come together right. Peace

Name: Chicas desnudas - Jovencitas
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Congratulations for you site.

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 26 Aug 2003
Sorry you are right and I appologise whole heartedly for the che**e reference.
Ladies I also appologisee for my outburst.
Steve - SORRY. che**e may or may not be a regular staple in your dietry requirment however it was wrong of me to make public this fact on what I believe to be a popular guestbook.
Furthermore I hope that this humble, but well meant , appology serves its purpose and any injury or insult that may have arrisen from my previous post will be limmited to a minor upset of our more sensitive compatriots.
No excuse or appology will be fully capable of undoing what has been said in the past and I find i only appropriate that I make a possitive gesture by drawing a line in the sand and suggest we start afresh from this point.
Finaly. I hope you accept this appology in the spirtit in which it is intended and may I refere to an earlier post , by yourself, in which you extend an invitation to my self to possibly sit at the same table together at a future date. Yes that is something that I would take great pleasure in doing.
Regards from your medicaly unqualified Dr Sponge

Name: Rena
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Sending love and Aloha for your b'day Eileen. Hope to take you swimming with the dolphins someday. Hope you're grooving. Love to you and all you love...

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: in astonishment
Date: 25 Aug 2003
FOOD FIGHT !! No quarter asked nor granted .. & NOOO PRISONNERRS !

Name: Hammond
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Sponge - really....must you resort to this sort of cheese-eating reponse? And at the sightest provocation at that. I would hate to ride the subway or tube with you. Chaos would undoubtedly ensue - and for naught I am sure....
Get a grip mate....there are ladies in the house - if for no other reason.

Name: Nicole (via The 3rd Page)
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Happy Birthday Eileen!

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Hey steve you shit faced, cheese eating ,wanker whats with the negativity i only said Hello after a period of absence. oooooh theres a word _ are you on your monthlys again, never mind, a little civility would not hurt now would it? Come on get your bald head out of your well fisted arse and be nice to your Enigmatic English friend.
its nice to be nice
hi steve hows it hangin? just got back from a break in Cornwall (SW England) guess what- i discovered surfin. no not this surfin dumbkopff- but real god honest standin on a stick waitin for the right wave . hell i impressed the titties out of the Spongettes that i may well take it up permanently .
round round get around i get..............

Name: P.S.
EmailAddress: NYC
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Hey Eric, get a handle on who's machine generated tha "Silent Steve Boyd" shit??..just wondered. Hell, I guess that I did start it. P.S.S. "Silent Steve Boyd??? such animal!"

Name: The Real Me
EmailAddress: 4th Street
Date: 25 Aug 2003
No Nik, that werent' me. (ya can tell cause my name was spelled right,..hee, hee.) I dunno' wheather to be outraged or flattered. Maybe Pink Floyd will pick up on the lyrics and give me some royalties??!!..P.S. Juanita came back early and I will be pulling the bed down from the 4th floor in the A/M. Will try to wrap it up nice etc. Come the first I can pay to deliver it for ya. I would like to see it land before I fly. If yer' gonna let it slid; it may not stick here too long. (I would like to see you get it before the Vultures do). I will contact you here on site after the first of the month. After we nail down a time and date; You can confirm it w/ the moving Company at your' end and reassure them that they will be paid cash upon pick up at this end. Or, better yet, grab a fast sip of hooch w/ me and I can make the drop. (that's 'give her the money folks)...anyway, Thats the last loose end for me. P.S. Dont let any Cheap Immitations bullshit ya. Hey "Silent Sponge", there's a big difference between you and I :..."Im' busy living, while your' busy dying". Damn shame. Happy Bee-Day Sam. (Ya' Ol' Thang, you'". All my love girls. Steve

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Nichole, before I even attempt to copy that tape to CD I can make another tape for safekeeping, I have a dual cassette player and it would be simplicity, that way there is a backup.

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Happy Birthday Eileen :)

Name: Eileen
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Oh Jag~Thank you so much for the CD's. I laughed at the 4 Seasons. Good one! And am so anxious to hear the Marcy CD. What a thoughtful birthday's what really makes B days so fun. Right on surprises!

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Just got in, I will let you guys know as soon as I can round up the necessary essentials. I believe I can get it done shortly. Sounds like fun.

Name: Nicole
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Jag, I am still interested...what I have is a cassett from 1972 the band is the road crew, Charley Degelman, Betsy Benford, Randy Craig, Peter Coyote and myself...about 10 or so songs...some original, some's a riot...I've been promising it to Michael Chapman, but didn't want to send the only, I'll send it to you first Jag and also a cd I have of me and some blank cd's okay?
Steve is that you, some how I don't think so ...unless your pissed off and that's a way of screaming for you...hey, I just thought of something...if you ever need me to come and help you, rescue you or what my office number and my extension which is 200 (I think you have the number) and scratch on the mouth piece four times and I'll know it's you and stop by.

Name: silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd
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Date: 25 Aug 2003
silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD silent steve boyd SILENT STEVE BOYD

Name: Hammond
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Jag - Absolutely interested! Over time (and refreshments!) I would love to compile selections from my tape archive on to CDs - so we would need you know an afternoon here and an afternoon there to do this - no rush of course but just knowing that this process can happen (sometime) is great news! - I think you will want copies of rare and wonderous stuff I have collected over the years. I have everything well listed / archived so it won't be a major task searching tapes - I really look forward to this - thanks!

Name: Jag
Date: 25 Aug 2003
Good morning all, Nichole, Hammond I may be able to convert cassette tapes to CD sooner than I thought, all I really need is the software and a couple of jacks, I already have a sound card and the tape machine. I'll let you know if your still interested.

Name: Jag
Date: 24 Aug 2003
Michael Moore most definitely rocks, "Stupid White Men" is a great book as well. Al Franken and "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" ought to be a good read too.

Name: Tomas
Date: 24 Aug 2003
August 24, 2003
Natasha and Tomas at the Hot August Blues Festival at Kenlake State Park.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: drum beat
Date: 24 Aug 2003
I just read Michael Moore’s “Adventures in a TV Nation.” This book highlights some of the scenarios in his once tv show on NBC and BBC. Censored and played
segmnents. This book really blew my mind and only increased my already optimal opinion of MIchael Moore.
His DVD of Bowling for Columbine is now available.
I found “Adventures in a TV Nation” at the library.
It will serve you well to keep up on michael moore. He’s a hero and I’m glad he’s outrageous and i'm glad.
ok it's off to little beach... somebody's got to do it.
Rolex Replica
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Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 24 Aug 2003
hi steve hows it hangin? just got back from a break in Cornwall (SW England) guess what- i discovered surfin. no not this surfin dumbkopff- but real god honest standin on a stick waitin for the right wave . hell i impressed the hell out of the Spongettes that i may well take it up permanently .
round round get around i get..............

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 24 Aug 2003
Look what this guy started just because he was bored

Name: Steve Boyd
EmailAddress: New York City
Date: 23 Aug 2003
Hey Curious; there's a big lull. Lets' mix it up. Come on. Ive' got a great Knock-Knock Joke. (you start it out).

Name: Steve Best
EmailAddress: At the Cazbah
Date: 23 Aug 2003
Yawn.....damn... no stars to guide me, Im' floundering,... laying low from Miz Nancy, Buckley and the Super Human Crew. I fear that Im' turning normal. That aint good. After all, look what normal people have done to each other..(in the three short years of this century alone)... wake me when the roaring zeros crank up, ok?

Name: me again...ah.. Mr. Me that is.
EmailAddress: show some respect.
Date: 23 Aug 2003
Hey, I just heard that in a around about way that Bush just declared war on the entire fuckin' planet. You, know... the ol' "Rootin' out evil" pitch. Shit, didnt Queen Victoria pull that shit? Look at England now. Velkome tu our' kuntrie. Shit, I can tell ya' in order to rule them all, ya' gotta fight them all. Hell,...oh, did I mention that Im' in the proceess of getting my old tattoos covered up? Ya, the faded one on my back will now boast two parts; Upper: a square rigged barque (clipper ship) with a Bald Eagle, clouds and international code flags which will spell "B" "O" "Y" "D" with banner motto: "Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep" Bottom: a rope hammock suspended by two Blue Birds with a sleepy-eyed naked Island Girl (any other kind?) laying in it with banner motto: "Rise And Shine". I must admit that my new Image is getting rather "Salty". I also plan on altering the Big Dipper, Sweet Lorraine, Winged Skull, Eye Of Providence, Inverted Wings and 13-1/2, which I out grew on my 50th birthday. This time, its the real me. Speaking of the real me... what's up with Eric Burdon?

Name: Your' Steve
EmailAddress: yeeeep
Date: 23 Aug 2003
Hey, who's the turd that laid that porno connection on the ass-end of my last entry. The "Oh", which headed it made it appear as if it were an after thought on my part. I say: Porno??...ah.... make yer own. Get a mirror, or just look down. Are we clear on that? Hey, my friend invited me on that "Street Retreat" (where you slum it for a few days and nights in order to experience the "Homeless" condition. The catch is; it will cost ya' more to freeze yer nuts off, get lice and go half mad than it would to stay at a hotel six. Sure, the money "Goes" to the homeless,..(I think).. I didnt return his E-Mail, but it's a big "Lets' not and say we did" from my end. Hell, I just did a week long dry run for free. What will they think of next??!!... charging well intensioned folks big bucks to hit the skids. Wow...Damn. Shit, ya dont (or I dont, rather) have to inject heroin in order to sympothize or have compassion for junkies. (which, I dont, but that's another story)... Hell... its led by a religious outfit (wouldnt ya' know it?). Damn.

Name: off the fat cow
Date: 23 Aug 2003
Now I'm a union man
Amazed at what I am
I say what I think, that the company stinks
Yes I'm a union man
When we meet in the local hall
I'll be voting with them all
With a hell of a shout, it's "Out brothers, out!"
And the rise of the factory's fall
Oh, you don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
Until the day I die
Until the day I die
The union has made me wise
To the lies of the company spies
And I don't get fooled by the factory rules
'cause I always read between the lines
And I always get my way
If I strike for higher pay
When I show my card to the Scotland Yard
And this is what I say:
Oh, oh, you don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
Until the day I die
Until the day I die
Before the union did appear
My life was half as clear
Now I've got the power to the working hour
And every other day of the year
So though I'm a working man
I can ruin the government's plan
And though I'm not hard, the sight of my card
Makes me some kind of superman
Oh, oh, oh, you don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
Until the day I die
Until the day I die
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
Until the day I die
Until the day I die

Name: Jag
Date: 23 Aug 2003
Will do Hammond, but depending on cost I can't say when.

Name: Hammond
Date: 23 Aug 2003
Jag - Let me know the minute you get one of these gizmos!
:-) H.

Name: Jag
Date: 23 Aug 2003
Thank you Tomas, I have to look into that. I've been curious. I found a diagram on the internet that shows I need a sound card and software.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: a real criminal
Date: 23 Aug 2003
a friend, Tanya, who lives in way northern California, sent this note.. She lives in bear and dear country...
A woman in Copco Lake (east of I-5) is in jail for feeding and taming large numbers of deer and then actively campaigning against hunters. If you buy a hunting license and follow the rules, the law allows you to kill deer for food or "sport" -- even if they're wearing bandanas and flea collars, like hers were. It's against the law to make a pet out of a deer. Local hunters complained and she's doing time! Michael Moore could write a great piece on this.

Name: Tomas
Date: 23 Aug 2003
Jag & Nicole:
If you buy "Mircosoft's Plus Digital Media Edition" (the blue box, not the green one) at Circuit City. It will put your old tapes on a CD. I have a bunch of old Cuban Reel To Reel Tapes that I am putting on CD's. Some are from the Cuban Dance Hall's of New York City and Havana in the sixties and late fifties. Laurel got turn on to Cuban Music when she lived in Maimi and later the Lower East Side of New York City.

Name: Joe
Date: 22 Aug 2003
Who could ever forget this 1965 Fugs anit-war song lyric:
I'm never gonna go to Vietnam
I prefer to stay right here and screw your mom

EmailAddress: Up Against the Wall Mother %$&*%#
Date: 22 Aug 2003
Gotta love the fugs

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 22 Aug 2003
cindy - It is impossible to forget the Realist or the Fugs.

Name: cindy
EmailAddress: alaskadream
Date: 22 Aug 2003
hi do any of you remember the realist magazine or the fugs ??? peace

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 Aug 2003
Hammond, nice one...
have a good week end y'all...let's hone into the circle of eachother a little more every day.

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Aug 2003
A new site for "Today's Alternative News" (?) - and a new poem from me = "The Presentense of the Past" - : ala my note below about the Bushman's Oregon visit.
Best to all -H

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Aug 2003
Hey Dr. hows our English reprobate? :)

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 22 Aug 2003
Hi all

Name: Hammond
Date: 22 Aug 2003
Hi Nic - yes we are fine - the fires are small at the moment (and not threatening structures) by comparison to our real deal fire season. Curious that this particular piece of forest went to flame just a the Bushman Commeth for his onsite spake about the need to thin the forests (read in "create more right wing good ole boy logging of old growth trees). In today's paper Bush is quoted as saying (as he flew over the fire) "It's the holocaust!" - Seems to me "the holocaust" was something else all together but hey - he is the president (who wasn't elected) and he can say any dumb ass thing he wants to say.
GET RID OF THIS IDIOT!!!!!! is all I have to say. (for now)
Love to all

Name: Jag
Date: 22 Aug 2003
I don't have that capability Nichole, all I have is a dual tape recorder and CD player so I can tape a CD on my stereo and then I have a CD burner on my computer and I download my music to files and then burn them. Sorry.

Name: Nicole
Date: 22 Aug 2003
I hope you Oregonians are safe from the fires...
Jag, if I sent you a tape could you burn it to cd for me?

Name: r ha ha ha ehn ay
EmailAddress: celebrate
Date: 22 Aug 2003
midwife is a taboo word in legalese. Doula was a slave woman who helped at births. Labor
Assistant or Birth Assistant. Steve, I sent your update to those who birthe.
Alternate Birthing Centers. The need for humble birthing assistants is greatest in the
hospital. the presence of a sister, friend, auntie, as a woman births statistically lowers the
need for dramatic interventions like C-sections. and, even episomities. The kindest nurses in
the world are way over saturated. Instead of being able to give one on one care, the nurses
are down the hall monitoring way too many women on the fetal monitors. They breeze by
offering drugs but no suggestions for position, movement, breathing, etc.
Pitocin, used to induce or speed up labor, is Very Painful. why induce??? Be sure your reason
is a good one, and not tailored to the doctors convenience. Sometimes induction is valuable.
there are risks associated with being in oven for over 2 weeks past due date. But, birthing a
week early just to fit into the doctors schedule...
Birthing is a blessing, a spiritual experience. How wonderful to be with family and friend, with
the children in attendance. The peace of the group pervades as all chant together, low and
slow, keeping mother and audience calm. The chanting helps oxygenate and calm, relax. Any
syllable (s) may be used. i like OM long slow and low keep it low and slow deep breathing

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: ill-legal opinion
Date: 22 Aug 2003
As long as we don't counter-sue ourselves, self-lawsuits should be ok.
Guess who supplies the electricity at my house, the infamous "First Energy" company that's made the national news. One way or another, this will end up with the electric bills going sky-high next winter to match the gas bills.

Name: What was I thinking???....
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Shit; Im' gonna' weather the storm and keep the NYC Digger(s) operating throughout 2004 anyway...Hell,.. this aint the only fuckin' church in town. I may change my religious affiliation alltogether;....shit,... All I need is sanctuary, a computer and money to give away. Scary aint it??!!...hey, speaking of money,... as my first unofficial act as a Big Nobody is to authorize every American citizen to give themselves' a tax cut. Dont' shy out. Make it a big one. Ah... you Californians??..ah... well, I gotta draw the line somewhere;...whatever you all paid in last year,... Double it! (thats called a dumb tax). Hey Ahnold,.. you' a Girlie-Man. Nor Cal should have succeeded years ago. Too late.

Name: Steve (the Lone Ranger)...
EmailAddress: who was that masked man???!!!...
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Hey, thats a twist...Ive' deserted automobiles, dwellings, lovers, wives, friends, relatives, Men, Women, children and pets,... but I never gave myself the air. Wow, theres a human drama in it somewhere. Could I sue myself and demand support?. Think about it.

Name: Steve again and again....
EmailAddress: like knitting a giant sweater,..knitting and knitting
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Hey Im' sorry about all of negativity, hell, remember how I use to howl at George last year???... I called him terrible things. I swore that I was being watched. Anyway, its so damn frustrating seeing it all come down. Ive' got a secret hide out just waiting in an area that Ive' never mentioned and am real close to dropping off of the planet like I did in the 80's and 90's. (boy, that 20 years blew by didnt it?)...anyway, the plan would involve a monthly hike to NYC to pick up and cash my check. (I dumped the bank thing due to so many card scams on the ATM's.) Then again, I could use Stan the Man's sceme of cashing them three at a time. Do a quartely thing. I dunno', I feel that by folding, Im' running out on something. This is something aint it?...S-O-M-E-T-H-I-N-G. It maynot be much but it beats N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Damn tempting. Re-envent myself. (again)...

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: again...
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Hey, Im' no pussy hound. She turns 80 tomarrow. (but still...

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: God must be a woman,..or three or four women....
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Wow, a great lady just pulled me out of my mood. Her name is Shirley Harrison-Brown. Shes the founder and producer of the Huntington Village Theatre Company. Man, Im' out of one mood and into another. Tommarow is her 80th Birthday. She said that she wanted to kick my ass for letting them cut up such a fine body. (her's aint bad either). She's real ballsy. We plan on doin' the E-Mail thang'. It's the real people that make me wish that I was grounded. When she asked me about my involvement in some of the activity here (Anti-War movement in general)..she a said; "So... just makin' alot of noise, or what?". It was at that point that I realized,.. well;..ya,' maybe not "Alot",.. just,...well, maybe alittle. I may start to live again. It didnt dawn on me how the War thing is hangin' on my ass. Im' draggin' my tail. Shit. George;..that's unforgivable. Making your' people carry the weight. You are not my president, this is not my country, not my world,.... it might, I repeat Might be my universe. Ill' get back to ya on that one. Well, there I go into another mood. This is viscious.

Name: Steve again....
EmailAddress: sure, why not....
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Hey, all the luck in the world Wahine Woman. I hope that you get settled in soon. Speaking of womem. I just read a rather funny review about those Gypsy gals who were so sweet to me the other night. (and vice-versa). It seems that they were/are the real thing. It says here that they are all Algerian Dancers. The critic's pan ended up on the flip-side as he praised the belly dancers,..(but the intro which Included the typical Peace Church vibe for sure: "Fringe Dancers Pour Their Hearts Into International Styles". "No A/C, a broken mic, an audience of 10 sweating and fanning. Yet the the New York Performing Arts Company soldiered on"...etc Hey, folks, this was after 2 weeks of rain, a black-out and a mini heat wave, and on that note; this is yer' Ol' Uncle Steve tellin' ya' that those gals were pure dynamite. Hey, Ive' been dgetting an inside drift on Bush's antics and Im' startin' to shake. Its way over the top. We're all hell bound with that fucker at the wheel. The U.S. prides itself on a big bad-ass volunteer military fource. Ya, they refuse to report how many killed in action are suicides, and how long are these GI Joes gonna sign up once they wise up?. The numbers are gonna start to drop and the Generals will all have empty dance cards. Its gonna' be: Lets not and say we did". Where they gonna get the fresh meat? Tuck them in tonight and kiss them folks. Prey to what you hold sacred. P.S. If any of you folks are over there in an attempt to stop other folks from blowing my sorry ass up. Dont bother. That is, thanks but no thanks.

Name: WahineWoman
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Aloha Diggers... I'm looking for community in Kauai, will move there within one year... I knew of Ron and Marsha when I lived in San Geronimo Valley for 11 years, Jasper was my stepson's friend... lived off Resaca on Rosario in Forest Knolls... anyway, I bought the Community Directory but haven't found one on Kauai that feels right... if anyone out there knows of communities on Kauai, please email me... Mahalo! WahineWoman

Name: not-so-Silent Steve
EmailAddress: you know....
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Hey, the folks (god bless em') get a few facts from me in dribs and drabs from time to time, but mostly from the other side of the fence. As such, mom's last letter read:"Dear Steve, I hope that you and the coalition weathered the black out." Shit; what's the image??... Elphago Bacca?...Poncho Villa??...Zapatta??.. christ, I gotta work on my image. It's one big soap opera. My ex-wives are all at the mall swapping Steve sightings. Anyway, I cant keep em' in the dark forever. Hell, some of you all know more about me than my kin do. Hey, speaking of kin; Ol' Stan the Man (My Natural Brother) got denied SSI in Idaho and as such is heading to Cal. but get this: Not Nor. Cal. Not Eurika! ... no,.. that border rat is going straight to So. Cal. San Diago!!. Most likely to start up the welfare merry-go-round again. There's where the irony sets in. How the fuck can we put down a system that were' suckin' dry? You tell me. Oh, by the way, it was Medicare thats gonna pick me up. Here's where I lucked out on SSI. Having burnt out from the drafting and design fast track years ago, (non-manual) my last jobs (which the SSI base your' meal-ticket on) were tought-nuts stuff (manual labor). Rolling mill (rough-cut timber saw mill work) and also demolition; not heavy equip. but primitive old fashioned pick and sledge hammer work. So, retraining is out of the question. I mean; is there a program which teaches you how to bust yer' hump???...hey, sign me up. Anyway, my point is this; Im' not collecting for being mute, Im' collecting because my left arm got real pussified in the deal. Totally frozen at the shoulder after they cut the muscle and tendons out of my left chest and rib cage. It's amazing that I get so much range of motion in it as I do. The P.T. man said I wouldnt'. I attribute my come back to mopping floors and recently riding Legally Clyde. Dont wanna bore ya' one to talk to, even if I could. Later all. Looks as if the Nor. Cal. trip is out. NEXT!!!!!

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 21 Aug 2003

Name: Jag
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Hammond, definately, I remember their version of Help I'm A Rock somewhere in the recess's of my brain. I also have your tape of Elysian Fields and need to return it,loved viewing it.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Jag - Thanks for the note - and beyond my brief mention in the book - those were such fun - funny and interesting "dosed out" days hanging out in their WCP-A Experimental Barn-like Studio. Considering the set it is amazing that anything was ever released. Yet they managed two albums in the daze. I have cassette tape copies of both as well as some live material from a concert in Santa Monica that you are welcome to dup if you can. I would love to return the favor of sending you a collection but quite regrettably - I can't make copies of tapes or CDs. You can borrow them though. Great guality recordings. On an end note they are also one of the only groups ever to record a (marvelous!) cover version of The MOTHERS' "Help I'm a Rock" - I have this on tape as well...... interested?

Name: and again!
Date: 21 Aug 2003
FYI on Cass Cassidy - he also played on and off with Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers out at the Lighthouse and at Shelly's Mann Hole in Hollywood before taking up rock and roll with stepson Randy and friends. Check out their first album - Spirit - on the cover they are comig down the staircase of the $6 a night motel that I stayed in frequently during my Hollywired rambles............... Gread Daze in the Morning!

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Fresh Garbage
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Thats right! Now I remember, Randy California and Ed Cassidy, I had their album for awhile and played it all the time. I read in your book Hammond about The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, I also had their album and it was good, very spacy and complimented an acid trip well. They had one song called "Aniversary of World War III" it consisted of three minutes of dead air. Now thats experimental. Made you think.

Name: Hammond (again)
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Virus Hell! Since yesterday my filter catcher has captured 120 virus ladden e-mails - and they keep coming! Is everyone else experiencing this? Thank god for my iMac! as all the virus monsters are programmed to go after PCs with MSWord - thus far.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Jag - Yes indeed and one of my favorite groups - The bald drummer's name is/was (as he is dead now) Ed (Cass) Cassidy - and Spirit guitarist Randy California is his stepson. Jimi Hendrix, (who he played with in NY - pre Experience) gave him the "Cass" nickname. I saw them play many times - the most memorable was at the Fillmore with Creedence Clearwater and Steve Miller Band - and again - they stole the show. Jay Ferguson flopped on his own though.....

Name: Jag
Date: 21 Aug 2003
I saw Spirit play in Long Beach at an outdoor festival and they were hot! They opened for the Jefferson Airplane and stole the show. The Airplane just weren't clicking that day. I think Spirits drummer, big old bald dude, was the lead guitar players father. Could be wrong but I know someone insisted that was true. They were a great band.

Name: rena
EmailAddress: prohibited
Date: 21 Aug 2003
OBs in Hawaii are not allowed to take on pregannt women who say they want to home birth. their malpractice insurance won't cover this. Many Obstetricians here have become simply gynocologists because they can't afford the spiking malpractice insurance.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: doin what comes naturally
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Thanks for hte updates, Steve.
~ Brooklyn birthing facility may close. Which would leave NYC only one left. Insurance comps. keep dropping midwives. This comes one week after Elizabeth Seton shut down on West 14th St. (400 babies per year). This means an end of choice for NY moms. Midwife Lonie Morris, (7,000 births i 20 years) is folding in N.J. after her malpractice rates jumped from $30,000 to $300,000. ~
I'm learning that there may be no independent doctors on Maui who you can choose for your OB. There are 2 major medical groups and the doctors cover shifts. Even the "independent" doctors share the OB rotation. So regardless of whose patient you think you are, your OB will be the doctor on duty that night. Unless you opt for an early, presheduled C section. Choose the date of your baby's birth. Suggested by Dr. Y: "one week prior to 'due,' on a date that coincides with a particular doctor's schedule.”
A friend wants a VBAC after 2 C-sections. 4th child. Her primary physician was new to Maui when she agreed trial by labor, attempted VBAC. [Vagina Birth After Caesarean] But now my friend learns she must birthe during the shift of the chosen doctor is she wants to attempt a natural delivery. She's trying to communicate this need to the baby... Otherwise, the baby will be delivered by who ever is on duty. My friend met with some other doctors and she is very concerned that her right to choose how she gives birth is being taken away. Most of the doctors want to do early C-sections.
Really, choice is taken away in this hospital baby factory. The needs of mothers and babies are not paramount. the convenience to the doctors is what it's all about.
I gave Faith a copy of “The VBAC Companion.” Early on the book explains that the risks from a C-section are greater that the risk of uterine rupture, the opposite of what Dr. Y said. Faith was my son's playmate in 5th and 6th grade. She s is in a loving relationship. They want this baby. And, they would like to labor naturally. I'm wondering if they'll get the chance.
Of course it is better for the baby to stay in the womb until it's time to dive into life. Sometimes there are miscalculations, and the plucked baby turns out to be premature, with ensuing problems.

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Aug 2003
PS - Nic - "The Electronic Hole" was also the name of an almost club that he tried to start up near Ave. B I think....The city fathers and mothers didn't like the idea at all. (and who can blame them considering the madness that would have ensued! - yet "we" would have loved the place!)

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Nic - actually that name does ring a distant bell - but I can't put a face to it. Did she sing at that little club/coffee house on the end of Balboa peninsula (The Unicorn or something like that) ? You can see Phil on both the front and the back of the album - glasses and long stringy hair....

Name: Nicole
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Thanks Hammond...I remember another name from then...the woman who actually introduced me to Wizard...a folk singer/songwriter with white blond very straight hair named Carol Harmon...that ring any bells?

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Yep - so now you can enjoy the post twice just like Juicy Fruit Gum!

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Nic - (I posted this but it didn't appear....?) Or maybe it will be here twice? Anyway - Remember us talking about (Wizard) Phil Pearlman from our Newport Beach daze? I am in touch with a mysterious middle man to Phil who apparently is a mysterious goat farmer in deep seclusion.
Dig this 3rd Page - ring any bells?
The Music of Phil Pearlman (clique)

Name: Hammond
Date: 21 Aug 2003
Nic - Remember when we spoke about "The Wizard" -aka: Phil Pearlman from our Newport Beach daze?
The Music of Phil Pearlman
Ring any bells? I am in touch with a mysterious middle man to Phil - apparently he is a reclusive goat farmer now daze and still mystifying the few people that he is in contact with. According to the middle man Phil tried to call me but tried the wrong number - typical Phil. I will let you know when he actually makes contact....

Name: isobel eaton
Date: 21 Aug 2003
This is a long shot but, checking out your excellent site, I thought it was worth a go.
I'm a broadcast journalist here in the UK and I'm currently researching a programme about the est programme, pioneered in San Francisco in the 1970s by Werner Erhard.
I'm keen to get in touch with people who were early participants at est seminars and to hear their experiences - either good or bad.
I realise there's no direct relationship between est and political movements like the Diggers but I wondered if any of your visitors might have come across people who got involved. If so, I'd love to hear from them.
Many thanks for your help and best wishes,
Isobel Eaton

Name: tomas
Date: 21 Aug 2003
other power
This is a friend of Saundra's my morningstar angel. She come to kentucky from colorado 25 years ago. She works a the hospital with Laurel.
I also got this link to this website via the tolstoy farm website.
Which is pretty far out.
Tell um Saundra sent you.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 21 Aug 2003
I think lots of us have crossed paths in the physical world, all of us in some spiritual place. Vanilla Fudge, wow, "you keep me hanging on" never ended, it hung on until it slowly melted away, the sound melted away into the album cover. What astounding music that was, couldn't have happened in any other era.
Sleep is good exercise! it works. Peace

Name: Steve Garcia
EmailAddress: Ive' got a line on you
Date: 20 Aug 2003
I dunno'... I saw the Dead more than a few times, including two free shows; but they just never did it for me. I thought that the group called Spirit was the top dance band of that era. (and thats' what its all about.) The dance of life. The Mo-Town Holand and Dozier stuff made it for me also. Ever check out Vanilla Fudge's version of the Supreme's "Set Me Free". Wow. Au.. lets see,..Meal?.. Meal??...what meal??... Im' still living on G.I. Issue Chocolate shakes. Its amazing that Im' alive. I often push myself to the limit(s). But as Rena can tell ya', Im' now fat & sassy. My excersise is sleep. I have maybe a weeks wourth of K-Rations left. Hey, speaking of the dead; I just got notice that Medicaid or medicare or some such outfit will put me on the rolls soon. Then I can see if Im' still with it. I figured by waiting to see if any cancer reacured; by giving it enough time, it would at least be something they could tackle. At this point Im' thinking of pulling my own teeth. Aint it the way??..Hey, how are things in Mexifornia?... shit, lets all get eight-balled and re-enter the States illegally. We can be set for life. Remember kids: "Crime Dont Pay". Vote,.. and vote often.

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Steve - how perfect! I hope it was a decent meal...

Name: Jag
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Eileen, yeah I'm way overdue on reading it, I read Ringelevio the week it came out, I was working at a book store in Anchorage and the owner had a great policy for employees, we got to take two new titles home at a time and read for free. I grabbed a copy of Emmett's book the day it hit our shelves. I have been meaning to read Coyote's for a long while.
I like to think that I crossed paths with most everyone on these pages at least in theory. I hung around the Haight off and on for years. Never stayed for more than a few months at time. Slept in various crash pads and in the park most of the time. Stayed in Aptos and Little Sur Canyon with and with out friends. Wandered (wondered?)alot.
I knew one of those Arias stopped short but didn't catch it till after I had burned the cd. I think it is only five or six seconds but that is along time in music (espicially for Pavrotti) I hope it didn't leave you in anti-climax for long :) Peace

Name: Eileen
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Jag..Sleeping Where I Fall? Don't tell me you haven't been there yet. Yikes. I was told at the used book store (hey Hammond, you fed us last night!) that there is a big demand for anything '60's. Maybe I should start selling my body. HA!
Ohio Girl/Jag..we surely crossed paths. I was there for all these the middle of it if not part of the cause. AND at one point lived in across the street from the Grateful dead house..I think it was fall'68. I was a few months pregnant with Ariel and my bedroom had at one time been the GD office..but that's another story.
Congrats Nicole. A raise must feel great for more than the money. It says so much. Go Girl!
Oh and Jag..Listened to the arias and was so great! Yes you did cut one short..but Kent once recorded a tape for me of the 4 Seasons and broke into the most intense part, in order to flip it over. Good grief! (It was like coming and someone saying "wait a minute..hold that.") What you did did not hurt me but did remind me of that tape I threw out the window. (A little Kent moment) As the addition of the Staple Singers came on..the sound about blew out the speakers. Couldn't handle the strength and depth of Maple's voice..I kid you not. Maybe Ariel will give me a boom box for my 60th..coming up Sept 23rd I can hear this music. gosh! BTW just saw Macy Gray is headlining for David Bowie's tour! Is that cool or what?!

Name: Hammond
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Nic - no real estate spam - but my virus catcher has picked out 27 virus laden e-mails with attachments thus far. DO NOT - DO NOT - EVER EVER EVER OPEN ONE OF THESE ATTACHMENTS! Just dump them in your trash................

Name: McMing
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Thanks, Eric ! It's all good.

Name: Jag
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Just ordered "Sleeping Where I Fall" from Powell's online, had to read it after reading 'Free Fall Chronicles" many months ago. I hate waiting for the mail to get it here but I'm sure it will be worth it.

Name: Nicole
Date: 20 Aug 2003
If any of you are suddenly recieving 100's of e-mails having to do with real estate...w/attachments...some with my name...nwills, do not open...any. The bug has gotten into our network and robbed our've been getting 200-300 hundred a day...yikes!
I just got a raise and a bonus check from my boss...hurray !
Hammond, I like that Doug guys work on the third page and ditto everyones kudos to you.

Name: FYI - Service
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Eric - YaHoo! Phentermine removal has reoriented us all - thanks! Now if I can just uncross my eyes.....

Name: Eric
Date: 20 Aug 2003
McMing, et al... I looked for long links that would have been causing the screen problems you were having again, and deleted a bunch of Phen messages that I'd overlooked in the past few days. Let me know if all is OK now.

Name: Jag
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Hammond I second Steve, The Third Page is an excellent production as well as entertaining and informative. Thanks for the work you do.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Steve - Thanks mate!

Name: Tomas
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Who wants peace in this world?
Well I think the majority of the folks in this guestbook want peace.
And most of the folks in the America’s want peace but they are not going to let some extremist blowup their families. So those folks fight.
I could stand still and let the tank roll over my body or I can move away. In a way that is what I did. I moved away from the violence and into the woods. But what is going to happen when the extremist places a bomb on my doorstep in these woods? I do not know what to do.
Like you said if you just listen to the folks that want peace then the world will be at peace. But some folks hate who we are and what we have become.
They will continue to kill those young soldiers because they represent something that they hate.
There are two answers to all the violence. One is for the violent world to live in peace and the other is like the Great Wall of China, the Atomic Bomb and the Iron Curtain.
At the moment the world is sacrificing young men for peace. This will not last much longer. We are not Israel. The United States has a very big stick and we are crazy enough to use it.
If the world has any sense they will pray/live for peace.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 20 Aug 2003
Steve thanks for the real "olds." No, actually, yours is really "news," what's very old is the fearless leader spouting off more platitudes on TV in response to Middle East tragedies.
There's an often-reprinted photo of the Dead playing on Haight St. That day, I was staying in a 2nd story place with a balcony, approximately across from the Straight Theater. I remember looking down from the balcony right at the back of the Dead's truck they used as a stage, then going down into the street to get closer to the music. Even on "regular" (!!??) Haight St. days remember when someone would be inspired to blast music all over the street from one of those second-story flats and share their trip with everyone....

Name: Steve and the Family Stone
EmailAddress: not everyday people.....
Date: 19 Aug 2003
Wow, I was just on the Third Page and checked out the latest from Nicole, Guage, Rena, Mark and the whole gang,..fine feelings from some very well placed words. Thats a terrific forum that you set up there Hammond. Terrific. Well, the play-actors and twelve-steppers have all faded on down the street. The scene only lacks "Foot-prints dressed in red". Somethin' about this nieghborhood. A sence of place. (although I confided in a friendly stranger tonight that NYC was killing me...sensory over-load...Too Much!)...well, now that all the Jacks (down on the Bowery) are in thier (card-board) boxes,... I may settle in after preying to Mary. Good night. May you all be blessed by whatever it is that you bank on.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: ok,..ok...
Date: 19 Aug 2003
I'm over my mood,.. hey Mark; that site is like weirdo-ramma. Its been years since I visited a planetarium. But then again, we got the real thing. (Just look up). That web site made me think of my Auto-Cad days. With proper data, one could actually draw our planetary layout to scale. Thats right,..everything we drew was full size and was only scaled down to fit the paper. I started out in the late 80's on version 10 and ducked out arounf version 13, or what I think they dubbed Cad 2000. It blew me away. I personally think that every kid ten and up should go the Computer-Aided-drafting and design route. It realy broadens your thinking as well as you "Power"'s like "Look Ma, I just drew a line that circled the earth" shit Ma".

Name: Swami Steve
EmailAddress: West 4th, Clowd Nine
Date: 19 Aug 2003
I MUST be psychic! an over-eating, sober and sexually compulsive young wench just darkened my door. Actually Miz Nancy just passed my threash-hold to "Use" the bathroom. She's a full 25 lbs lighter than she was on our last bender. Very tanned and as Aquarianly-star-eyed as ever. She flipped upon seeing Clyde all decked out in saddle bags and pack. Oh, dig this; when I was giving my Buddist pal the cooks tour, a Village Vagrant life actor who I play Dresser too, actually begged my pants off of me, right in front of my friend. I had stashed my tight-assed levis for an emergency, I gave em' up. Dig this; the day before that; the crazed Bulgarian named Angel wanted the fuckin' shirt off my back after buying him, coffee, smokes and a weeks worth of free sub-way ridin'. Man, the Euro-Trash are the ballsiest. Those Bulkan-State fuckers are all nuts. For the most part, becoming a State-Side begger was a wise carreer move. Down on em'??... I dont know??!!.... they can speak several languages and have perfect spelling and grammer skills,...not to mention that thier'all wearin' my clothes, smokin' my smoke, drinkin' my drink, and ridin' my tickets. Im' one Stupid Fuckin' American. Hey, what goes around comes around. I dug up a vintage pair of button-fly Levis with the strap in the back and buttons for suspenders. I dont know if they are originals or retros. They are of a lighter weight denim than standard issue. I dont know. Hey; Take some: Leave some.

Name: Steve cameron Swayzey
EmailAddress: embedded
Date: 19 Aug 2003
Hey, Channel four News is in the Sanctuary as I type. A thing called "Mourning" is playing. (not a Gypsy in sight, damn it.)... more news as it happens. (if ya' call that news)..hey, if ya' hear it after the fact; why dont they call it "Olds". think about it,.. (I know that I am)...Ya, the Olds. The six O'clock Olds,... the nightly Olds. All the Olds thats fit to print. Lets' work on that.

Name: Hunter Boyd,..ah...Steve Thompson,..ah...
EmailAddress: no,..Im' fine thanks....
Date: 19 Aug 2003
Overeaters, sober women and sexual compulsives...Oh,..this is Tuesday,...sorry. (voice-over) Hmm.. who's on the line-up tonight? (Hosting here at WSUMC is a real gas)..... anything could pop before midnight. Back at ya soon,.. somethin' just walked through the door. Looks like opportunity.

Name: Silent Steve
Date: 19 Aug 2003
hey, I just got wind that M. Moore (a Flint boy) was just in Ireland and he had em' rollin' in the Isles. This cat is a savior. No shit. I think he can end the fighting. Realy. I mean that. It's that simple. Listen to him. I mean really listen. Dont just hear him. Listen. Got it?...get it! Good.

Name: Steve Six-&-a-Half Beauties
EmailAddress: An old man in Order
Date: 19 Aug 2003
I meant "Stretch" this. Being a smart-ass is often tough when spelling is involved. Hey,.. for all of you in the brain-trust who have invited me to various meetings about upcomming actions, I can handle the place and time, but you all seem to keep forgetting to give me the date of these shin-digs. Get back to me pronto. (and I agree, even 4 or 5 can make a difference). Later all.

Name: Steven Seven Beauties
EmailAddress: A new man in disorder
Date: 19 Aug 2003
Stetch this: Gong Masters, Gurus, New-Borns and Buddists. It'a all in a days work folks. I spent a great morning with an eye witness of my jail-house dixie-cup piss-off. He's going to hit the streets soon in a four day slum-feast with some like-minded cats. I offered to show him some ropes, but they opt on the shelter system; (which I warned him about).. you want the plauge or the latest designer disese?..stop into a local shelter. Sleep with dogs: wake up with fleas. Anyway,..ah...oh, a very dear friend who's ol' man use to stash his mats at my place is doing some big time peace stuff on an international scale. Do a search on Gong Man or Peace Bell, (P.S. Randee, the peace bells are still hanging above the Old Fresh Art door). OK, where was I?... Babies, ya, babies... hey Rena, here's the scoop: "Brooklyn birthing facility may close. Which would leave NYC only one left. Insurance comps. keep dropping midwives. This comes one week after Elizabeth Seton shut down on West 14th St. (400 babies per year). This means an end of choice for NY moms. Midwife Lonie Morris, (7,000 births in 20 years) is folding in N.J. after her malpractice rates jumped from $30,000 to $300,000." Shit. Hey, theres a 114 year old Yogi in the city who Im' gonna try to limber up with. This cat can blow air out of his fuckin' eyeballs, slow his heart rate down etc. He's no one-trick pony. They say ya gotta be tough to follow his aggressive self-styled human pretzle routine. Im' game. Hi, Eileen. Later all... P.S. What did Bush know?..and when?...http:/ http:/

Name: Mark
Date: 19 Aug 2003
Stretch your perception. Check this amazing link.

EmailAddress: Leaving
Date: 19 Aug 2003
Father/Son, Mother/Daughter, Daughter/Father, Mother/Son
Husband/Wife, lovers longing ache
Relationships spin and weave circle and spin
Intersecting separating opening and closing
Her loss is his gain, his loss ends in pain
son grows close father falters
Mother’s weep daughter’s leave
Winter Fall Summer Spring
To everything, turn turn turn
The mothers embrace he never knew
The fathers’ eyes she never saw
Seasons change, life anew

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Aug 2003
What is with this ongoing wave of phentermine skin cream guestbook con-art-greetings? At least Mugu had the decency not to post these manic url s that take us off course into the far right-hand margin - or is it just a remote unit that runs around the web shouting "Nice Site!" please visit my url hell and take some designer diet pills.
Oh well - the web is their oyster it seems.....

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Aug 2003
Good story by Michael Moore.

Name: Hammond
Date: 19 Aug 2003
double the yeah!
Nic - The west awaits your arrival!
Hi Eileen - nice to read your voice again!

Name: Nik
Date: 19 Aug 2003

Name: Jag
Date: 19 Aug 2003
I remember seeing the Dead playing in the street as I sat in a house on Haight street looking out an upstairs window on a crowded street of revelers who didn't have a care in the world save the moment. We were passing the pipe and digging the sounds, not a bad vibe to be felt in the world. At least for that one sunny Summer afternoon.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 19 Aug 2003
Taking back the streets.....made me think of Haight St. closed off and the Dead playing in the street. And seeing Janis Joplin at one of the yearly Hells Angels concerts (I think they were yearly); those were events taken back from the mainstream, for sure. Non-police events. Maybe it's necessary to pull the plug now and then on this current police state.
And a very different memory. I remember back in Athens, Ohio when the kids were little and the power was out for 3 days or so following a huge snowstorm. It was one of the best family times we ever had. We camped out in the living room on a sleeping bag with all kinds of blankets and pillows and a borrowed kerosene heater and no bickering, listening avidly to a local radio station that ran a call-in talk show for the duration. On the second day someone with a truck took us into town to get food and more batteries for the radio. At some point the power was restored, but the rush of everyone's furnaces and refrigerators kicking on at the same time caused the power station to blow out, prolonging the blackout by another day. One thing I regret, they say that if you were looking in the direction of the power station when it blew out, you could see every color of the rainbow. Wish I'd seen that! Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 18 Aug 2003
The super highway has some pot-holes (pun intended), web-sites are down all over the place, my home page, comcast, is not up as well as my college site and others, the latest virus has done some havoc. Kudo's Eric for keeping this site up.

Name: Mark
Date: 18 Aug 2003
Coyote sent this link out today. Check it out and don't forget to turn on your speakers. It is about 2 or 3 minutes long. Hits the nail on the head.

Name: Nicole
Date: 18 Aug 2003
I actually had fun...I walked down to the east village first, saw some friends then across town to the west neighborhood...everyone was outside...instant block parties everywhere, cook the food now cause it won't be any good later...we had plenty of spring water in my house so that was okay...on Friday I went to the new pier across from my house on the Hudson with it's tall grass, wooden boardwalks and beautifully spritzing water jets set on two tall poles...Saturday I went to the beach but unfortuneatly the backed up sewage flooded the rivers and entered into the ocean and the bacteria count at the shoreline was too dangerous...not good.
Honestly though, even as I was able to make it all fun for myself, I couldn't help thinking about the Iraqi people who've had to endure this for months AND 110 degress heat AND dodging bullets...and and and and and...I dare not complain cause I couldn't swim in the ocean...for a week-end...
My roomate has informed me I may have to move if her mother (who broke her hip yesterday) has to move that event, I will make a major change...a more permanent west coast visit perhaps...don't know yet where or when or if...all will be revealed, I'm sure of that.

Name: Eileen
Date: 18 Aug 2003
OK folks..visualize me sitting with my laptop computer keeping up with all this. This library business is less than satisfying. I'm laughing and enjoying all you got to say Steve. Needless to say (but I'll say it) you and Nicole and Ohio Girl were quickly on my with news of the blackout. Heard drums from..uuh was it Times Square? and got goose bumps. Gave me a backflash to the stuff we used to pull off on Height St. Also made me happy for what I know it must have felt like to take back the streets even if briefly. It must have been a great experience for many to have a blip in their reality screen.
Miss our chats yall..hope to be back in the groove soon.

Name: Hippie Museum
EmailAddress: Reviews of AsEverWas
Date: 17 Aug 2003
Ramon Sender Barayon and Skip Stone's reviews of Hammond's AsEverWas
(Pam Hanna's review to come after she's done relishing the book )

Date: 17 Aug 2003
Too much Phentermine spam is what happened....

Name: The Ugly American
Date: 17 Aug 2003
Another draggy slag on the information highway .. did MUGU strike again ?
My screen don't fit .. uggh .. << yawn >>

Name: Char ~*
Date: 17 Aug 2003
Wamm fest for medical marijuana,
Free in San Lorenzo Park,
Santa Cruz
Sunday, September 14, 2003 10-5 pm

Name: FYI Service
Date: 17 Aug 2003
All Phentermine posters will be strip-searced for spam -enter at your own risk

Name: FYI Service
Date: 17 Aug 2003
The North West Tour

Name: r n a
Date: 17 Aug 2003
En route to a rock concert signs are posted saying "drug check point 1 mile ahead" and "Narcotics Canine Ahead. Camaflouged officers wait to see who throws stuff out the window and who turns around to leave.
a 60 year old woman was arrested after she threw a pot pipe out the window. Police found pot and mushrooms in ehr car. she was found guilty.
We didn't dream it would be that effective. I'm telling you, they tossed stuff out of there that you couldn't believe," Sheriff Jerry Martin said. "
tho checkpoints for drugs are illegal, the above secnario is legal. Check out this article. check out this link i found at
This is chilling.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 17 Aug 2003
Probably Satin rules in New York City too...I sure like to come home from night shift and read about the genuine true USA here. Peace

Name: Steve Kildare
EmailAddress: M.D.
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Well, I just doctored up a belly dancer who pulled off an unentended break-dance. I layed an ice pack on her raven-haired head and a micro-waved hot pad on her jello ass. I feel good about myself... real good. Remember the feeling? Hell, this started out as a fairly dull day. Two more hours until Sunday. What next? A dwarf stroke victim? Knock on wood.

Name: Steve
EmailAddress: Day Of The Locust
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Curious: Welcome back. Long time no read. Hows the home fires burning?. I gotta tell ya, on East 3rd the other night during the black-out, the Fire House had some type of fuckin' airplane landing lights set up. I walked by them and cast a shadow which ran the length of the block and was at least eight stories high. It was unreal. Like 50's pulp art from the cover of a Sci-Fi novel. It was a moment in time that seemed to freeze frame. Remember those? Later. P.S. There's some cat lookin' for some slant on the Yippies. I think that I dirrected him your way.. (with my "Where"-wolf comment. Get it?? Where???-Wolf.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: Mutes For Peace
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Ya know what???.. I just realized that I missed the fuckin' march and posted the event hours after the fact. I gotta check to see if my clothes are on backwards. Today is Aug. 16th. Wow. Is that a sign???...Hey Nik... you still in the dark er' what???... hey, Im' meeting up with my jail-bird friend at noon tomarrow;... Im' glad that I got a handle on todays' date. Maybe this is a jet-lag type of thing frrom reading yesterdays' papers for so long. Anyway,.. it was nice not having to communicate with anyone for so long. Just a bunch of friendly stranges. Hey, heres one. These three black kids (about, ten years old) pulled up on their bikes in Riverside Park after skidding and yelling "he's got a hole in his neck". They were all very articulate and well dressed. They introduced themselves, we all shook hands and quized me about my affliction. They all picked up on my "Boyd-Language" and caught on real fast and even insisted on feeling the air come out of my stoma as I breathed. After thanking me for the anatomy lesson they cruised off. Folks, theres hope for us all yet. Any kids with the intelectual curiosity to put thier finger in a grow man's throat to feel his breath, is OK in my book. Hell; I wouldnt' be "ME" without pattin' mysef on the back for letting them. Lets' not forget that I like me. (Do you like you)...think about it.

Name: Steve...
EmailAddress: Oh;..I get it...
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Its all getting clear now...tonight's production is Caravan To Cairo ~and~ Gypsy Tales. The gals who I let use my ol' toilet are Samara, Morgiana, Reyna and Andrea. The Cairo thing features dances of North Africa and the Middle East and the other one depicts Folktales and legends from Italy, Greece and Spain. Im' tellin' ya' these gals are the real McCoy and recognize a Bohemian Gentleman when they see one. I love this city.

Name: Steve again...
EmailAddress: reality check...
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Man; if I didnt know this was real; Id' say it must be made-up. What made me ever want to leave all of this. (answer: ALL OF THIS!)......

Name: and again...
EmailAddress: but can they dance???...
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Man the place just filled up with a horde of Gypsy Girls. If these gals are actors, its acadamy award time. I showed them how to get to my old rest room upstairs; a proffesional curticy. You show-biz types can relate to that Im' sure. Now wheres that Ol' tamborine??....

Name: Again and again and again....
EmailAddress: Etc.
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Tonight Im' sitting in as host of a production which is part of the greater New York International Fringe Festival. Losts of realy neat folk. They played Friday's evening show dark but had to cancel the late show. Real troopers. Any NYer's want to scarf an eye-load, just check out http:/

Name: Steve again....
EmailAddress: Manhattan Island
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Keep those hits rollin' Hammond. Thanks for puttin' us back on track. And speaking of tracks; heres a main-line for the locals: NO POLICE STATE! Take Back Your Constitutional Rights. WE WILL MARCH. Saturday, Aug. 16th Union Square. 2pm. *Fight To Repeal The Patriot Act * Defend Civil Liberties * Dismantle The Serveillance Culture * Stop The War Of Conquest * MARCH WITH: No Police State Coalition / Justice Of, By, & For / Workers Unite / Class War Anarchists / Mutes For Peace & Many More. For More Info: (212) 696-6425 Follow-up Action ~ Saturday, September 13th. See ya' there if not in body; in spirit.

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Aug 2003
CounterPunched again -
"Travel Advisory"

Name: Surfer Steve
EmailAddress: Wife Guard
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Well, the tidal wave of weirdness seems to have subsided and is now ebbing somewhat. A line of motley alms takers are now doing a slow walk rock west on 4th. Halloween 365 days a year gets realy old. Hey, on a more personal note: theres a piece of glass thats working its way out of my right palm. Its a fragment from an old punture wound (my first marriage) that I got while displaying my abillity to open a locked door without a key. First and last time that she ever pulled that on me. What did she expect?..Ding Dong Avon calling??... after I kissed the cat and put my wife out, she retaliated by throwing a batch of empty beer bottles at the house. I circled around, drop-kicked her into a large mud puddle. Ah, sweet youth. Anyway, from time to time the scar tissue that formed a knot seems to deaden an area around it. I was told that unlike wood or metal, glass tends to work its way in, instead of out. (being usually sterile if freshly broken and not exposed to air or bacteria etc.) I was also told that its tough-titty if it finds its way into a vien. Anyway, my point is this: Im' taking it as a good sign. (I havent changed that much). Later.

Name: Steve Cammeron Swayzey
EmailAddress: Earth??...Hell;..."Me First".
Date: 16 Aug 2003
I hear that George Bush plans on "Thinning Out" the Nations'(our') Forests and Wild-Life Sanctuaries in an effort to minumize wild fires etc. Hmm.. I didnt know that Haliburton was in the lumber buisness. This autha be good. Most likely clear some paths for future oil exploration. Any Planet Drum folks care to comment. Am I way off here??.... FLASH!! John Buckley just walked in, if you can call it that. Kinda' walkin' the nose. I saw him earlier at Barnes and Noble. He's having a one-sided conversation with me as I type. Its a continuation of our (his) conversation which the B&N folks broke up by saying "You cant rehearse here".."This is a book store, not summer stock". Buckley didnt get. I did. Anyway, he's going on about how the cyste is putting preasure on the front part of his brain, and although he must have stashed it (the helmet) out of false pride, I saw a crash helmet with his tote bag earier. About time. Ol' Buck is worried that they arent being truthful about his condition. Since I fundamentally changed a week or so ago, I dont even know what phase or sign the moon is in. Seems to be some real winners comming through the door right now. Like a tide of wierdness that Buckley seemed to surf in on the crest of. Will close for now. Surfs up.

Name: Hammond
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Phentermine - suggest you Google search for BILOXI REDNECK POET - and MUGU

Name: patman
EmailAddress: south of the grid
Date: 16 Aug 2003
some of the statements I received in Toccoa Georgia ( Thats the place I spotted the graffiti painted over the railroad overpass, "SATIN RULES"
Buck-"I love the south who needs power when ya got moonshine"
Darrell-"That fuckin, Sherman kinda did us a favor when he torched everthing" All the infrastructure down hear outside Atlanta is pretty new"
This being some of the rascals who are currently being provided alcohol and drug treatment the best laugh was when we noted that power failures really did'nt frighten any of us, as most of us were pretty familiar walking around in "blackouts"
Steve, Thanks for the view from the frontlines. If you run into "REPAIRMAN JACK" tell him to get with me I have a job for him.If your not familiar with who he is you can find him at hell you might even be him.
thanks everyone for keeping this sight alive.
Oh yea, Phenterman from texas. I know some guy in Texas named George his nickname is "daddy's lil oilboy" and I don't care much for his ass either.
Until we meet again, remember "Satin rules" and "Worship velvet"
Pat the asheville cat.

Name: Phentermine
Date: 16 Aug 2003
Anyone else here from Texas? Anyway, don't let me detract, this is a great site.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 15 Aug 2003
Mark when you figure out how to get caught up with day to day stuff LET ME KNOW! There were various electric problems all over northern Ohio and now they are saying we might have caused it, yikes. At my house, we only lost electricity briefly a few times but the phone all over town were out for hours which makes no sense. By chance (karma!!!!) the cop station had no power but our house mostly did. I've got hep C medicine and neupogen for white blood cells in the refrigerator, stunningly expensive and all supposed to be kept between 36 and 46 degrees and when the power first went out I thought, oh this is great. Luckily the power didn't stay out. My Mom in Cleveland has no safe drinking water yet, but at age 80, fortunately she has long ago learned to boil water. Peace

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Van Gogh-I salute you
Date: 15 Aug 2003
I can't help but seeing Kirk Douglas in his portrayal of Vincent involved with painting in failing light, by attaching candles to his straw hat. I would have loved to have been in the big apple to juggle my luminescent balls and clubs for the city-wide party--I play the concertina a little,too--a fifteen year veteran street performer-- I always try to play my best under the worst of circumstances--Ragged Baggage is the character--Travis is the name............T.....UAW/MF.......congratulations (collectively) to New Yorkers, et al, for their myriad acts of selflessness and compassion..............T

Name: curious is as curious does
EmailAddress: Van Gogh-I salute you
Date: 15 Aug 2003
I can't help but seeing Kirk Douglas in his portrayal of Vincent involved with painting in failing light, by attaching candles to his straw hat. I would have loved to have been in the big apple to juggle my luminescent balls and clubs for the city-wide party--I play the concertina a little,too--a fifteen year veteran street performer-- I always try to play my best under the worst of circumstances--Ragged Baggage is the character--Travis is the name............T.....UAW/MF.......congratulations (collectively) to New Yorkers, et al, for their myriad acts of selflessness and compassion..............T

Name: Mark
Date: 15 Aug 2003
I wish I was painting. My canvas-in-progress has been staring at me untouched for over a month. I just have to much stuff do, you know, the day to day stuff that adds up exponentially. I have faith I will catch up enough soon. I even had to slow down my work with Berg and Planet Drum.
Man, it is good to see your words on this page again. I swear I saw you riding Clyde in Manhattan yesterday on CNN. Keep the reports coming. Young lesbians.....hmmmm.
To everybody, I am reading your entries but just don't have time to put good words together right now. I will be back...oh shit, our California recall election...that dumb fuck Ahnold. I can't take this insanity. I am voting for Larry Flynt.

Name: Steve
Date: 15 Aug 2003
Hey Rena; I picked up on the drift about the "Questioning" policy that the heat used earlier this year in reference to dealing with the NYC War Resistors; and can personally say that the way that we were grilled about ties or affiliatins; (as far as taking folk's personal papers from their wallets and copying down email No.s and Phone No.s ect;) They asked me a dozen times "Are You A Gang Member"???? No such a thing as bad advertising? Aint it the way? And here I thought that Manson had set Hippydom back 20 years. Wow. DIGGERS NORTH CALIF. Im' headed back to the Tee Shirt printer.

Name: Master Boyd
EmailAddress: ZAP
Date: 15 Aug 2003
Wow, after an electroless week in Riverside Park, it was like a month in the country. How did I know???!!! And did I actually go up to the Erie Loop???!! Hey, its just a rummor. Personally I think that NYC should go dark every Friday. Some folks had never seen the stars at night. Myself;..I spent most of the evening in a couped up East Village shoe box with seven or eight young lesbians. (as opposed to old lesbians??..).. I dont know what the point is;..I just print it. In any event; thats how my luck has been runner. (And it was fortold that August was going to be my "Power Play" month. The Gods must be crazy. Anyway, I cut out early due to alack of anything to play with. It was an odd, I think. As I hit the blackness, I could hear the party in alphabet city. Those latinos were rockin' the Island. Folks, kids, beer, kids, more beer, music, more music. The mellowest local that I strolled by was comming back West on 3rd. All the Hells Angels were airing it out. Very mellow. But what with their survielence system down, it was a bit tight. Woke up feelin' like Charlton Heston in an empty city. Shit. Light socket? No such luck. I drew the line at an electric fence. First and only time that I ever saw a cow laugh. Hey;.. that cat who I got locked down with EMailed me again to say that he's hitting town on the 17th to pop into the Beacon Theatre to hear the Vietnamees Buddist Poet Thich Nhat Hanh lay it down. He (my friend, not T.N.H.) says that he will jump on this site when he gets a break from some other things. Hope to get some vibes on his slant of the universal situation. Im' not laying his name down, as he may want to keep it to himself. Who knows? Later. Your man in New York. Silent Steve reporting.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 15 Aug 2003
BLACKOUT (serial click image)

Name: ha ha
Date: 15 Aug 2003
i be there will be lots of newborns in 9 months in NY and where ever the power outage was. tha's what happened in the NY outage of '65.

Name: Mario Penzance
Date: 15 Aug 2003
Excellent site, will visit again!
<a href="">Web Hosting UK</a>

Name: Hammond
Date: 15 Aug 2003
Nic - Steve - etalia du blackout - Please let us know asap if all is well following Steve's misuse of the the power grid per Patrick! Very funny...
Rena - prayers to your sister - what a wacked out world this is.
Mark - What's up - doing any painting? Wish I was....(no space)
AsEverBest to one and all.....

Name: Tomas
Date: 15 Aug 2003
Well I think it is time to promote self-sustaining environments for the folks in this country. A lot of folks are paying a lot of money for very big homes. You could save our environment by building a smaller homes with self-sustaining solar technologies.
You would be off the grid and your family would be warm in body and thought.
Some of the Morningstar websights are off the air temporarily. Hopefully they be online soon.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: help is on the way
Date: 15 Aug 2003
Clarity. for those who didn't read my earlier post, Nan was sentenced to 1 year in prison midwifing a homebirth. however, there is an option for people with money. for $11 a day plus a fee to the Probation Dept, she can stay out of jail, under house arrest. Nan has exhausted her personal funds and is truly hoping to womanifest the bucks to stay out of cement land.
Please honor this sister with her freedom.
Please honor the sisters who ease childbirth and help birting be a spiritual, peaceful event. I have attended births with Nan. She has written a book, Artemis Speaks, about VBAC, vaginal birth after Cesarean.
Bless Her. She is a wise woman. I wish I had her knowledge.
Thanks. help this woman remain in commuity to serve her children, grandchildren, friends, and her generous garden.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: help is on the way
Date: 15 Aug 2003
I heard from Nan tonight. Nan is our dear friend who has been convicted of practicing midwifery without a license, practicing medicine without a license, for helping at a home birth. The couple originally filed a complaint against Nan because their child had problems. Later it was determined that the problems were genetic, but the wheel of injustice had been set in motion.
Nan said that in order to stay out of prison she had to pay a fee for the monitor ankle bracelet AND a fee to the probation department. Otherwise, she spends a year in Jail. I am solicitng funds for Nan. She may try to appeal. Her surrender date is August 31, the day she is to start serving her sentence. Please, find it in your hearts to send some loving $$ to Nan to keep her in her garden and out of prison. she has children and grandchildren and is a wise, kind, and gentle soul.
checks should be made to the Nan Koehler Legal Defense Fund, and mailled c/o Paula Koneazny, 7196 Whitter Rd., Sebastopol, CA, 95472.
you will feel good when you do this.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: lightsout uh huh blast,blast,blast!!!
Date: 14 Aug 2003
Wow, I wonder if Master Boyd caused it by pissin' in a light socket trying to reach Sartori? Can't wait to get some inside scoop from you all up north.

Name: Jag
Date: 14 Aug 2003
I hope Nichole is safe in Manhatten, Steve as well, it looks bizarre with no lights in Times Square.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 14 Aug 2003
Yikes! Massive Blackout on the east coast

Name: FYI Service
Date: 14 Aug 2003
Yikes! Massive Blackout on the east coast

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: home birth on trial
Date: 14 Aug 2003
Hi Steve! Welcome back! re the homebirth scene in Califorina: my understanding is that midwives have to be licensed. Once licensed they are bound to work under the auspices of a physician in a hospital or ABC (Alterntive Birthing Center) setting. Home births are not allowed.
I know here in Hawaii no physician can take on a patient who says she wants to birth at home. So, if you plan to home birth and want a pysician back up you have to tell the Dr. that your'e planning on birthing in the hospital. Then when you home birth you just pretend the baby came out before you could get to the hospital. Obstretical malpractice insurance excludes home births and thus the OB cannot take on a woman who is planning a homebirth.
Another note to our sisters who want to birth in an ABC. As part of the screening the mother is asked if she uses any drugs, including pot. If she admits to smoking even a couple of tokes once in a while she is refused access to the ABC and reported to CPS, child protective services. So, don't admit anything that has a hint of illegality attached.
I'm off to a meeting with a pregnant woman I've known since she was a childhood friend of my son's. She is due in September. She's attempting a VBAC, a vaginal birth after Ceaserean. Very hard to find an OB who will allow a woman to attempt a VBAC on Maui, and this woman has had 2. The VBAC mother has to sign a release saying that she knows she is undertaking a tremendous risk. The release is enough to make most women back down. However, many women have successful VBACs.
16 year old grandson Sam is visiting from Berkeley. His fits in fine with my 17 year old daughter and her friends. They're enjoying the last weeks of summer vacation.
love to all...

Name: Hammond
Date: 14 Aug 2003
Eric - thanks for your note - and no problemo mate.....

Name: Hip Muse
Date: 14 Aug 2003
Pretty busy here these days, but had time to add some works by Michael Simmons to the Hippie Museum...
Thanks for the input Michael... Char ~*
Added to "Trips" section.:
Incident at Mar Vista........
Express Thyself:
Still Danny After All These Years (Danny Goldberg Speaks to a Generation's Inner Hippie
Re Formatting of Hunter Thompson Review (Reviews):

Name: igbos biafra
Date: 14 Aug 2003

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Aug 2003
Uh, make that "Inspirational in your face up against tha wall motherFucker zeitgeist prophet cum laude."

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Aug 2003
Boyd for inspirational in your face up against tha wall motherucker zeitgeist prophet cum laude.

Name: Steve again...
EmailAddress: and again and again....
Date: 13 Aug 2003
Rena: I read that some of the top show-biz stars are really pissed off that the established mid wife outfits are all folding due to liability issues. Damn shame. Later all. P.S. Hey Coyote; fuck California (I know I did),...go for the Pesidency. Come on...think about it. Ya' got my vote. (thats' somethin')...hey, I will drop a word to the Dali Lahma. Maybe he he could shoe in as a V.P. running mate.

Name: Mr.Boyd
EmailAddress: Hmm...
Date: 13 Aug 2003
Well I skimmed back aways. Hey Mad Ming; nice editing job, you gotta be green with envey....or is that mold?..anyway, lets just leave it alone. I dont do much shadow boxing these days. Hey Sergei, there once was a rat they called "Sir Gay"..but I wont get into it here...and to answer your Nothin' wrong with that. Most of the Porno that I was involved with ended up getting edited down and converted into actual "Art Films". Check out the final scene of Kansas City Trucking Company (a mid 70's Gage Brothers film). I played Joe Kid. Rated No. 2 classic of all time. No shit. Now ...where was I,.. oh ya. PETER COYOTE FOR GOVERNOR. Or Govenor, or however its spelled. Hell; "Coyote For Gov." Who seconds the motion??? Who thirds the Loca-Motion;...who fourths the Loco Notion??...come on Diggers. Stand Up!!! Vote..and if yer' Italian; vote often.

Name: Silent Steve
EmailAddress: The Bench
Date: 13 Aug 2003
Hey; Ive' been contemplaiting the awsome life actor role of writer, painter, cartoonist, set designer, and bon vivant; and I gotta tell ya'..Im' over extended. (somewhat)...I havent read the up-dates yet. (or the reviews).... as I just now rolled in on Clyde after camping out on the West Side in South Riverside Park. I slept for the most part under cool clowdy night skys but kept prepped a park bench trash bag tee pee as back up. Rained for days. It was so pro looking that the local security thought that it as a parks and recreations Dept. welding tent. Hell, the poor slobs were all hide out in the bushes like animals. (Not homeless..."Hopeless". I gotta get that "Bikes For Bums Program going. How did I stand up to Mom Nature?? sun burn has a sun burn. Im' now darker than Rena and Nik combined. Well... I host here at WSUMC from the 14th to the 28th, so I will get back into the mix. Hey Rena; got the gift. It went south as a gift; but you can bet that I saved that wonderful article and I removed the inscribed inside cover-page as well. Man, my head is aired out. I stayed on the bike path and settled into structured routine. Read alot, did cross words from yesterdays' papers..(ya; I want em' Mick, I really do).. hell, I only entered the city once to check the P.O. on East 7th and it gave me the creeps. Im' ready for the farm. Well, Clyde got fine tuned and the blisters on my baboon ass seem to have turned to shoe leather. Im' officially "Grissled". Any takers??..Hey, I checked my EMail and the Students want to share this: It seems as if the Big Kahoona hits town Sept 17th-21st. Ol' Baldy has a 4 day gig at the Beacon Theatre as well as a public rap in Central Park. Any locals offering free Digger energy; or Tibetan Groupies, contact by Aug. 28th. Get the real poop at

Name: Jag
Date: 13 Aug 2003
Nichole, guess what found its way back to my place. The first Waits CD came full circle, it was marked not deliverable need more info. Well I guess I'll find a home for it. Any one? Step right up.

Name: Jag
Date: 12 Aug 2003
So glad you got them Eileen, I was wondering if they made it, I can appreciate waiting to listen to them, I do the same kind of thing for stuff I really want to savor, wait for the right moment.

Name: wise
Date: 12 Aug 2003
l dey hail all di men dem----no road

Name: Nicole
Date: 12 Aug 2003
Eileen, When I came home from the river on Sunday my roomate said to me my brother had called I said Bobby? she said no Michael...well, he had not called me in 20 years ( well once after 9/11 cause he knew I lived near)so of course I was worried,but it all was well, and he simply called to say hello and how was I? I know it was because I had posted to you about him and called him into my sphere... so thanks Sam...I needed my big brother right about you, Nik

Name: Eileen
Date: 12 Aug 2003
Hey Jag..ooh I did get the CD's and I cannot belive you found the Staple Singers Uncloudy Day!!!!!!!!! That alone is enough to put a huge smile on my face. The T Waites has titles that I think Steve would most appriciate..very Steve for sure. No I haven't listened to them yet..there are reasons but I am saving them like my favorite thing on the plate til last. I know sounds a bit odd but sometimes I'm like that.
Miranda is leaning on me to get out of here (the library..but just wanted to say hi and I got your great gifts. Thanks so much. Can hardly wait to hear the 3 Tenors full blast. So cool!
I haven't got time to wade thru the rest of the site. Ditto I hope Eric can clean it up soon so I can see who's here.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: who dat
Date: 12 Aug 2003
back after a couple 3 days of hiking,climbing and frolic in the wild.
Returning to the site was like driving srait into billboard hell.Shit!! Sex drugs and the BIG "DIG". Where is our cosmic mute, Maybe he has set out to eradicate such mongrel minstrels, or perhaps is just now infiltrating them under a big digger sombrero. Patman

Name: McMing
EmailAddress: get a clue, troglodytes
Date: 12 Aug 2003
Eric, I expect you'll delete/edit the commercial message below .. but let's get
clear here, this is a not-for-profit, non-spamming website. If you don't belong
here, peddle your sleaze elsewhere. Ya get it, o ye of little wit ?

Name: Digger
Date: 12 Aug 2003
Well to start out i am glad that this semaphore finally caught my Tenshun.You people have a good Tude but you need to mellow a weeeeee bit on the way you vociferate with your vocabulary,use of semantics,oxymorons,etc. etc. etc.My actual name is DIGGER.Check it out
And Remember One Thing,
as always a pleasure

Date: 12 Aug 2003
okay, havent we realized yet that politics are a joke and we shouldnt waste time putting that much intellectual thought into them??? hello, ronald reagan was president people. george the 2 is president now. he got it over a square with a deadhead wife. Okay, now that this has been established, anything interesting going on?

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Aug 2003
Joe, your right about stealing a governorship and all the rest but it seems small in lieu of this administrations grandiose plans and schemes to rape pillage and plunder at the expense of all things even remotely humane and progressive. They have no shame, no conscience, no heart, and above all else no soul.
I expect draconian measures in the vein of secret police tactics ala "national security" issues, travel restrictions, microscopic scrutiny of daily lives, fewer basic freedoms, oh wait, we already have all of the above,
(excerpt from "Trading With the Enemy"
For those who haven't heard a definition of Fascism lately, I refer to Benito Mussilini (who should know): "Fascism should more appropriately be called 'Corporatism' because it is the merger of State and Corporate power."

Name: Jag
Date: 11 Aug 2003
Hammond the Bush man here?!! I'm sure we'll give him a fine welcome :) I have got to be there.

Name: sergei
Date: 11 Aug 2003
should be great fun when Arnold's 70's gay porn hits the mainstreem media (not that there is anything wrong with that), should go over well in Orange Co. Is Wavy running?

Name: Joe
Date: 11 Aug 2003
I think they are waiting to see if they can actually steal a governorship between elections......besides they havent been that quiet at home.....move to take away overtime pay for 8 million people.....prescription program that guarantees high prices for drug well as many other lesser known plots

Name: Hammond
Date: 11 Aug 2003
JAG - I think our "Little Beruit" is going to get some fresh newspeak when the Bushman Cometh - fussilade to follow further disarray near Bagdhad pointing west - another sort of west point.

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Regime Change Begins at Home
Date: 10 Aug 2003
I can't help but feel like its the calm before the storm, besides dismantling what little social progress we've made in the last thirty years the current regime has not made any bunker busting news lately. Could it be re-election priority time, a return to "Compasionate Conservative" lies? It just seems too calm in D.C.
GW makes his father seem like a liberal in comparision, he makes Bob Dole look like a Marxist, and McCain an anarchist. He has come down so far on the right I can't fathom how he has duped so many with such obvious fraud and behind the scenes deceit. Enriching Halliburton, pandering to Enron, wrapping the flag around him so tightly he's left stars and stripes embedded in his ass. I'm afraid were due for another fussilade from the right.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 10 Aug 2003
LSD-Wallpaper anyone?

Name: r n a
EmailAddress: midwife blues
Date: 10 Aug 2003
One year in prison. that's what awesome birth attendant Nan got for "practicing medicine without a license." I heard today from her friend and neighbor that the administration of Oxygen is practicing medicine without a license. and, that's what they got her on.
Now here's the kicker,
for the fee of $25 a day, Nan can stay out of prison. The $25 a day will pay for rental on a Monitor Bracelet. But, she has to come up with the price of the bracelet herself. If she goes to prison, the cost to the state will be far more than $25, and the state will be paying.
Birth's Rights Advocates Please Donate a Day to Nan Koehler.

Name: Nicole
Date: 10 Aug 2003
Ah Sunday afternoon, 2:00 pm and I just came in from sitting out by the Hudson...a nice breeze today in the middle of all this humidity...
...anon looks like he(or she)might be headed for a stalk market crash!
Michael, The road crew tape is on it's way.

Name: pleeeeze
Date: 10 Aug 2003
could it be that you're ashamed of who you were, not realizing that is what led to who you are....sorta. I mean, really...delete because of stalkers haunting you...or is it you haunting you. Living in a box of what you think you are made of is a sure way of getting stuck, as the only instructions for removal of self from a box is from the Bigger outside. Just be here now.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 10 Aug 2003
So, there's plenty of evidence to back up my instinctive reaction that Conan/the Terminator (much as I loved the movies) is a frightening prospect as a politician let alone governor of California. I saw a political cartoon of a man and wife reading a newspaper with the headline "Larry Flynt for Calif. Governor." The man asks, "Why would he want to lower himself?"
It's been a turbulent weekend so far, a funeral in the family but I got to see my granddaughter because the kids drove in (from Colorado!!) for the funeral. It doesn't get any better than my granddaughter. When I get these million rolls of film developed I'll try to post a photo somewhere. Last night (off work for the funeral) I listened to the latest CD again Jag, it was perfect. I have to go back to work tonight after another day with the family, have tried not to think about health issues all weekend hope I don't "crash" at work!! Oh well I'm getting pretty good at faking I've got energy. Peace

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: To ; FYI
Date: 09 Aug 2003
Great animation, true message, I feel like being patriotic and looting something

Name: Gordon
Date: 09 Aug 2003
Thank you for providing this site.

Date: 09 Aug 2003
You don't - it just disappears......

Date: 09 Aug 2003
Anon - how do you remove virtually nothing?

Name: Anon
Date: 09 Aug 2003
My stock brokers are stalking me, please take my schtick off the shelves of that there free store.

Name: IMAM(Suspect)
Date: 09 Aug 2003
Maybe after the Phentamine kicked in.....

Name: FYI Service
Date: 09 Aug 2003
Looting the USA
Cute (political) animation with message.....(turn up your volume)
PS - Stock It To Me!

Name: McMingus
EmailAddress: at home
Date: 09 Aug 2003
Do ya think maybe anon is in fact MUGU {after the brain pills kicked in ?}

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Aug 2003
Stock it to me ?

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Aug 2003
I want you to stock me, baby.
Stock me all night long.
I want you to stock me, baby.
Like my back ain't got a bone.
I think that red-necked MF is getting to me.

Name: Mark
Date: 08 Aug 2003
Hay, check out this article and interview with Steve Gaskin in Salon. The author is R.U. Serius

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Aug 2003
Stockers? Anon deletion messages? What's the frequency Kenneth?

Name: Nik
Date: 08 Aug 2003
huh? I realized you must have meant stalkers...I think...but I'm still not following (no pun intended)...change your email address then...sheese. you sound a bit full of yrself...did you mean model citizen now? or are you a "model" and if so and you walk runways and do print work...I'd worry more about those "stockers"...'splain more please...not that I could do anything about it anyway...I'm just curious's'all...or oh maybe you meant model in the "private sector" as opposed to public, sort of like "a private dancer"
h-m-m-m-m that might explain the stalkers...maybe you should change profession, not e-mail address...

Name: anon
Date: 08 Aug 2003
I was wondering if you would be willing to remove past disscusion forms
from the internet, maybe only keep current dissicussion groups. Due to
stockers not knowing that writting into your site would be posted on the
web for several years after the disscussion has occurred leaving info that
only wanted people who are interested in diggers durring time period. NOt
to be stocked in general public through your mass web postings of past disscussions.

Name: ANON
Date: 08 Aug 2003
I was wondering if you could at leat delete past discussion(sp?) Groups. Maybe keep only the current ones online? I have since gone onto become
a model in the private sector and litterally have stockers from past years
of participating in groups.

Name: IMAM(Suspect)
Date: 08 Aug 2003
not today - and I was keeping warm behind a 10 cent dryer in a Berkeley laundromat ....until I ran out of dimes...........

Name: Nicole
Date: 08 Aug 2003
absolutely Tomas...porches rule!
Mark...that's right, not today...I was in the bushes off the freeway by south van ness...argh!

Name: Hammond
Date: 08 Aug 2003
Tomas - nice! -

Name: r n a
Date: 08 Aug 2003
Ohio girl, worse than announcing his candidacy on Leno is Schwarzenegger's continued support of admitted Nazi Kurt Waldheim.
found this via
"Arnold's Nazi Problem - Why won't he repudiate Kurt Waldheim?"
Waldheim is an admitted Nazi who served in the Wehrmacht. This is a totally chilling article.

Name: Jag
Date: 08 Aug 2003
That Manhatten judge had better be careful, Ashcroft is going after all federal judges he perceives as to soft. Due to new mandatory sentencing guidelines any federal judge who doesn't mete our the stiffest penalty possible will be dealt with by non other than out favorite facist Ashcroft!

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 08 Aug 2003
Tomas, what a fine dreamy porch.... I worked at McDonald's Saturday and Sunday 5 a.m. through lunch for 3 years and was amazed to find the little society of Sunday morning regulars, men who come in and socialize all morning with a cup of coffee and free refills. The society of kids in the McParking lot on summer evenings is better known, but how interesting that McDonalds also fulfills a potbelly-stove type social role, who knew? The Saturday lunch rush was just wild, but Sunday was families eating after church. Life is never all black and white, not always what you expect. Speaking of odd social uses how bizarre is it to announce one's political candidacy on the Tonight show. I find that one disturbing.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: freedom
Date: 08 Aug 2003
article in the NY Times today:
Judge Criticizes Police Methods of Questioning War Protesters
A federal judge in Manhattan criticized police officials yesterday for the way demonstrators against the war in Iraq were interrogated earlier this year, and he made clear that civil liberties lawyers could seek to hold the city in contempt of court in the future if the police violate people's rights.
The judge, Charles S. Haight Jr. of Federal District Court, who recently eased court-ordered rules on police surveillance of political groups, made his comments after hearing evidence that the police had asked the protesters their views on the war, whether they hated President Bush, if they had traveled to Africa or the Middle East, and what might be different if Al Gore were president.
"These recent events reveal an N.Y.P.D. in some need of discipline," Judge Haight wrote...
the rest of the article at:

Name: Tomas Muse
Date: 07 Aug 2003
Sun Day Morning Overcast
Folks you can see what I wrote here on the chair.

Name: Tomas
Date: 07 Aug 2003
Everybody fell in love with the folks at Morningstar. I can understand what you are going through. Everyone who was there seemed to carry that vibration. It is a very powerful thing. It has carried us all and been with us all these years.
Love is a very powerful emotion and we have remembered it and carried in our lives.
Reread Home Free Home with the emotion that you have now and you may discover just a hint of what that commune was about.
Love and Peace

Name: Jag
Date: 07 Aug 2003
Watched "The Quiet American" last night and it is one of the most visceral and emotive films I have seen in decades. Michael Caine is intense as a disillusioned British reporter in Vietnam circa 1952, the French are losing a guerilla war to Ho Chi Mihn and he is milking his press credentials for a sojourn in Saigon and an escape from a miserable marriage in London for a dalliance with a Vietnamese courtesan. Enter Brandon "George of the Jungle" Fraser as an idealistic American with more to him than meets the eye.
The setting, the script, the visuals, all are captivating and the story is mesmerising, the backdrop of war doesn't drive the story but is always a reminder of impending disaster. Enough said, if you remember the Vietnam of our sixties this will amaze you. Fraser is great! Caine is stupendous and the movie is unbelieveably great!!! The ending is...well it is simply wrenching. Thats my movie of the month, year, screw it, decade!!

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Aug 2003
Sorry I was a little slow on the rewrite, I have been under a cloud for a bit. I have resumed a normal exercise thing, getting some regular sleep and no longer eating road food along Highway 40, so I am back in the sun now.

Name: Hammond
Date: 07 Aug 2003
Mark - sorry about the bad link to your poem.... I goofed and then tried to change it but now it is gone again...? Maybe too many 3rd Pages in one day.... is one page too many - nonetheless everyone here it is one more time
Thanks again for writing it!

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 07 Aug 2003
Mark's piece is here - Sorry about that!
"Sometiimes All We Were Doing Was Shivering in the Cold"

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 07 Aug 2003
New Material in The 3rd Page
Michael Simmons
"Still Danny After All These Years" [Danny Goldberg Speaks To A Generation's Inner Hippie]
Mark Hebard
"Sometimes All We Were Doing Was Shivering in the Cold"

Name: Mark
Date: 07 Aug 2003
Thanks for the very timely report on the devastation of Hiroshima. Unfortunately the Bush folks are killers.
If you lurk here, I sent out your video tape this morning. Sorry for the delay, life got in the way a bit.

Name: Rena
EmailAddress: Peace
Date: 07 Aug 2003
Went to the Iao Church last night where Maui Peace Action was sponsoring a special service commemorating the bombing at Hiroshima. A man who survived the bombing spoke. He was 8 years old when the bomb dropped. His mother, father, and infant brother were all killed. He described the devastation and then his attempts to lead a meaningful life.
He moved to America when he was 18 and became a Reverend in a Baptist Church. After being a reverend for 20 years in California, in the 1970's he was removed from his perch because his congregation was all white and it church officials decided that it was inappropriate for a JAPanese man to lead an all white congregation. He kept emphasizing how shocking this was to him, that it happened in 1974. He said this turned his heart to hate and he spent years hating Americans. Years later, to
told us, he was able to understand that he enemy was not Americans but the hatred he felt in his own heart. He told us about the dream he had that guided him away from hate and towards promoting peace and compassion for all.
He also spoke about his sickness from radiation poisoning and how the US put him in a hospital for tests and experiments, including 2 excruciatingly painful spinal taps. He said he was kept in a 10 foot cell, and felt like a jailed prisoner rather than an innocent survivor.
There was not a dry eye in the place. Tears streamed down this man's face as he spoke.
The next speaker was the director of a new school that is opening in Honolulu. The college prep Peace School is opening later this month. Though based on Buddhist principles, the students are multi ethnic, multi racial, multi religious and from diverse socio-economic backgrounds,. Though Buddhism will be taught, no attempts will be made to convert students from their myriad religions. The students will be prepared for college, with additional awareness in promoting the peace process.
Before the first speaker, 4 ministers from Maui together read a report from woman who was in Hiroshima that fateful day. It was lengthy and multi dimensional. She painted an all to real picture of that day and the days that followed, the people calling out for water, the sounds, sights, and more.
Two leaders of Maui Peace Action read a letter from the mayor of Hiroshima blasting Bush and his policies that are destroying attempts to halt the proliferation of nuclear devices world wide.
Bush is currently developing Bunker Bombs designed to devastate underground hideaways. He said these bunker bombs are more powerful than the bombs that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And, of the nuclear mini bombs.

Name: Nicole
Date: 07 Aug 2003
Eileen, Jenn is my younger sister and the Michael she is speaking of is my brother Michael...surely you'll remember him...he was doing some work with Wynn Tucker when you first met...but then again I have one of those memories where in I can remember what someone was wearing the first time I ever met them 35 years ago...

Name: Jag
Date: 06 Aug 2003
Ahhnold, Marianna Huffington, Larry Flynt! who isn't running for guv! I like Arianna myself. Her and Al Franken for lieutenant guv. The whole thing seems to have sunk to a media circus, I remember the "good ol days" when Ronnie Reagan was up for recall. To bad that didn't get very far.

Name: Mark
Date: 06 Aug 2003
Wait a minute! Ahhnold says he is gonna run for guv. Eileen, we may need to rethink all this. Hey Wavy, we need your help.

Name: watch
Date: 06 Aug 2003
Watch and welcome the sunrise. Amid confusion and uncertainty, it reminds you that darkness does turn to light and that a loving force is in charge of the universe.

Name: Eileen
Date: 06 Aug 2003
Yes inspiration. I live in Ft Bragg less tahn 1/4 mi from coast. Nope don't remember you. But don't feel I said before I have a sieve for a memory for the past. It's both a drag and a good thing. No holding folks to some old memory. Ha! It's all Here and Now. Just gets better too.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 06 Aug 2003
"WakeN & WarN"
The City of Hiroshima Remembers

Name: Mark
Date: 06 Aug 2003
Getting back into the South after so many decades was a revelation in a sense. It showed me how much things are the same and changed. I have stayed in California (Bay Area} most of my life and it is easy to expect that other places are at least similar. I remember coming home on my first Air Force leave from Amarillo. LAX wasn't what it is today and I had to haul my duffel bags across the parking lot to the next terminal and I damn near kissed some of those black and yellow California license plates. I have dreamed of living elsewhere and spent lots of time and bucks looking for a new home. Hawaii, Gulf Coast, Colorado, to name a few but it comes down to what you described as the trade off. Living under the prevailing culture like a turtle can be hard. Like you said, you can never assume someone is on the same plane simply because the look like it. There is racism and poverty in California and also places like Bakersfield or Orange County that feel much more like some other state. Here in Santa Cruz, the town lost its identity decades ago, now just a "Gilligan's Island" for wanna-be liberal yuppies. No music scene, no poetry scene, no life actors smiling up and down the avenue. No scene at all. The once rich cultural legacy of Kesey and the Pranksters, the great music scene, the free style of the counter culture has been long forgotten. We got parking garages, high density housing downtown, coffee cafes, wine bars, would-be upscale eaterys that have high prices, crummy food and even crummier service. Lots of SUV's, lots of white people and a few token minorities. But the air is clean and Monterey Bay saves us all. It is only an hour or so to SF for some fun. The problem is forgetting about the rest of the country and how different life is. You just can't talk the same shit and get away with it.

Date: 06 Aug 2003
Date: 7/24/2003 - 10:58 PM
Name: Steve Boyd
Site: http://
Location: ah...what time is it now??..., tranquil...very tranquil.., tis' of thee...
Comments: Hey Rena, Im' still not over your' visit;..I had the most wonderful dreams last night which may have been set-off by our conversation in the back parlor.... They involved flying, junk yards, sex with relatives and alot of talking. The colors were very vivid and un-earthly. I just skimmed the web site here and was really wowed by the spirit that you projected way back when.Ikiss a lot of men and they kiss me then we spank each others asses and some times we insert vegetables into each other - but you knew that anyway We missed crossing paths at Coyote's place back in 70 by a couple of months (or life-times??).... will keep you posted on whats comming down and if Im' in Calais when you hit NYC on the rebound; I will make a point of comming down and stirring things up, or maybe meet with you on the West Coast. (Nor Cal ONLY)..."talk " to ya' soon. Very, very truly your's. Silent Steve of the Olema People) (Accept no substitutes use fyfe bannas up the sphincter)

Date: 06 Aug 2003
"There's no place like home."
click click click

Name: jenn
Date: 06 Aug 2003
Tonight I will toast you at the dinner table with food from our garden! So much is ripe and delicious. Even this years new beds are amazing, my corn is 8 feet tall. We are Rich in strawberries right now! I have to beg the kids to eat them, delicious and sweet as they are, you can only eat so many! Fresh off the mama with blueberries....succulent. Tonight, steamed beets, fresh salad and squash with beans. Wow. I hope all your bellies are full, all your loads enlightened, and your minds are in peace. You are observant indeed, the i's need to be dotted and the paper better be filled out correctly or the fear will git cha.
Do you remember coming to my house in Red Bluff with Michael? It was about 1973 or '74. And, forgive me for innattention, but where are you now?
Always, Jennifer

Name: Jenn
Date: 06 Aug 2003
Nicole, I support you wholey. Sleep in peace, in the bed of your choice made up of sheets of your previous choice/non-choice. That fella will sleep where he has chosen to lay his head tonight as well. You are not responsible for where he is. I love you.
My son, your nephew (now 14) Tim was obsessed with the Titanic years before the movie came out. I know you saw many of his scrapbooks of drawings, and lego renditions. His interest began at 2 1/2 years old, while reading a book on weather. The Titanic was pictured and he became driven to "Save the freezing wet babies on the lower decks". All this from a photograph attempting to illustrate the ice berg. He started to make 3-D boats from paper with the correct number of chimneys, windows...views from evey imaginable angle. He read early and started checking out books on the boat. He was seriously convinced by the time he was 4 and had drawn and constructed literally 200 replicas, that he was the original designer of the thing! By the time he was 7 the movie came out. Dressed in a black tux from gramma, he sat at the end of his seat and barely breathed. At the end of the movie he said to me, "The first experience was too painful, this has been hard. I felt myself back there again, right through time." What do you tell a 7 year old who knows in his soul that he lived before, and he has chosen to feel responsible for 100's of peoples deaths? He was having a hard time with this! You tell him that THEY chose to be on that ship. Life is fatal. Choice is happening, conscious or not. Regardless if he was or was not the designer matters not. We all always all ways can choose choice anytime. We have the luxury as well as the burden of minds. The music of that movie was very etheral...I think the sound therapy pulled those people who watched that movie a zillion times to heal them on a cellular level. Nicole, please don't take on the extra unecessary guilt for someone elses choice. Karma took him off the streets, and you may have contracted that to save someone else that pain. It's so inspiring that you are strong enough to break cycles. You go girl!
Your wren

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 06 Aug 2003
Nicole, I'd feel bad about it too, but, there is no other possible choice here.

Name: Tomas
Date: 06 Aug 2003
It is difficult to live the way I did at Morningstar in Kentucky. I cannot assume that every far out looking dude is going to turn me on with great emotions and good weed.
Here I see people that dress in a style of the sixties but think completely different. It is always mind blowing and a little unsettling. But I have traded the stress and dust of the city for the clean air, good earth and open clear views of the country.
I remember that we all decided to find out for ourselves what poverty was really like. We wanted to find out how it felt to be poor, blind and black. We didn’t find out but we came close. Moving from California to Memphis put you in that place rather quickly.
I always come back here to this website because it is the closest thing to the people I want to be around. These constant reminders of what this earth should be like are great fuel for the mind that wants peace on earth.

Name: The 3rd Page
EmailAddress: Just another image......
Date: 05 Aug 2003
Best to all......

Name: Eileen
Date: 05 Aug 2003
Um Jenn..sorry I missed that storm! I sit close enough to see the ocean. Your note ofyour garden awhile back really made me jealous..inspired being the upper end of that..and stayed in the back of my head when I was living in NM, as a whine to what I could see was going to take more hard work and time than was going to happen in Questa. Now back where I belong..the soil is more dust than anything being just a terrace away from having lived in the ocean. Know we will only be at this house at best for a few yr. Will cover crop and mulch to see if I can bring in the deer and critters are waiting to see what I can do.
Nicole?! What was not explained is clear enough. Only if you were living in anger could you find pleasure in jailing someone. I would say you are taking responsibility and going the long haul to bring something to a completion that is a necessity for yourself and others, rather than turning your head from the pain. Something that takes courage to see through. In a perfect world the jailing would require therapy and real help. This is not a perfect world. Not being willing to submit as a victim is important. I am dealing at a distance with an (adopted) daughter that won't protect herself from mental and physical abuse..can I tell you how maddening this is?! So that you have taken at least on more damaged man off the streets may not make you feel great..but let it bring you some relief.
Mark..what can I say but, yep. It's kind of shocking to find what's out there. I'll say it again..we live in another world in Calif. It is too easy to not realize what is going on when you get very far away and think all one needs is an attitude adjustment. Yeah love is the way..but boy howdy you'd better have your white underwear on, your papers in order while your at it, and a friend to call along the way for reality checks! Frankly..we're in deep shit. Yes you need to rest and eat a good meal. Kind of scarey, huh.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 05 Aug 2003
ooops! I really did mean to take the $ info off before posting - my bad as the new generation might say....

Name: Nik
Date: 05 Aug 2003
Jenny-wren, you never cease to amaze me...

Name: Hammond
Date: 05 Aug 2003
Counter Punched (again)
"Its Incremental Watson!"

Name: jenn
Date: 05 Aug 2003
Racism........biologically speaking, there is no "race". By adapting skin color to climatic conditions, Pigment dispersion, we have justified division of the humans. Nature did this. Man has done the rest. We unfortunately don't use race alone to divide us. Race is a false concept for the sole purpose of manipulation and domination of others. That only exists in our minds and is not the Truth. When we all know that, the duality will cease. The beliefs we hold so dear that most people don't question will disappear. Then lies the be effective against any "ism" we can only expose, not judge. People are stuck believing that they are as small as they seem. It is hard not to place the stuck people in their own little box of who we see "them" as. Then the "ism" starts all over again. The matrix of our souls will adjust as each of us tweeks up our lights...our inner Namaste will all ways prevail. Mark, I wish you had a more joyous vacation. People certainly have opinions, beliefs, justifications and reasons, all which probably were seeded in the need to survive, but with a different struggle in the 22nd century. Still it makes no sense and is so self destructive to boot. Harm none. I teeter twixt the bliss and the despair of the human condition. The bliss is far more appealing. I need to be in oservation mode to enjoy it. The despair slips in dealing with fears I project then reflect back to myself. Urghrgh. That's all it's about folks, FEAR or LOVE. simple eh? Early this morning, about 1 a.m. the sky was lit up by lightning and the thunder was the loudest I have ever heard. I've heard some real belts in montana and wyoming, but nothing to compare. I couldn't help myself from standing in the drenching rain, pelted with wildly random hail pellets. I was howling, screaming, cackling and laughing from my belly. I was soaked. It went on from about 9 pm to 3 am. There is that reliable ole bliss again. MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....Nature can be quite the equalizer. may your sights be sacred all day.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 05 Aug 2003
[No ads for paid events, even "$5.00 admission at the door". --ed.]

Name: Mark
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Hey Folks,
I am back from Memphis and Paragould. How much catfish can someone eat. Catfish Buffets everywhere. Very tired and a little discouraged by what I've seen and heard. Racism is still the way. WalMart is the vehicle of dim and provincal society. Like Eileen I get out of California and even knowing better I still get slammed with how much things haven't changed. The people in the South are friendly and polite, even easy to talk to and they don't run you off the road or flip you off but the "good ole boy" is thrivihg. Shit, sometimes I think this country hasn't got a chance. If we were to lose economic/military dominance we would all be scraping the bottom like most of the undeveloped world. I wish I felt better about all this. Is it normal to want to turn inward and shut it off, pretending this isn't the way it is?Maybe a few more days rest from the driving will help. Jenn, you are an inspiration. I will be back.

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Aug 2003
To all; their free cause their yours!! (apologies to Emmett et al)

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Aug 2003
JAG - We all love our cd's!!!!!!!

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Aug 2003
I am super-charged that you not only got it but liked it Ohio Girl :)

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 04 Aug 2003
This Timeless Moment - (Laura Huxley)
"WELLLLEW" - For Allen Cohen

Name: Michael Simmons
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Thank you Hammond, Nicole and Silent Steve. I appreciate the help.

Name: FYI Service
Date: 04 Aug 2003
The Online Palm Reader!

Name: Ohio girl
EmailAddress: favorite movie
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Jag, you've got a genius touch for the music you put together. I feel like I'm behind the 8-ball and taking some of the most unlyrical drugs on earth, and I can't describe what the music does to that. Somewhere deep inside, a little part of me is still "The Trip." "Oh Brother" is one of my favorite movies, even though relatively new it's up there with my lifetime favorites. If anyone hasn't seen the movie at the roots of "Oh Brother," a movie called "Sullivan's Travels" from the 40s, well, there's a mindblowing experience in store with that film too. Every song on these CDs, and some are new to me....I'm glad I didn't make any selections but got these. Thank-you. Have you heard the albums "I Am the Blues" by Willie Dixon and the incomparable "A Vision Shared" by Folkways (various artists), "The Apostle" (music from and inspired by the movie) gospel to blow your mind by, and my husband found an amazing budget-type collection, "The Stanley Brothers, 20 Bluegrass Originals" (Highland Music, Deluxe 1987). Most of my favorites are favorites because they're everyone favorites, I like hard rock running around my brain, Motown always puts me into a higher dimension.... See, you got me going..... Thanks I needed that!

Name: Nicole
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Michael Simmons, I tried to e-mail you...let me know if I was successful...

Name: Nik
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Hammond, it was a beautiful piece by Ben...I went often to the poster store...and yes I can share a dream...a very similar one...
Dream Fragment from March 7th 2001
I am on the waterfront in San Francisco...everything behind me is demolished...bombed? tidal wave? earthquake? I don't know...there are huge sheets of plywood at varying angles layed over all of the broken concrete so that we can navigate by foot from one place to another...the mud is everywhere...looks like low tide at gate five...that shiney mucky mud...all of the bay is empty...we could walk to Sausalito...the sky is grey and greyer...I am not afraid but dumb struck...awe struck...all the buildings that remain standing are askew...I am just walking with some people...surveying...dream switches to me treading water in very deep seas, warm, bouyant with no fear even though I am miles from shore...
That's all I wrote down on that day...all I suppose I could remember of the dream...

Name: Hammond
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Nic - Keep strong - keep digging - and put this guy away (without reservation!) -understandable that this is a bore in many respects... But put him away (if possible). Keep warm and wonderful as well... When do you come West? (again and again I forget!) How about soon?
One and All - I can vouch (safe) for Michael Simmons as writer and as being a very good friend of Stew Albert's so please do send him any relevant thoughts such as this one from me : "Abby Hoffman conived, stole (ripped off) and borrowed Digger philosophy/tactics/connections and then used them to pomote his own NYC Abbie Hoffman agenda as "Abby Hoffman" writer, prankmaker, savant ringmaster of dissent and politically psychedelic frontman vs. using them 'anonymously' to essentially help and expand his community infrastructure et al p instead he used them to promoted the free wheeling (Time Magazone seeking) concepts of "Abbie Hoffman's Yippie!" - and you can quote me on that one - but it is just an opinion mind you. Stew and I have spoken at length about this very thing and the Digger - Yippie (conflux) both the bad (as above) and the good - yet the same old differences between The Village and The Haight were always there - and greatly divided the two in terms of application in the streets. Personally I never liked Abby very much - Stew however is quite another man all together, a brother in arms and spirit - both then and now. Krassner as you all (should) know was far more than a Yippie co-hort (no slurr on Michael's note) and crossed "all" boundries for the betterment of one and all (and still trucking after all these years ) - a 3rd Page contributor (yes) - a Prankster (yes) and a Digger - *publisher (yes) and bar none - a man of his word.
Love to all - H.
End blather -
FYI - Michael Simmons in The 3rd Page:
"Memoirs of a Street Fighter" by Michael Simmons
Review of Hunter S. Thompson's latest book

Name: rena
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Jim, Bob Stubbs died several months ago. I hadn't seen him in years. read about it in the oaper. Bob is survived by a wife and a son who is around 10 or 11. I don't know your sister. Bob's brother Norman is listed in the Maui directory. Have a good journey.

Name: Cheryl Lynne Pickens Rubbo
Date: 04 Aug 2003
[No ads for buying or selling. Free Ads are welcome. If you'd like to donate
the "Digger table" to some needy commune, I'm sure it will find a good
home. --ed.]

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Nichole, don't have misgivings for protecting his next victim from harm! He was obviously a repeat offender and a predator, some people need to be off the streets and he fits the definition of "dangerous".

Name: Jag
Date: 04 Aug 2003
So glad you liked it Nichole, wha'd ya think of "Troubled Man" ? One of my fav's.

Name: Nicole
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Good Morning, where to begin...well, the DA just called me...last week we went through the re-trial that resulted because of a hung jury in the rape case from last August...we had a new judge and jury and she (the DA) just called and told me they convicted him on both counts, rape and sexual abuse...sentencing on Sept 4. I still have misgivings about sending someone to prison for 15 years...but I guess he sent himself, really. I should feel good and I don't.
Jag, you wrote on the "friendship" cd..." don't know if this is your cup of tea..." Not only is it my cup of's my coffee, my chai, my vodka, my good red wine, my diet peach snapple (the best by the way), my warm milk in the evening...and I love the version of Halleluja. thank you again...I just read an address given at a UC Berkeley commencement by Ann Lamott...she spoke alot about how music is one of the most powerful ways to connect to the god within...and how the spirit soars when it recognizes something...and mine certainly did...I spent the day at the ocean yesterday with all the cds you've sent...truly a spiritually uplifting day.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Steve, WW3 arts in action sounds right, like Eileen finding the right home. I hope so..... Peace.

Name: Steve The Hoople
Date: 04 Aug 2003
"Well my Brothers back at home with his Beatles and his Stones;..he never got off on that revolution stuff...what a drag"... (or somethin' like that)...Hey Michael Simmons: you came to the right place. Tap into anyone of the resident historians for some real pay-dirt. Stick with the over 55 crowd. Im' a youngen' myself... but that being said: I personally classed the Yippies a notch beyond the Berkeley People. I took them as I found them: Name-Dopping Publicity Hounds who were on a never ending media-band-wagon..(oh;..speaking of Name-Dropping Publicity Hounds; please allow me to introduce myself. I am Silent Steve, last man-child of the lost tribe of the Olema People (or the last one who will admit it anyway). Welcome to the hoop. Hey; my advise is simple: after you get done writting it: Do it. it as you write it and then write about it..or..well;...OK, OK,... just write about doing it. Many Welcomes. P.S. If you are up for a creative challange just ask for Travis; he's a self-styled "Where-Wolf" who could no doubt fill several chapters against yer' will. (this is gonna get good)...Later my man. and again. Naught To Annoy..Much To Enjoy...A Digger Welcome To Thee.

Name: Silent Steve Picaso
EmailAddress: same as it ever was
Date: 04 Aug 2003
We,.. the M27 meeting was small but consited of the big cheese of several movements. Wild mix. Even one self proclaimed Psycho-Therapy "Customer" who wandered in off of the street. No sweat. He stayed for the whole show. Anyway; heres what got me rev'd up. I regognized a cat who I had helped hang anti-war posters and banners at the original rally that spawned the birth of the M27 Coalition (I used my boot-knife push-pin technique)...(not as impressive as hanging Tibetan Prayer Flags...but still a real WOW.)..anyway; I had taken this Cat for yer' run of the mill Anarchist in as much as he was more poorly dressed than I was but come to find out, he's Seth Tobacman of the World War Three Arts-In-Action outfit thats opperative locally. They pull of alot oof guerilla street theatre as well as supplying various groups with free banners, posters, street sheets etc. Anyway, I showed him an old Peace Church Poster that I had done several months prior to finding out that I had cancer and the poster also pre-dated the 9-11 attacks. Well, he was taken aback abit in reference to the fact that the Images were so morbidly prophetic. (more on that later maybe)... Bottom line; he invited me to the next WW3 art meeting. Bottom line: I can find a voice in the movement via artistic expression dig? (and here I was ready to retire)....will keep you posted; in closing; dont listen to the President's lies. Make up yer' own. Check out

Name: Jim
Date: 04 Aug 2003
Hello Rena,
I'm still trying to find out more about Bob Stubbs. Can we meet while I'm on Maui between 9/21-9/27? Do you know my sister, Susie Davis, on Maui?

Name: Michael Simmons
Date: 03 Aug 2003
Dear Diggers:
I grew up in NYC in the '60s (born in '55) and was philosophically influenced by Digger theory. I was also one of those long-haired young teens who'd follow the Yippies around at demos as if they were rock stars.
I'm now a journalist dwelling in Los Angeles (a predicament I plan on changing soon). I'm a Feature Writer for LA Weekly, Contributing Writer for High Times, and have scribed for LA Times, Penthouse, Rolling Stone, The Progressive, (latter day) Crawdaddy, and many other periodicals. Penned over 100 articles on politics of medical marijuana.
I'm aware of the enmity between the Diggers and the Yippies. I'm working on a history of the Yippies (Stew and Krassner are close friends). I have a well-known agent in New York who is shopping the book proposal. If any Diggers or associates (or anyone with any pertinent info) would be interested in talking to me about YIP, Digger v. YIP, or any related subject, please feel free to e-mail me personally at Currently, I'm wrapping up a book on the MC5/White Panthers for Creation Books in London. As soon as that is completed, I'm on to YIP, triumphs, flaws, and gray areas included. Although I'll always be a Yippie at heart, the book will not be hagiographic.
I don't want to get into mindless flaming. If people have pointed critiques of YIP, I'm interested. This Digger website is -- for my taste and interests -- one of the finest on the web. Thank you (whomever you are!) for doing a swell job.
Michael Simmons

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Aug 2003
Okay - I think I am over my automanic process for a while and you can all rest your clicks. Bye - at least for a few days.... (a scotsman in the works)

Name: Hammond
Date: 03 Aug 2003
Janine Pomy-Vega & Stew Albert CounterPunched

Name: The 3rd Page (way-out take)
Date: 02 Aug 2003
Hi Everyone - its your old friend The 3rd Page again...with a way-out take from the journal....
One of our contributors was looking at Hammond's "Suit Suite" image series and had this vision about a vague Bush coming out of the clouds and into the double suited body - with gold coins falling from the invisible hands into a bowl with a vagina. - Oh well stranger visions have occured so we sent Muldoon's vision to Hammond and here is what he came up with.
"Muldoon's Suit Suite Vision"

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 02 Aug 2003
mail? hmm !

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: Tropical Dreaming
Date: 02 Aug 2003
I was very familiar with the term haole after my first visit to Hawaii in the seventies, I spent two months on Maui and it was tense. When I moved back to Oahu in 88 it was still a prevelant term but it didn't seem as hostile, I got along great with the locals after I acclimated and tanned, my extremely dark complexion helped alot, southern French, olive skinned and mustache all helped me to blend more comfortably than most.My oldest boy in the third grade was hurt the most, my 5 year old attended kindergarten and most kids that age just aren't able to be cruel, I think they have to learn their bigotry from their parents and it takes a few more years to sink in.
Ohio Girl, no mail?

Name: Hammond
Date: 02 Aug 2003
Ohio Girl - thanks for asking. Allen is doing his best with the day and his substitute teaching gigs to keep bread in the pocket etc - yet struggling against the foibles and failures of medical treatment schedules and (ahem) Dr. vacations - aghgra! - frustrating for him with the recent postponments at the hospital - but if all goes to the new plan he will begin receiving treatments this coming Tuesday. He really appreciates your kind spiritual and poetic support - and please turn out for his upcoming benefit - you will all have a marvy time with Chet acting as the host with the most.... not sure of the date but you can check with the Family Dog - it is in early Sept. I think.

Name: Rena
Date: 02 Aug 2003
it was when i became a cub scout mother that the locals accepted us. instead of being referred to as "the hippy mother" i became the cub scout mother. we became Hana's Own.

Name: Rena
Date: 02 Aug 2003
Jag, when we lived in Hana and my son was about 8 he also faced hatred from some locals, both kids and adults. I remember my red haired son wanting to dye his hair black so he would fit in. I home schooled him but also enrolled him in public school. He would attend one or 2 days a week. my goal was for him to learn how to deal with locals, but not count on the school for his education. There was only one teacher for each grade. Students got passed along, no matter how poorly they did, because teachers didn't want to have the challenged kids again. So, the classes had to proceed at the level of the slowest students. The more school my son missed the smarter he got. (in 4th grade, when he was only attending one day a week, the teacher moved him up to 5th.)There was even a racist school bus driver who was verbally brutal to the haoles (whites.) Complaints to the school board, the principal and the bus company went unheeded. Of course this bus driver showed the local kids how to treat haoles. Even the principal was racist. When I went to enroll my son in 2nd grade (we had just returned to Hana after years on another side of the island) the prinipal told me, in front of my son, "We don't like you haoles, we son't want you haoles here, and there's no room on the bus." I told the principal that if there was no room on the bus he would have to get another bus as there was a federal requirement that students be provided with transportation to school. Amazingly it was found that there was room on the bus. The first day of school my 2nd grade son got bitten to blood by the vicious 5 year old daughter of the racist soccer coach. he had to get a tetnus shot. Hana may be heavenly on some levels, but it was surly hell to our haole kids. As years went by, my son became friends with some of the locals. In 6th grade we left Hana to live upcountry so my son would be in the right location to attend Maui's only college prep school for 7th grade. He went to the same school my daughter now attends. Interestingly, my son used to play Dungeons and Dragons with the fellow who is the teacher of the Engineering -build a solar car- class that my daughter is taking this year.
note to folks with no Hawaiian roots: Haole is a term that was once used for any foreigners. Literally it means "without breath." or, without spirit. It is now used primarily as a term for whites.

Name: Ohio girl
Date: 02 Aug 2003
Congratulations Patrick!!!! I think having a grandchild is the most pure delight. Hello to everyone! Hammond I enjoyed the poem and picture very much, I sure know where Allen Cohen is coming from in these poems you provide links to, how is he doing?
I sold another "True Story" that I especially hoped would sell. A year ago my Mom was given some letters none of us had ever read, that my late father had sent home to his brother from England and France during World War II. I based a story on the mindblowing experience of reading these letters, so it means alot that this is one of the stories they selected (they don't buy everything I submit, but they buy more than they reject). Despite all this bad health of mine, life is such a trip. Peace

Name: PS - Hammond
Date: 02 Aug 2003
Ben also introduced me to Leo - who was then the owner of the Coffee Gallery - and now owner of Vesuvio's and to Henri Lenoir who was the founder of Vesuvio's. Ben really knew the way home.......And as a youngster heading nowhere fast Ben and others of his generation helped to focus my wanderment and learn some of the ropes. From then on I sought out North Beach characters who were much older than myself - and what a wealth of friendship they provided.... Ah memories - sometimes that is all we have left......
Happy Saturday everyone - and say a prayer the next time you pass the Golden Gate - The City we all know and love was greatly enriched by the likes of Ben Freidman...

Name: Hammond
Date: 02 Aug 2003
Anyway - Good and gracious (Postermat) Ben Freidman was the first person I met when I arrived in North Beach - his shop of oddity was on Upper Grant then just across from the Cafe Trieste and he sold a few posters then (mostly black light jobs) - but also used records, hats, used watches and an odd assortment of cool leather jackets that hung from the ceiling. Ben knew everyone worth knowing - but he was a secretive - at times very strange and distant sort a fellow until you got to know him - then he was a magician - a man of letters and quite a joy to be around. Through him I met Moe of Moe's Bookstore in Berkeley and a host of other socialist minded characters in the City. For me Ben represented the past present and ideally the future of Upper Grant along with the Shylock Shop folks - the Coffee and Confusion and of course the Coffee Gallery and Johnny - owner of the Trieste. Grand old days and nights.........................Ben was a bohemian jewel of a man...

Name: Jag
Date: 02 Aug 2003
Mahalo Rena,
My children attended a couple of years of elementary school on Oahu, it was standard curriculum but my oldest son ,from my wifes first marriage learned a valuable lesson, he is blond haired and blue eyed and all of his classmates were either locals or philipino, they called him a blonde haired blue eyed devil, this was only third grade and it never progressed beyond name calling but he came home pretty upset on more than one occassion and we had to give comfort and solace. We tried to point how a majority can torment a minority no matter what the etnicity. I explained how on the mainland he and his mainly caucasian counterparts dominated all aspects of his school and that what he saw here was a reverse form of prejudice and that he should learn that no matter what side of the barrier he was on it was wrong. He adjusted and had lots of friends after the first few months but he was acutely aware of how such seemingly minor differences can be major factors in perception. I was a teachers aide on a few field trips that year, we did the reef walk on the North Shore and went to a farm in Waiamea as well, fond memories. Aloha

Name: Rena
Date: 02 Aug 2003
Jag, it was my daughter's high school that taught American History with People's History of the US. In 11th grade studetns have a choice of AP US History which is taught by the old book, for the AP test, with history from the perspective of the rich white men.
or, they could choose the non AP history which was US histroy taught from the perspective of the underdogs: the Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, draftees, etc. Aside from Zinn they used alot of great texts, including Black Elk Speaks, Diary of a Slave Girl, Growing Up in Mississippi, Walden, etc. The college counselor said go AP. No way. I steered my daughter into the REAL class which definitely interested and inspired her.
they didi the same with chemistry. AP Chemistry is dry chemistry taught so students pass the AP class. Regular Chemistry was an environmental chemistry where they studied a fish kill and acid rain. My daughter loved this chemistry class, it was her favorite. Next year she is taking AP Environmental Science, Engineering, in which she and 7 other lucky students build a solar car (and compete in it), and physics. she got turned on to learning. also on her agenda is AP Art, advanced design, and Senior English.
Her high school is a private school on Maui, Seabury Hall. a lot of great teachers there.
I was thrilled to see Zinn used. He's one of my favorite authors.

Name: Jag
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Not being privy to such luminary gatherings and only gazing from afar I did notice the widow with the Quaker Oats and feeling if ya gotta go let it be in a can of oatmeal with a host of intellectual brethren and a sea going vessal evocative of the vikings and vallhalla's final call, that and a few friends who shared a moment in the life with ya.

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Nobody had time to look at the picture of everyone on the boat to put Ben in the ocean eh? - no comment eh? oh well eh?
See the link below - eh?

Name: Jag
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Me again, just watched Ron Reagan Jr and Ann Coulter go head to head and it was quite the shouting match! Coulter tried to invoke Ron's father as a moral compass which Jr shrugged off and accused her of writing dumb and unsupported trash. He aquited himself nicely and she came off as the muckraking hate monger she truly is. I had no idea Ronnie jr was such a standard bearer for liberals. I know his old man was pretty embarassed when he became a ballet dancer and his sexual preference's were outed. I guess the old man couldn't even convince his own family about "conservative values"

Name: Jag
EmailAddress: 311
Date: 01 Aug 2003
I haven't heard of them but if they have much out I should be able to locate a few tracks and give them listen.
I shipped you Hammond and Ohio Girl a disk. Thought I'd just let it get there this time. Surprises are more fun sometimes :)

Name: Jag
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Nichole; I don't know if you've heard this version of Hallelujah by John Cale but he does it justice.
Rena; That sounds like a must read and it is now on my extremely short list for reading material, Peoples History is truely a great book and completely researched and authenticated, I believe Mark mentioned it was used as a text book in some (obviously progressive) high schools.

Name: rena
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Nicole, I've been to the Native American museum in the battery. I thought it was called the (politically incorrect) American Indian Museum. It's nice. it's a branch of the Smithsonion.
The most incredible museum, also near the battery, is the Museum of Jewish Heritage. Amazing artifacts and displays, including the Speilbery videos of Holocause survivors. It was very very deep. One artifact that knocked me over was a German board game, kind of like a Momopoly of Clue board game. This game was called "Capture the Jews." the goal was to root out hiding Jews from attics or outhouses and corral them by the train station so they could be transported, in cattle cars, to their demise. The Jews were depicted as cones heads with big noses.
Museum of Jewish Heritage, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, 18 First Place, Battery Park City,New York, NY 10004
212) 509-6130
This exhibit went into demensions that are truly inimaginable. It had a profound effect on me and i reccommend it to everyone. it's closed on Saturdays.

Name: Rena
Date: 01 Aug 2003
yes, i had hoped you would make it to Maui. The offer is still good.
more about Addicted to War... it's not just about the insanities of war, but about who is really making out like bandits. yes, even ww2.

Name: Nik
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Jag, you slipped that one in on me...and I thank you, it's gonna be a rainy week end here in the north east so I'm planning a marathon movie and listening to music...and maybe go to Native American Museum down in Battery Park...going to the Angelika this afternoon to see Masked and Anonymous...I know it got a terrible review or two, but I don't care...lots of great people in the cast and besides, I'm just plain curious...have a good week end everyone...Nicole
ps Jag one of my all time favorites...hallelujah...I have it by Jeff Buckley.
btw have you heard a band called 311? they're great.

Name: patrick
EmailAddress: Arrival of Princess Leona
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Back from Georgia. I am officially a grandpa. Naomi Lee born 7-31-03. at 1414 Weight 6lbs 6 ozs.(thats an even 3 kilos). As keeping with the family tradition, natural birth with my son Frankie Lee doing the cord cutting honors. Mother and daughter healthy and happy.
Peace, Patrick

Name: Eileen
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Safe travels Mark. I know you will find it more enjoyable than I know you're heading home!
Rena..your diaper pins are the REAL fashion statement! Ha! Oh someday I do want to come and play with you. Need to start that adventure again from a whole other frame of mind and I drool at the plans at your place..great reward for A success!
OK Steve I'm with you as you go. Sounds good.

Name: R N A
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Jag, People's History is a GREAT book, and fact based. I recently discovered "Addicted to War" at a meeting of the Maui Peace Action Group. Though written in comic book form (more like a Zap comic), it is totally fact based, on the back cover Howard Zinn himself endorses this book with the following statement: "Addicted to War is a witty and devastating portrait of U.S. military policy, a fine example of art serving society."
former U.S. attorney General Tamsey Clark says, " The enormous criminal impact of U.S. militarism on the poeple of the world and the U.S. is hard to grasp. This book makes it easier to understand. Now we must act."
Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen, and Ron Kovic (author of Born on the Fourth of July) also endorse this book.
Osheana had to read 5 books for her summer reading. 2 were free choices. I urged her to read this which she did. Her other free choice was "Be Here Now" by Baba Ram Das. ... I also pointed her to Gloria Steinham, but halfway through Revolution from Within she switched to Addicted to War.
This book doesn't just cover the insanities of the Iraq war, but WW I, WW II, the Korean, Vietnam, and other wars. It is mind blowing.
I bought several copies and have been blasting them to friends far and near. a Must Read.

Name: Nik
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Sponge, very funny indeed mate.
Jenn, I'm pretty sure I'll be California bound Around October...LA SF we can meet okay?

Name: Dr Sponge
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Rules of Manhood
"You may flatulate in front of a woman only after
you have brought her
to climax. If you trap her head under the covers
for the purpose of
flatulent entertainment, she's officially your
Under no circumstances may two men share an
It is ok for a man to cry under the following
a. When a heroic dog dies to save its master.
b. The moment Angelina Jolie starts unbuttoning
her blouse.
c. After wrecking your boss' car.
d. One hour, 12 minutes, 37 seconds into "The
Crying Game".
e. When she is using her teeth
Any Man who brings a camera to a stag night may
be legally killed and
eaten by his mates.
Unless he murdered someone in your family, you
must bail a friend out
of jail within 12 hours.
If you've known a bloke for more than 24 hours,
his sister is off
limits forever, unless you actually marry her.
Moaning about the brand of free beer in a mate's
fridge is forbidden.
Complain at will if the temperature is
No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday
present for another
man. In fact, even remembering your mate's
birthday is strictly
On a road trip, the strongest bladder determines
pit stops, not the
When stumbling upon other blokes watching a
sporting event, you may ask
the score of the game in progress, but you may
never ask who's playing.
It is permissible to quaff a fruity alcopop drink
only when you're
sunning on a tropical beach... and it's delivered
by a topless
supermodel...and it's free.
Only in situations of moral and/or physical peril
are you allowed to
kick another bloke in the nuts.
Unless you're in prison, never fight naked.
Friends don't let friends wear Speedos. Ever.
Issue closed.
If a man's fly is down, that's his problem, you
didn't see anything.
Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must
be treated as spies
until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and
the ability to drink as
much as the other sports watchers.
A man in the company of a hot, suggestively
dressed woman must remain
sober enough to fight.
Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the
last slice of pizza,
but not both - that's just mean.
If you complement a bloke on his six-pack, you'd
better be talking
about his choice of beer.
Never join your girlfriend or wife in discussing
a mate of yours,
except if she's withholding s*x pending your
Phrases that may not be uttered to another man
while lifting weights:
a. Yeah, Baby, Push it!
b. C'mon, give me one more! Harder!
c. Another set and we can hit the showers!
Never talk to a man in a bathroom unless you are
on equal footing:
Both urinating, both waiting in line, etc. For
all other situations, an
almost imperceptible nod is all the conversation
you need.
Never allow a telephone conversation with a woman
to go on longer than
you are able to have sex with her. Keep a
stopwatch by the phone. Hang
up if necessary.
The morning after you and a girl who was formerly
"just a friend" have
carnal drunken monkey sex, the fact that you're
feeling weird and guilty
is no reason not to nail her again before the
discussion about what a
big mistake it was.
It is acceptable for you to drive her car. It is
not acceptable for her
to drive yours.
Thou shalt not buy a car in the colours of brown,
pink, lime green,
orange or sky blue.
The girl who replies to the question "What do you
want for Christmas?"
with "If you loved me, you'd know what I want!"
gets an Xbox. End of

Name: rena
Date: 01 Aug 2003
wow, a fashion statement. the pants Char~* and Eileen inquired about were from Deva Lifewear. they are cotton and called gauchos. they are very wide leg and come to mid calf. when i got caught in the pouring rain i was able to roll them up to my hips, use the pocket to wrap around them and pin the pockets to my waistband. very convenient. didn't get wet, using my $1 plastic poncho. I just happened to have some diaper pins in my purse. use the diaper pins on Maui to pin my car keys to my sarong or towel so the keys don't get lost in the sand. like a good cub scout mother, i was prepared.
back on Maui just learned that grandson Sam, 16, is coming. He is the grandson of Lou Gottlieb. Biologically doesn't belong to any of us but what a great dude. His mother is sending him to Maui as a reward for getting an A in Algebra in summer school. My 17 year old is happy to take him around and teach him to surf. He doesn't know that we have no tv and no video games. but, with surf and boogie boarding and the skateboard parks, i think Sam will be grooving. and, of course the teen scene via Osheana and her very cool friends.

Name: jenn
Date: 01 Aug 2003
nicole....lovin' you to pieces, thinking about you daily. I wish you could walk in my dr seuss garden with me. Some of the plants are so freaky. Today I found corn kernals (?) on the TOP of the corn....not anywhere near the cob or silk, but up on the top of the the stalk....geeze, can't even trust our own corn these days. I think the county officials have spread a mold fungus here that only effects cannibus, beans and squash. assholes. Everyone seems to have it, no matter how careful. I have it to a minimum because I am so careful watering, due to the scaricity of it. the splash spreads it so fast. no splashing here. love you and I would besso your face a hundred times over. XXXXXXXX(nicole)XXXXXXXXXXX i love you, jenn

Name: jenn
Date: 01 Aug 2003
silent steve...great to get your email address. If you do come to eureka it would be so nice to hook up..every one of the folks nicole has ever "turned" me on to has become a love. I hope your brother comes this way again, and maybe I can help you to liberate your friend as well...some home cooking out on the porch may do the trick..ha. 'til then.....namaste jenn

Name: The 3rd Page
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Updating the Present -
"What About That Dream Poem" by Allen Cohen
Click the highlighed line as your read the poem.
:-) You will all love this one!

Name: Jag
Date: 01 Aug 2003
Hey Mark I was perusing old guestbook entries and saw were you recomended "A Peoples History of the United States" by Howard Zinn to someone with a slightly skewed historical perspective. That is amazing, I have had that book on my shelf for a few years now and I recommend it to everybody, espescially to younger people still stuck in their patriotic fervor from HS teachers who shove jingoistic crap down their throats, my own son comes home spouting some of this nonsense and I have to reconstruct the story he's heard, good luck on your journey home.

Oldest Guestbook entries are at the bottom of this listing.