Steve first graced this site through his
tentative signings of the Old Guestbook pages. This was around 1998, a few
years after the Digger Archive went up on the web (which itself was very
early-on in terms of WWW history.) Steve introduced himself as one of the "Olema
ranch people 1970" and immediately became one of the staples around here,
one of those you'd look forward to reading their latest rants, raves,
reminiscences and recalls of former daze. Steve's escapades spanned the
continent, with stories ranging from legendary gay porn star to flower child
to Pied-Piper of searching souls to proud father to disabled peace activist. After Steve slipped away
from us in 2004, Nicole put together a compilation of his early writings
from the first Digger Guestbook and
sent it to many of the regulars who had participated on the new Digger
Forum. Later, I went into the database we had been using for the messages
(which was the third "guestbook") and compiled Steve's last words
before his death. You can find a link to that document below which offers an
excellent purview into the mind of a true digger spirit.
Typical of Steve's subtlety of humor and empyreal intelligence were his
responses to the standard forum registration questionnaire:
Hobbies: No...I’m fine thanks.
Latest News: You tell me and everyone will know.
Favorite Quote: “Search Me”
Bio: ...ah...degradable???? It’s a trick question, right?
City: NYC and all points upward.
Marital Status: I do.. I do for now.
Occupation: Preoccupation
Here's Steve in his own words (large PDF document):

Boyd Brothers, 1957

Dick Nixon Before He Dicks Us

Dec. 1975, The Party Was Over

Lorraine, Steve and D.J.'s Panhead 6

Proud Dad With Youngest Daughter

Steve Representing Mutes For Peace, NYC