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Inter-Communal Free Carnival
Douglass Playground, San Francisco
May 20 1972

At the peak of the three-year run of
Kaliflower, in the late spring of 1972 when the hand-to-hand
distribution system was bringing the weekly free intercommunal newspaper
to more than 300 communes in the SF Bay Area, the Scott Street Commune
called for an Inter-Communal Free Carnival. The subsequent day-long
event represents the apogee of the Free intercommunal network that had
crystallized around Kaliflower.
Many helped in the planning and took the initiative in procuring
supplies and setting up the event, including the Angels of Light, Scott
Street, Fell Street and Hunga Dunga communes. The upper field of
Douglass Playground was turned into a medley of communal activities
under a sea of marquee tents, recreating the atmosphere of a free
Moroccan bazaar. Different communal groups provided body
painting, musical entertainment, massage, belly dancing with live
snakes, meditation, a communal
kitchen—all Free in the Digger tradition. The Inter-Communal Carnival
was the apotheosis of the Digger model of communal events—an evolved
version of the Invisible Circus which was based on
'everyone a participant, do your own thing, individual and collective
One of the highlights of the day was the Angels of Light performance of their new
production "Peking On Acid"—a glorious extravaganza of on- and off-stage
costumed drama that took Chinese Opera on an acid-drenched journey through
the gender-bending theater of communal fantasy. The Free Print Shop printed
the collectively designed program for the show, which provides more insight
into the imagination than any perceptible narrative behind the performance.

One of the members of the troupe of Angels filmed the Inter-Communal
Carnival. Thanks to his efforts at preserving this footage, we have recently
reconstructed a video, presented here:
Gallery of Images
From the film of the Inter-Communal Free Carnival by Jilala
Jet von Jalopy
Click on small images for larger versions.
Gregory "Montana"
Steven the Wind
First scene (Jenny, Mary H, et al)
Muldoon serving Majoun
Jenny, Mary, Beaver, Rodney
Jet's Sets
Johnny Dancer (aka Bambi Lake), ?
? and Johnny Dancer
John Flowers ?, Dusty, Wally, Harlow
Sister Ed
Johnny Dancer
Sister Ed
Martin Wong
Conga Band
Sandy of the Cockettes painting face
Tahara, J. D., Wally, Mary as Pope
Unknowns and J. D., March of Dragon
F: Rodney, Tah, Wally (March of Dragon)
Same, March of Dragon
Ralph wearing the Hands of God
Beaver and Tahara
Tah, unknowns. Heavenly (social worker)
?, Mary as Pope, Johnny Dancer
Crowd roaring
Heavenly (hair), Viking Dan, Mary
Isis (possibly?)
Johnny Dancer, ? and NLF flag
Mary and Johnny Dancer
?, Ralph Sauer dancing to Conga
Mary as Pope, J.D., on extended stage
?, Viking Dan, Sister Ed (Luckin)
Stevie repairing J.D.'s elevated shoes
Tah and the Gamelan Orchestra
?, Gregory Cruikshank
Gregory C
Daughter of ?, Beaver (green)
Adrian Milton
Tahara in mask by Martin Wong
? with Sister Ed
Sister Ed
Sister Ed
Adrian Milton
Mercedes, Adrian
?, Martin Wong
Tahara and the Gamelan
Hunce Voelker (sp?) brought Rodney
Dragon Set by Martin Wong
Mercedes with fingernail pose
Martin's set, ?
Johnny Dancer as Black Dragonfly
Martin Wong
Beaver as Froggie
Buzzy Burnett
Viking Dan, Jocko (white face)
Rodney in wings
Rodney in chaps, Beaver
Viking Dan, Johnny Dancer
Viking Dan
Paul Darling, Brian Mulhern, J.D.
Lived w/ Hibiscus
-s.jpg) Johnny
Dancer in Dragon costume
Viking Dan, Johnny Dancer
?, NLF (Vietcong) Flag
Johnny Dancer
?, Mercedes, ? in Ship of Fools
?, Mercedes, Adrian Milton
Angel Sets
Mercedes (white), Adrian (crown)
Adrian, Luc (standing)
Mercedes as Moroccan gypsy
Flower prop hanging down
Chinese lantern hanging down
Mercedes kicking up, Jenny purple
Johnny Dancer in Aura finale
Martin, J.D. Procession of Auras
Mallory ? (son of Marquel), Mary
Beaver, ?
J.D., ?
Set by (Muldoon ?)
Mercedes as gypsy
J.D. and V.D. (sans pants)
Ajari and the Mantric Sun Band
Heavenly, ?
Ralph Sauer
Communal tent
Warrick Broadhead, Toufik
Massage Tent
Communal Tent
Beaver (in and out of costume)
Jilala (t-shirt), Free Kitchen
?, Eric getting painted
Julian (dancing) and Musicians
Rodney in mask
Unknown with camera
Communal Tent, Rodney back
Jeremy of the Angels
Warwick, Beaver
Rodney, Emily, Kristin
Rodney (balloon pants)
-s.jpg) Dickie
Dworkin, Toufik, Lily Rose
Rodney, Madeline, Luc, Emily, ?, K
Announcement for the Inter-Communal Carnival that appeared in
the May 11, 1972 issue of Kaliflower:
From Kaliflower, Vol. 4 #1, May 11 1972:
Inter Communal Free Carnival
May 20, Noon 'til Dusk at Upper Douglass Playground
A carnival of the
communes is coming soon. The theme centers around sharing our
creative work energies and projects. Already many communes have
begun working on ideas and on getting their acts together.
There will be an Arabian desert tent where you can sink into 3
feet of decadently decorated pillows, sip hot mint tea, munch
majoon candy, and play along with Moroccan musicians. A massage
tent where your body will be rubbed with homemade body oil
prepared from a two thousand year old recipe. Throb like a
Chinese firecracker while watching the new Angels of Light
allstar spectacular cabaret. Free Japanese kites and Tarot card
readings. Look at your future in a crystal ball. Dip your and
your child's fingers in a rainbow of colors and paint murals.
Enjoy puppet shows with no strings attached, float along with a
flute while a ballerina glissades on the grass. Finger and
pocket a free fabulous trinket displayed by the famous trinkster
himself. Pick a bale of popcorn, soak up some saki, and pin a
Japanese button mask on your costume. Sing along with Madrigal
singers, samba with a Brazilian commune band. Lunch on a loaf of
hot commune bread. Swallow a mouthful of soup, jump into the
Orient and sample some sushi. Dance the Maypole dance, listen to
the rockin' raga of Mantric Sun Band. Ragamuffins have your rags
patched by the marvelous patcher, visit the herbalist and take
home a fresh herb cutting (and learn about their culinary and
curative values). Browse in the Free Store stalls.
Free dance shows and hopefully much more—with your communes' new
ideas and inspirations—will happen at the communal carnival. Any
commune wanting to do something else for the fest please call
929-8507 or come by 1209 Scott St. Tell us your ideas, maybe we
can help find free materials you may need or connect you with
people who could help. Needed now are: someone to oversee the
children's trinket booth, people to help juice fruits &
vegetables (call Anna, at 552-2479), sign painters, creative
designer to transform a backstop into a stage backdrop and park
entrance. Come out all ye magicians, clowns, jugglers, make-up
artists, mimes, and bodypainters.
Bring lots of wonderful vegetarian food and cooling drink.
(Perhaps we could pass out recipes with the delightful dishes).
Please, everyone bring your own bowl or cup to free us all from
the waste of paper cups & plates.
Please, brothers & sisters, because of the food displayed and
eaten on the lawn, and the pyramids of trinkets and other free
wares being arranged on the lawn, poochies romping will cause
many problems. Please leave your dog home.
Douglas Playground is situated at 27th St. & Douglas on the
windward side of Diamond Heights. It's a secluded grassy field,
surrounded by a ring of trees.
Reviews and photos of the Intercommunal
Carnival appeared in subsequent issues of Kaliflower. Here is a
review that Irving (in his inimitable handwritten script) penned
with enthusiasm and overflowing in praise (with a few inevitable
complaints). In a way, the intercommunal Kaliflower network was
a product of Irving's imagination, so high praise from him was
especially gratifying. [The following from Kaliflower, Vol. 4
Issue 3, 25 May 1972]
The Angels of Light played to communal brothers, sisters, and
friends, and there has hardly ever been assembled a calmer, more
appreciative, and less paranoid, audience. And it was not
captive. It was sitting on the grass and could come and go
freely any time it wanted, and so it consisted mainly of those
spectators whom the Angels had spellbound. THE SUN: It was
daytime, and the power of the Angels' performance dispelled
forever the idea that theatrical magic happens only at night, in
a blacked-out auditorium. The baseball diamond turned into a
great Greek amphitheater. PAINT: No justice can be done to the
sets, costumes and make-up by describing them. Considering the
humble scope of our intercommunal culture, they were titanic in
conception and galactic in execution. The courtesan was a
walking Brazilian jungle. Our gasps were answered by still more
spectacular sets and still more spectacular poses. Sets and
costumes are hard to preserve intact, outside of a repertory
theater warehouse, but some attempt should be made to pickle
PEKING ON ACID, at least by color photograph or watercolor
sketch—for unborn fans of the future. SPACING OUT: A baseball
diamond was the huge space conceived of by the Angels as their
theater, and they handled it masterfully, building sets and
costumes of a size to fit it, transforming the backstop into a
proscenium and the pitcher's mound into an orchestra pit. The
Courtesan's procession meandered slowly over the vast lawn to
open the second act. The twelve-inch high sandals of the
Courtesan, and shorter sandals of her retainers, gave them the
added height to cope with so large a space. Greek drama was also
played in the sunlight, and the players wore high shoes called
MUSIC: The orchestra proved that you don't need a bunch of
professional pianists in order to provide an aesthetically
perfect musical accompaniment. You just need nerve. There was no
obstacle that the orchestra and its radiant leader did not glide
over or zap away. When two unscheduled trumpeteers appeared on a
promontory overlooking the park, and started a loud duet, the
new unavoidable tempo was simply picked up by the orchestra.
FREEDOM: The Depression musical has been the stock in trade of
the so-called "Cockette—Angel-of-Light phenomenon," and it was
offed somewhere between Poets' Theatre and Upper Douglass
Playground. For what opened at the Carnival was the whole world
of theater, East and West, past and present. How can the
Cockettes and the Angels of Light ever be mentioned in the same
breath again? The Angels at last squeezed out of their godawful
Busby Berkeley plaster casts, a wide swarm of exotic butterflies
slowly strolling back and forth through world myth and history,
sipping from the glorious bouquets of other cultures the nectar
they need to refresh us back at home. CHARITY: The Angels have
made peace with women. The bitter misogyny of all their past
shows is gone. In PEKING ON ACID a gifted female impersonator
successfully portrayed feminine elegance and beauty. Now they
are theater for everyone instead of just half of us. A few
months ago this reviewer thought he had had it with what passes
for drag these days. It was nice to see this ancient art
redeemed. ENSEMBLE: The show was not marred or drowned out by
the din of egomaniacs battling with each other for the
limelight. A new, gentler, and more powerful company has formed,
with room for everyone to be seen and heard. The egomaniacs were
conspicuous by their absence. PACING: The great flaw of the
show was the long lags between acts, and the corresponding
failure to burn away the straw from inside the acts. But because
Saturday was a lucky day, even this flaw was a blessing. It
dragged out the show to true all-day Kabuki length, allowing us
to leave when we got bored, and visit other booths of the
Carnival. We came back when the action picked up. HIGHLIGHTS:
Everything and everyone that was painted, the printed program,
the bigness of everything, the beautiful zany leader of the
orchestra, the frog, the red-headed demon, the Courtesan's
skillful stilt-walking, the love-making sequence between
Courtesan and swain at the end of Act I. COMPLAINTS: Not
enough rehearsing, one actor smoking on stage, a film maker
directing the performers to act for him rather than for the
audience, the too frequent refraining of Sandy and Jilala from
appearing on stage. WHERE TO: There is a rumor afloat that the
Angels are planning a trip to Amsterdam and possible European
tour. Nothing would be more detrimental at this time. They would
be cutting themselves off from the community they come from and
play for, and just before their last amazing spurt of growth has
had a chance to ossify. They should wait a couple of years
before thinking of foreign travel, at least as a troupe. Their
"ticket" should invest his capital in a warehouse theater,
lighting equipment, and so forth. And in the meantime, if the
Angels want to tour, we know of a dozen West Coast communes they
could visit, and in particular we know of a mountain top in
Oregon with what could be called a challenging backdrop.

Martin Wong, Tahara, and Beaver (of the Angels of Light) at
Roundtop Mountain in Oregon, taking advantage of the offer in
"Peking Review" (see above transcription).